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No Situations Listening sub-skill(s) Reason

1 You’re at the airport, listening Listening for specific There’s a lot of

for information about your information announcement in the
flight. airport. We only need
information for a certain
details that is about our
flight details for example
the information of the
boarding gate

2 You’re in a city that you don’t Listening for details We need to listen for all
know. You’ve asked someone the details given by the
for directions to your hotel. person we asked
because it’s a detail
about direction. If we
miss one detail we will
not able to go to the
right destination.

3 You’re listening to a song on Listening for gist When you listen to a

the radio. song, the impression will
be different depends on
what the song is about or
you might want to
understand the lyrics.

4 You’re chatting to an old friend Listening for gist When chatting with
and exchanging news friend, you could listen to
some parts for gist and
other parts in details. It
depends on how
interested you are in your
friend’s news.

Listening for specific We need to listen for

5 You’re paying for your information specific information when
shopping at the supermarket. paying for our shopping at
the supermarket because
we will wait to hear how
much money that we
should pay.

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