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UNIANOVA Bilirubin BY Waktu Ulangan

/DESIGN=Waktu Ulangan.

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Waktu 0 Segera 7
2 2 Jam 7
4 4 Jam 7
6 6 Jam 7
8 8 Jam 7
Ulangan 1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 5

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Bilirubin Total
Waktu Ulangan Mean Std. Deviation N
Segera 1 1,0500 . 1
2 ,7200 . 1
3 1,7200 . 1
4 ,8600 . 1
5 ,9500 . 1
6 ,6700 . 1
7 ,6700 . 1
Total ,9486 ,36984 7
2 Jam 1 1,0300 . 1
2 ,7000 . 1
3 1,6700 . 1
4 ,8400 . 1
5 ,9300 . 1
6 ,6400 . 1
7 ,6400 . 1
Total ,9214 ,36200 7
4 Jam 1 1,0000 . 1
2 ,7100 . 1
3 1,6400 . 1
4 ,8400 . 1
5 ,9200 . 1
6 ,6500 . 1
7 ,6400 . 1
Total ,9143 ,34794 7
6 Jam 1 1,0500 . 1
2 ,6800 . 1
3 1,6300 . 1
4 ,8100 . 1
5 ,9100 . 1
6 ,6200 . 1
7 ,6300 . 1
Total ,9043 ,35664 7
8 Jam 1 1,0200 . 1
2 ,7100 . 1
3 1,6000 . 1
4 ,8600 . 1
5 ,8900 . 1
6 ,6300 . 1
7 ,6300 . 1
Total ,9057 ,33857 7
Total 1 1,0300 ,02121 5
2 ,7040 ,01517 5
3 1,6520 ,04550 5
4 ,8420 ,02049 5
5 ,9200 ,02236 5
6 ,6420 ,01924 5
7 ,6420 ,01643 5
Total ,9189 ,33402 35

Levene's Test of Equality of Error

Dependent Variable: Bilirubin Total
F df1 df2 Sig.
. 34 0 .
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of
the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + Waktu + Ulangan

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Bilirubin Total
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 3,785a 10 ,379 1111,732 ,000
Intercept 29,550 1 29,550 86791,519 ,000
Waktu ,009 4 ,002 6,659 ,001
Ulangan 3,776 6 ,629 1848,448 ,000
Error ,008 24 ,000
Total 33,344 35
Corrected Total 3,793 34
a. R Squared = ,998 (Adjusted R Squared = ,997)

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