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Fact Ideas Learning Action Solution

1.The group has a myriad1. 1.Organizational provides i.How will it motivates 1.creating a work
of initiatives in place for meaningful and exciting employees? environment that fosters Companies like Facebook and
Google becoming famous for
women to create a workplace. ii.How will performance be motivation are the wants and
offering quirky employee perks,
meaningful and exciting 2. 2.Organizational measured? needs of the individual many other major employers have
workplace experience encourages healthy iii. Will employees perceive employees. followed suit. Some major
which accelerates their lifestyles. the rewards as valued? ( employers now offer perks from
career growth and 3. 3. Fair environment/ No /what-people-want-from- yoga, free meals and paid day care
productivity while gender bias. work-motivation) to quirk offices to engage and
empowering them to excite their employees such as
integrate work and life, 2. organization will become a Mind Candy with their bright
smoothly. These include healthy, safe and happy slide connecting the two floors
excellent facilities and workplace with simple and a climbable tree house!
offerings such as flexible actions that employees made
work arrangements, gym to change themselves. The 2. Employees who eat healthy all
for ladies, various health workplace will be day long were 25 percent more
and wellness programmes transformed into a healthier likely to have higher job
and special car park environment. The image of performance, the study found,
arrangements for pregnant the organization will improve. while those who eat five or more
women, amongst others 3. Some employees at this servings of fruit and vegetables at
stage can become active least four times a week were 20
percent more likely to be more
change agents to influence
productive.In addition, employees
friends, families and personal who exercise for at least 30
networks to adopt healthy minutes, three times a week, were
lifestyle practices. 15 percent more likely to have
(Promoting a Healthy higher job performance.Overall,
Lifestyle at the Workplace, absenteeism was 27 percent lower
World Health Organisation) for those workers who ate healthy
and regularly exercised and that
their job performance was 11
percent higher than their peers
who were obese, the study found.

2. And, if you are mother 1.Providing a suitable i.How will performance be 1.When the employer’s focus
with young children, you work measured? is on the work being done, the
will be impressed with arrangement to help them employees can focus on benefits-for-working-parents
their 12-month maternity re-focus. ii. Will employees perceive meeting deadlines and
benefit (yes! you read that 2. Understanding the the rewards as valued? producing good work - not on
right), a wellequipped, needs of working iii. How strong this factor watching the clock tick the PaidLeave
need-based childcare parents. influence the loyalty of seconds until it’s time to go Longer and broader paid parental
leave continues to trend up this
centre, lactation and 3. Ease the burden of employees? home. The luxury of the
year, with more and more
breastfeeding rooms as childcare cost of nontraditional employers covering both
well as flexible work employee. schedule reduces stress - and mothers and fathers, after birth,
arrangements and 4. Translated to peace of when stress doesn’t get in the adoption, surrogacy and for foster
childcare allowance. mind and increase in way, your startup will benefit. care. In addition, many employers
productivity are now also expanding how and
2. Providing support is a key when employees can take their
piece of the employee leave, often allowing leave to be
engagement as when taken consecutively or flexibly
employees feel like they’re during the first year or so. But
actively supported by their that’s not where the creativity
ends. Some employers, like
employer—both in the office
PricewaterhouseCoopers, are
and out—they’re far more offering an additional leave
likely to stick around. allowance for parents who already
3. Corporate child care have a child at home.
programs may decrease And Amazon offers Leave Share
employee absence and reduce benefit where employees may
employee turnover . share their paid leave with a
(https://benefitsbridge.unitedc working spouse or partner whose
employee-burden) employer does not offer it.
4.Offering corporate day care
benefits is a recruitment tool “School’s Out” Care Programs
when hiring top-notch As any parent can attest, the
employees. school and work calendars can
feel comically mismatched. In
response, employers like Genentech are getting
care-programs-ease- creative with on-site care for those
employee-burden hard-to-fill gaps in coverage,
particularly for employee’s
school-aged children. Their suite
of care benefits even includes a
company-run summer camp, and
other “School’s Out”
programs.For those who can’t
swing an on-site summer camp,
fear not – there are plenty of ways
to help employees find and
manage their summer
care arrangements.

Taking Care of Business (Trips)

A few years ago, we began to see
organizations offering nursing
mothers the chance to bring baby
along for business travel.
Increasingly this year, more
organizations, like USAA, are
offering reimbursement for travel-
related child care to all
employees. Professional
conferences, from the
entertainment industry to
academia, have stepped up to
make finding child care in a new
city more manageable for parents
who travel for work.
Peer-nominated Awards
Peer review time has taken on a
new meaning at American
Express, where they’re
combatting caregiving stigma in
the workplace by honoring those
who provide it. Each year, peers
nominate a working
parent/caregiver from American
Express. The winner
receives “special recognition and
10,000 Blue Awards points,
redeemable for merchandise and
gift cards.”

3.Recently, Maybank 1.To facilitate mothers i.How will performance be 1.Fifty-five percent of
announced a year-long who are returning to measured? working parents in New On- and Off-Ramp Programs
maternity benefit, believed work. ii. Will employees perceive Hampshire strongly agreed or Count Salesforce
to be the first of its kind in 2. Keeping an experience the rewards as valued? somewhat agreed that the and Amazon among the
Malaysia, to facilitate staff by being flexible. iii. How strong this factor main reason they are staying companies now offering
mothers who are returning 3.Help to integrate work influence the loyalty of in their job is because of the innovative programs that help
to work. Under the and life. employees? flexibility it offers. Twenty- new moms and dads ease back
scheme, mothers can three percent passed up a into work following parental
choose to take the usual promotion for a better job leave. Salesforce allows
three-month paid because of uncertainty of employees to return to work on
maternity leave or extend being able to negotiate job a four-days/week schedule for
four weeks. And Amazon’s Ramp
another three months on flexibility
Back program lets new birth
half-pay. 2. Some working parents mothers or primary caregivers
appear to be making a trade-
off between holding a flexible choose up to eight weeks of
job and having access to paid flexible time and a range of part-
leave benefits. For example, time options.
parents working part-time
have more job flexibility but
less access to paid leave, BackupCare
Increasingly, organizations are
while the inverse is true for
recognizing that backup care – for
parents working full-time. children and adults – is a must-
3.Working parents’ reports of have benefit. Companies
job flexibility increased the like Akamai are reaping the
longer they have been with an benefits of less stressed, more
organization. productive employees,
(https://www.thebalancecaree while working toward greater employee diversity and higher
employee-benefits-in- retention and recruitment rates.
recruitment). Lactation Support
Companies offering a breast milk
shipping service for traveling,
nursing mothers made headlines a
few years ago, and we’re happy to
see more organizations continue
to follow this trend in 2018. In
addition, more companies are
providing access to lactation
consultants. Another great perk:
at EY, free hospital-grade pumps
are part of the benefits to new

4. Interestingly, Maybank 1. Encourage creativity i.How will performance be 1.employee creativity has
is also probably the only and self development shown significant positive 1.How Successful Organizations
institution that allows its of employees. measured? relation with organization
employees to go on 2. Employee can grow innovation capability and Maximize Employee
sabbatical leave and and discover their ii.Will employees perceive firm performance. Strengths (Paul O'Keefe)
assume other jobs, perhaps potential. the rewards as valued? (Measuring Employee
even start their own 3. The letting go of Creativity and its Impact (http://connect.edgetrainingsystem
iii. How this factor influence
business or engage in an employee with some on Organization
the loyalty of employees? organizations-maximize-
employment which is not backup. Innovation Capability
in conflict with the interest and Performance in the
of the bank Banking Sector of Strengths are Hardwired into
Pakistan- Department of the Brain and Give the
Commerce, Bahauddin Greatest Return on
Zakariya University, Investment
Multan, Pakistan)
The reality is that each person has
unique talents that are strongly
2.Employees who are wired into the neural network of
encouraged to develop the brain through the building of
and use their strengths dense synaptic structures. These
are more engaged and areas of strength present as
loyal. They perform behaviors that are performed well
better, produce more, and with ease. Conversely, each
learn their roles quicker person has certain behaviors that
are weakly wired into the neural
and more positively
network with fewer, thinner
affect their organization's synaptic structures - areas of
profits. weakness. Weaknesses are
performed with difficulty and
more effort. Those neural
(http://connect.edgetrainingsy networks that have dense synaptic structures (strengths) grow the
successful-organizations- most and the best.
strengths) The opposite is true for
weaknesses, which do not grow
3.Loyal employees may
someday leave, but while well. Any investment into a
they work for you they strength will grow that trait
do their best and often tremendously; whereas,
even put the company's investments in weaker traits may
interests ahead of their not yield the same level
of growth.
In the workplace, this means that
( focusing on and developing
the strengths of your employees
can be more effective than trying
remarkably-loyal- to fix, grow or improve their
employees.html) weaknesses. Understanding this,
you realize its imperative to
consider how organizations
maximize their employees'

With that said, the amount of

effort you put into developing
your employees' strengths and
weaknesses should depend on
how those traits fit with your
company and how they will help
each individual grow as an
employee and person. In many
cases, even though the weaker
traits may prove harder to
develop, growing those areas
could provide personal or
professional value.

Know Employee Strengths and

Make Sure They Know
Them, Too

Focusing on employee strengths is

one way organizations maximize
those strengths. As a leader, you
must know the strengths and
positive attributes of your
employees in order to maximize
them and best utilize opportunities
for growth. Unfortunately, many
people do not know their own
strengths or they have an
inaccurate perception of them. It
is helpful to have your employees
take a “talent assessment” or
“strengths evaluation.”

Employees who know their own

strengths are more productive and
engaged. In
fact, simply learning about their
strengths and positive
characteristics makes
employees 7.8% more productive,
and strengths-focused teams are
12.5% more productive.

Success comes easily for

individuals when they're
functioning in their strength areas.
Make sure to reward them for it.
Giving verbal praise and glowing
feedback, particularly when it is
in front of others, is a tremendous
motivator. Verbal praise and
positive feedback strongly affects
motivation and workplace
satisfaction. Being rewarded or
praised creates positive chemicals
within the brain that spur
individuals to continue
functioning in the way that earned
them the praise in the first place.
People like to do well, and they
like to receive praise for it – it’s as
simple as that.

Another way to recognize and

materialize employee strengths is
through an Employee Skills
Assessment. If you have already
administered one, make sure
you’re acting upon it. Once
you’ve instituted the practice of
utilizing a skills test, you’ll be
pleased with the insight such an
assessment provides. Also,
remember to assess your new
hires in order to find the best fit,
and reassess your veteran
employees every few years in
order to see if anything has

2. Southwest Airlines

The airline industry is often

mocked for grumpy employees
and poor customer service, but
Southwest Airlines bucks those
trends. Customers loyal to
Southwest often point to happy
and friendly employees who try
hard to help.

Southwest isn’t new to the game.

It’s been in operation for 43 years.
Yet somehow, during all that time,
the company has managed to
communicate its goals and vision
to employees in a way that makes
them a part of a unified team.
Southwest also gives employees
“permission” to go that extra mile
to make customers happy,
empowering them to do what they
need to do to meet that vision.

Employees who are convinced of

a larger common goal are people
who are excited to be part of a
larger purpose.

Benefits and compensation are the two vital parts of employees what they get in return by the service that they provide to their employers. It is
necessary to know whether the employees undervalue the cost of benefits that they are provided as an employer. In each and every organization
people work for to get something in return or they expect something after completion of their work form employers. We must have heard a
common phrase: give and take. We must always things to people in exchange for what you give them. Compensation refers to this exchange, but
in monetary terms.It's just the monetary value that employers exchange for their employees with the services that employees provided.

Human Resource Management defines compensation in these words "employee compensation refers to all forms of remuneration to workers and
arising from their employment." The expression ' all forms of remuneration "in the definition does not include any non-financial benefits, but all
the direct and indirect financial compensation. (Gary Dessler, 1976).

Workers today are not prepared to work just for the money apart from money they expect some other benefits. This is known as extra employee
benefits. Also known as fringe benefits, employee benefits are non-financial form of compensation offered in addition to cash salary to
employees to enrich life.

What benefits would the company offer to its employees? Problem arises when we begin to decide what to give to whom and on what basis?
Employee benefits are not performance-based, they are membership-based. Workers receive benefits regardless of their performances. Employee
benefits as a whole have no direct influence on the performance of employee, however, insufficient benefits contribute to the satisfaction of the
low level and absenteeism and turnover in workers increase. (DeCenzo and Robbins; 2007). So we must carefully design our benefit package. A
well-designed compensation and benefits plan helps attract motivate and retain talent in the company. A well-designed compensation & benefits
plan will benefit in many ways.

We can see that showing our employees how much we value them and their contribution any day of the year make their day. No occasion is
necessary. In fact, small surprises and tokens of our appreciation spread throughout the year help the people in our work life feel valued by us all
year long.

The most wanted benefits include flextime and remote work opportunities, corporate recreation centers and gym memberships, free food or
catered meals, mentoring and development programs, and casual dress codes. Based on the article that we read, we conclude that benefits and
perks are directly tied to generational values of recruits. In terms of recruitment, oftentimes the types of employee benefits that will matter the
most has a lot to do with the generation of talent the company is trying to attract. Employees who tend to stay on a job 4 years or less, are more
concerned with experiencing a good balance between life and work, and they prioritize such perks as tuition reimbursement, flexible work
schedules, and free onsite wellness support.

In conclusion, to retain, attract and motivate the employees required for high levels of performance the human capital plan it adopts must
contribute to its success. The direct compensation program and strategy utilization must be fitting the context and contributing to organizational
effectiveness. The rate of the pay must be fair, perceived and competitive as appropriate by all companies. If the management of the any company
believes pay rate above the market averages for some or all employment produce benefits it must paying above market averages for some or all
occupations produce benefits it must influence those benefits resulting against the costs. There are a number of options open if the company
believes paying for performance fits the organization's context and provides more advantages than the disadvantages. The resources which are
available in the organization for example; management skills, money, freedom from regulatory/citizen intervention etc should be a main concern,
and one that should be measured early in negotiations. The effect on workforce is also a critical concern.



5. Measuring Employee Creativity and its Impact on Organization Innovation Capability and Performance in the Banking Sector of
Pakistan- Department of Commerce, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan



9. How Successful Organizations Maximize Employee Strengths (Paul O'Keefe) (




22 JULY 2018



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