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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para

La Educación Universitaria

I.U.P “Santiago Mariño”

The challenges of the current oil and

gas exploration and production industry


Yoendri Quijada C.I 27315593 “50”

Cabimas, December 2017

The Intelligent Oil fleid: the challenges of the current oil and gas
exploration and production industry, is the title of the report that presents
new approaches to meet the current requirements of the sector, facing
increasing challenges to increase reserves and maximize the efficiency of
both production operations and the development of oil fields

The growing demand for energy and geopolitical forces are creating a
volatile market of goods. Global competition for natural resources makes
the performance of oil reserves a critical factor, boosting oil exploration and
production (E & P) companies to act in remote, arid and hostile places, with
the consequent increase in business challenges more complex. Added to
this is the fact that the technically qualified work force is becoming scarce
and expensive. Shareholders and Wall Street analysts pressure
companies to achieve a uniform return on investment. The growing
concern of society around global warming and the environment completes
the turbulent scenario of the sector.

This context is changing the way in which E & P companies direct, interpret
and analyze the data collection of oilfields.

During a recent presentation of the report, Elías Puente, industrial

consultancy manager of IBM of Venezuela for the petroleum and
petrochemical sector, said that competition for oil and gas exploration leads
to the need to reduce operating expenses and increase performance. "To
achieve this, exploration and production companies need efficient tools to
manage information, platforms and processes that support collaboration
and coordination along the entire process chain of the industry, from
prospecting to exploration. , evaluation, development and operation, until
the demobilization, allowing to optimize their businesses at the same time
that they continue to grow ".

Since 2003, IBM researchers have been working with clients to develop a
surveillance system for the Intelligent Oil Field (IOF Intelligent Oil Field),
which helps E & P companies to manage their operations proactively. One
of the problems facing the sector and that the study presents, is the amount
of large-scale reserves that extend for hundreds of square meters, which
represents a logistical challenge for companies to monitor and maintain the
amplitude of the wells These wells are susceptible to various problems,
such as the production of sand that can clog the tubulation and cause
losses that reach up to US $ 15 million per well. In addition to the problems
of logistics, there is the fact that oil wells always differ in type, configuration
and age of the equipment, which requires different types of monitoring and
maintenance, with the consequent increase in operating expenses.

Independent analysts at Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA)

predict that the adoption of technologies such as IOF in the hydrocarbon
industry can mean annual savings of between four and eight billion dollars

in operating costs. According to CERA, the benefits of smart oil deposits

include a reduction of between 100% and 20% in operating expenses,
increase and anticipation of production, decrease in investment capital and
increase in gas and oil recovery. The study also points to an increase in
productivity for reservoir operators between 100% and 400%, while
average production rates can increase from 1% to 3%.

This context is changing the way in which E & P companies direct, interpret
and analyze the data collection of oilfields. The IBM IOF system uses
specialized sensors for this work, which collect in real time, independent
data from each well located in the exploration field. This system is
specialized for the analysis of large volumes of data, identifying complex
information that indicates potential problems and includes the detail of the
performance of all pumps and changes in pressure, temperature and fluid
composition. Another challenge facing the E & P market and presented in
the IBM report is the difficulty for companies to find qualified professionals
for exploration in arid, remote, and sometimes hostile regions. These
professionals are increasingly scarce and expensive. IBM's IOF technology
assists in remote monitoring and control of exploration ore operations, and
allows companies to use fewer and fewer people in fields and platforms,
with the potential to reduce risks and expenses. In this way, directing a
platform located in the Reservoir Bay, for example, could be done centrally

The intelligent oil field has been designed to help the personal (highest value
component) to work together efficiently, in order to reap the highest value of the
highest cost component (data collection and control) and its mid-level byproducts.

Reference: Petroleum Magazine 2007

List of cognates


Petroleum-Petróleo Increase-Incrementar

Gas-Gas Qualified-Calificado

Intelligent-Inteligente Society-Sociedad

Industry-Industria Complete-Completar

Exploration-Exploración Scenario-Escenario

Title-Título Context-Contexto

Report-Reporte Interpret-Interpretar

Sector-Sector Analyze-Analizar

Increase-Incrementar Data-Datos

Efficiency-Eficiencia Recent-Reciente

Operation-Operación Presentation-Presentación

Demand-Demanda Reduce-Reducir

Energy-Energía Information-Información

Market-Mercado Collaboration-Colaboración

Natural-Narutal Evaluation-Evaluación

Critical-Crítico Continue-Continuar

Factor -Factor Client-Cliente

Company-compañía Problem-Problema
Order-Orden Large-Largol

Complex-Complejo Collect-Colectar

Process-Proceso Potential-Potencial

Extend- Extender Temperature-Temperatura

Monitor-Monitor Detail-Detalle

Type-Tipo Fluid-Fluido

Different-Diferente Remoto-Remoto

Independent-Independiente Composition-Composición

Adoption- Adopción Region-Región

Annual-Anual Hostile-Hostil

Dollar-Dólar Industrial-Industrial

Benefit-Beneficio Example-Ejemplo

Include-Incluir Personal-Personal

Study-Estudiar System-Sistema


List of Fake Cognates


Production-Producción Identifying-Identificando

Maximize-Maximizar Costs-Costos

Reserves-Reservas Technologies-Tecnologías

Geopolitical- Geopolíticas Deposits-Depositos

Global- Global Anticipation-Anticipacion

Analyst-Analista Professionals-Profesionales

Sensors-Sensores Volumes-Volumenes

Processes-Procesos Presented-Presentado

Coordination-Coordinacion Platforms-Plataformas

Optimize-Optimizar Volatile-Volátil

Configuration-Configuracion Companies-Compañias

Requires-Requerir Specialized-Especializado

Technically- Técnicamente


Idea Principal

En sí, el articulo o texto se hace énfasis en los investigadores de IBM los cuales
han estado trabajando con clientes para desarrollar un sistema de vigilancia para
el campo petrolero inteligente, que ayuda a las empresas de exploración y
producción a gestionar sus operaciones de forma proactiva. Ellos mismos
explican que uno de los problemas que enfrenta el sector, es la cantidad de
reservas a gran escala que se extienden por cientos de metros cuadrados, lo
que representa un desafío logístico para que las empresas monitoreen y
mantengan la amplitud de los pozos. Por ello, Desean La implementación de
tecnologías como IOF la cual facilita el conocimiento de los activos globales en
tiempo real, lo que permite su gestión proactiva. La idea de IBM era proporcionar
una solución para mejorar las actividades relacionadas con la exploración y
explotación de recursos de hidrocarburos, y su gran ventaja es que permite
extraer información de los diferentes reservorios, incluso a nivel de cada campo,
en tiempo real y cargar de tal manera que se convierta en conocimiento, para
que los expertos puedan analizarlo y tomar acciones, ya sean predictivas o

Ellos hablan de una solución que nos permite advertir sobre estas situaciones
antes de que sucedan, y tomar las previsiones de Se estima que a nivel mundial
este tipo de soluciones puede ahorrar muchos millones en costos operativos Con
dicho programa, las compañías de petróleo y gas pueden usar de manera más
eficiente los datos generados a partir de sus activos para tomar mejores
decisiones comerciales. También pueden administrar de forma remota pozos y
campos, lo que ayuda a ahorrar tiempo y dinero, además de ampliar el alcance
de los recursos especializados y aumentar la recuperación y la reducción de

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