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Learning Activity 2: Writing a Bibliography

Instructions: With the approved title, the students are required to write at least 15 annotated bibliographies following the APA 6th Edition
format. Only books, published journals, conference papers, master’s and PhD theses, newspapers and magazines may be used as references for
the annotated bibliographies. Samples of annotated bibliographies are provided and rubric for grading is also attached.

Yoshihara, R. (2012). ESL teachers’ teaching beliefs and practices: a case study of three teachers in an ESL program in Hawaii. Retrieved from

A case study of three teachers in an ESL program in Hawaii by Yoshihara (2012) reveals some interesting findings about teachers’ beliefs and
teaching practices. She showed that, although the participants hold different teaching beliefs, they share one in common, that is, meeting
students’ demands and needs. These teachers’ beliefs were found to have been shaped by their life experiences including class status, learning
experiences, teaching experiences, and mentors. In addition, Yoshihara noted that these teachers’ beliefs were applied in their teaching

Suárez Flórez, S. A., & Basto Basto, E. A. (2017). Identifying pre-service teachers’ beliefs about teaching efl and their potential changes. Profile
Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 19(2), 167-184.

On identifying pre-service teachers’ beliefs about teaching EFL and their potential changes, Florez and Basto (2017) disclosed that most of the
pre-service teachers’ beliefs changed once they faced the reality of the classroom. Here, they suggested that enough exposure to teaching is
required for these teachers prior to the practicum so that they will be fully equipped with necessary skills once they face the actual teaching
situations. They also recommended more growth opportunities such as having assisted reflection so that these pre-service teachers can reflect
on potential problems they may face in teaching and, in turn, decide on possible ways to overcome these teaching difficulties.

Criteria 20 Points 18-19 Points 15-17 Points 12-14 Points Score

Adequacy of Reference Able to find sources in all Provides reference Provides reference Data are lacking.
Materials types of reference materials from only 3 of materials from only 3 of Did not submit at all.
materials. Provides all 5 types of reading 5 types of reading
sources related to the materials. materials.
topic under study. Data for each type of
material are inadequate
or lacking.
Relevance of the Sources All sources were relevant Only 75% of the sources Only 50% of the sources Less than 50% of the
to the topic under study. submitted were relevant submitted were relevant sources submitted were
to the topic under study. to the topic under study. relevant to the topic
under study.
Did not submit at all.
Completeness of Details Able to provide all Only 2 details were Only one detail was No detail regarding the
for Each Reference necessary details provided, e.g. author’s provided, e.g. title of the reference material was
Material regarding a book, a name and title of the book. provided.
journal, an internet book. Did not submit at all.
article, etc.
Recency of Publication Able to find reference Able to find reference Able to find reference Able to find reference
materials published this materials published 5 materials published 10 materials published 15
year. years ago. years ago. years ago or earlier.
Mechanics and Free from errors of Has errors but does not Has errors that represent Has errors that add
Punctuality grammar and spelling. represent a major confusion and confusion, neglects
Submitted before the distraction. distraction. essential information.
deadline. Submitted on the day of Submitted a day after Submitted 2 days after
the deadline. the deadline. the deadline.
Did not submit at all.

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