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Microsoft Project Server and the Internet
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Security Settings and Recommendations for the Extranet
Feature Limitations of Microsoft Project Server in the Extranet
This article describes how Microsoft Project Server can be best configured to work on the extranetan intranet that is partially
accessible to authorized outsiders. While an intranet resides behind a firewall and is accessible only to authorized users in an
organization, an extranet can provide access to outsiders. Microsoft Project Server is not designed for the Internet that is, it cannot
be hosted and accessed by anonymous users like or any other Internet Web page.
This article also discusses certain feature limitations on the extranet, and special steps required to enable certain features such as
Portfolio Analyzer to work on the Internet. You should note that some of these same recommendations are probably valid for
cross-domain scenarios, not just for the extranet.
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Security Settings and Recommendations for the Extranet
This section will explain recommended security settings for Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Internet Information Services
(IIS) when opening Microsoft Project Server to the extranet. This section will also explain recommendations for running Microsoft
Project Server in the most secure way on the extranet.
Much of the information below may already be in the Microsoft Project Server Setup documentation and in the Help file,
Pjsvr10.chm, which comes on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD. However, we will highlight things that we should
recommend again:
Use Secure Socket Layers (SSL)this will encrypt information traveling between the client and the server. For details on how
to set up SSL, see the Setting up SSL on Your Server article on the Windows 2000 Server Documentation Web site.
It is recommended that you implement Windows Authentication only; Windows authentication is more secure than
Microsoft Project Server Authentication. To implement Windows authentication, you will need to change the Administrator
account in Microsoft Project Server to a Windows Authorized account.
To change the Administrator account in Microsoft Project Server to a Windows Authorized account
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an Administrator.
2. Click Admin, and on the Administration overview page, click Manage Users and Groups.
3. Select Administrator from the drop-down list box, and click Modify User.
4. On the Modify User page, select the Windows Authentication, using the Windows User Account option button.
5. Type the user name in the Windows User Account box, enter the e-mail name in the E-mail box, enter the user name in
the User Name box, and click Save Changes.
Note: If you are using Windows Authentication only, you must select Basic authentication for the Microsoft Project Server virtual
root, for the Msadcs.dll in the MSADC virtual directory, and for the SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft virtual directory. If
you cannot use Integrated Windows authentication only, use Microsoft Project Server authentication; you will need to select
Anonymous Access for the items just mentioned.
You may want to require Microsoft Project to authenticate to Microsoft Project Server before publishing. This is the default setting
during Microsoft Project Server Setup when you select "Microsoft Project Professional 2002" in the "Choose a version of
Microsoft Project" step. If you select "Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and/or Microsoft Project 2000," any user can publish
information to Microsoft Project Server without authentication. However, if you are in a Microsoft Project Standard 2002
environment where you don't work with Microsoft Project 2000, you can still require authenticationby doing this, Microsoft
Project adds a layer of security. Also, if you choose the latter option and are not using Microsoft Project 2000, you should also
clear the Anonymous access box for the Pjdbcomm.dll in ISAPI virtual directory of Microsoft Project Server (you will do this in
IIS). One word of cautionyou should not do this if Microsoft Project 2000 needs to connect to Microsoft Project Server. In that
case, once you migrate all users to Microsoft Project 2002, you can proceed with these steps.
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Feature Limitations of Microsoft Project Server in the Extranet
The most prominent feature that is not supported in the extranet is that of Microsoft Project Professional 2002 saving data to the
enterprise database. Microsoft Project Professional saves to the enterprise database by using Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC). This does not work over the extranet, unless a particular port is opened for the Microsoft SQL Server database (see
"Saving Projects to Microsoft Project Server Over the Extranet [Microsoft Project Professional Only]," below).
Note: Microsoft Project Standard can publish projects to Microsoft Project Server in the extranet. The workaround for Microsoft
Project Professional users is to use the offline functionality to save a project offline, work on it, and then connect back to the
network to save the changes back to the enterprise database.
Portfolio Analyzer in the Extranet
Portfolio Analyzer overview
With the new Portfolio Analyzer, users can quickly query information across their portfolios. This tool enables users to view
project and resource information conveniently, in a variety of ways as a PivotTable, as a chart, or both.
The Portfolio Analyzer view provides executives and functional managers with easy access to detailed information about their
projects and resources. This feature supports fast and powerful analysis capabilities using data directly from Microsoft Project
Server. The analyses can then be used to support fundamental project-related business decisions.
To deliver this functionality, Microsoft Project uses Office Web Components (OWC). These are a collection of Microsoft ActiveX
controls designed to let users publish fully interactive worksheets, charts, PivotTable reports, and databases to the Web. When
users view a Web page that contains an OWC, they can interact with the data displayed in that document directly in Microsoft
Internet Explorer, as long as they have a license for the OWCs on their system. Users can sort, filter, add, or change data, expand
and collapse detail views, work with PivotTable lists, and chart the results of their changes.
The OWCs provide a common set of functions that can be accessed from several Microsoft Office applications, for example,
Microsoft Excel 2002, Microsoft FrontPage 2002, and now Microsoft Project Professional or Microsoft Project Web Access.
While OWCs can access many different data sources, the only source for Portfolio Analyzer is the online analytical processing
(OLAP) cube that has been generated by the administrator.
While there are many different parts to the OWCs, only some of their functions will be used in Portfolio Analyzer. These are:
The PivotTable provides dynamic views that enable users to analyze information by sorting, grouping, filtering, and pivoting.
The data comes from the Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube, and will be displayed in a spreadsheet format.
Data Source
The data source component is the reporting engine behind the PivotTable component. It manages communication with
back-end database servers and determines which database records can be displayed on the page. It manages the sorting,
filtering, and updating of those records in response to user actions. It relies on Microsoft Active Data Objects (ADO). In
Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access, the only valid data source is the Microsoft Project Server
OLAP cube.
The chart component graphically displays information from the spreadsheet, from the PivotTable views, or from the data
source component. It is not "bound" or linked directly to other controls on the display page, and therefore always updates
instantly in response to user interactions. For example, a user can chart a PivotTable view that displays sales by region.
There are three modes in which an Analyzer view can be defined: PivotTable, Chart, and a combination of both.
Setting up the analysis server to be accessible via HTTP
The key issue with the architecture of Portfolio Analyzer is that Microsoft uses the OWCs to bind directly to the analysis server. In
order for this to work over the extranet, you must configure it correctly. It is recommended that you read a support article that
explains how the analysis server needs to be configuredsee the How to Connect to Analysis Server 2000 By Using HTTP
Connection (279489) article on the Product Support Services Web site. The main points of this article are as follows:
You need the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server Analysis Services (this comes with the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2000)
Internet Information Server (IIS) has to run on the computer where SQL Server Analysis Services is running. This need not
be the same machine as Microsoft Project Serverin fact, it is recommended that it not be on the same machine as Microsoft
Project Server
You need to follow the steps, as specified in the article, to set up the server.
To set up the analysis server
1. On the analysis services computer, copy the file Msolap.asp from the Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin folder
to either the Inetpub\Wwwroot folder or to a subfolder under Wwwroot.
2. To ensure that Msolap.asp is installed and working properly, in the Address bar, type the URL
http://www.AnalysisServerName/Msolap.asp, and replace "AnalysisServerName" with the name of your server.
If everything is working properly, you should see a blank page, instead of the message "The page could not be displayed," or a
similar message.
Note: The URL must be accessible through the Internet.
Set Msolap.asp to use Basic authentication and Integrated Windows authentication, as follows:
1. Right-click Msolap.asp, and then click Properties.
2. Click the File Security tab, and then edit the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control box to make changes.
3. Make sure that both the Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication check boxes are selected.
Note: It is strongly recommended that SSL be used on the analysis server computer so that the data is encrypted (most
importantly, the NT passwords) when it is sent between the client and the server computers.
Setting up connection strings in the Portfolio Analyzer view
Once the analysis server has been configured, the administrator needs to follow these steps when creating Portfolio Analyzer
views that are to be viewed over the Internet:
1. On a machine that is within the intranet, log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.
2. Click Admin, and on the Administration overview page, click Manage views.
3. Click Add View.
4. Click the Portfolio Analyzer option button.
5. On the Office PivotTable toolbar, click the Commands and Options option button.
6. Click the Data Source tab.
7. In the connection string, leave everything untouched, except for the following:
Add "http://" and "/" to the connection string; for example:
Data Source = myanalysisserver becomes Data Source = http://myanalysisserver/
Insert "Prompt=Yes" anywhere in the connection string.
8. Save your changes.
When users try to access this extranet-enabled view from Microsoft Project or from the Resource center of Microsoft Project Web
Access, they will be prompted to enter their Windows user account name and password before they can see the view. Since the
Windows user account name and password are sent in plain text, you should be sure to use SSL so that the information is sent
Note: When Portfolio Analyzer is installed according to the above instructions, it will be accessible through the Internet or your
intranet. Exposure to the Internet may not be acceptable to all enterprises or in all situations, so plan your installation accordingly.
See also
It is strongly recommended that you view the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services: How to Connect to Analysis Services
over the Internet webcast at the Microsoft Support Services Web site.
Documents and Issues (SharePoint Team Services) on the Internet
Overview of SharePoint Team Services
SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft provides both Web publishing and collaboration features to make communicating
ideas and sharing information easier. SharePoint Team Services is a superset of Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002, and
includes all of the features available with the server extensions. In addition, SharePoint Team Services contains new workgroup
features that create a rich environment for Web publishing and team communication. By using SharePoint Team Services,
administrators can create, author, and administer Web sites that help a team organize and make progress on a project.
Configuring SharePoint Team Services
If Microsoft Project Server requires SSL security, SharePoint Team Services also requires the same.
To set up SharePoint Team Services for SSL
1. Configure the virtual server running SharePoint Team Services so that it requires SSL. For information on how to set up SSL,
see the Setting up SSL on Your Server article on the Windows 2000 Server Documentation Web site.
Also, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide article on Microsoft TechNet.
Both the SharePoint Team Services Web site and SharePoint Team Services administration Web site should be configured to
require SSL.
2. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an Administrator.
3. Click Admin, and on the Administration overview page, click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
4. Click Connect to servers.
5. To add a new server, click Add Server, or to modify an existing server, click Modify Server.
6. Select the Always access SharePoint websites using SSL and The SharePoint Administration port is a SSL port check
7. For external users, create local NT accounts on both the Microsoft Project Server computer and on the SharePoint Team
Services computer, so that users can be authenticated into Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services using a
Windows account.
8. Turn off anonymous access for the virtual server running SharePoint Team Services.
For more information on other security settings for SharePoint Team Services, see the Configuring Properties for a Virtual Server
article on TechNet.
See Also
For more detailed information about SharePoint Team Services and possible feature limitations, see the Microsoft Project Server
and SharePoint Team Services resource kit article.
For more information about setting up SharePoint Team Services, see the Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide,
Pjsvr10.chm, found on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD. You may download a copy of the Microsoft Project Server
Installation Guide from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Security Settings
You will determine which security settings to implement on all virtual servers. On the Change Configuration Settings page of
SharePoint Team Services, you can change security options in the Security Settings section. You can track information about the
authoring processes by selecting the Log authoring actions check box. When you select this check box, an Author.log file is
created in the Web site's _vti_log folder. If you want all users to use SSL security, you can select the Require SSL for authoring
and administration check box. Finally, you can specify whether to allow users to store executable files (such as EXE files) on your
virtual server by selecting or clearing the Allow authors to upload executables check box. Note that if the Allow authors to
upload executables check box is cleared, users cannot upload files to any folders that are marked executable. It does not matter
whether the files being uploaded are executable files or not.
Saving Projects to Microsoft Project Server Over the Extranet (Microsoft Project Professional Only)
This section addresses issues with running Microsoft Project Professional from outside the corporate firewall. Microsoft Project
Web Access functionality will work over the extranet, however, performing project management tasks with Microsoft Project
Professional in online mode requires a direct ODBC connection to the SQL Server computer which hosts the Microsoft Project
Server database.
There are three solutions to this ODBC connection problem:
Utilize a VPN connection to the corporate network. This allows a user to utilize the extranet as if it were a secure network
cable back to the corporate network. A user's remote machine would be running as if he were logged on directly to the
corporate network inside the firewall. There are possible bandwidth issues with this solution, as well as possible reliability
issues depending on location of the user, the corporate network, and the Internet in general.
Utilize a VPN and Windows Terminal Services. The VPN will handle the security of the connection, and utilizing Windows
Terminal Services helps to minimize bandwidth issues, since only the "display" bits are passed over the wire, and the rest of
the data movement happens inside the firewall on the corporate network.
Open the SQL Server computer to the extranet, which requires opening the correct inbound port through the firewall to
access the SQL Server (typically 1433), as well as positioning the SQL Server computer on your network where it is directly
exposed to the extranet segment. This is generally considered to be a very bad idea, primarily due to security concerns.
Exposing your database server to the extranet segment is an invitation for hackers.
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Distributed Deployment
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Overview of Microsoft Technologies that Enable Distributed Deployment

Distributed Deployment Scenarios for Microsoft Project Server
Overview of Microsoft Technologies that Enable Distributed Deployment
Scalability and performance can be defined as the ability of a system to grow and respond to users in a timely manner. How can
you guarantee that your Microsoft® Project Server installation is adequately scalable and can perform optimally? Unfortunately,
there isn't a single configuration that will meet all of your organizations' requirements; however, there are many scalability and
performance options available that can help you get the most out of your Microsoft Project Server installation.
In Microsoft Project Server environments with high demands, scalability (specifically, scaling out) combined with clustering is a
cost-effective way to improve performance and increase availability, allowing your organization to meet the needs of its users.
The method of clustering you choose can be independent of your configuration of Microsoft Project Server, whether you choose
hardware (for example, a router or switch) or software (such as Network Load Balancing) clustering technology.
In general, scaling out has two approaches:
Network Load Balancing (Windows Load Balancing Service) A component of Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced
Server that enables clustering.
Failover clustering A method of providing backup access to applications and hardware in the event of failure.
The components of Microsoft Project Server that can be scaled out are:
Microsoft Project Server database A Microsoft SQL Server® database can be added to a cluster to take advantage of
failover clustering.
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Moving the online analytical processing (OLAP) portion of the Portfolio
Analyzer feature to its own server can significantly improve performance.
SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft Document and issue tracking for Microsoft Project Server is handled by
SharePoint Team Services. This feature is accessible to users of Microsoft Project Server through the Microsoft Project Web
Access user interface.
Microsoft Session Manager Service Replaces ASP sessions in Microsoft Project Server.
View Manager Each time a resource or project is checked in to Microsoft Project Server, the view tables are updated. This
can be extremely processor-intensive; moving this feature to a separate server can greatly reduce the workload for the
Microsoft Project Server computer.

Determining Your Organization's Requirements

There are many elements to consider when determining the scalability and performance requirements of Microsoft Project Server
for your organization. First, you should consider the hosting environment, the number of users (including their usage patterns),
application and database requirements, and security issues. Taken together, these will help you determine how to scale out your
organization's Microsoft Project Server installation.
Once you have determined the requirements, you can then scale out your organization's Microsoft Project Server installation by
using Network Load Balancing (NLB) and failover clustering, depending on which component of Microsoft Project Server you
want to scale out.
Hosting Environment

The scalability requirements for a department installation to serve 20 users are vastly different from that of an extranet
installation intended to serve thousands of users. The first step to determining scalability and performance requirements is to
understand the hosting environment. Specifically, you should consider the following factors:
The number of concurrent users In determining application deployment and hardware configuration, consider not just
the total number of users, but the maximum number of concurrent users. Further, it's a good idea to categorize users
roughly into project managers, team members, and executive stakeholders. Project managers put the most stress on the
application server, but there are usually far more team members than project managers.
The features to be implemented Your organization might not use all of the features of Microsoft Project Server. The
features you use affect the scalability and performance requirements. For instance, if Portfolio Analyzer won't be used, the
installation won't require SQL Server Analysis Services, and the computer where the application is installed will be required
to perform fewer types of transactions. The more features implemented, the greater the load on the computer or computers
running the application.
How the application will be accessed If the application will be accessed from the Internet through a firewall, the
security requirements will be more rigorous than a departmental system run from a desktop-class computer. Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) adds significant stress to application performance.

Number of Users

The number of users in your organization that will be using Microsoft Project Server has a direct effect on your organization's
scalability and performance needs. The core function of Microsoft Project Server is to provide distributed project management
capabilities, including project tracking, collaboration, enterprise project management, and reporting. Beyond that, additional
features that support project collaboration, project portfolio reporting (reporting across projects), and project modeling can be
used. Each of these features has an effect on the overall scalability and performance of the installation.
Project tracking This core functionality is a standard part of Microsoft Project Server and is always installed. Project
tracking consists of assignment posting, timesheet activity, status reporting, and managing views.
Collaboration This feature adds document management and issue tracking. It requires the installation of SharePoint
Team Services. This feature increases the load on the Microsoft Project Server computer, though most of the work is
handled by the server running SharePoint Team Services.
Enterprise project management This feature adds project check in and check out, an enterprise resource pool,
automated resource assignment and substitution, and portfolio modeling. This feature also adds a significant load to the
application server.
Portfolio reporting This feature adds data warehouse reporting and requires SQL Server Analysis Services. Enterprise
project management must be used to enable portfolio modeling. This feature set adds additional load over and above that
which is used by adding enterprise project management.
The actual range of users that determine the configuration will vary, based on the ratio of usage categories and the class of
servers selected for the application tier:
For evaluation of very small departmental or workgroup installations, Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) is an appropriate
database server. The default installation of Microsoft Project Server will install MSDE on the same server as Microsoft
Project Server.
For medium installations in the approximate range of 10 to 1000 total users, the minimum configuration should separate
the database server from the application server. Optimally, SQL Server Analysis Services and SharePoint Team Services will
each be deployed on separate computers; as usage increases, dedicated computers will be required.
For installations greater than 1000 users, or installations that are business-critical, multiple application servers should be
deployed. Such configurations will require a high-end database server computer.
For more information about how to determine the best way to configure your installation of Microsoft Project Server, see the
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility white paper on TechNet.
Application and Database Requirements
Before you scale out your Microsoft Project Server installation, you should ensure that you have the computers and hardware on
hand that can support the requirements of the applications. Microsoft Project Server requires SQL Server 2000 in an enterprise
For more information about application requirements, see the following articles on the Product and Technology Catalog Web site:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Requirements
SharePoint Team Services Requirements
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Requirements

Security Issues
Access to Microsoft Project Server data and its functionality is secured primarily through application security, although SharePoint
Team Services and SQL Server Analysis Services require Microsoft Windows® security. To secure access from the Internet, it is
highly recommended that you implement Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This adds additional overhead, however, and can
significantly affect the performance of Microsoft Project Server. You can minimize the effects of this by implementing hardware
encryption/decryption by either using an onboard card or by using a front-end router that controls Internet ingress and egress.
Sample Hardware Configurations
System requirements for Microsoft Project Server are documented in Microsoft Project Server 2002 Requirements at the Product
and Technology Catalog Web site, as well as in the file PjSvr10.htm, found on the installation CD. Microsoft Project Server can be
configured to run on hardware ranging from a single, powerful, workstation-class desktop computer to an array of data-center-
class server computers. The following list shows some of the possible Microsoft Project Server hardware configurations:
One computer Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and MSDE
Two computers IIS plus SQL Server 2000
Three computers IIS plus SQL Server 2000 plus SharePoint Team Services
Four computers IIS plus SQL Server 2000 plus SQL Server Analysis Services plus SharePoint Team Services
Note As scalability and performance requirements increase, you can use additional computers to further distribute the
Microsoft Project Server is designed to be deployed across several computers for additional scalability and performance. In the
second, third, and fourth examples listed above, Microsoft Project Server is deployed across different computers so that the
application runs on a computer with IIS (an application server), the database resides on a computer with SQL Server, while
SharePoint Team Services and SQL Server Analysis Services are installed on two other computers. While this does distribute the
total workload, running Microsoft Project Server itself on a single computer can still cause a bottleneck. To scale out even further,
Microsoft Project Server can be deployed across multiple computers running IIS. It should be noted however, that there can be at
most one computer running each of SharePoint Team Services, SQL Server, and SQL Server Analysis Services for a given
Microsoft Project Server installation.
Network Load Balancing
The number of users that Microsoft Project Server can handle on a single computer is limited by the number and speed of the
processors, the amount of memory, and other factors, such as bus speed, I/O speed, and L2 cache. One way to improve scalability
and performance is to upgrade the computer where Microsoft Project Server is installed. However, one extremely powerful
computer can be more expensive than several less-powerful computers, and also may not be as scalable or perform as well.
You can use Network Load Balancing (NLB), a component of IIS, to distribute workload over multiple computers. This reduces the
workload on any individual computer, and adds performance equal to the capabilities of each additional computer. NLB helps
keep applications responsive under heavy client loads. NLB allows you to spread incoming requests across as many as 32 servers.
NLB automatically detects the failure of a server and quickly reassigns client traffic among remaining servers. This helps prevent
uninterrupted services for critical business applications.
For more information about Network Load Balancing, see:
Network Load Balancing Technical Overview on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Web site.
Configuring Network Load Balancing (article 240997) on the Product Support Services Web site.
Internet Information Server Resource Guide on TechNet.

Failover Clustering
Failover clustering can be used with a database stored in SQL Server or with the OLAP features that are part of SQL Server
Analysis Services. Failover clustering is a process in which the operating system and SQL Server work together to provide
availability in the event of an application failure, hardware failure, or operating system error. Failover clustering provides
hardware redundancy through a configuration in which mission critical resources are automatically transferred from a failing
machine to an equally configured server.
Failover clustering provides high availability for an overall scale-up and scale-out solution that accommodates backups,
redundancy, and higher performance. If software and/or hardware problems occur, failover clustering, combined with other high
availability methods, can enable a production environment to be up and running in a short amount of time.
SQL Server failover clustering is built on top of a Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Datacenter Server cluster, which provides
high availability, scalability, and manageability for resources, applications, and server resources in the event of hardware failures
or other unplanned events. Unlike Network Load Balancing, failover clustering transfers to another server when an application
within a cluster becomes unavailable.
SQL Server Analysis Services supports scalable OLAP cubes in Microsoft Project Server, allowing you to distribute cube data
across multiple servers or to link together cubes stored on different servers. A distributed, partitioned cube is administered on a
central Analysis server.
For more information about failover clustering, see:
Windows Clustering on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Documentation Web site.
Chapter 12 - Failover Clustering in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit on TechNet.
Chapter 13 - Working with Clusters in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit on TechNet.
Microsoft Cluster Server

Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) is a feature of Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows Datacenter Server that supports the
connection of two or more servers into a cluster. MSCS can automatically detect and recover from server or application failures,
providing high availability, manageability, and scalability for applications running on servers in the cluster.
For more information about MSCS, see:
Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Cluster Service on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Web site.
Solution Spotlight: Keep Critical Applications Available with Cluster Service on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Web site.
Integrating WLBS and MSCS (article 223157) on the Product Support Services Web site.
Microsoft Cluster Service Installation Resources (article 259267) on the Product Support Services Web site.
Failover clustering of SQL Server

Failover clustering of SQL Server allows the operating system and SQL Server 2000 to work together to provide availability in the
event of a hardware, application, or operating system failure. You can set up a SQL Server cluster via the SQL Server Setup
For more information about clustering and SQL Server 2000, see:
SQL Server 2000 Failover Clustering on the MSDN Web site.

Microsoft Project Server Components

The components of Microsoft Project Server that can be scaled out are:
Microsoft Project Server database A SQL Server database can be added to a cluster to take advantage of failover
SQL Server Analysis Services Moving the online analytical processing (OLAP) portion of the Portfolio Analyzer feature
can significantly improve performance.
SharePoint Team Services Provides document and issue tracking for Microsoft Project Server; available to users of
Microsoft Project Server through Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Session Manager Service Replaces ASP sessions in Microsoft Project Server.
View Manager Every time a resource or project is checked in to Microsoft Project Server, the view tables are updated.
Moving this feature to a separate server can greatly reduce the workload for the Microsoft Project Server computer.
Microsoft Project Server Database

Although the Microsoft Project Server database may be part of a database cluster, it should be deployed on its own server outside
the IIS cluster.
SharePoint Team Services

It is possible to install SharePoint Team Services on the same computer as Microsoft Project Server; however, significant
performance gains can be realized by installing it on its own computer. If you are using SharePoint Team Services in a large
organization (more than 500 people) you should consider setting up multiple computers on which to run it. It is not difficult to
run anywhere from 10 to 50 virtual servers on a typical Web server that is hosting SharePoint Team Services, which is in the scale
of use for most deployments of Microsoft Project Server. You should add virtual servers based on considerations of network
usage, network performance, and how many concurrent users you expect to have. SharePoint Team Services uses one thread per
connection, so concurrent usage is limited by the amount of memory on the server running it. For example, based on default
settings for SharePoint Team Services, a server with 256MB of RAM can handle roughly 120 concurrent users; a server with
512MB can handle about 280 concurrent users. You can create virtual servers for SharePoint Team Services through the
Microsoft Project Web Access interface, once SharePoint Team Services is installed and configured for Microsoft Project Server.
In terms of scalability in relation to SharePoint Team Services, you should consider the following:
How many virtual servers can be hosted on the server on which you have installed SharePoint Team Services?
How many databases are required for your installation of SharePoint Team Services?
How much memory (RAM) is required for your installation of SharePoint Team Services?
For more information about SharePoint Team Services, see the Large Scale Deployment of SharePoint Team Services or
Departmental Deployment of SharePoint Team Services articles on TechNet.
View Manager

When projects are published to Microsoft Project Server, a copy of the project is uploaded and used to create project view data.
This process is extensive because it must open the project in the Microsoft Project OLE DB provider to save the data and build the
views. You can deploy the View Manager on its own server outside of the cluster to improve the scalability and performance of
Microsoft Project Server. See the section "Microsoft Project Server Clustering Utility," below, for more information.
SQL Server Analysis Services

SQL Server Analysis Services is required in order to use the Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project Server. If SQL Server
Analysis Services is installed on a different computer from Microsoft Project Server, the Decision Support Objects (DSO)
component of Analysis Services must be installed on the Microsoft Project Server computer.
While it is possible to install SQL Server Analysis Services on the same computer with SQL Server (and all of these on the same
computer as Microsoft Project Server), significant performance gains can be realized by installing SQL Server Analysis Services on
its own computer.
To add SQL Server Analysis Services and DSO to Microsoft Project Server, do the following:
Insert the SQL Server 2000 installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, or connect to an administrative installation point.
If you are installing from the SQL Server 2000 installation CD with AutoPlay enabled, click SQL Server 2000 Components
in the SQL Server 2000 Setup program, or on the SQL Server 2000 CD-ROM (or administrative installation point), browse
for and run the file named Autorun.exe.
On the Install Components page, click Install Analysis Services.
In the SQL Server Analysis Services Setup program, on the Select Components page, clear all the components except
Decision Support Objects and Client components.
Microsoft Session Manager

The Session Manager tracks which user is engaged in what actions in which area of Microsoft Project Web Access. It replaces ASP
sessions for Microsoft Project Server and, when used in a clustered environment, should be deployed on its own server outside
the cluster. This allows users to be directed to any one of the clustered application servers.
Top Of Page
Distributed Deployment Scenarios for Microsoft Project Server
Administrators of large enterprises must ensure the availability and performance of applications on their network. As the number
of Microsoft Project users in your organization grows, Microsoft Project Server can respond to these demands by distributing the
workload hot-spot services, like session management for Microsoft Project Web Access clients or the views processing service for
publishing projects, onto additional machines. This section details methods of deploying Microsoft Project Server in a distributed
environment to facilitate scaling out and increased overall Microsoft Project Server feature availability for users in your
The three scenarios for distributed deployment described in this article are:
Using one Microsoft Project Server machine and one application server This moves the Windows NT Services from
the server running Microsoft Project Server to another machine.
Using a Microsoft Project Server cluster and one application server This increases the number of concurrent
connections to Microsoft Project Server, enabling greater access for clients (applies to Microsoft Project Web Access and
Microsoft Project Professional).
Using one or more Microsoft Project Server machines and multiple application servers This increases the
availability of the core Windows NT Services (Views Processing, OLAP and Reminder Processing, Session Manager, and
Trace Services) that are used by Microsoft Project Server.
Before implementing distributed deployment of Microsoft Project Server, you should understand or review the following
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide (PjSvr10.chm), which can be found on the Microsoft Project Server CD. In
addition, you should see the file Readme.htm for any last-minute updates.
The Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines white paper on TechNet.
All machines that are part of a Microsoft Project Server distributed environment must meet the minimum system
requirements for Microsoft Project Server. For more information about these requirements, see Microsoft Project Server
2002 Requirements on the Product and Technology Catalog Web site
The SQL Server 2000 Failover Clustering article on the MSDN Web site.

Using One Microsoft Project Server Machine and One Application Server

Figure 1. Using one Microsoft Project Server machine and one application server
To set up Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment using one Microsoft Project Server machine and one application server

Follow the steps described in "Setting up an Application Server," below, to set up an application server for use with
Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment.
On the Microsoft Project Server machine, complete the modifications to the registry to recognize the Application Server as
described in, "Configuring Microsoft Project Server to run with an Application Server" below. This will point the Microsoft
Project Server machine to the Core Services on the application server.
When finished, test the installation.

Using a Microsoft Project Server Cluster and Two Application Servers

Figure 2. Using a Microsoft Project Server cluster and two application servers
To set up Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment using a Microsoft Project Server Cluster and one application server

Follow the steps described in "Setting up an Application Server," below, to set up an application server for use with
Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment.
Configure additional machines for Microsoft Project Server by following the Microsoft Project Server system requirements,
and install Microsoft Project Server on the additional machines exactly as it was installed on the primary machine.
On each of the Microsoft Project Server machines, complete the modifications to the registry to recognize the Application
Server as described in, "Configuring Microsoft Project Server to run with an Application Server" below. This will point the
Microsoft Project Server machines to the Core Services on the application server.
Add the new Microsoft Project Server machines to the Microsoft Project Server cluster.
When finished, test the installation.

Using One or More Microsoft Project Server Machines and Multiple Application Servers
Figure 3. Using one or more Microsoft Project Server machines and multiple application servers
To set up Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment using one or more Microsoft Project Server machines and multiple application

Configure a Microsoft Project Server machine or a Microsoft Project Server cluster, as described in the two previous
Follow the steps described in "Setting up an Application Server," to set up each application server you want to use with
Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment. Configure an additional application server to become a standby
application server. Add the standby application server to a cluster containing the primary application server as a non-
converged member, or configure the standby application server with the same domain name as the primary application
server to eliminate the need for clustering hardware and software.
Run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool on the standby application server as described in "Microsoft Project
Server Distributed Setup Tool," below. Set all properties on the standby application server to be identical to the properties
on the primary application server.
Either remove the standby application server from the cluster, or power it down. Then, add or restart the standby application
server and finally, add the machine to the same cluster that the application server is part of.
Verify that Microsoft Project Server is able to work properly with the application server.

Setting up an Application Server

To set up an Application Server for use with Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment

On a server that meets the minimum system requirements for Microsoft Project Server, install Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS). This machine will become the application server, while your original machine will remain the
primary Microsoft Project Server machine.
Run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool on the application server or set up the application server manually,
using the steps described in "Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool," below.
Once you have completed the installation of the Microsoft Project Server Core Services on the application server, open the
<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Project Server\Bin folder, and find the ViewsDrop folder.

Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool

Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup is a configuration tool that installs the Core Services on your application server. You
must first download the file Prjsbox.msi, and then run the tool.
To download Prjsbox.msi

Download the Distributed Setup Tool (prjsbox.exe) file from the Microsoft Project Server Tools section of the resource kit
Save Prjsbox.msi to a computer running Microsoft Project Server.
To run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool

To run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool, double-click the file Prjsbox.msi. The Microsoft Project Server
Distributed Setup dialog box appears.
In the User information box, enter your User Name, Initials, and Organization as you entered them for Microsoft
Project Server. Click Next. In the End-User License Agreement dialog box, check the I accept the terms in the License
Agreement box. Click Next.
In the Installation options dialog box, make sure that all options (View Processing, OLAP and Reminders Processing,
Session Manager, and Trace Service) are set to Run from My Computer. Click Next.
In the Enter database server information dialog box, complete the Database server and Database name boxes, and
click Next.
In the Enter database account information dialog box, complete the Logon Name and Password fields for the
Microsoft Project Server user and for the Microsoft Project Professional user. The Microsoft Project Server user must be a
member of the MSProjectServerRole role and the Microsoft Project Professional user must be a member of the
MSProjectRole role in the SQL Server database. Click Next.
In the Enter Analysis Services dialog box, complete the Analysis Server, Logon Name, and Password fields. This is the
same information entered during Microsoft Project Server Setup or in Microsoft Project Web Access (click Admin, Manage
enterprise features, Update resource tables and OLAP cube). Click Next.
In the SMTP mail server information dialog box, complete the SMTP Mail Server, Port, and From Address fields. This is
the same information entered in Microsoft Project Web Access (click Admin, Customize Microsoft Project Web Access,
Notifications and reminders). Click Next. Click Finish to install Core Services on your application server.
Manually configure Core Services for an Application Server

Instead of running Prjsbox.msi (see "Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool," above, for more information) to install Core
Services on an application server, you can do this manually.
To manually install Core Services on an Application Server

Install a full version of Microsoft Project Server on the application server. Point it to the correct existing database server and
select "Enter this information later" for all optional features, except SMTP and Analysis Services (if required).
Use the Internet Information Services administrative tool (click Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Services
Manager) to delete the Microsoft Project Server virtual directory (default name is "ProjectServer").
Create a public share for the \Microsoft Project Server\Bin\ViewsDrop\ directory. Grant Change and Read permissions to
the user specified in the Windows NT Domain account that needs to access the application server.
Configuring Microsoft Project Server to run with an Application Server

To place views processing and other core services on your application server

Using the regedit command, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ Office\10.0\MS Project\ folder.
Under the \WebClient Server\<Virtual Directory>\Services\SessionMgr folder (in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE path
described in Step 1), open the folder that has the GUID for the server running Microsoft Project Server. Find the (Default)
registry entry, and change the value to the name of the new application server. The default entry should be the current
Microsoft Project Server computer.
Under the \Services\Configuration\Views Notification\ folder (in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE path described in Step 1), add
the following registry entry:
Type = String
Name = ForwardUNC
Value = Pathname to the ViewsDrop directory on the designated notification processor outside of the Microsoft Project
Server (usually the application server)
Run the Services tool on the Microsoft Project Server computer. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then open the
Administrative Tools folder to find the Services tool.
Open the Microsoft Project Server Scheduled Process Service property. On the General tab, click Stop to stop this
property. If this service is not needed, click Disabled to prevent this service from being run when the server is started. Click
Open the Microsoft Project Session Manager Service property. On the General tab, click Stop to stop this property. If
this service is not needed, click Disabled to prevent this service from being run when the server is started. Click OK.
Open the Microsoft Project Views Notification Service property. On the Log On tab, click This Account, and enter the
user name and password for the user granted Change and Read permissions to the application server. This is the same user
name/password combination that has access to the <drive>:\Microsoft Project Server\bin\Views Drop\ folder on the
Microsoft Project Server computer.
Top Of Page
Database Options for Microsoft Project 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Updated : May 27, 2003

Microsoft Corporation
Applies to:
Microsoft Project Standard 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Summary Determine which database management system is the correct database management system for your use of Microsoft
Project 2002. (5 printed pages)
On This Page

Enterprise and Workgroup Database Options
Stand-alone Database Options
Deployment Scenarios
Additional Information
The information in this document describes the database management systems that can be used with Microsoft® Project®
Standard 2002, Microsoft Project Professional 2002, and Microsoft Project Server. These database options depend on your
deployment scenario (enterprise, workgroup, or stand-alone), and are further described in Table 1.
Table 1 Database options for Microsoft Project 2002

Deployment Requirements

Enterprise Microsoft Project Professional 2002 and Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft SQL
Server™ 2000 (recommended) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000).

Workgroup Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft SQL
Server 2000 (recommended) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000).

Microsoft Project Standard 2002 or Microsoft Project Professional 2002. A supported database management
Stand-alone system can be used as a repository for project data (Oracle 8ix, Access 2000, Access 2002, MSDE 2000, MSDE 7.0,
SQL Server 2000, or SQL Server 7.0).
Top Of Page
Enterprise and Workgroup Database Options
Both Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (recommended) and MSDE 2000 (see limitations below) can be used with Microsoft Project
Server in enterprise and workgroup deployment scenarios. When using either SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000 as the repository
for the Microsoft Project Server database, you can enable document sharing using SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft
1.0, and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) reporting using Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.
SQL Server 2000 Overview

SQL Server 2000 is a well-suited choice for an enterprise database management system. Its unique performance optimizations,
such as table variables and user-defined functions, are not available in any other database management system.
Note: Portfolio Analyzer, an enterprise feature of Microsoft Project Server, requires Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), which is
only available as part of SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services (and included in SQL Server 2000). MSDE 2000 can still be used as
the repository for the Microsoft Project Server database as long as SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services is providing the OLAP
services for Portfolio Analyzer.
SQL Server Enterprise or SQL Server Standard
Microsoft Project Server 2002 deployment requires either Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition or Microsoft SQL Server
2000 Enterprise Edition. During the planning process, you should evaluate the different capabilities of both SQL versions to
determine which one will meet your organization's needs. The main differences are in the areas of scalability, performance, and
analysis services.
Microsoft Project Server 2002 doesn't differentiate between the two versions of SQL Server 2000 and Project Server enterprise
features are available with both versions. Depending on your organization's deployment goals, you may require the extended
features and performance offered by SQL Server Enterprise. The table below lists the differences between the two SQL versions,
as they apply to Project Server 2002.

Version SQL Server Features

All core features, including:

Complete database management system
Core Portfolio Analyzer (OLAP) functionality (not available with Microsoft Project
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Standard Edition Standard 2002)
Rich XML support
For more information on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition features, see Choosing
an Edition of SQL Server 2000.

All core features listed above, plus the following:

Failover clustering to ensure that your applications stay up and running even
when disaster strikes.
Log shipping to maintain a warm standby server.
Faster performance through optimized use of symmetric multiprocessor (SMP)
Improved performance of applications that frequently using large volume
queries, as in reporting applications.
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Enterprise Edition Increased speed for complex transactional applications.
Advanced analysis
Ability to define OLAP partitions.
Create and update large cubes with very large dimensions.
Support extremely large dimensions that require relational OLAP (ROLAP)
Update cubes quickly.
Link cubes or provide Portfolio Analyzer access over the Internet.
For more information on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition features, see Choosing
an Edition of SQL Server 2000.

Microsoft Data Engine 2000 Overview

The limitations to using MSDE 2000 instead of SQL Server 2000 include:
Low number of batch workload connections
MSDE 2000 has a managed concurrency workload governor that limits up to five concurrent batch workloads for optimal
performance, although MSDE does not place a limit on the total number of users who can connect to the database. As batch
workloads are added that increase the number past five, the concurrency governor slows the system, thus affecting the
overall performance of the MSDE database.
Limited database size
MSDE 2000 supports up to a 2.0 gigabyte (GB) database. A single computer can host up to 16 instances of MSDE, with each
instance supporting up to a 2.0 GB database.
Limited memory usage
Each instance of MSDE 2000 is limited to 1.0 GB memory, regardless of how much memory is available on the computer.
Administration tools
MSDE 2000 lacks the administration tools that are provided with SQL Server 2000, including Enterprise Manager, Query
Analyzer, and SQL Server Profiler. All administration must be performed using the command-line tool OSQL, a utility that
allows improvised, interactive execution of Transact-SQL statements and scripts or by using the administration tools
installed through a separate instance of SQL Server 2000.
Note: MSDE 2000 is included with Microsoft Project Server 2002. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is not bundled with Microsoft
Project Server 2002, and must be purchased separately. For more information about MSDE 2000, see the MSDE 2000 article. For
more information about OSQL, see the osql Utility section in the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SDK.
Top Of Page
Stand-alone Database Options
If you do not require enterprise or workgroup functionality when using Microsoft Project Standard 2002 or Microsoft Project
Professional 2002, but still want to save project data to a database repository using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), you can
use any of the following supported database management systems:
SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 2000
MSDE 7.0 or MSDE 2000
Access 2000 or later
Oracle 8ix or later
Top Of Page
Deployment Scenarios
Table 2 lists the deployment options (enterprise, workgroup, or stand-alone), the database management system requirements,
and accompanying Microsoft Project features.
Table 2 Deployment scenario, requirements and features

Deployment Requirements and Features

Use with: Microsoft Project Professional 2002 (only) plus Microsoft Project Server plus Microsoft SQL Server 2000
(recommended) or MSDE 2000
Required database management systems: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (or MSDE 2000)
Note: You can save projects as Microsoft Project project files (MPP), Microsoft Access database files (MPD or
MDB), or save to a supported stand-alone database management system. Files saved using this method will no
longer be part of the Microsoft Project enterprise environment.
The following workgroup features are available:
Microsoft Project Web Access
E-mail notifications and reminders
View projects, resources, and tasks
Status reports
Documents and issues management through SharePoint Team Services
The following enterprise features are available:
Microsoft Project Server security
Enterprise resource pool
Enterprise global template
Save projects to the Microsoft Project Server database
Open projects from the Microsoft Project Server database
Portfolio Analyzer (OLAP)
Portfolio Modeler
Use with: Microsoft Project Standard 2002 or Microsoft Project Professional 2002 plus Microsoft Project Server
plus Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (recommended) or MSDE 2000
Required database management systems: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (or MSDE 2000)
Note: You can save projects as Microsoft Project project files (MPP), Microsoft Access database files (MPD or
MDB), or save to a supported standalone database management system.
The following workgroup features are available:
Workgroup Microsoft Project Web Access
E-mail notifications and reminders
View projects, resources, and tasks
Status reports
Documents and issues management through SharePoint Team Services

Use with: Microsoft Project Standard 2002 or Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Required database management system: SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 2000;
Stand-alone MSDE 7.0 or MSDE 2000; Access 2000 or later; Oracle 8x or later.
Note: You can save projects as Microsoft Project project files (MPP), Microsoft Access database files (MPD or
MDB), or save to a supported standalone database management system.
Top Of Page
Additional Information
The following links provide additional resources for deploying Microsoft Project and databases in an integrated project
management solution:
Microsoft Project Standard vs. Microsoft Project Professional
Microsoft Project 2002 Enterprise Project Management Architecture
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Top Of Page
Best Practices for an Enterprise Deployment of Microsoft
Project Server 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: February 1, 2003

By Lou Lucarelli, Microsoft Corporation

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Summary: This article discusses best practices for a large, successful deployment of Microsoft Project 2002, with specific
implementation tips, frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips, and deployment issues and data. (19 printed pages)
On This Page

Top Five Deployment Guidelines
Enterprise Deployment for Internal Hosting
Operations Timeline
Best Practices
Troubleshooting Tips
Appendix A: Customer Support Processes
Appendix B: List of All Issues Encountered
Appendix C: October 2002 Server Usage Statistics
Discover how the Microsoft® Project team hosts its own Microsoft Project Server for a large number of Microsoft Project
Professional 2002 and Microsoft Project Web Access 2002 users in a multi-site deployment. This enterprise wide deployment
services over 900 projects and 3500 users. Starting off with the top five lessons learned, we then delve into the details of how this
multi-site deployment's architecture provides for each hosted group, separate instances of Microsoft Project Server 2002, Internet
Information Services (IIS) 5.0 virtual directories, databases, and SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft 1.0 project subwebs,
all sharing a single hardware configuration. We publish our best practices, with specific implementation tips and frequently asked
questions by internal customers, and end with troubleshooting tips and deployment issues and data.
Top Of Page
Top Five Deployment Guidelines
When deploying Microsoft Project Server in the enterprise, we recommend that you follow these general guidelines. For more
details, see the "Enterprise Deployment for Internal Hosting," "Operations Timeline," and "Best Practices" sections of this study.
1. Plan for growth during initial deployment Deploy Microsoft Project Server in an environment that can grow in parallel
to the growth of your organization's project management needs. Planning for scalable growth minimizes changes to your
original deployment as the number of users increases, as new server connections and network traffic can have a significant
effect on overall system performance. Deploy with a data transfer rate of 100 megabytes (MB) per second (or better)
throughout your entire hosting environment for all servers in your Microsoft Project Server deployment. Add additional
hardware (more processors, more memory, or more servers) as they are needed.
2. Maximize the throughput of the database server The Microsoft Project Server database computer often becomes
overloaded with network traffic. Irregularities, including SQL Server errors, publishing problems, and inconsistent open/load
times may be experienced if the load on the database server is consistently high. When the load on the server hosting the
Microsoft Project Server database consistently reaches 60 to 65 percent of total capacity of the % Processor Time setting in
the Microsoft Windows® System Monitor, we advise either upgrading the hardware capabilities of the server or adding a
second server to offload some of the processing. Use multiple network interface cards to increase the number of users who
can access the database. Finally, use a static IP address for the database computer, which improves SQL Server connection
times when data connections may be slow (for instance, if the client is connecting from a remote geographic connection).
3. Deploy SharePoint Team Services on production hardware If you are using SharePoint Team Services to manage
documents and issue tracking for your projects, plan on deploying what you will eventually need for full production. Limit
the IIS load on each server running SharePoint Team Services to about 750 subwebs, due to the fact that SharePoint Team
Services 1.0 will not operate in an IIS-clustered environment. Additionally, it is cumbersome to migrate a SharePoint Team
Services implementation across hardware. For every project published to Microsoft Project Server, a subweb (virtual
directory) is created on the server running SharePoint Team Services.
4. Offload the Views Notification services to a dedicated server Views Notification services can place an enormous load
on the Microsoft Project Server. We recommend moving the Views Notification services during the initial deployment. If
Views Notification services are offloaded after your deployment of Microsoft Project Server, then you can run into other
serious issues, including updating the registry in the Views Notification server, and provisioning errors.
5. Monitor system performance continually Be proactive about monitoring your system, seeking indications of trouble
rather than reacting to trouble on a case-by-case basis. Limitations within your network and the SQL Server computer are
the biggest causes of performance issues for Microsoft Project Server. Use System Monitor to keep an eye on the servers in
your Microsoft Project Server deployment. Standardize your troubleshooting procedures so that you will have a ready
checklist when problems do crop up. This list will not only help you find the causes of problems, but also implement
solutions more quickly.
Top Of Page
Enterprise Deployment for Internal Hosting
The Microsoft Project team needed to deploy Microsoft Project Server using an architecture that allowed for rapid growth in the
number of users connecting to the server (see Figure 1 for an illustration of the hardware used in this effort). Each group of users
would have both enterprise features and documents and issues tracking available to them. To minimize the workload of the IIS
server, servers running SharePoint Team Services, the Microsoft Project Server database, and eventually the Views Notification
services were offloaded to separate servers instead of residing on the server hosting both IIS and Microsoft Project Server. Virtual
servers were used to allow each project group its own instance of Microsoft Project Server and related features.
This design choice allowed separate groups within the company to have their project management data isolated from other
groups while utilizing the same set of server computers. To increase throughput, 100 MB network interface cards were used on
every server. All servers were placed in the same testing environment in a secure area of a single domain.

Figure 1: The eventual configuration of the Microsoft Project Server hosting deployment
Server Hardware
Table 1 lists the specific hardware specifications for each server used during internal hosting of Microsoft Project Server.
Microsoft Project Server runs on an IIS server that can be clustered. SharePoint Team Services 1.0 runs on an IIS server that
cannot be clustered.
Table 1 Server hardware specifications
Microsoft Project Server IIS Server specifications

Manufacturer / Model Compaq ProLiant DL580

Operating System Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 3

Processor 4 x 700 MHz Intel Pentium III

RAM 1.0 GB

Hard Drive 4.0 GB SCSI

Network Interface Card 2 x 100 MB Compaq NC3134 Fast Ethernet

Microsoft Project Server Database Server specifications

Manufacturer / Model Compaq ProLiant DL580

Operating System Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Service Pack 2

Processor 4 x 900 MHz Intel Pentium III

RAM 3.0 GB

Hard Drive 2 x 9.1 GB Ultra2 SCSI internal hard drives; 14 x 18.2 GB Ultra3 SCSI external hard drives

Network Interface Card 2 x 100 MB Compaq Fast Ethernet

SharePoint Team Services Server #1 specifications

Manufacturer / Model Dell OptiPlex GX150

Operating System Windows 2000, Service Pack 2

Processor 700 MHz Intel Pentium III

RAM 512 MB

Hard Drive 6.0 GB

Network Interface Card 100 MB Fast Ethernet

SharePoint Team Services Server #2 specifications

Manufacturer / Model Dell Precision 420

Operating System Windows 2000, Service Pack 2

Processor 2 x 933 MHz Intel Pentium III


Hard Drive 2 x 36.0 GB

Network Interface Card 100 MB Fast Ethernet

Views Notification Server specifications

Manufacturer / Model Compaq W6000 Workstation

Operating System Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Service Pack 2

Processor 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium IV

RAM 787 MB

Hard Drive 18.0 GB SCSI

Network Interface Card 100 MB Fast Ethernet

Software Installation
We set up a number of different IIS virtual directories and corresponding registry entries in order to facilitate hosting multiple
groups on the same server while maintaining distinct databases for each group (this technique is referred to as multi-site
deployment in this case study). The easiest method to perform this step is to use the Site Editor Utility, a utility that allows you to
manage your Microsoft Project Server sites, on your IIS server. It is available as a download in the Microsoft Project Server 2002
Resource Kit. For further registry management information, see the Microsoft Project Server Registry and Global Settings:
Microsoft Project 2002 article.
Caution Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should
back up any valued data on the computer.
There were no other special steps performed during the installation of Microsoft Project Server. Specifying the separate
databases, the services for Microsoft SQL Server™ Analysis Services, and the server running SharePoint Team Services were
normal procedures performed during Microsoft Project Server setup.
Top Of Page
Operations Timeline
This section presents a month-by-month timeline, running from May 2002 through October 2002. The initial deployment of
Microsoft Project Server experienced much growth over a short timeframe; consequently, this rapid growth drove many
improvements, which we discuss in the following section.
May 2002
We began hosting Microsoft Project Server for internal Microsoft users. Initial use was light and steady. We established a
maintenance process that identified the areas that were causing the most trouble for our end-users and set up a process to track
system performance using System Monitor. Figure 2 illustrates the initial deployment of the Microsoft Project Server and
database servers with the Views Notification services on the Microsoft Project Server and a single network interface card in the
database server.

Figure 2: Initial network topology between IIS server and database server
June 2002
We started to see a jump in overall network traffic.
July 2002
We began to see a large number of users put stress on all servers in the deployment. Continuous monitoring of the server
hardware indicated that the database server was not able to handle the load.
We ran into the following issues:
Significant, stressful loads on several servers in the deployment To pin down the problem-causing components, we
used System Monitor to analyze all components in the system. Because we began monitoring immediately after
deployment and thus had established baselines to review, we were quickly able to identify the individual component that
was the slowest or most prone to failure. For more information, see the "Tracking system performance using System
Monitor" section later in this article.
The database server was identified as the primary source of poor network performance We configured a new, more
powerful database server and migrated the existing data to the new server. Once the new database server was up and
running with Microsoft Project Server, we continued monitoring the new server using System Monitor. For more
information, see the "Tracking system performance using System Monitor" section later in this article.
The network connection between the database server and the IIS server experienced heavy loads when views
were being published To solve this problem, we offloaded the Views Notification services to a dedicated server. This
moved processor-intensive tasks like the XML requests used to build OLAP cubes and e-mail notifications and reminders
services. We also added network interface cards to ensure a dedicated network connection for each of the servers. This
allowed the IIS server time for other tasks. We found that the strain on the IIS server processing views and generating cubes
became the primary performance issue when our hosting effort reached about 40 separate project groups (varying in size
from 10 to 200 resources). Figure 3 illustrates the IIS server, an offloaded Views Notification server and a database server,
each with its own network interface card. For more information, see the "Offload the Views Notification service to a separate
server" section later in this article.

Figure 3: Updated network topology among the IIS server, the database server, and the newly-added Views
Notification server
August 2002
By August, the load on our servers was roughly 10 times as high as the load in late June.
We ran into the following issue:
General network congestion between the Microsoft Project Server and the database server We detected a high
amount of network traffic going in and out of the database server, and the network interface card on the database server
was being saturated. We noticed that as the number of hosted organizations increased, network traffic metrics did not seem
to fluctuate with variations in the number of logged-on users. We used System Monitor to detect this problem by viewing
the Network Interface: NIC#1 bytes total/sec and packets/sec counters from the database server's network interface card
side-by-side with the Web Service: Default Web Site: Total NonAnonymous Users counter. Over the course of several
days, we collected data during peak usage times (11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.) which indicated that, while the number of users
accessing the Microsoft Project Server was fluctuating throughout the time period, the values for the network counters were
almost completely static.
This analysis was further confirmed by a check of the CPU Utilization counter on the database server, which indicated
underutilization of this resource (less than 40 percent) despite a growing number of concurrent users. To enhance
throughput of network traffic in and out of the database server, a second network interface card was added and assigned a
static IP address. We then modified registry settings on the Views Notification server and the Microsoft Project Server to
address the two separate network interface cards. Figure 4 shows the revised network topology among the IIS server, Views
Notification server, and the database server, with the addition of a second network interface card in the database server.

Figure 4: Updated network topology with the addition of a second network interface card in the database server
October 2002
Growth was steady. Usage loads were still very large, but generally running smoothly.
We ran into the following issue:
Certain customers were experiencing slow network speeds We were able to determine that this problem was not
specific to Microsoft Project. When we changed the database connection information in the registry of the IIS server from
the Microsoft Project Server friendly name to a static IP address, the connection speed improved. For more information, see
the "Configure the Microsoft Project Server IIS connection information as a static IP address" section later in this article.
Statistics over time
Table 2 shows the growth of individual users during the Microsoft Project Server hosting effort. As of October 20, 2002, there
were 85 hosted groups with 982 total projects and 3,528 total resources. For more statistics, see Appendix C.
Table 2 Visitor session statistics

Timeframe Visitors Unique Visitors Visitor Minutes

April 8 – May 5, 2002 244 59 1,774

May 6 – June 2, 2002 262 54 2,672

June 3 – June 30, 2002 726 130 6,847

July 1 – July 28, 2002 3,069 467 38,067

July 29 – August 25, 2002 4,832 666 48,604

August 26 – September 22, 2002 4,956 772 44,453

September 23 – October 20, 2002 5,630 772 48,579

Figure 5 shows the increase in usage of Microsoft Project Server by the number of groups. Each group has its own database
server instance and IIS virtual root in Microsoft Project Server.

Figure 5: The increase of hosted groups within Microsoft

Top Of Page
Best Practices
This section details the best practices resulting from the experience of hosting Microsoft Project Server in a multi-site

Best Practice #1: Plan for Growth During Initial Deployment

Anticipate how your hosting environment will scale over time. If you anticipate moderate to high growth, develop your system
with robust hardware or create a system setup that is flexible and versatile to allow for expansion.
Microsoft Project Server / IIS Server
Microsoft Project Server was deployed on a single node IIS cluster, allowing for future growth by adding additional IIS server
computers to the cluster.
Microsoft Project Server Database Server
This server stores the Microsoft Project Server databases for each group of users. There is a high volume of network traffic to and
from the database server, including opening and saving projects, and the processing of views. It is beneficial to have multiple
network connections to the database server, more so than any other server in the deployment.
SharePoint Team Services
The servers running SharePoint Team Services store documents and issues for the users of Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft
Project Server requires proper provisioning for SharePoint Team Services to work properly. About 750 subwebs can exist on a
server running SharePoint Team Services before performance issues arise, so two servers were configured during installation to
handle an expected increase in the number of users.
Note: It is not possible to deploy SharePoint Team Services on an IIS cluster. Multiple servers running SharePoint Team Services
can only be used in a multi-site configuration.
Views Notification Server
The Views Notification server has three primary functions: publishing views in Microsoft Project Web Access, notifications and
reminders e-mail services, and OLAP cube generation. For smaller deployments, the Views Notification process can be run on the
Microsoft Project Server computer. For large deployments, as described in this article, we recommend that the Views Notification
server be offloaded during initial deployment.
Optimize network bandwidth among servers
Server connections and network traffic can have a significant effect on overall system performance. If possible, maintain a data
transfer rate of 100 MB-per-second (or better) throughout your entire hosting environment for Microsoft Project Server. The
server hosting the Microsoft Project Server database tends to be limited by network traffic. If possible, use multiple network
interface cards to increase the number of users that can access the database server.
Use non-expiring credentials for user accounts
For security purposes, large organizations typically implement user domain authentication credentials that expire periodically.
Passwords that are used to access the Views Notification server and the server running SharePoint Team Services can cause a lot
of difficulty for your end-users if they expire. Therefore, use credentials from a local Windows NT user account with a non-
expiring password when running Microsoft Project Server COM+ packages—for example, PSCOMPlus.exe. This will prevent you
from having to rerun the COM+ package later if the password expires and prevents unwanted failures for users accessing
SharePoint Team Services or the SQL Server Analysis Services OLAP features.
We also found it beneficial to use the same Windows credentials for logging on to both the IIS and Views Notifications servers
(after the Views Notification service was separated to its own server). If this password expires, it is best to log off from both
computers, log back on, and then verify that all services restarted correctly.

Best Practice #2: Maximize Throughput on the Database Server

The Microsoft Project Server database server is the prime candidate as one of the initial bottlenecks as your deployment grows.
When the load on your database server hosting consistently reaches 60 to 65 percent of total capacity of the % Processor Time
setting in System Monitor, we advise either upgrading the hardware capabilities of the server or adding a second server to
offload the views processing.
Add a second network interface card to the database server
To maximize network throughput to and from the database server, add a second network interface card.
Configure the Microsoft Project Server IIS connection information as a static IP address
Use a static IP address for the server hosting the Microsoft Project Server database. In the registry settings on that server, refer to
the database computer with its IP address rather than its friendly name.
In the registry on the Views Notification server, change all instances under WebClient Server and the ODBC.INI from the name of
the database server to the static IP address given to the new network interface card added to the Microsoft Project Server. This
causes all connections to the database server to be made to the new network interface card, which has been given the static IP
address and is not registered with the Microsoft Project Server DNS name.
Making this change allows both the Views Notification server and the Microsoft Project Server to communicate with the database
directly without having to compete for network bandwidth (two servers, two network interface cards).
To change the database server connection information in the registry, in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\WebClient Server\<customer>\Datasets\Application\connectInfo
section of the registry, change the Data Source property from the server name to the static IP address.
Best Practice #3: Deploy SharePoint Team Services on Production Hardware
Once you have deployed Microsoft Project Server, depending on your configuration, it can then be difficult to make changes to a
server running SharePoint Team Services.
For every project published to Microsoft Project Server, a subweb (virtual directory) is created on the server running SharePoint
Team Services. The sizing of the server running SharePoint Team Services depends on the estimated usage load (number of users,
projects, and content stored on the server). A general guideline is to limit the IIS load on each server running SharePoint Team
Services to about 750 subwebs.
If you are deploying Microsoft Project Server in a multi-site environment, scaling out and adding SharePoint Team Services
servers is the easiest way to increase the number of subwebs as the number of projects in the Microsoft Project Server database
increases. If you are not deploying Microsoft Project Server in a multi-site environment, anticipate the number of subwebs you
will need on the server running SharePoint Team Services and make your hardware decisions based on these future projections.
Servers running SharePoint Team Services cannot be clustered
SharePoint Team Services 1.0 delivers content that resides on a server running IIS as well as the server that stores the Microsoft
Project Server database. Documents reside on the front-end computer, but some information regarding these items also resides
in the database. Issues content, on the other hand, resides exclusively in the Microsoft Project Server database. SharePoint Team
Services relies on Windows NT security groups for the subwebs from information stored on the front-end computer. These are
the biggest reasons why IIS clustering is not possible. Database clustering is possible, but considering that the database loads are
minimal, this is not required.
Hardware recommendations for the server running SharePoint Team Services
Since clustering servers that run SharePoint Team Services 1.0 is not possible, it is important to estimate the expected future load
on the server running SharePoint Team Services. Once you have set up a server running SharePoint Team Services, if your
deployment is single-site (one Microsoft Project Server database is shared by everyone), then you cannot choose to use an
additional server if you run into high usage and content loads. The only option in this scenario is to migrate the subweb to a new
server, which is not a trivial process. To ensure minimal downtime, we advise that you install a server that is robust enough to
handle your expected load.
Note: Extra RAM improves subweb creation time and page rendering times; however, it is subject to the same 750 subweb
Deploying additional servers running SharePoint Team Services
Every server running SharePoint Team Services works independently. Adding additional servers to a multi-site Microsoft Project
Server deployment is as simple as making an entry to the list of servers running SharePoint Team Services in the Connect to
servers page in Microsoft Project Web Access. This is only possible in a multi-site deployment.
How to gauge when to add a new server running SharePoint Team Services
Any of the following are indicators that you need to add a server running SharePoint Team Services to your Microsoft Project
Server deployment:
The number of hosted groups is reaching a limit where a cumulative number of subwebs is expected to reach 750.
SharePoint Team Services pages fail to load in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Timeout errors occur when trying to create subwebs or synchronize users.
SharePoint Team Services pages are slow to return control to the user, after creating or uploading a list item.
You receive Object Provider errors about the SharePoint Team Services items not being entered into the Microsoft Project
Server database.
When a new SharePoint Team Services server is added, all new groups will get sites created for them on the new server, while old
groups (including new projects they publish) will stay on the old server.

Best Practice #4: Offload the Views Notification Services to a Separate Server
A dedicated Views Notification server is the best way to eliminate performance bottlenecks between the database server and IIS
Without a dedicated Views Notification server, there is a great deal of network traffic between the IIS and database server during
view publication. A dedicated Views Notification server can eliminate this network bottleneck by reducing direct interaction
among the IIS and database servers.
Even if you eliminate the single network interface card bottleneck on the database server, the amount of publishing, cube
generation, and scheduling data being sent from the Microsoft Project Server to the database server will still be a large bottleneck.
Use System Monitor to track the Bytes Sent/Sec and Bytes Rec/Sec on the database server. If you find these metrics
approaching the hardware limits, this is a good indication that a separate Views Notification server with its own connection to the
database server is needed.
For detailed information regarding how to offload the Views Notification server, refer to the article Distributed Deployment:
Microsoft Project 2002 on the Microsoft Project Technology site on TechNet.

Best Practice #5. Monitor System Performance Continually

Continuous, proactive monitoring of your Microsoft Project Server deployment is the best way to maintain the overall health of
your system.
Use System Monitor to watch specific performance counters, which provides an idea of the load, stress, and
communications on each computer in the system.
Keep a close watch on the ViewDrop folder in Microsoft Project Server, which is often the best place to receive advanced
warning of views publishing problems.
Periodically check the Event Viewer on all systems.
Tracking system performance using System Monitor
Use System Monitor to watch specific performance counters (see System Monitor settings table) to obtain a better idea of the
load, stress, and communication on each of the servers and components that are part of the system.
When using System Monitor, it is best to capture baseline measurements when the load on the system is minimal. This will
enable you to make comparisons as the load on the servers increases. Table 3 lists System Monitor settings we focused on when
watching the load on the servers and components during internal hosting.
Table 3 System Monitor settings

Setting Description

% Processor If the processors have a heavy load, the CPUs will start backlogging jobs. If all processors are busy managing the
Time workload, other sessions will be waiting, and high wait times will manifest themselves as symptoms on client
computers. Add a counter for each processor in the computer.

Pages/Sec Helps identify how much information is being loaded into and out of memory per second. This is more of a
summary metric. If this is consistently high, you will experience processes waiting to be loaded into memory.

Gives a summary of bytes read and written per second (to or from each logical disk). If this metric is unusually
% Disk Time high, you can experience long wait times since the disks are one of the slowest components in the system. If this
metric is consistently high, you may experience significant performance problems. Add a counter for each logical
disk drive in the computer.

Indicates how much data is being sent from the server computer back to the client computers. If the data being
Bytes sent from the server back to the clients is approaching available network bandwidth, less information is passing
Sent/Sec through the system and clients may lose connections or experience long response times. Add a counter for each
network card in the computer.

Tells how much data is being sent from the client computers to the server. Similar to Bytes Sent/Sec, if the data
Bytes being sent from the clients is approaching the available network bandwidth, less information is getting through
Received/Sec the system and clients may not log on to the server (timeout errors or query timeouts) or may lose connection to
the server computer.

Two readily identifiable issues that you can detect early when using System Monitor include:
Bottlenecks caused on servers with a single network interface card—add a second network interface card.
Poor performance caused by insufficient memory on a server—add more memory.
Monitor the ViewDrop folder for back-ups
Keep an eye on the ViewDrop folder. If there are publishing problems with the Microsoft Project Server, this is one of the first
places to spot the problem. Sometimes the XML files in the ViewDrop folder take significant time to process. OLAP cube builds
generally take a long time, as do publishing large projects. If you see XML files that are not getting processed in a timely manner,
or if you see build up in the ViewDrop folder, then investigate the cause of the problems:
Be sure the Microsoft Project Views Notification service is still running.
Check to see if the VWNotify.exe process (the process that processes the XML files) is running and using the CPU.
If one or more files seem to be blocking processing in the ViewDrop folder, try manually removing them from the folder,
and adding them back after some of the backlog has been processed. Monitor this process closely.
Check the Event Viewer for system errors
Check the Event Viewer for errors on the IIS server that may be causing problems. Verify the frequency of errors and look for
errors that may explain specific problems that you are experiencing.
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Troubleshooting Tips
If you do run into problems, use the following checklist to help determine the cause:
Can you ping each of the servers on your system?
Can you log on to Microsoft Project Web Access using Microsoft Project Server authentication?
Can you log on to Microsoft Project Web Access using Windows authentication?
Can you open an enterprise project from the Microsoft Project Server database?
Check all of the Microsoft Project Server services running on the IIS server. Have any of them stopped?
Check for error messages in the Event Viewer on the IIS server, in both the Application Log and the System Log.
Are there any error messages on the Views Notification server? Are all the services running on the Views Notification
If the error is publishing-related, when you publish information to the system do you see an XML file appear in the
ViewDrop folder on the Microsoft Project Server? If there are XML files in the ViewDrop folder, how old are those files? If
necessary, you may need to temporarily remove the old XML files out of the ViewDrop folder. To do this, create a temporary
folder and cut and paste the XML files into the temp folder. When the folder is clear, add the XML files back into the
ViewDrop folder one at a time. Verify that VWNotify.exe is running in the Task Manager on the Views Notifications server.
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Microsoft Project Server has been successfully deployed in a multi-site configuration within Microsoft. This successful deployment
was aided by planning for scalable growth, maximizing the throughput of the database server, deploying SharePoint Team
Services on production hardware, offloading the Views Notification services, and monitoring system performance. A set of best
practices and troubleshooting tips have been developed from the lessons learned in the internal hosting deployment, and are
included in this document.
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Appendix A: Customer Support Processes
We found that the key to a successful multi-server hosted environment is quick and accurate customer support. The Microsoft
Project customer support is a multi-layered process. Our first layer of support is an internal site where we published a Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) page which answers the most commonly asked questions.
FAQ Page for Internal Customers

Members of your organization will have questions about how to use Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Web Access,
and their features such as views, e-mail notifications, publishing projects, and how to fix errors. Keep track of the questions as you
encounter them and then create a page in Microsoft Project Web Access or the Microsoft Project Guide to address frequently
asked questions.
Some of the questions we encountered are:
How do I set up e-mail notifications and reminders?
I have set up notifications, but I am only receiving them embedded in e-mail messages, not as an Outlook task. Why?
How do I prevent Microsoft Project Server from sending out e-mail notifications when new or changed assignments are
I am getting strange dialog boxes when opening Microsoft Project Professional using Terminal Server. Any ideas?
How do I build an OLAP cube?
How can I force check-in a project?
How do I set up a digital dashboard to show projects in the Project Center?
To handle other requests, we developed a support infrastructure to provide specialized services in the areas of general
troubleshooting, database troubleshooting, publishing, scheduling, enterprise features, Microsoft Project Web Access,
notifications, reminders, and timesheets, plus interaction with SharePoint Team Services.
Provisioning New Sites

Whenever you decide to set up new servers in your hosting environment, make sure to have a system in place to provision the
sites. Provisioning new sites is a very replicable process and one that could be easily automated.
Our process for provisioning new sites is the following:
1. The customer navigates to the hosting request page located on the Microsoft intranet, and enters the following information
into the form:
group name, short name (the name of their virtual directory), contact/administrator, the full name (for the administrator), a
brief group description, user information, the expected number of projects and users, and a space for comments or
additional information.
When completed, the request is submitted to the Microsoft Project Server administrator.
2. When the request is accepted, the information is passed on to a database. A hosting tool checks for new entries every 20
3. A virtual directory is created that points to the installed files on the server, and the configuration for the new virtual
directory is set.
4. A new registry key for the site in Microsoft Project Server is set, and an e-mail message is sent out notifying of the new site.
5. The database is updated with site information; a flag in the database is set that indicates the virtual directory has been
6. SharePoint Team Services subwebs are created; they are provisioned for the new Microsoft Project Server virtual directory.
7. A record about the server running SharePoint Team Services is inserted into the Microsoft Project Server database, and the
database is updated with SharePoint Team Services information. A flag in the database is set when this is completed.
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Appendix B: List of All Issues Encountered
The following list details the types of issues we encountered during our Microsoft Project Server deployment:
Network / WAN We experienced some performance issues with customers who had slower network connections (less
than 100 MB). When a connection is slower, there can be problems connecting to the database server. These problems can
be reproduced by opening SQL Server Enterprise Manager and attempting to connect to the Microsoft Project Server
database server from that application. One workaround for this problem is to use a terminal server that is set up properly
for your Microsoft Project Server deployment.
Breaking out Views Notification services We ran into the following problems after offloading the views process on to a
separate server: provisioning errors and modifications which needed to be made to registry settings. To avoid these
problems, we recommend that you deploy a separate Views Notification server during your initial deployment.
Windows password expiration We found that it is beneficial to use the same Windows credentials for logging on to both
the IIS and the Views Notification servers. However, when the password expires, it is best to log out, then log on to each
server, and then verify that the services started up correctly.
Domain disjoins If one of your servers is disjoined from the domain, it is necessary to rejoin the domain and reboot the
server. Then verify that all system components are running correctly in your Microsoft Project Server environment.
Expired user passwords When a Windows NT user password that is being used to provide credentials to a Microsoft
Project Server COM+ package expires, users attempting to connect to SharePoint Team Services or the Views Notification
server (through OLAP Analysis Services, specifically) are not able to connect. To restore this functionality, you will need to
re-run the PSCOMPlus.exe tool with the new user credentials. This will require a short period of downtime for all users who
require this password. To avoid this problem, use a local Windows NT user account with a non-expiring password.
Registry settings on the IIS and Views Notifications servers If the registry settings on either the IIS or Views
Notification servers are changed unintentionally (the GUID of the Session Manager, for example), there can be serious
Errors in published data Occasionally, XML files sent to the ViewDrop folder to be processed contain errors and are not
processed correctly. Consequently, XML files in the ViewDrop folder begin to pile up behind the file with the error. This
problem cannot be fixed until the XML file that contains the error is removed from the folder.
Slow network connections and network congestion If the network is unusually slow, it can make the system appear to
be down. The ViewDrop folder can fill up with files and users experience brief outages in both enterprise Project availability
and access to Microsoft Project Web Access. Note that a slow network connection or network congestion are not always the
reasons why XML files pile up in the ViewDrop folder.
Heavy load on the database server When the database server reaches a consistent load across all processors at around
70 to 75 percent, we experienced problems accessing projects stored on the server. The problems first started occurring for
users of Microsoft Project Professional. As the load increased, this affected users of Microsoft Project Web Access. The
problems included slow connection times to the Microsoft Project Server, slow or unresponsive opening and saving of
projects, publishing errors ("the database server cannot be accessed," for example), and a general unresponsiveness. We
determined that when the database server reached a consistent load at around 60 to 65 percent, it was beneficial to add a
second database server to the configuration and move selected organizations data to this new server. Take the following
steps when adding a new database server:
1. Set up a new server and configure it for use with Microsoft Project Server.
2. Copy all data files and log files (including the master database) over to the new server.
3. Overwrite the existing master database with the master database from the old server to preserve log on information.
4. Detach the databases (except for the master) and move the files to new locations.
Note: Consider moving the data files to one logical drive (RAID-10 array) and transaction log files to another logical
drive (a separate RAID-10 array).
Then re-attach the databases.
5. Set up Windows NT security groups and match them from the old server. This includes both users and administrators
of SharePoint Team Services.
6. Remove the original computer entry from the domain and register it the same way as the original computer on the
7. Update the file paths in the provisioning application and verify that the connections still work.
8. Verify that all connections to SharePoint Team Services are still provisioned correctly and that the STSAdmin and
STSUser accounts are valid with the new database server.
9. After DNS is updated, run a backup of the new database server and check the Microsoft Project Server to verify that
the connections are functional and that all content on the server is correct.
Note: Consider using dynamically-generated scripts to facilitate this process. For example, run the DBCC ShrinkDatabase
and DBCC ShrinkFile scripts on the data files and log files to reduce their sizes. Rebuild the index using the DBCC DBReindex
Database connections lost after reboot Some users of Microsoft Project Server lose read/write access to the TempDB
table in the database server after rebooting to the database server. If this happens, you will have two indicators. The first
indicator is the presence of a large number of XML files in the ViewDrop folder (check the Event Viewer application log for
text similar to "Server user '<username>' is not a valid user in the database "tempdb"). The other indicator is when you
attempt to use Microsoft Project Professional to log on to Microsoft Project Server—as the user is being authenticated, you
receive the error message: "An unexpected error occurred. The database could not be initialized because it is not configured
correctly, it does not support required functionality, or it is not installed on your computer. Contact your System
Administrator for the database." To resolve this issue, you need to verify the permissions to the TempDB table on the
database server.
Our users were asking us questions about how to use the product We developed a FAQ page and linked our
customers to it through the intranet.
SQL Server and SSL Security Error We ran into issues where the SQL Server 2000 server had a certificate installed on it
with the same name as the SQL Server. This problem and its solution are described in the Knowledge Base article SQL
Server 2000 Installation or Local Connections Fail with "SSL Security error :ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake())"
Error Message.
Top Of Page
Appendix C: October 2002 Server Usage Statistics
Table 4 shows customer load for October 2002. These statistics are real numbers, but the internal source names have been
changed for privacy.
Table 4 Server usage statistics for October 2002

Organization Total Projects Total Resources Average Tasks/Project Average Assn/Project

Project Group 1 3 1 22 22

Project Group 2 3 12 209 218

Project Group 3 4 48 246 370

Project Group 4 2 100 247 250

Project Group 5 20 245 85 120

Project Group 6 0 5 0 0

Project Group 7 2 13 27 35

Project Group 8 2 19 102 103

Project Group 9 16 23 22 22

Project Group 10 0 8 0 0

Project Group 11 11 4 6 6

Project Group 12 0 21 0 0

Project Group 13 5 12 11 17

Project Group 14 3 6 100 100

Project Group 15 0 6 0 0
Project Group 16 7 9 17 19

Project Group 17 2 5 15 32

Project Group 18 4 5 3 3

Project Group 19 15 18 33 39

Project Group 20 3 25 255 258

Project Group 21 16 67 41 25

Project Group 22 2 20 0 0

Project Group 23 5 8 11 11

Project Group 24 2 15 155 157

Project Group 25 2 149 2 2

Project Group 26 21 14 39 46

Project Group 27 2 2 30 30

Project Group 28 2 1 4 4

Project Group 29 2 5 106 106

Project Group 30 5 33 18 39

Project Group 31 7 34 206 393

Project Group 32 3 7 18 18

Project Group 33 300 808 16 21

Project Group 34 6 24 127 133

Project Group 35 3 10 14 16

Project Group 36 3 54 111 125

Project Group 37 7 8 13 16

Project Group 38 178 174 25 27

Project Group 39 15 219 42 62

Project Group 40 0 43 0 0

Project Group 41 9 25 4 4

Project Group 42 20 245 85 120

Project Group 43 3 13 11 11

Project Group 44 13 129 86 95

Project Group 45 180 247 28 32

Project Group 46 2 5 34 34

Project Group 47 3 150 506 725

Project Group 48 3 105 509 544

Project Group 49 3 42 14 15

Project Group 50 0 5 0 0

Project Group 51 1 2 2 2

Project Group 52 13 122 87 92

Project Group 53 37 122 112 120

Project Group 54 3 19 45 55

Project Group 55 9 14 21 24

Project Group 56 0 3 0 0

Totals and Averages 982 total 3,528 total 39 average 46 average

Lou Lucarelli is a Software Test Engineer for Microsoft Project and has been testing software for six years. He is also the Dogfood
(alpha and beta version) Administrator for Microsoft Project Server 2002, which is hosted internally at Microsoft.
Top Of Page
Migrating to Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: May 1, 2002

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Summary This paper introduces the new features of Microsoft Project Professional 2002 (along with Microsoft Project Server for
workgroup functionality) and addresses issues associated with migrating existing projects from Microsoft Project 98 and
Microsoft Project 2000.
On This Page

Introduction to Microsoft Project 2002

The Microsoft Project 2002 Product Family
Microsoft Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server
How to Upgrade
Migration Considerations
Introduction to Microsoft Project 2002
This paper introduces the new features of Microsoft® Project Professional 2002 (along with Microsoft Project Server for
workgroup functionality) and addresses issues associated with migrating existing projects from Microsoft Project 98 and
Microsoft Project 2000. It is intended to help project managers and information technology (IT) professionals responsible for
deploying and supporting Microsoft Project ensure a smooth transition to Microsoft Project 2002.
Microsoft Project 2002 offers major feature additions and enhancements over its predecessors. Since the release of Microsoft
Project 2000, Microsoft has performed extensive research and development, collecting feedback from current users and
identifying the needs of knowledge workers in general and expert project managers new to the product. The resulting
improvements focus on two areas: making Microsoft Project easier to use, and addressing the project management requirements
of large organizations.
As part of the upgrade, Microsoft has introduced new additions to the Microsoft Project family. These products give you the
flexibility to purchase and install the Microsoft Project products that are best suited to your organization. The new Microsoft
Project 2002 product lineup is introduced in the section below.
This white paper assumes you will be upgrading to Microsoft Project Professional 2002, and identifies best practices and potential
issues associated with migration from Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98. For information on migrating to Microsoft
Project Standard, see the white paper " Migrating to Microsoft Project Standard 2002."
Top Of Page
The Microsoft Project 2002 Product Family
Microsoft has expanded the Microsoft Project family product line to include two desktop applications, as well as a stand-alone,
server-based collaboration tool.
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002 is a new product designed specifically to meet the needs of organizations that require
enterprise project management functionality. Microsoft Project Professional combines the functionality of Microsoft Project
Standard with enterprise project management features.
Microsoft Project Standard 2002
Microsoft Project Standard is the new version of the Microsoft Office project management solution designed for single users and
small workgroups. Microsoft Project Standard builds on the features of Microsoft Project 2000, adding enhancements that
contribute to ease of use and provide better integration with Microsoft Office applications.
For information on migrating to Microsoft Project Standard, see the white paper "Migrating to Microsoft Project Standard 2002."
Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server was originally introduced with Microsoft Project 2000 as the server component for the Web-based
collaboration tool, Microsoft Project Central. With the release of Microsoft Project 2002, Microsoft Project Server will be sold as a
separate product and no longer bundled with the desktop products. Microsoft Project Server includes five Microsoft Project
Server Client Access Licenses (CAL). As with Microsoft Project 2000, each desktop application includes one CAL. Additional CALs
are available through volume licensing.
The latest version of Microsoft Project Server includes many new features, such as enhanced security and integration with
SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft, which allows you to organize, store, share, and track project-related information
including documents and issues in a secure, central location.
The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the Microsoft Project Professional 2002 desktop application and
Microsoft Project Server.

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Microsoft Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server
The new features of Microsoft Project Professional support four primary design goals:
Make using Microsoft Project more intuitive for new and existing users by including new features to allow knowledge
workers and business managers to gain personal productivity faster.
Make project data and more accessible and improve collaboration among project team members.
Manage, view, and analyze your organization's entire portfolio of projects using custom enterprise codes; ensure
consistency in data entry and reporting; and manage a central enterprise resource pool.
Provide a project management platform to enable users to extend their use of the Microsoft Project.
To take advantage of the new Microsoft Project enterprise features, your organization needs Microsoft Project Professional plus
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Server CALs.
Microsoft recommends that customers deploying Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server configure the server
to support publishing projects by Microsoft Project Professional only. When project and resource information from both
Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Standard is mixed on a single server, the accuracy and usefulness of reports
can be significantly reduced.
The features that support these goals are summarized below.
Intuitive Project Management
Manage resources across multiple projects
With Microsoft Project Professional, you can allocate enterprise resources across all of your organization's projects based
on skills, availability, and other attributes. Resource management can be done manually or through the Resource
Substitution Wizard to achieve the best use of your resources.*
Discover more with powerful analysis tools
PivotTable® views provide powerful visual representations of your enterprise-wide project information that can be easily
manipulated for further analysis.*
Easily set user-level security
Keep your project data secure with user permission settings. Multiple security levels let you easily manage access to
information, views, and data entry capabilities based on team roles.*
Project Guide
With the addition of the Project Guide, Microsoft Project Professional 2002 provides a new interactive step-by-step project
management aid to help users quickly and easily create and manage project plans, access key Microsoft Project features
directly, and become productive immediately. It guides users through each step of setting up a project, assigning resources,
tracking project progress, and reporting project status.
Enhanced Help
Improved Help functionality and new scheduling smart tags provide timely and relevant assistance to users as they work.
The smart tags help users ensure they are getting the results they expect when they adjust their project plans.
Easy integration
In addition to a simple new interface based on the look and feel of Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Project 2002 includes
better integration with Microsoft Office products. Users can convert task lists created in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
Outlook®, or Microsoft Outlook Web Access into Microsoft Project 2002 project plans to get up and running even more
Project Map
The Project Map, located in online Help, guides you through the phases of project management as you design, implement,
and track your projects.

Accessibility and Collaboration

Keep focused on enterprise-wide initiatives
Improved views help you to analyze all projects and resources from a central location, making it easier to track progress and
make more informed business decisions.*
Keep project information consistent
With Microsoft Project Professional, everyone in your organization enters data the same way every time. Data is reported
and organized consistently across the enterprise, providing an accurate, easy-to-interpret view of your organization's
Gain a better understanding of your projects
Take advantage of powerful "what if" analysis and other simulation tools to increase efficiency, improve forecasting and
planning, and make smarter business decisions.*
Store project information in a shared location
Integration with SharePoint Team Services lets your team store, organize, share documents, and track issues for each
project in a secure, central location.*
Automated communications
Microsoft Project 2002 adds support for automated e-mail notifications, advising users of information such as project
updates, upcoming milestones, issues, and more, with direct links to project plan information. This feature reduces
administrative workload and helps teams keep projects on track.
Through improved features within the Microsoft Project Server CALs, team members and stakeholders (depending on their
permissions) can view, update, and run queries on project information via the Web.
*Requires Microsoft Project Server 2002, which includes SharePoint Team Services.
Project Management Platform
Manage multiple large-scale projects
Microsoft Project Professional lets you easily aggregate project plans, manage thousands of action items, and schedule
multiple projects, ensuring all of the projects in your portfolio are aligned with enterprise-wide initiatives.*
Build your team more efficiently
With Microsoft Project Professional, you can a build a team from resources across the enterprise by using the Build Team
from Enterprise feature.
Work with a scalable project management solution
Tight integration with Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft SQL Server™ provides the foundation for enterprise-wide
project management that supports your growing organization.*
Share information with enterprise-wide applications
By using industry standards such as XML and SOAP, Microsoft Project Professional easily integrates and exchanges data
with other business applications and databases.
Deploy enterprise-wide standards and templates
Microsoft Project Professional enforces a standard method of data input, which ensures consistent reporting across your
portfolio of projects.*
Users can now easily tailor project plans to match their business practices by adding custom fields using the Project Guide
or through the standard user interface.
Seamless integration of Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services minimizes the time and cost of deploying
and supporting the separate software products.
Data administration
Administration is simplified through the complete integration of Microsoft Project Server technology with Microsoft Project
2002 features.
* Requires Microsoft Project Server 2002, which includes SharePoint Team Services.
Top Of Page
How to Upgrade
Microsoft provides several tools to help users evaluate the benefits of Microsoft Project Professional 2002 and to make it easier to
deploy Microsoft Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server. The following steps should allow you to make an informed
decision about migrating to Microsoft Project Professional.
Evaluate the Product
Carefully consider your organization's project management requirements. If you plan to roll out Microsoft Project Server for
enterprise use, you should read the EIF (Enterprise Implementation Framework). The EIF framework suggests an approach for
building an implementation strategy for your business. Assessing the requirements of your business and users includes selecting
and purchasing hardware, deciding upon Microsoft Project Server options, designing enterprise custom fields, migrating or
importing existing data, and switching production systems.
Plan the Deployment

Microsoft provides tools to help customers deploy Microsoft Project 2002. The EIF contains a number of documents that will
guide you in planning and scheduling deployment of Microsoft Project 2002, especially in a large enterprise.
At a high level, the migration process for Microsoft Project Professional 2002 includes:
1. Understanding user roles, frequency of use, numbers of users in different roles, and reporting needs.
2. Determining which enterprise features you will need for your organization, such as portfolio analysis and resource
3. Determining which required enterprise fields, calendars, and views need to be included in the enterprise global template.
4. Adding or importing enterprise resources. Enterprise resources must exist before they can be assigned to project teams.
5. Importing projects to the Microsoft Project Server database.

Purchase Microsoft Project 2002

Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server can be purchased separately from authorized resellers in your area or
online at Each copy of Microsoft Project Professional 2002 includes a single CAL for Microsoft Project Server.
Additional CALs can be purchased through volume licensing.
Install Microsoft Project 2002
The Microsoft Project 2002 Setup program simplifies installation and upgrading. It detects and automatically removes previous
versions of Microsoft Project. The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide Help file, Pjsvr10.chm, covers the details of installing
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Professional. You will need to review server hardware and software requirements
thoroughly before upgrading.
Top Of Page
Migration Considerations
Upgrading to Microsoft Project Professional 2002 provides project managers greater control over planning, scheduling, tracking,
and portfolio modeling and analysis, as well as opportunities for increased collaboration and visibility of project information
among team members and management. In most cases, project plans created with Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project
2002 can be opened, edited, and saved in either version without problems. However, because the new and enhanced features of
Microsoft Project 2002 are not supported in earlier versions, there may be unexpected results.
The issues associated with interoperability between versions and with migrating projects from older versions to Microsoft Project
2002 are summarized below and discussed in detail in the following sections.
Changes to the scheduling engine
Microsoft Project 2002 includes refinements to the scheduling engine. While it is unlikely that these improvements will
recalculate existing schedules or cause unexpected results when project plans created in Microsoft Project 98 or Microsoft
Project 2000 are opened, these changes are identified to allow users to confirm the integrity of project data after migration.
Backward compatibility
The Microsoft Project 2002 file format is compatible with Microsoft Project 2000, so users of Microsoft Project 2000 and
Microsoft Project 2002 may share projects without converting their files. However, project information related to the new
features of Microsoft Project 2002 may not be displayed or may have an unexpected appearance when project plans are
opened in Microsoft Project 2000. These effects may be more pronounced when files are opened in Microsoft Project 98.
Microsoft Project 2002 users who exchange project information with users of Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project
98, or who expect a single project file to be opened in more than one version, should carefully review the "File types and
formats" and "Backward Compatibility" sections later in this paper.
File types and formats
Microsoft Project Professional uses the same MPP file format as Microsoft Project 2000. This file format enables users to
share files between these programs, although there may be backward compatibility issues, as noted in the "Backward
Compatibility" section later in this paper. Microsoft Project Professional 2002 can also read files from the MPD format, MPX
format, and the .mpp files created by Microsoft Project 98. In addition, Microsoft Project Professional introduces a new XML
data interchange format based on the Microsoft Project Data Interchange schema.
Database formats
The database format in Microsoft Project 2002 has some additional fields for data required by the new Microsoft Project
2002 features. Microsoft Project 2000 can still directly access a Microsoft Project 2002 database, and projects in Microsoft
Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 98 databases can be opened directly by Microsoft Project 2002. To take advantage of
performance and functionality unique to SQL Server, Microsoft Project Server now requires the use of Microsoft SQL Server

Changes to the Scheduling Engine

Microsoft Project 2002 includes an enhanced scheduling engine. These enhancements improve performance and precision of
scheduling, with little impact on existing project plans.
Differences Between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000
Users upgrading project plans from Microsoft Project 2000 should be aware of the following two issues, which in some cases
may cause changes to earned value calculations or the way work is rescheduled.
Earned value analysis
In Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 98, the value of the EAC (Estimate at Completion) field was equal to the
value of the Cost field. In Microsoft Project 2002, the calculation of EAC takes the new Cost Performance Index (CPI) into
account, giving an alternative projection of final cost, assuming that past financial performance achieved in the project is a
predictor for the future financial performance of the project.
Variance at Completion (VAC) depends on the EAC value (VAC = BAC – EAC; BAC is Budget At Completion, which equals
Baseline Cost); so in Microsoft Project 2002, VAC may differ from the value in Microsoft Project 2000.
When edits are made to %Complete, %Work Complete, Actual Work, or Actual Duration, by default, Microsoft Project 2002
moves forward remaining work that occurs before the status date to start at the status date and moves back completed
work that occurs after the status date to finish at the status date. This behavior prevents remaining work from being
scheduled in the past and actual work to remain in the future. The particular options can be set in the Calculation tab of the
Options dialog box (Tools menu). Note that only edits to sheet data (that is, data that is not timephased) have this effect.
Also note that if no explicit status date is entered in the Project Information dialog box, the current date will be used.
Differences Between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 98
Users upgrading project plans from Microsoft Project 98 should be aware of the issues identified in the previous section
("Differences Between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000"), as well as the following issues:
Task scheduling
Only rarely will schedule dates change when a schedule created in Microsoft Project 98 is opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Nevertheless, when a file is opened in Microsoft Project 2002 for the first time, users should examine the schedule carefully
to determine whether dates have shifted.
Task criticality
Because of improvements in the way that Microsoft Project 2002 calculates the critical path, it is possible that the criticality
of specific tasks—that is, whether or not the task is included in the project's critical path—may shift when an existing project
plan is opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Master project critical path
Similarly, a new feature enables Microsoft Project 2002 to calculate the critical path for a master project across all
subprojects. This change provides greater accuracy by creating a single critical path that flows through the subprojects.
Users can disable this feature, choosing to calculate the critical path individually for each inserted project (as in Microsoft
Project 98) by clearing the Inserted projects are calculated like summary tasks check box in the Calculation Options
dialog box.

Backward Compatibility
Backward compatibility refers to the ability to open files created with Microsoft Project 2002 in an earlier version of Microsoft
Project. In general, Microsoft Project 2002 offers excellent backward compatibility with Microsoft Project 2000, and, to a lesser
extent, Microsoft Project 98. Users should be aware that features introduced in the new version are generally not supported in
previous versions, and that the fidelity of a project plan opened in either Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98 depends
to some degree on the extent to which these features are used.
Microsoft Project 2002 projects saved to Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 98 format
This information applies to files created and saved in Microsoft Project 2002 and subsequently opened and saved in Microsoft
Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98.
The file formats used by Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000 are compatible; no information is lost when a user
opens, edits, and saves in Microsoft Project 2000 a project created with Microsoft Project 2002. Fields and features unique to
Microsoft Project 2002 will not be visible in Microsoft Project 2000, but they will not be lost if the file is saved and subsequently
opened in Microsoft Project 2002. Note that this is true only if the file is saved using the Save command. If the file is saved using
the Save As command, all information unique to Microsoft Project 2002 is lost.
Specific features and data that may be affected are listed below:
Project 2000 supports only a single baseline per project. Additional baselines saved in Microsoft Project 2002 will not be
shown in Microsoft Project 2000.
Calculation options
If a project plan's calculation options were set in Microsoft Project 2002 to place actual and remaining work in relation to
the status date, they are ignored in Microsoft Project 2000. However, actual and remaining work does not move if the
project is opened in Microsoft Project 2000 because these calculation options are only considered when the project file is
edited in Microsoft Project 2002.
Earned Value, additional fields, and calculation options
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support the additional Earned Value fields. Because multiple baselines are not supported,
Earned Value calculations will be based on the default baseline. In Microsoft Project 2002, Earned Value can be based on
Physical %Complete. When the file is opened in Microsoft Project 2000, Earned Value for these tasks will always be
calculated based on task % Complete.
Generic and deactivated resources
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support generic and deactivated resources.
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support grouping on assignment fields or rollups of timephased fields in the usage views.
So usage views that include these groupings will group the tasks or resources, not the assignments, and the timephased
Group By summary data will be blank. In the Network Diagram View, grouped nodes will not be grouped.
Multiple Project Manager support
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support multiple managers within one project plan.
Organizer items
Organizer items, such as views and tables that reference elements specific to Microsoft Project 2002 (for example, Baseline3
Cost) are hidden when the file is opened in Microsoft Project 2000. A substitute version (for example, a table showing all
fields but the Baseline Cost3 field) will be visible. Changes made in Microsoft Project 2000 to such substitute versions are
ignored if the file is subsequently opened in Microsoft Project 2002, because the original version is used (for example, the
table containing the Baseline3 Cost field).
Update project
When you update a project and reschedule remaining work, Microsoft Project 2000 may not preserve the constraint for
constrained tasks that have no progress. Rescheduled work is restricted to future dates.
Microsoft Project 2002 projects saved to Microsoft Project 98
This information applies to files created in Microsoft Project 2002 and subsequently saved in Microsoft Project 98 format. In
addition to the issues listed in the previous section ("Microsoft Project 2002 projects saved to Microsoft Project 2000"), users
should be aware of the following issues:
To retain timephased baseline fields (Baseline Work, Baseline Cost) and Earned Value fields (timephased, as well as regular)
when a file is saved in Microsoft Project 98 format, you must ensure that the baseline is also saved in Microsoft Project 98
format. In Microsoft Project 2002, you must specify Microsoft Project 98 as the save format (either by saving the file, or by
setting the default save format), before saving the baseline. If you save the baseline without first specifying Microsoft Project
98 as the save format, when you save the project file in Microsoft Project 98 format, timephased baseline data is lost.
Microsoft Project 98 supports only three shifts on a calendar. Five-shift calendars from Microsoft Project 2002 are
converted to three-shift calendars.
Contoured resource availability
Because Microsoft Project 98 does not support contoured resource availability, data entered in the Resource Availability
table in Microsoft Project 2002 will be retained only if the table has only one row. If the table has more than one row, the
fields Available From, Available To, and Max Units in Microsoft Project 2002 are mapped directly to the corresponding fields
in Microsoft Project 98.
Custom fields
For custom fields with user-defined formulas or lookup tables, only the static value is retained. The formulas and lookup
tables are not saved. For custom fields that display graphical indicators instead of values, only the values are retained.
Graphical indicators are not saved.
Deadline dates
Microsoft Project 98 does not support deadline dates.
Estimated durations
Microsoft Project 98 does not support estimated durations. Values entered as estimates are lost.
Microsoft Project 2002 allows significantly more control over formatting individual cells and bars. Any formatting that
exceeds the capabilities of Microsoft Project 98 is lost.
Microsoft Project 98 does not support grouping. The current grouping applied to all views, and any groups saved with the
project are lost.
Microsoft Project 98 does not support ScreenTips for hyperlinks. ScreenTips are lost.
Microsoft Project 98 supports only 10 levels of priority. The 1000 priority levels of Microsoft Project 2002 are mapped to
the 10 priority levels in Microsoft Project 98, so tasks that have unique priorities in Microsoft Project 2002 may be assigned
the same priority in Microsoft Project 98. Filters that reference a specific priority are also remapped to the 10-level priority
Maximum resource units
Microsoft Project 98 does not support resource units of more than 10,000. Any assignment with Max Resource Units
greater than 10,000 is changed to 10,000.
Material Resources
Microsoft Project 98 does not support material resources. Resources whose type is set to Material are converted to work
resources when the project is saved in Microsoft Project 98 format. Values in the Material Label and Type (resource) fields
and Assignment Resource Type (assignment) field are lost.
To ensure that macros are transferred properly when a project is saved to Microsoft Project 98 format, Microsoft Project
2002 adds a Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) statement to the Project_Open event. This statement forces
Microsoft Project 98 to save the macros in the version of VBA that is shipped with Microsoft Project 98.
When the project is opened, Microsoft Project 98 displays the Macro Virus Warning dialog box. You need to click Enable
Macros to allow the Project_Open subprocedure to run. If you click Disable Macros, Microsoft Project 98 does not
properly save the VBA information, and it will be inaccessible to both Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2002. For
more information, refer to the " PRJ: Macro Warning, Missing Macros, or Cannot Edit Macro in a Project Saved in 98 Format
" Microsoft knowledge base article.
Month duration unit
Microsoft Project 98 does not support month as a unit of duration. Duration units and cost rates expressed in months are
converted to days.
PERT Chart views
Customized Network Diagram views in Microsoft Project 2002 are lost when the file is saved in Microsoft Project 98 format.
If the active view includes the Network Diagram as part of a split view, the view is saved as a single-pane view. Any filters
applied to Network Diagram views are lost. If a Network Diagram view (known as a PERT Chart in Microsoft Project 98)
contains customized formatting or layout originally created in Microsoft Project 98, any new tasks added in Microsoft
Project 2002 appear as nodes stacked in the top left corner when viewed in Microsoft Project 98.
Task calendars
Microsoft Project 98 does not support task calendars. Tasks are scheduled only according to the resource calendars or the
project calendar.

File and Database Formats

Microsoft Project 2002 supports a variety of file and database formats, including the native file formats (used by Microsoft
Project) and data interchange formats (to share information with other applications). The following table lists the file types that
are supported by Microsoft Project 2002. Each file type is discussed in detail in the following sections.
Table 1 Summary of supported file formats

File Type Read Write Description

Microsoft Project 2000 MPP YES YES Native project file format

Microsoft Project 98 MPP YES YES Legacy project file format

Earlier (Microsoft Project 1.0, 3.0, and NO NO Export data from earlier versions in MPX format
4.0/95) MPP

Microsoft Project 2000 MPD YES YES Native database file format

Microsoft Project 98 MPD YES NO Legacy database file format

Microsoft Project MPX YES NO ASCII data interchange format

Microsoft Project XML YES YES XML data interchange format using the Microsoft Project Data
Interchange schema

Other XML YES YES Requires use of the Import and Export Wizards

Microsoft Project File Types

Microsoft Project MPP file format
Microsoft Project 2002 uses the same .mpp file format as Microsoft Project 2000. Microsoft Project 2002 adds new
information to the MPP file format, but the files remain compatible with Microsoft Project 2000. Although the .mpp file
extension is the same as that used by previous versions of Microsoft Project, files saved in native Microsoft Project 2002
format cannot be opened in any version of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project 2000.
An .mpp file created in either the Standard or Professional edition of Microsoft Project 2002 may be freely exchanged
between the two editions; however, there are some limitations on what can be viewed or edited in Microsoft Project
Professional 2002. Microsoft Project Professional allows only read-only viewing (that is, no editing) of any enterprise data
or other project information that is only supported in Microsoft Project Professional. Data related to features common to
both editions can be freely edited in Microsoft Project Professional 2002, and the read-only items will be maintained when
the file is saved.
If a project file saved with Microsoft Project 2002 with the MPP format is opened in Microsoft Project 2000, unsupported
data from any new Microsoft Project 2002 features is ignored by Microsoft Project 2000. The user may edit and save the file
in Microsoft Project 2000, and all data is retained, including information unique to Microsoft Project 2002. However, if the
Microsoft Project 2000 user saves the project as a new .mpp or database file with a different name with the Save As
command (File menu), the unsupported data is not available in the newly created file.
Microsoft Project 98 MPP file format
In addition to the current MPP file format, Microsoft Project 2002 users can save files to the Microsoft Project 98 MPP file
format, making it easier to exchange projects with users who have not yet upgraded beyond that version. For more
information, see the "Backward Compatibility" section.
Earlier file formats
Project files from versions of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project 98 (that is, Microsoft Project 1.0, 3.0, and
4.0/95) cannot be opened directly in Microsoft Project 2002. These files must first be saved in the Microsoft Project
exchange (MPX) format in the original version of Microsoft Project where the file was created. Microsoft Project 2002 can
read .mpx files. For more information, see the "Backward Compatibility" section earlier in this paper.
Data Interchange Formats
Microsoft Project XML file format
Microsoft Project 2002 introduces a new data interchange format, XML, which uses the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
to represent project information. Complete projects can be exported to XML documents that conform to the Microsoft
Project Data Interchange schema. Microsoft Project 2002 can also read (import) XML documents that conform to this
schema. Note that the XML files include only semantic project information; view definitions (for example, Gantt Chart or
tables) are not included.
The Import and Export Wizards allow users to exchange XML data between Microsoft Project 2002 and custom or third
party applications that support XML but do not use the Microsoft Project Data Interchange schema.
Microsoft Project database (MPD) format
Like Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2000, Microsoft Project 2002 supports the Microsoft Project database MPD
file format as its standard interchange file format. While a few additions have been made to the database schema to
accommodate new Microsoft Project 2002 features, .mpd files created in Microsoft Project 2002 are compatible with
Microsoft Project 2000, and files created in either version can be opened by the other.
Microsoft Project 2002 can open a project file that has been saved in Microsoft Project 98 database format; however, it
cannot save a project in the Microsoft Project 98 database format. Users who exchange files between Microsoft Project 2002
and Microsoft Project 98 must use the Microsoft Project 98 MPP format.
Microsoft Project Exchange (MPX) file format
Like Microsoft Project 2000, Microsoft Project 2002 can read (import) files in the Microsoft Project Exchange MPX file
format; however, it does not allow users to save MPX files. The MPX file format is essentially a record-formatted text file
containing project data in ASCII text format. It contains only rudimentary project data, permitting users to exchange project
data with other applications. Users who routinely export project data to third party programs or solutions that rely on the
MPX file format for data exchange should contact the program vendors about the availability of a solution or upgrade that
supports Microsoft Project 2002 or XML.

Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Central Databases

Upgrading Microsoft Project Databases

Projects created in Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98 and saved to a database (an MPD file, or a SQL Server or Oracle
database) can be opened directly by Microsoft Project 2002; however, they cannot be saved back to the original database tables. It
is recommended that project database tables be upgraded manually when you migrate to Microsoft Project 2002. The Microsoft
Project Setup program provides scripts for updating SQL Server databases.
When a user attempts to save a project from Microsoft Project 2002 to a Microsoft Project 98 database, a new set of Microsoft
Project 2002 database tables is created in the database. The save operation will fail if the user does not have CREATE TABLE
permissions on the database server.
When a user attempts to save a project from Microsoft Project 2002 to a Microsoft Project 2000 database, the database tables are
upgraded in-place to include the new Microsoft Project 2002 fields. The Save operation will fail if the user does not have ALTER
TABLE permissions on the database server.
Backward Compatibility of Databases
Projects created in Microsoft Project 2002 and saved to a database (an MPD file, or a SQL Server or Oracle database) can be
opened in Microsoft Project 2000; however, information unique to Microsoft Project 2002 will not be displayed. Although the
database format used by Microsoft Project 2002 contains additional fields compared to a database created with Microsoft Project
2000, Microsoft Project 2000 ignores the additional fields.
Projects created in Microsoft Project 2002 and saved to a database cannot be opened in Microsoft Project 98.
Upgrading to the Microsoft Project Server Database Format
The functionality of Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000. In addition, the Microsoft Project Professional
enterprise project management features take advantage of SQL Server Analysis Services (OLAP Services) to provide cross-project
and cross-resource reporting.
Upgrading a Microsoft Project Central database to the Microsoft Project Server database format on SQL Server can be
accomplished by running the SQL upgrade script provided on the Microsoft Project Server installation CD. Physical file placement
can improve performance of Microsoft Project Server and ease database recovery. The SQL script can be edited with file and file
group specifications; however, only a trained database administrator should edit the scripts.
Note: In no case should table names, column names, data types, or constraints be changed.
If Microsoft Project Central is installed on an Oracle database server, the database must be migrated to Microsoft SQL Server
2000 and then upgraded in-place. This process can be accomplished by running the SQL script that creates the Microsoft Project
Central tables on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and then using Microsoft Data Transformation Services to migrate the data from
Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Migrating from Microsoft Project 95

The following sections present two methods for migrating data from earlier versions while ensuring that project data is retained.
Note that the Microsoft Project scheduling engine has improved significantly since the release of Microsoft Project 95. As a result,
converted projects may be scheduled somewhat differently when opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Converting from MPX Format
Microsoft Project 95 allows you to save project files in the MPX format, which can be opened by Microsoft Project 2002. The MPX
format preserves rudimentary schedule and task information; however some information is lost. Specifically, views, tables, filters,
formatting, macros, and custom toolbars are not preserved. In addition, custom fields are not retained by default; however, users
can edit the export table to add fields to be saved to the MPX file. To make conversion of multiple files easier, a user could write a
simple macro that would open all Microsoft Project 95 MPP files in a single folder and save them in MPX format.

Converting to Microsoft Project 98

To ensure the greatest integrity of project information, users may wish to convert files to Microsoft Project 98 as an intermediate
step before converting to Microsoft Project 2002. Doing so ensures that project plans are converted without loss of data; however,
users may still encounter differences in the way projects are scheduled. Conversion requires simply opening and saving the
existing project file in Microsoft Project 98. To make conversion of multiple files easier, a user could write a macro in Microsoft
Project 98 to automate conversion of existing files.
Top Of Page
Migrating to Microsoft Project Standard 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: May 1, 2002

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Standard 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Summary This paper introduces the new features of Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and is intended to help project managers
and IT professionals ensure a smooth transition to Microsoft Project 2002.
On This Page

Introduction to Microsoft Project 2002

The Microsoft Project 2002 Product Family
Microsoft Project Standard 2002 with Microsoft Project Server
How to Upgrade
Migration Considerations
Introduction to Microsoft Project 2002
This paper introduces the new features of Microsoft® Project Standard 2002 (along with Microsoft Project Server for workgroup
features) and addresses issues associated with migrating existing projects from Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2000.
It is intended to help project managers and information technology (IT) professionals responsible for deploying and supporting
Microsoft Project to ensure a smooth transition to Microsoft Project 2002.
Microsoft Project 2002 offers major feature additions and enhancements over its predecessors. Since the release of Microsoft
Project 2000, Microsoft has done extensive research and development, collecting feedback from current users and identifying the
needs of project managers new to the project and knowledge workers in general. The resulting improvements focus on two areas:
making Microsoft Project easier to use and addressing the project management requirements of large organizations.
As part of the upgrade, Microsoft has introduced new additions to the Microsoft Project family. These products give you the
flexibility to purchase and install the Microsoft Project products that are best suited to your organization. The new Microsoft
Project 2002 product lineup is introduced in the section below.
This white paper assumes you are upgrading to Microsoft Project Standard 2002, and identifies best practices and potential issues
associated with migration from Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98. For information on migrating to Microsoft Project
Professional, see the white paper " Migrating to Microsoft Project Professional 2002."
Top Of Page
The Microsoft Project 2002 Product Family
Microsoft has expanded the Microsoft Project family product line to include two desktop applications and a stand-alone, server-
based collaboration tool.

Microsoft Project Standard 2002

Microsoft Project Standard is the new version of the Microsoft Office project management solution designed for single users and
small workgroups. Microsoft Project Standard builds on the features of Microsoft Project 2000, adding enhancements that
contribute to ease of use and provide better integration with the Microsoft Office applications.

Microsoft Project Server

Microsoft Project Server was originally introduced with Microsoft Project 2000 as the server component for the Web-based
collaboration tool, Microsoft Project Central. With the release of Microsoft Project 2002, Microsoft Project Server will be sold as a
separate product and is no longer bundled with the desktop products. Microsoft Project Server includes five Microsoft Project
Server Client Access Licenses (CAL). As with Microsoft Project 2000, each desktop application includes one CAL. Additional CALs
are available through volume licensing.
The latest version of Microsoft Project Server includes many new features, such as enhanced security and integration with
SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft, which enables you to organize, store, share, and track project-related information
including documents and issues in a secure, central location.
The following diagram illustrates the relationship between Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and Microsoft Project Server.

Microsoft Project Professional 2002

Microsoft Project Professional 2002 is a new product designed specifically to meet the needs of organizations that require
enterprise project management functionality. Microsoft Project Professional combines the functionality of Microsoft Project
Standard with enterprise project management features.
For information on migrating to Microsoft Project Professional, see the white paper "Migrating to Microsoft Project Professional
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Standard 2002 with Microsoft Project Server
The new features of Microsoft Project Standard support three primary design goals:
Make using Microsoft Project more intuitive for new and existing users by including new features to allow knowledge
workers and business managers to gain personal productivity faster.
Make project data more accessible and improve collaboration among project team members.
Provide a project management platform to enable users to extend their use of the Microsoft Project.
The features that support these goals are summarized below.
Intuitive Project Management
Project Guide
With the addition of the Project Guide, Microsoft Project provides a new interactive, step-by-step project management aid to
help users quickly and easily create and manage project plans, access key Microsoft Project features directly, and become
productive immediately. It guides users through each step of setting up a project, assigning resources, tracking project
progress, and reporting project status.
Enhanced Help
Improved Help and new scheduling smart tags provide timely and relevant assistance to users as they work. The smart tags
help users ensure they are getting the results they expect when they adjust their project plans.
Easy integration
In addition to a simple new interface based on the look and feel of Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Project 2002 boasts
increased integration with Microsoft Office products. Users can convert task lists created in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
Outlook®, or Microsoft Outlook Web Access into Microsoft Project 2002 project plans to get up and running even more
Project Map
The Project Map, located in online Help, guides you through the phases of project management as you design, implement,
and track your projects.

Accessibility and Collaboration

Integration between Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services enables users to organize, store, and track
project-related information in a central, shared location. SharePoint Team Services (included with Microsoft Project Server)
provides a repository for project-related documents and issues, which can be linked to specific projects and tasks.
Automated communications
Microsoft Project 2002 adds support for automated e-mail notifications, advising users of information such as project
updates, upcoming milestones, issues, and more, with direct links to project plan information. This feature reduces
administrative workload and helps teams keep projects on track.
Through improved features within the Microsoft Project Server CALs, team members and stakeholders (depending on their
permissions) can view, update, and run queries on project information through the Web.

Project Management Platform

Users can now easily tailor project plans to match their business practices by adding custom fields using the Project Guide
or through the standard user interface.
Seamless integration of Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services minimizes the time and cost of deploying
and supporting software products.
Data administration
Administration is simplified through the complete integration of Microsoft Project Server technology with Microsoft Project
2002 features.
Top Of Page
How to Upgrade
Microsoft provides several tools to help users evaluate the benefits of Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and to make it easier to
deploy Microsoft Project Standard with Microsoft Project Server. The following steps should allow you to make an informed
decision about migrating to Microsoft Project Standard.
Evaluate the Product
Carefully consider your organization's project management requirements. If you need to support several workgroups or will
benefit from enterprise project management tools, consider upgrading to Microsoft Project Professional 2002, which includes
advanced features designed specifically for large organizations. If you use Microsoft Project Central for collaborative planning and
scheduling, you will probably want to upgrade to Microsoft Project Server to take advantage of new Web-based collaboration and
workgroup features.
Plan the Deployment
Microsoft provides tools to help customers deploy Microsoft Project 2002. The Microsoft Project 2002 Deployment Template will
help you plan and schedule deployment of Microsoft Project 2002, especially across a large enterprise.
Purchase Microsoft Project 2002
Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Server can be purchased separately from authorized resellers in your area or
online at Each copy of Microsoft Project Standard 2002 includes a single CAL for Microsoft Project Server.
Additional CALs can be purchased through volume licensing.
Install Microsoft Project 2002
The Microsoft Project 2002 Setup program simplifies installation and upgrading. It detects and automatically removes previous
versions of Microsoft Project. If you install Microsoft Project 2002 to a new folder, the Setup program offers an option to remove
previous versions. Note that installing Microsoft Project 2002 and previous versions of Microsoft Project on the same computer is
not recommended. We suggest that you allow the Setup program to remove any previous versions.
Top Of Page
Migration Considerations
Upgrading to Microsoft Project 2002 provides project managers greater control over planning, scheduling, tracking, and portfolio
modeling and analysis, as well as opportunities for increased collaboration and visibility of project information among team
members and management. In most cases, project plans created with Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 2002 can be
opened, edited, and saved in either version without problems. However, because the new and enhanced features of Microsoft
Project 2002 are not supported in earlier versions, there may be unexpected results.
The issues associated with interoperability between versions and with migrating projects from older versions to Microsoft Project
2002 are summarized below and discussed in detail in the following sections.
Changes to the scheduling engine
Microsoft Project 2002 includes refinements to the scheduling engine. While it is unlikely that these improvements will
recalculate existing schedules or cause unexpected results when project plans created in Microsoft Project 98 or Microsoft
Project 2000 are opened, these changes are identified to allow users to confirm the integrity of project data after migration.
Backward compatibility
The Microsoft Project 2002 file format is compatible with Microsoft Project 2000, so users of Microsoft Project 2000 and
Microsoft Project 2002 can share projects without converting their files. However, project information related to the new
features of Microsoft Project 2002 may not be displayed or may have an unexpected appearance when project plans are
opened in Microsoft Project 2000. These effects may be more pronounced when files are opened in Microsoft Project 98.
Microsoft Project 2002 users who exchange project information with users of Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project
98 or who expect a single project file to be opened in more than one version, should carefully review the sections on file
formats and backward compatibility.
File types and formats
Microsoft Project Standard (as well as Microsoft Project Professional) uses the same MPP file format as Microsoft Project
2000. This file format enables users to share files between these programs although there may be backward compatibility
issues, as noted in the "Backward Compatibility" section later in this paper. Microsoft Project Standard 2002 can also read
files from the MPD format, MPX format, and the .mpp files created by Microsoft Project 98. In addition, Microsoft Project
Standard introduces a new XML data interchange format based on the Microsoft Project Data Interchange schema.
Database formats
The database format in Microsoft Project 2002 has some additional fields for data required by the new Microsoft Project
2002 features. Microsoft Project 2000 can still directly access a Microsoft Project 2002 database, and projects in Microsoft
Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 98 databases can be opened directly by Microsoft Project 2002. To take advantage of
performance and functionality unique to Microsoft SQL Server™, Microsoft Project Server now requires the use of Microsoft
SQL Server 2000.

Changes to the Scheduling Engine

Microsoft Project 2002 includes an enhanced scheduling engine. These enhancements improve performance and precision of
scheduling, with little effect on existing project plans.
Differences Between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000
Users upgrading project plans from Microsoft Project 2000 should be aware of the following two issues, which in some cases
may cause changes to earned value calculations or the way work is rescheduled.
Earned value analysis
In Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 98, the value of the EAC (Estimate at Completion) field was equal to the
value of the Cost field. In Microsoft Project 2002, the calculation of EAC takes the new Cost Performance Index (CPI) into
account, giving an alternative projection of final cost, assuming that past financial performance achieved in the project is a
predictor for the future financial performance of the project.
Variance at Completion (VAC) depends on the EAC value (VAC = BAC – EAC; BAC is Budget at Completion, which equals
Baseline Cost); so in Microsoft Project 2002, VAC may differ from the value in Microsoft Project 2000.
When edits are made to %Complete, %Work Complete, Actual Work, or Actual Duration, by default, Microsoft Project 2002
moves forward remaining work that occurs before the status date to start at the status date and moves back completed
work that occurs after the status date to finish at the status date. This behavior prevents remaining work from being
scheduled in the past and actual work to remain in the future. The particular options can be set in the Calculation tab of
the Options dialog box (Tools menu). Note that only edits to sheet data (that is, data that is not timephased) have this
effect. Also note that if no explicit status date is entered in the Project Information dialog box, the current date will be
Differences Between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 98
Users upgrading project plans from Microsoft Project 98 should be aware of the issues identified in the previous section
("Differences Between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000"), as well as the following issues:
Task scheduling
Only rarely will schedule dates change when a schedule created in Microsoft Project 98 is opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Nevertheless, when a file is opened in Microsoft Project 2002 for the first time, users should examine the schedule carefully
to determine whether dates have shifted.
Task criticality
Because of improvements in the way that Microsoft Project 2002 calculates the critical path, it is possible that the criticality
of specific tasks—that is, whether or not the task is included in the project's critical path—may shift when an existing project
plan is opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Master project critical path
Similarly, a new feature enables Microsoft Project 2002 to calculate the critical path for a master project across all
subprojects. This change provides greater accuracy by creating a single critical path that flows through the subprojects.
Users can disable this feature, choosing to calculate the critical path individually for each inserted project (as in Microsoft
Project 98) by clearing the Inserted projects are calculated like summary tasks check box in the Calculation Options
dialog box.

Backward Compatibility
Backward compatibility refers to the ability to open files created with Microsoft Project 2002 in an earlier version of Microsoft
Project. In general, Microsoft Project 2002 offers excellent backward compatibility with Microsoft Project 2000 and, to a lesser
extent, Microsoft Project 98. Users should be aware that features introduced in the new version are generally not supported in
previous versions, and that the fidelity of a project plan opened in either Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98 will
depend to some degree on the extent to which these features are used.
Microsoft Project 2002 projects saved to Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 98 format
This information applies to files created and saved in Microsoft Project 2002 and subsequently opened and saved in Microsoft
Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98.
The file formats used by Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000 are compatible; no information is lost when a user
opens, edits, and saves in Microsoft Project 2000 a project created with Microsoft Project 2002. Fields and features unique to
Microsoft Project 2002 will not be visible in Microsoft Project 2000, but they will not be lost if the file is saved and subsequently
opened in Microsoft Project 2002. Note that this is true only if the file is saved using the Save command. If the file is saved using
the Save As command, all information unique to Microsoft Project 2002 is lost.
Specific features and data that may be affected are listed below:
Microsoft Project 2000 supports only a single baseline per project. Additional baselines saved in Microsoft Project 2002 will
not be shown in Microsoft Project 2000.
Calculation options
If a project plan's calculation options were set in Microsoft Project 2002 to place actual and remaining work in relation to
the status date, they are ignored in Microsoft Project 2000. However, actual and remaining work does not move if the
project is opened in Microsoft Project 2000 because these calculation options are only considered when the project file is
edited in Microsoft Project 2002.
Earned Value, additional fields, and calculation options
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support the additional Earned Value fields available in Microsoft Project 2002. Because
multiple baselines are not supported, Earned Value calculations will be based on the default baseline. In Microsoft Project
2002, Earned Value can be based on Physical %Complete. When the file is opened in Microsoft Project 2000, Earned Value
for these tasks will always be calculated based on task % Complete.
Generic and deactivated resources
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support generic and deactivated resources.
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support grouping on assignment fields or rollups of timephased fields in the usage views.
So usage views that include these groupings will group the tasks or resources, not the assignments, and the timephased
Group By summary data will be blank. In the Network Diagram view, grouped nodes will not be grouped.
Multiple Project Manager support
Microsoft Project 2000 does not support multiple managers within one project plan.
Organizer items
Organizer items, such as views and tables that reference elements specific to Microsoft Project 2002 (for example, Baseline3
Cost) are hidden when the file is opened in Microsoft Project 2000. A substitute version (for example, a table showing all
fields but the Baseline Cost3 field) will be visible. Changes made in Microsoft Project 2000 to such substitute versions are
ignored if the file is subsequently opened in Microsoft Project 2002, because the original version is used (for example, the
table containing the Baseline3 Cost field).
Update project
When you update a project and reschedule remaining work, Microsoft Project 2000 may not preserve the constraint for
constrained tasks that have no progress. Rescheduled work is restricted to future dates.
Microsoft Project 2002 projects saved to Microsoft Project 98
This information applies to files created in Microsoft Project 2002 and subsequently saved in Microsoft Project 98 format. In
addition to the issues listed in the previous section ("Microsoft Project 2002 projects saved to Microsoft Project 2000"), users
should be aware of the following issues:
To retain timephased baseline fields (Baseline Work, Baseline Cost) and Earned Value fields (timephased, as well as regular)
when a file is saved in Microsoft Project 98 format, you must ensure that the baseline is also saved in Microsoft Project 98
format. In Microsoft Project 2002, you must specify Microsoft Project 98 as the save format (either by saving the file, or by
setting the default save format), before saving the baseline. If you save the baseline without first specifying Microsoft Project
98 as the save format, when you save the project file in Microsoft Project 98 format, timephased baseline data is lost.
Microsoft Project 98 supports only three shifts on a calendar. Five-shift calendars from Microsoft Project 2002 are
converted to three-shift calendars.
Contoured resource availability
Because Microsoft Project 98 does not support contoured resource availability, data entered in the Resource Availability
table in Microsoft Project 2002 will be retained only if the table has only one row. If the table has more than one row, the
fields Available From, Available To, and Max Units in Microsoft Project 2002 are mapped directly to the corresponding fields
in Microsoft Project 98.
Custom fields
For custom fields with user-defined formulas or lookup tables, only the static value is retained. The formulas and lookup
tables are not saved. For custom fields that display graphical indicators instead of values, only the values are retained.
Graphical indicators are not saved.
Deadline dates
Microsoft Project 98 does not support deadline dates.
Estimated durations
Microsoft Project 98 does not support estimated durations. Values entered as estimates are lost.
Microsoft Project 2002 allows significantly more control over formatting individual cells and bars. Any formatting that
exceeds the capabilities of Microsoft Project 98 is lost.
Microsoft Project 98 does not support grouping. The current grouping applied to all views, and any groups saved with the
project are lost.
Microsoft Project 98 does not support ScreenTips for hyperlinks. ScreenTips are lost.
Microsoft Project 98 supports only 10 levels of priority. The 1000 priority levels of Microsoft Project 2002 are mapped to
the 10 priority levels in Microsoft Project 98, so tasks that have unique priorities in Microsoft Project 2002 may be assigned
the same priority in Microsoft Project 98. Filters that reference a specific priority are also remapped to the 10-level priority
Maximum resource units
Microsoft Project 98 does not support resource units of more than 10,000. Any assignment with Max Resource Units
greater than 10,000 is changed to 10,000.
Material Resources
Microsoft Project 98 does not support material resources. Resources whose type is set to Material are converted to work
resources when the project is saved in Microsoft Project 98 format. Values in the Material Label and Type (resource) fields
and Assignment Resource Type (assignment) field are lost.
To ensure that macros are transferred properly when a project is saved to Microsoft Project 98 format, Microsoft Project
2002 adds a Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) statement to the Project_Open event. This statement forces
Microsoft Project 98 to save the macros in the version of VBA that is shipped with Microsoft Project 98.
When the project is opened, Microsoft Project 98 displays the Macro Virus Warning dialog box. You need to click Enable
Macros to allow the Project_Open subprocedure to run. If you click Disable Macros, Microsoft Project 98 does not
properly save the VBA information, and it will be inaccessible to both Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2002. For
more information, refer to the " PRJ: Macro Warning, Missing Macros, or Cannot Edit Macro in a Project Saved in 98 Format
" Microsoft knowledge base article.
Month duration unit
Microsoft Project 98 does not support month as a unit of duration. Duration units and cost rates expressed in months are
converted to days.
PERT Chart views
Customized Network Diagram views in Microsoft Project 2002 are lost when the file is saved in Microsoft Project 98 format.
If the active view includes the Network Diagram as part of a split view, the view is saved as a single-pane view. Any filters
applied to Network Diagram views are lost. If a Network Diagram view (known as a PERT Chart in Microsoft Project 98)
contains customized formatting or layout originally created in Microsoft Project 98, any new tasks added in Microsoft
Project 2002 appear as nodes stacked in the top left corner when viewed in Microsoft Project 98.
Task calendars
Microsoft Project 98 does not support task calendars. Tasks are scheduled only according to the resource calendars or the
project calendar.
File and Database Formats
Microsoft Project 2002 supports a variety of file and database formats, including the native file formats (used by Microsoft
Project) and data interchange formats (to share information with other applications). The following table lists the file types that
are supported Microsoft Project 2002. Each file type is discussed in detail in the following sections.
Table 1 Summary of supported file formats

File Type Read Write Description

Microsoft Project 2000 MPP YES YES Native project file format

Microsoft Project 98 MPP YES YES Legacy project file format

Earlier (Microsoft Project 1.0, 3.0, and NO NO Export data from earlier versions in MPX format
4.0/95) MPP

Microsoft Project 2000 MPD YES YES Native database file format

Microsoft Project 98 MPD YES NO Legacy database file format

Microsoft Project MPX YES NO ASCII data interchange format

Microsoft Project XML YES YES XML data interchange format using the Microsoft Project Data
Interchange schema

Other XML YES YES Requires use of the Import and Export Wizards

Microsoft Project File Types

Microsoft Project MPP file format
Microsoft Project 2002 uses the same MPP file format as Microsoft Project 2000. Microsoft Project 2002 adds new
information to the MPP file format, but the files remain compatible with Microsoft Project 2000. Although the .mpp file
extension is the same as that used by previous versions of Microsoft Project, files saved in native Microsoft Project 2002
format cannot be opened in any version of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project 2000.
An .mpp file created in either the Standard or Professional edition of Microsoft Project 2002 may be freely exchanged
between the two editions; however, there are some limitations on what can be viewed or edited in Microsoft Project
Standard 2002. Microsoft Project Standard allows only read-only viewing (that is, no editing) of any enterprise data or other
project information that is only supported in Microsoft Project Professional. Data related to features common to both
editions can be freely edited in Microsoft Project Standard, and the read-only items will be maintained when the file is
If a project file saved with Microsoft Project 2002 with the MPP format is opened in Microsoft Project 2000, unsupported
data from any new Microsoft Project 2002 features are ignored by Microsoft Project 2000. The user may edit and save the
file in Microsoft Project 2000, and all data is retained, including information unique to Microsoft Project 2002. However, if
the Microsoft Project 2000 user saves the project as a new .mpp or database file with a different name with the Save As
command (File menu), the unsupported data is not available in the newly created file.
Microsoft Project 98 MPP file format
In addition to the current MPP file format, Microsoft Project 2002 users can save files to the Microsoft Project 98 MPP file
format, making it easier to exchange projects with users who have not yet upgraded beyond that version. For more
information, see the "Backward Compatibility" section earlier in this paper.
Earlier file formats
Project files from versions of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project 98 (that is, Microsoft Project 1.0, 3.0, and
4.0/95) cannot be opened directly in Microsoft Project 2002. These files must first be saved in the Microsoft Project
exchange (MPX) format in the original version of Microsoft Project where the file was created. Microsoft Project 2002 can
read .mpx files.
Data Interchange Formats
Microsoft Project XML file format
Microsoft Project 2002 introduces a new data interchange format, XML, which uses the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
to represent project information. Complete projects can be exported to XML documents that conform to the Microsoft
Project Data Interchange schema. Microsoft Project 2002 can also read (import) XML documents that conform to this
schema. Note that the XML files include only semantic project information; view definitions (for example, Gantt Charts or
tables) are not included.
The Import and Export Wizards allow users to exchange XML data between Microsoft Project 2002 and custom or third-
party applications that support XML but do not use the Microsoft Project Data Interchange schema.
Microsoft Project database (MPD) format
Like Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2000, Microsoft Project 2002 supports the Microsoft Project database (MPD)
file format as its standard interchange file format. While a few additions have been made to the database schema to
accommodate new Microsoft Project 2002 features, .mpd files created in Microsoft Project 2002 are compatible with
Microsoft Project 2000, and files created in either version can be opened by the other.
Microsoft Project 2002 can open a project file that has been saved in Microsoft Project 98 database format; however, it
cannot save a project in the Microsoft Project 98 database format. Users who exchange files between Microsoft Project 2002
and Microsoft Project 98 must use the Microsoft Project 98 MPP format.
Microsoft Project Exchange (MPX) file format
Like Microsoft Project 2000, Microsoft Project 2002 can read (import) files in the Microsoft Project Exchange MPX file
format; however, it does not allow users to save MPX files. The MPX file format is essentially a record-formatted text file
containing project data in ASCII text format. It contains only rudimentary project data, permitting users to exchange project
data with other applications. Users who routinely export project data to third-party programs or solutions that rely on the
MPX file format for data exchange should contact the program vendors about the availability of a solution or upgrade that
supports Microsoft Project 2002 or XML.

Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Central Databases

Upgrading Microsoft Project Databases
Projects created in Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98 and saved to a database (an MPD file, or a SQL Server or Oracle
database) can be opened directly by Microsoft Project 2002; however, they cannot be saved back to the original database tables. It
is recommended that project database tables be upgraded manually when you migrate to Microsoft Project 2002. The Microsoft
Project setup program provides scripts for updating both SQL Server and Oracle databases.
When a user attempts to save a project from Microsoft Project 2002 to a Microsoft Project 98 database, a new set of Microsoft
Project 2002 database tables is created in the database. The save operation will fail if the user does not have CREATE TABLE
permissions on the database server.
When a user attempts to save a project from Microsoft Project 2002 to a Microsoft Project 2000 database, the database tables are
upgraded in place to include the new Microsoft Project 2002 fields. The save operation will fail if the user does not have ALTER
TABLE permissions on the database server.
Backward Compatibility of Databases
Projects created in Microsoft Project 2002 and saved to a database (an .mpd file or a SQL Server or Oracle database) can be
opened in Microsoft Project 2000; however, information unique to Microsoft Project 2002 will not be displayed. Although the
database format used by Microsoft Project 2002 contains additional fields compared to a database created with Microsoft Project
2000, Microsoft Project 2000 ignores the additional fields.
Projects created in Microsoft Project 2002 and saved to a database cannot be opened in Microsoft Project 98.
Upgrading to the Microsoft Project Server Database Format
Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000. In addition, Microsoft Project Professional enterprise project
management features take advantage of SQL Server Analysis Services (OLAP Services) to provide cross-project and cross-
resource reporting.
Upgrading a Microsoft Project Central database to the Microsoft Project Server database format on SQL Server can be
accomplished by running the SQL upgrade script provided on the Microsoft Project Server installation CD. Physical file placement
can improve the performance of Microsoft Project Server and ease database recovery. The SQL script can be edited with file and
file group specifications; however, only a trained database administrator should edit the scripts.
Note: In no case should table names, column names, data types, or constraints be changed.
If Microsoft Project Central is installed on an Oracle database server, the database must be migrated to Microsoft SQL Server
2000 and then upgraded in place. This process can be accomplished by running the SQL script that creates the Microsoft Project
Central tables on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and then using Microsoft Data Transformation Services to migrate the data from
Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Migrating from Microsoft Project 95

The following sections present two methods for migrating data from earlier versions while ensuring that project data is retained.
Note that the Microsoft Project scheduling engine has improved significantly since the release of Microsoft Project 95. As a result,
converted projects may be scheduled somewhat differently when opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Converting from MPX Format
Microsoft Project 95 allows you to save project files in the MPX format, which can be opened by Microsoft Project 2002. The MPX
format preserves rudimentary schedule and task information; however, some information is lost. Specifically, views, tables, filters,
formatting, macros, and custom toolbars are not preserved. In addition, custom fields are not retained by default; however, users
can edit the export table to add fields to be saved to the MPX file. To make conversion of multiple files easier, a user could write a
simple macro that would open all Microsoft Project 95 MPP files in a single folder and save them in MPX format.
Converting to Microsoft Project 98
To ensure the greatest integrity of project information, users may wish to convert files to Microsoft Project 98 as an intermediate
step before converting to Microsoft Project 2002. Doing so ensures that project plans are converted without loss of data; however,
users may still encounter differences in the way projects are scheduled. Conversion requires opening and saving the existing
project file in Microsoft Project 98. To make conversion of multiple files easier, a user could write a macro in Microsoft Project 98
to automate conversion of existing files.
Top Of Page
Deploy Microsoft Project Server 2002 Across Non-Trusted
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: August 1, 2003

Microsoft Corporation
Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Summary: Deploy Microsoft Project Server 2002 across non-trusted domains.
Microsoft® Project Server 2002 can be deployed in an environment that allows users access to the server from a non-trusted
domain (for example, a Windows® Workgroup environment). However, there are some limitations, especially when using
SharePoint™ Team Services, Portfolio Analyzer, or publishing projects and assignments to Microsoft Project Server. In general,
using Windows user accounts in non-trusted domains will not provide full Microsoft Project Server functionality and, in the cases
where full functionality can be restored, may reduce the overall security of your Microsoft Project Server deployment.
Note: Allowing users to access Microsoft Project Server from a non-trusted domain, regardless of the authentication method, is
less secure than requiring users to access Microsoft Project Server from trusted domains using Windows user accounts. Access to
Microsoft Project Server from a non-trusted domain should only be allowed after identifying the risks to your deployment and
determining whether or not the additional security risks are acceptable.
On This Page

Testing Configuration
SharePoint Team Services
Portfolio Analyzer
Publishing Resource Assignments to Microsoft Project Server
Testing Configuration
Microsoft Project tested this scenario using Microsoft Project Server in a Windows Workgroup environment (see Figure 1 below).
All testing used both Microsoft Project Server and Windows user accounts. Using Portfolio Analyzer, publishing projects and
assignments to Microsoft Project Server (from Microsoft Project Professional 2002), and using SharePoint Services were all
determined to have limitations.
The Microsoft Project Server 2002, SQL Server 2000, Analysis Services, and SharePoint Team Services server computers
were all configured in the same Windows Workgroup and Windows domain.
The project manager’s computers were set up in a separate Windows Workgroup environment, or in a separate non-trusted
Windows domain, with Microsoft Project Professional 2002 and Microsoft Project Web Access available.
Team members (resources) were set up to access Microsoft Project Server using Microsoft Project Web Access from a
separate, non-trusted Windows domain and from another Windows Workgroup environment.

Figure 1: Configuration used for testing Microsoft Project Server 2002 in a Windows Workgroup environment
Top Of Page
SharePoint Team Services
Users creating and accessing the Documents and Issues features stored on the server running SharePoint Team Services
experienced the following:
Project managers with Microsoft Project Server user accounts were able to create subwebs on the server running
SharePoint Team Services when publishing projects from Microsoft Project Professional. This behavior works because the
SharePoint Team Services administrator user account (STSAdmin) that enables subweb creation is being passed from the
Pscomplus.exe tool in the same way as it would be from a trusted domain.
Project managers and team members using Microsoft Project Web Access were required to enter their Windows user name
and password when attempting to access the Documents and Issues areas of Microsoft Project Web Access. A solution is to
create a local Windows user account that can be used to allow the same functionality for users accessing SharePoint Team
Services features, except for the Issues assignment notifications feature, which will not work because it relies on a user’s
Windows user account to resolve the e-mail address. If you use a single, local Windows user account to provide access to
SharePoint Team Services features, all Issues and Documents owners will be the same user. Note that this local user account
needs to be added as an admistrator to all SharePoint Team Services subwebs.
Top Of Page
Portfolio Analyzer
Microsoft Project Server, SQL Server 2000, and Analysis Services server computers must all be in the same domain in order to
provide full Portfolio Analyzer functionality. Users attempting to create Portfolio Analyzer views and access the OLAP cube from a
non-trusted domain experienced the following:
Authentication to the OLAP cube requires Windows authentication. If the user’s local credentials are not recognized, as is the
case when users access Portfolio Analyzer from a non-trusted domain, access to the OLAP cube will be denied. If you want
to allow users from non-trusted domains access to Portfolio Analyzer, they must be explicitly granted permission to access
the SQL Server 2000 and Analysis Services server computers as Windows user account users.
If a user in a non-trusted domain attempts to access Portfolio Analyzer from Microsoft Project Web Access, they will receive the
error “Unable to access the Microsoft Portfolio Analyzer OLAP Cube” unless the user is able to specify a Windows user account to
the Analysis Services server. There are two ways to pass the OLAP Administrator account:
Create a local Windows user account that has been granted permission to view OLAP cube data. Use this account to enable
access to Portfolio Analyzer for users in a non-trusted domain. Note that this is not an ideal solution, as this also allows
access to the SQL Server 2000 and Analysis Services computers and should be treated as a potential security issue.
Configure Portfolio Analyzer so that it is accessible using HTTP (this will require using SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition),
and then enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). There are two options: allow a user to log on with a set of credentials created at
the Analysis Services computer when they are asked to enter a user name and password; or embed the user name and
password in the connection string when creating the view (be sure to uncheck the Show Toolbar option, to hide the
connection string). Using HTTPS is the most secure option. For more information about configuring Analysis Services to be
accessible using HTTP, see the section titled “Set up Analysis Services to be accessible using HTTP” in the Microsoft Project
Server 2002 Installation Guide in the Microsoft Download Center.
Top Of Page
Publishing Resource Assignments to Microsoft Project Server
Users accessing Microsoft Project Server from a Windows Workgroup environment experienced the following when publishing
resource assignments to Microsoft Project Server:
Publishing resource assignments worked when Microsoft Project Server user accounts were used. A project manager can
publish to Microsoft Project Server using Microsoft Project Professional. Both project managers and team members were
able to log on to Microsoft Project Web Access and access Microsoft Project Server data without any problems. Project
managers were able to update using Microsoft Project Web Access and view these updates in Microsoft Project
Publishing did not work when Windows user accounts were used. Project managers experienced more serious problems:
during startup, Microsoft Project Professional is not able to recognize Microsoft Project Server. There is no supported
workaround to resolve issues related to publishing projects to Microsoft Project Server when using Windows user accounts.
For other Windows applications, a solution to allow server-client communication would be to create matching accounts on
the server and client. However, creating matching user accounts for the project manager and team members on the
Microsoft Project Server computer does not work and synchronizing user accounts is not a reliable way to overcome this
issue. In the case of a Novell environment, it should be noted that Novell is not the problem. Customers using Novell for
data sharing and storage, print spooling, and other activities, will still be able to perform those activities in an environment
that includes Microsoft Project Server. Novell also provides user account synchronization with the Novell Directory Service.
However, Microsoft Project Server is currently not able to take advantage of this service.
Top Of Page
Security Overview for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn how the security features in Microsoft Project Server 2002 allow users to see and do only what is relevant to
their particular project tasks and responsibilities.
On This Page

Project Server Security Overview
Uses for Security
Project Server Security Terminology
Accessing Project Server Data
Additional Resources
This article is the first in a series of six articles about Microsoft Project Server 2002 security. You can access the other security
articles from the links below:
Roles, Users, Groups, and Permissions for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Basic Guidelines for Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Deployment
How to Configure Non-Enterprise Security
How to Configure Multiple Department Security
How to Configure Enterprise Security
Top Of Page
Project Server Security Overview
Microsoft Project Server provides a collaborative project management platform enabling project stakeholders to update, publish,
and view project information. The server also provides centralized data storage for project information. It is often necessary to
protect this data and regulate the information being communicated, whether from sources external to the organization or from
different members within the organization depending on their responsibilities.
Microsoft Project Server provides a number of features to promote security. These features allow users to only see and do what is
relevant to their particular needs and duties.
Top Of Page
Uses for Security
Microsoft Project Server security can be used in a number of ways:
Protect confidential data from other users. Some projects may contain sensitive information or data that requires
protection. If an organization's information is being supplied externally to clients, suppliers, or partners, there may be some
details that should not be disclosed.
Secure data from malicious or accidental damage. Project data may be extremely valuable. Ensuring that only
authorized users have access to that data reduces the chance of accidental or malicious loss of data.
Provide data based on the information needs and functionality requirements of the user. The security model can
be configured to personalize information so that users only see data relevant to them, rather than a mass of data. For
example, users interested in seeing only their own tasks, making project and portfolio views of information unnecessary to
Enforce project management process discipline within the organization. Assigning specific responsibilities and
permissions to roles can help ensure discipline within the organizations project management process. For example, the
options for adding, rejecting, and delegating tasks can be removed from the resource group.
Top Of Page
Project Server Security Terminology
Microsoft Project Server security is based on the concepts of Microsoft Windows NT security. Here, security is based on objects,
principles, and templates:
Security Objects. Items that can have actions carried out on them or items that contain data. In Microsoft Project Server,
this includes categories that consist of collections of projects, resources, assignments, and views.
Security Principles. Define access to security objects. In Microsoft Project Server, users and groups have rights, or
permissions, over security objects. This allows them to access or manipulate Microsoft Project Server objects.
Users. Any persons who access the Microsoft Project Server. In order to gain access, they need to have a user
account recognized, or authenticated, by the server. Authentication of a user can be via a Microsoft Windows
account or using the Microsoft Project Servers own accounts. Each user has a set of permissions or rights to perform
actions and access data on the server.
Groups. Collections of users that have similar information and functionality needs. These are usually aligned with
the type of roles played within an organization. Users can belong to multiple groups depending on the jobs they
perform or the specific part of the organization they work in. Groups allow administrators to efficiently assign rights
and permissions to users.
Note: Microsoft Project security varies from the Microsoft Windows security model when it comes to the concept of
hierarchical groups of users. This is not supported in Microsoft Project Server, but can be managed by duplicating
groups for each level of a group hierarchy.
Permissions. Rules that determine the actions a user can perform on Microsoft Project Server. Global permissions
provide rights over functionality within the server. Object permissions are associated with categories. These give
users or groups the necessary rights to perform actions on objects associated with a category. Permissions are
applied on a server (or organization), group, category, and user basis. This means a users actual permissions will
consist of the combination of all the permissions the server has, the groups they belong to, the categories they have
access to, as well as their individual permissions.
Categories. Define common sets of data access needs, usually aligned with business units, departments, or other
project boundaries. Categories are collections of projects, resources, assignments, views, and models. Categories
define the scope of the information accessed, providing multiple types of access to data for groups or users.
Views. Define the sets of data fields that can be displayed for the collections of projects, assignments, and resources
in a category. Views also define the format of the display, such as the Gantt chart type, group style, and filters.
Templates. A quick way of applying predefined permission profiles to new or existing users, groups, and categories. By
applying security templates you can easily standardize the rights being applied according to the role being played. This
eliminates the tedious task of replicating permission across users by automatically mapping permissions by role.
Top Of Page
Accessing Project Server Data
What a user sees in terms of data and what they can do in terms of performing actions or manipulating that data is governed by
the relationship between the user, the users permissions, the servers permissions, the permissions or categories associated with
any groups the user belongs to, and the views of data within those categories.
This model is reflected in the predefined groups, templates, and categories that are created when Microsoft Project Server is
Figure 1: Microsoft Project Server security layers
Top Of Page
Additional Resources
The following links provide more information about security and Microsoft Project Server 2002:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security and Architecture Planning Guide
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware, Module 2, Lesson 40: Project Server Security
Top Of Page
Roles, Users, Groups, and Permissions for Microsoft Project
Server 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn to govern what users can see and do in Microsoft Project Web Access by managing user permissions and
On This Page

Understanding Permissions in Microsoft Project Server
Authentication Options
Defining Permissions
Using Groups Effectively
Applying Security Templates
Using Categories and Views to Manage Security
Additional Resources
This article is part of a series of six articles about Microsoft Project Server 2002 security. You can access the other security articles
from the links below:
Security Overview for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Basic Guidelines for Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Deployment
How to Configure Non-Enterprise Security
How to Configure Multiple Department Security
How to Configure Enterprise Security
Top Of Page
Understanding Permissions in Microsoft Project Server
Every person who has an interest in your organizations projects is a potential user of Microsoft Project Server, whether the
individual is an active participant such as a project team member or project manager, or another stakeholder such as an executive
overseeing the project or a client interested in the projects progress. Each of these individuals requires a user account to access
specific project information on the server. This user account identifies the individual when they log onto the server and
personalizes the interface and data of the server according to the user permissions and categories assigned to the account. The
user permissions and categories govern what the user can see and do within Microsoft Project Web Access, the Web-based
interface for Microsoft Project Server.
Top Of Page
Authentication Options
To gain access to the server, users must log in. This process identifies and authenticates the person logging in against the user
accounts within Microsoft Project Server. The user can be identified using their Microsoft Windows account or using their own
account in the Microsoft Project Server authentication system. The method of authentication can be set for each user. The server
administrator can set up one method of authentication or specify a mixed environment. The choice of authentication method will
depend on the IT environment the users have, the organizations security policies, and user preferences. The advantages of
Microsoft Windows authentication include automated logon and better-integrated security (the same user name and password as
a users network identification). The Microsoft Project Server authentication has the advantage that the username and password
can be administered locally on the server.
Top Of Page
Defining Permissions
User permissions define what project information a user can or cannot view, and identify the actions the user can perform within
Microsoft Project Server. These actions include creating, delegating, and updating tasks, accessing issues and documents, and
carrying out administrative functions. The administrator account is protected against their permissions being denied to stop
accidental lockout from the software
Users also have categories (collections of projects, assignments, resources, and data views) that they may be assigned to.
Categories also have object permissions associated with them which define whether certain actions can be carried out on the
different objects within the category.
An organizations permissions can also be set on a server basis rather than on a user-by-user basis. The same permissions that are
assigned to individual users can be applied to the server as a whole. Any permission that is set to disable access to features of
Microsoft Project Server on an organization-wide basis will override permissions allowed on a user basis.
A combination of the server permissions, a users global permissions, the categories the user has access to, and the permissions
associated to those categories define what a user can see and do within Microsoft Project Server.
Top Of Page
Using Groups Effectively
In an organization where there are many users, setting up a large number of permissions on an individual basis and
administering them can be complex and time-consuming. To simplify this task, Microsoft Project Server uses the principle of
groups. Users with the same data requirements and functional needs are assembled as a single entity under a group name. All the
users belonging to that group are then assigned the same permissions and access to categories.
Because a group requires the users to have the same data requirements and functional needs, they are usually aligned with their
type of role or job within the organization.
A project manager, for example, requires different functionality and access to data than a senior executive. Project managers are
involved in the process of requesting status, approving work, and managing day-to-day issues and details associated with a single
project. Executives are usually responsible for overseeing a portfolio of projects and assessing high-level progress, not viewing
detailed tasks for individual projects. As there may be a number of people with similar information needs playing each of these
roles, grouping them simplifies administration of the users. Rather than assigning permissions for every individual, users can be
assigned to a relevant group with the appropriate rights for that role.
Users can belong to multiple groups depending on the jobs they perform or the organization they work in.
Microsoft Project Server comes with a number of predefined groups that are created during installation. Each of these groups has
predefined categories and permissions assigned to them:
Portfolio managers
Project managers
Resource managers
Team leads
Team members
Administrators usually assign user rights by adding a user account to one of the default groups or by creating a new group and
assigning specific user rights to that group. Users who are subsequently added to a group are automatically granted all user
rights assigned to the group account. Generally, permissions should be set for groups rather than individual user accounts; so the
user inherits the permissions of the groups they belong to.
Two types of users are automatically assigned to specific groups:
Users publishing Microsoft Project plans to the Microsoft Project Server are assigned to the project managers group.
Resources with assignments in the published plan are assigned to the team members group.
Each of these users has predefined categories and permissions implicitly assigned to them when the plan is published. A
relationship is also implicitly created between:
A resource assignment and resource
A resource assignment and project manager
A project and project manager
A project and resource
A project manager and resource
A resource and their functional manager
A project manager and their functional manager
These relationships are stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. This relationship hierarchy, or Resource Breakdown
Structure, handles the resource/project manager relationship, which is then used within the categories to personalize the
For other types of users, such as managers, the user accounts must be manually associated with a group by the administrator.
These relationships can be changed when using the publishing options:
Publish All. Changes project owner.
Republish Assignments. Changes assignment owner.
The project plans should always be republished to avoid confusion about these relationships.
Top Of Page
Applying Security Templates
Security templates provide a quick way of applying or resetting predefined permission profiles to new or existing users, groups,
and categories. By applying security templates, the rights being applied can easily be standardized according to the role. By
automatically mapping permissions by role, this eliminates the tedious task of replicating permission across users or groups.
There are a number of predefined templates created, which align with the predefined groups, when Microsoft Project Server is
installed. These security templates can be customized to meet the organization's needs, or new security templates can be created.
Top Of Page
Using Categories and Views to Manage Security
Security of data in Microsoft Project Server is governed by providing permissions or rights for specified users or groups over
collections of specific data or categories.
If users and groups define the rights individuals have to access and carry out actions, categories define what collections of specific
data (projects, assignments, resources, and views of information) these rights have been applied to.
Categories allow the administrator to separate the data by scope of the information accessed—for example, task-specific, project-
specific, department-specific, business unit-specific, or partition information across multiple instances of these hierarchies (for
example, one project from another, one department from another, one business unit from another).
The category definition can also filter the data displayed to be specific to the user, using the relationships as defined in the
Resource Breakdown Structure (see the Users and Groups section in this document).
This can be used in each category for personalizing the data to allow users in this category to view:
All projects they manage.
All projects to which they are assigned.
All projects assigned to resources they manage.
All projects managed by resources that they manage.
Their own information.
Information for all resources in projects that they manage.
Information for all resources that they manage.
Their own models.
Models created by resources that they manage.
There are three predefined categories created when Microsoft Project Server is installed.
My Organization. Defines a collection of data that covers all projects with all views of the data available.
My Projects. Defines a collection of data that covers all projects a user manages or is assigned to with all views of the data
available for those projects.
My Tasks. Defines a collection of data that covers all projects a user is assigned to with only a view of the assignments of
those projects.
Different groups have been assigned to these collections appropriate to the roles they commonly have in an organization, and
therefore the scope of data they require.
Each of these categories has predefined groups and permissions assigned to them when Microsoft Project Server is installed:
Portfolio managers, administrators, and executives are assigned to the My Organizations category.
Project managers, team leads, and resource managers are assigned to the My Projects category.
Team members are assigned to the My Tasks category.
Different views of the data can be customized to define what fields are shown within the view, as well as allowing filtering and
sorting of the data on different criteria as well.
Top Of Page
Additional Resources
The following links provide more information about security and Microsoft Project Server 2002:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security and Architecture Planning Guide
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware, Module 2, Lesson 40: Project Server Security

Top Of Page
Basic Guidelines for Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn some basic guidelines for setting up Microsoft Project Server 2002 security in your organization.
Microsoft Project Server provides flexible and scalable security for data storage and dissemination within an organization. With
Microsoft Project Server, administrators can create their own groups and specify the permissions associated with those groups,
and then assign the groups access to categories of information. This enables administrators to assign users who need access to
the same type of data to a single group and to then assign that group to a category. The categories support defining access to
both project and assignment information.
On This Page

Setting Up Server Security for Your Organization
Predefined Groups
Predefined Categories
Setup Options for Security Levels
Deployment Recommendations
Additional Resources
This article is part of a series of six articles about Microsoft Project Server 2002 security. You can access the other security articles
from the links below:
Security Overview for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Roles, Users, Groups, and Permissions for Microsoft Project Server 2002
How to Configure Non-Enterprise Security
How to Configure Multiple Department Security
How to Configure Enterprise Security
Top Of Page
Setting Up Server Security for Your Organization
Microsoft Project Server is configured with predefined groups and categories. These may be adequate for an organizations
security needs, or the groups and categories can be customized as necessary.
Whether the predefined categories are sufficient to manage a companys security needs will depend on the size and complexity of
the organization. For an organization with three levels of management (resources, project managers, senior executives; in a non-
enterprise situation) where project managers and resources are only interested in their own data and senior executives are
interested in all the projects on the server, the out-of-the-box security may be adequate.
For a slightly larger organization such as a department or business unit, there may be some customization required for the
project manager and senior executive security settings.
A more complex organization with multiple business units or divisions, where access needs to be limited between parts of the
organization or among external parties such as clients or suppliers requiring access, new groups and categories will need to be
The administrator should initially assign new groups one-to-one with new categories. Creating a new category and group and
assigning users to this new group, rather than assigning users to variations of categories, is more time consuming to set up but is
much easier to administer on an ongoing basis. This will create groups such as Division X portfolio managers in large
organizations. Using additional categories and groups allows the partition of large organizations into smaller workgroups.
When specifying security, there will always be a tradeoff between management overhead and how tightly security is bolted down
for each user. Setting security on an individual-by-individual basis with unique functionality and customized views of the data
provides the tightest and most personalized security. The tradeoff, however, is the increased amount of administration effort in
setting up the security and maintaining it on an ongoing basis.
Top Of Page
Predefined Groups
Microsoft Project Server comes with a number of predefined groups that are created during installation:
Portfolio managers
Project managers
Resource managers
Team leads
Team members
Each of these groups has predefined categories and permissions assigned to them.
Two types of users are automatically assigned to specific groups:
Users publishing Microsoft Project plans to the Microsoft Project Server are assigned to the project managers group.
Resources with assignments in the published plan are assigned to the team members group.
Each of these users has predefined categories and permissions implicitly assigned to them when the plan is published. A
relationship is also implicitly created between:
A resource assignment and the resource
A resource assignment and project manager
A project and project manager
A project and resource
A project manager and resource
A resource and their functional manager
A project manager and their functional manager
These relationships are stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. This relationship hierarchy or Resource Breakdown
Structure handles the resource/project manager relationship, which is then used within the categories to personalize the
information displayed.
For other types of users, such as managers, the user accounts must be manually associated with a group by the administrator.
Top Of Page
Predefined Categories
There are three predefined categories created when Microsoft Project Server is installed.
My Organization. Defines a collection of data that covers all projects with all views of the data available.
My Projects. Defines a collection of data that covers all projects a user manages or is assigned to with all views of the data
available for those projects.
My Tasks. Defines a collection of data that covers all projects a user is assigned to with only a view of the assignments of
those projects.
My Resources. Defines a collection of data that covers the resources reporting to a user.
Different groups have been assigned to these collections depending on the role they play in the organization and the scope of
data they require.
Each of these categories has predefined groups and permissions assigned to them when Microsoft Project Server is installed:
Portfolio managers, administrators, and executives are assigned to the My Organization category.
Project managers, team leads, and resource managers are assigned to the My Projects category.
Team members are assigned to the My Tasks category.
Top Of Page
Setup Options for Security Levels
During setup, the server can be configured at a low security level. This level of security may be sufficient for what a smaller
organization requires:
Low security. Non-enterprise configurations will typically use this mode. Microsoft Project users can create project
manager accounts on the server, and users are not required to be authenticated by the server. User accounts on the server
are automatically created for resources within project plans when those plans are published to the server.
Note: This mode should be used when a server supports any Microsoft Project 2000 user, and it is identical to the
functionality in Microsoft Project Central.
Larger organizations can choose two additional security levels during server setup.
Medium security. This setting does not require users to be authenticated by the server, but disables Microsoft Project
users from creating project manager accounts. High security requires users to be authenticated by the server, and requires
an administrator to create project manager accounts.
High security. Those customers interested in using Microsoft Project Server enterprise features are most likely to use high
security. In this mode, a part-time administrator is required to create project manager accounts.
Top Of Page
Deployment Recommendations
The following recommendations are a good starting point for server security deployment:
Rename the administrator account and set a password for this account.
Limit the number of users with administration rights.
Change permissions for groups rather than individual users.
If the appropriate group doesn't exist, create new groups.
Avoid assigning users to specific categories; assign groups to specific categories instead.
The best way to define the organization's security model is to work backwards. This is done by deciding what the reporting
requirements will look like, then working backwards to define the views, categories, groups, and users. Figure 1 shows this
sequence for definition of security.
Having defined all the reports required, try to consolidate the various views and categories with the different groups.
Figure 1: Example security deployment model
Top Of Page
Additional Resources
The following links provide more information about security and Microsoft Project Server 2002:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security and Architecture Planning Guide
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware, Module 2, Lesson 40: Project Server Security
Top Of Page
How to Configure Non-Enterprise Security for Microsoft
Project Server 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn how to configure security in a non-enterprise (also known as a workgroup) environment.
On This Page

Non-Enterprise Configuration
Additional Resources
This article is part of a series of six articles about Microsoft Project Server 2002 security. You can access the other security articles
from the links below:
Security Overview for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Roles, Users, Groups, and Permissions for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Basic Guidelines for Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Deployment
How to Configure Multiple Department Security
How to Configure Enterprise Security
Top Of Page
Non-Enterprise Configuration
Microsoft Project Server 2002 users in a small business or other small organization may find that the non-enterprise (also known
as workgroup) configuration for security deployment suits their needs. An example of an appropriate non-enterprise situation
would involve less than 10 project teams within a handful of departments within a company.
Customers deploying Microsoft Project Server in a non-enterprise environment can begin using the server immediately after
running the Microsoft Project Server Setup program. Project manager and team member accounts can be created directly from
Microsoft Project Professional 2002. Executive accounts should be created by the administrator and added to the Executives
group. Users will have access to all the non-enterprise features (timesheet, views, status reports, document library, and issue
tracking). Typically, the server requires minimal administration and can be managed part-time by a user with no prior Windows
NT server management experience.
Planning Requirements


Post-setup Configuration
Executive accounts must be created and added to the Executives group. These users can view all information, but do not have the
ability to edit any information.

As users join and leave the organization, accounts need to be added and removed. As new executives join a team, executive
accounts need to be added. Generally, project manager and team member accounts are added and granted appropriate
permissions automatically through the publish process. If you have installed SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft for
document library and issue tracking features, you should synchronize users on a project in which executives are added or
To synchronize users
1. Log in to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.
2. On the Admin tab, in the left pane, click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
3. On the next page, in the left pane, click Manage subwebs.
4. On the next page, under Manage project subwebs, click Synchronize users.

Security Map Example for the Non-Enterprise Configuration

The map below illustrates the default categories and groups created by Microsoft Project Server setup. The configuration works
well for a single department or business unit where executives should be able to view information for all projects and resources.

Figure 1: Security map example for non-enterprise configuration

Note: If a team member delegates a task to another user, regardless of the delegation approval status, the user who is delegated
the task automatically becomes a team member on this project. The user can then view tasks assigned to him or her. The next
time the project is published, either by the project manager or via the synchronize user action by the administrator, the user can
then view documents and issues submitted to this project. To prevent this, you can modify the global permission for team
members so the team members cannot delegate tasks.
Top Of Page
Additional Resources
The following links provide more information about security and Microsoft Project Server 2002:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security and Architecture Planning Guide
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware, Module 2, Lesson 40: Project Server Security

Top Of Page
How to Configure Multiple Department Security for Microsoft
Project Server 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn how to configure security when Microsoft Project Server supports multiple departments.
On This Page

Multiple Department Hosting Configuration
Additional Resources
This article is part of a series of six articles about Microsoft Project Server 2002 security. You can access the other security articles
from the links below:
Security Overview for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Roles, Users, Groups, and Permissions for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Basic Guidelines for Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Deployment
How to Configure Non-Enterprise Security
How to Configure Enterprise Security
Top Of Page
Multiple Department Hosting Configuration
Customers deploying Microsoft Project Server to support multiple departments need to plan for security before deploying the
server. After the server is deployed, it should then require minimal management.
This configuration is typical of a large organization with a number of relatively independent project teams. Team members and
project managers may work on multiple project teams. Executives need the ability to easily view reports on projects for their
teams but should not be able to view reports on projects for other teams. This configuration assumes that the customer is using
Microsoft Project Professional and the workgroup features of Microsoft Project Server.
Planning requirements
Planning will help you to understand which projects report to which executives.
Post-setup configuration
After the project and executive reporting relationships are defined, one category is created for each executive or group of
executives able to view the same set of projects. A group is created for each of these categories. Executive accounts must be
created and added to the appropriate executive group or groups. These users can view all information but do not have the ability
to edit any information.
As new projects begin in a department, the projects must be added to the appropriate executive category or categories.
Security map example for the multiple department hosting configuration
The map below illustrates the categories and groups for an organization with two departments and two layers of executives:
departmental managers and executives. Departmental managers can view only the projects and resources within their
department. Executives can view all projects and resources. The executives, project managers, and team members groups can be
used as created during setup.

Figure 1: Security map example for the multiple department hosting configuration
Top Of Page
Additional Resources
The following links provide more information about security and Microsoft Project Server 2002:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security and Architecture Planning Guide
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware, Module 2, Lesson 40: Project Server Security

Top Of Page
How to Configure Enterprise Security for Microsoft Project
Server 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn how to configure security in a Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server enterprise
On This Page

Enterprise Configuration
Additional Resources
This article is part of a series of six articles about Microsoft Project Server 2002 security. You can access the other security articles
from the links below:
Security Overview for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Roles, Users, Groups, and Permissions for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Basic Guidelines for Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Deployment
How to Configure Non-Enterprise Security
How to Configure Multiple Department Security
Top Of Page
Enterprise Configuration
Microsoft Project Server is designed to support large organizations in centrally managing a portfolio of projects and resources. In
a Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server enterprise configuration, multiple departments use a centrally
defined resource pool and a centrally defined set of project, resource, and task fields. Typically, enterprise configurations must
support multiple layers of management.
This configuration is appropriate for customers using the enterprise features of Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft
Project Server. Like the hosted department configuration, multiple layers of management need to have access to reports. In
addition, enterprise configurations frequently need to support resource managers and portfolio managers. Resource managers
need to be able to view projects and view and edit resource information. Portfolio managers need to be able to view and edit the
enterprise global template and the enterprise resource pool.
Planning requirements
From a security perspective, planning for an enterprise configuration is quite similar to planning for a hosted department
configuration. One exception is the ability to use the (resource breakdown structure (RBS) enterprise resource outline code.
Microsoft Project Server categories support a security rule based on the RBS code. This security rule allows users and groups
granted permissions to a category to view all resources managed by the user. The security rule works by:
Querying for the RBS value of a user who is assigned permissions on the category.
Using the returned value to find all resources with a RBS value that is a child node of the security principal's RBS value.
This security rule can significantly simplify the setting of resource manager permissions. However, it requires the RBS lookup
table to be designed, and it requires all users to have RBS values.
Post-setup configuration
Typically, post-setup configuration for enterprise servers is similar to configuration of hosted department servers. Categories and
groups should be defined for departmental and middle managers, as in the hosted multiple department configuration.
Portfolio manager accounts should be created and added to the predefined portfolio managers group.
Resource manager accounts should be created and added to the pre-defined resource managers group. The predefined
resource managers group depends on all resources being assigned an RBS value.
If resources are not assigned RBS values, resource manager groups and, possibly, categories should be created. In general, the
groups and categories should be designed to correspond to the reporting structure for resource managers.
As new projects are launched within a department, these projects must be added to the appropriate executive category or
Security map example for the enterprise configuration
The map below illustrates the categories and groups for an organization with two departments and two layers of executives:
departmental managers and executives. Departmental managers can view only the projects and resources within their
department. Executives can view all projects and resources. The executives, project managers, team members, resource managers,
and portfolio managers groups can be used as created during setup.

Figure 1: Security map example for the enterprise configuration

Top Of Page
Additional Resources
The following links provide more information about security and Microsoft Project Server 2002:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security and Architecture Planning Guide
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware, Module 2, Lesson 40: Project Server Security

Top Of Page
Getting Up and Running with Microsoft Project 2002
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2002

Microsoft Corporation
On This Page

Microsoft Project Trainers
Microsoft Project Consultants
Independent Software Vendors
Now that you have installed Microsoft Project 2002 you may be looking for a solution provider to assist you with implementation,
training, or building customized applications. The Microsoft Project Solution Provider Program gives you access to over 300
Microsoft Project service providers who have experience building successful project management solutions using Microsoft
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Trainers
Microsoft Project Solution Providers provide several types of training offerings including instructor-led, computer-based, and
online training. Most training providers offer training on using Microsoft Project and on project management methodology that
together help increase the project management maturity of your organization.
Training providers offer certification programs of their own, or offer continuing education credits that can be applied to programs
such as the Project Management Institute's PMP program. For more information on PMI's certification program, please go to the
Project Management Institute Web site.
To locate a training provider in your region go to the Microsoft Project Solution Providers Web site and scroll down to the "Locate
a Solution Provider" section.
1. In the By Solution Provider Type box, select Training.
2. In the And / Or Location box, select a state if searching within the United States. Click Go to search.
3. In the International / By Country box, select a country if searching internationally. Click Go to search.
4. The search results will provide you with a list of all training providers in your chosen area, along with a brief description of
each organization and a link to their Web site where you will find detailed information about their training offerings,
registration information, and classroom locations.
You may also view featured solutions that Microsoft Project training providers have created by going to the Microsoft Project
Solution Providers Web site.
1. Select Featured Solutions from the top of the page.
2. In the Training solutions that will ramp up your Microsoft Project team section, select See all Training Solutions for
detailed information about training offerings with links to each training organization's Web site.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Consultants
Microsoft Solution Providers include many organizations that can assist you with the implementation of Microsoft Project
Standard, Microsoft Project Professional, and Microsoft Project Server. The Microsoft Solution Provider program contains three
levels of solution providers, which are largely determined by several factors including the extent of their project management
service offerings covering the enterprise, geographic coverage, and experience with delivering successful Microsoft-based project
management solutions.
Enterprise Premier Solution Providers are preferred providers for the Microsoft Solution Offering for Enterprise Project
Management. Global in reach and highly experienced with enterprise-class customers and implementations, this select group of
solutions providers have attained this status by invitation only, after having met rigorous criteria—both technological and
business process related. Enterprise Premier Solution Providers provide services related to Enterprise Project Management,
including implementation, custom configuration, customized training, and technical support. Drawing on vast experience in many
industries, they provide business process, methodological, and change management services and consulting. Enterprise Premier
Solution Providers are members of the Microsoft Certified Partner program.
Premier Solution Providers are a select group with extensive experience deploying, configuring, and developing Microsoft
Project-based solutions for a wide variety of customers, ranging from enterprise-class to medium businesses. With a national or
regional geographic focus, Premier Solution Providers have attained this status by invitation due to an exemplary, customer-
centric approach to implementing and customizing Project Management solutions with Microsoft Project. Premier Solution
Providers are members of the Microsoft Certified Partner program.
Member Solution Providers are an approved group of companies with experience deploying and developing Microsoft Project-
based solutions. Many Member Solution Providers specialize in particular aspects of successful Microsoft Project implementation,
including training, deployment, support, and add-on products that extend the functionality of Microsoft Project.
To locate a consultant in your region, go to the Microsoft Project Solution Providers Web site and scroll down to the "Locate a
Solution Provider" section.
1. In the By Solution Provider Type box, select Solution Provider.
2. In the And / Or Location box, select a state if searching within the United States. Click Go to search.
3. In the International / By Country box, select a country if searching internationally. Click Go to search.
4. The search results will provide you with a list of all solution providers in your chosen area, along with a brief description of
their organization and a link to their Web site that contains detailed information about their service offerings and office
You may also view featured solutions that consulting organizations have created by going to the Microsoft Project Solution
Providers Web site.
1. Select Featured Solutions from the top of the page.
2. In the Customized solutions from expert consultants section, select See all Customized Solutions for detailed
information about service offerings with links to each consulting organization's Web site.
Top Of Page
Independent Software Vendors
Microsoft has worked with leading Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to deliver enhancements and products that complement
Microsoft Project. Each of these vendors has enhanced their products to provide continued value for Microsoft Project to ensure
investment protection. For more information about Microsoft Project Independent Software Vendors, please go to the Microsoft
Project Solution Providers Web site and scroll down to the "Locate a Solution Provider" section.
On this page you can either search for solutions by type of application in the By Specific Category box, or you can search for
specific ISVs in the By Solution Provider Type box.
Categories for Microsoft Project independent software vendor products include:
ASP Hosting
Collaboration Software
Cost Estimating
Decision Software
Earned Value Cost Management
General Project Management
Knowledge Management
Pocket PC
Process Management
Professional Services Automation
Web-site community

Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Updated : August 27, 2002
By Bob Vogt ,Neicole M. Crepeau ,Microsoft Corporation

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Summary This paper describes options for determining the right configuration for your Microsoft Project Server installation, thus
optimizing Microsoft Project Server scalability and performance in your organization.
On This Page

Elements of Scalability and Performance
Determining Scalability and Performance Requirements
A Hardware Configuration Case Study
Additional Deployment Considerations
Scalability and performance can be defined as the ability of a system to grow and respond to all users in a timely manner. How do
you guarantee that a Microsoft® Project Server installation is adequately scalable and performs optimally? Unfortunately, no
reference system or single configuration will meet all customers' requirements. However, there are many options for configuring
the system. This paper lays out some of the options for determining the right configuration to optimize Microsoft Project Server
scalability and performance in your organization.
This paper includes the following sections:
Elements of Scalability and Performance
Describes the available technologies for increasing the scalability and performance of a system.
Determining Scalability and Performance Requirements
Outlines the criteria for determining scalability and performance requirements of Microsoft Project Server. You will need to
understand your requirements to select the appropriate technology options.
A Hardware Configuration Case Study
Describes a study performed to test the threshold for hardware upgrades in a two-machine and three-machine
Additional Deployment Considerations
Briefly describes the application of specific technologies for increasing the scalability and performance of your Microsoft
Project Server installation.
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Elements of Scalability and Performance
This section describes some of the key elements that affect scalability and performance.

Hardware Configuration
The Microsoft Project Server system requirements are documented at the Microsoft Project Product Site as well as in the file
Readme.htm on the installation CD. Microsoft Project Server can be configured to run on hardware ranging from a single,
powerful, workstation-class desktop computer to an array of data-center-class server computers. The following list shows some
of the possible Microsoft Project Server hardware configurations:
One computer
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) and Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE). This configuration is appropriate for
Two computers
IIS + Microsoft SQL Server™ (see figure 1 below). This configuration is a minimal configuration suitable for departmental
Five computers
IIS + Application Server + Microsoft SQL Server + Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services + SharePoint™ Team Services
from Microsoft (see figure 2 below). This configuration is suitable for larger departmental or small company deployments.
N computers
This configuration is suitable for large-scale deployments (see figure 3 below).
This list represents some of the simpler combinations available to you. As scalability and performance requirements increase, you
can use additional computers to further distribute the workload. Ways to distribute the workload are discussed in further detail in
the following sections.

Figure 1: Two machine configuration

Figure 2: Five machine configuration

Figure 3: Large scale deployment

Load Balancing
The number of users that Microsoft Project Server can handle on a single computer is limited by the number and speed of the
processors, the amount of memory, and other factors, such as bus speed, I/O speed, and L2 cache. One way to improve scalability
and performance is to upgrade the computer where Microsoft Project Server is installed. However, one extremely powerful
computer can be more expensive than several less powerful computers, and also may not be as scalable or perform as well. On
the other hand, total cost of ownership (TCO) may be lower for a single, powerful machine than for several less powerful
Microsoft Project Server is designed to be deployed across several IIS servers for additional scalability and performance. In the
second, third, and fourth examples in the previous section, Microsoft Project Server was deployed across different machines such
that the application runs on a computer with IIS, the database resides on a computer with Microsoft SQL Server, and SharePoint
Team Services and SQL Server Analysis Services are installed on two other computers. While this does distribute the total
workload, running the application itself on a single computer can still cause a bottleneck. To scale out even further, the application
can be deployed across multiple computers running IIS. It should be noted that there can be at most one computer running each
of SQL Server and SQL Server Analysis Services for a given Microsoft Project Server installation (though SQL Server may be
clustered for failover). See figures 1, 2, and 3 above.
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Determining Scalability and Performance Requirements
This section describes criteria for determining the scalability and performance requirements of Microsoft Project Server. These
criteria are the environment where the system will be hosted and the way that you will use Microsoft Project Server. You need to
analyze your organization's needs according to these criteria.
Hosting Environment
The scalability requirements for a department installation to serve 20 users are vastly different from that of an extranet
installation intended to serve thousands of users. The first step to determining scalability and performance requirements is to
understand the hosting environment. Specifically, you should consider the following factors:
The number of concurrent users
In determining application deployment and hardware configuration, consider not just the total number of users, but the
maximum number of concurrent users. Further, it's a good idea to categorize users roughly into project managers, team
members, and executive stakeholders. Project managers put the most stress on the Microsoft Project Server machine, but
there are usually far more team members than project managers.
The features to be implemented
Your organization may not use all of the features of Microsoft Project Server. The features you use affect the scalability and
performance requirements. For instance, if Microsoft Project Server Portfolio Analyzer won't be used, the installation won't
require SQL Server Analysis Services, and the computer where the application is installed will be required to perform fewer
types of transactions. The more features implemented, the greater the load on the computer or computers running the
How the application will be accessed
If the application will be accessed from the Internet through a firewall, the security requirements will be more rigorous than
a departmental system run from a desktop-class computer. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) adds significant stress to application

Usage Profile
The core function of Microsoft Project Server is to provide distributed project management capabilities. These capabilities include
resource management, project tracking, status reporting, and project reporting. Beyond that, additional features that support
project collaboration, project portfolio reporting (reporting across projects), and project modeling can be used. Each of these
features has an impact on the scalability and performance of the installation.
Project tracking
This core functionality is a standard part of Microsoft Project Server and is always installed. Project tracking consists of
assignment posting, timesheets, status reporting, and project views.
This feature adds document management and issue tracking, and requires SharePoint Team Services. This feature set adds
some additional load on the Microsoft Project Server machine, though most of the work is performed by SharePoint Team
Enterprise project management
This feature adds project check-in and check-out, an enterprise resource pool, automated resource assignment and
substitution, and portfolio modeling. This feature set adds significant load on the Microsoft Project Server machines.
Portfolio reporting
This feature adds data warehouse reporting, and requires SQL Server Analysis Services. This feature set adds additional load
over and above that which is added by using enterprise project management.
The following table illustrates a typical use of Microsoft Project Server. You may want to create a similar table to describe usage in
your organization.

Role Usage(min./period) Functions Average concurrency

Project manager (PM) 60/day Publish schedules Total PMs/7

Accept team member (TM) updates

Project Center Views

Portfolio Modeler

Upload documents to project team site

Add issues to log

TM 15/week Timesheet* Total TMs/8

20/day Accept assignments Total TMs/21

Open issues/docs

Resource manager 30/day Accept/delegate assignments Total TMs/14

Resource Center views

Portfolio Analyzer

Executive 15/day Project Center views Total Executives/28

Resource Center views

Portfolio Analyzer

Portfolio Analyzer

Administrator 120/day Add users Total Administrator/3.5

Create/edit views

The average concurrency for all functions except timesheet were derived by assuming a seven-hour actual work day
*For testing, weekly timesheet entry should be assumed to be a separate process taking place over a short period of time (two
hours total, usually concentrated on Friday afternoon or Monday morning). During this period of time, most other roles will not
be using the system.
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A Hardware Configuration Case Study
A case study was performed to determine the thresholds at which typical hardware configurations should be upgraded based on
a typical usage pattern and data profile. Because every installation's parameters will differ in some way, this case study should be
used as a guide rather than a formula for determining the best configuration for your installation.
Testing Methodology
The test was conducted in two phases:
A continuous, multi-user workload was applied against a two-machine configuration (see figure 1 above). Performance
Monitor data and automated test script response times were captured during the test run and analyzed to determine the
point at which this configuration could benefit from off-loading the views processing work.
Views processing was then off-loaded to a third server machine and a similar workload was applied against this
configuration to determine the point at which this configuration could benefit from deploying additional IIS servers running
Microsoft Project Server.
Scenarios Tested
The workload consisted of the core distributed enterprise project management scenarios involving the following users and tasks:
Project Manager
Open a project from a Microsoft Project file
Build a team from Enterprise Resource Pool
Assign tasks
Save the project to the Enterprise Repository
Save and close the project with full publish
Team Member
Navigate to the site
Login as a Microsoft Project Server user
View assigned tasks
Create new tasks
Delegate one task
Submit one actual (% complete)
Submit one actual (actual work)
Submit one actual (actual hours)
Submit an update to non-work time
Send an un-requested status report
Send a requested status report
Delete a status report
Set and save notification options
View a previously sent status report
Send an update for all tasks (% complete)
Reject a task
Log out
The tests were conducted with a 1-to-8 ratio of project managers to team members. (Note: Research has indicated an average of
1-to-10 project managers to team members.)
Data Profile
A mix of 880 small, average and large projects
Small: 100 tasks, 10 resources, 100 assignments
Average: 500 tasks, 50 resources, 500 assignments
Large: 1500 tasks, 150 resources, 1500 assignments
Over 4000 enterprise resources with assignments across projects
Hardware Profile
Tests were conducted on hardware with the following characteristics:
Single IIS Server (Microsoft Project Server)
2 x 2.2GHz P4 Processors
1GB Ram
40GB hard drive
Single Application Server (Views Processor)
2 x 1GHz P3 Processors
512MB Ram
40GB hard drive
Single Database Server
4 x 700MHz P3 Processors
2GB Ram
4 x 18GB Hard drives with hardware RAID5 configuration

Test Results
These are the thresholds for the hardware, workload and dataset described above:
The minimal two-machine configuration optimally supported up to approximately 5000 total users.
The three-machine configuration optimally supported up to approximately 6000 users.
The total number of users was calculated from the number of concurrent users by role. (See the earlier section titled "Usage
Profile.") Deploying Microsoft Project Server across multiple IIS servers will increase the scalability.
Variables that could affect these numbers in a specific environment include:
Higher frequency of project publish operations which will be more common in environments with lots of smaller projects
Additional workload on the server due to STS subweb creation, OLAP cube generation and/or portfolio modeling
Extensions to Microsoft Project Server functionality or sharing machine resources with other applications
Smaller hardware, network bandwidth and other environmental considerations


If the number of users and the dataset size is expected to grow beyond the initial implementation, the system should be
deployed in a distributed configuration initially. As load increases, you can deploy additional IIS servers with Microsoft
Project Server with little or no disruption to system availability.
The Microsoft Project Server database should be deployed on the highest-capacity (specifically CPU and memory) SQL
Server machine possible to accommodate system growth, particularly since the database server cannot be scaled out like
the Microsoft Project Server machines can. Otherwise, as more Microsoft Project Server machines are deployed, SQL Server
performance might not be able to keep up with the middle tier servers.
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Additional Deployment Considerations
Based on the analysis of your organization's requirements, you can use the various technologies available to configure your
Microsoft Project Server installation. This section describes some of the ways you might use specific technologies to configure
your installation.
Secure Access

Access to Microsoft Project Server data and its functionality is secured primarily through application security, although SharePoint
Team Services and SQL Server Analysis Services require Microsoft Windows® security. To secure access from the Internet, it is
highly recommended that you implement SSL. This adds additional overhead, however, and can significantly affect performance
of the application. You can mitigate this impact by implementing hardware encryption/decryption either using an onboard card or
in the front-end router that controls Internet ingress and egress, if a card or router is installed.
Load Balancing

Depending on the services you use, you can distribute the load among computers to significantly enhance system performance.
Microsoft Project Server Session Manager Service
You will probably want to deploy Microsoft Project Server across multiple application servers. In order to do so, session
management must be removed from the IIS server and deployed on its own application server. This allows users to be
directed to any one of a farm of IIS servers running Microsoft Project Server. See the "Microsoft Project Server Installation
Guide" on the installation CD for more information.
Microsoft Project Server View Manager Service
When projects are published to Microsoft Project Server, a copy of the project is uploaded and used to create project view
data. This process is expensive because it must open the project in the Microsoft Project OLE DB provider to save data to
build views from. You can offload this service to improve the scalability and performance of a single IIS server or a farm of
IIS servers. See the "Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide" on the installation CD for more information.
Microsoft Project Server Portfolio Analyzer Service
While it is possible to install SQL Server Analysis Services on the same computer with Microsoft SQL Server (and all of these
on the same computer as the application), significant performance gains can be realized by installing SQL Server Analysis
Services on its own computer.
Documents and Issue Tracking
Again, while it is possible to install SharePoint Team Services on the same computer with the application, significant
performance gains can be realized by installing it on its own computer.

Database Optimization

The Microsoft Project Server database is configured with the optimal indexes to support the queries executed against the tables. It
is recommended that the indexes not be altered. However, database administrators can configure the physical placement of
database files for optimal performance and administration. One common practice is to separate indexes from tables, allocating
one or more striped disk drives for each. Normal monitoring and maintenance will keep the database performing optimally and
allow it to be quickly recovered in the case of a hardware failure.
Note: For evaluation or very small departmental or workgroup installations, MSDE is an appropriate database server. The default
installation of Microsoft Project Server will install MSDE on the IIS computer with the application.
RAID, Files, and File Groups
Depending on site-specific database implementation standards, placing data, index, and log files on specific files and file groups
can improve performance. Additionally, RAID can improve both performance and reliability.
Regular Maintenance
One of the most important factors in maintaining performance and reliability is regular database maintenance including:
Backing up data regularly.
Copying log backups redundantly and/or to separate disks.
Reorganizing indexes periodically.
Running a database consistency checker utility (DBCC) to ensure the integrity of the file structures.

Hardware Configuration
For installations of more than 1,000 users or installations that are business critical, multiple IIS servers should be deployed to
optimize availability and reliability. Such configurations will require a high-end database server computer.
The actual range of users that determine the configuration will vary based on the ratio of usage categories and the class of servers
selected for the application tier. (See the previous section titled "Usage Profile.")
Top Of Page
Analysis and planning are the keys to performance and scalability. To adequately plan, the requirements must be known before
Microsoft Project Server is installed. Consider the following:
Number of concurrent users
Usage patterns of those users
Features to be used
Security access requirements
After installation, regular monitoring and maintenance should keep Microsoft Project Server running at peak performance.
Bob Vogt is a program manager in the Microsoft Project Business Unit and has been at Microsoft for six years.
Neicole M. Crepeau is a technical writer in the Business Tools Division User Experience group and has been at Microsoft for nine

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Microsoft Project Server 2002 Data Migration
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: May 1, 2002

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Central 2000
Microsoft Project 2000
Summary This white paper helps you develop plans and strategies for upgrading and migrating data from Microsoft Project
2000 and Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server 2002.
On This Page

Upgrading Data to Microsoft Project Standard
Migrating Data to Microsoft Project Professional 2002
This white paper helps you develop plans and strategies for upgrading and migrating data from Microsoft Project 2000 and
Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server 2002. The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide Help file, Pjsvr10.chm,
covers the details of the server installation process, but we recommend that you read this document first. By carefully planning
your migration, you can make better decisions about issues that affect operation and performance of Microsoft Project Server and
minimize downtime during your transition.
The scope of migrating an existing database can range from upgrading the schema of a workgroup database to rolling out
Microsoft Project Server for enterprise use. Microsoft Project 2000 supported two database schemas, although they could be part
of the same database: one for Microsoft Project data and one for Microsoft Project Central data. The upgrade path you choose
depends on several factors:
If you are upgrading to Microsoft Project Standard 2002, upgrading the database is appropriate.
If you are upgrading to Microsoft Project Professional 2002, it may be more appropriate to import data into a new database
rather than upgrading the existing database. Importing data into a new database is more appropriate if:
You anticipate storing substantially large amounts of data in Microsoft Project Server and will install to a new server,
perhaps even running separate Microsoft SQL™ Server and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) servers.
You are setting up standards in the enterprise global template to be applied to enterprise projects and resources. Upgrading
the existing database does not apply standards such as ensuring all resources have values for required codes.
The Microsoft Project Central database does not store resource pools, projects, and templates, so if you start from either an
updated or a new database, these must be added or imported into Microsoft Project Server.
You can upgrade Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project Central data to work with one of the following two usage
scenarios for Microsoft Project 2002:
Microsoft Project Server with Microsoft Project Standard
Microsoft Project Server with Microsoft Project Professional
The following two sections describe the processes for these two scenarios.
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Upgrading Data to Microsoft Project Standard
When upgrading from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server, you need to know what data is automatically
upgraded from Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server and what data is not. The
following data is automatically upgraded:
Project and assignment view definitions
Security settings (upgraded to a default configuration based on Microsoft Project Central roles)
However, the following data is not automatically upgraded:
Projects (because they are not stored in the Microsoft Project Central database)
Status reports

Potential Issues
In cases where the Microsoft Project database tables coexist in the same database as the Microsoft Project Central database tables,
the project data must be moved before upgrading Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server.
Preparing to Upgrade the Microsoft Project Central Database
Before you upgrade a Microsoft Project Central database, do the following:
1. Process all active update messages in Microsoft Project Central. In Microsoft Project Server, transactions replace project
update messages, and update messages cannot be upgraded.
2. Copy and save any status reports that should be kept. Existing status reports cannot be upgraded.
3. Prevent further updates to the Microsoft Project Central database by shutting down IIS on the computer where Microsoft
Project Central is installed. The database cannot be accessed during the conversion process.
4. Disallow access to the database to prevent further updates.
5. Back up the Microsoft Project Central database.
Migrating the Database from Oracle to SQL Server 2000
Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later to take advantage of performance and functionality features
unique to SQL Server. Optimizing Microsoft Project Server for SQL Server takes advantage of unique performance and
programmability features available only in SQL Server.
To upgrade a Microsoft Project Central database on an Oracle server, do the following:
1. Create the Microsoft Project Central tables in the target SQL Server database using the Microsoft Project Central Table
Create script on the installation CD.
2. Using Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS), copy the data only from the Microsoft Project Central database in
Oracle to the new Microsoft Project Central database in SQL Server.
3. Modify the Microsoft Project Central database registry key to point to the new database, and test the installation to be sure
that the data was properly transferred.
Preparing the Upgrade Scripts
After the data and the database have been prepared, you can begin the upgrade process. You may have site database
implementation standards to enhance performance or enable consistent maintenance. The following steps are optional:
Note: It is important that columns, data types, nulls, defaults, constraints, and indexes not be altered.
1. Modify the database upgrade script to specify files and file groups for performance.
2. Specify database object owner who is not a DBO if required (not recommended).

Upgrading the Database

Performing the Upgrade
To upgrade the database, do the following:
1. Execute the database upgrade script in Microsoft Query Analyzer or another Microsoft SQL Server query processor.
2. Check the execution output for errors. If errors occur, identify and fix the cause of the errors, restore the database, and rerun
the script.
Verifying the Upgrade
After the Microsoft Project Central application has been upgraded, verify the database upgrade by starting Microsoft Project
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Migrating Data to Microsoft Project Professional 2002
This section describes data migration process for Microsoft Project Professional, but the process depends on the specific needs of
your organization. Fully migrating existing data to Microsoft Project Professional 2002 can be complex and should be part of a
broader implementation review process.
Deliverables from an enterprise implementation review process might include:
A business process model
View and report layouts
Likely sorts, filters, and groupings
Custom fields and outline codes needed
Tip If you plan to roll out Microsoft Project Server for enterprise use, read this document in conjunction with the EIF (Enterprise
Implementation Framework), which suggests an approach for building an implementation strategy for your business. Assessing
the requirements of your business and users includes the selecting and purchasing hardware, deciding on Microsoft Project
Server options, designing enterprise custom fields, migrating or importing existing data, and switching production systems.
Preparing for Data Migration
Migrating from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server is not a turnkey conversion. Like a classic data migration
process, you first install the database tools that you are upgrading to and then migrate the data. For Microsoft Project Central
data, break the data migration process into two sequential phases: migrate resource information, and then migrate project plans.
Before you upgrade a Microsoft Project Central database, do the following:
1. Process all active update messages in Microsoft Project Central. In Microsoft Project Server, transactions replace project
update messages, and update messages cannot be upgraded.
2. Prevent further updates to the Microsoft Project Central database by shutting down IIS on the machine where Microsoft
Project Central is installed. The database cannot be accessed during the conversion process.
3. Copy and save any status reports that should be kept. Existing status reports cannot be upgraded.
4. Disallow access to the database to prevent further updates.
5. Back up the Microsoft Project Central database.

Migrating Resource Information to Microsoft Project Server

You should migrate resource information before migrating project plans to Microsoft Project Server. Moving resource
information first helps ensure that you account for duplicate resource names that represent the same resources.
Resources and users are maintained separately in Microsoft Project Server—resources as team members or materials assigned to
projects and users as logon IDs with permissions on system commands and data. When an enterprise resource is added to
Microsoft Project Server, a corresponding user is also created with default permissions. If a user with the same name already
exists, the enterprise resource is merged with the existing user account. Microsoft Windows® account information in the user
account is synchronized with the newly added enterprise resource.
During the resource migration process, you choose which resources to promote to enterprise resources and which to map as
duplicates of enterprise resources. For example, the resource John Smith could be duplicated in separate project plans or (less
likely but still possible) in a resource pool as JSmith, JohnS, and John Smith. During the resource data migration to Microsoft
Project Server you might choose to promote John Smith as the enterprise resource, and map JSmith and JohnS as duplicates.
Tip Microsoft Project Server does not allow duplicate or merged enterprise resource names, and you cannot delete a resource—
you can only make it inactive. For these reasons, it is well worth the effort to create accurate enterprise resource information from
the beginning.
If your organization currently uses a centralized resource pool, use the Import Resources to Enterprise Wizard to migrate this
resource information to Microsoft Project Server. This wizard can map local field to enterprise custom fields, map enterprise base
calendars, and check for common problems such as duplicate names or invalid Windows user account name formats.
If your resource information is not in a centralized resource pool, you can still use the import process to migrate the resource
information to Microsoft Project Server, or you can create a central resource pool and share it with all project plans that include
resources. Creating a central resource pool may help you identify duplicate resource information between different project plans.
If your resource information resides in another data source such as Active Directory or a human resources database, you can
approach resource data migration with one of two goals in mind:
Migrate resource data with no further synchronization with an external source.
Synchronize resource information between Microsoft Project Server and other resource databases after data migration.
As you begin the import process, keep the following in mind:
Not all of the resources in your existing Microsoft Project 2000 projects automatically become enterprise resources, so they
don't get enterprise code values associated with them.
Resources with assignments don't automatically become team members of those projects.
Creating a new enterprise resource that is a non-generic work resource also creates a corresponding user with the following
Belongs to the Team Member group,
Has a blank password,
Can log on, and
Counts towards Microsoft Project Web Access CAL licenses.

Migrating Specific Project Plans to Microsoft Project Server

After you have successfully migrated resource information to Microsoft Project Server, you are ready to migrate data from
specific project plans. The specific data migration path you choose depends on several factors. These factors are explained in
detail in the topic "Microsoft Project Server installation roadmap" in the Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide Help file,
Pjsvr10.chm. This Help file is included with Microsoft Project Server 2002.
Microsoft Project Central maintains pointers to projects that are stored outside the database. Importing these projects into a
Microsoft Project Server database does not map the destination enterprise project with the workgroup project. The only
significant data loss is the loss of security settings for the projects. There are tasks to be done after importing a project, such as
regenerating actuals and deleting the non-enterprise project to avoid duplicate assignments.
There are two methods of migrating projects to Microsoft Project Server; both methods provide the same data validation, so no
projects or tasks are migrated with invalid values or missing required fields. The two methods of project migration are the Import
Project Wizard and using Save As on the File menu in Microsoft Project 2002.
With the Import Project Wizard, you can:
Map local to enterprise custom fields.
Map project resources to enterprise resources, leave project resources as local, or promote project resources to enterprise
Import more projects in the same wizard session with the same field mapping.
Using the Save As command does not allow you to perform these actions.
Before you begin the project plan data migration, you may need to address some complicating factors, including the following:
If you have master and subprojects, you may see rolled up costs duplicated when the project plans have been migrated to
Microsoft Project Server. To correct this duplication, represent master and subproject relationships with enterprise codes. In
general, in Microsoft Project Server, think in terms of programs and projects rather than master projects and subprojects.
You can still use traditional master projects locally if you want; just don't save them to Microsoft Project Server.
If you have dependencies between tasks in different MPP files, open all linked files in Microsoft Project. Save each file to
Microsoft Project Server, while keeping all of the linked files open. Microsoft Project resolves the links while the files are still
in memory.
Top Of Page
Migrating data from Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project Central to either Microsoft Project Standard or Microsoft
Professional with Microsoft Project Server can be a complex process. Migration requires considerable advance planning. Besides
this white paper, useful resources for this planning process include the following:
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide Help file, Pjsvr10.chm (included with Microsoft Project Server 2002).
The EIF (Enterprise Implementation Framework) and other content in the Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit (available
soon on the Microsoft TechNet Web site).

Top Of Page
Using Terminal Services to Connect Microsoft Project
Professional to Microsoft Project Server
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: March 1, 2003

Microsoft Corporation
Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary Learn how using Terminal Services overcomes slow WAN link performance and enables access to Microsoft Project
Server for users who work outside of the domain.
Terminal Services can be used to connect Microsoft® Project Professional to Microsoft Project Server. There are two primary
benefits to using Terminal Services as part of your Microsoft Project Server deployment:
To overcome slow WAN link performance. Some users of Microsoft Project Professional experience slower performance
when connecting to Microsoft Project Server over WAN links. Terminal Services is an effective way of overcoming a slow
(10 MBps or less) WAN link connection.
To enable access to Microsoft Project Server for users who work outside of the domain. If your organization has
members who are not part of a domain that can easily access Microsoft Project Server, or if your organization has many
small satellite offices, using Terminal Services makes it easier for these users to access Microsoft Project Server.
Terminal Services uses terminal emulation software to send keystrokes and mouse movements from the Windows client to a
copy of Microsoft Project Professional that is installed on a Terminal Services server. Interaction with the Microsoft Project Server
database is handled between the Terminal Services server and the Microsoft Project Server. Any user with permission to access
both the Terminal Services server and Microsoft Project Server will be able to use the copy of Microsoft Project Professional and
Microsoft Project Web Access on the Terminal Services server. A profile can be set up for each user of Microsoft Project
On This Page

Deploying Terminal Services for Microsoft Project Server

Deployment and Support Guidelines
Deploying Terminal Services for Microsoft Project Server
When deploying a Terminal Services server for use with Microsoft Project Server, the Terminal Services server should be located
in the same domain as the Microsoft Project Server and should be physically located as close as possible to the Microsoft Project
Server (for example, in the same building or in the same data center). The Terminal Server should be set up as an application
server. Microsoft Project Professional should be installed on the Terminal Services server.
Note: For more information, see the article Deploying Terminal Services, the Terminal Services Home Page at, and
Windows 2000 Terminal Services Licensing FAQ.

Deployment Scenario: Centralized Deployment of Microsoft Project Professional for Remote Use of Microsoft Project

A centralized deployment of Microsoft Project Professional can be achieved by loading Microsoft Project Professional onto a
Windows® 2000 server with Terminal Services enabled in Application Server mode. A regional (or global) deployment of
Microsoft Project Server for employees in multiple locations will be able to provide remote users in other domains, and users
outside of a domain, with reliable access to Microsoft Project Server by providing access to Microsoft Project Professional on the
Terminal Services server.
Figure 1: A centralized deployment of Microsoft Project Professional that enables users in other domains and remote
locations access to Microsoft Project Server
Top Of Page
Deployment and Support Guidelines
The following list describes some guidelines you should follow when setting up Terminal Services for use with Microsoft Project
Processing power Use a server that has multiple processors that exceed the recommended Windows 2000 operating
system processing requirements.
RAM Determine the number of concurrent users that will require access to the Terminal Services server at peak times to
determine the total amount of RAM. Concurrent users are the number of users logged on to the Terminal Services server,
plus the number of users in a disconnected state (user who have closed the Terminal Services client without actually logging
out of the Terminal Services server). You should plan on at least 50 MB or RAM per concurrent user over the amount of
RAM required by the operating system. Therefore, if you are housing Terminal Services for up to 20 concurrent users at
peak time, 1.0 GB of RAM should be sufficient (20 users times 50 MB of RAM per user), in addition to the amount of RAM
required by the operating system.
Location of the Terminal Services server in relation to the Microsoft Project Server database The Terminal Services
server must be in the same domain as the Microsoft Project Server database server. Ideally, the Terminal Services server is
in the same data center or even in the same room. The closer the Terminal Services server can be placed to the Microsoft
Project Server database server, the better.
Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access Microsoft Project Professional must be installed on
the Terminal Services server. Microsoft Project Web Access should also be set up to be run from the same Terminal Services
server if either of the following conditions applies: if Microsoft Project Web Access is not set up to be accessible over the
Internet or in the event that someone needs to use Terminal Services to use Microsoft Project Web Access. Microsoft Project
Web Access requires an ActiveX component in order to connect to Microsoft Project Server. This component must be
installed before other users will be able to log on to the Terminal Services server (though the component only needs to be
installed once, not for every user of the Terminal Services server). A user with administrator permissions to both Microsoft
Project Server and the Terminal Services server should run Internet Explorer on the Terminal Services server, and then
complete the full process of logging on to Microsoft Project Server. This will download the ActiveX components required by
Microsoft Project Web Access.
The following list describes some support issues you should consider after setting up a Terminal Services server for use with
Microsoft Project Server:
Monitoring Use System Monitor to analyze Terminal Services performance. Components that should be analyzed are the
CPU, memory usage, and network performance at both normal and peak times. Congestion in a Terminal Services server
deployment can affect following: the speed at which client workstations connect to the Terminal Services server; the client
network interface; the physical network media; the server client-to-server network interface; or the server network interface
for server-to-server/host communications.
Automatically log off disconnected users Users who disconnect from Terminal Services without logging off will still be
treated as a concurrent user of the Terminal Services server. This causes unnecessary load on the server, especially during
peak times. You should set time limits on idle sessions and let members of your organization know that if they do not
properly log off they may lose any unsaved work.
Running Terminal Services You can run Terminal Services clients from many locations, including remote desktops, by
doing any of the following: log on to a Terminal Services server and access Microsoft Project Professional directly; log on to
Terminal Services using the Terminal Service client included with Windows XP; or log on to a Terminal Services server using
Remote Desktop Connection Web, which is a Web-based Terminal Services client that is available as part of the Terminal
Services Advanced Client. Any user with access to Internet Explorer and the ability to download ActiveX controls will be able
to access Terminal Services using Remote Desktop Connection Web.

Top Of Page
Deploying Microsoft Project Server for Users in Distributed
Geographic Locations
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: March 1, 2003

Microsoft Corporation
Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access 2002
Summary Learn how to effectively deploy Microsoft Project Server so that everyone can use Microsoft Project Professional and
Microsoft Project Web Access to access Microsoft Project Server data. (4 printed pages)
If your organization has users in multiple geographic locations, you can still effectively deploy Microsoft® Project Server so that
everyone can use Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access to access Microsoft Project Server data.
Microsoft Project Server can be deployed to a single domain or spread out across multiple domains. All domain-level
deployments rely on wide area network (WAN) links to connect the servers. In addition, Terminal Services can be used to provide
access to the Microsoft Project Server database for users who are experiencing slow connections to the server or for users who
need to access the server from outside of the domain.
Note: For more information about deploying Terminal Services with Microsoft Project Server, see the Using Terminal Services to
Connect Microsoft Project Professional to Microsoft Project Server article.
There are several scenarios for deploying Microsoft Project Server for organizations that have users distributed across multiple
geographic locations, ranging from placing all Microsoft Project Server components in a single domain to distributing Microsoft
Project Server components across domains.
On This Page

A Single-Domain Deployment with Users in Multiple Geographic Locations

A Multi-Domain Network with Microsoft Project Server Components Deployed in a Single Domain and Users in Multiple
Geographic Locations
A Multi-Domain Network with Microsoft Project Server Components Deployed in Multiple Domains and Users in Multiple
Geographic Locations
Deployment and Support Guidelines
A Single-Domain Deployment with Users in Multiple Geographic Locations
When Microsoft Project Server is deployed in a single network domain, users anywhere in the domain will be able to connect to
Microsoft Project Server using either Microsoft Project Professional or Microsoft Project Web Access. In the example illustrated
below, all servers and components related to Microsoft Project Server are deployed to the same data center and WAN links exist
between domains. However, users in any domain will be able to connect to Microsoft Project Server using a WAN link and all
users, including mobile users, will be able to connect to Microsoft Project Server using Terminal Services.
Figure 1: Microsoft Project Server deployed to a single data center in a single domain. Users can access Microsoft
Project Server using WAN links or Terminal Services.
Top Of Page
A Multi-Domain Network with Microsoft Project Server Components Deployed in a Single Domain and
Users in Multiple Geographic Locations
In an organization with multiple network domains, Microsoft Project Server components can be deployed to a single domain, yet
still be available to users in other domains. In the example illustrated below, servers and components related to Microsoft Project
Server are deployed to a single domain (represented only by the Microsoft Project Server server icon for illustration purposes)
and WAN links exist between domains. Users in one domain will be able to connect to Microsoft Project Server components
located in other domains using a WAN link connection (implied in the illustration) as long as a trust relationship exists between
the domains. Users will also be able to connect to Microsoft Project Server using Terminal Services.

Figure 2: Microsoft Project Server deployed to a single data center in a single domain. Users can access Microsoft
Project Server using WAN links or Terminal Services.
Top Of Page
A Multi-Domain Network with Microsoft Project Server Components Deployed in Multiple Domains and
Users in Multiple Geographic Locations
In a multi-domain network, you can deploy servers related to Microsoft Project Server in multiple domains. When deploying
across multiple domains, the following server pair combinations must occur:
The server running the Microsoft Project Server IIS components and the server running SharePoint™ Team Services from
Microsoft must be in the same domain.
The server running the Microsoft Project Server database and all Terminal Services servers used to provide access to
Microsoft Project Server should be in the same domain.
Analysis Services can be placed in any domain.
In the example illustrated below, servers and components related to Microsoft Project Server are deployed to multiple domains
and WAN links exist between domains; however, users are able to access Microsoft Project Server from any domain. Users in one
domain will be able to connect to Microsoft Project Server components located in other domains using a WAN link connection as
long as a trust relationship exists between the domains. Users will also be able to connect to Microsoft Project Server using
Terminal Services.
Figure 3: Microsoft Project Server deployed across multiple domains. Users can access Microsoft Project Server using
WAN links or Terminal Services.
Top Of Page
Deployment and Support Guidelines
The following list describes some support issues you should consider when deploying Microsoft Project Server in an environment
where users will need to connect to Microsoft Project Server using a WAN link or a Terminal Services server:
Monitoring Use System Monitor to analyze network performance, including network interface cards, routers, and hubs to
ensure optimal performance. Microsoft Project Professional sends groups of smaller packets over the network. This is due
to the nature of a project file and the number of tasks, assignments, and resources associated with the file. If users of
Microsoft Project Professional are experiencing slow connection times when interacting with Microsoft Project Server,
consider adding a Terminal Services server (see below).
Note: Network Monitor is a utility that included with Systems Management Server (SMS). A lite version is also included
with Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.
Running Terminal Services Terminal Services clients can be run from many locations, including remote desktops, by
logging on to a Terminal Services server and accessing Microsoft Project Professional directly, by logging on to Terminal
Services using the Terminal Service client included with Windows XP, or by logging on to a Terminal Services server using
Remote Desktop Connection Web, which is a Web-based Terminal Services client that is available as part of the Terminal
Services Advanced Client. Any user with access to Internet Explorer and the ability to download Microsoft ActiveX® controls
will be able to access Terminal Services using Remote Desktop Connection Web. For more information about deploying
Terminal Services with Microsoft Project Server, see the Using Terminal Services to Connect Microsoft Project Professional
to Microsoft Project Server article.
Network Bandwidth WAN link connections should be at least 10 Mbps. If your connections are under 10 Mbps, then
Terminal Services should be deployed to provide a way around the slow network connection.
Establishing trust between domains Two-way trust is automatically created between domains if Active Directory® is
implemented and both domains reside in the same forest (or collection of Active Directory domains). Two-way trust must
be created if the domains do not reside in the same forest or if one of the domains is running Windows NT 4.0.

Top Of Page
Understanding Microsoft Project Server Permissions
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: February 1, 2003

Microsoft Corporation
Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access
Summary An overview of Microsoft Project Server global and object permissions that can be managed using Microsoft Project
Web Access. (12 printed pages)
On This Page

Global Permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access
Permissions define the actions that a user can take when interacting with Microsoft® Project Server, whether from Microsoft
Project Professional 2002 or through Microsoft Project Web Access.
You can allow or deny permissions to individuals or groups of Microsoft Project Web Access users by creating security templates
that define sets of permissions, and then assigning permissions to users and groups based on the templates. You use categories
to define which specific projects and resources these users and groups are allowed to view. You can also set permissions for
Microsoft Project Web Access features to make them universally available or unavailable to the organization.
Note: You can use the PermissionCheck method in the Project Data Service (PDS) to programmatically check a user's
permissions to see if he has access to a given area of Microsoft Project Server. For more information about the PDS, see the
Project Data Service (PDS) Usage and Methods Reference and the PermissionCheck section of the PDS Reference on MSDN®, the
Microsoft Developers Network.
Microsoft Project Web Access permissions work similarly to permissions in Microsoft Windows® 2000 and Microsoft Windows
NT. Users and groups are the security principals. Categories and organizations are the security objects. You then use permissions
to allow or deny security principals access to security objects. These groupings are discussed more in the following paragraphs.
The following list defines the entities that are part of the Microsoft Project Server security model:
Users Individual persons who are granted access to specific areas of Microsoft Project Server. Users can be assigned to
Groups Collections of users with the same access requirements for Microsoft Project Server.
Category A selection of securable objects. For example, groups of projects or resources.
Security Template A set of pre-defined permissions that can be used to grant access to Users, Groups, and Categories.
Organization The layers of projects, resources, and data that exist in a single installation of Microsoft Project Server.
Permissions Rules associated with a securable object that regulates access to Microsoft Project Server. There are two types
of permissions: Global permissions regulate access to specific features and user activities (for example, permission to check
out the enterprise global template), whereas object permissions regulate access to specific areas within the application (for
example, the Project Center).


Each individual user must be granted permission to view or access data in a particular area of Microsoft Project Web Access. You
can grant permissions at the user level, or you can assign users to groups (recommended) and grant permission at the group
level. A single user can be a member of any number of groups.

A group of users is a collection of individual users who are assigned the same permissions. You can combine individual users who
have common security requirements into a single group to reduce the number of security principals to manage. Create custom
groups for when you need to provide new ways to access data within your organization; for example, if your company employs
contractors, you may want the contractors to have a more restrictive set of permissions than regular team members.
Use security templates in combination with groups to make it easier to set permissions. First create a new security template
(ideally with the same name as the group, for example, create a security template called Contractors and then a security group
with the same name), and then grant all users in the group permissions based on the new security template. Security templates
are reviewed in-depth later in this article.
Note: A group cannot be part of another group.
Microsoft Project Web Access includes the following default groups:
Table 1 Microsoft Project Web Access Security Groups

Security Description

Administrator The administrators group is granted all available permissions on the Microsoft Project Server and all permissions
on the My Organization category.

Users who require broad visibility of the projects and resources in an organization can be added to the Executives
group. This group can view any project and any resource saved or published to the server. Administrators must
Executive manually create user accounts for executives. Only team member and project manager accounts can be created
automatically. The Executives group is granted permissions on the My Organization category. The Executives group
is granted global permissions to view project and resource information in the Project Center, Resource Center,
Portfolio Analyzer, and Portfolio Modeler.

Users who manage the enterprise global template and enterprise resources in an organization can be added to the
Portfolio Portfolio Managers group. These users have a broad ability to create and edit data but cannot perform server
Managers administrative tasks (for example, they cannot add users or groups). Portfolio Managers are able to view and edit
all projects and resources in the organization. This group is granted permissions on the My Organization category.

Users are automatically added to the Project Managers group when a Microsoft Project Professional user publishes
project to the Microsoft Project Server and when a Microsoft Project Standard or Professional user creates a
Project project manager account from the Collaborate tab of the Options dialog box. The Project Managers group is
Managers granted permissions on the My Projects category. The Project Managers group is able to view and edit projects in
the category. Project Managers are granted a number of global permissions that allow creation of new projects,
status reports, and to-do lists. They are also granted limited permissions on the My Organization category.

Resource This group is used for users who do not manage projects but need limited ability to view and edit project
Managers information. This group is granted permissions on the My Projects category.

Team Leads This group is used for users who do not manage projects but need limited ability to view and edit project
information. This group is granted permissions on the My Projects category.

As projects are published to the server, accounts are created on the server for any new resources in the project
Team plan. By default, the server adds new resources to the Team Members group, which is granted permissions on the
Members My Tasks category. The Team Members group is generally able to view and not edit data in the category. The Team
Members account is granted a number of global permissions that allow use of the Microsoft Project Web Access
timesheet, status reports, and to-do list features.

A category is a collection of projects and/or resources that a user or group is granted permission to access, whether a specific
function in Microsoft Project (Publish Project Plan, for example) or a general area of Microsoft Project Web Access (View Projects,
for example). Create custom categories when you have a need for providing new ways to access project and resource data.
Microsoft Project Web Access includes the following default categories:
Table 2 Microsoft Project Web Access Security Groups

Security Description

My The My Organization category uses security rules to contain all projects, resources, and assignments published or
Organization saved to the server.

My Projects The My Projects category uses security rules to contain all projects that a project manager has saved or published to
the server and all assignments in the projects that a project manager has saved or published to the server.

My Tasks The My Tasks category uses security rules to contain all projects to which a team member is assigned and all of the
team member's assignments.

Security Templates

A security template is simply a set of pre-defined permissions. Use security templates to simplify granting permissions to groups
of users who need access to the same data. You can associate any number of individual users and groups with a single security
Microsoft Project Web Access includes the following default templates:
Portfolio Manager
Project Manager
Resource Manager
Team Lead

An organization is a collection of projects, users, and data that exists in a single installation of Microsoft Project Server. Setting
permissions at the organization level allows you to make features available or unavailable to all users of Microsoft Project Web
Access or Microsoft Project Server, depending on the permission. If you allow or deny permissions at the organization level, all
users within the organization are affected, regardless of the permissions set elsewhere.
Note: Only one organization can exist for each Microsoft Project Server.
Each permission can be allowed, denied, or not allowed in Microsoft Project Web Access, as described in Table 3 below.
Table 3 Microsoft Project Web Access Permission State

Permission Description

Allow must be selected in order for any user or member of a group to be able to perform the actions associated
with the permission.
Note: Default group permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access are set to Allow in most cases, depending on the
default group. All permissions are set to Allow at the organization level.
Deny should be used carefully. If a user is denied a specific permission in Microsoft Project Web Access, that user
will be denied access everywhere in Microsoft Project Server for that permission, regardless of group, template, or
Deny category.
Note: No permissions are set to Deny as a default.

Not Allowed, while not strictly a permission, is a state that exists when neither Allow or Deny are selected for the
same permission in the same group. If a user belongs to more than one group that has the same permission set to
Allow (but not Deny) in at least one of the groups, then the user will be allowed to perform the actions associated
Not with the permission for all groups. In other words, if a user is allowed a permission in one group or category, that
Allowed user will be allowed that permission in all groups and categories that a user belongs to or is associated with.
Note: Be aware when setting permissions that the Deny setting can be very limiting because it can override allowed
permissions in other areas. Using Deny as little as possible makes it easier to manage large groups of users.

Permission Scenarios
In the following scenarios, a permission is set to Allow if column A is set to 1 and a permission is set to Deny if column D is set to
1; if both columns are set to 0, then the permission is neither allowed or denied (Not Allow).
Scenario One
A user belongs to three groups: Group 1, Group 2, and Resource. Both Group 1 and Group 2 are custom groups that you have
created, but you have set the permission Assign Tasks To Users to Deny for the custom groups:
Name A D
---------- --- ---
Group 1 0 1
Group 2 0 1
Resource 1 0

In this case, the user is explicitly denied permission to assign tasks to users in the custom groups. This overrides the Allow
permission set in the Resource group. Consequently, this user cannot assign tasks to users.
Scenario Two
A user belongs to two groups: Group 1 and Group 2. These are both custom groups that you have created, but you forgot to allow
the View Timesheet permission:
Name A D
---------- --- ---
Group 1 0 0
Group 2 0 0

In this case, the user is neither allowed nor denied permission to view his or her timesheet. Since the user has not been explicitly
allowed to view the timesheet, he or she doesn't have access to the timesheet.
Scenario Three
A user belongs to three groups: Resource, Group 1, and Group 2. Both Group 1 and Group 2 are custom groups that you have
created, but you did not specify whether users belonging to the custom groups should be able to log on to Microsoft Project
Name A D
---------- --- ---
Resource 1 0
Group 1 0 0
Group 2 0 0

In this case, your users will still be able to log on because you didn't deny them permission to do so in any group, and they are
allowed in one group.
Top Of Page
Global Permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access
The following table lists all global permissions used in Microsoft Project Web Access, including a description of the permission
itself, the database permission ID, and the names of the ASP pages that are affected by the permission.
Table 4 Global Permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access
General Permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access

General Description ASP Pages


View Home Allows a user to view the home page in Microsoft Project Web Access. Home/HomePage.asp

Log On Allows a user log on to Microsoft Project Web Access using either
Microsoft Project Server or Windows NT Authentication.

Change Allows a user to change their Microsoft Project Server password. Home/Password.asp

Set Personal Allows any user to subscribe to a notification or reminder. Notifications/Self_Notifications.asp


Set Resource Allows a manager to set a resource's notification or reminder Notifications/Mgr_Notifications.asp

Notifications subscription.

Go Offline Allows a user to work offline.

Tasks Permissions

Task Permission Description ASP Pages

View Timesheet Allows a user to view their Timesheet or their chart portion of the Gantt Tasks/TasksPage.asp
Chart view.

New Project Task Allows a user to create a new task to insert into an existing project.

Delegate Task Allows a user to delegate an assigned task to another (existing) user.

Hide Task from Allows a user to hide (remove) a task from their timesheet.

Transfer Calendar Allows a user to transfer calendar entries from Microsoft Outlook to WebCalendar/outlook1.asp
Entries Microsoft Project Server.

Transfer Calendar Allows a user to transfer calendar entries from Microsoft Outlook to WebCalendar/outlook1.asp
Entries Microsoft Project Server.

Change Work Days Allows a user to send working time updates to their manager. WebCalendar/outlook1.asp?

Task List Permissions

Task List Permission Description ASP Pages

Create and Manage To-Do Allows a user to create, modify, delete, or transfer ownership of a to-
List do list. Tasks/TaskListPage.asp

Publish To-Do List to All Allows a user to make a to-do list available to all users.

Assign To-Do List Tasks Allows a user to assign to-do list tasks to any user.

Transactions Permissions

Transactions Description ASP Pages


Manage Task Transactions/TaskTransactions.asp

Allows a manager to accept or reject a resource's task transactions.
Changes Transactions/TaskTransHistory.asp

Manage Calendar Allows a manager to accept or reject a resource's calendar Transactions/CalendarTransactions.asp

Changes transactions.

Manage Rules Allows a manager to set rules on how update transactions will be Home/Rules.asp
automatically processed.

Views Permissions

Views Description ASP Pages


View Project Allows a user to view project data displayed in Microsoft Project Web Access in Views/ProjectReport.asp
View a similar format to how it is displayed in Microsoft Project 2002.

View Allows a user to view assignment data displayed in Microsoft Project Web
Assignments Access in a similar format to how it is displayed in Microsoft Project 2002. Views/WebclientView.asp

View Project Allows a user to view the Project Center in Microsoft Project Web Access. Views/PortfolioView.asp

Resource Allows a user to view the Resource Center in Microsoft Project Web Access. Views/ResourcesRegisterView.asp

View Views/VisionView.asp
Allows a user to view the Portfolio Analyzer (the results of online analytical
Portfolio processing [OLAP] and resource cube generation) in Microsoft Project Server. Views/VisionView.asp?
Analyzer resource=1

Allows an administrator to create, modify, open, analyze, delete, and unlock

View Models Microsoft Project Web Access models. This user must also have permission to Modeling/*.asp
Manage Enterprise Features.

Resource Allows a user to view resource allocation data in Microsoft Project Web Access. Views/ResGraph.asp
Status Report Permissions

Report Description ASP Pages

Allows a user to view sent status reports stored in the Status Reports StatusReports/MyStatusReports.asp
View Status Archive, plus view Miscellaneous Reports to view all messages that
Report List were either forwarded to the user, were unrequested, or copied to the StatusReports/MiscStatusReports.asp
user. StatusReports/PastStatusReport.asp

Submit StatusReports/EnterStatusReport.asp
Status Allows a user to respond to a status report request from their manager.
Report StatusReports/InsertTask.asp

Status StatusReports/StatusReportWizard1.asp
Allows a user to create a status report request and view a team report.
Report StatusReports/MergedStatusReport.asp

Microsoft Project Server Administrator Permissions

Microsoft Project
Server Description ASP Pages

Manage Users Allows an administrator to add new users and create groups of users, Admin/Sec_Users_AddModify.asp
and Groups plus modify existing users and groups. Admin/Sec_Groups.asp

Allows an administrator to change Microsoft Project Server security
Manage Security settings, create security categories and security templates, plus specify
how accounts should be created and the methods used for Microsoft Admin/EditTemplate.asp
Project Web Access log on.

Manage Views Allows an administrator to create new views or modify existing views. Admin/views_addmodify.asp

Manage Allows an administrator to create custom centers and activities in Admin/sec_organizations.asp

Organization Microsoft Project Web Access or hide default centers and activities. Admin/sec_editmenu.asp
Customize Allows an administrator to add, modify, or delete links and content Admin/DefineGroups.asp
Microsoft Project sections on the Microsoft Project Web Access Home page.
Web Access Admin/Calendar.asp

Manage Allows an administrator to enable enterprise features, specify OLAP and Admin/cube_settings.asp
Enterprise resource cube settings, add and edit project versions, and check-in
Features resources and projects. Admin/Ent_CheckIn.asp

Manage Licenses Allows an administrator to enter the current number of licensed copies Admin/License.asp
available for Microsoft Project Web Access.

Clean up Allows an administrator to delete tasks, status reports, projects, and

Microsoft Project updates from the Microsoft Project Server database. Admin/DBCleanup.asp
Server Database

Clean up Allows an administrator to delete tasks, status reports, projects, and

Microsoft Project updates from the Microsoft Project Server database. Admin/DBCleanup.asp
Server database

Manage Allows an administrator to create and delete SharePoint Team Services Admin/DefaultSTSSettings.asp
SharePoint Team subwebs, update the list of authorized users, and maintain the servers
Services running SharePoint Team Services. Admin/ManageSTS.asp

Workgroup Permissions

Workgroup Permission Description ASP Pages

Publish / Update / Status Allows a manager to assign tasks, change tasks, and request a task's status.

Account Creation Permissions

Account ASP
Creation Description Pages

Create Allows a user to create new resource accounts when publishing from Microsoft Project. This permission
Accounts from can also be set by selecting (Allow) or clearing (Deny) the Allow managers to create accounts for
Microsoft themselves checkbox on the Specify how user accounts should be created in the Manage Security
Project page in Microsoft Project Web Access.

Create Allows a user to create new manager accounts from Microsoft Project. This permission can also be set by
Manager selecting (Allow) or clearing (Deny) the Allow managers to create accounts for themselves
Accounts from checkbox on the Specify how user accounts should be created page in the Manage Security section
Microsoft of Microsoft Project Web Access.
Create Allows a user to create new resource accounts while delegating tasks. This permission can also be set by
Accounts selecting (Allow) or clearing (Deny) the Allow resources to create accounts for other resources
when checkbox on the Specify how user accounts should be created page in the Manage Security section
Delegating of Microsoft Project Web Access.

Create Allows a user to create new resource accounts when requesting status reports. This permission can also
Accounts be set by selecting (Allow) or clearing (Deny) the Allow managers to create accounts for
when themselves checkbox on the Specify how user accounts should be created page in the Manage
Requesting Security section of Microsoft Project Web Access.
Status Reports

Enterprise Permissions

Enterprise Description ASP Pages


New Project Allows a user to add a new project to the database. Tasks/NewTaskPage.asp?

New Resource Allows a user to add a new resource to the database without importing the
resource from Microsoft Project.

Read Enterprise Allows a user to read the enterprise global.


Save Enterprise Allows an administrator to save the enterprise global.


Backup Global Allows an administrator to backup the enterprise global.

Read Summary Used by Microsoft Project Professional to access the Build Team feature (click
Assignments Tools, and then select Build Team from Enterprise).

Save Project Allows a user to create and save an enterprise template to the Microsoft Project
Template Server database.

Open Project Allows a user open a project template.


Collaboration Permissions

Collaboration Description ASP Pages


Allows a user to view the Documents center in Microsoft Project Web Access. Users
View with this permission will be able to add, update, and delete documents, plus link to DocLib/DocLibMain.asp?
Documents tasks, in all subwebs for all projects the user has permission for. ProjID=-1

Allows a user to view the Issues center in Microsoft Project Web Access. Users with
View Issues this permission will be able to add and update issues, plus link to tasks and Issues/IssueShell.asp
Object Permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access

The following table lists all object permissions used in Microsoft Project Web Access, including a description of the permission
itself and the names of the ASP pages that are affected by the permission.
Table 6 Object Permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access

Permission Description ASP


See Projects in Project Center Allows a user (or group of users) to view a specific project in the Project Center
for a particular project..

See Projects in Project Views Allows a user (or group of users) to view a specific project in Project Views for a
particular project..

See Resource Assignments in Allows a user (or group of users) to view resource assignments in the
Assignment Views Assignment View for a particular resource.

View Documents and Issues Allows a user (or group of users) to view Documents and Issues for a particular

Save Project Allows a user (or group of users) to save a particular project.

Open Project Allows a user (or group of users) to open a particular project.

Save Enterprise Resource Data Allows a user (or group of users) to save enterprise resource data.

Edit Enterprise Resource Data Allows a user (or group of users) to check out a specific enterprise resource.

Top Of Page
Microsoft Project 2002 Resource and Skills Management Guide
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
By Toney Sisk , Dieter ZirklerMicrosoft , Corporation

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access 2002
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Summary This white paper describes the architecture and enterprise resource features of Microsoft Project Professional and
Microsoft Project Server. It includes tips to help you maximize the value and power of the resource management tools, as well as
key steps to help you plan and deploy resource management features.
On This Page

Microsoft Project 2002 Enterprise Resource Management Design Goals and Concepts
Working with Resources in Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Usage Tips
Planning and Deployment Tips
Extensibility and Interoperability
Summary and Conclusions
Microsoft© Project 2002 has expanded its product family to include a complete enterprise project and resource management
solution. Microsoft Project 2002 integrates the enterprise functionality previously provided by Enterprise Project into
Microsoft Project. The solution includes the following products:
Microsoft Project Server
Provides timesheet, status report, portfolio reporting and modeling, enterprise resources, an enterprise global template, and
templates to quick-start new projects. Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server or later,
Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0, and Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000.
Microsoft Project Web Access
Provides a browser-based client that allows team members, resource managers, and executives to enter or view timesheet
information and view portfolio reports. Microsoft Project Web Access requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later.
Microsoft Project Professional
Provides a desktop client that allows project managers to create and edit project plans and enterprise resources. Project
plans and resources are saved to the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project Professional runs on Microsoft
Windows 98 Second Edition and later and Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation and later.
The Microsoft Project enterprise project management solution supports a wide range of users with features designed to support
the needs of each member of a project team or organization. These team members may include the following:
Executives can use Microsoft Project Web Access to quickly access reports of project status and resource usage across their
organization. Reports are available for project portfolios, projects, and resources. The Portfolio Analyzer, online status
reports, and project documents stored on SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft enable executives to see trends across
projects and resources. The Portfolio Modeler allows executives to model strategies of project staffing with interactive
project staffing and scheduling tools.
Resource managers
Resource managers can use Microsoft Project Web Access to access reports of resource assignments and availability across
the projects in their organization. With the timesheet feature, resource managers can review requests for resources,
delegate assignments to team members, and track progress on assignments. Reports are available on project status,
resource assignments, and resource availability. With the Portfolio Analyzer, resource managers can analyze details of how
and where resources are being used in an organization. With the Portfolio Modeler, resource managers can explore a
variety of staffing strategies for active and proposed projects. Resource managers can update skills information for
resources directly from Microsoft Project Web Access. To create and edit other resource information, resource managers
must use Microsoft Project Professional.
Project managers
Project managers can use Microsoft Project Professional to create and edit project plans. Integrating Microsoft Project
Professional with Microsoft Project Server ensures that project managers can easily access resources from the list of
enterprise resources and provide information required by an organization's project management office (PMO). With the
new Build Team from Enterprise and Substitute Resources features, project managers can quickly and easily staff their
projects based on the availability of resources and the match between resource skills and the skill requirements of the
project. Microsoft Project is also integrated with Microsoft Project Web Access. Project managers can now access reports,
status reports, and project plan updates from within Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project Professional seamlessly integrates
new enterprise project management features into the familiar Microsoft Project user interface.
Team members
Team members can use Microsoft Project Web Access to access timesheets, status reports, and project-related documents.
Team members can quickly view their timesheets for assignments that need to be completed and report progress on the
assignments to the project manager. Team members can create and access status reports and project documents to simplify
communication between members of the project team. Microsoft Project Web Access provides team members with a single
place to access and work with project information.
This white paper describes:
The architecture of Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server.
The enterprise resource management features in Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Server, and Microsoft
Project Web Access.
Tips to help you maximize the value and power of Microsoft Project 2002 resource management tools.
Key steps in planning and deploying resource management features.
Extensibility features for Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project 2002 Enterprise Resource Management Design Goals and Concepts
The design goals for Microsoft Project Professional include:
Enterprise scalability and performance
Microsoft Project is designed to support hundreds of project managers and thousands of team members. The Microsoft
Project 2002 enterprise project management solutions are based on the Microsoft® Windows Server System™ platform
and can be scaled up and scaled out.
Ease of use
The enterprise project management features of Microsoft Project are tightly integrated with Microsoft Project, Microsoft
Project Web Access, and Microsoft Project Server. Users familiar with prior releases of Microsoft Project will find the new
enterprise features to be natural extensions of the Microsoft Project user interface. Microsoft Project Web Access allows
team members and managers to access timesheets, reports, documents, and analysis tools with Internet Explorer.
Microsoft Project provides a flexible enterprise project and resource management solution. Customers can begin by using a
limited number of enterprise features and then use additional features as needed. For example, customers may begin by
deploying enterprise resources without using skills and then add one or more skills over time. Microsoft Project was
designed to fit the way customers work rather than forcing customers to adopt a specific methodology or make significant
organizational changes before experiencing benefits.
Microsoft Project is designed to allow customers, partners, and solution providers to extend its enterprise project
management solution. The middle tier of Microsoft Project Server provides a Simplified Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
interface and an extensibility model to allow third parties to access enterprise data from their own applications or clients
and to extend the functionality of the server. For example, customers can programmatically synchronize skills data from
their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with the enterprise resources in the Microsoft Project Server database
using the SOAP interface to the Project Data Service (PDS). Microsoft Project Server also supports extending the security
model, the online analytical processing (OLAP) cube creation process, and the user interface for Microsoft Project Web
Access users.
The following are some of the new resource management concepts introduced in Microsoft Project 2002. An understanding of
these concepts is useful when reading the architecture section of this white paper, which ties the concepts together.
Enterprise global template
The global file (Global.mpt), which has always been a part of Microsoft Project, is distinct from the enterprise global
template and is used in Microsoft Project to define and reuse views, field definitions, macros, and so forth. When you start
Microsoft Project Professional, the enterprise global template that is stored in the Microsoft Project Server database is
loaded into memory. The enterprise global template contains all the fields in the Global.mpt plus additional enterprise-only
fields. Administrators can define the value lists and look-up tables for these fields, and they can define whether the fields are
required. This ability to define elements of the enterprise global template ensures that all enterprise projects use a
consistent set of fields to generate cross-enterprise reports.
Enterprise resources
Microsoft Project 2000 used a local resource pool to enable multiple project managers to share a common set of resources,
thus allowing project managers to view how a resource is used across multiple projects and to gain an accurate picture of
the resource's workload and availability. Microsoft Project Professional can access resources from an enterprise resource
pool stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project Professional adds only the required enterprise
resources to a project and adds only one summary record for each shared project that uses the resources added to a
project. This change allows Microsoft Project Professional to support large (greater than 1,000) enterprise resource pools
while improving performance when accessing and adding resources from the enterprise resources to a project.
Skills are enterprise resource outline codes with the "use to match generic resources" property enabled. Customers may
define up to 30 skills for their enterprise resources.
Skill requirements
With Microsoft Project Professional you can specify an assignment's skill requirements. Skill requirements are one or more
selected values for the skills (defined by enterprise outline codes) on an assignment. Skills can be defined manually in the
Task Usage view or by assigning a generic resource to an assignment.
Generic resources
Generic resources are used to define types of resources frequently assigned to projects. Each generic resource has one or
more defined skills. When a generic resource is assigned to a task, the assignment record is stamped with the generic
resource's skills, making it easier to define the skill requirements for tasks in a project.
Resource Substitution Wizard
The Resource Substitution Wizard replaces resources in one or more projects based on the skill requirements of
assignments and the skills possessed by enterprise resources. Users can access this wizard from Microsoft Project
Portfolio Modeler
The Portfolio Modeler enables projects to be staffed based on skill requirements and allows users to quickly view the effects
of various staffing options on the schedule start or finish and on resource allocation levels. Users access this feature from
Microsoft Project Web Access.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project enterprise resource management features are based on the architecture provided by Microsoft Project
Professional and Microsoft Project Server. For more details on the overall systems architecture, see the "Microsoft Project 2002
Project Guide Architecture and Extensibility" white paper (see link at the end of this paper). This section focuses on the
architectural elements supporting the Microsoft Project 2002 enterprise resource management features.
Microsoft Project enterprise project management solution is an n-tiered application with three layers described in the following
Client layer
Microsoft Project Web Access provides access to timesheets, project views, status reports, to–do lists, and document library
and issue tracking (through Microsoft SharePoint Team Services integration). Microsoft Project Web Access consists of a set
of ActiveX® controls (primarily a grid control) and HTML pages (provided through Active Server Pages) running in Internet
Explorer 5 and later. While Microsoft Project Web Access provides limited offline features, it is primarily intended for use
when connected to Microsoft Project Server.
Microsoft Project Professional is a Microsoft Windows application that runs on Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition and
later, as well as Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation and later. Project managers add enterprise resources to their
projects using the Build Team dialog box and the Resource Substitution Wizard. These features request access to the
enterprise resources by sending XML (Extensible Markup Language) requests through HTTP to the Microsoft Project Server
and then using the returned connection information to bind to the Microsoft Project Server database (stored on Microsoft
SQL Server).
Application server layer
Microsoft Project enterprise resource management features are enabled through interactions between Microsoft Project
Server and Microsoft Project Professional using the PDS. Requests from Microsoft Project Professional to read or save
enterprise projects or resources to the server are first made through an XML request to the PDS. The PDS checks the
permission for the authenticated user and then returns a list of available objects and connection string information.
Microsoft Project then uses the connection information to bind to the enterprise database using ODBC. Requests from
Microsoft Project Web Access for enterprise resource information are also made to the PDS. In this case, the PDS checks
security and then directly queries the enterprise database and returns resource information to Microsoft Project Web
Access. The PDS is indirectly involved when administrators use Microsoft Project Web Access to generate a Portfolio
Analyzer OLAP cube or when users create and analyze models using Portfolio Modeler.
Microsoft Project Server runs on Windows 2000 Server or later and Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 or later.
Database layer
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later provides the database layer services for Microsoft Project 2002 Professional. Microsoft
Project Server merges and extends the Microsoft Project 2000 project database schema with the Microsoft Project Central
database schema. Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access interact with data in the enterprise
The Microsoft Project Server enterprise features include a significant revision of the way Microsoft Project binds to the
project database. When Microsoft Project 2000 opened a project from a database, it bound directly to the Microsoft Project
tables in the database. If the user's data source name (DSN) allowed read/write access to the database, Microsoft Project
could open and save changes to any project in the database—even those projects managed by other project managers.
Microsoft Project Professional uses connections that don't require DSNs to bind to SQL Views in the enterprise database.
The SQL Views contain only the information required to open the project or resource(s) selected by the user. This
information only exists in the SQL Server Views while Microsoft Project is opening or saving a project or resources.
The systems architecture is illustrated in the following figure:
Figure 1: Microsoft Project system architecture
In the next sections, several typical usage scenarios illustrate the Microsoft Project resource management architecture.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Professional
This section describes the key enterprise resource management features unique to Microsoft Project Professional.
Integration with the Microsoft Project Server database
Microsoft Project Professional includes features to allow you to modify the enterprise global template; open projects and
templates saved in the server database; add enterprise resources to projects; and save projects to the Microsoft Project
Find resources based upon skill and availability
The Build Team dialog box allows users to add enterprise resources to a project by manually selecting resources or by
querying for resources based on availability or attributes.
Resource Substitution Wizard
The wizard allows users to automatically assign enterprise resources to tasks in one or more projects based on the skill
requirements of tasks and resource availability.
Assign Resources dialog box
In the Assign Resources dialog box, users can view availability for resources based on their assignments in projects across
the enterprise.
Summary assignments
When enterprise resources are added to a project, Microsoft Project Professional works with Microsoft Project Server to add
one assignment for each enterprise project that is using each resource. Project managers can then see a resource's actual
remaining availability.

Microsoft Project Web Access

This section describes the key enterprise resource management features unique to Microsoft Project Web Access.
Resource Center
In the Resource Center, managers can view and modify settings for enterprise resources. Resource managers can access
detailed assignment and availability information from the Resource Center.
Portfolio Analyzer
Portfolio Analyzer allows managers to use powerful OLAP tools to see and evaluate how enterprise projects and enterprise
resources are performing across an organization.
Portfolio Modeler
With the Portfolio Modeler, managers can identify staffing problems across projects in an organization and then model how
staffing changes affect schedules, costs, and workloads. Model results can be saved as reports, which can then be used with
the Microsoft Project Professional Resource Substitution Wizard to apply the model to project plans.

Microsoft Project Server

This section describes the key enterprise project management features unique to Microsoft Project Server.
Enterprise global template
Microsoft Project Server allows you to open, edit, and save an enterprise global template directly from the server database.
Because the enterprise global template resides on the server and is opened read-only, organizations can distribute and
maintain project and resource management standards for items in the enterprise global template, including skill codes,
resource breakdown structure codes, and calendar settings.
Enterprise resources
Microsoft Project Server allows resources to be opened, edited, and saved to the Microsoft Project Server database.
Enterprise templates
In Microsoft Project Server, templates can be opened and saved to the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project
Professional users can view templates saved to the server database and create new projects based on the templates.
Assigning generic resources to tasks in project templates can provide project managers an easy way to identify required
skills when staffing a project.
Integrated database
Microsoft Project Server integrates the Microsoft Project database and the Microsoft Project Web Access database. The
integrated database simplifies application and database management and provides Microsoft Project Professional users
with a seamless user experience as they open and save projects and resources.
Integrated security
Permission to access Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Web Access data is managed through the Microsoft Project
Server administrative features. Security for Microsoft Project Server is supported per user per project and resource at both
the application and database layers. Integrated security simplifies application management and significantly improves
Project Data Service
Requests to access or update enterprise data are made to the PDS. The PDS provides a SOAP interface that allows third-
party client applications to access the same Microsoft Project Server features as Microsoft Project Professional and
Microsoft Project Web Access. In addition, the PDS provides an extensibility model that allows third parties to extend the
functionality of Microsoft Project Server.
Portfolio Analyzer OLAP cube generation service
The cube generation service creates the Portfolio Analyzer fact and dimension tables based on the Microsoft Project Server
database. The service then calls Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services to generate an OLAP cube based on the fact and
dimension tables. Administrators can manage the service through Microsoft Project Web Access. Third parties can include
their own data in the Portfolio Analyzer cube.
Top Of Page
Working with Resources in Microsoft Project Professional 2002
The following sections give overviews of how you add and work with enterprise resources.
Adding a Resource to a Project with the Build Team Dialog Box

The Build Team dialog box is the primary tool for adding enterprise resources to a project. The Build Team dialog box displays
all the resources available to a project manager to be added to a project (based on security settings made in Microsoft Project
Server). Project managers can then use filters to identify the specific resources needed in a project. After enterprise resources are
added to a project, project managers can use the enterprise resources in the same ways that they use local resources.
When resources are added by using the Build Team dialog box, Microsoft Project posts an XML request to the PDS on Microsoft
Project Server to check whether the user has "Read Summary Assignment" permissions. If the user has been allowed this
permission, the PDS then queries the Microsoft Project Server security object to identify the specific resources that the user can
view (by checking the resources for which the user has "See Enterprise Resource Data" permissions). If the resulting set of
resources is fewer than 1000, the PDS configures SQL Server Views in the enterprise database that contain the enterprise
resources available to the user and returns connection information to Microsoft Project. If the resulting set of resources is more
than 1000, the PDS returns an error message and allows the user to prefilter the resources returned from Microsoft Project
When the PDS returns connection information to Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project connects to the SQL Server Views in the
enterprise database and places the available resources into a hidden project. The project manager can then select the resources to
add to the project. When the desired resources are selected from the Build Team dialog box, they are added to the Microsoft
Project Professional hidden resource pool. At this point, the resources appear in the Resource Sheet view and the Assign
Resources dialog box. The resources can then be assigned to tasks.
Staffing a Project by Using the Resource Substitution Wizard

You can also use the Resource Substitution Wizard to add enterprise resources to a project and then assign those resources to
tasks based on the skill requirements of those tasks. The Resource Substitution Wizard matches the resources defined in the
enterprise resource pool with the skill requirements of tasks in a project. The wizard can then add enterprise resources to the
project and assign the resources to the appropriate tasks.
The wizard allows the user to select the projects currently opened in Microsoft Project that the wizard should consider. Users can
then select the resources that should be assigned to tasks in the selected projects. When resources are selected, the wizard posts
an XML request to the PDS on the Microsoft Project Server to identify all projects related to the selected projects (through external
dependencies or shared resources).
When the resources are substituted in the selected projects, the project manager can then level the projects and choose whether
to save the changes. It is important to realize that changes made to the projects by the wizard are not final until the modified
projects are saved to the enterprise database.

Viewing a Resource Report Using Microsoft Project Web Access

Microsoft Project Web Access uses Internet Explorer to access project and resource information on the Microsoft Project Server.
Resource Center reports display enterprise resources and values for all enterprise resource custom fields, assignments, and
remaining availability. Users access these reports by logging on to the server with Microsoft Project Web Access and then
navigating to the Resource Center. Microsoft Project Web Access queries the MSP_ASSIGNMENTS and MSP_WEB_VIEW tables
and binds the resulting data to both the Microsoft Office Web Chart control and the Microsoft Project Web Access grid control.
These reports are only available on resources assigned to tasks in Microsoft Project Professional.
Creating a Model with the Portfolio Modeler

Microsoft Project 2002 supports OLAP through the Portfolio Analyzer feature. Portfolio Analyzer uses components in all three
tiers of Microsoft Project. The database tier uses Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services to create an OLAP cube. The middle tier
uses the cube generation service to create a set of fact and dimension tables (used by Analysis Services) based on data in a
number of tables in the Microsoft Project Server database. The client tier (Microsoft Project Web Access) uses the Microsoft Office
Web PivotTable® and chart controls bound to the OLAP cube.
Top Of Page
Usage Tips
Microsoft Project 2002 provides a flexible set of resource management tools. It allows customers to fit these tools into their
methods and processes for managing resources rather than requiring a specific methodology or process to be used with the
tools. However, customers can maximize the value and power of Microsoft Project 2002 resource management tools by following
a few tips:
Manage all the projects assigned to a group of resources with Microsoft Project Professional. To ensure that the enterprise
database can provide complete data about resource assignments and availability, avoid managing some projects assigned
to a group of resources with Microsoft Project Standard or earlier versions of Microsoft Project.
In general, projects from Microsoft Project Standard or earlier versions of Microsoft Project should be migrated in blocks of
projects defined by the sets of resources used in those projects. Projects sharing the same resources should be migrated to
Microsoft Project Professional together. It is practical and prudent for your deployment plans to include incremental
migration of collections of projects based on their shared resources.
Minimize your use of master projects. Specifically, avoid saving master projects to the Microsoft Project Server database.
Saving master projects and their subprojects may double-count resource assignments and produce inaccurate Microsoft
Project Web Access views. Microsoft Project users have used master projects in the past to produce rolled up reports across
multiple projects and to easily create external dependencies between tasks in different projects. Microsoft Project 2002
enterprise outline codes and features such as the Portfolio Analyzer provide users with significantly more flexible and
powerful reporting tools for rolling up results across multiple projects than the tools provided with master projects. To
create external dependencies or simply to retain familiar reports, users should create local master projects on their
workstations with inserted enterprise projects. Users can then save the subprojects (inserted projects) to the Microsoft
Project Server database while saving the master project to their workstation. With this method, users can work with familiar
master projects while maintaining accurate enterprise resource data and the more flexible and powerful reporting tools in
Microsoft Project Web Access.
Create enterprise generic resources and use them in template projects saved to the Microsoft Project Server database. The
skills management features in Microsoft Project 2002 require resources to have defined skills and to define assignment skill
requirements. Skills are an optional feature for Microsoft Project 2002 users. However, use of skills enables use of features
such as the Resource Substitution Wizard and the Portfolio Modeler as well as providing more detailed information on how
resources are used across an organization.
While administrators or resource managers can define resource skills, project managers must specify skill requirements for
assignments. Skill requirements for assignments are typically specified by assigning generic resources to a task. Microsoft
Project Professional copies all the skills defined for the generic resource to the assignment. To further simplify the process
of defining skill requirements for assignments, administrators or the PMO can create project templates and use enterprise
generic resources for assignments in the templates. This technique enables project managers to open a template, identify
the project team or enterprise resources, and then use the Resource Substitution Wizard to staff the project and assign the
appropriate resources to tasks in the projects.
Top Of Page
Planning and Deployment Tips
Microsoft Project 2002 provides a flexible, scalable platform for resource management. Central to the Microsoft Project enterprise
resource management features are the enterprise global template and the enterprise resources. The design and configuration of
these features affect Microsoft Project Server users. Careful planning is critical for a successful Microsoft Project Professional and
Microsoft Project Server deployment.

Enterprise Global Template

The enterprise global template defines all enterprise custom fields, including resource custom fields and skills. Configure the
enterprise global template before creating or importing enterprise resources. Microsoft Project Professional is used to configure
the enterprise global template.
The following are key elements to define in the enterprise global template:
Enterprise resource custom fields
These fields are those used in reports of resources in the enterprise resource pool. In general, it is useful to review any
current reports used to report the status of resources and to create enterprise custom fields to be used as resource fields in
these reports. You can also define which fields should be required. Required fields should be used sparingly. However, a
resource field that you consider critical in a report should be required.
Skills are simply enterprise resource outline codes with the Use this code to match generic resources check box selected
in the Custom Outline Codes dialog box. Skills can be extremely useful when staffing projects and in analyzing resource
capacity and demand. In general, two approaches can be taken when defining skills:
Use a single outline code to define all skills. This approach works well when you have a relatively small number of
possible skills (fewer than 50) and only one skill is used to define assignment skill requirements. For example, a Web
programmer is assigned to one task while a technical writer is assigned to another task. This approach is
recommended for customers new to enterprise resource management tools.
Use multiple outline codes to define distinct types of skills. This approach works well when multiple skills are used to
define assignment skill requirements. For example, a Web programmer who speaks French is assigned to one task
while a Japanese-speaking technical writer is assigned to another task. This approach can significantly improve a
customer's ability to understand how resources are being used across an organization. However, this approach also
requires significantly greater effort in terms of creating and updating information regarding resources in the
enterprise resource pool.
Enterprise resources and projects can be required to use calendars defined in the enterprise global template.
Typically, you need to create an enterprise version of both the Resource Sheet and Task Usage views. The Resource Sheet
should be updated to include all enterprise resource custom fields. The Task Usage view should include all skills.

Enterprise Resource Pool

After you have defined the enterprise global template, you can create enterprise resources. Enterprise resources are created in
Microsoft Project Professional. The process for creating resources is largely determined by whether one want wants to move
currently active projects from an earlier version of Microsoft Project to Microsoft Project Professional 2002.
Starting with new projects
Minimal preparation is necessary for this scenario. The process is simplified if all required resource information can be
centralized in a single document. Microsoft Excel can be a useful tool to gather this information. The resulting spreadsheet
can then be imported into Microsoft Project and then saved to the Microsoft Project Server database.
Migrating active projects
In this scenario, multiple projects are currently managed with Microsoft Project 98 or Microsoft Project 2000—typically with
projects saved to a database. Since these projects often do not use a resource pool, each project may use a different
resource name, rate schedule, or calendar for the same resource. To simplify migration of the projects to Microsoft Project
Server, it will be helpful to standardize the use of resources in your organization. All projects should use a consistent
definition of resources.
Resource pools can help support this process. Resources in an organization are added to a resource pool, which is then used
by all projects being migrated. After issues are resolved with the Microsoft Project 98 or Microsoft Project 2000 resource
pool, an administrator can import the resource pool into the Microsoft Project Server database.

Microsoft Project Web Access Views

When the enterprise resource pool is populated, project managers can add enterprise resources to their projects and then save
the projects (with assignments) to the enterprise database. Resource information (including skills and enterprise custom fields),
availability, and assignments can be viewed in Microsoft Project Web Access. Microsoft Project Web Access views can be defined
by administrators and can then be selected by users based on their permissions.
Three Microsoft Project Web Access view types are specific to resources:
Resource Center views
Display properties of enterprise resources, showing predefined groups and filters. Users can also access resource
assignment and availability charts from the Resource Center. However, users cannot define the available charts.
Portfolio Analyzer views
Display PivotTables and charts of enterprise resource properties, timephased attributes (for example, work, cost, actual
work, availability), and project properties. Administrators can predefine views as well as allow users to customize the reports
(if the users have Office XP installed on their workstations).
Assignment views
Display a Gantt Chart view of assignments made with workgroup and enterprise resources. Assignment views can include
predefined groups and filters.
Views are defined by Microsoft Project Server administrators. Views only define the fields and format of the report. The views do
not define the resources (or projects) visible in the report. After a view is defined, the administrator must add the views to one or
more categories to allow the views to be accessed by users. Categories define the specific projects and resources available to the
user. By adding a view to a category, administrators can define the objects (projects or resources) and the properties of the
objects (views) available to any given user or group of users. For detailed information on Microsoft Project Server security,
categories, and views, see the "Microsoft Project Server Security Architecture and Planning Guide" white paper.
The views and security tools within Microsoft Project Server are very flexible. Small to medium organizations should find the
predefined views, categories, and groups to support their needs. Larger organizations with more complex security and reporting
needs should include adequate time in their deployment schedules to carefully plan and design their views and categories.
Top Of Page
Extensibility and Interoperability
Microsoft Project 2002 provides customers and solution providers with an extensible project management platform for both the
client and server. A Microsoft Project Software Developer Kit (SDK) will be available shortly after Microsoft Project 2002 is
available. The SDK provides detailed descriptions and sample code for extending Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server.
In addition, you can review selected extensibility features of Microsoft Project 2002 by reading the following white papers (see
links at the end of this paper):
Microsoft Project Server Security Architecture and Planning Guide
Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft SharePoint Team Services Integration Architecture and Extensibility

Microsoft Project Professional

Microsoft Project 2002 continues to provide a rich object model and support for Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications.
Developers can access and automate most of the features available from the Microsoft Project user interface, including the new
enterprise project management features. New for Microsoft Project 2002 is the ability to open and save projects as XML
documents. XML can be extremely useful when exchanging data between applications or systems. The Microsoft Project XML
schema is provided in the document Microsoft Project XML Schema (Projxml.xml) that is shipped on the Microsoft Project 2002
CD-ROM. In addition, Microsoft Project 2002 introduces the Project Guide, which integrates HTML pages with the Microsoft
Project client. While Microsoft Project 2002 is shipped with a full set of Project Guide pages, developers can replace and extend
Project Guide pages with full access to the Microsoft Project object model. Customizing Project Guide pages allows developers to
integrate custom solutions into the Microsoft Project user interface.

Microsoft Project Web Access

Microsoft Project Web Access continues to support reuse of the ActiveX grid controls and Web Parts based on Microsoft Project
Web Access pages. New for Microsoft Project 2002 is the ability to extend or modify the Microsoft Project Web Access menu.
Microsoft Project Server

The PDS is the key middle-tier object for the Microsoft Project enterprise project management features. Developers can call PDS
methods through its SOAP interface. PDS allows custom solutions for accessing many of the enterprise features of Microsoft
Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access. One key feature of the PDS is support for programmatically defining and
updating enterprise outline codes. If customers want to keep the Microsoft Project Server enterprise codes consistent with the
schema of other business intelligence or line-of-business solutions (such as general ledger, customer relations management, or
employee relations), custom applications can be written to query for schema definitions in external systems and then to use PDS
calls to update the corresponding enterprise codes in the Microsoft Project Server database. In addition, developers can extend
the set of methods exposed by the PDS by registering extender objects on Microsoft Project Server.
Developers can extend the Microsoft Project Server security system. This capability allows solution providers to extend the
Microsoft Project Server with new functionality (for example, risk management) yet allow access to the functionality to be
controlled through the Microsoft Project Server administrative tools.
Developers can also extend the data used by the Portfolio Analyzer OLAP cube generation service, allowing integration of project
data with other project or resource data in the Portfolio Analyzer views.
Top Of Page
Summary and Conclusions
Microsoft Project 2002 introduces enterprise project and resource management to the Microsoft Project family of products.
Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Web Access, and Microsoft Project Server provide an integrated enterprise
resource management solution that combines ease of use, a centralized project and resource database, and powerful reporting
and analysis features. Microsoft Project Web Access provides Internet Explorer users with reporting, analysis, and modeling tools
for projects and resources across an enterprise. Microsoft Project enterprise project management features are built on the
Windows Server System platform, allowing customers to scale Microsoft Project from a single server to high-availability
configurations with a Web farm and clustered database servers. Microsoft Project Server provides a rich middle-tier service, the
PDS, which customers can use to integrate project management data with other business intelligence and line-of-business
solutions using a SOAP interface.
For More Information

More information on Microsoft Project Standard, Microsoft Project Professional, and Microsoft Project Server is available online.
MSDN Developer Center for Microsoft Project
TechNet Technology Center for Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Product Site
Specifically, the following white papers may be useful:
Microsoft Project Server Security Architecture and Planning Guide
Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft SharePoint Team Services Integration Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Data Migration
Toney Sisk is a technical writer on the Microsoft Project team. Toney specializes in project management and enterprise resources
documentation, and has been with Microsoft for twelve years.
Dieter Zirkler is a lead program manager in the Microsoft Project business unit. Dieter was the product lead for Microsoft Project
Professional 2002 and has been with Microsoft for six years.

Top Of Page
Opening .mpp Files from Earlier Versions of Microsoft Project
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2003

Microsoft Corporation
Applies to:
Microsoft Project 2002
Microsoft Project 2000
Microsoft Project 98
Summary Projects created in Microsoft Project 2000 or 98 are converted to the new format when opened in Microsoft Project
2002. Projects created in earlier versions must first be saved in Microsoft Project Exchange format before opening in Microsoft
Project 2002.
On This Page

Opening .mpp Files Created in Microsoft Project 2000 or 98

Opening .mpp Files Created in Versions Earlier Than Microsoft Project 98
Additional Resources
Opening .mpp Files Created in Microsoft Project 2000 or 98
Projects created in Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 98 are automatically converted to the newer format when opened
in Microsoft Project 2002. This means that new settings, fields, and other items from Microsoft Project 2002 may be added to the
projects created in earlier versions. However, there are some important differences regarding the items saved and displayed
depending on which of those previous versions is used.
For Files Created in Microsoft Project 2000
If you open a Microsoft Project 2000 .mpp file in Microsoft Project 2002 and then save it, the .mpp file will include settings and
other items from Microsoft Project 2002. However, if you open this .mpp file again in Microsoft Project 2000, the settings or other
items from Microsoft Project 2002 are not visible, although they are still retained within the project.
For example, if you add the TCPI (to complete performance index) earned value field to your Gantt Chart in Microsoft Project
2002, and then open your project in Microsoft Project 2000, the TCPI field isn't displayed in the Gantt Chart until you open the
project in Microsoft Project 2002 again.
If you open a project in Microsoft Project 2000 that was saved in Microsoft Project 2002, Organizer items such as views and
tables that are unique to the later version will be represented with substitute items in Microsoft Project 2000. If any changes are
made to the substitute items in Microsoft Project 2000, they will not be saved if the project is reopened in Microsoft Project 2002.
For Files Created in Microsoft Project 98

Once you have opened and saved a Microsoft Project 98 .mpp file in Microsoft Project 2002 format, you cannot reopen the .mpp
file in Microsoft Project 98. You can use the Save As command to save a project as a Microsoft Project 98 file, but information
specific to Microsoft Project 2002 is not saved within the .mpp file.
Top Of Page
Opening .mpp Files Created in Versions Earlier Than Microsoft Project 98
You cannot open .mpp files created in versions earlier than Microsoft Project 98 in Microsoft Project 2002. You must first save the
project in Microsoft Project Exchange (.mpx) format in the earlier version of Microsoft Project, and then open the .mpx file in
Microsoft Project 2002.
In Microsoft Project, you can choose the .mpx file format in the File Open dialog box, in the Files of Type dropdown list.
Top Of Page
Additional Resources
See the Help in Microsoft Project 2002 for more information about opening .mpp files from earlier versions.

Top Of Page
Microsoft Project 2002 Enterprise Project Management
Architecture Guide
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: April 1, 2002

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access 2002
Summary Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Web Access, and Microsoft Project Server provide an integrated
enterprise project management solution that combines ease of use, a centralized project and resource database, and powerful
reporting and analysis features.
On This Page

Design Goals and Concepts
Planning and Deployment Lifecycle
Extensibility and Interoperability
Microsoft® Project 2002 has expanded its product family to include a complete enterprise project management solution.
Microsoft Project 2002 integrates the enterprise functionality previously provided by Enterprise Project into Microsoft
Project. The solution includes the following products:
Microsoft Project Server
Provides timesheet, status report, portfolio reporting and modeling, enterprise resources, an enterprise global template, and
templates to quick-start new projects. Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft Windows© 2000 Server or later,
Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0, and Microsoft SQL™ Server 2000.
Microsoft Project Web Access
Provides a browser-based client that allows team members, resource managers, and executives to enter or view timesheet
information and view portfolio reports. Microsoft Project Web Access requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later.
Microsoft Project Professional
Provides a desktop client that allows project managers to create and edit project plans and enterprise resources. Project
plans and resources are saved to the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project Professional runs on Microsoft
Windows® 98 and later, as well as on Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation and later.
The Microsoft Project enterprise project management solution supports a wide range of users with features designed to support
the needs of each member of a project team or organization. These team members may include:
Executives can use Microsoft Project Web Access to quickly access reports of project status across their organization.
Reports are available for project portfolios, projects, and resources. The Portfolio Analyzer, online status reports, and project
documents stored on Microsoft SharePoint™ Team Services enable executives to see trends across projects and resources.
The Portfolio Modeler allows executives to model projects with interactive project staffing and scheduling tools.
Project managers
Project managers can use Microsoft Project Professional to create and edit project plans. The integration of Microsoft
Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server ensures that project managers can easily access resources from the list of
enterprise resources and provide information required by an organization's project management office (PMO). With the
new Build Team from Enterprise and Substitute Resources features, project managers can quickly and easily staff their
projects based on the availability of resources and the match between resource skills and the skill requirements of the
project. Microsoft Project is also integrated with Microsoft Project Web Access. Project managers can now access reports,
status reports, and project plan updates from within Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project Professional seamlessly integrates
new enterprise project management features into the familiar Microsoft Project user interface.
Team members
Team members can use Microsoft Project Web Access to access timesheets, status reports, and project-related documents.
Team members can quickly view their timesheets for assignments that need to be completed, and report progress on the
assignments to the project manager. Team members can create and access status reports and project documents to simplify
communication between members of a project team. Microsoft Project Web Access provides team members with a single
place to access and work with project information.
This white paper describes the:
Architecture of Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server.
Enterprise features in Microsoft Project Professional.
Enterprise features in Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access.
Lifecycle in planning and deploying Microsoft Project Professional.
Extensibility for Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server.
Top Of Page
Design Goals and Concepts
The design goals for Microsoft Project Professional include:
Enterprise scalability and performance
Microsoft Project is designed to support hundreds of project managers and thousands of team members. The enterprise
project management solutions within Microsoft Project are based on the Microsoft® Windows Server System™ and can be
scaled up and scaled out.
Ease of use
The enterprise project management features of Microsoft Project are integrated into Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project
Web Access, and Microsoft Project Server. Users familiar with earlier releases of Microsoft Project will find the new
enterprise features to be natural extensions of the Microsoft Project user interface. Microsoft Project Web Access allows
team members and managers to access timesheets, reports, documents, and analysis tools by using Internet Explorer.
Microsoft Project provides a flexible enterprise project management solution. Customers can begin by using a limited
number of enterprise features and then use additional features as needed. Microsoft Project was designed to fit how
customers work rather than forcing customers to adopt a specific methodology or make significant organizational changes
before experiencing benefits.
Microsoft Project is designed to allow customers, partners, and solution providers to extend its enterprise project
management solution. Microsoft Project Server provides a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface and an
extensibility model to allow third parties to access enterprise project data from their own applications or clients as well as
extend the functionality of the server. Microsoft Project Server also supports extensions to its security model, online
analytical processing (OLAP) cube creation process, and the user interface for Microsoft Project Web Access users.
The following are some of the new concepts introduced in Microsoft Project 2002. An understanding of these concepts is useful
when reading the architecture section, which ties the concepts together.
Enterprise global template
The enterprise global template allows users to define and reuse elements such as views, field definitions, and macros. When
Microsoft Project Professional is started, the enterprise global template that is stored in the Microsoft Project Server
database is loaded. The enterprise global template contains all the fields in Global.mpt (the global file that has always been
included with Microsoft Project), plus additional enterprise-only fields. Administrators can define the value lists and look-up
tables for these fields, and they can define whether the fields are required. This process ensures that all enterprise projects
use a consistent set of fields to generate cross-enterprise reports.
Enterprise resources
Microsoft Project 2000 uses a pool of resources to enable multiple project managers to share a common set of resources,
thus allowing project managers to view how a resource is used across multiple projects, and to gain an accurate picture of
the resource's workload and availability. Microsoft Project Professional can access resources from the enterprise resources
stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project Professional adds only the required enterprise resources
to a project and adds only one summary record for each sharer project using the resources added to a project, unlike use of
a local resource pool file. This change allows Microsoft Project Professional to support large numbers of enterprise
resources (more than 1000) while improving performance when project managers access and add resources from the
group of enterprise resources to a project.
Check-in, checkout, and publish
Microsoft Project Professional can open and save projects to the Microsoft Project Server database. Projects can be opened
read-only or read/write. Projects opened read/write are checked out from the database. No other users can open the project
read/write while the project is checked out. When a project is closed, the project is checked into the Microsoft Project Server
database. In addition, the project is also automatically published. Publishing a project allows other users to view changes to
the project through Microsoft Project Web Access.
Online and offline
To support mobile users, Microsoft Project Professional can save enterprise projects offline. These projects are saved and
checked out from the database. Working offline, a project manager can work on a project while disconnected from the
server, and then easily save changes back to the server when reconnected. To access offline projects, users can start
Microsoft Project Professional offline using a server profile. Microsoft Project Professional then uses a cached copy of the
enterprise global template to provide access to all projects saved offline from that server.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project enterprise project management features are based on an n-tiered application using the Windows Server
System. The client tier of the application is provided by Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Project Professional is a desktop application. This application is used to create, edit, and save projects, enterprise
resources, and the enterprise global template. Microsoft Project Web Access is a Web-based application that runs on Internet
Explorer. Project teams use this Web-based application to access timesheets, status reports, project reports, and project analysis
The middle tier of the architecture is provided by Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Server combines aspects of an n-
tiered Web server application with a two-tiered client-server database application.
Customers can also choose to use the document library and issue tracking features provided by the integration of Microsoft
Project Server with SharePoint Team Services (included with Microsoft Project Server). This tier runs on Windows 2000 Server (or
The database tier of the solution is provided by Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Microsoft Project Server merges and extends the
Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project Central database schema.
The following section describes the system architecture for Microsoft Project enterprise features and the way that the components
of the architecture are used to support several key user scenarios.

Systems Architecture Diagram

Microsoft Project enterprise project management solution includes the following layers:
Client Layer
Microsoft Project Web Access provides access to timesheet, project views, status reports, to-do lists, and document library
and issue tracking (through SharePoint Team Services integration). Microsoft Project Web Access consists of a set of
ActiveX® controls (primarily a grid control) and HTML pages (provided through Active Server Pages [ASP pages]) running
in Internet Explorer 5 or later. While Microsoft Project Web Access provides limited offline features, it is primarily intended
for users connected to Microsoft Project Server.
Microsoft Project 2002 runs on Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition and later as well as Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Workstation and later. Microsoft Project Standard and Professional can publish information to Microsoft Project Server and
update information from Microsoft Project Server into project plans. This is the workgroup functionality originally provided
in Microsoft Project 2000. Microsoft Project Professional can also open and save enterprise projects and resources from
Microsoft Project Server.
Application Server Layer
Microsoft Project Server provides both workgroup and enterprise project management features to client applications.
Workgroup features primarily interact with Microsoft Project Server using the server business object. This object is called by
Microsoft Project when project plans are published to the server. Clients communicate with the business object by posting
XML documents to Microsoft Project Server ASP pages.
Enterprise features interact with Microsoft Project Server using the Project Data Service (PDS). Requests from Microsoft
Project Professional to read or save enterprise projects or resources to the server are first made by an XML request to the
PDS. The PDS checks the permission for the authenticated user and then returns a list of available objects and/or connection
string information. Microsoft Project then uses the connection string information to bind to the enterprise database using
ODBC. Requests from Microsoft Project Web Access for enterprise resource information are also made to the PDS. In this
case, the PDS checks security and then directly queries the enterprise database and returns resource information to
Microsoft Project Web Access. The PDS is indirectly involved when administrators use Microsoft Project Web Access to
generate a Portfolio Analyzer OLAP cube or when users create and analyze models using Portfolio Modeler.
Microsoft Project Server runs on Windows 2000 Server or later and requires IIS 5.0 or later.
Database Layer
Microsoft SQL Server provides the database layer services for Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project Server merges and
extends the Microsoft Project 2000 and the Microsoft Project Central database schema. Microsoft Project Standard interacts
exclusively with the workgroup tables. Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access can work with both
the workgroup and enterprise tables.
An important scalability improvement in the Microsoft Project Server workgroup features is the use of view tables. When
Microsoft Project Central users accessed a project view, Microsoft Project Central queried for the location of the project in
the workgroup tables and then used the Microsoft Project OLE DB provider to bind to the project (saved as an .mpp file or in
a database). This process occurred each time a user accessed the project. In Microsoft Project Server, the OLE DB provider is
invoked when a project is published to the server. The records produced by the OLE DB provider are written to a set of
MSP_VIEW tables. These tables contain timephased data for all projects published to the server. Project views are then
created by performing SQL queries on these tables — as opposed to views being created by invoking the OLE DB provider.
The end result of the new architecture is that the load on Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft SQL Server is significantly
The enterprise features in Microsoft Project Server include a significant revision in the way that Microsoft Project binds to
the project database. When Microsoft Project 2000 opened a project from a database, it bound directly to the Microsoft
Project tables in the database. If the user's Data Source Name (DSN) allowed read/write access to the database, Microsoft
Project could open and save changes to any project in the database — even those projects managed by other project
managers. Microsoft Project Professional uses connections that don't require DSNs to bind to SQL Server views of the
project database. The SQL Server views contain only the information required to open the projects or resources selected by
the user. This information only exists in the SQL Server views while Microsoft Project is opening or saving a project or
resources. The Microsoft Project architecture provides application-level security through the PDS and database-level
security through SQL Server views.
The figure below illustrates the Microsoft Project 2002 architecture.
Figure 1: Microsoft Project architecture
The following sections describe several typical usage scenarios to illustrate the Microsoft Project 2002 architecture.
Microsoft Project Professional Startup
As Microsoft Project starts, it opens the enterprise global template to read the default settings, such as calendars, views, tables,
and fields. Microsoft Project Professional can use both a local global file (like earlier versions of Microsoft Project) and an
enterprise global template. The enterprise global template is stored as part of a Microsoft Project Server database. As part of the
Microsoft Project Professional start process, the user must choose from either the local profile or one of the predefined server
profiles. The profile specifies the Microsoft Project Server and server user account to be used by Microsoft Project.
After the user specifies the profile, Microsoft Project makes a request to the PDS to open the enterprise global template. The PDS
queries the Microsoft Project Server to determine whether the user has permission to open the enterprise global template. If the
user has adequate permission, the PDS then prepares the SQL Server views for Microsoft Project, and finally passes connection
string information to Microsoft Project using XML.
When Microsoft Project has the connection string information, the Microsoft Project serializer creates an ODBC connection to the
SQL Server views in the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project then loads the enterprise global template into
memory. Once Microsoft Project has read all required information into memory, the connection to the database is terminated.
Finally, Microsoft Project opens the local global file and loads any toolbar or menus from the local global file into memory. This
final step is required for users who need multi-language support.
Saving a Project to Microsoft Project Server
Saving a project from Microsoft Project Professional to Microsoft Project Server includes several new processes. First, Microsoft
Project detects whether a local or server profile is being used. If a server profile is being used, the Microsoft Project Professional
Save dialog box is displayed, rather than the typical Microsoft Office Save dialog box. As Microsoft Project opens the Save dialog
box, it checks to determine if the in-memory version of the enterprise global template has any project fields defined. These fields
are displayed in the Save dialog box. The user can then specify values for the fields. For required fields, the user must specify a
valid value before saving the project to the Microsoft Project Server database.
When the user clicks Save in the Save dialog box, Microsoft Project makes a request to the PDS. The PDS queries the Microsoft
Project Server to determine whether the user has permission to save the project to the database. If the user has adequate
permission, the PDS then prepares the SQL Server views for Microsoft Project and finally passes connection string information to
Microsoft Project using XML.
When Microsoft Project has the connection string information, the Microsoft Project serializer creates an ODBC connection to the
SQL Server views in the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft Project then saves the project to the database. The Microsoft
Project connection to the database is then terminated. At the completion of the save process, Microsoft Project calls the PDS to
indicate that the save was successfully completed and to make the project available for access. The PDS updates the checkout
fields in the database and then calls the Microsoft Project Server business object. The business object then calls the Project OLE
DB provider (on the server) and publishes the saved project to a set of database tables (MSP_WEB_VIEW_xxx) used with Microsoft
Project Web Access views.
Viewing a Report Using Microsoft Project Web Access
Microsoft Project Web Access uses Internet Explorer to access project and resource information on the Microsoft Project Server.
Microsoft Project Web Access provides reports based on three different data sources:
Project Center reports
Similar to those available from Microsoft Project. Users access these reports by logging on to the server through Microsoft
Project Web Access and then navigating to the Project Center. When the user clicks a project in the Project Center, Microsoft
Project Web Access calls the Microsoft Project Server security object to check if the user has See Project permission for the
selected project. If the user has adequate permission, Microsoft Project Web Access opens the project views page. Users can
then select from views they have been granted permission to see. When a view is selected, Microsoft Project Web Access
queries the MSP_WEB_VIEW tables for the required data and then binds the resulting data to the Microsoft Project Web
Access ActiveX grid control. This set of interactions is identical whether accessing projects published through Microsoft
Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 2002 Standard, or saved through Microsoft Project 2002 Professional.
Resource Center reports
Display enterprise resources, values for all enterprise resource custom fields, assignments, and remaining availability. Users
access these reports by logging on to the server using Microsoft Project Web Access and then navigating to the Resource
Center. Microsoft Project Web Access queries the MSP_ASSIGNMENTS and MSP_WEB_VIEW tables, and binds the resulting
data to both the Microsoft Office Web Chart control and the Microsoft Project Web Access grid control. These reports are
available only on resources assigned to tasks using Microsoft Project Professional.

Creating a Portfolio Analyzer Cube using Microsoft Project Server

Microsoft Project 2002 supports OLAP through the Portfolio Analyzer feature. Portfolio Analyzer uses components in all three
tiers of Microsoft Project. The database tier uses Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services to create an OLAP cube. The middle tier
uses the Portfolio Analyzer cube generation service to create a set of fact and dimension tables (used by Analysis Services) based
on data in a number of tables in the Microsoft Project Server database. The client tier (Microsoft Project Web Access) uses the
Microsoft Office Web PivotTable® and PivotChart® controls bound to the OLAP cube.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Professional

This section describes the key features unique to Microsoft Project Professional.
Integration with Microsoft Project Server database
Microsoft Project Professional includes features that allow it to start using the enterprise global template, open projects and
templates saved in the server database, add enterprise resources to projects, and save projects to Microsoft Project Server.
Build Team dialog box
Allows users to add enterprise resources to a project by manually selecting resources or by querying for resources based on
availability or attributes.
Resource Substitution Wizard
Allows users to automatically assign enterprise resources to tasks in one or more projects based on the skill requirements
of tasks and resource availability.
Summary assignments
When enterprise resources are added to a project, Microsoft Project Professional works with Microsoft Project Server to add
one assignment for each enterprise project using each resource. Project managers can then see a resource's actual
remaining availability, and Microsoft Project is better able to work with large numbers of resources.
Offline support
Allows users to save checked-out enterprise projects to their local computers. Users can then edit project plans even while
they are logged off the server and easily save the changes back to the enterprise database when they log on to their server.
Integration with Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Professional is designed to work with Microsoft Project Server. Users can create Microsoft Project Server
accounts, which allow Microsoft Project to automatically log on to a project server. Projects are automatically published to
the server when saved.

Microsoft Project Web Access Features

This section describes the key enterprise project management features unique to Microsoft Project Web Access.
Project Center
Allows managers to view and edit details for enterprise projects across an organization.
Resource Center
Allows managers to view and modify settings for enterprise resources. Resource managers can access detailed assignment
and availability information from the Resource Center.
Portfolio Analyzer
Allows managers to use powerful OLAP tools to see and evaluate how enterprise projects and enterprise resources are
performing across an organization.
Portfolio Modeler
Allows managers to identify staffing problems across projects in an organization and then to model how staffing changes
affect schedules, costs, and workloads. Model results can be saved as reports, which can then be used with the Microsoft
Project Professional Resource Substitution Wizard to apply the model to project plans.

Microsoft Project Server Features

This section describes the key enterprise project management features unique to Microsoft Project Server.
Enterprise global template
Microsoft Project Server allows opening, editing, and saving an enterprise global template from the server database.
Microsoft Project Professional users connecting to the server read the enterprise global template when starting up Project.
This allows an organization to distribute and manage project and resource management standards.
Enterprise resources
Microsoft Project Server allows resources to be opened, edited, and saved to the Microsoft Project Server database.
Enterprise templates
Microsoft Project Server allows templates to be opened and saved to the Microsoft Project Server database. Microsoft
Project Professional users can view templates saved to the server database and create new projects based on the templates.
Integrated database
Microsoft Project Server integrates the Microsoft Project database and the Microsoft Project Web Access database. The
integrated database simplifies application and database management and provides Microsoft Project Professional users
with a seamless user experience as they open and save projects and resources.
Integrated security
Permission to access Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Web Access data is managed through the Microsoft Project
Server administrative features. Security for Microsoft Project Server is supported per user per project and resource at both
the application and database layers. Integrated security simplifies application management and significantly improves
Project Data Service
Requests to access or update enterprise data are made to the Microsoft Project Server PDS. The PDS provides a SOAP
interface that allows third-party client applications to access the same Microsoft Project Server features as Microsoft Project
Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access. In addition, the PDS provides an extensibility model that allows third parties
to extend the functionality of Microsoft Project Server.
Portfolio Analyzer cube generation service
The cube generation service creates the Portfolio Analyzer fact and dimension tables based on the Microsoft Project Server
database. The service then calls Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services to generate an OLAP cube based on the fact and
dimension tables. Administrators can manage the service through Microsoft Project Web Access. Third parties can include
their own data in the Portfolio Analyzer cube.
Top Of Page
Planning and Deployment Lifecycle
This section provides a brief overview of the planning and deployment cycle for the Microsoft Project enterprise project
management solution. Detailed information on the planning and deployment process is available in the Microsoft Project Server
Data Migration white paper. Microsoft Project enterprise project management solution leads the market in its price and
performance combination. To get the most from Microsoft Project enterprise features, customers should provide adequate time
for planning, deployment, and training.

Understand Your Users

Microsoft Project 2002 provides two clients and a flexible security system for managing access to enterprise data. In general,
enterprise users can be grouped as follows:
Team members
Team members are assigned work. They need to be able to view their assignments and report progress on those
assignments. They also need to be able to access information about the assignments, such as related documents,
spreadsheets, or diagrams. Microsoft Project Web Access can be an ideal solution for these users.
Resource managers
Resource managers delegate work to team members and monitor both projects and resources. Microsoft Project Web
Access allows users to perform these tasks as well as limited editing of resource information. For comprehensive enterprise
resource editing and creation, users need Microsoft Project Professional.
Executives view reports on projects and resources in their organizations. Microsoft Project Web Access provides easy access
to enterprise reports.
Project managers
Project managers create, edit, and save project plans to Microsoft Project Server. These users need Microsoft Project
Portfolio managers
Portfolio managers manage the enterprise global template and enterprise templates. In some organizations, they may also
manage the enterprise resources. These users need Microsoft Project Professional.
Administrators implement and manage Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server, and Microsoft SQL Server. These users
manage access to the server and the server database. Microsoft Project Web Access provides access to the Microsoft Project
Server administrative tools. These users also use tools provided with Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server.
Based on this information, customers can:
Identify the number of each type of users in a deployment.
Identify the number of licenses for each Microsoft Project client product: Microsoft Project Web Access or Microsoft Project

Understand Your Information Requirements

Customers are typically motivated to deploy an enterprise project management solution to:
Gain better visibility of the performance of projects across an organization.
Improve the use of resources in an organization.
Tie business objectives, priorities, and decisions more closely to the performance of projects and the work of resources.
A key element for each of these goals is reports. To begin the planning process, we recommend that customers carefully study
existing (or requested) reports used to track and document project performance. Analysis of the reports should identify the
projects and resources that should be included in specific reports; how projects, tasks, and resources are categorized; and who
requires access to various reports.
Based on this information, customers can:
Define enterprise custom fields in the enterprise global template to ensure that projects and resources can be consistently
Define Microsoft Project Server views to provide access to the required project and resource information.
Define Microsoft Project Server groups and categories to enable users to access the reports that they need to perform their

Understand Your Infrastructure Requirements

Microsoft Project Server provides a highly scalable enterprise project management solution, primarily by relying on the Windows
Server System. In considering hardware requirements, you should evaluate the total number of users in each of the user types
described above, as well as maximum concurrency loads. User actions can range widely in the resulting load on Microsoft Project
Server and Microsoft SQL Server. For example, saving enterprise projects results in a brief but high spike in server CPU utilization.
If your organization contains a large number of project managers (for example, over 50) actively managing a large number of
projects concurrently (for example, 4 to 5 projects per project manager), you should consider a solution configuration that uses a
dedicated views generation server.
Server configuration options can take advantage of a number of scale-out options:
Single physical server running Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft SQL Server
This configuration is adequate for departmental configurations with approximately 100 users and 1 to 10 project managers.
Two physical servers
In this configuration, one server runs Microsoft Project Server and a second runs Microsoft SQL Server. This configuration
can support a wide range of users depending on speed and configuration of the servers. Up to 2000 users and 50 project
managers could be supported.
Three physical servers
In this configuration, one server runs Microsoft Project Server, a second runs the Microsoft Project Server views generation
components, and a third server runs Microsoft SQL Server. Views generation requires the Microsoft Project OLE DB
provider to be run, which generates high CPU loads on a server. In organizations where a large number of projects are
active concurrently, this configuration can significantly improve performance for all Microsoft Project Server users.
Three or more physical servers
This configuration features two or more servers using the Windows Load Balancing Service to create a Web server farm.
Each server in the Web server farm runs Microsoft Project Server. These servers use a common Microsoft SQL Server or
Microsoft SQL Server cluster (where high availability is important). This configuration also supports an optional dedicated
server running the Microsoft Project Server views generation component.
Administrators need to determine whether their environment can support Windows user accounts. Microsoft Project Server
provides the best user and application management experience when user accounts are configured with integrated Windows
Authentication. Microsoft Project Server also supports user accounts directly authenticated by Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft
Project Server authenticated accounts can require additional application management and cannot use some enterprise features,
including Portfolio Analyzer.
Based on this information, customers can:
Identify the number of physical servers and required server software.
Identify server setup and configuration including the creation of application accounts.

Data Preparation

If you are currently using earlier versions of Microsoft Project, you should consider how to migrate existing project plans to
Microsoft Project Server. For details on data migration, see the Microsoft Project Server Data Migration white paper. In general,
the data migration strategy suggested below focuses on using Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2000 features to
standardize projects and resources as much as possible before importing the global, resource pool, and projects to the Microsoft
Project Server database.
Standardize the use of custom fields, calendars, and views
To simplify the process of importing projects to Microsoft Project Server, projects should be standardized as much as
possible. It is extremely important that imported projects use a standard set of calendars. Since enterprise projects use
calendars from the enterprise global template (stored in the server database), project schedules may change significantly if
they use calendars that vary from the enterprise global template calendar. Where possible, projects should use standard
look-up tables for outline codes where these similar custom fields are used across projects. One simple method for
standardizing on both calendars and custom fields is for project managers to use a Global.mpt in a shared folder.
Standardize the use of resources
To simplify the process of importing resources to Microsoft Project Server, projects to be imported should use a resource
pool. Using a resource pool ensures that resource names and calendars are consistent across all projects using a resource.

Pilot Deployment

In general, it is recommended that you initially deploy Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server to a relatively
small number of project teams. By piloting Microsoft Project on a small group, you can evaluate and fine-tune the configuration
of the enterprise global template, Microsoft Project Web Access views, and Microsoft Project Server security with minimal effects
on your organization.
The following are general guidelines for choosing groups to be included in the pilot:
Executives or managers for the group should view the set of projects in the pilot as a meaningful and relatively independent
portfolio. Typically, all the projects reporting to a specific manager should be included in the pilot. Projects in the pilot
should NOT contain external dependencies to tasks in projects outside the pilot.
Resources in the pilot should only be assigned to projects in the pilot.
The pilot group should be current Microsoft Project users.
The pilot group should currently conduct regular project status reviews.
Groups that meet these guidelines will generally require the least training to participate in the pilot, will most easily see the value
in migrating to Microsoft Project 2002, and will provide the best test of the configuration of your Microsoft Project Server.
Top Of Page
Extensibility and Interoperability
Microsoft Project 2002 provides customers and solution providers an extensible project management platform for both the client
and server. A Microsoft Project Software Developer Kit (SDK) will be available shortly after Microsoft Project 2002 is available. The
SDK provides detailed descriptions and sample code for extending Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server. In addition, you
can review selected extensibility features of Microsoft Project 2002 by reading the Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide
Architecture and Extensibility and Microsoft Project Server Architecture and Extensibility white papers.

Microsoft Project Professional

Microsoft Project 2002 continues to provide a rich object model and support for Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications.
Developers can access and automate most of the features available from the Microsoft Project user interface, including the new
enterprise project management features. New for Microsoft Project 2002 is the ability to open and save projects as XML
documents. XML can be extremely useful when exchanging data between applications or systems. The Microsoft Project XML
schema is provided in the document Microsoft Project XML (Projxml.xml) that is shipped on the Microsoft Project 2002 CD-ROM.
In addition, Microsoft Project 2002 introduces the Project Guide, which integrates HTML pages with the Microsoft Project client.
While Microsoft Project 2002 is shipped with a full set of Project Guide pages, developers can replace and extend Project Guide
pages with full access to the Microsoft Project object model. Customizing Project Guide pages allows developers to integrate
custom solutions into the Microsoft Project user interface.
Microsoft Project Web Access
Microsoft Project Web Access continues to support reuse of the Microsoft Project ActiveX grid controls and Web parts based on
Microsoft Project Web Access pages. New for Microsoft Project 2002 is the ability to extend or modify the Microsoft Project Web
Access menu structure directly from the Microsoft Project Web Access administrative tools.

Microsoft Project Server

The Project Data Service (PDS) is the key middle tier object for the Microsoft Project enterprise project management features.
Developers can call PDS methods through its SOAP interface. PDS allows custom solutions for accessing many of the enterprise
features of Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access. One key feature of the PDS is support for
programmatically defining and updating enterprise outline codes. Where customers want to keep the Microsoft Project Server
enterprise codes consistent with the schema of other business intelligence or line-of-business solutions (such as general ledger,
customer relations management, or employee relations), custom applications can be written to query for schema definitions in
external systems and then use PDS calls to update the corresponding enterprise codes in the Microsoft Project Server database. In
addition, developers can extend the set of methods exposed by the PDS by registering extension objects on Microsoft Project
Developers can extend the Microsoft Project Server security system. This capability allows solution providers to extend the
Microsoft Project Server with new functionality (for example, risk management), yet allow access to the functionality to be
controlled through the Microsoft Project Server administrative tools.
Developers can also extend the data used by the Portfolio Analyzer OLAP cube generation service, allowing integration of project
data with other project or resource data in the Portfolio Analyzer views.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project 2002 introduces enterprise project and resource management to the Microsoft Project family of products.
Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Web Access, and Microsoft Project Server provide an integrated enterprise
project management solution that combines ease of use, a centralized project and resource database, and powerful reporting and
analysis features. Microsoft Project Web Access provides Internet Explorer users with reporting, analysis, and modeling tools for
projects and resources across an organization. Microsoft Project enterprise project management features are built on the
Windows Server System, allowing customers to scale Microsoft Project from a single server to high-availability configurations
with a Web farm and clustered database servers. Microsoft Project Server provides a rich middle-tier service, the PDS, which
enables customers to integrate project management data with other business intelligence and line-of-business solutions using a
SOAP interface.
For More Information

More information on Microsoft Project Standard, Microsoft Project Professional, and Microsoft Project Server will soon be
available online. Watch for these white papers on the Microsoft Project Technology Center on TechNet.
Microsoft Project Server Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project Server Data Migration
Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide Architecture and Extensibility white paper
This is a preliminary document and may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release of the software described
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Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: April 1, 2002

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access 2002
Summary This article describes how the Microsoft Project Server database architecture has changed from previous versions, and
how it has been redesigned with increased functionality and with scalability and performance as primary goals.
On This Page

Microsoft Project Server Database Architecture
Microsoft Project Server Data Security Architecture
Extensibility of Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft® Project 2002 includes a complete enterprise project management solution. Microsoft Project 2002 integrates the
enterprise features of eLabor Enterprise Project with the ease-of-use of Microsoft Project. The enterprise solution includes the
following products:
Microsoft Project Server
Provides timesheets, status reports, portfolio analysis and modeling, enterprise resources, an enterprise global template,
and enterprise templates. Microsoft Project Server 2002 runs on Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server, Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) 5.0, and Microsoft SQL™ Server 2000.
Microsoft Project Web Access
Provides a browser-based client that allows team members, resource managers, and executives to enter and view timesheet
information and view portfolio reports. Microsoft Project Web Access runs on Internet Explorer 5 or later.
Microsoft Project Professional
Provides a desktop client that allows project managers to create and edit project plans and enterprise resources. Project
plans and resources can be saved to the Microsoft Project Server 2002 database. Microsoft Project Professional runs on
Microsoft Windows® 98 or later, as well as Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation or later.
The Microsoft Project 2002 enterprise project management solution supports a wide range of users with features designed to
support the needs of each member of a project team or organization.
Executives can use Microsoft Project Web Access to quickly access project status reports across their organization. Reports
are available at the portfolio, project, and resource level, so an executive can quickly identify projects in trouble. With the
Portfolio Analyzer and easy access to online status reports and project documents stored on Microsoft Sharepoint™ Team
Services, executives can also analyze trends across projects and resources to understand the causes behind problems. The
Portfolio Modeler allows executives to develop and evaluate solutions to problems by using interactive project staffing and
scheduling tools. Microsoft Project Web Access allows executives to see, understand, and resolve problems in projects
across the enterprise.
Team members
Team members can use Microsoft Project Web Access to review timesheets, status reports, and project-related documents.
Team members can quickly view their timesheets for assignments that need to be completed and report progress on the
assignments to the project manager. Team members can create and access status reports and project documents to simplify
communication in the project team. Microsoft Project Web Access provides team members with a single place to access and
work with project information.
Project managers
Project managers can use Microsoft Project Professional to create and edit project plans. The integration of Microsoft
Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server ensures that project managers can easily access enterprise resources and
provide information required by a project management office (PMO). With the new Build Team from Enterprise and
Resource Substitution features, project managers can staff their projects based on the availability of resources and the
match between resource skills and skill demands in the project. Microsoft Project 2002 is also integrated with Microsoft
Project Web Access. Project managers can now access reports, status reports, and project plan updates from within
Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project Professional seamlessly integrates new enterprise project management features into the
familiar and easy-to-use Microsoft Project user interface.
The standard tracking and report architecture for Microsoft Project Server has been redesigned with increased functionality and
with scalability and performance as primary goals. The reporting capabilities of Microsoft Project Server have also been expanded
to include online analytical processing (OLAP) reporting through the SQL Server Analysis Services engine. Office Web Controls
combined with SQL Server Analysis Services provide a level of interactive, portfolio project management reporting that has been
previously unavailable.
Microsoft Project Server provides a fully integrated security model that offers a superior way to filter and lock down your project
management data when Microsoft Project Server is used with Microsoft Project Professional. The security model supports
Windows NT Authentication, which offers all the security and convenience of single logon, as well as Microsoft Project Server
application logons for organizations that prefer that method. The security model relies on server-side functionality, including
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft SQL Server, to provide the security.
Microsoft Project Server also allows you to integrate with other enterprise systems you may have installed (for example,
enterprise resource planning (ERP) or human resources (HR) systems and databases). You can also expand and customize the
capabilities of Microsoft Project Server to better suit your business processes and needs. The database schema and
programmable components of Microsoft Project Server allow for expansion and integration.
This white paper describes:
The database architecture of Microsoft Project Server 2002.
The data security model of Microsoft Project Server 2002.
Extensibility for Microsoft Project Server 2002.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Database Architecture
Microsoft Project Server uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as a data repository. SQL Server 2000 provides the scalability and
performance required for Microsoft Project Server.
The Microsoft Project Server database architecture has changed from the database schemas used in Microsoft Project 2000 and
Microsoft Project Central. Microsoft Project Server combines all of the table sets into a single database, providing scalability,
performance, data access, and maintainability. The database schema used by Microsoft Project Server is a collection of four sets of
tables, each with its own uses and data sets, as shown in the figure below.
Microsoft Project 2002 Tables

The Microsoft Project 2002 tables are the data repository used by Microsoft Project Professional. All of the data about every
version of every project in your portfolio is stored in this set of tables, along with enterprise resources and the enterprise global
template. These tables are similar to the database schema used by Microsoft Project 2000; there are additional tables and fields,
but no existing fields or table names from the Microsoft Project 2000 database schema have been altered, so any reports or SQL
queries that worked directly against the Microsoft Project 2000 database schema will work against the Microsoft Project 2002
table schema. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention MSP_*.

Microsoft Project Web Access Tables

The Microsoft Project Web Access tables are the next generation of the database schema that was used by Microsoft Project
Central. New tables have been added and others have been redesigned or eliminated to increase the scalability, performance, and
functionality of Microsoft Project Web Access. These tables store the project data that is shared with your executives and
resources, including each resource's task list as well as the high-level project data reported in the Project Center (formerly
Portfolio View in Microsoft Project Central). Resource task updates are also stored in these tables for approval by the project
manager. The links between tasks, issues, and documents are stored here as well. All tables that are a part of this set follow the
naming convention MSP_WEB_*.
Microsoft Project Server OLAP Cube Tables

The Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube tables are a new set of tables added to Microsoft Project Server to accommodate the
OLAP reporting features available in Microsoft Project Web Access. This set of tables is used as the staging and fact tables for
creation of the OLAP cube through SQL Server Analysis Services. The data in these tables is manually updated by clicking a button
in the Admin center of Microsoft Project Web Access; in addition, the data can be automatically updated periodically (weekly, for
example) by a process that is part of Microsoft Project Server. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention

Microsoft Project Server View Tables

The Microsoft Project Server view tables are another new addition to Microsoft Project Server that increase the performance and
scalability of the project analysis views from Project Center. These tables are a nonstandard, expanded view of the project data
contained in the Microsoft Project 2002 tables as described above, and they look similar to the tables exposed through the
Microsoft Project OLE DB provider. These tables are excellent sources for generating reports across multiple projects because they
are updated every time a user checks in an edited project from Microsoft Project Professional or updates enterprise code values
through Microsoft Project Web Access. The Microsoft Project Server view tables are used as a reporting mechanism only and
should be treated read-only. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention MSP_VIEW_*.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Data Security Architecture
The data security model has been greatly enhanced for Microsoft Project Professional when it connects to Microsoft Project
Server. A key element of the new data security model is the Project Data Service (PDS).
Project Data Service
The Project Data Service (PDS) is the middle layer between Microsoft Project Professional and the Microsoft Project Server
database. The PDS gathers information about the user who is currently logged on to Microsoft Project Server to determine which
information that user has been granted access to see from the Microsoft Project Server database. Each user's permissions are
determined by the permissions the user has been granted in Microsoft Project Web Access — providing a single place to set
security on your project management data.
In some cases, the PDS returns data that has already been filtered back to Microsoft Project Professional in XML format. In other
cases, the PDS acts as the security gatekeeper for the project management data stored in the Microsoft Project Server database.
In the end, the PDS plays an important role in the entire Microsoft Project 2002 system. However, a user will never know that the
PDS exists, since it is used behind the scenes to provide the functionality that Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project
Professional require. In addition, the PDS has been designed and implemented from the start to be scalable and to perform in a
way that makes it unnecessary for a user to know about it.
Security Gatekeeper
Before performing any action on behalf of a user, the PDS validates that the user is currently logged on to Microsoft Project
Server. This action gives the PDS the proper context to check the security and permissions associated with each user. The
permissions for each user are determined from Microsoft Project Web Access; in other words, if a user has permissions to check
out a project in Microsoft Project Web Access, then the PDS grants that same level of access to that project for the same user.
Therefore, all user permissions are controlled through the administration pages of Microsoft Project Web Access.
Data Middle Layer
In some cases, the PDS gathers and filters data on the server side and returns the filtered data to Microsoft Project Professional
(or another client calling the PDS) in XML format. For example, suppose a user opens a project by clicking Open on the standard
toolbar or from the File menu in Microsoft Project Professional when it is online. Microsoft Project Professional calls a method on
the PDS that gathers all the projects in the portfolio that the current user has been granted access to see in Microsoft Project Web
Access. The PDS returns this list of projects to Microsoft Project Professional in XML format, including all relevant information
about the projects, including name, version, checked-out state, and the level of permissions the user has for each project returned.
This process ensures that in the Open Project dialog box, the user sees only those projects that he or she has been granted
access to, as well as the level of permissions the user has for each of those projects. Similar methods are available for resources as
well, both when a user opens resources to update the core resource information and when a user adds resources to the project
Simple Object Access Protocol Service
All of the PDS methods are exposed through the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is the standard object access
protocol that is at the core of the Microsoft .Net technologies. So third parties can use the PDS methods through Microsoft Visual
Studio® 6.0 using the SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Service Pack 2, as well as Visual Studio 7 when it is available. Microsoft Project Server and
the PDS are built to be easily accessed and extended now and in the future.
Database Security
The Microsoft Project Server enterprise features include a significant revision in how Microsoft Project binds to the project
database. When Microsoft Project 2000 opened a project from database, it binds directly to the Microsoft Project tables in the
database. If the user's data source name (DSN) allowed read/write access to the database, Microsoft Project could open and save
changes to any project in the database, including projects managed by other project managers.
Microsoft Project Professional uses connections without a DSN to bind to SQL Server views of the Microsoft Project 2002 tables.
The SQL Server views contain only the information required to open the project, resource, or resources selected by the user. This
information only exists in the SQL Server views while Microsoft Project is opening or saving projects or resources. The Microsoft
Project 2002 architecture provides application-level security through the PDS and database-level security through the SQL Server
views, as illustrated below.
Microsoft Project Server Security Tables
Two additions to the Microsoft Project 2002 tables are the project security table and the resource security table. The PDS is the
only component that directly accesses the security tables. To access data in the Microsoft Project Server database, a client
(Microsoft Project Professional or a third party client) first needs to make a call to the PDS to request the database connection
information, which includes a managed SQL Server user name and password stored on the Microsoft Project Server machine.
Next, the client creates a connection to the SQL Server using this managed SQL Server account. Each SQL Server connection has a
unique identifier called a SQL Process ID (SPID), and the client gathers the SPID from the connection. This SPID is passed as a
parameter to the PDS when the user requests access to a project or resource. The PDS uses the following procedure to process
the request:
The PDS checks that the user is logged on to Microsoft Project Server.
The PDS checks that the user who is currently logged on has permission to access the requested project or resource.
If the user has the correct permissions, the PDS inserts a record into the appropriate security table and returns a successful
result to the client.
Each security table row has fields for the project ID or resource's enterprise unique ID, as well as the SPID and flags for whether
the user was granted read-only access or read/write access to the project or resource. After the client has completed reading or
writing data to the database, another PDS method is called that revokes the access to the project or resource by deleting the
appropriate rows in the appropriate security table.
SQL Server 2000 Views
To ensure that the data exposed to the client's connection to the database server is filtered, the client connection with the
managed account only has access to a set of SQL Server views. Each base table that is part of the Microsoft Project 2002 database
tables has four sets of SQL Server views associated with it: project read-only, project read/write, resource read, and resource
read/write. Each view performs a select on the base table and filters the data by performing a join with the appropriate security
table — relying on the SPID as the primary key to perform the filtering. In addition, each view specifies the SQL command WITH
CHECK OPTION, which prevents any data from being read or updated through the view that does not meet the filtered definition
of the view query. Therefore, if there is no entry in the security table granting access to the requested project or resource, the SQL
Server view would be completely empty.
SQL Server 2000 Permissions
The managed SQL Server account that is used by clients to connect to the database server has the minimum SQL Server
permissions required to perform the requested actions against the data in the database. The managed account has only select
permissions against the read-only views and only has select, insert, update, and delete permissions against the read/write views.
The managed account does not have any rights to access any of the tables in the database at all. This ensures that any connection
made using that managed account can only access data after access has been requested and granted by the PDS.
Microsoft Project Server Data Security Overview
The process that Microsoft Project Professional goes through to access project data from the Microsoft Project Server database is
as follows:
Call the PDS to request the database connection information.
Make a connection to the database using that information and gather the SPID for that connection.
Call the PDS to request access to the project or resource that the client needs to access and pass along the SPID from the
previous step.
Make queries against the appropriate set of SQL Server views to gather and/or update the required information.
Call the PDS when the access is no longer required in order to maintain security of the data.
Top Of Page
Extensibility of Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server has been designed to allow for extensibility and customization. Numerous Microsoft Project partners and
independent software vendors build products and customized solutions on top of the Microsoft Project platform and family of

Microsoft Project Server Database Schema

The database schema of the Microsoft Project Server database will be documented. The database schema documentation will
allow you to:
Customize reports with the project management data stored in the Microsoft Project Server database.
Directly integrate the Microsoft Project Server database and another data repository, perhaps an HR or financial system.
Populate a custom OLAP cube, based on a combination of project data and detailed financial data.

Microsoft Project OLAP Cube Extensions

Microsoft Project Server provides functionality that builds an OLAP cube with enterprise project data. This functionality allows
powerful enterprise reporting through Microsoft Project Web Access. To build the OLAP cube, a process on the server builds the
fact and dimension tables and then uses SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services to generate the cube. The cube building process
provides two breakout points that allow developers to do two things:
Extend the fact and/or dimension tables.
Extend the cube or build other cubes at the end of the cube-building process.
A developer can write a Component Object Model (COM) object for each breakout point that implements a defined public
interface and properly registers the object on the Microsoft Project Server machine. Then, the object needs to be registered with
Microsoft Project Server by making an additional entry in the registry on the server.
When the cube process completes building the fact and dimension tables, it will reach the first breakout point where it will call the
first COM object. In this object, the developer can choose to do whatever he or she wants — typically this would a good place to
extend our fact or dimension tables. When the object has completed its work, control is returned to the Microsoft Project cube
building process. At this point, the actual Microsoft Project OLAP cube generation process begins. At the end of the cube
generation, the cube generation component calls the second COM object. In this object, the developer can again choose to do
whatever he or she wants — typically this would be a good place to add a new dimension and reprocess the cube, or build
separate cubes using data from the staging tables. When the object has done its processing, the Microsoft Project cube generation
process is complete.

Project Data Service Extensions

The extension possibilities of Microsoft Project Server do not end at the database schema. The PDS already has a host of useful
methods that are all available through its SOAP interface. All the PDS methods are fully documented and can be found on MSDN
under PDS Reference for Microsoft Project Server. This documentation will allow you to create custom solutions to access many
of the enterprise features accessed by Microsoft Project 2002 Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access. One key feature of
the PDS is support for programmatically defining and updating enterprise outline codes. This method is most useful if you want
to keep the Microsoft Project Server enterprise codes consistent with the schema of other business intelligence or line-of-
business solutions (such as general ledger, customer relations management, or employee relations). Custom applications can be
written to query for code schema definitions in external systems and then use PDS calls to update the corresponding enterprise
codes in the Microsoft Project Server database.
In addition, developers can extend the set of methods exposed to the PDS by registering extension objects on Microsoft Project
Server. A developer simply writes a COM object that implements a defined public interface and properly registers the object on
the Microsoft Project Server computer. Then the object is registered with Microsoft Project Server by making an additional entry
in the registry on the server. When a client application sends a request to the PDS through its SOAP interface that is not
recognized as a native method, the PDS instantiates the registered PDS extension and sends the request on to the extension
object. The extension object handles the request and then returns XML data representing the results of that request. Multiple PDS
extensions can be registered, and each PDS extension can handle multiple method requests. The PDS calls each registered
extension until one handles the method request. If none of the registered extensions handle the method request, then the PDS
returns an unknown request status code.
Top Of Page
The Microsoft Project 2002 family of products provides a highly scalable enterprise portfolio project management solution. SQL
Server 2000 provides the database tier for Microsoft Project Server, and Microsoft Project Web Access provides the front end for
collaboration with resources and management. Microsoft Project Professional provides the powerful desktop scheduling and
planning tools that customers expect from Microsoft Project. The combination of all of these systems brings a powerful,
enterprise-level solution to the portfolio project management needs of your organization. The extensibility and customizability of
the system ensure that you can mold Microsoft Project 2002 to meet the needs and processes of your company.
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Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Architecture and
Planning Guide
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: April 1, 2002

Applies to:
Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Microsoft Project Web Access 2002
Summary This Microsoft Project Server overview discusses security concepts, default security levels, and the recommended
security settings for department, multiple department hosting, and enterprise configurations.
On This Page

Security in Microsoft Project Server
Security Concepts
Default Security Configuration
Recommended Security Configurations
Microsoft® Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access are companion products for Microsoft Project 2002. Together, they
provide Web-based timesheet, reporting, analysis, and collaboration features. These features were first introduced with Microsoft
Project Central, the Web-based companion product for Microsoft Project 2000. Microsoft Project Server enhances many of the
features of Microsoft Project Central. In addition, Microsoft Project Server introduces a set of enterprise project and resource
management features to help users manage and secure projects and resources across an organization.
Microsoft Project Server includes an enhanced set of administration and security tools. These tools are accessed using Microsoft
Project Web Access and are designed to decrease the effort required for day-to-day management of the server, leverage security
features from the Microsoft Windows® 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP family of servers, and maintain the turnkey security
features first introduced in Microsoft Project Central.
This white paper describes:
Security concepts.
Default security configuration.
Recommended security.
Top Of Page
Security in Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server is the result of the evolution of Microsoft Project Central and the integration of enterprise management
features from Enterprise Project, a product designed by Inc. To support the new enterprise features, the security
features in Microsoft Project Server were enhanced to support access to projects, resources, and reports stored in the Microsoft
Project Server database. In addition, the security features and architecture were modified to simplify management of the larger
number of users and projects expected with enterprise-wide use of the server. Supporting the new enterprise features is a goal of
the security features of Microsoft Project Server, it may also be used as a turnkey system, much like Microsoft Project Central.
Microsoft Project Server provides the following security features:
Authentication using either Windows integrated security or Microsoft Project Server security
Authentication in Microsoft Project Server allows users with or without Windows user accounts to access the server using
the Microsoft Project Web Access client or Microsoft Project.
Users can be grouped together and granted access to features and data, reducing the number of security principals that
need to be managed by administrators.
Objects such as projects, resources, views, and models can be grouped together into categories. Users and groups can be
granted permissions on these categories.
Global permissions
Global permissions allow access to features to be granted or denied at the user, group, or organization level.
Object permissions
Object permissions allow data access to be granted or denied for groups of projects, resources, views, and models at the
user or group level.
Security rules
Security rules allow data access to be granted based on team member, project manager, or resource breakdown structure
(RBS) relationships.
Top Of Page
Security Concepts
Microsoft Project Server uses security concepts from Microsoft Windows NT® / Microsoft Windows® 2000 / Microsoft Windows
XP Server, and from Microsoft Project Central. As with many enterprise servers, time spent in the research and planning phases
can significantly reduce maintenance costs of a server.
The following are security terms used in this document:
Security object
An object that can be secured with permissions granted by an administrator. Organization, projects, resources, views, and
models are security objects in Microsoft Project Server.
Security principal
An object that can be authenticated, and thus granted permissions on a security object. Users and groups are security
principals in Microsoft Project Server.
An action performed on a security object by a security principal.
Global permission
A permission granted to the Organization security object. Global permissions typically include access to the key feature
areas within Microsoft Project Web Access, as well as actions that are general to all security objects of the same type. For
example, View Project Center is a global permission.
Object permission
A permission granted to members of a category, including permission to projects and resources. These permissions
typically map to actions in Microsoft Project or Microsoft Project Web Access that first require the selection of an object and
then selection of menu item or button.

Microsoft Windows Security Concepts

The Microsoft Windows family of servers uses a number of security concepts familiar to server administrators.
Groups enable users to be combined into a single security principal. The group is then granted permissions on an object.
Each group typically represents a collection of users with a common set of access needs. By defining a small number of
groups, granting those groups permissions on objects, and then assigning users to groups, administrators can manage a
small number of groups instead of a large number of users.
An important difference between Microsoft Windows groups and Microsoft Project Server groups is hierarchical group
membership. Microsoft Windows groups support both users and groups as members. Microsoft Project Server groups only
support users as members, not groups.
Permissions define actions that can be taken on security objects (such as categories and organizations, discussed later in
this document). Security principals (such as users and groups, also discussed later) are granted permissions on security
objects. Permissions can apply to features, as well as to data. For example, Windows supports a permission to log onto a
workstation, as well as read and write permissions on individual files. By providing permissions for each action possible
through user and programmatic interfaces, administrators have detailed control over user access to an application.
Permissions have three states: Allow, Deny, and Not Allowed. Allow enables the user to perform the action defined by the
permission. Allow permissions aggregate across the system so that if a user is a member of three groups, but in only one
group is this user allowed permission on a particular object, the user is allowed permission on the object in all three groups.
Deny prevents the user from performing the action defined by the permission. Deny permissions always override Allow
permissions. A single Deny permission may prevent the user from performing the action across multiple groups. This
behavior is useful when an administrator needs to quickly prevent a feature or data from being accessed by a user or group.
However, Deny permissions can also result in a denial of access that is difficult for an administrator or user to troubleshoot,
given that a user can be denied access through the membership in one of many groups, and the user may not know which
group has a Deny permission set. Deny permissions should rarely be used. Not Allowed is the absence of an Allow or Deny
permission. A Not Allowed permission prevents the user from performing the action defined by the permission. However, it
allows access to be granted through an Allow permission.
Access Control Entry
Access control entry (ACE) is the combination of a security principal granted permission on a security object.
Access Control List
Access control lists (ACL) are one or more ACEs specific to a security object.

Microsoft Project Server Security Concepts

Microsoft Project Server uses several security concepts introduced in Microsoft Project Central. This release also introduces a new
concept — the organization.
Users and groups
Users and groups are the security principals in Microsoft Project Server. Administrators should define groups that represent
common needs for Microsoft Project Server features, assign those groups permissions to categories, and add users to the
groups. if you define groups, users are granted the equivalent rights of the groups that they are members of. Defining
groups also keeps the number of security principals with direct permissions on categories to a minimum, greatly
simplifying troubleshooting access problems. Typically, membership of groups changes frequently, and permissions of
groups change infrequently.
Users and groups are managed through the Administration pages of Microsoft Project Web Access. For example, the Users
pages show the current list of users created on the server, and some of a group's properties can be previewed by selecting a
user. Administrators can add, modify, or delete users from this page. To create a user, an administrator specifies identity
information (such as the user's name, password, and so on), and group membership for the user. Users often belong to
many groups.
The organization is an instance of a Microsoft Project Server. Administrators can use the organization to manage server-
wide settings. Features can be allowed or denied for all users of a server. In addition, the organization enables an
administrator to customize the menu structure of Microsoft Project Web Access when connecting to the server.
Administrators can use Microsoft Project Web Access to enable or disable features and menu items for all users of an
organization. This ability to disable features is useful if your organization decides not to deploy a Microsoft Project Server
feature. All menus and commands associated with a disabled feature are hidden in the Microsoft Project Web Access user
Administrators can also reorganize predefined menus and menu items, and add new menus and menu items. New menus
and menu items can be targeted at any Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
A category is a collection of projects, resources, views, and models. Object permissions are defined on categories. You
cannot directly grant permissions on projects, resources, views, or models. Instead, you add objects to a category and then
grant users or groups permissions on the category. When a user is granted permission on a category, the user is granted
permission to all applicable objects in that category. For example, if a category contains two projects, granting a user Open
Project and Save Project permissions on the category allows that user to open and save changes to both projects.
Views, like the views in Microsoft Project, are a collection of Microsoft Project fields, groups and filters, or charts. To provide
users or groups access to a view, define the view as a category, and then grant permissions on the category to the users or
groups. You can define views for the Project Center, Resource Center, and Portfolio Analyzer pages.
Security Rules
Security rules are used to define the members of a category. Three project rules are supported:
All projects in which a resource is assigned a task.
All projects in which a user is the project manager.
All projects in which a manager has resources assigned to a task.
These rules can be enabled in each category. When enabled, the rules examine each user's granted permissions on the
category, and apply permissions to all projects returned by the rule for that user. Rules enable a category and permissions
to be dynamic. For example, the pre-defined category My Tasks has enabled the All projects in which a resource is assigned
a task permission along with a number of permissions that allow the user to view projects in the Project Center. This
category allows users to automatically see any projects to which they are assigned tasks. Since the security rule searches for
all assignments, the administrator does not need to manually change the projects defined in the category when new
projects are published to the server.
The deployment examples in this white paper provide detailed examples of how security rules can be used to minimize day-
to-day administration.
Putting the pieces together
The following illustration shows the relationships between the security concepts. Keep in mind that security principals include
users and groups, and security objects include categories and organizations.

Figure 1: Security concept relationships

A key element of the planning and deployment process should be to define collections of needs for accessing Microsoft Project
Server features (security principals). You should create a group for each collection. Each group should contain a unique set of
permissions and be granted access to one or more categories. You should then assign users to groups.
Another key element of the planning and deployment process should be to define collections of project information (security
objects). You should create a category for each collection, and then grant groups and users permissions to access the data in the
category. You can define the collection of data in a category manually or by using security rules. Security rules allow the definition
of the data in a category to be based on one of three relationships described above and the users/groups assigned permissions to
the category.
Permissions define access to Microsoft Project Server features and data. ACEs tie together a security principal (user or group) with
a security object (category) and with permission.
Top Of Page
Default Security Configuration
Microsoft Project Server can support a broad range of deployments, from workgroups within single departments to multi-
department enterprises. Workgroup servers are often deployed and managed by professionals who are not part of an IT
department. These servers need to provide turnkey security to simplify server management. Enterprise servers are deployed and
managed by IT professionals. Large organizations have more complex security requirements for both features and data and are
typically willing to trade off ease-of-use for power.
Microsoft Project Central for Microsoft Project 2000 was designed primarily for workgroups. Any user of Microsoft Project can
create project manager accounts on a Microsoft Project Central server. Publishing a project to the server automatically creates
team member accounts on the server. Users of Microsoft Project Central are assigned one role across the server, meaning that a
user assigned to the team member role for one set of projects cannot be assigned a project manager role for another set of
projects. For many organizations, this security model allowed workgroups to quickly and easily setup Microsoft Project Central
and minimized the need for a server administrator.
Microsoft Project Server for Microsoft Project was designed to meet the needs of both workgroups and enterprises. Customers
can choose from several levels of security when setting up the server. The lowest security level provides turnkey security,
supports both Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 2002, and requires minimal administrative support. The highest
security level supports only Microsoft Project 2002 and requires part-time administrative support. In addition, Microsoft Project
Server allows users to be granted different permissions for different sets of projects and resources so that a user can have
different roles across an organization. While the new security features in Microsoft Project Server require active planning and
management by a server administrator, the features enable enterprises to customize the server to meet their needs.
Setup Options for Security Levels
During setup, the server can be configured to use low security. In this mode, Microsoft Project users can create project manager
accounts on the server, and users are not required to be authenticated by the server. User accounts on the server are
automatically created for resources within project plans when those plans are published to the server. This mode should be used
when a server supports any Microsoft Project 2000 users, and it is identical to the functionality in Microsoft Project Central.
Workgroups will typically run their Microsoft Project Server in this security mode.
Larger organizations can choose two additional security levels during server setup. Medium security does not require users to be
authenticated by the server, but disables Microsoft Project users from creating project manager accounts. High security requires
users to be authenticated by the server, and requires an administrator to create project manager accounts. Those customers
interested in using Microsoft Project Server enterprise features are most likely to use high security. In this mode, a part-time
administrator is required to create project manager accounts.
Predefined Categories and Groups
Microsoft Project Server setup creates three categories and seven groups. These groups and categories are designed to enable
Microsoft Project Server to provide the same levels of security out of the box as Microsoft Project Central. The categories and
groups were designed to be used together as follows:
Team Members group and My Tasks category
As projects are published to the server, accounts are created on the server for any new resources in the project plan. By
default, the server adds any new resources to the Team Members group, which is granted permissions on the My Tasks
category. My Tasks uses security rules to contain all projects to which a team member is assigned and all of the team
member's assignments. The Team Members group is generally able to view and not edit data in the category. The Team
Members account is granted a number of global permissions that allow use of the Microsoft Project Web Access timesheet,
status reports, and to-do list features.
Project Managers group and My Projects category
Users are automatically added to the Project Managers group when a Microsoft Project Professional user publishes a
project to the Microsoft Project Server and when a Microsoft Project Standard or Professional user creates a project
manager account from the Collaborate tab of the Options dialog box. The Project Managers group is granted permissions
on the My Projects category. The My Projects category uses security rules to contain all projects that a project manager has
saved or published to the server and all assignments in the projects that a project manager has saved or published to the
server. The Project Managers group is able to view and edit projects in the category. Project Managers are granted a
number of global permissions that allow creation of new projects, status reports, and to-do lists. They are also granted
limited permissions on the My Organization category.
Executives group and My Organization category
Users who require broad visibility of the projects and resources in an organization can be added to the Executives group.
This group can view any project and any resource saved or published to the server. Administrators must manually create
user accounts for executives. Only team member and project manager accounts can be created automatically. The
Executives group is granted permissions on the My Organization category. This category uses security rules to contain all
projects, resources, and assignments published or saved to the server. The Executives group is granted global permissions
to view project and resource information in the Project Center, Resource Center, Portfolio Analyzer, and Portfolio Modeler.
Team Leads and Resource Managers groups
These groups can be used for users who do not manage projects but need limited ability to view and edit project
information. Both groups are granted permissions on the My Projects category.
Portfolio Managers group
Users who manage the enterprise global template and enterprise resources in an organization can be added to the Portfolio
Managers group. These users have broad ability to create and edit data but cannot perform server administrative tasks (for
example, they cannot add users or groups). Portfolio Managers are able to view and edit all projects and resources in the
organization. This group is granted permissions on the My Organization category.
Administrators group
The Administrators group is granted all available permissions on the Microsoft Project Server. This group is granted
permissions on the My Organization category.
Top Of Page
Recommended Security Configurations
Microsoft Project Server can support a wide range of deployments. This section describes recommended security settings for
common server deployments. There are three typical configurations an organization can use, with increasing levels of
administrative maintenance:
Department configuration
Multiple department hosting configuration
Enterprise configuration

Department Configuration

Customers deploying Microsoft Project Server in a department can begin using the server immediately after running the
Microsoft Project Server Setup program. Project manager and team member accounts can be created directly from Microsoft
Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 2002. Executive accounts should be created by the administrator and added to the Executives
group. Users will have access to all the workgroup features (timesheet, views, status reports, and document library). Typically, the
server requires minimal administration and can be managed part-time by a user with no prior Windows NT server management
Planning requirements
Post-setup configuration
Executive accounts must be created and added to the Executives group. These users can view all information, but do not have the
ability to edit any information.
As users join and leave the organization, accounts need to be added and removed. As new executives join a team, executive
accounts need to be added. Generally, project manager and team member accounts are added and granted appropriate
permissions automatically through the publish process.
Security map example for the department configuration
The map below illustrates the default categories and groups created by Microsoft Project Server setup. The configuration works
well for a single department or business unit where executives should be able to view information for all projects and resources.

Figure 2: Security map example for the department configuration

Multiple Department Hosting Configuration

Customers deploying Microsoft Project Server to support multiple departments need to plan for security before deploying the
server. After the server is deployed, it should require minimal management. Security planning typically will require participation
of an experienced Windows NT server manager.
This configuration is typical of a large organization with a number of relatively independent project teams. Team members and
project managers may work on multiple project teams. Executives need the ability to easily view reports on projects for their
teams but should not be able to view reports on projects for other teams. This configuration assumes that the customer is using
Microsoft Project Standard and the workgroup features of Microsoft Project Server.
Planning requirements
Planning will help you to understand which projects report to which executives.
Post-setup configuration
After the project and executive reporting relationships are defined, one category is created for each executive or group of
executives able to view the same set of projects. A group is created for each of these categories. Executive accounts must be
created and added to the appropriate executive group or groups. These users can view all information but do not have the ability
to edit any information.
As new projects begin in a department, the projects must be added to the appropriate executive category or categories.
Security map example for the multiple department hosting configuration
The map below illustrates the categories and groups for an organization with two departments and two layers of executives:
departmental managers and executives. Departmental managers can view only the projects and resources within their
department. Executives can view all project and resources. The executives, project managers, and team member groups can be
used as created during setup.
Figure 3: Security map example for the multiple department hosting configuration

Enterprise Configuration

Microsoft Project Server is designed to support large organizations in centrally managing a portfolio of projects and resources. In
an enterprise configuration, multiple departments use a centrally defined set of project, resource, and task fields, and a centrally
defined resource pool. Typically, enterprise configurations must support multiple layers of management.
This configuration is appropriate for customers using Microsoft Project Professional and the enterprise features of Microsoft
Project Server. Like the hosted department configuration, multiple layers of management need to access reports. In addition,
enterprise configurations frequently need to support resource managers and portfolio managers. Resource managers need to be
able to view projects and view and edit resource information. Portfolio managers need to be able to view and edit the enterprise
global template and the enterprise resource pool.
Planning requirements
From a security perspective, planning for an enterprise configuration is quite similar to planning for a multiple department
hosting department configuration. One exception is the ability to use the RBS enterprise resource outline code. Microsoft Project
Server categories support a security rule based on the RBS code. This security rule allows users and groups granted permissions
on a category to view all resources managed by the user. The security rule works by:
Querying for the RBS value of a user assigned permissions on the category.
Using the returned value to find all resources with a RBS value that is a child node of the security principal's RBS value.
This security rule can significantly simplify setting resource manager permissions. However, it requires the RBS lookup table to be
designed, and it requires all users to have RBS values.
Post-setup configuration
Typically, post-setup configuration for enterprise servers is similar to configuration of multiple-department hosted servers.
Categories and groups should be defined for departmental and middle managers, as in the hosted multiple department
configuration. Portfolio manager accounts should be created and added to the predefined portfolio managers group. Resource
manager accounts should be created and added to the pre-defined resource managers group. The predefined resource managers
group depends on all resources being assigned an RBS value.
If resources are not assigned RBS values, resource manager groups and, possibly, categories should be created. In general, the
groups and categories should be designed to correspond to the reporting structure for resource managers.
As new projects are begun in a department, these projects must be added to the appropriate executive category or categories.
Security map example for the enterprise configuration
The map below illustrates the categories and groups for an organization with two departments and two layers of executives:
departmental managers, and executives. Departmental managers can view only the projects and resources within their
department. Executives can view all project and resources. The executives, project managers, team members, resource managers,
and portfolio managers groups can be used as created during setup.

Figure 4: Security map example for the Enterprise Configuration

Top Of Page
The Microsoft Project Server security features extend the concepts of users, roles, and categories first introduced in Microsoft
Project Central. The introduction of groups and permissions reduce the amount of security management required for
departmental configurations and make it easier to deploy and manage enterprise configurations.
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Project Learning Limited

This glossary, containing over 400 keyword definitions that relate Microsoft Project and Project Management, is an excerpt from
Project Companion—a free download from Project Learning Limited.

Costs for work and fixed costs against tasks in Microsoft Project can vary how they are accrued against time. For
example, $1,000 for a 10 day task could be accrued at:
Accrual Start - $1,000 on day one.
End - $1,000 on day ten.
Prorated - $100 each day.

Actual Bars Bars on a Gantt chart drawn from the actual start to complete through for tasks in progress and to actual finish for
those that have been completed.

Actual Cost Costs incurred for work already performed by a resource on a task. This value can be calculated by Microsoft
(Assignment) Project or entered by the user.

Actual Cost For all assigned tasks, this value shows the sum of costs incurred for the work already performed by a resource.

Actual Cost Costs for work already performed by all resources on a task, plus any other actual costs for the task. This value can
(Task) be calculated by Microsoft Project or entered by the user.

Actual Until the project is progressed, this value is 0. If an Actual Start and Actual Finish are present for the task, this value
Duration will be the duration between them. If no actual finish is present, it is a value entered by the user, or calculated
around the task's percent complete.

Actual Start The date (and optionally time) that the task or assignment commenced. Can be entered (over the default of NA) or
calculated from an entered actual finish or an entered percent complete value.

Actual Finish The date (and optionally time) that the task or assignment was completed. Can be entered (over the default of NA)
or calculated from an entered percent complete value of 100%.

Actual Work Until the project is tracked with actuals, this value is 0. When actual work information for tasks or assignments is
(Assignment) added, this value will increase. It will also increase, relative to the task's percent complete value if the updating task
status updates resource status option is selected.

Actual Work The amount of work that has already been done against the assignments for a resource. It is a calculated value.

Actual Work The amount of work that has already been done against a task. This value can be calculated by Microsoft Project or
(Task) entered by the user.

Within earned value analysis, the Actual Cost of Work Performed. This field shows actual costs incurred for work
ACWP and any fixed costs for tasks, up to the project status date or its current date. When compared to BCWP, cost
variance values (CV) can be determined.
The summing up of resource demands over time. If a resource is scheduled to work on two tasks simultaneously,
Aggregation aggregation will add up the units assigned to the tasks per time unit and display the total units assigned - in this
case two (or 200%). If this number exceeds the resource's max units, then a resource conflict may ensue.

Tasks will be scheduled to finish on their late finish date rather than their early finish date (as with ASAP). This can
ALAP be set on a task-by-task basis and it is the default setting when projects are scheduled from a finish date
(established within the Project Information dialog box).

Analysis Provides shortcuts to additional analysis functions and modules.


By default, tasks are scheduled to commence as soon as they possibly can. This is either on the project start date or
ASAP as soon as their predecessors have been completed. This can be set on a task-by-task basis and it is the default
setting when projects are scheduled from a start date (established within the Project Information dialog box).

Assign A dialog box to quickly create assignments. Invoked by the Assign Resources button. Only shows assigned units
Resources values and not assigned work. Can be used for assignment drag and drop. For more sophisticated assignments, use
Dialog the task entry view.

Assigned The rate at which the resource will perform an assignment. Usually at a flat rate (100% being the default), units can
Units be varied with a contoured assignment. Units assigned should not exceed the max units of resource availability.
Assigned units is a variable within the scheduling formula.

Assigned Work (and hence time) assigned to calculate the duration of an assignment. Part of the scheduling formula, it is
Work calculated as the total work for the assignment less any overtime work. If only one resource is assigned to a task,
the assigned work and the total work are the same.

Assignment To make an assignment commence later than the scheduled start of a task (or any other assignments against that
Delay task), an assignment delay can be manually applied. Assignment delays can not be cleared by resource leveling.

Assignment The date (and time) at which assigned work will be completed by.

Assignment The date (and time) at which an assignment can commence. Calculated as the task's (that the assignment is against)
Start scheduled start plus any assignment delay or leveling delay values.

Assignment A method to quickly create assignments by dragging a resource from the assign resources dialog to a task on a row
Drag and of a table by using the Assign Resource cursor. Multiple assignments will use the Assign Multiple Resources cursor.

Assignment The process where an assignment for one resource is swapped with another resource. When this is accomplished,
Replacement check that the assigned work and assigned units values are appropriate to the new assignment.

Assignments An assignment is the relationship between a task and a resource to perform the task. This assignment creates
measurable work - one of the three project resources.

AutoFilters are a quick and easy way to select relevant information within one of Microsoft Project's tables. They are
AutoFilter turned on and turned off with AutoFilter button on the formatting toolbar. Available to each field within the table,
they provide selections based upon the field's values as depicted in the table. Global Filters can be created by saving
AutoFilter criteria.

If tasks are cut or copied, their links may be re-established when pasted if the Autolink option is selected. This also
Autolink affects when tasks are dragged and dropped or inserted within a sequence of already-linked tasks. This check box
can be selected or cleared within the Schedule tab of the Options dialog box (Tools..Options).
Automatic The mechanism by which a project's resource assignments undergo leveling every time a change is made to the
Leveling tasks/resources/assignments or manually invoked by using the Level Now button within the Resource Leveling
dialog box.
The mechanism by which a project's schedule (calculated with critical path analysis) is recalculated every time a
Automatic change is made. The check box allows automatic scheduling to be selected or cleared within the Calculation tab of
Scheduling the Options dialog box. Manual scheduling can be activated by pressing the F9 key.

Automatic Options (within the Update Project dialog box) to update work as complete through or reschedule uncompleted
Updating work to start based around the project's current date or the project's status date.

Dates when a resource is available to a project at a specific unit of availability. For example; a technical specialist
Availability may only be available from March 1 through March 31 at 50% of their available time, or three technicians are
Profile available in May, two from July to August and four from the beginning of September. Established within the
resource information dialog.
Top Of Page

BAC Within earned value analysis, the budget at completion value for a task is equivalent to its baseline cost.

Backward A calculation within critical path analysis that determines the late start and late finish dates for each task in the project,
Pass along with slack (float) values.

Bar (Task) A patterned bar on a Gantt chart representing the duration and schedule of a task.

A way to format a Gantt chart's bars to emphasize attributes including; critical tasks, milestones, summary tasks, and
Bar Styles slack. Text can also be added to the bars. One set of styles is associated with each chart-type view. The view's
parameters (including bar styles) are saved with the current project document. Set by the Format..Bar Styles command
or fast-formatted using the Gantt Chart Wizard.

Base A calendar that specifies shift patterns of working time and non working time for a project or set of resources. A base
Calendar calendar differs from a resource calendar, which specifies working and nonworking time for an individual resource.

A copy of project information prior to updating a project with progress. When a baseline is created, current schedule
values are copied into their relative baseline ones:
Tasks (start and finish dates, duration, work, cost, splits).
Resources (work, cost).
Assignments (start and finish dates, work, cost).
Timephased work and cost for tasks, resources and assignments.
This provides a clear comparison about the status of the project; if it is meeting its baseline or not. Created with the
command: Tools..Tracking..Save Baseline. Interim baselines can also be created to assist in what-if? scenarios.

Baseline Bars on a Gantt chart depicting the baseline start and finish dates for tasks.

Cost At the point of baseline creation, the current cost for the task (work related costs + fixed costs).

Duration The task's current duration, at the point of baseline creation.
Start The scheduled start of tasks at the point of baseline creation.

Finish The scheduled finish of tasks at the point of baseline creation.

Work At the point of baseline creation, the total work against all assignments for a specific resource.

Work At the point of baseline creation, the current work for the task.

Within earned value analysis, the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (also called earned value). A measure of the cost
of work performed up to the status date or the current date. It indicates how much of the budget should have been
BCWP spent, in view of the amount of work done so far, and the baseline cost for the tasks and assignments that have been
progressed. Microsoft Project calculates it as the task's baseline cost multiplied by percent complete. It can be
compared to ACWP to determine CV (cost variance) values and to BCWS to determine SV (schedule variance values).

BCWS Within earned value analysis, the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled. How much needs to be spent to complete all the
tasks in the project. Equivalent to the project's baseline cost.

Bottom- A method for creating a project's outline by first considering the tasks and milestones that are required prior to
Up defining the phases that will summarize the detail. See also .

Box Styles Formatting options within the network diagram to show specific task fields. These styles can be customized and
applied against different task attributes: critical, non-critical, summary tasks, milestones and so on.

Build The Build Team From Enterprise dialog box provides a convenient way to create a resource pool for a project from
Team resources within the enterprise resource pool. Placeholder resources within the local pool can be replaced by real
From people within the enterprise pool. When building the team, filters can be applied to select suitable resources, for
Enterprise example possessing a suitable skill, or being at a particular level of the Resource Breakdown Structure.
Top Of Page

A custom field in which the contents display values relative to a formula or equation. These formulae can be copied
in from other project files or from GLOBAL.MPT. Calculated fields can be used to:
Show cost / interim baseline cost performance.
Field Compare dates to show slippage values.
Display graphical indicators instead of numeric values.
Enterprise fields can also contain calculated values.

A definition of working time and non working time (in shift patterns) that can be applied to individual resources
working on the project, or to the project and the tasks within it. The default calendar is called a base calendar.
Calendar Calendars are edited or created within the Change Working Time dialog box (Tools..Change Working Time). The
Organizer allows this component to be shared between projects.
Calendar Project tasks are displayed in a workplanner format, with task bars spanning the days or weeks on which the tasks
View are scheduled. Tasks can also be created and edited here with care.

Cause-And- A brainstorming technique where project risks are analyzed by the project team. Each risk is considered, along with
Effect the actions or outcomes that would cause the risk to manifest.

Can Level Applying to resources, a switch (Yes/No) to allow the chosen resource to be a part of the leveling process.

Cell An intersection of a row and a column within a table, a cell contains a field about a specific object (task, resource or

A mechanism to move (dependant upon its check box being selected or cleared within the Edit tab of the Options
dialog box) either:
Cell Drag and
Drop A cell's contents to a different cell.
Or an entire object task / resource to a different row of a table, having first selected a row heading.

Change Changes (often from the sponsor) that affect the project. Usually impacting the project's objectives, they can be
Controls compared to the agreed client requirements definition / project requirements definition to decide upon their
inclusion or exclusion, together with the impact that they will have. May require a revision to the project's baseline.

A type of view containing a table to the left and a timescale to the right. Delineated by a divider bar. Types of chart

Chart Gantt chart

Resource usage
Task usage

Circular A network path that passes through the same node (task) twice; for example if task (C) is the successor to task (B),
Relationship but C is also a predecessor to task (A), which is in turn a predecessor to task (B). Will cause an error in critical path

What the client / sponsor wants from the project and often a contractual obligation. Usually contains the following
Objectives - why do it
Scope - project boundaries
Requirements Deliverables - what it will provide
Definition Constraints - conditions against the project; often in terms of time and of cost
Dependant / driver projects - other related projects or parts of projects
Assumptions - listed unknowns about the project
Also referred to as a CRD or Terms of Reference (TOR).

Code A free-format field providing additional information about the resource such as cost centre or job title. This field
can be grouped and filtered upon. For more sophistication, use an outline code.

In a project's outline, a mechanism to hide normal tasks beneath their summary tasks, to see just relevant levels of
Collapsing detail. Usually achieved using the Hide Subtasks button. Can also be used to collapse by group and to collapse
assignment detail (on task usage and resource usage views). See also expanding.

Column As a part of a table, columns show field information for each task / resource / assignment in relevant cells.
Column The grey area to the top of each column. Clicking on a column heading selects the entire column, highlighting its
Heading field for each task or resource. Double-clicking on the column heading allows a change of field or a different title
for the column.

A view that contains two views. The view in the lower pane shows detailed information about the tasks or
Combination resources selected within the upper pane. The 'Task Entry' view (for example) shows a Gantt chart view in the
View upper pane and the task form view in the lower pane. When a task is selected in the Gantt chart, the task form view
displays detailed information about that task shown above. The resource allocation view is another useful
combination view.

A common resource pool contains resources; people or material resources that are to be shared between a
program of multiple projects. They can take two basic forms:
A new project file that contains only resource information (no tasks), whereby all projects use this project's
Common pool of common resources (recommended).
Resource Use an existing project as the "pool" project, with all projects using this project's resources. With this option,
Pool all of the resources in the pool project, as well as the projects that are sharing resources with it, are combined
and available to each other.
Within Microsoft Project 2002, consider the creation of an enterprise resource pool, especially when using Project

Complete This field indicates the progress of a task on a Gantt chart. It is the date/time that actuals have been reported up
Through until. It is only available as a bar style.

Components are the building blocks of a project document. In addition to the tasks, resources and assignments,
components are used to manage the project's data. They include:
Views, tables, filters, groups, calendars, reports, forms, toolbars, maps, and VBA modules.
The Organizer can be used to manage components within the project document and between project documents.

Composite A program file that contains one or more inserted subprojects without links to their source projects. When the
Project composite is saved to disk, changes to the inserted projects are not reflected in their source files.

Consolidated A program file that contains links to one or more subproject files. The inserted projects retain links to their source
Project projects so that any changes to them within the consolidated file are passed on to the source file when the
consolidation is saved to disk.

An assignment where the hours are scheduled at a non-uniform rate. Microsoft Project's options include:
Back loaded
Front loaded
Double peak
Early peak
Assignment Late peak
All contoured assignments will take more time than a flat assignment (which is the default). Contours are
displayed as timephased fields within the task usage and resource usage views.
A scheduling protocol that establishes when a Task should happen. Constraints (which can be flexible or inflexible)
ASAP - As soon as possible (no real constraint).
ALAP - As late as possible.
FNET - Finish no earlier than.
Constraints SNET - Start no earlier than.
FNLT - Finish no later than.
SNLT - Start no later than.
MFO - Must finish on.
MSO - Must start on.
See also: deadlines.

The total scheduled cost for a summary task, normal task, resource, or assignment or for an entire project. This is
Cost sometimes referred to as the current cost, or budget. Cost can be simply a fixed cost for a task, or it can also
include costs incurred as a result of measurable work.

Cost / Use A field that shows the cost that accrues each time a resource is used, irrespective of the work for the resource
carrying out an assignment.

Cost Used as an alternative to the WBS, the CBS is a useful way to use outline codes to group the project's tasks by cost
Breakdown centre. Sophisticated totals and subtotals can be created to determine how effectively the project is progressing,
Structure cost area by cost area.

One of the three project objectives. A definition of the budget available (as defined within the client requirements
Cost and project requirements documents) in cost terms to complete a project and hopefully produce all the
Objective deliverables within the project's overall scope. This often becomes the project's baseline cost or BCWS and can be
compared to actual costs to determine cost variances. See also time objective; quality objective.

Cost Rate Defined within the resource information dialog box, resources can have a variable standard rate for the work that
Table they will perform. Up to five rate tables can be applied, each of which can be varied over time.

Cost Variance The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource or assignment. If a task is in progress,
its total cost is actual cost plus its remaining costs. See also CV.

Count Specifies the incrementation of the major scale or the minor scale for the timescale of a chart. For example, if the
unit is weeks, a count of 2 will show 1 increment (column) for every other week.

Within earned value analysis, the Cost Performance Index. Calculated as the ratio of budgeted cost of work
performed (BCWP) and actual cost of work performed (ACWP). CPI = BCWP/ACWP. If this value is 1 then the
CPI project, summary task or task is exactly on budget. If the value is less than 1, then things are over budget; greater
than 1, things are ahead of budget. See also CV.

Critical Path The series of tasks that must be completed on time for a project to finish on schedule. Each task on the critical path
is a critical task; any delay to it would delay the project's schedule.

Critical Path A method for scheduling when tasks will happen. Comprising of a forward pass and a backward pass, it
Analysis determines how quickly and how slowly the tasks can be accomplished.

Critical Task A task that must be completed on schedule for the project to finish on time. If a critical task is delayed, the project
finish date might also be delayed. A series of critical tasks makes up a project's critical path.
Cross-Project Links between tasks in different projects. Usually created within a consolidated project, cross-project links make a
Links task within one project dependant upon an external task in another project.

Crosstab Printed information about tasks and resources over a specified time period. For example, a report comprising of
Reports tasks (or resources) and assignments within the rows and periodic cost or work values in the columns. Provides
similar information to a crosstab view, but with more formatting options but no data editing options.

Crosstab Screen-based information about tasks and resources over a specified time period. Can be seen from a task's (task
Views usage view) or from a resource's (resource usage view) perspective. Can show work and cost values and provides
editing facilities. Similar to a crosstab report.

Holding down the CTRL (Control) key on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button. This can be used to
CTRL+Click select more than one object when the objects are not adjacent to one another. Useful when linking tasks together
with the Link Task button or removing links with the Unlink Tasks button. Can also be used in conjunction with the
Task Information button to make changes to multiple tasks / resources / assignments. See also SHIFT+Click.

CTRL+DELETE Removes the selected information within the current cell. Does not delete the entire object (task / resource) as the
DELETE key can.

The Current Date is the boundary between the past and the future. Using the PC's system date by default, it can be
edited within the Project Information dialog box. Tasks between the project start date and the current date should
Current Date be complete, those happening after the current date should possess remaining work. The current date display on a
Gantt chart can be altered using the Gridlines dialog box (Format..Gridlines). The current date is sometimes
referred to as the as-of date. See also: status date.

A field (for Tasks or Resources) that is user-definable. Entries can be made against: cost; date; duration; finish; flag;
number; outline code; start; text. Custom fields can be simply renamed or can contain value lists. A calculated field
Custom Field can contain a formulaic expression and also display graphical indicators. Custom fields can be defined within the
Customized Fields dialog box (Tools..Customize..Fields). Custom fields are project-specific and can be copied from
project to project using the Organizer. See also Enterprise Fields.

Within earned value analysis, the CV (earned value cost variance) field is calculated as BCWP - ACWP. It is the
difference between how much it should have cost to achieve the current level of completion on the task and how
CV much it has actually cost to up to the status date or the current date. A positive CV value indicates that progress
against the task, summary task, project or resource is ahead of the baseline cost (under budget) and a negative
value indicates that progress is currently over budget. See also CPI and cost variance.
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Dangle A task that either has no predecessor task or no successor task linked to it. Also known as a hanger.

Deadline A date by which a task should ideally be complete by. This can affect the slack value for the task, but it does not
impose any constraint upon the task. If a task exceeds its deadline it can create a scheduling conflict.

Default Rate New resources can inherit a rate; standard rate for standard work and overtime rate for overtime work. This setting,
within the General tab of the Options dialog box, will only apply to newly created resources in the resource pool.

Default End Specifies the finish time that Microsoft Project assigns by default to tasks with a constrained finish. Usually
Time equivalent to the end of the shift pattern for the base calendar. Defined within the Calendar tab of the Options dialog

Default Specifies the start time that Microsoft Project assigns by default to tasks with a constrained start. Usually equivalent
Start Time to the start of the shift pattern for the base calendar. Defined within the Calendar tab of the Options dialog box.
When using Project Web Access with Project Server, team members can delegate their assignments to other team
Delegation members. When this happens, the delegatee completes the work on that assignment. The delegator can then review
and approve status and actuals on the assignment before returning updated information to the project manager to
in turn update the project plan.

The major things that the project (or even the tasks within it) creates to meet the overall Time / Cost / Quality
Deliverables objectives. These are usually listed within the client requirements definition (CRD) and project requirements
definition (PRD). Deliverables may also make up the upper levels of a project's product breakdown structure (PBS).

Demand An assignment for a resource that could not be substituted by the Resource Substitution Wizard. Even if this
Assignment resource has a resource conflict, the wizard can not create the substitution. See also request assignment.

Microsoft Project supports four types of dependencies to link one task to another:
Finish-to-start dependency, in which one task can not start until another task finishes.
Dependency Finish-to-finish dependency, in which one task can not finish until another task finishes.
Start-to-start dependency, in which one task can not start until another task starts.
Start-to-finish dependency, in which one task can not finish until another task starts.

Dependant A project (or commonly a task or milestone within a project) that has its schedule driven by a task or milestone
Project within another project. These projects often form a consolidation, with external tasks used to provide the links.

Destination The program into which data is placed when exchanging data from Microsoft Project. See also source program.

Details Different sets of options to display sets of information within views. Primarily used in the task form; task usage;
resource usage; resource graph views.

Dimmed Options within Microsoft Project that are unavailable. This often occurs if the object is read-only or because the
option is not available for the current view.

Divider Bar The vertical divider bar separates the table and chart portions of the view. The horizontal divider bar delineates a
combination view with an upper pane and a lower pane.

Divider The cursor that changes the width of a column or the width of a part of the view, or the depth of a upper pane or
Cursor lower pane of a combination view. Double-clicking on the cursor will force a best-fit of a chart to a table or to open
or close a lower pane.

Drawing A graphical image which can be embedded as an object in Gantt charts, task notes, report headers and so on.

Driver A project (or commonly a task or milestone within a project) that determines the schedule of a task or milestone
Project within another project. These projects often form a consolidation, with external tasks used to provide the links.

Drop Down An icon indicating the existence of a list.

The total span of working time or elapsed time required to complete a task. When applied to summary tasks, it
represents the amount of time between the start of the earliest subtask and the completion on the latest subtask.
Duration Duration can also be displayed at project level against a project summary task. Durations against tasks can be
estimated or confirmed. If the task has assignments against it, the task's duration may be calculated according to the
scheduling formula.
A suffix after the duration value to determine the time unit the duration applies to:
min = minute emin = elapsed minutes
hr = hour ehr = elapsed hours
Duration day = day edays = elapsed days
wk = week ewk = elapsed weeks
mo = months emo = elapsed months
Note that the number of hours per day, hours per week and days per month values are set within the Calendar tab
of the Options dialog box (Tools..Options).

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EAC Within earned value analysis, the estimate at completion shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task,
resource, or assignment. This is calculated as: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI

A measure of the cost of work performed up to the status date or the current date. It uses baseline cost values and
Earned actual work to date to show if the actual costs incurred are on budget. It indicates how much of the baseline cost
Value should have been spent, relative to the amount of work done so far. Earned Value is also referred to as budgeted
cost of work performed (BCWP).

Earned A method for determining project performance. It compares the value of the work that was planned (BCWS) with
Value the how much work was actually earned (BCWP), with what was actually spent (ACWP). These comparisons provide
Analysis invaluable information about actual conditions within the project and trends that may be developing in terms of
schedule and cost performance. Earned Value Analysis is commonly abbreviated as EVA.

Early Finish The earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based upon dates from its predecessors or successors, other
constraints, any leveling delay and the duration of the task itself.

Early Start The earliest date that a task could possibly start, based upon dates from its predecessors or successors, other
constraints and any leveling delay.

Effort- Where the work on a task is shared between its assignments. When resources are assigned or removed from a task,
Driven Microsoft Project will extend or shorten the duration of the task to accommodate the additional or fewer resources
applied, but it will not change the total work for the task. This is the default option for new tasks.

Elapsed Time that does not take any calendar considerations into account; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

A field defined within the enterprise global template. The most commonly used enterprise fields will contain
Enterprise enterprise outline codes or RBS values. Enterprise fields can only be created by a user with appropriate access
Field privileges. All projects that link to the enterprise global template can use these standardized fields and apply them to
tasks / resources or even projects. Enterprise field definitions can not be changed in a local project file. See also
custom fields.

Standard program components (including views, tables and enterprise fields) can be stored within the enterprise
Enterprise global template to ensure that all projects within an organization adhere to standards. Unlike GLOBAL.MPT the
Global enterprise global template is opened from within Project Server. Only a user with administrative privileges to
Template project server can check out and change the enterprise global template. The enterprise global template should not
contain any tasks or resources.
Enterprise Custom tags for common tasks, projects, or resources. Tasks can use these codes to define cost areas. Resources can
Outline use these codes for skill definition and to create assignments automatically using the resource substitution wizard.
Code Only a user with administrative privileges can add or edit enterprise outline codes.

Enterprise A global pool of resources that are available to work upon all projects within a program. When local resources are
Resource imported into the enterprise pool by using the resource import wizard they then become enterprise resources.

Enterprise Enterprise resources are resources that can be made available to a program of projects. They are stored within the
Resources enterprise resource pool and must be checked out of the enterprise pool (by a user with appropriate permissions)
for editing of standard rates, skill codes and so on.

Enlargement A percentage value representing the width of a minor scale increment for a chart. See also size.

Entry Bar Placed below the toolbars or within dialog boxes, the entry bar displays the current cell's contents. The ENTER and
ESCAPE keys confirm or reject an entry and the F2 key provides in-cell editing.

Entry Table Displays basic information regarding resources, including resource group, resource units, standard rate, overtime
(Resources) rate, cost per resource use, accrual method, and resource code. This table is mainly used in adding resources to the
project's resource pool. It is the default table within the Resource Sheet view.

Entry Table Displays basic information in fields regarding tasks: ID; indicators; task name; duration; start; finish; resource names;
(Tasks) predecessors. Mainly used to add and edit general task information. Provided by default in the Gantt chart view.

Estimated A duration for a task suffixed with a '?' to indicate that the duration is still tentative. Tasks with estimated durations
Duration can be filtered against and reported upon. They can then be confirmed by a project manager or by workgroup

In a project's outline, a mechanism to show normal tasks beneath their summary tasks, to see more levels of detail.
Expanding Usually achieved using the Show Subtasks button. Can also be used to expand by group and to show assignment
detail (on task usage and resource usage views). See also collapsing.

External A task in another project (or part of the program) that is linked to a task in the current project. This can help
Task determine the schedule of the current project (relative to linked projects). A link between a task and an external task
can be edited, but an external task itself can only be edited within its own project.
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Information about a project's tasks, resources or assignments. Fields (which may be contain entered values or be
customized) include:
Field Start / Finish

Files in Microsoft Project can be saved to disk in a number of formats: .MPP (the default); .MPX (a comma delimited
File Format file - Microsoft Project 98 only); .XLS (Excel spreadsheet); .MDB (Access database). Some files (usually databases)
can contain all project data. Others are normally used to export/import data using maps. A portfolio of projects can
also be saved to Project Server.
File Details about a file that help identify it (such as a descriptive title, the author's name, the subject, and keywords that
Properties identify topics or other important information in the file). Properties can also be added to views and reports within
the page setup dialog box.

Fill Handle Allowing adjacent cells to be populated with the initial cell's data. Available in task usage and resource usage views
and also for cells within tables.

Provides a way of selecting information meeting a filter criteria. Types of filter are:
Global Filters
Highlight filters

Filter Criteria The statement that specifies which tasks or resources should be displayed when the filter is applied. For example,
the 'Top Level Tasks' filter has the criteria: outline level >= 1.

A list of all available filters, applicable to tasks or resources. Accessed by using the Project..Filtered for..More Filters
Filter Library command. Originally held in GLOBAL.MPT, filters are stored to the local project document once they have been
accessed. Existing filters can be edited or new ones can be created within the library. In addition, saved AutoFilter
criteria are saved within the filter library as new global filters.

Finish (Task) The scheduled finish for a task.

Finish How much a task has been delayed within a project's schedule. Calculated as the difference between baseline finish
Variance and the current scheduled finish. Often referred to as slippage.

With a Fiscal Year commencing other than January, Microsoft Project displays years on the timescale using the
Fiscal Year fiscal year rather than the calendar year. For example, with April as the beginning of a fiscal year, Microsoft Project
displays the year "2003" for the date March 2nd, 2004.

Fixed Upon completion of an assignment, a fixed quantity of a material resource that will have been consumed. See also
Consumption variable consumption rate.

Fixed Cost A set cost against a task that remains constant regardless of the task duration or the work performed by a resource;
for example a delivery of some goods, or some work that has been subcontracted to a third party organization.

Fixed Cost The accrual method to schedule how fixed costs will be incurred.

For a constant task duration, as assigned work is increased so will assigned units. Decrease the units and the work
will correspondingly reduce.
Duration Duration = Work à Units
If assigned units are greater than max units, a resource conflict will arise.

As the task's assigned units remain constant, an increase / decrease in assigned work will result in a corresponding
increase / decrease in task duration. Changes to the task's duration will have a corresponding effect upon work.
Fixed Units
Units = Work à Duration
Fixed Units is the default task type for new tasks.
If assigned work should remain constant, then as a task's duration goes up assigned units will go down (and vice
Fixed Work
Work = Duration Ã​ Units
If assigned units are greater than max units, a resource conflict will arise.

Flat An assignment where the hours are at a uniform level, unlike a contoured assignment where the hours assigned
Assignment per day/week vary.

As opposed to inflexible constraints, flexible ones schedule tasks as follows:

Finish no earlier than (for projects scheduled from the project's start date).
Flexible Finish no later than (for projects scheduled from the project's finish date).
Constraint Start no earlier than (for projects scheduled from the project's start date).
Start no later than (for projects scheduled from the project's finish date).
These constraints will not cause schedule conflicts if a task is delayed beyond its constrained date.

Float The amount of time a task can slip before it affects another task's dates or the project finish date. Also referred to as

FNET Finishes the task on or after the date entered. Use this flexible constraint when a task can not finish before a specific

FNLT Finishes the task on or before the date entered. Use this inflexible constraint when a task must finish by a specific
date. Can create a scheduling conflict if this date is violated.

Folder Project documents (files) are stored in folders on a local PC or on a network. Folders branch off from the root
directory (usually C:\). The 'My Documents' folder is the default working folder in Windows 98/2000/XP.

Font A typeface depicting letters, numbers and symbols. Font sizes and attributes can be set from the formatting toolbar,
or by applying text styles or in report headers or footers by using the page setup command.

Forward Pass A calculation within critical path analysis that determines the early start and early finish dates for each task in the
project, along with the project finish date.

Text that appears at the bottom of a printed page. A footer typically contains information such as page number,
Footer total page count (for collation purposes) and date. It could also contain the project manager's name and the
project's version number.

Representing information in a format similar to a paper form. Forms show information about only one task or
Form resource at a time. Common forms are the task form and resource form. The Organizer allows this component to
be shared between projects.

Formatting Provides tools for changing how a view is displayed: fonts; text alignment; filters; outline options and so on.

Free Slack Free slack (or free float) is the amount of time a task can slip before it delays any other task. See also total slack.
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A graphical representation of the project's current schedule. It will often contain bars for:
Normal tasks
Summary tasks
Gantt Chart Milestone tasks
Slack values
Delay values
Gantt charts are also referred to as Bar Charts as they depict task bars against a timescale.

Gantt Chart A series of interactive dialog boxes containing options to quickly format a Gantt chart, it configures bar styles and
Wizard layout options. Running it reconfigures any manually applied bar styles, so be careful in its use. Invoked by the
Format..Gantt Chart Wizard command.

Generic A placeholder resource that is a skill category that could be required to complete a task, rather than a named
Resource person. Assignments for these resources can then be replaced by real people. The resource substitution wizard can
be used to substitute a generic resource with a named person.

A Template file (GLOBAL.MPT) that contains information applied to many projects. Information in a global file can
include components such as views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, filters, toolbars, menu bars and macros. When
GLOBAL.MPT a new project is created, it takes its components from the global file. Information within the global file can be read
or written using the Organizer. Warning: Overwriting a global file may require a re-installation of Microsoft Project
to reapply default settings.

Compared to the AutoFilter (which makes selections based on column contents), the global filter shows only the
Global Filter tasks / resources / assignments that meet a specific filter criteria. If a filter criteria is used to emphasize, rather than
select, a highlight filter can be applied instead. Global filters are one of the project's components. They reside within
a filter library.

Graphical By using pictures to replace values, Microsoft Project can highlight good or poor schedule / cost performances.
Indicators Usually used in conjunction with calculated fields. Views can be filtered or grouped by graphical indicator.

Granularity The degree of resolution to be applied by time unit (daily or weekly for example). Useful when leveling resources.

Gridlines To help the readability of a view, gridlines of different patterns and colours can be applied. These gridlines may
appear once (such as the current date) or repeatedly (such as the lines that divide rows and columns).

The ability to sort and subtotal a view by applying group criteria. Pre-defined groups include: 'milestones' and
Group 'constraint types' for tasks and 'resource group' and 'Response Pending' for resources. Custom groups can be
created and applied by using the Project..Group By... command and they can be shared between projects by using
the Organizer.

Group Similar to filter criteria, group criteria determine the fields (for tasks or resources) that the grouping sorts upon.
Criteria There can be groups within groups. Sophisticated grouping can be achieved with the use of outline codes.

Group A list of all available groups, applicable to tasks or resources. Accessed using the Project..Group by:..More Groups
Library command. Originally held in GLOBAL.MPT, group criteria are stored to the local project document once they have
been accessed. Existing group criteria can be edited or new ones can be created within the library.
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Hanger A task that either has no predecessor task or no successor task linked to it. Also known as a dangle.
Text that appears at the top of a printed page. A header typically contains information such as the project or company
Header name, together with the project start and project finish dates.

Highlight Instead of selecting the tasks / resources that meet the filter criteria (as with a global filter), a highlight filter is used for
Filter emphasis.

Highlights A highlight will emphasize specific tasks or resources whilst still displaying all tasks or resources. To set the text style
for highlighted information, use the Format..Text Styles command.

The constant value that Microsoft Project uses when calculating duration and work. Taking the default of 8 hours, a
Hours Per one-day task will be calculated as 8 hours and an assignment of 1 unit will calculate as 8 hours also. Changing the
Day hours per day to 6 would retain the assigned work as 8 hours and change the duration of the assignment to be 1.33
days. If the shift pattern for that day is unaltered (from the default 8 hours), the assignment (and task) will be complete
at the end of that day and not within the next day.

The constant value that Microsoft Project uses when calculating duration and work. Taking the default of 40 hours, a
Hours Per one-week task will be calculated as 40 hours and an assignment of 1 unit will calculate as 40 hours also. Changing the
Week hours per week to 32 would retain the assigned work as 40 hours and therefore change the duration of the
assignment to be 1.25 weeks. If the shift pattern for that week is unaltered (from the default 8 hours/day), the
assignment (and task) will be complete at the end of that week and not within the next week.

Hypertext Markup Language. Web pages are written in HTML. They often end with an .htm or .html extension.
HTML Microsoft Project's help files are HTML compliant, allowing the creation of user-defined help. Custom Project Guides
can also be written using HTML.

HTML A template of HTML tags and codes that are exported along with project data.

From your project file, hyperlinks can be created to jump to other files (using a URL) on a local computer, network or
Hyperlink intranet, or to the World Wide Web itself. This destination file can be another Microsoft Project file, other Microsoft
Office documents, or any web site.
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Displays the identifier number that Microsoft Project automatically assigns to each task or resource as it is added to
ID the project. Entries in lower rows within a table will have higher ID values. The ID is usually displayed in a row
heading (the grey area to the left of each row). This ID may change as a result of a cell drag and drop. See also unique

Indenting Moving a task to a lower outline level (to the right) in the task name column. When a task is indented, it becomes a
subtask of the summary task above it. See also outdenting.

Small icons representing information for a task or resource that are displayed in the indicators column within a table.
Pointing to an indicator reveals additional information associated with it. Indicators include:
A task note.
The task has an actual finish.
Indicators A resource conflict requiring leveling.
A flexible constraint.
An inflexible constraint.
An inserted project.
As opposed to flexible constraints, inflexible constraints schedule tasks as follows:
Finish no later than (for projects scheduled from the project's start date)
Constraint Must finish on (for all projects)
Must start on (for all projects)
If a task is delayed beyond its constrained date, an inflexible constraint can cause a scheduling conflict.

Information Invoked by the Resource Information button, dialog boxes that allow immediate changes to tasks, resources and
Dialog assignments. Can be used to change default settings or to update with revised estimates, schedule revisions,
Boxes achieved progress and so on.

The first assignment of a resource (or resources) to a task. This assignment determines the total work for the task. If
Initial any assigned units are subsequently altered, the task's duration may have to change to balance the scheduling
Assignment formula. Changes to an assignment should be performed within a task form view, as it displays all data relevant to
that assignment.

Inserted A project file embedded within a consolidated project. Changes made within the consolidation will be saved within
Project the inserted project's file.

In addition to a master baseline, a further 10 baselines can be set. These can used in what-if? scenarios and as useful
Interim schedule comparisons. As an addition, current start and finish dates for all tasks or just those selected can be copied
Baseline to interim values (Start1/Finish1). Both of these options can be accessed within the Save Baseline dialog box
(Tools..Tracking..Save Baseline). Interim baseline information can be displayed on charts using a variety of bar styles.
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A delay on the link between a predecessor and a successor; for example to create a 5 day delay between finishing one
Lag task and starting another. Lag times can also be a percentage of the duration of the predecessor task. A negative
value against a lag is known as a lead.

Labels Standard formatting option to express a chart's timescale. For example: 'Feb/02/04' or '02/02/04'.

Landscape A horizontal page orientation, with more columns than rows, this style is best suited to charts and crosstab reports.

Layout A formatting option that defines the general appearance of a chart, the positioning of task bars or boxes and the
displaying of links to improve screen-based or printed views.

A task's late finish is the latest date that a task can finish without delaying the project finish date. This date is based on
Late Finish the task's late start date and duration, as well as the late start and late finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks,
together with any other applied constraints.

A task's late start is the latest date that a task can start without delaying the project finish date. This date is based on
Late Start the task's scheduled start date, as well as the late start and late finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks,
together with any other applied constraints.

Lead An overlap between a predecessor and a successor. For example, if a task can start when its predecessor is half
finished, use a finish-to-start dependency with a lead time of 50 percent. Lead time is entered as a negative lag value.

Left- Text aligned to the left-hand side of a column or cell.

General project information displayed at the base of a printed page, together with the explanatory list of symbols
Legend printed on a chart. Note that this display is shown or hidden within the Page Setup dialog box, but its contents are
controlled by the currently chosen bar styles.

Level Now A command within the Resource Leveling dialog box to commence the leveling process. Also copies a task's
scheduled start and scheduled finish values into relative preleveled values.

Resolving resource conflicts or overallocations by delaying or splitting certain tasks. During leveling, assignments are
Leveling rescheduled according to the resource availability profiles, assigned units, and resource calendars, as well as the
task's duration and constraints. Leveling can be controlled by various leveling parameters. It is instigated either
automatically or (more commonly) by the command level now.

Leveling Leveling Delay is how much a task (or assignment) has been delayed to resolve any resource conflicts. It is often
Delay drawn on a Gantt chart from a task's early start to its scheduled start. Leveling delays can be entered manually of
created as a result of resource leveling. Clearing leveling will clear any previously applied leveling delays.

Leveling A variation of the Gantt chart view, showing what has happened as a result of the leveling process. The Table portion
Gantt View displays a list of tasks and information about leveling delays. The chart portion shows a comparison of the bar's
current schedule with its preleveled state, together with an indication of the leveling delay that has been applied.

Parameters that establish how tasks are leveled around other tasks. Three options are available:
ID Only - Priority will be given to tasks with the lowest ID numbers (usually those earliest in the schedule).
Standard (the default) - Microsoft Project considers slack values (both free and total - a task with more free
Leveling slack time is delayed first, followed by ones with total slack), dates (later starting tasks will be delayed before
Order earlier-starting ones) and constraints (as they affect the schedule and the critical path).
Priority, Standard - Microsoft Project will apply user-defined priorities as the primary factor in deciding which
tasks are to be delayed. Tasks with equal priorities will then be delayed according to the 'Standard' parameter

Switches that determine how leveling is performed. They include:

When to level (automatically or manually using level now)
Leveling granularity
Dates to level within (entire project, or just the next couple of weeks/months)
Parameters Leveling order
Level within/beyond slack (allow the critical path to be or not be delayed)
Delay discrete assignments
Allow tasks to be split
See also selective leveling.
The period of time between the project moving from a simple collection of ideas in a client requirements definition to
a finished entity that meets all its originally agreed requirements. Often defined within a methodology, it can be
summarized into four basic headings:
Lifecycle Plan
As the majority of measurable work is contained within the 'Do' stage, this is where the majority of the project's costs
will come from and where the majority of the project's risks will be found.

Links between tasks represent the sequence in which they will occur. For example; the successor task 'Boil Water' will
Link first depend upon the completion of the predecessor task 'Fill Kettle'. Links can have a number of dependency types.
Create links by selecting two tasks (with click and CTRL+Click), followed by the Link Tasks button.

Local As compared to default settings that apply to Microsoft Project in general (which are saved within the PC's registry),
Defaults local defaults apply to the current project only and override any inherited settings. These settings usually apply to the
view, schedule and calculation parameters of the project.

Local Local resources are resources local to a specific project and not part of an enterprise resource pool.

As part of a combination view, the object (task / resource) in the upper pane selects the detailed information that is
Lower displayed in the lower pane beneath. For example, with a Gantt chart view in the upper pane and the task form view
Pane in the lower, when a task in the Gantt chart is selected, the task form view displays detailed information about just the
selected task.
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Major Scale Specifies the units and count for the upper lines (tiers) of the timescale of a chart. Its units must be larger than or
equal to the minor scale units.

Manual When Microsoft Project calculates the schedule of the project at a user's request (rather than automatic scheduling
Scheduling - the default). This can apply to all open projects or just the currently active project. Manual scheduling can be
activated by pressing the F9 key.

A customizable set of instructions to export task, resource, and assignment data to other applications such as
Map Access or Excel. Maps can be based on existing tables and can have filters applied to them. Maps can also be used
to import data back into a project file (with care). The Organizer allows this component to be shared between

MAPI The acronym for Messaging Application Programming Interface, which is the standard Microsoft email
programming interface.

Margins The distance (in centimeters or inches) between the top, bottom, right and left of the page to the area that will be
printed upon.

Mask Applied to outline codes and WBS codes, the mask defines the numeric and alphanumeric strings that make up the
code, together with the delimiters that separate them.

A project containing one or more subprojects. The subprojects can be inserted into a master composite project or
Master they can be embedded within a master consolidated project. These subprojects often share resources by accessing
Project a common resource pool.
Material Consumables that are assigned to tasks in a similar way to normal work-type resources. Material resources are
Resources consumed by the tasks to which they are assigned (and hence incurring cost), but they do not create any
measurable work.

Matrix An organizational structure in which the project manager shares responsibility with functional managers for
Organization assessing priorities and assigning tasks to resources that may or may not be within their own workgroup.

Contains the maximum percentage or number of units of resource availability, the default value being 100 percent.
Max Units It can be varied with an availability profile. Resource conflicts can arise if assigned units > max units (which can
happen with task types that are not fixed units).

Menu Bar The menu bar is used to select menus and commands to perform actions within Microsoft Project. It appears below
the program's title bar and it can be customized.

A statement of how the project will be managed, including its lifecycle, terms of reference, reports required and so
Methodology on. Methodologies can be informal or company specific. PRINCE is an example of a commercially available project
management methodology.

MFO Finishes the task on a specific date. Use this inflexible constraint when a task has to finish on a given date. Can
create a scheduling conflict if this date is violated.

Milestone A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. Milestones are
Tasks usually tasks with a duration of 0 time units (hours, days or even weeks) and may often have a constraint applied to
them or they may be an external task within a consolidated program.

Minor Scale Specifies the units and count for the lowest line (tier) of the timescale of a chart. Its units must be smaller than or
equal to the major scale units.

Module A simple program (usually written in VBA) to automate a command or procedure. Also referred to as a macro. The
Organizer allows this component to be shared between projects.

Monte Carlo A form of quantitative risk analysis that, using complex sequences of random numbers, creates a likely distribution
Analysis of various project schedules. A much simpler method is provided by PERT analysis.

MSO Starts the task on a specific date. Use this inflexible constraint when a task has to start on a given date. Can create a
scheduling conflict if this date is violated.

MPP The default binary file storage format for Microsoft Project. Can not be read by any other applications.

Microsoft Project can calculate and display a critical path for each independent network of tasks within the project
Multiple or program. This sets the late finish date for tasks without successors or constraints to be to be the same as their
Critical Paths early finish date, thus becoming critical. A project-specific setting, this setting is set or cleared within the Calculation
tab of the Options dialog box (Tools..Options).

Multiple Task A variation of the Task Information dialog that allows one setting to be applied to several tasks at the same time.
Information For example; to change two tasks to be a fixed duration type, select both of them (with Click and CTRL+Click) and
then click on the Task Information button.

My The My Documents folder is the default working folder used by Microsoft Office applications. Documents will be
Documents opened from or saved to this folder by default.
Top Of Page
Negative When the total slack (or total float) on a task is negative, its scheduled finish is too late for its successor(s) to begin on
Slack the date required by an inflexible constraint. Negative slack is sometimes referred to as 'Hyper-Criticality'.

Network A combination of predecessor and successor tasks linked together in a logical sequence by means of precedence.

Network A diagram that graphically shows tasks and their associated links. Tasks are represented by boxes (or nodes), and links
Diagram are represented by lines that connect the boxes. Various layout and box style options are available. Network Diagrams
are also referred to as PERT charts.

Non- The series of tasks that need not be completed on time for a project to finish on schedule. Each task on the non-critical
Critical path possesses a degree of slack.

Non- A non-critical task possesses some slack (or float). This task can be delayed within its slack without delaying the project
Critical finish date.

Non Time scheduled by the shift pattern within a calendar to indicate when work can not be accomplished. Microsoft
Working Project's default non working values are from 12AM-8AM, 12PM-1PM and 5PM-12AM (00:00-08:00 and 12:00-13:00
Time and 17:00-24:00).

Normal The most common task. Assignments are made against normal tasks. Drawn on a Gantt chart from scheduled start to
Tasks scheduled finish.
Top Of Page

Why you are doing the project, as listed in the client requirements
Objectives definition. The business benefits that the project will provide when it is
completed. Often broken down to three basic project objectives: Time; Cost;

Office The animated character that provides advice within Microsoft Project and
Assistant other Microsoft Office products. Can also be used to locate specific help
topics and items.

Object Linking and Embedding - a program-integration technology to

OLE share information between applications. Information can be shared
through linked and embedded objects between all application programs
that support OLE.

Organization A hierarchical depiction of the project organization, often broken down by

Breakdown functional area, department, manager, team leader and so on. This links
Structure with the work breakdown structure to form a responsibility matrix. An OBS
is often referred to as a Resource Breakdown Structure.

A tabbed dialog box in which to copy project components: views, tables,

Organizer filters, calendars, reports, forms, toolbars, maps, and VBA modules to other
documents. It can also copy objects to and from the GLOBAL.MPT file.

Orientation The aspect of a printed view or report. Charts suit a landscape orientation,
whilst sheets suit a portrait orientation.

Moving a task to a higher outline level (to the left) in the task name column.
Outdenting Usually done with the Outdent button. See also indenting.
A structured collection of tasks
to represent phases of work
within a project, in which the
normal tasks and milestones
Outline are grouped (as subtasks)
beneath their respective
summary tasks. The outline is
also referred to as a work
breakdown structure (WBS).

A user-defined code that is primarily used to identify tasks within the

project. This code (which can be formatted using a mask) can be used to
Outline create additional structures within the project (for example cost breakdown
Code structures or product breakdown structures) in addition to the standard
WBS. Outline codes can also be applied to resources. Use enterprise outline
codes for use in a program environment.

Outline The hierarchical position of the task within the project's outline. A level of 1
Level is at the top (usually the main summary tasks) with levels 2,3,4 and so on
representing subsequent levels beneath.

Outline Numbers that indicate where a task is positioned in the project's outline.
Number For example, a task with an outline number of 3.4 indicates that it's the
fourth subtask within the third top-level summary task.

An icon beside a summary task to indicate that its subtasks are displayed,
Outline or collapsed. Clicking on the icon will expand or collapse the outline, similar
Symbol to the way that Windows Explorer expands or collapses the view of folders
on a hard disk.

Overtime A rate applied against a resource for work (by the hours or days or even
Rate week) which is entered as overtime work.

The amount of work on an assignment that can be scheduled beyond a

resource's normal shift pattern. Charged at the resource's overtime rate, it
Overtime is not additional work against the assignment. For example, if an
Work assignment has 48 hours of standard work and 16 hours of overtime work,
the total work on the assignment is 48 hours, but the assignment will only
take 32 hours to complete, hence reducing the duration of the assignment
and potentially reducing the duration of its related task.
Top Of Page

Page Break A way to keep related information on a page by inserting a page break, putting the information above the break
(shown by a gridline) on one page and the information below the break on another printed page.

Page Setup Providing controls for; margins, orientation, headers, footers and other general formatting options when printing
views and reports.

Parallel When assignments for a resource overlap in the same time frame. This often causes a resource conflict if demand
Assignments exceeds supply.

The highest assigned units value for all assignments for a resource. If a resource is assigned to 1 task at 50%
Peak Units assigned units and another task at 150% assigned units, the peak units value would be 150%. If peak units > max
units, there will be a resource conflict.
When a task is first created, its percent complete is zero. When the task is updated with values for actual duration,
remaining duration, or actual work (which affects actual duration), Microsoft Project calculates percent complete
Complete Percent Complete = (Actual Duration / Duration) * 100
If a value is entered in the % Complete field, Microsoft Project automatically calculates actual duration and
remaining duration, based around the a task's currently scheduled duration. Microsoft Project will also copy a
task's scheduled start into actual start and scheduled finish to actual finish if the task is marked as 100% complete.

Percent Work The percentage of the resource's work that has been completed. It is a calculated value based upon the actual work
Complete done by the resource across all their assignments, using the formula: Percent Work Complete = (Actual Work /
(Resources) Work) * 100.

Percent Work The percentage of the task's work that has been completed. Either an entered value, or it is calculated from the
Complete actual work (task) as percent work complete = (actual work / work) * 100 (by default).

PERT analysis is a simple form of quantitative risk analysis and can be applied to a schedule to help estimate the
duration of a task. After the entry of optimistic, pessimistic, and expected durations for each of the tasks, Microsoft
PERT Analysis Project will calculate a weighted average of the three durations and determine a single duration estimate for each
task. Gantt charts can display the results of critical path analysis taking all tasks at their optimistic, pessimistic and
expected values. A button on the analysis toolbar provides access to PERT commands.

PERT Chart A diagram that graphically shows tasks and their associated links. Tasks are represented by boxes (or nodes), and
links are represented by lines that connect the boxes. The PERT Chart is more correctly called a network diagram.

Phase A number of subtasks summarized by one or more summary tasks within the project's outline. Phases are often
used to group common items of work together.

Physical A user-defined estimate of the progress of a task that is not calculated by Microsoft Project or based upon the
Percent task's duration. Use this value as a personal estimate of a task's progress. BCWP values for tasks can be calculated
Complete based upon percent complete (the default) or physical percent complete.

Pivot Chart A graphical representation of the data contained within a pivot table.

An interactive table to summarize or crosstabulate large amounts of data. Different summaries can be found by
Pivot Table manipulating its rows and columns, or by applying filters. Pivot tables can be found within the portfolio analyzer or
they can contain exported data within Microsoft Excel.

Placeholder A temporary resource name used for estimating resource requirements. Once a project is approved, placeholder
Resource resources can be replaced with actual resources (real people). This replacement can be achieved manually or by
using the resource substitution wizard.

Planning Planning wizards provide advice as you work with Microsoft Project. They are active by default, but their options
Wizard can be selected or cleared within the General tab of the Options dialog box.

Portfolio A way to analyze resource performance, costs, or schedule information within a project or across multiple projects
Analyzer by using a pivot table or a pivot chart.

Portfolio A way to model different project resource scenarios to determine the feasibility of a new project. It can also be
Modeler used to prioritize existing projects and resources, or find potential problems within a portfolio of multiple projects.

Portrait A vertical page orientation, with more rows than columns, this style is best suited to sheets and reports.

A task that must start or finish before another task can start or finish. Tasks without predecessors are known as
Predecessor dangles or hangers.
Precedence The method for creating a network of linked tasks. In order for a task to take place, consider what preceding tasks
must first be complete.

Accessed using the Tools..Options command, preference settings that apply to the current project and to Microsoft
Project in general are contained within a tabbed dialog box entitled Options. A wide number of settings within this
dialog box define:
Scheduling parameters
Calculation options (including critical path analysis)
How views are displayed
Preference General system switches
Settings Editing rules
Calendar defaults
Spelling rules
Workgroup parameters
Save options
Collaboration options (workgroup options)

The start and finish of a task prior to resource leveling being activated. It provides a before / after comparison to
Preleveled display the change in schedule as a result of the leveling process. Preleveled bars are displayed in the Leveling
Gantt view.

PRINCE A methodology for controlling 'PRojects IN Controlled Environments' that looks at planning and controlling a
project from the perspective of the products that the project will provide.

Printer Driver Information that tells Windows a printer's characteristics, so that Microsoft Project can provide hard-copies or

Priority The importance of a task when leveling is carried out. It is a numeric value from 0 (lowest) to 1000 (highest) - with
500 being the default. Priorities are especially useful when leveling in a program environment.

Product Used as an alternative to the WBS, the PBS is a useful way to use outline codes to group the project's tasks by the
Breakdown products that the project will produce. These products could be the high-level deliverables that are defined within
Structure the CRD and PRD documents.

A number of interrelated projects form a program. They often contain external tasks and share scarce resources
from a common resource pool. Thought should go into how programs are established regarding information flow,
Program access privileges, leveling priorities and many other important factors. Programs are usually made up of
consolidated projects, built up from a number of master projects and subprojects. Programs can be stored as a
common database of projects within Project Server.

Often found in larger organizations, program offices oversee the work of several project managers. The program
Program office may create consolidations of projects and they would usually be responsible for creating and administering
Office project management standards and procedures. A Project Server administrator would normally reside within a
program office.

A visual display of project progress that can be added to any of the Gantt Chart or Tracking Gantt based views.
Progress Based around a given progress date (usually the current date or status date), a progress line connects in progress
Lines tasks. If peaks within this line point to the left, work is behind schedule and if peaks point to the right, work is
ahead of schedule.
Project A way to access all the projects that have been published to Project Server.

Project Information about the project stored as a file within a folder on a disk upon a computer. Project documents can be
Document accessed by more than one user and can be saved in more than one file format. Project documents can also exist
as database tables within Project Server.

The latest date for any work in a project plan to complete by. This date is normally calculated with a forward pass. It
Project Finish is relative to the project start date plus the longest schedule of tasks within the project. Resource leveling beyond
Date slack can also determine this date. A project finish date can also be entered within the Project Information dialog,
whereby all new tasks will be set as ALAP.

Situated within a sidepane, the Project Guide provides step-by-step assistance in undertaking frequently done
Project Guide tasks within Microsoft Project. Use it to help in the creation of new plans, to assign resources, to format views and
so on. Custom guides can also be created.

Project Similar to the CRD and PRD documents, the Project Initiation Document (PID) contains information needed to start
Initiation the project and ways to convey information to project team members and stakeholders. Used as part of the
Document PRINCE methodology.

Project When a new file is created, Microsoft Project prompts for general project information, by default. You are required
Information to enter a project start date or finish date and (optionally) a current date and a status date. In addition, you can
Dialog determine which calendar is used as a base calendar and the default leveling order that will apply to all new tasks.

Three basic objectives that a project must meet to ensure its successful conclusion:
Time Objective
Cost Objective
Objectives Quality Objective
Often drawn on the corners of a triangle, the objectives form the basis of the project's strategic information. They
also relate to one another; for example a reduction in time may incur additional cost or may reduce overall quality.
Project objectives are often a contractual agreement between the project manager, the project's sponsor and the
project's stakeholders.

What your project will deliver and how you will be judged (often by the project sponsor). Usually contains the
following headings:
Key personnel - who is responsible for what who the stakeholders are
Objectives - why you are doing it
Scope - project boundaries
Project Deliverables - what it will provide
Requirements Acceptance criteria - how you will be judged
How you will be performing it: major milestones; change control procedures
Constraints - conditions adhering to the project
Dependant / driver projects - other related projects or parts of projects
Assumptions - listed unknowns about the project
Client acceptance - a signature

Project Work, time and cost are resources of the project that are consumed in its execution. For example, doing some work
Resources will take some time and incur some cost, as its accomplishment adds to meeting the project's overall objectives.
A centralized database to enable collaborative planning and status reporting among workgroup members, project
Project Server managers, and other stakeholders. Utilizing a web-based format, data can be manipulated and analyzed using
Project Web Access.

A project-level summary displaying a comparison between baseline, current, actual and remaining values for the
Project project's schedule and its duration, work and cost. Also displays percent complete and percent work complete
Statistics values for the project as a whole. Accessed by the Project Statistics button or the Project..Project
Information..Statistics command. This information can also be printed by using the 'Project Summary' report.

Project A task (on row 0 of a table) to display the length of the project's schedule, the total work involved, and the total
Summary cost of the project. The option to display the project summary task is selected or cleared within the View tab of the
Task Options dialog box.

Project Start The earliest date in a project plan. Set within the Project Information dialog box. When work on tasks can
Date commence unless they posess predecessors or constraints. When projects are scheduled from a start date, all
newly-created tasks are set as ASAP.

Project Web A method for viewing and manipulating information within a Project Server database using a browser interface.
Access Each copy of Project Web Access requires its own client access license (CAL).

A method by which a Project Server database (and the workgroup members that are linked to the server) is
Publish updated with task, assignment or project information (for example schedule changes to assignments or revised
project costs).

Qualitative An interactive team-based method for determining the likelihood and impact of risk upon a project. It utilizes
Risk Analysis techniques such as cause-and-effect diagrams to find risks and risk matrices to help qualify and quantify risks.
Following this analysis, risk mitigation would be performed to eliminate or reduce risks.

One of the three project objectives. A definition of the quality (as defined within the client requirements and project
Quality requirements documents) that the project must adhere to deliver the items defined within the project's scope. By
Objective carefully defining the project's deliverables and monitoring progress against them, you can see if this objective is
being met. See also cost objective; time objective.

Quantitative A mathematical approach to the likelihood and impact of changes to a project's schedule. Involves techniques such
Risk Analysis as PERT analysis and Monte Carlo analysis.
Top Of Page

Recurring A task that is repeated at defined intervals. These intervals can be for a fixed number of occurrences or based
Task around specific dates. Each recurring task has a SNET constraint applied to it.

The amount of time required to complete the unfinished portion of a task. With a value for an actual duration, it is
calculated as:
Remaining duration = duration - actual duration
Duration If a % complete value is entered for the task, it is calculated as:
Remaining duration = duration - (duration * % complete)
Remaining duration values can also be entered against tasks, recalculating the task's duration and percent
complete values.

Remaining Shows the amount of time, or hours, still required by a resource assigned to a task to complete an assignment.
Work Calculated as remaining work = assigned work - actual work.
Work Shows the amount of time, or person-hours, still required by a resource to complete all assigned tasks.

Remaining Shows the amount of time, or person-hours, still required by all assigned resources to complete a task. This value
Work (Task) should be for review purposes; as if a value is entered, Microsoft Project divides the remaining work entered
amongst the assigned resources.

Report A list of all available reports, applicable to tasks or resources. Accessed by using the View..Reports command,
Library followed by the Custom button. Originally held in GLOBAL.MPT, reports are stored to the local project document
once they have been accessed. Reports can be edited directly (or copied to create new reports) within the library.

Report A predefined format for a hard-copy report (which may be customizable).


A tabular format for hard-copy reports. Can be based around tables or in a crosstab format. Reports can be edited
Reports and new ones created by selecting the 'Custom' option. The Organizer allows this component to be shared
between projects.

Request An assignment for a resource that could be substituted by the Resource Substitution Wizard with an alternative
Assignment resource that possesses suitable skills to carry out the assignment and who also possesses greater availability. See
also demand assignment.

Reschedule An automatic updating option that reschedules remaining work on a task or tasks after the current date / status
Uncompleted date, controlled upon the setting of split in-progress tasks.
Work To Start

A combination view showing a Leveling Gantt view below and a resource usage view above. It is especially useful
Resource in displaying why resources are overallocated, as the task bars below relate only to the resource currently selected
Allocation above. Decisions can then be made as to how best to resolve any resource conflict or simply how to utilize
View resource time most efficiently. Can be applied by using the Resource Allocation View button on the resource
management toolbar or from within the view library.

Resource A hierarchical depiction of the project organization, often broken down by functional area, manager team leader
Breakdown and so on. Custom outline codes can be used to define the RBS in greater detail. RBS fields are also used within an
Structure enterprise resource pool. The RBS can also be linked with the work breakdown structure to form a responsibility
matrix. The RBS is also known as an Organization Breakdown Structure.

Resource A calendar that specifies working time and non working time for an individual resource. Resource calendars can
Calendar define unique exceptions for individuals, such as holidays / vacations, different working days, or different shift
patterns. Resource calendars use the project's calendar (normally called 'Standard') as their base calendar.

Resource Utilizing Project Server, how the enterprise resource pool can be accessed, for example to change enterprise
Center resource details, such as skill codes or costs.

A conflict is where the demand for a resource exceeds its supply. This is usually for the following reasons:
Assigned units > max units
Resource A resource is assigned outside the boundaries of its availability profile
Resource assignments are in parallel
Resource conflicts can also exist when a resource from a common resource pool or an enterprise resource pool is
assigned to parallel tasks across two or more projects.
Resource The resource form view provides detailed tracking and scheduling information about a project's resources, one
Form View resource at a time. This form can be used in isolation, but it is most useful when displayed in a lower pane,
displaying additional information about the resource selected in the upper pane.
Resource Displays information about the allocation, work, or cost of resources over time. It displays information for one
Graph View resource at a time, for selected resources, or for a resource and the selected resources simultaneously.

Resource A way to categorize resources by a common grouping. For example, a group name could be 'Technical' or 'Sales'.
Group This field can be grouped and filtered upon.

Resource A global filter to select resources by resource group. Ensure that all resources share the same group name for
Group Filter consistency; for example 'Management' and not 'Mgt.' or 'Mgmt.'

Resource A step-by step way to add resources to the enterprise resource pool. Resources can be imported from an existing
Import project's resource pool or they can be imported from other sources including Excel spreadsheets and ODBC
Wizard databases.

Management Provides tools to assist in scheduling and optimizing assignments; for example resource allocation and task entry.

Resource A set of resources that are available for assignment to project tasks. A resource pool can be used exclusively by one
Pool project or can be shared as a common resource pool in a program environment. See also enterprise resource pool.

Resource Displays information about each resource in a number of tables. Useful in creating a project's resource pool,
Sheet View especially when using the entry table as its fields are most appropriate to the resource definition process.

Resource An automated way to assign and replace requested resources for one project or within a program of projects. The
Substitution wizard takes into account the skills required to perform tasks, skill codes for resources in the enterprise resource
Wizard pool, together with resource availability across several projects.

Resource Providing rows of resource and assignment information, together with values (work / cost / baseline and other
Usage View information) that are timephased. Provides full editing facilities in how an assignment may be defined.

Resources are the people, equipment and supplies used to complete tasks in a project. When work-type resources
Resources are assigned to complete tasks, they create the project resource: Work. Resources that are assigned to tasks but do
not create work are known as material resources. Resources that simply represent skill categories are known as
generic resources.

A view that displays information from the resource database within Microsoft Project. Resource views include:
Resource sheet
Resource Resource graph
View Resource usage
Resource allocation
Resource form

A structure that relates the tasks from the work breakdown structure with the resources from the organization
Responsibility breakdown structure to ensure that all of the project's scope is assigned responsibility and accountability. It is also
Matrix useful in determining what information is provided for and received from which project team member or
A task field that indicates the beginning of the remaining portion of a task. This would normally be immediately
following the stop date if a task is on schedule. If the task has been split so remaining work is after the current date
Resume or the status date, the resume date may be much later than the stop date. This field is usually calculated by
Microsoft Project, but it can also be entered.

Right-Aligned Text aligned to the right-hand side of a column or cell.

Right-Click Using the secondary mouse button (the right button by default) to provide an alternative course of action - usually
a shortcut menu.

Risk An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or (more often) negative effect upon the project's

Methods for determining and mitigating the risks that may be present in a project. Risk analysis takes two basic
Risk Analysis Qualitative risk analysis.
Quantitative risk analysis.

Risk Matrix A diagrammatic way of determining the likelihood of a risk occurring, compared with the impact upon the project
if it did occur. This method is an ideal way for a project team to qualify and quantify which risks require mitigation.

A qualitative strategy for dealing with project risks. Mitigation options include:
Acceptance - Not changing the project plan to deal with a risk that is usually determined to be either very
unlikely or have a very low impact.
Risk Avoidance - Changing the project plan to eliminate a risk or protect a project's objectives from the impact of
Mitigation the risk.
Contingencies - A plan of action to deal with the time or cost impacts of a risk occurring.
Risk reduction - Actions to reduce the likelihood of a risk occurring or the impact upon the project if it did.
Risk transfer - Shifting the impact of a risk (along with its ownership) to a third party.

Row Within a table, objects (tasks resources or assignments) occupy the rows. Information about the objects is
contained in cells, which relate to fields displayed within the table's columns.

Usually displayed in the locked first column of a table, clicking on a row heading selects the entire task / resource,
Row Heading rather than a cell of information. Use this when cutting and pasting tasks / resources, or when moving objects with
the cell drag and drop function.
Top Of Page

Schedule The timing and sequence of tasks within a project. A schedule is calculated (using critical path analysis and
(optionally) resource leveling) taking task durations, links and constraints into account.

Schedule Displays information for reviewing when tasks can start and finish, together with any free time (slack) that they may
Table possess. The table's columns contain the fields: ID; task name; scheduled start; scheduled finish; late start; late finish;
free slack (float); total slack (float).

Scheduled The current date and time when a task can be completed by. Initially equal to the task's early finish, it can be delayed
Finish as a result of constraints or by a leveling delay. If the task is completed, this date will be equivalent to the task's
actual finish date.
Scheduled The current date and time when a task can commence. Initially equal to the task's early start, it can be delayed as a
Start result of constraints or by a leveling delay. If the task is in progress or completed, this date will be equivalent to the
task's actual start date.

Scheduling By default, Microsoft Project provides automatic scheduling, calculating when tasks will occur by using the process of
critical path analysis. More advanced scheduling will take resource leveling and PERT analysis into account.

Scheduling Where a combination of task durations and links violate a constrained date or a deadline date. This gives rise to
Conflict negative slack. Can also be caused by resource leveling.

The method by which work is calculated. It takes the format:

Formula Assigned work = assigned units x task duration
Dependant upon the chosen task type, a change to one variable can affect another variable.

Scheduling Messages about schedule inconsistencies; for example the existence of a scheduling conflict.

The boundaries of the project (or even the task); what it will and will not include. This is usually listed within the client
Scope requirements definition (CRD) and project requirements definition (PRD) documents. This also relates to the quality
objective for the project.

Screen Tip A small pop-up help bubble, indicating what a command does, or what an indicator displays, or further information
about what the cursor is currently placed over.

Scroll To scroll forwards (to the right), click on the arrow to the right of the scroll bar. To scroll backwards (to the left), click
Arrow on the arrow to the left of the scroll bar.

Scroll Bars Use the scroll bar to scroll within charts or tables. Scroll bars can be either vertical or horizontal and are located at
the right side and bottom edge of scrollable panes of the window.

Scroll Box The small grey square in the middle of a scroll bar. To scroll rapidly to another part of the chart or table, drag the
scroll box.

Search A project document can be searched by its file name, type, date last modified, or text within the file or by the file
properties. Search criteria can also be saved to the project document.

Select All The select all button appears in the upper-left corner of tables and selects all the rows and columns in a table. It can
Button also be used to force a critical path analysis reschedule of the plan. It also provides a useful shortcut menu for table

Selective A mechanism by which only certain resources are included or excluded from the leveling process. Can be achieved
Leveling by selecting particular resources to be levelled or by using a can level switch against particular resources.

Set as Copies current preference settings to the PC's registry, making them available to all new projects. Beware of using
Default this button inadvertently.

Sharer A project that takes its resources by sharing with a common resource pool.

Made up from tables, sheets represent information in rows and columns. Sheets include:
Task sheet
Resource sheet
Sheets are often useful as the basis for printed views and are best produced in portrait notation.
SHIFT+Click Holding down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and Clicking the left mouse button. This can be used to select all
objects between the first and last click points. See also CTRL+Click.

Shift A period of working time defined within a calendar. Microsoft Project's default shift pattern for all new projects is
Pattern from 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM (08:00-1200 and 13:00-17:00). Care should be taken to ensure a degree of
consistency between the shift pattern and the project's hours per day.

Shortcut Shortcut menus appear when you Right-Click while the cursor is over an enabled region of the screen. They provide
Menu a quick alternative to accessing frequently used commands.

Side Pane Situated to the left side of a window, the sidepane displays help and additional information defined within the
Project Guide.

Size A percentage value representing the width of a minor scale increment for a chart. See also enlargement factor.

Skill Codes An enterprise outline code to define the specific skills that a resource possesses.

The amount of time a task can slip before it has an affect on other tasks or the project finish date. There are two basic
types of slack:

Slack Total slack

Free slack
Also referred to as float.

Slack Bar A bar on the Gantt chart to represent a task's calculated slack (normally drawn from the scheduled finish to the late
finish (total slack)).

How much a task has been delayed within a project's schedule. Usually equivalent to the task's finish variance (the
difference between baseline finish and the current finish).
If finish variance = start variance - task is usually delayed due to a predecessor.
If finish variance > start variance - task is due to take longer than planned.
If finish variance < start variance - task may be catching up on any delays.
Use the global filter 'Slipping tasks' for general slippages, AutoFilters to help find discrete ones.

Offering immediate assistance with a choice of possible outcomes, smart tags explain some of the idiosyncrasies
within Microsoft Project. They can be invoked when:
Assigning more than one person to a task.
Smart Tag Changing task start / finish dates.
Editing work / units / duration values.
Making deletions within a name column.
Smart tags can be selected or cleared within the Interface tab of the Options dialog box.

The most common constraint (with the exception of as soon as possible). Starts the task on or after the entered date.
SNET Use this flexible constraint when a task can not start until a given date. This constraint can be created by typing in a
date in a task's 'Start' field, or by dragging a bar through time using a Gantt Bar cursor . An indicator highlights the
presence of this constraint.

SNLT Starts the task on or before the entered date. Use this flexible constraint when a task must start by a specific date.
Source The program in which the data originally resides when exchanging data with Microsoft Project. See also destination
Program program.

Within earned value analysis, the Schedule Performance Index. Calculated as the ratio of budgeted cost of work
SPI performed (BCWP) and budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). SPI = BCWP/BCWS. If this value is 1 then the
project, summary task or task is exactly on schedule. If the value is less than 1, then things are behind schedule;
greater than 1, things are ahead of schedule. See also SV.

Spin A spin control allows you to go up or down through options without using the keyboard, for example changing a
Control task's duration.

With the option selected, you can enter the date that work stopped on a task and the date it resumed. Also when
Split In- selected, Microsoft Project can reschedule uncompleted work to start. With the option cleared, the stop and resume
Progress fields can not be edited when task tracking information is updated. Also when cleared, Microsoft Project can not
Tasks automatically reschedule remaining work into the future. This check box is set or cleared within the Schedule tab of
the Options dialog box (Tools..Options).

Split Task Usually used to suspend and resume work upon a task. A split can be created manually with the Split Task button.

One of the project's stakeholders who will receive the business benefits that the project will provide. Usually
Sponsor provides (or authorizes) the client requirements definition. Usually communicates strategic information to and from
the project manager.

An individual, individuals or organization with a vested interest in a project. This interest may be financial, procedural
Stakeholder or the stakeholder may receive the business benefits that the project provides. The most obvious stakeholder is the
sponsor. Stakeholders provide and receive strategic information.

Standard A rate applied against a resource for standard work (by the hours, day, week and so on) that represents assigned
Rate work less any overtime work. By default, this rate is constant for each resource, but it can be varied by the application
of a cost rate table.

Standard Provides Microsoft Office standard tools; new, open, save, cut, copy, paste and so on plus Microsoft Project-specific
Toolbar ones including; information, zoom in, zoom out, copy picture.

Standard The total amount of work (expressed simply as work) for a task, resource or assignment. It includes assigned work,
Work actual work and remaining work, but does not include overtime work.

Start (Task) The scheduled start for a task.

Start How much a task's start date has been delayed within a project's schedule. Usually calculated as the difference
Variance between baseline start and the current scheduled start. Sometimes used as a parameter when determining slippage.

Displays information at the base of the window about the current activity or mode. The right side of the status bar
Status Bar shows whether the Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, Overtype, Add To Selection and Extend Selection modes are
enabled, whilst in the centre, messages appear for special conditions that apply to the active project.

Status Date A date (usually the same as the current date) against which earned value calculations are performed. Set within the
Project Information dialog box.

A task field that indicates the end of the actual portion of a task. If a task is complete, this will be the actual finish
date. If the task is in progress, this date will be a date between the actual start and the actual finish, relative to the
Stop task's actual duration or its percent complete. This field is usually calculated by Microsoft Project, but it can also be
entered. See also the resume field.
High-level information about how the project is meeting its objectives:
Time - milestone dates; summary task schedules; slippage reports.
Information Cost - earned value analyses; cost variance reports.
Communicated between the Project Manager and the project's stakeholders. See also tactical information.

A project inserted into another (master) project. Use subprojects as a way to break complex projects into more
Subproject manageable parts. Subprojects can be inserted into composite projects or they can be embedded within
consolidated projects. Subprojects often share resources by accessing a common resource pool.

Subtask A normal task or milestone task that is part of the project's outline, which is encompassed within a summary task.

Successor A task that can not start or finish until another task starts or finishes. Controlled by a link of various dependency
types. Tasks without successors are known as dangles or hangers.

A task that summarizes a group of tasks (normal tasks and milestone tasks) beneath it. It is drawn from the
Summary scheduled start of the earliest of its subtasks to the scheduled finish of the latest of its subtasks, taking its work and
Task cost values as the sum of its subtasks. Summary tasks are used to represent phases within the project and are at the
top levels of a project's outline.

Within earned value analysis, the SV (earned value schedule variance) field is calculated as BCWP - BCWS. It is the
difference in cost terms between how much work should have been achieved up to the status date or the current
SV date and how much work has been achieved. A positive SV value indicates that progress against the task, summary
task, project or resource is ahead of the baseline schedule. A negative SV value indicates a schedule slippage. See
also SPI.

System The PC's current date and time. When Microsoft Project starts, the project's current date is set from the PC's system
Date date.
Top Of Page

Tables within Microsoft Project are made up of sets of columns containing fields of information describing the tasks
or resources within each row of the table. Tables include:

Table Tracking
Tables are applied to charts or sheets. There are separate tables for tasks and for resources (for example, there is an
entry table for tasks and an entry table for resources). The Organizer allows this component to be shared between

Table A dialog box to allow existing tables to be modified, or new ones to be defined. Provides access to task or resource
Definition fields, dependant upon the type of table (task/resource).
Dialog Box

Table A list of all available tables, applicable to tasks or resources. Accessed by using the View..Table..More Tables
Library command. Originally held in GLOBAL.MPT, tables are stored to the local project document once they have been
accessed. Tables can be edited within the table definition dialog, or new ones can be added to the library.
Detailed, localized information regarding the project's tasks and assignments. Often communicated to and from the
"Doers" (who may be workgroup members) within the project by using reports, Project Web Access or email. At a
Tactical task level, it may comprise of:
Information Actual start, actual finish, remaining duration, percent complete.
Information can also be at an assignment level. See also strategic information.

Task Bars Graphical bars on the Gantt chart depicting the timing of project tasks. They are normally drawn from the task's
scheduled start to its scheduled finish.

Task A definition of working time and non working time (in shift patterns) that can be applied to a task or tasks within a
Calendar project. Task calendars can be created (in a similar way to creating base calendars) within the Change Working Time
dialog box (Tools..Change Working Time).

Task Entry A combination view containing a Gantt chart in the upper pane and a task form in the lower pane. Useful for
View modifying resource assignments. Can be called from the Task Entry View button on the resource management
toolbar or from the view library.

Task Form The task form view provides detailed tracking and scheduling information about a project's tasks, one task at a time.
View This form can be used in isolation, but it is most useful when displayed in a lower pane, displaying additional
information about the task selected within the upper pane. It is normally invoked by the Window..Split command.

Additional words that can convey more detail or instructions about a task. They could contain:
Deliverable lists.
Task Notes Quality criteria.
Links to other documents (spreadsheets / WP documents and so on).
To-do Lists.

Task Pane Situated to the left of the window, a task pane provides a number of shortcut options, for example in opening project
documents from disk.

Task Sheet Displays information about each task in a number of tables. Useful in creating a project's task list when using the
View 'Entry' table, as its fields are most appropriate to task definition. Can also be used as the basis for printed date
information, best displayed in a portrait notation.

Tasks in a project can be scheduled according to which type best suits the nature of the task:
Fixed units (the default).
Task Type
Fixed work.
Fixed duration.

Task Usage Providing rows of task and assignment information, together with values (work / cost / baseline and other
View information) that are timephased. Provides full editing facilities in how an assignment may be defined.

An activity that has a beginning and an end. Projects are made up of tasks; which, when all completed, indicate the
completion of the project and a meeting of the project's objectives. Types of task are:
Tasks Normal tasks.
Summary tasks.
Milestone tasks.
A view that displays information from the task database within Microsoft Project. Task views include:
Gantt chart.
Leveling Gantt.
PERT chart / network diagram.
Task View
Task entry.
Task form.
Task sheet.
Task usage.
Tracking Gantt.

A file (suffixed .MPT) containing source information about resources, calendars, filters views and other project
components. Templates can also contain tasks. Projects can be created from templates, just as documents are
Templates created from templates using word processors. This promotes standardization. The global file (GLOBAL.MPT) is a
master template file that can contain formatting information for all projects, but can't store task, resource, or
assignment information.

A formatting parameter that applies to every occurrence of a particular item. Useful in highlighting text entries that
Text Styles meet criteria (for example; milestones, summary tasks, highlight filters). Set by using Format..Text Styles command,
or with the Text button when defining reports.

The total span of working time or elapsed time required to complete a task, summary task or the entire project.
Time When related to work, it is the time between when the first work (assignment) commenced and the last work was

One of the three project objectives. A definition of the time available (as defined within the client requirements and
Time project requirements documents) to complete a project from its project start date to when it should be finished
Objective (which becomes the baseline finish). This can be compared to the current project finish date to see if this time
objective is being met. See also cost objective; quality objective.

Timephased Values for tasks, resources and assignments distributed against a timescale. For an assignment, this field can also be
Field edited, creating a user-defined contour. Timephased fields are visible within the task usage and resource usage

The time period indicator that appears at the top of most chart views. It consists of a major scale (middle tier) and,
below it, a minor scale (bottom tier). These scales can display in units ranging from minutes to years. A size value (or
Timescale enlargement factor) controls the width of the minor scale increments, which can be displayed using a variety of
labels. Within Microsoft Project 2002, a top tier is also available. This tier could display yearly information, for
example a fiscal year.

Rather than break a task down into lots of subtasks (which all need to be tracked with progress), a to-do list can tell
To-Do Lists someone responsible for the task what discrete jobs it contains. These jobs can form a simple checklist of what must
to be done; but not necessarily how it needs to be done. Within Project Server, a to-do list can be created to outline a
number of jobs that need to be done. These jobs can eventually become a series of tasks, or even an entire project.

Top-Down A method for creating a project's outline starting with a project summary task and successively breaking the project
Planning down into phases and ultimately tasks and milestones. See also bottom-up planning.
Sets of buttons that are shortcuts to commands. The default toolbars are:
Standard toolbar.
Formatting toolbar.
Other popular toolbars include:
Resource management
The Organizer allows this component to be shared between projects.

Top Level Usually summary tasks, top level tasks are at the highest level within the project's outline. Use the global filter 'Top
Tasks level tasks' to create management reports.

Total Slack Total slack (or total float) is the amount of time a task can slip before it delays the project finish date. See also free

Tracking A variation of the Gantt chart, with bar styles set to show actual bars, baseline bars and percent complete values. By
Gantt View default it displays the entry table.

Tracking Displays information for updating tasks with progress: ID; task name; actual start; actual finish; actual duration;
Table remaining duration; actual work; remaining work; percent complete; physical percent complete. Useful when many
tasks require updating at once.

Tracking Provides tools to help update a project, including update work as complete through, reschedule uncompleted work
Toolbar to start, project statistics.
Top Of Page

Undo Reverses the last command performed, if possible, or deletes the last entry typed. Be aware that Microsoft Project
only has a single-level of undo facility and undo options may often be cleared if the current view is changed.

Unique ID Similar to ID, this is a number relating to a task or resource, except that it can not be changed by the user or by
using cell drag and drop.

Updating Selected, Microsoft Project will automatically calculate the actual work, remaining work and cost for resources
Task Status assigned to a task relative to the tasks percent complete. Cleared, Microsoft Project will expect actual work and
Updates remaining work to be entered for both tasks and assignments. Set within the Calculation tab of the Options dialog
Resource box (Tools..Options).

Update Work An option for Microsoft Project to automatically update (for a task or number of tasks) actual start, actual finish,
as Complete actual work and percent complete values based around the project's current date.

As part of a combination view, the object (task / resource) in the upper pane selects the detailed information that is
Upper Pane displayed in the lower pane below. For example, with a Gantt chart view in the upper pane and the task form view
in the lower pane, when a task in the Gantt Chart is selected, the task form view displays detailed information about
that particular task.
An acronym for Uniform Resource Locator, a standard convention for naming and locating an object on the
Internet. They can be used in project documents to link to other HTML enabled documents on an intranet, an
URL extranet or the Internet. When connecting to Project Server, the server's URL will need to be used within each
Microsoft Project client PC and also within the browser software that is using Project Web Access.

An option when creating custom fields to define a list of possible field values. These values can be a restricted list,
Value List allowing ONLY list items to be applied to a task or resource. An example would be a list of cost areas, departments
or responsibilities.

Variable Upon completion of an assignment, a variable quantity of a material resource that will have been consumed,
Consumption dependant upon the duration of the task to which it has been assigned. See also fixed consumption rate.

The difference between the project's baseline and its current schedule values. Variances in task information usually
Variance refer to differences between the baseline and scheduled dates/work/cost. Variances in resource information usually
refer to differences between the baseline and the scheduled work and costs.

Variance Displays information for reviewing if the current schedule of tasks are on time or not (compared to the project
Table plan's baseline). Its columns contain the fields: ID; task name; scheduled start; scheduled finish; baseline start;
baseline finish; start variance; finish variance.

VBA Visual Basic for Applications - the standard Microsoft language to create program modules (or macros).

A way to look at and modify information in Microsoft Project and, if applicable, contain a table and a filter. Views
can have many formatting options. The most common views are:
Calendar view
Gantt chart
Network diagram
Task usage
Tracking Gantt
Resource graph
Resource sheet
Resource usage
Changes to views are stored in the local project document. All views are available from the view library. Views are
one of the project components and can be copied between projects using the Organizer.

The view bar appears along the left edge of the Microsoft Project window and provides a quick means of changing
View Bar views by just clicking on the icons that appear within it. If the icons are hidden, more of the window is available for
tables and charts. Different views can still be selected with a Right-Click in the narrow left margin.

A list of all available views, applicable to tasks or resources. Accessed using the View..More Views command.
View Library Originally held in GLOBAL.MPT, views are stored to the local project document once they have been accessed.
Views can be edited directly (or copied to create new views) within the library and can also be added to the view
Top Of Page

What-If? A method of experimentation to determine the optimum schedule of tasks or utilization of resources. Project
Analysis documents are usually saved to disk before and after this analysis, often with different version numbers. Interim
baselines can also provide useful comparisons.
Work is the total effort required to complete a task. It is created by the assignment of a resource to accomplish the
Work work against a task, that will be complete once the work has been done. Subsequent assignments may share this
total work value or increase it, dependant upon the task's effort driven status. Work can be summed by resource, by
task and by summary task. It can also be summed by group.

Work A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) provides a hierarchical arrangement of the tasks within the project. Normal
Breakdown tasks and milestones are usually grouped beneath their respective summary tasks, forming the project's outline.
Structure This structure can be linked with the organization breakdown structure to form a responsibility matrix.

Work Table Provides fields to display how much work is being accomplished on a resource by resource basis. Fields include:
(Resources) percentage work complete; work, overtime work; baseline work; work variance; actual work; remaining work.

Work Table Provides fields to display how much work is being accomplished on a task by task basis. Fields include: work;
(Tasks) baseline work; work variance; actual work; remaining work; percentage work complete.

A group of people composed of a workgroup manager and workgroup members who are working on the same
Workgroup project. The workgroup manager assigns tasks to the workgroup members, when a project plan is published and
usually receives progress information from the workgroup members. Within a program there may be many

Workgroup The person in the workgroup responsible for creating and maintaining a project's schedule. Often referred to as a
Manager project manager as well. Assignments against tasks are sent to the workgroup members when a project plan is
published. A workgroup manager will use Microsoft Project and also use Project Web Access.

Workgroup Members of the project team who receive workgroup messages from the workgroup manager. One individual can
Member belong to many workgroups. Workgroup members will usually communicate with the workgroup manager using
Project Web Access.

Working Time scheduled by the shift pattern within a calendar to indicate when work can be accomplished. Microsoft
Time Project's default values are from 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM (08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00). Care should be taken to
ensure that the working time and the project's hours per day do not clash.

A way to illustrate tasks to be accomplished in a diary-type format (calendar view). This approach in describing who
Workplanner will do what and when is ideal for repetitive work over short timescales. It appeals to people who are unfamiliar
with the Gantt chart method of reporting.
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XML A structured method for formatting data for use within web browsers and across the internet. Applications that support
XML (Extensible Markup Language) will be able to share common data elements.

Zoom The degree to which a chart's timescale is formatted to fit the current window. Values include: '1 week'; '3 Months'; 'Entire
Factor Project' and so on. Accessed using the View..Zoom command.

Zoom Changes the timescale of a chart by using smaller units for major scale and minor scale values, thus showing a smaller
In timescale in greater detail.

Zoom Changes the timescale of a chart by using larger units for major scale and minor scale values, thus showing a longer
Out timescale in less detail.

About Project Learning Limited

In addition to Project Companion (the free of charge reference guide to Microsoft Project), Project Learning Limited (http://www also provides Project Mentor (a complete self-paced learning tool for Microsoft Project), together with
classroom courses, master classes, and Microsoft Project implementation and consultancy solutions.

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Administering Security
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Scanning for Viruses Before You Open a Project

Setting Macro Security Levels in Microsoft Project
Protecting Project Files and Information
Protecting project data against malicious attacks, such as tampering, espionage, or intentional destruction is important. If your
work environment subjects your project files to such threats, you should review the options that can help protect your data.
Proper security practices and settings help limit the vulnerability of applications and data to malicious attack. You can use the
Custom Installation Wizard and Custom Maintenance Wizard to set some security options, but other options must be selected by
each user in order to set a protection method.
Some security options available from within Microsoft® Project include:
Scanning for viruses before opening files, including checking for a valid certificate for both the file and any macros included
in the file.
Setting macro security levels and defining trusted sources.
Setting passwords and read/write privileges on Microsoft Project files not saved to a database.
Scanning for Viruses Before You Open a Project
Microsoft Project 2002 allows virus scanning programs to check documents before opening them. When you first open a project,
it will be checked by your current virus scanning program before loading into Microsoft Project 2002. There are two types of anti-
virus software you can use with Microsoft Project. One type looks at the file as it arrives either from a disk or from over the
network; the other type looks at the file whenever it is opened by Microsoft Project. Anti-virus software compatible with the
Microsoft Office anti-virus API examines a file when it is being opened by Microsoft Project. If the file is found to have a virus, the
user is notified prior to the file being activated and displayed in the work area of the application.
A virus scanning program that can check Microsoft Project 2002 files is registered on the computer when it is installed. This
registration enables Microsoft Project to determine how to pass files through the scanning program before they are opened.
When you open a Microsoft Project file, a message is displayed in the status bar indicating that the file is being scanned.
Signing Macros Digitally to Verify the Source

Macro viruses are programs written in the macro languages of applications, for example, Visual Basic® for Applications for
Microsoft Project. These viruses can do serious harm to programs and data. Without proper precautions, macro viruses can be
transmitted to a computer and stored in the global template when an infected project file is opened in Microsoft Project.
Traditional virus protection includes a warning that a file being opened contains macros, with an option to enable or disable the
macro when opening that file. Microsoft Project 2002 enhances macro virus protection by allowing macros in documents to be
digitally signed. A digital signature consists of binary data that is calculated by applying an algorithm to the original data (in this
case, the macro code), and a numeric private key. This private key has a corresponding public key.
When a second algorithm is applied to the digital signature and the public key, that algorithm determines whether the data was
signed by a user with access to the private key. The digital signature establishes the authenticity of the data by indicating whether
or not the data is from the source that the digital signature claims it to be.
Macro security depends on a certificate being associated with the application's data file or executable code attached to a project.
The validation of this certificate requires legitimate authentication of the author who signed the certificate, and authentication of
the digital signature created for the author. Attaching a certificate of authenticity to a file, executable, ActiveX® control, dynamic-
link library (DLL) file, and so on, requires obtaining a certificate from a certificate authority, such as VeriSign.
Using certificates to sign macros

A certificate is a set of data that completely identifies an entity, and is issued by a certificate authority only after that authority has
verified the entity's identity. The data set includes the public key tendered to the entity. The entity obtains a certificate that also
includes the private key, so that the certificate can be used to sign data.
A certificate that contains only a public key is called a public certificate. A certificate that contains public and private keys is called
a private certificate, or personal certificate. Certificates are automatically installed as needed, and stored in the registry by the
operating system.
VeriSign is an example of a certificate authority. You can also produce your own certificates by using Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0,
Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), or Windows XP Certificate Services, or by using the Selfcert.exe
program. The Selfcert.exe program is installed with the Office Tools/Digital Signatures feature of Office or Microsoft Project.
Types of certificates include the following:
Identity Proves user identity when the user is authenticated on a server computer.
E-mail Digitally signs e-mail content to prove that it was produced by a specific user, and encrypts the content so that it
cannot be read or tampered with on a network.
Code-signing Digitally signs code to prove that it was produced by a specific publisher; prevents code tampering.
When you sign Microsoft Project 2002 macros, you must use a code-signing certificate. A public version of the certificate is stored
with the digital signature in signed files. Personal certificates, which can be used to sign and encrypt the macros because they
contain private keys, are also stored on the client computer.
Certificate revocation

By default, the Check for publisher's certificate revocation setting of Microsoft Internet Explorer is disabled. Because Microsoft
Project inherits this setting, Microsoft Project will not check for certificate revocation. Administrators can turn this feature on;
however, it can take a considerable amount of time to analyze whether a certificate has been revoked, because Internet Explorer
has to check a database on the Internet. To enable this setting, select the Check for publisher's certificate revocation check
box in the Advanced tab in the Internet Options dialog under the Security section of the tree view control.
Managing certificates with Internet Explorer

You can manage the certificates installed on a computer by using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
To manage certificates by using Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher

1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, and then click the Content tab.
1. Click Certificates to display the Certificates dialog box.
1. Use the settings in the Certificates dialog box to manage the personal certificates, public certificates, and list of trusted
certificate authorities on your computer.
Using certificate timestamps

Certificates are given expiration dates after which the certificates are no longer valid. Expiration dates are chosen so that the
amount of time between the issue date and expiration date of a certificate is too small for anyone to make the required
computations to produce a private key from a public key and thereby falsify digital signatures.
If a macro is signed with a certificate after the certificate has expired, the signature is not considered valid. Certificate authorities
provide a certified timestamp that can be applied as part of a digital signature when a document is signed. The timestamp proves
when the document was signed and can be compared to the expiration date of the certificate to verify that the document was
signed before the certificate expired.
You can specify the URL of a timestamp authority for Microsoft Project 2002 to use in the following registry key:

You can specify values for the following entries within this subkey:
TimeStampURL String value that provides the URL.
TimeStampRetryCount DWORD value that specifies how many times to attempt to connect to the timestamp URL.
TimeStampRetryDelay DWORD value that specifies how many seconds to wait between retries of the timestamp URL.
Signing macros by using the Visual Basic Editor

You can sign a Microsoft Project 2002 macro in the Visual Basic for Applications Editor before saving the macro.
To sign a macro in the Visual Basic for Applications Editor

1. With the macro open in the Visual Basic for Applications Editor, click Digital Signature on the Tools menu.
1. Click Choose.
1. In the Select Certificate dialog box, select the certificate you want to use. All personal certificates installed on your
computer are listed.
Top Of Page
Setting Macro Security Levels in Microsoft Project
Macro security for Microsoft Project can be set to High, Medium, or Low through the Macro Security dialog box of the user
interface. It is highly recommended to select High or Medium. Setting the security level to Low allows a macro to run without
the knowledge of the user.
The basic definitions of High, Medium, and Low security levels are:
High security Macros must be signed by an acknowledged trusted source. Otherwise, macros in documents are
automatically disabled without warning to the user when the documents are opened.
Medium security Users are prompted to enable or disable macros in documents when the documents are opened.
Low security No macro checking is performed when documents are opened and no macro restrictions are imposed. This
security level is not recommended because it will not protect against malicious programs.
Default installation settings for security can be controlled by using the Specify Office Security Settings page of either the
Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard.

To set the security level in Microsoft Project 2002

1. On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Security.
1. Click the Security Level tab, and then select a security level.
If a system policy for macro security has been set by an administrator, this policy will override any security setting by a particular
user. You can set a system policy for macro security levels that override user settings in the following registry key:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\10.0\MS Project\Security

Set this registry key with the following information:

Value name: Level
Data type: REG_WORD
Value Data: Low, Medium, or High

Programming-related Security Issue

Macro security in prior versions of Microsoft Project was not enabled — that is, security was set to Low — when Microsoft Project
was started by an executable program making a call into the application object. Therefore, any macro would run when Microsoft
Project opened a project and instructed it to run a macro, whether that macro was trusted or not.
To address this issue of low security, a new security method was added to all VBA applications called AutomationSecurity. This
method can be used with the application object for Microsoft Project.

The settings for use with this method are:

For programmers who need to instruct Microsoft Project applications to open files and run macros, it is recommended that they
set the AutomationSecurity method to msoAutomationSecurityByUI prior to opening a file, to conform to the security level
set for the application by the user. For instances where high security is required, use the msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable
setting to disable the running of any macros.
Using Trusted Sources
Using trusted sources is a means of cataloging and allowing signed executables to run on users' computers. With this feature
enabled, users can choose whether to allow executable code or programs to run from sources that can be identified or trusted.
Administrators have the option of turning the trusted sources feature off, or enabling a list of trusted sources as a default. If this
feature is selected, any future installable code (add-ins, applets, executables, and so on) is automatically copied to, or run from, the
user's computer.
The trusted sources feature requires that a special embedded certificate be applied to an executable. This certificate includes a
digital signature that identifies the source, providing assurance to the user because of the rigorous method required to apply a
certificate and digital signature to an executable.
A digital signature is like a seal of approval. The signature ensures that code is from the source listed in the certificate used to sign
it, and ensures that the code has not been tampered with since it was signed by the creators of the certificate. A digital signature
requires developers or creators of code to identify themselves and attach their name to the digital signature. In this way, a digital
signature can be used to prove that the data or code is really from the user or source that the digital signature claims it to be.
Specifying trusted sources in Microsoft Project

When users open a document that contains digitally signed macros and their security level is set to High or Medium, they are
prompted to trust the source if the digital signature has not been previously trusted. If they choose to trust the source, any
document with a macro with that same digital certificate automatically runs its macros. If they accept the digital signature from
that source, any time a new macro, program, or applet with that digital signature is asked to run on the computer, the source is
trusted and the code will run automatically (without prompting), regardless of the security level set for the application.
You have the option to trust all currently installed add-ins and templates on a computer, so that all files installed along with
Microsoft Project or added to the Office templates folder are trusted, even though the files are not signed.
To specify trusted sources in Microsoft Project

1. On the Tools menu, point to Macro, then click Security.

1. Click the Trusted Sources tab.
1. To trust all add-ins and templates currently installed on the computer, select the Trust all installed add-ins and
templates check box.
Presetting trusted sources for all users in your organization

To preset trusted sources on users' computers, you can use the Profile Wizard to save your security settings. On a computer that
has Microsoft Project 2002 installed, open projects with macros signed by the sources you want to trust. Choose to trust the
sources as you open each project.
Use the Profile Wizard to create an OPS file based on your configuration. Then, use the Custom Installation Wizard to include your
OPS file on the administrative installation point. When users run Microsoft Project 2002 Setup from the administrative installation
point, the sources that you specified as trusted sources are also specified as trusted sources on their computers.
Top Of Page
Protecting Project Files and Information
Microsoft Project 2002 supports three levels of file protection. The user who creates a file has read/write permission to a
Microsoft Project file and controls the protection level.
The three levels of file protection are:
File open protection Microsoft Project 2002 requires the user to enter a password to open a file.
File modify protection Microsoft Project 2002 requires the user to enter a password to open the file with read/write
Read-only recommended protection Microsoft Project 2002 prompts the user to open the file as read-only. If the user
clicks No at the prompt, the file is opened with read/write permission, unless the file has other password protection.
Microsoft Project does not use the symmetric encryption routine known as 40-bit RC4. It uses an XOR-based encryption scheme
when saving a file with password protection. Additionally, users cannot protect elements within a Microsoft Project 2002 file, but
must use password protection to protect the entire file. For highest-level security for Microsoft Project files, users can use their
operating system's security features.
Password-protection Options for Microsoft Project
You can password-protect a Microsoft Project file, as long as you are not saving it to Microsoft Project Server. When you are
saving the file, in the Save As dialog box, click Tools, and then click General Options. In the Save Options dialog box, you can
enter a protection password and a write reservation password.

Top Of Page
Linking the Answer Wizard to the Web
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On This Page

Expanding Help on the Web

Customizing Help on the Web
Customizing the Answer Wizard Feedback Form
The Help on the Web feature in Microsoft® Project 2002 connects your users to information about Microsoft Project on the
Microsoft Office Assistance Center Web site. You can customize Help on the Web to point to a site on your intranet. You can also
use Help on the Web to collect user feedback to improve your custom Answer Wizard files and Help topics.
Expanding Help on the Web
You can use the Help on the Web feature to extend the Answer Wizard by providing additional or updated information for users
whose queries are not satisfied by the Help topics returned by the Answer Wizard.
Users typically gain access to Help on the Web through a link provided by the Office Assistant. When a user asks the Office
Assistant a question, the Answer Wizard returns a list of Help topics, which includes the link None of the above, search for
more on the Web as the last entry in the list.
Clicking this link connects users to a feedback form, which they can use to enter comments about the results of their search.
Comments are collected and sent to Microsoft, where support staff evaluate the data and use it to improve both Answer Wizard
Help topics and the Microsoft Office Web site. When users submit the feedback form by clicking Send and go to the Web, the
Microsoft Office Update Web site Search page is displayed in a new browser window. The user can then click on one of the areas
on the map (which sets the user's location) to go to the Microsoft Office Search page and see the results of their search. The next
time a user submits feedback by clicking Send and go to the Web from the feedback form, the browser will go directly to the
Microsoft Office Search page.
If you want users to connect to information on your intranet instead (or if your users don't have access to the World Wide Web),
you can customize the None of the above, search for more on the Web link to point to one of the sites on your intranet. For
example, users might ask about the server that runs Microsoft Project Web Access and then click None of the above, search for
more on the Web. You can redirect their search to your intranet site, where you have a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs)
about Microsoft Project 2002, including any current server issues.
To redirect the None of the above, search for more on the Web link, you just change the destination URL. You can also
customize the text in the Office Assistant and some of the text in the Help topic pane.
Depending on how creative you want to get and how many development resources are available to you, you can create Active
Server Pages (ASP pages) that make the Help on the Web feature even more useful to your organization. The following examples
show you a few of the many ways you can customize Help on the Web to suit your needs.

Directing Users to a Static Page on Your Intranet Site

If you don't want to create a custom ASP page, you can instead create a static Web page. For example, create a Web page that has
a list of FAQs and a telephone number or e-mail address that users can use to contact your organization's support staff.
To implement this solution, all you have to do is create the Web page, delete the text in the Help pane, and supply the static Web
page address as the destination URL.
Using Queries to Create or Expand Your Custom Help Files

If you aren't yet prepared to create a complete custom search system for your users, but you don't want to lose their questions,
you can collect their comments without directing them to a Web site. You can keep track of the kinds of questions your users are
asking and implement a method for handling them later.
If you've already created custom Help and Answer Wizard files for your organization, tracking users' queries and comments can
help you find ways to expand your custom Help. By using their queries, you can research and write more topics and Answer
Wizard questions for your custom Help file, as well as supplement the online Help system that comes with Microsoft Project 2002.
To implement this solution
1. Create an ASP page that logs users' queries and comments.
1. Change the text in the Office Assistant to "Send us comments about your search."
1. Change the text in the Help pane to inform them that their comments will be sent to you.
1. Change the feedback URL to point to your ASP page.

Continuing Users' Searches on Your Intranet Site

You can set up Help on the Web so that it searches your intranet rather than You can also collect users' feedback
for your own use, rather than sending it to Microsoft.
To send users to your Web site, create an ASP page to capture users' questions and search your organization's Web site. Change
the text in the Office Assistant and text in the Help topic pane to tell users where their questions are being sent and where their
browsers are being redirected. Update the feedback URL to point to your ASP page.
Users can search your site for the latest information about internal tools. You can also collect comments about Microsoft Project
2002 and send them on to Microsoft if and when you choose.

Sending Questions to Your Support Staff

You can use a custom ASP page and some of your coding experience to set up a complex system for handling user questions. For
example, you can have users fill in the feedback form with all of their pertinent questions and comments and route the form to
your support staff.
You can then redirect your users to an ASP page with FAQs or provide a link to a Web site that they can use to search for more
information. If they still can't find the answer, your support staff has had time to receive the query, research the answer, and
supply a solution to the problem.
See Also
You can create custom Help content and integrate it with the Microsoft Project Help system, including the Answer Wizard. For
more information, see the Creating Help Topics resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Customizing Help on the Web
You can customize Help on the Web by changing any of the following items: the default URL, the text in the Office Assistant, and
some of the text in the Help pane. Since the Help on the Web feature is shared with Microsoft Office, to customize this feature you
need to set Office system policies. The customizations will apply to Microsoft Project, as well as to Office.
Office system policies are set and modified with the System Policy Editor; this application can be downloaded from the Office XP
Resource Kit Toolbox.
Change the Default URL
By default, the None of the above, search for more on the Web link in the Office Assistant points to the Office Update site on
the Microsoft Web site (after the user has submitted a search by clicking Send and go to the Web from the feedback form, the
link will thereafter point to the Microsoft Office Search page). However, you can change the default URL to point to another Web
site, such as your organization's home page or support Web site. To change the default URL, you set the Feedback URL policy.
To change the default URL

1. In the System Policy Editor, on the File menu, click New Policy and then double-click the Default User icon.
1. In the Default User Properties dialog box, click the plus sign (+) next to Microsoft Office XP.
1. Click the plus sign next to Assistant.
1. Click the plus sign next to Help on the Web.
1. Select the Feedback URL check box.
1. Under Settings for Feedback URL, type the URL you want to use and then click OK.
Customize the Text in the Office Assistant
You can customize the text of the final Answer Wizard link, "None of the above, search for more on the Web." For example, you
can include the name of your organization by changing the text to "None of the above, look for more help on the Organization
Web site." To change this text in the Office Assistant, you set the Feedback button label policy.
To change the text in the Office Assistant

1. In the System Policy Editor, on the File menu, click New Policy and then double-click the Default User icon.
1. In the Default User Properties dialog box, click the plus sign (+) next to Microsoft Office XP.
1. Click the plus sign next to Assistant.
1. Click the plus sign next to Help on the Web.
1. Select the Feedback button label check box.
1. Under Settings for Feedback button label, type the text you want to use, and then click OK.

Customize the Text in the Help Window

You can customize some of the text in the Help window. By default, the following text appears just below the user question, in the
middle of the Help window: "Click the Send and go to the Web button below to start your Web browser and send your question
to a site that provides further assistance." You can add the name of your Web site or organization to this text. To change the text in
the Help window, you set the Feedback dialog text policy.
To change the text in the Help window

1. In the System Policy Editor, on the File menu, click New Policy and then double-click the Default User icon.
1. In the Default User Properties dialog box, click the plus sign (+) next to Microsoft Office XP.
1. Click the plus sign next to Assistant.
1. Click the plus sign next to Help on the Web.
1. Select the Feedback dialog text check box.
1. Under Settings for Feedback dialog text, type the text you want to use, and then click OK.
The maximum length of the text string for the feedback dialog text is 255 characters.
The Help on the Web feature is automatically disabled if there is no default Web browser on the user's computer or if there
is no feedback URL defined in the Windows registry.

See Also
You use system policies to change the Help on the Web feature. For more information about the system policies and the System
Policy Editor, see the Using the System Policy Editor resource kit article.
You can create custom Help content and integrate it with the Help system, including the Answer Wizard. For more information,
see the Creating Help Topics resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Customizing the Answer Wizard Feedback Form
When your users click None of the above, search for more on the Web link in the Answer Wizard, they are directed to a
feedback form in Help. They use this form to enter comments about the problem that they are trying to solve and the kind of
information they expected to find. When users submit their comments, they are directed to the Office Update Web site, where
they can click on the map to search for any updated information. The next time a user submits comments from the feedback form,
the browser will go directly to the Microsoft Office Search page.
Meanwhile, the data from the feedback form is submitted to the support staff at Microsoft, where the information is used to
improve the next version of Answer Wizard topics, as well as the information available on the Office Assistance Center Web site.
The Answer Wizard feedback form is dynamic. It collects users' comments, and also forwards pertinent information about the
failed query. By default, the form sends the information to the Microsoft support staff for analysis. If you want to redirect
information to your own organization's support staff, you can customize the form itself, and create a custom ASP file to handle
the information from the form.
The Office XP Resource Kit includes information on how to customize the feedback form, and provides a sample ASP file
(answiz.asp) that illustrates how to do this. You need to change the following three options in the sample Answiz.asp file.

Option Description

f_log=1 Set to 0 to disable logging of users' questions. Default is 1.

f_redirect_to_MS=1 Set to 0 to disable sending of information to the Office Assistance Center Web site. Default is 1.

where_if_not_MS="alert.htm" Set to the URL of the page you want users to see after they submit the feedback form. This
option is valid only if you have set the redirect option to 0.

Top Of Page
Basic Installation
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

What's New in Installation

Creating an Administrative Installation Point
Distributing a Custom CD
Creating a Hard Disk Image
See also
Microsoft® Project 2002 provides you with the flexibility to customize and install it in a number of different ways. The simplest
methods of installing a customized version of Microsoft Project include creating an administrative installation point on the
network or distributing a customized version of the Microsoft Project CD.
Deploying Microsoft Project from an administrative installation point gives you the most flexibility and control over the
installation process. After you install the files on a network share, you can determine how much users should interact with Setup
and which Microsoft Project features should be available to them. You can specify default settings for most options, and even
chain additional Microsoft Windows® Installer packages to the Microsoft Project installation. Users can run Setup from the
network or from the Microsoft Project CD, or you can distribute Microsoft Project by using a hard disk image or management
services tool such as Microsoft Systems Management Server.
You can use the following methods to install Microsoft Project:
Create an administrative installation point from which you can deploy Microsoft Project across a network
Distribute a custom CD to laptop users or users who may have a slow network connection
Include Microsoft Project on a hard disk image
What's New in Installation
The installation process for Microsoft Project 2002 has been significantly improved over previous versions. Along with an
improved Setup process, new tools and enhancements to existing tools provide the best means for managing the deployment of
Microsoft Project 2002 within a corporate environment.

Intelligent Installation
Microsoft Windows Installer has been improved to handle more tasks than in previous versions. You can choose from several
new properties to perform customization tasks.
See Also

Microsoft Project 2002 Setup has a number of features that make installation easier and more flexible. For more information
about Microsoft Project Setup, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
Custom Installation Wizard

Several enhancements have been made to the Custom Installation Wizard (Custwiz.exe), including improvements to the following
New wizard pages

There are several new pages available in the Custom Installation Wizard, but the following two pages offer advantages not
previously available:
Change Office User Settings
Specify Security Settings
Enhanced user interface
Several changes were made to the Custom Installation Wizard to make it easier to use—including improvements to the names
and descriptive text for controls and labels in the user interface.
New installation state—Not Available, Hidden, Locked

To help administrators enforce an installation state that a user cannot change, the Not Available, Hidden, Locked installation
state is provided to curb the ability of users to change the configuration administrators have set for applications and their
New options on the Set Feature Installation States page

Due to new installation capabilities and requests from administrators, the following capabilities have been added to control how
Microsoft Project is installed:
Do not Migrate Previous Installation State
Disable Installed on First Use
Disable Run from Network
Ability to remove files with a transform

You can now remove files from a user's computer by using a transform. Previously, you could only add files with a transform.
Ability to remove registry entries with a transform

You can now remove registry entry branches, keys, or values from a user's computer by using a transform. Previously, you could
only add them in the transform.
Enhanced Help

An integrated Help file is available from the Custom Installation Wizard, Custom Maintenance Wizard, and the Profile Wizard. This
file contains the core information you will need to use these tools to configure Microsoft Project, including property information,
Setup.ini information, and a "special issues" section.
New format for MST and MSI files

Due to the differences between Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 2002, there is a new MSI file format. This change
also forced a change to the MST file format. Because of these changes, you cannot use the previous release of the Custom
Installation Wizard with the new file formats; you must use the new release of the wizard.
Ability to install Visual Basic for Applications as a feature of Microsoft Project

You'll need to see the Help for the Custom Installation Wizard (Custom10.hlp) for specifics about this enhancement. Microsoft
Visual Basic® for Applications is a sensitive component of Microsoft Project, and requires extra understanding by administrators.
See the Help available from the Set Feature Installation States page or from the Specify Project Security Settings page of
the wizard for detailed information.
Customize Internet Explorer 5.01 Installation Options pages appears only when customizing the OSP.msi file

Due to the new method of installing Microsoft Project and upgrading system files, there is a corresponding update to how Office-
related components are installed—specifically, how Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 is installed, and how you customize it for
your own use.
New properties in the Modify Setup Properties page

There are several new properties you can configure. It is advised that you read Setuppref.doc, from the Office XP Resource Kit, for
information on all the properties you can use. Setuppref.doc is installed by default when you run Office XP Resource Kit Setup.

See Also
For more information about using the Custom Installation Wizard, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
Profile Wizard
The Microsoft Project 2002 Profile Wizard is capable of doing all the things it could do for Microsoft Project 2000 — and more.
Improvements include the following:
New Profile Wizard INI files
New Profile Wizard templates that allow you to set system policies are available for download from the Microsoft Project
2002 Resource Kit Toolbox
The ability to selectively save or restore settings for specific Office applications
Like the Save My Settings Wizard, the Profile Wizard can now restore the configuration settings for any selected application
or applications
The ability to manage most user-interface settings of the wizard through command-line parameters
The ability to set the Profile Wizard to use and set almost all user-interface options through the command line

See Also

For more information on using the Profile Wizard to deploy Microsoft Project 2002, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Creating an Administrative Installation Point
The most common method of deploying a customized version of Microsoft Project to a large number of users is to create a
central copy of Microsoft Project on a network server. Users can then install Microsoft Project on their computers from the
network. This method provides a number of advantages over having users install Microsoft Project individually from the
Microsoft Project 2002 CD:
You can manage one set of Microsoft Project files from a central location
You can create a standard set of Microsoft Project features and options for all users
You can take advantage of flexible installation options, such as setting features to be installed on first use
You can have more control when you upgrade Microsoft Project in the future
When you install Microsoft Project from a network server, you must first create an administrative installation point and customize
your version of Microsoft Project Setup. Then, you run Setup on users' computers.
See Also
For more information on creating an administrative installation point and deploying Microsoft Project 2002 from that installation
point, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Distributing a Custom CD
Users who travel out of the office and rely on laptop or portable computers often work with network connections that are
intermittent, slow, or unreliable. When you deploy Microsoft Project 2002 to laptop computers, there are several recommended
methods and settings that minimize users' reliance on the network and make installing and maintaining Microsoft Project more
For example, because some features in Microsoft Project may be set to Installed on First Use by default, laptop users or users with
slow network connections might find that they need an additional feature when their Microsoft Project CD is back at the office
and out of reach. You can ensure that the source is always available by providing customized copies of the Microsoft Project CD.
Important You must obtain the proper user licenses before copying, modifying, or distributing a customized version of the
Microsoft Project CD. For more information about licensing, see your Microsoft reseller.
The process of customizing the Microsoft Project CD is similar to the process of customizing an administrative installation point.
First, you edit the Setup settings file or create a Windows Installer transform (MST file) to use with Setup. However, instead of
customizing an administrative installation point on the network, you copy the contents of the Microsoft Project CD to your hard
disk. After modifying the Microsoft Project installation with your settings, you save and distribute copies of your custom CD to
your users.

Copying the Microsoft Project CD

If you want to create a custom CD as a source, do not run Setup with the /a command-line option to create an administrative
installation point. Instead, copy the folders on the Microsoft Project 2002 CD directly to the network and use this image to create
the duplicates.
After you copy the contents of the Microsoft Project CD to a network share, the process of customizing a Microsoft Project CD
image is similar to customizing an administrative image. For example, you can use the Custom Installation Wizard and the Setup
INI Customization Wizard, if you point the wizards to the MSI file on the compressed image. You can also customize files that
reside outside of any CAB files, such as the OPC file used by Setup or by the Removal Wizard, to remove previous versions.
Select a folder on your hard disk with at least 204 megabytes (MB) of free space, and copy the complete folder hierarchy and files
from the Microsoft Project CD to that folder. Make sure that you also have also copied all hidden folders. This step creates an
exact copy of the CD contents. You can customize this copy before using it to create custom copies of the Microsoft Project CD.
To create a custom Microsoft Project CD

1. If you haven't already done so, copy the entire contents, including hidden files, of the Microsoft Project CD to a network
share; the complete CD image for both Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Professional requires
approximately 350 MB of disk space.
1. Customize the CD image by creating one or more transforms and modifying Setup.ini.
1. Copy the image on your hard disk onto a CD, and distribute copies to users.

Copying and Distributing Your Custom CD

After you have customized your copy of the CD on disk, you can use this copy to create CDs for your users. The CD that you create
can be used in the same way as the original Microsoft Project CD, except that Setup runs with your modifications.

See Also
For more information about deploying Microsoft Project 2002 to traveling users, see the Supporting Traveling User resource kit
For more information about the Setup command line, the Setup settings file, and Setup properties, see the Customizing Setup
resource kit article.
For more information on advanced customizations and using the Custom Installation Wizard, see the Custom Installation Wizard
resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Creating a Hard Disk Image
Some organizations deploy a complete user system at one time, including Windows software, device drivers, Office applications,
and custom settings. In this scenario, you install the entire system onto a test computer, and then you create an image of the hard
disk to distribute to users' computers.
Installing Microsoft Project 2002 with a complete user system is almost as fast as installing Microsoft Project by itself —it is a
particularly efficient way to configure a new computer, or to restore a computer to its original state. When you distribute the hard
disk image to users, everything on the computer is replaced by your custom configuration, so users must back up any documents
or other files they want to keep.
After you have installed and configured all the system software on the test computer, run Microsoft Project Setup to install
Microsoft Project. Set the NOUSERNAME property on the Setup command line so that a user name is not defined during
installation. This step allows users to enter their own user names the first time they run Microsoft Project.
If you plan to install all Microsoft Project features to run from the local hard disk, except for those features you choose to make
unavailable, you can install Microsoft Project directly from the Microsoft Project CD. However, if you want to install some features
to run from the network, or if you want to set some features to be installed on first use, you must install Microsoft Project from an
administrative installation point. All users who receive the disk image will use this administrative installation point as their
primary server.
Customizing Microsoft Project on the Administrative Installation Point
To create the hard disk image, you begin by running Microsoft Project 2002 Setup with the /a option to create an administrative
installation point. You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform and the Setup INI Customization Wizard to
modify Setup.ini, just as you do when you customize Microsoft Project in any other network installation scenario. In addition, you
must take several steps to exclude user-specific information from the hard disk image.
To customize Microsoft Project 2002 for a hard disk image

1. Run Setup with the /a option to create an administrative installation point.

1. If you are including Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Packs in your installation, run LpkSetup.exe with the /a option, and
install them on the same administrative installation point, or on a different network share.
1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard. On the Customize Default User Settings page, specify the name and path of any
profile settings file (OPS) you have created.
1. On the Set Feature Installation States page, set installation states for Microsoft Project.
1. On the Modify Setup Properties page, set the following properties:
1. Make any additional customizations and save the transform.
1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and specify the transform you created, along with any other modifications you
want to make to Setup.ini.
1. Save the custom INI file and copy the command line it generates.

Specifying Setup Properties

You must set the following Setup properties to ensure that your Microsoft Project 2002 configuration installs properly on users'

Including an OPS File

You can use the Profile Wizard to configure user settings and add an OPS file to your transform. However, you must install
Microsoft Project 2002 and the MUI Packs on a separate test computer before you can start Microsoft Project to configure user
options and capture settings. If you start Microsoft Project on the computer you intend to make an image of, user- and computer-
specific settings will be included in the hard disk image.
To customize user settings on the Microsoft Project 2002 image by using an OPS file

1. Before you create a transform, install Microsoft Project 2002 from the administrative installation point on a test computer.
1. On the test computer, run Microsoft Project 2002 and modify application settings, and then close Microsoft Project.
1. Start the Profile Wizard.
1. On the Save or Restore Settings page, click Save the settings from this machine.
1. Enter the name and path for the OPS file, and click Finish.
1. When you create the transform, enter the file name and path of the OPS file on the Customize Default User Settings page
of the Custom Installation Wizard.
Installing Microsoft Project 2002 on a Clean Test Computer
The next step is to install Microsoft Project 2002 from the administrative installation point onto a clean client computer—one that
already has the Windows configuration you want and one that has never had any version of Microsoft Project installed. This
becomes the model for your hard disk image.
After you have installed and configured the system software on the test computer, run Setup to install Microsoft Project from the
administrative installation point. If you have not already done so in the transform or in the Setup.ini file, set the NOUSERNAME
and ENTERPRISE_IMAGE properties on the Setup command line.
To install Microsoft Project 2002 on the test computer

1. On the Start menu, click Run.

1. Enter the file name and path of Microsoft Project Setup.
1. If you have not already done so, set the NOUSERNAME and ENTERPRISE_IMAGE properties on the command line. For
1. Unless you want all users who receive the hard disk image to use your administrative installation point as a source for
installing, repairing, or removing Microsoft Project 2002, reset the source list to point to the Microsoft Project CD or another
network share.

Distributing the Hard Disk Image

Before you distribute your hard disk image, install it on a client computer and make sure that Microsoft Project 2002 is installed
and configured correctly. You can then use any one of a number of tools to create the hard disk image.
The Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems include several new or improved technologies for automating installation
of Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional client computers through hard disk imaging. Two of these technologies allow
you to include Microsoft Project 2002 in the hard disk image that installs Windows XP or Windows 2000 Professional.
SysPrep 1.1
Remote Installation Services (RIS)
If you need to create a set of different disk images, but you want to use the same Microsoft Project configuration for each image,
you can install and configure Microsoft Project separately on each test computer.
Top Of Page
See also
For more information on using the OPS files and using the Profile Wizard to distribute profiles, see the Profile Wizard resource kit
For more information on creating an administrative installation point and deploying Microsoft Project 2002 from that installation
point, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
For more information on customizing the Setup file, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
For more information using MUI Packs in a hard disk image, see the International Deployment resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Before You Upgrade
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Upgrading to Microsoft Project 2002

Supported File Formats
The Global File and Enterprise Global Template
FAQs About Upgrading
Upgrading to Microsoft Project 2002
Microsoft® Project 2002 supports a variety of file formats, although the level of support varies from previous versions. Microsoft
Project Standard 2002 uses the same Microsoft Project Plan (MPP) file format as Microsoft Project 2000. While the MPP file name
extension is the same as that used by Microsoft Project 98 and earlier versions, files saved in native Microsoft Project 2000 or
Microsoft Project 2002 formats cannot be opened in earlier versions of Microsoft Project.
Microsoft Project Professional 2002 saves projects to either a Microsoft SQL™ Server 2000 database or to a Microsoft Data
Engine (MSDE) database. It can also save to an MPP file format while not connected to Microsoft Project Server. SQL Server 2000
is required for workgroup project collaboration or enterprise project and resource management.
Prerequisites to Upgrading
Before you start the conversion process, you must:
1. Determine which files you want to move to Microsoft Project 2002, and then use a virus.scanning program to scan the files
for viruses.
1. Create backup copies of the files you want to convert.

Migrating to Microsoft Project Professional from Microsoft Project 2000

Microsoft Project Professional 2002 introduces enterprise project and resource management features to the Microsoft Project
product family. To access the enterprise features of Microsoft Project Professional, you must first deploy and configure Microsoft
Project Server. Migration from earlier versions of Microsoft Project or other project management programs can require detailed
planning if you wish to access the enterprise features.
Important If you plan to roll out Microsoft Project Server for enterprise use, see Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation
Framework Files in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox. This framework suggests an
approach for building an implementation strategy for your business. Assessing the requirements of your business and users
includes the selection and purchase of hardware, deciding upon Microsoft Project Server options, designing enterprise custom
fields, migrating or importing existing data, and switching production systems.
At a high-level, the migration process for Microsoft Project Professional includes:
Understanding user roles, frequency of use and number of users in different roles, and their reporting needs.
Determining which enterprise features you will need for your organization, such as portfolio analysis and resource
substitution features.
Determining which required enterprise fields, calendars, and views need to be included in the enterprise global template.
This may require pilot testing the enterprise global template.
Installing and configuring Microsoft Project Server. You will need to review server hardware and software requirements
thoroughly before upgrading.
Adding or importing enterprise resources. Enterprise resources must exist before they can be assigned to project teams.
Importing projects to the enterprise.
Migrating resource information to Microsoft Project Server
Resources and users are maintained separately in Microsoft Project Server: resources as team members or materials assigned to
projects, and users as logons with permissions on system commands and data. When an enterprise resource is added to
Microsoft Project Server, a corresponding user is also created with default permissions. If a user with the same name already
exists, the enterprise resource is merged with the existing user account. Windows account information in the user account is
synchronized with the newly added enterprise resource.
Keep the following in mind when you migrate resource information from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server:
Microsoft Project Server does not allow duplicate or merged enterprise resource names, and you cannot delete a resource—
you can only make it inactive. For these reasons, it is well worth the effort to create accurate enterprise resource information
from the beginning.
During the resource migration process, you choose which resources to promote to enterprise resources, and which to map
as duplicates of enterprise resources. For example, the resource John Smith could be duplicated in separate project plans or
(less likely) in a resource pool as JSmith, JohnS, and John Smith. During the resource data migration to Microsoft Project
Server, you might choose to promote John Smith as the enterprise resource, and map JSmith and JohnS as duplicates of
John Smith.
If your resource information is not in a centralized resource pool, you can still use the import process to migrate the
resource information to Microsoft Project Server, or you can create a central resource pool and share it with all project plans
that include resources. Doing the latter may help you identify duplicate resource information between different project
Resources in your existing Microsoft Project 2000 projects do not automatically become enterprise resources, nor are
enterprise code values automatically associated with them.
Resources with assignments do not automatically become enterprise resources of projects containing the tasks to which
they are assigned.
Creating a new enterprise resource that is a non-generic work resource also creates a corresponding user with the following
Belongs to the Team Member group
Has a blank password
Can log on
Counts towards Microsoft Project Web Access client access licenses (CAL licenses)
A user who publishes projects also becomes a corresponding user with the following characteristics:
Belongs to the Project Managers group and hence can view all the projects and resources in the My Organization category
Has a blank password
Can log on
Counts towards Microsoft Project Web Access CAL licenses
If your organization currently uses a centralized resource pool, use the Import Resources to Enterprise Wizard (on the Tools
menu, click Enterprise Options, and then click Import Resources to Enterprise) to migrate this resource information to
Microsoft Project Server. This wizard can map local fields to enterprise custom fields, map enterprise base calendars, and check
for common problems, such as duplicate names or invalid Windows user account name formats. After the resource information is
imported, open imported resources to add generic and inactive values.
Migrating project plans to Microsoft Project Server

Once a project has been imported, some cleanup needs to be done so that the actual hours worked on tasks are regenerated and,
to avoid duplication, the original non-enterprise projects are deleted.
Security settings for the new enterprise project (or published version) are maintained automatically. A published version of a
project must be created first and must always exist while the project is in the Microsoft Project Server, in order to maintain these
security settings.
There are two ways to bring projects into the enterprise to ensure that all task or resource data contains required values: by using
the Import Project Wizard and by using the Save As dialog box.
Importing projects using the Import Project Wizard
Use the Import Project Wizard to:
Map local custom fields to enterprise custom fields.
Map project resources to enterprise resources, or leave project resources as local resources.
Import additional projects in the same wizard session with the same field mapping.
Import templates.
Importing projects using the Save As dialog box
You can also import projects or templates using the Save As dialog box. Keep in mind that when you use this method of
importing projects, you will not be able to map custom fields or resources.
Migrating master projects from Microsoft Project 2000

Master projects were used in Microsoft Project 2000 as a means of opening many projects together, and were also used as a
method for analysis and reporting. However, saving master projects to Microsoft Project Server is discouraged for the following
Summary rows in Microsoft Project Web Access can show double counting of some fields when a master project total and
their inserted project values are totaled.
A master project might include inserted projects containing coding or other customizations different from the master
project which can cause conflicts.
The default enterprise options don't allow saving and publishing master projects, since projects can be selected, sorted, and
grouped dynamically in Microsoft Project Web Access using enterprise project outline codes.
Migrating external dependency links from Microsoft Project 2000

For Microsoft Project 2002, external dependencies (also known as cross project links) are not allowed between projects of
different versions. External dependency links can only be resolved within a version. If a project is saved as a new version, its
external dependency links are redirected to this version. For example, suppose you have created projects P1.Published and
P2.Published (with external dependency links to P1.Published), and then saved P1.Published as P1.Target. You will have different
versions of the same project, P1.Published and P1.Target. When saving P1.Published as P1.Target, any links from P2.Published will
be (in this case, incorrectly) redirected to P2.Target, even if that version of project P2 does not exist.
Keep in mind that all linked projects need to be kept open until they all are saved so that external dependency links can be
Migrating non-enterprise projects

If a project existed as an non-enterprise project in either Microsoft Project Central or Microsoft Project Server, additional cleanup
work needs to be done after migrating or importing the project as an enterprise project into the Microsoft Project Server
database, including:
Reentering actual work
Deleting references to the non-enterprise projects from Microsoft Project Server

Upgrading from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server

Users who need to move a Microsoft Project Central database to Microsoft Project Server must manually run database migration
scripts before running Microsoft Project Server setup. This process will migrate projects, status reports, timesheet data, user
accounts, and most administrative settings to Microsoft Project Server.
To learn more about moving databases, see the Upgrading the Microsoft Project Central Server Database resource kit article.
Upgrading from Microsoft Project 98
You can upgrade directly from Microsoft Project 98 to Microsoft Project 2002. In addition to the native Microsoft Project 2000
and Microsoft Project 2002 MPP file format, Microsoft Project 2002 enables users to save files to the native Microsoft Project 98
MPP file format, making it easier to exchange projects with users who have not yet upgraded to Microsoft Project 2002. Saving to
the Microsoft Project exchange (MPX) file format is no longer supported.
Upgrading from Microsoft Project 95 and Earlier Versions of Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project 2002 cannot read files created in versions before Microsoft Project 98. Users who need to open projects created
in earlier versions should save the project in MPX file format, if available, before opening the project in Microsoft Project 2002.
Upgrading to Microsoft Project 2002 from Other Programs
Users who need to open projects created in other project management programs should save the project files in MPX file format
before opening the project in Microsoft Project 2002.
Top Of Page
Supported File Formats
A file format determines the way information is stored in a project file, document, or database. If Microsoft Project recognizes the
file format, you can exchange files directly with previous versions of Microsoft Project or with other programs.
Microsoft Project Plan (MPP) File Format
Microsoft Project 2002 uses the same version of the Microsoft Project Plan (MPP) file format as Microsoft Project 2000. The MPP
file format changed for Microsoft Project 2000 from Microsoft Project 98. While the MPP file name extension is the same as that
used by previous versions, files saved in native Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 2002 format cannot be opened in
previous versions of Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project 2002 can read from and save to the Microsoft Project 98 MPP file format,
facilitating a smooth migration. Data relating to new or enhanced features in Microsoft Project 2002 may be lost when saving to
the Microsoft Project 98 MPP file format.
Microsoft Project Exchange (MPX) File Format
Microsoft Project 2002 can read files in the Microsoft Project Exchange (MPX) file format; however, it does not allow users to save
MPX files. The MPX file format was replaced by the Microsoft Project Database (MPD) file format in Microsoft Project 98 to
improve file interchange support and enable cross-language compatibility. The MPX file format is essentially a record-formatted
text file containing only project data in ASCII text format. While it contains only rudimentary project data, the MPX file format does
enable users to exchange project data between other applications and versions of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project
98. Though Microsoft Project 2002 no longer saves in the MPX file format, users can migrate files from other programs to
Microsoft Project 2002 by saving in the MPX file format, opening the files in Microsoft Project 2002, and then saving the files to
Microsoft Project 2000 or Microsoft Project 2002 MPP file format.
Microsoft Project Database (MPD) File Format
Like Microsoft Project 98, Microsoft Project 2002 uses the Microsoft Project Database (MPD) file format as its standard
interchange file format.
However, the database schema has been changed substantially to improve performance and make it easier to work with
Microsoft Project data in a database. In Microsoft Project 2002, the database schema has been simplified, reducing the number of
tables from 38 to 21. Field names follow a standard naming convention, and are unique across all tables. By default, assignment
timephased data is stored as compressed binary data in the database. If a user prefers to have access to timephased data in the
database, it can be saved in expanded form using a much simpler structure, similar to what is seen in the Resource Usage view or
Task Usage view in Microsoft Project.
Because of these changes, Microsoft Project 2002 can open a project file that has been saved to Microsoft Project 98 database
format; however, it cannot save a project in the Microsoft Project 98 database format. Users who wish to exchange files between
versions must use the Microsoft Project 98 MPP format.

Supported Database File Formats

Microsoft Project 2002 supports the following databases through Open Database Connectivity (ODBC):
Microsoft Access 2000 or later
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or later
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0 or later
Oracle Server, version 8.0 (or later) server and client
Microsoft Project 2002 can also make the ODBC connection automatically, when writing to and reading from Microsoft Access
2000 or Microsoft Access XP databases, when users directly select Microsoft Project Database (MPD) or Microsoft Access
Database (MDB) as the file type in the Open and Save dialog boxes.
External File Formats
Microsoft Project 2002 can read and write directly to the following file formats:
MPD and MDB files
Microsoft Excel 95 Workbooks
Microsoft Excel PivotTables® (export only; no import)
TXT files (tab delimited)
CSV files (comma delimited)
HTML files (export only; no import)
XML files

Previously Supported Formats

Previously supported formats that are no longer supported in Microsoft Project 2002 include:
Microsoft Project 3.0 MPP, MPV, MPC, MPW, and MPX files
Conversion of Microsoft Project 3.0 macros to current Visual Basic for Applications language and syntax (see Visual Basic for
Applications for information on making Microsoft Project 3.0 macros available in Microsoft Project 98)
Microsoft FoxPro® DBF files
Lotus WKS, WK1, and WK3 files
dBase III and dBase IV DBF files
Excel 3.0 and Excel 4.0 XLS files

See Also
For strategies to help you plan a gradual upgrade to Microsoft Project 2002 and for information about upgrading to
Microsoft Project 2002 from a previous version of Microsoft Project, see the Working with Multiple Versions and Other
Applications resource kit article.
For more information about the Microsoft Project 2002 database structure and information about creating and updating
project data directly in the database while maintaining the consistency and integrity of the data, see the file Projdb.xml,
located in the folder Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 10\1033.
For more information on using Microsoft Project with data access pages, see the Microsoft Project 2002 Software
Development Kit in the Microsoft Project Developer Center on MSDN.
OLE-DB is a specification for a set of data access interfaces that enables many data stores in an enterprise to work
seamlessly together. Microsoft Project 2002 is a read-only OLE-DB provider. This makes it possible for other programs to
easily access data from Microsoft Project, making it much easier to integrate project data in the enterprise. For more
information on how to access Microsoft Project data through the Microsoft Project 2002 OLE DB Provider, see the file
Prjoledb.xml, located in the folder Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 10\1033. In addition to describing the OLE DB table
structures, this document details some of the limitations and idiosyncrasies of the provider, describes how to access the
table structure using data access pages, and provides sample ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) code.
Top Of Page
The Global File and Enterprise Global Template
Overview of Global.mpt
The global file (Global.mpt) is used as a master template file for any new project that is created in Microsoft Project 2002. By
default, it contains all built-in views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, toolbars, menu bars, and import-export maps. You can
customize these items or add new items in the global file. The global file cannot store tasks, resources, or assignments.
Overview of the Enterprise Global Template
Microsoft Project Professional is able to use a global template that has been saved to the Microsoft Project Server database. This
global template is referred to as the enterprise global template. The enterprise global template contains all of the items available
in Global.mpt, plus enterprise-specific task, resource, and project fields. The enterprise global template is useful for organizations
that wish to standardize any of the global items across an enterprise's projects. The enterprise global template contains several
unique features:
Various custom fields can be required.
Outline codes can share look-up tables.
Selection of outline code values can be restricted to only leaf nodes.
Resource outline codes can be specified as being used for resource substitution.
The Microsoft Project Server Setup program installs the enterprise global template. Users can then use Microsoft Project
Professional to open and edit the enterprise global template by checking it out from Microsoft Project Server. Although users can
temporarily edit items in their in-memory global template that originated from the enterprise global template, these changes are
not saved to the Microsoft Project Server database unless the enterprise global template is checked out, and the user has the
correct permissions for editing it. It is recommended that permissions to edit the enterprise global template be limited to a small
number of administrators.

How Does Microsoft Project Locate the Global File?

When Microsoft Project 2002 is started, it first tries to locate a global file using the following policy registry key.
10.0\MS Project\GlobalSearch
Data: RootKey
Value: <Full path to Global.mpt>
Type: REG_SZ

The Administrator can set this key to point to a particular location for the Global.mpt file.
If this registry key is set and a Global.mpt is found at the location it points to, Microsoft Project starts using that Global.mpt file.
If the Root Key policy registry key is not set, Microsoft Project looks for a Global.mpt file in these locations, in the following order:
1. The current folder If the user has a shortcut specifying the "Start In" folder and a Global.mpt file resides there, Microsoft
Project 2002 will use that Global.mpt file when it starts. If the user double-clicks a project file in a Windows Explorer folder
and Microsoft Project is not already running, Microsoft Project will use Global.mpt if it resides in that folder.
1. The user's profile folder Microsoft Project looks in the Application Data folder under the user's profile. For example, under
Windows 98 with User Profiles enabled, this location is:
1. The user's profile language folder This is the language ID subfolder in the Application Data folder for the user's profile.
For example, under Windows 98 with User Profiles enabled, this location is:
1. The folder where the Winproj.exe file is located By default, the Microsoft Project 2002 program (Winproj.exe) is
installed in the folder:
1. The Winproj.exe language folder By default, this folder is in the following location:
If the global file isn't found in any of the above locations, the Windows Installer starts and attempts to restore a copy to the
Winproj.exe language folder.
If the Windows Installer is unable to restore a copy of global file, (for example, if the source is unavailable or you cancel the
operation), Microsoft Project 2002 displays the message that it will create a new global file that will be missing some items.
In Microsoft Project 2002, there is no Backup.mpt file. If the global file cannot be found in the search process above, it can be
reinstalled from the Microsoft Project 2002 installation CD or from the network installation point.
How Does Microsoft Project Professional Use the Global File?

Microsoft Project Professional uses both the local global file and the enterprise global template. Microsoft Project Professional
combines items from both the global file and the enterprise global template into the in-memory version of the global file. With
the exception of toolbars and menu bars, items from the enterprise global template overwrite items from the global file when the
items have the same name.
Items stored in the global file

By default, the global file contains all built-in views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, filters, toolbars, menu bars, and
import/export maps, as well as all default settings. Tasks, resources, and assignments can't be stored in the global file.
The global file can also store customized features and settings, including macros and custom fields. Storing custom items in the
global file makes them available to all other projects. Customized features and settings in different global files can also be shared
by merging the two global files.
Global.mpt on a shared server

If Microsoft Project is run from a network server in your organization, it first looks for the global file in the working directory on
the local computer. If the local global file is missing from this directory, Microsoft Project uses the global file on the network
Users with read/write permissions on the network server can modify the original global file. Subsequent installations of Microsoft
Project that run from the network server would then use this modified global file rather than the original global file. To ensure
that the global file cannot be modified on the network server, users should have read-only permissions on the network server.
Changes made to the global file on a read-only server cannot be saved. When users exit Microsoft Project, however, they can save
a copy of the changed global file to a different location.
Upgrading Global.mpt

Setup requirements
Microsoft Project stores Global.mpt in a version-specific folder: \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 10\. When upgrading
Microsoft Project from earlier versions, the existing global file is not overwritten.
When installing Microsoft Project 2002 over an existing version of Microsoft Project, the Setup program has several ways of
dealing with any existing global file that is found:
If the existing global file is a Microsoft Project 2002 global file, the Setup program does not overwrite it with a new copy.
The file will also not be renamed nor entered in the registry.
If the version number of the existing global file cannot be detected, the Setup program renames it to GlobalXX.mpt, and
installs the new global file without creating a registry entry.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Microsoft\office\10.0\ms project\previous global

Combining contents of previous and current global files

Upgrading to Microsoft Project 2002 requires that you resolve several issues related to the global file. If the new global file
overwrites the old global file, customized views, tables, toolbars, menus, filters, reports, forms, and calendars are lost. However, if
the existing global file is used instead of the Microsoft Project 2002 global file, many new additions to Microsoft Project are
unavailable. To ease the transition to Microsoft Project 2002 from earlier versions, Microsoft Project 2002 supports a global file
upgrade scheme that allows users to easily incorporate existing customizations, either selectively or automatically:
1. If an existing global file is found during Setup, it will be renamed, and an entry with the new name will be made in the
1. Microsoft Project will always start with the new version of the global file.
1. The first time Microsoft Project starts and a renamed global file is detected, a message notifies the user of existing
customizations in an old global file and provides the opportunity to bring the customized items across to the new global file.
1. The user has the choice to move all customized items to the new global file automatically, move only selected items
manually, or move the items later.
If the user selects the automatic upgrade option, Microsoft Project determines which items were changed in the old global
file and moves all those items over to the Microsoft Project 2002 global file.
If the user selects the manual upgrade option, Microsoft Project displays the Organizer in global upgrade mode, with both
the old and new global file contents available. The user can then select which items to carry over.
Automatic upgrade option
When upgrading a user's customized items automatically, Microsoft Project incorporates the following updates in the new global
Items that the user actually modified in Microsoft Project 98 or Microsoft 2000.
Items in Microsoft Project 2002 that have changed from the previous versions. For items that have changed between
versions, Microsoft Project will incorporate the changes, updating any old items that are moved over to match Microsoft
Project 2002 standards.
The following table describes the upgrade that will take place for each type of item:

Item Type of upgrade

Most customized views replace the view of the same name in Microsoft Project 2002 or are added to the list of views
if the name does not exist in Microsoft Project 2002.
Views If any of the Microsoft Project 2002 Gantt views are replaced with the old version during an upgrade, Microsoft
Project includes the Deadline, Group by Summary, Split, Rolled Up Split, Ghost Task, and Project Summary bar styles
to ensure that all of the Microsoft Project 2002 features are present.

Any customized table replaces the table of the same name in Microsoft Project 2002 or is added to the list of tables if
Tables the name does not exist in Microsoft Project 2002. Some tables have new fields in Microsoft Project 2002. If any of
these fields are replaced with the old version during an upgrade, Microsoft Project inserts the new fields into the
table. For example, if the Resource Entry table is replaced, Microsoft Project inserts the Type and Material Label.

Any customized toolbar items are added to the end of the toolbar with the same name in Microsoft Project 2002. If a
custom button has been added and it has a custom button face, the button face is moved over as well, but other
Command changes involving button faces are ignored. If a toolbar with the same name does not exist in Microsoft Project 2002,
Bars the entire toolbar is moved over. If the command associated with a particular button is no longer supported in
Microsoft Project 2002, the button is not moved over. In all cases, the Visual Basic, Microsoft Project 4.0, and
Microsoft Project 95 toolbars will not be moved over, and any previous customization will be lost.

Filters Any customized filter replaces the filter with the same name in Microsoft Project 2002. If a filter with the same name
does not exist in Microsoft Project 2002, the filter is added to Microsoft Project 2002.

Forms Any customized form replaces the form with the same name in Microsoft Project 2002. If a form with the same name
does not exist in Microsoft Project 2002, the form is added to Microsoft Project 2002.

Reports Any customized report replaces the report with the same name in Microsoft Project 2002. If a report with the same
name does not exist in Microsoft Project 2002, the report is added to Microsoft Project 2002.

Calendars All existing calendars are brought over to Microsoft Project 2002. Default calendars that have been edited will replace
the corresponding Microsoft Project 2002 calendars; others will be added as new calendars.
Microsoft Project 2002 scans each of the Microsoft Project-supplied modules, checking for any user-defined macros
that have been added; these macros will be moved over to Microsoft Project 2002. This check will work at macro-
level granularity and is based on macro name, so any macro changes a user has made to Microsoft Project-supplied
Modules macros will not be detected or carried over.
If any modules encountered are password-protected, the protected-module handling scheme is carried out before
the upgrade actually occurs.

Manual upgrade option

If the user chooses to upgrade manually after reading the upgrade message, Microsoft Project 2002 brings up the Organizer in a
special global upgrade mode, showing the old global file on the left and the new global file on the right.
In this special upgrade mode, the user can only move items from the old global file to the new global file. The Upgrade button is
always disabled when the user clicks an item in the new global file list on the right. Depending on which tab is selected, clicking
the Upgrade button will merge old information with new information or just overwrite the new information. The particular action
taken for each type of item is the same as the action taken during automatic updating, except that the upgrade only occurs for the
items the user has selected on the left (before clicking the Upgrade button).
In either case, the Organizer will not issue an alert to confirm or rename if the user selects an item to upgrade in the old global file
that conflicts with an already existing item name in the new global file. To avoid a conflict or accidental overwrite, the Rename
button can be used to rename an item in either global file before moving items.
Note that you cannot rename items in the old global file. When you click Close, the Organizer closes along with the old global file.
After the new global file is upgraded manually, Microsoft Project 2002 displays the upgrade message every time it starts until the
user selects the Don't tell me about this again check box.
Cross-language global file upgrading
Because the automatic upgrade scheme relies on text string comparisons, localized text strings would have to be accounted for in
each language version of Microsoft Project to allow for cross-language global file upgrading. Microsoft Project, however, does not
store text strings from all languages in each individual language version, so if you install Microsoft Project 2002 over a different
language version of Microsoft Project, you will not be able to upgrade the global file automatically.
When you specify an automatic upgrade in the upgrade message, Microsoft Project 2002 will look in the global file for evidence
that the language of the global file and Microsoft Project 2002 are the same. If the old global file uses a different language,
Microsoft Project displays an alert to warn you of this language incompatibility, and allows you to use the Organizer to manually
upgrade customized items.
Opening any global file
Microsoft Project 2002 is capable of opening any global file, regardless of what version the file is. Therefore, it is possible to
access another user's customized global template information without the need to copy it back and forth between project files. If
you want to access the contents of another global file, either from a previous version or from the current version of Microsoft
Project, you can simply open it from the File Open dialog box.
When opening a global file from a previous version (such as Microsoft Project 2000), you are placed in the Organizer, in the
upgrade mode, and everything behaves as described above. When opening a global file from the currently running version of
Microsoft Project, you are placed in the Organizer in the normal Organizer mode.
Thus, if two different Microsoft Project 2002 global files are opened, information can be copied back and forth in either direction,
and Microsoft Project displays alerts that prevent overwrites by allowing items to be renamed. The only restriction is that you
cannot open the currently active global file from the File Open dialog box.
Forcing Microsoft Project 2002 to open with an old global file
Although Microsoft Project automatically starts using the new global file, allowing you to incorporate items from the old file, it is
possible to force Microsoft Project 2002 to start with an old global file. To use an old global file, replace the Microsoft Project
2002 global file with a Microsoft Project 2000 global file that is also named Global.mpt. Because you are not merging the old
global file with the new global file, you will be restricted to only the items contained in the old global file. Upon exiting Microsoft
Project, this global file is automatically saved to Microsoft Project 2002 format, and is no longer compatible with Microsoft Project
Using the global file to distribute customizations to your organization

After customizing Microsoft Project to better reflect the needs of your organization, the policy registry keys can be used to specify
that individual installations of Microsoft Project 2002 always open the customized global file saved on the network. Also, users
can share additional customizations using the Organizer, including those described below.
Sharing customized views
Sharing customized toolbars
Sharing customized filters
Sharing customized Visual Basic modules
Using templates to share custom elements

You can save time in planning new projects by using templates. A template should not be confused with the global file. A template
is merely a Microsoft Project file saved with the file extension .mpt, to allow existing schedules to be reused as the starting point
for creating new schedules. Task and resource information, formatting, macros, and project-specific settings can all be saved in a
template. Any information in a Microsoft Project file (MPP) can become part of a planning template, including:
Task and resource information
View and text formatting
File-specific settings
You can ensure that these types of information are set up uniformly across projects by distributing templates that project teams
can use when new projects are created.
In addition, with Microsoft Project Professional, you can include templates in the Microsoft Project Server database, and also
include tasks, assignments, generic resources, and so forth.
Typically, any changes to views, tables, filters, calendars, reports, and forms are local; that is, they take place only in the active
project file. However, any changes to toolbars, menus, and import/export maps are global; that is, the changes are made to the
global file and apply to all project files on a computer. Then, when a new project file is created, it reflects your customized toolbars
and menus. When format settings (such as bold, italic, color, or bar shape) are changed, those settings apply only to the active
project file and not to other project files on your computer. Changes to Visual Basic modules can be either global or local,
depending on your preference. You can customize views, tables, filters, calendars, reports, and forms, and share them with other
users by saving the file as a template. When the template is opened and saved with a new name, the new project file shows the
original Microsoft Project defaults (which are saved in the global file), as well as the customized elements saved in the template.
Using the global file to roll out customizations to your organization

Depending on how users in an organization are set up to work on project files, you can roll out customizations in one of several
Administrators can roll out the enterprise global template simply by editing the global file and saving it to Microsoft Project
Server. Users of Microsoft Project Professional will automatically access the revised enterprise global template the next time
they connect to the server.
Administrators can modify the policy registry key to specify that individual installations of Microsoft Project Standard
always open the customized global file saved on the network. For more information, see "How Does Microsoft Project
Locate the Global File?" earlier in this article.
If users have Microsoft Project Standard installed on local computers (or if they run Microsoft Project from a network server,
but keep files in a working directory on their local computers), they can use the customized global file by replacing their
global file with the customized global file, or by using the Organizer to copy customizations from the customized global file
to their own global file.
If users run Microsoft Project Standard from a network server and also open files from the network, they will automatically
get customization updates as the administrator updates the global file on the network server.
Top Of Page
FAQs About Upgrading
When I convert a file from a previous version of Microsoft Project to Microsoft Project 2002, can I then open it in a
previous version of Microsoft Project?
The file formats used by Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000 are compatible; no information is lost when a user
opens, edits, and saves a project created with Microsoft Project 2002 in Microsoft Project 2000. Fields and features unique to
Microsoft Project 2002 will not be visible in Microsoft Project 2000, but they will not be lost if the file is saved and subsequently
opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
Can I install Microsoft Project 2002 on the same computer as Microsoft Project 2000?
Installing Microsoft Project 2002 on a computer with Microsoft Project 2000 is not a configuration tested for Microsoft Project
2002. Therefore, we do not recommend installing both versions on the same computer. Because of differences in OLE file
registration between Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project 2000, there may be problems with file references stored in a
project file for resource sharing, inserted projects, and cross-project linking.
Do macros in a Microsoft Project 2000 file work in Microsoft Project 2002?
Macros in Microsoft Project 2000 will work in Microsoft Project 2002 with no special formatting or conversion. Simply open the
file in Microsoft Project 2002 and save it to automatically update the file to Microsoft Project 2002 format. To share Microsoft
Project 2000 code modules with other files in Microsoft Project 2002, save the code modules to the global file and upgrade the
global file to Microsoft Project 2002.
Can I convert a password-protected project code module?
Password-protected code modules in Microsoft Project 2000 files can be opened and saved in Microsoft Project 2002. However,
the code modules may not work if saved to Microsoft Project 2000 format after being saved in Microsoft Project 2002.

See Also

For information about changes to Microsoft Project Visual Basic, see the Programming Technologies resource kit article.
The international features of Microsoft Project 2000 with MultiLanguage Pack allow you to deploy it throughout your
international organization. For information about multilingual support issues to consider, if your organization is upgrading to
Microsoft Project 2002 with MultiLanguage Pack from localized versions of Microsoft Project, see the Preparing for an
International Deployment section of the International Deployment resource kit article.

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System Requirements
Windows Terminal Services
System Requirements
The following sections contain system requirements for Microsoft® Project 2002 and Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Project Standard
Operating system

The recommended system for Microsoft Project Standard is Microsoft Windows® XP Professional on a computer with a Pentium
III class processor and 192 MB of RAM or higher. A Pentium 133 MHz or higher processor is required.
The following operating systems also support Microsoft Project Standard:
Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), or Windows NT® Workstation or Server 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional or later
Available disk space

Microsoft Project Standard requires the following disk space, depending on the type of installation you choose and the system
Typical installation: 105 MB (or 55 MB on a system that also has Office XP installed)
Complete installation: 310 MB (on a system that does not have Office XP installed)
Other requirements

CD-ROM drive
Super VGA or higher resolution monitor (at least 800x600, with 256 colors)
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse®, or compatible pointing device
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (Internet Explorer 5.5 or later recommended)
The following items or services are required to use certain features:
14,400 or higher-baud modem to enable connectivity.
Multimedia computer to access sound and other multimedia effects.
Internet access via a 14.4kbs or greater modem or a high speed connection to accommodate Internet functionality.
(Payment of a separate fee to a service provider and local or long distance telephone charges may be required.)
Microsoft Project Server to enable Web-based team collaboration.
Windows-compatible network and MAPI-compliant messaging systems to enable e-mail-based team collaboration.
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or later, or Oracle 8 or later, for database storage of projects.
Microsoft Project Professional
Operating system

The recommended system for Microsoft Project Professional is Windows XP Professional on a computer with a Pentium III class
processor and 256 MB of RAM or higher. A Pentium 133 MHz or higher processor is required.
The following operating systems also support Microsoft Project Professional:
Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows Me, or Windows NT Workstation or Server 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional or later
Available disk space

Microsoft Project Professional requires the following available disk space, depending on the type of installation you choose and
the system configuration:
Typical installation: 105 MB (or 55 MB on a system that also has Office XP installed)
Complete installation: 310 MB (on a system that does not have Office XP installed)
Other requirements

CD-ROM drive
Super VGA or higher resolution monitor (at least 800x600, with 256 colors)
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse®, or compatible pointing device
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (Internet Explorer 5.5 or later recommended)
The following items or services are required to use certain features:
14,400 or higher-baud modem to enable connectivity.
Multimedia computer to access sound and other multimedia effects.
Internet access via a 14.4kbs or greater modem or a high speed connection to accommodate Internet functionality.
(Payment of a separate fee to a service provider and local or long distance telephone charges may be required.)
Microsoft Project Server to enable Web-based team collaboration.
Windows-compatible network and MAPI-compliant messaging systems to enable e-mail-based team collaboration.
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or later, or Oracle 8 or later for database storage of projects.

Shared Components of Microsoft Project

Shared components of Microsoft Project are installed in the folder Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared. Shared
components from a version of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project 2000, or a version of Microsoft Office earlier than
Office 2000, remain in the folder Windows\Msapps.

Microsoft Project Web Access

Operating system

The recommended system for Microsoft Project Web Access is Windows XP Professional on a computer with a 300 MHz class
processor and 192 MB of RAM or higher. A Pentium 133 MHz or higher processor is required.
The following operating systems also support Microsoft Project Web Access:
Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows Me, or Windows NT Workstation or Server 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP or later
Available disk space

Depending on your system configuration, 5-15 MB of disk space is required to install Microsoft Project Web Access.
Other requirements

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (Internet Explorer 5.5 or later recommended)
Super VGA or higher resolution monitor (at least 800x600, with 256 colors)
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse®, or compatible pointing device
The following items or services are required to use certain features:
An e-mail system such as Microsoft Exchange, Internet SMTP/POP3, IMAP4, or MAPI-compliant messaging software for e-
mail notifications and team collaboration.
Internet access via a 14.4kbs or greater modem or a high speed connection to accommodate Internet functionality.
(Payment of a separate fee to a service provider, and local or long distance telephone charges may be required.)
Multimedia computer required for sound and other multimedia effects.
Microsoft Office XP license required for administrators for full interactivity of Office Web Components in order to create
Portfolio Analyzer views.
After installation, clients can connect to the Microsoft Project Server using Internet Explorer. Clients accessing the Microsoft
Project Server must have a Microsoft Project Web Access client access license.
See Also
Some of the features available to Microsoft Project users depend on which Web browser is installed on users' computers, and on
which Web server components are installed on the organization's servers. For more information, see the Internet and Intranet
Technologies section of the Microsoft Project Server and Web Technologies resource kit article.
Some data access features available to Microsoft Project users depend on the data access components that are installed on users'
computers and the database servers that are available on an organization's network. For more information, see the Microsoft
Project Server and Web Technologies resource kit article.
Microsoft Project provides you with the flexibility to customize and install Microsoft Project in a number of ways. For more
information, see the Basic Server Installation resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Windows Terminal Services
Organizations that use Microsoft Project in cross-platform, legacy hardware, or terminal-based environments can use Windows
NT Server 4.0, Terminal Edition or the Terminal Services feature of Windows 2000 (Terminal Services). The Windows Terminal
Services environment allows different types of hardware platforms to act as Windows-based terminals running Windows-based
32-bit applications from a back-end Windows NT-based server.
The Windows Terminal Services configuration is a particularly compelling solution for managing the coexistence or migration
period of an enterprise upgrade to Microsoft Project 2002. Running Microsoft Project under Windows Terminal Services may
reduce management costs, because it shifts the primary hardware requirements from the user's computer to a centrally
maintained server. It also provides a scalable solution for reducing cost of ownership without compromising productivity. Another
compelling reason for running Microsoft Project under Windows Terminal Services is to get performance benefits over slower
connection speeds.
How the Windows Terminal Services Platform Works
Windows Terminal Server and Windows Terminal Services contain both server and client components. The server components
can host multiple, simultaneous client sessions on Windows NT Server. The client components contain only the minimum amount
of software necessary to start the client computer, establish a connection to the server, and display the user interface.
All other operating system functions run on the server, including applications such as Microsoft Project. When running an
application on a Windows Terminal Services computer, a separate instance of the application is opened on the server and all
customizations are stored in a storage area for each individual user.
Running Microsoft Project on Windows Terminal Services

To run efficiently on the Windows Terminal Services platform, an application must meet the following requirements.
Separate application settings and user settings

In Microsoft Project, you can customize application and user settings and have them persist between Microsoft Project sessions,
without interference from the settings of other users.
Application settings and user settings are stored as follows on Microsoft Project Server:
Application settings are stored as registry entries in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree.
User settings can be stored as registry entries in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER subtree, or as files in the Windows\Profiles\
<Username>\Application Data folder.
Flexible path names in the registry

Installation locations can change, leaving hard-coded path names pointing to invalid sources. To run well under Windows
Terminal Services, an application must have the flexibility to redirect these paths as necessary.
The Windows Installer, which is included in Microsoft Project, keeps track of installation locations and installed files. If the default
server is unavailable, the Windows Installer redirects the connection to the next available source.
Support for environment variables

Environment variables are useful for administrators who want to create a different storage path for each user. For example, an
administrator might want to store Microsoft Project files of all users on one server by setting the path to the following:

To work correctly, the environment variable %Username% must be expanded for each individual user. Because the Windows
Terminal Services platform saves files using hard-coded paths, ordinarily it would not correctly expand an environment variable if
the server were mapped to a different drive letter. However, Microsoft Project uses the detection capabilities of the Windows
Installer, which automatically detects the next recognized storage location.
Use of the Temp folder for non-persistent data

Older versions of Microsoft Project store some user data files in the Temp folder. Under Windows Terminal Services, however,
storing user data in the Temp folder creates a security risk and can cause conflicts between user settings, because all settings are
stored in the single server-based Temp folder.
To avoid this problem, Microsoft Project uses the following folders for user data storage:
Windows\Profiles\<Username>\Application Data folder (under Windows NT 4.0)
My Documents folder

Benefits of Windows Terminal Services

Microsoft Project detects when it is running on Windows Terminal Services and optimizes its behavior automatically. For example,
it uses a lower resolution for application splash screens to display them more quickly.
Running Microsoft Project in the Windows Terminal Services environment is a desirable option for corporations that require
complete central control over the user environment, even to the level of total system lockdown. To configure and control user
settings in Microsoft Project, administrators can use system policies. Microsoft Project provides the same level of support for
system policies when running on Windows and Windows Terminal Services platforms.
Another compelling reason for running Microsoft Project under Windows Terminal Services is to get performance benefits over
slower connection speeds.
See Also
For information about installing Microsoft Project in a Windows Terminal Services environment, see the Windows Terminal
Services resource kit article.
For information about using system policies in Microsoft Project, see the Using System Policies resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Creating Help Topics
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Deciding on Help Content for Your Users

Creating Custom Help Content
Making Custom Help Work Like Microsoft Project 2002 Help
Adding Custom Help Content to the Answer Wizard
Create an Answer Wizard Builder Project
Making Custom Help Content Accessible to Users
You can expand the scope of built-in Microsoft® Project 2002 Help topics by creating your own Help topics with Microsoft HTML
Help Workshop and the Microsoft Answer Wizard Builder. Users gain access to your custom topics by using the Answer Wizard
Deciding on Help Content for Your Users
Microsoft Project allows you to create many custom solutions for users. But what if users want help with your custom features?
Or what if you want your users to be able to look up information about using your organization's templates or filling in your
organization's forms?
Whether you are documenting a new add-in or including topics specific to your organization, you can create your own Help
content and distribute it to your users. When a user asks the AW a question about the custom feature, the new Help content is
displayed in the AW search pane, along with other relevant Microsoft Project Help topics.
For example, users might need assistance with a Visual Basic® for Applications tool created by your Information Technology (IT)
department. If you have also created custom Help content for this feature, users can type a question in the AW and find the
answer without knowing that they're searching for customized Help.
Creating custom content for use with the Microsoft Project Help system involves three steps:
1. Create HTML-compatible Help files Custom Help topics can include HTML Help files that reside on a Web site, or
compressed HTML (CHM) files that you distribute to users locally or over the network.
1. Create a new AW file The Microsoft Answer Wizard Builder helps you build your own AW files, which the AW uses to
locate topics in response to users' queries.
1. Register your custom Help files To make your custom Help content available to users, you copy the new AW file and Help
files to each user's computer and update each user's Windows registry. The next time a user asks the AW a question, your
custom Help content becomes part of the answer.
Top Of Page
Creating Custom Help Content
Your users will access your custom Help content through the AW, but before you create a custom AW file, you need to create
HTML pages on a Web server, or you need to create CHM files that can be distributed to your users' computers or stored on a
network server.
In either case, the Answer Wizard Builder analyzes the words contained in these files and creates an index that can be searched by
the Answer Wizard when a user enters a question.
If you don't have any Help files, you can use HTML Help Workshop and the Answer Wizard Builder to create both custom Help
topics and an AW file to go with them.
Determine Where to Start

Where you start the process of creating custom Help depends on what you have to start with. If you already have Help topics in
WinHelp format, or CHM files, you can import them into HTML Help Workshop. If you have HTML Help topics already posted on a
Web site, you can point the Answer Wizard Builder to the Web site.
Start with WinHelp If your WinHelp files don't require any editing, you can import them directly into HTML Help
Workshop and then use HTML Help Workshop to create a CHM file from the separate WinHelp files. Then use the CHM file
in the Answer Wizard Builder to create the AW file.
Start with HTML files If your Help content is currently on the Web, you can create an AW file by providing the Answer
Wizard Builder with the URL to the Web site and the share location where the HTML files are hosted.
Start with compressed HTML files If your users do not have access to the Web, you can use HTML Help Workshop to
create CHM files and store them either on the network or on individual users' computers. You can use your existing CHM
files in the Answer Wizard Builder or, if they need editing, modify them first by using HTML Help Workshop.
Start from scratch If you don't have any existing content, you can create your own Help topics in HTML Help Workshop
or in any other HTML authoring tool. Then just use the Answer Wizard Builder to create the AW file from the HTML or CHM
Help content.

Choose a Type of Help File

The format you choose for your Help files also depends on where you plan to store the files and how often you need to update
the content.
Advantages of using HTML Help

HTML Help files are stored on a Web server. They offer the following advantages over other methods:
You can update Help content directly on the Web server, without interrupting users.
No disk space is required on the client side.
If you already have a Web Help site, you can use its contents to create the custom AW file.
You don't have to register Web-based help on your client computers—it's ready to use right away.
If you use HTML Help files, however, users must have access to the Web, and you must maintain the Web server and site. In
addition, users might experience slow response times when they submit queries.
Advantages of using compressed HTML Help

CHM files are stored on a network share or locally on users' computers. They offer the following advantages over other methods:
Users get faster results when the CHM file is stored locally.
A single CHM file can contain multiple HTML files, so the administrator has fewer files to keep track of.
Users don't need access to the Web.
If you use CHM Help files, however, you must redistribute them across the network or on each client computer when you update
the content. You also have to register these files on each client computer before they can be used for the first time.
Top Of Page
Making Custom Help Work Like Microsoft Project 2002 Help
You can build your custom Help to work as a stand-alone Help system, using your own styles and window definitions in HTML
Help Workshop. If you want your custom Help to look like the Microsoft Project 2002 Help system, use CHM files with the
Microsoft Project cascading style sheet, Proj10.css. Attach Proj10.css to your project, and use its styles when you create your Help
To select the correct style sheet automatically, based on the browser level, add the following code to the header in each HTML
<link rel=stylesheet href="../Proj10.css" type="text/css">

Top Of Page
Adding Custom Help Content to the Answer Wizard
If you want your custom Help topics to work with Microsoft Project 2002 Help, make sure your Help is accessible through the AW.
By using the Answer Wizard Builder, you can create an Answer Wizard Builder (AWB) project file to add your HTML Help topics to.
The Answer Wizard Builder project produces a new AW file that is used like an index by the Microsoft Project Help system to
locate applicable information for users' queries.
If you significantly change your custom HTML Help files by adding new topics or by renaming or deleting existing topics, you
must create a new AW file to replace the old one. To create a new AW file, you can use the original AW project, or you can create a
new project.
Top Of Page
Create an Answer Wizard Builder Project
When you create an Answer Wizard Builder project, the Answer Wizard Builder indexes the HTML Help topics you specify. You can
then assign user questions to each topic if you want.
To create an Answer Wizard Builder project
1. If you installed the Answer Wizard Builder to the default directory specified during setup, click Start, point to Programs,
point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Answer Wizard Builder.
1. In the Create a New Answer Wizard Project Using box, click CHM File or Web Site.
1. Enter the path to the CHM file, or enter the URL of the Web site and the share name of the Web server (plus the path to a
particular folder, if necessary) in the appropriate text box, and then click OK.
1. If you selected Web Site, add the Virtual directory alias (http://<URL>). The Virtual directory name is used by the Answer
Wizard Builder as a dispatch string. The dispatch string is appended to the beginning of the HTML file name for the topics
you select to be included in the AW file. This string must be the location of the files in the Web site where Help is going to be
called by the AW.
The Answer Wizard Builder parses the CHM or HTML files and indexes the Help topics contained in them. When it is finished
indexing the Help topics, the Answer Wizard Builder lists the file names of all the Help topics found at the location you specified.
Add User Questions
Although the Answer Wizard Builder indexes your Help topics, you can improve the searching power of the Answer Wizard by
assigning user questions to each topic. Questions that most closely reflect the questions that real users will probably ask are more
likely to help you improve the usefulness of your topics. For example, you might select a topic about setting up a network printer
and assign a question such as "What is the path to our department printer?"
Adding user questions is optional. They are an additional search mechanism designed to enhance the AW, but are not required for
the AW to function normally.
To add user questions

1. In the Answer Wizard Builder, after creating or opening a project, in the Topics box, select a topic.
1. In the Questions box, type a question for the topic, and then click Add.

Create a Custom Answer Wizard File

When you are finished entering user questions (if you choose to add them), you must compile an AW file from the Answer Wizard
Builder project.
To build a new custom Answer Wizard file, in the Answer Wizard Builder, click the Build button.
Top Of Page
Making Custom Help Content Accessible to Users
After you create custom Help content, you need to make your custom Help and Answer Wizard (AW) files accessible to your users
by following these steps:
1. Determine whether you are going to store the custom Help files on each user's computer or on a network share.
1. Distribute the files to that location.
1. Update each user's Windows registry to point to the correct location.
After the AW file and CHM or HTML files are in the desired location, the Windows registry of each client computer must be
updated to reflect the location of the AW file and CHM files.
You can store an AW file in any location as long as your users have access to the location. Storing the AW file on users'
computers can improve access speed, especially if you have a congested network.
If you need to update the contents of an AW file after you've registered the file, just replace the file with an updated version.
You don't need to register the file again, as long as you use the same file name.
If you have not yet deployed Microsoft Project 2002, you can use the Microsoft Project Custom Installation Wizard to include the
custom Help and AW files in your client installation. The Microsoft Project Custom Installation Wizard also helps you update the
registries for your client computers with paths to these new files.
If you have already deployed Microsoft Project 2002, you must edit the registries for your client computers.
Register a New Answer Wizard File Before Deploying Microsoft Project
If you haven't yet deployed Microsoft Project 2002, you can use the Microsoft Project Custom Installation Wizard to register the
AW file. On the Add Registry Entries page of the Microsoft Project Custom Installation Wizard, add a new entry in the registry in
one of the Answer Wizard subkeys.
Values for the new entry take the REG_SZ data type. Use a unique name for the entry name and use the path where the AW file
resides, including the AW file name, as the value.
The Answer Wizard subkeys are stored in the following path in the Windows registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\MS Project\Answer Wizard

For example, if you create a new AW file called for Microsoft Project and place it in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office10 folder, you add a new entry called PluginsAW to the following subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\MS Project\Answer Wizard

Then you assign the following path as its value:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\

Register a New Answer Wizard File After Deploying Microsoft Project

To register a new Answer Wizard file after deploying Microsoft Project, you need to edit the registries on the client computers
Register a New CHM File
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to register a new CHM file before you deploy Microsoft Project 2002, or you can
register the CHM file manually after deployment. Either way, to register the CHM file, you create a new entry in the registry in the
following subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\HTML Help

Values for the new entry take the REG_SZ data type. Use the CHM file name as the entry name and the path where the CHM file
resides as the value. For example, if you create a new CHM file called Plugins.chm and place it in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office10 folder, add a new entry called Plugins.chm and assign the following path as its value:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10

See Also
The Custom Installation Wizard can install your new CHM and AW files, and even update registry settings on all client computers
when you deploy Microsoft Project 2002. For more information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
The System Policy Editor can save you time by helping you push registry settings out to all client computers on your network. For
more information, see the Using the System Policy Editor resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Customizing Feature Installation
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Using a Transform with Setup

Selecting Features
Customizing Shortcuts
Adding Files to the Installation
When you install Microsoft® Project 2002 from an administrative installation point, you can determine which applications and
features are installed on users' computers, including how and when features are installed. You can also customize the way that
Setup creates shortcuts for Microsoft Project and even add your own custom files to the Microsoft Project installation.
Using a Transform with Setup
To customize how Setup installs Microsoft Project on the user's computer, you can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a
Microsoft Windows® Installer transform (MST file). The transform contains the changes that you want to make to the installation
process. Users can run Setup with the transform to install your customized version of Microsoft Project.
The Custom Installation Wizard you use to customize Microsoft Project is the same tool that you use to customize Office. The
Custom Installation Wizard can be used with any product that uses the Windows Installer technology.
To create and use a transform, follow these general steps
1. Create an administrative installation point. Users install Microsoft Project from the administrative installation point.
1. Use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform that contains your customizations.
1. Have users run Setup with the transform. Users specify the name of the transform when they run Microsoft Project Setup.

Create a Custom Transform

Use the Custom Installation Wizard to open the Windows Installer package (MSI file) for Microsoft Project. Then use the wizard to
select the features you want, and save your selections in a custom transform (MST file).
To create a custom transform

1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Open the MSI page, enter the file name and path of the MSI file for Microsoft Project.
1. Do one of the following:
To create a new transform, on the Open the MST page, select Do not open an existing MST file.
To open and modify an existing transform, select Open an existing MST file and enter the file name and path of the
1. On the Select the MST File to Save page, enter the name and path of the MST file you want to create.
1. On the subsequent pages of the wizard, customize those areas of the installation process that affect your organization,
including selecting which features are installed.
1. When you have finished making all your selections, click Finish.

Run Setup with a Custom Transform

To use a custom transform when you install Microsoft Project on a user's computer, you must provide Setup with the file name
and path of the transform. You can do this by including the information on the Setup command line or in the Setup settings file
(INI file).
Use the Setup command line

When you run Setup to install Microsoft Project on the user's computer, add the TRANSFORMS= option to the Setup.exe
command line to specify the file name and path of the transform.
For example, type the following command:
\\server1\Project\setup.exe transforms="Custom.mst"

Use the Setup settings file

Setup uses a Setup settings file for installation options. Add the MST1= key to the MST section of the settings file to specify the
file name and path of the MST file. For example:

You can add the key directly to the default Setup settings file (Setup.ini), or you can create a copy of Setup.ini with a different file
name and add the key to the duplicate file. If you create a duplicate Setup settings file, you also need to specify the name of the
Setup settings file with the /settings command-line option.
For example, type the following command to specify a Setup settings file:
\\server1\project\setup.exe /settings newsetup.ini

See Also

The following articles are all located in the Customizing Installation section of the Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit:
Creating the administrative installation point on a network server is the first step in deploying a customized version of
Microsoft Project over the network to your users. For detailed information about how to create an administrative installation
point, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
You can also customize the way Microsoft Project Setup runs by using the command line and settings file. For more
information, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize many aspects of your Microsoft Project installation. For more
information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Selecting Features
When running Microsoft Project Setup interactively, users can choose which Microsoft Project features are installed by selecting
from a list that Setup displays. Users can choose to install a particular feature in one of several ways:
On the local hard disk
On the network server, where the user runs the feature
On first use, meaning that Setup does not install the feature until the first time it is used
Not installed at all
By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can make these choices ahead of time for users. When users run Setup interactively,
your choices become the default. When users run Setup quietly, your choices determine how the features are installed.

Set the Installation State for Features

On the Set Feature Installation States page of the Custom Installation Wizard, you can click any feature to select the installation
state. You can choose from the following options:
Run from My Computer Components for the feature are copied to the local hard disk, and the feature is run from there.
Run all from My Computer Same as Run from My Computer, except that all of the child features belonging to the feature
are also set to this state.
Run from CD or Run from Network Components for the feature are left on the Microsoft Project CD or on the network
server (depending on how users are installing Microsoft Project). The feature is run from the Microsoft Project CD or the
network server.
Run all from CD or Run all from Network Same as Run from CD or Run from Network, except that all of the child
features belonging to the feature are also set to this state.
Installed on First Use Components for the feature and all its child features are left on the Microsoft Project CD or on the
network server (depending on how users are installing Microsoft Project). When the user attempts to use the feature for the
first time, the components are automatically copied to the local hard disk, and the feature is run from there just as if it had
been installed with the option Run from My Computer.
Not Available The components for the feature, and all of the child features belonging to this feature, are not installed on
the computer, and the feature is unavailable to the user.
Not all installation states are available for every feature. For example, if a feature contains a component that cannot be run over
the network, the feature does not have Run from CD or Run from Network as a choice in its list of installation states.

Hide Features from Users During Setup

In addition to setting the installation state, you can right-click any feature on the Set Feature Installation States page of the
Custom Installation Wizard to hide the feature from the user. If you select Hide, Setup does not display the feature when the user
runs Setup interactively; instead, the feature is installed behind the scenes according to the installation state that you have
To reverse this setting, right-click the feature and select Unhide. If you hide or unhide a feature, all of the child features belonging
to the feature are hidden or not hidden accordingly.
See Also
When you change the installation state of a Microsoft Project feature, the installation states of the child features change in
various ways. For more information, click Help on the Set Feature Installation States page of the Custom Installation
Creating the administrative installation point on a network server is the first step in deploying a customized version of
Microsoft Project over the network to your users. For more information, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize many aspects of your Microsoft Project installation. For more
information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Customizing Shortcuts
By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can customize the shortcuts that Setup creates for Microsoft Project. You can control
what shortcuts are installed, and you can also customize settings such as what folder the shortcut is installed in and what
command-line options to use with the shortcut.
On the Add, Modify, or Remove Shortcuts page of the Custom Installation Wizard, the wizard displays all of the shortcuts that
correspond with the features that you selected on the Set Feature Installation States page.
Modify an Existing Shortcut
On the Custom Installation Wizard page, you modify any existing shortcut by selecting the shortcut and clicking Modify. In the
Add/Modify Shortcut Entry dialog box, you can make the following modifications:
Target Change the application associated with the shortcut. The names in the list correspond to features that you selected
on the Set Feature Installation States page of the wizard, plus any custom files that you added to the installation on the
Add Files to the Installation page. You can also add command-line options by appending a space and a list of options to
the target name.
<microsoft project> /t "c:\Tools\myproject.mpp"

Location Change the folder in which the shortcut is created by selecting a location from the list. You can specify a
subfolder by appending a backslash (\) followed by the subfolder name.
<startmenu\programs>\Project 2002

Name Change the name of the shortcut by entering any string.

Start in Change the starting folder for the application by entering a path. The path must be a valid path on the user's
computer. If it is not, the user gets an error message when trying to use the shortcut.
Shortcut key Associate a shortcut key with this shortcut by entering the shortcut key string in this box. Click the Help
button in the wizard for a description of how to specify a shortcut key.
Run Select the way you want the application to run when the user double-clicks this shortcut. For example, if you want the
application to run in a maximized window by default, then select Maximized.
Change Icon Select a new icon for the shortcut.

Add or Remove Shortcuts

You can also click Add to add a new shortcut for any file being installed by Setup. This step allows you to create duplicate
shortcuts for Microsoft Project on the user's computer. It also allows you to create shortcuts for custom files or applications you
add to the installation.
To remove a shortcut from the list, select the shortcut and click Remove.
See Also
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize many aspects of your Microsoft Project installation. For more
information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
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Adding Files to the Installation
In addition to selecting what Microsoft Project files are installed, Microsoft Project Setup allows you to add your own files to the
installation. You can deploy corporate templates, images, custom applications, or other files.
On the Add Files to the Installation page of the Custom Installation Wizard, click Add to add a new file to the installation. After
you select one or more files to add, enter the destination path for the file or files in the File Destination Path dialog box. You can
enter an absolute path on the user's computer, or you can select a path from the list. If you select a path, you can add a subfolder
to it by appending a backslash (\) followed by the subfolder name.
When you click OK, the wizard adds the file to the transform. Setup installs the file on the user's computer, in the folder you
specified, when the user installs Microsoft Project.
After you add the file, you can add a shortcut for the file on the Add, Modify, or Remove Shortcuts page of the wizard. On that
page, click Add. The file you added appears in the Target box.
Because the file is copied into the transform, you must update the transform if the file changes later.
To update the installation with modified files

1. On the Create or Open the MST File page, enter the name of the Windows Installer transform (MST file).
1. On the Select the MST File to Save page, enter the name of the transform again.
1. Click Next until you reach the Add Files to the Installation page.
1. Select the file that has changed, and click Remove.
1. Click Add, and then enter the information for your modified file.
1. If you want to add registry keys to the transform, click Next.
1. On the Add Registry Entries page click Add or Import to either add registry entries or import them from a Registry export
See Also
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize many aspects of your Microsoft Project installation. For more
information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.

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Custom Installation Wizard
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On This Page

Overview of the Custom Installation Wizard

Deploying a Custom Installation Throughout Your Organization
Transforming a Standard Installation
Setting Options in the Custom Installation Wizard
Overview of the Custom Installation Wizard
The Custom Installation Wizard enables you to record changes to the master installation in a Microsoft® Windows® Installer
transform (MST file) without altering the original package (MSI file). Because the original package is never altered, you can create
a different transform for every installation scenario you need. When you run Setup with both the package and the transform,
Windows Installer applies the transform to the original package, and Setup uses your altered configuration to perform the
You can also use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform that runs additional Setup programs, such as the Profile
Wizard, at the end of the Microsoft Project 2002 installation. If you run the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit from
within the Custom Installation Wizard, you can customize the way Microsoft Project installs Internet Explorer 5.01.
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Deploying a Custom Installation Throughout Your Organization
If you are deploying Microsoft Project 2002 throughout a large organization, it is probably most efficient to first install Microsoft
Project on a network server and then have users run Setup from your administrative installation point.
After you create an administrative installation point, you will have many options for managing the deployment of Microsoft
Project. By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can modify the administrative installation point to control how all the users
in your organization install Microsoft Project on their computers.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to do the following:
Define the path where Microsoft Project is installed on users' computers
Define the default installation state for all features of Microsoft Project
Add your own files and registry entries to Setup so that they are installed along with Microsoft Project
Modify Microsoft Project shortcuts, specifying where they are installed and customizing their properties
Define a list of network servers for Microsoft Project to use if the primary server is unavailable
Create a transform that runs additional Setup programs, such as the Profile Wizard, at the end of Microsoft Project
Configure Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 the way that you want
For Microsoft Project 2002, the Custom Installation Wizard has been updated to include the following features:
An improved user interface and enhancements to the Help system
New installation states (Not Available, Hidden, Locked)
The ability to add and remove files with a transform
Enhanced security customization, including the ability to choose whether or not to install Visual Basic® for Applications
After you use the Custom Installation Wizard to fine-tune available options, your modifications become the default settings for
anyone who runs Setup from your administrative installation point. You can even have users run Setup in quiet mode (with no
user interaction) so that your modifications define precisely how Microsoft Project is installed — no questions asked.
See Also

For more information about creating an administrative installation point, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Transforming a Standard Installation
When you select modifications in the Custom Installation Wizard, the wizard alters the behavior of Microsoft Project Setup to
install Microsoft Project the way that you choose. The wizard can do this because Setup uses the new Windows Installer to install
and manage Microsoft Project components.
The Windows Installer uses two types of files to install Microsoft Project:
Installer package (MSI file) The package, or MSI file, contains a database that describes Microsoft Project files and
configuration information, plus instructions that determine how Setup installs the files.
Installer transform (MST file) The transform, or MST file, contains modifications to be applied to the package as Setup
installs Microsoft Project.
The Custom Installation Wizard creates a new installer transform (MST file) based on your customizations. Setup reads the
information in the installer package (MSI file), applies the changes specified in the installer transform, and installs Microsoft
Project by using the combined set of instructions. The original installer package is never altered. This arrangement allows you to
create any number of installer transforms; so you can design any number of Setup scenarios by using the wizard, all from the
same administrative installation point.
For example, you can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create unique transforms for your accounting, engineering, and
human resources departments. You can install a customized set of features and settings for each department. Your settings
become the default when users install Microsoft Project by using the transform that's customized for their departments.
Using the Windows Installer Package

The Windows Installer package is a relational database that contains all the information necessary to install Microsoft Project. The
package associates product components with features and contains information about the installation process itself, such as
installation sequence, destination folder paths, system dependencies, and installation options. The Windows Installer package also
contains a number of properties that control the installation process.
After installation, the Installer will still use the package to add or remove components and replace missing or damaged files.
When you set Microsoft Project features to be installed on first use, the Installer uses the package to copy the files the first time
the user activates the features.
Using the Windows Installer Transform
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a Windows Installer transform that describes how to transform the package
so that Setup installs Microsoft Project the way you want. Like the package, the transform is a relational database with
information about components, features, and Setup properties. However, the transform contains only the changes that you want
to apply to the package.
When you run Setup using both the package and the transform, the Windows Installer applies the transform to the original
package, and Setup uses your altered configuration to perform the installation. The Installer does not change the package itself,
but only temporarily applies the changes in memory before carrying out the package instructions.

Creating Multiple Custom Installations of Microsoft Project

To customize the Microsoft Project installation, you use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a new transform that contains all
of the changes you want to make to the Microsoft Project installation. You then run Setup using both the package and the
Because the transform is typically much smaller than the package, you can easily create multiple custom installations by creating
multiple transforms to use with the default package. In each transform, you can select a different set of installation options, add
custom files or registry entries, and customize Setup properties.
For example, you can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a separate transform for three departments: accounting,
engineering, and services. In the accounting department transform, you can specify that Microsoft Project is to be installed on the
user's computer and that Microsoft Project Help is to be available on the network. In the engineering department transform, you
can choose to install the PERT Analysis add-ins to run on the user's computer. In the services department transform, you can add
a set of Microsoft Project templates that are used to create corporate projects. When users in the accounting department run
Setup, they use their department's transform, and Setup installs their customized version of Microsoft Project. Users in the
engineering and services departments install different customized versions of Microsoft Project by using the transforms created
for their departments.
Top Of Page
Setting Options in the Custom Installation Wizard
When you run the Custom Installation Wizard, you first identify the Windows Installer package you want to customize. You can
then either open an existing Windows Installer transform (to work with a custom transform as a starting point) or create a new
Specifying Installer Packages and Transforms

In the Custom Installation Wizard, you can proceed as follows:

Open the Installer package Enter the name and path of the Microsoft Project installer package (Install.msi) which is
located in the root folder of the administrative installation point.
Open the transform To create a new transform, select Do not open an existing MST file. To modify an existing
transform, select Open an existing MST file and enter the name and path of the MST file.
Select the transform you want to save Specify a file name for the MST file in which to save your customizations. You
can save your changes in the same file you opened, or in a new MST file.

Specifying Setup Options

After specifying the MSI and MST files, the Custom Installation Wizard guides you through the installation customization options
that will be recorded in the MST file.
You can also set default application settings by using the Profile Wizard and the Custom Installation Wizard together. For
example, you can set the default view that is displayed when users start Microsoft Project.
First, you customize settings in Microsoft Project and use the Profile Wizard to record them in a profile settings file (OPS file). You
then use the Custom Installation Wizard to copy the OPS file into the MST file. Setup uses the OPS file to preset the default
options on users' computers.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to specify that Setup runs the Profile Wizard separately, after installation is
completed, to restore the settings in the OPS file.
Combining the Custom Installation Wizard with Other Setup Methods

Many of the customizations you can make by using the Custom Installation Wizard can also be done in other ways. This increases
your flexibility for creating custom installations.
Often, the installation scenarios you create for various departments will differ only slightly. To make several department
transforms that are almost identical, use the Custom Installation Wizard to create the first transform by specifying options that
apply to all departments, and save these options in a new MST file. You can then adapt this MST file for each individual
department by using a different customization method.
For example, suppose that the only difference between the accounting department's and the engineering department's
installation configuration is the organization name. You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a single MST file and
then use a different Setup command line option to set the COMPANYNAME property for each department.
For a complete list of Setup command line options you can use when you run Setup with a custom MST file, click Help on the last
page of the Custom Installation Wizard. The wizard's Help also describes the format of the Setup settings file, which you can use
to specify Setup properties or define the level of user interaction during Setup.
Recording Changes in a Transform

After setting the options you want and clicking Finish on the last page, the Custom Installation Wizard records all changes you
made in the transform. The original Installer package is never altered. If needed, you can always go back to using the standard
Microsoft Project Setup program.
See Also
You can use the Profile Wizard to customize Microsoft Project options and save them in an OPS file. You can then set these
options for your users when you install Microsoft Project on their computers. For more information about using the OPS file
during Microsoft Project installation, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Customizing Options Settings
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On This Page

Customizing User Options
Deploying Enterprise Profiles
Setting Registry Entries
The Global File and the Enterprise Global Template
Adding Functionality to Microsoft Project
Microsoft® Project is highly customizable. Users can change how Microsoft Project functions by setting options or adding custom
templates or tools. Most user-defined settings are recorded as values in the Microsoft Windows® registry, and some user-defined
options are stored in the Microsoft Project global file.
If you are an administrator in a large organization, you can customize user-defined settings and distribute a standard Microsoft
Project configuration to all users. To do this, you first install Microsoft Project on a test computer and then customize toolbars,
settings, templates, and any other options. Then you run the Profile Wizard to create a Microsoft Project profile settings file (OPS
file) that captures all of these configuration options. If you add the OPS file to a transform (MST file), your customized settings are
included when Microsoft Project is installed on client computers.
The Custom Installation Wizard also allows you to customize user-defined settings directly in the transform. You can set user
options and add or modify registry entries. You can even add the Profile Wizard to a transform and run it separately to distribute
new default settings. When Microsoft Project is installed, your customizations modify values in the Windows registry, and your
settings appear as the defaults on users' computers.
Top Of Page
Customizing User Options
When you install Microsoft Project on users' computers, you can use several methods to customize user options. You can use the
Profile Wizard to preset Microsoft Project options, or you can customize specific registry settings on users' computers.
If you define duplicate options by using a combination of the following methods, the user's computer determines which settings
to use according to where the method falls in the following order of precedence (a given method overrides any preceding
Settings in an OPS file included in a transform
Registry values specified in a transform
Settings in an OPS file included in the Profile Wizard
Settings that migrate from a previous version of Microsoft Project
Settings modified through system policies
The method you choose to customize user-defined settings depends on the following:
How extensively you want to configure Microsoft Project.
How complex your deployment scenarios are.
You can distribute the same custom settings to all the users in your organization, or you can configure Microsoft Project
differently to meet the needs of different groups of users.
Whether you want to enforce your custom settings.
Settings that you distribute through a transform or OPS file appear to users as the default settings—but users can choose
different options for themselves. By contrast, using Microsoft Project system policies ensures that your settings are always
The following table lists typical scenarios for customizing user settings and the recommended methods and tools to use in each

Scenario Method Tool

Distribute a standard default Microsoft Project Add an OPS file to a transform. Profile Wizard and Custom
configuration. Installation Wizard

Set just a few options or adjust your Microsoft Project Add user settings to a transform. Custom Installation Wizard
configuration without recreating the OPS file.

Set default security levels and customize trusted Specify security settings in a transform. Custom Installation Wizard
sources list.

Specify settings that are not captured in an OPS file. Add registry values to a transform. Custom Installation Wizard

Distribute a default Microsoft Project configuration Profile Wizard and Custom

but store one or more OPS files separately from the Run the Profile Wizard during Setup. Installation Wizard
MST file.

Preserve users' custom settings from a previous Allow Setup to migrate settings from a Default Setup behavior
version instead of specifying new default settings. previous version of Microsoft Project.

Set unique options for Microsoft Project Specify settings in the transform applied Custom Installation Wizard
Multilanguage User Interface Packs or other chained to the chained package. and Setup INI Customization
packages. Wizard

Distribute a default Microsoft Project configuration Run the Profile Wizard as a stand-alone Profile Wizard
that overrides individual users' settings. tool after Microsoft Project is installed.

Modify user settings after Microsoft Project is Distribute a configuration maintenance file
installed. (CMW file) after Microsoft Project is Custom Maintenance Wizard

System Policy Editor or

Prevent users from modifying the options you set. Set system policies. Windows 2000 Group Policy

Specify Settings in an OPS File Using the Profile Wizard

The Profile Wizard saves and restores user-defined settings in Microsoft Project. You can use it to customize user options and
save your settings in an OPS file. Using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can include the OPS file in the Windows Installer
transform (MST file). The OPS file contains registry values corresponding to option settings in Microsoft Project; these registry
values are set on users' computers by Setup during installation.
Add an OPS file to a transform

Adding an OPS file to a transform is a convenient way to deploy a collection of custom settings throughout your organization.
Settings contained in the OPS file are implemented when users install Microsoft Project, and those settings apply to every user
who logs on using that computer. However, any other method of customizing user options—including specifying user settings
elsewhere in the transform or choosing to migrate settings from a previous version of Microsoft Project—overwrites default
settings in the OPS file.
To customize default options for users in this way, follow these general steps

1. Use the Profile Wizard to create an OPS file that contains your default settings for Microsoft Project options.
1. Use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform (MST file) that contains the OPS file.
Create an OPS file

Before you create an OPS file, you must start Microsoft Project on a test computer and set all the options you want for your users.
You can set most options by using the Options dialog box (Tools menu). To customize toolbars and menus, use the Customize
command (Tools menu). After you have customized Microsoft Project, run the Profile Wizard to save the settings to an OPS file.
To save settings to an OPS file

1. Run the Profile Wizard.

1. On the Save or Restore Settings page, select Save the settings from this machine, and enter the name and path for the
OPS file.
1. Select the check boxes next to the Microsoft Project components you want to include in your OPS file.
1. Click Finish.
Create a transform that contains the OPS file

You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform that includes the OPS file.
To create a custom transform that contains the OPS file

1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Customize Default Application Settings page, select Get values from an existing settings profile, and type
the file name and path of the OPS file you created.
Allow Setup to migrate settings

By default, if a previous version of Microsoft Project is installed on a user's computer, the Windows Installer copies the previous
application settings for that version to Microsoft Project. Migrated settings are applied the first time each user starts Microsoft
Project, and the user's migrated settings overwrite any duplicate settings contained in an OPS file or added to the transform.
On the Customize Default Application Settings page of the Custom Installation Wizard, you can modify this Setup behavior. If
you are not including an OPS file in the installation, the wizard selects the Migrate user settings check box by default. When
users install Microsoft Project with your transform, Setup migrates relevant settings from a previous version. If you add an OPS
file to the transform, the wizard clears the Migrate user settings check box and uses the values in your OPS file instead.
Run the Profile Wizard During Setup
Adding an OPS file to the MST file increases the size of the transform and also requires that you recreate the transform whenever
you modify the OPS file. Alternatively, you can store the OPS file on a network server and direct Setup to run the Profile Wizard
with your OPS file during Microsoft Project installation.
Running the Profile Wizard during Setup applies a standard default Microsoft Project configuration to users' computers. However,
because the OPS file is stored separately, you can modify the configuration without changing the transform. You can also create
different OPS files for different groups of users.
When you run the Profile Wizard separately, you can choose whether to apply the settings in the OPS file once per user (the
recommended option) or once per computer. You can also specify whether user-defined options are returned to their original
default settings before your customized settings are applied; this step ensures that all users begin with exactly the same Microsoft
Project configuration.
When you add Proflwiz.exe to a transform, the Profile Wizard runs after Microsoft Project is installed, so settings from this OPS
file overwrite any duplicate settings specified in the transform, including the following:
Settings specified in an OPS file added to a transform
Registry entries
Distribute a standard Microsoft Project user profile
When you add the Profile Wizard to a transform, it runs after Microsoft Project is installed and applies default settings from the
OPS file that you specify.
To run the Profile Wizard during Setup

1. Copy the Profile Wizard executable file (Proflwiz.exe) and your customized OPS file to the Microsoft Project administrative
installation point. You can place the files in the same folder as Microsoft Project Setup.exe, or you can create a subfolder for
1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.
1. On the Add Installations and Run Programs page, click Add.
1. In the Target box, type the file name and path to Proflwiz.exe or click Browse to select the file.
1. In the Arguments box, add command-line options directing the Profile Wizard to apply the OPS file to the user's computer,
and then click OK.
1. Do one of the following:
Choose Run this program once per machine to apply your default settings the first time a user logs on.
Choose Run this program once per user to apply your default settings to every user of the computer. Note that this
option requires a connection to the network every time a new user logs on.
For example, to run the Profile Wizard from the Profile subfolder in the Microsoft Project administrative installation point, type the
following in the Target box:

Then add the following command-line options to the Arguments box:

profile\newprofile.ops /r /q

These arguments run the Profile Wizard quietly (/q), reset all options to their original default settings (/r), and apply settings from
the file Newprofile.ops (profile\newprofile.ops).
Run the Profile Wizard After Microsoft Project Is Installed
You can run the Profile Wizard as a stand-alone tool after you deploy Microsoft Project. This method allows you to distribute a
standard user profile that overwrites any other settings distributed through a transform, migrated by the Windows Installer, or set
by users.
Running the Profile Wizard separately also allows you to customize the process more precisely. For example, you can include only
the settings you want to manage. This approach is very helpful when you deploy Microsoft Project in stages and you want to
customize each application separately at each stage of the process.
Customize the Profile Wizard
To customize the Profile Wizard, you edit the INI file. Using Notepad or another text editor, you can add or delete references to
settings that you want to include or exclude. You can include or exclude registry settings, Application Data folders, or template
files. You can also run the Profile Wizard from the command line without losing functionality. Every wizard option has a
corresponding command-line switch.
For more information about customizing the Profile Wizard, editing the Profile Wizard INI file, or specifying command-line
options for the Profile Wizard, see Profile Wizard in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Adding Registry Values to a Transform
Because most Microsoft Project options correspond to entries in the Windows registry, you can customize those options by
adding or modifying registry values in the transform (MST file). Setup applies your new default options when users install
Microsoft Project. Depending on which branch of the registry you customize, your settings are applied once per user
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER) or once per computer (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
After Microsoft Project Setup is completed, the Windows Installer copies the registry entries that you added to the transform to
users' computers. Options that you set by adding or modifying registry entries override duplicate values that you set on other
pages of the Custom Installation Wizard, including the following:
Settings specified in an OPS file added to a transform
Security settings
You can add or modify registry entries on the Add Registry Entries page of the Custom Installation Wizard. You will need to
know the complete path for each registry entry, as well as the value name and data type for that entry.
Add registry entries to a transform

To add Windows registry entries to a transform

1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Add Registry Entries page, click Add.
1. In the Root box, select the portion of the registry you want to modify.
1. In the Data type box, enter a data type for the new entry.
1. In the remaining boxes, enter the full path for the registry entry you want to add, enter the value name and data, and click
Import a registry file into a transform

To add multiple registry entries to a transform, you can create a registry (REG) file, and then use the Add Registry Entries page
of the Custom Installation Wizard to import the registry file.
A registry file is a text file that contains a copy of a section of the Windows registry. If your computer already has the registry
entries you want to copy to users' computers, creating a registry file is an efficient way of distributing those entries.
To create a registry file

1. On the computer that has the registry entries you want to add to the installation, click Run on the Start menu, and then type
1. In the Registry Editor, select the portion of the registry tree that you want to copy.
1. On the Registry menu, click Export Registry File (on a computer running Windows XP, click Export on the File menu),
and then follow the instructions to export the selected portion of the registry tree to a registry file.
To import a registry file to a transform

1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Add/Remove page, click Import.
1. Select the registry file you created, and click Open.

See Also
Using the Profile Wizard, you can create an OPS file that contains default Microsoft Project settings that you can use to
configure your users' computers. For more information, see Profile Wizard in the Deployment and Administration Tools
section of the resource kit toolbox.
Using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can create a transform that contains an OPS file, or you can create a transform
that runs the Profile Wizard. For more information about how to create and use a transform, see the Customizing Setup
resource kit article.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize many aspects of your Microsoft Project installation, including
selecting which features are installed. For more information, see Custom Installation Wizard in the Deployment and
Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
For more information on using Global.mpt to customize user options, see the Customizing Options Settings resource kit

Presetting User Options in an OPS File

A Microsoft Project user can configure Microsoft Project by customizing a broad array of options. Users can select options such as
toolbar settings, custom dictionaries, the location of templates, and the default format for saving files.
Using the Profile Wizard and the Custom Installation Wizard, you can change the default settings for these options and set new
defaults on users' computers. Your changes are implemented when users install Microsoft Project on their computers.
To customize default options for users, follow these general steps

1. Use the Profile Wizard to create an OPS file that contains your default settings for Microsoft Project options.
1. Do one of the following:
Use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a Windows Installer transform (MST file) that contains your OPS file.
Run the Profile Wizard during Microsoft Project Setup to implement your default settings. You can create a transform that
runs the Profile Wizard immediately after Microsoft Project is installed.

Create an OPS File that Contains Your Settings

Before you create your OPS file, you must start Microsoft Project and set all the options you want for your users, such as general
or schedule options. You can set most options by using the Options dialog box (Tools menu). To customize toolbars and menus,
use the Customize command (Tools menu).
After you have customized Microsoft Project, run the Profile Wizard to save the settings to an OPS file.
To save settings to an OPS file, run the Profile Wizard by using the following command line:
Proflwiz.exe [[/s] <settings filename>] [/i <INI filename>] [/q] [/p] [/e]

The option <settings filename> is the name of the OPS file you want to create to store your settings and <INI filename> is the
name of the INI file you want to use.
You can use one of the following INI files with Microsoft Project (these can be downloaded from the Microsoft Project 2002
Resource Kit Toolbox):
P10ADM.ini This file captures only Microsoft Project-specific settings (settings shared with Office XP, such as the Office
Assistant settings, are not captured).
P+O10ADM.ini This file captures Office as well as Microsoft Project settings (this is useful if you are deploying Microsoft
Project and Office at the same time).
P10USR.ini This file captures Microsoft Project 2002 user-specific settings. Settings shared with Office XP, such as the
Office Assistant settings, are not captured. This file should not be used for settings shared with other users (in this case, use
P10ADM.ini, instead).
P+O10USR.ini This file captures Office and Microsoft Project 2002 settings, including personal user settings (this is useful
when deploying Microsoft Project 2002 and Office at the same time). This file should not be used for settings shared with
other users (in this case, use P+O10ADM.ini, instead).
RESETP10.ini This file resets settings specific to Microsoft Project 2002 to default values. To reset settings for Microsoft
Project 2002 and Office XP, use RESETO10.ini, included in the Office XP Resource Kit.

Create a Transform that Contains Your OPS File

You use the Custom Installation Wizard to create an MST file that customizes the Microsoft Project installation process. By using
the wizard, you can customize many aspects of the installation that affect your organization. On the Customize Default
Applications Settings page of the wizard, you can add your OPS file to the transform.
To create a custom transform that contains the OPS file

1. Run the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Customize Default Application Settings page, select Get values from an existing settings profile, and type
the file name and path of the OPS file you created.
1. On the same page, select the Migrate user settings check box if your users are upgrading from a previous version of
Microsoft Project and you want to apply their former application settings to Microsoft Project.
The Custom Installation Wizard creates a transform that contains your OPS file and any other customizations you have made.
Run the Profile Wizard to Restore OPS File Settings

Instead of including an OPS file in the transform, you can run the Profile Wizard during Setup to restore the settings from the OPS
file. This alternative gives you the flexibility to place the OPS file in a common location, such as a network server, so that the OPS
file can be modified without having to update the transform.
To run the Profile Wizard during Setup, run the Custom Installation Wizard to add a command line for the Profile Wizard on the
Add Installations and Run Programs page.
To run the Profile Wizard during Setup

1. Copy the Profile Wizard executable file (Proflwiz.exe) and your customized OPS file to the Microsoft Project administrative
installation point.
1. Run the Custom Installation Wizard.
1. On the Add Installations and Run Programs page, click Add.
1. In the Command line box, type the file name and path to Proflwiz.exe, or click Browse to select the file.
1. In the Command line box, add command-line options directing the Profile Wizard to restore the OPS file to the user's
computer, and then click OK.
profile\proflwiz.exe /q /r profile\newprofile.ops

After Microsoft Project is installed, the Windows Installer starts all the applications you specify on the Add Installations and Run
Programs page in the order that you specify them.
See Also

You can run the Profile Wizard interactively, or you can use command-line options to run it in quiet mode (without user
interaction), to save or restore settings. For more information, see Profile Wizard in the Deployment and Administration
Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can create a Windows Installer transform that contains an OPS file or that runs
the Profile Wizard during Setup. For more information about how to create and use a transform, see the Customizing Setup
resource kit article.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize many aspects of your Microsoft Project installation, including
selecting which features are installed and customizing installation options. For more information, see Custom Installation
Wizard in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Deploying Enterprise Profiles
Storing the OPS file separately allows you to create unique configurations for different groups of Microsoft Project Professional
users. You can target unique OPS files to different groups in one of two ways:
Create a standard user profile, create separate department profiles, and then substitute the department profiles for the
standard profile during installation.
Create a standard user profile, allow department administrators to create separate department profiles, and then distribute
both profiles during installation.

Distribute a Department-Specific User Profile

In this scenario, the corporate administrator first creates a default OPS file.
To create a standard corporate user profile

1. Install and configure Microsoft Project on a test computer.

1. Run the Profile Wizard to create the default OPS file.
1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard and, on the Customize Default Application Settings page, add the default OPS file
to the corporate transform.
Before Microsoft Project is installed, each department administrator creates a new OPS file based on the standard corporate
To create a department-specific user profile

Using the corporate transform, install Microsoft Project on a test computer.

Customize Microsoft Project to suit the department needs.
Run the Profile Wizard to create a new department-specific OPS file.
Start the Custom Installation Wizard and, on the Customize Default Application Settings page, add the new OPS file to
the department transform.
Using the department transform, install Microsoft Project throughout the department.

Distribute Both Corporate and Department Settings

In this scenario, the corporate administrator customizes the Microsoft Project installation to point to the Profile Wizard and OPS
file with a relative path. Using a relative path allows each department to add the Profile Wizard and a department-specific OPS file
to its own administrative installation point.
To customize Microsoft Project installation for department-specific user profiles

1. Install and configure Microsoft Project on a test computer.

1. Run the Profile Wizard to create a default OPS file.
1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard and, on the Customize Default Application Settings page, add the default OPS file
to the corporate transform.
1. On the Add Installations and Run Programs page, add the Profile Wizard as an application to be run at the end of the
installation, and point to the Profile Wizard and OPS file with a relative path. Use the following syntax:
OPW\Proflwiz.exe /r Department.ops /q

1. Create separate administrative installation points on the network for each department.
1. Create an OPW folder at each administrative installation point, and copy the Profile Wizard to that folder.
When Microsoft Project is deployed, the individual department administrators update the Microsoft Project installation with their
own customized versions.
To install a department-specific user profile

1. Using the corporate transform, install Microsoft Project on a test computer.

1. Customize Microsoft Project to suit the department needs.
1. Run the Profile Wizard to create an OPS file based on the new settings, and name the file Department.ops.
1. Copy the new Department.ops file to the OPW folder on the department administrative installation point.
1. Install Microsoft Project on department computers.
When Microsoft Project is installed, the settings in the corporate OPS file are included. Immediately following the installation, the
Profile Wizard runs and the corporate settings are updated with the department administrator's changes.
Top Of Page
Setting Registry Entries
In Microsoft Project Setup, you can include custom applications that require custom Microsoft Windows registry settings. You can
also customize certain Microsoft Project options by changing registry settings. In these situations, you can use the Custom
Installation Wizard to define registry values that are set on users' computers during Microsoft Project installation.
To set registry values during Microsoft Project installation, you add individual registry entries to a Windows Installer transform
(MST file). You can also import a registry file containing multiple registry entries.
Add Registry Entries to a Transform

By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can customize many aspects of the Microsoft Project installation process that affect
your organization. To add registry entries to a Windows Installer transform, you use the Add Registry Entries page of the wizard.
You must know the complete path for each registry entry, as well as the value name and the data type for that entry.
To add Windows registry entries to a transform

1. Run the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Add Registry Entries page, click Add.
1. Enter the full path for the registry entry you want to add, enter the value name and data, and then click OK.

Import a Registry File into a Transform

To add multiple registry entries to a Windows Installer transform, first you create a registry (REG) file, and then you use the Add
Registry Entries page of the Custom Installation Wizard to import the registry file.
A registry file is a text file that contains a copy of a section of the Windows registry. If your computer already has the registry
entries you want to copy to users' computers, creating a registry file is an efficient way of copying those entries.
To create a registry file

1. On the computer that has the registry entries you want to add to the installation, click Run on the Start menu, and then type
1. In the registry editor, select the portion of the registry tree that you want to copy.
1. On the Registry menu, click Export Registry File (on a computer running Windows XP, click Export on the File menu),
and follow the instructions to export the selected portion of the registry tree to a registry file.
To import a registry file to a transform

1. Run the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Add Registry Entries page, click Import.
1. Select the registry file you created, and click Open.
After Microsoft Project Setup is completed, the Windows Installer copies the registry entries that you added to the transform to
users' computers.
Modifying Settings Using System Policies

After installation is complete, you can modify registry values by using Windows system policies. System policy settings take effect
when the user logs on to the network, and they override any duplicate values you set during installation.
Unlike default application settings set by means of an OPS file, system policies are not optional; if a user changes a setting set by
policy, Windows reinstates your setting the next time the user logs on.
Microsoft Project profiles and multiple languages

Microsoft Project user profiles generated by the Profile Wizard are independent of the operating system—including operating
systems in other languages. For example, an OPS file created under Microsoft Windows 98 (U.S. English version) can be restored
to a computer running Windows 2000 (Japanese version).
However, Microsoft Project user profiles are specific to a particular Microsoft Project language version. For example, if you create
an OPS file in the U.S. English version of Microsoft Project, it cannot be restored to a computer with the German version of
Microsoft Project installed. There is some overlap between language families. For example, you can restore a U.S. English Office
profile to an English or Australian version of Microsoft Project.
This Microsoft Project language limitation exists because the different Microsoft Project versions include localized folder names
for the folders that contain the Microsoft Project user profile information.
Top Of Page
The Global File and the Enterprise Global Template
The Global File

The global file (Global.mpt) is used as a master template file for any new project that is created in Microsoft Project. By default, it
contains all built-in views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, toolbars, menu bars, and import-export maps. You can customize
these items or add new items in the global file.
The global file can also store customized features and settings, including macros and custom fields. Storing custom items in the
global file makes them available to all other projects. Customized features and settings in different global files can also be shared
by merging global files.
Tasks, resources, and assignments can't be stored in the global file. Most options within the Options dialog box of Microsoft
Project are also not stored in the global file.
How Microsoft Project locates a global file

When Microsoft Project 2002 is opened, it first tries to locate a global file using the Root Key policy registry key:
10.0\MS Project\GlobalSearch
Data: RootKey
Value: <Full path to Global.mpt>
Type: REG_SZ

The Administrator can set this key to point to a particular location for Global.mpt
If Microsoft Project finds that this registry key is set and it finds a Global.mpt at the location it points to, it boots using that
The Enterprise Global Template

For standardization purposes, Microsoft Project Professional can use a global template that has been saved to the Microsoft
Project Server 2002 database. This global template is referred to as the enterprise global template. The enterprise global template
contains, by default, the Enterprise Gantt Chart view, the All Tasks, Enterprise Resources, and Project Team Members filters, and
the No Group group. The enterprise global template is useful for organizations that wish to standardize any of the global items
across projects. The enterprise global template contains several unique features:
Fields can be required
Outline codes can share look-up tables
Selection of outline code values can be restricted to only leaf nodes
Outline codes can be specified as being used for resource substitution
The Microsoft Project Server 2002 setup program installs the enterprise global template. Users can then use Microsoft Project
Professional to open and edit the enterprise global template by checking it out from Microsoft Project Server. While users can
temporarily edit items in their in-memory global template that originated from the enterprise global template, these changes are
not saved to the Microsoft Project Server database unless the enterprise global template is checked out and the user has the
correct permissions for editing it. It is recommended that permissions to edit the enterprise global template be limited to a small
number of administrators.
Microsoft Project Professional uses both the local global file and the enterprise global template, and combines items from both
into the in-memory version of the global file. With the exception of toolbars and menu bars, items from the enterprise global
template overwrite items from the global file when the items have the same name.
The Global File on a Shared Server

If Microsoft Project is run from a network server in your organization, Microsoft Project first looks for the global file in the
working directory on the local computer. If the local global file is missing from this directory, Microsoft Project uses the global file
on the network server.
Users with read/write permissions on the network server can modify the original global file. Subsequent installations of Microsoft
Project that run from the network server then use this modified global file rather than the original global file. To ensure that the
global file cannot be modified on the network server, users should have read-only permissions on the network server. Changes
made to the global file on a read-only server cannot be saved. When users exit Microsoft Project, however, they can save a copy of
the changed global file in a different location.
Sharing Custom Elements Stored in the Global File

After customizing Microsoft Project to better reflect the needs of your organization, the policy registry keys can be used to specify
that individual installations of Microsoft Project 2002 always open the customized global file saved on the network. Also, users
can share additional customizations using the Organizer, including those described below.
Using the Organizer to share custom elements

Using the Organizer, users can share additional customizations for items listed and described below:
Customized views Information in a view or report can be customized by applying different tables and filters, and the
appearance of printed reports or views can be customized by adding notes, gridlines, borders, and column totals.
Customized toolbars Built-in toolbars and buttons can be customized, or new custom toolbars and buttons can be
created. A toolbar is a set of buttons and list boxes that provide command shortcuts for working with Microsoft Project.
Clicking a toolbar button is usually quicker than clicking a command on a menu. By default, the Standard and Formatting
toolbars are displayed below the menu bar at the top of the screen. Any built-in or custom toolbar can also be hidden,
modified, or moved to another location. Once a custom toolbar is created, it is automatically saved in the global file.
Customized filters If none of the Microsoft Project built-in filters meet the needs of your organization, a filter can be
modified or a new filter created. When a project is saved, the new or modified filter is saved only with the project file, but it
can be copied to the global file using the Organizer.
Customized Visual Basic modules If a macro is saved initially in a global file, it is available for any other project file on a
computer. Whether a macro is saved in an active project file or in the global file, it can be made available to other users in
your organization by using the Organizer.
Using templates to share custom elements

You can save time in planning new projects by using templates. A template should not be confused with the global file. A template
is merely a Microsoft Project file saved with the file name extension .mpt. Using a template allows you to reuse existing schedules
as the starting point for creating new schedules. Task and resource information, formatting, macros, and project-specific settings
can all become part of a template. Any information in a Microsoft Project file (MPP) can become part of a planning template,
Task and resource information
View and text formatting
File-specific settings
You can ensure that these types of information are set up uniformly across projects by distributing templates that project teams
can use when new projects begin.
Typically, any changes to views, tables, filters, calendars, reports, and forms are local; that is, they take place only in the active
project file. However, any changes to toolbars, menus, and import/export maps are global; that is, the changes are made to the
global file and apply to all project files on a computer. Then, when a new project file is opened, it reflects your customized toolbars
and menus. When format settings (such as bold, italic, color, or bar shape) are changed, those settings apply only to the active
project file and not to other project files on your computer. Changes to Visual Basic modules can be either global or local,
according to your preference. You can customize views, tables, filters, calendars, reports, and forms, and share them with other
users by saving your project file as a template. When the template is opened and saved as a project file, this new project file
contains the original Microsoft Project defaults (from the global file), as well as the customized elements from the template.
Using the Global File to Distribute Customizations to Your Organization

Depending on how users in an organization are set up to work on project files, you can roll out customizations in one of several
Administrators can roll out the enterprise global template simply by editing it and saving it to Microsoft Project Server.
Users of Microsoft Project Professional will automatically access the revised enterprise global template when they next
connect to the server.
Administrators can modify the policy registry key to specify that individual installations of Microsoft Project Standard
always open the customized global file saved on the network.
If users have Microsoft Project installed on local computers (or if they run Microsoft Project from a network server but keep
files in a working directory on their local computers), they can use the customized global file simply by replacing their
global file with the customized global file, or by using the Organizer to copy customizations from the customized global file
to their own global file.
If users run Microsoft Project Standard from a network server, and open files from there as well, they will automatically get
customization updates as the administrator updates the global file on the network server.

See Also

For more information about locating and upgrading global files, see the Before You Upgrade resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Adding Functionality to Microsoft Project
You can include in your deployment a separate project file that contains macros your users can then use on their project files. You
can also develop and distribute a Component Object Model (COM) add-in that contains new functionality for Microsoft Project.
Using a Project File to Distribute New Functionality
You can add macros to project files (MPP files) and to project template files (.MPT files) in the same way you add them to the
global file. You can then distribute these files when you deploy Microsoft Project. When users open these files, they will have
access to these macros.
There are typically two ways to distribute these new files throughout your organization:
Use the Add Files to the Installation page of the Custom Installation Wizard to add these new files to your deployment.
Send the files as e-mail attachments after you deploy Microsoft Project.
You can also create an AutoRun macro that runs when users open the project file. The AutoRun macro could then copy other
macro code to the Global template so that the macros are available for all projects.

Using COM Add-ins to Distribute New Functionality

The Component Object Model (COM) allows software components to communicate with each other. It's an interface that allows
any two components to communicate regardless of the computer they're running on (as long as the computers are connected),
the operating system the computer is running (as long as it supports COM), and the language the components are written in.
A COM add-in extends an application by adding functionality that is not in the core product. For example, an add-in might add
new menu commands or toolbar buttons that display custom forms to add new features to an application.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) developers can create COM add-ins by using Office 2000 Developer. COM add-ins can also be
created by developers who are using one of the following programming languages:
Microsoft Visual Basic versions 5.0 or later
Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft Visual J++
Any language that can create COM components
The only requirement to connect COM add-ins to Microsoft Project is that the add-in must implement the IDExtensibility2
COM add-ins can be loaded when the host application starts, or they can be loaded on demand. Support has also been added to
allow the OnAction property of a custom command bar button to load a COM add-in.
Microsoft Project provides the following add-ins:
PERT Analysis
Analyze Timescaled Data
Adjust Dates
The following COM add-ins for Microsoft Project are available at the Microsoft Download Center:
Compare Project Versions
Database Upgrade Utility
Euro Currency Converter
Visio WBS Chart Wizard
XML Reporting Wizard

See Also
To learn more about working COM add-ins, see the Microsoft COM Web site and the Microsoft Office Object Model on MSDN.

Top Of Page
Customizing Setup
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On This Page

Modifying Setup Options
Specifying Values on the Setup Command Line
Specifying Values in the Setup Settings File
Storing Values in a Windows Installer Transform
See Also
After you create an administrative installation point for Microsoft® Project, you can make extensive customizations before
installing Microsoft Project on users' computers. You can also customize many aspects of the installation process.
Many of the customizations you make to a Microsoft Project installation can be accomplished by one of several methods:
Specifying options on the command line
Modifying the Setup settings file (INI file) with the Setup INI Customization Wizard
Creating a transform (MST file) with the Custom Installation Wizard
Each method provides unique advantages in what you can customize and how you give users access to the custom installation.
You can implement one or more of these methods, depending on the level of customization you need.
Top Of Page
Modifying Setup Options
You can customize the way Microsoft Project Setup installs Microsoft Project by modifying Setup options. You can specify
whether to perform a user or administrative installation, or you can initiate the repair or reinstallation of Microsoft Project.
By modifying setup options, you can:
Control the degree to which users interact with Setup, even running Setup in quiet mode.
Enable logging.
Specify values for Setup properties that further customize the installation process.

Managing the Installation Process with Setup Properties

Many of the customizations that you make to the installation process are done through Setup properties. Setup uses these
properties to control different aspects of the installation process. For example, the COMPANYNAME property defines the default
organization name that Setup uses during installation, and the REBOOT property determines whether Setup reboots after the
installation is complete. By modifying these property values, you can customize the way that Setup installs Microsoft Project.
The default values for Setup properties are defined in the Windows Installer package (MSI file). You can modify Setup properties
in the transform, in the Setup settings file, or on the command line.
There are two types of Setup properties:
Public property names are all uppercase and can be specified in the Setup command line, in the settings file, or on the
Modify Setup Properties page of the Custom Installation Wizard.
Private property names are a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and can be specified only on the Modify Setup
Properties page of the Custom Installation Wizard.
If you enter a property name in the Setup command line or settings file, Setup assumes that it is a public property and the name is
converted to all uppercase letters. If you enter a property name in the Custom Installation Wizard, you must enter the name
exactly as it is defined, in all uppercase letters or in mixed-case letters. With few exceptions, all properties that you can use for
managing the installation process are public properties.
When setting properties, consider the following:
String properties are not validated for proper syntax. Any value entered for a string property is considered valid.
Leading and trailing blanks are removed from property values.
Property values cannot contain environment variables.

See Also

For a complete description of the features available in the Microsoft Project Setup program, including information about how to
perform administrative and client installations, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
The Custom Installation Wizard allows you to fully customize the installation process, from modifying Setup properties to adding
custom files and registry entries to the installation. For more information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Specifying Values on the Setup Command Line
When you run Setup, you can use command-line options to change some of the parameters that Setup uses to install Microsoft
Project. Using command-line options, you can do the following:
Identify which package (MSI file) and transform (MST file) to use
Specify a custom Setup settings file (INI file) to use
Direct Setup to run in quiet mode
Set Windows Installer logging options
Change default values of Setup properties
For example, you can enter the following options on the command line:
setup.exe /qb+ /l* %temp%\Project10.txt COMPANYNAME="Your Company Name"

This command line customizes Setup in the following ways:

Setup does not prompt the user for information, but it displays progress indicators and a completion message as it installs
Microsoft Project (/qb+).
The Windows Installer logs all information and any error messages (/l*), and appends this information to the file
C:\Temp\Project10.txt (where the TEMP environmental variable is set to "C:\Temp" on the user's computer).
Setup sets the default organization name to your company's name.
Because no custom INI or MST file is specified, Setup installs the same Microsoft Project features that it would if the user
clicked Install Now in the Setup user interface.

When to Use Command-Line Options

The Setup command line is most useful when you have few customizations to make, or when you want to create several different
installations quickly. You do not need to edit any Microsoft Project files (such as the INI or MST files) or run any special tools (such
as the Custom Installation Wizard).
You can create multiple custom installations by defining different command lines for different users or by creating multiple batch
files or shortcuts. This method is especially useful if you need to create multiple deployment packages by using a systems
management tool—and each package requires a different command line.
For example, you can have your engineering and accounting departments install the same set of Microsoft Project features and
settings, but specify a unique organization name for each. In the administrative installation point, you would create two shortcuts
that have the following command lines:
setup.exe /q /settings Custom.ini COMPANYNAME="Engineering Department"
setup.exe /q /settings Custom.ini COMPANYNAME="Accounting Department"

Command-line options are also useful if you use Microsoft Systems Management Server or another systems management tool to
create multiple development packages, each of which requires a different command line.
How to Distribute Command-Line Options
When users double-click Setup.exe, Setup runs without command-line options. To apply your custom command-line options,
users must click Run on the Windows Start menu and enter the path to Setup.exe, along with your command-line options.
To simplify this process for your users, you can create in MS-DOS® a batch file that runs Setup.exe with your command-line
options. Or you can create a Windows shortcut and add your custom options to the command-line box. Users double-click the
batch file or shortcut to run the Setup command line that you have defined. You can store the batch file or shortcut in the main
folder of the administrative installation point.
If you run Setup from a network logon script or through a systems management tool (such as Microsoft Systems Management
Server), you can add your custom options to the Setup command line in the script or deployment package.
Install Microsoft Project Quietly

By default, Setup installs Microsoft Project with a full user interface and displays a completion notice at the end of the installation.
In many large organizations, however, it is more efficient to install Microsoft Project without any user interaction. In this case, the
recommended command-line option is /qb-, which installs Microsoft Project as follows:
Progress indicators are displayed during the installation.
Error messages and other modal dialog boxes are not displayed.
Setup restarts the computer automatically, if a restart is required (for example, when Internet Explorer is installed).
Setup displays a completion notice when the installation is finished.
When you run Microsoft Project Setup with a basic or reduced display, users can still click the Cancel button to stop the
installation process. However, if you set the NOCANCEL property to True, then the Cancel button is displayed but is unavailable.
Users know that the installation is occurring and they know when it is complete, but they cannot interrupt the process.
You can install Microsoft Project with no user interface whatsoever by using the /qn command-line option, or by setting the
DISPLAY property to None. If you are using a deployment tool such as Microsoft Systems Management Server to run the
installation when users are not logged on, you must use this display setting.
See Also
For a complete description of the features available in the Microsoft Project Setup program, including information about how to
perform administrative and client installations, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Specifying Values in the Setup Settings File
In addition to using options specified on the command line, Setup.exe also reads the Setup settings file (INI file) and writes tasks
to the registry based on the information contained in the settings file. You can customize the default Setup settings file (Setup.ini),
or create your own custom INI files, to control many aspects of the installation process. Setup.ini is located in the Files\Setup
folder on the administrative installation point.
The Setup INI Customization Wizard provides a convenient user interface for creating custom versions of the Setup settings file.
The wizard also helps prevent you from inadvertently specifying conflicting settings, and automatically generates a Setup
command line that includes the /settings switch and the name and path to your custom INI file. When you use the Setup INI
Customization Wizard to specify your modifications, the wizard automatically writes the information in the appropriate sections
of the INI file.
For Microsoft Project 2002, the Setup settings file contains more information than previous versions and includes several new
Table 1. Microsoft Project 2002 Setup sections

Section Description
[Product] section This section contains the product code, product name, and version number. Setup uses this
information to determine whether Microsoft Project is installed.

[MSI], [MST], and [Options] These sections contain information about the Microsoft Project package (MSI file) and any
sections transform (MST file) to apply, as well as property settings for the Microsoft Project installation.
For example, you can specify the COMPANYNAME property in the [Options] section.

[Display] section This section contains the logging mode to use for each portion of the installation process, as
well as the location and naming scheme for log files.

[Installer] section This section contains Windows Installer information, including minimum version and the path
to Instmsi.exe or Instmsiw.exe (the program that installs or upgrades Windows Installer).

This section contains information about the System Files Update package, as well as some
[SystemPack] section property settings to apply. For example, you can enter DISPLAY=Basic to display only simple
progress indicators during the System Files Update installation, even if you set the core Office
installation to run with a full user interface.

This section contains custom settings and properties to pass to the System Files Update
[SystemPackOptions] section installation. For example, you can enter TRANSFORMS=Custom.mst to apply a transform to
the System Files Update package.

[SystemPack_DetectionFileList] Lists all the shared and system files and version numbers that Setup checks during the
section detection process.

Contain information about chained packages and any transforms to apply. You can chain as
[ChainedInstall_n] sections many additional packages as you want and apply a transform to each one. These sections of
Setup.ini are useful when you want to include multiple Office XP Multilingual User Interface
Packs (MUI Packs) in an Office installation.

Here are further examples of entries you can include in the Setup settings file:
COMPANYNAME=Your Company Name

These entries customize Setup in the following ways:

Setup does not prompt the user for information, but displays progress indicators and a completion message as it installs
Microsoft Project. Setup installs the same Microsoft Project features as it would if the user ran Setup and clicked Install
The Windows Installer logs all information and any error messages, appending this information to the file C:\Project10.txt
on the user's computer.
Setup sets the default organization name to your company's name.

When to Use a Custom Setup Settings File

Because the Setup settings file organizes Setup options in an easy-to-read format, it is more convenient to use than long or
complex command lines. If you use the Setup settings file to set most Setup properties, you can reserve the command line for
specific and targeted modifications, or changes that you need to make late in the deployment process. Customization of the Setup
settings file is especially useful when Setup.exe is run from an administrative installation point, rather than from a batch file or
shortcut, to install a customized version of Microsoft Project.
The Setup settings file also differs from the Setup command line in that the settings file provides more flexibility for installation
logging. The Setup /l command-line option initializes only Windows Installer logging. By contrast, the [Logging] section of the
settings file initializes both Windows Installer and Microsoft Project Setup logging. The Setup settings file also provides you with
more flexibility in naming the log file.
You can create multiple Setup settings files for different groups of users. Users specify the Setup settings file they want to use by
using the /settings Setup command-line option. You can also specify Setup command-line options along with a custom Setup
settings file. If you specify a command-line option that conflicts with a value in the settings file, Setup uses the command-line
For example, you can create two Setup settings files for your engineering and accounting departments. Users in each department
run Setup by using one of the following command lines:
setup.exe /settings prj10engr.ini
setup.exe /settings prj10acct.ini

Suppose, however, that you want these two departments to use a common set of custom options, except that each needs a
different organization name. You can customize the default Setup settings file (Setup.INI) with the standard options, and then you
can have your engineering and accounting departments use the following command lines to run Setup:
setup.exe COMPANYNAME="Engineering Department"
setup.exe COMPANYNAME="Accounting Department"

Setup uses the options defined in the Setup settings file and sets the organization name according to the command line.
How to Distribute a Custom Setup Settings File
When you edit the default Setup settings file, users can run Setup without using command-line options to install Microsoft Project
with your customizations. (Be sure to back up the original Setup settings file before modifying it.)
To create multiple custom installations that use different Setup options, you can create several custom Setup settings files that
have different names and store them in the main folder of the administrative installation point. Users must specify the name of a
settings file by using the /settings Setup command-line option. You can simplify this process for your users by creating an MS-
DOS batch file or Windows shortcut that contains the appropriate /settings command-line option.
If your custom Setup settings file is stored in any location other than the folder that contains Setup.exe, you must include the
relative or absolute path with the /settings option. For example:
Setup.exe /settings \\server\share\files\setup\proj10.ini

If you run Setup from a network logon script or through a systems management tool (such as Microsoft Systems Management
Server), then you must edit the Setup command line in the script or deployment package to refer to the appropriate settings file
using the /settings option.
System Files Update Options
Unless you are installing Microsoft Project on Microsoft Windows® 2000, Microsoft Windows® Millennium Edition (Windows
Me), or Microsoft Windows® XP, Microsoft Project Setup automatically checks to see whether key system and shared files are up-
to-date, based on the file names and minimum versions listed in the [SystemPack_DetectionFileList] section of Setup.ini.
If the computer passes this test, Setup proceeds directly to the Microsoft Project installation. If it fails this test, Setup calls
Windows Installer to install the System Files Update and update the files.
If you are installing Microsoft Project on Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 or Microsoft Windows® 98, you can control this default
Setup behavior by using the following command-line options:
/nosp skips the detection process and does not install the System Files Update.
/spforce installs the System Files Update even if the computer passes the detection check.
/sponly installs the System Files Update but does not chain the Microsoft Project package.
You can also set the NOIE property to True on the command line, in the [SystemPackOptions] section of the Setup settings file,
or on the Modify Setup Properties page of the Custom Installation Wizard. Setting NOIE to True prevents Setup from
upgrading the computer to Internet Explorer 5, except for required components.

Setup Error Messages and Failure Reporting

Microsoft Project Setup allows you to customize the error messages users see when they run Setup with a full or reduced user
interface. For example, you can add text to the error message box that refers users to an internal support group. Specify a string
value for the SUPPORTERRORSTRING property on the command line, in the Setup settings file, or in a transform.
Resolving Conflicting Setup Options

If you specify the same Setup options but use different values in the Setup command line, settings file, and transform, Setup uses
the following rules to determine which settings to use:
If you set an option in the Custom Installation Wizard that corresponds to a Setup property, the wizard sets the
corresponding property automatically in the transform.
If you modify a Setup property on the Modify Setup Properties page of the Custom Installation Wizard, this setting
overrides any corresponding options that you set on previous pages of the wizard. Your modified Setup property is written
to the transform.
If you set options, including Setup properties, in the settings file that conflict with options in the transform, the values in the
settings file take precedence.
If you set options on the command line, those settings take precedence over any conflicting values in either the settings file
or the transform.

See Also

For a complete description of the features available in the Microsoft Project 2002 Setup program, including information about
how to perform administrative and client installations, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
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Storing Values in a Windows Installer Transform
You can make extensive modifications to the installation process using a Windows Installer transform (MST file), including many
modifications that you cannot make in the Setup command line or settings file.
Using a transform, you can specify:
Where Microsoft Project is installed.
Which Microsoft Project features are installed.
Where Microsoft Project shortcuts are installed.
What previous versions of Microsoft Project are removed.
How Setup property values are set.
Windows Installer (which includes Msiexec.exe) installs Microsoft Project by using a dynamic-link library file (Msi.dll) to read the
Windows Installer package (MSI file), apply a Windows Installer transform (MST file), incorporate command-line options supplied
by Setup.exe, and install programs and files on users' computers.
When a user selects a feature to install during Microsoft Project Setup, Windows Installer identifies a corresponding set of
components to copy to the computer. Each component consists of a unique set of files, programs, dynamic-link libraries, and
registry entries that work together as a unit.
Windows Installer uses two types of files to install Microsoft Project and related products: packages (MSI files) and transforms
(MST files). A Windows Installer package is a relational database that contains all the information necessary to install a product.
The MSI file associates components with features. It also contains information about the installation process itself, such as
installation sequence, destination folder paths, system dependencies, installation options, and properties that control the
installation process.
Like a Windows Installer package, a Windows Installer transform is a relational database that contains information about
components, features, and Setup properties. A transform is based on a particular package and contains the modifications to apply
to that package during installation. When you use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform, the wizard compares the
original MSI file and the MSI file with all your customizations incorporated. The differences are recorded in an MST file; the
original package is never altered.
Microsoft Project 2002 requires Windows Installer 1.1. The new version contains a number of improvements over Windows
Installer 1.0, including better support for upgrading to a new version of a previously installed package.
If Windows Installer 1.0 is present on the computer, Setup automatically updates the program. If Windows Installer is not present
on the computer, Setup calls Instmsi.exe (Windows 98) or Instmsiw.exe (Windows NT 4.0) to install it. Both the Windows 2000 and
Windows Millennium Edition operating systems include Windows Installer 1.1. If you are installing Microsoft Project on one of
these operating systems, no Windows Installer update is required.

When to Use a Transform

The Windows Installer transform is most useful when you want to customize extensively, especially when you cannot make the
changes you want by using the Setup command line or settings file.
For example, you can set the installation state of Microsoft Project features in a transform. For each Microsoft Project feature, the
Custom Installation Wizard allows you to specify whether you want to copy the feature to the user's computer, run it from the
network, install it on first use, or not install the feature at all. You can also hide features that you do not want users to modify
during Setup.
You can create more than one transform for different groups of users, and then specify on the command line or in the settings file
which transform to use. For example, to have your engineering and accounting departments use two different transforms, you
can create two shortcuts in the administrative installation point that have the following command lines:
setup.exe transforms=prj10engr.mst
setup.exe transforms=prj10acct.mst

How to Distribute a Transform

For users to install Microsoft Project with your customizations, you must specify the name and path to the transform by using the
Setup command-line option TRANSFORMS=, or by using an entry in the [MST] section of the Setup settings file.
For example, to direct Setup to use the transform Custom.mst (in the same folder as Setup.exe), you use the following Setup
command line:
setup.exe transforms=custom.mst

You can also use the following entry in the settings file:

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See Also
The Custom Installation Wizard allows you to fully customize the installation process, from modifying Setup properties to adding
custom files and registry entries to the installation. For more information, see Custom Installation Wizard in the Deployment and
Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.

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Deployment with Systems Management Server
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Assessing Network Resources

Preparing for Distribution
Creating Systems Management Server Packages
Microsoft® Systems Management Server is a network administration tool that helps you deploy and maintain Microsoft Project
2002 and Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Packs on client computers. Systems Management Server is particularly useful in
large or complex organizations where administrators need precise control over the deployment process. For example, by using
Systems Management Server, you can query client computers for software requirements before you install Microsoft Project, and
you can target the installation only to computers that meet your criteria.
Administrators can use Systems Management Server to:
Deploy to a large number of clients across multiple sites.
Push or force installation of Microsoft Project on client computers.
Deploy Microsoft Project to a mixture of Microsoft Windows® clients.
Maintain greater control over the timing of installation.
Access advanced reporting and troubleshooting tools.
This article presents a high-level overview of using Systems Management Server to deploy Microsoft Project 2002. The package
definition files (PDFs) for deploying Microsoft Project with Systems Management Server are available in the Microsoft Project
2002 Resource Kit Toolbox.
Assessing Network Resources
Before you deploy Microsoft Project 2002 in your organization, use the software inventory, hardware inventory, and query
features of Systems Management Server to determine which client computers in your organization can receive an upgrade, and
which client computers need a hardware upgrade before you install Microsoft Project 2002. You may also need to determine
which servers in your network will host Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) if your company needs to copy project files to
Web folders. Finally, you may need to determine which servers will host Microsoft Project Server.
You can also use the Systems Management Server Network Monitor tool to assess your network environment to determine the
impact that deployment will have on your current network resources.
The network can be used in two ways to deploy Microsoft Project 2002. You can install Microsoft Project on client computers
from a network server, or you can run Microsoft Project over the network from a server. You may need different configurations
for the different levels of network connectivity within your organization.
Wide area network (WAN) connections For client computers connected over a slow-link network, installing or running
Microsoft Project remotely over the network might not be practical.
Network operating systems in use Your particular network operating system might affect your plans for deploying Microsoft
Project. Some issues to consider include server file sharing methods and client-server permission schemes.
Network bandwidth Installing Microsoft Project over the network or running Microsoft Project over the network places different
demands on network bandwidth, both in response time and in length of time connected. You can use Network Monitor, a
Systems Management Server utility, to help identify network traffic patterns and network problems.
Collecting a Hardware Inventory

Before running queries, you must first collect a hardware inventory. When you collect a hardware inventory for the computers in
your network, Systems Management Server automatically gathers information about each computer, including the following:
Processor type and speed
Memory capacity
Hard disk space
This information helps determine whether a user's computer can run Microsoft Project. Queries, collections, and reports that are
shipped with Systems Management Server can help you categorize your systems. You can also use reports generated from this
information to plan for future upgrades.

Collecting a Software Inventory

Before you upgrade to Microsoft Project 2002, you need an accurate software inventory for existing servers and client computers.
Then, you can use a query to determine what operating system and application software programs are running when you plan
your Microsoft Project 2002 deployment.
You can use Systems Management Server software inventory capabilities to collect information about the software running on
client computers, including installed user configurations and operating environments, and installed versions of Microsoft Project.
This information helps you determine which computers are ready for the Microsoft Project 2002 upgrade.
Targeting Client Computers for Upgrade
Running queries on hardware and software inventory data produces a list of target computers that can be upgraded to Microsoft
Project 2002. Depending on the number of computers in this inventory, you can divide the computers into groups and stagger
the distribution of Microsoft Project 2002. These subsets are known as machine groups in Microsoft Systems Management Server
version 1.2, and collections in Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0.
See Also
For more information about creating queries in Systems Management Server 1.2, see the Microsoft Systems Management Server
1.2 Resource Guide in the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Second Edition.
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Preparing for Distribution
Systems Management Server uses distribution points to store the files needed to distribute programs to client computers.
Distribution points are servers on your site to which client computers connect to download applications or files. The software
distribution process places the files required for Microsoft Project Setup on previously defined distribution points.
The following steps are required for preparing a Microsoft Project 2002 deployment with Systems Management Server:
Select distribution points for the installation.
Create an administrative installation point and copy it to the package source directory on your site server.
Use the Custom Installation Wizard to add the file PJ10spec.ini.
Copy the PDFs that are included in the packages into the root directory of the administrative installation point.

See Also
For more information about creating software distributions in Systems Management Server 2.0, see the Microsoft Systems
Management Server 2.0 Administrator's Guide, which comes with Systems Management Server 2.0.
For more information on creating an administrative installation point, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
For more information on using Windows Installer transforms (MST files) to apply changes to the standard Microsoft Project 2002
installation, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
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Creating Systems Management Server Packages
To begin Microsoft Project 2002 deployment with Systems Management Server, you need to create a Systems Management
Server package. Systems Management Server packages define the files required to install the software, and the configuration and
identification information for the package itself. When you create a package, you must specify a Setup command line.
In Systems Management Server versions 1.2 and 2.0, you use package definition files (PDFs) to deploy Microsoft Project. A PDF is
an ASCII text file that contains predefined Workstations, Sharing, and Inventory property settings for a package. When you
import a PDF, the properties of the package are automatically entered for you.
You can import the PDFs into the Distribute Software Wizard to complete the entire distribution in a single step. (The Distribute
Software Wizard is available only in Systems Management Server 2.0.) Alternatively, you can import the PDFs into the Create
Package from Definition Wizard to create just the software package.
When the wizard is finished, Systems Management Server displays the new package in the Systems Management Server
Administrator. By default, the User and Guest accounts are granted change permissions to the package share on distribution
points. You can modify the packages and programs by using the Systems Management Server Administrator.

Distributing Systems Management Server Packages

When you distribute a Systems Management Server package, you must specify which computers receive the package, where the
source files for the installation are located, and when the installation occurs.
In Systems Management Server 2.0, the distribution of packages to clients is a two-step process. First, you create the package and
send it to the distribution points, then you create an advertisement.
Systems Management Server 2.0 uses distribution points to store the files needed to distribute programs to clients. To run
advertised programs, clients must have access to at least one distribution point. To send packages to distribution points, you use
the Manage Distribution Points Wizard.
Like a job in Systems Management Server 1.2, a Systems Management Server 2.0 advertisement specifies the program to run on
the client, the target collection that receives the package, and the schedule of when the program is available to clients.
See Also

For more information about deploying software with Systems Management Server 1.2, see the Microsoft Systems Management
Server 1.2 Resource Guide in the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Second Edition.
For more information about deploying software with Systems Management Server 2.0, see the Microsoft Systems Management
Server 2.0 Administrator's Guide, which comes with Systems Management Server 2.0. Information is also available in the
Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Resource Guide in the Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit.
For information about new developments and tools for Systems Management Server, see the Microsoft Systems Management
Server Web site.

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Enterprise Project Management Overview
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On This Page

Introduction to Enterprise Project Management

Building an Enterprise Project Plan
Tracking and Managing an Enterprise Project
Enterprise Team Collaboration
The Project Guide
Introduction to Enterprise Project Management
Microsoft® Project 2002 has expanded its product family to include a complete enterprise project management solution.
Integrating the enterprise functionality previously provided by into Microsoft Project enables enterprise-level
management of projects and resources for business results.
The enterprise project management solution includes the following products:
Microsoft Project Professional The desktop client that allows project managers to create and edit project plans and
enterprise resources. Project plans and resources are saved to the Microsoft Project Server database.
Microsoft Project Server A Microsoft Project Server database that provides timesheets, status reports, portfolio reporting
and modeling, enterprise resources, an enterprise global template, and templates to quick-start new projects.
Microsoft Project Web Access A browser-based client that allows team members, project and resource managers, and
stakeholders (such as executives) to view or work with Microsoft Project Server data, such as timesheets and portfolio
Top Of Page
Building an Enterprise Project Plan
All companies work from plans, which are blueprints for short-term or long-term future development and growth. Independent of
the exact time frame, companies generally have a strategic or directional plan.
Corporate planning occurs when an executive committee defines, assigns, and oversees a collection of a corporation's major
projects. By successfully completing these projects, a corporation can then reach the goals it sets to compete in an industry-
specific area.
Corporate plans typically contain information about:
The financial resources available for the life of the plan (budget).
The resources and skills required to accomplish the plan (people and equipment).
The consumable resources necessary for successful completion of the plan (materials).
The time constraints for the plan (start and finish dates).
The plan's overall project objectives and measures of performance.

Organization Standards

Standardization is a requirement for working with projects on an enterprise level; standardization provides a common language
for all project managers. In Microsoft Project Professional, the enterprise global template ensures that all projects within an
organization adhere to standards, such as a common use of views, tables, and fields.
The enterprise global template is a collection of default settings, such as views, tables, and fields that are used by all projects
across the organization. The enterprise global template exists in the Microsoft Project Server database and are used in all of the
organization's projects.
The enterprise global template can be customized for an organization by someone with administrative privileges on the server. A
custom enterprise global template establishes project management standards and ensures that project data is consistent
throughout an organization.

Enterprise Calendars
Calendars are the scheduling mechanism that determine working time for resources and tasks. Microsoft Project uses four types
of calendars:
Base calendar Base calendars are calendars that the project calendars, resource calendars, and task calendars are based
on. Microsoft Project provides Standard, 24-Hours, and Night Shift base calendars. By default, the Standard base calendar
reflects a traditional work schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M, with an hour off for break.
Project calendar By default, the Standard base calendar is the project calendar.The project calendar designates the default
work schedule and specifies standard working and nonworking times for all resources assigned to a project.
Resource calendar By default, the working and nonworking times of resources are based on the project calendar. A
resource calendar can be customized to reflect specific working hours, vacations, leaves of absence, and planned personal
time of individual resources.
Task calendar By default, tasks are scheduled based on the project calendar. A customized task calendar is especially
useful for tasks that need to be scheduled outside the normal working times defined by the project calendar or assigned
resource calendars.
Project and resource calendars can be customized in the enterprise global template so that projects and resources are scheduled
in a standard way throughout the organization.
Enterprise Outline Codes

Organizations often require a particular work breakdown structure (WBS) or organizational breakdown structure (OBS) format for
their projects. A WBS is a hierarchical structure used to group and describe projects in successively greater levels of detail. Similar
to a WBS, an OBS typically represents a company's organization. These breakdown structures allow you to identify and categorize
project, task, and resource information to make it easier to view and report project information.
When using Microsoft Project Professional to build an enterprise project, you can use enterprise outline codes to apply your
organization's WBS or OBS to projects, tasks, and resources. Enterprise outline codes are custom tags for projects, tasks, or
resources that share traits; they can be used to group projects in a variety of ways and also to see summarized, or rolled-up,
information about a project grouping.
Enterprise outline codes are defined by the project management administrator or someone with administrative permission. These
fields are then made available to all users throughout the organization.
Enterprise Custom Fields
Microsoft Project has always included extra fields (for text, flags, numbers, dates, cost, start and finish dates, and durations) to
store custom data. You can customize these fields to obtain the information you want using formulas, specific value calculations,
or graphical indicators.
Enterprise custom fields are custom fields specific to a particular project server and available in enterprise projects. Much like
custom fields in projects that aren't enterprise projects, they can include custom formulas and outline codes and allow the use of
value lists and graphical indicators, all tailored to the needs of the organization. Using enterprise fields, organizations can
customize project management based on their own structure and processes. All users in the organization have access to a
standard set of enterprise fields, allowing operations to be done across entire sets of projects.
Enterprise custom fields (including their definitions and lookup tables) are stored in the enterprise global template. Values
entered in an enterprise field, however, are not stored in the enterprise global template. For security purposes, users must have
permission to check out the enterprise global template to change enterprise custom fields.
Enterprise custom fields can be set for the project and have specific attributes. For example, they can be required fields so that
users are prompted to enter information in that field. To maintain consistency across the organization and ensure that fields and
their lookup tables are the same for all projects and resources, enterprise custom fields are set up in Microsoft Project Server.
Custom Enterprise Assignment fields are available in the Task Usage and Resource Usage views. Because they are based on
custom Enterprise Resource field properties, they are listed with custom Enterprise Resource fields. These fields cannot be
required, and values set for tasks do not apply to them. Enterprise Assignment and Enterprise Resource fields are useful for
resource substitution.
Resources for Enterprise Projects

Resources are the people, equipment, and materials used to complete tasks in a project. In Microsoft Project Professional, before
resource requirements can be specified for a task, resources must be defined in the enterprise resource pool and added to the
team for a particular project.
Enterprise Resources
Enterprise resources can be shared among multiple projects. Using the group of enterprise resources, you can schedule
resources' work across projects, identify conflicts between assignments in different projects, and see how a resource's time is
used in multiple projects.
To find resources among the enterprise resources, use the Build Team from Enterprise command on the Tools menu to enter
resources into your project. For more information about entering enterprise resources into your project, see Microsoft Project

Resource Types
In Microsoft Project Professional, you can use the following resource types:
Local resources These are resources that are assigned to tasks in an enterprise project or in a local .mpp file. These
resources do not exist in the enterprise resource pool in Microsoft Project Server.
Enterprise resources These are resources that are part of the enterprise resource pool. Enterprise resources are set up
centrally for your organization and can be shared across projects in the enterprise. Enterprise resources are different from
resources in the local resource pools set up for individual (non-enterprise) projects.
Generic resources These are placeholder resources, not specific individuals. You can use generic resources to specify the
skills required for an assignment before you know which individual resources are available. Microsoft Project schedules
generic resources as if they were work resources, and they behave similarly to work resources.

Resource Substitution Wizard

Microsoft Project Professional provides the Resource Substitution Wizard to help you optimize your project plans by
recommending the best resources for tasks based on their skills, current workload, and availability. The wizard can make skills-
based resource recommendations by analyzing resources across an organization or within a department.
Enterprise Project Options
It is best to establish standards for the way projects are created and how they appear in your organization's projects. Review each
property in the Options dialog box (Tools menu) to determine if a standard should be established for all of your organization's
projects. It also may be appropriate to establish different standards for different types of projects. For example, information
technology (IT) projects in an organization may set the default task type to Fixed Units and have tasks be effort-driven, while field
construction projects may have a default task type of Fixed Duration and not be effort-driven. Multiple standards can be
accomplished by creating different project templates for each set of options.
Enterprise Project Versions
A project version is a full copy of the project saved to Microsoft Project Server that you can use for archiving or modeling. When a
project is created and published to Microsoft Project Server, the first version is established. Microsoft Project Professional
automatically publishes a project when it is saved. This published version becomes the current version and uses the file name
extension .published.
Two types of project versions can be created:
Published versions Published versions are copies of the current project that you can modify for modeling and reporting.
You cannot use a version to schedule assignments. If you want to continue using a version as the current project, you must
save it with the name of the current project (project.published). Before overwriting the current project with a version of a
project, you may first want to create an archived version of the current project.
Archived versions Archived versions are snapshots of the current version at specific times during a project's life cycle.
You may want to create them regularly, for example, every month. You can use them to create backup copies of a project or
to compare progress for each time period.
Multiple baselines

For comparison, you can also save multiple baselines of a project. Baselines are useful for viewing scheduling differences in a
project. They don't, however, include all information that a version of a project contains. Also, changes in task dependencies
cannot be determined from a baseline comparison. Interim plans are similar to baselines but store only changes to start and finish
Top Of Page
Tracking and Managing an Enterprise Project
Tracking progress and keeping a project current is an essential part of project management. As you track the actual progress of
tasks, you can review your schedule to identify issues or potential problems. Identifying or anticipating problems allows you to
take care of any issues that may affect the project's finish date as they arise. After you have identified problems in your schedule,
you can use a variety of strategies to manage your project.
Though Microsoft Project makes tracking easy, there are several steps to take before you can begin tracking progress. You need
to decide which tracking method to use and which items you want to track, such as start and finish dates of tasks, work, and
resource costs. You also need to make sure your team is set up for the tracking method you've chosen.
Tracking Method for Enterprise Projects
With Microsoft Project Professional, you can use Microsoft Project Server to track progress through your organization's intranet.
To collect and incorporate task status information from team members who don't have Microsoft Project Web Access, you can
also use your e-mail system.

Earned Value Method for Enterprise Projects

Earned value analysis is a method for measuring project performance. It indicates how much of the budget should have been
spent, in view of the amount of work done so far and the baseline costs for the tasks, assignments, or resources.
For enterprise projects, you need to determine whether earned value analysis will be used and establish standard earned value
reporting methods.
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Enterprise Team Collaboration
Microsoft Project Professional offers an effective solution for team collaboration with Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft
Project Web Access. Together, they provide great flexibility and numerous benefits for communicating efficiently with team
members, other project managers, and stakeholders such as other project managers or executives.
Using Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server, project managers can:
Assign tasks to team members and keep track of work that's completed.
Automatically accept task updates from team members to incorporate updated information in their projects.
Request and receive status reports in the format they want and consolidate individual status reports into one project status
report they can then present to stakeholders.
Perform what-if analysis on different versions of the project and compare costs, schedules, and resource allocation.
See the effect of schedule changes on resource availability, resource allocation, and costs.
Using Microsoft Project Web Access to access information on Microsoft Project Server, team members can:
Review their task assignments, respond to the project manager about their assignments, and send updates about completed
work at regular intervals.
Create new tasks and send them to the project manager for approval and incorporation into the project file.
Delegate tasks to other team members.
View their tasks in a Gantt Chart and group, sort, and filter their tasks to focus on specific details.
Depending on the permission given to them by a Microsoft Project Server administrator, team members can also view the
latest information for the entire project, not just their assigned tasks.
Using Microsoft Project Web Access to access information on Microsoft Project Server, stakeholders can:
Review project, task, and resource information to get a glimpse of how all projects are progressing across an organization.
Analyze data within a project or across projects with a PivotTable and PivotChart using the Portfolio Analyzer.
Model different project scenarios to determine the feasibility of a new project, prioritize projects and resources, or find
potential problems using the Portfolio Modeler.

Status Reporting

With Microsoft Project Server, you can design status reports, which are forms that team members can fill out in Microsoft Project
Web Access with text describing the status of their work. Unlike task updates, status reports do not contain numerical information
about the project and cannot be used to update it. Status reports can be used to provide detailed information about
accomplishments, goals, issues, and other factors that affect the team member's work. You can distribute status reports to other
people in your organization or post them in a central location where others can see them. You can also consolidate individual
reports from your team members into one larger status report for your whole team.
For effective status reporting, you can define the content sections of status reports, specify how often team members should
submit status reports, and request that individual team members send you status reports.
Although you can request status reports directly from Microsoft Project, you can only review the submitted status reports in
Microsoft Project Web Access.
Project Views
In Microsoft Project Web Access, you can view portfolios of projects or individual projects that have been published to Microsoft
Project Server. You can see summary information about multiple projects and review detailed information about specific projects.
You can define or customize Microsoft Project Web Access views. You can also add new centers and activities for team members
and stakeholders or change existing ones and set permissions for your entire organization.
Document Management and Issue Tracking
With Microsoft Project Server, you can easily manage project-related documents and track issues that arise throughout the
Before you can work with documents and issues in Microsoft Project Server, a server running SharePoint™ Team Services from
Microsoft must be set up, and a subweb must be created for your project on this server. For more information about setting up
SharePoint Team Services to manage documents, see your server administrator.

Documents can provide others with helpful information about the project from start to finish. For easy access, an administrator
can set up a document library. There are two different document library types:
Project document library This document library stores documents that are related to a specific project. Access to
documents in this library depends on permissions set for project managers, team members, and other stakeholders.
Required document properties are defined by an administrator for the organization. Authorized users can create additional
document libraries for the project. Project managers, who by default have design list permission, can make changes to
specific document libraries.
Public document library This document library stores documents that are available to all users in an organization.
Access to documents in this library is defined by the server administrator. Although any user can contribute documents to
this library, only an authorized user can create and customize public document libraries.
You can access the document library through the Documents page in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Issue tracking improves the efficiency and effectiveness of project management because it allows you to communicate about
problems and related actions with team members and stakeholders. When you enter issues, you can assign ownership, track
progress, record resolutions, and create related reports and store it all in Microsoft Project Server.
Issues can be associated with projects, tasks, and documents so that you can keep track of their status, and they are clearly
marked by an issue indicator. Depending on actions taken to resolve issues, issues appear as active, closed, or postponed. E-mail
notifications can alert you that issues have been opened, assigned, or updated.
You can access issue tracking through the Issues page in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Other subweb lists

A SharePoint Team Services subweb contains lists other than the documents and issues, such as events, announcements,
discussions, and other custom lists. These other SharePoint lists are not accessible from Microsoft Project Web Access. With their
web browsers, users can navigate directly to the specific subwebs that contain the other lists. For easier access, a URL pointing to
the subweb link can be placed on the Microsoft Project Web Access Home page.

For security purposes, an administrator can assign permissions to specify and control the task, resource, or project information
people can see and work with in Microsoft Project Web Access views.
You can allow or deny permissions to individuals or groups of Microsoft Project Web Access users. You can create security
templates that define sets of permissions, and then assign permissions to users and groups based on the templates. You can use
categories to define which specific projects and resources the various users and groups are allowed to view. You can also set
permissions for Microsoft Project Web Access features to make them available or unavailable to the organization as a whole.
Microsoft Project Web Access permissions work similarly to permissions in Microsoft Windows® 2000 and Microsoft Windows
NT®. Users and groups are the security principals. Categories and organizations are the security objects. You can use permissions
to allow or deny security principals access to security objects.
Permissions can be set for the following security principals and objects:
Users Each individual user must be granted permission to view or access the data in a particular area of Microsoft Project
Web Access. You can grant permissions at the user level or you can assign users to groups (recommended) and grant
permissions at the group level. A single user can be a member of any number of groups.
Groups A group of users is simply a collection of individual users who are assigned the same permissions. You can
combine individual users who have common security requirements into a single group to reduce the number of security
principals that you need to manage. Create custom groups when you need to provide new ways to access data within your
organization; for example if your company employs contractors, you may want the contractors to have a different set of
permissions than regular team members.
Categories A category is a collection of projects and/or resources that a user or group is granted permission to see. You
can create custom categories when you have a need for providing new ways to access project and resource data. Microsoft
Project Web Access includes the default categories for the organization, projects, or tasks.
Security Templates A security template is simply a predefined set of permissions. Use security templates to simplify
granting permissions to groups of users who need access to the same data. You can associate any number of individual
users and groups with a single security template.

Integration with Outlook

Microsoft Outlook® items can be integrated into Microsoft Web Access. You can:
View (but not edit) Outlook tasks.
Incorporate Outlook Busy and Out of Office calendar entries and send some or all of these nonworking time entries to the
project manager to update their calendars in Microsoft Project.
Update Microsoft Project Server views and status reports from Outlook.
Include Web Parts from Microsoft Project Server on Outlook digital dashboards.
Digital dashboard
Outlook digital dashboards provide a Web-based information portal and customized workspace that gives users easy access to
crucial data and tools, strips away irrelevant information to help focus on relevant information, pulls together key information
sources in a consolidated view, and provides a personal and collaborative team workspace for users.
Web-based information and services from different sources are delivered to a digital dashboard through Web Parts, reusable
XML components that standardize how content is delivered.
Top Of Page
The Project Guide
To make Microsoft Project easier to use for beginning users, Microsoft Project 2002 provides the Project Guide as a new user
interface element that complements the existing, and still familiar, Microsoft Project user interface.
The Project Guide gives new users a clear path to follow through the primary steps of the project management process, increases
the discoverability of primary Microsoft Project features, and integrates the decision-making context and domain knowledge with
an interactive user interface.
The Project Guide can be customized and extended for your organization. For example, your organization may want to change
particular steps within a project management process, outline their own unique processes, and add links to additional
Project Guide Components

The Project Guide has the following components:

Project Guide toolbar Displayed by default, this command bar for top-level navigation contains buttons for the main
goal areas of the Project Guide.
Side pane This pane displays tasks within each goal area of the Project Guide and provides instructions on how to carry
out the activities. Actions in the side pane affect the views and information displayed in the main view area.
Main view area As the primary area for viewing and editing project information, this is the place where users perform
their work.

Custom Project Guides

Each project can have its own Project Guide, with different layout, functionality, and content. An organization can customize part
or all of the Project Guide for each individual project. For example, a company or solution provider could create one Project Guide
for finance projects and another for engineering projects. Project Guides can also be based on different user roles that can be
verified when a user opens a project. The properties defining the Project Guide for that project can then be changed dynamically.
To create a custom Project Guides, you can:
Add a goal area to the default Project Guide.
Add a task or tasks to a goal area in the default Project Guide.
Change all goal areas and tasks in the Project Guide.
Change the layout and functionality of the Project Guide.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Server, and Microsoft Project Web Access provide an integrated enterprise
project management solution that combines ease of use, a centralized database for projects and resources, and powerful
reporting and analysis features. Microsoft Project Web Access provides Internet Explorer users with reporting, analysis, and
modeling tools for projects and resources across an organization.
See Also

More information on Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server is available online from Microsoft. Specifically,
the following white papers may be of interest:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Data Migration
Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide Architecture and Extensibility

Top Of Page
Help and Support
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On This Page

Getting Help in Microsoft Project

Getting Help from Microsoft Product Support Services
In addition to traditional Help topics, the Microsoft® Project 2002 Help system includes goal-based topics that guide users
through the project management process from the Project Map. Besides providing hundreds of topics and thousands of index
entries, the improved Office Assistant does a better job of answering users' questions and even lets you add your own Help
content. Microsoft Web sites help you get up-to-date information and technical support whenever you need it.
Getting Help in Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project includes an extensive Help system to help users find the information they need. In addition, the
Web site has several areas that offer additional articles, tools, and information about Microsoft Project.

New Features in Help

The Microsoft Project Help system includes hundreds of Help topics and thousands of index entries. You can either browse or
search for Help topics and index entries by using the Microsoft Project Help navigation pane.
The Help navigation pane in Microsoft Project Help contains three tabs: Contents, Index, and Answer Wizard. The Contents tab
allows you to browse a categorized list of Help topics. The Index tab allows you to browse an index of keywords and symbols. The
Answer Wizard tab allows you to enter queries in natural language, for example, "How do I print my project?"
You can use the options on the Help menu in Microsoft Project to get quick What's This? information about many interface
objects, information for users switching to Microsoft Project from other software applications, and links to Help content found
either on users' computers or on the Web. In addition, the Office Assistant is available to offer suggestions as you work, or to help
you find information in the Help topics.
Running Microsoft Project Help on a Locked-Down System
The first time a user opens a Microsoft Project Help file, the HTML Help control creates an index of links between topics in the
Help files. The index file is stored in the same folder and has the same name as the corresponding Help file (except it uses the file
name extension .chw).
If the user does not have write permissions to the folders where the Help files are stored (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\1033), these index files cannot be created. If the index files are not created, certain types of hyperlinks within the
Help topics do not function. For example, the Visual Basic® for Applications Help files contain many cross-links that cannot
function without these index files.
To fix this problem, you can grant users write permissions to the folders where the Help files are stored. Alternatively, you can
create the Help index files for your users. To create index files for your users, run the PrepHelp utility, which is available from the
Microsoft Download Center. You must have write permissions to the folders where the Help files are stored to successfully run
the PrepHelp utility.

Help Available on Microsoft Web Sites

The Web site includes several areas where you can find useful information about Microsoft Project.
Office Update

The Microsoft Office Tools on the Web site provides product updates, downloads (including utilities, add-ins, and templates), and
user assistance for Microsoft Project, as well as the latest information about Microsoft Project. Search on "Project" to quickly find
product-specific information.
Microsoft in the Enterprise

The Enterprise Software from Microsoft Web site includes articles and information about managing your company's information
technology resources. This site addresses the spectrum of Microsoft products for the enterprise customer.
Microsoft TechNet

The Microsoft TechNet Web site is a Web resource for the IT community. Among the IT resources that you find here is the TechNet
Reference section.
Microsoft Product Support Services

The Microsoft Help and Support search pane answers your questions about any Microsoft product, including Microsoft Project.
Microsoft Developer Network

The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site contains a wealth of information for software developers and programmers,
including the Windows Script site.
Microsoft Online Seminars

The Microsoft Online Seminars Web site provides online seminars on various topics directly to your desktop from the Internet.
Microsoft Press

The Microsoft Press Web site keeps you up to date with the latest titles from Microsoft Press and contains information about how
to find many technical publications.
Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions

The Microsoft Certified Partners for Learning Solutions Web site gives you thorough, in-depth instruction related to Microsoft
Project deployment, administration, and support. Many courses covering other Microsoft products are available as well.
Microsoft Solutions Framework

The Microsoft Solutions Framework Web site is designed to support enterprise organizations by providing information about best
practices for IT strategy and project planning.
Microsoft Certified Solution Providers

The Microsoft Certified Solution Provider (MCSP) Web site helps you find Microsoft-certified IT professionals to assist you in
evaluating the capabilities of Microsoft Project.
See Also
You can create your own custom Help content and present it to users through the Microsoft Project Help system. For more
information, see the Creating Help Topics resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Getting Help from Microsoft Product Support Services
You have several options for getting technical answers from Microsoft Product Support Services.
Online support at
For quick answers to simple questions, use the Microsoft Help and Support search pane to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base
and other technical resources for fast, accurate answers.
Telephone support from Product Support Services

If your question is urgent and complex, you can call Product Support Services to get assistance from a support engineer.
Standard no-charge support
During business hours, you can receive unlimited free support for usability issues for Microsoft Project.
In the United States, you can contact a support engineer by telephone Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
In the United States, call (425) 454-2030, 5:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. Pacific time

Pay-per-incident support
If you need help after hours, or if you have used up your standard no-charge support options, you can purchase support on a per-
incident basis. Support fees can be billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.
In the United States, you can call a support engineer at the following location with questions about using Microsoft Project.
In the United States, call (800) 936-5700, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding holidays; $35 U.S. per incident.

TTY/TDD support

Teletypewriter/telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY/TDD) support is available Monday through Friday, excluding holidays,
as follows:
In the United States, call (425) 635-4948
Then follow the prompts to hear recorded answers to your technical questions, obtain a catalog of available information, or order
items by fax.
Business support services
There are a variety of support packages designed for businesses. To learn which package best meets your needs, go to the
Microsoft Product Support Services Web site.
You can also call (800) 936-3500 for information.
On-site, multivendor, or proprietary product support
Microsoft Certified Solution Providers (MCSPs) and Authorized Support Centers (ASCs) specialize in providing support packages
for hardware, network, and software products from both Microsoft and other vendors.
For more information about MCSPs, call (800) 765-7768 or go to the Microsoft Certified Solution Provider Web site.
For more information about ASCs, contact your Microsoft account representative, or go to the Microsoft Product Support Services
Web site.
Support outside the United States and Canada
For information about support available in other countries, contact the Microsoft subsidiary that's nearest to you. For a list of
Microsoft subsidiaries worldwide, in Microsoft Project, on the Help menu, click About Microsoft Project. Then, in the About
Microsoft Project dialog box, click Tech Support.

Top Of Page
International Configuration
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Displaying the User Interface in Other Languages

Administering Fonts
Printing Documents in an International Setting
The Microsoft Windows® 98, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows NT® 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating
systems support international features of Microsoft Project 2002. However, if your users work with a set of different languages
that includes Asian languages, Indic languages, or right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew), Windows XP and Windows 2000
provide the best support for displaying and editing documents and for changing the language of the user interface.
Displaying the User Interface in Other Languages
The ability of Microsoft Project 2002 to display the user interface and Help in various languages depends on the capabilities of the
operating system. Windows 98 and Windows Me provide fairly broad support within a single language category. Windows NT 4.0
has more flexibility, and Windows 2000 and Windows XP provide support for all possible Microsoft Project user interface
Some code pages provide support for groups of languages; other code pages provide support for only a single language.
Therefore, you should ensure that a user's system locale (which governs the code page of the user's computer) is set to a locale
that supports the primary language the user needs.
For example, if your users work primarily in Japanese, set their system locale to Japanese (or have them run a Japanese version of
Windows 98 or Windows Me). If your users work primarily in French, their system locale can be any Western European system
locale (or they can run any Western European version of Windows 98or Windows Me).
The following table contains guidelines for getting the best support for displaying the Microsoft Project 2002 user interface and
Help in Windows 98 and Windows Me.

Users running this language version of Windows 98 or Can display the user interface and Help in these languages
Windows Me

English, Western European, or Eastern European English, Western European, and Eastern European

Asian English and the matching Asian language

Right-to-left (Hebrew) English, Western European, Eastern European, and the matching
right-to-left language

The following table contains guidelines for getting the best support for displaying the Microsoft Project 2002 user interface and
Help in Windows NT 4.0

Users running this language version of Can display the user interface and Help in these languages
Windows NT 4.0

English, Western European, or Eastern European English, Western European, Eastern European, and Asian

Asian English, Western European, Eastern European, and Asian

Right-to-left (Hebrew) English, Western European, Eastern European, and the matching right-to-
left language

The following table contains guidelines for getting the best support for displaying the Microsoft Project 2002 user interface and
Help in Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Users running this language version of Windows 2000 or
Windows XP Can display the user interface and Help in these languages

Any English, Western European, Eastern European, Asian, and right-to-

left languages

Limitations of Displaying the User Interface in Other Languages

For some applications and features in Microsoft Project 2002, the native code page of the operating system must support the user
interface language. For these applications and features, text in the user interface must be supported by the operating system's
code page.
Displaying Help in Other Languages

When you change the Help language in Microsoft Project 2002, the Help content is displayed in the new language, but the Help
user interface is still displayed in the Microsoft Project 2002 interface language. However, some elements of the Help user
interface (such as the Contents tab, the Options menu, and toolbar Screen Tips) are always installed in the language version of
Microsoft Project 2002 that was installed.
Furthermore, when you change the Help content language, the language must have code page support from your operating
system. Otherwise, Help topics listed in the Contents tab will be unintelligible. In this case, you can use the Answer Wizard and
Index tabs to find Help topics. However, if you want to use these tabs, you must display Help in a language that the Answer
Wizard supports.
If you change the Help language to a language that is not supported by the Answer Wizard, the language must have code page
support. In this case, Help displays the Full Text Search tab to allow you to find Help topics.

Displaying Documents in Other Languages

Users running Microsoft Project 2002 can display documents in a wider range of languages than they can for the Microsoft
Project 2002 user interface and Help. For example, German users running Microsoft Project 2002 under the German language
version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP can view Japanese documents, even though they cannot switch to the Japanese user
All language versions of Windows 2000 and Windows XP support displaying documents in all languages. The following table
provides guidelines for getting the best support for displaying Microsoft Project 2002 documents in Windows 98, Windows Me,
or Windows NT 4.0.

Users running this language version of Windows 98 , Windows Me, or Can display documents in these
Windows NT 4.0 languages

English, Western European, Eastern European, or Asian All languages, except right-to-left

Right-to-left (Arabic or Hebrew) All languages

Editing Documents in Other Languages

Typically, if a user's operating system prevents the display of a certain language, users are not able to edit documents in that
language. However, in the case of Asian documents, even though users can display documents, they might not be able to edit
them without a special editing interface.
Input of Asian characters requires an Input Method Editor (IME). The Microsoft Project 2002 Multilanguage User Interface (MUI)
Pack provides IMEs for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. The IMEs allow users to edit Asian text in
Microsoft Project 2002 files, regardless of the language version of their operating system. The Microsoft Project 2002 Proofing
Tools package also includes IMEs.
Adding International Support to Windows 98 and Windows Me
If your international organization includes Windows 98 and Windows Me users who work with Microsoft Project 2002 files in
several languages, you can add international capabilities to the operating system. Adding multilanguage support allows users to
display, in foreign languages, characters that Windows 98 and Windows Me do not otherwise support; and adding keyboard
support allows users to input characters not found on the U.S. keyboard.
To add multilanguage support

1. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs, and then click the Windows Setup tab.
1. Select the MultiLanguage Support check box.
1. To install support for the selected languages, double-click Multilanguage Support and then select the languages you
1. To enter text in a given language, users need to use the appropriate keyboard layout.
To add keyboard support

1. In Control Panel, double-click Keyboard, and on the Language tab, click Add.
1. In the Add Language dialog box, choose a setting from the Language list.
1. To change the keyboard layout for a language, click the Properties button, and in the Language Properties dialog box,
choose a setting from the Keyboard layout list.
1. To enable switching between keyboards by clicking an indicator on the task bar, select the Enable indicator on the
taskbar check box.

Microsoft Project 2002 Companion Tools

The Microsoft Project 2002 Companion Tools package includes spelling checkers that help users create and edit Microsoft Project
2002 documents in more than 30 languages. Companion tools for all languages are included on all MUI Pack CDs.
Hard-disk space requirements for the Microsoft Project 2002 Companion Tools package vary by language. Companion tools for
most languages require about 20 MB of hard-disk space in addition to what Microsoft Project 2002 requires. However, Asian
languages require as much as 120 MB of hard-disk space in addition to what Microsoft Office requires — including the necessary
fonts and Input Method Editors (IMEs).
You can install Project 2002 Companion Tools at the same time that you deploy Microsoft Project 2002 or Microsoft Project 2002
with Multilanguage User Interface Packs.
Top Of Page
Administering Fonts
Microsoft Project 2002 provides fonts that allow users to view and edit documents in different languages and across different
scripts. Some of these fonts are installed with the Microsoft Project 2002 Multilanguage User Interface Pack (MUI) Pack. Some
international fonts supplied with Microsoft Project 2002 might update Microsoft Windows fonts that users already have.
Understanding how Microsoft Project 2002 uses fonts for different languages can help you administer fonts for users across your
international organization.
International Fonts Included with Microsoft Project 2002
The Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack includes fonts necessary for working with the international features of Microsoft Project.
These additional fonts allow you to:
Display the user interface and Help in various languages.
Display text in various languages—in an existing document or text that you enter—including languages that require IMEs.
In addition to the fonts in the MUI Pack, which support particular character sets, Microsoft Project 2002 also includes a complete
Unicode font, which supports all characters in all of the languages supported by Office. This Unicode font is especially useful when
you cannot apply multiple fonts.
The following table lists the fonts provided by the MUI Pack, along with the code pages and languages they support.
Font (file) Code Page Supported languages

BatangChe (BatangCh.ttf),
1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1257, 949 All European languages, Korean
Gulim (Gulim.ttf)

MingLiu (Mingliu.ttf) 932, 936, 950 English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese

MS UI Gothic (Msuigoth.ttf) 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1257, 932 All European languages, Japanese

The following table lists the fonts provided by Microsoft Project 2002, along with the code pages and languages that the fonts

Font (file) Code Page Supported languages

Arial Unicode MS (Arialuni.ttf) All All

Batang (Batang.ttf) 250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1257, 949 Most European languages, Korean

PMingLiu (PMingliu.ttf) 932, 936, 950 English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,

MS Mincho (Msmincho.ttf) 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1257, Most European languages, Japanese

SimSun (Simsun.ttf) 936 English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

Georgian and Armenian Font 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1257, Most European languages, Georgian, Armenian
(Sylfaen.ttf) Unicode

Hindi Font (Mangal.ttf) (Unicode) Hindi

Tamil Font (Latha.ttf) (Unicode) Tamil

Updating Windows Fonts to Big Fonts

Many of the fonts that are included with Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, and Microsoft Windows 2000 are
stored as big font files. The big font files include glyphs for multiple character sets, and accommodate many languages. Big font
files include Tahoma, which is the default Microsoft Project 2002 user interface font for all languages, except Asian. When you
install Microsoft Project 2002, the installation updates existing Windows fonts to big fonts, and installs additional fonts.
The following is a list of big fonts that Microsoft Project 2002 installs or updates:
Arial Black
Arial Bold
Arial Narrow
Bookman Old Style
Courier New
Times New Roman
Trebuchet (Central and Eastern European languages only)

Installing Fonts that Support Multiple Languages

If your users frequently share documents across different scripts, you can install fonts that support those scripts.
In most cases, Microsoft Project 2002 Setup automatically installs or updates fonts to display characters in multiple scripts. For
example, a document formatted in the Arial font can display Western European, Cyrillic, Turkish, Baltic, Central European, Greek,
Arabic, or Hebrew text.
For Asian languages or Unicode characters, however, you must install the appropriate fonts on the users' computers.
Installing Asian Fonts
Microsoft Project 2002 provides Asian fonts for four languages: Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. If
users need to edit or read documents in these languages, they must install the appropriate Asian fonts.

Installing the Unicode Font

Some documents can display only one font at a time. However, these documents can display multilingual text in more than one
script, if you use the Unicode font. The Arial Unicode font provided by Microsoft Project 2002 allows users to input and display
characters across scripts and across code pages that support the various scripts.
Installing a Unicode font on users' computers presents some disadvantages. First, the Unicode font file is much larger than font
files based on code pages. Second, some characters might look different from their character equivalents in code pages. For these
reasons, do not use the Unicode font as your default font. However, if your users share documents across many different scripts,
the Unicode font might be your best choice.
Top Of Page
Printing Documents in an International Setting
Using the international features of Microsoft Project 2002 in documents creates some special requirements for printing. You must
ensure that your printers are configured for the correct paper size and for font substitution.
Specifying the correct paper size
Many printers allow you to load both A4 and letter-size paper. If users in Europe exchange documents with users in the United
States, having both A4 and letter-size paper in your printers accommodates everyone's documents.
Even if your printers are stocked only with the paper commonly used in your part of the world, most Microsoft Project 2002
documents are printed with no loss of text. Microsoft Project 2002 files are scaled to fit the printer's default paper size.
In some circumstances, you might not want documents scaled to fit the printer's default paper size. For example, if your printer
has A4 set as its default paper size, but the printer also has letter-size paper, Microsoft Project 2002 cannot detect that both sizes
are available. Because the printer can supply the correct size paper, you might want to turn off the resizing option.
Setting TrueType Fonts to Print Correctly
To display characters in multiple scripts, Microsoft Project 2002 uses big fonts. In addition to bold or italic, big fonts can also be
Cyrillic, Greek, or one of several other scripts.
However, big fonts are also TrueType® fonts, and many laser printers substitute built-in printer fonts when printing documents
that use TrueType fonts. Built-in printer fonts cannot render text in multiple scripts, so characters in other scripts do not print
For example, your laser printer might substitute its own internal version of Arial, which accommodates only Western European
characters. Microsoft Project 2002 uses the big font version of Arial to display Greek and Russian characters in documents, but if
users print those documents, the Greek and Russian characters are printed as unintelligible Western European character strings.
To work around the problem, set the option in your printer driver to send TrueType fonts as graphics.
See Also
For information about deploying Multilanguage User Interface Packs during and after a deployment of Microsoft Project 2002,
see the Overview of International Features resource kit article.
For more information about planning an international move to Microsoft Project 2002, see the Planning an International Move
resource kit article.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize international installations of Microsoft Project. For more information,
see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
You can use the Profile Wizard to save language-related settings to a file you distribute as part of a custom installation of
Microsoft Project 2002. For more information, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.

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International Deployment
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On This Page

Preparing for an International Deployment

International Deployment Scenarios
Customizing Language Features
Localized Versions of Microsoft Project 2002
You can deploy and maintain a single version of Microsoft® Project 2002 throughout your multinational organization. The plug-
in language features of Microsoft Project with the Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Pack allow users in foreign subsidiaries to
continue working in their own languages.
The information in this chapter will familiarize you with the functionality that the MUI Pack provides, and describes how to use it.
Preparing for an International Deployment
The core functionality of Microsoft Project 2002 and the plug-in language features of the Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack allows
users all over the world to run the Microsoft Project user interface and Help in their own languages and create documents in
many other languages.
For administrators, this core functionality means that you can deploy a single version of Microsoft Project to all users, regardless
of their language-speaking area. You can then customize the installation to include local language capabilities or allow users to
select their own language settings.
You can also deploy and maintain a single version of Microsoft Project Server throughout your multinational organization. For
example, this can be useful if you want to install an English version of Microsoft Project Server, while supporting German or
Japanese users viewing and entering information in their native languages.
The language packs include files for displaying the Microsoft Project Server user interface and Help in different languages. For
administrators, this functionality means that you can deploy a single version of Microsoft Project Server to all users, regardless of
their language-speaking area. You can then customize the installation to include local language capabilities or allow users to
select their own language settings.
Microsoft Project Multilanguage User Interface Pack

The Multilanguage User Interface Pack for Microsoft Project 2002 includes files for displaying the Microsoft Project user interface
and Help in several languages. The MUI Pack is based on the English version of Microsoft Project 2002; it doesn't work with
localized versions of Microsoft Project 2002.
Although Microsoft Project 2002 is localized into specific language versions, you can use the MUI Pack to provide combined
support for those languages in a single product. Microsoft Project 2002, with the MUI Pack, is built on core code that you can run
internationally. Language-specific user interface and Help text are stored separately, primarily in dynamic-link (DLL) files. These
features "plug in" to core Microsoft Project 2002 code; your users can install and run these features when they need them.
This plug-in language capacity means that you can install English Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack on your computer,
but view the user interface and Help in another language. You can even view Help in a specific language, while displaying the user
interface in English. For example, you may want to keep the user interface standardized across your organization, yet let each
region display localized Help content.
You can customize your Microsoft Project installation to include MUI Pack files for several languages. You can then specify
different user interface and Help text languages for different groups of users in your organization or allow users to set their own
Top Of Page
International Deployment Scenarios
The powerful multilingual features of Microsoft Project 2002 give you a lot of flexibility in configuring Microsoft Project for
international users.
You can deploy the Multilanguage User Interface Pack files separately, after you install Microsoft Project. If you develop an
integrated deployment plan, however, you can deploy the MUI Pack to users at the same time that you deploy Microsoft Project
Examples of Multilingual Installations

You can install different combinations of Microsoft Project language versions and language-specific tools, based on the needs of
your international organization, as described in the following table.

If you want to do this Install this language version and


Deploy a single version of Microsoft Project internationally, but allow users to work in their English Microsoft Project with MUI
own languages. Pack

Standardize on an English user interface, but allow users to edit documents in a variety of English Microsoft Project 2002 only

Provide users with fully localized functionality for Microsoft Project. Localized versions of Microsoft
Project 2002

Typical scenarios for multilingual deployment include the following:

Mimic a localized version using the MUI Pack.
Use English as a standard user interface, but provide Help text in native languages.
Provide a multilingual version of Microsoft Project 2002 on one computer.
Read and edit text in another language.
Use a fully localized version of Microsoft Project with no English text.
One advantage of deploying a global version of Microsoft Project 2002 with an MUI Pack is that you can use the Custom
Installation Wizard to establish a version of Microsoft Project for all of your sites. If you do use the Custom Installation Wizard to
configure Microsoft Project for an international deployment, you must make sure that all language configurations are enabled
through the core Microsoft Project installation and the Custom Installation Wizard—not the MUI Pack. For example, while
customizing the Microsoft Project MSI, you would configure settings such as the default Help language and the languages
enabled for editing. During installation, these settings will be applied to Microsoft Project. When you use the Custom Installation
Wizard to modify the MSI file for an MUI Pack, the language configuration options are not available.
To effectively install an MUI Pack with Microsoft Project, the MUI Pack installation should be chained to Microsoft Project Setup.
By chaining the MUI installation, you can ensure that the Microsoft Project settings will be applied first, and that the MUI Pack will
be installed before Microsoft Project is started for the first time.
Deployment Process Strategies
Depending on the structure of your organization and the languages that you need, you can adopt one of several different
strategies for deploying Microsoft Project internationally. For example, you can deploy language-specific custom installations
from a centralized administrative source. Or, you can deploy Microsoft Project across your international administrative
departments and allow each department to customize the installation for its own language-speaking area.
Deploying Microsoft Project 2002 from a central administrative source

If your organization is centralized, where one administrative group deploys Microsoft Project to the entire organization, you can
make all the customizations your users need at your headquarters and deploy directly to users internationally. In this scenario,
you customize the MUI Pack and create a custom installation of Microsoft Project for each language-speaking area.
For example, if you were deploying Microsoft Project and the MUI Pack to users in the United States and Canada, you might
deploy Microsoft Project as follows:
For English-speaking users in the United States, enable languages for editing as needed.
For Spanish-speaking users in the United States, install Spanish language features from the MUI Pack, leave the installation
language set at U.S. English, set the user interface and Help language to Spanish, and enable Spanish for editing (English is
automatically enabled for editing if the installation language is English).
For users in English-speaking Canadian provinces, set the installation language to Canadian English, and enable Canadian
French and Canadian English for editing.
For users in Québec, install French language features from the MUI Pack, set the installation language to Canadian French,
set the user interface and Help language to French, and enable Canadian French and Canadian English for editing.
Deploying Microsoft Project at local subsidiaries

If your organization's administrative resources are distributed internationally, each local subsidiary can modify the standard
installation for local users.
In this case, a central corporate administrative group supplies each local office with a standard Microsoft Windows® Installer
transform (MST file), with the installation language set to English. Local administrators customize the MUI Pack, select language
settings, and modify the transform for their language-speaking areas.
For example, if you are a site administrator in Japan, you might customize the corporate deployment as follows:
Install Japanese language features on users' computers and set Japanese language features so that they are installed the
first time users activate the features.
Set English or Japanese as the language for the user interface and Help, set the installation language to English, enable
Japanese and English for editing, and select Japanese as the preferred language.
Customize Microsoft Project for Japanese users.

One or Multiple Administrative Installation Points

You can use a single centralized administrative installation point for Microsoft Project 2002 or a Multilanguage User Interface
Pack. You can also deploy Microsoft Project from one installation point, and deploy one or more MUI Packs from additional
installation points. It might be easier to manage deployment from a single administrative installation point. However, there are
scenarios in which using multiple installation points is a preferred method.
For example, suppose you are deploying several different sets of languages to groups in different parts of your organization. In
this scenario, you might choose to use different installation points for these groups to avoid using large amounts of hard-disk
space when you replicate a single administrative installation point image to multiple locations around the world.
Install the MUI Pack During or After Microsoft Project 2002 Installation
You can chain installations of the MUI Pack with your Microsoft Project 2002 installation. Or, you can deploy Microsoft Project
first, and deploy other multilingual features later.
For example, if you are ready to deploy Microsoft Project 2002 right away, but the MUI Pack for a particular language is not yet
available, you might choose to proceed with your Microsoft Project deployment and then deploy the additional MUI Pack when it
becomes available.

Install Using Systems Management Server or Windows 2000 IntelliMirror

Systems Management Server and Windows 2000 IntelliMirror™ provide flexible and powerful tools for deploying software. You
can choose to deploy Microsoft Project 2002 with MUI Packs or Proofing Tools by using either Microsoft Systems Management
Server or IntelliMirror.
See also
To learn about multilingual support, language features and MUI Pack setup, see the International Configuration resource kit
Top Of Page
Customizing Language Features
You can customize language settings when you deploy Microsoft Project 2002 by using the Custom Installation Wizard and the
Profile Wizard. These wizards record your settings and modify the Windows registry on users' computers when users install your
customized version of Microsoft Project.
When Microsoft Project is installed, Setup creates the following registry subkey:
When Microsoft Project is running, it looks up entries in the LanguageResources subkey to determine language-related default
behavior. For example, Microsoft Project checks LCID entries and turns on its language auto-detection feature for languages that
are enabled for editing.
Customizing the installation language
When you install Microsoft Project 2002, an installation language setting is added to the Windows registry. When users start
Microsoft Project, the application reads this setting to determine default behavior, such as whether to display language-specific
In the LanguageResources subkey, Microsoft Project Setup creates an entry named InstallLanguage with a value equal to the
locale ID (LCID) for the installation language of Microsoft Project. For example, if the value of InstallLanguage is 1041, the
installation language is Japanese.
Microsoft Project Setup automatically sets the installation language to correspond to the language version of Microsoft Project.
You can customize the installation language for foreign offices, however, so that Microsoft Project runs with defaults that match
foreign locations.
To customize the installation language during deployment, double-click INSTALLLANGUAGE on the Modify Setup Properties
panel of the Custom Installation Wizard, and select a language in the Value box.
Customizing the executable mode
If an Asian or right-to-left language, such as Hebrew, is enabled for editing, Microsoft Project must run in a mode that supports
Asian or right-to-left text. This mode is known as the executable mode. When you deploy Microsoft Project, you can specify the
executable mode for a group of users.
To customize the executable mode during deployment, use the Office Language Settings utility to set the executable mode, and
then capture the setting by using the Profile Wizard.
To set the executable mode

1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, and then point to Microsoft Office Tools.
1. Click Microsoft Office XP Language Settings.
1. On the Enabled Languages tab, select the Asian or right-to-left languages that you want to be available for editing
In Microsoft Project, if you select one Asian language as the executable mode, you can still work in other Asian languages.
However, some features (such as number formats) might be supported only by the default language. In Microsoft Project, if you
want the applications to support right-to-left text, you must select a right-to-left language as the default language.
Customizing languages for user interface, Help, and editing
Microsoft Project 2002 allows users to choose different languages for displaying menus and dialog box text, displaying Help text,
and for editing documents. To customize users' default language choices during deployment, use the Microsoft Office XP
Language Settings utility to select languages, and then capture the settings by using the Profile Wizard.
To select language settings
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, and then point to Microsoft Office Tools.
1. Click Microsoft Office XP Language Settings, and then click the User Interface tab.
The User Interface tab is available only if the MUI Pack has been installed.
1. In the Display menus and dialogs in box, select the user interface language.
1. In the Display Help in box, select a language for Help.
1. Click the Enabled Languages tab, and select languages that you want to be available for editing documents.
1. In the Default version of Microsoft Office box, select a subset of the Office installation language, such as Canadian or U.S.
English (optional).

Enabling languages without the MultiLanguage User Interface Pack

The options on the User Interface tab in the Microsoft Office XP Language Settings dialog box include all the languages
installed from the Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack. However, the options on the Enabled Languages tab include all the
languages supported by Office, regardless of what is installed from the MUI Pack.
Consequently, you can enable functionality for working with certain languages regardless of whether the MUI Pack is installed.
For example, by selecting Korean as an editing language, you enable Asian and Korean features in Microsoft Project, regardless of
whether Korean proofing tools from the MUI Pack are available.
If you installed the Microsoft Office XP Proofing Tools instead of the MUI Pack, Microsoft Project uses those proofing tools for the
languages you enable for editing.
System Policy Tip You can use system policies to specify default language settings for any group of users in your organization.
In the System Policy Editor, set the Microsoft Office XP\Language Settings\User Interface policies to determine user interface
languages. To determine editing languages, set the Microsoft Office XP\Language Settings\Enabled Languages\Show
controls and enable editing for policies.
When you set system policies for the user interface and Help, be sure the languages you select are supported by users' operating
system, as follows:
In English and European versions of Windows, users can run the user interface and Help in English and all European
In Asian and right-to-left languages of Windows, such as Hebrew, users can run the user interface and Help in English or in
the language of their operating system.
Top Of Page
Localized Versions of Microsoft Project 2002
Deploying Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack gives you the advantage of having a single installation of Microsoft Project
for your entire organization. However, due to limitations of some plug-in language features, you might decide to deploy localized
versions of Microsoft Project 2002 in some locations.
To install a localized version of Microsoft Project 2002, you follow the same procedure as installing any other Microsoft Office
product. For example, you can customize your installation by creating a transform with the Custom Installation Wizard.

Microsoft Project Profiles and Multiple Languages

User profiles generated by the Profile Wizard are independent of the operating system — including operating systems in other
languages. For example, a profile settings file (OPS file) created on Windows 98 (U.S. English version) can be restored to a
computer with Windows 2000 (Japanese version).
However, user profiles are specific to a particular language version. For example, if you create an OPS file in the U.S. English
version of Microsoft Project 2002, it cannot be restored to a computer with the German version of Microsoft Project 2002. There
is some overlap between language families. For example, you can restore a U.S. English profile to an English or Australian version
of Microsoft Project 2002.
This language limitation exists because the different versions include localized folder names for the folders that contain the user
profile information.
Advantages to Installing Localized Versions of Microsoft Project 2002
Installing a localized version of Microsoft Project 2002 has its advantages. For instance, the user interface of some features with
the MUI Pack cannot be changed. If it is important that users run these features in the users' own language, you can deploy a
localized version of Microsoft Project to these users. Localized versions of Microsoft Project are based on the same international
core as Microsoft Project with the MUI Pack, so users can exchange documents between language versions with no loss of data.
There are some differences between running Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack and running a localized version of
Microsoft Project 2002. For example:
Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack cannot switch the user interface language of some OCX controls and some Help
elements (such as dialog boxes and the Contents tab).
In Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack, shortcuts on the Start menu are not localized.
Localized versions of Microsoft Project 2002 include localized right-click menus.

Disadvantages to Installing Localized Versions of Microsoft Project 2002

There are some drawbacks to deploying localized versions of Microsoft Project 2002, rather than building around a standardized
version. With localized versions, you need separate procedures for deployment, support, and administration. Also, localized
versions do not usually support the ability to switch the language of the user interface.
Depending on your needs, you can deploy a localized version of Microsoft Project 2002 in selected locations. For example, you
might deploy Microsoft Project with the MUI Pack at all your locations except for Japan, where you would deploy the Japanese
version of Microsoft Project 2002.
See Also

For more information about deploying MUI Packs, see the Overview of International Features resource kit article.
For more information about planning an international move, see the Planning an International Move resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Planning an International Move
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Migrating Settings from Previous Localized Versions

Sharing Multilingual Documents
Taking Advantage of Unicode Support
You can install, customize, and maintain a single version of Microsoft® Project 2002 throughout your multinational organization.
The plug-in language features of Microsoft Project allow users in foreign locales to continue working in their own languages.
Alternatively, you can deploy a localized version of Microsoft Project for each language-speaking area.
Migrating Settings from Previous Localized Versions
If your organization is upgrading from a previous localized version of Microsoft Project to Microsoft Project 2002 with the
Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Pack, you can customize the Microsoft Project Setup program so that users' settings and
preferences migrate from the previous localized version to the new installation of Microsoft Project 2002.
Because user settings in the previous localized version of Microsoft Project are designed to work with that language version, the
settings cannot migrate across language versions of Microsoft Project. Therefore, if you are deploying Microsoft Project 2002 with
the MUI Pack and you want to migrate user settings, you must set the installation language of Microsoft Project 2002 to match
the language of users' previous localized version of Microsoft Project. Then, when users run the Microsoft Project Setup program,
their settings migrate to Microsoft Project 2002.
You can also migrate user settings from a previous localized version of Microsoft Project to the matching language version
of Microsoft Project 2002.
The MUI Pack for Microsoft Project 2002 is available through Microsoft licensing programs such as Open, Select, and
Enterprise Agreement. The MUI Pack can also be purchased through Microsoft Licensing.
If a standard deployment throughout your organization is important and you don't want to deploy multiple settings for the
installation language, leave the installation language set to English and disable migration of user settings. In this case, user
settings cannot migrate across language versions of Microsoft Project, and settings from previous non-English versions of
Microsoft Project are lost.
Top Of Page
Sharing Multilingual Documents
Localized versions of Microsoft Project 2000 and earlier were based on character encoding standards that varied from one script
to another. When users working in one language version of Microsoft Project exchanged documents with a user who worked in
another language version of Microsoft Project, text was often garbled because of the difference between character encodings.
Microsoft Project 2002 is based on an international character encoding standard — Unicode — that allows users upgrading to
Microsoft Project 2002 to more easily share documents across languages.
Sharing Documents Across Languages

Multilingual documents can contain text in languages that require different scripts. A single script can be used to represent many
For example, the Latin or Roman script has character shapes — glyphs — for the 26 letters (both uppercase and lowercase) of the
English alphabet, as well as accented (extended) characters used to represent sounds in other Western European languages.
The Latin script has glyphs to represent all of the characters in most European languages and a few others. Other European
languages, such as Greek or Russian, have characters for which there are no glyphs in the Latin script; these languages have their
own scripts.
Some Asian languages use ideographic scripts that have glyphs based on Chinese characters. Other languages, such as Thai and
Arabic, use complex scripts, which have glyphs that are composed of several smaller glyphs or glyphs that must be shaped
differently, depending on adjacent characters.
A common way to store text is to represent each character by using a single byte. The value of each byte is a numeric index — or
code point — in a table of characters; a code point corresponds to a character in the code page. For example, a byte whose code
point is the decimal value 65 might represent a capital letter a.
This table of characters is called a code page. A code page contains a maximum of 256 bytes; because each character in the code
page is represented by a single byte, a code page can contain as many as 256 characters. One code page with its limit of 256
characters cannot accommodate all languages because some languages use far more than 256 characters. Therefore, different
scripts use separate code pages. There is one code page for Greek, another for Cyrillic, and so on.
Single-byte code pages cannot accommodate Asian languages, which commonly use more than 5,000 Chinese-based characters.
Double-byte code pages were developed to support these languages.
One drawback of the code page system is that the character represented by a particular code point depends on the specific code
page on which the code point resides. If you don't know which code page a code point is from, you cannot determine how to
interpret the code point.
For example, unless you know which code page it comes from, the code point 230 might be the Greek lowercase zeta (..), the
Cyrillic lowercase zhe (..), or the Western European diphthong (..). All three characters have the same code point (230), but the
code point is from three different code pages (1253, 1251, and 1252, respectively).
Introducing a Worldwide Character Set
Unicode was developed to create a universal character set that can accommodate all known scripts. Unicode uses a unique, two-
byte encoding for every character; so in contrast to code pages, every character has its own unique code point. For example, the
Unicode code point of lowercase zeta (..) is the hexadecimal value 03B6, lowercase zhe (..) is 0436, and the diphthong (..) is 00E6.
Unicode 2.0 defines code points for approximately 40,000 characters. More definitions are being added in Unicode 2.1 and
Unicode 3.0. Built-in expansion mechanisms in Unicode allow for more than one million characters to be defined, which is more
than sufficient for all known scripts.
In the Microsoft Windows® operating systems, the two systems of storing text — code pages and Unicode — coexist. However,
Unicode-based systems are replacing code page-based systems. For example, Microsoft Windows NT®, Microsoft Project 98 and
later, and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 and later are all based on Unicode.[
Top Of Page
Taking Advantage of Unicode Support
Microsoft Project 2002 is based on an international character encoding standard — Unicode — that allows users upgrading to
Microsoft Project 2002 to more easily share documents across languages. Unicode support in Microsoft Project 2002 also allows
users to read international documents created in any previous versions of Microsoft Project.
Microsoft Project 2002 also provides the conversion tables necessary to convert code page-based data to Unicode and back again
for interaction with previous versions of applications. Because Microsoft Project 2002 provides fonts to support many languages,
users can create multilingual documents with text from multiple scripts.
For example, Unicode support in Microsoft Project 2002 allows users to copy multilingual text from Office 97 documents, paste
the text into a Microsoft Project 2002 document — and that text will be displayed correctly. Conversely, multilingual text copied
from any Microsoft Project 2002 document can be pasted into a document created in any previous version of Microsoft Project.
In addition to document text, Microsoft Project 2002 supports Unicode in other areas, including document properties, bookmarks,
style names, footnotes, and user information. Unicode support in Microsoft Project 2002 also allows you to edit and display
multilingual text in dialog boxes. For example, you can search for a file by a Greek author's name in the Open dialog box.
Using Unicode Values in Visual Basic for Applications
The Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications environment does not support Unicode. Only text supported by the operating
system can be used in the Visual Basic Editor or displayed in custom dialog boxes or message boxes.
You can use the ChrW() function to manipulate text outside the code page. The ChrW() function accepts a number that
represents the Unicode value of a character and returns that character string.
Using Local Language File Names
Under Windows 98 and Windows Me, Unicode characters in file names are not supported, but they are supported under
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Under Windows 98 and Windows Me, file names must use characters that
exist in the code page of the operating system.
If users in your organization share files between language versions of Windows, they should use ASCII characters (unaccented
Latin script) to ensure that the file names can be used in any language version of the operating system.
Microsoft Project 2002 now supports opening and saving files with Unicode file names, by clicking Open (File menu) in Microsoft
Project, or by double-clicking the file name in Windows Explorer.
Printing and Displaying Unicode Text
Not all printers can print characters from more than one code page. In particular, printers that have built-in fonts might not have
characters for other scripts in those fonts. Also, new characters such as the euro currency symbol might be missing from a
particular font.
Although Microsoft Project 2002 contains many workarounds to enable printing on such printers, it is not possible in all cases. If
text is not printing correctly, updating the printer driver might fix the problem. If the latest driver does not fix the problem, you
can try using the "download soft fonts" or "print TrueType as graphic" settings in the printer driver options. Change to one of
these settings, and try printing again.
If the text still does not print correctly, you can create a registry entry that works around the printing problems of most printers;
the printing quality, however, might be lowered.
To set the registry so that extended characters are printed correctly

1. Go to the following registry subkey:

1. Add a new value entry named NoWideTextPrinting and set its value to 1.

Compressing Files that Contain Unicode Text

Microsoft Project 2002 stores text in a form of Unicode called "UTF-16." Unicode characters are encoded in two bytes (or very
rarely, four bytes), rather than what is used in non-Unicode systems (that is, a single byte, or a mixture of one and two bytes in
some Asian languages). Generally, Microsoft Project 2002 files containing multilingual text are similar in size to files from
previous versions of Microsoft Project. However, Microsoft Project 2002 files may be 30 to 50 percent larger than files created in
previous, non-Unicode versions of Microsoft Project.
Copying Multilingual Text

You can use the Clipboard to copy multilingual text from Microsoft Project 2002 to an Office XP application. Text in RTF, HTML,
and Unicode formats can successfully be pasted into Office XP applications.
Multilingual Code Page-based Single-byte Text

If users paste single-byte (ANSI) text into a Microsoft Project 2002 file from a code page that is different from the one their
operating system uses, they are likely to get unintelligible characters in their text. This problem occurs because Microsoft Project
cannot determine which code page to use to interpret the single-byte text.
For example, you might paste text from a non-Unicode text editor that uses fonts to indicate which code page to use. If the text
editor supplies only RTF and single-byte text, the font (and code page) information is lost when the text is pasted into an
application that does not accept RTF. Instead, the application uses the operating system's code page, which may map some
characters' code points to unexpected or nonexistent characters.
Support for Surrogate Character Pairs
Microsoft Project 2002 supports Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ideographic languages. Original
Unicode implementation only captured the most commonly used ideographs of these languages; however, there are enough
ideographic characters that they have the potential to overrun the entire set of code point assignments that Unicode provides.
Surrogate characters are extensions of the existing Unicode standard which allow you to display a greater range of ideographic
characters. Using reserved areas in both the high-end and low-end of the Unicode code page, values from each of the two
reserved ranges are combined to represent a single character.
1,024 characters are reserved in the high end of the 16-bit Unicode code page, from U+D800 through U+DBFF. At the low end of
the 16-bit Unicode code page, 1,024 characters are reserved, from U+DC00 through U+DFFF. One high-end value is combined
with a low-end value to create a surrogate pair, a 32-bit character that maps to a real-world character at display time.
When creating surrogate pairs, keep the following in mind:
You cannot combine two characters from the high-end of the Unicode code page to form a pair. Likewise, you cannot
combine two characters from the low-end of the Unicode code page to form a pair.
When creating a pair, the first character must always be from the high-end of the Unicode code page reserved characters,
followed by a low-end character.
As long as you do not remove a surrogate character or insert another character between them, the integrity of the data in a
surrogate pair is maintained.

Surrogate Pair Support in Windows 2000

Windows 2000 and Windows XP support surrogate pairs, frequently referenced under the name "big character set support."
Microsoft Project 2002 running under Windows 2000 or Windows XP handles surrogates by continuing to assume that each
Unicode character in the pair is 16-bit. Surrogate pairs are processed in the same method as non-spacing marks.
Surrogates are treated as complex script. Because the two 16-bit characters combine to form a new 32-bit character, they need to
be treated as such. Thus, you can no longer assume that one half of the Unicode value maps exactly to one other character in the
surrogate pair.
Keep in mind also that, when range checking to detect a surrogate pair, that, as they are currently implemented in Windows 2000,
the API functions CharNext() and CharPrev() will not perceive a surrogate pair as a single character.
If a computer is unable to display or support surrogate pairs for Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese, you may need to install
the support package file, which is available from the Microsoft Download Center.
See Also
For information about deploying MUI Packs during and after a deployment of Microsoft Project 2002, see the Overview of
International Features resource kit article.
For more information about deploying Microsoft Project 2002 in other languages, see the International Configuration resource kit
You can disable migration of user settings in the Custom Installation Wizard. For information about using the Custom Installation
Wizard to disable migration of user settings, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Managing a Successful Deployment
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On This Page

Related Software
Installation with Elevated Privileges under Windows NT and Windows 2000
Software Requirements
Requirements for International Components
Installation Sequence
The applications and tools included with Microsoft® Project 2002 provide a wide range of functionality for users. Related
products include analysis tools and plug-in language features that are available in the Microsoft Project 2002 Multilanguage User
Interface (MUI) Pack. You can install these applications and tools on users' computers at the same time that you deploy Microsoft
Project, or you can stagger the deployment and install them when and where you need them.
Related Software
Microsoft Project 2002 includes the following applications:
Microsoft Project 2002 Standard or Microsoft Project 2002 Professional
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01
If you purchase Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack, you will have access to user interface language modules for Microsoft
Project and Internet Explorer 5.01.
Keep in mind the following when you install and use Microsoft Project:
It is recommended that you do not install Microsoft Project 2002 and earlier versions of Microsoft Project on the same
Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Office XP SP-1 share certain files and components. If you are running a version of
Office XP earlier than SP-1, installing Microsoft Project 2002 may replace certain Office XP files with the updated SP-1
versions. For example, it will replace MSO.dll.
You can create and update project data directly in a database while maintaining the consistency and integrity of the data.
For more information, see the files Projdb.htm and Prjoledb.htm, located at the typical installation point (for example, the
U.S. English installation point would be C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\1033).
Using the MUI Pack to switch the Microsoft Project user interface language will automatically switch the user interface
language for any Office application for which you have already installed an MUI Pack.
It is recommended that you use the same language versions of Office and Microsoft Project. The language version of Microsoft
Project should be either:
The same language as the Office language version installed on the system.
The language version of Microsoft Project that matches the locale (Microsoft Windows® 98, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me), Windows NT® 4.0, or Windows 2000) or Language (Windows XP) you have specified in Windows.
If neither of the above is true, the only case in which Microsoft Project will run is if the Microsoft Project language version is
For example,
If you install a German version of Microsoft Project on a system with a French version of Office and a French system locale,
Microsoft Project will not run.
If you install a German version of Microsoft Project on a system with a French version of Office and a French system locale,
Microsoft Project will not run.
If you install an English version of Microsoft Project on a system with a French version of Office and a German system
locale, Microsoft project will run.

See Also

To learn more about deploying Microsoft Project Server, see the Overview of Microsoft Project Server resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Installation with Elevated Privileges under Windows NT and Windows 2000
In Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP environments, different groups of users have different levels of rights and
permissions. In these environments, default users have limited access to system areas of the computer. Because Microsoft Project
2002 Setup updates system files and writes to system areas of the Windows registry, you must have administrator rights to the
computer to install Microsoft Project 2002.
Users without administrator rights cannot install Microsoft Project 2002. To install Microsoft Project on computers where users
lack administrator rights, you must run Setup with elevated privileges. After Microsoft Project is installed, users without
administrator rights can run all installed features, including installing features on demand, provided the initial installation was
performed in an elevated context.
Under Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, power users cannot install Microsoft Project 2002 without elevated
privileges. Elevated privileges are not required under Windows 98 or Windows Me, because these operating systems consider
each user an administrator of the computer.
There are four methods of elevating the Microsoft Project 2002 installation:
Log on as an administrator and install Microsoft Project 2002.
Assign, publish, or advertise Microsoft Project 2002.
Set a Windows Installer system policy that allows all Windows Installer applications to run with elevated privileges.
Use Microsoft Systems Management Server in an administrative context to deploy Microsoft Project 2002.
Because Microsoft Project 2002 is installed as a Windows Installer package, any of the preceding methods grants users elevated
privileges and allows them to install Microsoft Project and any chained packages. When the initial installation is performed with
elevated privileges, all subsequent installations—including install on demand and automatic repair of features—are also elevated.
Logging on as an Administrator
If you log on to a computer with an account that has administrator rights, you will have elevated privileges that allow you to
install Microsoft Project 2002, the System Files Update, and the MUI Packs.
Under Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you can provide users with an administrator account name and password, and have them
use the Run as command to install Microsoft Project 2002 or the MUI Pack in an elevated context. If you create a shortcut to
Setup.exe, you can include command-line options to customize the installation.
To create a shortcut to Setup.exe for users to run as administrators

1. Create a shortcut to Microsoft Project 2002 Setup.exe.

1. Right-click the shortcut, and then click Properties.
1. Click the Shortcut tab, and then enter your command line in the Target box.
1. Select the Run as a different user checkbox, and then click OK.
You must distribute this shortcut with the domain name, user name, and password of an administrator account. The following
procedure outlines the steps users must take.
To start Microsoft Project 2002 as an administrator (Windows 2000 or Windows XP)

1. Press SHIFT and right-click Setup.exe, and then click Run as.
1. Under Windows 2000, click Run the program as the following user in the Run As Other User dialog box.
1. Enter the user name, password, and domain name of the administrator account.

Setting a Windows Installer System Policy

You can enable elevated privileges on a user's computer by setting a Windows Installer system policy. The Always install with
elevated privileges policy allows a user without administrator rights to install any Windows Installer packages (with the exception
of the System Files Update).
To enable elevated privileges by policy (Windows 2000)

1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and
1. In the console tree, right-click the domain or organizational unit for which you want to set the policy.
1. Click Properties, and then click the Group Policy tab.
1. In the Group Policy Objects Links box, select a Group Policy Object, and then click Edit.
1. Open the Local Computer\Administrative Templates\Windows Installer folder.
1. In the details pane, double-click the Always install with elevated privileges policy.
1. In the Group Policy Property dialog box, enable the policy, select the check box to turn the settings on, and then click OK.
1. Open the User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Installer folder and repeat steps 6 and 7.
Under Windows NT 4.0, you can use the System Policy Editor and Windows Installer policy template file (Instlr11.adm) to set the
Always install with elevated privileges policy. You must set the policy for the computer and for each user.
If you choose not to use either the Group Policy Editor or the System Policy Editor, you can specify the same setting on each
computer by changing a value in the Windows registry.
To enable elevated privilege on a user's computer by using policies

1. On the Start menu, click Run.

1. Type regedit and click OK.
1. Locate or create the following subkey in the Windows registry:
1. In the Installer subkey, set the value of AlwaysInstallElevated to 1.
1. Locate or create the following subkey in the Windows registry:
1. In the Installer subkey, set the value of AlwaysInstallElevated to 1.
1. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each user.
When you install Microsoft Project 2002 from the CD, installing features on demand requires administrator rights each time a
feature is installed. This scenario is the only exception to persistent administrator rights after an initial installation with elevated
To allow users to install features on demand from the Microsoft Project 2002 CD, you must set the Windows Installer system
policy Enable user to use media source while elevated.

Assigning, Publishing, or Advertising Microsoft Project

If all the computers in your organization run under Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you can elevate the Microsoft Project
installation to assign or publish Microsoft Project. Because Windows 2000 and Windows XP already provide the necessary level of
system files, the System Files Update is not required.
Alternatively, if you are running Windows NT 4.0, or if you are not using Windows 2000 or Windows XP software installation, you
can advertise Microsoft Project by logging on as an administrator and then running Setup with the /jm option on the command
line. For example:
setup.exe /jm install.msi
If you also include a Windows Installer transform (MST) file to customize the installation, use the /t option, followed by the name
of the custom MST file on the command-line option to specify the file. For example:
Setup.exe /jm install.msi /t install.mst
When you advertise Microsoft Project in this way, Windows Installer shortcuts for each application appear on the Start menu, and
a minimal set of core Microsoft Project files and components are installed on the computer. When a user clicks a shortcut or
opens a file associated with a Microsoft Project feature, Windows Installer runs with elevated privileges to install the application,
regardless of how the user logged on. After Microsoft Project is advertised, users can also run Setup from an administrative
installation point and install Microsoft Project with elevated privileges.
Note that Windows NT 4.0 does not support Windows Installer shortcuts without an updated version of the Windows shell. The
updated shell is included with Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later. Even without the updated shell and Windows
shortcuts, however, core Microsoft Project files and components are installed on the computer, and Windows Installer considers
the initial installation complete. Users can subsequently run Microsoft Project setup from the administrative installation point and
install with elevated privileges.
Because the System Files Update cannot be advertised, advertising Microsoft Project on Windows NT 4.0 fully installs the System
Files Update on the local computer when the update is required.
When you advertise a package, the package is configured to be installed the first time the user attempts to use the application.
You must be logged on with administrator privileges to advertise a package.
Advertising a package is much faster than installing a package. When the user attempts to use the application for the first time,
the Installer completes the installation under administrator privileges, including rebooting the system if necessary. The user can
also run Setup to install specific features, and Setup runs under administrator privileges, regardless of how the user is logged on.
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, and Active Desktop™ all support Windows
Installer shortcuts. In this scenario, the Installer adds application icons to the Start menu when you advertise the package. When
the user clicks one of these icons, the Windows Installer installs that application on the computer before running it. When
installing the advertised package, the Windows Installer runs under administrator privileges, regardless of how the user is logged
on, so it can make any needed system modifications.
Windows NT 4.0 without Active Desktop does not support Windows Installer shortcuts. In this case, you can advertise the
package, but the user must run Setup to install the program. When the user runs Setup after Microsoft Project has been
advertised, the Windows Installer performs the installation with administrator privileges.

Using Systems Management Server

If you are using Microsoft Systems Management Server to install Microsoft Project, you can run the Package Command Manager
as a service on the user's computer so that it runs with administrator privileges.
See Also

For more information on using Systems Management Server to deploy Microsoft Project, see the Deployment with Systems
Management Server resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Software Requirements
Internet Explorer
During the System Files Update detection (which occurs only on computers running under Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0),
Setup.exe determines which version of Internet Explorer is present on the computer. Internet Explorer 5.01 is the minimum
version supported by Microsoft Project 2002. By default, the detection of any version earlier than Internet Explorer 4.0 triggers an
installation of the System Files Update that installs Internet Explorer 5.01. If you have Internet Explorer 5.01 or later installed,
Microsoft Project 2002 setup does not automatically update your browser. If you do not have at least Internet Explorer 5.01
installed, you will be alerted during Microsoft Project setup that your browser is not the most current version.
If you do not install Internet Explorer 5.01 (that is, if the administrator sets the NOIE property to True or if the user chooses not to
upgrade), Setup does not update the default Web browser or install Internet Explorer shortcuts. However, Setup still calls Internet
Explorer Setup to install the subset of Internet Explorer- and Windows-related components required by Microsoft Project. If the
System Files Update calls Internet Explorer Setup to install any component, you must restart the computer at the end of the
System Files Update installation.
At the end of the installation, whether or not Internet Explorer is upgraded to version 5.01, the user's system files are at least
equivalent to the level in Office 2000 Service Release 1.
The logic that Setup uses to determine when and how to upgrade or install Internet Explorer is described in more detail in the
following tables.
If the administrator takes no action, Setup installs or upgrades Internet Explorer as follows.

Existing version of Internet Installation behavior


No Internet Explorer or earlier than Setup installs or presents users with the choice of typical Internet Explorer 5.01 (default),
Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 minimum Internet Explorer 5.01, or Windows Web Browsing Components only.

Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 Setup does not upgrade to Internet Explorer 5.01. An alert informs the user that certain
or later, but not Internet Explorer 5.0 Microsoft Project functionality requires Internet Explorer 5.01.

Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, but not Setup upgrades to Internet Explorer 5.01 behind the scenes; users are not presented with
Internet Explorer 5.01 a choice.

If you set the NOIE property to True (or if the user chooses not to upgrade), Setup installs or upgrades Internet Explorer as

Existing version of Internet Explorer Installation behavior

No Internet Explorer or earlier than Internet Windows Web Browsing Components are installed automatically.
Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1

Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later, Internet Explorer is not upgraded to version 5.01, but Setup installs a subset of
but not Internet Explorer 5.0 required components, including HTML Help.

Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, but not Internet Internet Explorer is not upgraded to version 5.01, but Setup installs a subset of
Explorer 5.01 required components, including HTML Help.

Under Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0, you can upgrade to Internet Explorer 5.5 by replacing the Osp\<LCID>\IE5 folder on
your administration installation point with the Internet Explorer 5.5 folder. Then, add /spforce to the command line or to Setup.ini
to ensure that the System Files Update installation is triggered. If you customize the Internet Explorer 5.5 package before installing
it, you must use the updated Internet Explorer Administration Kit for Internet Explorer 5.5.
Because the System Files Update installation does not run under Windows 2000 or Windows Me, you cannot use the /spforce
command-line option to install or upgrade Internet Explorer during Microsoft Project Setup. On these operating systems, you
must deploy Internet Explorer 5.5 separately, before you install Microsoft Project.
Software Prerequisites
Microsoft Project 2002 requires that other software be preinstalled or preconfigured on the user's computer before you install
Microsoft Project.
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later Required, if you are installing Microsoft Project 2002 on the Microsoft Windows NT
4.0 operating system.
Internet Explorer 5.01 or later Required by Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access.
Reboot Requirements
Microsoft Project Setup requires you to reboot the computer if you install Internet Explorer 5.01, or if Setup needs to update
system files that are in use during installation. If Setup requires you to reboot the computer, you must log on again using the
same account so that Setup can finish the installation.
Microsoft Project Server
To learn about deploying Microsoft Project Server, see the Basic Server Installation resource kit article.
See Also
Microsoft Project 2002 Setup gives you many options when you install Microsoft Project on users' computers. For more
information on setting up Microsoft Project 2002, see the Setup Program resource kit article.
The Custom Installation Wizard provides great flexibility for customizing the Microsoft Project installation process. For more
information about using the Custom Installation Wizard, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Requirements for International Components
The English User Interface Pack for Microsoft Project will be shipped with the Hebrew, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional
Chinese, and Korean versions of Microsoft Project 2002.

Microsoft Project 2002 Multilanguage User Interface Pack

The Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack is separate from Microsoft Project. To install the MUI Pack, you will have to run Setup.exe for
each language you need from the CD containing the language or languages you want. You can create administrative installation
points for the languages you need on a network server by using the /a command-line option from the appropriate language
Software prerequisites

Microsoft Project 2002 must be installed before you can install the MUI Pack.
Elevated privileges

You will need elevated privileges to install the MUI Pack on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
Reboot requirements

The MUI Pack doesn't require you to reboot the user's computer after installation under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. You will
need to reboot the computer under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98.
English Language Pack for Microsoft Project

The English Language Pack for Microsoft Project ships with the Hebrew, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and
Korean language versions of Microsoft Project 2002. It allows you to change the user interface to English in these language
versions of Microsoft Project 2002.
Software prerequisites

The Hebrew, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean versions of Microsoft Project 2002 must be installed
before you can install the English Language Packs.
Elevated privileges

You will need elevated privileges to install the English Language Packs under Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
Reboot requirements

The English Language Packs will not require you to reboot the user's computer after installation under Windows 2000 or
Windows XP. You will need to reboot the computer under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98.
See Also

For more information on deploying MUI Packs on Microsoft Project Server, see the International Server Deployment resource kit
The MUI Pack allows users all over the world to run Microsoft Project 2002 user interface and Help in their own languages, and to
create documents in many other languages. For more information, see the Overview of International Features resource kit article.
For more information about using the Custom Installation Wizard, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
To learn more about international support in Microsoft Project Server, see the International Server Deployment resource kit
To learn more about multi-language support and international components in Microsoft Project Server, see the International
Server Deployment resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Installation Sequence
Microsoft Project has a unique set of installation requirements, including what software must already be installed, whether
elevated privileges are required during installation, and whether you must reboot the computer after installation.
The following procedures outline the optimal sequences you can use to install Microsoft Project on users' computers, taking into
account the necessary software prerequisites and the elevated privileges and reboot requirements.
Installing under Windows 98

To install Microsoft Project and all related products on a computer running Microsoft Windows 98, use the following sequence.
To install Microsoft Project and related products on Windows 98

1. If you plan to work with Japanese or Chinese files, install the appropriate Japanese or Chinese Input Method Editor (IME).
1. If you want to upgrade Windows and Internet Explorer 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5 to 128-bit encryption, install the Internet
Explorer 128-bit upgrade.
1. Install Microsoft Project 2002.
1. If you need to change the user interface language of Internet Explorer 5, install Internet Explorer user interface languages.
1. Reboot the computer.
1. If you have Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack and you want to install plug-in language features, install the MUI Pack.
1. Reboot the computer.

Installing under Windows NT 4.0 with Elevated Privileges

To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running Windows NT 4.0, use the following sequence.
This procedure requires that you have elevated privileges on the user's computer.
To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running Windows NT 4.0

1. Log on to the computer using an account that has administrator privileges.

1. For Microsoft Project, install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later.
1. Reboot the computer.
1. If you want to standardize on a previous version of Internet Explorer, install Internet Explorer 3.0 or 4.0, if not already
installed, and reboot the computer.
1. If you plan to work with Japanese or Chinese files, install the appropriate Japanese or Chinese Input Method Editor (IME).
1. If you want to upgrade Windows and Internet Explorer 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5 to 128-bit encryption, install the Internet
Explorer 128-bit upgrade.
1. Install Microsoft Project 2002.
1. If you need to change the user interface language of Internet Explorer 5, install Internet Explorer user interface languages.
1. Reboot the computer.
1. If you have Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack and you want to install plug-in language features, install the MUI Pack.
1. Reboot the computer.

Installing under Windows NT 4.0 without Elevated Privileges

To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running under Windows NT 4.0, without all of the
installation requiring elevated privileges, use the following sequence.
To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running under Windows NT 4.0

1. Log on to the computer using an account that has administrator privileges.

1. For Microsoft Project and most other products, install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later.
1. Reboot the computer and then log on again with administrator privileges.
1. If you want, Install Internet Explorer 3.0, Internet Explorer 4.0, or Internet Explorer 5; reboot the computer, and log on again
with administrator privileges.
1. If you plan to work with Japanese or Chinese files, install the appropriate Japanese or Chinese Input Method Editor (IME).
1. If you want to upgrade Windows and Internet Explorer 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5 to 128-bit encryption, install the Internet
Explorer 128-bit upgrade.
1. If you need to change the user interface language of Internet Explorer 5, install Internet Explorer user interface languages.
1. Advertise Microsoft Project using the /jm Setup command-line option.
1. Reboot the computer and log on with a user account.
1. Install Microsoft Project. (It will be installed automatically the first time you try to use it.)
1. If you have Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack and you want to install plug-in language features, install the MUI Pack.

Installing under Windows 2000

To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running under Windows 2000, use the following
To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running under Windows 2000

1. If you plan to work with Japanese or Chinese files, install the appropriate Japanese or Chinese Input Method Editor (IME).
1. If you want to upgrade Windows and Internet Explorer 5 to 128-bit encryption, install the Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade.
1. Install Microsoft Project 2002.
1. If you need to change the user interface language of Internet Explorer 5, install Internet Explorer user interface languages.
1. If you have Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack and you want to install plug-in language features, install the MUI Pack.

Installing under Windows XP

To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running under Windows XP, use the following sequence.
To install Microsoft Project 2002 and all related products on a computer running under Windows XP

1. If you plan to work with Japanese or Chinese files, install the appropriate Japanese or Chinese Input Method Editor (IME).
1. If you want to upgrade Windows and Internet Explorer 5 to 128-bit encryption, install the Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade.
1. Install Microsoft Project 2002.
1. If you need to change the user interface language of Internet Explorer 5, install Internet Explorer user interface languages.
1. If you have Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack and you want to install plug-in language features, install the MUI Pack.

See Also

To learn about installing Microsoft Project 2002, see the Basic Installation resource kit article.

Top Of Page
The Network Platform
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On This Page

Supported Operating Systems and Clients

Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Supported Operating Systems and Clients
Microsoft® Project 2002 supports most widely available network operating systems and network clients for file and printing
Microsoft Network Operating Systems and Clients
Microsoft Project supports the following Microsoft Windows network servers and clients.
Supported network servers

Windows® NT® Server4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later

Windows 2000 Server or later
Supported network clients

Windows 98 and Client for Microsoft Networks

Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional

Novell Network Operating Systems and Clients

Microsoft Project supports the following Novell network servers and clients.
Supported network servers

Novell NetWare version 4.11 with year 2000 updates

Novell intraNetWare version 4.11 with Support Pack 5b and year 2000 updates
Novell NetWare 5.0 with Support Pack 5
Supported Novell network clients

Novell intraNetWare client version 2.5 on Windows 98

Novell intraNetWare client version 4.30.410 on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with Service Pack 3 or later
Novell intraNetWare client version 4.30.410 on Windows 2000 Professional

NetWare Network Clients

Microsoft Project supports the following NetWare network clients:

Client for NetWare Networks with Service for NetWare Directory Services on Windows 98
Client Service for NetWare on Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later
Client Service for NetWare on Windows 2000 Professional

Banyan Vines Network Operating Systems and Clients

Microsoft Project 2002 was not tested with Banyan Vines network servers or clients.
Artisoft LANtastic Peer-to-Peer Network Operating Systems

Microsoft Project 2002 was not tested with Artisoft LANtastic peer-to-peer networking software for full support.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP
If an organization deploys Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, including Active Directory™,
Microsoft Project can take advantage of additional Windows 2000 features. Some of these features require only Windows 2000
Server or Windows 2000/Windows XP Professional; most require both.

IntelliMirror Support
IntelliMirror® is a set of powerful Windows 2000 features for change and configuration management of users' computers. These
features combine the advantages of centralized computing with the performance and flexibility of distributed computing.
Leveraging server as well as client operating system features, IntelliMirror allows users to access their specific data, applications,
and customized settings on any computer that's connected to their organization's network.
IntelliMirror increases the availability of the user's computer and computing environment by intelligently storing information,
settings, and applications based on policy definitions. IntelliMirror can recover and restore specific user data, applications, and
personal settings in a Windows 2000-based environment.
Microsoft Project fully supports IntelliMirror features for the following functions:
User data management
Software installation and maintenance
User and computer settings management
Depending on the requirements of their environments, administrators can apply these IntelliMirror functions separately or in
User data management

The user data management functionality of IntelliMirror supports the mirroring of user specific data to the network and the local
caching of selected network data. User data management also ensures that data is protected, available offline, and available from
any computer on the network.
For user data to be accessible to the user, it needs to be stored in a location specified for roaming, such as the My Documents
folder. Microsoft Project supports user data management by storing users' Microsoft Project documents in the My Documents
folder, by default.
Software installation and maintenance

The software installation and maintenance functionality in Windows 2000 allows for an application to be assigned to a user or a
computer, or published to a user. Assigning and publishing of applications, which is fully supported in Microsoft Project, requires
both Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server or later.
When an application is assigned to a user, it is advertised for that user the next time the user logs on to a computer running
Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional. Advertising is the process of pre-configuring some Windows registry information
(such as file associations, OLE activation information, and support for the Windows Installer service) and application shortcuts on
the client computer.
Using application shortcuts, the Windows Installer installs an application the first time it is started. Using application file
associations and OLE activation information, Windows Installer installs an application the first time a user attempts to open a file
or activate an OLE object that requires a missing application.
When an application is assigned to a computer, it is fully installed the next time the computer is started and connects to the
Windows 2000 network. The application is then available to all users of that computer.
When an application is published to users, it is made available in the Active Directory. No advertisement or application
information, such as a shortcut, is installed on users' computers; however, all published packages, such as Microsoft Project, are
displayed in Add/Remove Applications in Control Panel. Information in the Active Directory enables the application to be installed
automatically when needed—for example, when a user who has not installed Microsoft Project opens a Microsoft Project file.
Microsoft Project can be assigned to users or computers, or it can be published to users. To enable assigning and publishing of
applications to users, Windows 2000 and Windows XP provide per-user support in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry subtree. (In
Windows 98, and Windows NT Workstation 4.0, the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree is supported on a per-machine basis.) The
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree contains the file association and class registration for OLE.
In previous versions of Windows, file types are persistently set to the application they are associated with. For example, if one user
has the DOC file type associated with Wordpad.exe, and other users log on to that computer, DOC files of those users will also be
associated with Wordpad.exe, even if they are associated with Winword.exe in their roaming user profile. To resolve this problem,
Windows 2000 and Windows XP support the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree on a per-user basis, which allows file information to
roam with the user.
Per-user associations are set up when an application is installed for a particular user. When an application is installed for all users
of a computer, however, the per-machine version of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree is used.
The per-user features of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree require Windows 2000 Professional.
In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, OLE activation to call the Windows Installer also works differently than in previous versions
of Windows. If a user activates an OLE object, such as an embedded document, the operating system calls the Windows Installer
for the required application. As long as the required application was installed using the Windows Installer and set to Installed on
First Use, the Windows Installer can install the application required to work with the OLE object, even if this application has never
been installed on the user's computer.
When the required application is set to Installed on First Use, the behavior of applications that use the Windows Installer differs
slightly, depending on the version of Windows that is running on the user's computer. Under Windows 2000 Professional, the
missing application required to open an OLE object is automatically installed without user intervention. Under Windows 98, or
Windows NT Workstation 4.0, the missing application required to open an OLE object is installed, but the user is prompted first.
Additionally, if the application has been installed but has been damaged (for example, if a key file has been deleted), the Windows
Installer repairs the application before it passes the path to the application back to OLE. This behavior gives applications that use
the Windows Installer the capability to install on demand, as well as resiliency with OLE activation. In applications that do not use
the Windows Installer, OLE does not call the Windows Installer and activation of the application fails.
Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional is required to install an application automatically and to activate an OLE object
without user intervention.
User and computer settings management

Using the Windows 2000 user and computer settings management functionality, administrators can centrally define computing
environments for groups of users and computers so that those users and computers automatically get the correct environment.
Administrators can add new users and computers, define settings for groups of people and computers, and apply changes for
groups of people.
Furthermore, using IntelliMirror, administrators can restore a user's settings if a computer fails, and can ensure that a user's
computer settings can be accessed by the user from another computer on the network.
To more effectively manage user and computer settings, Microsoft Project provides application policies in the form of
administrative template (ADM) files that can be used to customize Microsoft Project.
With Windows 2000, the registry policy folders (Software\Policies) under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER subtree and the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree are volatile. When any Group Policy object that affects a user or computer changes, keys written
by that Group Policy are deleted and rewritten. This way, policy settings can be changed when the affected Group Policy objects
change, for example, when a user roams to a different organizational unit.
Because registry folders are secured in Windows 2000, only administrators can change registry entries and values. (In previous
versions of Windows, any user can change policy settings in the registry.)
User and computer settings management features require Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional.
Remote Operating System Installation
In addition to IntelliMirror features, Windows 2000 supports remote operating system installation, which simplifies the task of
installing a new copy of the operating system on client computers throughout the organization.
Remote operating system installation provides a mechanism for computers to connect to a network server during initial startup,
and then allows the server to drive a local installation of Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional. When used with
IntelliMirror, remote operating system installation reduces the costs of setting up new computers and provides better recovery
from computer failures.
If you are adding or replacing a computer, or returning a repaired computer to the network, remote operating system installation
provides the services to reload the operating system. At the same time, IntelliMirror provides the services to quickly regenerate
installed applications (such as Microsoft Project) and to restore user data and personal computer settings.
Remote operating system installation requires Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional.
Distributed File System

The Windows 2000 Distributed File System (DFS) provides a layer of redirection for servers. DFS permits consolidation of server
and share names into a single logical directory. Using DFS, an administrator can set up a series of Microsoft Project distribution
servers, advertised as a single DFS name. This configuration allows the administrator to provide load balancing and redundancy
on the servers used to deploy Microsoft Project.
For example, using DFS, an administrator can publish three servers (\\Server1\Project2002, \\Server2\Project2002, and
\\Server3\Project2002) as child objects of a \\Software\Apps\Project2002 share. When a client computer gains access to the
\\Software\Apps\Project2002 share, it is transparently routed to one of the three participating servers.
The Windows Installer service can use a source list. If the service cannot connect to the last source it used, it searches for an
available server stored in the source list. During deployment, an administrator can place other servers in the source list. If you
choose to use DFS instead, you may not want to use the source list feature provided by the Windows Installer, unless you want to
have one group of servers back up another group of servers.
DFS requires Windows NT Server 4.0 or Windows 2000 Server for DFS server shares. To access DFS shares, client computers
must have a version of Windows installed that's supported by Microsoft Project. The Windows Installer source list feature works
under all versions of Windows supported by Microsoft Project 2002.

See Also
For more information about Windows 2000 Server, see the Windows 2000 Server Web site.
For information about group policies in Windows 2000, see the Windows 2000 Group Policy white paper on the Windows 2000
Web site.

Top Of Page
Customizing Installation
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section provide the information you need to deploy a custom installation of Microsoft Project 2002 effectively
and efficiently in your organization.
Customizing Setup
Customizing Feature Installation
Customizing Options Settings
Setup Program
Custom Installation Wizard
Profile Wizard
Save My Settings Wizard

Top Of Page
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section offer information for customizing and installing Microsoft Project. These topics cover a powerful and
flexible set of tools and procedures that make your job of deploying Microsoft Project much easier.
Basic Installation
Windows Terminal Services
Deployment with Systems Management Server
Managing a Successful Deployment
International Deployment
Supporting Traveling Users
Enterprise Project Management Overview

Top Of Page
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section provide information about Microsoft Project 2002 client and network platforms, server tools and
technologies available with Microsoft Project 2002, and programming technologies to help developers build solutions for your
The Client Platform
Microsoft Project Standard vs. Microsoft Project Professional
The Network Platform
Programming Technologies

Top Of Page
Management and Support
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section describe the tools that enable administrators to guide and control their users' interaction with Microsoft
Project 2002.
Using System Policies
Using the System Policy Editor
System Policy Reference
Help and Support
Creating Help Topics
Linking the Answer Wizard to the Web
Administering Security
Overview of International Features
International Configuration
Planning an International Move

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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section address issues associated with migrating existing projects from Microsoft Project 98 or earlier, or from
other applications, to Microsoft Project 2002.
Before You Upgrade
Working with Multiple Versions and Other Applications

Top Of Page
Overview of International Features
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On This Page

Sharing Files Across Language Versions

Deploying Microsoft Project 2002 with the Multilanguage User Interface Pack
Removing Multilanguage User Interface Pack Files
Deploying Microsoft® Project 2002 with the Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Pack will give you the advantage of having a
single installation of Microsoft Project for your entire international organization. However, because some plug-in language
features are limited, you might decide to deploy localized versions of Microsoft Project 2002 in different language-speaking areas.
Sharing Files Across Language Versions
Just as file compatibility affects how users share files between versions of Microsoft Project, file compatibility also affects how
users share files across language versions.

Sharing Microsoft Project Files Across Language Versions

When all users in an international organization have upgraded to Microsoft Project 2002, sharing files across languages is easy,
whether the files are from Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack, or from localized versions of Microsoft Project 2002. Even
during a gradual upgrade to Microsoft Project 2002, you can still share files with older localized versions of Microsoft Project.
If you are upgrading gradually to Microsoft Project 2002, you can save Microsoft Project 2002 files in formats that allow users of
previous localized versions of Microsoft Project to open the files, yet preserve the MUI Pack features of Microsoft Project 2002.
These file formats are not the same as the formats used by previous localized versions; if you save a Microsoft Project 2002 file in
the format of the previous localized version, features from the MUI Pack are lost.
Your operating system can determine whether you can display Asian or right-to-left text (such as Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, or Urdu)
between different versions of Microsoft Project.
To display a right-to-left language, you must be running a right-to-left language version of your operating system on your
Top Of Page
Deploying Microsoft Project 2002 with the Multilanguage User Interface Pack
Plug-in language capability in Microsoft Project 2002 is provided by the Multilanguage User Interface Pack (MUI Pack). You have
great flexibility in customizing and installing the language files your organization needs. For example, you can customize
Microsoft Project 2002 to install with MUI Pack files by chaining your installation, or you can customize and install language files
after deploying Microsoft Project. In addition, although the MUI Pack and Microsoft Project are installed from different CDs, each
can be deployed from the same or from a different administrative installation point.
MUI Pack Components and Installation Process

Microsoft Project 2002 and its language components give you flexibility in how you deploy Microsoft Project and the MUI Pack
for your organization. For example, you can create a separate administrative installation point for the MUI Pack, or multiple
installation points for different groups of languages. Or, you can include Microsoft Project and MUI Pack files on the same
installation point.
The MUI Pack comes with its own Setup program. Each language has its own package (MSI file), and can be customized
individually. When you install the MUI Pack, you can make language files available to users on demand, instead of copying files to
users' computers; or you can choose to copy the language files to users' hard disks. The MUI Pack works with Windows Installer
to install the necessary files only when users run Microsoft Project with a particular language configuration.
You can also choose to let users customize their own installation of language files, selecting from the language files that you
make available on the administrative installation point. When you install Microsoft Project 2002, an installation language setting
is added to the Windows registry. When you start Microsoft Project, it reads this setting to determine default behavior, such as
whether to display language-specific capabilities.
In the Language Resources subkey, Microsoft Project Setup creates an entry named InstallLanguage with a value equal to the
locale ID (LCID) for the installation language of Microsoft Project. For example, if the value of the InstallLanguage entry is 1041,
the installation language is Japanese.
The Microsoft Project Setup program automatically sets the installation language to correspond to the language version of
Microsoft Project that you purchased. You can customize the installation language, however, so that Microsoft Project runs with
defaults that match foreign locations.
Multilanguage User Interface Pack Components

The MUI Pack for Microsoft Project 2002 has the following components:
MUI Packs (Lpk.msi files)
Multilanguage User Interface Pack Wizard (Lpkwiz.msi)
Multilanguage User Interface Pack Setup (Lpksetup.exe)
System Files Update (Osp.msi)
By using these components, you can create a customized multilanguage deployment suited to your organization's needs.

Locale Identifiers for Each Language

In some deployment scenarios, you must know the locale identifier (LCID) for a language in order to install the correct MUI Pack.
MUI Packs are installed on the administrative installation point under folder names by their corresponding locale identifier.
The following table lists languages for which the Microsoft Project 2002 Multilanguage User Interface Pack includes MUI Packs; it
also lists the corresponding locale identifiers.

Language Locale Identifier (LCID)

Chinese (Simplified) 2052

Chinese (Traditional) 1028

Czech 1029

Danish 1030

Dutch 1043

English (U.S.) 1033

Finnish 1035

French 1036

German 1031

Hebrew 1037

Hungarian 1038

Italian 1040

Japanese 1041

Korean 1042
Norwegian (Bokmal) 1044

Polish 1045

Portuguese (Brazilian) 1046

Russian 1049

Spanish 3082

Swedish 1053

Thai 1054

Overview of the Deployment Process

Your deployment process will vary, depending on whether you install the MUI Pack during or after installing Microsoft Project
2002, along with other options.
The following general steps apply to all international deployments of Microsoft Project 2002:
Creating an administrative installation point for Microsoft Project 2002.
Creating administrative installation points for the languages you need from the Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack.
Customizing the MUI Pack installation.
Configuring Setup.ini to chain the installation of one or more languages with your Microsoft Project 2002 deployment.
Deploying Microsoft Project 2002 to your users, together with selected MUI Packs.
Installing one or more MUI Packs by using a separate Setup.ini customization, or by allowing users to choose MUI Packs
with the MUI Pack Wizard.

Create Administrative Installation Points for the Multilanguage User Interface Pack Languages
You run the MUI Pack Setup program in administrative mode to install the MUI Pack to an administrative installation point
located on the server.
The MUI Pack consists of language files on multiple CDs. If you want to use languages on different CDs, you must run Setup
separately for each CD you need. You can add language files to an existing administrative installation point by specifying the
location each time.
The procedure below assumes that you create an administrative installation point on a computer using Microsoft Windows 2000.
You can, instead, create an administrative installation point on a computer using the Microsoft Windows XP, Windows NT®,
Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) operating systems. However, the computer used to create the admin
image must have the correct code page (or pages) installed that correspond to the MUI Packs that you are copying to the
installation point. Otherwise, only the languages that are supported by the system will be copied. If you are creating an admin
image for multiple languages that use different code pages, use a computer with the Windows XP, Windows NT, or Windows
2000 operating system. (Windows 98 and Windows Me systems support only one code page at a time.)
To create an administrative installation point for the Multilanguage User Interface Pack

1. Create a share on a network server for the administrative installation point.

1. On a computer running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP with write access to the share, connect
to the server share.
1. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse to locate the MUI Pack CD.
1. On the MUI Pack CD for the language you need, browse to the appropriate language subfolder, select Lpketup.exe, and
then click Open.
1. On the command line following Lpksetup.exe, type /a, and then click OK.
1. When prompted, enter the organization name you want to define for all users who install the MUI Pack from this location.
1. When prompted for the installation location, enter the server and the share that you created, and then click Next.
1. On the Available Languages page, choose the languages you want to include on this installation point.
Note that languages that are not available on the current CD will appear dimmed on this page. You can add languages from other
CDs to the same administrative installation point by running Lpksetup.exe /a with additional MUI Pack CDs, and specifying the
same network server location.

Customize MUI Pack Language Options

You can customize your Microsoft Project 2002 deployment with the MUI Pack to include specific language settings, and to
specify which languages you want to deploy. You can specify language settings as part of your Microsoft Project customization, or
modify settings after installing Microsoft Project and the MUI Pack.
When you deploy MUI Packs customized in a transform file as part of your Microsoft Project deployment, you can include
language settings stored with other settings in an Office profile settings file (OPS file), as well as language settings you select in
the Custom Installation Wizard. For an MUI Pack transform, you can only customize feature states and Setup properties.
Include Language Settings in a Microsoft Project 2002 Transform
You can define language settings when you create a custom Microsoft Project transform as part of your Microsoft Project 2002
deployment. You can save and apply the language settings in two ways: by using a profile settings file (OPS file) created with the
Profile Wizard, or by specifying language settings in the Custom Installation Wizard directly when customizing Microsoft Project.
Save language settings in an OPS file

When you run Microsoft Project to specify language settings and user preferences, you can use the Profile Wizard to store the
settings in an OPS file. The OPS file becomes part of a customized installation of Microsoft Project. Because the choice of editing
languages affects the functionality of certain applications, you can create unique OPS files for different groups of users based on
the languages they are using.
In general, follow these steps to configure and capture language settings by using the Profile Wizard

1. Install Microsoft Project 2002 on the test machine, along with the MUI Pack files for the languages you want to install.
1. Customize the Microsoft Project 2002 environment and language settings.
1. Save the settings in an OPS file by using the Profile Wizard.
After you create administrative installation points for the languages you need, you will be able to use the Custom Installation
Wizard to create a customized installation of the MUI Pack for users in different language-speaking areas.
Install Microsoft Project 2002 and the Multilanguage User Interface Pack on a test computer

Install Microsoft Project on a test computer by running Microsoft Project Setup (Setup.exe) on your Microsoft Project CD. Then,
install the MUI Pack files that you want to customize by running the MUI Pack Setup (Lpksetup.exe) program. The MUI Pack Setup
program starts the MUI Pack Setup Wizard, which will guide you through the steps for installing the MUI Pack files that you
choose. You can specify language settings (such as the Help language) during the MUI Pack Setup installation, or by using the
Language Settings tool after Microsoft Project and the MUI Packs have been installed.
Capture settings in an OPS file

Typically, most users creating multilingual documents rarely work with more than three languages. Limiting the number of
editing languages results in a user interface that is less cluttered, and allows Microsoft Project to run efficiently for particular
You can specify the following language settings for users:
Install Language Sets the defaults for Microsoft Project 2002 and documents.
User Interface Language Determines the language used by menus and dialogs.
Help Language Determines the language used for end-user Help.
Editing Language Exposes the functionality for editing documents in those particular languages.
You set these values for your installation on your test computer, then save them with other settings to customize users'
To capture language feature settings by using the Profile Wizard:

1. Click Start, Programs, Microsoft Office Tools, Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools, Profile Wizard.
1. On the Microsoft Office Language Settings page, click the Enabled Languages tab.
1. Select the languages to use for user interface, Help, and editing.
1. Set the value of Default version of Microsoft Project to the installation language you want for your users.
1. Start Microsoft Project 2002, and specify any additional user settings.
1. Start the Profile Wizard, and save your settings in an OPS file.
You then include the OPS file in the Custom Installation Wizard when you create a transform that is applied when Microsoft
Project 2002 is installed.
Specify language settings with the Custom Installation Wizard

Instead of—or in addition to—using an OPS file to specify and save language customizations, you can specify language settings in
the Custom Installation Wizard. Your customizations are then saved in a transform (MST file).
To specify language settings in the Custom Installation Wizard

1. In the Custom Installation Wizard, on the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Project 2002 (user).
1. Under Language Settings, select the language options that you want for your deployment.

Create an MUI Pack Transform

You might choose to install additional MUI Packs after installing Microsoft Project 2002, or to install all MUI Packs later. You
create a MUI Pack transform when you want to customize the way a particular MUI Pack is installed. An advantage of deploying
MUI Packs with Microsoft Project 2002 is that you can customize language settings in your transform, something you cannot do
with a MUI Pack transform.
Settings you can customize in a MUI Pack transform are:
Feature states
Setup properties
If you are deploying Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack using Windows 2000 IntelliMirror, you must include a separate
transform for each MUI Pack, in which you set the CHECKINSTALLORDER Setup property to False. By using IntelliMirror for your
deployment, you cannot guarantee the order in which components are installed, so MUI Packs might be installed before Microsoft
Project. Usually, this is not allowed. However, by setting this property, MUI Packs can be installed on a user's computer, even if
Microsoft Project is not yet installed.
To customize feature states and Setup properties in a transform for an MUI Pack

1. In the Custom Installation Wizard, on the Open MSI File page, browse to and open Langpack.msi, the installer package for
the MUI Pack, in the appropriate language subfolder.
1. On the Set Feature Installation States page, open Office Shared Features.
1. Open International Support to choose installation states for fonts.
1. Open Proofing Tools to choose installation states for proofing tools available in the MUI Pack.
1. On the Modify Setup Properties page, choose or add setup properties that you want to include in the MUI Pack transform.

Specify Language-specific Feature Installation States

When you select language-specific features on the Set Feature Installation States page, keep in mind the following:
If your users work with languages that use more than one code page, install the Core Support Files feature on users'
If your users work with a right-to-left language (for example, Hebrew) and their operating system can support right-to-left
text, install the Bidirectional Support feature on users' computers.
If your users work with Asian text, and they are not running a matching language version of Windows, install the Japanese,
Korean, Traditional Chinese, or Simplified Chinese fonts on users' computers.
If your users need a full Unicode font — for example, if they are working with a project that include languages that use more
than one code page — install the Universal font on users' computers.

Allow Users to Choose Languages to Install

You can make languages available to users through the MUI Pack Wizard by putting them on an administrative installation point.
Users run the wizard by double-clicking Lpksetup.exe on the administrative installation point. This starts the MUI Pack Wizard
(Lpkwiz.msi), which guides users through installing the languages they want on their computers.
The MUI Pack Wizard does not have a silent mode. It is used interactively to install MUI Packs on a user's computer.
To manually choose the MUI Pack languages to install

1. On the administrative installation point, click on Lpksetup.exe to start the MUI Pack Wizard.
1. On the Available Languages page, choose the languages you want to install.
1. On the Choose the current languages to use page, specify the language settings for the languages.
1. On the Choose the type of installation you need page, choose Install Now, or select another installation type.

Customize and Install the MUI Pack with a Microsoft Project 2002 Installation

If you know the language requirements of your organization at the time that you are deploying Microsoft Project 2002, it is easy
to install MUI Packs at the same time by chaining your MUI Pack installation with your Microsoft Project installation.
To chain your MUI Pack installation, first install the MUI Packs on your administrative installation point. Then, use the Setup INI
Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe) to add a section for each MUI Pack that you want to chain with your Microsoft Project
You can create a separate transform for each language to select the language-specific features you want to be available for your
users. For example, in a transform specific to an individual MUI Pack, you can change feature states, specify additional servers, and
modify or add properties. However, you must customize language settings (such as specifying the user interface language) in the
Custom Installation Wizard with other Microsoft Project settings, and save them in your Microsoft Project transform.
There are two properties that you might want to set for your chained installation with MUI Packs:
The CHECKINSTALLORDER property allows the MUI Pack files to be installed before Microsoft Project 2002 is installed. Set
this property to False when the installation order for a chained deployment cannot be determined in advance; for example,
with Systems Management Server or Windows IntelliMirror deployments.
Microsoft Project MUI Pack Setup automatically matches MUI Pack feature installation states to the corresponding features
in the core English version of Microsoft Project 2002. If you specify different installation states for MUI Pack features in a
transform, you must set the NOFEATURESTATEMIGRATION property to Do not mach feature states during
installation to override the default matching behavior.
To customize Setup.ini to chain MUI Pack packages to your Microsoft Project 2002 installation

1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Microsoft Project 2002 administrative installation
1. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you
want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.
1. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and
specify the options you want for that package. For each package, you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as
well as additional property values.
1. Click Next.

Customize and Install the MUI Pack After a Microsoft Project 2002 Installation
You can install the MUI Pack packages after your Microsoft Project 2002 installation, rather than chaining the installation with
Microsoft Project. If you create an administrative installation point that includes the MUI Pack, you can simplify and control the
deployment process. For example, you can standardize installation of language resources for all the users in your organization.
As with a combined Microsoft Project 2002 and MUI Pack scenario, you can configure language settings in your Microsoft Project
transform. If you want to change the language settings after you install the MUI Packs, you can use the Custom Maintenance

Customize and Install Additional MUI Packs After Microsoft Project 2002
You can chain one or more MUI Packs with your Microsoft Project 2002 deployment, or install Microsoft Project 2002 without any
additional MUI Packs. Then, you can later chain together the deployment of additional MUI Packs.
Suppose you want to deploy the French, Spanish, or Japanese Language Packs after your initial deployment of Microsoft Project
To chain packages, you customize the Setup INI file for one of the MUI Packs by running the Setup INI Customization Wizard
(Iniwiz.exe). Although you can modify Setup.ini manually in Notepad, the wizard provides a convenient interface for adding and
customizing chained packages.
To customize Setup to chain additional language features to a Microsoft Project 2002 deployment

1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to the folder for one of the MUI Packs on your administrative
installation point.
1. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your ini file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you
want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.
1. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the options you want for the package. For each
package, you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as well as additional property values.
Users can now install this group of MUI Packs by running Setup.exe at a command line in the Spanish Language Pack folder. For
\\server\share\admin_install_point\3082\setup.exe /qb-

Modify Microsoft Project 2002 Language Settings

After deploying Microsoft Project 2002, you might want to change the language settings you originally deployed with Microsoft
Project. You can use the Custom Maintenance Wizard to modify your Microsoft Project installation.
To change language settings for a Microsoft Project 2002 installation

1. Start the Custom Maintenance Wizard.

1. On the Open the MSI File page, specify the Microsoft Project 2002 MSI file.
1. On the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Project 2002 (User).
1. Under Language Settings, select the language options that you want for your deployment.
After saving the customizations, apply the Custom Maintenance Wizard file to users' computers.

Allow Users to Install Additional MUI Packs

You can also allow users to install individual MUI Packs over the network from an administrative installation point.
To install MUI Packs on a single computer

1. On the MUI Pack installation point that contains the languages you want to install (or from the CD that contains the MUI
Packs), run Lpksetup.exe to start the MUI Pack Wizard
1. On the Available Languages page, choose the languages you want to install.
1. On the Choose the current languages to use page, specify the language settings for the languages.
1. On the Choose the type of installation you need page, choose Install Now, or select another installation type.
Top Of Page
Removing Multilanguage User Interface Pack Files
A user might have a short-term need for a set of Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack features for a particular language. When that
user no longer needs to work with the files in that language, or if a traveling user moves from location to location, these MUI Pack
files remain on the computer.
You can remove these MUI Pack files, if required.

To remove Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack files

1. In Control Panel, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon, and then double-click the name of the MUI Pack file that
you want to remove.
1. Click Add or Remove Features, select the MUI Pack features you want to remove, and then click Not Available.
1. Click Update Now.

See Also

The steps for customizing and distributing Microsoft Project 2002 and the MUI Pack are part of the larger process of deploying
Microsoft Project 2002. For more information on deploying MUI packs, see the Deploying Microsoft Project 2002 with the
Multilanguage User Interface Pack section in this article.
In addition to specifying language features and providing support for international users, you can customize many other aspects
of your Microsoft Project 2002 installation for international deployment. For more information, see the International
Configuration resource kit article.
You can use the Custom Installation Wizard to customize international installations of Microsoft Project. For more information,
see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
You can use the Profile Wizard to save language-related settings to a file you distribute as part of a custom installation of
Microsoft Project 2002. For more information, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.

Top Of Page
Profile Wizard
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On This Page

Overview of the Profile Wizard

Using the Profile Wizard
Customizing the Profile Wizard
Distributing a Standard User Profile During Deployment
Using the Profile Wizard with the Custom Installation Wizard
Running the Profile Wizard from the Command Line
Using Default Paths in Profiles
Overview of the Profile Wizard
Microsoft® Project 2002 is highly customizable. Users can change the way Microsoft Project functions by setting options or by
adding custom templates or tools. For example, the sales department can create a custom template for invoices, or create a
custom dictionary with industry-specific terms.
Users can change, for example, the default view, or the default file format for saving documents. These user-defined settings can
be stored in a user profile. Microsoft Project user profiles can contain most of the customizations that users make to the Microsoft
Project environment.
The Profile Wizard stores and retrieves Microsoft Project and Microsoft Office XP customizations. You can use the Profile Wizard
to create and deploy a standard user profile when you deploy Microsoft Project, so that all of your users start with the same
There are two likely scenarios in which you would use the Profile Wizard:
If you are installing Microsoft Project 2002 after installing Office XP, use the P10ADM.ini file. This file contains settings
specific to Microsoft Project that will not overwrite Office XP settings. It does not store or retrieve any shared Office settings,
such as settings for the Office Assistant. Run the Profile Wizard with the following command line syntax to use the
ProjProf.ini file:
Proflwiz.exe [[/s] <settings filename>][/i <P10ADM.ini>]

If you are installing Microsoft Project 2002 at the same time you're installing Office XP, use the P+O10ADM.ini file with the
Profile Wizard, with the following command line syntax. The P+O10ADM.ini file captures settings for both Office XP and for
Microsoft Project 2002.
Proflwiz.exe [[/s] <settings filename>][/i <P+O10ADM.ini>]

When you save a Microsoft Project user profile, you create an OPS file. You can include your OPS file in a Microsoft Windows®
Installer transform, and the settings will be distributed when Microsoft Project is deployed. You can also use the Profile Wizard to
help back up and restore user-defined settings from one computer to another.

Microsoft Project Profiles and Multiple Languages

Microsoft Project user profiles generated by the Profile Wizard are independent of the operating system — including operating
systems in other languages. For example, an OPS file created under Windows 98 (U.S. English version) can be restored to a
computer with Windows 2000 (Japanese version). However, Microsoft Project user profiles are specific to a particular Microsoft
Project language version. For example, if you create an OPS file in the U.S. English version of Microsoft Project, it cannot be
restored to a computer with the German version of Microsoft Project installed. There is some overlap between language families.
For example, you can restore a U.S. English Microsoft Project profile to an English or Australian version of Microsoft Project. This
Microsoft Project language limitation exists because the different Microsoft Project versions include localized folder names for the
folders that contain the Microsoft Project user profile information.
You can customize the Profile Wizard to capture only certain user settings, and not all Microsoft Project settings on the computer,
or to run in quiet mode (without user interaction) as part of the Custom Installation Wizard. You can also run the Profile Wizard
from the command line.
When a user receives a new computer, you can use the Profile Wizard to preserve user-defined Microsoft Project settings from
the old computer. Run the wizard on the old computer to create an OPS file, and then store the OPS file on the network. After the
new computer arrives, run the wizard again to configure the new computer with the previous settings.

See Also
Microsoft Project user profiles are different from system user profiles. For information about system user profiles under a
particular Windows operating system, see the appropriate Windows resource kit.
Top Of Page
Using the Profile Wizard
The Profile Wizard is used to capture user settings and customizations of the Microsoft Project user environment, and to migrate
these settings, essential templates, and support programs to other users' computers.
One of the best advantages the Profile Wizard offers is its ability to save the configuration of a user's computer and then restore
that configuration at a later date — for example, when a user migrates to a new computer.
In order to use the Profile Wizard, an installation of Microsoft Project must exist on a computer. After Microsoft Project is installed,
you can use the Profile Wizard to capture the configuration of user settings and files. With changes to the INI files used by the
Profile Wizard, it is possible to instruct the wizard to capture custom files, templates, and other supporting files by adding them in
the appropriate sections of the customized INI file you create.
Using the Profile Wizard to Change User Settings
The Profile Wizard is an administrative tool for capturing a Microsoft Project user configuration from a user's computer to a
profile settings file (OPS file). The Profile Wizard also functions as the Save My Settings Wizard for end users. For more
information, see Profile Wizard and Save My Settings Wizard in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource
kit toolbox.
The Profile Wizard and the Save My Settings Wizard are the exact same application, but use different interfaces. Each wizard is
activated by a parameter setting on the command line. By default, the Save My Settings Wizard begins whenever you start
Proflwiz.exe; however, you have the option of including the /u command-line option to force the use of the non-administrative
user interface. You must add the /a command-line option to start the Profile Wizard with the administrative user interface.
There are two INI files available for use with the Profile Wizard in Microsoft Project. These INI files instruct the wizard to capture
registry settings and files from a user's computer. Each INI file is tailored for the uses stated below, and can be modified with a
text editor to add or remove registry settings or files from an OPS file.
P10ADM.ini This INI file contains settings specific to Microsoft Project that will not overwrite Office XP settings. It does not
store or retrieve any shared Office settings, such as settings for the Office Assistant. Use this INI file if you are installing
Microsoft Project after installing Office XP.
P+O10ADM.ini This INI file contains settings for both Office XP and Microsoft Project. Use this INI file if you are installing
Microsoft Project at the same time as Office XP.
Resetting to defaults

The Profile Wizard includes an option to reset user settings to defaults. This option clears all custom user settings saved in the
registry and in related templates. Using the Reset to defaults option is critical to implementing a clean user configuration on a
computer. If settings have been customized on a user's computer prior to applying an OPS file, those settings not customized in
the OPS file are retained on the user's computer — a scenario that can lead to different configurations on user's computers,
because their previous settings were not cleared. Using the Reset to defaults option clears all user settings, and then applies the
configurations supplied in the OPS file. This ensures that all users will have the same configuration after the OPS file is applied.
A separate file, RESETP10.ini, is available in the Microsoft Project Resource Kit Toolbox, and can be used to reset Microsoft Project
2002 settings. To reset settings for both Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Office XP, use the RESETO10.ini file, included in the
Office XP Resource Kit Toolbox.
Capturing user configuration settings

Any setting a user can configure within Microsoft Project and retain from one session to the next can be saved to an OPS file by
using the Profile Wizard. You can even instruct the Profile Wizard to pick up any specific files you need, and to include them in the
OPS file by altering the INI file used by the wizard.
Before you create an OPS file, you must start Microsoft Project and set all the custom settings you want users to have. You can set
most options by using the Options command (Tools menu). To customize toolbars and menus, use the Customize command
(Tools menu). You can even distribute a customized dictionary by replacing the default dictionary or by making changes to the
existing dictionary.
After the Profile Wizard creates the OPS file, you can add it to a transform using the Custom Installation Wizard. You can then
deploy Microsoft Project, using the transform with the embedded OPS file. This installs the default user configuration you created
with the Profile Wizard to all users who install Microsoft Project with that transform. For more information about adding an OPS
file to a transform, see the Customizing Options Settings resource kit article.
Applying user configuration settings from an OPS file

You can apply user configuration settings with the Profile Wizard by using any of the following three methods.
Run the Profile Wizard automatically at the end of the deployment process by specifying it in the Add Installations and Run
Programs page of the Custom Installation Wizard.
Embed the OPS file in a transform with the Custom Installation Wizard from the Customize Default Application Settings
Manually run the Profile Wizard with the OPS file on the user's computer.
Running the Profile Wizard at the end of deployment

The Profile Wizard will run at the end of the deployment process whether you embed the OPS file in the transform on the
Customize Default Applications Settings page of the Custom Installation Wizard, or specify that it should run in the Add
Installations and Run Programs page of the Custom Installation Wizard. If you would rather not embed the OPS file in a
transform, you can instruct the Custom Installation Wizard to run the Profile Wizard at the end of the deployment process by
including the Profile Wizard executable (Proflwiz.exe), plus command-line options in the Add Installations and Run Programs
page. This process allows you to:
Use the Reset to defaults option of the Profile Wizard.
Modify an OPS file without having to change or update the transform.
Apply the OPS file separate of the transform.
Selectively restore settings to specific Office applications with command-line options. You can also do this through the user
interface, but this method is only available when using the Profile Wizard in administrative mode.
To run the Profile Wizard at the end of the deployment process
1. Copy Proflwiz.exe to the administrative installation point, if it is not already there.
1. Copy the OPS file you created to the administrative installation point.
1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.
1. Navigate to the Add Installations and Run Programs page of the Custom Installation Wizard.
1. Click Add.
1. In the Target text box, enter <path>\proflwiz.exe or use the Browse button to navigate to Proflwiz.exe.
1. In the Arguments box, enter /r <path> <OPS file name>.
After Microsoft Project is installed, Windows Installer starts all the applications you specify on the Add Installations and Run
Programs page, in the order in which you specify them.
Understanding the Reset to defaults option

You might see unexpected results if you do not fully understand how the Reset to defaults option works before applying
customizations in an OPS file. If the Reset to defaults check box is selected when you run the Profile Wizard to restore a user
profile, all existing user configuration settings of Microsoft Project are reset to their default states before the profile is applied.
Your new settings, which are then applied, should be customized to enable Microsoft Project to work as you intend.
By default, the Profile Wizard resets all previous user settings when it is not used in quiet mode (that is, the user interface is
displayed). If you want to restore some settings in specific applications but retain others that you have modified, you will need to
edit the INI file used to capture the settings and clear the Reset to defaults check box in the wizard during the restore process.
You can customize the Reset to defaults feature of the Profile Wizard by modifying sections in the INI files. Changes to sections in
the INI file ending with text "ResetToDefaults" will affect how the Profile Wizard manages the application of an OPS file.
Using the Reset to defaults option is the same as specifying the /d command-line option. When selected, the Profile Wizard uses
the ResetO10.ops file to apply changes to the user's computer.
When the ResetO10.ops file is applied to a user's computer, the following user settings are reset to their default install state:
The Assistant character
Most recently used (MRU) entries on the File Menu
Size and position of application windows
Menu and toolbar positions or customizations
Security level of Office and Microsoft Project
Settings for viewing data
Office XP Shortcut Bar (if installed)
Microsoft Project has the option to Detect and Repair (Help menu). Selecting this option and then selecting the Discard my
customized settings and restore default settings check box is the same as running the Profile Wizard with the /d command-
line option or selecting the Reset to defaults check box within the Profile Wizard.
Defining environment variables for use with Windows 98

Environment variables are a feature used to set the configuration of an operating system. Environment variables can be accessed
through special function calls in applications to determine what the contents of the variables are. This process is very similar to
setting a string variable in a programming language and then gaining access to it from another program. Since the operating
system is always running, the environment variable is always accessible.
Unlike Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 or later, Microsoft Windows 98 does not have a
USERPROFILE or USERNAME environment variable by default. You must create and define these environment variables manually
so they resolve to the correct location for each user.
To create the USERPROFILE environment variable for Windows 98 clients, create a Windows NT logon script. Use the following
command line in the logon script to create the USERPROFILE and USERNAME environment variables when a user logs on:
<path>\Winset.exe USERNAME=%USERNAME%
<path>\Winset.exe USERPROFILE=%windir%\Profiles\%USERNAME%

An environment variable can be created at any time by running the SET command from a command window; however, this
method sets the variable only for as long as the window is active.
Under Windows 98, you can create an environment variable in the Autoexec.bat file, and retain the variable for as long as
Windows 98 is running. If you prefer, you can perform the same step above by adding the following to all autoexec.bat files on
users' computers:
Then, in the NT logon script, you can change the command lines referenced earlier to:

If user profiles are not enabled on the Windows 98 computer where the resulting OPS file is to be applied, you must also include
the commands to create the Profiles folder and the USERNAME environment variable. In this case, use the following MS-DOS
commands from a batch file or manually enter them on the command line:
cd %windir%
md Profiles
md Profiles\"%USERNAME%"

Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0 or later store user-related profile variables in the Windows registry. When a
user logs on to the computer, the operating system reads the related user settings from the registry and updates the
USERPROFILE and USERNAME environment variables accordingly.
Top Of Page
Customizing the Profile Wizard
You can customize the Profile Wizard to include only the settings you want to track. Customizing the Profile Wizard may be
helpful if you are deploying Microsoft Project with Office XP, and you want to specify exactly which settings are captured and
To customize the Profile Wizard, you edit the INI files (P10ADM.ini for Microsoft Project 2002 or P+O10ADM.ini for Microsoft
Project 2002 and Office XP). You can edit an INI file in Notepad or another text editor, and then add or delete references to
settings that you want to include or exclude. You can include or exclude specific applications, such as registry settings or
Application Data folders and template files.
Each section of the INI file contains comments documenting the usage and syntax for entries in that section. The default entries
are designed to gather a complete set of user configuration data, including both files and Windows registry values, for Microsoft
Project or Office XP.
Some settings in the P+O10ADM.ini file are shared among applications in Office XP. When you customize this INI file, make
sure that you change only non-shared settings or that you set any shared settings to work correctly for all applications
before you save the OPS file.
If an INI file is set to include a folder, that folder is created on a user's computer when the settings are restored from an OPS
file, whether there are any files for the folder or not.

INI File Sections

An INI file is divided into two sections:
File/Folder Section INI sections dealing with files and folders appear under the File/Folder Section of each INI file.
Registry Section INI sections dealing with registry keys, entries, and values appear under the Registry Section of each
INI file.
The following table describes the contents of both INI files. For a full description of each section, including examples of syntax, see
the INI file.

INI section Contents

[IncludeFolderTrees] All folders and subfolders for a select registry node. Files in these folders
and subfolders are also included.

[IncludeIndividualFolders] Include only a specific folder.

[IncludeIndividualFiles] Include a specific file.

[ExcludeFiles] Files to exclude from the user profile. Accepts wildcard characters in the
file name (to exclude groups of files).

[FolderTreesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Folder trees to delete prior to writing data from the OPS file to the user's
computer. Use this section with caution.
[IndividualFilesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Files to delete prior to writing data from the OPS file to the user's
computer. Each folder must be explicitly specified.

[ExcludeFilesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] New to Microsoft Project 2002, this allows you to keep specific files or
groups of files normally removed during a Reset to defaults action.

[SubstituteEnvironmentVariables] Environment variables to expand if found in a registry value with a data

type of REG_EXPAND_SZ.

[IncludeRegistryTrees] Include all keys, subkeys, and values from the specified registry node.

[IncludeIndividualRegistryKeys] Includes only a specific key and any associated values in the key.

[IncludeIndividualRegistryValues] New to Microsoft Project 2002, includes only a specific key and a specific
entry value.

[ExcludeRegistryTrees] Any keys or subkeys in the specific node are excluded.

[ExcludeIndividualRegistryKeys] Exclude a specific key.

[ExcludeIndividualRegistryValues] Exclude a specific named value of a key.

[RegistryTreesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Registry node (and all subkeys) to delete prior to writing values from the
OPS file to a user's computer.

[IndividualRegistryValuesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Specific registry entry values to delete prior to writing values from the
OPS file to the user's computer.
Top Of Page
Distributing a Standard User Profile During Deployment
The Profile Wizard gives you control over which settings are deployed with Microsoft Project. You can create and distribute a
default user profile when you deploy Microsoft Project so that all of your users start with the same settings.
For example, if you are an administrator in a large company, you can install Microsoft Project on a test computer and then
customize the toolbars, option settings, templates, custom dictionaries, and any other options. You then run the Profile Wizard to
create an OPS file to capture all of these configuration options.
After testing the installation, you run the Custom Installation Wizard and include the OPS file that you created earlier. The OPS file
settings are included in the Windows Installer transform, so the customized settings are installed automatically when Microsoft
Project is deployed on client computers.

See Also

The Custom Installation Wizard allows you to control how all the users in your organization install Microsoft Project on their
computers. For more information, see the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
For more information about Deploying Enterprise profiles, see the Customizing Options Settings resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Using the Profile Wizard with the Custom Installation Wizard
Although you can run the Profile Wizard by itself to capture and restore user profile settings, it is a much more powerful tool
when you use it in combination with the Custom Installation Wizard.
The Custom Installation Wizard helps you customize the Microsoft Project 2002 Setup program. When you customize the
Microsoft Project installation to include a default user profile, you save a step in your deployment process by distributing the
profile during installation.
You have two choices for using the Profile Wizard and the Custom Installation Wizard together. Whichever method you choose,
the Custom Installation Wizard uses the profile that you specify to modify the way Microsoft Project is installed.

Including an OPS File in the Custom Installation Wizard

When you add a profile settings file (OPS file) to the Custom Installation Wizard, the OPS file is included in the Microsoft
Windows Installer transform. This choice offers the following advantages:
With the OPS file included in the MST file, you have only one file to keep track of.
Because the profile is part of the customized Setup, users can install from any administrative installation point.

Setting the Profile Wizard to Run After Microsoft Project Installation

When you add the Profile Wizard to the list of applications to run at the end of the Microsoft Project installation, your OPS file is
kept independent of your MST file. This option offers the following advantages:
You can update the OPS file without having to create a new MST file.
If the OPS file is stored in a central place, users can install Microsoft Project from any administrative installation point.
However, running the Profile Wizard separately has some limitations. If the OPS file is stored in an administrative installation
point, that administrative installation point must be replicated around the network.
See Also

For more information about using the Custom Installation Wizard to add an OPS file or the Profile Wizard to your installation, see
the Presetting User Options in an OPS File section of the Customizing Options Settings resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Running the Profile Wizard from the Command Line
You can run the Profile Wizard from the command line with no loss in functionality. Every option available in the wizard has a
corresponding command-line option.
Use the following syntax:
Proflwiz.exe [[/r] [/s] <settings filename>]
[/d] [/i <INI filename>] [/q] [/p] [/e]

The following table describes these command-line options.

Option Action

/r Restore settings from the specified OPS file.

/s Save settings to the specified OPS file.

/d Reset default settings before any restore action.

/i Use the specified file instead of Proflwiz.ini. For example, use the file specific to Microsoft Project, ProjProf.ini, to set and
restore settings independent of Office XP settings.

/q Run in quiet mode; suppress error messages and progress bar.

/p Display progress bars; suppress error messages.

/e Display error messages; suppress progress bars.

/? Display syntax.
The <settings filename> parameter is required if either the /s option or the /r option is used. If no additional options are used,
both progress bars and error messages are displayed.
You can use the /r option and the /d option together.
If the /s option and the /d option are specified in the same command line, the /d option is ignored.
The /p and /e options are mutually exclusive.
To use the Profile Wizard with Microsoft Project, you must use the /i option and specify either P10ADM.ini or P+O10ADM.ini as
the INI file. Both of these INI files can be downloaded from the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit
toolbox. Use the P10ADM.ini file if you are deploying Microsoft Project after deploying Office. This INI file captures only settings
specific to Microsoft Project. It does not capture nor store any shared Office settings, such as settings for the Office Assistant.
If you are installing Microsoft Project with Office, use the P+O10ADM.ini file. This INI file captures settings for Office, as well as for
Microsoft Project.
Top Of Page
Using Default Paths in Profiles
The Profile Wizard helps you distribute default settings to your users as you deploy Microsoft Project. Among other types of
settings, you can use the OPS file to set default paths for documents, templates, clip art, or other files on your users' computers.
By distributing such settings when you deploy Microsoft Project, you can cut down on support costs, because you'll always know
where certain types of files are stored on each user's computer.
Default Paths and the ORAPI Database

Like its previous versions, Microsoft Project 2002 uses many path settings to define user-specific configurations. These settings
are stored in the Windows registry. However, if there are user-specific paths in the registry, these paths might be recorded literally
in the OPS file, and your settings might not apply to all users when the OPS file is distributed during Microsoft Project
To handle path information for Microsoft Windows registry settings with more flexibility, Microsoft Project stores default paths as
part of the Office Registry API (ORAPI) database. The path setting is not written to the Windows registry unless you or the user
changes it from the default value. Some of these paths appear in the user interface, and might even appear to be user-specific
settings. However, because Microsoft Project looks up the default value for each user, these settings function more like variables.
For example, in the Options dialog box (Tools menu) in Microsoft Project, the Save tab includes a File Location setting for
projects. The default value is the user's Personal folder (Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0 or later), or
the My Documents folder (Windows 98).
In versions of Microsoft Project earlier than Microsoft Project 2002, the actual path and folder names were stored in the Windows
registry. Microsoft Project 2002 uses the ORAPI database instead, in effect, making the value generic for all users. The information
is written to the Windows registry only if the user or administrator changes the path or folder name from the default.
This means that even paths visible to the user in the user interface do not need special attention to be made generic for all users,
as long as the default setting has not been changed.

Customizing a Default Path to Apply to All Users

When you create an OPS file on a test computer, you can customize a default file location, or you can customize any other setting
that includes a path. However, you must also customize the actions of the Profile Wizard to make this setting generic, so that it
applies to all users. To do this, you use environment variables instead of a literal path.
For example, suppose you want to set the default location for saving projects to a folder called Engineering Documents, located in
each user's system profile folder. By using the user name AdminM on your test computer, this option is set on the File Locations
tab in the Options dialog box (Tools menu). The following path is written to the Windows registry and saved in the OPS file:
C:\Winnt\Profiles\AdminM\Engineering Documents
Because this path points to your user name, this file location won't work for your users. To make the file location work for all of
your users, you can replace the specific path with an environment variable, such as the %USERPROFILE% variable for Windows
XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0 or later, resulting in the following path:
%USERPROFILE%\Engineering Documents
Adding Environment Variables to the Proflwiz.ini File
One of the components of the Profile Wizard is the Proflwiz.ini file. You can customize this INI file to change what is stored in a
profile settings (OPS) file. The Proflwiz.ini file includes a section for defining environment variables. You add environment
variables to the SubstituteEnvironmentVariables section of the Proflwiz.ini file before you run the Profile Wizard to collect the user
profile settings.
Under Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0 or later, this section of the INI file already contains some environment
variables, such as the Windows environment variables %USERPROFILE% and %USERNAME%. You can remove the default
environment variables from this list. If you remove both %USERPROFILE% and %USERNAME% from the list, and you do not
add any other environment variables, no settings are made generic through environment variables.
When you run the Profile Wizard, it compares any Windows registry values of type REG_EXPAND_SZ with the strings stored in
the environment variables listed in the Proflwiz.ini file. If a match is found, the Profile Wizard substitutes the environment variable
name for the literal string.
The Profile Wizard checks for the longest possible string that matches the path, starting with the first element in the path, before
substituting the environment variable name. If two variables resolve to paths with equal length strings, they are sorted by the
order in which they appear in the Proflwiz.ini file.
For example, in the previous example of the Engineering Documents folder, the Profile Wizard matches the string
"C:\Winnt\Profiles\AdminM" with the %USERPROFILE% environment variable. The Profile Wizard then records the value
%USERPROFILE%\Engineering Documents instead of the actual path from the test computer. You can then deploy Microsoft
Project 2002 with this setting to any Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 or later computer with no additional
See Also

You can use a system policy to set a path with environment variables. For more information about environment variables and
system policies, see the Using Environment Variables in System Policies section of the Using System Policies resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Programming Technologies
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On This Page

Visual Basic for Applications

Architecture for COM Add-ins
Custom Project Guide Solutions
OLE DB Provider and Data Access Pages
Visual Basic for Applications
Automation is the Component Object Model (COM) technology that makes Microsoft® Project 2002 programmable, which
makes creating an integrated Microsoft Project solution possible. Automation (formerly called OLE Automation) includes the
following features.
Automation exposes features in a hierarchy of programmable objects Applications, dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), and
ActiveX® controls that support the appropriate Automation interfaces expose their features as a set of programmable
objects. Any application or service that supports these interfaces is called a COM component. The set of programmable
objects that a COM component exposes is organized into a set of hierarchical relationships that is called an object model, or
a programming model.
Automation allows applications to share features with other applications A COM component can be either an
Automation server that shares its component objects with other applications or an Automation client that uses the
component objects of other applications.
Visual Basic for Applications provides features that make it easy to use Automation When you use Microsoft Visual
Basic® for Applications (VBA) code, you can establish a reference to the programming model of an Automation server by
using the References dialog box (Tools menu) in the Visual Basic Editor. The reference allows your solution to allocate
memory efficiently to work with the objects that the Automation server exposes. The reference also allows the Visual Basic
Editor to assist you when you enter VBA statements by automatically listing relevant objects, properties, and methods from
the referenced programming model. And you can use the Object Browser command (View menu) to examine how the
objects that are exposed by the Automation server are related to each other, and to find more information about how to
program the objects.

Automation Servers and Automation Clients

Microsoft Project developers can take advantage of all Automation features when developing custom solutions. Microsoft Project
can function as COM components that expose most of their features to other applications that support Automation as
programmable objects. Microsoft Project serves as both Automation server and Automation client. Microsoft Project incorporates
the VBA programming environment that makes working with Automation easy.
Programmable Applications

The Visual Basic for Applications programming language and the Visual Basic Editor are incorporated into Microsoft Project to
make it programmable.
In addition, many other applications incorporate the Visual Basic for Applications programming environment and are written to
expose their functionality to VBA programmers through Automation interfaces. This means that developers can use Visual Basic
for Applications to create solutions not only for Microsoft Project, but also for other applications that support VBA and
Programming across applications

Visual Basic for Applications and Automation allow you to program Microsoft Project. Developers can also use Automation to run
other applications from within a client application. For example, a VBA solution developed in Microsoft Project can run a hidden
instance of Microsoft Excel to perform mathematical and analytical operations on Microsoft Project data.
Working with programmable services
Automation also allows developers to use Visual Basic for Applications code to work with programming models that function as
freestanding services and are independent of individual applications. For example, Microsoft Project installs the Microsoft Data
Access Components (MDAC), which consist of OLE DB components that provide low-level access to a variety of data sources and
components that make up the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) programming model. Because the ADO programming model supports
Automation, you can use ADO from Visual Basic for Applications code running in Microsoft Project to gain access to and work
with any data source that is available through an OLE DB provider or an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver.
New programming features

Extensive changes have been made to the Microsoft Project 2002 object model and events to support new and improved features
in the application. Many objects, properties, and methods have been replaced. To provide backward compatibility, most of the
replaced components have been hidden rather than removed. This means that they do not appear in the object browser by
default, however, old code that uses the hidden components will still work correctly without modification. When you write new
code, however, you should use the new objects, properties, and methods.
New objects
The following objects have been added to the Microsoft Project 2002 object model:
EventInfo parameter added to events to provide cancel information.
Filter and Filters to provide access to filters in Microsoft Project.
Profile and Profiles to provide access to profiles in Microsoft Project.
Table and Tables to provide access to tables and table formats in Microsoft Project.
TableField and TableFields to provide access to table fields and their formatting in Microsoft Project.
View and Views to provide access to views in Microsoft Project.
ViewCombination and ViewsCombination to provide access to combination views in Microsoft Project.
ViewSingle and ViewsSingle to provide access to single-pane views in Microsoft Project.
New events, properties, and methods
Many new events, properties, and methods have been added for numerous objects in Microsoft Project 2002. For a complete list
of all new events, properties, and methods, see Visual Basic for Applications Help.
Hidden properties and methods
Most of the hidden properties and methods have been replaced by new functionality in Microsoft Project 2002. These properties
and methods are supported only for backward compatibility; for new code, you should use the replacement functionality provided
in Microsoft Project 2002. Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Project 2002 contains the following hidden properties and
methods for visible application objects for which no replacements are available:
Methods with new, changed, or deleted arguments
Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Project 2002 provides several methods for which arguments have been added, changed,
or removed. Any code that uses these items may produce errors and should be modified accordingly. For a complete list of
methods with new, changed, or deleted arguments, see Visual Basic for Applications Help.
See Also
For more information about the Visual Basic for Applications programming language and applications that support it, see the
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Web site.
For more information about developing custom solutions by using Office applications and the Visual Basic for Applications
programming language, see the Office XP Developer Web site, and the Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide.
Top Of Page
Architecture for COM Add-ins
Instead of using macros and Visual Basic for Applications scripts to customize Microsoft Project, you can create a custom
Microsoft Project solution by developing and distributing an add-in. An add-in extends an application by adding functionality that
is not in the core product. For example, an add-in might add new menu commands or toolbar buttons that display custom forms
to add new features to an application.
Microsoft Project supports a COM add-in architecture that allows developers to create a single add-in that can run in any
application. VB developers can create COM add-ins by using the Building COM Add-ins for Office Applications article on MSDN.
COM add-ins can be created by developers who are using one of the following programming languages:
Microsoft Visual Basic versions 5.0 or later
Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft Visual J++
Any language that can create COM components
This wide support for COM add-ins means that developers can now use multiple development environments to create custom
solutions in Microsoft Project. The only requirement to connect COM add-ins to Microsoft Project is for the add-in to implement
the IDExtensibility2 interface. COM add-ins can be loaded when the host application starts, or they can be loaded on demand.
Support has also been added to allow the OnAction property of a custom command bar button to load a COM add-in.
Microsoft Project provides the following add-ins:
Adjust Dates
Analyze Timescaled Data
PERT Analysis
The following COM add-ins for Microsoft Project 2002 are available at the Microsoft Download Center:
Compare Project Versions
Database Upgrade Utility
Euro Currency Converter
Visio WBS Chart Wizard
XML Reporting Wizard

See Also
For more information about creating COM add-ins, see the Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide.
For more information about creating COM Add-ins, see the Building COM Add-ins for Office Applications article on MSDN.
For information about downloading Microsoft Project 2002 COM add-ins, see the Microsoft Download Center.
Top Of Page
Custom Project Guide Solutions
The Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide was developed to make Microsoft Project easier to use for beginning users. It provides a
new interface element that complements the existing, and still familiar, Microsoft Project interface. The Project Guide can be
customized and extended for your organization. For example, your organization may want to change particular steps within a
project management process, outline their own unique processes, and add links to additional information.
Using the following Microsoft Project 2002 object model properties on the Project object, you can define a custom Project Guide
for a project:
ProjectGuideUseDefaultFunctionalLayoutPage This is a Boolean property. If set to True, the default HTML page,
referenced as gbui://mainpage.htm, defines the layout and functionality of the user interface for the Project Guide. If set to
False, the HTML page referenced by the property ProjectGuideFunctionalLayoutPage is used.
ProjectGuideFunctionalLayoutPage This is a Read/write string property on the Project object. It returns or sets the
HTML page that should be used to define the layout and functionality of the Project Guide for the specified project. Note
that this property is used only if ProjectGuideUseDefaultFunctionalLayoutPage is set to False.
ProjectGuideUseDefaultContent This is a Boolean property. If True, the default XML document, referenced as
gbui://gbui.xml, defines the content for the Project Guide. If False, the XML document referenced by the property
ProjectGuideContent is used.
ProjectGuideContent This is a Read/write string property on the Project object. It returns or sets the XML document that
should be used to define the content of the Project Guide for the specified project. This property is used only if
ProjectGuideUseDefaultContent is set to False.
Each project can have its own Project Guide with different layout, functionality, and content. Potentially, a company or solution
provider could create one Project Guide for finance projects, another for engineering projects, and so on. There could also be
different Project Guides based on the role of the user. Project Guides based on user roles would involve checking a user's role
when he or she opens a project and dynamically changing the properties that define the Project Guide for that project. When the
properties defining the Project Guide for a project are changed, the HTML pages displayed in that project are refreshed, so the
new Project Guide is displayed immediately. You do not have to close and open the project again for the changes to take effect.
Most organizations will typically only customize the content properties of the Project Guide, ProjectGuideUseDefaultContent, and
ProjectGuideContent. The default functionality and layout page (defined by the properties
ProjectGuideUseDefaultFunctionalLayoutPage and ProjectGuideFunctionalLayoutPage) should work for most custom Project
Guides. Only consider changing the functionality and layout page to change the default layout of the Project Guide, for instance,
to have the side pane displayed on the right side of the view area instead of the left, or to tile the side pane horizontally with the
Project window instead of vertically. Some of the default behavior of the Project Guide, such as the way it responds to view
changes, can also be customized. The default functionality and layout page (gbui://mainpage.htm) has been written generically, so
it should work for most custom scenarios.
The properties defining the Project Guide are displayed in the Interface tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu) in Microsoft
Project 2002. A Microsoft Project user accesses this tab to change the Project Guide for a project or to set the default Project
Guide for all projects (using the Set as Default button). Instead of allowing individual users to change Project Guide settings, it is
expected that organizations will set up the Project Guide for the entire organization or group so that these changes apply to all
For more information about custom Project Guide solutions, see the Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide Architecture and
Extensibility or Introduction to Customizing the Microsoft Project Guide articles on MSDN.
Top Of Page
OLE DB Provider and Data Access Pages
Microsoft Project 2002 OLE DB Provider
OLE DB consists of a collection of component object model (COM) interfaces to various database management system services.
OLE DB provides access to a particular data source by using a COM component called a data provider, which is often referred to
as an OLE DB provider. If the system that the Microsoft Project solution runs on has the appropriate OLE DB provider installed, as
well as the core ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and OLE DB components installed with Microsoft Project, that solution can use ADO
code to work with the data exposed by that provider.
You can use the Microsoft Project OLE DB providers to access project data. If the data is stored in a Microsoft Access or Microsoft
SQL Server™ database, you can also use the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. If the data is stored in a SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine
(MSDE) database, it can be accessed using the SQL OLE DB provider.
What's New in OLE DB
OLE DB in Microsoft Project has been expanded and includes the following enhancements:
Improved reporting capabilities using data access pages, including support for two extended properties: Caption returns
friendly names for all fields in the database, and SubstituteExpression returns duration, work, cost, timephased, and cost
rate values for certain data types and is linked to an ActiveX control specific to Microsoft Project called MSPJFormat in the
data access page.
To view data access pages on a local provider, you need to use Access 2002, along with Microsoft Project 2002 installed on
the computer viewing the provider. Microsoft Project automatically installs the OLE DB Provider, any international .dll file,
the appropriate registry keys, and any needed ActiveX controls.
To view data access pages on a remote provider, you need both the Microsoft Project ActiveX control and the appropriate
Textconv.dll on the local computer.
Friendly field names have been added to the OLE DB Provider, for example, TaskConstraintDate. Friendly field names allow
the database to be localized and allow custom reports to be created in languages other than English. In addition, users
should see field labels in their localized languages.
Field labels are not displayed in languages other than English when Microsoft Project is running in enterprise mode.
Support for timephased data through the addition of 15 new tables, 5 each for assignments, resources, and tasks; broken
out by minute, hour, day, week, and month.
The database uses a consistent format for all timephased table names: tableTimephasedBytime, for example,
Enterprise and non-enterprise modes for the OLE DB Provider. Enterprise fields are noted in the table descriptions with an E
in the left column. Enterprise fields are available only in Microsoft Project Professional.
Additional support for Office Web Components. This support shares the same basic functionality as the Caption and
SubstituteExpression properties for data access pages.
For more information about accessing Microsoft Project data through the Microsoft Project 2002 OLE DB provider, including the
full list of limitations and the table structures exposed through OLE DB, see the file Prjoledb.htm located on the Microsoft Project
2002 CD in the folder \FILES\PFILES\MSOFFICE\OFFICE10\1033\ (1033 is the locale ID [LCID] for the U.S. English version, the
subfolder for a localized version will depend on its LCID). You may also find the Accessing Data with ADO article on MSDN useful
when developing Web-based data access applications.
Accessing the OLE DB Table Structure Using Data Access Pages in Microsoft Access
Data access pages in Microsoft Access provide a versatile and powerful method for generating reports using data from Microsoft
Project. They also provide a convenient way to view the Microsoft Project OLE DB table structure. For more information on data
access pages, see Microsoft Access Help.
Top Of Page
Save My Settings Wizard
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The Save My Settings Wizard allows users to back up their Microsoft® Project 2002 settings to a profile settings file (OPS file), or
to the Web. If the user saves to the Web, the wizard saves the settings to the Microsoft Web site and uses a Microsoft Passport
account to secure the settings. The settings are not accessible by Microsoft, and are not used for any purpose other than allowing
users to restore their settings.
To store custom settings and registry keys, the Save My Settings Wizard uses the INI file OPW10usr.ini. In order for Microsoft
Project 2002 settings to be saved and restored when running the Save My Settings Wizard, you must download an updated
version of OPW10usr.ini to overwrite the version that was installed with Microsoft Project 2002 or Microsoft Office XP. Using the
Save My Settings Wizard without updating OPW10usr.ini may result in lost project data.
For more information about downloading the correct version of OPW10usr.ini, see Save My Settings Wizard in the Deployment
and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Setup Program
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On This Page

Setup Components
Creating an Administrative Installation Point
Installing Microsoft Project on Client Computers
Setup Components
Use the Microsoft® Project Setup program (Setup.exe) to do the following:
Create an administrative installation point for users to install Microsoft Project over the network.
Install Microsoft Project on users' computers.
Make changes to the installation in maintenance mode after Microsoft Project is installed.
Like Microsoft Project 2000 Setup, Microsoft Project 2002 Setup calls the Microsoft Windows® Installer to install Microsoft
Project features; however, Microsoft Project 2002 Setup manages more of the installation process.
For example, on computers running Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 and Microsoft Windows 98, Setup automatically checks for the
required versions of shared and system files on the user's computer, and updates the files from the System Files Update before
installing Microsoft Project. Setup can also coordinate installations of multiple chained packages through the Setup settings file
(INI file).
Run Microsoft Project Setup by double-clicking Setup.exe. If Microsoft Project is not currently installed on the computer, you can
also run Microsoft Project Setup by inserting the Microsoft Project 2002 CD in the CD-ROM drive. When Setup starts, it performs
the following functions:
If the Windows Installer is not installed on the computer, Setup installs it from the Microsoft Project CD.
If Microsoft Project is installed, Setup allows the user to add or remove Microsoft Project features.
If Microsoft Project is not installed, Setup runs the Windows Installer (Msiexec.exe) to install Microsoft Project.

Setup Program

Microsoft Project Setup manages and coordinates the installation process from beginning to end. Setup spans required restarts
and does not terminate until the last chained package is installed. Tasks performed by Setup include the following:
Detecting and installing required system files, including restarting and resuming if necessary
Installing Microsoft Project
Installing changed packages specified in the Setup settings file
Detecting an HTTP source and installing Microsoft Project from a Web server
Setup makes successive calls to the Windows Installer to perform the actual installation. All command-line options documented in
this Resource Kit are defined for Setup, which passes appropriate options to Msiexec.exe.
Setup Settings File

Setup reads the Setup settings file and writes tasks to the registry based on the information contained in the settings file. You can
customize the default Setup settings file (Setup.ini), or create your own custom INI files, to control many aspects of the installation
process. Setup.ini is located in the Files\Setup folder on the administrative installation point. When you use the Setup INI
Customization Wizard to specify your modifications, the wizard automatically writes the information in the appropriate sections
of the INI file.
For Microsoft Project, the Setup settings file contains more information than previous versions, and includes several new sections:
[Product] section Contains the product code, product name, and version number. Setup uses this information to
determine whether Microsoft Project is installed.
[MSI], [MST], and [Options] sections Contain information about Microsoft Project (MSI file) and any transform (MST
file) to apply, as well as property settings for Microsoft Project installation. For example, you can specify a value for the
COMPANYNAME property in the [Options] section.
[Display] section Contains settings for the user interface displayed during Setup. These settings override default values
and apply to the entire installation process, including the System Files Update.
[Logging] section Contains the logging mode to use for each portion of the installation process, as well as the location
and naming scheme for log files.
[Installer] section Contains Windows Installer information, including minimum version and the path to Instmsi.exe or
Instmsiw.exe (the program that installs or upgrades Windows Installer).
[SystemPack] section Contains information about the System Files Update package, as well as some property settings to
apply. For example, you can enter DISPLAY=Basic to display only simple progress indicators during the System Files
Update installation, even if you set Microsoft Project installation to run with a full user interface.
[SystemPackOptions] section Contains custom settings and properties to pass to the System Files Update installation.
For example, you can enter TRANSFORMS=Custom.mst to apply a transform to the System Files Update package.
[SystemPack_DetectionFileList] section Lists all the shared and system files and version numbers that Setup checks
during the detection process.
[ChainedInstall_n] sections Contain information about chained packages and any transforms to apply. You can chain as
many additional packages as you want and apply a transform to each one. These sections of Setup.ini are useful when you
want to include multiple Microsoft Project Multilanguage User Interface Packs (MUI Packs) in a Microsoft Project installation.

Windows Installer
Windows Installer (which includes Msiexec.exe) installs Microsoft Project by using a dynamic-link library file (Msi.dll) to read the
Windows Installer package (MSI file), apply a Windows Installer transform (MST file), incorporate command-line options supplied
by Setup, and install programs and files on users' computers.
When a user selects a feature to install during Microsoft Project Setup, the Windows Installer identifies a corresponding set of
components to copy to the computer. Each component consists of a unique set of files, programs, dynamic-link libraries, and
registry entries that work together as a unit.
Windows Installer uses two types of files to install Microsoft Project: packages (MSI files) and transforms (MST files). A Windows
Installer package is a relational database that contains all the information necessary to install a product. The MSI file associates
components with features. It also contains information about the installation process itself, such as installation sequence,
destination folder paths, system dependencies, installation options, and properties that control the installation process.
Like a Windows Installer package, a Windows Installer transform is a relational database that contains information about
components, features, and Setup properties. A transform is based on a particular package and contains the modifications to apply
to that package during installation. When you use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform, the wizard compares the
original MSI file with the MSI file that has all your customizations incorporated. The differences are recorded in a transform; the
original package is never altered.
Microsoft Project requires Windows Installer 1.1. The new version contains a number of improvements over Windows Installer
1.0, including better support for upgrading to a new version of a previously installed package.
If Windows Installer 1.0 is present on the computer, Setup automatically updates the program. If Windows Installer is not present
on the computer, Setup calls Instmsi.exe (in Windows 98) or Instmsiw.exe (in Windows NT 4.0) to install it. Both the Microsoft
Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) operating systems include Windows Installer 1.1. If
you are installing Microsoft Project on one of these operating systems, no Windows Installer update is required.
System Files Update
Microsoft Project requires minimum versions of a set of dynamic-link library (DLL) files, and other shared and system files. Before
installing Microsoft Project under Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 98, Setup verifies that these key system files are up-to-date and, if
they are not, updates them automatically from the System Files Update before proceeding with the rest of the installation.
The release versions of Windows 2000 and Windows Me include an equivalent or better level of the key system files required for
Microsoft Project. Under Windows 2000 or Windows Me, you cannot install the System Files Update or run Internet Explorer
Setup from the System Files Update. The /spforce command-line option has no effect on these operating systems.
If you are upgrading from Microsoft Project 2000 Service Release 1 under Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0, and you have
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later, your system files are up-to-date. In these cases, you can install Microsoft Project without
installing the System Files Update.
The System Files Update is a separate package (MSI file). If required, it is installed automatically with Microsoft Project, but you
customize it in a separate transform applied to the Osp.msi package. Key system files and components in the System Files Update
include the following:
Internet Explorer 5.01
Microsoft Data Access Components 2.5
Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications Runtime
Microsoft Visual C Runtime
Microsoft Foundation Class 4.2
Tip The Setup settings file includes a list of the system and shared files that Setup checks before installing Microsoft
Project, along with minimum required version numbers. Setup.ini is located in the Files\Setup folder on the administrative
installation point; you can find the file list in the [SystemPack_DetectionFileList] section of Setup.ini.

See Also
You can run Microsoft Project Setup interactively to install Microsoft Project—or allow users to run Setup interactively. However,
Microsoft Project Setup offers you many opportunities to customize Microsoft Project installation throughout your organization.
For more information, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Creating an Administrative Installation Point
The most common method of deploying a customized version of Microsoft Project to a large number of users is to create an
administrative installation point on a network server and have users run Setup from there. This method provides several
advantages over installing Microsoft Project from the Microsoft Project 2002 CD, and allows you to do the following:
Manage one set of Microsoft Project files from a central location
Create a standard Microsoft Project configuration for all users
Take advantage of flexible installation options
For example, you can set Microsoft Project features to be installed on first use, deploy Microsoft Project through Windows
2000 software installation, or use Systems Management Server to install Microsoft Project.
Manage controlled upgrades of Microsoft Project in the future

Running Administrative Setup for Microsoft Project

To distribute Microsoft Project from a network server, you must first install Microsoft Project on an administrative installation
point by running Setup with the /a command-line option. You can then customize your Microsoft Project configuration before
running Setup on users' computers.
To create an administrative installation point for Microsoft Project

1. Create a share on a network server for the administrative installation point.

1. On a computer that has write access to the share, connect to the server share.
1. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse.
1. On the Microsoft Project CD, double-click Setup.exe and add /a to the command line.
1. Enter the organization name that you want to define for all users who install Microsoft Project from this administrative
installation point.
1. Enter the server and share you created as the installation location.
1. Enter the 25-character product key and click Next.
1. Accept the end-user license agreement and click Install.
Setup copies the files from the Microsoft Project CD to the administrative installation point, extracts the compressed cabinet (CAB)
files, and creates a hierarchy of folders in the root folder of the share. The System Files Update is automatically included during an
administrative installation.
The following table identifies the location of key files on the Microsoft Project administrative image.

File Location

Setup.exe Root of the administrative image

Microsoft Project MSI file Root of the administrative image

System Files Update MSI file Files\Osp\<LCID>

Setup.ini Files\Setup

Setup also modifies the Windows Installer package for Microsoft Project, identifying it as an administrative installation package
and setting the ProductID and COMPANYNAME properties accordingly. After you create the administrative installation point,
you make the share available to users by providing them with read access.
When users run Setup to install Microsoft Project, any Microsoft Project features that are installed to run from the network uses
this administrative installation point as the source of Microsoft Project files, and Microsoft Project runs the features over the
network from this server. Similarly, for features that are set to be installed on first use, Microsoft Project copies files from this
server when needed. If you install features in one of these two states, you must keep this network server available to users.
When users install Microsoft Project from the administrative installation point, Setup uses the organization name that you
specified as the default. In the Microsoft Project Custom Installation Wizard, you can create a Windows Installer transform that
modifies the organization name during installation. This flexibility allows you to create different organization names for different
groups of users in your organization.
You can specify the organization name on the Specify Default Path and Organization page of the wizard, or set the
COMPANYNAME property on the Modify Setup Properties page. You can also specify an organization name on the Setup
command line or in the Setup settings file, but in this case you must leave the organization name blank when you create the
administrative installation point.
Replicating the Administrative Image
In many organizations, it makes sense to create multiple administrative installation points from which users can install Microsoft
Project—and to which the Windows Installer can connect, to install or repair Microsoft Project features. As long as you use relative
paths for any customizations that include paths, you can copy the complete folder hierarchy and files from one administrative
installation point to multiple servers. If you copy the folders, then each new administrative image that you create has the same
default organization name specified in Setup.
You list the paths to the servers that contain replicated administrative installation points on the Identify Additional Servers page of
the Custom Installation Wizard.
See Also
For more information about the Setup command line, the Setup settings file, and Setup properties, see the Customizing Setup
resource kit article.
The Custom Installation Wizard allows you to fully customize the installation process, from modifying Setup properties to adding
custom files and registry entries to the installation. For more information about the Custom Installation Wizard, see Custom
Installation Wizard in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Installing Microsoft Project on Client Computers
Users install Microsoft Project by running Setup from the Microsoft Project 2002 CD or from an administrative installation point
that you create. Client Setup guides users through the process of installing Microsoft Project on their computers, using the
information described below.
Running Setup from an Administrative Installation Point
When users double-click Setup.exe on the administrative installation point, Setup runs with no command-line options. To apply
your customizations, users must click Run on the Windows Start menu and enter the path to Setup.exe, along with the
appropriate command-line options. For example, the command line must include the /settings option to specify a custom Setup
settings file or the TRANSFORMS property to specify a transform (MST file).
To ensure that Microsoft Project is installed with the correct customizations, you can create in MS-DOS a batch file that runs
Setup.exe with your command-line options. Or you can create a Windows shortcut and add options to the command-line box.
Users double-click the batch file or shortcut to run the Setup command line that you have defined. You can distribute the batch
file or shortcut to users in an e-mail message.
Unless you choose to install Microsoft Project quietly, the Setup user interface guides users through the following steps to install
Microsoft Project on their computers:
1. Update system files
1. Enter user information
1. Select installation mode and location
1. Select installation options for Microsoft Project features
1. Select previous versions of Microsoft Project to keep
Most of the customizations that you specify on the command line, in the Setup settings file or in a transform, appear as defaults in
the Setup interface; however, users can modify your choices when they run Setup interactively. To prevent users from changing
the configuration during the installation, run Setup in quiet mode. For information about installing Microsoft Project quietly, see
the Customizing Setup resource kit article.
Update System Files

On Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0, Setup first checks to see whether the computer has the required versions of key
system and shared files. If the computer fails this test, Setup starts the System Files Update installation and displays a list of
components that need to be updated.
The next page of Setup gives users the option of upgrading to Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. If users choose not to upgrade, Setup
calls Internet Explorer Setup to install a subset of components related to Internet Explorer and Windows (such as HTML Help) that
are required by Microsoft Project.
You can install the System Files Update quietly, even if you run Setup with a full user interface. In this case, system files and
Internet Explorer are updated based on the settings that you specify on the command line, in the Setup settings file, or in a
transform applied to the System Files Update package. After updating system files and installing Internet Explorer, Setup restarts
the computer before starting Microsoft Project installation.
Enter User Information
User information appears on users' computers in the About box (accessed from the Help menu) in Microsoft Project. If a user is
installing Microsoft Project from the administrative installation point, Setup uses the organization name you specified without
prompting the user.

Accept End-User License Agreement

When users install Microsoft Project from the CD, Setup displays an end-user license agreement page. When users install
Microsoft Project from the administrative installation point, however, the license agreement that you accepted when you created
the administrative installation point applies, and users do not see this page during Setup.
Select Installation Mode and Location
After they enter the required user information, users select the type of installation to perform and the location to install Office on
the next page in Setup.
Installation mode

Users can select one of the following installation options:

Install Now Automatically installs the most frequently used Microsoft Project features in the default installation location
and skips the remaining pages of Setup.
Upgrade Now Automatically upgrades to Microsoft Project 2002 and skips the remaining pages of Setup. This option
removes all previous versions of Microsoft Project and installs Microsoft Project 2002 features based on the user's current
Custom Allows the user to configure all aspects of Microsoft Project installation on the remaining pages of Setup.
Complete Installs all Microsoft Project features locally on the user's computer. This option requires the most disk space
but ensures that users do not need access to the Microsoft Project 2002 CD or an administrative installation point on the
network later.
Run from Network Installs all Microsoft Project features to run over the network; only components that must be installed
locally are copied to the user's computer. This option requires access to the network to run Microsoft Project.
By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can create a Windows Installer transform (MST file) that specifies the default
features installed by Setup when the user clicks Install Now. You can also change the button labels and descriptive text on this
page by setting the properties described in the following table.

Property Default value

TypicalInstallText &Install Now

TypicalUpgradeText &Upgrade Now

TypicalInstallDescription Installs Microsoft Project with the default settings, including the most commonly used

TypicalUpgradDescription Upgrades your Microsoft Project installation. Setup will remove your previous versions and
install based on your current configuration.

RunFromSourceInstallDescription Installs only the files that must copied to your computer. Access to the installation source
will be required to run Microsoft Project.

CustomInstallDescription Customize your Microsoft Project installation, selecting which Microsoft Project features to
install on your computer.

CompleteInstallDescription Installs Microsoft Project on your computer, including all optional components and tools.

Installation location

On this page of Setup, users can also enter the path to the installation location they want. The default location is the Program
Files\Microsoft Office folder.
You can specify a default value for the installation location on the Specify Default Path and Organization page of the Office
Custom Installation Wizard. You can also specify the location by setting the InstallLocation property on the command line, in the
Setup settings file, or on the Modify Setup Properties page of the Custom Installation Wizard.
Select Installation Options for Microsoft Project Features

When users choose the Custom installation mode, Setup displays a list of Microsoft Project features on the Selecting Features
page, and users can set an installation state for each feature.
Alternatively, users can select Choose detailed installation options for each feature to further customize their Microsoft
Project configuration. In this case, Setup displays the Microsoft Project feature tree and allows users to set an installation state for
each feature. The installation states you specify in a transform are set by default, but users can modify them. Features that you
have hidden or locked, or installation states that you have disabled, are not displayed.
The following feature installation states are normally available to users during Setup:
Run from My Computer Setup copies files and writes registry entries and shortcuts associated with the feature to the
user's hard disk, and the application or feature runs locally.
Run all from My Computer Same as Run from My Computer, except that all child features belonging to the feature are
also set to this state.
Run from Network Setup leaves components for the feature on the administrative installation point, and the feature is
run from there.
Run all from Network Same as Run from Network, except that all child features belonging to the feature are also set to
this state.
Installed on First Use Setup leaves components for the feature and all its child features on the administrative installation
point until the user first attempts to use the feature, at which time the components are automatically copied to the local
hard disk.
Not Available The components for the feature, and all of the child features belonging to this feature, are not installed on
the computer.

Select Previous Versions of Microsoft Project to Keep

If the user is upgrading from a previous version of Microsoft Project, Setup displays the version of Microsoft Project currently
installed—which Setup removes when it installs Microsoft Project 2002. However, if the user installs Microsoft Project 2002 in a
folder that is different from the folder in which the previous version of Microsoft Project is installed, the user can choose to keep
the previous version of Microsoft Project.
Because Microsoft Project is always installed in a version-specific folder, users can choose to keep previous versions without
overwriting any files. However, Setup does redefine system settings, such as file types and shortcuts, to point to Microsoft
Project 2002.
On the Keep Previous Versions page of the Microsoft Project Custom Installation Wizard, you can specify default settings for this
Setup page, or even hide this page from users altogether. The wizard also includes an option to remove obsolete files, shortcuts,
and registry settings left over from previous versions.
See Also

For more information about the Setup command line, the Setup settings file, and Setup properties, see the Customizing Setup
resource kit article.
The Custom Installation Wizard allows you to fully customize the installation process, from modifying Setup properties to adding
custom files and registry entries to the installation. For more information, see Custom Installation Wizard in the Deployment and
Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Standard vs. Microsoft Project Professional
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Features in Both Editions with Differing Functionality

Features Only in Microsoft Project Professional
Mixed Environment
By providing a Standard and a Professional edition, Microsoft® Project 2002 tailors its flexible platform and tools to the project
management needs of a specific group of users as follows:
Microsoft Project Standard Microsoft Project Standard is tailored to help business managers and project teams
dynamically manage schedules and resources, collaborate on projects, and analyze project information. Microsoft Project
Standard can be used stand-alone, or in combination with Microsoft Project Server for more advanced team collaboration.
Microsoft Project Professional Building upon Microsoft Project Standard functionality, Microsoft Project Professional is
tailored to the needs of enterprise project and resource managers. It provides a scalable and customizable solution for
organizations with powerful enterprise-wide project and resource reporting, scenario analysis, and resource management
capabilities. Microsoft Project Professional is used in combination with Microsoft Project Server for successful team
collaboration and enterprise project management.
Deployment and configuration of Microsoft Project Server helps you decide which edition of Microsoft Project you need to install.
For example:
If you use Microsoft Project Server and it is installed with all enterprise-enabling components (such as Microsoft SQL
Server™ Analysis Services to enable the Portfolio Analyzer for OLAP Reporting and SharePoint™ Team Services from
Microsoft to enable project collaboration), you should use Microsoft Project Professional as your client.
If Microsoft Project Server is installed without enterprise enabling components, or if you don't use Microsoft Project Server,
you should use Microsoft Project Standard as your client.
Features in Both Editions with Differing Functionality
The following table displays features available in Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Professional, and describes
their differences in functionality:

Feature Microsoft Project Standard Microsoft Project Professional

Supports publishing of master projects and Supports publishing of master projects and inserted projects to
inserted projects to Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Server.
Consolidated Users can be restricted from publishing master Users can be restricted from publishing master projects to
projects projects to Microsoft Project Server to avoid Microsoft Project Server to avoid double counting of resources
double counting of resources and inconsistent and inconsistent coding.
coding. Inserted projects of a master project must be of the same version.

Microsoft Users are responsible for creating base Users can be restricted from creating base calendars, because
Project base calendars for the project. enterprise calendars may be used across projects on Microsoft
calendars Project Server.

Currency A message notifies users about currency issues A specific currency setting may automatically be decided on for
settings when projects with different currencies are projects and resources on Microsoft Project Server.
Can be restricted to only enterprise mode or allow mixed mode.
Mixed mode All workgroup mode. Note For consistent enterprise functionality, mixed mode should
be avoided.

Uses a policy or user-specific global file Uses the enterprise global template in the Microsoft Project
Global files (Global.mpt). Server database, in addition to a policy or user-specific global file

Data storage Supports mixed file and database formats. Stores all data in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (or later) database
that can be managed by your IS operations group.

Multi-user Users can open an already opened project as Users can use the Open dialog box to verify which projects and
access read-only. resources are already checked out.

Resource Uses a shared resource pool. A shared resource Uses an enterprise resource pool and displays only resources of
sharing pool is not scalable, because all resources are an opened project team. An enterprise resource pool can contain
displayed when a sharer project opens. a large amount of resources.

There are no special provisions for working Uses a cached enterprise global template that allows you to work
Offline file offline. To work offline, a project can be saved as with projects that are saved offline. Changes to an offline project
access a file on a user's computer. can be saved online when you reconnect to Microsoft Project

Maintains links within a version.

dependencies Can link to multiple copies of same project. Saving a project to another version redirects external
dependencies to that version.

Inactive If Microsoft Project Server is used, inactive Marked with an indicator, inactive resources are clearly displayed
resources resources can not be viewed in Microsoft in resource views, and you are prompted to replace them on
Project Standard. remaining work.
Top Of Page
Features Only in Microsoft Project Professional
The following table displays features that are only available in Microsoft Project Professional:

Feature Microsoft Project Standard Microsoft Project Professional

Admin Used to automatically check projects, resources, and the enterprise global template
check-in Not available back into Microsoft Project Server if they were left checked out when Microsoft
commands Project was closed.

Enterprise Used to standardize settings across an organization, the enterprise global template is
global Not available stored in a special project on Microsoft Project Server. It can only be edited by
template someone with administrative privileges on the server.

Used to maintain consistency across the organization, enterprise custom fields are set
Enterprise up in Microsoft Project Server so that the fields and their lookup tables are the same
custom Not available for all projects and resources. Enterprise custom fields have specific attributes. For
fields example, they can be required fields, so that users are prompted to enter information
in that field.
Used to share resources across projects in the enterprise, enterprise resources are
part of the organization's pool of resources. Access to resources can be limited by
Enterprise Not available permissions. Enterprise resources have a unique resource name and ID across all
resources projects in Microsoft Project Server. Indicators differentiate local, generic, and inactive
resources from enterprise resources in resource views and in the Build Team from
Enterprise feature.

Build team Used to build your team, the Build Team from Enterprise feature allows you to search
from Not available for enterprise resources by any resource attribute, including availability in a specific
Enterprise timeframe.

Generic Used primarily for resource substitution to replace them with specific resources who
resources Not available possess the same skills, generic resources are placeholder resources, not specific

Summary Summarizes the work of team members in other unopened projects in a single
resource Not available assignment for each project. When leveling resources in a project, summary resource
assignments assignment demands are accounted for first.

Not available. In Microsoft

Project Standard, however, Supports archived and published versions of a project for "what-if" analysis and
Project users can simulate project backup purposes. The published version is updated when it is opened in Microsoft
versions versions by saving copies of Project with the latest enterprise global template and resource data. Unlike project
a project in different baselines, versions represent a full copy of a project.
databases or folders.

Project Data Not available Provides an extensible, secure API for solution builder access to Microsoft Project
Services Server.

Portfolio Not available Uses enterprise outline codes to analyze time-phased assignment data within a
Analyzer project or across projects in a PivotTable or PivotChart.

Resource Allows you analyze the resources in the organization or within a specific department,
Substitution Not available and to make assignments based on resources' skills and availability.

Portfolio Not available Models different project staffing scenarios to determine the feasibility of a new
Modeler project, prioritize projects and resources, or find potential problems.

Resource Not available Displays work and availability of resources across an enterprise organization.
Top Of Page
Mixed Environment
Users of both Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Professional can use Microsoft Project Server and the Web-based
user interface, Microsoft Project Web Access. Both Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Standard users can take
advantage of the timesheet, status report, project views, document, and issue features of Microsoft Project Server. However, only
Microsoft Project Professional users can open and save projects and resources to the server database, or use the Resource Center,
Portfolio Analyzer, and Portfolio Modeler features.
Both editions of Microsoft Project can publish projects to Microsoft Project Server, so that they populate the Project Center and
the detailed views of specific projects in Microsoft Project Web Access. Therefore, a Microsoft Project Web Access view
(essentially, a report) can mix projects published from both Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Professional.
However, publishing a project to Microsoft Project Server from both editions of Microsoft Project may create at least three
Work assigned to any individual resource may appear under multiple resources. Microsoft Project Standard cannot access
enterprise resources. Each project manager can define the resources from their project to represent a single individual in an
organization. Views containing resource information will not roll work across projects correctly, because work assigned to
one individual may show up under local resources with different names; views created from this information will, therefore,
be inaccurate. In cases where an organization has defined an enterprise resource, projects published using a local version of
the resource will create inaccurate views of the resource's availability.
Projects published using Microsoft Project Standard may not use standard definitions of custom fields, including outline
codes. If views are created to roll up or group projects based on their use of custom fields, Microsoft Project Standard
projects may not roll up correctly, because each project can use its own custom field definition, and can be published with or
without values for the fields. This is particularly evident in the Portfolio Analyzer, which uses an OLAP cube built with
custom outline codes as dimensions.
Projects published using Microsoft Project Standard can use local calendars. Because project managers can use their own
calendars or change calendars during a project, views intended to compare project progress and status can be misleading.
Microsoft Project Professional includes features that simplify and increase the consistency of project and resource information
published to Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Standard does not include these features. When project and resource
information from projects created in both editions is mixed on a single server, the accuracy and usefulness of reports can be
significantly reduced.
In short, Microsoft recommends that customers deploying Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Server configure
the server to support only publishing of projects by Microsoft Project Professional.
In medium to large organizations, different business units or workgroups may use different editions of Microsoft Project 2002.
These organizations can use the same physical servers to support multiple instances of Microsoft Project Server. This
configuration allows an organization to support, for example, one instance of Microsoft Project Server for Microsoft Project
Professional users and one instance of Microsoft Project Server for Microsoft Project Standard users. The Microsoft Project Server
license permits customers to create an unlimited number of Microsoft Project Server instances on a single physical server.
Top Of Page
Using System Policies
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Setting the Standards for Your Organization

Working with the System Policy Editor
Security Settings and Related System Policies
Applying System Policies to Selected Users or Groups
Using Environment Variables in System Policies
System Policies and the Windows Registry
Setting the Standards for Your Organization
System policies help you control how your users work with Microsoft® Project 2002. You can use system policies to configure
Microsoft Project to your own specifications. By using system policies, you determine which options are available to your users.
You create a system policy file and store the file on your server. When users log on to client computers, the system policy file is
downloaded, and the system policies are enforced. If you need to change a policy, you update the policy file on the server, and the
policy is automatically updated on each client computer the next time users log on.
Because of differences in how the Microsoft Windows® registry works, the Windows 98, Windows NT®, and the Windows 2000
and Windows XP operating systems require different formats for system policies. You can use the same System Policy Editor,
however, to create policy files for client computers running under any of these operating systems.
System policies can only be enabled and enforced on computers connected to a network whose primary domain controller is a
Windows NT server or Windows 2000 server.
Microsoft Project settings are stored in the project file itself. If a user opens an existing project file that has its own settings specific
to Microsoft Project, these settings will not be changed through a system policy. Also, if a user changes Microsoft Project settings
from the defaults specified by a system policy, these changes will persist for all new projects opened in that session (while
Microsoft Project is still open). Only when the user exits Microsoft Project and restarts it will the system policy be used again as
the default for new projects.
Unlike Microsoft Office, you cannot use system policies to enable or disable menu items or shortcut keys. You cannot use policies
to control information specific to Microsoft Project in the Properties dialog box (on the File menu).

What Policies Can Do

Using system policies has several advantages. For instance, they enable an administrator to:
Specify settings for many dialog box items, including most of the options in the Options dialog box (on the Tools menu) or
the Security dialog box (choose Tools, then Macro, then Security).
Set Windows Installer to always install applications with elevated privileges.
Disable patching of software by Windows Installer.
Customize the shared Startup folder for all users.
There are also specific policies to support many of the new Microsoft Project features listed here:
Improved security policies
The Project Guide pane
Save My Settings Wizard
Language settings
Corporate Error Reporting tool
Web Archives
Default encryption values for passwords
Policies can accept environment variables

Microsoft Project Policies

Microsoft Project has enhanced and improved system policies.

As part of the support for policies in Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 2002, policies are consolidated in a separate
subkey in the Windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies.
In Microsoft Project 2000, policies were stored in application-specific Software subkeys, such as
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\MS Project.

Safer Policies
In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, you can set an Access Control List (ACL) to lock the Policies subkey in the Windows registry.
(The HKEY_CURRENT_USER policies branch is locked by default on Windows 2000). This step prevents users from changing a
policy configuration setting by modifying security settings to nodes in their registry. Or, if you prefer, you can set security
permissions manually using the regedt32 utility in both Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a or later.
Top Of Page
Working with the System Policy Editor
System policy files are created by using the System Policy Editor. The editor requires the loading of ADM templates created for
use with the System Policy Editor from the Policy Template option (on the Options menu). When the ADM templates necessary
for creating a policy file are loaded, selecting the New Policy option (on the File menu) creates two policy profiles. The Default
Computer profile is used for controlling policies associated with the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry node, and the Default User
profile is used for controlling policies associated with the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry node.
After these two policy profiles are created, the administrator must make the necessary changes to enable and enforce policies on
each computer connected to the network, or for each user who logs on to the network. Enabling a policy is accomplished by
setting a leaf in the policy profile properties tree to selected (checked). You disable a policy by clearing the setting (unchecked). A
setting that is dimmed is ignored by the System Policy Editor.
After creating a policy file, rename it and copy it to the NetLogon folder of the primary domain controller. If the policy is for use
with Windows 98, name the file Config.pol. If the policy file is for operating systems based on Windows NT (including Windows
2000 and Windows XP), name the file NTConfig.pol. When the file appears in this folder, the domain controller automatically
activates and enforces the policy settings. When users log on to the network, the system policy file is read and enforced at the
user's computer. Changes to an existing policy are automatically propagated to users the next time they log on to the network.
Because of subtle differences in how the Windows registry works for the Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows
Me), Microsoft Windows NT, and the Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems, you need to create groups of policies to
enforce for each operating system. The System Policy Editor can be used with all of these Windows operating systems. The Group
Policy snap-in can only be used with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. See the Group Policy snap-in Help for information on how
to activate policies using the Active Directory™ directory service in the Windows 2000 and Windows XP environments.
Using Policy Templates
Policy templates are the starting point for all policies. Find the ADM templates you need and then create a policy file based on the
available policy settings within the templates. You can add several ADM files to the policy editor and set the entire configuration
of a user's computer with just one policy file.
A policy setting is tri-state: if the policy is checked, it is enforced; if the policy is empty (clear), it is not enforced (turned off); if the
policy is dimmed, it implies that the registry setting is ignored on the user's computer. In other words, if the policy is set to
dimmed, and the policy is either set or not set on the user's computer, the registry entry is left alone on the user's computer.
By using the Group Policy snap-in available with Windows 2000 and Windows XP, you can give a policy one of three settings in
the Properties dialog:
Not Configured
All of the system policies for an application are listed in the corresponding policy template (ADM file).
Microsoft Project Enforces System Policies
When you set a policy to be turned off for an element of an application, such as a menu command or toolbar button, that element
appears dimmed in the user interface. Users will not be able to use or reset that option. With previous versions of Microsoft
Project, users could change a setting back to enabled, even if the element had been turned off by system policies.
Microsoft Project now enforces and respects policy settings, even if a user happens to edit a registry setting on the fly. When
Microsoft Project restarts, it reviews policies and reinforces settings, rather than waiting for the user to log on again and
revalidate the policy settings.

Special Policy Configurations

The System Policy Editor allows you to create policies for unique situations. You can create policies for one user, one computer, or
a group of users. If you need to enforce a set of policies for one user, you can create a policy that will be applied when the user
logs on. You can also create specific policies for more than one user, user group, a computer, default computers, and default users
within one policy file. See the System Policy Editor Help for more information on creating special policy profiles. See the Group
Policy snap-in Help for more information on configuring policies for Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

See also
The System Policy Editor you should use to set policies for Microsoft Project is the same one that is included in the Office XP
Resource Kit Toolbox.
For more information, see System Policy Editor and Templates in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Security Settings and Related System Policies
Security is an important subject for today's businesses. The increase in malicious hacking of corporate computers has forced
businesses worldwide to develop better methods of protecting their data and systems. As a way to help administrators enable the
security features of Microsoft Project, Microsoft has created system policies that force the use of security features and are
available in the Office policy template.
Security settings can be enforced in one of four registry areas within two branches of the registry — Local Machine (HKLM) and
Current User (HKCU).
Local Machine (associated with the Default Computer policy profile in the System Policy Editor)
Current User (associated with the Default User policy profile in the System Policy Editor)
The content in this article covers most of the concerns an administrator will have when viewing the Specify Microsoft Project
Security Settings page of either the Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard. Most of these settings can
also be set using a policy when the appropriate ADM template is added to the System Policy Editor or Group Policy snap-in with
Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Included in this article are policy settings relevant to maintaining a secure user environment related to the operating system user
Adding Microsoft to the Trusted Source List
The trusted source list is managed in four possible places within the registry. Policy settings are in the Policies node of the
registry, and are controlled by using the System Policy Editor. The first two registry key entry examples shown below can be set
by using the Specify Microsoft Project Security Settings page of the Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance
Registry key examples:
Use of the HKLM key prevents users from modifying the trusted sources list.
Adding recognized value names and data to any of these keys instructs Microsoft Project to trust or not trust sources. For
example, adding Microsoft Corporation nnnn (where nnnn is a year) as a value name instructs Microsoft Project to trust all
sources with a digital signature from Microsoft. It is preferable to use the Specify Microsoft Project Security Settings page of the
Custom Installation Wizard or Custom Maintenance Wizard to propagate your request to trust Microsoft certificates, but if it is
necessary, you can create a configuration maintenance file (CMW file) by using the Custom Maintenance Wizard, and then, if the
setting must be made manually, use the Custom Maintenance Wizard Viewer to view the contents of the file to identify the
registry data value. You use the listed value name and data to populate the registry setting.
Setting the value name of the key to No source will be trusted. - your Administrator forces Microsoft Project to not trust any
sources. Setting this key disallows the option to let users trust a source. This setting can be controlled by the Custom Installation
Wizard and the Custom Maintenance Wizard by using the Ensure users cannot add trusted sources through Microsoft
Project check box on the Specify Microsoft Project Security Settings page.
Use of the HKLM node only allows the use of what is in the list, and does not allow users to add entries through the Microsoft
Project user interface (the Custom Installation Wizard and the Custom Maintenance Wizard do not use the HKCU node for this
Application Security Key
Through the use of the application Security key, you can instruct Microsoft Project to set macro security for each application ,or
for the trusting of all installed add-ins. The basic key consists of the following, where <APP> can be any or all of the listed
applications (Microsoft Project, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, and
Microsoft Outlook®):
The Specify Office Security Settings page of both the Custom Installation Wizard or Custom Maintenance Wizard contain the
Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box. When this check box is selected, it creates the non-policy version of the
application security key, and adds the value DontTrustInstalledFiles to it. When this policy is set to a value of 1, the registry
value instructs the application listed in the <APP> portion of the key to trust all currently installed add-ins and templates (and
their respective macros) within specific folders created by the applications. It does not accept all currently installed add-ins and
templates on the user's computer, only those installed by specific Microsoft applications. If you use either HKLM or HKCU when
setting a registry entry for a policy, you will prevent users from changing the setting.
If you use the Specify Office Security Settings page of either the Custom Maintenance Wizard or the Custom Installation
Wizard, and change the default security level for an application, this process equivalent to using the Security dialog box available
through the application's user interface. Use of this key sets the macro security level for each application specified in the <APP>
portion of the key to the respective value data listed below.
<APP> = Microsoft Project, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook
Common Security Key
You can use the common Security key to instruct Microsoft Project to set ActiveX® security for all applications. This key can be set
through either the Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard.
You can use the System Policy Editor to set the equivalent key for Office applications.
The value name UFIControls can be set for any of these keys to the following values and respective actions:
See documentation on ActiveX control development for information on safe mode for ActiveX controls. Look for the following
object and method: IObjectSafetyImpl::SetInterfaceSafetyOptions. The IObjectSafety interface allows a client to retrieve and
set an object's safety levels. For example, a Web browser may call IObjectSafety::SetInterfaceSafetyOptions to make a control
safe for initialization or safe for scripting.
The use of safe mode for an ActiveX control instructs it to run, but not process data. This should force the control to read in the
data, but not change the data in any way or write it back out. However, not all controls are designed with a safe mode, and
therefore, may process data even though you instructed the control to use safe mode.
Setting the Unsafe ActiveX Initialization to combo box to "Initialize using control defaults. User will be warned." in either the
Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard adds the UFIControls value to the common security key, and adds
a data value of 3.
Setting the Unsafe ActiveX Initialization to combo box to "Prompt user to use persisted data or control defaults." in either the
Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard adds the UFIControls value to the common security key, and adds
a data value of 5.
Configuring Security-related System Policies
This section includes samples of system policies for security-related configuration options of Microsoft Project and related
applications. Most of these policies do not affect security directly, nor do they directly change Microsoft Project; however, they do
limit the exposure of critical portions of a network, operating system, or user interface to destructive changes by users. By setting
these policies, an administrator can reduce the amount of data users must consider, or reduce the choices users must make while
they interact with the system. As a result, productivity can increase by not having to support some features, and by streamlining
the user interface of the operating system. The policies in this section are available with the listed templates.
It is highly recommended that administrators examine the policy templates for the operating systems with which their users are
working. Several policies provide methods to control and enforce the configuration of the operating system and reduce the
probability of a user creating a problem. These policies limit the access of users to features of the operating system that they do
not need to change.
Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP
The following list of policy templates and system policies highlights some of the more important system policies you can use to
limit the user environment in Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating systems:
Common.adm - Shell | Restrictions
Common.adm - System | Restrictions
Winnt.adm - Windows NT Shell | Restrictions
System policies related to Windows 2000and Windows XP are also found in the Conf.adm and System.adm policy templates.
Common.adm - Shell | Restrictions
Remove Run command from Start Menu
Hide drives in My Computer
No "Entire Network" in "My Network Places"
Remove Shut Down command from Start menu

Common.adm - System | Restrictions

Run only allowed Windows applications

Winnt.adm - Windows NT Shell | Restrictions

Remove the "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive" options

Windows 2000 Only

The following list highlights some of the more important system policies you can use to limit the user environment in the
Windows 2000 operating system:
System.adm - Administrative | Start Menu & Taskbar
System.adm - Administrative | Windows Components | Windows Explorer | Common Open File Dialog

System.adm - Administrative | Start Menu & Taskbar

Do not keep a history of recently opened documents

System.adm - Administrative | Windows Components | Windows Explorer | Common Open File Dialog
Hide the Common Dialog Places Bar
Hide Common Dialog Back button
Hide the drop-down list of recent files

An Explanation of Sample System Policies

Provided in this section is an in-depth explanation of the policies presented earlier in this topic. Each explanation provides the
registry key, value name, data type, and associated data necessary to enforce the policy.

Remove Run command from Start Menu

When this policy is enabled, Windows 2000 and Windows XP remove Run from the Start menu and disable launching the Run
dialog by pressing the Windows Key + R.
If an application has a "run" function that allows users to start a program by typing in its name and path in a dialog, the
application disables that functionality when this policy is enabled.
Template: Common.adm
Path: Shell | Restrictions
Value name: NoRun
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display the Run option
1 // Do not display the Run option
Hide drives in My Computer

When enabled, this policy removes the icons representing the selected disk drives from My Computer, Windows Explorer, My
Network Places, and the Windows common dialogs.
Microsoft Project, as well as any Office application, hides any of the listed drives when this policy is enabled. This includes any
buttons, menu options, icons, or other visual representation of drives in Microsoft Project and in other Office applications. This
does not prevent the user from accessing drives by manually entering drive letters in dialog boxes.
Template: Common.adm
Path: Shell | Restrictions
Value name: NoDrives
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display drives
1 // Do not display drives
No "Entire Network" in "My Network Places"
When enabled, this policy removes all computers outside of the user's workgroup or local domain from lists of network resources
in Windows Explorer and My Network Places.
When this policy is enabled, applications that allow users to browse network resources must limit browsing functionality to a local
workgroup or domain.
Template: Common.adm
Path: Shell | Restrictions
Value name: NoEntireNetwork
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Show
1 // Remove
Remove Shut Down Command from Start menu

This policy prevents the user from using the Windows user interface to shut down the system.
When this policy is enabled, applications that enable the user to shut down Windows must disable this capability.
Template: Common.adm
Path: Shell | Restrictions
Value name: NoClose
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // disabled
1 // enabled
Run Only Allowed Windows Applications

When this policy is enabled, users can only run applications listed in the value data field of this registry key. Applications with the
ability to run and start other applications are also restricted to the applications appearing in this value data field.
This restriction does not apply when launching applications via OLE/COM/DCOM. If you use ShellExecuteEx, Windows 2000 and
Windows XP will handle this automatically.
The only exception to this restriction is for OLE/DCOM, where an installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer is displaying a file in its
native format (Word, Excel, and so on) within the browser. Use the executable names (including extension) in the Data field,
separated by a semicolon.
Template: Common.adm
Path: System | Restrictions
Value name: RestrictRun
Data type: REG_SZ (string)
Value data:
Remove "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive"

When this policy is enabled, users are prevented from using Windows Explorer and My Network Places to connect to other
computers or to close existing connections.
When this policy is enabled, applications do not provide buttons, menu options, icons, or any other visual representation that
enable a user to map to or disconnect from network drives.
Template: Winnt.adm
Path: Windows NT Shell | Restrictions
Value name: NoNetConnectDisconnect
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display
1 // Remove
Do Not Keep History of Recently Opened Documents

When this policy is enabled, the system does not save shortcuts to most recently used (MRU) documents in the Start menu.
When this policy is enabled, applications must not keep any MRU lists.
Template: System.adm
Path: Administrative | Start Menu & Taskbar
Value name: NoRecentDocsHistory
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display shortcuts in MRU list
1 // Do not display shortcuts in MRU list
This policy affects Office applications in the following ways:
Does not show MRU lists while the policy is enabled.
Does not save new entries into MRU lists (freezes the list) while the policy is enabled, which means that after the policy is
turned off, the MRU list will not contain any files used while the policy was on, but will contain files used before the policy
was enabled.
If there is an MRU option in the Options dialog box, it is dimmed while the policy is enabled.
After the policy is turned off, the user MRU settings and the application policy MRU settings are restored to the state before
the policy was enabled.
If both the application MRU policy and the system MRU policy are enabled, the system policy setting is used.

Hide Common Dialog Places Bar

The Places Bar allows users to navigate via the common file open/file close dialog directly to the following locations:
History folder
My Documents
My Computer
My Network Places
When this policy is enabled, Windows 2000 and Windows XP remove the Places Bar from the Windows common dialog box.
When this policy is set, applications that provide their own file open/file close dialogs must remove any equivalent functionality
from the Places Bar. Applications using the Windows common dialog API automatically comply with this policy.
Template: System.adm
Path: Administrative | Windows Components | Windows Explorer | Common Open File Dialog
Value name: NoPlaceBar
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display Places bar
1 // Do not display Places bar

Hide Common Dialog Back Button

When this policy is enabled, Windows 2000 and Windows XP remove the Back button from the common dialog box, preventing
the user from browsing to the previous folder accessed from the dialog box.
When this policy is set, applications with their own file open/file close dialog boxes must remove any Back button functionality.
Applications using the Windows common dialog box API automatically comply with this policy.
Template: System.adm
Path: Administrative | Windows Components | Windows Explorer | Common Open File Dialog
Value name: NoBackButton
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display back button
1 // Do not display back button
Hide the Dropdown List of Recent Files

When this policy is enabled, Windows 2000 and Windows XP remove the MRU list from the common dialog.
When this policy is set, applications with their own file/open dialog boxes must not display an MRU list. Applications using the
Windows common dialog box API will automatically comply with this policy.
Template: System.adm
Path: Administrative | Windows Components | Windows Explorer | Common Open File Dialog
Value name: NoFileMru
Data type: REG _DWORD
Value data:
0 // Display MRU list
1 // Do not display MRU list
See Also

The System Policy Editor you should use to set policies for Microsoft Project is the same one that is included in the Office XP
Resource Kit Toolbox.
For more information, see System Policy Editor and Templates in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
All of the system policies are listed in the policy template. For more information about the policies in the template, see the System
Policy Reference resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Applying System Policies to Selected Users or Groups
You determine which users or groups are affected by a system policy. You can set policies for a single user, for a group of users,
or for all users. You can also set policies for a single computer or for all computers. You make these choices in the System Policy
Editor when you create a system policy file.
The Microsoft Project 2002 policies you create and distribute are stored as entries in the HKEY_Current_User\Software\Policies
subkey in the Windows registry.
Setting System Policies for All Users or All Computers

You can set a policy for all of the users in your domain by double-clicking the Default User icon in the System Policy Editor. You
can also set a policy for all client computers in your domain by double-clicking the Default Computer icon. When you double-
click one of these icons, the Properties dialog box opens, and you can set the policies for that user or computer. You can set a
policy for all users, for all computers, or for both.
Setting System Policies for a Particular User or Computer

You can set a policy for a specific user account by adding the user to the policy file. For example, suppose that your network
includes a Guest account and you want to limit a guest user's access to options. You can use a system policy for the Guest
account. Similarly, if all your guest users can use the same computer, you can set a policy for that computer.
Setting System Policies for a Group of Users

You can also set policies for groups of users in your domain. For example, all of the users in a particular department may require
the same options. If you create a Windows 2000 or Windows XP user group for that department, you can control the options for
all users in that group by setting a policy for it.
Sometimes a user is a member of more than one group. To avoid potential conflicts between group policies, you can set relative
priorities so that group policies are applied in a particular order. When a user who is a member of several groups logs on, the
policy settings from the highest priority group are processed last, so that those settings override the settings from lower priority
Top Of Page
Using Environment Variables in System Policies
Windows98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP all include the capability to use environment variables in the
Windows registry to take the place of actual file names, paths, or other changeable values. Environment variables in the Windows
registry take the REG_EXPAND_SZ data type.
Although Windows system policies have used environment variables for some time, Microsoft Project 98 did not recognize the
data type REG_EXPAND_S Z, so you could not use environment variables in Microsoft Project 98 system policies. However, you
can use environment variables in Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 2002.
For example, the Default file location policy allows you to specify a default path to the location where you want users to store
Microsoft Project files. If you want to store users' Microsoft Project files under their user names on the network, you can use a
network drive and the following environment variable:
When you distribute the policy, the environment variable is written to each user's registry. Microsoft Project 2002 recognizes that
%USERNAME% is an environment variable and expands it to whatever the %USERNAME% variable is set to on the user's
computer. Using the above example, Microsoft Project 2002 expands UserA to X:\UserA, UserB to X:\UserB, and so on.
You could also use any other appropriately defined environment variable to set the default file location to a particular path or
folder. Because Microsoft Project 2002 recognizes the REG_EXPAND_SZ data type, you can use environment variables that exist
by default in the operating system or that you set on your own.
See Also
Several Microsoft Project 2002 system policies accept environment variables. For a list of these policies, see the System Policies
That Accept Environment Variables section of the System Policy Reference resource kit article.
You can use environment variables in place of directory paths or specific user information. For more information, see the
Windows NT Server Resource Kit , the Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit, the Windows 2000 Resource Kit, or the Windows XP
Resource Kit.
Top Of Page
System Policies and the Windows Registry
You use the System Policy Editor to create a system policy file, based on the system policy template, and then store that file on a
network server. When users log on to the network, the system policy file is downloaded to client computers, and the Microsoft
Windows registry is updated to use the values specified in the system policy file.
Later, you can update client computers by using new system policies, and the Windows registry for each client computer will be
updated when the user next logs on.

Where Policies are Stored in the Windows Registry

The Policies subkey mirrors most of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software

\Microsoft\Office\10.0\MS Project subkey. Placing all of the system policies together in the same subkey prevents Windows
registry errors, and also makes it possible for administrators to lock the Policy subkey in Windows NT, Windows 2000, and
Windows XP.
The following example shows the hierarchy of the Policies subkey in the Windows registry.
MS Project

Locating the Registry Entry that Corresponds to a System Policy

Each system policy in a policy template corresponds to one or more entries in the Windows registry. If you want to find out
exactly what entries in the Windows registry correspond to a particular policy, you can open the policy template in Notepad, and
look for that policy.
The policy template files are divided into categories, and each category lists the Windows registry subkey that contains the entries
for that category. Each specific policy entry in the template lists the Windows registry value name that the policy affects and the
specific Windows registry value data that is set when the policy is turned on or off.
The following table lists the entries that appear in the policy template files when you open the files in Notepad.

Entry Description

POLICY Policy you are turning on or off

KEYNAME Registry subkey that is affected

PART Specific option you are setting with the policy

VALUENAME Registry value that is affected

VALUEON Registry value data that indicates when this policy is turned on

VALUEOFF Registry value data that indicates when this policy is turned off
Top Of Page
Using the System Policy Editor
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On This Page

Setting System Policies for Your Organization

Create a New Policy File
Set the Policy
Save and Distribute the Policy File
Setting System Policies for Your Organization
You can use the System Policy Editor to control which Microsoft® Project 2002 options are available to your users. You can create
system policies and easily distribute the settings from a central administrative installation point.
The System Policy Editor you use with Microsoft Project is the same one you use with Office XP; you may download it from the
Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit Toolbox. The Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit Toolbox also includes the Microsoft Project
2002 system policy template. You must install the System Policy Editor and the template on your computer before you can create
a system policy file.
For more information, see System Policy Editor and Templates in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
When you create a system policy file for a client computer, you must run the System Policy Editor on the same operating system
that the client computer is running. For example, to create a policy file for Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 clients, you must run the
System Policy Editor on either a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 computer because Windows 98 and Windows NT operating
systems have different registries.
Top Of Page
Create a New Policy File
When you use the System Policy Editor to create system policies, you first choose the template and create a new policy file, and
then you set policies for your users. You cannot add a template after you have created the policy file. Make sure to add in your
policy file every policy template you plan to use.

To create a new policy file

1. Start the System Policy Editor.
1. On the Options menu, click Policy Template, and then click Add to select the Microsoft Project 2002 template.
1. On the File menu, click New Policy to create a new policy file.

Add Users, Groups, or Computers to the Policy File

System policies can apply to all users, to a specific user, or to a group of users. They can also apply to a single computer or to all
the computers on your network.
The Default User icon and the Default Computer icon are included in your policy file. To apply a system policy to all the users
or all the computers on your network, start the System Policy Editor, and then double-click the Default User or Default
Computer icon.
You can also add specific users, computers, or groups to your policy file by using the Add User, Add Computer, and Add Group
commands on the Edit menu in the System Policy Editor. When you add a user, computer, or group, a new icon appears in the
System Policy Editor. Use this icon to set policies for the new user, computer, or group.
After you've selected the users, groups, or computers to whom your policy applies, you set the policy or policies you want by
using the corresponding Properties dialog box in the System Policy Editor.
Sometimes a user is a member of more than one group. To avoid potential conflicts between group policies, you can set relative
priorities so that group policies are applied in a particular order. To set group priorities, click Group Priority (on the Options
menu) in the System Policy Editor.
Top Of Page
Set the Policy
In the System Policy Editor, when you double-click one of the user, group, or computer icons, the Properties dialog box appears,
listing the available system policies. You scroll through the list of categories in the Properties dialog box to find the policy you
want. You expand or collapse categories by clicking the plus sign (+) or minus sign (-), similar to expanding or collapsing folders
in Windows Explorer.
When you find the policy you want, you set the policy by selecting the check box next to the policy name. After you select the
policy you want, you must specify additional information under Settings to determine what is enforced by the policy. The
following example shows you how to set a simple policy in Microsoft Project 2002.

To set a policy for the recently used file list in Microsoft Project 2002
1. Start the System Policy Editor.
1. Double-click the Default User icon.
1. In the Default User Properties dialog box, click the plus sign (+) next to Microsoft Project 2002.
1. Click the plus sign next to Tools | Options.
1. Click the plus sign next to General.
1. Click the plus sign next to General Options for Microsoft Project.
1. Select the Recently used file list check box.
1. Under Settings for Recently used file list, enter 5 in the Number of entries list box.
Top Of Page
Save and Distribute the Policy File
After you set the policy values you want, you are ready to save and distribute the policy file. For Windows98 clients, save the
policy file as Config.pol. For Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP clients, save the policy file as Ntconfig.pol.
You will need to store the policy file on the network, where it can be downloaded to users' computers when they log on.
For networks running Windows NT Server, copy Config.pol or Ntconfig.pol to the Netlogon folder of the primary domain
controller, as defined for your client computers. When your users next log on, the system policies are automatically downloaded
to their computers and their registry settings are updated with the policy settings.

See Also
All of the system policies for Microsoft Project are listed in the policy template. For more information about the policy template
and conceptual information about setting policies for specific users, groups, or computers, see System Policy Editor and
Templates in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
You enable or disable options by selecting a policy and altering the settings for that policy. For conceptual information about
setting policies, see System Policy Editor and Templates in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit
Top Of Page
System Policy Reference
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On This Page

Client Computer Requirements for Using System Policies

System Policies in the Policy Template
System Policies in the Windows Installer Policy Template
System Policies that Accept Environment Variables
Client Computer Requirements for Using System Policies
Client computers must meet the following requirements to use system policies:
Operating system
User profiles
Group policies
Network distribution
Note By default, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later automatically download
system policies from the appropriate network server. To change to manual downloading, see the resource kit for your client
operating system.
Top Of Page
System Policies in the Policy Template
The PROJ10.adm template contains policy settings that are common to all of the Microsoft Project 2002 applications. The
following policies are available in the PROJ10.adm template.
Microsoft Project 2002
Default View
Date Format
Status Bar
Windows in Taskbar
Scroll Bars
Entry Bar
OLE Link Indicators
Project Screentips
General Options for Microsoft Project
Display help on Startup
Open last file on startup
Prompt for project info for
new projects
Set AutoFilter on for new projects
Recently used file list
General Options for 'Project1'
Automatically add new resources
and tasks
Default standard Rate
Default overtime rate
Edit options for Microsoft Project
Allow cell drag and drop
Move selection after enter
Ask to update automatic links
Edit directly in cell
View options for time units in 'Project1'
Add space before label
Hyperlink appearance in 'Project 1'
Hyperlink color
Followed hyperlink color
Underline hyperlinks
Week Starts on
Fiscal year starts in
Use starting year for FY numbering
Default start time
Default end time
Hours per day
Hours per week
Days per month
Schedule options for Microsoft Project
Show scheduling messages
Show assignment units as
Scheduling options for 'Project1'
New tasks
Duration is entered in
Work is entered in
Default task type
New tasks are effort driven
Autolink inserted or moved tasks
Split in-progress tasks
Tasks will always honor their constraint dates
Show that tasks have estimated durations
New tasks have estimated durations
Calculation options for Microsoft Project
Automatic Calculation
Calculate all open projects
Calculation options for 'Project1'
Updating tasks status updates resource
Move end of completed parts after status date back to status date
And move start of remaining parts back to status date
Move start of remaining parts before status date forward to status date
And move end of completed parts forward to status date
Earned Value options for Project1
Default task Earned Value method
Baseline for Earned Value calculations
Edits to total task % complete will be
spread to the status date
Inserted projects are calculated like
summary tasks
Actual costs are always calculated by
Microsoft Project
Edits to total actual cost will be spread to
the status date
Default fixed costs accrual
Calculate multiple critical paths
Tasks are critical if slack is less than
or equal to
Each time I publish to Microsoft Project Server, show dialog confirming success
Collaboration options for 'Project1'
Collaborate using
Microsoft Project Server URL
Identification for Microsoft Project
E-mail address
Allow resources to delegate tasks in
Microsoft Project Server
'Publish New and Changed Assignments' updates resources' assignments when
On every save, publish the following information to Microsoft Project Server
New and Changed assignments
Project summary options
Save Microsoft Project files as
File locations
User Templates
Workgroup templates
ODBC Database
Auto Save Options
Auto Save every
Save Interval
Save Active Project only
Prompt before saving
Database save options for 'Project1'
Expand timephased data in the database
Show indicators and Option butons for
Resource Assigments
Edits to work, units or duration
Edits to start and finish dates
Deletions in the Name column
Project Guide settings
Display Project Guide
Project Guide settings for 'Project1'
Project Guide Functionality and Layout page
Project Guide Content
Security Level

Top Of Page
System Policies in the Windows Installer Policy Template
The policies listed below are available in the Instlr1.adm template. The Instlr1.adm template is automatically installed when you
install the System Policy Editor.
For more information, see System Policy Editor and Templates in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
Windows Installer
Always install with elevated privileges
Disable Windows installer
Disable browse dialog box for new source
Disable patching
Windows Installer
Always install with elevated privileges
Search order
Leave transform at package source
Pin transform at transform source
Disable rollback

Top Of Page
System Policies that Accept Environment Variables
The following table lists Microsoft Project 2002 system policies that accept environment variables and the Windows registry entry
that corresponds to each policy.

Policy name Registry entry

Microsoft Project 2002\Tools | Options\ HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\10.0

Save\FileLocations\Projects \MSProject\Options\Save\DefaultProjectsPath

Microsoft Project 2002\Tools | Options\ HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\10.0

Save\FileLocations\UserTemplates \MSProject\Options\Save\DefaultUserTemplatesPath

Microsoft Project 2002\Tools | Options\ HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\10.0

Save\FileLocations\WorkgroupTemplates \MSProject\Options\Save\DefaultWorkgroupTempaltesPath

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Supporting Traveling Users
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On This Page

Preparing Microsoft Project for Roaming Users

System Requirements for Traveling Users
Preparing Microsoft Project for Traveling Users
Customizing Installation for Traveling Users
Managing User Profiles
Special Considerations for International Travelers
Configuring Windows Servers for Traveling Users
Configuring Windows Clients for Traveling Users
Microsoft® Project 2002 makes it easier than ever to support users who travel between computers on a network. With new
installation options and an improved model for storing user preferences, users can travel and take their Microsoft Project 2002
documents and settings with them.
Preparing Microsoft Project for Roaming Users
Traveling users (sometimes referred to as roaming users) move between different computers on a network. By using Microsoft
Project 2002, traveling users can move between computers without changing the way that they work. Their application settings
and working files travel with them, along with any system preferences.
It's possible for users to travel because of roaming user profiles. Microsoft Windows® 98, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me), Windows NT® Workstation version 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows XP support roaming user
profiles, as do Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows 2000 Server, and third-party servers. Microsoft Project 2002 takes advantage of
the operating systems' features to allow Microsoft Project settings to travel with your users.
When you enable roaming user profiles, you can keep employees working, no matter where they happen to be. Users can switch
between computers in a lab, in different buildings, or in different offices around the world, as long as they log on to the same
network and retrieve their user information from that network. This flexibility helps you make the most of your computer
If your company has several offices in one region, you can take advantage of roaming user profiles to make these offices work
like one office.
For example, you might have a manager who is currently working on a project that includes confidential resource information,
which is included in a few hidden columns. He customizes his toolbar to include a button that hides or displays hidden columns of
resource information. This gets stored in his Global.mpt file, which is part of his user profile (since it is stored under the <user
profile>\Application Data folder).
He is called to a meeting with the Finance group to go over the information he's just been working on. He logs off his computer,
thus updating his user profile. During the meeting, he logs on to a computer in the conference room and retrieves his project file,
and then he uses his customized toolbar to display the hidden columns. He's able to review his arguments as the meeting goes
along, and make his arguments to the Finance group.

Sharing Computers Among Multiple Users

If your company doesn't fit the typical "one user to one computer" scenario, you can use roaming user profiles to make sure that
your users always have access to their information on whatever computer they are using that day.
For example, several users might take advantage of computers in your lab on an as-needed basis. One user logs on to work on a
project in Microsoft Project. He saves his project as a template so that he can use it again to create his next report. When he logs
off, his user profile is updated with the change.
Later that same day, another user logs on to the same computer, and opens Microsoft Project to create a project. She uses the
New command (File menu), and selects an available template from the standard list. The template that her co-worker created
does not appear in this list.
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System Requirements for Traveling Users
To set up roaming user profiles for your traveling users, your server and client computers must have the following software

Server Requirements
Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0, or Microsoft Windows 2000 Server

Client Requirements

Other Requirements
Administrator or User privileges are required for all user and computer accounts. Accounts with Guest privileges do not

See Also
For additional information about setting up roaming user profiles on your Windows NT network, see the Windows NT Server 4.0
Resource Kit on Microsoft TechNet.
For additional information about user profiles and your client operating system, see the product documentation for Windows 98,
Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 Professional.
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Preparing Microsoft Project for Traveling Users
Users can travel easily between computers when their documents and application preferences travel with them. This requires
configuring the Microsoft Project 2002 installation to make it easier for users to travel, and configuring the operating system to
support users who travel. Consider these guidelines:
Use a consistent version of the operating system
Use a consistent operating system language
Use a consistent version of Microsoft Project
Install Microsoft Project on a per-computer, rather than per-user, basis
Install Microsoft Project to run from the network
Install Microsoft Project to run from the local hard disk
Install Microsoft Project by using the same installation method on each computer
Install Microsoft Project 2002 to the same folder on each computer
Store user information on the network
Create a default Microsoft Project user profile
Set system policies

See Also
You can use the Profile Wizard to create a Microsoft Project profile and give your traveling users a standard environment to start
from. For more information about using the Profile Wizard, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.
Traveling users rely on roaming user profiles to track their user information. For more information about roaming user profiles,
see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.
For more information about system policies, see the Using System Policies resource kit article.
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Customizing Installation for Traveling Users
You can get the best performance out of Microsoft Project for your traveling users by carefully customizing certain installation
settings, and by configuring user profiles so that user data is available from any computer on the network.
To customize the Microsoft Project 2002 installation for traveling users

1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

1. On the Specify Default Path and Organization panel, verify that < Program Files>\Microsoft Office appears in the
Default installation path box.
1. On the Set Feature Installation States panel, click the down arrow next to Microsoft Project. Select Run from Network if
the network is always available to traveling users and you want Microsoft Project to run off the network.
1. On the Customize Default Application Setting panel, click Get values from an existing settings profile and then type
the path to your Microsoft Project profile settings (OPS) file.
1. On the Modify Setup Properties panel, set the property TRANSFORMSATSOURCE to Cache Transforms locally in a
secure location.
1. If your users need to roam to a computer that does not support Windows Installer shortcuts, on the Add, Modify, or
Remove Shortcuts page, clear the Create Windows Installer shortcuts if supported check box.

Windows Installer Shortcuts and Roaming Users

Windows Installer shortcuts are supported on Windows XP, Windows Me, and Windows 2000. They are also supported on
Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6a, if you have Internet Explorer 4.01 SP-1 or later installed with Microsoft Active Desktop™, or
Internet Explorer 5.01 or later installed with Windows Desktop Update.
When a user logs into a computer with roaming user profiles enabled, Windows automatically copies the user's shortcuts from
the server to the user's computer. If Microsoft Project Setup creates Windows Installer shortcuts, but the user logs on to a
computer without Windows Installer shortcut support, the shortcuts will not work. However, if the user runs Microsoft Project
once on a computer that supports Windows Installer shortcuts, the shortcuts are modified to include the path. If the user then
runs Microsoft Project on a computer without Windows Installer shortcut support, and Microsoft Project is installed in the same
folder structure, the shortcuts will work correctly.
If you clear the Create Windows Installers shortcuts if supported check box in the Custom Installation Wizard, Setup installs
only standard shortcuts, which function properly on any Windows operating system. Standard shortcuts include the folder path
for the application, so you must install Microsoft Project into the same folder hierarchy on each computer so that the folder path
entries in the shortcuts are correct on each computer. Standard shortcuts do not allow for advertising of applications or features.
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Managing User Profiles
Traveling users rely on user profiles to track their user information and on servers to make sure that the user profile information
travels with them. To support traveling users, you must set up both client and server computers with roaming user profiles
(profiles that travel with the user account). Roaming user profiles are stored on the server and are automatically downloaded to
the client computer when the users log on.
Traveling users can use roaming user profiles to log on to any computer on the network and download their user profile
information. When users change any of their settings, their profiles are automatically updated on the server when they log off,
and their new information is automatically updated.
Microsoft Project 2002 helps traveling users by storing all application data (such as user information, working files, and settings
and preferences) in the Application Data folder for easy retrieval by the profile.
The Application Data folder is stored in different places on a computer, depending on the operating system. The following table
identifies the default locations for the Application Data folder for each operating system.

Installation scenario Default location for Application Data folder

Installing Windows 98 or Windows Me \Windows\Profiles\%Username%

Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 or Windows Me %Systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%Username%

Installing Windows NT 4.0 \Winnt\Profiles\%Username%

Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 \Winnt\Profiles\%Username%

Installing Windows 2000 %Systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%Username%

The one folder that does not roam with users in the default roaming scenario is the Local Settings folder under %Username%.
Microsoft Project 2002 stores all user-specific settings in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER sub tree in the Windows registry. (Previous
versions of Microsoft Project stored these settings in both the HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE sub trees.)
With all the Microsoft Project 2002 settings in one place, it's easier to retrieve settings and keep the user profile up to date.
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Special Considerations for International Travelers
Because operating systems differ in their support of some languages, users who are traveling internationally can take their
roaming user profiles to another computer only when both the source and destination computers use the same code page.
Within the limitations of multilingual support in various operating systems, you can accommodate users who travel
internationally. The following operating systems allow users to take roaming user profiles from one computer to another:
Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 or Windows 98. In this case, both the destination computer and the source computer
must use the same language version of the operating system.
Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP with support for multiple languages.
For example, if your organization is based in the United States, but your users travel frequently to Europe and Asia, you can install
the English version of Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or Windows 98 on all computers available to traveling users. This
arrangement allows traveling users to take their Microsoft Project 2002 settings and files with them.
Alternatively, if you do not want to use the English version of the operating system in foreign subsidiaries, you can install
Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP configured with the Multilanguage User Interface (MUI). Traveling users can set the
locale of their operating system, travel to any other computer running Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP, and take their
roaming user profiles with them.
If international users need the Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack to display the user interface and Help in another language, install
the MUI Pack on computers that traveling users will use. Just as with Microsoft Project, install the MUI Pack on a per-computer
basis, and install it on the same drive (such as drive C or D) throughout your organization.

See Also
If all traveling users have Microsoft Project 2002 with the MUI Pack, they can use it to run the user interface and Help in any
supported language. For more information about MUI Packs, see the Overview of International Features resource kit article.
Microsoft Project 2002 does not automatically uninstall MUI Pack files. If a traveling user leaves behind a set of languages, you
might want to delete the associated language files. For more information about deleting MUI Packs, see the Overview of
International Features resource kit article.
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Configuring Windows Servers for Traveling Users
Setting up roaming user profiles for a Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000 network involves two steps on the server side:
1. Create a shared Profiles folder on the server in which to store roaming user profiles.
1. Update client user profiles to point to this shared Profiles folder.
After you update the profile information to point to the shared Profiles folder, the profile is retrieved automatically when the user
logs on and updated automatically when the user logs off. This retrieving and updating process is known as "reconciling the user
Creating a Profiles Folder on the Server
The Profiles folder stores all your roaming user profiles on an NTFS file system drive on the server. Make sure your traveling
users have full control permissions to their subfolders so that they can update their profiles whenever they change computers.
However, do not give users access to any subfolders other than their own.
Updating Client User Profiles to Point to the Profiles Folder

You update all your client user profiles on the PDC server.
To update user profile information for each traveling user using Windows NT 4.0

1. On the PDC server, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools (Common), and then click User
Manager for Domains.
1. In the list of user names, double-click a user name.
1. In the User Properties box, click Profile.
1. In the User Profile Path box, type the full path to the Profiles folder you created (for a Windows NT Workstation client).
To update user profile information for each traveling user using Windows 2000 Server

1. On the PDC server, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Computer
1. Click Local Users and Groups, click Users, and then double-click a user name.
1. In the User Properties box, click the Profile tab.
1. In the Profile Path box for the user, type the full path to the Profiles folder you created (for a Windows NT Workstation or
Windows 2000 client).

See Also
For additional information about setting up roaming user profiles on your Windows NT network, see the Windows NT Server 4.0
Resource Kit.
You can set profile information for all of the users in your organization at once by using a system policy. For more information
about system policies, see the Using System Policies resource kit article.
For more information about using the Profile Wizard to create user profiles, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.
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Configuring Windows Clients for Traveling Users
Setting up roaming user profiles for a Microsoft Windows client involves different steps, depending on the client you are
supporting. Microsoft Windows NT Workstation, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 clients are automatically configured to allow
roaming user profiles. Windows 98 and Windows Me clients must be configured to support roaming before your user profiles
can roam.
For roaming user profiles to work, you must use the same drive and directory names for the Windows client on each computer
that the user travels to. For example, if you install Windows in the C:\Windows folder on one computer, and in the C:\Win or
D:\Windows folders on other computers, some components of the user profile will not be transferred successfully between the
Configuring Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Clients for Traveling Users
Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 clients support roaming user profiles and traveling users with the least amount of
administrative cost. Windows NT Workstation version 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 Professional are automatically
configured to allow traveling users. These operating systems have user profiles enabled by default, and they store user files in the
user profile. All you need to do is to configure the user account on the domain server.
Configuring Windows 98 or Windows Me Clients for Traveling Users
Windows 98 and Windows Me operating systems store files in the Application Data folder, where they can be retrieved and
replicated easily. User profiles are available, although they are not enabled by default.
To enable traveling users for Windows 98 or Windows Me

1. On the client computer, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
1. Double-click the Passwords icon.
1. Click the User Profiles tab, and then click Users can customize.

See Also
You can set profile information for all the users in your organization at one time by using a system policy. For more information
about system policies, see the Using System Policies resource kit article.

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Windows Terminal Services
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Using Microsoft Project 2002 with Terminal Services

How to Install Microsoft Project 2002 on a Windows Server with Terminal Services
Microsoft® Project 2002 has been designed to work effectively with Microsoft Windows® NT® Server version 4.0, Terminal
Services Edition and the Windows 2000 Terminal Services feature (Terminal Services). Terminal Services allows users to run
Windows-based programs on computers that cannot run the latest versions of Windows. With Terminal Services, you can deploy
Microsoft Project 2002 on the server and have users run Microsoft Project over the network.
Using Microsoft Project 2002 with Terminal Services
Windows NT Server version 4.0, Terminal Services Edition and the Windows 2000 Terminal Services feature (Terminal
Services) provide a thin-client solution in which Windows-based programs are executed on the server and remotely displayed on
the client. If your users have computers with limited disk space, memory, or processing speed, you can install Microsoft
Project 2002 to run in this environment.
With Terminal Services, you install a single copy of Microsoft Project on the Terminal Services computer. Instead of running
Microsoft Project locally on their hard disks, multiple users can connect to the server and run Microsoft Project from there.
The following is an overview of how you use Microsoft Project with Terminal Services:
The administrator installs a single copy of Microsoft Project on the Terminal Services computer.
Users install Windows Terminal Client on their computers.
Users log on to the Terminal Services computer, and run Microsoft Project 2002 from within the Windows session.
In the Terminal Services environment, Microsoft Project 2002 separates application and user data, and uses environmental
information supplied by Terminal Services. This arrangement allows multiple Terminal Client users to run Microsoft Project from
the same installation.
To improve performance in the Terminal Services environment, certain features of Microsoft Project will not function in order to
reduce the amount of network traffic necessary to update the user's display. For example, in the Terminal Services environment,
Microsoft Project displays a text-based splash screen, rather than the standard graphics-based screen — the text-based screen is
displayed faster.
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How to Install Microsoft Project 2002 on a Windows Server with Terminal Services
You install Microsoft Project 2002 from the Microsoft Project CD on a server running Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal
Services Edition, or Windows 2000 Terminal Services in much the same way you install Microsoft Project on a client computer.
With some careful planning and a few modifications, Microsoft Project performs well in the Terminal Services environment.

To run Microsoft Project 2002 in this environment

1. Install Microsoft Project on the Terminal Services computer.
1. Set the Microsoft Project settings for Terminal Client users.
Running Microsoft Project on individual users' computers is different from running it in a Terminal Services environment. When
you install Microsoft Project on a Terminal Services computer, the users who connect to the server are limited to the Microsoft
Project configuration on that computer and cannot install or remove features. If your users need different sets of Microsoft Project
functionality, you might need several Terminal Services computers — one for each unique Microsoft Project configuration.
Install Microsoft Project on the Terminal Services Computer

To install Microsoft Project, run Microsoft Project Setup on the Terminal Services computer. You can run Setup from a network
administrative installation point or from the Microsoft Project 2002 CD.
To install Microsoft Project 2002 with Terminal Services enabled

1. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

1. Click Add New Programs in the left pane, and then click CD or Floppy in the right pane.
1. Put the Microsoft Project 2002 CD into the CD-ROM drive and then click Next.
1. Click Finish to run Microsoft Project Setup.
To install Microsoft Project on Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server

1. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs, click Install, and then click Next.
1. Click Browse.
1. In the root folder of the Microsoft Project CD, select Setup.exe, then click OK.
1. On the command line, add the following command after Setup.exe, separated by a space:
/l* "%WINDIR%\Microsoft Project 2002 Setup(0001).txt"

1. Click Next.
1. Select All users begin with common application settings, and then click Next to run Microsoft Project Setup.
Running Microsoft Project in a Terminal Services environment is different from running it on individual users' computers. When
you install Microsoft Project on a Terminal Services computer, the users who connect to the server are limited to your Microsoft
Project configuration and cannot install or remove features.
In other words, all users running Microsoft Project from the Terminal Services computer inherit the features you select during the
installation. If your users need different sets of Microsoft Project functionality, you might need several Terminal Services
computers—one for each unique configuration.
Because of the multi-user nature of the Terminal Services computer, and users' restricted access to the server, Microsoft Project
Setup, by default, installs all features to one of the following installation states:
Run from My Computer
Not Available
If you want to accept the default Microsoft Project configuration, you do not need to modify the Setup feature tree. However, if
there are Microsoft Project features that are not needed by your users, you can improve overall performance and conserve disk
space by customizing installation so that Microsoft Project Setup does not install these features on the Terminal Services
Distributing Customized Microsoft Project Settings to Users

You can use the following methods to deliver your customized settings to Terminal Services users:
Using the Office XP Custom Installation Wizard

If you install Microsoft Project on the Terminal Services computer from an administrative installation point, you can use the Office
XP Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform on the administrative installation point with your customized settings. You
can then install Microsoft Project on the Terminal Services computer using that transform, and Microsoft Project users who log on
to the Terminal Services computer will use your customized settings.
Note, however, that any files added to the transform will not be propagated to the Terminal Services users. This includes files that
you add using the Add/Remove Files page of the Custom Installation Wizard, as well as any files included in an Office Profile
Wizard OPS file that you may have added to the transform. Also, programs that you add to the transform using the Add
Installations and Run Programs page of the Custom Installation Wizard will not be executed for each user.
To add per-user files, use the Office XP Custom Maintenance Wizard after Microsoft Project 2002 is installed on the Terminal
Services computer. Files added with the wizard are installed as each user logs on to the Terminal Services computer and runs
Microsoft Project.
Using the Office XP Profile Wizard

You can install Microsoft Project 2002 on a test computer, configure user options, and then save those options to an OPS file by
using the Office Profile Wizard. You can then use the Office XP Custom Maintenance Wizard to incorporate the OPS file in a
configuration maintenance file (CMW file). The customizations will be applied when users first log on to the Terminal Services
computer and run Microsoft Project 2002.
Using the Office XP Custom Maintenance Wizard

You can configure Microsoft Project after you have installed it on the Terminal Services computer by using the Custom
Maintenance Wizard. When users log on to the Terminal Services computer and run Microsoft Project 2002 for the first time, they
will receive your customized settings. You can also include an OPS file or other additional files in the CMW file, which will be
propagated to users.
Using Windows System Policies

An additional method for configuring Microsoft Project 2002 for users is to use Windows System Policies. You can use the
System Policy Editor with the Microsoft Project templates to configure user options and then distribute those policies to users or
groups within your network. Each time a user runs Microsoft Project 2002 on the Terminal Services computer, the user's options
are configured according to the policies. These templates can be downloaded from the Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit

See Also
For more information on using system policies to deploy Microsoft Project 2002, see the Using System Policies resource kit
By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can further customize your Terminal Services installation. For more information, see
the Custom Installation Wizard resource kit article.
For more information about the user settings that the Profile Wizard saves and restores, see the Profile Wizard resource kit article.

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Working with Multiple Versions and Other Applications
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Specifying the Default Save Format

Strategies for Sharing Files Among Different Versions of Microsoft Project
Backward Compatibility
Strategies for Sharing Files with Other Applications
Specifying the Default Save Format
By default, projects created in Microsoft® Project Standard are saved in the Microsoft Project 2002 MPP file format. If Microsoft
Project Standard users need to share files with users of earlier versions of Microsoft Project or other applications, they can change
the default format that Microsoft Project 2002 uses for saving new files.
By default, projects created in Microsoft Project Professional are saved to a Microsoft SQL Server™ or Microsoft Data Engine
(MSDE) database. Microsoft Project Professional users saving projects to the Microsoft Project Server cannot change the save
format. Using Microsoft Project Professional, you can change the default file save format only when saving a project outside the
Microsoft Project Server.
You can set the default file format for your organization by using the System Policy Editor.
To specify a default file format for Microsoft Project 2002, use the Save tab in the Options dialog box (Tools menu). In the Save
Microsoft Project files as box, select a file format.
After you set the default file format, all new project files are saved in the default format, unless you specify a different format in
the Save As dialog box (File menu) when you save a file.
Use a System Policy to Set a Default File Format
Under Microsoft Windows® 98, Windows NT® Workstation 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000
Professional, and Windows XP, you can set system policies for a single user, a specific group of users, or all users in a workgroup.
For projects saved outside of the Microsoft Project Server, the Microsoft Project policy template includes a system policy that
allows you to change the default value for the Save as type option in the Save As dialog box (File menu). Use this policy to set
the default file format for all users in your organization.
To set a policy for the Save as type option for Microsoft Project

1. In the System Policy Editor, double-click the Default User icon.

1. In the Local User Properties dialog box, click the plus sign (+) next to Microsoft Project 2002.
1. Click the plus sign next to Tools | Options.
1. Click the plus sign next to Save, and then select the Save Microsoft Project files as check box.
1. In the Save Microsoft Project files as box, select the file format you want to use as the default.
After you distribute your system policies, all users in your workgroup will save Microsoft Project files in the same format.
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Strategies for Sharing Files Among Different Versions of Microsoft Project
In many organizations, upgrading takes place gradually — one group of users at a time. During the upgrade process, users need
to share files saved in Microsoft Project 2002 with earlier versions of Microsoft Project. There are several strategies that your
workgroup can use to make it easier to share files.
Using Microsoft Project 2002, you can open a file created in an earlier version of Microsoft Project. You can also save files to the
Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Project 2000 MPP file format, as described below.
Microsoft Project 2002 Files Saved in Microsoft Project 2000 Format

By default, Microsoft Project 2002 saves new files in the earlier Microsoft Project 2000 MPP format. To allow easy exchange of
data with users who have not yet upgraded to Microsoft Project 2000, you can save to the Microsoft Project 98 MPP file format.
When saving to this format, it is important to remember that Microsoft Project 2000 does not include all of the features found in
Microsoft Project 2002, so some information for new features in Microsoft Project 2002 may be lost. The following are
unexpected results you can encounter when viewing a project created in Microsoft Project 2002 but saved to and viewed from
Microsoft Project 2000:
Certain fields exclusive to Microsoft Project 2002 (such as Baseline2 or Enterprise Project Outline Code10) cannot be viewed
or edited when a Microsoft Project 2002 project is opened in an earlier version of Microsoft Project.
When a project created in Microsoft Project 2002 is opened and edited in Microsoft Project 2000, certain changes to the file
(such as task names) will be seen when the project is again opened in Microsoft Project 2002, but only if the file name does
not change.
For more information about working with different versions of Microsoft Project, see the "Backward Compatibility" section in this
Administering System Policies
Microsoft Project 2002 can read system policies and disable a feature based on a certain policy. For example, an administrator
may apply a policy that changes the security level used with VBA modules. Microsoft Project 2002 maintains this policy, which
allows an administrator to control users' environments.
Saving Microsoft Project 2002 files as XML
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard, self-describing SGML-based protocol that is being readily adopted as the
protocol for communicating data across firewalls, and has become the natural choice for an interchange format.
When you save a file in the XML format (.xml), Microsoft Project 2002 creates XML tags for Microsoft Project text and graphics
that Web browsers can display on a Web page. To learn more about the Microsoft Project 2002 XML schema, see the file
Projxml.xml, located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\1033 (this folder, 1033, contains the files for the English
version. Files for other languages are contained in the folder that corresponds to the locale ID [LCID] for that language).
Working with Projects in a Database
Supported database file formats

Microsoft Project supports the following databases through Open Database Connectivity (ODBC):
Microsoft Access 2000
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or later
MSDE 1.0 or later
Oracle Server, version 8.0 (or later) server and client
Microsoft Project 2002 can also make the ODBC connection automatically when writing to and reading from Microsoft Access
2000 databases, when users directly select Microsoft Project Database (MPD) or Microsoft Access Database (MDB) as the file type
in the Open and Save dialog boxes (File menu).
Opening Microsoft Project 2000 projects that were stored in a database

A project that was previously saved to a database using Microsoft Project 2000 can be opened in Microsoft Project 2002.
However, if the project is saved to a database again, it will be saved with the Microsoft Project 2002 database structure. Because
the Microsoft Project 2002 database format has been completely changed, there will be two copies of the project in the database,
one in the original Microsoft Project 2000 database format, and one in the Microsoft Project 2002 database format.
Upgrading the database structure from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server

You can use the Database Upgrade Utility to upgrade some or all of the tables in a Microsoft Project Central Server database to
the Microsoft Project Server 2002 database structure. To learn about upgrading a Microsoft Project Central Server database, see
the Upgrading the Microsoft Project Central Server Database resource kit article.
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Backward Compatibility
Microsoft Project Professional (when it is offline from the Microsoft Project Server) and Microsoft Project Standard use the same
file format as Microsoft Project 2000. Microsoft Project Professional projects, when saved using the Save As dialog box, contain
additional fields and data not found in Microsoft Project Standard.
By default, Microsoft Project 2002 saves new files in the earlier Microsoft Project 2000 MPP format. To allow easy exchange of
data with users who have not yet upgraded to Microsoft Project 2000, you can save to the Microsoft Project 98 MPP file format.
When saving to this format, it is important to remember that Microsoft Project 2000 does not include all of the features found in
Microsoft Project 2002, so some information for new features in Microsoft Project 2002 may be lost. The following are
unexpected conditions you can encounter when viewing a project created in Microsoft Project 2002 but saved to and viewed from
within Microsoft Project 2000:
Fields exclusive to Microsoft Project 2002 (such as Baseline2 or Enterprise Project OutlineCode10) cannot be viewed or
edited when a Microsoft Project 2002 project is opened in Microsoft Project 2000.
When a project created in Microsoft Project 2002 is opened and edited in Microsoft Project 2000, certain changes to the file
(such as task names) will be seen when the project is again opened in Microsoft Project 2002, but only if the file name does
not change.
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Strategies for Sharing Files with Other Applications
Use import/export maps in Microsoft Project 2002, when transferring project information to and from other applications, to
ensure that information is imported into the proper fields in Microsoft Project or exported into the proper fields in a destination
Edit import/export maps to identify which fields will be exported, and where in the destination format the data will go. You can
also apply an export filter to project data, as part of an import/export map. You can use import/export maps to exchange data with
the following applications and file formats:
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Excel
ODBC databases
CSV and tab-delimited text files
XML format
You can also use import/export maps to export project data to HTML format and Microsoft Excel PivotTables.
Administrators can define and distribute standard import/export maps for an organization by customizing existing import/export
maps and deploying them to users as part of a template file or project file, saving them in the Global file using the Organizer
(Tools menu, Organizer command, Maps tab. Administrators can also copy the map to the enterprise global template for users
connected to the Microsoft Project Server.
Predefined Import/Export Maps in Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project contains a number of predefined import/export maps for use in exporting and importing project data to other
applications and file formats. It may be useful to make a copy of one of the predefined maps and customize it for upgrading
particular data. While any map can be used with any file format or database, certain maps are designed with a particular purpose
in mind. The following maps are predefined, and can be selected in the Export Wizard.

Use this To import or export this data

"Who Does
What" Resources, their assignments, their start and finish dates, and their work

Compare to Tasks with their ID and name, duration (current, baseline, and variance), start and finish dates (current and baseline),
Baseline work (current, baseline, and variance), and cost (current, baseline, and variance)

Cost data by Tasks with their ID, name, and costs (total cost, fixed cost, baseline cost, cost variance, actual cost, remaining cost)

Default task Tasks with their ID and name, duration, start and finish dates, predecessors, and resource names (the same
information information as displayed in the task Entry table)

value Tasks with their ID, name, earned value fields (BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, SV, CV) cost, baseline cost, and cost variance

Export to Tasks with their ID and name, duration, start and finish dates, resource names, and % complete; resources with their
HTML using ID and name, group, max units, and peak; assignments with their task ID, task name, resource name, work, start and
standard finish dates, and % complete (useful to export information to a Web page; export options are set to use one of the
template supplied HTML templates)

"Export Resources with all of their information
Table" map

Task "Export Tasks with all of their information

Table" map

Task and Tasks with their name, resource group, resource names, duration, start and finish dates, and cost; resources with
resource their name, group, work, and cost (designed for exporting to an Excel PivotTable)

Task list
with Tasks with their ID and name, work, duration, start and finish dates, and % complete (designed to export data to
embedded Microsoft Excel or a Web page and to look like the Task Usage view, although the indentation doesn't appear in
assignment Excel)

Top Level Tasks with their ID and name, duration, start and finish dates, % complete, cost, and work
Tasks list

How fields are processed when importing data into Microsoft Project 2002

Values in certain fields in Microsoft Project can be calculated based on data in other fields. The order in which fields are processed
by Microsoft Project depends on what other fields are entered by the user. For example, if the user enters values in the Duration
field and Start field, Microsoft Project calculates the value of the Finish field. If the user enters values in the Start and Finish fields,
Microsoft Project calculates the value of the Duration field. When data is imported into Microsoft Project, the order of the
imported fields can affect the calculation of data in the project; therefore, the sequence in which data is applied when importing is
enforced by the processing order in Microsoft Project 2002.
When Microsoft Project reloads a complete project that has been flagged as having been externally edited, it first restores the
project back to its pre-edited state, and then applies the changes in the processing order. When data is imported into a new
project, there are no original values in a previous version of the project to compare with the values in the imported version, so
Microsoft Project creates default tasks and applies the updated values according to the standard processing order.
When using the Import Wizard to merge or append project data to an existing project, Microsoft Project 2002 generally follows
the standard processing order, as long as no columns contain null, or zero length, values. In the case of import-merge and import-
append operations, null values in schedule-related columns may cause data being imported to be processed in a different order
than the standard processing order. It is recommended that merge and append import maps be tested before deployment, to
ensure that they provide the expected results. If they do not provide the expected results, try creating multiple maps with fewer
columns and executing them consecutively.
Project options (for example, settings in the Options dialog box [Tools menu]) are loaded and applied before any data is loaded.
If any options are externally modified, all schedule data loaded for the project is applied under the modified settings. In the
processing order, task fields are always processed before assignment fields. If there are any conflicts, time-phased data always
has the highest precedence and overrides any conflicting field changes.
Processing order of task fields:

Actual Work
Remaining Work
Actual Duration
Remaining Duration
Constraint Type
Constraint Date
Actual Start
Actual Finish
Percent Complete
Fixed Cost
Actual Cost
Leveling Delay
Percent Work Complete
Resource Names
Processing order of assignment fields:

Assignment Delay
Leveling Delay
Actual Start
Actual Finish
Actual Work
Remaining Work
Regular Work
Actual Overtime Work
Remaining Overtime Work
Overtime Work
Percent Work Complete
Task Name
Resource Name
Top Of Page
Basic Server Installation
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On This Page

Installing Microsoft Project Server

Microsoft Project Server and SMTP
Installing for Microsoft Project Standard versus Microsoft Project Professional
Installing from a Network Server
Installing from a Custom CD-ROM
Installing Project Web Access ActiveX Controls on Client Computers
System Machine Configuration
Microsoft Project Server and SQL Server Analysis Services
Planning for Scalability
Creating the Microsoft Project Database
Security and User Accounts Required for Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server and COM+
Installing Microsoft Project Server
There are several tasks that must be completed before, during, or after installing Microsoft® Project Server. This overview, while
not intended to cover all the possible upgrade or installation paths, provides an insight to some of the considerations and
decisions that must be made before installing Microsoft Project Server.
Hardware Requirements
Available hard-disk space Approximately 70 megabytes (MB) for Microsoft Project Server. For disk space requirements
for additional products and components that are required for many Microsoft Project Server features, refer to the
documentation for those products and components.
Processor Intel Pentium 500 Megahertz (MHz) or higher (minimum Intel Pentium III 700 MHz recommended), or similar
Memory 128 MB RAM or more (minimum 512 MB recommended).

System Requirements
Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server Service Pack 1 or later. Additionally, the following components must be installed:
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 5.0 or later.
The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for IIS.

Feature Requirements

In addition to the system requirements described above, many features of Microsoft Project Server require additional products
and components to be installed:
Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 Service Pack 1 or later, or Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE) 2000 or later.
SQL Server is required for the enterprise features of Microsoft Project Server. It must be installed before installing Microsoft
Project Server.
MSDE is included and installed during the Microsoft Project Server installation when you use the Install Now option. MSDE
is installed if it is not already on the system and SQL Server is not installed. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
version 2.6 is also installed during the Microsoft Project Server installation. Installing MDAC requires a reboot on Windows
2000 computers.
Service packs installed for SQL Server must be the same version as those installed for SQL Server Analysis Services.
SQL Server Analysis Services is required for the Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project Server.
The Portfolio Analyzer feature is only available in association with Microsoft Project Professional.
SQL Server Analysis Services is included with SQL Server.
Service packs installed for SQL Server Analysis Services must be the same version as those installed for SQL Server.
SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft is required for use of the documents library and issues tracking features of
Microsoft Project Server.
SharePoint Team Services is included with Microsoft Project Server. You can install it either before or after you install
Microsoft Project Server.
To secure project documents on the server where SharePoint Team Services is installed, that computer must use the NTFS
file system.
Microsoft Office 2000 or later is required on computers using Microsoft Project Web Access in order to use data access
Microsoft Office XP is required on computers using Microsoft Project Web Access to get full advantage of the Office Web
Controls (for example, to create new Portfolio Analyzer views).

See Also
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide (Pjsvr10.chm) is included on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD, or you may
download a copy (PJSVR10.exe) from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server and SMTP
During installation, you will encounter the Enter SMTP mail server information dialog box. You will be asked to enter the name
of the mail server to be used, as well as the port number. The standard port number for the SMTP mail service is 25. The From
address field must be filled in with a valid e-mail address on the mail server designated in the SMTP mail server field. This
account will be used to send e-mail notifications and reminders. The information entered at the time of installation can be
modified and managed through the Admin page in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Top Of Page
Installing for Microsoft Project Standard versus Microsoft Project Professional
This section explains what you should take into consideration when choosing to install Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft
Project Standard, or a mix of both with Microsoft Project Server.
When choosing the Custom Installation of Project Server option, one of the dialog boxes requires you to define whether
clients are using Microsoft Project Professional 2002, Microsoft Project Standard 2002, and/or Microsoft Project 2000. Which
option you select determines whether the user must authenticate to the server before publishing. There are other considerations,
as well.
Your decision to select the Install Now or Custom Setup option should be determined by the client version. You should use
Custom Setup if your client version is Microsoft Project Professional. You may use Install Now if your clients are Microsoft
Project Standard or Microsoft Project 2000, but it is still recommended to use the Custom Setup option.
There are many security level issues that should be researched and addressed when selecting client software. See the See Also
links at the end of this article for more information on security issues.
Another consideration about using Microsoft Project Professional versus Microsoft Project Standard is that Microsoft SQL Server
Analysis Services is relevant only to Microsoft Project Professional.
For the best results, read the Microsoft Project Server Help and the Setup information for each step.
Top Of Page
Installing from a Network Server
Instead of installing Microsoft Project Server from the Setup CD, the administrator may wish to copy the contents to a network
share, and install from there.
Although Microsoft Project Server supports many of the features of Windows Installer, it does not support Admin Installer. The
recommended method of installation from a server is to create a custom command line.
See Also
For more information about installing from a server and custom installation, see the Customizing Setup resource kit article.

Create Transforms
Transforms alter the installation database, and can be used to encapsulate the various customizations of a base package required
by different groups of users. For example, in organizations where the finance and staff support departments require different
installations of Microsoft Project Server, its base package can be made available to everyone at one administrative installation
point, with the appropriate customizations distributed to each group of users separately as transforms. Administrators can also
apply multiple transforms on-the-fly during an installation to efficiently assign the most appropriate installation to different users.
One of the advantages of using transforms during deployment is that you can pre-populate the product key. Although this is not
the preferred method of installation, you can create a custom transform using the Windows Installer SDK.
See Also
For more information about transforms, see the following articles in the MSDN Library:
About Transforms
Using Transforms
Top Of Page
Installing from a Custom CD-ROM
If you have administrators who do not want to install over the network, you can still create a customized version for them by
modifying and distributing a custom copy of the installation on a CD.
See "Installing from a Network Server" above—this process is essentially the same, except that you create a CD with the custom
The same exceptions as with Installing from a Network Server also apply here. The Custom Installation Wizard and Admin Install
option are not supported.
Top Of Page
Installing Project Web Access ActiveX Controls on Client Computers
When performing a custom installation from a network server, you can push the Microsoft Project Web Access ActiveX® controls
down to client workstations. This is particularly useful if the client works in a locked-down environment where the users can't
install OCX controls, or the administrator doesn't want users to have to accept certificates, and so on.
Project has several of the OCX (ActiveX) controls and DLLs packaged in two CAB files, along with an INF file that contains
installation information for each CAB file.
To install these Microsoft Project ActiveX controls
1. Copy and from \Program Files\Microsoft Project Server\IIS Virtual Root\Objects. is in the
language ID folder (for example, 1033 if you are using the English version of Microsoft Project Server). Note that it is
important to get these controls from the locations specified above as any post-installation updates to Microsoft Project
Server will update these files in these locations only.
1. Expand the CAB files. It is recommended that the expanded files be placed into the Downloaded Program Files folder. This
can be done using command lines similar to
Expand -F:* C:\WINNT\Downloaded Program Files
Expand -F:* C\WINNT\Downloaded Program Files
1. From the command prompt, perform a change directory (cd) command so that you are located in the same folder as where
the files have been expaned under, for example on the command prompt type: cd C:\WINNT\Downloaded Program Files.
1. Next, using regsvr32, register the following files using the following syntax: regsvr32 pj10enuc.dll, for example. You can also
add this script into a batch file if you need to repeat this process on multiple computers. If this installation needs to be
performed across the entire organization, you may want to consider using SMS as a means of deploying the ActiveX
1. Next, copy riched20.dll into the %windir%\System32 folder.
1. Delete the temporary copies of the expanded CAB files.
CAB information: contains language neutral controls; the related INF file is Pjclient2.inf contains language specific items; the related INF file is Langcabxxx10.inf (for example, xxx is "enu," for U.S.
Note You will need administrative access on the machine where you'll be registering these files. The controls only need to be
installed once per computer; all users of the computer will have access to these controls. This should be very simple to do via
Microsoft Systems Management Server, using a batch script. See the link in the "See Also" paragraph below, for more information
on installing with Systems Management Server.
Top Of Page
System Machine Configuration
Before installing Microsoft Project Server, you need to decide on a configuration that suits your organization's needs. The most
effective configuration, which can affect performance, security, ease of administration, and cost of equipment, is determined both
by the expected number and types of concurrent users of Microsoft Project Server, and by how often you expect they will use
specific features. For example, enterprise features such as enterprise templates and enterprise resources may require more server
resources than workgroup features.
See Also
For more information about system configuration, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines article on
You can also find more information in the topic "Decide on a Microsoft Project Server configuration for your organization," in
Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server Help file.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server and SQL Server Analysis Services
There are several things you must consider when installing Microsoft Project Server to work with SQL Server Analysis Services.
SQL Server Analysis Services requires Microsoft Windows NT® Authentication, therefore, Microsoft Project Server must
have an NT Account to use in order to connect to and use SQL Server Analysis Services. The NT account information is
gathered during installation, and is utilized to set up the COM+ application that contains the OLAP Cube creation
component of Microsoft Project Server. For more information on COM+, see "Microsoft Project Server and COM+," below.
Microsoft Project Server relies on SQL Server Analysis Services to create and maintain the OLAP Cubes that are utilized by
the Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project Web Access.
One of the prerequisites for Microsoft Project Server is the installation of Decision Support Objects (DSO), which can be
installed from the custom option through the SQL Server Analysis Services Setup program.
Portfolio Analyzer and a dependency on SQL Server Analysis Services is an enterprise-only feature when Microsoft Project
Server is used in conjunction with Microsoft Project Professional 2002.

See Also
For more information on SQL Server Analysis Services, see Part 6 - Analysis Services in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit.
Top Of Page
Planning for Scalability
Two primary considerations when designing your installation of Microsoft Project Server are increased scalability and long-term
performance. The following tips will help you plan for scalability.
Use SQL Server 2000 on a separate server machine, since Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Professional 2002
are data-intensive applications. Utilizing SQL Server 2000 on a separate machine can maximize the data access performance
of the system.
Use SQL Server Analysis Services on a separate server machine. Although creation of an OLAP cube takes only a few
seconds, access to and utilization of a cube is a data-intensive operation.
Move the views generation process to a separate server machine. Views generation is a processor- and data-intensive
operation that is used every time a user publishes or checks in an enterprise project.

See Also
For more information about system planning and configuration, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines
article on TechNet.
For more information about scalability, see the Distributed Deployment resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Creating the Microsoft Project Database
Design and linking of the database to Microsoft Project Server is a critical step in successful installation. A few considerations and
tips for creation of the Microsoft Project Server database, and best practices for maximizing database performance are listed
Although it is easiest to allow the Setup program to create the database for you, that option will not be available for every
Manual creation of the database by a DBA will be a common option for many organizations. Refer to the file CreateDB.cmd
in the Support\Database folder on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD for instructions.
If you manually create the database, you will need to create two SQL Server accounts with passwords in the Microsoft
Project Server database; one must be in the MSProjectServerRole, and the other must be in the MSProjectRole.
A more advanced DBA may consider partitioning the Microsoft Project Server database across file groups.
A critical component of database maintenance is performing regular database backups, as well as performing regular
database backup restores to validate these backups. Since the Microsoft Project Server database is the entire repository for
enterprise/portfolio project management data, regular, validated backups are extremely important.
Additional resources for Microsoft Project Server and database connectivity can be found in the Microsoft Project Server Help file,
Pjsvr10.chm, found on the Microsoft Project Server CD.
You may also download a copy of the Microsoft Project Server Help file (PJSVR10.exe) from the General Reference Tools section
of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Security and User Accounts Required for Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server requires a variety of user accounts to function properly, the list below has all of those accounts in one
place for easy reference.
Two SQL Server Accounts in the Microsoft Project Server database, one in the MSProjectServerRole and one in the
MSProjectRole. These are automatically created if you allow the Setup program to create the database, but must be
manually created if you create the database on your own.
One NT account that is in the OLAP Administrators group on the SQL Server Analysis Server. A domain level account (with a
non-expiring password for ease of administration, if allowed in your organization) would be the easiest to use, otherwise, a
local account on both the analysis server and on the Internet Information Services (IIS) server, with the same password, will
also work.
One NT account that is configured to be the SharePoint™ Team Services administrator, in order to allow for creation of
subwebs and the addition of users to the subwebs from Microsoft Project Web Access. A domain-level account (with a non-
expiring password for ease of administration, if allowed in your organization) would be the easiest to use, otherwise, a local
account on both the Analysis Server and on the IIS server, with the same password, will also work.
One account (either SQL or NT) that has access to the SharePoint Team Services database, in order to allow for direct, read-
only queries to be run for the functionality in Microsoft Project Web Access to inform users of how many issues are
currently assigned to them.
For additional information about Microsoft Project Server and security, see the topic "Overview of Microsoft Project Server
security" in the Microsoft Project Server Help file. You may also download a copy of the Microsoft Project Server Help file
(PJSVR10.exe) from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server and COM+
COM+ is an operating system level extension to standard COM that allows for numerous specialized security and performance
settings on a standard COM object. COM+ also forces a component to run in its own process space, using DLLHOST.exe, instead
of running in the same process space as the caller (which is, in many cases, IIS for Microsoft Project Server).
One of the features of COM+ is that it allows you to specify an NT account for the object to run as. This is very similar to the
concept that an NT service can be set to run as a particular user. This is the only COM+ feature that Microsoft Project takes
advantage of; all other COM+ features are explicitly turned off. You will need to rely on NT authorization for connection to SQL
Server Analysis Services for OLAP cube creation and maintenance, and for administration of SharePoint Team Services to create
subwebs and add users. Microsoft Project also allows you, optionally, to utilize NT authentication against the SharePoint Team
Services database for the functionality of displaying the current number of issues assigned to the current Microsoft Project Web
Access user.
When running the Microsoft Project Server Setup program, a utility named PSCOMPlus.exe is automatically called to create the
proper settings for the COM+ applications that Microsoft Project Server relies on. This utility is installed in the bin\LCID (LCID is
the Locale ID. For example, U.S. English is 1033) subfolder under your Microsoft Project Server folder, in case you need to run it at
a later date to change the identity that the COM+ applications are running under, or to delete the COM+ applications that it
You may download a copy of PSCOMPlus.exe from the Microsoft Project Server Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
See Also

For more information about COM+, see the Deploy and Synchronize COM and COM+ article on TechNet.
Top Of Page
Customizing and Administering Microsoft Project Server
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On This Page

Inactivating and Deleting User Accounts
Microsoft Project Server Security
Microsoft Project Server Authentication
SharePoint Team Services
Working with Your Enterprise Portfolio
Microsoft® Project Server is the second project collaboration and analysis server release from Microsoft, replacing Microsoft
Project Central. Microsoft Project Server provides a rich set of Web-based administration tools, which enhance ease-of-use and
reduce the day-to-day tasks associated with administering a server-based application. Some of the improvements and
enhancements include:
New methods for creating and working with views In Microsoft Project Central, views required manual configuration
of data source names (DSN) and required running the Microsoft Project OLE DB Provider each time a new view was
requested by a user. Microsoft Project Server eliminates the use of DSNs for views, which greatly simplifies the
management of views. Views are now created by accessing the OLE DB Provider just once for each project; projects are
written to the view tables when the load on the server is low. Microsoft Project Server uses the online analytical processing
(OLAP) feature of Microsoft SQL Server™ Analysis Services to provide the ability to drill down into project and resource
views. This allows you to create detailed reports from within Microsoft Project Web Access and Microsoft Project
Improved security A number of enhancements have been made that allow administrators to easily secure Microsoft
Project Server from unauthorized access, including support for Secured Socket Layer (SSL), Microsoft Windows®
authentication, and Anonymous Access (which prevents unauthorized access to any page in Microsoft Project Web Access).
Improved access Access to Microsoft Project Server is controlled by sets of groups, permissions, and categories. Now,
granting users access to a particular area of Microsoft Project Server is as simple as adding their name to a predefined
group of users. To deny access, simply remove the user from a group of users. This is the same approach to access that
Windows 2000 Server uses. This new approach makes it easier to keep track of which users have permission to access a
particular area of Microsoft Project Web Access, Microsoft Project Server, or any other application linked to the enterprise
setup of Microsoft Project Server.
Integration with SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft Microsoft Project now supports Document Library and
Issue Tracking when you set up and install SharePoint Team Services. Documents and issues can be accessed from
Microsoft Project Web Access and Microsoft Project Professional. They can be linked to entire projects, tasks within projects,
or be added to a public library to which all users have access. See the "SharePoint Team Services" section, in this article, for
more information.
Top Of Page
Inactivating and Deleting User Accounts
To administer and customize Microsoft Project Server, you must log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.
Initially, use the Administrator account that was created during Microsoft Project Server setup to access Microsoft Project Web
Access. Be sure to change the Administrator account to a Windows authenticated account. You can then add additional users to
Microsoft Project Web Access.

Inactivating or Reactivating Microsoft Project Server User Accounts

At times, you may need to make user accounts unavailable in Microsoft Project Server. When you make a user account inactive,
that user's information and data will remain in the database, but the user is unavailable for new assignments. In a sense, this
user's account is frozen until reactivated.
To inactivate (or reactivate) a Microsoft Project Server user account

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator. Click Admin.

1. Click Manage users and groups.
1. In the list of users, select a user, and click Modify User.
1. In the Account Status drop-down list box, select the status for the user, either Inactive or Active.
1. Click Save Changes.

Cleaning Up the Microsoft Project Server Database

Sometimes it may be necessary to create more space in the Microsoft Project Server database. This can be done by removing
redundant or old information from the database. The Clean up Microsoft Project Server database page in Microsoft Project
Web Access allows the administrator to remove specific task assignments, task updates, projects, to-do lists, and status reports
from the database on time or user-based criteria.
To remove everything associated with a specific project regardless of time or user, the projects and to-do list items should
be selected.
If a time criteria other than Ever sent is selected for Task, Updates, or Status Reports, two additional fields will display to
specify the exact time period.
Once the items are selected, click Delete.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Security
Microsoft Project Server security is based on Microsoft Windows NT® security, which is centered around granting users and
groups of users access to objects, principles, and templates.
Security objects Items that can have actions carried out on them or contain data. In Microsoft Project Server, this includes
categories that consist of collections of projects, resources, assignments, and views.
Security principles Principles that define access to security objects. In Microsoft Project Server, users and groups have
rights, or permissions, over security objects. This allows them to access or manipulate Microsoft Project Server objects.
Security templates Maps used for applying security principles to security objects, allowing users and groups to access or
manipulate Microsoft Project Server objects. You can use security templates to quickly apply predefined permission profiles
to new or existing users, groups, and categories. By applying security templates, you can easily standardize the rights being
applied according to the role being played. This eliminates the need to replicate permissions across users by automatically
mapping the permission to the role.
User Any person who accesses Microsoft Project Server. To gain access, a user needs to be authenticated by the server.
Authentication can be via a Microsoft Windows account or by a Microsoft Project Server account. Each user has a set of
permissions associated with their user account that determines the type of data they can access on the server.
Group A collection of users that have similar information and functionality needs. These users are usually aligned with the
type of roles played within an organization. Users can belong to multiple groups depending on the type of work they
perform in your organization.
Permissions Rules that determine the actions a user can perform while using Microsoft Project Server. Global permissions
provide rights over functionality within the server. Object permissions are associated with categories. These permissions
give users and groups rights to perform actions on objects associated with a category. Permissions are applied to a server
(or organization), group, category, or a user. This means that a user's actual permissions will consist of the combination of
all permissions the server has, the groups the user belongs to, categories the user has access to, as well as permissions
granted directly to the user.
Categories Common sets of data access needs, which are usually aligned with business units, departments, or other project
boundaries. Categories are collections of projects, resources, assignments, views, and models. Categories define the scope
of the information accessed, providing multiple types of access to data for groups of user.
Views Sets of data fields that can be displayed for the collections of projects, assignments, and resources in a category.
Views also define the format of the display, for example the type of Gantt Chart, a grouping style, or a filter.

Uses for Security

Microsoft Project Server security can be used in a number of ways:
Protect confidential data from other users There may be sensitive projects or data, such as resource rates, that need to
be protected. If information is being supplied externally from the organization to clients, suppliers, or partners, there may be
some information or details that should not be disclosed.
Secure data from malicious or accidental damage Project data is usually extremely valuable. Ensuring only the right
users have access to that data and removing functionality from those that don't need it reduces the chance of accidental or
malicious loss of data.
Provide data depending on the information needs and functionality requirements of the user The security model
configured can be used to personalize information so that users only see data relevant to them, rather than a mass of data.
For example, resources are potentially only interested in their own piece of work, making project and portfolio views of
information unnecessary to them.
Enforce project management process discipline within the organization Assigning functionality to roles can help
ensure (or relax) discipline around an organization's project management process. For example, resources can have the
options for adding, rejecting, and delegating tasks removed.

Understanding Security Roles

What a user sees in terms of data content and what they can do in terms of performing actions or manipulating that data is
governed by the relationship between the user, the permissions the server has, the permissions they have or the groups they
belong to have, the categories they belong to, and the views of data within those categories.
Because the things a user needs to see and do usually depend on the role they play within an organization, it makes sense to
define groups, permission templates, and categories in terms of the job they perform within the project management
environment of the organization. Some users have implied roles—for example, users publishing plans to the server are usually
project managers. Groups can be defined in terms of the role they carry out—for example, team members, project managers,
executives, and those who have similar permissions assigned to them. These roles would then map to the different categories,
depending on the role's information needs—that is, team members usually only need access to tasks, so they belong to a tasks
This approach to security is reflected in the predefined groups, templates, and categories that are created when Microsoft Project
Server is installed.
Microsoft Project Server Users, Groups, Permissions, and Templates
Every person who has an interest in a project is a potential user of Microsoft Project Server, whether they are an active participant,
such as a team member or a project manager, or a more passive participant like a customer only interested in a project's delivery.
Each of these individuals will require a user account to access the information stored on Microsoft Project Server. This user
account will identify an individual when they log on to the server and will personalize the interface and data stored on the server
according to the user permissions and categories assigned to the account. The user permissions and categories govern what the
user can see (in terms of data) and do (in terms of functionality).
To gain access to the server, users are required to log on. This process identifies and authenticates the person logging on against
the user accounts within Microsoft Project Server. The user can be identified using their Microsoft Windows account or using their
Microsoft Project Server user account. For more information about creating user accounts and specifying the type of user logon
each user can have, see "Microsoft Project Server User Accounts," in this article.
Users and groups

Users and groups of users are what security in Microsoft Project Server is built around. You should define groups by identifying
common needs based on the areas of Microsoft Project Server to which a single user would need access. For example, every user
will need to view their projects and tasks, but perhaps only project managers should be allowed to create assignments. After you
have defined your groups you can add users to the groups; users added to groups will inherit the equivalent permissions
assigned to the groups. Defining access to Microsoft Project Server by group also keeps the overall number of security principles
with direct permissions on categories to a minimum, which simplifies administering Microsoft Project Server security. Typically,
the membership of a group will change frequently; however, the security requirements of a group will change rarely, if ever.
Users can belong to multiple groups depending on the jobs they perform or the organization they work in. Microsoft Project
Server creates a number of groups during installation, each with a set of predefined categories and permissions assigned to them:
Portfolio managers
Project managers
Resource managers
Team leads
Team members
Administrators usually assign user rights by adding a user account to one of the built-in groups or by creating a new group and
assigning specific user rights to that group. Users and groups are managed through the Admin Center of Microsoft Project Web
Access. For more information about creating and managing users and groups in Microsoft Project Web Access, see the section
"Creating users, groups, categories, and security templates," in this article.

Permissions can be set in a number of different places within the Microsoft Project Server Administration menu. They are enabled
and disabled by selecting the check boxes under the Allow and Deny columns. Both columns function as an on/off switch,
meaning that if the check box is selected, a permission is allowed or denied. Selecting the Allow check box at a group summary
level selects all the permissions belonging to that feature group.
Permissions can be granted to a user, group, category, or template in the following general areas:
Account creation Create user accounts while delegating tasks, create manager accounts from Microsoft Project, create
user accounts from Microsoft Project, create user accounts when requesting status reports.
Administration in Microsoft Project Web Access Customize Microsoft Project Web Access, manage organization,
manage views, manage users and groups, manage licenses, manage security, clean up the Microsoft Project Server
database, manage enterprise features, and manage SharePoint Team Services.
Collaboration View issues and documents.
Enterprise portfolio management Save projects, view enterprise resource information, edit enterprise resource
information, save custom field information, edit custom field information, open projects, create resources, save templates,
read summary assignments, and create new projects.
General Set personal notifications, change password, log on to Microsoft Project Server, view the Microsoft Project Web
Access Home Center, and set resource notifications.
Status reports Manage status report requests, view status reports, and submit status reports.
Tasks Hide task from timesheet, transfer calendar entries, delegate task, change work days, create tasks, and view timesheet.
To-Do list Create and manage to-do lists, publish to-do list to all users, and assign tasks to users.
Transactions Manage rules, manage calendar changes, and manage task changes.
Views View Portfolio Analyzer, view Resource Center, view the Portfolio Modeler, view resource allocation, view
Documents, view Issues, see resource assignments in assignment views, View Project Center, see projects in project views,
view Assignments, and view Projects.
Workgroup Publish or update status, publish new projects to Microsoft Project Server.
In an organization where there are many users, setting a large number of permissions up on an individual basis and
administering those permissions can be an overwhelming task. To make this easier, you can use the principle of groups to assign
permissions to multiple users with a single action. By creating groups of similar users who need to access identical areas of
Microsoft Project Server, you can assign the permission to the group. All the users belonging to that group are then assigned the
same permissions and access to categories.

Security templates are a quick way of applying or resetting predefined permission profiles to new or existing users, groups, and
categories. By applying security templates, the rights being applied can easily be standardized according to the role. This
eliminates the tedious task of replicating permission across users or groups by automatically mapping permissions by role. There
are a number of predefined templates created when Microsoft Project Server is installed. These align with the predefined groups.
These security templates can be customized and/or new security templates created.
Using Categories to Manage Security
Users and groups define the rights individuals have to interact with data stored in the Microsoft Project Server database.
Categories define which collections of specific data (projects, assignments, resources, and views of information) these users and
groups have access to. Categories allow the administrator to separate the data by scope of the information accessed, plus filter
data using a Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) that is displayed in specific ways.
For example, you can filter for users and groups by:
All projects they manage.
All projects to which they are assigned.
All projects assigned to resources they manage.
All projects managed by resources that they manage.
Their own information.
Information for all resources in projects that they manage.
Information for all resources that they manage.
Their own models.
Models created by resources that they manage.
There are four predefined categories created when Microsoft Project Server is installed:
My Organization Defines a collection of data that covers all projects with all views of the data available.
My Projects Defines a collection of data that covers all projects a user manages or is assigned to with all views of the data
available for those projects.
My Tasks Defines a collection of data that covers all projects a user is assigned to with only a view of the assignments of
those projects.
My Resources Defines all resources reporting to a user (as defined in the RBS).
Each of these categories has predefined groups and permissions assigned to them when Microsoft Project Server is installed:
Portfolio managers, administrators, and executives are assigned to the My Organization category.
Project managers, team leads, and resource managers are assigned to the My Projects category.
Team members are assigned to the My Tasks category.

Administering Security in Microsoft Project Web Access

New security features have been built into Microsoft Project Server. They are designed to control and manage access to projects,
resources, and reports stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. In addition, the security architecture was modified to make
it easier to manage a large number of users and projects by allowing permissions to be assigned to groups of users and usage
categories. This greatly reduces the number of times you have to update permissions in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Security is based around the following concepts:
Security objects Items that can have actions carried out on them or contain data. In Microsoft Project Server, this includes
categories that consist of collections of projects, resources, assignments, and views.
Security principles Items that define access to security objects. In Microsoft Project Server, users and groups have rights,
or permissions, over security objects. This allows them to access or manipulate Microsoft Project Server objects.
Permissions Rules that determine the actions a user can perform while using Microsoft Project Server. Global permissions
provide rights over functionality within the server. Object permissions are associated with categories. These give users and
groups rights to perform actions on objects associated with a category. Permissions are applied on a server (or
organization), group, category, or a user. This means that a user's actual permissions will consist of the combination of all
permissions the server has, the groups the user belongs to, categories the user has access to, as well as permissions granted
directly to the user.
Security principles are granted permission to access security objects.
Default security configuration for Microsoft Project Server

During setup, the server can be configured to use one of the following security settings (larger organizations should consider
either Medium or High only):
Low security In this mode, Microsoft Project users can create project manager accounts on the server, and users are not
required to be authenticated by the server. User accounts on the server are automatically created for resources within
project plans when those plans are published to the server. This mode should be used when a server supports any Microsoft
Project 2000 users, and it is identical to the functionality in Microsoft Project Central. Smaller workgroups will typically run
their Microsoft Project Server in this security mode.
Medium security This mode does not require users to be authenticated by the server and disables Microsoft Project users
from creating project manager accounts.
High security This mode requires users to be authenticated by the server and requires an administrator to create project
manager accounts. If your organization wants to take full advantage of the enterprise features of Microsoft Project Server,
you should use this mode.
Predefined categories and groups

Microsoft Project Server setup creates three categories and seven groups. These groups and categories are designed to enable
Microsoft Project Server to provide the same levels of security as Microsoft Project Web Access. The categories and groups were
designed to be used together as follows:
Team Members group and My Tasks category As projects are published to the server, accounts are created on the
server for any new resources in the project plan. By default, the server adds any new resources to the Team Members group,
which is granted permissions on the My Tasks category. My Tasks uses security rules to contain all projects to which a team
member is assigned and all of the team member's assignments. The Team Members group is generally able to view and not
edit data in the category. The Team Members group is granted a number of global permissions that allow use of the
Microsoft Project Web Access timesheet, status reports, and to-do list features.
Project Managers group and My Projects category Users are automatically added to the Project Managers group when
a Microsoft Project Professional user publishes a project to the Microsoft Project Server and when a Microsoft Project
Standard or Professional user creates a project manager account from the Collaborate tab of the Options dialog box. The
Project Managers group is granted permissions on the My Projects category. The My Projects category uses security rules to
contain all projects that a project manager has saved or published to the server and all assignments in the projects that a
project manager has saved or published to the server. The Project Managers group is able to view and edit projects in the
category. Project Managers are granted a number of global permissions that allow creation of new projects, status reports,
and to-do lists. They are also granted limited permissions on the My Organization category.
Executives group and My Organization category Users who require broad visibility of the projects and resources in an
organization can be added to the Executives group. This group can view any project and any resource saved or published to
the server. Administrators must manually create user accounts for executives. Only team member and project manager
accounts can be created automatically. The Executives group is granted permissions on the My Organization category. This
category uses security rules to contain all projects, resources, and assignments published or saved to the server. The
Executives group is granted global permissions to view project and resource information in the Project Center,
Resource Center, Portfolio Analyzer, and Portfolio Modeler.
Team Leads and Resource Managers groups These groups can be used for users who do not manage projects but need
limited ability to view and edit project information. Both groups are granted permissions on the My Projects category.
Portfolio Managers group Users who manage the enterprise global template and enterprise resources in an organization
can be added to the Portfolio Managers group. These users have broad ability to create and edit data but cannot perform
server administrative tasks (for example, they cannot add users or groups). Portfolio Managers are able to view and edit all
projects and resources in the organization. This group is granted permissions on the My Organization category.
Administrators group This group is granted all available permissions in Microsoft Project Server. This group is granted the
same permissions as the My Organization category.
Creating users, groups, categories, and security templates

You must create a user account for any user that requires access to Microsoft Project Server. Plus, in addition to the defaults
included with Microsoft Project Server, you can create custom groups, categories, and security templates that meet the needs of
your organization.
To create new Microsoft Project Server user accounts

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Server as an administrator.

1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage users and groups.
1. Click Add User.
1. Indicate the authentication type, either Windows or Microsoft Project Server authentication.
1. Depending on what you selected in step 6, enter the user authentication information (Windows User Account, User
Name, and E-mail for Windows Authentication; User Account, E-mail, and Password for Microsoft Project Server
1. Select the groups and categories to which this user will belong and specify any global permissions unique to the user. Click
Save Changes.
To create new groups of Microsoft Project Server users

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Server as an administrator. Click Admin.

1. Click Manage users and groups.
1. Under Add, modify, and delete, click Groups.
1. Click Add Group.
1. Enter the Group Name and Description.
1. Add the users who will belong to the group, select the categories to which this group will belong, and specify any global
permissions unique to the group. Click Save Changes.
To create new categories in Microsoft Project Server

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Server as an administrator. Click Admin.

1. Click Manage security.
1. Click Add Category.
1. Enter the Name and Description for the category.
1. Select the users and groups you want to inherit this category's set of permissions.
1. Then select the permissions this category will have by checking the Allow column. Click Save Changes.
To create new security templates in Microsoft Project Server

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Server as an administrator. Click Admin.

1. Click Manage security.
1. Under Security options, click Security templates.
1. Click Add Template.
1. In the Add New Template dialog box, enter the Template Name and Description in the appropriate boxes. If you want to
copy the settings from an existing security template, select a template from the Copy Template drop-down list box. Click
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Authentication
Data security in Microsoft Project Server is managed by granting permission to users or groups of users to access collections of
data. For example, a team member (or group of team members) is granted permission to access the Projects link in Microsoft
Project Web Access. Microsoft Project Server security can be managed in Microsoft Project Web Access by users with permission
to log on as an Administrator.
Microsoft Project Server User Accounts

Microsoft Project Server can authenticate users with a Windows user account or a Microsoft Project Server user account, or both.
As an administrator, you can choose one of the following authentication options:
Mixed Allows both Windows authentication and Microsoft Project Server authentication. However, a single authentication
method must be specified for each user account. Some users can be authenticated using Windows authentication while
others can be authenticated with Microsoft Project Server authentication.
Windows NT Authentication only Allows for the highest level of security in Microsoft Project Server. All users will be
authenticated to Microsoft Project Server based on their Windows user account. Any user who has a Microsoft Project
Server account will authenticate automatically when accessing Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Project Server authentication only If you use this option, Microsoft Project Server only authenticates users
with a Microsoft Project Server user account. Windows accounts will be ignored. Any user who attempts to log on to
Microsoft Project Web Access must enter their user name and password.
By default, authentication for Microsoft Project Server is set to Mixed, which means both Windows authentication and Microsoft
Project Server authentication is allowed. Users who need to access information stored on servers running SharePoint Team
Services or SQL Server 2000 will need to have Windows accounts set up in Microsoft Project Server.
Windows authentication provides for better overall security than Microsoft Project Server or Mixed authentication methods.
Therefore, it is recommended that only Windows authentication be used. For more information about how to set Microsoft
Project Server authentication types, see "Selecting an authentication type in Microsoft Project Server," in this article.
General security guidelines for Microsoft Project Server

Consider the following general security guidelines when determining whether to choose Windows Authentication only, Microsoft
Project Server authentication only, or Mixed authentication for user access to Microsoft Project Server:
If all users accessing Microsoft Project Server already have (or can have) a Windows domain account, you should configure
Microsoft Project Server to accept only Windows authentication.
If some users need to access Microsoft Project Server from the Internet, but do not have a Windows account, used Mixed
authentication, and consider setting up unique sets of roles, permissions, and categories for these users so you can restrict
access in appropriate places.
The Administrator account created during the installation of Microsoft Project Server is a Microsoft Project Server account.
Even if you want to support mixed authentication, you should always make sure your Administrator accounts are using
Windows authentication.
Whether or not users of Microsoft Project 2000 will require access to Microsoft Project Server.
Whether or not project managers will be allowed to create resources in Microsoft Project Server as they create assignments.
If project managers are allowed to create their own resources, they should use Windows authentication for all resources
that have a Windows user account. This information can be entered in the Windows User Account field in Microsoft Project.
When a Windows user account is specified for a resource and a workgroup message is sent to that resource, the Windows
user account is used to create the resource's account in Microsoft Project Server. If a Windows user account has not been
specified in the Windows User Account field, the resource's name is used to create a Microsoft Project Server account for
the new user.
Always require Microsoft Project to authenticate to Microsoft Project Server before publishing or updating information. See
"Require Microsoft Project users to authenticate before publishing to Microsoft Project Server," in this article, for more
Selecting an authentication type in Microsoft Project Server

Microsoft Project Server supports several authentication options: mixed, Windows NT authentication, or Microsoft Project Server
authentication. Only one option can be selected.
To select the authentication type for Microsoft Project Server

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.

1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage Security.
1. Under Security options, click User authentication.
1. Select either Mixed, Windows Authentication only, or Microsoft Project Server authentication only.
1. Click Save Changes.
Requiring Microsoft Project users to authenticate before publishing to Microsoft Project Server

If you want to limit the number of people who can create new user accounts for Microsoft Project Server, you should require that
Microsoft Project authenticate a user before allowing that user to publish updated projects, new project plans, or resources to
Microsoft Project Server.
To limit the number of users that can publish new projects

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as a user with administrative privileges.

1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage security.
1. Under Security options, click User authentication.
1. Under Authentication required when publishing from Microsoft Project, check Require Microsoft Project to authenticate to
the Microsoft Project Server before publishing.
Top Of Page
SharePoint Team Services
SharePoint Team Services facilitates enhanced collaboration between users by providing a common Web location for document
and issue tracking that can be organized by project plan. A Public Documents subweb is created where you can store common
support documents, templates, and procedural guides that help your organization keep track of your projects. Additional subwebs
can be created for individual project plans where specific documents and issues pertaining to the plan can be stored.
Before document library and issue tracking can work properly for users of Microsoft Project Web Access and Microsoft Project
Professional, you must install SharePoint Team Services, customize, Microsoft Project Server (as needed), and create a Public
Documents library
The Documents link in Microsoft Project Web Access or the Collaborate menu in Microsoft Project provides access to a
document library stored on a server running SharePoint Team Services. These documents may be general public documents or
they can be associated with specific projects. This allows users to post documents associated with projects into a shared,
collaborative environment that allows other users access to these documents for information, review, comment, and so on.
Documents can also be linked to a specific task within a project.
Activities that can be carried out from the Documents link in Microsoft Project Web Access or the Collaborate menu in
Microsoft Project include:
Viewing and uploading general public documents.
Viewing and uploading project documents.
Searching for specific documents.
Linking documents to specific project tasks and issues.

Issue tracking
The Issues link in Microsoft Project Web Access or the Collaborate menu of Microsoft Project provides access to an issues list
stored on a server running SharePoint Team Services. Issue tracking helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project
management by improving communication on project-related issues. The user can create and edit issues, customize the fields that
display, and customize the view. An issue can be associated with a project, a task in the project, and documents in the project's
document library or other issues within the same project.
Activities that can be carried out from the Issues link in Microsoft Project Web Access or the Collaborate menu in Microsoft
Project include:
Creating, editing, and viewing issues.
Customizing the appearance of the issues list.
Linking issues to projects, tasks, documents, or other issues.

Migrating public and project documents

If you add a new server running SharePoint Team Services to your Microsoft Project Server deployment, you may want to migrate
files from an existing server running SharePoint Team Services to the new server.
To migrate documents in a public subweb from a server running SharePoint Team Services

1. Connect Microsoft Project Server to the new server running SharePoint Team Services.
1. In the folder view of SharePoint Team Services, find and open the folders containing the public documents on both servers.
1. Drag and drop the documents you want to migrate from the old folder to the new folder.
1. Verify that the server is available in Microsoft Project Web Access. If unavailable, add the server address.

Administering SharePoint Team Services in Microsoft Project Web Access

Microsoft Project Server must be aware of the server running SharePoint Team Services. This information can be entered at the
time of installation or set by the administrator from within Microsoft Project Server. Next, create a subweb for projects where
collaboration is to be used and assign users their roles. The options available from the SharePoint Team Services subwebs page
Connect to servers Connect to servers running SharePoint Team Services.
Subweb provisioning settings Specify a server running SharePoint Team Services and change settings for provisioning
Manage subwebs Create new, delete, and synchronize user access to subwebs and navigate to subweb administration.
Synchronize administrator accounts Synchronize the administrators between Microsoft Project Server and the servers
running SharePoint Team Services. This applies to Windows accounts only.
Connecting to Servers
If information about the location and configuration of a server running SharePoint Team Services was provided at the time of
Microsoft Project Server installation, this page displays those details. Otherwise, you need to add the following information from
this page.
To add a server running SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft Project Web Access

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator. Click Admin.

1. Click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
1. Click Connect to ser vers.
1. Click Add Server.
1. On the Modify Server Information page, enter the following information:
Server name The machine name of the server running SharePoint Team Services.
SharePoint Web server port The port number that the server running SharePoint Team Services has been assigned.
SharePoint administration port The port number that the server running SharePoint Team Services has been assigned.
SharePoint database server name The name of the server running SharePoint Team Services.
SharePoint database name The name of the database on the server running SharePoint Team Services.
1. Click Save Changes. If you have successfully connected to a server running SharePoint Team Services, the information will
appear on the Connect to Servers page.

Subweb Provisioning Settings

This page is used to set the defaults for when subwebs get created and to which roles users can automatically be assigned.
Specify the server running SharePoint Team Services This option affects only new projects published to the server
running SharePoint Team Services. It determines which server will host subwebs for new published projects. The list
contains the names of all servers running SharePoint Team Services that have been connected to the Microsoft Project
Server from the Connect to Servers page.

If you want to go directly to the server running SharePoint Team Services to perform administrative tasks, click Go to
SharePoint Site Administration. For more information about administering SharePoint Team Services, see the Overview
of SharePoint Team Services Administration article on Microsoft TechNet.
Automatic or manual subweb creation There are two options: create the subweb automatically each time a new project
is published to Microsoft Project Server, or manually create a subweb.
Granting user access to project subwebs Microsoft Project Server can automatically create roles in SharePoint Team
Services for each new project as it is published to Microsoft Project Server. Only users who have Windows NT accounts in
Microsoft Project Server can be added to roles in SharePoint Team Services. Under Grant user access to the project
subwebs, you have two options:
Add new users to a new project's subweb Microsoft Project Server automatically creates roles so that users can access
the documents and issues subwebs whenever a new project is published to Microsoft Project Server. If you select this
option, the project manager who published the project to Microsoft Project Server and any team member assigned a task
within that project are added to their respective roles, and are granted permission to access the subweb for the project.
Add new users to the Project Manager role Microsoft Project Server automatically creates Project Manager roles so that
users can access the Public Documents subweb. If you select this option, project managers are added to this role, and they
can create new document libraries, upload new documents to libraries, edit documents, and delete documents.
Specify the public documents server Select the name of the server running SharePoint Team Services where the Public
Documents subweb located. The Public Documents subweb does not need to reside on the same server running SharePoint
Team Services.
Managing Subwebs

This page allows you to provision new subwebs, edit or delete existing subwebs, synchronize user access, and navigate to subweb
administration pages. You can create new subwebs, manage existing subwebs, and return user access to subwebs back to the
original settings.
Provision a subweb Under Provision a subweb for a project, select an item from the list. Click Create a Subweb to
create a new subweb for the selected item.
Manage project subwebs Under Manage project subwebs is a list of projects with existing subwebs. To modify the
details of an existing subweb, select an item and click Edit subweb address, or Delete subweb to remove the subweb.
Synchronize user accounts This sets users to their current roles for accessing subwebs, depending on their status in the
Creating a subweb

To post project-related documents to a SharePoint Team Services site, a subweb must first be created for that project on the
server running SharePoint Team Services.
To create a subweb in Microsoft Project Web Access

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.

1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
1. Click Manage subwebs.
1. Select the project from the drop-down list box for which you want to create a subweb, and click Create Subweb.

Synchronizing Administrator Accounts

You can synchronize administrator accounts between Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft
Project Web Access. Synchronizing administrators adds each user with Windows authentication (who has been given Manage
SharePoint Team Services permission) to Microsoft Project Server in the Administrator role on the root web (and all subwebs) for
each server running SharePoint Team Services.
To synchronize administrator accounts

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as a user with permission to manage servers running SharePoint Team Services.
1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
1. Under Options, click Synchronize administrator accounts.
1. Click Synchronize Administrators. When you select this option, each user of Microsoft Project Server who has been
granted the "Manage SharePoint Team Services" permission is added to the Administrator role on the root web of each
server running SharePoint Team Services, and is added to the Administrator role for each project subweb.
Top Of Page
Working with Your Enterprise Portfolio
The decision to use Microsoft Project Professional and work in an enterprise environment should be determined by the
functionality required by your organization. For example, if your organization requires standardized calendars, wants to use a
cross-project resource pool, or wants to provide a standardized set of custom fields, you will require an enterprise project
management installation.
To take advantage of the new enterprise features in Microsoft Project, you will need to do the following:
Enable enterprise features.
Set up and maintain an enterprise resource pool.
Set up a process for version management.
Create and import custom field information.
Check out and modify the enterprise global template.
Import projects to Microsoft Project Server.

Setting Up Enterprise Features in Microsoft Project Web Access

The availability of enterprise features for Microsoft Project users is managed in Microsoft Project Web Access.
To enable or disable enterprise features

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.

1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage enterprise features.
1. Under Enterprise options, click Features. The following enterprise features can be enabled or disabled:
Enable enterprise features. If this feature is unchecked, all enterprise features in Microsoft Project Server will be disabled.
Allow master projects in Microsoft Project Server
Allow projects to use local base calendar
Enforce single currency as specified in the enterprise global template
Allow only Microsoft Project Professional to publish to this server
1. Click Save Changes to update the enterprise feature settings.

Setting Up Versions for Projects

By default, only one type of enterprise project version, Published, is defined in Microsoft Project Server. If you want to provide
other version types for users in your organization, you will first need to define them.
To define new versions

1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.

1. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage enterprise features.
1. Under Enterprise options, click Versions.
1. Click Add Version.
1. In the Version box, enter up to 50 characters for the version name. In the Version Archived drop-down list box, indicate
whether this version refers to an archived version. Select the Gantt Bar you want to use to display the version from the
Gantt Bar Name drop-down.
1. Click Save Changes.
You can determine the version of a checked-out project by looking at the title bar. For example:
Microsoft Project - <ProjectName>.<Version>
Saving a version of a project

When connected to Microsoft Project Server, saving a project plan for the first time prompts the user to enter a name for the
project and to specify a version. Internally within Microsoft Project, a project name and version are stored together and separated
by a period. This has two purposes; it supports backward compatibility with earlier versions of Microsoft Project, and it ensures
that all project names saved to Microsoft Project Server are unique to the system.
Before a project can be saved as a version other than Published, there must be a Published version of that project in the Microsoft
Project Server database. The first time you save a project to Microsoft Project Server, you must select Published as the version. If a
Published version of a project already exists, you will be allowed to save a project as a version by using any of the available
version types.
To save a project as a version

1. Open a project from Microsoft Project Server in Microsoft Project Professional.

1. Click File, and then click Save As. In the Save to Microsoft Project Server dialog box, select the version type from the
Version drop-down list box.
1. Click Save.
Opening a version of a project

You can open any version of a project stored in the Microsoft Project Server database in Microsoft Project Professional.
To open a version of a project

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to check out projects.
1. Click File, and then click Open. In the Open from Microsoft Project Server dialog box, select the version of the project
you wish to open
1. Click Open.
If the Read/write to check out option is selected, any project that is checked out to another user will be unavailable.
If the Read-only to view option is selected, any project will be available to check out from Microsoft Project Server, but
only as a read-only project.
Using the Version field when creating custom Project and Project Center views

In previous versions of Microsoft Project and in Microsoft Project 2002 Standard it is only possible to store one version of each
project plan. Any views that contained a project name could rely on that project name being unique. Now, with multiple versions
of a project it is possible to have multiple lines in a Project Center view for a single project.
A new field has been added to the list of available fields, appropriately called Version. It is recommended that this field is added to
all views that contain the Project field. Even if only one project has been selected, as in a Project view, for example, it is useful to
know which version of the project is being viewed. For other types of views—for example, Assignments—only Published versions
display; this is to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.

Setting Up Enterprise Resources

You should set up enterprise resources in Microsoft Project Server before importing projects. This will allow resources in
Microsoft Project Server to be available for mapping against the resources in an imported project.
Importing resources to Microsoft Project Server using the Import Resources Wizard

You can create resources in Microsoft Project and then import those users to Microsoft Project Server using the Import Resources
To create new enterprise resources

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to import resources
to Microsoft Project Server.
1. Choose Tools, select Enterprise Options, and then click Import Resources to Enterprise.
1. In the Import Resources Wizard, click Next.
1. On the Open from Microsoft Project Server page, click Open from File.
1. Select the file that contains the resources that you want to import to Microsoft Project Server and click Import.
1. Next map any custom fields associated with the resources to be imported to a current enterprise resource field by selecting
custom fields in the From and To drop down lists. Click Next.
1. All resources that are eligible to be imported to Microsoft Project Server are listed. You can add more (or correct)
information about a resource and you can choose not to include a resource in the import to Microsoft Project Server. To
view more information about each resource, highlight the resource and click Resource Information. To deselect a
resource, click Select/Deselect All. Click Next to continue.
1. The Import Resources Wizard will inform you when the import process is complete. Click Finish.
Adding resources directly to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project Professional

You can add enterprise resources directly to Microsoft Project Server without using the Import Resources Wizard.
To add resources from Microsoft Project Professional

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to import resources
to Microsoft Project Server.
1. Choose Tools, select Enterprise Options, and then click Enterprise Resource Pool. In the Open Enterprise Resources
dialog box, click Open/Add.
1. Enter the resource information for the resources you want to add. When finished, point to File, and click Close. When asked
if you want to save changes to the enterprise resource pool, click Yes.

Working With the Enterprise Global Template

Microsoft Project Professional 2002 includes a global template file that is loaded from Microsoft Project Server every time a user
opens Microsoft Project. This file acts as a template for common settings like calendars and custom fields that all users within
your organization will use.
The enterprise global template is stored in the Microsoft Project Server database like a project. It can be checked out and modified
just like a normal project, the primary difference being that when you check the enterprise global back into Microsoft Project
Server, all users who subsequently connect to Microsoft Project Server will have the updated new settings in their local projects.
Some items that can be controlled using the enterprise global include:
Enforcing the use of a single currency.
Creating standard calendars
Ensuring that everyone has access to the same custom fields.
Providing for consistent appearances of tables, views, filters, and grouping styles.
Standardizing reports.
Ensuring macros created using Visual Basic for Applications are available for everyone.
Checking out the enterprise global template

To make changes to the enterprise global template, it must first be checked out.
To check out the enterprise global template

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional 2002.

1. Connect to Microsoft Project Server with an account that has permission to check out the enterprise global template.
1. Choose Tools, select Enterprise Options, and then click Open Enterprise Global.
Make any desired changes to the global template. When finished, do the following:
1. Choose File, and then click Close.
1. When asked if you want to save changes to the enterprise global template, click Yes.
Enforcing a single currency

Although it is possible to allow each individual project in your organization to determine its own currency, it isn't practical to do
so because all resources in the enterprise resource pool can only have a single currency associated with them. Microsoft Project
Server allows you to specify a single currency to be used in association with all projects in your organization.
Enforcing a single currency is a two-step process that involves checking out the enterprise global template and specifying a
currency, and then enforcing that currency in Microsoft Project Web Access:
1. Check out the enterprise global template using the steps described in "Checking out the enterprise global template," in this
1. Once you have successfully opened the enterprise global template in Microsoft Project Professional, point to Tools and click
1. On the View tab, under Currency options, enter the currency symbol you want to use in the Symbol box. Use the
Decimal digits and Placement options to further specify how the specified currency will appear in the enterprise global
1. When finished with the currency options, click OK.
1. Check in the enterprise global using the steps described in "Checking out the enterprise global" template," in this article.
When you have finished checking in the enterprise global template, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator. Click Admin.
1. Select Manage enterprise features.
1. Select Features.
1. Check Enforce single currency as specified in the enterprise global template.
1. Click Save Changes.
Importing an existing custom field into the enterprise global

Once you have determined what the outline code definitions should be for your organizations, you can create them directly in the
enterprise global. If you have existing outline codes from Microsoft Project 2000 that you want to use in Microsoft Project 2002,
you can copy them into the enterprise global template.
To import existing custom fields

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to check out and edit
the enterprise global template.
1. Open the project that contains the custom fields that you want to import.
1. Check out the enterprise global by using the steps described in "Checking out the enterprise global template," in this article.
1. Once you have successfully opened the enterprise global in Microsoft Project Professional, point to Tools, click Customize,
and then click Enterprise Fields.
1. Click Task, Resource, or Project (determined by the type of code that you want to import).
1. Select an unused code in the enterprise global and click Rename. Enter a name for the custom field. Click Import Custom
1. In the Import Custom Field dialog box, select the open project you want to import the field from in the Project drop-down
list box, the Field Type (this must be the same as in step 5), and the field you want to import from the Field drop-down list
1. Make any other changes you want to under Custom attributes, Calculation for task and group summary rows, and
Values to display.
1. Check in the enterprise global by using the steps described in "Checking out the enterprise global template," in this article.
Making local changes to the enterprise global template

When users connect to Microsoft Project Server, a read-only version of the latest enterprise global template is copied to their
computers. Users are allowed make changes to enterprise global template items on their local machine, such as table and view
appearances or calendar settings, but will not be able to save these changes when they save their projects. The next time they
connect to Microsoft Project Server, the enterprise global template will revert to the version saved on Microsoft Project Server.
Setting Up Enterprise Projects
Once you have set up Microsoft Project Server, you can connect Microsoft Project Professional to the server and import both new
and existing projects to the enterprise project database.
Importing Projects to Microsoft Project Server using the Import Wizard

The Import Projects Wizard is perhaps the easiest way to add an existing project to the enterprise project database.
To import projects using the Import Projects Wizard

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to import projects to
the Microsoft Project Server database.
2, Choose Tools, select Enterprise Options, and then click Import Project to Enterprise.
1. The Import Project Wizard appears. Click Next. Find the project you want to import and click Import.
1. Verify the name of the project as entered in the Name field. Select the version type from the Version drop-down. Indicate
whether this is a Project or a Template from the Type drop-down list box. Select the calendar to associate with this project
from the Calendar drop-down list box.
1. Map each new resource in the project to an enterprise resource or designate the resource as a local resource (specific to this
project only). Click Next.
1. Map any custom task fields in this project to enterprise custom task fields already defined in the enterprise project global
template. Click Next.
1. Verify task information. If you want to modify this information, highlight a task and click Task Information.
1. Click Import. The Import Projects Wizard will inform you when the import process is complete. Click Finish.
Resolving cross-project links

In Microsoft Project Server, cross-project links (external dependencies) cannot be associated between tasks in projects that have
different versions. This behavior prevents the unintentional duplication of links. When importing projects using the
Import Projects Wizard that have cross-project links, you should keep those projects open so the cross-project links can be
Using the Save As dialog box

Existing non-enterprise projects can be opened and saved directly to Microsoft Project Server by using the Save As dialog box.
However, the resource and custom field mapping available in the Import Projects Wizard will not be available if you use this
method. The Save As dialog box includes a grid of required project custom fields and does not allow saving to the enterprise
database until all required custom fields have values associated with them.
Creating new enterprise projects
If you want to start fresh on a new project and save it to the enterprise database, start in the usual way with any project (click File,
and then click New). Enter tasks and other project-related information. Use the Build Team from Enterprise feature to add
enterprise resources (see "Using the Build Team from Enterprise feature to add enterprise resources to projects," in this article);
any resource you add within this project will remain local to the project unless added to the enterprise resource pool.
To add the project to the enterprise database

1. Click File, and then click Save.

1. In the Save to Microsoft Project Server dialog box, enter the project name in the Name field.
1. Select the version type from the Version drop-down list box. Indicate whether this is a Project or a Template from the
Type drop-down list box.
1. Select the calendar to associate with this project from the Calendar drop-down list box.
1. Click Next.
Using the Build Team from Enterprise feature to add enterprise resources to projects

Enterprise resources are assigned to a project (not to tasks) through the Build Team from Enterprise feature of Microsoft Project
To add enterprise resources to a project using Team Builder

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to open the
enterprise resource pool.
1. Click Tools, and then click Build Team from Enterprise.
1. Select the enterprise resources you want to add to your team by highlighting the resource and clicking Add. You can also
remove or replace team members.
1. When you are finished building your project's team, click OK.
You can now assign these team members to tasks within your project.
Session edits of enterprise resources

You can make changes to an enterprise resource's information at any time; however, only a user with permission to check out the
enterprise resource pool will be able to save changes to a resource's information. Each time you connect to Microsoft Project
Server or check out a new project, all attributes of enterprise resources will be refreshed.
Top Of Page
Distributed Deployment
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On This Page

Overview of Microsoft Technologies that Enable Distributed Deployment

Distributed Deployment Scenarios for Microsoft Project Server
Overview of Microsoft Technologies that Enable Distributed Deployment
Scalability and performance can be defined as the ability of a system to grow and respond to users in a timely manner. How can
you guarantee that your Microsoft® Project Server installation is adequately scalable and can perform optimally? Unfortunately,
there isn't a single configuration that will meet all of your organizations' requirements; however, there are many scalability and
performance options available that can help you get the most out of your Microsoft Project Server installation.
In Microsoft Project Server environments with high demands, scalability (specifically, scaling out) combined with clustering is a
cost-effective way to improve performance and increase availability, allowing your organization to meet the needs of its users.
The method of clustering you choose can be independent of your configuration of Microsoft Project Server, whether you choose
hardware (for example, a router or switch) or software (such as Network Load Balancing) clustering technology.
In general, scaling out has two approaches:
Network Load Balancing (Windows Load Balancing Service) A component of Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced
Server that enables clustering.
Failover clustering A method of providing backup access to applications and hardware in the event of failure.
The components of Microsoft Project Server that can be scaled out are:
Microsoft Project Server database A Microsoft SQL Server® database can be added to a cluster to take advantage of
failover clustering.
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Moving the online analytical processing (OLAP) portion of the Portfolio
Analyzer feature to its own server can significantly improve performance.
SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft Document and issue tracking for Microsoft Project Server is handled by
SharePoint Team Services. This feature is accessible to users of Microsoft Project Server through the Microsoft Project Web
Access user interface.
Microsoft Session Manager Service Replaces ASP sessions in Microsoft Project Server.
View Manager Each time a resource or project is checked in to Microsoft Project Server, the view tables are updated. This
can be extremely processor-intensive; moving this feature to a separate server can greatly reduce the workload for the
Microsoft Project Server computer.

Determining Your Organization's Requirements

There are many elements to consider when determining the scalability and performance requirements of Microsoft Project Server
for your organization. First, you should consider the hosting environment, the number of users (including their usage patterns),
application and database requirements, and security issues. Taken together, these will help you determine how to scale out your
organization's Microsoft Project Server installation.
Once you have determined the requirements, you can then scale out your organization's Microsoft Project Server installation by
using Network Load Balancing (NLB) and failover clustering, depending on which component of Microsoft Project Server you
want to scale out.
Hosting Environment

The scalability requirements for a department installation to serve 20 users are vastly different from that of an extranet
installation intended to serve thousands of users. The first step to determining scalability and performance requirements is to
understand the hosting environment. Specifically, you should consider the following factors:
The number of concurrent users In determining application deployment and hardware configuration, consider not just
the total number of users, but the maximum number of concurrent users. Further, it's a good idea to categorize users
roughly into project managers, team members, and executive stakeholders. Project managers put the most stress on the
application server, but there are usually far more team members than project managers.
The features to be implemented Your organization might not use all of the features of Microsoft Project Server. The
features you use affect the scalability and performance requirements. For instance, if Portfolio Analyzer won't be used, the
installation won't require SQL Server Analysis Services, and the computer where the application is installed will be required
to perform fewer types of transactions. The more features implemented, the greater the load on the computer or computers
running the application.
How the application will be accessed If the application will be accessed from the Internet through a firewall, the
security requirements will be more rigorous than a departmental system run from a desktop-class computer. Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) adds significant stress to application performance.

Number of Users

The number of users in your organization that will be using Microsoft Project Server has a direct effect on your organization's
scalability and performance needs. The core function of Microsoft Project Server is to provide distributed project management
capabilities, including project tracking, collaboration, enterprise project management, and reporting. Beyond that, additional
features that support project collaboration, project portfolio reporting (reporting across projects), and project modeling can be
used. Each of these features has an effect on the overall scalability and performance of the installation.
Project tracking This core functionality is a standard part of Microsoft Project Server and is always installed. Project
tracking consists of assignment posting, timesheet activity, status reporting, and managing views.
Collaboration This feature adds document management and issue tracking. It requires the installation of SharePoint
Team Services. This feature increases the load on the Microsoft Project Server computer, though most of the work is
handled by the server running SharePoint Team Services.
Enterprise project management This feature adds project check in and check out, an enterprise resource pool,
automated resource assignment and substitution, and portfolio modeling. This feature also adds a significant load to the
application server.
Portfolio reporting This feature adds data warehouse reporting and requires SQL Server Analysis Services. Enterprise
project management must be used to enable portfolio modeling. This feature set adds additional load over and above that
which is used by adding enterprise project management.
The actual range of users that determine the configuration will vary, based on the ratio of usage categories and the class of
servers selected for the application tier:
For evaluation of very small departmental or workgroup installations, Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) is an appropriate
database server. The default installation of Microsoft Project Server will install MSDE on the same server as Microsoft
Project Server.
For medium installations in the approximate range of 10 to 1000 total users, the minimum configuration should separate
the database server from the application server. Optimally, SQL Server Analysis Services and SharePoint Team Services will
each be deployed on separate computers; as usage increases, dedicated computers will be required.
For installations greater than 1000 users, or installations that are business-critical, multiple application servers should be
deployed. Such configurations will require a high-end database server computer.
For more information about how to determine the best way to configure your installation of Microsoft Project Server, see the
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Architecture and Extensibility white paper on TechNet.
Application and Database Requirements
Before you scale out your Microsoft Project Server installation, you should ensure that you have the computers and hardware on
hand that can support the requirements of the applications. Microsoft Project Server requires SQL Server 2000 in an enterprise
For more information about application requirements, see the following articles on the Product and Technology Catalog Web site:
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Requirements
SharePoint Team Services Requirements
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Requirements

Security Issues
Access to Microsoft Project Server data and its functionality is secured primarily through application security, although SharePoint
Team Services and SQL Server Analysis Services require Microsoft Windows® security. To secure access from the Internet, it is
highly recommended that you implement Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This adds additional overhead, however, and can
significantly affect the performance of Microsoft Project Server. You can minimize the effects of this by implementing hardware
encryption/decryption by either using an onboard card or by using a front-end router that controls Internet ingress and egress.
Sample Hardware Configurations
System requirements for Microsoft Project Server are documented in Microsoft Project Server 2002 Requirements at the Product
and Technology Catalog Web site, as well as in the file PjSvr10.htm, found on the installation CD. Microsoft Project Server can be
configured to run on hardware ranging from a single, powerful, workstation-class desktop computer to an array of data-center-
class server computers. The following list shows some of the possible Microsoft Project Server hardware configurations:
One computer Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and MSDE
Two computers IIS plus SQL Server 2000
Three computers IIS plus SQL Server 2000 plus SharePoint Team Services
Four computers IIS plus SQL Server 2000 plus SQL Server Analysis Services plus SharePoint Team Services
Note As scalability and performance requirements increase, you can use additional computers to further distribute the
Microsoft Project Server is designed to be deployed across several computers for additional scalability and performance. In the
second, third, and fourth examples listed above, Microsoft Project Server is deployed across different computers so that the
application runs on a computer with IIS (an application server), the database resides on a computer with SQL Server, while
SharePoint Team Services and SQL Server Analysis Services are installed on two other computers. While this does distribute the
total workload, running Microsoft Project Server itself on a single computer can still cause a bottleneck. To scale out even further,
Microsoft Project Server can be deployed across multiple computers running IIS. It should be noted however, that there can be at
most one computer running each of SharePoint Team Services, SQL Server, and SQL Server Analysis Services for a given
Microsoft Project Server installation.
Network Load Balancing
The number of users that Microsoft Project Server can handle on a single computer is limited by the number and speed of the
processors, the amount of memory, and other factors, such as bus speed, I/O speed, and L2 cache. One way to improve scalability
and performance is to upgrade the computer where Microsoft Project Server is installed. However, one extremely powerful
computer can be more expensive than several less-powerful computers, and also may not be as scalable or perform as well.
You can use Network Load Balancing (NLB), a component of IIS, to distribute workload over multiple computers. This reduces the
workload on any individual computer, and adds performance equal to the capabilities of each additional computer. NLB helps
keep applications responsive under heavy client loads. NLB allows you to spread incoming requests across as many as 32 servers.
NLB automatically detects the failure of a server and quickly reassigns client traffic among remaining servers. This helps prevent
uninterrupted services for critical business applications.
For more information about Network Load Balancing, see:
Network Load Balancing Technical Overview on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Web site.
Configuring Network Load Balancing (article 240997) on the Product Support Services Web site.
Internet Information Server Resource Guide on TechNet.

Failover Clustering
Failover clustering can be used with a database stored in SQL Server or with the OLAP features that are part of SQL Server
Analysis Services. Failover clustering is a process in which the operating system and SQL Server work together to provide
availability in the event of an application failure, hardware failure, or operating system error. Failover clustering provides
hardware redundancy through a configuration in which mission critical resources are automatically transferred from a failing
machine to an equally configured server.
Failover clustering provides high availability for an overall scale-up and scale-out solution that accommodates backups,
redundancy, and higher performance. If software and/or hardware problems occur, failover clustering, combined with other high
availability methods, can enable a production environment to be up and running in a short amount of time.
SQL Server failover clustering is built on top of a Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Datacenter Server cluster, which provides
high availability, scalability, and manageability for resources, applications, and server resources in the event of hardware failures
or other unplanned events. Unlike Network Load Balancing, failover clustering transfers to another server when an application
within a cluster becomes unavailable.
SQL Server Analysis Services supports scalable OLAP cubes in Microsoft Project Server, allowing you to distribute cube data
across multiple servers or to link together cubes stored on different servers. A distributed, partitioned cube is administered on a
central Analysis server.
For more information about failover clustering, see:
Windows Clustering on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Documentation Web site.
Chapter 12 - Failover Clustering in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit on TechNet.
Chapter 13 - Working with Clusters in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit on TechNet.
Microsoft Cluster Server

Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) is a feature of Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows Datacenter Server that supports the
connection of two or more servers into a cluster. MSCS can automatically detect and recover from server or application failures,
providing high availability, manageability, and scalability for applications running on servers in the cluster.
For more information about MSCS, see:
Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Cluster Service on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Web site.
Solution Spotlight: Keep Critical Applications Available with Cluster Service on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Web site.
Integrating WLBS and MSCS (article 223157) on the Product Support Services Web site.
Microsoft Cluster Service Installation Resources (article 259267) on the Product Support Services Web site.
Failover clustering of SQL Server

Failover clustering of SQL Server allows the operating system and SQL Server 2000 to work together to provide availability in the
event of a hardware, application, or operating system failure. You can set up a SQL Server cluster via the SQL Server Setup
For more information about clustering and SQL Server 2000, see:
SQL Server 2000 Failover Clustering on the MSDN Web site.

Microsoft Project Server Components

The components of Microsoft Project Server that can be scaled out are:
Microsoft Project Server database A SQL Server database can be added to a cluster to take advantage of failover
SQL Server Analysis Services Moving the online analytical processing (OLAP) portion of the Portfolio Analyzer feature
can significantly improve performance.
SharePoint Team Services Provides document and issue tracking for Microsoft Project Server; available to users of
Microsoft Project Server through Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Session Manager Service Replaces ASP sessions in Microsoft Project Server.
View Manager Every time a resource or project is checked in to Microsoft Project Server, the view tables are updated.
Moving this feature to a separate server can greatly reduce the workload for the Microsoft Project Server computer.
Microsoft Project Server Database

Although the Microsoft Project Server database may be part of a database cluster, it should be deployed on its own server outside
the IIS cluster.
SharePoint Team Services

It is possible to install SharePoint Team Services on the same computer as Microsoft Project Server; however, significant
performance gains can be realized by installing it on its own computer. If you are using SharePoint Team Services in a large
organization (more than 500 people) you should consider setting up multiple computers on which to run it. It is not difficult to
run anywhere from 10 to 50 virtual servers on a typical Web server that is hosting SharePoint Team Services, which is in the scale
of use for most deployments of Microsoft Project Server. You should add virtual servers based on considerations of network
usage, network performance, and how many concurrent users you expect to have. SharePoint Team Services uses one thread per
connection, so concurrent usage is limited by the amount of memory on the server running it. For example, based on default
settings for SharePoint Team Services, a server with 256MB of RAM can handle roughly 120 concurrent users; a server with
512MB can handle about 280 concurrent users. You can create virtual servers for SharePoint Team Services through the
Microsoft Project Web Access interface, once SharePoint Team Services is installed and configured for Microsoft Project Server.
In terms of scalability in relation to SharePoint Team Services, you should consider the following:
How many virtual servers can be hosted on the server on which you have installed SharePoint Team Services?
How many databases are required for your installation of SharePoint Team Services?
How much memory (RAM) is required for your installation of SharePoint Team Services?
For more information about SharePoint Team Services, see the Large Scale Deployment of SharePoint Team Services or
Departmental Deployment of SharePoint Team Services articles on TechNet.
View Manager

When projects are published to Microsoft Project Server, a copy of the project is uploaded and used to create project view data.
This process is extensive because it must open the project in the Microsoft Project OLE DB provider to save the data and build the
views. You can deploy the View Manager on its own server outside of the cluster to improve the scalability and performance of
Microsoft Project Server. See the section "Microsoft Project Server Clustering Utility," below, for more information.
SQL Server Analysis Services

SQL Server Analysis Services is required in order to use the Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project Server. If SQL Server
Analysis Services is installed on a different computer from Microsoft Project Server, the Decision Support Objects (DSO)
component of Analysis Services must be installed on the Microsoft Project Server computer.
While it is possible to install SQL Server Analysis Services on the same computer with SQL Server (and all of these on the same
computer as Microsoft Project Server), significant performance gains can be realized by installing SQL Server Analysis Services on
its own computer.
To add SQL Server Analysis Services and DSO to Microsoft Project Server, do the following:
Insert the SQL Server 2000 installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, or connect to an administrative installation point.
If you are installing from the SQL Server 2000 installation CD with AutoPlay enabled, click SQL Server 2000 Components
in the SQL Server 2000 Setup program, or on the SQL Server 2000 CD-ROM (or administrative installation point), browse
for and run the file named Autorun.exe.
On the Install Components page, click Install Analysis Services.
In the SQL Server Analysis Services Setup program, on the Select Components page, clear all the components except
Decision Support Objects and Client components.
Microsoft Session Manager

The Session Manager tracks which user is engaged in what actions in which area of Microsoft Project Web Access. It replaces ASP
sessions for Microsoft Project Server and, when used in a clustered environment, should be deployed on its own server outside
the cluster. This allows users to be directed to any one of the clustered application servers.
Top Of Page
Distributed Deployment Scenarios for Microsoft Project Server
Administrators of large enterprises must ensure the availability and performance of applications on their network. As the number
of Microsoft Project users in your organization grows, Microsoft Project Server can respond to these demands by distributing the
workload hot-spot services, like session management for Microsoft Project Web Access clients or the views processing service for
publishing projects, onto additional machines. This section details methods of deploying Microsoft Project Server in a distributed
environment to facilitate scaling out and increased overall Microsoft Project Server feature availability for users in your
The three scenarios for distributed deployment described in this article are:
Using one Microsoft Project Server machine and one application server This moves the Windows NT Services from
the server running Microsoft Project Server to another machine.
Using a Microsoft Project Server cluster and one application server This increases the number of concurrent
connections to Microsoft Project Server, enabling greater access for clients (applies to Microsoft Project Web Access and
Microsoft Project Professional).
Using one or more Microsoft Project Server machines and multiple application servers This increases the
availability of the core Windows NT Services (Views Processing, OLAP and Reminder Processing, Session Manager, and
Trace Services) that are used by Microsoft Project Server.
Before implementing distributed deployment of Microsoft Project Server, you should understand or review the following
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide (PjSvr10.chm), which can be found on the Microsoft Project Server CD. In
addition, you should see the file Readme.htm for any last-minute updates.
The Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines white paper on TechNet.
All machines that are part of a Microsoft Project Server distributed environment must meet the minimum system
requirements for Microsoft Project Server. For more information about these requirements, see Microsoft Project Server
2002 Requirements on the Product and Technology Catalog Web site
The SQL Server 2000 Failover Clustering article on the MSDN Web site.

Using One Microsoft Project Server Machine and One Application Server

Figure 1. Using one Microsoft Project Server machine and one application server
To set up Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment using one Microsoft Project Server machine and one application server

Follow the steps described in "Setting up an Application Server," below, to set up an application server for use with
Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment.
On the Microsoft Project Server machine, complete the modifications to the registry to recognize the Application Server as
described in, "Configuring Microsoft Project Server to run with an Application Server" below. This will point the Microsoft
Project Server machine to the Core Services on the application server.
When finished, test the installation.

Using a Microsoft Project Server Cluster and Two Application Servers

Figure 2. Using a Microsoft Project Server cluster and two application servers
To set up Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment using a Microsoft Project Server Cluster and one application server

Follow the steps described in "Setting up an Application Server," below, to set up an application server for use with
Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment.
Configure additional machines for Microsoft Project Server by following the Microsoft Project Server system requirements,
and install Microsoft Project Server on the additional machines exactly as it was installed on the primary machine.
On each of the Microsoft Project Server machines, complete the modifications to the registry to recognize the Application
Server as described in, "Configuring Microsoft Project Server to run with an Application Server" below. This will point the
Microsoft Project Server machines to the Core Services on the application server.
Add the new Microsoft Project Server machines to the Microsoft Project Server cluster.
When finished, test the installation.

Using One or More Microsoft Project Server Machines and Multiple Application Servers
Figure 3. Using one or more Microsoft Project Server machines and multiple application servers
To set up Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment using one or more Microsoft Project Server machines and multiple application

Configure a Microsoft Project Server machine or a Microsoft Project Server cluster, as described in the two previous
Follow the steps described in "Setting up an Application Server," to set up each application server you want to use with
Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment. Configure an additional application server to become a standby
application server. Add the standby application server to a cluster containing the primary application server as a non-
converged member, or configure the standby application server with the same domain name as the primary application
server to eliminate the need for clustering hardware and software.
Run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool on the standby application server as described in "Microsoft Project
Server Distributed Setup Tool," below. Set all properties on the standby application server to be identical to the properties
on the primary application server.
Either remove the standby application server from the cluster, or power it down. Then, add or restart the standby application
server and finally, add the machine to the same cluster that the application server is part of.
Verify that Microsoft Project Server is able to work properly with the application server.

Setting up an Application Server

To set up an Application Server for use with Microsoft Project Server in a distributed environment

On a server that meets the minimum system requirements for Microsoft Project Server, install Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS). This machine will become the application server, while your original machine will remain the
primary Microsoft Project Server machine.
Run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool on the application server or set up the application server manually,
using the steps described in "Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool," below.
Once you have completed the installation of the Microsoft Project Server Core Services on the application server, open the
<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Project Server\Bin folder, and find the ViewsDrop folder.

Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool

Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup is a configuration tool that installs the Core Services on your application server. You
must first download the file Prjsbox.msi, and then run the tool.
To download Prjsbox.msi

Download the Distributed Setup Tool (prjsbox.exe) file from the Microsoft Project Server Tools section of the resource kit
Save Prjsbox.msi to a computer running Microsoft Project Server.
To run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool

To run the Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup tool, double-click the file Prjsbox.msi. The Microsoft Project Server
Distributed Setup dialog box appears.
In the User information box, enter your User Name, Initials, and Organization as you entered them for Microsoft
Project Server. Click Next. In the End-User License Agreement dialog box, check the I accept the terms in the License
Agreement box. Click Next.
In the Installation options dialog box, make sure that all options (View Processing, OLAP and Reminders Processing,
Session Manager, and Trace Service) are set to Run from My Computer. Click Next.
In the Enter database server information dialog box, complete the Database server and Database name boxes, and
click Next.
In the Enter database account information dialog box, complete the Logon Name and Password fields for the
Microsoft Project Server user and for the Microsoft Project Professional user. The Microsoft Project Server user must be a
member of the MSProjectServerRole role and the Microsoft Project Professional user must be a member of the
MSProjectRole role in the SQL Server database. Click Next.
In the Enter Analysis Services dialog box, complete the Analysis Server, Logon Name, and Password fields. This is the
same information entered during Microsoft Project Server Setup or in Microsoft Project Web Access (click Admin, Manage
enterprise features, Update resource tables and OLAP cube). Click Next.
In the SMTP mail server information dialog box, complete the SMTP Mail Server, Port, and From Address fields. This is
the same information entered in Microsoft Project Web Access (click Admin, Customize Microsoft Project Web Access,
Notifications and reminders). Click Next. Click Finish to install Core Services on your application server.
Manually configure Core Services for an Application Server

Instead of running Prjsbox.msi (see "Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool," above, for more information) to install Core
Services on an application server, you can do this manually.
To manually install Core Services on an Application Server

Install a full version of Microsoft Project Server on the application server. Point it to the correct existing database server and
select "Enter this information later" for all optional features, except SMTP and Analysis Services (if required).
Use the Internet Information Services administrative tool (click Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Services
Manager) to delete the Microsoft Project Server virtual directory (default name is "ProjectServer").
Create a public share for the \Microsoft Project Server\Bin\ViewsDrop\ directory. Grant Change and Read permissions to
the user specified in the Windows NT Domain account that needs to access the application server.
Configuring Microsoft Project Server to run with an Application Server

To place views processing and other core services on your application server

Using the regedit command, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ Office\10.0\MS Project\ folder.
Under the \WebClient Server\<Virtual Directory>\Services\SessionMgr folder (in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE path
described in Step 1), open the folder that has the GUID for the server running Microsoft Project Server. Find the (Default)
registry entry, and change the value to the name of the new application server. The default entry should be the current
Microsoft Project Server computer.
Under the \Services\Configuration\Views Notification\ folder (in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE path described in Step 1), add
the following registry entry:
Type = String
Name = ForwardUNC
Value = Pathname to the ViewsDrop directory on the designated notification processor outside of the Microsoft Project
Server (usually the application server)
Run the Services tool on the Microsoft Project Server computer. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then open the
Administrative Tools folder to find the Services tool.
Open the Microsoft Project Server Scheduled Process Service property. On the General tab, click Stop to stop this
property. If this service is not needed, click Disabled to prevent this service from being run when the server is started. Click
Open the Microsoft Project Session Manager Service property. On the General tab, click Stop to stop this property. If
this service is not needed, click Disabled to prevent this service from being run when the server is started. Click OK.
Open the Microsoft Project Views Notification Service property. On the Log On tab, click This Account, and enter the
user name and password for the user granted Change and Read permissions to the application server. This is the same user
name/password combination that has access to the <drive>:\Microsoft Project Server\bin\Views Drop\ folder on the
Microsoft Project Server computer.
Top Of Page
International Server Deployment
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Overview of Microsoft Project Server International Features

Planning an International Deployment
Preparing Users' Computers for International Use
Deploying Microsoft Project Server Internationally
Maintaining International Installations
Overview of Microsoft Project Server International Features
Microsoft® Project Server supports use by multilingual and multinational companies with a language plug-in called
Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Pack. To add language support after you have finished installing Microsoft Project Server,
simply install the MUI Pack for the language you want to add. This gives your organization the centralized functionality of a
workgroup environment, plus language-specific features designed for international users. Though Microsoft Project Server must
be installed with a primary language, for example English or Japanese, Microsoft Project Web Access and Microsoft Project client
applications allow you to work on project files in any supported language.
Some of the features that enable international support include the following:
The MUI Pack allows you to install, deploy, and use Microsoft Project Server in a mixed-language environment that can be
tailored to the language requirements of individual users or entire organizations. Users will be able to use Microsoft Project
Server in their own language and seamlessly collaborate with other users in their own languages.
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access now support Unicode, as well as code page-based information.
This makes it easier to display information in a user's native language when accessing project data through the Microsoft
Project client or Microsoft Project Web Access.
SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft allows users to add documents and issues in their native languages if these
documents are created in Microsoft Office 2000 or Microsoft Office XP. Other users will be able to view these documents in
their native languages when they check them out from the server.
Numbers, dates, and times are now based on a user's regional settings, as determined by the user's computer and the
Microsoft Project client application.
Currency formats are determined at the time each new project is created and are maintained for all users of the project.
Input Method Editor (IME) is a software utility that converts keystrokes to characters in a language where characters
represent words or syllables. Microsoft Project Server supports IMEs for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and
Traditional Chinese for use in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Top Of Page
Planning an International Deployment
You can install, customize, and maintain a single version of Microsoft Project Server throughout a multinational organization.
Plug-in language features allow users in foreign locales to continue working in their own languages. Alternatively, you can deploy
a localized version of Microsoft Project Server for each language-speaking area.
Before installing Microsoft Project Server, you should determine which language you want to install as your primary language for
your organization. Data stored in the Microsoft Project Server database and the interaction between Microsoft Project Server,
Microsoft SQL Server™, Microsoft Project Web Access, and Microsoft Project Professional 2002 is based on your choice of a
primary language.
After installing Microsoft Project Server (which sets your primary language), determine which languages you need to add to your
Microsoft Project Server installation. Add the languages by installing the correct MUI Pack onto Microsoft Project Server. Some
users will need to install the language upgrades for Microsoft Internet Explorer in order to take advantage of the full multilingual
capabilities of Microsoft Project Web Access.
The MUI Pack for Microsoft Project Server is available from the Microsoft Project Server Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
There are eighteen languages available: Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Traditional Chinese.

The MUI Pack for Microsoft Project Standard 2002 or Microsoft Project Professional 2002 is available through Microsoft licensing
programs such as Open, Select, and Enterprise Agreement. The MUI Pack can also be purchased from Microsoft Licensing or from
a reseller. The MUI Pack for Microsoft Project includes the following languages: Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Hebrew,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.

Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Swedish, and Thai are available only as language-specific
versions of Microsoft Project and not from within a MUI Pack. For more information about the MUI Pack for Microsoft Project
2002, see the International Deployment resource kit article.

Microsoft Project Server Installation Language

Microsoft Project Server uses the installation language setting found in the registry to determine which language will be the
primary language during installation. This language setting is the locale ID (LCID) assigned to the value entry InstallLanguage,
which Microsoft Project Server Setup creates in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\10.0\MS Project\WebClient Server\Languages
The DefLCID name/value pair indicates the default language for Microsoft Project Web Access. The default language is used
whenever Internet Explorer is not set to a specific language. See "Viewing Microsoft Project Web Access in other languages" in
this article for more information about how to set a language preference in Internet Explorer. Any installed languages will have an
LCIDnnnn entry in the registry, where "nnnn" is the four-digit language code, for example, 1033 for English or 1031 for German.
Microsoft Project Server code page limitations

A code page (or character set) defines the numeric representation of characters for a given set of languages. For example, the
Western European languages use a common code page (1252) and Central European languages (such as Czech and Polish) use a
different, common code page (1250), while Japanese has its own code page (932).
Since characters are stored in their numeric representation, it is the code page that determines the character that is displayed to
the user. If the code pages between the Microsoft Project Server language, the SQL Server database, and the client operating
system running Microsoft Project Professional are not the same, characters stored in the database may be interpreted incorrectly,
which could lead to errors.
The language version of Microsoft Project Server dictates the language of the enterprise global template, which contains items
such as views, calendars, and the default version name for projects. Since the enterprise global template is saved in the SQL
Server database, if the code page of the database does not match the code page of the language of Microsoft Project Server, the
information in the enterprise global template will not be stored properly.
To use different language versions of Microsoft Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server, the following conditions must
be met:
The code page of the computer running SQL Server must match the code page of the computer running Microsoft Project
The code page of the client computer running Microsoft Project Professional 2002 must match the code page of the
computer running Microsoft Project Server.
The enterprise global template must contain a calendar with the localized name for the Standard Calendar for the language
version of the code page of the client computer running Microsoft Project Professional.
How Microsoft Project Professional reads and writes data to the database server associated with Microsoft Project Server is a key
issue. Microsoft Project Professional communicates with the SQL Server database through ODBC by sending and receiving ANSI
characters. If the code page of the client computer running Microsoft Project Professional is not compatible with the code page of
the computer running SQL Server, characters will be translated incorrectly or, if unrecognized, will be converted to the "?"
Problems can occur when Microsoft Project Professional users open an enterprise project, the enterprise global template, or the
enterprise resource pool where: (1) a project, calendar, or version name contains extended characters and (2) the user's operating
system code page setting does not match the server database's code page setting. In this case, the extended characters are
converted to "?" characters. If the user saves the project, the project name will have changed because the original extended
characters were converted to "?" characters. This results in a new project being created.
As a result, the code page of the computer running SQL Server and the code page of the client computer running Microsoft
Project Professional must be the same. For example, to use the English version of Microsoft Project Professional with the Japanese
version of Microsoft Project Server, the client computer running Microsoft Project Professional must have its code page set to
Microsoft Project Server Multilanguage User Interface Pack

You can deploy the MUI Pack to take full advantage of the international features available to users of Microsoft Project Server. For
administrators, the core functionality of Microsoft Project Server allows you to deploy a single version of the server, regardless of
the users' language-speaking area. You can then add the language packs and allow users to select their own language settings,
enabling them to use Microsoft Project Web Access and receive e-mail notifications and reminders in the language of their choice.
SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft
SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft must be installed in the same installation language as Microsoft Project Server.
SharePoint Team Services does not support the same pluggable user interface as Microsoft Project Server because SharePoint
Team Services is installed as a separate application that is connected to Microsoft Project Web Access through the Documents and
Issues links in the top-level navigation. This restricts the user interface to a single language per installation of Microsoft Project
Server. Even if a user can switch languages in Microsoft Project Web Access, all documents and issues stored in the Documents or
Issues areas will remain in the language that SharePoint Team Services was installed in.
Ensuring that SharePoint Team Services URLs are in Unicode

If your Web server computer uses the same code page as a user's client computer, you can use double-byte characters in names,
as long as you have set up the Web server running SharePoint Team Services to send URLs in Unicode. Making sure SharePoint
Team Services sends and receives URLs in Unicode is a two step process:
First, in Microsoft Internet Explorer, do the following:
1. Select Tools.
1. Click Internet Options.
1. On the Advanced tab, select Browsing.
1. Make sure the Always send URLs as UTF-8 box is checked.
1. Click OK.
Next, you must configure the server running SharePoint Team Services to be able to receive requests for URLs in Unicode. In the
following registry folder:
Set the following entries:
Name = FavorDBCS
FavorDBCS = 0
Data = 0

Other Issues to Consider Before Installation

You should also consider these issues before installing Microsoft Project Server:
If Microsoft Project Server has multiple language packs installed, end users can choose the language for their notification
and reminder e-mails. This option is available in the Subscribe to Notifications and Reminders page on the Microsoft
Project Web Access Home Page.
Microsoft Project Web Access supports surrogate pairs if Microsoft Windows® XP Professional is the operating system
used by the client machine. If Windows 2000 is used, there can be issues with the display of surrogate extension-B
Top Of Page
Preparing Users' Computers for International Use
All of the international features of Microsoft Project Server are designed to work on Windows 2000 Server, the recommended
operating system for Microsoft Project Server. End users can interact with data stored on Microsoft Project Server through
Microsoft Project Web Access or Microsoft Project Professional, both of which support multilingual use, as long as the operating
systems of the computers those applications are running on support multilingual use. You can also set Web browsers, fonts, and
printers to take better advantage of international features.
Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Professional are both designed to work on Windows 98, Windows Millennium
Edition (Windows Me), Windows NT® 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Some of these operating systems, such as Windows
2000 and Windows XP, are better suited to handling multiple languages.
Users of Microsoft Project Web Access will need to have Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher installed on their machine. For more
information about setting up Microsoft Project in an international environment as a client application, see the Basic Installation
resource kit article.
Choosing an Operating System

Microsoft Project Server must be installed on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (with Service Pack 1 or later), or on Windows 2000
Advanced Server.
Microsoft Project Web Access is run on the client machine through a Web browser. It will provide the best multilingual support if
it is installed on a system with an operating system that supports the international features of Microsoft Project Server. Windows
98, Windows Me, and Windows NT 4.0 provide adequate support for most international languages available for Microsoft Project
Web Access. If your organization requires support for Asian or right-to-left languages, Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft
Windows XP Professional will provide the best level of support for display of project data in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Choosing a Primary Language
Microsoft Project Server supports the Unicode encoding method, which means that most features in Microsoft Project Server
support language changes in the Microsoft Project Web Access user interface. However, some features are based on code pages
—such as those that depend on the underlying operating system—and will not work correctly unless the operating system
supports the interface language.
For example, Microsoft Project Professional does not use Unicode when saving files to the Microsoft Project Server database. So,
if you have Japanese characters in a project and the code page of the client computer saving the project to the database is
Japanese, but the code page of the database server is English, these characters will not get translated correctly.
When installing Microsoft Project Server, you should take into account this limitation and install the language version of Microsoft
Project Server that will meet the language requirements of the greatest number of users in your organization.
Choosing a Web Browser

Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher is required to access the Microsoft Project Web Access interface. Support for switching languages
displayed in the user interface is an integral component of Internet Explorer 5.5, and having Internet Explorer 5.5 installed ensures
that this functionality will be available for any user of Microsoft Project Web Access.
Viewing Microsoft Project Web Access in Other Languages
Microsoft Project Server supports multilingual use as long as the appropriate MUI Pack has been installed on Microsoft Project
Server and the language has been made available in Internet Explorer. Once these two steps have been taken, users of Microsoft
Project Web Access will be able to switch the language displayed in the user interface between the primary language for
Microsoft Project Server and any language added via an MUI Pack. Language support for Microsoft Project Server is automatically
handled with the installation of the MUI Pack. Language support in Internet Explorer must be done manually.
To add support for a language in Internet Explorer:
1. Click Tools.
1. Select Internet Options.
1. On the General tab, choose Languages.
1. In the Language Preference dialog box, select the language you need to add support for.
1. Click OK.
Top Of Page
Deploying Microsoft Project Server Internationally
Microsoft Project Server is designed to be used in a multilingual environment, either by installing localized versions of the
application for each language you need, or by adding a Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Pack to your primary language
installation for each additional language your organization needs support for.
Instead of deploying a new version of Microsoft Project Server for each language that your organization needs to support, you
can simply install the MUI Pack for the language you need as an add-on to Microsoft Project Server. Some scenarios for installing
an MUI Pack instead of a localized version of Microsoft Project Server include:
When you need to simulate a localized version of Microsoft Project Server for a small group of users who don't actually
need a localized version of Microsoft Project Server.
When you need to have different language options available on the same computer or users who need to switch between
languages while using Microsoft Project Server.
When you need editing support for a specific language.

Multilanguage User Interface Packs

The MUI Pack for Microsoft Project Server includes files that allow users to display the Microsoft Project Web Access user
interface and Help in multiple languages. By installing an MUI Pack, you can deploy a single version of Microsoft Project Web
Access to all users, regardless of their language-speaking area. You can then customize the installation to include local language
capabilities or allow users to select their own language settings.
Microsoft Project Web Access detects a user's Internet Explorer language setting. If the Language Pack for that language is
installed on Microsoft Project Server, it will display the Microsoft Project Web Access user interface in that language. For example,
if you want to view Microsoft Project Web Access in Korean, and its MUI Pack is installed on Microsoft Project Server, you will be
able to view the Microsoft Project Web Access user interface in Korean.
Make sure you install Microsoft Project Server before using the MUI Pack to add languages. Once Microsoft Project Server is
installed, run the MUI Pack Setup Wizard for the language you want to add. If you install a localized version of Microsoft Project
Server, the default language setting for Microsoft Project Web Access will be in the same language. All localized versions of
Microsoft Project Server will contain an English version as well, in case you want to switch the language settings to English.
MUI Packs for Microsoft Project Server can only be installed on a machine that already has Microsoft Project Server installed. They
are available for the following languages:
Brazilian Portuguese (PSLPK_BP.exe)
Czech (PSLPK_CS.exe)
Danish (PSLPK_DA.exe)
Dutch (PSLPK_NL.exe)
Finnish (PSLPK_FI.exe)
French (PSLPK_FR.exe)
German (PSLPK_GE.exe)
Hebrew (PSLPK_HB.exe)
Italian (PSLPK_IT.exe)
Japanese (PSLPK_JP.exe)
Korean (PSLPK_KO.exe)
Norwegian (PSLPK_NO.exe)
Polish (PSLPK_PL.exe)
Russian (PSLPK_RU.exe)
Simplified Chinese (PSLPK_SC.exe)
Spanish (PSLPK_ES.exe)
Swedish (PSLPK_SV.exe)
Traditional Chinese (PSLPK_CH.exe)
Features available in Multilingual User Interface Packs

The MUI Pack Setup program installs features that allow you to change the language of the user interface and Help, including the
User interface
User interface fonts (Asian languages and Hebrew)
Installing Multilingual User Interface Packs

To add an MUI Pack to Microsoft Project Server, do not use the Microsoft Project Server Setup program. If you attempt to run the
Microsoft Project Server installation program twice, you will not be able to install a second copy of Microsoft Project Server.
Instead, run the appropriate MUI Pack EXE for the language you want to add to Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Server
MUI Packs can be downloaded from the Microsoft Project Server Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Removing Multilanguage User Interface Packs

In a busy international organization, a user might need the Microsoft Project 2002 MUI Pack for a particular language installed on
a computer for short-term use. When a user no longer needs to work with files in that language, or if a traveling user moves on,
these MUI Pack files remain on the computer. You can remove a MUI Pack, or even individual languages.
To remove a Microsoft Project Server MUI Pack

1. Click Start, point to Settings, then click Control Panel.

1. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
1. Choose the Change or Remove Programs option.
1. Click Microsoft Project 2002 <language> User Interface Pack.
1. Click Remove.

Input Method Editor

Input Method Editor (IME) is a software utility that converts keystrokes to characters in a language where characters represent
words or syllables. Microsoft Project Server supports IMEs for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese for
use in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Top Of Page
Maintaining International Installations
Microsoft Project Server makes it easy to install and maintain an international deployment of Microsoft Project.

Taking Advantage of Unicode Support

Microsoft Project Server is based on an international character encoding standard called Unicode. Unicode support in Microsoft
Project Server allows users to work with projects in their own languages, interact with project data using a single Microsoft
Project Web Access URL, and save all project data to a single Microsoft Project Server database, as long as the SQL Server
computer is set up to support the languages users want to have interact with the installed language.
Microsoft Project Server also provides the conversion tables necessary to convert code page-based data to Unicode and back
again for interaction with previous versions of Microsoft Project, plus font support that allows users to create multilingual
documents with text from multiple scripts.
Differences between a code page-based environment and a Unicode-based environment

In a code page-based environment, each script has its own table of characters. Documents based on the code page of one
operating system rarely travel well to an operating system that uses another code page. In some cases, the documents cannot
contain text that uses characters from more than one script.
For example, if a user running the English version of Windows 2000 with the Latin code page opens a plain text file created in the
Japanese version of Windows XP, the code points of the Japanese code page are mapped to unexpected or nonexistent characters
in the Western script, and the resulting text is unintelligible.
The universal character set provided by Unicode overcomes this problem. Microsoft Project 98 was the first version of Microsoft
Project to support Unicode. Microsoft Project 2000 and Microsoft Project 2002 also support Unicode, although some elements of
the user interface, such as elements that depend upon the underlying operating system are limited to characters defined by the
code page of the user's computer.
Using Unicode in file names

Using Unicode characters in file names is supported in Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP Professional. In Windows
98 and Microsoft Windows Me, however, using Unicode characters in file names is not supported, and file names must use
characters that exist in the code page of the operating system.
Top Of Page
Managing a Successful Server Deployment
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Minimum Hardware
Installation Best Practices
Data Migration
This article provides an overview of the tasks required for a successful deployment of Microsoft® Project Server, and contains
highlights, hints, and pointers to other relevant articles that will assist you in planning and managing your installation.
Before you start the planning phase of your Microsoft Project Server deployment, it is strongly recommended that you review the
comprehensive installation guide for Microsoft Project Server. This installation guide, Pjsvr10.chm, can be found on the Microsoft
Project Server Setup CD; you may also download a copy from Microsoft Project Server Help Files in the General Reference Tools
section of the resource kit toolbox.
For more information about deploying Microsoft Project Server in an enterprise, see Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation
Framework Files in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the resource kit toolbox. The Enterprise Implementation
Framework (EIF) includes a complete Microsoft Project plan that guides you through the process of gathering system
requirements, designing your Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Professional implementation, creating a pilot
program, training users, and rolling out the system.
Top Of Page
There are two fundamental tasks that you should perform when upgrading to Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project
2002. Before you start the Microsoft Project data migration and conversion process, you should:
Determine which files you want to convert to Microsoft Project 2002, and then use a virus-scanning program to scan the
files for viruses.
Create backup copies of the files you want to convert.

See Also

For a roadmap and planning guide to Microsoft Project Server installation, see the topic "Microsoft Project Server installation
roadmap" in the Microsoft Project Server installation Help file, Pjsvr10.chm, which is found on the Microsoft Project Server Setup
CD; you may also download a copy from Microsoft Project Server Help files in the General Reference Tools section of the resource
kit toolbox.
For more information about upgrading, see the Before You Upgrade resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Minimum Hardware
One of the first steps in planning a Microsoft Project Server deployment is to verify that you have adequate hardware. The
following minimum requirements are essential in a successful deployment.
Available hard disk space Approximately 70 megabytes (MB) for Microsoft Project Server. For disk space requirements for
additional products and components that are required for advanced Microsoft Project Server functionality or for optional features,
refer to the documentation for those products and components.
Processor Intel Pentium 500 Megahertz (MHz) or higher (minimum Intel Pentium III 700 MHz recommended), or similar
Memory 128 MB RAM or more (minimum 512 MB recommended).
In addition to hardware requirements, there are also operating system and feature requirements. You should review these
requirements in The Server Platform resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Installation Best Practices
Required Components
The enterprise deployment of Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Professional consists of five primary server
Databases for storing project plan data, Microsoft Project Server application data, enterprise resource data, SharePoint™
Team Services from Microsoft document location and inventory, and issues tracking data.
Microsoft SQL Server™ Analysis Services (used to create the Online Analytical Processing [OLAP] cube).
Specific application-related service accounts (for both SQL Server and for user authentication based on Microsoft Windows
The Microsoft Project Server Web application.
SharePoint Team Services.
Each of these components requires some configuration before the Microsoft Project Server Setup program can be run. For best
results, the configurations should be made sequentially, as discussed in the next section.
Installing Microsoft Project Server and Associated Applications
The following can be used as a checklist of events that need to occur, and their order of occurrence. If you follow this sequence
and refer to the recommended Web articles and Help topics, you should have a successful installation.
Install SQL Server 2000.
Configure the ProjectServer database in SQL Server to use Mixed Authentication method for Microsoft Project Server
Install SQL Server Analysis Services.
Create an OLAP Administrator account in SQL Server.
Read the topic "Add users to cube database roles in Analysis Services" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server
Installation Help file.
Create a SharePoint Team Services Administrator account in SQL Server.
Create a SharePoint Team Services Database account in SQL Server.
Migrate the SQL Server Analysis Services repository.
Read the topic "Migrate Analysis Services repository to a SQL Server database" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server
Installation Help file.
Install Microsoft Project Server (this assumes you will be using a SQL Server database).
Read the topic "Microsoft Project Server administrator account" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server Installation
Help file.
Install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Create a default Web with a valid MSADC virtual directory, with Access Granted to IP address for the computer.
Install SMTP service for e-mail notifications and reminders.
Install the Indexing Service—this is used for search capabilities.
Install SharePoint Team Services.
Read the topic "Run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server Installation Help file.
Read the topic "Configuration details for SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project
Server Installation Help file.
Read the Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services resource kit article.
Install Microsoft Project Professional on a client machine.
At this point, you should be able to type the URL for the Microsoft Project Server in a Web browser and use the Administrator
account to log on.

Microsoft Project Server Follow-up Tasks

After installing Microsoft Project Server, you will need to perform the following administration tasks:
Disable the Remote Data Services DataFactory object. Read the topic "Disable the Remote Data Services DataFactory object"
in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server Installation Help file.
Run the PSCOMPlus utility, then enter the administrator accounts.
Ensure that the SharePoint Team Services database was installed correctly.
Check Microsoft Management Console (MMC) in IIS and in SQL Server to ensure that the string "0000" follows the
ProjectServer name. If SharePoint Team Services was installed, ensure that the _LM_W3SVC_1_Collab database was created.
Run Proxycfg.exe to configure the proxy server for SharePoint Team Services. Read the topic "Configuration details for
SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft Project Server Installation Help file.
Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with Administrator privileges, and click Admin.
Create the SQL Server Analysis Services OLAP Cube—in the Admin Center, click Manage enterprise features, then click
Update resource tables and OLAP cube.
Read the Reporting in Microsoft Project Server resource kit article.
Configure the SharePoint Team Services data—click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
Ensure that the MSADC Virtual Directory was configured properly.

Microsoft Project Professional Follow-up Tasks

After successfully completing the installation of Microsoft Project Server, the client machines must be configured to communicate
and share information with the server. Configure client machines as follows.
In Internet Explorer, make the Microsoft Project Server URL a trusted site.
Create user accounts in Microsoft Project Web Access and decide on a user authentication method—Windows
authentication or Microsoft Project Server authentication.
Configure Microsoft Project Server connection information for a client computer running Microsoft Project Professional.
Check out the enterprise global template. This file acts as a template for common settings like calendars and custom fields
that all users within your organization will use. When you check the enterprise global template back into Microsoft Project
Server, all users who subsequently connect to Microsoft Project Server will have the updated new settings in their local

Avoiding Potential Problems

Prior to installation, you should:
Ensure that you have mixed-mode SQL authentication enabled—otherwise, you will encounter errors during the execution
of SQL scripts.
Upgrade to Microsoft Desktop Engine 2000 or later; failure to do so will result in error messages when scripts run later
during the installation.
Perform a screen capture of the STSWIZ window at the end of the installation, or write everything down—you'll need all of
this information during Setup.
Top Of Page
This section provides general guidelines for planning a Microsoft Project Server configuration that will provide suitable
performance, given a set of organizational requirements. Performance is also influenced by hardware and software
configurations, and is likely to change significantly as a server's environment and configuration change. The proposed
configuration should be thoroughly pilot-tested in your environment before you finalize the configuration of any server, including
Microsoft Project Server.

Performance should be a consideration during the planning phase, as well during usage. Issues such as the number of users,
hardware, hardware configuration, and software configuration all interact with each other and affect performance. During the
planning phase, if you address the following issues, you can improve on your enterprise performance:
Server platform hardware
Use of separate servers for Microsoft Project Server, Windows 2000, IIS, and SQL Server
Internet and network hardware configuration
The number of users
Software compatibility and configuration

Scalability is an important factor to consider when designing your deployment. To get the full value out of Microsoft Project
Server in proportion to the cost of ownership, it is very important to allow room for the system to grow in both number of users
and the amount of data. For more information, see the Microsoft Project 2002 Enterprise Project Management Architecture Guide
article on MSDN.
See Also
For more information about performance and scalability, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines article
on TechNet.
Top Of Page
Uses for Security

Microsoft Project Server security can be used in a number of ways:

Protect confidential data from other users There may be sensitive projects or data, such as resource rates, that need to
be protected. If information is being supplied externally from the organization to clients, suppliers, or partners, there may be
some information or details that should not be disclosed.
Secure data from malicious or accidental damage Project data is extremely valuable. Ensuring that only appropriate
users have access to that data, and removing functionality from those users that don't need it reduces the chance of
accidental or malicious loss of data.
Provide data to users depending on their information needs and functionality requirements The security model
can be configured to personalize information so that users see data relevant only to them. For example, resources should
only be interested in their own work, making access to project and portfolio views unnecessary.
Enforce project management process discipline within the organization Assigning functionality to roles can help
ensure (or relax) discipline around an organization's project management process. For example, you can remove the options
for adding, rejecting, and delegating tasks from resources.

To gain access to Microsoft Project Server, users are required to log on. This process identifies and authenticates them against the
user accounts within Microsoft Project Server. Users can be identified by using their Windows account or by using their own
account in the Microsoft Project Server authentication system. The method of authentication can be set for each individual user.
The administrator of Microsoft Project Server can enforce one method of authentication only, or specify a mixed environment. The
choice of authentication method will depend on the IT environment, the organization's security policies, and user preferences. The
advantages of using Windows Authentication include automated logon and better-integrated security (using the same user name
and password as a user's network account). Microsoft Project Server authentication has the advantage that usernames and
passwords can be administered locally.
See Also
For more information about planning for security, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Architecture and Planning Guide
article on TechNet.
Top Of Page
Data Migration
At a high-level, the migration process for Microsoft Project Professional includes:
Understanding user roles, frequency of use and number of users in different roles, and their reporting needs.
Determining which enterprise features you will need for your organization, such as portfolio analysis and resource
substitution features.
Determining which required enterprise fields, calendars, and views need to be included in the enterprise global template.
This may require pilot-testing the enterprise global template.
Installing and configuring Microsoft Project Server. You will need to review server hardware and software requirements
thoroughly before upgrading.
Adding or importing enterprise resources. Enterprise resources must exist before they can be assigned to project teams.
Importing projects to the enterprise.
In preparing for data migration, it is important to understand that migrating from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project
Server is not a turnkey conversion. Instead, approach it as a classic data migration process: first install the database tools to which
you are upgrading, and then migrate the data. To migrate Microsoft Project Central data, break the process into two sequential
phases: migrating resource information, and migrating project plans.
Process all active update messages in Microsoft Project Central. In Microsoft Project Server, transactions replace project
update messages, and update messages cannot be upgraded.
Prevent further updates to the Microsoft Project Central server database by shutting down IIS on the machine where
Microsoft Project Central is installed. The database should not be accessed during the conversion process, and shutting
down IIS ensures this.
Copy and save any status reports that should be kept. Existing status reports cannot be upgraded.
Back up the Microsoft Project Central server database.

See Also
For detailed instructions on data migration, see the topic "Upgrade to Microsoft Project Server" in Pjsvr10.chm, the Microsoft
Project Server Installation Help file.
For more information about data migration, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Data Migration article on TechNet.
For more information about upgrading the Microsoft Project Central server database, see the Upgrading the Microsoft Project
Central Server Database resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Server Customizing Installation
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The articles in this section provide the information you need to deploy a custom installation of Microsoft Project Server effectively
and efficiently for your organization.
Microsoft Project Server Registry and Global Settings
Working with the Microsoft Project Server Setup Program
Top Of Page
Server Deployment
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section offer information for customizing and installing Microsoft Project Server across your organization.
Basic Server Installation
Distributed Deployment
International Server Deployment
Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services
Managing a Successful Server Deployment
Microsoft Project Server and Web Technologies
Microsoft Project Server and the Internet
Top Of Page
Server Environment
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section describe the new Microsoft Project Server platform, which enables secure collaboration and resource
management across a company or enterprise.
Overview of Microsoft Project Server
The Server Platform
Top Of Page
Server Management and Support
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The articles in this section describe the tools that enable administrators to guide and control their users' interaction with Microsoft
Project Server across an organization.
Customizing and Administering Microsoft Project Server
Reporting in Microsoft Project Server
Upgrading the Microsoft Project Central Server Database
Using the SetTracing Utility
Top Of Page
Overview of Microsoft Project Server
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On This Page

Using Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project Server

Microsoft Project Server Architecture
Microsoft Project Server and Secure Sockets Layer
Using Microsoft Project 2002 and Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Web Access is the interface you use to work with information stored in Microsoft Project Server. Depending on
the permission settings used to log on to Microsoft Project Server and whether Microsoft Project Server is configured for
Microsoft Project Standard or Microsoft Project Professional, users may perform different project activities or see different project
Microsoft Project Web Access provides access to specific Microsoft Project Server information in the following centers:
Home Center The Home Center allows quick access to Microsoft Project Server information and helps users decide which
centers they need to visit first. For example, team members may learn they have new tasks and need to go to the Tasks
Center to see them. What users see in the Home Center depends on access permissions set by the Microsoft Project Server
administrator. The administrator may also have customized the Home Center.
Tasks Center The Tasks Center allows team members to view, edit, and update project task assignments that have been
made in Microsoft Project. They can work with tasks in either a Gantt Chart or a Timesheet view. Users can only see
information that the Microsoft Project Server administrator has given them permission to see. In the Tasks Center, users can
perform numerous activities regarding their tasks (such as viewing, creating, and delegating tasks) and working times (such
as transferring nonworking time from their Microsoft Outlook® Calendar and sending working day updates to the project
Project Center The Projects Center allows users to view portfolios of projects or individual projects. They can see either
summary information about multiple projects or detailed information about individual projects. They can also create to-do
lists, which are lists of tasks that are not associated with a project. If Microsoft Project Server is configured for Microsoft
Project Professional, the Project Center allows users to model a project by creating different project and resource cost
scenarios, and to analyze projects and resources by using PivotCharts and PivotTables.
Resource Center Resource information in the Resource Center is available only if Microsoft Project Server is configured to
work with Microsoft Project Professional. The Resource Center allows users to view, modify, and analyze information about
resources. They can also view the availability of resources, resource allocation across projects, and assignments made
through Microsoft Project Server.
Status Reports Center The Status Reports Center allows project managers to request, collect, and consolidate text-based
status reports. A status report is a narrative description from team members about whatever subjects are relevant to an
organization. It allows team members to respond to status reports and send them to their managers. Status reports can be
set up so that project managers receive both individual submissions and a merged or compiled status report that groups
responses per section into a single status report.
Updates Center The Updates Center allows project managers to review updates to project tasks and to resource working
times sent to you from the resources' Tasks Center. In this center, they can also update their Microsoft Project plans with the
latest information and view historical information after updates are made to the Microsoft Project plans.
Documents Center The Documents Center allows users, such as project managers and team members to easily manage
project-related documents by viewing them, uploading them, and linking them to tasks by using Microsoft Project Web
Access. Documents can provide others with helpful information during the course of the project. Before working with
documents, a Web server running SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft must be installed and configured properly for
Microsoft Project Server.
Issues Center The Issues Center is useful for tracking issues that arise throughout the project life cycle as it allows users,
such as project managers and team members, to view and submit issues. Issue tracking improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of project management because it allows them to communicate about problems and related action items with
team members and stakeholders. Before project managers can track issues, a Web server running SharePoint Team Services
must be set up and configured properly for Microsoft Project Server.
Admin Center The Admin Center allows an administrator to set defaults and define users and security for Microsoft
Project Web Access and to set defaults for some Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server features. In the Admin
Center, an administrator can perform numerous activities, such as managing users and groups, user permissions, views,
organization, and enterprise features.
Most of the instructions for using Microsoft Project Web Access are contained within the centers themselves. Users can also click
Help on the menu bar within each center for additional instructions. They can also point to items, such as buttons and options, to
see tips about the items.
Additionally, administrators have the ability to add new centers and links to other web pages, as well as changing the order of
items in each center, the order in which the centers display, and which items are in which centers. This functionality can be
accessed in the Admin Center by clicking Manage organization, and then clicking Menus.

Preparing for Team Collaboration

Keeping Microsoft Project Server information secure

When Microsoft Project Server is installed, it creates a default user called Administrator, and you are prompted to set a password.
Use strong passwords that combine upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords don't mix these
elements. Strong password: Y6dh%e. Weak password: House27. Use a strong password that you can remember so that you don't
have to write it down.
Customizing Microsoft Project Server

Most Microsoft Project Server features can be used without further configuration. However, you might want to do additional work
such as setting up views for your team, selecting authentication options for logging on, and customizing the look of Microsoft
Project Web Access centers. You can find instructions for these activities in the Admin Center and in Help for Microsoft Project
Web Access. A certain amount of thought should be put into how you wish to define your groups and security settings prior to
rolling out your server. You do not want to give users permissions they do not need, but you also need to ensure that they aren't
hindered from doing their work by overly restrictive permissions.
Preparing Microsoft Project Server for team collaboration

After establishing authentication settings, project managers can configure Microsoft Project for team collaboration with Microsoft
Project Server. In Microsoft Project Standard, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) pointing to the Microsoft Project Server Web
site should be entered. For Microsoft Project Professional, the Microsoft Project Server URL and user name are automatically set
when a Microsoft Project Server account is selected upon startup. Team members need to use this URL in their browsers to
display the Microsoft Project Server Home Center in Microsoft Project Web Access.
To enter the URL to Microsoft Project Server in Microsoft Project Standard

1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Collaborate tab.
1. To change the collaboration system for the current project, in the Collaborate using box, click Microsoft Project Server.
1. In the Microsoft Project Server URL box, type the URL for Microsoft Project Server.
1. Under Identification for Microsoft Project Server, select one of the following logon methods:
Windows user account This method requires your Microsoft Windows® user account to identify yourself as the project
manager to Microsoft Project Server. Windows user accounts offer the strongest security for your project files. In addition,
when you use a Windows user account, you are automatically authenticated when you use Microsoft Project Web Access to
access Microsoft Project Server, so you don't need to enter a user name or password.
Microsoft Project user name This method requires Microsoft Project Server authentication and your user name to
identify yourself to Microsoft Project Server. Each time you access Microsoft Project Server, you are required to enter this
user name and a password.
1. If you want to establish a Microsoft Project Server account before you publish a project, click Create Account.
1. To apply your collaboration settings to all new projects, click Set as Default.
To enter the URL to Microsoft Project Server in Microsoft Project Professional

1. On the Tools menu, click Enterprise Options, and then click Microsoft Project Server Accounts.
1. In the Microsoft Project Server Accounts dialog box, click Add.
1. In the Account Name box, type a friendly name for this account.
1. In the Microsoft Project Server URL box, type the URL for Microsoft Project Server, using the format
1. Under When connecting, select one of the following logon methods:
Use Windows user account This method requires your Microsoft Windows user account to identify yourself as the
project manager to Microsoft Project Server. Windows user accounts offer the strongest security for your project files. In
addition, when you use a Windows user account, you are automatically authenticated when you use Microsoft Project Web
Access to access Microsoft Project Server, so you don't need to enter a user name or password.
Use a Microsoft Project Server account This method requires Microsoft Project Server authentication and your user
name to identify yourself to Microsoft Project Server. Each time you access Microsoft Project Server, you are required to
enter this user name and a password.
For more information on using the collaboration features of Microsoft Project, see Help for Microsoft Project.
Microsoft Project Server Accounts for Team Members
If Microsoft Project Server permissions allow automatic account creation, Microsoft Project Server accounts for your team
members are created automatically when you publish their assignments to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project.
If you use Microsoft Project Professional, every team member that has been added to the Enterprise resource pool is
automatically added as a Microsoft Project Server user.
If you want team members to use their Windows user account rather than their Microsoft Project user name for authentication on
Microsoft Project Server, you can establish the Windows user account name for them in Microsoft Project.
To use a team member's Windows user account for Microsoft Project authentication

1. On the View menu, click Resource Sheet.

1. In the Resource Name field, select a team member whose Windows user account you want to add.
1. Click Resource Information, and then click the General tab.
1. In the Windows Account box, enter the team member's Windows user account, using the format
DomainName\UserName . You must use this format for Microsoft Project to recognize Windows user accounts correctly.
1. Repeat steps 2-4 to add Windows user accounts for other team members.
If you don't specify Windows user accounts for team members in Microsoft Project, their resource names will be used to create
Microsoft Project Server accounts. These accounts are authenticated using Microsoft Project Server authentication; team members
will see a logon screen in Microsoft Project Web Access, and they will have to enter their user names and passwords. By default,
team members' passwords are blank the first time they log on to Microsoft Project Server using a Microsoft Project Server
account. For security purposes, it is highly recommended that they set their passwords during their initial session using strong
passwords that combine upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords don't mix these elements. Strong
password: Y6dh%e. Weak password: House27. They should set a strong password that they can remember so that they don't have
to write it down.
User accounts can also be established by a Microsoft Project Server administrator in Microsoft Project Web Access or Microsoft
Project. In Microsoft Project Web Access, an administrator can click Manage users and groups in the Admin Center, and then
click Add User.

Working Offline with Microsoft Project Server

When Work Offline is selected on the File menu in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Project Web Access can be accessed from the
Favorites menu and users can work with Microsoft Project Server while offline.
Offline, however, users are limited to perform the following activities:
View, edit, and save changes to their timesheets for a specified time period. Users must be online to send updates for their
Edit and save changes to status reports. Offline, team members cannot send status reports or view previously submitted,
previously edited, or late status reports, and project managers cannot view resource status report responses or create and
send new status report requests.
View the Home Center without the ability to view new or updated assignments. Managers will not be able to create or run
rules to process messages.

See Also
To learn more about administration and maintenance for Microsoft Project Server, see the Customizing and Administering
Microsoft Project Server resource kit article.
To learn more about setting up and creating Microsoft Project Server views, see the Managing Views in Microsoft Project
Web Access section of the Reporting in Microsoft Project Server resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Architecture
Database Architecture
Microsoft Project Server uses Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 as a data repository. SQL Server 2000 provides the scalability and
performance required for Microsoft Project Server.
The Microsoft Project Server database architecture has changed from the database schemas used in Microsoft Project 2000 and
Microsoft Project Central. Microsoft Project Server combines all of the table sets into a single database, providing scalability,
performance, data access, and maintainability. The database schema used by Microsoft Project Server is a collection of four sets of
tables, each with its own uses and data sets.
Microsoft Project 2002 tables

Microsoft Project 2002 tables are the data repository used by Microsoft Project Professional. All of the data about every version of
every project in your portfolio is stored in this set of tables, along with enterprise resources and the enterprise global template.
These tables are similar to the database schema used by Microsoft Project 2000; there are additional tables and fields, but no
existing fields or table names from the Microsoft Project 2000 database schema have been altered, so any reports or SQL queries
that worked directly against the Microsoft Project 2000 database schema will work against the Microsoft Project 2002 database
schema. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention MSP_*.
Microsoft Project Web Access tables

The Microsoft Project Web Access tables are based on the database schema that was used by Microsoft Project Central. New
tables have been added and others have been redesigned or eliminated to increase the scalability, performance, and functionality
of Microsoft Project Web Access. These tables store the project data that is shared with your executives and resources, including
each resource's task list as well as the high-level project data reported in the Project Center (formerly Portfolio View in Microsoft
Project Central). Resource task updates are also stored in these tables for approval by the project manager. The links between
tasks, issues, and documents are stored here as well. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention
Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube tables

The Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube tables are a new set of tables added to Microsoft Project Server to accommodate the
OLAP reporting features available in Microsoft Project Web Access. This set of tables is used as the staging and fact tables for
creation of the OLAP cube through SQL Server Analysis Services. The data in these tables is manually updated by clicking a button
in the Admin Center of Microsoft Project Web Access; in addition, the data can be automatically updated periodically (weekly, for
example) by a process that is part of Microsoft Project Server. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention
Microsoft Project Server view tables

The Microsoft Project Server view tables are another new addition to Microsoft Project Server that increase the performance and
scalability of the project analysis views from the Project Center. These tables provide an expanded view of the project data
contained in the Microsoft Project 2002 tables as described above, and they look similar to the tables exposed through the
Microsoft Project OLE DB provider. These tables are excellent sources for generating reports across multiple projects because they
are updated every time a user checks in an edited project from Microsoft Project Professional or updates enterprise code values
through Microsoft Project Web Access. The Microsoft Project Server view tables are used as a reporting mechanism only and
should be treated read-only. All tables that are a part of this set follow the naming convention MSP_VIEW_*.
Data Security Architecture
The data security model has been greatly enhanced for Microsoft Project Professional when it connects to Microsoft Project
Server. A key element of the new data security model is the Project Data Service (PDS).
Project Data Service
The Project Data Service (PDS) is the middle layer between Microsoft Project Professional and the Microsoft Project Server
database. The PDS gathers information about the user who is currently logged on to Microsoft Project Server to determine which
information that user has been granted access to see from the Microsoft Project Server database. Each user's permissions are
determined by the permissions the user has been granted in Microsoft Project Web Access—providing a single place to set
security on your project management data.
In some cases, the PDS returns data that has already been filtered back to Microsoft Project Professional in XML format. In other
cases, the PDS acts as the security gatekeeper for the project management data stored in the Microsoft Project Server database.
In the end, the PDS plays an important role in the entire Microsoft Project 2002 system. However, a user will never know that the
PDS exists, since it is used behind the scenes to provide the functionality that Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project
Professional require.
Behind the scenes, the PDS can function as follows:
Security Gatekeeper Before performing any action on behalf of a user, the PDS validates that the user is currently logged
on to Microsoft Project Server. This action gives the PDS the proper context to check the security and permissions
associated with each user. The permissions for each user are determined from Microsoft Project Web Access; in other
words, if a user has permissions to check out a project in Microsoft Project Web Access, then the PDS grants that same level
of access to that project for the same user. Therefore, all user permissions are controlled through the administration pages
of Microsoft Project Web Access.
Data Middle Layer In some cases, the PDS gathers and filters data on the server side and returns the filtered data to
Microsoft Project Professional (or another client calling the PDS) in XML format. For example, suppose a user opens a
project by clicking Open on the standard toolbar or from the File menu in Microsoft Project Professional when it is online.
Microsoft Project Professional calls a method on the PDS that gathers all the projects in the portfolio that the current user
has been granted access to see in Microsoft Project Web Access. The PDS returns this list of projects to Microsoft Project
Professional in XML format, including all relevant information about the projects, including name, version, checked-out
state, and the level of permissions the user has for each project returned. This process ensures that in the Open Project
dialog box, the user sees only those projects that he or she has been granted access to, as well as the level of permissions
the user has for each of those projects. Similar methods are available for resources as well, both when a user opens
resources to update the core resource information and when a user adds resources to the enterprise resource pool.
All of the PDS methods are exposed through the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is the standard object access
protocol that is at the core of the Microsoft .NET services. So third parties can use the PDS methods through Microsoft Visual
Studio® 6.0 using the SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Service Pack 2, as well as Visual Studio 7. Microsoft Project Server and the PDS are built
to be easily accessed and extended now and in the future.
For more information about PDS, see The Project Data Service and Microsoft Project Server Security Architecture article in the
Microsoft Project 2002 Software Development Kit on MSDN.
Database Security

Microsoft Project Server's enterprise features include a significant revision in how Microsoft Project connects to the project
database. When Microsoft Project 2000 opened a project from the database, it binds directly to the Microsoft Project tables in the
database. If the user's data source name (DSN) allowed read/write access to the database, Microsoft Project could open and save
changes to any project in the database, including projects managed by other project managers.
Microsoft Project Professional uses connections without a user-created DSN to bind to SQL Server views of the Microsoft Project
2002 tables. The SQL Server views contain only the information required to open the project, resource, or resources selected by
the user. This information only exists in the SQL Server views while Microsoft Project is opening or saving projects or resources.
The Microsoft Project 2002 architecture provides application-level security through the PDS and database-level security through
the SQL Server views.
Microsoft Project Server security tables

Two additions to the Microsoft Project 2002 tables are the project security table and the resource security table. The PDS is the
only component that directly accesses the security tables. To access data in the Microsoft Project Server database, a client
(Microsoft Project Professional or a third party client) first needs to make a call to the PDS to request the database connection
information, which includes a managed SQL Server user name and password stored on the Microsoft Project Server computer.
Next, the client creates a connection to the SQL Server using this managed SQL Server account. Each SQL Server connection has a
unique identifier called a SQL Process ID (SPID), and the client gathers the SPID from the connection. This SPID is passed as a
parameter to the PDS when the user requests access to a project or resource. The PDS uses the following procedure to process
the request:
The PDS checks that the user is logged on to Microsoft Project Server.
The PDS checks that the user who is currently logged on has permission to access the requested project or resource.
If the user has the correct permissions, the PDS inserts a record into the appropriate security table and returns a successful
result to the client.
Each security table row has fields for the project ID or resource's enterprise unique ID, as well as the SPID and flags for whether
the user was granted read-only access or read/write access to the project or resource. After the client has completed reading or
writing data to the database, another PDS method is called that revokes the access to the project or resource by deleting the
appropriate rows in the appropriate security table.
SQL Server 2000 views

To ensure that the data exposed to the client's connection to the database server is filtered, the client connection with the
managed account only has access to a set of SQL Server views. Each base table that is part of the Microsoft Project 2002 database
tables has four sets of SQL Server views associated with it: project read-only, project read/write, resource read-only, and resource
read/write. Each view performs a select on the base table and filters the data by performing a join with the appropriate security
table—relying on the SPID as the primary key to perform the filtering. In addition, each view specifies the SQL command WITH
CHECK OPTION, which prevents any data from being read or updated through the view that does not meet the filtered definition
of the view query. Therefore, if there is no entry in the security table granting access to the requested project or resource, the SQL
Server view would be completely empty.
SQL Server 2000 permissions

The managed SQL Server account that is used by clients to connect to the database server has the minimum SQL Server
permissions required to perform the requested actions against the data in the database. The managed account has only select
permissions against the read-only views and only has select, insert, update, and delete permissions against the read/write views.
The managed account does not have any rights to access any of the tables in the database at all. This ensures that any connection
made using that managed account can only access data after access has been requested and granted by the PDS.
Data Security Process

The process that Microsoft Project Professional goes through to access project data from the Microsoft Project Server database is
as follows:
Call the PDS to request the database connection information.
Make a connection to the database using that information and gather the SPID for that connection.
Call the PDS to request access to the project or resource that the client needs to access and pass along the SPID from the
previous step.
Make queries against the appropriate set of SQL Server views to gather and/or update the required information.
Call the PDS when the access is no longer required in order to maintain security of the data.
Views Architecture

The Microsoft Project Server database view tables provide all of the project data that is needed for creating views (reports) in
Microsoft Project Web Access. The view tables contain all of the information about projects and resources necessary to create the
views, including Project Center views.
The Microsoft Project Server view tables are updated when a Microsoft Project user does any of the following:
Publishes a project plan from Microsoft Project 2002 to Microsoft Project Server.
Checks-in an enterprise project that has been modified.
Checks-in an enterprise resource.
Updates the resource availability tables.

See Also

For more information on setting up views, see the Managing Views in Microsoft Project Web Access section of the Reporting in
Microsoft Project Server resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server and Secure Sockets Layer
Because project management data is a valuable company asset, Microsoft Project Server should be configured to utilize Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect this data. This is especially important if Microsoft Project Server is exposed to the Internet, which is
strongly discouraged.

Secure Sockets layer protection

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the technology used to encrypt and decrypt messages sent between the browser and server. By
encrypting the data, you protect messages from being read while they are transferred across the Internet. SSL encrypts a message
from the browser, then sends it to the server. When the message is received by the server, SSL decrypts it and verifies that it came
from the correct sender (a process known as authentication).
SSL consists of software installed on both the browser and server. If you are using a recent version of any of the major browsers,
support for SSL is built into the browser. But you still need to activate SSL on the browser and install it on your Web server.
Several companies, including Verisign,, and Equifax offer SSL encryption and authentication tools. Verisign's digital
certificates, for example, are already installed in most recent versions of the major browsers.
SSL doesn't prevent the message from being intercepted. Although it's not impossible to decrypt the message, it would be
extremely difficult without the server's private key.

Secure Socket Layer encryption process

SSL handles the scrambling of messages for you so that only the intended recipient can read it. At a high level, the
encryption/decryption process includes the following steps:
1. The user browses to the secure Web server's site.
1. The user's SSL secured session is started and a unique public key is created for the browser (using the certificate authority's
root certificate).
1. A message is encrypted and then sent from the browser using the server's public key. The message is scrambled during the
transmission so that nobody who intercepts the message can make sense of it.
1. The message is received by the Web server and is decrypted using the server's private key.
The process of SSL encryption relies upon two keys: the server's public key and private key. The private key only exists on the
Web server itself and is used by the Web server to encrypt and decrypt secure messages. The public key exists on any client
computer that has installed a root certificate for that Web server. Once the public key is installed, the user can send encrypted
messages to and decrypt messages received from the Web server.

Obtaining certificates
To set up SSL support for your IIS-based Web site, you first need to get the appropriate digital certificates from a certificate
authority. When you go to a certificate authority's Web site and begin the process of applying for the certificates, the steps are
relatively straightforward. You'll need to fill out information about your company, who to contact, and valid documentation for
your organization. Usually the articles of incorporation will suffice for the certificate authority to approve your certificates. This
process may seem tedious, but it is necessary for the certificate authority to verify that your organization is legitimate.
Assuming that the certificate authority grants your request for a new digital certificate, they will send you a file via e-mail. This is
your server certificate.
See Also

For information about security features within Microsoft Project 2002, see the Microsoft Project Server Security Architecture and
Planning Guide article on MSDN.
Top Of Page
Reporting in Microsoft Project Server
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Architecture of Microsoft Project Server Views

Managing Views in Microsoft Project Web Access
Setting Up Portfolio Analyzer Views in Microsoft Project Web Access
Importing Views from Microsoft Project Central into Microsoft Project Web Access
Microsoft® Project Server provides powerful reporting tools that range from simple project and resource views to Portfolio
Analyzer, a powerful feature of Microsoft Project Server that uses online analytical processing (OLAP) to create detailed project
and resource views.
This section introduces the Microsoft Project Server views architecture, including a general overview of how the views
architecture functions, and steps through the processes of creating project, resource, Portfolio Analyzer, and custom views.
Architecture of Microsoft Project Server Views
The Microsoft Project Server database view tables provide all of the project data that is needed for creating views (reports) in
Microsoft Project. Views contain all of the information about projects and resources necessary to create the views, including
Portfolio Analyzer drill-down views.
The Microsoft Project Server view tables are updated when a Microsoft Project user does any of the following:
Publishes a project plan from Microsoft Project Professional 2002 to Microsoft Project Server. See "Publish a project plan,"
in this article, for more information.
Checks in an enterprise project. See "Check in an enterprise project," in this article, for more information.
Checks in an enterprise resource. See "Check in an enterprise resource," in this article, for more information.
Updates the resource availability tables. See "Update resource availability tables," in this article, for more information.

Publish a Project Plan

A user can publish a project plan to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project Professional 2002 by doing the following:
1. On the Collaborate menu, point to Publish, and click Project Plan.
1. Follow the steps in the succeeding dialog boxes. For more information about publishing a project plan to Microsoft Project
Server from Microsoft Project, see the topic "Publish project information on Microsoft Project Server" in Microsoft Project
Help (in Microsoft Project, click Help, and click Microsoft Project Help).
When a user publishes a project plan to Microsoft Project Server, the following sequence of events occurs:
1. A Microsoft Project (MPP) file is created for the project file and sent to the Project Central Business Object (PCBO) on the
Microsoft Project Server in the form of a Post command.
1. The PCBO saves the MPP file to a temporary directory.
1. A Project ID for the project is received from the Microsoft Project Server database and assigned to the project plan.
1. The PCBO opens a connection to the saved project using the OLE DB Provider on Microsoft Project Server and publishes a
set of tables to the database, overwriting any existing tables for that project.
1. Once the process is complete, the file saved to the temporary directory is deleted.

Check in an Enterprise Project

A user can check an enterprise project into Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project Professional 2002 by closing a project
that is currently open, or by importing a project that has been saved as a file.
To import a project

1. On the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options, and click Import Project to Enterprise.
1. Follow the instructions in the wizard to select the project and import options you want. For more information about
publishing a project plan to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project, see the topic "Import a project to Microsoft
Project Server" in Microsoft Project Help (in Microsoft Project, click Help, and click Microsoft Project Help).
When a user checks in an enterprise project, the following sequence of events occurs:
1. Microsoft Project Professional 2002 makes a check in request to Microsoft Project Server through the Portfolio Data Service
1. The PDS makes a request to the PCBO to publish the project summary record to the view tables.
1. The PCBO updates the view tables with the updated project summary information and, if successful, checks in the project.
1. The PDS then requests that the PCBO post the project that has just been checked in.
1. The PCBO returns the ID for the project from the Microsoft Project Server database.
1. The PCBO then makes a request to the OLE DB Provider on Microsoft Project Server to connect to the project in the
1. All relevant information for that project is retrieved and saved to the View tables, overwriting any existing information for
that project.

Check in an Enterprise Resource

A user can check in an enterprise resource to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project Professional 2002 by doing the
1. On the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options, and then click Import Resources to Enterprise.
1. Follow the instructions in the wizard to select a file that contains the resources you want to import. For more information
about publishing a project plan to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project, see the topic "Add resources to the list of
enterprise resources" in Microsoft Project Help (in Microsoft Project, click Help, and click Microsoft Project Help).
When a user checks in an enterprise resource, the following sequence of events occurs:
1. The PDS makes a request to the PCBO with a list of enterprise resource Unique IDs (ERUID).
1. The PCBO retrieves the resource availability information based on a date range determined by the person making the
request to update the resource view tables.
1. The PCBO opens a connection with the OLE DB Provider with the list of ERUIDs.
1. The OLE DB Provider opens a temporary project that contains just the selected enterprise resources.
1. The PCBO reads out the data from the temporary project and posts them to the Resource View tables, overwriting any
existing records for those resources.

Update Resource Availability Tables

Resource availability tables are updated for a specified time range. To set the date range and the update frequency for the
resource availability tables, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access. Click Admin.
1. Click Manage enterprise features.
1. Click Update resource tables and OLAP cube under Enterprise options.
1. On the Update resource table and OLAP cube page, under Date range for resource availability and Update
frequency, choose the settings you want for the resource availability tables.
Top Of Page
Managing Views in Microsoft Project Web Access
Views are simply a way to create a visible list of data that is targeted at the type of user that has been given permission to access
the view. Views allow project team members to see more than just the tasks, assignments, and projects they are working on.
Views can also allow project and resource managers to communicate critical information about their projects throughout their
organization. For example, some views allow team members to see information about just their projects. Other views can be used
to assist project and resource managers to keep track of their project's tasks, check to see which resources are available, and then
match the needs of their projects to the skills of available resources.
Views are created in Microsoft Project Web Access. Views are secure because permission has to be granted to a user in order for
them to see a specific view. Often, the creation of views will fall on a core group of project management experts responsible for
maintaining the integrity of project data.
Views can be accessed by Microsoft Project users in the following locations:
The Tasks, Projects, and Resources links in Microsoft Project Web Access.
The Project Center, Resource Center, and Portfolio Analyzer options in the Collaborate menu in Microsoft Project.

Creating New Views in Microsoft Project Web Access

After you have installed Microsoft Project Server and added users, most users can start using Microsoft Project Web Access
without further configuration; however, users who want to create views will need to be granted permissions.
The following types of views can be created in Microsoft Project Web Access:
Project Project views contain a list of projects that allow a user to select a specific project for which to view task,
assignment, and resource details. For more information, see "Creating Project Views," in this article.
Project Center Project Center views contain a list of projects stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. For more
information, see "Creating Project Center Views," in this article.
Assignment Assignment views contain assignment data, including projects and tasks that resources are working on, and
timephased data. For more information, see "Creating Assignment Views," in this article.
Resource Center Resource Center views contain a list of resources that are part of the enterprise resource pool. For more
information, see "Creating Resource Center Views," in this article.
Portfolio Analyzer Portfolio Analyzer views take advantage of Microsoft Office Web Components, allowing you to use
PivotTable and PivotChart features to display project data. Setting up and using Portfolio Analyzer views involves some
additional steps. For more information about Microsoft SQL Server™ Analysis Services, creating the OLAP cube, and using
Portfolio Analyzer views, see "Setting Up Portfolio Analyzer Views in Microsoft Project Web Access," in this article.
Users must have the appropriate permissions to access the Manage views area of Microsoft Project Web Access, in order to
create new views. Users must also have permissions to access the Projects and Resources areas of Microsoft Project Web
Access, in order to access existing views.
On the Specify Views page, you will see a chart with all of the Project, Project Center, Assignment, Resource Center, and
Portfolio Analyzer views that are currently available.
View Name is the name of the view. This is the same as the Name field under View name and description when adding
or modifying a view.
View Type is the type of view. There are five types of views: Project, Project Center, Assignment, Resource Center, and
Portfolio Analyzer.
View Description is the description of the view. This is the same as the Description field under View name and
description when adding or modifying a view.
Creating Project Views

Project views contain a list of projects that allows users to select specific projects to view task, assignment, and resource details.
To create a Project view, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage views. Click Add View.
1. On the Specify Views page of Microsoft Project Web Access, select Project.
1. Enter the name and a description for the view in the Name and Description boxes, for example you could enter a name of
"Assignment Cost Projection" and a description of "Displays assignment cost projection information."
1. Select the type of information you want to display in the view: a Task, Resource, or Assignment.
1. Select the fields you want to include in the view, and click Add.
1. Specify how you want the view to appear in the Projects area of Microsoft Project Web Access by specifying a Gantt Chart
in the Gantt Chart format list.
1. Specify the grouping format for the view, either Timesheet, Views, or a custom grouping format. If you want to apply a
filter to a field in the view, select a field in the Field column, apply an Operator, specify a Value, and indicate how the filter
should be handled in respect to other filters in the And/Or column.
1. Add the groups of users (categories) that will be able to access this view by selecting a category and clicking Add. Click
Save Changes.
Creating Project Center Views

Project Center views contain a list of enterprise projects stored in the Microsoft Project Server database. To create a Project
Center view, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage views. Under View options, click Views. Click Add View.
1. On the Specify Views page of Microsoft Project Web Access, select Project Center.
1. Enter the name and a description for the view in the Name and Description boxes, for example you could enter a name of
"Assignment Cost Projection" and a description of "Displays assignment cost projection information."
1. Select the fields you want to include in the view, and click Add.
1. Specify how you want the view to appear in the Project Center area of Microsoft Project Web Access by specifying a Gantt
Chart in the Gantt Chart format list.
1. Specify the grouping format for the view, either Timesheet, Views, or a custom grouping format.
1. Add the groups of users (categories) that will be able to access this view by selecting a category and clicking Add. Click
Save Changes.
Creating Assignment views

Assignment views contain assignment data, including projects and tasks that resources are working on, and timephased data. To
create an Assignment view, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage views. Under View options, click Views. Click Add View.
1. On the Specify Views page of Microsoft Project Web Access, select Assignment.
1. Enter the name and a description for the view in the Name and Description boxes, for example you could enter a name of
"Assignment Cost Projection" and a description of "Displays assignment cost projection information."
1. Select the fields you want to include in the view, and click Add.
1. Specify how you want the view to appear in the views areas of Microsoft Project Web Access by specifying a Gantt Chart in
the Gantt Chart format list.
1. Specify the grouping format for the view, either Timesheet, Views, or a custom grouping format.
1. Add the groups of users (categories) that will be able to access this view by selecting a category and clicking the Add
button. Click Save Changes.
Creating Resource Center Views

The Resource Center view can be displayed from either the Collaborate menu in Microsoft Project Professional or from the
Resources area in Microsoft Project Web Access. Resource Center views are created in Microsoft Project Web Access and contain
a list of resources that are part of the enterprise resource pool. To create a Resource Center view, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage views. Under View options, click Views. Click the Add View
1. On the Specify Views page of Microsoft Project Web Access, select Resource Center.
1. Enter the name and a description for the view in the Name and Description boxes, for example you could enter a name of
"Resource Cost Projection" and a description of "Displays resource cost projection information."
1. Select the type of information you want to display in the view: a Task, Resource, or Assignment.
1. Select the fields you want to include in the view, and click Add.
1. Specify the grouping format for the view, either Timesheet, Views, or a custom grouping format.
1. If you want to apply a filter to a field in the view, select a field in the Field column, then apply an Operator, specify a Value,
and indicate how the filter should be handled in respect to other filters in the And/Or column.
1. Add the groups of users (categories) that will be able to access this view by selecting a category and clicking Add. Click
Save Changes.

Adding Custom Views to Microsoft Project Web Access

Before users in your organization can access custom views, you need to make sure the views are available in Microsoft Project
Web Access.
To update the list of views with additional HTML, data access pages, and ASP pages found in the \IIS Virtual Root\Views folder on
the Microsoft Project Server, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage views.
1. Under View options, click Views.
1. Click Get Additional Views.
For more information about how to create custom views and make them available to be added to Microsoft Project Web Access,
see "Creating Custom Views for Microsoft Project Server" in this article.
Making Views Available to Microsoft Project Web Access Users
Users must have permissions to see a view. You can grant users permissions by adding the view to a category. To make a view
available to Microsoft Project Web Access users, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage security.
1. Under Security options, click Categories.
1. Select a category in the Category Name column, and then click Modify Category.
1. Select the view you want to make available to the selected category, and click Add. Click Save Changes.
Data Source Names for Microsoft Project 2000 Views
Microsoft Project Web Access displays a list of all data source names (DSNs) used to view projects published from Microsoft
Project 2000 to Microsoft Project Server. For each DSN, you must specify a user ID and a password that is used by Microsoft
Project Server to access projects stored in the database that the DSN references. This will allow users with permissions to view a
database that is referenced by a DSN without having direct access to the database itself.
DSNs are only used in conjunction with existing databases that store Microsoft Project 2000 database files. The DSNs should be
created on the server itself. This can be done using the ODBC Data Source administrator in Control Panel. For each DSN used by
Microsoft Project 2000, the User ID and Password must be specified. You can do this by selecting a DSN in the data source list
and clicking the Modify Data Source button. You can then enter the User ID and Password of the DSN connection in the
appropriate box.
For each DSN that is used to store projects, you must create the same-named DSN on both the Microsoft Project Server computer
and on the client where the project was published. This DSN must point to the same database, and use the appropriate user ID
and password. You can create a DSN by using the ODBC Data Sources Administrator program in Control Panel.
Top Of Page
Setting Up Portfolio Analyzer Views in Microsoft Project Web Access
Portfolio Analyzer views provide project and resource managers and other high-level members of your organization with easy
access to detailed information about their projects and resources. You can use Portfolio Analyzer to allow your organization to
directly analyze project data stored in the Microsoft Project Server database, enabling better decision making within your
Portfolio Analyzer takes advantage of Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC), which is a collection of ActiveX components.
Microsoft Project uses three OWC components (PivotTable, Data Source, and Chart) to access the OLAP cube created in SQL
Server Analysis Services, which allows users to work with fully interactive PivotTable and PivotChart reports in Microsoft Project
Web Access and Microsoft Project Professional. Users will be able to sort, filter, add or change data, expand or collapse details,
and save the results for future reference.
Before you can use Portfolio Analyzer with Microsoft Project Professional, you must first install SQL Server Analysis Services.
Depending on the size of your organization, you can install SQL Server Analysis Services either on the same server as SQL Server,
or on its own server. For more information, see "Setting up views processing on a separate server," in this article.
After installing SQL Server Analysis Services, you should migrate the default repository to a SQL Server database. For more
information, see "Migrate Analysis Services repository to a SQL Server database," in this article.

Getting Ready to Use Portfolio Analyzer

In addition to installing SQL Server Analysis Services, there are some additional steps you need to perform in order to use the
Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project. You should review the following sections before setting up SQL Server Analysis
Migrating Analysis Services repository to a SQL Server database
Creating a local Microsoft Windows® Account for the OLAP Administrator
Adding users to cube database roles in Analysis Services
Granting db_owner permissions to the OLAP Administrators group for the Microsoft Project Server database
Setting up views processing on a separate server
Microsoft Office Web Components
In addition, before building the OLAP cube for the first time, and after SQL Server Analysis Services is set up properly, you should
do the following:
Define any enterprise project or resource codes
Store the values for the lookup table in the enterprise global file
Add all required resources to the enterprise resource pool
Where appropriate, assign values to any of the enterprise resource codes
Create all projects for analysis
Select enterprise project outline code values
Assign enterprise resources as team members
Publish all projects to Microsoft Project Server
Ensure that any user who needs to create the OLAP cube has been added to the Administrator and OLAP Administrators
groups in SQL Server. If you didn't configure OLAP during Microsoft Project Server Setup, you will need to run
PSCOMPlus.exe to set the COM+ object to use the Windows NT account that has OLAP Admin rights. For more information,
see "Add users to cube database roles in SQL Server Analysis Services," in this article.
Migrating Analysis Services repository to a SQL Server database

Each Analysis server has a repository to store metadata for the objects of the Analysis server (for example, cubes and dimensions).
By default, this repository is a Microsoft Access (.mdb) database on the server computer where Analysis Services is installed. In
order for Microsoft Project Server to successfully build the OLAP cube, you should migrate the repository to a SQL Server (.mdf)
You can migrate the repository at any time after installing SQL Server Analysis Services, as long as SQL Server is installed and a
database for the repository exists.
To migrate the repository to a SQL Server database, do the following:
1. Log on to the SQL Server Analysis Services computer with a user account that has permissions equivalent to either the
Administrators group or OLAP Administrators group. If the OLAP Administrators group does not exist, you should first
create it, and then migrate the repository to a SQL database. For more information about creating the OLAP Administrators
group, see "Creating a local Windows Account for OLAP Administrator," in this article.
1. Start SQL Server Analysis Manager.
1. Right-click the name of your server under Analysis Servers.
1. Select Migrate Repository to start the Migrate Repository Wizard.
1. Select SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services format. Click Next.
1. Enter the name of your Analysis Services server. Click Next.
1. Select Windows authentication using the network login ID. Click Finish.
1. Select ProjectServer from the Database list. Click Finish.
After migration, both the old and new databases remain; however, only the new database is used by SQL Server Analysis Services.
You can manually delete the old database by deleting the file in Windows Explorer.
If you prefer not to migrate the repository, you need to add the OLAP Administrators group to the list of users and groups that
have Full Control permissions for the \Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin folder, so that the cube can be built.
Creating a Local Windows account for the OLAP Administrator

To add the OLAP Administrators group to the list of users that have Full Control permission, do the following:
1. On the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer, then click Manage.
1. In the Computer Management dialog box, open the Local Users and Groups folder.
1. Click the Users folder. On the Action menu, click New User.
1. In the New User dialog box, enter OLAPAdmin in the User name field.
1. Enter and confirm a password.
1. Clear the User must change password at next logon box.
1. Select the Password never expires box.
1. Click Create. Click Close.
Next, add the OLAPAdmin account to the OLAP Administrators group by doing the following:
1. In the Computer Management dialog box, open the Local Users and Groups folder.
1. Click the Groups folder.
1. Double-click OLAP Administrators.
1. In the OLAP Administrators Properties dialog box, click Add.
1. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, find OLAPAdmin and click Add. Alternatively, you can simply type OLAPAdmin.
1. Click OK.
Adding users to cube database roles in SQL Server Analysis Services

SQL Server Analysis Services uses Windows authentication to control access to online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes, for
example, when using Portfolio Analyzer in Microsoft Project. By default, no users are allowed to view the cube built by Microsoft
Project Server unless they belong to a general group with permission to SQL Server Analysis Services.
To grant OLAP cube access to specific users and groups, do the following:
1. Log on to the SQL Server Analysis Services computer with a user account that has permissions equivalent to either the
Administrators or OLAP Administrators groups.
1. Start SQL Server Analysis Manager.
1. Expand the name of your server under Analysis Servers to see the cube databases on that computer.
1. Right-click the name of the database (as shown in the Cube name box of the Updates to Resource Tables and OLAP
Cube page in Microsoft Project Web Access), and then click Manage Roles.
1. In the Database Role Manager dialog box, click New.
1. In the Create a Database Role dialog box, enter a name for the new database role in the Role name box.
1. On the Membership tab, click the Add button to add users and groups to the role.
1. In the Add Users and Groups dialog box, find your Analysis Services server name in the List Names From list, select the
group you want, for example OLAP Administrators, and then click Add. Click OK.
1. On the Cubes tab, click Check All to enable access to all three cubes in the Microsoft Project Server database. Click OK.
Granting db_owner permissions to the OLAP Administrators group for the Microsoft Project Server database

If the SQL Server database supports Windows authentication, the OLAP Administrators group needs to be given db_owner
permissions for the repository. You can grant this permission by doing the following:
1. Start SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
1. Open the Microsoft Project Server database.
1. Select Roles.
1. Double-click db_owner.
1. In the Database Role Properties dialog box, click Add.
1. In the Add Role Members dialog box, select OLAP Administrators.
1. Click OK. Click Apply, then click OK.
Setting up Views processing on a separate server

Publishing views in Microsoft Project Server is a very server-intensive task. Every time a project or resource gets checked in, the
Microsoft Project OLE DB Provider on the Microsoft Project Server is used to extract the project and resource data, and publish it
to the view tables. In a large organization, it is recommended that the Views processing components (including the Microsoft
Project OLE DB Provider) be set up on their own computer.
Microsoft Office Web Components

Microsoft Office XP Web Components (OWC) are required to use the Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project. If the
machine that is being used to access the Portfolio Analyzer does not have Microsoft Office XP installed, on the first access, a
dialog box will offer to install a runtime version of the required software. If this software is not installed, the Portfolio Analyzer
views will be unavailable. If the installation is successful, the Portfolio Analyzer views will be available. However, the runtime
version of OWC does not support the Interactive mode, which allows a user to modify a Portfolio Analyzer view. A user will
require a full installation of Microsoft Office XP Web Components to modify or create a Portfolio Analyzer view.

Building an OLAP Cube in Microsoft Project Web Access

Resource availability and Portfolio Analyzer data is stored in MSP_VIEW_ tables in the Microsoft Project Server database (see
SvrDB.htm in the \Help\1033 (1033 is the locale ID [LCID] for the U.S. English version, the subfolder for a localized version will
depend on its LCID) folder on the Microsoft Project Server CD for more information about the view tables). OLAP data is used
specifically for the Portfolio Analyzer feature of Microsoft Project Web Access.
The MSP_VIEW_ tables store data that has been extracted from the assignments, projects, resources, and tasks tables in the
Microsoft Project Server database, based on a data range set that was created while building the OLAP cube in Microsoft Project
Web Access. Since these tables are based on a specific date range, they also need to be updated regularly.
To build the resource availability and OLAP cubes in Microsoft Project Web Access, do the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access. Click Admin.
1. On the Administration overview page, click Manage enterprise features.
1. Under Enterprise options, click Update resource tables and OLAP cube. The section under Current Cube Status will
indicate the date on which a cube was last updated.
1. Decide whether or not you want to build the cube for Portfolio Analyzer. If yes, select Yes, otherwise select No to update
only the resource availability information.
1. To update the resource availability cube and an OLAP cube for Portfolio Analyzer, do the following (skip to step 9 if you are
only updating resource availability information):
1. Under OLAP cube name and description, enter the name of the server you have set up to run SQL Server Analysis
Services in the Analysis Server box, a name for the cube, and a description (optional).
1. Under Date range, specify the date range on which you want to build the OLAP cube. You have three options: using a
project's earliest start and latest finish date; choosing a rolling starting and ending date that is set to a specific span of days
before and after the current date; or choosing a fixed date range.
1. Under Date range for resource availability, specify the date range you want to use for updating resource availability
information. You can choose a rolling starting and ending date that is set to a specific span of days, weeks, or months before
and after the current date; or you can choose a fixed date range.
1. Under Update frequency, specify how often you want the Analysis server to update the resource availability information
and Portfolio Analyzer data. You can run updates manually by clicking the Update Now button, or you can have the
Analysis server run regular updates by setting the frequency of the update. If you want to set up a regular update, choose
whether you want to update every "x" number of days, weeks, or months, the time of day to run the update, and when to
start the update.

Understanding Portfolio Analyzer Views

Before you can create Portfolio Analyzer views, you must set up the OLAP cube to store resource availability data in Microsoft
Project Web Access. For more information, see "Building an OLAP cube in Microsoft Project Web Access," in this article. Resource
availability data is stored in the Microsoft Project Server database in the MSP_VIEW_ tables. See SvrDB.htm in the \Help\1033
(1033 is the locale ID [LCID] for the U.S. English version, the subfolder for a localized version will depend on its LCID) folder on the
Microsoft Project Server CD for more information about the view tables.
After you have set up OLAP services in Microsoft Project Web Access, you can set up Portfolio Analyzer views. There are many
different components in OWC, only three of which are used by Portfolio Analyzer:
PivotTable The PivotTable provides dynamic views that enable users to analyze information by sorting, grouping, filtering,
and pivoting. The data comes from the Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube, and will be displayed in a spreadsheet format.
Data Source The data source component is the reporting engine behind the PivotTable component. It manages
communication with the back-end database servers, and determines which database records can be displayed on the page.
It manages the sorting, filtering, and updating of those records in response to user actions. It relies on Microsoft Active Data
Objects (ADO). In Microsoft Project Professional and in Microsoft Project Web Access, the only valid data source is the
Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube.
Chart The chart component graphically displays information from the spreadsheet, from the PivotTable views, or from the
data source component. It is not bound or linked directly to other controls on the display page, so it always updates
instantly in response to user interactions. For example, a user can chart a PivotTable view that displays sales by region.
You will be able to choose whether to build a Portfolio Analyzer view as a PivotTable, a chart, or as a combination of both.
Creating a Portfolio Analyzer view

The Portfolio Analyzer view is created in the Admin area of Microsoft Project Web Access. To create a Portfolio Analyzer view, do
the following:
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access with an account that has administrative permissions. Click Admin.
1. Under Administration overview, click Manage views.
1. Under View options, click Views. Click Add View.
1. On the Specify Views page of Microsoft Project Web Access, select Portfolio Analyzer.
1. Enter a unique name and a description for the view in the Name and Description boxes, for example you could enter a
name of "Assignments by project manager" and a description of "Displays total hours assigned to each resource for each
project manager."
1. Select the Portfolio Analyzer mode, either PivotTable with Chart, PivotTable only, or Chart only. Drop information into
the PivotTable or Chart by dragging fields from the PivotTable Field List or Chart Field List dialog box (click in the
PivotTable or Chart to bring up the field list dialog boxes). For more information, see "Working with the PivotTable and
Chart workspaces," in this article.
1. Add the groups of users (categories) that will be able to access this view by selecting a category and clicking the Add
button. Click Save Changes.
Working with the PivotTable and Chart workspaces

Under Customize the PivotTable and Chart, you can add information to your Portfolio Analyzer view. An empty PivotTable or
Chart has four main areas that fields and information can be dropped into:
Filter Fields The contents of this area will act as filters for the incoming data. Information from the OLAP cube will only be
displayed if the data passes the criteria that are defined here.
Column Fields or Category Fields The fields in this area contain the groups that the data will be aggregated into. They
will form the columns of the PivotTable (spreadsheet) or the X-axis of the Chart. They are called Column Fields in a
PivotTable and Category Fields in a Chart.
Row Fields or Series Fields These are the sets of data that will define the discrete sets of data and will be stored in the
rows of the PivotTable. They are called Row Fields in a PivotTable and Series Fields in a Chart.
Total or Detail Fields or Data Fields These fields provide the data to be totaled and will form the values in each of the
cells in a PivotTable, or the Y-axis of a Chart. They are called Total or Detail Fields in a PivotTable and Data Fields in a
The Field List dialog boxes contain two types of data: totals and dimensions. To add information to the PivotTable and Chart
views, simply drag a field from the Field List dialog box to the appropriate section of the PivotTable or Chart.
Accessing Portfolio Analyzer Views

Portfolio Analyzer views can be accessed from two key points within the system: the Collaborate menu in Microsoft Project
Professional, and the Projects and Resources areas in Microsoft Project Web Access.
Top Of Page
Importing Views from Microsoft Project Central into Microsoft Project Web Access
After you have installed Microsoft Project Server, users can start using most features without further configuration. However, to
display views created in Microsoft Project Central in Microsoft Project Web Access, you will need to perform some additional
steps to make them available for your users.
To add Microsoft Project Central views to Microsoft Project Web Access
1. Place a copy of the Microsoft Project Central view in the \Views\Assignments, \Views\Project, or \Views\ResourceCenter
folders under the IIS Virtual Root directory of Microsoft Project Server.
1. Add these files to the table of views by clicking Get Additional Views on the Specify Views page.
1. Click Modify View, and then specify a category to enable users to access the views.
Top Of Page
The Server Platform
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

System Requirements
Microsoft Project Web Access
System Requirements
The following sections contain system requirements for Microsoft® Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Project Server
Operating system

The recommended system for Microsoft Project Server is Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server running on a computer with a
Pentium III processor 700 MHz or higher and 512 MB of RAM or higher. A Pentium III 500 MHz or higher is processor required.
The following operating systems also support Microsoft Project Server:
Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 1 or later
Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 1 or later
Other requirements

Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 or later or included Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE). However, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or
later is required for enterprise project and resource management functionality.
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 or later
CD-ROM drive
Super VGA or higher-resolution monitor
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse®, or compatible pointing device
The following items or services are required to use certain features
SharePoint™ Team Services (included with Microsoft Project Server) to enable project collaboration. (The security features
of SharePoint Team Services require the NTFS file system.)
SQL Server Analysis Services (included with SQL Server) to enable the Portfolio Analyzer for OLAP Reporting.
Internet access via a 14.4kbs or greater modem or a high speed connection to accommodate internet functionality.
(Payment of a separate fee to a service provider and local or long distance telephone toll charges may be required.)
Internet SMTP/POP3 messaging to enable e-mail notification.
Multimedia computer required to access sound and other multimedia effects.
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project can be installed on the same computer if necessary. Shared components of
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project 2002 will be installed in the folder Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\MS Project (or the appropriate locale ID [LCID] folder for the language version you use).

Memory Requirements and Available Disk Space

Processor, RAM, and hard disk requirements are highly dependent on the number of services installed on the computer.
Minimum requirements assume that only Microsoft Project Server components are installed and that other services (such as
SharePoint Team Services and SQL Server) run on separate computers.
Memory requirements

Microsoft Project Server requires at least 128 MB of RAM (512 MB of RAM recommended).
Installation of SharePoint Team Services requires at least an additional 128 MB of RAM (192 MB recommended).
Installation of SQL Server 2000 requires at least an additional 64 MB of RAM (128 MB recommended).
Installation of SQL Server Analysis Services requires at least an additional 64 MB of RAM (128 MB recommended).
Available disk space

Microsoft Project Server requires the following available disk space, depending on the type of installation you choose:
Typical installation: 50 MB
Typical installation of SharePoint Team Services: an additional 70 MB (plus 5 MB for each provisioned Web site)
Typical installation of SQL Server: an additional 250 MB
Typical installation of SQL Server Analysis Services: an additional 130 MB
Installation of any additional services will require more hard disk space.
All server components can be installed onto a single server computer. However, this configuration is recommended only for
small workgroup environments using MSDE. For larger workgroup or enterprise environments, it is recommended that SQL
Server is installed on its own server computer. For more information, see the Basic Server Installation resource kit article.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Web Access
Operating system

The recommended system for Microsoft Project Web Access is Windows XP Professional on a computer with a 300 MHz
processor or higher and 192 MB of RAM or higher. A Pentium 133 MHz or higher processor is required.
The following operating systems also support Microsoft Project Web Access:
Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows Millennium (Windows Me), or Windows NT Workstation or Server 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional or later

Available disk space

Depending on your system configuration, 5-15 MB of disk space is required to install Microsoft Project Web Access.
Other requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (Internet Explorer 5.5 or later recommended)
Super VGA or higher resolution monitor
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse®, or compatible pointing device
The following items or services are required to use certain features:
An e-mail system such as Microsoft Exchange, Internet SMTP/POP3, or IMAP4, or MAPI-compliant messaging software for
e-mail notifications and team collaboration.
Internet access via a 14.4kbs or greater modem or a high speed connection to accommodate Internet functionality.
(Payment of a separate fee to a service provider and local or long distance telephone toll charges may be required.)
Microsoft Office XP license required for administrators for full interactivity of Office Web Components in order to create
Portfolio Analyzer views.
After installation, clients can connect to the Microsoft Project Server using Internet Explorer. Clients accessing the Microsoft
Project Server must have a Microsoft Project Web Access client access license.
See Also
Some of the features available to Microsoft Project users depend on which Web browser is installed on users' computers, and on
which Web server components are installed on the organization's servers. For more information, see Internet and Intranet
Technologies in the Microsoft Project Server and Web Technologies resource kit article.
Some data access features available to Microsoft Project users depend on the data access components that are installed on users'
computers, and on the database servers that are available on an organization's network. For more information, see the Microsoft
Project Server and Web Technologies resource kit article.
Microsoft Project provides you with the flexibility to customize and install Microsoft Project in a number of ways. For more
information, see the Basic Installation resource kit article.
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Using the SetTracing Utility
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About the SetTracing Utility

Start the SetTracing Utility
Download the SetTracing utility from the Microsoft Download Center.
About the SetTracing Utility
Microsoft® Project Server 2002 logs all application errors to the Event Viewer as application errors. The Microsoft Project Server
SetTracing utility allows you to redirect the tracing output to a log file instead of to the Event Viewer. You can also direct the
output to both simultaneously. Directing application errors to a text file allows you to send that file, along with any additional
information that may be helpful, to Microsoft Corporation. This information helps Microsoft Product Support services determine
the cause of the errors.
The SetTracing utility can be downloaded and saved to your hard drive, or opened and run from the Web site. When you save the
SetTracing utility to your hard drive, only the SetTracing.exe file is saved; no additional files are installed.
Top Of Page
Start the SetTracing Utility
Use the SetTracing utility to enter values for logging events using Microsoft Project Server Tracing Service. Once you set values
and start SetTracing, Microsoft Project Server Tracing Service creates or updates a log file, and the Event Viewer based on these
values. These values will be saved and used as the default settings for the logging parameters the next time you run the
SetTracing utility.
To start the SetTracing utility
1. Open the SetTracing utility, either from the location where you saved SetTracing.exe, or from the link in your Web browser.
1. In the Microsoft Project Server Tracing Service Settings dialog box, check one or both of the following:
Text Provider Enabled: Select this option to create a TXT file that tracks the service settings you want to see in the tracing
service. You can then send this text file to Microsoft Product Support services should you encounter any errors.
Event Log Provider Enabled: Select this option to write the output data to the Event Viewer instead of a text file. You can
view the log information by accessing the Event Viewer.
1. Set values for each of the fields you want to trace:
Success indicates that an operation was completed successfully. Enter a value of 5000 to log maximum information or 0 so
that no logging occurs for this field.
Error indicates that a significant problem, such as a loss of data, has occurred. Enter a value of 5000 to log maximum
information or 0 so that no logging occurs for this field.
Warning indicates an event that is not necessarily significant, but may indicate some future problem. Enter a value of 5000
to log maximum information or 0 so that no logging occurs for this field.
Information indicates successful loading of a program, driver, or service, and logs all successful events of this type. Enter a
value of 5000 to log maximum information or 0 so that no logging occurs for this field.
Audit Success Microsoft Project Server 2002 does not perform this function. Entering a value in this field will not generate
any log information. Leave the default setting at 0.
Audit Failure Microsoft Project Server 2002 does not perform this function. Entering a value in this field will not generate
any log information. Leave the default setting at 0.
1. Optional: If you select Text Provider Enabled, accept the default Output File name or type the path and name to the
location of the file you want to create.
1. Click Save. The SetTracing utility saves your settings and closes. Logging then runs in the background.
The Microsoft Project Tracing Service is installed during Microsoft Project Server 2002 setup, and is started by default. If it is not
turned on, you must start the service in order to perform logging.
To start Microsoft Project Tracing Services

1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.
1. Click Microsoft Project Tracing Services in the list of services.
1. If Microsoft Project Tracing Services is not running, click Start on the toolbar.
1. Close the Services console.

To stop the Microsoft Project Server Trace Services utility

1. Open the SetTracing utility, either from the location where you saved SetTracing.exe, or from the link in your Web browser.
1. In the Microsoft Project Server Trace Services utility dialog box, clear the Text Provider Enabled and/or the Event
Log Provider Enabled checkbox.
1. Click Save.
Top Of Page
If you use the SetTracing utility to log information in addition to what is logged to the Event Viewer, first gather the
information you need to capture the errors. Then open the SetTracing utility and set the values of any fields you are tracing
to 0. Information in the output file could possibly compromise your security. In addition, when the Microsoft Project Server
Tracing Service is running in the background, it will continue to use your computer's system resources to collect
If you are running the Microsoft Project Server Tracing Service utility against a busy site and the Text Provider Enabled
option is selected, you should periodically create a new text file or backup and delete the existing file. As the tracing service
runs, it will continually append information to the current file. As that file grows in size, system performance slows.
Do not modify the text in your TXT file. The contents of this file might help Microsoft developers and Product Support
specialists determine where an error is occurring.
If you are looking at the contents of your text file or are viewing information in the Event Viewer, be aware that in some
cases information you think may be wrong may actually be a false-positive return value. There can be instances when an
event logs as a failure, but then later logs as a success. When looking at events in the event log, look for trends that include
the same error, as opposed to those events that only occur once.
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Microsoft Project Server and the Internet
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Security Settings and Recommendations for the Extranet
Feature Limitations of Microsoft Project Server in the Extranet
This article describes how Microsoft Project Server can be best configured to work on the extranetan intranet that is partially
accessible to authorized outsiders. While an intranet resides behind a firewall and is accessible only to authorized users in an
organization, an extranet can provide access to outsiders. Microsoft Project Server is not designed for the Internet that is, it cannot
be hosted and accessed by anonymous users like or any other Internet Web page.
This article also discusses certain feature limitations on the extranet, and special steps required to enable certain features such as
Portfolio Analyzer to work on the Internet. You should note that some of these same recommendations are probably valid for
cross-domain scenarios, not just for the extranet.
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Security Settings and Recommendations for the Extranet
This section will explain recommended security settings for Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Internet Information Services
(IIS) when opening Microsoft Project Server to the extranet. This section will also explain recommendations for running Microsoft
Project Server in the most secure way on the extranet.
Much of the information below may already be in the Microsoft Project Server Setup documentation and in the Help file,
Pjsvr10.chm, which comes on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD. However, we will highlight things that we should
recommend again:
Use Secure Socket Layers (SSL)this will encrypt information traveling between the client and the server. For details on how
to set up SSL, see the Setting up SSL on Your Server article on the Windows 2000 Server Documentation Web site.
It is recommended that you implement Windows Authentication only; Windows authentication is more secure than
Microsoft Project Server Authentication. To implement Windows authentication, you will need to change the Administrator
account in Microsoft Project Server to a Windows Authorized account.
To change the Administrator account in Microsoft Project Server to a Windows Authorized account
1. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an Administrator.
2. Click Admin, and on the Administration overview page, click Manage Users and Groups.
3. Select Administrator from the drop-down list box, and click Modify User.
4. On the Modify User page, select the Windows Authentication, using the Windows User Account option button.
5. Type the user name in the Windows User Account box, enter the e-mail name in the E-mail box, enter the user name in
the User Name box, and click Save Changes.
Note: If you are using Windows Authentication only, you must select Basic authentication for the Microsoft Project Server virtual
root, for the Msadcs.dll in the MSADC virtual directory, and for the SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft virtual directory. If
you cannot use Integrated Windows authentication only, use Microsoft Project Server authentication; you will need to select
Anonymous Access for the items just mentioned.
You may want to require Microsoft Project to authenticate to Microsoft Project Server before publishing. This is the default setting
during Microsoft Project Server Setup when you select "Microsoft Project Professional 2002" in the "Choose a version of
Microsoft Project" step. If you select "Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and/or Microsoft Project 2000," any user can publish
information to Microsoft Project Server without authentication. However, if you are in a Microsoft Project Standard 2002
environment where you don't work with Microsoft Project 2000, you can still require authenticationby doing this, Microsoft
Project adds a layer of security. Also, if you choose the latter option and are not using Microsoft Project 2000, you should also
clear the Anonymous access box for the Pjdbcomm.dll in ISAPI virtual directory of Microsoft Project Server (you will do this in
IIS). One word of cautionyou should not do this if Microsoft Project 2000 needs to connect to Microsoft Project Server. In that
case, once you migrate all users to Microsoft Project 2002, you can proceed with these steps.
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Feature Limitations of Microsoft Project Server in the Extranet
The most prominent feature that is not supported in the extranet is that of Microsoft Project Professional 2002 saving data to the
enterprise database. Microsoft Project Professional saves to the enterprise database by using Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC). This does not work over the extranet, unless a particular port is opened for the Microsoft SQL Server database (see
"Saving Projects to Microsoft Project Server Over the Extranet [Microsoft Project Professional Only]," below).
Note: Microsoft Project Standard can publish projects to Microsoft Project Server in the extranet. The workaround for Microsoft
Project Professional users is to use the offline functionality to save a project offline, work on it, and then connect back to the
network to save the changes back to the enterprise database.
Portfolio Analyzer in the Extranet
Portfolio Analyzer overview
With the new Portfolio Analyzer, users can quickly query information across their portfolios. This tool enables users to view
project and resource information conveniently, in a variety of ways as a PivotTable, as a chart, or both.
The Portfolio Analyzer view provides executives and functional managers with easy access to detailed information about their
projects and resources. This feature supports fast and powerful analysis capabilities using data directly from Microsoft Project
Server. The analyses can then be used to support fundamental project-related business decisions.
To deliver this functionality, Microsoft Project uses Office Web Components (OWC). These are a collection of Microsoft ActiveX
controls designed to let users publish fully interactive worksheets, charts, PivotTable reports, and databases to the Web. When
users view a Web page that contains an OWC, they can interact with the data displayed in that document directly in Microsoft
Internet Explorer, as long as they have a license for the OWCs on their system. Users can sort, filter, add, or change data, expand
and collapse detail views, work with PivotTable lists, and chart the results of their changes.
The OWCs provide a common set of functions that can be accessed from several Microsoft Office applications, for example,
Microsoft Excel 2002, Microsoft FrontPage 2002, and now Microsoft Project Professional or Microsoft Project Web Access.
While OWCs can access many different data sources, the only source for Portfolio Analyzer is the online analytical processing
(OLAP) cube that has been generated by the administrator.
While there are many different parts to the OWCs, only some of their functions will be used in Portfolio Analyzer. These are:
The PivotTable provides dynamic views that enable users to analyze information by sorting, grouping, filtering, and pivoting.
The data comes from the Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube, and will be displayed in a spreadsheet format.
Data Source
The data source component is the reporting engine behind the PivotTable component. It manages communication with
back-end database servers and determines which database records can be displayed on the page. It manages the sorting,
filtering, and updating of those records in response to user actions. It relies on Microsoft Active Data Objects (ADO). In
Microsoft Project Professional and Microsoft Project Web Access, the only valid data source is the Microsoft Project Server
OLAP cube.
The chart component graphically displays information from the spreadsheet, from the PivotTable views, or from the data
source component. It is not "bound" or linked directly to other controls on the display page, and therefore always updates
instantly in response to user interactions. For example, a user can chart a PivotTable view that displays sales by region.
There are three modes in which an Analyzer view can be defined: PivotTable, Chart, and a combination of both.
Setting up the analysis server to be accessible via HTTP
The key issue with the architecture of Portfolio Analyzer is that Microsoft uses the OWCs to bind directly to the analysis server. In
order for this to work over the extranet, you must configure it correctly. It is recommended that you read a support article that
explains how the analysis server needs to be configuredsee the How to Connect to Analysis Server 2000 By Using HTTP
Connection (279489) article on the Product Support Services Web site. The main points of this article are as follows:
You need the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server Analysis Services (this comes with the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2000)
Internet Information Server (IIS) has to run on the computer where SQL Server Analysis Services is running. This need not
be the same machine as Microsoft Project Serverin fact, it is recommended that it not be on the same machine as Microsoft
Project Server
You need to follow the steps, as specified in the article, to set up the server.
To set up the analysis server
1. On the analysis services computer, copy the file Msolap.asp from the Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin folder
to either the Inetpub\Wwwroot folder or to a subfolder under Wwwroot.
2. To ensure that Msolap.asp is installed and working properly, in the Address bar, type the URL
http://www.AnalysisServerName/Msolap.asp, and replace "AnalysisServerName" with the name of your server.
If everything is working properly, you should see a blank page, instead of the message "The page could not be displayed," or a
similar message.
Note: The URL must be accessible through the Internet.
Set Msolap.asp to use Basic authentication and Integrated Windows authentication, as follows:
1. Right-click Msolap.asp, and then click Properties.
2. Click the File Security tab, and then edit the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control box to make changes.
3. Make sure that both the Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication check boxes are selected.
Note: It is strongly recommended that SSL be used on the analysis server computer so that the data is encrypted (most
importantly, the NT passwords) when it is sent between the client and the server computers.
Setting up connection strings in the Portfolio Analyzer view
Once the analysis server has been configured, the administrator needs to follow these steps when creating Portfolio Analyzer
views that are to be viewed over the Internet:
1. On a machine that is within the intranet, log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an administrator.
2. Click Admin, and on the Administration overview page, click Manage views.
3. Click Add View.
4. Click the Portfolio Analyzer option button.
5. On the Office PivotTable toolbar, click the Commands and Options option button.
6. Click the Data Source tab.
7. In the connection string, leave everything untouched, except for the following:
Add "http://" and "/" to the connection string; for example:
Data Source = myanalysisserver becomes Data Source = http://myanalysisserver/
Insert "Prompt=Yes" anywhere in the connection string.
8. Save your changes.
When users try to access this extranet-enabled view from Microsoft Project or from the Resource center of Microsoft Project Web
Access, they will be prompted to enter their Windows user account name and password before they can see the view. Since the
Windows user account name and password are sent in plain text, you should be sure to use SSL so that the information is sent
Note: When Portfolio Analyzer is installed according to the above instructions, it will be accessible through the Internet or your
intranet. Exposure to the Internet may not be acceptable to all enterprises or in all situations, so plan your installation accordingly.
See also
It is strongly recommended that you view the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services: How to Connect to Analysis Services
over the Internet webcast at the Microsoft Support Services Web site.
Documents and Issues (SharePoint Team Services) on the Internet
Overview of SharePoint Team Services
SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft provides both Web publishing and collaboration features to make communicating
ideas and sharing information easier. SharePoint Team Services is a superset of Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002, and
includes all of the features available with the server extensions. In addition, SharePoint Team Services contains new workgroup
features that create a rich environment for Web publishing and team communication. By using SharePoint Team Services,
administrators can create, author, and administer Web sites that help a team organize and make progress on a project.
Configuring SharePoint Team Services
If Microsoft Project Server requires SSL security, SharePoint Team Services also requires the same.
To set up SharePoint Team Services for SSL
1. Configure the virtual server running SharePoint Team Services so that it requires SSL. For information on how to set up SSL,
see the Setting up SSL on Your Server article on the Windows 2000 Server Documentation Web site.
Also, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide article on Microsoft TechNet.
Both the SharePoint Team Services Web site and SharePoint Team Services administration Web site should be configured to
require SSL.
2. Log on to Microsoft Project Web Access as an Administrator.
3. Click Admin, and on the Administration overview page, click Manage SharePoint Team Services.
4. Click Connect to servers.
5. To add a new server, click Add Server, or to modify an existing server, click Modify Server.
6. Select the Always access SharePoint websites using SSL and The SharePoint Administration port is a SSL port check
7. For external users, create local NT accounts on both the Microsoft Project Server computer and on the SharePoint Team
Services computer, so that users can be authenticated into Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services using a
Windows account.
8. Turn off anonymous access for the virtual server running SharePoint Team Services.
For more information on other security settings for SharePoint Team Services, see the Configuring Properties for a Virtual Server
article on TechNet.
See Also
For more detailed information about SharePoint Team Services and possible feature limitations, see the Microsoft Project Server
and SharePoint Team Services resource kit article.
For more information about setting up SharePoint Team Services, see the Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide,
Pjsvr10.chm, found on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD. You may download a copy of the Microsoft Project Server
Installation Guide from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Security Settings
You will determine which security settings to implement on all virtual servers. On the Change Configuration Settings page of
SharePoint Team Services, you can change security options in the Security Settings section. You can track information about the
authoring processes by selecting the Log authoring actions check box. When you select this check box, an Author.log file is
created in the Web site's _vti_log folder. If you want all users to use SSL security, you can select the Require SSL for authoring
and administration check box. Finally, you can specify whether to allow users to store executable files (such as EXE files) on your
virtual server by selecting or clearing the Allow authors to upload executables check box. Note that if the Allow authors to
upload executables check box is cleared, users cannot upload files to any folders that are marked executable. It does not matter
whether the files being uploaded are executable files or not.
Saving Projects to Microsoft Project Server Over the Extranet (Microsoft Project Professional Only)
This section addresses issues with running Microsoft Project Professional from outside the corporate firewall. Microsoft Project
Web Access functionality will work over the extranet, however, performing project management tasks with Microsoft Project
Professional in online mode requires a direct ODBC connection to the SQL Server computer which hosts the Microsoft Project
Server database.
There are three solutions to this ODBC connection problem:
Utilize a VPN connection to the corporate network. This allows a user to utilize the extranet as if it were a secure network
cable back to the corporate network. A user's remote machine would be running as if he were logged on directly to the
corporate network inside the firewall. There are possible bandwidth issues with this solution, as well as possible reliability
issues depending on location of the user, the corporate network, and the Internet in general.
Utilize a VPN and Windows Terminal Services. The VPN will handle the security of the connection, and utilizing Windows
Terminal Services helps to minimize bandwidth issues, since only the "display" bits are passed over the wire, and the rest of
the data movement happens inside the firewall on the corporate network.
Open the SQL Server computer to the extranet, which requires opening the correct inbound port through the firewall to
access the SQL Server (typically 1433), as well as positioning the SQL Server computer on your network where it is directly
exposed to the extranet segment. This is generally considered to be a very bad idea, primarily due to security concerns.
Exposing your database server to the extranet segment is an invitation for hackers.
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Microsoft Project Server Registry and Global Settings
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Microsoft Project Server Registry Entries

Working with the Enterprise Global Template
The Enterprise Resource Pool
Microsoft® Project Server provides several centralized locations for storing and tracking application-related information,
Dedicated folders in the registry that store connection information for the database and other applications that link to
Microsoft Project Server.
An enterprise global template that stores standardized project information that all members of your organization can have
access to; the enterprise global template is updated each time a user connects Microsoft Project to Microsoft Project Server.
An enterprise resource pool that stores all of your organization's resources in a centralized location, making it easier to plan
and track resource usage and assignments.

Microsoft Project Server Registry Entries

Microsoft Project Server Setup creates registry entries in the \Datasets and \Services folders in the following location:
Microsoft Project Server Setup also creates registry entries in the \Languages folder in the following location:
The \Datasets folder holds information about where the data for Microsoft Project Server resides. Sub-folders include
\Application, \EnterpriseDatabase, \STS, \ViewsFileDrop, and \ViewsSchedulingDatabase. They are described in greater
detail below.

This folder holds information about how to connect to the Microsoft Project Server database.
ConnectInfo Stores the database connection string for the Microsoft Project Server database.
Proj Username The database user name used by Microsoft Project Professional to connect to the Microsoft Project Server
database; must be a member of the MSProjectRole role in Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000.
Proj Password The password for the user specified in Proj Username.
QueryFileExt Points to the extended Microsoft Project Server SQL Query Library.
QueryFileStd Points to the standard Microsoft Project Server SQL Query Library.
QueryTimeout The amount of time the component will wait for the SQL Server.

This folder holds information specific to the enterprise features of the Microsoft Project Server database.
DSN The DSN utilized by the views processing engine that provides access to the Microsoft Project OLE DB Provider.
UserName The user name associated with DSN.
Password The password for the user specified in UserName.
This folder holds information related to connecting Microsoft Project Server to the SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft
connectInfo Stores the database connection string for the SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft database.
QueryFileExt Points to the extended Microsoft Project Server SQL Query Library.
QueryFileStd Points to the standard Microsoft Project Server SQL Query Library.

This folder holds information about where the views processing service received new view files.
connectInfo Stores the path to where the views processing service listens for new publish action view files.

This folder holds connection information for the views scheduling database.
connectInfo Stores the database connection string for the Microsoft Project Server database.
QueryFileExt Points to the extended Microsoft Project Server SQL Query Library.
QueryFileStd Points to the standard Microsoft Project Server SQL Query Library.

The \Services folder holds information related to the configuration of services related to Microsoft Project Server. \SessionMgr
is the only subfolder of the \Services folder.

This folder will contain a folder that has a GUID for a name. The (Default) entry in the GUID folder points to the server running
Session Manager.

The \Languages folder holds information related to the supported languages by this installation of Microsoft Project Server.
defLCID Stores the Locale ID (LCID) of the default language for the Microsoft Project Server computer.
LCIDXXXX The LCID of the first language supported by the Microsoft Project Server installation.
LCIDXXXn The LCID of the nth language (2 through n) supported by the Microsoft Project Server installation.
Top Of Page
Working with the Enterprise Global Template
The enterprise global template is an important part of using Microsoft Project Server effectively. It is stored in the Microsoft
Project Server database as a special project. When Microsoft Project Professional users connect to Microsoft Project Server, the
latest copy of the enterprise global template will be cached on their machine if either the version on Microsoft Project Server is
newer, or if it is not already cached on the user's machine. The enterprise global template is cached in the \Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office 10\1033 folder (1033 is the locale ID [LCID] for U.S. English; the folder for a localized language
depends on its LCID) on a user's machine.
The enterprise global template stores global information and settings that will be applied to every enterprise project (and affect
every user) in your organization; for example, calendar or currency settings. Only a user with Save Enterprise Global and New
Resource permission in Microsoft Project Server will be able to check out, modify, and replace the enterprise global template. This
permission should only be granted to a few individuals.
If Microsoft Project Professional is already running, but not connected to Microsoft Project Server, a user must quit and then
restart Microsoft Project Professional, and then connect to Microsoft Project Server in order to update the enterprise global
For more information about the enterprise global template, see:
The Enterprise Implementation Framework (EIF). For the latest version of the Enterprise Implementation Framework, see
Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation Framework Files in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
The Microsoft Project 2002 Enterprise Project Management Architecture Guide article on MSDN.

Enterprise global template settings

Global items are defined across your enterprise through the enterprise global template. These items cannot be changed or saved
by users in a project. Display items, such as tables and views, can be changed for the current session, but will revert to the
definition stored in the enterprise global template the next time Microsoft Project Professional is started.
The following items can be cached (or updated) on a user's local machine by the enterprise global template when they connect
Microsoft Project Professional to Microsoft Project Server:
Custom Fields
Modules and Macros created using Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications
Toolbars and Menu Items

Managing the Enterprise Global Template

The enterprise global template is an important element of an enterprise installation of Microsoft Project. It can only be accessed
from Microsoft Project Professional by a user with permission to check it out and make changes. In addition to making changes to
the enterprise global template, you should follow proper maintenance procedures, including periodically backing up the
enterprise global template or restoring it.
Backing up the enterprise global template

You should create a backup copy of the enterprise global template before making any changes to it, and then create a backup on
a periodic basis (especially after a major update). In the event of a system failure or corrupted files or data, you will be able to
restore the backup file of the enterprise global template.
To create a backup file for the enterprise global template

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to check out and
modify the enterprise global template.
1. On the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options.
1. Click Backup Enterprise Global. You will be prompted to specify the destination for the backup file of the enterprise global
template in the Save As dialog box. The default name is EntGlobalBackup; you should consider appending the current date
to the file name to distinguish this version from other backup versions of the enterprise global template.
1. Click Save.
Checking out the enterprise global template
To check out the enterprise global template

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to check out and
modify the enterprise global template.
1. From the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options.
1. Click Open Enterprise Global.
1. When you are finished, close the enterprise global template and click Yes to save changes.
Restoring the enterprise global template

In situations where the enterprise global template has been corrupted, has been changed in error and cannot be reversed, or if a
new system has been created and needs the same or a similar enterprise global template, it is possible to restore a previously
backed up copy of the enterprise global template.
To restore a previously backed-up copy of the enterprise global template

1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to check out and
modify the enterprise global template.
1. From the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options.
1. Click Restore Enterprise Global.
1. In the Restore Enterprise Global dialog box, select a user profile in the Server Account drop-down list. This user must
have permission to check out and modify the enterprise global.
1. Click Browse to locate the backup file for the enterprise global template you want to restore.
1. Click Restore. Microsoft Project Server will have the current enterprise global template replaced by the file you just
1. Close and restart Microsoft Project Professional. This will refresh the enterprise global template cached on your local
Top Of Page
The Enterprise Resource Pool
Enterprise resources are the people, equipment, and materials used to complete tasks in an enterprise project. Enterprise
resources are part of your organization's pool of resources and are stored centrally in the Microsoft Project Server database. You
should define the contents of the enterprise global template before adding resources to the enterprise resource pool. Once the
enterprise global template is ready, you can import resources into the enterprise resource pool by using the Import Resources
For more information about the enterprise resource pool, see:
The Enterprise Implementation Framework (EIF). For the latest version of the Enterprise Implementation Framework, see
Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation Framework Files in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
The Microsoft Project 2002 Resource and Skills Management Guide white paper on TechNet.

Enterprise resources
A typical enterprise project contains primarily enterprise resources, but can also contain non-enterprise resources (local
resources). Microsoft Project schedules both types of resources the same way. Resources become enterprise resources only after
they are added with the Import Resources Wizard.
Generic resources
A generic resource is a placeholder resource. You can use generic resources to specify the skills required for an assignment before
you know which individual resources are available, for example, in an enterprise project template. Microsoft Project schedules
generic resources as if they are work resources; generic resources will behave similarly to work resources.
Generic resources are used primarily for resource substitution. Resource substitution replaces generic resources with specific
resources who match the skill requirements specified by the project manager who created the assignment. Generic resources can
also be used in the early stages of developing a project plan, or when you may not care who specifically works on a project, yet
you still want to track completed work.
Generic resources are entered into a project just like a normal work or material resource, and are specified on the General tab of
the Resource Information dialog box.
Using the Import Resources Wizard
To add resources to the enterprise resource pool using the Import Resources Wizard in Microsoft Project Professional, on the
Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options, and then click Import Resources to Enterprise.
For more information about using the Import Resources Wizard, see the topic "Add resources to the list of enterprise resources"
in Microsoft Project Help.
Checking out the enterprise resource pool
To check out the enterprise resource pool
1. Open Microsoft Project Professional and connect to Microsoft Project Server as a user with permission to check out and
modify the enterprise resource pool.
1. On the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options.
1. Click Open Enterprise Resource Pool.
1. In the Open Enterprise Resources dialog box, select the resources you want to open, and click Open/Add. The selected
resources will open in a temporary project in Microsoft Project Professional.
To save the enterprise resource pool, close it in Microsoft Project Professional. When asked whether you want to save changes,
click Yes.

Backing up and restoring the enterprise resource pool

You should use normal SQL Server 2000 procedures to back up and restore the enterprise resource pool. The enterprise resource
pool cannot be backed up or restored in the same manner as the enterprise global template.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Overview of Integration between Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services
Pre-Deployment Considerations
Installing SharePoint Team Services
Security and User Authentication
Collaborate on Documents and Issues
Extensibility on STS/Project Server Integration
This article describes how SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft® can be used with Microsoft Project Server. It provides an
integration overview and information about deployment, document and issue management, and feature administration.
By integrating SharePoint Team Services with Microsoft Project Server, Microsoft Project can leverage the document library and
list management technology of SharePoint Team Services, and provide system that's easy to set up and use for sharing project-
related documents and issues with team members and other stakeholders. Because SharePoint Team Services is fully integrated
with Microsoft Office XP, it's especially useful for storing Office XP documents.
Taking full advantage of the Web-based team collaboration features of Microsoft Project, SharePoint Team Services allows you to
integrate documents and issues with the project management process.
Top Of Page
Overview of Integration between Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services
SharePoint Team Services, a superset of Microsoft FrontPage® Server Extensions 2002, can be integrated with Microsoft Project
Server to provide both Web publishing and collaboration features to make communicating and sharing project information
easier. When integrating SharePoint Team Services with Microsoft Project Server, SharePoint Team Services is treated as a
component of the server, rather than as a standalone program. Microsoft Project Server Setup automatically configures
SharePoint Team Services, but some manual configuration and administration may also be required. For SharePoint Team
Services to work with Microsoft Project Server, Microsoft Windows NT® accounts (both domain and local) must be used.
When SharePoint Team Services is configured for Microsoft Project Server, it enables you to use the Documents and Issues
centers in Microsoft Project Web Access to view and submit project-related documents and issues.

Features of SharePoint Team Services

SharePoint Team Services Web sites include unique features that enhance collaboration on project-related activities, such as
managing project documents and tracking project issues. Using SharePoint Team Services, you can:
Create project document libraries to submit project documents, and view documents quickly.
Track issues in the predefined issue list, and customize the issues template per project.
Allow authorized users to create custom views with additional fields for document libraries and issue tracking lists.
Secure documents and issues at the team Web site level to prevent unauthorized users from viewing and editing
documents and issues.
Secure remote administration from both the command line and the HTML Administration pages to enable Microsoft Project
Server to programmatically and remotely administer SharePoint Team Services subwebs.
Add users and perform other Web administration tasks by using an easy HTML interface.
For additional information about SharePoint Team Services, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide on TechNet.
SharePoint Team Services Architecture

The architecture of SharePoint Team Services is based on the architecture of FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 and uses the
Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI). Like FrontPage Server Extensions, SharePoint Team Services works
with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) on the Windows® platform and relies on a database, such as SQL™ Server or
MSDE Database, to provide additional functionality. SharePoint Team Services however, does not follow the same Web creation
and Web publishing model you may be used to with FrontPage Server Extensions—when created, a SharePoint Team Services
Web site is immediately live on the server.
When SharePoint Team Services is installed on a Web server, SharePoint team Web site authoring and administering functionality
is available from any computer that has Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. Authoring and administration are also available
from a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program, such as the Office 2000 client or the Office XP client, whether the
computer is on the Internet or on an intranet.
The following diagram illustrates typical SharePoint Team Services architecture.

Figure 1. Typical SharePoint Team Services architecture

Communication between a client computer and a Web server running SharePoint Team Services uses the same open HTTP-based
protocol that Web browsers on a client computer use to interact with a Web server. No file sharing access on the Web server
computer is needed, and neither FTP nor telnet access is required. No proprietary file system sharing calls are necessary to use
SharePoint Team Services. Some features (such as exporting to a spreadsheet) use ActiveX® components and require Microsoft
Internet Explorer, but most content is returned to the client computer in HTML format.
Because SharePoint Team Services relies on both the file system and a database to track information about the Web site, these
systems must be synchronized. For example, a list in a SharePoint Team Services Web site is a combination of data from the
database and from the HTML files. SharePoint Team Services provides tools for backing up the database, but uses the usual
operating system tools to back up the file system. Be sure to back up the file system whenever you back up the database. Keeping
file system and database backups synchronized will help simplify the process, if you ever need to restore your Web site.
Integration Architecture
When Microsoft Project Server integrates with SharePoint Team Services to enable document library and issue tracking features,
it uses the following integration architecture:

Figure 2. Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services integration architecture
Document Libraries and the Issue List
A default SharePoint Team Services Web site allows you to create multiple document libraries and to upload multiple documents
into each document library. SharePoint Team Services provides server-side schema template files used to define fields and view
schemas for storing or displaying list data, such as document properties and document library details. SharePoint Team Services
schema files are modified for Microsoft Project to add specific document properties that are useful in the project management
An issue list is a customized SharePoint Team Services list. When modifying SharePoint Team Services server side template files
for Microsoft Project, a default issue list is created for each team Web site that provides specific fields for issue tracking in the
project management context.
After the Microsoft Project Server administrator has run the custom SharePoint Team Services Setup and configuration program
for Microsoft Project (Stswiz.exe), the SharePoint Team Services server side template is automatically replaced with a specific
template for Microsoft Project.
After a team Web site is provisioned on the Web server with the modified SharePoint Team Services template, document libraries
and the issue list with the extended and modified fields are created for the site. Microsoft Project Server displays the interface for
interacting with project document libraries and the issue list through Microsoft Project Web Access, and stores information about
links between documents or issues and projects or tasks in the Microsoft Project Server database.

Communication Between Microsoft Project Server and a Web Server Running SharePoint Team Services
Microsoft Project Server uses multiple methods (based on variations of HTTP protocol) to communicate with Web servers running
SharePoint Team Services.
XMLHTTP Microsoft Project Server requests and receives data from SharePoint Team Services by using XMLHTTP.
Microsoft Project Server then parses the XML results returned by SharePoint Team Services, and renders the data in
Microsoft Project Web Access. For example, it displays data in custom view lists for documents and issues in the left
navigation pane of Microsoft Project Web Access, or on the Linked Documents or Issues page that is displayed when you
click Link Documents or Link Issues.
HTTP Microsoft Project Web Access pages display a portion of the SharePoint Team Services user interface in IFRAMES by
passing the URL of the SharePoint Team Services form to the IFRAME. For example, this occurs when a user opens a
document library and sees the document list, or when a user drills down to project issues and sees the Issues list in
Microsoft Project Web Access pages.
HTTP Based Administrative Protocol Microsoft Project Server remotely administers SharePoint Team Services Web
sites using an HTTP-based protocol. Microsoft Project Server implements the protocol within custom forms to pose requests
to the ISAPI file Fpadmdll.dll in Windows (in the Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
extensions\50\isapi\_vti_adm folder). Microsoft Project Server uses this protocol to perform remote administrative tasks on
the SharePoint Team Services computer, such as remotely creating a subweb when a project is published to Microsoft
Project Server, adding users to appropriate roles in the subweb, and deleting project subwebs.
Middle Layer:

The object link provider object (ProjObjProv.dll) resides in the middle layer of Microsoft Project Server. It exposes interface
methods for linking documents and issues to projects and tasks. The link information is stored in the Microsoft Project Server
database. The objects related to tasks and projects are not limited to SharePoint Team Services documents and issue items. As
long as the unique identifier of an object can be expressed in URL, XML or table IDs, an external object can be easily associated
with projects and tasks, or with other external objects by using the object link provider.
Front End: Project Web Access

Microsoft Project Web Access is the single access point for project-related documents and issues. A user should always upload a
project document or create a project issue by using Microsoft Project Web Access.
How Project Teams Collaborate on Documents and Issues
Figure 3. How project teams collaborate on documents and issues
A SharePoint Team Services subweb is provisioned for each project published to the Microsoft Web Server database. When a
project is published to Microsoft Project Web Server for the first time, the SharePoint Team Services server programmatically
provisions the subweb. In enterprise mode, a project could have multiple versions. A subweb is created only for the published
version of the project.
When a project subweb is provisioned, the following actions occur:
The project subweb does not inherit security from its parent subweb. Therefore, users must be added into roles on each
subweb to access project documents and issues in Microsoft Project Web Access.
A Windows account that has been specified during setup is the default administrator for each project subweb.
Four Microsoft Project Server custom roles are created on the subweb:
Administrator A replica of the default Administrator role.
Project Manager A replica of the default Advanced Author role.
Team Member The Project Manager role, minus the Design List right.
Browser A replica of the default Browser role.
Microsoft Project Server users are added into respective roles on the subweb, based on their access to a project specified in
Microsoft Project Server. Microsoft Project Server users who have the global Manage SharePoint Team Services permission are
added into the Microsoft Project Server Administrator role of the subweb.
Project managers who have published the project are added into the Project Manager (Microsoft Project Server) role of the
subweb. Users who have Save Project permission to save their work on the project are added into the Project Manager (Microsoft
Project Server) role of the subweb.
Team members who have task assignments in a project are added into the Team Member (Microsoft Project Server) role of the
subweb. Users who have Open Project permission on the project are added into the Browser (Microsoft Project Server) role of the
The automatic subweb provisioning works seamlessly for an end user. A project manager creates a project plan, assigns tasks to
resources, and publishes the project to Microsoft Project Server. When the plan is published successfully, the project manager can
immediately browse to the project document libraries and create project issues, because the SharePoint Team Services subweb
has already been provisioned, and the project manager has been given the appropriate rights to interact with the document and
This implies that document and issue security is set on the project level, not on the list level or list item level. Document and issue
lists share the same security settings. A project manager can create document libraries, upload documents, create and modify
issues, and add new fields to a document or issue list in the project subweb. A team member can create, upload, and modify
documents and issues, but does not have permission to add new fields to document or issue lists. A reviewer can only view the
documents and issues, but cannot edit document properties or the content of documents and issues.
Public Documents

When you use Microsoft Project Server Setup to install and configure a Web server running SharePoint Team Services, the Setup
program creates a default subweb called MS_ProjectServer_PublicDocuments. Document libraries in this subweb serve as an
organization's public document depository, as defined in Microsoft Project Server.
The following Project Server custom roles are created for this subweb: Administrator (Microsoft Project Server), and Project
Manager (Microsoft Project Server). Users are added to Microsoft Project Server into appropriate roles, either by using the
Microsoft Project Web Access Admin center or by publishing a project from Microsoft Project.
Users with permission to manage SharePoint Team Services in Microsoft Project Server are automatically added as Microsoft
Project Server Administrators. All other Microsoft Project Server users are added in the Microsoft Project Server Project Manager
role so that every Microsoft Project Server user can create document libraries, extend document properties, and upload
documents into the Public Documents subwebs. Like project documents, public documents are accessible in the Documents
center of Microsoft Project Web Access.
Other List Items in the SharePoint Subweb

In addition to documents and issues, a SharePoint Team Services subweb, once created, contains events, announcement,
discussions, and other custom lists. Other SharePoint Team Services lists are not exposed through the Microsoft Project Web
Access user interface. Users can access other lists for a specific subweb by navigating to the subweb directly, by using their
Internet browser. A URL can be exposed in the Microsoft Project Web Access home page (by customizing the Microsoft Project
Web Access home page) that refers to the subweb link.
However, a user should always use Microsoft Project Web Access to submit documents or issues for a project.
Top Of Page
Pre-Deployment Considerations
System Requirements and Prerequisites
For detailed hardware, system, and features requirements sections of Microsoft Project Server 2002, see The Server Platform
resource kit article.
Intranet vs. Internet Deployment
Microsoft Project Server is targeted at intranet deployment only.
Using an Existing SharePoint Team Services Installation
Microsoft Project Server Setup will install SharePoint Team Services on a designated Windows server if SharePoint Team Services
is not already installed.
SharePoint Team Services also ships in the following Microsoft products:
Office XP with FrontPage
FrontPage 2002
You may already have SharePoint Team Services installed on a server. In this case, STSWiz.exe, part of the Microsoft Project
Server Setup program, will configure the SharePoint Team Services server for Microsoft Project Server.
Single Server or Multiple Servers Configuration
Both Microsoft Project Server and Web servers running SharePoint Team Services must reside in the same Windows domain tree.
Small workgroup (10 - 20 people)

A single server computer for Microsoft Project Server, SharePoint Team Services, and Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE).
Departmental deployment (100 people)

One server computer for Microsoft Project Server

One server computer for SharePoint Team Services
One server computer for SQL Server
Enterprise Deployment (500 people, and many projects)

One server computer for Microsoft Project Server

Multiple server computers for SharePoint Team Services
One server computer for SQL Server

See Also
For more information about server deployment, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Configuration Guidelines white paper on
User Accounts
Although Microsoft Project Server (installed without SharePoint Team Services) supports Microsoft Project Server accounts,
SharePoint Team Services and Microsoft Project Server integration features require the use of Windows accounts (these can be
domain and local Windows accounts).
Top Of Page
Installing SharePoint Team Services
Running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard
Microsoft Project Server Setup includes a separate SharePoint Configuration Wizard program. This wizard installs and configures
SharePoint Team Services if it has not already been installed. If SharePoint Team Services is already installed, this wizard
configures SharePoint Team Services by copying modified server-side template files, creating the public documents subweb, and
creating custom roles for Microsoft Project Server.
The SharePoint Configuration Wizard is accessible from Microsoft Project Server Setup.
The suggested running sequence is:
1. Install and configure SharePoint Team Services.
1. Install Microsoft Project Server.
1. Connect to SharePoint Team Services during the custom install of Microsoft Project Server by running STSWiz.exe and
If you install Microsoft Project Server first, you can still run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard. However, you will need to
manually connect Microsoft Project Server to the configured SharePoint Team Services server.
The components that you install and the sequence in which you install them are very important. For best results, plan your
deployment prior to installing SharePoint Team Services. There are many articles about planning your Microsoft Project Server
deployment on the Microsoft Project Technology Center on TechNet.

See Also
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide, Pjsvr10.chm, is included on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD, or you may
download a copy from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.

Establishing a Connection to a SharePoint Team Services Server

There are two ways to establish a connection to a SharePoint Team Services server. You can enter SharePoint Team Services
server information during Setup, or enter it later, from the Manage Share Point Team Services Administration page in
Microsoft Project Web Access.
Microsoft Project Server communicates with SharePoint Team Services by using the XMLHTTP protocol. In order for Microsoft
Project Server to communicate with the SharePoint Team Services computer successfully, the Microsoft Project Server computer
must be configured to connect through the proxy server, if your organization uses one. (This requirement is true even when
Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services are installed on the same computer.)
To configure Microsoft Project Server for a proxy server, run the WinHTTP proxy configuration utility by typing proxycfg -d -p
proxy-server-list optional-bypass-list at a command prompt, where proxy-server-list is a space-delimited list of one or more
proxy servers, and optional-bypass-list is a space-delimited list of servers that should be accessed directly. For example:
Proxycfg -d -p "proxyserver:80" "<local>"

If a proxy server is not specified for the given protocol, the -d option specifies that the server should be accessed directly. After
running Proxycfg.exe, restart Internet Information Services by typing iisreset at a command prompt. Proxycfg.exe can be found in
the Program Files\Microsoft Project Server\Bin folder on the Microsoft Project Server computer.
For more information about Proxycfg.exe, including details about the proxy-server-list and optional-bypass-list parameters,
search for "Using the WinHTTP Proxy Configuration Utility" on MSDN.

See Also
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide, Pjsvr10.chm, is included on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD, or you may
download a copy from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Changing Account Information

There are two Windows accounts that are required by Microsoft Project Server to connect to SharePoint Team Services. One is an
administrator account on the server computer for SharePoint Team Services. The other account has at least Read-only access to
the SQL Server database on the SharePoint Team Services computer.
To change the Windows account information after you have set up Microsoft Project Server with SharePoint Team Services, run
PSCOMPlus.exe, found in the \Microsoft Project Server\Bin\1033 folder of the Microsoft Project Server computer (this folder,
1033, contains the files for the U.S. English version. Files for other languages can be found in the folder that corresponds to the
locale ID [LCID] for that language).
PSCOMPlus.exe is used to provide the name of user accounts (in the format domain\account) that should be impersonated by a
COM+ application to allow Microsoft Project Server to connect to the SharePoint Team Services and SharePoint Team Services
database computers.

Anonymous Access to Web Sites Running SharePoint Team Services

It is recommended that you turn off anonymous access for the project subwebs, so that only authorized users can access
documents and issues. You can turn off anonymous access in the Site Administration page for the subweb. You can also turn off
anonymous access for each directory in the Internet Information Services Manager.

See Also
For more information on managing anonymous access, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide on TechNet.
Top Of Page
Security and User Authentication
Windows Security Model

Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services rely on the security features of Windows 2000 to provide security for Web
site content. There are three elements in Windows security:
User authentication The process used to validate the user account that is attempting to gain access to a Web site or
network resource.
File system security The ability to control which users gain access to which files or folders in the file system. This security
setting applies to project documents and document libraries.
Server to server authentication The process used to validate Microsoft Project Server actions by using a predefined user
account that is attempting to gain xmlhttp responses from procedures in SharePoint Team Services, whether SharePoint
Team Services is installed on the same server computer or not.
In addition to these elements, Microsoft Project Server includes its own application security module. Permission to access
Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Web Access data (not document and issues) is managed through the Microsoft Project
Server administrative features. Security for Microsoft Project Server is supported per user per project at both the application and
database layers.
SharePoint Team Services includes a security feature called user roles. By using user roles, you do not have to control file and
folder permissions separately, or worry about keeping your local groups synchronized with your list of Web users. You use roles
to give users permissions on your Web site, and use SharePoint Team Services administration tools to add new users directly. For
more information about user roles, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrators' Guide on TechNet.

User Authentication
User authentication is the process used to validate a user account that is attempting to gain access to a Web site or network
resource. When you use Microsoft Project Server with SharePoint Team Services, user authentication is based on Internet
Information Services (IIS) authentication methods. IIS provides five forms of user authentication:
Anonymous authentication
Basic authentication
Integrated Windows authentication
Digest Access authentication
Certificate authentication
Whether you set up Microsoft Project Server on the same computer with SharePoint Team Services or not, Microsoft Project
Server and SharePoint Team Services must use the same User Authentication form under IIS version 5.0.
Anonymous authentication

Anonymous authentication provides access to users who do not have Windows NT server accounts on the server computer (for
example, Web site visitors). IIS creates the anonymous account for Web services, IUSR_computername. When IIS receives an
anonymous request, it impersonates the anonymous account.
You can turn off the anonymous access of a SharePoint Team Services subweb (also known as the project subweb) by changing
the anonymous access settings in the Users and Roles section of the subweb's Site Administration page, or by using the Web
site properties dialog in IIS.
Basic authentication

Basic authentication is an authentication protocol supported by most Web servers and browsers. Although Basic authentication
transmits user names and passwords in easily decoded clear text, it has some advantages over more secure authentication
methods, because it works through a proxy server firewall and ensures that a Web site is accessible by almost any Web browser.
If you use Basic authentication in combination with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security, you can add a layer of protection to the
user names and passwords, making your user information more secure.
In your organization, if multiple users share the same desktop, you should enable Basic Authentication only, in combination with
SSL. In this case, a user can be authenticated to their SharePoint subweb, regardless of the current logged-on Windows account.
Integrated Windows authentication (recommended as default)

Integrated Windows authentication (also known as Windows NT Challenge Response) encrypts user names and passwords in a
multiple transaction interaction between client and server, thus making this method more secure than Basic authentication. The
disadvantages of using this method are that it cannot be performed through a proxy server firewall, and that some Web browsers
(most notably, Netscape Navigator) do not support it. You can, however, enable both Integrated Windows authentication and
Basic authentication at the same time.
Digest Access authentication

Digest Access authentication is similar to Basic authentication, except that a user's account name and password are transmitted in
a more secure format. This method requires IIS version 5.0 or later on the server computer, and Internet Explorer version 5.0 or
later on the client computer. Digest Access authentication works with domain accounts only; you cannot use Digest Access
authentication with local user accounts.
Certificate authentication

Certificate authentication (also known as Secure Sockets Layer [SSL] security) provides communications privacy, authentication,
and message integrity for a TCP/IP connection. By using the SSL protocol, clients and server connections (Microsoft Project Web
Access and Microsoft Project Server) and server-to-server connections (Microsoft Project Server to SharePoint Team Services) can
communicate in a way that prevents eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery. Using SSL with both Microsoft Project Server
and SharePoint Team Services ensures secure authoring across firewalls, and also ensures security during remote administration
of SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage Server Extensions 2002.
If you want to enable SSL support, you must ensure that both Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services are set up
to support this.
You can choose the authentication method you want to use when you set up your Web server. You cannot change the
authentication method by using the Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services administration tools; you must use
the IIS administration tool for your server computer. However, it is important to keep in mind that Microsoft Project Server and
SharePoint Team Services must be configured to use the same User Authentication method.
File System Security

This section addresses how project documents in SharePoint Team Services are secured. SharePoint Team Services relies on the
Windows operating system to secure the file system for your project documents. Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP
support access control lists (ACLs) to secure files and folders.
ACLs are supported only by the Windows NT File System (NTFS). Because SharePoint Team Services security is in part
based on ACLs, you must use the NTFS file system on the server computer that hosts IIS and SharePoint Team Services or
FrontPage Server Extensions 2002.
For more information about ACLs, see the topics "File permissions" and "Folder permissions" in Windows 2000 Help, or the
"Access control" topic in Windows XP Help.

Server-to-server Authentication

Microsoft Project Server communicates with the Web server running SharePoint Team Services by using xmlhttp. The xmlhttp
request coming from Microsoft Project Server must be validated with the administrator privilege on the server computer running
SharePoint Team Services. This authentication information is required, even if SharePoint Team Services runs on the same
computer as Microsoft Project Server.
As with the installation of Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services, the administrator needs to provide Microsoft
Project Server a Windows account that has administrative privileges on the server computer running SharePoint Team Services.
First, the administrator obtains a domain Windows account or creates a local Windows account on the computer running
SharePoint Team Services. She then adds the Windows account to the Administrator NT group of that computer. Finally, she
enters the Windows account name and password during the custom installation of Microsoft Project Server, or later, by running
PSCOMPlus.exe in the %program files%\Microsoft Project Server\1033\bin directory. If you run PSCOMPlus.exe, you will need to
enter the Windows account information in the SharePoint Team Services Administration Identity box of the dialog box, and
click Create/Update COM+ Apps.
Top Of Page
Specifying the Current Server

If a Microsoft Project Server is connected to multiple SharePoint Team Services computers, only one SharePoint Team Services
session can be active at a time
Provisioning Project Subwebs

As the Microsoft Project Server administrator, you can decide whether Microsoft Project Server provisions project subwebs
programmatically. This option resides on the SharePoint Team Services subweb provisioning settings page of the Manage
SharePoint Team Services section in the Admin center of Microsoft Project Web Access.
It is recommended that you use the automatic subweb creation option.
Microsoft Project Server programmatically creates the subweb when a project is first published to Microsoft Project Server. A
project manager publishes a project to Microsoft Project Server by using Microsoft Project Standard or Microsoft Project
Professional. The following two user actions lead to automatic subweb creation:
Publish New and Changed Assignments (the first time a project is published)
Publish Project Plan (the first time a project is published)
Manually create a project subweb

To create a project subweb manually, you can create the subweb on the Manage SharePoint Team Services subwebs page of
the Manage SharePoint Team Services section in the Admin center of Microsoft Project Web Access.
To create a subweb

1. Publish a project to Microsoft Project Server.

1. Select a project from the Provision a subweb for drop-down list box, and click Create Subweb.
1. Wait for the subweb creation process to complete before you navigate away from the page.
Granting project user access to subwebs

You can decide whether Microsoft Project Server automatically creates roles in the project subweb and adds Microsoft Project
Servers into the custom SharePoint Team Services subweb roles. The recommended option is automatic, so that when the
subweb is created, project managers, team members, and project stakeholders who can view the project are granted access to
documents and issues in that project's subweb and in the Public Documents subweb.
You may manually add users to the correct roles in subwebs by using the SharePoint Team Services Administrative Pages.
Synchronizing Users

Project teams are constantly changing. Team members join or leave the team, project managers take on additional
responsibilities, and new resource managers or executives come on board. All of these changes lead to changes in Microsoft
Project Server user permissions. When you make security changes in Microsoft Project Server, user roles are not automatically
updated in the respective project subwebs. Instead, the Microsoft Project Server administrator needs to update user security
settings manually, by synchronizing users in the Manage SharePoint Team Services section of the Admin center in Microsoft
Project Web Access.
The following sequence of actions takes place when users are synchronized:
First, all users are removed from the four Microsoft Project Server custom roles (Administrator, Project Manager, Team
Member, and Browser).
Next, based on their current access permissions to the project, users are re-entered into the four roles of the respective
project subweb.

Synchronizing Administrator Accounts

When new users are given the Manage SharePoint Team Services permission in Microsoft Project Server or when this permission
is denied to existing users, the respective roles in SharePoint Team Services are not automatically updated. In this case, the
Microsoft Project Server administrator needs to update user security settings manually, by synchronizing administrators in the
Manage SharePoint Team Services section of the Admin center in Microsoft Project Web Access.
The following sequence of actions takes place when administrators are synchronized:
First, all users are removed from the custom Administrator (Microsoft Project Server) roles in all project subwebs and from
the MS_ProjectServer_PublicDocuments subweb.
Next, a query is performed to pull out all Microsoft Project users with Manage SharePoint Team Services permission. All of
these users are then re-entered into the custom administrator role for all project subwebs and for the
MS_ProjectServer_PublicDocuments subweb.

Managing SharePoint Subwebs and the Web Server

Project subweb administration

For project subweb management tasks (such as monitoring server health, site statistics, and user access), it is recommended that
you use SharePoint Team Services site administrative pages directly.
In the Manage SharePoint Team Services Subwebs page in the Manage SharePoint Team Services section of the Admin
center in Microsoft Project Web Access, you can easily navigate to the HTML administration page of each subweb by selecting the
project and clicking Go to Web site administration.
You can use the Site Administration pages to:
Manage users and roles. You can add or remove users, edit roles, and change which role a user is a member of.
Manage Web document discussion and Web subscription settings. For SharePoint Team Services, you can turn Web
document discussions and Web subscriptions on or off for a site, or change settings, such as when subscription notifications
are sent by default.
Perform usage analysis tasks. For example, you can turn usage analysis log processing on or off and specify usage analysis
settings, such as log data expiration times or other scheduling details.
Manage server health features. You can detect potential problems on your Web site and repair them with the server health
tools. You can also schedule the server health check to be performed automatically.
For more information on administering SharePoint Team Services, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide on
Server Administration

The Server Administration pages allow you to administer settings for your Web server. You must be a member of the local
administrators group for the server computer to view the Server Administration pages. You can use the Server Administration
pages to:
View the list of virtual servers on your server and find information about each one. For example, you can upgrade your
virtual servers to SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage Server Extensions 2002.
Specify default settings for the virtual servers and Web sites on the server. You can specify default database, Web document
discussion, Web subscription, usage analysis, server health, and security settings.
Specify which permissions are available to be assigned to roles and users. You can turn off specific user rights if you do not
want them to be available for the Web sites on your server.
Reset user passwords. This is for the local Windows NT accounts only. If a user forgets his or her password, you can reset it
from the Server Administration pages.
For more information on administering SharePoint Team Services, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide on
Virtual Server Administration
The Virtual Server Administration pages help control settings for any extended virtual server on your server computer. By default,
a newly created virtual server inherits settings from defaults set on the Server Administration pages. You use the Virtual Server
Administration pages to change these default settings, and to specify what settings to use for project subwebs of the virtual
server. You must be a member of the local Administrators group for the server computer to view the Virtual Server
Administration pages.
You can use the Virtual Server Administration pages to:
Change configuration settings. You can change performance tuning settings and other settings for your virtual server.
Change database settings. For SharePoint Team Services, you can back up and restore the database, schedule automatic
backups, or change the database connection settings for a virtual server.
Set user account limits. You can set quotas for how many users can be added to a virtual server.
You can only get to the Virtual Server Administration pages from the Server Administration pages. To open the Virtual Server
Administration page for a particular virtual server, on the Server Administration page, next to the virtual server you want to
administer, click Administration.
For more information on administer SharePoint Team Services, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide on
Top Of Page
Collaborate on Documents and Issues
When SharePoint Team Services is integrated with Microsoft Project, and the Documents and Issues centers have been enabled
on Microsoft Project Server, you can create document libraries and issue lists to provide easy access to project-related documents
and issues. As soon as a project is published on Microsoft Project Server, a SharePoint Team Services subweb is created for that
project as a space for document libraries and issue lists. An administrator can also manually provide a SharePoint Team Services
subweb for this purpose. Each project has its own subweb. The Public Documents subweb also serves as a depository of
documents that are public to the organization.
Document Libraries

Document libraries store a collection of documents that is analogous to a file folder. These documents can be created based on
templates that are associated with document libraries. An authorized user (typically the project manager) defines document
library properties, the default document template it uses, and access permissions to the documents published to a document
There are two types of document depositories in Microsoft Project Web Access:
Project document library This document library stores documents that are related to a specific project. Each project can
have multiple document libraries. Authorized users can create additional document libraries for the project. Project
managers, who by default have design list permission on SharePoint Team Services, can make changes to specific
document libraries.
Public document library Multiple document libraries are available, any one of which store documents that are accessible
to all users in the organization. The server administrator defines who has access to documents in this document library. By
default, all Microsoft Project Server users can create document libraries and contribute documents.
When creating a document library, an authorized user, such as a project manager, can use default document library properties
defined during Setup, or specify new document library properties. A user may want to define a property that helps track
documents in the project.
To simplify document creation, an authorized user can define a template to be used for the document library.
For ease of use, authorized users can create multiple views for a document library.
Document libraries can be searched for specific information. To find a document, the Search tool searches through all document
libraries on the server and returns only documents that you have permission to view.
E-mail notifications can alert you when a document is added to a document library or when a document has changed in your
Documents in a document library are, by default, associated with a project. A project manager or a team member can associate
documents with specific project tasks that have been published to Microsoft Project Server as new or changed assignments.
Documents are clearly marked by a document indicator, and appear in the timesheet, Tasks center, and Projects center of
Microsoft Project Web Access. For example, you can access documents submitted into a project lists in the Projects center.
Tracking Issues
Issue tracking improves the efficiency and effectiveness of project management because it allows you to communicate about
problems and related action items with team members and stakeholders. Issue tracking provides rich reporting, status indications,
e-mail notifications, and alerts to help ensure that issues that come up during the completion of a project get attention and are
By using SharePoint Team Services to track issues, each issue is treated as a documented collaborative discussion that typically
has a process controlling its lifetime. Typically, someone starts the issue process by opening a new issue. Others can then add
information to the discussion field of this issue. Eventually, helpful information can be entered in the resolution field and,
depending on the type of solution, the issue can be marked as closed or postponed.
SharePoint Team Services provides three levels of security on issues for a project. Read-only permission for stakeholders who
need to review issues, edit permission for authorized users such as team members who can create and edit issues, and edit and
customization permission for project managers who can customize the specific fields (such as the priority, discussion, or
resolution fields) and views (such as the issue list view) used for issues.
By default, an administrator and a project manager can also define additional views for issues in a project. You define a new view
by specifying the visible fields in the issue list, the order of issues in the list, the filters applied, and the number of items displayed
on a page.
Issues can be associated with projects, tasks, documents, and other issues. When an issue is linked to a task, it can impact the task
directly, have the task as a work item, or be related to the task.
Issues are clearly marked by an issue indicator, and appear in the timesheet, Tasks center, and Projects center of Microsoft Project
Web Access. For example, newly assigned issues appear in the Home center, and you can access issue lists of projects in the
Projects center.
E-mail notifications can alert you when issues have been opened, assigned, or updated, and you can keep track of the status of
issues. Depending on the actions taken to resolve them, issues appear as active, closed, or postponed.
Default customization document and issue property lists can be customized to better meet your needs. By default, a Microsoft
Project Server administrator or a project manager can extend the properties of the document libraries and add additional tracking
fields for issues.
For the document library, an authorized user can change the name of the lists, its security settings, its columns, and its views.
Authorized users can also add new columns and change the order of the fields in a column.
For the issue list, an authorized user can add new columns, change the order the fields in a column, and add additional issue
For default document columns, you can change the title, status, and ownership settings.
For default issue columns, you can change the title, status, priority, assignment, ownership, and due date settings.
When creating or updating views, you can specify the columns you want to display, the order in which you want the columns
displayed, the criteria by which you want to filter information displayed in the columns, and the number of items you want
Top Of Page
Extensibility on STS/Project Server Integration
Microsoft Project 2002 ships default document library and issue tracking features by integrating with SharePoint Team Services.
However, SharePoint Team Services may not meet the enterprise user demand for a sophisticated document management or
issue tracking process.
As an alterative, Microsoft Project Server is presented as a platform where solution providers can integrate third party document
management or issue tracking applications with Microsoft Project Server. The Object Link Provider (OLP) object provides
application programmable interfaces for linking projects and tasks to generic external objects, such as documents that reside in a
third- party document management system, and issues that reside in a third-party issue tracking application.
The following are some scenarios for developing solutions by leveraging the Object Link Provider object:
Integration with an existing Microsoft product store (SharePoint Portal Server or Microsoft Exchange) for collaboration
Replacement of the default document library solution, and integration of Microsoft Project Server with a third-party
document store, for example Documentum, DocShare, Lotus Notes, and so on.
Replacement of the default issue tracking application, and integration with a third-party issue tracking application.
Customization on top of the default integration of Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services.

Object Link Provider

The Object Link Provider (OLP) object is a server-side object that provides programmability interfaces on linking tasks and
projects to external objects. OLP works as follows:
First, the solution needs to register the objects, for example, a project, a task, a document, or an issue with Microsoft Project
Server. The object can be described using XML or a unique ID, in the simplest case.
Next, the solution creates links between any two registered objects based on the feedback from the user interface.
Finally, the solution queries for all linked objects, given a specific object ID and display information in the user interface. The
architecture diagram is shown below:

Figure 4. Architecture of OLP and Microsoft Project Server interaction.

The OLP adds, deletes, or updates rows in the following two tables in Microsoft Project database:

It also exposes application programmable interfaces that allow a solution provider to:
Create, delete, or update objects in the Objects table.
Create and delete object relationship in the Object Links table.
Link or unlink generic objects to projects.
Link or unlink generic objects to tasks.
As a result, you can expect to associate tasks and projects stored in Microsoft Project Server to external objects. The objects can be
documents stored in Lotus Notes, issues stored in a custom issue tracking application, discussions stored in SharePoint Team
Services subwebs, or risks stored in a custom risk tracking application.
You can also expect to associate one object external to Microsoft Project Server to other objects external to Microsoft Project
Server. The default features of Microsoft Project 2002 demonstrate that an issue stored in the SharePoint Team Services database
can be linked to multiple documents that are stored in the same database. Similarly, an issue can be linked to discussion items,
and a document can be linked to a risk.
See Also

SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide on TechNet.

SharePoint Team Services Technology Center on TechNet.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server and Web Technologies
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Deploying Microsoft Project Server
Internet and Intranet Technologies
Office Web Controls
Analysis Services and Data Security
IIS Server Security
This article describes how Microsoft® Project Server, Microsoft Project Professional, and Microsoft Project Standard work with
the Internet, data access, data analysis, and data security. It also discusses Internet and intranet Web technologies implemented by
Microsoft Project Server, and provides numerous links to more detailed information.
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Deploying Microsoft Project Server
Using Microsoft Project Server in the Enterprise Mode
Microsoft Project Server is a Web-based product with a three-tier architecture that consists of Active Server Pages residing on a
server based on Microsoft Windows® that stores its data in a Microsoft SQL Server™ database. These pages are viewed through a
Web browser, such as Internet Explorer. To access Microsoft Project Server, the user types its URL in the Web browser, and then
logs on.
Some of the server pages are also accessible by using Microsoft Project as the client. You can do this by setting options on the
Collaboration menu in Microsoft Project.
Plans are published directly to the database from Microsoft Project after saving the plan and making a connection to Microsoft
Project server.
In the enterprise mode, Microsoft Project Server is designed to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Project Professional.
Deviations from this standard configuration can be implemented but are not recommended, for example, connecting a Microsoft
Project Standard client to the enterprise.
Microsoft Project Server requires SQL Server 2000. For Microsoft Project Server system requirements, see the Basic Server
Installation or The Server Platform resource kit articles.
A new database-related technology used in Microsoft Project Server (enterprise use only) is Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
For more information, see the OLAP Cubes article on MSDN.
Microsoft Project Server builds an OLAP cube based on enterprise project data by using SQL Server Analysis Services. The
information is then displayed in Microsoft Project Web Access, through the Portfolio Analyzer feature, using OWCs. For general
information about SQL Server Analysis Services, see Part 6 - Analysis Services in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit.
Remote Data Service (RDS) is the technology used by Microsoft Project Web Access to retrieve data from the Microsoft Project
Server database through ASP. To view detailed information about the use of RDS, and why the implementation is secure, see the
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security Architecture and Planning Guide article on TechNet.
Microsoft Project Server and SMTP

Microsoft Project Server uses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for client e-mail notifications. During installation of Microsoft
Project Server, you will see the Enter SMTP mail server information dialog box. You will need to enter the name of the mail
server to be used, as well as the port number. The standard port number for the SMTP mail service is 25. The From address box
must contain a valid e-mail address on the mail server, designated in the SMTP mail server box. This account will be used to
send e-mail notifications and reminders. The information entered at the time of installation can be modified and managed
through the Admin Center in Microsoft Project Web Access.
For more information about Microsoft Project Server and SMTP, see the Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services
resource kit article.
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Internet and Intranet Technologies
Some of the features of Microsoft Project 2002 depend on functionality that is provided by the Web browser components that are
installed on users' computers.
For information about the system requirements and operating environments for Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project
Professional clients, see The Client Platform resource kit article.
For information about the system requirements and operating environments for Microsoft Project Server, see The Server
Platform resource kit article.
For information about how Microsoft Project Server and the Internet can work together, see the Microsoft Project Server and the
Internet resource kit article.

Web Browser Requirements for Microsoft Project 2002

To take full advantage of the features offered by Microsoft Project Server, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later is required
(Internet Explorer 5.5 or later is recommended) for both the server (Microsoft Project Server) and the client (Microsoft Project
Professional or Microsoft Project Standard).
Web Features Available in Microsoft Project 2002
When you run Microsoft Project 2002 under a version of Microsoft Windows that includes Internet Explorer 5.01 or later, or the
necessary Windows Web Browsing Components, all Microsoft Project 2002 features that depend on Internet Explorer 5.01
components are available, as described in the following sections.
Web features

Microsoft Project 2002 allows users to follow hyperlinks in documents.

By using the Open and Save As dialog boxes (Fil e menu), users can open and save files on Web servers by using the HTTP
protocol. By using the Web Folders object in Windows Explorer or in the Open and Save As dialog boxes, users can open, cut,
copy, paste, or drag files to or from a Web server. These features also require that the Web server has one of the following
programs installed:
Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE)
FrontPage Server Extensions
Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) protocol
You can also use the Save As Web Page command on the File menu to save data in a Microsoft Project file as a static HTML file
that can be viewed on a Web server.
Microsoft Office Server Extensions

In addition to using the HTTP protocol to open and save documents, the OSE Start page gives users a logical starting place for
browsing or searching for documents on a Web server.
You can use Web subscriptions to notify you when a project file has been modified.
Microsoft Project Help

Microsoft Project 2002 Help requires Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, or the Windows Web Browsing components.
Microsoft Project Help will not work with a version of Internet Explorer earlier than 4.01, unless Web browsing components were
installed during setup.
Programming tools

Developers of Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) macros created in Microsoft Project can identify themselves to users
by digitally signing the VBA project that contains their macros. When a macro is altered, the digital signature is automatically
voided to indicate that the macro might have been tampered with.
Roaming user profiles

Traveling users (sometimes referred to as roaming users) move between different computers on a network. By using roaming
user profiles, traveling users can move between computers and take their application settings and working files with them, along
with any system preferences.
Web Features Requiring the Windows Desktop Update Shell
Some features of Microsoft Project 2002 require a later version of the Windows Desktop Update shell than that which is shipped
with Windows NT® Workstation 4.0. The following Microsoft Project 2002 features require the updated version of the Windows
Desktop Update shell:
Switching between files by using the Windows taskbar or by pressing ALT+TAB
Using the Windows installer to advertise a program on the Windows Start menu
Sending files to the Windows Desktop from Web Folders
The following versions of the shell meet the Microsoft Project 2002 requirements: the version installed with Internet Explorer 4.01
or later, and the version installed with Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
To ensure that features that depend on the Windows Desktop Update shell are available, administrators can install the shell for
Internet Explorer 4.01 or later by using the Internet Explorer Administrator's Kit (IEAK), along with the Custom Installation Wizard.
This step is necessary only for computers running the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 operating system.
Web Server Support
Collaborating and sharing information are increasingly important elements of the day-to-day operations of organizations. Users
must be able to find, work with, and exchange information easily with their co-workers and clients. Networks based on Web
protocols are easy to install and administer, and they offer the promise of universal access to information in a heterogeneous
client environment.
As a result, more organizations are relying on the Internet and on corporate intranets as the infrastructure for their collaborative
processes. Microsoft Project 2002 helps facilitate these trends with Microsoft Project Server.
In addition, Microsoft Project 2002 lets users manage files on a Web server by using Web folders, and publish files to Web servers
from the Save As dialog box in Microsoft Project.

Web Server Components in Microsoft Office Server Extensions

You can save a Microsoft Project 2002 file on a Web server that has Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) installed. You can
install OSE on any Web server with one of the following configurations:
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 with SP6 or later, and Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later, and Personal Web Server 4.0.
OSE allows Microsoft Project 2002 users to search and navigate documents published on Web servers. However, certain features,
such as links between projects and resource sharing with a resource pool file, will not function correctly when projects are stored
on an OSE Web server.
A Web site with OSE installed is called an OSE-extended Web. When you set up an OSE-extended Web, Microsoft Project 2002
users can work with documents on the server by using Web features installed on their computers.
Even if you do not install OSE on your Web server, users can still take advantage of some of the Web features included in
Microsoft Project 2002. These features work with any Web server that runs Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions or any Web
server that supports the Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) Internet protocol. The following Microsoft Project 2002
features do not require OSE:
Using the HTTP protocol to open and save files on Web servers from the Open and Save As dialog boxes (Fil e menu).
Browsing, publishing, and managing the folders and files on Web servers from the Web folders object in My Computer,
Windows Explorer, and in the Save As and Open dialog boxes (File menu) in Microsoft Project 2002.
Although OSE can operate with Microsoft Project Server, it is recommended that you use SharePoint™ Team Services from
Microsoft. If OSE is already installed, you can upgrade to SharePoint Team Services by clicking Upgrade on the Manage
SharePoint Team Services page in the Admin Center of Microsoft Project Web Access. If you see an ADO error in the application
log after upgrading, see the STS: ADO Error Appears in the Application Log After You Upgrade to SharePoint Team Services article
on the Product Support Services Web site.
Other Microsoft Web Server Components
In addition to IIS, Windows 2000 Server also provides other components that complement enterprise intranets.
Microsoft Proxy Server
Every day, more and more companies connect their internal networks to the Internet for a variety of reasons, such as increased
productivity, improved customer service, and collaboration. Some of the biggest issues these organizations face as they extend
their networks to the Internet are security, manageability, and cost. Microsoft Proxy Server offers firewall security, content
caching, and management tools that help organizations address these issues effectively.
Microsoft Certificate Server
Microsoft Certificate Server is a general-purpose, customizable server application for managing digital certificates. It can be used
in a variety of security applications, including verifying the identity of users and Web servers.
Microsoft Index Server
Microsoft Index Server allows users to perform full-text searches of Web server content to retrieve information in almost any
format from any Web browser.

Microsoft Site Server

Designed to help you get the most out of your corporate intranet, Microsoft Site Server helps users publish, find, and share
information quickly and easily. Features include extensive search capabilities and tools to perform thorough analyses of the usage
and effectiveness of your intranet.
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server combines document management with a rich, customizable dashboard site to enable users to
locate, write, review, and manage content in their organization
Digital Dashboard
Microsoft Project Web Access and Digital Dashboards that incorporate Microsoft Project Web Access deliver advanced
collaborative features, leveraging the accessibility and availability of information on both the Web and corporate intranets to
provide unprecedented access to business intelligence. Digital Dashboards enable better knowledge management by
consolidating personal, team, corporate, and external information and by providing single-click access to analytical and
collaborative tools, all in a single, familiar desktop view.
Because they rely on widely available Web technologies and the familiar user interface of Internet Explorer, Digital Dashboards
provide exceptional ease of use and ease of development. And because they provide users with access to an unlimited realm of
corporate or external information and data analysis tools, Digital Dashboards provide the most efficient and flexible knowledge
management solutions available today.
While Microsoft Project Web Access makes the information available, a Digital Dashboard delivers the information to knowledge
workers, enabling them to analyze and act on this information. Digital Dashboards are customized solutions that bring critical,
tailored information directly to a knowledge worker's desktop by integrating personal, team, corporate, and external data in a
single, familiar environment—accessible in the office or on the road. A Digital Dashboard also makes it easier for people to find
the information they need while filtering out unnecessary information, thus increasing productivity and efficiency. Consequently,
knowledge workers can focus on their key business priorities and make more informed decisions.
As Digital Dashboards gain popularity, they will become the primary means through which knowledge workers view their daily
activities, share information with coworkers, and obtain feedback on project status and performance. Thus, Digital Dashboard
systems can have a profound effect on workers' priorities simply by focusing their attention on the processes and data the
organization chooses to present. By increasing the profile and availability of precise scheduling and planning information, the
Microsoft Project Web Access Digital Dashboard becomes a catalyst for a better understanding and acceptance of project
management throughout the organization.
By using Microsoft Project Web Access, users can view project information in custom ways and at varying levels of detail,
depending on their own preferences and the information made available to them by the project manager or administrator. Team
members can see lists of their own tasks and action items in relation to the entire project, while resource managers and business
development managers benefit from concise, action-oriented views of project information.

The Project Guide

The Project Guide is a new piece of functionality in Microsoft Project 2002 that guides users through the first steps of the project
management process and empowers them to learn, explore, and discover Microsoft Project features.
The Project Guide is accessed through the Project Guide toolbar. This toolbar includes Tasks, Resources, Track, Report,
Hide/Show, and the Next Steps and Related Activities buttons. When you click one of these Project Guide toolbar buttons, a
side pane containing steps is displayed on the left of your screen. Clicking Hide/Show closes or opens the side pane for the
selected option. Clicking Next Steps and Related Activities displays all of the default Project Guide based Help available. The
remaining options offer detailed information on each topic, and include wizards to walk you through some specific goals. The
view to the right of the side pane updates to correspond with the action selected. Likewise, the side pane updates to display
pertinent information as new data is entered into the project plan.
If you do not want to use the Project Guide and don't want it displayed, there is an option to disable it. On the Tools menu, click
Options, and then click the Interface tab. Under Project Guide settings, clear the Display Project Guide check box.
For more information about the Project Guide, see the Microsoft Project 2002 Project Guide Architecture and Extensibility article
on MSDN.
See Also
For more information about Microsoft Project Server and Internet technologies, see the Microsoft Project Server and the Internet
resource kit article.
For more information about security concepts for Microsoft Project Server, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Security
Architecture and Planning Guide article on TechNet.
Top Of Page
Office Web Controls
This section discusses the use of Microsoft Office Web Controls (OWCs) in Microsoft Project Web Access, in particular, the
Portfolio Analyzer feature; it also helps you determine which users need an Office XP license in order to use Portfolio Analyzer.
OWCs are used in Microsoft Project Web Access by the Portfolio Modeler (under View Availability) in the Resource Center, as
well as by the Portfolio Analyzer. The Portfolio Modeler and View Availability features use the Web controls in view-only mode;
Microsoft Project Server distributes the OWCs needed to use these features. To create Portfolio Analyzer views, an Office XP
license is required for administrators to utilize full interactivity of the OWCs. Users who only need to view Portfolio Analyzer
views do not need an Office XP license unless they also want to use the controls in interactive mode. The following link discusses
how Office XP licenses can be distributed by organizations that own an Enterprise, Select, or Maintenance Agreement, but have
not yet deployed Office XP, or plan to deploy Office XP in phases. Organizations can share component-based Web pages with
users who have not yet installed Office XP by using the licensing mechanism supported by Internet Explorer.
For more information about OWCs, see the Managing Office Web Components article in the Office XP Resource Kit.
Top Of Page
Analysis Services and Data Security
You can configure Microsoft Project Server to work with SQL Server Analysis Services and to secure the OLAP cube built by
Microsoft Project Server.
For more information, see the Microsoft Project Server Help file, which is provided on the Microsoft Project Server installation CD.
You may also download a copy of the Help file (Pjsvr10.chm) from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
IIS Server Security
This is a very important issue, and needs considerable planning on how to secure the IIS server on which Microsoft Project Server
is installed.
For a Microsoft Project Server installation on a Windows 2000 Server computer, the IIS Lockdown Tool version 2.1 is available
from the Microsoft Download Center.
Using the IIS Lockdown tool for IIS security is performed in the same way for both Microsoft Project Central and for Microsoft
Project Server. Instructions for using the IIS Lockdown tool are described in the PRJ2000: Configuring the IIS Lockdown Tool and
URLScan Security Tool with Microsoft Project Central article at the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site.
In addition, there are other measures that you should take to disable certain non-secure components on the IIS server—in
particular, the Remote Data Service (RDS) Data Factory. For detailed information about Remote Data Service, see the Microsoft
Project Server 2002 Security Architecture and Planning Guide article on TechNet.
If Microsoft Project Server is installed on a Windows .NET server, there are certain steps that the administrator must run, using the
IIS Lockdown Wizard (a new, built-in feature in IIS version 6.0). For IIS security configuration information on Windows .NET server,
see the PSRV2002: How to Set Up and Configure Microsoft Project Server on Windows .NET Server article on the Microsoft
Product Support Services Web site.
For more information about IIS and security, see Chapter 9 - Security in the Internet Information Server 5.0 Resource Guide on
Top Of Page
Upgrading the Microsoft Project Central Server Database
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Preparing to Upgrade the Microsoft Project Central Server Database
Upgrading the Database
Migrating Data to Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard
The scope of migrating an existing database can range from upgrading the schema of a Microsoft® Project Central workgroup
database, to rolling out Microsoft Project Server for enterprise use. Microsoft Project 2000 supported two database schemas
(although they could be part of the same database): one for Microsoft Project data and one for Microsoft Project Central data. The
upgrade path you choose depends on several factors:
If you are upgrading to Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and Microsoft Project Server, upgrading the Microsoft Project
Central server database is appropriate.
If you are upgrading to Microsoft Project Professional 2002 and Microsoft Project Server, it may be more appropriate to
import data into a new database rather than upgrading the Microsoft Project Central server database. This is especially true
You anticipate storing substantially more data in Microsoft Project Server and will install to a new server, perhaps even
running Microsoft SQL™ Server and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) on separate servers.
You are setting up standards in the enterprise global template to be applied to enterprise projects and resources, such as
ensuring that all resources have values for required codes. Upgrading the Microsoft Project Central server database will not
apply these standards.

Issues to Consider
It can be difficult to upgrade resources, and later convert them to enterprise resources, because Microsoft Project Server
does not allow resources with duplicate names.
In cases where the Microsoft Project 2000 database tables coexist in the same database as the Microsoft Project Central
server database tables, the project data must be moved before upgrading Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project
If you are installing Microsoft Project Server on the same computer where Microsoft Project Central is installed, you must
remove Microsoft Project Central before installing Microsoft Project Server.
Customizations to existing ASP pages in Microsoft Project Central are lost during the upgrade.
User permissions that allowed some users to view assignments for other users are also lost.
Any Microsoft Project Central views that you have added are preserved, although some customizations may need to be
Top Of Page
Preparing to Upgrade the Microsoft Project Central Server Database
Before you upgrade a Microsoft Project Central server database
1. Process all active update messages in Microsoft Project Central. In Microsoft Project Server, transactions replace project
update messages, and project update messages cannot be upgraded.
1. Prevent further updates to the Microsoft Project Central server database by shutting down IIS on the computer where
Microsoft Project Central is installed. The database should not be accessed during the conversion process, and shutting
down IIS ensures this.
1. Back up the Microsoft Project Central server database.

Migrating the Database from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Microsoft Project Server requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later. Microsoft Project Server was optimized to take advantage
of unique performance, functionality, and programmability features available only in SQL Server 2000.
To upgrade a Microsoft Project Central server database on an Oracle server

1. Create the Microsoft Project Server tables in the target SQL Server database by running the Projtbls.sql script on the
Microsoft Project Server installation CD.
1. Using Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS), copy the data only from the Microsoft Project Central server database
in Oracle to the new Microsoft Project Server database in SQL Server.
1. Modify the Microsoft Project Server database registry key to point to the new database, and test the installation to ensure
that the data was properly transferred.

Preparing the Upgrade Scripts

Some customers may have site database implementation standards to enhance performance and/or enable consistent
maintenance. If so, as your next step, modify the database upgrade script to specify files and file groups for performance.
After the data, the database, and the upgrade script (if necessary) have been prepared, you can begin the upgrade process.
Top Of Page
Upgrading the Database
Upgrading an existing Microsoft Project Central installation also requires that you convert the database for use by Microsoft
Project Server.
To convert the Microsoft Project Central server database
1. Back up your existing Microsoft Project Central server database.
1. (Optional) Copy the Microsoft Project Central server database to a new computer.
1. Insert the Microsoft Project Server installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, or connect to a network installation point.
1. From a command prompt, access the CD-ROM drive (or network installation point), and then go to the folder
1. Type the following command to convert the Microsoft Project Central server database for use by Microsoft Project Server.
1. Type the following commands to create the Microsoft Project Server tables and insert default data.
To create the Microsoft Project 2002 table schema (table names beginning with "MSP_"):
To create the stored procedures that Microsoft Project Server uses to ensure project data integrity:
To create the tables that store the data used when viewing projects in the Project Center (table names beginning with
To create the Microsoft Project Server OLAP cube staging tables (table names beginning with "MSP_CUBE"):
To create the Microsoft Project Server stored procedures:
To create the Microsoft Project Server security views:
To insert localized data into the Microsoft Project 2002 tables:
To insert the enterprise global and enterprise resources into the Microsoft Project 2002 tables (Microsoft Project
Professional only):
To convert localized data in the Microsoft Project Web Access tables:
To insert language pack data into the Microsoft Project Web Access tables:
The Insdeflp.sql script is found in the folder that corresponds to the locale ID (LCID) for your language. The English version,
for example, can be found in the \SUPPORT\DATABASE\1033 folder.
If you are installing a localized version of Microsoft Project Server, you should also run the English version of this script after
the version specific to your language.
To map Microsoft Project Central user roles to groups in Microsoft Project Server:
1. In order for the IIS server to have access to the Microsoft Project Server database, create a SQL Server user account for it,
grant it access permission to the database, and assign it the MSProjectServerRole role.
1. In order for Microsoft Project Professional to have access to the Microsoft Project Server database, create a SQL Server user
account for it, grant it access permission to the database, and assign it the MSProjectRole role.
1. Run the Microsoft Project Server Setup program, and click Custom.

Verifying the Upgrade

Once the Microsoft Project Central application has been upgraded, verify the database upgrade by exercising the application.
Top Of Page
Migrating Data to Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Using Microsoft Project Server with Microsoft Project Professional 2002 is one of two possible usage combinations. The other
combination is using Microsoft Project Server with Microsoft Project Standard 2002, described in the first part of this document.
Fully migrating existing data to Microsoft Project Professional 2002 can be a complex process and should be part of a broader
implementation review process.
Deliverables from an enterprise implementation review process might include:
A business process model
View and report layouts
Likely sorts, filters, and groupings
Custom fields and outline codes needed

Preparing for Data Migration

Migrating from Microsoft Project Central to Microsoft Project Server is not a turnkey conversion. Like a classic data migration
process, you first install the database tools that you are upgrading to, and then migrate the data. For Microsoft Project Central
data, break the data migration process into two sequential phases: migrate resource information, and then migrate project plans.
Before you upgrade a Microsoft Project Central server database
1. Process all active update messages in Microsoft Project Central. In Microsoft Project Server, transactions replace project
update messages, and update messages cannot be upgraded.
1. Prevent further updates to the Microsoft Project Central server database by shutting down IIS on the machine where
Microsoft Project Central is installed. The database should not be accessed during the conversion process, and shutting
down IIS ensures this.
1. Copy and save any status reports that should be kept. Existing status reports cannot be upgraded.
1. Back up the Microsoft Project Central server database.
Migrating Resource Information to Microsoft Project Server
You should migrate resource information before migrating project plans to Microsoft Project Server. Doing so helps ensure that
you account for duplicate resource names that represent the same resource.
Resources and users are maintained separately in Microsoft Project Server—resources as team members or materials assigned to
projects, and users as logons with permissions on Microsoft Project Server system commands and data. When an enterprise
resource is added to Microsoft Project Server, a corresponding Microsoft Project Server user is also created with default
permissions. If a user with the same name already exists, the enterprise resource can be merged with the existing user account.
Microsoft Windows® account information in the user account is synchronized back to the newly added enterprise resource.
During the resource migration process, you choose which resources to promote to enterprise resources, and which to map as
duplicates of enterprise resources. For example, the resource John Smith could be duplicated in separate project plans or (less
likely) in a resource pool as JSmith, JohnS, and John Smith. During the resource data migration to Microsoft Project Server you
might choose to promote John Smith as the enterprise resource, and map JSmith and JohnS as duplicates.
If your organization currently uses a centralized resource pool, use the Import Resources Wizard to migrate this resource
information to Microsoft Project Server. This wizard can map local fields to enterprise custom fields, map enterprise base
calendars, and check for common problems such as duplicate names or invalid Windows user account name formats.
If your resource information is not in a centralized resource pool, you can still use the import process to migrate the resource
information to Microsoft Project Server, or you can create a central resource pool and share it with all project plans that include
resources. Doing the latter may help you identify duplicate resource information between different project plans.
If your resource information resides in another data source, such as Active Directory or a human resources database, you can
approach resource data migration with one of two goals in mind:
Migrate resource data with no further synchronization with external source.
Synchronize resource information between Microsoft Project Server and other resource databases after data migration.
As you begin the import process, keep the following in mind:
All of the resources in your existing Microsoft Project 2000 projects do not automatically become enterprise resources after
being imported, and they don't get enterprise code values associated with them.
Resources with assignments don't automatically become team members of those projects that they are assigned to.
Creating a new enterprise resource that is a non-generic work resource also creates a corresponding user with the following
Belongs to the Team Member group
Has a blank password
Can log on
Counts towards Microsoft Project Web Access CAL licenses

Migrating Specific Project Plans to Microsoft Project Server

After you have successfully migrated resource information to Microsoft Project Server, you are ready to migrate data from
specific project plans. Microsoft Project Central maintains pointers to projects that are stored outside the database. Importing
these projects into a Microsoft Project Server database will not map the destination enterprise project with the workgroup project.
The only significant loss is of the security settings for the projects. There is cleanup work to be done after importing a project,
such as regenerating actuals and deleting the non-enterprise project to avoid duplicate assignments.
There are two methods of migrating projects to Microsoft Project Server, and both methods provide the same data validation so
that no projects or tasks are migrated with invalid values or missing required fields. The two methods of project migration are the
Import Project Wizard and using the Save As command on the File menu in Microsoft Project 2002.
With the Import Project Wizard, you can:
Map local to enterprise custom fields.
Map project resources to enterprise resources, leave project resources as local, or promote project resources to enterprise
Import more projects in the same wizard session with the same field mapping.
Using the Save As command does not allow you to perform these actions.
Before you begin the project plan data migration, you may need to address some complicating factors, including the following:
If you have master and subprojects, you may see rolled up costs duplicated when the project plans have been migrated to
Microsoft Project Server. To correct this duplication, represent master and subproject relationships with enterprise codes. In
Microsoft Project Server, think in terms of programs and projects rather than master and subprojects. You can still use
traditional master projects locally if you want, just don't save them to Microsoft Project Server.
If you have dependencies between tasks in different MPP files, open all linked files in Microsoft Project. Save each file to
Microsoft Project Server, while keeping all of the linked files open. Microsoft Project resolves the links while the files are still
in memory.
Top Of Page
Running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard
To use the documents library and issues tracking features of Microsoft Project Server, you must install SharePoint™ Team
Services from Microsoft and configure it for use with Microsoft Project Server. Although the SharePoint Configuration Wizard
also installs SharePoint Team Services (if it is not already installed), you must use the SharePoint Configuration Wizard to
configure SharePoint Team Services, even if SharePoint Team Services is already installed from another source.
To run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard

1. Insert the Microsoft Project Server installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, or connect to a network installation point.
1. If installing from the Microsoft Project Server CD with AutoPlay enabled, click SharePoint Configuration Wizard from
Microsoft Project Server Setup, or browse the Microsoft Project Server installation CD (or network installation point), and
run the file named Stswiz.exe.
1. Read and accept the license agreement, and then click Next.
1. From the list of available Web sites on your Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) computer, select the Web site where
SharePoint Team Services should be extended.
1. Enter information about the SharePoint Team Services database in the Database server, Logon name, and Password
1. At the end of Setup, write down the information provided for Server name, Web server port, SharePoint Administration
Port, Database server name, and Database name. This information is needed to connect SharePoint Team Services and
Microsoft Project Server.
If you have not installed Microsoft Project Server, you can enter this information during the setup process.
If you have already installed Microsoft Project Server, you can use Microsoft Project Web Access to connect to Microsoft
Project Server, and then click Admin in the top link bar to go to the Administration overview page. In the side pane, click
Manage SharePoint Team Services. In the side pane, under Options, click Connect to servers, and then click Add
If new Windows user accounts were created for use by Microsoft Project Server (when connecting to the SharePoint Team
Services computer for administrative tasks or to the SharePoint Team Services database) and the User must change
password at next logon check box is selected for the accounts, those users must log on and change their passwords
before Microsoft Project Server can be configured to connect with SharePoint Team Services.
You should run PSCOMPlus.exe (found in the \Program Files\Microsoft Project Server\Bin\1033 on the Microsoft Project
Server computer) before connecting with Microsoft Project Web Access. (The folder 1033 contains the files for the English
version. Files for other languages can be found in the folder that corresponds to the locale ID [LCID] for that language.)
PSCOMPlus provides the names of user accounts (in the format domain\account) that should be impersonated by a COM+
application, which allows Microsoft Project Server to connect to the SharePoint Team Services and SharePoint Team
Services database computers.
See Also
See the Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide Help file, Pjsvr10.chm (included on the Microsoft Project Server installation
See Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation Framework Files in the Deployment and Administration Tools section of the
resource kit toolbox.
Top Of Page
Working with the Microsoft Project Server Setup Program
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On This Page

Specifying Values on the Setup Command Line

Command-line Options Available for Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server Security Settings
You can set up Microsoft® Project Server and its associated applications, like SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft and
Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services, either while running the Setup program or later, using Microsoft Project Web
Access, the administrative interface for Microsoft Project Server.
For more information about how to set up and install Microsoft Project Server, see the following:
The Microsoft Project Server Installation Guide, Pjsvr10.chm, which is included on the Microsoft Project Server Setup CD, or
you may download a copy from the General Reference Tools section of the resource kit toolbox. Specifically, review the
topic "Manually set up the Microsoft Project Server database and tables" for specific information related to database
The Microsoft Project Server and SharePoint Team Services resource kit article.
Specifying Values on the Setup Command Line
When you run Setup for Microsoft Project Server, you can use command-line options to enter some of the parameters that Setup
uses during installation, instead of entering them in the Setup program itself or entering them later using Microsoft Project Web
Using a command-line option is most useful during Microsoft Project Server Setup when you just want to bypass a few steps, for
example, the connection and setup information for SharePoint Team Services.
For example, you can enter the following:
Using this command-line option will customize Microsoft Project Server Setup in the following ways:
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for notifications and reminders will not be set up during the installation of
Microsoft Project Server.
The SharePoint Team Services portion of the Microsoft Project Server configuration will not occur during setup.
Top Of Page
Command-line Options Available for Microsoft Project Server
Unlike many setup programs, all of the command-line options available for Microsoft Project are available to be set during Setup,
and many of the command lines can be set later, once the basic Microsoft Project Server installation is complete, through the
Admin area of Microsoft Project Web Access. In general, it is probably easiest to install Microsoft Project Server and set up any of
its associated applications, like SharePoint Team Services or SQL Server Analysis Services, during Setup, or later, using Microsoft
Project Web Access, rather than using a command-line option.
The section below details the command-line options available to you. They are described in relation to the steps within Microsoft
Project Server Setup from which they are available to be entered.

Step One: User Information Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to enter the following information:
User Name The name of the user currently installing Microsoft Project Server. To enter this information using the
command line, type USERNAME=[string]. For example: USERNAME="Joe User"
Initials The initials for the user entered in the User Name box. To enter this information using the command line, type
Organization The name of the organization that is installing Microsoft Project Server. To enter this information using the
command line, type ORGANIZATION=[string]. For example: ORGANIZATION="Microsoft"
Product Information Key The 25-character Product Key that can be found on the back of the Microsoft Project Server CD
case. To enter this information using the command line, type PIDKEY=[string]. For example: PIDKEY="012AB-C345D-

Step Two: End User License Agreement

This dialog box does not include any information that can be entered on the command line. You must agree to accept the End
User License Agreement while running Setup, in order to install Microsoft Project Server.

Step Three: Choose the Type of Installation You Need

In addition to selecting the type of database that will be used with Microsoft Project Server, this dialog box is used to enter the
following information:
Installation Directory The folder that Microsoft Project Server is to be installed to. To enter this information using the
command line, type PRJSERVERDIR=[string], for example, PRJSERVERDIR="<drive>://Program Files/Microsoft Project

Step Four: Enter Database Server Information

During Setup, you can either connect Microsoft Project Server to an existing SQL Server 2000 database, or you can create a new
If you want to create a new database, use the command-line option CONNECTCREATECHOICE="CREATE" The following
information is required.
Database Server The server where the database currently exists. To enter this information using the command line, type
SERVERNAME=[string]. For example: SERVERNAME="ServerName"
Authentication Type Indicate whether you want to use Microsoft Windows® NT Authentication (WIN) or SQL Server
Authentication (SQL). If you choose WIN, it will use the currently logged on user; if you choose SQL, see the next two bullet
items. To enter this information on the command line, type SAAUTHTYPE=[WIN | SQL]. For example: SAAUTHTYPE="WIN"
SQL Server Authentication User Name If you chose SQL for the authentication type, you must enter a user name with
privileges to create a new database on the SQL Server 2000 computer. To enter this information on the command line, type
SANAME=[string]. For example: SANAME="JoeUser"
SQL Server Authentication Password If you chose SQL for the authentication type, you must enter the password
associated with the user name. To enter this information on the command line, type SAPASSWORD=[string]. For example:
If you want to connect to an existing database use the command-line option CONNECTCREATECHOICE="CONNECT" The
following information is required.
Database Server The server where the database currently exists. To enter this information using the command line, type
SERVERNAME=[string]. For example: SERVERNAME="ServerName"
Database Name The name of the database on the server listed in SERVERNAME. To enter this information using the
command line, type SQLDBNAME=[string]. For example: SQLDBNAME="ProjectDatabase"
Logon Name The SQL Server user name that Microsoft Project Server will use to access the database on SQL Server
2000. To enter this information on the command line, type PSNAME=[string]. For example: PSNAME="JoeUser"
Password The password for the user name entered in PSNAME. To enter this information on the command line, type
PSPASSWORD=[string]. For example: PSPASSWORD="password"
Logon Name The user name that Microsoft Project Professional will use to access the database on SQL Server 2000. To
enter this information on the command line, type PRJNAME=[string]. For example: PRJNAME="JoeUser"
Password The password for the user name entered in PRJNAME. To enter this information on the command line, type
PRJPASSWORD =[string]. For example: PRJPASSWORD ="password"
Step Five: Enter Analysis Services Connection Information
You can connect Microsoft Project Server to SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services during Setup, or you can enter this information
later in Microsoft Project Web Access. If you want to enter this information during Setup, use the command-line option
ANALYSISSERVICESCHOICE="USE" (otherwise, set this to LATER). The following information is required:
Analysis Server The name of the server running SQL Server Analysis Services. To enter this information on the command
line, type ASSERVERNAME=[string]. For example: ASSERVERNAME="ProjectServer"
Logon Name The Windows user account that is a member of the online analytical processing (OLAP) Administrators
group on the server running SQL Server Analysis Services. To enter this information on the command line, type
ASLOGINNAME=[string]. For example: ASLOGINNAME="<domain>\JoeUser"
Password The password for the user account specified in ASLOGINNAME. To enter this information on the command line,
type ASPASSWORD=[string]. For example: ASPASSWORD="password"

Step Six: Select a Web Site

Use this dialog box to enter the following information:
Virtual Directory for Microsoft Project Server The location of the Microsoft Project Server virtual directory. To use the
default directory using a command-line option, type WEBVROOT="1" If you would like to use a different directory, you
should do this within the Microsoft Project Server Setup program.

Step Seven: Enter Web Server Information

You can enter the intranet and Internet addresses for Microsoft Project Server during Setup, or you can enter this information
later. If you want to enter this information during Setup, use the command-line option URLCHOICE="USE" (otherwise, set this to
LATER), then enter the following information:
Intranet URL The internal URL for Microsoft Project Web Access that users can use within your own company. To enter
this information using a command-line option, type INTRANETURL=[string]. For example: INTRANETURL="
Extranet URL The URL for Microsoft Project Web Access that is available on the Internet. To enter this information using a
command-line option, type EXTRANETURL=[string]. For example: EXTRANETURL="https//"

Step Eight: Enter SMTP Mail Server Information

You can enter the SMTP mail server information for e-mail notifications and reminders during Setup, or you can enter this
information later. If you want to enter this information during Setup, use the command-line option SMTPCHOICE="USE"
(otherwise, set this to LATER), then enter the following information:
SMTP Mail Server The name of the server that will handle the SMTP mail services for Microsoft Project Server. To enter
this information using a command-line option, type SMTPSERVERNAME=[string]. For example:
Port The port the SMTP mail server will use. To enter this information using a command-line option, type
From Address The address that will appear in the From box on all notification and reminder e-mail sent to users of
Microsoft Project Server. To enter this information using a command-line option, type SMTPFROMADDRESS=[string]. For

Step Nine: Connect to a Web Server Running SharePoint Team Services

You can enter the information for the server running SharePoint Team Services during Setup, or you can enter this information
later. If you want to enter this information during Setup, use the command-line option SHAREPOINTCHOICE="USE" (otherwise,
set this to LATER), then enter the following information:
Server Name The name of the server running SharePoint Team Services. To enter this information using a command-line
option, type SPSERVERNAME=[string]. For example: SPSERVERNAME ="serverName"
Web server port To enter this information using a command-line option, type SPWEBPORT=[string]. For example:
SharePoint administration port To enter this information using a command-line option, type SPSERVERPORT=
[string]. For example: SPSERVERPORT ="4651"
Logon Name The Windows user account with permission to access the server running SharePoint Team Services as an
administrator. To enter this information using a command-line option, type SPADMINNAME=[string]. For example:
SPADMINNAME ="<domain>\JoeUser"
Password The password for the user specified in SPADMINNAME. To enter this information using a command-line option,
type SPADMINPWD=[string]. For example: SPADMINPWD ="password"
Database Server The name of the server where the SharePoint Team Services database is located. To enter this
information using a command-line option, type SPDBSERVER=[string]. For example: SPDBSERVER ="serverName"
Database Name The name of the SharePoint Team Services database on the SQL Server computer. To enter this
information using a command-line option, type SPDBNAME=[string]. For example: SPDBNAME ="
Logon Name The Windows user account used to access the server running SharePoint Team Services. To enter this
information using a command-line option, type SPLOGONNAME=[string]. For example: SPLOGONNAME ="
Password The password for the user specified in SPLOGONNAME. To enter this information using a command-line
option, type SPLOGONPWD=[string]. For example: SPLOGONPWD ="password"
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Security Settings
By default, the security setting for Microsoft Project Server is set to Medium. If you want to set this using a command-line option
during Setup, type SECURITYSETTING=[LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH]. For example: SECURITYSETTING="High"
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Web Administrator's Guide
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Download the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Web Administrator's Guide (WebAdminGuide.exe).
The Microsoft Project Server 2002 Web Administrator's Guide (42 pages) contains information about administering Microsoft®
Project Server 2002 using Microsoft Project Web Access, including:
Managing users and groups
Managing security
Managing views
Managing organization
Managing SharePoint Team Services
Managing enterprise features
Customizing Microsoft Project Web Access
Cleaning up the Microsoft Project Server 2002 database
Note This download is an Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) file and opens with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.
Top Of Page
Tools for Creating Custom Help
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Answer Wizard Builder

HTML Help Workshop and Sample Files
Answer Wizard Builder
Download the Answer Wizard Builder from the Office XP Resource Kit (OrkTools.exe).
Answer Wizard is the intelligence engine behind the Office Assistant. The Answer Wizard Builder enables you to create your own
Answer Wizard content to address questions specific to your organization. Users sometimes submit questions to the Answer
Wizard that it cannot answer, because the questions are unique to your situation. For example, a user might ask for the path to a
printer on your local network, or ask for the location of a form on your intranet.
You can use the Answer Wizard Builder utility to add custom Help content to any application that uses the Office Assistant.
However, the Answer Wizard Builder will only work on a computer that has Microsoft® Office XP installed.
Install the Answer Wizard Builder
The Answer Wizard Builder is part of the Office XP Resource Kit. To locate the tool, click the Start button, point to Programs, point
to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools, and then click Answer Wizard Builder.
Top Of Page
HTML Help Workshop and Sample Files
Download the HTML Help Workshop (HtmlHelp.exe).
Download the sample cascading style sheet (OffStyle.exe).
You can use the HTML Help Workshop to create Help topics that provide information and assistance specific to your organization.
You can also integrate those topics with the Microsoft® Project 2002 Help system, or combine them with custom Answer Wizard
databases to create a complete assistance solution.
The Microsoft Project Resource Kit also includes a cascading style sheet that you can use to build your own custom Help topics
using Microsoft styles. The style sheet, Proj10.css, must be used with Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
Install the HTML Workshop

The HTML Help Workshop must be installed separately from the other applications—it is not installed by the Office Resource Kit
Setup program. To install the HTML Help Workshop, download and then run Htmlhelp.exe from your computer.
Top Of Page
Database Reference Tools
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On This Page

Microsoft Project 2002 Database Schema

Microsoft Project Server Database Schema
Microsoft Project 2002 Database Schema
Download the Microsoft Project 2002 Database Schema (MSPJDBTB.exe).
These documents provide the information necessary to create and update project data directly in the Microsoft® Project 2002
database, while maintaining the consistency and integrity of the data.
You can view database information in two ways:
To view the database schema in your browser, open MSP_Proj_Tables.htm in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
To view the database schema in Microsoft Visio®, open MSP_Proj_Tables.vsd in Visio 2000 or later.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Server Database Schema
Download the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Database Schema (MSPWBTB.exe).
These documents provide information about how data is stored in the Microsoft Project Server 2002 database, including how to
access some of the most relevant data. You can view database information in two ways.
You can view database information in two ways:
To view the database schema in your browser, open MSP_WEB_Tables.htm in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
To view the database schema in Microsoft Visio, open MSP_WEB_Tables.vsd in Visio 2000 or later.
Top Of Page
Deployment and Administration Tools
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published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Custom Installation Wizard

Custom Maintenance Wizard
Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation Framework Files
OPS File Viewer
Package Definition Files
Profile Wizard
Save My Settings Wizard
Setup INI Customization Wizard
System Policy Editor and Templates
Custom Installation Wizard
Download the Custom Installation Wizard from the Office XP Resource Kit Tools (orktools.exe).
The Custom Installation Wizard (CUSTWIZ.EXE) enables you to record changes to the master installation in a Windows Installer
transform (MST file), without altering the original package (MSI file). Because the original package is never altered, you can create
a different transform for every installation scenario you need. When you run Setup with both the package and the transform,
Windows Installer applies the transform to the original package, and Setup uses your altered configuration to perform the
Using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can also create a transform that runs additional Setup programs (such as the Profile
Wizard) at the end of the Microsoft Project 2002 installation. If you run the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit from
within the Custom Installation Wizard, you can customize the way Microsoft Project Setup installs Internet Explorer 5.01.
For Microsoft Project, the Custom Installation Wizard has been updated to include the following features:
An improved user interface and enhancements to the Help system
New installation states (Not Available, Hidden, Locked)
The ability to add and remove files with a transform
Enhanced security customization, including the ability to choose whether or not to install Microsoft Visual Basic® for

Installing the Custom Installation Wizard

The Custom Installation Wizard is part of the Office XP Resource Kit, and is automatically installed on your computer when you
install the Office XP Resource Kit. To locate the tool, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to
Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools, and then click Custom Installation Wizard.
Top Of Page
Custom Maintenance Wizard
Download the Custom Maintenance Wizard from the Office XP Resource Kit Tools (orktools.exe).
The Custom Maintenance Wizard (MAINTWIZ.EXE) enables you to make changes to a Microsoft Project 2002 installation after the
initial deployment. Using the Custom Maintenance Wizard, you can modify almost every feature that you can set in the Custom
Installation Wizard—including default user settings, security levels, and registry keys.
The Custom Maintenance Wizard works by creating a configuration maintenance file (CMW file) based on the Microsoft
Windows® Installer package (MSI file) used in the Microsoft Project 2002 installation. To apply the changes to a client computer,
you run the Custom Maintenance Wizard from a command line on the client computer, specifying the customization file that
contains the changes you want to apply.

Installing the Custom Maintenance Wizard

The Custom Maintenance Wizard is part of the Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit. The Custom Maintenance Wizard is automatically
installed on your computer when you install the Office XP Resource Kit. To locate the tool, click Start, point to Programs, point to
Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools, and then click Custom Maintenance Wizard.
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation Framework Files
Download the Enterprise Implementation Framework (EIF.exe).
This file is available on the Web. The Enterprise Implementation Framework (EIF) guides you through the process of setting up
Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Professional to meet your enterprise project management needs. The EIF is not
intended for IT professionals, but rather for the project management office or other senior project managers who will decide how
the system is used for enterprise project management.
The EIF includes a complete Microsoft Project plan that guides you through the process of gathering system requirements,
designing your Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Professional implementation, piloting it, training users, and rolling
out the system. It includes further information and tools to aid you in this process, including:
A complete list of interview questions for gathering requirements
A Red Flags document that helps you identify issues that might compromise your implementation
Instructions for translating your business requirements into specific feature usage and product settings
A Microsoft Excel workbook for recording the detailed design of your system
Top Of Page
OPS File Viewer
Download the OPS File Viewer from the Office XP Resource Kit Tools (orktools.exe).
The OPS File Viewer (OPSView.exe) enables you to view changes that a profile settings file (OPS file) makes to a user's computer.
This viewer also provides a list of all possible changes that the Profile Wizard can make to a user's computer through an OPS file.
To use the OPS File Viewer, you must supply the path and file name of an OPS file you created with the Profile Wizard. The viewer
is not a separate application—instead, it reads the OPS file and creates a plain-text file, which can be displayed by a text editor.
Installing the OPS File Viewer
The OPS File Viewer is part of the Office XP Resource Kit. The viewer is automatically installed on your computer when you install
the Office XP Resource Kit. To locate the tool, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft
Office XP Resource Kit Tools, and then click OPS View Viewer.
In the OPSView dialog box, search for the OPS file you want to view. When you have selected the file, click Open to display the
text file created by the OPS File Viewer.
Top Of Page
Package Definition Files
Download the Package Definition Files (p10sms.exe).
The package definition files (SMS format) are used by Microsoft Systems Management Server to install Microsoft Project 2002
The package definition files have been consolidated into two core files for Microsoft Project: PROJ2002.SMS, which covers
Microsoft Project Standard 2002 and Microsoft Project Professional 2002, and PLPK2002.SMS, which covers the Microsoft Project
Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Pack. Microsoft Project 2002 supports only Systems Management Server version 2.0.
Installing the Package Definition Files
Download the self-extracting executable (EXE) file to your computer and double-click the file name to extract the two files. The
installation program will prompt you to specify a location for the files.
Top Of Page
Profile Wizard
Download the Profile Wizard files for Microsoft Project 2002 (p10prfwz.exe).
The Profile Wizard helps you to create and distribute a default user profile, including standard locations for files and templates.
Using the Profile Wizard, you can preset options so that users don't have to customize their settings. You can also change default
values to match your organization's needs or to ensure that users have access to shared templates. When you deploy a standard
user profile, all of your users start with the same Microsoft Project 2002 configuration.
When you save a Microsoft Project user profile, you create a profile settings file (OPS file). You can include your OPS file in a
Windows Installer transform (MST file) to distribute the settings when Microsoft Project is deployed. You can also use the Profile
Wizard to help back up and restore user-defined settings from one computer to another.
Installing the Profile Wizard

The Profile Wizard is part of the Office XP Resource Kit, and is automatically installed on your computer when you install the
Office XP Resource Kit Tools.
To locate the tool, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit
Tools, and then click Profile Wizard.
The p10prfwz.exe contains the files needed to use the Profile Wizard with Microsoft Project.
To install the Profile Wizard for Microsoft Project
1. Download and install the Office XP Resource Kit Tools (orktools.exe).
1. Download and install the Profile Wizard files for Microsoft Project 2002 (p10prfwz.exe) to the same folder as Profile Wizard.
1. Capture settings:
To capture settings for Microsoft Project only, run the Profile Wizard using the command-line
To capture settings for Microsoft Project as well as Microsoft Office, run the Profile Wizard using the command-line
To reset settings for Microsoft Project, run the Profile Wizard using the command-line
1. To retrieve settings from a settings file, you can run the Profile Wizard by using either the Windows Installer shortcut
(Microsoft Office Tools/Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools/Profile Wizard) or by using the following command-line:
Top Of Page
Save My Settings Wizard
Download the Save My Settings Wizard (opw10usr.exe).
The Save My Settings Wizard allows users to back up their Microsoft Project settings to a file.
To capture settings for Microsoft Project
1. Download the Save My Settings Wizard (opw10usr.exe).
1. Download the Profile Wizard files for Microsoft Project 2002 (p10prfwz.exe) to same folder as the Save My Settings / Profile
1. Capture settings:
To capture settings for Microsoft Project only, run the Save My Settings Wizard using the command-line:
To capture settings for Microsoft Project as well as for Office, run the Save My Settings Wizard using the command-line:
To reset settings for Microsoft Project, run the Save My Settings Wizard using the command-line:
1. To retrieve settings from a settings file, you can run the Save My Settings Wizard using the following command-line:
Top Of Page
Setup INI Customization Wizard
Download the Setup INI Customization Wizard from the Office XP Resource Kit Tools (orktools.exe).
The Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe) provides a convenient user interface for creating or modifying custom Setup
settings files. The wizard automatically enters the settings that you select into the correct section of the settings file, and it creates
a command line that includes the /settings option and specifies your custom INI file.
Before you can use the Setup INI Customization Wizard, you must create a Microsoft Project 2002 administrative installation
point. Your custom INI file must be based on an existing INI file, such as the Setup.ini file for Microsoft Project.
The Setup INI Customization Wizard is part of the Office XP Resource Kit, and is automatically installed on your computer when
you install the Office XP Resource Kit. To locate the tool, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to
Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools, and then click Setup INI Customization Wizard.
Top Of Page
System Policy Editor and Templates
Download the System Policy Template (p10syspl.exe).
Using the System Policy Editor, you can control which Microsoft Project 2002 options are available to your users. You can create
system policies and easily distribute the settings from a central administrative installation point.
This download includes the Microsoft Project 2002 system policy template. You must install the System Policy Editor and the
template on your computer before you can create a system policy file.
Installing the System Policy Editor and Template
The System Policy Editor is part of the Office XP Resource Kit, and is automatically installed on your computer when you install
the Office XP Resource Kit.
To locate the tool, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit
Tools, and then click System Policy Editor.
To install the System Policy Template for Microsoft Project
1. Download the Office XP Resource Kit Tools (orktools.exe).
1. Download and install the System Policy Template (p10syspl.exe) to a location you choose.
1. Run the System Policy Editor.
1. On the Options menu, click Policy Template, and then click Add.
1. In the Open Template dialog box, locate the file Proj10.adm, and then click Open.
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Microsoft Project Server 2002 Disaster Planning Guide
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Download the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Disaster Planning Guide (DisasterGuide.exe).
The Microsoft Project Server 2002 Disaster Planning Guide (18 pages) contains information about backing up and recovering
Microsoft® Project Server 2002 data, including information stored in the Microsoft Project databases and documents and issues
stored in SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft.
Note This download is an Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) file and opens with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.
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General Reference Tools
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

Microsoft Project Professional Help File

Microsoft Project Standard Help File
Microsoft Project Server Help File
Microsoft Project VBA Help File
Microsoft Project Professional Help File
Download the Microsoft Project Professional Help File (pjmn10p.exe).
This Help file ships with Microsoft® Project Professional 2002.
This Help file contains the Project Map, which guides you through common project management activities, and also provides
more detailed information, including procedures and project management practices.
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Microsoft Project Standard Help File
Download the Microsoft Project Standard Help File (pjmn10g.exe).
This Help file ships with Microsoft Project Standard 2002.
This Help file contains the Project Map, which guides you through common project management activities, and also provides
more detailed information, including procedures and project management practices.
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Microsoft Project Server Help File
Download the Microsoft Project Server Help File (PJSVR10.exe).
This Help file ships with Microsoft Project Server, and guides you through the process of installing Microsoft Project Server.
Microsoft Project Server can be used with Microsoft Project Standard and Microsoft Project Professional to enable efficient team
collaboration between project managers, team members, and other stakeholders. Project teams can review and work with
Microsoft Project Server information by using a Web-based user interface called Microsoft Project Web Access.
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Microsoft Project VBA Help File
Download the Microsoft Project VBA Help File (vbapj10.exe).
This Help file ships with Microsoft Project Professional 2002 and Microsoft Project Standard 2002. Extensive changes have been
made to the Microsoft Project Visual Basic for Applications object model to support new and improved features in the application.
Many objects, properties, and methods have been replaced.
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Microsoft Project Server 2002 Installation Guide
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Download the Microsoft Project Server 2002 Installation Guide (InstallationGuide.exe).

The Microsoft Project Server 2002 Installation Guide (106 pages) contains information about installing Microsoft® Project Server
2002, including:
Planning to install Microsoft Project Server
Configuring SQL Server 2000 and Analysis Services for Microsoft Project Server
Configuring SharePoint Team Services for Microsoft Project Server
Running Microsoft Project Server Setup
Note This download is an Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) file and opens with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.
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Current Tools
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit Toolbox contains a comprehensive set of information, tools, and converters designed to
help you deploy, support, and maintain Microsoft Project.
Installation Guide for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Web Administrator's Guide for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Disaster Planning Guide for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Database Reference Tools
Microsoft Project Database Schema
Microsoft Project Server Database Schema
General Reference Tools
Microsoft Project Professional Help File
Microsoft Project Standard Help File
Microsoft Project Server Help File
Microsoft Project VBA Help File
Deployment and Administration Tools
Custom Installation Wizard
Custom Maintenance Wizard
Microsoft Project Enterprise Implementation Framework Files
OPS File Viewer
Package Definition Files
Profile Wizard
Save My Settings Wizard
Setup INI Customization Wizard
System Policy Editor and Templates
Tools for Creating Custom Help
Answer Wizard Builder
HTML Help Workshop and Sample Files
Microsoft Project Server Tools
COM+ Settings Tool
Distributed Setup Tool
Multilanguage User Interface Packs for Microsoft Project Server 2002
SetTracing Utility
Site Editor Utility
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Microsoft Project Server Tools
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

On This Page

COM+ Settings Tool

Distributed Setup Tool
Multilanguage User Interface Packs for Microsoft Project Server 2002
SetTracing Utility
Site Editor Utility
COM+ Settings Tool
Download the COM+ Settings Tool (PSCOMP.exe).
COM+ is an operating system-level extension to standard COM that allows for numerous specialized security and performance
settings on a standard COM object. Using Dllhost.exe, COM+ can also force the component to run in its own process space,
instead of running in the same process space as the caller (which, in many cases, is Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS)
for Microsoft Project Server).
One feature of COM+ is that it allows Microsoft Project to specify a Microsoft Windows® NT® account for the object to run as.
This is very similar to the concept that a Windows NT service can be set to run as a particular user. This is the only COM+ feature
that Microsoft Project uses. All other COM+ features are explicitly turned off.
Microsoft Project relies on Windows NT authorization for:
Connection to Microsoft SQL Server™ Analysis Services
Online analytical processing (OLAP), including cube creation and maintenance
Administration of SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft, to create subwebs and to add users
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Distributed Setup Tool
Download the Distributed Setup Tool (prjsbox.exe).
The Microsoft Project Server Distributed Setup Tool provides an installer that enables scaling out a Microsoft Project Server
deployment by distributing core services to additional servers. Distributing core services like session management for Microsoft
Project Web Access clients, OLAP views processing services, and e-mail reminder services can improve the overall performance of
your Microsoft Project Server deployment.
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Multilanguage User Interface Packs for Microsoft Project Server 2002
Download the Microsoft Project Server 2002: Multilanguage User Interface Packs .
Microsoft Project Server supports use by multilingual and multinational companies with a language plug-in called the
Multilanguage User Interface Pack (MUI Pack). To add language support after you have finished installing Microsoft Project
Server, simply install the MUI Pack for the language you want to add.
MUI Packs for Microsoft Project Server can only be installed on a machine that already has Microsoft Project Server installed. They
are available for the following languages:
Brazilian Portuguese (PSLPK_BP.exe)
Czech (PSLPK_CS.exe)
Danish (PSLPK_DA.exe)
Dutch (PSLPK_NL.exe)
Finnish (PSLPK_FI.exe)
French (PSLPK_FR.exe)
German (PSLPK_GE.exe)
Hebrew (PSLPK_HB.exe)
Hungarian (PSLPK_HU.exe)
Italian (PSLPK_IT.exe)
Japanese (PSLPK_JP.exe)
Korean (PSLPK_KO.exe)
Norwegian (PSLPK_NO.exe)
Polish (PSLPK_PL.exe)
Russian (PSLPK_RU.exe)
Simplified Chinese (PSLPK_SC.exe)
Spanish (PSLPK_ES.exe)
Swedish (PSLPK_SV.exe)
Thai (PSLPK_TH.exe)
Traditional Chinese (PSLPK_CH.exe)
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SetTracing Utility
Download the SetTracing Utility (SetTracing.exe).
The SetTracing tool is a debugging utility that enables a server administrator to control the output destination and severity level
for Microsoft Project Server application errors and tracing information. This utility enables an administrator to control the tracing
features of Microsoft Project Server, without having to manually adjust registry settings. By default, Microsoft Project Server logs
all application errors to the Windows Event Log. This utility allows a server administrator to easily direct the tracing output to a
text file, as well as to include success and other event types in the text file or event log.
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Site Editor Utility
Download the Site Editor Utility (editsite.exe).
Microsoft Project Server Site Editor is a utility that allows you to manage your Project Server sites, on your IIS server.
The utility will allow you to setup additional sites, as well as maintain your existing sites.
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Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit brings together the tools, information, and examples you need to customize and deploy
Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Standard, and Microsoft Project Server throughout your organization.
Designed for the information technology (IT) professional, the Microsoft Project Resource Kit provides comprehensive
information about deployment strategies, international support, and messaging services. In addition, the Microsoft Project
Resource Kit tools have been updated to help you configure, secure, and manage your installations more quickly and efficiently.
Microsoft Project 2002 Resource Kit Contents
Microsoft Project 2002
Customizing Installation
Management and Support
Microsoft Project Server 2002
Server Environment
Server Deployment
Server Customizing Installation
Server Management and Support
Database Reference Tools
General Reference Tools
Deployment and Administration Tools
Tools for Creating Custom Help
Microsoft Project Server Tools
Top Of Page
Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally
published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Published: June 1, 2002

On This Page

Module 1: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Desktop Client)
Module 2: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Web Client and Server)
Module 3: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Enterprise)
Module 4: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Developers)
Microsoft Project 2002 offers major feature additions and enhancements over its predecessors. Since the release of Microsoft
Project 2000, Microsoft has performed extensive research and development, collecting feedback from current users, and
identifying the needs of knowledge workers in general and expert project managers new to the product. The resulting
improvements focus on two areas: making Microsoft Project easier to use and addressing the project management requirements
of large organizations.
As part of the upgrade, Microsoft has introduced new additions to the Microsoft Project family. These products give you the
flexibility to purchase and install the Microsoft Project products that are best suited to your organization. The new Microsoft
Project 2002 product lineup is:
Microsoft Project Professional 2002 is a new product designed specifically to meet the needs of organizations that
require enterprise project management functionality. Microsoft Project Professional combines the functionality of Microsoft
Project Standard with enterprise project management features.
Microsoft Project Standard is the new version of the Microsoft Office project management solution designed for single
users and small workgroups. Microsoft Project Standard builds on the features of Microsoft Project 2000, adding
enhancements that contribute to ease of use and provide better integration with Microsoft Office applications.
Microsoft Project Server was originally introduced with Microsoft Project 2000 as the server component for the Web-
based collaboration tool, Microsoft Project Central. With the release of Microsoft Project 2002, Microsoft Project Server will
be sold as a separate product and no longer bundled with the desktop products. The latest version of Microsoft Project
Server includes many new features, such as enhanced security and integration with SharePoint Team Services from
Microsoft, which allows you to organize, store, share, and track project-related information including documents and issues
in a secure, central location.
The Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware was written to assist you with planning, deploying, implementing, training, and
building customized applications. The following sections provide a link to each training download. Note that the lessons require
Microsoft Word 97 or later. These lessons are technically accurate; however, they will soon be updated with new screenshots and
other minor UI changes.
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Module 1: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Desktop Client)
Click here to download Module 1 to your hard drive (File Size: 16,882 KB)
This series includes the following lessons:
Lesson 1: Product Overview and Setup
Lesson 2: The Global Template
Lesson 3: Project Management Overview
Lesson 4: Project Base Functionality
Lesson 5: Generic User Support Tools
Lesson 6: User Assistance
Lesson 7: Scheduling
Lesson 8: How to Build a Project Plan
Lesson 9: Entering Tasks and Durations
Lesson 10: Split Tasks
Lesson 11: Outlining
Lesson 12: Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping
Lesson 13: Calendars
Lesson 14: Resources
Lesson 15: Resource Assignments
Lesson 16: Costing
Lesson 17: Leveling
Lesson 18: Tracking Progress
Lesson 19: Earned Value
Lesson 20: Multiple Projects
Lesson 21: Resource Pools
Lesson 22: Tables
Lesson 23: Views
Lesson 24: Reports
Lesson 25: Printing
Lesson 26: Customizing the User Interface
Lesson 27: File System
Lesson 28: OLE Objects
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Module 2: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Web Client and Server)
Click here to download Module 2 to your hard drive (File Size: 9,379 KB)
This series includes the following lessons:
Lesson 29: Server Overview
Lesson 30: Getting Started
Lesson 31: The Home Page
Lesson 32: The Tasks Page
Lesson 33: The Projects Page
Lesson 34: The Resources Page
Lesson 35: Status Reports
Lesson 36: The Update Page
Lesson 37: Documents Page
Lesson 38: The Issues Page
Lesson 39: Administration and Customization
Lesson 40: Project Server Security
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Module 3: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Enterprise)
Click here to download Module 3 to your hard drive (File Size: 6,412 KB)
This series includes the following lessons:
Lesson 41: Enterprise Installation Considerations
Lesson 42: Enterprise Administration
Lesson 43: Enterprise Client
Lesson 44: Enterprise Configuration
Lesson 45: Enterprise Team Management
Lesson 46: Enterprise Analysis
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Module 4: Microsoft Project 2002 Training (Developers)
Click here to download Module 4 to your hard drive (File Size: 4,680 KB)
This series includes the following lessons:
Lesson 47: VBA Overview
Lesson 48: Project Objects
Lesson 49: Interoperability
Lesson 50: Data Access Pages
Lesson 51: Digital Dashboard
Lesson 52: Customizing Project Guide
Lesson 53: PDS Methods

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