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INSTRUCTION : Answer ONE question from each theme.

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for each answer. You may use diagrams to answer the questions given.


1. Adam and Tom are walking in the same direction around a circular table and
counting chairs. They begin their counts with different chairs. Tom’s twentieth
chair is Adam’s fourth chair, while Tom’s tenth chair is Adam’s forty-sixth
chair. How many chairs are there at the table?

2. A lumberjack chopped wood, each time cutting a piece of wood in half. When
he finished he observed that after making 53 cuts he had 72 pieces of wood.
With how many pieces did he begin?



The rectangle shown in the picture was divided into squares

with different side lengths. The areas of some of these squares
are given. What is the area of the entire rectangle?


The squares shown in the picture are formed by

sections of segment AB (AB = 24 cm) and by the
line segments AA1A2A3…A11A12B. Find the length
of AA1A2A3…A11A12B.

1. Let S be the number of squares among the integers from 1 to 2013 6.

Let Q be the number of cubes among the same integers.
Find the relationship between S and Q.

2. Use algebraic relationship to answer this question:

Matthew is catching fish. If he had caught three times as many fish as he

actually did, he would have 52 more fish than he does. How many fish did he

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