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How to Manage AIO on your good Vessel

1)This is AIO CD and it will be provided together with AVCS Weekly update DVD
from your good office to your good vessel.

It is necessary to recognize AVCS Weekly update DVD and AIO CD at first.

You can find title of CD here.

And please note there is "Edition" and "update No." on the AIO data.
on this example it is Edition 22 and update No.1 as of week 16(16th/Apr/2015).

But on the week 37(10th/Sep/2015),Edition is same but update No. is 22

as below.

You will be required to confirm current Edition No. and

update No. in your Planning Station when you tried to
download AIO data by "Get update" so please
memorize this points to do it.

This is for your rereference : Title of AVCS Weekly update DVD was shown as :

So please do not confuse to treat each DVD and CD.

How to apply AIO data into your ECDIS and PS
The procedue to apply AIO data into your ECDIS and PS is as sama sa the way
you always take.
1)Import cellpermit which is included "GB800001" that is for AIO.
2)Insert AIO CD Media into your ECDIS
3)Take "Auto Detect" and installation will be start automatically.
Furuno ECDIS
1)Import cellpermit which is included "GB800001" that is for AIO.
2)Insert AIO CD Media into your ECDIS
3)Please make it sure that you had put "tick" on the box of AIO

4)Then Click"Load"

PS : 1)Please take "Check my Status" to apply latest cellpermit for your PS.
2)Insert AIO CD Media onto PC which was isntalled PS.
3)On the "Maintain Holdings"Page,please select "Sync Holdings"
which is located at the bottom right of your screen.
4)Please select "option 3 - Update your ECDIS status AND load chart data
for viewing in Planning Station"
5)Please take same procedure to apply chart data from AVCS weekly
update DVD from this step.
After Completing AIO data into your PS, you can see AIO data on chart data
at the page of "Applications" but please do not forget to put tick on to display AIO.
1)AVCS Chart on your upper left
2)Display Admiralty Information Overlay at the center left
From this page you can find the procedure to insall AIO data into your Planning Station.

The procedure of "Check mystatus" and applied its reply into Planning Station and inserted AIO CD
into PC.

FYI : The Edition and Update No. of AIO CD on this time is :

Edition : 22
Update No. : 12
Week No.27(02nd/July/2015)

Go to "Maintain holdings" page and click "Sync Holding"

Select Option 3

and Click "Next"

Select "UKHO media"
and Click "Next"

Select "DVD Drive "V01X01"

and Click "OK"

Tick on "GB800001" and

Click "Next"
This GB800001 is the cellpermit
for AIO.

AIO instalaltion starts automatically.

When it completed installation,you can find

same update No. with AIO CD.
On this case it is Update No.12/Edition 22.

After installation of AIO was completed ,please go to "Application" page.

Please note : It is necessary to be installed AVCS chart data to see the AIO data
on the geographic map of "Application" page.

1) Go to "Application " page

2)Tick "AVCS" on the left top

3)Tick "Display Admiralty Inforamtion Overlay"

4)You can find latest Edition No. and Update No. which were installed on the PC

Please select "Arrow" command and double click on the red shade area you would like to see
the Temporay Notice data.

You will have popup window and you can find Tempory data on the each tabs in it.

You can find information of meaning of colors.

Red : Temporay Notice
Green : Preliminary Notice
Blue:ENC Preliminary Notice

The next step is the procedure to download AIO data by "Get update" to keep updating
your AIO data.

You recognize, the AIO CD managed with Edition and update No. shall be revised periodically.
Please note that following data exchange are required in case of download AIO data via E-Mail system.
1. Renewal of Edition : More than 30MB (every a few months)
2. Update of AIO Data : 2 ~ 3 MB (weekly)

When the edition of AIO CD is renewed, it is most preferable to wait for receiving of latest AIO CD
so as to reduce communication cost and a troublesome job but you shall follow company’s guideline
if the specific instruction is existed.

Please put virus free USB Stick onto your PC

1)Please go to "Maintain holdings" page again

2)And Select one cell which is shown on red as "Update is missing"

(You can select any cell for this procedure)

3)then Click "Get update"

You will have this "Order AIO updates" pop up window if you put tick on the tick box of GB800001.

It tells you the latest installed Edtion No. and Update No. and confirmation to download AIO data
to download.
Click "Yes" so GB80001 was ticked and Click "Request Data"

Click "OK" so the message tells you request file was saved into your USB Stick
then Click "OK" again

Then Go to USB Stick and you can find 2 files were saved.
One is Mailinfo00X.text file and other is file.

Please send this file along the mailing rule to exchange with UKHO server.
1)E-Mail Address : ---- OK
2)Subject : ADS ---- OK
3)Attachment : file ---- OK
4)Do not put any words incl.signature on the body of E-mail. --- OK

(For Example)
The E-Mail setting is 500KB/E-Mail so I had received 2 divided files along my setting.
One was 512 KB and other wass 498 KB so it was about 1 MB from update No.12 to No.23(Latest)
as of 20th/Sep/2015.

Then save them in USB Stick and apply them into your Planning Station.
Go to "Tool" and select "Apply update"

Select one of them in your USB Stick and click "Open"

installation will be start automatically and you can find which update No.were installed onto
your Planning Station as below.

Once you click "OK" you have another popup window as below.

You will have 2 lines for your action of "Get Update" if you add AIO.
This is reconfirmation to recognize the each lines.
"Update2" means this line is for "ADSReply002".
(15_9_20_17_10_21) means (Year-month-date-hour-min-sec) so you can recognize which is latest line.
There are 2 lines and one was (15_9_20_17_10_21)-AIO so this is the data for AIO.
And other is for the update data for AU322113 .
You have to generate "Exchange set" for one by one.

I do recommend to generate "Exchange Set" for Chart data first because it has
chart data and latest cellpermit in it.
You should install latest Cellpermit first and apply chart update data for next.
After competing chart updating ,you should apply AIO data which was generated along the
procedure below.
I hope you already know the procedure to generate "Exchange Set" for chart update data
and procedure to import it into your ECDIS so I do not put it.
You can find its procedure on the PDF guide was named "How to keep update your
ECDIS and PS" on the whiite DVD,.

On this case I will show you to generate "Exchange Set" for AIO.
Please make it sure you tick "Data and permits"
And select line of AIO then click "Apply"

Select "Removable Drive to save

and Click "OK"

Popup window tells you the "Exchange Set" was saved into USB(the folder you had selected).

ECDIS can not recognize this folder as it is so you have to take those 3 files from this folder.
To take them out from "Exchange set" folder ,your ECDIS can recognize those data and can install it
into your ECDIS.
I repeat it again it is necessary to be installed latest cellpermit before you apply this AIO data into your
On the Planning Station :

Once you go back to "Application" page the Edition was same but update No. was updated from
No.12 to No.23.

For your Reference :

This is exchange Set for chart update data of AU322113 and contents in side are 4 files.

This is also necessary to take those 4 files from "Exchange set " folder to be recognized by ECDIS.
And cellpermit file should be installed at first to install both of chart update data and AIO data into ECDIS.


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