STULL (1988) - Boundary Layer Meteorology

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ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES LIBRARY tot hoy end ome cata $2, seems ate tee, Eareeeer Ht Se rate Sone, CMe CER Ser ty ee I ron ear met fidae names ncee ess u ecg ote eae ether iy nce a8 Londen Unerty et Caorn Soccer Usa) i See eee ey [i Pteeny eae ee tty N.J/Rosenbeg University of Nebraska, Lincoln (U.S.A) 7 ees. Ge eae RS Serena titan, Siete wen, tate, Reeeiaieenesey TER, ERE en, ike Eee iene ROLAND 8, STULL Crore te, ‘Sheseotmcnac sion USA An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology iy KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS Seareeamens enue mcm 1 Mean Boundary Layer Characteristics 1 161 he Die ora MR USA, a Siamese A eee : tor a, 3900 eran, re Marans 1 Kahres 3 i Sa i ih Ea 3 angi rt Srlneawatpecet hy copra metcena beens ‘Sioa pes iho on pron tomo cpg oe? ¥i_ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY CONTENTS wi 3 Applicaton ot the Governing Equations to Turbulent Flow 75 7 soundary Covdlons and Ester! Forays as i ete % a 2 Sere & Mf Eetinrrmanewieinbuace fog 8 Sesser 3 3h Bec mM a 5 Turbulence Kinetic Energy, Stability, and Seals 1st =, 3 ke SS Sen omit Tn % 35 Sathya meme 3) Reommerengn 9 —_Sintiarty Theory a7 Fr Wee ‘, Sos SoS peetenenme g Sit Eee 3h. Seite erty ae % 33 Revie treater a 32 Sette a aie % ra 3 Ret tty mei z = $l Ste ne amas z BE ‘vii _ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY Measurement and Simslation Techniques 405 feet fSmen Appendices a9 ce Salgado pe a Convective Mined Layer ast 5. Seti ce ae as Reseeelow Sublet Inder 69 ‘cet ya penn a ‘Stable Boundary Layer 499 Boundary Layer Clouds sas ayer Ry Tru atom har hs ook wl be wed a the begining grado vel for dens wth sn undegrdsnte backroand in meteorology. However diversity ine Rctgoonde bere atid. Ton with rong mental ctr to hve is ow et of notaon, whch en conic wits the notion of other ‘Rodicipnes To sree plished oton weld fave lado cotuion, Yat therefore ocd tlc conien ef sston tu hho he Bok. I et ‘ues Tve tid to renin hesenon mon requeny asa nthe rare, od ‘sberip of make loi exerlnso eng noon, in aes Td ep {tom peloutiy pubised notnion. Readers ae refer to Appendix for comprehen iva noon. 1k _ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY erat caot nin bean exper inal be mrad ahs of oan layer maeorogy, jet tne the bok shuld te comptebensive tobe uefa y Inte and enhnzn in wen le bok motel ay wipes he ery, and ‘Suined my analy of many feseirch peers ler he uaderyng hemes and ‘ominan nls net inte dives seas of tory let metaagy. Unfors, ‘De inted pace within hi book nected sme el Scions repaiig “sooth wo evel of material inca. opel Ive preset fitent cgrand ‘ny te boldng tacks pon which more advanced concep an be bull y ter Ince nd eaearchre Cerin opis och atmosphere peo napa Inlconetonagy a eco here bene er ee net ks on ee sabes Many alleges an nds pd with bok nd conse giant os oa fo and ony Miele Vandal eserves specication tnd tak fot ening tot fhe res, desing fae and chaps header nd ober over edcaton ti rect ‘Cleagus Steve Sage, Lary Mann, Gesrge Young, nog ‘Stl, Chand Kuma, See Sibert, Beh Ete, and Brice Albrecht viewed ‘rit chaps an provided valuable suggestions Information rep field ‘pernens war ponded by Anon Bela, Ad Dron, Jem Clase An, en Prat Gouri, Asn cham, Steve Nelo, Bob Murphy, Rowin Bertowic. Peer Hietrnd, Don Leichow, ad oes Eric Nelson potent the amet and ‘nlped wih the ist foto. San Zing compel ee nex. Some fh ens treretpst by Crile Ru nd Michel Vandal er ae eps epperg). out Jens of aden n my crmeeoreagy cous Waconia ctu teed ares unfit dats fhe book an eaght may mies. ‘The pene of ‘ower Academies (oenryD. Rie proved conan eeorgenet tnd te wo be congrolaed frat ore and advice The Amen Meteehogel ‘Soc acknowledged fer erin reredce ues 107 12.10 nd 12.19. To ‘ot hes peoplsed te mary mee o whom! palopioe for not aming he ise "Tomy wif Lind, 1 give my grade for her devotion drag he exching and exhaust of ye, ota Sa Bownday Layer Resa Tea Nana, Wacom Range fom tn) From our fit eth, we pend mon curve eth car sutce We fo te are of he tine sn td thee of te sptine nes here where ou Ps ‘Seen, our veling are contre, tnd mus xt commerce takes pace We ‘pow fama there eee and toss, od we ese cota wes ‘fete ober pes Sch eres hrc, however, ot pel of wha we ober In te tte monaper- One reson fer he eeeoe se dosing noes he es ‘nite lone injec te ‘Toe eats sce i a bound onthe domain of the ssrosphee, Trasfort ocees ik bound mitt lowest 10) 10 9000 mf te soap ering ‘hat is called the beundary Tayer (Fg 11). The remainder af the i the ‘roporpere loosely cleave atmenphare The stare ofthe soph E ete yrs nol a but on ere ecard ‘sel sl pron ef be 1. 141 Ta vopomer cane diese wpa nosy tes uovenracswevotwaneave 2._ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY “Thi hater is mean to provide desrpive overview ofthe tnundary layer "ns is placed oni aide bounty yes veranda Cai whee ach ‘ofthe mori ppsition ress and where many boundary yer netsucments have ‘en mae. In reine racy tte page of ines te be domi forcing mechaniem. Tropica ad maritime Boundary yes wil io be bey ‘eviews Thores end equ: preetedin inter ape wl make or tense whet no te content of he dsrpve tr be boundary Iyer as saved ee 1.1 A Boundary-Layer Definition “Te topo xed om he ground pfu everett (guy lowes coupe Kloster te Srecly ed byte undying ere, We can ‘fefine the ound Laer at that part of the tapoiphere thats arety Influenced bythe presnce of the erh'r surface, and responds to suface forcings athe amercle of about ot hour of lett. "Tse free clade ‘al dg evapo nd tnepsin hea tae, pln casos ran {ndoced flow ssatiicnon The Youd ayer knee ge van ine th ‘pice napa fom bonds of meus few eaten ‘hn exe of tempera wero, n he lower poh i shown a Fig 1.2 “There ine hors were ono fom vote ssatngs mde very 2 ture sear amon, Ooms They show sures! aaton of teprsre net be (pound ht not event rer ales. Such dha var oe of he Key ‘Rens tthe uy lnyer ver. Te fe soonpere shows ie tal ‘Tiiral vasa not ens by des fra of ol ition te ounery layer. Lid solr rice sare nthe butt neo sensed Yo _Gund where ype aso on the br of 90% eat i bern of mush of [MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTIC 3 ‘he sla ene tte goad that warms ad coi a eso oihe aito, wich ‘nc forces changes inte boundary Iyer vn want proces, Turbulence one ‘te pertantansport proces, sr ometines a aed define th any Tet, he whole oper can change nape mice chr bat ls respns is eately sow ese of te town iaper. Hens cretion oe ‘una lnper noe tneat abou ene hour ese Tas dvs ot py ‘he bounty layer reaches negli nt Ge, jo hat sean hve at eae bees "Too pe felons ae often inca in bounda-nyer sin One he a= eather coma coud Ts cove} Geto thera othe boudsy lye tat ‘Wek saty te dyums of ths Clood ype witout ove o he ggerng Sounder machanim Ths ote pel fe refocus clude he ‘per prion of welled, bond boundary lier where cole tempers slow anderson of water vapr. For, seaoewauls cloud x tourer te roar, 7 ‘Se a bomda-iyerpenomeeen "Tanfercrns, whe tare fra, an mot te bonday ayer ina ater inate eving up boundary er oh oa oby ving Swe aap of {ald downdraft. Alough thunders we rt onl be Doma ayer ‘henna, ti intercten with te body ne wil be evewed ia Boke 12 Wind and Flow Ais flow, or wind, can be divided int tree toad categorie: mean wind, turbulence to wares (Pg 13) Bah canes sepa, e ne presence ny ft ober. ach celta bandas a, were spr of ues sch {aise bens morentn nd pliant enn Ia he Brn y the eas ‘in andin the verte by mene. 4 BOUNDARY LAYER MerEOROLOGY Mean win is responsible for very rapid orzo anon, or advection Horan non he oder o2'0 Ta ae commen ne bday Iyer, Fon ‘hones be mean wind pesdio be owes pea ie pound Vr ean wins we ch ‘Sale aly onthe srr linet cet fr ond "Waven which ae een obseved ine signe ondary lye ep ie heat namiiy, and other scale sch spout. They te however, fee ‘inpering enemas nd eegy. These wees an be gee ioral ty mes wind ‘hears ad by nen low oer obra Waves can us poegte rm sre Seat tosr sch under ores expose, “Te inely igh quency fecarece of buns nw te Nn on of carcterises that makes the ourdry aye fleet ey he eo he isp ‘Oude of ie andr ner, arbelnce rma found near te je ue re ‘Sten nnd hea can cre cera tenes (CAT) "Smeioesamowpere waves may enbnce the wind hens in ized eons sing mebulence for. Thos, ve psemem canbe soe wih alent ‘oso of Dest a plans, atowph waves without xbalese would st beat “A oramon spot fr dying eter arene or waver ito pi vera ach semper and itd Itoh meen Prt sox pertarbtion prt. Te mean pst ‘prs th effets fe ean epee und ean wid whee pene at ‘Snreprtet ler e wave nfs ort bene effet at i sperinpoed on he ‘em ind “lb sen nner her of hi bok, ch pling cig cn led tothe equate of tins rexing amber of ne erat Some of tee ny, ensisay of rode of penurnion varies, decbe nonlinear itracont betwee alles ad we acne wi lence. Tes ere aly neglected Shen wave tons ae par eres Oter ea etiing oy ove perton ‘esate devrbelncr mons tac wre sociated with waver "Thve terme ‘selene when tle eoplaas 13 Turbulent Transport “artlece, the gate superposed onthe mean wind, canbe vised as cot of taper of oor eld eden Usa tablece cons ‘un ferent ner rprinponed on exch ter. The elie segs of ese ‘Sire sel dc eine be taralenee secre. ‘Much fhe ory Iyer ralnce i psered by orcs rom he poem, For ‘example, solar heating fe grounding soy 6s canes thermal of weet [tone These thers we jst re ees Pree! dag on hes owing over the proud causes wind shears to davlop, wtih frequen becone Tren ‘Obstacles ike wees nd bling eit hem, catng ural! Wake ‘ound donawig ef te osc “The get boonday ysis sale, have aes oughly equal) te dept cot be bony npr tht 100 3000s ee "Tese re the ost nese MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS. 5 es beme ey produced dit by the forcings ican ove, "Cas pes” ‘nln sre sd oping wn puns pave eee ee ager ide ‘Sealer sie ee te Quen in he vs of eaves ein be wavy tos of he ‘pus. Tore ees fo on the ryt ont. ‘The salt ede, on ode of fw ‘lice. vey wea bers te dstipaing eles of motel sony. “Table Is sever reso pide are eine rporing qos than cea fest. sence at ws te body ler pond © hanging surface forcings. To egos ck of tren ator he ove ye ‘ea at he et of he ie enone ngs reaped oars cg, Sed re ret te fee amespre betes sf ae wer yo bona weoneed wh cep intent of mean wind Nowing over ebony lyr top heh cous, 14 Taylor's Hypothesis ‘We ten ne intron o thes of ees nd on he els of ration in ‘oundary lpr. Usformaey. i ies ore apace ete oxy Iijer Intend of oberg sage megan of cen an nese tc tke mentaremens at on pin In spce over «lo tie period For example ‘loge seamen toot new eco fon eras lows pastor enor a 1938, G.I Taylor supped at for sme pei aes, tbolence might be ansiced be rum ws eves ast setsor Ths, wind peed cos bed {o tanine trbolence meuswreens a &foncon of tine 0 her comespenieg {measurements in pce. We us kee is mind that tublence lo ely foxes ‘inl smpliican ists weal or oly those saer where the rele ect ole wie mesa loge an ene tudes eyo be advected eae ‘Gowri ant Beri, 1990. ‘et U and V repeat he eartward-moving and noth moving Casein wid component M rereset he al wind magi pend given by MP =U! + ‘Vi meso eter invest ean wind pede eine eid Par ‘tops by aston sora genty P= 2M “Suppose at sone varie ite fener ve om on side ofthe ey whe ‘ther Then he temperate meso a ou sess woud very wines hee ‘vers ps. Fer xp Fig ta shows a ital codon wee yo 10 ameter begisngwadrect ust our ean wwe. The eating de fhe a tempertre of 10: i wer hn the lg ea only SC Thor spatial ‘aright nine. Nay he pene pine the ‘ay Tag 0.08 Kin, whee eins ston pr oe en wed ‘Att ith sta ou esr he wer mene taper of 10°C. the rnd ped were 1 ven te enor wold essere of tenses ‘tr, taming te ey hs ot hanged os heed by (ig 1.4). The lel ‘shange of enpertiswi me merase f= 03 Kl, We ce at Rew a ich san exresion of alr hypothe fr tempest fee meson For any variable Talos hypotheses tat tree oven when C= 0, Bute tal deiveveis defies by: djs = DEH + U aM + V AbDy + W Be Tan he eer fro Taylors hype 3 Be vk ve we ay “ie pote can a bested intr of weno, and eueny kot ase) here x= 20, and f= 29, for wavelength and wave geod P(Wyngerd and Ctr. 877 ‘The dimensions of ae airs per wit lng, wef mensions fo myth egzemens tate ey have eile change as i adres ps ener, Wilt nd Dende (1970 sgt oy < 05M a) her phe standard deviation (e hapter 2 fr arevew of atic) of wind peed [MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS —_7 is mesure ofthe nasty of trblene, Tes, Talarshypoteis sould te Sultry hen de urbe eas sal late the mean in pen 15 Virtual Potential Temperature pany i on of he evn feces fr wrblece tthe BL, Thema of warm secs cin ey ae han razon wt td ce pny Bayan Virtual lempeetares «pope vale fe hese tate este i ee ‘engetre ta dy sr at ave lhe dey moist he ae pest, “Thur aton ofa empernre ci eae peo ven dea "Winer vapor lens dense andy a th, anata ie more yan stan ey aire ae tergersire The ira temper of ested a a ‘teenage peter thn thease a empermae, Lig wate, Bowever ‘moe dese a yi ng ony ir re Dyat han coesg ‘louder The repenson of elo ple in an ar peel calle guid water “ndings twee eral eerie "Vir! satcdaltmperateres ae staogou 0 potas epertrs in tat they emeve he orton cared by changes ope ine oft pel. Trblece elder vere movement orang fale ch viel teal epee out eee bt alos nee 151 Definitions or sated ody a te vel pueda temper, 8,8 defied by 8, = OL + 06 =) asin) ery ithe water npr searing is ofthe pe an ed ‘rater ming rio. In (1.10) the potential temperate einai of and he "Seng rats arin ei of pp or unnatural ni ith ning ao, he vitae pore epee 8, = (1 + O62) 15.9) - devon of vil pene gen Append. “Astute pot ener, deied where Pe premre and, ea erence pest, Un, Pst 10 100 KPe BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY (0019, tat smtines forte ayer work he face etre se ined, "fo fre, we ca prone be Pl pers oats atpe asia wher i te Bight above fe 100 KF (1000) level abou somes ght ‘Nove pound level (ag sed send. Toe quntly Gy ~ 04098 Kl jt he tepui ftedy abd re(98 er oct ergs the avian eleiacon wn Gy the serie her onsen prose fra. Sometimes tbe uaaty C9 scaled he diy state ener. “temperate i) ‘An example ofthe dference between potential emperatue and via potential semper esbown a Fig 1 for nae assed a The eee vl tune epi Onty wen the as very dy cn we melee ies. 152 Example Problem, Givens temperae of 25°C ae ming rato of 20 gg mere at presi of SPs (90) ind he viral pout exper. Souton, Pt, mesma Fd te pot epee: 9 = rem oo 5 san28K ‘The sii unct loning ato be vial penta tempest ons = 29816,00080) = 0(1 + 061s = 20728(1 + as1o0x) = 31L09K Discanon. ven ha he viru poset tener 8 ol shou 6K mamer than the penal temperate, le eifernce eon the seme dea he diferent. between he wr anginal ed he soneancingeneionment. Thos, eget tte bum nbyaney acsans Gol ind emeeeuscocaonrepung ones and bene 1L6 Boundary Layer Depth and Structure ‘ve oceans, the tow lnyer eth vies evel soli space nine, Te sea uric eperte chrages He ve a imal yee betes of he temendont ‘sng wit te top ofthe een, Als wae harap et aps tenga fas ate lrg moot ent fromthe sn wheal ie epee change. ‘Thar domly varying sen sore terproe eta owl eying frag no ae tra feos ayer Mos change n bossa lnyer depth over oceans are ceed by snap and ‘mec procter of ail ton tn iveton of len masts oe tee ‘cnc. Avra otha tempertie feet ha ha of he cea wl depot ‘ead ear cla ih be ai. Oc on itvaced he eating toon Iyer depth might vary by onl 1% overs orzo sacs fo kon Excepsons thr fen varaon ca ocourneat he bodes ‘Stoween wo soem cares dere tempos (Stage sa Wel, 970. 10 _ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY ‘overhang nef he ound iyi ote ion ighresore reper tan in iow fess eons OE 1.8 The sober en ow level baal vergence mace wih sop Bh pete moves Roundy let ASF ot of he high twa lower pressure row. The shower dopa ae oes ‘tcl with Sad ie eins clon re prev, thyme in few ‘Sols ever ene now jst vps epwad son ery toon ayes away fom be pound are sides troughoa he teppei cio defn a bouday [jectp forthe sinaioneClond tase oem ssed a a tibia eof fr tony layer sie In hee ens Tha, he replated by boveday Iyer tara cube pen a eh (eel ‘Over land srices in high pence rele the Boundary lige ats wel defied sesh eves with he dara ele i The Oe aor npc ie uct ae the mised lye the ede! Tar ed sabe Boundary layer ‘When outs represent in te ied eer, aber sve to 2 lad eer tals subeloud layer, "Th rfce layers repion me ton of the hound Iyer wher len ‘oes andes vary byl ha 1K of er maga Ths te Doms 0 9 Se ‘unary lyr eed be eres ae repels of whee its pao me yer ‘rsa boueday Iyer ial th per called a leroy entra lyer ‘ar teen deed se fone fo centr fs wher ola ant ‘eee over but spre “The floing Stand ration x fn td for he aio pate of he bondey layer forthe mt felon se adnate ae td er ta wl oe ‘Sued er BL Boundary ayer (uo know a he planetary boundary Hye, PBL, othe ena ee A) Soper a ae Eee ae FE ESR aw tesenchebtn ne. ch By EEE ye cine tomcat e9 SEY Sac lye bebo 10% ofthe tour lye) even te ny Deora et ae YP" Recirmape eaters erae ESE ae ew et ine net i ein ese ‘Topo be stcloud inp height flood bn, uly ner te fing condensation lve, LCL) ae ns aya wt ementeie oan Feta ese Se ee nese co re io Darema rot? 12__ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY ee——————r—— 164 Miced Layer ‘The turbulence in the mined Inge it snalyeommctrely seven, although sey well ned yer us fornia eins of tong winds, Coa ous ince ‘er tanfr oma men pound surface end dare coking 0m Be top of be ed nye ‘The tn sinner rons of warm ing the wou, we de ‘cod crests thermals of cool a sinking fom clon top, Both can occ ‘Seutaseony, pacouary when a soot asacamalu oped mixed lye bing ‘ven eben conection Is he dominant mechani, here wally wind shear sero the tp oe Macomber we tublence gern, This e-et Stunt store ant CA, ad hough vo be asoeied with he fermion and [ewe of waves tw a know Keb Melmbole mates ‘emily st ne dy bere Bows ed sean of Oe oun. Baring ton a ar ser ane, tolet ML es oo ‘Eien scarcer by nese sing nately ota sto ner Bema ‘Stan ao fem he owned (rig 18) The Mace is imam ph ne ‘heroon I rows by enroling,e coaing cows lt he es ublet no Bove. “Te eli talece endo shes. metre, a moment usin 8th sent Planets fom tte tacks exis haces oping 8 = SEES rte enon emited int warm ton bein one Fig 18). Tseng aoa pa opt Pn ses "hme tea eerste se ery aaa he mde oso of he nie neler oof ads superadabat ser ace owe MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS 15, Canis re Deas ea arene ‘A bie yeah top of he ML ttn i then hrs ts enn omin of rulence cle he ental zone because eae Moar tire ‘Ae capping able jeri song enegh be cae a emperatre Inverse expense age nay teeny fled an inversion layer ropudcts of the maga of he saiy. The tot enenon yl or ME ep 2, which represents te everage ght of he veson ‘otsing te tsbars x Sal ng toads ow peste The mle pin of the BL frequent as newly consanwnd sped and econ Win speeds decene {oards tro near the pound resting tnt witd speed profile Tat inary Iegerthie wth bight Ine sac net Win decease the iors sean ge grt te round it aproncid, wit ere maples nt sing rats tendo derese wih ght eves wn center orton of he ML. ‘Taster evapo of cl nt pln sue meow wd ews of (ters fom stove. The ure ere sos he np othe every pono, tnd ote wed gether wih poral epee pes Keni he Lp er Mot pola woceare earth ab uric. Toy, pola concen can ‘wild up i he ML wale FA concertos rola flue low. Polls se [tnpored by estas a temas ete, he malty otc o pence ‘ey arnt he mle yer ean hat ete nye ss the polos, Trapping of poss blow uch th "nwsion taper” is commen igh: ese ‘egos tn omen lends pale singe commas. 14 BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY ‘sth ops te ight ems rach eter nd ewe dei daring eco ct he dys behest here pt reach tng condensation level CL, Solfec ost epesent. Te esaingfieweuber lows OE wee for Soul lt tn rp, who srk the apr fe her ph or mill veces ca eee etl tod evel TS 1, reds ines of heal, On ee te MI may ele OT, ad ty even bene ott or real sed lots NK enh, 1.62 Residual La ‘Aout aa hat before suns te hea ese fom nth abe ld ait vec) lowing tec ery he loery wel sed ger. The sag {jer a someting aed he esa ayer bers sal mewn tt vices ‘aSconcoenin verte ese os fhe ey decayed mixed ye. For cramp ne sarc of even av voces dispersed ino he Cyne rae ger il rem tn te Riding he nigh The RL really eed, ‘ing’e rele one of gone nal eotonsAvarea scke ‘hme eine RL tend dupe a ule a he veri an nt [cca cenng cove supe ome Figure 110 stows ech cng. | aie Despceamanmer omen eae er De soeueacceas [MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS 15 Norpasive poisans may ret with ter cosine daring te night rene compounds ht werent ona emied fromthe oon. Sometins scout ‘Sema ry reat form oral or url wich an rete ot, The RL Sen xsa ore ee inte mong ore bang caibd io new > Dung SECS Sire my ape Hohe tact anny Se cnn he ‘Moisture ofen teaves a a psive mest fach day, moe rose ay te igor oe Mt ile ined he RL Dasng useing Says. {inet ofthe at io eM ght ow cod fran cer where shew might “Vitter svi poll enptu wnaly deen oy dig ep tec tration cree, Ths cosing is onhe deo 1 CI Tae cing ‘ic moreor er unos troopout te Gph of eR ar slowing he Ria rental epee tile renin el aati. When he op a te es ey ‘it ractes hr of eR be ML poh eco very TH docot ve it coc wh te vm Dg lhe otal seer wal incre nk yang the Noo fhe RET, ‘Sevan ofthe RL uot aed by tan aap sic npr (Sune doesnt rely within or dfiion of andy ner Never we ‘fiche be Rt our aes wan cen ote mle 1463 Stable Boun ‘sth nat progres to po oe el pr itso yt etc with rosa iol oun nye This haces ty y sien wie weaker sprue absence Aloo he wine owed eel See {comes per rae he nnd so mayer omperstonopte ‘ear nt povaenon tn ced he low te! to cra ee “ie ia aetna, nee eve ote Jet haces wn shears tend generate role Asa seme tece fevers cus ely cht art on nse king aust SL. Brae mnt pa, he ow bse seni Spd a ‘As open o the deine ML wich chery ie pe SBL a pot ‘eincd op tm sy Deno he Rave Fg 10 nd 11), Te op fe Nuts cetnal he ie esl ners be SEL wpe se op he ‘able big where utes Eeny rs aml of sna alse alla eited no ewe ede ide ee vera suger apy orton oui noni fair ee ot, salir kent foo poke plume aig 10, Somes ah when winds ‘elpherthe ctet mana tan sis ns core ‘Was extra very open brit. et ove ow level wind spree cnet ighererecain” Arnon Oe re of 300 sve par nay wach 050.ain mca ee Aner onde nn ve an al prt moun, By, are pe. [Upoter ron cess oasescey aye Bren oo that he wind ped ie sara lotro grseophe vale, The song hears Wei et scan yep change wind eon where lower Sh diesen te hen veiw res "Touching ie gota, however rin order of fw me) lye of alate ce dranage wind. Tete winds we sted by Be cle jee oe rod, flowing abet were nace of prvi. Wind spent os ax gh ft pombe Tr cl ai cols Inthe aly sal epessons and nagnts ere ‘Unranatiyany wear stslon ae ocd in sen valleys, wher te observed ‘Race winds ride eaonthip ote sot cae os ght. "Weems fc ne OLTeogy ahle BL t nly pee pay waves tr nan oop many te igherseueny waves the feind” ertel wave dopureent 100m hve een verve, ahough the Foes ind ed epee ellasos a fly nal and EI Dose "Sh can alo frm dre the day, a langue uneying race cole thas ‘he nr Thete sumone car ring mur advection vera colder sre, ‘eka nam onal pasage onesies. {64 Vietwal Potential Temperatare Bvouton ive he vw port eperae profes rom the pevows bes, sell lpate her pfs in or ene of how te bona ner eves, ‘Sitcndeuntngs wee ae athe ue ce y gs ST enough 6 In Ft 1utee Fig lashows te eating von potest empeaie rofl von, ‘event thee sondngs bowled of he vl pte eerste of any ico ely be pantfthe boundary injer The rae othe Biscay evden ‘Sate ante wa, owl of evil poral empties i ly tuficet for ceeming he sae sy. excepon os rae evden DY ‘paring ne mth ef he RL sth hain emo te ML Boe Ase ede yet the ML conesponds 0 scaly uae a whe the RL consis ‘scaly ono ai ‘One way ound hs pret pros forte clasalcaon of lahat yer i veh pie te fhe nani below he nite ayer fe len ‘pela, ten bot at yperibte jessd th veng atc ae a fcaly ensue Otherwise, nbs njsiaa. A oe pele ‘enn of sate say peered ner, TEsobvioos hash isl potential epee rofl ves win mus ‘he bot of sme pone. Fer exe emake eed ie ep of Be NBL or Int be rey pred dow oto ground dng tig cae of he iid ‘tulece These mole prunes canbe abv andes Klan: downwind ‘eres dang he ie ‘Sr plamen i he Rm pee te pint where he bone fhe pe i the top of he NAL The song state sly and eqn eles in belt ‘duces the dwar ng nt the NBL Toe tp of he tae flame ometimes 0 nts cma th ele Ti calle ote e Fg 1). BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY o.112 Lepeleanei hme crore he opel mene rat ee eee storied arate btee ped i Afr ie new ML begs rom, evenly aching he big of te vated soke sl forthe pew gh, At Ou ie, the etd pots re aed {oem te ru by i eninmens and tbulence in n process tai ald amigaton, A heh lh ces shown aig. An olgos ces Fac144 acelin tipo pts wate a gonrg nse Sree trae ech pss Soe oa ur ‘Sasa nursed 3 vowed tine Fo [MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS 19 cies oturved ear thoes, whee eave soak plumes in able onsale ‘Spear o teste ae etsy fag oma of he sore ‘Shesingovera warmer ono bwnday that sopors ML grow 17 Micrometeorelogy Compared tthe ote sae of terol mesons, bul on te sell ‘nd. Figure LIS tows scion scheme for meteorolgled phesenean 5 feecon then and pace wales. Pheomena suc stl Wh pce let teal than sour 3 km ado ive sales shee han abou I be cased st Icrvcte, Mcromelorlee sth tly of och salsa plenonees. Tis evident eso the boundary ayer ives the dy of rose poser ti reson, boundary Layee meteorology an icromeeraog) re “incalytnenymes Since many oe ey comers] messes ere Ina wir enn sho sands ad tower, mcrmtewlogy Was fet sscated ‘inate ner phenome, Rep of wht you cli he eal sae phenomee ing sad Mere 0 tose ine th seis denon ah fees ah evil cy InSialyinpousibl Ava esl, micemeroralopss have deloped ee pay frensesforerplig tc eee roche nets Sly cry “phenoneoloil chsseoes. Stochestie mestode Seat ith the average sca effet of the ei. {inilrty theory Invlver tbe apparent connmon-beivor exited hy many {Ipirclly seve phesomene, wnen property tele. In he phanomenolonel feos, the ingest sae sowcacs sock a theme re cased nn rode {opened in aly deere meer Mrometoology fas says sell Bey o fll experiments oleae shout he Boandary yer” Usforantely, he re variety of seine ade brevedous vray inh vel ei lr eyo ser ining asbrne ‘ifr ed eo sor ‘Toe eae lg Con hve it te pe fey Fc exerients Only fw gee pupor,ivgeseae Soon pet experinens fave bos onde, ‘Aen sles have used numeric and labortory simulations. Mach of tbe tuetece mrt habeas prom etsy el xing ie ch ‘eter ste wring eum. Afough tere have been sy resi Inbornoy odes of selene rule, tee ave been ony fw simalatons of get Pesomen saci aetermale Wind one ver ve best ed to obrere he ow of Festal boundary ayes over comple tenia and bogs abouph he daly of eating te nhs meat ht pel yen nine Donde ners cos ht beloqtl sul 20 _ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY [MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS _21 ‘Nemes simaon sing gal comps hs ben very populace he 160%, isvony daca Pt were ered Furs ater wih fied es, Most fhe omic sioulatocs employ te tocharie metod of modslieg fais ow ‘Unerunaly, tics known a he corre probln ba er tech hess Imodts has best Been slew oly approximate the governing equsos. wit ‘heerains ieee vias mecesnzy prune tne “Tat same lsu poten hat Uted the aveuer for Peoria! studies mig elo. Fx st pt oy hy Shed proses {ibe nana yer ave ea eae dew seen it aytbig, Dee deals have siete berth sie, he wo of tmerometorlogae. Thee isan tndeyingsarmpon teleology Dat {bry ale phenomena such at rarslence might be espese In pu ee ‘cay ouhigqulty weather feces beyond fen oye Ths pa ie ot {boundary layer metorlogy involves the earch for aceqate turbulence ‘penncestaton whee for per sae psf Me. “Riordan has ome en concer ver eonment Every wees seta td pan modes is envrnmet e hna pein bower, sina poston © ‘meopite h consequences of pln nt le epopeeadon Sine moto he Toopoges snr rested fo ea sre Sees be esi dope tbe pies ited wo boundary Iyer process. AY a res, airplus Inetoralgy st pid form of micrometer. ‘her appicaon scleral meteorloy, whee store espe of ‘ers eesny pat fe gover by ruler: Nectar poeue chs Iw fomuton wernt proved sy ad forcast etd ft eo protection Pop {nd low srancuas, which ht ain pees, ewe onde eet hesomens, Wind gerd power» poplt eer uc for cen, has hd {Reet ncrece inners a wid ies hve tee denged text cherty mee ‘ice rome Dounday ayer wind Caer ache cha ge so lags {oe be desgped to witstand nnd gus porn el ses 1.8 Significance of the Boundary Layer “Tero of ie boundary Iyer ont vest pinto perpetive when we compar, te chasers fhe andr ne nd ee emomphere abe L1). Aas Inponance ef he DL ir hen se lowing sum eo ped ont ores he BL “Daly wea eect de, for and maxim ad imam tempers veuly Boece + Roun eng eB ‘Foseccr win he BI {Sate eit pin and te corneas conde win Aiur ly any gern rest ure of he ue ht hve eld with er uneryig Sree. Basic eee i 22_ BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY Faia TH Conpaaon tora ayer en espe chan exaparsy ——‘Rounaary Lamar me aumasonace Tusenct + Amt coinouay tent» Spon CAT ‘pert Soh “upePocera ae ton tending sptrting «Sate apt cement ‘wry assouen Duyeeen Pde ming «Seat me Poon Ons everaleareser, hve rane wre her ogathe wd seed Mngeneny nop eterna meee Stopes cos ene yap mr ne tine eer i eee es tein te erat re ceca Stombeumane inerbeoncesersieiaes Wee cece etn trian Sepioeantetinctare tetas emn pein nates mate Reece eee ee Seat OT ae eeenec anne “sae artnet tte lint cipnetacreemte naa [MEAN BOUNDARY LAYER CHARACTERISTICS 23 + Wind bins exact eney fom he BL winds 1 Wind seson he sense he inary ener source fer ocean cares ‘VTurbelent repr and advection fn he BL move wer aed orygen fo nd om ‘art fe fee pat, ‘Oct thet coud goo, bat en pine BL. proces ect or ves, decoy nd inet iat infisnce onthe Yes of he went I a book we (tani sone fhe prceties at oc In he BL, develop se heres on ‘hale and show how ty canbe pled to bei kid For ado infrmaton on boundary yes, tubule and micronterly, te ‘ocer Refernnces scien blow i ook deer secondary sous, A fone berdon th end fac cher iss he eccrine hae “Asuna ble of feauely-sed sealing wesales and dvesless group i ives in Appeadie A Append Bliss noution iecleing tevaos, yl and eronyne, Appendix C sve values of Ceqcntysiedparmeters thd conan ‘inal opesces ee pesclyrecece nt x 19 General References ‘Datalence wes, Fro, W nnd TH. Moule, 1977: Handbook of Tblence, Voll, Pander ond “Aplications Pes Press, NY. 198 ‘Goward, BE, and Wal, Tooke, 1995 Waver tm the Aimospher, Aomespheri Midrsound and Gravy waves» thelr Generation and Propagation leet Skene Pa Co. Sp. inne, 10, 1013: Turbulence @ad e®, McGraw-Hill Safes in Mechanica ‘Eagiecing, McGraw Hil Bok Co. NY 7099. uni, and HA. Panay, 1960 The Sone of Atmoapheri Turbulence. ‘Monograph andes Phys und Aomy. Vol atrasece Pay Wey & Sons, NY 239. Monin AS. ard AM. Yl, 1973 Staal Fld Mechales, Vols & 2 Ed ‘by Stn Lmiey The MIT Pree, Cambidpe MA, 2009p, Paoli. HA, snd A. Daton 1964 Ammsphen Turbulence, Model and Methods "for BninceingAppicoons, Wey Aerie, Jah Wiey Sons NY. 379. ‘Scorer RS. 1978 EmlronmenilAeradmamis. Ells Horo, Hae Prete, obn "Wey &'Soes. Londo. 489. ‘Suse, MM, 1985: The Mathes! Theory ofTrblece. Universe, Spins Vern, NY. 2999. ‘empeken it nd JL Laney, 1982: Frat Cre in Tarlence Qed Bd). The MET "ren Catidge MA ip. ‘owntend, AA, 1976: The Suche of Turbulent Sher Fow ed E4). Cmbige ‘Unveriy Preah, Camp, Engi. 4999 ‘ion, D1, 1977 Pyle! ad Dymancs, Var Nonean Riso, NY. 36299, ‘Turer, 15.1973: BuayanyEfecs x Fu, Cabge Use Pres 257pp.

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