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Cotton Research in Uzbekistan: Elite Varieties and Future of Cotton


Conference Paper · January 2003


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Ibrokhim Y Abdurakhmonov
Ministry of Innovational Development


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Cotton research in Uzbekistan:
Elite varieties and future of cotton

Abdusattor Abdukarimov, Sativaldi Djataev and Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov*

Institute of Genetics and Plants Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan,
Yuqori-Yuz, Kibray District, Tashkent Region REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Correspondence author
Cotton research in Uzbekistan: Elite varieties and future of cotton breeding

ABSTRACT tions, accelerating the development of new cotton

cultivars with high yield potential and superior fi-
Annually up to 500 thousand ha of cotton is sown ber quality. Marker assisted selection program of
in Uzbekistan with Institute varieties. The devel- cotton have been developing for decades in our
opment of early-ripening, salt- and drought-toler- Institute. Several protein and secondary metabo-
ant, insect and disease resistant cotton varieties lite markers associated with wilt resistance, salt
with superior fiber quality is the priority of our cot- and drought tolerance, fiber quality have been de-
ton research program. A negative correlation be- veloped and being successfully used to evaluate
tween favorable traits in cotton and a narrow base cotton varieties for traits of interest. Moreover,
of cotton germplasm used in breeding programs molecular mapping of agronomically important
made it very difficult for breeders to develop such traits using DNA markers such as RFLP, AFLP, SSR
elite varieties of cotton for different regions. How- and CAP markers is successfully progressing to ac-
ever, conventional breeding methods combined celerate breeding programs. Newly initiated “link-
with radioactive mutagenesis have been success- age disequilibrium” mapping of agronomically
fully used to overcome breeding problems and suc- important traits from Uzbek cotton germplasm re-
ceed in development of elite, productive and highly sources is also under way to quickly identify new
adapted cotton varieties for past century. Highly genes potential to contribute important traits of
productive and resistant varieties with superior fi- cotton, accelerating breeding programs in
ber quality such as AN-Bayaut-2, Yulduz, Toshkent- Uzbekistan. Besides, in the Institute the develop-
6, AN-402, AN-Uzbekiston-4, Sharaf-75, Armugon, ment of transgenic cottons is being successfully
Gulbahor, Navbahor, Ilgor Mekhnat, Mekhr, carried out. Transformation methods for genotypes
Khazina, Diyor, Zangi-Ota, Durru-gauhar, of elite cotton varieties of the Institute have been
Dekhqonbob, AN-512U, and AN-513 were devel- developed and transgenic lines resistant to BASTA
oped using conventional breeding methods. More- have already been obtained.
over, the development of early leaf defoliating Introduction
varieties presents a big interest for cotton growers
in Uzbekistan. Some early leaf defoliating forms Annually, Uzbekistan produces nearly 3.5 mil-
from populations of trigenomic hybrids of G. lion ton raw cotton. Interest in developing elite cotton
hirsutum x (G. harknessi x G. trilobum) have been varieties with superior fiber quality, resistant to various
selected. Selected trigenomic hybrid forms have diseases and agricultural pests, tolerant to multi-ad-
versity environmental stresses, and adapted to various
inherited from G. hirsutum fruitfulness and earli-
extreme growing conditions within the Republic has al-
ness, from G. harknessi -drought- and wilt-resis- ways been high since Uzbekistan is the main cotton
tance and from G. trilobum-early defoliation. producing country in the Central Asia region, and the
These forms are being used to introgress leaf de- fifth cotton producing country in the world. Moreover,
foliation into the widely used elite varieties of the being main cotton fiber supplier for a whole former
Institute. Ultra early-ripening lines L-171 and L- Soviet Union during more than 70 years (Uzbekistan
produced 65% of total raw cotton material for Soviets),
172 have been developed using interspecific hy-
Uzbekistan had to accelerate all cotton breeding pro-
bridization of G. barbadense and Australian spe- grams and grow more cotton year to year to cover needs
cies G. bickii. Detail characterizations and de- of all Soviet Republics. In the result of this, cotton be-
scription of some of these varieties and lines will came monoculture in the agriculture of Uzbekistan and
be presented. Development of science and tech- “cotton monopoly” was established in the Republic.
nology to the higher level in particular, appear- Although cotton monoculture caused a lot of ecologi-
cal problems (soil exhaustion, accumulation biohaz-
ance of ‘genomics’ made great promises for cot-
ard chemicals in the soils because of extensive use of
ton breeders to rapidly produce elite cultivars, pesticides, increase of soil salinity, decrease in Aral Sea
opening new era in cotton breeding – “marker- basin, pollution of drinking waters because of exten-
assisted selection” (MAS). Modern molecular sive irrigation of cotton plantations and etc.) in the re-
marker technologies make it possible to quickly and gion, science of cotton breeding was highly developed
reliably identify chromosomal regions containing and a lot of productive elite cultivars were created.

genes that control agronomic traits and orches-

Currently, many Research Institutes are involved
trate the introduction of these genes into elite cul- in cotton research investigations in the Republic, and
tivars. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) allows the the main focus on cotton breeding programs is im-
selection of superior genotypes in early genera- provement of yield, fiber quality and disease and pest

World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa

resistance, drought and salt tolerance, early-maturity tained (Mirakhmedov et al., 1999), by crossing of early
of cotton that consider complex, polygenic traits. De- –maturing variety C-4727 with wilt resistant wild ac-
velopment of long, strong and fine-fibered cottons is cessions of G. hirsutum (G. hirsutum mexicanum var.
also the main target of cotton research in Uzbekistan. nervosum) and backcrossing it with C-4727. Obtained
Since multi Institutional nature of cotton research in hybrids were extensively selected in the background of
Uzbekistan, huge achievements have been made in all wilt fungi for a long time and promising Tashkent –1,
aspects of Cotton Science during the past century, which Tashkent-2, and Tashkent-3 varieties were developed
we may not be able to describe them all in this report. and immediately released for commercial use in 1971.
Therefore, in this brief review, we limit our discussions These varieties were highly wilt resistant, early matur-
on the development of elite varieties of cotton, cotton ing (less than 120 days) and productive. In 1981, us-
germplasm resources, aspects of molecular breeding ing extensive individual selections among hybrids from
and cotton biotechnology in the examples of results the cross of C-4727 and G. hirsutum spp. and G.
achieved in the Institute of Genetics and Plants Experi- mexicanum, the early-maturing Tashkent-6 variety with
mental Biology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan improved fiber quality (Table 1, Appendix 1) was devel-
(IG&PEB). oped and commercialized within the Republic.

Conventional breeding efforts Since lands used in cotton growing in Uzbekistan

are more or less salty, development of highly produc-
Annually about 350,000 - 500,000 ha of cotton tive varieties growing in salted soils is important. Ef-
field in Uzbekistan are sown with the Institute varieties. forts toward solving this problem gave its fruit in 1980’s,
The development of early-ripening, salt- and drought- and variety AN-Bayaut-2 was developed. AN-Bayaut-
tolerant, insect and disease resistant cotton varieties 2 is one of leading varieties of the Republic, character-
with superior fiber quality is the priority of cotton re- ized by high salt-tolerance and productivity. It has been
search programs of IG&PEB. A negative correlation developed by segregating of Tashkent-1 variety popu-
between favorable traits in cotton and a narrow base lation into different biotypes (L-35/35, L35, L32, L33,
of cotton germplasm used in breeding programs made L35/1) using self crossing methods; then, these bio-
it very difficult breeders to develop such elite varieties types were combined into one unique population us-
of cotton for different regions of Uzbekistan. However, ing individual and bulked selections in conditions of
conventional breeding methods with combination of salted soils in Syrdarya region (Table 1). AN-Bayaut-2
radioactive mutagenesis have been successfully used was released in 1983, and at present, it is being grown
to overcome breeding problems and succeed in devel- more than 3 million hectares in Uzbekistan (Sultanov
opment elite, productive and highly adapted cotton va- and Abdullaev, 1999)
rieties for past century.
Development of early-maturing varieties is prior-
Commercially released and ity for most countries in northern latitudes, including
Uzbekistan. Most varieties grown in Uzbekistan in early
promising varieties 1960’s and 1970’s were late-maturing (150-160 days)
Highly productive and resistant varieties with su-
and the requirements for development early maturing
perior fiber quality such as AN-Bayaut-2, Yulduz,
varieties for the Republic were very high. However, a
Toshkent-6, Gulbahor Armugon, Mekhnat, andAN-
negative correlation between agronomic traits makes
512U were developed using conventional breeding
it difficult to breed a variety with desirable characteris-
methods and agronomic characteristics of these vari-
tics (Culp and Lewis, 1973). To overcome of this prob-
eties are given in Tables 1 and 2. Details of the devel-
lem a group of scientists, headed by Academician O.J.
opment of some varieties are discussed below to draw
Jalilov, used method of x-ray mutagenesis and tremen-
a complete picture about the breeding program at the
dous achievements have been made in development
of ultra-early maturing varieties with superior fiber qual-
ity and crop yield (Jalilov et al., 1994). Commercially
A study of the genetic basis of wilt disease resis-
released variety Yulduz and promising variety Mekhnat
tance of cotton and the development of wilt resistant,
(Tables 1 to 2) are the examples for such varieties and
early-maturing, highly productive cotton varieties was
were developed according to the following schemes:
one of the main targets of cotton researches in
Uzbekistan. Especially, in the 1960’s wilt fungi began
widely attacking the cotton plantations and caused a
big crop yield lost. Therefore, the development of wilt
resistant varieties became a priority for Uzbekistan, and
all efforts in cotton breeding programs were directed
to solve this problem. Because of tremendous efforts
of group of scientist headed by academician S. M.
Mirakhmedov, a new approach to breed wilt resistant,
highly productive cotton varieties was developed, and
wilt resistant varieties named as “Tashkent” were ob-

Cotton research in Uzbekistan: Elite varieties and future of cotton breeding

A problem for development of high oil contain- named as “AN” have been bred through multiple indi-
ing cotton varieties was solved by Dr. N.G. Gubanova vidual selection. One of such recently developed vari-
et al. (unpublished) in combination with other useful eties is AN-512U (Akkujin et al., unpublished) that was
traits. High-oil containing variety Gulbakhor (Table 1) developed during selection process of L-2303. In 1990,
has been developed by intraspecific hybridization of result of individual selection from L-2303 gave AN-
C-4534 (G. hirsutum) variety with L-454 line obtained 511variety having medium crop yield. However, a
from the cross of (G.hirsutum x G. anomalum) x G. highly productive AN-512U variety was developed in
raimondii. This variety is early ripening, intensive type, the result of multiple analytical selections of popula-
and wilt, drought- and salt-resistant. Parental variety tions of AN-511 variety during 1994 –2002. AN-512U
C-4534 was a donor for high-oil contents and salt- is one of the promising varieties of the Institute and the
resistance. Oil contents of Gulbakhor variety is 24,85%. detail agronomic characteristics are given in Table 2.
Armugon variety (Table 1) has been developed using
method of repeated individual selection from hybrid Promising varieties and lines
combinations of L-9263 x L-545. Both lines have been submitted to State Variety TTest
est and
developed as a result of interspecific hybridization of
G. thurberii x G. raimondii Ulbr. and G. stockii x G.
new perspective lines
Since continual environmental changes and ad-
anomalum. The variety has also a high yield (45-50 c/
aptation of many phyto-pathogens to released variet-
ha), high wilt-resistance (infection is 6-13%) and high
ies or sudden appearance of new aggressive ecotypes
fiber quality, meeting the world market requirements
of cotton predators are expected, efforts on develop-
(Gubanova et al., unpublished).
ment new varieties and lines highly resistant to agricul-
tural pests and diseases, and more tolerant to multi
The original donor material in a breeding pro-
adversity factors of the environment are important..
gram is an important factor to breed elite varieties with
Moreover, needs to cotton fiber are increasing because
a desirable trait of interest. Breeding efforts of our
of increasing of population in every year, productive
breeders demonstrated that selection of original breed-
cotton varieties with superior fiber quality have to be
ing material with complex of agronomic traits and high
developed to satisfy demands for natural fiber. Con-
hybridisation properties proved to obtain many new
sidering all these, our breeders are trying to improve
promising lines from one crossing experiment, and re-
all agronomic characteristics of cotton varieties and in
sulted in consequent development of several elite vari-
the result of this, a lot of new varieties and lines, in-
eties on the basis of those lines. One of such donor
cluding a number of perspective ones have been de-
material used in our breeding program was hybrid 153-
veloped during the last decades. In Table 3, the ex-
F (background is unknown). In late 1960’s, a number
amples of promising new varieties and lines are being
of perspective lines were obtained from segregating
tested in State Variety Test (SVT) are given. According
population of 153-F hybrid. In 1975, two promising
to results of SVT, a number of new varieties and lines,
lines L-2303 and L-2366 were selected which demon-
for example, radio mutant L-Salvador (Djanikulov et
strated very useful agronomic traits, and on the basis
al., unpublished), interspecific hybrid L-441 (Akkujin et
of these lines, a number of promising cotton varieties
al., unpublished) have improved fiber quality and very

World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa

productive while intraspecific hybrid Fan-1 (Mukhitdinov tion of Uzbek germplasm resources are very pivotal to
et al., unpublished) appeared to be very early ripening identify novel candidate genetic resources for cotton
than the standards. These all varieties and lines were breeding programs, determine new agronomically im-
highly resistant to wilt disease (Table 3). Additionally, a portant genes controlling insect and pathogen resis-
number of potential new lines have been developed tance, tolerance to environmental stresses, fiber qual-
because of efforts of our breeders that will be a base ity (length, strength and lint yield) and yield potential
for further development of elite varieties for the Repub- that further can be incorporated in elite cultivars through
lic (Table 4). breeding approaches.

Moreover, the development of early leaf defoli- Molecular breeding efforts

ating varieties presents a big interest for cotton grow-
ers in Uzbekistan since natural leaf defoliation is nec- Molecular markers and cotton
essary to limit use of harmful chemical defoliants in
cotton production, which results in improvement of ecol-
Development of science and technology to the
ogy of agricultural lands. Academician A. Abdullaev
higher level, in particular appearance of ‘genomics’
and his group have selected some early leaf-defoliat-
made great promises for cotton breeders to rapidly pro-
ing forms from populations of trigenomic hybrids G.
duce elite cultivars, opening new era in cotton breed-
hirsutum x (G. harknessi x G. trilobum). Selected
ing – “marker-assisted selection” (MAS). Modern mo-
trigenomic hybrid forms have inherited from G. hirsutum
lecular marker technologies make it possible to quickly
fruitfulness and earliness, from G. harknessi -drought-
and reliably identify chromosomal regions containing
and wilt-resistance and from G. trilobum-early defolia-
genes that control fiber characteristics and yield, and
tion. These forms are being used to introgress leaf
orchestrate the introduction of these genes into elite
defoliation into the widely used elite varieties of the
cultivars. Marker-assisted breeding (MAS) allows the
Institute. Ultra-early-ripening lines L-171 and L-172
selection of superior genotypes in early generations,
have been developed using interspecific hybridization
accelerating the development of new cotton cultivars
of G. barbadense and Australian species G. bickii.
with high yield potential and superior fiber quality. Com-
pared to conventional breeding, the MAS approach
Cotton germplasm resources reduces the time to complete a selection program,
greatly reducing costs. The application of molecular
At the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimen-
genetics and marker-assisted breeding in the incorpo-
tal Biology, we have big germplasm collections includ-
ration of superior fiber quality genes into adapted high-
ing isogenic, inbred lines, photoperiodic mutants, elite
yielding cultivars is essential for development of new
AD allotetraploid varieties (G. hirsutum and G.
cultivars adapted for different growing conditions.
barbadense), monosomic and translocation lines along
Hence, finding molecular markers that are closely as-
with wild, primitive and extant representatives of the A
sociated with yield and fiber quality genes using mo-
to G genome groups. Within this germplasm, we have
lecular mapping techniques will help cotton breeders
a collection nearly 5,500 exotic cotton accessions, in-
to improve cotton varieties worldwide.
cluding 4,500 “exotic” G. hirsutum accessions, 900 G.
barbadense accessions, and 400 diploid cotton acces-
Development of molecular markers for selection
sions that were developed at the Institute or collected
of desirable traits of interest was initiated in early 1980’s.
by Institute scientists from around the world (Abdullaev,
As start point, a number of biochemical markers in-
personal communication). These resources are main-
cluding isozymes, proteins and physiologically active
tained by the “Cotton Germplasm Unit” of the Institute.
compounds have been developed to accelerate breed-
Moreover, we maintain more than 500 unique isogenic
ing of cotton varieties. Dr. R. Shadmanov’s group is
and recombinant inbred lines widely representing seg-
one of main laboratories at the Institute who is trying to
regation on fiber quality fiber yield and seed fuzz de-
apply biochemical markers in the breeding programs.
velopment (Musaev et al., 2000). A number of cytoge-
In particular, the development of protein markers dif-
netic stocks - monosomic and translocation lines were
ferentiating wilt resistant and susceptible genotypes of
developed in our Institute and kept within this
cotton was one of the biggest achievements
germplasm (Musaev et al., 2000). More than 200 pho-
(Abdukarimov et al., 2000a) and these protein mark-
toperiodic mutant lines developed using radioactive
ers are being effectively used to select resistant variet-
mutagenesis experiments are also part of this cotton
ies from breeding populations.
germplasm (Djanikulov et al., unpublished). Thus, this
germplasm constitute a vast potential resource of genes
Phytoalexin elicitors also are being widely used
for agronomically important traits, such as insect and
to identify wilt and other disease resistant genotypes
pathogen resistance, tolerance to environmental
(Avazkhodjaev et al., 1995; Abdukarimov et al., 2000b).
stresses, fiber quality (length, strength and lint yield)
Moreover, protein markers linked with fiber quality of
and yield potential. These germplasm resources can
cotton have also been developed and tested to select
be very useful for cotton research community to im-
elite genotypes of cotton (Yunuskhanov, 1990;
prove cotton germplasm resources. Hence, explora-
Abdukarimov et al., 2000b). These protein markers

Cotton research in Uzbekistan: Elite varieties and future of cotton breeding

differentiate G. hirsutum and G. barbadense genome: defoliation trait in segregating cotton population (see
a protein with electrophoresis mobility of 0.13 was spe- perspective lines section for details) was tagged using
cific for G. hirsutum while a protein with electrophore- JESPR (Reddy et al., 2001) micro-satellites
sis mobility of 0.18 was specific for G. barbadense. A (Abdurakhmonov et al., unpublished). Natural leaf
protein band 0.18 was found in most varieties with su- defoliation locus associated JESPR linked to that locus
perior fiber quality (strength and length) and was sug- with a LOD of 3.46, explaining 21% of variation of trait
gested linked to fiber quality (data was not given). This (data was not given). Detail investigations on this lo-
protein marker is being used to identify high fiber quality cus are in progress and we will try screen more mark-
varieties and variety purity tests (Yunuskhanov, 1990; ers for leaf defoliation QTL analysis in the future
Abdukarimov et al., 2000a; Abdukarimov et al., (Abdurakhmonov et al., unpublished). Also, in collabo-
2000b). ration with USDA-ARS laboratories and Texas A&M
University, we begin characterization of Uzbek
Recently, PCR-based DNA markers have become Germplasm Resources to identify candidate cotton ac-
an important tool in molecular breeding programs. cessions for fiber quality and yield potential using new
There are many types of PCR-based molecular mark- approach - association genetics studies (linkage dis-
ers such as AFLPs (Vos et al., 1995), CAPs and dCAPs equilibrium mapping). Within these collaborations cot-
(Konieczny and Ausubel, 1993; Neff et al., 1998) and ton flowering genes are being mapped, light-regula-
micro-satellites, also known as SSRs (Akkaya et al., tory genes- phytochromes and light signal transduc-
1992) or SSLPs (Bell and Ecker, 1994). Amplified frag- tion elements from cotton are being cloned
ment length polymorphism (AFLP) has also been proved (Abdurakhmonov, 2001; Abdurakhmonov and Pepper,
powerful to identify large numbers of potentially poly- unpublished).
morphic loci in diverse germplasm in cotton (Abdalla
et al., 2001; Iqbal et al., 2001). These collaborative efforts and use of high
throughput genomics technologies on cotton research
Although use of DNA markers somewhat is slow program of Uzbekistan will accelerate the development
in Uzbekistan as the other developing countries, inter- of new Uzbek cotton cultivars with superior fiber quality
national collaboration programs are playing main role and high yield potential, making Uzbek cotton more
in development and support new biotechnology in our profitable to growers and competitive in world markets
Institute. Because of international collaborations, a as well as obtained information will be useful for cot-
number of successful achievements have been made ton research community.
within last two years.
Cotton tissue culture
A new collaborative “Cotton marker-assisted se- As mentioned above, the main problem of cot-
lection program” based on DNA markers is developed ton breeding is the development of new productive elite
in our Institute (IG&PEB). This program will mainly tar- varieties with resistance to agricultural pests and unfa-
get molecular mapping of agronomical important traits vorable environmental factors, early maturing, supe-
from genetically diverse Uzbek cotton germplasm and rior fiber quality and with the other useful properties.
molecular characterization of Uzbek germplasm re- Moreover, in Uzbekistan where soil salt and pollution
sources using molecular marker technology. We es- have been highly increased and water reservations have
tablish fruitful collaboration with Cotton Research Pro- been decreased, we need to breed productive salt re-
grams of Crop Biotechnology Center at Texas A&M sistant and drought tolerant varieties, growing in strict
University (USA) and laboratories of USDA-ARS at Col- stress conditions. These problems can be solved using
lege Station, (TX) and Mississippi (MS) and began con- conventional breeding methods as discussed in previ-
ducting wide-range studies of exploration Uzbek ous sections; however, use of genetic transformation
Germplasm resources. methods in combination with conventional breeding
accelerates development of elite cotton varieties
Currently, we began mapping fiber quality and adapted to various conditions of Uzbekistan.
yield genes from RI lines developed from lintless/fuzzless
and linted/fuzzy cross that widely segregating for lint Development of transgenic plants is based on
content, fuzz formations and seed weight in collabora- plant regeneration from transformed cells, tissues and
tion with Texas A&M University and USDA-ARS at Mis- organs and careful selection of transformation tech-
sissippi. A number of potential polymorphic fiber spe- niques. Although genetic transformation methods are
cific EST-SSR markers (Qureshi et al., 2002) have been being effectively used to obtain transgenic cotton culti-
identified that shows promising polymorphisms between vars with improved agronomic traits in worldwide, they
parents (Abdurakhmonov et al., unpublished; refer to are not always effective for some local varieties. There-
paper in this conference material) (Figure 1). Two highly fore, development of transformation techniques for our
significant EST markers associated with fiber percentile local varieties is important for cotton breeding program
QTL were identified and these EST can readily be ma- in Uzbekistan. We developed regeneration techniques
nipulated in MAS programs. for several economically important local varieties, in-
cluding AN-Bayaut, AN-402, Gulbakhor. These vari-
Moreover, QTL locus associated with natural leaf

World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa

eties regenerated very well in vitro through somatic em- and will be tested in the field stations in the future.
bryogenesis and can readily be used for transforma-
tion experiments to transfer useful foreign genes in the Conclusions
future (Djataev et al., 1998; Abdukarimov et al., 2000b).
Transformation techniques for our local cotton varieties
In sum, our Institute’s conventional breeding pro-
have been developed in the example of commercial
grams are one of the strongest cotton research pro-
cotton variety AN-Bayaut-2 (G. hirsutum L). Below some
grams in the Republic. Because of efforts of our breed-
data on creation of transgenic cotton lines will be dis-
ers, many useful cotton varieties that cover needs of
Uzbek cotton growers have been developed. It should
be noted that the main achievement of cotton research
Transformation of cotton apical meristem was
in Uzbekistan during these years was development of
carried out by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA
early maturing elite cotton varieties that productively
101 with pPNT130 plasmid, containing BAR- gene as
growing in northern latitudes like Uzbekistan. Long
marker. Explants were isolated from 5 and 7-day ster-
term selection process shorten vegetation period of
ile germinated seeds. Apical part of 5 mm germina-
cotton, enabling framers to produce more high quality
tions was used for transformation and regeneration
fiber. Having a big cotton germplasm collection cotton
purposes. For inoculation, explants were injured and
breeders will develop more valuable varieties in the fu-
co-cultivated with Agrobacterium in night culture. After
ture in combination with the methods of conventional
2 days incubation with Agrobacterium at 27 0C in low
breeding and molecular approaches. Development of
lightening condition, explants were treated twice in
new biotechnologies in our Institute and their incorpo-
cefatoxim solution (250 microgram/ml) to eliminate the
ration with cotton breeding programs, particularly mu-
bacteria. For transformed tissue selection and regen-
tually understanding between conventional breeders
eration of transformants, inoculated explants were trans-
and molecular geneticists as well as international col-
ferred on medium for regeneration, containing
laborations will determine the future of Cotton Science
cefatoxim antibiotic and Basta herbicide in concentra-
in Uzbekistan, and will greatly accelerate breeding ef-
tion 3 mg/l and cultivated at the same conditions.
forts of cotton.

To study of the influence of glyphosate to explants,

they were transferred on fresh regeneration media dur- Acknowledgments
ing each 2 weeks, containing the following Basta her-
bicide concentrations: 3 mg/l, 5 mg/l, 7 mg/l, 10 mg/ Cotton genomics research is being funded by
l. Selection process continued 3-4 months. The lethal USDA-ARS - Uzbekistan Cooperative Programs and
dose of Basta herbicide was identified as 3 mg/l for Government of Uzbekistan. We thank our International
non-transformed apexes. This dose was used during collaborators – Drs. K. El-Zik, A.E. Pepper, (Texas A&M
the first selection stage. University, College Station, Texas), Drs J. Jenkins, S.
Saha (USDA-ARS at Mississippi State), Drs R. Kohel, and
Cultivation and selection of inoculated explants J. Yu (USDA-ARS at College Station, Texas) for their help
was carried out on MS medium containing 3 mg/l of and efforts in development of cotton genomics program
Basta herbicide. Among 1000 inoculated explants (ex- in Uzbekistan. We also thank Dr. M. Oliver (USDA-
periment was repeated each two weeks during 6 month) ARS at Lubbock, Texas) for fruitful collaboration on tis-
13 explants started to form shoots. Proposed trans- sue culture research and Dr. T. Celemente (Nebraska
formed shoots in all cases were characterized by slower State University) for providing BAR-gene binary con-
growth, changed leaf plate, and root formation was struct.
completely absent at that time. Further, the plants were
selected in severe conditions on the same medium with References
increased concentration level of herbicide Basta to 5, 7
and 10 mg/l. Plants survived at this selection were • Abdalla, A.M., Reddy, O.U.K., El-Zik, K.M. and Pep-
identified as proposed transformants. Later, proposed per, A.E. (2001). Genetic diversity and relationships
transformants were transferred to fresh MS medium of diploid and tetraploid cottons revealed using
containing no herbicides and antibiotics. AFLP. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102102: 222-
Proposed transformants rooted in tube and then, • Abdukarimov, A, Avazkhodjaev, Shadmanov, M.R.,
transferred to special pots for further growing and analy- Yakubov, B. and Yunuskhanov, Sh. (2000). Molecu-
ses. To prove genomic insertions of BAR gene, ge- lar characterization of cotton germplasm collection
nomic DNAs of proposed transformants were isolated in the Republic of Uzbekistan. International Con-
from leaf tissues and analyzed using PCR and South- ference on Science and Technology for Managing
ern blotting analysis. These molecular tests show that Plant Genetic Diversisty in 21st Century. Malaysia.
3 proposed transformants out of 13 have reliable ge- Poster 1PP2.
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lished; data is not shown). These transformants cur- Avazkhodjaev, M., et al. (2000). Application of mo-
rently are being grown in greenhouse of the Institute lecular genetics gene and cell engineering biotech-

Cotton research in Uzbekistan: Elite varieties and future of cotton breeding

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Figure 1 1..
Potential polymorphic
EST markers differen-
tiating fiber yield RI
lines; L-47-fuzzy/
linted cotton line; L-
70 - fuzzless/lintless
cotton line; M 100
bp marker (refer to
Abdurakhmonov et
al., in this proceed-

World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa

Table 1
1.. Commercial cotton varieties of Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, AS RUz.

Table 2
2.. Promising cotton varieties of Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, AS RUz.
Table 3
3.. Promising cotton varieties and lines submitted to State Variety Test.
Cotton research in Uzbekistan: Elite varieties and future of cotton breeding

World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa

Table 4
4.. New cotton lines developed by scientists of Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, AS RUz.

*Fiber type describes the textile property of the cotton fiber and designated with I, II, III, IV, V, VI numbers. Fiber types I, II, III are considered the finest cotton fiber and specific to G.
barbadense fiber while IV, V types are specific to G. hirsutum fiber. Fiber types VI and VII are considered not useful in textile industry.

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