Staff Meeting

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Staff Meeting , Term 3 week 2, Wednesday , 02/07/18 , Time 4:20 Pm

Present – Sr Elmira, Sr Nada, Sr Jasminder, Sr Hadijah , Sr Dilsahd, Sr Ediah, Br Edwin, Sr Belinda, Br

Mohammed, , Br Deniz, Sr Allyson, Sr Shaima, Sr Edma and Sr Bianca
Apology – Srs Nese & Br Abdulsalam
Absent – (Yard Duty?), Srs Surangi, Br Omar,
Duaa –
Water Fountain – Parafied Gardens water system will be changing to a new system which allows cold,
hot and extra hot water. This is already present at Elizabeth campus and will now be implemented
into the Parafield Gardens campus. The Elizabeth Campus originally found the water to taste funny,
however after changing the filter system there has been no complaints. - No action required
Term Planners
Br Deniz would like to send gratitude to staff at both campuses as he did not receive any
reports/complaints from Sr Nada or Sr Abida. Sr Nada and Sr Abida will have comments/feedback
once they have checked planners.
Book Week- Date of book week – not confirmed yet due to a variety of factors e.g. EID, absences of
staff etc. Possibility - Book week parade may be postponed until week 6 due to the short week in week
5. This will be confirmed later. Classroom door decorations will still be occurring – a prize will be given
to both campuses to the best decorated door. Book Fair- may be in week 6 to due to EID as well.
Open day/ Eid Festival – intentions to make it an open day at the Parafield Gardens Campus. Staff
from Elizabeth campus will come to the Parafield Gardens campus. Staff will be asked to prepare
something for the parents/display etc.

EID- possibly on the 21st, the leadership will announce the Eid holiday. Eid Festival organised by IICSA
will be one day event on the 26th. Staff are asked to prepare something and let leadership know ASAP,
so they can organise time /dates and notify parents etc.

Spelling Club – Sr Nese absent so Br Deniz will follow up

Enrolment Form – Previously it was asked if the enrolment form asked parents if students require ESL
etc. Br Deniz showed staff the current enrolment form which had questions as such. However, staff
would like to know if we could get more questions such as Special Education and if previous diagnosis
AOB- Recyclying Bin : could Kafya please be contacted for a recycling bin in the staff room and the front
office. Please also ask the other campus as they may need recycling bins as well. ACTION REQUIRED:
Br Deniz would like to remind staff of professionalism towards each other.
Specialist teachers – Please ensure specialist teachers have access to adequate space / desk space for
when they use your classroom. Additionally, if specialist teachers are using the classroom please leave
them to teach. As it would be disrupting/ uncomfortable for the staff member. Please note that all
staff are equal, and nobody is less valuable than the others.
Communication – the way we communicate with each other, the way we talk to each other has been
noticed again. Please remember that nobody is superior or better than anybody else. For instance, if
you are asked to change something in your term planner – they are only asking you because it is in
their limits for their job. It means that you need to make changes etc. This was just a random example
and not targeted at anyone. Please ensure the tone we use towards each other is appropriate and not
demeaning. Along with the language we use e.g. report to me, try and use more friendly language e.g.
let me know or fill me in.
School Counsellor Forms– a concern regarding the large number of parents responding to ‘no’ to the
consent of students seeing counsellor. Clarification with Sr Chinar is needed.

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