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Letters in Applied Microbiology 1997, 25, 54±57

Subspecies differentiation of Salmonella by PCR-

RFLP of the ribosomal operon using universal

S .A . SHAH AND T. L. ROMICK . 1997.

S.A. Shah and T. L. Romick

Hunt-Wesson Inc., Technical Center, Fullerton, California, USA
1342/96: received 10 October 1996 and accepted 13 December 1996

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method was

developed to aid identi®cation of bacteria to subspecies level. The method used primers that
annealed to highly conserved regions of the bacterial rRNA operon, which are proposed
to be universal for all bacteria. The resulting PCR products gave unique electrophoretic
patterns due to restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) within the rRNA
operon, allowing differentiation to the subspecies level. Six serotypes of
Salmonella choleraesuis are presented to demonstrate the speci®city of PCR-
RFLP patterns for building an identi®cation database. As the database continues to
accumulate, the method proves to be speci®c and rapid for identifying bacteria
based on stable genetic characteristics.
INTRODUCTION morphism in the 23S rRNA encoding region plus the two
¯anking hypervariable spacer regions. To date, PCR-RFLP
Salmonella species, as well as other foodborne bacterial patho-
patterns have been generated for foodborne pathogens and
gens, need to be identi®ed quickly and accurately. Traditional
spoilage bacteria and a database is being built for aid in
methods for detecting and identifying this pathogen involve
identifying unknown bacterial strains. The method has
cultural, biochemical and immunological assays that rely on
dem-onstrated an immediate use for matching unknown
phenotypic characterization. These methods require selective
strains of suspect origin to reference strains.
enrichment and plating, which often take several days to complete
and may alter phenotypic expression (Andrews et al. 1992).
Nucleic acid-based methods, such as the poly-merase chain MATERIALS AND METHODS
reaction (PCR), avoid such problems. PCR is a rapid and speci®c
method for detection of bacterial patho-gens. Additionally, PCR Bacterial strains
sensitivity is such that theoretically only a single intact nucleic
acid template is needed to amplify the target sequence Salmonella choleraesuis sero arizonae (ATCC 13314), Salm.
suf®ciently to visualize by electrophoresis (Mullis et al. 1986 ; choleraesuis sero choleraesuis (ATCC 13312), Salm. choleraesuis
Mullis 1990). sero enteritidis (ATCC 13076), Salm. choleraesuis sero pul-lorum
Many PCR methods have used primers that target viru- (ATCC 19945), Salm. choleraesuis sero typhimurium (ATCC 14028)
lence genes that make them species-speci®c (Hill 1996). The and Salm. choleraesuis sero montevideo G4639 (M. Doyle, University
present authors have developed a PCR-based identi®cation of Georgia, USA) were used.
method that uses universal primers derived from highly con-
served regions in the rRNA operon (Fox and Woese 1974 ; DNA extraction
Gutell and Fox 1988 ; Jensen et al. 1993 ; Van Lith and Aarts
1994). Multiple rRNA operons are found in the bacterial Pure cultures were grown overnight at 37°C in tryptic soy
genome with hypervariable spacer regions that vary in length broth (Difco, Detroit, MI). One millilitre of the bacterial
and sequence but are considered stable genetic traits (Fox et suspension was centrifuged for 5 min at 14 000 rev. min 1 in
al. 1980 ; Barry et al. 1991). The method described here an Eppendorf bench top centrifuge (type 5415C) to pellet
differentiates to the subspecies level based on sequence poly- cells. The supernatant ¯uid was discarded and the cells were
resuspended in 400 ml LETS buffer (100 mmol l 1 LiCl, 10
Correspondence to: Dr Thomas Romick, Hunt-Wesson, Technical mmol l 1 EDTA, 10 mmol l 1 Tris, pH 7´8, 1% SDS) plus 400
Center, 1645 W. Valencia Drive, Fullerton, CA 92833, USA. ml phenol : chloroform : isoamyl alcohol (50 : 48 : 2). Acid-
© 1997 The Society for Applied
washed glass beads (106 mm diam. ; Sigma Chemical, St 6 ml of mix directly to the 50 ml of completed PCR reaction.
Louis, MO) were added (approx. 0´1 volume) and then homo- This reaction was gently mixed by vortexing and incubated for
genized for 1 min at room temperature in a bead beater 4 h at 30°C. After incubation, the entire 56-ml sample was
(Biospec Products, Bartlesville, OK). The top (aqueous) phase mixed with 3 ml of loading buffer (40% sucrose, 0´05%
was transferred to a new tube and extracted with 400 ml of bromphenol blue, 10 mmol l 1 EDTA, 0´5% SDS, pH 8´0) and
chloroform : isoamyl alcohol (48 : 2). After phase separ-ation, electrophoresed on a 3% TAE±agarose gel (40 mmol l 1 Tris
the aqueous phase was transferred to a new tube and DNA acetate, 1 mmol l 1 EDTA, pH 8´5), until complete separation
precipitated by adding 1 ml 95% ethanol and chilled at 20°C of the molecular weight marker (PCR Marker ; Sigma) was
for 10 min. The DNA was pelleted by centrifugation (14 000 achieved over the length of the gel. The gel was stained with
rev. min 1 for 10 min), the supernatant ¯uid aspi-rated, and the ethidium bromide (0´5 mg/ml) and photo-graphed under
pellet dried in a speed-vac (Savant, SC 110A, Farmingdale, ultraviolet transillumination. After scanning the photograph,
NY) for 10 min. The pellet was dissolved in 50 ml ultrapure the patterns were analysed using image analysis software
water (double glass distilled, 0´2 micron ®ltered, autoclaved (RFLP Proscan, Nashville, TN) and molec-ular weights
60 min, 121°C) and the DNA concentration was determined calculated.
spectrophotometrically (1 O.D. 50 ng/ml at 260 nm) and
checked for purity (260 nm/280 nm 1´8). The DNA template
was diluted to a working concentration of 40 ng/ml with
ultrapure water and used immediately for the reaction or Many studies have been done to identify bacteria by PCR
aliquoted and frozen ( 20°C). (Hill 1996). Using universal primers that anneal to
conserved sequences of the rRNA operon is valuable if
results are reliable for all bacteria under identical reaction
PCR reaction conditions
conditions. Jensen et al. (1993) designed such primers for
A 14-mer oligonucleotide primer (5S) was synthesized the 16S±23S hypervariable spacer region. Apparently, the
(Genosys Biotechnologies, The Woodlands, TX) based on a length poly-morphism associated with the 16S±23S spacer
conserved sequence mid-way in the 5S encoding region of the region is suf-®cient for generic characterization but
rRNA operon (Fox and Woese 1974). The 5S primer sequence provides limited species and subspecies differential
used was 5?-AACTACCATCGGCG-3?. The other primer was information (Jensen et al. 1993 ; Van Lith and Aarts 1994).
a 15-mer synthesized (Genosys) according to the G1 The G1/5S primer set was designed to generate an expected
oligonucleotide design by Jensen et al. (1993). The G1 primer PCR product (approx. 3 kbp depending on variable lengths of
was based on a conserved sequence in the 16S enco-ding spacer regions in multiple operons) representing the 23S
region of the rRNA operon speci®ed as 5?- region and both ¯anking spacer regions (Fox and Woese
GAAGTCGTAACAAGG-3?. The total reaction mixture of 50 1974 ; Dams et al. 1988 ; Gutell and Fox 1988). Dif-ferences
ml contained 10 mmol l 1 Tris (pH 8´3), 50 mmol l 1 KCl, 2 in the nucleotide sequence provided variation in HinfI
mmol l 1 MgCl2, 200 mmol l 1 of each deoxynucleotide recognition sites and allowed the restriction analysis to reveal
triphosphate (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), 62´5 ng of each sequence polymorphism in the 3 kbp PCR product. Figure 1
oligonucleotide primer and 80 ng of bacterial genomic DNA. (top panel) shows the 3 kbp products for the six Salmonella
The mixture was heated at 95°C for 5 min, cooled and held at strains before digestion with HinfI restriction endonuclease.
75°C until 1 U of DNA polymerase was added (Amplitaq Some smaller bands were produced occasion-ally at much less
polymerase ; Perkin Elmer, Foster City, CA). Thirty-®ve intensity, perhaps indicating non-speci®c PCR products. The
cycles were performed with an automated thermocycler (PTC- purity of the DNA template preparation was critical for
100 ; MJ Research, Watertown, MA) as follows : 1 min reproducible results, especially when ampli-fying a relatively
denaturation time at 94°C ; 2 min ramp to 55°C ; annealing large DNA fragment with expected sec-ondary structure. Since
time of 2 min at 55°C ; 2 min ramp to 72°C ; 2 min poly- sequence variation existed in the PCR product, especially in
merization time at 72°C with a ®nal polymerization time of 7 the hypervariable spacer regions, HinfI digestion revealed
min at 72°C after the ®nal cycle. Tubes were held at 4°C until measurable differentiation among the strains (Fig. 1, bottom
PCR products were subjected to restriction analysis and gel panel). Calculated molecular weights for the patterns are
electrophoresis. summarized in Table 1.
The PCR-RFLP patterns of the six Salmonella serotypes
had some similar features (Fig. 1, bottom panel). Restriction
Restriction analysis
fragments of approximately 670 and 470 bp were present in all
PCR products were digested by HinfI restriction endon- strains that were similar in size to PCR products reported
uclease (Sigma) by premixing 0´5 ml of enzyme (5 U) with 5 when the 16S±23S spacer region was ampli®ed (Jensen et al.
´5 ml of 10X buffer (palette buffer blue ; Sigma) and adding 1993 ; Van Lith and Aarts 1994). This suggests that HinfI
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology,Letters in Applied
Microbiology 25, 54±57
56 S .A . SHAH AND T. L.
Table 1 Calculated molecular weights (bp) of PCR-RFLP
fragments generated by HinfI digestion of 3 kbp PCR
products depicted in Fig. 1
б±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±
Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8
б±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±
2000 2000
1500 1500
1217 1261
1000 962 972 1000
874 883 883 874
787 802 802 802
750 750
661 659 670 669 681 679
500 513 513 513 500
472 472 471 471 478 465
362 363 365 371 364
300 287 300
272 276 273
234 235 243 233
194 203 197
191 192 187
165 170
157 158 157
150 149 150
115 121
72 72 72 71
68 68
Fig. 1 PCR products of approximately 3 kbp (not calculated) 50 50
б±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±
generated by universal primers (top panel) and restriction fragments
generated by digestion of the PCR products by HinfI endonuclease Lanes 1 and 8, molecular weight marker; lane 2, Salmonella
(bottom panel). See Table 1 for lane descriptions and molecular choleraesuis sero montevideo G4639; lane 3, Salm. choleraesuis
weights. Top panel: molecular weight markers are the same as the top sero typhimurium ATCC 14028; lane 4, Salm. choleraesuis sero
four bands in the bottom panel enteritidis ATCC 13076; lane 5, Salm. choleraesuis sero
pullorum ATCC 19945; lane 6, Salm. choleraesuis sero
choleraesuis ATCC 13312; lane 7, Salm. choleraesuis sero
arizonae ATCC 13314.
restriction sites reside in or near the 16S±23S spacer region
and the length of the spacer regions are similar in closely
related species. Previous reports indicate that this is the used to identify bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes and
case (Jensen et al. 1993 ; Van Lith and Aarts 1994). By Bacillus thuringiensis, based on virulence genes (Ericsson et
amplifying a larger section of the rRNA operon, RFLP al. 1995 ; Kuo and Chak 1996). Recently, Iriarte and Owen
analysis reveals more differential information than PCR (1996) performed PCR-RFLP analysis on a 2´65 kbp amplicon
product length poly-morphisms alone. representing the 23S rRNA genes of Campylobacter jejuni
The conventional method for identi®cation by restriction strains and concluded that not enough polymorphism existed
analysis has been Southern blot hybridization. This has the for subspecies differentiation. Including the hyp-ervariable
disadvantages that considerable time and resources are spacer regions in the PCR product with subsequent RFLP
required for preparation of the DNA hybridization mem-brane analysis may provide better differentiation comparable to the
and probes. Sensitivity is also affected by poor signal to noise results included in this report.
ratio (Vilgalys and Hester 1990). PCR-RFLP over-comes To date, this universal PCR-RFLP technique has been
these problems. The approach of PCR-RFLP has been applied to over 50 strains of foodborne pathogens and spoilage
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology,Letters in Applied
Microbiology 25, 54±57
bacteria and their unique patterns have been stored in a restriction enzyme analysis. Applied and Environmental Micro-
growing, custom database. Differentiation of Salmonella ser- biology 61, 3872±3874.
otypes is presented here to demonstrate the potential of the Fox, G. and Woese, C.R. (1974) The architecture of 5S rRNA and its
relation to function. Journal of Molecular Evolution 6, 61±76.
method for subspecies discrimination of other bacteria as well.
Fox, G.E., Stackebrandt, E., Hespell, R.B., Gibson, J., Maniloff,
The method has been used to match unknown isolates to
J., Dyer, T.A. et al. (1980) The phylogeny of prokaryotes.
reference strains for con®rming suspected species not readily Science 209, 457±463.
differentiated by biochemical and immunological tests. It also Gutell, R. and Fox, G. (1988) A compilation of large subunit RNA
has been valuable in tracing a contamination source in the sequences presented in a structural format. Nucleic Acids
production environment. This could be used for epi- Research 16(Suppl), 175±201.
demiological studies in the food chain or production environ- Hill, W. (1996) the polymerase chain reaction : application for the
ment so that rapid identi®cation would permit removal of the detection of foodborne pathogens. Critical Reviews in Food
source, thus preventing new cases (Couto et al. 1995 ; Science and Nutrition 36, 123±173.
Samadpour 1995). Iriarte, P. and Owen, R.J. (1996) PCR-RFLP analysis of the large
subunit (23S) ribosomal RNA genes of Campylobacter jejuni.
Let-ters in Applied Microbiology 23, 163±166.
Jensen, M.A., Webster, J.A. and Straus, N. (1993) Rapid identi-
®cation of bacteria on the basis of polymerase chain reaction-
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