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Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60

Life cycle assessment of milk production — a comparison of

conventional and organic farming
a,* 1,b
Christel Cederberg , Berit Mattsson
Department of Applied Environmental Sciences, Göteborg University, Box 464, SE-413 90 Göteborg, Sweden
SIK, The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 5401, SE-402 29 Göteborg, Sweden

Received 29 December 1998; received in revised form 4 September 1999; accepted 8 October 1999


An LCA was performed on organic and conventional milk production at the farm level in Sweden. In the study, special focus
was aimed at substance flows in concentrate feed production and nutrient flows on the farms. The different feeding strategies in
the two forms of production, influence several impact categories. The import of feed by conventional dairy farms often leads to a
substantial input of phosphorus and nitrogen. Organic milk production is a way to reduce pesticide use and mineral surplus in
agriculture but this production form also requires substantially more farmland than conventional production. For Swedish conditions,
however, a large use of grassland for grazing ruminants is regarded positively since this type of arable land use promotes the
domestic environmental goals of biodiversity and aesthetic values.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: LCA; Milk production; Organic farming

1. Introduction program, and receives yearly financial support ranging

from 900–1600 SEK per hectare.
The market for organically-produced food has shown This article is based on two studies “Life Cycle
a drastic increase during the 1990s in Sweden. Milk has Assessment of Milk Production — A Comparison of
the largest sale of organic food articles and in 1998, 3% Conventional and Organic Farming” and “Life Cycle
of the milk sales were labelled organic. The prognoses Assessment of Conventional and Organic Consumer
from the largest dairy industry predict that this will be Milk” which were carried out at the SIK, the Swedish
doubled in the year 2000. There is not only a consumer Institute for Food and Biotechnology and financed by
interest for these products but also a political one. In the Swedish Farmers Foundation for Agricultural
1994, the Swedish parliament decided that one environ- Research, the Swedish Farmers Union and the Swedish
mental target for Swedish agriculture was to obtain an Dairy Association [2,3].
organic production corresponding to 10% of all arable
land by the year 2000. In a future scenario, the Swedish
EPA has designated that as much as 75% of Swedish 2. Goal and scope definition
milk should be produced according to organic principles
by the year 2021 [1]. One important way of encouraging 2.1. Purpose
this development politically is through the European
Union’s Common Agricultural Policy, which gives fin- The objectives of the investigation were the following:
ancial support to a more environmentally sound agricul-
ture. In Sweden, organic farming is a key element in this 앫 to identify the parameters which have the largest
environmental impact (hot-spots) in the systems stud-
ied, and to suggest improvements in the systems;
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-35-50680; fax: +46-35-50016.
E-mail addresses: (C. Cederberg), 앫 to test the hypothesis that systems for milk production (B. Mattsson) with a relatively large input of resources in the con-
Tel.: +46-31-3355600; fax: +46-35-833782. text of feed and fertilisers have a greater environmen-

0959-6526/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 9 - 6 5 2 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 3 1 1 - X
50 C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60

tal impact than systems with a high self-supporting 2.4. Studied objects
capacity of fodder and plant nutrients;
앫 to collect data on the production of concentrate feed Data were collected from two relatively large dairy
also to be used in other life cycle assessment (LCA) farms in the west of Sweden which are run by an Agric-
studies of animal products. ulture Society and follow a current commercial pro-
duction scheme. These farms were chosen since there
were production data of very high quality (e.g. all fodder
2.2. Functional unit is weighed), and because they are specialised milk pro-
ducers, which means there are no other co-products
The functional unit (FU) was 1000 kg energy cor- except meat from the farms. Another important reason
rected milk (ECM) leaving the farm gate. ECM is a cor- for choosing two individual enterprises was that there
rection factor generally used by the dairy industry; it are no Swedish statistics available on average energy use
considers both the fat and the protein content of the milk. and land use in different milk production systems. Both
farms grow all roughage fodder for their own use which
2.3. Descriptions of systems in the study is customary for Swedish dairy farms. The use of con-
centrate feed on the conventional farm is high but such
Conventional milk production in Sweden is character- is the case for many Swedish conventional dairy farms
ised by intense production and the dairy cows are among today. The use of diesel in the farms’ crop production
the highest yielding in Europe. In 1996 the number of and the use of fertiliser on the conventional farm have
cows was 466,625, and during the 1990s the intensity in been compared with data from other farms and appear
feeding has increased along with a rising milk yield. One to be within a normal range. The yield of grain and peas
important environmental law regulating animal pro- on the organic farm is relatively low which probably
duction in Sweden concerns livestock density per hec- leads to a proportionately large use of arable land.
tare. The upper limit for dairy farms is 1.6 dairy cows As roughage fodder, the conventional farm used 2267
per hectare. kg DM grass silage and 687 kg DM pressed beet pulp3
Organic milk is produced according to the eco-label- per cow. The organic farm used both silage and hay as
ling system KRAV, which is the sole environmental roughage fodder, 1869 kg DM and 1355 kg respectively
labelling system for organic milk in Sweden. In 1997, per cow. The intake of pasture was 775 kg DM per
352 farms with a total of 11,259 cows produced organic organic cow, more than double that of the conventional
milk, and another 100 farms will be changing to this farm. The grain consumption was 25% higher per cow
form of production in 1998/99. Characteristics for this on the conventional farm. While the organic farm used
form of milk production are: 1000 kg peas per cow (produced on the farm and on
a neighbouring farm) and purchased concentrate feed 4
앫 Concerning fodder, there are limits for the use of con- corresponding to 343 kg per cow, the conventional farm
ventionally-produced feed (maximum 5%). On a used 1531 kg purchased concentrate feed 5 per cow. On
yearly basis, 50% of fodder (DM)2 must be produced the conventional farm each cow produced 7.813 FU and
on the farm itself. During the grazing period, pasture on the organic farm the milk production was 7.127 FU
must be at least half of the total feed intake; per cow.
앫 In the production of crops, no synthetic fertilisers or
pesticides are allowed; 2.5. System boundaries and delimitations
앫 If medicines are used, the waiting-time (i.e. the time-
period between the medicine intake and the milking The analysis deals with the phases of the life cycle
of the treated cow for milk delivery) must be double of milk as shown in Fig. 1, including the production of
that of conventional production; materials and energy used. Transport is also taken into
앫 The natural behaviour of the animals shall be pro- account.
moted and during the grazing period most of the days The major differences in the production scheme of
shall be spent outdoors. Cows shall be able to give
birth in a private loose box and calves shall be given
non-processed natural milk for the first 10 weeks. 3
This was mainly super pressed pulp, which is beet pulp pressed
and mixed with molasses containing a dry matter content of 27% and
The demand for a large amounts of farm-produced fod- used as a substitute for grass silage.
der in organic milk production leads to lower livestock Ingredients in the organic concentrate feed are principally heat-
density in this production system. treated rape seed meal and minor amounts of soymeal and maize gluten
meal together with minerals.
Ingredients in the conventional concentrate feed are dried beet
pulp, soymeal, rape seed meal, maize gluten meal, sunflower expel,
DM stands for dry matter. palm kernel expel, potato protein, molasses and minerals.
C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60 51

Fig. 1. The figure shows a flow diagram for milk production and flows considered in this study. Only the conventional farm uses fertilisers and
pesticides in its crop production and co-products from the sugar industry (italics). Peas are used as fodder only on the organic farm (underlined).
This farm also has a much smaller input of concentrate feed than the conventional farm.

conventional and organic consumer milk is thus included 2.6. Allocation of co-products
in this choice of system boundaries. At the dairies, the
handling of products is identical. So far, the transport of There is a strong causality between the size and qual-
organic milk from farms to dairies and the distribution ity of the feed ration of the dairy cow and her two output
of the organic milk to the stores takes longer, but this products milk and meat. The allocation between these
is changing as more and more farms opt for organic pro- two products was based on this causality. Calculation
duction and milk volumes increase. according to Swedish fodder tables [4] for the supply
The time frame is the milk production during one year of energy and protein to cover the dairy cow’s milk-
and follows the milk recording year of 1996/97 production, her maintenance and pregnancy gave an
(September 1–August 31). The origin of the ingredients overall allocation of 85% to milk and 15% to meat [2].
in the concentrate feed reflects the international market Since all manure stayed on the farms and was used as
where the Swedish feed industry purchased their com- fertiliser in the crop production this was not an output
modities during this period. product and therefore no allocation was needed for the
Buildings and machinery were excluded in the analy- manure.
sis. Stables and farm buildings have a similar design on Conventional concentrate feed is made from co-pro-
the farms studied. Machinery was excluded since there ducts from the production of vegetable oils, starch and
is a lack of data on machinery used in crop production sugar. This allocation was based on the economic value
for concentrate feed outside Sweden. Including machin- of the products (world market price). When the co-pro-
ery would give rise to a factor of uncertainty in the com- ducts have a very small value, less than 5%, only the
parison, since conventional milk production to a much direct processing and transport of the feed co-product
greater extent depends on imported concentrate feed. (e.g. the transport of palm kernel expel) were allocated
Also excluded in the study were medicines, washing to the feed.
detergents and minor stable supplies such as disinfec- When calculating the area of farmland needed to pro-
tants, salt for cows, etc. duce milk, mass allocation was used. With this calcu-
52 C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60

lation, all the sold products from one crop were con- discussed by Audsley et al. [5]. In this analysis, the
sidered, for example, one average hectare of Swedish quantitative use of pesticides per FU is calculated and a
sugar beets yields 47 ton sugar beet which gives three red-flag classification is performed. The base for the red-
products: 7100 kg sugar, 2970 kg DM super pressed pulp flagging is pesticides which are prohibited in Swedish
and 600 kg DM molasses, for a total of 10670 kg pro- agriculture.
ducts. Super pressed pulp (see note 2) is used as a rough- Andersson shows that emission of cadmium from fer-
age fodder and can basically substitute grass/clover sil- tilisers is an important hot-spot in food production sys-
age on a mass basis (kg DM by kg DM). By the tems [6]. This impact was not assessed in this work
allocation procedure it becomes obvious how area- because the conventional farm studied (like the great
efficient the sugar beet crop is. In addition to obtaining majority of dairy farms in Sweden) does not use any
7100 kg sugar from one hectare of sugar beets, a rough- commercial P-fertilisers since the manure supplies an
age fodder is also yielded which, in practice, can substi- adequate amount of P. The use of P-fertiliser in the con-
tute almost 0.5 hectare of leys for silage production. ventional milk life-cycle is instead found on the arable
A summary of price and mass allocation for concen- farms that grow the crops for concentrate feed pro-
trate feed components is shown in Table 1, where the duction. The import of feed, which is often substantial
origin of the feed ingredients is also shown. on a conventional milk farm, leads to a phosphorus
inflow most of which will stay on the farm and be spread
2.7. Chosen impact categories on the arable land with the farmyard manure. The input
of cadmium to the dairy farm can be traced to the feed
The environmental impact categories considered in
import and the atmospheric deposition. Similar to phos-
the study were:
phorus, the lion’s share of the cadmium will remain on
the farm in the manure since the output products milk
앫 Resources: energy, material and land use;
and meat contain and remove minute amounts of heavy
앫 Human health: pesticide use;
앫 Ecological effects: global warming, acidification, metals. The Swedish data available on cadmium content
eutrophication, photo-oxidant formation and depletion in fodder and manure are very scarce. A cadmium bal-
of stratospheric ozone. ance presented by Cederberg showed a large variation
in the limited data material so far available [7]. Although
The widespread use of pesticides is one of the major no assessment of cadmium was conducted here, it seems
impacts of agricultural production. In addition to poss- evident that farming systems with a large input of feed,
ible human exposure, pesticide use can also cause eco- and which only have animal output products, run a
toxicological impacts in aquatic and terrestrial systems. potential risk of accumulating heavy metals in the soil.
Indirectly, discharges of pesticides may also contribute Examples of omitted impact categories are water use,
to decreased biodiversity. Most of the methods for tox- soil quality, eco-toxicological impacts, habitat alterations
icity assessment need more elaboration which is further and impacts on biological diversity.

Table 1
Mass- and price ratio of ingredients in dairy concentrate feed. Products in italics are components in the concentrate feed

Crop Origin Products Mass allocation % Price allocation %

Sugar beet Sweden, Denmark, Poland Sugar, beet pulp, molasses 66, 22, 12 83, 11, 6
Soybean Brazil Oil, meal 20, 80 31, 69
Rape seed Sweden, Germany, Denmark Oil, meal 40, 60 67, 33
Maize for starch Starch, maize gluten feed, maize
France 63, 20, 5, 7 78, 8, 10, 4
production gluten meal, germ meal
Sunflower France, Argentina Oil, meal 31, 68 63, 37
Crude palm oil, crude palm
Palm oil Malaysia 77, 10, 13 83, 14, 3
kernel oil, kernel expela
Potatoes for starch Starch, fruit water dried to No allocation due to lack
Netherlands, Belgium
productionb potato protein of data
No allocation due to lack
Sugar canec South America Sugar, molasses
of data

Only transport cost from Malaysia to Sweden was allocated to the feed part since this feed co-product has a very small value.
In Sweden, fruit water from the starch industry is used as organic fertiliser (rich in potassium and nitrogen). On the European continent, this
product is de-watered and the potato-protein is dried. No data was available for this process, energy data for drying beet pulp was used.
Only transport costs from South America were allocated to the feed part due to lack of data on sugar cane production and because this feed
component is only mixed by 0-3% in Swedish concentrate feed.
C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60 53

2.8. Data quality 2.8.5. Technological correlations

The farms studied were chosen because of their equiv-
The following criteria, which are taken from the alence in technology and processes.
Nordic Guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment, were used
as a check-list for data quality assessment [8].
3. Results

2.8.1. Acquisition method 3.1. Resources: energy, material and land

Data from the farms studied are measured data and
are related to milk production only with the exception The use of primary energy was 3550 MJ per FU in the
of electricity consumption which was divided between conventional system and 2511 MJ per FU in the organic
milk production and other activities on the farms by system. The results can, to a great extent, be explained
means of estimations. Data from the feed and oil extrac- by the difference of feeding strategy and the use of syn-
tion industry in Sweden and Norway were calculated thetic fertilisers in conventional production. The substan-
data based on measurements. Data from the oil extrac- tially greater input of concentrate feed in conventional
tion industry outside the Nordic countries were based on milk production leads to a higher energy demand. Dan-
energy use in industries with best available technique ish investigations also show lower energy requirements
(BAT). Data on emissions and use of resources in ferti- on organic dairy farms, 2160 MJ/1000 kg milk in
liser production come from a thorough inventory of the organic production and 3340 MJ/1000 kg milk in con-
most commonly used fertilisers in Sweden and Western ventional production [10].
Europe [9]. Data on cultivation of crops outside Sweden In Table 2, the systems’ use of materials is shown.
for the concentrate feed production are based on quali- Since machinery is not included in the analysis, the
fied estimates by agricultural experts and statistics. material use is very much dependent on energy and ferti-
liser consumption. The organic farm has a higher con-
2.8.2. Independence of data supplier sumption of electricity per cow and FU, which is the
The farms in this study and the Swedish feed and oil explanation for the larger use of uranium and hydro-
extraction industry are enterprises with an interest in the power. The total use of crude oil was slightly higher in
study and they have provided verified information, e.g. the conventional system but the use of diesel was sub-
through company environmental reports. Nutrient emis- stantially larger in the organic system. This is mainly
sions in Sweden were calculated with verified infor- because of a larger use of tractor diesel at the farm level
mation from public authorities. Cultivation data for crops due to a larger fodder production and lower yields on
outside Sweden were mostly given by growers’ associ- the organic farm. The considerably larger use of natural
ations. gas in the conventional system is explained by the syn-
thetic N-fertilisers. The difference in coal consumption
is due to the refining of components in the concentrate
2.8.3. Representative samples feed, mainly the drying of beet fibres which are a pri-
The data collection method of this study was to mary ingredient in concentrate feed. The use of phos-
choose a small number of enterprises (two farms) with phorus on the organic farm is mainly due to the purchase
high quality data based on continuous measurements. of mineral feed.
The fodder consumption per 1000 kg ECM has been The area of farmland needed to produce one FU per
compared to similar producers and is within a reasonable
range. The feeding system used by both farms (mixer
wagon and a whole mixed fodder) can give 5–10% Table 2
higher consumption than a system where each cow is Use of materials and hydropower, kg (MJel) per FU
fed individually. Also the loose housing system where
Inflow parameter CONV ORG
the cow can move around and exercise outdoors in an
exercise yard all year around, can contribute to a higher Coal 4.87 1.23
fodder consumption than in a tie-up cow-house. Crude oil 47.1 44.1
Natural gas 25.7 3.6
Natural uraniuma 0.00204 0.00221
2.8.4. Data age and geographical correlation Hydro powerb 0.28 0.32
All data used are of recent date, going back no further Phosphorus 2.37 0.92
than 1995. Due to an increasing interest in the pro- Potassium 2.88 0.57
duction background of the imported commodities to the Limestone 35.8 84.6
Swedish feed industry, the aim was to obtain specific a
1.0 g of natural uranium corresponds to 504 MJ heat, assumed
data on each important oil/starch crop where the co-pro- efficiency 0.35 in nuclear power.
ducts are imported for production of concentrate feeds. b
Kg el. from hydropower refers to MJel.
54 C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60

monly used insecticides, both substances being highly

toxic [11]. The herbicide 2,4-D was prohibited in
Sweden in 1991 because of suspected carcinogenic
effects on workers using this pesticide. Atrazine, which
is the standard herbicide used in maize on the European
continent as well as in the US, was prohibited in Sweden
in 1992 due to its high soil mobility and persistence lead-
ing to a high risk for groundwater contamination.
The use of pesticides (as active substances) per FU
was 118 g in the conventional system and 10.8 g in the
organic system. Herbicides make up approximately 90%
of total pesticide use, while insecticides and fungicides
make up 5% each of total use. One aspect worth con-
Fig. 2. Use of arable land for the fodder-producing crops in the two
sidering is that the intense use of chemicals in soybean
systems, m2 per FU and year.
cropping has a direct impact on insecticide use in con-
ventional milk’s life cycle. Due to the large use of soy-
year was 1925 m2 in the conventional system and 3464 meal in the conventional concentrate feed, as much as
m2 in the organic system. In Fig. 2, the arable land use 75% of the insecticide use per FU in this production
divided between the fodder-producing crops is shown. form is explained by insecticide application in soybeans.
It is obvious that the organic farm has a much greater
dependence of grassland for producing silage, hay and 3.3. Nutrient surplus and losses
pasture. This is an effect of the rules for organic pro-
duction stating that a high proportion of ruminants’ fod- Some of the most important ecological effects of mod-
der intake must be roughage fodder. The considerably ern agriculture, especially animal production, are related
smaller land use in the conventional system is also to non-functioning nutrient cycles which entail losses of
explained by higher yields and the choice of concentrate nitrogen pollutants. Nutrient balance is a useful tool
feed. Using the co-products from oil/starch/sugar pro- when quantifying the flow of nutrients in food pro-
ducts results in an area-efficient way of producing raw duction systems. A model for this is shown in Fig. 3;
materials for concentrate-feed production. When using nutrient balances were calculated for the farms studied.
peas as the key ingredient in concentrate feed, which The computer program STANK from the National Board
was the case for the organic farm, one hectare of arable of Agriculture was used for contents of plant nutrients
land generates only one product, namely the pea, which in products (feed, fertilisers, milk, etc.) [12]. The bio-
consequently has to carry the entire burden of land occu- logical N-fixation was estimated on the basis of the crops
pation. and the amount of legumes [13]. N-deposition on arable
land in western Sweden was based on measurements
3.2. Pesticide use provided by the environmental section of the County
In Table 3, a summary of pesticides used in the culti- In Table 4a, the nutrient flows and balance of the con-
vation of fodder crops is shown. The red-flagging of soy- ventional farm are shown. The significance of imported
meal is due to a number of toxic pesticides in soybean feed for this production system should be noted. It rep-
cultivation. Monocrotofos and endosulfan are two com- resents the entire input of phosphorous and makes up

Table 3
List of pesticides (active substance) that are used in crops producing fodder

Fodder component Conventional system Organic system

Grassland for silage and hay Glyphosate, bentazon No pesticide use

Grains Tribenuronmetyl, propikonazol, pirimicarb No pesticide use
Peas Fodder component not used No pesticide use
Super pressed pulp, beet fibres Metamitron, fenmedifan, etofusemat, kloridazon Fodder component not used
Glyphosate, 2,4-Da, monocrotofosa, endosulfana, Glyphosate, 2,4-Da, monocrotofosa, endosulfana,
diflubensuron diflubensuron
Rape-seed meal Metazaklor, esfenvalerat, iprodion Metazaklor, esfenvalerat, iprodion
Maize gluten meala Atrazinea, alachlor, lambda-cyhalotrin Atrazinea, alachlor, lambda-cyhalotrin
Sunflower meal Trifuraline, fluorchlorine, fenpropimorf, deltametrin Fodder component not used

Red flag classification.
C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60 55

Fig. 3. Model for calculating flows of plant nutrients in agricultural systems.

Table 4 N emissions on the farms studied are shown. Nitrate

Nutrient balance on (a) a conventional farm and (b) an organic farm leaching and ammonia volatilisation were calculated
INPUT (kg N P K OUTPUT (kg N P K using recent Swedish models for N-losses, NO3–N losses
ha⫺1) ha⫺1) according to Johnsson and and Hoffman [16] and NH3–
N according to the computer program STANK [12].
(a) Conventional farm N2O–N losses were calculated using emission factors
Feed and seeds 134 19.8 46 Products 47 9.5 14 from IPCC [17]. In Table 5, the quantified losses are
Fertilisers 86
N-fixation 15 summed up. As seen, a smaller part of the N-surplus was
N-deposition 10 Nutrient surplus 198 10.3 32 found as emissions on the conventional farm.
Total 245 19.8 46 245 19.8 46 Nitrogen lost through denitrification is another
(b) Organic farm important loss of N from the agriculture system. Since
Feed and seeds 29 5.2 9 Products 20 4.1 6 N2 is a natural component of the atmosphere no environ-
Fertilisers 0
N-fixation 46 mental damage results from this loss. However, denitri-
N-deposition 10 Nutrient surplus 65 1.1 3 fication may be one explanation as to why a smaller part
Total 85 5.2 9 85 5.2 9 of the N surplus was found as emissions on the conven-
tional farm (48%). This farm has clay soils and much
larger N-flows than the organic farm and it is reasonable
the largest part of nitrogen inflow. The same calculation that the denitrification has been as high as 30–50 kg N
for the nutrient flows in the organic system is shown in ha⫺1. The organic farm in the study has lighter soils and
Table 4b. As seen when comparing Table 4a and b, the low flows of mineral-N in the soil and denitrification
nutrient surplus per hectare is much higher in the con- losses should not exceed 10 kg N ha⫺1 [18]. However,
ventional system. Also Danish and Dutch research on even when denitrification of this magnitude is added to
nutrient flows on dairy farms has shown a significantly total N-emissions there is still a share of N-surplus that
greater surplus per hectare arable land in conventional is not accounted for: 15–20% on the organic farm and
milk production [14,15]. 25–40% on the conventional farm. Input of N in the soil
Using nutrient balances only gives an indirect indi- pool could be one explanation of the discrepancy. Long-
cation of emissions and is not satisfactory for an LCA. term field experiments in Sweden show that continuous
The surplus has to be transmitted into different emis- application of farmyard manure has caused a greater
sions. This is done using models for calculating N and increase of total nitrogen in soils than other types of fer-
P emissions at the farm level. In Table 5, the calculated tilisers; as long as 35 years after application, a steady
state has not yet been reached [19]. However, it may
Table 5 well be that the N-losses are underestimated since the
Calculated N-losses, kg N ha⫺1, in relation to estimated total N-surplus different guidelines for calculating nutrient losses are
on the farms. Also shown is milk production kg ha⫺1 arable land on quite rough and in practice large individual differences
the farms may occur. When evaluating the different models used
Conventional Organic
here for calculating losses of nitrate, ammonia and
nitrous oxide, it seems likely that it is the calculations
Ammonia, NH3–N 61 24 of ammonia emissions that are the most uncertain ones
Nitrate–N, NO3–N 32 19 and probably underestimated in the conventional system.
Nitrous oxide, N2O–N 3.1 1.2 New Dutch research shows a very strong connection
Total 95 44
N surplus according to nutrient
between a high feeding intensity of protein and high
198 65 NH3-losses [20]. The use of high protein feed is much
balances; kg N ha⫺1
Share of nitrogen surplus found when greater in the conventional system. A Swedish national
48% 67%
calculating N-losses (see text) report also points out the increasing intensity in dairy
Milk production, kg ha⫺1 7415 3297 cow feeding as one cause of increasing ammonia emis-
sions in Sweden [21].
56 C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60

Comparing the calculated nutrient losses in an LCA house gases [26]. The results are shown in Fig. 4. It is
study with a nutrient balance is an appropriate way to evident that the use of fossil fuel is only to a minor
validate the data and emission factors used in the calcu- extent connected to this impact category. Emissions of
lations. For nitrogen, which can be found is so many N2O connected to the nitrogen cycle on the farms (losses
different forms in soil, air and water, it is common that from soil) and N2O-emissions from synthetic fertiliser
all N surplus cannot be explained as N emissions. For production play a larger part than CO2-emissions from
example, of a total N-surplus of 190,000 tons in Swedish the use of fossil fuel. The most important contributor to
agriculture, 154,000 tons are defined as losses, denitrifi- global warming in milk production is, however, meth-
cation and soil input and this leaves 20% unaccounted ane. Due to the feeding strategy with a larger share of
for [22]. In the Danish N balance for 1996/97, 78,000 roughage fodder it is estimated that methane emissions
tons N out of a total surplus of 409,000 tons N was are 10–15% higher from cows in organic production
unaccounted for [23]. Also in Dutch nitrogen balances, compared with conventional production [27,28]. There
all N output emissions cannot be accounted for, and in seems, however, to be considerable variations in the
balance calculations this is often added to the soil emission factors for methane from cattle. In this study,
pool [24,25]. emission data from the Swedish EPA were used, estimat-
As can be seen in Table 5, milk production per hectare ing methane losses of 155 kg per conventional dairy cow
is more than twice as much on the conventional farm and year and, because of their larger intake of roughage
compared with the organic farm. This is due to a higher fodder, 12% higher emissions for the organic cows
animal density, which is the result of the use of imported [27,28]. In the IPCC manual, the methane losses for high
feed and fertilisers. From this it follows that when the yielding cows are estimated to be considerably lower:
N-losses per hectare are converted into N-losses per FU 118 kg methane per dairy cow and year [17].
(1000 kg milk) the difference between the two systems
of milk production is smaller, than is the case when only 3.5. Acidification
studying the area-based nutrient balance.
Table 6 shows the calculated N-losses per FU on the The potential acidification was found by using the
farms in the study but it is important to note that this maximum scenario method according to Heijungs et al.
does not cover all the emissions of reactive nitrogen in [29]. The discharges were calculated and weighted to
the milk’s life cycle. About 40% of the total nitrate emis- 17.98 kg SO2-equivalents per FU in the conventional
sions in the milk’s life cycle occur outside the farm system and 15.81 SO2-equivalents per FU in the organic
boundary on the arable land where the purchased feed system and it is clear that ammonia is the key parameter.
was grown. Basically all ammonia emissions in the Almost 90% of the total acidifying potential is due to
milk’s life cycle take place at the farm level in close ammonia losses in both systems and these losses are
connection with the farmyard manure. In the conven- mostly related to ammonia evaporation from farmyard
tional milk’s life cycle almost 50% of the nitrous oxide manure.
emissions take place outside the farm boundary, mostly The acidification potential is approximately 10%
as process emissions in fertiliser production. lower in the organic system. As shown in the farms’
nutrient balances (Tables 4 and 5), a larger part of N-
3.4. Global warming surplus was unexplained on the conventional farm. This
may imply that ammonia losses are underestimated and
The potential contribution to global warming from the acidifying potential could thereby be greater for the
milk production was obtained by using characterisation conventional system.
factors with a time frame of 100 years for direct green-

Table 6
Calculated N-losses on the farms converted to kg N ton milk ⫺1 in
relation to estimated N-surplus per ton milk (85% of surplus is allo-
cated to the milk)

Conventional Organic

Ammonia, NH3–N 6.97 6.13

Nitrate–N, NO3–N 3.62 4.85
Nitrous oxide, N2O–N 0.36 0.30
Total, kg N ton milk ⫺1 10.95 11.28
N surplus according to nutrient
22.8 16.8
balances; kg N ton milk ⫺1
Share of N-surplus found 48% 67% Fig. 4. The potential contribution to global warming, kg CO2-equiva-
lents per FU. Time horizon is 100 years.
C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60 57

3.6. Eutrophication natives. Discharges of phosphate seem to have a very

small impact on the potential eutrophication from milk
The calculation of the important nutrifying substances at present. However, the nutrient balance shows a larger
nitrate and ammonia was described earlier. Estimations P-surplus in the conventional system and this can lead
of P-losses are based on data with high uncertainty since to a P-leaching in the future. See further discussion on
there are great variations in P-losses from arable land. hot-spots, Section 4.1.
The average loss in Sweden is 0.32 kg P ha⫺1, but the
variation is as high as 0.01–2.61 kg P ha⫺1 [30]. Further- 3.7. Photo-oxidant formation
more, there are no data on differences in P-losses
between organic and conventional farming. In this study, Due to the higher use of tractor diesel per FU on the
P-losses were estimated to be 0.35 P kg ha⫺1 on the organic farm studied, the emissions of NOx, catalyst of
conventional farm and 0.25 kg P ha⫺1 on the organic the photo-oxidant reaction, is greater. This greater diesel
farm. This assumption was based on the fact that both consumption also results in larger emissions of CO and
the manure application rate and the P-surplus are higher hydrocarbons. Actually when classifying all emissions
on the conventional farm, which lead to a higher P- that can contribute to this impact category, only hexane
accumulation in the soils. discharges (from the oil extraction industry) are higher
Although the organic farm has a lower nitrate leaching for the conventional system. All other parameters
per hectare (see Table 5), the nitrate loss per FU is important for photo-oxidant formation show higher
higher. There are two explanations for this. Firstly, the emissions in the organic system.
overall yields are generally lower in the organic system
but the nitrate losses per hectare in this system do not 3.8. Ozone depletion
seem to be sufficiently low to compensate the lower
yields. Consequently, the nitrate loss per kg fodder for Although machinery was not included in the analysis,
grain and silage was higher in this system. Secondly, the the cooling medias in dairy farms’ milk cooler equip-
choice of concentrate feed differs. The organic farm uses ment are worth mentioning. On Swedish dairy farms, all
a considerable amount of peas, and nitrate leaching in cooler tanks containing R12 have been replaced and dur-
relation to yield is rather high for this feed. The conven- ing 1998 cooler tanks containing R22 are to be replaced.
tional farm, on the other hand, uses significant amounts Compounds such as methane, nitrous oxide, carbon
of purchased concentrate feed which have lower nitrate monoxide can directly or indirectly influence strato-
discharges per kg feed. Since these purchased concen- spheric ozone depletion. Due to the complexity and the
trate feeds are based on co-products from oil/starch/sugar incomplete understanding of the processes, no ODPs
crops, the nitrate leaching from these crops is divided were calculated for these compounds and no characteris-
through the allocation procedures between the main pro- ation was therefore done. But it is evident that losses of
duct and the co-products. nitrogen compounds are also vital for this impact cate-
The potential eutrophication was found by using the gory; it has been estimated that doubling the concen-
maximum scenario method described by Heijungs et al. tration of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere would result
[29] and Lindfors et al. [8]. The result is shown in Fig. in a 10% decrease in the ozone layer and this would
5. As previously described, the ammonia emissions increase the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth by
might be underestimated in the conventional system and 20% [31].
this uncertainty makes it hard to reach a clear-cut con-
clusion concerning the differences between the two alter-
4. Discussion

4.1. Hot-spots

Hot-spots were chiefly identified from current dis-

cussions and studies on important environmental goals
for the Swedish agriculture of the future [1].
Concerning the use of materials, phosphorous should
be highlighted as being a limited resource and almost
exclusively used in agriculture as fertiliser and fodder
mineral. Long-term sustainable food production must
deal responsibly with this element. As seen in Table 2,
the use of phosphorous per FU is higher in the conven-
Fig. 5. The maximum potential contribution to eutrophication, kg O2- tional system due to fertiliser application in the feed
equivalents per FU. imported to the farm. Moreover, it should be noted that
58 C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60

the method of dividing co-products from the cultivation compacting, indirect effects of land use must be con-
of oil/starch/sugar crops according to price allocation sidered. Indirect effects are of a more subjective nature
puts the P-flow in the conventional system in a better and contain aspects of aesthetic values such as the pres-
light than it is in actual practice. The P-flow is more ervation of the beauty of scenery, open landscapes and
likely to follow the mass when it is divided between the cultural heritage. For example, one important problem
co-products from the crops that provide the raw material connected to agricultural land use in Sweden today is
for the feed industry. In this respect, the nutrient balance the lack of grazing ruminants preserving valuable
gives more correct information on the true phosphorous biotopes [33].
flow. As seen in Table 4, the conventional farm shows One opinion often expressed is that intense production
a substantially higher P-surplus per hectare. There are systems can liberate areas for growing energy crops. Had
two important environmental aspects to consider in the organic farm in this analysis followed a conventional
terms of this finding. Firstly, it signifies an inefficient production scheme using N-fertilisers and more
use of this limited resource. Feed is exported from arable imported feed components, Salix (willow) could have
farms to animal producing farms and P-fertiliser must been cultivated on the surplus area. This option, how-
replace nutrient losses following the harvest products ever, strongly conflicts with environmental goals for the
from arable farms. Secondly, accumulation of plant- agriculture in this region, the conditions of which are
available P in soil can lead to a future leaching problem. typical for a large part of Swedish milk production. The
Recent research from The Broadbalk Experiment at farm is situated in a rural area where open landscapes
Rothamstead, UK, where different fertiliser P levels and biotopes connected to grazing ruminants are highly
have been applied in wheat field trials for more than 100 valued and relinquishment of arable land is considered
years, shows increasing P-leaching from plots where an a problem. Financial support according to the EU
excess of P in fertilisers or manure has been applied for environmental programme is given for growing leys and
an extended period of time [32]. On the basis of these grassland in order to preserve arable land in this region
findings it is probably not sufficient to assess merely the [34]. In this food production system, a larger land use,
momentary environmental effects of phosphorous losses especially of grassland, actually promotes important
from agricultural systems, but also the long term effects Swedish environmental goals.
of P accumulation in soils should be taken into account. Pesticide use is a hot-spot, and in conventional agri-
Emissions of the nitrogen pollutants ammonia and cultural production in Sweden today great efforts are
nitrate are major sources for eutrophication and acidifi- being made to reduce pesticide use and to ensure the
cation, being hot-spots in both of the systems studied handling of pesticides through strict legislation. This
and generally connected to most agricultural production, analysis, going to the cradle of the imported protein
especially the production of milk, meat and eggs. feeds, shows that environmental impact from pesticide
Ammonia, being an acidifying as well as nutrifying com- use abroad should also be considered if the long term
pound, is closely connected to the handling of farmyard goal of environment-friendly production can be fulfilled.
manure and a number of measures have been and will Emissions of the potent greenhouse gases methane
be implemented to decrease ammonia emission from the and nitrous oxide are critical parameters when assessing
agricultural sector in Sweden. The need for these agricultural production. The relations between methane
measurements is underscored by the results of this study, emissions and feeding strategy appear to be an important
showing that the acidifying emissions due to the use of issue requiring further investigation. From present
fossil fuels are almost negligible in comparison with the knowledge it can be concluded that organic milk pro-
key parameter ammonia. The greater nitrate leaching per duction should not be too extensive in terms of a large
FU in the organic system shows that a low input system use of roughage fodder. Emission of nitrous oxide is
is not automatically a guarantee for a lower environmen- closely connected to nitrogen application and nitrogen
tal impact. There is always a “base leaching” from agri- turnover in soil. Hence the potential negative effect on
cultural land and the substantially higher area needed to global warming is more apparent in a conventional sys-
produce organic milk leads to a relatively higher nitrate tem due to the higher fertiliser rates. Moreover, synthetic
loss per kg organically produced grain and peas. fertiliser production also induces N2O-emissions.
The use of arable land to produce milk was substan-
tially larger on the organic farm studied. Although there 4.2. Improvement assessment
is an excess of arable land in Europe today, leading to
a set-aside program in the EU, the larger area occupancy Suggested improvements in conventional production
must be seen as a hot-spot for organic food production are: changes in concentrate feed; improving the farm
systems. However, it is not sufficient to evaluate the land nutrient flows to reduce nutrient surplus, and demands
resource in merely quantitative terms. A number of for less use of toxic pesticides in imported concentrate
environmental goals are connected to arable land use and feeds. An increased use of domestic/regionally produced
apart from direct impacts such as soil erosion and soil rape-seed meal instead of feed ingredients imported from
C. Cederberg, B. Mattsson / Journal of Cleaner Production 8 (2000) 49–60 59

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