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Technical Error
The Chief Physicist had a problem How to keep a starving man
. . .

alive when it would cost two millions a year to feed him

IT WAS ONE of those accidents for they expected. The insulation was doing
which no one could be blamed. Richard its work would be safe to lower the
Nelson had been in and out of the rotor into the pit. That thousand-ton
generator pit a dozen times, taking cylinder was now hanging fifty feet above
temperature readings to make sure that Nelson’s head, like the business end of a
the unearthly chill of liquid helium was mammoth drop hammer. He and
not seeping through the insulation. everyone else in the power station would
This was the first generator in the world feel much happier when it had been
to use the principle of superconductivity. lowered on to its bearings and keyed into
The windings of the immense stator had the turbine shaft.
been immersed in a helium bath, and the Nelson put away his notebook and
miles of wire now had a resistance too started to walk towards the ladder. At
small to be measured by any means the geometric centre of the pit, he made
known to man. his appointment with destiny.
Nelson noted with satisfaction that the The load on the power network had
temperature had not fallen further than been steadily increasing for the last hour,
while the zone of twilight swept across Suddenly the conductors sagged as the
the continent. As the last rays of load ends broke away from their supports.
sunlight faded from the clouds, the miles Brilliant green arcs of burning copper
of mercury arcs along the great highways flamed and died as the circuit was broken.
sprang into life. By the million, fluores- The free ends of the enormous con-
cent tubes began to glow in the cities ;
ductors I'ell perhaps ten feet before
housewives switched on their radio- crashing into the equipment below. In
cookers to prepare the evening meal. a fraction of a second they had welded
The needles of the megawattmeters themselves across the lines that led to
began to creep up the scales. the new generator.
These were the normal loads. But on Forces greater than any yet produced
a mountain three hundred miles to the by man were at war in the windings of
south a giant cosmic ray analyser was the machine. There was no resistance
being rushed into action to await the to oppose the current, but tbe inductance
expected shower from the new supernova of the tremendous windings delayed the
in Capricomus, which the astronomers moment of peak intensity. The current
had detected only an hour before. Soon rose to a maximum in an immense surge
the coils of its five-thousand-ton magnets that lasted several seconds. At that
began to drain their enormous currents instant. Nelson reached the centre of the
from the thyratron converters. P‘*-
A thousand miles to the west, fog was Then the current tried to stabilise
creeping towards the greatest airport in itself, oscillating wildly between narrower
the hemisphere. No one worried much and narrower limits. But it never
about fog, now, when every plane could reached its steady state ;
somewhere, the
land on its own radar in zero visibility, overriding safety devices came into
but it was nicer not to have it around. operation and the circuit that should
So the giant dispersers were thrown into never have been made was broken again.
operation, and nearly a thousand mega- With a last dying spasm, almost as violent
watts began to radiate into the night, as the the current swiftly ebbed
coagulating the water droplets and away. was all over.
clearing great swaths through the banks When the emergency lights came on
of mist. again. Nelson’s assistant walked to the
The meters in the power station gave lip of the rotor pit. He didn’t know
another jump, and the engineer on duty what had happened, but it must have
ordered the stand-by generators into been serious. Nelson, fifty feet down,
action. He wished the big, new machine must have been wondering what it was
was finished then there would be no
all about.
more anxious hours like these. But he “ Hello, Dick !
” he shouted. “ Have
thought he could handle the load. Half you finished ? We’d better see what the
an hour later the Meteorological Bureau trouble is.”
put out a general frost warning over the There was no reply. He leaned over
radio. Within sixty seconds, more than the edge of the great pit and peered into
a million electric fires were switched on it. The light was very bad, and the
in anticipation. The meters passed the shadow of the rotor made it difficult to
danger mark and went on soaring. see what was below. At first it seemed
With tremendous crash three giant
a that the pit was empty, but that was
circuit breakers leaped from their ridiculous ; he had seen Nelson enter it
contacts. Their arcs died under the only a few minutes ago. He called again.
fierce blast of the helium jets. Three “Hello! You all right, Dick?”
circuits had opened —
but the fourth Again no reply. Worried now, the
breaker had failed to clear. Slowly, the assistant began to descend the ladder.
great copper bars began to glow cherry- He was halfway down when a curious
red. The acrid smell of burning noise, like a toy balloon bursting very
insulation filled the air and molten metal far away, made him look over his
dripped heavily to the floor below, shoulder. Then he saw Nelson, lying at
solidifying at once on the concrete slabs. the centre of the pit on the temporary
: —
woodwork covering the turbine shaft. would be quite safe, but about an hour
He was very still, and there seemed later Matron called me up to say he
something altogether wrong about the wanted to speak to me urgently. When
angle at which he was lying. I got to the ward he was sitting up in bed
looking at a newspaper with a very
RALPH HUGHES, chief physicist, puzzled expression. I asked him what
looked up from his littered desk as the was the matter. He answered, Some- ‘

door opened. Things were slowly thing’s happened to me. Doc.’ So I

returning to normal after the night’s said, Of course it has, but you’ll be out

disasters. Fortunately, the trouble had in a couple of days.’ He shook his head ;
not affected his department much, Eor I could see there was a worried look in
the generator was unharmed. He was his eyes. He picked up the paper he had
glad he was not the chief engineer been looking at and pointed to it. I ‘

Murdock would still be snowed under can’t read any more,’ he said.
with paper work. The thought gave “ I diagnosed amnesia and thought :

Dr. Hughes considerable satisfaction. ‘

This is a nuisance Wonder what else

“ Hello, Doc.,” he greeted the visitor. he’s forgotten ? Nelson must have read

“ What brings you here ? How’s your my expression, for he went on to say,
patient getting on
” ‘
Oh, I still know the letters and words
Doctor Sanderson nodded briefly. but they’re the wrong way round I think !

“ He’ll be out of hospital in a day or so. something must have happened to my

But I want to talk to you about him.” eyes.’ He held up the paper again.
“ I don’t know the fellow I never go — ‘
This looks exactly as if I’m seeing it in
near the plant, except when the Board a mirror,’ he said. I can spell out each

goes down on its collective knees and word separately, a letter at a time.
asks me to. After all, Murdock’s paid Would you get me a looking glass ? I
to run the place.” want to try something.’
Sanderson smiled wryly. There was “ I did. He held the paper to the glass
no love lost between the chief engineer and looked at the reflection. Then he
and the brilliant young physicist. Their started to read aloud, at normal speed.
personalities were too different, and there But that’s a trick anyone can learn
was the inevitable rivalry between compositors have to do it with type and —
theoretical expert and ” practical ” man. I wasn’t impressed. On the other hand,

I think this is up your street, Ralph. I couldn’t see why an intelligent fellow
At any rate, it’s beyond me. You’ve like Nelson should put over an act like
heard what happened to Nelson ? ” that. So I decided to humour him,
“ He was inside my new generator thinking the shock must have given his
when the power was shot into it, wasn’t mind a bit of a twist. I felt quite certain
he ? ” he was suffering from some delusion,
“ That’s correct. His assistant found though he seemed perfectly normal.
him suffering from shock when the power “ After a moment he put the paper
was cut off again.” away and said, Well, Doc., what do

“ What kind of shock ? It couldn’t you make of that ? I didn’t know quite

have been electric the windings are

what to say without hurting his feelings,
insulated, of course. In any case, I so I passed the buck and said, I think ‘

gather that he was in the centre of the I’ll have to hand you over to Dr.
pit when they found him.” Humphries, the psychologist. It’s rather
“ That’s quite true. don’t knowWe outside my province.’ Then he made
what happened. But he’s now come some remark about Dr. Humphries and
round and seems none the worse apart — his intelligence tests, from which I
from one thing.” The doctor hesitated gathered he had already suffered at his
a ' moment, as if choosing his words hands.”
carefully. “ That’s correct,” interjected Hughes.
“ Well, go on Don’t keep
! in me “ All the men are grilled by the
” Psychology Department before they join
suspense !

“ I left Nelson as soon as I saw he the Company. All the same, it’s
surprising what gets through,” he added to Dr. Sanderson with some detachment,
thoughtfully. wondering what all the fuss was about.
But now the incontrovertible evidence
DR. SANDERSON smiled, and lay in his own hands, demanding his
continued his story. attention and defying his logic.
“ I was getting up to leave when For he could read not one word of
Nelson said, Oh, I almost forgot. I

Nelson’s diary. Both the print and the
think I must have fallen on my right handwriting were inverted, as if seen in
arm. The wrist feels badly sprained.’ a mirror.

Let’s look at it,’ I said, bending to pick Dr. Hughes got up from his chair and
it up. No, the other arm,’ Nelson said,

walked rapidly round the room several

and held up his left wrist. Still humour- times. His visitor sat silently watching
ing him, I answered, Have it your own ‘
him. On the fourth circuit he stopped at
way. But you said your right one, didn’t the window and looked out across the
you lake, overshadowed by the immense

“ Nelson looked puzzled. ‘
So what ?

white wall of the dam. It seemed to
he replied. ‘
This is my right arm. My reassure him, and he turned to Dr.
eyes may be no
queer, but there’s Sanderson again.
argument about that. There’s my “You expect me to believe that Nelson
wedding ring to prove it. I’ve not been has been laterally inverted in some way,
able to get the darned thing off for so that his right and left sides have teen

five years.’ interchanged ?
“ That shook me rather badly. Because “ I don’t expect you to believe any-
you see, it was his left arm he was holding thing. I’m merely giving you the
up, and his left hand that had the ring on evidence. If you can draw any other
it. I could see that what he said was quite conclusion I’d be delighted to hear it.
true. The ring would have to be cut I might add that I’ve checked Nelson’s
to get it off again. So I said ‘
Have you ; teeth. All the stoppings have been
any distinctive scars ? ’ He answered, transposed. Explain that away if you can.

Not that I can remember.’ Those coins are rather interesting, too.”
“ ”

Any dental fillings ?

Hughes picked them up. They


Yes quite a few.’

looking at each other in
included a shilling, one of the beautiful
new, beryl-copper crowns, and a few
silence while a nurse went to fetch pence and halfpence. He would have
Nelson’s records. Gazed at each other

accepted them as change without hesita-
with a wild surmise is just about how a ’
tion. Being no more observant than the
novelist might put it. Before the nurse next man, he had never noticed which
returned, I was seized with a bright idea. way the Queen’s head looked. But the
It was a fantastic notion, but. the whole lettering —
Hughes could picture the
affair was becoming more and more consternation at the Mint if these curious
outrageous. I asked Nelson if I could see coins ever came to its notice. Like the
the things he had been carrying in his diary, they too had been laterally
pockets. Here they are.” inverted.
Dr. Sanderson produced a handful of Dr. Sanderson’s voice broke into his
coins and a small, leather-bound diary. reverie.
Hughes recognised the latter at once as an “ I’ve told Nelson not to say anything
Electrical Engineer’s Diary he had one : about this. I’m going to write a full
in his own pocket. He took it from the report ; it should cause a sensation when
doctor’s hand and flicked it open at it’s published. But we want to know
random, with that slightly guilty feeling hovi this has happened. As you are the
one always has when a stranger’s still — designer of the new machine. I’ve come

more, a friend’s diary falls into one’s to you for advice.”
hands. Dr. Hughes did not seem to hear him.
And then, for Ralph Hughes, it seemed He was sitting at his desk with his hands
that the foundations of his world were outspread, httle fingers toudiing. For
giving way. Until now he had listened the first time in his life he was thinking
seriously about the difference between of the fields produced at the generator’s
left and right. centre, but their magnitudes were a
matter of conjecture. They must have
DR. SANDERSON did not release been enormous. It was a miracle that
Nelson from hospital for several days, the windings had stayed in their slots.
during which he was studying his For nearly a month Hughes struggled
peculiar patient and collecting material with his calculations and wandered
for his report. As far as he could tell, through regions of atomic physics he had
Nelson was perfectly normal apart from carefully avoided since he left the
his inversion. He was learning to read university. Slowly the complete theory
again, and his progress was swift after the began to evolve in his mind ; he was a
initial strangeness had worn off. He long way from the final proof, but the
would probably never again use tools in road was clear. In another month he
the same way that he had done before would have finished.
the accident ;
for the rest of his life, the The great generator itself, which had
W'orld would think him left-handed. dominated his thoughts for the past year,
However, that would not handicap him now seemed trivial and unimportant.
in any way. He scarcely bothered to acknowledge the
Dr. Sanderson had ceased to speculate congratulations of his colleagues when it
about the cause of Nelson’s condition. passed its final tests and began to feed its
He knew very little about electricity : millions of kilowatts into the system.
that was Hughes’ job. He was quite They must have thought him a little
confident that the physicist would strange, but hehad always been regarded
produce the answer in due course ; he as somewhat unpredictable. It was
had always done so before. The expected of him the Company would

Company was not a philanthropic have been disappointed if its tame genius
institution, and it had good reason for possessed no eccentricities.
retaining Hughes’ services. The new A fortnight later. Dr. Sanderson came
generator, which would be running to see him again. He was in a grave
within a week, was his brain child, mood.
though he had had little to do with the “ Nelson’s back in hospital,” he
actual engineering details. announced. “ I was wrong when I said
Dr. Hughes himself was less confident. he’d be O.K.”
The magnitude of the problem was “ What’s the matter with him ? ”
terrifying ; for he realised, as Sanderson asked Hughes in surprise.
did not, that it involved utterly new “ He’s starving to death.”
regions of science. He knew that there “ Starving !What on earth do you

was only one way in which an object mean ?
could become its own mirror image. Dr. Sanderson pulled a chair up to
But how could so fantastic a theory be Hughes’ desk and sat down.
proved ? “ I haven’t bothered you for the past
He had collected all available informa- few weeks,” he began, “ because I knew
tion on the fault that had energised the you were busy on your own theories.
great armature. Calculations had given I’ve been watching Nelson carefully all
an estimate of the currents that had this time, and writing up my report.
flowed through the coils for the few At first, as I told you, he seemed perfectly
seconds they had been conducting. normal. I had no doubt that everything
But the figures were largely guesswork ; would be all right.
he wished he could repeat the experiment ‘‘
Then I noticed that he was losing
to obtain accurate data. It would be weight. It was some time before I was
amusing to see Murdock’s face if he said : certain of it ;
then I began to observe
“ Mind if I throw a perfect short across other, more technical symptoms. He
generators One to 'Ten sometime this started to complain of weakness and lack
evening ? ” No, that was definitely out. of concentration. He had all the signs of
It was lucky he still had the working vitamin deficiency. I gave him special
model. Tests on it had given some ideas vitamin concentrates, but they haven’t
of Directors was not flattering, but Sir
Robert was a man he could respect, so
there was no reason to be afraid of them.
It was true that they might consider him
mad, but his past record would take care
of that. Mad or not, he was worth
thousands of pounds to them.
Dr. Sanderson smiled encouragingly
at him as he walked into the conference
room. The smile was not very success-
ful, but it helped. Sir Robert had just
finished speaking. He picked up his
glasses in that nervous way he had, and
coughed deprecatingly.Not for the
first time, Hughes wondered how such
an apparently timid old m^n could rule
so vast a commercial empire.
“ Well, here Dr. Hughes, gentlemen.
He will —ahem—explain everything to
you. I have asked him not to be too
technical. You are at liberty to interrupt
him if he ascends into the more rarefied
stratosphere of higher mathematics.

Dr. Hughes . . . .

Slowly at first, and then more quickly

as he gained the confidence of his
audience, the physicist began to tell his
story. Nelson’s diary drew a gasp of
amazement from the Board, and the
done any good. So I’ve come to have inverted coins proved fascinating curi-
another with you.”
osities. Hughes was glad to see that he
Hughes looked baffled, then annoyed. had aroused the interest of his listeners.
“ But, hang it all, you’re the doctor ”
“ Yes, but this theory of mine needs
He took a deep breath and made the
plimge he had been fearing.
some support. I’m only an unknown

medico ^no one would listen to me
“ You have heard what has happened
to Nelson, gentlemen, but what I am
until it was too late. For Nelson is
going to tell you now is even more
dying, and I think I know why ...”
startling. I must ask for your very
close attention.”
SIR ROBERT had been stubborn at
first, but Dr. Hughes had had his way, He picked up a rectangular sheet of
as he always did. The members of the notepaper from the conference table,
Board of Directors were even now filing folded it along a diagonal and tore it
into the conference room, grumbling and along the 'fold.
generally- making a fuss about the
“ Here we have two right-angled
extraordinary general meeting that had triangles with equal sides. I lay them on
just been called. Their perplexity was the table so.” — He placed the paper
still further increased when they heard triangles side by side on the table, with
that Hughes was going to address them. their hypotenuses touching, so that they
They all knew the physicist and his formed a kite-shaped figure. “ Now, as

reputation but he was a scientist and I have arranged them, each triangle
the mirror image of the other. You can

they were business men. What was

Sir Robert planning ? imagine that the plane of the mirror is
Dr. Hughes, the cause of all the along the hypotenuse. This is the point
trouble, felt annoyed with himself for I want you to notice. As long as I keep
being nervous. His opinion of the Board the triangles in the plane of the table, I

can slide them around as much as I like, “
I must ask you to accept this theory,
but I can never place one so that it as no other explanation fits the facts.
exactly covers the other. Like a pair of I have the mathematics here if you wish
gloves, they are not interchangeable to consult them.”
although their dimensions are identical.”
He paused to let that sink in. There HE WAVED the sheets in front of his
were no comments, so he continued. audience, so that the directors could see
“ Now, if I pick up one of the triangles, the imposing array of equations. The
turn it over in the air and put it down technique worked- it always did. They
again, the two are no longer mirror cowered visibly. Only McPherson, the
images, but have become completely secretary, was made of sterner stuff.
—so.”” He suited the action
identical to He had had a semi-technical education
the words. This may seem very and still read a good deal of popular
elementary— in fact, But
it is so. it science, which he was fond of airing
teaches us one very important lesson. whenever he had the opportunity. But
The triangles on the table were flat he was intelligent and willing to learn,
objects, restricted to two dimensions. and Dr. Hughes had often spent official
To turn one into its mirror image I had time discussing some new scientific
to lift it up and rotate it in the third theory with him.
dimension. Do you see what I am “ You say that Nelson has been
driving at ?

rotated in the Fourth Dimension —
He glanced round the table. One or I thought Einstein had shown that the
two of the directors nodded slowly in Fourth Dimension was time.”
dawning comprehension. Hughes groaned inwardly. He had
“ Similarly, to change a solid, threj- been anticipating this red herring.
dimensional body, such as a man, into “ I was referring to an additional
its analogue or mirror image, it must be dimension of space,” he explained
rotated in a fourth dimension. I repeat patiently. “ By that I mean a dimension,
a fourth dimension.” or direction, at right-angles to our normal
There was a strained silence. Someone three. One can call it the Fourth
coughed, but it was a nervous, not a Dimension if one wishes. With certain
sceptical cough. reservations, time may also be regarded
“ Four-dimensional geometry, as you as a dimension. As we normally regard
know —
he’d be surprised if they did space as three-dimensional, it is then
“ has been one of the major tools of customary to call time the F'ourth
mathematics since before the time of Dimension. But the label is arbitrary.
Einstein. But until now it has always As I’m asking you to grant me four
been a mathematical fiction, having no dimensions of space, we must call time
real existence in the physical world. the Fifth Dimension.”
It now appears that the unheard-of Good heavens ”
“ Five dimensions ! !

currents, amounting to millions of exploded someone further down the

amperes, which flowed momentarily table.
in the windings of our generator must Dr. Hughes could not resist the
have produced a certain extension into opportunity. “ Space of several million
four dimensions, for a fraction of a second dimensions has been frequently postu-
and in a voltune large enough to contain lated in sub-atomic physics,” he said
a man. I have been making some quietly.
calculations and have been able to There was a stunned silence. No one,
hyperspace not even McPherson, seemed inclined

satisfy myselfthat ‘
about ten feet on a side was, in fact, to argue.
generated a matter of some ten “ I now come to the second part of my

quartic —
not cubic feet. ! — account,” continued Dr. Hughes. “ A
Nelson was occupying that space. The few weeks we found
after his inversion
sudden collapse of the field when the that therewas something wrong with
circuit was broken caused the rotation Nelson. He was taking food normally,
of the sp^ce, and Nelson was inverted. but it didn’t seem to nourish him
properly. The explanation has been death in the midst of plenty, simply
given by Dr. Sanderson, and leads us because he can no more assimilate
into the realms of organic chemistry. certain molecules of food than we can
I’m sorry to be talking like a text-book, put our right foot into a left boot.
but you will soon realise how vitally “ Dr. Sanderson has tried an experi-
important this is to the Company. ment which has proved the truth of this
And you also have the satisfaction theory. With very great difficulty, he
of knowing that we are now all on equally has obtained the stereo -isomers of many
unfamiliar territory.” of these vitamins. Professor Vandenburg
That was not quite true, for Hughes himself synthesised them when he heard
still remembered some fragments of his of our trouble. They have already
chemistry. But it might encourage the produced a very marked improvement in
stragglers. Nelson’s condition.”
“ Organic compounds are composed Hughes paused and drew out some
of atoms of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, jlapers. He thought he would give the
with other elements, arranged in com- Board time to prepare for the shock.
plicated ways in space. Chemists are If a man’s life were not at stake, the
fond of making models of them out of situation would have been very amusing.
knitting needles and coloured plasticine. The Board was going to be hit where it
The results are often very pretty and would hurt most.
look like works of advanced art. “ As you will realise, gentlemen, since
“ Now, it is possible to have two —
Nelson was injured if you can call it

organic compounds containing identical that ^while he was on duty, the Com-
numbers of atoms, arranged in such a way pany is liable to pay for any treatment he
that one is the mirror image of the other. may require. We have found that
They’re called stereo-isomers, and are treatment, and you may wonder why I
very common among the sugars. If you have taken so much of your time telling
Could set their molecules side by side, you about it. The reason is very simple.
you would see that they bore the same The production of the necessary stereo-
sort of relationship as a right and a left isomers is almost as difficult as the
glove. They are, in fact, called right- or extraction of radium —more so, in some
left-handed — dextro or laevo — com- cases. Dr. Sanderson tells me that it
pounds. I hope this is quite clear.” will cost over five thousand pounds a day
Dr. Hughes looked round anxiously. to keep Nelson alive.”
Apparently it was. The silence lasted for half a minute ;

“ Stereo-isomers have almost identical then everyone started to talk at once.

chemical properties,” he went on, Sir Robert pounded on the table, and
“ though there are subtle differences. presently restored order. The council
In the last few years. Dr. Sanderson of war had begun.
tells me, it has been found that certain
essential foods, including the new class THREE HOURS later, an exhausted
of vitamins discovered by Professor Hughes left the conference room and
Vandenburg, have properties depending went in search of Dr. Sanderson, whom
on the arrangement of their atoms in he found fretting in his office.
space. In other words, gentlemen, the “ Well, what’s the decision ? ” asked
left-handed compound might be essential the doctor.
for life, but the right-handed one would “ What I was afraid of. They want
be of no value. This in spite of the fact me to Nelson.”
that their chemical formulae are identical. “ Can you do it ? ”
“ You will appreciate, now, why “ Frankly,I don’t know. All I can
Nelson’s inversion is much more serious hope to do to reproduce the conditions
than we at first thought. It’s not merely of the original fault as accurately as I
a matter of teaching him to read again, can.”
in which case — apart from its philo- “ Weren’t there any other

sophical interest the whole business suggestions ?

would be trivial. He is actually starving to “ Quite a few, but most of them were
stupid. McPherson had the best idea. more than half prepared for it when the
He wanted to use the generator to invert telephone rang and the Old Man’s tired
normal food so that Nelson could eat it. voice said :
“ Hughes ? Get your
I had to point out that to take the big equipment ready. I’ve spoken to
machine out of action for this purpose Murdock, and we’ve fixed the time for
would cost several millions a year, and Tuesday night. Can you manage by

in any case the windings wouldn’t stand then ?
it more than a few times. So that “ Yes, Sir Robert.”
scheme collapsed. Then Sir Robert “ Good. Give me a progress report
wanted to know if you could guarantee every afternoon until Tuesday. That’s
there were no vitamins we’d overlooked, all.”
or that might still be undiscovered. His
idea was that in spite of our synthetic THE ENORMOUS room was
diets we might not be able to keep dominated by the great cylinder of the
Nelson alive after all.” rotor, hanging thirty feet above the
“ What did you say to that ? ” gleaming plastic floor. A little group
“ I had to admit it was a possibility. of men stood silently at the edge of the
So Sir Robert is going to have a talk with shadowed pit, waiting patiently. A
Nelson. He hopes to persuade him to maze of temporary wiring ran to Dr.
risk it his family will be taken care of if

Hughes’ equipment multibeam oscil-
the experiment fails.” loscopes, megawattmeters and micro-
Neither of the two men said anything chronometers, and the special relays
for a few moments. Then Dr. Sander- that had been constructed to make the
son broke the silence. circuit at #ie calculated instant.
“ Now you understand the sort of That was the greatest problem of all.
decision a surgeon often has to make,” Dr. Hughes had no way of telling when
he said. the circuit should be closed;
whether it
Hughes nodded in agreement. “ It’s should be when the voltage was at
a beautiful dilemma, isn’t it ? A maximum, when it was at zero, or at
perfectly healthy man —
but it will cost some intermediate point on the sine
two millions a year to keep him alive, wave. He had chosen the simplest and
and we can’t even be sure of that. I know safest course. The circuit would be made
the Board’s thinking of its precious at zero voltage ;
when it opened again
balance sheet more than anything else, would depend on the speed of the
but I don’t see any alternative. Nelson breakers.
will have to take a chance.” In ten minutes the last of the great
“ Couldn’t you make some tests factories in the service area would be

first ? closing down for the night. The
“ Impossible. It’s a major engineering weather forecast had been favourable ;
operation to get the rotor out. We’ll there would be no abnormal loads before
have to rush the experiment through morning. By then, the rotor had to be
when the load on the system is at back and the generator running again.
mimimum. Then we’ll slam the rotor Fortunately, the unique method of
back, and tidy up the mess our artificial construction made it easy to reassemble
short has made. All this has to be done the machine, but it would be a very close
before the peak Ipads come on again. thing and there was no time to lose.
Poor old Murdock’s mad as hell about When Nelson came in, accompanied
it.” by Robert and Dr. Sanderson, he was
“ I don’t blame him. When will the very pale. He might, thought Hughes,

experiment start ? have been going to his execution. The
“Not for a few days, at least. Even thought was somewhat ill-timed, and he
if Nelson agrees. I’ve got to fix up all put it hastily aside.
my gear.” There was just time enough for a last,
No one was ever to know what Sir quite unnecessary check of the equip-
Robert said to Nelson during the hours ment. He had barely finished when he
they were together. Dr. Hughes was heard Sir Robert’s quiet voice.
“ We’re ready, Dr. Hughes.” generator. Almost, but not quite ....
Rajther unsteadily, he walked to the He did not expect to find it completely
edge of the pit. Nelson had already empty.
descended, and as he had been instructed, What came after, he could never
was standing at its exact centre, his perfectly remember. Murdock seemed
upturned face a white blob far below. to take charge then. There was a great
Dr. Hughes waved a brief encouragement flurry of activity, and the engineers
and turned away, to rejoin the group by swarmed in to replace the giant rotor.
his equipment. Somewhere in the distance he heard Sir
He flicked over the switch of the Robert saying, over and over again


oscilloscope and played with the syn- “ We did our best we did our best.”
chronising controls until a single cycle He must have replied, somehow, but
of the mains wave was stationary on the everything was very vague ....
screen. Then he adjusted the phasing ;

two brilliant spots of light moved towards IN THE GREY hours before the
each other along the wave until they had dawn. Dr. Hughes awoke from his fitful
coalesced at its geometric centre. He sleep. All night he had been haunted by
looked briefly towards Murdock, who his dreams, by weird fantasies of multi-
was watching the megawattmeters dimensional geometry. There were
intently. The engineer nodded. With visions of strange, other-worldly
a silent prayer, Hughes threwthe switch. universes of insane shapes and inter-
There was the tiniest click from the secting planes along which he was
relay unit. A fraction of a second later, doomed to struggle endlessly, fleeing
the whole building seemed to rock as the from some nameless terror. Nelson, he
great conductors crashed over in the dreamed, was trapped in one of those
switch room three hundred feet away. unearthly dimensions, and he was trying
The lights faded, and almost died. to reach him. Sometimes he was Nelson
Then it was all over. The circuit himself, and he imagined that he could
breakers, driven at almost the speed of see all around him the universe he knew,
an explosion, had cleared the line again. strangely distorted and barred from him
The lights returned to normal and the by invisible walls.
needles of the megawattmeters dropped The nightmare faded as he struggled
back on to their scales. up in bed. For a few moments he sat
The equipment had withstood the holding his head, while his mind began
what of Nelson
overload. But ? to clear. He knew what was happening :
Dr. Hughes was surprised to see that this was not the first time the solution
Sir Robert, for all his sixty years, had of some baffling problem had come
already reached the generator. He was suddenly upon him in the night.
standing by its edge, looking down into There was one piece still missing in
the great pit. Slowly, the physicist went the jigsaw puzzle that was sorting itself
to join him. He was afraid to hurry ;
out in his mind. One piece only and —
a growing sense of premonition was suddenly he had There was something

filling his mind. Already he could picture that Nelson’s assistant had said, when
Nelson lying in a tvvisted heap at the he was describing the. original accident.
centre of the well, his lifeless eyes It had seemed trivial at the time until ;

staring up at them reproachfully. Then now, Hughes had forgotten all about it.
came a more horrible thought. Suppose “ When I looked inside the generator,
the field had collapsed too soon, when the there didn’t seem to be anyone there, so I
inversion was only partly completed ? started to climb down the ladder ...”
In another moment, he would know the What a fool he had been Old !

worst. McPherson had been right, or partly

There is no shock greater than that of right, after all !

the totally unexpected, for against it the The field had rotated Nelson in a
mind has no chance to prepare its fourth dimension of space, but there had
defences. Dr. Hughes was ready for been a displacement in time as well. On
almost anything when he reached the the first occasion it had been a matter of

seconds only. This time, the conditions would have to be removed at once.
must have been different in spite of all Murdock could argue later.
his care. There were so many unknown Very gently, something caught the
factors, and the theory was more than house by its foundations and rocked it
half guesswork. to and fro, as a sleepy child may shake
Nelson had not been inside the Flakes of plaster came planing
its rattle.
generator at the end of the experiment. down from the ceiling ; a network of
But he would be. cracks appeared as if by magic in the
Dr. Hughes felt a cold sweat break out walls. -The lights flickered, became
all over his body. He pictured that suddenly brilliant, and faded out.
thousand-ton cylinder, spinning beneath Dr. Hughes threw back the curtain
the drive of its fifty million horse-power. and looked towards the mountains.
Suppose something suddenly materialised The power station was invisible beyond
in the space already occupied
it ? . . . the foothills of Mount
Perrin, but its
He leaped out of bed and grabbed the site was clearly marked by the vast
private phone to the power station. column of debris that was slowly rising
There was no time to lose the rotor — against the bleak light of the dawn.


Going Down
The astronauts want to get to other worlds to add to our knowledge

of the cosmos. But we might find out a lot more right here on
Earth ... if we could only get beneath its skin.

WHAT IS THIS ball on which we Nor can we say in what form these heavy
live ? strange fact, but true, that
It’s a metals exist under the terrific tempera-
we know more about the composition tures and pressures which must, presum-
of the Sun and the distant stars than we ably, obtain at the heart of the planet.
do of the interior of our own planet. The only thing we can safely say is that
Geologists differ about the temperature human life would be hardly likely to
at Earth’s centre, estimates varying survive under such conditions.
between 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit and Surrounding this core, according to
as much as 440,000 degrees. Another theory, is a deep layer of molten metal,
thinks it has a core of molten glass under or magma, some 3,000 miles thick.
a pressure of 50 million pounds per Above this lies a cooler, solid mass of
square inch. Each speculation has a iron and nickel about 1,000 miles in
certain amount of evidence to support it, thickness. On top of this-, in turn, is a
but since nobody’s been there .... ten-mile layer of basaltic lava, neither
It is fairly generally accepted that there solidnor liquid, which acts as a cushion
is a central core consisting of such heavy between the metal beneath and Earth’s
elements as uranium, thorium and outer crust or lithosphere the layer of —
polonium, but as to its precise nature good, solid rock, thirty to fifty miles
and dimensions we cannot be certain. thick, on which we build our cities.


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