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Case Study Presentation Rubric

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

-knowledge of issue is - issue is accurately - issue is explained -issue needs to
Knowledge / exceptionally accurate explained and uses with some use more
Understanding and is explained many details and accuracy but need accurate
clearly and effectively various sources in more details and information and
during explanation presentation with more variety in details or
using details and little some reliance on sources and less examples
reliance on notes notes reliance on notes -heavy reliance
on notes during
-exceptional critical -proficient critical -some critical -lack of critical
Thinking comments and comments and comments given or analytical
/Inquiry analysis of issue / analysis of issue to issue and thought in
interpretations / /interpretations and effects comments and
impact / effect / impact using many - more details, little to no
using details, insight, details and evidence insight and critical insight used
evidence from essay and some insight thought needed
and comprehensive
-exceptional delivery -proficient delivery -delivery and -poor delivery
and timing of and timing of timing of and timing of
Communication information information information needs information
-exceptional -proficient to be smoother -discussion
discussion initiated discussion started (too much needs to be
and maintained to and maintained reading) more controlled
further student -more active and dynamic
learning interaction and
- discussion questions - discussion - discussion - weak
are exceptionally questions are questions are clear discussion
Application insightful insightful but need more questions that
- presenters make - presenters make insightful that lacked any
critical conclusions clear conclusions - presenters need insight
and connections in and connections in to make - weak
feedback and feedback and clearer conclusions conclusions and
answering questions answering questions and connections connections
- PowerPoint is - PowerPoint is - PowerPoint is - PowerPoint
exceptionally detailed, detailed, organized, somewhat needs to be
organized, logical and logical and includes organized and more organized
includes images, clear images, clear and includes some and logical
and large font large font images
Comments / Mark
Journal Report Rubric
Criteria Points
Excellent Good Fair Poor/Unacceptable
10 points 8 points 5 points 0 point
The article is The article
The article is clearly summary is
Summary clearly but summarized, but somewhat The article
succinctly some sub points unclear and / summary is very
summarized – are addressed or every unclear and/or
only the key along with main detailed, so overly detailed.
points of the points. The long as to Not at clear
article are touched summary is not appear more summary.
upon. The article succinct, is too like a short,
summary takes up long and undear article
no more than one cumbersome than a
third of the total summary
Article selected Article is
Article selected is may be current somewhat Article is not or
current (<5 years), (<5 years) or related to task barely related to
Article choice topic is specific to somewhat older, and/or is task or is grossly
task. Article topic is related to grossly outdated (> 10
published in peer task, but less outdated (> years). Article is
reviewed scholarly specific. Article 10 years). not from
journal published in peer Article is not acceptable source.
reviewed from
scholarly journal accessible
Paper is not
Organization Summary is well Paper is organized,
organized, and organized, has an has an Paper is not well
clearly stated. The intro, body, and unclear or organized, has non-
points of the conclusion. The nonexistent existent intro,
article are clear purpose of the intro body body, and
from the very paper becomes and conclusion. Poorly
beginning and the clear within the conclusion. organized
name and author paper and the The purpose
of the article is author of the of the paper
made clear early article is in unclear
in the paper. mentioned within and the name
the paper and author of
the article is
not stated or
stated late.

APA and page APA and page APA and No APA format as
length (1-2) length (1-2) page length well and page
requirements are requirements are (1-2) length (1-2) are not
Mechanics met and there are met and there are requirements met. Sentence does
Requirements few grammatical some are not met. not make sense
errors or typos grammatical There are with abundance of
errors or typos numerous grammatical errors
that affect grammatical in previously
comprehension. errors or learned areas.
typos in
learned areas

Oral Presentation Rubric

Criteria Points
4 3 2 1
Made movements Very little
Movements seem or gestures that movement or No movement
Body fluid and helped the enhanced descriptive or descriptive
Language audience visualize articulation gestures gestures.
Hold attention of Consistent use of Displayed
entire audience with direct eye contact minimal eye No eye contact
the use of direct eye with audience contact with with audience
Eye contact contact audience
Student delivers open Student
and closing remarks Student displays clearly uses Student does not
Introduction that capture the clear introductory either an display clear
and closure attention of the or closing remarks introductory introductory or
audience and set the or closing closing remark.
mood remark, but
not both
Good use of drama Delivery is Delivery is in Delivery is
and student meets pattered, but does bursts and either too quick
apportioned time not meet does not or too slow to
interval apportioned time meet meet
Pacing interval apportioned apportioned
time interval time interval
Student displays Makes minor Displays Tension and
relaxed, self- mistakes, but mild tension; nervousness is
Poise confident nature quickly recovers has trouble obvious; has
about self, with no from them; displays recovering trouble
mistakes little or no tension from recovering from
mistakes mistakes
Voice Use of fluid speech Satisfactory use of Displays
and inflection inflection, but does some level of Consistently
maintains the interest not consistently use inflection uses a monotone
of the audience fluid speech throughout voice

Scoring Sheet for Practical Examination
10 Entry level performance for a PTA
9 Competent for a PTA learner at this level
8 Frazzled but safe
7 Inappropriate
6 Unsafe
5 Fraudulent
4 Disrespectful to the patient
3 Forgotten or incomplete task performance

1. preparation of the treatment/assessment area for the patient (before and after the
Score: Comments

2. preparation of the clinician, hand -washing before touching a patient, lab coat and
name tag
Score: Comments

3. to see how the clinician introduces him/herself to the patient (name & title), (clarity
and speed)
Score: Comments

4. to see that the dignity of the patient is respected by making eye contact at eye level,
draping the patient, allowing the pt. to do as much as he/she can do for him/herself
Score: Comments

5. to see that the pt. is positioned appropriately for what is being done with them and that
they are not asked to change positions un -necessarily.
Score: Comments

6. to see that things are explained to the patient in terms that he/she is capable of
Score: Comments
7. to see that session measurements are accurate and in agreement with the testers visual
assessment of the measurements and the session, recording only what is done and planned
Score: Comments

8. to see that the documentation is meaningful and accurate, using correct

abbreviations, spelling, and documentation format in black ink
Score: Comments

9. Patient Safety: to see that the treatment has been prioritized for the patient
with evidence of a physiologically sound and rational plan for the session
Score: Comments

10. Patient Safety: to see that the demonstration of the selected tasks with the patient is
done with evidence of skill and safety in the techniques performed
Score: Comments


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