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Volume 23, Supplement 1, May 2016

Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the

European Academy of Neurology

Copenhagen, Denmark

This abstract volume has been produced using author-supplied copy. Editing has been restricted to some corrections
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ISSN 1351-5101(201505)23:5+1
Paul Boon, Belgium

Editorial Board
Sharon Abrahams, United Kingdom Mirjam Heldner, Switzerland Claudia Sommer, Germany
Alberto Albanese, Italy David Henshall, Ireland Till Sprenger, Switzerland
Yuri Alekseenko, Belarus Max Hilz, Germany Israel Steiner, Israel
Maria Pia Amato, Italy Rigmor Hoejland Jensen, Denmark Guido Stoll, Germany
Angelo Antonini, Italy Martin Holtkamp, Germany Walter Struhal, Austria
Anita Arsovska, FYRO Macedonia Alex Iranzo, Spain Pille Taba, Estonia
Eduard Auff, Austria Poul Jennum, Denmark Marc Tardieu, France
Anish Bahra, United Kingdom L.J. Kappelle, Netherlands Klaus V. Toyka, Germany
Ronny Beer, Austria Alexander Karameshev, Bulgaria Maria Troiano, Italy
Kailash Bhatia, United Kingdom Viktoria Kdziezyc, Poland Alexander Tsiskaridze, Georgia
Laurence Bisdorff, Luxembourg Samson Khachatryan, Armenia Josep Valls-Solé, Spain
Natan Bornstein, Israel Thomas Klopstock, Germany Edina Varga, Hungary
Michael Brainin, Austria Wolfgang Köhler, Germany Timo Vesikari, Finland
Adolfo M. Bronstein, United Kingdom Daniel Kondziella, Denmark Marie Vidailhet, France
Martin Brown, United Kingdom Janika Kõrv, Estonia Angela Vincent, United Kingdom
Valmantas Budrys, Lithuania Jera Kruja, Albania David Vodušek, Slovenia
Pasquale Calabrese, Switzerland Jan Kuks, Netherlands Kristl Vonck, Belgium
Stefano F. Cappa, Italy Theodor Landis, Switzerland Nataliya Yavorska, Ukraine
Evelien Carrette, Beglium Nicola Latronico, Italy
Mamede Carvalho, Portugal Jean Marc Léger, France
Valeria Caso, Italy Maurizio Leone, Italy
Raffaella Chieffo, Italy Vitalie Lisnic, Moldova
Giovanni Cirillo, Italy Antonella Macerollo, Italy
Hannah Cock, United Kingdom Björn Machner, Germany
Carlo Colosimo, Italy Monica Margoni, Italy
Giancarlo Comi, Italy Davide Martino, United Kingdom
Charlotte Cordonnier, France Christopher Mathias, United Kingdom
Laszlo Csiba, Hungary Edgar Meinl, Germany
Maxwell Damian, United Kingdom Ioannis Milonas, Greece
Marianne de Visser, Netherlands Antonija Mišmaš, Croatia
Günther Deuschl, Germany Monica Moarcas, United Kingdom
Marianne Dieterich, Germany Xavier Montalban, Spain
Volker Dietz, Switzerland Lucia Muntean, Germany
Marija Djukic, Germany Bo Norrving, Sweden
Mark Edwards, United Kingdom Jes Olesen, Denmark
Mikael Elam, Sweden Józef Opara, Poland
Kirsten Elwischger, Austria Celia Oreja-Guevara, Spain
Christian Enzinger, Austria Cristina Panea, Romania
Cristian Falup-Pecurariu, United Kingdom Eleftherios Papathanasiou, Cyprus
Antonio Federico, Italy Fabienne Perren, Switzerland
Daniela Ferrari, Italy Daniela Pohl, Canada
José Manuel Morao Cabral Ferro, Portugal Dorota Religa, Sweden
Massimo Filippi, Italy Martin Rossor, United Kingdom
Katharina Fink, Sweden Roberta Rudà, Italy
Sten Fredrikson, Sweden Evzen Ruzicka, Czech Republic
Franz Gerstenbrand, Austria Ettore Salsano, Italy
Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway Anna Sauerbier, United Kingdom
Colette Griffin, United Kingdom Reinhold Schmidt, Austria
Wolfgang Grisold, Austria Erich Schmutzhard, Austria
Michael Guger, Austria Benedikt Schoser, Germany
Orsi Györfi, Hungary Johann Sellner, Austria
Ellen Merete Hagen, Norway Vincenzo Silani, Italy
Hans-Peter Hartung, Germany Riccardo Soffietti, Italy
European Journal of Neurology
Volume 23, Supplement 1, May 2016
Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2016


1 SYMPOSIA 93 Monday, 30 May

93 Cerebrovascular diseases 2
1 Saturday, 28 May 97 Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology 2
1 MDS-ES/EAN: Update in movement disorders 100 Headache and pain 2
3 Neurostimulation, what can be achieved in… 104 Movement disorders 3
4 The changing landscape of coma treatment 107 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease
6 Evolving concepts in the management of gliomas

8 Monday, 30 May 111 POSTER

8 Plenary Symposium: Neuroimaging of dementia
10 New perspectives in the treatment of neuromuscular 111 Saturday, 28 May
diseases: therapies on the horizon 111 Ageing and dementia 1
12 ESO/EAN: Acute stroke: new opportunities and 117 Autonomic nervous system 1
challenges for neurologists
121 Cerebrovascular diseases 1
14 EHF/EAN Topical Symposium: CGRP antibodies: a
129 Cerebrovascular diseases 2
new class of migraine-specific preventive medication
136 Cerebrovascular diseases 3
144 Child neurology/developmental neurology
16 Tuesday, 31 May
150 Clinical neurophysiology 1
16 Understanding functional connectivity using MRI
156 Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology 1
17 New diagnostic developments in epilepsy
162 Critical care
19 Untangling inflammatory and degenerative aspects of
multiple sclerosis 166 Epilepsy 1
171 Epilepsy 2
178 Headache and pain 1
184 Movement disorders 1
191 MS and related disorders 1
196 MS and related disorders 2
21 Saturday, 28 May
202 MS and related disorders 3
21 Autonomic nervous system disorders and Clinical
neurophysiology 209 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease 1
25 Epilepsy 1 215 Neuro-oncology 1
28 Movement disorders 1 222 Neurorehabilitation 1
30 MS and related disorders 1 228 Peripheral nerve disorders 1
34 Neuroepidemiology 235 Sleep disorders 1
37 Neurogenetics 241 Spinal cord and root disorders
40 Cerebrovascular diseases 1 248 Ageing and dementia 2
44 Motor neurone disease 256 Autonomic nervous system 2
48 Sleep disorders 260 Cerebrovascular diseases 4
52 Epilepsy 2 266 Cerebrovascular diseases 5
56 MS and related disorders 2 273 Clinical neurophysiology 2
60 Neuro-oncology 279 Epilepsy 3
287 Headache and pain 2
63 Sunday, 29 May 294 Movement disorders 2
63 Child neurology 300 Movement disorders 3
66 Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology 1 306 MS and related disorders 4
69 MS and related disorders 3 313 MS and related disorders 5
73 Neurorehabilitation 320 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease 2
77 Ageing and dementia 325 Neuroimaging 1
80 Headache and pain 1 333 Neurological manifestations of systemic diseases 1
83 Neuroimaging and Neuroimmunology 339 Peripheral nerve disorders 2
87 Critical care
90 Movement disorders 2

345 Sunday, 29 May 601 Monday, 30 May

345 Ageing and dementia 3 601 Ageing and dementia 5
351 Cerebrovascular diseases 6 606 Cerebrovascular diseases 10
358 Cerebrovascular diseases 7 613 Cerebrovascular diseases 11
365 Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology 2 620 Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology 3
371 Epilepsy 4 626 Epilepsy 6
377 Headache and pain 3 633 Headache and pain 5
384 Motor neurone diseases 1 639 Infection and AIDS 1
392 Movement disorders 4 644 Motor neurone diseases 3
398 MS and related disorders 6 650 Movement disorders 6
405 MS and related disorders 7 657 Movement disorders 7
412 MS and related disorders 8 663 MS and related disorders 11
419 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease 3 672 MS and related disorders 12
425 Neuroepidemiology 1 680 MS and related disorders 13
429 Neurogenetics 1 687 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease 5
436 Neuroimmunology 1 693 Neurogenetics 3
444 Neuro-oncology 2 700 Neuroimmunology 3
450 Neuro-ophthalmology/ neuro-otology 1 708 Neuro-oncology 3
456 Neurorehabilitation 2 715 Neuro-ophthalmology/ neuro-otology 3
463 Neurotoxicology/occupational neurology 722 Neurorehabilitation 3
470 Peripheral nerve disorders 3 727 Neurotraumatology
477 Sleep disorders 2 735 Peripheral nerve disorders 5
483 Ageing and dementia 4 741 Sleep disorders 3
488 Cerebrovascular diseases 8 748 Ageing and dementia 6
495 Cerebrovascular diseases 9 754 Cerebrovascular diseases 12
502 Epilepsy 5 760 Cerebrovascular diseases 13
510 Headache and pain 4 767 Epilepsy 7
518 Motor neurone diseases 2 774 Headache and pain 6
525 Movement disorders 5 781 Headache and pain 7
531 MS and related disorders 9 789 Infection and AIDS 2
541 MS and related disorders 10 796 Motor neurone diseases 4
548 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease 4 801 Movement disorders 8
554 Neuroepidemiology 2 809 Movement disorders 9
558 Neurogenetics 2 812 MS and related disorders 14
566 Neuroimaging 2 819 MS and related disorders 15
575 Neuroimmunology 2 827 Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease 6
582 Neurological manifestations of systemic diseases 2 834 Neurogenetics 4
587 Neuro-ophthalmology/ neuro-otology 2 841 Neuroimaging 3
594 Peripheral nerve disorders 4 849 Neuroimmunology 4
856 Neurological manifestations of systemic diseases 3
861 Neurology and arts; History of neurology; Ethics in
neurology; Education in neurology
869 Neuro-ophthalmology/ neuro-otology 4
875 Peripheral nerve disorders 6

© 2016 EAN European Journal of Neurology 22 (Suppl. 1)



880 Saturday, 28 May 914 Sunday, 29 May

880 Advanced imaging methods for the assessment of 914 Tournament 1 – basic neurology
MS pathogenesis and treatment
881 Genetic approaches in neuropathies 918 Monday, 30 June
882 Addressing quality of care for neurological patients 918 Tournament 2 – clinical neurology
884 Frontier applications in neurosonology
885 Abnormal movements in sleep 923 AUTHOR AND POSTER INDEX
886 New concepts about language processing in the brain

888 Sunday, 29 May

888 Stem cell therapies for the treatment of
neurological diseases
889 MDS-ES/EAN: Tics and Tourette syndrome –
consensus and controversies
890 Focal dementias
891 MDS-ES/EAN: Biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease
892 Impaired hand function after stroke and peripheral
nerve injury: consequences for treatment

894 Monday, 30 May

894 Sleep and cognition
895 Gut microbiota, immunology and neurological diseases
896 Exome sequencing goes bedside: new genes in
neurological disorders
897 Syndromes of central visual and vestibular disorders
898 ALS and FTD: two converging diseases?


900 Saturday, 28 May

900 MDS-ES European Basal Ganglia Club
900 Music and neurology - neurological disorders of
famous composers

902 Sunday, 29 May

902 New European neurological guidelines
903 EFNA Open Dialogue: Let’s Talk about sex,
sleep and stress – Patients’ Choice

905 Monday, 30 May

905 PAUNS/EAN Neuromediterranean Session:
Infectious diseases
906 ILAE-CES/EAN: Hot topics in epilepsy

907 Tuesday, 31 May

907 European reference network
909 Shared decision making in neurology
911 RRFS Session – Prospects for neurologists in training in
three corners of Europe
912 History of Neurology

© 2016 EAN European Journal of Neurology 22 (Suppl. 1)

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