Title: Operation of Fortune Hongkong Seafood Restaurant Researchers

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Researchers: Jenifer Reyes

Kimberly Basa

Marjorie Ramos

Michelle Donita Taluba

Princess Mary Oria

Edry Ann Rosario

Darlyn Joy Bautista

Christine Haresco

Urica Kempis

Course: Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant


Adviser: Dr. Carmelo John E. Vidal, MP, Ph.D.

Background of the Study

Food is a basic necessity. The industry which deals with preparing food items/product refers to
the food service industry. Attracting a huge of crowd to restaurant or fast require more than just
good food. The fortune Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant in the food service industry is significant
to the study of the researcher on how does the entity manage the competition incomes of food
service. the entity allow the researchers to take the study regarding on how they satisfy their
customer needs.

The Fortune Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant in the food service industry is significant to the
study of the researcher on how does the entity manage the competition incomes of food
Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the status operation and problems of Fortune Hong Kong
Seafood Restaurant in Dagupan City in order to have a basis for improving the Business.

Specifically the investigation pursued to answer the following questions:

1.) What is the current status of Operation of Fortune Hong Kong Seafood
Restaurant in Dagupan City in terms of:

a.) Management Aspect

b.) Marketing Aspect; and,

c.) Technical Aspect?

2.) What problems are encountered in the restaurant operation of Fortune Hong
Kong Seafood Restaurant

3.) What are the proposed measures to improve the restaurant operation of
fortune Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant?

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