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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name:_Ali E._____________ Date: _08/05/2018_____________

Topic Selected:

What does the research say about advantages and disadvantages of distance education?
This is a topic that I can discuss for hours. A very relevant topic.

What does the literature/research say about this issue/topic? By using NAU
Library or Online Search engines, conduct a literature review.
 You need to include 5 different sources (book, journal article, web article
etc.) in your review. Try to use current sources as much as possible.
 You need to summarize and synthesize your sources by discussing a
common theme or issue.
 You don't need to critique your sources
 You don't need to evaluate your sources (if the sources are trustworthy,
weather the author has a bias or not)
 You need to provide background information such as history and

Brief Literature Review:

In the first article (Cosar, Mustafa, 2015), a long list of advantages and disadvantages was provided. Some of the
advantages are as follows:
 Provides various educational models for people.
 Minimizes the opportunity gap.
 Eases mass education.
 Describes standards in educational programs.
 Decreases the expenses in education.
 Increases quality in education.
 Provides independence/autonomy for the learners.
 Furnish the learners with useful learning environments.
 Does not force the learners spend all time for learning inside classroom/school settings .
 Helps people to learn individually.
 Supports learners to learn independently.
 Puts responsibilities for learners.
 Provides information from the prior sources.
 Lets many more learners to get into contact with the experts.
 Ensures that the success is actualized under the same conditions.
 Supplies both mass and individual education.
 Removes the obligation of being present in a certain time and place.
The list of disadvantages is a little bit shorter and some of them are:
 Not easy face-to-face communicating.
 Stops students' socialization process.
 Does not provide adequate support for those learners without self-learning habits.
 Takes time of the learners who are working for a position.
 Not get enough contributions from the applied courses.
 Not efficient on actualizing behaviors for skill and attitudes based conditions.
 Depends on the access to Internet and communication tools.

In the second article, the author (Donlevy, Jim, 2003) states one of the most common argument: expanding course
offerings. Distant education provides big opportunities to rural establishments where opening big schools is not
feasible. Online schools, in collaboration of many providers, can provide hundreds of quality courses to all parts of
country and even to students from other countries. As the audience get bigger, price per pupil goes down and makes
it even more attractive to everybody. One of the common disadvantages that was mentioned is the lack of personal
contact. If the students are not self motivated, they can drop out very easily.

In the third article, it is (Barcelona, Robert J., 2009) strongly emphasized that the distant and online education
changed the face of higher education for good from monotone lecturing where the instructor talks and everybody
listens to where the focus is “student-centered learning”.

The fourth article (Al-Asfour, Ahmed, 2012) focuses on the advantages of being able to connect from wherever it is
convenient to students, such as house, library, coffee shop or college. The asynchronous classes enable students
study whenever they are available. The disadvantages mentioned are internet connection issues or feeling isolated
from the peers and instructors. The article is mainly on teaching online and the author suggests some best practices
such as having set office hours and going over the syllabus in details in person with the student -online of course-.

The last but not the least is the article titled “Want more from High School?” by Ben Wildowsky (2001). It is about the
lessons learned from the countries one of the biggest Online High School: Florida Virtual School. B being one of the
first and biggest Online School, they made a lot of mistakes that we call as experience. The main disadvantage is
feeling disconnected. As a solution, the campus started connection campaign and teachers used multiple ways to
connect and the graduation rate increased significantly from 50% to 80% within a year.

 What is your personal opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the
research? If you agree or disagree, please explain why?
 Provide examples/experiences regarding this issue from school
perspective or If you are not working in a school, from your profession. Be
specific with your examples. You can mention software/hardware names,
specific methods that you plan to use, etc.
 How would you implement this research in your career? (At least 1

The first article summarized almost all disadvantages and many of the advantages of
distant education. Nowadays, when we talk about distant education it is almost all about
online learning. In the past, this was not the case. When I was in High School, I
remember taking some distant course by mail. Then, there were English courses over
the national TV channel. Then I tried some courses via VHS videotapes and CD, and
then DVDs. Finally, we were introduced with internet and courses by email, or just un-
interactive websites, then some interaction and now courses via Zoom (online
meeting/lecture mediums), chats, blogs, discussion boards, and combination of
everything to increase communication while keeping the prices of education under the
control. I enjoy taking courses with my peers that are from all parts of US and the world.
Good instructors know how to engage students. They provide good guidance, sample,
directions, support via screencasting, or phone/email. But becoming a disciplined, self-
motivated student takes time and effort. I would love to take some classes in actual brick
and mortal campuses especially the ones that directly related with School Counseling,
but for many electives, studying in pajamas while drinking tea that was brought by the
daughter is much more relaxing and equally educating.

 Cite at least 5 References in APA.
 You may use for citing
your sources in APA style.

Cosar, M. m. (2015). Perspectives of Foreign Students towards Distance

Education. International Journal on New Trends in Education & Their

Implications (IJONTE), 6(3), 186-193.

Donlevy, J. (2003). Online Learning in Virtual High School. International Journal of

Instructional Media, 30(2), 117-121.

Barcelona, R. J. (2009). Pressing the Online Learning Advantage: Commitment, Content,

and Community. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 57(3), 193-197.


Al-Asfour, A. (2012). Online Teaching: Navigating Its Advantages, Disadvantages and

Best Practices. Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher

Education, 23(3),

Metz, K. (2010). Benefits of Online Courses in Career and Technical

Education. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers, 85(6), 20-23.

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