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dolf offmeister

vloemans antiquarian books

“I have nothing very nice to say about myself, but one
thing I know, on my honour, I’m no philistine”
Adolf Hoffmeister, 1961
V Antiquariaat J.A.Vloemans

Books on 20th century architecture, photography and avant-garde

Anna Paulownastraat 10
2518 BE The Hague Netherlands
Tel. +31.(0)70-360.7886
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The book art of
Adolf Hoffmeister

a special collection catalogue in the Vloemans series devoted to Czech avant-garde

Adolf Hoffmeister 1902-1973
Adolf Hoffmeister. A short introduction.

Adolf Hoffmeister was undoubtedly one of the most pittoresque figures of

the intellectual and artistic scene in Prague during the interbellum. His was a
restless and unconventional spirit, that could not be classified. He was born
on August 15, 1902 in Prague into a well-to-do family. Adolf Hoffmeister
was described as an elegant globetrotter and art connoisseur, a gourmand,
who had a special bond with the magic power of his hometown Prague. He
was at once a painter, caricaturist, illustrator, stage decorator, author, play-
wright, translator, journalist, radio reporter, professor of art, art critic, politi-
cian, diplomat, cultural ambassador and world traveller. No wonder he can-
not be classified in any of the artistic schools of his country.

What he carries his whole life, was his left-intellectual faith, as so many of
his generation did. In October 1920 he was the youngest of a group of Czech
intellectuals - among them the 1984 Nobel prize winner Jaroslav Seifert (1901-
1986) - who founded the leftist art society “Devìtsil”. Hoffmeister was the
first secretary of “Devìtsil”. But soon afterwards he started to travel, to
study the cultures of other countries, and his ties with the group became less
narrow. During his travels he wrote articles for the Prague journals and maga-
zines. From this period date his many portraits and caricatures of artists and
other VIPs, who granted him interviews for his cultural reports.

From 1927 onwards he collaborated with the “Liberated Theatre”

(Osvobozené Divadlo), became editor of the “Lidové Noviny” journal (1928-
1930) and of the “Literární Noviny” journal (1930-1932).

In 1939 he fled the Nazis, first to France, where he was imprisoned in the
“La Santé” prison in Paris - as described in his book “Vezeni” (1969) - and
later transported to a camp in Southern France. Eventually he went to Mo-
rocco, Lisbon and finally New York, an episode he described in his book
“Animals are in cages”, New York 1941. The Czech edition of that book was
published in Prague in 1946 und the title “Turistou proti své vùli”.

After the war Hoffmeister returned to Czechoslovakia and became General

Director for Cultural Affairs for his country and participated in many activi-
ties of the UNESCO. As a left-wing intellectual he welcomed the commu-
nist take-over in February 1948 and became ambassador for his country in
Paris. As the regime grew more stalinist, he had to withdraw from the diplo-
matic service and became Professor at the Prague Academy of Decorative
Arts, where he headed a special department for children’s book illustrations
and cartoons, closely related to the cartoon studio of Jiøi Trnka.

After the collapse of the “Prague Spring” of the sixties - where he again in
vain had hoped to realise some of his ideals - he left his country for the
second time and became Professor in Vincennes (France). In 1970 he re-
turned to Prague and was declared a non-person and “parlour socialist”. He
died on July 24, 1973 in Øièky.

John A.Vloemans.
All items in this catalogue are complete and in good
condition unless otherwise stated. Small defaults not

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Published in the Vloemans series of special collection catalogues devoted to Czech avant-garde:

# 1. Czech avant-garde book design. Typography and photomontage. The Hague 2005
# 2. Josef Bartuška and some other members of the Linie Group. The Hague 2005.
# 3. Josef Èapek a kniha. The book art of Josef Èapek. The Hague 2006.
# 4. Štyrský & Toyen. Photomontage book covers from the thirties & forties. The Hague 2006.
# 5. The book art of Adolf Hoffmeister. The Hague 2006.

Lamaè, Miroslav.
Výtvarné dílo Adolfa Hoffmeistera. Praha, Nakladatelství
Èeskoslovenských výtvarných umìlcù, 1966.

Due to a technical problem, we are not able to use all appropriate

diacritic signs.

© Vloemans Antiquarian Books The Hague Netherlands 2006

B ooks bby
y H
Hooffmeister in chronolog ical order:

ffmeister,, Adolf. Podmoøské hvìzdy. (Star underwater). Praha, (Èin), 1922.
(19,2 x 14,2 cm). 70 pp. Original wrappers, designed by A. Wachsman. (Novina,
5). 225,-
¶ First edition of the first book by Hoffmeister, published by Èin, Tiskové a nakladatelské druzstvo
Ès. Legionárù v Praze (Press Office and publishing House of the Czechoslovak Legionaires in
Prague). Publisher’s device designed by J. Èapek.

2 H o ffmeister
Ho ffmeister,, A dolf. Obratník kozoroha.
Román. (Tropic of Capricorn. A Novel). Praha,
Aventinum, 1926. (21 x 14,7 cm). 61 pp.
Typography by J. Èapek Original wrappers, with
linocut cover design by J. Èapek. (Aventinum,
122) 250,-
¶ Publisher’s device designed by J. Èapek.

3 H Hooffmeister
ffmeister,, A dolf. Cambridge-Praha. Feuilletony z
Anglie. Epigramy z Prahy. Karikatury. (Stories on
England, Epigrams on Prague. Caricatures). Praha, Alois
Srdce, 1926. (16 x 12,2 cm). 100 pp., with 21 full page
caricature drawings. Original wrappers, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. (Kruh èetby zábavné a vzdìlávaci, 16).
¶ First edition, printed in 1000 copies. 250,-

4 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf. Abeceda lásky. (The ABC of Love). Praha, F.Svoboda, 1926.
(14,6 x 10,5 cm). 89 pp. Original wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister. (Knihovny
‘mladí autoøi’, 14) 200,-
¶ First edition, printed in 950 copies.
5 H
ffmeister,, Adolf. Hors d’oeuvres. Feuilletony,
karikatury, epigramy. (Stories, caricatures,
epigrams). Praha, Aventinum, 1927. (16,4 x 12,5
cm). 132 pp. with 35 full page caricature drawings.
Original wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister.
(Aventinum, 157). 250,-
¶ First edition, printed in 1000 copies.

6 H offmeister
Hoffmeister,, Adolf. Nevìsta. (The bride). Revue. Balety. Karikatury. Praha, Odeon, 1927. (19,8 x 14 cm). 51,
(1) pp., with frontispiece drawing, title page in red and black, and typography by A. Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister. (Odeon, 27). 275,-

7 H
ffmeister,, Adolf. Hledá se muz, který má dost èasu. Detektivky. (Searching
for a man who had time enough. A detective story). Praha, Srdce, 1927. (16 x
12,4 cm). 53 pp. Original wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister. (Kruh èetby
zábavné a vzdìlávaci, 17). 200,-
¶ Edition of 1100 copies.

8 H
ffmeister,, Adolf. Kalendáø. (Calendar). Praha,
Aventinum, 1930. (19,5 x 12,2 cm). 150 pp., with
portrait caricatures in the text and a few full page
by A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, designed by
A. Hoffmeister. 200,-
¶ With autograph dedication by the author on half title, signed
and dated 1963.
9 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Piš jak slyšíš. Kniha
interviewù. (Write what you hear. A book of
interviews). Praha, Druzstevni práce, 1931.
(21,2 x 13 cm). 237 pp., with 42 caricature
drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers,
designed by A. Hoffmeister. (Svìt, nová øada,
VIII). 250,-
¶ Edition of 1650 copies.

10 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf. Povrch pìtiletky.
(First glance of the Five Year Economic
Plan). Praha, Sfinx, Bohumil Janda, 1931.
(19,7 x 13,6 cm). 135 pp., with frontispiece
by A. Hoffmeister and a few photo
illustrations. Typography by J. Štyrský.
Original wrappers, designed by J.Štyrský.
¶ With autograph dedicaton by the author, signed
and dated 1932.

11 Hoffmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf. Svìtobol. (Wertherism).
Praha, (Prokop Toman), 1931. (21,3 x 14,4 cm).
115 pp., with numerous illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. (Protos, II). 250,-
¶ Nr. 322 of 500 copies

12 H offmeister
Hoffmeister,, Adolf and V
Adolf osk
Vosk ovec & W
osko erich. Svìt za møízemi. Hudební
komedie o 3 aktech a epilogu. Hudba Jaroslav Jezek. (World behind a fence.
Musical in three parts and an epilogue. Music by Jaroslav Jezek). Praha,
Rosendorf, (1933). (19,3 x 13 cm). 112 pp. Original wrappers, designed by
A.Hoffmeister. (Hry Èeského jevištì, 125). 175,-
Andre Breton Max Ernst James Joyce

13 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf. Podoby. (Resemblances). Praha, Mánes, 1934. (31,2 x 21,6 cm). Title page, 36 coloured
plates, index and colophon, kept in the original cardboard slipcase. 900,-
¶ The plates depict portraits (drawings and collages) from A.Gide, T.Tzara, A.Breton, J.Joyce, B.Pasternak, Vl.Majakowsky, V.Nezval,
E.Filla and others.

14 H
ffmeister,, Adolf. Šalda a Èeská literatura. (Šalda
and Czech literature). Praha, Kmen, 1934. (20,3 x 13,5
cm). 8 pp., with 7 caricatures by A. Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister. 150,-

15 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf. Mládí ve høe. Komedie o 2 dílech s prologem a epilogem.
Hudba H.Krása. Rezie E.F.Burian. (Praha, E.F.Burian, 1935). (23 x 15,5 cm). 25, (5)
pp. Original selfwrappers. 100,-

16 HHo offmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Americké houpaèky. O
cest do USA na podzim 1936. (An American
swing. En route in the USA in the fall of 1936).
Praha, Evropský literárni klub, (1937). (21,6 x
14,5 cm). 179 pp., with frontispiece drawing by
A. Pelc and 19 full page illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth binding with original
dust jacket and the original slipcase, designed by
L. Sutnar. 275,-
17 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, A dolf. The animals are in
cages. (New York), Greenberg, (1941). (23,6 x
16 cm). 174 pp., with numerous illustrations
by A.Hoffmeister. Original cloth. 200,-
¶ With autograph dedication by the author, signed and
dated 1942.

18 H offmeister
Hoffmeister,, Adolf. Slepcova píšetalka aneb Lidice. Hra o pøedehøe a tøech
jednáních. New York, (New Yorké Listy), 1942. (23,5 x 15,6 cm).62 pp. Original
wrappers. (Knihovna Zitøka, 2) 175,-

19 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, A dolf. Turistou proti své vùli.
(Unwilling tourist). (Praha), Mladá fronta, (1946).
(20 x 13 cm). 107 pp., profusely illustrated with
text drawings and full page drawings by A.
Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, designed by K.
Teige, incorporating a Hoffmeister drawing.
(Edice Boje, 14). 275,-

20 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Zpívající Benátky.
Komedie o 3 dìjstvích. Hudbu slozil
Jaroslav Jezek. (Singing Venice. Comedy
in 3 parts. Music by Jaroslav Jezek).
(Praha), Melantrich, (1949). (29,6 x 21
cm). 145 pp., with 5 full page coloured
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers, by A. Hoffmeister. 175,-
21 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf and Mirosla
Adolf Miroslavv Galuška.
Tøi mìsíce v New Yorku. (Three months in New
York). Praha, Knihovna Kvìtù, 1951. (18 x 13 cm).
128 pp., with numerous caricature portraits by
A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, designed by
A. Hoffmeister. (Knihovna Kvìtù, 11) 200,-

22 H Hooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Kuo-Chua. Cestopisná
reportáz o Èínském malíøství. (Guo-Hua. Travel-
story about Chinese painting). Praha, Státní
Nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umìní,
1954. (24,7 x 17,5 cm). 187 pp., with numerous
illustrations and 12 portraits by A. Hoffmeister.
Original cloth, with original dust jacket, designed
by A. Hoffmeister. (Edice Aktuality, 9) 175,-

23 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Pohlednice z Èíny. Malá
knízka o Velké Èíny. (Picture postcards from China.
A small book about great China). Praha,
Èeskoslovenský spisovatel, 1954. (17,2 x 12,5 cm).
180 pp. with numerous illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth, with original dust jacket,
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 175,-

24 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Sto let Èeské karikatury. (A hundred years of Czech
caricature). Praha, Státni nakladatelství krásné literatury. Hudby a umìní, 1955.
(25,9 x 20,5 cm). 554 pp. almost fully illustrated. Original cloth. 250,-
25 H offmeister
Hoffmeister,, Adolf. Dalekohled aneb kdo nevìøí attam bìzí. (Binoculars
or who doesn’t want to believe should leave). Praha, Státní nakladatelství
dìtské knihy, 1956. (24,3 x 17,3 cm). 180 pp., with numerous illustrations
by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth, with original dust jacket, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 275,-

26 H offmeister
Hoffmeister,, Adolf. Pohlednice z Èíny. Malá knízka o Velké Èínì. (Picture
postcards from China. A small book about great China). Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, 1956. (17,2 x 12,5 cm). 213 pp. with numerous illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth, with original dust jacket, designed by A. Hoffmeister.
¶ Second edition 175,-

27 H Hoo ffmeister
ffmeister,, A dolf. Guo-Hua oder die
Chinesische Malerei. (Prag), Artia, (1957). (24,7
x 17,5 cm). 201 pp. with numerous illustrations
and 12 portraits by A. Hoffmeister. Original
cloth, with original dust jacket, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 175,-

28 H Hooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Vyhlídka s pyramid.
Cetopisná reportáz o novém mládí nejstarší
kultury svìta. (View from the pyramids. A
Travel report on the New Age of the Oldest
Culture in the world). Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, 1957. (17 x 12,6 cm). 265 pp., with
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth,
with original dust jacket, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 185,-
29 HHooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Reportáz o
kongresu pro odzbrojeni a spolu-
prácí národo ve Stockholmu od 16.
do 22 Èervence 1958. Praha, Státni
nakladatelství politické literatury,
(1958). (17 x 12,5 cm). 97 pp., with
numerous illustrations by A. Hoff-
meister. Original cloth, with original
dust jacket, designed by A. Hoff-
meister. 175,-
¶ No. 425 of 600 copies.

30 H Hooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Made in Japan.
Cestopismá reportáz o zemi, kde vybuchla
pruní atomová puma. (Made in Japan. A
Travel Report from the Country where the
first atomic bomb exploded). Praha,
Èeskoslovenský spisovatel, 1958. (17 x
12,5 cm). 281, pp., with numerous
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original
cloth, with original dust jacket, designed
by A. Hoffmeister. 200,-

31 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, A dolf. Výbor z dila Adolfa
Hoffmeistra. (Adolf Hoffmeister selected work).
Volumes 1-6. Praha, Èeskoslovenký spisovatel,
1958-1963. (20,5 x 13,5 cm). Original cloth, with
original dust jackets, designed by A. Hoffmeister.
¶ Complete set. All 6 volumes profusely illustrated. As
Vol. 1: Trojcestí. Povrch pìtiletky, Americké houpaèky,
turistou proti své vùli. 373 pp.
Vol. 2: Lety proti slunci. Pohlednice z íny. Vyhlídka s
pyramid. Made in Japan. 557 pp.
Vol. 3: Podoby. Hors d’oeuvre. Kalendár. Piš jak slyšíš.
Podoby. F.X.Š. Setkání a Louèení. 399 pp.
Vol. 4: Pøedobrazy. Podmoøské hvìzdy. Abeceda lásky. Hledá
se muz, který má dost èasu. Obratník kozoroha. Zemìkoule.
Poloèas. 297 pp.
Vol. 5: Hry z avantgardy. Nevìsta. Mládí ve høe. Osvobozené.
Divadlo. Mír. 263 pp.
Vol. 6: Hry a protihry. Zpívající benátky. Trhanec aneb Král
Hladomor. Brundibár. Slepcova píštalka aneb Lidice. 335
32 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf, Lub
Adolf, or Hájek &
Eva RRyy chtero vá. Souèasné Èínské
Malíøství. (Contemporary Chinese
painting). Praha, Nakladeltsví
Èeskoslovenských výtvarných umìlcù,
1959. (29,9 x 21,5 cm). 183 pp., with
numerous illustrations. Original cloth,
with original dust jacket, designed by
Zdenek Sklenar. 175,-

33 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf, and JJosef
Adolf, osef Prošek.
Fotorok. Edited by Adolf Hoffmeister and Josef
Prosek. Year 58 and Year 59. Praha, Orbis,
1959-1960. 2 volumes. (27,5 x 21,5 cm). Year
58: unpaged, illustrated throughout with photo
reproductions (a few coloured), some folded
leaves. - Year 59: 128 pp., illustrated through-
out with photo reproductions (a few coloured).
Original cloth, with original dust jackets,
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 250,-
¶ All published of this series. Representing all major,
but also lesser known, Czech photographers: Hak,
Sudek, Chochola, Vochozka, Zora, Kállay, Feyfar,
Jenicek, Neubert, Novak, and many others.

34 H
Hoo ffmeister
ffmeister,, A dolf. O
Nezvalovi. (About Nezval). Praha,
Èeskoslovenský spisovatel, 1961.
(19 x 24 cm). (32) pp., with 5
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister.
Original wrappers, designed by J.
Rathouský, incorporating a photo-
montage by A. Hoffmeister. 185,-

35 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, A dolf. Mrakodrapy v pralese.
(Skyscrapers in the jungle). Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, 1963. (17 x 12,5 cm). 229 pp., with
numerous illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original
cloth with original dust jacket, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 200,-
¶ With autograph dedication by the author, signed and dated
36 H offmeister
Ho ffmeister,, Adolf. Èas se nevrací! (Time
never goes back). Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, 1965. (20,5 x 13,5 cm). 340 pp.,
with numerous illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth with original dust
jacket, designed by A. Hoffmeister. 175,-
¶ With autograph dedication by the author, signed and
dated 1966.

37 H
ffmeister,, Adolf. Dalekohled aneb kdo
nevìøí at tam bìzí. (Binoculars or who doesn’t
want to believe should leave). Praha, Státní
nakladatelství dìtské knihy, 1966. (24,4 x 17
cm). 166 pp., with numerous full page
coloured illustrations by A. Hoffmeister.
Original cloth with original dust jacket,
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 350,-

38 H Hooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Paøíz & okolí. (Paris & its
surroundings). Praha, Èeskoslovenský spisovatel,
1967. (20.5 x 13,5 cm). 216 pp., with numerous
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth with
original dust jacket, designed by K. Vodák. 200,-

39 H Hooffmeister
ffmeister,, Adolf. Vìzení. Napsal roku 1940
ve vìzení La Santé v Paøízi. (Prison. Written 1940 in
the La Santé prison in Paris). Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, (1969). (10,4 x 12,5 cm). 134 pp., with
illustrations by his fellow prisoners. Original cloth,
with original dust jacket, designed by K. Vodák.200,-
Chronicle of Hoffmeister’s stay at the La Santé prison in Paris,
where he copied what was written and drawn on the cell walls.
B ooks il lustrated bby
illustrated y H
Hooffmeister in chronolog ical order:

40 Chesterton, G.K. Povídky o dlouhém luku. (Tales

of the Long Bow). Praha, Ladislav Kuncíø, 1927. (20 x
12,2 cm). 209, (2) pp., with drawings by A. Hoffmeister.
Original wrappers, cover design by A Hoffmeister.

41 Chesterton, G.K. Anarchistá ètvrtek. (Anarchist

Thursday). Praha, Ladislav Kuncíø, 1928. (19,8 x 12,2
cm). 205, (2) pp., with drawings by A. Hoffmeister.
Original wrappers, cover design by A. Hoffmeister
printed in red and black on off-white stock. 200,-

42 Chesterton, G.K. Klub podivných zivností. (The

Club of Queer Trades). Praha, Ladislav Kuncíø, 1928.
(19,2 x 12 cm). 148 pp., with drawings by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth. 200,-
43 Ma
Maøøánek, JJiiøí. Ještìrka v èerveném bludišti.
Humoristická detektivka. (A lizard in a red
labyrinth. Humoristic detective story). Praha,
Alois Srdce, 1928. (19,7 x 14 cm). 66 pp., with
full page drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers, cover design by A. Hoffmeister (spine
worn). 200,-

44 Romain, Jules. Obrozené Mìsteèko. Praha,

Odeon, 1928. (20,1 x 14,2 cm). 58 pp., with
drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Title page designed
by K. Teige. Original wrappers, cover design by
A. Hoffmeister. (Odeon, 40). 225,-

45 Scheinpflugová, Olga. Divadelní zápisky. (Theatre notes).

Praha, Aventinum, 1928. (16,2 x 11,2 cm). 83, (2) pp., with
17 drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth. (Lidová
Knihovna Aventina, vol. 30). 175,-

46 B ass, Eduard. Potulky prazského reportera. (The wanderings of a

reporter from Prague). Praha, J.Otto, 1929. (19,5 x 14 cm). 183, (6) pp.,
with frontispiece drawing by A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, cover
design by Karel Svolinský, incorporating drawings by A. Hoffmeister.
¶ Not in Lamaè.
47 JJee línek, H anuš. Laryngiada, aneb
zalostná písen o ztraceném barytonu a
nalezeném basu. (Laryngiada, or sad songs
about lost baritones and found basses).
Praha, F.Topiè, 1929. (15,8 x 10,4 cm). 66,
(4) pp., with 4 drawings by A. Hoffmeister.
Original boards, with gold printed vignette
on front cover, designed by A. Hoffmeister.
¶ Limited edition of 520 copies, this one no. 52 of
copies 21-220 on Holland Van Gelder. Signed by

48 SSwift,
wift, JJonathan.
onathan. Guliverovy Cesty.
(Gulliver’s travels). Praha, Naklad.
Ladisl. Kunèír, 1929. (31,5 x 20,5 cm).
149, (3) pp., with 17 photo montage
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister.
Original cloth, with original dust
wrappers, designed by A.Hoffmeister.
¶ Hoffmeister’s illustrations combined with
photographs of comic actor Vl.Burian acting
as Gulliver.

49 B oro
Boro vský, K
orovský, are
arell H
Kare Haavlí
vlíèè ek. Køest svatého
Vladimíra. Legenda z Historie Ruské. (The baptism
of the Holy Vladimír. A legend from Russian
history). Praha, Václav Petr, 1930. (26 x 19 cm).
(74) pp., with 30 drawings by A. Hoffmeister. In an
astonishing typography by A. Hoffmeister whereby
the drawings play an integral role in the text.
Modern parchement-backed boards, original front
cover designed by A. Hoffmeister bound in. 150,-

50 Erenburg, Ilja. 10 HP. Praha, Aventinum, 1930.

(19,3 x 12,2 cm). 302, (1) pp., with drawings by A.
Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, cover design by A.
Hoffmeister. 200,-
¶ Not in Lamaè.
51 Oppe lt, JJos.
Oppelt, os. Vino. Praha, 1930. (21,5 x 15
cm). 104, (3) pp., with numerous amusing
caricature drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Printed
on heavy paper. Original wrappers. 150,-
¶ Never put into the trade. Published as a Christmas’gift
for friends and clients of the wine merchant Oppelt in

52 Dyk, V iktor
iktor.. Sen forwarda nováka. (Forward
Novak’s dream). Praha, (Toman), 1931. (15,8 x 10,1
cm). 21 pp., with 2 drawings by A.Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers. 150,-
¶ Frontispiece drawing signed by A.Hoffmeister.

53 Almanach Kmene – JJarni arni Almanach Kmene.

(Jízdní rád literatury a poesie. (Spring Kmene
Almanach. A happy journey through literature and
poetry). Ed. by A. Hoffmeister. Praha, Klub modernich
nakladatelu (Club of Modern Publishers), 1932. 180,
(28) pp. With 5 photographs (one by J. Sudek) and
many caricature drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister. 175,-

54 N eumann, Stanisla
Neumann, Stanislavv K. Zlatý oblak. Román.
(Golden cloud. A novel). Praha, Fr.Borový, 1932.
(20,5 x 13 cm). 293, (1) pp., with 4 full page drawings
by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth-backed boards,
designed by Karel Teige. 150,-
¶ Not in Lamaè.
55 Oppe lts N
Oppelts effe, JJos.
Neffe, os. Wein. Hrsg. am 1.Mai 1933
von der Firma Jos. Oppelts Neffe, Weingrosshandlung,
Prag, aus Anlass der 110jährigen Bestandesfeier und
zur Ehre des Weins, für ihre Freunde und Gönner.
Prag, Druck der Industrie-Druckerei, 1933. 150, (4)
pp., with amusing caricature drawings by A.
Hoffmeister. Original wrappers. 150,-
¶ Printed in 2000 copies, never put into the trade.

56 ((VVosk
oskoovec & W erich). Osvobozené Divadlo. 150
krát ‘Osel a stín’. (The Liberated Theatre. 150 times ‘The
Ass and the Shadow’). Praha, 1934. (16,5 x 12,5 cm).
95, (1) pp., with one photo of the performance, and a
few drawings by F. Bidlo and A. Hoffmeister. Original
photo montage wrappers. 150,-
¶ Contains reviews of the play, as well as obervations on play and
music by Voskoveè & Werich, and Jaroslav Jezek.

57 Almanach Kmene - JJaroaro 1937 Almach Kmene. (Almanach Kmene for the
year 1937). Praha, Klub modernich nakladatelu (Club of Modern Publishers), 1937.
125, (12) pp. With caricature drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers,
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 175,-

58 N ejedlý, Zden
Nejedlý, ìk. F.X. Šalda. Praha, Lidová
kultura, 1937. (20 x 13,4 cm). 38 pp. and 9 full page
caricature drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original
boards. 150,-
59 ((VVoskovec & W
osko erich). 10 let Osvobozeného
divadla, 1927-1937. V + W. (10 years ‘Liberated
Theatre’, 1927-1937. Voskovec + Werich). Praha,
Fr. Borový, 1937. (21 x 13,5 cm). 177 pp., with
title page and 9 drawings by A. Hoffmeister,
printed in red and black on off-white stock, and
photos of the various performances. Original
wrappers, front and back cover designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 200,-
¶ Not in Lamaè. Contributions by Nezval, Konrád, Vanèura,
Honzl, and others.

60 Ma-F a. Køízovka svìta. Fotomontáz z cestování. Praha, Fr. Borový, 1938.

(21,5 x 13,5 cm). 188, (1) pp., with 9 full page drawings by A. Hoffmeister.
Original wrappers, designed by A. Hoffmeister. 150,-

61 K olo
Kolo vrat, JJan.
olovrat, an. Vojín Václav Pišout a spol.
(Soldier Václav Pišout and Company). New
York, Richard Vogler, 1945. (22,5 x 15 cm).
82 pp., with 6 full page drawings by A.
Hoffmeister. Typography by Ladislav Sutnar.
Original wrappers, cover design by A.
Hoffmeister. 175,-

62 Lacina, Vác la
Václa v. Zelezné koštì, 1945-
1947. (Iron broom. Poems 1945-1947).
Praha, Nakladatelství Svoboda, 1947. (22
x 14,5 cm). 88, (5) pp., with small text
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original
wrappers, front and back cover designed
by A. Hoffmeister. 175,-
63 Twain, Mark. Yankee na dvoøe krále Artuše. (The
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court). Praha,
Naše Vojsko, 1954. (21 x 14 cm). 357, (3) pp., with
drawings (some full page) by A. Hoffmeister.
Original cloth with original dust jacket, designed by
A. Hoffmeister. 200,-

64 N eumann, Stanisla
Neumann, v K. Zlatý oblak. Román. (Golden cloud. A novel). (Praha), Èeskoslovenský spisovatel,
1956. (20,5 x 13,5 cm). 228, (4) pp., with 4 full page illustrations, by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth-backed
boards with original dust jacket, designed by Zd. Rossmann (incorporating a drawing by A. Hoffmeister).
(Collected Works, vol. XII). 175,-
¶ Not in Lamaè.

65 V erne, Julius. Cesta kolem svìta za 80

dní. (La tour du monde en 80 jours).Praha,
S.N.K.L.U., 1959. (24,5 x 17 cm). 295, (4)
pp., with 30 full page (2 repeated) colour
collages, and several colour head pieces.
Illustrated endpapers. Original cloth with
original dust jacket designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 350,-

66 K arvaš, PPeter
Karvaš, eter
eter.. Èertoviny. (Devilish tricks).
(Praha), Èeskoslovenský spisovatel, 1960. (20,5 x
13,5 cm). 554, (4) pp., with numerous drawings and
collages by A. Hoffmeister (mostly full page).
Original cloth with original dust jacket, designed
by Zd. Seydl (incorporating illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister). (EHS, Edice Humoru a Satiry, vol. 17).
67 Erenburg, Ilja, Pozdrav Picassovi. (Homage to
Picasso). Praha, Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury a
umìní, (1961). 51, (1) pp., with 12, partly coloured,
illustrations by A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers,
designed by Oldøich Hlavsa. 175,-

68 Majak
Majako o vskij, Vladimír
Vesele i Váznì. (Cheerful and
Serious). Praha, Státní
nakladatelství dìtské knihy,
1961. (25,3 x 25,3 cm). 114, (5)
pp., with numerous colour
collages by A. Hoffmeister, in a
playful typography. Original
boards, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 425,-
69 N oha, JJan.
Noha, an. Pohlednice. (Picture
postcard). Praha, Státní nakladatelství
dìtské knihy, 1961. (26 x 20 cm). (32)
pp., illustrated throughout by A.
Hoffmeister, with colour collages, and
in a playful typography. Original photo
pictorial end-papers. Original cloth-
backed boards, cover designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 325,-

70 B oro
Boro vský, K
orovský, are
arell H
Kare Haavlí
vlíèèek. Básnické Dílo.
(Poetical Work). Praha, S.N.K.L.U., 1962. (24,5
x 17 cm). 260, (1) pp. With b/w and colour
drawings by A. Hoffmeister, Ota Janeèek, Antonín
Pelc, Zd. Seydl, and Jiøí Trnka. Original cloth with
original dust jacket designed by Zd. Sklenáø.

71 Brecht, B ertolt. Výhradn proto. (Just for

that). Praha, Našs Vojsko, 1962. (21 x 14 cm).
108, (5) pp., with 7 fullpage drawings by A.
Hoffmeister. Translated by L. Kundera.
Original cloth with original dust jacket,
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 200,-

72 H aussmann, JJiiøí. Divoké verše a prózy. (Wild poetry and prose). Praha,
Èeskoslovenský spisovatel, 1963. (20,5 x 13,5 cm). 395, (4) pp., with 3 full
page coloured drawings by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth, designed by Zdenka
Seydla. With original dust jacket designed by J.Fišer incorporating drawings by
A. Hoffmeister. (EHS, Edice Humoru a Satiry, vol. 28). 175,-
73 N ezval, Vít
Nezval, Vítììzslav. Podivuhodný kouzel-
ník. (The amazing magician). Praha, Èesko-
slovenský spisovatel, 1963. (20,5 x 19,5 cm).
Introduction and bibliography by Milan
Kundera. 129, (3) pp., with a few photo
illustrations, and many collages incorporating
amusing caricature drawings of Nezval by
Hoffmeister. Original cloth with original dust
jacket designed by Oldøich Hlavsa. (Klub Pøátel
Poezie). 150,-
¶ Not in Lamaè. Complete with grammaphone record,
kept in a paper sleeve which has been bound in at

74 Cendrars, Blaise. Zlato. Podivuhodný Johanna

Augusta Sutera. (L’Or. La merveilleuse histoire du
général Johann August Suter). Praha, S.N.K.L.U.,
1964. (24,5 x 17 cm). 105, (1) pp., with 8 full page,
2 half page, and 6 double page collages by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth with original dust jacket
designed by Karel Housek. 275,-

75 Macourek, Miloš. Zirafa nebo tulipán? (Giraffe or

tulip?) Praha, Mladá Fronta, 1964. (27,5 x 16,5 cm).
79, (2) pp., with numerous full page colour collages
by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth, designed by Oldøich
Hlavsa, with original dust jacket, designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 350,-

76 Opitz, K arl Ludwig. Mùj Generál. Neukáznìná

zpráva štábního rotmistra. (Mein General. Der
undisziplinierte Bericht eines Stabsfeldwebels).
Praha, Naše vojsko, 1964. (20,5 x 12 cm). With 8
collages by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth with
original dust jacket, designed by Miroslav Váša.
¶ Not in Lamaè.
77 W Weells, Herbert George. Pruní
lidé na Mìsíci. (The First Man in the
Moon). Praha, S.N.K.L.U., 1964. (20
x 21 cm). 152, (3) pp., with 16 full
page and one double page colour
collages by A. Hoffmeister. Original
cloth with original dust jacket
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 275,-

78 W olk
Wolk er
er,, JJiiøí. Pohádky. (Fairy tales). Praha,
S.N.K.L.U., 1964. (24,5 x 17 cm). 42, (2) pp.,
with 10 colour drawings and collages by A.
Hoffmeister. In a playful and colourful
typography by A. Hoffmeister. Original cloth
with original dust jacket designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 275,-

79 Langer
Langer,, FFrant
rant išek. Filatelistické povísky.
(Philatelic story). Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, 1965. (20,5 x 15 cm). 128, (5) pp., with
numerous coloured illustrations by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth with original dust
jacket, designed by A. Hoffmeister. 275,-

80 T uwim, Julian. Tanèící Sokrates.

(Dancing Socrates). Praha, Èeskoslo-
venský spisovatel, 1966. Introduction
by Jan Pilaø. 151, (2) pp., with biblio-
graphy, a few photo illustrations, and
many collages by A. Hoffmeister. Origi-
nal cloth with original dust jacket,
designed by Oldøich Hlavsa. (Klub
Pøátel Poezie). 275,-
¶ Complete with grammaphone record, kept in
a paper sleeve which has been bound in at
81 Erenburg, Ilja. Neobyèejná dobrodruzství Julia Jurenita a jeho zákù. (The uncommonly adventurous Julio
Jurenito and his students). Praha, Klub Ètenáøù, 1966. (24,3 x 17 cm). 208, (3) pp., with 6 full page and 12
double page colour collages by A. Hoffmeister, and collaged endpapers. Original cloth with original dust jacket
designed by A. Hoffmeister. 450,-

82 Lautréamont, Isidore D ucasse

comte D e. Poézia. (Poetry). Bratislava,
Slovenský spisovatel, 1967. (20,4 x 16,5
cm). 73 pp., with 8 full page collages by
A. Hoffmeister. Collaged endpapers by A.
Hoffmeister. Original cloth, cover design
by A. Hoffmeister. (Kruh Milovníkov
Poézie, vol.25). 275,-
83 Špi
Špièèák, JJosef
osef (ed). F.X.Salda, 1867-1937.
Nìkolik slov o vìcech èasových i nadèasových.
(F.X.Salda. A few words on Contemporary and
Metatemporary Things). Praha, 1967. 33, (2)
pp., with 3 drawings by A. Hoffmeister and 2
drawings by F. Bidlo. Printed on heavy paper.
Original wrappers. 200,-
¶ Selective essays by Salda, published on occasion of his
100th birthday and the 30th anniversay of his death.

B ook co vers and/or dust jack

covers ets bby
jackets yH offmeister in alphabet
Ho ical order:

84 B ass, Eduard.
Eduard.To Arbes nenapsal,
Vrchlický nebásnil…. Praha, Alois Srdce,
1930. Original wrappers, printed in green
and black on cream stock. 150,-

85 B ass, Eduard. Ètení o roce

osmaètyøicátém. Praha, Èeskoslovenský
spisovatel, 1963. Original cloth, with
original dust jacket. (only d.j. by AH). 175,-
86 È apek, K
Èapek, are
Kare l. Italské Listy. Praha, Fr.
Borový, 1947. Original cloth-backed boards,
with original dust jacket, both designed by A.
Hoffmeister. 150,-

87 Chesterton, G.K. Eugenika. Praha, L.

Kuncíø, 1928. Original wrappers. 175,-

88 Chesterton, G.K. Nedùvìra otce Browna.

Praha, Fr. Borvový, 1927. Original wrappers,
printed in blue and black on off-white stock.

89 JJezek,
ezek, JJarosla
aroslavv. Music score ‘Polka
specielne aktuelní’, with words by Voskovec
and Werich. Praha, 1933. (16,5 x 13,4 cm).
Original wrappers, printed in red and black
on cream stock. 150,-

90 Kipling, Rudyard. Povídky Zednáøské

loze. Praha, Václav Petr, 1930. Original
collage wrappers, printed in red and black on
white stock. 425,-

91 Leda. Lelíèek Redivivus. Praha, Václav

Petr, 1928. Original wrappers, printed in red
and black on yellow-brown stock. 200,-
92 N eff, Vladimír
Neff, Vladimír.. Nesháze Ibrahima Skály.
Praha, A. Neubert, 1933. Original wrappers,
printed in blue, red, black, and white. 200,-

93 Opitz, K arl Ludwig. Mùj generál. Praha,

Naše Vojsko, 1957. Original cloth, with dust
jacket, both by A. Hoffmeister. 150,-

94 PPeroutka,
eroutka, FFerdinand.
erdinand. Ano a ne. Praha,
Fr,Borový, 1932. Original wrappers, printed
in yellow and green on white stock. 250,-

95 Rachlík, FFrant
rant išek. Zámìny. Praha,
Èeskoslovenský spisovatel, 1963. Original
cloth, with original multi-coloured dust
jacket, both by A. Hoffmeister. 150,-

96 Roso
Rosoù ù lek, JJan
an Vác la
lavv. Tintíšek,
soukromý detektiv. Praha, Václav Petr,
1926. Original wrappers, printed in black
and violet on cream stock. 175,-

97 Sha w, G.B
Shaw G.B.. Láska mezi umìlci. Praha,
Druzstevní práce, 1932. Original
wrappers, printed in yellow and black on
cream stock. 175,-
98 Shaw, G.B
Shaw G.B.. Nerozvázný snatek. Praha,
Druzstevní Práce, 1931. Original
wrappers, printed in aqua and black on
cream stock. 175,-

99 Sha
Shaww, G.B
G.B.. Nespoleèenský socialista.
Praha, Druzstevní Práce, 1931. Original
wrappers in red-brown and black on
cream stock. 150,-

100 Sha
Shaww, G.B
G.B.. Povolání. Cashela. Byrona.
Praha, Druzstevní Práce, 1929. Original
wrappers, printed in black and red on
cream stock. 200,-

101 Soupault, Philippe. Negr. Praha,

Aventinum, 1928. Original wrappers,
printed in blue and black on off-white
stock. 225,-

102 V ese
Vese lý, A
eselý, dolf. Petr Bezruè. Básník a èlovìk.
Praha, Èin, 1927. Small frontispiece drawing by
A. Hoffmeister. Original wrappers, printed in red
and black on white stock. 175,-

103 W augh, E
Waugh, ve
Eve lyn. Neøestníci. Praha, Mánes,
1933. Original wrappers, printed in yellow, balck
and blue on creram stock. 200,-
104 Rozpra
Rozpravy vy AAvent
vent ina. Tydeník pro literatura, umìni a kritiku. (Aventinum’s Newsletter. Weekly for literature, art
and critics). Edited by Ot. Štorch-Marien. Year V, Praha, Aventinum, September 1929 - June 1930. 36 (of 40) issues. (47,5
x 31 cm). Profusely illustrated with photo portraits, stills from films, stage designs, reproductions of paintings, etc. All
issues in the original illustrated wrappers. 1.800,-
¶ The sought after (almost complete) fifth year of Rozpravy Aventina, with the beautiful and humoristic caricature cover drawings, all
in colour, by Adolf Hoffmeister. Published between 1925-1934 by Aventinum, one of the leading avant-garde publishing houses in
Prague in the twenties and thirties, the periodical is a goldmine for the literary and artistic movements of the period, including film,
theatre, stage design, exhibitions, painting, book publications. Not only Aventinum was an important publishing house for the avant-
garde, also their exhibition space “Aventinká Mansarda” (“The Aventinum Garret”) played an extraordinarily important role in the
art world of Czechoslovakia in the late 1920s, presenting the work of several leading Devìtsil artists. - Lacks issues 22, 23, 25, 26.
Some minor wear and tear, a few issues spine reinforced.
Exhibit ion catalogues

Bruxeelles, Galerie l’Epoque, 20.12.1928 - 4.1.1929:
Visages par Adolf Hoffmeister. (15,2 x 11,6 cm). 14 pp. with 3 illustrations. Original wrappers.
¶ With introduction by G.Ribemont-Dessaignes

Praha, Galerie Vác

Václalava Špály
lava Špály,, November 1960:
Adolf Hoffmeister. Výstava Podob a Ilustrací. (20,5 x 22 cm). 16 pp, with numerous illustrations.
Original wrappers.
¶ Signed in ink by Hoffmeister, and dated 4.XI.1960.

B erlin, H aus der T

Haus schechoslo
Tschechoslowakischen K
schechoslowakischen ultur
ultur,, 30.3 – 15.4.1961:
Illustrationen und Karikaturen von Adolf Hoffmeister. (21 x 15,3 cm). 24 pp., with numerous
illustrations. Original wrappers.

Paris, 1961:
Adolf Hoffmeister, Visages – Illustrations – Collages. (20,5 x 22 cm). 26, (2) pp., with numerous
illustrations. Original wrappers.

oscoww, Soyoez Khudozhnik
Soy Khudozhniko ov SSSR, 1962:
Adolf Hoffmeister. Sharzhi, Kollazhi, Illiustratsii. (21 x 22 cm). 31, (1) pp. Original wrappers.

Praha, Manes, N ovember 1963:

Výtvarné dílo Adolfa Hoffmeistera. (19,3 x 19 cm). (20) pp., with numerous illustrations. Original

Praha, Galerie Brat

Bratøøí Èapk
apkùù, November 1965:
Adolf Hoffmeister. Small leaflet, folded into 4 compartments (21 x 15 cm), printed recto/
verso. With 5 reproductions.
¶ Introduction by Václav Havel.

Essen, Museum FFolkwang,

olkwang, 24.September - 29.Oktober 1967:
Adolf Hoffmeister. Collagen, Handzeichnungen, Illustrationen. (22,5 x 22,5 cm). (32 pp.). 12
plts. Original wrappers.

Brno,, M oravská Galerie, April 2 – Ma
Mora y 10, 1992:
Adolf Hoffmeister. Tváøe, Podoby, Podobenství. (21 x 16 cm). (32) pp., illustrated throughout.
Original wrappers.

Praha, Památ ník národního písemnictví, October – N

Památník ovember 1992:
Adolf Hoffmeister (1902-1973), výbìr z díla. (30 x 21 cm). 24 pp., with numerous illustrations.
Original wrappers.
Praha, Galerie Maldoror
Maldoror,, 14.3 – 19.4.2003:
Adolf Hoffmeister, výtvarné dílo. Exhibition poster (42 x 29,5 cm), folded into 6 compartments
(21 x 10 xm), text and illustrations printed on verso.

Price for this group of 11 exhibition catalogues 500,-

B ooks ab out A
about dolf H
Adolf offmeister

Kroutv or
or,, JJosef
Kroutvor osef (ed).
Anekdoty. Praha, Uméleckoprùmuslové muzeum, 1985. (21 x 15 cm). 4 pp. introduction and
index and 38 reproductions of collages, in loose sheets, as issued. Kept in paper portfolio.

Lamaèè, Mirosla
Lama Miroslavv.
Výtvarné dílo Adolfa Hoffmeistera. Praha, Nakladatelství Èeskoslovenských výtvarných umìlcù,
1966. (27 x 23 cm). Unpaged, with 197 b/w and colour reproductions of Hoffmeister’s paintings,
drawings, and collages. With extensive bibliography, and short summary in French. Original
boards, with original dust jacket.
¶ Esteemed standard work.

Olbrich, H arald.
Schiff des Kolombus. Adolf Hoffmeister, Karikaturen, Collagen, Illustrationen. Berlin,
Eulenspiegel Verlag, (1986). (24,5 x 22, 5 cm). 151, (8) pp., with biography and abundantly
illustrated with b/w and colour reproductions. Original cloth, illustrated with caricature
drawings by Hoffmeister, with original dust jacket.

rp,, Kare
Kare l. Adolf Hoffmeister. 1902-1973. Praha, Gallery, 2004. (28 x 23,5 cm). 412 pp., with
chronology, bibliography and abundantly illustrated with b/w and coloured reproductions.
¶ Catalogue for the Hoffmeister exhbibition held in Prague in 2004. Contribution by P.Bregantova, L. Bydzovska,
J. Vojvodik, T.Winter.

oskoovec, JJiiøí & JJan
an W erich (introd.).
Kreslíø Adolf Hoffmeister. Praha, S.V.U. Mánes – Melantrich, 1948. (35 x 25 cm). 15 pp. introduction,
and pp. 19-171 with reproductions (a few coloured) of Hoffmeister’s caricature drawings and
political cartoons, and 3 pp. bibliography. Original cloth.
¶ Substantial survey of the artistic work of Adolf Hoffmeister.

Price for this group of 5 books about Hoffmeister 850,-

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