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The best dumbbell exercise for women

Fitness is an ultimate goal of today. In fact, numbers of men and women who have weekend
commitments to gym continue to rise. It is now obvious that physical fitness becomes one of the
life goals everyone wants to achieve. Noted specially are women who cares much about their

You can achieve your fitness figure in gyms with equipments and personal trainers. But you
don't necessarily have to collect all the fancies of workout equipments. It's quite expensive to
invest in gym equipments. And with little free time, you might get the greatest hassle in

When you're at home and short in workout time, weights have your back for your fitness goal.
Simplify your workout habits with satisfying results using a dumbbell or two. In this case, you
can easily achieve your dream shape on your fitness goals in just a short period of time.

All you need for your fitness goal is to increase and maintain right muscle mass. Resistance
exercises such as lifting dumbbell is the best way to build muscle mass. But given this fact,
numbers of women who's into lifting is extremely low. They tend to do cardiovascular exercises
that may also make you lose your fat and muscle mass.

Benefits of dumbbell excercise for women

People often think that lifting weights like dumbbells only means to add size and to bulk up. It's
not always the case. Below listed are the leading benefits of dumbbell exercises.

More effective fat loss. The greatest benefit of this exercise in your body is the ability to burn
excess fat during and after dumbbell exercises. After extensive training, you continue to
consume additional oxygen. This process requires more caloric expenditure and an increased
metabolic rate. In this process, fat is burnt out.

Curves. As you build muscles, your body starts to shape like an hourglass. Endurance
exercises can also help you shed weight. But the weight you lose in endurance exercise
consists of both fat and muscle tissue. Losing both can lose your curve. Dumbbell excercise can
help you create and maintain them.

Quality sleep. A study suggests that morning resistance training greatly improves the quality of
sleep. It also lengthens the time of sleep. It also helps you to fall asleep quickly without the
hassle of waking up in the middle of the night.
Increased energy. Another study suggests that the increase in energy consumption after a
short workout may cause efficient energy balance and fast oxidation. Dumbbell exercises can
increase your energy expenditure. Thus, unleashing amount of energy.

Heart health. Lifting dumbbells can reduce risk of heart disease. A study shows that those who
undergoes resistance trainings are less prone to health risk factors. Some common risk factors
are high blood pressure and high glucose level.

Bone health. As you age, the risk of losing muscle and bone mass increases. Women who
reached their postmenopausal stage are also at high risk of osteoporosis. This is caused by the
body's inability to secrete oestrogen. Dumbbell exercises is a great way to fight bone mass loss.
The earlier you begin weightlifting, the greater chance of maintained bone health later in life.

Stress relief and mind refreshing. Researchers found out that those who often strength train
tends to manage stress better. Resistance training studies on elders shows that moderate
intensity weightlifting improves memory and cognitive function.

Best dumbbell exercises for women

The library of dumbbell exercises have a great range of uses. It includes almost all bodyweight
movement and dumbbell movement. Besides, there's no other at-home and portable workout
equipment that recommend more highly that a set of dumbbell.

The list below is mixed of functional movement like the front squats and deadlifts with targeted
specific dumbbell exercises like biceps curl.

Stuffed legged deadlifts. Stands with your feet hip distance apart and your tires pointing
forward. With your palms facing inwards, hold a pair of dumbbell. Keep your chest broad and
core stiff as you bend your knees slightly. Then view forward keeping a flat back.

Shift your hips back allowing the dumbbells to freely slide down your legs. Bring each dumbbells
front head to ground. This is the deadlift's starting position. To lift the dumbbells up, keep you
back and core stiff and tight. Do this as you press through your feet to stand up the same way
you bow down.

Try 5 sets of 10 repetition. You may change the weight of the dumbbells. But remember to figure
in maintaining your good form before increasing your weight.

Dumbbell clean. From the deadlift's starting position, press through your feet. Once the
dumbbells pass the knee line, jump the dumbbells to your shoulders with palms facing inwards.
This is possible by squeezing your legs and quickly pulling your elbows under. The dumbbells
should land on your shoulders in a front rack position.

Try 3 sets of 15 repetition with light to medium set of weights.

Box step up. This is best for improving your balance as well as your core and leg strength.

To perform this, you will need a box which is between 15 to 20 inches. The dimension is optional
as long as it is at a height where when you put your foot, the knee is inline with the hips. Hold
your dumbbells by your side. Step onto the box by your right foot, keeping your chest stiff. Then,
step your left foot down.

Alternate your step up through each set. Try 3 set of 20 repetition a light to medium weight set
of dumbbells.

Front squats. Grab a pair of light dumbbells and bring it up to your shoulders. In this position,
your elbows should point forward in a stiff front rack position.

Bring your feet into squat position. Your toes should point forward and feet laid down flat on
ground. Start shifting your hips back and down like a squat.

At the bottom of deep squat, your chest and elbows should be relaxed and your heels laid down
flat on the floor. Try 5 sets to 10 repetitions.

Lunge. Stand with your feet hip distance apart while holding 2 light dumbbells. Keep your torso
stiff and core tight.

Step your right foot backwards. As you bring your right foot down the ground, your left knee
support is above your left ankle. Then, lunge your left foot to bring yourself back to the first

Repeat on the other side. Try 5 sets of 10 repetition.

Bent row. Stand and hold a pair of medium weight dumbbells. Bend your knees partially as you
bow forwards at the hips.

Let the dumbbells hand in front of your knees just right under your shoulders. Turn your palms
facing inward. With a flat back and a strong core, lift the dumbbells up to your shoulder. Do it as
you pull your elbows up pointing the ceiling. Afterwards, return to starting position.

Try 4 sets of 7 repetition.

Renegade row. With 2 light dumbbells, do the push up or plank position. Separate feet to no
less than the hip distance.

Press down through the dumbbells while keeping a strong and active core and legs. Still holding
the dumbbells, draw your right thumb to the front of your right shoulder to pull up the dumbbell
from the ground. Place the dumbbell back and repeat with the other side.

Do it alternating sides for 3 sets of 10 repetition.

Biceps curl. Stand stiff with a pair of dumbbell. You should keep your core tight and your
shoulders relaxed away from ears. Your palms should face outward.
Lift your dumbbells to the front of your shoulders one at a time. Afterwards, return to starting

Alternate the right and left sides for 6 sets of 10 repetition with a medium dumbbell.

Bench press. You need a box or bench to lie on in order to perform this exercises. Sit on the
bench with your feet laid down flat on the floor. Put the dumbbells with each bottom heads to
your thighs. Lie back and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders Roth palms inwards facing the

Begin to press the dumbbells up toward the ceiling as you keep you shoulder blades laid down
flat on the bench and feet on floor. Bring back the dumbbells down to your shoulders.

Try 3 sets of 8 repetition.

Strict shoulder press. Stand stiff with a pair of light dumbbell. Bring your dumbbells to your
shoulders with proms facing inwards. Set your feet apart in no less than hip distance. Keep your
core tight and legs strong.

Press the dumbbells overhead and finish with your biceps aligned with the ears.

Try 3 sets of 8 repetition.

Dumbbell workout for women

These are numbers of ways to create your dumbbell workout. The best workout we prefer for
women involves both dynamic upper and lower body.

Activities such as running out burpees will help you increase overall core strength and stability
and cardiovascular fitness.

Each of the workouts below can be scaled to make the work out easier by changing the weights
of dumbbells or how many repetitions to take.

Dumbbell workout for women No. 1:

This first preferred workout includes a few dumbbell exercises for effective fat mass loss like the
dumbbell front squat and dumbbell lunges. It also includes a few dumbbell exercises for your
shoulders and back. This type of time domain allows you to rest within each minute intervals. If
you are not completing the recommended set amount of reps with at least 15 seconds of rest
before the next minute, reduce the amount of reps by atleast 5.

20 minute time frame

1st minute: 15x front squat dumbbell

2nd minute: 10x renegade row dumbbell

3rd minute: 15x stiff-legged deadlift dumbbells

4th minute: 10x strict shoulder press dumbbell

5th: 15x burpee

*At the top of minute 6, repeat 1st minute exercise

Dumbbell workout for women No. 2:

This second preffered workout includes a few dumbbell exercise focuses on women’s chest,
arms and shoulders. Depending on your fitness level, perform 3–4 rounds of the following
workout. Focus on performing the proper form throughout each movement and each round. If
form starts to break, reduce the number of reps per round or select a lighter set of weights.

4 rounds:

7x push-up on a pair of dumbbells

8x dumbbell fly

9x renegade row

10x dumbbell front squat plus shoulder press


Dumbbells are one of the most accessible and portable gym equipment at home. They allow
you to customize workouts according to your physical fitness. Also in consideration are target
areas that are weak or unstable and promote balance and symmetry the body.

On the other side, we want to make sure we are doing the exercises correctly when performing
any dumbbell workouts and with proper form to prevent muscle injuries.

1. Always consider warm-up. Many people often ignore warm-ups as they don’t see the
benefit it adds. A good warm-up promotes increase in your heart rate and blood circulation,
warms up group of muscles and prepares your mind for the upcoming workout load. Ignoring
warm-up can lead to movement imbalances, injuries and a grumpie workout performance. So,
before you start your workout, it is advised to take at least 7-10 minutes of warm-up.
2. During the warm-up, execute movements without other weight. As part of your warm-up
routine, do the movements in your workout without other weight. Once you are ready and warm,
begin to move with weight.

3. Practice with lighter dumbbells. Dumbbells are an amazing workout equipnent. But when
you use dumbbells that are too heavy, it increases the chances of practicing improper form and
can lead to injury. By choosing a lighter set of dumbbells, your building good movement routine
while learning what weight is appropriate for your workout.

4. Don’t forget to keep your core tight and stiff. Almost all dumbbell exercises needs you to
stabilize your core before performing the lift. It is one of many reasons why working with
dumbbells is so beneficial. By focusing on your core during your workout, you will make sure
you’re executing the movement with proper and safe form.


These dumbbell exercises are beginner-friendly and assures versatility in both accessibility and
movements. They also offer athletes and ordinary people the chance to work unilaterally to
improve strength and coordination both sides.

And with the library of exercises you can do with dumbbells, it’s a must have piece of gym
equipment for everyone especially those beginners.

Happy lifting ladies!

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