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A cross-industry review In recent years business-to-business

of B2B critical success international Internet marketing (B2B IIM) has
factors received widespread attention. Avlonitis and
Karayanni (2000), Hamill and Gregory (1997),
Hoffman et al. (1999), Porter (2001) and
Riyad Eid Quelch and Klein (1996) conducted in-depth
Myfanwy Trueman and studies to understand those factors that are
Abdel Moneim Ahmed needed to enhance B2B IIM implementation.
Various articles, empirical research, and
secondary case studies on B2B, Internet,
international marketing, and information
technology were studied. The findings of these
The authors studies identified 21 factors that have a direct
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed impact on successful implementation of the
are all based at the Bradford University School of B2B IIM. These factors were classified into five
Management, Bradford, UK. categories: marketing strategy, web site, global
dimension, internal and external related factors.
Definitions, techniques and discussion on these
factors are described in the following sections.
International marketing, Success, Business-to-business Further discussion on each category is also
marketing, Internet underpinned.

Business-to-business international Internet marketing Critical success factors definitions
(B2B IIM) has emerged as one of the key drivers in
sustaining an organisation's competitive advantage. Digman (1990), Butler and Fitzgerald (1999)
However, market entry and communication via the Internet and Guynes and Vanecek (1996) defined
have affected the dynamics and traditional process in B2B critical factors for success as the areas or
commerce. Difficulties resulting from these new trends have functions where things must go right to ensure
been cited in the literature. Research into identifying what successful competitive performance for an
are the critical success factors for global market entry is rare. organisation. Oakland (1995) links these
This research presents a comprehensive review in this field. factors to what an organisation must
The study identified 21 critical success factors applicable to accomplish to achieve its mission. Kanji and
most of the B2B IIM. These factors were classified into five Tambi (1999) stated that for these factors to be
categories: marketing strategy, Web site, global, internal more effective, they have to represent
and external related factors. The significance, importance managerial areas, which require continual
and implications for each category are discussed and then attention to lead to high performance. This
recommendations are made. research attempts to identify and discuss in the
following sections those areas or functions
Electronic access through the secondary case studies and
reviewing literature. This will guide an
The research register for this journal is available at
organisation while implementing B2B IIM.

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is

available at Available techniques
Leidecker and Bruno (1984) proposed several
Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
techniques for identifying the critical success
Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . pp. 110±123
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 1066-2243 factors (CSFs). These included environment
DOI 10.1108/10662240210422495 scanning, industry structure analysis,
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

industrial expert's opinions, competitors' The focus here is to explore what the
analysis, best practice analysis, assessment of company does well and not so well. The
the company's internal feeling or judgement, technique again narrows the focus of
and gathered data of profit impact of market analysis and cannot provide more CSFs.
strategy (PIMS): . Intuitive factors. This technique depends on
. Environmental scanning. This technique is the intuition and insight of individuals who
used to identify the economical, political are familiar with the firm and leads to
and social forces that surround an identification of important short run CSFs
organisation and influence its that may be unclear in more formal
performance. Companies often link reviews, but it depends on subjective
environmental scanning technique to the opinions.
threats and opportunities evaluation. . PIMS results. PIMS identifies the key
The only problem attached to this determinants of profitability that provide
technique is the difficulty of operating it inputs for CSFs analysis. The advantage of
into a specific industry or to an this technique is the empirical basis of the
organisation's CSFs. project results. But this technique may lead
. Industry structure analysis. This type of to general nature of the factors.
analysis is based on five components:
barriers to entry, substitutable products,
suppliers, buyers and inter-firm Proposed factors
competition. Evaluating each component
and the interrelationships between them A number of studies were carried out to identify
leads to gathering considerable data that those factors most critical to B2B IIM success.
assist in identifying the critical factors for Avlonitis and Karayanni (2000) noted that the
success. The technique is used only sales force has a central role to play in the
industry wide, which makes its application Internet marketing strategies implementation if
for individual firms inappropriate. the appropriate training is provided. However,
. Industrial expert's opinions. This technique top management team's support is one of the
depends on people who have an excellent keys to integrate the Internet effectively with the
working knowledge of the industry/ strategic marketing plan. Bremer (1996) agreed
business. This technique depends more on that correct planning for training sessions,
subjective opinions. However, the intuitive management support and staff awareness
feel of an industry insider often is an programmes are important to B2B IIM
excellent source of CSFs and, coupled with implementation.
more objective techniques, provides the Chan and Swatman (2000) pointed out other
analyst with rich data. factors such as supplier and customer
. Competitors' analysis. This technique involvement, culture and the use of both the
focuses on the competitive environment. It traditional and online marketing. Cronin
concentrates analysis on competition, how (1996) added the security factor to the
firms compete, one does not dilute efforts. marketing strategy and culture. Damanpour
But it cannot provide CSFs not linked to (2001) showed the importance of meeting
the analysis of how firms compete. client demand as necessary to fulfilling
. Best practice analysis. This technique is very obligations in Internet-based marketing.
useful in industries dominated by one or a Being flexible when collaborating with the
few firms, such as Dell, in the computer trading community, identifying potential
industry. The logic behind this technique valuable partners, thinking globally and
understands what the firm does successfully doing business in the Internet time (speed) are
in determining the CSFs. But this critical factors for B2B IIM successful
technique of narrow focus analysis might implementation.
limit inputs of more CSFs. Duggan and Devenery (2000) indicated that
. Internal assessment. This technique the integration between off and on-line
identifies the CSFs for a particular firm. marketing efforts, as well as customer
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

acceptance and the language used, were Factors categorization

also critical success factors. Furnell and
Karweni (1999) agreed that the development of The 21 critical factors for B2B IIM successful
successful inter-organisational relationships is implementation have been grouped into five
related factors, categories A, B, C, D and E as
another critical factor, which is based primarily
shown in Figure 2. Each category is discussed in
on the quality and quantity of exchanged
more detail in the following sub-sections.
information over the Internet.
Gogan (1997) cited that selecting the
Category A: marketing strategy related
appropriate technologies infrastructure is a key
factor for Internet marketing. Hamill and Chaffy et al. (2000) argued that the Internet is
Gregory (1997) suggested that well designed an integral part which supports business-
Web sites provide an organisation with a marketing strategies and should be treated as a
leading edge in the global market. Herbig and separate plan. Avlonitis and Karayanni (2000),
Hale (1997) emphasise that customer needs Chaffy et al. (2000), Chan and Swatman
must be identified. (2000), Cronin (1996), Damanpour (2001),
Poon and Jevons (1997), Hoffman et al. Duggan and Devenery (2000), Hofacker
(1999) and Zairi (2001a, b) all agreed that trust (2001), Honeycutt et al. (1998), Naude and
and confidence between vendor and potential Holland (1996), Porter (2001) and Quelch and
customer is another critical factor. E-commerce Klein (1996) all agreed that factors related to
is not a technology play! It is a relationship; marketing strategy are vital to the success of
partnership, organisational and B2B IIM implementation. Those factors related
communications play made possible by new to marketing strategy include:
. Top management support and commitment.
Avlonitis and Karayanni (2000), Chaffy et
al. (2000) and Chan and Swatman (2000)
identified top management support and
Case studies commitment as key factors for successful
implementation of innovation processes for
Table I illustrates a brief summary of various an organisation. This requires personal and
secondary case studies which have been managerial knowledge of Internet
published in the field of B2B IIM. The table marketing potential and is proactively
includes a description of the companies' names, involved in its internal diffusion. Chaffy et
activities, nationalities and references source. al. (2000) cited that management
Figure 1 shows that 62 per cent of the commitment to the Internet medium helps
companies involved in the published case to promote implementation across the
studies illustrated in Table I were USA company, but this will require financial
based. This indicates the leading role US support. In their study, Chaffy et al.
companies are taking towards B2B IIM included the 1998 report which was
produced by KPMG group of consultants.
implementation. It can be seen also that a
This report indicates that there is a
wide range of industries from perishable
correlation between the investment on the
goods (cheese), to domestic goods, high
Internet and the revenue received by a
technology, and machinery have adopted the
company. Chan and Swatman (2000)
Internet. emphasised that management at the
Consequently, the previous cases covered supervisory level plays the most critical role
manufacturing equipment; in implementing B2B IIM successfully.
telecommunications, hardware equipment, . Setting strategic goals. Successful
textile industry, home equipment, scientific and implementation of the B2B IIM depends
medical equipment, management consulting, on how clearly defined the strategic goals
and software development adopted the Internet are for an organisation. Chaffy et al. (2000)
in their marketing purposes. pointed out that Internet marketing must
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

Table I A list of published secondary case studies

Company Activity/industry Nationality Source
BHP Steel Steel Australian Chan and Swatman (2000)
VF Playwear Clothes USA Angeles (2001)
Fromages Cheese French
Toyota Car UK Chaffy et al. (2000)
Millipore High technology USA Anderson (1996) Furniture USA
Dell Computer UK Kalakota and Robinson (1999)
Delap and Waller Design, production and UK
customer service
Nabisco Snack food USA Allen and Fjermestad (2001)
MMM.Com Variety of products USA
ETA SA Swatch Switzerland Osterle et al. (2001)
Encyclopaedia Britannica Leather USA
Welding firm Welding USA Honeycutt et al. (1998)
KDM International Agriculture UK
IBM Computer USA Naude and Holland (1996)
Sun Microsoft Computer USA www.
Grey Matter Software and electronics UK
EDS: part of General Motors Car USA Naude and Holland (1996)
W.W.Grainger Maintenance products USA Porter (2001)
Cisco Computer and MNC Kalakota and Robinson (1999)
Digital Equipment Corporation Network computer system, USA Jones (1996)
Software and services
Garden Garden products USA
Flooring Company Flooring products USA Honeycutt et al. (1998)

be consistent with business objectives. strategy, which includes both the internal
Naude and Holland (1996) provided an reorganisation that centres on shared
example of Ford in implementing its global worldwide databases and relationships with
marketing strategy that addresses customers and suppliers.
homogenisation across national markets in Anderson (1996) and Honeycutt et al.
terms of realising the cost savings through (1998) provided another example of
internal rationalisation. Ford's global Millipore flooring company, who decided
marketing strategy is identical to its IT on two strategic goals for its Web site to
increase international business
Figure 1 Distribution of companies by nationality opportunities. First, to enable the existing
and potential customers to interact directly
with the company's information on various
technical, application, product, news and
ordering aspects. Second, to enable
Millipore's marketers to deal with strategic
partners, regulatory agencies and external
data bases. The majority of companies in
the secondary case studies mentioned in the
previous sections have agreed that setting
strategic goals is a critical factor to B2B IIM
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

Figure 2 Critical success factors categorisation

. Integrating the Internet with marketing applications and serve the needs of trading
strategy. Avlonitis and Karayanni (2000), partners at either end of the value chain.
Chan and Swatman (2000), Cronin Porter (2001) stated, ``. . . It has been
(1996), Duggan and Devenery (2000), widely accepted that the Internet is
Honeycutt et al. (1998), Porter (2001) and cannibalistic, that it will replace all
Quelch and Klein (1996) argued that conventional ways of doing business and
integrating the Internet with a business overturn all traditional advantages. That is
marketing strategy is an important a vast exaggeration. While the Internet will
component for successful implementation replace certain elements, the complete
of B2B IIM. However, executives and cannibalisation will be exceedingly rare''.
entrepreneurs alike need to change their Companies such as Toyota, Dell, 3M,
point of view on how to capitalise on the Nabisco, and Sun Microsystems in the
Internet's strategic potential. Chan and secondary case studies considered
Swatman (2000) showed that successful integrating the Internet with their
Internet marketers are those who build marketing strategy as a critical factor for
systems that can integrate with existing B2B IIM success.
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

Allen and Fjermestad (2001) provided technical resources to manage the Internet
three examples of companies rejecting the connection and enable security technology,
idea of using Internet marketing. First, it must sub-contract other service providers
Nabisco's marketing manager stated ``the for managing connectivity.
company could work with bricks and . Deciding on who are the potential audiences.
mortar retailers to try to preserve the Hollensen (2001) divided Internet
current way of doing business''. Second, audiences into internal and external.
the Sun Microsystems Company, which Internal audiences include marketing, sales,
does not consider the Web to be an channel sales, finance and information
individual channel or an alternative vehicle technology (IT). External audiences
of their customer to deal with the company. include external customers, suppliers,
Third, Grainger, which rejected the vendors, resellers and other business
assumption that the Internet would partners. Defining who are the Internet
undermine its strategy, instead it tightly co- audiences to be targeted is one of the
ordinated its aggressive on-line efforts with primary tasks for the Web designers
traditional business and the results so far because it determines how and when both
are revealing. the internal and external actors should be
Porter (2001) indicated that customers involved. Hofacker (2001) pointed out that
who purchase on-line also continue to the nature of the Internet is that the Web
purchase through other means. Honeycutt site is automatically an international
et al. (1998) cited that companies must marketing tool. White (1997) stated that
consider Internet marketing as a companies that are prepared to make
complement to, rather than a replacement international sales should indicate that on
for, other marketing programmes already in their World Wide Web (WWW) pages.
place. This means customers might
evaluate the product online or in the real Category B: Web site related factors
world. They then have two options, either Hofacker (2001) defined the Web as a tool that
to purchase online (if the Web site has companies employ to convey promotional
various facilities) or to order in the real messages, interesting or informative
world approaches, such as using personal information to their consumers. Also, it is used
appearance, telephone or fax machines. to sell products directly to the customer or to
. Collaboration (deciding on the strategic provide consumers with various computing or
partners). Collaboration emphasises clear communication services.
partnership between the trading Anderson (1996), Hamill and Gregory
community and other stakeholders. Poon (1997), Herbig and Hale (1997), Hofacker
and Jevons (1997) indicated that (2001), Kotab and Helsen (2000), Quelch and
collaboration should include appropriate
Klein (1996) and Samiee (1998) identified the
utilisation of the resources needed for the
well-designed corporate Web site as the
Internet implementation. Damanpour
company's marketing showpiece and the crucial
(2001) added that an organization only
component that contributes to the success for
succeeds when top management develops
any of the B2B IIM efforts.
dynamic and just-in-time collaborations
attitude and responsiveness. Chan and Web site design
Swatman (2000) provided another Hamill and Gregory (1997), Herbig and Hale
dimension to collaboration when they (1997), Hofacker (2001), Kotab and Helsen
mentioned trading partners' relationships (2000), Quelch and Klein (1996) and Samiee
as the critical issue that faces a company's (1998) agreed that an effective Web site
attempt to achieve its objectives to getting depends on its design. Quelch and Klein (1996)
closer to customers. Organizations can pointed out that the creation of a Web site is not
by-pass the traditional interaction patterns a one-time effort and considered the need for
and form virtual value chains. Bremer internationalisation of Websites. They stated,
(1996) pointed out that if a company lacks ``International marketers should achieve a
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

balance between the new medium's ability to be Hamill and Gregory (1997) added regular
customised and the desire to retain coherence, updating to encourage repeat visits, clear
control, and consistency as they go to market navigation paths to allow smooth movement
worldwide''. Herbig and Hale (1997) added around the site; interactivity and responsiveness
that current speed of technological innovation to user feedback; allowing information
in Web site design, and the increasing gathering about users; and integrating the Web
competitiveness of the medium, requires global site with other marketing channels be used.
marketers to continue assessing their Internet The majority of the secondary case studies
sites' perceived value among target groups agreed upon these factors as critical to B2B IIM
across countries. Web sites must provide successful implementation. For example,
valuable, accurate content that is continually Fromages manager said, ``Web site must not
maintained if they are to attract new customers, only serve as an electronic order-taking
from many countries as well as encourage them interface but also have high value added
to return. Consequently, the homepage must be informational content''. Allen and Fjermestad
kept up to date to make available the most (2001) noted that the manager of Nabisco
recent information. Cronin (1996) indicated that information on the Web site must
demonstrated the example of Millipore include products, delivery, price and services
Corporation on how companies can attract support.
customers and potential buyers to their Web Effective marketing of the site (online and offline
sites by offering a well-designed and promotion)
comprehensive value to the pharmaceutical and Chaffy et al. (2000) cascaded the importance of
microelectronics industries. Honeycutt et al. promoting the Web site for two reasons. First,
(1998) reported that a flooring firm previously an organisation must distinguish its Web site
experienced dissatisfaction with designing from those of its competitors. Hamill and
agencies, which produced a disorganised Web Gregory (1997) supported this view by stating
site with little logic, unattractively coloured that the Web site needs to be marketed in an
backgrounds, and numerous spelling errors. appropriate manner to ensure high accessibility.
However, the company changed the Web This can be done in various ways including
advertising agency quickly, this led to several registering the site with all of the online search
international transactions and an increased engines, establishing reciprocal cross-linkages
number of enquiries from customers globally. to other sites, and ensuring that the URL
There are a number of well-designed Web address is used in all company correspondence.
site characteristics. Honeycutt et al. (1998) Second, promoting a Web site differs from any
highlighted that industry experts suggest that a other media promotion. It requires expertise
Web site must have clear and consistent and technical knowledge of how customers can
information. Like all other marketing media, easily find information on the Internet.
customers compare the value of information
they get and its helpfulness in aiding them in Category C: global related factors
decision making. The majority of on-line users Chaffy et al. (2000), Chan and Swatman
come to the Internet for information, so (2000), Duggan and Devenery (2000), Gogan
organisations that provide more data on their (1997), Hamill and Gregory (1997), Herbig
company and products are more likely to and Hale (1997), Hofacker (2001), Kotab and
succeed in implementing Internet marketing. Helsen (2000), Quelch and Klein (1996),
Anderson (1996) noted that in Millipore Samiee (1998) and White (1997) described the
Corporation, the key to successful Internet ability in making sales to overseas
implementation of their B2B IIM was the markets as depending on a number of global
relational database of its product catalogues related factors. These include:
developed prior to the Web site designing . Understanding foreign marketing environment.
process. Chaffy et al. (2001) stated that the Marketing environments vary from one
basic quality of good information is be accessed country to another. Hofacker (2001),
rapidly, easy to find, and relevant to users. Quelch and Klein (1996), Samiee (1998)
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

and Wood and Roberson (2000) agree Companies in the secondary case studies
that Web site design should reflect the discovered that they had to be prepared to
country's environment requirements. deal with an entirely new customer segment
Wood and Roberson (2000) stated that once they were established on the Internet.
while the political climate in one country or Honeycutt et al. (1998) provided an
region could be perceived as a key example of a welding firm faced with
dimension to an international venture's dealing with new customers on both levels,
success (or failure), the level of economic the national and international. However,
development might be the key in another. Kotab and Helsen (2001) state that claims
Likewise, while an advanced infrastructure that the Internet provides a level playing
may place one foreign market more field to small and large global players alike
favourably ahead of another for one are somewhat exaggerated. Undoubtedly,
industry, the existence of a stable and large firms still enjoy competitive advantage
transparent legal system might do the same because of larger resources and more
for another industry. visibility among prospective customers
Hofacker (2001) emphasised that worldwide. Companies with large resources
companies have to study the foreign will be able to hire the best talent and buy
marketing environments, including trade the latest technologies in the area.
regulations and package delivery options, to . Multilanguage Web site. One of the biggest
assess the advantages of their own products issues around global communication is
and services. Quelch and Klein (1996) language. Consequently, for companies
noted that companies who want to use the who want to use the Internet
Internet to do business internationally have internationally, language communication is
to revise their operations, strategies, and the challenge. Hofacker (2001) stated
business models if they want to exploit the companies who want to use the Internet for
opportunities offered by the Internet. international marketing must translate their
Samiee (1998) pointed that international Web sites into a number of languages, or at
marketing involves many macro and micro least should try minimising the difficulties
planning and management considerations, for non-native readers of their languages.
including meeting local product standards, Kotab and Helsen (2000) suggest that by
target market pricing and competitive the year 2005, 57 per cent of the Internet
factors, export currency and payment audience will speak a language other than
issues, customer support and service English. Consequently, a company that
requirements, legal and regulatory plans to become a global e-business player
considerations. None of these issues will be might need to localise its Web sites in order
solely derived from access to the Internet or to deal with target customers in their native
developing Web site. tongue. Undoubtedly, language barriers
. Resources required for working globally. Chaffy have launched a new Web-oriented
et al. (2000), Hofacker (2001), Kotab and translation industry. For instance, World
Helsen (2001) and Quelch and Klein Point (, as
(1996) identified resources as one of the mentioned by Kotab and Helsen (2000),
global related factors which play an offers a Web-based ``localisation'' service
important role in facilitating B2B IIM that translates and edits documents such as
implementation. Chaffy et al. (2000) annual reports, manuals, and marketing
indicated that while the Internet increases materials into 18 languages ± not just text,
the potential market size, many companies but also currencies, dates, and even colour
might not have the resources required to conventions.
deal with international markets. Therefore, Quelch and Klein (1996) note that the
a company must have a 24-hour order growth of the use of the Internet for
taking, customer service response capability business will accelerate the trend for
and regulatory and custom-handling English to become the lingua franca of
experience to ship internationally. commerce. Kotab and Helsen (2000)
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

indicated that companies who want to White (1997) underpinned that shipping
make their Web sites international by charges may be beyond a company's
translating the content into other languages control, but it is a concern for international
have three options. First is to hire a firm customers. At a minimum, Web sites
like World Point. This will be very time should indicate shipment costs to each
consuming and costly. Second is the use of country to which delivery is available.
software. Third is to pick a few key Besides, companies should provide
languages after studying the number of information about the time needed for
Internet users in these countries (Gillette international shipments.
used this option).
. Culture Considerations. Chan and Swatman Category D: internal related factors
(2000), Cronin (1996), Hofacker (2001), Researchers and practitioners such as Avlonitis
Kotab and Helsen (2000), Palumbo and and Karayanni (2000), Chan and Swatman
Herbig (1998), Samiee (1998) and White (2000), Duggan and Devenery (2000), Gogan
(1997) suggested that cultures of different (1997), Quelch and Klein (1996) and Samiee
countries must be taken into account when (1998) have considered factors related to the
marketing on the Internet. Building a global internal environment as a critical component of
Internet marketing strategy which successful B2B IIM efforts. Internal related
overcomes cultural barriers is considered a factors include technological infrastructure,
critical factor to B2B IIM implementation internal culture, the sales force role and the
success. Herbig and Hale (1997) stated that importance of training programmes:
providing information that will be desired
. Technological infrastructure. Researchers
such as Saieed (1998) and Naude and
by a variety of people with different needs
Holland (1996) considered an adequate IT
and tastes will encourage a mix of
infrastructure as a vital factor in successful
nationalities and cultures. Kotab and
B2B IIM implementation. Saieed (1998)
Helsen (2000) provide an example of Dell,
pointed out two elements for technological
through its built-to-order system, being able
infrastructure. The first element is
to gain a foothold in markets like China and
computer literacy. For the Internet to serve
Hong Kong with its online business concept
as an effective tool, all parties in the
that considers the cultural dimension.
relationship or the transaction must be
According to Hofacker (2001), even
familiar with PCs and appreciate the
nonverbal elements can cause cultural
benefits and the potential applications of
problems. For example, the use of white as
the Internet and WWW. The second
a colour is more or less neutral in parts of element is the availability of equipment for
the world, but in some countries in Asia it access and services. However, the
signifies death. Palumbo and Herbig (1998) penetration of PCs in business is broad and
have expanded the cultural differences, increasing rapidly.
which along with languages include Naude and Holland (1996) added the
obstacles in translating images (symbols) third element as the Internet-related
that have different meanings across nations; software products to add value to raw data.
and colours that have different symbolic The manager of KDM international said
values. that (
. International delivery availability. Palumbo We have learnt the importance of the right
and Herbig (1998) highlighted that when a choice of software platforms ± which aspects of
firm uses the Internet, it receives orders the e-Market should be developed in house
from several places around the world. If it is and which should be left to others to develop
thereby embracing the spirit of the virtual
not already selling internationally, this
organisation. Skill shortages, scalability and
could be a problem. Thus, it is important to large players in the market are factors that can
design a logistical system that allows a firm influence the success of a company when
to deliver its products/services across expanding into e-commerce.
nations efficiently before soliciting orders . Internal culture. Chan and Swatman (2000),
from abroad. Duggan and Devenery (2000), Samiee
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

(1998) and White (1997) defined the the Internet mixes aspects of management,
internal culture as the extent to which an technical, and basic end-user computer
organisation is adaptable to change. This training. Internet implementation requires
culture is based on old beliefs and corporate three principal training methods: awareness
values that often are no longer appropriate training (via lecture-demonstrations and
or useful in the new environment of doing case studies), technical training and
business. Therefore an organisation must hands-on end-user training. In the USA,
understand and conform to the new values, companies are aware that their employees
management processes and communication require continual training and retraining in
styles that are being created by new the tools, resources, and processes that
methods of marketing. Jones (1996) underpin their operations; 88 per cent of
supports the idea that doing business on the these companies sponsor training in
Internet is much like doing business in any computer skills compared with 75 per cent
foreign country: the key to success is five years ago.
understanding, appreciating and honouring Bennet (1997) stated that in the past IT
the country's culture and protocol. training had not been common among
. Sales force role. Avlonitis and Karayanni managerial employees, and unfamiliarity
(2000) noted that the sales force have a with IT-based marketing and management
central role to play in implementing the systems could perhaps cause feelings of
Internet marketing strategies successfully personal insecurity, fear of being seen to be
for industrial organisations. Bondra and ignorant of the latest techniques, and
Davis (1996) pointed out that sales and reluctance to confront the alterations in
marketing managers have an opportunity to tasks and individual workloads that the
reposition themselves. They may be able to introduction of new methods frequently
enhance their standing and improve necessitates. Chan and Swatman (2000)
internal communication by helping others indicated that a training and awareness
to introduce and integrate new information program run by a company to make staff
management tools. Kotab and Helsen conversant with new methods of doing
(2001) stated that although technology business seemed to have a significant effect
matters, marketing skills will still play a in improving understanding of new systems
major role in global marketing: a site with and technologies, which in turn led to
the latest technologies but one that does not greater acceptance of B2B IIM.
meet customer expectations will not be
successful. Category D: external related factors
. Training programme. Avlonitis and Chan and Swatman (2000), Duggan and
Karayanni (2000), Bennet (1997), Bremer Devenery (2000), Furnell and Karweni (1999),
(1996), Chan and Swatman (2000) and Palumbo and Herbig (1998), Poon and Jevons
Hamill and Gregory (1997) highlighted (1997), Quelch and Klein (1996),
that training and education is a determining Ratnasingham (1998), Urban et al. (2000) and
factor to successful B2B IIM Zairi (2001a, b) have considered factors related
implementation. Hamill and Gregory to external partners as a key component to
(1997) reflected the importance of training successful Internet marketing implementation.
programmes by stating that training in the This includes trust, security, successful
use of the Internet to support international relationship between customers and providers,
marketing should be an integral part of easy and affordable access and customer
government export promotion and support. acceptance of B2B strategies:
Bremer (1996) emphasised that the . Trust. Mayer et al. (1995) defined trust as
Internet brings with it an array of new the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to
equipment, software and sources of the actions of another party based on the
information that must be integrated into expectation that the other will perform a
work processes and, therefore, must be particular action important to the trustee
learned and understood. Training about irrespective of the agility to monitor or
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

control the other party. Urban et al. (2000) developed Virtual Distributed Environment
stated that as consumers become more (VDE) technology that encrypts secure
sophisticated about the Internet, Web site information passing over the Internet.
trust is going to become a key differentiator . Successful relationship. Furnell and Karweni
that will determine the success or failure of (1999) stated that inter-organisational
many companies. For the Internet, trust- relationships are critical in B2B marketing.
based marketing is the key to success. Naude and Holland (1996) point out that
Urban et al. (2000) divided the Internet changes in IT are shaping relationships in a
trust into three stages; trust in the Internet fundamental way, to the extent that they
and the specific Web site, trust in the are being formed on the basis of what
information displayed, and trust in delivery information can be exchanged between
fulfilment and service. companies, rather than the more traditional
Furnell and Karweni (1999) and view which held that the relationships
Ratnasingham (1998) agreed that trust is would be the result of such information
more important in the virtual world than it exchange. Sparkes and Thomas (2001)
is in the real world. This is because the indicated that the development of an
parties to a transaction are not in the same interactive Web site involving real customer
place and therefore cannot depend on relationships requires contribution from the
things like physical proximity, handshakes content, marketing and technology of an
and body-signals. organisation. The combination of the above
Swan et al. (1999) emphasised that trust creates a shared vision for an operational
has an influence on developing positive Web site
customer attitude, intention and purchasing. . Internet affordable access. Saieed (1998)
. Security. According to Ratnasingham suggested that easy and affordable access to
(1998), the two most important areas the Internet network in the international
affecting the successful implementation of markets is essential if international marketers
international marketing is Internet and are to tap the full potential of the Internet. In
transaction security. The former deals with the developed nations service providers offer
the network, systems and applications access at reasonable rates. But on the other
components of the electronic commerce hand, firms in developing countries endure
solution, while the latter addresses the high access fees. Palumbo and Herbig
requirements for secure transactions. (1998) pointed that this presents obstacles to
Cronin (1996), Furnell and Karweni global expansion initiative via the Internet.
(1999), Honeycutt et al. (1998), Companies will have to wait until these
Ratnasingham (1998) and Samiee (1998) countries invest in better telecommunication
identified that one of the most common infrastructures before they can take full
worries which occurs over the network is advantage of the opportunities the Internet
the security of financial transactions. For offers for global commerce.
this reason, some people use the Web to . Customer acceptance. Cronin (1996)
locate products but prefer to place their highlighted that companies should make
order via offline methods such as telephone special efforts to motivate customers to
or fax. Furnell and Karweni (1999) make the move to an online environment,
discussed the security requirements which otherwise they will be lost in a crowd of
have already been recognised within the competitors and never connected with the
Internet/e-commerce community and a electronic marketplace. Honeycutt et al.
number of technologies that exists and are (1998) added that companies have to
used to satisfy different elements. For prepare an efficient internal system to
example, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) respond quickly to customers' requests,
protocol developed by Netscape, which questions and comments. According to
allows encryption of messages, can be used Kalakota and Robinson (1999) the
to transfer all data in encrypted form. operational excellence model that delivers
Electronic Publishing Resources (EPR) the highest customer satisfaction is built on
A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

an e-business infrastructure that has four related factors, Internal factors, and external
characteristics: it is easy to use, has rich factors. These factors are expected to have a
functionality, is reliable and delivers great role in the perceived success of B2B IIM
integrated performance. efforts. The reason for focusing on the
perceived success of B2B IIM is that the
These categories were plotted as shown in
behaviour of individuals is predicated by how
Figure 3 to measure the frequency level of each.
they perceive the attributes of an innovation
(i.e. the Internet) (Moore and Benbasat, 1991,
p. 192).
Conclusions Academic research on the use of the Internet
in B2B international marketing is still at a
This research provided a comprehensive
developing stage. However, early evidence
analysis of the CSFs for B2B international
suggests that the Internet will have a great effect
Internet marketing efforts in an organisation. In
on the conduct of international trade in the new
doing so, it has contributed to the cumulative millennium. Consequently, there is a need for
body of research in both CSF concept and further research in this area to evaluate the
techniques and in research on using technology degree of criticality and importance of the
(i.e. Internet) for marketing purposes. success factors identified in the B2B IIM
The Internet allows companies, regardless of literature and the secondary case studies. More
size, to reach international markets at research also needed to study how the perceived
reasonable cost. It means that the Internet and importance of these factors may differ across
its tools have eliminated the prohibitive barriers different industries such as manufacturing
for many companies to work globally. equipment, chemical and plastics,
However, before going global by the Internet telecommunications, hardware equipment,
a company should make some marketing textile industry, home equipment, scientific and
preparations and redefine its organisation, since medical equipment, management consulting,
the Internet environment has changed the rules software development. With a better
of traditional business. These important understanding of this issues involved in B2B
marketing preparations are the critical factors IIM, management will be able to make critical
for successful B2B IIM and include five basic decisions and allocate resources that are
dimensions: marketing strategy related factors, required to make B2B IIM implementation a
Web site related factors, global dimension success.

Figure 3 Frequency of the CSF in the five categories

A cross-industry review of B2B critical success factors Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
Riyad Eid, Myfanwy Trueman and Abdel Moneim Ahmed Volume 12 . Number 2 . 2002 . 110±123

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