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RULES  2015
for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships
and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

for Classification and Construction of Ships

for Prevention of Environment Pollution from Ships



Russian River Register. Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and
Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships (RTSC).
The Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Mate-
rials and Products for Ships (RTSC) have been approved by the Order of Federal Autonomous
Institution “Russian River Register” No. 36-ï dated 09.09.2015 and brought into force since
19.07.2016 by the Order of Federal Autonomous Institution “Russian River Register” No. 29-ï
dated 11.07.2016.
The present re-edition of the Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships
and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships (RTSC) includes amendments and addi-
tions approved by the following Orders of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Russian River
Order No. 50-ï dated 09.09.2016 (Notice No. 1);
Order No. 78-ï dated 07.11.2016;
Order No. 100-ï dated 27.12.2016;
Order No. 24-ï dated 09.03.2017 (Notice No. 2), came into force since 15.03.2017;
Order No. 65-ï dated 14.08.2017 (Notice No. 4), came into force since 20.08.2017.

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It is strictly prohibited to make photocopy, store in a retrieval system, publish, perform in public, adapt, broadcast,
transmit, record or reproduce the present edition in any form or by any means for sale purposes without the prior written
permission of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Russian River Register”.

© Russian River Register, 2017

Contents 3


1 General provisions 4 Technical supervision during construction

and repair of ships
1.1 Application ....................................... 5
1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 5 4.1 General requirements ....................... 28
1.3 Head office activities ........................ 6 4.2 Mooring trials................................... 29
1.4 Branch office activities ..................... 7 4.3 Running trials................................... 30
4.4 Inspection and check sailing ............ 31
2 General provisions on technical supervision 4.5 Peculiarities of technical supervision
during tests of prototype ships.......... 32
2.1 General requirements ....................... 8
4.6 Peculiarities of technical supervision
2.2 Forms of technical supervision......... 11 during simulation tests ..................... 32
2.3 Technical supervision by the sur- 4.7 Peculiarities of technical supervision
veyor (Form Ð)................................. 12
during conversion, modernization
2.4 Technical supervision performed by and repair of the ships...................... 34
the River Register and organization
(Form ÎÐ) ....................................... 14 5 Hull and hull equipment
2.5 Technical supervision in the form
of a type approval (Form ÎÒ).......... 15 5.1 General requirements ....................... 35
2.6 Technical supervision in the form 5.2 Technical supervision during manu-
of recognized documentation (Form facture of assemblies, sections and
ÏÄ) .................................................. 15 blocks ............................................... 36
2.7 Technical supervision performed by 5.3 Technical supervision during con-
another classification organization struction of the metal hull on the
on behalf of the River Register or slipway.............................................. 37
by the River Register on behalf of 5.4 Technical supervision during con-
another classification organization ... 16 struction of reinforced-concrete
2.8 Recognition of organizations............ 16 ships ................................................. 38
2.9 Welder approval................................ 20 5.5 Technical supervision during con-
struction of plastic hull ships............ 38
3 Review and approval 5.6 Technical supervision during
of technical documentation manufacture of structural fire pro-
tection .............................................. 39
3.1 General............................................. 22 5.7 Technical supervision during manu-
3.2 Technical designs of the ships .......... 24 facture of equipment of spaces, clo-
3.3 Detailed documentation ................... 25 sures, fencings, ladders and compo-
3.4 Technical documentation on the nents of devices connected to the
materials and products...................... 25 underwater part of the hull............... 40
3.5 Software applications........................ 26 5.8 Checking hull readiness for launching 42
4 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

6 Power installation and systems 11.3 Technical supervision during on-

board installation and tests............... 84
6.1 General requirements ....................... 42
6.2 Technical supervision during manu- Appendices
facture............................................... 44
6.3 Technical supervision during on- 1 Nomenclature of items of the Register
board installation and tests ............... 53 technical supervision............................ 85
6.4 Mooring trials................................... 59 2 Form of notice on Surveyor invitation 96
6.5 Running trials................................... 63 3 List of item check inspections and
process operations to be submitted to
7 Ship arrangements and outfit the Branch Office (Form) ................... 97
4 Standard List of item check inspec-
7.1 General requirements ....................... 65 tions and process operations to be
7.2 Technical supervision during submitted to the Branch Office .......... 98
manufacture...................................... 65 5 Construction book form ...................... 115
7.3 Technical supervision during on- 6 Form of Technical Supervision Re-
board installation and tests ............... 68 cord Book............................................ 115
7 Testing procedure for welders' permit . 116
8 Electric equipment
8 Standard list of technical documenta-
8.1 General requirements ....................... 75 tion submitted to the River Register
8.2 Technical supervision during for approval ......................................... 123
manufacture...................................... 75 9 Permission map for deviation from
8.3 Technical supervision during on- technical design, detailed documenta-
board installation .............................. 76 tion, technical documentation for
8.4 Mooring trials................................... 77 materials or items, process procedure.. 134
8.5 Running trials................................... 78 10 Hull tightness testing ........................... 135
11 Permissible welding deformations of
9 Radio communication aids shell and hull framing and deviations
and navigation equipment during ship's hull assembly .................. 145
12 Inspection of engines for compliance
9.1 General requirements ....................... 80 with maximum permissible harmful
9.2 Technical supervision during substance emission and exhaust gases
manufacture...................................... 80 opacity ................................................. 147
9.3 Technical supervision during on- 13 Guidelines for testing of type speci-
board installation and tests ............... 80 mens of life-saving appliances ............. 151
14 Guidelines for pyrotechnic signal
10 Materials means type specimen testing ............... 163
10.1 General requirements ....................... 82 15 Tests of electrical, radio and naviga-
tional equipment.................................. 164
10.2 Technical supervision during
manufacture...................................... 82 16 Guidelines for cable items testing on
flame retardence .................................. 179
11 Equipment for prevention 17 Values of parameters checked during
of environment pollution from ships the test on built ship electrical propul-
sion system .......................................... 181
11.1 General requirements ....................... 83 18 Method of on board testing of sys-
11.2 Technical supervision during tems, equipment and devices for pre-
manufacture...................................... 83 vention of environment pollution ........ 184
1 General Provisions 5


1.1 APPLICATION under technical supervision with the Rules

and technical documentation approved by the
1.1.1 The present Rules for Technical Su- River Register. The form of the Statement of
pervision During Construction of Ships and Conformity is established by the River Register;
Manufacture of Materials and Products for
.3 M a n u f a c t u r e r means a legal en-
Ships (hereinafter referred to as the Rules),
tity or individual entrepreneur constructing a
which are based on and develop further the
ship, manufacturing and supplying materials
Regulations for Classification and Survey of
and/or products for ships or transferring a
Ships (hereinafter referred to as the Regula-
right to supply to another legal entity or indi-
tions for Classification), establish the types,
vidual entrepreneur, modernizing the products
procedures, methods and scope of technical
for ships, officially applying the trademark or
supervision performed by the River Register
other distinctive mark on ships and products,
in order to check compliance with require-
thus assuming the manufacturer's obligations;
ments of the Rules for Classification and
Construction of Inland Navigation and River- .4 P r o d u c t o f m a s s p r o d u c t i o n
Sea Navigation Ships (hereinafter referred to (mass produced product) means a product
as the RCCS) and Rules for Prevention of which belongs to periodically repeated batches
Environment Pollution from Ships (hereinaf- of manufactured or repaired products;
ter referred to as the RPPS). .5 T y p e a p p r o v a l t e s t s mean
check tests of materials or products carried
1.1.2 These Rules are used by the River out to determine compliance of their proper-
Register for technical supervision during con- ties (characteristics) with the approved tech-
struction, conversion, modernization and re- nical documentation and Rules;
pair of ships, manufacture of materials and .6 T e s t i n g l a b o r a t o r y means a le-
products, repair of products to be used on the gally independent testing laboratory or subdi-
ships and during review and approval of tech- vision of the organization performing the tests
nical documentation. prescribed by the Rules during construction,
conversion, modernization and repair of
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ships, manufacture of materials and products,
repair of products (see;
1.2.1 Terms and their definitions related to
the general terminology of the Rules are given .7 A p p r o v e d is a term used by the
in 2.1 Part 0 of RCCS. River Register upon satisfactory results of
checking compliance of materials and prod-
1.2.2 For the purpose of these Rules the ucts with the requirements of the Rules;
following terms and definitions are used: .8 T y p e a p p r o v a l o f a m a t e -
.1 R a n d o m inspection — see 2.2.6 r i a l o r p r o d u c t means defining the
Part 0 of RCCS; compliance of type specimens of the material
.2 S t a t e m e n t of conformity or product manufactured in the course of
means the manufacturer's document confirm- continuous production with the requirements
ing compliance of the manufactured items of the Rules by the River Register;
6 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.9 C l a s s i f i c a t i o n o r g a n i z a t i o n .19 T y p e s p e c i m e n means a speci-

means an organization authorized by the RF men of type material or product used during
Ministry of Transport for classification and the test and inspection;
survey of ships;
.10 T e s t p r o g r a m means a docu- 1.3 HEAD OFFICE ACTIVITIES
ment establishing the item, types, sequence
and scope of the performed tests, procedure, 1.3.1 As regards technical supervision dur-
terms, place and time frame of the tests, sup- ing designing, construction of ships, manufac-
port and reporting for the tests as well as re- turing of materials and products, the Head
sponsibility for their support and perform- Office:
ance; .1 reviews and approves engineering de-
.11 T e s t r e port means a document signs for construction of ships;
containing the information on the item under .2 reviews draft national standards;
test, used methods, means and conditions of .3 reviews and approves technical docu-
the tests, test results as well as evaluation of mentation for materials and products when
the test results; approving a material or product type as well
.12 S i n g l e d e l i v e r y means a mate- as technical documentation for overhaul of
rial or product delivered one time for the internal combustion engines;
ships classed by the River Register or con- .4 reviews and approves engineering de-
structed to this class; signs for transfer of class for the ships;
.13 S h i p r e p a i r means a set of opera- .5 reviews and approves software applica-
tions on recovery of serviceable or operable tions used for designing;
condition of the ship for a specific period of .6 participates in technical supervision
time; during trials of prototype ships (items) con-
.14 C e r t i f i c a t e means a document of structed according to the designs approved by
the River Register confirming that the consid- the River Register;
ered materials or products comply with the .7 undertakes technical supervision during
requirements of the Rules and approved tech- tests of material and product type specimens
nical documentation; manufactured according to the documentation
.15 "A P P R O V E D " is a stamp used by approved by the River Register and issues
the River Register to confirm compliance of material or product type approval certificates;
technical documentation with the require- .8 checks ship document copies issued by
ments of the Rules; Branch Offices for prototype ships after con-
.16 B e n c h t e s t s mean tests per- struction or conversion;
formed using test equipment; .9 reviews and approves a list of replace-
.17 T e c h n i c a l documentation ments equivalent to the requirements of the
means design and process documentation as Rules;
well as other technical documents for items .10 undertakes technical supervision for
under technical supervision which include compliance with the Rules during manufac-
data required to check compliance with the ture of materials and products when manufac-
requirements of the Rules; turers are outside the activity of Branch Of-
.18 T y p e m a t e r i a l o r p r o d u c t fices and issues respective documents;
means a material or product related to a .11 carries out surveys of firms engaged in
group of materials or products with similar manufacturing of materials/products and in
physical and mechanical properties or struc- work according to the requirements of the
tural and technological features. They are River Register, as well as testing laboratories
used as intended without attributing to a spe- performing tests prescribed by the Rules, if
cific ship or item under technical supervision; they are outside the activity of Branch Of-
1 General Provisions 7

fices, draws up and issues recognition certifi- for repair of boilers;

cates for these firms and laboratories; for repair of custom-built ship machinery;
.12 ensures overall management of Branch for repair of hoisting gear;
Offices, makes technical and other decisions .2 reviews and approves detailed docu-
regarding issues arising from Branch Offices mentation for ships under construction, con-
activities; version, modernization and repair;
.13 improves normative classification .3 reviews and approves technical docu-
documents. mentation for materials and products for
which type approval is not provided;
.4 undertakes technical supervision for
1.4 BRANCH OFFICE ACTIVITIES compliance with the Rules during construc-
1.4.1 As regards technical supervision dur- tion, conversion, modernization and repair of
ing designing, construction, modernization, ships, manufacture of materials and products;
conversion and repair of ships, manufacture .5 undertakes technical supervision for
of materials and products, repair of ship compliance with the Rules during repair of
equipment, the Branch Office: ship machinery and overhaul of engines;
.1 reviews and approves engineering (de- .6 prepares and issues documents of the
tailed) designs: River Register for constructed, converted,
for floating objects, industrial ships, cus- modernized and repaired ships as well as
tom-built self-propelled and non-self- submits copies of these documents to the
propelled ships of other types and purposes, Head Office in the specified extent;
except tugboats, icebreakers, high-speed craft, .7 reviews and approves standards of firms
WIG craft and ships of new design; and process procedures;
for hull stiffening or ship preparation for .8 carries out survey of firms and testing
operation or single voyage (passage) outside laboratories, except those outside the activity
the specified area of navigation; of the Branch Office, draws up and issues
for conversion, modernization and repair recognition certificates;
of ships of all types and purposes, except for .9 carries out other activities on behalf of
transfer of class for the ships; the Head Office including those specified in 1.3.
8 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1.4 While performing technical supervi-

sion the River Register does not replace the
2.1.1 Technical supervision during manu- functions of the firm's and ship owner's qual-
facture of items under technical supervision is ity control departments.
performed by stagewise inspections of these
items during manufacture, including the final 2.1.5 Technical supervision during manu-
stage of manufacture (finished materials or facture of materials and products, construc-
products). tion, modernization and conversion of ships is
Inspections are carried out by the River performed according to the approved techni-
Register's surveyor or the firm's person au- cal documentation and production processes.
thorized by the River Register after inspection If the materials and products specified in
of the manufactured materials and products the Nomenclature are manufactured and/or
by the manufacturer's personnel and prepara- tested according to national standards, the use
tion of documents on workmanship, manufac- of which provides compliance with require-
ture or installation of items under technical ments of the Rules, technical supervision is
supervision by this firm. performed considering the requirements of
During inspections, the River Register's these standards.
Surveyor or the firm's person authorized by
2.1.6 The procedure for review and ap-
the River Register shall not make decisions
proval of technical documentation on items
different from those prescribed by the Rules.
under technical supervision, scope of surveys
For the Nomenclature of items under the during technical supervision in the firm and
River Register technical supervision (herein process operations subject to inspection are
after referred to as the Nomenclature) and determined in the relevant sections of the
types of technical supervision, see Table A1.1. Rules.
2.1.2 All the activities related to technical 2.1.7 The River Register on a contract ba-
supervision are carried out by the River Reg- sis may assign (entrust) technical supervision
ister upon request and normally against the during construction of ships or manufacture
contracts with the firms in charge of design, of materials and products to another classifi-
construction, conversion, modernization and cation society or competent organization rec-
repair of ships as well as manufacture of ma- ognized by the River Register as well as ac-
terials and products for shipbuilding and ship cept an assignment of another classification
repair. society or other organization to perform tech-
2.1.3 Quality checks of items under the nical supervision.
River Register technical supervision are per- Scope and procedure for technical supervi-
formed using the methods specified in these sion as well as the form and list of documents
Rules and cover only the properties of items issued in these cases are specified in respec-
prescribed by these Rules. tive agreements (see 2.7).
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 9

2.1.8 Materials and products which are a test program which allows to assess compli-
items under technical supervision can be in- ance with the requirements of the Rules.
stalled on board the ship if there are certifi- The documentation shall be sent with the
cates or other documents issued by the River Notice which includes the name of the mate-
Register or documents of another classifica- rial or product and its identification details
tion organization issued on behalf of the River (e.g., name of the manufacturer, serial or
Register confirming compliance of concerned batch number);
materials and products with requirements of
.2 The "Taken into consideration" stamp
the Rules.
shall be put on the reviewed documentation
2.1.9 Technical supervision of materials and test program in case of compliance with
and components manufactured by the organi- the requirements of the Rules;
zation and used in this organization for .3 In case of compliance of the documen-
manufacturing products as well as during con- tation with the requirements of the Rules,
struction or repair of ships is performed by tests shall be performed in the testing labora-
the surveyor within technical supervision dur- tory recognized by the River Register accord-
ing manufacture of products, construction and ing to the test program taken into considera-
repair of ships. Performance of technical su- tion. According to the test results, the testing
pervision is confirmed by a record in the No- laboratory which tested the material or prod-
tice of surveyor invitation (hereinafter referred uct shall draw up a test report;
to as the Notice), the form of which is given .4 The surveyor shall perform survey of
in Appendix 2. the material or product in the scope specified
When manufacturing the above materials by the Rules;
and components to be further delivered to .5 Compliance of the material or product
other organizations, including when they serve with the requirements of the Rules is con-
as interchangeable parts, technical supervision firmed by issue of a Certificate (Form
is performed according to the forms specified ÐÐ-1.25.1) for the products with a personal
in the Nomenclature with issue of the docu- identification number. For the products with-
ments specified in 2.2.6. out a personal identification number and ma-
The Notice of submitting the work shall terials – with a record in the Notice which
include information on the welders who car- was sent with the material or product to the
ried out the submitted work, if the require- surveyor to perform survey.
ments for welding the structures and items are The test report and documentation taken
prescribed by the Rules (see 2.9.1) including into consideration (copy of documentation)
their family name, name and patronymic (if are to be attached to the Notice on the basis
any) as well as details of the Welder Approval of which the surveyor performed survey of the
Certificate. material or product.
The survey results apply only to the mate-
2.1.10 New materials and products (includ-
rials or products which were submitted under
ing those under preservation) without docu-
the Notice, specified in and which
ments of the River Register, may be allowed
were subject to the survey specified in this
for installation on board ship or for manufac-
ture of products according to the results of
their survey as follows: At repeated submission of the materials or
products specified in this paragraph for survey
.1 Shipbuilding or ship repair organiza-
to the River Register, survey shall be per-
tion, manufacturer of products shall submit
formed according to the requirements of this
the manufacturer's documentation on materi-
paragraph in full.
als and products in the scope sufficient to
determine compliance of materials or prod- 2.1.11 The procedure specified in 2.1.10
ucts with requirements of the Rules as well as shall not be applied in the following cases:
10 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.1 materials and products have a valid with the determined technical condition
material or product type approval certificate; specified in the fourth and fifth subparagraphs
.2 a material or product is used for con- of this para can be installed on other ships
struction of the ship series; during modernization, conversion or repair if
.3 products with similar characteristics they have the River Register documents
have a valid material or product type approval (Forms ÐÐ-8.1, ÐÐ-8.3, ÐÐ-1.25) or a report
certificate. on survey of the dismantled materials and
products (Forms ÐÐ-10.3), as well as docu-
2.1.12 Materials and products which are mentation required by RSSS to determine
planned to be installed on ships during mod- technical condition of products.
ernization, conversion or repair, are disman- Main and auxiliary engines, in addition to
tled from the ships which are/were classed by the above, shall have files, datasheets or other
the River Register as agreed with the Branch documents including information of the
Office. manufacturer on the assigned and remaining
Dismantling of the materials or products life (service life).
which are planned to be installed on ships The decision on possibility of installing the
during modernization, conversion or repair in materials and products dismantled from other
case they have no documents of the River ships classed by the River Register shall be
Register confirming their compliance with the taken by the Branch Office performing tech-
requirements of the Rules (Forms ÐÐ-8.1, nical supervision during modernization, con-
ÐÐ-8.3, ÐÐ-1.25) is performed in the presence version or repair of the ship by results of de-
of the River Register's surveyor. termining technical condition of materials and
A report on survey of the dismantled mate- products.
rials and products (Form ÐÐ-10.3) is prepared
Technical condition of materials or prod-
for the dismantled materials and products,
ucts specified in the first subparagraph of this
except for the cases specified in the fourth
para and planned to be installed on ships is
and fifth subparagraphs of this para.
determined according to Appendices 2 to 4 of
If the dismantled products have no docu- RSSS as regards products or according to
ments required to determine their technical Part X of RCCS as regards materials.
condition, and the main and auxiliary engines
According to results of determining techni-
have no files, datasheets or other documents
cal condition, repair of products is performed
including information of the manufacturer on
in the required scope, if necessary. Technical
the assigned and remaining life (service life),
supervision during repair of the products is
a Report on survey of the dismantled products
performed according to the requirements of
is not prepared and it is not allowed to install
these Rules.
the products on the ships classed by the River
Register. According to results of determining techni-
cal condition of the products, satisfactory
A Report on survey of the dismantled
results of mechanical tests and determining
products is not prepared if the product has
chemical composition of the materials as well
River Register documents confirming their
as technical supervision during repair of the
compliance with the requirements of the
products, a Certificate (Form ÐÐ-1.25.1) is
Rules (Forms ÐÐ-8.1, ÐÐ-8.3, ÐÐ-1.25).
drawn up for the products with a personal
Materials or products without an individual identification number or a Certificate
identification number which were subject to (Form ÐÐ-8.3) for a thoroughly repaired en-
survey at dismantling are identified by the gine. For the products without a personal
surveyor using any suitable method – stamp or identification number and materials, records
seal of the surveyor (e.g. on the label), etc. are made in the Notices which where sent
2.1.13 Materials or products dismantled with the material or product to the surveyor
from the ships classed by the River Register to perform survey.
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 11

2.2 FORMS OF TECHNICAL gether with the River Register may select a
SUPERVISION form of technical supervision — Ð or ÎÐ.
The possibility of using a form of technical
2.2.1 The following types of technical su-
supervision (ÎÐ) is determined by the Branch
pervision during construction, conversion,
Office (Head Office) by results of the manu-
modernization and repair of the ships, manu-
facturer survey. The decision on the used
facture of the materials and products are pre-
form of technical supervision is specified in
scribed by these Rules:
the Recognition Certificate.
.1 Technical supervision of the surveyor
(Form Ð) means technical supervision per- 2.2.4 Technical supervision during con-
formed by the River Register; struction, modernization, conversion and re-
.2 Technical supervision of the River Reg- pair of ships, approval of material and prod-
ister and organization (Form ÎÐ) means uct type is performed only by the River Regis-
technical supervision during manufacture of ter's surveyor s or personnel of another
materials and products performed together classification organization on behalf of the
with the River Register's surveyor and organi- River Register or under agreement with the
zation personnel; River Register (see 2.7).
.3 Technical supervision of the surveyor The tests prescribed by the Rules shall be
using a type approval (Form ÎÒ) means carried out by the testing laboratories with a
technical supervision during manufacture of Recognition Certificate of the River Register
materials and products performed by the to perform these tests. The tests in the pres-
River Register at type approval without par- ence of the surveyor are performed if is pre-
ticipation in acceptance of the end material or scribed by the Rules, or if the testing labora-
product; tory is not recognized by the River Register to
.4 Technical supervision in the form of perform these tests.
Recognized documentation (Form ÏÄ) Participation of the surveyor in ship trials
means technical supervision when compliance and tests of materials and products as well as
of the material or product with the require- in welders' qualification tests, is confirmed by
ments of the Rules is confirmed only by re- the surveyor's signature under "Carried out at
view and approval of technical documentation surveyor's technical supervision/survey" in-
without supervision during its manufacture or scription applied to the document prepared by
installation (assembly) on the ship; results of trials/tests (report).
.5 Technical supervision by another classi- 2.2.5 For the procedure of technical super-
fication organization means technical supervi- vision during manufacture of materials and
sion performed by another classification soci- products, see Table 225.
ety on behalf of the River Register (under The applicant may send a request to the
agreement with the River Register). River Register for each procedure separately
2.2.2 Forms of technical supervision speci- or for a few procedures of technical supervi-
fied in columns 2 and 3 of the Nomenclature sion.
apply to the materials and products subject to In case of single deliveries (see 2.2.2), rec-
repeated deliveries. Technical supervision dur- ognition of the manufacturer is not required.
ing single deliveries is performed according to
2.2.6 According to results of technical su-
2.3.18 and 2.3.19. The results of documenta-
pervision of the materials and products de-
tion review and of the tests during single de-
pending on the used form of technical super-
liveries apply only to the declared item under
vision (third column of the Nomenclature),
technical supervision.
the following documents confirming their
2.2.3 In the cases prescribed by the No- compliance with the requirements of the
menclature (column 3), the organization to- Rules are issued:
12 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

T a b l e 2.2.5
Forms and procedures of technical supervision during manufacture of materials and products
Forms of technical su-
Procedures of technical supervision
Types of
use of forms type speci- serial prod- Type Review of
Technical su-
Technical supervision
of technical men (col- ucts Manufacturer pervision per-
approval technical performed by the sur-
supervision umn 2 of (column 3 recognition (see documenta-
formed by the
veyor with the organiza-
the No- of the No- (see 2.8) surveyor (see
2.3.8) tion (see 3.4) tion personnel (see 2.4)
menclature) menclature) 2.3.17)
1 Ð Ð + + + + —
1à Ð ÎÐ + + + — +
2 — Ð + — + + —
2à — ÎÐ + — + — +
3 Ð ÎÒ + + + — —
4 — ÏÄ — — + — —

.1 Form Ð — for manufacture of the ma- 2.3 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION

terials and products (Form ÐÐ-8.1), repair of BY THE SURVEYOR (FORM Ð)
the products — Certificate (Form ÐÐ-1.25),
2.3.1 To determine the scope and proce-
overhaul of the engines — Certificate
dure of inspections, the items under technical
(Form ÐÐ-8.3);
supervision opposite which symbol P is placed
.2 Form ÎÐ — Certificate (Form ÐÐ-8.1);
in columns 3, 5 to 7 of the Nomenclature,
.3 Form ÎÒ — manufacturer's document the River Register and manufacturer shall
with information on Type Approval Certifi- prepare a checklist for the items and process
cate (see 2.3.13) specifying its date and num- operations (hereinafter the Checklist). The
ber or attaching copy of this Certificate; Checklist includes items under technical su-
.4 Form ÏÄ — manufacturer's document pervision specified in the Nomenclature as
with the date and number of the letter on well as separate process operations and works
approval of technical documentation accord- carried out under technical supervision of the
ing to which the material or product is manu- River Register. For the Form of the Check-
factured. list, see Appendix 3.
2.2.7 One Certificate is issued for materials 2.3.2 The Checklist is prepared on the basis
and products manufactured in batches. of the requirements of the Rules considering
In this case each product shall be delivered specific conditions of technical supervision.
with the manufacturer's documents with refer- The Checklist is an Appendix to the
ences to this Certificate. The supporting Agreement on technical supervision.
documentation on the delivered product Each presentation to the River Register,
(batch or its part) shall include a copy of a covering one or several uniform items under
Certificate endorsed by the manufacturer. technical supervision or scope of works com-
If the Certificate was issued for a unit of pleted at the particular stage of manufacture
product, it shall be delivered with the original shall correspond to each item of the Check-
Certificate. list. Construction sequence and conditions of
manufacture of critical parts and product as-
2.2.8 According to results of technical su- sembly shall be taken into account.
pervision, documents prescribed by RSSS are
For the standard Checklist, see Appendix 4.
issued for the ship, depending on type of sur-
vey, which is the completion of technical su- 2.3.3 To perform inspections and partici-
pervision during construction, conversion, pate in the tests of the items under technical
modernization or repair of the ship. supervision, a written Notice shall be sent to
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 13

the surveyor not later than one day before the 2.3.9 To receive a material or product type
date of the inspections and tests. approval certificate, the organization shall
If the requirements of the Rules are vio- send a request to the River Register.
lated, the surveyor shall impose requirements Together with the request, technical docu-
on elimination of the detected violations and mentation on the material or product (see
repeated submission of the item under techni- 3.4) shall be submitted in the scope sufficient
cal supervision for inspection or tests. After to determine compliance of the declared ma-
observing the requirement, a repeated Notice terial or product with the requirements of the
shall be sent to the surveyor. Rules.
2.3.4 The surveyor shall record the results 2.3.10 During review and approval of tech-
of the inspections and tests of the items under nical documentation, scope and procedure of
technical supervision in the Notice as well as technical supervision during tests of the de-
in the construction book (if any), the form of clared items under technical supervision is
which is given in Appendix 5. established. The scope of tests shall be not
less than that prescribed by the Rules for type
2.3.5 In addition to the inspections accord- materials and products.
ing to the Checklist, the surveyor checks
quality of the manufactured parts, assemblies 2.3.11 For different sizes of the product,
and structural components included in the tests of type specimen, the structure of which
items under technical supervision submitted considers the main features of the whole
according to the Checklist, observing the pro- range of products, shall be performed.
duction processes approved by the River Reg- Tests of the materials and products shall be
ister (see 3.1.10), compliance with the condi- performed by the testing laboratories and
tions of issue of a Recognition Certificate manufacturer's Branch Offices recognized by
and/or Agreement on technical supervision. the River Register (see 2.8.7).
The results of the inspections are recorded in During type approval, the test results per-
the Record Book of Technical Supervision, formed maximum six years before the date of
the form of which is given in Appendix 6. type approval in the presence of the River
Register's surveyor or another classification
2.3.6 When detecting defects which require society employee acting on behalf of the River
elimination, the item under technical supervi- Register (see 2.7) as regards type approval of
sion shall be submitted for repeated inspection this material or product may be considered.
by the River Register after elimination of
these defects. 2.3.12 The results of the inspections and
tests are recorded in the type specimen survey
2.3.7 According to results of the performed report (Form ÐÐ-10.1).
inspections and tests of the materials or prod-
2.3.13 A material/product type approval
ucts, the surveyor shall draw up respective
certificate (Form ÐÐ-11.1, ÐÐ-11.2, ÐÐ-11.3)
documents of the River Register. In the cases
is issued by the River Register in order to
specified in 2.1.12 and Appendix 1, the mate-
make sure that by results of the tests and in-
rials and products are sealed. Information on
spections, the structure, properties, parame-
availability of the River Register seal on these
ters and characteristics of the type material or
materials and products is specified on the
product comply with the approved technical
issued documents of the River Register.
documentation and requirements of the Rules
for the intended use on the ships and other
Approval of material and product type
items under technical supervision of the River
2.3.8 As regards items under technical su- Register.
pervision, opposite which symbol P is put in The material or product type approval cer-
column 2 of the Nomenclature, type approval tificate does not replace a Certificate issued
procedure is performed. for the serial materials and products.
14 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

2.3.14 The material or product type ap- proval status (see 3.1.8 and 3.1.9), the request
proval certificate is valid before the expiry (Notice) shall include the number of the letter
date of approval of technical documentation on approval of technical documentation (re-
on the material or product (see 3.1.8). peated approval is not required).
2.3.15 After expiry of the material or prod- 2.3.19 If the results of inspections and tests
uct type approval certificate, the manufacturer (see 5 to 10 of these Rules) prove the compli-
shall undergo the procedure specified in 2.3.9 ance of the material or product with require-
to 2.3.11. ments of the approved technical documenta-
When determining the scope of inspections tion and Rules, the surveyor shall issue cer-
and tests, the results of the manufacturer's tificates (Form ÐÐ-8.1).
survey during the procedure of recognition by
the River Register, the results of technical
supervision during manufacture of materials
or products for the expired period as well as
information on the scope and type of claims
from the consumers and other persons con- 2.4.1 In the cases, prescribed by the No-
cerned shall be considered. menclature (symbol ÎÐ in column 3) if per-
2.3.16 The issued material or product type formance of technical supervision by the
approval certificate shall expire before its va- River Register together with the manufacturer
lidity period in the following cases: is confirmed (see 2.2.3), Form of technical
.1 Structure of the product, its properties supervision ÎÐ is used.
or other characteristics are changed without 2.4.2 To use this form of technical supervi-
approval with the River Register; sion, the organization shall send a request to
.2 The requirements prescribed by the the River Register. When confirming use of
Rules as regards suitability of the material or the Form of technical supervision ÎÐ
product for further operation on the ship; (see 2.2.3), a contract on technical supervision
.3 If approval of technical documentation is concluded with the organization.
as regards material or product expires.
2.4.3 The Form ÎÐ is used when meeting
Technical supervision during manufacture the following conditions:
of the materials and products .1 Use of this form is confirmed by a re-
performed by the surveyor cord in the Recognition Certificate at recog-
nition of the manufacturer (see 2.2.3);
2.3.17 In the cases prescribed by the No- .2 The manufacturer has a Recognition
menclature (symbol P in column 3), technical Certificate confirming the ability of the or-
supervision during manufacture of materials ganization to manufacture the declared prod-
and products is performed by the River Regis- ucts (see 2.8.11);
ter surveyor. .3 The manufacturer has a Type Approval
2.3.18 To receive a Certificate for materials Certificate issued for the manufactured prod-
or products, the manufacturer shall send a ucts, if it is prescribed by the Nomenclature
request to the River Register with attached (see 2.3.13);
technical documentation on the materials or .4 Technical documentation on the basis
products in the scope prescribed by the Rules of which the materials and products are
(see 3.4). According to results of review of manufactured, has valid approval with the
technical documentation, the requirements to River Register (see 3.1.8, 3.1.9);
the scope of inspections and tests as well as its .5 The manufacturer assigned a per-
approval shall be determined (see 3.4.8). son/persons authorized to control compliance
If documentation on the materials or prod- with the requirements of the Rules, terms of
ucts was approved earlier and has valid ap- the agreement and drawing up documentation
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 15

submitted to the River Register (hereinafter .2 The manufacturer has a Type Approval
the authorized person); Certificate issued for the manufactured prod-
.6 An agreement on technical supervision ucts and valid at the moment of material or
during manufacture of materials or products is product manufacture (see 2.3.13).
concluded between the River Register and 2.5.4 In order to confirm compliance of
manufacturer. the welding consumables and their quality
2.4.4 The manufacturer's authorized person with the approved technical documentation as
controls compliance of the structures, proper- well as to confirm the possibility of using the
ties, parameters and characteristics of the ma- Form ÎÒ, tests of these welding consumables
terials or products which are covered by the are performed annually in the presence of the
agreement, technical documentation approved surveyor.
by the River Register and requirements of the At annual tests of the welding consum-
Rules. ables, the type approval tests shall be per-
Upon satisfactory results of control the au- formed for the respective welding consum-
thorized person sends a request on compli- ables, except for the tests for determination of
ance to the River Register, the form of which the cold-cracking resistance and the sea water
is determined by the River Register and at- corrosion resistance of the weld metal and the
taching the acceptance/check test reports. welded joint.
A mark on the performed test shall be put
2.4.5 Upon satisfactory results of review of on the back of the welding consumable ap-
the request on compliance and attached test proval certificate (Form ÐÐ-11.3).
results or other documents confirming com-
pliance of the materials or products with the 2.5.5 Technical supervision according to
approved technical documentation and Rules, the Form ÎÒ shall not be performed if the
the River Register surveyor shall issue a Cer- conditions specified in 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 are not
tificate (Form ÐÐ-8.1) or another type of the met.
document for this type of the products if it is
prescribed by the Rules. 2.6 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION
2.6.1 Technical supervision in the form of
recognized documentation during manufac-
2.5.1 In the cases specified in the Nomen- ture of materials and products is used in the
clature (symbol ÎÒ in column 3), the Form cases specified in the Nomenclature (symbol
of technical supervision ÎÒ is used during ÏÄ in column 3).
manufacture of the materials and products.
2.6.2 Quality control of the products ac-
2.5.2 Technical supervision according to cording to the Form ÏÄ is performed by the
the Form ÎÒ includes performing the proce- manufacturer's quality control departments
dure of approval of the material or product according to the approved technical docu-
type without further supervision of their mentation.
manufacture. 2.6.3 The Form ÎÐ is used when meeting
2.5.3 The Form ÎÐ is used when meeting the following conditions:
the following conditions: .1 Technical documentation on the mate-
.1 The manufacturer has a valid Recogni- rials or products has valid approval with the
tion Certificate at the moment of material or River Register (see 3 of these Rules);
product manufacture confirming ability of this .2 Materials and products comply with
organization to manufacture these products the approved River Register documentation.
(see 2.8.11);
16 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

2.6.4 In case of non-compliance of the On behalf _________________________

materials and products with the approved (name of the classification organization)
documentation, the River Register does not No.____ dated __________ 20____.
allow to use them on the ships regardless of 2.7.4 Unless otherwise specified in the
availability of the documents issued by the agreement and/or assignment, the tests during
manufacturer. technical supervision shall be performed using
the methods and according to the River Reg-
ister Rules.
PERFORMED BY ANOTHER 2.7.5 Assignment on technical supervision
CLASSIFICATION ORGANIZATION from another classification organization is
ON BEHALF OF THE RIVER REGISTER accepted by the Head Office. The Branch
OR BY THE RIVER REGISTER ON Offices carry out work on behalf of another
BEHALF OF ANOTHER CLASSIFICATION classification organization only in case of the
ORGANIZATION Head Office's written instruction.

2.7.1 Technical supervision performed by

another classification organization authorized 2.8 RECOGNITION OF ORGANIZATIONS
for classification and survey of ships according
to the laws of the Russian Federation, on 2.8.1 The River Register recognizes the
behalf of the River Register or by the River organizations carrying out the following types
Register on behalf of another classification of activities: design, construction, moderniza-
organization is performed under an agreement tion, conversion, refitment and repair of ships,
on mutual substitution and/or according to a manufacture and repair of products, manufac-
specific assignment. ture of materials to be installed on the ships.
Furthermore, River Register recognizes the
2.7.2 The following shall be determined in organizations carrying out works, the results of
the agreement on mutual substitution and/ or which are used by the River Register when
assignment: performing classification, as well as the test
.1 items and scope of tests; laboratories performing tests required for con-
.2 applicable requirements of the Rules; struction of ships and manufacture of materials
.3 procedure for technical documentation and products.
2.8.2 The conditions of the organization
.4 issued documents;
recognition by the River Register generally
.5 payment procedure for the work carried
include the following:
out within technical supervision.
.1 compliance of the test results per-
2.7.3 During technical supervision per- formed according to the test program ap-
formed by another classification organization proved by the River Register with the Rules
on behalf of the River Register or by the (for the following types of activities: construc-
River Register on behalf of another classifica- tion, modernization, conversion, refitment
tion organization, certificates or other docu- and repair of ships, manufacture of products
ments of the organization which performed and/or materials for installation onboard the
technical supervision are issued for the items ships, repair of products, tests regulated by
under technical supervision. the Rules, survey of defects of ship's compo-
Unless otherwise specified in the agreement nents and shipborne facilities);
and/or assignment, certificates or other .2 availability of the resources in the or-
documents issued by the classification organi- ganization to manufacture products, carry out
zation performing technical supervision on works, render services complying with the
behalf of another classification organization, Rules, as well as used methods for product
shall have the following mark: quality control:
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 17

own or leased production areas (except a certificate on registering the organization

for the cases when the works can be carried in a taxation body (for the organizations reg-
out without own or leased areas); istered on the territory of the Russian Federa-
workers who are qualified for the works tion);
and tests prescribed by the Rules and/or ap- for individual entrepreneurs:
proved technical documentation, production a document (Certificate) confirming the
process (e.g., ultrasonic control and penetrant fact of making an entry on the individual en-
test specialists); trepreneur in the Unified State Register of
equipment (machines, bench equipment, Individual Entrepreneurs (for an individual
welding equipment, test equipment, etc.) used entrepreneur outside the Russian Federation
by the organization to carry out the declared — document confirming its registration as an
works as well as instruments; individual entrepreneur of the respective state);
approved technical documentation and a certificate on registering the individual
production processes (see 3.1.10); entrepreneur in a taxation body (for the indi-
.3 provision by the organization with the vidual entrepreneurs registered on the territory
used production procedure, carrying out of of the Russian Federation).
the works or tests and internal control systems
to provide appropriate level and stability of 2.8.4 The following requirements additional
product quality, carrying out of the works and to are established for the organization
tests; constructing and repairing the:
.4 provision of reliable results of the in- .1 availability of own or leased lifting fa-
spections and tests by the organization by cilities or equipment in the organization;
certification of test equipment, testing and .2 availability of welders with a Welder
calibration of instruments; Approval Test Certificate (see 2.9);
.5 for the organizations assigning some of .3 availability of internal quality system in
the production, design processes or tests to the organization for the carried out works
the concerned organizations (contract) — including incoming inspection, functional
availability of documents which allow to pro- inspection, outgoing inspection, periodic veri-
vide monitoring and control of the assigned fication and/or calibration of instruments;
processes by the concerned organization (or- .4 availability of the approved production
ganizations) (contractors). processes for the works required by the Rules.
The clarified conditions for recognition of 2.8.5 In addition to, the following
types of activities specified in 2.8.1, are de- requirements are established for the organiza-
termined in 2.8.3 to 2.8.7. tion manufacturing materials and products to
be installed on board the ships:
2.8.3 The organization engaged in activity
specified in 2.8.1 shall submit the following .1 availability of welders with a Welder
establishing and registration documents ac- Approval Test Certificate (if the requirements
to welding the structures and items are pre-
cording to national law of the country where
scribed by the Rules);
the organization is registered:
for legal entities: .2 availability of approved technical
documentation with the help of which the
constitutive documents (charter, articles of
materials and products are manufactured.
association or provision, decision on assigning
sole/another executive body); 2.8.6 The following requirements additional
a document (Certificate) confirming the to are established for the specialized
fact of making an entry on the legal entity in area (station) performing maintenance, in-
the Unified State Register of Legal Entities spection and tests of inflatable and personal
(for organizations outside the Russian Federa- life-saving appliances:
tion — document confirming its registration .1 availability of the document of the in-
as a legal entity of the respective state); flatable life-saving appliance manufacturer
18 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

confirming the possibility to carry out these carry out works on maintenance and repair
works according to its requirements (for in- (for inflatable life-saving appliances);
flatable life-saving appliances); .5 availability of a set of technical docu-
.2 availability of a closed, heated, venti- mentation required for maintenance, inspec-
lated and lighted room, the area and height of tion and test of life-saving appliances.
which provide the possibility of capsizing of
the largest inflated rafts (or other efficient 2.8.7 Competency of the organization
means for bottom inspection without raft cap- Branch Offices performing the tests prescribed
sizing shall be provided) and/or a room of the by the Rules during construction, conversion,
required height with a concrete floor for life- modernization and repair of the ships and
buoy tests. Temperature and moisture shall be floating objects, manufacture of the materials
controlled in the room; and products, repair of the products is
.3 availability of a room for maintenance checked during survey of these organizations.
of the inflatable life-saving appliances Competency of legally independent testing
equipped with: laboratories performing the tests prescribed by
means and devices for maintenance of the the Rules is checked during their survey.
life-saving appliances and release mechanisms 2.8.8 In order to receive a Recognition
according to the manufacturer's requirements Certificate the organization sends a request to
to maintenance, inspections and tests of the the River Register attaching reports with in-
inflatable life-saving appliances, including formation (data) on compliance of the or-
their gas inflation systems; ganization with the recognition conditions
materials and components for repair of (see 2.8.2 to 2.8.7).
the inflatable life-saving appliances, the quan- In case of detecting non-compliance of the
tity and quality of which shall be approved by organization with the recognition conditions
the manufacturers. at review of the submitted request and its at-
The room for inspection and test of per- tached information (see 2.8.2), the River Reg-
sonal life-saving appliances shall be equipped ister refuses to perform survey of the organi-
with: zation by sending motivated causes of refusal
a pool for flotation test. Water to test the in writing.
life-saving appliances shall be fresh and shall
arrive from a drinking water pipeline or shall 2.8.9 According to results of review of the
be preliminary purified from suspended arti- request and its attached information in case of
cles and oil products; establishing their compliance with 2.8.2 to
a facility for strength tests; 2.8.7, the surveyor performs survey of the
a set of calibrated loads of different organization to evaluate its ability to carry out
weights when providing all the loading dia- works/render services or manufacture prod-
grams during the life-saving appliance tests; ucts according to the requirements of the
a compressor or an air pump for leakage Rules, compliance of the organization with
tests; the recognition conditions specified in 2.8.2
calipers and instruments to check the to 2.8.6 as well as checking the data specified
shape and linear dimensions of the life-saving in the request and its attached information.
appliances; If the organization claiming to receive a
pressure gauges and thermometers. Recognition Certificate assigns operations of
Places for separate storage of different the production process approved by the River
types of life-saving appliances to be inspected, Register (see 3.1.10) or tests prescribed by the
tested, repaired or delivered, shall be pro- Rules to other organizations (contractors), the
vided. Storage conditions shall comply with River Register takes a decision on contractor
the manufacturer's requirements; survey. Contractor survey is performed by the
.4 availability of qualified personnel with organization claiming to receive a Recogni-
the manufacturer's documents enabling to tion Certificate.
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 19

2.8.10 During survey of the testing labora- It is allowed not to submit the establishing
tories (organization Branch Offices perform- and registration documents specified in 2.8.3
ing tests prescribed by the Rules during con- if they were not changed since last request
struction, conversion, modernization and re- submission. The report (see 2.6.8) shall in-
pair of the ships and floating objects, clude a reference to the previously submitted
manufacture of the materials and products, documents.
repair of the products), possibility of perform-
2.8.13 Compliance of the organization with
ing the test methods prescribed by the Rules
the recognition conditions is checked in the
is checked using the check tests performed in
following cases:
the presence of the surveyor according to the
violation of the requirements specified in
program approved by the River Register.
2.8.2 by the organization;
The scope of tests is established according amendment of technical documentation
to the requirements of the Rules. During sur- without approval with the River Register, if
vey of the organization manufacturing the necessity of such an approval is established by
materials and products, the River Register the Rules;
considers the test results of the items under detection of inadmissible defects or viola-
technical supervision in this organization per- tions of quality stability of the product manu-
formed during approval of type material or factured by the organization;
product in the presence of the River Register performance of works or tests with violated
surveyor not later than two previous days be- requirements established by the Regulations
fore the date of the organization survey. for Classification and Rules or submission of
2.8.11 According to results of the per- unreliable information on the results of the
formed organization survey the surveyor draws performed works or tests to the River Register;
up a Survey Report of the organization (Form decrease of manufacturing facilities in the
ÐÐ-10.2) where the results of the performed organization as well as other changes in the
survey and possible forms of technical super- result of which performance of works by the
vision are specified. organization for which a Recognition Certifi-
According to results of review of the re- cate was issued, according to the requirements
quest and its attached information, as well as of the Rules becomes impossible;
Survey Report, the River Register shall take a detection of deficiencies in the work of the
decision on issuing (refusing to issue) a Rec- organization when performing technical su-
ognition Certificate for the organization for pervision in the organization.
those types of works/services, the performance Compliance with the recognition condi-
of which was confirmed during survey. The tions is not checked for the organizations de-
Recognition Certificate of the testing labora- signing the ships. In case of repeated detec-
tories or organizations which have Branch tion of previously detected violations which
Offices performing the tests prescribed by the were not eliminated by the design organiza-
Rules, specifies the list of tests for which the tion during review of design documentation
organization is recognized. by the River Register, the River Register
The Recognition Certificate is issued for sends a notification to the design organization
those types of activities which are actually on the necessity of remedial actions aimed at
performed by the organization. increase of quality of the design works with
further notification of the River Register on
2.8.12 The period of validity of the Recog- the taken actions. The Recognition Certificate
nition Certificate is two years. is invalidated in case of detection of the defi-
Upon expiry of the Recognition Certifi- ciencies specified in the notification which
cate, the organization is subject to survey ac- were not eliminated.
cording to the procedure specified in the re- In case of detecting a ground to check
quirements in 2.8.8 to 2.8.11. compliance with the recognition conditions,
20 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

the River Register notifies the organization on tificate was cancelled, is issued again accord-
the performed test and its terms. ing to the procedure specified in this section
to receive the Recognition Certificate.
2.8.14 According to results of checking
compliance of the organization with the rec- 2.8.15 During validity of the Recognition
ognition conditions, a report is drawn up, on Certificate, the organization:
the basis of which the River Register takes notifies the River Register on any changes
one of the following decisions: in its activity specified in the Recognition
.1 confirm validity of the Recognition Certificate within 2 weeks;
Certificate; provides access for the River Register to
.2 recommend remedial actions to the or- information on measures taken to provide
ganization in the terms approved by the River quality, test procedures, tests, equipment,
Register on elimination of the detected defi- reporting documents and statistical data re-
ciencies in the activity of the recognized or- lated to own activity specified in the Recogni-
ganization and their consequences; tion Certificate.
.3 suspend the Recognition Certificate for
2.8.16 The Recognition Certificate is reis-
one or several types of activity for which the
sued in the following cases:
Certificate is issued, if the remedial actions
.1 reorganization of the legal entity in the
specified in were not taken within the
form of a transformation;
terms approved by the River Register during
the approved period for the remedial actions; .2 change of the organization name or le-
gal address, or of the individual entrepreneur
.4 cancel the Recognition Certificate for
name or place of residence not changing ac-
one or several types of activity for which the
tual address where works are carried out;
Certificate is issued, if the remedial actions
were not taken within the terms approved by .3 increase of scope of the works for
the River Register. which the Recognition Certificate was earlier
.5 cancel the Recognition Certificate, if: issued;
the works, for which the Recognition .4 exclusion of the operations for which
Certificate was issued, are carried out with the Recognition Certificate was earlier issued.
defects; 2.8.17 The basis to reissue the Recognition
the works or tests are carried out with Certificate in the cases specified in,
violation of requirements specified by the and is a written request of
Rules; the organization with the Certificate attaching
decrease of manufacturing facilities in the copies of the documents which confirm the
organization as well as other changes in the specified changes as well as the original valid
result of which performance of works by the Recognition Certificate.
organization for which a Recognition Certifi- The basis for reissue of the Recognition
cate was issued, according to the requirements Certificate in the case specified in is
of the Rules becomes impossible. the procedure of the organization recognition
The River Register controls implementa- according to 2.8.8 to 2.8.11.
tion of the remedial actions within the terms A new number is assigned to the reissued
approved by the organization. According to Recognition Certificate. Validity period of the
results of the check, a report is drawn up reissued Recognition Certificate starts from
which serves as a basis to suspend, confirm or the date of its signing and is not extended.
cancel the Recognition Certificate.
In case of cancelling the Recognition Cer- 2.9 WELDER APPROVAL
tificate for one or several types of activity,
specified in the Certificate, the Recognition 2.9.1 The conditions of receiving the
Certificate for the works, for which the Cer- Welder (Operator) Approval Test Certificate
2 General Provisions on Technical Supervision 21

for the following works are given in this chap- 2.9.6 A protocol shall be drawn up on the
ter: basis of the test results. The protocol shall be
.1 welding of hulls; signed by the surveyor who participated in the
.2 welding of ship's pipelines; tests.
.3 welding of ship boilers and pressure 2.9.7 Upon satisfactory results of the tests
vessels; the River Register issues a Welder Approval
.4 welding of defects in forgings and cast- Test Certificate (Form ÐÐ-1.23), confirming
ings. welders' approval for welding operations
specified in 2.9.1 with the determined condi-
2.9.2 To receive the Welder Approval Test
tions (material, welding method, welding po-
Certificate the welder shall pass tests which
include checking of his theoretical and practi-
The validity period of the welder approval
cal knowledge. Approval tests shall be per-
certificate is two years.
formed according to the procedure specified
in Appendix 7. 2.9.8 The Certificate becomes invalid in
The approval test of a welder may be com- the following cases:
bined with the qualification tests at the place .1 if during validity of the Certificate the
of the welder’s work or training. welder did not perform welding operations on
the items under technical supervision of the
2.9.3 A request to receive the Welder Ap- River Register specified in the Welder Ap-
proval Test Certificate shall include the fol- proval Test Certificate for more than six
lowing data: full name, year of birth, place of months in a row;
work, date and place of certification issue. A .2 if during technical supervision (record
copy of the welder's certification, a report on in the Notice) the River Register determined
work experience as a welder, copies of certifi- that more than 10 % of the welds performed
cates on welding consumables and base mate- by the welder do not meet the requirements
rials of the samples which shall be used for of the Rules.
operational tests are attached to the request.
2.9.9 Confirmation of the works performed
2.9.4 Materials for manufacture of the by the welder and specified in the Certificate
samples shall be approved by the River Regis- shall be a record on the back of the Certifi-
ter and have relevant certificates. cate by the welder's senior or authorized em-
Test assemblies shall be welded using weld- ployee of the employer confirming that the
ing consumables and procedures approved by welder performed the works specified in the
the River Register. Certificate according to the requirements of
2.9.5 If malfunctions of equipment (voltage the Rules during the last six months from the
drop, de-energising etc.), peeling of an elec- date of the last record or Certificate issue.
trode coat or other defects not depending on This record is made every six months.
the welder, occur during the welding of test 2.9.10 To receive a new Certificate, the
assemblies, the same number of test assem- welder shall pass the approval tests according
blies shall be re-prepared. to 2.9.2 to 2.9.7.
22 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


3.1 GENERAL .1 in two stages: first, documentation in

scope of technical design and then detailed
3.1.1 Technical documentation on con- documentation shall be submitted;
struction, conversion, modernization and re- .2 in one stage: technical documentation
pair of the ships, manufacture of the materials shall be submitted in the scope which includes
and products, repair of the products as well as all the required data, provides the possibility
software applications used for designing are to determine compliance of the designed ship
approved by the River Register to check com- or products with the requirements of the
pliance with the requirements of the Rules. Rules and provides technical supervision dur-
ing manufacture of the main structural assem-
3.1.2 Technical documentation shall be blies (detailed design).
submitted to the Head Office (see 1.3) or
Branch Office (see 1.4) in the geographical 3.1.6 Documentation shall be submitted for
boundaries of which the design organization review in two copies. One copy - in paper
operates. Technical documentation shall be media, second copy - in electronic media
submitted in the form of originals or copies (hereinafter the River Register copy) attaching
signed (confirmed) by the organization which paper design document list drawn up accord-
is the developer of technical documentation. ing to
Detailed documentation (see 3.3) shall be
3.1.3 If documentation has engineering so- submitted for review in one copy.
lutions providing the same level of safety
which would be provided by compliance with 3.1.7 The following requirements shall be
the requirements of the Rules (equivalents), applied to the submitted documents:
the organization developing technical docu- .1 documents in paper media shall:
mentation submits a list of these solutions have the required signatures (at least of
with their contents and technical justification the developer and approver);
to the River Register. be made in a legible manner;
be free of erasures, postscripts, crossed
3.1.4 Documentation shall be submitted for out words and other corrections which were
review in the scope which allows to ensure not specified;
that the requirements of the Rules are met. be free of damages, the presence of which
For the standard list of technical documenta- does not allow ambiguous interpretation of
tion submitted for review to the River Regis- the document contents;
ter, see Appendix 8.
.2 documents in paper media shall:
3.1.5 The design organization upon agree- be in PDF (PDF/A);
ment with the River Register may select one have built-in fonts used during designing;
of the following ways of technical documenta- have a separate page for each drawing;
tion submission to the River Register for ap- have the drawing name or its name in the
proval: list of documents in the file names.
3 Review and Approval of Technical Documentation 23

3.1.8 The period of validity of approval of .2 block and section plans of construction
technical documentation and software appli- or repair of the hull;
cations is six years. Upon expiry of this period .3 principal assembly and welding proce-
or if the interval between the dates of ap- dure of the type panels, two- and three-
proval of technical documentation and start of dimensional sections and blocks as well as
ship construction, manufacture of the materi- hulls on slipway specifying the sequence of
als and/or products exceeds three years, tech- assembly-welding works, welding methods and
nical documentation shall be subject to re- conditions;
approval in order to consider the changes in .4 guidelines for welding procedures.
the Rules entered during the specified period.
Approval of technical documentation for 3.1.12 Approval of technical documenta-
repair, conversion or modernization of the tion by the River Register shall be drawn up
ships as well as for repair of the products is by stamping the drawings or documents with
performed without time limitation. numbers and dates of a conclusion letter.
3.1.9 Validity of approval of technical The stamp samples shall be approved by
the Head Office.
documentation shall expire in the following
cases: 3.1.13 Approval of technical documenta-
.1 if the interval between the dates of ap- tion by the River Register structural unit shall
proval of technical documentation and start of be valid for all River Register Branch Offices.
the ship construction, manufacture of the This approval can be cancelled or changed
materials and/or products exceeds three years; only by the Branch Office which approved the
.2 amendment of the requirements pre- specified technical documentation or by the
scribed by the Rules with respect to the ships, higher (as to subordination) River Register
materials and products to be installed on the Branch Office.
ships; Technical documentation approved by one
.3 amendment of the previously approved of the River Register Branch Offices shall be
technical documentation without approval by accepted by other Branch Offices for techni-
the River Register. cal supervision without additional approval if
by conditions of works during technical su-
3.1.10 Production processes of construction
pervision of the River Register in a specific
and repair of the ships, manufacture of the
organization, correction or entering changes
materials and products shall be subject to ap-
in the specified technical documentation is
proval by the River Register if the Rules es-
not required.
tablish the requirements with respect to proc-
ess operations or production processes. 3.1.14 Changes entered by the developers
3.1.11 The production process shall specify in technical documentation previously ap-
the following: a list of operations, equipment, proved by the River Register shall be ap-
materials (in the cases prescribed by the proved by the River Register structural unit
Rules), control/test methods, instruments and which reviewed technical documentation ex-
correction methods (in the cases prescribed by cept for the cases specified in 3.1.13.
the Rules). 3.1.15 Changes entered in technical docu-
The production process of assembly and mentation during construction, conversion,
welding of the ship structures and hull shall modernization and repair of the ship, manu-
include the following: facture, repair of the product or manufacture
.1 description of the welding techniques of the material in the production process,
and characteristics of the used welding shall be approved by the River Register
equipment, production accessories and weld- Branch Office which approved the specified
ing consumables during construction or repair documentation or Branch Office which per-
of the hull; formed technical supervision. The Branch
24 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

Office which performs technical supervision covered in the Rules, the River Register may
may submit critical decisions for review and request additional documents and data as
approval to the River Register Branch Office deemed necessary by the River Register.
which approved the specified documentation.
3.2.4 The time for review of technical de-
The changes approved only for a specific
signs submitted for review in the scope pre-
item, do not apply to the next items without
scribed by the Rules shall not exceed 30
preliminary review and approval by the River
working days.
Permission to deviate from technical de- 3.2.5 For each reviewed design or entered
sign, detailed documentation, technical changes the River Register shall draw up a
documentation on the materials or products, written opinion.
production process, shall be drawn up with a If the River Register refuses to approve the
permission map for deviation (Appendix 9) design, the Register shall specify the grounds
with a reference to the Branch Office letter or of refusal and its remarks in the reporting
approved document of the River Register. letter.
3.1.16 During review of technical docu- The reporting letter on design approval
mentation, the River Register does not check shall specify ship class, navigation area and
correctness of computing operations used dur- freeboard depth as well as the list of approved
ing calculations, including programs approved documents and stamps on them. If required,
by the River Register. The River Register re- restrictions on wind and wave conditions, type
views the end results of calculations. The cal- of carried cargo, etc. shall be specified. Then
culations shall be made according to the remarks (if any) subject to elimination during
guidelines of the Rules or methods approved correction of the design or during develop-
by the River Register. ment of the working drawings shall be speci-
In specific cases the River Register addi- fied.
tionally examines reliability of the end results The list of approved documents and stamps
of calculations. on them shall be specified in the reporting
letter on approval of changes or additions
3.2 TECHNICAL DESIGNS entered in the documentation of the technical
OF THE SHIPS design approved by the River Register.
3.2.1 Technical designs of the ships shall be 3.2.6 Approval of technical designs by the
submitted for review by the Head Office or River Register submitted in paper media shall
Branch Office with an accompanying letter be drawn up by stamping the drawings or
and a full list of documents submitted for documents (see 3.1.12).
3.2.7 The River Register shall send the set
3.2.2 Designs can be submitted in separate of approved technical designs in paper media
parts (hull, machinery and electrical) upon with the conclusion to the developer.
agreement with the River Register. The first
3.2.8 Technical designs on construction of
part of the documentation shall be submitted
a ship with expired approval (see 3.1.8,
with the specification and general arrange- shall be subject to correction in order
ment plans.
to consider the changes in the Rules entered
If according to the results of reviewing
since design approval. The design submitted
other parts of documentation remarks requir-
for review shall include an explanatory note
ing corrections of the previously approved
with analysis of the design compliance with
part are made, this part shall be corrected and
the Rules (changes) introduced after previous
approved by the River Register.
review of the design. In case of design non-
3.2.3 For the new types of ships, for which compliance with the requirements of the
the requirements are not available or not fully Rules, the grounds of practicability on bring-
3 Review and Approval of Technical Documentation 25

ing the design in compliance with the Rules 3.3.4 The designer signs all the copies of
or substantiating maintaining separate techni- the detailed documentation approved by the
cal solutions on the initial design shall be Branch Office.
specified in the same document.
3.3.5 After repeated approval of the techni-
It is allowed to include drawings from the
cal design (see 3.2.8, 3.3.7), the detailed
set of detailed documentation in the designs
documentation shall be corrected.
submitted for re-approval. A notice on can-
The detailed documentation issued under a
celling or restricting the use of the previously
new number shall be approved by putting a
approved working drawings shall be submitted
stamp on it and the corrected documentation
with new drawings of detailed documentation.
with the same number shall be approved by
3.2.9 The procedure of review and approval putting a stamp on the notice on change.
of technical designs shall be also applied to
3.3.7 After approval of the detailed docu-
technical documentation submitted to the
mentation, newly developed or corrected by
River Register in one stage.
results of re-approval of the technical design,
3.2.10 The Head Office reviews the designs the developer shall issue a list of materials of
approved by the Branch Office by the way of the detailed design approved by the Branch
control. In this case at request of the Head Office. Marks on the date of approval of each
Office, the Branch Office sends a copy of the document shall be put on the list.
approved design for check review, after which
3.3.8 Anonymized documentation devel-
the design together with the conclusion is
oped according to national standards is sub-
returned to the Branch Office by the Head
ject to approval by the Branch Office as part
Office. The Branch Office shall inform the
of the detailed documentation.
design organization on the Head Office con-
clusion in case of remarks and provide control
over elimination of the remarks. 3.4 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION
3.4.1 The River Register reviews and ap-
3.3 DETAILED DOCUMENTATION proves technical documentation on manufac-
ture of the products and materials, repair of
3.3.1 The conditions of the detailed docu-
the products included in the Nomenclature. If
mentation review (place, time, procedure and
the designer (developer of technical docu-
method of document preparation) shall be
mentation) takes decisions in the technical
determined by the design organization upon
documentation submitted for review and these
agreement with the Branch Office.
decisions do not comply with separate re-
3.3.2 Detailed documentation is prepared quirements of the Rules, then grounds con-
according to the technical design approved by firming that the taken decisions are of same
the River Register considering the require- efficiency as the decisions prescribed by the
ments of the Rules and national standards, if Rules from the point of view of safety shall be
their use is mandatory according to the Rules. submitted for review by the River Register as
part of technical documentation.
3.3.3 Approval of the detailed documenta-
tion and changes entered in the specified 3.4.2 Technical documentation on manu-
documentation shall be drawn up in the form facture of the products shall be submitted for
of a reporting letter. The approved detailed review by the River Register according to
documentation shall be stamped (see 3.1.12). 3.1.6.
The stamp on approval shall be put on the For the standard list of the submitted
first page of the document after elimination of documentation, see Section 5 of Appendix 8.
all the remarks of the Branch Office. Technical conditions or documents replacing
26 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

them (hereinafter technical conditions) shall case of availability of non-approved technical

include the following: documentation on the materials and compo-
description of the product characteristics; nents, if the results of the functional, me-
requirements of environmental protection; chanical and climatic tests of these compo-
acceptance rules; nents as part of the assembled products and
operating instructions. their electromagnetic compatibility tests (for
The "Description of the product character- electrical equipment) are recognized by the
istics" section includes the main parameters respective requirements of the Rules.
and characteristics (properties) of the product,
3.4.5 If the products are not developed as
scope of application, requirements to the ma-
standard products, and they are developed for
terials, completeness and marking.
a specific ship, technical documentation on
The "Requirements of environmental pro-
them is reviewed by the River Register as part
tection" section includes the requirements on
of the ship's technical documentation.
product recycling.
The "Acceptance rules" section includes the 3.4.6 Technical documentation on manu-
product control procedure by the manufac- facture of the materials shall include data on
turer's quality control departments and the the method of manufacture, chemical compo-
scope of the submitted batches. sition, mechanical and technological proper-
The "Operating instructions" section in- ties, scope and procedure of control and ac-
cludes instructions on product installation at ceptance, drawing up the test results and
place of its operation/use and operating con- marking procedure.
ditions, if such requirements are prescribed by Test types, methods of control and rules of
the Rules as well as the parameters and char- acceptance are established according to Part X
acteristics of the product subject to operation of RCCS.
inspection established by the manufacturer. The test program shall be submitted to-
The submitted test program specifies the gether with technical documentation.
test procedure, the necessity of which is pre-
scribed by the Rules, as well as test conditions 3.4.7 Review of technical documentation
and instruments. submitted in the scope prescribed by the
Rules for one type of material or product shall
3.4.3 If the materials and products (their not exceed 15 working days.
parts) for the ships are designed and manufac-
tured according to the requirements of na- 3.4.8 According to results of reviewing
tional standards (see 2.1.5), then the docu- technical documentation (changes in the pre-
ments subject to approval are the documents viously approved technical documentation) on
specified in Appendix 8: calculations, general the materials or products the River Register
arrangement drawings and drawings of critical draws up a reporting letter. The reporting
parts, assembly drawings, schematic diagrams, letter on approval of technical documentation
test programs, etc. or changes in the documentation includes a
list of approved documents and stamps put on
3.4.4 Technical documentation on the as-
them (3.1.12).
semblies or units, which include the compo-
nents specified in the Nomenclature and de- 3.4.9 The River Register shall send the set
livered by the contractors (generators, reduc- of approved technical documentation in paper
tion gears, prime movers of generators, media with the reporting letter to the devel-
compressors, pumps, deck machinery, auto- oper.
mation systems, etc.) shall be approved after
approval of technical documentation on the 3.5 SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS
The River Register approves technical 3.5.1 Software application in this chapter
documentation on the assembled product in means a set of connected program, graph and
3 Review and Approval of Technical Documentation 27

text modules intended for solving the set cal- ing calculations on initial data of the test task
culation task using a computer. issued by the River Register and further com-
3.5.2 Software applications intended for parison of summary data with the calculation
calculations according to the requirements of results made using a reference application or
the Rules shall be subject to approval by the results of full-scale and/or model experiments.
River Register. Test examples shall cover the whole range
The River Register takes into consideration of possible use of the main parameters.
software products used to ease computation, Information on recognition of this applica-
the possibilities of which are limited by calcu- tion by other classification societies or other
lation techniques or an application used to competent organizations may be also submit-
determine auxiliary values when developing ted to the River Register. In these cases upon
technical documentation without approval. agreement with the River Register, the scope
3.5.3 In order to receive the software appli- of the submitted materials may be reduced.
cation approval certificate, the following ma- If the application considers the require-
terials shall be submitted to the River Register: ments of the Rules, it is necessary to mention
.1 distribution disk or application demo; this circumstance and provide a reference to
.2 user manual which includes require- the year of publication of the Rules.
ments to computer configuration, information Documentation shall have a number, name
on the authors, description of input and out- and shall be registered according to the estab-
put forms; lished procedure.
.3 detailed description of the calculation
methods implemented in the application with 3.5.4 Upon satisfactory results of review
submission of all the used equations, their and check of the submitted application ac-
applications, specifying empirical coefficients, cording to the requirements of these Rules,
methods of solving computational tasks and in the River Register shall issue a software appli-
justified cases — convergence criteria, restric- cation approval certificate (Form ÐÐ-8.4).
tions on scope of application, etc.; 3.5.5 If calculations included in technical
This description shall include correspon- documentation and made using software ap-
dence analysis of the calculation method im- plication with an approval certificate are sub-
plemented in the application as well as ac- mitted to the River Register, a reference to
cepted assumptions to the requirements of the the number of Certificate issued by the River
Rules and references to literary sources; Register shall be given in the respective place.
.4 test/check examples of calculations
with a complete list of source data and expla- 3.5.6 If changes affecting approval are en-
nation of features of their selection, all output tered in the program modules of the applica-
forms and interpretation of calculation results. tion by its developer, the software application
Reliability of calculations made using the approval certificate may be cancelled by the
specified application may be checked by mak- River Register irrespective of its validity.
28 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .3 running trials;

4.1.1 The procedure of check tests of the .4 inspection;
items under technical supervision, types of .5 check sailing, check trials.
inspections and tests are specified in the List The surveyor participates in ship trials at
(see 2.3.1). all trial stages. During preparation for trials
the surveyor checks the complete set of con-
4.1.2 Prior to installation of the engines struction documents (manufacturer's accep-
and other technical facilities, devices, systems, tance certificates, test reports, construction
equipment and supply the surveyor checks if book, quality control department's documents,
the specified items have documents specified etc.) and operating documents on the compo-
in 2.2.6. nents.
4.1.3 Upon completion of hull works, in- 4.1.7 Equipment control during trials is
stallation of the engines and other technical performed according to operating rules and
facilities, devices, systems, equipment and operating manual.
supply the surveyor performs technical super-
vision during mooring and running trials per 4.1.8 The surveyor is not allowed to control
program developed according to the require- equipment on his own or to interfere with the
ments of the Rules and design documentation actions of the acceptance board (trial crew)
of the ship approved by the River Register. assigned for trials. If the personnel's actions
may lead to an emergency or damage of
4.1.4 The program of mooring and running
equipment, the surveyor may request to stop
trials considers the requirements of technical
such actions through the representatives of the
documentation on the products as well as
quality control department and person re-
manufacturer's test programs for the products
sponsible for trials (responsible inspector).
installed on the ship.
In case there are test methods approved by 4.1.9 During trials of the items under tech-
the River Register, the program of mooring nical supervision all the works which interfere
and running trials shall include references to with trials or create a risk for the participants
these methods. of the trials shall be stopped, the production
4.1.5 The program of mooring and test tri- areas near the item of trial shall be freed from
als shall be approved by the same Branch Of- foreign objects, lighting and ventilation shall
fice of the River Register which reviewed the be provided.
materials of technical design. 4.1.10 Mooring and running trials shall be
4.1.6 The program of mooring and running performed according to the schedule approved
trials includes the following sections: by the surveyor.
.1 preparation for trials; 4.1.11 If the trial results of the items under
.2 mooring trials; technical supervision do not comply with the
4 Technical Supervision During Construction and Repair of Ships 29

requirements of the Rules or approved docu- 4.1.17 Upon completion of the trials, an
mentation, they shall be subject to repeated acceptance certificate with protocols and ta-
trials after elimination of the causes which led bles of acceptance tests shall be submitted to
to unsatisfactory results. the surveyor for signing.
The methods of elimination of the defects
4.1.18 In case of ship construction in two
and the scope of repeated trials shall be ap-
or more shipbuilding organizations, the River
proved by the surveyor.
Register documents shall be prepared by the
4.1.12 The possibility of interruption of the surveyor who performed technical supervision
item trials in the modes which require con- during outfitting and trials of the ship.
tinuous operation shall be considered in the The surveyor who performed technical su-
test program and the matter of continuing the pervision at initial stages of ship construction
trials and their conditions (increase of length shall prepare a report on the carried out
and scope) shall be approved by the surveyor works with the list of the carried out works as
considering the causes which led to stop of per the List (see 2.3.5) and shall send it to-
the trials. gether with the certificates on the products,
datasheets and files on the installed equip-
4.1.13 During repeated forced interruption
ment to the Branch Office performing techni-
of one of the modes of continuous operation,
cal supervision during outfitting of the ship.
the trials shall be stopped until elimination of
The report shall include the required informa-
the causes which led to interruption with fur-
tion to fill in the Certificates of seaworthiness
ther repeating of trials in full scope. Time of
and other documents of the River Register. It
the trials shall be approved by the surveyor.
is not allowed to use the River Register forms
4.1.14 The trials of the items shall be inter- to prepare a report.
rupted in the following cases:
4.1.19 Upon completion of the ship con-
.1 in case of detection of faults or defects, struction, availability of the fixed marking
elimination of which requires longer interrup- nameplates including the following informa-
tion than that specified in the program; tion shall be checked:
.2 in case of emergency state of the item; .1 name, location and identification of the
.3 in case of deterioration of weather con- ship constructor;
ditions which pose a threat to safety of the .2 serial/hull number;
.3 year of ship construction;
4.1.15 The decision on trial termination .4 type of ship and its main parameters;
depending on the causes, requiring to stop the .5 project number (code);
trials shall be taken by the ship constructor or .6 tonnage or passenger capacity;
customer. When detecting the cases specified .7 maximum capacity of main engines (for
in 4.1.14 the surveyor may request the person self-propelled ships);
responsible for trials (responsible inspector) to
.8 maximum speed (for self-propelled
stop the trials.
Irrespective of the person taking the deci-
sion to stop the trials, the item under techni-
cal supervision shall be subject to repeated 4.2 MOORING TRIALS
trials, the length and scope of which shall be
4.2.1 Mooring trials are performed to check
approved by the surveyor.
the following:
4.1.16 During termination of the item tri- .1 quality of the carried out hull works,
als, a report shall be prepared specifying the location, complete set and quality of installa-
causes of terminating the trials as well as re- tion, adjustment and serviceability of the en-
quirements and measures on their elimination gines, devices, systems, equipment and supply
subject to performance before repeated trials. as well as compliance of their parameters with
30 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

the requirements of the Rules and approved .7 final check of the items except those
technical documentation; which shall be subject to inspection and fur-
.2 readiness of the ship, its main and aux- ther check tests;
iliary engines, devices, equipment and supply .8 to check serviceability of deck machin-
for running trials. ery, devices, apparatuses, navigation, radio-
4.2.2 Prior to start of mooring trials, the and electrical equipment under conditions
following shall be submitted to the surveyor: close to operating conditions;
.1 documents certifying completion of in- .9 to measure torsional vibration parame-
stallation and other works; ters of the system (engine - shafting - propel-
.2 mooring trial program; ler) and vibration parameters of hull structures
.3 mooring trial plan subject to approval and technical facilities;
by the surveyor; .10 to confirm the possibility of assigning
.4 specification; the River Register class to the ship prescribed
.5 list of replacements equivalent to the by the project according to its purpose.
requirements of the Rules (see 3.1.3), a per- 4.3.2 Prior to start of running trials, the
mission map to deviate (see 3.1.15); following shall be submitted to the surveyor:
.6 files and datasheets on ship machinery; .1 quality control department's documents
.7 documents for devices; certifying completion of mooring trials;
.8 description of items under technical .2 running trial program approved by the
supervision and maintenance instructions; River Register;
.9 test procedures (including simulation .3 running trial plan approved by the sur-
with diagrams of simulators). veyor;
4.2.3 The date and time of mooring trials .4 trial procedures;
shall be determined by the ship constructor as .5 information on the ship stability and
approved by the surveyor. floodability;
.6 heeling test report and stability calcula-
4.2.4 Machinery, devices, equipment and
tions (for the lead ship);
systems which do not require running modes
shall be checked and tested during mooring .7 documents specified in,,
trials. and
4.3.3 After submission of the documents
4.3 RUNNING TRIALS specified in 4.3.2 to the surveyor, as well as
upon completion of mooring trials and elimi-
4.3.1 Running trials shall be performed for
nation of the detected defects, a notice speci-
the following:
fying the assigned date of running trials shall
.1 to check the main parameters of the be sent to the surveyor.
main engines and power plant as well as their
The notice shall specify readiness of the
compliance with the specifications;
ship for running trials and information on the
.2 to check operation of the power plant quantity of participants of the trials, availabil-
at maneuvering at ahead and astern running; ity of collective and personal life-saving appli-
.3 to check reversing properties of the ances and ship stores.
main engines;
.4 to check serviceability of the main en- 4.3.4 Upon satisfactory results of mooring
gines and power plant under conditions close trials, the surveyor shall confirm the possibil-
to operating conditions; ity of ship sailing for running trials in writing.
.5 to check characteristics of manoeuvra- 4.3.6 The area of running trials and restric-
bility and controllability of the ship; tions on weather conditions shall be approved
.6 to check automation equipment under by the surveyor for compliance with the con-
conditions close to operating conditions; ditions prescribed by the requirements of the
4 Technical Supervision During Construction and Repair of Ships 31

Rules and approved technical documentation. The surveyor shall sign the report only for
The area of running trials shall be safe, suit- the items under technical supervision of the
able for performance of the test program in River Register.
full and to obtain reliable test results.
4.4.4 Prior to check sailing all the defects
4.3.7 During running trials, operation of all detected during mooring and running trials
the technical facilities, devices, systems and and detected violations of the Rules shall be
equipment shall be checked. The detected eliminated.
defects shall be eliminated and repeated trials 4.4.5 Necessity of check sailing shall be
shall be performed, if necessary. approved by the surveyor. Check sailing is
4.3.8 The test results shall be recorded in required in the following cases:
the protocols and books specifying the values .1 Item under technical supervision was
of the controlled parameters required to subject to inspection and check tests can not
evaluate proper operation of technical facili- be performed without check sailing;
ties, devices, systems and other equipment. .2 Parameters describing proper operation
of the item under technical supervision may
4.3.9 Upon completion of running trials, be confirmed only during check sailing;
the surveyor shall submit all the remarks de- .3 According to results of mooring and
tected during running trials to the organiza- running trials and/or inspection, complete
tion in writing. replacement of the item or replacement of
assemblies the serviceability of which was
4.4 INSPECTION AND CHECK SAILING confirmed only during check sailing was re-
4.4.1 Upon completion of running trials or .4 The simulation devices do not allow to
trials in running mode without ship motion obtain the required modes or if such devices
using simulation, elimination of remarks and are not available.
meeting the surveyor's requirements (see
4.3.9), the organization together with the sur- 4.4.6 Satisfactory results of mooring and
veyor shall prepare a list of items subject to running trials as well as check sailing shall be
inspection specifying the scope of works. The the ground for drawing up the River Register
list shall be prepared considering the results of documents on the constructed ship.
mooring and running trials as well as techni- 4.4.7 If the ship is delivered to the cus-
cal supervision of same type items. tomer by railway or other transport, the
4.4.2 During inspection, separate assem- Branch Office which performed technical
blies of the items under technical supervision supervision during construction, shall assign
shall be dismantled to determine their condi- register number to the ship, draw up a set of
tion and necessity of check tests after inspec- the River Register documents and send it to
tion. the Branch Office's address in the area of op-
eration of which the ship shall be operated.
4.4.3 The inspection results shall be drawn The report of initial survey shall specify the
up with a report with the following informa- requirement on ship submission for occasional
tion: survey of the River Register Branch Office for
.1 a list of the items under technical su- registration.
pervision subject to inspection; The Branch Office in the area of operation
of which the ship arrived, performs occasional
.2 description of detected defects;
survey with check test of the ship and its
.3 causes of defects; components in running mode, specifies the
.4 a list of measures to eliminate the de- date of the next survey and registers the ship
fects. for classification of the Branch Office.
32 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

4.5 PECULIARITIES OF TECHNICAL .3 evaluating roll parameters;

SUPERVISION DURING TESTS .4 general monitoring of the ship condi-
OF PROTOTYPE SHIPS tion (wettability, operation of propellers and
ship equipment at roll).
4.5.1 Tests of the prototype ship are per-
formed according to an extended program, The specified tests are performed according
compared to that of ships of a series, which to the program and within the terms approved
includes checking the characteristics and de- by the River Register.
termination of the parameters which shall be 4.5.5 Upon completion of the prototype
used for the ships of a series without such ship trials, the developer of the ship design
checks. shall determine the list of measures to be per-
4.5.2 The trial program for the prototype formed on the following ships of a series. This
ship include: list shall be approved by the River Register.
.1 performing inclining test according to 4.5.6 In case of use of new materials, type
Part II of RCCS; specimens of products and equipment de-
.2 determining maneuvering capabilities; pending on the ship purpose, operational tests
.3 measuring vibration parameters of the shall be provided according to the program
hull structures and separate items of ship approved by the River Register.
equipment; Operational test reports shall be submitted
.4 checking strength and seaworthiness at to the Branch Office within the approved
rolling (see 4.5.4); terms after completion of the tests.
.5 measuring torsional vibration parame- 4.5.7 The necessity of performing opera-
ters of the system (engine-shafting-propeller); tional tests shall not be an obstacle for draw-
.6 running trials under conditions maxi- ing up and issue of the River Register docu-
mally close to operating conditions; ments for the ship.
.7 tests of the power plant in the scope
larger than that for the ships of a series; 4.6 PECULIARITIES OF TECHNICAL
.8 inspection in the scope larger than that SUPERVISION DURING SIMULATION
for the ships of a series; TESTS
.9 check sailing meeting the conditions of
running trials. 4.6.1 The simulation tests shall be per-
formed during construction of the ship series
4.5.3 Trials of prototype ships including according to the procedure developed consid-
pushed convoys in order to determine maneu- ering ÐÄ5Ð.0202.
vering capabilities as regards controllability
and inertial properties shall be performed ac- 4.6.2 Expediency and methods of simula-
cording to the procedure approved by the tion tests shall be determined by the ship-
River Register. building organization, designer and customer.

4.5.4 Trials of prototype ships and ships of 4.6.3 Simulation devices, methods of their
new structural types as well as ships with main fastening and their impact (vibration, etc.)
dimension ratios outside the limits prescribed shall not adversely affect the tested item or
by the Rules shall be performed under design ship structures.
wind and wave conditions considering the Adjustment of simulation devices and
following: comparative tests shall be performed on the
.1 testing the ship and coupling strength serial and prototype ships.
with voltage measurement according to a spe- 4.6.4 The requirements of this chapter do
cially developed program; not apply to prototype ships and type speci-
.2 checking controllability at wind; mens of items under technical supervision.
4 Technical Supervision During Construction and Repair of Ships 33

The purpose of joint simulation and full- document shall include values of comparable
scale tests on the prototype ships and standard parameters, information on test reproducibil-
items is evaluating the possibility of replace- ity and conclusion on possibility to perform
ment of full-scale tests with simulation tests of simulation tests on the next ships of a series.
the next serial items.
4.6.10 Simulation tests shall be performed
4.6.5 During simulation tests, all the con- according to the program (procedure) pre-
trol parameters of the tested item prescribed pared by results of comparative tests and ap-
by the Rules shall be checked. proved by the River Register.
If simulation tests allow to determine only 4.6.11 The program (procedure) of simula-
some of the parameters, other parameters tion tests includes the following:
shall be determined during full-scale tests.
.1 general provisions;
4.6.6 In order to justify use of simulation .2 requirements to technical condition of
methods, comparative tests (full-scale in open the item submitted for tests;
water and simulation) shall be performed on .3 requirements to technical condition of
one ship with further analysis of their results, simulation device or other support device or
development and approval of operating pro- equipment;
gram (procedure) of simulation tests for the .4 guidelines for preparation to tests and
ships of this series. their performance including instructions on
4.6.7 Comparative tests shall be performed control and measurement of parameters. Val-
according to the program (procedure) ap- ues of the parameters which shall be obtained
proved by the River Register. using simulation device shall be also specified;
.5 diagrams of simulation devices and
4.6.8 The program (procedure) of com- training courses;
parative tests includes the following: .6 instructions on control comparative
.1 explanatory part which includes theo- tests and their intervals.
retical justification of the accepted simulation
method of tests, diagrams (drawings) of simu- 4.6.12 In case of use of simulation methods
lation devices and their connections with the during tests of ship machinery and equipment
tested items, diagrams of training courses, after inspection the same simulation methods
information on quantity of the ships on which which were used to check items in running
comparative tests are performed; mode shall be used.
.2 instructions on checking installation 4.6.13 Check comparative tests using a
quality and requirements to tests in mooring complete program of full-scale tests shall be
mode; performed on serial ships tested using simula-
.3 instructions on performing simulation tion methods in order to confirm reliability
tests including instructions on control and and stability of the results of simulation tests
measurement of the parameters as well as on within terms approved by the River Register
providing values of the controlled parameters; or on the ships with previously assigned hull
.4 instructions on comparison procedure number (e.g., each third, fifth, tenth, etc.)
and on the required comparability of the pa-
The intervals (frequency) of comparative
rameters obtained during practical simulation
and full-scale tests. check tests shall be established by the ship-
building organization considering stability of
4.6.9 According to results of comparative manufacture and installation quality of the
tests on at least two ships, a document shall items under technical supervision and repro-
be drawn up and signed by the surveyor. The ducibility of full-scale and simulation tests.
34 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

4.7 PECULIARITIES OF TECHNICAL 4.7.5 At technical supervision during repair

SUPERVISION DURING CONVERSION, of the ships the requirements of these Rules
MODERNIZATION AND REPAIR OF THE shall be met as regards the following:
SHIPS .1 Nomenclature;
4.7.1 The River Register performs technical .2 procedure of design documentation ap-
supervision during conversion, modernization proval (see 3 of these Rules);
and repair of the ships in service. .3 scope of technical supervision (type of
4.7.2 Technical supervision during conver- inspections and trials, including mooring and
sion, modernization and repair of the ships is running trials);
performed according to the approved techni- .4 use of materials and welding;
cal documentation. .5 scope of technical documentation sub-
Technical documentation shall be submit- mitted for review by the River Register.
ted for approval for those parts of the hull,
ship machinery and equipment which are sub- 4.7.6 Scope and methods of repair deter-
ject to conversion, modernization, recovery or mined by the ship repair organization shall be
repair. approved by the surveyor.

4.7.3 Technical documentation on repair 4.7.7 Fault detection of the ship compo-
shall be developed in the following cases: nents shall be conducted by the ship owner
The organization has no detailed or design considering the requirements of the Rules or
documentation on the repaired ship, detailed standards specially developed for the ships of
or operating documentation on the repaired this project and related to determination of
items under technical supervision technical condition (see Appendices 2 to 4 to
Impossibility to perform repair works on RSSS).
available technical documentation with re- 4.7.8 The results of check tests of scope
spect to functionality of process equipment or and quality of the works carried out during
technologies (production, control and test) technical supervision during conversion, mod-
which exist in the organization. ernization and repair of the ships, remarks
4.7.4 Technical supervision during conver- and requirements of the surveyor shall be
sion, modernization and repair of the ships is drawn up in the form of the documents pre-
performed on a contract basis. scribed by these Rules.
5 Hull and Hull Equipment 35


5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 compliance of the structure of the item

under technical supervision with the drawings
5.1.1 This section establishes requirements
and technical documentation, alignment,
on technical supervision during manufacture
mating and connection of parts, assemblies
of metal, reinforced concrete and plastic hulls
and other components, quality of machining
as well as superstructures and wheelhouses
and established structural requirements;
irrespective of their participation in global
.2 meeting the requirements of the Rules
bending of the hull.
related to the item under technical supervi-
5.1.2 Procedure and scope of inspections sion;
and tests of hull structures shall be determined .3 absence of visible defects and devia-
according to the List (see 2.3.1) developed tions from the product shape, quality of re-
considering the peculiarities of production moval of temporary mounting parts and facili-
processes, methods of hull and superstructure ties;
construction, welding methods, control meth- .4 compliance of the welded joint type
ods accepted in this shipbuilding organization. and parameters of the completed weld with
the requirements of the drawing and welding
5.1.3 At technical supervision of construc- table, absence of external defects.
tion quality of hull structures the following
shall be checked: 5.1.5 The following structural parameters
.1 availability of the certificates on flat are subject to random checks for compliance
steel, strip bar, profile iron, bar iron, pipes, with the values specified in the drawings:
cast and forged products, documents on weld- .1 thickness of parts made of sheet mate-
ing consumables; rial;
.2 compliance of data specified in the cer- .2 dimensions of parts of welded and
tificates and other documents on the materi- rolled beams, knees, stiffeners, foundation
als, requirements of the Rules and technical components, coamings, shelves;
documentation approved by the River Regis- .3 distance between framing beams;
ter as regards checked structure; .4 distance between welded joints and
beams, ends of knees;
.3 compliance of the steel grade, material
.5 spaces between weld joints;
grade and cast number specified for the parts
.6 dimensions of cutouts, distance be-
with the certificate data. If cast number for
tween them, distance from the part and sup-
the parts is not available or replaced with a
port edges, spherical radii;
symbol, it shall be determined by the docu-
.7 beam cuts, noses, gaps at ends;
ments according to the procedure applicable
.8 values of thickness variation, shifts of
in the organization;
members and parts;
.4 compliance of the material grades with .9 straightness of members, angles of con-
the drawing requirements. necting to blades and beams;
5.1.4 Visual examination is required to .10 values of residual deformation pa-
check the following: rameters (bulges, dents, corrugations, ribbing
36 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

of panels and other construction welding de- .2 compliance of the control method ap-
formations) which shall be within limits speci- proved by the River Register;
fied in production documentation (Appendix 8); .3 compliance of the quantity of the
.11 dimensions of weld structural compo- tested areas of the welds and their location
nents (weld width, shape and height of with the monitoring diagram considering ad-
strengthening, weld leg, length and pitch of ditional and check tests.
intermittent welds); .4 test results according to the documents
.12 dimensions of structural components of the organization
of rivet joints (width of laps and angle bar
faces, pitch of rivet joint, distance between 5.1.10 Radiographs and gammagraphs, re-
rows of rivets and from rivet axis to the plate ports on ultrasonic testing shall be subject to
edge, dimensions of the rivet components). random checks. The welds shall be opened to
determine the types of defect.
5.1.6 When checking quality of welding
operations, the surveyor shall refer to the re- 5.1.11 Hull tightness tests shall be per-
quirements of Part X of RCCS. formed according to the test patterns ap-
proved by the River Register and developed
5.1.7 At periodical inspections of the or- according to Appendix 10.
ganization welding industry (see 2.3.5) the
surveyor shall check the following: 5.1.12 At technical supervision during hull
tightness tests the following shall be checked:
.1 quality of welding consumables;
.1 preparation of a room (compartment)
.2 welding methods;
for testing;
.3 qualification of welders and specialists
.2 methods and conditions of trials;
of non-destructive testing (see;
.3 coverage of the structures and welds by
.4 preparation of connections for assembly
the tests;
and welding, quality of tacks of the welded
.4 sequence and procedure of process op-
joints and welds;
erations and functional inspection by the or-
.5 meeting the technology including pro- ganization;
tection against bad weather conditions; .5 accuracy of tightness estimation;
.6 methods and scope of quality control of .6 quality of elimination of unsound spots.
the welded joints.
5.1.8 During technical control according to 5.2 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION DURING
the List, make sure that the welds have no MANUFACTURE OF ASSEMBLIES,
defect in the form of: cracks in the weld and SECTIONS AND BLOCKS
weld area, unfilled craters, preparation not
5.2.1 During manufacture of structural
filled with metal, shifts and narrowing of
parts, assemblies, sections and blocks, it is
welds, slag, metal (tungsten), oxide and flux
necessary to perform functional inspection
inclusions on the weld face, holes, pores,
and stage-by-stage control established by the
cavities, low spots between beads, saddles,
production processes and standards.
piling and ripple, undercuts, not smooth tran-
sition of the weld to the base metal, irregular 5.2.2 Test benches, jig plates, beds and
shape of the weld. other equipment prior to assembly shall be
preliminary calibrated to provide permitted
5.1.9 The surveyor shall check quality of
accuracy of the overall dimensions of the as-
the welds made by the organization personnel
semblies, sections and blocks, smoothness of
using non-destructive testing, if it is pre-
their outlines according to the drawings and
scribed by the Rules. The following shall be
ordinates removed from mold loft.
.1 availability of the approved monitoring 5.2.3 During construction of the serial ship
diagram of the welds; hulls, technical supervision at this stage in-
5 Hull and Hull Equipment 37

cludes periodic examinations of the manufac- .5 Deformation parameters do not exceed

tured sections and separate assemblies. Their values specified in Appendix 11.
tests are performed at the following stages of
hull construction: as part of blocks, sections, 5.3 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION
hull parts in pre-slipway positions or as part DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE
of the hull on the slipway. METAL HULL ON THE SLIPWAY
5.2.4 The following shall be performed at
5.3.1 Sections and assemblies shall be sup-
technical supervision during construction of
plied to the slipway completely ready and
accepted by the shipyard's quality control de-
.1 material test according to 5.1.3;
partment and inspected by the surveyor if
.2 external examination of sections ac-
prescribed by the List.
cording to 5.1.4, components of welded struc-
Sections and blocks shall be checked for
tures according to 5.1.8;
compliance with the approved technical
.3 checking dimensions according to
documentation. The necessity and procedure
of installing temporary reinforcements and
.4 flaw detection of the welds according
parts, the values of allowances on mounting
to 5.1.9;
edges to provide proper quality of the slipway
.5 checking the conditions and results of
assembly by the River Register shall not be
the tightness tests according to 5.1.11 and
5.3.2 At technical supervision during the
5.2.5 Completely ready sections and sepa-
slipway assembly the surveyor shall check the
rate assemblies shall be supplied to the places
of block formation accepted by the organiza-
tion's quality control department and after the .1 proper installation of sections and
surveyor's inspection if prescribed by the List. blocks relative to the slipway base lines and
previously installed sections and blocks;
5.2.6 Blocks shall be submitted for inspec- .2 proper coupling of sections by plating
tion according to the List after completion of and by members and preparation of intersec-
the assembly-welding and fitting works as well tion connections for welding;
as tightness tests. .3 dimensions and quality of welds;
5.2.7 At technical supervision during con- .4 values of welding deformations of the
struction of blocks, make sure that: hull, superstructures and quality of deforma-
.1 Quality of installation of sections in- tion flattening (see Appendix 11).
cluded in the blocks provides continuity of
the hull. Coupling of the longitudinal mem- 5.3.3 If the sections or blocks were in-
bers determining global strength is carefully spected and tested during their manufacture,
checked; the scope of technical supervision shall in-
clude inspection to make sure that there are
.2 Use of bottom-hole parts and assem-
no damages in the result of transportation and
blies improves the quality of intersection con-
.3 Allowances in the sections, bottom- 5.3.4 Hull spaces shall be submitted for in-
hole parts and assemblies are within toler- spections and tests according to the List after
ances established by technical documentation, completion of all the works on assembly,
cuts in the places of intersection connections welding, riveting and flattening as well as in-
allowing to make high quality butt welds; stallation of all the saturating parts connected
.4 Field connections on the hull plating directly to the hull structures. The structures
are welded first on the inside and then after adjoining to the checked space, shall be fi-
removing weld root  on the outside of the nally welded at a distance of at least 1 m from
hull; this space.
38 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

5.3.5 During detection of cracks in the hull as well as concrete strength before removal of
structures the surveyor shall notify the organi- the sections from the matrices;
zation and check the structure condition. .5 compliance of sections with the design
During detection of cracks, measures shall be requirements after their removal from the
taken on detection and elimination of the matrices and drawing up datasheets or logs of
crack causes. Hull works in the areas specified sections;
by the surveyor shall be stopped. The dam- .6 readiness of the slipway, its leveling
aged structures shall be removed from the hull and markings;
or shall be corrected with complete removal .7 proper section installation on the slip-
of cracks according to the technology ap- way, installation, welding and grinding of bar
proved by the Branch Office. joints, installation of embedments and line
ups in field joints, preparation of the section
5.3.6 When analyzing the results using
edges for concreting;
non-destructive testing, straining ties and ar-
.8 proper concreting of bar joints, con-
eas subject to vibration as well as quality of
crete quality, compliance with temperature
fillet and T-butt welds, welding of which is
and moisture conditions at its hardening;
prescribed by full penetration shall be
.9 compliance of the hull components
checked. Tightness tests of the welds shall be
with the design prior to its shift from the
combined with tightness tests of the hull ac-
slipway position. The hull shall be inspected
cording to the diagram approved by the
outside and inside and the dimensions of
Branch Office. Tightness test results of the
these components shall be checked. Prior to
welds performed prior to hull testing, shall be
shift, concrete strength of bar joints shall be
checked according to the organization's
5.4.2 During manufacture of solid rein-
5.3.7 At technical supervision during con-
forced-concrete hull, proper installation of the
struction of the hull on the slipway, the sur-
formwork and thickness of the protective
veyor shall check sequence of hull formation
layer, obtaining the required temperature and
as well as tests of the hull position on the
moisture conditions at curing of concrete and
slipway and keeping slipway log by the or-
time of formwork removal shall be checked.
At intervals in concreting, readiness of the
surfaces of the previously laid concrete shall
OF REINFORCED-CONCRETE SHIPS 5.4.3 At technical supervision during tests,
the reinforced-concrete ship hull shall be
5.4.1 During technical supervision of a ship checked according to the test patterns ap-
under construction, the following shall be proved by the Branch Office and developed
checked: according to the methods and scope of tests
.1 quality of the materials used for hull as per ÃÎÑÒ 5 R.0276.
construction according to the certificates and
laboratory analysis data; 5.5 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION
.2 quality of the reinforced steel billets, DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PLASTIC
proper manufacture of reinforcing cages and HULL SHIPS
fabrics, installation and attachment of fittings 5.5.1 At technical supervision during con-
with embedments and line ups; struction of the ship, the following shall be
.3 proper dosage of the concrete compo- checked:
nents, quality of concrete preparation, its lay- .1 results of the material laboratory analy-
ing and vibration compaction; sis prior to their use. The main parameters
.4 compliance with temperature and shall comply with technical documentation on
moisture conditions, concrete hardening time manufacture of these materials;
5 Hull and Hull Equipment 39

.2 quality of the equipment working sur- 5.5.8 The surveyor shall make sure that the
face; hulls made of fiberglass are repaired using the
.3 compliance of the equipment with de- same materials as for construction. The hull
tailed drawings and molding shapes repair procedure shall be approved by the
Branch Office.
5.5.2 When preparing to formation of. hull
structures, the surveyor evaluates the follow- 5.6 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION DURING
.1 quality of preparing and applying re- FIRE PROTECTION
lease agents;
.2 quality of preparing the binding materi- 5.6.1 At technical supervision during
als and proper cutting of reinforcing materials. manufacture of fire protection structures on
the ship under construction, the following
5.5.3 During formation of the hull struc- shall be checked:
tures, the following shall be checked: .1 certificates for materials;
.1 proper laying of fiberglass, warp direc- .2 insulation thickness and dimensions of
tion and quantity of layers, gaps between cou- air gaps, quality of insulation fastening to
pled panels; metal base, compliance with the technology
.2 uniform impregnation and sealing of of applying insulating materials when forming
the reinforcing material; fire bulkheads and decks;
.3 absence of foreign inclusions; .3 transition pieces of the electrical route
.4 process allowances for physical tests. pipes and ventilation ducts through fire divi-
5.5.4 After formation of the hull structures, sions;
their holding period shall be checked accord- .4 equipment of dangerous spaces;
ing to technical documentation: .5 equipment of liquid fuel and lubricant
storage facility;
5.5.5 When inspecting the ready assemblies .6 compliance with the requirements re-
and sections, absence of the following shall be lated to the ship purpose.
5.6.2 During technical supervision of
.1 unacceptable deviation of the section manufactured fire doors and other closures,
dimensions from those specified in the draw- the following shall be checked:
.1 serviceability and density of closures;
.2 external and internal defects;
.2 their opening and closing by one per-
.3 unacceptable deviation from the given son;
thicknesses, straightness and thickness varia-
.3 operation of the closure of self-closing
doors when controlled from local and remote
5.5.6 Temperature and relative air humidity (if any) stations;
shall be reported during manufacture of the .4 closures of ventilation ducts, ring
sections, blocks of the hulls and superstructures. spaces around smoke pipes, skylights of the
machinery, boiler and pump rooms.
5.5.7 The surveyor shall check physical and
mechanical properties of the hull structure 5.6.3 Quality of materials used for internal
material, determined using a destructive insulation and equipment shall be checked by
method according to the requirements of the the surveyor on the documents on the materi-
Rules (by results of laboratory tests of dry als and visual inspection for compliance with
samples). the approved design documentation.
40 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

5.7 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION tance between other guard rails with the re-
DURING MANUFACTURE quirements of the Rules;
OF EQUIPMENT OF SPACES, .3 compliance of the bulwark and guard
CLOSURES, FENCINGS, LADDERS rails height with the requirements of the
PART OF THE HULL 5.7.4 Upon completion of the foil ar-
rangement installation the following shall be
5.7.1 During technical supervision of corri- checked
dors, exits, doors and ladders, compliance .1 compliance of foil angles of attack with
with the drawings and Rules shall be checked: the design;
.1 passages intended for quick escape of .2 fastening of the foil arrangement to the
people to lifeboat and liferaft embarkation hull;
areas; .3 availability and efficiency of the arrest-
.2 type and dimensions of doors; ers preventing loosening of nuts.
.3 direction of door opening;
.4 length of dead-ends in corridors; 5.7.5 Upon completion of the hovercraft
.5 width of exits from halls, accommoda- flexible skirt installation the following shall be
tion and service spaces; checked:
.6 width of main corridors in the area of .1 installation and fastening of the flexible
accommodation spaces for passengers and the skirt;
crew; .2 availability and efficiency of the arrest-
.7 width of inclined ladders and dimen- ers preventing loosening of nuts.
sions of the platforms.
5.7.2 Upon completion of the closure in- 5.8 CHECKING HULL READINESS
stallation the surveyor shall check the follow- FOR LAUNCHING
ing: 5.8.1 The hull shall be launched according
.1 compliance of device and closure struc- to the production process approved by the
tures with the drawings; River Register (see 3.1.10).
.2 contact of seal gaskets with bead edges;
.3 easy and free (smooth) opening, clos- 5.8.2 Prior to approval for launching, the
ing, shifting and battening of the closures; surveyor checks the documents of the organi-
.4 compliance of the coamings height zation and River Register drawn up in the
with the drawing and requirements of the process of technical supervision confirming
Rules; stage-by-stage control and tests:
.5 quality of welds in places of closure .1 hull structures;
connection with the hull, superstructures and .2 hull structure tightness;
wheelhouses; .3 weld joints;
.6 fastening of removable boards for .4 installation of stern tubes, propeller
glasses; shafts and propellers, rudders, nozzles, damp-
.7 tightness test results. ers, and thrusters if these operations are per-
5.7.3 During technical supervision of formed when the ship is afloat;
manufactured guard rails, bulwark and cat- .5 bottom and side valves;
walks, the following shall be checked: .6 tightness of joints between the naviga-
.1 quality of welded joints of bulwark and tion equipment and the hull;
catwalks; .7 installation and fastening of hovercraft
.2 compliance of the distance from the foil arrangement and flexible skirts;
deck to the foot line of guard rails and dis- .8 installation of the thruster;
5 Hull and Hull Equipment 41

.9 installation and reliability of manhole .1 The ship's bottom is damaged during

covers in the inner bottom plating and tanks, launching;
closures of openings in watertight bulkheads; .2 Leakage is detected in the underwater
.10 plugging of temporary openings in the hull;
hull; .3 Defects are detected or there are
.11 application of load line and draught grounds to suspect inadmissible defects in the
marks; bottom which appeared during launching,
.12 main dimensions and hull shape with outfitting or trials of the ship.
the dimension tables attached;
5.8.6 Diagrams of coating, painting and
.13 completeness and quality of applica- cementing, quality control of their use on
tion of paint coatings to the underwater part inland navigation ships including performance
of the hull (see 5.8.6 and 5.8.7). of technical documentation shall not be se-
5.8.3 Upon satisfactory results of the tests lected by the River Register.
specified in 5.8.2, the surveyor shall draw up 5.8.7 For river-sea navigation ships, the
an approval for ship launching by making a River Register performs technical supervision
record in the Notice and in the protocol on of painting of the underwater hull, cargo
the ship readiness for launching. spaces and ballast tanks of dry cargo ships and
5.8.4 According to results of inspection of tankers. During technical supervision the sur-
all the ship compartments after launching, the veyor checks compliance of the used coating
quality control department shall draw up a materials with the painting list approved by
report and submit it to the surveyor. the River Register, availability of the docu-
ments (see on coating materials (for
5.8.5 The ship's bottom shall be submitted interior spaces) and compliance with the ap-
for inspection in the dock or on the slipway, if: plication method on the hull structures.
42 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS results in all measure points and sections,

specified in detailed documentation and in-
6.1.1 This Section establishes requirements stallation and operating instructions to the
for technical supervision during manufacture, product and results of non-destructive testing
installation and testing of the follow products of parts as prescribed by the Rules, documen-
subject to technical supervision by the River tation agreed with the River Register. Linear
Register according to Section 4 of the No- and angular dimensions, mounting clearances,
menclature: main and auxiliary internal com- form deviation, roughness, hardness and ma-
bustion engines, reduction gears and reverse terial structure are subject to measurement.
reduction gears, disengaging couplings and
flexible couplings, compressors, pumps, fans, 6.1.5 Technical supervision of rectification
separators, deck machinery, shafts, propellers, of castings, forgings and welding constructions
systems and piping, boilers, heat exchangers surface defects shall be based on requirements
and pressure vessels, and refrigerating equip- of technical documentation, agreed with the
ment. River Register and requirements of Part X of
RCCS. Parts and items after defects rectifica-
6.1.2 Scope and procedure of checks and
tion are subject to non-destructive control, if
tests of the products specified in para 6.1.1 is
so required by Rules and technical specifica-
determined by the List developed by the or-
ganization upon the Nomenclature and Rules
requirements taking into account specifics of 6.1.6 In technical supervision during prod-
manufacture, assembly, installation, and con- uct and their components manufacturing, the
trol methods and procedures, adopted by or- Surveyor shall:
ganization in accordance with the Branch .1 verify the quality of material and heat
Office. treatment as well as availability of the associ-
6.1.3 All materials, including forgings and ated equipment through the documentation;
castings, associated equipment and items, .2 control hydraulic and atmospheric tests
used in manufacture of products specified in of the products;
para 6.1.1 and their parts or intended for as- .3 ensure the random visual inspection
sembling the set, should be provided with and the quality control of the processing, di-
certificates or other documentation verifying mension compliance with detailed drawings,
the material, product and technological proc- technology compliance and use of flaw detec-
ess compliance with the requirements of tech- tion prescribed by process documentation;
nical specification approved by the River Reg- .4 verify the compliance of manufactured
ister. In case specified by the Nomenclature parts, assemblies and items under technical
parts and items shall be stamped. supervision to the technical documentation
6.1.4 Technical supervision during manu- requirements;
facturing and installation of parts includes .5 check for marking as per agreed tech-
conformance inspection of the measurement nical documentation.
6 Power Installation and Systems 43

6.1.7 Products being subjected to a hydrau- 6.1.14 Upon satisfactory results of tests and
lic test in accordance with the Rules require- checks, the River Register issues documents
ments, shall be preliminary heat treated and on products, as provided in Rules.
For product hydraulic test residual defor- General requirements to bench tests procedure
mations, sweating and leakage are considered
as rejection sign. 6.1.15 After product manufacturing and
acceptance by manufacturer's QC service, in
6.1.8 Results of hydraulic test are to be re- cases stipulated by the Rules and agreed with
corded in the test log indicating the following technical documents, bench tests are executed
information: in the presence of the Surveyor according to
.1 description of the item; program approved by the River Register.
.2 manufacturing number; 6.1.16 Prior to start product testing, the
.3 drawing number; Surveyor shall be provided with the following:
.4 working pressure; .1 organization document on bench
.5 hydraulic test pressure; readiness for testing;
.6 test results and data on permitted de- .2 arrangement of the equipment and in-
fect rectifications; strumentation, as well as bench specification;
.7 testing date. .3 documents on instrumentation check-
Reliability of this information shall be cer- out and calibration of bench or standard de-
tified by the signature of the representative vices;
from organization's QC service. .4 document from organization's QC ser-
6.1.9 Tested items and parts shall be vice on accomplishment of factory tests pro-
stamped in plain view with the detail number, viding results of controlled parameters;
mark of the manufacturer's QC service, work- .5 technical documentation on manufac-
ing and test pressure values. turing and delivery of the product, as well as
associated equipment in case of its installation
Ship machinery safety valves being hydrau-
on the bench with the product subjected to
lically tested shall be adjusted as per Rules, air
the testing;
tested and sealed by organization's QC service.
.6 description and maintenance instruc-
6.1.10 Technical supervision of repair of tion, drawings, results of parts and mounting
the items specified in para 6.1.1 shall be pro- dimensions measurement;
vided by the organization approved for works .7 completed logbook (datasheet) for the
of such type, granting the technical docu- item under test;
ments for repair agreed with the River Register. .8 test program (when it is an integral part
of the agreed technical documents).
6.1.11 Parts and hinged units replaced dur-
ing repair are subject to the same tests as new 6.1.17 Continuity of test modes can be dis-
ship machinery during manufacturing. rupted only once not more than for
15 minutes due to failure while forced shut-
6.1.12 Once ship machinery is repaired, the
down of the item under test. Once all the
River Register ensures the technical supervi-
deficiencies are rectified, the item shall be
sion of testing of parts and assembly units
tested again, from the mode where the forced
subjected to the same test types as new ship
shutdown occurred.
machinery during manufacturing.
In cases of forced shutdown exceeding
6.1.13 Engines thoroughly repaired are to 15 minutes, or repeated tested item shutdown,
be verified for compliance to standards for or replacement of tested item components,
emissions according to the test program de- the test is considered failed. It can be re-
veloped in accordance with Appendix 12. started only after analysis and removal of all
44 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

causes and defects, interrupting continuous .10 crankshafts static and dynamic bal-
operation of the item under test. ancing;
6.1.18 After bench tests, product units and .11 determination of harmful substances
parts shall be subject to inspection. Scope of emissions in exhaust gases.
the inspection and analysis shall be deter- 6.2.2Parts, pipelines and units of internal
mined on the results of checks or tests and combustion engines operating under excessive
adjusted on the basis of detected defects na- pressure shall undergo hydraulic test accord-
ture. ing to the requirements of Table 2.3.2 after
6.1.19 In case of inspection with product final machining and before protective coating
partial dismantling it shall be concluded by is applied.
control tests carried out in the presence of the T a b l e 6.2.2
Surveyor. Control tests shall be carried out in Hydraulic test pressure
mode of rated load or expected working load. Test
Part / assembly description pressure,
Technical parameters got while control MPa
testing, shall be recorded in the product sup- Cylinder cover — cooling space 0.7
porting documentation (file, datasheet, oper- Cylinder liner over the whole length of
ating guidance, etc.) the cooling space
Piston crown — cooling space after as-
6.2 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION sembly with a piston rod, if the latter
DURING MANUFACTURE forms a sealing
Cylinder block — cooling space 0.4, but
Exhaust valve (body) — cooling space not less
Internal combustion engines Turbocharger — cooling space than
Exhaust piping — cooling space 1.5p
6.2.1 Technical supervision during manu-
Coolers1, each side
facture of internal combustion engine parts Engine-driven pumps (lubricating oil,
and units involves checking of their confor- fuel boosters, bilge) — working spaces
mance to the requirements of the Rules and Engine-driven compressors including
agreed technical documentation in regard to cylinders, covers and air coolers: the
the following: water side
.1 structures, materials, chemical and heat Engine-driven compressors including 1.5p
treatment, mechanical and physical and cylinders, covers and air coolers from the
chemical surface properties; air side
.2 size, shape, location and roughness of Casings of the high pressure fuel pumps 1.5p or
(the pressure side), fuel atomisers and p + 30,
base mating surfaces, axes straightness, mating
fuel pipes which-
parts setting ever is
.3 quality of welding;, threaded and other the less
joints, fixation and locking of connecting 1
Air coolers of turbochargers shall undergo hy-
parts; draulic test only from the water side.
.4 adhesive uniformity and strength of N o t e s : 1. p — working pressure, MPa.
antifriction, antiwear and other coatings; 2. These hydraulic test norms do not apply to
.5 presence of defects, their nature and fuel pumps with plunger controlling edge.
6.2.3 The engine is to be assembled from
.6 flaw detection of forged and cast steel
parts and units, accepted by organization's
parts, welded joints;
QC service. Prior to assembling they are sub-
.7 hydrostatic tests (see 6.2.2);
ject to inspection by the Surveyor.
.8 availability of technological base, lugs
and openings, final machining allowances; 6.2.4 In the course of technical supervision
.9 deviation from the profile and contact of the engine assembly, the following shall be
area in gearings; checked;
6 Power Installation and Systems 45

.1 base frame positioning as per technical engines operated on load characteristic

documentation; shall be tested being in modes 1-6 at rated
.2 alignment of main bearings soles; speed;
.3 fitting of main bearing inserts by soles modes 5 and 6 are mandatory during
and of journal-and-thrust bearing; testings;
.4 crankshaft laying with check of journals engine steady state operation duration
fit to the bearings, shaft line, journals beat shall be sufficient for stabilization of operating
and crankshaft deflections; process characteristics after mode activation
.5 installation and fastening of cylinder and measurements and checks accomplish-
block, mating surfaces fitting; ment as per test program;
.6 tightening load of threaded joints; during control tests (see 6.2.8) engine op-
.7 deflections (again) after anchor ties eration duration in mode 5 shall not exceed
tightening and flywheel installation; 25 % of time specified in Table, but
.8 installation and alignment of gas distri- shall be not less than 30 min;
bution drives, camshaft and hinged units;
T a b l e
.9 installation of cylinder and piston
Engines operation modes and their duration
group parts;
at bench tests
.10 installation of assembled cylinder heads;
Engine operation
.11 installation and alignment of inhalers; parameter values, % of
Engine test time, h, at rated
Mode No.

.12 installation of engine set; rotation speed, rpm-1

rated values
.13 parts locking. Rotatio Mom 200 to
Power <200 500 to >1000
n speed ent 500
6.2.5 After assembling, running-in and ad- 1000
justment, the Surveyor shall ensure the tech- Idle run mode
nical supervision of engine bench test per- 1 not standard- 0 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25
formance according to the program agreed ized
with the River Register. Ahead running under propeller load
6.2.6 In the course of technical supervision 2 25 63 39 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.25
3 50 80 63 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5
of bench test performance, the Surveyor shall
4 75 91 83 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5
base on requirements of 6.1.15 – 6.1.19 with 5 100 100 100 8.0 6.0 4.0 1.0
regard to the following: 6 110 103 107 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
.1 main engines intended for operation Astern running mode
with fixed pitch propeller shall be tested by 7 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5
not standardized
propeller characteristic;
Minimum steady rotation speed mode
.2 engines intended for generators drive,
pumps, compressors shall be tested by load 8 not standardized 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25
characteristic; Total test time 14 12 7 3.75
.3 new design solutions as for the engine – N o t e : Modes 7 and 8 shall be applied only if
transmission – propeller system shall be tested the engine design provides for running at these
according to the program which takes into modes.
account those solutions; .6 systems of control, regulation, alarm
.4 bench engines shall be tested along and protection, locking and cutoff, starting
with all standard devices, apparatus and reversing engine characteristics, regulators
automatic control, general alarm system and functioning shall be tested before activate en-
protection devices; gine's mode;
.5 bench test duration shall be specified in .7 testings of automated control system
accordance with Table In this case, shall be based on individual program agreed
the following shall be considered: upon with the River Register;
46 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.8 operation of the engine shall be tested ried out with technical supervised by the River
in all modes specified by program methodol- Register Surveyor check of working process
ogy, work process parameters and characteris- parameters and engine efficiency, as well as of
tics specified in technical documentation and its arrangements and systems given below;
test program are to be recorded; .1 starting devices;
.9 work process parameters shall be meas- .2 reversing unit;
ured at least twice under engine steady oper- .3 alarm and protection system, safety de-
ating conditions; vices;
.10 measuring torsional vibration parame- .4 automated control system;
ters (in cases specified in para 6.1.1 Part IV .5 rotation speed control system.
RCCS). 6.2.10 The Surveyor ensures that in case of
6.2.7 Engine testings to ensure the compli- unsatisfactory check results, after full elimina-
ance of their specifics concerning harmful tion by manufacturer of defects affecting the
substances emissions and opacity in exhaust performance of this unit or system, the re-
gases with the standardized values are to be peated engine operation checks are carried
performed as per approved test program, de- out in accordance with 6.2.8.
veloped in accordance with Appendix 12. En- 6.2.11 The manufacturer shall provide
gine type and model as basic engine of the along with engine the following documents:
family for testing shall be chosen by the .1 technical file;
.2 assembly and sub-assembly engine
During manufacture of one family series drawings in scope specified by technical
engines, their parameters and rated values con- specification;
cerning harmful substances emissions and opac-
.3 hinged units files provided by manufac-
ity in exhaust gases shall be admitted based on
the testing results of a family basic engine.
.4 technical datasheet and operating and
If the engine design was modified so that
maintenance instructions containing detailed
the changes introduced effect the content of
description of engine units and special-
harmful substances and opacity in exhaust
purpose tool;
gases of the engine, the measurements speci-
.5 spares list;
fied in the first subparagraph of this para shall
be also performed for the series engine. .6 instrumentation datasheets;
When performing engine testings after the .7 post-assembly engine acceptance cer-
overhaul to ensure the compliance of their tificate issued by the organization;
specifics concerning harmful substances emis- .8 engine bench test report (checking
sions and opacity in exhaust gases the maxi- test);
mum allowed values of their specifics shall be .9 post-test engine inspection certificate
in accordance with the requirements of 6.2.3 issued by the organization;
and 6.2.6 of the Rules for Prevention of Pol- .10 technical datasheet of harmful sub-
lution from Ships. stance emissions and opacity in exhaust en-
gine gases (prepared as per ÃÎÑÒ 31967);
6.2.8 During technical supervision it shall
.11 record book of engine parameters for
be taken into account that after bench tests
recording of all changes in configuration and
envisaged by test program, depending on check
adjustments (may be integral part of the data-
results specified in para 6.2.6, assembly units
sheet or engine file). The record book shall
and engine parts are subjected to the inspection
contain the description of all changes related
with visual and dimensional examination in the
to design characteristics of the engine, includ-
scope agreed with the Surveyor.
ing adjustments, replacement of components
6.2.9 If at engine inspection it was partially or design changes of engine components al-
dismantled, engine control tests shall be car- lowing the evaluation of the emission level.
6 Power Installation and Systems 47

6.2.12 Accomplished tests and supporting .2 flaw detection results;

documents checking shall be accompanied by .3 the absence of defects on facing exter-
the issuing of certificate (ÐÐ-8.1 form). This nal surfaces;
certificate shall contain the information on .4 sizes ensuring guaranteed interference
values of harmful substances and exhaust fit while facing fitting on the shaft;
gases opacity, got while basic engine of the .5 results of hydraulic test for facing tight-
family testing (see 6.2.7). ness or welded shells before fitting on the
shaft (see 6.2.16).
6.2.16 The Surveyor shall verify that pro-
6.2.13 In technical supervision during shafting peller shaft and stern tube facings are hydrau-
manufacturing the following shall be checked: lically tested by pressure not less than 0,2 MPa.
.1 conformity of material quality to the re-
quirements of approved technical documentation, 6.2.17 After fitting the facing on the pro-
heat treatment mode and flaw detection results; peller shaft and final processing, the Surveyor
.2 work surface roughness, size and shape; shall control the results of the following
.3 shaft radial run-out, axial run-out of checks performed by the manufacturer:
flange faces and thrust collar, external and .1 absence of defects on facing external
internal surfaces concentricity or hollow shafts surfaces;
wall thickness; .2 work surfaces size, shape, roughness
.4 section shape and key slot preparation, and radial run-out;
key slot position about an axis of the shaft .3 quality of facing welds, welded on
and cone; shaft, by the leak test results (by air or oil)
.5 assembly and alignment keeping at under pressure of 0,2 MPa and/or using liquid
shaft connections, interference fit and gaps of penetrant method;
connection; .4 quality of sealings of shafting ends.
.6 surface for facing with sufficient clear-
ance to ensure the interference as per drawings. 6.2.18 Water insulation of the shaft shall be
verified for absence of saggings, blistering or
6.2.14 The completely finished shafts are entrapped air.
subject to visual inspection. The following
shall be determined by the Surveyor: 6.2.19 Finally manufactured couplings,
.1 surface defects parameters do not ex- connecting bolts, main bearings and thrust
ceed the norms set by the drawing technical bearings, stern units, sealings and glands are
requirements; to be verified by the Surveyor before their
.2 shaft journals shall be free from chip- installation. Final control of flange half-
pings, scratches, notches or burrs; couplings by the external and end surfaces shall
.3 shaft threads shall be clean, without be performed after their fitting on the shaft.
burrs or strips;
.4 fillets shall be made smoothly, seams Gears, disengaging and elastic couplings
shall be free from sharp edges and burrs. 6.2.20 In the course of technical supervi-
Upon satisfactory results of checks, flaw sion during manufacturing of parts and as-
detection and measurements, shafts shall be semblies of main engines gears and disengag-
stamped by the River Register, if prescribed ing couplings, the Surveyor shall verify the
by the Nomenclature. following:
6.2.15 During the manufacture and after .1 Treated shaft journals, surfaces for fac-
facing final processing, the Surveyor shall ing, teeth cutting parameters, gear rings, sur-
verify the following: faces or sealing and connections, keyways,
.1 compliance of material properties to threads, deviation from the profile, radial run-
the requirements of technical documentation; out, end surfaces squareness to the shaft axis,
48 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

axial run-out, chemical and heat treatment, with the approved technical documentation.
protective coatings comply with the require- During bench testings, provisions 6.1.15 –
ments of technical documentation approved 6.1.19 shall be taken into account.
by the River Register
6.2.24 When testings are completed, gears
.2 Critical parts were subject to flaw de-
and disengaging couplings are subject to in-
spection and to control tests, where the fol-
.3 Fitting in connections were carried out
lowing shall be verified:
with required interference fit (clearance).
.4 Finally assembled and treated gear- .1 reversing provided by transmission de-
wheels, pinions, shafts with couplings and sign;
half-couplings assemblies as per 4.3.2 Part IV .2 disconnection of the transmission from
RCCS shall be statically and/or dynamically the prime mover or driven load;
balanced. .3 alarm and protection systems, safety
6.2.21 After execution of welding works .4 automated control system;
and heat treatment, while inspecting finally
.5 smoothness of changing of the prime
treated parts of the gear boxes and couplings,
mover rotation speed within minimum steady
the Surveyor shall control:
to the rated one.
.1 welds, including flaw detection meth-
.2 treated bearing surfaces of foundations
and flange connections of individual hull 6.2.25 In the course of technical supervi-
parts; sion during propellers and their parts manu-
.3 boring of the soles for bearings and facturing, the Surveyor shall control:
sealings; .1 design parameters and size compliance
.4 alignment of soles borings for bearings with the technical documentation approved by
of each shaft; the River Register;
.5 quality and reliability of connections of .2 quality of the material for blanks, for-
individual gear box parts or coupling; gings and castings intended for propellers and
.6 mutual alignment of in gear shaft axis. their parts manufacturing (through the docu-
Gear box is subject to the tightness test, mentation furnished);
and hydraulic coupling case – to the hydraulic .3 results of flaw detection, carried out in
test. accordance with the technical documentation;
6.2.22 When assembling gears and cou- .4 absence of internal or surface defects as
plings, the Surveyor shall control: per technical documentation for propellers
.1 fitting of bearing by soles, standard approved by the River Register;
shaft or false shaft journals, clearances of .5 interchangeability and difference in
journal and thrust bearings; weight between standard and spare blades of
.2 centre-to-centre spacing and mutual detachable-blade propellers;
alignment of shaft axis; .6 results of static and/or dynamic balanc-
.3 gear backlashes and tooth contact; ing of propellers and water-jet propeller rotors
.4 quality of coupling assembling, hinged after machining and fully assembled.
units and systems serving gear;
.5 alignment of gear with drive motor and 6.2.26 The scope of the technical supervi-
loading device; sion of the specially designed propellers parts
(for example, rotating-blade, columns, paddle
.6 quality of coupling drive and driven
wheels), as well as types, sequence of tests
parts assembling.
and checks carried out during the technical
6.2.23 For bench tests, gears and disengag- supervision of their manufacturing, shall be
ing couplings shall be equipped in accordance determined by the River Register.
6 Power Installation and Systems 49

Compressors, pumps, fans and separators T a b l e 6.2.28

Coefficient k
6.2.27 In the course of technical supervi- Value k
sion during manufacturing of parts and as-

rature, °C, up to
Working tempe-
at working pressure ð up to, MPa
semblies of compressors, pumps, fans and molybdenum and
separators, the Surveyor shall verify their carbon molybdenum-
cast iron brass,
steel chromium steel
compliance with the Rules and approved with Mo ≥ 0.4 %
technical documentation. This verification ð ð ð ð
shall be based on provisions 6.1.6 and other 120 — 0 2 0
requirements of these Rules. 0
200 2 3.5
— 6 3
6.2.28 In the course of technical supervi- 250 1 0 3 7
sion during hydraulic tests of compressors, 300 3 4
pumps, fans and separators parts, operating 350 5
400 8 1
under excessive pressure, to be carried out
430 10 11 2 — —
after final machining and before protective 20 — —
450 17 3.5
coating, results of these tests shall be checked
475 6
by the Surveyor as well. The correct choice of — —
500 11
the hydraulic test pressure determined by the
formula given below (MPa), shall be checked: .4 Required contact in gear meshes shall
ptest  1.5  0.1k  p , (6.2.28) be provided;
.5 Protective and safety devices shall be
where k — coefficient adopted from Table
p — working pressure, MPa. 6.2.31 After assembling, running-in and
In all cases the test pressure shall be admit- adjustment, the Surveyor shall ensure the
ted not below the pressure corresponding to technical supervision of bench test perform-
full opening of safety valve but not below ance (see 6.1.15 – 6.1.19), where compressors,
0.4 MPa for cooled chambers of parts and pumps, fans and separators serviceability shall
sealings of different types and not below be checked and all parameters specified by the
0.2 MPa in other cases. technical documentation shall be recorded, as
In case the working pressure given in Table well as following devices shall be tested in
6.2.28 is exceeded, test pressure shall be ap- operation:
proved by the River Register. .1 automation equipment;
.2 safety devices.
6.2.29 Parts and units of pumps, fans, filled
with oil products or their vapours under hy- 6.2.32 Safety devices shall be tested in op-
drostatic or atmospheric pressure, shall un- eration and sealed by the manufacturer's
dergo tightness test. In welded structures it is QC service.
sufficient to test only tightness of welds.
6.2.30 In the course of technical supervi- Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels
sion during the assembling and installation of
the compressors, pumps, fans and separators, 6.2.33 Technical supervision of the boilers,
the Surveyor shall verify the following: heat exchangers and pressure vessels, their
.1 Shafts shall be placed in bearings, fitted parts and units manufacturing and of process
by soles and journals; operations performing shall be carried out by
the Surveyor in accordance with the technical
.2 Required clearances in bearings and
documentation approved by the River Register.
sealings, between operating elements and
housings shall be maintained; 6.2.34 Soundness of plates, forgings and
.3 Shaft shall be aligned with the prime castings, designed for parts and units of boil-
mover; ers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels shall
50 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

be determined by their surfaces visual inspec- the document on part or unit readiness for
tion. hydraulic test issued by the manufacturer's
QC service);
6.2.35 Scantling of parts before assembling
.2 Components of the item under techni-
of items under technical supervision shall be
cal supervision are not insulated or coated
checked for compliance with those specified
with other protective coating;
by the drawings and drawing technical re-
.3 Part or unit was subject to the Surveyor
6.2.36 In the course of technical supervi- 6.2.42 Assembled boilers, heat exchangers
sion during assembling of parts and units of and pressure vessels without fittings and insu-
items under supervision, the compliance of lation or other protective coatings shall be
gaps between the members and tolerances subject to internal survey and hydraulic
specified in the technical documentation ap- strength test by a test pressure as per stan-
proved by the River Register, shall be dards of ÃÎÑÒ 22161.
checked. Align mated elements by creating
excessive push-up load or cold shock straight- Refrigerating plants
ening is not allowed.
6.2.43 Technical supervision during manu-
6.2.37 Before welding, bevel and gaps are facturing of the refrigerating equipment for
to be verified on their compliance with the transport, refrigerated and catching vessels
drawings approved by the River Register. The shall be carried out as per approved technical
bevel surface shall be free from cracks, de- documentation.
laminations or other defects.
6.2.44 Technical supervision during manu-
6.2.38 Welding operations shall be carried facturing of the refrigerating equipment speci-
out with welding consumables specified in the fied in 6.2.43 includes the following:
technical documentation approved by the .1 verification of technical documents;
River Register. .2 verification of parts, units and assem-
6.2.39 Welded joints quality control shall bling parts;
be performed after heat treatment (if applica- .3 verification of welded and soldered
ble). joints quality;
Methods and scope of quality control of .4 technical supervision during hydraulic
the butt welded joints shall be specified in the strength testing;
technical documentation. .5 technical supervision during pneumatic
tightness testing;
6.2.40 Fittings of boilers, heat exchangers .6 technical supervision during vacuum
and pressure vessels are subject to the hydrau- leakage testing;
lic strength test (see 6.2.28) before installation .7 technical supervision during bench test-
at their standard places. ing.
6.2.41 Parts and units of boilers, heat ex- 6.2.45 Technical supervision during manu-
changers and pressure vessels are subject to facturing of the refrigerating equipment shall
the hydraulic strength test by a test pressure as be based on the applicable provisions of 6.2.1
per standards of ÃÎÑÒ 22161, before being to 6.2.39 and requirements of technical
assembled. documentation approved by the River Register.
Hydraulic test by a test pressure shall be
carried out in the presence of the Surveyor 6.2.46 Testings as per to
when meeting the following requirements: shall be based on the provisions 6.2.47 to
.1 All assembly, welding and welds con-
trol operations are finished and accepted by 6.2.47 The units operating under pressure
the manufacturer's QC service (confirmed by of the refrigerant shall be hydraulically tested
6 Power Installation and Systems 51

by a test pressure equal to at least 1.5p, where well as devices for measuring and registration
p is the design pressure taken in accordance of temperature within refrigerating spaces af-
with 6.2.47, with the exception of reciprocating ter assembling shall be tested in accordance
compressor crank cases for which a test pressure with the requirements of 6.2.28.
shall be not less than the design pressure.
6.2.52 Technical supervision during bench
The units operating under pressure of the testings and refrigerating equipment inspec-
liquid coolant or water shall be hydraulically
tion shall be based on requirements of 6.1.15
tested by a test pressure of at least 1.5 of the – 6.1.19, taking into account the following:
working pressure but not less than 0.4 MPa.
.1 The bench for compressor testing shall
T a b l e 6.2.47 ensure compressor operation with full refrig-
Refrigerant design pressure eration cycle using specified refrigerant, oil
Design and keeping of the refrigerant nominal pa-
Symbol Chemical formula pressure, rameters and environmental conditions (cool-
MPa ing water temperature +32 Ñ, ambient tem-
R134a C2H2F4 1.2
perature +50 Ñ);
I R22 CHF2Cl 2.0
.2 Compressor type specimen testings
R125* C2HF6 2.0
shall be carried out at the rated power and
II R717 NH3 (ammonia) 2.0
idle run to determine refrigerating capacity,
R290 C3H8 (propane) 1.6
III volume flow, power and oil consumption;
R1270 C3H6 (propylene) 2.0
.3 Compressors with incorporated motors
** To be used at medium condensation points
instead of R22 which is not permitted for newly
shall be tested in regard to their starting char-
built refrigerating plants since 01.01.2020. acteristics, temperature and insulation resis-
6.2.48 The units operating under pressure .4 Standard compressor test time shall be
of the refrigerant shall undergo pneumatic at least 500 h, 150 h of which shall accrue to
leakage tests by a test pressure equal to at the operation at maximum pressure difference
least the design pressure taken in accordance and other 150 h – at maximum power;
with 6.2.47 with the exception of reciprocat- .5 Refrigerant pumps shall be tested using
ing compressor crank cases for which a test specified refrigerant;
pressure shall be not less than 0.8 times the .6 Refrigerant pump test time shall be suf-
design pressure. ficient to determine its specified characteris-
6.2.49 The equipment operating under tics, but not less than 8 h;
pressure below the atmospheric pressure shall .7 Heat exchangers (type specimens) op-
undergo vacuum leakage tests at residual pres- erating under refrigerant pressure, shall un-
sure not exceeding 0.8 kPa. dergo bench thermotechnical tests (the tem-
perature of refrigerant measurement) using
6.2.50 Fittings in assembly and automation specified refrigerant and taking into account
devices with stopping arrangements in addi- item structure and designation. Bench equip-
tion to the above tests shall undergo pneu- ment shall ensure the item operation with full
matic closing-tightness tests by a test pressure refrigeration cycle.
equal to the design pressure taken in accor-
dance with 6.2.47.
6.2.51 Compressors, refrigerant, liquid
coolant and cooling water pumps, heat ex- 6.2.53 Fittings of the piping shall be pro-
changers and other equipment, vessels operat- duced in accordance with the requirements of
ing under the refrigerant pressure, piping and 10.3 and 10.4 of Part IV RCCS as per techni-
fittings rated for 1.0 ÌPà and over, devices of cal documentation approved by the River
automation, control and protection systems as Register.
52 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

6.2.54 In the course of technical supervi- and fuel system pipelines with a design pres-
sion during piping fitting manufacturing, the sure over 0.35 MPa regardless of their class,
Surveyor shall control the following: the Surveyor shall carry out the technical su-
.1 compliance of material to the require- pervision of pipelines hydraulic testings per-
ments of technical documentation; formed prior to insulation and application of
.2 quality of finishing and lapping of the coating, results of these tests shall be checked
working and sealing surfaces; by the Surveyor as well. The correct choice of
.3 compliance of the springs, spool pieces, the test pressure that is considered to be of
diaphragms used in fittings to the technical 1.5 of the design pressure, is also subject to
documentation requirements; the control.
.4 results of hydraulic tests (see 6.2.57); The test excessive pressure of the pipelines
.5 adequate operation of local and remote of cargo pumping system intended for carriage
drives of fittings; of hazardous goods in bulk (except liquefied
.6 control, safety and measuring fittings as gases) shall be at least 1 MPa.
well as self-acting valves. The given fittings The test pressure for liquefied gas pipelines
shall be checked in operation on bench to from the reservoirs to the pressure reducing
confirm their performance characteristics, valves shall be at least 2.5 MPa.
specified in the technical documentation. 6.2.58 During manufacturing of the fire-
6.2.55 Checking of the hydraulic pressure fighting system pipelines and fittings, the Sur-
results is designed to ensure the correctness of veyor shall realize the technical supervision of
the test pressure chosen that, in case of fit- hydraulic testings of such items, including
tings intended for a design pressure exceeding checking of the results of hydraulic tests by
0.1 MPa, shall be determined by the proce- test pressure corresponding to the Table 6.2.58.
dure specified in 6.2.28 relevant to testings of When using the Table 6.2.58, the following
compressor components, pumps, fans operat- shall be considered:
ing under excessive pressure, and in the other Assembled fittings shall undergo leakage
cases shall be: test in closed position by pressure not less
.1 at least 0.2 MPa – for fittings intended than 1.25p.
for a design pressure of 0.1 MPa and less, as Valves of carbon dioxide reservoirs shall
well as for vacuum conditions; undergo tightness test by the maximal break-
.2 at least 0.3 MPa – for outboard valve down pressure of safety diaphragm.
box and ice box fittings; Onboard systems shall be tested in the as-
.3 equal to the design pressure – for fit- sembly after all installation operations have
tings assembled and being tested on leak been finished.
tightness. 6.2.59 The Surveyor shall control the re-
cording in logbook of the hydraulic test results
6.2.56 Type specimens of valves shall be
(see 6.1.8) with the indication of test pressure,
additionally examined for at least 3 h under
numbers of certificates for pipes and data on
conditions of vibration, temperature and pres-
welds testings.
sure limits, other special modes depending on
fittings designation (checks for fire-resistance, 6.2.60 Where it is impossible to carry out
noninflammability of inflammable mixture hydraulic tests of the pipelines prior to their
vapours, preventing the accidental admission installation onboard due to technical reasons,
of water, reliability at hydraulic impact, hy- it is allowed to test separate pipe lengths, in
draulic resistance). particular, assembly joints.
6.2.57 During manufacturing of pipelines 6.2.61 Small bore pipes (less than 15 mm)
of Classes I and II (see 10.1.2 of Part IV of any class are not subject to testing by a test
RCCS) and all steam, feeding, compressed air pressure.
6 Power Installation and Systems 53

T a b l e 6.2.58 pair of mechanisms, boilers, pipelines and

Test pressure during hydraulic testings fittings.
of fire-fighting system pipelines and fittings
Test hydraulic pres-
6.3.2 Prior to onboard installation, items
sure, MPa, during are subject to a visual inspection. The Sur-
Tested systems and assemblies the tests veyor shall verify the following:
in a work- on board .1 availability and accuracy of supporting
shop a ship
documentation, marks and stamps as per
1. Foam and water extin- — In op-
guishing system piping eration
technical supervision form;
2. Carbon dioxide system: .2 integrity of the bench assembly of the
.1 pipelines from reservoirs to — 1,5p onboard machinery item and supply com-
starting valves; transit pipelines pleteness;
led via spaces .3 compliance of foundations, their instal-
.2 pipelines from starting — 5 lation, arrangement and preparation of bear-
valves to nozzles ing surfaces with the approved technical
3. Pneumatic pipelines 1,5p 1p by air
4. Bottles, reservoirs, tanks
.1 pressurized, including bot- 1,5p 1p by air
tles without valves Internal combustion engines, gears,
.2 non-pressurized Filled to In as- disengaging and elastic couplings
the top of sembly
air vent with the 6.3.3 Installation and assembling of main
system engines, gear components and shafting com-
.3 bottles with screwed valves 1p by air  ponents shall be carried out after accom-
5. Valves 1.5p,  plishment of all hull operations and testing for
but ≥0.2
tightness of compartments and double-bottom
N o t e s : 1. p — maximal working pressure in
the system, for carbon dioxide system — design
tanks in the engine room area and the shaft
pressure in a bottle or reservoir, MPa. line, including completion of foundation
2. Pipelines stated in 2.1 tested in the workshop manufacturing.
by hydraulic pressure of 1.5p, may be tested on a 6.3.4 During onboard installation of the
ship by air with pressure of 1p.
main engine in dismantled condition, checks
6.2.62 The organization's QC service stamp and technical supervision shall be carried out
confirming conducted hydraulic test shall be as per requirements of 6.2 including founda-
impressed on the side of one of pipe flanges tion preparation and base frame installation.
or enclosure.
6.3.5 The installation of items shall be car-
6.2.63 Silencers and spark arresters of ex- ried out in accordance with the approved
haust systems and boiler flues shall be tested technical documentation depending on their
as per program approved by the River Register. type and construction.
6.3.6 In the course of technical supervision
6.3 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION DURING during installation of gears and couplings, the
ONBOARD INSTALLATION AND TESTS following shall be checked:
General requirements .1 security of attachment of gearing cases
to ship foundations;
6.3.1 Prior to onboard installation of the
.2 quality of installation of units and
items the Surveyor shall verify the meeting the
components used in torque transfer, on shafts.
requirements of the Rules related to equip-
ment of machinery spaces, control stations, 6.3.7 Technical supervision during installa-
arrangement of the passes, escape routes and tion and testing of items driven by main en-
ladders, free access for maintenance and re- gine shall be carried out at the same time as
54 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

technical supervision during installation and .1 bearings foundations and bearing sur-
testing of main engines. face finish – deviations from flatness, rough-
ness, thickness of foundation bearing plates;
6.3.8 Once the installation operations are
.2 shafts (propeller shaft, thrust shaft,
completed, items are subject to the inspection
tunnel shaft), bearings, couplings and stern
to check the quality of installation and its
gear through the visual examination and its
compliance with the detailed drawings ap-
proved by the River Register.
.3 quality of propeller and half-coupling
fitting to the propeller shaft;
.4 clearances in sterntube and strut bear-
ings by results of propeller shaft and bearing
6.3.9 The onboard installation of stern gear necks measurement.
and shafting shall be carried out after comple- 6.3.13 After propeller shaft installation the
tion of hull operations, including all opera- following shall be checked:
tions related to foundations for main engines .1 clearances in bearings;
and shafting bearings, tests of compartments .2 propeller shaft position in stern gear in
and tanks in the area of shafting and engine axial direction;
room, determination of the shafting theoreti- .3 quality of installation of stern seals or
cal axis. other stern gear sealings and gland packing
6.3.10 Prior to stern gear and shafting in- laying.
stallation all fixed loads that can cause defor- 6.3.14 Prior to propeller installation the
mation of the hull due to heavy weight, shall following shall be checked:
be placed and installed in their respective .1 availability of documentation and
places, and change of hull position in the area stamps;
of shafting and engine room shall not exceed .2 surface soundness (by visual examina-
±3 mm relative to its position recorded at the tion);
beginning of operations. .3 quality of preparation of hub bore
6.3.11 In the course of technical supervi- mounting surface, tapered hub bore fitting-on;
sion during installation of stern gear, the fol- .4 keys fitting into keyed connection.
lowing shall be checked: 6.3.15 In the course of technical supervi-
.1 quality of the punching of shafting sion during the installation of propeller or
theoretical axis; water-jet propeller rotors, the following shall
.2 sizes, deviation from the shape and be checked:
roughness of seatings and horn end faces, .1 propeller axial shift in relation to the
bosses, welded pad of after peak bulkhead, shaft;
seatings of stern gear and bearing bushes; .2 pressing force and interference fit of
.3 compliance of mating surfaces setting connection;
with the drawing requirements; .3 uniformity and tight fitting of fairing
.4 forces for components pressing-in, se- nut to the hub and security of its locking;
curity of their attachment and locking. .4 tightening force and locking of the fas-
After installation, internal diameters are tening elements of detachable blades;
subject to the control measurement and stern .5 clearances between the propeller blade
tube bearings – to the inspection. and the nozzle or in the flow path of waterjet.
If stern tube was installed after water-
6.3.16 Prior to shafting installation and
tightness test of the hull, corresponding hull
alignment the following shall be checked:
compartment shall be tested again.
.1 diameters of shaft journal and internal
6.3.12 Prior to shafting installation the fol- borings of bearing inserts by results of control
lowing shall be checked: measurement to determine clearances in bearings;
6 Power Installation and Systems 55

.2 quality of rolling bearings installation 6.3.21 Installation, assembling and control

on shafts; of fitting of the shaft turning gear, tachometer
.3 shaft laying into bearings and bearings transmitter, shafting brake, devices for reduc-
installation on foundation; ing power are to be performed as per techni-
.4 shafts mutual alignment relative to each cal documentation requirements approved by
other by control marks when connecting in the River Register.
the shop;
6.3.22 The Surveyor shall check the pa-
.5 finish of fastening bolts and holes in rameters of the main engine crankshaft align-
the foundation and bearings.
ment with the shafting or reduction gear si-
6.3.17 Shafting shall be aligned in such a multaneously with or after shafting alignment.
way as to prevent the exceeding of permissible Measured values of parameters shall not ex-
values of shaft stress and bearing load at any ceed those specified in the manufacturer's
ship loading condition and allowable wastage technical documentation on installation of
of shafts and bearings in operation. such items. Deviations in frame straightness
and crankshaft deflections shall not exceed
6.3.18 The holes for flange connections
the norms determined by the manufacturer of
bolts shall be treated jointly for both flanges
of connected shafts by their actual dimen- the engine.
sions, and bolt heads and nuts are to be 6.3.23 The Surveyor is to verify that in the
checked for adequate contact with the flanges process of alignment of engine crankshaft and
surface. electric generators at their rigid connection
(at main units on electric ships), allowances
6.3.19 In the course of technical supervi-
specified in the technical documentation of
sion during shafting installation and after as-
the generator manufacturer are kept, and in
sembling of all connections and securing of
bearings, the following shall be checked: the process of alignment of propulsion electric
motor armature shaft and thrust shaft are kept
.1 shaft position in the bearings and fitting
allowances determined by the propulsion elec-
of support inserts to the shaft journals
.2 clearances in the thrust bearing be- tric motor manufacturer.
tween the collar and segments, axial clear-
Compressors, pumps, fans and separators
ances between thrust collar and shafting fillets
or bearing insert ends 6.3.24 The technical supervision during in-
.3 fitting of chocks to the support stallation of compressors, pumps, fans and
branches of bearing bodies separators shall be performed as per approved
.4 finish of holes for templet bolts in the technical documentation. Scope of technical
foundation and bearings supervision is to be determined taking into
.5 security of attachment and locking of account type, designation and design of the
bolts item under technical supervision.
.6 crankshaft deflections of the main en-
gine after its connection to the shafting Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels
6.3.20 Final control of the shafting align- 6.3.25 Installation of boilers, heat exchang-
ment shall be performed with the ship afloat ers and pressure vessels shall be carried out in
after chocks fitting to the bearings, at dis- accordance with the requirements of technical
placement of at least 85 % of the lightship documentation on installation approved by
displacement. the River Register. Prior to start the installa-
The Surveyor shall check the provided re- tion, it is important to ensure that assembly
sults of alignment parameters measurement and welding of ship foundations are com-
(fractures and misalignment of the shaft axis), pleted and items have a document issued by
entered into the tables, indicating as well de- the QC service and confirming their applica-
sign and allowable values of these parameters. bility.
56 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

6.3.26 The Surveyor shall perform the in- Onboard hydraulic test of the steam piping
ternal survey of the boiler with standard valves is obligatory.
and instruments after completion of the as-
6.3.29 Tested boiler shall be kept under test
sembling, boiler installation on the foundation
pressure for at least 5 to 10 min. During keep-
and fixing, but prior to application of insula-
ing under test pressure, the purge pump shall
tion, shell and lining.
be disconnected and pressure in the boiler
Heat exchangers internal survey shall to be
shall not decrease. Then, the pressure is de-
performed by the manufacturer's QC service.
creasing to the working value and maintained
Pressure vessels internal survey shall to be constant to the completion of the examina-
performed by the Surveyor. tion.
If the boiler is fully assembled (with insula-
tion, shell and lining) and provided with sup- 6.3.30 The boiler shall be considered as
porting documents, only accessible parts are having passed the test if no leaks or sweating
subject to internal survey. of welds, leakage in pipe expanded connec-
tion, fitting connecting flanges, instrument
6.3.27 During boiler internal survey, the connections as well as no local bulges, resid-
Surveyor shall verify the following: ual deformation or signs of any connection
.1 Boiler components and welds shall be damage are detected.
free from damages and defects.
.2 Hot-water, waterwall and down-take 6.3.31 Technical supervision during hy-
pipes shall not be deformed but free from draulic leak tests, air test and outer survey of
plugs (verify by the means of master balls). the pressure vessels with all fittings and system
piping which contains the pressure vessels,
.3 Water level indicators shall be installed
shall be performed after onboard installation
relative to heating surface as per Rules re-
of the system. The hydraulic test shall be per-
formed under a test pressure equal to 1.5 of
.4 Drums and headers internal equipment
operating pressure in the system.
shall correspond to the drawing and is fixed.
.5 Fittings and instruments installed on 6.3.32 After hydraulic test, pressure vessels
the boiler shall correspond to the drawings. are subject to air test (ÃÎÑÒ 22161) for work-
.6 Instruments shall be provided with ing pressure to check the tightness of connec-
documents on calibration by metrological tions.
organization. After testing and adjustment in accordance
.7 Boiler drums and headers as well as su- with the requirements of the Rules, safety
perheaters headers shall be protected against valves shall be stamped by the manufacturer's
direct heat flow. QC service.
6.3.28 Hydraulic leak test of boiler (with all 6.3.33 After onboard installation, the Sur-
pipelines, fittings and instruments) shall be veyor performs technical supervision for boiler
carried out under test pressure as per stan- steam sample, taking into account the follow-
dards of ÃÎÑÒ 22161, in the presence of the ing:
Surveyor after boiler installation on the ship. .1 Test duration is 4 to 8 h at steam work-
Main steam piping, feeding pressure pip- ing pressure.
ing, blow-off pipes, water gauge instruments .2 Boiler steam is not consumed, all
and all fittings are subject to the hydraulic test boiler valves are closed except blow-down
with the boiler. valve of superheater header.
If the boiler is fully assembled (with insula- .3 Water level in the boiler is maintained
tion, shell and lining) and provided with sup- in a working range.
porting documents confirming hydraulic tests .4 Boiler insulation and shell are removed
performance, the boiler hydraulic test on in such a way as to ensure meeting the re-
board the ship is not required. quirements of 6.3.34.
6 Power Installation and Systems 57

If the boiler is fully assembled (with insula- ing plant room is subject to the technical su-
tion, shell and lining) and provided with pervision, taking into account the following:
manufacturer supporting documents on results .1 Test (excess) air pressure during leak
the boiler steam sample, boiler steam sample testing is taken equal to 2 kPa;
after its onboard installation is not required. .2 compressed air pressure drop for 1 h
After steam sample, the boiler is subject to shall not exceed 25 % of the initial test pres-
mooring and running trials. Waste-heat boilers sure, i.e. 1 h after the pressure in the tested
are tested during the operation of engines at room shall be not less than 1.5 kPa.
mooring and running trials.
6.3.37 In the course of technical supervi-
6.3.34 In the course of technical supervi- sion during the refrigerating plants installa-
sion during boiler steam sample the following tion, the Surveyor shall check the following:
shall be checked: .1 meeting the requirements of the Rules
.1 tightness of welding, riveted, threaded on the control stations equipment and places
and expanded joints of the boiler, flange con- of maintenance, arrangement of the passes,
nections of fittings and steam pipelines escape and emergency routes as well as their
.2 tightness of the boiler and boiler flues closures;
shell .2 compliance of the refrigerant equip-
.3 presence and sizes of expansion clear- ment arrangement (including control, moni-
ances in the holes of boiler support on the toring, alarm and protection devices) with the
foundation allowing thermal expansion of the requirements of the approved technical
boiler and clearances in the arrangements documentation
preventing displacement of the boiler .3 proper installation of pipelines and
.4 presence and parameters of thermal their reliable protection against damages;
distortion of the boiler components .4 fastening of the refrigerating equip-
When the results of boiler test in steam are
satisfactory and defects detected in the course .5 alignment of the refrigerating plant
of testing are eliminated, insulation and shell units;
installation is to be carried out. .6 quality of the insulation installation,
including the type (brand) of insulating mate-
rial, thickness and security of insulation at-
Refrigerating plants
tachment, quality of the insulation of installa-
6.3.35 Technical supervision during instal- tion assemblies in the area of framing, pipes
lation and testing of the refrigerating plant on passages, hatches and doors.
transport, refrigerated and catching vessels
6.3.38 In the course of technical supervi-
shall be based on the applicable provisions of
sion during refrigerating plant systems manu-
6.3.1 to 6.3.33 taking into account the following:
facturing and installation, the Surveyor shall
.1 Components and equipment of the re- check:
frigerating plant supplied to the shipyard are
.1 quality of welded butt-joints of the re-
subject to the Surveyor's check by certificates
frigerant pipelines – using one of non-
or documents of refrigerating equipment
destructive testing methods.
Overlapped joint weld, on the backing
.2 Equipment and items manufactured by
rings and other which can not be checked by
the shipyard, are subject to the check and
the non-destructive testing, shall be tested by
testing prior to installation as per 6.2.44 to
the hydraulic pressure equal to 1.5 of the
working pressure;
6.3.36 After completion of assembly- .2 operation of isolation valves and refrig-
welding works on the hull but prior to insula- erant system pipelines after leakage testing of
tion installation, leak testing of the refrigerat- the system by stage-by-stage connection of
58 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

the system sections depending on the group of 6.3.42 Coolant and cooling water systems
refrigeration consumers and pressure rise in are subject to the leak test (see 6.2.48), being
these sections to 1.1 of working pressure; kept under working pressure for at least 1 hour.
.3 penetrations of air cooling systems and
6.3.43 Safety valves designed for refrigerat-
ventilation ducts through watertight and fire
ing plant shall be checked and tested in the
protection structures;
testing laboratory prior to their onboard in-
.4 arrangement of ventilation inlets and
stallation, taking into account the following:
outlets, flame-breaking fittings on the ends of
air channels and fans of non-sparking type in .1 Valve is to be adjusted to blow at 1.1 to
the explosion-hazardous spaces; 1.2 of working pressure;
.5 gas and air tightness of air channels be- .2 Valve is to be closed after actuation at
fore and after insulation operations; a pressure of at least 0.85 of working pressure;
.6 insulation of air channels. .3 Valve trim tightness shall be checked
by the immersing with secondary rise of pres-
6.3.39 The refrigerant system shall be sure to the designed value after its closing
tested for leakage by the gaseous atmosphere upon actuation.
test pressure equal to a working pressure (see
9.3.2 Part IV RCCS) for 18 h, after comple-
tion of installation. Total pressure drop caused Systems
by adsorption or leakage during the testing 6.3.44 In the course of technical supervi-
shall not exceed 2 % of the initial test pres- sion during installation of systems and piping
sure. the following shall be checked:
In such testing shall be used dry air, carbon .1 complete set and compliance of the
dioxide or nitrogen with the temperature of system's components with the requirements of
water vapor saturation up to 45 îÑ. the approved technical documentation;
After leak test, the pressure is to be relieved .2 quality of system's components clean-
by sequential valves opening on the emer- ing and processing, corrosion-resistant coat-
gency drainage station to check the emer- ings;
gency drainage system of the refrigerant.
.3 fact of performance and results of hy-
6.3.40 After passing the leakage tests the draulic tests of fittings, pipings, devices prior
refrigerant system shall be drained and un- to their onboard installation;
dergo vacuum leakage tests at residual pres- .4 proper arrangement and installation of
sure not exceeding 1 kPa. pipings, fittings, instruments and automation
6.3.41 In the course of technical supervi- equipment, compliance of the pipe bending
sion during the leak test of the refrigerant radiuses with those specified by drawings;
system it should be taken into account that all .5 completion of the assembling, welding
tests shall be performed for 12 h after vac- and leak testing of hull structures as well as
uuming to the residual pressure up to 1 kPa. after installation of all the saturating welding
The system is considered as passed the test parts;
if total pressure rise (due to steam-gas desorp- .6 reliable and proper installation of bot-
tion and inrush of air in the course of testing) tom and side valves and sacrificial protection
do not exceed 25 % of the initial residual components;
pressure. .7 installation of standard gaskets, fasten-
When the leak testing is completed, the ers, security of pipes and compressors attach-
quality of drainage of the refrigerant system is ments;
to be checked. .8 availability and safety of maintenance
The absolute water content after drainage and repair of pipelines and fittings;
according to the laboratory analysis data shall .9 availability of arrangements for draining
not exceed 0.15 g/m3. or blow-down of the medium, absence of pos-
6 Power Installation and Systems 59

sible liquid stagnation areas, preventing of sure at least 1.5 times exceeding the design
water hammers, presence of pipeline pitches; system pressure.
.10 providing with insulation, housings,
6.3.50 Plastic pipelines not stated in 6.3.46
barriers, protection against mechanical dam-
shall undergo leak test by the working pres-
.11 providing with identification plates on
the fittings, identification pipelines painting,
position indicators of shut-off devices, opera-
tion of local and remote drives, their accessi- General requirements
.12 arrangement and structure of branch 6.4.1 The purpose of the mooring trials is
suctions and inlets; to check the quality of installation and the
.13 safety of precautions against com- adjustment of the items stated in 6.1.1, com-
partment flooding, hazardous and toxic gases pliance of their parameters and characteristics
and vapors penetration into accommodation with the specification and to state if the ship
and service spaces; is ready for running trials.
.14 availability of grounding and (ran- 6.4.2 Prior to start the mooring trials, all
dom) grounding check of electrically conduc- operations related to installation, running-in
tive plastic pipelines. and adjustment of ship machinery, equipment
When the assembling is completed, the sys- and systems shall be completed and accepted
tems shall undergo hydraulic strength and leak by the manufacturer's QC service (organiza-
tests (see 6.2.57) on board the ship or air test, tion responsible for conversion, modernization
if such alternative is provided by the Rules. and repair). Items are subject to the mooring
6.3.45 In the course of technical supervi- trials after preparation to their direct applica-
sion during testing of systems metallic piping, tion together with systems and devices serving
the test pressure shall be taken considering these items or containing them.
provisions 6.2.57. 6.4.3 The mooring trials of the items in
6.3.46 All pipelines after assembly shall un- operation as intended shall be carried out only
dergo leak tests in operating conditions, ex- on the standard equipment in modes and
cept: scopes specified by the test program method-
.1 heating coils in tanks and oil and gas ology approved by the River Register.
fuel lines that shall be tested by 1.5 p, but not 6.4.4 Prior to start the mooring trials, the
less than 0.4 MPa Surveyor shall verify that all operations related
.2 liquefied gas pipelines that shall be leak to installation, running-in and adjustment of
tested (by air, haloids etc) by a test pressure ship machinery and systems components are
chosen depending on the working pressure. completed.
6.3.47 In case where hydraulic tests of as- For general provisions on technical super-
sembled piping systems are carried out on vision during mooring trials see 4.2.
board, leak tests and strength tests of them
6.4.5 In the course of the mooring trials
may be combined.
the Surveyor performs the technical supervi-
6.3.48 Testing of air, overflow and sound- sion on functional check of manual, remote
ing pipes shall be carried out together with and automatic control, locking devices, alarm
the tanks they are connected with. system, protection, means of communication
between the wheelhouse, the engine room and
6.3.49 Plastic pipelines making part of
control stations.
ship's systems that ensure the main purpose of
the ship, its survivability and floodability, shall 6.4.6 In the course of technical supervision
be tested after installation by hydraulic pres- during the mooring trials, the recording of all
60 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

parameter values required by the test program Shafting, gears, disengaging

methodology is subject to the checking. and elastic couplings
6.4.7 If operation of components of ship 6.4.11 Shafting, gears and couplings shall
machinery was forcedly interrupted during the be tested while operating together with the
functional checking, continuation of the main engine. In the course of technical super-
mode, increase of its duration or recurrence vision the Surveyor shall check:
shall be approved by the Surveyor considering .1 temperature of journal and thrust bear-
the causes which led to the interruption. ings;
.2 absence of hits in stern gear, gears and
Internal combustion engines couplings, bearings;
.3 vibration of engines, bearings and
6.4.8 In the course of technical supervision foundations;
during the engine trial, the following shall be
.4 effectiveness of the stern gear seals;
.5 water supply to the sterntube.
.1 operational readiness of units and sys-
tems serving engines;
Compressors, pumps, fans and separators
.2 engine starting and reversing character-
istics as per Rules, adequacy of air receivers 6.4.12 Compressors, pumps, fans and sepa-
or battery capacity; rators shall be tested together with units and
.3 automatic control systems of rotation systems they make part of.
frequency and operation of limit switches; In the course of technical supervision dur-
.4 engine parameters as per technical ing these tests the following shall be checked:
documentation. .1 possibility of control from a local, re-
mote, emergency and secondary stations;
6.4.9 Load modes and duration of mooring
trials of main and auxiliary engines shall cor- .2 adequate operation of automation,
respond to the Table 6.4.9. Duration of moor- alarm and protection means, possibility of
ing trials of prototype ships engine at 100 % controlling of the drive;
mode increases twice compared to that estab- .3 specified items parameters as per tech-
lished in the Table 6.4.9. nical documentation;
.4 efficiency of safety, relief, disengaging
T a b l e 6.4.9 and breaking devices;
Modes and duration of engine mooring trials .5 tightness of connections and pipelines;
Engine operated on
Trials duration (h), at .6 forces on the handles of manual drives.
engine output (kW)
load characteris- Systems
tic, output up to 750 above 750
% of the rated value
6.4.13 In the course of technical supervi-
— Idle run 0.25 0.5 sion during the testing of compressed air sys-
39 25 0.25 0.5 tem and its serving compressors, the Surveyor
63 50 0.25 0.5 shall check the following:
83 75 0.25 0.5 .1 actuation of safety, reducing and start-
100 100 1.00 2.0 ing quick closing valves and readings of press-
— 110 0.25 1.0 gauges;
Astern run — 0.50 0.5
.2 duration of air receivers filling by the
6.4.10 Parameters shall be measured at compressed air to required working pressure;
steady engine thermal state at least twice at .3 timeliness of automatic activation and
each mode after completion of all transient deactivation of compressors, duration of their
processes. automatic purging during starting;
6 Power Installation and Systems 61

.4 air output for typhoons and its opera- 6.4.17 During the testing of the ship system
tion; in operation the following shall be checked:
.5 state and operation of electric equip- .1 capability of being operated as pre-
ment and alarms indicating compressor opera- scribed by technical documents;
tion in the radio room; .2 proper operation of fittings, their
.6 temperature of air fed to air receivers. drives, safety and relief valves;
6.4.14 During the testing of the fuel system .3 tightness of connections;
the following shall be checked: .4 accuracy of readings of standard in-
.1 operation stability of fuel priming struments and automation equipment;
pumps in the specified mode and remote dis- .5 absence of abnormal vibrations, heat-
connection possibility; ing, noise;
.2 duration of daily service tanks filling; .6 meeting special requirements due to
.3 alarm actuation of the minimum per- system purpose and covered by the Rules.
missible fuel level in the tank;
.4 technical condition and working effi-
ciency of the electric equipment; Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels
.5 adequate operation of devices for re-
mote closing of valves of daily service tanks 6.4.18 During mooring trials steam boilers,
and main tanks, as well as overflow pipes; heat exchangers and pressure vessels shall be
.6 stable engine operation at their trans- checked as per program approved by the
ferring from heavy fuel to diesel and back; River Register.
.7 adequate operation of the heavy fuel 6.4.19 Readiness of the steam boiler for
preparation system (separators, filters, heaters, mooring trial shall be confirmed by the
automatic maintaining of preset fuel tempera- document of the shipyard's QC service.
6.4.20 During mooring trials of the steam
6.4.15 In the course of technical supervi- boiler the following shall be checked:
sion during the testing of oil system, the Sur- .1 operation of the fuel system, including
veyor shall check in operation the system of oil-fuel priming pump, filters, fittings, fuel
remote control from the wheelhouse of engine heaters, filling of daily fuel service tank;
oil circulation, thermostats and oil transfer .2 operation of nozzles and quality of
pumps, system of main engines oil circulation burning (visually);
with the hand pump and the mechanically-
.3 operation of the feed and condensate
driven pump (from the local control station or
system: feeding pump, filters, fittings, quality
from the central control station).
of condensate in the hot well and observation
6.4.16 During the testing of the cooling tanks, and water treating quality;
system the following shall be checked: .4 operation of fans, gate valves, air chan-
.1 water temperature at the inlet and out- nel density;
let of coolers and engines; .5 tightness of the boiler and boiler flues
.2 water supply for cooling compressors of casing;
exhaust gas pipe and stern unit; .6 operation of automation equipment;
.3 adequate operation of the device for .7 operation of electrical equipment;
automatic control of the cooling water tem-
.8 amplitude and vibration frequency of
the boiler and its components.
.4 possibility to switch the inner cooling
circuit over to overboard water or standby; 6.4.21 The boiler is to be tested in all
.5 alarm actuation of the minimum water modes provided in the operating manual and
flow in the inner cooling cycle expansion test program. Tests of self-contained boilers
tank. during mooring trials are final.
62 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

6.4.22 Results of tests in steam of the .14 quality of boiler and steam pipes insu-
boiler and steam piping shall be recorded in lation.
the report of initial survey of the ship. When the results of safety valves adjust-
6.4.23 Visual inspection of boilers with fit- ment are satisfactory, one of valves installed
directly on the boiler shall be stamped by a
tings, equipment, pumps, filters, heat ex-
changers, pipings and other system compo- representative of the shipyard's QC service.
nents shall be carried out in steam under 6.4.25 Heat exchangers in operation shall
working pressure. be checked together with serviced systems,
6.4.24 During visual inspection of the piping and devices to check the quality of
boiler, the following shall be checked: their installation and operational reliability.
The following shall be checked:
.1 water level in the boiler by purging
sight glass channels with steam and water, and .1 operation on specified parameters of
the working medium;
purging of control cocks;
.2 proper appliance of mark on the cock .2 serviceability of fittings, instruments
and control devices;
plug of the boiler pressure gauge;
.3 serviceability of water level indicators; .3 adjustment of safety and alarm and
protection devices;
.4 seal or stamp (indicating the calibration
period) on the pressure gauges and red line on .4 fastening and design of arrangements
compensating thermal expansion.
the pressure gauge scale;
.5 serviceability of remote drives of steam 6.4.26 To check the quality of installation
pipeline shut-off valves, fuel and lock valves; of the pressure vessels and their applicability
.6 actuation of blow-down and scum as intended, they shall be tested as a part of
valves of the boiler; ship systems under working pressure. The
.7 safety valves adjustment, herewith, following shall be checked
firstly on the boiler with superheater shall be .1 serviceability of fittings, instruments
activated the superheater safety valve and and control devices
when pressure continue to rise – saturated .2 adjustment of safety devices, sealing of
steam safety valves installed on the boiler. The safety valves;
adjustment of safety valves shall be checked .3 functioning of arrangements for mois-
under manual boiler control; ture removal from the vessel;
.8 serviceability of manual drives of safety .4 seal or stamp on the pressure gauges
valves actuation from the boiler room and (indicating the calibration period) and red line
outside; on the pressure gauge scale indicating permis-
.9 serviceability of feeding devices sible pressure.
(pumps, pipelines and fittings);
.10 proper operation of boiler's automa- Refrigerating plants
tion equipment, emergency alarm and protec-
tion; 6.4.27 Testings of refrigerating plant in op-
.11 constancy of boiler performance while eration purposes to verify its operational effi-
switching from automatic control to manual ciency on board, as well as plant reliability
and back; and safety.
.12 absence of leakage, steaming and 6.4.28 The refrigerating plant in operation
buckling in the flame sections accessible for shall be tested in the presence of the Surveyor
examination, condition of furnace brickwork, as per program approved by the River Regis-
serviceability of furnace door locking devices; ter. All items of the refrigerating plant shall be
.13 overall condition of fuel storage and checked both in automatic and emergency
their air pipes, pipelines, fuel pumps, nozzles; manual operation.
6 Power Installation and Systems 63

6.4.29 In the course of technical supervi- 6.5 RUNNING TRIALS

sion during refrigerating plant testing the fol-
lowing shall be checked: 6.5.1 Running trials are intended for com-
plete functional check of the power plant and
.1 proper operation of the main and systems in operating conditions.
standby refrigerating equipment (compressors,
separators, apparatuses, systems, heating con- 6.5.2 Running trials shall be performed af-
trollers, instruments, shut-off and control ter eliminating defects detected during moor-
valves, warning alarm and protection systems, ing trials as per the program approved by the
remote control), and serviceability of electri- River Register. The running trials program
cal and automation equipment, systems ser- provides for checking all the parameters pre-
vicing the refrigerating plant room and refrig- scribed by the vessel's specification and tech-
erated spaces nical documentation for ship machinery or
similar technical documentation.
.2 possibility to achieve the lowest speci-
fied temperature in the cooled spaces and 6.5.3 Load modes and operation period of
time required for that the main engines in these modes during run-
.3 possibility to maintain the specified ning trials shall comply with those in Table
temperature in the cooled spaces for 24 h 6.5.3. Running trials duration for engines of
connecting at regular intervals standby equip- the lead ships at 100 % mode increases twice
ment under condition of its continuous opera- compared to that established in the Table
tion for 10 to 12 h. In this case the refrigerat- 6.5.3.
T a b l e 6.5.3
ing capacity of lead ships shall be determined
Modes and duration of main engine running trials
as well
Rotation speed Power
Mode No.

.4 insulation efficiency by mean heat % of the rated value

transfer coefficient and dynamic of air tem- for engine operating as per
duration (h)
perature change when the refrigerating plant characteristic
propeller load
(of lead ships) is not in operation during 24 h
Minimum steady rotation speed mode
6.4.30 In the case of refrigerating plant 1 not standardized 0.25
testing at a boiling and condensing tempera- Modes of operation under load
ture of the refrigerant different from designed 2 63 25 0.50
ones by more than 1 îÑ (boiling temperature) 3 80 50 0.50
or than 2Ñ (condensing temperature), the 4 91 75 0.50
refrigerating capacity shall be re-evaluated for 5 100 100 4.00
design conditions. 6 103 110 1.00
Mode corresponding to the astern running rating
6.4.31 The refrigerating capacity and mean
7 not standardized 0.50
heat transfer coefficient are considered to be
confirmed if their difference from the de- During running trials, diesel generators
signed values do not exceed 5 %. shall be checked in operation as intended.
6.4.32 The processed results of the refriger- 6.5.4 Boilers, heat exchangers, compres-
ating plant tests shall be submitted to the Sur- sors, pumps, fans, separators, pressure vessels,
veyor for drawing up the River Register refrigerating plants, general systems and sys-
documents. tems of the ship's power plant shall be
checked in operation during running trials as
The conclusion about compliance of the
plant characteristics and its equipment with
specification shall be attached to the test re- 6.5.5 After running trials, steam boilers
port documentation for the plant in operation. shall be submitted for internal survey.
64 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

The Surveyor shall be submitted the meas- marked according to 6.4.3 Part IV of RCSS.
urement results of flame tubes performed by Availability of prohibited zones shall be fixed
the shipyard's QC service after mooring and in the Certificate (PP-1.0 form) issued on
running trials, to compare them with the board the ship.
measurement results obtained when manufac-
turing the boiler in the shop, or specified in 6.5.8 In case of failure of boilers, heat ex-
the technical documentation. changers and pressure vessels during technical
supervision of their functional check during
6.5.6 Deck machinery shall be tested to- mooring trials, after remedying them, they
gether with their devices in modes provided perform technical supervision of boilers as per
by the test program approved by the River 6.4.18 to 6.4.25, heat exchangers and pressure
Register. vessels – as per 6.4.26 to 6.4.28. During run-
6.5.7 In cases provided by the Rules, dur- ning trials, waste heat boilers shall be tested as
ing running trials they measure torsional vi- per 6.4.21 to 6.4.24.
bration parameters of the shafting as per the 6.5.9 In case of failure of refrigerating
separate program approved by the River Reg- plants during technical supervision of their
ister. functional check during mooring trials, after
Measurements shall be performed in pro- remedying them, they perform technical su-
peller characteristic modes from minimum pervision of refrigerating plants as per 6.3.44
stable to maximum rotation frequency. to 6.3.49 during running trials. When testing,
If a prohibited zone of rotation frequencies all the circuits of refrigerating plants shall be
was found, numerical values of its boundaries used. Refrigerating plant elements shall be
shall be fixed in the ship datasheet, and pro- checked both in automatic and emergency
hibited zones on tachometer scales shall be (manual) mode.
7 Ship Arrangements and Outfit 65


7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Rudder and steering gear

7.1.1 This section contains the require- 7.2.2 When parts of rudder and steering
ments for the technical supervision during gear, transverse thrusters and steerable thrust-
manufacture of ship arrangements, equipment ers are visually inspected, the following shall
and outfit and during installation and testing be checked in addition to the list in 7.2.1:
of the above items onboard according to the .1 assemblage of rudder (nozzle), quality
Nomenclature. of key slots;
7.1.2 Materials to be used for manufacture .2 protection of internal cavities of items
of items shall comply with the requirements from corrosion or their fill-up;
of Part V and Part X of RCCS. .3 quality of machining of holes for tight
fit bolts;
7.1.3 The technical supervision during .4 installation of plugs and drain plugs on
manufacture and testing of steering engines, hollow structures of rudders and steerable
steerable thrusters, transverse thrusters and nozzles after filling them up with inert mass.
deck machinery (windlasses, capstans, and
anchor, mooring, towing and boat winches) Anchor arrangement
shall consider the applicable requirements set
out in 6 of these Rules. 7.2.3 When anchors are inspected, the fol-
lowing shall be checked in addition to the list
7.1.4 When conducting the technical su- in 7.2.1:
pervision during manufacture of deck ma-
.1 documents on drop tests;
chinery, cargo handling gears and their as-
.2 quality of welding of welded anchors;
semblies, follow 6 of these Rules.
.3 curvature of anchor shank;
7.2 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION .4 weight of anchor.
DURING MANUFACTURE 7.2.4 The technical supervision during
General requirements manufacture of anchor chains and their com-
ponent parts includes the following:
7.2.1 The technical supervision during .1 check of documents on materials to be
manufacture of arrangements, equipment and used;
outfit includes the following: .2 check of documents on accessories (for
.1 verification of technical documents; chains);
.2 check of materials; .3 visual inspection for compliance of di-
.3 visual inspection of items; mensions (for chains);
.4 validation of measurements; .4 review of test results;
.5 check of nondestructive testing; .5 check of marking;
.6 tests. .6 branding.
66 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

Coupling arrangement tests. This test shall be performed on the

properly calibrated machine or by suspending
7.2.5 For type approval, standard samples
a load of specified weight to parts under test
of coupling equipment shall be bench-tested
according to Table 7.2.9.
by test load with strain-gauging of critical
The proof load shall be applied statically.
parts as per the program agreed upon with the
River Register. The time of keeping the upper structure under
Values of test load and permissible stresses the load is at least 5 min.
in the coupling equipment parts are specified T a b l e 7.2.9
in Part V of RCCS. Weight of loads for testing removable parts of cargo
7.2.6 When conducting the technical su- handling gears under test load
pervision during manufacture of series- Load weight mSWL
produced coupling equipment, check the fol- (t) corresponding Test load weight
Removable parts
to permissible load (t)
lowing: SWL
.1 compliance of workmanship of main Chains, shanks, mSWL  25 2mSWL
parts and coupling equipment as a whole with shackles, hooks, mSWL > 25 1.22mSWL+20
technical documentation for manufacture; etc.
.2 kinematics and interaction of all parts, Single-sheave mSWL 4mSWL
opening of lock under design load and blocks without hoist
strength of lock under bench test with test cable bitter end
load (without strain-gauging). attached to them
Single-sheave mSWL 6mSWL
blocks with hoist
Load-handling device cable bitter end
7.2.7 When conducting the technical su- attached to them
Multi-sheave mSWL  n25 2mSWL
pervision during manufacture of cargo han- blocks 25 < mSWL  160 0,93mSWL+27
dling gears to be installed on ships to be clas-
mSWL >160 1.1mSWL
sified by the River Register, check the following:
.1 quality of parent and welding materials On completion of test, all parts shall be
used to manufacture metal structures and visually inspected for absence of defects or
compliance of the same with technical docu- residual deformations. Blocks shall be disas-
mentation agreed upon with the River Regis- sembled for visual inspection of axles and
ter; sheaves.
.2 availability of necessary documents for All removable parts shall be submitted for
component parts as per the Nomenclature; visual inspection and tests with corrosion-
.3 workmanship of parts and assemblies resistant coat applied (except for paint coat).
and quality of assemblage of cargo handling Tested parts shall be branded according to
gear according to the List; the Nomenclature.
.4 correctness of bench testing of assem- 7.2.10 If removable parts of cargo handling
bled removable parts of cargo handling gear as gear are jointed in an assembly, test shall be
per 7.2.9 to 7.2.11 as per the program agreed applied to this assembly.
upon with the River Register. When this takes place, removable parts
7.2.8 Tested cargo handling gears shall be shall not be tested individually.
branded according to 6.17 Part V of RCCS. 7.2.11 Standard samples of removable parts
7.2.9 All newly manufactured removable shall be tested with limit load equal to double
parts of cargo handling gears (blocks, hooks, test load within time specified by the manu-
chains, turnbuckles, rope sockets, etc.) shall facturer in the testing program.
be tested with test load under supervision of Removable parts of cranes with lifting ca-
person competent for conducting this type of pacity of 100 t are not tested with limit load if
7 Ship Arrangements and Outfit 67

calculations and results of testing with test 7.2.15 After assembled, adjusted and run in
load have confirmed their strength. and before installed onboard, deck machinery
Quantity of parts from a batch subject to shall be bench-tested under load according to
this test shall be determined upon agreement the program agreed upon with the River Reg-
with the River Register. ister (according to Part V of RCCS).
Sleeves and compression clamps for termi- Bench tests may be replaced with onboard
nating wire ropes and thimbles shall be tested tests.
together with terminated rope.
A part is considered to have passed the test Hydraulic drives
if it is not broken under limit load.
7.2.16 The elements of hydraulic drives be-
Parts tested with limit load shall not be re- ing under load shall be strength-checked for
paired and used for the purpose specified. the application of forces corresponding to the
Tests with limit load shall be witnessed by working pressure, here, the equivalent stresses
the surveyor. Test results shall be recorded in in the elements shall not exceed 0.4 of the
the report (see 2.3.12). yield point of the element.
Hydrofoil system Life-saving appliances
7.2.12 When conducting technical supervi- 7.2.17 The technical supervision during
sion during manufacture of hydrofoil system, manufacture lifeboats, liferafts, life-saving
check the following in addition to the list in apparatuses, lifebuoys and lifejackets shall be
7.2.1: conducted in accordance with the require-
.1 assemblage of hydrofoil system; ments of 7.2.1.
.2 protection of internal cavities of items Standard samples of life-saving appliances
from corrosion or their fill-up; shall be tested according to the testing pro-
.3 fitting of plugs and drain plugs on hol- gram agreed upon with the River Register and
low structures of hydrofoil system. guidelines stated in Appendix 13.

Deck machinery Signal means

7.2.13 When conducting the technical su- 7.2.18 Standard samples of pyrotechnic
pervision during manufacture of deck ma- signal means shall be tested according to the
chinery parts operated under excessive pres- testing program agreed upon with the River
sure‚ check results of hydraulic tests per- Register and guidelines stated in Appendix 14.
formed after final machining before
7.2.19 When conducting the technical su-
application of protective coats. Hydraulic test
pervision for navigation lights, check the fol-
pressure ðtest (MPa) for such tests shall be
lowing in addition to the list in 7.2.1:
determined in accordance with the require-
ments of 6.2.28 imposed to test pressure for .1 interchangeability of parts;
hydraulic tests of parts of compressors, pumps .2 degree of protection (see Appendix 15);
and fans operated under overpressure. .3 insulation breakdown strength (see Ap-
pendix 15);
7.2.14 Parts and assemblies of deck ma- .4 insulation resistance (see Appendix 15).
chinery (bodies of reduction gears‚ trays, etc.)
to be filled with petroleum products or their 7.2.20 Bench tests of standard samples of
vapours under hydrostatic or atmospheric lights, except for those mentioned in 7.2.18,
pressure shall be subject to tightness testing shall be performed as per the agreed testing
with dye penetrant method. In welded struc- program developed according to Appendix 15
tures it is sufficient to test only tightness of and shall include the following:
welds. .1 functional tests;
68 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.2 vibration survival, vibration resistance .8 ease of turn of rudder blade or steer-

and on impact tests; able nozzle with drive disconnected;
.3 operation check at high and low ambi- .9 mounting connections of rudder stock
ent temperatures; with rudder blade or steerable nozzle, avail-
.4 check for corrosion resistance; ability of River Register brand on rudder
.5 check for heat resistance; stock if provided for by the Nomenclature;
.6 check for moisture resistance; .10 installation of side stops of steering
.7 operation check under roll and pitch; drive;
.8 check of degree of protection from .11 sealing gland of rudder stock and im-
contact with current carrying parts; permeability of seal of tapered joints;
.9 lighting tests. .12 installation and fastening of stand-by
steering drive;
Ropes .13 clearances in hinges and bearings;
.14 clearances that regulate rudder or
7.2.21 The technical supervision during nozzle movement in axial direction (upwards)
manufacture of wire, synthetic and natural depending on steering drive design;
fiber ropes consists in: .15 availability of locking devices that
.1 check of materials to be used for eliminate loosening of moving parts of gear;
manufacture of products as per accompanying .16 rudder or steerable nozzle angles to
documentation; contact with turn limiter on hull and size of
.2 review of results of tests performed as contact surface area;
per the agreed testing program; .17 compliance of indications of rudder
.3 visual inspection and measurement. indicators with position of rudders or nozzles.

7.3 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION DURING 7.3.2 During harbour acceptance trials of

ONBOARD INSTALLATION AND TESTS rudder and steering gear, the following shall
be checked:
Rudder and steering gear .1 operability of gear with drive from
7.3.1 On completion of installation of rud- power source by continuous rudder or nozzle
der and steering gear and thrusters, the sur- deflection from hard over to hard over during
veyor shall check the following: 30 minutes;
.1 certificates for chains and ropes, re- .2 possibility of gear operation from
ports on hydraulic test of hydraulic system; emergency power source during 15 minutes;
.2 reliable installation and fastening of .3 time of rudder or nozzle deflection
main steering drive on ship’s foundation; from hard over to hard over and from mid-
.3 correct application of gauge-marks of position to port and starboard separately with
rudder (nozzle) midposition, correct gradua- power supplied from main and emergency
tion of rudder (nozzle) position indicator at power sources. When main engine is used as a
quadrant; drive for hydraulic pump of steering gear,
.4 drive alignment; time of rudder deflection shall be measured in
.5 quality of installation of rudder stock slow and full speed modes;
bearings; .4 reliability of switching from main drive
.6 correct fit of steering drive support sur- to standby one and back at least three times
faces to gaskets, gaskets to foundation support and at different positions of rudder or nozzle;
parts and heads of foundation bolts and nuts .5 operability of gear with stand-by drive
to drive surfaces and foundation flanges; by deflecting rudder or nozzle from hard over
.7 tightness of joints of hydraulic system to hard over, time of turn from 20° at a side
pipelines of rudder and steering gear and to 20° at another side and number of people
thrusters; required for this operation;
7 Ship Arrangements and Outfit 69

.6 operability of steering engine limiters ent ship speeds and different deflection angles
and quadrant turn angle; of rudders or nozzles.
.7 operability of communication means of
7.3.6 Rudder and steering gear on series-
control positions and rudder indicators;
produced ships shall be tested in accordance
.8 temperature of steering engine bearings,
with and to
reduction gears and other parts;
.9 rudder or nozzle deflection by means
of tiller (steering tackles). Anchor arrangement
7.3.3 When conducting the technical su- 7.3.7 On completion of installation of an-
pervision during harbour acceptance trials of chor arrangement, the surveyor shall check
transverse thruster, check the following: the following:
.1 operation of thruster during 30 minutes; .1 installation and fastening of windlass or
.2 thrust of thruster by method of direct anchor capstans on ship foundation;
measurements in alternate operation to star- .2 installation and fastening of anchor ar-
board and port side (on lead ships); rangement stoppers on ship foundation;
.3 correct operation of signalling system .3 mounting of anchor chains  i.e. as-
in wheelhouse. semblage of coupling links;
7.3.4 Running trials of rudder and steering .4 equipment of chain lockers;
gear of lead ships shall be performed simulta- .5 installation of devices for fastening and
neously with check of maneuvering capabili- unfastening of bitter ends of anchor chains;
ties of loaded and light ship at design draughts .6 assembled anchor chains and anchors
and of tug boats and pushboats without con- for compliance with drawings, including
voys and with convoys. availability of brands and compliance of as-
7.3.5 During running trials of rudder and semblies and parts as per certificates;
steering gear of ships mentioned in 7.3.4, the .7 sizes of welds of foundations for ele-
following shall be checked: ments of anchor arrangements;
.1 no-failure rudder (nozzle) deflection .8 absence of angular misalignments of
from hard over to hard over and from any anchor chain in plan view;
arbitrary position to a side or along centreline .9 installation of remote control system
at full, mean and slow speeds ahead and equipment.
.2 no-failure operation of gear in ship 7.3.8 During harbour acceptance trials, an-
seaworthiness test modes; chor arrangement shall be checked in opera-
.3 time of rudder or nozzle deflection tion by alternately hauling out several shots of
from hard over to hard over and from centre- each chain and hauling them in by means of
line to each side at full and slow speed ahead electric power drive and hand drive.
(for electric power drive with power supply The following shall be checked during tri-
from main and emergency power sources); als:
.4 operability of test lamps, limit switches .1 correctness of running of chain links on
and overload alarm; sprocket wheels, through stoppers and anchor
.5 indications of rudder indicators and hawses;
their compliance with rudder blade or nozzle .2 operability of stoppers and belt brakes
positions; of windlass, capstan or anchor winch (two or
.6 force applied to hand drive wheel; three break operations while chain or rope is
.7 force applied to water-jet propeller re- hauled out);
versing handle; .3 free run-out and run-in of chain and
.8 reliability and ease of changeover from anchor from/to hawsehole and contact of
main drive to standby one and back at differ- anchor flukes with ship side;
70 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.4 reliability and rapidity of anchor release hawses during all types of tests and correct
when sprocket wheels are disengaged from run of anchor cable through cable layer.
windlass shaft;
7.3.12 When stern anchor arrangement is
.5 tightness of closed hawse and chain tested, the following shall be checked:
.1 reliability of anchor release with an-
.6 no-failure operation of remote anchor chor; arrangement drive disabled by brake;
release device;
.2 capability of anchor release, lift-off
.7 compliance of anchor chain hauling from ground and hauling in by means of an-
speed with mechanism ratings;
chor handling gear and hauling speed;
.8 self-stowage of all hauled anchor chain .3 operability of deck stoppers.
in chain locker.
7.3.9 During running trials on lead ships Towing and coupling arrangements
and convoys, anchor arrangement capability
of providing safe anchorage and safe opera- 7.3.13 On completion of installation of
tion in navigation areas specified in the pre- towing arrangement, the surveyor shall check
liminary specifications. the following:
The following shall be checked: .1 installation and fastening of towing
.1 sufficiency of holding power of anchors winches on foundation;
to hold a single ship or a pushboat with con- .2 compliance of type, diameter or cir-
voy on current; cumference and length of towing rope with
.2 operability of anchor arrangement drawing or list;
when hoisting anchors from design anchorage .3 adjustment of mechanical lock of tow-
depths. ing hook;
7.3.10 Operation of anchor arrangements .4 correct installation of towing rope lim-
on series-produced ships shall be checked at iters;
maximum depths of test area, as well as on .5 operability of remote towing rope re-
river under current conditions. lease device at all possible angles of deviation
from centreline;
7.3.11 When bow anchor arrangement is .6 arrangement and design of guide rollers
tested, the following shall be checked: and blocks, no slipping off of rope or friction
.1 operability of belt brakes with dead of rope against hull structures.
drive by breaking an anchor chain or an an-
chor cable being hauled out; 7.3.14 During harbour acceptance trials of
towing arrangement, the following shall be
.2 operability of deck stoppers;
.3 capability of hauling in each anchor by
means of windlass with lifting it off the .1 movability of towing hook with rope
ground and hoisting speed; attached to it;
.4 capability of releasing both anchors by .2 capability of free release of towing rope
means of windlass with drive operating in all from hook;
design operating modes; .3 correct operation of remote rope re-
lease device from wheelhouse;
.5 capability of simultaneous hoisting of
two hanging anchors and hoisting speed; .4 correct operation of towing winch dur-
ing rope hauling in/out;
.6 no-failure operation of remote anchor
release device from wheelhouse; .5 operability of towing winch mecha-
nisms and brakes.
.7 operability of hand drive of windlass or
anchor winch; 7.3.15 During harbour acceptance trials of
.8 correct run of anchor chain links on lead tugboats and pushboats with convoy, the
windlass sprockets, through stoppers and following shall be checked:
7 Ship Arrangements and Outfit 71

.1 operability of towing winch; Mooring arrangement

.2 no-failure operation of brakes and ca-
ble layers; 7.3.18 On completion of installation of
.3 capability of free movement of rope on mooring arrangement, the following shall be
towing arches and efficiency of rope stopping checked:
on limiters. .1 installation and fastening of mooring
capstans or winches and other equipment of
7.3.16 On completion of installation of mooring arrangement on foundations;
coupling arrangement, the surveyor shall .2 positional relationship and height of in-
check the following: stallation of mooring arrangement compo-
.1 availability of coupling equipment; nents and availability of free areas and ap-
.2 safe attachment of coupling equipment proaches to them;
to foundation; .3 compliance of type, circumference and
.3 availability of ship hull reinforcement
length of mooring ropes with drawing instruc-
at coupling equipment location. tions (list of supply);
7.3.17 During harbour acceptance trials of .4 quality of mounting of hydraulic system
coupling arrangement, the following shall be pipelines and pumps.
.1 correct operation of luffing mechanism; Load-handling device
.2 correct operation of claws and locking
hooks; 7.3.19 On completion of installation and
.3 operability of head cams by turning testing of cargo handling gear, preliminary
them with a winch and returning them with tests of all units idling shall be performed. If
springs; results of preliminary tests are satisfactory,
.4 correct operation of pressure shanks for cargo handling gear with appropriate docu-
two-locked couplings; mentation shall be submitted to the surveyor
.5 correct operation of winch when lock is for final trials.
lifted and lowered throughout height of stop; 7.3.20 Before onboard testing of cargo
.6 correct operation of lock holder and handling gear, the surveyor shall check the
release; following documents:
.7 correct operation of lock key and rope .1 notification on acceptance and readi-
coupling sea-securing device; ness of gear for testing;
.8 tensioning of ropes with tensioning sta- .2 data sheet or certificate (for cranes);
.3 testing program;
.9 operability of rope shortening device. .4 certificates for chains, ropes, removable
On completion of operability check of parts of cargo handling gear, materials of
mechanisms, test convoys shall be checked critical parts of machines, metal parts of
during running trials by direct measurement cranes, spars and welding materials;
of stresses or forces that occur in coupling .5 reports of quality test of welded joints
coupling and uncoupling shall be performed, and information on certification of welders
and operation of devices preventing spontane- who performed critical welding;
ous unlocking shall be checked. Unlocking
.6 data sheets for mechanisms and units;
shall be performed from local and remote
.7 specification for cargo handling gear;
control posts.
.8 drawings and diagrams.
Test coupling and uncoupling of coupling
arrangement of pushboats and bow locks of 7.3.21 Before tests begin, the surveyor shall
nonself-propelled ships may be performed on visually inspect the cargo handling gear to
benches that simulate aft end of barge. check the following:
Strength characteristics of coupling ar- .1 safe fastening of units to foundations
rangement on lead ships and arrangement. and foundations to deck;
72 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.2 correct assemblage of cargo handling hoisting, turning, luffing and travelling

gear; mechanisms.
.3 convenience of location of control Operation of limit switches and outreach
posts; indicators shall also be checked.
.4 safe stowage of rope on drum; If crane is capable of making different si-
.5 availability of safety devices, safety multaneous motions (hoisting, luffing, turning
guards and fences. and travelling), all permissible combinations
of motions shall be checked.
7.3.22 Cargo handling gear installed on- Lifting capacity limiters shall be checked in
board shall undergo static and dynamic tests operation by lifting a load corresponding to
with test load. limiter setting.
Dynamometer shall not be used instead of
test load. 7.3.25 While crane is tested, condition of
steel structures, beams, mechanisms, critical
Luffing cranes shall lift a test load with
parts and fastenings shall be monitored.
maximum and minimum overhangs. If luffing
cranes have variable outreach-dependent lift- Special attention shall be paid to crane sta-
ing capacity, they shall lift a test load at bility, uniform contact bottom parts of all
maximum and minimum overhangs for each supports with base and fastening and opera-
fixed lifting capacity. tion of counterbalance weight and braking
Lifting capacity limiter shall be off for test-
ing with test load. Ensure that at least 1,5 rope coils remains
on winch drum at lowermost working position
7.3.23 For static test of crane, a test load of load-handling device.
weighing 125 % of nominal capacity shall be
used. Here, crane beam shall be in a position 7.3.26 When testing travelling cranes, en-
corresponding to least crane stability, and sure that travelling roller do not separate from
load shall be lifted to height of 100 to rails.
200 mm. Test load shall be retained by crane 7.3.27 After tests, all metal structures, units
in fixed position for at least 10 minutes. and parts of cargo handling gear shall be visu-
For dynamic test of crane, a test load ally inspected by the surveyor to detect possi-
weighing 110 % of nominal capacity shall be ble defects.
used. All motions shall be performed at full If defects are detected, their causes shall be
speed. eliminated, defects shall be remedied by
Luffing during tests shall be carried in all methods agreed upon with the River Register,
range of possible outreach values between two and retests shall be performed.
permissible extreme positions of beam.
7.3.28 If results of cargo handling gear tests
Reliable operation of brakes of cargo
are positive, the River Register documents
winches of beams and cranes shall be checked
shall be drawn up.
by quickly lowering a test load by about 3 m
and abruptly braking it. This test shall be per-
Boat handling gear and life-saving appliances
formed in at least two positions of beam.
Test load hanging with dead winch drive 7.3.29 After installed onboard, each boat
shall be checked too. handling gear shall be tested with a boat being
lowered and lifted. The load shall be in ac-
7.3.24 After tested with test load, crane
cordance with Part V of RCCS.
shall be tested with a load equal to lifting ca-
pacity with hoisting, turning, luffing and trav- 7.3.30 Before boat handling gear tests with
elling mechanisms operating at maximum test load begin, assembled launching arrange-
speed. When this takes place, abrupt braking ments shall be inspected. The surveyor shall
shall be applied to test operation of brakes of check the following:
7 Ship Arrangements and Outfit 73

.1 quality of mounting and complete set .3 force applied to hand drive handle;
of launching arrangements; .4 automatic cut-off (blocking) of power
.2 availability of brands and markings of supply of electric drive when hand drive is
items, assemblies and parts and their compli- activated (hand drive handle is attached);
ance with submitted certificates; .5 availability and adjustment of limit
.3 tightening of fastening screws, close fit switches.
of bed frame feet to foundations, quality of
7.3.33 Mechanically driven life-boats and
welds of foundations and reinforcements un-
motor boats shall be tested underway to check
der foundations;
drive and (or) motor in operation. If radio
.4 reliable attachment of ends of boat falls equipment, navigation equipment, floodlights,
on winch drums and of bitter ends of boat sprinkling system and compressed air system
(on tanker boats) are available, they shall be
.5 boat davit outreach; tested for intended use.
.6 possibility of observing the boat being
lifted and lowered from winch control post; 7.3.34 When liferafts are installed, compli-
.7 correct operation of hand drive of boat ance of type, quantity, holding capacity, loca-
davit winches and screw drive of collapsible tion, brands and markings of liferafts with
boat davits. requirements of agreed technical documenta-
tion and availability of River Register certifi-
7.3.31 When boat handling gear is tested, cates shall be checked.
the following shall be checked:
.1 reliable operation of winch hand brake 7.3.35 The surveyor shall check compliance
with boat being lowered. Braking shall be of quantity, location and fastening of life-
smooth, but effective; saving devices on vessel with requirements of
technical documentation agreed upon with
.2 smooth motion of travelling rollers
the River Register, availability of River Regis-
along guides of rolling-down boats;
ter certificates and manufacturer documents,
.3 run of falls on sheaves and guide rollers as well as operability and completeness of life-
and in places closed by housings; saving devices.
.4 boat lowering speed;
.5 uniform coiling of rope on winch 7.3.36 Lifejackets shall be visually in-
drum; spected and checked for compliance with
.6 necessary length of falls for lowering a manufacturer documents and River Register
boat at each side to level of lowest ballasted certificates.
ship waterline at 15° heel to any side; 7.3.37 Outfit items of life-boats shall be
.7 rope capacity of winch drum (sufficient checked for compliance with documentation
elevation of winch drum shoulder at end faces agreed upon with the River Register and with
over top row of completely stowed rope); requirements of Part V of RCCS.
.8 boat lowering time. Outfit items of life-boats shall also be
7.3.32 Swinging arms of boat davits shall checked for completeness and proper location
be tested by swinging out and swinging in inside boat and availability of manufacturer
arms and boat davits and lowering and lifting documents.
a boat with cargo equal to weight of complete 7.3.38 During the technical supervision for
set of outfit and launching team several times signal means of ships under construction, the
(not less than three times). The following following checks shall be performed:
shall be checked: .1 compliances of signal means with
.1 smooth movement of arms of boat davits; documentation agreed upon with the River
.2 smooth movement of travelling rollers Register;
on guides of roll-down boat davits; .2 installation of signal means on ships.
74 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

7.3.39 Check of compliance of signal .6 quality of mounting of compressed air,

means with agreed technical documentation vapour or other agent piping for actuating
shall include check of data sheets and certifi- acoustical signal means;
cates, check of signal means and comparison .7 operability of structures and safety of
of accompanying documents with markings devices and appliances for actuating pyro-
and brands applied to signal means. technic signal means and their storage loca-
7.3.40 Check of installation of signal means
on ships shall include visual inspection and 7.3.41 When conducting the technical su-
check measurements (checks) to ascertain the pervision for fire protection, navigation and
emergency outfit and pyrotechnic and acous-
tical signal means, check the following:
.1 correct location of stationary signal .1 availability of documents on outfit
means in vertical and horizontal planes and items and their validity;
with reference to ship centreline; .2 complete set of outfit according to the
.2 correct installation and fastening of design and Rules;
signal means; .3 location and fastening of outfit items
on ship according to the design.
.3 ease of dismounting of signal means
and replacement of replaceable parts; 7.3.42 In addition to requirements of, installation of onboard fire extin-
.4 correct wiring of electric cables and guishers and availability of certificate of com-
protective earthling of signal means; pliance of fire extinguishers with fire safety
.5 effective protection against radio inter- regulations (Federal law No. 123-ÔÇ dated
ference created by electrical signal means; 02.07.2008).
8 Electric Equipment 75



8.1.1 This section covers requirements to
technical supervision during manufacture, on- 8.2.1 Technical supervision during manu-
board installation and testing of electric facture of electric equipment includes:
equipment stated in the Nomenclature. .1 checking for availability of the ap-
proved technical documentation and test pro-
8.1.2 Technical supervision of electric
equipment by the River Register provides:
.2 monitoring of the used materials to
.1 approval of technical documentation, meet the requirements of 2.4 Part VI RCCS;
test program for electric equipment;
.3 item inspection;
.2 technical supervision during manufac- .4 supervision during tests.
ture and tests of electric equipment;
.3 technical supervision during installation 8.2.2 During inspection, the following shall
and tests of on-board electric equipment. be checked:
.1 the documents for materials used dur-
8.1.3 Technical supervision of electric ing manufacture;
process and household equipment shall be .2 technical condition of components in-
limited to the following checks: cluded in the survey item;
.1 insulation condition and resistance; .3 installation quality of the item electric
.2 using distribution systems; circuit;
.3 for serviceability of points of connec- .4 strength of connection and fastening of
tion to power sources; assemblies, live parts, welded, soldered,
.4 explosion-proofness level of electric screwed or other structural and contact joints;
equipment during arrangement in explosion- .5 presence of corrosion-resistant coat-
hazardous spaces and areas; ings;
.5 types, brands and cross-sections of the .6 availability of necessary markings and
cables used; inscriptions;
.6 earthing. .8 technical condition of contact and pro-
tection terminations of cables and wires;
8.1.4 All types of electric equipment, in-
.9 serviceability of structures providing
stallation works, valves and material, which
electric safety.
become unavailable for check after their fit-
ting and completion of works, shall be sub- 8.2.3 Type specimens shall be tested as per
mitted to the Surveyor at the stage of works the approved test program, developed in ac-
when checks provided by the Rules are possi- cordance with Appendix 15. Test types shall
ble. be established by Part VI RCCS.
76 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

8.2.4 Type specimens of cable items shall .2 proper structure of the cable support
be tested on flame retardence as per the pro- devices;
cedure given in Appendix 16. .3 sufficient and periodical cable fasten-
ings on support structures;
8.2.5 Serial items shall be tested as per 1 to
.4 separate laying of cables with various
3 Appendix 15.
purposes and voltages;
.5 compliance of structures and methods
of fitting pipes, compensators and methods of
DURING ONBOARD INSTALLATION fastening cables, channels, conduits, risers,
8.3.1 When surveying foundations and sleeves, bus line carcasses, pull cable boxes,
other support structures for fitting electric and specific sealing structures and other devices
electronic equipment, the following shall be for laying cables through bulkheads and decks
checked: with the technical documentation require-
.1 quality of the performed works, ab- ments;
sence of sharp edges and other defects causing .6 proper cable laying in explosion-
damages of the electric / electronic equip- hazardous spaces and areas and fire-hazardous
ment to be fitted; spaces;
.2 possible access for maintenance of .7 marking, terminations in cable conduc-
electric and electronic equipment; tors and wires.
.3 compliance of the position of electric / 8.3.4 When surveying storage batteries, the
electronic equipment with the requirements of following shall be checked:
the Rules (fitting on the shell plating of the .1 compliance of the battery room
ship, walls of fuel, oil, water tanks, pressure (locker) and arrangement of storage batteries
vessels is not permitted) and the approved with the Rules requirements;
technical documentation; .2 secure attachment of batteries;
.4 remote location of electric/electronic .3 absence of trapped zones in the deck-
equipment and its energized parts from the head of battery rooms;
hull plating, deck and platform platings; .4 availability of autonomous ventilation
.5 remote location of electric/electronic in the battery room;
equipment from combustible materials, heat .5 serviceability of blocking preventing
sources, emissions of gas, steam and water as from charging batteries prior to activating
well as pipelines, tanks, valves and other fit- ventilation of an accumulator room;
tings which may accommodate damages of .6 explosion protection measures.
electrical equipment or cause combustion of 8.3.5 Technical supervision during on-
nearby materials. board installation of Domestic, household and
8.3.2 When surveying electrical propulsion engineering electric equipment includes the
systems, the following shall be checked: following checks:
.1 absence of flange or thread connections .1 compliance of the electromagnetic in-
of pipelines, valves and other fittings above terference level (as per supporting documents)
electric machinery of electric propulsion in- with the requirements of 2.7 Part VI of the
stallation; Rules. In case of no information presentation
.2 arrangement of water coolers, their on the electromagnetic interference level, no
pipelines, availability of valves in water mains, electromagnetic interference influence, caused
of quick-release valves. by the equipment, should be confirmed. The
requirement applies to the equipped fitted in
8.3.3 When surveying cable network, the spaces for operation with radio communica-
following shall be checked: tion aids, navigation aids, and to control sys-
.1 removal of cable routes from potential tems of technical facilities including electronic
places of oil and oil products; components;
8 Electric Equipment 77

.2 insulation resistance; .2 serviceability of starting aids for diesel

.3 cable routes from power source to generators, backup exciters, fans, coolers and
equipment; lubricators;
.4 for serviceability of points of connec- .3 possible unit control from local and
tion to power sources; remote stations;
.5 protective devices; .4 sparking degree under brushes at load
.6 electrostatic and galvanic sparking and reverses;
safety aids; .5 serviceability of protectors, alarms and
.7 protective groundings. blocking;
.6 insulation resistance of electric ma-
8.3.6 The Surveyor shall verify that after chines, cable network and auxiliary units of
fitting at standard places, all the electric electric propulsion system in cold and hot
equipment as per the protection degree, com- states;
pletion, quantity, electric protection, cable
.7 proper readings of the propeller shaft
network, arrangement in spaces and areas of
revolution frequency indicators in the engine
the ship, easy maintenance, controllers and
room and in the wheelhouse.
regulators, fencings, fire and explosion safety
measures, electric shock protection, protective 8.4.4 Generators of the ship's electric
grounding and other characteristics and pa- power plant shall be tested in all modes to-
rameters complies with its purpose and en- gether with the main switchboard.
sures safe navigation of the ship. The following shall be tested:
8.3.7 The fitted electric equipment shall be .1 serviceability of generators as per the
inspected after laying, fixing and connecting test program;
all cables to the equipment. .2 stable parallel work at different loads
and generator load transfer;
8.3.8 When checking the installation of .3 serviceability of voltage regulators and
electric equipment for oil tankers, meeting the distributors of active and reactive loads be-
requirements of the Rules for the equipment tween generators;
of these ships shall be additionally controlled. .4 adjustment of automatic generator pro-
8.4 MOORING TRIALS .5 sparking degree under the generator
8.4.1 During mooring trials, all consumers .6 insulation resistance;
shall be supplied from standard power .7 serviceability of automatic synchroniz-
sources. ers and load dividers.
When standard power consumers do not
ensure the required load for ship's generators 8.4.5 During functional test of batteries,
during mooring trials, specific loading appli- the following shall be checked:
ances shall be used. .1 electrolyte density and filling level in
storage batteries;
8.4.2 Parameters checked during mooring .2 insulation resistance;
trials of the electrical propulsion system for
.3 operation of the charging device and
the built ship, see Appendix 17.
battery in case of discharge;
8.4.3 During mooring trials of electrical .4 actuation of automatic protectors (re-
propulsion system, the following shall be verse-current protection, etc.);
checked: .5 battery discharge capacity in operation
.1 proper operation of the installation for as intended and voltage of its clamps;
starting and reversing in all reversal variants .6 efficient ventilation of the room /
provided by the design documentation; locker (on board the prototype ships).
78 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

8.4.6 When testing power distribution de- .1 reliable automatic start of emergency
vices, the following shall be checked: diesel generator;
.1 serviceability of devices at the load .2 reliable automatic connection of emer-
conditions in all modes in load combinations gency generator to emergency switchboard
/ variants specified by the ship design; busbars;
.2 possible control transfer from the main .3 uninterruptible connection of consum-
stations (consoles) to local ones and their ers to the emergency power source supply
uninterruptible operation in case of such con- (diesel generator or storage battery);
trol; .4 uninterruptible connection of consum-
.3 compliance of the set control element ers to the emergency short-term power source
positions with actual operating modes for the supply (if any);
controlled item; .5 parameter values of emergency diesel
.4 adjustment of automatic protectors (by generator by measuring voltage, revolution
inspection of the actuation set points and by frequency and current during operation of all
random tests of automates, except for short- emergency consumers.
circuit protection), interlockings and alarms;
8.4.10 Proper operation of interlocking ar-
.5 readings of instruments and recorders;
rangements for the electric drive of the boat
.6 insulation resistance. winch when activating the manual drive and
8.4.7 When testing electric drives, they re- limit switches.
veal characteristics of each electric drive and 8.4.11 Serviceability of main and emer-
its compliance with its purpose. gency lighting torches shall be checked.
In addition to these tests, the following
shall be checked: 8.4.12 Serviceability of navigation lights
.1 serviceability of the drive at the load and their malfunction alarms shall be
conditions during the time determined by the checked.
test program (using instruments, if necessary);
.2 possible control of the drive from the 8.5 RUNNING TRIALS
remote and local stations and deactivation by
means of emergency switches; 8.5.1 During running trials, they check the
.3 proper operation of limit switches, operation of the ship's electrical propulsion
brakes, lockings, control devices, automatic system in all modes provided by the program,
protectors and alarms; at actual loads and underway conditions, as
.4 compliance of heat protection settings well as proper operation of electric equip-
with currents of the protected electric motors; ment. When developing the program, the du-
.5 insulation resistance of electric motors ration of tests and checks of electric equip-
and equipment in cold and hot conditions. ment shall be determined with regard to the
time set in the corresponding sections of these
8.4.8 When testing control and alarm de- Rules.
vices, the following shall be checked:
8.5.2 When testing ship's power plant, the
.1 coordinated action of setters and actua-
following shall be checked:
.1 sufficient power of generators for power
.2 serviceability of alarms, devices,
supply of consumers in accordance with load
mode table for all ship's operating modes,
.3 actuation of general and fire alarm;
except for standby one;
.4 insulation resistance. .2 uninterruptible activation of the emer-
8.4.9 During tests of emergency electrical gency power source in case of no voltage of
propulsion system, the following shall be the main switchboard and no power from its
checked: necessary consumers;
8 Electric Equipment 79

.3 uninterruptible activation of the emer- unit individually from all provided remote and
gency short-term power source (if any) when local control stations when supplying electric
commissioning the emergency diesel generator. drives of power units and control system from
the main and backup supply line.
8.5.3 When testing electrical propulsion
In this case, cycle of putting the rudder
systems, the following shall be made:
.1 tests specified in, and from side to side, provided in 7 of these
Rules, shall be performed at least 5 times for;
.2 measurement result analysis of the re- each unit from each station and for each
verse length in different ship speeds. power supply line.

8.5.4 Electric drives of pumps, compres- 8.5.7 Electric drives of anchor and mooring
sors, separators, fans and other ship machin- arrangements, boat winches shall be checked
ery shall be checked as intended in order to during tests of the above arrangements, during
check the reliable (uninterruptible) operation, the ship mooring/unmooring, unberthing,
activation/deactivation, switching to the re- whilst at berth or at anchor.
serve set (if any), actions of remote consoles 8.5.8 During running trials, they measure
to activate/deactivate the electric drive, auto- insulation resistance of electric equipment
matic activation of reserve electric drives as both during its operation by means of boards
per the signals from the adjustable parameters for measuring insulation resistance, and by
of working medium on automated installa- means of portable megger immediately after
tions. decommissioning with the equipment tem-
When checking the operating electric perature set during operation.
equipment, absence of loads, inadmissible
temperature increases of hulls, shells, panels, 8.5.9 Sparking degree of electric machines
bearings shall be checked. In addition, pa- with collectors and contact rings shall be
rameters of its own vibration and vibration checked.
caused by operation of main engines and 8.5.10 After running trials, they establish
other ship machinery or propellers shall be the inspection scope to open bearings of elec-
checked. tric machines not heated during running trials
8.5.5 Electric drives of steering gears, their in excess of the technical documentation
power supply systems (main and backup sup- norm.
ply lines), control systems, rudder position 8.5.11 When opening the electric machine,
indication system, electric drive operation / the following shall be checked:
stop alarm system, shall be checked during .1 technical condition of stator winding
the steering gear operation in all provided support structures;
modes. .2 location of winding wedges;
8.5.6 Steering gear drives shall be checked .3 technical condition and location of
both during operation of two (if any) electric poles with their windings;
units of the steering drive, and of each power .4 secure attachment of rotating parts.
80 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


9.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .4 supervision during tests.

9.1.1 This Section establishes requirements 9.2.2 When examining the item, the Sur-
to technical supervision of the River Register veyor:
during manufacture, on-board installation and .1 shall verify the documents for materials
tests of radio communication aids and naviga- used during manufacture;
tion equipment in accordance with the No- .2 shall examine the inside and the out-
menclature. side of the item;
9.1.2 Technical supervision of radio ar- .3 shall inspect the proper operation of
rangements and navigation equipment by the the item;
River Register provides: .4 shall check the availability of necessary
.1 approval of technical documentation, markings and inscriptions.
test program; 9.2.3 Type specimens of radio communica-
.2 technical supervision during manufac- tion aids and navigation equipment shall be
ture and tests; testes as per the approved test program devel-
.3 technical supervision during installation oped in accordance with 1 to 3, 6 to 14 of
and tests. Appendix 15.
9.1.3 The River Register does not perform Type specimens of portable radio equip-
technical supervision during navigation ment used in Global Maritime Distress and
equipment manufacture, but during mooring Safety System (GMDSS) shall be additionally
and running trials, checks the navigation out- testes for compliance with 16 of Appendix 15
fit availability on board the ship in accordance with buoyancy requirements. The tests shall
with standards specified in Table 10.2.2. Part be also performed for compliance with 17 of
V RCCS. Appendix 15.
9.2.4 Serial items shall be tested as per 1 to
9.2.1 Technical supervision of radio ar-
rangements and navigation equipment by the
River Register includes: 9.3.1 When controlling the arrangement of
.1 checking for availability of the ap- equipment and devices, the following shall be
proved technical documentation and test pro- checked:
gram; .1 the availability of documents confirm-
.2 checking documents for components (if ing the compliance of the item with the re-
components are prescribed by the approved quirements of Rules;
documentation); .2 placement, installation of items as per
.3 item inspection; approved documentation;
9 Radio Communication Aids and Navigation Equipment 81

.3 easy arrangement, maintenance and re- 9.3.5 When testing public address and
pair of transmitters, receivers, indicators, con- broadcasting devices, the following shall be
trol consoles, starters, converters, etc.; checked:
.4 complete set of operating documents. .1 proper remote control of the public ad-
dress device (start, deactivation, switching
9.3.2 When checking installation, the fol- broadcasting lines, reset of programs and acti-
lowing shall be verified: vation of forced broadcasting) from any
.1 secure attachment of valves; command microphone stations regardless of
.2 secure attachment of antennas; the control element position for all the rest
.3 antenna location relative to metallic command microphone stations;
parts of the ship; .2 transmission quality of service orders
.4 laying, fastening and cable penetrations from command microphone stations to all
through the watertight decks and bulkheads; accommodation and public spaces, as well as
.5 compliance with brand drawings and to open decks;
cable cross-sections; .3 available priority of service orders over
.6 condition of external cable coverings; broadcasting or audio recording if there is no
.7 excessive length of the cable before the additional command public address device for
entry of equipment; this purpose;
.8 continuity of screening of power cable .4 operation of visual alarms in each mi-
network and radio cables; crophone station, that is activated when start-
.9 hull grounding of cable network shells, ing the command public address device;
radio equipment cases; .5 remained serviceability of broadcasting
line in case of short-circuit in loudspeaker
.10 insulation resistance of antennas (ex-
cept for antennas with DC short-circuit struc-
.6 absence of plug adapters in loudspeaker
ture), cable network and power supply sources;
.11 availability of fencings for live and ro-
.7 no clutter from electric equipment and
tating equipment parts; radio communication aids.
.12 fitting of protective devices near the
transmitter entries; 9.3.6 When testing emergency position-
.13 resistance value of the protective indicating radio beacon, the following shall be
grounding. checked:
.1 availability of applicable documents
9.3.3 After installation and adjustment, ra- confirming the emergency position-indicating
dio communication aids and navigation radio beacon registration in international co-
equipment shall be subject to mooring and ordination and calculation centre of the
running trials as per the programs approved COSPAS-SARSAT system and compliance of
by the River Register. The equipment shall be entries in registration documents on the item
supplied from the ship's main. model and number, name of the radio bea-
9.3.4 When testing radio communication conship, as well as available information on
aids, the following shall be checked: the expiry date of storage battery shelf life and
.1 parameters and serviceability as per the date of the next due shore-based maintenance
(not exceeding the established date during the
approved test program in accordance with
check) in the radio beacon marking;
functional purpose of the radio station, with
regard to the operating instructions; .2 availability of documents on testing
.2 quality of reception and availability of laboratory checks.
interference in all the receiver bands; 9.3.7 When testing the navigation equip-
.3 effective radio signal reception against ment, it is checked as per the approved test
interference caused by ship's electric equip- program in accordance with its purpose with
ment. regard to the operating instructions.
82 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


10.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10.2.3 In case of the type approval, the

materials shall be tested in the Surveyor's
10.1.1 This Section establishes require- presence in accordance with the test program.
ments to technical supervision during manu-
The type specimen tests may be combined
facture and installation of mechanisms listed
with tests in order to obtain the Recognition
in Section 9 of the Nomenclature.
10.2 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION 10.2.4 When surveying metals and alloys,
DURING MANUFACTURE forgings and castings, the Surveyor shall
10.2.1 Technical supervision during manu- .1 documents of the performed tests pre-
facture of the materials includes: scribed by the Rules and agreed technical
.1 checking for availability of the ap- documentation;
proved technical documentation and test pro- .2 company's documents on the per-
gram; formed acceptance prescribed by the agreed
.2 supervision during tests; technical documentation;
.3 survey during type approval; .3 documents confirming the production
.4 survey during manufacture, as pre- manufacture as per the agreed process (as
scribed by the Nomenclature. prescribed by the Rules);
10.2.2 In case of technical supervision dur- .4 inspection of defect absence on the
ing materials, the Surveyor shall check the surface;
acceptance tests performed by the technical .5 presence of defects, their nature and
control bodies in the scope specified in the repair;
technical documentation. .6 marking.
11 Equipment for Prevention of Environment Pollution From Ships 83



11.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS in accordance with the requirements 6 of

these Rules.
11.1.1 This Section establishes require-
ments to technical supervision during equip- 11.2.3 A type specimen of the equipment
ment manufacture and tests for prevention of shall be subject to bench tests as per the pro-
environment pollution from ships, as well as gram approved by the River Register.
during on-board installation and tests listed in When replacing the bench tests with on-
accordance with the Nomenclature. board tests, they shall be performed as per the
program-procedure approved by the River
11.1.2 Equipment, parts and units shall be
manufactured and installed in accordance
Scope of acceptance tests for serial items
with the technical documentation approved by
shall be established when drawing up and ap-
the River Register, specified in Appendix 8.
proving the test program with regard to the
11.1.3 Equipment shall have a nameplate standard specimen test results.
with its purpose, manufacturer’s name, type
11.2.4 Proper installation of pipelines,
and model, serial number and year of manu-
valves and cables shall be checked by visual
inspection. Tightness of valve and pipeline
connections shall be checked during hydraulic
11.2.5 Actuation of safety devices of the
11.2.1 Technical supervision during manu- filtering equipment and sewage treatment
facture of equipment for prevention of envi- plant shall be tested under pressure not ex-
ronment pollution from ships includes: ceeding 1.1 of the operating pressure.
.1 checking for availability of the ap-
proved technical documentation and test pro- 11.2.6 Prior to commencing installation of
gram; the incinerator lining, they inspect walls for
.2 inspection of material and components, absence of bulges, saggings and roughnesses
verification of supporting documents; exceeding 10 mm per 1 m.
.3 checking for compliance of the manu- After installation, proper lining of the in-
factured parts and units with the technical cinerator shall be checked. The brickwork
documentation approved by the River Regis- surface shall be flat. Separate ledge steps shall
ter; not exceed 3 mm, and roughness shall not
.4 check of welding operations; exceed 10 mm per 1 m. Lining or its separate
parts shall not shift.
.5 hydraulic tests;
The air hole diameter deviation from the
.6 check of equipment in operation.
set dimensions shall not exceed ±5 mm, and
11.2.2 Elements of systems included in the misalignment of the air hole and nozzle axes
equipment shall be subject to hydraulic tests shall not exceed 2 mm.
84 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

After the final assembly, leak tests of the or sweating of welds, leakage in pipe ex-
incinerator casing by air shall be performed (if panded connection, as well as in fitting con-
provided by the technical documentation). necting flanges, and instrument connections
Pressure and possible air leaks shall be in con- are detected.
formity with technical documentation ap-
proved by the River Register. 11.3.3 When checking the installation of
hoses included in ship's outfit and used for
11.3 TECHNICAL SUPERVISION DURING pumping oil, oil-containing and sewage water,
ONBOARD INSTALLATION AND TESTS it is necessary to check the marking allowing
to identify items, as well as the manufacturer's
11.3.1 When checking the equipment in- documents, specifying the following:
stallation, the Surveyor controls the compli- the type of liquid allowed for hose pump-
ance of the performed works with the re- ing;
quirements of the technical documentation
the date of manufacturing;
approved by the River Register.
the working pressure;
11.3.2 Settling tanks, isolated ballast tanks, the date of tests and the test pressure.
sewage and oily waters collecting tanks shall
be checked for compliance with the operating 11.3.4 Upon completion of installation
documentation approved by the river Register, works and hydraulic tests, the equipment shall
and shall be subject to tightness tests during be checked in operation, as per the program
the hull formation. approved by the River Register, drawn up
Structures, equipment and systems shall be with regard to the requirements in Appen-
considered to have passed the tests, if no leaks dix 18.
Appendix 1 85



1 This Nomenclature (Table A1.1) estab- Ð — technical supervision carried out by

lishes the list of items, whose technical super- the River Register;
vision during manufacture, installation and ÎÐ — technical supervision carried out by
tests is performed by the River Register as per the River Register and company's personnel;
the Rules, stamping these items in cases pre- ÎÒ — technical supervision in the form of
scribed by this Nomenclature, as well as per- type approval;
forming the applied forms of technical super- ÏÄ — technical supervision in the form of
vision. Numbers of Sections in Table A1.1, recognised documentation;
except for Section 11, repeat numbers of the
Ê — branding. During technical supervi-
RCCS corresponding parts.
sion in the form ÎÐ (supervision is performed
2 The following symbols are used in this by the Register and the company's personnel),
Nomenclature: stamping is not necessary.
T a b l e A1.1
List of items under technical supervision
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Hull and hull equipment
1.1 Outer shell plating with set. Decks and platforms  Ð — Ð — —
1.2 Double bottom, inner sides  Ð — Ð — —
1.3 Longitudinal and transverse bulkheads, built-in and removable  Ð — Ð — —
tanks. Trusses or pillars
1.4 Shaft alleys  Ð — Ð — —
1.5 Superstructures, deckhouses, cargo hold coamings  Ð — Ð — —
1.6 Foundations for main and auxiliary engines and boilers  Ð — Ð — —
1.7 Stems, sterns, keels, propeller shaft brackets  Ð — Ð — —
1.8 Foil arrangements of hydrofoils, flexible rails of hovercraft  Ð — Ð Ð Ð
1.9 Stern-tubes and rudder tubes, fixed nozzles, tubes and water-jet  Ð — Ð — —
1.10 Fencings, handrails, gangways:
.1 bulwark, guard rails, handrails, gangways — Ð — Ð — —
.2 coamings, lobbies band other fencings of hull openings — ÏÄ — Ð — —
86 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 Fire protection
3.1 Structural fire protection:
.1 Bulkheads and inner decks Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.2 fire doors Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.3 fire dampers — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.4 fire-resisting divisions Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.5 penetrations in fire-resisting divisions of A, B and C classes Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.6 alarm and control systems for fire doors Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
.7 flame arresters — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.8 spark arresters of exhaust systems and flues Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
3.2 Fire-fighting equipment and fire-extinguishing systems
3.2.1 Fire extinguishing, water-spraying and inert gas systems — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
3.2.2 Items and valves for fire extinguishing, water-spraying and inert
gas systems:
.1 storage reservoirs for fire-extinguishing medium — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.2 pneumohydraulic tanks — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.3 pressure vessels and apparatuses of fire extinguishing systems Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.4 carbon dioxide, compressed air and nitrogen cylinders Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
5 fire-extinguishing system pumps Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.6 valves of fire extinguishing, water-spraying and inert gas systems Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.7 steam generators — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.8 aerosol generators Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.9 monoblock pumps Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.10 steam generator Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.11 gas analyzers — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.12 nozzles for water-spraying and water fog systems — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.13 nozzles of dual-purpose type (spray/jet type) — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.14 portable foam set Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
3.2.3 Safety devices in venting systems to prevent the passage of — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
flame into the cargo tanks of tankers
3.3 Units for domestic purpose, domestic units and fire extinguishing
3.3.1 Gaseous fuel systems used for domestic purposes — Ð — Ð Ð —
.1 equipment for gaseous fuel systems, used for domestic purposes, — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
except for that stated in 2.3.3
3.3.2 Water extinguishing system for exhaust ducts from a galley — Ð — Ð Ð —
.1 equipment for systems of automatic or manual fire extinguishing — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
for exhaust ducts from a galley range
3.3.3 Domestic heaters working on oil fuel, liquid gas or solid fuel:
.1 galley ovens Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
.2 domestic liquefied gas units Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.3 heaters and stoves regulated by the Rules — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
3.4 Fire alarm
3.4.1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems, fire smothering system Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
release warning system, including:
Appendix 1 87

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
.1 smoke, light, heat detectors and manual detectors Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
.2 devices and equipment for automatic fire extinguishing systems Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
and fire alarm
.3 alarm starting fire-protection devices Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
3.5 Fire outfit
.1 fire outfit, except for that stated in 3.5.2 — — — Ð — —
.2 self-contained breathing apparatuses included in fireman’s outfit Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
4 Power installation and systems
4.1 Main and auxiliary engines: Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.1 bedplates — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.2 crankcases — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.3 cylinders — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.4 cylinder liners — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.5 cylinder covers — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.6 tie rods — ÏÄ — — — —
.7 pistons — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.8 piston pins — ÏÄ — — — —
.9 connecting rods — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.10 crankshafts — Ð/ÎÐ Ê — — —
.11 main bearings, connecting rod bearings, connecting rod top head — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.12 Bolts and studs of main bearings, cylinder heads — ÏÄ — — — —
.13 camshaft — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.14 governors, overspeed diesel protective devices — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.15 connecting rod bolts — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.16 pumps: fuel, oil, cooling — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.17 turbocharger Ð Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.18 camshaft drive pinions — ÏÄ — — — —
.19 dampers (antivibrators) — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
4.2 Shafting: — ÏÄ — Ð Ð Ð
.1 thrust, intermediate, propeller shafts — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.2 liner and water insulation of propeller shafts — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.3 thrust and main bearings — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.4 bearings for propeller shafts — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.5 couplings of shafting shafts — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.6 stern gears and bulkhead seals of stern gears — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.7 shafting coupling bolts — ÏÄ — Ð — —
4.3 Gears and disengaging couplings of main engines: Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.1 reduction gear and coupling cases — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.2 gear wheels — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.3 reduction gear shafts — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
4.4 Propellers:
.1 propellers — Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.2 vertical axis propellers — Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.3 water-jet propellers — Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.4 air propellers — Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
88 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4.5 Compressors, pumps, fans and separators Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
4.5.1 Power-driven air compressors: Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.1 crankshafts of compressors, pumps — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.2 shafts of compressors, pumps, fans and separators — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.3 impeller, vanes of compressors, pumps, fans and separators — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.4 piston crowns of compressors, pumps — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.5 connecting rods of compressors, pumps — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.6 pistons of compressors, pumps — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.7 cylinder liners of compressors, pumps — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.8 cylinder covers of compressors, pumps — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.9 cylinders of compressors — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
4.5.2 Pumps being a part of systems, except for hand-driven pumps Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
4.5.3 Hand-driven pumps and ejectors — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
4.5.4 Fans being a part of systems regulated by Rules Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
4.5.5 Separators Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
4.5.6 Fans for dynamically supported ships — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
4.6 Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels
4.6.1 Steam turbines Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.1 cases, shells, bottoms and drums — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.2 manifolds and chambers — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.3 flame tubes — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.4 boiler stays — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.5 burning units — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.6 economizers — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.7 steam collectors — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.8 superheaters — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
4.6.2 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels, which being in service
are fully or partially filled with gas or steam with a working pressure of
at least 0.07 MPa and have a capacity of at least 0.025m3 or with a pro-
duction of working pressure, MPa, for a capacity, m3, of
0.03 MPam 3and over:
.1 fuel and oil heaters, ship's water heaters Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
.2 steam boiler vaporizers Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
.3 fuel, oil and water coolers for main and auxiliary engines Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
.4 steam condensers Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
.5 fuel, oil and water filters — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.6 pressure vessels Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
4.6.3 Fittings:
.1 fittings for boilers, pressure vessels and systems Ð ÎÒ — — Ð —
.2 safety valves Ð ÎÒ — — Ð Ð
4.7 Refrigerating plants: Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.1 refrigerant compressors Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.2 refrigerant, liquid coolant, cooling water pumps Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.3 heat exchangers and other equipment, as well as vessels operating Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
under the refrigerant pressure, liquid coolant or cooling water
.4 fittings Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
Appendix 1 89

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
.5 isolation of cooling spaces, pipelines and equipment of ship re- — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
frigeration plants
4.8 Air conditioners for accommodation and service spaces — Ð/ÎÐ Ð Ð Ð
4.9 Systems
4.9.1 General systems, including bilge, ballast and liquid cargo, — Ð — Ð Ð Ð
cargo heating, inert gas, smoke generation, explosion-hazardous
spaces, oil tanker gas-outlet systems; air, gas-outlet, overflow and
sounding pipeline systems, ventilation system; steam heating system
4.9.2 Power plant systems, including fuel, oil, cooling, compressed — Ð — Ð Ð Ð
air, feed water, gas-discharging, steam pipeline and blowing systems
4.9.3 Valves for pressure of 1.0 MPa and over, including pipes and Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
valves for pipelines of I and II classes (bottom, side valves, valves
arranged on the collision bulkhead)
4.9.4 Items and valves of hydraulic systems of the ship: slides, valves Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
of hydraulic systems of the ship, pump units of the ship's hydraulic
systems, ship's manipulators, switches, ship's chokes, ship's hydraulic
motors, hydraulic filters, pneumatic-hydraulic accumulators, hydrau-
lic machines, hydraulic cylinders
4.9.5 Pipeline connections — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
4.9.6 Manual, remote and automatic valves, including Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.1 units and parts of ship's valves — ÏÄ — Ð — —
4.9.7 Flexible joints and ship hoses — ÏÄ — Ð — —
4.9.8 Compensators — ÏÄ — Ð — —
4.9.9 Silencers and spark arresters of exhaust systems and flues Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
4.9.10 exhaust pipelines made of composite and silicone materials, — ÏÄ — Ð Ð Ð
rubber, plastics etc.
4.10 Automation:
.1 indication systems, alarm systems, protection systems of electric pro- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
pulsions and their elements, devices for emergency stop of main engines
.2 systems for automation and control of main engines (electrical Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
propulsion system) and propellers
.3 systems for automation and control of auxiliary engines, devices Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
for automatic stop of ship auxiliary equipment
.4 ship equipment control systems (including controllers and auto- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
mation equipment)
4.11 Shock absorbers (vibroinsulators) — ÏÄ — — — —
4.12 Diesel generators, geared diesel units, air-injection units and Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
diesels-pump units
5 Ship arrangements and outfit
5.1 Steering gears, including: — ÏÄ — Ð Ð Ð
.1 rudder stocks and rudder pieces Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð — —
.2 Rudder blade and steering nozzle assembly Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.3 rudder stock bearings Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.4 connection parts: of rudder stocks, rudder stock with rudder — ÏÄ — Ð — —
blade, with steerable nozzle, of tiller or quadrants with rudder stock
.5 tillers, quadrants — ÏÄ — Ð — —
90 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
.6 rudder angle, steering nozzle limiters and their parts — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.7 roll wiring parts of steering drives — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.8 parts of steering line pilotage — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.9 steering control systems, steering gears and steering machines — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
5.2 Thrusters
5.2.1 Assembled steerable propellers, thrusters Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.1 units and parts used as components of steerable propellers and — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
5.3 Anchoring devices: — Ð — Ð Ð Ð
.1 anchors Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð — —
.2 anchor chains and parts of their connection Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð — —
.3 anchor stoppers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.4 device to drop bitter end of the anchor chain or rope Ð ÏÄ — Ð — —
.5 deck and side anchor hawses — — — Ð — —
.6 windlasses, capstans and anchor winches Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
5.4 Mooring devices: — Ð — Ð Ð —
.1 bollards, cleats, mooring chocks, rollers and stoppers — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.2 capstans and mooring winches Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
5.5 Towing and coupling arrangements: — Ð — — Ð Ð
.1 bitts, bollards, mooring chocks, hawses, stoppers, rollers, cleats — ÏÄ — Ð — Ð
.2 towing hooks Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð — —
.3 towing rails with parts for fastening them to the hull, towing arches — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.4 towing rope releasing arrangement — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.5 end and side automatic coupling devices Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.6 tensioning stations, rope shortening devices, shock absorbers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.7 rotary stoppers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.8 towing winches Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
5.6 Cargo handling appliances (cranes, derricks, lifts): Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
.1 metal structures Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.2 safety equipment — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.3 control stations Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.4 fencings Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.5 removable parts — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.6 hooks Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
.7 lift equipment (landing doors, counterweights, buffers, safety devices) Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
.8 mechanisms for cargo handling appliances Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
.9 ship's cargo and mast devices — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.10 cranes, beam cranes, ship's telphers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.11 elevators and other ship's cargo handling gears Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.12 drive chains, tractive and cargo plate chains — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
5.7 Wheelhouse hoisting arrangement, hatch arrangements: — Ð — Ð Ð —
.1 metal structures — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.2 safety equipment — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.3 hoisting gears Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.4 equipment of hatch closures (winches, drives, etc.) Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
5.8 Life-saving appliances: — — — — Ð —
Appendix 1 91

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
.1 lifeboats, life rafts and saving apparatuses Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
.2 davits and launching arrangements of lifeboats and liferafts, in- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
cluding launching arrangements of rescue boats, "float-free launch-
ing" arrangements of life-saving appliances, hydrostatic release units,
including the release system for totally enclosed lifeboats, release
mechanism for lifeboats and rescue boats, liferafts launched by means
of fall(s)
.3 boat drive, including engines for lifeboats and rescue boats, out- Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
board motors for rescue boats
.4 control device for launching lifeboats — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.5 equipment for lifeboats and liferafts — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.6 lifebuoys, lifejackets (including for kids), buoyant lifelines, immer- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
sion suits, thermal protective aids
.7 boat winches, topping winches, salvage winches Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð —
.8 line-throwing appliances — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.9 self-activating smoke signals for lifebuoys Ð Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.10 radar reflectors for lifeboats and rescue boats, liferafts — — — — Ð —
5.9 Signal means: — — — — Ð Ð
.1 spar and signal mast rigging — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.2 navigation lights Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.3 shapes and sound signals Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.5 self-igniting lights of life-saving appliances — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.6 shapes — ÏÄ — — — —
.7 pyrotechnic signal means Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
5.10 Navigation outfit — — — — Ð —
5.11 Emergency outfit — — — Ð — —
5.12 Ship's ropes of all purposes (steel wire ropes, natural and syn- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
thetic fiber ropes)
5.13 Hull attachments, equipment of rooms and closures of openings
in the hull, decks, superstructures and cockpits:
.1 manholes Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.2 water-and-gastight and untight doors (including water-and- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
gastight doors with wedge clips, sliding doors, untight cabin folded
and shutter doors, galley doors, general-purpose untight doors) with
organs and drives for controlling the closing of doors, alarms and
indicators, closing of shell doors
.3 scuttles, windows and light hatches, hinged non-fixed deadlights Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.4 deck ladders (stairways and ladders), accommodation ladders, pi- — ÏÄ — Ð — —
lot ladders, embarkation ladders, pilot transfer arrangements
.5 stanchions and jack rods, life rope racks — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.6 different hull attachments: screw turnbuckles, D-shackles, thim- — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
bles, slip-hooks, sister-hook, sealing gaskets, fasteners, small hull
attachments (doors, air-vents, curtains, etc.), etc.
.7 cargo hatch covers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð —
.8 covers of companion, light, ventilation hatches, filling openings Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð
and tanks
.9 mouths and air pipe heads — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
92 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
.10 drives of cargo hold covers Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð
6 Electrical equipment
6.1 Electric propulsion plant: Ð Ð Ð
.1 propulsion electric motors Ð Ð Ê Ð Ð Ð
6.2 Main and emergency power sources:
.1 generators Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.2 accumulators and batteries Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
6.3 Power and lighting transformers, electric energy converters:
.1 transformers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.2 rotary and static frequency converters (rectifiers, inverters, fre- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
quency converters, soft starters)
.3 electrical machinery amplifiers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
6.4 Switchboards (main and emergency switchboards, monitoring, — Ð Ê Ð Ð Ð
control and alarm panels):
.1 protection, control and commutation facilities (circuit-breakers, Ð ÎÒ — — — —
disconnectors, relays, switches, fuse links, etc.)
.2 reactors, condenser units for power factor increasing Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.3 fixed electric instruments Ð ÎÒ — — Ð —
.4 cases of switchboards and electric cabinets Ð ÎÒ — — — —
6.5 AC/DC motors of 0.5 kW and over:
.1 ship critical technical equipment Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.2 ship non-critical technical equipment Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
6.6 Starting equipment of electric motors Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
6.7 Main lighting of spaces and places of essential services, escape
routes and emergency lighting:
.1 fixed lamps Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
.2 fittings of lighting networks (switches, sockets, junction/branching Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
.3 light evacuation indicators (photoluminiscent and electric) Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.4 safe electric lamps (manual torchlights), battery torchlights — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.5 floodlights Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
6.8 Electrical machine telegraphs, rudder / CPP blade position indi- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
cators, propeller shaft tachometers
6.9 Service telephone system Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
6.10 General alarm system (devices and contactors of light and Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
sound signals)
6.11 Alarm system of watertight doors Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
6.12 Electric equipment in explosive spaces and areas (explosion- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
6.13 Cable network:
.1 cables Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.2 wires Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.3 cable penetration seals Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð —
6.14 Lightening conductors and groundings, cathodic protection; — ÏÄ — Ð — —
hull grounding devices for oil tankers
6.15 Electric heaters of fuel and oil Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
Appendix 1 93

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6.16 Heating appliances:
.1 heaters, electric fireplaces, electric galley heaters, electric water Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.2 heating cables Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
6.17 Equipment for cargo handling appliances Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
6.18 Equipment for air conditioners Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
6.19 Control system and alarm sensors Ð ÎÒ — Ð Ð Ð
6.20 Domestic and engineering electric equipment — — — Ð — —
7 Radio communication aids
7.1 VHF radio installation, VHF radiotelephone station (300.025 to Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
300.500 MHz)
7.2 MF radio installation, MF/HF radio installation Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.3 Satellite communication aids Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.4 EGC receiver Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.5 HF direct-printing radio-telegraph receiver for MSI reception Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.6 NAVTEX receiver Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.7 Satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system, VHF EPIRB Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.8 Distress position finding device: radar transponder or automatic Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
identification system (AIS) transmitter
7.9 two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus for life-saving appliances Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
and for aircraft communication
7.10 Portable VHF radio installation, VHF radiotelephone station Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
(300.025 to 300.225 MHz)
7.11 Public address and broadcasting devices, voice communication Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
system, internal communication equipment
7.12 Antenna assemblies Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.13 Security alert system Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.14 Converters for equipment power supply, chargers Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
7.15 Spaces for radio equipment — — — Ð — —
8 Navigation equipment
8.1 Magnetic compasses Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.2 Gyrocompasses Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.3 Remote heading transmitting devices Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.4 Radar stations (electronic plotting aids, automatic tracking aids, Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
automatic radar plotting aids)
8.5 Logs (devices measuring speed and the distance run) Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.6 Echosounders Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.7 ship heading/trajectory control systems (autopilots) Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.8 Rate-of-turn meters Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.9 Receivers of global navigation satellite systems Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.10 Voyage data recorders Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.11 External audio signal reception systems Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.12 Shipborne transponder of the Automatic Identification System Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
94 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8.13 Electronic chart systems (electronic navigational chart and in- Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
formation display system (ECDIS), ECS)
8.14 Underway watch control systems Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
8.15 Radar reflectors — — — — Ð —
8.16 Ship identification and long-range tracking systems Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
9 Equipment of ships carrying hazardous goods
9.1 Cargo systems of chemical carriers and gas carriers, including: — ÏÄ — Ð Ð Ð
.1 items and valves for cargo systems of chemical carriers and gas Ð Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
carriers: cargo hoses, valves, connections of pipelines, safety valves,
bellows expansion joints
10 Materials and welding
10.1 Metals and their alloys:
.1 rolled plates and sections Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê — — —
.2 pipes for boilers, heat exchangers and ship's pipelines Ð Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.3 material for rivets and rivets — ÏÄ — — — —
.4 reinforcing-bar steel for reinforced-concrete shipbuilding — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.5 material for chains and parts of their connection — — — — — —
10.2 Forgings and castings:
.1 stems, brackets for propeller shafts Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê — — —
.2 rudder stocks of steering nozzles Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê — — —
.3 steering arms, quadrants, parts of rudder blade and steering noz- — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.4 stern tubes and sleeves — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.5 anchors — ÏÄ — — — —
.6 anchor chains — ÏÄ — — — —
.7 towing hooks Ð ÎÒ — — — —
.8 propellers Ð ÎÒ — — — —
.9 crankshafts, propeller, intermediate and thrust shafts Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê — — —
.10 connecting rods — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.11 pinions, wheels and gear shafts of main elements for power plant — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
.12 bottoms, manifolds and connections of boilers for heat exchang- — Ð/ÎÐ — — — —
ers and pressure vessels
10.3 Non-metal materials:
.1 glass reinforced plastics Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.2 concrete for hull structures and superstructures Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.3 foams Ð ÎÒ — — — —
.4 lining materials, lining, framing, floor coverings and coatings of Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
hull structures (corrosion-resistant, antifouling, paint, noise, vibro-
absorbing, non-slip, etc.), finishing, etc.
.5 photoluminiscent, light-reflecting materials, etc. Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.6 laminated textiles Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.7 materials for filling openings, non-metal, for pipelines passing Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
through A or B type divisions
.8 materials for fuel pipelines, their valves and fittings — Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.9 textiles, carpets, furniture — ÏÄ — Ð — —
Appendix 1 95

E n d o f T a b l e A1.1
Technical supervision by the River Register
during during
manufacture ship construction

Item under technical supervision

serial items




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10.4 Insulation materials, fireproof, fireproof compositions, including Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
materials for surfaces and floor coverings with low flame spread
properties, paints, varnishes and other finishes, materials restricting
flame spreading
10.5 Welding materials:
.1 welding electrodes Ð ÎÒ — — — —
.2 welding rod, wire flux combination/shielding gas Ð ÎÒ — — — —
.3 primary protective coats allowing welding without their removal Ð ÎÒ — — — —
11 Equipment for prevention of pollution from ships
11.1 Systems, equipment and arrangements for prevention of pollu-
tion by oil:
.1 pumping, delivery and discharge systems of oil-containing water, — ÏÄ — Ð Ð Ð
including automatic monitoring, recording and control systems of oil
discharge for oil tanker
.2 automatic monitoring and control system for ballast and washing — ÏÄ — Ð Ð Ð
water discharge
.3 collecting tanks, settling tanks — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.4 filtering equipment, including oil filtration equipment Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.5 alarm devices Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.6 device for automatic interruption of oil-containing water discharge Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
.7 detectors of the oil-water phase division boundary in settling tanks Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð Ð Ð
11.2 Emergency oil spill localization pack
.1 floating boom barrier Ð Ð/ÎÐ — Ð — —
.2 floating anchor buoy; Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.3 anchor chains and towing ropes — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.4 sorbent Ð ÎÒ — — — —
.5 device for sorbent supply Ð ÎÒ — Ð — —
.6 oil and waste sorbent collecting device — ÏÄ — Ð — —
.7 capacity for collection, storage and transportation of waste sorbent — ÏÄ — Ð — —
11.3 Systems, equipment and devices for prevention of sewage pollu-
1. pumping, delivery and discharge system for sewage — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.2 collecting tanks. — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
.3 sewage treatment plant Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
11.4 Equipment and arrangements for prevention of pollution by
.1 garbage containers — ÏÄ — — — —
.2 incinerators Ð Ð/ÎÐ Ê Ð Ð Ð
.3 garbage treatment plants — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
11.5 Monitoring equipment and devices of harmful substances, ex- — ÏÄ — — — —
haust gases opacity and for reducing prevention of air pollution from
.1 cleaning systems designed for reducing the content of harmful — ÏÄ — Ð Ð —
substance in exhaust gases
96 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)



To Surveyor
________________________ Branch Office
of the Russian River Register
Notice No. _______________________
dated "____" ___________ 20 ___ The submitted production meets the re-
quirements of drawings, technical documenta-
(organization name)
tion, processes and fully completed.

Ship, hull No. Representative of QC service

(signature) (full name)
Project No.
Conclusion on verification results
This notice submits to you the following ________________________________________
for check test: ________________________________________
(production description, content of the work to be submitted)
Surveyor of
Branch Office of the River Register
The operations were performed in accor-
dance with drawings No. _____, specification
No. , (signature) (full name)

test program No. , "____" ___________ 20 ___

technical documentation No. Conclusion on verification results read and
The operations stated in 2.9.1 RTSC, were
performed by welders Representative of QC service
(full name; Welder Approval Test Certificate No.)
(signature) (full name)
_______________________________________ "____" ___________ 20 ___
Appendix 3 97




Documents submitted by QC service,

Description of item Procedure of the item Drawing up a conclusion
confirming the item compliance with
under monitoring by the Surveyor and
the project, standards or technical
technical supervision by the auditor branding
1 2 3 4

Notes: 2. Repairable non-replaced parts shall not be

1. The list shall be drawn up as per the require- stamped by the River Register.
ments of the Rules, with regard to the Nomencla- 3. Stamp of the River Register:
ture, forms and technical supervision methods of
this company.
98 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)




The Standard List of the item check tests each particular case with regard to manufac-
and process operations (Table A4.1) was pre- ture, assembly, installation and items under
pared as per items under technical supervision technical supervision and the ship as a whole.
and does not establish sequence of their sub- The list is to be specified as per the scope
mitting to the Surveyor. Sequence of submit- of works on construction, modernization,
ting to the Surveyor shall be determined in conversion or repair of the ship.
T a b l e A4.1
Standard List of item check inspections and process operations to be submitted to the Branch Office
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
1 Technical supervision during construction
1.1 Hull
1.1.1 Material 1. Certificates for metal-roll and welding 1. Checking the quality of the Entry in the
for metal hull materials material as per certificates Notice
construction 2. Notice on checking the quality of the 2. Check tests, if necessary
(rolled plates materials
and sections,
1.1.2 Material 1. Material certificates 1. Checking the quality of the Entry in the
for reinforced 2. Quality control department's docu- materials as per certificates Notice
hull construc- ments for checking the quality of ce- 2. Checking for documents on
tion (valves, ment, sand, coarse aggregate, water, selection of the concrete com-
concrete, ce- valve steel and concrete position and strength / frost-
ment) 3. Notice on checking the quality of the resistance testing of specimens
1.1.3 Material 1. Material certificates 1. Checking the quality of the Entry in the
for plastic hull 2. Quality control department's docu- material as per certificates Notice
construction ments on the sample strength test 2. Check tests, if necessary
(resin, rein- 3. Notice on checking the quality of the
forcement mate- material
1.1.4 Metal hull 1. Section drawings 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
sections 2. Information on qualification of welders submitted by the QC service Notice
3. Flaw detection and tightness test results 2. Random check for compliance
Appendix 4 99

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance 1
by the Surveyor by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
4. Notice on checking the assembly- with the design requirements
welding work and for assembly and welding
1.1.5 Metal hull 1. Unit drawings 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
units 2. Certificates for welding materials and submitted by the QC service Notice
information on qualification of welders 2. Random check for compli-
3. Notice on checking the assembly- ance with the design require-
welding work ments and for assembly and
4. Notice on checking the quality of welding workmanship
welds, including non-destructive test of 3. Random watertightness test
5. Notice on the watertightness check (if
1.1.6 Metal hull 1. Hull design drawing 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
after assembling 2. Section, unit installation drawings submitted by the QC service Notice
and welding 3. Testing hull structures, places of navi- 2. Random check for compli-
(before/after gation equipment fastening to the hull for ance with the design require-
launching) tightness ments and for assembly and
4. Notice on checking main dimensions welding workmanship
5. Notice on checking the structure after 3. In-water hull survey
6. Notice on checking the quality of
welds by X- or gamma-ray examination,
ultrasonic or other methods
7. Notice on readiness for launching
8. Quality control department's report
on the ship inspection after launching
9. Notice on the hull inspection after
1.1.7 Rein- 1. Design drawing and section drawings 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
forced hull and 2. Section datasheets submitted by the QC service Notice
its sections 3. Technical Acceptance Book of the 2. Random check for compli-
QC service ance with the design require-
4. Notice on checking the quality of ments
field welded joints
5. Notice on the watertightness check
6. Notice on checking main dimensions
7. Notice on the ship inspection before
8. Notice on the ship inspection after
1.1.8 Plastic 1. Design drawing and section drawings 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
hull and its sec- 2. Section datasheets submitted by the QC service Notice
tions 3. Results of material laboratory analyses 2. Random check for compli-
4. Notice on checking the hull after ance with the design require-
moulding ments
5. Notice on the watertightness check
1.1.9 Load line 1. Drawing of load line 1. Checking the proper appli- Entry in the
2. Notice on checking the load line ance of the load line Notice
1.1.10 Hull 1. Drawings of foundations and rein- 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
100 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
foundations and forcement pads submitted by the QC service Notice
strengthenings 2. Material certificates 2. Random check for compli-
3. Notice on the foundation check ance with the design require-
ments and for assembly and
welding workmanship
1.2 Ship arrangements
1.2.1 Steering 1. Design technical documentation, de- 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
gears and vice drawings submitted by the QC service Notice
thrusters 2. Certificates for steering machine, 2. Random check of the
thruster, for components and equipment workmanship, adherence to
included in arrangements, in case of their production processes
individual delivery 3. Checking the availability of
3. Datasheet or file for steering ma- brands
chine, thruster 4. Checking for compliance of
4. QC service reports for performed devices with the design techni-
works at intermediate stages (functional cal documentation
inspection), hydraulic test of hydraulic 5. Functional test during run-
system ning and mooring trials
5. Notice on the installation check
6. Results of installation, mounting
clearances, alignment of the drive
7. Notices of mooring and running trials
1.2.2 Anchor 1. Design technical documentation, de- 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
arrangement vice drawings submitted by the QC service Notice
2. Certificates for windlasses, capstans 2. Random check of the
and anchor winches, anchors, anchor workmanship
chains and their connection parts, for 3. Checking the availability of
components and equipment, included in brands, if prescribed by the
the arrangement in case of their individ- Rules
ual delivery
3. Datasheet or file for windlass, capstan 4. Checking for compliance of
and anchor winch devices with the design techni-
4. Datasheets (reports) of anchors, an- cal documentation
chor chains and their connection parts, 5. Functional test during run-
anchor stoppers, device to drop bitter ning and mooring trials
end of the anchor chain or rope, deck
and side anchor hawses
5. Quality control department's reports
for performed works at intermediate
stages (functional inspection)
6. Notice on the installation check
7. Notices of mooring and running trials
1.2.3 Towing 1. Device drawing 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
gear 2. Certificate (report) of the towing submitted by the QC service Notices
hook, towing rope 2. Random check for compli-
3. Datasheet or file for towing winch ance with the design require-
4. Notice on the installation check ments and availability of stamps
5. Notices of mooring and running trials 3. Functional test during run-
ning and mooring trials
1.2.4 Coupling 1. Device drawing 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
Appendix 4 101

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
arrangement 2. Datasheet or file of automatic cou- submitted by the QC service Notices
pling device 2. Random check for compli-
3. Notice on the installation check ance with the design require-
4. Notices of mooring and running trials
ments and availability of stamps
3. Functional test during run-
ning and mooring trials
1.2.5 Cargo 1. Device drawing 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
handling appli- 2. Certificates for metal-roll and welding submitted by the QC service Notices
ance materials 2. Random check for compli-
3. Information on qualification of weld- ance with the design require-
ers ments and availability of stamps
4. Notice on checking the quality of 3. Functional test during run-
welded joints ning and mooring trials
5. Certificates for chains, ropes, detach-
able parts
6. Datasheets or files for machinery and
7. Notice on the machinery installation
8. Notices of mooring and running trials
1.2.6 Foil ar- 1. Drawings 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
rangement 2. Information on qualification of weld- submitted by the QC service Notice
3. Certificates of materials and stay bolts 2. Random check for compli-
4. Notice on checking the assembly- ance with the design require-
welding work ments
5. Foil arrangement datasheet
6. Notice on the installation check
1.3 Life-saving appliances and signal means, navigation equipment and outfit
1.3.1 Life- 1. Drawings of the boat appliances and 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
saving appli- arrangement of life-saving appliances submitted by the QC service Notice
ances 2. Certificates of ropes, units, davit ma- 2. Random check for compli-
terial ance with the design require-
3. Datasheets or certificates of lifeboat, ments and availability of stamps
liferaft, lifebuoys 3. Check test in operation
4. QC service documents on the hydrau-
lic test in the shop
5. Datasheet or file of winch
6. Notice on the installation check
7. Notice on functional test according to
the program
1.3.2 Signal 1. Layout drawing 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
means and navi- 2. Packing list of navigation outfit submitted by the QC service Notice
gation outfit 3. Certificates of lights and signals 2. Random check for compli-
4. Notice on the installation and com- ance with the design require-
pleteness check ments and availability of stamps
5. Notice on functional test 3. Check test in operation
1.4 Equipment of ship spaces, crew and passengers protection
1.4.1 Arrange- 1. General arrangement plans for 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
102 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
ment and equipment, doors, windows, bulwarks submitted by the QC service Notice
equipment of and handrail 2. Random check for compli-
accommodation 2. Technical Acceptance Book of the ance with the design require-
and service QC service ments and installation work-
spaces, passage- 3. Notice on checking the watertightness manship
ways, doors, of doors, windows, hatches
windows, bul-
wark, handrail
1.5 Fire protection
1.5.1 Fire bulk- 1. Drawings of space isolation and fin- 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
heads, materials ishing, arrangement and quantity of fire submitted by the QC service Notice
used for finish- bulkheads, fire-fighting equipment and 2. Random check for compli-
ing, isolation of outfit ance with the design require-
the hull and 2. Certificates of insulation materials ments and installation work-
superstructure, and finishes manship
fire-fighting 3. Notice on checking the compliance of
equipment and materials, outfit and equipment arrange-
outfit ment with the project
1.6 Power installation
1.6.1 Main and 1. Design technical documentation, lay- 1. Checking for documents 1. Entry in
auxiliary engines out and installation drawings submitted by the QC service the Notice
2. Certificates for engines, files (data- 2. Random check of the 2. Entry in
sheets) workmanship reports of
3. Quality control department's reports 3. Installation check mooring and
for performed works at intermediate 4. Checking the availability of running trials
stages (functional inspection) brands
4. Notice on the installation check 5. Checking for compliance
5. Notice on mooring trials with the design technical
6. Notice of running trials documentation and drawings
6. Functional test during run-
ning and mooring trials
1.6.2 Shafting 1. Design technical documentation, 1. Checking for documents 1. Entry in
and propellers shafting/propeller layout and installation submitted by the QC service the Notice
drawings 2. Random check of the 2. Entry in
2. Certificates for propellers and shafting workmanship reports of
components 3. Installation check mooring and
3. Datasheets (files) for propellers and 4. Checking the availability of running trials
shafting components brands
4. Quality control department's reports 5. Checking for compliance
for performed works at intermediate with the design technical
stages (functional inspection) documentation and drawings
5. Results of installation, mounting 6. Functional test during run-
clearances, alignment of the shafting ning and mooring trials
6. Notice on the installation check
7. Notice on mooring trials
8. Notice of running trials
1.6.3 Boilers, 1. Design technical documentation, lay- 1. Checking for documents 1. Entry in
heat exchangers, out and installation drawings submitted by the QC service the Notices
Appendix 4 103

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
pressure vessels 2. Certificates for boilers, heat exchang-
2. Random check of the 2. Drawing
ers, pressure vessels, for used materials,
workmanship up reports of
welding materials 3. Checking the availability of ÐÐ-3.11, ÐÐ-
3. Datasheets (files) for boilers, heat ex-
brands 3.12 forms
changers, pressure vessels, valves 4. Checking for compliance 2. Entry in
4. Quality control department's reports with the design technical reports of
for performed works at intermediate documentation and drawings mooring and
stages (functional inspection) 5. Internal survey running trials
5. Notice on the installation check 6. Hydraulic test
6. Approval test for welders 7. Air test, external examina-
7. Quality control department's report tion
on internal survey of heat exchangers 8. Checking actuation of safety
valves, sealing
8. Notices on readiness of the boiler, 9. Functional test during run-
pressure vessels (with standard valves and ning and mooring trials
instruments) for internal survey
9. Notices on readiness of the boiler,
pressure vessels (with all pipelines and
valves) for hydraulic test by test pressure
10. Notice on the boiler steam sample
(if necessary)
11. Notice on readiness of pressure ves-
sels for air test
12. Notice of functional test during run-
ning and mooring trials
1.6.4 Refriger- 1. Design technical documentation, lay- 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
ating plant of out and installation drawings submitted by the QC service Notice
transport refrig- 2. Certificates for components and 2. Random check of the
erator and equipment included in the refrigerant workmanship
catching vessels plant, datasheets (files) for them 3. Checking for compliance
3. Leak test results for the refrigerating with the design technical
plant room documentation and drawings
4. Quality control department's reports 4. Participation in functional
for performed works at intermediate test
stages (functional inspection)
5. Notice on the installation check
6. Tightness / leak test results for the
refrigerant system, and tightness test re-
sults for the cooling water system
7. Test and check results for safety
8. Notice on readiness for functional
1.7 Systems and pipelines
1.7.1 Systems 1. Installation drawings and diagrams, 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
and pipelines: working documentation submitted by the QC service Notice
bilge, ballast, 2. Pipe and valve certificates 2. Checking for compliance
liquid cargo, 3. Datasheets (files) for machinery and with drawings and diagrams,
inert gas, smoke equipment (pumps, compressors, filters, working documentation
generation, ven- etc.) 3. Random check of installa-
104 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
tilation 4. Quality control department's docu- tion workmanship
ments on the hydraulic test in the shop
explosion- 5. Notice on checking the system on- 4. Check test of the system in
hazardous board installation operation
spaces, gas- 6. Notice on hydraulic test of the as-
outlet systems of sembled system
oil tankers; 7. Notice on functional test of the sys-
air, gas-outlet, tem and check of the used ship machin-
overflow and ery or equipment as intended.
sounding piping
systems ventila-
tion system of
the engine
steam heating
hydraulic drives
of ship machin-
fuel, oil, water
cooling, com-
pressed air, feed
water, gas-
steam pipeline
and blowing
1.8 Electrical, navigation equipment and radio communication means
1.8.1 Electrical 1. Drawings (plans) for installation, 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
equipment in- connection of equipment and laying of submitted by the QC service Notice
stallation and cable routes with attachment and 2. Checking for compliance of
cable laying with grounding joints, approved by the River composition, arrangement,
fastening Register fitting, installation of electric
2. Certificates for installed items equipment and laying of cables,
3. Insulation resistance measurement grounding installation of the
and grounding check results electric equipment, cable braid-
4. Documents confirming the results of ing and conductor shields with
controlling the proper installation by the the design documentation re-
company's personnel quirements
3. Functional test during run-
ning and mooring trials
1.8.2 Domestic, 1. Drawings (plans) for installation, 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
household and connection of equipment and laying of submitted by the QC service Notice
engineering cable routes with attachment and 2. Checking for compliance of
electric equip- grounding joints, approved by the River composition, arrangement,
ment Register fitting, installation of electric
2. Insulation resistance measurement equipment and laying of cables,
and grounding check results grounding installation of the
electric equipment, cable
3. Documents containing the results of braiding and conductor shields
Appendix 4 105

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
controlling the proper installation by the with the design documentation
company's personnel requirements
1.8.3 Commu- 1. Drawings (plans) for installation, 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
nication means connection of equipment and laying of submitted by the QC service Notice
and navigation cable routes with attachment and 2. Checking for compliance of
equipment grounding joints, approved by the River composition, arrangement,
Register fitting, installation of equip-
2. Certificates for installed items ment and laying of cables,
3. Insulation resistance measurement grounding installation of the
and grounding check results electric equipment, cable braid-
4. Documents containing the results of ing and conductor shields with
controlling the proper installation by the the design documentation re-
company's personnel quirements
3. Functional test during run-
ning and mooring trials
1.9 Mooring and running trials
1.9.1 Prepara- 1. Set of construction documents and 1. Checking for complete set Entry in the
tion for trials documentation for components of construction documents and Notice
2. Notice on readiness for tests sufficient documentation for
1.9.2 Mooring 1. Mooring trials program 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
trials 2. Documents certifying completion of submitted by the QC service Notice
installation and other works at the con- 2. Functional test during
struction stage of tests, signed by the mooring trials
personnel of the company's QC service,
and in cases stated in the List — by the
3. Schedule of mooring trials approved
by the branch
4. Specification
5. List of replacements equivalent to the
requirements of the Rules and approved
technical documentation
6. Files and datasheets for ship machin-
7. Documents for devices
8. Description of the items under tech-
nical supervision and maintenance in-
9. Test procedures (including simula-
tion) with diagrams of simulators
10. Notice on mooring trials
1.9.3 Running 1. Running trials program 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
trials 2. Quality control department's docu- submitted by the QC service Notice
ments certifying completion of mooring
3. Schedule of running trials approved 2. Functional check during
by the auditor running trials
4. Test procedures
5. Information on the ship stability and
106 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
6. Heeling test report and stability calcu-
lations (for the prototype ship)
7. Forms of reports and logbooks devel-
oped by the company for recording test
8. Notice on performance running trials,
indicating the assigned date of running
trials, number of running trials partici-
pants, availability of collective and per-
sonal life-saving appliances and ship out-
1.9.4 Inspection 1. List of items to be inspected, indicat- 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
and check sail- ing scope of works (including internal submitted by the QC service the Notice
ing survey of steam boilers) 2. Checking the defect elimi- 2. Issuing
2. Quality control department's docu- nation documents of
ment on the inspection results, including: 3. Functional test during check the River Reg-
list of the items under technical supervi- sailing ister
sion subject to inspection;
description of the detected defects;
cause of defects;
defect elimination measures;
3. Notice on defect elimination
4. Notice of check sailing (if necessary)
2 Supervision during manufacture of ship machinery, equipment and arrangements
2.1 Internal combustion engines
2.1.1 Base 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
frames, crank- 3. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
cases (bedplates) 4. Measurement result tables (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
5. Non-destructive test / testing results workmanship, adherence to documents by
6. Notice on the item check production processes the River Reg-
3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.2 Cylinder 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
units, unit heads 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Measurement result tables (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
4. Non-destructive test / testing results workmanship, adherence to documents by
5. Notice on the item check production processes the River Reg-
3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.3 Cylinder 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
liners, cylinder 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
covers, pistons, 3. Measurement result tables (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
piston pins 4. Non-destructive test / testing results workmanship, adherence to documents by
5. Notice on the item check production processes the River Reg-
3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.4 Connect- 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
ing rods 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
Appendix 4 107

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
3. Measurement result tables (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
4. Non-destructive test results workmanship, adherence to documents by
5. Notice on the item check production processes the River Reg-
3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.5 Connect- 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
ing rod bolts, 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
bolts and studs 3. Non-destructive test / testing results 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
of main bear- 4. Notice on the item check workmanship, adherence to documents by
ings, cylinder production processes the River Reg-
covers 3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.6 Crank- 1. Part drawing 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
shaft 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Measurement result tables (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Stamping
4. Heat treatment results workmanship, adherence to by the River
5. Non-destructive test / testing results production processes Register
6. Balancing results 3. Checking for compliance 3. Issue of
7. Notice on the item check with drawing documents by
the River Reg-
2.1.7 Camshaft 1. Part drawing 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
(reverse shaft) 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Measurement result tables (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
4. Heat treatment results workmanship, adherence to documents by
5. Non-destructive test / testing results production processes the River Reg-
6. Notice on the item check 3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawing
2.1.8 Gears 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Measurement result table (checklist) 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
4. Heat treatment results workmanship, adherence to documents by
5. Notice on the item check production processes the River Reg-
3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.9 Shock 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
absorbers 2. Material details submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Test Results 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
4. Notice on the item check workmanship, adherence to documents by
production processes the River Reg-
3. Checking for compliance ister2
with drawings
2.1.10 Assem- 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
bling 2. Quality control department's docu- submitted by the QC service Notice
ments for performed works at intermedi- 2. Random check of the en-
ate stages (functional inspection) gine assembly workmanship
3. Documentation for components
4. Notices on the check
2.1.11 Bench 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
tests 2. Description and maintenance instruc- submitted by the QC service Notice
108 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
tion, drawings, results of parts and 2. Functional test in modes
mounting dimensions measurement prescribed by the program
3. Company's documents: 3. Checking the measurement
on the bench readiness for tests; results for harmful substances
equipment and instrumentation ar- emissions and opacity in ex-
rangement and bench datasheet; haust gases
on checking the bench instrumentation
or standard devices;
technical documentation for associated
equipment in case of its installation on
the bench with item under test;
4. Completed file (datasheet)
5. Quality control department's docu-
ment on performing shop trials (running-
in, adjustment, acceptance)
6. Datasheet of harmful substances
emissions in exhaust gases, record book
of engine parameters for recording all
changes in configuration and adjustments
7. Notice on readiness for bench tests
2.1.12 Inspec- 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
tion 2. Notice on readiness for inspection submitted by the QC service Notice
3. Quality control department's docu- 2. Checking units and parts in
ments on the engine inspection after scope established by the test
testing procedure
4. Notice on the detected defect elimi-
2.1.13 Check 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
tests 2. Notice on readiness for check tests submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Engine file 2. Functional test after assem- 2. Issuing
bling and eliminating defects documents of
detected during bench tests and the River Reg-
inspection in modes prescribed ister
by the program 3. Stamping
3. Checking starters, reversing by the River
arrangement, alarm and protec- Register
tion system, safety devices,
automated device system, rota-
tion speed control system
2.2 Gears, couplings, shafts and propellers
2.2.1 Reduction 1. Part and unit drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
gear and disen- 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
gaging coupling 3. Heat treatment, non-destructive test, 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
cases, gear testing / balancing results workmanship, adherence to documents by
wheels, reduc- 4. Quality control department's docu- production processes the River Reg-
tion gear shafts ments for performed works at intermedi- 3. Checking for compliance ister2
ate stages (functional inspection) with drawings
5. Measurement result table
6. Notice on the check
2.2.2 Assem- 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation Entry in the
Appendix 4 109

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
bling gears and 2. Table of mounting clearances, align- submitted by the QC service Notice
disengaging ment measurements (checklist) 2. Random check of reduction
couplings 3. Quality control department's docu- gear / disengaging coupling
ments for performed works at intermedi- assembly workmanship
ate stages (functional inspection)
4. Documentation for components
5. Notice on the check
2.2.3 Bench 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
tests, inspection, 2. Description and maintenance instruc- submitted by the QC service the Notice
check tests of tion, drawings, results of parts and 2. Functional test in modes 2. Issuing
disengaging mounting dimensions measurement prescribed by the program documents of
coupling gears 3. Company's documents: 3. Checking units and parts in the River Reg-
on the bench readiness for tests; scope established by the test ister
equipment and instrumentation ar- procedure for inspection 3. Stamping
rangement and bench datasheet; by the River
on checkout and calibration of the Register
bench instrumentation or standard de-
technical documentation for associated 4. Functional test during check
equipment in case of its installation on tests after assembling and
the bench with item under test; eliminating defects detected
4. Completed file (datasheet) during bench tests and inspec-
5. Quality control department's docu- tion
ment on performing shop trials (running-
in, adjustment, acceptance)
6. Notices on readiness for bench tests,
for inspection, for check tests
2.2.4 Thrust 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
intermediate, 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
propeller shafts, 3. Measurement result table 2. Random check of the 2. Stamping
shaft bearings, 4. Non-destructive test (flaw detection) workmanship, adherence to by the River
couplings results production processes Register (for
5. Quality control department's docu- 3. Checking for compliance shafts)
ments for performed works at intermedi- with drawings 3. Issue of
ate stages (functional inspection) documents by
6. Datasheet (file) the River Reg-
7. Notice on the check ister2
2.2.5 Propel- 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
lers, bosses, 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
blades, vertical 3. Non-destructive test, balancing, test- 2. Random check of the 2. Stamping
axis propellers, ing results workmanship, adherence to by the River
propulsion and 4. Quality control department's docu- production processes Register (if
steering units, ments for performed works at intermedi- 3. Checking for compliance necessary)
thrusters, as- ate stages (functional inspection) with drawings 3. Issue of
sembled steer- 5. Measurement result table documents by
able propellers 6. Datasheet (file) the River Reg-
and mecha- 7. Notice on the check ister2
nisms, parts and
units, delivered
for their com-
110 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
pleteness, fans
2.2.6 Shaft liner 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Test Results 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
4. Quality control department's docu- workmanship, adherence to documents by
ments for performed works at intermedi- production processes the River Reg-
ate stages (functional inspection) 3. Checking for compliance ister2
5. Measurement result tables with drawings
6. Notice on the check
2.2.7 Stern- 1. Part drawings 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
tubes and rudder 2. Material certificates submitted by the QC service the Notice
tubes, fixed noz- 3. Test Results 2. Random check of the 2. Issue of
zles, tubes and 4. Quality control department's docu- workmanship, adherence to documents by
water-jet chan- ments for performed works at intermedi- production processes the River Reg-
nels ate stages (functional inspection) 3. Checking for compliance ister2
5. Measurement result tables with drawings
6. Notice on the check
2.3 Boilers
2.3.1 Cases, 1. Drawings of units and parts 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
shells, end 2. Certificates for metal-roll and welding submitted by the QC service the Notice
plates, tube materials 2. Checking the availability of 2. Issue of
plates, drums, 3. Process brands and for compliance of documents by
headers and 4. Information on qualification of weld- marking with documents, con- the River Reg-
chambers, flame ers firming the material quality ister2
tubes, boiler 5. Control bar test results and radiogra- 3. Random check of the
stays, burning phies (if necessary) workmanship, adherence to
units, econo- 6. Quality control department's docu- production processes
mizers, steam ments for performed works at intermedi- 4. Checking for compliance
collectors, su- ate stages (functional inspection) with drawings
perheaters 7. Quality control department's docu-
ments on hydraulic test of parts and
units, heat treatment, on weld quality
8. Notice on the check
2.3.2 Boiler 1. Documents for valves 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
fittings 2. Notices on readiness for hydraulicsubmitted by the QC service the Notice
tests 2. Random inspection 2. Issue of
3. Hydraulic tests of valve, vis- documents by
ual inspection before and after the River Reg-
the test ister2
2.3.3 Boiler 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1 Entry in the
assembly 2. Boiler datasheet (file) submitted by the QC service Notice
Internal survey 3. Boiler drawings (longitudinal, 2. Random check of the boiler 2. Stamping
and hydraulic transversal sections, etc.) assembly workmanship by the River
test of boilers. 4. Documentation for components 3. Internal survey, hydraulic Register
Steam test of 5. Information on qualification of weld- tests, visual inspection 3. Issue of
the boiler (if ers documents by
necessary) 6. Quality control department's docu- the River Reg-
ments for performed works at intermedi- ister2
ate stages (functional inspection)
Appendix 4 111

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
7. Notices on readiness in the assembled
condition without valves for internal sur-
vey, hydraulic test,
steam test (if necessary), visual inspec-
8. Measurement result tables for flame
tubes before and after the hydraulic test
9. Notice on the check
2.4 Pressure vessels, heat exchangers
2.4.1 Reservoirs 1. Drawings of units and parts 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
(barrel, bottom), 2. Certificates for metal-roll and welding submitted by the QC service the Notice
tube plates materials 2. Checking the availability of 2. Stamping
3. Process brands and for compliance of by the River
4. Information on qualification of weld- marking with documents, con- Register
ers firming the material quality 3. Issue of
5. Control bar test results and radiogra- 3. Random check of the documents by
phies (if necessary) workmanship, adherence to the River Reg-
6. Quality control department's reports production processes ister2
for performed works at intermediate 4. Checking for compliance
stages (functional inspection) with drawings
7. Quality control department's docu-
ments on hydraulic test of parts and
units, heat treatment, on weld quality
8. Notice on the check
2.4.2 Fittings 1. Documents for valves and head 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
2. Notices on readiness for hydraulic submitted by the QC service the Notice
tests 2. Random inspection 2. Issue of
3. Hydraulic tests of valve, vis- documents by
ual inspection before and after the River Reg-
the test ister2
2.4.3 Internal 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1 Entry in the
survey and hy- 2. Datasheets or files for pressure ves- submitted by the QC service Notice
draulic test of sels, heat exchangers 2. Random check of the boiler 2. Stamping
boilers, pressure 3. Drawings of pressure vessels, heat ex- assembly workmanship by the River
vessels, heat changers 3. Internal survey, hydraulic Register
exchangers. 4. Documentation for components tests, visual inspection 3. Issuing
5. Quality control department's docu- documents of
ments for performed works at intermedi- the River Reg-
ate stages (functional inspection) ister
6. Notices on readiness in the assembled
condition without valves for internal sur-
vey, hydraulic test
7. Notice on the check
2.5 Electric equipment
2.5.1 Genera- 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
tors, propulsion 2. Acceptance documents of the quality submitted by the quality control the Notice
motors control document department and its agreement 2. Stamping
3. Notice deadline by the River
112 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
2. Inspection and check of
units and parts 3. Issue of
3. Functional tests documents by
the River Reg-
2.5.2 Electric 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
distribution sys- 2. Test program submitted by the quality control the Notice
tems (main and 3. Documents for components department and its agreement 2. Stamping
emergency 4. Acceptance documents of the quality deadline by the River
switchboards, control document 2. Inspection and check of Register
grouped boards, 5. Notice units and parts 3. Issue of
control and 3. Functional tests documents by
alarm boards the River Reg-
and panels, ister2
other boards)
2.5.3 Essential 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
electric drives, 2. Test program submitted by the quality control the Notice
storage batteries, 3. Documents for components department and its agreement 2. Issue of
transformers, 4. Acceptance documents of the quality deadline documents by
converters, control document 2. Inspection and check of the River Reg-
lighting equip- 5. Notice units and parts ister2
ment, electrical 3. Participation in testing
machine tele-
graphs, rudder /
CPP blade posi-
tion indicators,
shaft line ta-
chometers, tele-
phone appara-
tus, fire detec-
tion alarm
system and fire
smothering sys-
tem release
alarm, heaters,
cable items
2.6 Deck machinery and ship auxiliary equipment
2.6.1 Steering 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
machines, 2. Datasheets, files submitted by the quality control the Notice
thrusters, blow- 3. Test program department and its agreement 2. Issue of
ers (for air- 4. River Register Certificates for com- deadline documents by
cushion ships), ponents (when required by the Rules) 2. Inspection and check of the River Reg-
anchor and 5. Notice units and parts ister2
towing machin- 3. Functional tests 3. Stamping
ery (capstans, by the River
windlasses, Register
winches), air
towing winches,
winches of
Appendix 4 113

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
hatch closures
2.6.2 End and 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking materials as per 1. Entry in
side automatic 2. Datasheets, files their file the Notice
coupling devices 3. Test program 2. Inspection and check of 2. Entry in
4. Notice parts and units the file
3. Participation in bench tests 3. Stamping
by the River
4. Issue of
documents by
the River Reg-
2.7 Units and parts of ship's arrangements and outfit
2.7.1 Lifeboats 1. Technical documentation 1 Checking for documentation
1. Entry in
and devices 2. Documents for materials submitted by the quality control
the Notice
3. Test programs department 2. Issuing
4. Notice 2. Inspection and check
documents of
3. Participation in testing
the River Reg-
3. Stamping
by the River
2.7.2 Lifebuoys, 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
lifejackets, life 2. Documents for materials submitted by the QC service the Notice
vests 3. Test programs 2. Inspection and check 2. Issuing
4. Acceptance documents of the quality 3. Participation in testing documents of
control document the River Reg-
5. Notice ister
2.7.3 Naviga- 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
tion lights 2. Test program submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Documents confirming the results of 2. Inspection and check of 2. Issuing
testing the manufactured items by the torches documents of
company's personnel 3. Functional tests during the River Reg-
4. Notice standard tests of serial speci- ister
2.7.4 Rudders, 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
nozzles, stocks 2. Documents for materials submitted by the QC service the Report
of rudders and 3. Report on execution of measurements 2. Inspection and check 2. Stamping
nozzles 4. Notice 3. Participation in testing by the River
3. Issue of
documents by
the River Reg-
2.7.5 Anchors, 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
anchor chains 2. Documents for materials submitted by the QC service the Notice
3. Notice 2. Inspection and check 2. Issue of
3. Participation in testing documents by
the River Reg-
114 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

E n d o f T a b l e A4.1
Drawing up
Description of Documents submitted by
Procedure of item check inspection a conclusion
item under tech- QC service, confirming the item compliance
by the Surveyor1 by the Surveyor
nical supervision with the project, standards or specifications
and branding
2.7.6 Towing 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for documentation 1. Entry in
hooks and 2. Documents for materials submitted by the QC service the Notice
arches 3. Notice 2. Inspection and check 2. Issue of
3. Participation in testing documents by
the River Reg-
2.8 Radio communication means and navigation equipment
2.8.1 1. Technical documentation 1. Checking for 1. Entry in
Communicatio 2. Acceptance documents of the documentation submitted by the Notice
n means and quality control document the QC service 2. Issuing
navigation 3. Notice on the check 2. Inspection and check documents of
equipment of units, antennas the River
3. Participation in testing Register
Scope of technical supervision by the auditor is determined by these Rules.
When manufacturing items to be delivered to other companies.
Appendix 6 115



Description of Control notice

the item under test Surveyor
No. production representative Note
(materials, Date Date of the River Date
assemblies, parts, etc.) foreman of QC service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Entry of the QC Surveyor's

Project number, Company's
Surveyor's service entry
No. Date ship measures
comment on the comment on the comment
hull number
elimination elimination
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
116 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)



1 Tests for receiving manual and semiau- 2 Tests for receiving automatic welding
tomatic welding permit shall be performed permit shall be performed according to Ta-
according to Table A7.1 and Fig. A7.1-1 to ble A7.2.
T a b l e A7.1
Scope of tests for receiving manual and semiautomatic welding permit
Type of inspection and quality estimation
Item, type of Thickness, Welding Radiographic
Type of test assembly (ultrasonic) (see
construction mm position visual3 Destructive4
8.3.3 Part X
Horizontal P1d  P2h mark III
According to Table 8.3.2-1 Part X

Horizontal1 P2h —
All P1v   P1h-v ‚ P10   P2v mark II
All1 P2v  P20 — Two fracture
Horizontal P1d  P2h mark III test specimens

Horizontal1 P2h — from each fillet

Plates 6 to 25
All P1v   P1h-v ‚ P10   P2v mark II joint according to
All1 P2v  P20 — 3.4 Appendix 12
Horizontal P1d  P2h mark III
Horizontal1 P2h —
All P1v   P1h-v ‚ P10   P2v mark II
All1 P2v  P20 —
Horizontal P1v  P3
According to Table 8.3.2-2

All P4  P5
Tubes5 Horizontal P1v  P3
5 P4  P5 Four bend test

All6 P6  P7 specimens
Pressure according to 3.2
vessels (0.5 – 1.5)t All P1v   P1h-v P10 
Appendix 12 Part
(plates) X RCCS
mark II
vessels (0.5 – 1.5)t 5 All P6
Two bend test
Table 8.3.2-1
According to

of faults in
forgings and
— Horizontal P8 according to 3.4
and 3.2 Appendix
12 Part X RCCS
Appendix 7 117

E n d o f T a b l e A7.1
For welded joints made by fillet welding electrodes.
According to Fig. A7.1-1 to A7.1-8: P1d — butt joints in horizontal position; P1v — butt joints in verti-
cal position; P1h-v — horizontal butt joints in vertical plane; P10 — butt joints in overhead position; P2h —
angular joints in horizontal position; P2v — angular joints in vertical position; P20 — angular joints in
overhead position.
May be supplemented by dye-penetrant or magnetic particle methods.
The River Register determines test assembly areas from which test specimens shall be machined.
The test assembly diameter is determined proceeding from the structure type.
For obtaining weld approval in piping constructions.
N o t e : t — sample thickness.


Fig. A7.1-1. Sample P1 Fig. A7.1-2. Sample P2

Fig. A7.1-3. Sample P3

118 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

Fig. A7.1-4. Sample P4

Appendix 7 119


Fig. A7.1-5. Sample Ð5

120 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)


Fig. A7.1-6. Sample Ð6

Appendix 7 121

Fixed vertical


Fig. A7.1-7. Sample P7

horizontal welding position Recommended preparation of welds С1 and С2

Fig. A7.1-8. Sample Ð8

122 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

Table A7.2
Scope of tests for receiving automatic welding permit
Item Type of inspection and quality estimation
Thickness or Type of test
diameter, mm assembly 1 Radiographic (ultra-
Visual Destructive2
According to Four bend test specimens ac-
Plates (0,5÷2) t P1 Table 8.3.2-1 cording to 5.3 and 6.1 Appendix
According to
Part X RCCS 12 Part X RCCS
8.3.3 Part X
According to RCCS — mark III Four bend test specimens ac-
0,5D P3
Pipes Table 8.3.2-2 cording to 5.3 Appendix 12 Part
(0,5÷2)·t (P6)
May be supplemented by dye-penetrant or magnetic particle methods.
River Register determines sections of samples for cutting sample manufacture material.
N o t e s : 1. t — thickness of the test assembly, D — diameter of the test assembly.
2. To be chosen according to the welding procedure and the availability of automatic welding equipment
Appendix 8 123




This Appendix determines the lists of tech- .6* loading, unloading and ballasting in-
nical documentation submitted to the River structions for a cargo ship (submitted after
Register for approval. clarifying the mass loads while detailed de-
The specified lists are generic and deter- signing);
mined by design organization (manufacturer) .7* stability and floodability data (submit-
on agreement with the River Register depend- ted after clarifying the mass loads while de-
ing on the design features of ships and ships' tailed designing);
elements. .8* general arrangement plan indicating
The operating documentation for the ship the technical means, devices and equipment:
machinery construction items, electrical, radio side view;
and navigation equipment is submitted with inboard profile specifying the watertight
due regard to the Nomenclature. The docu- bulkheads, decks, platforms and other ele-
mentation scope is determined by the design ments;
organization on agreement with the Branch plans of decks, holds, bridges, platforms
office. and other elements;
The documentation marked with * and all .9* general arrangement plan of equip-
the operating documents shall be stamped ment in wheelhouse;
APPROVED. The documentation not marked
.10 arrangement plan of explosion and
with * in Sections 1 to 5 of this Appendix
fire hazardous areas and rooms (if any);
shall be stamped TAKEN INTO CONSI-
DERATION. .11 lines drawing of a ship's hull;
.12 calculations of mass loads and centre
1 Technical design of gravity position, trim and initial stability for
various loading conditions;
1.1 The technical design of a ship shall in- .13 static and dynamic stability diagrams
clude the following general design documents: with table of heeling and capsizing moments
.1 list of technical design documents; and heel angles for various loading conditions
.2 explanatory note to the design; (calculation of stability diagram arms may be
.3* specification including Section for omitted) stability assessment for various load-
prevention of pollution from ships; ing conditions initial data tables when calcu-
.4* list of equivalents to the requirements lating by means of software applications;
of the Rules (if admitted) with substantiation; .14 calculation of ships floodability in ac-
.5* program and method of acceptance cordance with the requirements of 4.2 Part I
trials for the prototype ship of the series RCCS, initial data tables when calculating by
(submitted after approval of engineering de- means of software applications;
sign); .15 freeboard calculations;
124 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.16 calculations of ship maneuverability stallation places, burning quality, quantity of

including maneuverability table; combustible materials per 1 m2 of each room
.17 calculations of gross tonnage; floor area;
.18 list of materials, components and .2* room insulation and furnishing dia-
equipment to be delivered with documents gram.
specified in 2.2.6.
1.4 The technical design shall contain the
1.2 The technical design shall contain the following documentation for ship arrange-
following hull documentation: ments:
.1* midship section and hull cross- .1* arrangement plan of signal means and
sections with the main framing members; navigation lights;
.2* design drawing of hull and superstruc- .2 selection of device elements and outfit
tures engaged in global bending, with framing items according to the Rules, or calculations
table; substantiating the selection of these elements;
.3* shell expansion for ships with sophis- .3 general arrangement plan of new-type
ticated hull shape; devices.
.4 calculations for selection of design and 1.5 The technical design shall contain the
dimensions of the hull members, initial data following documentation for power unit and
tables for calculating by means of software systems:
.1* arrangement plan of the main and
.5 calculations of global and local vibra- auxiliary engines and equipment in the ma-
tion; chinery spaces and central control station
.6 calculation of strength and stability of rooms with indication of the passages and
hull members (for single-hull steel ships and escape routes according to 1.9 Part IV RCCS;
catamarans over 50 m in length, ships with .2* shafting with stern-tube, propeller
hull made of light alloys, hydrofoils, hover- (steering thruster), shafts and couplings;
craft and ships with plastic hull); .3 calculation of shafting (including tor-
.7 initial data table for calculating by sional vibrations), propeller and selection of
means of software applications; shafting elements according to the Rules;
.8 calculations of hull strength (for ships .4* schematic diagrams (indicating oper-
with reinforced-concrete hull); ating parameters, diameter, pipe wall thick-
.9 calculations of transverse ship strength ness, pipe materials, valves and fittings) of
(for undecked cargo ships and ships with ratio cooling, oil, fuel supply, start air, gas exhaust
Â/Í exceeding the prescribed value); (may be shown on the general view of room),
.10 calculations of superstructure strength steam pipeline, feed and condensate systems.
(for passenger ships with large window cut-
outs); 1.6 The technical design shall contain the
.11 general view of ship hatchway cover following documentation for ship's systems:
with strength calculations of hatchway covers .1* schematic diagrams (indicating oper-
and main drive components; ating parameters, diameter, pipe wall thick-
.12 calculation of hull global strength at ness, pipe materials, valves and fittings) of
the end of the ship’s service life; ventilation, fire-fighting, drainage, ballast,
.13 calculation of icebreakers' ice strength. bilge oily water removal, oil heating systems;
hydraulic pneumatic actuator system of auxil-
1.3 The engineering design shall contain iary technical means and deck mechanisms;
the following documentation for equipment liquefied gas domestic facility; air, overflow
and room insulation: and measuring pipelines; compressed air sys-
.1 data on the used finishing, structural tem; oily water pumping, delivery and dis-
and insulation materials indicating their in- charge system;
Appendix 8 125

.2 calculation of ship's ventilation, fire- .3* circuit diagrams of electric drives for
fighting, bilge, ballast, compressed and start ship equipment stated in 5.3.1, 7.5 to 7.10 and
air systems; 4.2 Table 4.5.2 Part VI RCCS;
.3 calculation of tanks capacity of the oily .4* circuit diagrams of main and emer-
water pumping, delivery and discharge sys- gency lighting mains;
tems. .5* circuit diagrams of navigation and sig-
nal lights;
1.7 The engineering design shall contain
the following documentation for refrigerating .6* circuit diagrams of general and fire
plant: alarms;
.1* general arrangement plan of refrigerat- .7* circuit diagrams of the main current,
ing plant; excitation, control, monitoring, signal, pro-
tection and interlock of electric propulsion
.2* schematic diagrams of coolant, cool-
ant fluid, ventilation, air cooling and cooling plant;
water systems, and control, monitoring, alarm .8* earthing diagram for ships with non-
and protection systems; conductive hulls;
.3 main calculations for refrigerating .9* diagram of lightening conductors
plant. (may be shown on ship's general view);
.10 calculation of the required power
1.8 The technical design shall contain the plant capacity to ensure all ship's operation
following documentation for oil tankers (in modes, substantiation for selection of genera-
addition to the documents stated in 1.5 and tor quantity and capacity as well as calcula-
1.6 of this Appendix): tion of capacity of emergency power supply
.1* arrangement plan of equipment in sources;
pump room; .11 calculation of cable cross-sections
.2* schematic diagrams of cargo handling, with indication of their grades, currents and
stripping, inert gas and vent systems. protection degree;
1.9 The technical design shall contain the .12 calculation of short-circuit currents
following documentation for automation: and voltage changes;
.1* arrangement plan of the main remote .13 calculation of dynamic and thermal
control and automation means (control sta- capacity at short circuit (at nominal power of
tions and consoles); generator or parallel operating generators over
.2* schematic diagrams and organizational 100 kW) for buses, communication and pro-
charts of the remote control, automation and tection hardware of the main distribution
warning alarm systems of the main ship's switchboard and cables of essential devices;
technical means and systems with indication .14 lightning protection calculation;
of the power supply sources; .15 list of measures to ensure electrostatic
.3* chematic diagrams of fluid level alarm and galvanic sparking safety (for oil tankers).
of the oily and sewage waters pumping, deliv- 1.11 The technical design shall contain the
ery and discharge systems. following documentation for communication
1.10 The technical design shall contain the and navigational equipment
following documentation for electrical equip- .1* electric block diagram of navigational
ment: equipment, radio communication means,
.1* circuit diagrams of electrical power public address system, voice communication
distribution from main and emergency means, onboard internal communication
sources: power mains, lighting (to section equipment, receivers of broadcasting station
switchboards); signals (audio and video broadcasting stations)
.2* circuit diagrams of main and emer- and broadcasting satellite service;
gency switchboards, control desks and .2* drawings (not less than two views)
switchboards of non-standard design; showing arrangement of equipment in rooms
126 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

intended for the installation of radio and .9 operating manual for emergency oil
navigational equipment; spill localisation pack.
.3* arrangement drawings of antennas
(three views) may be shown on ship's general 2 Technical documentation for ship conversion,
view; modernization, re-classification and repair
.4 calculation of MF/HF antenna pa-
2.1 The technical documentation shall be
rameters and radio range;
submitted for those parts of hull, ship's tech-
.5* arrangement drawing of the main / nical means and equipment which subject to
steering (reserve) marine compass. conversion, modernization, restoration or
1.12 The technical design shall contain the repair.
following documentation for equipment for If the characteristics of strength, stability,
prevention of pollution from ships: manoeuvrability, etc. are changed due to ship
.1* plans of arrangement of equipment conversion, the correspondent calculations or
and devices for the prevention of pollution substantiations shall be submitted.
from ships; 2.2 When changing the hull design, con-
.2* calculations of the navigation auton- verting or modernizing a ship, the technical
omy due to ecological safety conditions; documentation in a scope specified for the
.3* schematic diagrams of oily and sewage ship under construction (see 1) shall be sub-
waters pumping, delivery and discharge sys- mitted to the River Register.
tems including collecting tanks and standard
discharge connections; 2.3 In order to re-classify a ship, the fol-
.4 technical description and operation lowing documentation shall be submitted to
principle of water supply and discharge sys- the River Register:
tems; .1 explanatory note with substantiations
.5* onboard test program of the equip- for re-classification;
ment; .2 analysis of ship compliance with the
.6* diagram of sealing stop fittings of RCCS requirements for a new class for all
overboard discharge system for oil-containing ship elements;
and sewage water; .3* list of equivalents to the Rules re-
.7* diagram of collection system for leak- quirements for a new class, with substantia-
ing fuel and oil; tions;
.8* for oil tankers (except for documents .4 analysis for compliance with the re-
stated in 1.12.1 to 1.12.7) the following quirements of international normative docu-
documents shall be submitted: ments (for ships engaged on international
calculations of the capacity of cargo, set- voyages). The following documents shall be
tling and pure ballast tanks; submitted for reference:;
the diagram of location of all tanks on .5* supplement to specification;
board of a ship; .6* test program;
the diagram of compartments subdivision .7* instruction on loading and unloading
and emergency stability calculations; or related supplement;
the diagram of emergency oil pumping; .8* stability and floodability data or re-
the diagram of location discharge outlets; lated supplement;
the diagram of oil residues pumping sys- .9 global and local strength calculations;
tem to the settling tank; .10 additional calculations for selection of
operating manual for tanks intended for reinforcements and hull scantlings;
pure ballast (if applicable); .11 freeboard calculation and load line
operating manual for the automatic moni- drawing;
toring control system for ballast and washing .12 substantiations confirming the capa-
water discharge; bility to operate the main engines, propulsion
Appendix 8 127

and steering unit and ship's power plant with- .9* list of emergency outfit and its ar-
out degradation of their technical characteris- rangement plan;
tics determined by the delivery documentation .10* guidance to the master of the pas-
and the Rules; saged ship or tugboat including the specified
.13 technical documentation for ship re- weather limits, instructions on ship ballasting,
classification related to hull reinforcement, consumption of ship's stores and damage con-
further equipment and outfit including general trol in case of emergency.
arrangement drawings;
.14 calculations of ship maneuverability
including maneuverability table; 4 Technical documentation
.15 special standard values of residual for preparing a ship for transportation of
thicknesses and local residual deformations bulky and/or heavyweight cargoes
that differ from those prescribed by the RSSS;
4.1 The documentation shall include:
.16 technical documentation from the list
.1* arrangement plans of the transported
specified in 1.12 when such a documentation
cargo with indication of dimensions, centre of
is required due to installation of new equip-
gravity coordinates and weight of each cargo
ment for prevention of pollution from ships,
unit, fastening methods and means (distance
the availability of which prescribed by the
bars, stops, lashes, etc.);
RSSS, if an inland navigation ship is re-
classified to Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ or Ì-ÑÏ class. .2* arrangement plans of navigation lights
and lightening conductor, if they are subjected
3 Project of ship passage to alterations;
outside the specified navigation area .3* reinforcement drawings — bulkheads
and partial bulkheads, trusses, web girders,
3.1 The ship passage project includes: support structures distributing the load from
.1 explanatory note with indication of cargo; leveling platings, arrangements for pre-
passage area and conditions, description of vention of cargo shift when rolling and moor-
measures for ensuring the passage safety (in- ing;
cluding organizational measures); .4 additional calculations of global and
.2 calculation of strength, stability and local strength of a ship and specific loads on
freeboard required by the Rules for passage support structures with regard to load distri-
area and conditions; bution irregularity when handling and trans-
.3 drawings of hull and superstructure re- porting the cargo. When determining the local
inforcements; loads from the concentrated cargoes inertial
.4* drawings and diagrams of opening loads due to rolling are considered;
covers in hull and superstructures as well as .5 calculations of anchoring strength and
installation of structures to improve seakeep- related forces with regard to inertia forces
ing (rakes, protection of superstructures, when rolling and mooring. The anchoring
wheelhouses and other technical solutions for may be omitted, if friction force exceeds
ship conversion); shearing forces. Based on the strength calcula-
.5* drawings of towing and/or pushing ar- tions the permissible pressure limit on support
rangements, arrangement plan of towing bri- surface of the cargo or along the leveling plat-
dle; ings is determined;
.6* arrangement drawings of navigation .6* additional guidance on handling the
lights and daytime signals of the towed ship; equipment developed on basis of the strength
.7 description of power plant, electrical, and stability calculation results indicating the
radio and navigation equipment; capability and requirement of ballasting as
.8 description of steering, anchor, moor- well as indicating the sequence, method and
ing arrangements, fire protection, life-saving
appliances and signal means;
128 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

diagram of handling with drawings of addi- .5 technical data sheet of emissions.

tional structures;
5.3 The technical documentation for steam
.7* additional stability data drawn up
and water boilers shall include:
based on calculation of stability, floodability
and trimming. When checking the emergency .1* specifications;
stability, the requirements of Part II RCCS .2* assembly drawing with longitudinal
shall be met; and transverse sections in scale not less than
.8* guidance to the master for ensuring 1:10 and connections in scale of not less than
the cargo transportation safety including or- 1:2;
ganizational measures, transportation route, .3 calculation of boiler strength in accor-
specified weather limits. dance with the Strength Calculation Manual
for Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure
5 Technical documentation Vessels;
.4 calculation of safety valve cross-
5.1 The technical documentation for inter- sections;
nal combustion engines and reduction gears
.5* assembly and welding procedures;
shall include:
.1* specifications; .6* schematic diagrams of warning alarm
.2* general view drawings and essential and protection automation;
component drawings; .7* program of testing a specimen and se-
.3* schematic diagrams of fuel, lubricat- rial item.
ing, cooling, starting, electric equipment, re- 5.4 The technical documentation for cargo
mote control, automation, gas control alarm handling gears shall include:
and protection systems; .1* specifications;
.4* programs of bench tests and test to .2* general view drawings of cargo han-
verify engine exhaust gas compliance with dling gear, bearing metal structures, machin-
normative values of harmful substances and ery;
.3 kinematic diagram;
.5* strength calculations of essential en-
.4* schematic diagrams of electrical
gine components, calculations of crankcase
ventilation arrangement and safety valves,
data on the maximum and average specific .5 diagrams of safety arrangements and
pressures in bearings (main, crankpin, thrust means (describing their operation principle);
bearings), strength calculation of shafts and .6 calculation of forces and stresses in
reduction gear tooth, calculation of reduction components of the cargo handling gears;
gear bearings, calculation of torsional vibra- .7* program of testing a specimen and se-
tions in links of the planned torsional system; rial item.
.6 technical data sheet of emissions (not 5.5 The technical documentation for cou-
applicable to reduction gears). pling equipment shall include:
5.2 The technical documentation for the .1* specifications;
retrofitted engines shall include: .2* bench test program;
.1* specifications for the retrofitted en- .3* assembly drawings of lock and ten-
gine; sioning station;
.2* general view drawing of the converted .4* essential component drawings;
engine with all assemblies and components .5 calculation of components strength.
included in conversion work scope;
.3* test program; 5.6 The technical documentation for deck
.4 copy of specifications developed and is- machinery and ship auxiliary equipment shall
sued by the Manufacturer of basic engine to include:
be retrofitted; .1* specifications;
Appendix 8 129

.2 general arrangement drawings; .2* program of testing a specimen and se-

.3 assembly drawings of essential compo- rial item;
nents; .3 diagrams.
.4* schematic diagrams of control, gas
5.11 The technical documentation for
control alarm automation and protection;
equipment for prevention of pollution from
.5* calculations agreed in the Rules; ships shall include:
.6* program of testing a specimen and se-
rial item. For filtering equipment:
.1 technical description and operation
5.7 The technical documentation for steer- principle of separator or filter, operating and
able and fixed propellers shall include: maintenance manual;
.1* specifications; .2* specifications;
.2 general arrangement drawings; .3* general arrangement drawings with
.3 assembly drawings of essential compo- sections (separator or filter design with main
nents; dimensions, used materials and coatings);
.4* schematic diagrams of electrical .4 assembly drawings of pumps and other
equipment, hydraulic, lubricating, alarm and devices being a part of filtering equipment;
protection systems, kinematic diagram (if they .5 drawings of welded joints (in casings,
are not presented in specifications); base frame and other parts) containing weld-
.5* calculation of input (primary) and ing data;
output shafts, gear drives, calculation and .6 diagrams of maintenance systems
selection of bearings; within the filtering installation;
.6* program of testing a specimen and se- .7* principal electrical circuit of the in-
rial item. stallation as well as control, adjustment,
5.8 The technical documentation for gear monitoring, alarm and safety diagram;
and hydraulic drives shall include: .8 program of testing a specimen and se-
.1* specifications; rial item;
.2* general view drawings with sections; .9 list of the essential elements with me-
chanical characteristics of the material and
.3 kinematic diagram;
test hydraulic pressure;
.4 calculations agreed in the Rules;
.5 schematic diagram of control, gas con- For alarm device:
trol alarm automation and protection; .10 technical description indicating the
.6* program of testing a specimen and se- operation principle and technical parameters,
rial item. operating manual, reliability data;
.11* specifications;
5.9 The technical documentation for elec- .12* general arrangement drawings;
trical equipment shall include: .13* specification indicating used materi-
.1* specifications; als and assembling parts;
.2* electric schematic diagrams, diagrams .14* principal and function diagrams;
of automation, gas control alarm and protec- .15* program of testing a specimen and
tion; serial item;
.3 calculations agreed in the Rules;
For automatic monitoring and control systems
.4* program of testing a specimen and se-
for ballast and washing water discharge:
rial item.
.16 technical description indicating the
5.10 The technical documentation for operation principle and technical parameters,
communication and navigation equipment operating manual, and reliability data;
shall include: .17* specifications;
.1* specifications; .18* general arrangement drawings;
130 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.19* specification indicating used materi- 6 Operating documentation for a ship

als and assembling parts; to be agreed with the Branch Office
.20* principal and function diagrams;
6.1 The following drawings and documents
.21* drawings of fittings for emergency for hull and superstructure are submitted to
shut-off the discharge; the Branch office for approval:
For sewage treatment plant: .1 midship section and cross-sections;
.22 technical description and operating .2 design drawing of hull with framing ta-
manual; ble;
.23* specifications; .3 design drawing of superstructures;
.24* general arrangement drawings with N o t e : Hereinafter the "superstructures"
sections (the design, the main dimensions, means superstructures and wheelhouses engaged in
used materials and coatings); global bending of a ship.
.25* principal electrical circuit; .4 shell expansion of hull and inner sides;
.26* control, adjustment, monitoring, .5 deck and inner bottom plating;
alarm and safety diagram; .6 diagram book of standard assemblies
.27* program of testing a specimen and and structures for hull and superstructure;
serial item; .7 welding table;
For incinerator: .8 diagram of welds radiographic inspec-
.28 technical description and operating tion;
manual; .9 stems, keels, propeller brackets, stern-
.29* specifications; tubes, sleeves, fixed nozzles;
.30* general arrangement drawings with .10 two-dimensional sections of decks,
sections (the design, the main dimensions, platforms, bottom sides, longitudinal and
used materials and coatings); transverse watertight bulkheads, inner sides
.31* general drawing arrangement of at- and double bottom plating, except for identi-
omisers; cal sections within the area of cylindrical sec-
.32 drawings of loading unit;
.11 three-dimensional sections of double
.33 diagram of fuel system within the in-
bottom, extremities of ship and superstruc-
tures, except for identical sections of the dou-
.34 principal electrical circuit;
ble bottom and double sides within the area of
.35 control, adjustment, monitoring, cylindrical section;
alarm and safety diagram;
.12 blocks of ship hull;
.36 program of testing a specimen and se-
.13 foundations under the main engines,
rial item;
thrust bearing, coupling equipment, cargo
For garbage container (removable): cranes;
.37 technical description; .14 cargo, deck, escape hatches and sky-
.38* general arrangement drawings with lights and their covers, watertight doors, win-
sections (the design, the main dimensions, dows, scuttles and other hull fittings according
used materials and coatings); to the Nomenclature;
For garbage treatment plant: .15 bulwarks and guard rails, metal fender
.39 technical description and operating bars, pushing stops, coupling girders;
manual; .16 arrangement plan of manholes, lad-
.40* specifications; ders, external exits indicating the coaming
.41 general arrangement drawings with height and overall dimensions;
sections (the design, the main dimensions, .17 arrangement plan of bottom inlets and
used materials and coatings); scuppers;
.42 principal electrical circuit. .18 fire-proof bulkheads and doors;
Appendix 8 131

.19 guidance and diagram of hull tightness .2 davits, their fastenings and tackles;
test; .3 lifeboats and their securing in the stow-
.20 assembly and welding procedures for ing for voyage;
manufacturing standard and sophisticated .4 life-saving buoyancy aids (liferafts,
assemblies, sections, blocks, procedure for benches, etc.) and their arrangement plans.
hull assembly on slipway;
.21 hull and superstructure blocking plan; 6.5 For the mooring and towing arrange-
ments, the following documentation (draw-
.22 load line and draught scales;
ings) shall be submitted to the Branch office
.23 diagram of process cut-outs and open-
for approval:
.24 welding and welding-in procedure of .1 general arrangement plan of mooring
thick-walled and forged items (brackets, and towing arrangements, towing hook,
stems, stern-tubes, thrusters' pipes). arches, towing rope frame limiters, bitts,
For the reinforced-concrete hull, the follow-
.2 remote and local towing rope release
ing drawings are submitted additionally: device.
.25 section connections;
.26 reinforcement of monolithic areas of 6.6 For the coupling arrangement, the fol-
sections; lowing documentation (drawings) shall be
.27 reinforcement of ship hull in areas of submitted to the Branch office for approval:
cut-outs, installation sites of ship machineries, .1 general arrangement plan of coupling
devices and hull fittings; arrangement;
.28 installation drawings of embedments. .2 installation of coupling arrangement;
6.2 For the steering gear and thruster, the .3 installation drawings of release drives.
following documentation (drawings) shall be 6.7 For the hydrofoil system, the following
submitted to the Branch office for approval: documentation shall be submitted to the
.1 general arrangement plan of steering Branch office for approval:
gear; .1 drawings of bearing planes, stays,
.2 rudder, rudder stock, quadrant, main brackets, stabilizers, flaps;
and reserve rudder drives, steerable nozzle,
.2 assembly drawings;
damper on waterjet-propelled ships, installa-
tion of rudder, nozzle, rudder shaft tube, .3 installation diagram of hydrofoil sys-
mainpiece, rudder stock bearings, tiller, rud- tem.
der angle limiters and nozzles; 6.8 For the bending arrangements, the fol-
.3 general arrangement plan of thruster. lowing documentation (drawings) shall be
6.3 For the anchor arrangement, the fol- submitted to the Branch office for approval:
lowing documentation (drawings) shall be .1 general arrangement plan of bending
submitted to the Branch office for approval: arrangement;
.1 general arrangement plan of anchoring .2 hydraulic cylinders, rotating frame,
arrangement; pump station, thrust metal structures;
.2 senhouse slip fastening; .3 design of arrangement components
.3 anchor hawses; connecting to ship hull (foundations, hull
.4 remote-controlled anchor release de- reinforcement).
vice. 6.9 For the cargo hatch covers, the follow-
6.4 For the life-saving appliances, the fol- ing documentation shall be submitted to the
lowing documentation (drawings) shall be Branch office for approval:
submitted to the Branch office for approval: .1 general arrangement plan of hatchway
.1 general arrangement plan of boat appli- cover;
ance; .2 design drawings of hatchway cover;
132 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.3 assembly drawings of drive compo- .6 calculation of steam piping (if avail-

nents. able) for thermal expansion including sum-
mary table of stresses and safety factors for all
6.10 For the cargo handing gears, the fol-
the piping sections;
lowing documentation shall be submitted to
.7 assembly drawing of collecting tanks
the Branch office for approval:
indicating their capacity;
.1 general view drawing of cargo handing .8 assembly drawings of discharge connec-
gear; tions with the indication of materials used and
.2 drawing of control cabin with equip- hydraulic test pressure.
.3 drawings of assemblies and compo- 6.12 For the shafting and propellers, the
nents: of metal structures (derrick, gauge following documentation (drawings) shall be
head, foundation of thrust-rotating arrange- submitted to the Branch office for approval:
ment, stay of fixed units, levers and tie rods .1 shafting with stern-tube and propeller;
of counterbalances, guy ropes of gauge head, .2 thrust, intermediate and propeller
etc.), gear assemblies (lifting, locking, turning, shafts of the shafting;
change in radius and transfer), lifting capacity .3 thrust and main bearings;
limiter assembly, radius indicator, hook as- .4 couplings with bolts;
sembly, attachments of guy and cargo ropes, .5 stern-tube;
attachments of slip ring unit, installation of .6 propeller shaft lining;
limit switches, units, hooks, fencings; .7 propeller;
.4 process documentation for installation. .8 input (primary) and output shafts,
gearing, propeller of steerable thruster.
6.11 For the systems, the following docu-
6.13 For the power plant, the following
mentation shall be submitted to the Branch
documentation shall be submitted to the
office for approval:
Branch office for approval:
.1 installation drawings (indicating the .1 assembly drawings for installation of
operating pressure and hydraulic test pressure) the main and auxiliary engines, steam and
of cooling, lubrication, fuel supply, air supply, water boilers on the foundations;
vent, steam pipeline, feed and condensate .2 drawings of silencers and spark arrest-
systems of the power plant; ers.
.2 drawings of equipment of the system
units and ship machineries being a part of the 6.14 For automation, the following docu-
systems (at aggregate design method, except mentation shall be submitted to the Branch
for panels); office for approval:
.3 installation drawings (indicating the .1 schematic diagrams and assembly
operating pressure and hydraulic test pressure) drawings of remote control systems (with en-
of ship's ventilation, fire-fighting, drainage, gines, thrusters, pitch changing mechanism,
ballast, bilge oily water discharge, cargo heat- etc.);
ing systems; hydraulic pneumatic actuators of .2 assembly drawings of control stations
ship auxiliary equipment and deck machinery; and consoles.
liquefied gas domestic facility; air, overflow 6.15 For the electrical equipment, the fol-
and measuring pipelines, compressed air sys- lowing documentation shall be submitted to
tems; the Branch office for approval:
.4 installation drawings of refrigerator ma- .1 electric schematic diagrams of joints
chine, refrigerant, air cooling and cooling and connections, as well as assembly drawings
water systems of the ships fitted with refriger- of the main and emergency switchboards,
ating plant; control consoles, section power and light
.5 installation drawings of cargo handling, switchboards, monitoring, control and alarm
stripping, vent systems of the tankers;; switchboards and panels;
Appendix 8 133

.2 circuit diagrams of electric drives for shall be submitted to the Branch office for
ship equipment stated in 5.3.1, 7.5 to 7.10 and approval:
4.2 Table 4.5.1 Part VI RCCS; .1 specification for ship's and hull parts,
.3 circuit diagrams of electric machines, arrangements, engines, shafting, boilers,
propulsion plant, ship power plant generators, power plant and ship systems, electrical and
power mains; lighting, communication and radio equipment;
alarm, monitoring, protection, locking and .2 program (for serial ships) and accep-
navigation light mains; tance trials procedure;
.4 drawings of cable routes throughout all .3 general view and arrangement of ship
ship rooms and spaces via watertight bulk- rooms;
heads, decks and platforms; .4 fire control (general arrangement) plans
.5 arrangement and installation drawings indicating the following: arrangement of con-
of electrical equipment in all ship rooms and trol stations; arrangement of fire-retarding
spaces with fastenings and earthing units; and fire-resistant structures; arrangement of
.6 earthing drawings for ships with non- rooms protected by the fixed fire-
conductive hulls. extinguishing systems, indicating the location
of devices and fittings to monitor their opera-
6.16 For the communication and naviga-
tion; arrangement of fire-fighting and emer-
tion equipment, the following documentation
gency appliances; means of access to different
shall be submitted to the Branch office for
compartments, rooms, on decks indicating the
escape routes, corridors and doors; arrange-
.1 arrangement and fastening drawings of
ment of fire hydrants; diagram of ventilation
antennas, design of antenna leads and their
system including the central fan control sys-
tem with indication of its location, and fans;
.2 arrangement and installation drawings
.5 installation diagram of navigation
of equipment in all ship rooms and spaces
with fastenings and earthing units;
.6 list of outfit regulated by the Rules;
.3 drawings of routing and fastening cable
.7 docking plan;
routes throughout all ship rooms and spaces
.8 assembly and welding procedures of
with fastenings;
ship structures and hull (developed by the
.4 diagrams and drawings of devices for
Constructor and approved by the Branch of-
protection of radio signal reception against
fice which carries out technical supervision
during construction);
.5 drawings of echosounder trunks, ar-
.9 program and procedure of comparative
rangement and fastening of echosounder vi-
and simulation ship trials;
brators and cable routing;
.10 summary of the River Register re-
.6 installation drawing of the main / marks elimination on technical design (with-
steering (reserve) marine compass. out stamping);
6.17 In addition to the documents specified .11 list of operating design materials ap-
in 6.1 to 6.16, the following documentation proved by the Branch office.
134 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)




___ __________________ 20 ___

_____________________________________ ____________________________________________
(organization name)

I ask to permit the further production and acceptance

Item's component
Order No. Drawing No. Quantity Shop¹
Deviation content ____________________________________________________
Deviation causes ______________________________________________________
Head of Shop (Department) ___________________________________________________
___ _____________________ 20 ___
Conclusion ______________________________________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________________
Chief Technologist Chief Construction Manager of
Head of Design Department
(chief welder, chief metallurgist) Ship
Representative of Representative of
Representative of Customer of the River
QC Department Designer
Note: The deviation permit shall be agreed with the surveyor only for those structures
documentation of which are agreed with the River Register.

Chief Engineer___________________________
Appendix 10 135



1 GENERAL PROVISIONS included in group "a", but according to the

operating conditions shall be watertight in-
1.1 Scope of application
cluding dry compartments of floating docks
1.1.1 This Appendix specifies the proce- and thruster rooms which shall meet the
dures and norms of tightness testing (capabil- tightness requirements.
ity of a structure not to pass water or other 1.2.3 The testing of hull, its compartments
fluids) of metal hulls of the inland and river- and separate structures shall be carried out
sea navigation ships classified by the River according to the tightness testing diagram and
Register. table developed in accordance with this Ap-
1.1.2 The Appendix applies to the ships pendix and agreed with the Branch office.
under construction and in service. The tightness testing diagram and table in-
clude the design documents defining the No-
1.2 General requirements menclature, arrangement, test methods and
1.2.1 The tightness testing which scope in- norms of compartments covered by the tight-
cludes process exposure on the hull by test ness requirements. When developing these
documents provision shall be made to ensure
mediums with assessing the tightness of struc-
the strength of hull structures and slipway
tures based on changes of test medium pa-
rameters or by detecting places of its penetra- sites according to the conditions of hull flood-
ing testing.
tion are carried out on all the hull structures,
equipment, devices and hull fittings which When testing ship hull in floating dock the
may contact with water or other fluids under dock stability is assessed additionally.
operating conditions and in emergency cases 1.2.4 All hull members including the inside
stipulated by the calculations and which shall parts which provide floating of a ship after
not pass it keeping their serviceability. launching from a slipway as well as structures
inaccessible for inspection and defect elimina-
1.2.2 In order to carry out the tightness
testing, the compartments and hull structures tion afloat, shall be tested on the slipway or in
are divided into 2 groups: dock before ship launching.
Watertight hull structures accessible for in-
.1 group "a": compartments and tanks
spection over the entire contour when ship is
which during operation are temporary or
afloat (except for double bottom plating and
permanently filled with fluid as well as fore-
peak, afterpeak, hollow rudders, nozzles, hol- watertight structures inside the double-bottom
space) may be tested afloat, if they were not
low elements of foil arrangements, air boxes,
tested on slipway or in dock.
watertight compartments of the motorboats
without inner bottom; 1.2.5 When performing assembly and
.2 group "b": compartments and structures welding operations providing the watertight of
of hull, superstructures and wheelhouses not the hull structures, fittings and equipment
136 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

previously subjected to tightness testing, the riveting of all the saturating parts shall be
local and global strength are checked. completed. At the same time, all assembly-
Testing conditions and rejection parameters welding operations on the structures creating
are agreed with the surveyor. the tested contour from the side of adjacent
hull structures shall be completed.
1.2.6 Before tightness testing the quality of
welded and riveted joints are checked in ac- 1.2.10 The structures tested and adopted
cordance with 8 Part X RCCS — for welded on section of preliminary assembly may be
joints, OST5.9367 — for riveted joints of steel primed and painted, except for section of 30
structures, OST 5.1031 — for riveted joints to 40 mm wide adjacent to the mounting
made of aluminum alloys. edges. The specified sections may be primed
only in case of applying the prime not affect-
1.2.7 The surface of tested structures and ing the welding quality.
joints shall be cleaned, and the control surface
of the structures shall be dry. 1.2.11 The tightness testing of field joints
made on slipway is carried out by wetting
1.2.8 The structures and joints to be sub- with petrol or blowing with compressed air
jected to tightness testing shall not be painted, before its priming.
paved and covered with special coatings until
completion of testing, except for cases speci- 1.2.12 The structures not subjected to
fied in 1.2.9. tightness testing after their assembly which are
designed to be located outdoor during the
1.2.9 Before tightness testing the structures extended period of time may be primed with
including intersectional connections may be one layer, except for the intersectional welded
fully primed and painted at the manufacture connections and sections of 30 to 40 mm wide
site meeting the following conditions:
from each weld side.
.1 main plates making part of the tight
contour shall be at least 12 mm thick, and 1.2.13 If the shipyard provides stable
framing webs restricting the tested contour manufacture quality of the hull structures,
and welding to the main plates — at least upon agreement with the Branch office the
8 mm thick; flooding testing of ships in a series may be
.2 before painting (pavement or applying replaced by air pressure testing which condi-
the special coatings) all the intersectional tions are specified in note 1, Table A10.4.1.
connections of structures making part of the Prior to make a decision to carry out tight-
tight contour are carefully inspected; ness testing of the structures by applying an
.3 before priming and painting butt and air pressure, verification calculation of the
tee joints related to the structures of group "a" tested structure strength shall be made.
and located below the waterline are subjected If the design strength is insufficient to per-
to tightness testing by wetting with petrol or ceive the excessive pressure equal to 30 kPa,
blowing with compressed air; the air pressure may be reduced to 20 kPa
.4 double-sided welds of tee joints without upon agreement with the Branch office.
continuous fusion are subjected to tightness Other test methods may be used observing
testing by wetting with petrol or blowing with the requirements given in 3.7 of this Appen-
compressed air after the final formation of dix.
weld from one side or by applying an air pres-
sure to the closed contour after the welding 2 TEST CATEGORIES
from both sides;
2.1 General
.5 all operations on the structures related
to installation, assembly, welding, leveling, 2.1.1 The test categories are determined by
riveting of the hull structures and fittings as the scope and methods of tightness testing of
well as installation, assembly, welding and the hull structures as well as hull fittings,
Appendix 10 137

equipment and devices depending on the 2.3.3 Technical supervision for the main
structure purpose and process sequence of its testing is carried out according to Table
formation. The testing is divided into 3 cate- A10.4.1.
gories: preliminary, main and verification.
2.4 Verification testing
2.1.2 Local tightness testing includes the
tightness testing of an eliminating point of 2.4.1 The verification tightness testing of
penetration defect. the compartments and structures of group "a"
2.1.3 General tightness testing includes the designed to store liquids is carried out by ap-
tightness testing of the entire structure using plying an excessive air pressure of 20 kPa
the methods specified for items' group to upon completion of installation workmanship
which this structure refers. from both sides of the tested structures in
accordance with testing diagram and table
2.2 Preliminary testing agreed with the Branch office.
2.4.2 The verification testing of tankers'
2.2.1 The preliminary tightness testing of
tanks and cargo holds by flooding under pres-
intersectional connections of the hull struc-
sure is carried out while checking the standard
tures are carried out while manufacturing the
pumps and systems during the mooring and
hull sections and blocks in order to decrease
running trials.
the test scope on the slipway.
The scope and methods of the preliminary 2.4.3 Technical supervision for the verifica-
structure testing are determined by the ship- tion testing is carried out by sample inspec-
yard in accordance with the adopted con- tions. The verification testing is carried out
struction technique. witnessed by the surveyor.
2.2.2 The preliminary testing of the struc-
tures which will further be assembled and
welded (except for assembly and welding 3.1 Flooding testing
along the mounting edges) are taken as the
main testing, if the methods and norms of this 3.1.1 Hydrostatic pressure (head) during
testing comply with the methods and norms the flooding tightness testing is specified in
of the main testing. accordance with the requirements given in
Section 4 of this Appendix and determined in
2.2.3 Technical supervision for the prelimi- the testing diagrams and tables (see 1.3.3).
nary testing is carried out by the surveyor by
way of performing a sampling inspection. 3.1.2 When checking the compartments
and structures for which the testing head ex-
ceeds the structure height, in order to create
2.3 Main testing
the required head in the tested structure the
2.3.1 The main tightness testing is carried head funneled pipe or rubber hose of at least
out by flooding in accordance with the testing 25 mm in diameter is installed. The standard
diagram and table (design documents deter- air and measuring pipes may be used.
mining the nomenclature, arrangement, The pressure corresponding to the specified
methods and norms of testing the compart- hydrostatic pressure may be created by means
ments and structures covered by the tightness of low-duty booster pumps with diameter of
requirements) agreed with the Branch office. delivery branch of less than 1.25 diameter of
the head pipe.
2.3.2 Before the main tightness testing the
assembly and welding as well as straightening 3.1.3 When testing the structures using the
operations of the structures included in the head pipe, air-cushions in the upper parts of
watertight contour to be tested shall be com- the tested structures are not allowed. To meet
pleted. this condition openings of 8 to 10 mm in di-
138 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

ameter for air discharge are provided. Upon 3.2.2 The water pressure in the hose shall
completion of the testing these openings are provide the water jet of at least 10 m high.
welded up and subjected to tightness testing
3.2.3 The water jet is directed perpendicu-
by wetting with petrol or blowing with com-
larly to the tested surface or into the connec-
pressed air.
tion when testing the closings. A distance
3.1.4 For testing the process fresh water from the nozzle to the tested section shall not
without pollutants is used. Sea water may be exceed 1.5 m, and applicator travel speed
used for testing of all the structures except for along the tested connection shall not exceed
fresh water tanks, if the following conditions 0.2 m/s.
are met:
.1 sea water shall not contain oil con- 3.2.4 Welded joints may be watered from
taminates and other pollutants; any side, and riveted joints — only from the
.2 upon completion of testing and dis- side opposite to caulking. If the welded and
charge of water the structure surfaces shall be riveted joints are located vertically, they are
washed with fresh water; watered from bottom to top.
.3 time of sea water in the structures shall 3.2.5 Testing by water jet under pressure is
not exceed two days from the moment of carried out when the ambient temperature is
flooding. above 0°C.
3.1.5 The tested structures are inspected 1 When the temperature is below 0°C, the
hour after the test pressure is established. testing may be carried out using the water
heated to the temperature of plus 40 to 70îÑ.
3.1.6 Upon completion of testing the water The tested structure sections are pre-heated to
from structures is removed. If pumping ar- the temperature above 0îÑ.
rangements or standard openings are not pro-
vided, the water may be removed via the pre- 3.2.6 The structures are considered water-
liminary drilled and temporary plugged open- tight if the tested surface is free from leaks in
ings. Quantity, dimensions, locations of the a form of jet, runs, drops and moisture.
openings are determined by the technical 3.2.7 Structures and arrangements for clos-
documentation approved by the surveyor. Af- ing openings which are not subjected to tight-
ter discharging the water these openings are ness requirements of the Rules are tested by
welded up and subjected to tightness testing divergent water jet.
witnessed by the surveyor.
3.1.7 In the event of environmental tem- 3.3 Air pressure testing
perature below 0 °C the testing is carried out
using the pre-heated water in the pre-heated 3.3.1 The testing is carried out by applying
structure. The water temperature is selected so the excessive air pressure of 30 kPa.
that during testing the external surfaces of the 3.3.2 The tested structure shall be provided
tested structure have positive temperature, are with two pressure gauges with a scale factor
not moisten and provide ingress of water not more than 2 kPa as well as with a safety
through the leakinesses without freezing. valve.
3.1.8 The structures are considered water- The liquid differential pressure gauges may
tight if the tested surface is free from leaks in be used.
a form of jet, runs, drops and moisture. The connections for pressure gauges, safety
valves and air hoses are arranged on the
3.2 Testing by water jet under pressure opening covers, temporary plugs or in other
places accessible for maintenance.
3.2.1 The tightness testing by water jet un-
der pressure is carried out using an applicator 3.3.3 In order to stabilize the air pressure
with a nozzle of at least 12 mm in diameter. before testing, the time when the structure is
Appendix 10 139

under pressure starts 15 min after the end of when the chalk solution is dried. The kero-
supplying air to the compartment. sene is applied by a paint brush or a pad.
If the chalk solution is water-based, after
3.3.4 During air pressure testing of welded
the applying on the welded joints it is dried.
joints and other connections using a brush or
Upon completion of testing, the chalk cover-
compressed air the polymeric foaming agents
ing is removed by a cloth.
are applied in order to detect the air leakage
points based on occurrence of firm bubbles 3.4.3 At ambient temperature below 0 °Ñ
and foam envelopes as well as change of col- the monitored welded joints are heated up to
our. If the polymeric foaming agents are not positive temperature and dried.
available, small structures may be tested using The chalk solution is antifreeze-based and
foaming agents in the form of soap emulsions. keeps the white colour.
3.3.5 Welded joints and structures tested at 3.4.4 The hold time when testing butt and
ambient temperatures below 0°C are dried by single-sided angle or tee joints with kerosene
heating up to complete removal of water be- is determined depending on the thickness of
fore wetting with an antifreezing foaming joint's plate or leg and its space position ac-
agent. cording to Table A10.3.4.4.
3.3.6 The defective points are marked on T a b l e A10.3.4.4
the structure with a chalk. Hold time when testing butt and single-sided angle
3.3.7 Leakinesses of overlap welds are de- or tee joints with kerosene
tected using the polymeric foaming agents by Thickness of joint's Hold time (min.) at joint's position
plate or leg (mm) low vertical and horizontal
supplying the compressed air under the exces-
<6 40 60
sive pressure of 50 kPa into the gap between
6-24 60 90
contacting places via a nozzle screwed into the >24 90 120
opening of lining or welded reinforcing pad.
When testing the angle and tee joints with
3.3.8 The structure is considered water- double sided welds as well as at negative am-
tight, if when wetting the joints and other bient temperature, the hold time is doubled.
connections with foaming agent the air bub-
bles or foam envelopes do not occur, and the 3.4.5 The structure is considered water-
pressure drop after conditioning for 1.0 hour tight, if on the monitored surface covered
does not exceed 5%, and for the structures with chalk solution the kerosene marks do not
intended for storage of diesel fuel and/or occur.
other light oil products — 1 %.
3.5 Testing by blowing with compressed air jet
3.3.9 Upon completion of testing the
polymeric foaming agents are removed from 3.5.1 The testing by blowing with com-
the structure surface using water or a wet pressed air jet is used as an auxiliary method
cloth. for local testing: testing of welding points of
separate elements and parts, eliminating de-
3.4 Testing by wetting with kerosene fective welded joints as well as doors, coam-
ings and other elements located inside the
3.4.1 The tightness testing by wetting with hull and superstructures.
kerosene is carried out in order to monitor
3.5.2 When testing by blowing with com-
the welded joints (except for overlap welds).
pressed air jet, the hose pressure shall be 390
3.4.2 When testing by wetting with kero- to 490 kPa.
sene, the monitored side of the welded joint is The jet is directed perpendicularly to the
covered with a chalk solution. The welds are tested surface. The hose end is fitted with a
wetted with kerosene from the opposite side nipple of 10 to 20 mm in diameter and is lo-
140 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

cated at a distance of not more than 100 mm 3.7 Testing by other methods
from the tested joint's surface. The travel
speed of the hose nozzle shall be not more 3.7.1 The methods of hull tightness testing
than 0.02 m/s. The foaming agents (see 3.3.4 other than those specified in 3.1 to 3.6 (e.g.
of this Appendix) are applied from a side op- luminescent method, air pressure using the
posite to blowing proactively (if the polymeric leak seekers, vacuum method) may be used
foaming agents are used) or synchronously (if after experimental tests under supervision of
the soap solutions are used). the River Register. When selecting the test
method, its application shall be specified:
3.5.3 The structure tightness assessment main and/or replacing, hull structures, types
shall be performed in accordance with 3.3.8 of connections and main parameters of
of this Appendix. welded joints, thicknesses of welded parts as
well as methods of applied welding.
3.6 Testing by divergent water jet
3.7.2 The procedure specification for
3.6.1 The tightness testing by divergent wa- method other than those specified in 3.1 to
ter jet is used to check the tightness of decks, 3.5 shall be agreed with the Branch office.
platforms, doors and hatch covers. The diver-
gent water jet is a descending jet branch re-
leased from the applicator upwards by the
angle to the horizon. 4 METHODS AND NORMS
3.6.2 When testing by divergent water jet,
the requirements specified in 3.2.4 to 3.2.6 of 4.1 The tightness test methods and norms
this Appendix shall be met. are given in Table A10.4.1.
T a b l e A10.4.1
Methods and norms of tightness testing
Methods and norms for ship classes
Compartments and structures Additional guidelines
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ Î, Ð, Ë
Compartments and structures of group "a"
Forepeak and afterpeak By flooding to a By flooding to the load waterline Afterpeak is tested with
not intended for flood- hight of 0.3 m above level, above this level — testing the installed stern and
ing the bulkhead deck or by water jet under pressure or rudder tubes. Tanks
up to level of the wetting with kerosene located in forepeak
upper edge of the and/or afterpeak are
hatch coaming (by tested by flooding up to
smaller pressure)1 the top of air pipe1
Double-bottom com- By flooding up to a By flooding up to a height of —
partments height of 0.6 m above 0.35 m above the inner bottom
the inner bottom plat- plating or to the top of air pipe
ing or to the top of (whichever provide the greater
air pipe (whichever pressure)1
provide the greater
Double-side compart- By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of air —
ments top of air pipe1 pipe1
Tanks and compart- By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of air —
ments outside the dou- top of air pipe, but pipe, but not below the load wa-
ble bottom not below the load terline1
Storage tanks for liquid By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of air —
oil products of ship top of air pipe, but pipe, but not below the bulkhead
store and oily-water not below the deck1
Appendix 10 141

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A10.4.1
Methods and norms for ship classes
Compartments and structures Additional guidelines
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ Î, Ð, Ë
collecting tanks outside bulkhead deck
the double bottom
Cargo compartments of By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of ex- See Note 1
tankers and cargo holds top of expansion pansion trunk1
of other ships which trunk1
may receive liquid cargo
or ballast
Cofferdams By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of air —
top of air pipe, but pipe1
not less than 2.5 m
from the plating re-
stricting the coffer-
dam top1
Sea chests and ice By flooding up to the By flooding up to the level of When testing the ice
boxes, sea water boxes level of 1.25 of the 1.25 of the hull depth, but not boxes (when heating
hull depth, but not less than pressure in the blowing them with vapour), the
less than pressure in system testing water pressure in
the blowing system all the cases shall not
be less than the design
pressure in the heating
system. For the ships
with hull depth less than
5 m, the flooding height
is taken equal to 0.5 of
the hull depth, but not
less than 1.5 m. The
verification testing is
Independent water, By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of air For the ships of Î
fuel and lubricating oil top of air or overflow or overflow pipe For the fuel and class the water column
tanks pipe For the fuel and lubricating oil tanks the water in pipes shall be at least
lubricating oil tanks column in pipes shall be at least 1 m above the upper
the water column in 1 m above the upper point of the point of the tank
pipes shall be at least tank0.35
1 m above the upper
point of the tank1
Black water tanks and By flooding with By flooding with pressure equal —
sewage water collecting pressure equal to 1.5 to 1.5 water column pressure
tanks water column pressure from the tank bottom to the
from the tank bottom lower toilet bowl1
to the lower toilet
Chain lockers of tank- By flooding up to the By flooding up to the upper edge —
ers and swimming pools upper edge of the of the chain locker (pool)
chain locker (pool)
Hollow rudders, cavi- By flooding1 with By flooding up to a height of For the ships of Î
ties of fixed and steer- pressure ð, kPa, de- 1 m above the upper edge of rud- class, the head shall be
able nozzles, hollow termined by the for- der (nozzle)1 not less than for rud-
elements of foil ar- mula: ders (nozzles) of the
rangements p  12, 5T  v 2 60 , ships of Î-ÏÐ class1
where T — draught of
a full loaded ship, m;
142 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A10.4.1
Methods and norms for ship classes
Compartments and structures Additional guidelines
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ Î, Ð, Ë
v — ship’s speed,
knots. The water head
shall be at least
50 kPa
Compartments and structures of group "b"
Double side compart- For ships with double For ships with double bottom — —
ments not intended for bottom — testing by testing by water jet under pressure
storage of liquids water jet under pres- above the double bottom level.
sure above the double For ships with single bottom —
bottom level. For by flooding up to a height of
ships with single bot- 0.35 m from the outer bottom
tom — by flooding up plating and testing by water jet
to a height of 0.6 m under pressure above this level
from the outer bottom The bulkheads of serial ships
plating and testing by may be tested by wetting with
water jet under pres- kerosene, the outer shell — by
sure above this level swamping the ship to the draught
which is less than draught of a
light ship by 0.05 m. The com-
partments as a whole may be
tested by applying air pressure
using the polymeric foaming
Vertical cofferdams By flooding up to the By flooding up to the top of air —
top of air pipe or to pipe or to the height of hatch
the height of hatch coaming (by greater pressure)1
coaming (by greater
Cargo holds of dry For ships with double For ships with double bottom — See Note 2
cargo ships, machinery, bottom — testing by testing by water jet under pressure
boiler and engine rooms water jet under pres- above the double bottom level.
sure above the double For ships with single bottom —
bottom level. For by flooding up to a height of
ships with single bot- 0.35 m from the outer bottom
tom — by flooding up shell and testing by water jet un-
to a height of 0.6 m der pressure above this level.
from the outer bottom The underwater part of the outer
shell and testing by hull shell may be tested by
water jet under pres- swamping the ship to the draught
sure above this level. which is less than draught of a
The underwater part light ship by 0.05 m.
of the outer hull shell
may be tested by
swamping the ship to
the draught which is
less than draught of a
light ship by 0.05 m.
Compartments in Hose test by water jet Hose test by water jet under ditto
tween-deck space under pressure pressure
Double-bottom com- By flooding up to a By flooding up to a height of —
partments height of 0.6 m above 0.35 m above the double bottom
the double bottom plating1
Appendix 10 143

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A10.4.1
Methods and norms for ship classes
Compartments and structures Additional guidelines
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ Î, Ð, Ë
Trunks of log and echo By flooding up to the By flooding up to the level of —
sounder, air boxes, level of bulkhead load waterline1
buoyancy compartments deck1
Thruster rooms Hose test by water jet Hose test by water jet under —
under pressure pressure
Propeller shaft tunnel ditto ditto See Note 2
including enclosures
and trunks of emer-
gency exit; tight trunks
including trunks of the
engine and boiler
rooms; ventilation ducts
situated inside the hull,
superstructures and
Chain lockers ditto ditto ditto
Anchor hawses and ditto ditto ditto
chain pipes
Superstructures and ditto ditto ditto
wheelhouses including
open parts of engine
and boiler room trunks
and funnel casings
Open deck parts of a ditto ditto See Note 2
ship hull, superstruc- Parts of cargo decks in
tures and wheelhouses a way of tankers' cargo
outside areas tested by tanks are tested together
flooding with excessive with the tested com-
pressure or applying air partments
Coamings of hatches Hose test by water jet Hose test by water jet under —
and ventilation pipes under pressure pressure
situated on the open Coamings are tested Coamings are tested by water jet
parts of the upper deck, by water jet or by or by wetting with kerosene
superstructure and wetting with kerosene
wheelhouse deck
Decks and enclosures By flooding up to the By flooding up to the height of The flooding testing is
in the rooms where height of doors' doors' coaming, above this level carried out after com-
water may accumulate coaming, above this — testing by divergent water jet. pletion of installation
(showers, bathrooms, level — testing by The flooding testing may be re- prior to apply any coat-
washrooms, laundries, divergent water jet. placed by the testing by wetting ings on decks.
galleys, toilette scup- The flooding testing with kerosene. In winter season Hold time when testing
pers, etc.) may be replaced by the whole area of decks may be by flooding is
the testing by wetting tested by wetting with kerosene. 30 minutes.
with kerosene. In
winter season the
whole area of decks
may be tested by wet-
ting with kerosene.
Closures for openings in tight hull parts
1. Doors in watertight By flooding up to the By flooding up to the level set —
144 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

E n d o f T a b l e A10.4.1
Methods and norms for ship classes
Compartments and structures Additional guidelines
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ Î, Ð, Ë
hull bulkheads level set for the corre- for the corresponding compart-
sponding compartment ment
2. Doors in the external Hose test by water jet Testing by water jet under pres- —
walls of superstructures under pressure sure or divergent water jet de-
and wheelhouses pending on the structural design
prescribed by the project
3. Doors and closures Testing by water jet Testing by water jet under pres- —
for openings in the tight under pressure or sure (blowing with compressed air
structures situated inside blowing with com- jet) or divergent water jet de-
superstructures and pressed air jet pending on the structural design
wheelhouses prescribed by the project
4. Shell doors Hose test by water jet Testing by water jet under pres- —
under pressure sure or divergent water jet de-
pending on the structural design
prescribed by the project
5. Covers of skylights ditto ditto —
and hatchways, side
scuttles of hull super-
structures and wheel-
6. Covers of openings ditto ditto —
in the tight decks, plat-
forms and bulkheads
7. Metal closures for ditto ditto —
cargo holds of dry cargo
8. Metal closures for Testing of cargo Testing of cargo compartments —
cargo holds of tankers compartments during during the main testing
transporting liquid car- the main testing
goes (including oil
products) in holds
Structures are tested by flooding above the plating restricting the compartment from above or tested by
applying air pressure (see 1.2.12).
N o t e s : 1. If the flooding testing on the slipway or in dock is impracticable, it is carried out after
launching. Before launching all the cargo compartments are tested by applying air pressure. One central
and two side compartments determined upon agreement with the surveyor are tested by flooding. These
compartments are tested simultaneously. The mutual position of the tested compartments shall correspond
to the most severe load conditions. If during testing the structure defects or tightness breaks are detected,
the all compartments shall be tested.
2. The testing by water jet under pressure may be replaced by testing the welded joint by wetting with
kerosene (except for overlap welds) or by blowing with compressed air jet. The plate surfaces are carefully
inspected. No defects and metal integrity loss are permitted.
3. Methods and norms of the tightness testing during repair and special surveys of ships shall comply
with the requirements specified in this Table. Fuel and water tanks are tested by flooding up to the top of
air pipe, and cargo compartments and cofferdams of tankers — up to the upper edge of the expansion
trunks and hatches. The scope of testing during repair is specified depending on the nature of repair and
shall be agreed with the surveyor.
Appendix 11 145




1 Sag values of cambers, ribbing, dents and not exceed the values specified in Table
"boxes" (angular camber) of the hull struc- A11.2.
tures' shell shall not exceed the values speci- Welding deformations of hull structures
fied in Table A11.1. Sag values of cambers, outside the limits specified in this Appendix
"boxes" and ribbing of the bottom shell of 4 to shall be eliminated. The applied correction
7 mm thick for high-speed craft within spac- methods and technique shall comply with the
ing shall not exceed 3 mm. manufacturing procedure of this structure.
2 Local deformations of the hull framing 3 The permissible deviations during hull as-
structures (sags, skewness, wall cambers) shall sembly are given in Table A11.3.
T a b l e A11.1
Permissible sag values of hull structures' shell

Hull structure description
sag value
IÀ Upper deck plating, double-bottom plating, bottom plating, side plating below the design 5
waterline, upper and lower strakes of continuous longitudinal bulkheads and inner sides,
deck plating and superstructures walls (in the middle part of the hull within 0.25 L for-
ward of and abaft the midship), bilge strake of the outer shell and deck stringer (along the
ship length)
IIÁ Side plating above the design waterline, external walls of superstructures and wheel- 6
houses, open decks, bulwark, enclosures of internal corridors, funnel casings and other
structures to the appearance of which the strict requirements are applied
II Structures of 1À group situated in the hull extremities as well as main longitudinal and 7
transverse bulkheads (except for the upper and lower strakes), lower deck platings, plat-
form platings, internal enclosures and light bulkheads
III Decks (cladded) not included in calculation of global strength and not referred to I and 10
II groups; internal bulkheads and enclosures cladded from both sides; enclosures in store-
rooms, holds, engine rooms, shower rooms and other structures to the appearance of
which the special requirements are not applied
146 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

T a b l e A11.2
Permissible local deformations of hull framing structures
Deformation description Monitored framing description Permissible sag or skewness (mm)
Bulge of flat parts of framing webs Floors and keelsons 5
of double bottom space
Rest web framing 9
Stiffener's drop 2
"Box" in framing web plane Entire framing 2
"Box" at framing intersections from framing 6
web plane
Skewness between framing web and shell >100 2
Entire framing 100 4
Skewness between strake and framing web at h (mm) >200 2
200 3
Note: h — framing web height.

T a b l e A11.3
Permissible deviations during hull assembly
Parameter to be checked Tolerance permitted Note
Displacement of edges of jointing shell and plating 0.1 of plate thickness Max. 3 mm
Deviation from straightness of jointing branches
within the length of mounting spacing:
vertical keel, stringers, carlings 6
longitudinal stiffeners 8
Deviation from straightness of web frame branches — Max. 8 mm within the
jointed with floors and beams within total length up to entire length
Misalignment of any hull members separated by a 0.5 of member web The minimum thick-
plate thickness ness is taken into ac-
Deviation of mounting spacing size 4 % of spacing size
Offset of bulkhead web relative to underlying framing 0.5 of framing web thick-
web ness
Vertical deviation of bulkhead plane from station 2 mm for 1 m of bulk- Max. 15 mm within the
plane head height entire height
Offset of rudder stock axis relative to the centreline <3
Offset of opening centre in the sternframe from the <3
main shaft axis
Offset of centre of rudder stock openings in the stern- <5
frame from vertical axis
Deviation of sternframe sole from the main plane <8
Appendix 12 147




1 Requirements to fuels and lubricants pH2O — partial pressure of water vapours in

1.1 While testing the engine shall operate atmospheric air at Ta, kPa.
on fuel and lubricants specified in technical
2.3 The testing results are considered reli-
documentation of the engine manufacturer.
able if during testing F remains within the
The specifications of fuel and lubricant used
limits set for engines during:
for testing shall be specified in the Test Re-
onboard testing 0.93–1.07
bench testing 0.98–1.02
2 Atmospheric conditions during measurements
3 Measurement of exhaust gas composition
2.1 At the testing site, the following pa-
rameters shall be measured: atmospheric air 3.1 The exhaust gas composition is meas-
temperature at the engine inlet Ta, K, atmos- ured for engine operation modes specified in
pheric (barometric) air pressure ð0, kPa, con- Table A12.3.1 depending on its application.
sidered as sum of partial pressures of dry air The measurement shall be started with nomi-
and water vapours in atmospheric air as well nal power mode and then the load shall be
as relative and absolute air humidity used for gradually decreased to the minimum.
calculation of partial pressure of dry atmos- 3.2 Before measurement the gas analyzers
pheric air. are heated and calibrated in accordance with
2.2 Based on the measurement results the the manufacturer instruction.
design coefficient (atmospheric factor) F is 3.3 The gas analyzer indications are read
calculated by the formulae: for each mode three times with an interval of
for naturally aspirated engines, engines su- not less than 1 minute. The first reading is
percharged by a PTO supercharger or engines made not earlier than 2 minutes after the es-
with combined supercharging: tablishing the temperature condition of the
F = (99/ pdry)0.7(Ta/298)1.5; (A12.2.2-1) engine in the test mode. The results of three
for engines supercharged by free turbo- sequential readings shall not differ more than
charger: by ±3.5 %. The measurement result is taken
as arithmetic mean of three readings. If an
F = (99/ pdry)0.7(Ta/298)1.5 (A12.2.2-2) event recorder is provided the measurement
where pdry — partial pressure of dry atmos- result is taken as arithmetic mean of continu-
pheric air, kPa, calculated by the formula: ous recording during 1 minute, if during the
pdry = p0 – pH2O (A12.2.2-3) entire time of recording the deviations from
initial value is not more than ±3.5 %.
148 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

T a b l e A12.3.1
Engine operation modes during measurement of exhaust gas composition

Torque (%)
Relation of crankshaft revolu- Mode

Mode No.
Mode Relation of engine
tion frequency n to the crank- weight
Engine application designa- output Pe to its rated
shaft revolution frequency at coeffi-
tion value Pe rat
the rated power nrat cient W
Main engines (except for 1 1.000 1.00 0.20
hydrofoil diesel engines) 2 0.908 0.75 0.50
operating as per propeller E3 —
3 0.794 0.50 0.15
4 0.630 0.25 0.15
Main engines for ships 1 0.100 1.00 0.08
with a length less than 24 m 2 0.91 0.75 0.13
(except for tugboats and Å5 3 0.80 0.50 — 0.17
pushboats) operating as per
4 0.63 0.25 0.32
propeller characteristic
5 Idle run 0 0.30
Auxiliary engines with vari- 1 100 0.05
able load and constant 2 75 0.25
revolution frequency D2 3 — — 50 0.30
(diesel generators)
4 25 0.30
5 10 0.10
Main engines 1 100 0.55
operating as per propeller 2 83 0.15
characteristic in mooring — — —
3 63 0.15
4 39 0.15

3.4 Simultaneously with measuring the ex- 5 Measurement of exhaust gas opacity
haust gas composition the values of engine by optical method
parameters required for determining the regu-
lated parameters are recorded. 5.1 The exhaust gas opacity is measured in
the engine operation modes which are the
3.5 Upon the engine testing results the En- same for measurement of exhaust gas compo-
gine Test Report is drawn up in order to con- sition.
firm the compliance of the engine to the The installation diagram of the optical-type
technical regulations of harmful substances smoke density indicator is given in Fig.
emissions and opacity in exhaust engine gases A12.5.1.
(ÃÎÑÒ Ð 52408).
5.2 Before measuring the smoke density
4 Processing of measurement results indicator is heated and calibrated according to
the reference light filter included in the device
4.1 Hourly fuel mass flow is measured for set in accordance with the manufacturer in-
each test mode by methods providing the ac- struction.
curacy of ±5%.
5.3 The opacity parameters are measured
4.2 The exhaust gas flow Vexh is measured for each engine operation mode at least three
by any direct method followed by reducing to times with an interval between the following
normal atmospheric conditions or is calcu- measurements of at least 1 minute. After each
lated according to the measured values of air measurement the zero position of the smoke
and fuel flow for each test mode by the for- density indicator arrow is checked and set to
mula specified in 6.2.5 RPPS. the zero position, if required. The measure-
Appendix 12 149

Fig. A12.5.1. Installation diagram of optical-type smoke density indicator:

1 — exhaust pipeline; 2 — gas sampling probe; 3 — differential pressure gauge; 4 — gas inlet pipe; 5 — heat exchanger; 6 —
bypass valve; 7 — partially-flow smoke density indicator; 8 — gas outlet pipes; 9 — adjustable damper; 10 — light source;
11 — collecting lens; 12 — full-flow
(on section of exhaust pipeline); 13 — separating plate; 14 — light receiver

ments are considered valid, if deviation be- then is removed from the smoke density
tween two last readings as per scale N do not indicator and replaced with a new one
exceed ±2%, and the results of three meas- through which a new sample is passed in
urements do not form a steadily decreasing or order to recheck the result and receive its
increasing sequence. If these conditions are mean value. No moistened or non-standard
met, the measurement series can be continued filters are permitted.
until receiving three sequence parameters
meeting the specified conditions. The meas-
urement result is taken as arithmetic mean of
three readings.
5.4 The measurement results are included
in the Test Report.

6 Measurement of exhaust gas opacity

by filtration method
6.1 The installation diagram of filtration-
type smoke density indicator is given in Fig.
Before measuring the smoke density indi-
cator is heated and calibrated according to the
reflectance standard included in the device set EG
in accordance with the manufacturer instruc-
tion. Fig. A12.6.1. Installation diagram of filtration-type
smoke density indicator:
6.2 A sample is collected in accordance 1 — straight section of exhaust engine pipeline; 2 — gas
sampling probe; 3 — sampling line; 4 — cooler; 5 —
with operation instruction developed by the smoke density indicator; EG — exhaust gases
manufacturer of the smoke density indicator.
The sample is passed through a filter which
150 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

6.3 The opacity for each engine operation measurements do not form a steadily
mode is measured at least three times with an decreasing or increasing sequence. If these
interval between two following measurements conditions are met, the measurement series
of at least 1 minute. After each measurement can be continued until receiving three
the zero position of the smoke density sequence parameters meeting the specified
indicator arrow is checked and set to the zero conditions. The measurement result is taken
position, if required. The measurements are as arithmetic mean of three readings.
considered valid, if deviations between two
last readings as per scale FSN do not exceed 6.4 The measurement results are included
±0.2 FSN, and the results of three in the Test Report.
Appendix 13 151




1 Lifeboats B — maximum width between the exter-

nal shell surfaces;
1.1 Testing of type specimens of lifeboats
includes: H — side height in the middle of lifeboat
from BL to the gunwale edge, m;
.1 main dimensions checking;
.2 lifeboat weight determining; À — distance between axial lines of lifting
.3 freeboard height determining; hooks, m;
.4 lifeboat strength testing; .2 weight of lifeboat fully completed with
.5 lifeboat tightness testing; ship equipment and outfit is determined by
.6 lifeboat stability testing; weighing. The weighing may be performed
.7 accommodation capacity checking; using dynamometers secured on the lifeboat
.8 lifeboat floodability testing; hooks.
.9 removable air boxes testing; 1.3 The freeboard height is measured amid-
.10 floodability testing of lifeboat buoyant ships on both sides of the lifeboat in light and
material; fully loaded conditions on still water.
.11 strength testing of lifeboat handling gear; The outfit and persons weight may be re-
.12 strength testing of plugging and fas- placed by equivalent load weight. Weight of
tening the handling gear (for plastic lifeboats); one person is taken equal to 75 kg, and posi-
.13 checking of lifeboat engine operation; tion of centre of gravity — at a height of
.14 fire testing (for lifeboats of oil tank- 0.3 m above a thwart.
1.4 The lifeboat hull is subjected to
1.2 The main dimensions are checked and
strength testing taking into account the fol-
lifeboat weight is determined as follows:
lowing guidelines:
.1 in order to measure, a lifeboat is posi-
tioned horizontally on level in longitudinal .1 lifeboat is hanged by handling gear and
and transverse directions. loaded with a load distributed at seats for per-
During measurement the following pa- sons with weight determined by the formula, kg,
rameters are determined: compliance of G load  0.25G h  1.25 G p  G o 
thwart height and distance between transverse
thwarts, dimensions L, B, H of lifeboat hull where Gh — weight of lifeboat hull, kg;
and distance A to the design documentation. Gp — weight of people, kg;
Here: Go — weight of outfit, kg.
L — distance between projections on the At the same time the keel, keelsons,
base plane of intersections of external shell sheerstrake, bulwark are inspected. The life-
surface and stem and sternframe (transom) at boat is deemed to have passed the testing, if it
level of lower gunwale edge, m; is free from cracks and other damages.
152 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.2 plastic lifeboat are additionally tested 1.6 Stability testing procedure

by impact and drop. .1 The testing is carried out afloat with a
The lifeboat with a load of weight equal to load corresponding to the weight of permitted
persons and outfit weight is hanged by lifeboat number of persons and outfit. The load is
hooks on slings of 6 m long at a distance of arranged on the places for persons and outfit.
0.5 m from the lifeboat gunwale to the vertical Centre of gravity of the load simulating per-
surface (e.g. concrete walls). sons is positioned at a height of 0.3 m from
The lifeboat is deflected from the vertical thwarts and secured to prevent the offset at
surface by 2.5 m and suddenly release. heel. The lifeboat shall not have a heel.
The lifeboat in the same loading condition .2 In order to incline, the load with a
is dropped from a height of 2.5 m from the weight of 4 to 5% of total water displacement
lower keel edge to the water surface. Water is moved from side to side. When inclining
depth in the test site shall not be less than two the moment statically inclining the lifeboat by
side heights of the lifeboat amidships. 10 from zero position is determined and
The lifeboat is deemed to have passed the compared with the specified in the design
testing, if it is free from residual deformations, documentation.
cracks and other damages. .3 The sufficiency of freeboard height is
The lifeboat not having passed the testing, checked. It shall be at least 100 mm when the
after eliminating the defects, is allowed to lifeboat is loaded with 50% of the number of
undergo the strength testing again. persons permitted to accommodate seated to
one side of the centreline.
1.5 The lifeboat having passed the strength
testing is subjected to tightness testing using 1.7 Testing by accommodating persons is
one of the following methods: carried out on the site protected from current,
on keel-blocks — by flooding the hull up waves and wind. The testing may be carried
to the level corresponding to the draught of out at current of less than 0.1 km/h, ripple
the lifeboat fully completed with persons or and wind up to 3 m/s (hereinafter referred to
ballast replacing them and outfit. The lifeboat as the calm water).
is deemed to have passed the testing, if during Persons 75 kg each (in average) are taking
2 hours after flooding the external surface is seats in lifejackets. The number of persons
free from leakages and drops; shall correspond to the design capacity of the
afloat — at draught corresponding to dis- lifeboat. The testing results determine if the
placement of the lifeboat fully completed with persons obstruct each other when paddling
persons and outfit. The lifeboat floating for 2 and if each person is capable to stand up and
hours on even keel and in upright position take the provided outfit.
shall be free from leakages. However, for 1.8 During floodability testing the lifeboat
wooden lifeboats the flooding up to the level with ballast simulating the persons, and outfit
of 20 mm from the lower keelson edge is is flooded up to the upper gunwale edge. At
permitted. the same time the freeboard height is meas-
The lifeboat not having passed the tightness ured (it shall be at least 20 mm) and the life-
testing, after eliminating the leakages, is tested boat is checked for a heel.
again. If the lifeboat has not passed the testing,
In order to test the above water part, the the capacity of air boxes or floating material is
lifeboat on keel-blocks or afloat is alterna- increased or number of persons permitted to
tively sloped on right and left side so that
accommodate is reduced.
water achieves the gunwale level. The hold
time on each side is 30 minutes. The lifeboat 1.9 The tightness testing of removable air
is deemed to have passed the testing, if the boxes is carried out using one of the following
monitored surface is free from leakages. methods:
Appendix 13 153

.1 An air box is weighted and fully sub- The specimen is deemed to have passed the
merged in water so that the water layer above test, if the difference between load weights in
its surface comprises at least 100 mm. After 2 the beginning and at the end of test does not
hours the air box is recovered and weighted. exceed 10% of load weight in the beginning of
If the box weight is not changed, it is deemed test, and upon test completion the specimen
to have passed the testing; is free from damages, shrinkage, blistering or
.2 Air box is submerged into a tank con- other changes of mechanical properties.
taining hot water with a temperature of 60 to 1.11 Strength testing of lifeboat handling gear:
70Ñ so that the water layer above its surface .1 Before installing on the lifeboat each
comprises at least 100 mm, and the box is lifeboat hook (or replacing device) as well as
turned over in the water for 10 to 15 minutes. hangers and fastenings shall be tested with
If the box is untight, the heated air will ex- load of a weight equal to Gð, kg, for
pand and come out, and bubbles will show 10 minutes
the defect point;
.3 Compressed air through a nipple sol- G p  2 G h  G p  G o  n
dered to one of the angles of the tested box is where Gh — weight of lifeboat hull, kg;
pressurized into the air box up to it reaches Gp — weight of people, kg;
the excessive pressure of 0.0196 MPa. If pres- Go — weight of outfit, kg;
sure drop measured after 20 minutes does not n — number of hooks.
exceed 1% of the specified (excessive) pres- During testing the release of lifeboat with
sure, the box is deemed to have passed the onboard handling gear is checked after its
test. launching both in light and design loaded
The box capacity is determined using one condition.
of the following methods: The handling gear is deemed to have
careful calculation performed according to passed the test, if after unloading the compo-
the results of measuring the box dimensions nents are free from cracks, tears and residual
deformations. The absence of deformations is
filling the box with water the volume of determined by measuring the distance be-
which is measured in the calibrated vessel tween three points marked on the component
submerging the box into the tank fitted surface with a centre punch
with fixed scale graduated in volume units. .2 The gear as a whole is tested simulta-
Before testing the load required for holding neously with strength testing of the lifeboat.
the box in fully submerged condition is low-
ered. According to the water level in the tank 1.12 When checking the strength of plug-
with lowered load a zero mark is installed. ging and fastening the handling gear the plas-
The box with the load is submerged into the tic lifeboat overloaded by 50% and hanged by
tank to a depth of 100 mm from water level. hooks is lowered with speed of 0.6 m/s and
The water level is marked as per scale and then hard braked. The structure is inspected
volume of the air box is determined for integrity, and the lifeboat hull is inspected
for cracks and deformations.
1.10 The buoyancy testing of lifeboat buoy-
ant material is carried out on a specimen. 1.13 Check of engined lifeboat operation
Before submerging the specimen, the weight .1 lifeboat afloat is loaded with load cor-
which specimen is capable to support is de- responding to the weight of permitted number
termined. Then the specimen is submerged in of persons and outfit. The engine start is
water so that the water layer above the surface checked (including manual start). The start
is at least 100 mm, and it is conditioned for time shall be not more than 2 minutes.
24 hours. After that, the weight which the The lifeboat manoeuvrability is checked
specimen is capable to support is determined for 2 hours and within this time the fuel con-
again. sumption is determined;
154 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.2 the capability of engined lifeboat to tow the liferaft is inspected. If the liferaft is inflat-
a liferaft with the maximum capacity in able, it is inflated up to the operating pressure
loaded condition with speed of at least in order to inspect it. The liferaft is deemed
3.7 km/h is checked; to have passed the test, if it and its outfit are
.3 the lifeboat engine operation for at free from damages which would result in deg-
least 5 minutes when it is flooded up to the radation in performance.
crankshaft axis is checked. As a result of this 2.4 When testing by jumping the testers
test the engine shall not be damaged. with a weight of not less than 75 kg and wear-
1.14 The lifeboats of oil tankers are addi- ing shoes with flat sole jump at least 5 times
tionally tested by fire. from a height of at least 4.5 m to the liferaft
The water area with an extend exceeding full operational and afloat. The jump testing
the lifeboat dimensions in plan view is filled may be replaced by dropping a load with
with kerosene which quantity when ignited is equal weight onto the liferaft.
sufficient to cover the lifeboat with fire for The liferaft is deemed to have passed the
8 minutes. During the fire testing the tem- test, if it is free from breaks and damages.
perature in several points inside the lifeboat is 2.5 During towing testing the liferaft full
measured (it shall not exceed 60Ñ). At the operational in fully loaded condition is towed
same time, the space inside the lifeboat is by a towing rope secured on the liferaft's tow-
checked for smoke and harmful gases in air by ing eye to a distance of at least 100 m at a
analyzing the collected samples. speed of 5.5 km/h on calm water.
After the fire testing, the lifeboat is sub- The liferaft is deemed to have passed the
jected to tightness testing. test, if it and towing arrangements are free
from damages.
2 Liferafts
2.6 Afloat testing
2.1 Testing of type specimens of liferafts .1 liferaft with a load corresponding to the
includes: weight of design number of persons and outfit
.1 weighting; is brought to an anchor in water area. The
.2 drop testing; liferaft is remained afloat for 3 days. If the
.3 jump testing; liferaft is inflatable, it may be additionally
.4 towing testing; pumped by hand-bellows once a day.
.5 afloat testing; The liferaft shall maintain its form and be
free from damages;
.6 accommodation capacity testing;
.2 the afloat testing defines that the lif-
.7 stability testing;
eraft at design load is capable to move on
.8 flooding testing;
calm water to a distance of at least 30 m by
.9 special testing of inflatable liferafts; means of paddles included in the outfit.
.10 testing of hydrostatic release device of
liferaft. 2.7 Accommodation capacity testing
.1 design number of persons 75 kg each
2.2 The liferaft fully completed and packed (in average) dressed in the lifejackets are ac-
in container or case is subjected to weighting. commodated on the liferaft.
2.3 During the drop testing the liferaft The testing determines whether the lif-
packed in case or container with outfit is eraft has enough place for all the persons tak-
dropped from a height of 10 m to water. A ing into account a space overhead under the
free end of painter is laid out simulating the canopy and whether the persons are capable
real falling conditions. After dropping the to use the outfit inside the liferaft.
liferaft is remained afloat for 20 minutes and During testing the possibility of ease and
checked for positive buoyancy. After lifting quick (for 1 minute) closing/opening entries
Appendix 13 155

in canopy (from outside and inside) is 24 hours in the cold chamber with a tempera-
checked. ture of minus 30Ñ. After that, the liferaft is
If the canopy is removable two testers in- inflated using the gas inflation system.
stall the canopy for 5 minutes and check the The liferaft is deemed to have passed the
possibility to open and close the entries; test, if the operating pressure is achieved for
.2 the liferaft with raised canopy is not more than 3 minutes and the liferaft is
checked for possibility of water ingress into free from joint deformation, cracking or any
the under-canopy space when entries are other damages;
closed. For this purpose, the entries are tested .3 the liferaft packed and completed with
by divergent water jet directed perpendicularly outfit is conditioned for at least 8 hours in the
to the entry surface for 5 minutes. As result, chamber with a temperature of plus 50Ñ.
no significant water accumulation inside the After that, the liferaft is inflated using the gas
liferaft shall be observed. inflation system.
The liferaft is deemed to have passed the
2.8 Stability testing test, if the operating pressure is achieved for
.1 The design number of persons are ac- not more than one minute and the liferaft is
commodated at one side of the operational free from joint deformation, cracking or any
liferaft situated on calm water. The testing other damages;
determines whether the freeboard remains .4 the liferaft is tested by pressure. For
positive and whether there is a risk of down- this purpose, the inflatable compartment
flooding the liferaft. (buoyant chamber) of the liferaft is inflated
.2 In order to check the liferaft stability with compressed air up to pressure two times
during boarding, two testers dressed in life- higher than the operating pressure. The safety
jackets climb onto the liferaft from water on valves are in non-operation condition.
their own. Then they raise from water the The liferaft is deemed to have passed the
third person who simulating a loss of con- test, if within 10 min the pressure is not de-
sciousness. The results show whether the lif- creased more than by 5% and it is free from
eraft is stable and whether there is a risk of its any damages;
.5 the liferaft is subjected to buoyancy
2.9 During flooding testing the operational testing. During buoyancy testing it is stated
liferaft situated on calm water and completed that the liferaft one buoyancy compartment of
with outfit and design number of persons (or which is not inflated is capable to support the
ballast simulating the design load) is com- design number of persons 75 kg each (in aver-
pletely flooded. It is determined whether the age) siting in normal position providing the
liferaft is afloat and whether there are signifi- positive freeboard along the entire perimeter.
cant hull deformations.
2.11 Testing of hydrostatic release gear of
2.10 Special testing of inflatable liferaft de- liferaft:
sign: .1 during temperature testing the hydro-
.1 the liferaft is inflated using the gas in- static release gears are placed into a chamber
flation system at ambient temperature from 18 with a temperature of minus 30Ñ and condi-
to 20Ñ. tioned for 8 hours. Then the gears are placed
The liferaft is deemed to have passed the into a chamber with a temperature of plus
test, if the operating pressure is achieved for 50Ñ for 8 hours. This procedure is repeated
not more than one minute and the liferaft is 10 times. At the end of testing one hydrostatic
free from joint deformation, cracking or any release gear shall be taken from the chamber
other damages; with temperature of minus 30Ñ and activated
.2 the liferaft packed and completed with in water with a temperature of 0Ñ. The other
outfit shall be conditioned for at least hydrostatic release gear shall be taken from
156 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

the chamber with temperature of plus 50Ñ 3 Life-saving buoyancy aids

and activated in water with a temperature of
3.1 Testing of type specimens of life-saving
plus 30Ñ; buoyancy aids includes:
.2 when testing the hydrostatic release .1 dimensions and form determining;
gear by submerging and manual releasing, the
.2 strength testing;
design hydrostatic load is applied to the gear
when it is submerged or is in a tank filled .3 tightness testing of metal aid case or air
with water in order to perform pressure test. boxes;
The gear shall be released at a depth of not .4 stability testing;
more than 4 m. Upon completion of this test- .5 buoyancy testing.
ing and installation to the initial position, the 3.2 Dimensions L, B, H and form of an aid
hydrostatic release gear shall be capable to be are checked for compliance with the technical
released manually, if provided. After that, the documentation. Here:
hydrostatic release gear is opened for inspec- L — design length of aid measured be-
tion. The gear is deemed to have passed the tween its end points in the centreline, m;
test, if there is no signs of corrosion and deg- B — design width of aid measured between
radation in performance. its end points in the midship plane, m;
.3 after assembly the hydrostatic release H — design height of aid measured be-
gear (if it is included in painter arrangements) tween its end points in the centreline, m.
is subjected to breaking testing applying a
force of at least 10 kN for 30 minutes. If the 3.3 The strength of the aid shall be checked
hydrostatic release gear is installed on the by dropping it from a height of 10 m into the
liferaft with a capacity of 25 persons, it is water. The aid is deemed to have passed the
subjected to breaking testing applying a force test, if it is free from cracks, dents and breaks.
of at least 15 kN. After the braking testing the
gear shall be capable to be released manually, 3.4 The casing of metal aid or air boxes are
if provided; subjected to tightness testing using one of the
.4 performance testing of the gear is car- following methods:
ried out using the smallest and biggest liferafts sequential blowing of compressed air into
for which the hydrostatic release gears may be each compartment up to the excessive pres-
used. The liferaft is installed horizontally on a sure of 0.0196 MPa. If on the expiry of
frame or platform having a weight sufficient 30 minutes the pressure drop according to the
to submerge the liferaft into water. The hy- installed pressure gauge does not exceed 1%
drostatic release gear and painter are installed of the excessive one, the compartment is con-
in the same way as on the ship board. sidered tight;
The platform where the liferaft is installed flooding each compartment up to a height
is submerged into the water as follows: of 3 m above its upper horizontal tangent to
horizontally; the compartment. For this purpose, a hose or
with slope angle of 45, and then 100so tube fitted with a nozzle at the lower end for
that the hydrostatic release gear is near the screwing into the compartment and with a
upper end; glass tube at the upper end is vertically in-
serted into each compartment. If within
with slope angle of 45, and then 100 so
1 hour the water level in glass tube is not
that the hydrostatic release gear is near the
dropped, the compartment is considered tight.
lower end;
vertically. 3.5 During stability testing the steel or cast
In these conditions the hydrostatic release iron plumbs with a weight of 14.5 kg are
gear shall release the liferaft at a depth of not hanged on one of the long aid sides on each
more than 4 m. sag of lifeline.
Appendix 13 157

If the upper surface of the loaded aid is not and with gasoline — up to the mark of
covered with water, the aid is considered to 40 mm. The gasoline is ignited and left to
be stable. burn for 30 seconds. After that, the lifebuoy is
hanged at a height of 250 to 500 mm above
3.6 During buoyancy testing the aid sub-
the upper edge of the vessel and left for
jected to strength and tightness testings is fully
2 seconds. The lifebuoy is deemed to have
submerged in the water and conditioned for
passed the test, if after removing from flame it
24 hours. Upon expiry of the stated time, a
does not burn or melt.
load with a weight corresponding to the
weight of design number of persons (14.5 kg 4.6 During oil product resistance testing
per each person) is placed on the aid. The the lifebuoy is fully submerged into diesel fuel
load shall be above the water. The aid is to a depth of 100 mm for 24 hours at room
deemed to have passed the test, if it is afloat temperature. After the testing the lifebuoy
for 1 hour. shall be free from any damages.
4.7 The lifebuoy is subjected to strength
4 Lifebuoys
testing after the heat, frost and fire resistance
4.1 Testing of type specimens of lifebuoys
includes: Strength testing
.1 measuring and weighting; .1 The lifebuoy is dropped 4 times from a
.2 heat resistance testing; height of 10 m onto the water or from a
.3 frost resistance testing; height of 5 m onto the concrete floor. The
.4 fire resistance testing; lifebuoy is deemed to have passed the test, if
.5 oil product resistance testing; after the testing it is free from breaks on shell
.6 strength testing; joints and cloths and there is no form
.7 buoyancy testing. changes, and for the lifebuoy with self-igniting
4.2 When measuring, weighting and in- buoy — degradation in performance of alarm
specting it is stated that internal diameter, device;
weight of a lifebuoy and outfit provided com- .2 The strength of lifebuoy subjected to
ply with the requirements of technical docu- strength testing by dropping as well as
mentation. strength of fastening the ends and lifeline to
the lifebuoy are checked by sequence hanging
4.3 During heat resistance testing the life- a load with a weight of 75 kg for 10 minutes
buoy is placed into a chamber with a tem- to each section of the lifeline. The lifebuoy is
perature of plus 50Ñ and conditioned for deemed to have passed the test, if there is no
8 hours. The lifebuoy is deemed to have sliding of the lifeline and offset of its bead,
passed the test, if it is free from damages and destruction of lifeline end fastenings as well as
form changes, and the linear contraction does breaks of shell joints and cloth;
not exceed 2% of initial dimensions.
.3 The strength of lifebuoy is additionally
4.4 During frost resistance testing the life- tested by hanging it for 20 min with secured
buoy is placed into the cold chamber with a load with a weight of 90 kg. The lifebuoy and
temperature of minus 30Ñ and conditioned load are hanged on the opposite sides on
for 8 hours. The lifebuoy is deemed to have tapes of 50 mm wide. The lifebuoy is deemed
passed the test, if it is free from damages and to have passed the test, if after the testing it is
form changes, and the linear contraction does free from breaks, cracks or residual deforma-
not exceed 2% of initial dimensions. tion.
4.5 During fire resistance testing the fire- 4.8 The buoyancy testing is carried out af-
proof vessel with a size of 300  350 60 mm ter the strength testing. The lifebuoy with
is filled with water up to the mark of 10 mm hinged load made of steel or cast iron with a
158 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

weight of 14.5 kg is submerged into the water son. Then, a force of at least 320 kg for adult
for 24 hours. The load shall not secured to the lifejacket (Fig. A13.5.5-1) and 240 kg for in-
lifeline. The lifebuoy is deemed to have fant lifejacket is applied to the lifejacket part
passed the test, if during this time it remains which secures it on person's body or to the
afloat. For the lifebuoy with self-igniting lifting eye for 30 minutes. The specified force
buoy, at the same time the alarm device is is transferred to the adult lifejacket via cylin-
checked for capability to continuously flash der of 125 mm in diameter, to the infant life-
for 2 hours with light intensity of at least 2 cd. jacket — via cylinder of 50 mm in diameter.

5 Lifejackets
5.1 Testing of type specimens of lifejackets
.1 heat and frost resistance testing;
.2 fire resistance testing;
.3 oil product resistance testing;
.4 strength testing;
.5 buoyancy testing;
.6 stability and convenience testing of
lifejacket for adult;
.7 stability and convenience testing of in-
fant life jacket;
.8 additional testing of inflatable lifejacket.
5.2 The lifejacket is subjected to heat and Fig. A13.5.5-1. Strength testing of lifejacket by
frost resistance testings in accordance with 4.3 applying a force to belt:
and 4.4. The lifejacket is deemed to have a) vest-type lifejacket; b) collar-type lifejacket;
passed the tests, if the shell and inside buoy- Ð — test load
ant material are free from damages (e.g.
shrinkage, bulging and cracking). During strength testing by applying a force
along the lifejacket, it is submerged into the
5.3 The lifejacket is subjected to fire testing water for 2 minutes. After that, it is removed
in accordance with 4.5. The lifejacket is from water and fasted as if it is dressed on a
deemed to have passed the test, if it does not
person. Then, a force of at least 90 kg for
sustain the combustion and does not melt
adult lifejacket and 70 kg for infant lifejacket
after its removing from the flame.
is applied to the lifejacket's shoulder part for
5.4 The lifejacket is subjected to oil prod- 30 minutes. The specified force is transferred
uct resistance testing in accordance with 4.6. to the adult lifejacket via cylinder of 125 mm
The lifejacket is deemed to have passed the in diameter, to the infant lifejacket — via
test, if after the testing its shell and buoyant cylinder of 50 mm in diameter (Fig.
material are free from damages, bulging and A13.5.5-2).
cracking. The lifejacket is deemed to have passed the
test, if after testing it is free from damages.
5.5 The strength testing of lifejacket is di-
vided into two types: strength testing by ap- 5.6 During buoyancy testing the lifejacket
plying a force to belt; and strength testing by subjected to strength testing is submerged into
applying a force along the lifejacket. the water for 20 minutes. Then a load is
During strength testing by applying a force placed on the lifejacket so that the lifejacket
to belt, the lifejacket is submerged into the still could keep it afloat, and weight of this
water for 2 minutes. Then, it is removed from load is measured. After that, the lifejacket is
water and fastened as if it is dressed on a per- conditioned in submerged condition for
Appendix 13 159

24 hours so that the water layer above its .2 Test person dressed in a lifejacket shall
surface is at least 100 mm. At the end of swim 25 m and board a liferaft or rigid plat-
testing a weight of load, which the lifejacket form extended by 300 mm above the water
can keep afloat after being conditioned under surface.
water, is determined again. The difference .3 Test person dressed in a lifejacket shall
between weights of the load in the beginning make at least three smooth breast strokes and
and at the end of testing shall not exceed 5% then relax with head down and partially filled
of load weight in the beginning of testing. lungs simulating the unconscious condition.
From this position the lifejacket shall turn the
test person on his back at an angle to the ver-
tical for not more than 5 seconds and support
the person's head above the water so that the
mouth is at a distance of at least 120 mm
from the water surface.
.4 The test person dressed in a lifejacket
shall jump feet-first from a height of 4.5 m
into the water. The lifejacket when entering
into the water shall not move, cause injure or

5.8 As far as practical, the infant lifejackets

shall be subjected to the stability and conven-
ience testing similar to those used for the
Fig. A13.5.5-2. Testing of lifejacket applying force
adult lifejackets. The infant lifejackets are
a) vest-type lifejacket; b) collar-type lifejacket; Р — test load tested using test persons (dummies). The test
persons shall be selected so that fully cover all
Then the adult lifejacket is loaded with a dimensions. At least 6 test persons are re-
load made of steel or cast iron with a weight quired for each height and weight interval.
of 20 kg, the infant lifejacket — with a weight During testing for turning in water the test
of 9 kg, and submerged into the water. person's mouth shall be above the water after
The lifejacket is deemed to have passed the at least 5 seconds.
test, if it is free from damages and remains
afloat with the specified load for 15 minutes. The average distance from the mouth to
the water surface shall be at least 90 mm. The
5.7 The stability and convenience testing of mouth of a separate test person with a height
the adult lifejacket is carried out by at least of at least 1.27 m and weight of less than
6 test persons (including 1 to 2 women) 23 kg shall be above the water of at least
dressed in casual clothes with different height 50 mm, and the mouth of test person with a
and weight stated in Table A13.5.6 height of more than 1.27 m and weight of
T a b l e A13.5.6 more than 23 kg — at least 75 mm.
Height (m) Quantity (persons) Weight (kg) During testing it shall be determined that
1 less than 60 the lifejacket does not move, injure, hinder
1 more than 60 movements inside and outside the water.
1 less than 70
1 more than 70 5.9 Additional testing of inflatable lifejacket
1 less than 80 .1 after testing described in 5.2 to 5.4 the
Over 1.8
1 more than 80
inflatable lifejacket is put in operating condi-
.1 Test person shall put on a lifejacket tion using the automatic inflation system,
without assistance for 1 minute. manually or orally;
160 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.2 the strength of buoyant chambers of .1 before testing a weight of test person

the inflatable lifejacket is checked by inflating dressed in the wetted immersion suit is deter-
the chambers manually using the additional mined. After 1 hour in water, the test person
pressure 1.25 times higher than operating dressed in the immersion suit is weighted
pressure when safety valves are closed. again. The immersion suit is deemed to have
The inflatable lifejacket is deemed to have passed the test, if the weight of ingress water
passed the test, if after holding the pressure for this time does not exceed 200 g;
for 30 minutes it is free from any damages; .2 the method specified in .1 determines
.3 the lifejacket one buoyant chamber of the water quantity in the immersion suit after
which is not inflated is subjected to buoyancy, the test person jump into the water from a
stability and convenience testing. height of 4.5 m. The immersion suit is
deemed to have passed the test, if during
6 Immersion suits jumping it is not shifted and damaged, and
6.1 Testing of type specimens of immersion the weight of ingress water does not exceed
suits includes: (500±50) g.
.1 heat and frost resistance testing 6.7 In order to test the convenience, the
.2 fire resistance testing test men are selected in accordance with 5.7.
.3 strength testing If the immersion suit requires to put on a
.4 buoyancy testing lifejacket, it shall be put over the immersion
.5 watertightness testing suit:
.6 convenience testing
Testing procedure
6.2 An immersion suit is subjected to heat .1 the test person shall correctly put on
and frost resistance testing in accordance with the immersion suit without assistance for not
the requirements of 4.3 and 4.4. The immer- more than 2 minutes;
sion suit is deemed to have passed the test, if .2 the test person shall steadily swim on
it is free from any damages, cracking and calm water faceup. His mouth shall be not
bulging. lower than 120 mm above the water surface.
6.3 The immersion suit is subjected to fire Then, the test person relaxes and down the
resistance testing in accordance with the re- head simulating the unconscious condition.
quirements of 4.5. The immersion suit is From this position the immersion suit design
deemed to have passed the test, if it does not shall turn the person on back faceup for
sustain the combustion and does not melt 5 seconds;
after its removing from the flame. .3 the test person dressed in an immersion
suit shall jump from a height of 4.5 m and
6.4 The immersion suit is subjected to remain in water with a temperature of plus
strength testing in accordance with 5.5. How- 5Ñ. for 1 hour. After that, the temperature of
ever, the applied load shall be 1350 N (if re- test person's body is measured. It shall not be
quired, during testing the immersion suit may decreased by more than 2Ñ.
be cut for special arrangements). The immer-
sion suit is deemed to have passed the test, if 7 Thermal protection aids
after the testing it is free from damages.
7.1 Testing of type specimens of the ther-
6.5 The immersion suit not requiring the mal protection aids includes:
lifejacket is subjected to buoyancy testing in .1 watertightness testing of material and
accordance with 5.5. The immersion suit is thermal resistance testing of thermal protec-
deemed to have passed the test, if its buoy- tion aid;
ancy is not decreased by more than 5% after .2 heat and frost resistance testing;
submerging it into water for 24 hours. .3 oil product resistance testing;
6.6 Watertightness testing: .4 convenience testing.
Appendix 13 161

7.2 During watertightness testing of mate- 8.2 Performance and strength testing of
rial it shall be determined that the material launching arrangement
used for manufacturing the thermal protection .1 Lifeboat and liferaft davits and lifeboat
aid is capable to maintain its watertightness launching arrangements are tested by the test
when affected by water column of a height of static load 1.5 times higher than their maxi-
2 m. mum operating load. The lifeboat completely
The testing shall determine that heat trans- swung overboard is overbalanced by making
fer coefficient of the thermal protection aid is an arc of approximately 5on either sides
not more than 7800 W/(m2K). from vertical in the planned longitudinal
7.3 The thermal protection aid is subjected plane. The testing is first carried out when the
to heat and frost resistance testing in accor- ship is in upright position, and then — imi-
dance with 4.3 and 4.4. The aid is deemed to tating the heel of 15to one and another side.
have passed the test, if during inspection it is Upon completion of this testing there
free from damages. shall be no significant deformation of ar-
rangements or any other damages;
7.4 Oil product resistance testing: .2 The test static load 1.5 times higher
The thermal protection aid after closing of
than the operating load is applied to the
all openings is subjected to the oil product winch drums with maximum permissible
resistance testing in accordance with 4.6. The
number of hoses. Such a load shall be main-
aid is deemed to have passed the test, if after tained using the brakes. Then, this load is
cleaning its surfaces, after testing and inspect- decreased by at least one full lap of drum axis.
ing, it is free from damages and the heat
The test load 1.1 times higher than the oper-
transfer coefficient does not exceed ating load is decreased with maximum speed
7800 W/(m2K). to a distance of 3 m and hard braked using
7.5 In order to carry out the convenience the manual brakes. As result of testing, the
testing the test persons are selected in accor- brakes shall operate properly;
dance with the stability and convenience .3 The winch operation is checked using
testings of the adult lifejacket. the manual drive, if it is provided by the
The test persons located in a life-saving winch design;
mean afloat unpack the thermal protection .4 The launching time of lifeboat com-
aid and put it on over the lifejacket without pleted with design number of persons and
assistance. outfit is checked. The launching arrangement
If the test persons being in water and is deemed to have passed the test, if the
dressed in the thermal protection aid take it launching time including the time for prepa-
off for not more than 2 minutes without assis- ration and swung overboard does not exceed
tance, the aid is deemed to have passed the test. 5 minutes.

8 Launching and evacuation arrangements 8.3 The marine evacuation chute is sub-
jected to heat, frost and fire resistance testing
8.1 Testing of type specimens of the in accordance with the guidelines of 4.3 to
launching and evacuation arrangements in- 4.5. The marine evacuation chute is deemed
cludes: to have passed the test, if when activating it
.1 performance and strength testing of after testing there are no hull cracking, joint
launching arrangement; deformations and other defects.
.2 heat, frost and fire resistance testing of
marine evacuation chute; 8.4 Strength testing of marine evacuation
.3 strength testing of marine evacuation chute:
chute; .1 Buoyancy chambers of the marine
.4 convenience testing of marine evacua- evacuation chute when safety valves are closed
tion chute. are inflated with compressed air up to the
162 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

pressure 2 times higher than the operating installation on board the ship. One test person
pressure. The marine evacuation chute is activates it. Another test person fastens the
deemed to have passed the test, if the pressure end of the marine evacuation chute to a life-
in its buoyancy chambers does not fall by saving appliance (lifeboat or liferaft). The
more than 5% for 10 minutes and there is no slope angle of the marine evacuation chute
damages of the structure; relative to horizon is visually fixed. It shall be
.2 Ends of the marine evacuation chute within 30 to 35.
inflated up to the operating pressure are in-
stalled on a rigid base at low height. The The marine evacuation chute is deemed
middle part of the chute is loaded with the to have passed the test, if the actuation time
distributed load with a weight up to 150 kg does not exceed 5 minutes;
(1.47 kN). The marine evacuation chute is .2 The marine evacuation chute is in-
deemed to have passed the test, if it is not stalled in order to lower persons dressed in
folded and deformed. the lifejackets. The marine evacuation chute is
8.5 In order to carry out the convenience deemed to have passed the test, if the surface
testing of the marine evacuation chute, the of launchway is free from damages. It shall be
test persons are selected in accordance with shown that the pressure loss in any buoyant
5.7. Here: chamber of the marine evacuation chute does
.1 The marine evacuation chute packed in not restrict its application as an evacuation
container or case is installed at a height of its mean.
Appendix 14 163




1 Thermal stability and cold resistance test 4 Operational tests

1.1 Two specimens of each pyrotechnic 4.1 The tester performs without assistance
signal mean shall undergo tests in accordance manual start of two specimens of each pyro-
with Guidelines for lifebuoys on thermal sta- technic signal mean barehanded and gloved.
bility and cold resistance (see 4.2, 4.3 Appen- 4.2 When firing rocket parachute flares the
dix 13). Signal means are considered as hav- tester shall confirm visually that the rocket
ing passed tests if there is no any damages, actuates on the hight of about 300 m without
cracking and blistering, and they operate damaging the parachute and its fixtures. He
normally when commissioned right after tests. also shall document:
rocket burning period that should be not
2 Strength test less than 40 s;
rocket lowering time from the trajectory
2.1 Two specimens of each pyrotechnic
Then the rocket lowering speed shall be
signal mean are thrown on the concrete floor
from height of 2 m. Signal means are consid- determined; it shall be not more than 5 m/s.
ered as passed the test if there is no any dam- 4.3 When road flares are actuated, the
age, and they operate normally when com- tester shall note the burning period at ambient
missioned. temperature of one of road flares. It should be
not less than 1 min. The second road flare
shall be immersed in water to a depth of
3 Water resistance test 100 mm after 30 s of burning. The road flare
shall continue burning for min. 10 s.
3.1 Two specimens of each pyrotechnic
signal mean are immersed in water to a depth 4.4 The working efficiency of each pyro-
of 100 mm for 24 hours. technic signal mean with air flow rate not less
than 30 m/s is tested through laboratory tests
Signal means are considered as passed the with using fan. Pyrotechnic signal mean are
test if they operate normally when commis- considered as passed the test if they do not
sioned, and all instructive signs and figures on extinguish at that air flow speed.
the housing are readily visible.
164 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)




Allowed voltage for megohm meter
1.1 Equipment and electric cables insula-
Rated voltage, V Lowest test voltage, V
tion resistance as related to ship's hull and Up to 50 100
also between phases/poles, measured during 51 to 100 250
tests that are carried out after the ship's con- 101 to 500 500
struction, shall be not less than designated in 501–7200 1000
the Table A15.1.1-1: Over 7201 2500
T a b l e A15.1.1-1
Insulation resistance for all power distribution devices insulation
Minimal electrical
resistance is measured between every bus and
insulation at ambi- enclosure and between buses of various phase
Electrical equipment
ent temperature or pole. Insulation measuring is to be per-
(20+5 °Ñ), MΩ formed with automatic circuit breakers and
Before After
testing testing
signal lamps remote fuses, voltmeters and
Electrical machinery 5 2 other electric meters disabled; semiconductors
Transformers 5 2 and semiconductor devices should be dis-
Distribution boards 25 5 abled;
Commutation, protection and 10 — for generators and electric motors insula-
control facilities (undisturbed) tion resistance shall be measured before and
Ship control, communication 20 — after testing (not later than 1 hour after elec-
and signalization equipment
trical equipment action tests). Insulation resis-
Space heaters 1 1
Lamps/projectors 20 2 tance is measured between windings and the
Mounting installations 20 5 enclosure, and between every winding;
Static frequency converters 10 5 for electrical cables insulation resistance is
measured between every cable conductor and
DC voltage provided by a megohm meter
earth and between all cable conductors.
during insulation resistance measuring shall be
not less than specified in Table A15.1.1-2. 1.4 Insulation resistance data from
1.2 Every electric circuit can be divided in megohm meter shall be fixated after applied
various number of sections using installed voltage become steady voltage.
consumers circuit-breaker.
In fire hazardous premises insulation resis- 2 INSULATION DIELECTRIC STRENGTH
tance measurement shall be performed after 2.1 Equipment insulation dielectric strength
premises ventilation with 10 air changes. except for separate types listed in 2.2-2.4 is
1.3 Measurement of insulation resistance is tested within 1 min by applying listed in Table
to be performed immediately after waterproof A15.2.1. alternating sinusoidal voltage of fre-
testing: quency 50 Hz in normal weather conditions.
Appendix 15 165

T a b l e A15.2.1 turn short circuit (noise change, smoke ap-

Equipment insulation dielectric strength testing pearance, winding insulation colour changing
Rated voltage, V Test AC voltage (RMS value), V and other occurrences indicating transformer's
60 and less 500 non-satisfactory condition) shall not be found.
61 to 250 1500
251 to 500 2000 2.4 Test voltage for fuses designed for volt-
501 to 1000 2 per each Volt of rated voltage age lower than 500 V shall be 3000 V.
2.5 During cables testing every isolated
1001 to 2500 6500
2501 to 3600 10000 conductor of precut cable shall withstand for
3601–7200 20000 5 minutes without rupture applying single-
7201–10000 28000 phased alternating sinusoidal voltage with
frequency of 50(60) Hz or DC voltage stated
2.2 Electrical machines/electromagnetic in Table A15.2.5. This test voltage for precut
couplings windings connection insulation shall cable either after for water storaged cable or
be tested in machine/coupling no-load without such storage, either with or without
condition. Tests are performed on heat immersion in water.
machine/coupling with temperature close to Cable tests are considered as positive if no
the maximum temperature during heating test. insulation rupture or surface flashovers are
Test voltage shall be equal to 1.3 of rated detected.
voltage. Test time is 3 min (for turbine T a b l e A15.2.5
generator – 5 min.) unless particular cases are Cable tests voltage
Test voltage at current
2.3 During transformer windings insulation AC DC
testing windings should withstand test voltage power cables at rated
listed in Table A15.2.3. voltage, V
up to 250 1500 3000
T a b l e A15.2.3 251–750 2500 5000
Transformer windings test voltage 751–1000 3000 8400
1001 to 3000 7000 15600
Voltage, V 3001 to 10000 15000 48000
rated test 1500 3000
cables of signalization
Up to 1000 2700 and communication at
1001–3000 9000 rated voltage of 250 V
3001–6000 15400
6001–10000 21600 N o t e s : 1. Tables requirements apply to cables
with rubber, PVC and polyethylene insulation or
Transformer windings connection insula- PVC enclosure.
tion shall be tested by applying to ends of one 2. Test voltage for cables which nominated volt-
winding overfrequency doubled voltage with age is not indicated in the Table shall be deter-
other windings open. The test time is at least mined in technical documentation.
15 s. 3. For cables with shielded conductors if they
exceed 50% of all conductors, tested voltage can
For current transformers connecting insu- be lowered on 25% in comparison with voltage
lation of secondary side shall withstand in designated in the Table.
open position test voltage that is induced in it
during rated current flowing in primary for 1 3 FUNCTIONAL TESTS
Testing by throwing on an impact load (in- 3.1 Every equipment specimen is subject to
stantaneous rise and drop of voltage by dis- functional tests prior to separate tests types.
abling without an arc with vacuum circuit For tests performance it should be deter-
breaker) on rated voltage shall be provided by mined that equipment complete set, spares
transformer actuation on rated voltage 5 and insulation resistance are in accordance
times. Occurrences accompanying turn-to- with technical documentation.
166 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

3.2 Equipment tests shall be performed for 4.3 Electrical machinery with regulated ro-
the nominal ratings covered by technical tation speed and with several rated rotation
documentation, and in normal weather condi- frequency shall be tested at rotation frequency
tions. exceeded the biggest stated value on rating
plate by 20%. All other electrical machinery is
3.3 During the test needed measurements tested at rotation frequency exceeded rated
and calibration are performed. Characteristics frequency speed by 20%.
are determined both with rated power voltage
and frequency, and with prolonged (instanta- 4.4 Alternating current generators overcur-
neous) (see 2.2.1 Part VI RCCS) deviations: rent test is performed at load power factor of
with prolonged voltage deviations on +6% 0.6 (cos  = 0.6) with current of 150% of
and -10% and frequency deviations on ±5 %; rated during 120 s. Direct current generators
with instantaneous voltage deviations on test is performed with current of 150% of
+15 and –30 % and frequency on ±10 %. rated during 15 s. The tests are considered as
Instantaneous voltage deviation duration - not successful if generator's voltage does not re-
more than 1.5 s, instantaneous frequency de- duce more than by 10%.
viation – 5 s.
3.4 Equipment intended for supplying from CURRENT RESISTANCE TESTS
batteries shall be tested with voltage deviation
from rated value within +30 to -25% (for 5.1 Electrical machinery short-circuit surge
equipment supplied from battery attached to current resistance tests shall be performed if
charger) and +20 to -25 % (for equipment not the following conditions have been fulfilled:
attached to the charger during charging. Short circuit mode shall be created by sud-
den simultaneous short circuit of all 3 phases
3.5 Measurements results and characteris- (poles) while machinery runs idle at voltage of
tics matching to values specified in the tech- 105% of rated, and with automated voltage
nical documentation, and equipment working control devices engaged.
efficiency in given parameters are tested. Electrical machinery power during the test
For equipment operated at the load cali- shall be not less than rated power.
bration performed on reaching steady state Length of conductors from electrical ma-
working temperature. chinery to closing appliance shall be minimal,
cross sectional area shall be maximal of all
4 OVERSPEED AND OVERLOAD TESTS provided in technical documentation for the
generator; conductors material shall be cop-
4.1 Overspeed test shall be performed after per.
short overcurrent test, and for electrical ma- Short-circuit mode parameters shall be os-
chinery tested for stop under load current - cillographed.
after stop under load current tests. The test is Test result evaluation shall be performed by
performed at electrical machinery parts tem- its detailed examination, especially examina-
perature close to steady temperature reached tion of stator winding face parts, welds and
by the end of heating tests. The test time for other mechanical joints condition and fasten-
all electrical machinery except for starter is ing, and also on the results of insulation elec-
2 min (for starters — 20 sec). tric strength test performed after short-circuit
current resistance test.
4.2 Electrical machinery with series excita-
tion shall be tested at rotation speed exceeded 5.2 Electrical machinery above 1000 kW/A
the biggest stated in the datasheet data by test results evaluation shall be performed in
20%, but not exceeded rated rotation speed accordance with readings obtained from
more than 50%. Starters shall be tested at strain-gauging (deformations value determina-
120% of idle speed. tion on parts surface), stresses in active steel
Appendix 15 167

fasteners and their parts fronts insulation, and Smooth frequency shift within the range
as a result of vibration measurement of these shall be performed with constant amplitude
parts. Stress limits norms shall be stated upon within at least one minute. The test time shall
agreement with the River Register. be distributed evenly between test positions on
the test bench, i.e. for every position shall be
6 VIBRATION RESISTANCE TESTS stated nearly same number of frequency shift
6.1 Vibration resistance tests of disabled
equipment are performed within band of2-80 In case of unsatisfactory test results the
Hz (Table A15.6.1). Tests shall be performed tests on resonant frequencies detection and
in three mutually perpendicular planes; one of vibration resistance by vibration prolonged
them shall be working plane. exposure shall be repeated.
6.2 Tests on resonant frequencies detection Equipment is admitted for vibration resis-
is performed in same sub-band and amplitude tance testing if no equipment part breaking or
as were used during vibration resistance tests any other visible damages were detected dur-
(Table 15.6.5) for all sub-bands. Equipment ing the tests.
shall be rigidly (without shock absorbers) at- 6.4 Vibration resistance tests shall be per-
tached direct to the test bench platform. formed when equipment is operable under
T a b l e A15.6.1 electrical load (under voltage for equipment
Vibration resistance test having no load). Load is stated in test load
Test and method of each equipment. The method
Frequency continuous transient of fastening the equipment to the test bench
band, Hz Amplitude, Amplitude, platform shall be the same as used in opera-
Time, h Time, h
mm mm
2-8 1.4 36 2.5 9.0
8-16 0.7 24 1.3 4.5 6.5 Frequency bands and amplitudes during
16-31.5 0.35 24 0.7 2.2
31.5-63 0.17 12 0.35 1 vibration resistance test are shown in Table
63-80 0.10 12 0.2 0.5 A15.6.5. Test time is the time needed for
checking in operation and appearance of
Resonant frequencies search shall be per- resonance in all equipment and its parts, but
formed by smooth frequency shift within not longer than 2 h on every resonating fre-
every range with constant amplitude. Smooth quency (if any) or on a frequency where pa-
frequency shift time within the range shall be rameters stability are violated.
not less than 2 minutes. Detected resonant
frequencies shall be recorded both for equip- The test shall be performed by smooth fre-
ment in general and for separate assemblies or quency shift under constant amplitude within
parts to take them into account in subsequent every range. Smooth frequency shift time
vibration resistance tests. Amplitude increas- within every range shall be not less than 2
ing under resonance greater than 5 times as minutes.
compared to connection points vibration am- T a b l e A15.6.5
plitude is unacceptable. Frequency bands and amplitudes
during vibration resistance test
6.3 Equipment vibration resistance test is
Frequency band, Hz Amplitude, mm
performed when equipment is disabled, in
2-8 1.0
such range stated in Table A15.6.1 where 8-16 0.5
resonance appears; if there is no resonance 16-31.5 0.25
within the range of 16 to 31.5 Hz, use ampli- 31.5-63 0.12
tude 0.35 mm. The method of fastening the 63-80 0.1
equipment to the test bench platform shall be N o t e : For electrical equipment installed on
the same as used in operation. Tests are per- engines and other elevated vibration sources test
formed by short-term vibration. norms can be extended.
168 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

6.6 Equipment is considered to have passed check or visible damages that can prevent its
the test if switch contact positions did not operation are detected.
change, work instability was not detected, N o t e : Tests required by p.p. 7.1 and 7.2 are
parameter values did not exceed permissible for equipment of weight less than 200 kg. Equip-
limits, no broken parts, conductive wires ment of weight more than 200 kg can be tested
brake, moving parts jamming, fastenings loos- block by block.
ening or insulation deterioration were de-
N o t e : Tests required by this Section are for AND LONG-TERM SLOPE RESISTANCE
equipment of weight less than 200 kg. Equipment
of weight more than 200 kg can be tested block by 8.1 Equipment is tested in two mutually
block. transverse directions. The method of fastening
the equipment to the test bench platform shall
7 IMPACT AND SHOCKPROOF TESTS be the same as used in operation.
7.1 Impact tests are performed when During roll resistance tests the limit tilt an-
equipment is disabled; shockproof tests are gle from the vertical line is –22.5°, roll period
performed when equipment is operable in is 4 s. Test time shall be sufficient for func-
three mutually perpendicular planes; one of tional testing, but not more than 15 min in
them shall be working plane. The method of every position.
fastening the equipment to the test bench 8.2 During long-term slope resistance tests
platform shall be the same as used in opera- equipment is kept sequentially in two mutu-
tion. ally transverse directions with inclination at
7.2 Test parameters: impact test: min. 1000 an angle of ±22.5, emergency equipment - at
impacts with 7g acceleration and frequency of an angle of ±30°. Test time shall be sufficient
40 to 80 impacts per minute; shock-proof test: for functional testing, but not more than 15
min. 20 impacts with 5g acceleration and fre- min in every position.
quency of 40 to 80 impacts per minute. 8.3 Equipment is considered to have passed
Equipment is considered to have passed the the test if no false alarms under the influence
test if no mechanical damages and breakages, of rolling and long-term slopes or breakdowns
fastening and contacts loosening and other were detected during operation check.
events disturbing apparatus, devices and
equipment normal operation are detected.
7.3 Portable VHF equipment shall with-
stand additional impact tests performed by 9.1 When equipment is enabled, the work-
dropping it on the hard surface from height of ing temperature stated in 9.2, 9.3 is set in the
1 m. chamber with temperature increase rate of
The test surface shall consist of hard wood (3±0.5) °Ñ/min. Relative humidity shall be
solid peace of thickness not less than 150 mm not more than 20%. Working temperature
and weight of over 30 kg. The height of shall be kept within 16 h. Then equipment
equipment lowest point relative to test surface operation check is performed at least three
at the moment of dropping shall be times (when heat balance is reached, at the
(1000+10) mm. end of test mode and after tests in cold state).
A set of six droppings to the test surface is 9.2 Equipment (except for electrical ma-
performed: one dropping per each equipment chinery and lamps), designed for installation
side. Equipment operating check and inspec- in premises where ambient temperature does
tion for the presence of external damages. not exceed 40 °Ñ shall be tested on heat sta-
Equipment is considered to have passed the bility with working ambient temperature of
test if no remarks on equipment operation 40 °Ñ.
Appendix 15 169

9.3 Equipment installed on the open deck, systems of power installation or its compo-
in engine room and galley, and also radio and nents control, the item should be shut down,
navigational equipment installed on the open cooled to –25 °C and kept on this tempera-
deck and in the ship interior spaces, shall be ture within 2 h. Then temperature shall be
tested on heat stability with working ambient increased to –10 °C, and tests on equipment
temperature of 55 °Ñ. adequate operation are performed to confirm
its datasheet specifications.
9.4 Check of equipment operation at limit
voltage and frequency deviations shall be per-
formed after heat stability tests at the end of 11 HUMIDITY RESISTANCE TESTS
holding regime. 11.1 Equipment intended for installation
Equipment is considered to have passed the on ships shall be tested on humidity resistance
test if no events disturbing its normal opera- at air relative humidity of (95±3) % and tem-
tion are detected, parameters did not exceed perature of +25 °Ñ for 5 days; equipment
accepted values during the tests, and insula- installed on ships navigated in tropical area -
tion dielectric strength tests and insulation for 7 days. Equipment of all versions shall be
resistance measurement on the hot item at the tested fully assembled in regular casing, ex-
end of tests gave satisfactory results. cept for sealed equipment, which hatches
9.5 Heat stability test of electrical machin- shall be open during tests in chambers.
ery and their components in steering control 11.2 Equipment is considered to have
systems and power installation electrical con- passed the test if no insulation breakdowns or
trol systems shall be performed on enabled resistance drop below the value stated in Sec-
(operated) electrical machinery. During the tion 1 of this Appendix are detected, and item
heat stability tests specimen temperature is parameters deviations did not exceed accepted
raised to 55 C within 30 minutes. After that values when equipment was in test medium,
this temperature is kept for 16 h. Then tests or equipment was in operated mode not less
on equipment adequate operation are per- than 2 h.
formed to confirm its datasheet specifications.
10.1 Equipment intended for installation 12.1 All items installed on river-sea naviga-
indoors shall be tested in chamber within 6 h tion ships shall be tested.
at temperature of –10 °Ñ; equipment intended
for installation on the open deck shall be 12.2 Equipment is tested in regular enclo-
tested at the temperature of –40 °Ñ. After that sure with covers and doors shut down, with
equipment shall be tested in operation at plugged feed-through holes. All other holes
rated load. (for example, ventilation holes) shall be open.
10.2 Items check on limit voltage and fre- 12.3 Tests are performed by cyclical spray-
quency deviations are performed right after its ing (15 minutes for each hour of testing) in
switch to operation condition after cold chamber aqueous solution of salt (sea fog) at
chamber. temperature of +(27±2) °Ñ:
solution composition (g/l): sodium chloride
10.3 Temperature change speed shall be — 27, magnesium chloride — 6, calcium
not more than (3±0,5) °Ñ/min. Equipment is chloride — 1, potassium chloride — 1, dis-
considered to have passed the test if no faults, tilled water — 1 l
breakages and parameters deviations are de- fog dispersity — 1 to 10 μm (up to 90 to 95
tected. drops)
10.4 During cold resistance tests of elec- solution water content — 2 to 3 g/m2 (at
tronic device in steering control systems and the end of spraying).
170 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

12.4 Test time depending on installation force up to 30 N and application of sphere

location: with diameter of 12.5 mm to any holes with
7 days — for equipment installed on open same force;
decks; .4 Equipment of type IP for protection
2 days — for equipment installed in the in- level characteristic digit 3. Application of test
side spaces. bar with diameter of 2.5 mm with force up to
3 N should not lead to penetration inside the
12.5 Equipment operation shall be checked enclosure through any hole;
after tests. Equipment is considered to have
.5 Equipment of type IP for protection
passed the test if no corrosion, paint coatings
level characteristic digit 4. Application of test
softening and disruption, and events disturb-
bar with diameter of 1.0 with force up to 1 N
ing its normal operation are detected.
should not lead to penetration inside the en-
closure through any hole;
13 ENCLOSURE PROTECTION TESTS .6 Equipment of type IP for protection
13.1 Equipment shall be subject to bench level characteristic digit 5. Inside the chamber
tests depending on its enclosure protection shall be induced vacuum adequate for differ-
type. These tests apply to items with voltage ential pressure 2·103 Pa. Equipment is blown
lower than 1000 V. Protection level testing with talc sifted through a sieve with square
methods for voltage over 1000 V are devel- mesh clear spacing dimension of 75 μm, in an
oped in accordance with Electrical Installa- amount of 2 kg of talc for 1m3 of chamber
tions Code. volume. The test is performed as long as it
needs for pumping with vacuum pump air
13.2 Equipment shall be checked for volume in chamber 80-120 times more than
efficiency of protection from access to its air volume in the enclosure, but not less than
dangerous parts or foreign solid bodies and 2 h;
water penetration inside the item. Equipment .7 Equipment of type IP for protection
protection level depending on installation level characteristic digit 6. Same as for char-
place is stated in 2.3.6 Part VI of RCCS, and acteristic digit 5.
designations and characteristics of equipment
protection level are stated in Appendix 1 Part 13.4 Evaluation of test results of equipment
VI of RCCS. with type IP on foreign solid bodies penetra-
tion inside the enclosure:
13.3 This para determines method of
.1 Results are considered as successful for
equipment enclosures testing depending on
first characteristic digits 1, 2, 3, 4 if probe
equipment level of protection against foreign
fullest cross section does not penetrate
solid bodies penetration inside the enclosure.
through any of holes and does not contact
Protection level is designated with the first
with current-carrying and moving parts inside
characteristic digit:
equipment enclosure.
.1 The IP protection level equipment has
no protection for characteristic digit 0 and .2 Results are considered as successful for
can be used on board ships if built in the first characteristic digit 5 if amount of talc
enclosure with adequate protection level; penetrated inside equipment enclosure did not
affect on its satisfactory performance (equip-
.2 Equipment of type IP for protection
ment efficiency and parameters are checked).
level characteristic digit 1. Application of
sphere with diameter of 50 mm to any holes .3 Results are considered as successful for
in enclosure with force of 30 N for all items the first characteristic digit 6 if talc does not
and 50 N for electrical machinery; penetrate inside the equipment enclosure (full
dust protection).
.3 Equipment of type IP for protection
level characteristic digit 2. Application of 13.5 This para determines method of
tracing probe in any possible position with equipment enclosures testing depending on
Appendix 15 171

equipment level of protection against water tion efficiency from water penetration inside
penetration inside the enclosure. Protection the equipment. Tested equipment exposed to
level is designated with the second character- water jet spilling from all directions using
istic digit: hose with nozzle inner diameter 6.3 mm from
.1 The IP protection level equipment has the distance of 2.5-3.0 m. Water pressure shall
no protection for characteristic digit 0 and be not less than 0.1 MPa to get water dis-
can be used on board ships if built in the en- charge 12.5 l/min. Test time is 3 min.
closure with adequate protection level. .7 Equipment of type IP for protection
.2 Equipment of type IP for protection level characteristic digit 6 is tested on protec-
level characteristic digit 1 is tested on protec- tion efficiency from water penetration inside
tion efficiency from simulated rainfall vertical the equipment. Tested equipment exposed to
falling drops penetration inside the equip- strong water jet spilling from all directions
ment. Tested equipment is mounted in nor- using hose with nozzle inner diameter
mal working position under the reservoir cre- 12.5 mm from the distance of 2.5-3.0 m. Wa-
ated uniform drops falling on all enclosure ter pressure is adjusted to get water discharge
surface. Swivel table, where enclosure is 100.5 l/min ±5%. Test time is 3 min.
mounted, shall have rotation speed of 1 RPM .8 Equipment of type IP for protection
and maximum off-centre distance about 100 level characteristic digit 7 is tested on protec-
mm. Test time is 10 min. tion efficiency from submergence. Equipment
.3 Equipment of type IP for protection is fully immersed so that water height to the
level characteristic digit 2 is tested on protec- upper part is not less than 0.15 m. Test time
tion efficiency from simulated rainfall drops is 30 min. Equipment is considered to have
penetration inside the equipment. Tested passed the test if no water penetrates the en-
equipment is exposed to rain with intensity of closure at the specified pressure and in speci-
3 mm/min. Equipment is mounted in four fied time.
fixed positions with 15° slope. Test time is 2.5 .9 Equipment of type IP for protection
minutes in every position. Total test time is 10 level characteristic digit 8 is tested on protec-
min. tion efficiency from submergence. Unless
.4 Equipment of type IP for protection there is a standard for equipment, test condi-
level characteristic digit 3 is tested on protec- tions shall be tougher than conditions stated
tion efficiency from spray penetration inside by previous para. It shall also be taken into
the equipment. Tested equipment is exposed account that in operating conditions enclosure
to spray from all directions at an angle of will be immersed for indefinitely long time
±60° to the vertical line, created by special (upon agreement). Equipment is considered to
device with water pressure in supply pipe not have passed the test if no water penetrated
less than 0.1 MPa. Test time is 1 min per 1 equipment enclosure at noted pressure and time.
m2 of the calculated surface; minimum test
time is 5 min. 13.6 For evaluation of test results of
.5 Equipment of type IP for protection equipment with type IP on water penetration
level characteristic digit 4 is tested on protec- inside the enclosure, the following shall be
tion efficiency from blanket spraying penetra- considered:
tion inside the equipment. Tested equipment Water penetration inside the enclosure is
is exposed to spray from all directions at an acceptable:
angle of ±180° to the vertical line, created by for equipment of type IP with second char-
special device with water pressure in supply acteristic digits 1, 2, 3, 4 in the form of sepa-
pipe not less than 0.1 MPa. Test time is 1 rate merged together drops of size not more
min per 1 m2 of the calculated surface; mini- than 30 mm;
mum test time is 5 min. for equipment of type IP with second char-
.6 Equipment of type IP for protection acteristic digits 5 and 6 - in the form of sepa-
level characteristic digit 5 is tested on protec- rate drops.
172 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

In any case, if definite quantity of water protected from direct effects of weather
penetrate the enclosure, there must not be: conditions;
equipment perturbation of the normal op- non-protected from direct effects of
eration and safety; weather conditions;
water storage on electrically insulating ma- immersed or having constant contact with
terials, where water may cause arc tracking; water;
water ingestion on parts being under voltage; Nomenclature of equipment electromag-
water storage close to cable inlets or water netic compatibility tests is specified in Table
insertion inside cables. A15.14.1.
For equipment of type IP with second T a b l e A15.14.1
characteristic digits 7 and 8 water penetration Equipment specimens electromagnetic compatibility
is not allowed. testing types
Equipment is considered to have passed the

Radio interference

test if technical characteristics and/or working

stability tests
level test
efficiency and/or electrical safety correspond

to given requirements.
13.7 Generally, equipment enclosure pro-
tection tests are performed without power 1. Generators +
supply. Separate types of electrical equipment 2. Electric motors +
(if specified by requirements or testing pro- 3. Converters + +
gram) can be tested with power supply. Safety 4. Distribution systems +1 +
measures must be adopted during such tests. 5. Electrical apparatus (switching,
+ +
protecting etc.)
14 ELECTROMAGNETIC 6. Electric meters + +
7. Transformers +
8. Electrical equipment for internal
+ +
14.1 General provisions combustion engines with starter
9. Lamps and gas-discharge lamps
+2 +
Check of stress level and field strengths of control equipment
industrial radio interference created by 10. Ship control, communication +3 +
equipment is performed in accordance with and signalization equipment
ÃÎÑÒ 30805.16.1.1 (ÑÈÑÏÐ16-1-1), using 11. Automation equipment + +
measuring receivers with quasi-peak detector. 12. Radio interferences protection +
For measuring the level of: 13. Communication and navigation + +
radio interference voltage artificial network equipment and other electronic
and measuring receiver with quasi-peak detec- equipment
tor shall be used. Receiver's band width dur- 1
For navigation lights commutators.
ing measuring must be 200 Hz in frequency 2
For gas-discharge lamps.
band of 10 to 150 kHz, and 9 kHz in fre- For motor telegraphs, blades and rudder blade
quency band of 150 kHz to 30 MHz; position indicators, tachometers, telephone
switchboards, light, signal and sound devices appa-
in case of intensive radio interference a re-
ratus, closers.
ceiver with the band width of 9 kHz in fre-
quency bands of 150 kHz to 30 MHz and 156
14.2 Electromagnetic interferences
to 165 MHz, and with the band width of 120
kHz in frequency bands of 30 to 156 MHz
and 165MHz to 2 GHz shall be used. 14.2.1 During interferences measurement
Equipment is divided on the following tested equipment shall operate in normal
categories: conditions, and position of control elements
portable; affected on interferences (both conducted and
Appendix 15 173

radiated) must be as to determine maximum 10 kHz to 30MHz shall not exceed limit val-
interference level created by tested equipment. ues specified in Fig. A15.14.2.2
If needed equipment has several power
14.2.3 Interferences radiated by equipment
modes, for example, "operation", "availability"
enclosure port (all equipment categories ex-
etc., then the mode creating the max level of
cept for submersible).
interference must be determined, and all
measurements shall be performed for this During the test any signals radiated by
mode. Equipment antenna's terminals shall be equipment are measured except for antenna
connected to non-radiative dummy antenna. radiations that threaten to disturb normal op-
eration of other ship equipment, for example,
Allowable levels of created electromagnetic
radio receiving equipment.
interferences during tests are specified in Ta-
ble 2.7.3-1, Part VI of RCCS.
Test methods
14.2.2 Conducted interferences (all equip- The receiver with quasi-peak detector shall
ment categories except for portable). be used for measurements. The receiver shall
During tests shall be measured any signals have the band width of 9 kHz in frequency
generated by equipment or appeared on its bands of 150 kHz to 30 MHz and 156 to 165
power supply connection ports (terminals), MHz, and the band width of 120 kHz in fre-
that can disturb normal operation of other quency bands of 30 to 156 MHz and
equipment if being included in ship's power 165 MHz to 2 GHz.
For interferences measurements measuring
receiver with quasi-peak detector shall be
used. During tests equipment shall be con-
nected to a separate power supply using artifi-
cial network to provide specific impedance on
power supply terminals for high frequencies
and elimination of undesired effect of external
interferences incoming from common power
supply. Receiver's band width must be 200 Hz
when measuring in frequency band of 10 to
150 kHz, and 9 kHz when measuring in fre-
quency band of 150 kHz to 30 MHz.
Connection cables between tested equip-
ment power supply terminals (AC and DC)
and artificial network must be shielded, and
Fig. A15.14.2.2. Conducted radio interferences
their length shall not exceed 0.8 m. If tested
voltage limiting levels on equipment power supply
equipment consists of several devices with terminals:
individual ports for AC and DC, then power Â* — measuring receiver band width
ports with similar voltage rate may be con-
nected in parallel with artificial network. During measurements on frequencies from
During measurements performance all me- 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall be measured elec-
tering equipments and tested equipment shall tromagnetic field magnetic component
be mounted on a grounded surface and con- strength H. As a measuring antenna shall be
nected to it. If grounded surface using is im- used conductively closed frame antenna. Size
possible, then equivalent earthing must be of such antenna shall fit in square with side of
performed on tested equipment metal frame 60 cm. As an alternative can be used ferrite-
or enclosure. rod antenna.
Radio frequencies voltage on power supply On conversion magnetic field strength to
terminals of tested equipment in the band of equivalent electric field strength correction
174 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

coefficient for antenna 51.5 dB shall be con- ment mounted in orthogonal planes of meas-
sidered. uring antenna at the level of its midpoint to
For frequencies higher than 30 MHz elec- achieve the same effect.
tromagnetic field electric component strength For frequency band 156 to 165 MHz it is
E shall be measured. Measuring antenna shall allowed to use a receiver with peak detector
represent dipole radiator of resonant length or spectrum analyzer.
or, as an alternative - shortened dipole or Limit radiation standards in the band of
antenna with a big amplification factor. 150 kHz to 2 GHz, measured at a distance of
Measuring antenna sizes towards to tested 3 m from tested equipment enclosure, are
equipment shall not exceed 20% of the dis- specified in Fig. A15.14.2.3.
tance to it. On frequencies higher than 80
E, DbµV
MHz the possibility of change of antenna's
centre position hight relative to ground within
1 to 4 m shall be provided.
Premise for tests shall have metal grounded
surface. Premise dimensions shall allow to
take measurement from the distance of 3 m. 156÷165MHz
Tested equipment shall be presented as a
complete package with all connecting interde-
vice cables and set on normal operative posi-
If tested equipment consists of several de-
vices, connecting cables (excluding antennas
B*=9kHz B*=120kHz
power supply) between main and other de-
vices shall be of maximum length indicated in
Manufacturer's specification, or not shorter
than 20 m if there is no such data. Input and Frequency, MHz
output connectors shall be connected to ca-
Fig. A15.14.2.3. Limiting levels of radiated
ble, which max length is determined by interferences from equipment enclosure
manufacturer, or not shorter than 20 m if connectors:
there is no such data; connectors also shall be Â* — measuring receiver's band width
aligned to impedance of other equipment
which they usually connected to. 14.3 External electromagnetic interference
Cables shall be gathered in coils settled at stability tests
the distance of 30 to 40 cm from connectors
that they are connected to. If this is impossi- 14.3.1 For performance of these tests
ble, explanatory inscription shall be made in (unless other instructions are provided) tested
protocol. equipment shall be submitted in its normal
Measuring antenna shall be located at the working package and shall operate under
distance of 3 m from tested equipment. An- normal conditions.
tenna's centre shall be higher than grounded Tests results are assessed by criteria A, B
surface for at least 1.5 m. To determine and C:
maximum interference level, the antenna A criteria — normal operation in accor-
measuring E-field shall be adjusted for height dance with established requirements;
only. Also, it shall have rotation possibility for B criteria — temporary functional deterio-
measuring horizontal and vertical polarization. ration or temporary functional failure with
The antenna shall stay parallel to the floor. It subsequent recovery of normal operation
shall be possible to displace either antenna without operator's intervention;
around testing equipment to determine maxi- C criteria — temporary functional deterio-
mum frequencies level, or rotation of equip- ration or temporary functional failure which
Appendix 15 175

requires operator's intervention or system re- well as signals needed for its normal operation
boot. and functionality check, shall be connected
Conditions and types of electromagnetic with cables. Cables shall be provided with
interference stability tests are shown id Table relevant communication devices and isolating
2.7.3-2 Part VI of RCCS, where is also shown devices, situates at a distance of 0.1 - 0.3 m
radio and navigation equipment operating from tested equipment.
quality criteria. Tests are performed with using generator
If radio receiver is included in equipment connected through communication and isola-
composition, then conducted interferences tion circuits.
stability tests shall exclude any narrow bands Vacant input terminals of generator's HF-
of received operating frequencies on which signal for communication and isolation cir-
radio receiver responds (false responses). cuits are loaded with resistance of 50 Ohm.
Test generator is adjusted for every communi-
Stability to conducted low frequency cation and isolation circuit; additional equip-
interferences (all equipment categories except ment and tested equipment are shut off and
for portable) replace with resistances of 15 Ohm each. Test
generator signal level shall be adjusted so as to
14.3.2 In this test harmonic components of
provide non-modulated voltage of needed
the voltage in AC mains supply or voltage
level on tested equipment input terminals.
ripples in DC mains is imitated. These tests
Tests are performed in cases of following
are not applied to battery-operated equip-
test signal levels:
active voltage value 3 V at variable fre-
Tests on voltage harmonic components sta-
quency in the band of 150 kHz to 80 MHz
bility is performed by overlaying of additional
(test severity level 2);
testing sinusoidal voltage within the band of
active voltage value 10 V in points with
50 Hz to 10kHz on power supply voltage.
frequencies of: 2; 3; 4; 6,2; 8,2; 12,6; 16,5;
Level of sinusoidal voltage applicable actual
18,8; 22; 25 MHz.
value contains:
During tests amplitude modulation with
10% of supply voltage within frequency
frequency of 400 Hz ±10 % at modulation
band of 50 Hz to 750 Hz;
depth of (80±10) %.
10% to 1% of supply voltage within fre-
quency band of 750 Hz to 5 kHz; Frequency slew rate shall not exceed
1% of supply voltage within frequency 1.510-3 dec/s to give an opportunity to detect
band of 5 kHz to 10 kHz. any malfunctions of tested equipment.
Tested equipment operation control is per- The above said signals are superimposed on
formed during and after tests. power lines, signal lines and control lines of
tested equipment. Tested equipment operation
Stability to conducted radio frequency control is performed during and after tests.
interferences (all equipment categories except
for portable) Immunity to conducted radiated radio
frequency interferences (all equipment
14.3.3 In this test effect of disturbances, categories except for submersible)
induced in supply circuit, control circuit and
circuit of signal flow from supply source start- 14.3.4 In these tests the effect of the im-
ing, engine ignition systems, operating echo pact of radio transmitters operated on fre-
sounders and ship transmitters on frequencies quencies above 80 MHz (for example, ships'
below 80 MHz are imitated. fixed and portable VHF radio transceivers)
Tested equipment is mounted on an insu- situated close to the equipment are imitated.
lating table situated on the height of 0.1 m Tested equipment is mounted in suitable
over the surface. Additional equipment shielded room or anechoic chamber, which
needed for tested equipment power supply, as dimensions shall be comparable to tested
176 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

equipment dimensions. Tested equipment duration: 3-5 min for every positive and
shall be mounted in uniform field area and be negative polarity of impulses.
insulated from the floor by non-metal sup-
port. Immunity to microsecond impulse interferences
If requirements to the cable type for tested from fast transient processes in AC power
equipment are not specified, then unshielded supply circuits
parallel conductors shall be used. These con-
ductors expose to electromagnetic field at the 14.3.6 These tests shall imitate influence of
high energy pulse spikes, created by thyristor
distance of 1 m from tested equipment.
switches in AC mains supply.
Tests are performed with radiating antenna
arranged face towards all sides of tested Tests shall be performed using combined
equipment. If equipment can be used in vari- test generator of microsecond impulse inter-
ous orientations (vertical and horizontal), tests ferences, together with communication and
isolation circuit.
shall be performed from various sides. At start
tested equipment is arranged face, matching Pulsing voltage is applied to tested equip-
with calibration plane. Frequency variation ment power circuits with following parame-
rate shall be 1.5·10–3 dec/s — for frequency ters:
band of 80 MHz to 1 GHz and 0.5·10–3 dec/s rise time: 1 μs (at a level of 10% and 90 %
— for frequency band of 1 to 2 GHz and be of amplitude);
slow enough to allow detection of any mal- duration: 50 μs (at level 50% of amplitude);
functions in tested equipment. amplitude: 1kV line/earth, 0.5 kV line/line;
Tested equipment is placed in modulated repeat rate: 1 impulse per second;
electrical field of strength 10 V/m at fre- nature of the exposure: continuous;
quency shift within the band of 80 MHz to 2 exposure duration: 5 min for every positive
GHz. At modulation frequency of (400±40) and negative polarity of impulses;
Hz modulation depth shall be (80±10) %. number of fed pulses: not less than five of
positive polarity and five of negative polarity
for each event of interference.
Immunity to electrical fast transient from fast
transient processes in AC power supply circuits Immunity to short-term parameters variation in
(all categories of equipment except for portable) power circuit (all equipment categories except
14.3.5 In these tests fast low-power tran- for portable)
sient process created by equipment which 14.3.7 These tests imitate changes of volt-
enabling is accompanied by arcing on con- age and frequency in power circuits due to big
tacts are imitated. load changes. Changes are not applied to DC
Pulsing voltage is applied to power circuits, powered equipment.
control circuits and signals circuits with fol- Power circuit parameters changes shall be
lowing parameters: performed using programmable power supply.
rise time: 5 ns (at level 10% and 90% of Equipment shall stay serviceable at follow-
amplitude); ing power circuit parameters changes com-
duration: 50 ns (at level 50 % of ampli- pared with rated values (tests are performed
tude); once per minute, five cycles within 10 min-
amplitude: 2 kV on AC power supply dif- ute):
ferential inputs; voltage: increase of relative rated value by
1 kV on signal and control circuits inputs; (20±1) % for (1.5±0,2) s;
repeat rate: 5 kHz; frequency: increase of relative rated value
type: periodic short sequences of continu- by (10±0.5) % for (5±0,5) s, with overlaying
ance 15 ms, repeated every 300 ms; of specified parameter changes;
Appendix 15 177

voltage: decrease of relative rated value by ance is contact discharge. If contact discharge
(20±1) % for (1.5±0,2) s; can not be used (in the presence of painted
frequency: decrease of relative rated value surfaces), air discharge shall be applied.
by (10±0.5) % for (5±0,5) s, with overlaying For discharges imitation on items located
of specified parameter changes. or mounted close to tested equipment shall be
Time of voltage and frequency rise and performed 10 positive and 10 negative single
drop shall be (0.2±0.1) s (at amplitude level contact discharges applied to grounded plate
of 10 to 90%). from every side of equipment. Places of dis-
charges application shall be at a distance of
Immunity to power source malfunctions 0.1 m from tested equipment.
(all equipment categories except for portable) Following 10 discharges shall be applied to
the centre of vertical edges of grounded cou-
14.3.8 These tests imitate short interrup- pling plane of size 0.50.5 m. These tests shall
tions of ship's power supply due to change of be performed for every side of equipment.
one power supply on another or while activat- Vertical coupling plane shall be located so
ing current protection. These tests are not that all four front sides of equipment are fully
applied to batteries-operated equipment. covered.
Equipment shall stay serviceable after each Equipment shall stay serviceable at dis-
of three power supply voltage interruptions of charge voltage test levels of 6 kV for contact
duration 60 s. Software shall not be ruined, discharge and 8 kV for air discharge.
and operation data stored in system's digital
memory shall not be lost.
Immunity to electro-static discharge (all EXPOSURE
equipment categories except for submersible) 15.1 Tests shall be performed on equip-
14.3.9 In these tests static electricity dis- ment (item) that is intended for operation on
charges are imitated, that can appear at hu- the open deck and that will fully or partly be
man contact with equipment enclosure. subject to continuous exposure of solar radia-
tion during operation.
Tests shall be performed using electro-
static discharge generator (with storage reser- 15.2 Tests shall be performed in special
voir of capacity 150 pF and discharging resis- chamber at air temperature in the shade of
tance of 330 Ohm, connected to discharging (55+2) °Ñ. Equipment shall be placed on a
generator ferrule). Tested equipment shall be support and continually exposed to solar ra-
mounted on an insulating plate laid over diation imitator during 80 h in accordance
grounded metal plate. Grounded plate shall with Table A17.1.
protrude beyond the equipment overall di- Radiation intensity with regard to reflec-
mensions on at least 0.5 m for all sides. Dis- tions shall be (1120±112) W/m2 for spectral
charges from generator shall be applied to distribution, stated in Table A15.15.2.
equipment points and surfaces that are acces-
sible for stuff during normal operation. Dur- 15.3 Equipment is considered to have
ing tests generator shall be placed perpendicu- passed the test if:
lar to the surface, and points of discharges .1 no deformation, cracking, layering,
application can be chosen so that 20 dis- buckling, ungluing of parts made of plastic or
charges per second were provided. Every posi- other materials have occurred;
tion shall be subject to tests on 10 positive .2 parameters and insulation resistance
and 10 negative discharges with intervals be- have remained normal;
tween discharges at least 1 s to provide detec- .3 no reduction of visibility or readability
tion of any malfunction in equipment opera- of inscriptions and signs on bars or other parts
tion. Preferred method during tests perform- of the item have been detected.
178 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

T a b l e A15.15.2 16.2 After tests equipment shall be cleared

Spectral distribution of solar radiation distribution from oil, also, operation control and equip-
with permissible spread (guides for tests ment check shall be performed. Equipment is
on immunity to solar radiation) considered to have passed the test if there are
Radiation no remarks on operation check, no such
Spectral area Power flow Toler- damage criterion as cracking, swelling, coat-
Band, μm
density, W/m2 ance, % ings dissolution or no changes or changes in
UV B* 0.28-0.32 5 <35 mechanical characteristics.
UV A 0.32-0.40 63 <25
0.40-0.52 200 <10
Visible 0.52-0.64 186 <10
0.64-0.78 174 <10 17.1 During the tests shall be performed
Infrared 0.78-3.0 492 <20 series of three drops. Each drop is performed
* Radiation with wavelength less than 0.30 μm, with equipment starting position different
reached the Earth surface, is negligible. from previous position.
The height of equipment lowest point rela-
16 EQUIPMENT TESTS ON IMMUNITY tive to water surface at the moment of drop-
TO OIL EXPOSURE ping shall be (20±1) m.

16.1 Tested equipment is immersed in 17.2 Equipment operating check and in-
mineral oil on 3 h at temperature of spection for the presence of external damages
(19±5) °Ñ. Oil shall have following parame- and pressurization leakage.
ters: 17.3 Equipment is considered to have
aniline point: (120±5) °Ñ; passed the test if there are no remarks on op-
point of ignition: at least 240 °Ñ; eration check, external damages and pressuri-
viscosity: 10-25 centistokes at 99 °Ñ. zation leakage.
Appendix 16 179



1 Tests shall be performed for checking in- upper bearing and upper edge of lower bear-
sulated cable on wires on flame retardence. ing was (550±5) mm. The lower end of the
specimen shall be situated at a distance of
2 Specimens are cable or wire sections of about 50 mm from the chamber's bottom. The
length (600±25) mm each. Before tests burner arrangement shall be so that the blue
specimens shall stand the temperature of flame inner cone end was touching the
(23±5) °Ñ and relative humidity of specimen surface at a distance of about
(50±20) % for at least 16 h. If cable or wire is 75 mm higher than lower grip; the burner
covered with paint or varnish, then specimen nozzle axis together with specimen vertical
shall stand the temperature of (60±2) °Ñ for 4 axis shall create angle of 45° Fig. A16.5-2).
h before tests. Flame inner blue part shall be located at a
3 Testing chamber consists of metal crate distance of about 10 mm from the specimen.
of length (450±25) mm, width (300±25) and
height (1200±25) mm without the front side.
Testing chamber bottom shall be protected
with mineral insulation layer. Testing chamber
shall be placed in premise without draughts
and with removal systems of toxic gases emit-
ted during burning.
4 before tests burner shall be placed on the
horizontal surface so that its flame was di-
rected straight up, and its total length shall be
125 mm, and length of inner blue flame - 40
mm. Burning operation is tested by inserting
of copper wire of diameter (0.710±0.025) mm
and length at least 100 mm transversely to the
flame at a distance higher than end of flame
inner blue part on 10 mm, so that wire length
was over the nozzle edge. Flame temperature
shall be so that copper wire melt not faster Fig. A16.5-1. Specimen arrangement in the testing
than in 4 s and no slower than in 6 s. chamber:
1 — metal chamber; 2 — bearing bar and copper wire
5 The specimen is attached to two horizon- attachment; 3 — specimen; A — distance from the
tal bearings with copper wire (Fig. A16.5-1) chamber's bottom to lower end of the specimen
so that the distance between lower edge of (about 50 mm)
180 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

7 After the burning is fully over, the speci-

men shall be carefully wiped with fabric.
If the specimen surface has no damages,
after the wiping presence of soot is permissi-
ble on the specimen surface. Softening or any
deformation of non-metal material shall be
ignored. The distance between lower edge of
upper bearing and specimen carbonized part
beginning shall be measured with accuracy of
up to 1 mm.
Burning part beginning shall be determined
as follows. Cable surface is pressed with sharp
object, for example - knife blade. Place,
where specimen pliant surface changed on
Fig. A16.5-2. Burner flame applying to the speci- fragile (crumbly) counts as burning part be-
1 — lower edge of upper bearing; 2 — specimen
8 A cable or wire is considered to have
6 The specimen shall be continuously ex- passed the test if the specimen does not ig-
posed to flame for the time specified in Table nite, or appeared specimen burning fades
A16.6. At the end of test burner shall be re- away by itself at the end of test flame expo-
moved and burner's flame - extinguished. sure and traces of fire do not reach upper end
of the specimen.
Besides, if burning spreads down to the
Table A16.6
point located at a distance of more than 540
Flame exposure time
mm from lower edge of upper bearing, cable
Outer diameter D of the specimen Flame exposure time
(mm) (s)
or wire count as failed the test.
D ≤ 25 60 If the specimen failed the test, two more
25 < D ≤ 50 120 tests shall be performed. If after two addi-
50 < D ≤ 75 240 tional tests satisfactory results were gained,
D <75 480 cable or wire count as passed the test.
Appendix 17 181




Parameters checked during ship electrical their values and measurement tolerances are
propulsion system testing, requirements to shown in Table A17.1.
T a b l e A17.1
Parameters checked during ship electrical propulsion system testing,
their values and measurement tolerances
Parameter Value
1. Accuracy of voltage maintenance by AC main unit automatic regula- Tolerance 2.5%
tor, equal to the ratio of difference between idle voltage and voltage at
rated load to sum of these voltages at load сos  = (0,8±5) % without
changing voltage regulator setting knob
2. Accuracy of voltage maintenance by AC emergency unit automatic Tolerance 3.5%
regulator, equal to the ratio of difference between idle voltage and volt-
age at rated load to sum of these voltages at load с сos  = (0,8±5) %
without changing voltage regulator setting knob
3. Operation of automated generator load and frequency regulation at Voltage shall not deviate from
sudden load change. Apply on generator operating in idle intermediate rated value more than on +15, –
load containing 70% (another power level is permissible in accordance 30 % and shall restore to previous
with Part IV RCCS) of rated generator power, then make a value within 1.5 s with deviation
pause of duration at least 10 s, after that make a load rise up to 100% ofnot more than ±3 % of rated
rated generator power. Make a pause again of duration at least 10 s, value. Frequency shall not devi-
then make a load relief down to idle ate from rated value more than
on 10 % and shall restore to pre-
vious value within 5 s with devia-
tion not more than ±5 % of rated
4. Steady frequency oscillations (swing) of AC diesel-generator at loads max. 1%
from 25 to 100% of rated active power.
5. Non-uniformity of active load of generators, operated in parallel, Not more than 20% from rated
that can be checked by watt-meters reading difference with maximum power of generator with greatest
and minimum values of active power. capacity, operating in parallel
with other generators (meeting the
requirements of 3.6.4, Part VI of
RCCS shall be provided)
182 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e A17.1
Parameter Value
6. Non-uniformity of reactive load of generators, operated in parallel, Not more than 20% from rated
that can be checked by amperemeters reading difference with maximum current of generator with greatest
and minimum current rate. capacity, operating in parallel
with other generators (meeting
the requirements of 3.6.5, Part VI
of RCCS shall be provided)
7. Actuating of protection against generators reverse-power (for genera- 8–15 % of generator rated active
tors intended for parallel operation) power. Actuation time (generator
circuit-breaker shutdown) shall
be within 3-10 s.
8. Stability of parallel work of all generators at generators total load Parallel operation shall not be
about 80% of common rated power of generators, operated in parallel. accompanied by exchangeable
fluctuations of active or reactive
9. Automatic discharge with two stages at 2 and more generators oper- 1-st stage: power — 100% of the
ating in parallel. rated generator power; time — 5
For power plants, consisting of 2 diesel-generators without parallel op- s.
eration mode one stage discharge is permissible (second stage is genera- 2-nd stage at keeping 100%
tor disabling the generator by overload protection performed by auto- load, generator shutdown in 10 s.
matic circuit breaker)
10. Generation startup and activation time on buses under voltage (with max. 30 s
synchronization) with following acceptance of load of established level
(80-95% of generator rated power)
11. Time of startup and load acceptance by following generator in case max. 20 s
of voltage loss on main distribution switchboard buses
12. Time of startup and load acceptance of emergency diesel-generator max. 30 s
13. Insulation resistance of networks under voltage, measured using At least 0.06 MΩ for networks up
standard megohm meter on main distribution switchboards or emer- to 100 V and 0.2 MΩ for net-
gency distribution switchboards works up to 500 V
14. Nonlinear distortion factor max. 10 %
15. Actual value of odd harmonics in networks with powerful semicon- max. 5 % of nominal voltage
ductor converters.
16. Power disconnection from an external electric power source in case At current overload over 110%
of overload
17. Power disconnection from an external electric power source in case One phase interruption or
of phase interruption or asymmetric voltage distributions on phases asymmetric voltage distributions
on phases over 10%
18. Power disconnection from an external electric power source in case Minimum 75 % of nominal
of voltage drop voltage
19. Electric motors temperature exceeding after stop under load current Maximum 30% of temperature
in comparison with temperature before beginning of the test (exceeding values in normal mode (in accor-
is defined as difference between maximum temperature of stop under dance with the datasheet data)
load current mode end before its steady decline, and temperature before
beginning of the test:
steering gears with direct electrical drive — within 60 s,
Anchor machinery — minimum 30 s;
Mooring machinery — minimum 15 s;
If there are no integrated sensors in winding, temperature can be
changed directly on electric motor bed, for example, by connecting
pyrometer's thermocouple. Need of tests related to that Para on the ship
and their methods are approved by the River Register.
Appendix 17 183

E n d o f T a b l e A17.1
Parameter Value
20. Steering gear engine initial starting torque with direct electrical Minimum 200 % of nominal
drive. Need of tests related to that Para on the ship and their methods torque
are approved by the River Register.
21. Number of starts with duration of 5 s from main or emergency die- min. 6
sel-generator, provided by starting system (of compressed air or accu-
mulator starting battery)
184 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)




1 General requirements 10,000 ppm-1 shall be charged into the equip-

ment until the stabilised mode is established.
1.1 Performance checking of ecological The mode is considered as stabilised when a
safety equipment shall be made during the volume of oil-water mixture has been pumped
mooring and/or running tests according to the through the equipment which is not less than
program approved by the River Register. the doubled capacity of tested equipment.
1.2 Testing shall be held using authorised The minimal rated time t needed to pump
equipment and devices. Measuring means the indicated quantity of oil-water mixture is
used for tests shall be supplied with the calculated by the formula, in hours
documents testifying its periodical checking if t  2 Vs  V f  Q , (A18.2.3)
where Vs — separator (filter) volume, m3;
1.3 The survey units are admitted to tests Vf — filter volume, m3;
provided that its assembling has been checked Q — pump capacity, m3/h.
by the Surveyor and no remarks have been
made which may obstruct the testing proce- 2.4 The tests mentioned in 2.3 shall be car-
dure. ried out for 30 min. Samples shall be taken
both at the inlet and outlet of the equipment
2 Filtering equipment on the 10th, 20th and 30th minutes of the
stabilised mode; the last sampling at the outlet
2.1 Tests shall be carried out at the design on the 30th minute shall be accompanied by
capacity of the equipment. air grasp by opening the cock at the pump
2.2 Before tests equipment shall be filled suction and gradually closing the oil and wa-
with clean water until its appearance from the ter valves.
sampling; at that standard purge pump output 2.5 Sampling procedure and the analysis of
is measured (in case of filtering equipment the samples shall be carried out in accordance
supply and installation without standard purge with the test program agreed with the River
pump, the output of used ship pump shall not Register.
exceed rated flow capacity of equipment more
than by half as much). Then oil products shall 2.6 Oil contents in the discharge shall not
be pumped through the equipment filled with exceed the admissible normative values (see
water for 5 minutes in order to pollute it by Appendix 2).
oil together with connected pipes.
2.7 In order to check the operation of oil
2.3 On the next stage the oil-water mixture gauge and the presence of oil in the oil col-
with oil concentration of 5,000 to lector as well as automatic drain valve sensors
Appendix 18 185

pure oil products shall be pumped to tested send visual and audible signals simultaneously
equipment until the devices are actuated. with actuation of the adjusting elements to
The checking may be performed by means interrupt overboard discharge. The alarm de-
of submerging sensitive elements of the gauges vice shall be actuated automatically in the
dismantled from the oil collector into the event of any malfunction of the device;
capacity containing pure oil products. .3 operation of the discharge controlling
device. The overboard discharge of oil-
2.8 The following shall be checked during containing water shall be interrupted if the
the tests: normative value is exceeded. The discharge
.1 joint tightness during operation of the shall be interrupted in the event of any mal-
equipment; function of the system or switching off the
.2 automatic operating mode; system;
.3 manually controlled operating mode; .4 availability of a local indicator of posi-
.4 operation of pump units and service tion of the system overboard valve;
systems; .5 operation of manual control of the dis-
.5 operation of automation, alarm and charge.
control means.
Checking may be carried out by means of 4 Automatic monitoring and control systems
inducing extreme parameter values directly for ballast and washing water discharge
near the system sensors.
4.1 Tests are carried out in the water. The
following shall be tested:
3 Alarm device. Device for automatic .1 operation of pumps, absence of leakage
interruption of oil-containing water discharge in the sampling system;
3.1 Tests are performed on oil-containing .2 operation of remotely controlled sam-
water and clean water as per 2.2. pling valves;
.3 the flow intensity or pressure drop
3.2 Performance tests shall be carried out whatever is used, and the adequacy of work-
in conjunction with tests of filtering equip- ing flow parameters of the system. This test is
ment; sampling shall be made as per 2.4. The to be carried out separately for each sampling
pressure in a sampling point for test condi- point and checked by measuring;
tions shall be the same as for working condi- .4 operation of the alarm in the event of
tions. malfunctions caused by conditions external to
3.3 Results of sample analysis shall not ex- the discharge control system, e.g. absence of
ceed the device error which shall be within the medium in the sampling system, absence
limits of ±10 % of the actual oil concentra- of the flowmeter signal, power supply break
tion. etc.;
Readings of the alarm device for excessive .5 indication of adequacy of values and
oil concentration in the discharge shall com- synchronisation of simulated (imitated) input
ply with data of Appendix 2 of RPPS. signals by means of its manual measuring
when the discharge control system operates
3.4 The following shall be tested: on water. For discharge control systems of
.1 calibration of the oil contents- category A the evidence shall be got that the
measuring device according to the manufac- discharge control device is in operation and
turer instructions; the data are recorded;
.2 operation of the alarm device. It shall .6 the possibility of restoration the normal
be actuated automatically when exceeding the operation conditions after the instantaneous
given value of oil contents or by other way intensity of the discharge has been reduced
specified in its Registration Certificate, and lower than 30 litres per mile;
186 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.7 availability of recording after override 5.2 The following shall be tested:

to manual control. For discharge control sys- .1 the accuracy of the detection of oil-
tems of category A the evidence shall be got water phase division boundary by means of
that the discharge control device is in operation; comparison of the device readings with the
.8 impossibility of overboard discharge position of phase boundary known or meas-
control when the system has been switched ured by any other method. The device accu-
off – for control systems of category A; racy shall provide for the indication of oil-
.9 position of zero point and calibration water phase division boundary within limits of
of the measuring device according to the op- ±25 mm from the actual;
erating manual and manufacturer’s instruc- .2 actuation time of the device.
tions when the system is in operation;
.10 the accuracy of any installed flow- 6 Pumping, delivery and discharge systems
meter, e.g. by means of pumping water in for sewage
closed contour where the flow rate may be
calculated on the basis of the level changing 6.1 During tests of pumping and collection
in the tank. The checking is held at flow rate systems the operation of the remote control of
corresponding to 50 % of the nominal flow an oil amount in the oil-containing mixture
rate; and the level alarm in the cargo, settling and
.11 the system actuation time from the collecting tanks shall be checked. An oil
moment of changing oil concentration in the amount in the oil-containing mixture may be
discharge till the moment of actuation of the simulated according to method agreed by the
signal for the discharge interruption which Inspection-office.
shall not exceed 20 sec. 6.2 The following shall be tested during
4.2 The following shall be tested during the tests of the delivery system:
tests of automatic oil measuring device in the .1 operation of manual start and stop de-
discharge: vices of pumping means;
.1 the flow rate, pressure drop or other .2 conditions of remote stop of pumping
equivalent parameter whatever is used; means from the place of the discharge obser-
.2 incorporated alarm devices; vation or effective telephone or radio com-
.3 adequacy of readings for several oil munication between the place of observation
concentrations (checking method shall be and the control station of pumping means;
approved by the River Register). .3 delivery of oil-containing water and oil
4.3 The following shall be tested during residues from collecting tanks to reception
tests of the oil discharge control section: facilities;
.1 all signals; .4 adequate operation of visual and audi-
.2 adequacy of operation of signal proc- ble warning alarm when the upper limit level
essing device and a recorder; in the cargo, settling and collecting tanks is
.3 actuation of the device when the oil
discharge rate or the total amount of dis-
charged oil exceeds the stated norms; 7 Sewage treatment plant
.4 actuation of signal of overboard dis-
7.1 Prior to testing the sewage treatment
charge interruption in conditions when the
plant in operation the availability of valid
alarm has been actuated.
resolution of the federal sanitary supervision
body shall be checked.
5 Detectors of the oil-water phase division
boundary in settling tanks When the resolution in addition to tests
(see 7.2 of this Appendix) is not available, the
5.1 For testing purposes the tank shall be installation shall be tested for sanitary worka-
filled with oily mixture. bility. The procedure of those tests shall be
Appendix 18 187

determined by a representative of the federal 8 of the present Appendix proceeding from

sanitary supervision body. the contents of the ecological safety equip-
The resolution of the federal sanitary su- ment installed in a ship.
pervision body shall be attached to the docu-
ments issued by the River Register. 9.2 The following shall be tested:
.1 adequate operation of means for man-
7.2 The plant tests shall be performed on ual start-up of pumping equipment (pumps or
water and check: ejectors);
.1 free flow to the installation; .2 delivery of sewage from collecting tanks
.2 operation of a grinder (macerator) for to reception facilities.
solid impurities, if any;
.3 adequate operation of pump and air- 10 Incinerators
blowing units;
.4 conditions of actuation of level sensors 10.1 Tests are carried out on the kinds of
located in the installation chambers; refuse stated in the documentation for the
.5 operation of batchers for flocculant incinerator.
(coagulant) and disinfectioning agent; 10.2 Water contents in oil residues and/or
.6 operation in manual and/or automatic sewage slime, when the incinerator is in-
operating mode; tended for its burning, shall be not lower than
.7 operation of automation, alarm and listed in the documentation.
control means (may be made by simulation
method); 10.3 Tests are carried out at operating
.8 operation of electric drives and auxil- modes specified in the documentation for the
iary facilities (by external examination); incinerator. The sequence of modes, the pe-
.9 operation of submersible pumps, if any; riod of operation at each mode and test se-
quence are determined by the program ap-
.10 operation of ventilation system of a
proved by the River Register.
separate space containing the installation, if
any. 10.4 During testing the following shall be
8 Sewage collecting tanks .1 adequate operation of ventilation sys-
8.1 Tests may be carried out on the out- tem of a separate space containing the instal-
board water. lation, if any;
.2 conditions of blocking the feeding hop-
8.2 The following shall be tested: per lids, if any, to prevent from its simultane-
.1 free flow of sewage; ous opening during loading;
.2 the possibility of washing from the wa- .3 conditions of blocking the fuel nozzle
ter fire main and steaming if steam-heating when it is in working position and air for
system is available; burning is supplied into the furnace;
.3 draining by a pump or ejector with .4 adequate operation of automatic shut-
overboard discharge of water; off devices for fuel supply to the burner in the
.4 adequate operation of visual and audi- event of stop of the air supply, flame failure
ble warning alarm when the upper limit level or cut-off of electric power supply;
in the sewage collecting tanks is reached.
.5 adequate operation of the incinerator in
manual and automatic operating modes;
9 Pumping, delivery and discharge systems .6 adequate operation of automation,
for sewage alarm and control means;
9.1 Performance tests are carried out in .7 condition of the space during the op-
conjunction with the tests mentioned in 7 and eration of the incinerator;
188 Rules for Technical Supervision During Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials ... (RTSC)

.8 absence of sparking from gas-discharging .4 compacting devices for refuse which

system to the ambient atmosphere. shall reduce its initial volume by 5;
.5 automation, alarm and control systems.
11 Garbage treatment plants
11.1 Adequate operation of the following 12 Hoses designed to pump the oil
items shall be tested: and oil-containing water
.1 ventilation system of a separate space
containing the installation, if any; 12.1 Hoses included into ship supply and
.2 loading mechanisms; used for pumping oil, oil-containing or sew-
.3 grinders for refuse. The size of grinded age water are subjected to hydraulic tests by
particles shall not exceed 25 mm; testing pressure equal to 1.5 of work pressure.


Russian River Register. Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS).
The Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS) have been approved by the
Order of Federal Autonomous Institution “Russian River Register” No. 35-ï dated 09.09.2015
and brought into force since 19.07.2016 by the Order of Federal Autonomous Institution “Rus-
sian River Register” No. 27-ï dated 11.07.2016.
The present re-edition of the Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS) in-
cludes amendments and additions approved by the following Orders of the Federal Autonomous
Institution “Russian River Register”:
Order No. 32-ï dated 20.07.2016, came into force since 23.07.2016;
Order No. 42-ï dated 09.08.2016;
Order No. 50-ï dated 09.09.2016 (Notice No. 1);
Order No. 78-ï dated 07.11.2016;
Order No. 100-ï dated 27.12.2016;
Order No. 24-ï dated 09.03.2017 (Notice No. 2), came into force since 15.03.2017;
Order No. 38-ï dated 11.04.2017 (Notice No. 3), came into force since 17.04.2017;
Order No. 65-ï dated 14.08.2017 (Notice No. 4), came into force since 20.08.2017;
Order No. 77-ï dated 15.11.2017 (Notice No. 5), came into force since 21.11.2017.

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Î ò â å ò ñ ò â å í í û é ç à â û ï ó ñ ê — Ì. Å. Êîçèí

It is strictly prohibited to make photocopy, store in a retrieval system, publish, perform in public, adapt, broadcast,
transmit, record or reproduce the present edition in any form or by any means for sale purposes without the prior written
permission of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Russian River Register”.

© Russian River Register, 2017

Contents 3


Part 0 3 Design of displacement

ship aluminum alloy hulls
3.1 General requirements ....................... 141
1 General provisions ................................ 20
3.2 Materials and minimum thicknesses
2 Basic terms .......................................... 22
of hull members ............................... 141
3 Ship's class and class formula .............. 28
3.3 Determination of hull strength
4 Documents of the river register ............ 30
members’ scantling........................... 141
5 Requirements for ships ......................... 30
3.4 Permissible stresses........................... 144
6 List of inland water basins according
3.5 Welding joints .................................. 145
to their category for determination of
areas and conditions of navigations of
4 Design of catamaran hulls
the ships with the class of Russian
River Register ...................................... 33 4.1 General requirements ....................... 146
7 List of sea navigation areas for deter- 4.2 Calculation of global longitudinal
mination of areas and conditions of strength............................................. 147
navigations of the ships with the class 4.3 Strength calculations of a bridge
of Russian River Register ..................... 37 structure ........................................... 148
4.4 Designing of the hull........................ 148

5 Design of hydrofoil craft hulls

Part I 5.1 General requirements ....................... 152
HULL AND HULL EQUIPMENT 5.2 Global strength and buckling calcu-
lations............................................... 152
1 General provisions
5.3 Local strength calculations............... 156
1.1 Scope of application......................... 46 5.4 Calculation of foil arrangement
1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 46 strength............................................. 158
5.5 Norms of permissible stresses and
2 Structure and strength of steel hull minimum thicknesses ....................... 159
5.6 Vibration calculations and norms..... 159
2.1 General requirements ....................... 48
2.2 Strength and buckling calculations... 50
6 Design of hovercraft hull
2.3 Designing of the hull........................ 81
2.4 Arrangement, scantling and con- 6.1 General requirements ....................... 161
struction of individual hull members 93 6.2 Strength and buckling calculations... 162
2.5 Additional requirements for par- 6.3 Designing of the Hull....................... 169
ticular types of ships......................... 118 6.4 Vibration strength and vibration
2.6 Vibration strength............................. 134 norms of the hull.............................. 170
4 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

6.5 Design requirements and strength Part II

norms of air cushion flexible skirt .... 171 STABILITY. FLOODABILITY.
7 Design of reinforced-concrete hull
1 General provisions
7.1 General requirements ....................... 174
7.2 Designing of hull and superstructure 174 1.1 Scope of application......................... 220
7.3 Strength calculations and norms ...... 179 1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 220
7.4 Designing and calculation of the 1.3 General requirements ....................... 222
hull made of pre-stressed reinforced 1.4 Stability curves ................................. 224
concrete............................................ 195 1.5 Information on stability and flood-
ability ............................................... 225
1.6 Inclining test .................................... 225
8 Design of GRP hulls
1.7 Conditions of sufficient stability....... 225
8.1 General requirements ....................... 197 1.8 Stability Control Means ................... 226
8.2 Designing of connections ................. 197
8.3 Strength and buckling calculations... 200 2 General requirements to stability
2.1 Main stability criterion..................... 227
9 Equipment of ship spaces 2.2 Heeling moment due to the dy-
9.1 General requirements ....................... 203 namic wind pressure......................... 228
9.2 Passageways, doors, ladders.............. 203 2.3 Maximum permissible moment for
9.3 Scuttles ............................................. 204 assessing stability by main criterion.. 229
9.4 Wheelhouse ...................................... 205 2.4 Assumed design roll amplitudes ....... 231
9.5 Accommodation and service spaces . 205 2.5 Requirements to static stability
curve parameters .............................. 235
9.6 Halls and spaces for multimedia
presentations..................................... 206
3 Additional stability requirements
9.7 Spaces for electric-gas-welding op-
for various ship types
erations and storage of receptacles ... 206
9.8 Galley rooms .................................... 206 3.1 Passenger and other ships carrying
9.9 Saunas .............................................. 206 people............................................... 237
3.2 Cargo ships....................................... 239
10 Railing, handrails, gangways, 3.3 Tugboats ........................................... 241
companionways 3.4 Fishing vessels .................................. 244
3.5 Floating cranes, industrial ships,
10.1 General requirements ....................... 208 loaders .............................................. 244
10.2 Bulwark ............................................ 208 3.6 Hydrofoil craft.................................. 245
10.3 Guard rail......................................... 209 3.7 Hovercraft ........................................ 246
10.4 Handrails, gangways, companion- 3.8 High speed displacement ships......... 248
ways.................................................. 209 3.9 Catamarans ...................................... 248
10.5 Passenger spaces on high speed
craft .................................................. 210 4 Floodability criterion
4.1 General requirements ....................... 251
4.2 Requirements for damage trim and
1 Strength calculation method of joining stability at flooding the compart-
structures of catamaran hull bodies ..... 211 ments................................................ 252
Contents 5

4.3 Requirements to subdivision, dam- 5 Manoeuvrability calculations and

age trim and stability at flooding the fullscale manoeuvrability trials of
compartments of the passenger inland and river-sea navigation ships. 295
ships of Ì-ÑÏ class......................... 254
Part III
5 Freeboard and load line FIRE PROTECTION
5.1 General requirements ....................... 258 1 General provisions
5.2 Load line marking for the inland
1.1 Scope of application......................... 316
navigation ships ................................ 258
1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 316
5.3 Load line for the river-sea naviga-
tion ships .......................................... 260 1.3 Fire protection plans ........................ 320
5.4 Minimum freeboard height............... 262 1.4 Classification of explosion-
hazardous zones and spaces ............. 320
5.5 Sheer, forecastle and poop ............... 264
5.6 Arrangement of openings and
2 Structural fire protection
coamings........................................... 265
2.1 Subdivision of materials due to
6 Manoeuvrability of ships combustibility, flame spreading and
inflammability .................................. 322
6.1 Scope of application......................... 270 2.2 Requirements for materials .............. 322
6.2 Definitions and explanations ............ 270 2.3 Use of combustible materials ........... 324
6.3 General requirements to setting 2.4 Ladders, trunks. Requirements for
manoeuvrability standards ................ 270 draught restriction and penetration
6.4 Table of manoeuvrability character- of smoke and flame .......................... 324
istics.................................................. 271 2.5 Fire-hazardous material storage,
6.5 Turning capability............................. 271 welding rooms and saunas................ 325
6.6 Directional stability .......................... 271 2.6 Requirements for structural fire
6.7 Manoeuvrability with propulsors not protection of various ship types........ 327
in operation ...................................... 271 2.7 Structural fire protection of Ì-ÑÏ
6.8 Emergency stopping capacity ........... 272 class ships ......................................... 332
6.9 Manoeuvrability under wind condi-
tions.................................................. 272 3 Fire-extinguishing systems
6.10 Full-scale trials ................................. 272 3.1 General provisions............................ 339
3.2 Fire extinguishing stations................ 343
Appendices 3.3 Water extinguishing system .............. 344
1 Instruction on drawing up informa- 3.4 Sprinkler system ............................... 348
tion on stability and floodability of 3.5 Water-spraying system...................... 350
ship................................................... 273 3.6 Drenching and water screen system . 350
2 Instruction on determining the lo- 3.7 Foam extinguishing system .............. 351
cation of ship’s centre of gravity 3.8 Gas fire extinguishing system ........... 354
from experiment (instruction on 3.9 Aerosol fire extinguishing system ..... 356
inclining test of ships) ...................... 276 3.10 Inert gas fire extinguishing system.... 358
3 Calculation of assumed heeling 3.11 Additional requirements to passen-
moment for bulk grain carriage ........ 290 ger vessels ......................................... 358
4 Requirements for full-scale trials 3.12 Additional requirements for fire ex-
and experimental data to confirm tinguishing systems and fire protec-
stability of hovercraft........................ 294 tion of oil tankers and their tenders . 358
6 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

3.13 Fire extinguishing systems and sta- 1.11 Use of gasoline engines .................... 386
tions of ships less than 25 m in length 360 1.12 Ship’s speed...................................... 387
3.14 Fixed local fire-extinguishing sys-
tems for machine spaces................... 361 2 Internal combustion engines
3.15 Additional requirements for coastal
2.1 Scope of application and materials .. 388
ships.................................................. 362
2.2 Testing of parts................................. 389
4 Additional fire safety requirements 2.3 General technical requirements ....... 389
for domestic / general service equipment 2.4 Frame............................................... 389
and systems 2.5 Crankshaft ........................................ 390
2.6 Supercharging and air supply ........... 391
4.1 Location and equipment of galleys... 363 2.7 Fuel appliances................................. 391
4.2 Structure of heating systems............. 363 2.8 Lubrication....................................... 392
4.3 Ship's domestic plants working on 2.9 Cooling............................................. 392
compressed / liquefied natural gas ... 365
2.10 Starting arrangements....................... 392
4.4 Lighting ............................................ 368
2.11 Gas exhaust ...................................... 392
2.12 Control and adjustment.................... 393
5 Fire alarm
2.13 Instruments ...................................... 394
5.1 General requirements ....................... 369 2.14 Gasoline engines .............................. 394
2.15 Additional requirements to engines
6 Fire protection outfit spare parts and tools operating on various grades of fuel... 394
6.1 Fire protection outfit........................ 370
3 Shafting
6.2 Spare parts and tools ........................ 374
3.1 General requirements, materials,
7 Emergency escape breathing devices testing............................................... 396
3.2 Shaft diameter calculation................ 397
7.1 General requirements ....................... 377
3.3 Corrosion protection ........................ 397
7.2 Location of the emergency escape
breathing devices .............................. 377 3.4 Holes and cut-outs in shafts............. 398
3.5 Shafting design ................................. 398
3.6 Keyless connections of propellers
Part IV and shafting couplings...................... 400
POWER INSTALLATION AND SYSTEMS 3.7 Braking devices ................................ 402
1 General provisions 4 Gears, disengaging and elastic couplings
1.1 Scope of application......................... 380 4.1 General ............................................ 403
1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 380 4.2 Materials and welding ...................... 403
1.3 Operation in conditions of heel and 4.3 General requirements ....................... 404
trim................................................... 382
4.4 Gearing ............................................ 404
1.4 Control devices................................. 382
4.5 ?Tooth couplings.............................. 405
1.5 Control stations ................................ 383
4.6 Elastic couplings............................... 406
1.6 Means of communication................. 383
4.7 Disengaging couplings...................... 406
1.7 Instruments and alarms .................... 383
1.8 Machinery spaces ............................. 383 5 Propellers
1.9 Arrangement of power installation
components ...................................... 384 5.1 General requirements ....................... 408
1.10 Installation of engines, boilers and 5.2 Materials, testing and welding.......... 408
equipment......................................... 386 5.3 Propeller designing ........................... 409
Contents 7

5.4 Propeller balancing........................... 411 8.15 Control, adjustment, alarm and

5.5 Hydraulic drive of vertical axis pro- protection of boilers ......................... 435
peller pitch changing mechanism ..... 411 8.16 Oil burning units of fuel oil fired
5.6 Requirements to water-jet propel- boilers............................................... 436
lers, vertical axis propellers and 8.17 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels 437
steerable thrusters ............................. 411 8.18 Special requirements for heat ex-
changers and pressure vessels ........... 438
6 Torsional vibration 8.19 Strength calculation ......................... 440
6.1 General requirements ....................... 413 8.20 Boilers with high-temperature or-
6.2 Permissible stresses and moments .... 414 ganic heat transfer fluid.................... 440
6.3 Measurement of torsional vibration
parameters ........................................ 416 9 Refrigerating plants
6.4 Restricted rotation speed ranges....... 418 9.1 Scope of application......................... 442
9.2 General technical requirements ....... 442
7 Compressors, pumps, fans and separators 9.3 Refrigerants and design pressure ...... 442
7.1 Scope of application......................... 419 9.4 Refrigerating capacity and composi-
7.2 Examinations and tests of parts........ 419 tion of refrigerating equipment......... 442
7.3 Materials and welding ...................... 419 9.5 Materials .......................................... 444
7.4 General requirements ....................... 420 9.6 Electrical equipment ........................ 444
7.5 Power-driven air compressors. 9.7 Refrigerating machinery room.......... 444
General requirements ....................... 420 9.8 Refrigerant storerooms ..................... 445
7.6 Crankshafts of power-driven air 9.9 Cooled cargo spaces ......................... 445
compressors ...................................... 420 9.10 Freezing and cooling chambers........ 446
7.7 Pumps............................................... 422 9.11 Spaces containing process equip-
7.8 Fans.................................................. 423 ment ................................................. 446
7.9 Requirements to fans of cargo 9.12 Compressors, pumps, fans................ 447
pump spaces onboard oil tankers ..... 423 9.13 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels 447
7.10 Centrifugal separators ....................... 423 9.14 Air coolers ........................................ 448
9.15 Valves and fittings. safety valves....... 448
8 Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels 9.16 Piping ............................................... 448
9.17 Instruments ...................................... 449
8.1 General requirements ....................... 425
9.18 Automation means ........................... 449
8.2 Classification .................................... 425
9.19 Insulation of the cooled spaces ........ 450
8.3 Materials, welding and heat treat-
ment ................................................. 426 9.20 Insulation of pipelines ...................... 450
8.4 Tests ................................................. 427
10 Systems
8.5 Boiler design..................................... 428
8.6 General requirements to valves ........ 431 10.1 General provisions............................ 451
8.7 Water level indicators ....................... 431 10.2 Pipelines ........................................... 452
8.8 Lowest water level and highest 10.3 Pipeline valves.................................. 462
heating surface point ........................ 432 10.4 Sea chests and ice boxes. Bottom
8.9 Pressure gauges and thermometers ... 433 and side valves. Openings in the
8.10 Safety valves ..................................... 433 outer shell plating............................. 463
8.11 Shut-off valves.................................. 434 10.5 Piping arrangement .......................... 464
8.12 Blow-down valves............................. 435 10.6 Hydraulic tests.................................. 466
8.13 Sampling valves ................................ 435 10.7 Bilge system...................................... 466
8.14 Deaeration valves ............................. 435 10.8 Ballast system ................................... 471
8 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

10.9 Liquid cargo piping system of oil 12.2 Standardization of vibration of ship
tankers .............................................. 472 machinery and equipment during
10.10 Air, gas-outlet, overflow and ship construction and operation....... 520
sounding piping systems ................. 474
10.11 Exhaust gas system ......................... 478 Part V
10.12 Ventilation system .......................... 480
10.13 Fuel system .................................... 485 SHIP ARRANGEMENTS AND OUTFIT
10.14 Lubricating oil system .................... 488 1 General provisions
10.15 Cooling system ............................... 489
10.16 Compressed air system ................... 490 1.1 Scope of application ......................... 526
10.17 Boiler feed water system................. 492 1.2 Terms and definitions ....................... 526
10.18 Steam and blow-off lines................ 492 1.3 Operating conditions......................... 529
10.19 Systems with high-temperature 1.4 Materials ........................................... 529
organic heat transfer fluid .............. 493 1.5 Steel wire ropes, natural and syn-
10.20 Cargo vapour discharge system ...... 494 thetic fibre ropes ............................... 530
10.21 Inert gas system of oil tankers........ 495 1.6 Requirements to deck machinery ..... 532
1.7 Equipment number ........................... 533
11 Automation
11.1 Scope of application. Terms and 2 Steering gear
definitions......................................... 498 2.1 General requirements ....................... 535
11.2 General requirements ....................... 499 2.2 Rudder and nozzle............................ 535
11.3 Power supply .................................... 500 2.3 Rudder stock and rudderpiece .......... 537
11.4 Control, alarm, protection and 2.4 Steering drives................................... 541
monitoring systems ........................... 501 2.5 Thruster ............................................ 543
11.5 General requirements to automation 502 2.6 Control of thrusters, water-jet and
11.6 Propulsion plant ............................... 507 vertical axis propellers....................... 543
11.7 Prime movers of generator sets ........ 509
11.8 Fuel systems ..................................... 510 3 Anchor arrangement
11.9 Cooling, lubrication and com-
pressed air systems............................ 510 3.1 General requirements ....................... 545
11.10 Boilers ............................................ 510 3.2 Anchor, anchor chain and wire rope
11.11 Ship general systems....................... 511 outfit ................................................. 545
11.12 Wheelhouse equipment .................. 512 3.3 Anchor equipment of pushed con-
voys................................................... 549
11.13 Equipment of permanently at-
tended central control station ........ 514 3.4 Securing attachments for anchors
and anchor chain cables ................... 550
11.14 Indication system, alarm and pro-
tection of ships with steerable 3.5 Anchor machinery ............................ 551
thrusters and transverse thrusters.... 514 3.6 Remote-controlled anchor release
11.15 Requirements to computers and device................................................ 552
computer systems ........................... 515 3.7 Anchor chain cables and their ac-
11.16 Requirements to programmed cessories ............................................ 552
electronic systems........................... 517
4 Mooring arrangement
12 Vibration of ship machinery and equipment 4.1 General provisions ............................ 555
12.1 Consideration of ship machinery 4.2 Mooring equipment .......................... 555
and equipment vibration at the ship 4.3 Mooring machinery .......................... 555
design stage....................................... 519 4.4 Mooring ropes .................................. 556
Contents 9

5 Towing and coupling arrangements 8.4 Lifeboats........................................... 589

8.5 Liferafts ............................................ 597
5.1 Towing arrangement ......................... 557
8.6 Requirements for rescue boats ......... 600
5.2 Towing winches ................................ 557
8.7 Life-saving buoyancy aids ................ 601
5.3 Towing hooks.................................... 558
8.8 Lifebuoys, lifejackets and immersion
5.4 Towing equipment ............................ 559
suits .................................................. 602
5.5 Towing hooks.................................... 559
8.9 Launching appliances....................... 604
5.6 Coupling arrangements ..................... 560
8.10 Stowage of life-saving appliances on
5.7 Interlocking arrangements................. 563
board ................................................ 605
6 Cargo handling appliances
9 Signal means
6.1 General provisions............................ 566
9.1 General provisions............................ 608
6.2 General technical requirements........ 566
9.2 Standards for equipping with navi-
6.3 Materials, heat treatment and welding 569 gation lights and daytime signal
6.4 Calculations, design loads and means ............................................... 608
stresses .............................................. 570 9.3 Standards for equipping with pyro-
6.5 Allowable stresses, safety factors and technical signal means...................... 610
stability reserves................................ 573 9.4 Standards for equipping with sound
6.6 Strength calculation of cargo- signal means ..................................... 611
handling machinery .......................... 576 9.5 Navigation and technical require-
6.7 General requirements to cranes........ 576 ments to navigation lights and day-
6.8 Safety devices of cranes.................... 576 time signals....................................... 611
6.9 Machinery of the cranes................... 577 9.6 Requirements to pyrotechnic signal
6.10 Travelling of cranes .......................... 577 means ............................................... 616
6.11 Counterbalances and metal struc- 9.7 Requirements to sound signal
tures of cranes .................................. 578 means ............................................... 616
6.12 Crane cabs........................................ 578 9.8 General requirements to fitting of
6.13 Upper structures of the floating cranes. signal means on board...................... 617
cranes mounted on floating docks.... 579 9.9 Fitting of masthead and manoeu-
6.14 Gears of the cranes........................... 580 vring lights........................................ 617
6.15 Ship’s lifts......................................... 581 9.10 Fitting of sidelights........................... 618
6.16 Cargo booms .................................... 581 9.11 Fitting of sternlights and towing
6.17 Documents and marking .................. 581 lights................................................. 619
9.12 Fitting of all-round and anchorage
7 Hoistable wheelhouses side lanterns ..................................... 619
9.13 Fitting of light impulsive (light)
7.1 General provisions............................ 584 lamps ................................................ 620
7.2 Technical requirements to design of 9.14 Fitting of all-round lanterns in fish-
hoisting and lowering arrangement... 584 ing vessels......................................... 620
7.3 Technical requirements to hoisting 9.15 Fitting of navigation lights in non-
arrangement drive............................. 584 self-propelled ships and industrial
ships ................................................. 620
8 Life-saving appliances 9.16 Fitting of sound signal means .......... 620
8.1 General requirements ....................... 585 9.17 Storage of spare and portable signal
means on board................................ 620
8.2 Standards for equipping with collec-
tive life-saving appliances ................. 586
10 Navigation outfit
8.3 Standards for equipping with indi-
vidual life-saving appliances ............. 589 10.1 General provisions............................ 622
10 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

10.2 Navigation outfit standards............... 622 2.11 Additional requirements for installa-
tion of electrical equipment in paint
11 Emergency outfit stores ................................................ 649
11.1 General provisions............................ 623
3 Main sources of electric power
11.2 Emergency outfit standards for ships 623
11.3 Mats ................................................. 626 3.1 Number and capacity of main
11.4 Arrangement of emergency outfit ..... 626 sources of electrical power ............... 650
11.5 Marking ............................................ 626 3.2 Accumulator battery as the main
source of electric power ................... 650
12 Wheelhouse equipment 3.3 Drive of generators........................... 651
3.4 AC generator voltage regulation....... 651
12.1 General requirements ....................... 628
3.5 DC generator voltage regulation ...... 651
13 Additional ship's outfit 3.6 Load distribution at the parallel
operation of the generators............... 652
13.1 General requirements ....................... 629 3.7 Automation of electric power sta-
tions.................................................. 652
14 Embarkation ladders for ships
of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes 4 Emergency electrical installations
14.1 General requirements ....................... 629 4.1 General requirements ....................... 654
4.2 Emergency sources of electric power. 654
Appendices 4.3 Spaces for emergency sources of
1 Calculation method for hydrodynamic electric power ................................... 655
loads, bending moments, shear forces 4.4 Distribution of electric power from
and support reaction forces acting in emergency sources............................ 656
the stock-rudder system....................... 630 4.5 Emergency consumers of electric
2 Tests of chains and accessories ............ 634 power................................................ 656

Part VI 5 Distribution of electric power

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 5.1 Distribution systems ......................... 659
1 General provisions 5.2 Permissible voltage and frequency.... 659
5.3 Power supply of essential facilities ... 660
1.1 Scope of application......................... 638 5.4 Power supply of electric consumers
1.2 Documentation................................. 638 of pushed barges............................... 661
5.5 Power supply from external source
2 General requirements of electric power............................... 661
2.1 Definitions and explanations ............ 639 5.6 Power supply to other ships ............. 662
2.2 Operating conditions ........................ 640
2.3 Structural requirements .................... 640 6 Distribution devices‚ electrical apparatus,
2.4 Materials........................................... 461 transformers
2.5 Connections of current-carrying parts. 642 6.1 Design of distribution switchboards . 663
2.6 Protective earthing............................ 642 6.2 Electrical apparatus. general re-
2.7 Electromagnetic compatibility .......... 644 quirements........................................ 664
2.8 Arrangement of electrical equipment. 646 6.3 Machine-driven electrical apparatus 666
2.9 Special electric spaces ...................... 647 6.4 Selection of electrical apparatus....... 666
2.10 Explosion-proof electrical equipment 647 6.5 Electricity measurement devices ...... 667
Contents 11

6.6 Installation of apparatus and meas- 10.2 Supply of main lighting circuits ....... 685
uring devices..................................... 668 10.3 Lighting circuit breakers................... 685
6.7 Protection devices ............................ 668 10.4 Plug-and-socket connections ........... 686
6.8 Location of distribution switchboards 669 10.5 Portable lighting network ................. 686
6.9 Static power converters .................... 670 10.6 Glow discharge lamps ...................... 686
6.10 Transformers..................................... 670 10.7 Navigation lights .............................. 687
6.11 Uninterruptible power sources.......... 671 10.8 Projectors ......................................... 688

7 Electrical machinery and drives 11 Internal communication and alarm

7.1 General requirements ....................... 672 11.1 Electric telegraphs ............................ 689
7.2 Electrical machinery......................... 672 11.2 Service intercommunication............. 689
7.3 Interlocking of electrical drives. 11.3 General alarm .................................. 690
switchgear ......................................... 673 11.4 Fire alarm......................................... 690
7.4 Shutdown safety devices ................... 674 11.5 Portholes opening alarm .................. 693
7.5 Electric drive of steering gear ........... 674 11.6 Mechanicians call alarm .................. 693
7.6 Electrical drive of anchor and
mooring machinery .......................... 675 12 Cable network
7.7 Electrical drive of boat winches ....... 676
12.1 General requirements ....................... 694
7.8 Electric pumps of drives and venti-
lators................................................. 676 12.2 Selection of cables and wires by load 695
7.9 Electrical drive and electrical 12.3 Checking of cables by voltage drop.. 697
equipment of cargo handling gear .... 676 12.4 Laying and fastening of cables ......... 697
7.10 Electrical drive of wheelhouse 12.5 Cable penetrations through decks
hoisting device.................................. 676 and bulkheads and their sealings ...... 700
7.11 Electromagnetic brakes..................... 677 12.6 Laying of cables in pipes and con-
7.12 Electrical drive of watertight and duits.................................................. 700
fire doors .......................................... 677 12.7 Connection and joining of the cables 701
12.8 Cable marking .................................. 701
8 Accumulators
13 Lightning protection devices
8.1 Design of accumulators .................... 679
8.2 Protection of accumulators............... 679 13.1 General requirements ....................... 702
8.3 Charging devices of accumulator 13.2 Lightning diverter............................. 702
batteries ............................................ 679 13.3 Diverting wire................................... 702
8.4 Capacity of starter batteries .............. 679 13.4 Earthing............................................ 703
8.5 Location of accumulator batteries .... 680 13.5 Lightning conductor internal con-
8.6 Heating and ventilation of accumu- nections ............................................ 703
lator rooms ....................................... 680 13.6 Lightning protection earthing devices 703
8.7 Protection against explosion............. 681

9 Electrical heating and cooking appliances 14 Electrical equipment with voltage

over 1000 V
9.1 General requirements ....................... 682
9.2 Heating appliances ........................... 682 14.1 General requirements ....................... 704
9.3 Systems with heating cables.............. 683 14.2 Distribution of electric power .......... 704
14.3 Protection devices ............................ 705
10 Lighting and navigation lights 14.4 Protective earthing ........................... 705
14.5 Arrangement and protection level of
10.1 General requirements ....................... 684 electrical equipment ......................... 705
12 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

14.6 Distribution devices.......................... 705 2 Classification of explosive mixtures ..... 728

14.7 Terminal boxes ................................. 706 3 Cable test for flame retardance............ 729
14.8 Transformers..................................... 706
14.9 Cable network .................................. 706
Part VII
15 Electrical equipment of refrigerating plants RADIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT
15.1 Distribution of electric power........... 708 1 General provisions
15.2 Ventilation and emergency lighting .. 708
1.1 Scope of application......................... 732
1.2. Terms and definitions....................... 732
16 Additional requirements
for special types of ships 1.3 General requirements to radio
equipment ........................................ 734
16.1 Passenger ships ................................. 709
16.2 Oil tankers ........................................ 711 2 Radio equipment
16.3 Ships for carrying vehicles with fuel
in their tanks and road tankers for 2.1 Radio equipment for ships of Ì, Î,
inflammable liquids .......................... 714 Ð and Ë classes................................. 736
16.4 Ships for carriage of insulated con- 2.2 Radio equipment for ships of
tainers ............................................... 715 Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes.... 737
16.5 Catamarans....................................... 716
16.6 Floating cranes ................................. 716 3 Power sources
16.7 Berth-connected ships ...................... 716
3.1 Power sources for radio equipment
16.8 Docks ............................................... 716
for ships of Ì, Î, Ð and Ë classes... 741
17 Electrical propulsion plants 3.2 Power sources for radio equipment
for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì ÏÐ and
17.1 General requirements ....................... 720 Î-ÏÐ classes.................................... 741
17.2 Supply voltage .................................. 720
17.3 Electrical machinery......................... 720 4 Arrangement of radio equipment
17.4 Switches in main and andexcitation and installation of cable network
circuits .............................................. 721 4.1 General requirements ....................... 744
17.5 Protection in the electrical propul- 4.2 Radio room ...................................... 745
sion plant circuits ............................. 722
4.3 Arrangement of radio equipment in
17.6 Measuring instruments and alarm .... 722 the radio room ................................. 746
17.7 Electrical propulsion plant control ... 723 4.4 Radio equipment room .................... 746
17.8 Electrical propulsion plants with 4.5 Arrangement of radio equipment in
semiconductor converters ................. 724 wheelhouse ....................................... 747
17.9 Electric clutches ............................... 725 4.6 Power equipment room.................... 748
17.10 Design of Electric Propulsion Plant . 725 4.7 Battery room .................................... 748
17.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility of 4.8 Arrangement of public address and
Electric Propulsion Plants ................ 726 broadcasting equipment.................... 749
4.9 Arrangement of EPIRBs, radar
18 Spare parts and supply items
transponders, AIS transmitters,
18.1 Spare parts........................................ 726 VHF apparatuses .............................. 749
18.2 Supply items ..................................... 726 4.10 Cable network installation................ 750

Appendices 5 Antenna assemblies and grounding

1 Protection levels of electrical equipment 727 5.1 General requirements ....................... 751
Contents 13

5.2 Antennas of INMARSAT ship earth 6.24 Stationary two-way VHF radiotele-
station............................................... 752 phone apparatus for life-saving ap-
5.3 Antenna of VHF radiotelephone pliances............................................. 780
station............................................... 753
5.4 Antenna cable leads and laying in- Part VIII
side spaces ........................................ 753 NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT
5.5 Grounding ........................................ 754
1 General requirements
6 Requirements to radio equipment 1.1 Scope of application......................... 784
6.1 General requirements ....................... 755 1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 784
6.2 Technical requirements to radio 1.3 Navigational equipment composi-
communication means ..................... 758 tion................................................... 786
6.3 MF/HF radio installation................. 759
6.4 VHF radiotelephone station ............. 763 2 Location of navigational equipment
6.5 Public address and broadcasting 2.1 General requirements ....................... 790
device ............................................... 764 2.2 Radar location.................................. 790
6.6 Command public address device ...... 764 2.3 Magnetic compass location .............. 792
6.7 MF radio installation........................ 765 2.4 Gyrocompass location...................... 792
6.8 VHF radio installation...................... 765 2.5 Autopilot and directional stabilizer
6.9 Enhanced group calling receiver ...... 768 location ............................................ 793
6.10 NAVTEX receiver ............................ 769 2.6 Echo sounder location ..................... 793
6.11 HF NBDP receiver for reception of 2.7 Log location ..................................... 794
maritime safety information ............. 770 2.8 Location of the antennas and re-
6.12 INMARSAT ship earth station......... 771 ceivers of the radio navigation sys-
6.13 General requirements to EPIRBs..... 772 tems and GLONASS, GPS,
SARSAT system ............................... 773 tems.................................................. 795
6.15 VHF EPIRB..................................... 773 2.9 Rate-of-turn indicator location ........ 795
6.16 Ship's and life-saving appliance's 2.10 Location of the electronic chart
radar transponder ............................. 774 display and information system for
6.17 Free floating emergency radio inland navigation (Inland ECDIS)... 795
equipment release and activation 2.11 Ship path control system location.... 796
arrangements .................................... 774 2.12 Automatic identification system
6.18 Two-way VHF radiotelephone ap- location ............................................ 796
paratus of life-saving appliances ....... 775 2.13 Voyage data recorder location.......... 796
6.19 Man-portable two-way VHF radio- 2.14 External audio signal reception
telephone apparatus for aircraft equipment location........................... 796
communication................................. 776 2.15 Radar reflector location.................... 797
6.20 Stationary two-way VHF radiotele- 2.16 Integrated navigational system loca-
phone apparatus for aircraft com- tion................................................... 797
munication ....................................... 777
6.21 GMDSS integrated radio commu- 3 Requirements to navigational equipment
nication system................................. 778
6.22 Security alert system......................... 779 3.1 General requirements ....................... 798
6.23 Ship's and life-saving appliance's 3.2 Requirements to radar...................... 803
automatic identification system 3.3 Requirements to magnetic compass . 815
transmitter ........................................ 779 3.4 Requirements to gyrocompass.......... 817
14 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

3.5 Remote heading transmitting device 818 2 General requirements

3.6 Requirements to autopilot and di- 2.1 Fire water main system .................... 869
rectional stabilizer............................. 818
2.2 Fire smothering systems ................... 869
3.7 Requirements to echo sounder ......... 819
2.3 Equipment of protected spaces ........ 870
3.8 Requirements to log ......................... 820
2.4 Alarm systems .................................. 871
3.9 Requirements to GNSS
2.5 Fire outfit ......................................... 871
GLONASS/GPS receiver................. 821
3.10 Requirements to GPS receiver ......... 822
3 Ships carrying dangerous goods in bulk
3.11 Requirements to GLONASS receiver 824 or in containers
3.12 Requirements to GALILEO receiver. 825
3.13 Requirements to rate-of-turn indi- 3.1 Cargo spaces..................................... 873
cator ................................................. 827 3.2 Ventilation........................................ 873
3.14 Requirements to presentation of 3.3 Engines and gas exhaust piping........ 874
navigation-related information on 3.4 Fuel tanks......................................... 874
shipborne navigation displays ........... 828 3.5 Drainage system ............................... 874
3.15 Requirements to the electronic 3.6 Fire extinguishing system ................. 874
chart display and information sys- 3.7 Fire detection system ....................... 875
tem for inland navigation (inland 3.8 Additional fire safety requirements... 875
ECDIS) ............................................ 834 3.9 Electrical equipment ........................ 875
3.16 Requirements to electronic chart 3.10 Double side space............................. 876
display and information system ........ 839 3.11 Emergency exit................................. 876
3.17 Requirements to ship track control
3.12 Floodability ...................................... 876
system............................................... 849
3.13 Scope of requirements depending
3.18 Requirements to shipboard automatic on class of carried dangerous goods . 877
identification system equipment ....... 851
3.19 Requirements to voyage data recorder 853 4 Inland navigation ships
3.20 Requirements to simplified voyage carrying dangerous goods in bulk
data recorder .................................... 856
3.21 Requirements to radar reflector........ 857 4.1 General provisions............................ 879
3.22 Requirements to integrated naviga- 4.2 Materials .......................................... 879
tion systems ...................................... 858 4.3 Protection against penetration of
3.23 Requirements to external audio gases ................................................. 880
signal reception equipment............... 858 4.4 Hold spaces and cargo tanks ............ 881
3.24 Requirements to sea watch alarm 4.5 Ventilation........................................ 882
system............................................... 858 4.6 Service and accommodation spaces . 883
3.25 Requirements to long range identifi- 4.7 Cofferdams ....................................... 884
cation and tracking system equipment 859 4.8 Openings of cargo tanks ................... 885
3.26 Requirements fo Electronic Chart 4.9 Stability and floodability .................. 886
Display Systems................................ 861 4.10 Machinery spaces ............................. 886
4.11 Tightness test.................................... 886
Part IX 4.12 Pumps and pipelines ........................ 887
REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPS 4.13 Residual dangerous goods tanks and
CARRYING DANGEROUS GOODS settling tanks..................................... 888
4.14 Water spraying system ...................... 888
1 General provisions 4.15 Engines and gas exhaust piping........ 889
1.1 Scope of application......................... 864 4.16 Bilge and ballst pumps ..................... 889
1.2 Terms and definitions....................... 864 4.17 Additional fire safety requirements... 889
Contents 15

4.18 Inert gas system ................................ 889 6.12 Arrangement of power installation
4.19 Dangerous goods heating system ...... 889 units and systems.............................. 933
4.20 Dangerous goods cooling system...... 890 6.13 Hull structure heating system........... 934
4.21 Instruments....................................... 891 6.14 Pipelines, valves and fittings............. 934
4.22 Electrical equipment......................... 892 6.15 Cargo system .................................... 938
4.23 Shower and washbasin...................... 894 6.16 Pressure reduction system ................ 938
4.24 Emergency exit................................. 894 6.17 Additional pressure reduction sys-
tem for liquid level adjustment......... 940
5 River-sea navigation ships 6.18 Vacuum protection system ............... 941
carrying liquid dangerous goods in bulk 6.19 Safety valve dimensions.................... 942
6.20 Cargo tank filling limits.................... 942
5.1 General provisions............................ 895 6.21 Gas-freeing system ........................... 943
5.2 Materials........................................... 895 6.22 Cargo pressure and temperature
5.3 Side drain holes................................ 896 regulation system.............................. 944
5.4 Cargo tanks ...................................... 896 6.23 Bilge system for evacuating cargo
5.5 Ventilation in cargo area .................. 896 leaks and ballast system.................... 944
5.6 Accommodation, service and ma- 6.24 Ventilation system ............................ 944
chinery spaces and control stations .. 897 6.25 Fire-fighting systems ........................ 946
5.7 Access to spaces located in cargo area 897 6.26 Inert gas system................................ 949
5.8 Floodabilty ....................................... 898 6.27 Tests of systems................................ 950
5.9 Drain and ballast systems ................. 899 6.28 Personnel protection ........................ 951
5.10 Cargo system .................................... 899 6.29 Electric equipment ........................... 953
5.11 Gas-freeing system ........................... 900 6.30 Special requirements ........................ 956
5.12 Degassing of cargo tanks .................. 901
5.13 Cargo temperature control systems .. 901 Appendices
5.14 Cargo tank atmosphere control ........ 901
1 Dangerous liquid cargoes and special
5.15 Electrical equipment......................... 902
technical requirements to inland navi-
5.16 Fire extinguishing system ................. 902
gation ships carrying such cargoes 965
5.17 Personnel protection......................... 903
2 Dangerous liquid cargoes and special
5.18 Special requirements ........................ 904 technical requirements to river-sea
navigation ships carrying such cargoes 976
6 River-sea navigation ships 3 Liquefied gases and special technical
carrying liquefied gases in bulk requirements river-sea navigation
ships carrying such cargoes 996
6.1 General provisions............................ 912
6.2 Hull design ....................................... 912
Part X
6.3 Cargo tanks ...................................... 912
6.4 Secondary barrier ............................. 918 MATERIALS AND WELDING
6.5 Insulation of cargo tanks .................. 919 1 General provisions
6.6 Fabrication and testing of cargo
tanks ................................................. 920 1.1 Scope of application......................... 1000
6.7 Strength calculations ........................ 922 1.2 Terms and definitions.......................1000
6.8 Structural fire protection .................. 928 1.3 Marking............................................1000
6.9 Floodability ...................................... 929
2 Steel and cast iron
6.10 Control stations ................................ 930
6.11 Detection of dangerous cargo va- 2.1 General requirements .......................1002
pours (gas) ........................................ 931 2.2 Hull structural steel ..........................1002
16 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

2.3 Steel for boilers and pressure vessels 1005 7 Welding procedure requirements
2.4 Steel pipes and tubes ........................1006
2.5 Steel for chain cables and accessories 1008 7.1 General requirements .......................1035
2.6 Steel forgings ....................................1008 7.2 Welding of ship hull and equipment 1036
2.7 Steel castings ....................................1011 7.3 Welding of ship machinery con-
2.8 Steel propeller castings .....................1013 struction items.................................. 1038
2.9 High strength steel for welded 7.4 Welding of steam boilers and pres-
structures ..........................................1014 sure vessels ....................................... 1039
2.10 Steel reinforcement ..........................1014 7.5 Welding of ship pipelines .................1040
2.11 Nodular graphite iron castings .........1015 7.6 Welding of castings and forgings ......1040
2.12 Grey iron castings ............................1016 7.7 Welding of clad steels.......................1041
2.13 Malleable cast iron ...........................1017 7.8 Welding of high strength steel ..........1041
7.9 Welding of cast iron .........................1042
3 Copper and copper-base alloys 7.10 Brazing .............................................1042
3.1 Semi-manufactured products of 7.11 Welding of aluminium alloys............1042
copper and copper-base alloys ........1018 7.12 Welding of copper alloys, heavy
3.2 Propeller castings..............................1018 metals and other non-ferrous metals 1042

4 Aluminium alloys 8 Inspection of welded joints

4.1 Wrought aluminium alloys ...............1020 8.1 Inspection management ...................1043
4.2 Cast aluminium alloys ......................1021 8.2 Scope of non-destructive testing ......1045
8.3 Assessment of weld quality...............1047
5 Materials used for LNG carriers
5.1 General requirements .......................1023 9 Welding consumables
5.2 Materials to be used at design tem- 9.1 General provisions............................1050
peratures of 0 °Ñ and above............1024
9.2 Welding consumables for hull struc-
5.3 Materials to be used at design tem- tural steels ........................................ 1050
peratures of 0 to minus 55 °Ñ .........1024
9.3 Welding consumables for boiler
5.4 Materials to be used at design tem-
steel .................................................. 1052
peratures of minus 55 to minus
165 °Ñ ..............................................1025 9.4 Welding consumables for welding
5.5 Materials intended for pipes to be steel intended for manufacturing of
used at the design temperature of 0 the ship machinery...........................1052
to minus 165 °Ñ ...............................1026 9.5 Welding consumables for high
5.6 Testing of insulation materials..........1026 strength steel ....................................1052
9.6 Welding consumables for alumin-
ium and alumunium alloys............... 1053
6 Non-metallic materials
9.7 Groundings not-removed prior to
6.1 General requirements .......................1028 welding .............................................1053
6.2 Reinforced concrete .........................1028
6.3 Glass-reinforced plastics...................1030 Appendices
6.4 Laminated textiles ............................1031 1 Test method of ship structural materi-
6.5 Foam plastics....................................1032 als for non-combustibility....................1054
6.6 Deck plating .....................................1033 2 Test method of ship structural materi-
6.7 Plastic piping and fittings .................1033 als for flame propagation .....................1058
6.8 Adhesives..........................................1033 3 Test method for testing deck coatings
6.9 Retro-reflecting materials for life- for ignitability ...................................... 1061
saving appliances ..............................1033 4 Method of fire tests of textiles.............1064
Contents 17

5 Method for testing fire-resistant struc- 6 Ship arrangements and outfit

tures .....................................................1068
6.1 Steering gear.....................................1141
6 Determination of corrosion resistance
6.2 Anchor arrangement.........................1141
of welded joint in sea water .................1072
6.3 Life-saving appliances ......................1142
7 Determination of crack-resistance of
welding joint ........................................1074 6.4 Special wheelhouse arrangements
for radar steering by one person.......1142
8 Determination of effect of non-
removed groundings on weldability .....1079 6.5 Signal means ....................................1144
9 Method of determination of diffusible
hydrogen contents in deposited metal .1082 7 Electric equipment
10 Testing methods of materials ...............1087 7.1 Rate-of-turn meter...........................1145
11 Inspection and acceptance methods of
materials ..............................................1099 Part XII
12 Testing methods for welded joints and REQUIREMENTS
welding consumables and estimation FOR CNG-FUELLED SHIPS
of their results......................................1111
1 General provisions
Part XI 1.1 Scope of application.........................1148
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1.2 Terms and definitions.......................1148
FOR SHIPS TO BE OPERATED 1.3 Informative instructions ...................1149
2 Gas-fuelled ship hull and superstructure
1 General provisions
2.1 General requirements .......................1150
1.1 Scope and application ......................1126
3 CNG tanks
2 Hull and hull equipment
3.1 General requirements .......................1152
2.1 Hull design .......................................1127
4 Equipment for CNG supply to consumers
3 Stability. Floodability. Freeboard.
Maneuverability 4.1 General requirements .......................1154
3.1. Passenger ship stability .....................1128 5 CNG consumers
3.2 Stability of container ships ...............1129
3.3 Requirements for damage trim and 5.1 Main and auxiliary engines ..............1158
stability of passenger ships in case 5.2 Self-contained boilers.......................1159
of flooded compartments..................1132
3.4 Load line ..........................................1133 6 Ventilation of spaces
3.5 Freeboard and safety clearance ........1134 6.1 Normally manned spaces .................1160
3.6 Maneuverability of ships...................1136 6.2 Occasionally manned and other
spaces ............................................... 1161
4 Fire protection
7 Gas control in spaces
4.1 Fire protection outfit standards ........1139
7.1 General requirements .......................1162
5 Power installation and systems
8 Fire protection
5.1 Power installation .............................1140
5.2 Systems.............................................1140 8.1 General requirements .......................1163
18 Rules for Classification and Construction of Ships (RCCS)

9 Electric equipment 3 Ladders, gangways, ramps, lifts

9.1 General requirements .......................1164 3.1 Requirements to ladders...................1170
3.2 Requirements to stairs......................1170
10 Personnel protection 3.3 Requirements to gangways ...............1170
10.1 General requirements .......................1165 3.4 Requirements to ramps ....................1170
3.5 Requirements to lifts ........................1170
4 Guard rails and handrails
FOR CARRYING ONBOARD 4.1 General requirements .......................1172
5 Requirements to spaces
1 General provisions
5.1 General requirements .......................1173
1.1 Scope of application.........................1168
5.2 Lavatories and toilet compartments .1173
1.2 Terms and definitions.......................1168
1.3 Information support .........................1168 6 Safety measures
2 Passages, doors, sills and coamings 6.1 General requirements .......................1175
2.1 Requirements to passages .................1169
7 Alarm and communication systems
2.2 Requirements to doors .....................1169
2.3 Requirements to sills and coamings .1169 7.1 General requirements .......................1176
Part 0

20 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”


1.1 The present Part of the Rules for the used for non-for-profit purposes. The re-
Classification and Construction of Inland and quirements of the present Rules are applicable
Combined (River-Sea) Navigation Ships (here to passenger ships, tankers, pushboats, tug-
and in all other Parts — Rules) defines the boats, ice breakers and industrial ships of
basic terms and definitions applicable for all overall length less than 20 m.
Parts of the Rules, general procedure of ship‘s The requirements of the present Rules are
class adjudication and composing of class not applicable to small craft, pleasure ships,
formula, as well as contains information on sports sailing ships, military and border-
the documents issued by Russian River Regis- security ships, ships with nuclear power units,
ter (hereinafter — River Register) and on the floating drill rigs and other floating facilities.
areas and seasons of operation of the ships However, the River Register develops and
with the River Register class. issues corresponding regulations and other
1.2 When performing its classification and standards being part of the Rules for particu-
survey activities the River Register is governed lar types of ships (small craft used for com-
by the requirements of applicable interna- mercial purposes, pleasure and sports sailing
tional agreements of Russian Federation, ships, ekranoplans etc.) and other floating
Regulations on Classification and Survey of facilities (pontoon bridges etc.).
Ships, as well as the Rules specified in Clause 1.5 In order to verify the compliance with
2 of Article 35 of Inland Water Transport the requirements of the Rules the River Reg-
Code of Russian Federation which contain ister approves the technical documentation on
the requirements for the ships and their com- construction, repair, modernization and refit-
ponents specified in 1.4, in regard to their ting of ships, manufacturing of products and
designing, manufacturing, modernization, materials for installation onboard the ships.
refitting and repair, as well as the require-
Ships, materials and products, which tech-
ments for products and materials intended for
nical documentation is submitted to the River
use onboard the ship.
Register for approval after the Rules or
1.3 The purpose of classification and survey amendments thereto have come into force,
of the ships is the performance of works (ren- are to meet the requirements of those Rules
dering services) on evaluation of compliance and amendments. To ships under construc-
of ships, materials and products intended for tion, materials and products, which technical
installation onboard the ships, organizations, documentation had been approved by River
which design, manufacture, modernize, refit Register before the Rules came into force, the
and repair the ships as well as products and Rules’ version is applied which was in force at
materials for ships, with the Rules. the moment of its approval unless otherwise
stated in the Rules.
1.4 The requirements of the present Rules
are applicable to the ships subject to official 1.6 If the technical documentation contains
registration as well as to the products and equivalents to the Rules’ requirements, the
materials for the ships except for small craft organization developer of such technical
1 General provisions 21

documentation shall provide to the River Rules, then the corresponding documents
Register a list of the equivalents with their shall not be issued (confirmed, renewed or
detailed description and technical evaluation. restored) for such ship or the already issued
documents shall be withdrawn or suspended
1.7 If the ship with the River Register class by the River Register as specified in 2.16 of the
does not comply with the requirements of the Rules for Supervision of Ships in Operation.
22 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”


2.1 The following terms and abbreviations regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Trans-
related to the classification activity are used in port of Russian Federation which specifies the
the present Rules: procedure of ships classification by organiza-
.1 R i v e r R e g i s t e r — FAI “Russian tions authorized to carry out classification and
River Register” as organization in general or survey of ships;
its particular structural subdivision (Head Of- .6 R u l e s o f t h e R i v e r R e g i s -
fice, Branch Offices) if otherwise specified; t e r ( R u l e s ) — an integrated technical
.2 H e a d O f f i c e o f R i v e r R e g - standard document(s) of the River Register.
i s t e r ( H e a d O f f i c e ) — part of River The Rules specify the requirements for ships,
Register located at the legal (actual) address materials and products to be used on board
of River Register and executing inter alia such the ships when designing and manufacturing
functions as arrangement and coordination of (construction); the requirements for the pro-
Branch Offices’ activity; cedures of technical supervision over con-
struction, modernization, refitting and repair
.3 B r a n c h O f f i c e — standalone of ships, manufacturing, mounting, testing of
subdivision of the River Register specified in materials and products to be installed onboard
its Statute and executing part of River Regis- the ships as well as the requirements for the
ter’s functions on the basis of the guidelines survey procedures applied to ships, their com-
approved by the River Register and within the ponents and facilities in service.
specified scope of activity;
.4 E x p e r t — authorized person of 2.2 The following terms and definitions are
River Register executing one or more of the used in the Rules.
following functions in accordance with the .1 W i t h d r a w a l o f c l a s s — can-
Rules: cellation of the documents issued by the River
Register for a ship and removal of this ship
consideration and approval of technical
from the Register book of ships;
.2 T u g b o a t — self-propelled ship
technical supervision over construction, equipped with a towing gear and intended for
modernization, refitting, repair of ships and towing of other ships and floating facilities;
their components, manufacturing of materials .3 L i g h t - s h i p d i s p l a c e m e n t —
and products intended for installation onboard ship displacement in tons without cargo, fuel,
the ships; lubrication oil, ballast, fresh and boiler waters
survey of the ships in service and the or- in the tanks, waste waters, ship’s stores, pas-
ganizations which carry out works (render sengers, crew members and their belongings,
services) or manufacture products in accor- but with water, fuel and oil in boilers, engines
dance with the requirements of Rules; and pipelines;
issuance of the documents of the River .4 R e n e w a l o f c l a s s — issuance of
Register; Classification Certificate for a ship, which had
.5 R e g u l a t i o n s o n C l a s s i f i c a - a class before but its validity period has ex-
tion and Survey of Ships — pired;
2 Basic terms 23

.5 R e s t o r a t i o n o f c l a s s — res- .12 D a t e o f s h i p c o n s t r u c t i o n
toration of Classification Certificate for a ship — the date of issuance of the River Register
the class of which was suspended; documents for the ship when the results of
.6 R a n d o m i n s p e c t i o n — one of initial survey of the ship after construction are
the River Register’s methods of technical su- positive. For the ships built not under techni-
pervision or survey. During the random in- cal supervision of the River Register the date
spection when performing the technical su- of ship construction is the date of issuance of
pervision the object’s compliance with the the documents by a classification society
requirements of the Rules is examined on the which carried out technical supervision over
basis of control inspection of particular pa- ship construction. If such supervision was not
rameters, dimensions, properties or character- carried out at all the date of ship construction
istics of the object or on the basis of inspec- is the date of issuance of the documents by
tion of one or more samples from a batch as the organization manufacturer of the ship;
well as particular manufacturing operations, .13 D e a d w e i g h t — difference be-
conditions or other parameters. During the tween ship displacement at freeboard mark
random inspection when performing the tech- drought and light-ship displacement;
nical supervision of a ship the compliance of .14 F l a m m a b l e l i q u i d s — oil, oil
ship’s components and ship’s technical facili- products and other liquids equivalent to them
ties with the requirements of the Rules is ex- (hereinafter – oil products) capable to create
amined on the basis of the random inspection explosive and inflammable concentrations of
of particular dimensions, properties, parame- vapor and with vapor flash point specified
ters and characteristics; according to national standards1;
.7 H i g h - s p e e d s h i p — a ship ca- .15 P r o d u c t s — ship’s technical facili-
pable to move at a maximum speed v, m/s, ties (engines, generators, compressors, pumps,
equal or more than v  3, 7V 0.1667 , where V deck machinery, steering engines etc.), boil-
— volume displacement of the ship at the ers, components of ship facilities, electrical,
design waterline draught, m3. The definition is radio, navigational and other equipment,
components of ship’s technical facilities, boil-
applicable for ships with V  150 m3;
ers and equipment, appliances, consumables,
.8 W a v e h e i g h t — a characteristic of
fixtures and other objects which are subject
waves specified as height of wind waves the
to the requirements of the Rules;
probability of which complies with that ap-
.16 Domestic voyage — any voyage of the
proved for water basins and sea areas of the
ship which is not international;
given type;
.17 P r o d u c t q u a l i t y — a combi-
.9 S k i m m i n g b o a t ( s k i m m e r ) —
nation of product's properties specifying prod-
a ship the basic mode of motion of which is
uct's capability to meet the requirements of
skimming the water surface, when the sup-
the Rules in accordance with product's desig-
porting force is mainly composed of water
reaction and the influence of buoyancy is
negligible; .18 C l a s s i f i c a t i o n — activities of
the River Register including development and
.10 T y p e s h i p — a ship of single
publication of the Rules, consideration and
construction or first ship in production batch
approval of technical documentation for con-
built from a new project.
struction, refitting, modernization and repair
First ship built from the same project but
of ships, manufacturing of materials and
by other organization is considered as first but
products, survey of ships and organizations,
not type ship;
technical supervision over manufacturing of
.11 C a r g o s h i p — a ship designed for
transportation of cargos (dry cargo ship, tank
ship, combined ship, refrigerating cargo ship 1
ГОСТ Р 53717, ГОСТ 26098, ГОСТ 4333,
etc.); ГОСТ 12.1.044
24 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

materials and products, repair of products, state or from the port of foreign state to the
construction, repair, modernization and refit- port of the flag state of the ship.
ting of ships with class assigning (issuance of .27 S h e l t e r a r e a — a natural or arti-
corresponding documents), as well as confir- ficial protected water area which may be used
mation, suspension, renewal, restoration and by a ship as a shelter when there is a danger
withdrawal of class on the basis of ship survey to ship's safety;
results in accordance with the Rules; .28 M u l t i h u l l s h i p — a ship the
.19 S h i p ' s c l a s s — a combination of supporting force of which is provided by at
symbols assigned to the ship during classifica- least two hulls joint with a special structure;
tion which specifies the design features and .29 S h i p m o d e r n i z a t i o n — a
conditions of operation of the ship in accor- combination of operations on changing the
dance with the Rules and safety requirements; design of the ship or ship's component aimed
.20 C o m b i n e d c a r g o s h i p — a at improvement of technical and operational
ship designed for alternate bulk transportation characteristics of the ship and living and
of liquid cargos or bulk and/or other hard working conditions as well as fulfillment of
cargos. A separate cargo space is provided for the requirements of international agreements
each cargo type; and treaties of Russian Federation in the area
.21 C o n t a i n e r c a r r i e r s h i p — of inland water transport and merchant marine;
special ship designed and equipped for trans- .30 S u p e r s t r u c t u r e — a closed
portation of cargos in containers; structure on the freeboard deck which extends
.22 I c e b r e a k e r — special ship de- from side to side of the ship or whose side
signed for breaking the ice cover and support- walls are not set inboard of the ship's sides by
ing the navigation; more than 4% of the breadth (B);
.23 S m a l l c r a f t — a ship the overall .31 L i q u i d c a r g o s h i p — a ship
length of which does not exceed 20 m and the designed for transportation of liquid cargos in
total number of persons onboard does not bulk;
exceed 12 persons; .32 F l o a t i n g b r i d g e — a bridge
.24 E n g i n e r o o m — a room or a with floating piers;
number of rooms where the main an auxiliary .33 D a n g e r o u s g o o d s — sub-
components of the power plant as well as re- stances, materials and products containing
pair bays and workshops are located. The such substances and materials with properties
room is longitudinally limited by the trans- which may create a threat to life and health
verse tight bulkheads, in transverse direction – of people, cause damage to the environment,
by ship's sides and vertically – by ship's deck damage or destroy material values during
and bottom; transportation;
.25 M a c h i n e r y s p a c e s — spaces .34 O r g a n i z a t i o n — legal body (ir-
within the engine room where main and aux- respective of legal organizational form, prop-
iliary engines as well as boilers, compressors, erty form and departmental identity) or indi-
their systems and auxiliaries, pumps of ship's vidual businessman which is carrying out de-
systems, electric power sources, distributing sign, construction, repair, modernization and
devices, electrical devices, power converters, refitting of ships, manufacturing and repair of
fuel receiving stations, technical facilities and products and manufacturing of materials for
equipment of refrigerating installations, venti- installation onboard the ships as well as test
lation and air conditioning systems are lo- laboratories which have recognition certificate
cated as well as other similar spaces and confirming that the organization manufactures
trunks leading to such spaces; its products, performs works and/or renders
.26 I n t e r n a t i o n a l v o y a g e — a services in accordance with the Rules. The
voyage from the state under the flag of which results of organization's activities are used by
the ship is sailing to the port outside the flag the River Register during classification process;
2 Basic terms 25

.35 S u r v e y o f s h i p s — part of clas- .42 R e f i t t i n g o f s h i p — a combi-

sification process consisting of the following: nation of operations on changing ship's struc-
check of availability of approved technical ture in order to change its functional purpose;
documentation, certificates (specified by the .43 F l o a t i n g c r a n e — a crane on a
Rules) or conformity documents for materials floating platform intended for load handling;
and component parts used or installed on- .44 C o n f i r m a t i o n o f c l a s s — an
board the ship during the period of time since averment made on the basis of annual or
the last survey, documents of organization's regular survey of the ship which confirms that
technical control service, ship owner's docu- the ship with the River Register class fully or
ments, certificates of previous surveys; to the extent considered by the River Register
visual inspection, measurements, checks as sufficient complies with those requirements
during operation and test of the ship and its of the Rules which are applicable to the ship
components; in accordance with its employment, condi-
issuance of the documents specified in the tions of operation and class formula. On the
Rules; basis of the above the ship is recognized as
.36 S u r v e y o f o r g a n i z a t i o n s — capable for navigation in the areas specified in
part of classification process aimed at confir- the Classification Certificate;
mation that the organization manufactures .45 P o n t o o n — a floating structure
products, performs works and/or renders services intended for keeping afloat various facilities
which meet the requirements of the Rules; using its own buoyancy. The pontoons may be
.37 F e r r y — a self-propelled or non- used as supports for floating cranes, floating
self-propelled transport ship intended for docks, traveling ship elevators etc.;
transportation of land vehicles, people and .46 C o n t r o l s t a t i o n s — spaces
cargoes from one cost to another; where the main navigational instruments, ship
control equipment, radio sets, broadcasting
.38 P a s s e n g e r — an individual which
centers and central fire-fighting stations are
concluded a passenger carriage contract, or an
located, accumulator rooms and plant rooms
individual for transportation of which a con-
for radio sets or for emergency lighting as well
tract of affreightment is concluded;
as spaces for emergency power sources;
.39 P a s s e n g e r c a p a c i t y — maxi-
.47 S u s p e n s i o n o f c l a s s — sus-
mum number of passengers allowed for trans-
pension of validity of ship documents:
portation by the given passenger ship or crew
boat according to its specification and the after damage of the ship without elimina-
River Register documents; tion of which the operation safety can not be
.40 P a s s e n g e r s h i p — a ship in- provided;
tended for transportation of more than 12 in case of presentation of the ship for sur-
passengers; vey within specified time limit;
.41 R e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f s h i p — when performing works on structural
a procedure of assignment of a new class to a changes of the ship without preliminary ap-
ship on the basis of initial survey in the course proval of the River Register;
of which an evaluation of compliance of all when violating the navigation conditions
ship components and technical documenta- specified in the ship documents;
tion (approved by the River Register) with the when failing to fulfill the requirements of
requirements of the Rules (applicable to the the Rules and the River Register.
new class) is performed. After reclassification .48 P l e a s u r e s h i p — a ship in-
the ship receives a new class as well as new tended for recreation on water with total
conditions and areas of navigation are as- number of people onboard not exceeding 18
signed. Apart from that the freeboard and the persons including not more than 12 passengers;
dates of the next regular and annual surveys .49 C r e w b o a t — a ship intended for
are specified; transportation of not more than 12 crew
26 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

members and which is not a passenger, small .60 H y d r o f o i l s h i p — a ship, which

or pleasure ship; is maintained above the water surface by hydro-
.50 D e c k h o u s e — a decked structure dynamic forces created by the hydrofoil wings
on the freeboard deck or a superstructure when moving under operating conditions;
deck whose side walls are set inboard of the .61 B u l k o i l - c a r r y i n g s h i p — a
ship's sides by more than 4% of the breadth (B). cargo ship designed for oil and oil products
The deckhouse has doors, windows and other storage and transportation in bulk. Oil stations
openings in the outside bulkheads. The deck- (oil transfer, bunker and pollution control
houses may be arranged in one or more tiers; stations, as well as oil-containing water gather-
.51 F i s h i n g s h i p — a ship intended ing and treatment stations) and oil-gathering
and specially equipped for fishing and/or fish ships are to be considered as bulk oil-carrying
handling as well as for transportation of fish ship as regards to the Rules application;
products; .62 S h i p w i t h d y n a m i c p r i n c i -
.52 C o n v o y — self-propelled and non- p l e o f s u p p o r t i n g — a ship, the mass
self-propelled ships coupled with each other (or major part of the mass) of which is coun-
or floating structures towed or pushed by a terbalanced by non-bouyant forces under one
ship (ships) forming part of the convoy; of the operating conditions; or which is capa-
.53 R a p i d s h i p — a ship capable of ble to operate at such speed when the ratio
sailing at a speed greater than km/h; (speed coefficient) of maximal speed of the
.54 S a i l i n g s p o r t s h i p — a ship ship to the square root of product of free fall
built or refitted for sports activities and used acceleration and ship length (at construction
for noncommercial purposes, the primary waterline) is not less than 0.9 (ACS, hydrofoil
motive force of which is the wind force; ship, air cavern ship, skimmer, ekranoplan etc.);
.55 (shall be considered to have lost force); .63 C o m b i n e d n a v i g a t i o n (river
.56 S h i p — a self-propelled or non-self- – sea) s h i p — a ship, which is capable (ac-
propelled floating facility used for navigation cording to technical characteristics) and al-
such as combined (river-sea) navigation ship, lowed (according to established procedure) for
ferry, dredger, floating crane and other tech- operation at sea and on inland water ways;
nical facilities alike; .64 I n d u s t r i a l s h i p — a ship de-
.57 S h i p u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n — signed for maintenance of ships and water ways,
a ship under construction from the moment port facilities, underwater mining etc. (dredg-
of keel laying-down until the moment of ob- ers, sludge carriers, multicats, bouy tenders
taining of ship's documents issued by the and crew boats designed for navigation support,
River Register, which confirm ship's compli- ecological monitoring and analysis of water
ance with the Rules. environment, bottom soil and ambient air);
The moment (date) of keel laying-down is .65 S h i p o w n e r — a legal body or an
the moment of the beginning of construction, individual which operates the ship on behalf
which can be specified as related to the pre- of itself whether he owns the ship or uses her
sent ship, or when the mass of assembled part on other legal grounds;
of the hull is not less than 1 % from calcu- .66 N a v i g a t i o n — an activity related
lated mass of all the ship materials; to the use of ships on inland water ways for
.58 S h i p i n o p e r a t i o n — a ship, transportation of goods, passengers and their
which is not a ship under construction; belongings, as well as postal items, towing of
.59 A i r - c u s h i o n s h i p (ACS) — a ships and other floating objects, exploration
ship, the mass (in whole or significant part) of and extraction of minerals, construction ac-
which is maintained above the water (ground, tivities, trackworks, hydraulic works, under-
ice etc.) in motion or at standstill by the ex- water technical operations and other similar
cess air pressure forces created by the air con- works, piloting, icebreaker assistance, rescue
stantly inflated under the hull into the cavity operations, water objects protection activities,
called air cushion; contamination and pollution prevention, lift-
2 Basic terms 27

ing of sunken property, monitoring activities, to the Merchant Shipping Code of Russian
scientific activities, educational, training, Federation;
sports activities, as well as for cultural and .75 S h i p c l a s s f o r m u l a — a se-
other purposes; quence of symbols and words specifying ship's
.67 D r y c a r g o s h i p — a ship de- class, which is specified by the Regulations on
signed for transportation of dry cargoes (gen- Classification and Survey of Ships and the
eral cargoes, containers, timber, cargoes in Rules (see 2.2.19);
bulk, vehicles without passengers etc.); .76 S h i p c r e w — command person-
.68 T a n k e r — a liquid cargo ship built or nel, ship's company, as well as servicing staff
refitted for transportation of liquid or semiliquid onboard the passenger ship. Command per-
cargoes, mainly crude oil and oil products; sonnel consists of the captain, dredger officer,
.69 T e c h n i c a l d o c u m e n t a t i o n their mates and assistants, engineers, electrical
— design and technological documentation, engineers, their assistants, radio engineers and
as well as technical documentation for objects medical officers. Ship's company consists of
of technical supervision, which contains data persons (which are not part of command per-
required for checking the compliance with the sonnel or servicing staff) who provide the fol-
Rules; lowing: ship navigation, maintenance, surviv-
.70 T e c h n i c a l s u p e r v i s i o n — ability and safety of operation, as well as
part of classification process, which includes maintenance of ship's technical facilities, sys-
step-by-step checks of Rules execution as well tems and equipment;
as attendance at the tests in the course of .77 F l o a t i n g o b j e c t — a non-self-
ships (or their components) construction, propelled floating facility, which is not a ship,
refitting, modernization and repair, manufac- including landing stage, floating (located on
turing and repair of ship technical facilities water surface) house, hotel, restaurant, pon-
and materials intended for installation on- toon, raft, pontoon bridge, floating pier and
board the ship. The list of objects, type and other similar technical facility;
volume of technical supervision are specified .78 S p e c i a l p e r s o n n e l — persons
by the Rules; onboard the ship which are not passengers or
.71 T y p e t e c h n o l o g i c a l p r o c - ship crew.
e s s — a technological process intended for Special personnel include:
specified conditions and field of application .1 officers performing official duties
without any reference to particular ship or within the scope of their official powers in the
other object of technical supervision; field of border monitoring, customs inspec-
.72 P u s h b o a t — a ship designed for tion, sanitary, transport, port control or any
propelling other ships or other floating facili- other state control or supervision;
ties by means of pushing; .2 persons participating in the following
.73 R e q u i r e m e n t s of River activities: exploration and extraction of min-
R e g i s t e r — requirements of the Rules eral resources, building, roadway, hydraulic or
and other regulatory documents of the River underwater works and similar, rescue opera-
Register, as well as the requirements specified tions, security of water objects, weighing of
in written form including the documents is- sunken property, investigation of transport
sued by the River Register; accidents, scientific researches, pilotage and
.74 A r e a w i t h s e a n a v i g a t i o n icebreaker assistance.
c o n d i t i o n s — an area of water ways of .3 persons which are transported to other
Russian Federation within which the naviga- ships in order to change the crew.
tion-hydrographic conditions of navigation .79 S p e c i a l p u r p o s e s h i p — a
safety provisions comply with the require- ship allowed for operation in sea areas with
ments of merchant navigation, and the mat- more than 12 persons of special personnel
ters arising from navigation safety are subject onboard.
28 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”


3.1 The ship's class is assigned to the ship port1. These lists are given in Appendices 1
during the initial survey. The class may be and 2 for reference.
confirmed, suspended, renewed and restored 3.4 The assignment of a class to the ship is
for a period of time (specified by the River certified by issuance of Classification Certifi-
Register) or withdrawn during other types of
cate where (as in other ship documents) the
surveys. Assignment, renewal and restoration class formula is specified for the ship on the
of class are certified by issuance of Classifica- basis of initial survey results.
tion Certificate or by confirmation of Certifi-
cate's validity period. 3.5 The main symbols in the class formula
of inland navigation ships are letters "Ë", "Ð",
"Î" and "Ì", which determine the design fea-
3.2 The ship's class assignment is per- tures of a ship and the water basin category
formed in accordance with ship's design fea- where the ship is allowed for operation.
tures and classification of water basins where
The main symbols in the class formula for
the ship shall be operated.
the ships operating in the sea areas are letter
combinations "Î-ÏÐ", "Ì-ÏÐ" and "Ì-ÑÏ",
3.3 Inland water basins are classed on cate- which determine the design features of the
gories "Ë", "Ð", "Î" and "Ì" due to their ship and her operating conditions in the sea
wind-and-wave conditions on the basis of the areas.
following: 3.6 Proceeding from the design features of
in the basins of "Ë", "Ð" and "Î" categories the ship the main class symbol is added by the
the waves of 1 percent probability with 0.6; following supplementary symbols:
1.2 è 2.0 m height respectively have a total .1 the symbol ‡ for the ships built under
reoccurrence (probability) for not more than technical supervision of the River Register or
4 percent of navigation time; other Classification Society recognized by the
in the basins of "Ì" category the waves of River Register and authorized to perform
3 percent probability with 3.0 m height have a classification and survey of ships, which is put
total reoccurrence (probability) for not more in front of the main symbol, e.g. ‡Î;
than 4 percent of navigation time.
The sea areas are classed on "Î-ÏÐ", "Ì- 1
Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russian
ÏÐ" and "Ì-ÑÏ" categories depending on Federation No. ÍÑ-140-ð dated 22.11.2002 with
their wind-and-wave conditions and availabil- amendments introduced by the Orders of the Min-
ity of shelter areas. istry of Transport of Russian Federation
No. ÍÑ-183-ð dated 31.12.2003, No. ÈË-88-ð
The list of inland water basins and sea ar-
dated 31.12.2008, No. ÑÀ-29-ð dated 10.04.2009,
eas where the ships are operated according to No. ÌÑ-99-ð dated 23.09.2013, No. ÌÑ-89-ð
their categories, as well as the operating con- dated 17.07.2014, No. ÌÑ-144-ð dated
ditions of the ships are established by a federal 25.09.2014, No. ÎÁ-64-ð-à dated 29.06.2015,
body of executive power in the field of trans- No. ÎÁ-65-ð-à dated 29.06.2015 .
3 Ship's class and class formula 29

.2 the permissive wave height in meters and purpose shall be performed according to
with the accuracy to within nearest decimal the technical documentation approved by the
point is put directly after the main class sym- River Register and under the technical super-
bol, e.g. "‡Î2.0". vision of the latter. Calculations and testsshall
For high-speed ships: skimmers, ACS, be made according to the Rules' version,
hydrofoil ships, air cavern ships and ekrano- which was in force at the moment of devel-
plans the wave height restrictions are given as opment of the technical documentation for
a fraction with a numerator being the wave re-classification, and shall be directed towards
height at displacement mode, and a denomi- the new operating conditions due to changes
nator being the wave height in service mode of external stresses, technical characteristics
followed by the ship type according to the (draught, water displacement, freeboard etc.),
movement principle, e.g. the type of goods carried etc.
"‡Ð1.2/0.8 skimmer", «‡Î2.0/1.2 ACS», The works connected with preparing the
«‡Î2.0/1.5 hydrofoil ship», «‡Ð1.2/0.4 ek- ship for re-classification for lower class as-
ranoplan»; signment shall be performed according to the
.3 for ships fitted with special ice technical documentation approved by the
strengthenings the wave height value is fol- River Register and under the technical super-
lowed by the word "ëåä" (ice) in brackets and vision of the latter provided that the type and
the value of thickness of finely broken winter purpose of the ship shall not changed. The
ice, in cm, specified by the River Register volume of documentation shall be sufficient
when approving the ship design, e.g. "‡Î2.0 for confirmation of ship's components com-
(ëåä 20)". Class formula of icebreakers in- pliance with the Rules' requirements applied
cludes the word "ëåäîêîë" (icebreaker); for the new class of the ship.
.4 for ships fitted with automation means
according to the Rules the letter "A" is put 3.10 The River Register may assign a class
after all symbols mentioned in para. 1 – 3 of to a ship which is built not under the techni-
the present Clause, e.g. "‡Î2.0 (ëåä 20) À". cal supervision of the latter or built under
technical supervision of other organization
3.7 The River Register may withdraw or authorized to perform classification and sur-
change any symbol in the class formula in the vey of ships. In this case the River Register
event of change or violation of conditions shall consider the technical documentation for
being the basis for entering that symbol into the ship and perform the analysis of ship de-
the class formula. sign compliance with the Rules' requirements,
3.8 Upon ship owner's application the requests elimination of discrepancies detected
River Register may perform ship re- and survey of defects for all components of
classification. On the basis of such re- the ship including component-by-component
classification the main class symbol in the survey of hull structure. Upon completion of
class formula of the ship, as well as ship's type the above the River Register shall assign a
and/or purpose, may be changed. class to the ship on the basis of initial survey.
3.9 The works connected with preparing 3.11 A ship entry shall be made in the Ship
the ship for re-classification for higher class Registry Book after assignment of the River
assignment and/or changing the ship's type Register's class.
30 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”


4.1 When performing classification the the laws of Russian Federation and the Rules.
River Register issues documents specified by


5.1 The requirements for ships (and their ÏÐ", "Ì-ÑÏ" sea areas are given in the Parts
components) intended for operation in "Ë", I – XI of the Rules and Appendices 1 – 3.
"Ð", "Î", "Ì" water basins and "Î-ÏÐ", "Ì-
6 List of Inland Water Basins According to their Category for Determination of Areas and Conditions of ... 31



6.1 Category "Ë" is assigned to the follow- Enisey – from the source to Ust-Abakan
ing basins: village;
.1 reservoirs: Indigirka – from the source Druzhin vil-
Voronezhskoe; lage;
Sayano-Shushenskoe — from Verkhny Irtysh – from the source to Omsk City
Enisey River to Shagonar City; (mouth of Om River, 1833.5th km of Irtysh
.2 rivers: River);
Aldan — from the upper reaches to the Iya – from the source to 180th km;
village of Ust-Maya; Kama – from the source to Berezniki
Amur – from the source to 978th km of
Sredny Amur (Blagoveshensk City); Kolyma – from the source to Zyryanka
Belaya – from the source to Yamalinsky
Yar (1776th km of Belaya River); Lena – from the source to the mouth of
Vitim River;
Volga – from the source to 278.3rd km of
Volga River (river port of Tver City); Manych – from the dam of Veselovskoe
reservoir to the mouth;
Don – from the source to 2689th km of
Don River and from the dam Tzymliansk Mezen – from the source to Mezen City;
Hydroelectric Power Station to Rostov-on- Ob – from the source to Kamen-on-Ob
Don City – 3121st km of Don River (mouth City;
of Aksay River); Oka (tributary of Angara River) – from
Don – from 3121st km of Don River the source to 330th km;
(mouth of Aksay River) to Rostov-on-Don
City – 3151st km of Don River (mouth of (Part 1), art. 2700; 2004, No. 15, art. 1519, No.
Koysug River)*; 45, art. 4377; 2005, No. 52 (Part 1), art. 5581;
2006, No. 50, art. 5279; 2007, No. 46, art. 5557,
No. 50, art. 6246; 2008, No. 29 (Part 1), art. 3418,
N o t e : the symbol * marks the areas of No. 30 (Part 2), art. 3616, No. 49, art. 5748; 2009,
inland waterways of Russian Federation where the No. 1, art. 30, No. 29, art. 3625; 2010, No. 27,
navigating conditions and hydrographic character- art. 3425, No. 48, art. 6246; 2011, No. 23, art.
istics of ships operation and safety navigation com- 3253, No. 25, art. 3534, No. 30 (Part 1), art. 4590,
ply with the requirements of merchant shipping 4596, No. 45, art. 6335, No. 48, art. 6728; 2012,
and are regulated by the Federal Law No. 81-ÔÇ No. 18, art. 2128, No. 25, art. 3268, No. 31, art.
dated 30 April 1999 «Merchant Shipping Code of 4321; 2013, No. 30 (Part 1), art. 4058; 2014, No.
the Russian Federation» (Collection of Legislative 6, art. 566, No. 42, art. 5615, No. 48, art. 6659;
Acts of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 18, art. 2015, No. 1 (Part 1), art. 89, No. 13, art. 1810,
2207; 2001, No. 22, art. 2125; 2003, No. 27 No. 29 (Part 1), art. 4339, 4356).
32 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

Oka (tributary of Volga River) – from the lage of Gorodok (22nd km) to the village of
source to the mouth; Nikolo-Petrovka (15th km);
Olenyok – from the source to Ust- Novosibirsk Reservoir – from the city of
Olenyok village; Kamen-na-Obi (497th km from the confluence
Petchora – from the source to Ust- of Biya and Katun River s) to the village of
Tsylma village; Maletino (530th km from the confluence of
Northern Dvina – from the source to the Biya and Katun River s), from the upper ap-
mouth of Pinega River ; proach channel of Novosibirsk lock to the 3rf
Yana – from the source to Yansky village; km of Berd River ;
Rybinsk Reservoir – from the city of
.3 lakes, canals and rivers not specified in
Cherepovets (540th km of Nizhnyya Sheksna
Items 6.2 – 6.4.
River) to the village of Vichelovo;
6.2 The «Ð» category is assigned to the fol- Saratov Reservoir – from Syzransky
lowing basins: bridge to the dam of Saratov Hydroelectric
.1 lakes: Power Station;
Beloe; Sayano-Shushenskoe – from the city of
Ilmen; Shagonar to the dam of Sayano-Shushenskaya
Kubenskoe; Hydroelectric Power Station;
Pskovskoe; Ust-Ilmenskoe;
Teletskoe (from Artybash village to Azhin Cheboksary Reservoir;
Cape); Sheksninskoe;
Chudskoe; .3 rivers:
Onega (during navigation period from Aldan — from the village of Ust-Maya to
May to September inclusively): within the the mouth;
water areas of Petrozavodskaya Guba bay, Amur – from 978th km of Sredny Amur
Kondopozhskaya Guba bay and Velikaya (Blagoveshchensk City) to the line connecting
Guba bay, Kizhi skerries; Gulf of Bolshoe the mouth of Polovinka River and the Cape
Onego to the north of parallel 62°10'00,0'' N Kuklya (Nikolayevsk-on-Amur);
including Gorskaya Guba bay, Bolshaya Liz- Anadyr — from the source to the zero
hemskaya Guba bay, Unitskaya Guba bay, kilometer, Cape Amerikanskaya Koshka;
Zaonezhsky Gulf to the north of parallel Anadyr – from the zero kilometer, Cape
62°15 N, Povenetsky Gulf ; Amerikanskaya Koshka, along the ship chan-
.2 reservoirs: nel of Onemen Gulf to the line connecting
Zaseleniya Cape and Alyumka isle and then
going to the stream Promyslovy*;
Angara – from the dam of Irkutsk Hy-
Veselovskoe; droelectric Power Station to the village of
Gorkovskoe; Nizhneye Barkhatovo; from the dam of
Zeyskoe – from the dam to 65th km and Boguchanskaya Hydroelectric Power Station
upstream of 180th km; to the mouth;
Irkutskoe; Belaya — from Yamalinsy Yar (1776th km
Krasnodarskoe; of Belaya River) to the mouth;
Krasnoyarskoe – along Enisey River from Velikaya (Bolshaya) — from the source to
the village of Ust-Abakan to the pier of Cher- the influx into Anadyr River ;
nogorsk; along Derbino River from 30th km to Volga – from the 278.3rd km of the Volga
the mouth; along Ezagash River from 20th km River (river station of Tver City) to Koprino
to the mouth; along Sisim River from 20th km village (including Ivankovskoe and Uglich
to the mouth; along Syda River from 25th km Reservoirs), from the dam of Rybinsk Hy-
to the mouth; along Tuba River from the vil- droelectric Power Station to the mouth of
6 List of Inland Water Basins According to their Category for Determination of Areas and Conditions of ... 33

Elnat River, from the dam of Gorkovskaya Neva River – along the lower border of
Hydroelectric Power Station to the mouth of Tuchkov bridge, along Malaya Nevka River
Sura River, from the dam of Cheboksarskaya along the lower border of Bolshoy Petrovsky
Hydroelectric Power Station to the village of bridge, along Bolshaya Nevka and Srednyya
Kamskoe Ustye, from the dam of Kuiby- Nevka River s – to meridian 030°13'00,0'' E;
shevskaya Hydroelectric Power Station to Ob — from the dam of Novosibirsk Hy-
Syzransky bridge, from the dam of Saratov droelectric Power Station to Yamsal bar along
Hydroelectric Power Station to Uveksky the Khamanelskaya Ob River and along the
bridge, from the dam of Volgogradskaya branch of Bolshaya Narechinskaya Ob to
(Volzhskaya) Hydroelectric Power Station to Nachalny isle;
the village of Streletskoe; Oka (Tributary of Angara River) — from
Volga – from the village of Streletskoe to 330th km to the village of Toporok;
the village of Krasnye Barrikady (0 km of Pechora — from the village of Ust-
Volga-Caspian canal)*; Tsilma to the city of Naryan-Mar;
Don – from Rostov-on-Don City (3151st Pechora – from Naryan-Mar City to
km of Don River, mouth of Koysug River) to Alekseevsky isle including Vasilkovo Gulf *;
the meridian 039î12'00,0'' E including Azovo- Svir;
Donskoy maritime canal, outer roads No. 6 Northern Dvina — from the mouth of
and the Kalancha arm to the halting point Pinega River to the mouth of Uyma River ;
Dugino*; Northern Dvina – from the mouth of
Enisey – from the dam of Krasnoyarsk Uyma River :
Hydroelectric Power Station to the city of To Lapominka village along Korabelny
Igarka; arm including Maymaksa and Kuznechikha
Indigirka — from the village of Druzhina Rivers*,
to Nemkov isle; To Cape Knevaty along Murmansky
Irtysh – from Omsk City (mouth of Om
River, 1833.5th km of Irtysh River) to the To the entrance into the branch between
mouth; Nikolsky isle and Uglomin isle along Nikolsky
arm including the branch of Korytka and the
Iya — from 180th to 45th km;
water area of Severodvinsk City within the
Kama – from the dam of Kama Hydroe- limits of Yagra isle shore in the north,
lectric Power Station to Chastye pier, from mainland shore in the south, reinforced-
the dam of Votkinsk Hydroelectric Power concrete mole in the west and Bolshoy Chay-
Station to the town of Ust-Belsk (1756th km achy isle and reinforced-concrete bridge
of Kama River), from the dam of Nizhne- across the branch of Korytka in the east*;
kamsk Hydroelectric Power Station to the city The mouth reach of Northern Dvina
of Chistopol; River:
Kanchalan – from the source to the influx Konetsdvorka branch (from Onishevka
into Anadyr River ; branch to Svinets isle),
Kolyma — from the village of Zyryanka Onishevka branch (from Kiselev isle to
to the village of Chersky; the front edge of Khop isle),
Kolyma – from the village of Chersky to Rybolovka branch (front edge of Kego
the village of Mikhalkino*; isle to Onishevka branch),
Lena – from the mouth of Vitim River to Perednyya branch (from Onishevka
the village of Zhigansk; branch to Chubola village),
Mezen – from Mezen City to the mouth Khabarka branch (front edge of Khabarka
of Bolshaya Chetsa River *; isle to Pustosh village),
Neva – from the source to the border of Podborka branch (from Maymaks arm to
inland waterways: along Bolshaya Neva River Lapaminka village);
– Blagoveshchensky bridge; along Malaya Selenga;
34 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

Tazovskaya Guba bay – from the mouth 2. The covers onboard the ships of «Ð» class
of Taz River to the parallel 68°00'00,0'' N; navigating the Bureyskoe Reservoir, Amur River
Khatanga (with tributaries) – upstream of from the city of Khabarovsk to the city of Niko-
layevsk-on-Amur, in Onemen Gulf, Anadyr River
Novorybnaya village;
throat, Kanchalan bay and Saratov Reservoir from
Yana – from the village of Yansky to the dam of Saratov Hydroelectric Power Station to
Uedey village; Syzransky bridge shall meet the requirements
.4 canals: specified for the «Î» class ships.
Belomorsky entrance canal to the point The open ships of «Ð» class are allowed to
64°34'48,0'' N, 035°14'00,0'' E*; navigate the abovementioned part of Saratov Res-
Volga-Baltic – from the Lake Onega to ervoir at the wind speed not exceeding 8 m/s.
the dam of Sheksninskaya Hydroelectric 3. The ships of «Ð» class are allowed to navi-
Power Station including Sizminsky expansion; gate the Angara (100 – 145 km, 205 – 245 km,
260 – 290 km) and Ilim (50 – 110 km) directions
Volga-Don – from Volgograd City (lower
of Ust-Ilmenskoe Reservoir at the wave height
approach canal of lock No. 1, 2588,6th km of h1% = 1.2 m and being fitted with the equipment
the Volga River) to the lower border of oil- according to the requirements specified in the
loading Pyatiizbyanskie roads (2701,6th km of Rules for the «Î» class ships.
the Volga River); 4. The ships of «Ð» class are allowed to navi-
Volga-Caspian canal – from the village of gate the Sayano-Shushenskoe Reservoir from the
Krasnye Barrikady (0 km of the canal) city of Shagonar to the mouth of Bedelig River if
to 146th km of the canal*; they are fitted with the equipment required for the
Moscow Canal – from the pier of Bol- «Î» class ships.
shaya Volga to the lock No. 7;
6.3 The «O» category is assigned to the fol-
.5 gulfs: lowing basins:
Kaliningradsky (Vistula Lagoon) Gulf in-
cluding the sea port and canal of Kaliningrad .1 lakes:
(except for the remote sea terminal Pionersky) Vygozero;
to the line connecting the ends of the north- Lake Ladoga during the navigation period
ern and southern moles of the port of Balti- from May to September inclusively: west area
ysk*; – to the west of the line connecting Cape
Kanchalan*; Pesotsky Nos, western edge of Konevets isle
Kurshsky Gulf to the line connecting the and Cape Kurkiniemi; north area – to the
ends of the northern and southern moles of north of the line connecting Zayachy isle,
the entrance gate to the port of Klaipeda*; Nikonovsky isle and north-west edge of
Onemen*. Valaam isle to Pitkyaranta City including 2
mile coastal area around the Valaam isle;
.6 The harbour of Vyborg merchant port*; south area – to the south of the line connect-
.7 Yeysky firth to the east of the line con- ing Cape Moryn Nos, point with coordinates
necting the northern edge of Yeyskaya spit 032°30'00,0'' E, 60°41'00,0'' N, point with
and the southern edge of Yeyskaya Kosa isle; coordinates 032°30'00,0'' E, 60°40'00,0'' N
eastern edge of Yeyskaya Kosa isle with the and along the parallel 60°40'00,0'' N to the
basis of Glafirovskaya spit on the parallel shoreline;
46°46'18,0 N*; N o t e . The navigation in the Lake Ladoga in
the «Î» category areas is allowed to the ships with
.8 Nevskaya Guba – from the border of «Î 2,0» class, in the west, north and south areas
inland waterways to the dam along the line from May to September inclusively at the wave
connecting Gorskaya village – Kronshtadt height h3%  1.5 m.
City – Lomonosov City*. The ships navigating in Ladoga and Onega
N o t e s . 1. The passenger ships operating in Lake s shall be fitted with collective life-saving
the Gorkovskoe Reservoir from the city of equipment in accordance with the standards speci-
Yuryevets to the dam are to be of «Î» class. fied for the ships of «Ì» class.
6 List of Inland Water Basins According to their Category for Determination of Areas and Conditions of ... 35

Lake Onega during the navigation period Novosibirsk Reservoir — from the village
from May to September inclusively: of Maletino to the dam of Novosibirsk Hy-
areas to the west and north of the line droelectric Power Station;
connecting the mouth of Vytegra River and Rybinsk Reservoir excluding its northern
the crossing point of the line, connecting the part from the city of Cherepovets (540th km of
mouth of Vytegra River and the south edge of Nizhnyya Sheksna River) to the village of
Suysari isle, and the parallel 61°45'00,0'' N Vichelovo;
and then going across to the south edge of Tsimlyansk Reservoir — from the lower
Rechnoy isle to the shoreline; border of oil-loading Pyatiizbyanskie roads
5 mile coastal area along the isles Bolshoy (2701.6th km of the Volga River) to the dam
Klimenetsky and Rechnoy and Peninsula of Tsimlyansk Hydroelectric Power Station;
Zaonezhye to the parallel 62°15'00,0'' N; .3 rivers:
Teletskoe (from Cape Azhyn to the Amur – from the line connecting the
mouth of Chulyshman River); mouth of Polovinka River and Cape Kuklya
.2 reservoirs: (Nikolayevsk-on-Amur City) to the line con-
Bratsk Reservoir — along Angara River necting Astrakhanovka village and Subbotino
from N. Barkhatovo village to dam of Bratsk village (Nikolayevsk-on-Amur City)*;
Hydroelectric Power Station; Anadyr – from the line connecting Cape
along Oka River from the village of Zaseleniya and Alyumka isle and then going
Toporok to the mouth; along Iya River from along the stream Promyslovy along the ship
the 45th km to the mouth; channel to Nikolaya spit*;
Volgograd Reservoir — from Uveksky Enisey – from Igarka City to Ust-Port*;
bridge to the dam of Volgogradskaya Kolyma – from Mikhalkino village to
(Volzhskaya) Hydroelectric Power Station; Cape Medvezhy*;
Votkinsk Reservoir — from the pier Lena – from Zhigansk village to Cape
Chastye to the dam of Votkinsk Hydroelectric Bykov;
Power Station; Lena – from Cape Bykov to the sea port
Zeyskoe — from 65th to 180th km of the of Tiksi City*;
reservoir; Mezen – from the mouth of Bolshaya
Kama Reservoir — from the city of Chetsa River to the line crossing the perpen-
Berezniki to the dam of Kama Hydroelectric dicular axis of the navigation pass in the point
Power Station; with coordinates 66°10'30,0'' N 043°58'31,8''
Krasnoyarskoe — along Enisey River E*;
from the pier Chernogorsk to the dam of Pechora – from Alekseevsky isle to the
Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station; line connecting Cape Bolvansky Nos and the
along Tuba River from the village of Nikolo- north edge of Lovetsky isle*;
Petrovka (15th km) to the mouth; Northern Dvina – along Korabelny arm
Kuibyshevskoe — along the Volga River from Lapominka village to the south edge of
from the village of Kamskoe Ustye to the dam Mudyugsky isle; along Murmansky arm from
of Kuibyshevskaya Hydroelectric Power Sta- Cape Knevaty to Kumbysh isle; along Nikol-
tion; along Kama River from the city of sky arm from the south-east edge of Uglomin
Chistopol to the village of Kamskoe Ustye; isle to the north edge of Yagra isle*;
Nizhnekamsk Reservoir — from the vil- Nadymskaya Ob – from the village of Sa-
lage of Ust-Belsk (1766th km of Kama River) lemal to Obskaya Guba bay and Obskaya
to the dam of Nizhnekamsk Hydroelectric Guba bay to the line Novy Port – village of
Power Station; Yamburg;
36 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

Tazovskaya Guba bay – from parallel .1 lakes:

68°00'00,0'' N to the line connecting Cape Baikal;
Povorotny and Antipayuta village; Ladoga (except for areas specified in the
Anabar – from Yuryung-Khaya to Cape subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3 of the present
Khorgo*; Annex);
river bars: Indigirka from Nemkov isle, Onega (except for areas specified in the
Olenyok from the village of Ust-Olenyok, subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 and subpara-
Yana from the village of Uedey – to 5 m graph 1 of paragraph 3 of the present Annex);
depth isobath curve;
.2 rivers:
N o t e . The ships of «Î» class are allowed to
navigate the bars of Indigirka, Olenyok and Yana Enisey – from Ust-Port to the northern
at the wave height h3%  1.5 m. edge of Brekhovskie isles*;
Taganrog Bay – area from meridian Obskaya Guba bay – from the line Novy
039°12'00,0'' E to meridian 038°52'00,0'' E*; Port – village of Yamburg to the line conse-
transloading roads of the mouths (bars) of quently connecting the point with coordinates
Indigirka, Olenyok and Yana Rivers*; 68°26'00,0'' N, 073°35'00,0'' E (Cape
Kamenny); 68°25'00,0'' N, 073°48'00,0'' E;
Sevastopol bay including all other bays
69°04'00,0'' N, 073°52'00,0'' E (Cape Trek-
being part of it – to the line connecting the
northern and southern protecting moles*;
Tazovskaya Guba bay – from the line
Balaklava bay – to the line connecting the
connecting Cape Povorotny and Antipayuta
eastern and western entrance capes*;
village to Obskaya Guba bay;
Donuzlav Lake *.
Khatanga Gulf – from the line connecting
6.4 The «M» category is assigned to the Cape Povorotny and Cape Bolshaya Korga to
following basins: Cape Kosisty*.
7 List of Sea Navigation Areas for Determination of Areas and Conditions of Navigations of the Ships ... 37



7.1 In the present Section the navigation irrespective of the class, can not exceed
conditions shall be understood as operating 0.2L0.75 value, where L – overall length of the
restrictions specified for ships according to ship in meters.
areas and seasons of navigation, as well as 3%
7.5 The following abbreviations are used in
probability wave height. the Table given below:
7.2 Constant operation in the sea areas is ÃÑ – for cargo self-propelled ships only;
allowed for the cargo self-propelled and non- ÊÍ – except for cargo non-self-propelled
self-propelled ships, tugboats, passenger dis- towed ships and tugboats;
placement self-propelled ships according to ÊÏ – except for passenger self-propelled
their class and limitations specified in the displacement ships;
Table given below. ÍÁ – for cargo non-self-propelled towed
ships and tugboats;
7.3 The navigation conditions for tugboats,
ice-breakers, industrial ships, non-self- ÏÁÓ/ÁÑ – for floating drilling out-
propelled passenger ships and ships with dy- fits/ships;
namic principle of supporting are specified as ÑÑÍ – for special purpose ships;
agreed upon with the River Register. ÑÒÔ – for industrial ships;
ÐÑ – fishing ships;
7.4 The passenger displacement self- ÒÐ – Technical Regulations on the safety
propelled ships are allowed for operation in of inland water transport objects of Russian
the sea when the value of 3% probability wave Federation.
height in the class formula is equal to the
specified one complying with the main class 7.6 The «Ì-ÑÏ» class ships may be oper-
symbol. ated in the areas specified for operation of
For such ships the permissible distance be- «Ì-Ïл and «Î-Ïл class ships, the «Ì-
tween the shelter areas, which provide en- Ïл class ships – in the areas specified for
trance and mooring at the wind of all direc- operation of «Î-Ïл class ships.
tions, shall not exceed the distance passed by 7.7 The areas and seasons of navigation for
the ship within 12 hours at still water and roads (harbour) and port navigation are speci-
sailing rate – 70% of the rated one. fied on the basis of special studies carried out
The ship is allowed to leave the shelter area by an organization having the Recognition
(port) and return to the route of navigation Certificate of the River Register. Such studies
when the weather forecast for the next 12 shall be based on the update of long-term
hours specifies that the 3% probability wave characteristics of sea in the area under con-
height does not exceed the h3% value reduced sideration or evaluation of the maximal possi-
by 0.5 m. For the displacement ships of 30 m ble waves in protected water area taking into
length and less the predicted wave height, account the ice conditions.
38 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

7.8 The lists of water basins are given in Head Office after consideration of justifica-
the following Tables: for "Ì-ÑÏ" category - tions provided by an organization having the
Table 7.8.1, for "Ì-ÏÐ" category - Table Recognition Certificate of the River Register
7.8.2, for "Î-ÏÐ" category - Table 7.8.3. or taking into account the areas and condi-
tions of navigation specified by a classification
7.9 The areas and conditions of operation organization recognized by the River Register
for the "Ì-ÑÏ4,5" class training sailing ships and having an agreement on cooperation and
and the "Ì-ÑÏ4,5" class special purpose sail- mutual substitution concluded with the River
ing ships are specified by the decision of the Register.
T a b l e 7.8.1
«Ì-ÑÏ» navigation areas
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
1. Azov Sea No restrictions 3.5 All year —
4.5 around ÏÁÓ/ÁÑ;
2. Black Sea 20-mile costal zone except for the coastal zone of 3.5 All year —
eastern and southern coasts from Tuapse port to around
Bosphorus strait
20-mile coastal zone along the eastern coast from 3.5 All year ÃÑ, ÐÑ
Tuapse port to Batumi port around
April – —
100-mile coastal zone at the distance from the shel- 4.5 All year ÏÁÓ/ÁÑ;
ter areas up to 100 n. miles around ÑÑÍ; ÑÒÔ;
ÐÑ; cargo self-
towed and
rescue ships
Coastal zone between the lines connecting the point 2,0 March, ÃÑ
with the following coordinates 45°05'30,0'' N, November
36°35'30,0'' E with Panagiya Cape and Zhelezny
Rog Cape
3. Caspian Kerch Strait to the north of the line passing through — March – —
Sea the end of Tuzla Spit November
Kerch Strait from the line passing through the end — April – —
of Tuzla Spit to the line consequently connecting 20 Novem
Takil Cape, anchorage with coordinates ber
45°05'30,0'' N, 36°33'30,0'' E, 45°05'30,0'' N, 2,0 March, ÃÑ
36°35'30,0'' E and Panagiya Cape 21–30
4. Baltic No restrictions including Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of 3.5 All year —
Sea Finland and Gulf of Riga; Oresund Strait, Great and around
Little Belt Straits, Kattegat to the south of
57°45’00,0'' N
5. White The Gulfs of Onega, Dvina and Kandalaksha; 3.5 May – —
Sea 20-mile coastal zone to the south of 66°45’00,0'' N October
To the north of 66°45’00,0'' N to the line connect- 2.5 June – ÊÏ
ing Lumbovsky Gulf and the Cape Kanin Nos August
2.0 September ÊÏ
7 List of Sea Navigation Areas for Determination of Areas and Conditions of Navigations of the Ships ... 39

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e 7.8.1
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
6. Barents 10-mile coastal zone from Cape Kanin Nos along 2.0 September ÊÏ
Sea the coast of Kanin Peninsula, and to the south of 2.5 June – ÊÏ
68°00'00,0'' N 3.5 August —
20-mile coastal zone along the south coast from 3.5 June – ÊÏ
Cape Svyatoy Nos (Timansky) to Pechorskaya Guba September
bay including entrance into the harbour Ramenka on
the south coast of Kolguev isle
20-mile coastal zone along the south coast from 3.5 June – ÊÏ
Pechorskaya Guba bay to Yugorsky Shar strait; October
Pechorskaya Guba bay; Khaypudyrskaya Guba bay
Coastal zone along Kola peninsula within the speci- 3.5 May – ÃÑ objects of
fied borders of ship routes from the line connecting September regulation by
Lumbovsky Gulf and Cape Kanin Nos to Kola bay ÒÐ
Kola bay 3.5 May – ÊÏ
7. Kara Sea 10-mile coastal zone from Yugorsky Shar strait to 3.5 July – ÊÏ
Kharasavey village; Baydaratskaya Guba bay October
The south-west part of the sea to the south of the 3.5 July – ÊÏ
line connecting Kharasavey village and the crossing September
point of 70°00'00,0'' N parallel with the eastern coast
of Vaygach isle
20-mile coastal zone along the western and north- 3.5 August – ÊÍ
ern coasts Yamal peninsula from Kharasavey village October
to Obskaya Guba bay through Malygina strait 3.5 August – ÊÏ
20-mile coastal zone from Dikson isle to the mouth 3.5 July – ÊÏ
of Pyasina River September
8. East Coastal zone along the southern coast within the 3.5 August – ÊÍ
Siberian Sea limits up to 15-meter isobath curve from the mouth September
of Kolyma River to the sea port of Pevek with per-
missible distance from the coast up to 7 miles near
Letyatkina Cape , Bolshoy Baranov Cape, Malaya
Baranikha Cape, mouth of Milkera River and the
north-west coast of Ayon isle
9. Sea of Tatarsky strait and Amursky firth to the north of the 3.5 June – —
Japan line connecting the Sovetskaya Gavan sea port and October
Uglegorsk City to the line connecting Cape Men-
shikova and Cape Tamlavo
20-mile coastal zone along the western coast from 3.5 All year —
the sea port of Vladivostok City to Preobrazhenya around
40 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

E n d o f T a b l e 7.8.1
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
10. Laptev Khatanga Gulf ; 3.5 20 July – ÊÍ
Sea Vostochny and Severny straits; 20-mile coastal September ÊÏ
zone along the northern and eastern coasts of Bol-
shoy Begichev isle and from Nordvik peninsula to
Cape Terpyay Tumsa;
Anabarsky strait; Olenyoksky Gulf limited by the
line 5 miles distant to the north from the line con-
necting Cape Terpyay Tumsa and the northern edge
Aerosemki isles;
5-mile zone around Aerosemki isles;
25-mile coastal zone from Aerosemki isles to the
sea port of Tiksi City
11. East 20-mile coastal zone along the southern and west- 3.5 20 July – ÊÍ
Siberian Sea ern coast of Bolshoy Lyakhovsky isle from Cape September ÊÏ
and Laptev Shalaurov to Cape Vagin
Sea 20-mile coastal zone around Maly Lyakhovsky isle 3.5 August – Ice-breakers
and along the southern and western coast of Kotelny September when per-
isle from Malygintseva harbour to Stantsiya lagoon; forming cargo
Sea area between the northern coast of Bolshoy delivering
Lyakhovsky isle and south-western coast of Kotelny operations
isle, and between 140°00'00,0'' E and western edge
of Kotelny isle
12. Bering 20-mile coastal zone of Anadyr Gulf in the follow- 3.5 July – ÊÍ
Sea ing areas: sea port of Anadyr City – Beringovsky sea September
port; sea port of Anadyr City – Egvekinot sea port –
Provideniya sea port – Lavrentiya Gulf
T a b l e 7.8.2
«Ì-Ïл navigation areas
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
1. Azov Sea No restrictions1 — March – —
2. Black 10-mile coastal zone from Kerch Strait to the sea — April – —
Sea port of Novorossiysk City October
10-mile coastal zone around Crimean Peninsula — April – —
from Kerch Strait to the crossing of 45°00'00,0'' N September
on the western coast of Crimean Peninsula
20-mile coastal zone in the north-west part to the — April – —
north of 45°00'00,0'' N from the Gulf of Kalamita to October
the port of Chornomorsk (Ilyichyovsk)
10-mile coastal zone from port of Chornomorsk — April – —
(Ilyichyovsk) to Dunayskaya Prorva October
7 List of Sea Navigation Areas for Determination of Areas and Conditions of Navigations of the Ships ... 41

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e 7.8.2
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
3. Azov Sea Kerch Strait to the north of the line passing through — March – —
and Black the ends of Tuzla Spit November
Sea Kerch Strait from the line passing through the ends — April – 20 —
of Tuzla Spit to the line consequently connecting November
Takil Cape, anchorage with coordinates 45°06’00,0''
N, 036°33’00,0'' E and Panagiya Cape
4. Caspian To the north of 44°30’00,0'' N — March – ÊÏ2
Sea November
5. Baltic Gulf of Finland to the east of the line consequently — April – —
Sea3 connecting the Cape Piyytenina, Vigrund Isle, Mo- November
schny Isle, Somers Isle, southern edge of Cape
Gulf of Riga
10-mile coastal zone along the southern coast of the 2.0 April – ÊÍ
Gulf of Finland from the Cape Piyytenina to the November ÊÏ
Gulf of Riga
6. Barents Pechorskaya Guba bay to the line consequently — July – —
Sea connecting the Chernaya village, Gulyaevskie Koshki September
Isles, Cape Russky Zavorot;
Khaypudyrskaya Guba bay to the south of
68°45’00,0'' N
7. White Gulf of Onega to the south of the line consequently — May – —
Sea connecting Kem village, northern edge of Solovet- October
skie Isles, Zhizhginsky Isle
Dbina Bay to the south of the line connecting — May – ÊÍ
Zhizhginsky Isle and the northern edge of Mudyug- October
sky Isle 2.0 May – ÊÏ
October ÍÁ
4-mile coastal zone around Zhizhginsky Isle — May – —
8. Kara Sea Obskaya Guba bay to the north of the line conse- — July – —
quently connecting the point with the following co- October
ordinates: 68°26’00,0'' N, 073°35’00,0'' E (Cape
68°25’00,0'' N, 073°48’00,0'' E; 69°04’00,0'' N,
073°52’00,0'' E (Cape Trekhbugorny)
Gydansky and Enisey Gulfs to the south of the line — July – —
consequently connecting the northern edge of Sho- September
kalsky Isle, northern edge of Sibiryakova Isle, Dik-
son Isle;
3-mile coastal zone around Shokalsky Isle
5-mile coastal zone around the northern coast of — July – ÊÏ
Yamal Peninsula from Cape Poelovo to Cape October
Khasalya; Malygina Strait between the line connect-
ing Cape Khasalya and Cape Shuberta and the line
connecting Cape Golovina and Cape Malygina
42 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification”

E n d o f T a b l e 7.8.2
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
9. Laptev From the sea port of Tiksi City to the mouth of — 20 July – -—
Sea and East Yana River and 20-mile coastal zone along the September
Siberian Sea southern coast from the mouth of Yana River to the
mouth of Kolyma River
10. Sea of Tatarsky Strait to the north of the line connecting — June – —
Okhotsk and Chikhacheva Bay and Cape Uandi, and Amursky October
Sea of Japan Firth to the south of the line connecting Cape Men-
shikova and Cape Tamlavo
11. Sea of 20-mile coastal zone along the south-eastern coast — June – —
Okhotsk of Sakhalin Gulf from Cape Tamlavo to Moskalvo October
sea port
The navigation areas in Taganrog Bay at the lines Azov – Taganrog – Yeysk are assigned to the passen-
ger self-propelled displacement ships designed for navigation on inland waterways and re-classed for higher
class, or built using components of other inland water ships which were previously in operation
The operation of the passenger self-propelled displacement ships is allowed only when they are used for
accommodation of special personnel in protected water areas
Except for the passenger self-propelled displacement ships designed for navigation on inland waterways
and re-classed for higher class, or built using components of other inland water ships which were previ-
ously in operation
T a b l e 7.8.3
«Î-Ïл navigation areas
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
1. Azov Taganrog Bay to the line consequently connecting — March – —
Sea1 Dolgaya Spit, Berdyanskaya Spit, port of Berdyansk November
City and 20-mile coastal zone along the eastern
coast to 45°21’00,0'' N
20-mile coastal zone along the north-western coast — March – —
from the port of Berdyansk City to the port of Gen- November
ichesk City
2. Black 5-mile coastal zone along the northern coast from — March – —
Sea the port of Skadovsk City to the port of Odessa City November
5-mile coastal zone along the north-western coast — March – —
from the port of Odessa City to Dunayskaya Prorva October
3. Caspian To the north of the line consequently connecting — April – —
Sea2 Cape Suyutkina Kosa, southern edge of Tyuleny Isle, November
point with coordinates 45°00'00,0'' N, 048°35’00,0''
E and passing along the parallel 4500'00,0'' N to the
coast line; Mangyshlaksky Bay to the north of
44°45’00,0'' N
To the east of the line connecting the point with — April – ÊÍ
coordinates 45°00'00,0'' N, 049°30’00,0'' E and the November
point with coordinates 44°30’00,0'' N, 050°15’00,0'' E 1.5 April – —
4. Baltic 5-mile coastal zone of the Gulf of Riga from the 1.5 April – —
Sea3 mouth of Daugava (Western Dvina) River to the October
mouth of Gauja River
7 List of Sea Navigation Areas for Determination of Areas and Conditions of Navigations of the Ships ... 43

E n d o f T a b l e 7.8.3
restrictions Navigation Ship type
Sea Geographical borders of navigation area
acc. to wave season restrictions
height h3%, m
Gulf of Finland to the east of the line connecting — May – —
Kotlin Isle and Zelenogorsk City, Kronshtadsky ship October
channel and 10-mile coastal zone along the northern
coast from Zelenogorsk City to the sea port of By-
borg City
5. White Mezen Bay: 5-mile coastal zone from the mouth of 1.5 June – —
Sea Mezen River to the mouth of Kuloy River; September
Onega Bay: 5-mile coastal zone from Belomorsk
City to Kem City;
Dvina Bay: 5-mile coastal zone from the mouth of
Northern Dvina River to Severodvinsk City
6. Laptev Olenyoksky Gulf: 10-mile coastal zone from Olen- 1.5 August – ÊÏ
Sea yokskaya arm to the mouth of Olenyok River September
7. Sea of Sakhalin Gulf from the line connecting Cape Men- 1.5 June – ÊÏ
Okhotsk shikova and Cape Tamlavo within Nevelsky and September
Sakhalinsky ship channels, to the south of the point
with coordinates 53°29'30,0'' N, 141°22'48,0'' E and
coastal zone limited with the line connecting the
point with coordinates 53°29'30,0'' N, 141°22'48,0''
E and the entrance ship channel of Baykal Gulf
8. Sea of Amursky Firth to the south of the line connecting — June – —
Okhotsk and Cape Menshikova and Cape Tamlavo and to the September
Sea of Japan north of the line connecting Cape Yuzhny and Cape
Tatarsky Strait: 1.5 June – ÊÏ
10-mile coastal zone along the western coast from September
Cape Yuzhny to Chikhacheva Bay
9. Azov Sea Kerch Strait to the north of the line passing through — March – —
and Black the ends of Tuzla Spit November
Sea Kerch Strait from the line passing through the ends 1.5 April – 20 —
of Tuzla Spit to the line consecutively connecting November
Cape Takil, anchorage with coordinates 45°06’00,0'' N,
036°33’00,0'' E and Cape Panagiya
The navigation areas in Taganrog Bay at the lines Azov – Taganrog – Yeysk are assigned to the passen-
ger self-propelled displacement ships designed for navigation on inland waterways and re-classed for higher
class, or built using components of other inland water ships which were previously in operation
The operation of the passenger self-propelled displacement ships is allowed only when they are used for
accommodation of special personnel in protected water areas
Except for the passenger self-propelled displacement ships designed for navigation on inland waterways
and re-classed for higher class, or built using components of other inland water ships which were previ-
ously in operation
Part I


46 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION the definition of deck line, see 1.2.24 Part II
of the Rules);
1.1.1 The present part of the Rules applies
to single-hull displacement ships and catama- .2 Main ship dimensions:
rans, hydrofoils craft and hovercraft classed by L — design waterline length, m;
the Russian River Register (hereinafter re- B — maximum design waterline breadth, m;
ferred to as the River Register) and establishes H — depth, i.e. vertical distance meas-
requirements to the structure and designing of ured in the midship plane from the base plane
hull, global and local strength, vibration to the intersection line of moulded surfaces of
strength, buckling strength of hull structural the side and upper deck (or their extensions
components, equipment of spaces, railings in case or rounded deck-to-side joint), m;
and handrails designed for crew and passen- T — moulded draught / draught to design
gers protection, gangways, companionways, waterline, m;
scuttles. D — ship displacement at the moulded
The requirements of the present part of the draught, kN;
Rules apply to the designed ships and ships V — volume displacement at the moulded
under construction if otherwise is stated in the draught, m3;
corresponding clauses and chapters of the  — block coefficient.
present part of the Rules. .3 D e s i g n w a t e r l i n e (DWL) means
1.1.2 The requirements of this part of the a waterline chosen as the basis for lines draw-
Rules apply to ship’s hulls made of steel, alu- ing, which corresponds to the full displace-
minum alloys, reinforced concrete and glass ment of the ship obtained by preliminary cal-
reinforced plastics. culation;
.4 A f t p e r p e n d i c u l a r means the
1.1.3 Materials used for fabrication of hull
intersection line of centre plane and vertical
structural components shall comply with re-
transverse plane passing through the aftmost
quirements of Part X of the Rules.
point of the design waterline;
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .5 E n g i n e r o o m — see 2.2.24 Part 0
of the Rules;
1.2.1 Terms related to the Rules general .6 M a c h i n e r y s p a c e s — see 2.2.25
terminology and their definitions are stated in Part 0 of the Rules;
2.1 and 2.2 Part 0 of the Rules. .7 F o r e p e r p e n d i c u l a r means the
1.2.2 The following terms are used in these intersection line of centre plane and vertical
Rules: transverse plane passing through the foremost
.1 F r e e b o a r d means the distance be- point of the design waterline;
tween the upper edge of the deck line and the .8 D r a u g h t means the vertical distance
upper edge of the maximum draught line between base plane and specified load water-
measured vertically on the side amidships (for line amidships;
1 General Provisions 47

.9 C o m p a r t m e n t means a part of in- aft extremity of a self-propelled ship

ner space of the hull limited by the bottom or means a part between the aft perpendicular
inner bottom, sides or longitudinal bulkheads, and the aft bulkhead of the engine room or a
deck (if available) or the upper edge of the part 0.15L long from the aft perpendicular
side (when there is no deck), and two adja- towards the midship, whichever is less;
cent transverse watertight bulkheads or a peak aft extremity of a non-self-propelled ship
bulkhead and an extremity; means a part 0.15L long from the aft perpen-
.10 B u l k h e a d d e c k means the up- dicular towards the midship;
permost deck, up to which the transverse wa-
tertight bulkheads extend; transition areas mean parts between the
.11 S h i p l e n g t h p a r t s : middle part and extremities.
ship’s middle part is a part 0.5L long tak-
ing 0.25L forward of and abaft the midship; 1.2.3 Definitions and explanations relating
fore extremity is a part 0.15L long measured to the catamaran and hovercraft hulls are
from the fore perpendicular towards the midship; given in 4.1.2 and 6.1.7 to 6.1.9.
48 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”



Maximum main dimension ratio for М-ПР, М,
2.1.1 The present Section establishes re-
О-ПР, О, Р, Л class ships
quirements to strength and dimensions of
Maximum main dimension ratio for
main structural components of steel welded ship classes
hulls. Types of ships Ì-ÏÐ Î-ÏÐ
Ð and Ë
and Ì and Î
2.1.2 This Section establishes requirement L/H L/H B/H L/H B/H
to ships operating in Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, 1. Self-propelled 25 4.0 27 5.0 28 5.0
Ì, Î, Ð and Ë water basins at the design and non-self-
wave heights shown in Table 2.1.2. propelled dry
Table 2.1.2 cargo ships with
Design wave heights holds
Ship class Design wave height, m 2. Self-propelled 25 4.0 27 5.0 35 6.0
Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 4.5 tankers
Ì-ÑÏ 3.5 3.5 3. Self-propelled 25 5.0 35 6.0 40 7.0
Ì, Ì-ÏÐ 3.0 and non-self-
Î, Î-ÏÐ 2.0 propelled flush
Ð 1.2 deck ships and
Ë 0.6 non-self-propelled
2.1.3 The requirements of 2.1.5 to 2.6 apply 4. Passenger dis- 25 4.0 27 5.0 28 5.0
to ships with main dimensions ratios within placement ships
the limits prescribed by Tables 2.1.3-1 and 5. Tugboats and 18 3.5 18 3.5 20 4.0
2.1.3-2. pushboats
6. Industrial ships 20 4.0 20 4.0 22 5.0
The requirements of this Section apply to 7. Fishing vessels, 18 3.5 18 3.5 18 4.0
ships given in Table 2.1.3-2 if their forward crew boats and
draught is not less than given in Table 2.1.3-3. ships up to 25 m
in length
2.1.4 he requirements of this Section apply
Note. In case of tankers with longitudinal built-in
to the following ship types with length not cylindrical cargo tanks or a trunk deck included into
exceeding 140 m: the hull girder, the height H shall be taken as Н1, i.e.
.1 self-propelled aft-engined one-decked the height from the base plane to the upper edge of
ships with holds; the tank or trunk.
.2 self-propelled aft-engined tankers;
.3 non-self-propelled one-decked dry- .7 tugboats and pushboats;
cargo ships with holds; .8 industrial ships;
.4 non-self-propelled tankers; .9 fishing vessels;
.5 self-propelled flush deck aft-engined .10 crew boats,
ships and non-self-propelled flush deck ships; as well as ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ
.6 passenger ships; classes up to 140 m long, types of which are
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 49

T a b l e 2.1.3-2 structural hull elements with due regard to

Maximum main dimension ratio their specified service life according to 2.2.83
for Ì-ÑÏ class ships and requirements to ships in service stipulated
Maximum main by the Rules.
Types of ships dimension ratio
L/H B/H 2.1.7 The Instruction on Loading and
Dry cargo ships and tankers 24 3 Unloading proved by necessary strength, sta-
Passenger ships 25 4
bility and trim calculations made for the most
Tugboats 18 3
Icebreakers 18 3.5 unfavorable loading cases during load-
N o t e s . 1. The requirements of this Section ing/unloading shall be prepared for all dry-
apply to dry cargo ships and tankers of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 cargo ships and tankers.
class with L/Í  23. The Instruction on Loading and Unloading
2. In case of tankers with longitudinal built-in shall contain the following data:
cargo tanks or a trunk deck included into the hull .1 hip’s loading conditions in which her
girder, the height H shall be taken as Í1, i.e. the navigation may be allowed, including partial
height from the base plane to the upper edge of the loading and permissible overloading under
tank or trunk. certain circumstances, with the indication of
T a b l e 2.1.3-3 corresponding draught marks;
Requirements to draught .2 conditions of ship’s loading, i.e. avail-
of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships ability of ballast and possibility of simultane-
Minimum permissible forward draught*, Òf, m, ous loading, unloading and ballasting, as well
of ship class as monitoring methods;
Ì-ÑÏ Ì-ÏÐ Î-ÏÐ .3 permissibility of performing cargo han-
with ship length L, m dling operations in wavy open water areas and
25 60 25 60 25 60
the category of the respective water area basin
0.90 1.70 0.75 1.40 0.50 0.90 permitted for cargo handling operations and
* The minimum permissible forward draught for the permissible wave height;
intermediate ship lengths shall be determined by
linear interpolation.
.4 procedure in case of emergency i.e.
flooding of some holds or compartments of
given in Table 2.1.3-2 (except for passenger the ship;
ships and icebreakers of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class). .5 measures aimed at provision of goods
2.1.6 Where main dimension ratios are safety in accordance with the rules and regu-
outside the limits prescribed by Tables 2.1.3-1 lations on carriage of bulk cargoes;
to 2.1.3-2 and where types of ships are not .6 permissible longitudinal and transverse
covered by 2.1.4, structures and scantlings non-uniformity of the ship loading between
shall be chosen according to the results of holds and inside each hold;
additional calculations, on the basis of which .7 permissible values of specific loads both
the applicability of the Rules or their equiva- at uniform cargo distribution with due regard
lents may be proved. to non-uniformity as per .6 and also when
The structural elements of hulls shall com- carrying concentrated cargoes and heavy-
ply with the requirements of 2.2, the scant- weights;
lings of the hull elements of all ships to the .8 permissible number of cargo layers and
requirements of 2.3 to 2.6. Scantlings of ships the order of loading and unloading opera-
with a length exceeding 50 m, moreover, shall tions;
be verified by calculation in accordance with .9 recommended cargo stowing and secur-
the requirements of 2.2. Designer can also ing methods;
specify the scantlings of the hull elements .10 distinctive features of loading and
based on the results of direct strength calcula- unloading of tankers: the order of tanks fill-
tion and buckling strength verification of ing, permissible capacity of the cargo systems
50 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

with due regard to electrostatic sparking safety 2.2 STRENGTH AND BUCKLING
provisions, methods for monitoring cargo tank CALCULATIONS
levels and ship draught, permissible cargo
Design loads at global bending
level differences between the tanks, drop of
filling capacity at the initial stage and before 2.2.1 In order to calculate bending mo-
the loading is finished, etc.; ments Msw and shear forces Nsw on still water1,
.11 the information on the possibility and a load curve shall be integrated over not less
procedure of accelerated loading and unload- than 21 equidistant ordinates. For ships of all
ing depending on the type and the maximum types and purposes, the most unfavorable
capacity of the equipment and cargo systems, loading cases shall be considered.
number of transverse and longitudinal bulk-
heads, etc. 2.2.2 Design loading conditions for dry
cargo ships and tankers are as follows:
2.1.8 Materials used for fabrication of hull .1 lightship condition without ballast, with
structural components covered by the present 10% and 100% of stores and fuel;
Section of the Rules shall comply with re- .2 lightship condition with ballast, with
quirements of Part X of the Rules. 10% and 100% of stores and fuel;
2.1.9 he normal strength steels (see 2.2 .3 fully loaded with cargo distributed in
Part X of the Rules) with yield point of accordance with the Instruction of Loading
235 MPa and higher strength steels with yield and Unloading;
point up to 390 MPa inclusively may be used. .4 in other unfavorable loading condi-
N o t e . Rolled steel is used under the following tions, namely carriage of heavyweights, partial
conditions: utilization of ship's cargo capacity, etc.;
steel of grades D, E, D27S, E27S, D32, E32,
.5 during loading and unloading.
D36, E36, D40, D40S, E40, E40S (see 2.2 Part X
of the Rules) of any thickness may be used without 2.2.3 Design loading conditions for tug-
restrictions; boats and pushboats are as follows:
steel of grades Â, À27S, À32, À36, À40, À40S
.1 with 10% of stores and fuel with and
(see 2.2 Part X of the Rules) may be used for ships
of all classes excepting the ice belt; without ballast;
steel of grade À may be used for: .2 with 100% of stores and fuel with and
ships of all classes with a length of 25 m and without ballast.
more excepting the ice belt, pushing and coupling
arrangements, and structures participating in the 2.2.4 Design loading conditions for passen-
global strength; ger ships are as follows:
ships of all classes with a length less than 25 m .1 lightship condition without cargo and
excepting the ice belt and pushing and coupling passengers, with 10% and 100% of stores and
arrangements. fuel;
2.1.10 Values of the cross-section moduli .2 fully loaded and with passengers, with
of hull framing girders calculated according to 10% and 100% of stores and fuel;
formulae given in 2.4 correspond to steel with 2.2.5 Design loading cases for industrial
RåÍ = 235 MPa. Where steel with higher ships:
strength is used for hull structures, the section .1 with 10% and 100% of stores and fuel,
moduli shall be reduced in proportion to the with and without ballast, in cruising condi-
ratio 235/(kHReH), where kH is coefficient de- tion;
termined by formula (2.2.67-3) and ReH —
yield point of the used steel with higher
2.1.11 When using tables of the present 1
Still water means the water area with current
Section, intermediate values of parameters velocity less than 0.1 km/h and still surface (ripple
shall be determined by linear interpolation. is permissible) at wind speed up to 3 m/s.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 51

.2 with 10% and 100% of stores and fuel, recommended for ships intended for local
with and without ballast, in working condi- carriages of mineral building materials) of the
tion. total cargo taken on a ship have been carried
from holds/cargo deck in the middle part of
2.2.6 Design loading conditions for other ship to holds/cargo deck in extremities (Figs.
ships not stated in 2.2.2 to 2.2.5 are specified and or vice versa.
in technical documentation approved by the
River Register with due regard to their pur- 2.2.9 Msw and Fsw at still water may be de-
poses and design features. termined with due regard to hull flexibility. In
this case calculations shall be made using a
2.2.7 Loading conditions (other than the method approved by the River Register. Area
loading condition as per, at which moments of inertia of the ship hull corre-
flooding of some spaces (see 4.2 and 4.3 Part sponding to the design thickness, which are
II of the Rules) results in increase of bending determined regardless of reduction of the hull
moments, shall be considered. girders, shall be used as rigidity factors.
2.2.8 For dry cargo ships, Msw and Fsw shall 2.2.10 Additional wave bending moment at
be determined for the loading condition as in the midship of the M, O, Ð and Ë ship classes with an assumption that 5% (7.5% is shall be calculated as follows, kNm:

Fig. 2.2.8-1 Cargo redistribution in case of uniform loading

Fig. 2.2.8-2 Cargo redistribution in case of loading in heaps

52 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

T a b l e 2.2.10-2
Maw = (kpMw + Mi), (2.2.10-1)
Coefficient k depending on 
where Mw — bending moment due to waves
 k  k
kр — coefficient considering the influence
0.55 0.487 0.80 0.726
of wave vibration; 0.60 0.527 0.85 0.787
Mi — bending moment due to the impact 0.65 0.571 0.90 0.852
of waves to the fore extremity (impact bend- 0.70 0.619 0.95 0.923
ing moment), kNm. 0.75 0.670 1.00 1.000
Wave bending moment is determined by the T a b l e 2.2.10-3
following formula, kNm: Coefficient kt depending on basin category and
M w  0.255k k t k w BL2 h , parameter a
kt for basin category
where h — wave height obtained from Table a, m
2.1.2, m; 0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
 — coefficient obtained from Table 0.5 0.939 0.897 0.834 0.696
2.2.10-1; 1.0 0.881 0.805 0.696 0.485
1.5 0.827 0.722 0.581 0.337
T a b l e 2.2.10-1 2.0 0.776 0.647 0.485 0.235
Parameters for determining components 2.5 0.729 0.581 0.404 0.163
of additional wave moment 3.0 0.684 0.521 0.337 0.114
Parameter values
3.5 0.642 0.467 0.281 0.079
Basin class 4.0 0.603 0.419 0.235 0.055
  av, s–1 v1 (m/s)
4.5 0.566 0.376 0.196 0.038
Ì 0.920 1.000 1.18 5.42
Î 0.805 0.874 1.64 4.14 T a b l e 2.2.10-4
Ð 0.848 0.874 2.22 3.21
Coefficient kw depending on basin category
Ë 0.874 0.874 3.28 2.26
and parameter b
kw for basin category
Coefficients k, kt, kw are calculated by the b, m
formulae: 3.0 0.911 0.853 0.771 0.610
k  exp  1.6 1     ; (2.2.10-3) 6.0 0.832 0.735 0.610 0.408
9.0 0.762 0.638 0.493 0.295

k t  exp 1.14T δ h  2  1  ;  12.0
(2.2.10-4) 18.0 0.597 0.439 0.295 0.153
21.0 0.553 0.393 0.257 0.131
 
k w  1  exp  0.19B  h   h  0.19B  ; 24.0 0.514 0.355 0.227 0.115
27.0 0.479 0.323 0.203 0.102
(2.2.10-5) 30.0 0.448 0.295 0.183 0.092
 — block coefficient;
Coefficient kð shall be calculated by the
 — coefficient obtained from Table
 2  2 2 
  
The aforementioned coefficients may be 

2 2
obtained also from Tables 2.2.10-2 – 2.2.10-4, kр  1 sh  1 sh   2ksh   ,
where a and b are calculated as follows:   
a  3T   2  1  ; (2.2.10-6)
where sh — wave frequency observing from
b  B . (2.2.10-7) moving ship, s–1:
Values of L, B, T and  shall be deter- sh = av + 1,92 kvvsw/L (2.2.10-9)
mined at the ship’s trim corresponding to the
design loading case used for calculating a av — wave frequency, s–1 determined as
bending moment on still water Msw. per Table 2.2.10-1;
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 53

  ks I 1.2  B 3T  DL  ;


Tf0  0.68  0.21kv vsw 
L h ; (2.2.10-17)

(2.2.10-10) 0 — coefficient equal to

k = 0.0612 (1 – 0.047 – 0.0077 )  0 0  1  1.03b0  b02  0.417b03 , (2.2.10-18)
b0  4.32   B L  T L  ; (2.2.10-19)
(coefficient k shall be not less than zero);
kv — coefficient determined by the for- the value of v0 is obtained by the formula

v0  0.336  0.104 kv vsw 
L v1  0.024kv vsw ;
k v  1  19.9h L  143  h L  ,
(2.2.10-12) the value of v1 is taken from Table 2.2.10-1.
vsw — ship’s speed in still water for design The value of the additional wave bending
loading case, km/h; moment for the ships of Ð and Ë classes shall
ks — coefficient equal, for the following be taken constant within 0.5L in the middle
ships, to: part of the hull and shall go down linearly
cargo ships 123104 towards the ship’s extremities down to zero
passenger ships 117104 (see Fig. 2.2.10). For ships of M and O
tugboats and pushboats 104104 classes, boundaries of constant section of the
I — area moment of inertia of the hull distribution diagram shall be not less than
girder amidships, m4 calculated using the de- 0.15L forward of and abaft the midship.
sign thicknesses and girder reduction coeffi-
cients equal to 1;
D — ship’s displacement corresponding to
design loading condition, kN;
ψ — coefficient determined by the formu-

if 0  sh   1.0   cos 1.3  sh    ;

  Fig. 2.2.10 Distribution diagrams of additional
(2.2.10-13) wave moment and shear force
if 1.0  sh   1.4   2.167 sh   1.9 . The maximum value of the additional wave
(2.2.10-14) shear force NAW is determined by the formula,
The impact bending moment is determined kN:
by the formula, kNm: NAW = 4MAW /L. (2.2.10-21)
Mi = ki1DL, (2.2.10-15) Distribution diagram of additional wave
where shear forces shall be taken in accordance with
ki = 5.310–40v0 (2.2.10-16) Fig. 2.2.10.
1 — coefficient equal to:
2.2.11 Additional wave bending moment of
1  1 if Tf  Tf0 ; ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes
1  3  2Tf Tf0 if Tf0  Tf  1.5Tf0 ; shall be determined using the following for-
mula, kNm:
1  0 if Tf  1.5Tf0 ; 2

Tf — forward draught for design loading M aw = ±9.81k0 k1 k2 k3 δ B L h , (2.2.11-1)

case, m; where k0 — coefficient calculated by the for-
Tf0 — “threshold” forward draught, m, mula:
equal to: k0  1.24  1.7 B L  1.0 ; (2.2.11-2)
54 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

k1 — coefficient depending on ship length M sw   ksw B L2 , (2.2.12-2)

L determined as per Table 2.2.11;
where  — block coefficient;
T a b l e 2.2.11 ksw — coefficient determined by the for-
Coefficient k1 mula:
Coefficient k1 values* for ship length, m
Ship class
25 60 100 140
k  k kL k  34.34 k0 k1 k2  0; (2.2.12-3)
Ì-ÑÏ 0.0147 0.0147 0.0147 0.0137
k — coefficient taken from Table 2.2.12-1;
Ì-ÏÐ 0.0143 0.0147 0.0137 0.0120
Î-ÏÐ 0.0154 0.0154 0.0114 0.0089 T a b l e 2.2.12-1
*k1 values for intermediate ship lengths shall be Coefficient k
determined by linear interpolation. Characteristic of hull k at ReH, MPa
members 235 315 355 390
k2 — coefficient depending on ship length
L and forward draught Tf determined by the Participating in
global bending:
formula: not bearing local load 1.645 1.572 1.585 1.598
k2  2  20 Tf L  1.0 ; (2.2.11-3) bearing local load 1.410 1.474 1.534 1.591
k3 — coefficient taken, for ships of kL — coefficient determined by the equation:
Ì-ÑÏ 4,5 class, equal to 1.114 for ships 25
and 60 m long; 1.277 for ships 100 m long;
1.367 for ships 140 m long. The values of k3

kL  0.171  2.516  103 L  2.446  105 L2 
for intermediate lengths of ship shall be de- 1  1.768  102
L  1.888  104 L2 
termined by linear interpolation. For ships of (2.2.12-4)
all other classes, k3 = 1.0 regardless of their
or taken from Table 2.2.12-2;
 — block coefficient; Table 2.2.12-2
h — design wave height taken from Table Coefficient kL
2.1.2. L kL L kL
L, Tf and  values shall be taken with due 50 0.257 110 0.381
65 0.315 125 0.370
regard to the design loading case used for de-
80 0.366 140 0.351
termining a bending moment on still water. 95 0.392
Additional wave bending moment is taken
as constant within 0.3L in the middle part of k1 — coefficient taken from Table 2.2.11.
the hull and linearly reducing towards the fore
2.2.13 Design shear forces for sagging and
and aft extremities down to zero (see Fig.
hogging, kN in at the hull section under con-
sideration shall be calculated by summing the
2.2.12 Design bending moments for sagging absolute values of shear force on still water
and hogging, kNm in the hull section under and the additional wave shear force in this
consideration shall be calculated by algebrai- section:
cal summing the values of bending moments Nr = Nsw +Naw (2.2.13)
in still water and the additional wave bending
moment in this section: 2.2.14 Maximum design bending moments
Mr = Msw + Maw (2.2.12-1) and shear forces shall be determined accord-
ing to 2.2.12 and 2.2.13 in design loading
For passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ class with cases as per 2.2.2 – 2.2.7.
length of 50 m and more, the bending mo-
ments in still water Msw, kNm shall be calcu- 2.2.15 For the design condition as per
lated as per 2.2.4 and taken, by the absolute, if loading and unloading at waves are
value, not less than that determined by the not required by design documentation ap-
formula: proved by the River Register, Maw and Naw in
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 55

formulae (2.2.12) and (2.2.13) shall not be Tb — draught of a ship with ballast in the
taken not less than 0.7 of the respective values section under consideration, m;
determined as per 2.2.10 for the ship of Ë hb — height of a ballast tank up to the top
class. If the design documentation approved of the air pipe, m;
by the River Register requires cargo opera- htr — height of expansion trunk of tanker’s
tions in non-sheltered waters, Ìaw and Naw are cargo tank, m;
determined by the formulae (2.2.10-1) and hv — water head corresponding to over-
(2.2.10-21) for ships operating in basin cate- pressure, for which the breathing valve in the
gory comprising the water area in question. gas outlet pipe is designed and calculated, m;
Values of Maw and Naw during loading and r — wave half-height, m (wave height is
unloading operations shall be calculated with taken from Table 2.1.2 regardless of permissi-
due regard to the cargo distribution over the ble wave height limit set to the ship). For
ship’s length as per 2.2.8. ships of М-СП 4.5 class, the design wave half-
height in common case shall be equal to r =
Design local loads 2.35 m. If the specified design wave half-
2.2.16 Local load shall be calculated for height exceeds this value, it is required also to
the following loading cases of the ship: calculate the modulus of cross-section of the
girder by the formulae stated in 2.4;
.1 in fully loaded condition;
ðc — cargo/fuel pressure calculated regard-
.2 in lightship condition or with ballast;
less of non-uniformity of its distribution, kPa;
.3 during loading and unloading (for
Hh — height of the ship’s hold in the sec-
cargo ships);
tion under consideration measured from the
.4 during water-tightness and gas-tightness base plane, m;
tests of the hull;
ðnu — pressure of cargo determined with
.5 in case of flooding compartments ac- due regard to of non-uniformity of its distri-
cording to 4.2 and 4.3 Part II of the Rules; bution as per 2.2.19, kPa;
.6 in other unfavorable operational condi-
c — specific gravity of bulk or liquid
tions of the ship.
cargo, kN/m3;
2.2.17 Local strength of structures shall be hdb — double bottom height, m.
verified for the loads that produce maximal 2.2.19 Cargo pressure pc is calculated by
stresses. the following formulae with due regard to
The strength of longitudinal girders is veri- non-uniformity of its distribution, kPa:
fied against summary stresses produced by .1 for dry cargo ships
global longitudinal bending of the ship and ðnu  knu ðc (
the local load.
where knu — coefficient of cargo pressure
2.2.18 The design local load shall be speci- non-uniformity, taken equal to 1.25 to calcu-
fied in the form of a pressure taken equal to late web framing and 1.50 to calculate ordi-
the greatest value from those obtained by the nary framing and plates (except for ships car-
formulae in 2.2.19 to 2.2.29 according to ship rying cargo loaded in heaps or stockpiles);
type, permissible loading conditions, and hull .2 for tankers
form. These formulae use the following sym- ðnu  ðc ± ðnu (
where ðnu — permissible design non-
Hsec — ship depth in the section under uniformity of cargo pressure by holds for the
consideration, m; loading cases provided in the Instruction on
Tfload — draught of a full loaded ship in the Loading and Unloading;
section under consideration, m; .3 for dry cargo ships carrying cargo
Tlight — draught of a light ship in the sec- loaded in heaps when calculating ordinary
tion under consideration, m; members and plates
56 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

pnu  c  Hheap  h 1.13  0.48  0.152   h , Inside the ring r1 ≤ rM ≤ R1 the pressure
varies along the radius linearly
where Hheap — height of a heap, m, determined 
pм  pр  pnu  pр   R1  rм   R1  r1  ,
from the mass of cargo in a heap increased by (
10% (by 15% for ships carrying mineral where rÌ — distance between point M, at
building materials on local voyages) in order to which pressure pÌ is calculated, and the cen-
take the non-uniformity of loading into tre of the heap, m;
pр — constituent equal to
 — natural slope angle of the bulk cargo,
rad; pр   c h . (
h — reduced height of a heap, m, calcu- At points of bearing rectangle with a ra-
lated by the formula: dius-vector rÌ  R1, the pressure is deter-

h  Hheap  tg Lheap  Bheap  L2heap  Bheap
 6. mined by the formula
pM  pð . (
( .6 for dry cargo ships carrying bulk car-
Here Lheap, Bheap — length and breadth of goes in stockpiles, when calculating web fram-
a section of the deck plating occupied by one ing, the cargo pressure is considered to be
heap of cargo, correspondingly, m. uniformly distributed over the stockpile length
If calculation according to formula and non-uniformly distributed in the trans-
( results in h < 0, then h shall be verse direction. In the middle part of plating
taken equal to zero. under the stockpile, the pressure shall be con-
.4 for dry cargo ships carrying bulk car- sidered constant and equal to ðnu as calculated
goes in stockpiles, when calculating ordinary by the formula (
framing and plates The middle part is considered as an area
pnu   c  H st  hst  1.07  0.33   hst  , where
yM  (0.037+0.165)Bst (
Âst — breadth of stockpile, m;
where hst — height of the rectangular part of yм — distance between the point where
stockpile’s cross-section, in m; pressure is determined and longitudinal axis of
Hst — overall height of the stockpile de- the stockpile on the deck plating, m.
termined from the cargo mass increased by At the stockpile's edges, pressure shall be
10% to take the non-uniformity of loading considered distributed in the transverse direc-
into account (15% for ships carrying mineral tion linearly
building materials on local voyages), m;
.5 for dry cargo ships carrying bulk car- pм  pnu   pnu  chst  
goes in heaps, when calculating web framing,  2yм Bst  (0.074  0.329)  0.926  0.329 ;
the cargo pressure is considered non-uniformly
distributed throughout the deck plating area. (
Inside a circle with its centre in the heap’s cen- .7 for dry cargo ships carrying bulk car-
tre and with radius goes in heaps, when calculating the web fram-
ing, the cargo pressure may be considered
r1   0.12  0.39  R1 , (
uniformly distributed throughout the deck
where R1 — radius of the flared part of the plating, provided that the breadth of the heap
heap, m, determined by the formula: is not less than the breadth of the cargo bun-
ker. In this case, the pressure shall be calcu-
R1   H heap – h  ctg  , ( lated by formula (, where non-
the pressure is constant and equal to ðnu as uniformity coefficient shall be calculated as
calculated by formula ( follows
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 57

2.2.21 Design load in the aft extremity is

  
knu  1.6  0.2 Lheap Bheap  1  0.77 Lheap Bheap 
 considered to be uniformly distributed as
stated in 2.2.20 for fore extremity, and the
 
Kr  3.6  1.1  rh pc   ch pc , design load for the bottom is taken to be

( equal to, kPa:
where Êr — coefficient: p  9.81 Tfload  r  . (2.2.21)

K r  ntg I tg  Lheap Bheap 

 ni I i  ; 2.2.22 Pressure at the bottom in the ballast
tanks area shall be taken equal to, kPa
ntg — number of girders of main direction p  9.81  hb – Tb  r  , (2.2.22-1)
(transverse girders) per heap; but not exceeding
ni — number of intersecting members p  9.81hb . (2.2.22-2)
(longitudinal girders) in the grillage;
Itg, Ii — area moments of inertia, with re- 2.2.23 Design load on the bottom and in-
spect to neutral axis, of girders of main direc- ner bottom, except for extremities, shall be
tion and intersecting members, respectively; determined by the formula, kPa:
h — reduced height calculated by formula .1 for ordinary framing and bottom plat-
( ing of all compartments, provided that there
The non-uniformity coefficient shall be is no counter-pressure from cargo or ballast,
not less than 1.25. and under the following conditions:
.8 for dry cargo ships carrying bulk car-
goes in stockpiles, when calculating the web in loaded condition p  9.81 Tfload  r  ;
framing, the cargo pressure may be considered (
uniformly distributed throughout the deck
in lightship condition p  9.81 Tlight  r  ;
plating, provided that the stockpile’s breadth
is not less than the cargo bunker’s breadth. In (
this case, the pressure shall be calculated by with ballast p  9.81 Tb  r  ; (
formula (, where non-uniformity
coefficient shall be calculated as follows .2 for web framing of cargo holds of dry
cargo ships in full-loaded condition:
knu  1.46  0.33  c hst pc , (
where hst — height of the rectangular part of ð  ðnu  9.81 Ò fload  r  ; (
cross-section of the stockpile. for web framing of spaces not subject to
The non-uniformity coefficient shall be not counter-pressure of cargo (flush deck ships,
less than 1.25. compartments of engine room, accommodation
2.2.20 Design load at the fore extremity of spaces of passenger ships and tugboats)
a ship is considered to be uniformly distrib- p  9.81 Tfload  r  ; (
uted on the bottom (according to rectangle
in lightship condition with ballast in the
law) and on the sides (according to a triangle
double bottom
or trapeze law) over the side’s height. For the
bottom, the design load is taken as, kPa: p  9.81 Tb  r  hdb  , (
.1 for a wedge bow where hdb — double bottom height, m;
p  9.81 Tfload  2r  ; ( in lightship condition with ballast outside
.2 for a spoon-shaped bow the double bottom
p  9.81 Tfload  2.5r  ; ( p  9.81 Tb  r  ; (
.3 for a sledge-shaped bow in lightship condition without ballast
p  9.81 Tfload  3r  . ( p  9.81 Tlight  r  ; (
58 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

.3 for the ordinary framing and the bottom Pressure on the sides and outer sides of
of the shell plating of cargo tanks of tanker in double-sided ships at the bottom level (except
loaded condition: for extremities) shall be taken equal to:
if there is no double bottom and the com- for all ships, except the ballast compart-
partment is fully loaded ments area and the area of cargo compart-
ð   c  Í h  htr  – 9.81 Ò fload – hv – r  ; ments of tankers, according to formula
( in the area of cargo compartments of tank-
with not fully loaded compartment ers, according to formula ( or
ð  ðnu – 9.81 Ò fload – r – hv  ; ( (;
in the area of ballast compartments, ac-
if there is a double bottom, р is determined
cording to formulae (2.2.22-1) and (2.2.22-2).
according to formula (;
Pressure on the inner sides of double-sided
in lightship condition with ballast in the
ships at the level of double bottom shall be
double bottom, the design load is determined
taken equal to, kPa:
according to formulae (2.2.22-1) and
(2.2.22-2); in lightship condition with ballast for tankers, according to formula (
outside the double bottom, the design load is 1) or (,
determined according to formula (; for dry cargo ships
in lightship condition without ballast, the de- ð  9.81  H sec – hdb  , (2.2.24-1)
sign load is determined according to formula
for ships taking ballast into between-hull
.4 for ordinary framing and double bottom
plating of dry cargo ships: ð  9.81  H b – hdb  , (2.2.24-2)
in fully loaded condition but not less than the value calculated by for-
ð  ðnu ; ( mula (2.2.24-1).
in lightship condition with ballast in the 2.2.25 Design load on strong watertight
double bottom bulkheads is considered to be distributed ac-
ð  9.81  hb  hdb  , ( cording to the triangle or trapeze law and at
the bottom level it is considered equal to,
where hdb is taken as per kPa:
.5 for ordinary framing and double bottom .1 for the forepeak bulkhead of ships of all
plating of tanker in fully loaded condition: types and classes, for all bulkheads of passen-
with fully loaded compartment ger ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and O
ð   c  Í heap – hdb  htr   9.81hv ; classes, for the afterpeak bulkhead of pushed
vessels of all classes
with not fully loaded compartment p  9.81H sec ; (
ð  ðnu  9‚81hv ; ( .2 for bulkheads enclosing compartments
or tanks of ships of all types and classes (ex-
.6 for web framing of cargo compartments
cepting bulkheads of cargo compartments of
of tanker in fully loaded condition, the load-
ing is determined by formula (
p  ðnu , (
2.2.24 When calculating the web and ordi-
nary framing, as well as the side shell plating, where ðnu is taken as per 2.2.19;
the load on the sides is considered to be dis- .3 for the rest bulkheads of ships of all
tributed over the side’s height according to types and classes
triangle or trapeze law. p  5.9H sec . (
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 59

.4 for bulkheads of cargo compartments of for a current stage of the loading instead of
tankers Hsec, hb and Hh respectively.
ð   c  Í heap  htr   9.81hv . ( Design wave half-height is taken as 0.2 m,
if loading and unloading are not required for
2.2.26 Design load on the deck grillage is the ship. If the ship is required to carry out
considered equal to, kPa: cargo handling operations in non-sheltered
.1 or the cargo deck of dry cargo ships waters, the wave half-height shall be taken
from Table 2.1.2 for ship operating in basin
p  ðnu , (
category comprising this water area.
where ðnu is taken as per 2.2.19;
2.2.28 Design local load on walls and decks
.2 for decks of tankers in the area of of superstructures and wheelhouses of ship of
cargo compartments Ì-ÑÏ class shall be set in the form of the
p  9.81  htr  hv  ; ( design pressure determined:
.3 for open parts of the decks not in- on side walls, from Table 2.2.28-1;
tended for cargo stowage of the hulls of ships on open decks not intended for cargo
of all classes other than tankers: stowage, from Table 2.2.28-2;
on end walls, from Table 2.2.28-3.
p  5; (
For the ships of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class, the de-
.4 for enclosed parts of hull decks, super-
sign pressures specified in Tables 2.2.28-1,
structures and wheelhouses intended for pas-
2.2.28-2 and 2.2.28-3 shall be increased pro-
sengers and crew accommodation
portionally to coefficient kp determined by the
p  3.5; ( formula:
.5 for upper decks of superstructures and kð  0.57r , (2.2.28)
wheelhouses not accessible for passengers and
not intended for cargoes where r — see 2.2.18.
Values x/L — 0.5 and x/L = –0.5 in Tables
p  1. (
2.2.28-1 to 2.2.28-3 correspond to the cross-
2.2.27 When carrying out water-tightness sections in the fore and aft perpendiculars at
and gas-tightness tests of ship hull, the load the design waterline draught, and x/L = 0
shall be taken with due regard to the agreed corresponds to the midship section.
test schedule in accordance with instructions For enclosed decks intended for accommo-
given in Appendix 10 RTSC. dation of passengers, crew and equipment, the
Local loads during loading and unloading design pressure shall be not less than 5.0 kPa.
shall be determined according to 2.2.19 – Proceeding from the ship’s design features,
2.2.24 using the draught values in the given other combinations of local loads bringing to
section at the particular cargo handling stage maximum local stresses shall be also taken
instead of Tfload, Tlight and Tb and the level of into consideration. This requirement applies
the liquid inside the ballast tank or cargo tank to the ships of all classes.
T a b l e 2.2.28-1
Design pressures on side walls of superstructures and wheelhouses of М-СП class ships
Design pressure at deck level, kPa, for relative distance õ/L
of the design cross-section under consideration from the midship
Deck –0.5 –0.3  x/L  0.2 0.5
for ship length*, m
25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140
Upper 5.9 9.7 13.7 18.5 23.3 4.9 5.6 8.5 11.5 14.5 7.6 15.5 22.0 29.8 37.6
Tier 1 4.7 4.9 5.1 9.2 12.4 4.7 4.9 5.1 6.7 8.4 4.7 4.9 6.8 15.2 20.2
Tier 2 and higher 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.6 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.6 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.6
* If the ship length differs from the values specified in the table, the design pressure shall be determined
by linear interpolation of the tabulated data.
60 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

T a b l e 2.2.28-2
Design pressures on open deck of Ì-ÑÏ class ships not intended for cargo stowage
Design pressure on deck, kPa, for relative distance õ/L
of the design cross-section under consideration from the midship
Deck –0.5 –0.3  x/L  0.2 0.5
for ship length*, m
25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140
Upper 6.1 6.5 9.8 12.9 16.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.1 10.1 8.3 12.0 16.0 19.8 27.4
Tier 1 3.6 3.6 3.7 7.5 9.8 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.7 6.0 4.6 7.5 9.9 12.7 19.2
* If the ship length differs from the values specified in the table, the design pressure shall be determined
by linear interpolation of the tabulated data.
N o t e . For open unloaded decks of second and further tiers of superstructures and wheelhouses, the
design pressure shall be not less than 1.5 kPa.
T a b l e 2.2.28-3
Design pressures on end walls of Ì-ÑÏ class ships
Design pressure on wall at the deck level, kPa
rear (aft) front (bow)
for relative distance õ/L of the superstructure wall under consideration from the midship
–0.5 –0.2  x/L < 0 0 0.5
for ship length1, m
25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140 25 40 60 100 140
Upper 5.8 6.0 9.2 14.3 25.6 5.8 6.0 6.1 8.0 14.3 11.6 11.9 21.0 39.0 70.0 12.6 16.0 33.0 55.0 98.0
6.5 11.6 11.9 12.5 19.0 43.5 11.6 11.9 22.0 39.0 68.0
Tier 12 5.8 6.0 6.1 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2
6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1 11.0 26.8 5.8 6.0 6.1 19.0 44.0
Tier 2 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1
and higher
Tier 3 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2
and higher
If the ship length differs from the values specified in the table, the design pressure shall be determined
by linear interpolation of the tabulated data.
Numerator represents design pressures for the next lower tier of superstructure (wheelhouse), denomi-
nator for the next upper tier.

2.2.29 When cars and other motor vehicles where ðt — pressure in the tire, MPa;
with pneumatic tires are carried or when fork- Q — load applied to the tire, kN;
lifts are used, the wheel pressure is considered bt — width of the tire, cm;
as uniformly distributed over its footprint and dt — diameter of the tire, cm;
equal to pressure in tires. The footprint of a Kd — dynamic coefficient equal to Kd = 1
vehicle wheel is considered to be rectangular- for forklift and Kd = 1.1 for the cars.
shaped with sides l1 and l2 (l1 refers to the Where it is unknown at the design stage
wheel width). The sides of the footprint shall what tires will be used in the wheel vehicle, l1
be obtained from the equations, cm, as follows: and l2 shall be taken for a wheel with the
for a bias tire minimal square of the footprint.
As regards the forklift, it is assumed that the
l1  10K dQ p t  bt d t , (2.2.29-1) whole load (weight of the forklift plus cargo)
is transferred via its front axis only.
l2  10K dQ p t  d t bt , (2.2.29-2)
for a radial tire (marked with symbols R or
"Radial") Global strength calculations
l1  0.7bt , (2.2.29-3)
2.2.30 Global bending stress shall be de-
l2  10K dQ  ptl1  , (2.2.29-4) termined for two cases: sagging, i.e. when the
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 61

deck is compressed, and hogging, i.e. when

the bottom is compressed.
Calculation shall be made for those hull
cross-sections where maximal summary
stresses may be expected, for instance, at the
weakest section of the middle part of ship, Fig. 2.2.32. Deck areas outside the cutout where
where main longitudinal members terminate, longitudinal members are not to be included in the
at cross-sections where different framing sys- hull girder
tems are joined or where hull material
changes to another one.

2.2.31 The hull girder comprises all the lon-

gitudinal members in the cross-section under
consideration, which are continuously ex-
tended to the length exceeding the doubled
depth, provided that these members are so
connected with the hull that they participate in
the global bending (see also 2.4.43).

2.2.32 Where the cutout breadth b0 (see

Fig. 2.2.32) in the deck does not exceed 0.05
of the breadth Bñ of the continuous part of
the deck in the given place, this cutout is not
taken into consideration when calculating
modulus of the cross-section. If the cutout Fig. 2.2.33 Areas where intercostal longitudinal
breadth b0 is equal to or more than 0.05 of members are not to be included in the hull girder
the breadth of the continuous part of the deck
2.2.35 Railings of cargo decks of flush deck
in the given place, only the members outside
ships and fenders of all ships are not included
the cutout (across the deck) shall be included
in the hull girder.
in the hull girder. Here, a part of the mem-
bers outside the cutout (along the deck) shall Special measures aimed at exclusion of the
not be included in the hull girder. fenders and railings of flush deck ships from
participation in global bending shall not cause
2.2.33 ntercostal members in the areas excessive stress concentration.
where they terminate shall be included in the 2.2.36 lements of the hull girder and nor-
hull girder in accordance with Figs. 2.2.32 mal stresses therein shall be calculated follow-
and 2.2.33 (the shaded areas shall not be in- ing the approximation method with respective
cluded in the hull girder). reduction of flexible members like shell, inner
2.2.34 Single-tier superstructures (wheel- bottom, platforms, decks, sides and longitudi-
houses) or superstructures of the first tier sup- nal bulkheads.
ported by at least three transverse bulkheads Approximation step, at which the differ-
shall be included in the hull girder in accor- ence of normal stresses from global bending of
dance with Fig. 2.2.33. the ship between the final and previous ap-
proximation steps does not exceed 5% for
At end parts of longitudinal walls of super-
each extreme edge of the hull girder, shall be
structures (wheelhouses) there shall be no
taken as the final approximation step.
densely arranged windows or other cutouts
whose breadth exceeds the distance between 2.2.37 The following is not subject to re-
the cutouts. duction:
62 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

.1 plate sections adjacent to longitudinal cr — critical stress in the compressed plate
members at breadth equal to 0.25 of the short calculated as per 2.2.72, MPa.
side of bearing contour from each side of the The reduction coefficient shall not exceed 1.
member (Figs. 2.2.37-1 and 2.2.37-2) but not
more than 25-fold plate thickness; 2.2.39 In case of the transverse framing
system, the reduction coefficients of plates
shall be specified in accordance with Ta-
ble 2.2.39. When determining these coeffi-
cients, the local transverse load on the plate is
to be specified according to instructions of
2.2.19 to 2.2.28, and the design value of sag-
ging h0 shall be taken not less than calculated
by the formula, m:
h0  a  0.0015 t  0.4  55 , (2.2.39-1)
Fig. 2.2.37-1 Longitudinal plate section not where a — length of the shorter side of the
subjected to reduction plate, m;
t — plate thickness, m.
T a b l e 2.2.39
Reduction coefficients for transverse plates
Reduction coefficient  at the plate
Type of defor-
thickness, mm
0.004 0.006 0.008 0.012
Tension 0.07 0.18 0.33 0.56
Compression 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.28

For cargo deck plating and double bottom

of the ships loaded with clamshells, the value
of sagging h0 calculated by formula (2.2.39-1)
shall be doubled; initial sagging shall be con-
sidered cosine-shaped, and the strip girder to
Fig. 2.2.37-2 Transverse plate section not subjected be considered rigidly fixed regardless of the
to reduction fact whether the plating is under transverse
.2 bilge plate throughout the length of the load or not.
bilge curve; The reduction coefficient at compression r
.3 plates of the extended zone of the hull shall not exceed the value obtained from the
girder in case of the longitudinal framing sys- equation:
 100t a2 1  a2 b2 
  19 r , (2.2.39-2)
2.2.38 In case of the longitudinal framing
system, the reduction coefficients for com- where |r| see 2.2.38;
pressed plates shall be obtained from the for- a — see 2.2.39-1;
mula b — length of the larger side of the plate,
  cr  r , (4.3.20) m.

where |r| — absolute value of the compressive 2.2.40 At global bending of the hull, the
stress in the rigid members at the level of following stresses in the hull members shall be
plate's centre of gravity as obtained from cal- determined:
culation of the hull girder at the correspond- normal stresses, MPa,
ing approximation step, MPa; i  M ð zi  10 –3 I ; (2.2.40-1)
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 63

tangent stresses, MPa, at the level of char- be taken into account when calculating the
acteristic horizontal cross-sections along the modulus of cross-section of the girder (by
hull girder height: inclusion of the knee cross-section) and when
  N ðS  I  t  , (2.2.40-2) calculating bending moment acting at knees’
where Mð — the greatest design bending mo-
.5 where the height of girders (floors, side
ment in the cross-section, kNm;
web frames, bulkhead web stays, etc.) varies,
I — area moment of inertia of the hull it is allowed to use scantling of the mid girder
girder, m4; span for calculation purposes;
zi — distance between ith member and the .6 tangent stresses near cutouts in webs of
neutral axis of the hull girder (with symbol web members shall be obtained by dividing
plus when above the neutral axis and symbol the shear force by the area of the web cross-
minus when below the neutral axis), m; section minus the area of the cutout cross-
Nр — the greatest design shear force in the section.
cross-section, kN;
S — static moment, relative to the axis, of 2.2.24 When calculating the web frames,
the part of hull girder cross-section situated the following provisions shall be considered:
either above or below the given horizontal .1 sagging of beams and bilge curve radius
cross-section, in which tangent stresses are shall not be accounted; members constituting
calculated, m3; the frame shall be considered rectilinear, and
t — the sum of thicknesses of the sides, their length shall be taken in accordance with
longitudinal coaming plates and longitudinal directions of;
bulkheads in the given horizontal section, in .2 pillars supporting web frames shall be
which tangent stresses are calculated, mm. considered as only equalizing sags of bottom
and deck branches and as loaded with point
Local strength calculations forces. When expanding static indeterminacy
in calculations, the change of pillar length or
2.2.41 The local strength calculations shall influence of knee rigidity shall not be consid-
be performed for ships of all classes regardless ered.
of ship length. The pillars, whose rigidity is close to the
When calculating the local strength, the rigidity of ring frame branches, shall be calcu-
following shall be assumed: lated as the frame ring elements loaded with
.1 web framing members – floors, web end moments, in addition to axial force;
side frames and beams — shall be considered .3 where the web frames are relieved by
as rigid bearing for longitudinal bottom, side longitudinal girders (that may be seen from
and deck girders (stiffeners); keelsons, side preliminary calculation of the grillage), their
stringers and carlings, similarly, for ordinary relieving action shall be accounted as concen-
bottom and side frames and beams; web stays trated reaction forces. If there is no deck
and bulkhead shelves, similarly, for ordinary loading, frame rings with no pillars may be
horizontal and vertical stiffeners; calculated as open frame rings, whose side
.2 variability of rigidity characteristics of branches rest freely on hard bearings in the
the web member sections resulting from knees deck junction;
shall not be taken into account when expand- .4 multi-tiered frame rings may be calcu-
ing static indeterminacy of the system; lated as one-tiered ones, provided that the
.3 spans of members constituting a frame deck is not loaded;
ring shall be taken as overall dimensions (hull .5 bracket floors in each span between
depth, hull breadth, distance between longitu- keelsons may be calculated as girders loaded
dinal bulkheads); by water pressure from below and by cargo
.4 when calculating stresses in bearing pressure from above. The top and bottom
cross-sections of the frame girders, knees shall girders of bracket floors interconnected by a
64 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

vertical stay amidst the span may be calcu- 2.2.45 Restraint coefficients k of intersect-
lated assuming that sags of the girders are ing members in the grillages shall be obtained
equal at the points where the girders are con- as follows:
nected with the stay. where lengths of adjacent compartments
2.2.43 When calculating the strength of the differ from each other by less than 20%, k = 1;
grillages, the restraint coefficient of the main where lengths of adjacent compartments
direction girder ends shall be obtained from differ from each other by more than 20%, k is
the calculation of the frame ring. calculated by the formula:
If the frame ring is not calculated, restraint

k  1  0.5 q  Lgr Lgr  q 1  0.5 Lgr 
Lgr ,
coefficients of floors at the bilge and of beams  
at the sides shall be determined by the for- (2.2.45)
mula where q — average arithmetical value of loads
k  1 1   lI  B1i   , (2.2.43) of the adjacent compartments, kPa;
where  — coefficient to be obtained from q — load on the grillage under considera-
Table 2.2.43 depending on the number of tion, kPa;
longitudinal bulkheads, the loading conditions Lgr — average arithmetical value of lengths
and ratio lI  B1i  ; of adjacent grillages, m;
Lgr — length of the grillage under consid-
l — span of the side frame, m; eration, m.
B1 — span of the beam or floor, m;
I — area moment of inertia of the beam or 2.2.46 Keelsons and carlings, floors and
floor, m4; beams connected by pillars at each web frame
may be calculated as a grillage by considering
i — area moment of inertia of the side
them to be a girder of summed rigidity and
frame, m4.
T a b l e 2.2.43 separating reaction forces in junctions propor-
Coefficient 
tionally to rigidities of keelsons and carlings.
For bottom grillages, it is necessary to ver-
Number of Ratio Value of  for ship in:
longitudinal ify tangent stresses in webs of girder bearing
lI  B1i  fully loaded light
bulkheads condition condition sections.
0 — 0.50 0.65 2.2.47 Trusses shall be considered as rigid
1 0.50 bearings for web framing.
1 1.35
≥1 0.17
1 0.50 2.2.48 Ordinary frames and beams shall be
≥2 1.10
≥1 0.17 calculated as multi-spanned girders assuming
that longitudinal web members (keelsons, car-
2.2.44 Restraint coefficients k of the floors lings and side stringers) are rigid non-shifting
and beams shall be determined in the follow- bearings for the ordinary frames and beams,
ing way depending on availability of longitu- and particular parts of the latter are in bend-
dinal bulkheads or trusses: ing.
where distances between adjacent longitu- For the connection of the side ordinary
dinal bulkheads/trusses or between a longitu- frame and floor with a knee, the bottom end
dinal bulkhead/truss and the side differ from of the frame is be considered as rigidly attached.
each other by less than 20%, then k  1; Ends of ordinary frames and beams in the
ditto, by more than 20%: deck-to-side junction, as well as ends of half-
for smaller spans of girders k  1; beams adjoining to the coaming, shall be con-
for greater spans of girders k  0.75. sidered as freely resting.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 65

2.2.49 Longitudinal girders (stiffeners) in system), as well as ordinary girders, width of

the longitudinal framing system shall be cal- the effective flange shall be determined by the
culated based on the requirements of: formula:
.1 local strength as: c1  0.5a , (
girders rigidly attached to the web trans- where a — distance between the same-name
verse members (floors, frames or beams) un- ordinary girders (i.e. spacing), m.
der symmetrical load;
Effective flange shall not be taken wider
multi-spanned continuous girders under
than its 50-fold thickness;
non-symmetrical load;
.2 buckling strength as girders freely rest- .2 when calculating the web members per-
pendicular to ordinary girders (beams, frames,
ing on the transverse web members.
floors in case of the longitudinal framing sys-
2.2.50 Side stringers shall be calculated tem, and carlings, keelsons and side stringers
within the structure of the side grillage. in case of the transverse framing system), the
If cross-connected, stringers of outer and width of the effective flange for these mem-
inner sides shall be calculated as a system of bers shall be obtained from the equation, m:
girders with cross-members. c2  c1   b – c1   , (
2.2.51 Bulkhead framing consisting of web where c1 — width of the effective flange as
stays and shelves, provided that shelves sup- per, m;
port these stays, shall be calculated as a gril- b — distance between the same-name
lage. web members arranged perpendicular to ordi-
Where there is no shelves, ordinary vertical nary girders, m;
stays shall be calculated as single-spanned
 — reduction coefficient obtained from
girders, and where there are shelves, as con-
Table 2.2.39.
tinuous multi-spanned girders.
Where there are no web stays, ordinary If reduction coefficient is calculated (see
horizontal stiffeners shall be calculated as sin- 2.1.6) instead of obtaining from Table 2.2.39,
gle-spanned girders, and where there are web the stress in rigid members being a part of the
stays, as girders rigidly attached on web stays, cubic equation shall be taken equal to normal
if distances between the latter are equal. Oth- stress in the web member under consideration
erwise, the restraint coefficients of ordinary with a respective sign;
horizontal stiffeners shall comply with the .3 when calculating the web members co-
requirements of 2.2.44. directional to ordinary framing (carlings and
floors in case of the transverse framing system,
2.2.52 Calculation of strength of the shell web frames in case of the longitudinal framing
plates and plating shall be made under the system, etc.), the cross-sections within the
assumption that all the plates carrying local flange of ordinary framing stiffeners shall be
load are plates of finite rigidity firmly fixed on added to design values of the effective flange
long edges of the bearing contour. area, and the width of the effective flange is
Where bearing contour side ratio exceeds calculated as follows, m:
two, the plates shall be considered as bending
c3  0.5d 1  0.45 100t a   , (
over a cylindrical surface and be calculated as  
strip girders. where d — distance between same-name web
2.2.53 When calculating frame scantlings, members parallel to ordinary girders, m;
width of the effective flange shall be specified a — distance between the same-name or-
as follows: dinary girders (i.e. spacing), m.
.1 when calculating longitudinal girders of In all cases, the following condition shall
deck, bottom and double bottom (with the be met: c2  d;
longitudinal framing system), or ordinary .4 in all cases, the width of the effective
beams and frames (with the transverse framing flange of the framing girders shall not exceed
66 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

1/6 of length of the design span of the girder for transversal trusses, the distance between
under consideration; side and longitudinal bulkhead or between
.5 for the web members located across longitudinal bulkheads.
corrugations and connected directly with a The loading on transversal trusses shall also
corrugated plate throughout its length, the include reaction forces resulting from interac-
width of the effective flange shall be taken tion with longitudinal trusses.
equal to 12-fold thickness of the corrugated Forces in separate pillars shall be deter-
plate; mined from joint calculation of bottom and
.6 for the web members located across deck grillages. The force compressing a sepa-
corrugations and having no direct connections rate pillar may be taken as the greater of the
with a corrugated plate throughout its length, forces Ð and Pb.
the width of the effective flange shall be taken When determining forces in braces and pil-
equal to zero; lars, two cases shall be considered:
.7 for members running on the longitudi- when the maximum permissible load acts
nal girders (attached framing system), the on the deck in considered ship area. In this
width of the effective flange shall be taken case, the minus is used in formula (2.2.54-2);
equal to zero. when there is no load on deck in the con-
2.2.54 Design load on deck junction of sidered ship area. In this case, the plus is used
truss or deck end of a separate pillar shall be in formula (2.2.54-2).
determined by the formula, kN: 2.2.55 The cross-section area of the pillar or
P  fp  Pu , (2.2.54-1) brace F, m2 shall be not less than
where f — area of the deck or a platform sup- F  2  10 3 P  cr , (2.2.55-1)
ported by the pillar, including cargo hatches
in the area under consideration, m2; where P  — absolute value of design force
p — design load on the area f to be ob- in pillar/brace determined taking into account
tained as per 2.2.26, kPa; the load on deck and bottom junctions (see
Pu — design load on the pillar from the 2.2.54) and truss structure, kN;
upper pillar, kN. cr — critical stresses calculated according
Design load on bottom junction of truss or to 2.2.71 from the Euler stresses, MPa;
bottom end of a separate pillar shall be deter-
mined by the formula, kN: E  2  105 I l F  ,
Ð b  9.81 f b Ò  r   0 , (2.2.54-2) where I — the minimum area moment of
where fb — bottom area supported by the inertia of the pillar/brace, m4,
bottom junction of truss or a separate pillar, m2; l — design length of the pillar/brace, m,
T — draught in considered ship loading taken equal to:
case in vicinity of the truss or separate pillars, for pillar, the actual length of the pillar;
m; for brace, reduced length lred determined by
r — design wave half-height, m. the formula:
The value of Рb shall not be less than zero. l red  kl p cos  , (2.2.55-3)
Forces in pillars and braces shall be deter-
mined based on calculation of truss loaded by where k is a coefficient taken equal to:
forces Р and Pb. Truss span shall be considered 1, for trusses shown on Fig. 2.2.55 a) and
equal to: 2.2.55 b),
for longitudinal trusses, the distance be- 0.66, for trusses shown on Fig. 2.2.55 c);
tween transversal bulkheads or between trans- lo — overall length of the brace, m;
versal trusses or between transversal bulkhead  — angle between longitudinal axis of the
and transversal truss; pillar and longitudinal axis of the brace.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 67

s  1  7.8I d (bb2 fd ) ; (2.2.56-4)

If, Id, Is — area moments of inertia of the
floor in the cargo bunker area, the double
bottom floor, and the inner side frame with
effective flange, m4;
fd — cross-sectional area of double bottom
floor's web, m2;
bb — double bottom width at the level of
bottom deck, m;
khb — restraint coefficient of floors in half-

 
khb  1 1  6I f t hb hd2 Bf  ,
 
but not less than kfr;
thb — thickness of the half-bulkhead plate
in its lower part, m;
Fig. 2.2.55 Truss variants hd — double bottom height, m;
i1 — relative moment of inertia of the dou-
2.2.56 Transverse strength of double-sided ble side in case of constrained torsion:
cargo ships with large deck openings is esti-
mated by calculation of cargo bunker bottom i1  bd2  t s H  t s bd  12I f  ; (2.2.56-6)
grillage together with frame rings of the dou- bd — double bottom width at the level of
ble sides, under assumption that all the junc- deck, m;
tions of these frame rings are fixed and both i2 — relative moment of inertia of the dou-
outer and inner sides act as a rigid bearing for ble side in case of free torsion:
floors, provided that the following inequality
is met: i2  Ht s bs2 1  bs t s  Ht s   I fl ; (2.2.56-7)
d1 Bf  84i1 D 2 l h2  i2   kavl h2   2.7 , td, ts — average deck plating thickness and
(2.2.56-1) side plating thickness (inner and outer sides),
where lh — length of the longest hold, m; respectively, m;
Bf — floor length (distance between the in- bs — double bottom width at the level of
ner sides at the double bottom level), m; side half-depth.
d1 — distance between the floors, m; 2.2.57 If inequality (2.2.56-1) is not com-
kav — average restraint coefficient of the plied with, calculation of joint deformation of
floors: double sides and bottom grillage in still water
kav   kfr nf  khb nb   nf  nb  ; (2.2.56-2) under local loads as stipulated by this Part of
nf — number of floors in the hold posi- the Rules shall be submitted.
tioned in the frame ring planes; 2.2.58 For ships with large deck opening
nb — number of floors in the hold posi- area, where inequality (2.2.56-1) is not com-
tioned in the planes of half-bulkheads; plied with, additional (i.e. caused by waving)
kfr — restraint coefficient of floor ends in shear forces and bending moments in the cen-
frame rings: tre plane cross-section of floor and inner side

kfr  1 1  I f Bf I s 
H  I d  bb  c   ; cross-section of floor shall be calculated and
summed up with the same forces and mo-
(2.2.56-3) ments in still water.
Í — side depth, m; For ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, M and O
s — shift coefficient: classes, the maximum values of forces and
68 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

moments may be obtained from the following where b — minimum size of the plate in plan
equations: view (i.e. the distance between stiffeners, see
shear force in the inner side cross-section, Fig. 2.2.59), m.

Vdef  6.52hBf d1e kT 1  e 0.5kB   kB  ;
bending moment in the inner side cross-
section, kNm,

M def  hd1 4.88T 1  e kT  0.710Bf2 
 
 
  k  kav  e  kT 1  e 0.5kB B  k ;

bending moment in the centre plane cross-
section, kNm,

 
M ul  hd1 3.96T 1  e kT  0.641Bf2 

 1.5  k  kav e kT 1  e 0.5kB B  k ,
  Fig. 2.2.59 Arrangement of load spot on deck

(2.2.58-3) Parameter Wres/b is calculated by the for-

where h — wave height obtained from Table mula:

 pt 
2.1.2, m; Wres b  10 2 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 py  1 ,
k — provisional wave number; for ships of
Î-ÏÐ and O classes it shall be taken equal to (2.2.59-2)
0.140 m–1, for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and M where k1 is a coefficient equal to 1.40 for steel
classes 0.0838 m–1; with ReH = 235 MPa and equal to 1.00 for
T — draught in the middle of the hold, m; higher strength steels;
B — ship breadth, m; k2  6.0  b t min   15 ; (2.2.59-3)

  k Bf d1 97.4  H l0  i1  3.80i2  l02  kav ;

  k3  0.45b0 b  0.75 ;
k4  0.20a0 b  0.80 ;
 
l0 is be taken equal to the hold length, m k5  1.9 c  103 E  0.74 ; (2.2.59-6)
for lh 65 m, and equal to 65 m for lh 65 m;
For Bf, d1, i1, i2, kav see 2.2.56. pt — pressure in the load spot (see Fig.
When calculating bending moments acting 2.2.59) equal to the tire inner pressure, MPa;
in sections of the floor placed in the frame ring py — pressure resulting in fiber yield:
plane, it shall be assumed that k  kfr; when 2
p y  t min  ReH  0   ka0b0  ; (2.2.59-7)
calculating bending moments acting in sections
of the floor located in the half-bulkhead plane, tmin — thickness of the plating at the end of
that k  khb. ship’s service life without renewal repair as
calculated by formula (2.2.59-11), m;
2.2.59 When carrying vehicles and using c — absolute value of maximal compres-
forklifts, strength of the plating shall be de- sive stresses in the rigid members at the plat-
termined through the value of the residual sag ing level: in case of the transverse framing
Wres caused by load from a wheel or a group system, in the effective flange of a carling or
of wheels. The sag shall comply with the fol- keelson at global hull bending; in case of the
lowing inequality: longitudinal framing system, in the effective
Wres b  0.01 , (2.2.59-1) flange of a beam or floor at the grillage bend-
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 69

ing; when calculating effect of vehicle wheels Plating thickness at the end of ship’s ser-
during the voyage, it shall be found with due vice life without renewal repair is determined
regard to waves; when calculating effect of as:
forklift wheels, with due regard to loads acting t min  t – t , (2.2.59-11)
during cargo handling operations, MPa; where t — design thickness of the plating,
0 — stresses equal to c or E, whichever which shall be not less than specified in 2.4.1,
is less; m;
E  19 100t min b  ;
(2.2.59-8) t — wear over the service life, m:
a0 — size of the load spot along the longer t  8  10 –5  , (2.2.59-12)
side of the plate, m;  — ship service life without renewal re-
b0 — ditto, along the shorter side, m; pair, years.
ReH — yield point of the plating material, 2.2.60 The following stresses shall be de-
MPa; termined in the area of cutouts in webs of
E — Young’s modulus, MPa; web members where the greatest shear force
k — stress coefficient in the plate, as ob- occurs, MPa:
tained from Table 2.2.59. normal stresses
T a b l e 2.2.59
Coefficient k depending on ratios b0/b and a0 /b   Mz I  Vsh  0, 5lcut  x  z br I br   10 3 ;
b0 b Values of k at a0 /b equal to (2.2.60-1)
0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4
tangent stresses
0.2 1.056 0.904 0.652 0.492 0.387
0.4 0.896 0.766 0.550 0.409 0.316   103V Fw , (2.2.60-2)
0.6 0.734 0.630 0.456 0.342 0.266
where Ì — bending moment on the girder in
0.8 0.602 0.518 0.376 0.284 0.222
1.0 0.494 0.424 0.309 0.233 0.183 the cross-section in the middle of the cutout,
Sizes of the load spot a0 and b0 are consid- I — central area moment of inertia of the
ered to be equal to l1 and l2 with due regard to girder in the cutout area, m4;
the wheel orientation. Values of l1 and l2 are z — distance between the point where the
determined as per 2.2.29. stress is determined and the girder’s neutral
For twin wheels l1 is replaced with l1* axis, m;
l1*  l1  bt   , (2.2.59-9) Vsh — shear force acting on the web bridge
where bt is referred to in 2.2.29, and pressure in the cross-section in the middle of the cut-
in the tire ð is replace by the reduced pressure out, kN; shear force in this cross-section shall
ð* be considered distributed between the web
bridges pro rata to the area moments of iner-
ð *  2 ðl1 l1* , (2.2.59-10) tia of the bridges;
where  — distance between tires of a twin lcut — cutout length, m;
wheel. x — distance between the design cross-
If b0 > b, b0 = b. If ð  ðy, residual sag Wres section and the left edge of the cutout, m;
= 0. Ibr — area moment of inertia of the girder
Formula (2.2.59-2) is applicable when: cutout bridges above or below the cutout,
30  b t min  170 ; relative to their own neutral axes, m4;
zbr — distance between the point under
0.15  a0 b  2.10 ; consideration and the neutral axis of the web
0.20  b0 b  1.00 ; bridge, m;
V, Fw — shear force, kN and the weakest
0.11  100ReH Å  0.17 ;
cross-section area of the girder web, m2, cor-
0  c  104 Å  8, 0 . respondingly.
70 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Summation of stresses 2.2.65 Stresses are determined and summed

up for design both sagging and hogging mo-
2.2.61 Design stresses in hull members
caused by global bending and local loads shall
be determined depending on the values, posi- Local load stresses to be summed up with
global bending stresses, which are determined
tions and directions of acting external loads.
for each of the aforementioned moments,
The greatest normal and tangent stresses,
shall be calculated at the respective local load.
which shall not exceed those permitted by the
Rules, shall be considered design stresses in 2.2.66 Total stresses caused by global bend-
the hull member under consideration. ing and grillage bending shall be determined
for outer and inner edges of its members on
2.2.62 Strength of longitudinal hull mem-
the bearing and in the span.
bers participating in global bending shall be
verified by stresses resulting from algebraic
summation of stresses caused by longitudinal Permissible stresses
global bending stresses and stresses caused by
local load. 2.2.67 When calculating stresses caused by
global bending and local load, as well as when
2.2.63 For ships not carrying cargo on calculating total stresses, the following stresses
deck, summary stresses shall be determined to be taken as unsafe normal and tangent
only in bottom members. Global bending stresses:
stresses are considered to be design stresses in 0  kn ReH ; (2.2.67-1)
deck members for those ships. However, if in
0  0.570 , (2.2.67-2)
those ships some load is transmitted by pillars
from the bottom to the deck and causes bend- where ReH — yield point of the material;
ing in deck members, total stresses in deck kn — coefficient calculated by the following
members shall be calculated as regards that formula if 235 MPa  ReH 395 MPa:
load (for instance, total stresses in deck mem-
kn  1  0.089  ReH 235  1  0.129  ReH 235  1 .
bers of flush deck ships in lightship condition).
2.2.64 or all ships carrying cargo on deck,
summary stresses in deck members shall be 2.2.68 Values of permissible stresses are
calculated as regards the local load on the deck. given in Table 2.2.68.
T a b l e 2.2.68
Regulated permissible stresses
Regulated permissible
Characteristic of design stresses due to
Name and characteristic of the hull members stresses as percentage
of the unsafe stresses
1. Rigid members of the hull girder participat- Normal stresses due to global bend- For ships of Ì-ÑÏ,
ing only in global bending and not carrying ing Ì-ÏÐ, Ì classes:
local load (longitudinal continuous coamings, 0.70; Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð
members of unloaded decks, etc.) and Ë classes: 0.75
2. Rigid members of the hull girder participat- Ditto 0.60
ing only in global bending and not carrying
local load (bottom members of all ships, mem-
bers of loaded decks and loaded longitudinal
continuous coamings, excepting coamings of
double-sided ships of Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð and Ë
3. Longitudinal continuous coamings and car- Total normal stresses due to global
lings of ships carrying cargo on cargo hatches bending and grillage bending:
and on the deck, as well as keelsons of ships of in a span 0.75
all types on a bearing 0.95
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 71

E n d o f T a b l e 2.2.68
Regulated permissible
Characteristic of design stresses due to
Name and characteristic of the hull members stresses as percentage
of the unsafe stresses
4. Longitudinal girders (continuous stiffeners) Total normal stresses due to global
and local bending:
in a span 0.85
on a bearing 0.95
5. Hull’s shell and deck plating in case of the Normal stresses due to local load:
transverse framing system in a span 0.80
on a bearing 0.95
6. Shell and deck plating in case of the longi- Normal stresses due to local load:
tudinal framing system in a span 0.80
on a bearing 0.95
7. Hull members under shear force at global Tangent stresses 0.60
bending (the side shell plating and the plating
of longitudinal bulkheads)
8. Transverse web members: floors, web Normal stresses due to local load:
frames and beams in a span 0.75
on a bearing 0.85
9. Transverse ordinary members: bottom and Normal stresses due to local load:
side frames, beams and inner bottom members, in a span 0.85
in case of the transverse framing system on a bearing 0.95
10. Longitudinal and transverse bulkheads (in- Normal stresses due to local load:
cluding tank walls):
web stays and shelves in a span 0.85
on a bearing 0.90
ordinary stays (stiffeners) in a span 0.85
on a bearing 0.95
plates of bulkheads in a span 0.85
on a bearing 0.95
11. Webs of web girders Tangent stresses in solid sections 0.80
Normal stresses in cutout areas 0.95
Tangent stresses in cutout areas 0.80
N o t e s . 1. In calculations of the hull strength for ship lifting and launching, for carrying out water-
tightness and gas-tightness tests, as well as in case of a flooded compartment, the regulated permissible
stresses (due to global bending and local load) shall be taken equal to 0.95 of the yield point of the mem-
ber material.
2. For separately working members (pillars and braces) to be checked for buckling, the regulated permis-
sible stresses at compression shall be taken equal to 0.50 and for intersecting braces equal to 0.75 of the
critical stress, but not more than 0.50 of the yield point of the member material.

Buckling strength calculations .2 pillars (single pillars and pillars within

trusses) and braces – for maximum compres-
2.2.69 Verification calculations of buckling sive stresses;
shall be made for the following hull members: .3 side shell and plates of longitudinal
.1 deck grillages, bottom grillages of ships bulkheads – for maximum tangent stresses due
without double bottom, longitudinal deck to global bending.
stiffeners, bottom, double bottom, sides, lon- 2.2.70 Buckling shall be checked with due
gitudinal bulkheads – for maximum compres- regard to deviations from Hooke’s law of
sive stresses due to global bending; critical stresses (revised Euler stresses) cr.
72 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Critical stresses shall be determined depend- K s  K cl  0.75  0.25 ReH 235  , (2.2.73-2)
ing on Euler stresses E calculated under as-
sumption that the hull material is subject to where ReH — see 2.2.71, MPa;
Hooke’s law at the moment when loss of Kcl — stability coefficient for ship classes:
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì 1.43
buckling occurs.
Others 1.33
2.2.71 For compressed steel members,
2.2.74 At buckling calculations, ordinary
critical stress E, MPa shall be obtained by
longitudinal stiffeners are considered freely
the formulae:
resting on the respective transverse members
cr  E when E  0.6ReH ,  (floors, web frames and beams). Euler stresses
cr  1.12 – 0.312ReH E  ReH  at compression in longitudinal stiffeners, MPa

when 0.6ReH  E  2.6ReH , are as follows:
cr  ReH when E  2.6ReH ,  E  2 EI b 2  f  at   , (2.2.74)
where E — Young’s modulus, MPa;
where ReÍ — yield point of the material.
I — area moment of inertia of the stiffener
2.2.72 Critical stresses of plates, MPa com- with effective flange, whose dimensions are
pressed along the longer edge shall be calcu- determined as per, m4;
lated by the formulae: b — stiffener span, m;
cr  E when E  0.6ReH ,  f — cross-sectional area of the stiffener

cr  1.63 – 0.8 ReH E ReH 

without the effective flange, m2;
a — distance between stiffeners (length of
when 0.6ReH  E  1.6ReH , the shorter side of the plate), m;
cr  ReH when E  1.6ReH ,  t — plate thickness, m.
(2.2.72-1) 2.2.75 Tangent stresses of plates of sides
where E — Euler stresses, MPa: and bulkheads at global bending as deter-
E  78.5 100t a  , mined by formula (2.2.40-2) shall not exceed
0.95 of critical tangent stresses determined by
t — plate thickness, cm; the formula, MPa:
a — length of the shorter edge, cm;
cr  э when E  0.5 ReH 3 , 
ReН — yield point of the material, MPa. 
cr  ReH  1  ReH  4 E 3   3 
2.2.73 Critical stresses at compression of

the bottom and deck grillages, as well as the when E  0.5 ReH 3 , 
longitudinal stiffeners shall not be less than
the yield stress of the material. (2.2.75-1)
In case of the transverse framing system, where ReH — see 2.2.71,
rigidity of bottom ordinary frames and ordi- E — Euler’s tangent stresses determined
nary beams shall not be less than the critical by the formula:
E  19k 100 t a  ,
one. Critical stresses of bottom and deck gril- 2
lages, as well as longitudinal stiffeners may be
decreased down to values, at which the fol- where k — coefficient obtained from Ta-
lowing condition is met: ble 2.2.75 depending on plate side ratio b/a
cr  K s c , (2.2.73-1) (b — length of the longer side of the plate, m);
t, a — see 2.2.74.
ñ — maximum compression stress in the
grillage or longitudinal stiffener at global
Calculation of ultimate global strength
bending due to design loads, MPa;
Ks — stability coefficient determined by the 2.2.76 In all cases the hull’s global strength
formula: shall be verified by ultimate moments.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 73

T a b l e 2.2.75 T a b l e 2.2.78
Coefficient k depending on ratio b/a Reduction coefficients
b/a k b/a k for transverse plates for determining Wul
1.0 9.34 1.8 6.70 Type of defor-
Reduction coefficients 
1.1 8.56 2.0 6.56 at plate thickness, mm
1.2 8.00 2.5 6.07 4 6 8 12
1.3 7.60 3.0 5.86 Tension 0.08 0.24 0.40 0.60
1.4 7.30  5.35 Compression 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.28
1.6 6.92
2.2.71 and 2.2.74 less than stresses in rigid
The ultimate moment is a bending moment members r caused by ultimate moment, are
inducing normal global bending stresses equal, also subject to reduction. The reduction coef-
in absolute values, to the unsafe stresses in at ficient of these members is obtained from the
least one longitudinal members included into equation
the hull girder; in this case stresses in all the
  cr c  1 . (2.2.79)
other members shall not exceed the unsafe
stresses. For members not subject to local
2.2.80 In order to ensure hull strength by
load the unsafe stresses are taken as
ultimate moment, the following condition
î  kn ReH , (2.2.76-1)
shall be met:
and for the members subject to local load M ul  k M d , (2.2.80)
î  0.9kn ReH , (2.2.76-2)
where k — safety coefficient with regard to
where ReH — yield point of material of the
ultimate moment;
member under consideration;
kn is calculated by formula (2.2.67-3). Ìd — design bending moment at sagging
If for ships of Ì-ÑÏ class the requirement and hogging, kNm.
of 2.5.2 is met, the calculations of global 2.2.81 Values of the coefficient k regardless
strength of ships with a length less than 50 m of the steel grade is taken as 1.35 for ships of
(except passenger ships) may be omitted. all classes.
2.2.77 The two ultimate moments Mul shall 2.2.82 For cargo ships, the hull strength by
be determined: one moment at sagging and ultimate moment shall be additionally verified
the other at hogging of the hull, kNm: using the expression:
M ul  W ul î  103 , (2.2.77) Ì ul  k ul DL , (2.2.82)
where Wul — section modulus of the hull where kul — coefficient of the ultimate mo-
girder relative to the member where the ment to be defined as per Table 2.2.82;
stresses are equal to the unsafe ones, m3; D — displacement of the ship in fully
î — unsafe stress in the member under loaded condition, kN.
consideration, MPa.
T a b l e 2.2.82
2.2.78 When calculating the section Ultimate moment coefficient kul depending
modulus Wul, the reduction coefficients in on type and length of ship
case of the longitudinal framing system shall Coefficient kul at ship length L, m
be set in accordance with requirements of Type of ship
20 60 80 100 140
2.2.38, and in case of the transverse framing Self- 0.068 0.055 0.040 0.032 0.028
system as per Table 2.2.78. propelled
cargo ships
2.2.79 The compressed "rigid" hull mem- Non-self- 0.056 0.043 0.028 0.021 0.018
bers (longitudinal girders of decks, platforms, propelled
sheerstrake, bottom, double bottom plating) cargo ships
having critical stresses cr calculated as per Tanker 0.048 0.032 0.020 0.015 0.012
74 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Calculation of hull global strength 2.2.86 Service life of particular hull mem-
at the end of the ship’s service life Estimation bers T is to be calculated by the formula, years:
of service life for particular hull members T   t d   t   cp + 5 , (2.2.86-1)
2.2.83 For ships with a length of 50 m and where td — thickness of the member under
more, the hull global strength for a planned consideration specified in the design, mm;
period of service without the hull renewal ñr — rated wear rate determined as per
repair shall be verified. This period is specified 2.2.87, mm/year;
by shipowner (design customer) or designer. [t] — permissible residual thickness, which
For all ships, the service life of particular shall be taken for shell and deck plating from
hull members shall be estimated as regards the Table 2.2.86 and calculated for the girders by
residual thickness values permissible for op- the formula:
eration.  t   t d , (2.2.86-2)
The calculations shall be made for the op-
where  — coefficient equal to 0.6 for longi-
erating conditions stated in the design specifi-
tudinal deck and bottom girders, and 0.5 for
cation (operation basin category, tonnage,
other girders.
types of cargo to be carried, conditions of
cargo handling operations), which influence When using the data in Table 2.2.86, the
the hull strength, and designed scantlings. following shall be considered:
.1 if spacing is taken more than 550 mm,
The calculations shall be made as per
the hull member thicknesses stated in the ta-
2.2.84 to 2.2.97.
ble (except for 5.1) shall be increased by cor-
2.2.84 Global strength at the end of the rection value t   à à0 – 1  [t ] , where: à —
service life is verified by the ultimate mo- actual spacing, mm; à0 — normal spacing
ments. taken equal to 550 mm; t — tabular permis-
The two ultimate moments shall be deter- sible residual thickness of an individual hull
mined: one moment at sagging and the other member;
at hogging of the hull, kNm: .2 If spacing is taken less than à0
Ì ul.w  îW ul.w  103 , (2.2.84) and/or hull members are made of higher
strength steel, than the member thick-
where Wul.w — section modulus of the hull nesses specified in the table (except for
girder cross-section calculated taking into 5.1) are to be decreased by correction value
account wear and local residual deformations
of the hull members relative to the member   
t  1  15.3 a a0 ReH   t  , where à, à0,

where the stresses are equal to the unsafe
t — see above (if à > à0, à = à0); ReH —
ones, m3;
yield point of the member material, MPa.
î — unsafe stress in the member under Permissible residual thicknesses obtained after
consideration, MPa; it is specified as per
application of correction t to the tabular
values [t] shall not be taken less than thick-
2.2.85 When determining the section nesses regulated by of RSSS;
modulus Wul.w, hull flexible members shall be .3 For ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ
reduced on the assumption that in one of and O classes with a length over 50 m, in case
these members the normal global bending of the transverse framing system in the middle
stresses are equal, in absolute values, to the part of ship, residual thickness specified by
unsafe stresses, and with due regard to simul- the table is to be increased: by the value of
taneous wear of the hull members as per 1.2  L – 50  90 for bottom plating (see 1.1); by
2.2.86 to 2.2.88 and their local deformations
as per 2.2.89 to 2.2.92. Wear and deformations the value of 0.7  L – 50  90 for double bottom
shall be determined at the ship’s age equal to plating (see 3.1) and lower plates of inner sides
the planned service life minus 5 years. of tankers within the cargo tank area (see 4.6);
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 75

T a b l e 2.2.86
Permissible residual thicknesses of shell and deck plating
Minimum residual thickness, mm, for ship classes
Ì-ÑÏ Ì-ÏÐ and Ì Î-ÏÐ and Î Ð and Ë
Name of member
at length, m
60 140 25 80 140 25 80 140 25 80
1 Outer shell plating
1.1 Outer shell plating (for cases other than 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 2.5 3.0
mentioned in 1.2 to 1.7)
1.2 Outer shell plating bounding ballast and fuel 4.5 5.5 3.5 4.5 5.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 3.0 3.5
1.3 Bilge strake of the outer shell 4.5 5.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0
1.4 Sheer strake in the middle part of ship 5.0 6.5 3.0 5.5 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0
1.5 Bottom plating of single-bottomed tankers 5.0 7.0 3.5 5.0 6.5 3.5 5.0 6.0 3.5 4.5
and side plating of single-sided tankers in the
cargo tank area
1.6. Bottom plating at the fore extremity at the 5.0 7.0 4.0 5.5 6.0 3.5 4.5 5.5 3.0 3.5
height up to 0.04Â from the base plane
1.7 Side plating at the fore extremity 4.5 5.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 3.0 3.5
2 Plating of decks and platforms
2.1 Deck plating (except for cases mentioned in 4.5 6.0 3.0 4.5 5.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.5 3.5
2.2 to 2.8)
2.2 Deck stringer in the middle part of ship 5.0 6.5 3.0 5.5 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0
2.3 Upper deck plating in the extremities, plat- 4.5 4.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 2.5 3.0
ing of partitions between hatches, plating of poop
and superstructure decks (not participating in
global bending of the hull) in areas not protected
by superstructures. Forecastle deck plating
2.4 Upper deck plating beyond the middle part, 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5
plating of poop deck and superstructure decks
(not participating in global bending of the hull)
in areas protected by superstructures. Platform
2.5 Deck plating of tankers in cargo tank area 5.0 5.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 3.0 4.0
2.6 Deck plating at the extremities of pushed — — 3.5 6.0 7.0 3.5 6.0 7.0 3.5 5.0
2.7 Plating of deck of superstructure participat- — — 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 2.5 3.0
ing in global bending of the hull in the middle
part of ship and in areas not protected by super-
2.8 Plating of deck of superstructure participat- — — 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5
ing in global bending of the hull beyond the
middle part of ship in areas protected by super-
3 Inner bottom plating of cargo ships
3.1 Double bottom plating of cargo ships (ex- 4.0 4.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 2.5 3.5
cept for cases mentioned in 3.2 and 3.3)
3.2 Double bottom plating of dry cargo ships 6.5 6.5 4.5 5.5 6.0 4.5 5.5 6.0 3.5 4.5
under the cargo hatches if loading/unloading is
carried out by clamshells, and deck plating of
flush deck ships within the cargo area
3.3 Double bottom plating of tankers within the 5.0 5.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 4.0 4.5
cargo tank area
76 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

E n d o f T a b l e 2.2.86
Minimum residual thickness, mm, for ship classes
Ì-ÑÏ Ì-ÏÐ and Ì Î-ÏÐ and Î Ð and Ë
Name of member
at length, m
60 140 25 80 140 25 80 140 25 80
4 Bulkheads and inner sides
4.1 Plating of watertight bulkheads and inner 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 3.0
sides (for cases other than mentioned in 4.2 to
4.2 Forepeak bulkhead plating 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 3.5
4.3 Plating of inner sides and lower plates of 4.0 4.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 2.5 3.5
watertight bulkheads of dry cargo ships within
the cargo hold area Plating of inner sides and
transverse bulkheads, which separate loaded and
unloaded compartments of cargo tank area of
tankers (with the exception of the lower strake)
4.4 Plating of watertight bulkheads of dry cargo 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 3.0
ships within the cargo hold area (with the excep-
tion of the lower plates)
4.5 Inner side plating of ships with fully opening 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 3.0 4.0
cargo holds, lower plates of inner sides of ships
with partial opening of cargo holds, and trans-
verse bulkheads within the cargo hold area, if
loading/unloading is carried out by clamshells
4.6 Lower plates of inner sides and transverse 5.0 5.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 4.0 4.5
bulkheads, which separate loaded and unloaded
compartments of cargo tank area of tankers
4.7 Plating of transverse bulkheads, which sepa- 3.5 4.0 2.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 3.0
rate loaded compartments on tankers
4.8 Upper strake of bulkheads of flush deck 5.5 5.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 4.5
ships within the cargo area
5 Other members
5.1 Plate structures and webs of web girders un- 5.5 5.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 4.5
der the deck plating of flush deck ships and un-
der the inner bottom plating under the cargo
hatches of dry cargo ships, if loading/unloading
is carried out by clamshells
5.2 Continuous longitudinal coamings of cargo 6.0 7.5 4.5 6.0 7.5 3.5 5.5 6.5 3.5 4.5
5.3 Transverse coamings of cargo hatches 5.0 6.0 2.5 4.5 5.0 2.5 4.5 5.0 2.5 3.5
5.4 Plates of trunks of engine rooms and capes 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
of engine rooms, walls of superstructures not
participating in global bending of the hull
5.5 Wall plating of superstructures participating — — 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 2.5 3.0
in global bending of the hull
N o t e s . 1. Member plate thicknesses are specified in the table assuming the spacing is equal to 550 mm.
2. The residual thickness of individual shell and deck plating of ships less than 25 m long shall be taken
according to the requirements to average residual thicknesses of appropriate member group set forth in
Table 3.6.2 of RSSS for ship group II.
3. For ships with a sledge-shaped fore extremity, the provision of 1.6 applies to the hull part extending
above the flush part of the bottom in the bow raising area by 4% of the ship’s breadth.

.4 Instructions of 1.6 of the table on re- extremity for ships of Ì-ÑÏ class are applied
sidual thickness of bottom plating at the fore to hull section located within 0.2L from the
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 77

fore perpendicular. For ships of Ì-ÑÏ class c ð   1  kQ v  c , (2.2.87-1)

that may operate at sea with wave height lim-
ited to 3.5 m, for hull section located within where v — coefficient of variation of the wear
0.15L to 0.20L from the fore perpendicular, rate:
the residual thickness is to be reduced down to v  0.51 – 1, 06ñ ; (2.2.87-2)
the values required for the middle part of ship; kQ — coefficient taken equal to:
.5 the residual thickness of individual 0 when verifying the hull global strength us-
plates of the ice strake for ships with ice rein- ing the ultimate moment at the end of the ser-
forcement notation shall be not less than 0.8 vice life;
of the thickness required by the Rules for re- 1.65 when estimating the service life of a
spective hull area for ice reinforcement cate- particular member;
gory specified for the ship; c — recommended mean wear rate as-
.6 residual thickness of individual plates of signed from Table 2.2.87, mm/year.
the ice strake of ice breakers shall be not less When using the data from Table 2.2.87, the
than 0.8 of the design thickness; following shall be considered:
.7 regardless of values in the table, resid- .1 for inland navigation ships intended for
ual thicknesses of outer shell and deck plating operation in basins of northern and eastern
of tugboats, pushboats, icebreakers (beyond rivers, mean wear rates of the hull members,
the ice strake), floating cranes, plating of which are not in contact with carried cargoes,
transverse bulkheads of tugboats, pushboats, may be halved. In this case, the navigation
icebreakers (for sheets adjoining to the side), areas, for which the design mean wear rates of
plating of longitudinal and transverse bulk- members were reduced because of specific
heads of floating cranes, shall not be less than navigation conditions, shall be mentioned in
required average residual thicknesses of re- the specification as the areas allowed for navi-
spective member group as specified in Table gation;
3.6.2 of RSSS for ship group II; .2 For river-sea ships of all classes in-
.8 Bottom plating thickness required by tended for operation in Arctic Ocean seas,
1.6 for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and M classes mean wear rates of the hull members can be
is to be reduced by 0.5 mm in the hull sec- taken as for ships of Ì, O, P and Ë classes;
tions where the bottom framing consists of
.3 for ships of Ì-ÑÏ class intended for
ordinary longitudinal girders and transverse
operation in the Baltic and White seas, mean
web girders at each spacing;
wear rates can be taken as for ships of Ì-ÏÐ
.9 For ships of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class, the hull
member thicknesses stated in 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 and
.4 For ships intended for operation in the
2.3 of Table 2.2.86 shall be increased by value
Black, Marmara, Ionian, Aegean, Mediterra-
tmin determined by the formula:
nean, Caspian and Arabian seas (regardless of
 
t min  kp  1 t , ( the main class notation), the recommended
where t — member permissible residual mean wear rates of the inner and outer side
thickness specified in Table 2.2.86 for ship of members shall be taken according to the re-
Ì-ÑÏ class; quirements to ships of Ì-ÑÏ class. For other
members, recommended mean wear rates
kp — coefficient determined according to
shall be taken not less than those required for
ships of Ì-ÏÐ class;
Calculated values of the service life of par-
.5 if while verifying the strength at the
ticular members shall not be less than the
end of service life of ship, mean wear rates
planned service life of the ship as specified in
were reduced under requirements of
the design.
and, navigation area of the ships sub-
2.2.87 Designed wear rate is calculated by jected to such a reduction shall be mentioned
the formula: in specification as allowed for navigation.
78 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

T a b l e 2.2.87
Recommended mean wear rates for various hull members
Recommended mean wear rate,
Name of member mm/year, for ship class
1 Deck plating
1.1 invicinity of ballast compartments 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04
1.2 offlush deck ships carrying bulk cargoes 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.12
1.3 invicinity of cargo tanks of tankers 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.12
1.4 invicinity of cargo tanks of tankers carrying crude oil 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.18
1.5 inareas other than 1.1 to 1.4 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
2 Side plating
2.1 Side of single-sided ships:
2.1.1 freeboard 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.04
2.1.2 below waterline in fully loaded condition 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
2.2 Side of double-sided ships (double side compartments are in-
tended for cargo, fuel or ballast):
2.2.1 freeboard tanks filled with fuel 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.09
tanks filled with ballast 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.06
2.2.2 below waterline in fully tanks filled with fuel 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.10
loaded condition tanks filled with ballast 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.06
3 Bottom plating
3.1 bilge strake and adjacent strake of the bottom plating 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08
3.2 other strakes of the bottom plating 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05
3.3 in vicinity of fuel tanks 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.10
3.4 in vicinity of ballast compartments 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
3.5 in vicinity of cargo tanks 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.10
4 Inner bottom plating
4.1 in vicinity of fuel tanks 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.10
4.2 in vicinity of ballast compartments 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
4.3 in holds, if cargo handling operations are to be carried out by 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.12
5 Inner side plating
5.1 Inner side plating of cargo ships
5.1.1 top and middle strakes 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
5.1.2 lower strake 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.05
5.1.3 in vicinity of fuel tanks 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.10
5.1.4 in vicinity of ballast compartments 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.05
5.2 Inner side plating of ships carrying bulk cargoes, among other
kinds of cargo
5.2.1 top and middle strakes 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.07
5.2.3 lower strake 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.12
6 Plating of longitudinal and transverse bulkheads
6.1 Watertight bulkheads
6.1.1 top and middle strakes 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
6.1.2 lower strake 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.05
6.2 Bulkheads separating holds for bulk cargoes
6.2.1 top and middle strakes 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.07
6.2.2 lower strake 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.12
6.3 Bulkheads separating cargo tanks
6.3.1 top strake 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
6.3.2 middle strake 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.08
6.3.3 lower strake 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 79

E n d o f T a b l e 2.2.87
Recommended mean wear rate,
Name of member mm/year, for ship class
6.4 Bulkheads separating cargo tanks of crude oil tankers
6.4.1 top strake 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.18
6.4.2 middle strake 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
6.4.3 lower strake 0.21 0.18 0.17 0.16
7 Deck framing
7.1 Longitudinal underdeck girders, beams and carlings that border:
7.1.1 cargo holds of dry cargo ships and areas of ship spaces 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
7.1.2 cargo tanks 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
7.1.3 cargo tanks of crude oil tankers 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.18
7.1.4 fuel tanks 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
7.1.5 ballast compartments 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
7.2 Coamings of cargo hatches 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
8 Side and bulkhead framing
8.1 Longitudinal girders, main and web frames, vertical stays and
horizontal frames of sides and bulkheads that border:
8.1.1 cargo holds of dry cargo ships and areas of ship spaces 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.04
8.1.2 cargo tanks 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
8.1.3 cargo tanks of crude oil tankers 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.18
8.1.4 fuel tanks 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
8.1.5 ballast compartments 0.17 0.11 0.10 0.08
9 Bottom and inner bottom framing
9.1 Vertical keel, bottom stringers, floors and longitudinal bottom
girders of single-bottom ships:
9.1.1 in vicinity of cargo holds 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
9.1.2 in ballast compartments 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
9.1.3 in compartments not intended for flooding, including flush 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
deck ships
9.2 Vertical keel, bottom stringers, floors, bottom and inner bottom
longitudinal girders in the double bottom compartments:
9.2.1 not intended for filling 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.05
9.2.2 in fuel tanks 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12
9.2.3 in ballast compartments 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
N o t e s . 1. If no fender guards are provided, the mean wear rate of the outer shell plating shall be doubled.
2. The mean wear rate of the bottom plating of ships intended for operation mostly on shallow waters
shall be taken as 0.10 mm/year.

2.2.88 Local residual deformations (dents) 2.2.90 Maximum camber h at the midpoint
of longitudinal girders together with shell or between longitudinal web members is calcu-
plating shall be taken into account for the lated by the formula, mm:
deck of flush deck ships, inner bottom plating h  501 k0 kр kk b    5 
and inclined walls of the cargo bunker or in-
 ReHW0  ,
ner sides of dry cargo ships. (2.2.90-1)
where k0 — coefficient taken equal to:
2.2.89 Summary width of dents is taken to in case of cross-members between ordinary 0.5
be equal to the breadth of the structure within longitudinal stiffeners of the inner bottom
the limits of the cargo zone. Camber of an plating and the bottom plating fitted in mid
individual dent in a cross-section shall be of span
taken as harmonically distributed between in other cases 1.0
longitudinal web members. kр = coefficient taken equal to:
80 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

where cargo handling operations by load 1.5 E, ReН — Young’s modulus and the yield
cranes of lifting capacity 200 kN or more is point, respectively, of the girder material,
stipulated MPa;
in other cases 1.0 b — girder length, cm, equal to the dis-
kk = coefficient taken equal to: tance between transverse web members, on
for cargo decks of flush deck ships 1.0 which the girder rests;
for inner deck plating of dry cargo 0.7 E — Euler stress in the girder material,
for walls of the cargo bunker and 0.7 ñîs 
inner sides E  2 EI р  Fрb2  ; (2.2.91-2)
Here,  — angle of slope of the bunker
r — stress in rigid members at the level of
wall and inner sides with respect to the base
the gravity centre of the cross-sectional area
of the girder with effective flange, MPa:
b — girder length, cm, equal to the dis-
tance between transverse web members, on at tension r > 0,
which the girder rests; at compression r < 0;
 — planned service life of the ship, years; n — relative stress:
ReH — yield point of the girder material, n  r ReH ; (2.2.91-3)
MPa; p — cargo pressure on the plating sup-
W0 — stiffener cross-section modulus, cm3: ported by the girder as per 2.2.19 to 2.2.23.
W0  fd  y0  0.05 t fd  , (2.2.90-2) For girders supporting a shell or plating not
where fd — design cross-sectional area of the under pressure of cargo it shall be taken
girder without effective flange, cm2; p = 0;
ó0 — distance between the centre of gravity Нр — girder height, cm.
of the girder cross-section without effective Reduction coefficient р is to be calculated
flange and the plating, cm; by the formulae:
tfd — design width of the effective flange, ð  0 XYkp when n  n1 , 
mm. 
 ð  0 k p when n1  n  0, 
2.2.91 Distorted longitudinal girders with  (2.2.91-4)
 ð  0 when 0  n  n2 ,
effective flanges, whose width is equal to half 
of the distance between the girders, shall be  ð  0 X 1 when n2  n, 
included into the hull girder with reduction where 0 — coefficient obtained from Table
coefficients r obtained depending on the 2.2.91;
following parameters: T a b l e 2.2.91
h — sag of the deformed girder as per Coefficient 0
2.2.90, cm; 0 for r / E equal to  for r / E equal to
a — distance between girders, cm; h0 / h0 / 0
1 0 –1 1 0 –1
Fl, Il — cross-sectional area, cm2 and mo- 0 1 1 1 6 0.193 0.182 0.172
ment of inertia of this area relative to the 1 0.916 0.889 0.848 7 0.147 0.140 0.134
neutral axis, cm4, respectively, of the de- 2 0.719 0.667 0.609 8 0.115 0.111 0.107
formed and worn-off girder with effective 3 0.516 0.471 0.428 9 0.093 0.090 0.087
flange having width equal to à; 4 0.363 0.333 0.307 10 0.076 0.074 0.072
5 0.260 0.242 0.227
zmax — distance between the extreme flange
fiber and the neutral axis of the aforemen- kр — coefficient taken equal to:
tioned cross-section, cm; for deck girders of flush deck 1.0
 — radius of inertia, cm: ships and inner bottom girders
in other cases 0.85
  I р Fр ; (2.2.91-1) n1, n2 — number obtained by the formula
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 81

n1,2  (1.056  0.021 h02 2  where Kw — safety coefficient by ultimate

moment taking into account wears and local
 0.145 h0   0.131 z max ), (2.2.91-5) residual deformations of the hull members;
where number n1 is negative, n2 is positive; Ìd — design bending moment at sagging
X, X1, Y — values calculated by the formu- and hogging, kNm.
2.2.94 Coefficient Kw in the strength condi-
X  1  n  0.402  1.60 h0 b  0.015 E ReH  tion (2.2.93) is taken equal to coefficient Ks as
0.982n  45.2 h02 b2  0.614 h0E  bReH   stipulated in 3.3 Appendix 1 to RSSS.

 0.00142 2E ReH2

 0.362n2  ; 2.2.95 For cargo ships, it is necessary to
verify additionally the global strength by ulti-
(2.2.91-6) mate moment Mul.w taking into account wear
X 1  1  n  0.400  2.90 h0 b  0.0137 E ReH  and local residual deformations of the hull
0.896n  50.1 h02 b2  0.522 h0 E  bReH   members, using the following equation:
0.00123 2E ReH2
 0.329n2  ; Ì ul.w  k ul.w DL , (2.2.95)

where kul.w — ultimate moment coefficient
3 2
taking into account wear and local residual
Y  1  1  10 pab H р  deformations of the hull members.
  0.0271  0.169 h0 b  0.00292 E ReH 
2.2.96 Values of the coefficient kul.w at the
 I рReH  . end of ship’s service life shall be taken from
(2.2.91-8) Table 2.2.96.
When any coefficient is calculated by for- T a b l e 2.2.96
mulae (2.2.91-6) to (2.2.91-8) as negative, it Coefficient kul.w depending
on type and length of a ship
shall be taken equal to zero, and when as
Coefficient kul.w at ship length, m
positive, it shall be taken equal to one. Type of ship
20 60 80 100 140
2.2.92 Reduction coefficients of plates in Self- 0.055 0.045 0.033 0.027 0.023
vicinity of dents, in case of the longitudinal propelled
framing system, shall not be taken higher than cargo ships
reduction coefficient of deformed longitudinal Non-self- 0.045 0.035 0.023 0.018 0.015
girders included into the bearing contour of
cargo ships
those plates, as determined as per 2.2.91. Tanker 0.036 0.024 0.016 0.013 0.010
Reduction coefficients of plates in vicinity
of dents, in case of the transverse framing 2.2.97 Requirements of 2.2.93 to 2.2.95
system, except for cargo decks of flush deck shall be met during the entire planned service
ships and inner bottom plating of dry cargo life of the ship.
ships, shall be taken from Table 2.2.78. Re-
duced parts of plates of cargo decks of flush 2.3 DESIGNING OF THE HULL
deck ships and inner bottom plating of dry
cargo ships, in case of the transverse framing General requirements
system, are not included into the hull girder. 2.3.1 When designing the hull, a principle
of alignment of members in the same plane
2.2.93 To ensure the global strength by ul-
shall be complied with in order to compose
timate moment Mul.w with due regard to wear
closed structures like: carling – transverse
and local residual deformations of the hull
bulkhead web stay – keelson; deck/platform
members, the following condition shall be
longitudinal girder – transverse bulkhead or-
dinary stay – double bottom/platform longitu-
Ì ul.w  K w Ì d , (2.2.93) dinal girder; floor – frame – beam; side
82 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

stringer – transverse bulkhead shelf – longitu-

dinal bulkhead shelf, etc.
2.3.2 Thickness, height, cross-section and
shape of hull members shall have smooth
A difference of thickness of adjacent plates
shall not exceed 30% of the thickest of the
joined plates or 5 mm, whichever is less. The
said does not concern plates forming seams,
as well as thickened plates placed at ends of
superstructures, under anchor hawsepipes or
under the ship machinery. The thicker edge
shall be beveled down to thickness of the
thinner plate according to applicable national
2.3.3 Transition of heights of webs of gird-
ers and stiffeners from higher to lower or vice
versa shall be arranged over a part whose
length shall be at least five-fold difference in
web heights for keelson and carling webs in
the middle part of ship, and at least two-fold
difference in web height for other members.
Girder flanges shall have similarly smooth
transition between each other.
2.3.4 It is necessary to ensure the continu-
ity of most possible number of main longitu-
dinal members.
2.3.5 Transition from one framing system Fig. 2.3.7 Design of ends of decks, platforms, inner
to another shall be smooth. Not more than bottom plating, longitudinal bulkheads
1/3 of ordinary longitudinal girders and not
more than two longitudinal web members 2.3.8 Ends of stiffeners shall extend to a
placed on the bottom or under the deck may transverse member and reinforced by knees.
be interrupted in the same cross-section of The ends of the following members may be
the hull. Sections where longitudinal members mitered:
are interrupted shall be at least two spacings .1 counter-vibration stiffeners;
apart from each other. .2 stiffeners supporting webs of members;
.3 ordinary stays of transverse bulkheads
2.3.6 Longitudinal members shall not be in ships with the transverse framing system,
terminated in areas weakened by cutouts or in except for peak bulkheads and engine room
stress concentration areas, e.g. in way of bulkheads;
rounded corners or rectangular cutouts, ends .4 ordinary stays of longitudinal bulkheads
of superstructures, or longitudinal coamings. in ships with the longitudinal framing system.
2.3.7 At the ends of decks, platforms, dou- Stiffeners shall not be mitered at the ends
ble bottom plating or longitudinal bulkheads, near a cutout with non-reinforced edge, in-
knees or other structures shall be fitted to cluding cutouts for ordinary girders.
relief stress concentration (Fig. 2.3.7). N o t e . End mitering means machining the
ends of ordinary members (stays), stiffeners, and
flanges of web members, knees and brackets as
GOST 8713, GOST 52640, GOST 14771 shown in Fig. 2.3.8.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 83

Fig. 2.3.8 Mitered ends of ordinary members

(stays), stiffeners, and flanges of web members,
knees and brackets

2.3.9 Longitudinal web girders shall be ter-

minated at transverse bulkheads or transverse Fig
web members. . 2.3.9 Details of ends of web girders
At the opposite side, a knee shall be fitted 2.3.11 Structural measures shall be taken in
with a length of at least 1.5 height of the ter- order to increase strength and rigidity of hull
minated girder; this knee shall extend to a structures, which in operation are subject to
transverse web girder and be welded to it. The local concentrated or impact loads not taken
knee height shall be equal to the height of the into consideration in the strength calculations,
terminated girder with the decrease at the end for instance, deck (in vicinity of bearing
down to 1/4 of that height. Web thickness drum), sides and bottom of floating cranes;
and flange dimensions of the knee shall be the extremities of pushboats and pushed ships;
same as for the terminated girder. The flange decks of flush deck ships; inner bottom and
shall be mitered (Fig. 2.3.9‚ à and b). When inner sides of dry cargo ships, etc.
the terminated web girder is transiting to an
ordinary longitudinal girder, the knee may not Designing of framing girders
be extended to a transverse girder (Fig. 2.3.9‚ c).
2.3.12 Girders whose webs are in the same
2.3.10 In case of the longitudinal framing plane (beam and frame, frame and floor,
system of deck, bottom or platform, ends of etc.), shall be connected by knees fitted in the
ordinary frames shall be reinforced with knees plane of their webs, and the web girders
to be extended to nearest longitudinal girders. themselves shall be welded to each other. Or-
In case of the combined framing system of dinary transverse girders may be connected by
sides (see 2.4.33), where ordinary frames at- overlapping knees.
tach to side stringers or platforms, knees shall When connecting web girders, knees shall
be fitted in the frame planes. overlap the members for at least the height of
In case of the combined or longitudinal the smaller girder, and for ordinary girders –
framing systems of sides, knees shall be pro- for at least twice height of the smaller girder
vided between web frames at the bilge and at (for overlapping knees, the overlap is meas-
the side-to-deck connection; those knees shall ured from the girder flange). Thickness of the
be placed in the plane of each actual frame knees connecting web and ordinary girders
and be extended to the nearest longitudinal shall be not less than thickness of the web of
girders. the smaller connected girder. Thickness of
84 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

knees connecting ordinary girders may be

reduced: for non-flanged knees – by 1 mm for
girder web thickness of 7 to 9 mm inclusive
and by 2 mm for girder web thickness of 10
mm and more; for flanged knees and knees
with welded strip — by 1 mm for girder web
thickness of 6 to 8 mm and by 2 mm for
girder web thickness of 9 mm and more. Fig. 2.3.15-1. Connection of ordinary member and
non-tight web member using a plate
2.3.13 Knees fitted in web girder connec-
tions shall have a mitered flange/strip at their No spacers shall be placed between web
free edge. For the rest cases, the free edge girder and plating. Spacers may be placed in
shall be reinforced if the length of a welded the places of intersection of web girders with
side of the knee/bracket exceeds 35-fold bulkheads or continuous keelsons, and in the
thickness of the knee/bracket. The thickness places of transition between the attached
of strip welded to knee shall be not less than framing system to the common ("cut
the knee web thickness, and its width shall be through") framing system. Here, the free edge
not less than 8-fold thickness of the strip but of the spacer shall be fabricated with a figured
not less than 40 mm at one side from the cutout as shown on Fig. 2.3.15-2.
welding line. The flange thickness shall be not
less than 8-fold thickness of the knee but not
less than 40 mm. Maximal width of the flange
measured from the knee web shall not exceed
10-fold its thickness. The cross-sectional area
of the knee flange in the web girder junction
shall be not less than 0.8 of cross-sectional
area of flange of the smaller connected girder.

2.3.14 In the places of intersection of web

girders with bulkheads, the former shall be
supported from both sides by knees overlap-
ping them at a length at least equal to their
height. Webs and flanges of girders shall be
welded to the bulkhead plating. For bulkheads
of the engine room and the extremities, as
well as bulkheads taking alternating loads,
girder flanges shall be mitered.

2.3.15 Ordinary members shall go through

Fig. 2.3.15-2. Design of attached framing
cutouts in non-tight web members or non-
tight bulkheads. Web of an ordinary girder 2.3.16 Longitudinal ordinary girders, which
shall be welded to web of a non-tight web interrupt at the watertight web members or
member or non-tight bulkhead, or the mem- watertight bulkheads, shall be connected by
bers shall be connected by means of knees, knees or brackets installed from both sides of
plates (Fig. 2.3.15-1), stiffeners or by combi- that web member or bulkhead in the plane of
nation of the said methods. webs of the connected girders. Thickness of
The knee thickness shall be taken accord- the knees shall comply with the requirements
ing to 2.3.12, the thickness of plate and/or of 2.3.12. The length of weld connecting the
stiffener shall be not less than the thickness of knee with the longitudinal girder shall be at
web of the web girder or bulkhead. least 2.5 of the girder height; free edge of the
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 85

knee shall have a bent flange regardless of the to the webs of respective members. The dis-
thickness and dimensions of the knee sides tance between the web end and member's web
(Fig. 2.3.16). shall not exceed 10-fold thickness of the bot-
tom plating but not exceed 100 mm, which-
ever is less. Longitudinal ordinary girders shall
be connected according to 2.3.16.
2.3.18 Ends of ordinary members, which
interrupt at bulkheads or web members, shall
not be welded to non-reinforced plates via
knees. There shall be a stiffener in the plane
of knee (Fig. 2.3.18-1) or a stiffener made of
Fig. 2.3.16. Intersection between ordinary girder a flat or a rolled profile shall be placed at the
and watertight web member end of one of the knees; this stiffener shell
Legs of the knee shall be at least 1.5 of the extend to the nearest girders (Fig. 2.3.18-2).
height of ordinary girder, and stiffener height The stiffener ends may be mitered.
shall be at least 0.6 of height of this girder. The knee supporting the end of ordinary
Requirements for stiffeners stated in 2.3.20 girder at the transverse web girder shall be
shall also be met. Misalignment of knee or extended to the flange of the latter. A process
stiffener from the plane of unsymmetrical gap of 10 to 20 mm may be provided
profile web shall not exceed the weld leg plus (Fig. 2.3.18-3).
1 mm.
In case of attached framing structure, the
ordinary girders made of angle bars may be
connected with web girders by means of weld-
ing the flanges by two welds. When using bulb
profiles as ordinary members, the connection
shall be made with knees.
For attached (two-tier) framing, finished
rolled or welded I-beams or channel beams,
as well as bent channels with same-width
flanges may be used as web girders.
2.3.17 In order to form drain openings
near the transverse members, the bottom and Fig. 2.3.18-1. Eliminating dead point at the ends
deck longitudinal girders may be not extended of knees using vertical stiffener

Fig. 2.3.18-2. Eliminating dead point at the ends of knees using horizontal stiffener
86 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

of the web members so that the following

conditions are met:
.1 distance between the supporting stiffen-
ers S, cm, fitted perpendicular to web mem-
ber flanges shall not exceed:
S   0.24 h t  9.5  h ReH 235
 h t  75 
235 ReH ;
.2 area moment of inertia of the stiffeners
Fig. 2.3.18-3. End of ordinary girder fitted perpendicularly to the web member
at web member flanges, including effective flange, cm4, shall
The side of the knee or bracket to be be not less than:
welded to the flange of web girder shall not be i  0.1St 3e KS h , (
extended to the free edge of the flange by
where Ê — coefficient taken from Table
10 to 20 mm.;
Where reaching the outer plating, the T a b l e
flanges of web members shall be mitered, and
a gap of 10 to 20 mm shall be provided be- Coefficient K depending on ratio h ReH 235 t
tween the end of the flange and the plating. h ReH 235 t K h ReH 235 t K

2.3.19 Where three mutually perpendicular 80 0 105 7.89

85 1.05 110 9.23
structures (e.g. a platform, longitudinal bulk-
90 3.53 115 10.31
head and transverse bulkheads) intersect, 95 5.04 120 12.00
knees or stiffeners shall be fitted in order to 100 6.65
spread loads arising in the intersection point
(Fig. 2.3.19). .3 area moment of inertia of the stiffeners
fitted in parallel to the web member flanges,
including effective flange, cm4, shall be not
less than:
i  5,1  107 ReH  f  at  l 2 , (
where ReH — yield point of the stiffener mate-
rial, MPa;
f — cross-section area of the stiffener (ex-
cluding effective flange), cm2;
a — distance between supporting stiffen-
ers, cm;
l — length of supported part of the web,
Fig. 2.3.19. A knee to spread loads arising in the
intersection point of three mutually perpendicular The stiffeners may be made of flat if their
structures height to thickness ratio does not exceed 10;
here, web height shall be not less than 50 mm
2.3.20 Webs of web members, where ratio and the thickness not less than 0.8 of the
of height h, cm, to thickness t, cm, exceeds thickness of the web to be supported.
80 235/ReH (where ReÍ — yield point of the The h/t ratio for webs of web members
girder material), shall be reinforced by stiffen- subject to high local loads (side framing of all
ers fitted perpendicular or parallel to flanges ships; deck framing of flush deck ships to be
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 87

loaded and unloaded with clamshells) shall 24-fold its thickness, and width of single-
not exceed 55 235 ReH . sided flange shall not exceed 12-fold thick-
ness. Thickness of bent flange shall be taken
2.3.21 Web member web thickness shall be within 8- to 12-fold its thickness.
not less than stated in Table 2.3.21-1 depend- For L-shaped profiles, the flange width to
ing on the adjacent plating thickness. flange thickness ratio shall not exceed 30.
Width of additional small flange shall be not
T a b l e 2.3.21-1
less than 30 mm.
Web member web thickness depending
on adjacent plating thickness 2.3.23 When calculating the section
Thickness, mm modulus and the area moment of inertia of
Plating Web Plating Web unsymmetrical girder with bent flange, flange
4.0 4.0 7.0 6.0 area ffl shall be multiplied by coefficient 
4.5 4.0 8.0 6.0 determined by the formula:
5.0 4.5 9.0 7.0
 
  1  3 1  12 l 10h   fw ff   t b  ,
5.5 5.0 10.0 7.0 4 2
6.0 5.0 11.0 8.0  
When the plating thickness is 12 mm and (2.3.23)
more, the web thickness may be made 4 mm where l — span of the beam, cm;
less than the plating thickness. η — coefficient depending on end attach-
The web thickness of web members adja- ment method and taken equal to:
cent to the deck stringer or coaming of open for both ends constrained 1.5
ships may be reduced by more than stated with one end is constrained and the 1.25
other one is freely resting
above but not less than one-half of the thick-
for both ends freely resting 1
ness of said adjacent plates.
h — web height, cm;
Thickness of webs of web members of
cargo ships with a length of 50 m and more fw — cross-sectional area of the web, cm2;
shall be taken not less than stated in Table ff — cross-sectional area of the flange, cm2;
2.3.21-2. t — flange thickness, cm;
b — flange width, cm.
T a b l e 2.3.21-2
Web member web thickness for cargo ships
with a length of 50 m and above Cutouts in hull structures
Minimum web girder web thickness,
mm 2.3.24 Rectangular cutouts in longitudinal
Ships carrying min- members shall be rounded in their corners
Other cargo
Name of member eral building materi-
ships with a radius of not less than 0.1 of the cutout
als on local lines
width. Radii of rounding of cargo hatch cut-
at hull length, m
50 80 ≥110 50 80 ≥110
outs in main decks enclosed by continuous
Web members: longitudinal coamings may be reduced down
side web mem- 6 7 8 5 6 8 to 0.5 m.
bers in the middle
2.3.25 Cutouts in longitudinal members
and aft part of
shall be arranged with the longer side length-
sides in the fore 7 8 8 6 7 8 ways the ship.
extremity 2.3.26 Members in way of cutouts shall be
bottom in the 6 7 8 6 7 8
ended at a specially fitted member and welded
fore extremity
to the it (Fig. 2.3.26). Where there are several
2.3.22 Thickness of girder's welded flange cutouts, they shall be arranged on the same
shall not exceed the doubled web thickness. line along the ship so far as practicable and
Width of symmetrical flange shall not exceed not in the same cross section.
88 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

cutouts are of a circle shape, their diameter

does not exceed 20% of web girder depth, and
they are located at a distance at least than
double girder depth from each other or from
other cutouts.
2.3.32 Web member web section adjacent
to the inner side, transverse or longitudinal
bulkheads shall be reinforced by sloping stiff-
Fig. 2.3.26. Reinforcing members for cutout eners (Fig. 2.3.32); the cutout shall be made
2.3.27 Cutouts in girder webs are not al- in the middle of the web to be supported. The
lowed in vicinity of supports and knees. The sloping stiffeners shall have a cross-sectional
cutouts shall be at least 50% clear of the area f (without effective flange) not less than,
girder depth from the knee end. cm2:
f  12.7V  Fw 0   2ReH sin  
2.3.28 Summary height of cutouts in webs
of web girders for passing ordinary girders (2.3.32-1)
shall not exceed 0,5 of the web member and area moment of inertia i of stiffeners,
depth. Where webs of girder are connected by including effective flange, not less than, cm4:
welding and cutout is reinforced by a plate, i  5.1  107 ReH  f  ht  6 sin   h2 sin 2  ,
the height of such a cutout may be increased
up to 0.6 of depth of the web member. In way (2.3.32-2)
of double sides, height of cutout may be taken where V, Fw — shear force, kN, and the
equal to 0.6 of depth of the web half-beam. weakest cross-section of the girder web, cm2,
The total height of cutouts for passing ordi- correspondingly;
nary members through webs of continuous 0 — dangerous tangent stress of web mate-
floors and keelsons of the double bottom and rial according to (2.2.67-2), MPa;
continuous web frames of “diaphragms” and ReH — yield point of the stiffener material,
double side platforms shall not exceed 0.4 of MPa;
the depth (width) of the said members. h, t — depth and thickness of the web,
The height of lightening cutouts and access correspondingly, cm;
cutouts shall not exceed 50% and width shall  — angle of slopping of the stiffeners re-
be not exceed 75% of the web member depth garding to neutral axis of the web, deg.
in the given place.
The distance from edges of all cutouts in
web members to edges of cutouts for passing
ordinary girders shall not be less than the
depth of those girders.
2.3.29 The height of drainage openings in
members shall not exceed 20% of the girder
Fig. 2.3.32. Reinforcing with sloping stiffeners
depth, and the length shall not exceed 15-fold
thickness of the shell or plating. When sloping stiffeners are fitted, stresses
in webs in the cutout area as per 2.2.60 are
2.3.30 Web member web weakened by a
not to be checked.
cutouts shall be reinforced by stiffeners fitted
in parallel to girder flanges with area moment
of inertia, including effective flange, not less Corrugated structures
than that defined by formula (
2.3.33 Corrugated structures may be used
2.3.31 Stiffeners provided in 2.3.30 for for watertight and permeable bulkheads of the
girders with cutouts may be omitted, if the hull and subordinate structures not participat-
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 89

ing in global bending, i.e. enclosures, walls

and roofs of wheelhouses.
2.3.34 A strength of corrugated structures
shall not be less than the strength of relevant
flat structures.
2.3.35 Corrugates of hull watertight bulk-
heads shall be continuous of trapeze
(Fig. 2.3.35, a) or wavy (Fig. 2.3.35, b) cross
Corrugates of transverse bulkheads shall be
located vertically and corrugates of longitudi-
nal bulkheads shall be located either horizon-
tally or vertically. Where corrugates of a lon-
gitudinal bulkhead are vertically, the bulkhead
is not included in the hull girder.
2.3.36 At the ends of knees of girders adja-
cent to corrugated platings, transverse stiffen- Fig. 2.3.36. Example of distribution
ers shall be provided (extended to the nearest of the concentrated load at the knee ends
edges of the corrugates), shelves or other
structures to distribute concentrated load from 2.3.38 Welds shall not be congested, i.e.
the knee corners (Fig. 2.3.36). intersect at acute angles, or failure to comply
with requirements of 2.3.39.
2.3.39 The distance between parallel inter-
Welding joints
section butt and fillet welds shall be at least
2.3.37 Butts of the outer shell and deck 10t for plate thickness t = 3 to 10 mm and
plating shall not be located directly in places 100 mm for t > 10 mm.
of increased stress concentration, i.e. in cor- The distance between parallel butt and fil-
ners of large cutouts, e.g. in the vicinity of the let welds inside a section shall be at least
ends of foundations. 30 mm.

Fig. 2.3.35. Types of corrugate cross-sections of watertight bulkheads:

a) trapeze; b) wavy
90 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

T a b l e 2.3.44-1
2.3.40 The angle between two butt welds Types of T-welds in hull structures
shall be over 60.
Weld type and sketch
2.3.41 Assembling joints of deck plating symbol
and outer shell of sections and blocks shall be 1. Double-sided continuous
in the same plane.
2.3.42 Where hull elements are butt ДК
welded, the welds shall be fused through en-
tire thickness of the connected parts.
2.3.43 For T-joint welds loaded by tensile 2. Single-sided continuous
load and subject to vibration, variable or im-
pact loads, continuous double-sided welds
shall be applied with full fusion of the abut- ОК
ting web.
Surface of such welds shall be concave and
be conjugated smoothly with parent surfaces. 3. Single-sided intermittent
2.3.44 Types of T-welds in hull structures
are stated in Table 2.3.44-1. K-a/t
Particulars of non-beveled T-welds in hull
steel structures shall be taken according to
Table 2.3.44-2, where a safety factor relating
to the weld number is a ratio of total design 4. Staggered intermittent
height of a continuous weld to thickness of
the thinner plate to be connected. Design
K-aZt 1
height of the weld is taken equal to 0.7 of the
weld leg. For intermittent and dotted welds,
safety factor for the equal-strength continuous
welds is shown in Table 2.3.44-2. 5. Single-sided dotted
2.3.45 Welds shown in Table 2.3.44-2 may
be replaced by welds of equal strength of T-b/t
other type with different dimensions of design
features in accordance with national stan-
Z — staggered weld.
2.3.46 Numbers of T-welds for hulls of N o t e . Д — double-sided; О — single-sided;
ships intended for operation in various water Т — dotted; К — weld leg, mm; a — welded
basin categories are to be specified according length, mm; t — pitch, mm; b — dot width, mm.
to Table 2.3.46.
2.3.49 Free ends of webs of ordinary gird-
2.3.47 On tug-and-push boats and pushed ers and free ends of stiffeners, in case of one
ships, the framing shall be welded by continu- side welding, shall be continuously welded
ous welds to the outer shell and the deck in around, and the weld shall pass over to the
area of coupling arrangements. other side for at least double depth of the
2.3.48 For T-joints loaded by tensile load, girder/stiffener.
weld No. 1 shall be used to ensure strength (both In case of one side welding, ordinary girder
shear and tensile) equal to the abutting web. webs in way of cutouts and cutouts in bulk-
heads shall be continuously welded around,
and weld shall pass over to the other side for
GOST 2.312, GOST 14771, GOST 5264 at least double height of profile.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 91

T a b l e 2.3.44-2
Particulars of non-beveled T-welds in hull structures
Particulars of T-weld number
Thickness of the thin-
1 2 3 4 5
nest connected plate,
mm with strength coefficient
1 0.75 0.50 0.35 0.20
3.0 and 3.5 Ä3 Ä2 Î3 3-50/100 or Ò-10/40 3-50/100 or Ò-10/50
4.0 and 4.5 Ä3 Ä3 Î4 Î3 4-75/200 or Ò-10/50
5.0 and 5.5 Ä4 Ä4 Î4 Î3 4-75/200 or Ò-10/40
6 and 7 Ä5 Ä4 Ä3,5 4-75 Z 150 4-75 Z 300
8 and 9 Ä6 Ä5 Ä4 5-75 Z 150 4-75 Z 200
10 Ä7 Ä6 Ä5 6-75 Z 150 5-75 Z 200
12 Ä9 Ä6 Ä5 6-75 Z 150 5-75 Z 200
N o t e . Weld legs of 5 mm and more made by automatic or semi-automatic submerged arc welding or
carbon dioxide welding may be reduced by 1 mm.
T a b l e 2.3.46
Numbers of T-welds for ship hull elements
Weld number from
Table 2.3.44-2 for
Hull elements to be welded ships of classes
Р and Л
О-ПР, М, О
Bottom framing
1. Webs of keelsons and floors to outer shell, excepting those mentioned in 3 and 5 3 4
2. Webs of keelsons and floors to their flanges or to double bottom plating, excepting 4 4
those mentioned in 3 to 5
3. Webs of keelsons and floors to their flanges, double bottom plating, or outer shell 2 3
in engine rooms in way of foundations
4. Webs of keelsons and floors to double bottom plating of dry cargo ships to be 3 3
loaded/unloaded with clamshells
5. Webs of watertight floors and keelsons to outer shell and double bottom plating 2 2
6. Webs of floors and keelsons to each other and to bulkheads 2 2
7. Ordinary members to outer shell in the engine room and within 0.2 length of the 3 3
ship in extremities
8. Ordinary members to outer shell in all the areas other than mentioned in 7 5 5
9. Ordinary members to double bottom plating in dry cargo ships to be 3 3
loaded/unloaded with clamshells
10. Ordinary members to double bottom plating for ships other than mentioned in 9 4 4
11. Double bottom plating to outer shell and to inner sides 2 2
Side framing
12. Webs of web frames and side stringers to their flanges, to outer shell and inner 3 4
side plating
13. Side stringer webs, web frame webs, and ordinary members to double bottom 3 3
plating in ships to be loaded/unloaded with clamshells
14. Webs of web frames and side stringers to each other and to bulkheads 2 2
15. Ordinary members to outer shell and inner side plating 3 4
Deck and platform framing
16. Deck members to deck plating in way of bearing drums in floating cranes 1 1
17. Deck members to deck plating in flush deck ships 2 2
18. Deck members to deck plating in ships other than those mentioned in 17 5 5
19. Webs of web members to their flanges 4 4
20. Webs of web beams and carlings to each other, to side shell plating and to bulkheads 2 2
21. Hatch coamings to decks and beams 2 2
92 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

E n d o f T a b l e 2.3.46
Weld number from
Table 2.3.44-2 for
Hull elements to be welded ships of classes
Р and Л
О-ПР, М, О
22. Forepeak and afterpeak bulkheads and bulkheads of water and oil tanks to outer 2 2
shell and to deck
23. Watertight bulkheads other than those mentioned in 22 to outer shell, double 2 2
bottom plating and deck plating
24. Webs of web members to their flanges and to bulkhead plates 4 4
25. Webs of bulkhead web members to each other and to the bottom, side and deck 2 2
framing members
26. Longitudinal bulkheads to transverse bulkheads 2 2
27. Bulkhead ordinary members to their bulkhead plates 5 5
Decks, platforms and superstructures
28. Deck stringers of designed upper decks to outer shell 1 1
29. Deck stringers of decks other than mentioned in 28 and platforms to outer shell 2 2
30. Pillars to flanges of web members and to double bottom plating 2 2
31. Outer walls of wheelhouses and superstructures to deck 3 3
32. Framing of superstructures and wheelhouses to their walls 5 5
33. Superstructure and wheelhouse bulkheads to deck 4 4
Knees and web member reinforcements
34. Knees to members and plates of structures 2 2
35. Knee flanges to knee webs 2 3
36. Reinforcing stiffeners and strips around cutouts to webs of web members 4 5
37. Webs, brackets and knees of foundations of internal combustion engines to each 1 1
other, to outer shell, to double bottom plating and to bearing flanges
38. Webs, brackets and knees of foundations other than mentioned in 37, to outer 2 2
shell, to double bottom plating and to bearing flanges
39. Flanges of brackets and knees to their webs 2 3

2.3.50 Cutouts shall be provided in webs of 2.3.53 Ends of web girders (i.e. webs and
web members in places of their intersection free flanges) not supported by knees shall be
with plating welds, if these platings are to be connected by weld No. 2 over a length equal
welded after installation of the members. to the girder profile depth.
For intercostal web girders (floors, beams,
2.3.51 Dotted welds as per Table 2.3.44-2 keelsons, carlings, stringers), the ends are
are not allowed in the underwater part of the understood as sections adjacent to intersecting
hull, as well as in way of local vibration and members (sides, bulkheads, trusses) being the
impact loads (in vicinity of engine room, pro- rigid supports for the girders.
pellers, ice strengthening, fore extremity). Ends of ordinary girders not supported by
knees shall be connected by weld No. 2 over
2.3.52 Weld No. 2 shall be used to connect
a length equal to double girder profile depth.
ordinary members to webs of web members,
permeable bulkheads, enclosures and plat- 2.3.54 At the girder areas supported by
forms, where the ordinary members pass knees (within distances a and a from support
through cutouts and no knees (plates, stiffen- to the outer edge of the knee, Fig. 2.3.54),
ers) are provided. girder webs shall be connected to flanges and
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 93

plates by welds whose numbers are specified lower plates of inner sides of tankers within
equal to the numbers of welds of the knees. the cargo tanks area (see 4.10, Table 2.4.1-1).
2.3.55 T-welds of coupling arrangements Bottom plating thicknesses required by 1.5
in Tables 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2 for ships of Ì-
and stops shall be double-side continuous.
ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and M classes may be reduced by
2.3.56 Welded joints shall be made in ac- 0.5 mm in the hull areas where the bottom
cordance with the requirements of 7 Part X of framing consists of longitudinal girders and
the Rules transverse girders at each spacing.
2.3.57 Flanges of the deck and bulkhead Requirements to minimum thickness of
penetrations shall be welded to watertight outer shell in the fore extremity for ships of
bulkheads and decks at both sides by continu- Ì-ÑÏ class (1.5 and 1.6, Table 2.4.1-2) ap-
ous welds. ply to the ships that may operate at sea with
minimum draught Ò f  0.035L . In case of
2.4 ARRANGEMENT, SCANTLING larger minimum draught, the outer shell
AND CONSTRUCTION OF INDIVIDUAL thickness in the fore extremity shall be taken
HULL MEMBERS according to the requirements of Table 2.4.1-
1 for ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Ì classes.
Thickness of plates and spacing
2.4.1 Thickness of members shall be not
less than that specified in Tables 2.4.1-1 to
For ships of Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, M and O
classes with a length over 50 m, in case of the
transverse framing system in the middle part
of ship, minimal thickness specified by the
Table 2.4.1-1 shall be increased: by
1.2  L – 50  90 for bottom plating (see 1.1,
Table 2.4.1-1); by 0.7  L – 50  90 for double
bottom plating (see 3.1, Table 2.4.1-1) and Fig. 2.3.54 Girder areas

T a b l e 2.4.1-1
Minimum hull member thicknesses
Minimum thicknesses of hull members, mm,
for ships of class
Name of member Ì-ÏÐ and Ì Î-ÏÐ and Î Ð and Ë
at ship length, m
25 80 140 25 80 140 25 80
1 Outer shell plating
1.1 Outer shell plating (for cases other than mentioned 4.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 5.0
in 1.2 to 1.6)
1.2 Outer shell plating bounding ballast and fuel tanks 4.5 7.0 9.0 4.5 7.0 8.0 3.5 6.0
1.3 Bilge strake of the outer shell 5.0 7.0 9.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 6.0
1.4 Sheer strake in the middle part of ship 5.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 7.0 8.5 4.0 6.0
1.5. Bottom plating at the fore extremity at the height up to 5.0 8.0 9.0 4.5 7.0 8.0 4.0 6.0
0.04Â from the base plane
1.6 Side plating at the fore extremity 4.5 7.0 9.0 4.5 7.0 8.0 4.0 6.0
2 Plating of decks and platforms
2.1 Deck plating (for cases other than mentioned in 2.2 to 2.8) 4.0 6.5 8.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 3.5 5.5
2.2 Deck stringer in the middle part of ship 5.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 7.0 8.5 4.0 6.0
94 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

C o n t i n u a t i n o f T a b l e 2.4.1-1
Minimum thicknesses of hull members, mm,
for ships of class
Name of member Ì-ÏÐ and Ì Î-ÏÐ and Î Ð and Ë
at ship length, m
25 80 140 25 80 140 25 80
2.3 Upper deck plating in the extremities, plating of parti- 4.0 5.0 5.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 3.0 4.0
tions between hatches, plating of poop and superstructure
decks (not participating in global bending of the hull) in
areas not protected by superstructures. Forecastle deck plating
2.4 Upper deck plating beyond the middle part, plating of 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.5
poop deck and superstructure decks (not participating in
global bending of the hull) in areas protected by superstruc-
tures. Platform plating
2.5 Deck plating of tankers in cargo tank area 5.0 7.0 9.5 5.0 7.0 8.5 4.5 6.0
2.6 Deck plating at the extremities of pushed ships 4.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 6.0
2.7 Plating of deck of superstructure participating in global 4.0 5.0 5.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 3.0 4.0
bending of the hull in the middle part of ship and in areas
not protected by superstructures
2.8 Plating of deck of superstructure participating in global 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.5
bending of the hull beyond the middle part of ship in areas
protected by superstructures
3 Inner bottom plating of cargo ships
3.1 Double bottom plating of cargo ships (except for cases 4.5 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.5 6.5 3.0 5.0
mentioned in 3.2 and 3.3)
3.2 Double bottom plating of dry cargo ships under the 7.0 10.0 10.5 7.0 9.5 10.0 7.0 9.0
cargo hatches if loading/unloading is carried out by clamshells,
and deck plating of flush deck ships within the cargo area
3.3 Double bottom plating of tankers within the cargo tank 6.0 7.5 8.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 5.0 6.0
4 Bulkheads and inner sides
4.1 Plating of watertight bulkheads and inner sides (for 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0
cases other than mentioned in 4.2 to 4.12)
4.2 Forepeak bulkhead plating 3.5 5.5 5.5 3.0 4.5 5.5 3.0 4.5
4.3 Plating of inner sides of dry cargo ships within the cargo 4.5 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.5 6.5 3.0 5.0
hold area
4.4 Plating of watertight bulkheads of dry cargo ships within 3.5 5.5 6.0 3.5 5.0 5.5 3.0 4.0
the cargo hold area (with the exception of the lower plates)
4.5 Lower plates of watertight bulkheads of dry cargo ships 4.0 6.0 6.5 4.0 5.5 6.0 3.5 4.5
within the cargo hold area
4.6 Inner side plating of ships with fully opening cargo 5.0 7.0 8.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 4.5 6.0
holds, lower plates of inner sides of ships with partial open-
ing of cargo holds, and lower plates of transverse bulkheads
within the cargo hold area, if loading/unloading is carried
out by clamshells
4.7 Upper strake of bulkheads of flush deck ships within the 5.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 7.0
cargo area
4.8 Plating of inner sides and transverse bulkheads separat- 5.0 6.5 7.5 4.5 6.0 7.0 3.5 5.5
ing loaded and empty cargo compartments within the cargo
tanks area of tankers (with the exception of the lower and
upper strakes)
4.9 Upper strake of inner sides and transverse bulkheads 5.5 7.0 8.0 5.0 6.5 7.5 4.0 6.0
separating loaded and empty cargo compartments within the
cargo tanks area of tankers
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 95

E n d o f T a b l e 2.4.1-1
Minimum thicknesses of hull members, mm,
for ships of class
Name of member Ì-ÏÐ and Ì Î-ÏÐ and Î Ð and Ë
at ship length, m
25 80 140 25 80 140 25 80
4.10 Lower strake of inner sides and transverse bulkheads 6.0 7.5 8.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 5.0 6.0
separating loaded and empty cargo compartments within the
cargo tanks area of tankers
4.11 Plating of transverse bulkheads separating loaded com- 4.5 6.0 6.5 4.0 5.5 6.5 3.5 5.0
partments on tankers (with the exception of the upper strake)
4.12 Upper strake of the plating of transverse bulkheads 5.0 6.5 7.0 4.5 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.5
separating loaded compartments on tankers
5 Other members
5.1 Plate structures and webs of web girders under the deck 5.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 7.0
plating of flush deck ships and under the inner bottom plat-
ing under the cargo hatches of dry cargo ships, if load-
ing/unloading is carried out by clamshells
5.2 Plate structures and girders inside ballast tanks 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 3.5 5.0
5.3 Underdeck framing and bulkhead framing inside cargo 4.5 7.0 7.0 4.5 7.0 7.0 4.0 5.5
and fuel tanks
5.4 Continuous longitudinal coamings of cargo hatches 7.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 5.5 7.5
5.5 Transverse coamings of cargo hatches 4.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 6.0
5.6 Plates of trunks of engine room and capes of engine 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0
room, walls of superstructures not participating in global
bending of the hull
5.7 Wall plating of superstructures participating in global 3.5 5.0 5.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 3.5 5.0
bending of the hull
N o t e s . 1. Member plate thicknesses are specified in the table assuming the spacing is equal to 550 mm.
2. Where a fractional part of thickness obtained by interpolation is more than or equal to 0.25 mm,
thickness value shall be rounded up, and if it is less than 0.25 mm, the value shall be rounded down. In
case of thickness exceeding 6 mm, the value may be rounded: down where the fractional part is less than
0.50 mm and up where the fractional part is more or equal to 0.50 mm.
3. For ships with a sledge-shaped fore extremity, the provision of 1.5 applies to the hull part extending
above the flush part of the bottom in the bow raising area by 4 % of the ship’s breadth.
T a b l e 2.4.1-2
Minimum hull member thicknesses for ships of Ì-ÑÏ class
Ship length, m
Name of member
25 60 140
1 Outer shell plating
1.1 Outer shell plating (for cases other than mentioned in 1.2 to 1.6) 5.0 6.0 9.0
1.2 Outer shell plating bounding ballast and fuel tanks 6.0 7.0 9.5
1.3 Bilge strake 6.0 7.0 10.0
1.4 Sheer strake in the middle part of ship 5.5 9.0 11.0
1.5 Bottom plating in area within 0.2L abaft the fore perpendicular and 0.04B from the 5.5 7.5 10.5
base plane
1.6 Side plating at the fore extremity 5.5 7.0 9.5
2 Plating of decks and platforms
2.1 Deck plating (for cases other than mentioned in 2.2 to 2.5) 5.0 6.5 9.5
2.2 Deck stringer in the middle part of ship 5.5 9.0 11.0
2.3 Upper deck plating in the extremities, plating of partitions between hatches, plating 5.0 6.0 6.0
of poop and superstructure decks (not participating in global bending of the hull) in areas
not protected by superstructures. Forecastle deck plating
96 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

E n d o f T a b l e 2.4.1-2
Ship length, m
Name of member
25 60 140
2.4 Upper deck plating beyond the middle part, plating of poop deck and superstructure 4.5 5.0 5.0
decks (not participating in global bending of the hull) in areas protected by superstruc-
tures. Platform plating
2.5 Deck plating of tankers in cargo tank area 5.5 9.0 10.0
3 Inner bottom plating of cargo ships
3.1 Double bottom plating of cargo ships (except for cases mentioned in 3.2 and 3.3) 5.0 7.0 7.0
3.2 Double bottom plating of dry cargo ships under the cargo hatches if loading / 8.0 12.0 12.0
unloading is carried out by clamshells, and deck plating of flush deck ships within the
cargo area
3.3 Double bottom plating of tankers within the cargo tank area 6.5 8.0 8.5
4 Bulkheads and inner sides
4.1 Plating of watertight bulkheads and inner sides (for cases other than mentioned in 4.0 5.0 5.0
4.2 to 4.12)
4.2 Forepeak bulkhead plating 4.5 5.5 5.5
4.3 Plating of inner sides of dry cargo ships within the cargo hold area 5.0 6.5 7.0
4.4 Plating of watertight bulkheads of dry cargo ships within the cargo hold area (with 4.5 6.5 6.5
the exception of the lower plates)
4.5 Lower plates of watertight bulkheads of dry cargo ships within the cargo hold area 5.0 6.5 7.0
4.6 Inner side plating of ships with fully opening cargo holds, lower plates of inner sides 7.0 10.0 10.0
of ships with partial opening of cargo holds, and transverse bulkheads within the cargo
hold area, if loading/unloading is carried out by clamshells
4.7 Upper strake of bulkheads of flush deck ships within the cargo area 5.5 9.0 9.0
4.8 Plating of inner sides and transverse bulkheads separating loaded and empty cargo 5.5 7.0 7.5
compartments within the cargo tanks area of tankers (with the exception of the lower and
upper strakes)
4.9 Upper strake of inner sides and transverse bulkheads separating loaded and empty 6.0 8.5 9.0
cargo compartments within the cargo tanks area of tankers
4.10 Lower strake of inner sides and transverse bulkheads separating loaded and empty 7.0 8.0 8.5
cargo compartments within the cargo tanks area of tankers
4.11 Plating of transverse bulkheads separating loaded compartments on tankers (with 5.0 6.5 7.0
the exception of the upper strake)
4.12 Upper strake of the plating of transverse bulkheads separating loaded compartments 5.5 8.5 9.0
on tankers
5 Other members
5.1 Plate structures and webs of web girders under the deck plating of flush deck ships 6.0 9.0 9.0
and under the inner bottom plating under the cargo hatches of dry cargo ships, if load-
ing/unloading is carried out by clamshells
5.2 Plate structures and girders inside ballast tanks 5.5 7.0 7.0
5.3 Underdeck framing and bulkhead framing inside cargo and fuel tanks 6.0 8.0 8.0
5.4 Continuous longitudinal coamings of cargo hatches 7.5 10.0 12.0
5.5 Transverse coamings of cargo hatches 5.5 8.0 10.0
5.6 Plates of trunks of engine room and capes of engine room, walls of superstructures 4.0 4.5 5.0
not participating in global bending of the hull
N o t e s . 1. For ships with a sledge-shaped fore extremity, the provision of 1.5 applies to the hull part
extending above the flush part of the bottom in the bow raising area by 4 % of the ship’s breadth.
2. The minimum values of Member plate thickness comply with spacing of 550 mm and are to be ad-
justed taking into account the actual spacing in accordance with the requirements of 2.4.3 and 2.4.4.
3. The rounding rule is stated in Note 2 to Table 2.4.1-1.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 97

T a b l e 2.4.1-3
Minimum plate thicknesses of walls, decks, superstructures and wheelhouses of the Ì-ÑÏ class ships
Minimum plate thicknesses, mm,
Name of superstructure/wheelhouse structure at ship length, m
25 40 60 80 100 120 140
Lower tier of superstructure participating in global 4.2 4.7 5.3 6.4 7.5 8.3 9.0
bending of the hull
Lower tier of superstructure not participating in global 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6.0 6.4
Side walls
bending of the hull; outer shell plating of forecastle
and poop
Upper tiers of superstructure/wheelhouse 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.4
Lower tier of superstructure 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6.0 6.4
End walls
Upper tiers of superstructure/wheelhouse 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.4
Lower tier of superstructure participating in global 4.7 5.3 6.2 7.0 7.7 8.3 9.0
bending of the hull
Lower tier of superstructure not participating in global 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.5 5.8
Decks bending of the hull; forecastle and poop decks of dis-
placement passenger ships
Forecastle and poop deck of tugboats and ice breakers 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Upper tiers of superstructure/wheelhouse 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.8 5.0
N o t e s . 1. The plate thicknesses are given for structures made of steel.
2. The rounding rule is stated in Note 2 to Table 2.4.1-1.
3. In case of ship length does not coincide with values specified in the table, the minimum plate thick-
nesses are determined by linear interpolation of the tabulated data.
T a b l e 2.4.1-4
Minimum plate thicknesses of hull members of tugboats and ice breakers of Ì-ÑÏ class
Minimum thicknesses of member
Name of members plates, mm, at ship length, m
25 60 100 140
1. Outer shell plating in the middle part of ship and aft extremity 5.0 6.0 7.5 9.0
2. Sheer strake and deck stringer in the middle part of ship 6.0 10.0 11.5 13.0
3. Outer shell plating of forepeak 6.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
4. Outer shell plating from forepeak to the section located 0.25L abaft from 6.0 7.0 8.5 10.0
the fore perpendicular
5. Bilge strake of the outer shell plating in the middle part of ship and aft 6.0 7.0 8.5 10.0
6. Upper deck plating in fore and aft extremities within 0.15L from the fore 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0
and aft perpendiculars
7. Platform plating 4.5 6.0 6.0 6.0
8. Watertight bulkhead plating 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
N o t e s . 1. Values of minimum thicknesses of member plates correspond to spacing of 550 mm and
shall be corrected for the actual spacing according to the requirements of 2.4.3 and 2.4.4.
2. The rounding rule is stated in Note 2 to Table 2.4.1-1.
3. In case of ship length does not coincide with values specified in table, the minimum thicknesses of
the member plates are determined by linear interpolation of the tabulated data.

Thickness of deck and shell plating of su- (6, Table 2.4.1-4) at spacing equal to 550 mm
perstructures stated in Table 2.4.1-3 in area of shall be taken not less than 5.5 mm for any
their interconnection shall be increased by ship length.
1 mm over a width not less than 300 mm.
Thickness of upper deck plating stated in For ships of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class, the hull
Table 2.4.1-4 except for areas in extremities member thicknesses stated in 1.1, 1.5, 2.1 and
98 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.3 of Table 2.4.1-2 shall be increased on the and additional increase by 1 mm of thickness
value tmin determined by the formula: of watertight bulkheads as regulated by 2.5.20
is not required.
t min   
kp  1 t , (2.4.1-1) For tugboats of the Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class, mem-
ber thicknesses specified in 1, 4 and 6 of Ta-
where t — permissible residual thickness of ble 2.4.1-4 shall be increased by tmin as de-
member as specified in Table 2.2.86 for ship termined by formula (2.4.1-1).
of Ì-ÑÏ class;
k — coefficient determined according to 2.4.2 Spacing means a distance between
2.2.28. longitudinal or transverse girders; it shall not
exceed 650 mm. Recommended spacing is
For tankers of М-СП class with longitudinal
550 mm.
cylindrical built-in cargo tanks, minimum
thicknesses of outer plating in the middle part 2.4.3 Where spacing is taken more than à0,
of ship, sheerstrake and deck stringer in the than the thicknesses of the hull members
middle part of ship shall be taken according to specified in Table 2.4.1-1 (other than stated
Table 2.4.1-2 as for ships with conventional in 4.9, 4.12, 5.1 to 5.3) shall be increased by
length L1 = LH/H1, where H1 — height of hull t as determined by the formula, mm:
girder. Vertical distance between the upper
t   a a0  1 t  , (2.4.3)
edge of the cylindrical tank and the deck in the
centreline plane shall not exceed 1.2R. where à — actual spacing, mm;
Plate thicknesses of walls and decks of su- à0 — standard spacing taken equal to 550
perstructures and wheelhouses of the М-СП mm;
class ships regardless of calculation results and [t] — permissible residual thickness of a
steel grade shall not be less than those speci- particular hull member as specified in Table
fied in Table 2.4.1-3. Here: 2.2.86 (without corrections set forth by Notes
.1 if spacing is taken more than 550 mm, 2 and 3 of the said table), mm.
the minimum thicknesses of grillage plates 2.4.4 Where spacing is taken less than à0
stated in Table 2.4.1-3 shall be increased pro- and/or the members are made of higher
portionally to the increase of spacing com- strength steel, than the thickness of the hull
pared with 550 mm; members specified in Table 2.4.1-1 (other
.2 if spacing is taken less than 550 mm, than stated in 4.9, 4.12, 5.1 to 5.3) may be
the minimum thicknesses of grillage plates reduced by t as determined by the formula, mm:
stated in Table 2.4.1-3 may be decreased pro-
portionally to the decrease of spacing com-   
t  1  15.3a a0 ReH   t  ,

pared with 550 mm. Thicknesses may not be where а, а0, [t] — see above (if а > а0, а = а0);
decreased by more than 10%; ReH — yield point of the member material,
.3 if the structure is made of light alloys, MPa.
the minimum thicknesses of its plates shall be
taken not less than it is required for corre- 2.4.5 Width of the thickened strakes of
spondent structure made of steel. bulkheads (see 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 4.12 of Table
2.4.1-1) shall not be less than 0.6 m.
Plate thicknesses of hull members of
tugboats and ice breakers of the М-СП class 2.4.6 Thicknesses specified in 1.4 and 2.2
regardless of calculation results and steel grade of Table 2.4.1-1 are related to ships with side
shall be not less than those specified in Table depth H 2.5 m. Width of the sheer strake
2.4.1-4. shall not be less than 0.2H, and width of the
The requirements of 2.5.15 to 2.5.22 apply deck stringer not less than 0.6 m.
to the tugboats of the Ì-ÑÏ class. The plate When H < 2.5 m, the width of the sheer
thickness of hull members in any cases shall strake may be taken equal to the thickness of
not be less than specified in Table 2.4.1-4, the outer shell.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 99

2.4.7 Thicknesses of plate structures subject T a b l e 2.4.11-1

to specific wear and damages (i.e. increased Coefficient k1
mechanical wear, increased wear of deck plat- k1
ing and framing in way of tanks of tankers Lb/B1 with without
carrying sulfide oil products, high corrosion web frames
wear due to carriage of corrosive cargoes) One keelson
shall be increased as compared with Tables 0.7 0.8 0.9
2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2 depending on the actual 0.8 0.9 1.0
wear rates. 0.9 and more 1.0 1.0
Three and more keelsons
2.4.8 Thicknesses of the bottom shell plat-
ing and the bilge strake of ships intended for 0.7 0.55 0.65
operation in shallow waters1 shall be increased 0.9 0.60 0.70
1.1 0.65 0.75
by 1 mm in respect to those specified in
1.3 0.70 0.80
1.1 to 1.3 and 1.5 of Table 2.4.1-1. 1.5 0.75 0.90
2.4.9 Plate thickness change in the transi- 1.7 0.80 1.0
tion areas shall be smooth (see 2.3.2). 1.9 0.90 1.0
2.1 and more 1.0 1.0
N o t e . Lb — distance between transverse bulk-
Bottom framing in single-bottom ships heads or trusses, m.
and single-bottom compartments
T a b l e 2.4.11-2
2.4.10 The distance between the floors, m, Coefficient k2
shall be aliquot to the spacing and shall not
exceed: with without
for flush deck ships 1.8 B1/H
web frames or web stays
for passenger ships and tankers 2.4 of longitudinal bulkheads in each floor plain
for ships of other types 2 1 0.9
2 0.6 1
2.4.11 Section modulus of floor including
≥3 0.5
effective flange W, cm3, shall not be less than:
W  7k1 k2 dB12 (T  r ) , (2.4.11-1) T — maximum draught of ship in the hull
section under consideration, m;
and for ships of Ë class, in addition, not less
than r — design wave half-height, m.
Cross-sectional area of the floor fs shall not
W  7k1 k2 dB12 (0.6T  0.72) , (2.4.11-2)
be less than, cm2:
where k1, k2 — coefficients taken from Tables
fs  0.46dB1 (T  r ) . (2.4.11-3)
2.4.11-1 and 2.4.11-2;
d — distance between the floors, m; Cross-sectional area of the floor in way of
B1 — value to be taken equal to the great- a cutout fsc shall not be less than, cm2:
est distance between longitudinal bulkheads fcs  0.46dB1 (T  r ) 1  2l  B1  , (2.4.11-4)
(trusses) or between them and ship side, m.
For three or four longitudinal bulkheads where l’ — minimum distance between cutout
(trusses), value B1 shall be taken not less than edge and support, m.
B/3, for five or more longitudinal bulkheads 2.4.12 In case of the transverse framing
(trusses) not less than B/4. Where longitudinal system of the bottom with floors not at each
bulkheads (trusses) are not available, B1 is spacing, bottom ordinary frames shall be in-
taken equal to B; stalled between them.
The section modulus of the bottom ordi-
Water area where the depth to ship draught nary frame, cm3, including effective flange,
ratio does not exceed 3. shall not be less than:
100 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

W  5.5añ 2 T  r  , (2.4.12-1) over the side (from the floor upper edge line
extended to side) shall be not less than three-
and the moment of inertia, cm4, not less than: fold depth of the ordinary side frame. If this
I  3  2  a  d  a   t a  ñ 4 , rising of floors is arranged using knees, their
thickness shall be equal to the floor thickness;
where a — spacing, m; in addition, free edge of the knee shall be
c — maximum distance between keelsons fitted with the same strip as the floor, or a
or between keelson and longitudinal bulkhead flange shall be bent out.
(or side), m;
t — bottom plating thickness according to Bottom framing
2.4.1, cm; in double bottom compartments
T, r, d — taken according to 2.4.11.
2.4.17 The distance, m, between floors
2.4.13 A continuous central keelson shall shall be aliquot to the spacing and shall not
be fitted in all ships. Instead of the central exceed:
keelson, two keelsons may be fitted, one from for dry cargo ships within cargo holds 1.8
each side of the centre line. Here, coefficient for passenger ships and tankers 2.4
k1 in formulae (2.4.11-1) and (2.4.11-2) shall for dry cargo ships outside the cargo 2
be taken same as when the central keelson is holds area and for the rest types of ships
fitted. A distance between keelsons and be- 2.4.18 The height of the double bottom
tween keelsons and the side or longitudinal space, m, shall be not less than the following
bulkhead shall not exceed 2.5 m. The keelsons
for ships with a length:
shall be extended as far as possible forwards 120 m and less 0.8
and abaft. Section modulus of the central and over 120 m 0.9
side keelsons shall be not less than section
modulus required for floors. 2.4.19 In double bottom compartments of
all ships, continuous centre keelsons, and – if
2.4.14 In case of the longitudinal framing it is provided by the Rules – side keelsons
system, bottom stiffener section modulus, shall be fitted.
cm3, including effective flange, shall be not
A distance between keelsons and between
less than:
keelsons and the side or longitudinal bulkhead
W  10a1d 2 T  r  , (2.4.14-1) shall not exceed 3 m. The keelsons shall be
and the moment of inertia, cm , shall be not 4 extended as far as possible forwards and abaft.
less than 2.4.20 Minimum thickness of the floor
plates shall correspond to 5.1 and 5.2 of Ta-
I  2.8d 2
f  100a1t  , (2.4.14-2)
bles 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2.
where a1 — distance between the stiffeners, m;
f — cross-section area of the stiffener with- 2.4.21 In case of the transverse framing
out effective flange, cm2; system with floors not at each spacing,
bracket floors shall be fitted between them.
d, T, r — see 2.4.11, t — see 2.4.12.
2.4.22 The bracket floors shall consist of
2.4.15 In ships with deadrise, a depth of
upper and lower continuous girders intercon-
floors amidships within 0.125B from side shall
nected by brackets in way of keelsons (longi-
be not less than a half of its depth in the cen-
tudinal bulkheads) and at the bilge.
tre line.
2.4.23 Edges of brackets shall have welded
2.4.16 In ships with deadrise, floors in way
or bent flanges. Thickness of the brackets
of bilge shall rise smoothly towards the side
shall be not less than the floor thickness.
starting at least 0.05B from the side, in order
to get a connection with a ordinary side 2.4.24 Ends of the upper and lower girders
frame. The depth of such a rising measured of the bracket floors shall overlap the brackets
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 101

over at least double depth of the correspond- s1 — the greatest distance between inner
ing girder (Fig. 2.4.24). edges of the brackets, m;
Hsec — depth of the ship’s side in the sec-
2.4.25 Width of the brackets at both sides
of the vertical keel and at the bilge shall be at tion under consideration, m;
least 0.5 height of the double bottom space. p — cargo pressure on the double bottom
Width of the brackets near keelsons shall be at plating to be taken according to, kPa;
least 0.3 height of the double bottom space. a — see 2.4.12,
The use of intercostal girders at the bracket T, r — see 2.4.11.
floors is allowed, which are cut in way of
2.4.28 In case of the longitudinal framing
kee. In this case, brackets shall be fitted at
system of the bottom, section modulus of
each side of the keelsons, width of the brack- bottom longitudinal girders, including effec-
ets shall be not less than 0.3 height of the
tive flange, cm3, shall be not less than
double bottom space.
2.4.26 Cross-members may be installed be- W  10K 0 a1d 2 T  r  , (2.4.28-1)
tween the brackets to connect the upper and 4
and the moment of inertia, cm , shall be not
lower girders of the bracket floor and divide less than
the span of bracket floor girder in two halves.
Cross-sectional area of the cross-member I  2.8d 2  f  100a1t  . (2.4.28-2)
shall be not less than the cross-sectional area Section modulus of double bottom longitu-
of the smaller bracket floor girder. dinal girders, including effective flange, cm3,
2.4.27 Section modulus of the lower girder shall be not less than:
of bracket floor, cm3, including effective W  7K 0 a1d 2 H c , (2.4.28-3)
flange, shall be at least
and for cargo ships, in addition, not less than
W  5.5K 0 as12 (T  r ) , (2.4.27-1) W  0.7K 0 a1d 2 p . (2.4.28-4)
Section modulus of the upper girder of In the above formulae:
bracket floor, cm3, including effective flange, K0, Hñ, p — taken as per 2.4.27;
shall be at least
a1, f — see 2.4.14;
W  4K 0 as12 H c , (2.4.27-2) d, T, r — see 2.4.11;
and for cargo ships at least t — see 2.4.12.
W  0.4K 0 as12 p . (2.4.27-3) 2.4.29 Cross-sectional area of a cross-
In the above formulae: member fitted between the bottom and the
k0 — coefficient taken equal to: double bottom longitudinal girders shall be
with no cross-member 1 not less than a cross-sectional area of the
with a cross-member 0.6 smaller of the girders being so connected.

Fig. 2.4.24. Design of bracket floor

102 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.4.30 In ships intended for carriage of Side framing

bulk cargoes and loaded/unloaded with clam-
2.4.33 The side framing shall be made ac-
shells, the section modulus of the upper girder
cording to the following framing systems:
of bracket floors W1 and double bottom longi-
transverse framing system where web frames
tudinal girders W2 including effective flange,
alternate with ordinary frames; uniform trans-
cm3, within the cargo hatches shall be not less
verse framing system with web frames; com-
bined framing system, i.e. longitudinal fram-
W1  91kas1 , (2.4.30-1) ing system in the upper and the lower areas of
where a, s1 are taken according to 2.4.27; the side and transverse system in the middle
area of the side).
W2  91ka1d , (2.4.30-2)
2.4.34 Web frames shall be installed in the
where a1, d are taken according to 2.4.28; floor planes.
k — coefficient taken, for cranes with the The distance between the web frames shall
following lifting capacity, kN, equal to: not exceed values specified for floors.
50 0.5 2.4.35 Web frame web depth in single-
100 and 160 1.0 bottom compartments shall be not less than
200 1.5 0.65 of the floor depth. Cross-sectional area
In case of cross-members as per 2.4.26, the of web frame's free flange in single-bottom
values of W1 and W2 may be reduced by 30%. compartments shall be not less than 0.65 of
cross-sectional area of the floor's free flange.
2.4.31 Where the double bottom terminates
at the inner side, the floor depth in double 2.4.36 Section modulus of a web frame in-
bottom space near the inner side shall be cluding effective flange, cm3, shall be not less
equal to the double bottom height. A smooth than
transition shall be provided from the inner W  10kH sec d , (2.4.36-1)
bottom plating to free flange of that floor by where k — coefficient determined by the for-
means of scalloped or attached knees fitted in mulae:
the plane of the floor flange. Width of the for all types of ships other than tankers
scalloped knee or the total width of the flange
k  2+0.085L ; (2.4.36-2)
and attached knees (where they are connected
to the inner side) shall be at least 0.25 of the for tankers
distance between the floors. The knee thick- k  2+0.050L , (2.4.36-3)
ness shall be taken equal to the double bottom where Hsec — depth of the ship’s side in the
plating thickness. The knee thickness may be section under consideration, m;
reduced by 2 mm if the double bottom plating d — distance between web frames, m.
is thickened for loading/unloading with clam-
2.4.37 Section modulus of ordinary frame
including effective flange, cm3, shall be not
2.4.32 In case of the longitudinal framing less than
system of the bottom and the double bottom W  12kla , (2.4.37)
extended to the outer side, at the section be- where k — coefficient taken according to
tween floors in the plane of each actual 2.4.36;
frame, bilge brackets shall be provided and l — the greatest distance measured over a
extended to the nearest longitudinal girders of side between the bottom (double bottom plat-
the bottom and the double bottom. The ing) and a side stringer, between side string-
thickness of the brackets shall be taken equal ers, or between a side stringer and the deck, m;
to the thickness of the floors. a — spacing, m.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 103

2.4.38 In case of uniform transverse side frames, in case of the uniform transverse fram-
framing system, the section modulus of a ing system.
frame including effective flange, cm3, shall be
2.4.43 In order to enlarge the designed area
at least
of the hull girder's upper flange, in case of the
W  14kH ñ a , (2.4.38) transverse side framing system, it is allowed to
where k — coefficient taken according to fit mitered intercostal longitudinal stiffeners
2.4.36. (made of the profile used for ordinary frames)
2.4.39 At the ends of frames, beam and along the sheer strake and the upper part of
bilge knees shall be installed. the inner side. Stiffeners may be made of a
flat with a thickness equal to the plating
A beam knee of an ordinary frame or a
thickness and having a height equal to maxi-
frame, in case of the uniform transverse side
mum 10 times the thickness. The distance
framing system, shall overlap the bilge round-
between ends of the stiffeners and the frames
ing. The height of a bilge knee shall be such
shall not exceed 30 mm.
as a frame overlaps the knee over a length of
its double depth. Intercostal longitudinal stiffeners are not
included into the hull girder, while their ef-
If the section modulus of bottom ordinary
fective flanges are.
frames is not less than that required for side
ordinary frames, then the bottom frames may 2.4.44 The inner side plating shall either be
be extended upwards along the bilge and side extended to the bottom plating, or, when it
and no bilge knees may be installed. terminates on the double bottom plating, be
prolonged in the double-bottom space as an
2.4.40 In ships with double bottom and
additional keelson.
single sides, web and ordinary frames shall be
terminated at the inner bottom by means of Both transverse and longitudinal systems of
knees with dimensions corresponding to re- the inner side framing are permitted. Scant-
quirements of 2.3.12. Knees fitted in the lings of the web and ordinary members shall
girder web plane may be replaced by attached be not less than those required for the outer
or scalloped knees located in the girder flange side without taking into account ice strength-
plane. The total width of attached knees plus ening.
flange or width of scalloped knee shall be at 2.4.45 In double-sided ships, platforms
least three-fold flange width. In the plane of may be fitted instead of inner and outer side
these knees below the inner bottom plating, stringers situated at the same level, and dia-
either stiffeners or brackets shall be installed. phragms may be fitted instead of web girders.
2.4.41 Section modulus of the side longitu- Thickness of the platforms and diaphragms
dinal stiffeners including effective flange, cm3, shall be in compliance with 2.3.21, and when
shall be at least the double-bottom space is used as a ballast
tank, to be in compliance with 2.4.1. Cutouts
W  6kd 2 , (2.4.41) for manholes sized according to 2.3.28 shall
where k and d are taken according to 2.4.36. be made to provide access to all double bot-
tom areas. Platforms and diaphragms shall be
2.4.42 Where the side depth Hs exceeds
reinforced by stiffeners according to 2.3.20
2 m, one side stringer shall be fitted; where the
and 2.3.30. The height of cutouts in the dia-
side depth is 4 m and more, at least two side
phragms may be increased provided that addi-
stringers shall be fitted. Where side depth ex-
tional reinforcements are available, which will
ceeds 2 m and there are two fender guards fit-
provide section moduli for the framing mem-
ted, a side stringer shall be fitted at the level of
bers as required by the Rules.
the lower fender guard. When a ship is fitted
with fender strips, a side stringer is mandatory. 2.4.46 Required section moduli of web
Scantlings of side stringers shall be not less girders of inner and outer sides may be re-
than those required for web frames or side duced by 30% if one platform is provided or
104 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

by 50% if two platforms are provided. The between sides or between a side and a
section moduli may be reduced in a similar longitudinal bulkhead (truss) or between the
way if one or two cross-members are fitted. bulkheads (trusses) – for web beams;
The minimal cross-member cross section area between carlings or between a carling and
F, cm2, shall be at least a longitudinal bulkhead (side) – for ordinary
F  0.22dH 2 , (2.4.46-1) beams. The value B1 for web beams shall be
taken not less than B/3 in case of three or
and minimal area moment of inertia of cross-
four longitudinal bulkheads (trusses), and not
member I, cm4 shall be at least
less than B/4 in case of five or more longitu-
I  0.25H 2 dl 2 , (2.4.46-2) dinal bulkheads (trusses);
where Í — side depth, m; p — design cargo pressure, kPa, deter-
d — web sðacing, m; mined by the formula
l — length of the cross-member span, m. p  9.81M f , (
where M — maximum weight of cargo, t, that
may be placed onto the given loaded deck
Deck framing part;
2.4.47 Web beams shall be fitted in the f — area of the given loaded part of the
plane of each web frame, as well as in the deck, m2.
planes of transverse coamings of cargo If there is a number of pillars installed in
hatches, trunks of engine rooms and in way of the hull between the side and the longitudinal
reinforcements under the deck machinery and bulkhead (truss), the value of W may be re-
arrangements. duced by 20%. The distance between the pil-
lars shall not exceed the double distance be-
2.4.48 Section modulus of the beams with tween the floors.
effective flange, cm3, shall be not less than:
The pressure ð shall be not less than the
.1 for parts of decks intended for cargo cargo pressure obtained in accordance with
stowage, 2.2.19. If loading and unloading by clamshells
W  0.1k0 k1 k2 dB12 p , ( are provided, the value of W for web beams
shall be not less than that obtained according
where k0 — coefficient equal to:
for ordinary beams, where loading and 4 to;
unloading by clamshells are not provided .2 for deck parts of tankers in the cargo
for ordinary half-beams 5 tanks area
for web beams 7
for web half-beams of single-sided ships 28
W  k0 k1 k2 dB12 , (
k1 — coefficient, which for ordinary where k0, k1, k2 — coefficients (see;
beams and half-beams shall be taken as k1 = 1 .3 for open parts of decks not intended
and for web beams from Table 2.4.11-1 where for cargo stowage for all types of ships other
instead of the word “keelson” the word “car- than tankers:
ling” shall be read;
W  k0 k1 k2 dB12 , (
k2 — coefficient, which for ordinary
beams and half-beams shall be taken as k2 = 1 where k0 — coefficient equal to:
and for web beams from Table 2.4.11-2 where for ordinary beams of ships of Ì-ÑÏ, 5.5
Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and O classes
instead of the word “floor” the word “beam”
for ordinary beams of ships of P and Ë 3.7
shall be read;
d — spacing for ordinary beams and half- for ordinary beams of ships of Ì-ÑÏ, 7.5
beams; distance between adjacent web beams Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and O classes
or half-beams for web beams and half-beams, m; for ordinary half-beams of ships of P 5.0
B1 — the greatest distance, m: and Ë classes
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 105

for web beams of ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì- 11.0 2.4.49 Depth of web of a web beam or web
ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and O classes half-beam shall be taken not less than 2/3 of
for web beams of ships of P and Ë 7.2 that of a web frame near the deck. Cross-
classes sectional area of free flange of a web beam or
for web beams of single-sided ships of 42.0 web half-beam shall be not less than 0.75 of
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and O classes cross-sectional area of free flange of the web
for web half-beams of ships of P and Ë 28.0 frame near the deck.
k1, k2, d, B1 — see 2.4.50 Area moment of inertia of a web
For parts of decks, onto which loads from beam with effective flange, cm4, shall be not
above decks are transmitted through pillars, less than
superstructure walls, enclosures etc., section I  3B1W . (2.4.50)
modulus of a web beam determined by for- 4
Moment of inertia, cm , of an ordinary
mula ( is multiplied by the coefficient
beam or a half-beam shall be not less than
m = (n + 1), where n – number of above
that defined by formula (2.4.12-2), where:
decks excluding that mentioned in
c — the greatest distance between carlings
The value of B1 is taken equal to the greatest
or between a carling and a longitudinal bulk-
distance between longitudinal rows of pillars
head (side), m;
or between a longitudinal row of pillars and a
longitudinal bulkhead (a side) supporting the t — deck plating thickness, cm.
beam; 2.4.51 Section modulus of longitudinal un-
.4 for enclosed parts of hull decks, super- der-deck stiffeners with effective flange, cm3,
structures and wheelhouses intended for pas- shall be not less than:
sengers and crew accommodation .1 for deck parts intended of cargo stow-
W  k0 k1 k2 dB12 , ( age in ships where loading and unloading by
clamshells are not provided
where k0 — coefficient equal to:
for ordinary beams 1.85 W  a1d 2 p , (
for ordinary half-beams 2.5 where a1 — distance between the stiffeners, m;
for web beams 3.6
for web half-beams of single-sided ships 14
d — distance between web beams, m;
k1, k2, d, B1 — see p is taken according to;
For top decks of superstructures and .2 for decks of flush deck ships where
wheelhouses not intended for cargo stowage loading and unloading by clamshells are pro-
and non-accessible for passengers, minimal vided:
section modulus may be reduced by 30% in W  115ka1d , (
comparison to that calculated according to where a1, d are determined according to
formula (;;
.5 for ordinary beams of flush deck ships, k is determined according to 2.4.30.
where loading and unloading by clamshells are .3 for deck parts of tankers in the cargo
provided tanks area
W  115kas1 , (
W  11.5a1d 2 ; (
where a, s1 are taken according to 2.4.27;
.4 for open parts of decks not intended
k — see 2.4.30;
for cargo stowage for ships of all types of
.6 where Lb/B1 < 0.7, dimensions of web Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î classes
beams shall be taken equal to that of carlings other than tankers:
defined according to 2.4.53.
in the middle part of ship
Here, Lb — distance between transverse
bulkheads or trusses. W  15a1d 2 , (
106 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

in fore and aft extremities where k1 — coefficient equal to 1 for one web
2 beam supporting the carling and is determined
W  7.5a1d , (
from Table 2.4.53-1 for three or more beams;
for ships of Ð and Ë classes k2 — coefficient determined from Table
in the middle part of ship 2.4.53-2;
W  10a1d 2 , ( T a b l e 2.4.53-1
in fore and aft extremities Coefficient k1
W  5a1d 2 ; ( with without
.5 for enclosed parts of the hull decks in- web stays of transverse bulkheads
in the plane of each carling
tended for passengers and crew accommoda-
1.4 0.73 0.85
tion, for ships of all classes, in the middle part
1.5 0.75 0.90
of ship 1.6 0.77 0.95
W  5a1d 2 , ( 1.7 0.80 1.0
1.8 0.85 1.0
in fore and aft extremities 1.9 0.90 1.0
W  2.5a1d 2 ; ( 2.0 1.0 1.0
T a b l e 2.4.53-2
.6 for parts of superstructure decks not Coefficient k2
participating in global bending and intended
for passengers and crew accommodation with without
web stays of transverse bulkheads
W  2.5a1d 2 . ( in the plane of each carling
For top decks of superstructures and ≤1 0.9
wheelhouses not intended for cargo stowing 2 0.6 1
and non-accessible for passengers, the value ≥3 0.5
of W may be reduced by 30% in comparison b — average breadth of the deck area di-
with that calculated by the formula (
rectly supported by carling, m;
2.4.52 Area moment of inertia of under- lc — span of carling, m, taken equal to
deck stiffeners with effective flange, cm4, shall the greatest distance between transverse bulk-
be not less than: heads, between transverse rows of pillars or
between a transverse bulkhead and a trans-
i  0.0127ReÍ  f  100a1t  d 2 , (2.4.52) verse row of pillars;
where ReÍ — yield point of the material, ð — see;
MPa; Lb — distance between transverse bulk-
f — cross-section area of the under-deck heads or trusses, m.
stiffener without effective flange, cm2; .2 for parts of decks of tankers in the cargo
t — deck plating thickness, cm; tanks area, as well as for open parts of decks
not intended for cargo stowage, for ships of all
a1, d are taken according to 2.4.51.
2.4.53 Scantling of carlings where
W  7.2k1 k2 blc2 ; (
Lb/B1  0.7 shall be not less than the scant-
lings required for web beams. .3 for parts of decks of superstructures
and wheelhouses not intended for cargo stow-
Section modulus of carling W, cm3, where
age and non-accessible for passengers
Lb/B1  0.7 shall be not less than:
.1 for parts of decks intended for cargo W  3.6k1 k2 blc2 . (
2.4.54 Carlings shall be installed in the
W  0.72k1 k2 blc2 p , ( same planes with keelsons.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 107

2.4.55 The width of a cutout in the deck forced also by horizontal stiffeners in accor-
shall not exceed 0.70 ship’s breadth B in the dance with
given place. The cutout may be increased up
2.4.61 Cargo hatch coaming plates shall be
to 0.85B, when special measures are taken
extended to the level of the lower edge of web
(increase in transverse framing strength, in-
beams, and the lower edge of coaming shall
stallation of double sides with half-bulkheads,
have a bent flange with the width in the range
reduction of cutouts’ length).
of 8 to 12 times the thickness of the coaming.
2.4.56 Where the width of hatch cutout ex-
ceeds 0.70B, longitudinal coamings of hatches 2.4.62 Single cutouts in designed deck lo-
shall be continuous along the whole length of cated between the side and the line of cargo
all holds and shall be terminated with knees hatches in the middle part of ship, shall be
having a length at least two heights of the located well away from the corners of open-
coaming. Longitudinal coamings fitted along ings of cargo hatches and machinery space
the length of each hatch shall be terminated trunks, as well as from end bulkheads of su-
with knees of a length equal to at least two perstructures. When the width (diameter) of
heights of the coaming if the longitudinal the cutout exceeds 20--fold thickness of the
coaming it is not smoothly conjugated with deck plating or 0.05 of the width of continu-
transverse coamings or if the longitudinal ous part of deck as per Fig. 2.2.32 (whichever
coaming is conjugated with transverse coam- is less), the opening shall be reinforced in
ing by a horizontal knee with free flange fitted such a way that deck strength properties with
in the deck plane. cutout are not worse than without cutout.

2.4.57 Coaming webs shall be in the same

plane with the carling web.
2.4.58 No butt welds or cutouts may be lo-
cated near corners of the hatches arranged in
the middle part of ship within the area with
dimensions shown on Figs. 2.4.58, where r —
rounding radius of hatch corner according to
2.3.24, b — width of hatch.
2.4.59 Vertical brackets shall be fitted to
coaming webs in the planes of web beams.
The width of brackets at the deck level shall
be not less than web beam height or half-
height of the coaming, whichever is less, but
not less than the width of the coaming flange.
The upper edge of the bracket shall be welded
to the coaming flange. Strips or flanges sup-
porting the free edge of the bracket shall be
mitered and not reach the coaming web, and
near the deck they shall be mitered or wid-
ened and welded to the plating; here, stiffen-
ers or brackets eliminating “dead points” shall
be fitted on the reverse side of the plating.
2.4.60 Upper edges of coamings shall be
reinforced by a strip or a profile to ensure
adequate buckling strength of coaming plates.
Where the coaming height to thickness ratio Fig. 2.4.58. Deck areas where butt welds
exceeds 40, the coaming web shall be rein- may not be located
108 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Watertight bulkheads 2.4.70 For dry cargo ships, the minimal

number of watertight transverse bulkheads,
2.4.63 The number and location of strong
including forepeak and afterpeak bulkheads,
watertight transverse bulkheads shall be de-
shall be as follows depending in ship length, m:
termined depending on ship operation area, Number of bulkheads
type and purpose. 20 to 60 3
In ships, for which, according to 4 Part II 61 to 80 4
of the Rules, floodability shall be provided, 81 to 100 5
the number and location of watertight trans- ≥101 6
verse bulkheads and half-bulkheads shall be 2.4.71 In double-bottomed and double-
substantiated by respective floodability calcu- sided ships, double side watertight half-
lations. bulkheads (diaphragms) shall be fitted for at
2.4.64 In all ships, forepeak and afterpeak least in each 15 spacings. The thickness of
transverse watertight bulkheads shall be pro- half-bulkheads shall be assigned as per 2.4.45,
vided. and their framing shall meet the requirements
The forepeak bulkhead shall be fitted abaft of 2.4.74‚ 2.4.75‚ 2.4.77‚ 2.4.78.
the fore perpendicular at a distance not less 2.4.72 The flush deck ships shall be fitted
than the half-breadth of the hull. For ships with longitudinal bulkhead in the centre plane
with more than 14 m in breadth, the forepeak and trusses or pillar rows maximum 2.5 m
length may be reduced based on technical apart. The distance between pillars shall not
reasons. exceed the double distance between the floors.
2.4.65 For pushed ships suitable for being For ships less than 50 m in length, a truss
coupled to pushboat by either extremity, both may be installed in the centre plane instead of
peak transverse bulkheads shall comply with longitudinal bulkhead.
the requirements of the Rules specified for the In addition to transverse bulkheads as per
forepeak bulkhead. 2.4.70, transverse trusses shall be fitted in
these ships. The distance between transverse
2.4.66 Self-propelled ships shall have wa- trusses or between transverse trusses and
tertight transverse bulkheads bounding the bulkhead shall not exceed 12-fold spacing for
engine room. ships with a side depth of 2.5 m or less, and
2.4.67 All the transverse watertight bulk- 18-fold spacing for ships with a side depth
heads shall be extended from the bottom to over 2.5 m.
the freeboard deck. 2.4.73 Watertight bulkheads may be either
2.4.68 No doors or manholes in the fore- flat or corrugated. Minimal thickness of wa-
peak and afterpeak bulkheads are allowed. If tertight bulkhead plating shall be not less than
doors or manholes are made in other water- specified in Tables 2.4.1-1, 2.4.1-2 and 2.4.1-4.
tight transverse bulkheads, they shall be wa- 2.4.74 Flat bulkheads shall be reinforced by
tertight and capable of being closed from both framing.
sides, and, moreover, they shall be capable of
Transverse bulkhead stays fitted in the
being closed from the main deck in ships, for
planes of keelsons and carlings shall be web
which special floodability requirements are
laid down.
If carlings and keelsons are in different ver-
2.4.69 All pipes, cables, moving parts of tical planes, partial web stays may be fitted,
steering ropes going through watertight bulk- which are extended to the nearest shelf and
heads shall be laid in bulkhead cups using have a transition to ordinary stays as per Fig.
sealing glands or other structures that ensure 2.3.9(c), and in case of horizontal stiffeners,
watertightness of the bulkheads. they shall be terminated by a knee, which has
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 109

a length not less than 1.5 of the web stay or directly onto bottom plating or double bot-
height and which is extended to the stiffener. tom plating.
Web stays and ordinary stays of longitudi- Centre lines of vertical corrugates of a
nal bulkheads shall be located in the planes of transverse bulkhead shall coincide with planes
web side frames and ordinary side frames cor- of webs of the keelsons adjoining to the bulk-
respondingly. head.
Section modulus of a vertical web stay with Carlings, keelsons and ordinary longitudi-
effective flange shall be not less than the re- nal stiffeners of the deck and the bottom shall
quired section modulus of a web side frame be attached to corrugations by means of knees
with effective flange, without taking into ac- (see 2.3.36);
count ice strengthenings and requirements of .2 bulkheads with vertical corrugations
Table 2.3.21-2. shall to be reinforced by shelves fitted in the
2.4.75 Where side stringers are fitted, plane of side stringers.
shelves shall be installed in the same planes Bulkheads with horizontal corrugations
on bulkheads. shall be reinforced by web stays fitted in the
Section modulus of a shelf with effective planes of web frames;
flange shall be not less than the required sec- .3 bulkhead corrugations shall have the
tion modulus of a side stringer. section modulus not less than required by
2.4.77 and 2.4.78;
2.4.76 Ordinary stays of the forepeak bulk-
head shall be fitted not more than 0.6 m apart .4 section moduli of corrugations (Fig.
from each other. On other bulkheads, ordi- 2.3.35), cm3, are calculated by the following
nary stays shall be fitted not more than 0.75 formulae:
m apart from each other. for trapeze corrugations
In case of the longitudinal framing system W  th  a  b 3  ; (
of the deck and bottom, ordinary stays of
transverse bulkheads shall be fitted in the for wavy corrugations
planes of deck and bottom ordinary longitudi- W  tR 2 , (
nal girders and be attached to them by knees. where
2.4.77 For watertight bulkheads, the sec-
tion modulus of ordinary vertical stays with

 0  20 cos2 0  1.5sin20  1  cos 
0 ,
effective flange shall be not less than the re- (
quired section modulus of an ordinary frame where β0 — corrugation angle (see Fig.
with effective flange required by 2.4.37. 2.3.35);
2.4.78 Section modulus of horizontal stiff- .5 corrugations shall be sized in such a
eners of watertight bulkheads with effective way (see Fig. 2.3.35) that the following ratios
flange shall be not less than that required by are fulfilled:
formula (2.4.41); the value of d, m, shall be for trapeze corrugations
taken equal to the distance between vertical a t  55 when a  b,
 (
web stays. b t  55 when a  b;
2.4.79 For longitudinal bulkheads, the area for wavy corrugations
moment of inertia of the uppermost horizon- R t  65 . (
tal stiffener with effective flange shall be not
less than required for decks as per 2.4.52.
Pillars and trusses
2.4.80 Corrugated bulkheads shall be so de-
signed as to meet the following instructions: 2.4.81 Cross-sectional area of a pillar or a
.1 corrugated transverse bulkheads in hull brace, m2, shall be not less than an area cal-
shall be installed onto continuous tight floors culated by the formula
110 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

F  98.1  10–4 fm  nReH  , (2.4.81-1) 2.4.82 The minimal area moment of inertia
of a pillar or a brace, cm4, shall be not less
where f — area of the deck or a platform sup- than that determined by the formula
ported by the pillar, including cargo hatches
in the area under consideration, m2; I  2 F 2 , (2.4.82)
n — coefficient determined from Table where β — coefficient determined according
2.4.81 depending on the value N calculated by to 2.4.81;
the formula F — cross-sectional area of a pillar or a
N   fm (yl ) ; (2.4.81-2) brace calculated according to 2.4.81.
T a b l e 2.4.81 2.4.83 Pillars made of several shaped pro-
Coefficient n files shall be installed on connecting spacers
Coefficient n for placed every 1 meter or closer. Ends of pillars
N pillars and non-intersecting supporting cargo decks and decks of tankers
intersecting braces
braces shall be fastened to the bottom and deck
0 0 0 framing by four knees; ends of pillars support-
0.2 0.085 0.125 ing other decks may be fastened only by two
0.4 0.168 0.250 knees. The height of these knees shall be not
0.6 0.250 0.370
less than the double height of pillars’ cross
0.8 0.315 0.475
1.0 0.375 0.500 section.
1.2 0.420 0.500 2.4.84 Pillars shall be installed where floors
1.4 0.450 0.500 intersect with keelsons and carlings with
1.6 0.475 0.500
beams. If this is impracticable, where a pillar
1.8 0.495 0.500
2.0 0.500 0.500 is installed outside a keelson to floor intersec-
tion, members of the same scantling as main
 — coefficient taken equal to: web members in the given place extended to
for a tubular section 1.00 the nearest web members from both sides
for a square box section or cross-shaped 0.61 shall be installed under the pillar on the bot-
section made of two equal-sided angle tom. The like structure shall be where a pillar
bars is connected with deck web members. No
for a single equal-sided angle bar 0.44 cutouts are allowed in webs of keelsons or
y — coefficient equal to: floors just below pillars.
y  ReÍ 235 ; (2.4.81-3) 2.4.85 For flanged members, the pillar’s
axis shall coincide with vertical webs of the
l — pillar length, m;
members. The tubular pillars installed onto
ReН — yield point of steel, MPa. the flanged members shall be supported by
m — coefficient, for decks of cargo com- horizontal knees.
partments of tankers m — 1.0, for dry-cargo
ships decks intended for cargo stowage is de- 2.4.86 Pillar axes shall be arranged in the
termined by the formula same vertical plane in superstructure spaces
and below the main deck.
mM f , (2.4.81-4)
2.4.87 Structure of transverse and longitu-
for parts of decks not intended for cargo dinal trusses (see Fig. 2.2.55) shall be formed
stowing by floors and beams or by keelsons and car-
m  0.5 j ; (2.4.81-5) lings, correspondingly, connected by pillars
where M — maximum weight of cargo, t, and braces.
distributed over the deck area f; 2.4.88 Longitudinal and transverse mem-
j — number of decks supported by the pil- bers (keelsons plus carlings and floors plus
lar. beams, correspondingly) forming chords of
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 111

longitudinal or transverse trusses shall be Profile of cross-section of beams of ships of

made of T-profiles. Ì-ÑÏ class shall be taken same as for car-
2.4.89 Knees or brackets shall be installed
at ends of braces and where braces intersect 2.4.93 No floors or keelsons with bent
with each other. Knees or brackets shall be flanges shall be used.
sized in such a way as to end of the brace
2.4.94 The engine room floor web thick-
could be fastened to them over a length equal
ness shall exceed the required thickness of the
to the double height of the profile. The thick-
floor web in the middle part of ship by at least
ness of knees (brackets) shall be not less than
1 mm. For dry cargo ships, the floor web
thickness of the respective chord of the truss.
thickness in the middle part of ship is deter-
2.4.90 Braces made of several same profiles mined in this case regardless of allowance for
shall have at least three connecting spacers for loading and unloading by clamshells.
trusses according to Fig. 2.2.55(a) and
2.4.95 The number and location of keel-
2.2.55(b) and at least two connecting spacers
sons shall correspond to location of machin-
for trusses according to Fig. 2.2.55(c).
ery foundations and keelsons in adjacent
2.4.91 Pillars of trusses shall be fabricated compartments.
according to the instructions of 2.4.82 to One of the longitudinal girders of main en-
2.4.86. gine foundations shall coincide with one of
the keelsons. Where it is impracticable to have
Hull framing in engine room keelsons coinciding with longitudinal girders
of main engine foundations, additional keel-
2.4.92 Continuous floors shall be installed
sons shall be fitted throughout the whole
at each frame. A distance between web frames
length of the engine room in the plane of
and beams shall not exceed 3-fold spacing.
longitudinal foundation girders (from bulk-
The spacing shall not exceed the spacing in
head to bulkhead), and these keesons shall be
the middle part of ship.
connected with vertical web stays of transverse
Bottom, side and deck members shall meet bulkheads.
the requirements of 2.4.10 to 2.4.62, and their
Scantlings of engine room keelsons shall be
scantlings shall not be less than those required
not less than those of floors.
for respective members in the middle part of
ship regardless of allowance for loading and
unloading by clamshells. Framing of extremities
Members in the engine room shall have an 2.4.96 Framing system in fore and aft ex-
appropriate structural bond with members in tremities shall be transverse. In ships with
the compartments adjacent to the engine sledge-shaped contours, longitudinal framing
room. may be used in the forepeak and the afterpeak
In engine room of ships of Ì-ÑÏ class, areas with floors two spacings apart.
each second frame shall be web frame, and The scantling shall be not less than that re-
section modulus W of carling with effective quired for framing in the middle part of ship;
flange, m3, for engine room shall not be less here, requirements of 2.4.97 to 2.4.99 shall be
than: met.
W  5.8  10 6 a1d12 , (2.4.92) The distance between girders shall not ex-
where à1 — average breadth of the deck area ceed the respective values for the middle part
supported by the carling, m; of ship.
d1 — maximum carling span measured be- 2.4.97 Framing of the fore extremity shall
tween transversal bulkheads or pillar centres be made with due regard to the following in-
and transversal bulkhead, m. structions:
112 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

.1 floors in the fore extremity shall be fit- within 0.2L from the fore perpendicular, m3,
ted at each transverse spacing which shall not shall be not less than:
exceed 550 mm. The floor web thickness shall
W  5.5  106 dB12 , (
exceed that required that in the middle part of
ship by 1 mm. where d — distance between beams, m;
Floors installed in ordinary frame planes B1 — maximum beam span measured be-
abaft from forepeak bulkhead within 0.2L tween carlings or between carlings and a lon-
from the fore perpendicular of ships of Ì-ÑÏ gitudinal bulkhead or side, m;
class shall have web thickness equal to thick- .6 side stringers shall be installed in ac-
ness of webs of floors fitted in web frame cordance with ñ 2.4.42.
planes, and height not less than 1/3 of height Where a side stringer terminates at the
of double bottom in this area and not less stem, they shall be connected by a breasthook
than 2.5 of height of ordinary longitudinal of thickness equal to the stringer thickness.
girders. Free edges of these floors shall be The length of the breasthook shall not be
reinforced by welded of bent flanges. less than one spacing. Sizes of breasthook's
For ships to be moored by bow to a non- free flange shall correspond to sizes of the
equipped shore, the forepeak floor web thick- side stringer's free flange.
ness shall exceed that required by the Rules in .7 If fore draught of a ship of Ì-ÑÏ class
the middle part of the ship by 2 mm. is less than 3.5% of ship length, the bottom
For ships with a sledge-shaped or spoon- structure reinforcement as per requirements of
shaped fore extremity, section modulus of a .1 to .6 shall be provided for 0.2L abaft the
floor including effective flange as calculated fore perpendicular.
by formula (2.4.11-1) or (2.4.11-2) shall be
2.4.98 The spacing in the afterpeak shall
increased by 1.5 times; here, B1 is determined
not exceed 550 mm.
at the level of the floor flange nearest to the
forepeak bulkhead. In ships with wedge- In ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, M, O
shaped fore extremity, the floor height shall and P classes, floors in afterpeak shall be in-
be not less than 80% of the floor height in the stalled at each frame. Floors shall be extended
middle part of ship; above propeller shaft or stern tube at a height
of not less than half diameter of the opening
.2 the centre keelson shall be connected
in the floor web. They may be also extended
with the stem and stern and, where there is a
to propeller shaft or stern tube, above which
transom, it shall be connected with the tran-
transverse connecting flats with flanges shall
som web stay.
be welded to frames; the strip thickness shall
Keelson profile sizes shall be not less than be equal to the floor thickness (Fig. 2.4.98).
floor sizes; Keelsons shall be extended as far abaft as
.3 the distance between web frames shall possible as the continuation of keelsons and
not exceed two spacings. foundation girders of the engine room. The
Section modulus of web frames and ordi- distance between web frames shall not exceed
nary frames shall be increased by 25% as two spacings.
compared with that determined by formulae Ships with full aft contours shall be fitted
(2.4.36-1) and (2.4.37); with cant frames located perpendicular to the
.4 forepeak of ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall shell plating. The distance between radial
be provided with not less than three carlings. frames shall not exceed the spacing taken for
The web height of carlings and web beams the middle part of ship.
shall be not less than 2.5 heights of ordinary Section modulus of web frames and ordi-
beams; nary frames including effective flange shall be
.5 Section modulus W of ordinary beam increased by 15% as compared with that de-
with effective flange, for ships of Ì-ÑÏ class, termined by formulae (2.4.36-1) and (2.4.37).
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 113

t  10  0.2L; 

a  55  0.5L when L  50m;  (2.4.100-2)
a  30  1.0L when L  50m; 
where t — flat thickness, mm;
a — flat width, mm.
2.4.101 Diameter of the stem made of steel
bars below the load waterline shall be not less
than, mm:
for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î
classes and tugboats/pushboats of all classes
d  46  0.96L ; (2.4.101-1)
for ships of P and Ë classes except for tug-
d  32  0.63L . (2.4.101-2)
2.4.102 The cross-sectional area of stems
Fig. 2.4.98 Design of floor located below the pro- made of steel equal-sided angle bars below the
peller shaft load waterline shall be not less than, cm2:
For ships of Ì-ÑÏ class, the above men- for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î
tioned reinforcements shall be provided from classes and tugboats/pushboats of all classes
the aft bulkhead of the engine room to fore F  11  0.22L ; (2.4.102-1)
extremity including afterpeak. for ships of P and Ë classes except for tug-
2.4.99 Ends of pushed ships shall be rein- boats/pushboats
forced in such a way that loads from supports F  7  0.22L . (2.4.102-2)
are distributed uniformly to sides and longitu-
2.4.103 Stem cross-sectional area above the
dinal hull members. load waterline may be reduced gradually down
In the plane of supports, longitudinal bulk- to 70% of that determined by the formulae
heads or trusses shall be installed, which shall (2.4.102-1), (2.4.102-2) at the upper end.
be strongly connected with the hull and ex- Where a stem consists of several parts,
tended to the forepeak (afterpeak) bulkhead.
their butt connection shall not be located in
Closed frame rings shall be arranged in the the load waterline area.
area of supports.
The upper end of the stem shall be ex-
tended to the nearest deck or platform located
Stems, sterns, keels, propeller shaft brackets above the load waterline.
The lower end of the stem shall be ex-
2.4.100 Scantlings of a stem made of steel
tended to a section located not more than 2
flats below the load waterline shall be not less
to 3 spacings forward from the forepeak bulk-
than, mm:
for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î
classes and tugboats/pushboats of all classes 2.4.104 For bent stems (Fig. 2.4.104), steel
plates of thickness exceeding by 25% the shell
t  12  0.4L; 
 plating thickness in the fore extremity area
a  64  1.5L when L  50m;  (2.4.100-1) may be used.
a  90  1.0L when L  50m; 
2.4.105 Stems together with adjacent shell
for ships of P and Ë classes except for tug- plating shall be supported by breasthooks lo-
boats/pushboats cated corresponding with side stringers and
114 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

where a, t — width and thickness of the

sternpost, respectively, mm.
2.4.108 Thickness of the sternpost and the
rudder post below the stern boss shall be in-
creased by two times as compared with that
obtained by formulae (2.4.107-1) to (2.4.107-3).
Width of the sternpost and the rudder post in
upper part may be reduced by 15% from the
values determined by those formulae.
2.4.109 Sternpost boss web thickness (in
reamed condition) shall be not less than 60%
of the thickness calculated by formulae
(2.4.107-1) to (2.4.107-3).
Fig. 2.4.104 Connection of the bent stem
with side shell plating and breasthook 2.4.110 A sole between the sternpost and
the rudder post shall be as short as practicable
other framing members in the fore extremity.
and have a cross-sectional area increased by
The thickness of breasthooks shall be not less
25% of the cross-sectional area with dimen-
than the thickness of adjacent shell plating.
sions a and t as calculated by formulae
2.4.106 For plate bent stems, the breast- (2.4.107-1) to (2.4.107-3).
hook shall overlap the butt joint of the outer In order to ensure a reliable connection
shell plating with the stem for at least 5-fold with the shell plating, the stern frame's sole
stem thickness (see Fig. 2.4.104). shall extend forwards of the sternpost for at
2.4.107 Scantlings of stern frame's stern- least 10-fold width of the cross-sectional area
post above the propeller shaft stern boss, mm, below the stern boss. The lower part of a stern
made of steel bars shall be not less than: frame sole shall slightly rise towards of the
For ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì classes rudder post with a 1/10 slope.
 At the upper part of stern frame, 1 or 2
t  16  0.25L  0.8H 2 ;
 stiffeners (bosses) shall be fitted for fastening
a  55  2L when L  20 m;  the transverse framing members.
 (2.4.107-1)
a  65  1.5L when 20  L  50 m;
 2.4.111 Where a bar keel is fitted, its cross-
a  90  L when L  50 m;  section shall be not less than determined by
For ships of Î-ÏÐ and Î classes the formulae:
 h  100  L ; (2.4.111-1)
t  12  0.25L  0.8H 2 ;
 b  12  0.4L , (2.4.111-2)
a  30  2L when L  20 m;  where h, b — height and width of a bar keel,
 (2.4.107-2)
a  50  L when 20  L  50m; respectively, mm.
a  40  1.2L when L  50 m; 
 2.4.112 Brackets of propeller shafts may be
For ships of Ð and Ë classes either single or double-branched; branches
shall be positioned at an angle of 80 to 100,
t  10  0.18L  0.8H 2 ; 
 branch axes shall intersect at a propeller shaft
a  30  2L when L  20 m;  axis.
 (2.4.107-3)
a  50  L when 20  L  50 m; Dimensions of double-branched brackets
a  40  1.2L when L  50 m;  shall be not less than those determined by the

2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 115

t b  0.45d ;  load waterline and lower edge 0.5 m below the

Fb  0.47d 2 ;
lightship waterline, with due regard to possible
 (2.4.112) trim of the ship.
l h  3d ;  When at the fore extremity a vertical dis-
t h  0.33d , 
tance between the lightship waterline and
where tb, th — thickness of the branch and the plates of the bottom outer shell plating is less
hub correspondingly, mm; than 0.5 m, thickness of the whole outer shell
d — diameter of the propeller shaft, mm; plating bellow the load waterline in the bow
Fb — cross-sectional area of the branch, extremity to the parallel body but at least over
mm2; a distance equal to a ship breadth shall be the
same as the ice strake thickness.
lh — length of the hub, mm.
A hub web thickness for double-branched 2.4.116 Thickness of ice strake plates ti
brackets may be reduced down to 0.25d in shall be not less than specified by Table
ships up to 25 m in length. 2.4.116.
Branches of brackets shall be attached to the T a b l e 2.4.116
hull framing members and to the outer shell by Ice strake plate thickness depending
on ice strengthening and ship length
means of welding. Thickness of the outer shell
plating in the area of bracket branch connec- Ice ti, mm
tion shall be increased by 25% in comparison ening
L, m
fore section
afterpeak other sections
with shell plating thickness in the aft extremity section of the ship
as determined from Tables 2.4.1-1, 2.4.1-2 and 60 11.3 7.2 6.9
2.4.1-4. ice 40 140 13.8 10.8 10.4
160 14.4 11.7 11.3
Hull strengthening for navigation in broken ice 25 6.3 4.8 4.6
80 10.0 7.2 6.9
2.4.113 Ships of all classes navigating occa- ice 30
140 12.5 9.6 9.2
sionally in broken ice shall be provided with 160 13.3 10.4 10.0
strengthening meeting the requirements of 25 5.6 4.8 4.6
2.4.115 to 2.4.129. These requirements are 80 8.8 7.2 6.9
specified for fine broken ice thickness speci- ice 20
140 10.0 8.4 8.1
fied in Table 2.4.113. 160 10.4 8.8 8.5
T a b l e 2.4.113 ice 5 25 5.0 3.6 3.5
Ice strengthening notation depending and
on fine broken ice thickness ice 10 80 7.5 6.0 5.8
Fine broken ice thick- N o t e . Fore section means a section with the
Ice strengthening notation
ness, cm after border corresponding to third actual frame of
ice 10 10 the hull’s parallel body, and for ships with a length
ice 20 20 of the parallel body being less than 0.3L — to a
ice 30 30 frame where the angle between tangent line to the
ice 40 40 waterline at fully loaded condition and the centre
plane is 7, but over a length equal to at least the
2.4.114 Ships intended for navigation in ship’s breadth.
more severe ice conditions than specified in
Table 2.4.113 shall be provided with hull When using the data in Table 2.4.116, the
strengthening designed with due regard to the following shall be considered:
type, purpose and conditions of navigation of If spacing is taken greater than à0, than
the ship. ice strake plating thickness specified in the
Table 2.4.116, mm, shall be increased by the
2.4.115 An ice strake of the outer shell shall
be fitted throughout the whole length of a ship,
with an upper edge located 0.5 m above the t  0.8  à à0 – 1  t i , (2.4.116-1)
116 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

where à — actual spacing, mm; 2.4.119 Section modulus of side web

à0 — standard spacing taken equal to, mm: frames including effective flange W, cm3, shall
for the bow section (see Note to Table 400 be not less than the values determined by the
2.4.116) formulae:
for other hull sections 550 .1 in the fore part as defined in per
ξ — coefficient calculated by the formula:,
  10h  0.5a0  10h  0.5a  ; W  18.5H с d 2  0.085L ; (2.4.119-1)
(2.4.116-2) .2 in the afterpeak area
h — fine broken ice thickness taken de- W  14.5H с d 2  0.085L ; (2.4.119-2)
pending on ice strengthening notation as per .3 throughout the rest length of a ship
Table 2.4.113, cm;
χ — coefficient connecting the ice load W  12.5H с d 2  0.085L , (2.4.119-3)
application height and ice thickness and cal- where d — distance between side web frames,
culated by the formula: m;
Ís — side depth, m, in the relevant area
    0.001D 
 1, 0 ; (2.4.116-3) of ship.
μ — coefficient equal to:
2.4.120 Section modulus of main ordinary
for fore section 0.55
side frames including effective flange W, cm3,
for afterpeak section 0.39
shall be not less than determined by the for-
for other sections of the ship 0.49
If spacing is taken less than à0 and/or hull .1 in the fore part as defined in per
members are made of higher strength steel,,
than the ice strake plating thickness specified
in Table 2.4.116, mm, may be reduced by the W  21.5la 2  0.085L ; (2.4.120-1)
value: .2 in the afterpeak area

 
t  0.8 1  15.3a a0 ReH  ti ,
  W  17.5la 2  0.085L ; (2.4.120-2)
.3 other sections of the ship
where à, à0, ξ — see 2.4.3 (if à > à0, à = à0); W  15la 2  0.085L , (2.4.120-3)
ReH — yield point of the member material, where a — spacing (a distance between main
MPa. ordinary side frames), m;
l — the greatest distance measured over a
2.4.117 Spacing shall not exceed: side between the bottom (double bottom plat-
.1 400 mm in the fore part over a length ing) and a side stringer, between side string-
to the third frame of the parallel body, and in ers, or between a side stringer and the deck,
ships with parallel body less than 0.3L – up to m, in the relevant area of ship.
a frame, at which an angle between tangent to 2.4.121 Section modulus of intermittent
the full load waterline and centre plane is 7, side frames including effective flange shall be
but over a length equal to at least ship’s not less than 75% of the required section
breadth; modulus of main ordinary frames including
.2 550 mm throughout the rest length of effective flange.
2.4.122 Throughout the length of a ship in
2.4.118 It is allowed to assign the spacing the ice strake area, side stringers shall be pro-
as for a ship without ice strengthening, pro- vided with one of them being located below
vided that intermittent side frames are in- the load waterline. Where variations of opera-
stalled whose section moduli correspond to tional draughts are not significant, one
2.4.121. stringer may be sufficient.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 117

2.4.123 Lower sections of intermediate side 2.4.131 Longitudinal walls of the super-
frames shall overlap the bilge. They shall be structures shall be extended beyond the end
attached to the nearest bottom framing mem- bulkheads of the superstructures over a length
ber or to the double bottom plating. equal to the superstructure height and
Upper ends of the intermittent frames shall smoothly connected to the deck.
be extended to a deck, a platform or a side The sheer strake throughout at least three
stringer but shall not be below the upper edge spacings abaft each end bulkhead of the su-
of the ice strake. perstructure, as well as protruding part of the
lowermost strake of the superstructure plating
2.4.124 In ships with full contours, frames
and its section extended into the superstruc-
in the forepeak and the afterpeak areas shall
ture for a length equal to one-half height of
be installed perpendicularly to the shell plat-
the superstructure, shall be thickened by 40%
for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì classes, by
2.4.125 Horizontal stiffeners shall be in- 25% for ships of Î-ÏÐ and Î classes and by
stalled on the forepeak and afterpeak bulk- 10% for Ð and Ë classes.
heads and bulkheads enclosing the engine Deck stringer of the upper deck shall be
room, which shall be extended over 25% of thickened along the same length as for the
the bulkhead’s width, at both sides, with a sheer strake by 20% for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-
section modulus not less than that of the ver- ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î classes and by 10% for
tical ordinary stay. A bulkhead stay, up to ships of Ð and Ë classes.
which the stiffeners are extended, shall be Where a length of the forecastle and the
reinforced. poop is less than 0.25L, the thickening may
2.4.126 Cross-sectional area of the stem be dispensed with.
shall be increased by 50% as compared with 2.4.132 In the area of the main deck step,
that required by 2.4.100 to 2.4.104. Plate special reinforcements shall be provided. Deck
edges of the outer shell plating adjacent to the carlings shall be smoothly interconnected. The
stem shall be protected against ice. sheer strake in the stepped area shall be thick-
2.4.127 Cross-sectional area of the stern ened by 35% at both sides of the step over at
frame shall be increased by 15% as compared least three spacings.
with that required by 2.4.107 to 2.4.110. In case of inclined step, it shall be ex-
tended for at least the double height.
2.4.128 Propellers and rudders shall be A length of an area where the main deck
protected against ice by a cruiser-shaped aft, and raised deck overlap, shall be determined
anti-ice bosses or any other structures. with due regard to the global strength of the
2.4.129 Framing members in the area of hull, and for ships of up to 50 m in length
the hull strengthening for the navigation in with due regard to conditions of 2.5.2, with
broken ice shall be welded by means of con- the cross-sectional areas of the deck plating
tinuous welds. and the side plating of this area being in-
cluded in calculations according to instruc-
tions of 2.2.32 to 2.2.34. Where a cross-
Superstructures and steps on main deck sectional area of the deck plating of the above
said decks is increased by means of installing
2.4.130 Superstructure transverse framing longitudinal vertical brackets between them,
members shall be fitted in the same planes length of the brackets shall be equal to at least
with the hull transverse framing members. double depth of the bracket, and thickness
The section modulus of the superstructure not less than required by the Rules for the
side stringers including effective flange in bulkheads in that area. Bracket ends shall be
ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î classes attached in accordance with 2.3.7. The brack-
shall be at least 9 cm3. ets shall be reinforced by stiffeners.
118 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Where planes of longitudinal walls of a su- ers are installed, they shall not contain a fuel
perstructure (wheelhouse) do not coincide having a flashpoint less than 60C.
with the side planes, they shall bear on the
carlings fitted in planes of those walls. 2.4.141 In ships where independent main
fuel tanks are used, they shall not be mounted
in machinery spaces where engines and boil-
ers are installed. Independent daily tanks and
2.4.133 Areas fitted with the bulwark, its other fuel tanks shall be installed on a fuel-
extension and height shall be assigned in ac- tight spill tray having a drain pipe leading to a
cordance with the requirements of 10.1 and spill oil tank.
2.4.142 Tanks shall be so designed as their
2.4.134 Thickness of the bulwark plates content do not touch the bottom and side
may be taken by 2 mm less than that required plating.
for the side plating in the middle part of ship, The distance between the bottom of built-
but not less than 2 mm. in tanks in the its lowest part and the bottom
2.4.135 The bulwark shall be so designed as plating shall be at least 800 mm, and the dis-
not to be participating in global bending of tance between the side walls of the tank and
the hull. the side plating shall be such as to ensure the
access for inspection and repair. Access to the
2.4.136 The bulwark shall be reinforced by independent tanks including cargo tanks shall
stanchions installed at least three spacings be provided from all sides. The distance from
apart. independent tank bottom in the its lowest part
to the bottom plating shall be at least 800
2.4.137 Supporting stanchions shall be in-
mm, and the distance between tank walls and
stalled in the areas of side hawsepipes and
side plating or transverse bulkheads shall be at
stair accesses; here, the thickness of the bul-
least 760 mm.
wark plates shall be increased by 1 mm as
compared with the rest plates. 2.4.143 The wall thicknesses of build-in
tanks and plate structures shall comply with
Tanks the requirements of 4.1 and 5.2 of Tables
2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2.
2.4.138 Fuel, oil, oily water and sewage
tanks may be independent or built-in. Section moduli of web and ordinary mem-
bers shall be taken similar to the relevant
2.4.139 Fuel tanks shall not have common bulkhead members.
bulkheads with drinking water tank or be
placed in front of forepeak bulkhead.
2.4.140 Main fuel tanks shall be part of the FOR PARTICULAR TYPES OF SHIPS
ship's structure and shall be located outside
Ships less than 50 m in length
machinery spaces where engines and boilers
are installed. Where these tanks, other than 2.5.1 For ships of all classes less than 50 m
double bottom tanks, are necessarily located in length, where the requirements of 2.5.2 are
adjacent to or within machinery spaces stated not complied with, calculations of global
above, at least one of their vertical walls shall strength shall be made as per 2.2. In this case,
be contiguous to the machinery space bulk- the bending moment Msw may be determined
head and shall have a common boundary with using data of the prototype ship having the
the double bottom tanks, and the area of the same hull architecture and design as the ship
tank boundary common with the machinery under consideration, similar dimensions, dis-
space shall be kept to a minimum. Where placement and similar longitudinal location of
such tanks are situated within the boundaries the engine room, or using the itemized calcu-
of machinery spaces where engines and boil- lation of the bending moment at the midship
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 119

as the algebraic sum of moments from differ-   1.0 when õ L  0.25, 

ent weights and support forces. In all cases, 
  2.0 – õ L 0.25 when õ L  0.25;
absolute value of the bending moment shall
be taken not less than, kNm, õ — distance of the design cross-section
Ì sw min  àsw D , (2.5.1) under consideration from the midship, m.
The value of expression in brackets of for-
where àsw = 1.1 for self-propelled ships and mula (2.5.2) shall not exceed 0.125. For dry
àsw = 0.74 for non-self-propelled ships cargo ships, if such cargo handling operations
D — ship displacement in fully loaded are allowed in non-sheltered waters as cargo
condition, kN. stowing in one layer by one crane or two
Distribution of the calculated value of Мsw cranes in the same direction, the total cross-
over the ship’s length shall be assumed as con- sectional area of the deck strake and bottom
stant within 0.25L from the midship and line- strake longitudinal members, taken separately,
arly decreasing to the extremities. shall be not less than the value calculated by
When complying with the requirements of formula (2.5.2) with k2 increased by 20%. Val-
2.3 and 2.4, calculations of local strength re- ues of coefficient k1 in this case shall be as-
quired by 2.2 may be omitted (see 2.1.6). signed taking into account the operation area
2.5.2 For ships less than 50 m in length, comprising such a water area. Value of paren-
the total cross-sectional area of the deck and thetical expression in formula (2.5.2) in this
bottom strake longitudinal members taken case shall not be taken above 0.15.
separately shall be not less than, cm2: Where cargo is stowed in one layer by two
cranes in different directions, the hull strength
F  D L  0.1 L T  1 k1  k2  H ,
shall be verified by direct strength calculations
(2.5.2) using values of bending moments and shear
where D — ship displacement in fully loaded forces on still water, determined as per re-
condition, t; quirements of 2.2.1 and
k1 — coefficient determined from Table 2.5.2; The following shall be included in the total
T a b l e 2.5.2 cross-sectional area of the deck strake:
Coefficient k1 65% of the cross-sectional area of the deck
Basin class
k1 at ship length, m plating in case of the longitudinal framing
25 50 system;
Ì 13 47
full cross-sectional area of the plating sec-
Î 25 93
Ð 50 193 tions with a breadth equal to 0.25 of the spac-
Ë 132 483 ing at each side of a longitudinal member in
Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 15.3 46.1 case of the transverse framing system;
Ì-ÑÏ 3.51 17.2 51.3 10% of the rest area of the plating in case
Ì-ÏÐ 20.3 60.2 of the transverse framing system;
Î-ÏÐ 33.6 93.6 continuous longitudinal ordinary girders;
Maximum value of the expression in square continuous longitudinal coamings and con-
brackets of the formula (2.5.2) is not limited. tinuous longitudinal girders supporting the
k2 — coefficient equal for ships: aforementioned coamings;
self-propelled ships 1.00/L carlings;
non-self-propelled ships 0.67/L the upper part of the sheer strake raised
 — coefficient equal for members: over the deck, as well as a part of the sheer
deck strake not bearing any local load 0.65 strake below the deck with a height equal to
bottom and deck strakes bearing local load 0.75 0.5 of the spacing in case of the transverse
 — coefficient depending on relative dis- side framing system and equal to 0.25 of the
tance õ/L of the design cross-section under spacing in case of the longitudinal side fram-
consideration from the midship and taken as: ing system;
120 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

the upper under-deck sections of longitu- vided and respective reinforcements shall be
dinal bulkheads and inner sides with a height made.
of 0.5 of the spacing in case of the transverse
framing system and 0.25 of the distance be- Tankers
tween longitudinal girders in case of the lon-
gitudinal framing system. 2.5.5 Oil transporting tankers shall have
double bottom and double sides in the cargo
The following shall be included in the total
tanks area, or cargo tanks shall be independ-
cross-sectional area of the bottom strake:
ent (see 2.5.111 to 2.5.126, 2.5.157 to 2.5.161)
65% of cross-sectional area of the bottom or built-in (see 2.5.142 to 2.5.156).
plating and the double bottom plating in case
Provisions of 2.5.6 to 2.5.8 do not apply to
of the longitudinal framing system;
ships with independent or built-in tanks.
full cross-sectional area of the bottom plat-
ing and the double bottom plating sections 2.5.6 Tankers up to 80 m in length shall be
with a breadth equal to 0.25 of the spacing at fitted with one longitudinal bulkhead in the
each side of each longitudinal member in case centre plane in the cargo tanks area, and ships
of the transverse framing system; with a length of 80 m and more with at least
10% of the rest area in case of the trans- two longitudinal bulkheads. In double-sided
verse framing system; ships, one longitudinal bulkhead in the centre
continuous longitudinal ordinary bottom plane shall be sufficient.
girders and keelsons with supporting continu- Where no expansion trunks are provided
ous longitudinal girders; above the cargo tanks, this shall be substanti-
continuous longitudinal stiffeners of a dou- ated by calculations with due regard to the
ble bottom plating ordinary girder; temperature conditions and the availability of
the bilge plate in the rounded part; free under-deck volumes.
lower part of longitudinal bulkheads, outer 2.5.7 In ships with B/H3.5, longitudinal
and inner sides up to the level located 0.25 of trusses or pillars shall be fitted in addition to
the spacing above the double bottom plating the longitudinal bulkheads. The distance be-
or floors. tween the longitudinal bulkhead and longitu-
Longitudinal members included into the dinal truss or between longitudinal trusses and
total cross-sectional area of the deck and the the side shall not exceed 2.5 m.
bottom strakes shall comply with 2.2.31 with
due regard to their position relatively to the 2.5.8 Tankers shall be fitted with transverse
cross-section in question, extension and con- bulkheads located at the distance from each
nection with the hull. other of not more than, for ships with the side
depth H, m:
Cross-sections, for which strength shall be ≤ 2.5 24 frames
verified according to the requirements of pre- > 2.5 36 frames
sent paragraph, shall be selected as per 2.2.30. Non-self-propelled tankers shall be fitted
Requirements of 2.5.1 and present para- with transverse trusses or pillars or non-tight
graph do not apply to passenger displacement transverse bulkheads between transverse bulk-
ships of Ì-ÑÏ class. heads. The distance between the transverse
bulkheads or the bulkheads and the trusses
Dry cargo ships shall not exceed 12-fold spacing for ships with
2.5.3 Ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall have dou- the side depth H  2.5 m and 18-fold spacing
ble bottom and double sides in the cargo hold for ships with the side depth H  2.5 m.
Displacement passenger ships
2.5.4 In ships intended for carriage of
cargo containers (see GOST R 53350), sockets 2.5.9 Hulls of displacement passenger ships
for corner fittings of containers shall be pro- may be of the following types:
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 121

.1 one-decked ships with light superstruc- and of superstructure (wheelhouse) participat-

tures not participating in the hull global bend- ing in global bending of the hull not less than
ing; required in 5.7 of Tables 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-3.
.2 multi-decked ships with strong main
deck and strong superstructure deck of the Tugboats and pushboats
first tier included in the hull girder;
2.5.15 Thickness t of the outer shell plating
.3 open ships fitted with or without the of tugboats and pushboats in the middle part
double bottom and with a superstructure ei- and in the aft extremity shall be not less than,
ther participating in global bending or not. mm:
2.5.10 If a superstructure (wheelhouse) is t   L  100  30  t add , (2.5.15)
participating in hull global bending, the
strength of its upper strong deck members and where tadd = 0 for ships with power of 330 kW
strength of superstructure connections with or less;
the hull in way of the greatest tangent stresses t add  0.06 1.36Pe  450 — for ships with
at ends of its continuous longitudinal walls power exceeding 330 kW, where Pe — power
shall be provided. of the tugboat/pushboat, kW.
In case the aforementioned requirements For lock and harbour tugboats and
are not met, structural measures shall be pushboats of all classes, as well as for raft
taken to reduce superstructure (wheelhouse) transporting ships of M and O classes, the
participation in the hull global bending and to outer shell plating thickness shall be increased
prevent excessive stress concentration in the by 2 mm as compared with the thickness de-
superstructure and in the deck on which the termined by formula (2.5.15).
superstructure rests. In all cases, the outer shell plating thick-
2.5.11 Longitudinal walls of the superstruc- ness in the middle part of ship shall be not
ture (wheelhouse) with a length exceeding 6- less than specified in Tables 2.4.1-1 and
fold height of the superstructure not coincid- 2.4.1-4.
ing with the hull sides, shall be connected 2.5.16 Sheer strake and bilge strake thick-
with transverse end walls smoothly according ness shall be taken equal to the outer shell
to a radius of at least 1/3 of the superstructure plating thickness in the given hull section, but
height. For superstructures (wheelhouses) of a not less than specified in 1.3 and 1.4 of Tables
smaller length the aforementioned rounding 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-4.
radius may be reduced pro rata. Superstruc-
tures (wheelhouses), whose longitudinal walls 2.5.17 Outer shell plating thickness of the
do not coincide with longitudinal walls of the fore part of tugboats and pushboats shall be
superstructures situated below, shall also meet not less than thickness in the middle part of
this requirement. ship determined as per 2.5.15 and 2.5.16, but
not less than the shell plating thickness in the
2.5.12 Thickness of a stringer of the up- fore extremity specified in Tables 2.4.1-1 and
permost strong deck and of the deck next 2.4.1-4.
below of passenger ships shall be not less than
required in 2.1 of Tables 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2. 2.5.18 The deck stringer thickness in the
middle part of ship shall be not less than the
2.5.13 Thickness of the deck plating of side shell thickness. The deck stringer width
passenger ships in the middle part shall be not shall be not less than 500 mm.
less than required in 2.1 of Tables 2.4.1-1 and
2.5.19 The deck plating thickness of tug-
boats and pushboats in the middle part of ship
2.5.14 Thickness of the superstructure and in the fore and aft extremities, mm, shall
(wheelhouse) walls shall be not less than re- be not less than:
quired in 5.6 of Tables 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2, for open areas
122 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

t   220  L  60  t add ; (2.5.19-1)  — angle between a tangent to the design

waterline and the centre line at 0.15L from
for areas enclosed by superstructures
the fore perpendicular, deg;
t  180  L  60  t add , (2.5.19-2)  — angle between a vertical line and a
where tadd is taken as per 2.5.15. tangent to the theoretical frame at 0.15L from
For lock and harbour tugboats and the fore perpendicular at the design waterline
pushboats, the deck plating thickness shall be level, deg;
not less than the outer shell plating thickness M — angle between a vertical line and a
in the middle part of ship required by the tangent to the midship at the design waterline
Rules. level, deg.
2.5.20 Bulkhead plate thickness shall be 2.5.24 The following definitions of the ship
not less than determined as per Tables 2.4.1-1 sections are adopted in 2.5.25 to 2.5.68:
and 2.4.1-2 plus 1 mm. f o r e p a r t is a hull section within 0.3L
from the fore perpendicular;
2.5.21 Thickness of the transom bulkhead
m i d d l e p a r t is a hull section 0.5L long
plate in pushboats and thickness of stop plates
between the fore and aft sections;
shall be not less than the deck plating in the
fore extremity. a f t p a r t is a hull section within 0.2L
from the aft perpendicular.
2.5.22 Fore extremities of pushboat hulls
shall be reinforced in such a way that to pro- 2.5.25 Hulls of ice-breakers (excepting the
vide the uniform distribution of forces from outer shell plating) shall be made of hull
stops to sides and longitudinal hull members. structural steel of not less than D and E
grades, and the outer shell plating shall be
In the plane of supports, longitudinal bulk-
made of steel of at least E grade.
heads or trusses shall be installed, which shall
be strongly connected with the hull and ex- 2.5.26 Strength and buckling calculations,
tended to the forepeak bulkhead. permissible stresses, structural design and
In the area of stops, closed frame rings scantlings of ice-breaker hull members shall
(floors, side web frames and beams) shall be comply with the requirements of 2.1 to 2.4,
arranged. 2.6, unless otherwise specified in 2.5.27 to
2.5.27 When calculating local strength of
2.5.23 ]The requirements of 2.5.24 to the hull structures for ice loads, permissible
2.5.68 apply to ice-breakers which meet the stresses shall be taken equal to 0.95 of the
condition D 1/4 P 1/3  230 and have the fol- yield point of the material ReÍ.
lowing main dimension ratios and hull lines:
2.5.28 For the bottom and the side longi-
L/B = 3.3¼5.0; B/T = 4.0¼6.5;
tudinal members subject to ice load, general
 = 15¼35  = 11¼25; and local bending stresses are not to be
 = 30¼50; Ì = 10¼25‚ summed up.
where D — ship displacement at the draught
at design waterline, kN; 2.5.29 Design ice pressure applied to the
P — total propeller shaft power, kW; ice strake shell plating in the fore part pf is
L — design waterline length, m; determined by the formula, MPa,
B — design waterline breadth amidships, m; pf  1.4  0.004D 1 4 P 1 3 , (2.5.29)
T — moulded draught / draught to design
waterline, m; where D and P — see 2.5.23.
 — angle between a tangent to the stem 2.5.30 Design ice pressure applied to the
line and base plane at the level of the design ice strake shell plating is determined by the
waterline, deg; formula, MPa:
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 123

in the middle part 2.5.33 Design intensity of ice load applied

pm  0.60 pf ; (2.5.30-1) to the side framing shall be taken as follows,
in the aft part in the middle part, not less than the great-
pa  0.75 pf , (2.5.30-2) est value of
where pf — see 2.5.29. qm  0.6q f ; (2.5.33-1)
2.5.31 Design ice pressure applied to the qm  0.028L2 sin ì ; (2.5.33-2)
bottom plating outside the ice strake pbot is
determined by the formula, MPa: in the aft part
qa  0.75q f , (2.5.33-3)
pbot  pf D 1 4 P 1 3 400 , (2.5.31)
where qf — see 2.5.32.
where pf — see 2.5.29,
In any case the intensity qa shall be not less
D‚ P — see 2.5.23.
than the taken value of qm.
Pressure pbot shall not exceed pm.
2.5.34 Design intensity qbot of ice load ap-
2.5.32 Design intensity qf of ice load ap- plied to longitudinal girders and ordinary
plied to the side framing in the fore part of frames of the bottom outside the ice strake,
the ice strake in case the ship would strike kN/m:
against ice cover is determined by the for-
mula, kN/m q bot  10 p bot L . (2.5.34)
The intensity qbot shall not exceed the value
qf  12.6k 3 D  2 pf2 , (2.5.32)
of qm, determined by the formula (2.5.33-1).
where k — dimensionless coefficient taken
from curve in Fig. 2.5.32 depending on angles 2.5.35 The spacing in the fore part shall be
 and β; taken not over 300 mm. It may be increased
up to 600 mm provided that intermediate side
frames are fitted.
2.5.36 The spacing in the middle part and
aft part of the ice-breaker shall not exceed
500 mm. It may be increased up to 650 mm
provided that intermediate side frames are
2.5.37 The ice strake of the outer shell
plating shall be fitted over the whole length of
ice-breaker’s hull.
2.5.38 The upper edge of the ice strake
shall be located at least 0.6 m above the wa-
terline corresponding to the greatest draught,
and the lower edge of the ice strake shall be
0.02L but not less than 0.8 m below the wa-
terline corresponding to 10% stores and fuel
Fig. 2.5.32 Curves for determining coefficient k without ballast.
 — design speed of the ice-breaker at the 2.5.39 In the fore part over a length of at
moment when the ship strikes against ice, least 0.2L from the fore perpendicular and in
m/s, taken equal to 60% of maximum speed the aft part over a length of at least 0.15L from
of the ice-breaker in clear water; the aft perpendicular, the lower edge of the ice
D — see 2.5.23; pf — see 2.5.29. strake shall be extended to the centre line.
124 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.5.40 hickness of the ice strake plating 2.5.48 Ordinary side frames are calculated
shall be taken not less than calculated by the as multi-spanned girders resting on stringers
formula, mm: (platforms), deck plating, keelson or bilge
bottom plate. Concentrated load Q, kN, to
t  720s p ReH , (2.5.40)
which side ordinary frames are calculated,
where s — distance between framing girders, shall be obtained by the formula
m; Q  qs , (2.5.48)
p — design ice pressure determined by
where q — design intensity of ice load, kN/m,
formulae (2.5.29) to (2.5.31) depending on
for relevant section of the ice strake
longitudinal position of the plates, MPa;
(see 2.5.24) as per 2.5.32 and 2.5.33;
ReH — yield point of the outer shell plating
s — distance between ordinary frames or
material, MPa.
between the ordinary frame and the web
2.5.41 The outer shell plating thickness frame, m.
outside the ice strake shall be determined by A point of force Q application shall be taken
the formula (2.5.15), where På is taken equal in the middle of the longest frame span within
to the total propeller shaft power P, kW. the ice strake.
2.5.42 Thickness of outer shell plating shall Where intermediate frames are fitted, s in
be decreased smoothly along the height so formula (2.5.48) shall be taken equal to the
that adjacent plates differ not more than by distance between the intermediate and ordinary
30% of the thickness of the thinner connected frames. Intermediate frames are calculated as
plate. ordinary ones.
In case of the homogeneous transverse side
2.5.43 Thickness of the deck plating shall framing system, the side frames are calculated
be determined by formulae (2.5.19-1) and as ordinary frames in case of the side framing
(2.5.19-2) with due regard to 2.5.15. system with deep frames. It shall be kept in
2.5.44 A distance between the web frames mind that in case of the homogeneous framing
in the fore part of the ship shall not exceed system, the side stringers distribute the load
1.2 m, while over the rest length of the ship and, therefore, they shall not be considered as
this distance shall not exceed 2.0 m. supports for frames.
Minimum thickness of webs of the web 2.5.49 Strength of side stringers and web
frames within the ice strake is 10 mm and for frames shall be calculated considering them
the rest length of the ship is 8 mm. being included in the side grillage; for this
2.5.45 A side stringer or a platform shall be purpose, in the middle part of ship, the ice
fitted throughout the length of an ice-breaker load application length is taken throughout
at design waterline level (or maximum 0.25 m the whole length of the side grillage. A length
lower). of ice load application, m, in the fore and aft
parts is calculated by the formula
2.5.46 Within the ice strake, a distance be-
tween the side stringers (a stringer and the l  0.01q p , (2.5.49)
deck or a platform, a stringer and the bottom) where values of the design pressure p and the
shall be taken not more than 1.2 m; thickness design ice load intensity q are obtained ac-
of the mentioned stringer webs and platform cording to 2.5.29 to 2.5.34.
plates adjacent to the outer plating in the ice
strake area shall be not less than the web 2.5.50 Webs of ordinary and web frames at
thickness of web frames fitted in this area. the level of the ice strake throughout the
ship’s length shall be connected to the outer
2.5.47 In places where ordinary frames and shell plating by a continuous double-sided
side stringers intersect, knees shall be fitted. weld.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 125

2.5.51 Frames installed in extremities shall The nearest bulkhead stay, to which these
meet the requirements of 2.4.124. stiffeners are extended, shall be a web stay.
2.5.52 Continuous floors shall be fitted at Section modulus of stiffeners shall comply
each frame throughout the fore and the aft with the requirements of 2.4.78, and the stiff-
parts of ship. eners' ends shall be mitered. In addition, the
following conditions shall be met:
A distance between continuous floors
.1 the distance a between the stiffeners
amidships shall not exceed 2.0 m.
shall be not less than obtained by the formula,
2.5.53 Strength of continuous floors and m:
keelsons shall be calculated considering them
a = 0.88t ReH , (2.5.57-1)
a part of bottom grillages loaded by uniformly
distributed ice pressure equal to 0.3pbot, where where t — thickness of the bulkhead plate in
pbot is determined by formula (2.5.31). the section adjacent to the side, mm;
ReH — yield point of the bulkhead mate-
2.5.54 Bottom ordinary frames shall be
rial, MPa;
considered as a single-span girders con-
strained at the ends and having a length equal .2 moment of inertia i, cm4, of a stiffener
to the greatest distance between keelsons or with effective flange of the bulkhead plating
between a keelson and the side or a longitudi- with a width of 1/6 of a length of stiffener’s
nal bulkhead. A concentrated load Q, kN, to span shall be not less than determined by the
which the bottom ordinary frames are calcu- formula:
lated, shall be considered as applied in the i  191 p sal 2 , (2.5.57-2)
middle of the span and determined by the where p — design ice pressure applied to the
formula: ice strake plating for the relevant part of a
Q  q bot s , (2.5.54) ship, MPa;
where qbot — design ice load intensity, kN/m, s — distance between the ordinary frames
determined by formula (2.5.34); and between the ordinary and web frames, m;
s — distance between the bottom ordinary l — stiffener span, m;
frames or between a bottom ordinary frame .3 moment of inertia I, cm4, of a bulk-
and a floor, m. head web stay with effective flange, to which
Longitudinal ordinary girders are calculated horizontal stiffeners are extended, shall be not
on the assumption that span’s length is equal less than determined by the formula:
to the distance between continuous floors,
I  0.32  l1 l  i ,
and the s value is equal to the distance be- (2.5.57-3)
tween the girders. where l1 — stay span, m;
2.5.55 Transverse bulkheads shall be flat l — stiffener span, m;
and their structure shall meet the require- i — moment of inertia of the stiffener
ments of 2.5.20, 2.5.21, 2.5.56 to 2.5.59. with effective flange, cm4.
2.5.56 Thickness of the bulkhead plate ad- 2.5.58 Horizontal stiffeners and shelves fit-
jacent to the side and bottom platings shall be ted on transverse bulkheads at the level of the
not less than the thickness of webs of web ice strake shall be welded to bulkhead plates
frame and floor, correspondingly. by continuous double-sided weld.
2.5.57 Horizontal stiffeners connected to 2.5.59 Strength of transverse bulkheads
the side framing members shall be fitted on shall be calculated for buckling and bending
transverse bulkheads. Length of these stiffen- under ice loading and under hydrostatic pres-
ers from each side to the centre line shall be sure of water filling the compartment up to
not less than 10% of the bulkhead’s width. the deck, respectively.
126 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.5.60 If a longitudinal bulkhead is fitted in propellers and rudders against broken ice
the centre line above the stem, its length shall when moving astern.
be not less than stem length, and the bulk-
head plate thickness shall be not less than Industrial ships
forepeak bulkhead plate thickness.
2.5.69 Industrial ship scantlings shall be
2.5.61 The stem and stern frame of an ice- taken as per 2.1.6, and the requirements of
breaker shall be made of forged or cast steel. 2.5.70 to 2.5.73 shall be met.
The stem may be made of steel plates with a
2.5.70 Calculations of global and local
thickness being at least two times more than
strength, rigidity and vibration of the hull
thickness of the ice strake plates adjacent to
shall be performed with due regard to opera-
the stem.
tional conditions of industrial ships and spe-
2.5.62 The stem shall have a rabbet or cific operation of special mechanisms, devices
other similar structure protecting edges of and equipment.
adjacent outer shell plates from striking 2.5.71 In the dredging tower and the frame
against ice. lifting tower areas, the framing of the main
2.5.63 The stem is fitted in the centre line hull shall be reinforced. Supports of the frame
throughout the entire bow raising of the bot- lifting tower may be ended at the deck. Pil-
tom from the upper deck till the nearest lars, web stays and other equivalent structures
transverse bulkhead. shall be provided under them. Supports of the
dredging tower shall be extended to the bot-
2.5.64 The stem shall be connected with tom and be attached to the longitudinal and
the adjacent outer shell plating and a longitu- transverse members, or transverse bulkheads
dinal bulkhead fitted as per 2.5.60 by a con- shall be fitted under them.
tinuous weld. The deck plating in places where dredging
2.5.65 In the ice strake area, the stem shall tower supports pass through and below the
be supported by breasthooks maximum 0.5 m supports of the frame lifting tower shall be
from each other in the vertical plane. Here, thickened by 25%.
the breasthook web and flange sizes shall be 2.5.72 The side framing system in the area
taken equal to those of web frames fitted in of suction tube connections shall be of trans-
the forepeak. Breasthooks shall be extended to verse type with web frames being provided;
the frames. thickness of the outer shell plating shall be
2.5.66 Cross-sectional area of the stem,
increased by 25%.
cm2, at the ice strake level shall be not less 2.5.73 In the soil pump room, watertight
than that determined by the formula: sections of floors and keelsons forming a
F  2L . (2.5.66) drainage well shall be provided.
Upwards from the ice strake, the cross-
Ships less than 25 m in length
sectional area of the stem may be smoothly
reduced down to 70% of the value F calcu- 2.5.74 The requirements of 2.5.75 to
lated by formula (2.5.66). 2.5.110 apply to ships less than 25 m in
length, types of which are specified in 2.1.4.
2.5.67 Cross-sectional area of the stern
These ships shall comply with the require-
frame shall be increased by 1.5 to 2 times
ments of 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.75 to 2.5.110.
compared with the values determined by for-
mula (2.4.107-1). The requirements of 2.4.110 2.5.75 Thickness of the hull members shall
shall be met as well. be taken not less than 2.5 mm in all cases.
2.5.68 In the aft extremity of an ice 2.5.76 Thickness of the bottom plating and
breaker, provision shall be made to protect the bilge strake plating t, mm, in the middle
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 127

part and the aft extremity of ship shall be not 2.5.83 Floor web thickness in extremities
less than obtained by the formula: may be taken equal to floor web thickness in
the middle part of ship.
t =1060a T + r + m ReH , (2.5.76)
where a — spacing, m; 2.5.84 Web framing thickness may be taken
T, r — see 2.4.11; by 1 mm less than shell or flooring thickness,
but not less than 2.5 mm.
m — a value, m, taken equal to, for ship
classes: 2.5.85 Angle bars may be installed in way
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î 0.6 of the bilge with sharp lines, and the side and
Ð and Ë 0.9 the bottom plating shall be overlap welded to
ReН — yield point, MPa. bilge angle bar. Thickness of angle flanges
The thickness of the bottom plating shall be shall be equal to the bottom plating thickness,
not less than 3 mm, and thickness of the bilge but not less than 4 mm.
strake plating not less than 4 mm.
2.5.86 In case of the longitudinal framing
2.5.77 Thickness of the bottom and the system, section modulus of the bottom and
bilge strake plating of tugboats and ships, deck longitudinal girders with effective flange
which may operate in shallow waters and for shall be not less than, cm3,
timber rafting, shall be increased by 1 mm in
comparison with that required by formula W =130pal 2 ReH , (2.5.86)
(2.5.76). where p — design load on grillage, kPa, de-
2.5.78 Thickness of the outer shell plating termined as per 2.2.16 to 2.2.29;
in the fore part of all ships (except those a — distance between girders, m;
mentioned in 2.5.79) shall be increased by 1 l — girder span, m.
mm in comparison with that required by 2.5.87 Bulkheads shall be reinforced by
2.5.76. stays. Section modulus of stays with effective
2.5.79 Thickness of the outer shell plating flange, cm3, shall be not less than
of ships operating in shallow water and timber
rafting shall be increased by 2 mm in com- W = 75pal 2 ReH , (2.5.87)
parison with that required by formula (2.5.76). where p — design pressure at the level of the
lower end of the stays determined according
2.5.80 Thickness of the side shell plating to 2.2.25, kPa;
may be taken by 1 mm less than it is required
a — distance between stays, m;
for the bottom plating of ships of all purposes,
l — span of the stay, m.
except for tugboats and ships intended for
timber rafting. Ends of the stays shall be fastened by knees
or mitered.
2.5.81 Deck plating thickness, mm, shall
be not less than determined by the formula 2.5.88 A distance between continuous
floors shall be aliquot to the spacing and shall
t = 35a p ReH , (2.5.81) not exceed 1.5 m, and for tugboats 1.0 m.
where a — spacing, m; 2.5.89 The height and the cross-sectional
p — design load taken according to 2.2.26, area of a keelson may be reduced by 15% as
kPa. compared with the height and the area of
continuous floors over the whole compart-
2.5.82 Bulkhead plate thickness, mm, shall
ment or a part thereof.
be not less than
2.5.90 Longitudinal ordinary girders and
t = 62a H c ReH , (2.5.82)
longitudinal web members fitted along the
where a — distance between stays, m; bottom or the deck may be intercostal at the
Hs — side depth in the given section, m. peak bulkheads in the same section.
128 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.5.91 Length of the knee as per 2.3.9 may rounded with a radius of not less than 10% of
be taken equal to the spacing. the cutout width; similar cutouts situated in
the rest part of the deck shall be rounded with
2.5.92 Side web frames, beams and bulk-
a radius of at least 5% of the cutout width.
head stays as well as continuous floors,
Other cutouts shall be rounded with a radius
shelves and side stringers may be dispensed
of at least 5-fold thickness of the deck plating.
with, when the hull strength is provided by
non-web members. Here, the required section 2.5.102 Thickness of the bulwark plates
moduli of longitudinal and transverse mem- may be taken by 2 mm less than that required
bers shall be determined from strength calcu- for the side plating in the middle part of ship,
lation carried out in accordance with 2.2. but not less than 1.5 mm.
2.5.93 At least two transverse bulkheads 2.5.103 Cross-section area of the stem
shall be installed. made of flat or rod steel determined according
2.5.94 The engine room shall be separated to 2.4.100, 2.4.101 may be reduced by 25%.
by bulkheads from other spaces. The engine 2.5.104 Cross-section area of the stem
room bulkhead may be considered as the af- made of steel equal-sided angle bars deter-
terpeak bulkhead provided that requirements mined according to 2.4.102 may be reduced
of the Rules for floodability and damaged by 50%. Other symmetrical rolled profiles
stability are met. may be used also.
2.5.95 The requirements of 2.3.7 do not 2.5.105 Cross-section area of the bar keel
apply to the ships up to 12 m in length. determined as per 2.4.111-1 and 2.4.111-2
2.5.96 Corrugated structures may be used may be reduced by 50%.
for bulkhead plates, side plating, deck plating, 2.5.106 Global strength calculations re-
superstructure walls, as well as for enclosures, quired by 2.2 may be dispensed with, pro-
walls, roofs of wheelhouses and other secon-
vided that the requirements of 2.5.2 are met.
dary walls and flooring plates. Here, coefficient k1 shall be taken from Table
2.5.97 For side plating, trapeze or semicir- 2.5.2 for ships with the length of 25 m.
cle corrugates shall be used. Corrugates of
2.5.107 Hull global vibration calculation
watertight hull bulkheads shall be continuous
may be omitted.
of trapeze, wavy semi-circle or rounded-tip
triangle cross-section. For deck plating, only 2.5.108 Watertight bulkheads with a thick-
semicircle cross-section corrugates shall be ness of 3 mm and less (except for the fore-
used. peak bulkhead, the afterpeak bulkhead and
tank bulkheads) shall be connected to the
2.5.98 The total height of cutouts in webs
outer shell plating by continuous single-side
of web members for ordinary girders shall not
weld with a leg equal to the bulkhead plate
exceed 50% of web member height.
thickness; the same applies to the butt welds
2.5.99 The height of cutouts for drain of these bulkheads.
opening in members shall not exceed 30% of
2.5.109 Free ends of girders shall be con-
the member height.
nected to the shell plating or floor plating by
2.5.100 Breadth of deck area between the intermittent or dotted welds with reduced
side and the cutout shall be not less than pitch and shall be welded around as per
0.2 m. 2.3.49.
2.5.101 Cutouts in the deck plating more 2.5.110 Framing girders may be connected
than 6 spacings in length and more than 0.2B to each other by overlapping knees. For over-
in width situated in the middle part of ship lapping joint, the connection places shall be
and forward of the aft engine room shall be welded around the whole contour.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 129

Tankers with vertical independent tanks cargo holds. For double-sided tankers, trusses
shall be installed in the same plane as the
2.5.111 The requirements of 2.5.112 to
double-side half-bulkheads required by 2.4.71.
2.5.126 apply to tankers fitted with vertical
cylindrical independent tanks (cargo tanks), In tankers with single sides, in the plane of
longitudinal coamings of the cargo holds or
which have draught in fully loaded condition
not exceeding 2.25 m and gross tonnage not carlings situated between the side and the
cargo tank, longitudinal trusses or pillars shall
exceeding 1000 t. The requirements of 2.1,
2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 shall be met as well, if they be installed in places where respective keel-
do not contradict with the requirements of sons intersect with each floor.
2.5.112 to 2.5.126. In tanker’s deck, in the way of vertical in-
dependent tanks, circular cutouts fitted with
2.5.112 The main dimension ratios L/H coaming shall be provided. Diameter of the
and Â/H shall be not more than indicated in clear cutout shall exceed the tank diameter by
Tables 2.1.3-1 and 2.1.3-2 for self-propelled 80 to 100 mm and shall not be more than
and non-self-propelled dry cargo ships with 0.75 of the ship’s breadth.
holds. Vertical independent tank shall be con-
2.5.113 Minimum number of watertight nected with the ship’s deck by a horizontal
transverse bulkheads shall comply with the circumference member laid around the shell
requirements of 2.4.70. and connected both to the shell and to the
coaming of the relevant deck cutout by con-
2.5.114 Design mean wear rate of deck tinuous weld.
plating shall be taken according to 1.1, 1.5,
that of underdeck framing according to 7.1.1, 2.5.117 Bottom in the cargo holds may be
7.1.5, that of coamings according to 2 of Ta- of single type. The distance between floors
ble 2.2.88, and that of uppermost, middle and shall be aliquot to the spacing and shall not
lowermost plates of inner sides and bulkheads exceed 2.0 m.
within cargo holds area according to 5.1.1, 2.5.118 When determining loads taken for
5.1.4 and 6.1.1 of Table 2.2.87. Design mean strength calculations of bottom grillage of the
wear rates of other members are designated cargo compartment, the gravity force of light
according to Table 2.2.87. tank and the gravity force of loaded tank may
2.5.115 Minimum thicknesses of hull be assumed distributed uniformly over the
members are assigned from Tables 2.4.1-1 and whole surface of the grillage. Here, loads plight
2.4.1-2 as for dry cargo ships. Here, thickness and pload‚ kPà, from the weight of a light tank
of all the strakes of watertight bulkheads and and loaded tank correspondingly are deter-
inner sides bounding the cargo compartments mined by the formulae:
shall be designated according to 4.1, thickness plight = 9.81Qlight  Lb B1  ; (2.5.118-1)
of the deck plating between the side and a
cargo tank of flush deck ships according to pload = 9.81Qload  Lb B1  , (2.5.118-2)
2.1, and thickness of the plating of trunk where Qlight, Qload — weight of a light tank and
decks and decks of flush deck ships through- loaded tank correspondingly, t;
out the breadth of cargo tanks according to Lb — see Table 2.4.11-1;
2.3 of Tables 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2.
B1 — design floor span taken equal to: for
2.5.116 Vertical independent tanks shall be single-sided tankers not fitted with longitudinal
fitted on and be connected with the web trusses in the cargo hold – the ship’s breadth
framing of the bottom. One cargo hold B; for single-sided tankers fitted with longitu-
bounded at ends by transverse watertight dinal trusses between the cargo tank and the
bulkheads may accommodate maximum two side – the distance between the longitudinal
cargo tanks. Additionally, transverse trusses trusses; for double-sided tankers — the dis-
shall be installed between the tanks inside the tance between inner sides.
130 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.5.119 When choosing design spans of f = 0.5Lb B1 (nk + nf ) + 0.5Lb b (nf + 1) .

floors and beams and when determining de-
sign loads on pillars for trunk deck tankers, if
there is a continuous longitudinal coaming where b — distance between the side and the
with the rigidity exceeding the rigidity of the longitudinal truss.
keelson situated under the coaming in ques- Design load taken by a pillar of the truss,
tion by at least 8 times, and if there are pillars kN, is determined by the formula:
fitted between the coaming and the keelson in P  fp , (2.5.121-3)
places where the keelson intersects with each where ð — see 2.5.120.
floor, the system “coaming + keelson” is con- If there are no longitudinal trusses in the
sidered equal to a longitudinal truss. hold, the force taken by one pillar of the lon-
2.5.120 Section modulus, cm3, of a floor of gitudinal row of pillars is determined as per
the cargo hold with effective flange, if no 2.2.54 and
double bottom is provided, shall be not less 2.5.122 Design load on the sides in the in-
than dependent tanks area is determined in accor-
W = 0.428k1 k2 dB12 p , (2.5.120-1) dance with 2.2.24 as for dry cargo ships. If
there is no double bottom, in formulae
where ð — design pressure on the bottom,
(2.2.24-1) and (2.2.24-2) it shall be taken as
kPa, taken equal to the greatest of the values
hdb — 0.
obtained from the formulae:
2.5.123 Design load applied to transverse
p = 9.81 T + r + m   plight , (2.5.120-2)
cargo hold bulkheads in the area of vertical
p = pload  9.81T  r  m  ; (2.5.120-3) independent tanks is determined according to
where k1, k2, d, T, r — see 2.4.11;
plight and pload — see 2.5.118; 2.5.124 Design load for tanker deck in the
m — value, m, taken equal to, for ship vertical independent tanks area is determined
according to
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î 0.6 2.5.125 Section modulus of beams and
Ð and Ë 0.9 half-beams with effective flange in the vertical
Value of p calculated by formula (2.5.120-3) independent tanks area is determined accord-
shall not exceed pload. ing to
2.5.121 The cargo hold bottom area sup- 2.5.126 Section modulus of under-deck
ported by one pillar of a traverse truss, m2, is longitudinal girders with effective flange in the
calculated by the formula: vertical independent tanks area is determined
f =Lb B1  nk + 2nf  ‚ (2.5.121-1) according to

where Lb — taken from Table 2.4.11-1; Floating cranes

B1 — taken as per 2.5.118; 2.5.127 The requirements of 2.5.128 to
nk — number of keelsons between longitu- 2.5.141 apply to non-propelled boom grab-
dinal trusses or inner sides and, where the hooked floating cranes of Î-ÏÐ (ëåä) and
latter are not provided, between the outer Î (ëåä) classes with full-swing upper lifting
sides; structure non-movable along the hull (pon-
nf — number of floors between transverse toon) with a lifting capacity up to 25 t, a
bulkheads or between a transverse bulkhead length up to 50 m and main dimensions ratio
and a truss. L/H ≤ 15, B/H ≤ 7.
The cargo hold bottom area supported by a In addition, the requirements of 2.1 to 2.3
pillar of a longitudinal truss, m2, is calculated shall be met if they are not contradict with
by the formula: the requirements of 2.5.128 to 2.5.141.
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 131

N o t e : the Î-ÏÐ and Î classes for floating drum. Other bulkheads of floating cranes may
cranes are assigned according to the navigation be corrugated.
conditions for towing with boom fastened in the Longitudinal bulkheads of the cross shall
cruising position. Limiting wind and wave opera-
be installed either over the entire pontoon’s
tion conditions are designated by a designer.
length or between the forepeak and the after-
If main dimension ratios differ from those
peak bulkheads.
given in this paragraph, structure and scant-
lings shall be verified by additional strength Ordinary framing of the flat bulkheads as
calculations. well as corrugations shall be arranged verti-
2.5.128 Structure of crane foundation shall
consist of a bearing ring, a drum and a cross 2.5.132 Thicknesses of the below men-
made of longitudinal and transverse bulkheads tioned pontoon hull members with regard to
(Fig. 2.5.128). ice strengthening shall be taken not less than,
outer shell plating and deck plating over 8.0
the entire pontoon’s length
plates of flat transverse bulkheads of the 8.0
cross over the entire pontoon’s breadth and
of longitudinal bulkheads of the cross over
at least three spacings forward of and abaft
the place of connection with the drum
rest plates of bulkheads 6.0
bilge strake over the entire pontoon’s 10.0
2.5.133 Drum wall thickness , mm, shall
Fig. 2.5.128 Crane foundation design be not less than one obtained by the formula
1 — bearing ring, 2 — drum, 3 — longitudinal
bulkheads of the cross, 4 — transverse bulkheads of the  =  Pc + Qc 1 + 2C R  16R  ,
cross, 5 — forepeak bulkhead, 6 — afterpeak bulkhead
2.5.129 Peak bulkheads shall be located at where Pc — crane lifting capacity, t;
the distance of at least one spacing towards Qc — crane weight (upper structure), t;
the middle frame from the beginning of the R — drum radius, m;
parallel body. In all cases, the forepeak length C — distance from the drum axis to the
shall be not less than 7-fold spacing and the crane’s C.G. with the greatest load at the
afterpeak length not less than 5-fold spacing. maximum boom reach, m.
2.5.130 Pontoon sides, the forepeak and Regardless of the calculation results, the
the afterpeak shall have the transverse framing drum wall thickness shall not be taken less
system. The spacing in the forepeak and the than 8 mm.
afterpeak shall be not more than 400 mm and 2.5.134 A distance between the side and
floors shall be installed at each frame. the longitudinal bulkhead of the cross shall be
Where the spacing is over 400 mm, in the taken as a design span Â1 of floors and web
fore and aft extremities intermediate frames beams, when determining their section
shall be fitted at the sides with the section modulus; here, Â1 shall be not less than 0.38Â.
modulus with effective flange meeting the
requirements of 2.4.121. 2.5.135 Section modulus of a side web
frame with effective flange over the entire
2.5.131 Transverse bulkheads of the cross pontoon’s length, cm3, shall be not less than
shall be flat over the entire pontoon’s breadth
and longitudinal bulkheads of the cross shall W  0.14LBHd1 , (2.5.135)
be flat over at least three spacings forwards of where d1 — distance between the web frames
and abaft the place of connection with the in the middle part of ship, m.
132 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

2.5.136 Section modulus of a side ordinary 2.5.139 Section modulus of vertical web
frame with effective flange over the entire stays with effective flange of the drum and flat
pontoon’s length, cm3, shall be not less than bulkheads of the cross (mentioned in 2.5.131)
W  0.10LBl a , (2.5.136) shall be not less than that determined for the
side web frame according to 2.5.135.
where l — the greatest distance measured
along the side between the bottom and a side 2.5.140 Distance between vertical members
stringer or between a side stringer and the of the drum measured over a chord shall not
deck, m; exceed 0.70 m.
à — spacing in the middle part of ship, m. Section modulus of ordinary stays with ef-
fective flange of the drum and flat bulkheads
2.5.137 Transom stays shall be maximum of the cross (mentioned in 2.5.131) shall be
400 mm apart. not less than that determined for the side or-
Web stays shall be installed in the keelson dinary frame according to 2.5.136.
planes. Free flange of the web stay shall have
a cross-sectional area of at least 0.65 of the 2.5.141 Local strength of the forepeak and
cross-sectional area of a keelson free flange. the afterpeak bulkheads shall be ensured with
Section modulus of an ordinary stay or in- due regard to the design load as specified in
termediate stay with effective flange shall be
not less than a section modulus of an ordinary
frame with effective flange determined in ac-
Tankers fitted with longitudinal round
cordance with 2.5.136.
cylindrical built-in tanks
Where a distance between stays is more
than 400 mm, intermediate stays shall be fit- 2.5.142 The requirements of 2.5.143 to
ted and their section modulus with effective 2.5.156 apply to tankers fitted with one or two
flange shall be not less than 75% of the sec- longitudinal cylindrical built-in tanks rigidly
tion modulus of main ordinary stays with ef- connected to the hull and participating in
fective flange. global bending.
2.5.138 Thickness of a bearing ring web 2.5.143 In all cases not stipulated in
shall be not less than 10 mm, thickness of a 2.5.144 to 2.5.162, the requirements of 2.1 to
free flange not less than 20 mm. Thickness of 2.4 are applied.
webs of vertical knees supporting the web and
2.5.144 Vertical distance between the upper
the flange shall be not less than 10 mm. A
edge of the cylindrical tank and the deck in
distance between the knees measured over a
the centreline plane shall not exceed, for ship
chord of the bearing ring shall not exceed
0.70 m. Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð, Ë 0,7dt
Constructional difference in wall thickness Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 0,6dt
of the bearing ring and the drum shall be where dt —diameter of the cylindrical tank,
compensated by fitting, between the bearing m.
ring and the drum, a horizontal circular piece
at least 12 mm thick which may be made of 2.5.145 Vertical distance between the lower
separate rectangular plates. edge of the cylindrical tank and the bottom
Fastening of the bearing ring to the deck plating shall be taken similar to double bot-
shall be such as to prevent formation of stress tom height according to 2.4.18.
concentration centres. Knees shall not be 2.5.146 Ratio of the cylinder radius R to
welded to non-reinforced deck plates; in the thickness of above-deck section of the cylin-
plane of knees under the deck a stiffener or drical tank t shall not exceed, for ship class:
another structural element shall be fitted Ì-ÑÏ 200
which shall be adequately connected with the Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 235
framing. Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð 285
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 133

In any case, thickness t shall be at least, tanks shall be connected to the bottom by
mm, for ship class: means of brackets fitted between the tank's
Ì-ÑÏ 14 circular web frames and the hull's floors. At
Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 12 each side of the keelson, brackets shall be
Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð 10 fitted over the floor length equal to the shell
Plating thickness t1 of below-deck section radius.
of the cylindrical tank may be taken by 30%
2.5.152 Scantlings of the ships under con-
less than that of above-deck section. For ships
sideration are determined according to 2.4 as
of Ì-ÑÏ class the thickness t1 of below-deck
for single-bottom dry cargo ships; here, the
section of the cylindrical tank shall be at least
value of B1 (see 2.4.11) is not less than B/2
10 mm.
for tankers with one tank and not less than
2.5.147 Constructional difference in wall B/3 for tankers with two tanks.
thickness in butts and seams of the adjoining 2.5.153 Minimal thickness of the shell plat-
plates of the cylindrical tank shall not exceed ing, sheerstrake and deck stringer in the mid-
15% of the thickest plate thickness or 3 mm, dle part of ship shall be determined from Ta-
whichever is less. Constructional angular off- bles 2.4.1-1 and 2.4.1-2 as for ships with re-
set of the cylindrical tank in the field joint duced length
area (angular offset of the cylinder generatrix
may occur during ship construction due to Lred  LH H 1 ,
constructional difference in shapes of cross- where H1 — hull girder height, m.
sections of the adjoining shells) shall not ex-
2.5.154 Maximum normal stresses in the
ceed the thickest plate thickness. Diameter
tolerance of the cylindrical tank measured in upper edge of longitudinal cylindrical shell
any direction in the frame plane shall not under compression in the limit state (during
ship sagging), MPa, shall not exceed the criti-
exceed 0.3% of the design diameter value.
cal stresses determined by the formula:
2.5.148 Provision shall be made for smooth cr  kE t R , (2.5.154)
ends of longitudinal cylindrical tanks in fore
where k — coefficient equal to 0.36 for
and aft extremities of the ship using flat in-
clined sections at the tank ends. The inclina- 75  R t  300 ;
tion angle of such a flat section to the deck E — Young’s modulus of the shell mate-
shall not exceed 30°. rial, MPa;
R/t — cylindrical shell radius to thickness
2.5.149 The transverse bulkheads and ratio in the above-deck section.
trusses shall be installed in the hull according
to the 2.5.8. End transverse bulkheads and 2.5.155 Critical pressure pcr caused by de-
one midship transverse bulkhead in the tanks pression due to cargo unloading and uni-
shall be arranged in the same vertical plane formly distributed along the cylindrical shell
with the transverse hull bulkheads. Other surface, kPa, shall comply with the following
transverse bulkheads may be fitted in the condition
planes of hull's web frames. ðcr  1.5 pE , (2.5.155-1)
2.5.150 Below-deck cylindrical shells shall where pv — vacuum during cargo unloading,
be reinforced by circular web frames fitted corresponding to the breathing valve setting,
maximum 4 m apart and running along the kPa, equal to 7 kPa.
external surface of the shell in the planes of The critical stress value, kPa, is taken as
hull's web frames. the following
ðcr  920E  R Lt  t R 
2.5.151 A keelson running over the whole , (2.5.155-2)
length of the tank shall be fitted between each where E — Young’s modulus of the shell ma-
cylindrical tank and the hull bottom. The terial, MPa;
134 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

R — cylindrical shell radius, mm; 2.6 VIBRATION STRENGTH

Lt — maximal length of the cargo hold General requirements
(distance between transverse bulkheads in the
cylindrical tank), mm; 2.6.1 The present requirements are set up
t — cylindrical shell thickness in the to provide strength of the hull structures and
above-deck section, mm. reliable operation of onboard equipment.
2.5.156 Circular normal stresses in the low- 2.6.2 When calculating vibration, it is nec-
ermost point of the cylindrical shell (in the essary to verify the absence of resonance by
longitudinal plane), MPa, shall comply with comparing natural oscillation frequencies with
the following condition frequencies of exciting forces due to operation
of main and auxiliary engines, propellers and
 
 y= pcx + 19.62  103R  R t1   103  0.8 ReH , other sources of vibration.
(2.5.156) 2.6.3 In addition to meeting the require-
where pex — excessive pressure in the cargo ments of 2.6.2, the following shall be verified:
hold corresponding to the breathing valve .1 global vertical oscillations of the hull
setting, kPa; for the first two tones in design loading con-
R — cylindrical shell radius, mm; ditions: fully loaded condition and lightship
t1 — cylindrical shell thickness in the be- condition with ballast;
low-deck section, mm; .2 local first-tone oscillations of ordinary
ReH — yield point of the cylindrical shell members, stiffeners and outer shell plating,
material, MPa. decks, platforms, bulkheads and webs of web
Tankers fitted with longitudinal cylindrical
independent tanks 2.6.4 Local oscillations shall be checked in
the following areas:
2.5.157 The requirements of 2.5.158 to .1 the bottom between the transom and a
2.5.161 apply to tankers fitted with one or two section located 3 propeller diameters forward
longitudinal cylindrical independent tanks not of the centre of propeller disc for single-
participating in global bending. The tanks propeller ships and 4 propeller diameter for-
shall be fastened in a such manner as to pre- ward of the centre of propeller disc for two-
vent transfer of loads or displacements with or three-propeller ships;
respect to the hull structures. Weight of inde- .2 ship compartments where engines
pendent tanks and loads induced by them (main and auxiliary) and other similar ma-
shall be uniformly distributed between the hull chinery are installed;
structures. .3 tanks adjacent to the engine room.
2.5.158 The pressurized tanks shall be de- 2.6.5 Calculations of global and local vi-
signed for strength according to 8 Part IV of bration, as well as experimental determination
the Rules, and testing methods shall comply of vibration parameters shall be carried out for:
with the requirements of Appendix 10 RTSC. .1 first ship in a series;
2.5.159 Cargo tank material shall be resis- .2 ships of single construction;
tant to aggressive cargoes or the internal sur- .3 ships after a major overhaul repair;
faces of the cargo tanks shall have a suitable .4 ship on which main and auxiliary en-
protective coating. gines or other similar machinery were re-
placed or propellers of different dimensions
2.5.160 Covers of the cargo tank hatches were installed.
and manholes shall be tight.
Global vibration calculation
2.5.161 The distance between the inde-
pendent tanks and the side or bottom shall be 2.6.6 In order to prevent resonance, natu-
not less than that for ships with built-in tanks. ral oscillation frequencies of the first tone
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 135

shall differ by 15%, and those of the second L — ship length at the actual waterline,
tone by 20%, from the frequency of exciting m.
forces equal to: Values of these parameters are taken for
.1 propeller revolution frequency; design loading conditions.
.2 propeller revolution frequency multi- The moment of inertia shall be determined
plied by the number of blades; with due regard to the superstructure partici-
.3 engine crankshaft revolution frequency; pation in the hull global bending as per
.4 doubled engine crankshaft revolution 2.2.34.
frequency; 2.6.8 Frequency N2 of natural vertical os-
.5 engine crankshaft revolution frequency cillations of the second tone relating to the
multiplied by a number of operation cycles nc hull, Hz, shall be determined by the formulae:
in the engine cylinders per revolution as ob- .1 for cargo ships
tained by the formula:
N 2  2.6N 1 ; (
nc  ki , (
.2 for passenger ships and tugboats
where k — coefficient equal to: (pushboats)
for two-stroked engine 1
for four-stroked engine 0.5 N 2  2.3N 1 . (
i — number of engine cylinders;
.6 running frequency of the scoop chain Local vibration calculation
when running from the upper drum;
2.6.9 In order to prevent resonance, natu-
.7 bottom scoop drum revolution fre- ral oscillation frequencies of the first tone
quency; shall exceed – by at least 50% for plates and
.8 mechanical loosener revolution fre- by 30% for ordinary members and stiffeners –
quency; the frequencies of exciting forces equal to:
.9 mechanical loosener revolution fre- .1 shaft revolution frequency multiplies by
quency multiplied by the number of cutters. the number of propeller blades1;
2.6.7 Frequency N1 of the first-tone natural .2 engine crankshaft revolution frequency
vertical oscillations relating to the hull, Hz, multiplied by the number of operating cycles
shall be determined by the formulae: in the engine cylinders per revolution of the
.1 for cargo ships (including tankers) crankshaft2;
.3 revolution frequency of lower or upper
 
N1 = 6.25  104 I 1.2 + B  3T   D L3 ; scoop drum, whichever is greater3;
( .4 mechanical loosener revolution fre-
quency multiplied by the number of cutters
.2 for passenger and cargo-and-passenger
(see footnote in
The required frequency excess shall be en-

N1 = 5.92  104 I 1,2 + B  3T   DL3 ; sured for all basic operational modes of the
( N o t e . For basic operational modes of prime
.3 for tugboats and pushboats movers, generators and cargo pumps, the exciting

N1 = 5.27  104 I 1,2 + B  3T   DL3 ,
( 1
In the area of intensive affection of excit-
where I — area moment of inertia of the hull ing forces due to operation of propellers (see
girder midship section, m4 (see 2.2.9);
B — ship breadth, m; 2
In the area of compartments where the
T — ship draught amidships, m; engines and other machinery are installed.
D — ship displacement, t; 3
In the area of effectors.
136 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

force frequency may exceed (by at least 30%) the ρ — plate material density, kg/m3;
natural oscillation frequency. α — coefficient determined depending on
If the required frequency excess is not en- the plate sides ratio from Table 2.6.11;
sured, design measures shall be provided to t — plate thickness, m.
increase the natural oscillation frequency. T a b l e 2.6.11
Efficiency of these measures shall be verified Coefficient 
by repeated calculation.
a/b, c/l  a/b, c/l 
The above frequencies may be exceeded by 0.1 0.76 0.6 0.51
25% for plates and by 15% for ordinary fram- 0.2 0.71 0.7 0.47
ing and stiffeners, provided that a designer 0.3 0.65 0.8 0.45
submits a well-grounded calculation of forced 0.4 0.61 0.9 0.43
vibration to prove that oscillation amplitude 0.5 0.55 1.0 0.42
of the mentioned components does not ex-
2.6.12 Natural oscillation frequency Np of
ceed the permissible value (see 2.6.25).
the first tone of outer shell plates cells resting
2.6.10 Natural oscillation frequency N of on web members and reinforced by ordinary
the first tone of an outer shell plate resting on members or stiffeners (Fig. 2.6.12), Hz, is
web members and not reinforced by ordinary determined by the formula:
members or stiffeners, Hz, is determined by
the formula: 
N p = 0.5 1 + c 2 l 2 
Et 2 12(1  2 ) c 2 ,

N =  1 + a2 b2  t 2 E 12(1  2 )  2a  ,
where c — shorter side of the plate cell

(2.6.10) formed by web and ordinary members, m;

where a — shorter side of the plate, m; l — longer side of the plate cell, m;
b — longer side of the plate, m; E, t, ρ,  — see 2.6.10 and 2.6.11.
t — plate thickness, m;
E — Young’s modulus of the plate mate-
rial, Pa;
 — plate material density, kg/m3;
— Poisson’s ratio of the plate material.
2.6.11 Natural oscillation frequency N* of
the plate with due regard to added masses of
liquid, Hz, shall be calculated by the formula:
N * N kp , (2.6.11-1)
where N — see 2.6.10;
where kadd — added mass coefficient to
natural oscillation frequencies of plates de-
termined by the formulae:
when the plate is washed by liquid from one
kp  1  liq a  t  , (2.6.11-2) Fig. 2.6.12. Outer shell plates layout
when the plate is washed from both sides by 2.6.13 Natural oscillation frequency Np*,
liquids of different densities, Hz, of the plate cell with due regard to added
kp  1  a  liq  liq   t  ; (2.6.11-3) masses of liquid shall be calculated by the
formula (2.6.11-1). Here, liquid added mass
ρliq, liq liq — densities of liquids, kg/m3; coefficient is determined by the formulae:
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 137

when the plate is washed by liquid from dimensions of plates before ordinary members
one side, or stiffeners are fitted.
kp = 1 +  aliq  t  , (2.6.13-1) Reduced thickness tred of plate with stiff-
ener, m:
when the plate is washed from both sides
by liquids of different densities, t red  t  f c , (2.6.15-3)

kp  1   a liq  liq   t  , (2.6.13-2) where t, f, c — see 2.6.14.
When the plate reinforced by ordinary
where  — coefficient determined from Table
members is washed by liquid from both sides,
2.6.11 depending on the ratio of the cell sides.
kfr is determined by the formula
c — shorter side of the plate cell, m;
ρliq, liq , liq , ρ, t — see 2.6.11.  
kfr  1   liq  liq a  t red  , (2.6.15-4)

2.6.14 Natural oscillation frequency of the where liq and liq — see 2.6.11.
first tone of the ordinary members or stiffen-
ers, Hz, is determined by the formula: 2.6.16 A ratio of natural oscillation fre-
quencies of the ordinary members (or stiffen-
N р  K Ei mр l 4  , (2.6.14-1) ers) and an outer shell plate shall meet the
condition N ð* N fr* > 2 .
where K — coefficient equal to:
when both ends of profiles are freely resting 1.57
when one end of profile is freely resting 2.46 2.6.17 Natural oscillation frequency σ, Hz,
and the other one is constrained; of the first tone of the inner structure plates
when both ends of profile are constrained 3.56 resting on web members and not reinforced by
E — Young’s modulus, Pa; ordinary members or stiffeners shall be deter-
i — area moment of inertia, m4, of a stiff- mined by the formula:
ener or ordinary member with effective flange
N = 1.13 1 + 0.605 a 2 b 2 + a 4 b 4 
of the plating, whose scantlings are deter-
mined according to;  Et 2 12(1  2 )  a 2 ,
mð    f  ct  , (2.6.14-2)
l — length of the stiffener, m;
where a, b, E, t,  — see 2.6.10.
f — cross-sectional area of the isolated
stiffener, m2; 2.6.18 Natural oscillation frequency of
t — see 2.6.10; plates mentioned in 2.6.17 with due regard to
c — see 2.6.12. added masses of liquid shall be calculated by
formulae (2.6.11-1) to (2.6.113). Coefficient 
2.6.15 Natural oscillation frequency Nfr*, shall be taken according to Fig. 2.6.18 de-
Hz, of the ordinary members or stiffeners
pending on the a/b side ratio from the n — 1
with due regard to the added masses of liquid curve.
shall be calculated by the formulae:
N fr*  N fr kр , (2.6.15-1) 2.6.19 Natural oscillation frequency, Hz, of
the inner structure plate cells resting on web
where kfr — coefficient of the added masses members and reinforced by ordinary members
effect which shall be determined regardless of or stiffeners (see Fig. 2.6.12) shall be deter-
orientation of stiffeners by the formula: mined by the formula:
kfr  1  liq a  t red  , (2.6.15-2) N p  1.13 1 + 0.605 c 2 l 2 + c 4 l 4 
where liq — see 2.6.11.
 Et 2 12(1  2 ) c 2 .
Values of coefficient  shall be taken from
Table 2.6.11 depending on the a/b ratio, i.e. (2.6.19)
138 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

where A1 and A2 — squares of natural fre-

quencies of a plate and a stiffener (or an or-
dinary member) correspondingly, determined
as per 2.6.19 to 2.6.21;
1, 2 — coefficients calculated by the

1   
 = 4 1 + 1.5 kp  1  kfr  1 t red  
t  3kp ;

   
  0.5t 1  1.5 kp  1  kfr 1 tred t  tredkр ;
2  
Fig. tred — reduced thickness of the plate with a
2.6.18. Coefficient  stiffener determined by the formula
2.6.20 Natural oscillation frequency Np*, (2.6.15-3).
Hz, of the plate cell with due regard to added Frequency Nс shall comply with the re-
masses of liquid shall be calculated by formula quirements of 2.6.9 as for plates.
(2.6.11-1). Added-mass coefficient shall be
determined by formulae (2.6.13-1) and Vibration norms
(2.6.13-2). Coefficient  in these formulae 2.6.24 Regardless of the calculation results
shall be selected using Fig. 2.6.18 depending of global and local vibration in ships listed in
on the ratio of cell sides c/l from the curve 2.6.5, vibration amplitudes and frequencies of
corresponding to n equal to number of cells. the following structures shall be measured:
2.6.21 Natural oscillation frequency of the .1 the aft extremity of hull;
first tone of the ordinary members or stiffen- .2 plates of the outer shell plating and the
ers for inner structures, when they oscillate in inner structures of the hull and the super-
the air, shall be determined by formulae structure;
(2.6.14-1) and (2.6.14-2). The liquid added .3 ordinary members and stiffeners;
masses is regarded by formulae (2.6.15-1) to .4 bearing surfaces of foundations;
.5 web members in the grillage;
2.6.22 Calculation of natural oscillation fre- .6 engines and similar equipments.
quency of plates and ordinary members or In these ships, it is recommended to obtain
stiffeners for inner structures shall be consid- experimentally frequencies of vertical hull
ered completed, when N*fr/N*p  2 (or Nfr/Np 2 oscillations of the first two tones and to com-
for structures in the air). Otherwise, interaction pare them with frequencies obtained by calcu-
between the plates and stiffeners, when they lation.
oscillate, shall be considered (see 2.6.23). In these ships, it is recommended to obtain
2.6.23 Natural oscillation frequency Nс, Hz, experimentally frequencies of vertical hull
of the first tone of the plates by the inner struc- oscillations of the first two tones and to com-
ture stiffeners, which support these plates, with pare them with frequencies obtained by calcu-
due regard to its interaction shall be calculated lation.
by the formula: These measurements shall be made on
 deep water1, as well as at limited depth under
Nc2 = A1 + A2 ±  A1 + A2 2  4A1A2 1  12  
 
2 1  12   , 1
Deep water means that depth H of a water
(2.6.23-1) body does not affect propulsion performance
2 Structure and Strength of Steel Hull 139

the bottom (shallow water conditions) at de- E — Young’s modulus of the material,
sign draught in loaded conditions and light- ÌPà;
ship conditions for all basic operational i — area moment of inertia of the profile
modes of the main and auxiliary engines and with effective flange, m4;
onboard equipment in accordance with the .5 permissible oscillation amplitudes A5,
program of vibration testing elaborated by a mm, of web members in the grillage are de-
designer meeting the requirements of the fined as the least of the two values determined
Rules and approved by the River Register. by formulae ( and given below:
2.6.25 Oscillation amplitudes measured A5  1250Wl 2  Ei  . (
during the experiment shall not exceed the
vibration norms defined by the following for-
Vibration reducing measures
.1 permissible amplitudes A1, mm, of ver- 2.6.26 When vibration exceeds the norma-
tical oscillations of the aft extremity of ship tive value, measures aimed at its reducing
are defined by the formula: down to the values required by respective

A1  2 1  0.04N 2 ,  (
norms shall be developed.
Efficiency of the introduced measures shall
where N — actual oscillation frequency meas- be proved by repeated measurements of vibra-
ured during the experiment, Hz; tion for all basic operational modes of main
.2 permissible oscillation amplitudes A2, and auxiliary engines of the ship.
mm, of bearing surfaces of the engine founda- 2.6.27 Measures aimed at reducing the
tions for frequencies N = 10 Hz are 0.5; for global vibration at the frequency equal to the
frequencies over 10 Hz the amplitudes A2 are propeller shaft revolution frequency include:
determined by the formula: .1 checking propeller’s geometry (pitch of

A2  1 0.02N 2 ;  (
blades, pitch of sections and positional rela-
tionship of the axis of blades on the propeller
.3 permissible oscillation amplitudes A3, circle). Where deviations exceeding the design
mm, of plates in their centre are determined limits are found, this propeller shall be re-
by the formula: placed;
2 .2 filling or discharge of ballast tanks;
A3  0.125 a 100t   t , ( .3 changing propeller shaft revolution fre-
where a — shorter side of the plate, mm; quency.
t — plate thickness, mm; 2.6.28 Measures aimed at reducing the
.4 permissible oscillation amplitudes A4, global vibration with frequency aliquot to the
mm, of ordinary members and stiffeners in the number of propeller blades include:
middle of the span are determined by the for- .1 changing location of the propeller with
mula: respect to the hull or a propeller duct;
.2 changing the number of propeller
A4  4000Wl 2  Ei  , (
where W — section modulus of the profile .3 changing the contours of protruding
with effective flange, m3; parts in order to have them streamlined;
l — span of an ordinary member or a .4 fitting special arrangements to make
stiffener, m; the field of velocities in the propeller disc
more even;
.5 fitting shock absorbers in the hull above
of the ship and complies with condition the propellers.
H  4T  3V 2 g , where Ò — ship draught, m; V — 2.6.29 In order to reduce local vibration of
ship velocity, m/s; g — acceleration of gravity, m2/s. frequency aliquot to the number of propeller
140 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

blades, in addition to the measures listed in .1 place engines on shock absorbers or

2.6.28 proceed as follows: suspended joist foundations;
.1 thicken the oscillating plates or rein- .2 connect the engines installed on shock
force them by intermediate stiffeners; absorbers with other onboard machinery by
.2 check correctness of design of connec- elastic couplings.
tions in the places of intersection of longitu-
dinal and transverse members; arrange closed
2.6.31 The list of measures stated in 2.6.29
framing rings; check quality of welded joints.
and 2.6.30 is not exhaustive. Other measures
2.6.30 In order to reduce local vibration of to reduce vibration down to the required val-
frequency aliquot to the frequency of the en- ues shall be taken in each particular case on
gine crankshaft revolution, in addition to the the basis of analysis of vibration measure-
measures listed in 2.6.29 proceed as follows: ments.
3 Design of Displacement Ship Aluminum Alloy Hulls 141


3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS tem, if they support main direction girders

(Fig. b, d),
3.1.1 In regard to provisions not specified
in the present Section, refer to the require- c2  c1   b – c1  1 , (
ments of 2.1 to 2.5. where c1 — width of effective flange as per, cm;
3.2 MATERIALS AND MINIMUM 1 — coefficient equal to zero for com-
THICKNESSES OF HULL MEMBERS pressed effective flange and defined from Ta-
3.2.1 The materials used for fabrication of ble for tensioned effective flange of
hull structural components of aluminum al- plating;
loys shall comply with the requirements of 4
Part X of the Rules.
3.2.2 The minimum permissible plate
thickness of the hull members shall not be less
than that stated by the requirements of the
Rules to steel ship hulls.


3.3.1 Influence of the hull flexibility on the
bending moment and shear force shall be re-
garded, if
L 4 B  EI  > 6.01  103 , (3.3.1)
where L, B — design DWL length and
breadth of a ship, m;
E — Young’s modulus of the hull material,
MPa; Fig. Determination of longitudinal stiffen-
I — area moment of inertia of the hull ers' effective flange width
girder, m4;
.3 for floors, beams and frames in case of
3.3.2 hen calculating the framing girders, the transverse framing system, keelsons and
width of effective flange, cm, shall be deter- carlings in case of the longitudinal framing
mined by the following formulae: system (Fig., b, d)
.1 for the bottom and double bottom lon-
gitudinal stiffeners, ordinary frames and c3  0.5na 1  2  , (
beams (Fig., a, d) where n — number of rigid and reduced sec-
c1  0.5a ; ( tions;
.2 for floors, beams and frames in case of 2 — coefficient equal to 1 for tensioned
the longitudinal framing system, keelsons and effective flange and defined from diagram on
carlings in case of the transverse framing sys- Fig. for compressed effective flange.
142 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

T a b l e 3.3.5 For constrained plates, maximum

Coefficient 1 stresses  in a section at the bearing contour,
Design Values of 1 at 100 t/a equal to when subjected to transverse load, shall be
pressure p, determined by Fig. 3.3.5.
MPa 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
10 0.10 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.22
20 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.24
30 0.16 0.19 0.20 0.23 0.26
40 0.18 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.28
10 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.23
20 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25
30 0.16 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.26
40 0.18 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.28
10 0.12 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25
20 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.26
30 0.16 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.27
40 0.19 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.29
N o t e . per — permissible stress; t — plate
thickness, cm.
Fig. 3.3.5 Curves for determining the maximum
stresses  in a section at the bearing contour, when
subjected to transverse load, for constrained plates
3.3.6 For plates, for which stresses in the
bearing sections are not regulated,  due to
transverse load shall be found by Fig. 3.3.6.

Fig. Curves for determining coefficient 2

The effective flange width in all cases shall
not exceed 1/6 length of design span of the
girder concerned. Fig. 3.3.6 Curves for determining the maximum
stresses  in plates, for which stresses in the bearing
3.3.3 Webs of profiles, in case of web sections are not regulated, due to transverse load
height to thickness ratio exceeds 60, shall be
reinforced by stiffeners. 3.3.7 Euler’s stresses in plates, MPa, shall
be calculated by the formulae:
3.3.4 A free flange width bf to thickness tf in case of compression along the long side
ratio shall not exceed the value determined by of the bearing contour
the formula:
E  26 100t a  ;
bf t f  100 2.65 ReH , (3.3.4) (3.3.7-1)
where ReÍ — yield point of the material, MPa. in case of compression along the short side
The bf / tf ratio shall not exceed 14. of the bearing contour
3 Design of Displacement Ship Aluminum Alloy Hulls 143

  Bf — hold width at the level of the upper

E  6.37 100t a  1  à 2 b 2
; (3.3.7-2) floor edge, m.
in case of shear forces (the side plates) 3.3.14 Where the side depth is 2 to 3 m,
E  6.37k 100t a  ‚
2 one side stringer is required; when it exceeds
3 m, two side stringers are required.
where t — plate thickness, cm;
a — length of the short side, cm; 3.3.15 Thickness of the side outer shell
b — length of the long side, cm; plating shall be taken the same as that of the
k — coefficient determined from Ta- bottom.
ble 2.2.75. 3.3.16 A ratio of critical normal stress and
3.3.8 The spacing of a transversely framed the yield point is a buckling criterion of the
hull shall be taken not more than 500 mm. grillage's girders cr ReH ; this ratio is deter-
In case of the longitudinal framing system mined by the diagram (Fig. 3.3.16) and shall
of the bottom and decks, the spacing shall not be not less than the following:
exceed 600 mm. for longitudinal web members of the deck 0.95
The spacing in way of forepeak shall be de- and bottom grillages (carlings, keelsons) of all
creased down to 400 mm. ship types
for longitudinal girders of the deck grillages:
3.3.9 Continuous floors shall be installed at where keelsons are participating in global 0.9
least every three spacings. Bracket floors are bending of the grillages;
not allowed. where keelsons are not participating in 0.7
global bending at lc/Bc > 1.5 (lc and Bc are
3.3.10 Section modulus of the continuous the length and width of the grillage, respec-
floors, cm3, shall be at least tively);
for longitudinal girders of the deck grillages:
W  62.5QBf  p , (3.3.10) for open ships 0.9
where Q — total load on the floor, kN; for closed ships 0.78
Bf — hold width at a level of the upper for longitudinal girders of the deck and bot- 0.7
tom grillages for flush deck ships
floor edge, m;
p — permissible stresses, MPa.
3.3.11 Keelsons shall be installed in such a
way that a distance between them, for ships of
all classes, does not exceed 2 m. Area mo-
ment of inertia of centre keelson shall not be
less than 1.5 of the area moment of inertia of
continuous floor and 0.75 of that of the side
3.3.12 The minimum thickness of the outer
shell plating shall be specified based on the
calculation results.
3.3.13 Area moment of inertia of side
branch of a web frame, cm4, shall not be less
I 1  2IH Bt , (3.3.13)
where I — area moment of inertia of the
floor, cm4; Fig. 3.3.16 Diagram for determination of critical
H — height of the side frame branch, m; normal stresses
144 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

3.4 PERMISSIBLE STRESSES for riveted structures 0.9

for welded structures:
3.4.1 For stresses caused by global bending at 3  t < 4 0.7
and local load and for summary stresses, the at t  4 0.8
unsafe normal stresses 0 of a constant nature Here, t — thickness of structure elements
shall be taken as follows, MPa: to be connected, mm;
.1 under tension .2 under compression
0  kR ð 0.2 , ( 0  cr . (
where R ð0.2 — yield point of the material .3 unsafe tangent stresses are taken as
0  0.570 . (
corresponding to residual deformation of
0.2%, MPa. 3.4.2 The regulated permissible normal and
Values of k are taken equal to: tangent stresses are stated in Table 3.4.2.
T a b l e 3.4.2
Regulated permissible stresses for various hull members and design stress characteristics
Regulated permissible
Name and characteristic of the hull
Characteristic of design stresses due to loads stresses as percentage
of the unsafe stresses
1. Rigid members of the hull Normal and tangent stresses due to global bending 0.75
girder participating only in
global strength and not carrying
any local load (longitudinal
deck members)
2. Rigid members of the hull Ditto 0.60
girder participating in global Total normal and tangent stresses due to global
strength and carrying local load bending and grillage bending:
in a span 0.75
on a bearing 0.90
3. Longitudinal girder partici- Total normal and tangent stresses due to global and
pating in global strength and local bending:
carrying local load in a span 0.80
on a bearing 0.90
4. Transverse framing Normal and tangent stresses in web frames, beams
and floors, ordinary frames and beams due to local
in a span 0.80
on a bearing 0.90
5. Shell plating and flooring of Normal stresses due to local load:
the hull, bulkhead and tank in a span 0.85
plates on a bearing 0.95
6. Longitudinal and transverse Ditto:
bulkheads (including tank in a span 0.80
walls): web stays and shelves, on a bearing 0.90
ordinary stays
7. Pillars and braces checked Ditto:
for buckling for separately working members 0.50
for intersecting braces 0.75 (but not more
than 0.5Rp0,2))
3 Design of Displacement Ship Aluminum Alloy Hulls 145

3.5 WELDING JOINTS .4 foundations of engines (main and aux-

iliary) and of other machinery.
3.5.1 Tee-joints with double-sided welds
shall be applied for welding of: 3.5.2 Intermittent fillet welding is not al-
.1 joints of the main hull structure mem- lowed for tee-joints of strength hull structures.
bers (floors to keelsons, frames to stringers,
beams to carlings and coamings, etc.); 3.5.3 Free ends of girder webs, stiffeners,
.2 watertight bulkheads, floors, keelsons, knees and flanges, as well as sections of girder
etc. to the outer shell plating and flooring; webs and bulkheads in way of cutouts, in case
.3 hull structures in areas of engine room of single-side welding, shall be continuously
and propulsion units and areas of local vibra- welded around with the weld passed over to
tion, alternate or impact loads; the other side for at least 30 mm.
146 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”


4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS half of the hull’s length and which are fitted
with at least three transverse bulkheads (in the
4.1.1 The requirements of the present sec-
fore, middle and aft parts of a superstructure
tion apply to the following types of catamaran
or a wheelhouse);
of M, O, P and Ë classes:
.2 by means of a bridge, which is a system
.1 self-propelled aft-engined one-decked
of transverse girders with a single-sided or
dry cargo ships;
double-sided lining. When calculating a
.2 passenger ships; strength, short superstructures of a length not
.3 tugboats and pushboats. exceeding 0.15L in the fore and aft extremi-
4.1.2 Catamaran general dimensions: ties shall be considered as a part of the bridge.
L — design waterline length, m; 4.1.6 Cutouts with width exceeding a half
B — design waterline breadth amidships, m; of one hull breadth and with length exceeding
Bh — one hull design waterline breadth a half of the hold length are not allowed in
amidships, m; catamaran hull decks is they are connected by
H — outer side depth amidships, m; means of the bridge. This requirement does
Hfb — freeboard amidships, m; not apply to cutouts, above which superstruc-
ñ — horizontal clearance (the least distance tures or wheelhouses with strong walls (bulk-
between inner sides of the hulls at design wa- heads) are installed, if requirements of 4.4.3
terline), m; and 2.4.55 to 2.4.57 are met.
hvi — vertical clearance at ith theoretical 4.1.7 The requirements for checking cata-
frame (a distance from the design waterline to maran hulls’ strength specified in this chapter
plating of the bridge or bottom point of a apply to ships with length-based Froude num-
framing measured at the centre line), m. ber not exceeding 0.4.
4.1.3 he requirements of present chapter are
4.1.8 In regard to issues not specified in
applied to ships whose general dimension ra-
this section, refer to the requirements of 2 for
tios correspond to the following conditions:
steel catamaran hulls and 3 for light alloy
L H  25 ; (4.1.3-1) catamaran hulls.
L B  46; (4.1.3-2)
4.1.9 A sufficient strength of the hull shall
hv H fb  0.65 , (4.1.3-3) be verified by strength tests of the lead ship in
where hv — vertical clearance amidships in a series conducted according to a program
fully loaded condition. approved by the River Register.
The test program shall provide instrumental
4.1.4 The catamaran hulls shall be made of
measurements of both wind and wave condi-
steel or aluminum alloys complying with the
tions and associated loads and stresses, as well
requirements of Part X of the Rules.
as a possibility of subdividing the latter into
4.1.5 In the present chapter a connection statical variables and impact components.
of the catamaran hulls is provided by one of For the strength assessment of the hull
the following ways: members, the sensors shall be placed in sec-
.1 by means of a strong superstructure or tions where maximum stresses and deforma-
wheelhouse, whose length is not less than a tions are expected from the calculations. The
4 Design of Catamaran Hulls 147

number of sensors shall be sufficient to plot intermediate values of B0 between Bh and B

the stress diagram in the section. shall be determined by linear interpolation;
During the tests, a stress condition shall be k1 — coefficient determined from Table
evaluated in components of connecting struc- 4.2.2;
tures participating in the transverse strength, T a b l e 4.2.2
including transverse bulkheads of superstruc- Coefficient k1 depending on operation area
tures or wheelhouses with adjacent parts of and ship length
plating. Sensors shall be placed bear the inner Basin Coefficient k1 at ship length L, m
sides and in the centre plane in order to class 20 60 100 140
evaluate symmetrical and unsymmetrical de- Ì 0.0234 0.0172 0.0136 0.0116
formations of the transverse members. Î 0.0207 0.0134 0.0099 0.0077
Ð 0.0168 0.0107 0.0078 0.0055
A synchronous record of sensor readings Ë 0.0123 0.0085 0.0061 —
shall be ensured.
k2 — coefficient taken equal to the greatest
4.1.10 Design and scantlings of catamaran of the three values:
hull members shall meet the requirements of
4.4. k2  1 ; (4.2.2-4)
The scantling of hull members of ships k2  2  20Tf L ; (4.2.2-5)
with a length over 50 m shall be also verified
k 2  1  4.5k41  khv.av h ñ 1   khv.av h  Bh ,
by calculation in accordance with the re-  
quirements of 4.2 and 4.3.
4.2 CALCULATION OF GLOBAL Tf — forward draught for design loading
LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH condition of the ship, m;
ñ — horizontal clearance amidships, m;
4.2.1 Bending moments Msw and shear hv.av — average value of a vertical clearance
forces Fsw on still water shall be calculated by over a section from the bridge’s fore extremity
integrating a load curve over at least 21 equi- to the fifth theoretical frame, if the bridge is
distant ordinates. extended to the plane of a zero theoretical
4.2.2 Additional wave bending moment in frame, m,
the middle part of ship, kNm, hv.av  0.2 0.5  hv0  hv5   hv1  hv2  hv3  hv4  ,
M aw  2  9.81k0 k1k2 k3 Bh L h , (4.2.2-1) (4.2.2-7)
where k0 — coefficient calculated by the fol- when the fore extremity lays at the distance
lowing formulae: xbr, m, to the aft from the theoretical frame,
for ships of M and O classes hv.av  0.5  hv0  hv4   hv1  hv2  hv3 
k0  1.24 – 1.7B0 L ; (4.2.2-2)
 0.5  hv4  hvf  1  2xbr L   5  20xbr L ,
for ships of Ð and Ë classes
k0  1.24 – 2B0 L ; (4.2.2-3)
hvf — vertical clearance at the fore extrem-
values of k0 shall not exceed 1; ity of the bridge;
B0 — design breadth to be taken equal to: k — coefficient equal to:
breadth of one hull Bh, where the ship’s
length L  30 m for ships of Ì class and k  2c h 1  3 c  h  ; (4.2.2-9)
L  20 m for ships of all the rest classes; c, h — coefficients considering influence
breadth of ship B, where the ship’s length of horizontal and vertical clearances in the
L  60 m for ships of Ì class and L  40 m fore extremity on constraint of flow between
for ships of all the rest classes; the hulls:
148 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

c   0.15  3.5 h L  c2 Bh ; (4.2.2-10) summary stresses shall not exceed permissible

stresses specified in:
h  1 when hv2 h  1.25  .1 Table 2.2.68 for steel ships;
h   0.56  1.25 hv2 h when hv2 h  1.25 .2 Table 3.4.2 for ships of light alloys.
(4.2.2-11) 4.2.6 The global strength of the hull shall
c2 — horizontal clearance at the second be verified checked with regard to ultimate
theoretical frame, m; moments in accordance with 2.2.76 to 2.2.94.
c, h — coefficients considering influence
of the clearances amidships on pitching of 4.3 STRENGTH CALCULATIONS
 c  0.43 c Bh ; (4.2.2-12) 4.3.1 Calculations proving a sufficient

 h  0.2  0.07 2h v10 h ; (4.2.2-13) strength of members connecting the hulls in
case of unfavorable combination of loads shall
k3 — coefficient dependent on the length- be made.
based Froude number:
4.3.2 Strength calculations of members
k3  1 when Fr  0.2  connecting the hulls shall be made in accor-
; dance with strength calculation method of
k3  0.6 + 2Fr when 0.2  Fr  0.4 
catamaran hull body bridges (Appendix 1) or
(4.2.2-14) other method approved by the River Register.
k4 — coefficient considering the influence
of decrease of the bridge length in the fore 4.4 DESIGNING OF THE HULL
extremity on reduction of the impact mo-
ment; it is taken equal to 1 if the bridge is 4.4.1 The minimum permissible thicknesses
extended to the zero theoretical frame; where of hull member plates shall correspond to
the fore extremity of the bridge is located at Table 2.4.1-1. For ships with a length less
the distance xb to the aft from the theoretical than 25 m, the minimum thickness is deter-
frame, it is calculated by the following formulae: mined according to 2.5.74 to 2.5.84, 2.5.101.
For hulls with deadrise, keel strake thick-
k4  1  10 xbr L when 0  xbr L  0.05
; ness shall be not less than that indicated in
k4  0.5 when xbr L  0.05  Table 2.4.1-1 for the bilge strake. For ships
(4.2.2-15) with a length of less than 25 m, the bilge
strake thickness shall be not less than that
 — block coefficient for the design load-
specified in 2.5.75 and 2.5.77.
ing conditions, for which the value of Msw is
obtained; The minimum thickness of strong lining
participating in global and local strength of
h — design wave height, m, taken from
the bridge shall be taken according to thick-
Table 2.1.2;
nesses specified in Table 2.4.1-1 for the outer
4.2.3 Normal and tangent stresses due to shell plating in the middle part of ship. For
global longitudinal bending shall be calculated ships with a length of less than 25 m, the
according to 2.2.40; here, bridge members are strong lining thickness shall be not less than
included into the hull girder. specified in 2.5.75.
4.2.4 Stresses in longitudinal members due 4.4.2 If the transverse system is used for
to global longitudinal bending and local bend- bridge framing, the transverse web and ordi-
ing are summed in accordance with the re- nary members of the bridge shall be placed in
quirements of 2.2.61 to 2.2.66. the same plane with appropriate hull members.
4.2.5 Maximum normal and tangent 4.4.3 Where cutouts in hull deck exceed
stresses due to global longitudinal bending and 0.7 of the hull breadth, the deck shall be rein-
4 Design of Catamaran Hulls 149

forced in the area of such a cutout plus over a be taken according to 5.1 to 5.3 of Ta-
distance of 0.5 cutout width forwards and ble 2.4.1-1.
abaft the cutout.
4.4.9 Depth of hull's web beam in way of
4.4.4 In case of curvilinear shape of cross- inner side shall be equal to the depth of
sections of the hulls in the area of the parallel closed bridge's web beam. The beam depth
body, and in case of the transverse framing shall decrease gradually at least over a dis-
system of the side and the longitudinal fram- tance from the inner side to the nearest car-
ing system of the bottom, ordinary side ling of the hull. An area of the strip in this
frames shall be finished at the side keelsons or section shall be increased by 1.5. In the hulls
strengthened longitudinal girders. at the level of bridge lining, stringers accord-
ing to Fig. 4.4.9-1 or strengthened knees ac-
4.4.5 Where a transverse strength of a cata-
cording to Fig. 4.4.9-2 shall be provided.
maran is ensured by superstructure transverse
bulkheads or trusses installed above the deck,
transverse bulkheads shall be installed in the
hulls in the planes of these bulkheads or
trusses. If, due to arrangement of spaces, this
requirement is impracticable, strengthened
side web frames with a web depth at least 1.5
floor depth may be provided instead of the
bulkheads. In joints of the strengthened side
web frames and web beams, knees shall be
4.4.6 Thickness and scantlings of super-
structure bulkhead members participating in
global transverse strength of the catamaran
shall be specified according to the require- Fig. 4.4.9-1 Fitting a stringer at the level
ments of 2.4.63 to 2.4.80. Here, horizontal of bridge lining
stiffeners shall be fitted between the centre
lines of the hulls, and web stays shall be fitted 4.4.10 When specifying scantlings of web
in vertical planes passing through the upper beams of the bridge open from the top or
edge of inner side plating (unless longitudinal from the bottom (including bridges with a
bulkheads are provided in these planes). light bottom lining not participating in
In the superstructure bulkheads participat- strength of bridge members and global
ing in the global transverse strength, cutouts strength of the ship and bridges with detach-
with a width exceeding 0.5 of the bulkhead able upper deck) requirements of 2.4.48 shall
height are not permitted and existing openings be met.
shall be reinforced by coamings. Door cutouts Scantling of bridge's web beams shall be
shall be clear of web stays located in planes of not less than scantling of hull’s web beams.
inner sides and of bulkhead ends at least for a
half of the height of the opening. 4.4.11 In the place where web beam of the
bridge open from the bottom is attached to
4.4.7 Bridge structure shall be so designed
the inner side, vertical knees corresponding to
as to be accessible for inspection and repair.
directions of 2.3.12 and 2.3.13 or horizontal
The height of a closed (doubled) bridge
knees according to Fig. 4.4.11 shall be fitted.
confined by a watertight strength lining from
the bottom and by a watertight deck from the
4.4.12 Flange of a web beam of a bridge
top shall not be not less than 800 mm.
open from the top shall be connected to the
4.4.8 Minimum web thickness of web deck by means of horizontal knees according
beams and carlings of the closed bridge shall to Fig. 4.4.12.
150 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Fig. 4.4.12 Connection between flange of web

beam of the bridge open from the top and deck
The like knees shall be fitted where a hull's
web beam is connected with the inner side at
the level of bridge lining. Rounded brackets
duly sized may be fitted instead of knees.
4.4.13 In case of the transverse framing
Fig. 4.4.9-2 Structure reinforcement at the level system in the closed bridge and the bridge
of bridge lining opened from the top and fitted with detach-
able deck, between the web beams, bracket
beams shall be fitted consisting of upper and
lower ordinary girders connected by brackets
in way of carlings and inner sides.
4.4.14 Width of the brackets shall be not
less than 0.3 of height of the closed bridge or
the distance between the lining and detach-
able deck; thickness of the brackets shall be
not less than the web beam's web thickness; if
bracket width to thickness ratio exceeds 35,
free edges of the bracket shall have welded to
bent flanges.
4.4.15 In a span between the brackets, the
upper and lower girders may be connected by
means of cross-members. For the bridge
opened from the top, where a distance be-
tween carlings or between a carling and the
Fig. 4.4.11 Reinforcement of place where web inner side exceeds 1.5 m, the installation of
beam of the bridge open from the bottom is the cross-members is mandatory. Cross-
attached to the inner side sectional area of the cross-member shall be
4 Design of Catamaran Hulls 151

not less than the cross-sectional area of the 4.4.20 Ordinary beam of the deck of the
least of girders being connected. bridge open from the bottom shall be con-
nected to the inner side by means of a knee.
4.4.16 Scantling of ordinary beams of
bridge deck and upper girders of the bracket 4.4.21 Where a transverse strength of cata-
beams shall be specified in accordance with maran is provided by particular strengthened
requirements of 2.4.48. Here, in case of de- girders (i.e. where the bridge structure is not
tachable deck, section modulus of the upper homogeneous), these girders shall coincide
girder shall be taken without effective flange. with hull's transverse bulkheads. If the above
is impracticable, strengthened ring strictures
4.4.17 Scantling of ordinary beams of the
may be used instead of the bulkheads.
bridge lining shall be not less than those taken
for ordinary frames or for inner side stiffeners. Webs of the strengthened girders shall be
fitted in the same plane with web frames of
4.4.18 Where cross-members are fitted, the hulls.
section moduli of the upper and lower girders
4.4.22 Connection of the strengthened
of a bracket beam may be reduced by 40%.
girder with the hull shall be effected by means
4.4.19 In case of the longitudinal framing of extending the girder inside the hull over at
system of the inner side and the hull deck, a least 0.25 the hull’s breadth or by means of
knee extended to the uppermost side stiffener festoons fitted in the hull at a level of the
shall be fitted between the deck longitudinal bottom flange of the girder. Knees shall be
stiffener and the side plating in the plane of fitted where the girder flange is connected
bracket beam's bracket. with the inner side.
152 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”



5.1.1 The requirements of present chapter
applies to hydrofoil craft of Î-ÏÐ, O, Ð and
Ë classes with two lightly submerged foils and
the following characteristics:
for rigidity
I  D L   3  10
3 8
; (5.1.1-1)

for speed
 6
D   18 , (5.1.1-2)
where I — area moment of inertia of the
weakest cross-section of the hull girder in the
middle part of ship, m4;
D — ship displacement in fully loaded
condition, t;
L — the greatest length of hull
(Fig. 5.1.1), m;
Fig. 5.1.1 Nc and Mc distribution diagram for hy-
v — design speed in foilborne mode on still drofoil craft
water, m/s.
5.1.5 The lead ship in a series of every de-
5.1.2 The requirements of present chapter sign shall be tested to verify strength and vi-
are focused on the longitudinal framing sys- bration level under a program approved by the
tem of the hull and superstructure. River Register.
In the present Section, superstructure The test results shall be submitted to the
means a part of the ship above the lower edge River Register.
of window cutouts and, where the latter are
5.1.6 Ships with strength meeting the re-
not provided, a part of the ship above the
upper deck. quirements of 5.2, are allowed to operate in
displacement mode at wave height, m, in ba-
5.1.3 For fabrication of hull and super- sin of category:
structure structures, aluminum alloys shall be Î-ÏÐ, Î 2.0
used which comply with the requirements of 4 Ð 1.2
Part X of the Rules. Ë 0.6

5.1.4 Materials to be submitted to the 5.2 GLOBAL STRENGTH AND BUCKLING

River Register shall comprise the calculations CALCULATIONS
of: 5.2.1 The global strength of a ship shall be
.1 global strength of ship; checked with regard to normal and tangent
.2 local strength of ship; stresses caused by design bending moments
.3 strength of foil arrangements; and shear forces in foilborne mode at design
.4 vibrations. wave height.
5 Design of Hydrofoil Craft Hulls 153

The buckling of structures in the whole and

their elements shall be checked also.
5.2.2 For a hydrofoil craft underway in
foilborne mode, the values of design wave
height h shall be taken at least equal to that
specified below, m, for basin of category:
Î-ÏÐ, Î 1.3
Ð 0.8 Fig. 5.2.3-1 Determination of point
Ë 0.4 of supporting force at the fore foil
5.2.3 Design bending moment Md, kNm, m — coefficient determined from
and shear force Nd, kN, shall be calculated by Fig. 5.2.3-2 and depending on design deadrise
the formulae (see Fig. 5.1.1): angle of the bottom , deg, in section A–A
M d  M s  1  kM n  , (5.2.3-1) (Fig. 5.2.3-3);
N d  N s 1  k N n  , (5.2.3-2)
where Ms, Ns — bending moment, kNm, and
shear force, kN, in a cross-section under con-
sideration in foilborne mode on still water;
kM, kN — coefficients depending on the
longitudinal position of the cross-section un-
der consideration and defined by the formulae:
kM  1 – 0.040 j ; (5.2.3-3)
kN  0.7 – 0.015 j , (5.2.3-4)
where j — number of the design frame: for
extreme fore frame j = 0 and for extreme aft
frame j = 20;
n — additional design overload (ratio be-
tween additional acceleration in a cross-
section above the bow foil arrangement in Fig. 5.2.3-2 Coefficient m vs. design bottom
foilborne mode at design waves and the accel- deadrise angle 
eration of gravity).
The value of n shall be obtained using a
prototype or from model tests. Where those
data are not available, it may be calculated by
the formula
n  kmvw2 h Dred , (5.2.3-5)
where Dred — reduced displacement of ship, t:

Dred  D  1  15  lf L   ,
 
lf — distance between the centre of gravity Fig. 5.2.3-3 Cross-section where bottom deadrise
and the centre of supporting force at the fore angle  is determined
foil (point 0 in the Fig. 5.2.3-1); vw — ship’s speed in foilborne mode in de-
k — coefficient equal to, at h, m: sign wave conditions, km/h, determined by
k the formula
1.5 0.035
1.3 0.030 vw = 0.85v, (5.2.3-7)
0.8 0.020 where v — ship’s speed in foilborne mode on
0.4 0.010 still water, km/h.
154 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

For intermediate values of wave height, co- in section IV – IV in way of the fore foil
efficient k is to be determined by linear inter- arrangement, where a continuous part of su-
polation. perstructure wall is not available forwards of
Values of vw and k shall be adjusted based the foil arrangement.
on model testing or prototype ship trials. If the design bending moment in section
Values of n in formulae (5.2.3-1) and I — I differs from a moment in section II —
(5.2.3-2) shall be not less than, at h, m: II or III — III by less than 10%, the calcula-
n tion of the global strength in section I — I
1.5 1.0 may be omitted.
1.3 0.9
0.8 0.6 5.2.6 When determining the hull girder
0.4 0.3 section moduli, in sections I — I, II — II and
Design wave height in foilborne mode III — III the hull and superstructure members
(within the wave height range for the relevant shall be considered and in section IV — IV
operation area) shall be specified on the basis only hull members shall be considered.
of the technical design assignment. This value For riveted superstructure and welded hull,
of the wave height is limiting for a ship in superstructure members shall be included in
foilborne mode and shall be indicated in the the hull girder with a coefficient of 0.9.
Operation Manual.
5.2.7 If the breadth of window cutouts is
5.2.4 When calculating bending moments greater than the distance between them, two
MT and shear forces NT, the following direc- extreme continuous parts of superstructure
tions shall be complied: walls shall be provided with a length c (see
.1 a load curve shall be plotted by a com- Fig. 5.1.1) exceeding the window height by at
mon way using at least 21 equidistant ordi- least 20% or other construction measures shall
nates; be taken to prevent the superstructure from
.2 design values of foil supporting force, participation in global bending of the ship.
kN, shall be determined by the formulae: 5.2.8 Compressed plates are included to
for the fore foil the hull girder with a reduction coefficient
Fsb  9.81D   Fss , (    cr  p  1 , (5.2.8-1)
for the aft foil
where cr — critical normal stress of the
Fss  9.81D lf l0 ; ( compressed plate which is determined by Fig.
where l0 — distance between supporting force 3.3.16 depending on the ratio E/ReH
point at the fore and aft foils, m; E — normal Euler’s stress of a plate,
.3 points of foil supporting forces Fsb and MPa, which shall be calculated by formula
Fss are determined according to Fig. 5.2.3-1; (3.3.7-1) in case of the longitudinal framing
.4 foil supporting forces Fsb and Fss are system;
distributed over the design spacings depending p — permissible normal stress due to
on extension of the fore (aft) foil struts along global bending of the ship.
the hull. Parts of the plate adjacent to longitudinal
5.2.5 Checking the ship’s global strength girders of width equal to the following values
due to normal design stresses shall be carried at each side are not subject to reduction:
out in cross-sections (see Fig. 5.1.1) where 0.25а when a t  80, (5.2.8-2)
the greatest normal stresses are assumed:
in section I — I, where the greatest bend- 20t when a t  80 , (5.2.8-3)
ing moment is assumed; where à — distance between the longitudinal
in weakened sections II – II and III – III girders;
in the middle part of ship; t — plate thickness.
5 Design of Hydrofoil Craft Hulls 155

5.2.9 Design normal stresses in extreme 5.2.12 In sections weakened by the window
members of the hull girder shall be deter- or door cutouts, the design tangent stresses 
mined by the formulae: shall be determined by formula (5.2.11) re-
u  10  u Ì d Wu ; (5.2.9-1) gardless of a part of the superstructure above
the cutout.
l  10 l Ì d Wl ; (5.2.9-2)
where u, l — design stresses in the upper- 5.2.13 In sections in extreme continuous
most and lowermost members of the hull parts of superstructure walls, the design tan-
girder (superstructure), MPa; gent stresses , MPa, shall be taken equal to
u, l — coefficients equal to: the greatest of those calculated in accordance
for sections passing through continu- 1.0 with directions of 5.2.11 and by the formula
ous parts of superstructure walls (be-    d f  ktc  , (5.2.13)
yond the window cutouts) as well as for
section IV — IV (see. Fig. 5.1.1) where d — design stresses in the superstruc-
for sections in way of window cutouts 0.85 ture deck in section II – II (see Fig. 5.1.1),
and 1.40 MPa;
Md — design bending moment in the cross- f — cross-sectional area of the superstruc-
section under consideration (see 5.2.3); ture longitudinal members above the window
Wu, Wl — section moduli for the upper- cutouts in section II — II having regard the
most and lowermost members of the hull reduction, cm2;
girder (see 5.2.6).
For riveted superstructure and welded hull, k — coefficient equal to:
for extreme continuous part of the super- 3.0
coefficient u shall be reduced by 10 %. structure walls in way of a foil arrange-
5.2.10 Global strength due to tangent ment;
stresses shall be checked in sections where the for extreme continuous part of the super- 1.5
greatest tangent stresses are expected: structure wall in the middle part of ship;
in sections V — V and VI — VI (see Fig. t, c — thickness and length of the given ex-
5.1.1) where the greatest shear force occurs; treme continuous part of the superstructure
in weakened sections; wall, correspondingly, cm.
in sections in extreme continuous parts of
5.2.14 Critical normal stresses shall meet
the superstructure walls.
the following conditions:
5.2.11 Design tangent stresses, MPa, shall for the superstructure deck longitudinal
be determined by the formula: stiffeners
  N рS I  t  , (5.2.11)  cr   1.5 ; (5.2.14-1)
where Nd — design shear force in a cross- for the bottom longitudinal stiffeners
section, kN;
I — area moment of inertia of the hull cr Rр 0.2  0.7 , (5.2.14-2)
girder, m4; where  — design stresses in the superstruc-
S — static moment, relative to the axis, of ture deck, MPa;
the part of hull girder cross-section situated Rp0,2 — yield stress of the material, MPa,
either above or below the given horizontal corresponding to residual deformation of
cross-section, in which tangent stresses are 0.2%.
calculated, m3; Critical normal stresses of a stiffener cr are
 t — the sum of thicknesses of the sides, determined according to Fig. 3.3.16 depending
longitudinal coaming plates and longitudinal on the ratio E/Rp0,2, where E is Euler’s nor-
bulkheads in the given horizontal section, in mal stress of a stiffener material when the
which tangent stresses are calculated, mm. stiffener ends are assumed resting freely.
156 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

5.2.15 Euler’s normal stresses of plates of 20th frame (see Fig. 5.3.1-1), values of design
the side plating and the superstructure walls pressure p are to be determined by linear in-
shall meet the condition terpolation.
E   1.5 , (5.2.15) Design loads shall be assumed uniformly
distributed throughout the bottom breadth.
where  — design tangent stresses of plates in
the section. For ships designed for the design wave
When determining E, plates shall be con- height h (in foilborne mode) coefficient k is
sidered freely resting around the contour. equal to:
1.5 0.035
1.3 0.030
5.3.1 Values of local loads specified by a 0.8 0.020
design pressure p, kPà, over ship length for 0.4 0.015
checking strength of plates of bottom plating For ships designed for intermediate design
and longitudinal bottom stiffeners shall be wave height, coefficient k is to be calculated
taken equal to (Fig. 5.3.1-1): by linear interpolation.
Values of Dred, vw and m are calculated ac-
cording to 5.2.3.
5.3.2 Strength of the floors and bottom
grillages shall be checked with regard to uni-
formly distributed load specified by pressure
equal to 0.5p, where p is a pressure for the
floor under consideration or a floor located in
the middle of the span (when calculating the
Fig. 5.3.1-1 Design pressure p vs. ship length
grillage) according to 5.3.1.
p0 — load applied along a section from the
zero design frame to section A – A (see Fig. 5.3.3 A design load on a side shell plating
5.3.1-1); and side framing shall be uniformly distrib-
uted over the side depth according to a tra-
p0  kmvв2 4 Dred ; (5.3.1) peze law and specified by a pressure varying
p0 at the 10th design frame; from 3 kPa at the level of the lower edge of
0.7p0 at the 20th design frame; window cutouts up to 0.5p at the bilge level,
where  — coefficient determined from where p is a pressure determined according to
Fig. 5.3.1-2 depending on the ratio 10/А 5.3.1 for shell plating and longitudinal stiffen-
ers and according to 5.3.2 for frames and side
(here, 10 and A are the angles measured as
shown in Fig. 5.2.3-3, at the 10th design frame
and in section A — A). 5.3.4 Design load, kPa, shall be set by
pressure equal to:
for decks and platforms intended for 5
transportation of passengers and crew as
well as for parts of superstructure decks
where passengers may be present while
for decks in way of passenger seats 3‚5
for superstructure decks 3
Those loads shall be taken for deck parts
Fig. 5.3.1-2 Coefficient  variations
bordered by a line, for which an angle be-
For sections located along the ship’s length tween a tangent to the shell plating and the
between section À, the 10th frame, and the base line is not less than 30.
5 Design of Hydrofoil Craft Hulls 157

5.3.5 Strength of beams and half-beams of Area moment of inertia, cm4, of beams and
the superstructure deck shall be checked with half-beams including effective flange shall be
regard to bending moment, kNm, calculated not less than
by the formula: I  0.55dB 3 . (5.3.5-5)
2 2
M b  9.81  10 k b dB , (5.3.5-1)
5.3.6 The design load, kPa, on front walls
where kb — coefficient obtained from and windows of the superstructure shall be
Fig. 5.3.5; taken as follows for basin of category:
Î-ÏÐ, Î 20
Ð 10
Ë 5
Design pressure on the side walls and win-
dows of the superstructure shall be taken
equal to 3 kPa.
5.3.7 Design load on transverse watertight
bulkheads shall be taken uniformly distributed
according to triangle law and specified by
maximum pressure at the level of the ship’s
bottom which is equal to a distance between
the bottom to the bulkhead deck and, where
the latter is not provided, double average
draught in displacement mode.
5.3.8 Design load on structures enclosing
Fig. 5.3.5 Coefficient kb variation the tanks is taken distributed over a height
according to trapeze law and specified by
B — ship’s breadth at the deck level, m. maximum pressure at the tank bottom level
When determining bending moment for which is equal to a distance between the tank
beams, d shall be taken equal to, m: bottom and the upper end of an air outlet.
where only beams are fitted
5.3.9 During strength calculations for the
d  0.500  d1  d2  ; (5.3.5-2) loads specified in the present chapter, the
where beams and half-beams are fitted alter- plates shall be considered absolutely rigid and
natively constrained at a bearing contour not subject
to deformation.
d  0.375  d1  d2  , (5.3.5-3) During local strength calculations, longitu-
where d1, d2 — distances from the beam un- dinal girders shall be considered constrained.
der consideration to the nearest beams or 5.3.10 Elements of cross-sectional area of
transverse bulkheads, m. the framing girders shall be determined with
When calculating bending moment of half- due regard to effective flanges or flooring.
beams, d shall be taken equal to .1 For members directly connected to the
d  0.500  d1  d2  , (5.3.5-4) shell plating, the effective flange width c shall
be taken equal to:
where d1 , d2 — distances from the half-
c = 0.5a at a t  80 ; (5.3.10-1)
beam under consideration to the nearest
beams or transverse bulkheads, m. c = 40t at a t  80 , (5.3.10-2)
Scantling of beams and half-beams may be where a — average distance between the
obtained taking load as uniformly distributed same-name members;
and equal to 1.47d, kN/m. t — thickness of shell plating or flooring.
158 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

The effective flange width in all cases Pb  kFsb ; (5.4.1-1)

shall not exceed 1/6 of the design span of the for the aft foil
.2 For members laid onto the longitudinal Ps  0.75kFss , (5.4.1-2)
girders (attached framing system), the effec- where k — coefficient equal to the following
tive flange width shall be taken equal to zero. for ships designed for the design wave height
h, m (in foilborne mode):
5.3.11 During buckling calculations of k
girders, when determining their cross- 1.5 2.2
sectional area, the effective flange width shall 1.3 2.0
be taken equal to the average distance be- 0.8 and less 1.8
tween the same-name girders, and when de- Fsb, Fss — supporting forces at the fore foil
termining the area moment of inertia of gird- and the aft foil determined by formulae
ers, the effective flange width shall be taken ( and (
according to 5.3.10. For intermediate wave heights, value of k is
5.3.12 Local strength calculations for dry to be determined by linear interpolation.
docking and lifting by a crane shall be carried Strength of foil arrangements, kN, shall be
out for light ship condition. Here, buckling checked also for simultaneous action of the
strength of the structures shall be provided forces Fsb, Fss and horizontal loads generated
with a safety factor of 1.5 relatively to design by horizontal point forces applied at places
stresses. where the struts connect with respective foils,
and the resultant force shall be calculated by
5.3.13 Local strength and buckling calcula- the formula
tions of the hull structures in the places where
the foil arrangements are attached shall be Pc  20.59  10 3 D v 2 l0 , (5.4.1-3)
carried out for loads specified in 5.4.1. where l0 — distance between points of sup-
porting force at the fore and aft foils, m;
5.3.14 Dimensions of bridges between win-
Resultant force Pr shall be distributed be-
dows shall meet one of the following ratios:
tween the struts pro rata projections of their
h0 b0  5 ; (5.3.14-1) submersed surfaces onto the centre plane.
h 0 b0  2.5 , (5.3.14-2) Forces Fsb, Fss, Pf and Paf shall be taken
uniformly distributed over the foil spread and
where h0 — height of a bridge/window, m;
directed perpendicularly to the foil bottom
b0 — width of a bridge (i.e. distance be- plane (Fig. 5.4.1).
tween windows), m.
Rounding radius for window cutout corners,
m, shall be not less than
r  0.15h0 . (5.3.14-3)


5.4.1 A foil arrangement shall be calculated
as a frame consisting of rods with cross-
sections varied over rod length and with struts
rigidly attached to the hull. Fig. 5.4.1 Force distribution on foils
Foil arrangement strength shall be checked 5.4.2 Euler’s stresses in plates of hollow
for the effect of loads specified by vertical foils plating shall be not less than stresses ob-
forces equal to: tained at calculation of the foil arrangement
for the fore foil for loads Ðf and Paf.
5 Design of Hydrofoil Craft Hulls 159

5.4.3 Strength of additional bow foils and strength Rp0,2 or tensile strength Rm of the
flaps, kN, shall be checked for the effect of material).
load due to vertical force Q
5.5.2 Permissible tangent stresses p shall be
Q  0.49kc y v12 S1 , (5.4.3-1) taken equal to 0.57 of corresponding permis-
where v1 — minimal speed corresponding to sible normal stresses:
additional foil borne mode on still water, m/c; p  0.57p . (5.5.2)
cL — lift coefficient at an angle of attack 1
corresponding to additional bow foil; 5.5.3 Value of critical normal stress in a
structure element shall be not less than double
1   set     0 ; (5.4.3-2) normal stress due to design loads.
where set — setting angle of additional foil or 5.5.4 Thicknesses of the outer shell plating,
flap; the deck plating and the bulkhead plating
 — angle of trim corresponding to addi- regardless of the material grade shall be not
tional foil borne mode on still water; less than those specified in Table 5.5.4.
0 — zero lift angle of the profile of addi-
tional foil or flap; 5.6 VIBRATION CALCULATIONS AND
k — coefficient determined according to NORMS
5.6.1 Local vibration shall be checked for
S1 — area of the additional bow foil or
ship hull structures in the aft extremity area
flap, m2.
and the engine room area, as well as for the
Where experimental data are not available, aft foil arrangement and propeller shaft brack-
it is allowed to take: ets.
kc ó  1 ; (5.4.3-3)
T a b l e 5.5.4
and Values of minimum thickness of hull member plates
v1  0.7v . (5.4.3-4) Minimum thicknesses of
hull member plates, mm,
Name of member
for ships of classes
STRESSES AND MINIMUM Bottom shell plating 3.0 2.5 2.0
THICKNESSES Side shell plating 2.5 2.0 1.5
5.5.1 Permissible normal stresses p for Hull deck plating and plat- 2.0 2.0 1.5
global and local strength calculations shall be forms plating, bulkhead
taken equal to the least of the values specified
Superstructure plating 1.5 1.0 0.8
in Table 5.5.1 (in fractions of the yield
T a b l e 5.5.1
Regulated permissible normal stresses depending on structure element and design stress characteristics
Regulated permissible normal
Name of the structure Characteristic of design stresses due to loads
Hull and superstructure members Stresses due to global bending 0.35 Rp0,2 or 0.25 Rm
Stresses due to local loads and stresses
due to dry-docking:
in the framing 0.80 Rp0,2 or 0.55 Rm
in the plating 0.95 Rp0,2 or 0.70 Rm
Foils and flaps Stresses due to design loads 0.95 Rp0,2 or 0.55 Rm
Foil arrangement struts Ditto 0.80 Rp0,2 or 0.45 Rm
Parts of the lifting device and Local stresses during lifting by crane 0.20 Rm
their reinforcements
160 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

exceed the permissible levels (see 5.6.4 and

5.6.2 In order to avoid a resonance, natural
oscillation frequencies of particular structures,
as calculated according to 2.6.9 to 2.6.23, 5.6.4 Permissible amplitudes of vibration in
shall exceed frequencies of exciting forces in the centres of plates of the hull and super-
basic operational modes (foilborne and dis- structure, mm, shall not exceed the values
placement modes): determined by the formula:
.1 propeller revolution frequency by at
A p  k t  a 100t  ,
least 30%, for the aft foil arrangement and (5.6.4)
propeller shaft brackets; where k — coefficient equal to:
.2 propeller shaft revolution frequency for plates welded around the contour by 2.90
multiplied by the number of blades by at least means of continuous double-sided weld or
50%, for plates of hollow foils; riveted to the framing;
for plates welded around the contour by 1.45
.3 propeller revolution frequency and that continuous single-sided or intermittent
multiplied by the number of blades1 by at double-sided weld;
least 50% and 30% correspondingly, for the a — short side of the plate, cm;
bottom plates and stiffeners in the aft extremity;
t — plate thickness, cm.
.4 crankshaft revolution frequency and
doubled crankshaft revolution frequency of 5.6.5 Vibration of the framing is considered
the main and auxiliary machinery by at least to be permissible, if the greatest stresses meas-
50 and 30% correspondingly, for plates and ured or calculated from measured amplitudes
hull framing members in the engine room do not exceed 20 MPa.
5.6.6 In places where engine foundations
5.6.3 Reduction of difference in frequen- are installed, where foil arrangements are at-
cies as compared with that regulated by 5.6.2 tached to the hull, and where pulsating pres-
may be allowed on condition that justified sure caused by propellers acts, plates shall be
data are submitted proving that the ampli- welded around the bearing contour by con-
tudes of and stresses due to vibration do not tinuous double-sided weld.

Checking is performed only when the number
of propeller blades is less than five.
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 161


6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Grounds for sufficiency of the scope of

Scope of application calculations for estimation of global and local
strength of the hull shall be included in the
6.1.1 The requirements of the present materials which are submitted to the River
chapter apply to passenger, crew and cargo Register.
hovercraft of skeg and amphibian types of
Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð and Ë classes capable of moving 6.1.4 Design wave height for basins of Î-
ÏÐ, Î, Ð and Ë categories is taken according
in the hovering and displacement modes and
complying with the following conditions: to Table 2.1.2.
Design speed values for hovering and dis-
EI  DIL   13 ; (6.1.1-1) placement modes are stated in the design
v gL  2 , (6.1.1.-2) specification of a ship.
where E — Young’s modulus, kPa; 6.1.5 The first ship in a series shall undergo
I — area moment of inertia calculated on trials under conditions provided by the design
the assumption that a strength superstructure specification according to a test program ap-
is fully participating in global bending, m4 (for proved by the River Register.
hovercraft without strength superstructure it is The test results shall be submitted to the
area moment of inertia of the hull only); River Register.
g — acceleration of gravity, m/s2. 6.1.6 Permissible wave characteristics with
Other designations are given in 6.1.10. regard to strength and the corresponding
For skeg-type hovercraft, the requirements speeds of hovercraft in hovering and dis-
of the present chapter apply to craft with main placement modes are adjusted on the basis of
dimension ratios meeting the following condi- tests of the first ship in a series.
L H  20 ; (6.1.1-3) Definitions and explanations
L B  36 ; (6.1.1-4) 6.1.7 In the present chapter superstructure
means a part of the ship above the bottom
H hsk  2  3 . (6.1.1-5) edge of window cutouts and, where the latter
are not available, a part of the ship above the
6.1.2 Requirements of present chapter ap-
uppermost deck.
ply to hovercraft made of aluminum alloys
meeting the requirements of 4 Part X of the 6.1.8 Overload means a ratio of summed
Rules. vertical acceleration in the given point of the
hovercraft hull and the acceleration of gravity.
6.1.3 The present chapter considers the
most unfavorable loading conditions of ship 6.1.9 The following designations have been
hull of skeg and amphibian types which are adopted in the present section:
assumed. Particular scope of calculations (for L — design waterline length in displace-
instance, the necessity of global transverse ment position, m;
strength calculation) is defined by a designer B — design waterline breadth amidships,
depending on design features of a ship. m;
162 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

H — ship’s depth amidships measured from defined by the greatest loads measured in the
the bottom edge of skeg (or from the bottom, centre of gravity G of a ship (Fig. 6.2.5). Val-
when skegs are not available) to a superstruc- ues of overloads at hovercraft moving in roll-
ture line defined in accordance with 6.1.7, ing conditions shall be defined by results of
and for ship without superstructure — to the model scale tests of a ship in design or by a
uppermost deck, m; prototype (separately for each mode and each
T — ship’s draught in displacement posi- kind of global deformation of the hull).
tion measured from the bottom edge of skeg Values of overloads in other points are de-
(or from the bottom, when skegs are not termined by the formula
available) to the design waterline, m;
Dl — ship displacement in fully loaded 
n  1  1 ( x1  x g )( x  x g ) 12  y1 y 22  
condition, t;
Dsk — total displacement of skegs correspond-

 2 ( x2  x g )( x  x g ) 12  y2 y 22  ng ,
ing to the design displacement of a ship D, t; (6.2.3-1)
bsk— breadth of a skeg at the bottom level, where 1, 2 — coefficients determined by
where Dsk  D, and at the design waterline Table 6.2.5;
level, where Dsk  D, m; x1, x2, y1, y2 — co-ordinates of external
hsk — height of a skeg, m; forces in accordance with Fig. 6.2.5;
l0 — distance of ship’s centre of gravity xg — abscissa of the centre of gravity of a
from the after perpendicular, m; ship;
v — design speed of a ship in hovering x, y — co-ordinates of a point where the
mode on still water, m/s; overload is calculated;
Lac — air cushion length, m; 1 — radius of inertia of the ship mass re-
Fac — air cushion area, m2; lated to transverse axis crossing the centre of
pac — pressure in the air cushion at normal gravity, m;
operation conditions, MPa. 2 — radius of inertia of the ship mass re-
lated to longitudinal axis crossing the centre
of gravity, m;
6.2 STRENGTH AND BUCKLING ng — overload in the centre of gravity of
Design loads at global bending and torsion Where the data are not available, at initial
stages of designing an overload in the centre of
6.2.1 Design loads bringing to global bend- gravity of a hovercraft for moving in hovering
ing and torsion of a hovercraft hull are deter- mode, which is required for longitudinal
mined for the following conditions: strength calculation, is recommended to be
.1 moving in hovering mode at design determined by the formula
.2 moving in displacement mode at design 
n g  1  0.085 h  0.04 v  3
D . (6.2.3-2)
.3 entering the shore (erection on sup- 6.2.4 Overload values are adjusted at trials
ports); of the first ship in a series in accordance with
6.1.5 with the following correction of strength
.4 lifting by crane.
calculations on the basis of actual overload
6.2.2 For conditions indicated in 6.2.1 the values.
most unfavourable load cases shall be consid-
6.2.5 Scheme of application and design ra-
ered depending on design and performance
tios of external forces for hovering and dis-
features of a hovercraft.
placement modes in rolling conditions are
6.2.3 Design loads which bring to global taken in accordance with Fig. 6.2.5 and Table
bending and torsion of a hovercraft hull, are 6.2.5.
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 163

. 6.2.5 Areas of applying external forces
T a b l e 6.2.5
Parameters of areas of applying external forces at turbulent state in different modes
Parameters of areas of applying external forces at turbulent state in mode
hovering Displacement
Parameter Transverse Transverse
Longitudinal bending Longitudinal bending
bending Torsion bending Torsion
Sagging Hogging Sagging Sagging Hogging Sagging
l1 0.2L 0.4L 2l0 0.2L 0.2L 0.4L 2l0 0.2L
l2 2l0 2l0 2l0 2l0 0.2L 0 2l0 0.2L
b1 B B 1 1 B B 1 1
b2 B B B B B 0 1 1
x1 0.4L xg xg 0.4L 0.4L xg xg 0.4L
x2 xg xg xg xg – 0.4L 0 xg – 0.4L
y1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2
y2 0 0 0 0 0 0 –2 2
1 (ng–1)/ng (ng–1)/ng (ng–1)/ng (ng–1)/ng 2/3 1 1/2 2/3
2 1/ng 1/ng 1/ng 1/ng 1/3 0 1/2 1/3
N o t e . For amphibian-type hovercraft 1= 0.2B ; 2 = 0.4B ;
for skeg-type hovercraft 1 = bsk; 2 = 0.5(B–bsk).

Values of external forces are taken equal ports and hoisting rings. Here, a possibility of
to, kN: a ship erecting on the supports at unsettled
vertical speed shall be regarded as well as dy-
P1  9.811D ng ; (6.2.5-1) namic nature of applied loads when lifting by
P2  9.812 D ng . (6.2.5-2) crane. Overload factor ng is taken equal to
6.2.6 Design loads for the erection on sup- Supports and hoisting rings shall be so lo-
ports and lifting by crane are determined on cated that that bending moments in hovercraft
the basis of admitted location diagram of sup- cross-sections do not exceed values corre-
164 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

sponding to operational loading cases as far as

6.2.7 Summed bending moments M and
shear forces N at longitudinal bending shall be
calculated by means of integration of design
load curve, which is a difference of gravity
forces g(x) multiplied by overload factor ng in
the centre of transverse spacing under consid- Fig. 6.2.8 Distribution of bending moments and
eration and buoyancy forces calculated ac- shear forces over ship’s length
cording to 6.2.3 to 6.2.6.
6.2.9 Bending moments M and shear
6.2.8 Summed bending moment, kNm, forces N at transverse bending are calculated
amidships at longitudinal bending at initial by means of integration of the design load
design stages shall be determined by the for- curve, which is a difference of gravity forces
mulae: g(y) multiplied by the overload factor in the
.1 when moving in hovering mode for centre of the transverse spacing under consid-
amphibian and skeg types eration and buoyancy forces calculated in
accordance with 6.2.3 to 6.2.6.
M 0  9.81 ksw  0,5(0,15  ksw )(ng  1) D L ;
( 6.2.10 Summed bending moment, kNm,
.2 when moving in displacement mode for in the hovercraft centre line at transverse
amphibian-type ships bending at initial design stages shall be deter-
mined by the formulae:
M 0   4.9  0,15  ksw  DLng ; ( .1 when moving in hovering mode for
.3 when moving in displacement mode for amphibian and skeg types
skeg-type ships
M0  9.81 ksw  0.5  0.15  ksw   ng  Dsk D  
M 0  9.81 ksw
 
  0.5 0.15  ksw
   n  1 D B;

DL  50bsk  0.1L h,
.2 when moving in displacement mode for
amphibian-type ships
where ksw  Ì sw  9.81D L  — coefficient of M 0   4.9  0.15  ksw
  D Bn g ; (
longitudinal bending moment on still water .3 when moving in displacement mode for
(with due regard to the sign); amphibian-type ships
Msw — longitudinal bending moment at still M 0   4.9  0.25  0.5bsk B  ksw
  D Bng ,
water calculated with regard to requirements
of 2.2.1. (
ng — is determined by the formula (6.2.3-2).   Ì sw
where ksw  9.81D L  — coefficient of
The sign (+) in formulae (, ( transverse bending moment on still water
and ( corresponds to hogging. (with due regard to the sign).
Coefficient ng in formulae ( and Msw — transverse bending moment calcu-
( is determined by a prototype or by lated with regard to the requirement of 2.2.1
results of model scale testing. where instead of the word “longitudinal” the
Maximum shear force word “transverse” shall be read.
N 0  4M 0 L . ( Coefficient ng in formulae (,
Calculated values of summed bending mo- ( and ( is determined by a
ments and shear forces in hovercraft cross- prototype or by results of model scale testing.
sections in this case are taken according to Maximum shear force, kN, is calculated by
Fig. 6.2.8. the formula
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 165

N 0  4M 0' B . ( the pressure over the bottom breadth is taken

as uniform.
6.2.11 External torsion moments Mtor,
kNm, are calculated by means of integration
of the design torsion moment intensity curve.
The latter is algebraic sum of moment inten-
sity m1 due to buoyancy force P1, moment
intensity m2 due to buoyancy force P2 and
linear moment m3 due to inertia forces on the
ship masses relating to a longitudinal axis of Fig. 6.2.14 Distribution of air cushion pressure on
revolution. Here: the bottom over hovercraft length, when there is
m1  9.811 D ng y1 l1 ; (6.2.11-1) no contact with water

m2  9.81 2 D ng y 2 l2 ; (6.2.11-2) Ordinates of the pressure diagram are equal

m 3  – g  x  1 y1  2 y2  . (6.2.11-3)
p1  9.81  2D ng Fac ; (6.2.14-1)
Values of the moment intensity m1 and m2 p2  9.81 D ng Fac . (6.2.14-2)
over ship length are taken in accordance with
Fig. 6.2.5 and Table 6.2.5. Value of moment Design pressure value shall be not less than
intensity m3 is throughout the whole length of pressure induced by ventilator installation at
a ship. zero air output increased by 30%.

6.2.12 At the strength trials of a first ship 6.2.15 Pressure distribution throughout the
in a series at waves according to 6.1.6 a length at flat impact of the bottom by a wave
summed bending moment amidships at longi- is taken in accordance with Fig. 6.2.15. The
tudinal bending shall be adjusted. pressure is taken as uniformly distributed over
When a found value is over than that cal- the ship’s breadth.
culated according to 6.2.8, strength calcula-
tions, design and scantlings of the hull mem-
bers of serial ships shall be adjusted in accor-
dance with longitudinal bending moment of
hovercraft amidships obtained at the strength

Design local loads Fig. 6.2.15 Pressure distribution throughout the

length at flat impact of the bottom by a wave
6.2.13 Local load applied to the bottom
and skegs is determined for the following Pressure values applied to the structure
cases: during the impact are taken equal to, kPa:
.1 pressure in the air cushion (when there p0 = 9.81kD ng  0.3LB  ; (6.2.15-1)
is no contact between the structure and wa-
p10 = 9.81kD ng  0.4LB  ; (6.2.15-2)
.2 impact of structures by the water; p20 = 9.81kD ng  0.4LB  (6.2.15-3)
.3 hydrostatic pressure (for displacement where k — non-uniformity coefficient equal to:
mode); for calculation of grillages 1
.4 erection on supports. for calculation of longitudinal 3
girders and plates in way of 0 —
6.2.14 Distribution of air cushion pressure 10 frames;
on the bottom over hovercraft length, when for calculation of longitudinal 1.25
there is no contact with water, is taken in girders and plates in way of 20th
accordance with Fig. 6.2.14. Distribution of frame.
166 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

6.2.16 Hydrostatic pressure, kPa, is taken tance from the base plane of a ship to bulk-
equal to: head deck; where the bulkhead deck is not
on the bottom available — to double hovercraft draught in
displacement condition.
p  9.81 T  0.5h  hsk  ; (6.2.16-1)
on skegs and sides 6.2.23 As design load applied to cargo
decks shall be taken the cargo pressure with
p  9.81 T  0, 5h  z  , (6.2.16-2) due regard to possible non-uniformity multi-
where h — design wave height, m; plied by the overload factor in the point under
z — distance over a height from the base consideration. When carrying wheel or cater-
plane to the skeg or side point under consid- pillar vehicles, the loads applied to the deck
eration, m. are determined on the basis of load distribu-
tion on axes, the number and the area of
6.2.17 Local loads on the bottom and skegs wheel prints, dimensions of bearing surface of
at erection on supports are defined in accor- tracks having regard to actual disposition of
dance with 6.2.6. the vehicles in the cargo compartment and
6.2.18 Air cushion pressure on inner sur- ship overload when moving in rolling condi-
faces of skegs is taken uniformly distributed tions.
over the depth. Air cushion pressure is taken
distributed over the length of hovercraft in
accordance with Fig. 6.2.14. Global strength calculations
6.2.24 The global strength of the hull shall
6.2.19 Design load, kPa, for decks is taken
be checked with regard to normal and tangent
equal to:
stresses. At longitudinal bending the checking
.1 5.0 for parts of decks where accumula-
with regard to summed stresses and ultimate
tion of passengers or crew members may be
bending moments shall be carried out also.
.2 3.5 for decks in way of passenger seats; 6.2.25 The checking of the global longitu-
.3 3.0 for plates and longitudinal girders dinal strength shall be performed for the most
of superstructure decks; unfavourable cases of the design load corre-
.4 1.0 for beams of superstructure decks. sponding to maximum hogging and sagging of
the hull. Here, the most distinctive hull sec-
6.2.20 Uniformly distributed design load, tions with regard to strength shall be consid-
kPa, on front walls and windows of the first ered: in way of action of maximum bending
tier superstructure is taken equal to, for basin moments and shear forces as well as torsion
category: moments; in way of large cutouts. The num-
Î-ÏÐ, Î 20 ber of sections to be checked is taken depend-
Ð 10 ing on the design features of a designed ship
Ë 5
and shall be grounded in strength calculations
For side walls and windows of the first tier submitted to the River Register.
superstructure the uniformly distributed design
load is taken equal to 3.0 kPa. 6.2.26 When calculating the longitudinal
strength, the members shall be included in the
6.2.21 Design loads applied to the struc- hull girder as per 2.2.33. Cross-sectional area
tures bounding tanks and watertight com- of superstructure horizontal grillages with the
partments are taken in accordance with the ratio of the superstructure length and the gril-
requirements of 2.2. lage breadth less than five shall be included in
6.2.22 Design load applied to watertight the hull girder with a reduction coefficient r‚
bulkheads is taken as distributed by a triangle considering non-uniformity of distribution of
over a bulkhead height having a maximum normal stresses along the breadth which is
force at the base plane level equal to a dis- determined from Table 6.2.26, where:
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 167

B1 — grillage breadth, m; where tor— tangent stresses in the hull due to

ls — design length (a distance between the torsion, MPa;
end bulkheads) of the superstructure, m. ben— tangent stresses in the hull due to the
T a b l e 6.2.26 global longitudinal bending, MPa.
Values of reduction factor r 6.2.32 To ensure the global ultimate
Â1/ls r Â1/ls r
strength of a ship the following condition
0.2 1.00 0.5 0.66 shall be met
0.3 0.83 0.6 0.58 M lim  kM b , (6.2.32)
0.4 0.74 0.7 0.52
where Mb — bending moment at longitudinal
6.2.27 Buckling strength of entire grillages bending or hogging, kNm;
and its particular elements (framing girders Mlim — limiting bending moment, kNm;
and plates) shall be checked in accordance
k — safety factor of limiting moment taken
with 6.2.5. Rigid parts of plates adjacent to
equal to 1.5.
longitudinal girders at either side are taken
equal to: 6.2.33 When moving in displacement mode
0.25 of the spacing if b/t ≤ 80 the ultimate global strength shall be checked
20t at b/t > 80. with regard to summed stresses of global and
local bending in the bottom and skeg mem-
6.2.28 Stresses in cross-sections of a hover- bers. Local load is taken having regard to di-
craft with a strength superstructure are calcu- rections of 6.2.16.
lated with due regard to participation of the For ships carrying cargoes the checking
superstructure in global bending. Where a shall be made also for the cargo deck (plat-
superstructure is riveted and the hull is form) when moving in both hovering and
welded, cross-sectional area of the superstruc- displacement modes. Local load in the latter
ture members shall be included in the hull case is determined by 6.2.23.
girder with a coefficient of 0.9.
6.2.34 Scope and method of global trans-
6.2.29 Normal stresses due to constrained verse strength calculations are taken depend-
torsion in the hull cross-sections are not re- ing on the design features of a designed ship.
6.2.30 Summed design values of normal Local strength calculations
and tangent stresses between windows of a 6.2.35 At local strength calculations a sag
strength superstructure are determined by the of beams not exceeding 10% of grillage
formulae: breadth need not be considered.
0  0tor  0ben ; (6.2.30-1)
6.2.36 For girders directly connected to the
0  0tor  0ben , (6.2.30-2) shell plating an effective flange width d, cm, is
taken equal to:
where 0tor , 0tor — normal and tangent
.1 at calculation of ordinary members and
stresses between windows due to the ship tor- web members located perpendicularly to the
sion, MPa; ordinary members,
0ben , 0ben — normal and tangent stresses d  0.5b at b t  80; (
between windows due to global longitudinal d  40t at b t  80; (
bending of the ship, MPa.
.2 at calculation of web members of the
6.2.31 Summed design tangent stresses in same direction with ordinary members
cross-sections of the hull are taken equal to: d  0.5 A at b t  80; (
  tor  ben , (6.2.31) d  40tA b at b t  80; (
168 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

where b — distance between same-name or- 6.2.39 Euler’s tangent stresses in a plate of
dinary girders, cm; side, superstructure and bulkhead plating par-
A — distance between the same-name web ticipating in global bending shall meet the
members, cm. following condition
Stiffeners of the same direction with web E  1.5 . (6.2.39)
members located at the effective flange level
shall be included into the effective flange. 6.2.40 Buckling strength of web members
For web members laid above ordinary stiff- of compressed grillages is determined by the
eners (attached framing structure), the effective required rigidity of transverse web members,
flange is taken equal to zero. at which the grillage withstands the given
In all cases the effective flange shall not ex- compressing stress.
ceed 1/6 length of design span of a girder. 6.2.41 Buckling strength of separately
working members (pillars, braces, etc.) shall
Buckling strength calculations be ensured with a safety factor of 2 as com-
6.2.37 At buckling strength calculations of pared with design stresses.
framing girders in order to determine its
cross-sectional area the effective flange width Permissible stresses
is taken equal to an average distance between
6.2.42 Permissible stresses p and p at
same-name girders, while at determination of
global and local strength calculation of the
the area moment of inertia of girders, the
hovercraft hull are taken according to Ta-
effective flange is taken in accordance with
ble 6.2.42 as fractions of unsafe stresses.
6.2.43 Unsafe normal stresses are taken
6.2.38 Corrected (critical) Euler’s normal
equal to:
stresses of stiffeners shall meet the following
condition at tension 0  kRp0.2 ;
cr  1.5 . (6.2.38) at compression 0  cr ,
T a b l e 6.2.42
Permissible stresses for hovercraft hull
Name and characteristic of the hull stresses in frac-
Characteristic of design stresses due to loads
members tions of unsafe
Hull and strength superstructure Normal and tangent stresses due to global longitu- 0.50
members participating in global dinal or transverse bending
longitudinal or transverse bending Summed normal and tangent stresses due to global 0.70
(including bridges between windows longitudinal bending and torsion
of the strength superstructure)
Hull web members participating in Summed normal and tangent stresses due to global
global longitudinal bending and bending and bending of grillages or individual web
bearing local load (cargo deck and members:
bottom members) in a span 0.75
on a bearing 0.90
Hull ordinary members participat- Summed normal and tangent stresses due to global
ing in global longitudinal bending bending, local bending of grillage, if any, and local
and bearing local load (members of bending of a stiffener:
cargo deck, bottom and skeg mem- in a span 0.80
bers) on a bearing 0.90
Hull shell plating and superstruc- Normal stresses due to local load:
ture plating, bulkhead and tank in a span 0.85
plates on a bearing 0.95
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 169

E n d o f T a b l e 6.2.42
Name and characteristic of the hull stresses in frac-
Characteristic of design stresses due to loads
members tions of unsafe
Hull and superstructure web mem- Normal and tangent stresses due to local load:
bers not participating in global in a span 0.75
bending on a bearing 0.90
Hull and superstructure ordinary Ditto:
members not participating in global in a span 0.80
bending on a bearing 0.90
Web frames of bulkheads and tanks Ditto:
in a span 0.80
on a bearing 0.95
Ordinary frames of bulkheads and Ditto:
tanks in a span 0.85
on a bearing 0.95
Pillars and braces checked for Normal stresses due to local load:
buckling for separately working members 0.50
for intersecting braces 0.75 (but not
more than

where Rp0.2 — yield stress of the material, MPa, 6.3 DESIGNING OF THE HULL
corresponding to residual deformation of 0.2%. 6.3.1 Thickness of hull members shall be
cr — critical stresses of the stiffener calcu- not less than indicated in Table 6.3.1.
lated having regard to correction for Young’s
modulus, MPa;
6.3.2 Plates of the outer shell plating in
k — coefficient taken equal for structures: way of engine foundations, propeller shaft and
at thickness
k water-jet brackets and plates subject to inten-
of connected elements t, mm
riveted any 0.9 sive mechanical wearing are thickened by at
welded 2t<3 0.6 least 40%.
3t<4 0.7
t4 0.8 6.3.3 The distance between ordinary girders
Unsafe tangent stresses 0 are taken equal (the spacing) shall not exceed 300 mm at
to 0.57 of unsafe normal stresses 0 in the plating thickness of less than 3 mm and 400
given section. mm in the rest cases.
T a b l e 6.3.1
Minimum hull member thicknesses for hovercraft
Minimum thickness, mm, at length L, m
L  20* 20  L  40 L  40
Name of member
ship classes
Bottom shell plating 2.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 3.5 3.0
Side shell plating 2.5 2.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.5
Hull deck plating and 2.0 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.5
bulkhead plating
Skeg plating 3.0 3.0 2.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 5.0 4.5
Receiver plating 1.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 3.0 2.5
Superstructure plating 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5
* Hovercraft do not belong to small vessels.
170 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

6.3.4 The distance between web frames .2 the bottom in the area of engines and
shall not exceed 1200 mm in case of the spac- ventilators.
ing up to 300 mm and 1500 mm in the rest
cases. Global and local vibration calculations
6.3.5 The distance between keelsons as well 6.4.3 At global vibration calculations natu-
as between a keelson and a side or a longitu- ral oscillation frequencies of the hull of the
dinal bulkhead shall not exceed 1500 mm in first, second, and higher tones shall be deter-
ships without double bottom and 2000 mm in mined for the ship in displacement and hov-
ships with double bottom. ering modes based on methods developed in
accordance with requirements of the Rules
6.3.6 In the bottom edge area the skeg
and agreed with the River Register. Those
shall be strengthened by means of thickening
frequencies shall be different from exciting
a plating or fitting a special reinforcement.
force frequencies at basic operational modes
Strengthening thickness shall be not less than
which are numerically equal to:
double thickness of the skeg plating. In ships
intended for operating in fresh water only, .1 propeller rotor revolution frequency;
steel reinforcement brackets may be applied. .2 propeller rotor revolution frequency
multiplied by the number of blades;
6.3.7 Measures shall be taken for increase .3 engine crankshaft revolution frequency;
of deck rigidity in areas where passengers may .4 revolution frequency of engine crank-
be crowded during boarding. The deck thick- shaft multiplied by the number of ignitions
ness in that area shall be at least 3 mm. per one revolution;
6.3.8 Where window cutout are located .5 ventilator revolution frequency multi-
close to each other in the superstructure, two plied by the number of blades.
continuous end parts (fore and after) shall be
6.4.4 Frequency difference assigned by a
provided in the superstructure walls. The
designer shall be grounded by a calculation
length of each of the above parts shall exceed
which shall prove that global vibration ampli-
the window cutout height by at least 20%.
tudes do not exceed the permissible values
(see 6.4.13).
AND VIBRATION NORMS OF THE HULL 6.4.5 Natural oscillation frequency of the
General requirements hull of the first, second and higher tones shall
be adjusted by experience on the first ship in
6.4.1 Vibration calculations means check- a series.
ing of the absence of resonance by means of
determination of natural oscillation frequen- 6.4.6 In order to avoid resonance, natural
cies and comparing them with frequencies of oscillation frequencies of the first tones of
exciting forces due to the operation of the particular hull structures shall exceed frequen-
ship machinery and the propulsion unit. cies of exciting forces at basic operational
The following shall be checked: modes (in hovering and displacement modes)
as the following:
.1 general vertical oscillations of the hull
for the design loading conditions of ship, i.e. .1 for plates and stiffeners of the hull bot-
full loaded condition and lightship condition; tom in the aft extremity — the propeller rotor
revolution frequency by at least 50 and 30%
.2 local oscillations of members, stiffeners
and outer shell plating, deck and bulkhead
plating. .2 for plates and stiffeners in way of main
engines — crankshaft revolution frequency
6.4.2 Local oscillations shall be checked for and double crankshaft revolution frequency of
the following areas: the main engines by at least 50 and 30% cor-
.1 the bottom in the propulsion unit area; respondingly.
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 171

6.4.7 Natural oscillation frequencies of the 6.4.14 Permissible amplitudes of vibration

plates and stiffeners shall differ from frequen- in the centre of plates of the hull and super-
cies of exciting forces numerically equal to: structure, mm, shall not exceed the values
.1 in the aft extremity — the propeller ro- determined by the formula
tor revolution frequency multiplied by the
Ap  k  a 100t  t ,
number of the blades; (6.4.14)
.2 in way of main engines — the engine where k — coefficient equal to:
crankshaft revolution frequency multiplied by for plates welded around the contour by 2.90
the number of ignitions per revolution of the means of continuous double-sided weld or
crankshaft; riveted to the framing;
.3 in way of ventilators — the ventilator for plates welded around the contour by 1.45
revolution frequency multiplied by the num- continuous single-sided or intermittent
double-sided weld;
ber of the blades.
a — shorter side of the plate, cm;
6.4.8 Difference between the natural oscil- t — plate thickness, cm.
lation frequency and the frequency of exciting
6.4.15 Vibration of the framing is consid-
forces assigned by a designer (see 6.4.7) shall
ered to be permissible, if the greatest stresses
be substantiated by forced vibration calcula-
measured or calculated from measured ampli-
tion to verify that amplitudes at vibration shall
tudes do not exceed 20 MPa.
not exceed the permissible values (see 6.4.14).
6.4.9 Natural oscillation frequency of
plates, Hz, resting on web members and not
reinforced by intermediate ordinary members 6.5 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND
or stiffeners may be calculated by the formu- STRENGTH NORMS OF AIR CUSHION
lae (2.6.10), (2.6.11-1), (2.6.11-2). FLEXIBLE SKIRT

6.4.10 Natural oscillation frequency of 6.5.1 The requirements stated in this chap-
plates, Hz, resting on web members and rein- ter apply to flexible skirts of air cushion (FS)
forced by intermediate ordinary members or of skeg and amphibian type inland navigation
stiffeners is calculated by the formulae hovercraft made of rubber-textile materials
(2.6.12) to (2.6.13-2). complied with the Rules using glue-pierced,
bolted and riveted joints.
6.4.11 Natural oscillation frequency of in-
termediate ordinary members or stiffeners, Hz, 6.5.2 Dimensions, design, type of connec-
determined regardless of its interaction with tions and joints of FS shall be chosen at the
the plate is calculated by the formula (2.6.14). initial stages of hovercraft designing according
to the design specification with due regard to
6.4.12 At trials of the first ship in a series design and operation experience of similar
according to 6.1.5 periodical exciting forces craft and data on physical and mechanical
due to propellers, engines, ventilators, dy- properties of FS materials submitted by the
namic interaction forces with waves etc. and manufacturer and obtained by laboratory tests.
its ranges shall be obtained in experimental
way according to methods developed in ac- 6.5.3 In case if FS structure has novelty in
cordance with the Rules and agreed with the design, materials or it is intended for specific
River Register. The test results shall be sub- operation conditions, manufacture and tests
mitted to the River Register. of an experimental model of FS shall be pro-
vided. FS experimental model shall undergo
test cycle on a type hovercraft in operation
Vibration norms
conditions during the service period planned
6.4.13 Permissible amplitudes of vibration for this FS according to the methods devel-
of the aft extremity shall not exceed the val- oped according to the requirements of the
ues calculated by formula ( Rules and agreed with the River Register.
172 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

6.5.4 FS shall be designed so as to meet where Ò — design tension,

the following requirements: Òperm — permissible tension in FS compo-
.1 it shall ensure hovercraft reliable opera- nents.
tion in operation conditions;
6.5.7 Permissible tension in FS material at
.2 metal parts of FS fastenings shall be the hovercraft design stage is determined as:
made of corrosion-resistant alloys or have
corrosion-resistant coating; Ò perm  mReH , (6.5.7)
.3 it shall be processable, easily accessible where ReH — tensile stress of FS material,
for maintenance, repair, mounting, disman- kN/cm,
tling and ensure the possibility of replacement m — strength reducing coefficient due to
or repair of defect components and parts out- processing tolerances for FS assembling, wear
side the workshop conditions; and natural ageing of the material, which is
.4 FS shape and structure in hovering assigned according to Table 6.5.7.
mode above the even screen shall ensure the
adequate air cushion height and prevent un- 6.5.8 At the hovercraft design stage the dy-
foreseen bending deformations and air leak- namic stress increasing coefficient relating to
ages at sheet butts and in fastening joints of basic calculation case n shall be assigned ac-
the bag member. cording to Table 6.5.7.
6.5.9 Basic calculation cases are as follows:
Flexible skirt strength calculations and norms .1 still hovering above the horizontal
screen on calm water (basic case)
General directions
.2 interaction with the water surface at
6.5.5 Global strength of the FS main struc- waves and in hovering cruise mode with am-
tural components shall be checked according plitude equal to the air cushion height:
to tension calculation methods in soft shells 2z  hac ;
subject to excessive internal pressure. The
.3 contacting obstacles longitudinally and
calculation method shall be agreed with the transversely oriented relatively to the FS plane
River Register.
view in hovering mode.
6.5.6 FS strength condition is determined 6.5.10 Correction of coefficients n and m is
by the formula: made with regard to operational trials of
Ò  Ò perm , (6.5.6) hovercraft's FS.
T a b l e 6.5.7
Values of coefficients n and m
Values of coefficients for FS variant:
Coeffi- double-tier
Calculation case
cient double-tier half-bag
skeg detachable fingers of amphibian
bag member hovercraft hovercraft or inflatable skegs
0. Still hovering above the hori- n 1 1 1 1
zontal screen on calm water (basic m 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.09*
I. Interaction with the water sur- n 2.4 2.4 3.5 2.4
face at waves m 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.09*
II. Contacting with an obstacle:
longitudinal n 1.5 — — 1.5
transverse n 2.2 — — 2.2
m 0.2 0.2 — 0.09*
* Including additional wear of the aforementioned FS components when contacting the ground.
6 Design of Hovercraft Hull 173

Strength calculations of the bag member tion and aft angular sections) are determined
(basic case) by the formula, kN/cm:
6.5.11 Bag member is the upper tier shell TBtor  1.5  10 4 nPB rout . (6.5.14)
of double-tier full-contour FS secured to the
hovercraft hull by upper and lower fastenings
as well as inflatable skeg (bag) as FS compo- Strength calculations of the half-bag member
nent of respective hovercraft types. 6.5.15 Half-bag member is the upper tier
6.5.12 Tensions in the outer branch of the shell of double-tier half-contour FS secured
bag member shell (bounding the ambient at- to the hovercraft hull only by upper fastening.
mosphere) TB in the still hovering mode (ba-
6.5.16 Tensions in the shell of the half-bag
sic calculation case) are determined using the c
formula: member cylindrical sections THB , kN/cm, are
determined by the formula:
Ò B  10 –4 PB rout , (6.5.12)
where PB — pressure in the bag member,
THB  nPac rout  10 4 , (6.5.16)
kPa; where Ðac — pressure in the air cushion, kPa.
rout — radius of curvature of the outer
branch of the bag member shell, cm. 6.5.17 Maximal tensions in toroidal sec-
N o t e . According to equilibrium conditions of tions of the half-bag member shell (fore sec-
the FS bag member shell, tensions in the inner tor
tion and aft angular sections) THB are deter-
branch of the shell (bounding the air cushion) are
equal to tensions in the outer shell.
mined by the formula, kN/cm:

6.5.13 Maximal tensions in the shell of the

THB  1.5  104 nPac rout . (6.5.17)
bag member cylindrical section TBc in hover-
ing cruise mode at waves (calculation cases 1 Strength calculations of fingers
and 2), kN/cm, are determined by the for-
mula: 6.5.18 Tensions in the material of open-
type finger Te, kN/cm, are determined by the
TBc  nPM rout  10 4 , (6.5.13) formula:
where n — pressure increasing coefficient
Ò e  nPac re  10 –4 , (6.5.18)
determined for each calculation case accord-
ing to the test results of similar prototype or, where re — radius of curvature of the outer
if such prototype is not available, according to branch of the finger cross-section, cm.
Table 6.5.7.
6.5.19 Tensions in the material of closed-
6.5.14 Maximal tensions in toroidal sec- type finger are determined by the respective
tions of the bag member shell TBtor (fore sec- formulae for the bag member.
174 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”


7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7.2.5 Floating objects of P and Ë classes

bulkheads may be permeable in way of their
7.1.1 The present Section sets up require-
connection with the deck, provided that for
ments for the materials, structure, strength
the most unfavourable flooding conditions the
and construction of reinforced-concrete hulls
freeboard depth is not less than 0.7 m. The
and superstructures.
above does not apply to forepeak and after-
7.1.2 All the materials used to construct peak bulkheads as well as to bulkheads of the
ships shall comply with the requirements of engine room which in all cases shall be tightly
Part X of the Rules. connected with the deck.
7.2.6 Outer parts of the hull subject to im-
7.2 DESIGNING OF HULL pacts during operation shall be protected by
AND SUPERSTRUCTURE fender bars, special baffles or platings.
Protective structures of the hull shall trans-
General requirements fer forces of impacts to rigid members (bulk-
7.2.1 Hull of reinforced-concrete ships may heads, framing girders or special reinforce-
be framed by the transverse, longitudinal or ments).
combined framing systems. 7.2.7 Surfaces subject to intensive local
For floating objects of landing stage and wear (plates of shell plating and decks in way
fire-watch types up to 35 m in length a hull of anchor hawsepipes, cargo hatch coamings)
may be designed according to non-frame shall be lined with metal or other protective
(non-rib) system with transverse bulkheads material.
the number of which exceeds the one required
by the Rules based on floodability conditions. 7.2.8 Number and location of armature in
A combined construction of a hull made of elements of reinforced-concrete hull shall be
rib and non-rib elements is allowed. The lat- designated on condition of ensuring strength
ter shall be used for inner parts of the hull and restriction of crack propagation with ob-
(e.g. bulkheads and platforms). servance of respective structural requirements
of the Rules.
7.2.2 Hulls of reinforced-concrete ships
may be of assembled, assembled-monolithic 7.2.9 Cross-sectional area of tensioned ar-
and monolithic design. mature as a share of geometrical section area
of the element shall be as follows, %, min, for
7.2.3 Parts of weather decks in reinforced- armature made of steel of grade:
concrete ships shall be inclined to ensure À-I (À240) 0.5
drainage of water overboard. Bottom of float- À-II (À300) 0.4
ing objects more than 30 m in length shall be À-III (À400) 0.3
risen above the load waterline at the extremi- 7.2.10 For all hull components, the re-
ties. quired cross-sectional area of armature shall
7.2.4 Watertight bulkheads shall be so lo- be ensured using the greatest possible number
cated in the hull as to provide the ship’s of rods of minor diameter thus maintaining
floodability in accordance with the require- the minimum permissible distance between
ments of 4 Part II of the Rules. the rods (see 7.2.11). Here, the rod diameter
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 175

shall be not less than 10 mm for longitudinal .1 to complete by end hooks all regarded
armature rods of girders and 6 mm for lathing in strength calculation tensioned rods of ar-
of plates and loops and for armature desig- mature of 10 mm in diameter and more, as
nated from a construction point of view. well as all the anchors subject to tension and
of less than 20 diameters in length;
7.2.11 Location of armature rods in the
hull elements shall meet the following re- .2 to fasten tensioned rods within com-
quirements: pressed zone;
.1 clear distance between the nearest par- .3 to overlap the rods at places, where
allel rods shall be not less than their diameter, they are required by the calculation, for the
following length:
but not less than 20 mm;
.2 minimum clear distance between ex- strained rods of armature steel (see 2.10
Part X of the Rules) of A-I (A240) and A-II
tended parts of overlaps and onlays of butts
and the nearest parallel armature rods shall be (A300) grades — for 30 diameters, of A-III
10 mm and more; (A400) grade — for 40 diameters;
compressed rods of steel A-I (A240) grade
.3 armature rods shall not enclose the
openings through which concrete is supplied without hooks — for 30 diameters, of other
grades — for 10 diameters less than tensioned
to the lower parts of construction, by more
than 40% of their area. ones;
.4 to weld all loaded longitudinal rods
7.2.12 Hull armature shall be welded and ending up in a point of intersecting or abut-
consist of flat welded lathings or volume ting of girders to special anchors and the
welded carcasses. nearest intersecting rods.
Tied armature is allowed for the manufac-
ture of monolithic parts of a hull, as well as 7.2.17 Armature bends are carried out by
for particular sections on condition that their arc of a radius not less than 10 diameters.
armature is assembled on the place of manu- Normal end hooks of armature shall be of
facture and is not transported in assembled a clear diameter not less than 2.5 rod diame-
condition. ter, straight hooks shall have a length of bent
part of not less than 3 diameters.
7.2.13 Butt connections of the rods shall be
performed by means of contact or arc welding 7.2.18 Hogging of tensioned armature at
(by side fillet welds or bath method in chan- angles less than 165 is not allowed. In this
nel onlays). In all cases the armature in the case the armature shall consist of individual
place of connection shall be equally strong to intersecting rods located along side edges of
the rods to be connected and, when connect- connected elements.
ing rods of different diameters, equally strong At angles exceeding 165 the hogging of
to the least diameter rod. tensioned armature is allowed provided that
loops are installed.
7.2.14 Connections of intersecting rods
shall be performed by spot welding, semi- 7.2.19 Thickness of protection concrete
automatic CO2–shielded welding, manual arc layer for all outer surfaces of the hull and
welding in hardly accessible places. inner surfaces subject to moistening shall be
not less than 10 mm and for other surfaces —
7.2.15 Connections of the rods with metal
not less than 5 mm.
structures shall be fulfilled by arc welding (by
continuous, spot gas-shielded or submerged Parts of the hull contacting with sea water
arc welding). as well as deck parts subject to high wearing
which are not covered with special coating
7.2.16 Ends of armature rods shall be relia- shall have a thickness of protection layer in-
bly fastened, for this the following is neces- creased by at least 5 mm in comparison with
sary: the aforementioned.
176 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

For armature of more than 10 mm in di- 7.2.23 Hull plates shall be reinforced by
ameter thickness of protection layer shall be two single lathings apart at a distance not less
not less than a rod diameter. than a thickness of the protection layer (see
7.2.20 When designing a hull, no new
strength concentration spots shall be formed. 7.2.24 When reinforcing thin plates not
For this the following shall be complied with: subject to impact loads (plates of bulkheads,
.1 ends of rods in the main hull members enclosures and decks protected by covering)
shall be distributed over a length and breadth instead of the two single lathings one sesquial-
of the element in such a way that in one sec- teral lathing may be used consisting of middle
tion an area of a tensioned armature is distributing rods to both sides of which per-
changed by not more than 25% for plates and pendicularly located working rods are fitted.
30% for girders, and for compressed armature Plates of shell plating shall not be rein-
— by not more than 40%; forced by the sesquialteral lathing.
.2 ending members shall be fastened to 7.2.25 Armature of plates in way of bilge,
the nearest intersecting members or reinforced deck stringer as well as in places subject to
parts of plates;
significant impact or concentrated loads shall
.3 to change the thickness of plates and be reinforced by increase of dimensions or
dimension of girders smoothly, with a slope installation of additional rods and local lath-
not more than 1:3; ings.
.4 to provide chamfers of at least 25 mm
for right and acute corners of concrete parts. 7.2.26 Cross-sectional area of distributing
armature located throughout a longer edge of
a plate in all cases shall be not less than 20%
Plates of cross-sectional area of working armature
located throughout a shorter edge of the plate
7.2.21 Thickness of the hull plates shall be
but not less than that required by 7.2.9.
designated depending on the type and main
dimensions of a ship, her construction and 7.2.27 Dimensions and location of arma-
strength condition. In all cases a thickness of ture rods shall meet the following require-
plates shall be not less than that indicated in ments:
Table 7.2.21. .1 in one row of the lathing over the
Table 7.2.21 whole span length there shall be not less than
5 and not more than 25 rods per 1 m of
Plate thicknesses of different hull elements
Minimum permissible plate
thickness, mm, for concrete .2 a distance between working rods shall
Hull elements not exceed 2.5 times the plate thickness and
Â30 Â40 to Â60 that between distributing rods — 4 times the
Bulkheads and cov- 40 35 to 40 plate thickness;
ered parts of decks .3 rods of basic lathings at plate thickness
Bottom and open 40 to 50 40 up to 80 mm shall be located in staggered
parts of decks
order and not one above the other;
Sides and transoms 50 to 60 50 to 60
N o t e s . 1. The less values of thickness relate to .4 a rod diameter shall be not less than 6
ships up to 40 m in length. mm and more than 0.25 the plate thickness;
2. In ships with non-framed structure thickness .5 at reinforcing plates with rods of differ-
of shell plating shall be not less than 60 mm. ent diameters the latter may differ from each
other by not more than 2 mm.
7.2.22 Thickness of plates in way of bilge,
as well as in way of built-in parts locations or 7.2.28 In the bottom, deck and bulkhead
fastening of machinery and arrangements shall plates up to 40% of the total number of work-
be increased by at least 25%. ing armature of outer lathing may be made as
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 177

individual rods located in area of the plate zone or by entering of special bent out rods
bearing provided that their length is not less ending by straight sections and welded by
than the bearing breadth plus 0.4 times the overlap to longitudinal armature. An angle
plate span. between the bendings and the girder axis shall
7.2.29 Supporting sections of plates shall be be not less than 30 and not over 60.
strengthened by means of haunches. No individual rods not connected with the
If a haunch is included in strength calcula- basic armature may be used.
tion, it shall be reinforced with special rods or 7.2.35 Transverse armature of girders per-
lathings in such a way that there are at least 5 formed as loops shall meet the following re-
rods perpendicular to the rib per 1 m of the quirements:
haunch length. .1 the loop diameter shall be 0.25 times
During arrangement of the haunch no the diameter of longitudinal armature but at
separate rods mentioned in 7.2.28 may be least 6 mm;
used. .2 a distance between the loops shall not
7.2.30 Armature of plates forming a corner exceed the least of the following values: 0.75
shall be connected by means of welding or times the girder depth, 15 times the diameter
overlapping from one plate into another not of compressed armature rods and 250 mm.
less than 60% of rods to the length of 15 In pillars and girders subject to longitudi-
times rod diameter but not less than 150 mm. nal compression a loop pitch, besides that,
shall not exceed 1.5 times the rib breadth;
7.2.31 Armature of plates forming T-
.3 if cross-sectional area of compressed
section is connected by means of welding or
armature exceeds 3% of cross-sectional area
bending out of all the lathing rods of abutting
of the element, a distance between the loops
plate between lathings of another plate. A
shall not exceed 10 times the rod diameter of
length of the bending shall be not less than 10
the aforementioned armature;
times the rod diameter.
.4 each loop shall not embrace more than
Girders 6 compressed rods within the rib. If this is
impracticable, additional loops, buckles or
7.2.32 A rib height shall not exceed 10 rods shall be installed to bind the longitudinal
times the plate thickness and breadth shall be armature or opposite branches of the loops.
less than 1.5 times the plate thickness.
7.2.36 When reinforcing the girders with
7.2.33 Working armature of girders shall welded frames the latter shall have transverse
meet the following requirements: members, i.e. rods or bars.
.1 diameter of working rods shall be not A distance between transverse members in
less than 10 mm and that of the assembling tensioned zone of the rib shall not exceed
rods — not less than 6 mm; 20 times the rod diameter of longitudinal ar-
.2 the design armature shall be located by mature, and shall be not more than 500 mm.
not more than 3 rows over the height and not In compressed zone of the rib a distance
less than 2 rows over the breadth both in com- between transverse members shall not exceed
pressed and tensioned zones; 15 times the diameter of longitudinal arma-
.3 where a girder height is 500 mm and ture but shall be not more than twice rib
more, additional longitudinal armature of rods breadth. If cross-section area of armature ex-
with a diameter not less than 8 mm shall be ceeds 3% of the girder cross section, a dis-
installed. A distance between the rods along tance between the transverse members shall
the girder depth shall be not less than 200 mm. not exceed 10 times the diameter of longitu-
dinal armature.
7.2.34 Sloped armature of girders shall be
effected by bending of longitudinal armature 7.2.37 A connection of a girder with a
passed from tensioned zone to compressed plate is performed by:
178 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

.1 passing two longitudinal rods of the For joining of inner hull elements built-in
girder between lathings of the plate (at closed parts may be employed.
loops); Butts of sections shall be located as far as
.2 entering bent ends of loops (tenons) of a possible in less stressed areas. Relieve strength
length not less than 10 times diameter (at of concrete shall be not less than 70% of the
opened loops) between the plate lathings, here, grade strength (see GOST 26633).
above the bent end of the loops one rod is lo-
cated passing over the entire length of the girder. 7.2.44 When designing butts, the following
conditions shall be observed:
7.2.38 In framing members of the hull fuel
.1 for butt joints on armature dowels, a
and ballast compartments, water drain and air
distance between edges of sections shall be:
passing openings shall be arranged.
for plates — not less than two plate thickness,
The drain openings shall not penetrate the
and for girders — not less than double
longitudinal armature of the girders. A distance
breadth or half of girder height and in all
from the drain opening edges to the longitudi-
cases not less than 100 mm;
nal armature shall be 10 mm and more.
.2 a distance between parallel rods of ar-
7.2.39 In way of intersecting of the girders mature or connecting details within the butt
continuity of their longitudinal armature shall shall be equal to half an armature diameter
be ensured by means of locating the rods at but not less than 10 mm;
different levels over the height.
.3 in way of butts no plate thickenings
If heights of the mentioned girders differ by
protruding outside are allowed.
more than 20%, a low girder shall be
strengthened in way of connection with a high 7.2.45 For butt joints on armature dowels
girder by means of reinforced haunch. connection of rods is carried out by overlap or
Haunches need not be fitted for girders, butt welding with onlays.
the dimensions of which are designated by the In fillet joints armature dowels not subject
design. to tension may be ended in concrete of the
butt with due regard to requirements 7.2.16 in
Cutouts respect to anchoring of armature rod ends.
7.2.40 Cutouts in the deck plates reducing 7.2.46 Butts of built-in parts shall be fas-
a cross-sectional area of the element included tened.
in the hull’s girder by more than 15% shall be In watertight butts a distance between the
supported by compensating armature and re- built-in parts shall not exceed 250 mm.
inforced-concrete or metal coamings.
Construction of the built-in parts and their
7.2.41 All cut rods shall be reliably con- anchors shall permit easily laying of concrete
nected to the compensating armature and the at butt grouting.
7.2.47 Strength, water-tightness and frost-
7.2.42 Corners of rectangular cutouts are resistance properties of concrete of the butts
recommended to be rounded or abated. shall be not less than those of concrete of the
By corners of large cutouts where danger- main hull.
ous concentration of stresses is possible, rods
shall be installed perpendicularly to the corner 7.2.48 Butt grouting shall be made by
bisector. means of common (manual) or mechanised
method. Butt grouting of inner hull elements
Intersectional joints of ships up to 35 m in length (butts of bulk-
heads and enclosures with the bottom, deck
7.2.43 Hull sections shall be joined to each and sides, butts of superstructure elements
other and to monolithic manufactured ele- with the hull and each other) may be per-
ments on armature dowels. formed by means of caulking.
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 179

7.2.49 Concreting butts and monolithic by means of special built-in parts (sockets
elements at negative temperatures may be with flanges, boxes, built-in plates) fitted with
performed only using the special technology anchors or welded to the plate armature.
developed by the Manufacturer and prevent-
7.2.58 Insulation and inner finishing may
ing the concrete freezing. The specified tech-
be secured to the hull by means of fitted into
nology shall be agreed with the River Register.
concrete armature dowels of 8 mm and more
7.2.50 Stripping of butts and monolithic- in diameter.
made elements is allowed after achieving by
7.2.59 Fastening of elements active load in
the concrete the following strength, % from
which do not exceed 20% of assumed by the
grade strength, for elements:
vertical 35
Rules may be performed by means of screws
horizontal 50 and plates fitted in framing girders or in deck
plates of at least 60 mm thick.
7.2.51 Loading of butts and monolithic ele-
ments (water-tightness test, move of ship 7.2.60 Non-essential and slightly loaded
along a slipway, launching) is allowed after details may be fastened to concrete by special
the concrete has reached the strength of not glues.
less than 70% of the grade strength.
Reinforced-concrete superstructures
Fastening of machinery and equipment 7.2.61 The reinforced concrete superstruc-
to the hull ture shall be so designed as not to be partici-
7.2.52 A ship’s hull in way of ship’s equip- pating in global bending of the hull.
ment shall be reinforced. 7.2.62 Where necessary, reinforced-concrete
7.2.53 Machinery and equipment shall be superstructures may be solid, i.e. participating
fastened to the hull by means of built-in in general bending of the hull. In these cases
parts, exit or anchor bolts. a reliable connection of the superstructure
and the hull shall be provided ensuring their
7.2.54 Fastening by means of exit bolts is mutual work.
allowed only to the deck and framing girders Material and structure of the solid super-
as well as to protruding parts of the hull. structure shall meet the requirements of the
7.2.55 Anchor bolts of 12 mm in diameter present Section for the main hull.
and more may be used for fastening to all
parts of the hull except plates of shell plating
and watertight bulkheads provided that reli-
able connection is ensured.
General requirements
7.2.56 If built-in parts are fastened by
means of welding, their thickness shall be not 7.3.1 Values of external loads are deter-
less than 5 mm; for fitting of the detail into mined in accordance with the requirements of
concrete at least two anchors are required of a 2.2.
diameter not less than 8 mm.
7.3.2 External loads acting on hull and its
In order to avoid an excessive overheating
separate parts are divided into constant, occa-
of adjacent concrete and significant welding
sional and extraordinary loads.
deformations of built-in parts, they shall be
T h e c o n s t a n t l o a d is a load acting
welded by spot or intermittent welds with a
all the time or within considerable period
welded length not more than 40 mm and leg
including: load weight, structure dead load,
not over 5 mm.
load on hull when a ship is at calm water,
7.2.57 Pipes piercing watertight bulkheads when design ship is at dry-docking (for float-
or shell plating shall be fastened to the plate ing docks).
180 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

T h e o c c a s i o n a l l o a d is a load act- Se — static moment of reduced cross-

ing within limited number of times including: sectional area of the considered element relat-
wave load, load on hull when docking or on ing to the neutral axis of the hull girder, cm3;
the stock; ice load, loads when constructing Fe — reduced cross-sectional area of the
and testing, docking of an off-design ship (for considered element, cm2;
floating docks). Fr — reduced cross-sectional area of bot-
T h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y l o a d is a one- tom and deck strakes of the hull girder, cm2;
time load resulting from violation of specified H — ship depth measured between outer
operation conditions including loads arising plates of the bottom and deck, m;
when compartment flooding, grounding or ∑t — sum of thicknesses of the sides and
7.3.3 External loads acting to the damaged longitudinal bulkheads at level of the neutral
hull shall be determined from the condition of axis of the hull girder, cm;
single- or two-compartment flooding (see Ec — initial Young’s modulus of elasticity
4.2.3 and 4.2.4 Part II of the Rules) which is of concrete, MPa;
the most unfavourable with regard to general Ea — Young’s modulus of elasticity of ar-
strength of a ship. mature, MPa.
7.3.4 In case of assembled elements 7.3.7 For determination of design forces,
strength checking during their transportation moments and stresses due to global bending
and mounting, the weight of the construction the hull shall be considered as the hull girder.
multiplied by dynamic coefficient equal to 1.5
7.3.8 Design forces, moments and stresses
is taken as design load. shall be found for two possible positions of a
7.3.5 When calculating the strength of the ship: the sagging — at compressed deck, and
hull structures, the internal forces from total the hogging — at compressed bottom.
and local loads (normal and shear forces, 7.3.9 Design forces, moments and stresses
bending moments) as well as transfer and turn
shall be calculated for sections in which ele-
angles shall be determined with regard to ine-
ments are most stressed (sections in the mid-
lastic concrete deformations, crack formation dle part of ship, in way of cutouts, in way of
and nonlinear relationship between stresses
change of framing system, discontinuity of
and deformations according to methods de-
longitudinal members).
veloped in accordance with the requirements
of the Rules and agreed with the River Regis- 7.3.10 Longitudinal members of the hull
ter. and reinforced-concrete superstructure shall
be included in the hull girder in conditions
mentioned in 2.2 as similar members of steel
Design forces, moments and stresses ships.
due to general bending Weakening due to individual cutouts which
greatest dimension does not exceed 5 times
7.3.6 Basic designations:
the plate thickness and which do not reduce
M — bending moment, kNm; the section area of effective flange of the hull
N — longitudinal forces, kNm; girder by more than 3% may not be regarded.
Q — shear force, kN;
 — tangential stresses, MPa; 7.3.11 Longitudinal forces due to bending
moment in elements of the hull girder shall be
I — area moment of inertia of reduced
determined regardless of the concrete behav-
cross-sectional area of the hull girder, cm4;
iour in tensioned zone by the formula, kN:
S — static moment of reduced cross-
sectional area of the hull girder located at one N  100MS HG I . (7.3.11-1)
side of the neutral axis taken relating to the For one-decked ships with flat single bot-
neutral axis of the hull girder, cm3; tom the longitudinal forces due to bending
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 181

moment may be calculated by the formula, design methods of elastic systems not pro-
kN: vided by the Rules, in order to determine the
ratio of their stiffness in the reduced cross-
N  MFHG  HFF  . (7.3.11-2)
sectional area of the members when calculat-
7.3.12 The whole cross-sectional area of ing the moments of inertia, the whole con-
the armature and cross-sectional area of con- crete and armature cross-section multiplied by
crete compressed zone multiplied by ratio ratio of moduli of elasticity of armature and
Ec/Ea shall be included in the reduced cross- concrete Ec/Ea are included.
sectional area. 7.3.17 Rectangular plates resting on three
7.3.13 The greatest tangential stresses in or four edges are calculated as girders of a
vertical elements of the hull girder (sides and span equal to the shortest side of the plate, if
longitudinal bulkheads), MPa: a side ratio is more than 2:1.
At the side ratio equal or less than 2:1, rec-
  10QS  I  t  . (7.3.13-1) tangular plates may be calculated according to
For one-decked ships with flat single bot- formulae for a thin isotropic plate.
tom the greatest tangential stresses, MPa, may Plates resting on two edges are calculated
be determined by the following approximate as girders of a span equal to a distance be-
formula: tween the born edges.
  0.1Q  H  t  . (7.3.13-2) 7.3.18 A distance between axes of the sup-
ports shall be taken as a design span of girders
Design forces, moments and stresses and plates.
due to local load Geometrical dimensions of frame rings are
taken over the internal surface of the plating.
7.3.14 Basic designations:
Q — design load intensity, kN/m; 7.3.19 In girders and plates having
p — design pressure on the strip girder, haunches with a ratio hh l h  1 3 haunches
kPa; shall be fully accounted in relevant sections.
hwh — water head creating hydrostatic load Haunches with a ratio hh l h  1 3 are as-
to a side or bulkheads, m; sumed to have a ratio hh l h  1 3
Mbs — bending moment in bearing section
(Fig. 7.3.19).
of strip girder, kNm;
Ms — bending moment in the middle of a
span of the strip girder, kNm;
l — span of the strip girder between the
axes of the supports, m;
l1 — clear span of the strip girder, m;
lh — length of haunch, m;
h — plate thickness, cm;
hd — design thickness of a plate in way of
the haunch, cm;
hh — entire height of the haunch, cm;
Fig. 7.3.19 Haunches
hhd — design height of the haunch, cm.
7.3.20 When determining framing girder
7.3.15 The design forces in hull members
elements, effective flanges of the plates shall
due to local bending are determined in accor-
be taken into account.
dance with the requirements of 7.3.5.
Design width of effective flange shall be
7.3.16 If the design forces in hull members taken equal to half-sum of plate spans adja-
due to local bending are determined using cent to the stiffener but not more than 20
182 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

times the plate thickness (or 25 plate thick- M — bending moment due to design load
ness, when it is connected to the stiffener in normal section of the element, kNm;
reinforced with haunches). Here, effective Mb — design breaking moment in normal
flange width shall not exceed 1/3 of design section of the element, kNm;
span of the girder. N — longitudinal force due to design load,
7.3.21 For continuous girders and girder kN;
plates a moment at bearing stiffener edge sec- Nd — design longitudinal breaking force,
tion is taken as design support moment. Here, kN;
for the strip girder constrained at the bearings Q — shear force due to design load, kN;
with reinforced haunches and loaded by uni- Qd — design breaking shear force, kN;
formly distributed load, bending moments, Qc — projection of limiting force in a con-
kNm, may be determined as for a non- crete of sloped section of the element on a
prismatic girder: perpendicular to the element axis, kN;
on a bearing m.t. — main tension stresses, MPa;
M b = ql12  12 ; (7.3.21-1)  — greatest tangential stresses in the sides
and longitudinal bulkheads due to global
in a span
bending, MPa;
M s  ql 2  3  2  24 , (7.3.21-2) Fa — cross-sectional area of tensioned or
where ξ — coefficient to be determined by the most tensioned armature, cm2;
Table 7.3.21. Fa — cross-sectional area of compressed
T a b l e 7.3.21
or the least tensioned armature, cm2;
Values of coefficient ξ
Fab — cross-sectional area of vertical or
Values of  at lh/l
0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20
horizontal armature per 1 m of a side or lon-
0.5 1.11 1.13 1.15 1.16 1.18 1.19 gitudinal bulkhead section length, cm2/m;
0.6 1.09 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15 1.16 a — distance from the centre of gravity of
0.7 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 armature Fa to the nearest edge of the section,
0.8 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.08 cm;
h — entire height of rectangular or T-
7.3.22 When checking strength of side
section; thickness of side and longitudinal
plates in case of the transverse framing system
bulkhead plates, cm;
and bulkheads with vertical stiffeners design
pressure on a strip girder is assumed equal to b — breadth of rectangular cross-section;
the greatest of the values calculated by the breadth of rib of T-section, cm;
formulae, kPa: h0 — effective height of the section equal
to h – a, cm;
p  9.81  hwh – 0, 5l  ; (7.3.22-1) e0 — eccentricity of the longitudinal force,
p  9 .81  2hwh 3 . (7.3.22-2) equal to 102 M/N, cm;
k, k1 — safety factors taken according to
Table 7.3.23.
Strength checking of the elements
of common reinforced concrete hull 7.3.24 Strength of the elements shall be
7.3.23 Basic designations: .1 in normal sections for action of bend-
Rac — tensile strength of concrete at axial ing moments, longitudinal forces, as well as
compression, MPa; for mutual action of bending moments and
Rat — tensile strength of concrete at axial longitudinal forces;
tension, MPa; .2 in sloped sections for action of shear
ReН — yield point of armature, MPa. forces.
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 183

T a b l e 7.3.23
Safety factors
Strength factors of
Elements participating in global
Elements participating only in local
strength as well as global and local

Safety factor
strength simultaneously
Reason of destruction Constant and Constant and
occasional Emer- occasional Emer-
Constant Constant
loads as well gency loads as well gency
loads loads
as solely oc- loads as solely oc- loads
casional loads casional loads
Reaching tensile strength of con- k 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.3
crete at compression or when the
yield point of armature is reached
Reaching the limit value of main k1 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.8
tensile stresses in concrete
N o t e . When checking strength of assembled element due to action of forces occurring during trans-
portation and mounting, the safety factors shall be not less than k = 1.5 and k1 = 2.0.

Fig. 7.3.26 Sloped sections subjected to strength check

Sides and longitudinal bulkheads shall be formed (see Fig. 7.3.26) as applied to the fol-
also checked for action of shear force due to lowing locations:
general bending. in way of action of the greatest shear force;
7.3.25 Checking of strength in normal sec- in way of abrupt change of cross section of
the element;
tions shall be performed in way of action of
the greatest bending moment, abrupt change sections passing through the support edge
of the element cross-section and cut of the (section I – I);
armature. sections passing through beginnings of
In this case the following conditions shall bends located in tensioned zone (sections II –
be complied with: II, III – III, IV – IV );
during action of bending moments sections passing through points of change
Mð M  k ; (7.3.25-1) of the transverse reinforcement intensity lo-
cated in tensioned zone (section V – V).
during action of longitudinal forces as well Here, the following conditions shall be
as mutual action of the bending moment and met:
longitudinal forces Qð Q  k1 , (7.3.26-1)
Nð N  k . (7.3.25-2)
where k1 — safety factor taken according to
7.3.26 Checking of strength in sloped sec- Table 7.3.23.
tions for action of shear force shall be per- Q  0.1bh0 Rac 7 . (7.3.26-2)
184 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Where bent rods are available, value of de- Q  0.1k v Rð bh 0 k1 , (7.3.30-2)

sign shear force is taken as follows:
where k — coefficient calculated by the for-
for bends of the first plane — equal to
mula (7.3.29).
value of the shear force in way of the support
edge; At minor eccentricities checking of strength
is not omitted if the condition (7.3.30-1) is
for bends of each of the following planes
— equal to value of the shear force in way of
lower point which is previous as regards sup- 7.3.31 When checking strength of sides and
port of the bending plane. longitudinal bulkheads for action of shear
force due to general bending the following
7.3.27 Check of strength in sloped sections
conditions shall be met:
for action of shear forces may be omitted, if
the following condition is met   Rac 7 ; (7.3.31-1)
0.1bh0 Rð Q  k1 . (7.3.27) for vertical armature
Fab RåÍ 100h   k ; (7.3.31-2)
7.3.28 Checking of strength of eccentrically
compressed elements for action of shear for horizontal armature
forces shall be performed as for elements be- Fab RåÍ  50h   k . (7.3.31-3)
ing bent regardless of axis compression.
Cross-sectional area of vertical or horizon-
7.3.29 Strength of eccentrically tensioned tal armature Fab may include cross-sectional
elements for action of shear forces shall be area of vertical or horizontal stiffeners, re-
checked with due regard to the following di- spectively, assumed as uniformly distributed
rections: over the section.
.1 at minor eccentricities (tension force is
7.3.32 Checking of strength of sides and
applied between the centres of gravity of
longitudinal bulkheads for shear forces may be
cross-sectional areas Fa and Fà of the arma-
omitted, if the following condition is met:
ture) the entire shear force in sections located
at an angle of 60 or less to longitudinal axis   Rð k1 . (7.3.32)
of the element at and less shall be assumed as
transverse armature. Checking of strength in
sections located at an angle over 60 to the Design characteristics of materials and
longitudinal axis may be omitted; formulae for determination of breaking forces
and moments
.2 at major eccentricities (tension force is
applied outside the centres of gravity of cross- 7.3.33 Basic designations:
sectional areas Fa and Fa of the armature) the Rac — tensile strength of concrete at axial
checking of strength shall be performed as for compression (prism strength), MPa;
bent elements. Rat — tensile strength of concrete at axial
If е0  1.5h0, value of Qc calculated by the tension, MPa;
formula (7.3.49-2) shall be multiplied by a Ec — initial Young’s modulus of elasticity
coefficient kv equal to of concrete at compression and tension, MPa;
k v  e0 h0 – 0.5 . (7.3.29) RåÍ — yield stress of compressed or the
least tensioned armature, MPa;
7.3.30 At major eccentricity checking of bent
ReH — material yield stress of bent rods
strength of eccentrically tensioned elements for
action of shear forces may be performed if located in one plane crossing the sloped sec-
conditions (7.3.30-1) and (7.3.30-2) or at least tion under consideration, MPa;
one of the following conditions is met: ReH — material yield stress of rods located
mt  Rð k1 ; (7.3.30-1) in one plane perpendicular to the element
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 185

axis and crossing the sloped section under for eccentrically tensioned elements — ar-
consideration; mature located by the most distant section
Ea — Young’s modulus of elasticity of ar- edge from a point of application of the longi-
mature, MPa. tudinal force N;
M — bending moment due to design load Fbent — cross-sectional area of bent rods lo-
in normal section of the element, kNm; cated in one plane crossing the sloped section
Mb — design breaking moment in normal under consideration, cm2;
section of the element, kNm; Ft — cross-sectional area of rods located in
one plane perpendicular to the element axis
N — longitudinal force due to design load,
and crossing the sloped section under consid-
eration, cm2;
Nd — design longitudinal breaking force, fõ — cross-sectional area of one branch of
the loop, cm2;
Q — shear force due to design load, kN; n — number of loop branches in one sec-
Qd — design breaking shear force, kN; tion of the element;
Qc — projection of limiting force in a con- t — distance between transverse rods
crete of sloped section of the element on a (loops) along the element length, cm;
perpendicular to the element axis, kN;  — angle of slope of the bent rods to the
qõ — limiting force in transverse rods element axis, deg;
(loops) per unit of the element length, kN/m; a — distance from the centre of gravity of
l0 — design length of the element, cm; armature F to the nearest edge of the section,
r — minimum radius of inertia of the ele- cm;
ment cross-sectional area, cm; a' — distance from the centre of gravity of
F — cross-sectional area of the whole ele- cross-sectional area Fa of the armature to the
ment reduced to concrete, cm2; nearest edge of the section, cm;
fc — cross-sectional area of the concrete, b — breadth of rectangular cross section;
cm2; breadth of rib of T-section, cm;
F0 — cross-sectional area of the whole lon- bf — width of effective flange, cm;
gitudinal armature, cm2; h — total height of rectangular or T-
Fa — cross-sectional area of the longitudi- section, cm;
nal armature, cm2; h0 — effective height of the section equal
for bent elements — armature within ten- to h = a, cm;
sioned zone; h'0 — effective height of the section equal
for eccentrically compressed elements — to h – a, cm;
armature located by the most distant section bf — thickness of effective flange, cm;
edge from a point of application of the longi- z — height of compressed zone of concrete
tudinal force N; calculated with due regard to work of com-
for eccentrically tensioned elements — ar- pressed armature, cm;
mature located by the least distant section z0 — height of compressed zone of con-
edge from a point of application of the longi- crete calculated regardless of work of com-
tudinal force N; pressed armature, cm;
Fa — cross-sectional area of the longitu- S0 — static moment of the whole cross-
dinal armature, cm2; sectional area of concrete relative to an axis
for bent elements — armature within ten- passing through the centre of gravity of cross-
sioned zone; sectional area Fa of the armature, cm3;
for eccentrically compressed elements — Sc — static moment of the compressed
armature located by the least distant section zone of concrete relative to an axis passing
edge from a point of application of the longi- through the centre of gravity of cross-
tudinal force N; sectional area Fa of the armature, cm3;
186 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

e0 — eccentricity of the longitudinal force, be taken equal to 2.40 to 2.45 tm and that of
equal to 102 M/N, cm; light concrete — as per Table 7.3.35.
e — distance between the line of action of T a b l e 7.3.35
the force N and the centre of gravity of cross- Light concrete density depending on its class
sectional area Fa of the armature, cm; Concrete grade Density (t/m3)
e — distance between the line of action of Â22.5 1.8
the force N and the centre of gravity of cross- Â25 1.9
sectional area Fà of the armature, cm; Â30 2.0
e’ — distance between the line of action of Density of reinforced-concrete shall be de-
the force N and the centre of gravity of cross- termined as sum of concrete and armature
sectional area F’a of the armature, cm; masses per unit of volume of the structure.
c' — distance between the centre of gravity
7.3.36 Design breaking forces in centrally
of the cross-sectional area and tensioned or
compressed elements, kN,
the least compressed edge, cm.
N d  0.1  Rac Fc  ReH Fа  ReH
 Fа  , (7.3.36)
7.3.34 Regulated strength characteristics of
the hull structural concrete depending on where RåÍ, RåÍ — yield stress of armature of
concrete class are specified in Table 7.3.34-1, various classes;
and the mechanical characteristics of arma- Fa, Fa — cross-sectional areas of armature
ture — in Table 7.3.34-2. of various classes;
T a b l e 7.3.34-2  — coefficient of longitudinal bending
Mechanical properties of armature steel determined by Table 7.3.36.
Armature steel grade If the armature of one class is used, the
Mechanical properties A-I A-II A-III third term of expression within round brackets
(À240) (À300) (À400) of the right part of the formula (7.3.36) is
Yield stress ReH 235 295 390 excluded.
(MPa) Design length of the element l0 is deter-
Young’s modulus 2.1 2.1 2.0
mined by means of multiplication of its geo-
Ea (105MPa)
metrical length by coefficient depending on
The concrete strength characteristics extent of constraining and mobility of element
against axial tension in cases where concrete ends and taken equal to:
strength against tension are not controlled on at complete constraining of both ends 0.5
production, but taken by 2nd line of Table at complete constraining of one end and 0.7
7.3.34-1 depending on concrete class as per hinged support of the other one
at hinged support of both ends 1
compressive strength.
at completely constrained one end and 2
7.3.35 The concrete density shall be deter- free the other one
mined experimentally in accordance with at partly constraining of the ends and in 0.7
manufacture specifications. frames with fixed junctions
Where experimental data are not available 7.3.37 Design breaking forces in centrally
at design stage, density of heavy concrete may tensioned elements, kN,
T a b l e 7.3.34-1
Regulated limit strength characteristics of concrete depending on class
Values of regulated strength characteristics depending on strength
concrete class
Strength characteristic
heavy concrete light concrete
Â22.5 Â25 Â30 Â35 Â40 Â45 Â22.5 Â25 B30
Concrete strength at axial compression (prism 23.5 26.1 31.4 36.6 41.9 47.1 22.1 24.5 29.4
strength) Rps (MPa)
Concrete strength at axial tension Rt (MPa) 2.45 2.61 2.94 3.20 3.40 3.53 2.65 2.84 3.04
Initial Young’s modulus Ec (10–3MPa) 30.9 32.0 34.3 35.3 37.9 39.2 19.1 20.6 22.1
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 187

T a b l e 7.3.36 It is assumed here that value of z calcu-

Values of longitudinal bending coefficient lated by the formula (7.3.38-2) meets the
Longitudinal bending coeffi- condition
l0 b l0 r cient  for load
occasional constant
2a '  z  0.55h 0 . (7.3.38-3)
10 35 1.0 1.0 If
12 42 0.96 0.96 z  2a '  z 0 , (7.3.38-4)
14 48 0.92 0.92
16 55 0.88 0.87 where
18 62 0.84 0.79 z 0  RåH Fà  Rac b  , (7.3.38-5)
20 69 0.79 0.71
then the design breaking moment is calculated
22 76 0.75 0.64
24 83 0.70 0.58
by the formula (7.3.38-1) with an assumption
26 90 0.65 0.51 that
28 97 0.61 0.45 z  2a ' (7.3.38-6)
30 104 0.56 0.39 and
32 111 0.51 0.34
34 118 0.47 0.29
Fа   ReH Fа  Rac b 2a   ReH
 . (7.3.38-7)
36 125 0.42 0.25 If z0 < 2a', the design breaking moment is
38 132 0.38 0.21 calculated by the formula (7.3.38-1) with an
40 139 0.34 0.17 assumption that F'à = 0.
N р  0,1  ReH Fа  ReH
 Fа  . (7.3.37) 7.3.39 Design breaking moments in bent
If the armature of one class is used, the elements of T-section including effective
second term of expression within round flange in tensioned zone are determined as for
brackets is excluded. bending elements of rectangular section with a
breadth equal to the stiffener breadth.
7.3.38 Design breaking moments in bend-
ing elements of rectangular section (Fig. 7.3.40 Design breaking moments, kNm, in
7.3.38), kNm: bending elements of T-section including ef-
fective flange in compressed zone are calcu-
Md  Rasbz  h0  z 2  ReH
 Fà  h0  a   103 ,
(7.3.38-1) when RåÍ Fà   Rac bf hf  RåÍ
 Fà  (7.3.40-1)
by the formula (7.3.38-1) as for bending ele-
z   ReH Fà  ReH  Fà   Rac b  . (7.3.38-2)
ments of rectangular section of bfh
(Fig. 7.3.40-1);

Fig. 7.3.40-1. Cross section of tee reinforced-

concrete element
Fig. 7.3.38 Cross section of rectangular reinforced-
concrete element
at RåÍ Fà   Rac bf hf  RåÍ
 Fà  (7.3.40-2)
188 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

by the formula
z  h 0  e   h0  e  2  ReHFae  ReH
 Fae  Racb,

 
M ð  Racbz h0 – z 2  0.8Rac hf  bf – b  
 (7.3.41-3)
   
 h0 – a   10 ,
 h0 – hf 2  FàRåÍ

–3 Values of e and e’ are calculated by the
(7.3.40-3) e  100M N  c – a ; (7.3.41-4)
where å '  100M N – c  a ' (7.3.41-5)
z   RåÍFà – RåÍ
 Fà  – 0.8Rac  bf – b  hf 
at 100M N  c '– a ' (7.3.41-6)
 Racb  . and e '  c '– 100M N – a ' (7.3.41-7)
(7.3.40-4) at 100M N  c '– a ' . (7.3.41-8)
Here, the following condition shall be met In formula (7.3.41-3) sign of minus in the
(Fig. 7.3.40-2) second term of the radicand is taken where
the force N is applied outside the centre of
gravity of armature Fà and F'à.
In elements of rectangular section meeting
the condition
z  2a   z 0 , (7.3.41-9)
z 0  h0  e   h 0  e 2  2ReH Fa e  Racb ,
the design breaking forces are determined by
Fig. 7.3.40-2. To calculation of static moments Sc
the formula (7.3.41-2) with an assumption
and S0 that
z  2a ' (7.3.41-11)
S c  0.8S 0 . (7.3.40-5) and
7.3.41 Design breaking forces Nb in eccen- Fà   ReH Fa e  2Rac ba e    e ReH
 .
trically compressed elements of rectangular (7.3.41-12)
section (Fig. 7.3.41-1) meeting the condition At z0 < 2a' the design breaking forces are
determined by formula (7.3.41-2) regardless of
compressed armature with an assumption that
Fà = 0.
In elements of rectangular section (Fig.
7.3.41-2) meeting the condition

Fig. 7.3.41-1 Eccentrically compressed elements of

rectangular section
2a   z  0.55h 0 , (7.3.41-1)
are determined by the formula, kN: Fig. 7.3.41-2. Eccentrically compressed elements
N ð  0, 1Rac bz –  RåÍ Fà – RåÍ
 Fà  , of rectangular section
(7.3.41-2) z  0.55h 0 , (7.3.41-13)
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 189

the design breaking forces are determined by at minor eccentricities

the formula, kN: S c  0.8S 0 ; (
N d  0.1  RåÍ
 
 Fà h 0 – a '   0, 5Rac bh02 

e. .3 at major eccentricity the design break-
ing forces, kN,
Here, if the force N is applied between the N d  0.1 Rac bz   ReH Fa  ReH Fa  
centres of gravity of cross-sectional areas Fa Rac  bf  b  hп  ;
and Fà of the armature, the following condi-
tion shall be met (
.4 at a minor eccentricity the design
N d e   0.1  ReH Fa  h0  a    0.5Rac bh02  .
breaking forces, kN,
(7.3.41-15) Nd  0.1 ReH
 Fà(h0  a)  0.5Racbh 02 
7.3.42 flange located in tensioned zone or
in minor compressed zone are determined as

 Rac  bac  b  hf h0  0.5hf  e .
 
for eccentrically compressed elements of rec- (
tangular section of breadth equal to breadth of If the whole section is compressed, the
the stiffener. design breaking force found by the formula
( is compared with the force Nb,
7.3.43 Design breaking forces in eccentri- kN, calculated by the formula
cally compressed elements including effective
flange located in compressed zone that meet Nd  0.1 ReHFà (h0  a)  0.5Racbh02 
the condition
 Rac (bf  b)hf (0.5hf  a) e .
z  hf , (7.3.43-1)
are determined as for eccentrically com- For checking of strength the least of the
pressed elements of rectangular section of a breaking force values obtained from formulae
breadth equal to width of effective flange, i.e. ( and ( is taken.
by formula (7.3.41-2) taking b = bf. If b = bf
at 7.3.44 Influence of flexibility on calcula-
tion of eccentrically compressed elements
z  hf , (7.3.43-2)
shall be accounted:
then the design breaking forces shall be de- for rectangular sections at
termined by the following way: l0 b  10 ; (7.3.44-1)
.1 height of a compressed zone, cm, is
determined by the formula for section of any shape at

z  h0  e  h0  e 
 2  ReH Fа e  ReH
 Fаe 
l0 r  35 . (7.3.44-2)
This influence is accounted by means of
multiplication of value l0 and coefficient 

 Rac hf  bf  b  h0  e  0,5hf    Racb  .
determined by the formulae:
( for rectangular sections
A sign of minus in the second term of 1
  1  kN  l0 h   40Rac F 
equation in square brackets is taken, where a ; (7.3.44-3)

point of application of the force N is outside for section of any shape
the section part bounded by the centres of 1
  1  kN  l0 r   480Rac F   , (7.3.44-4)
gravity of cross-sectional areas Fa and Fà of
the armature;  
.2 eccentric compression is considered by where k — safety factor taken according to
the following conditions: Table 7.3.23.
at major eccentricities 7.3.45 If straining force is applied between
S c  0.8S 0 ; ( centres of gravity of cross-sectional areas Fà
190 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

and Fà of the armature (Fig. 7.3.45), design

breaking forces in eccentrically tensioned ele-
ments are determined by the formulae, kN:
N d  0.1Fà  h 0 – a   RåÍ e ' (7.3.45-1)
and N d  0.1Fà  h 0 – a '  RåÍ
 e , (7.3.45-2)
where e, e‘ — parameters which values shall
be determined by the formulae
e  c  100M N – a ; (7.3.45-3)
Fig. 7.3.46 Eccentrically tensioned elements of
e '  c ' 100M N – a ' . (7.3.45-4) rectangular section (straining forces are applied
outside the centres of gravity of areas Fà and Fà of
armature cross sections)
e '  100M N  c '– a ' , (7.3.46-4)
where c — distance between the centre of
gravity of cross-sectional area of the element
and tensioned edge;
c' — distance between the centre of gravity
of cross-sectional area of the element and
Fig. 7.3.45 Eccentrically tensioned elements compressed edge.
(tension force is applied between the centres It is assumed here that height of the com-
of gravity of areas Fà and Fà of armature cross-
pressed zone of concrete meets the condition
2a '  z  0.55h 0 . (7.3.46-5)
Here c — distance between the centre of
gravity of cross-sectional area of the whole If
armature and the most tensioned edge; z  2a '  z 0 , (7.3.46-6)
c — distance between the centre of gravity where
of cross-sectional area of the whole armature
and the least tensioned edge.
z 0  h0  e   h0  e 2  2eFа ReH  Racb  ,
For strength checking the least of obtained (7.3.46-7)
values of breaking force is taken. the breaking force is determined by the for-
mula (7.3.46-1) with an assumption that
7.3.46 Design breaking forces in eccentri- z  2a ' (7.3.46-8)
cally tensioned elements of rectangular sec-
tion, when straining forces are applied outside and Fà   eFa ReH – 2e Rat ba '   e RåÍ
 .
centres of gravity of cross-sectional areas Fà (7.3.46-9)
and Fà of the armature (Fig. 7.3.46) are de- At z < 2a' the design breaking force is de-
termined by the formula, kN, termined by the formula (7.3.46-1) regardless
N d  0.1  RåÍ Fà – RåÍ
 F 'à – Rac bz   , of the compressed armature taking Fa = 0.

(7.3.46-1) 7.3.47 When the straining force is applied

where outside the centres of gravity of cross-
sectional areas Fà and Fà of the armature,
 
z  h0 e  h0  e  2 ReH
 Fаe  ReHFаe  Racb, design breaking forces in eccentrically ten-
(7.3.46-2) sioned elements of T-section including effec-
where e, e — parameters which values shall tive flange in the tensioned zone are deter-
be calculated by the formulae mined as for eccentrically tensioned elements
of a rectangular section of a breadth equal to
e  100M N – c  a ; (7.3.46-3) breadth of the stiffener.
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 191

7.3.48 When the straining force is applied dance with 7.3.49. Here, instead of value of qõ
outside the centres of gravity of cross- in calculating formulae (7.3.49-3) – (7.3.495)
sectional areas Fà and Fà of the armature, the following shall be inserted
design breaking forces in eccentrically ten- q x  q x  q , (7.3.50)
sioned elements of T-section including effec- where q — design load due to water action
tive flange in the compressed zone, are de- per element length unit, kN/m.
termined by the following way:
at z < hf, where z is calculated by the for- Checking of hull elements for crack opening
mula (7.3.46-2) with an assumption that
b = bb, design breaking forces are determined 7.3.51 Basic designations:
as for elements of rectangular section of a Ea — Young’s modulus of elasticity of ar-
breadth equal to width of effective flange; mature, MPa.
at z > hat the design breaking forces Nc are M — bending moment, kNm;
calculated by the formula, kN: N — longitudinal force, kN;
às — stress in the armature due to longi-
N d  0.1  ReH Fa  ReH Fa   Rac bz 
tudinal straining force, MPa;
 Rac  bf  b  hï  , ab — stress in armature due to bending
(7.3.48-1) moment, MPa;
where i — initial tensile stress in armature due

to concrete swelling, MPa;

z  h0  e  h0  e  2  ReH
 Fàe  ReHFà e  a — distance from the centre of gravity of
cross-section area of the most tensioned ar-

 Rac  bf  b  hf  h0  e  0.5hf    Racb  . mature Fà to the nearest edge of the section,
(7.3.48-2) cm;
d — diameter of the most tensioned arma-
7.3.49 Design breaking shear force in ture rods, mm;
sloped section of element, kN, acr — design breadth of crack opening,
N d  0.1 ReH sina   Fbent  RetH  Ft  Qc ,  mm;
lcr — distance between cracks, cm;
(7.3.49-1) F0 — cross-sectional area of the whole lon-
where Qc  0.015Rac bh 20 c0 ‚ (7.3.49-2) gitudinal armature in the section under con-
sideration, cm2;
c0 — design length of projection of the
Fà — cross-sectional area of tensioned ar-
most unfavourable sloped section to the ele-
mature in the element's section under consid-
ment axis, a length of which is got by increas-
eration, cm2;
ing of loop pitches number up to the integer
b — breadth of rectangular cross section;
value c0 equal to
breadth of rib of T-section, cm;
c0  0.015Rac bh20 q x , (7.3.49-3) bf — width of effective flange, cm;
h — total height of rectangular or T-
where q õ  0.1RåÍ f õ n t . (7.3.49-4) section, cm;
When bent rods are not available, the de- h0 — effective height of the section equal
sign breaking shear force, kN, is determined to h – a, cm;
as t — distance between rods (pitch) of trans-
verse armature, cm.
Qd  0.06Rac bh20 q x  q x t . (7.3.49-5)
7.3.52 All bending, centrally and eccentri-
7.3.50 Design breaking transverse force in cally tensioned as well as eccentrically com-
elements subject to uniformly distributed load pressed hull elements, a strength of which is
due to water pressure is determined in accor- proved by calculation, shall be checked for
192 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

crack opening at action of constant or mutu- àb  1000M  Fà h0   , (

ally applied constant and occasional loads.
where  — coefficient taken equal to 1.0 in
7.3.53 Permissible width of crack openings all cases except supporting sections of plates,
for different reinforced-concrete elements and for which  is equal to 0.8;
cases of loading shall be taken according to η — coefficient taken equal to 0.85 for
Table 7.3.53. plates and T-profile girder with effective
7.3.54 Design width of crack openings nor- flange in the tensioned zone, and 0.90 — for
mal to axis of reinforced-concrete elements, T-profile girders with effective flange in the
mm compressed zone.
acr   0 às  b àb  í  lcr E à , (7.3.54) 7.3.56 Distance between cracks, mm, for
bending, centrally and eccentrically tensioned
where 0, b — coefficients to be taken by and eccentrically compressed elements
Table 7.3.54.
T a b l e 7.3.54 lcr  20  3.5  100  3 d , (7.3.56-1)
Values of axial tension 0 and bending b where  — coefficient taken for centrally and
coefficients eccentrically tensioned elements with minor
Load type 0 b eccentricity equal to 1.2, in other cases  = 1;
Random 0.65 0.8  — coefficient taken equal to 1.0 for rods
Constant 0.80 1.0 of periodic profile and 1.3 — for smooth
Repeated, vibration 0.95 1.2
For structures located in water  =  — reinforcement coefficient of the sec-
20 MPa, for structures subject to prolonged tion determined by the following formulae,
drying i = 0. but not more than 0.02;
For eccentrically compressed elements ac- for plates
tion of normal compress force in calculation   Fà  bh0  ; (7.3.56-2)
is not considered, it is taken as às = 0.
for girders with effective flange in the com-
7.3.55 Stresses in armature taken in calcu- pressed zone
lation of crack opening are determined by the   Fà  bï h0  ; (7.3.56-3)
.1 due to longitudinal straining force, for girders with belt in the tensioned zone
MPa,   Fа bs hs  bf ( h0  hs )  , (7.3.56-4)
às  10N F0 ; ( where bs — breadth of girder stiffener, cm;
.2 due to bending moment, MPa, bf — width of effective flange, cm;
T a b l e 7.3.53
Values of permissible width of crack openings for different structure elements of the hull
Permissible width of crack openings, mm, for
Eccentrically compressed and eccentri- Centrally and eccen-
Hull structural elements cally tensioned bent elements having a trically tensioned
compressed zone in a section elements not having
a compressed zone
Wetted surface Non-wetted surface
in a section
Plates of bottom plating, transom and sides of 0.10 0.15 0.08
underwater part
Side plates of shell plating above the waterline. 0.08 0.15 0.07
Deck plates in enclosed sections. Plates and
framing girders in ballast compartments
Deck plates in closed sections. Plates of bulk- — — 0.15
heads and framing girders in dry compartments
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 193

hs — beam height, cm. 7.3.58 he cross-sectional area of anchors

N o t e s . 1. For girders with effective flange in butt-welded to flat elements of steel built-in
tensioned zone the armature of a stiffener and a parts during action of bending moments, nor-
plate within width of effective flange shall be in- mal and shear forces, shall be determined as
cluded into Fà. per Fig. 7.3.58 and by the formula
2. At different diameters of tensioned armature
an assumed value of diameter dc is being used in 2
Fan  13 N an  Qan    an
RåÍ ,
the calculation which is determined by the for-
mula, mm, (7.3.58-1)
dy   n1d1  n2d2  ...  ni di   n1  n2  ...  ni  , where N an  100 Ì z  N nan ; (7.3.58-2)
where ni — number of rods of the given diameter
di, mm, included into the tensioned armature; Qan  Q  0.3N an
  nan ; (7.3.58-3)
3. In plates having in tensioned zone transverse   100 Ì z  N nan ;
N an (7.3.58-4)
armature of a diameter d1  0.07ht arranged with a
nan — number of anchors along the direc-
pitch t and located parallel to the cracks a distance
between the cracks is taken equal to t on condition tion of shear force. If uniform transfer of
that 0.7lcr  t  1.3lcr. shear force Q to all anchor rows is not pro-
vided, when determining the shear force Qan
Calculation and designing of built-in parts not more than 4 rows shall be considered;
λ — parameter:
7.3.57 Basic designations:
Ì — bending moment determined relative   6  3 Rac 1  0.15fan  RåÍ   0.7 ;
to an axis located in the outer edge plain of (7.3.58-5)
built-in part plate and passing through the  — coefficient:
centre of gravity of all the anchors, kNm;
  1 1    0.15 , (7.3.58-6)
N — normal force acting on a built-in
part, kN;  — pressure coefficient:
Q — shear force acting on a built-in part,   0.3N an Qan if N an  0
kN; (there is pressure); (7.3.58-7)
Fan — total cross-sectional area of anchors
of the most stressed row, cm2;   0.6N Q if N an  0
Nan — maximum tensile force in one an- (there is not pressure). (7.3.58-8)
chor row, kN;
Qan — shear force per one anchor row, kN;
RåÍ — yield point of the anchor arma-
ture, MPa;
 — maximum compression force in
N àn
one anchor row, kN;
z — distance between edge anchor rows,
fan — area of anchor rod of the most
stressed row, cm2;
l — length of a built-in part’s anchors, mm;
d — diameter of a built-in part’s anchors,
s — thickness of a built-in part’s plate, mm;
RåÍ — yield stress of a built-in part’s Fig. 7.3.58. To determination of cross-sectional
plate, MPa. area of the anchors
194 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

If the anchors have not straining forces, stalled with sizes calculated by the formula
coefficient  is taken equal to unit. (7.3.58-1) at  = 1.0 and Qan equal to 0.1
Anchors cross-sectional area of the rest from the shear force determined by the for-
rows shall be taken equal to total cross- mula (7.3.58-3).
sectional area of anchors of the most stressed
row. 7.3.60 The anchors length shall be not less
than 15 times their diameters.
Force N is considered positive if it is di-
rected from the build-in detail. If this requirement can not be met, the
In case of forces Nan and Qan calculated by length of anchors may be decreased to 3 times
the formulae (7.3.58-2) and (7.3.58-3) are diameters providing that any of the following
negative, in the formula (7.3.58-1) they are elements are welded perpendicularly to the
taken equal to zero. If the force N an calcu- anchor ends:
square plates of not less than 5 mm thick
lated by the formula (7.3.58-4) is negative, in
the formula (7.3.58-3) N is taken instead of with a square side not less than 4 times di-
ameters of the anchor or 30 mm whichever is
 .
N an
greater (Fig. 7.3.60, à);
When placing a build-in detail on the up- round washers of not less than 5 mm thick
per (when concreting) surface of an item, the having the diameter of not less than three
parameter  is decreased by 20% and value anchor diameters or 30 mm whichever is
 is taken equal to zero.
N an greater (Fig. 7.3.60, b);
7.3.59 The cross-sectional area of anchors two transverse rods of the same diameter as
welded to a plate by overlap under acting of the anchor with a length equal to 5 times di-
shear force shall be determined as per Fig. ameters of the rod at d ≥ 12 mm or one such
7.3.59 and by the formula rod at d < 12 mm (fig. 7.3.60, c).
Fan  12Q RåÍ . (7.3.59)

Fig. 7.3.59. To determination of cross-sectional

area of anchors welded to plate by overlap under
acting of shear force Fig. 7.3.60. Elements welded perpendicularly
to anchor ends
Shear force resistance of lap-welded an-
chors is considered at Q > N, where N is ten- 7.3.61 The thickness of build-in detail
sion force and anchor bend angle is from 15 plates installed in an item plain shall corre-
to 30. The butt-welded anchors shall be in- spond to the following condition:
7 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Hull 195

s  0.5dRåÍ pl
R åÍ  5. (7.3.61) 7.4.7 Thickness of the protection layer of
the armature subjected to pre-stressing shall
be equal to a rod diameter but not less than
10 mm.
REINFORCED CONCRETE When such armature is placed in channels
or slots, the thickness of the protection layer
General requirements shall be equal to diameter of the channel or
half of the slot width respectively, but at least
7.4.1 Pre-tensioned reinforced concrete
20 mm.
may be used for manufacturing the elements
of ship hull and superstructure. Thickness of the protection layer of the
armature not subject to pre-stressing shall be
7.4.2 When pre-stressed reinforced con- designated according to the requirements of
crete is used, assemble or assemble-and- 7.2.19.
monolith methods shall be applied.
Intersectional connections are recom- Strength calculations
mended to be made with cogging.
7.4.8 Basic designations:
Stressed joints may be used provided they
are performed with relevant force. Rac — tensile strength of concrete at axial
compression (prism strength), MPa;
Designing of connections Rat — tensile strength of concrete at axial
tension, MPa;
7.4.3 General cogging of a hull shall be N — longitudinal force due to design load,
performed by means of preliminary stress of N;
special armature rods or bunches located in N0 — longitudinal force decreasing stress
longitudinal girders or strengthened elements in the concrete caused by its cogging, N;
of the hull (deck stringer, bilge, parts of lon- M — bending moment, Ncm;
gitudinal bulkheads adjacent to the bottom
and the deck). Local cogging of the hull shall às —**** design stresses in the armature
be carried out by means of pre-stressing of the due to longitudinal straining force, MPa;
armature of plates and framing girders. ab — design stresses in armature due to
bending moment, MPa;
7.4.4 Pre-stressing of the armature shall be
F0 — cross-sectional area of the whole lon-
carried out by means of jacking on abutment
gitudinal armature, cm2;
or consolidated concrete.
Thermal method of section armature jack- Fà — cross-sectional area of tensioned ar-
ing is allowed on condition that maximum mature in the element's section under consid-
eration, cm2;
temperature does not exceed 350C for rod
armature and 300C for wire armature. h — total height of rectangular or T-
section, cm;
7.4.5 Armature subject to pre-stressing shall h0 — effective height of the section equal
be fastened in concrete by means of special to h – a, cm;
anchors or by other way. When placing the
armature in channels the latter shall be filled eõ — distance from the centre of gravity of
with cement grout. cross-sectional area Fà of the armature to the
line of action of the force N0, cm;
7.4.6 Ends of pre-stressed elements on sec- η,  — coefficients determined by the di-
tions of a length equal to two lengths of an- rections of 7.3.55.
chor devices and, if the anchors are not avail-
able, over a length of 10 rod diameters but at 7.4.9 Hull elements fabricated of pre-
least 200 mm, shall be strengthened by weld stressed reinforced concrete shall be checked
lathings or closed loops. Here, the rod and for crack resistance; for strength of com-
loop diameters shall be not less than 6 mm. pressed zone of the concrete; for strength
196 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

against breaking forces according to the re- T a b l e 7.4.12

quirements of the Rules. Elements of com- Safety factors in calculations of crack
bined structures (consisting of pre-stressed resistance and strength
and common reinforced concrete) as well as Safety factors of the elements whose
pre-stressed elements reinforced by hot-rolled strength shall be verified in calculations of
rods and not contacting with water may be global strength or
checked only for strength against breaking Design loads
global and local
local strength only
forces and crack resistance. strength simultane-
7.4.10 Calculation of pre-stressed structures for crack for for crack for
is performed for affection of the following resistance strength resistance strength
loads: design loads combined with preliminary Constant 1.35 2.1 1.25 1.9
Constant and 1.20 1.9 1.10 1.7
cogging of the concrete, preliminary cogging
occasional, as
of the concrete at a stage of the structure fab- well as solely
rication, forces arising during transportation occasional
and mounting of assembled elements in com- Emergency not 1.6 not 1.5
bination with preliminary cogging of the con- regulated regulated
Here, value of the main straining stresses
7.4.11 Values of forces, moments and shall not exceed 0.8Rat, and of the main com-
stresses arising in pre-stressed structures due pression stresses — 0.5Rac.
to design loads shall be determined as for
elastic systems according to the methods 7.4.15 rack resistance of pre-stressed struc-
agreed with the River Register. tures, strength of which may be controlled by
breaking forces, shall be checked in accor-
7.4.12 Safety factors in calculations of
dance with the directions of 7.3.51 to 7.3.56.
crack resistance and strength against breaking
Here, stresses in the armature shall be deter-
forces shall be not less than those indicated in
mined by the following formulae:
Table 7.4.12.
due to action of axial straining force
7.4.13 Stresses in the compressed zone of
the concrete due to mutual action of prelimi- às  0.01  N – N 0  F0 ; (7.4.15-1)
nary cogging and design load shall not exceed due to action of bending moment
0.6Rac in the hull elements subject to com-
àb  0.01 Ì  N 0  eõ – h0    Fà h0  .
pression or both bending and compression,
and 0.7R ac in elements subject to bending. (7.4.15-2)
7.4.14 Pre-stressed elements shall be 7.4.16 ogether with strength checking of
checked for main straining stresses, and ele- the structure itself, strength of concrete under
ments with a wall thickness equal to or less anchors shall be also checked. Values of local
than h15 — also for main compression compression stresses of the concrete under the
stresses. anchors shall not exceed 0.7Rac.
8 Design of GRP Hulls 197


8.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 8.2.5 While manufacturing multi-layered

structures (plating, members) using foamed
8.1.1 The requirements of present chapter
plastics, honeycomb plastics or wood the tight
apply to ships of all classes with GRP hulls.
filling of inner chambers and glue of the fillers
to outer layers over the whole surface shall be
8.2.1 At the construction of ship’s hulls
both monolith and sectional methods may be 8.2.6 For ships over 15 m in length the
used. longitudinal framing system shall be used for
At the sectional method of construction the bottom and decks, and the transverse
butts shall be located apart from each other framing system shall be used for sides. The
for at least a length of the lining. other framing systems may be used meeting
the requirements to hull strength specified in
8.2.2 For quality control of glass-reinforced 8.3.
plastic when manufacturing shell and main
bearing framing girders of ships more than 15 8.2.7 In forepeaks, the transverse framing
m in length a tolerance of sheets shall be pro- system shall be applied.
vided and a length of one of the girders of the
section shall be enlarged. 8.2.8 For hulls of ships of P and Ë classes
Properties of the material of other details over 15 m in length and ships up to 15 m in
may be determined on samples of the finished length of all classes, as well as for superstruc-
batch. tures, wheelhouses, light bulkheads and enclo-
For ships up to 15 m in length and the ship sures of all ships, frameless or framed three-
hulls made by the monolith method simulta- layered plating is allowed.
neously with a hull of the first ship of a series
8.2.9 In case of the longitudinal framing
under the same conditions the control panels system, the distance between longitudinal
shall be formed, thickness and structure of framing girders shall be taken not more than
which shall precisely correspond to a thick- 250 mm.
ness and structure of the hull glass-reinforced
plastic. 8.2.10 Framing girders participating in
8.2.3 Rivets, bolts and screws applied for global bending shall be continuous throughout
connections of structures made of glass- the hull length without interruptions on trans-
reinforced plastic shall be installed perpen- verse framing and bulkheads.
dicularly to the glass-reinforced plastic layers. 8.2.11 In case of the transverse framing
Places of the connections may be prelimi- system, spacing shall be taken 500 mm for
nary reinforced with metal plates. ships of all the classes. Here, closed framing
8.2.4 Connection of the elements of struc- member rings shall be provided.
tures made of hot hardening plastic with each
other and with other materials (glass- 8.2.12 The distance between keelsons, m,
reinforced plastics, metals) may be performed shall be taken for basin category:
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 1.00
on connecting linings or kneepieces by means
Î-ÏÐ, Î 1.25
of glue, rivets, screws or bolts. Ð 1.5
198 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

8.2.13 Members shall be connected with

the plating (Fig. 8.2.13) by means of double-
sided symmetrical connecting angle bars of
the same material as the elements to be con-
nected. Dimensions of the angle bars are des-
ignated depending on the member dimensions
and shall be substantiated. In all cases a width
of the angle bar flange shall be not less than
30 mm, and thickness t — not less than a
girder web thickness.

Fig. 8.2.14 Connection of framing member

When connecting a deck with a side by
means of bolts the latter shall be located at
least 3.5 bolt diameter apart from the plate
8.2.17 Connection of the outer shell plat-
ing, the deck plating or bulkheads between
each other shall be carried out by means of
double-sided symmetrical linings. The length
Fig. 8.2.13. Connection of members with shell of the lining shall be not less than 200 mm
and thickness — not less than 0.5 of thickness
8.2.14 Connection of framing member ele- of plates to be connected. Butts shall be posi-
ments shall be carried out by means of double- tioned in different longitudinal positions and
sided symmetrical connecting linings; butt be located, as far as possible, in the less
gaps shall not exceed 2 mm. The linings shall stressed hull sections. The base in the lining
be made of glass-reinforced plastic of the same layers shall be directed transversely to the
structure as the girder web. Dimensions of butt.
linings are defined by dimensions of the mem-
bers and shall be substantiated. A length of the 8.2.18 Thickness of the outer shell plating
lining ll shall be not less than 1.5-fold profile and the deck plating is determined by a calcu-
depth, thickness l — not less than a half of girder lation on the conditions of global and local
web thickness t (Fig. 8.2.14). All gaps shall be strength; thickness values shall not be less
filled with fiberglass impregnated by a resin. than specified in Table 8.2.18.

8.2.15 For ships up to 10 m in length the 8.2.19 In the area of ends of strong super-
bottom plating, the side plating and the deck structures in ships over 15 m in length rein-
plating may be made of mats, evaporated fibre forcement of the outer plating and the deck
or their compositions. For ships over 10 m in plating shall be provided.
length, glass fabric or roving cloth with vari-
8.2.20 For bulkheads in ships up to 15 m
ous reinforcement schemes shall be used.
in length as well as of light bulkheads and
8.2.16 If the connection of outer plating enclosures in ships over 15 m in length frame-
with a deck is performed by means of double- less constructions with box and wave corru-
sided connecting angle bars, their sized shall gates may be used.
be defined by the least thickness of the plates For light bulkheads and enclosures finished
to be connected. The base in the angle bar lay- three-layered panels may be used with outer
ers shall be directed longitudinally. layers made of hot hardening plastics.
8 Design of GRP Hulls 199

T a b l e 8.2.18 structures shall be not less than 90 mm and

Minimum thicknesses of outer shell and deck plating for light superstructures and wheelhouses —
Minimal thickness of the 60 mm.
outer plating / deck
Type of glass 8.2.25 Connection of superstructure walls
Deck structure plating, mm, at the
ship’s length, m: made of GRP or plastic with decks made of
< 15 ≥15 other materials may be carried out by means
Glass fabric One-layered 3/3 4/4 of bolts, rivets, glue and combinations of glue
Three-layered 2/2 2/2 and bolts (rivets). Here, fastening shall be
Glass mat One-layered 4/3 5/4 carried out on metal coamings.
(chopped Three-layered 2/2 3/3 8.2.26 Design measures shall be provided to
glass fibre)
reduce the stress concentration at ends of strong
Glass-fibre One-layered 3/3 4/4
mat superstructures extended from side to side.
Three-layered 2/2 3/2
8.2.27 In the base hull members all cutouts
8.2.21 Connection of bulkheads of glass- of dimensions over 20 thicknesses (except for
reinforced plastics with the hull shall be car- openings in members where active stresses do
ried out by means of double-sided connecting not exceed 0.3 of the permissible ones) shall
angle bars of glass-reinforced plastic. Here, a be reinforced.
width of the angle bar flanges for watertight All rectangular cutouts shall be rounded in
bulkheads shall be not less than 60 mm. corners by a radius of not less than 0.2 of the
Connection of panels between each other opening width.
and with adjacent structures shall be carried 8.2.28 Openings shall be reinforced by
out by means of metal, plastic or GRP angle- means of increase of the plate thickness or
bars and beads with screws and glue. fitting linings over the cutout perimeter.
8.2.22 Dimensions and choice of the bulk- Thickness of the lining (or enlarged plate
head materials shall be substantiated. Here, thickness) for minor cutouts (of a width equal
thickness of watertight bulkhead plating shall to or less than 50-fold thickness) may be
be not less than, mm, at ship length, m: taken equal to the plate thickness; at the
thickness greater openings (over 50-fold thickness) it is
≤15 2 determined by the calculation.
>15 3
8.2.29 Strength and rigidity of foundations
8.2.23 When choosing the framing system and supports for engines, arrangements, as
and designating the dimensions of strong su- well as strength of fastening the engines and
perstructure members in ships over 15 m in the arrangements to the foundations shall en-
length, the requirements for the main hull sure the normal operation of the engines and
shall be considered. Light superstructures and the arrangements during the voyage.
wheelhouses in ships over 15 m in length and
T a b l e 8.2.23
superstructures in ships up to 15 m in length
may be of three-layered structure as well as Minimum thicknesses of walls and decks of light
superstructures and wheelhouses
with corrugated framing.
Minimal thickness of walls and
Thickness of walls and decks of light super- decks of light superstructures and
structures and wheelhouses shall be not less Type of glass filler wheelhouses at the shell plating
than specified in Table 8.2.23. structure, mm:
one-layered three-layered
8.2.24 Connection of superstructure walls Glass fabric 2.0 1.5
with a hull of glass-reinforced plastic shall be Glass mat 3.0 1.5
carried out by means of double-sided con- (chopped glass
necting angle bars of glass-reinforced plastic. fibre)
Here, the angle bar flange for strong super- Glass-fibre mat 2.5 1.5
200 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

8.3 STRENGTH AND BUCKLING modulus of elongation

CALCULATIONS E p  nE ; (8.3.3-1)
8.3.1 The following stresses are taken as where n — reduction coefficient of modulus
unsafe normal stresses 0 and unsafe tangent of elongation of the material;
stresses 0, ÌPà: E — modulus of elongation of the material
0  kRm ; (8.3.1-1) (as per laboratory tests of dry samples);
0  k  m , (8.3.1-2) shear modulus
where k — strength reduction coefficient of G p  nG , (8.3.3-2)
the material;
where G — shear modulus deformation (as
Rm — tensile strength of the material at the
per laboratory tests of dry samples).
corresponding type of deformation (as per
laboratory tests of dry samples), MPa; For glass-reinforced plastics with glass fill-
ers treated by hydrophobic adhesive composi-
m — shear ultimate strength of the mate- tions (or similar materials) the coefficient n
rial in the considered direction (as per labora- may be taken equal to:
tory tests of dry samples), MPa. for open deck platings; 0.50
Strength reduction coefficients of the mate- for platings of covered decks, platforms 0.75
rials shall take into consideration the follow- and bulkhead plating;
ing: for the bottom and side plating; 0.60
.1 difference of physical and mechanical for the deck, platform and bulkhead fram- 0.75
properties of the material manufactured in ing;
for the bottom and side framing. 0.65
plant conditions from those of laboratory
samples; For hot-hardened plastics coefficient n is
taken equal to 0.80.
.2 change of the material properties due
to moistening; 
8.3.4 Values of unsafe stresses 0 in the
.3 change of the material properties due
area of butt joints with two linings for glass-
to ageing in unloaded condition;
reinforced plastics shall be determined by the
.4 change of the material properties due
to heating.
For structures not subject to constant 0  pRT , (8.3.4)
loads, for glass-reinforced plastics with glass where p = k – at bending and compression
fillers treated by hydrophobic adhesive com- deformations (k — see directions of 8.3.1 and
positions or for similar materials coefficient k 8.3.2) and p = 0.8 — at strain deformation.
may be taken equal to 0.5. For hot-hardened Values of Rb for glass-reinforced plastics
plastics k = 0.8. based on glass fabric at bending deformations
8.3.2 For structures subject to prolonged (at two linings) and compression deformations
action of constant loads when calculating un- are taken equal to values of tensile strength of
safe stresses the strength reduction coefficient k the material at the same deformation types. At
shall be reduced and may be taken equal to 0.2. strain deformation they shall be not less than
Rm, designated by Fig. 8.3.4 respectively for
8.3.3 For normal and tangent stresses that various thickness t, mm, of plates to be con-
may lead to the buckling failure of the struc- nected and lining lengths l.
ture, Euler’s normal stresses E and tangent
stresses E calculated with due regard to ani- 8.3.5 Permissible stresses are determined in
sotropy for the plating and shear for the fram- fractions of unsafe stresses
ing members are taken as unsafe stresses. At global strength calculations the permis-
When calculating Euler’s stresses design sible normal stresses are taken equal to 0.60 of
moduli shall be determined by the following 0 and tangent stresses — equal to 0.60 of 0,
expressions: where 0 and 0 — see 8.3.1.
8 Design of GRP Hulls 201

.1 due to global bending of the hull —

.2 due to local loads for the base hull
for framing girders — l/100;
for plating — l/50.
Here, L and l — length (span) of the hull
and particular members correspondingly, mm.
N o t e . At control measurements of span ar-
rows the structures shall be loaded for at least
0.5 h.
8.3.9 For glued glass-reinforced plastic an-
gle connections, i.e. a framing with a plating,
a side with a deck and a strong superstructure
with the hull made according to the directions
Fig. 8.3.4 Values of Rm depending on thickness of of the present chapter, tangent stresses in the
connected plates and lining length
connection area shall not exceed 6.86 MPa.
At local strength calculations the permissi- When plucking loads are applied, value of
ble stresses are taken equal to 0.75 of 0 and stresses, MPa, at abruption shall not exceed
tangent stresses — equal to 0.75 of 0. the following, for the thickness of:
≥ 6 mm 5.88
8.3.6 Euler’s normal stresses E of rigid 3 mm 2.94
hull members of ships of all classes calculated For intermediate values of thickness from 6
according to the requirements of 8.3.3 shall to 3 mm the value of unsafe normal stresses is
meet the condition determined by linear interpolation.
 E 0  0.95 , (8.3.6) Total thickness of connecting angle bars is
taken for the design thickness.
where 0 — see 8.3.1.
For ships over 15 m in length Euler’s 8.3.10 Determination of design bending
stresses of grillages shall be defined with due moments and shear forces at global bending
regard to shear and anisotropy. and of loads at local strength calculation shall
For ships up to 15 m in length the shear be carried out according to the requirements
and anisotropy may be not considered. of the Rules specified for steel ships.
Here, for ships up to 15 m in length an in-
8.3.7 Euler’s normal stresses E of the shell fluence of ship sagging on values of bending
plating shall meet the condition moments shall be taken into account.
 E   1.5 , (8.3.7) Hull sagging shall be defined both due to
where  — design normal stresses due to bending and to shear having regard to direc-
tions of 8.3.3.
global bending or total stresses.
8.3.11 Calculation of hull girder elements
8.3.8 In addition to the strength checking
is carried out for design cases of loading con-
with regard to stresses, particular members
ditions and cross sections of the hull men-
and the hull in whole shall be checked with
tioned in Section 2.
regard to value of deformations. Here, to-
gether with sagging due to bending for ships 8.3.12 At calculation of hull girder ele-
over 15 m in length and for particular mem- ments the hull members shall be included in
bers a sagging due to shear shall be also taken the calculation with coefficients that consider:
into account. changes of the material properties (see
Permissible sags shall not exceed,’ mm: 8.3.1 and 8.3.3);
202 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

difference of moduli of elasticity of the ers or 1/6 of the girder span, whichever is
members as well as anisotropy of glass- less.
reinforced plastics. Here, possible difference of moduli of elas-
ticity of the plating and the framing members
8.3.13 Flexible members are included in shall be regarded.
the hull girder with reduction coefficients.
Parts of the plates adjacent to a rigid contour 8.3.17 At local strength calculation of
of a width equal to 1/6 of the shorter side of a glass-reinforced plastic girders the same calcu-
bearing contour are not subject to reducing at lation schemes shall be used as for the calcu-
all approximations during the calculation of lation of girders made of isotropic materials
the hull girder. with due regard to 8.3.16. Values of the sec-
tion elements shall be designated with due
8.3.14 The reduction coefficients of the regard to the directions of 8.3.16; here, the
flexible hull members (plates) shall be deter- girder web area shall be taken regardless of
mined by the method given in 2.2.38 and connecting angle bars.
8.3.18 Girders shall be checked for the sta-
Euler’s normal stresses E for plates of ani- bility of flat bending shape.
sotropic glass-reinforced plastics shall be de-
termined with due regard to anisotropy of 8.3.19 Buckling strength of girders shall be
elastic properties of the material, and for calculated with due regard to requirements of
plates of glass mat they shall be determined 8.3.15 and 8.3.16.
with due regard to anisotropy of materials. 8.3.20 Calculation of plates of anisotropic
Here, the requirements of 8.3.3 shall be con- glass-reinforced plastics shall be carried out
sidered. with due regard to anisotropy.
8.3.15 Buckling strength of girders in ships 8.3.21 Calculation of three-layered plates
over 15 m in length and of grillages in all with a light filler of rigid foam type shall be
ships shall be checked with due regard to carried out with due regard to affection of
shear. shear deformations of the filler on outer layers.
8.3.22 At strength calculation of the fram-
8.3.16 Width of effective flange on the ba-
ing members and plating joints and other
sis of fabric or mat at a parallel reinforcing
similar connections the static moment and the
structure shall be taken equal to the least of
moment of inertia shall be calculated with
the values of a distance between the framing
due regard to the area of connecting angle
girders or 1/10 of the girder span. Width of
bars and the web thickness shall be taken
effective flange on the basis of mat or evapo-
equal to double thickness of the angle bar
rated glass-reinforced plastic shall be taken
equal to a distance between the framing gird-
9 Equipment of Ship Spaces 203


9.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and be fitted with beat-out panels of 0.40.5 m

in their lower part. On the cabin doors from
9.1.1 Requirements of the present Section
the inner sides of those panels there shall be
apply to arrangement and equipment of ac-
inscriptions “E m e r g e n c y exit —
commodation and service spaces for the crew
b e a t o u t i n c a s e o f e m e r g e n c y ”.
and passengers, wheelhouse, dry cargo holds,
to passageways, doors, ladders and rescue Where cabins are fitted with scuttles or
manhole-scuttles. windows with clear dimensions of at least
400 mm, beat-out panels need not be fitted.
9.1.2 Requirements of location and equip-
ment of machinery spaces are specified in 1.8 9.2.3 Passenger spaces located in super-
to 1.10 Part IV of the Rules. structures of second and third tiers shall be
fitted with at least two ladders located at the
9.2 PASSAGEWAYS, DOORS, LADDERS opposite ends of the superstructures.

9.2.1 A width of the passageways shall not 9.2.4 In hold passenger spaces with a num-
be less than: ber of passengers less than 20 persons one
.1 0.8 m in main corridors of common ladder per each space may be provided.
passenger spaces, corridors of passenger ac- 9.2.5 When a number of passengers in the
commodation and public spaces as well deck hold passenger space is 20 persons and more,
passages of passenger ships leading to muster there shall be two ladders located at the oppo-
stations; site ends of the space with one of them giving
.2 0.6 m on decks between the bulwark access to an open deck outside the deck
and the wheelhouse for ships with power be- structures as far as practicable.
low 590 kW, or less than 25 m in length, or
with a gross tonnage below 300 t, and 0.7 m 9.2.6 When a number of passengers in the
for ships with greater power, length or gross hold passenger space is from 20 to 50 persons
tonnage values; inclusive, emergency ladder may be replaced
.3 0.7 m in the crew accommodation cor- by vertical ladder.
ridors; 9.2.7 In addition to exits from hold spaces
.4 0.6 m in corridors of spaces in ships specified in 9.2.4 — 9.2.6, each space shall be
less than 25 m in length; fitted with rescue scuttles with one scuttle at
.5 0.5 m in corridors of spaces on dy- each side according to 9.3.
namically supported craft less than 25 m in
length; 9.2.8 Hold crew accommodation spaces for
.6 0.5 m on decks in places of installation 20 persons and more shall be provided with at
of bollards, stanchions, hatchways. least two ladders located at the opposite ends
of the space and giving access to the main
9.2.2 Doors of superstructures and wheel- deck; one of them (emergency ladder) shall
houses leading to the open deck shall be de- be led to an open deck outside the deck struc-
signed to open outwards. tures or through insulated steel enclosure in
Doors of public spaces (saloons, mess- the superstructure which provides safe exit to
rooms) shall be designed to open outwards or an open part of the main deck or deck over-
to either side. Cabin doors shall open inwards board extension in the event of fire. Emer-
204 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

gency ladder may be replaced by vertical lad- In ships of a length up to 25 m the ladder
der. width may be decreased up to 0.5 m if the
requirement of present paragraph is not tech-
9.2.9 Where hold spaces are intended for nically feasible.
accommodation of 10 to 20 crew members
and there is an exit giving access to an open 9.2.14 Ladders with more than three steps
deck, additional ladder need not be fitted pro- shall be equipped with handrails or guardrail.
vided that rescue scuttles are fitted at the side 9.2.15 On hydrofoil craft and hovercraft
opposite to the main exit, with one scuttle at each passenger mess-room intended for 20
each side of the ship. persons and more shall be fitted with at least
two exits located at the opposite sides of the
9.2.10 Where hold spaces are intended for mess-room. One of these exits may be an
accommodation of less than 10 crew members emergency exit.
and there is an exit giving access directly to
the main deck, additional ladder or rescue 9.3 SCUTTLES
scuttles need not be fitted.
9.3.1 The side scuttles shall be arranged to
9.2.11 The ladders shall be arranged to meet the requirements of 5.6.24 to 5.6.27 Part
provide free access of escape. Before entering II of the Rules.
/ leaving a ladder as well as places where the No scuttles are allowed in spaces intended
next ladder builds on previous one shall be for cargo carriage.
provided with free areas of a lengths not less
9.3.2 In hold spaces intended for passen-
than 0.8 m — for outer ladders and 0.6 m —
gers and crew as well as in engine room res-
for inner and vertical ladders, and a width not
cue scuttles shall be provided with a clear
less than ladder width. The areas shall not width of 400 mm.
have transverse coamings or shoulders. Angle N o t e . Rescue scuttles are required only in
of ladder slope to horizontal plain shall not ships where a freeboard depth is sufficient for its
exceed 50° — for accommodation and service free arrangement.
spaces, and 55° — on decks and in machin-
ery spaces. In order to access to equipment 9.3.3 In hold spaces intended for passen-
located in rooms and compartments of a ship gers and crew rescue scuttles shall be located
the ladders with slope angle of 60° may be in common cabins or in corridors with one
installed, and in periodically unattended ma- scuttle at each side of the ship.
chinery spaces where the ladders are difficult 9.3.4 In the machinery spaces one rescue
to install the stairways may be used. scuttle shall be provided at each side of a
ship. Where a door is arranged in the bulk-
9.2.12 Intermediate areas stated in 9.2.11 head separating the machinery space and the
shall be arranged if the ladder length, mm, boiler room, at least one scuttle shall be pro-
exceeds, for: vided in each of the spaces being located at
inclined ladder 4000 the opposite ends of the space.
vertical ladder 9000 9.3.5 Where an emergency exit is provided
in the hold space for passengers or crew as
9.2.13 Ladder width for a number of pas-
well as in the machinery space which gives
sengers of 50 and less in the given space shall
be at least 0.8 m. Ladder width shall be in- access directly to the open main deck, rescue
scuttles need not be fitted.
creased by 5 cm per each 10 passengers in
excess of 50 persons. In crew spaces the stair- 9.3.6 Lower edges of rescue scuttles shall
way width shall be at least 0.8 m and in ships not be located below the lower edges of ordi-
up to 25 m in length — not less than 0.65 m. nary side portholes.
9 Equipment of Ship Spaces 205

9.3.7 Free access shall be provided to res- 9.4.6 Transparency of glasses used in
cue scuttles. Hand irons shall be fitted in sides wheelhouses shall be at least 75%.
to facilitate the access to scuttles.
9.4.7 The requirements to controls and
9.3.8 Frames of rescue scuttles shall be automated system elements arranged in the
painted red and shall bear relevant inscrip- wheelhouse are specified in 11.12 Part IV and
tions. Location indicators of rescue scuttles 12 Part V of the Rules.
shall be placed on visible places.
Ì, Î and Ð classes the rescue scuttles located SPACES
in spaces intended for passengers below the
freeboard deck shall be fitted with automatic 9.5.1 When calculating passenger capacity
alarm led to the wheelhouse which warns that of ships the following area shall not be in-
the rescue scuttles are open. cluded in the area for passenger accommoda-
.1 the forepeak, the deck above the fore-
peak and the afterpeak;
.2 mess-rooms, smoking saloons and
9.4.1 The wheelhouse shall be so arranged other saloons, restaurants, canteens and simi-
and equipped that the navigator can continu- lar spaces;
ously and without unnecessary actions per- .3 deck in the area of passages for board-
form its functions. ing passengers, passages to lifeboats and em-
9.4.2 The wheelhouse shall be provided barkation ladders, as well as the deck not ac-
with free vision in all directions. cessible for passengers;
The blind area for navigator before a ship .4 deck area within 1 m apart from ship’s
for all the operating cases regardless of optical arrangements (steering gear, boat gear, cargo
devices that can reduce the blind area shall be handling gear, mooring, towing, coupling and
equal to double length of ship (convoy) but anchor arrangements);
not more than 250 m. .5 cargo hatches, engine hatches, hatches
The vision area from ordinary workplace of of accommodation and service spaces.
the navigator shall be a sector to the direction On board inland navigation ships where the
of horizon determined by angle not less than crew performs work, but accommodates
240. Not less than 140 of this angle shall be ashore, the rooms listed in subparagraph 2 of
accounted for a half of round before a ship. this paragraph shall be included in the area
for passenger accommodation when calculat-
9.4.3 The direction of ordinary vision area ing the passenger capacity.
of the navigator (in diametrical plane) shall be
free from any superstructures. Masts, stays 9.5.2 Ship spaces located on deck over-
and other structures shall not occupy more board extensions shall be located at least 300
than 1.0 of vision area in usual workplace of mm apart from the extension edge. No berths
the navigator. may be arranged along the side bulkheads of
superstructures or wheelhouses located on
9.4.4 If free vision aftward is not provided, deck extensions.
the mirrors, vision facilities and other auxil-
iary optical means may be installed in order 9.5.3 Accommodation spaces and galleys as
to improve the vision. well as canteens used as recreation spaces may
be located in the vicinity of tanks with fuel or
9.4.5 The free vision through wheelhouse above them only when a horizontal cofferdam
windows at any time shall be provided by at least 600 mm high or a vertical cofferdam
means of lighting fixtures (spotlights). of width equal to the spacing is provided.
206 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

Cofferdams shall be equipped with ventila- 9.6.2 Film exhibition on non-self-propelled

tion independent of the ventilation of ac- tankers is not allowed.
commodation spaces.
No cutouts for manholes or other cutouts 9.7 SPACES FOR ELECTRIC-GAS-
are allowed in decks and bulkheads in way of WELDING OPERATIONS AND STORAGE
the above spaces. OF RECEPTACLES
9.5.4 The following spaces shall not be 9.7.1 Storage places of oxygen and acety-
used for the crew accommodation: lene receptacles shall meet the requirements
.1 the forepeak and the afterpeak spaces; of 2.5.7 to 2.5.11 Part III of the Rules, and
.2 spaces with cargo hatches not enclosed spaces for electric-gas-welding operations on
by trunks; board a ship – to 2.5.12 Part III of the Rules.
.3 machinery spaces and boiler rooms;
.4 accommodation spaces, public spaces, 9.8 GALLEY ROOMS
household, service and sanitary spaces; 9.8.1 Galley rooms shall meet the require-
.5 spaces with exits giving direct access ments of 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 Part III of the Rules.
through doors or manholes to spaces contain-
ing engines, boilers, pumps, or storage spaces 9.8.2 Bulkheads and decks of the galley
for oil products, coal as well as paint stores rooms shall be made of steel or another
and lamp stores; equivalent material.
Structures made of non-combustible ma-
9.5.5 In ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, terials near the cooking ranges shall meet the
Ì, Î classes equipment and furniture (cup- requirements of 2.3.3 Part III of the Rules.
boards, tables, sofas, pianos, chairs) shall be
fastened. 9.9 SAUNAS
9.5.6 Above the emergency exits there shall 9.9.1 On ships fitted with saunas the fol-
be provided illuminated inscription “Emer- lowing requirements shall be met:
gency exit”. .1 ceiling, walls and floor shall be plated
with hard wood;
9.6 HALLS AND SPACES .2 door handles of sauna shall be made of
FOR MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS poorly conducting material or covered with
9.6.1 Halls and spaces equipped for multi- the same;
media presentations, film exhibition, etc. on .3 sauna door shall open outwards by
passenger ships, living quarter barges, floating pushing; no shut-off devices are permitted on
exhibitions shall be fitted with exits giving the door;
access directly to an open deck with one exit .4 distance of the lower edge of sauna
per 50 spectators, but at least two exits at the door to floor plating shall be not less than
opposite ends of the space. Each exit shall be 0.05 m;
fitted with a door which opens outwards; .5 metal fittings of sauna lining boards,
minimal width of the door and the passage railings, grids shall be countersunk;
shall be not less than 1.1 m. .6 all standard equipment of the sauna
Above the each exit there shall be provided (beds, shelves, bowls, bailers) shall be made of
illuminated inscriptions “E x i t ” or “E m e r - wood or low-heat-conductivity materials and
g e n c y e x i t ”. shall not have open thermally insulated parts;
Furniture in the halls shall be made of low .7 in order to control the temperature in
flame-spreading materials (see Part sauna, the non-mercury thermometer shall be
III of the Rules) and fastened. mounted;
No carpets and carpet strips may be used .8 lamps, thermometers and other devices
in the halls. mounted in sauna shall have guards prevent-
9 Equipment of Ship Spaces 207

ing the possibility their mechanical damage located outside the sauna. The electric fire-
and therefore prevent burns from uninten- place shall be provided with a circuit breaker
tional contact with them; when the temperature reaches the limit;
.9 electric fireplace shall be grounded and .11 lighting fixtures shall be moisture-
fitted with a fence not less than 1.2 high. The proof, and glass — heatproof;
fence elements shall be made of thermally
nonconductive material, and distance between .12 heating elements of the electric fire-
elements shall not exceed 0.38 m; place above shall be covered with rocks.
.10 control switchboard of electric fire- In addition, the saunas shall meet the re-
place and switch of lighting in sauna shall be quirements of 2.5.13 Part III of the Rules.
208 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”


10.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS when relevant grounds of adequate protection

of the crew and passengers are submitted to
10.1.1 Along the perimeter of open decks,
the River Register.
bridges and superstructures as well as around
the open areas and workplaces located at a 10.1.5 Bulwark or guard rail shall be fitted
hight over 0.5 m, the bulwark and guard rails on all open decks of the hull, superstructures
shall be provided. Openings and doorways in and wheelhouses. On self-propelled ships up
decks, sides, bulkheads, bulwark shall be pro- to 10 m in length handrail may be fitted along
vided with railings preventing the possible fall the perimeter of a superstructure or a deck.
or injury of people while operating a ship.
10.1.6 On passenger ships of all classes
10.1.2 Fixed railings (coamings, bulkwark, railings on decks accessible for passengers
rails and guard rails) with regard to type, pur- shall be made as solid bulwark or guard rail
pose and operating conditions of a ship shall with protective mesh screen.
minimize a risk of man-overboard, falls into
10.1.7 In areas where bollards and fairleads
machinery space trunk, opening in deck, from
are installed, the guard rail or bulkwark shall
floating dock tower, from bridge wings, from
not have parts that require change of their
maintenance area, from other workplaces.
position when operating with mooring lines.
In order to protect passengers and crew
against overboard risk, ships are fitted with 10.1.8 In places where gangways are han-
handrails, gangways, companionways in addi- dled, the doors or removable, telescopic,
tion to the fixed railings. hinged and similar types of railings shall be
Companion hatchways and other openings provided.
in decks, bulkheads, sides shall be equipped 10.1.9 Removable railings shall have special
with movable or removable railings. safety hooks, design of which provides quick
10.1.3 The railings shall withstand loads installation and ease removal of railings and
arising out during operation. Connections and prevents spontaneous release under the weight
fittings of railings shall be so designed that of falling person.
they are not reduced by vibration. Structural 10.1.10 Decks of ferries and other ships in-
provisions shall be taken to prevent loss of tended for transportation of wheeled vehicles
fittings (bolts, nuts, pins). shall be fenced by fender beams with a height
10.1.4 Height of bulkwark or guard rail of at least 0.45 m.
along a perimeter of decks and bridges as well
as around the open areas located at a hight 10.2 BULWARK
more than 0.5 m above the deck shall be not
less than 1100 mm, and the railings height 10.2.1 Drainage cutouts shall be provided
inside rooms and compartments shall not be at each continuous section of the bulwark
less than 1000 mm. Guard rail on the upper with the total area of not less than 10% of the
awnings may be omitted. area of continuous part of the bulwark.
For ships less than 20 m in length the 10.2.2 Exit cutouts in the bulwark shall
height of a bulwark or a guard rail may be have folding doors which open inwards, or a
reduced, but shall be not less than 900 mm removable railing.
10 Railing, Handrails, Gangways, Companionways 209

10.2.3 A bulwark rail shall be fitted on the 10.3.7 Design of removable rigid or flexible
top of the bulwark. guard rails shall provide their quick removal.
In case of flexible guard rails (chain, rope) the
possibility to tight rails shall be provided.
10.3.8 In people passages, the chain rail-
10.3.1 The distance between guard rail ings may be used only. Length of such railing
stanchions shall not exceed three spacings. (distance between stays) shall not exceed one
10.3.2 The guard rail of 1100 mm high meter. The maximum sagging of chain guard
shall be four-row, of 1000 mm high — three- rail shall not exceed 40 mm.
row. The lower rail shall be located not higher
than 230 mm above the deck. The distance 10.4 HANDRAILS, GANGWAYS,
between other rails shall not exceed 380 mm. COMPANIONWAYS
The guard rail of decks accessible for passen- 10.4.1 Ladders shall be fitted with railings
gers shall be fitted with protective screens. and handrails of a height not less than re-
Side of screen cell shall not exceed 100 mm. quired by the Rules.
10.3.3 On non-self-propelled ships of all 10.4.2 Where a passage is provided along
classes a handrail shall be provided in way of the deck extension, handrails shall be fitted
superstructures and wheelhouses, and on non- on outer walls of the superstructures.
attended ships — in way of forecastle and
poop. 10.4.3 On oil tankers of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ,
On non-self-propelled ships of Î, Ð and Ë Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î classes between separate
classes including non-attended ships the guard accommodation spaces and service spaces as
rail in the area of cargo hold and cargo bun- well as in order to provide the crew with safe
ker may be replaced by waist bar and handrail access to the afore part of the ship in any
along the perimeter of cargo hatch coaming operating conditions gangways shall be pro-
or the cargo bunker wall. vided raised above the deck. The gangways
On flush deck barges without cargo bunker shall:
in the area of cargo platform a waist bar is to .1 be at least 1 m wide and be located in
be installed. way of the centre line;
On flush deck barges being unloaded by in- .2 be fitted with handrails at least 1.1 m
clination or capsizing method a guard rail high with stanchions not more than three
may be dispensed with provided that through spacings apart;
passage is provided under the deck. .3 have side entries from the deck not
more than 40 m apart from each other.
10.3.4 The upper edge of the waist bar Be arranged by shelters of practicable de-
shall be raised above the deck for at least sign not more than 45 m apart from each
100 mm. The waist bar shall not impede water other, when the open deck is extended for
drainage from the deck. more than 70 m.
10.3.5 In places of interruption of the bul- Each shelter shall be sufficient for at least
wark and the guard rail (the deck machinery one person and shall protect him against bad
area, stairway flights etc.) removable chain weather.
rails shall be provided.
10.4.4 Pushboats and pushed vessels shall
10.3.6 Clearances (gaps) between guard be fitted with gangways and stairways which
rails as well as between railings and other provide safe passage of the crew from one
structures of a ship shall not exceed 150 mm. ship to the other.
210 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

10.5.3 Seats and their fastenings shall be

10.5 PASSENGER SPACES designed to minimize the risk of injury of
ON HIGH SPEED CRAFT sitting passengers and to provide free exit of
passengers, if required.
10.5.1 The high speed craft shall be fitted Unless otherwise provided, the seats shall
with seat for passengers in quantity corre- be fitted with life-saving appliances.
sponding to a ship passenger capacity.
10.5.4 The seats shall be so installed that
10.5.2 Seats for passengers shall be fas- provide free exit and not to obstruct access to
tened. Strength of seats fastening shall comply emergency equipment, life-saving appliances
with the requirements of Appendix 10 "Crite- and escape routes.
ria of test and assessment of seats for passen- 10.5.5 Passenger seats shall be fitted with
gers and crew" of the International Code of safety belts of design approved by the River
Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code). Register.
Appendix 1 211




1 In strength calculations of the bridge according to requirements of 21 of this Ap-

deck structure three basic deformations shall pendix.
be considered: transverse bending, transverse
twisting and unsymmetrical deformation 2 If the hull bodies have been joined with
caused by a vertical bend of hull bodies in the the help of a strength superstructure or a
opposite directions. wheelhouse, it is sufficient to check the bridge
deck strength at the transverse bending ac-
The strength of the bridge deck members cording to requirements of 10 of this Appen-
shall be checked at three wave-related posi-
tions of ship:
.1 beam to sea (relative bearing  = 90), 3 The bridge deck strength shall be checked
when the transverse bending moment is by calculations for the fully loaded condition
maximal; the moment shall be calculated by and an emergency condition according to
formulae (A1.6-2) and (A1.7-1), and internal 2.2.7. For cargo ships the maximal non-
forces and stresses shall be calculated as per uniformity of the cargo distribution over the
requirements of 16 of this Appendix; ship’s breadth shall be considered as permit-
.2 quartering sea, when the transverse ted by the Instruction on Loading and
twisting occurs simultaneously with the trans- Unloading.
verse bending. To define maximum total
4 In calm water conditions the transverse
stresses in the bridge deck member calcula-
bending moments shall be calculated in the
tions shall be made for several values of  same manner as the longitudinal moments: by
nearly similar to the value of 1 determined integrating the loads considering not less than
by the formula (A1.8-10). The external forces 21 ordinates. Two design values of the trans-
shall be determined according to requirements verse bending moment in calm water shall be
of 8 and the internal forces — according to calculated by direct summing the moments of
requirements of 17 and 19 of this Appendix; the weight forces and the supporting forces:
.3 quartering sea, when the hulls are bent
M1 — in a plane section crossing an inner
in the opposite directions. To define maxi-
side amidships parallel to the centre line;
mum total stresses due to the deformation
caused by the wave-induced bending of the M2 — in the centre line section.
hull bodies and due to the transverse bending If lines of submerged parts of the hull bod-
in calm water, calculations shall be made for ies are symmetric in relation to the centre
several values of  nearly similar to the value plane of both hull bodies, and the weight load
of 2 defined by the formula (A1.9-7). The is symmetric in relation to the centre line of the
loads shall be determined according to re- catamaran body as a whole, then М1 and М2,
quirements of 9 and the internal forces — kNm, may be calculated by formulae
212 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

M 1  0.5Pb Bh  Ph y h ; (A1.4-1) m1‚ m6 — coefficients taken from Table

A1.6 depending on the actual waterline coef-
M 2  Pb 0.5  Bh  c   y b   Ph y h ‚ ficient of one hull body 1 and b0 equal to
(A1.4-2) b0  0.5Bh  Bh  c  . (A1.6-3)
where Pb — weight of half of the bridge with
T a b l e A1.6
cargo and other kinds of load (between a se-
Values of coefficients m1‚ m6
cant plane crossing the inner side amidships
Coefficient m1 Coefficient m6
parallel to the centre plane and the centre
1 at b0 equal to at b0 equal to
plane of the whole ship), kN; 0 0.25 0.50 0 0.25 0.50
Ph — weight of one hull body and adjoin- 0.5 0.307 0.293 0.252 0.500 0.469 0.385
ing part of the bridge in the extremities to- 0.6 0.384 0.366 0.315 0.600 0.561 0.457
gether with the cargo, equipment, systems and 0.7 0.512 0.485 0.413 0.700 0.649 0.511
other kinds of load up to the section crossing 0.8 0.673 0.636 0.532 0.800 0.732 0.553
the inner side amidships parallel to the centre 0.9 0.833 0.784 0.651 0.900 0.816 0.595
plane, kN; 1.0 1.000 0.940 0.774 1.000 0.900 0.637
yh — distance between the centre of gravity Simultaneously with moment Ì3 the
of the weight Ph and the centre plane of the bridge deck is subject to of either tension
hull body; this distance is positive, when the (positive) or compression (negative) force,
centre of gravity is closer to the inner sides, kN,
yb — distance between the centre of gravity T js  30.8hLBhTm6  . (A1.6-4)
of the weight Ph and the centre plane of the In formulae (A1.6-2) and (A1.6-4) either
whole ship, m. upper or lower signs shall be taken. The posi-
5 Additional forces applied to the bridge tive transverse bending moment causes ten-
deck at rough water may be calculated by the sion of the top fibres of the bridge.
formulae given below. Design wave length 7 In case the inequality (A1.6-1) is not
included in these formulae shall be taken complied with, the maximal transverse bend-
equal to: 40 m for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ ing moment which occurs when a ship is
and Ì classes, 20 m for ships of Î-ÏÐ and Î abeam the waves, kNm,
classes, 12 m for ships of P class and 6 m for
ships of Ë class. M 3  30.8hLBh sin    Bh  c    
6 When the inequality is complied with  T  H 1  0, 5T  m6  Bh2 m1 12   ,
2  c  Bh    (A1.6-1)
the maximal additional transverse bending where m1, m6 shall be taken from Table A1.6
moment, kNm, occurring when a ship is depending on the actual waterline coefficient
abeam the waves, may be calculated by the of one hull body 1 and b0, which shall be
formula: assumed equal to
M330.8hLBh T  H1  T 2 m6  Bh2m1 12 , b0  Bh  . (A1.7-2)
(A1.6-2) Compression or tension force applied to
where T — draught amidships, m; the bridge, kN,
H1 — distance from the neutral axis of a Tjs   30.8hLBhTm6 sin   Bh  c     .
transverse member of the bridge to the base
plane amidships (distance of the neutral axis
of an hull girder of a superstructure or wheel- 8 In ship’s position at which the centre
house from the base plane, when the hull plane of a ship constitutes an angle  relating
bodies are joined by strength superstructure or to the wave propagation direction, the follow-
a wheelhouse), m; ing forces are applied to the bridge:
Appendix 1 213

additional transverse bending moment, T a b l e A1.8-2

kNm, Values of coefficient m3
M 4  30.8hLBh sin  sin   Coefficient m3 at 1 equal to
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
 T  H 1  0, 5T  m4  Bh2 m2 12   , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.042 0.067 0.089 0.116 0.154 0.207
(A1.8-1) 0.2 0.082 0.131 0.176 0.227 0.300 0.403
torsion moment, kNm, 0.3 0.120 0.189 0.254 0.328 0.432 0.574
0.4 0.154 0.241 0.323 0.414 0.542 0.713
M 5  1.23hBh L2 m3 sin  , (A1.8-2) 0.5 0.183 0.283 0.377 0.483 0.627 0.811
bringing to the transverse axis pivot turn of 0.6 0.207 0.315 0.417 0.531 0.682 0.863
the hull body relatively to the other one, and 0.7 0.225 0.336 0.440 0.557 0.705 0.869
0.8 0.236 0.344 0.447 0.561 0.697 0.830
the compression or tension force, kN,
0.9 0.241 0.342 0.438 0.544 0.660 0.750
T js    30.8hLBhTm4 sin  sin    . 1.0 0.240 0.328 0.414 0.507 0.596 0.637
1.1 0.233 0.306 0.378 0.454 0.511 0.499
(A1.8-3) 1.2 0.221 0.276 0.331 0.388 0.410 0.347
Here: 1.3 0.205 0.239 0.277 0.313 0.300 0.191
  (Bh  c )(sin )  ; (A1.8-4) 1.4 0.185 0.200 0.219 0.234 0.187 0.042
b0  Bh (sin )  ; (A1.8-5) 1.5 0.163 0.158 0.160 0.154 0.077 -0.090

m2  1   0.57  0,331  b02  m2 ; (A1.8-6) T a b l e A1.8-3

Values of coefficient m4
m3  1  1.4  1b0   m3 ;
(A1.8-7) Coefficient m4 at 1 equal to
  l0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
 
m4  m4  1.5  0.112 b02 m2 . (A1.8-8) 0 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000
0.1 0.497 0.595 0.693 0.790 0.887 0.983
Coefficient m2 shall be taken from Table 0.2 0.487 0.579 0.672 0.764 0.851 0.935
A1.8-1, coefficient m3 from Table A1.8-2, 0.3 0.471 0.554 0.638 0.720 0.794 0.858
coefficient m4 from Table A1.8-3 depending 0.4 0.449 0.520 0.593 0.661 0.717 0.757
on the actual waterline coefficient of one hull 0.5 0.423 0.479 0.538 0.591 0.625 0.637
body 1 and 0.6 0.392 0.432 0.475 0.511 0.522 0.505
0.7 0.358 0.380 0.407 0.425 0.412 0.368
l0  L(cos )  . (A1.8-9) 0.8 0.322 0.327 0.337 0.337 0.302 0.234
T a b l e A1.8-1 0.9 0.284 0.273 0.268 0.250 0.195 0.109
Values of coefficient m2 1.0 0.246 0.220 0.201 0.167 0.096 -0.000
1.1 0.209 0.170 0.138 0.091 0.008 -0.089
Coefficient m2 at 1 equal to
l0 1.2 0.173 0.124 0.082 0.025 -0.064 -0.156
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1.3 0.140 0.084 0.034 -0.030 -0.120 -0.198
0 0.307 0.384 0.512 0.673 0.833 1.000 1.4 0.109 0.049 -0.002 -0.073 -0.158 -0.216
0.1 0.306 0.383 0.509 0.668 0.823 0.984 1.5 0.082 0.021 -0.034 -0.140 -0.179 -0.212
0.2 0.304 0.378 0.500 0.651 0.794 0.935
0.3 0.299 0.370 0.485 0.625 0.748 0.853
0.4 0.293 0.359 0.465 0.589 0.686 0.757 Moment M5 reaches the maximal value at
0.5 0.286 0.345 0.440 0.544 0.611 0.637
an angle close to
0.6 0.277 0.329 0.411 0.493 0.526 0.505
0.7 0.267 0.311 0.379 0.437 0.434 0.368 1  arccos  0.75  L  (A1.8-10)
0.8 0.255 0.291 0.344 0.377 0.340 0.234
0.9 0.243 0.270 0.307 0.315 0.246 0.109 9 Vertical forces constraining either of the
1.0 0.230 0.248 0.270 0.253 0.156 0.000
hull bodies in position at which the centre
1.1 0.216 0.225 0.232 0.193 0.074 -0.089
1.2 0.202 0.203 0.196 0.135 0.002 -0.156 plane of the ship constitutes an angle  in
1.3 0.188 0.180 0.161 0.088 -0.059 -0.198 relation to the wave propagation direction are
1.4 0.173 0.159 0.128 0.036 -0.106 -0.216 assumed to be distributed throughout the hull
1.5 0.159 0.139 0.098 -0.005 -0.140 -0.212 body full length under the law, kNm,
214 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

q  9.81Bh h b1 cos  x L   b2 cos  3x L   T a b l e A1.9-1

Values of coefficients i1 and i2
1 i1 i2 1 i1 i2
when the point of origin is located amidships 0.5 0.307 0.150 0.8 0.673 0.330
and axis x is directed forward. 0.6 0.384 0.210 0.9 0.822 0.407
The load applied to one hull body is as- 0.7 0.512 0.267 1.0 1.000 0.500
sumed as of positive value while the other one
T a b l e A1.9-2
is of negative value.
Values of coefficient m5
Coefficients b1 and b2
Coefficient m5 at 1 equal to
b1  1.85 1.212  i2 1  p  4m sin  ; l0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
(A1.9-2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.0008 0.0013 0.0018 0.0020 0.0025 0.0041
b2  5.55  0.363  i2 1  p  4m sin  , 0.2 0.0031 0.0052 0.0069 0.0083 0.0108 0.0160
(A1.9-3) 0.3 0.0068 0.0115 0.0151 0.0184 0.0240 0.0349
where 0.4 0.0117 0.0197 0.0258 0.0316 0.0413 0.0592
0.5 0.0176 0.0295 0.0385 0.0471 0.0615 0.0870
p   i1 m4 sin   1 m2  cos   0.6 0.0243 0.0403 0.0524 0.0641 0.0832 0.1161
6 1  c 2B    2i  ;
1 1
(A1.9-4) 0.9 0.0456 0.0726 0.0931 0.1126 0.1432 0.1893
1.0 0.0520 0.0814 0.1037 0.1247 0.1571 0.2026
m  m5 sin  8  i2 p  41  , (A1.9-5) 1.1 0.0578 0.0884 0.1117 0.1336 0.1662 0.2080
where 1.2 0.0624 0.0934 0.1167 0.1386 0.1698 0.2052

 
m5  m5 1  1.45  2.41 1  1   b02 .
(A1.9-6) 1.5 0.0691 0.0940 0.1125 0.1290 0.1473 0.1511
Values of υ shall be determined by the in a centre plane section of the ship where
formula (A1.8-4), b0 by the formula (A1.8-5), the moment M2 + M3 is applied. The hull
coefficients m2 and m4 by the formulae (A1.8-6) girder shall include: the plating of strength
and (A1.8-8)‚ coefficients i1 and i2 by Table transverse bulkheads which join the hull bod-
A1.9-1 depending on the actual waterline co- ies; horizontal members located on the bulk-
efficient of one hull body 1, coefficient m5 by heads; effective flanges of the deck and the
Table A1.9-2 depending on the actual water- superstructure roof together with transverse
line coefficient of one hull body 1 and l0 members located within limits of the flange. A
calculated by the formula (A1.8-9). bulkhead is considered a strength bulkhead if
its structure meets the requirements of 4.4.5
Maximal loads take place at an angle  and 4.4.6. The width of an effective flange
close to the angle shall be assigned according to the require-
2  arccos   L  . (A1.9-7) ments of 11 of this Appendix for symmetric
10 When the hull bodies are joined by a The sign of moment M3 shall be chosen so
strength superstructure or a wheelhouse (see that it coincides with the one of the transverse the strength of the joint shall be bending moment in calm water.
checked at the transverse bending moment. Transverse bending stresses shall be alge-
Calculation shall be made in the same way as braically summed with compression or tension
the calculation by the longitudinal bending stresses induced by force Tjs, MPa,
moment. Stresses in two longitudinal sections
shall be defined:  WH  T js  10 3 F js , (A1.10)
in a plane section crossing an inner side where Fjs — the total area of the joining struc-
amidships parallel to the centre plane where ture hull girder with due regard to reducing
the moment M1 + M3 is applied; elements, m2. The total stresses shall not ex-
Appendix 1 215

ceed the permissible stresses at global longitu- Hull bodies are subject to bending defor-
dinal bending. mation in vertical and horizontal planes as
well as twisting deformation; bridge transverse
11 Relative width of the effective flange of
girders are subject to bending deformation
the bridge deck or the superstructure roof
(for shorter girders with a length less than 10
taken in shares from the bulkhead length at-
heights the shifting deformation shall be con-
tached to a wall of a strength superstructure
sidered also); plates are in the flat stressed
or the wheelhouse bulkhead shall be taken
from Table A1.11 for symmetrical loading
condition, when the transverse bending is When meeting the requirements of 4.1.6,
the conclusion on the bridge strength may be
under consideration, and for unsymmetrical
loading condition, when the calculation is made on the basis of the rapid calculation
made with due regard to the transverse torsion method (see below) in which twisting of the
hull bodies and connection between longitu-
or the deformation due to vertical bending of
the hull bodies in the opposite directions. dinal deformations of the hull bodies via the
bridge deck and plating are dispensed with.
T a b l e A1.11
13 For each transverse bridge girder the
Relative width of the effective flange
of the bridge deck or the superstructure roof
turn stiffness shall be calculated, which is as-
sumed equal to the bending moment Ìi,
Relative width of the effective flange of the bridge
deck or the superstructure roof kNm, applied to that girder at symmetrical
a lï At symmetric loading Inner side cross- turning of the hull bodies at a unit angle.
Inner side section at anti-
centre plane symmetric loading
When the ith girder is located in the bulkhead
cross-section of half-bulkhead plane of the hull, then
0 0.10 0.32 0.08
0.1 0.15 0.32 0.12 M i  2EI i li , (A1.13)
0.2 0.24 0.32 0.16 where Ii, li — area moment of inertia and the
0.3 0.28 0.32 0.16 length of the ith girder of the bridge, respec-
0.4 0.32 0.32 0.12 tively.
0.5 0.28 0.28 0.08
For other girders the moment Мi shall be
The following symbols are adopted in Ta- determined by the calculation of unloaded
ble A1.11: frames with the given shift of the junctions
a — distance from the bulkhead end to the (with the given angles of turn of the straight
inner side (length of a bulkhead portion bars joining the member ends).
within the limits of either hull body), m;
14 Stresses in the bridge members due to
ltb — length of a transverse bulkhead of the
local loading shall be determined.
superstructure equal to its wall length, m.
The bar system consisting of the frame
The width of an effective flange shall not
members of the bridge and the hull bodies
be more than the distance up to the next
shall be calculated, assuming that the hull
strength transverse bulkhead. For butt end
bodies are fixed (do not turn in relation to
bulkheads of the superstructure the width of
one another). The transverse girders of the
an effective flange shall be assumed twice
bridge in the plane of transverse bulkheads or
lesser than in the case when the flange is lo-
half-bulkheads of a hull body are assumed to
cated to one side from the bulkhead.
be rigidly fastened at the ends; the rest girders
12 Where the hull bodies are joined by a are shall be considered as a part of the
bridge, when determining stresses in the framework with fixed junctions formed by the
bridge members the catamaran shall be as- frames of the hulls and the transverse girder of
sumed as statically indeterminate system con- the bridge. Local loading applied to transverse
sisting of two longitudinal girders (hull bodies) members of the bridge and the hull bodies
connected with transverse girders and plates shall be calculated for the given ship loading
(the bridge deck and plating). condition. For each ith girder, the bending
216 RCCS. Part I “Hull and Hull Equipment”

moments Ìi acting in the plane crossing the (Fig. A1.18). When ith member is located in
inner side amidships parallel to the centre the hull half-bulkhead plane, then
plane shall be obtained as a result of calcula-
R i 1  24EI i l i

 31.2I i li fi , (A1.18)
When determining stresses due to local where fi — area of ith member's web.
bending loads, ith transverse member of the
bridge shall be assumed as a freely resting
girder bearing the local load with two equal
opposite moments applied to the ends, kNm:
M i 1  M i  M i  M i  M i . (A1.14)
Values of  M i and  M i are deter-
mined by summing for all transverse girders.
15 Moments applied to the ends of i- Fig. A1.18. Framework with the given shifting of
transverse member at global transverse bend- junctions
ing in calm water are, kNm: For other girders the stiffness shall be
M i 2  M iM 1  M i . (A1.15) found at the calculation of a framework with
the given shifting of junctions (see Fig.
16 Additional waving moments applied to A1.18).
the ends of the bridge transverse members,
when the ship is beam to the sea, are, kNm: 19 At the calculation of the bridge consid-
ering transverse torsion by moment M5 the
M i 3  M iM 3  M i , (A1.16-1) hull stiffness at bending and torsion shall be
where M3 shall be determined by the formula assumed as infinite large.
(A1.6-2) or (A1.7-1). Shearing force, kN, acting in the transverse
The force Tf.b determined by the formula member, being located at the distance xi from
(1.6-4) or (A1.7-3) induces tension or com- amidships (the axis x is directed forwards),
pression stresses, MPa, N i 5   c1  c2 xi L  Ri 1 (A1.19-1)
 WH  T js  10  Fi , (A1.16-2) and bending moments at the ends, kNm,
where Fi — cross-sectional area of i-th trans- M i 5  0.5l  c1  c2 xi L  R i 1 , (A1.19-2)
verse member, m2.
where ñ1 and ñ2 shall be found from the equa-
17 Additional transverse bending moment tions set:
Ì4 calculated by the formula (A1.8-1) that
occurs in case of quartering sea and induces c1  Ri 1  c2   Ri 1 xi L   0 
the following moments at the ends of ith 
c1   Ri1 xi L   c2  Ri 1  xi L    M 5 L 
transverse member of the bridge, kNm:   
M i 4  M iM 4  M i , (A1.17) (A1.19-3)
and the force Tf.b calculated by the formula
20 When defining stresses in transverse
(A1.8-3), induces the stress t determined by
members of the bridge due to bending of the
the formula (A1.16-2).
hull bodies in the opposite directions, it may
18 For each transverse member of the be assumed that the hull bodies are connected
bridge its linear vertical shifting stiffness shall only by transverse girders which form the
be calculated, i.e. the shearing force resulted elastic base frame for the hull bodies. The
from the movement of one hull body one unit influence of the bridge flooring and plating on
upwards, and another — one unit downwards. this deformation shall be considered by intro-
This force is numerically equal to reaction Ri1 ducing to the section of one of the hull bodies
Appendix 1 217

the bridge longitudinal members located on

one side from the centre plane of the ship. j 4 
The loads applied to the hull bodies shall be  a j   Ri1 f0i f ji    p 
determined by the formula (A1.9-1), and the j 0 
j 4
forces in the bridge members — according to 
requirements of 21 of this Appendix; the angle  a j    
Ri 1 f1i f ji   0 
j 0
 shall be selected so that the stresses are 
j 4

maximal.  a j   
Ri 1 f2i f ji    43,8a2  49,6a4   

j 0
21 At bending of the hull bodies in the op- 
 EI b L3  0,5b1  ,
posite directions in ith transverse member of j 4 
the bridge the shearing force shall be deter-  a j   
Ri 1 f3i f ji   370 a3EI b L3  0 
mined by the formula, kN, j 0 
j 4 
Ni 6  Ri1  a0 f0i  a1 f1i  a2 f2i  a3 f3i  a4 f4i  hBhL  a j   
Ri 1 f4i f ji    49,6a2  2942a4   
j 0 
(A1.21-1)  EI b L3  0,5b2 
and bending moments at the ends, kNm, 
M i 6  0.5N i 6li , (A1.21-2)
where Ri1 — stiffness of ith member deter-
mined according to 18;
f0i  1; f1i  xi L ; f2i  cos  xi L  ;  The summing shall be made for all bridge
 girders.
f3i  sin  2xi L  ; f 4i  cos  3xi L  . 
(A1.21-3) 22 The width of an effective flange for the
bridge transverse girders shall be assigned ac-
Here xi — distance between the ith mem-
cording to requirements of 2 and 3.
ber and the midship (the axis x is directed
forwards). 23 Superstructures (wheelhouses) of more
Coefficients a0 to a4 shall be determined than 0.15L long (see when calculating
from the equations set (A1.21-4), where Ib — the bridge strength shall be changed by trans-
area moment of inertia of one hull body and a verse girders located in plain of transverse
half of the bridge (see par. 20) amidships, m4; bulkheads of these superstructures (wheel-
p, b1, b2 — the loading parameters determined houses) structurally connected with hulls.
by formulae (A1.9-2), (A1.9-3) and (A1.9-4) Geometrical parameters of the girders shall be
accordingly. defined according to the requirements of 9.
Part II


220 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION of this Part of the Rules, the following defini-
tions have been adopted:
1.1.1 This Part of the Rules covers the fol-
lowing inland and river-sea navigation ships .1 D a m a g e w a t e r l i n e means water-
and their operating conditions: line of a damaged ship with one or more
compartments flooded;
.1 all the ships navigating in displacement
mode; .2 R o l l a m p l i t u d e means an as-
sumed rated roll amplitude at irregular waves,
.2 hydrofoil craft in operation and tran-
whose intensity is set by the wave height in
sient modes;
water basins of a given category;
.3 hovercraft in operation mode.
.3 W e a t h e r t i g h t n e s s means a char-
1.1.2 The requirements of this Part of the acteristic of the hull structural components
Rules apply also to skimmers, sailing ships, and/or equipment that prevents water ingress
captured air bubble craft, WIG craft and inside the ship when watering by dissipated
floating docks. water jet perpendicular to the tested surface;
.4 W a t e r t i g h t n e s s means a charac-
1.1.3 The requirements related to the river-
teristic of the hull structural components and
sea navigation ships apply to the ships en-
equipment that prevents water ingress inside
gaged on coastal voyages. For the ships en-
the ship when affected by a water jet from an
gaged on international voyages and for the
applicator with an outlet diameter of not less
ships of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class irrespective of the
than 16 mm with water head of 10 m. The
type of their voyages (coastal or international
water jet shall be directed to the closing con-
voyages), the requirements of the Interna-
nection. A distance from the nozzle to the
tional Convention for the Safety of Life at
tested section shall not exceed 1.5 m, and
Sea 1974 as amended, International Code on
applicator travel speed along the tested con-
Intact Stability for all types of ships 2008, and
nection shall not exceed 0.2 m/s;
International Convention on Load Lines
(ICLL 66/88) are mandatory as applicable to .5 W a v e h e i g h t means a rated height
this Part of the Rules. of wind waves with a probability of overtop-
ping1 accepted for water basins of a given
1.1.4 The requirements of the present part category;
of the Rules apply to the designed ships and .6 F r e e b o a r d means the distance be-
ships under construction if otherwise is stated tween the upper edge of the deck line and the
in the corresponding clauses and chapters of upper edge of the maximum draught line
the present part of the Rules. measured vertically on the side amidships;


It is defined according to Appendix 2 of Tech-
nical Regulations on Safety of Inland Marine
1.2.1 For the terms and definitions related Transport Facilities approved by Decree of the
to the Rules common terminology, see 2.1 Government of the Russian Federation No. 623
and 2.2 Part 0 of the Rules. For the purpose dated 12.08.2010 depending on the basin category.
1 General Provisions 221

.7 W i n d p r e s s u r e means an assumed S — the waterline area of the flooded

rated wind pressure, either static or dynamic; compartment;
.8 S h i p l e n g t h L means the dis- .14 M a x i m u m draught line
tance between the perpendiculars laid from means the band whose upper edge defines the
the outmost points of the hull at the level of deepest draught of a ship when navigating in a
the uppermost load waterline; basin of the relevant category;
.9 C l o s e d s h i p means a ship with .15 H e e l i n g m o m e n t s mean the
closures of the cargo and other hatches lo- design values of static and dynamic heeling
cated on the open parts of the freeboard deck; moments;
the watertightness of those closures complies
.16 M a x i m u m p e r m i s s i b l e m o -
with the requirements of these Rules;
m e n t s mean design values of maximum
.10 C l o s e d o p e n i n g s means open- permissible moments with due regard to the
ings in the main deck or hull sides, as well as required parameters of the ship's stability at
in the decks, sides and bulkheads of super-
static or dynamic inclinations;
structures and wheelhouses, with strong wa-
tertight closures complying with the require- .17 D r a u g h t T means a vertical dis-
ments in 5.6. tance from the baseline to a given load waterline;
For the purposes of stability assessment .18 M a i n stability criterion
by the main stability criterion (see 2.1), strong means the ratio between heeling moment due
watertight opening type scuttles, hatches and to gust wind pressure on a ship and the
doors shall be considered as closed openings. maximum permissible moment corresponding
When assigning a freeboard and assessing to the angle of capsizing or the angle of down-
the floodability, the following openings shall flooding and is determined with or without
be considered as closed: due regard to rolling (depending on ship class);
all hatches, trunks, access holes, doors, .19 O p e n s h i p means a ship without
manholes and other openings fitted with closures of the cargo or other hatches located
strong watertight covers on the open parts of the freeboard deck, or
dead side and deck scuttles with closures on such hatches whose water-
opening type scuttles with permanently tightness does not comply with the require-
attached storm shutters ments of these Rules;
.11 G r a i n means seeds of cereal crops .20 F r e e - f l o o d i n g o p e n i n g s (for
(wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, sorghum, assessing stability) mean openings in the main
etc.), leguminous plants (pea, bean, soybean, deck or sides, as well in decks, sides and
vetch, chick-pea, lentil, etc.) and processed bulkheads of superstructures and wheelhouses
forms thereof; not fitted with strong weathertight closures.
.12 V o l u m e p e r m e a b i l i t y c o - For the purposes of stability assessment
e f f i c i e n t o f a s p a c e k v means the by additional requirements (see 3 of this Part),
ratio of the volume within that space, which opening type scuttles, hatches and doors shall
is assumed to be occupied by water in case of be considered as free-flooding openings.
full flooding of the compartment, to the total
theoretical volume of the space; For the purposes of floodability assess-
ment, openings in bulkheads, decks and sides
.13 S u r f a c e p e r m e a b i l i t y c o -
through which water may penetrate and
e f f i c i e n t k s shall be calculated by the
spread inside the hull, except those specified
following formula:
in, shall be considered as free-
ks  S a S flooding openings;
where Sa — the waterline area of the flooded .21 C o m p a r t m e n t means a part of
compartment except for the areas of the inner volume of the hull limited by the bot-
cargo, machinery and equipment crossed by tom or inner bottom, sides or longitudinal
that waterline; bulkheads, freeboard deck (if available) or the
222 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

upper edge of the side (when there is no .28 M a r g i n l i n e means the intersec-
deck), and two adjacent transverse watertight tion line of the freeboard deck plating's outer
bulkheads or a peak bulkhead and an extremity; surface with the side plating's outer surface.
.22 F r e e b o a r d d e c k means the For the ships with a rounded deck, it is the
deck, from which the freeboard is measured. intersection line of the deck plating outer sur-
As a rule, it is a bulkhead deck, which limits face extension with the side plating outer sur-
the watertight bulkheads from above. face extension;
On ships with a designed trim or with .29 M a x i m u m a n g l e o f h e e l
stepped freeboard deck, the freeboard deck is means an angle of heel, which shall not be
the lowest part of the open deck or its exten- exceeded according to the present Rules;
sion parallel to the upper part of the deck in .30 R i g h t i n g o f a s h i p means the
the area of the step; process of eliminating or reducing heel or trim;
.23 B u l k h e a d d e c k means the up- .31 A n g l e o f d o w n f l o o d i n g dnfl.
permost deck, up to which the transverse wa- means the minimum angle of heel, at which
tertight bulkheads extend; downflooding of inner spaces of a ship starts
.24 D e c k l i n e means a horizontal through the free-flooding openings;
strip at the mid-length of the ship marked on .32 A n g l e of capsizing caps
the side in such a manner that its upper edge means an angle of heel, at which a ship is
coincides with the lowest point of the inter- capsized due to dynamically applied heeling
section line of the freeboard deck plating's moment;
upper surface with the outer surface of the .33 W i n d a g e c e n t e r means the cen-
side plating. Where marking the deck as ter of gravity of the windage area;
specified above is not possible or practicable, .34 S h i p b r e a d t h B mean the maxi-
it may be applied from another fixed point on mum breadth between the outer edges of the
the side of the ship with respective correction frames at the level of the assigned freeboard.
of the freeboard height;
.25 P a s s e n g e r s p a c e s mean spaces 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
intended for accommodation and servicing of
passengers, except for the luggage spaces, 1.3.1 Stability of ships depending on their
storerooms, provision stores and post rooms. type and class shall be assessed for all the
Spaces located below the margin line and loading conditions specified in 1.3.2 to 1.3.7.
intended for accommodation and servicing of Where there are no requirements to a particu-
the crew shall be considered as passenger spaces; lar type or class of ships, stability shall be
checked for the following loading conditions:
.26 W i n d a g e a r e a means the pro-
.1 ship at draught corresponding to the as-
jected lateral area of the above-water portion
signed freeboard;
of the ship on the centre line plane, when the
.2 ship without cargo, with ballast and
ship is in the upright position with average
with 10 % of stores and fuel.
draught to actual waterline;
.27 M a x i m u m l e n g t h o f f l o o d - 1.3.2 Stability of passenger and other ships
i n g a t t h e g i v e n p o i n t means – for a carrying people shall be assessed for the fol-
ship with continuous bulkhead deck – the lowing loading conditions:
maximum length of an assumed compartment .1 ship in the fully loaded condition, with
with the abscissa of its volume centre in the full stores and fuel, and the full number of
given point of the number axis along the cabin and deck passengers with their luggage;
ship’s length, after flooding of which with .2 ship in the fully loaded condition, with
permeability coefficients indicated in 4.3.11, 10 % of stores and fuel, and the full number
at the draught corresponding to the relevant of cabin and deck passengers with their luggage;
subdivision load waterline and in the absence .3 ship without cargo, but with 10 % of
of initial trim, the emergency waterline is stores and fuel, and the full number of cabin
tangent to the margin line; and deck passengers with their luggage;
1 General Provisions 223

.4 ship without cargo and passengers, but .4 ship in the same loading condition as
with 10 % of stores and fuel; in, but with 10 % of stores;
.5 ship without cargo, with full stores and .5 ship with maximum number of empty
fuel and with full number of cabin and deck containers, with ballast and full stores;
passengers with their luggage (only for the .6 ship in the same loading condition as
ships of Ì-ÑÏ class); in, but with 10 % of stores.
.6 ship without cargo and passengers, with 1.3.6 Stability of the ships carrying timber
full stores and fuel (only for the ships cargoes on the deck shall be checked for the
of Ì-ÑÏ class). following loading conditions:
1.3.3 Stability of the dry cargo ships shall .1 ship carrying timber cargo with speci-
be checked for the following loading condi- fied stowage rate  (if the stowage rate is not
tions: specified, it is taken equal to  = 2.32 m3/t) in
.1 ship with draught corresponding to the the holds and on the deck, with full stores. If
assigned freeboard, with fully homogeneous liquid ballast intake is provided at full load
cargo equally distributed between the holds, with timber in the holds and deck according
with full stores; to the handling instructions, the ballast shall
.2 ship with fully homogeneous cargo and be considered in calculations;
10 % of stores; .2 ship in the same loading condition as
.3 ship without cargo, with ballast and full in, but with 10 % of stores;
stores; .3 ship with timber cargo, having the
.4 ship without cargo, with ballast and 10 greatest stowage rate specified, in holds and
% of stores. on the deck, with full stores;
.4 ship in the same loading condition as
1.3.4 Stability of tankers shall be checked
in, but with 10 % of stores.
in the following loading conditions:
.1 ship with draught corresponding to the 1.3.7 Stability of the fishing ships shall be
assigned freeboard with full cargo and full checked for the following loading conditions:
stores; .1 departure for fishing with full stores
.2 ship with full cargo and 10 % of stores; and fuel;
.3 ship without cargo, with ballast and full .2 arriving at port from fishing with full
stores; catch in holds and on deck (if provision is
.4 ship without cargo, with ballast and made in the design for stowage of cargo on
10 % of stores. deck) and with 10 % of stores and fuel;
.3 arriving at port from fishing with no
1.3.5 Stability of container ships shall be
catch in holds but with cargo on deck (if pro-
checked in the following loading conditions:
vision is made in the design for stowage of
.1 ship with maximum number of con- nets, fish or other cargo on deck) and with
tainers with the mass of each container with 10 % of stores and fuel.
cargo being equal to the same part of the
maximum gross weight for each type of con- 1.3.8 If the loading conditions, according
tainers with full stores and, where necessary, to the ship operational conditions, as regards
with liquid ballast at draught corresponding to stability are less favorable than those listed in
the summer load line; 1.3.1 or specified in 1.3.2 to 1.3.7, stability
.2 ship in the same loading condition as shall be also checked for these conditions.
in, but with 10 % of stores; 1.3.9 In the stability calculations, the free
.3 ship with maximum number of con- surface effect in ballast, fuel and other tanks
tainers, each loaded container having the may be omitted provided that the following
mass equal to 0.6 of the maximum gross mass condition is met:
for each type of containers, with full stores
and, where necessary, with liquid ballast; v b  k 1 Dlighf  0.01, (1.3.9-1)
224 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

where v — the total volume of the tank, m3 be plotted considering icing. The icing pa-
b — the maximum breadth of the tank, m rameters shall be taken according to 1.7.2.
 — liquid density, kN/m3 Correction to the metacentric height for
Dl — lightship displacement weight, kN liquid cargo's free surfaces in the tanks, where
1 — block coefficient of the tank: the mass of liquid is being changed during the
ship operation, shall be taken according to the
1  v  l bh 
maximum value regardless of filling taken for
l, b, h — maximum length, breadth and calculation of weight loads. Correction to the
height of the tank, m metacentric height for liquid cargo's free sur-
k — coefficient calculated by the formula: faces in the tanks with constant filling level
(ballast tanks, cargo tanks with liquid cargo)
k  0.01 0.817  6.694 b h  0.917  b h  
 shall be taken according to actual filling of
 0, 017  b h   these tanks.
When calculating the ship’s stability, resi-
dues of liquid cargoes in empty tanks may be
or obtained from Table 1.3.9 depending on omitted where their level does not exceed
b/h. 5 cm.
T a b l e 1.3.9
Coefficient k 1.4.3 Corrections to the metacentric height
b/h k b/h k for liquid cargo are determined as a product
0.1 0 1.0 0.050 of the liquid cargo densities and intrinsic
0.25 0.009 1.5 0.072 transverse moments of inertia of free surfaces
0.5 0.023 2.0 0.089 in the tanks calculated for the ship's upright
0.75 0.037 3.0 0.110 position considering 1.4.2.
1.3.10 Permissible angles of heel shall be 1.4.4 Corrections to the arms of the stabil-
determined at coextensive inclinations of the ity curves can be determined using one of the
ship. following methods:
1.3.11 When using the tables given in this .1 by calculating actual heeling moment
Part, intermediate values of the parameters caused by motion of liquid in the tanks for
shall be determined by linear interpolation. each considered angle of heel;
.2 by calculating intrinsic transverse mo-
1.4 STABILITY CURVES ment of inertia of the liquid free surfaces in
1.4.1 Stability of a ship by the main crite- the tanks for the ship's upright position with
rion and additional requirements shall be as- further recalculation for each considered angle
sessed by the dynamic and static stability of heel by multiplying the received moment of
curves for corresponding loading conditions. inertia by sine of the angle of heel.

1.4.2 Stability curves shall be plotted con- 1.4.5 When plotting the stability curves, the
sidering the liquid cargo's free surfaces in all influence of superstructures, wheelhouses and
the cases when the condition specified in 1.3.9 cargo hatch coamings may be considered
is not met. The swash bulkheads shall be con- when they are extended over at least 0.15 of
sidered permeable. When assessing dynamic the design hull length; in addition, those su-
stability of a ship (by the main stability crite- perstructures, wheelhouses and coamings as
rion), these bulkheads may be considered as well as closures for openings and cutouts in
watertight. them shall be strong and watertight.
Stability curves for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ 1.4.6 When carrying timber cargo on the
class intended for operation at negative tem- deck, additional righting moment caused by
peratures, as well as for the ice breakers, shall immersing the deck cargo shall be considered
1 General Provisions 225

by real geometric volume of cargo with the compared to the first ship of the series ex-
following permeability coefficients for timber: ceeding the limits specified in 1.5.2. Such ship
packaged 0.75 shall be considered as the first ship of a new
round 0.60 series as regards stability;
.3 ships after repair, conversion or mod-
1.5 INFORMATION ON STABILITY ernization, if stability might be deteriorate;
AND FLOODABILITY .4 ships, which have no information on
1.5.1 Each ship shall be provided with a stability.
document named Information on Stability 1.6.2 It is allowed not to carry out the in-
and Floodability prepared according to the clining test on a ship, which, as a result of
Instructions on drawing up the Information modernization, conversion or repair, was sub-
on Stability and Floodability of Ship (Appen- ject to structural changes resulting in calcu-
dix 1). For the ships engaged on international lated change in lightship displacement by less
voyages, the Information on Stability and than 2 %, in height of center of gravity by less
Floodability shall be also prepared in English. than 4 cm, and in longitudinal center of grav-
ity by less than 1 % of the ship length. The
1.5.2 The Information on Stability and
calculations of the lightship displacement and
Floodability shall be prepared on the basis of
longitudinal center of gravity shall be con-
stability and floodability calculation results
firmed by weighting according to 4.2 of Ap-
according to the requirements of this Part of
pendix 2.
the Rules. It shall be amended on the basis of
the inclining test results, with due regard to 1.6.3 The inclining test of a ship, except
1.6.2, when the deviations between the calcu- for a passenger ship, may be replaced by
lated results and experimental data exceed: weighting, if the requirements of this Part of
2 % for lightship displacement; the Rules are met in case the center of gravity
5 % for metacentric height; of a light ship is increased by 20 % as com-
pared with the design value.
 0,01L for longitudinal center of gravity.
The Information on Stability and Flood- 1.6.4 The inclining test shall be prepared
ability shall be prepared according to the In- and the results shall be processed according to
structions on preparing the Information on the Instructions on Finding the Location of
Stability and Floodability of Ship (Appen- the Ship's Center of Gravity from Experiment
dix 1). (Appendix 2).
1.5.3 For the serial ships, the Information 1.7 CONDITIONS
on Stability and Floodability shall be prepared OF SUFFICIENT STABILITY
on the basis of the inclining test results of the
lead ship in the series. 1.7.1 A ship is considered to be stable
when, it complies, at all the loading condi-
1.5.4 The Information on Stability and tions as specified in this Part of the Rules,
Floodability for the floating cranes shall con- with:
tain information on stability at various reaches
.1 main stability criterion determined ac-
and hook weights.
cording to 2.1 to 2.4 depending on the ship’s
.2 additional requirements to stability
1.6.1 The following ships shall undergo the taken as in 3.1 to 3.9 depending on the ship’s
inclining test to refine the position of the cen- type and purpose;
ter of gravity: .3 requirements to the static stability
.1 the lead ship of each design; curve parameters according to 2.5;
.2 a series ship with structural changes .4 requirement to initial stability, accord-
brought to essential changes of stability as ing to which the transverse initial metacentric
226 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

height shall be not less than 0.2 m with due The requirements of the present chapter
regard to corrections for liquid cargo free sur- apply to the designed ships, ships under con-
faces for all the ships and also with due regard struction and ships in service specified in the
to icing for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class (see above paragraph of the present item. For the
1.4.2) and ice breakers. ships in service as well as for the ships under
Stability of the ships carrying hazardous construction, the keel of which was laid down
goods shall also comply with the applicable before 1 January 2016, the requirements of
requirements of Part IX of the Rules. the present chapter shall be met at the earliest
ordinary survey but not later than 1 January
1.7.2 The initial metacentric height with 2021.
due regard to icing shall be determined for the 1.8.2 All oil tankers and BORO ships of 24
most unfavourable loading conditions for sta- m length and more carrying oil and oil prod-
bility. Mass of ice per square meter of the ucts and operated in sea areas shall be
total area of the open deck horizontal projec- equipped with stability control means which
tion shall be taken equal to 15 kg. Mass of ice allow to evaluate ship's compliance with intact
per square meter of the windage area shall be stability and damaged stability requirements.
taken equal to 7.5 kg. The total horizontal Stability control means consist of software
projection of decks shall include the sum of and hardware and allow to decide satisfiability
horizontal projections of all exposed decks of stability requirements specified for the
and gangways regardless of the availability of given ship in the Information Stability and
awnings. Floodability. The software shall be approved
The vertical moment due to this loading is by the River Register.
determined for heights of the centres of grav- The requirements for the stability control
ity of the relevant areas of decks and gang- means software are specified in
ways. MSC.1/Circ.1461 "Guidelines for Verification
The deck machinery, arrangements, hatch of Damage Stability Requirements for Tank-
covers and other objects installed on the decks ers", MSC.1/Circ.1229 "Guidelines for the
are included in the projection of the decks Approval of Stability Instruments" and "Inter-
and are not taken into account individually. national Code of Intact Stability 2008".
The Hardware (personal computer) of sta-
bility control means shall comply with the
1.8 STABILITY CONTROL MEANS system requirements specified by the devel-
oper of the software.
1.8.1 The requirements of the present The means shall comply with the require-
chapter apply to oil tankers operated in sea ments specified in 1.1.2 Part VI of the present
areas and BORO ships carrying oil and oil Rules and shall be checked according to 8.1.3
products. of RTSC.
2 General Requirements to Stability 227



2.1.1 Stability of a ship (except for the pas-
senger ship of Ì-ÑÏ class) by the main crite-
rion is considered to be sufficient when it
withstands dynamically applied wind pressure
on still water or at waves (according to the
ship’s class), i.e. the following condition is
M heel  M herm or 
, (2.1.1)
Ê  M perm M heel  1
where Mheel — heeling moment due to the Fig. 2.1.3 Static stability arm curve;
dynamic wind pressure, kNm, determined as
per 2.2 .3 Inclined ship is subject to a dynamic
Mperm — maximum permissible moment at gust of wind, which corresponds to the arm of
dynamic inclinations, kNm, determined as heeling moment lw2;
per 2.3 .4 To determine K, areas à and b shaded
2.1.2 Stability by the main criterion shall in Fig. 2.1.3 shall be calculated and com-
be checked for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, pared. The area b is limited by the righting
Ì, Î-ÏÐ and Î classes with due regard of arm curve l = f (), the horizontal line at the
roll (see 2.4) and for the ships of P and Ë level of the arm of heeling moment lw2 and
classes on still water. the minimum angle of the following com-
2.1.3 Stability of the passenger ships pared angles: angle of heel 2 = 50; angle of
of Ì-ÑÏ class is considered to be sufficient if downflooding dnfl. and angle of capsizing caps.
the following condition is met: The area à is limited by the righting arm
K = b/à  1, (2.1.3) curve l = f (), the horizontal line at the level
of the arm of heeling moment lw2 and the
where a and b are the areas determined from
angle of heel equal to o  m;
the static stability arm curve (see Fig. 2.1.3)
.5 The wind heeling lever lw1 is taken con-
when meeting the following conditions:
stant for all the angles and is calculated by the
.1 Ship is subject to a steady wind acting
formula, m:
perpendicular to the centreline plane, this
wind corresponds to the arm of wind heeling l w1  0.001 p v S z gD , (
moment lw1; where pv — rated static wind pressure,
.2 Ship is inclined under the wave action pv = 252 Pa,
to lee side from the static angle of heel 0 z — reduced heeling arm at simultaneous
(which shall not exceed 16) caused by a heel and lateral drift of ship determined ac-
steady wind action and corresponding to the cording to the requirements in 2.2.5 and 2.2.6,
first intersection point of the horizontal line m,
lw1 and the righting arm curve l = f () to an S — windage area of the ship at a draught
angle equal to the roll amplitude m; with the checked loading condition, m2,
228 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

D — the displacement of the ship in the Ì-ÑÏ,

p  171  z ò  0.6 
checked loading condition, t, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì
p  151  z ò  0.6 
g — acceleration of gravity, g = 9.81 0.37
Î-ÏÐ, Î (2.2.2-3)
p  121  z ò  0.6 
.6 The heeling arm lw2 is calculated by the Ð, Ë (2.2.2-4)
T a b l e 2.2.2
l w2  1.5l w1 . (
Assumed design dynamic wind pressure
2.1.4 Roll amplitude m is determined ac- Height of the Assumed design dynamic wind pressure ð‚
cording to the requirements in 2.4.10. windage cen- Pa, for the ships of the classes
ter zT‚ m Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì Î-ÏÐ, Î Ð and Ë
2.1.5 A gust speed limit is imposed on the ≤ 0.5 177 157 127
ships depending on the ship class according to 1.0 196 177 147
Table 2.1.5: 1.5 216 196 167
T a b l e 2.1.5 2.0 235 216 186
Gust speed limit 2.5 255 235 207
3.0 265 245 216
Ship class Gust speed limit, m/s 4.0 284 265 235
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 24 5.0 304 284 255
Î-ÏÐ, Î 21 ≥ 6.0 324 304 275
Ð, Ë 17
2.2.3 The windage area shall include the
lateral planes of all continuous surfaces of the
2.2 HEELING MOMENT DUE hull elements, superstructures and wheel-
TO THE DYNAMIC WIND PRESSURE houses, masts, funnels, ventilators, boats and
2.2.1 The heeling moment applied to a deck cargoes, as well as awnings which may
ship due to the dynamic wind pressure is cal- be arranged in heavy weather.
culated by the formula, kNm: Windage of discontinued surfaces of the
hull elements like guardrails, crane trusses,
M heel  0.001 pSz , (2.2.1)
rigging (except for masts), etc. may be ap-
where p — assumed rated gust wind pressure, proximately considered by increasing the total
Pa; lateral area of continuous surfaces calculated
S — windage area of the ship at average for the minimum draught by 5 % and the
draught to actual waterline, m2; static moment of this area with respect to the
z — reduced heeling lever arm at simulta- base plane by 10 %.
neous heel and lateral drift of the ship, m. Windage of discontinued surfaces of the
The values in the second member of the ship components in case of icing is considered
formula (2.2.1) shall be taken according to the by increase of the calculated total areas of the
requirements in 2.2.2 to 2.2.6. above said continuous surfaces for the mini-
mum draught by 7.5 % and its static moment
2.2.2 The assumed design dynamic wind relative to the baseline of the ship by 15 %.
pressure shall be taken according to the ship
class from Table 2.2.2 depending on the 2.2.4 The approximate allowances for
height of the windage center zÒ, m, above the windage of the ship component discontinued
actual waterline plane (at average draught T): surfaces specified in 2.2.3 may be disregarded,
if the areas of all such surfaces and their static
zò  zw – Ò , (2.2.2-1)
moments relative to the baseline are calcu-
where zw — the height of the windage center lated individualy. In this case, the windage
above the baseline of the ship, m. area of discontinued surfaces shall include
The said assumed design dynamic wind their overall areas multiplied by respective
pressure may be also determined by the fol- solidity coefficients, the values of which shall
lowing formulae for the ship classes: be taken for discontinued surfaces:
2 General Requirements to Stability 229

guard rails,
a2   6.2  0.75 z g B 
2.64 
covered with net 0.6  
not covered with net 0.2

10.7  z B

2.64 
crane trusses 0.5 . (2.2.6-2)
spars and rigging 0.6  g 
Windage area of discontinued surfaces of T a b l e 2.2.6-1
the above mentioned elements, when they are Coefficient a1
calculated individually, shall be taken with a B/T a1 B/T a1
flow coefficient equal to 1.  2.5 0.40 7.0 1.00
Projected areas of the hull above the water- 3.0 0.41 8.0 1.20
line, as well as superstructures and wheel- 4.0 0.46 9.0 1.28
houses of general (not streamlined) type shall 5.0 0.60  10 1.30
be taken with a flow coefficient equal to 1. 6.0 0.81
Projected areas of streamlined superstructures T a b l e 2.2.6-2
and wheelhouses may be taken with the flow Coefficient a2
coefficient of at least 0.6; however, it shall be zg/B a2 zg/B a2
proved by corresponding experimental and 0.15 0.66 0.35 0.22
calculation data. 0.20 0.58 0.40 0.10
Projected areas of the ship’s elements lo- 0.25 0.46 > 0.45 0
cated separately and having a streamlined 0.30 0.34
shape (masts, funnels, ventilators, etc.) shall
be taken with the flow coefficient equal to 2.3 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE MOMENT
2.2.5 Reduced heeling arm due to the dy-
namic wind pressure, m, is calculated by the 2.3.1 Maximum permissible moment is de-
formula termined by the maximum permissible angle
z  z ò  a1a2T , (2.2.5) of heel.
where zÒ — height of the windage center 2.3.2 Maximum permissible angle of heel
above the actual waterline plane (see 2.2.2), perm under dynamic effect of the heeling
m; moment due to wind and waves shall be taken
a1, a2 — correction coefficients, see 2.2.6; equal to either the angle of capsizing caps or
T — average draught of the ship at actual the angle of downflooding dnfl., whichever is
waterline, m. less.

2.2.6 Coefficient a1 considering the influ- 2.3.3 Maximum permissible moment Mperm
ence of water resistance to lateral drift on may be determined by the dynamic or static
heeling lever arm z shall be obtained from stability curves according to the requirements
Table 2.2.6-1 depending on the ratio B/T (B of this Section.
and T are the breadth and the average draught 2.3.4 Maximum permissible moment Mperm
of a ship at the actual waterline, m) or calcu- for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ
lated by the formula: and Î classes shall be determined by means of
0.00025 B Ò  plotting performed with due regard to the roll
a1  1.31  0.925e . (2.2.6-1) effect.
Coefficient a2 considering the influence of When determining moment Mperm on the
inertia forces on the heeling lever arm z shall dynamic stability curve (curve of dynamic
be obtained from Table 2.2.6-2 depending on stability arms d) the latter is extended to
the ratio zg/B (zg is the vertical distance from negative area on a section equal to assumed
the centre of gravity to the base plane of the design roll amplitude m calculated according
ship, m) or calculated by the formula: to the requirements in 2.4.
230 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

The amplitude of roll is plotted to the left Further, a line parallel to abscissa axis
from the point of origin 0 (Fig. 2.3.4-1 and is drawn via the origin point A, and seg-
2.3.4-2), and corresponding point A is fixed ment AB equal to 1 rad (57.3) is laid. A
on the left leg of the curve; this point is fur- perpendicular is conducted from point B
ther called the origin point. up to intersecting tangent line AK in a
When determining the maximum permissi- point E.
ble moment using any of the described curves,
the following typical cases are possible: Segment ÂÅ presents the numerical value
.1 For determination of the maximum of the arm lperm1 of the maximum permissible
permissible moment Mperm corresponding to moment corresponding to the angle of capsiz-
the angle of capsizing caps, tangent line AK to ing of the ship. In this case, the maximum
the right leg of the curve of arms d is drawn permissible moment Mperm1‚ kN·m, shall be
from the origin point A (see Fig. 2.3.4-1). An equal to lperm1‚ m, multiplied by the weight of
abscissa of the point of contact K defines, for the ship ‚ kN, at the draught, for which the
this case, the angle of capsizing; stability curve is plotted, i.e.

Fig. 2.3.4-1 Determination of the maximum permissible moment corresponding to the angle of capsizing

Fig. 2.3.4-2 Determination of the maximum permissible moment corresponding to the angle of downflooding
2 General Requirements to Stability 231

Ì perm1    l perm1 . (2.3.4-1) classes when assessing their stability by the

main criterion (see 2.1) and for the ships of
.2 For determination of the maximum all the classes when assessing stability by addi-
permissible moment Mperm2 corresponding to tional requirements (see 3 of this Part) – shall
the angle of downflooding dnfl., a value of the be determined by the dynamic and static sta-
angle of downflooding dnfl. is plotted on the bility curves in the same order as specified in
curve's X axis (see Fig. 2.3.4-2), and a per- 2.3.4 regardless the roll effect (see Figs.
pendicular is drawn from the obtained point 2.3.5-1 and 2.3.5-2), except for the stability
up to intersecting the curve of arms d in a assessment of tugboats of Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ and
point F. Ì-ÑÏ classes for rope jerk carried out with
Further plotting on the curve are per- due regard to rolling (see 3.3.14).
formed by the same way as stated above, ex-
cept that instead of the tangent line to the
curve, a secant line AF is conducted to inter-
secting, in point E, perpendicular BE con-
structed to segment AB equal to 1 radian.
This segment BE, in this case, presents a
numerical value of the arm lperm2 of the sought
maximum permissible moment corresponding
to the angle of downflooding.
Maximum permissible moment Mperm2 is
Fig. 2.3.5-1 Determining maximum permissible
calculated by the formula‚ kNm: moment corresponding to the angle of capsizing
M perm2    l perm2 , (2.3.4-2) with no regard to roll

where Iperm2 — arm of the maximum permissi-

ble moment, m;
 — weight of the ship, kN.
The maximum permissible moments Mperm1
and Mperm2 shall be determined according to
the static stability curve as a result of plottings
shown on Figs. 2.3.4-1 and 2.3.4-2.
On the static stability curves (the curve of
arms l) straight lines CN are chosen parallel
to the abscissa axis so that shaded areas S1 Fig. 2.3.5-2 Determining maximum permissible
and S2 are equal. moment corresponding to the angle of downflood-
ing with no regard to roll
Segment OC on the ordinate axis of the
curve (see Fig. 2.3.4-1) presents a numerical The stability curves are not extended to
value of the arm Iperm1 of the maximum per- area of negative values of the abscissa axis,
missible moment corresponding to the angle and all plottings (a tangent or a secant to
of capsizing, and the value of the moment curve d or equivalent areas over the curve l)
Mperm1, kNm, shall be calculated by formula shall be made only to the right from the point
(2.3.4-1). Similarly, segment OC (see 2.3.4-2) of origin (point 0 on Figs. 2.3.5-1 and
presents a numerical value of the arm lperm2 of 2.3.5-2).
the maximum permissible moment corre-
sponding to the angle of downflooding, and 2.4 ASSUMED DESIGN ROLL
the value of the moment Mperm2, kNm, shall AMPLITUDES
be calculated by formula (2.3.4-2).
2.4.1 Assumed design roll amplitudes m,
2.3.5 Maximum permissible moment at dy- deg, for the hulls of the ships of Ì-ÏÐ, Ì,
namic inclinations – for the ships of P and Ë Î-ÏÐ, Î and Ð classes with a rounded bilge
232 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

and without bilge keels (or bar keel) shall be lated regardless of the influence of free surface
taken from Table 2.4.1 depending on fre- of liquid cargoes, m
quency m, s–1, which shall be calculated by m0 — coefficient to be adopted from Table
the formula 2.4.3-1 or calculated by formula (2.4.3-3)
m  m1m2 m3 , (2.4.1-1) depending on the parameter
where m1, m2, m3 are coefficients, see 2.4.3.
N o t e s . 1. When values m are greater than
n1  h 0 B z g

V , (2.4.3-2)
those specified in Table 2.4.1, the maximum design where V — volume displacement at mean
roll amplitude for the ships of this class shall be draught T corresponding to actual waterline, m3;
taken. T a b l e 2.4.3-1
2. For the ships with bilge keels (or bar keel) Coefficient m0
the roll amplitude shall be determined according to
2.4.4 to 2.4.7. n1 m0 n1 m0
T a b l e 2.4.1 ≤ 0.10 0.42 1.00 2.40
Roll amplitude 0.15 0.52 1.50 3.00
0.25 0.78 2.00 3.30
Roll amplitude‚ m for all types of ships 0.50 1.38 2.50 3.50
m, s–1
Ì-ÏÐ, Ì Î-ÏÐ, Î ≥ 3.00
0.75 1.94 3.60
0.40 14° 9°
0.60 18° 10° zg — height of centre of gravity above the
0.80 24° 13° baseline for the given loading condition, m;
1.00 28° 17°
B — the ship's breadth at the actual water-
1.20 30° 20°
1.40 31° 23° line, m.
1.60 31° 24° m0  3.66  3.43e  n1 . (2.4.3-3)
1.80 31° 24°
Values of dimensionless coefficients m2 and
The specified assumed design roll ampli- m3, which consider the hull shape influence
tude m, deg., may be also determined by the on the roll amplitude, shall be taken from
following expressions for the ship classes: Tables 2.4.3-2 and 2.4.3-3 or from expressions
2.9 (2.4.3-4) and (2.4.3-5) depending on the B/T
Ì, Ì-ÏÐ m  31  19.3e 1.9m (2.4.1-2)
ratio and block coefficient .
Î, Î-ÏÐ m  24.4  15.9e0.75m (2.4.1-3) T a b l e 2.4.3-2
2.4.2 For the ships with sharp bilges and Coefficient m2
paddle ships, the assumed design roll ampli- B/T m2 B/T m2
tudes shall be taken equal to 0.75 and 0.80, ≤ 2.50 1.00 6.00 0.87
respectively, of the values taken from Table 3.00 0.90 7.00 0.92
3.50 0.81 8.00 0.96
2.4.1 or calculated by the formulae (2.4.1-2)
4.00 0.78 9.00 0.99
and (2.4.1-3). 5.00 0.81 ≥ 10.00 1.00
2.4.3 Coefficient m1 that characterizes T a b l e 2.4.3-3
natural oscillation frequency of a ship (on still Coefficient m3
water1) shall be defined by the formula, s–1:
 m3  m3
m1  m0 h0 , (2.4.3-1) ≤ 0.45 1.00 0.65 0.72
0.50 0.95 0.70 0.69
where h0 — metacentric height corresponding 0.55 0.86 0.75 0.67
to the given loading condition of ship calcu- 0.60 0.77 ≥ 0.80 0.66

m2  0.669  10.47  B / T   100.74  B / T  

Calm water is a water area with current veloc-
ity of less than 0.1 km/h and still water surface
 327.36  B / T   339.5  B / T  .
3 4
(slight ripple is allowed) at wind speed of up to
3 m/s. (2.4.3-4)
2 General Requirements to Stability 233

8.1 T a b l e 2.4.7-1
m3  1  0.358e 0.0075 (2.4.3-5) Coefficient r1
2.4.4 Assumed design roll amplitudes m , 100Sk/(LB), % r1 100Sk/(LB), % r1
0.70 0.14 2.50 0.94
deg., for the ships with bilge keels (or bar 1.00 0.24 3.00 1.20
keel) 1.50 0.44 3.50 1.48
m  k m , (2.4.4) 2.00 0.68 ≥ 4.00 1.66
where k — correction coefficient, see 2.4.5 r1  47.8 S k  LB   0.241 at 
m — roll amplitude for ship without keels, 
S k  LB   0.04  .
see 2.4.1
r1  1.66 at S k  LB   0.04 
2.4.5 Coefficient k specifying the relative
decrease of the roll amplitudes due to bilge or (2.4.7-1)
bar keels, shall be taken from Table 2.4.5 de- Coefficients r2 and r3 considering the influ-
pending on ence of the hull shape on the efficiency of
bilge keels shall be taken from Tables 2.4.7-2
q  r B ‚ (2.4.5-1) and 2.4.7-3 accordingly depending on the
where B — the ship breadth at the actual wa- block coefficient  for keel area Sk and ratio
terline, m B/T (T is the mean draught of the ship at
T a b l e 2.4.5 actual waterline, m).
Correction coefficient k
T a b l e 2.4.7-2
q k q k
Coefficient r2
0 1.00 5.00 0.68
1.00 0.95 6.00 0.65  r2  r2
2.00 0.85 7.00 0.63 ≤ 0.45 0 0.70 0.65
3.00 0.77  8.00 0.62 0.50 0.06 0.75 0.71
4.00 0.72 0.55 0.18 0.80 0.68
0.60 0.35 ≥ 0.85 0.64
 — waterplane coefficient for that water- 0.65 0.51
T a b l e 2.4.7-3
r — coefficient determined according to
Coefficient r3
the requirements in 2.4.6.
B/T r3 B/T r3
The said coefficient k may be also deter-
≤ 2.50 1.40 7.00 2.13
mined by the expression:
3.00 1.48 8.00 2.34
k  1  0.438q 1.85 7  q  . 1.85
(2.4.5-2) 4.00
≥ 10.0
2.4.6 Coefficient r considering the increase 6.00 2.00
of water resistance to roll due to bilge or bar
N o t e : The requirements specified in 2.4.7
keels shall be calculated by the formula: apply to the ships with bar keel too. In this case,
r   r1  r2  r3 , (2.4.6) Sk, is the keel's lateral projection area, m2.
where r1, r2, r3 are coefficients, see 2.4.7. The said coefficients r2 and r3 may be also
determined by the expressions:
2.4.7 Coefficient r1 considering the effi-
ciency of bilge keels with the total area Sk, 
r2   0.116  0.25  1  2.7  22 ,
m2, shall be taken from Table 2.4.7-1 depend- (2.4.7-2)
ing on ratio 100S k  LB  , % (L and B are r3  1  0.166 B T . (2.4.7-3)
the length and the breadth of the ship at ac- 2.4.8 Roll amplitude m, deg., for the ships
tual waterline, m). of Ì-ÑÏ class (except for passenger ships)
The said coefficient r1 may be also deter- with a rounded bilge and without bilge keels
mined by the expression: shall be calculated by the formula
234 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

m  m4 m5 m6 , (2.4.8-1) T a b l e 2.4.8-3
Coefficient m6
where m4 — coefficient calculated by the for-
mula: h0 B m6 h0 B m6

m4  1.103  0.5576 B T  0.0764  B T   ≤ 0.04

2 16.0 0.14 32.5
  0.06 19.7 0.16 33.5
1  0.4971 B T  0.0691  B T 2  0.08 25.4 0.18 34.2
  0.10 29.2 ≥ 0.20 34.8
(2.4.8-2) 0.12 31.4
or adopted from Table 2.4.8-1 depending on
the ratio of the ship’s breadth  to the m  k m , (2.4.9-1)
draught Ò; where coefficient k depending on
T a b l e 2.4.8-1
Coefficient m4 a  100 S ê  LB  is calculated by the for-
Â/Ò m4 Â/Ò m4 mula
≤ 2.4
0.80 
k  1  0.8554 a  0.2522a  0.0212a
2 3

1  0.8432a  0.2449a  0.0184 a  ,
2.8 0.93 4.5 0.86 2 3
3.0 0.90 5.0 0.92
3.2 0.86 5.5 0.97
3.4 0.82 ≥ 6.0 1.0 (2.4.9-2)
m5 — coefficient calculated by the formula or adopted from Table 2.4.9 depending on the
ratio of the total area of bilge keels Sk, m2, to
m5  109.745  124.4   52.94 2  the product LB.
 41.68   5.85 2
T a b l e 2.4.9
(2.4.8-3) Coefficient k
or adopted from Table 2.4.8-2 depending on 100 S k  LB  , % k 100 S k  LB  , % k
the block coefficient ; 0 1.00 2.5 0.79
T a b l e 2.4.8-2 1.0 0.98 3.0 0.74
Coefficient m5 1.5 0.95 3.5 0.72
 m5  m5 2.0 0.88 ≥ 4.0 0.70
≤ 0.45 0.75 0.60 0.95
0.5 0.82 0.65 0.97 2.4.10 Roll amplitude m, deg., of the pas-
0.55 0.89 ≥ 0.70 1.0 senger ship of Ì-ÑÏ class with a rounded
bilge shall be calculated by the formula:
m6 — coefficient determined by the for-
mula m  109 k x1 m5 r s , (2.4.10-1)
m6  493.62  7127.54 h0 B  where k — coefficient considering the influ-
ence of bilge keels taken from Table 2.4.9;
 
5489.09 h0 B  x1 — dimensionless coefficient adopted
from Table 2.4.10-1 depending on the
3224.12  B  
h0  4.24 h0 B breadth-to-draught (B/T) ratio or, within the
(2.4.8-4) B/T range of 2.4 to 3.5, calculated by the
or adopted from Table 2.4.8-3 depending on formula:
ratio h0 B ; x1  1.7645  0.3207 B T ; (2.4.10-2)
ho — initial metacentric height, m. m5 — dimensionless coefficient adopted
from Table 2.4.8-2;
2.4.9 If the ship of Ì-ÑÏ class (except r — parameter calculated by the formula:
passenger ships) has bilge keels, the roll am-
plitude shall be calculated by the formula r  0.73  0.6  z g  T  T  1 ; (2.4.10-3)
2 General Requirements to Stability 235

s — dimensionless coefficient taken from ships of M class. Roll amplitude m, deg., is
Table 2.4.10-2 depending on the roll period  calculated by the formula
to be calculated by the formula, s:
  2c B h. (2.4.10-4)

m 1 0.1306  0.2584m  0.2272m 2 

T a b l e 2.4.10-1
 0.0674m3 
Dimensionless coefficient x1 (2.4.11)
B/T x1 B/T x1
or adopted from Table 2.4.11 depending on
≤ 2.4
the parameter m.
1.00 3.0 0.9
T a b l e 2.4.11
2.5 0.98 3.1 0.88
2.6 0.96 3.2 0.86 Roll amplitude m
2.7 0.95 3.3 0.84 m m m m
2.8 0.93 3.4 0.82 0.40 17° 1.00 31°
2.9 0.91 ≥ 3.5 0.80 0.60 23° ≥ 1.20 32°
0.80 29°
To determine s within the roll period range
from 6 to 20 s, the following formula may be
used instead of Table 2.4.10-2:
s  0.03  0.0439  0.838  10 2 2  2.5.1 For ships of Ì and Ì-ÏÐ classes,
3 3
0.536  10   1.1399  10  ; 5 4 the maximum righting arm of the static stabil-
(2.4.10-5) ity curve shall be at least 0.25 m for ships with
a length of 80 m and less and at least 0.20 m
T a b l e 2.4.10-2 for ships with a length of 105 m and more at
Roll period  an angle of heel m  25°. For ships with a
s  s s  s length over 80 m but less than 105 m, righting
0.100 ≤5 0.053 10 arm lmax shall be obtained by linear interpola-
0.093 6 0.040 12 tion of the data stated above. The angle of
0.083 7 0.035 ≥ 14 vanishing or the angle of downflooding of the
0.073 8 static stability curve shall be at least 50°.
ñ — correction coefficient depending on 2.5.2 The static stability curve for the ships
the ship's dimensions: of Ì-ÑÏ class (except for passenger ships)
shall comply with the following requirements:
ñ  0.373  0.023 B T – 0.043  10 2 L ; .1 the maximum righting arm of the static
(2.4.10-6) stability curve shall be at least 0.25 m for ships
h — corrected metacentric height, m (cor- with a length of 80 m and less and at least
rected for effect of free surfaces of liquid car- 0.20 m for ships with a length of 105 m and
goes); more at an angle of heel   25°. For ships
L — ship's length, m. with a length over 80 m but less than 105 m,
The roll amplitude of a sharp-bilge ship righting arm lmax shall be obtained by linear
shall be taken equal to 70 % of the amplitude interpolation of the data stated above. For the
calculated by the formula (2.4.10-1). ships with the B/T  ratio of 2.5, maximum
arm may be decreased to 0.15 m if the area
The rated roll amplitude values shall be
under the static stability curve within the an-
rounded to integer degrees.
gles of heel of 0° to 15° is at least 0.07 m rad;
2.4.11 Assumed design roll amplitude for .2 the angle of vanishing or the angle of
the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class (except for passenger downflooding of the static stability curve shall
ships) may be decreased but not less than be at least 50°;
minimum permissible values determined by .3 the area under the righting lever curve
the diagram specified in 2.4.1 to 2.4.7 for the shall not be less than, mrad:
236 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

to angle of heel of 30° 0.055 structures or wheelhouses, the first maximum

to angle of heel of 40° or angle of 0.09 shall occur at the angle of heel not less than
downflooding, whichever is less 25°;
from 30° to 40° or the angle of 0.03
downflooding, whichever is less .2 The limit of positive static stability (the
angle of vanishing stability or the angle of
2.5.3 The static stability curve for the ships downflooding) shall be at least 60; however,
of Ì-ÑÏ class shall comply with the follow- this limit may be lowered down to 50 pro-
ing requirements: vided that every lowering by 1 degree is ac-
.1 The maximum righting arm lmax of the companied by increase of the maximum arm
static stability curve shall be at least 0.25 m lmax of the static stability curve by 0.01 m
for ships with a length of 80 m and less and at above the value specified according to;
least 0.20 m for ships with a length of 105 m
.3 The area under the righting lever curve
and more at an angle of heel   30°. For
shall not be less than, mrad:
intermediate values of the ship length, value
to angle of heel of 30° 0.055
lmax shall be determined by linear interpolation to angle of heel of 40° or angle of 0.09
of the above data. downflooding, whichever is less
If the static stability curve has two from 30° to 40° or the angle of 0.03
maxima due to the influence of the super- downflooding, whichever is less
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 237



3.1 PASSENGER AND OTHER SHIPS due regard to restrictions established for pas-
CARRYING PEOPLE senger access to either part of the deck.
3.1.1 Stability of passenger ships by the When determining heeling moment Mp, the
main criterion specified in 2.1 shall be as- passenger distribution density shall be taken as
follows: 4 persons per square meter of free
sessed for the loading conditions specified in
1.3.2. surface of decks on ships undertaking perma-
nent voyages longer than 24 hours; and 6 per-
When assessing stability by the main crite- sons per square meter on ships undertaking
rion, cabin passengers shall be assumed to be voyages shorter than 24 hours.
in their accommodation, deck passengers on Areas of outer passages in the vicinity of
their decks and the cargo stowage in cargo bulwarks or guard rails shall be assumed with
holds and on decks shall be assumed to com- a coefficient of 0.75, where the passage
ply with the normal operating conditions of breadth is over 0.7 m and with a coefficient of
the ship.
0.50 where the breadth is  0.7 m.
For the loading conditions in to Areas of passages between sofas (benches,, stability of the ship shall be also armchairs), on which excessive passengers
checked by additional requirements specified may crowd in addition to the passengers oc-
in 3.1.2, 3.1.6, 3.1.10. cupying their seats, shall be assumed with a
N o t e : Stability of a ship by additional re- coefficient of 0.5.
quirements shall be assessed also for non-full num- Mass of a passenger shall be taken equal to
ber of passengers, if such a loading condition may 75 kg and a centre of gravity located 1.1 m
be less favourable as regards stability than the worst
one of those listed above.
above the deck.
3.1.4 As an ultimate permissible angle of
3.1.2 Stability of passenger ships shall be
heel perm, there shall be taken an angle equal
sufficient in case of passenger crowding at one
side, i.e. the following condition shall be met: to 0.8downfl. or an angle at which the deck
edge or upper edge of ship fender enters the
M p  M perm , (3.1.2) water, whichever is less. Value of perm shall
where Mp — heeling moment due to crowding not exceed 10, or 12 for ships of up to 30 m
of passengers to one side, kNm, see 3.1.3; in length.
Mperm — maximum permissible moment at 3.1.5 Moment Mperm shall be defined from
static inclinations of the ship, kNm, see 2.3. the static stability curve depending on maxi-
mum permissible angles of heel perm, deg.
3.1.3 Heeling moment Mp shall be deter-
(see 3.1.4). When assessing stability in case of
mined by from the design scheme of crowding
crowding passengers on one side, the effect of
the passengers at one side corresponding to
free surfaces of liquid cargoes shall be consid-
their most dangerous disposition possible in
ered according to 1.4.2.
normal operating conditions of the ship. In
this case, the distribution of passengers shall 3.1.6 Stability of passenger ships in case of
be taken as at one side on deck areas free crowding passengers on side shall be sufficient
from the equipment and arrangements, with at the greatest dynamic heel arising at the
238 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

evolution period of turn, i.e. the following Coefficient a3 may be also calculated within the
condition shall be met: range of 2.50 < B/T < 10.0 by the formula:

M turn  M perm , (3.1.6) a3  0.015  B T  – 0.282  B T  
3 2

where Mturn — dynamically applied heeling 0.662 B T  0.62.

moment, kNm, arising in evolution period of (3.1.7-2)
ship turn and determined as in 3.1.7; N o t e : Formula (3.1.7-1) is valid for dis-

M perm — maximum permissible moment placement single-hull ships with length-based
Froude number Fr L  v gL  0.36 .
taken as in 3.1.9 when the ship is inclined in
the evolution period of turn, having regard to 3.1.8 As the maximum permissible angle of
initial heel due to crowding of passengers at heel perm , there shall be taken an angle
one side, kNm.
N o t e : If in any real loading condition of a se-
equal to a deck entrance angle (regardless of

fender entering the water) or an entrance an-
rial passenger ship, condition M turn  0.8M perm is
gle of waterline being 75 mm below the edge
not met, her stability in the evolution period of of free-flooding openings, whichever is less.
turn shall be checked by means of specially con-
ducted full-scale experiment performed on the lead 
3.1.9 Moment M perm shall be defined from
ship of the series.
the static stability curve depending on the
3.1.7 The dynamical heeling moment ap- maximum permissible angle of heel perm
plied to ship in the evolution period of turn, (see 3.1.8) as a result of plottings shown on
kNm, is: Fig. 3.1.9, where the point of origin is notion-
M c  cv02   z g – a3T  L , (3.1.7-1) ally carried to point 0 on curve l correspond-
ing to the static angle of heel due to crowding
where c — coefficient depending on type of
of passengers at one side p arising due to ac-
ship propulsor and equal to 0.029 for propel-
tion of static moment Mp calculated according
ler and waterjet ships and 0.045 for paddle
to 3.1.3. Moment M perm  (or the arm of the
v0 — ship speed before entering the turn, permissible moment perm ) shall be deter-
to be taken equal to 0.8 of full ahead speed mined from equality of the areas S1 and S2.
on a straight course, m/s;
 — weight of the ship corresponding to
the draught up to actual waterline, kN;
zg — height of centre of gravity above the
baseline, m;
a3 — coefficient considering vertical shift
of lateral pressure centre when the ship is
adrift; it is to be taken from Table 3.1.7 de-
pending on the ratio B/T (B is the ship’s
breadth at actual waterline);
T a b l e 3.1.7
Coefficient a3 
Fig. 3.1.9. Calculation of arm l perm of the maxi-
B/T a3 B/T a3  .
mum permissible moment M perm
≤ 2.50 0.73 7.00 –3.38
3.00 0.50 8.00 –4.45 When assessing stability in the evolution
4.00 –0.27 9.00 –5.40 period of turn, the effect of free surfaces of
5.00 –1.27 ≥ 10.00 –6.00 liquid cargoes shall be considered in accor-
6.00 –2.33 dance with 1.4.2.
L and T — the ship’s length and the mean 3.1.10 Stability of passenger ships with the
draught at actual waterline, respectively, m. centre of windage located 2 m above the ac-
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 239

tual waterline, shall be sufficient at crowding 3.2 CARGO SHIPS

of passengers at one side in case of static effect of
3.2.1 Stability of dry cargo ships shall be
wind, i.e. the following condition shall be met:
assessed by the main criterion specified in
 M p  M w   M perm , (3.1.10) 2.1.1 at load according to 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.5,
1.3.6 and 1.3.8.
where Mp — heeling moment due to passen- Cargo stowage shall correspond to normal
ger crowding at one side, kNm, determined conditions of ship’s service.
according to the instructions in 3.1.3; Stability of the tankers shall be checked at
Mw — heeling moment due to static effect loading conditions according to 1.3.1, 1.3.4,
of wind, kNm, see 3.1.11; 1.3.8 and, additionally, with 50 % filling of
the tanks with full and 10 % stores. Stability
Mperm — maximum permissible moment at of the refueling ships shall be checked at 25
static inclinations of a ship, kNm, defined %, 50 % and 75 % filling of the tanks with
from the static stability curve depending on full and 10 % stores.
the value of angle perm (see 3.1.4), the value
3.2.2 For all cargo ships with windage cen-
of angle perm being not limited by 10 or 12.
tre of 2 m above the actual waterline, stability
3.1.11 The heeling moment due to static at static wind effect shall be checked, i.e. the
effect of wind, kNm, is following condition shall be met:
M w  M perm , (3.2.2)
M w  0.001 ps S  z p – a3T  , (3.1.11)
where Mw — heeling moment due to static
where ps — assumed design static wind pres- effect of wind, kNm, see 3.1.11;
sure, Pa, which shall be taken equal to 0.47 of Mperm — maximum permissible moment at
the respective dynamic pressure from Table static inclinations of a ship, kNm, defined
2.2.2 depending on the ship class and the from the static stability curve depending on
height of the windage center above the actual value of angle perm (see 3.2.3).
waterline plane; 3.2.3 The maximum permissible angle of
S — windage area, m2, see 2.2.3 and 2.2.4; heel perm shall be taken equal to either
zw — height of the centre of gravity above 0.8downfl. or deck edge entrance angle, which-
the base plane when the ship is the upright ever is less.
position, m; 3.2.4 For all cargo ships with specific
a3 — coefficient, see Table 3.1.7; power capacity, i.e. Ðe, kW per unit of dis-
T — average draught of the ship at actual placement V, m3 such that Pe / V ≥ 0.735,
waterline, m. stability in the evolution period of turn shall be
checked, i.e. the following condition shall be met:
3.1.12 Stability of crew boats, special pur- M c  M perm , (3.2.4)
pose ships and non-passenger ships carrying
where Mc — dynamical heeling moment,
organized groups of people shall comply with
kNm, applied to a ship in the evolution pe-
the requirements for stability of passenger
riod of turn, see 3.1.6;
ships with due regard to crowding of all peo-
Mperm — maximum permissible moment,
ple being on the ship (other than the crew
members) at one side. kNm, determined according to the statical or
dynamical stability curves depending on the
3.1.13 Carriage of people, towing (on a tow angle perm (see 3.2.5).
line or alongside towing) and industrial opera-
tions shall not be performed simultaneously. 3.2.5 The maximum permissible angle
This fact shall be indicated in the Information perm shall be taken equal to deck entrance
on Stability and Floodability. angle or entrance angle of waterline laying
240 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

75 mm below the edges of free-flooding open- Where the containers are located only on
ings, whichever is less. cargo hatch covers, the angle, at which the
hatch coaming edge is immersed, may be
3.2.6 Stability of the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class
adopted instead of the angle, at which the
carrying bulk cargoes shall comply with the
upper deck edge is immersed.
following requirements:
.1 the calculated acceleration due to roll- 3.2.9 The following additional requirements
ing (in fractions of g) àcal shall not exceed 0.3, to the ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Ì-ÑÏ classes car-
i.e. the acceleration criterion rying bulk grain shall be met:
K *  0.3 acal  1 , .1 The angle of heel due to the shift of
grain shall not be greater than 12° or the an-
where acal  1.1  103 B m12 m ; gle, at which the upper deck edge is im-
 — ship’s breadth at the actual water- mersed, whichever is less;
line; .2 In the statical stability diagram (see
m1 — coefficient determined according to Fig. the net of residual area between
2.4.3; the heeling arm curve and the righting arm
curve up to 40° angle of heel (which corre-
m — roll amplitude determined accord-
sponds to the maximum difference between
ing to 2.4.8 and 2.4.9; the ordinates of the two curves), or the angle
.2 when K* < 1, permissible wave height of downflooding, whichever is the least, shall
of 3 % probability of overtopping is taken in all conditions of loading be not less than
from Table 3.2.6. 0.075 m·rad;
T a b l e 3.2.6
Wave height with 3 % probability of overtopping
K* 1.0 and more 1.0 to 0.5 0.5 and less
h3, Ì-ÑÏ 3.5 3.5 3.0 2.5
% Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5
3.2.7 The following additional requirements
to stability of the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class carry-
ing timber cargoes on the deck shall be met:
.1 Metacentric height with due regard to
free surfaces shall be at least 0.20 m;
.2 The maximal righting arm of the static
stability curve shall be at least 0.25 m. Fig. Static stability curve

3.2.8 The following additional requirements qs — angle of heel due to the grain shift,
to stability of the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class carry- deg.;
ing containers on the deck shall be met: S — residual area of the curve, m·deg.,
.1 Metacentric height with due regard to specified according to;
free surfaces shall be at least 0.20 m; l0, l40 — heeling moment arms due to the
.2 The angle of heel on steady turning or grain shift, m, determined according to the
under the effect of continuous beam wind as instructions in Appendix 3;
obtained from the stability curve shall not .3 The initial metacentric height, after
exceed half the angle, at which the freeboard correction for the free surface effects of liq-
deck immerses; in any case, the angle of heel uids in tanks, shall be not less than 0.30 m.
shall not exceed 15°. Here, the heeling mo-
ment on steady turning shall be determined 3.2.10 For loading bulk grain, the following
according to 3.1.7, and the heeling moment requirements shall be met:
due to the static wind pressure shall be deter- .1 All necessary trimming shall be per-
mined according to 3.1.11. formed to level all free grain surfaces and to
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 241

minimize the effect of grain shifting; trimming Certificate of Fitness for Grain Carriage in
means grain levelling in cargo holds and/or Bulk.
filling underdeck spaces in order to prevent The Certificate may be issued also if the
uncontrolled shift of grain during transporta- Addendum to the Information on Stability
tion; and Floodbaility is available onboard the ship
.2 In any filled compartment, trimmed, and includes:
the bulk grain shall be trimmed so as to fill all .1 plans of grain stowage;
spaces under the decks and hatch covers to .2 curves or tables to determine the vol-
the maximum extent possible; ume occupied by grain, vertical centre of
.3 In any filled compartment, untrimmed, gravity (height of centre of gravity), and as-
the bulk grain shall be filled to the maximum sumed volumetric heeling moments. Such
extent in way of the hatch opening but may data shall be available for every compartment
be at its natural angle of repose outside the taking into account the influence of tempo-
periphery of the hatch opening. rary appliances (shields, shifting boards etc.)
A filled compartment may comply with used for grain carriage;
this category, if the compartment is consid- .3 tables or curves of maximum permissi-
ered specially suitable and the requirements to ble heeling moments for varying displace-
trimming are not applied because the under- ments and varying vertical centre of gravity to
deck void space shape resulting from free allow the master to demonstrate the compli-
flowing grain into a compartment is taken ance with the requirements of 3.2.9;
into account when calculating the void space .4 brief loading instructions generalizing
depth. the requirements in 3.2.10;
Specially suitable compartment refers to a .5 a specific example of calculations.
N o t e : It is recommended that loading con-
cargo space, which is constructed with at least
ditions are provided for three representative stow-
two vertical or sloping, longitudinal, grain- age coefficients, e.g. 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 m3/t.
tight divisions which are coincident with the
hatch side girders or are so positioned as to 3.3 TUGBOATS
limit the effect of any transverse shift of grain.
If sloping, the divisions shall have an inclina- 3.3.1 Stability of tugboats shall be assessed
tion of not less than 30° to the horizontal; by the main criterion given in 2.1 and by ad-
.4 After loading, all free grain surfaces in ditional requirements in 3.3.2 to 3.3.11, 3.3.14
partly filled compartments shall be leveled; for the loading conditions specified in 1.3.1
.5 Unless the account is taken of the ad- and 1.3.8.
N o t e : Stability of the ships of other types fit-
verse heeling effect due to the grain shift ac-
ted with towing arrangement shall be checked for
cording to Appendix 3, free surface of the all loading conditions according to 3.3.2 to 3.3.11.
bulk grain in any partly filled compartment
shall be secured by means of special arrange- 3.3.2 Stability of all the tugboats shall be
ments as to prevent a grain shift; sufficient at static effect of the tow line, i.e.
.6 In filled compartments, trimmed, filled the following condition shall be met:
compartments, untrimmed, and partly filled  ,
M s  M perm (3.3.2)
compartments, longitudinal divisions may be where Ms — heeling moment due to effect of
installed as a mean to reduce the adverse statically strained tow line, kNm, see 3.3.3;
heeling effect of grain shift provided that: 
M perm — maximum permissible moment
the division is grain-tight;
the division possesses adequate strength at static inclinations of the ship, kNm, see
when being affected by pouring grain. 3.3.6.
3.2.11 When meeting the requirements in 3.3.3 The heeling moment Ms, kNm, is
3.2.9 to 3.2.10, the River Register issues a calculated by the formula:
242 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

M s  F  z h B  f1  f 2 f3  0.65h0 B  , 3.3.5 Maximum permissible angle perm

shall be taken equal to 0.8 dnfl. or deck edge
(3.3.3) entrance angle, whichever is less.
where F — coefficient taken equal to 1.12 Ðe
but not less than 0.17 V; 3.3.6 The maximum permissible moment
zh — vertical distance between a point of  is determined by the formula, kNm:
M perm
application of the tow line force and the base

M perm  Dl perm , (3.3.6)
plane, m;
B — ship’s breadth at actual waterline, m; where D — weight of the ship corresponding
f1, f2, f3 — coefficients, see. 3.3.4; to the draught up to actual waterline, kN;
h 0 — small metacentric height calculated lperm — heeling arm of the maximum per-
considering the correction to the influence of missible moment taken from the static stabil-
the liquid cargo's free surfaces (see 1.4.2), m. ity curve at an angle of heel perm (see 3.3.5),
N o t e : If a frame stop of a tow line is fitted, a in m.
distance zh, m, shall be taken equal to the greatest 3.3.7 Stability of tugboats at zh > 1.2zg (zg is
of the following values: elevation of a hook suspen-
the height of the ship’s centre of gravity above
sion point or elevation of a bottom edge of the
frame stop. the base plane, m) shall be checked at tow
line jerk, i.e. the following condition shall be
3.3.4 Coefficients f1 and f2 shall be taken met:
from Table 3.3.4 depending on the ratio of the
M p  M perm , (3.3.7)
ship breadth B to the draught T or by the
following formulae, valid for the range of where Mð — heeling moment, kNm, due to
2.25 < B/T < 8.0: jerk effect of strained tow line, see 3.3.8;
Mperm — maximum permissible moment,
f1  –0.0209  B T   0.3767 B T  1.18 ;
kNm, characterizing the dynamical stability
(3.3.4-1) of a ship, see 3.3.10.
f1  0.0058  B T  – 0.0904  B T  
3 2
3.3.8 The heeling moment Mð, kNm, shall
0.3512 B T  0.3216. be calculated by the formula
M ð  1.85wD  k1 k2  ,
T a b l e 3.3.4
Coefficients f1 and f2 where w — coefficient depending on the ship's
Â/Ò f1 f2 Â/Ò f1 f2 rated power Ðe, in kW, and adopted from Ta-
≤ 2.25 –0.44 0.72 5.00 0.18 0.53
ble 3.3.8-1 or calculated by the formula for
2.50 –0.37 0.72 5.50 0.26 0.47 the range of 400 < Ðe< 1450:
2.75 –0.30 0.72 6.00 0.32 0.42 w  1.31  107 Ð e 2 – 4.73  105 Ð e  0.165 ;
3.00 –0.24 0.72 6.50 0.38 0.38
3.50 –0.12 0.71 7.00 0.43 0.35 (3.3.8-2)
4.00 0.00 0.65 ≥ 8.00 0.50 0.30 T a b l e 3.3.8-1
4.50 0.10 0.60 Coefficient w
The value of f3 shall be taken equal to 1, Ðe, kW w Ðe, kW w
when the distance between the point of apply-  400 0.168 1200 0.298
ing the tow line force and the center of grav- 600 0.181 1400 0.354
ity, m, measured over a horizontal xh  0.3L; 800 0.210  1450 0.371
when xh  0.3L, then f3 shall be taken equal 1000 0.249
to 0.85.
N o t e : If a frame stop of tow line is fitted, a D — weight of the ship corresponding to
value of xh, m, shall be taken equal to a distance the draught up to actual waterline, kN;
between the frame stop and the ship’s centre of k1, k2 — coefficients considering the effect
gravity. of inertial and damping features of the ship to
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 243

the heeling moment and calculated by the 3.3.9 Maximum permissible angle of heel
formulae: perm shall be taken equal to the angle of cap-

k1  q2 z cargo B – 1.2 z g B .  0.8   sizing caps or the angle of downflooding dnfl.,
whichever is less.
  x cargo 
L  q1  z h B – 1.2 z g B  q2  ;
2 2

 3.3.10 Maximum permissible moment,
(3.3.8-3) kNm,
k2  1  q3  z h  1.2z g  B , (3.3.8-4) M perm  Dl perm , (3.3.10)

where q2 — value adopted from Table 3.3.8-2 where D — weight of the ship corresponding
depending on the B/T and zg/B ratios or cal- to the draught up to actual waterline, kN;
culated by the formulae depending on the lperm — permissible moment arm deter-
B/T ratio: mined by the dynamic stability curve accord-
B/T ing to the requirements in 2.3.4 or 2.3.5 at an
 2.5 q2  –11.7 z g B  10.325 (3.3.8-5) angle of heel perm (ñì. 3.3.9), m.
2.5 < B/T < 8.0 q2  –13 z g B  3.3.11 Stability of tugboats during the turn-
ing circle shall be checked according to the
0.56 B T  11.56 (3.3.8-6)
requirements in 3.2.4.
 8.0 q2  –9 z g B  7.325 (3.3.8-7)
3.3.12 The Information on Stability and
T a b l e 3.3.8-2 Floodability shall contain data on the flow
Parameter q2 speed vflow, above which the manoeuvring of
Value q2 at zg/B the ship near a still barge without release of
B/T the tow line is assumed to be dangerous. A
0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
 2.25 6.85 6.20 5.60 5.10 flow speed is calculated by the formula, km/h:
2.50 6.65 6.10 5.50 5.00 
v flow  4.8 M perm Ms . (3.3.12)
2.75 6.55 6.00 5.40 4.90
3.00 6.45 5.90 5.30 4.80 The moments Mperm and Ms shall be calcu-
3.50 6.25 5.70 5.15 4.65 lated according to requirements given in 3.3.3
4.00 6.05 5.50 5.00 4.50 to 3.3.6.
4.50 5.85 5.30 4.80 4.35
5.00 5.65 5.10 4.65 4.20 3.3.13 Stability of tugboats of high power
5.50 5.45 4.95 4.50 4.05 (over 6.6 kW/m3) shall be checked during
6.00 5.25 4.80 4.35 3.85 trials of the lead ship of the series.
6.50 5.10 4.65 4.20 3.65
7.00 4.90 4.50 4.05 3.45 3.3.14 In addition to 3.3.7, stability at dy-
 8.00 4.60 4.20 3.75 3.25 namic effect of the tow line considering the
roll effect, shall be checked for the tugboats of
q1, q3 — coefficients adopted from Table Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì-ÑÏ classes, if the heel-
3.3.8-3 depending on the B/Ò ratio, ing moment due to dynamic effect of the
T a b l e 3.3.8-3 strained tow line, Mð, determined according
Coefficients q1 and q3 to 3.3.8 exceeds the heeling moment due to
B/T q1 q3 B/T q1 q3
the dynamic wind pressure Mh, i.e. the follow-
ing condition shall be met:
 2.25 15.3 0 5.00 17.2 0.157
2.50 15.6 0 5.50 17.4 0.208 M ð  M perm , (3.3.14)
2.75 15.9 0.010 6.00 17.5 0.270 where Mð — heeling moment, kNm, due to
3.00 16.1 0.020 6.50 17.6 0.337
3.50 16.5 0.045 7.00 17.7 0.407
the dynamic effect of the strained tow line,
4.00 16.8 0.077  8.00 18.00 0.550 determined according to the instructions in
4.50 17.0 0.115 3.3.8.
Mperm — maximum permissible moment at
xг L — ratio, see 3.3.4. a dynamic inclination, kNm, determined
244 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

according to 2.3.4 at design roll amplitude, A design windage area of a crane with con-
deg, taken according to 2.4.1 to 2.4.7 for the tinuous walls shall be taken an area restricted
tugboats of Î-ÏÐ and Ì-ÏÐ classes and ac- by the crane contour, and for lattice struc-
cording to 2.4.8 and 2.4.9 for the tugboats of tures – the same area with deduction of spans
Ì-ÑÏ class. between the rods.
To calculate Mperm, the permissible heel an- A design windage area of cranes consisting
gle shall be calculated in the same way as for of several beams (continuous or lattice ones)
stability assessment by the main criterion. of the same height located one after another
shall be taken as (Fig. 3.5.2):
3.4.1 For all the loading conditions, stabil-
ity during the ship turning circle shall be also
checked according to the requirements in
3.4.2 Where cells formed by filling boards,
which prevent transverse and longitudinal
shifting of fish, are not available, fish shall be
considered as liquid cargo in stability calcula- Fig. 3.5.2. Determination of the design windage
tions. area;

.1 an area of the front girder, if a distance

between the girders is less than the front beam
3.5.1 Stability of floating cranes shall be .2 the total front girder area and 50 % of
checked in the most unfavourable working area of each girder, if a distance between the
condition with 10 % of water and fuel stores girders is equal to or exceeds the girder eight
under the effect of dynamical wind pressure, but less than double girder height;
i.e. the following condition shall be met: .3 the total girder area, if a distance be-
 ,
M heel  M perm (3.5.1) tween the girders is equal to or exceeds its
where Mheel — heeling moment due to dy- double height.
namical wind pressure effect (see 3.5.2.), Area of rear girders not covered by the
kNm; front girder shall be entirely included to the
Mperm — maximum permissible moment, windage area.
N o t e : Stability of floating cranes with turning
kNm, determined with due regard of the ini- boom shall be checked at the position of the boom
tial heel due to a load on the hook according turned to a side in the frame plane. Herewith, an
to 3.5.4. effect of heeling moment due to gust wind effect
N o t e : Floating full-turned cranes, in addition shall be taken in the same direction as the heeling
to the aforementioned requirement, shall have an moment due to the turned boom and a load on
angle of static heel at all possible boom lengths not hook.
exceeding 330.
3.5.3 Maximum permissible angle of heel
3.5.2 The heeling moment due to the dy- 
perm shall be taken equal to one of the fol-
namic wind pressure when assessing stability
of floating cranes in maximum loaded operat- lowing angles, whichever is less, but not more
ing condition with a load on the hook shall be than 6:
determined according to 2.2. The design wind deck entrance angle
pressure p for cranes of all classes shall be angle determined at a waterline laying 75
taken equal to 400 Pa regardless of the height mm bellow the edges of free-flooding open-
of windage centre above the plane of actual ings maximum angle, at which operation of
waterline. crane equipment is allowed.
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 245

3.5.4 When assessing stability of the float- mula (3.5.4), in which an angle heel shall be
ing cranes under the dynamic wind pressure taken instead of angle cargo .
at initial static heel due to the turned boom
with a load on the hook, the maximum per-
missible moment is calculated by the formula, 3.6 HYDROFOIL CRAFT
kNm 3.6.1 This Chapter applies to hydrofoil
  0.0087Dh0  perm – cargo  , (3.5.4)
M perm craft of Î-ÏÐ, Î, Ð and Ë classes.
3.6.2 The requirements specified in 3.1.7,
where D — weight of the ship corresponding 3.1.10 and 3.1.11 do not apply to hydrofoil
to the draught up to actual waterline, kN; craft.
h 0 — metacentric height, m, calculated The other requirements of this Part of the
with due regard to correction for the effect of Rules apply to hydrofoil craft when in dis-
free surfaces of liquid cargoes according to placement mode.
1.4.2; 3.6.3 Stability shall be checked in loading
perm — maximum permissible angle of conditions specified in 3.1.1 for the following
heel, deg., see 3.5.3; .1 displacement mode;
cargo — angle of heel due to turned boom .2 transition mode;
with a load on hook, deg. .3 operational mode.
Stability in displacement mode shall be
3.5.5 Design position of the center of grav- checked by calculation method, and in transi-
ity of the lifted load shall be taken in its sus- tional and operational modes – by model
pension point to the boom. tests. Stability characteristics shall be finely
3.5.6 Stability of the industrial ships adjusted: for the displacement mode, from the
(dredges, multi-bucket dredges, hydrographic lead ship inclination test results, for the tran-
and buoy vessels, anchor boats) by the main sitional and operational modes, from experi-
criterion (see 2.1) shall be checked for the mental investigations carried out during
following loading conditions: commissioning trials of the lead ship.
The test program, the test report, as well
.1 with full stores and fuel;
the Information on Stability and Floodability
.2 with 10 % of stores and fuel. made up on the basis of calculations and ex-
3.5.7 Stability of the loaders in working periments shall be submitted to the River
condition is checked with regard to the dy- Register for consideration.
namic wind pressure, i.e. the following condi- 3.6.4 Stability in the displacement mode
tion shall be met: shall be such that inclination of a ship from a
 ,
M heel  M perm (3.5.7) horizontal does not exceed 8 in case of pos-
sible uncontrolled movements of passengers
where Mheel — heeling moment due to dy- (i.e., where all free spaces accessible for pas-
namic wind pressure, kNm, determined ac- sengers have been occupied) and angle of heel
cording to 2.2, here the design wind pressure resulting from simultaneous effect of heeling
shall be taken equal to 400 Pa regardless of moments due to crowding of passengers on
the ship’s class and the height of windage one side and due to turn does not exceed 15.
centre above the plane of actual waterline
The heeling moment due to turning, kNm,

M perm — maximum permissible moment, is calculated by the formula:
kNm, determined with due regard to initial M w  0.23z g D 3 D L , (3.6.4)
inclination heel due to unsymmetrical load- where zg — height of the centre of gravity
ing in conveyers and cargo pipes by the for- above the base line, m;
246 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

D — ship's displacement, t; unfavourable operational conditions held dur-

L — ship’s length, m. ing the commissioning trials of the hovercraft.
N o t e : Experimental stability testing of full-
3.6.5 In transitional mode heel of a ship scale ships may be conducted for the most unfa-
when moving at straight course in loading vourable loading condition only; this loading con-
condition as in and crowding of pas- dition shall be determined according to the results
sengers on one side shall not exceed 15. of calculations or model tests. If the most unfa-
vourable condition is minimum loading of the ship,
3.6.6 In operational mode in loading con- the least heeling weights shall be used to induce
dition as in, angle of heel when turn- the corresponding heeling moment.
ing toward the heel due to passenger crowding
3.7.5 Values of maximum permissible an-
at one side shall not exceed 10.
gles of heel shall be refined from experimental
dependences of angle of heel vs. heeling mo-
ment, ship speed, and rudder angle.
General requirements
Basic requirements for stability
3.7.1 This Chapter applies to all hovercraft
of skeg hovercraft
of O, P and Ë classes.
Requirements specified in 2.2.1, 2.2.5, 3.7.6 Heeling moment due to gust wind ef-
2.2.6, 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.4, 3.1.2, 3.1.5 to 3.1.7, fect in air cushion mode, kNm, is calculated
3.1.9 to 3.1.11, 3.1.13, 3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.3 to 3.5 by the formula:
are not applicable for stability checking of
M heel  0.001kpS  z w – 0.5T  , (3.7.6)
hovercraft in air cushion mode.
Requirements specified in 3.1.7, 3.1.9, where k — coefficient, see 3.7.7;
3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.3 to 3.5, are not applicable for p — assumed design dynamic wind pres-
stability checking of hovercraft in displace- sure, Pa, determined according to 2.2.2;
ment mode. S — windage area of the ship at the
draught corresponding to actual waterline, m2,
3.7.2 Stability of hovercraft shall be sub-
stantiated by design-experiment way using the determined according to 2.2.3 and 2.2.4;
methods developed by the designer and ap- zw — height of the windage centre above
proved by the River Register. the base plane of the ship at the level of lower
skeg edges, m;
3.7.3 Experimental studies may be per- T — average draught corresponding to ac-
formed not in full or may be omitted, when, tual waterline in air cushion mode, m.
together with submitting the calculations to
the River Register, the test results of the simi- 3.7.7 Coefficient k considering the effect of
lar prototype ship prove the compliance with the ship’s speed in air cushion mode on aero-
the requirements to stability properties which dynamic force is calculated by the formula:
shall be determined experimentally. k =1+ 0.711v p, (3.7.7)
3.7.4 Stability of hovercraft shall be where v — ship’s full speed, m/s.
checked for all the loading conditions speci-
fied in 1.3.1 for two modes: 3.7.8 Heeling moment due to gust wind ef-
.1 navigation in displacement mode; fect in displacement mode shall be deter-
.2 air cushion mode. mined in accordance with 2.2; coefficient a1
(formula (2.2.6-1)) shall be taken equal to
Stability characteristics shall be finely ad-
unit regardless of the ratio B/T.
justed for displacement mode on the basis of
inclination test, as well as speed and manoeu- 3.7.9 Maximum permissible moment Mperm
vring trials of the given hovercraft or the lead for ships of all classes regardless of values of
ship, and for air cushion mode – on the basis Mheel shall be determined for air cushion mode
of experimental investigations under the most according to the dynamic or static stability
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 247

curves. Maximum permissible angle of heel where c — maximum angle of heel, deg.,
perm shall be taken according to 2.3.2. arising during the ship turning circle at pas-
N o t e : For stability calculations by the main senger crowding at one side and determined
criterion, the stability curve drawn up for air cush- experimentally (see 7.2 of Appendix 4)
ion hovering at-rest mode may be used. perm — maximum permissible angle of
3.7.10 Maximum permissible moment heel, deg., taken according to 3.1.8.
Mperm for the ships of Î-ÏÐ and Î classes 3.7.14 Stability of passenger ships with a
shall be determined by means of plotting car- centre of windage located over 2 m above an
ried out considering roll, the design amplitude actual waterline plane shall be sufficient at
of which in air cushion and displacement crowding of passengers on one side in case of
modes shall be determined by model and full- static wind effect.
scale tests.
For air cushion mode, the following condi-
tion shall be met:
Additional requirements for stability  wp  perm , (3.7.14)
of skeg hovercraft
where wp — angle of heel (see 3.7.12) due to
3.7.11 Stability of passenger and cargo- passenger crowding at the heeling moment
and-passenger ships by the main criterion (3.1.3) with simultaneous static wind pressure
specified in 3.7.6 to 3.7.10 shall be checked (see 3.7.15);
for the loading conditions specified in 3.1.1. perm — maximum permissible angle of
3.7.12 Stability of passenger ships shall be heel, determined according to 3.1.4, which is
sufficient when passengers are crowding at not limited here by 10 or 12.
one side in all speed range in both air cushion For displacement mode, stability shall be
and displacement modes. In air cushion checked according to 3.1.10; coefficient a3
mode, the following condition shall be met: necessary for determining the heeling moment
p  perm , (3.7.12) Mw (see 3.1.11) shall be taken equal to zero
regardless of the B/T ratio.
where p — angle of heel due to crowding of
passengers on one side, deg., according to 3.7.15 Heeling moment due to static wind
3.1.3; effect in air cushion mode, kNm:
perm — maximum permissible angle of heel M w  0.001kps S w  z w – 0.5T  , (3.7.15)
taken according to 3.1.4. where k — coefficient determined according
Angle of heel at the corresponding heeling to 3.7.7 with replacing dynamic wind pressure
moment and speed shall be taken equal to ð by static wind pressure ps equal to 0.47 p
maximum angle of heel with due regard to ps — assumed design static wind pressure,
experimental dependence of angle of heel Pa, which shall be taken equal to 0.47 of gust
upon the ship’s speed and the heeling mo- wind pressure adopted from Table 2.2.2 de-
ment (see 7.1 of Appendix 4). pending on the ship’s class and the height of
For displacement mode stability of a the windage center above the actual waterline
hovercraft shall be checked according to plane
3.1.2 – 3.1.6.
3.7.16 Stability of cargo ships shall be
3.7.13 Stability of passenger ships due to checked by the main criterion according to
crowding of passengers at one side shall be 3.7.6 to 3.7.10 considering the requirements
sufficient at the maximum dynamic heel aris- in 3.2.1.
ing in the evolution period of turn in air
cushion and displacement modes, i.e. the fol- 3.7.17 For all cargo ships with centre of
lowing condition shall be met: windage located over 2 m above the plane of
actual waterline, stability shall be checked at
c  perm , (3.7.13) static wind effect.
248 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

When a ship is moving on air cushion, the rudder angle including the hardover to a side
following condition shall be met: contrary to crowding of passengers (for \ pas-
 w  perm , (3.7.17) senger ship), and at consecutive stepped in-
crease of engine rpm up to the maximum one.
where w — angle of heel due to static wind
effect, deg., at heeling moment Mw calculated 3.8.2 When trials of a passenger ship to en-
by the formula (3.7.15) sure appropriate displacement, location of
perm — maximum permissible angle of centre of gravity and initial angle of heel in
case of crowding passengers on one side, a
heel, deg., see 3.2.3
specially taken and lashed solid ballast shall
For displacement mode, stability shall be
be used.
checked according to 3.2.2 considering 3.7.14.
3.8.3 During the trials, the following shall
3.7.18 For all cargo ships in air cushion
be contained in the test report:
and displacement modes, stability shall be
checked in the evolution period of turn, i.e. displacement;
the following condition shall be met: forward and aft draught;
engine rpm and respective ship speed;
turn  perm , (3.7.18)
water depth;
where turn — maximum angle of heel, deg., weather conditions;
arising in the evolution period of turn and initial angles of heel;
obtained by experiment (see 7.2 of Appen- angles of heel for each trial mode;
dix 4); rudder angles;
perm — maximum permissible angle of
water level on the ship sides at heel.
heel, deg., see 3.2.5. 3.8.4 Angles of heel obtained during the
trials shall be compared with the respective
Additional requirements permissible angles of heel as per additional
for stability of amphibian hovercraft requirements to various types of ships (see 3.1
3.7.19 Stability in displacement mode shall to 3.4).
be checked for all the loading conditions 3.8.5 On the basis of trials, necessary re-
specified in 1.3.1 in the same way as for dis- strictions shall be entered in the Information
placement ships considering the specifics of on Stability and Floodability with regard to
amphibian hovercraft. engine rpm and rudder angles.
3.7.20 Stability in air cushion mode shall 3.8.6 The test program, the test report, as
be proved by results of experiments carried well the Information on Stability and Flood-
out during commissioning trials of the lead ability made up on the basis of calculations
ship at the most unfavourable operating con- and experiments are subject to special consid-
ditions according to the program developed eration by the River Register.
by the designer and approved by the River
Register. 3.9 CATAMARANS

3.8 HIGH SPEED DISPLACEMENT General requirements

SHIPS 3.9.1 Requirements of the present Chapter
3.8.1 Stability of high speed displacement apply to catamarans of the M, O, P and Ë
ships (with length-based Froude number classes, for which permissible angle of heel
does not exceed the angle of coextensive in-
FrL   gL  0.36 ) shall be checked during clination, when a waterline plane touches a
the trials of the lead ship. bilge of exposed hull in the midship section.
Stability shall be checked at turning in still Requirements in 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.4, 3.1.7,
water at consecutive stepped increase of the 3.1.11 do not apply to catamarans. The rest
3 Additional Stability Requirements for Various Ship Types 249

requirements apply to catamarans as far as Height zm shall be determined according to

they are applicable and do not contradict with 3.9.4.
requirements of the present Chapter.
3.9.4 Height of transverse metacentre of
the catamaran is calculated by the formula, m:
Basic stability requirements for catamarans
3.9.2 Reduced heeling arm for catamarans 
z m =Bhull b  11.4 +  c  0.5  

due to the dynamic wind pressure applied to

the ship is calculated by the formula‚ m: 
  b 2        , (3.9.4)

z  z w – 0.5T , (3.9.2) where  — actual waterplane coefficient for

actual waterline of catamaran hulls;
where zw — height of the centre of windage
b — ratio of the hull breadth Âhull and the
above the base plane of ship, m;
draught T;
T — average draught of catamaran at ac-  — block coefficient of catamaran hulls;
tual waterline, m.
c  C  2Bhull  — relative horizontal clea-
3.9.3 Design roll amplitude, deg, for cata-
marans of the respective class shall be taken rance of catamaran hulls;
from Table 3.9.3 depending on qB and V/2L Ñ — distance between inner sides of hulls
(where B, L and V are breadth, length and at a level of actual waterline amidships, m.
volume displacement of the catamaran re-
spectively). Coefficient q, s–2, shall be calcu- Additional stability requirements
lated by the formula: 3.9.5 Dynamical heeling moment, kN, ap-
q   zm – zg  i , (3.9.3-1) plied to a passenger catamaran in the evolu-
tion period of turn is calculated by the for-
where zm — height of transverse metacentre, m; mula‚ kNm:
zg — height of centre of gravity above the
baseline, m; M turn  0.03v02 D  z g – 0.5T  L , (3.9.5)
i — relative moment of inertia of a mass where v0 — catamaran speed before entering
including added mass of liquid, ms2; the turning taken equal to full straight ahead

i  z g2 5.79Bhull
2  z g2 (c  0.61)2   1
   3g  , speed, m/s;
D — catamaran weight at draught accord-
(3.9.3-2) ing to actual waterline, kN;
Вhull — breadth of catamaran hull, m, zg — see 3.9.3
amidships at a level of the actual waterline; L and Ò — catamaran’s length and average
g — acceleration of gravity, m/s2. draught at actual waterline, m, respectively.
T a b l e 3.9.3
Design roll amplitudes
Ship Design roll amplitudes m, at values of V/2L, m2
qB, ms–2
class  1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0  10
 10 16.8° 16.0° 15.3° 14.5° 14.0° 13.6° 13.2° 13.0° 12.8° 12.7°
20 17.5° 16.7° 15.8° 15.0° 14.4° 13.9° 13.5° 13.2° 13.0° 12.9°
Ì 30 18.7° 18.0° 17.1° 16.2° 15.4° 14.8° 14.4° 14.0° 13.7° 13.6°
40 20.4° 19.6° 18.5° 17.5° 16.7° 16.0° 15.4° 15.0° 14.7° 14.5°
 50 22.2° 20.5° 19.3° 18.2° 17.4° 16.6° 16.0° 15.6° 15.2° 15.0°
 10 11.3° 9.9° 8.3° 6.8° 6.0° 5.7° 5.5° 5.3° 5.2° 5.1°
20 12.0° 10.5° 8.9° 7.4° 6.6° 6.2° 6.0° 5.9° 5.7° 5.6°
Î 30 13.2° 11.9° 10.3° 8.7° 7.8° 7.5° 7.3° 7.1° 7.0° 6.9°
40 14.8° 13.9° 12.3° 10.6° 9.6° 9.3° 9.1° 9.0° 8.8° 8.7°
 50 16.5° 15.5° 13.9° 12.2° 11.3° 10.8° 10.6° 10.5° 10.3° 10.2°
250 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

3.9.6 Heeling moment applied to passenger by Âhull, i.e. the total breadth of a catamaran
catamaran due to static wind effect, calculated tugboat at a design waterline, m.
by the formula, kNm: 3.9.9 When checking stability of catamaran
M w  0.001 ðs S  z w – 0.5T  , (3.9.6) tugboats, the heeling moment shall be calcu-
lated by formulae (3.3.3) and (3.3.8-1), and
where ðs — assumed design static wind pres-
checked by the formula
sure, in Pa, which shall be taken equal to 0.47
of respective dynamic pressure according to M hull  0.001pS  z w – 0.5T   k  z h – 0.5T  Ph ,
Table 2.2.2 depending on the ship’s class and (3.9.9)
the height of the windage center above the where ð — assumed design dynamic wind
actual waterline plane; pressure, Pa, taken according to the ship class
S — windage area calculated as per 2.2.3 as per Table 2.2.2;
and 2.2.4, m2; S — windage area of the ship, m2;
zw — height of the centre of the windage zw — height of the centre of the windage
area above the base plane when the ship is in area above the base plane, m;
upright position, m; Ò — average draught of the catamaran at
Ò — see 3.9.5. actual waterline, m ;
k — coefficient equal to 1.75 for catama-
3.9.7 When checking stability of a cargo
rans of Ì class and 1.25 for catamarans of Î,
catamaran by the formula (3.2.4), dynamic
Ð and Ë classes;
heeling moment Mt applied to the catamaran
zh — height of the application point of pull
during the ship turning circle shall be calcu-
force above the base plane of the ship, m;
lated by the formula (3.9.5).
Ph — pull force in the tow line, kN. If a
3.9.8 For catamaran tugboats, in formulae value of the pull force is unknown, it shall be
(3.3.3), (3.3.8-3), (3.3.8-4) and in Tables taken equal to 0.0163Ðe (Ðe is rated output of
3.3.4, 3.3.8-2 and 3.3.8-3, Â shall be replaced main engines, kW).
4 Floodability Criterion 251


4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1.6 The following extent of bottom dam-

age of oil tankers and passenger ships of Ì-
4.1.1 Forepeak, afterpeak and engine room
ÑÏ class shall be assumed:
on all the ships shall be enclosed by watertight
.1 Longitudinal extent is L2/3/3 on the
length equal to 0.3 L from the forward per-
4.1.2 For floodability calculations, the di- pendicular and 5 m throughout the rest part
mensions of the side and bottom damages of the bottom;
shall be taken according to 4.1.3 to 4.1.6. A .2 Transverse extent is Â/6 or 5 m which-
rectangular parallelepiped is assumed as a ever is less;
form of damage. .3 Vertical extent is Â/15 from the base
4.1.3 The dimensions of the hull side dam- line.
ages, except oil tankers and passenger ships of 4.1.7 When ship’s damage of extent less
Ì-ÑÏ class shall be taken as follows: than specified in 4.1.3 to 4.1.6 may worsen
.1 length of damage: 4 % of the ship’s damage trim and/or damage stability, this
length L; variant of damage shall be considered when
.2 transverse extent measured from the making checking calculations of floodability.
inner surface of the outer plating at right an-
4.1.8 If the distance between two adjacent
gles to the centre plane: 0.075 Â or 0.9 m
transverse watertight bulkheads is less than the
whichever is less;
dimensions of the damage specified in 4.1.3 to
.3 vertical extent: from the base line up-
4.1.6 or the transverse bulkhead of oil tanker
wards without limit.
of Ì-ÑÏ class has a step of a length over
4.1.4 The following extent of side damage 3.05 m within the area of assumed damage,
of oil tankers and passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ then the respective compartment shall be
class shall be assumed: added to any of the adjacent compartments at
.1 length of damage: L2/3/3 for the oil the option of the designer during the damage
tankers of Ì-ÑÏ class and 3.0 + 0.03 L for stability check.
the passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ class; Here, for all compartments of the hull the
.2 transverse extent measured from the damage mid-length shall be assumed at the
inner surface of the outer plating at right an- compartment mid-length. The forepeak and
gles to the centre plane at the level corre- afterpeak shall be considered as separate com-
sponding to summer freeboard, shall be Â/5; partments.
.3 vertical extent: from the base line up- 4.1.9 If there are any pipelines, channels or
wards without limit. tunnels located within the area of assumed
4.1.5 The following extent of bottom dam- damage on the oil tanker of Ì-ÑÏ class,
age, except of oil tankers and passenger ships their design shall prevent water from entering
of Ì-ÑÏ class, shall be assumed: the compartments to be assumed to be non-
.1 length of damage: 4 % of the ship’s flooded.
length L; 4.1.10 In checking calculations of flood-
.2 transverse extent: 0.1 Â; ability the design volume of flooded com-
.3 vertical extent: 0.05 Â or 0.8 m which- partments shall be taken with due considera-
ever is less. tion of volume permeability coefficient of
252 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

each room of the compartment which shall be equal to volume permeability coefficients as in
taken as equal to ships of all classes, except to 4.1.10. For rooms not occupied by any sub-
passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ class: stantial quantities of cargo, machinery and
for double-side and double-bottom 0.98 equipment in way of the damaged waterline,
compartments, ballast tanks, empty non- the surface permeability coefficients shall be
refrigerated holds, free under-deck com- adopted equal to the arithmetic mean of unity
partments of flush deck ships; and the volume permeability coefficient.
for accommodation and passenger 0.95
spaces, dry forepeak and afterpeak com- 4.1.14 Covers of companion and light
partments, spaces occupied by empty hatches, manholes, scuttles, glasses and outer
vehicles; doors shall meet the requirements of the na-
for empty refrigerated holds 0.93 tional standards1.
for engine rooms of medium and large 0.85
ships (L > 40 m)
for engine rooms of small ships (L < 40 m) 0.80 4.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR DAMAGE
for spaces occupied by general cargoes, 0.60 TRIM AND STABILITY AT FLOODING
ship’s stores THE COMPARTMENTS
for holds occupied by cargoes in bulk, 0.55
including coal 4.2.1 The requirements of this Chapter ap-
for holds occupied by timber cargo 0.35 ply to all the ships, except passenger ships of
for holds occupied by flour or cement in 0.25 Ì-ÑÏ class, the requirements to which are
bags specified in 4.3.
4.1.11 Permeability coefficient of the tanks 4.2.2 The requirements of the Rules to
intended for liquid cargo transportation on oil floodability of the ships shall be considered
tankers of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be taken equal to: met, if at flooding the compartments specified
for the tanks intended for consumable 0 or in 4.2.3:
liquids whichever results in more severe 0.95 .1 Margin line is not immersed;
requirements .2 Lower edges of free-flooding openings
for the tanks intended for other liquids 0 to through which overboard water may spread to
considering any possible liquid leakage 0.95
from damaged tanks as well as the possi-
non-damaged compartments are located be-
bility of their partial filling. Permeability fore righting above the damage waterline for:
of partly filled compartments shall be for the passenger ships, crew boats, 0.3
consistent with the quantity of liquid special purpose ships and non-passenger
carried; ships carrying organized groups of peo-
ple of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ, Î
4.1.12 For compartments that include and Ð classes with a length of ≥ 25 m
spaces of different purpose, the volume per- for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì 0.15
meability coefficient shall be calculated by the classes except those specified above, as
formula: well as passenger ships, crew boats,
special purpose ships and non-passenger
k v  k viVi  Vi ‚ (4.1.12) ships carrying organized groups of peo-
where Vi — total theoretical volume of sepa- ple of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and Î
rate rooms in the compartment classes with a length of < 25 m
kvi — volume permeability coefficient taken for the passenger ships, crew boats, 0.075
special purpose ships and non-passenger
with due regard of the purpose of those rooms ships carrying organized groups of peo-
4.1.13 The surface permeability coefficients ple of Ð class with a length of < 25 m
ks used when calculating the areas, static and for other ships
moments and inertia moments of the lost wa-
terline area in flooded compartment for the 1
GOST 21672, GOST 19261, GOST R 52694,
purpose of taking into account the cargo, ma- GOST R 52695, GOST 2021, GOST 25309,
chinery, equipment etc., in way of the dam- GOST 25310, GOST 9424, GOST R ISO 614,
aged waterline, shall generally be adopted GOST 25088.
4 Floodability Criterion 253

.3 Angles of heel before and after righting be stated in the Information on Stability and
do not exceed the values specified in 4.2.8 Floodability.
and 4.2.9;
4.2.6 When checking the ship's floodability
.4 Damage stability complies with the re- at flooding the compartments, the parameters
quirements in 4.2.10 and 4.2.11.
of damage trim and stability shall be deter-
4.2.3 The requirements to floodability shall mined by constant displacement method.
be provided at flooding: 4.2.7 For passenger ships, damage stability
.1 the forepeak and afterpeak individually, shall be checked on the assumption that all
for ships of all types and classes; the passengers are crowding on the uppermost
.2 each compartment individually, for oil decks they are permitted to be. The distribu-
tankers of Ì-ÑÏ class, for passenger ships tion of passengers shall be assumed according
and ships carrying organized groups of people to 3.1.3.
and specific personnel of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì,
Î-ÏÐ, Î and Ð classes (considering 4.2.1); 4.2.8 In the final stage of unsymmetrical
ice breakers; self-propelled platform ships of flooding before the righting measures, the
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and Î classes; angle of heel shall not exceed:
crewed reinforced concrete ships with a length for passenger ships 15
over 25 m; for non-passenger ships 20
.3 the forepeak and afterpeak individually 4.2.9 For unsymmetrical flooding after the
in one hull or both hulls, for catamarans; righting measures, the angle of heel shall not
.4 the forepeak and afterpeak individually exceed:
in one skeg and in both skegs simultaneously, for passenger ships 7
for skeg type for skeg type hovercraft; for non-passenger ships 12
.5 each two adjacent compartments ad- 4.2.10 Transverse metacentric height de-
joining to the board or transom, for all non- termined by the constant displacement
crewed reinforced concrete ships with a length method shall be at least 0.05 m in the final
of 25 m and more; stage of flooding for stable equilibrium state at
.6 each compartment individually in the unsymmetrical flooding and for non-inclined
dredge cut area, for bucket dredges of Ì-ÑÏ, position at symmetrical flooding, before ap-
Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and Î classes; propriate measures to increase metacentric
.7 each double bottom and/or double side height are taken.
compartment individually, for dry cargo ships
of Ì-ÑÏ class. 4.2.11 The static stability curve of a dam-
N o t e : The requirement of may be aged ship shall have a sufficient positive lever
omitted for passenger spaces of hovercraft and arm section. In the final stage of flooding and
hydrofoil craft; those ships shall keep positive after righting, for all the ships other than flush
buoyancy when these spaces are flooded. deck ships, the following shall be provided:
4.2.4 At floodability calculations for the .1 the maximum lever arm of the static
ships of all types and classes, flooding of the stability curve of not less than + 0.1 m;
machinery space shall be taken into account .2 the length of the positive arm section
irrespective of the requirement on providing of the damage stability curve to the angle of
floodability at flooding the machinery space. downflooding is at least 30 at symmetrical
flooding and at least 20 at unsymmetrical
4.2.5 When designing ships of all types and flooding.
classes, the damage waterline and damage For non-self-propelled flush deck ships,
stability shall be checked by calculations at these norms are recommended.
flooding of each compartment individually
with submitting the calculations to the River 4.2.12 Calculations to conform compliance
Register. The results of the calculations shall to the requirements for damage trim and sta-
254 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

bility shall be made for such a number of N — passenger capacity

loading conditions to be encountered in ser- k — coefficient calculated by the formula:
vice and being the most unfavourable from k  0.056L ; (4.3.2-1)
the point of view of trim and stability, that, L — ship's length, m
based on these calculations, one could assure
The criterion numeral is calculated by the
that in all other cases the damaged ship would
formulae at P1:
be in a better condition as regards damage Р1
trim and stability. Here, the following shall be
considered: the actual configuration of dam- Р1 > Р Cs  72  M  2 P1  V  P1  P  (4.3.2-2)
aged compartments, type of covers of open- Р1 ≤ Р C s  72  M  2 P  V (4.3.2-3)
ings, presence of longitudinal bulkheads and
enclosures watertight sufficiently so that these where Ì — volume of the machinery space
structures render the flow of water through with addition of the volume of any permanent
the ship completely or keep the tightness oil fuel tanks situated above the inner bottom
temporarily. and forward of or abaft the machinery space,
4.3 REQUIREMENTS TO SUBDIVISION, V — whole volume of the ship below the
AT FLOODING THE COMPARTMENTS For ships without continuous bulkhead
OF THE PASSENGER SHIPS deck, the volumes of spaces shall be taken up
OF Ì-ÑÏ CLASS to the actual margin lines used in determining
the floodable lengths.
Permissible length of compartments
in passenger ships 4.3.3 Forepeak or collision bulkhead shall
be watertight up to the bulkhead deck; that
4.3.1 The maximum permissible length of a bulkhead shall be located at least 5 % of the
compartment having its centre at any point in ship’s length clear of the forward perpendicu-
the ship's length is obtained from the flood- lar and not over 3 m with addition of 5 % of
able length by multiplying the latter by an the ship’s length.
appropriate coefficient called the coefficient
of subdivision. 4.3.4 In ships with a length of 100 m and
When determining the floodable length llim, more, one of main transverse bulkheads abaft
the margin line may be immersed in the area the collision bulkhead shall be located apart
of flooding. from the forward perpendicular at the dis-
tance not exceeding the permissible length of
4.3.2 For ship of a given length, appropri-
ate coefficient of subdivision shall be deter-
mined by the criterion in service numeral CS 4.3.5 The subdivision abaft the collision
(hereinafter called the criterion numeral) de- bulkhead of the ships with length of less than
pending on the parameters Ð and Ð1, where Ð 131 m, but not less than 79 m having a crite-
— the whole volume of the passenger spaces rion numeral equal to
below the margin line, m3;
S   3574  25L  13 , (4.3.5-1)
Ð1 — passenger capacity parameter taken,
depending on kN, equal to: shall be governed by the subdivision coeffi-
kN cient equal to 1;
 P  P2 P1  kN with criterion numeral Cs — 123 and
 P  P2 P1  P  P2 or P1  2kN 3 , more — by subdivision coefficient equal to Â:
whichever is less
P — whole volume of the passenger spaces B  30.3  L  42   0.18 , (4.3.5-2)
below the margin line, m3 with an intermediate criterion numeral be-
P2 — whole volume of the passenger spaces tween Cs = S and Cs = 123 – by subdivision
above the margin line, m3 coefficient equal to F:
4 Floodability Criterion 255

F  1  1  B C s  S  123  S  .   0.85  0.1  a  c  V , (4.3.11-1)

(4.3.5-3) where à — volume of the passenger spaces
4.3.6 Subdivision abaft the collision bulk- which are situated below the margin line
head in ships less than 131 m but not less within the limits of the machinery space, m3
than 79 m in length, having a criterion nu- ñ — volume of between-deck spaces below
meral less than S, as well as ships less than the margin line within the limits of the engine
79 m in length, shall be governed by the sub- room, which are intended for cargo or stores,
division coefficient equal to unit. m3
V — whole volume of the engine room be-
4.3.7 Requirement of 4.3.6 is applicable for low the margin line, m3
ships of any length allowed for transportation
The average permeability coefficient  of
of more than 12 passengers but not exceeding
all the spaces located afore or abaft the ma-
L2/60 or 50, whichever is less.
chinery spaces shall be calculated by the for-
4.3.8 Transverse bulkhead may be stepped mula:
provided that it meets one of the following   0.63  0.35 a1 V1 , (4.3.11-2)
.1 The combined length of the two com- where à1 — volume of the passenger spaces
partments separated by the bulkhead in ques- which are situated below the margin line
tion does not exceed either 90 % of the flood- within the limits of forward of or abaft the
able length or twice the permissible length, engine room, m3
except when in ships having a coefficient of V1 — whole volume of the part of the ship
subdivision greater than 0,9 the combined below the margin line within the limits of
length of the two compartments in question forward of or abaft the machinery space, m3
shall not exceed the permissible length;
.2 Additional subdivision is provided in Damage stability
way of the step to maintain the same measure
of safety as that secured by a plane bulkhead; 4.3.12 Calculations confirming compliance
.3 The compartment, over which the step of the requirements to damage stability shall
extends does not exceed, the permissible be made for such a number of loading condi-
length corresponding to a margin line taken tions to be encountered in service and being
76 mm below the step. the most unfavourable from the point of view
of trim and stability, that, based on these cal-
Floodable length culations, one could assure that in all other
cases the damaged ship would be in a better
4.3.9 Calculations of the floodable length condition as regards damage trim and stabil-
shall be made with due regard to the shape, ity.
draught and other characteristics of the ship
in question. 4.3.13 At damage stability calculations, the
design volume of the flooded compartments
4.3.10 In determining the floodable length, shall be calculated considering volume perme-
a uniform average permeability coefficient is ability coefficients of each compartment
applied throughout the whole length of each space, which shall be taken equal to:
of the following portions of the ship below the for the spaces occupied by the ship’s 0.85
margin line: machinery and electrical equipment
engine room for the spaces occupied by stores and 0.6
ship portion afore the machinery space cargo
ship portion abaft the machinery space for accommodation and passenger 0.95
spaces, dry forepeak and afterpeak com-
4.3.11 The average permeability coefficient partments, and empty cargo compart-
 throughout all machinery spaces shall be ments
determined by the formula: for ballast tanks and other empty tanks 0.98
256 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

The permeability of tanks with liquid cargo librium position of the ship and the least of
shall be determined with due regard to re- the following values:
placement of cargo by outboard water. the angle, at which progressive flooding
4.3.14 Requirements to the ship’s stability
are considered met if: 22° (from the initial point of the curve) if
one compartment is flooded or 27° if two
for the ship intended for carriage of less
than 400 persons, at flooding of each separate adjacent compartments are flooded simulta-
compartment neously
or for the ships intended for carriage of 400 shall be at least 0,015 mrad
persons and more, at flooding a compartment 4.3.20 The residual positive righting arm
or compartments (the number is determined within the damage stability curve section shall
depending on the damage location in any be determined considering the greatest of the
place along the ship length) following heeling moments:
the trim parameters and stability elements .1 due to all passengers crowding at one
of the damaged ship comply with the re- side;
quirements in 4.3.15 to 4.3.21. .2 due to launching all lifeboats and lif-
erafts with their full complement of persons
and outfit;
Requirements to trim and damage stability .3 due to wind pressure.
elements In this case, the maximum lever arm shall
be equal to
4.3.15 In the final stage of flooding, the
metacentric height of a ship determined by l max  M h D , (4.3.20)
the constant displacement method shall be where Ìh — maximum heeling moment,
not less than 0.05 m. kNm
4.3.16 The angle of heel at unsymmetrical D — displacement, kN.
flooding shall not exceed: In all cases, this lever arm shall be not less
before the righting measures – 15° than 0.1 m.
after righting – 7° if one compartment is 4.3.21 The heeling moments required for
flooded and 12° if two adjacent compartments the determination of the residual righting
are flooded lever arm shall be assumed on the basis of the
The righting time shall not exceed 15 min- following assumptions:
utes. .1 When determining moments due to
4.3.17 The margin line shall not be im- passengers crowding it is assumed that:
mersed; when closed openings are present The density of distribution of passengers
through which outboard water may enter non- is assumed to be four persons per square me-
damaged compartments, the damage waterline tre.
shall be at least 0.3 m far apart of lower edges The mass of each passenger is assumed to
of such openings. be 75 kg.
Passengers are crowing on free deck areas
4.3.18 Damage stability curve of the dam- to one side on muster stations so that to pro-
aged ship shall have a positive arm section to vide the greatest heeling moment;
the angle of downflooding of at least 15°, .2 When determining moments due to
measured from the balance position both be- launching of all lifeboats and liferafts with
fore and after the righting measures of the their full complement of persons and outfit, it
ship or cross-flow actuation. is assumed that:
4.3.19 The area under the curve between All the lifeboats, rescue boats and liferafts
the heeling angle corresponding to the equi- of the one side to which the ship has got a
4 Floodability Criterion 257

heel are assumed fully loaded, swung out and .3 When determining moments due to the
ready for launching. wind pressure, the latter is assumed equal to
Persons who are not in the life-saving ap- 120 N/m2, the design area is assumed equal to
pliances are not considered a source of addi- the windage area before damage and the lever
tional heeling moment or righting moment. arm equal to the vertical distance between the
Life-saving appliances at the opposite side centre of effort and the point corresponding
are assumed to be stowed for sea; to half the mean draught of an intact ship.
258 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”



5.1.1 The requirements of this Section ap-
ply to the inland and river-sea navigation
ships engaged on coastal voyages.
On river-sea navigation ships engaged on
international voyages, in addition to the load
line marked according to the requirements of
the International Convention on Load Line
66/88, the load line may be marked according
to the requirements of this Section. The
specified load line marked abaft the load line
according to the International Convention on
Load Line 66/88 in close proximity to the Fig. 5.2.1-1 Load Line
load line as far as practical.
the ring. Width of lines of the ring and all
5.1.2 Compliance with the requirements of other load lines is 25 mm, the outer diameter
the Rules as regards strength, stability and of the ring is 250 mm, the length of the hori-
floodability of the ship is a necessary condi- zontal line which intersects the ring is 400
tion for assigning a freeboard. mm, the size of the letters is 100  60 mm
5.1.3 For the wooden ships, composite with lines 15 mm wide.
ships or GRP ships, the freeboard height is If the freeboard height is less than 150 mm,
assigned by the River Register if the designer the outer diameter of the ring of the load line
submits the grounds and calculations made may be decreased.
using the methods approved by the River The upper edge of the horizontal line in-
Register. tersecting the ring shall pass through its cen-
tre; it is the line of the maximal draught for
5.1.4 The freeboard height assigned for the
the class which is assigned to the given ship.
ship is fixed by marking a deck line and a
The centre of the ring shall be placed on the
load line on each side of the ship. On ships
same vertical with the centre of the deck line.
with a length of 10 m and less a freeboard
marks may be omitted. The deck line is usually applied so that its
upper edge passes the intersection point of the
outer surface of the freeboard deck and the
outer surface of the side plating. The length of
the deck line is 300 mm and width is 25 mm
5.2.1 The load line (Fig. 5.2.1-1) consists (see Fig. 5.2.1-1).
of a ring intersected by a horizontal line in If the lowest side point of the upper surface
the center and lines corresponding to maxi- of the freeboard deck is not located amid-
mum draughts. ships, the deck line is applied amidships along
A letter indicating the ship navigation area the plane marked horizontally through the
is marked above the horizontal line forward of specified lowest side point.
5 Freeboard and Load Line 259

If marking the deck line with the specified

method is not possible, it may be applied
from another fixed point on the side of the
ship with respective correction of the free-
board height. The position of the specified
point relative to the accepted deck of the
freeboard shall be recorded in the load line
certificate (see Fig. 5.2.1-2, distance a). Fig. 5.2.1-4 Example of the load lines of the ships
of O class

Fig. 5.2.1-5 Examples of the load lines of the ships

of classes M and O

5.2.2 The load line and the deck line shall

be applied on the plating amidships on each
On ships with side paddle wheels, two
marks shall be placed on each side approxi-
mately 1/3 of the ship’s length apart from her
Fig. 5.2.1-2 Position of the deck line for the ships extremities.
with a rounded deck When the load lines are placed not amid-
When a ship is intended for operation in ships, the deck sheer shall be taken into ac-
water basins of different categories, then a count.
vertical line and additional lines of maximum For sheered ships with the lowest deck
draughts 150 mm long shall be applied from point of the freeboard deck (zero ordinate of
the end of the ring’s horizontal line in the sheer) shifted abaft or ahead from the midship
fore part of the mark (Figs. 5.2.1-3, 5.2.1-4, plane, the distance between the upper edge of
5.2.1-5). The lines of maximum draughts of the deck line and the upper edge of the
MC and OC ships on Fig. 5.2.1-5 are related maximum draught line which shall be placed
to the inland navigation ships of M and O amidships, shall be extended to the sheer or-
classes, which may operate in the areas with sea dinate in the midship section.
navigation conditions of respective categories. 5.2.3 Where the load line mark and subdi-
vision load lines are places under the fender
guard, the latter shall be cut so that its ends
are clear of the load line mark and subdivision
load lines for 100 mm.
5.2.4 The load line shall be applied white
or yellow on dark background or black on
light background.
Fig. 5.2.1-3 Examples of the load lines of the ships On steel ships, the load line shall be made
of P and M classes of a steel sheet and welded or made by build-
The upper edges of the lines of maximum ing-up fillets and painted according to the
draughts shall comply with the ship’s free- requirements of this Para.
board height assigned for water basins of the On ships made of light alloys, horizontal
respective categories. lines of the load line shall be made of welded
260 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

or riveted strips of the same material as the

hull; all the rest lines may be only punched
and painted.
On ships with the hull made of GRP, the
load line mark shall be made of plastic and glued.
On ships with wooden planking, the load
line mark may be either cut and painted or only
painted depending on the planking thickness.
5.2.5 For checking draughts and loading,
in the fore and aft sections of the ship and for
the ships with a length of more than 40 m and
amidships, the draught marks (scales) shall be
applied. When applying the draught scales
amidships, they shall be located abaft the load
line in close proximity to it. The manufacture, Fig. 5.3.1 General view and dimensions of the load
application and painting of the marks are line mark
made according to 5.2.4. For the ships with a
length of less than 25 m, it is not required to
meet this requirement.


5.3.1 The load line, the general view and
dimensions of which are specified on Fig.
5.3.1 shall be applied on board the ships of
Ì-ÑÏ class.
5.3.2 The load line for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ Fig. 5.3.2 The load line for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ
class with a greater than minimum freeboard class with a greater than minimum freeboard
shall be applied according to Fig. 5.3.2.
The upper edge of the horizontal line in- q — weight of cargo, the acceptance or
tersecting the ring of the load mark shall be removal of which changes the ship draught by
placed at a distance corresponding to a greater 1 cm in salt water with density y, t/cm
than minimum freeboard assigned measured Forward of the load mark ring, the Fresh
downwards from the upper edge of the deck line. Water Load Line shall be applied at the dis-
Forward of the load line ring, the Fresh tance corresponding to 1/48 of the draught
Water Load Line shall be applied at a dis- above the centre of the ring. The distance
tance calculated by the formula (5.3.2) con- may be specified taking into account the ac-
sidering actual salt water density in the sea tual density of salt water in the area of navi-
navigation area: gation using the formula (5.3.2).
Ò  V   – 1  q , (5.3.2) Abaft the load mark ring, the load lines
shall be applied for navigation in inland water
where T — distance between salt water and basins of categories Ì and O and in coastal
sea water load lines sea areas with salt water where ships of classes
γ — actual density of salt water in the navi- Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ are allowed to operate.
gation area, t/m3
V — volume displacement of the ship in 5.3.3 Load line in ships of class Ì-ÑÏ
salt water at a draught corresponding to the with minimum freeboard assigned shall be
assigned freeboard, m3 applied according to Fig. 5.3.3.
5 Freeboard and Load Line 261

5.3.5 Load line for ships of class Ì-ÏÐ

having an assigned freeboard (minimum or a
greater than minimum) shall be applied as in
Fig. 5.3.5.

Fig. 5.3.3 Load line in ships of class Ì-ÏÐ as-

signed the minimum freeboard
The upper edge of the horizontal line of
the ring shall be placed at a distance corre- Fig. 5.3.5 Load line of Ì-ÏÐ class ships
sponding to the minimum summer freeboard
measured downwards from the upper edge of The upper edge of the horizontal of the
the deck line. load mark ring shall be placed at a distance
Forward of the ring the following load lines corresponding to the freeboard assigned
shall be applied: the Summer Load Line (at measured downwards from the upper edge of
the level of the load mark centre), the Fresh the deck line.
Water Load Line and the Winter Load Line Forward of the load mark ring, the Fresh
for ships operating in the Baltic Sea, the Cas- Water Load Line shall be applied at the dis-
pian Sea, the Black Sea and the Asov Sea. tance corresponding to 1/48 of the draught
For ships with a length over 100 m the above the centre of the ring. This distance
Winter Load Line is omitted. may be set by the formula (5.3.2) with due
The Winter Load Line shall be applied un- consideration of the water density in the sea
der the Summer Load Line at the distance navigation area.
corresponding to 1/48 of the summer draught. Abaft the load mark ring, the load lines
Abaft the ring, load lines shall be applied for shall be applied for navigation in inland water
navigation in basins of categories Ì and Î basins of categories Ì, Î and Ð and in
and in coastal sea areas with salt water where coastal sea areas with salt water, where ships
ships of classes Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ are allowed of class Î-ÏÐ are allowed to operate.
to operate. The dimensions of the load line are taken
5.3.4 Periods, during which the Summer or according to Fig. 5.3.1.
Winter Load Lines are used for the ships of 5.3.6 Load line in ships of class O-ÏÐ with
Ì-ÑÏ class with a length of up to 100 m, are freeboard assigned shall be applied according
specified in Table 5.3.4. to Fig. 5.3.6.
T a b l e 5.3.4 The upper edge of the horizontal of the
Period of application of the summer and winter load mark ring shall be placed at a distance
Load Line
corresponding to a greater than minimum
Area of Period of use of the Load Line:
freeboard assigned measured downwards from
Winter Summer
the upper edge of the deck line.
The Baltic from 01 Nov till from 01 Apr till
Sea 31 Mar 31 Oct Forward of the load mark ring, the Fresh
The Caspian from 1 Dec till from 16 Mar till Water Load Line shall be applied at the dis-
Sea 15 Mar 30 Nov tance corresponding to 1/48 of the draught
The Black from 1 Dec till from 1 Mar till above the centre of the ring. This distance
Sea 28/29 Feb 30 Nov may be calculated by formula (5.3.2) with due
262 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

T a b l e 5.4.1-2
Tabular freeboard height for tankers
and platform ships
Ship Freeboard height Hfb, mm, for the ships of class
length, m Ë Ð Î Ì
≤ 30 15 30 60 110
40 20 35 70 125
50 25 40 80 140
60 30 45 90 155
70 35 50 100 170
80 40 60 120 200
90 45 70 140 230
Fig. 5.3.6 Load line in O-ÏÐ class ships
100 50 80 160 260
consideration of the water density in the navi- 110 55 90 180 290
gation area. 120 60 100 200 325
≥ 130 65 110 220 360
Abaft the load mark ring, the load lines for
navigation in inland water basins of categories The total height of freeboard and coam-
Î and Ð shall be applied. ing for the open ships of O class shall be not
The dimensions of the load line are taken less than 1900 mm, of P class – not less than
according to Fig. 5.3.1. 1200 mm, of Ë class – not less than 600 mm;
.3 for the ships Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes
5.4 MINIMUM FREEBOARD HEIGHT – from Table 5.4.1-1 and 5.4.1-2. Here, the
5.4.1 Freeboard height for the ships with tabular values are increased by 1/48 of the
sheer taken according to Tables 5.5.2 and respective draught in fresh water;
5.5.4 and coaming heights taken according to .4 for the Ì-ÑÏ class ships – from Table
Table 5.6.1 shall be set as follows: 5.4.1-3.
T a b l e 5.4.1-3
.1 for the closed inland navigation ships
Tabulated freeboard heights for the ships
according to Table 5.4.1-1 and Table 5.4.1-2. of Ì-ÑÏ class
T a b l e 5.4.1-1 Freeboard height Hfb, mm,
Tabular freeboard height for self-propelled length, for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class:
and non-self-propelled ships, except of tankers m dry cargo ships, tugboats, ice breakers,
and platform ships industrial ships, passenger ships
Ship Freeboard height Hfb, mm, for the ships of class  30 285 235
length, m Ë Ð Î Ì 40 380 320
≤ 30 30 50 85 140 50 485 405
40 35 60 100 160 60 625 525
50 40 70 115 180 70 785 660
60 45 80 130 200 80 960 780
70 50 90 150 235 90 1070 910
80 55 100 170 270 100 1250 1060
90 60 110 190 305 110 1460 1210
100 70 120 210 340 120 1640 1380
110 80 135 230 375 130 1820 1550
120 90 150 260 410  140 2000 1710
≥ 130 100 170 290 450
For the passenger ships with a length of
.2 for the open inland navigation ships, 100 m and more with enclosed first tier super-
freeboard height of their length: for the ships of structure, the freeboard, m, specified in Table
Î class – 1000 mm, the open ships irrespective 5.4.1-3 may be decreased by value F calcu-
of of Ð class – 600 mm, of Ë class – 450 mm. lated by the formula:
5 Freeboard and Load Line 263

F  hk lst bst  0.88 Ls Bs  , ( .2 For the ships with block coefficient  >
0.75, the freeboard height shall be increased
where hk — the least of the following com-
by the correction value calculated by the for-
pared vertical dimensions, m:
mula, mm:
distances between the bulkhead deck and
the lower edges of closed openings in outer Í   18.2L  17  4.5 – B T      – 0.75  .
walls of enclosed first tier superstructure; (
heights of coamings enclosing hatches in If B/T ≥ 4.5, in the formula ( the
the freeboard deck B/T ratio shall be taken equal to 4.5;
lst, bst — length and breadth, respectively, .3 For the ships with the length to
of the first tier superstructure, m breadth ratio L/B < 5.5, the tabular freeboard
Ls — maximum length of the part of the height shall be increased by the correction
ship below the margin line value calculated by the formula, mm:
Bs — maximum breadth of the part of the
ship below the margin line Í L B  6.71L  5.5 – L B  . (

5.4.2 Minimum freeboard is determined by 5.4.4 If the sheer or dimensions of the

increasing the tabular freeboard determined forecastle and poop are different from the
according to 5.4.1 by the following correc- values specified in 5.5, the freeboard height
tions: shall be increased by a value that provides the
for the closed inland navigation ships of Ë, two following conditions met:
Ð, Î and Ì classes and for the river-sea navi- .1 Buoyancy reserve shall be not less than
gation ships of Î-ÏÐ and Ì-ÏÐ classes – one determined for the ships with the sheer
according to the maximum values specified in specified according to 5.5 or with the forecas-
5.4.3; tle and poop;
for the open inland navigation ships of Ë, .2 The static moments of the volumes,
Ð and Î classes and for the river-sea naviga- which result from the extended freeboard
tion ships of Ì-ÑÏ class – allowances deter- height relative to the midship plane, shall be
mined according to 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 and con- not less than the static moments of the vol-
sidering deviation of the actual dimensions of umes for the ships with the sheer determined
the sheer, or the forecastle and poop, and according to 5.5 or with forecastle and poop.
coaming height from the dimensions specified 5.4.5 If the coaming height is less than that
in 5.5 and 5.6. specified in the requirements in 5.6, the
5.4.3 The freeboard height for the Ë, Ð, Î, minimum freeboard height shall be increased
Ì, Î-ÏÐ and Ì-ÏÐ class ships as obtained by the difference between the tabular and the
from Table 5.4.1-1 and 5.4.1-2 shall be cor- actual coaming heights.
rected as follows: The minimum height of coaming of
.1 For the ships with the B/T < 4.5, the hatches located on the open decks shall be at
tabular freeboard height shall be increased by least 100 mm for ships of all classes.
the correction value calculated by the for- Decrease of the freeboard height as com-
mula, mm: pared with the value stated in Table 5.4.2 due
to the increase of the coaming height is not
Í Â/Ò  0.49L  4.5 – B T  ; ( allowed.
264 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

The coaming's heights of other hatches 5.4.10 For the cargo ships loaded by hy-
may be less than tabular heights without cor- dromechanization means, the freeboard height
rection of the freeboard height, if the hatch shall be calculated in the same manner as for
covers comply with the requirements in the tankers. While substantiating the possibil- ity of transporting other types of cargo on
these ships the freeboard height shall be as-
5.4.6 The minimum freeboard height of the signed as for the open ships.
closed inland navigation ships of Ë and Ð
classes shall be not less than: 5.4.11 The freeboard height for skeg-type
For all the ships, except the tankers and hovercraft shall be calculated as for the dis-
platform ships: placement ships.
Ë class — 150 mm; Here, the freeboard is the distance to the
upper edge of the deck line and, in the ab-
Ð class — 250 mm;
sence of the freeboard deck, the distance to
For tankers and platform ships:
the lower edge of openings, through which
Ë class — 90 mm; water may come inside the ship but not above
Ð class — 160 mm. the lower edge of window openings.
5.4.7 The cargo platform guard of the plat- 5.4.12 The freeboard of amphibian-type
form ship shall be designed to prevent wash- hovercraft with such design and shape of the
ing of the bulk cargo. The sum of the guard hull, which differ from ordinary displacement
height and the freeboard height shall be at ships, shall be assigned on condition that
least one half of the wave height correspond- buoyancy reserve corresponding to at least
ing to the basin category where the ship oper- 100 % of maximal mass displacement is pro-
ates. vided.
5.4.8 For the awning barges of Î, Ð and Ë 5.5 SHEER, FORECASTLE AND POOP
classes carrying cargo in the holds, the mini-
mum freeboard height may be assigned same 5.5.1 On the ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and
as for the dry cargo decked ships (see Ta- Ì classes with the freeboard height to the
ble 5.4.1-1) provided that the awning and its forecastle deck in the fore perpendicular area
gates are weathertight and the gate coaming (and in absence of the forecastle, to the free-
height is not less than that provided for cargo board deck) less than the sum of the mini-
holds (see 5.6.1). mum freeboard height amidships and sheer,
N o t e : Awning is a light structure on the free- the ordinate values of which are specified in
board deck for cargo and passenger protection in this Section, it is recommended to fit the
bad weather conditions. Awning gates are enclosure bulkwark in the bow.
of an opening in the awning wall for cargo han-
5.5.2 For sheer line of ships without fore-
castle and poop shall be taken a broken line
When these conditions are not met, the
with ordinates on fore and aft perpendiculars
minimum freeboard height shall be assigned
taken according to Table 5.5.2 (except the
the same as for open ships.
ships of Ì-ÑÏ class) and ordinates at points
5.4.9 For the dredgers, landing stages, located 0.15 of the ship’s length apart from
guard ships and floating docks, the freeboard the fore perpendicular and 0.07 of the ship’s
height shall be taken same as for the closed length apart from the aft perpendicular being
ships. equal to 0.
5 Freeboard and Load Line 265

T a b l e 5.5.2 5.5.4 The sheer ordinates S for the closed

Sheer ordinate values ships of Ì-ÑÏ class are regulated in Table
Ship Sheer ordinates, mm, for the ships of class 5.5.4.
length, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì Î-ÏÐ and Î Ð T a b l e 5.5.4
m Bow Stern Bow Stern Bow Stern The sheer ordinates for ships of class Ì-ÑÏ
≤ 30 1000 500 550 275 400 200 Ship Sheer ordinate, Ship Sheer ordinate,
40 1000 500 600 300 450 225 length, mm length, mm
60 1000 500 700 350 500 250 m Bow Stern m Bow Stern
80 1000 500 800 400 600 300 ≤ 30 1000 500 90 1510 750
100 1100 550 900 475 700 350 40 1170 580 100 1550 770
120 1200 600 1050 525 800 400 50 1280 630 110 1580 790
130 1300 650 1100 550 900 450 60 1360 670 120 1620 810
N o t e s . 1. Sheer ordinates for the tankers are 70 1410 700 130 1660 830
taken according to this Table with lowering the 80 1460 730 140 1700 850
class, i.e. for the ships of Ì class, ordinates of the
ships of O class are taken, for the ships of O class – They may be also calculated by the formulae:
ordinates of the ships of P class. for the bow
2. The sheer is not required for all the ships of Л
class and for the tankers of P class.
S  1695  0.711L  0.0127L2  20595 L ;
The sheer ordinates shall be measured from for the stern
a horizontal line coinciding with the upper S  766  0.6L  0.305  102 L2  8639 L ,
edge of the deck line marked according to
where L — ship length, m.
5.5.3 The sheer specified in 5.5.2 is not re- The sheer ordinates for the tankers of
quired for the ships of Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÑÏ class are determined according to Ta-
Î and Ð classes, if the following conditions ble 5.5.2 as for the tankers of M class.
are met:
5.5.5 The forecastle and poop dimensions
.1 The forecastle height above the deck
for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall comply with
shall be at least: for the ships of Ì-ÏÐ and
the following requirements:
Ì classes – 1000 mm, for the ships of Î-ÏÐ
and Î classes – 900 mm and for the ships of P The forecastle height above the deck at
class – 500 mm; least 1500 mm.
.2 The forecastle length not less than 0.07 The forecastle length at least 0.07 of the
of the ship’s length for the ships of all classes; ship’s length and at least half the ship
.3 The poop height above the deck not
less than one half of the forecastle height for The poop height above the deck shall be at
the ships of all classes; least half the forecastle height.
.4 The poop length not less than 0.03 of The poop length shall be at least 0.03 of
the ship’s length but not less than 2 m for the the ship’s length but not less than 2 m.
ships of all classes.
The ships of Ì-ÏÐ and M classes with the
sheer without the forecastle, in the bow ex- COAMINGS
tremity there shall be fitted with a bulwark 5.6.1 For all the ships, except the ships of
with a length equal to the length of the fore- Ì-ÑÏ class, the height of coamings from the
castle determined according to upper edge of the deck plating of cargo and
Ships of Ì, Î and Ð classes without sheer other hatches located on the freeboard deck
and the poop in the aft shall be fitted with a and not protected by the superstructures or
bulwark of the same length, but not less than wheelhouses shall be not less than specified in
2 m. Table 5.1.6.
266 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

T a b l e 5.6.1 wheelhouses and lobbies for the ships

Hatch coaming heights of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be permanently attached
Minimum height , mm, and watertight. They shall be made of steel or
Ship class of the hatch coamings material with fire-retardant properties not
Cargo Other* lower than wood impregnated with fire-proof
Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 400 300 substance (see, Part III of the Rules).
Î-ÏÐ, Î 300 250
Ð 250 200
Quick-action arrangements shall be provided
Ë 150 100 for opening, closing and tightening the covers
* Other hatches include trunks, access holes, and doors which shall be capable of being
non-cargo holds, outer exits to the superstructures used from both sides.
and wheelhouses, awnings. For passenger ships the requirements of the
present paragraph apply only to covers of
For the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class, the height of
companion hatchways and outer doors of su-
the cargo hatch coamings shall be not less
perstructures, wheelhouses and lobbies located
than 450 mm and for other hatches according
on the freeboard deck.
to the requirements in 5.6.1 for the ships of
Ì and Ì-ÏÐ classes. 5.6.8 The thickness of flat steel companion
hatchway covers for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class
5.6.2 The height of the cargo hatch coam-
shall be not less than that of the shell or plat-
ings for the open ships of Î, Ð and Ë classes
ing, on which they are fitted, but not more
shall be assigned according to the require-
than 10 mm.
ments in
The coaming‘s height of hatches in passen- 5.6.9 Cargo and other hatches located on
ger ships where passengers are located in the the open areas of the freeboard deck for the
hull’s compartments not closed by a deck or closed ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-ÏÐ and
superstructure, shall be not less than the Î classes shall be fitted with watertight clo-
coaming‘s height on open cargo ships. sures, and for the ships of Ð and Ë classes
5.6.3 Where the hatches are located inside with weathertight closures.
the superstructures fitted with the closures as Cargo hatches of class O ships may be fit-
specified in this Chapter, the height of the ted with weathertight closures, when the sum
hatch coamings may be taken as 75 mm for of the assigned freeboard height and the cargo
the ships of all classes. hatch coaming is not less than 1200 mm.
Closures of the cargo hatches for the ships
5.6.4 Coamings of companion hatchways of Ì, Î, Ð and Ë classes shall be rated for
of Ì-ÑÏ class ships shall be at least 450 mm loading by the cargo weight which is assumed
high when located on the open deck and at to be stowed on those closures, but the design
least 380 mm high when located on decks of load shall be not less than 2.45 kPa.
the superstructures.
5.6.10 The requirements in 5.6.11 to 5.6.17
5.6.5 For the ships of Ì-ÑÏ class, coam-
related to the closures are specified for steel
ings of doors leading to the open deck shall
machine-driven closures on the ships
be at least 380 mm high, and coamings of
of Ì-ÑÏ class with weather-tightness secured
doors leading to the superstructure deck at
by means of gaskets and batten-down devices.
least 280 mm high.
5.6.11 The closures shall be rated for the
5.6.6 The thickness of vertical plating of
weight loads from the cargo which is assumed
the companion hatchway coamings specified
to be stowed on those closures. However, in
in 5.6.4 shall be equal to the thickness of the
all the cases the minimum load depending on
deck where the companion hatchways are
the ship's length shall be assumed as linearly
located but not more than 8 mm.
increased from 7.35 kPa at the ship's length of
5.6.7 The companion hatchway covers and 24 m up to 12.15 kPa at the ship's length of
all the outer doors of the superstructures, 100 m. For the ships less than 24 m and more
5 Freeboard and Load Line 267

100 m in length the weight load shall be taken 5.6.17 The steel plates of hatchway covers
as not dependent on the ship’s length and of cargo compartments in oil tankers shall be
equal to the above limit values of 7.35 kPa at least 8 mm thick and covers made of light
and 12.15 kPa accordingly. alloys at least 10 mm thick. At every 400 mm
For the ships of Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class, the of the cover length stiffeners made of strip of
minimum loads on hatch covers (except for thickness equal to that of the cover and with a
the area at a distance of 25 % of the ship's height of at least 80 mm shall be provided.
length abaft the bow perpendicular) are taken 5.6.18 Cargo hatchway covers in ships of
as equally distributed along the length and class Ì-ÏÐ shall be rated for the weight loads
equal to 7.84 kPa at the ship's length of 24 m
from the cargo, which is assumed to be
and equal to 13.37 kPa at the ship's length of
stowed on those covers. The specific mini-
100 m. For the area at a distance of 25 % of mum load on the cargo hatch covers depend-
the ship's length abaft the fore perpendicular,
ing on the ship's length shall be assumed as
the minimum load on hatch covers is taken linearly increased from 4.90 kPa at the ship's
changing by linear dependence from 8.33 kPa length of 24 m up to 9.81 kPa at the ship's
at the ship's length of 24 m and from
length of 100 m. For the ships less than 24 m
14.59 kPa at the ship's length of 100 m on
and more 100 m in length the specific weight
bow perpendicular to 7.84 kPa at the ship's load shall be taken as not dependent on the
length of 24 m and to 13.37 kPa at the ship's
ship’s length and equal to the above limit
length of 100 m on the aft border of the area. values of 4.90 kPa and 9.81 kPa accordingly.
At the ship's length above 24 m but less 100
m, the minimum loads on hatch covers are 5.6.19 Cargo hatchway covers and closures
determined by means of linear interpolation. of other hatches and openings on open parts
on the weather deck, lobbies, entrances and
5.6.12 When the rated load (see 5.6.11) is other openings in the superstructure on the
applied to closures, the stress in the closure main deck of class O-ÏÐ ships as regards
components shall not exceed 0.4 of the yield strength and weathertightness shall meet the
point or 0.235 of the ultimate strength of the requirements for class Ì ships; here, cargo
material, whichever is less. hatchway covers shall be rated for the weight
loads from the cargo which is assumed to be
5.6.13 A deflection of hatchway covers
shall not exceed 0.0028l (l — span of beams or stowed on those covers. The minimum spe-
bearing stiffeners of the cover). cific load on the cargo hatch covers depend-
ing on the ship's length shall be assumed as
5.6.14 Thickness of steel plating of hatch- linearly increased from 2.45 kPa at the ship's
way covers shall not be less than 0.01 of the length of 24 m up to 5.40 kPa at the ship's
spacing of stiffeners or 6 mm, whichever is length of 100 m. For the ships less than 24 m
greater. and more 100 m in length the specific weight
load shall be taken as not dependent on the
5.6.15 Parts of a driving unit of hatchway ship’s length and equal to the above limit
covers shall ensure the normal operation at values of 2.45 kPa and 5.40 kPa accordingly.
ambient temperatures from –25 °Ñ to +50 °Ñ,
heel up to 5° and the maximum trim by bow 5.6.20 Ventilation heads located on the
or stern due to full loading of one of the end open parts of the freeboard deck shall have
holds. strong steel coaming with the height for the
ships of Ì-ÑÏ class being not less than 760
5.6.16 Hatchway covers of cargo compart- mm and for the ships of other classes being
ments in oil tankers shall be permanently at- not less than that required for coamings of the
tached and, when battened down, be wa- cargo hatches. Ventilation openings on all the
ter/gas-tight under inner carried liquid vapour ships, except P and Ë classes shall be fitted
pressure at least 24.5 kPa. with tight closures. Coamings of portable ven-
268 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

tilation heads shall be fitted with covers or 5.6.26 On the class Ì and Î ships, the
similar closing means. side scuttles located in spaces below the free-
board deck shall be fitted with permanently
5.6.21 Outlet openings of piping when lo-
attached storm shutters; here, the scuttle glass
cated in sides below the freeboard deck shall
thickness shall be at least 8 mm at a clear
be arranged according to the requirements of
diameter up to 250 mm inclusive and at least
Section 10.4 Part IV of the Rules.
12 mm at a clear diameter of 350 mm and
5.6.22 All outer doors and windows of the more. However, the clear diameter shall not
superstructures, wheelhouses and lobbies lo- exceed 450 mm. For intermediate clear di-
cated on the freeboard deck shall be water- ameters the glass thickness is determined by
tight for the ships of all classes, except for the linear interpolation.
cases specified in 5.6.23. On the class Ð and Ë ships, the glass
thickness for scuttles may be at least 6 mm at
5.6.23 Outer doors may be weathertight
a clear diameter of 250 mm and below and at
when its lower edge is clear of the maximum
least 10 mm at a clear diameter of 400 mm
draught plane on at least a length stated in
and more.
Table 5.6.23.
The lower edge of side scuttles of ships of
T a b l e 5.6.23 all classes shall be clear of the maximum
The allowable distance between the lower edge draught line on at least 150 mm. On the class
of the outer doors/windows and the maximum P ships, where the storm shutters are not
draught plane available on the scuttles, the specified distance
Ship class Distance, mm Ship class Distance, mm shall be not less than the freeboard height
Ì 3500 Ð 1200 according to Tables 5.4.1.
Î 1900 Ë 600 Side scuttles of class Ì-ÏÐ and Ì passen-
Doors of the closed spaces (e.g., store- ger ships located less than 2.5 % of the ship’s
rooms, boatswain's stores) located on the breadth apart from the maximum draught line
freeboard, forecastle and poop decks, may be shall be dead.
weathertight. On the class Ì-ÏÐ and Ì ships, in the
superstructures located on the freeboard deck
5.6.24 Scuttles in the outer shell plating and extended from side to side, the scuttles
below the freeboard deck, in frontal bulkheads shall be fitted with storm shutters. In super-
of closed superstructures and wheelhouses of structure spaces located on the freeboard deck
the first level as well as in frontal bulkheads of and not being extended to the sides may be
closed superstructures and wheelhouses of the fitted with watertight with heavy glass (at least
second level on 0.25 of the ship’s length from 10 mm).
the forward perpendicular shall be supplied On the passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ,
with storm shutters permanently attached to Î-ÏÐ, Ì, Î and Ð classes, the side scuttles
the hull structures. The thickness of the scut- located in the spaces below the freeboard
tle glasses shall comply with the requirements deck, except rescue scuttles, shall be non-
in 2.7.24, Part III of the Rules. opening or to have a structure allowing to
open them only by the crew members. The
5.6.25 Scuttles in superstructures of the
scuttles, except for the non-opening ones,
first and the second levels, located outside the
located below the freeboard deck, including
areas and structures stated in 5.6.24, shall be
rescue scuttles, shall be equipped with auto-
supplied with permanently attached storm
matic alarm on their opening led to the
shutters and the thickness of glass shall be at
least 8 mm at clear diameter of 250 mm or
less and at least 12 mm at clear diameter of 5.6.27 Side scuttles of Ì-ÑÏ class passen-
350 mm or more. Clear diameter shall not ger ships shall be so located that no scuttle sill
exceed 400 mm. is below a line parallel to the freeboard deck
5 Freeboard and Load Line 269

at side and having its lowest point 0.025B 5.6.29 On oil tankers and flush deck ships,
above the summer load line or 500 mm, the following requirements shall be met:
whichever is greater. .1 All openings in the freeboard deck shall
be fitted with strong watertight closures;
5.6.28 Covers on outboard water inlet and .2 Manholes, doors of lobbies and other
ice boxes shall be watertight. openings of ships of Î, Ð and Ë classes lo-
The upper edge of openings shall be above cated on the forecastle or poop may be
the maximum draught line by at least 150 mm. weathertight.
270 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”


6.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION the wind velocity in the navigational zone

does not exceed that indicated in 6.9.2
6.1.1 This Section contains the manoeu-
vrability requirements to the displacement turn on the spot in the chosen direction
ships and convoys, which apply to: under wind conditions by simultaneously op-
erating the main controls and the bow steer-
.1 self-propelled cargo ships with a length
ing device;
of 40 m or more;
.6 manoeuvrability with propulsors not in
.2 displacement passenger ships, special
operation means ship’s ability to mechanically
purpose ships and crew boats with a length of
maintain a straight course under her own
20 m or more.
momentum, to turn in the chosen direction
6.1.2 The requirements of this Section do and to invert the direction of the turn;
not apply to pushed convoys, ship formations, .7 emergency stopping means quickly
catamarans or ships with waterjets, rotating- changing the operating mode of all the pro-
blade propulsors or paddle wheels. pulsors from full speed ahead to full speed
astern in deep still water, when loaded as in-
6.2.1 The following terms are used in this
.1 propulsion and steering unit (PSU)
means propulsor and its steering devices (rud-
ders and/or nozzles); 6.3.1 A ship is considered to meet the ma-
.2 ship propulsion and steering system noeuvrability requirements specified in this
(PSS) means all the PSUs that are present on Section if, when loaded according to 6.3.2,
the ship and ensure its longitudinal movement the following requirements are met:
and manoeuvrability; .1 turning capability (see 6.5);
.3 turning capability means the ship’s .2 directional stability (see 6.6);
ability to turn within a minimum radius of .3 manoeuvrability with propulsors not in
curvature; operation (see 6.7);
.4 directional stability means the ship’s .4 emergency stopping (see 6.8);
ability to maintain the chosen straight course .5 manoeuvrability under wind conditions
in deep1 still water; (see 6.9).
.5 manoeuvrability under wind conditions
means ship’s ability to: 6.3.2 The manoeuvrability test shall be
conducted when the ship is in fully loaded
maintain any chosen straight course while
condition, with an even keel trim and with
all propulsors are rotating at rated speed and
the full stores and fuel.
Manoeuvrability tests for cargo ships under
Deep water means that depth H of a water wind conditions in accordance with 6.9 shall
body does not affect propulsion performance of the be conducted only for ships in ballast, without
ship and complies with condition H  4T  3V 2 g , cargo, and with 10 % of stores and fuel.
where Ò — ship draught, m; V — ship velocity, Manoeuvrability tests for passenger ships
m/s; g — acceleration of gravity, m2/s. under wind conditions in accordance with 6.9
6 Manoeuvrability of Ships 271

shall be conducted only for ships without 6.5 TURNING CAPABILITY

cargo or passengers, and with 10 % of stores
6.5.1 The criterion for measuring turning
and fuel.
capability is the minimum relative mean
6.3.3 The ship manoeuvrability criteria steady turning diameter (Dt/L)min, measured
specified in 6.3.1 apply to the ships with the from the centre of gravity, that is, the ratio
following types of ship propulsion and steering between the diameter Dt of the smallest possi-
systems: ble turn which the ship can make in deep still
.1 propellers in steering nozzles; water and the length L of the ship at the de-
.2 propellers in steering nozzles with a sign waterline, where the speed of rotation of
centre rudder; all the propellers is the same prior to the
.3 rudders behind open propellers; commencement of the manoeuvre and is not
.4 rudders behind nozzle propellers in- subsequently regulated.
cluding independent nozzles. 6.5.2 The turning capability is considered
Manoeuvrability criteria values for the as complying with the requirements of these
ships with the above types of the PSSs are Rules, if the condition is met:
calculated according to the instructions of
 Dt L min  2. (6.5.2)
Appendix 5.
6.3.4 For the ships with the PSS types not 6.6 DIRECTIONAL STABILITY
specified in 6.3.3, the manoeuvrability criteria
determination methods are specified accord- 6.6.1 The criterion for measuring direc-
ing to the methods developed by the designer tional stability is the minimum relative mean
and approved by the River Register. steady turning diameter, measured from the
center of gravity of the ship in deep still water
6.3.5 The criteria for assessing ship’s with the rudder angle at zero and all the pro-
TURNING CAPABILITY, directional stabil- pellers rotating at the same speed.
ity and manoeuvrability with propulsors not in
operation may also be determined by: 6.6.2 The ship’s directional stability is con-
.1 testing an autonomous self-propelled sidered to satisfy the requirements of in the
ship model which is geometrically similar to Rules if the steady turning diameter is 10 or
the ship; more times the ship’s length, and also if the
.2 full-scale tests. ship continues to move on a straight course
In these cases, the criteria values do not without turning, with the rudder angle at zero.
have to be calculated.
6.7.1 The criterion for measuring manoeu-
6.4.1 To facilitate speedy reference, a table vrability with propulsors not in operation is
of each ship’s manoeuvrability characteristics the ship’s capacity to come out of a steady
shall be posted in a visible place in the wheel- turn, made with the rudder at a 20 angle,
house. after the main propellers have stopped, with-
6.4.2 The table shall be drawn up by the out using the side thruster.
design organization and the results of the cal- 6.7.2 The ship is considered to meet the
culations shall be supplemented or corrected requirements of these Rules if it can be taken
on the basis of data from full-scale tests and out of a steady turn, made with the rudder at
tests with self-propelled models.
a 20 angle, after the main propellers have
6.4.3 For the form of the table, see Appen- stopped, by operating the main controls,
dix 5. without using the side thruster.
272 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

6.8 EMERGENCY STOPPING CAPACITY still allows the ship to move on any chosen
straight course with all the propulsors rotating
6.8.1 The criterion for measuring emer-
at rated speed is:
gency stopping capacity is the ship’s stopping
course SAT the distance, m, which the ship for class M and O ships – no less than
19 m/s;
travels relative to the water from the moment
when the order to make an emergency stop is for class P and Ë ships – no less than
given to the moment when the ship has come 14 m/s.
to a complete stop relative to the water. 6.9.3 Specific thrust of the bow thruster
6.8.2 The ship is considered to meet the (criterion meets the requirements of
requirements of the present Rules, if the stop- the Rules, if it is not less than:
ping course SAT does not exceed the value TT  LT   0.03 for cargo ships;
calculated by the formula, m, TT S  0.04 for passenger ships with SL 
S AT  30.7 V  1.28 L , (6.8.2) 20 000 m3.
where V — displacement of the ship, m ;
L — ship's length, m. 6.10 FULL-SCALE TRIALS
6.10.1 Full-scale trials of the ships and
convoys intended to determine the ship's ma-
noeuvrability compliance with the require-
ments of the Rules, confirmation of the cal-
6.9.1 The criteria for measuring manoeu- culation or full-scale trial results, as well as
vrability under wind conditions are: additions and corrections to the table of ma-
.1 Wind velocity in navigational zone, noeuvrability characteristics, shall be carried
m/s, which allows the ship to move along any out together with commissioning trials in the
chosen straight course with all propulsors ro- following cases:
tating at the rated speed; .1 on the lead ships in the series;
.2 The specific thrust of the side thruster, .2 on the single built ships;
kN/m2, required for the ship to turn on the .3 on ships after repair, refitting or mod-
spot using the main controls and the side ernization, if their manoeuvrability is affected.
6.10.2 The full-scale trials are carried out
The specific thrust of the side thruster of a
at ship loading according to 6.3.2. Deviations
cargo ship is the ratio between the thrust of
with regard to draught shall not exceed 10 %.
the side thruster TT, kN, and the product of
the length of the ship at the design waterline 6.10.3 Full-scale manoeuvrability trials are
L and the full load draught T. The specific carried out in deep still water, with waves no
thrust of the side thruster of a passenger ship greater than 1 to 2 points according to the
is the ratio TT/S between the thrust of the scale of the Central Hydrometeorological De-
side thruster TT, kN, and the windage area S, partment of the Russian Federation, and wind
m2. velocity no greater than 3 to 4 m/s.
6.9.2 The ship’s manoeuvrability under 6.10.4 Full-scale manoeuvrability trials
wind conditions (criterion is consid- shall be carried out using the program drawn
ered to meet the requirements of the Rules if up according to the requirements in Appen-
the wind velocity in the navigation area which dix 5 and RTSC.
Appendix 1 273




1 This Appendix contains general instruc- .10 inclining test data including the place
tions on drawing up the Information on Sta- of tests, the date, the test results (weight dis-
bility and Floodability (hereinafter referred to placement in lightship condition, abscissa and
as the Information). The Information shall applicata of the ship’s centre of gravity), the
include all the ship features determining its Inspection office of the River Register who
stability and floodability. has approved the inclining test results;
.11 other data at the option of the Infor-
2 The Information is intended to assist the
mation developer.
master in preparing and introducing measures
to provide adequate stability and floodability 6 The Information shall contain the data
of the ship in operation. proving that the ship meets the stability crite-
ria which are developed for typical loading
3 The Information shall contain references conditions and include:
to the documents used for its drawing up. .1 plan of location of tanks with stores
4 The system of physical units shall be the and ballast, cargo spaces, engine room;
same for the entire document. Symbolic nota- .2 tables showing the distribution of stores
tions of the units shall be accompanied with and ballast among the tanks in typical loading
explanations. conditions with the indication of weight and
coordinates of the centre of gravity and the
5 The Information shall contain the general relevant moments.
particulars of the ship including the following: The calculations for typical loading con-
.1 name of the ship, design No. and the ditions shall contain the following data:
year of construction; a text description of the loading condi-
.2 registry number; tion; a drawing of the ship showing the loca-
.3 type of ship; tion of the main loading components to be
included in the displacement, a plan of the
.4 purpose of the ship (kinds of cargoes,
deck cargo stowage;
which the ship is intended for);
tables for calculation of the ship’s weight,
.5 ship class; position of the centre of gravity, moments of
.6 navigation areas of the ship and restric- separate loading components and of the light
tions imposed; ship, and, in the event of icing of the ship,
.7 main dimensions of the ship (length, with due regard to the ice weight;
breadth, depth, draught up to summer load corrections for the free surface effect of
line and the relevant displacement and dead- liquid cargoes and ballast;
weight); the value of initial metacentric height and
.8 speed of the ship in deep still water; the static stability curve with due regard to the
.9 bilge keel area, if any; free surface effect;
274 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

values of the stability criteria required by .6 a diagram (or a table) enabling to de-
the Rules for the given loading condition and termine the mean draught of the ship by her
the results of checking how these require- displacement (the displacement curve);
ments are met; .7 method of using the contents of .1 to .6
.3 a summary table of typical loading for estimating the ship’s stability at calcula-
conditions including: tions of a loading condition other than the
denomination of the loading condition; typical ones. An example of the calculations
displacement; shall be also given on the form used for typi-
ship trim parameters; cal loading conditions of the ship;
vertical centre of gravity and longitudinal .8 blank forms on which the master could
centre of gravity; make independent calculations.
corrections for the free surface effect; 8 The Information shall contain also the
the initial metacentric height of the ship data on the ship’s floodability including the
with due regard to the free surface effect; description of floodability requirements as
permissible values of the initial metacen- applied to the ship concerned, as well as re-
tric height or position of the centre of gravity; sults of floodability calculations and damage
values of normed parameters, stability cri- stability criteria. Calculations for symmetrical
teria and their permissible values; and unsymmetrical flooding shall be given on
the angle of downflooding. separate sheets where the following shall be
7 The Information shall contain materials a sketch of the ship’s inboard profile with
for the stability estimation when the loading the indication of flooded compartment and
conditions vary from the typical ones. Those position of the emergency waterline;
materials shall enable the master to deter-
static stability curve of a damaged ship.
mine, with sufficient accuracy and without
undue loss of time, whether the ship stability Floodability calculation results shall be
meets the Rules. presented in a tabular form that shall contain
the data on emergency trim and heel, trans-
The materials under consideration shall in-
verse metacentric height and normed parame-
ters of damage stability. The table shall con-
.1 stability check diagrams containing the tain also the similar data on intact stability.
curves of permissible heights of the centre of
On the basis of the floodability calculation
gravity depending on the ship’s displacement.
results for the river-sea navigation ships, a
The diagram may comprise several curves for
curve on the permissible position of the ship's
different loading conditions (i.e., for the ship
center of gravity considering the requirements
without deck cargo, with timber cargo, in
to damage stability shall be provided.
conditions of icing etc.);
.2 data for determining the weight and 9 The Information shall also contain the
position of the centre of gravity of liquid car- materials required to enable more precise es-
goes; timation of the ship stability when any of the
.3 tables for determining corrections for criteria are met without any reserve being
the free surface effect; ensured. Such materials include:
.4 data for determining the weight and .1 a diagram of permissible moments in-
position of the centre of gravity of cargoes cluding resultant curves for each criterion;
carried by the ship. .2 curves or tables of the form-stability
For carriage of containers and timber car- arms which allow plotting of precise static and
goes recommended plans of its stowage on the dynamic stability curves for each non-typical
deck shall be provided; loading conditions;
.5 data for calculation of the trim and .3 materials necessary for calculation of
heel; stability criteria using the static stability curve;
Appendix 1 275

.4 dependence of the angle of downflood- one should be guided by the documents stat-
ing on the draught or displacement of the ing the cargo securing and stowage;
ship; .3 the information on restrictions imposed
.5 other materials at the designer's option on the ship’s loading, the information of
and the information for the determination of stowage of the deck cargo;
the limiting criterion; .4 instructions on the order of consump-
.6 the method of using the materials tion of liquid cargoes and ship’s ballasting
specified in 9.1 to 9.5 with a numerical exam- during the voyage;
ple of the stability calculation. .5 the list of openings which shall be
closed during the operation to prevent flood-
10 A separate section of the Information ing. At the option of the designer, the plan of
shall contain the directions for the master on location of these openings may be included;
restrictions which follow from the provisions .6 recommendations on checking the ship
of the Rules, and the recommendations for stability during handling operations;
ensuring stability in service with due regard to .7 other information at the designer's op-
the ship’s particulars including: tion.
.1 the information on the criteria limiting This Section may also contain the roll cal-
the ship’s stability; culation results in the wave height range cor-
.2 an indication that the stability criteria responding to the navigation area at different
do not take into account the possible shifting direction towards the ship's course with the
of cargo and, in order to prevent the shifting respective recommendations for the master.
276 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”




1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.3 The water area shall be free of objects

hindering free inclination of the ship and
1.1 The inclining test of ships is required
movements around the ship while measuring
for final checking of the loading and initial
operations. Water area shall be sufficiently
stability calculation results by experimental
distant away from passing ships or protected
determination of position of the centre of
against waves created by passing ships.
gravity. Inclining test is carried out according
to the present Instructions and is attended by
the expert. 3 PREPARATION
1.2 A group of specialists headed by the in- 3.1 Ship
clining test manager is appointed for carrying
out the inclining test. 3.1.1 The ship shall be oriented towards
the direction of the wind or current.
1.3 The inclining test manager is responsi-
ble for the quality and reliability of the test 3.1.2 The ship shall be fixed in the center
results. His demands are obligatory for all plane by longitudinal mooring ropes of maxi-
specialists involved in carrying out and sup- mum possible length connected together be-
porting the inclining test. low the anchor hawseholes. The number of
mooring ropes to be used shall be not more
1.4 All deviations from the Instructions oc- than four. Special devices for ship holding
curred at the inclining test shall be indicated during inclining test having the River Regis-
and grounded in the inclining test report ter's Compliance Certificate may be used.
drawn up on the spot during the test.
3.1.3 The initial angle of ship heel shall be
2 PLACE OF CONDUCTING THE TEST not more than 0.5.
(WATER AREA) AND WEATHER 3.1.4 Loading condition shall be as close as
CONDITIONS possible to light ship displacement. The mass
2.1 The inclining test shall be conducted in of missing loads is permitted to be not more
the still water area protected against current, than 2 % of light ship displacement, the mass
waves and wind. of excessive loads including the test weight 
not more than 5 % without regard to the bal-
2.2 The water depth on the spot of test last as per 3.1.9 of this Instruction.
shall be such as to provide at least 1 m depth
under the bottom (or under the hydrofoil for 3.1.5 All objects shall be secured in their
hydrofoil craft) at the maximal inclination of proper locations. Movable objects shall be
the ship. also secured.
Appendix 2 277

3.1.6 Liquid loads shall be removed except- fittings, tools, reporting and technical docu-
ing liquid media in engines, systems and pipe- mentation. Condition of the ship shall un-
lines to ensure their operational condition. dergo random inspection after the test has
The following liquids may not be removed: been finished.
.1 fresh water and lubricating oil stores; 3.1.14 For ships less than 12 m in length
.2 residuals of liquid cargoes and stores in the ship prepared for the test shall be weighed
daily tanks not influencing the quality of the prior to the test.
test. The tanks containing stores other than
daily tanks shall be pressurized until the liquid 3.2 Test weights
appears in the air pipes subject to measures
preventing air pockets, the valves of service 3.2.1 Solid test weights shall be used for
lines shall be shut off and sealed. Plots or the inclining test. The inclining test may be
tables for determining the weight and coordi- carried out using a method whereby groups of
nates of the centre of gravity of the remaining persons move from side to side.
cargoes shall be available. 3.2.2 If all the test weight is located on one
3.1.7 On refrigerating ships, it shall be as- side, the ship's heel shall be provided: 2 - 4 –
sured that no water is present under insulation by solid test weight or 1.5 - 2 – by moving
in the holds. groups of persons from side to side. For
catamarans and floating cranes a heel of at
3.1.8 Foreign objects, cargo residuals, scaf-
least 1 shall be ensured.
folding, garbage, snow shall be removed from
the ship. 3.2.3 The test weights shall be of such de-
No icing of external and internal surfaces sign and shape as to ensure its precise fixation
including the underwater part of the ship is and determination of its center of gravity.
3.2.4 The test weights shall be divided into
3.1.9 Metacentric height shall be not less equal groups. When using solid test weights,
than 0.2 m. The necessary ballast may be the number of groups shall be two or more,
taken onboard to provide this value. the number of groups of persons – one or
3.1.10 The only persons present onboard
shall be the personnel carrying out the inclin- 3.2.5 The weight of the test weights shall
ing test. be determined using weigh scales.
Weigh scales and weights which have not
3.1.11 Machinery and equipment which are
undergone the certification according to the
in operation shall be stopped. In particular
laws of Russian Federation cannot be used.
cases operation of the machinery or equip-
All solid test weights shall be marked.
ment not affecting the inclining test quality
may be allowed. It is not allowed to determine the mass of
the whole group by mass of one or several
3.1.12 It is necessary to establish the sig- weights.
nals “Prepare for measurements”, “Start
measurements”, “Finish measurements”, to 3.2.6 The test weights shall be placed on
instruct the participants of the inclining test the weather deck in the places easily accessi-
and to establish method of communication. ble for its moving and changing the arms. The
places where the test weights are located shall
3.1.13 Immediately prior to the inclining be fixed.
test it is necessary to check the presence of
liquid loads and excessive cargoes, correspon-
dence of missing loads to the record, stowage
and securing of removable loads. It is neces- 3.3.1 The following instruments shall be
sary to prepare test weight, inclinographs, used for measuring the heeling angles:
278 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

.1 pendulums, water levels, inclinographs them shall be filled with coloured water in a
– if heeled by the solid test weights; such amount that the water level reaches ap-
.2 inclinographs – if heeled by moving proximately half a length of the tubes. When
groups of persons from side to side. determining the ship’s heel angle, the distance
between the tubes is taken as the pendulum
3.3.2 One of the three following variants
length and changes of the water level in the
shall be used for measuring the heeling angles:
.1 pendulums (water levels) – three off tubes as regarding the initial water level as the
and more;
.2 inclinographs – two off and more; It is necessary to check during the test that
.3 inclinographs and pendulums (water the rubber hose is filled with water along the
levels) – two off. whole length and is free of air bubbles which
For ships less than 30 m in length two may impair the test results.
pendulums (water levels) or one measuring 3.3.7 Calibration data of inclinographs to
device and one pendulum may be used. be used for the inclining test shall be submit-
3.3.3 Pendulums (water levels) shall be ted.
placed in different places along the ship
length and prepared for operation according 4 INCLINING TEST
to the Instruction for use. 4.1 Measurements
3.3.4 Length of pendulum thread shall be 4.1.1 The heel angles shall be measured
sufficient to provide a deflection of at least since the moment of “Start measurement”
150 mm across the measuring scale with the signal till the moment of “Finish measure-
test weight at one side. ment” signal.
Pendulums with a thread length less than 3
m on ships having a length of 30 m and more, 4.1.2 A steel tape is required for measuring
and pendulums with a thread length less than distances up to 20 m.
2 m on ships less than 30 m in length, are not 4.1.3 The measurements shall be performed
with the following accuracy:
3.3.5 The pendulum shall be made of flexi- .1 the length of pendulums – 5 mm;
ble wire up to 0.3 mm in diameter and a billet .2 the draught and freeboard height –10
(weight). For fast oscillation damping, two mm;
mutually perpendicular plates shall be at- .3 test weight transfer arms – 10 mm;
tached to the weight and immersed into the .4 the pendulum deflections – 1 mm;
receptacle filled with water or lube oil. .5 deflections of inclinograms – 0.2 mm;
For measuring the weight deflection a
.6 mass of the test weights – 1 %;
measuring rod with a paper strip or measuring
scale firmly attached to the hull shall be pro- .7 time – 0.1 s.
vided. Prior to beginning the test the weight
thread shall be stretched by hanging the 4.2 Draught
weight. 4.2.1 The draught shall be measured at the
3.3.6 When determining the ship’s heeling beginning and at the end of the inclining test
angles by means of water levels (communicat- by the draught marks and measurements of
ing vessels), two glass tubes with a length of the freeboard height at three points along the
approximately 1 to 1.2 m and diameter of 10 ship’s length, as a minimum.
to 20 mm shall be connected with a rubber For the purpose of on-line measurements
hose. quality, specially prepared Profile Views
The tubes shall be mounted at the sides in scaled up by the height, Bonjean diagram, or
the same framing plane at equal distance from lines drawing with indicated draft marks shall
the deck. After the tubes are fixed, one of be used. Waterlines shall be drawn by draught
Appendix 2 279

and freeboard height measurement points. In T a b l e A

case of significant deviations of some points Procedure of test weight transfer
additional measurements shall be made. Procedure of test weight transfer with the quantity

of its groups for side
4.2.2 The measurements shall be made on

6 4 2
both sides. In order to measure draught values port star- port star- port star-
at waves it is recommended to use a glass tube side board side board side board
open at the both ends with a hose of 1 to 2 m 0 020406 103050 0204 1030 02 10
in length; one end of the tube with the hose 1 000406 123050 0004 1230 00 12
attached shall be immersed in water at the 2 000006 123450 0000 1234 10 02
3 000000 123456 1000 0234 12 00
depth of 0.1 m or below a plywood sheet 4 100000 023456 1030 0204 02 10
freely floating on the water surface. 5 103000 020456 1230 0004 00 12
4.2.3 Draught of tugboats and ships less 6 103050 020406 1234 0000 10 02
than 30 m in length may be measured also by 7 123050 000406 0234 1000 12 00
8 123450 000006 0204 1030 02 10
means of a wooden frame consisting of a
9 123456 000000    
horizontal bar with a length exceeding the 10 023456 100000    
maximal ship breadth by 1 to 1.5 m and two 11 020456 103000    
vertical struts scaled in centimeters. 12 020406 103050    
The frame may be of swing-up type, where N o t e : Figures 1 to 6 specify the test weight
the bar and the struts are connected by steel group number, 0 means empty space where the
hinges and crossbeams. For better immersing symmetric test weight group may be transferred
of the frame into the water it is recommended from the other side; the number of the test weight
to bind the bar at the bottom by a steel strip 8 group transferred at the given measurement is un-
to 10 mm thick. derlined.
For measuring the ship’s draught the frame
The arm of the groups of persons transfer
shall be placed from the bow or stern and
is the distance between the guide lines along
pulled to the plane of one of the frames in a
which the persons are lined up, reduced by 20
such manner as the water level at the struts
corresponds to the same scales.
If indirect measuring of the arms is ap-
When performing measurements in the flat
plied, the reason for this and the used meas-
bottom area of ships with initial heel angle
uring method shall be indicated.
the draught is determined as a half-sum of the
scales fixed at port and starboard struts pro- 4.3.3 The persons shall transfer according
vided that the struts are symmetric as regards to the designated signal, stand in alignment,
the centre plane of the ship. without bending or resting on something,
After the draught measurements in that faced towards the centre plane, with the heels
frame plane are finished, the frame shall be touching the guide lines.
moved using the struts aftward or forward,
and the draught is measured in other frame 4.3.4 The number of transfers of the test
plane in the same manner. weight and measurements shall be not less
than eight.
4.3 Test weight transfer 4.3.5 The center of gravity of the group of
4.3.1 Procedure and sequence of transfer of persons over the height shall be assumed at
the test weight groups is determined by the the deck level.
inclining test manager according to recom-
mended type diagrams (Table A2.4.3.1). 4.4 Angle of heel
4.3.2 The arm of solid test weight transfer 4.4.1 One measurement of the heeling an-
shall be measured from the transfer of its cen- gle and one value of the metacentric height
ter of gravity. correspond to each transfer of the test weight.
280 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

4.4.2 At each measurement the following ports 1–5 which are integral parts of the in-
shall be taken into account: clining test report (see Section 8 of the pre-
.1 A deflection of the pendulum shall be sent Appendix). The inclining test report is
measured for at least 5 sequential swings (dis- signed by all participants of the inclining test,
tances between extreme positions of the pen- and the reports – by responsible performers
dulums) after the swing becomes less than 15 appointed by the inclining test manager.
mm; 5.2 The expert who attends the inclining
.2 If determining the heeling angle by wa- test signs the following documents:
ter levels, the procedure of measuring the .1 inclining experiment report;
water level in the tubes is the same as for
.2 the inclinogram or records of the pen-
pendulum method;
dulum deflections.
.3 The inclinograms shall be recorded by
the inclinograph for at least five full free in-
clinations of the ship according to the In- 6 PROCESSING OF INCLINING TEST
structions for inclinograph use. RESULTS
The device recording scale shall be at least
6.1 Input data
15 mm/degree.
6.1.1 The inclining test report and the
4.5 Period of rolling ship’s report documents documentation are
assumed as the initial data in the processing
4.5.1 If the inclining test is performed us-
of the inclining test results. These materials
ing the inclinographs allowing to measure free
shall be processed according to the require-
inclination period of the ship, the period of
ments given in 6.2 – 6.8 of the present Ap-
rolling shall be determined for all ships
of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, M, Î-ÏÐ and O classes
(see also 4.5.2 of this Appendix).
6.2 The inclining test materials
At each transfer of the test weights the to-
tal time required for five or six free sequential 6.2.1 The inclining materials shall comprise
inclinations of the ship shall be measured by a the calculations of the displacement, coordi-
stop-watch timer. Here, for the reference nates of the ship’s center of gravity in light-
points shall be taken the most clearly ex- ship condition and the ship’s inertial coeffi-
pressed inclinogram peaks. The period of roll- cient at inclining (if the period of rolling has
ing shall be determined with due regard to the been determined, see 4.5 of the present Ap-
inclinograph time scale coefficient. pendix).
4.5.2 In cases not stipulated in 4.5.1 of this 6.2.2 The inclining test materials are drawn
Appendix and for ships with excessive stability up by the designer as the report documents.
the inclining test manager decides whether it
6.2.3 The inclining test materials are sub-
is necessary to determine the period of rolling.
mitted in three copies to the River Register
The swinging of the ship is performed by
for approval.
means of transferring the solid weights or by
moving of the group of people from side to
6.3 Sagging
side at least three times; at each swinging, the
time required for five or six free sequential 6.3.1 The ship’s sagging shall be taken into
inclinations of the ship shall be measured by account at the calculations of the displace-
at least two stop-watch timers. ment and the Z-coordinate of the ship’s cen-
tre of gravity using any reasonably precise
5.1 The results of the inclining test are 6.4 Displacement and coordinates of the
fixed in the inclining test report and the re- ship’s center of gravity
Appendix 2 281

6.4.1 The weight of the ship D, kN, and 6.6.2 at the confidence coefficient of 0.98
coordinates of the centre of gravity zg, xg, m, does not exceed 5 %.
shall be determined using the following for-
6.6.2 Quality of the inclining test shall be
assessed as the following:
.1 at trim < 0.005L, m:
D  gV ; (A2. .1 the root mean square deviation of the
metacentric height values, m,
z g  r  z c  hit ; (A2.
  h i  hit 
x g  x c  R tg  . (A2. h  n  n  1  
Theoretical elements V, z , r, xñ and R
shall be determined using the curves of the  6 n  n  1  ;
lines drawing;
.2 at trim  0.005L, m:
D  gV ; .2 the confidence accuracy of the test, m,
  t 0.98 h , (A2.
z g  z c   r  hit  cos  ; (A2.
where t0.98 — coefficient to be determined as
x g  x c   r  hit  sin  . (A2. regards the number of considered measure-
Theoretical elements V, zc, xc and r are ments according to the Table A2.
determined using any reasonably precise
T a b l e A2.
method at corresponding bow and stern
Coefficient t0.98
Number of observations less 1 (n–1) Coefficient t0.98
6.5 Metacentric height 7 3.00
8 2.00
6.5.1 The metacentric height according to 9 2.82
the results of particular measurements shall be 10 2.76
calculated in the Table A2.6.5.1. 11 2.72
12 2.68
6.5.2 The metacentric height at the inclin- 13 2.65
ing test hit shall be determined using the for- 14 2.62
mula (see also 6.6.4), m,
hit  4 n , (A2.6.5.2) .3 Relative confidence accuracy of the
test, %
where n — number of observations (measure-
ments).   100 hit . (A2.

6.6.3 On-line control of the inclining pro-

6.6 Inclining test quality
cedure shall be performed for each pendulum
6.6.1 Quality of the inclining test is consid- (water level, inclinograph) by the plots (Fig.
ered satisfactory, if the relative confidence A2.6.6.3-1) or the type of inclinograms (Fig.
accuracy of the test calculated according to A2.6.6.3-2).
T a b l e A
Determination of the metacentric height
hi 2   hi – hit  
Measure Transfer moment, Increment of angle
hi  col.2  col.3    ,m hi = hi – hê, m 2
ment No. kNm av, rad   col. 5 , m 2

 4 6
282 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

The total ship’s heeling angle (or its tan- height h could be obtained only as a result of
gent) calculated from the initial position (be- an accidental error (e.g., the person carrying
fore moving test weights) is plotted along the out observations has made a mistake while
abscissa axis (see Fig. A2.6.6.3-1), the total recording the readings, the ship has touched
heeling moment induced by all test weight an obstacle, etc.), this individual measure-
transferred since the beginning of the inclin- ment may be discarded.
ing procedure is plotted along the ordinate
axis. Each measurement corresponds to a par- 6.7 Inertial coefficient
ticular point on the plot. All points marked
6.7.1 The ship’s inertial coefficient at in-
on the plot shall be approximately on the
clining shall be determined using the formula,
same straight line passing through the origin
of coordinates. The points distant from this
line are assumed as uncertain, they shall be C   hit B , (A2.6.7.1)
controlled during the inclining procedure and
where  — period of ship’s rolling, s.
the relevant inclining shall be repeated.
6.8 Light ship
6.8.1 The displacement of the light ship in-
clude the weight of a ship in full ready condi-
tion without deadweight and liquid ballast.
6.8.2 The deadweight includes the follow-
ing loads:
.1 the loads transported by the ship, other
than “dead” liquid loads;
.2 the crew and passengers with their lug-
gage, food stores including packing and fresh
Fig. A2.6.6.3-1. Plot of on-line control over the water;
inclining procedure .3 fuel, water and lubricating oil stores for
6.6.4 If it is discovered from a single meas- ship operation, other than liquid loads;
urement result that value of metacentric .4 consumables;

Fig. A2.6.6.3-2. Inclinogram

Appendix 2 283

.5 variable set of changeable fishery 7 CALCULATION RESULTS

equipment of fishing vessels;
7.1 The light ship elements obtained from
.6 fishery production and components for the inclining data shall be presented in com-
its treatment, packing and packaging materials parison with the design data (Table A2.7.1).
on fishing vessels.
N o t e : “Dead” liquid loads mean residuals of 8 EXAMPLE OF DRAWING UP THE
liquid loads in the hull, which cannot be removed INCLINING TEST REPORT
by ordinary onboard facilities from the tanks,
draining bilges, bilge sumps etc. SHIP INCLINING TEST REPORT
6.8.3 The deadweight does not include the
following loads:
.1 supply and belongings; (purpose, type, name and output of the ship)
.2 spare parts; Main dimensions
.3 liquids media in engines, apparatus, in- Length L = 224.7 m
stallations, systems and pipelines to ensure Breadth B = 4.5 m
their operational condition; Depth (amidships)
.4 water in swimming pools; H = 3.2 m
.5 solid and liquid ballast.
Time of conducting the inclining test
6.8.4 Weight and coordinates of the center Date
of gravity of the light ship shall be determined Beginning of the test h min
according to Table A2.6.8.4. End of the test h min
T a b l e A
Determination of the weight and location of the center of gravity in lightship condition
Arms, m Moments, kNm
x along the ship’s length
z along the ship’s
Weight, from amidships, "+"
Type of loading height from the Mx, Mz,
kN means forward, "–"
base plane [col.2]  [col.3] [col.2]  [col.4]
means aftward
 x  5 2   z  6 2 
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Ship in inclining test
2 Missing loads
3 Excessive loads
Light ship 2 5 6
T a b l e A 2.7.1
Comparison of the ship's design and experimental data
Design values
Ship’s particular by the design (or from the effective Information
from the inclining test data
on Stability and Floodability)
D, kN
xg , m
zg, m
Th, m
Ta, m
С, m–0,5s
284 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

The forepeak and afterpeak tanks are

Place of the test
drained and stripped. The lubricating oil tank
Under-keel depth m
is pressurized.
Weather conditions Missing loads are given in Table 1, exces-
Wind 1 to 1.5 m/s sive loads – in Table 2 and in records of loads
Waves _________, calm weather which are missing or excessive as regards the
Ambient air temperature + 10 Ñ lightship condition.
Table 1
List of the test committee Moments,
Arms, m
Inclining test manager kNm
Weig z along the
Cargo type ht, x along the ship’s
(name and surname, position, organization) ship’s
kN height from Ìx Ìz
Members of the length from
the base
committee: amidships
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Wire 4.60 0 3.28 0 14.90
2 Starboard 8.70 9.95 0.98 83.0 8.50
The test was attended by the representative
of ___________________ Branch Office of chain
the River Register. T o t a l 13.30 6.24 1.76 83.0 23.40
Table 2
(The ship’s position relatively to the wind Moments,
and waves, initial heeling angle, the water Arms, m
level in boilers etc.)
from amidships

from the base

ship’s height
ship’s length
x along the

z along the
Cargo type ht,

kN Ìx Ìz

Ship’s draught during the test (from the base

plane) 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Charcoal 43.0 1.20 1.96 51.6 84.5
At the fore perpendicular Tf = 2.42 m
in bunkers
At the aft perpendicular Ta = 2.62 m 2 Lubricating 0.8 0.60 3.17 0.5 2.5
Average Tav= 2.52 m oil
Trim tg = (Tb  Ta)/L =  0.0081 3 Crew 2.8 0.47 3.36 1.3 9.4
Draught measurement error T   0.005 m 4 Members 2.1 2.57 4.48 5.4 9.4
of the
The diagram indicating the ship position, committee
mooring, the direction of the wind and waves 5 Test 15.4 0.90 3.20 13.9 49.3
etc. weights
The draughts were measured according to Total 64.1 0.66 2.52 42.3 155.1
the draught marks from the boat and accord-
ing to the freeboard height (see Draught Test weight and transfer arms
Measurement Report). Iron castings were used as test weights.
Prior to the test the ballast weights were
Initial trim — 0.
weighed, marked, divided into four groups
Ship’s loading condition and stowed on the deck.
The ship was brought to a loading condi- Weight of test weight groups and their
tion equal to the lightship displacement with transfer arms are specified in Table 3.
tolerance given in 3.1.4 of the present Appen- The total weight of the test weights is
dix. 1544 kN.
Appendix 2 285

The weight error of test weight groups does Statement¹ No. 2

not exceed 1 %.
Missing loads (as regards the light ship
The transfer arms were measured by the condition)
metal tape.
Table 3 (date)
Test weight Weight, Transfer
group No. kN arm, m Loads missing as regards the light ship
Port On the deck: condition were determined according to the
1 8 to 10 fr. 3860 3.56 drawings and records ________ by visual
2 48 to 50 fr. 3750 3.56
examination of the ship. The examination
Starboard On the deck:
3 8 to 10 fr. 3930 3.56 results are specified in the table.
4 48 to 50 fr. 3910 3.56 Arms, m

Weight, kN
x along the z along the
The present report is accompanied by Re- Cargo ship’s ship’s
Cargo type
location length height
ports 1 – 4 and Report 5 or inclinograms.
from from the
Signatures: amidships base plane
Inclining test manager________________ 1 2 3 4
Members of the committee ___________ 1 Wire rope On the 4.6 0 3.23
___________________________ deck:
expert of___________________________ frame__
2 Starboard Cable 8.7 9.95 0.98
Branch Office of the River Register
anchor chain locker
_______________________________ frame__

Statement¹ No. 1 Signatures:

Ship draughts measurement

The ship draughts measured by the draught
marks from the boat and freeboard height Statement¹ No. 3
measured by wooden gauge rod from the up-
per deck are specified below. Excessive loads (as regards the light ship
given below Starboard Port
Draught by the draught marks, m:
forward 2.51 2.53 (date)
aft 2.71 2.73
Loads excessive as regards the light ship
freeboard height, m:
At the fore perpendicular 1.25 1.31 condition were determined by visual examina-
at the aft perpendicular 0.78 0.78 tion of the ship. The examination results are
amidships 0.59 0.57 specified in the table.
Average measured draught, m: Arms, m
at the fore perpendicular 2.52
from amidships

from the base

ship’s height
ship’s length

at the aft perpendicular 2.72 Weig

x along the

z along the

Draught reduced by the bar keel Cargo type Cargo location ht,

height h = 10 cm, m: kN
fore Tf 2.42
aft Ta 2.62
average Tav 2.52 1 2 3 4
Draught measurement error due to condition 1 Charcoal Port bunker 23.0 1.2 1.96
of the water surface T, m 0.005 frame __
Signatures: Starboard 20.0 1.2 1.96
bunker frame_
286 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

End of the test ____________________________________

1 2 3 4 (surname and name, position)
2 Lubricating Lubricating 0.8 0.6 3.17 have drawn up this report regarding the
oil oil tank frame fact that we had determined the mass of the
__ test weight intended for conducting inclining
3 Crew: test of the ship ____________________
1 person At the bow 0.7 12.5 3.6 The mass was determined using the weigh-
ing scales_____________________________
1 person At the stern 0.7 -12.5 3.6
2 person At the test 1.4 -0.9 3.20 that had undergone the last state calibra-
weight tion _____________, at _____________.
4 Members of The accuracy _______%
the committee according to the Certificate ____________
Manager On the bridge 0.7 2.30 6.00 dated _________________. After the mass
Observer at ditto 0.7 2.30 6.00 had been determined, the test weight was di-
the weight No. vided into four groups and marked, the results
1 are shown in the table.
Observer at In the engine 0.7 3.20 1.50 Group Weight, Quantity,
the weight No. room Test weight type
No. kN pieces
2 1 3850 Cast iron
5 Test ditto 15.4 0.90 3.20 2 3750 ditto
weights 3 3930 "
4 3910 "

Statement No. 4 Statement No 5

Determination of mass of the test weight Records of pendulum deflection measurements
Deflection of pendulums, mm, were meas-
(date) ured by a wooden gauge rod. Steel wire 0.3
We the undersigned, the representatives mm in diameter was used as pendulums.
____________________________________ Measurements of pendulum deflections, the
____________________________________ length and location of the pendulums are
____________________________________ specified in the table.

Extreme pendulum deflections at all stages of the inclining test Average Pendulum
Measuremen 1 2 3 4 5 6 value of deflection at
measurements measurements
t No. according to 6 at 6 stages
0 195 205 197 193 202 199 201 199 202 202 200 200 200 
1 260 276 262 274 265 271 266 270 267 269 268 268 268 +68
2 333 339 333 339 334 338 335 3377 325 337 336 336 336 +68
3 265 271 2655 270 266 270 267 270 267 269 268 268 268 68
4 194 198 195 197 195 197 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 72
5 128 132 128 132 129 131 129 131 130 130 130 130 130 66
6 64 70 65 70 65 69 65 68 66 69 67 67 67 63
7 131 135 132 136 133 134 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 +66
8 201 205 202 205 203 204 204 204 203 203 203 203 203 +70
Appendix 2 287

Pendulum No. 1 with a length 1=2960 mm Location  on the bridge

(Surname, name)

Expert of _________________________ Branch Office of the River Register____________

9 EXAMPLE OF PROCESSING The ship’s weight in test conditions includ-

THE RESULTS OF DETERMINING ing protruding parts
THE LOCATION OF SHIP’S CENTRE OF D  K gV  1  1.006  9.81  152.5  1504.5 kN .
X-coordinate of the centre of buoyancy
x c   L 4 2  1.234  14.58 / 123.7 
Calculation of the ship’s displacement and
coordinates of the centre of gravity in test  0.15 m.
conditions (Table A2.9-1) Z-coordinate of the centre of buoyancy
z c   5 2  195.3 / 123.7  1.58 m.
Calculation data
Metacentric radius
The ship’s draught at the perpendiculars
from the base plane during in test conditions: r  27  32   2  234.0  3  123.7  1.26 m.

Òf = 2.42 m; Òa = 2.62 m.
Calculation of metacentric height in test
Station spacing L = 1.234 m.
conditions A2.9-2 – A2.9-4)
Displacement volume regardless of pro-
truding parts Metacentric height in test conditions
V  L2  1.234  123.7  152.5 m . hit  4 8  2.944 8  0.368 m.
T a b l e A2.9-11
Y-coordinate of
Product col.2 Frame area
Frame No. Frame area, m2 Multiplier 3 the waterline y, y3, m3
col. 3, m2 moment Мz, m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 10 0 0 0 0
1 1.77 9 15.90 4.3 1.80 5.80
2 3.36 8 26.85 7.8 2.25 11.40
3 4.78 7 33.42 9.0 2.25 11.40
4 5.97 6 35.80 10.2 2.25 11.40
5 6.94 5 35.69 12.1 2.25 11.40
6 7.65 4 30.60 12.7 2.25 11.40
7 8.24 3 24.70 13.2 2.25 11.40
8 8.62 2 17.24 13.4 2.25 11.40
9 8.85 1 8.84 13.4 2.25 11.40
10 8.85 0 0 13.4 2.25 11.40
11 8.85 1 8.85 13.4 2.25 11.40
12 8.81 2 17.65 13.4 2.25 11.40
13 8.50 3 25.50 13.4 2.25 11.40
14 8.06 4 32.37 13.4 2.25 11.40
15 7.26 5 36.32 12.5 2.25 11.40

When using the example of processing the results as calculation template, here and further the sub-
string "A2.9-" shall be excluded from the numbers of tables.
288 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

E n d o f T a b l e A2.9-1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
16 6.24 6 37.40 14.7 2.25 11.40
17 5.09 7 35.60 10.8 2.25 11.40
18 3.81 8 30.37 10.0 2.25 11.40
19 2.68 9 18.79 6 2.10 9.20
20 0 10 0 0 0 0
 123.7  14.58 195.3  234.0
Corrections 0  0 0  0
corr 2 = 123.7  4 = 14.58 5=195.3  7=234.0

T a b l e A2.9-2
Ballast location and Weight of Transfer arm ("+" from Transfer mo- Moment, kNm, col. 6,
weight, kN transferred port to starboard, "–" ment Mi = summation from the top
ballast, from starboard to port), col.4 "+" to
No. Port Starboard "–" to port
kN m col.5, kNm starboard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3.85 3.93 0 0 0 0 0
3.75 3.91 0 0 0 0 0
1 3.75 3.93 3.85 +3.56 +13.7  13.7
3.75 3.85
2 0 3.75 +3.56 +13.3  27.0
3.93 3.91
3.85 3.93
3 3.75 3.75 3.56 13.3  13.7
4 3.853.75 3.933.91 3.85 3.56 13.7 0 0
3.93 3.85
5 3.91 3.93 3.56 14.0 14.0 
3.91 3.93
6 0 3.91 3.56 13.9 27.9 
3.85 3.75
7 3.93 3.91 3.91 +3.56 +13.9 14.0 
3.85 3.75
8 3.933.91 3.93 +3.56 +14.0 0 0
3.85 3.75
T a b l e A2.9-3
Pendulum No. 1 with length 1=2960 mm Pendulum No. 2 with length 2=3060 mm
Measurement Heeling angle Heeling angle
Pendulum deflection Pendulum deflection i av
No. increment  increment 
ai, mm ai, mm
i=ai/1 i=ai/2
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 +68 0.0230 80 0.0262 0.0246
2 +68 0.0230 77 0.0252 0.0241
3 68 0.0230 77 0.0252 0.0241
4 72 0.0243 80 0.0262 0.0252
5 66 0.0223 81 0.0264 0.0244
6 63 0.0213 73 0.0249 0.0231
7 +66 +0.0223 +80 +0.0262 +0.0242
8 +70 0.0236 +80 +0.0262 +0.0249
T a b l e A2.9-4
ment No.
Transfer moment Mi , kNm i av.10 2 hi  M i  D i ñð  , m hi 10 = (hi  hit) 102, m hi2 104, m2

1 2 3 4 5 6
     
1 +13.7 +2.46 0.363 0.5 0.25
Appendix 2 289

E n d o f T a b l e A2.9-4
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 +13.3 +2.41 0.360 0.8 0.64
3 13.3 2.41 0.360 0.8 0.64
4 13.7 2.52 0.354 1.4 1.96
5 14 12.44 0.375 0.7 0.49
6 13.9 2.81 0.392 2.4 5.76
7 +13.9 +2.42 0.374 0.6 0.36
8 +14.0 +2.49 0.366 0.2 0.04
   4=2.944  6=10.14

Root mean square deviation

Calculation of coordinates of the ship’s centre
h    hi  hit  n  n  1  
of gravity in test conditions

 6  104 n  n  1   X-coordinate of the centre of gravity (from

 10.14  104  8  7   0.00426 m.
 
x g  x c   r  hit sin   0.15 
Confidence accuracy of the test  1.26  0.368   0.008  0.16 m.
  t 0.98 h  3  0.00426  0.0128 m.
Z-coordinate of the center of gravity (from
Relative confidence accuracy of the test the base plane)
  100 hit  100  0.0128 0.368  3.5 %. 
z g  z c   r  hit cos   
The relative confidence accuracy of the test  1.58  1.26  0.368   1  2.47 m.
does not exceed 5 %, i. e. the metacentric
height is determined with due accuracy.
Determination of the weight and location of the centre of gravity in lightship condition
T a b l e A2.9-5
Arms, m Moments, kNm
Type of loading Weight, kN
x z Mx Mz
1 Ship in test conditions 1534.0 0.16 2.47 245.0 3790.0
2 Missing loads from Table 8-1 13.3 6.24 1.76 83.0 23.0
3 Excessive loads from Table 8-2 64.10 0.66 2.52 42.3 155.0
Light ship 3 = 1481.0  0.14 2.47 204.0 3658.0

Calculation results of ship’s particulars in lightship condition

T a b l e A2.9-6
Values Values
Ship’s particular from the from the design Ship’s particular from the
from the design (Stability
inclining (Information on Stability inclining
and Floodability Booklet)
test data and Floodability) test data
D, t 148.1 Tf, m 2.33
x g, m 0.13 Ta, м 2.55
zg, m 2.47 С, m-0,5 s 
Signatures of the members of
Inclining test manager
290 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”




1 General assumptions the hatch or hatch-end beam, whichever is

1.1 When calculating the adverse heeling
moment due to a shift of cargo surface in Value of hv shall be taken not less than
ships carrying bulk grain it shall be assumed 100 mm;
that: .2 within filled hatchways and in addition
.1 in filled compartments, which have to any open void within the hatch cover,
been trimmed according to 3.2.10 of the pre- there is a void of average depth of 150 mm
sent part of the Rules, a void exists under all measured down to the surface of the grain
boundary surfaces having an inclination to the from the lowest part of the hatch cover or the
horizontal less than 30 and that the void is top of the hatch-side coaming, if it is located
parallel to the boundary surface having an below the indicated part of the hatch cover;
average depth hv, mm, calculated by the for- .3 in a filled compartment which is ex-
mula: empted from trimming outside the hatchway
according to of the present Part of
hv = hvs + 0.75  h  600  ,
the Rules, it shall be assumed that the surface
where hvs — standard void depth taken from of grain after loading will slope into the void
Table A3.1.1.1, mm; space underdeck, in all directions, at the an-
T a b l e A3.1.1.1 gle of 30 to the horizontal from the edge of
Standard void depth the opening which establishes the void;
Distance from Distance from N o t e : A distance from the hatch end or
the hatch end the hatch end hatch side to boundary of the compartment (i.e.
Standard Standard
or hatch side or hatch side
to boundary of
void depth
to boundary of
void depth boundary surfaces) in the corner area shall be
hvs, mm hvs, mm taken equal to the perpendicular distance from the
compartment, compartment,
m m line of the longitudinal hatch girder or the line of
0.5 570 4.5 430 the hatch-end beam up to the boundary surfaces of
1.0 530 5.0 430 the compartment, whichever is greater;
1.5 500 5.5 450 .4 in a filled compartment which is ex-
2.0 480 6.0 470 empted from trimming in the ends of com-
2.5 450 6.5 490 partment and being considered as specially
3.0 440 7.0 520 suitable according to of the present
3.5 430 7.5 550 Part of the Rules, it shall be assumed that the
4.0 430 8.0 590
surface of grain after loading will slope in all
h — depth of the hatch girder (under- directions away from the filling area at the
deck section of coaming) mm, which is taken angle of 30 to the horizontal from the lower
equal to the depth of longitudinal girder of edge of the hatch-end beam.
Appendix 3 291

1.2 For ensuring the stability characteristics 1.8 After the assumed shift of grain the fi-
according to 3.2.9 of the present Part of the nal void pattern in cross-sectional plane of
Rules the stability calculations shall be based the compartments shall be:
upon the assumption that the center of gravity .1 according to Fig. A3.1.8-1 when the
of cargo in a filled compartment, trimmed, is compartment section within the length of
at the volumetric center of the whole cargo hatch openings has no longitudinal division;
space. When it is permitted to take into ac-
count the effect of assumed underdeck voids
on the vertical position of the center of grav-
ity of the cargo in filled compartments,
trimmed, it will be necessary to compensate
for the adverse effect of the vertical shift of
the surface of grain by increasing the assumed
transverse heeling moment due to the trans-
verse shift of grain according to 2.2 of the
present Appendix. Fig. A3.1.8-1. Void pattern in cross-sectional plane
of the compartments when the compartment sec-
In all cases the weight of cargo in a filled
tion within the length of hatch openings has no
compartment, trimmed, shall be the volume longitudinal division
of the whole cargo space divided by the stow-
age coefficient of grain. N o t e s . 1. If the maximum void area which
can be formed under ÀÂ after grain shifting is less
1.3 The centre of gravity of grain in a filled than the initial void area under ÀÂ, i.e. the area
compartment, untrimmed, shall be taken to ÀÂhv, than the excess area ÀÂhv shall be added to
be the volumetric centre of the whole cargo the area of void formed under CD in the hatchway
compartment without regard to voids. In all opening.
cases the weight of cargo shall be the volume 2. If the maximum void area which can be
of the cargo (resulting from the assumptions formed under CD after grain shifting is less than
stated in 1.1.3 or 1.1.4) divided by the specific the initial void area under CD, than the excess
initial void area under CD shall be added to the
stowage coefficient of grain.
area of void formed at the elevated side;
1.4 In partly filled compartments the ad- .2 according to Fig. A3.1.8-2, if longitu-
verse effect of the vertical shift of grain sur- dinal bulkhead is present.
faces shall be taken into account by means of
increasing the assumed volumetric heeling
moment according to 2.2 of the present Ap-
1.5 In calculating the maximum void area
that can be formed against a longitudinal
structural member, the effects of any horizon-
tal surfaces, e.g. flanges or faces, shall be ig-
nored. Fig. A3.1.8-2. Void pattern in cross-sectional plane
1.6 The total areas of the initial and final of the compartments, if longitudinal bulkhead is
voids shall be equal. present.

1.7 Longitudinal structural members, which N o t e s . 1. If the maximum void area, which
can be formed under ÀÂ after grain shifting,is less
are grain-tight, may be considered effective
than the initial void area ÀÂhv, than the excess
over their full depth except where they are
area ÀÂhv shall be added to the area of void
provided as a device to reduce the adverse formed in the low half of the hatchway opening,
effect of grain shift. In the latter case the pro- i.e. under CD.
visions of of the present Part of the 2. If a centreline division is the division men-
Rules shall apply. tioned in of the present Part of the Rules,
292 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

it shall extend to at least 0.6 m downwards the separated from each other by free spans, then
edge of point Í or J, whichever gives the greater such divisions or their parts may be consid-
depth. ered as the effective means to prevent full
1.9 For filled compartments which are ex- width shifts of grain surfaces only for the
empted from trimming outside the periphery length equal to the actual length of the divi-
of the hatchway according to of the sion or its continuous portion less 2/7 of the
present Part of the Rules the following shall greater of the transverse distances between the
be assumed: division and ship’s side.
.1 The resulting grain surface after shifting
is sloped at an angle of 25 to the horizontal. 2 Calculation of the heeling moment arms
However, if in any section of the compart- due to transverse shift of grain
ment, forward, aft or abreast of the hatchway 2.1 The design heeling moment arm l0 shall
the mean transverse cross sectional area of be determined by the formula, m:
that part of the compartment not filled with
grain is equal to or less than the area which l 0=M qy    ,
could be obtained by application of 1.1, then where M qy — assumed volumetric heeling
the angle of grain surface after shifting in that
section shall be assumed to be 15 to the moment, m4;
horizontal;  — volume of unit of the cargo (grain)
.2 The cross sectional area of any part of weight, m3/t;
the compartment the void area not filled with  — ship displacement, t.
grain shall be assumed to be the same both 2.2 Assumed volumetric heeling moment
before and after the grain shift. Mqy is calculated by the formula, m4:
1.10 For specially suitable filled compart- L
M qy = C vsc M qy ,
ments which are exempted from trimming
forward and aft of the hatchway according to where Svsc — coefficient taking into account of the present Part of the Rules the the adverse effect of vertical shift of the grain
following shall be assumed: surface on the stability:
.1 The resulting grain surface after shifting for filled compartments, trimmed 1.06
is sloped at an angle of 15 to the horizontal; for partly filled compartments 1.12
.2 The resulting grain surface forward and L
M qy — total design volumetric heeling
aft of the hatchway after shifting shall be as-
moment, m4:
sumed to be at an angle of 25 to the hori-
zontal. L
M qy =  M qyL i
1.11 For partly filled compartments the re- ,
sulting grain surface after shifting shall be where n — number of compartments;
assumed to be at an angle of 25 to the hori- L
zontal. M qyi — design heeling moment due to
horizontal shift of cargo (grain) in i-th com-
1.12 Bulkhead fitted in partly filled com-
partment (i=1, 2…n), m4:
partment shall be raised above the surface of L
the grain for 1/8 of the maximum breadth of M qyi  Fi yi Li
the compartment and extended downwards Fi — cross-sectional area of the compart-
the surface of the grain for the same distance.
ment, m2, filled with cargo; it is assumed that
1.13 When the longitudinal divisions fitted at the grain shift the area Fi is not changed,
in the compartment do not reach its trans- the trace of the resulting grain surface on the
verse boundaries or are made of several parts cross-section area of the compartment after
Appendix 3 293

shift is a straight line inclined at 15° to the section area Fi at the grain shift (changing
horizontal for filled compartments, trimmed of the section configuration);
and 25° for filled compartments, untrimmed li — length of i-th hold.
and partly filled compartments;
yi — value of horizontal shift, m, of the 2.3 Design heeling moment arm l40, m:
centre of gravity of the compartment cross- l40  0,8l0 .
294 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”




1 Trials shall be carried out on the lead provided by 3.7 of the present Part of the
ships which has undergone the inclining test Rules with continuous recording of the heel-
according to the Instructions for Finding the ing angles;
Location of Ship’s Center of Gravity from .2 turning at the maximum speed and
Experiment given in Appendix 2. speeds corresponding to the maximal heel on
2 The purpose of the trials is full-scale de- the straight course, at three values of rudder
shifting angle including hardover positions,
termination of heeling angles at inclining
loads provided by 3.7 of the present Part of from zero position to port and starboard with
the Rules and different speed values. continuous recording of the heeling angles.
The rudder shall be reversed as quick as pos-
3 When checking stability in hovering sible. Initial trim due to crowding of passen-
mode, the trials are carried out with the main gers shall be to the side external relatively to
blowers operating in full-load mode regardless the turning centre.
of the ship’s speed.
8 The following shall be submitted to the
4 The trials are conducted in the water area River Register:
free of current, waves and wind. In case of .1 inclining test report;
current with permanent velocity and direc-
.2 trials report containing the data on the
tion, the trials shall be conducted twice at
ship’s weight during the trials, forward and aft
each running mode, upstream and down-
draught, position of the centre of gravity
along the ship’s height and length, initial
5 For a single-propeller ship, the load re- metacentric height, water depth, presence of
quired for inducing the design inclining mo- current and weather conditions during the
ment shall be located to the side opposite to trials, data on records and measurements
the direction of the propeller rotation. done according to the program;
6 Cargo shifting along the ship during the .3 processed measurement results as the
trials is prohibited. heeling angle versus straight ahead speed
graph at inclining moments provided by 3.7 of
7 The following shall be checked during the the present Part of the Rules and the maxi-
trials: mum heeling angle at turning versus the rud-
.1 running the straight course at five or six der angle and initial turning speed graph at
values of the running speed from zero to the inclining moments provided by 3.7 of the pre-
maximal speed at design inclining moments sent Part of the Rules.
Appendix 5 295




1 General provisions n and nm — rotation frequency of the pro-

peller, s–1 and min–1, respectively;
1.1 The present Appendix shall be used for
n0 — rated rotation frequency of the pro-
calculation of criteria regulating the ships ma-
noeuvrability and for full-scale manoeuvrabil- peller, s–1;
R — water resistance to the ship's motion,
ity trials according to requirements given in 6
of the present Part of the Rules. N;
R0 — water resistance to the ship's motion
2 Terms and definitions at v0, N;
P — propeller pitch, m;
2.1 The following designations have been S — windage area, m2;
adopted in the present Appendix: T — ship draught, m;
A0 — propeller disc area, m2: A0 = D2/4; t — time, s;
Ae — propeller disc expanded area, m2; v and vs — ship speed, m/s and km/h, re-
Ar — rudder blade area, m2; spectively;
Ar — part of the rudder blade area located v' — ship speed droop at a nonlinear mo-
within the propeller jet, m2;
v0 — ship speed at rated rotation frequency
Ar — part of the rudder blade area located
of all propellers, m/s;
outside the propeller jet, m2; Va — wind velocity in navigational zone,
B — ship’s breadth, m; m/s;
Cb — block coefficient of the ship hull; va — PSU inflow velocity, m/s;
С Т Т 0 , С Т 0 — load coefficients at nominal w — wake coefficient at the straight course
running mode (at v 0 and n 0 ) ; motion of the ship;
Ñyk — the characteristic of the hull; w' – wake coefficient at a nonlinear motion
D — propeller diameter, mm; of the ship;
Dt — steady turning diameter, m; xr, xr' = xr/D – distance, m, and a relative
Dt/L = 2/: relative steady turning diame- distance of rudder profile leading edge from
ter; the plane of open propeller disc, or from noz-
kv — speed increasing coefficient near the zle trailing edge, measured along the propeller
PSU at a nonlinear motion of the ship; axis;
L — ship length, m; zr — number of PSUs in the ship PSS;
ln — nozzle length, m; * — propeller jet angle at a nozzle an-
ln' — relative nozzle length: ln' = ln/D; gle,degrees;
m — ship mass, t; r — aspect ratio of a rudder blade;
296 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

r — aspect ratio of a rudder blade located .11 D r i f t a n g l e stern means drift an-
within the propeller jet; gle in aft part of the ship (angle of PSU water
inflow), degrees;
 r — aspect ratio of a rudder blade lo-
.12 R u d d e r a n g l e  means steering
cated outside the propeller jet; equipment angle as related to the centre line,
 — water density, kg/m3. degrees;
2.2 The terms used in this Appendix should .13 P r o p e l l e r t h r u s t Ò ð means
be understood as follows: force generated by the propeller along the
.1 N o n - d i m e n s i o n a l lateral centre line and applied to thrust bearing, N;
f o r c e o f t h e P S U C y r means lateral .14 P S U " p r o p e l l e r i n n o z z l e "
force of the PSU Yr, N, related to va2A0/2; t h r u s t Ò e means total force generated by
.2 N o n - d i m e n s i o n a l rate of the nozzle propeller along the centre line, N.
t u r n o f t h e s h i p  means ratio be-
3 General instructions on manoeuvrability
tween the ship's rate of turn,, degree/s, and
the value 57,3v/L;
.3 Damping force means an anti-rotation 3.1 The present Appendix provides for cal-
force dependent on the ship's rate of turn; culation of manoeuvrability criteria values for
.4 P r o p e l l e r thrust loading the following types of the PSSs:
c o e f f i c i e n t C Ò means propeller thrust .1 propellers in steering nozzles;
Òð, N, related to va2A0/2; .2 propellers in steering nozzles with a
.5 P S U " p r o p e l l e r i n n o z z l e " centre rudder;
loading coefficient ÑÒÒ PSU .3 rudders behind open propellers;
" p r o p e l l e r i n n o z z l e " means thrust .4 rudders behind nozzle propellers.
Te, N, related to và2A0/2; 3.2 When using tables, diagrams and charts
.6 A d v a n c e r a t i o J p o f p r o - of the present Appendix, intermediate values
peller (PSU "propeller in noz- of initial characteristics shall be determined by
z l e " ) means ratio between the PSU water means of linear interpolation.
inflow speed va, m/s and the product of pro-
peller rotation frequency n, s–1, with the pro- 4 Turning capability
peller diameter D, m;
.7 A s p e c t r a t i o o f a r u d d e r 4.1 Minimum relative steady turning di-
b l a d e (a part of a rudder blade) means ratio ameter (Dt /L)min = 2/max shall be deter-
between the depth of the rudder or its part mined by finding max x-coordinate of inter-
(nozzle stabilizer or its part) to the relevant section of curves Cyk() and Cyr(), built on
chord; for the complex planeform means ratio the same diagram as a function of non-
between the planeform area and the squared dimensional rate of turn of the ship  (Fig.
chord, or ratio between the squared depth and A5.4.1).
the planeform area; 4.2 Characteristics of the hull Cyk() and
.8 P o s i t i o n a l f o r c e means force characteristics of hull/PSU interaction (wake
dependent on a drift angle (ship), a rudder coefficient w', speed droop v'', coefficient of
angle (steering equipment); increasing PSU inflow speed kv) shall be cal-
.9 S h i p ' s r a t e o f t u r n  means culated according to Table A5.4.2:
ratio of the course angle deviation to its de- .1 for each drift angle specified in Table
viation time, degree/s; A5.4.2, values  and Cyk shall be determined
.10 D r i f t a n g l e  means angle be- by using known values  B/T, T/L (and Cb —
tween the centre line and speed direction in for passenger ships) and basing on a chosen
the center of gravity of the ship, degrees; diagram (Fig. A5.4.2-1 – A5.4.2-4). The dia-
Appendix 5 297

grams shown on Fig. A5.4.2-1 – A5.4.2-4, T a b l e A5.4.2

shall be used for tracing hull performance Manoeuvrability calculation performances
curve Cyk() when calculating turning capa- Values to be 
bility, directional stability and manoeuvrability calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
with propulsors not in operation. Each dia-  – Fig.
A5.4.2-1 –
gram (Fig. A5.4.2-1 for cargo ships, Fig.
A5.4.2-2 – A5.4.2-4 for passenger ships with Cyk – Fig.
various block coefficients Cb) is subdivided A5.4.2-1 –
into five subdiagrams conforming to values A5.4.2-4
B/T: 3,5; 4,5; 5,5; 6,5; 7,5. Each diagram has stern –
a grid of curves T/L within the range of val- formula
ues from 0.02 to 0.04 and that of curves (A5.4.2.2)
w' – formula
within the range of values from 5 to 40. (A5.4.2.3-1)
Calculation of characteristics of the hull v' – formula
Cyk() provides that a necessary diagram is (A5.4.2.4)
selected basing on the ship type and block kv – formula
coefficient Cb, a subdiagram and a relevant (A5.4.2.5)
 – formula
curve T/L thereof are selected basing on the (A5.4.2.6)
ratio B/T. Non-dimensional rate of turn of
the ship (X-axis) and characteristics of the .3 wake coefficient w' for single- and dou-
hull Cyk() (Y-axis) shall be determined by ble-propeller ships shall be calculated by the
given values of drift angles  (subdiagram formula:
curves). It shall be noted that each subdia- if a
gram has its own Y-axis;
w   w ð 1   a 45   
< 45°
.2 angle PSU water inflow stern at the    (A5.4.2.3-1)
stern, degrees, shall be calculated by the formula: 
≥ 45° w  0
stern   arctg  tg   0.475  cos   , where wp — wake coefficient by calculation of
(A5.4.2.2) the ship's propulsion performance.
where  = 1.0 for stern PSU; For three-propeller ships the value of co-
efficient wp is taken by the formula:
 = 0.8 for center line PSU;
w p   2wside  wcl  3 (A5.4.2.3-2)
where wside — wake coefficient by calculation
of propulsion performance of the side propul-
wcl — wake co efficient by calculation of
propulsion performance for the center propulsor;
.4 the ship speed droop v' on steady turn-
ing shall be calculated by the formula:

v   1 – 0.7  0.1222.6 ; (Ï5.4.2.4)

.5 coefficient of increase of PSU water
inflow kv shall be calculated by the formula:
k v  cos  cos stern ; (A5.4.2.5)

.6 auxiliary coefficient  shall be calculated

by the formula:
Fig. A5.4.1. Diagram for calculating the maximum
  z p D 2 1  w    4LT  .
nondimensional rate of turn max (Ï5.4.2.6)
298 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

Fig. A5.4.2-1. Diagram vs. Cyk for cargo ships

Fig. A5.4.2-2. Diagram  vs. Cyk for passenger ships at 0.55 > Cb  0.45
Appendix 5 299

Fig. A5.4.2-3. Diagram  vs. Cyk for passenger ships at 0.65 > Cb  0.55

Fig. A5.4.2-4. Diagram  vs. Cyk for passenger ships at 0.75 Cb  0.65
300 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

4.3 Nondimensional lateral force of the without stabilizer q TT  0.75  0.25  l h  0.6  

PSS of any type shall be calculated using Tables 
A5.4.4, A5.4.7, A5.4.9, A5.5.4, A5.5.7, A5.5.9. with stabilizer q TT  0.70  0.07  l h  0.6  

4.4 Nondimensional lateral force of PSS (A5.4.5.2);
"propellers in steerable nozzles" and "propel- .3 coefficient of lift force of steerable noz-
lers in steerable nozzles + center rudder" shall zle as foil ring – by the formula:
be calculated according to Table A5.4.4. An-
  1.67  4.11ln – 1.11  ln  .
gle m = 32 shall be taken as the maximum (A5.4.5.3)
nozzle angle. Propeller thrust increasing coef-
ficient qt at nozzle deflection shall be taken 4.6 The values included in Table A5.4.4,
equal to 1.40. shall be calculated using data of Table A5.4.2
Calculation at drift angles  = 5, 10, 15 by the following formulas, tables and dia-
may be omitted. grams:
T a b l e A5.4.4 .1 propeller advance ratio J ð – by the for-
For calculating nondimensional lateral force of PSS mula:
Values to be 
calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 J p  v 0 v  1  w   kv  Dn0  ; (Ï5.4.6.1)
J p – formula
(A5.4.6.1) .2 PSU "propeller in nozzle" thrust load-
CТТ – Fig. ing coefficient CTT – from diagram (Fig.
A5.4.6.2 A5.4.6.2);
CТ – Fig.
Ay – formula
k – from
Table A5.4.6.5
By – formula
k – from
Table A5.4.6.7
Dy – formula
Cct – formula
CР – formula
Cyr – formula

4.5 Initial values for calculation of PSU

"propeller in nozzle" performance according
to Table A5.4.4, shall be calculated by the
following formulas and Tables:
.1 angle of propeller jet deflection by
steerable nozzle * – by the formula for nozzles:
without stabilizer δ*  28.0  30.5  l n  0.6   Fig. A5.4.6.2. PSU "propeller in nozzle" loading

 coefficient
with stabilizer δ*  32.0  15.0  l n  0.6  

(A5.4.5.1); .3 propeller thrust loading coefficient CÒ –

.2 PSU thrust decreasing coefficient qÒÒ by the diagram (Fig. A5.4.6.3);
by the formula for nozzles: .4 auxiliary value Ay – by the formula:
Appendix 5 301

mensional damping lateral force Cstab by the

  32  stern  cos stern
Cstab  0.14stab Àstab
1  stab   D 2  ;
 

T a b l e A5.4.6.5
Auxiliary coefficient k
Values k at ln
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
2.0 0.66 0.77 0.88 0.92
2.5 0.67 0.79 0.89 0.93
3.0 0.69 0.81 0.91 0.95
4.0 0.73 0.85 0.95 0.99
5.0 0.76 0.89 0.99 1.03
6.0 0.79 0.92 1.01 1.07
7.0 0.82 0.94 1.04 1.10
8.0 0.83 0.96 1.06 1.13
9.0 0.85 0.98 1.08 1.15
10.0 0.87 0.90 1.11 1.17
Fig. A5.4.6.3. Propeller in nozzle thrust loading 12.0 0.89 1.00 1.13 1.20
coefficient 14.0 0.90 1.02 1.15 1.20
16.0 0.91 1.04 1.16 1.21
Ay  qTTCTT  
1  qTCT cos *  cos stern , 18.0
(A5.4.6.4) 25.0 0.93 1.08 1.19 1.24
where sternshall be calculated by the formula 30.0 0.93 1.07 1.20 1.24
(A5.4.2.2); 35.0 0.93 1.07 1.20 1.24
.5 auxiliary coefficient k – from Table
A5.4.6.5; T a b l e A5.4.6.7
.6 positional component of non-dimen- Auxiliary coefficient k
sional lateral force of the PSU By – by the Values k at ln
formula: CTT

 
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
By  Ay 1  qTCT   cos stern  k sin * ; 2.0 0.42 0.53 0.61 0.68
2.5 0.42 0.54 0.63 0.69
(A5.4.6.6) 3.0 0.42 0.55 0.63 0.70
.7 auxiliary coefficient k – from Table 4.0 0.43 0.56 0.66 0.72
A5.4.6.7; 5.0 0.45 0.58 0.67 0.73
.8 damping component of nondimen- 6.0 0.46 0.59 0.69 0.75
sional lateral force of the PSU Dy – by the 7.0 0.47 0.6 0.70 0.77
8.0 0.48 0.62 0.72 0.78
9.0 0.49 0.63 0.73 0.80
 
Dy  – A y   cos *  k sin stern ; 10.0 0.50 0.63 0.74 0.81
12.0 0.50 0.65 0.75 0.82
(A5.4.6.8) 14.0 0.52 0.66 0.77 0.84
.9 if the nozzle stabilizer has a section 16.0 0.53 0.68 0.78 0.85
 , m2, and aspect ratio (ratio of
with area Astab 18.0 0.53 0.69 0.79 0.86
20.0 0.53 0.70 0.8 0.86
the average depth of this stabilizer section to 25.0 0.55 0.71 0.81 0.89
its length) stab , which is projected upward 30.0 0.55 0.72 0.82 0.90
from the propeller jet, an additional nondi- 35.0 0.55 0.73 0.84 0.90
302 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

.10 if a double-propeller ship fitted with T a b l e A5.4.7

propellers in nozzles has an additional centre For calculating nondimensional lateral force of PSS
rudder with area Àð and aspect ratio ð, which "rudders behind open propellers"
is deflected at angle kð times more than the Values to be 
nozzle angle, an additional non-dimensional calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
lateral force Ñð shall be calculated by the for- J р – formula
mula: CТ – Fig.
at kр A5.4.8
cos stern Ñy – from
< 1.5 
Cp  0.14pAp 32kp stern  
 
2  p D2 

Table A5.4.8.3
k –from

≥ 1.5 CP  0  Table A5.4.8.4
k – from
(A5.4.6.10) Table A5.4.8.5
where stern shall be calculated by the formula ar – formula
(A5.4.2.2) for centerline PSU. (A5.4.8.6)
br – formula
If the PSS does not include a centre rud- (A5.4.8.7)
der, Ñð = 0; Ay – formula
.11 non-dimensional lateral force Cyr of (A5.4.8.8)
PSU "propeller in steerable nozzles" and By –formula
"propellers in steerable nozzles + centre rud- (A5.4.8.9)
Сpr – formula
der" shall be calculated by the formula: (A5.4.8.10)
Cyr   0.81  By  Dy   Cstab  0.5Ñp  . ky – formula
(A5.4.6.11) Cyr – formula
4.7 Nondimensional lateral force of PSS
"rudders behind open propellers" shall be cal-
culated according to Table A5.4.7. Angle
m = 35 shall be taken as the maximum pos-
sible rudder angle .
Calculation at drift angles  = 5, 10, 15
may be omitted.
4.8 The values included in Table A5.4.7,
shall be calculated using data given in respec-
tive columns of Table A5.4.2 by the following
formulas, tables and diagrams:
.1 propeller advance ratio J p – by the for-
mula (A5.4.6.1);
.2 propeller thrust loading coefficient CÒ –
by the diagram on Fig. A5.4.8;
.3 lateral force PSU loading coefficient
derivative with respect to deflection angle
Ñ y – from Table A5.4.8.3;
.4 upwash coefficient k – from Table
.5 coefficient k – from Table A5.4.8.5 in Fig. A5.4.8. Open propeller thrust loading
relation to CÒ. coefficient
Appendix 5 303

T a b l e A5.4.8.3 T a b l e A5.4.8.5
Lateral force PSU loading coefficient derivative Coefficient k
with respect to deflection angle Ñ y CТ, CТТ k CТ, CТТ k
1.0 1.42 10 1.16
CТ Ñ y CТ Ñ y 1.5 1.39 12 1.14
1.0 3.87 10 12.3 2.0 1.37 14 1.13
1.5 4.50 12 14.0 2.5 1.35 16 1.11
2.0 5.15 14 15.4 3.0 1.32 18 1.10
2.5 5.65 16 17.2 3.5 1.31 20 1.09
3.0 6.16 18 18.8 4.0 1.29 25 1.08
3.5 6.62 20 20.5 4.5 1.27 30 1.06
4.0 7.11 25 25.0 5.0 1.26 35 1.05
4.5 7.60 30 28.9 6.0 1.23 40 1.05
5.0 8.09 35 33.3 8.0 1.19 45 1.05
6.0 9.35 40 37.2 9.0 1.18 50 1.04
8.0 10.60 45 41.4 ar   2k  r  1  4r k  3r  4k  6
9.0 11.4 50 45.3
r  r  1  r  2  ;
T a b l e A5.4.8.4
Upwash coefficient k (A5.4.8.6)
.7 coefficient br for an effect of the rudder
Values k at xð
CТ section projected from the propeller jet – by
 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 the formula:
1.0 0.63 0.70 0.78 0.89
1.5 0.57 0.63 0.71 0.78 br  8 r Ar 1   r  D 2  ; (A5.4.8.7)
2.0 0.51 056 0.63 0.69
3.0 0.46 0.50 0.55 0.60 .8 non-dimensional lateral force Ay gener-
4.0 0.43 0.46 0.50 0.55 ated by the rudder section located within the
5.0 0.40 0.43 0.47 050 propeller jet – by the formula:
 
6.0 0.38 0.41 043 045
7.0 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.43 Ay  0.0175 arÑ yδ   kstern ; (A5.4.8.8)
8.0 0.35 0.39 0.41 0.42
9.0 0.34 0.37 0.40 0.41 .9 non-dimensional lateral force By gener-
10 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.41 ated by the rudder section projected from the
12 0.31 0.33 0.37 0.40 propeller jet – by the formula:
14 0.30 0.33 0.36 0.37
16 0.28 0.31 0.33 0.36
By  0, 0175br   – stern  ; (A5.4.8.9)
18 0.27 0.30 0.32 0.34 .10 non-dimensional damping force Ñpr
20 0.27 0.30 0.31 0.33 generated on the propeller – by the formula:
25 0.24 0.27 0.30 0.31

C pr =  0.0175 k1y + k2y C T  stern , 
50 0.20 0.21 0.24 0.27 (A5.4.8.10)
N o t e : x ð  x ð D — relative distance of the where k1y  0.177 P D  0.087  Ae A0 – 0.55
rudder profile leading edge from the plane of the
propeller disc measured along the propeller axis.  
k2y  0.257  0.233 Ae A 0 – 0.55    P D  
  2

 0.067 – 0.018 Ae A 0 – 0.55  ;
  
If the rudder section projected from the .11 coefficient of PSU/hull dynamic in-
propeller jet has aspect ratio r  0,1 , teraction ky – by the formula:
k = 1,0 shall be taken; k y  1 – a   – 11.5  , (A5.4.8.11)
.6 coefficient ar for a value correction r where à is taken as follows for the following
from 1.0, – by the formula: ships:
304 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

double-propeller 0.022 .1 propeller advance ratio J p – by the for-

single- and three-propeller 0 mula (A5.4.6.1);
.12 nondimensional lateral force C yr of .2 PSU "propeller in nozzle" thrust load-
PSS "rudders behind open propellers" – by the ing coefficient Còò – by the diagram on Fig.
formula: A5.4.6-1;
C yr    Ay  By   k y  Ñ pr  . (A5.4.8.12) .3 propeller thrust loading coefficient Cò –
by the diagram on Fig. A5.4.6-2;
4.9 Nondimensional lateral force of PSS .4 PSU loading derivative with respect to
"rudders behind propellers in nozzles" shall be lateral force Ñ y – from Table A5.4.10.4;
calculated using Table A5.4.9. Angle m = 35 .5 upwash  – from Table A5.4.10.5;
shall be taken as the maximum possible rud-
der angle . T a b l e A5.4.10.4
T a b l e A5.4.9 Values of PSU loading derivative with respect to
For calculating nondimensional lateral force of PSS lateral force Ñ Y
"rudders behind propellers in nozzles"
Values to be  CТТ Ñ y CТТ Ñ y
calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1.0 3.60 10 10.2
J p – formula 1.5 4.03 12 11.4
(A5.4.6.1) 2.0 4.60 14 12.7
CТТ – Fig. 2.5 5.00 16 14.0
A5.4.6.2 3.0 5.33 18 15.2
CТ – Fig. 3.5 5.73 20 16.8
A5.4.6.3 4.0 6.14 25 20.0
Ñ y – from 4.5 6.50 30 23.4
Table A5.4.10.4 5.0 6.86 35 27.0
 – from 6.0 7.50 40 30.5
Table A5.4.10.5
8.0 8.86 45 34.0
k – from
9.0 9.48 50 37.5
Table A5.4.8.5
ar – formula
.6 coefficient k – from Table A5.4.8.5 in
br – formula relation to ÑÒÒ;
(A5.4.8.7) .7 coefficient ar for a value correction r
Ay – formula from 1.0, – by the formula (A5.4.8.6);
By – formula .8 coefficient br for an effect of the rudder
(A5.4.8.9) section projected from the propeller jet – by
k – from the formula (A5.4.8.7);
Table .9 non-dimensional lateral force Ay gener-
Сpr – formula ated by the rudder section located within the
propeller jet – by the formula:
ky – formula
(A5.4.10.13) Ay  0.0175 arÑyδ     ; (A5.4.10.9)
Cyr – formula
(A5.4.8.12) .10 non-dimensional lateral force By gen-
erated by the rudder section projected from
Calculation at drift angles  = 5, 10, 15 the propulsors jet – by the formula (A5.4.8.9);
may be omitted.
.11 auxiliary coefficient k – from Table
4.10 The values included in Table A5.4.9, A5.4.6.7;
shall be calculated using data of Table A5.4.2 .12 non-dimensional damping force Ñpr
by the following formulas, tables and dia- generated on the PSU "propeller in nozzle" –
grams: by the formula:
Appendix 5 305

T a b l e A5.4.10.5
Upwash values
 at CТ
stern 1 2 3 10 20 50 1 2 3 10 20 50
if x p  0, 5 if x p  0, 5
10° 3° 2° 1° 0.5° 0° 0° 3° 2° 1° 0.5° 0° 0°
20° 6° 4° 2.5° 1° 0.5° 0° 7.5° 5° 3° 2° 1° 0.5°
30° 10° 7.5° 4° 2° 1.5° 0.5° 13° 9° 6° 2.5° 2° 1°
40° 15° 11° 7° 3.5° 2° 1° 20° 14° 9° 5° 2.5° 1.5°
45° 17.5° 13° 8° 4° 2.5° 1° 24° 18° 11° 6° 3.5° 1.5°
50° 21° 16° 10° 5° 3° 1° 29° 21° 14° 8° 4° 2°
55° 26° 19° 12° 7° 4° 1.5° 35° 25° 16° 10° 5° 2°
60° 30° 24° 14° 7.5° 4.5° 1.5° 42° 30° 20° 12° 6° 2.5°

N o t e : xp  xp D — a relative distance of the rudder profile leading edge from the nozzle trailing
edge, measured along the propeller axis.

C pr  k Ñ TT   
1  Ñ T  cos stern   
 sin stern ,
where coefficient  shall be calculated by the
formula (A5.4.5.3);
.13 coefficient of PSU/hull dynamic in-
teraction ky – by the formula:
k y  1 – 0.011   – 11.5  ; (A5.4.10.13)
.14 non-dimensional lateral force Cyr of
PSS "rudders behind propellers in nozzle"
shall be calculated by the formula (A5.4.8.12).

5 Directional stability
5.1 Relative steady turning diameter with
the rudders angle  Dturn L 0  2 0 at zero Fig. A5.5.1. Diagram for calculating nondimen-
shall be determined by finding a zero x- sional rate of turn 0
coordinate 0 of intersection of curves Cyk() 5.3 Nondimensional lateral force of PSS of
and Cyr(), built on the same diagram as a any type shall be calculated using Tables
function of nondimensional rate of turn of the A.5.5.4, A.5.5.7, A.5.5.9. The rudder angle 
ship (see Fig. A5.5.1). If curves Cyk() è is taken equal to zero. Calculations only at
Cyr () do not intersect, the ship is consid- drift angles  = 5, 10, 15will be sufficient.
ered as straight course stable, relative diame-
5.4 Non-dimensional lateral force of PSS
ter of her steady turning with the rudders an-
"propellers in steerable nozzles" and "propel-
gle at zero  Dturn L 0   , nondimensional lers in steerable nozzle + centre rudder" shall
rate of turn 0 = 0. be calculated according to Table A5.5.4.
5.2 Characteristics of the hull Cyk() cal- 5.5 Values  for calculation of non-
culated according to A5.4.2 may be used as dimensional lateral force of PSS "propellers in
characteristics of the hull Cyk(), for calculat- steerable nozzles" according to Table A5.5.4
ing directional stability. shall be calculated by the formula (A5.4.5.3).
306 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

T a b l e A5.5.4 its length) stab , which is projected upward

For calculating nondimensional lateral force of PSS
from the propeller jet, an additional nondi-
"propellers in steerable nozzles" and "propellers in
steerable nozzle + centre rudder" mensional damping lateral force Cstab shall
be calculated by the formula:
Values to be 
calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 C stab   0.14 stab À stab stern cos stern
J p – formula
1   stab  D 2  ;
(A5.4.6.1)  
CТТ – Fig. (A5.5.6.7)
CТ – Fig. .8 if a double-propeller ship fitted with
A5.4.6.3 nozzle propellers has an additional centre
Ay – formula rudder with area Àð and aspect ratio ð, an
(A5.5.6.4) additional non-dimensional damping lateral
k – from force Ñð shall be calculated by the formula:
Table A5.4.6.7
Dy – formula Cp  0.14p Ap stern cos stern  2  p   D2  ,
Cst – (A5.5.6.8)
formula where k shall be calculated by the formula
Cp – formula
(A5.4.2.2) for centerline PSU.
(A5.5.6.8) If the PSS does not include the centre
Cyr – formula rudder, Ñð = 0;
(A5.5.6.9) .9 non-dimensional lateral force Cyr of
5.6 The values included in Table A5.5.4 PSS "propellers in steerable nozzles" and
shall be calculated using data of Table A5.4.2 "propellers in steerable nozzle + centre rud-
by the following formulas, tables and dia- der" – by the formula:
grams: C yr    0.81Dy  C stab  0.5Ñ p  . (A5.5.6.9)
.1 propeller advance ratio J p – by the for-
mula (A5.4.6.1); 5.7 Nondimensional lateral force of PSS
.2 PSU "propeller in nozzle" thrust load- "rudders behind open propellers" shall be
ing coefficient CÒÒ – by the diagram on Fig. found from Table A5.5.7. The rudder angle 
A5.4.6-1; shall be taken = 0. Calculation at drift an-
.3 propeller thrust loading coefficient CÒ – gles  = 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 may be omitted.
by the diagram on Fig. A5.4.6-2; 5.8 The values included in Table A5.5.7
.4 auxiliary value Ay – by the formula: shall be calculated using data of Table A5.4.2
Ay  C TT  
1  C T  cos stern , (A5.5.6.4) by the following formulas, tables and dia-
where stern shall be calculated by the formula .1 propeller advance ratio J p – by the for-
(A5.4.2.2); mula (A5.4.6.1);
.5 auxiliary coefficient k – from Table .2 propeller thrust loading coefficient CÒ –
A5.4.6.7; by the diagram on Fig. A5.4.8;
.6 damping component of nondimen- .3 PSU loading derivative with respect to
sional lateral force of the PSU Dy – by the lateral force C y – from Table A5.4.8.3;
.4 upwash coefficient k – from Table
Dy  –  Ay    k sin stern ; (A5.5.6.6) A5.4.8.4;
.7 if the nozzle stabilizer has a section .5 coefficient k – from Table A5.4.8.5;
 , m2, and aspect ratio (ratio of
with area Astab .6 coefficient ar for a value correction  r
the average depth of this stabilizer section to from 1.0, – by the formula (A5.4.8.6);
Appendix 5 307

T a b l e A5.5.7 Calculation at drift angles  = 20, 25,

For calculating nondimensional lateral force of PSS 30, 35, 40 may be omitted.
"rudders behind open propellers"
Values to be 
T a b l e A5.5.9
calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 For calculating nondimensional lateral force of PSS
J p – formula "rudders behind propellers in nozzles"
(A5.4.6.1) Values to be 
CТ – Fig. calculated 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
A5.4.8 J p – formula
Ñ y – from (A5.4.6.1)
Table A5.4.8.3 CТТ – Fig.
k – from A5.4.6.2
Table A5.4.8.4 CТ – Fig.
k – from A5.4.6.3
Table A5.4.8.5 Ñ y – from
ar – formula Table A5.4.10.4
(A5.4.8.6) k – from
br – formula Table A5.5.10.5
(A5.4.8.7) k – from
Ay – formula Table A5.4.8.5
(A5.5.8.8) ar – formula
By – formula (A5.4.8.6)
(A5.5.8.9) br – formula
Сpr – formula (A5.4.8.7)
(A5.4.8.10) Ay – formula
Cyr – formula (A5.5.10.9)
(A5.5.8.11) By – formula
.7 coefficient br for an effect of the rudder Сpr – formula
section projected from the propeller jet – by (A5.5.10.11)
the formula (A5.4.8.7); Cyr – formula
.8 non-dimensional damping force Ay (A5.5.10.12)
generated by the rudder section located within
the propeller jet – by the formula: 5.10 The values included in Table A5.5.9
shall be calculated using data of Table A5.4.2
A y  0.0175arC y k stern ; (A5.5.8.8) by the following formulas, tables and dia-
.9 non-dimensional damping lateral force grams:
By generated by the rudder section projected .1 propeller advance ratio J p – by the for-
from the propeller jet – by the formula: mula (A5.4.6.1);
By  –0.0175br stern ; (A5.5.8.9) .2 PSU "propeller in nozzle" thrust load-
ing coefficient CÒÒ – by the diagram on
.10 non-dimensional damping lateral Fig. A5.4.6-1;
force ÑPR generated on the propeller – by the
.3 propeller thrust loading coefficient CÒ –
formula (A5.4.8.10);
by the diagram on Fig. A5.4.6-2;
.11 nondimensional lateral force C yr of
.4 PSU loading derivative with respect to
PSS "rudders behind open propellers" – by the lateral force C y – from Table A5.4.10.4;
.5 upwash coefficient k – from Table

C yr   A y  B y  Ñ pr .  (A5.5.8.11) A5.5.10.5;
.6 coefficient k – from Table A5.4.8.5 in
5.9 Nondimensional lateral force of PSS
relation to ÑÒÒ;
"rudders behind propellers in nozzles" shall be
calculated using Table A5.5.9. The rudder .7 coefficient ar for a value correction  r
angle shall be taken  = 0. from 1.0 – by the formula (A5.4.8.6);
308 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

T a b l e A5.5.10.5 stopped, shall be determined by comparing

Coefficient k the maximum absolute negative value (Cyk)min
of hull performance curve Cyk(), plotted
Values k at x p
CТТ according to 4.2 of the present Appendix, and
 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 values of nondimensional lateral force (Cyr)min,
2.0 0.18 0.23 0.27 0.31 generated by main steering equipment of the
3.0 0.15 0.18 0.22 0.26
ship with propulsors not in operation (see Fig.
4.0 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.22
6.0 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.19 A5.6.1). The ship is considered as capable to
8.0 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.16 come out of any steady turn with propulsors
12.0 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.13 not in operation, if (Cyr)min  (Cyk)min, i.e.
16.0 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 if the value (Cyr)min lies below the minimum
20.0 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.09 point of hull performance curve Cyk().
30.0 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.08
N o t e : x p  x p D — relative distance of rud-
der profile leading edge from nozzle trailing edge
measured along the propeller axis.
.8 coefficient br for an effect of the rudder
section projected from the propeller jet – by
the formula (A5.4.8.7);
.9 non-dimensional lateral force Ay gener-
ated by the rudder section located within the
propeller jet – by the formula:
A y  0.0175arC y kstern ; (A5.5.10.9)
.10 non-dimensional lateral force By gen-
erated by the rudder section projected from
the propeller jet – by the formula:
By  –0.0175br stern ; (A5.5.10.10) Fig. A5.6.1. Diagram for calculating the ship's
capacity to come out of any steady turn after
.11 non-dimensional damping lateral the main engines have stopped
force ÑPR generated on the PSU "propeller in
nozzle" – by the formula: 6.2 Nondimensional lateral force C yr  min
Cpr  0.0175k CTT

 1  CT  1     stern ,

generated by main steering equipment of the
ship with main engines not in operation shall
(A5.5.10.11) be taken as follows:
where the coefficient k shall be taken from with single steering nozzle –1.1
Table A5.5.10.5; for single rudder behind open –0,75Ar/A0
coefficient  – by the formula (A5.4.5.3); propeller
for single rudder behind pro- –0,65Ar/A0
.12 non-dimensional lateral force Cyr of peller in nozzle
PSS "rudders behind propellers in nozzles" – for centre rudder of the dou- –Ar/(zpA0)
by the formula: ble-propeller ship

C yr   A y  B y  Ñ pr .  (A5.5.10.12)
7 Emergency stopping capacity
7.1 When determining stopway the proce-
6 Manoeuvrability with propulsors dure of emergency stopping is considered to
not in operation include two phases:
6.1 The ship’s capacity to come out of any .1 The first phase – from the moment
steady turn, after the main engines have when the order to make an emergency stop is
Appendix 5 309

given to the moment when all propulsors start wi — wake coefficient for the i-th PSU by
running at full astern; calculation of propulsion performance;
.2 The second phase – from the moment Di – diameter of the i-th propeller, m;
when all propulsors start running at full astern Pi – pith of the i-th propeller, m;
to the moment when the ship has come to a CÍi – correction coefficient, m–1, to be cal-
complete stop. culated by formula:
7.2 Emergency stopway SaÒ, m, shall be
calculated by the formula 
CHi  1  wi  i  i  Pi 1  (i  i )2 , 
S àT  S1  S 2 , (A5.7.2.1) (A5.7.3.4)
where S1 — way, which the ship travels within where i – shall be taken as:
for open propellers 0.675
the first phase, m, to be determined according
for propellers in nozzles 0.70
to 7.3 of the present Appendix.
S2 — way, which the ship travels within the i shall be taken as:
second phase, m, to be determined according if reversible gear is available 0.5
when the engine directly drives the 0.3
to 7.6 of the present Appendix.
7.3 The way S1, m, which the ship travels
7.4 Unless otherwise noted, time of the
within the first phase of emergency stopping,
first phase of emergency stopping t1 shall be
shall be calculated by the formula:
taken equal to 25 s according to 6 of the pre-
S1  ln 1  Cv0 t1  C , (A5.7.3.1) sent Part of the Rules. Time of the first phase
where t1 — time of the first phase at emer- of emergency stopping less than 25 s shall be
gency stopping, s, to be determined according approved by the engine manufacturer.
to 7.4 of the present Appendix. 7.5 The ship speed v1 at the end of the first
The value Ñ, m–1, included in the expres- phase of emergency stopping, m/s, shall be
sion (A5.7.3.1), shall be calculated by the calculated by the formula:
formula: v1  v0 1  Cv0 t1  , (A5.7.5)

C   R0   Te1  1.05mv02 ,  (A5.7.3.2) –1
where Ñ — coefficient, m , to be calculated
where m — ship mass, t. by the formula (A5.7.3.2);
R0 — water resistance to the ship's motion t1 — time of the first phase of emergency
at v0, kN, to be determined by calculation of stopping, s, to be determined according to 7.4
propulsion performance. of the present Appendix.
 Te1 — average total thrust of the PSS 7.6 The way, which the ship travels within
within the first phase of emergency stopping, the second phase of emergency stopping, m,
kN, to be calculated by the formula: shall be calculated by the formula:
 Te1  0.5v02  
S 2  0, 5 v1 ln 1  a 2   ab  , (A5.7.6.1)

i 1
 

  kKi Di2 1  wi   CH2 i Di Pi  ,

where v1 — ship speed at the end of the first
phase of active stopping to be determined
according to 7.5 of the present Appendix.
The values a and b shall be calculated by
where zp — number of PSUs
formulas, s–1:
i — number of PSU within PSS;
KКi — coefficient taken equal to: a   v1 v0  R0  Te2 , (A5.7.6.2)
0.4 — for open propellers;
0.5 — for propellers in nozzles; b R0  Te2 1,05mv0  , (A5.7.6.3)
310 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

where  Te2 — average total thrust of the T a b l e A5.8.1.3

Coefficient of positional force on hull for cargo ships
PSS within the second phase of emergency
stopping, kN, to be calculated by formula: Values а2 at Т/L
0.018 0.022 0.026 0.030 0.034 0.038 0.044
3 0.920 0.798 0.712 0.661 0.625 0.602 0.578
 Te2  0.5  mzi kK2i Pdi  n0i Pi   , 4 0.841 0.720 0.623 0.559 0.520 0.490 0.473
i 1
5 0.794 0.673 0.575 0.508 0.465 0.437 0.416
(A5.7.6.4) 6 0.771 0.649 0.551 0.480 0.441 0.414 0.393
where mzi — capacity ratio of the i-th engine 7 0.759 0.637 0.535 0.469 0.429 0.402 0.380
at astern running, to be taken equal to 0.85 8 0.755 0.633 0.534 0.465 0.425 0.398 0.375
for reversing engines. In installations with
reverse gear mz shall be taken equal to reverse .4 coefficient of positional force on hull a2
gear ratio at ahead and astern running; for passenger ships – from Table A5.8.1.4;
KÊ2i — coefficient taken equal to: T a b l e A5.8.1.4
for open propellers 6.00 Coefficient of positional force on hull
for PSU "propeller in nozzle" 6.25 for passenger ships
Pdi — power to the i-th propulsor at ahead B/T
Values à2 at Ò/L
running, kW; 0.044 0.038 0.034 0.030 0.026 0.022 0.018
n0i — rotation speed of the i-th propeller at 3 0.486 0.507 0.533 0.564 0.618 0.703 0.823
4 0.374 0.393 0.424 0.463 0.525 0.626 0.742
ahead running, s–1;
5 0.318 0.339 0.369 0.409 0.475 0.575 0.695
Di, Pi — see 7.3 of the present Appendix; 6 0.293 0.312 0.339 0.382 0.449 0.548 0.668
m — see 2.2 of the present Appendix. 7 0.281 0.302 0.328 0.370 0.436 0.537 0.657
8 0.277 0.297 0.324 0.364 0.432 0.533 0.657
8 Manoeuvrability under wind conditions
.5 coefficient of positional moment on
8.1 Wind velocity Va, m/s, which the ship hull b1 shall be calculated by the formula:
o move along any chosen straight course with for cargo ships
all propellers rotating at the rated speed of all
b1  0.101  0.00174  L B  8.17   
propulsors, shall be calculated by the formula:
Va  0.75v0    21.0T L  0.285  ;
 0.35  a1  2.10b1  c  0.12a2 c 2  a  1.0, for passenger ships:
(A5.8.1) b1  0.109+0.00189  L B  8.17   
where ñ — coefficient to be determined ac-
cording to A5.8.2.   22.05T L  0.299  .
The values à, a1, b1, a2, included in the (A5.8.1.5-2)
formula (A5.8.1), shall be calculated by the
following formulas: 8.2 The coefficient included in the formula
(A5.8.1) shall be calculated by the formula:
.1 auxiliary coefficient à – by the for-
mula: 
c  Dy  0, 037b1   B  ,

y (Ï5.8.2)
à  0.001225S  LT  ; (A5.8.1.1)
where values By , Dy for various types of
.2 coefficient of positional force on hull a1
PSU shall be determined according to 8.3 and
– by the formula for:
8.4 of the present Appendix, value  shall be
cargo ships a1  3.7T L 
 (A5.8.1.2) determined by the formula (A5.4.2.6), value
passenger ships a1  4.2T L  w  included in this formula shall be deter-
.3 coefficient of positional force on hull a2 mined by formulas (A5.4.2.3-1), (A5.4.2.3-2)
for cargo ships – from Table A5.8.1.3; at stern = 10.
Appendix 5 311

8.3 Values By , Dy included in formula 9 Instructions on full-scale trials

(A5.8.2) for PSS "propellers in steerable noz- 9.1 The program of full-scale manoeuvra-
zles" and "propellers in steerable nozzles + bility trials shall be developed by the designer
centre rudder" shall be calculated by the fol- and shall include turning-circle trial, spiral
lowing formulas: trial, 10/10, 20/20, 30/30, zigzag trial,
By  0.0175k  stop-inertia trial, ship's emergency stopping
and astern steering trial.
 qTTCTT0 1  qTCT0
  
1  qTCT0  1    ,
 9.2 Turning circle trials shall be carried out
(A5.8.3.1) by circling at rudder angles  = 10, 20, 35
on either side, for ships with the maximum
Dy  0.0175k qTTCTT0
  
1  CT0  1   
 rudder angles exceeding 35, and at high rud-
 0.14 st Ast 1  st   ð Að  2  ð   D .
2 der angles. Turns shall be carried out in deep
still water, where all propellers turn at any
(A5.8.3.2) rotation speed, which is the same prior to the
The values included in the formulas commencement of the manoeuvre and is not
(A5.8.3.1) and (A5.8.3.2) shall be determined subsequently adjusted. The trials include
by formulas and tables given in 4.4 and 4.6 of measurements of steady-turning diameters Dt.
the present Appendix. If no section of nozzle The trials shall result in plotting the diagram
stabilizers is projected from the propeller jet, of  = 2L/Dt or Dt/L against the rudder angle
Ast = 0. If the PSS does not include the cen- (diagram of ship manoeuvrability). The section
tre rudder, Àð = 0. of the ship manoeuvrability diagram within the
range of rudder angles –5    +5 shall be
8.4 The values By , Dy included in the plotted upon results of spiral manoeuvre ac-
cording to 9.3 of the present Appendix. The
formula (A5.8.2) for PSS "rudders behind
average value of 2L/Dt on either side at the
open propellers" shall be calculated by the
maximum rudder angles shall be considered as
following formulas:
a criterion of the ship's turning capability ac-

By  0.0175 arC y  br ,  (A5.8.4.1) cording to 6.5.2 of the present Part of the

D y  0.0175 arC y k   br ,  (A5.8.4.2) 9.3 The spiral manoeuvre shall be carried
where values, included in formulas (A5.8.4.1) out as a continuous sequence of steady turns
and (A5.8.4.2), shall be determined by formu- at rudder angles  within the range of +5 to
las and tables given in 4.8 of the present Ap- –5. To carry out this manoeuvre the ship shall
pendix. entry into the turn at the rudder angle  = +5
at any fixed motion speed v0, where the speed
8.5 Values By , Dy included in formula of rotation of all propellers is the same prior
(A5.8.2) for PSS "rudders behind propellers in to the commencement of the manoeuvre and
nozzles" shall be calculated by the following is not subsequently regulated. After a steady
formulas: rate of turn is obtained, a rudder angle shall
be gradually decreased to +3, +2, +1,+0.

By  0.0175 arC y  br ,  (A5.8.5.1) A steady rate of turn shall be obtained on

D y  0.0175 ayC y k   br ,  (A5.8.5.2)
each phase. If at  = 0 the ship stops turning
and gets on a straight course, the manoeuvre
where values, included in formulas (A5.8.5.1) is over. If at  = 0 the ship keeps turning to
and (A5.8.5.2), shall be determined by formu- starboard, the rudder shall be sequentially
las and tables given in 4.10 of the present moved aport at small angles (  –0,5, –1,
Appendix. –1,5, –2) to set such rudder angle to port, at
312 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

which the ship starts turning to port after straight course v = 0.8v0. The following shall
achieving a steady rate of turn (critical rudder be tested: ship's overshoot angle 1 (angle of
angle cr). After steady rates of turn are ob- ship's turn from the beginning of rudder mov-
tained, the rudder shall be sequentially moved ing to pullout to the moment of rotation stop)
to –3 and –5. hcr the whole procedure shall and pullout time t1 (from the beginning of
be carried out again from  = –5 to  = +5. rudder moving for pullout to the moment of
The ship's rate of turn , deg/s, shall be rotation stop). Each manoeuvre shall consist
measured on each area after steady turning is of three semi-periods to measure respectively
obtained. 11, 12, 13 and t11, t12, t13..
The manoeuvre results shall be processed
by the formula:
  L  57.3v0 v '   2L Dturn , (A5.9.3.1)
where v' shall be calculated by the formula
(A5.4.2.4) using the method of successive
approximations, starting at v' = 1,0. Process-
ing results shall be applied on the ship ma-
noeuvrability diagram obtained in 9.2 of the
present Appendix.
9.4 If the ship manoeuvrability diagram,
plotted according to 9.2 and 9.3 of the present
Appendix, is symmetric with respect to axis 
= 0, this axis represents the true zero rudder Fig. A5.9.5. Zigzag course recording
angle, and the average value on this axis on
either side   0 or the value 9.6 Stop-inertia trials shall be carried out
Dturn0 L  2 0 shall be considered as a by entering into a steady turning at the rudder
angle  = 20 with stopping the ship's propul-
criterion of straight course stability according sors and subsequent rudder moving at the
to 6 of the present Part of the Rules.
angle = 30 to the opposite side. The trials
If the ship manoeuvrability diagram, plot- shall include recording of the ship's rotation
ted according to 9.2 and 9.3 of the present stop and transition to its rotation to the oppo-
Appendix, is not symmetric with respect to site side or her failure to pull out of turn.
axis  = 0, the axis of true zero rudder angle 9.7 Emergency stopping shall be carried
shall be drawn through the point out at the straight course motion of the ship
0  0.5  cr.stbd  cr.port  on this axis. In this at a speed conforming to a rated rotation
case the criterion of straight course stability speed of propellers by quickly changing the
according to 6.6.1 of the present Part of the operating mode of propulsors to full speed
Rules shall be the average value 0  on ei- astern. The following shall be recorded during
ther side on the axis of true zero rudder angle trials:
or the value Dturn0 L  2 0 . .1 The ship's stopway path from the mo-
ment when the command "stop - full astern"
9.5 The 10/10, 20/20, 30/30 zigzag is given to the moment when the ship has
trials shall be carried out by gradual deflection come to a complete stop relative to the water;
of the rudder at the same angle  on either .2 Time from the moment when the com-
side at the moments, when the ship sets off a mand "stop - full astern" is given to the mo-
straight course to the opposite side at the an- ment when propellers start running astern;
gle  = –  (Fig. A5.9.5). Zigzag trials shall be .3 Ratio of the course angle deviation to
carried out at the ship speed on the initial the initial one at the end of manoeuvre.
Appendix 5 313

9.8 Astern steering trials shall be carried

out at the ship moving astern by her straight
course keeping without manoeuvring on main

10 Table of manoeuvrability characteristics

10.1 Table of manoeuvrability characteris-
tics shall be placed in a conspicuous position
in the wheelhouse. The recommended form of
Table of manoeuvrability characteristics is
given on Fig. A5.10.1.

Fig. A5.10.3-1. Diagram of ship speed

against propellers rotation speed

.3 Performance of fully loaded ship turn-

ing quality as a board presenting time-
dependent motion path at different rudder
angles  (Fig. A5.10.3-2).

Fig. A5.10.1. Recommended form of Table of ma-

noeuvrability characteristics;
10.2 Table of manoeuvrability characteris-
tics shall be developed by the ship's designer
basing on calculations with subsequent sup-
plementing and correction upon full-scale
trial results.
10.3 Table of manoeuvrability characteris-
tics shall include the following components:
.1 Table of characteristics of ship, ship
power installation and steering equipment
main dimensions, load and ballast draught;
main engine capacity, rated and critical rota-
tion speed of main engines; type and sizes of
rudders (parameters of steerable nozzles and
steerable pods), thruster capacity and thrust.
Table of characteristics of ship, ship power
Fig. A5.10.3-2. Ship motion paths
installation and steering equipment may be
depending on the time and at different
developed in any form; rudder angles ;
.2 The ship speed performance as a dia-
gram of the ship speed v, km/h, on a straight .4 inertial properties of the ship as a dia-
course in deep still water against propellers gram of motion speed v, km/h, and way,
rotation speed nm, min–1, in fully loaded and which she travels Sat, m, against time and
ballast conditions (Fig. A5.10.3-1). initial speed v0, km/h (initial rotation speed of
314 RCCS. Part II “Stability. Floodability. Freeboard. Maneurability”

propellers n0, min–1), at emergency stopping ahead at the rudder angle 0 by moving rud-
(Fig. A5.10.3-3); ders at the maximum angle to the opposite
T a b l e A5.10.3.5
For determining pullout characteristics
Rudder angle on turn 10° 20° 30° 35°
Время одерживания t1, c 27 31 34 42
Overshoot angle 1 17° 23° 26° 29°

.6 table of wind speed limits in the navi-

gational zone Va, m/s, which the ballasted
ship can withstand when moving on a straight
course with a speed v, m/s, according to Ta-
ble A5.10.3.6;
T a b l e A5.10.3.6
For drawing up the table of wind speed limits
Ship speed in still 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.0
water, km/h
Ship speed in the 10.5 13.1 15.7 18.4 21.0 22.4
navigational zone,

.7 table of the fully-loaded ship sinkage

Tb when moving on a straight course with a
speed v, km/h, in shallow water for the depth
range H, m, according to Table A5.10.3.7;
T a b l e A5.10.3.7
For drawing up the table
of the fully-loaded ship sinkage
Water Тb at the ship speed v, km/h
depth (m) 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0
10.0 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.25 0.3 0.37
7.0 0.14 0.19 0.24 0.31 0.38 –
5.0 0.17 0.24 0.31 0.39 – –
Fig. A5.10.3-3. Diagram of ship speed and the 4.0 0.21 0.28 0.36 – – –
way, which she travels, against time and initial
motion speed at emergency; .8 visibility zones diagram;
.9 diagram of man-overboard manoeuvre.
.5 pullout performances according to Ta- N o t e : Numerals of parameters on Fig.
ble A5.10.3.5, which contains pullout time t1, A5.10.1 and A5.10.3-1 – A5.10.3-3 and in Table
s, and overshoot angle 1 at pullout of a A5.10.3.5 – A5.10.3.7 are given for reference only
steady turn of a fully loaded ship moving fully and do not apply to a particular ship.
Part III

316 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”



1.1.1 This Part of the Rules establishes re- 1.2.1 Terms related to the Rules common
quirements for structural fire protection of terminology and their definitions are stated
ships, fire extinguishing systems and stations, in 2.1 and 2.2 Part 0 of the Rules. The follow-
fire protection outfit, fire safety of domestic ing terms are used in these Rules:
and general service systems, fire alarm system, .1 C a r g o z o n e means a totality of
spare parts and tools for fire extinguishing spaces and areas connected with cargo storage
systems. and transportation.
Cargo zone of ships intended for storage
1.1.2 Elements of structural fire protection, and transportation of inflammable liquids in
fire extinguishing systems and fire alarm sys- bulk and liquefied gases consists of the follow-
tem shall comply with the requirements of the ing spaces and areas:
corresponding Parts of the Rules. compartments and tanks for inflammable
Fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishing liquids and gases and adjacent spaces;
medium, fire-fighting equipment, fire extin- rooms containing pumps and compressors
guishers, fire-fighting tools included in fire for pumping inflammable liquids and gases;
protection outfit, spare parts, tools, etc.) and storage rooms for cargo hoses;
personal protective equipment (fireman’s out- spaces in which cargo system pipelines
fit included in fire protection outfit, emer- are led;
gency escape breathing devices), regarding fire spaces above the pump rooms and vertical
safety requirements, shall comply with the cofferdams adjacent to the compartments and
requirements established by the Federal Law tanks for inflammable liquids and gases;
No. 123-ÔÇ dated 22 July 2008 "Technical spaces above the cargo tank deck at the
Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" distance of less than 2.4 m in the vertical and
that shall be approved by declarations or cer- less than 3 m in the horizontal directions from
tificates confirming the production compli- the cargo tanks;
ance with the specified Federal Law require- spaces located less than 3 m in any hori-
ments, drawn by the bodies, accredited ac- zontal direction and less than 2.4 m in the
cording to the legislation of the Russian vertical direction from closed tanks, recepta-
Federation on accreditation in the national cles, measuring tanks;
accreditation system. spaces located less than 3 m in any direc-
tion from gas ventilation outlets and similar
1.1.3 Requirements of this Part are not ap- arrangements;
plied to fire extinguishing systems and equip- spaces in which pipelines for inflammable
ment fitted on special fire-fighting ships, as liquids and gases are led, within 3 m from
well as to their fire protection outfit, spare those pipelines in any direction;
parts and tools. spaces connected with the above-
mentioned spaces by openings or exits.
1.1.4 Tugboats and pushboats intended for Cargo zone of other ships consists of the
operation with oil tankers are covered by the following spaces and areas:
requirements related to oil tankers. holds and spaces for cargo stowage;
1 General Provisions 317

spaces at the distance less than 3 m in spaces, boilers, engine crankcases, engine air
any direction from the gas ventilation outlets inlets, fecal tanks and adjacent rooms. The list
of the cargo holds intended for any kind of is not exhaustive and for confined spaces it
stowage of inflammable and highly inflamma- shall be made with regard to features of par-
ble materials and substances as well as other ticular ships;
spaces connected with the above-mentioned .6 C l o s e d m e t h o d o f l o a d i n g
spaces by openings or exits; and unloading oil products
.2 C a r g o s p a c e s means the spaces means a method of performing cargo handling
which include: operations by both coastal and onboard facili-
cargo tanks intended for cargo carriage ties by means of sealed piping system ensuring
including discharge tanks; communication of the oil compartments with
spaces for dry goods not being ship stores, the atmosphere only through the gas outlet
dry cargo and refrigerated holds and spaces system;
between decks intended also for carriage of .7 S t r u c t u r a l f i r e p r o t e c t i o n
containers and removable tanks as well as means a set of passive structural protection
motor vehicles without fuel in their tanks; means aimed at:
closed ro-ro cargo spaces extending to prevention of fire risk;
1/3 length or the entire length of the ship; restriction of spreading fire and smoke
open ro-ro cargo spaces extending to 1/3 along the ship;
length or the entire length of the ship, opened arrangement of conditions for safe
on both sides or on the one side and having evacuation of people out of the ship spaces
ventilation providing the absence of trapped and from the ship as well as for fire extin-
zones over the entire length of the space guishing;
through permanent openings distributed in the .8 V e r t i c a l fire-resistant
side plating or deckhead or from above, hav- z o n e s means the hull, superstructure and
ing a total area of at least 10 % of the total deckhouse spaces formed by transverse fire-
area of the space sides; proof or fire-retardant divisions;
weather deck is a deck that is totally ex- .9 D i v i s i o n s of type A, or
posed to environment from above and at least f i r e p r o o f d i v i s i o n s means those divi-
from two sides; sions formed by bulkheads or decks which
.3 L e n g t h o f a s h i p means the shall be:
overall length of a ship1; made of steel or equivalent fire resistant
.4 I n f l a m m a b l e l i q u i d s – see the material;
definition in 2.2.14 Part 0 of the Rules; constructed to prevent the passage of
.5 C o n f i n e d s p a c e 2 means the smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour
space having any of the characteristics men- standard fire test (see
tioned below: The divisions have the following designa-
confined entry and exit openings; tions depending on the time t within which
insufficient ventilation and; the surface temperature of the unexposed side
not intended for continuous operation; will not rise more than 140 Ñ above the
and includes (but it is not limited to the original temperature nor will the temperature
listed), cargo spaces, double bottom, fuel at any one point, including any joint, rise more
tanks, ballast tanks, cargo pump rooms, com- than 180 Ñ above the original temperature:
pressor rooms, cofferdams, chain lockers, t (min)
60 À-60
empty spaces, box-shaped keels, separating
30 À-30
15 À-15
According to GOST 1062. 0 À-0
The definition was given by the IMO Resolu- .10 D i v i s i o n s of type  or
tion A.1050 (27). fire-retardant divisions means
318 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

those divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, .19 S t a n d a r d f i r e t e s t s p e c i -

ceilings or linings made of non-combustible m e n means a bulkhead (a deck) specimen
materials and being flame-tight within with the heating area of at least 4.65 m2 and
the 30-minute standard fire test. The divisions the height (the deck length) of 2.44 m, which
have the following designations depending on corresponds with the intended structure and
the time t within which the surface tempera- comprises insulation joints, if they are present
ture of the unexposed side will not rise more on the intended structure;
than 140 Ñ above the original temperature .20 F i r e - r e s i s t a n t material
nor will the temperature at any one point, means a material keeping sufficient heat-
including any joint, rise more than 225 Ñ insulating capacity in the event of fire or by
above the original temperature: fire heat, that is determined according to na-
t (min) tional standards2;
15 Â-15 .21 P r o t e c t e d s p a c e means a space
0 Â-0
equipped with one of fire-fighting systems and
.11 D i v i s i o n s o f t y p e C means
automatic fire detection system;
those divisions made of non-combustible ma-
.22 A c c o m m o d a t i o n spaces
terials for which the requirements for smoke
means cabins for the crew, passengers, special
and fire penetration prevention as well as ob-
personnel, lounges, mess-rooms, restaurants,
servance of the temperature rise are not ap-
canteens, sport halls, offices, hair-dressing
saloons, sanitary compartments, as well as
.12 F o a m expansion ratio
corridors, lobbies and companions adjoining
means the ratio of the volume of foam pro-
to these compartments;
duced to the volume of foaming agent aque-
ous solution supplied; .23 P u m p r o o m s means cargo pump
.13 M a t e r i a l equivalent to rooms in tankers;
s t e e l means a non-combustible material .24 S e m i - c l o s e d s p a c e s means
which, by itself or due to insulation provided, partially closed spaces with natural ventila-
has structural and integrity properties equiva- tion, which are located on ships in the explo-
lent to steel at the end of the applicable expo- sive zone at distance up to 3 m from cargo
sure to the standard fire test; tanks, tanks for combustible liquids with flash
.14 M a c h i n e r y s p a c e s – see the point of max. 60 Ñ or spaces with cargo
definition in 2.2.25 Part 0 of the Rules; pumps, pipelines of combustible liquids,
.15 M a c h i n e r y s p a c e s o f A hoses;
c a t e g o r y means the spaces, containing .25 A d j a c e n t s p a c e s means spaces
internal combustion engines, boilers or other separated from each other with a bulkhead,
power plants working on liquid fuel, as well as deck or similar fixed structure without open-
trunks of these spaces; ings or with permanently closed openings.
.16 L o w f l a m e s p r e a d means that Spaces separated from each other with
the surface will adequately restrict the spread detachable structures or having non-closing
of flame, this being determined in accordance openings in separating bulkhead or deck shall
with national standards1; be considered as one common space;
.17 S t a i r w a y s means inner ladders, .26 S e r v i c e s p a c e s means are utility
elevators and moving stairways; spaces; boatswain stores, paint stores; ma-
.18 C o n t i n u o u s B t y p e c e i l - chine and electric shops, not being a part of
i n g s a n d l i n i n g s means B class ceilings machinery spaces, radio room;
and linings of terminating either at an A or B .27 U t i l i t y s p a c e s means galleys,
type divisions or at outer surfaces of a ship; dishwashing, preparation rooms; rooms for

1 2
GOST 12.1.044, GOST 53327, GOST 53299, GOST 30247.0, GOST 53310,
GOST R 51032, GOST 30444. GOST R 56076.
1 General Provisions 319

water heaters, ironing rooms, saunas and .35 A s t a n d a r d f i r e t e s t means

similar spaces intended for household needs the determination of the specimen’s resistance
which contain oil fuel, solid fuel or gaseous to heating from any of the sides depending on
fuel burning units or are fitted with electrical the time of heating in a test furnace up to the
heaters; storerooms for ship’s stores; adjacent following temperatures counted off from the
corridors; initial furnace temperature, Ñ:
.28 F i r e s t a t i o n means the place end of minute
where start-up devices of fire extinguishing 5 556
systems, fire appliances or fire alarm detectors 10 659
for a particular part of a ship (a compartment 15 718
or separate spaces) are located; 30 821
.29 C e n t r a l f i r e c o n t r o l s t a - 60 925
t i o n means a fire control station, where fire .36 F i x e d d e c k c o a t i n g s means
detection stations and remote starting devices all deck coatings applied directly to metal
of fire-fighting systems, if any, are centralized. deck including anti-corrosion coating and
The room in which the central fire control glue, but not including finish coatings (lino-
station is located and which is not a wheel- leum, carpet, etc.);
house, shall have direct communication with .37 P a s s e n g e r s h i p – see the defini-
the wheelhouse or round-the-clock watch tion in 2.2.40 Part 0 of the Rules. Coastal
while the ship is under way; ships intended for accommodation of more
.30 F i x e d fire-fighting sys- than 12 passengers are considered in the pre-
t e m s means systems intended to supply fire sent Part of the Rules as passenger vessels;
extinguishing agent to protected spaces or .38 C r u d e o i l means any oil occurring
directly into them and structurally connected naturally in the earth whether or not treated
with the hull; to render it suitable for transportation and
.31 D i s c h a r g e t a n k means a tank includes crude oil where certain distillate frac-
intended for collecting water used for washing tions may have been removed from or added to;
cargo tanks and contaminated ballast water; .39 F l a s h p o i n t means the minimum
.32 F i r e protection outfit temperature at which vapour formed on the
means portable active fire- surface of inflammable liquid forms a mixture
f i g h t i n g means (apparatuses, appliances with the ambient air capable of igniting when
and expenditure materials) intended for: an open flame has been brought to it. Flash
fire suppression; point shall be determined using the closed cup
provision of actions of the crew while ex- test;
tinguishing a fire; .40 F i r e s m o t h e r i n g means a
provision of fire extinguishing systems method of fighting a fire by filling the pro-
with substances required for their operation tected space with vapours of non-inflammable
when extinguishing a fire; liquids or non-inflammable gases which form
.33 M e t h o d o f s p a c e s ' p r o t e c - the environment which does not sustain com-
t i o n 1 C means that all inner division bulk- bustion;
heads are of classes B or C and that the fixed .41 S u r f a c e f i r e - f i g h t i n g means
alarm fire detection system is fitted and meets a method of fighting a fire by cooling, damp-
the requirements of the Rules. Automatic ing or restricting access of oxygen to burning
smoke detectors and manual detectors of this surfaces, e.g. by water or foam;
system shall be located so as to provide fire .42 F u e l o i l a n d l u b r i c a t i n g
detection throughout all corridors, all ladders and o i l s t o r a g e s means main storage tanks,
escape routes within accommodation spaces; daily service tanks, discharge, settling, sedi-
.34 C o m b u s t i b l e m e d i u m s means ment and other tanks;
inflammable liquids, gases, solid combustible .43 C r e w – see the definition in 2.2.76
materials and substances; Part 0 of the Rules.
320 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

1.3 FIRE PROTECTION PLANS second category:

1.3.1 On every self-propelled ship with .4 pump rooms for inflammable liquids
a length of 25 m or more the diagrams shall and compressor rooms for liquefied gases;
be arranged in the central control station, the .5 closed / semi-closed spaces for storing
wheelhouse or at visible places in corridors, cargo hoses used for pumping inflammable
indicating the following: liquids and liquefied gases;
.1 location of control stations; .6 closed / semi-closed spaces in which
.2 location of the spaces protected by pipelines for inflammable liquids and liquefied
gases are led;
fixed fire extinguishing systems with the indi-
cation of their control devices and arrange- .7 spaces adjacent to the tanks stated
ments; in, not separated by cofferdams but
.3 location of fire-retardant and fire- having forced ventilation;
resistant divisions; .8 spaces above the pump rooms and ver-
.4 location of fire protection outfit; tical cofferdams adjacent to the tanks stated
.5 means of access to compartments, on in;
decks etc. with the indication of escape .9 spaces above the cargo tank decks and
routes, corridors and doors (for ships fitted cofferdams at the distance of less than 2.4 m
with cabins); in the vertical and less than 3 m in the hori-
.6 location of fire hydrants; zontal directions from the cargo tanks;
.7 the ventilation system diagram includ- .10 spaces located closer than 3 m in any
ing the central control of fans, with the indi- horizontal direction and no less than 2.4 m in
cation of fan shutters and fans servicing all the vertical direction above closed tanks, re-
the ship zones; ceptacles, measuring tanks and similar capaci-
.8 locations for remote closing of fuel ties;
tank pipelines. .11 spaces located closer than 3 m in any
direction from gas ventilation outlets and
1.4 CLASSIFICATION OF EXPLOSION- similar arrangements;
HAZARDOUS ZONES AND SPACES .12 semi-closed spaces adjacent to the
1.4.1 For classification of explosion- tanks stated in, as well as spaces,
hazardous zones, see Table 1.4.1. through which spaces in which pipelines for
inflammable liquids and liquefied gases are
1.4.2 Fire-risk rooms and spaces are the led, within 3 m from those pipelines in any
following: direction.
first category:
.1 tanks and cargo tanks for inflammable 1.4.3 Rooms and spaces onboard the oil
liquids and liquefied gases; tankers designed for carrying inflammable
.2 cofferdams separating the tanks stated liquids and liquefied gases with flash point up
in from adjacent spaces, and spaces to 60 Ñ inclusive or for operating with them
adjacent to them which are not separated by are subdivided into explosive (see 1.4.1) and
cofferdams and not having forced ventilation; explosion-proof ones, and with vapor flash
.3 cargo holds intended for transportation point more than 60 Ñ — fire-hazardous (see
of inflammable liquids and liquefied gases; 1.4.2) and fire-proof ones.
1 General Provisions 321

T a b l e 1.4.1
hazardous zone Classification of explosion-hazardous zones
Designation of

Classification of explosion-
Rooms and spaces included in this zone
hazardous zones

0 Zone, where explosive 1. Inner spaces of cargo compartments and tanks, tanks for combustible
mixture of air and gas liquids; cargo holds for transportation of combustible liquids in contain-
may be present perma- ers; cargo pipelines.
nently or for long periods 2. Open spaces up to 1 m high from the water surface covered with oil
of time products.
1 Zone, where explosive 1. Pump and compressor rooms for pumping inflammable liquids.
mixture of air and gas 2. Cofferdams separating compartments and tanks belonging to zone 0
may be present under from adjacent spaces and spaces adjacent to those belonging to zone 0,
normal operating condi- not separated by cofferdams and not having forced ventilation.
tions 3. Storage rooms for cargo hoses for pumping inflammable liquids.
4. Spaces above the cargo tank deck at the distance of less than 2.4 m
in the vertical and less than 3 m in the horizontal directions from the
cargo tanks.
5. Spaces and semi-closed rooms on the open deck in a radius of 3 m
from the openings which are not ventilating, filling openings and
hatches of cargo tanks, pump rooms and cofferdams adjacent to cargo
6. Laying areas for pipelines with combustible liquids on the open
deck – up to 3 m in any direction.
7. Spaces located closer than 3 m in any direction from gas ventilation
8. Open spaces located within 3 m vertically and horizontally from de-
vices for emission from safety and breathing valves of containers with
inflammable liquids and combustible gases.
2 Zone with low chance of 1. Closed / semi-closed spaces in which pipelines for combustible liq-
presence of explosive uids and liquefied gases are led.
mixture of air and gas, 2. Spaces adjacent to those in zone 0, not separated by cofferdams but
and in case if this mixture having forced ventilation.
appears it is present for 3. Inner spaces of cargo compartments and tanks, cargo pipelines, for
short periods of time combustible liquids with flash point of max. 60 °Ñ and their ventilation
322 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”


2.1 SUBDIVISION OF MATERIALS along the surface and are characterized by

DUE TO COMBUSTIBILITY, FLAME flame spreading index I  20;
SPREADING AND INFLAMMABILITY .2 r a p i d f l a m e - s p r e a d i n g m a -
2.1.1 Materials used for ships construction t e r i a l s are the materials and compositions
shall undergo tests for assessing combustibil- which spread flame along the surface and are
ity, flame spreading, inflammability of deck characterized by flame spreading index I > 20.
coverings, degree of integrity and inflamma- 2.1.4 Fixed deck coverings with a thickness
bility of textiles. 5 mm and more are subject to ignitability tests
For the test methods established by norma- and are assessed according to Appendix 3
tive documents on fire safety, see Appendi- Part X of the Rules or according to
ces 1 to 5 Part X of the Rules. GOST 30402 as follows:
Proceeding from the test results the grades .1 h a r d l y inflammable deck
of materials are determined according to c o v e r i n g s – fixed deck coverings with
2.1.2 – 2.1.4. critical surface density of heat flow exceeding
2.1.2 Materials, except for textiles, are di- 35 kW/m2;
vided into: .2 m e d i u m i n f l a m m a b l e d e c k
.1 n o n - c o m b u s t i b l e materi- c o v e r i n g s – fixed deck coverings with
a l s – materials, whose combustibility pa- critical surface density of heat flow in range
rameters at 30 minute-tests in the furnace are from 20 to 35 kW/m2;
the following: .3 h i g h l y inflammable deck
temperature increase – max. 50 Ñ; c o v e r i n g s – fixed deck coverings with
sample weight loss – max. 50 %; critical surface density of heat flow exceeding
steady flame burning – max. 10 s; 20 kW/m2.
.2 c o m b u s t i b l e m a t e r i a l s – ma-
terials not complying with at least one of the 2.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR MATERIALS
parameters stated in
2.2.1 Structural bulkheads, decks and
2.1.3 Classifications of materials according trunks of machinery spaces shall be made of
to flame spreading are based on flame spread- steel; otherwise their structure shall be equiva-
ing index value I – dimensionless reference lent to steel structure due to the fire safety.
indicator, characterizing the capability of ma-
2.2.2 No combustible materials for struc-
terials or substances to inflame, to spread
ture elements in the machinery spaces are
flame on the surface and to release heat.
Combustible materials and compositions un-
dergo tests for flame spreading and are as- 2.2.3 Insulation of the ship spaces shall be
sessed as follows: as follows:
.1 l o w f l a m e - s p r e a d i n g m a - .1 For the ship’s sides, decks, bulkheads,
t e r i a l s – materials and compositions which partitions and other divisions it shall be made
are relatively high resistant to flame spreading of non-combustible materials;
2 Structural Fire Protection 323

.2 Heat and noise insulation of the ship’s In case of fire or heating the materials shall
sides, bulkheads, decks and trunks off ma- not release toxic or explosive gases in hazard-
chinery spaces and boiler rooms shall be made ous concentrations.
of non-combustible materials. The insulation In all cases surface of the material shall be
surface shall be protected against ingress of low flame-spreading.
fuel, oil and their vapours.
2.2.6 No varnishes, paints on nitrate base
Bulkheads and decks separating machinery or any other combustible base shall be used
spaces from adjacent accommodation and for inner finishing of the ship’s spaces.
household spaces shall be made of at least Finishing coatings shall not release
À-30 type divisions. toxic substances in dangerous concentrations
If spaces adjacent to the machinery spaces when burning (class of hazard — not higher
are completely free from combustible materi- than moderately hazardous according to
als, their divisions may be of À-0 type. GOST 12.1.044).
No aluminium paints shall be used on oil
2.2.4 At control stations, in accommoda-
tankers in cargo compartments, cofferdams,
tion and household spaces including related
pump rooms, cargo deck area and other
corridors, fixed deck coverings of a thickness
spaces where explosive vapours may be pre-
5 mm and more shall be hardly inflammable
as per and shall not release toxic or
explosive gases. 2.2.7 Textiles for draperies, curtains etc., as
Outer surfaces of corridors and partitions well as furniture covers and mattresses shall
of the ladders from the control stations, ac- not spread flame1 more rapidly than woollen
commodation and household spaces as well as cloth of relative mass 0.8 kg/m2.
concealed or non-accessible surfaces in those Carpets and similar coverings shall not
spaces (beyond panels, linings, etc.) shall be spread flame more rapidly than woollen prod-
made of low flame-spreading materials. ucts used for the same purpose.
Facing of outer surfaces in accommodation No combustible materials with rapid flame
and household spaces may be made of com- propagation shall be used as padding for mat-
bustible materials with a thickness not exceed- tresses and pillows.
ing 2 mm, when the latter are not adjacent to 2.2.8 All capacities intended for collection
the machinery spaces. If low flame-spreading of combustible wastes shall be made of non-
materials are used, facing may be more than combustible materials and shall have no open-
2 mm thick. ings in walls or the bottom.
2.2.5 Mass of combustible materials used 2.2.9 Materials used for equipment in-
for inner bulkheads, furring, insulation, lining, cluded in fire extinguishing systems shall be
finishing, furniture and other equipment of non-combustible and resistant to fire extin-
control stations, accommodation and house- guishing agents. Gaskets and flexible hoses
hold spaces excepting cooled spaces, where (see 10.2.22 Part IV of the Rules) used in
this Part of the Rules allows its application, joints of fire extinguishing systems shall be
shall be not more than 45 kg per 1 m2 of the made of materials resistant to fire extinguish-
deck area where the given space is located. ing agents, water (sea water for Ì-ÑÏ,
The area of a space formed by non-vertical Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships) and moist air.
structures is calculated on the basis of plan 2.2.10 Deck coverings inside explosive
area of this space at the middle of its height
rooms and spaces shall prevent the risk of
between the floor and the top ceiling.
spark formation.
Wood for furring, covering of inner decks
and platforms, bulkheads, insulation lining
shall be impregnated by fireproof composition
or treated in other equivalent way. GOST R 50810.
324 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

2.3 USE OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS veneer on the combined area of the walls and
ceiling linings. Furniture fixed to linings,
General provisions
bulkheads or decks need not be included in
2.3.1 On passenger ships, A, B or C type the calculation of the total volume of com-
divisions in accommodation and service bustible materials.
spaces which are faced with combustible ma- 2.3.6 The following surfaces shall have low
terials, facings, moldings, decorations and flame-spread characteristics;
veneers shall comply with the provisions .1 on passenger ships:
of 2.2.4, 2.2.6, 2.3.4 – 2.3.6. outer surfaces in corridors and ladder en-
2.3.2 On non-passenger ships, non- closures, and bulkhead and ceiling linings in
combustible bulkheads, ceilings and linings accommodation and service spaces (except
fitted in accommodation and service spaces saunas) and control stations;
may be faced with combustible materials, fac- surfaces and grounds in concealed or in-
ings, moldings, decorations and veneers pro- accessible spaces in accommodation and ser-
vided such spaces are bounded by non- vice spaces and control stations;
combustible bulkheads, ceilings and linings in .2 for non-passenger ships:
accordance with the provisions of 2.2.4, 2.2.6, outer surfaces in corridors and ladder en-
2.3.4 – 2.3.6. closures and of ceilings in accommodation
and service spaces (except saunas) and control
2.3.3 Structures of combustible materials stations;
near galley ovens shall be covered with heat surfaces and grounds in concealed or in-
insulation of non-combustible material, faced accessible spaces in accommodation and ser-
with steel plates which shall be extended over vice spaces and control stations.
the overall oven dimensions for at least
500 mm.
Maximum heat of combustion RESTRICTION AND PENETRATION
for combustible materials OF SMOKE AND FLAME
2.3.4 Combustible materials used on the 2.4.1 Exits from spaces, ladders, doors and
surfaces and linings shall have a heat of com- rescue scuttles shall be made according to the
bustion not exceeding 45 MJ/m2, with regard requirements of 1.8 Part IV and 9 – 10 Part I
to their thickness. The requirements of this of the Rules. In addition to the requirement
paragraph are not applicable to the surfaces of of 1.8.4 Part IV of the Rules for ships of 85 m
furniture fixed to linings or bulkheads. in length, light hatch may be used as a second
Heat of combustion with regard to facing exit. It shall be opened from inside.
material is determined by the following for-
mula (MJ/m2): 2.4.2 Ladders shall be made of steel or
other equivalent material. Ladders passing
Q = qgps (2.3.4)
through a single deck shall be enclosed on
where qg – specific heat of combustion for either of two decks by fire-retardant divisions
the material, determined according to and self-closing doors.
GOST R 56025 (MJ/kg); Ladders passing through more than one
ð – material density (kg/m3); deck shall be enclosed on all decks by fire-
s – material thickness (m). retardant divisions and self-closing doors;
exits shall be provided from ladder enclosures
2.3.5 The total volume of combustible fac-
to the open deck or to the corridors giving
ings, moldings, decorations and veneers meet-
access to the open deck.
ing the requirements of 2.3.1 è 2.3.2 in ac-
commodation and service spaces shall not 2.4.3 In ladder enclosures of passenger
exceed a volume equivalent to 2.5 millimeters ships, each deck shall be provided with max.
2 Structural Fire Protection 325

six seats. Seats shall be fixed and shall not 2.5 FIRE-HAZARDOUS MATERIAL
restrict the passenger escape route. Furniture STORAGE, WELDING ROOMS
shall not be permitted in passenger and crew AND SAUNAS
corridors forming escape routes in cabin areas.
Storerooms for highly inflammable materials
2.4.4 Elevators and lifts shall be located and substances
within trunks made of steel or equivalent mate-
2.5.1 Storerooms for highly inflammable
rial which shall prevent smoke and flame pene-
materials and substances as well as combusti-
tration from one space between decks to another
ble materials shall not be adjacent to the ac-
one. Closing arrangements restricting draught and
commodation spaces, machinery spaces, fuel
smoke penetration shall be provided.
and lubricating oil storages. Structures of
2.4.5 Air spaces located beyond the lining bulkheads and decks of the storerooms shall
of ladders, trunks and similar vertical enclo- be made of steel or another equivalent material.
sures as well as deck penetrations for pipes Where the hull, superstructures and deck-
and cables shall be sealed with a non- houses are made of other materials, structures
combustible material at every deck. of bulkheads and decks of the storerooms
shall be of type B-15.
2.4.6 Protection of ladders and elevator
trunks in the accommodation, service spaces 2.5.2 Storerooms for highly inflammable
and control stations of Ì-ÑÏ class ships shall materials and substances shall comply with
be provided as follows: the following requirements:
.1 Ladders passing through one deck only .1 Storerooms shall have separated exits to
shall be protected at least at one level by at an open deck. One exit to an open deck may
least B-0 type divisions and self-closing doors. be arranged from the lamp rooms and paint
Elevators passing through one deck only shall stores located in adjacent spaces through a
be enclosed by A-0 type divisions with steel common lobby isolated from other spaces
doors at both levels. Ladders and elevator provided that each store room has individual
trunks which penetrate more than a single closable exit to that lobby;
deck shall be surrounded by at least A-0 type .2 Equipment shall be made of non-
divisions and be protected by self-closing combustible materials;
doors at all levels; .3 Stores shall be provided with natural
.2 Ladders and elevator trunks may be plenum-exhaust ventilation. Outlet openings
protected by B-0 type divisions on ships with of vent pipes from the mentioned spaces shall
the accommodation spaces intended for 12 be fitted with flame arresting fittings;
passengers or less, ladders passing through .4 Inflammable liquids of ship supply with
more than one deck and at least two exits to a flash point lower than 43 Ñ inside the
an open deck available at each accommoda- storerooms shall be stored in special steel
tion spaces’ level; tanks with air ducts led to the outside and
.3 One of the ladders of the machinery fitted with flame arresting fittings;
spaces which comply with the requirements .5 Storeroom doors shall open toward the
of 1.8.3 Part IV of the Rules, throughout the open deck and be provided with an inscrip-
escape route shall have continuous fire pro- tion “Fire danger!”
tection by means of separation by A-15 type 2.5.3 Where a separate storeroom for easily
divisions; inflammable liquids is impracticable, they
.4 Elevator trunks shall be so arranged may be stored in steel lockers or boxes com-
that to prevent from penetration of smoke and plying with the following requirements:
flame from one tween-deck space to another; .1 The lockers and boxes shall be fitted
.5 Where hold-back arrangement is pro- with tightly closing doors or covers with locks
vided, it shall comply with the requirements and vent ducts fitted with flame arresting fit-
of 2.6.3. tings. The lockers and boxes shall not be adja-
326 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

cent to the accommodation spaces. Doors or “P y r o t e c h n i c s

cover in places of contact with the case shall N o o p e n f l a m e ”.
be faced with materials preventing spark for-
mation. Where the lockers or boxes are fitted
on the deck made of combustible material,
the latter shall be insulated by steel above
non-combustible heat-insulating material Storage rooms for oxygen
5 mm thick along the locker or box surfaces. and acetylene cylinders
Instead of deck insulation the locker or the 2.5.7 Storage rooms for oxygen and acety-
box may be fitted on legs at least 50 mm high; lene cylinders shall be at least 2 m clear of the
.2 Inside the lockers or boxes inflammable accommodation spaces and control stations
liquids may be stored in not more than two and at least 4 m clear of spaces containing
tightly closed cans. Steel cans shall be secured inflammable substances and fuel or essential
in pockets faced with non-combustible mate- onboard equipment.
rial preventing spark formation. The can ca-
pacity for inflammable liquids shall not ex- 2.5.8 The storage room for acetylene cylin-
ceed 20 L. No cans made of synthetic materi- ders shall be separate from the storage room
als may be used. for oxygen cylinders.

2.5.4 Store of rags and used rags shall be 2.5.9 Rooms for storing cylinders shall be
kept in storerooms outside the machinery separated from adjacent rooms by A-60 type
spaces. divisions and have an entrance directly from
Service store of rugs is allowed to be kept the open deck.
in the machinery spaces in individual closed 2.5.10 Storage spaces for oxygen and acety-
steel boxes. lene cylinders shall be equipped with regard to
the following requirements:
.1 Oxygen and acetylene cylinders shall be
Ship’s pyrotechnical means kept in vertical position in special closed
2.5.5 Ship pyrotechnic means other than spaces with natural ventilation or on open
those for lifeboats and liferafts shall be kept in decks;
tightly closed metal lockers. .2 Storage spaces for the cylinders shall be
fitted with uprights with sockets, clamps or
2.5.6 Lockers for storing pyrotechnic signal
other devices which provide reliable fastening
means shall be impenetrable and made of
and release of the cylinders;
steel or its equivalent fire-resistant material,
fitted with tight doors, located on the open .3 Storage spaces for the cylinders on the
deck, at least 100 mm above the deck and at open deck shall be selected to avoid acciden-
minimum distance of 100 mm from external tal mechanical damage of the cylinders and
bulkheads of the superstructure / wheelhouse, access of unauthorized personnel;
next to which they are mounted, or integrated .4 Cylinders shall be protected against di-
in the wheelhouse. In the latter case, their rect sunlight;
doors shall be arranged to open outwards (to .5 Warning inscriptions “A c e t y l e n e ”
the deck). “E x p l o s i v e ” and “N o s m o k i n g ” shall
Lockers shall be provided with shelves ex- be provided on the fence of the area with
cluding friction and shocks of rockets, their acetylene cylinders; warning inscriptions
displacement under heel conditions. “O x y g e n ”, “N o o i l i n s i d e ” and
If the locker is subject to direct sunlight, it “N o s m o k i n g ” shall be provided on the
shall be provided with a sun visor. fence of the area with oxygen cylinders;
The following inscriptions shall be applied .6 Cylinders shall not be fastened on
on the lockers (boxes): bulkheads of accommodation spaces;
2 Structural Fire Protection 327

.7 Laying and placement of foreign safety requirements, but in this case the bath-
equipment, cables and pipelines in cylinder room shall comply with the requirements for
rooms is not allowed. saunas according to the present Rules;
2.5.11 Doors of spaces shall open outward, .3 Wooden benches and wooden linings
on bulkheads and ceilings are permitted in
shall have locks and inscriptions as stated
in saunas and in this case the requirements
of 2.3.4, 2.3.5 are not applied. The ceiling
above the oven shall be lined with a non-
Spaces for electric-gas-welding operations
combustible plate with an air gap of at least
2.5.12 Space for electric-gas-welding op- 30 mm.
erations shall comply with the following re- The distance from the hot surfaces to com-
quirements: bustible materials shall be at least 500 mm, or
.1 The space shall be located to the aft the combustible materials shall be protected
from cargo tanks (in oil tankers), discharge (e.g., non-combustible plate with an air gap
tanks and cofferdams protecting them, shall of at least 30 mm).
be separated from adjacent rooms by A-
60 type divisions and have an exit to the open 2.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL
.2 The space shall not be located in ma- TYPES
chinery spaces of A category, as well as at
distance less than 5 m from the rooms in- Passenger ships
tended for storing and transporting explosive 2.6.1 On passenger ships the following
and fire-risk materials; structural elements shall be fireproof inside
.3 The distance from the room to gas the hull and superstructures:
ports of cargo compartments and discharge trunks of machinery spaces and boiler
tanks shall be min. 9 m; rooms
.4 The space shall be fitted with forced enclosures of ladders
ventilation which provides 20 air exchanges bulkheads and decks separating the control
per hour; stations from adjacent spaces
.5 The welding current source shall be fit- bulkheads and decks separating the ac-
ted with a blocking device preventing from its commodation spaces from the household,
activation when entrance door is open and machinery spaces and boiler rooms as well as
forced ventilation is not in operation; the cargo holds and fuel storerooms
.6 The door shall have a lock, the outer bulkheads and decks of storerooms for
door shall be provided with lighting panel highly inflammable and combustible materials
“K eep out ! W eld ing i n pr ogr ess !”. as well as galleys and all other spaces where
fuel is stored or used
Saunas bulkheads and deck of the passages used as
2.5.13 Saunas shall comply with the re- escape routes for passengers and crew
quirements of 9.9 Part I of the Rules and with The stated structural elements shall be de-
the following requirements: signed as per Tables 2.6.1-1 and 2.6.1-2.
.1 The sauna perimeter shall be fitted with When using Tables 2.6.1-1 and 2.6.1-2, the
A-60 type divisions, except those inside the following shall be considered:
perimeter; .1 Bulkheads between cabins, between cab-
.2 Saunas shall include changing rooms, ins and corridors, vertical bulkheads
showers and toilets. If there is an entrance bulkheads separating lounges according
from the bathroom to the sauna, then the to 2.6.2, bulkheads of spaces with pressure
door between them may not comply with fire sprinkler system shall comply with B-0 type;
328 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

T a b l e 2.6.1-1
Type of bulkheads between spaces without pressure sprinklers
Type of bulkheads between spaces:
Space control mustering engine galley
stairwell lounge storeroom
station station space space
Control station — A-0 A-0/B-15 A-30 A-60 A-60 A-60
Stairwell — — A-0 A-30 A-60 A-60 A-60
Mustering station — — — A-30/B-152 A-60 A-60 A-60
Lounge — — — B-153 A-60 A-60 A-60
Engine space — — — — A-60/A-04 A-60 A-60
Galley space — — — — — A-0 A-60/Â-155
Storeroom — — — — — — —
The type of bulkheads for mustering stations is specified as follows: in the numerator – inside the ship,
in the denominator – in open spaces.
The type of bulkheads between lounges and mustering stations is specified as follows: in the numerator
– inside the ship, in the denominator – in open spaces.
3, 4
Type of bulkhead shall be selected with regard to the requirements of and, respectively.
The type of bulkheads is specified as follows: in the denominator – bulkheads separating galleys and re-
frigerated chambers or provision rooms, in the numerator – other bulkheads.
T a b l e 2.6.1-2
Type of bulkheads between spaces with pressure sprinklers
Type of bulkheads between spaces:
Space control mustering engine galley
stairwell lounge storeroom
station station space space
Control station — A-0 A-0/B-15 A-0 A-60 A-60 A-30
Stairwell — — A-0 A-0 A-60 A-30 A-0
Mustering station — — — A-30/B-152 A-60 A-30 A-30
Lounge — — — —/B-03 A-60 A-30 A-0
Engine space — — — — A-60/A-04 A-60 A-60
Galley space — — — — — — Â-15
Storeroom — — — — — — —
See the corresponding footnotes for Tables 2.6.1-1.

.2 Bulkheads separating the emergency Fireproof or fire-retardant bulkhead shall

power plant room and rooms with power sup- be extended throughout the entire breadth of
plies according to 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 Part VI of the hull, superstructure or deckhouse and in
the Rules or with the main switchboard shall the vertical plane – from the bottom to the
comply with A-60 type, in other cases, with uppermost deck of passenger superstructure or
A-0 type. deckhouse.
2.6.2 Passenger ships with a length of 65 m Fire proof or fire-retardant bulkhead may
and more shall be divided into main vertical be stepped; the type of division forming that
zones by transverse fireproof bulkheads of step shall be not less than the division type of
type À-30. the vertical bulkhead itself.
Other divisions may be allowed with due
regard of design features of a ship, quantity of 2.6.3 Doors and passages in the bulkheads
combustible materials used in ship’s spaces mentioned in 2.6.1 shall be equivalent by in-
and availability of fire-retardant divisions tegrity to the bulkhead itself and shall be ca-
of Â-15 type. pable of opening and closing from both sides
The distance between the fireproof or fire- of the bulkhead by one person.
retardant bulkheads in cabin zones shall be Doors shall be of self-closing type. The
max. 40 m. control station shall be fitted with the indica-
2 Structural Fire Protection 329

tor of the door position (“O p e n ” – 2.6.7 For heating the ship's cargo or
“C l o s e d ”). spaces, the machinery space or special com-
Self-closing doors, which remain open dur- partment from the deck or from the machin-
ing the normal operation, shall be closed from ery space, boilers working on liquid fuel with
the place permanently manned by crew mem- flash point of over 60 °Ñ, may be fitted. The
bers. After the door is closed, it shall remain doors in machinery space trucks shall be of
available for local closing and opening. self-closing type. The doors shall be closed in
Other openings in the bulkhead shall be normal position.
sealed by non-combustible material in a such 2.6.8 No wood or other combustible mate-
way that the bulkhead integrity is not dis- rials may be used in bulk cargo tanks, coffer-
turbed. dams and pump rooms.
Closing devices of the openings in other
2.6.9 Bulk cargo / discharge tanks shall be
fire-retardant divisions shall be so sealed that
separated from the machinery spaces by cof-
to retain the integrity. ferdams.
2.6.4 Air spaces beyond the ceiling, panels 2.6.10 Cofferdams shall be of a length
or lining shall be separated by tightly fit seal- equal to one spacing but not less than 0.5 m.
ings without gaps made of non-combustible By-pass gate valves in cofferdam bulkheads
materials preventing from draught and located are not allowed.
at the distance not exceeding 14 m apart.
2.6.11 When the pump room is adjacent to
2.6.5 Structural fire protection of passenger the machinery space, no cofferdam is re-
ferries shall be executed in the same way as quired.
on passenger ships.
Ships and ferries intended for transporta- 2.6.12 Pump rooms shall be separated from
tion of motor vehicles and other vehicles with the machinery spaces and cofferdams by gas-
filled fuel tanks shall comply with the follow- tight bulkheads.
ing requirements: Pump rooms shall have separate exits to
the open deck fitted with gas-tight closures.
.1 Accommodation, service and machin-
Direct connection between the pump
ery spaces shall be separated from cargo decks
rooms and the machinery spaces is not al-
and holds by fireproof divisions of type À;
.2 Closed spaces (holds) shall be fitted
with forced ventilation. 2.6.13 On the deck of bulk cargo tanks
hollow (tubular) details in the structure of
Oil tankers. General requirements ladders, enclosures and other structures are
permitted, if natural ventilation of their inner
2.6.6 Portholes and windows in bulkheads cavities is provided. No hollow details are
of superstructures and deckhouses faced to the permitted in bulk cargo tanks and pump
cargo tanks or measuring tanks as well as in rooms of oil tankers.
outer bulkheads adjacent to a superstructure The requirement does not cover pipelines
at the distance within 3 m shall be of blind of the cargo heating system.
(non-opening) type. No doors are allowed in
the mentioned areas. 2.6.14 Structure of hatch covers fitted in
This requirement does not apply to cargo spaces and areas with risk of explosion shall
handling control stations having no direct prevent spark formation when they are being
connections with the accommodation and opened or closed. Hatch covers shall be gas-
service spaces, and the wheelhouse. tight.
In addition to the above mentioned, the 2.6.15 Accommodation spaces shall be lo-
requirements of 5.6.2 Part IX of the Rules cated in the superstructures of the after part
shall be met. of a ship made of steel or other equivalent
330 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

material. Where the accommodation spaces Accommodation spaces shall be located

are located above the pump rooms, coffer- above dry compartments in superstructures of
dams or cargo compartments, the deck of the the after part of a ship made of steel or other
mentioned spaces shall be raised for 0.5 m equivalent material. The first tier of the aft su-
above the ship’s deck. perstructure shall extend from side to side. The
fore bulkhead of that tier shall be tight and
2.6.16 The space between the ship’s deck
have no doors, necks and opening portholes.
and the raised superstructure shall be open.
Placement or overhanging of accommoda-
The raised deck shall be gas-tight and be
tion spaces and the wheelhouse above the
made or steel or other equivalent material.
pump room and cargo tanks on self-propelled
2.6.17 The superstructure containing the tankers is not permitted. On non-self-
accommodation spaces shall have two exits on propelled ships those spaces may be located
the open deck, one from each side. amidships above the cofferdams, pump rooms
and cargo compartments, when the deck of
2.6.18 On self-propelled oil tankers a those spaces is raised above the ship’s deck by
smoking room shall be provided in the super- 2 m; here, the requirement of 2.6.16 shall be
structure, with equipment and lining made of complied with.
non-combustible materials.
Exit from the smoking room shall lead 2.6.22 In the pump room (see 2.6.11
to a corridor, the portholes shall be of blind and 2.6.12), the first floor from the machinery
(non-opening) type. space bulkhead shall be gas-tight.
2.6.19 On oil tankers and ships carrying 2.6.23 The structure and material of the
hazardous chemicals in bulk, cofferdams, bal- deck machinery elements (locking devices,
last tanks, cargo reservoirs and other spaces in brake blocks etc.) fitted in spaces and areas
the cargo zone shall be accessed directly from with risk of explosion, shall prevent spark
the open parts of the deck. Double bottom formation.
space may be accessed through other spaces. Chain lockers (if located in the mentioned
spaces and areas) shall be gas-tight and fitted
2.6.20 Ships stated in 2.6.19, shall be pro- with arrangements for water filling.
vided with two independent exits in the cargo
zone which are located as far as possible from 2.6.24 Mooring and towing bollards shall
each other. Minimum free dimensions of exits be arranged on foundations which design shall
shall be the following: provide for free air circulation beneath the
(600  600) mm – for exits through hori-
In spaces and areas with risk of explosion
zontal openings, manholes, hatches
no steel towing or mooring ropes may be used
(600  800) mm – for exits through vertical or stored.
openings, manholes and hatches. If the lower
edge of an exit is located 600 mm above the 2.6.25 The structure and material of guard
floor level, it shall be provided with steps. rails located in explosive cargo zone shall pre-
vent formation of sparks as a result of impact.
Requirements for oil tankers intended 2.6.26 Working spaces decks (near the on-
for transportation, pumping and storage board arrangements and the deck machinery)
of liquids with a flash point of max. 60 Ñ. shall be covered with wooden grating or insu-
lated by non-slip mastic. Grating shall have
2.6.21 Peaks shall be separated from cargo
no steel fastenings.
zone and fuel tanks by cofferdams. Machinery
spaces shall be separated from cargo zone by
Requirements for oil stations
cofferdams, cargo pump rooms or isolated
ballast tanks. The cofferdams shall be fitted 2.6.27 On oil stations working with in-
with water or inert gas filling system. flammable liquids with a flash point of max.
2 Structural Fire Protection 331

60 Ñ no accommodation or other spaces may max. 60 Ñ, including auxiliary ships, fuelers,
be located except for pump rooms, machinery floating stores shall comply with the require-
spaces, control stations and service spaces ments of 2.1 – 2.5, and with the following:
(offices, washrooms, shower rooms and lava- .1 Fender guards shall be either made of
tories). materials preventing spark formation or faced
2.6.28 No control stations or service spaces with such materials. Guard rails shall not be
may be located in the ship’s hull. fastened to the hull by driftbolts;
.2 Fenders with outer surfaces made of
2.6.29 Machinery spaces of all stations as spark-forming materials are not permitted;
well as boiler rooms of stripping stations .3 Detachable elements of guard rails,
working with inflammable liquids with a flash mooring and towing ropes, closures of bul-
point below 60 Ñ, shall comply with the fol- warks and fender suspensions shall be made of
lowing requirements: materials preventing spark formation;
.1 The deck of machinery spaces located .4 Design of the doors and hatch covers
above the cargo tanks shall be raised over the located in the cargo zone of an oil tanker dur-
cargo tank deck by at least 0.7 m; ing mooring operations, shall prevent spar for-
.2 Machinery spaces located inside the mation when they are being opened (closed);
hull shall be separated from the cargo tanks .5 Fuelers being oil tankers shall also
by cofferdams of at least 0.5 m width. comply with the requirements of 2.6.6 – 2.6.32
2.6.30 In oil stations working with inflam- with due regard of the vapour flash point of
mable liquids with a flash point of over 60Ñ, the cargo being transported.
the machinery spaces may be located either
inside the hull or above the cargo tank deck. Requirements for ships less than 25 m in length
The deck of machinery spaces located
2.6.34 The requirements of 2.1 – 2.5 apply
above the cargo tanks shall be raised over the
to ships less than 25 m in length, unless speci-
cargo tank deck by at least 0.5 m.
fied otherwise in 2.6.35 – 2.6.37.
Machinery spaces located inside the hull
shall be separated from cargo tanks by a cof- 2.6.35 On wooden and composite ships
ferdam. wood may be used without fireproof impreg-
In oil stations intended for operation with nation for inner bulkheads, divisions, decks
inflammable liquids with a vapour flash point except for wooden divisions in spaces con-
above 120 Ñ, no raise of the machinery space taining internal combustion engines.
deck over the cargo tank deck is required. Ceilings, sides and bulkheads of the ma-
chinery space shall be either impregnated with
2.6.31 In oil stations working with inflam-
fireproof composition or plated with steel
mable liquids with a vapour flash point below
above the layer of non-combustible material
60 Ñ entries to the machinery spaces shall be not less than 5 mm thick.
arranged from the deck of superstructure or
entrance deckhouse arranged at the height of 2.6.36 Heat insulation of the deck above
at least 2 m from the main deck. the fuel tank compartment shall be made of
non-combustible material.
2.6.32 Pump rooms, machinery spaces and
entrance deckhouses shall have blank (non- 2.6.37 On ships without continuous deck
opening) side scuttles, tight bulkheads and tight bulkheads are not required for enclosing
divisions and separate exits to open decks spaces of engines.
with tight closures.
Requirements for floating objects
Requirements for oil tanker service ships with wooden superstructures
2.6.33 Port ships, which service oil tankers 2.6.38 Wood may be used as structural ma-
carrying oil goods with vapour flash point of terial for superstructures of inland navigation
332 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

floating objects with the reinforced concrete 2.7.2 The A type divisions separating two
hull, operated in close proximity to the coast adjacent rooms, one of which is completely
and moored to it, if the requirements free from combustible medium (inflammable
of 2.1 – 2.5 and the following requirements liquids, inflammable compressed, liquefied
are complied with: gases and gases dissolved under pressure, in-
.1 Superstructures shall be made of timber flammable solid combustible materials and
impregnated by fireproof composition; substances), or being the outer surfaces of
.2 There shall be maximum three super- superstructures and deckhouses, due to their
structure tiers; fire resistance properties shall meet the re-
.3 It is necessary take measures to mini- quirements for A-0 type divisions.
mize the amount of combustible materials 2.7.3 Continuous B type ceilings and lin-
onboard the floating object (non-combustible ings (ceilings and linings terminating either at
materials shall be used for isolation, finishing an A or B type division or at outer surfaces
and furniture); of a ship) together with related decks and
.4 All spaces shall be protected by a fire bulkheads may be approved as completely or
detection and alarm system; partially complying with the requirements to
.5 When selecting and fitting ship's tech- insulation and fire resistance of A type divi-
nical facilities, elements of systems and electric sions stated in relevant fire resistance tables
equipment, the fire risk arising from superstruc- (see Tables 2.7.18-1, 2.7.18-2, 2.7.22-1,
ture material properties shall be considered; 2.7.22-2).
.6 Floating object shall be equipped with
fire extinguishers, whose number shall exceed 2.7.4 B type bulkheads shall extend from
that stated in 6.1.8 at least by two times; deck to deck and to outer plating or other
.7 Smoking shall be forbidden on board boundaries. However, when such a boundary
the floating object; is protected by a continuous B type ceiling
.8 At least two (main and reserve) evacua- or lining extending to both sides from the
tion routes from each room and from the bulkhead, the latter may terminate near such
floating object shall be provided. The reserve continuous ceiling or lining.
route may be provided by means of portable 2.7.5 Closures of openings in A and B type
(folding or rope) ladders through windows divisions shall be of the same type as the divi-
and portholes. sions themselves.
Closures of openings in A type divisions
2.7 STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION shall be smoke- and fire-tight within 60 min
OF Ì-ÑÏ CLASS SHIPS of standard fire resistance test and be made of
steel or equivalent material.
General requirements
Closures of openings in B type divisions
2.7.1 In places where A type metal divi- shall be fire-tight within 30 min of standard
sions are adjacent to metal decks, bulkheads fire resistance test and be made of non-
and sides as well as in places where piping, combustible material.
cables and air ducts penetrate through A type B type doors may be used in corridor
metal divisions, those structures adjacent to as A-0 type bulkheads.
well as penetrating through A type divisions All windows and portholes in bulkheads in-
shall be insulated by non-combustible materi- side the accommodation and service spaces
als. The total length of the insulated section shall be arranged in such a way that they do
shall be at least 500 mm regardless of the in- to impose the fire-resistance properties of the
sulation availability at one side or both sides bulkhead. This requirement does not apply to
from the A type division. The length of the glassed bulkheads, windows and portholes in
insulated section may be reduced if the re- the outer plating of the hull, bulkheads and
duced insulation length is proved sufficient by deckhouses, and outer doors in superstruc-
the standard fire testing (see tures and deckhouses.
2 Structural Fire Protection 333

2.7.6 Fire-fighting doors in bulkheads of 2.7.12 Where openings for cables, piping,
vertical fire zones and in ladder enclosures as trunks, air ducts or ventilation system assem-
well as doors leading to machinery spaces of blies, lightning fixtures etc. are arranged in A
A category, except for mechanically driven and B type divisions, the measures shall be
watertight doors, outer and normally locked taken against loss of fire resistance properties
doors, shall be self-closing. Those doors shall of the latter.
close at the inclination angle up to 3.5 to the 2.7.13 Doorways of all doors, air ducts,
side opposite to the closing direction. The ring spaces around smoke pipes, light hatch-
doors shall be supplied with a hold-back ar- ways of machinery spaces, boiler and pump
rangement keeping them in the open position rooms shall be supplied with closing devices.
and releasing them either by the remote con- Those devices shall be manufactured in such a
trol or directly from the places arranged on way that they could be controlled from the
both sides of the door. The hold-back ar- open deck in the event of fire. The require-
rangement shall be designed in such a way ment for the control of closing devices from
that the doors could be closed automatically if the open deck does not apply to doors that
the remote control system is damaged. can be closed from outside the spaces listed
2.7.7 In the lower corner of the doors lo- above.
cated in fire-resistant bulkheads (except for 2.7.14 In light hatchways of machinery
doors in the main fire-resistant bulkheads) spaces and boiler rooms no glass panels shall
there may be an opening with self-closing be fitted. Portholes arranged in the light
device for fire hose. The diameter of the hatchways shall have glass wired with rein-
opening shall allow free pass of fire hose con- forcing wire mesh.
nections used onboard the ship and provide
the doors with possibility to close with a fire Requirements for passenger ships
hose passing through them. 2.7.15 Structural fire protection of passen-
ger vessels regardless of the voyage patterns
2.7.8 No air ducts or gratings may be ar- shall correspond with the requirements of the
ranged in A type doors. International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974, as amended. The require-
2.7.9 Air ducts may be arranged either in
ment applies to passenger ships of Ì-ÏÐ and
the lower half of doors of corridor bulkheads,
Î-ÏÐ classes.
cabins or public spaces or under doors except
for the doors in ladder enclosures. The total Requirements for cargo ships
net area of such openings shall not exceed
0.05 m2; they shall be fitted with a mesh made 2.7.16 The requirements of 2.7.17 – 2.7.20
of non-combustible material. are additional to the requirements of 2.7.1 –
2.7.14 and apply to cargo ships of gross ton-
2.7.10 Upper parts of B type doors may be nage 500 and over.
glassed by special heat-resistant glass or glass 2.7.17 Accommodation and service spaces
wired with reinforcing wire mesh. Frames shall be protected by 1C protection method
for glass fixation shall be made of steel or which specifies that all inner bulkheads shall
other non-combustible material. Construction be made of non-combustible B and C type
of glassed doors shall comply with all re- divisions.
quirements to B type divisions; this shall be
proved by the results of testing specimens of 2.7.18 The minimum fire resistance of
such doors for fire resistance. bulkheads and decks separating adjacent
spaces shall comply with the requirements
2.7.11 Hinges of A and B class doors shall of 2.7.18-1 and 2.7.18-2 respectively, which
be made of materials with melting point not divide those spaces into the following catego-
less than 950 Ñ. ries proceeding from the risk of fire:
334 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

T a b l e 2.7.18-1
Minimum fire integrity of bulkheads separating adjacent spaces
Room fire risk category
Rooms and their fire risk category
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Control stations 1 À-01 À-0 À-60 À-0 À-15 À-60 À-15 À-60 À-60 * À-60
Corridors, lobbies and 2 — Ñ Â-0 À-02, Â-0 Â-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-30
Accommodation spaces 3 — — Ñ3 À-02, Â-0 Â-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-30
Enclosures of stairways 4 — — — À-02, Â-0 À-02, Â-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-30
Service spaces (low risk of 5 — — — — Ñ À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0
Machinery spaces of cate- 6 — — — — — * À-0 À-0 À-60 * À-604
gory À
Other machinery spaces 7 — — — — — — À-05 À-0 À-0 * À-0
Cargo spaces 8 — — — — — — — * À-0 * À-0
Service spaces (high risk of 9 — — — — — — — — À-05 * À-30
Open decks 10 — — — — — — — — — — À-0
Ro-ro cargo spaces 11 — — — — — — — — — — *
Bulkheads which separate wheelhouse, chart house and radio room, may be of Â-0 type.
To determine the type of bulkheads see 2.4.6 and 2.7.20.
Doors from cabins to inner individual lavatories may be made of combustible materials.
Where transport of hazardous goods is not provided, À-0 type bulkheads may be used.
When spaces are used for the same purpose, bulkheads between them may be dispensed with.
N o t e . “*” – divisions made of steel or other equivalent material, which may be not of A type.
Table 2.7.18-2
Minimum fire integrity of decks separating adjacent spaces
Lower spaces and their Fire risk category of upper spaces
fire risk category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Control stations 1 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-60
Corridors, lobbies and com- 2 À-0 * * À-0 * À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-30
Accommodation spaces 3 À-60 À-0 * À-0 * À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-30
Enclosures of stairways 4 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-30
Service spaces (low risk of 5 À-15 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0
Machinery spaces of cate- 6 À-60 À-60 À60 À-60 À-60 * À-601 À-30 À-60 * À-60
gory À
Other machinery spaces 7 À-15 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0 À-0 * À-0
Cargo spaces 8 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0 * À-0
Service spaces (high risk of 9 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-02 * À-30
Open decks 10 * * * * * * * * * — *
Ro-ro cargo spaces 11 À-60 À-30 À-30 À30 À-0 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-30 * *
N o t e . See footnotes and Note to Table 2.7.18-1.

1 – control stations; 4 – inner ladders and elevators except for

those entirely located within the machinery
2 – corridors, lobbies and companions;
spaces as well as their enclosures. A ladder
3 – accommodation spaces according to enclosed only in one tween-deck space is to except for corridors, lobbies and be considered as a part of the space from
companions; which it is not separated by fire-fighting door;
2 Structural Fire Protection 335

5 – service spaces (with low risk of fire): linings, draught stops and relevant framing
storerooms of combustible materials with area shall be made of non-combustible material.
less than 2 m2, storerooms of non-combustible
2.7.20 Bulkheads in accommodation and
materials, drying rooms and laundries;
service spaces, which are not required to be
6 – machinery spaces of A category;
made as A or B type divisions, shall be made
7 – other machinery spaces: machinery
as at least C type divisions.
spaces except for those of category 6, and
special electrical spaces;
8 – cargo spaces according to; Requirements for oil tankers
9 – service spaces (with high risk of fire)
according to except for those listed in 2.7.21 The requirements of 2.7.22 – 2.7.33
category 5; are additional to those stated in 2.7.1 – 2.7.14
10 – open decks: open deck spaces and and apply to oil tankers of gross tonnage 500
closed promenade decks having no risk of fire and over, which are intended for transporta-
as well as air spaces outside the superstruc- tion of crude oil and oil products with a flash
tures and deckhouses; point of max. 60 Ñ. Ships intended for trans-
11 – ro-ro cargo spaces according portation of oil products with a flash point
to exceeding 60 Ñ shall comply with the re-
Openings in bulkheads and decks between quirements of 2.7.16 – 2.7.20.
ro-ro cargo spaces shall have fire- and smoke- Ships of gross tonnage up to 500 shall
tight covers. comply with the requirements of 2.6.6 –
Where a deck marked with * in Ta- 2.6.26.
ble 2.7.18-2, is penetrated for the passage of
2.7.22 The minimum fire resistance of
electric cables, pipes and vent ducts, such bulkheads and decks separating adjacent
penetrations should be made tight to prevent spaces shall comply with the requirements
the passage of flame and smoke. of 2.7.22-1 and 2.7.22-2, which divide those
2.7.19 At the control stations, in accom- spaces into the following categories proceed-
modation and service spaces all ceilings and ing from the risk of fire:
T a b l e 2.7.22-1
Minimum fire integrity of bulkheads separating adjacent spaces
Room fire risk category
Rooms and their fire risk category
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Control stations 1 À-01 À-0 À-60 À-0 À-15 À-60 À-15 À-60 À-60 *
Corridors, lobbies and com- 2 — Ñ Â-0 À-0, Â-02 Â-0 À-60 À-0 À-60 À-0 *
Accommodation spaces 3 — — Ñ3 À-0, Â-02 Â-0 À-60 À-0 À-60 À-0 *
Stairways 4 — — — À-0, Â-02 À-0, Â-02 À-60 À-0 À-60 À-0 *
Service spaces (low risk of fire) 5 — — — — Ñ À-60 À-0 À-60 À-0 *
Machinery spaces of category 6 — — — — — * À-0 À-0 À-60 *
Other machinery spaces 7 — — — — — — À-04 À-0 À-0 *
Pump rooms 8 — — — — — — — * À-60 *
Service spaces (high risk of 9 — — — — — — — — À-04 *
Open decks 10 — — — — — — — — — —
1 Bulkheads which separate wheelhouse, chart house and radio room, may be of Â-0 type.
To determine the type of bulkheads see 2.4.6 and 2.7.20.
Doors from cabins to inner individual lavatories may be made of combustible materials.
When spaces are used for the same purpose, divisions between them may be dispensed with.
N o t e . “*” – divisions made of steel or other equivalent material, which may be not of A type.
336 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

T a b l e 2.7.22-2
Minimum fire integrity of decks separating adjacent spaces
Lower spaces Fire risk category of upper spaces
and their fire risk category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Control stations 1 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-60 À-0 — À-0 *
Corridors, lobbies and com- 2 À-0 * * À-0 * À-60 À-0 — À-0 *
Accommodation spaces 3 À-60 À-0 * À-0 * À-60 À-0 — À-0 *
Stairways 4 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0 À-60 À-0 — À-0 *
Service spaces (low 5 À-15 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-60 À-0 — À-0 *
risk of fire)
Machinery spaces of category À 6 À-60 À-60 À60 À-60 À-60 * À-60 À-0 À-60 *
Other machinery spaces 7 À-15 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 * À-0 À-0 *
Pump rooms 8 — — — — — À-01 À-0 * — *
Service spaces (high 9 À-60 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-0 À-60 À-0 — À-02 *
risk of fire)
Open decks 10 * * * * * * * * * *
N o t e . See footnotes to Table 2.7.22-1.

1 — control stations tight to prevent the passage of flame and

2 — lobbies, corridors and companions smoke.
3 — accommodation spaces excepting lob- However, where a deck, except for an open
bies, corridors and companions deck, is penetrated for the passage of electric
4 — stairways (inner ladders and elevators) cables, pipes and vent ducts, such penetra-
A ladder enclosed only in one tween-deck tions should be made tight to prevent the pas-
space is to be considered as a part of the sage of flame and smoke.
space from which it is not separated by fire-
2.7.23 External boundaries of superstruc-
fighting door.
tures and deckhouses which enclose the ac-
5 – service spaces (with low risk of fire):
commodation spaces (including shelter decks
storerooms of combustible materials with area
on which these spaces are situated), facing
less than 2 m2, storerooms of non-combustible
cargo zone along the full height, as well as
materials, drying rooms and laundries
adjacent side boundaries along 3 m at the
6 – machinery spaces of A category
height of three levels from the deck shall have
7 – other machinery spaces
insulation which corresponds to À-60 type
8 – cargo pump rooms
9 – service spaces (with high risk of fire)
according to excepting those stated in 2.7.24 Windows and portholes in external
category 5 as well as control stations of cargo boundaries facing cargo zone as well as in the
operations and incinerator rooms adjacent side boundaries of superstructures
10 – open decks means open deck areas and deckhouses, at the height of three levels
without any risk of fire and air spaces outside from the deck along the distance of 4 % of
the superstructures and deckhouses the ship’s length, but not less than 3 m, and
Sealings of shafting and cables piercing the not over 5 m from the end of the superstruc-
bulkhead between the machinery spaces of ture or deckhouse facing cargo zone, shall be
A category and other machinery spaces shall of closed (non-opening) type.
not disturb the bulkhead integrity. The requirement does not apply to wheel-
Where a deck, except for an open deck, house windows which may allow opening, but
marked with * in Table 2.7.22-2, is penetrated they shall provide tightness in closed position.
for the passage of electric cables, pipes and The mentioned portholes in frontal bulk-
vent ducts, such penetrations should be made heads of the first level shall be supplied with
2 Structural Fire Protection 337

dead covers permanently attached to their by Â-15 type divisions, and their finishing
casings. Casing, frame, dead cover and glass- shall be made of low-flame-spread materials.
fixing ring shall be made of steel or other
2.7.28 Cargo pumps shall be located in
equivalent material. Porthole glass shall be separate rooms enclosed by gas-tight bulk-
tempered and have the following minimum
heads. Openings in boundaries separating
thickness (mm):
pump rooms from the machinery spaces for
clear diameter (mm)
200 and less 10 pass of cargo pump shafts, electric cables, etc.
300 to 350 15 shall be equipped with sealings which do not
400 19 disturb the bulkhead integrity.
In bulkheads and decks which separate the
Clear diameter shall not exceed 400 mm.
pump rooms from other spaces, fixed gas-
For intermediate clear diameters (from 200 to
tight light enclosures may be allowed, pro-
300 mm and from 350 to 400 mm) the glass
vided that they do not impose fire integrity of
thickness shall be determined by means of
those divisions.
linear interpolation.
The bearing structures of deck light hatches
2.7.25 In boundaries mentioned in 2.7.24 for cargo pump compartments shall be made
no doors are permitted excepting for doors to of steel. These hatches shall close from the
control stations of cargo operations, provision outside of the pump room.
and other stores not connected with other Pump room bulkhead may be designed
spaces. Bulkheads separating such stations and with a recess which butts into the machinery
stores shall be of class À-60. space with the height not exceeding one-half
of the design depth.
This requirement does not apply to wheel-
house doors. These doors shall provide the 2.7.29 Machinery spaces shall be separated
wheelhouse tightness when closed. from cargo tanks and discharge tanks by cof-
In boundaries mentioned in 2.7.24 detach- ferdams, cargo pump rooms, fuel tanks or
able plates may be attached by bolts to close isolated ballast tanks.
openings for transportation of dismantled Cargo tank or discharge tank adjacent to
equipment. the machinery space by their corner shall be
separated by a corner cofferdam.
2.7.26 Machinery spaces, control stations, Corner cofferdams not accessible for visual
cargo operations control stations, accommo- examination are to be filled with a composi-
dation and household spaces (excluding iso- tion suitable for this purpose.
lated cargo handling gear lockers) shall be Spaces for pumps and related equipment
situated aft of cargo tanks, discharge tanks, for ballasting compartments adjacent to cargo
pump rooms and cofferdams. tanks and discharge tanks as well as spaces for
Machinery spaces other than category A, fuel pumps may be used for separation of the
control stations, accommodation and service machinery spaces from cargo tanks and dis-
spaces may be situated to the bow from cargo charge tanks provided those spaces have the
zone provided that they are separated from fire safety level required for cargo pump
cargo tanks and discharge tanks by coffer- rooms.
dams, pump rooms or isolated ballast tanks 2.7.30 On the upper deck a continuous
and the adequate safety level is reached if coaming extending from side to side with the
compared with location of those spaces aft height of at least 150 mm shall be provided at
from cargo tanks, discharge tanks, pump a distance about 2 m from the superstructure
rooms and cofferdams. where accommodation and service spaces are
2.7.27 In the accommodation area closed
spaces for smoking (smoking rooms) shall be 2.7.31 No coal-fueled cooking ranges or
provided. Those spaces shall be formed any other coal-fueled equipment are permitted.
338 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

2.7.32 Intake ventilation openings of ac- discharge tanks. The means of isolation shall
commodation and service spaces as well as consist of a valve followed by a spectacle
control stations shall be located either on the flange or a spool piece with blank flanges. The
outer walls of superstructures or deckhouses means of piping isolation shall be located near
not facing cargo zone or on the side wall of a discharge tanks. Such means may be arranged
superstructure or a deckhouse at a distance of in the pump room directly at the bulkhead in
at least 4 % of the ship length but not less the place where the pumps penetrates it.
than 3 m and not exceeding 5 m from the end In addition to existing onboard cargo and
of the superstructure or the deckhouse facing drainage systems, independent pumps and
cargo tanks. piping shall be provided on the open deck for
Air duct openings of the machinery spaces discharging the contents of discharge tanks;
shall be located as far as possible from the
.3 Access for discharge tank cleaning is
cargo zone.
allowed only from the open deck. Hatches
2.7.33 In combination carriers the follow- shall be provided with gas-tight covers. Those
ing requirements shall be also complied with: covers shall be provided with locking ar-
.1 Discharge tanks shall be surrounded rangements preventing their unauthorised
with cofferdams except for cases when shell opening;
plating, deck plating, pump room bulkhead or .4 All cargo spaces and adjacent spaces
fuel tank wall performs function of a dis- shall be provided with forced ventilation.
charge tank boundary. Those cofferdams shall Forced ventilation may be provided by port-
be separated from all enclosed (closed) spaces able fans.
including double bottom space and trunks for
pump room piping by tight structures. Means Cargo pump rooms, pumping trunks and
shall be provided for filling the cofferdams cofferdams adjacent to discharge tanks stated
with water and for draining them. in shall be fitted with an alarm and
When bulkhead of the cargo pump room monitoring system for inflammable vapours.
serves as a boundary of the discharge tank, Provision shall be made for measuring va-
the latter shall be separated from double bot- pour concentration in all other spaces located
tom space, pump room piping or other en- within cargo zone, which allows measuring
closed (closed) spaces by tight divisions. from the open deck or accessible places;
Openings with gas-tight bolted covers are .5 Precaution instructions for operations
permitted; with dry goods when oil residue is present in
.2 Means shall be provided for isolating discharge tanks shall be provided in a visible
the piping connecting the pump room with place.
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 339


3.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS In passenger ships carrying more than

36 passengers in control stations, accommo-
General requirements
dation and service spaces, including corridors
3.1.1 Requirements of the present Section and ladders. Control stations, where water
apply to fire extinguishing systems and sta- may cause damage to essential equipment,
tions intended for fire protection of ships. may be fitted with fixed fire-extinguishing
system of another type. Spaces having little or
3.1.2 If a ship is equipped with fire extin-
no fire risk such as voids, public toilets, car-
guishing equipment and systems in addition to
bon dioxide rooms and similar spaces need
those stated in this Section, they shall comply
not be fitted with this system.
with the requirements of the present Section
of the Rules. In passenger ships carrying not more than
36 passengers, where fixed smoke detection
3.1.3 Fire extinguishing systems and sta-
and alarm system shall be fitted only in corri-
tions shall be intended to ensure their reliabil-
dors, ladders and escape routes within ac-
ity and readiness for use under all conditions
commodation spaces, in accommodation and
of operation.
service spaces and in control stations, except
3.1.4 In addition to the requirements of those containing no significant fire risk, such
this Section, elements of fire alarm systems as voids, lavatories, etc.
(pumps, filters, pipelines, fittings, etc.) shall
In cargo ships in accommodation spaces,
comply with the applicable requirements of 7,
galleys and other spaces (except those con-
8, 10 and 11 Part IV of the Rules.
taining no significant fire risk) equipped with
3.1.5 Storage reservoirs for extinguishing fire detection and alarm system
medium, pneumohydraulic tanks, vessels for where restrictions to types of bulkhead
compressed gases used in fire extinguishing structure are not applied;
systems shall comply with the requirements
for pressure vessels stated in 8 Part IV of the .2 Lamp rooms, paint stores, storerooms
Rules. for inflammable liquids, liquefied and com-
pressed gases may be not fitted with fixed fire
Fire-extinguishing systems. extinguishing system if the volume of each
General requirements storeroom does not exceed 3 m3 or if the deck
area of the storeroom without access to ac-
3.1.6 On ships with the main engines of to- commodation spaces is less than 4 m2;
tal capacity exceeding 220 kW as well as in
.3 Fire extinguishing systems for protec-
floating workshops, passenger ships, crew
tion of cargo container spaces in ships of
boats, special purpose ships, loaders of inflam-
gross tonnage 2000 and more;
mable substances or liquids and pump stations
regardless of the engines capacity spaces pro- .4 Dry cargo spaces (10 of Table 3.1.6)
ceeding from their purpose shall be equipped are not fitted with fire extinguishing systems
with fixed fire extinguishing systems according in the following cases:
to Table 3.1.6 with regard to the following: In cargo ships with gross tonnage less
.1 Automatic sprinkler or water spray sys- than 2000 not suitable for transportation of
tem shall be fitted: hazardous goods.
340 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

T a b l e 3.1.6
Fixed fire-extinguishing systems
Fire-extinguishing system

aerosol fire


fire extin-

inert gas
foam fire

gas fire


Name of the space



1. Control stations excepting those in emergency Î — — — — — — — —
power source rooms
2. Emergency power source rooms — — — — — + + — +
3. Accommodation spaces and ladder enclosures Î + — — — — — — —
4. Household spaces Î + — — — — — — +
5. Stores for explosives Î — — + — — — — —
6. Stores for highly inflammable and combustible Î + + — — +1 + — +
7. Ro-ro cargo spaces normally not subdivided and Î — + — +2 +3 +4 — —
extending to either a substantial length or the entire
length of the ship
8. Oil tanks — — — — — + — +4, 5 —
9. Cargo tanks intended for cargo carriage including Î — — — — Î — — —
discharge tanks
10. Spaces for dry goods not being ship stores6, 7 Î — — — — Î1,8 + — —
11. Machinery spaces of A category and attended Î + + — — +3 + — +
machinery spaces
12. Not permanently attended machinery spaces Î — + — — +3 + — +
containing propulsion electric motors with total ca-
pacity exceeding 220 kW, machinery spaces with
generators, main and emergency switchboards
13. Cargo pump spaces in oil tankers Î — + — — +3 +9 — +
Medium expansion foam extinguishing system shall be used.
The system is used on ships intended for special purposes, such as automobile or railroad car ferries,
where the provision of vertical fire zone bulkheads would defeat the purpose for which the ship is in-
tended, in addition to water-sprinkling, foam fire extinguishing and gas fire extinguishing.
High expansion foam extinguishing system shall be used.
They shall be fitted only in the rooms, which may be closed from outside the rooms.
See 3.1.7.
Dry cargo and refrigerated holds and spaces between decks intended also for carriage of containers and
removable tanks as well as motor vehicles without fuel in their tanks.
See to
It shall not be used to protect cargo container spaces.
See 3.8.25.
N o t e . Symbols: Î – rooms are protected by the stated system;
+ – spaces are protected by one of the systems marked with this symbol.

If holds are intended only for transporta- guishing system with foam expansion ra-
tion of ore, coal, grain, non-dried timber, tio 1000:1;
non-combustible goods and goods with low .6 Gas fire extinguishing system shall be
fire risk; the holds shall be fitted with steel fitted in rooms for muffler spark arresters of
hatch covers and means of covering vent out- internal combustion engines, waste-heat boil-
lets and other openings leading to the holds; ers, flues and steam boilers onboard the ships:
.5 Dry cargo spaces (10 of Table 3.1.6) of carrying inflammable liquids and their
passenger ships with gross tonnage 1000 and tenders;
more shall be protected with fixed gas fire carrying dry goods, regardless of their
extinguishing system or fixed foam fire extin- gross tonnage;
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 341

carrying highly inflammable dry goods, agent may be not provided, if the air is dis-
regardless of their gross tonnage; charged outside the protected space by safety
with the total capacity of the main and valves and safety fusions of air receivers.
auxiliary engines exceeding 350 kW;
3.1.12 Overpressure or depression as a re-
.7 If machinery spaces of A category and sult of extinguishing medium dispersion shall
attended machinery spaces are protected with not cause damage to structural elements of
foam extinguishing system, the portable foam the protected room. It shall be possible to
generator shall be provided; provide safe pressure equalizing.
.8 Floating objects with wooden bulkheads
shall be equipped with water, foam and car- 3.1.13 Protected rooms shall be provided
bon dioxide extinguishing systems. with possibility to remove fire extinguishing
agent. If corresponding suction devices are
3.1.7 Inert gas fire extinguishing system fitted for this purpose, they shall not operate
may be used for oil tankers during unloading during fire extinguishing.
operations to prevent the fire by creating and
maintaining the medium not sustaining com- 3.1.14 Divisions which separate the spaces
bustion in the cargo tanks by means of inert protected by fire smothering system from the
gas; adjacent spaces shall be water-tight.
On oil tankers of gross tonnage 5000 and 3.1.15 Air ventilation openings of the
more the system is fitted at the ship owner's spaces protected by fire smothering systems
discretion. shall be fitted with closing devices from out-
3.1.8 Tugboats and pushboats intended for side of the spaces.
service ships carrying inflammable substances 3.1.16 Fire extinguishing systems shall be
and liquids as well as motor transport having subject to hydraulic tests according to 6.2.58
fuel in tanks shall be equipped with foam or RTSC.
water extinguishing system.
3.1.9 On ships with crew consisting of less Additional requirements for fire extinguishing
than three persons (see 3.1.8), fixed water / systems of Ì-ÑÏ class ships
foam extinguishing system may be dispensed 3.1.17 Where two or several adjacent ship
with. spaces with risk of fire are not separated from
3.1.10 On non-self-propelled ships operat- each other by gas- or water-tight bulkheads or
ing without a crew, fire-fighting equipment decks, fire extinguishing agent and corre-
and fire extinguishing systems are not re- sponding fire extinguishing system are chosen
quired. Tugboats and pushboats intended for proceeding from the space possessing the
operation with these ships shall be equipped highest risk of fire, and the necessary amount
with fixed fire extinguishing systems with of fire extinguishing agent and its flow rate are
manifolds with quick-closing nuts located on calculated using the corresponding total area
the open deck and intended for delivering or volume of all spaces connected with each
water or water solution of foam-forming agent other. Total number of extinguishing aerosol
to the ships being towed or pushed. generators for these rooms shall be deter-
mined by summing the number of generators,
3.1.11 If in the space protected by gas or intended individually for each room.
aerosol fire extinguishing system air receivers
If protected spaces are not connected with
with a capacity of 30 % of this space are pro-
each other, the necessary quantity of fire ex-
vided, the quantity of fire extinguishing agent
tinguishing agent shall be calculated for one
is determined according to the design volume
space which is the largest.
of the space to be protected and according to
the excess of compressed air free volume. 3.1.18 Water- and gas-tight doors may be
Such increase in quantity of fire extinguishing considered as enclosures in a bulkhead sepa-
342 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

rating adjacent machinery spaces only if they This requirement is not applied to foam
are remotely driven and fire stations which extinguishing systems intended for delivering
can release the fire-extinguishing agent are foam outside the cargo tanks by means of
fitted with alarm reporting the full closing of high-pressure monitors and portable air-foam
these doors. If such alarm is not available, the hoses or by means of medium-expansion
amount of fire extinguishing agent is calcu- foam generators.
lated and delivered proceeding from the ne- One delivery pipeline is permitted for
cessity to provide fire extinguishing means for a group of small spaces of the same type
the total volume (area) of adjacent spaces. (e.g. lamp room and paint store room);
In order to prevent excessive pressure in .2 Piping of fire extinguishing systems
spaces fitted with fire smothering systems dur- shall not be led in fuel and lubricating oil
ing release of fire extinguishing agent either stores and cooled spaces for all ships and in
valves shall be provided or the available pump rooms for tankers. Pressure piping of
means shall be used (e.g. air ducts or ventila- fire extinguishing systems shall not be led in
tion pipes). accommodation spaces;
.3 Piping of gas fire extinguishing systems
3.1.19 When calculating the amount and
may be laid via accommodation and service
the flow rate of fire extinguishing agent, the
spaces, when piping throughout its length
total net volume (area) of storage tanks for
inside those spaces has no plug connections
substances with fire risk located in that space
and is designed for pressure stated in Ta-
shall be added to the design volume (or the
ble 6.2.58 RTSC;
intended area accordingly) of the protected
.4 All fire extinguishing systems shall be
space, excepting the volume (the area) of
tanks contained in double bottom. so designed that to ensure periodical inspec-
tions in process of operation. For checking
If protected space is a machinery space of pipes of gas fire extinguishing systems, com-
A category, then volume of fuel and oil tanks pressed air shall be supplied to the manifold.
located inside the space or adjacent to it shall Compressed air line shall be fitted with a
be added to the design volume, excepting stop-check valve.
tanks contained in the double bottom. Here,
Systems equipped with pipelines and noz-
the volume of the largest tank of separate
zles for supplying extinguishing media, shall
tanks or two adjacent tanks shall be added to
have devices for their operation testing by
the design volume (the greatest volume shall
compressed air.
be chosen).
Aerosol fire extinguishing systems shall be
3.1.20 Fire extinguishing systems shall be so designed that to ensure periodical inspec-
so designed that fire extinguishing agent shall tions by starting them with the help of simu-
be delivered to all areas of the protected space lators of fire extinguishing aerosol generators,
including enclosed sections therein (e.g. con- whose electric characteristics shall comply
trol stations, workshops in the machinery with characteristics of generators starting de-
spaces, etc.). vices.
3.1.22 In fire extinguishing system seamless
steel pipes shall be used. Copper, copper-
Piping and valves
nickel and bimetallic tubes (where one layer is
3.1.21 When laying pipelines the following made of steel or copper) may be used as
requirements shall be met: equivalent to steel tubes and pipes.
.1 Fire smothering systems extinguishing Steel tubes shall have anti-corrosion coat-
agent shall be delivered to each of protected ing on the inner and the outer surfaces.
spaces by a separate pipe; check valves shall Hydrants, other equipment and fittings of
be fitted in the space of the fire extinguishing fire extinguishing systems which provide
station. working and safe condition of those systems,
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 343

shall be made of materials resistant to fire 3.1.29 Remote activation systems (using
extinguishing agents and water (sea water for air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc.) shall have
ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes). two starting reservoirs, each of them capable
of performing a single full start of extinguish-
Systems start-up ing system.
3.1.23 The system shall be activated with- 3.1.30 Remote activation devices shall be
out additional switches at the station, shall controlled by means of handwheels or levers
operate under any working conditions of the rigidly connected with rods or rollers.
ship, including at temperatures below 0 °C
and in case of fire. 3.2 FIRE EXTINGUISHING STATIONS
3.1.24 The fire extinguishing system shall General requirements
be activated at the control station located 3.2.1 Equipment of all fire extinguishing
outside the protected space. systems except for water and aerosol extin-
3.1.25 If the fire extinguishing system is in- guishing systems shall be located outside the
tended for protection of several rooms, it shall spaces protected by the system and at fire
be equipped with a separate marked activation extinguishing stations, with regard to 3.2.3.
device for each room. If those systems operate in conjunction
with the fire pumps, on passenger vessels
3.1.26 In the immediate proximity to each
more than 65 m long, self-propelled dry cargo
activation device, there shall be operating
ships and oil tankers with cargo-carrying ca-
instructions written with non-erasable text and
pacity over 1500 t, fire pumps, driving motors
hanged in a visible place. It shall contain the
as well as their controls shall be located out-
instructions on:
side protected spaces.
.1 activating the fire-extinguishing system;
Fixed emergency fire pump shall comply
.2 ensuring that no persons are present in with the requirements of 3.3.17.
the protected space;
.3 the crew's actions for activating the sys- 3.2.2 Foam extinguishing stations and fire
tem; smothering stations shall comply with the
.4 the crew's actions in case of fire extin- following:
guishing system failure. .1 All fire extinguishing stations excepting
that for machinery spaces shall be located on
3.1.27 In any service conditions the sys- open deck or directly under it with direct ac-
tems shall be prevented from spontaneous cess to the decks.
start-up, except for the sprinkler and aerosol Fire extinguishing station for machinery
fire extinguishing systems in case of tempera- spaces may have no direct access to open
ture increase in the protected space up to the deck only if remote extinguishing medium
values stated in 3.4.15 and 3.9.11, respec- release device is accessible from the wheel-
tively. All devices shall be protected from me- house or other space having direct access to
chanical damage. Start-up handles of foam the open deck;
extinguishing and fire smothering systems
.2 Stations shall be located in tight enclo-
shall be sealed.
sures or lockers. Bulkheads and decks separat-
3.1.28 Regardless of the availability of re- ing the station from protected spaces shall be
mote activation the system shall be provided type À divisions (see;
with local control directly from the fire extin- .3 If the station requires temperatures
guishing station and that for the pump – from above zero for operation, the station room
the place of its location. shall be fitted with heat insulation and heating;
For aerosol fire extinguishing systems local .4 To monitor the ambient temperature
control may be dispensed with. the station room shall be fitted with a ther-
344 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

mometer visible from inside the station and for immediate system actuation from the outside
from outside via a porthole. The ambient tem- of the protected space; here, the location of
perature in the space shall not exceed 40 °Ñ. remote activation drive shall be indicated and
Readings of press-gauges on air reservoirs illuminated from both the ship’s general network
shall be visible from inside the station and and the emergency network.
from outside via a porthole; Reservoirs containing fire extinguishing
.5 The station shall have natural or artifi- agent with toxic properties which are located
cial illumination; electric power to lamps shall inside permanently attended spaces, shall be
be supplied from both the main network and enclosed in steel gas-tight partitions fitted
the emergency lighting network; with independent ventilation.
.6 The station shall be permanently
locked by a lock with two keys, one of which 3.3 WATER EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM
shall be kept in a locked box with a glassed Fire pumps
wall near the lock, and the other – in the
wheelhouse; 3.3.1 Pumps of water extinguishing systems
.7 The diagram of the fire extinguishing shall be operated by electric power. The num-
station showing activation devices and pro- ber of fixed main and emergency fire pumps
tected spaces as well as brief manual on start- shall be not less than stated in Table 3.3.1. The
ing the system shall be located in the station total capacity of the main fire pumps shall be
room in a visible place; the maximum one of those specified accord-
.8 All valves and devices shall be supplied ing to the requirements of 3.3.3 and 3.3.4.
with nameplates bearing inscriptions and indi- T a b l e 3.3.1
cations: “Op en ”, “C lo s ed ”; Number of fire pumps
.9 stations shall be fitted with independent Number of fixed pumps
Types of ships
exhaust ventilation which provides 12 air ex- main emergency
changes per hour. Passenger ships length (m):
65 and less 1 —
3.2.3 If the amount of fire extinguishing 65 to 100 1 1
agent supplied to the protected space does not over 100 2 1
exceed 125 kg, local fire extinguishing stations Oil tankers and carriers of
may be provided with max. 5 vessels. motor transport with filled
Inside the machinery spaces, reservoirs tanks and inflammable fluids
with fire extinguishing agent may be fitted for in containers with a length, (m):
the protection of crank cases, mufflers of in- 100 and less 1 —
over 100 1 1
ternal combustion engines, smoke pipes and Ships of Ì-ÑÏ class with a
other closed volumes located within the ma- gross tonnage:
chinery space. less than 300 1 —
300 to 1000 1 —
1000 to 4000 2 1
Additional requirements for fire extinguishing 4000 and more 2 1
stations of Ì-ÑÏ class ships Other ships 1 —
3.2.4 On Ì-ÑÏ class ships with a gross ton- Fire pumps may be driven from the main
nage less than 150, where the location of fire engine provided that the structure “engine –
extinguishing station outside the protected space shafting – propeller” enables the operation of
is impracticable, as well as in particular cases in the fire pump when the ship is at anchorage
other ships where the total volume of protected and provides for switching-off the pump when
spaces does not exceed 100 m3, reservoirs with the ship is in motion.
fire extinguishing agent and pressure vessels may
be located inside the protected spaces provided 3.3.2 Emergency fire pump may be dis-
that they are fitted by remote activation device pensed with, if fire pumps and power sources
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 345

for their drive are located in different com- that stated in 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 and parallel op-
partments having not more than one adjacent eration of one of other systems consuming the
steel decks or bulkheads so that in the event greatest amount of water. In this case, the
of fire pumps located in another (other) com- water supply for water extinguishing system
partment (compartments) shall provide the shall be sufficient for at least two water jets by
water delivery to the fire main. the greatest nozzles. Possible increase of water
supply should be considered due to the pres-
3.3.3 The total capacity of the main fire
sure rise in the pipelines necessary for opera-
pumps shall be determined proceeding from
tion of other fire extinguishing systems; the
the condition of simultaneous supply of 15 %
requirement of 3.3.5 shall also be considered.
of all hydrants available on a ship but not less
than three of them, and for ships with total 3.3.7 Water quantity for fire extinguishing
engine capacity of 220 kW and less — not less systems, except for water fire extinguishing
than two pumps capable of feeding jets of system, shall be determined according to the
maximal capacity used on a ship. Here, the requirements of 3.4, 3.5 and 3.7.
requirements of 3.3.19 shall be complied with.
3.3.8 As fixed fire pumps sanitary, ballast,
Every fixed fire pump shall be rated for a drainage and other outboard water pumps
supply of at least two water jets by the maxi- may be used provided that its supply and head
mal diameter of nozzles used in a ship. Every comply with the requirements of 3.3.5, 3.3.6.
fixed fire pump excepting emergency pump
They shall also meet the requirements of
shall additionally have supply of not less than 3.3.9.
80 % of the total required supply divided by
required number of fire pumps, but at least 3.3.9 Fire pumps located outside the ma-
25 m3/h. chinery spaces of A category shall have a
separate sea valve in each compartment con-
3.3.4 The total supply of fixed fire pumps
taining them.
shall be at least (m3/h):

 
2 3.3.10 All fire pumps including the emer-
Q  K 1.68 L  B  H   25 , (3.3.4) gency pump shall be located in spaces with
where K – coefficient: for passenger ships temperature above zero.
K = 0.012 and K=0.008 for cargo ships; 3.3.11 In cargo and passenger ships with
L, Â, Í – main dimensions of a ship (m). not permanently attended spaces of fire
The supply Q may not exceed 180 m3/h, if pumps or permanently attended with one per-
greater supply is not required for proper si- son, remote start-up of one of the pumps
multaneous functioning of other water con- shall be provided from the wheelhouse and
suming systems. the area permanently attended when the ship
When determining the total supply of fire is at anchor; water shall be supplied to the fire
pumps neither pumps fitted in the fore part of main without opening of valves in the pump
oil tankers nor the emergency pump shall be room. The location of the pump remote start-
taken into account. up device shall be fitted with an indicator of
the water pressure in the fire main.
3.3.5 Head in the system shall be sufficient
to provide for simultaneous operation of sys- 3.3.12 Onboard energy sources shall pro-
tems stated in 3.3.3; pressure at hydrants shall vide for operation of fire pumps in any service
be at least 0.25 ÌPa. conditions including the anchorage.
3.3.6 If a ship is fitted with alternative sys- 3.3.13 Fixed fire pumps may be used for
tems which consume water from fixed fire other ship purposes when the ship is fitted
pumps, the latter shall supply water in quan- with at least two independently driven pumps,
tity sufficient for operation of water extin- one of which is permanently ready for imme-
guishing system with a supply of min. 50 % of diate operation according to the main pur-
346 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

pose. If a ship is fitted with one fire pump, its accordingly to comply with the requirements
short-term use is allowed for other purposes of 3.3.3;
(e.g. for washing a deck, hawses etc.). .4 The pump, power sources for its drive
and outboard water intake valves shall be so
3.3.14 Fire pumps and pipelines shall be located as in the event of fire in the main fire
used neither for pumping of oil products, lu- pump room, they cannot be out of operation;
bricating oil and other inflammable fluids nor .5 The entrance to the emergency pump
as ballast pumps for tanks filled in turn by room shall be independent of the main fire
fuel and ballast. pump room. The pump shall not be located
3.3.15 On discharge line a pressure gauge forward of the fore peak bulkhead;
shall be fitted prior to isolating valve. .6 The pump shall comply with the re-
Pumps charging pressure in fire piping over quirements of 3.3.15, 3.3.16; any of the out-
the permissible value shall be supplied with board valves required by 3.3.16 may be used
overflow valves for removing water from a as the second outboard valve, if a slide gate
discharge line to a filling line. on filling pipeline from that outboard valve
is located in the emergency pump room.
Overflow valves shall be adjusted on a pres-
sure exceeding the working pressure by not 3.3.18 On non-self-propelled ships with a
more than 10 %. minimum crew of 3 persons, fitted with elec-
tric power sources, portable diesel-pump set
3.3.16 Fixed fire pumps and relevant out- may be used as a fire pump and shall meet
board valves shall be fitted below the light- the following requirements of 3.15.2.
draft water-line. If a pump is located above
the mentioned water-line, self-suction devices Piping
shall be provided.
Provision should be made for the delivery 3.3.19 Diameter of fire main of water ex-
of water by fire pumps from two outboard tinguishing system and water service pipes
valves located on both sides of a ship. On shall be sufficient for supplying the maximum
ships with ice strengthening, one of the sea required discharge from two fire pumps work-
inlets shall be further equipped for efficient ing simultaneously. In this case, the water
velocity in all areas shall not exceed 4 m/s as
ice removal, air removal and shall be heated.
per 3.3.4.
3.3.17 Emergency fixed fire pump shall Pressure in the fire main shall not ex-
comply with the following: ceed 1 MPa.
.1 The pump shall be driven from a diesel 3.3.20 Fire piping led via non-heated
engine or an electrical motor supplied with spaces and open decks shall be fitted with
power both by main or emergency diesel gen- check valves to disconnect it from piping led
erator. If a diesel engine is fitted to drive the via heated spaces, and with drainage arrange-
pump, the emergency fire pump room shall ments.
be fitted with a daily fuel tank of capacity
sufficient to enable operation of the pump for 3.3.21 Filling and discharge lines of each
at least 3 hours; and for Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and fire pump shall be fitted with check valves;
Ì class ships – for at least 6 hours; filling pipes may be fitted with slide valves; if
.2 The pump shall be connected to water there are two or more rotary pumps, discharge
extinguishing system of a ship; lines of each of them shall be fitted with
.3 The pump supply shall be sufficient for check stop valves.
simultaneous operation of two hand fire noz- 3.3.22 Fire main piping shall be fitted with
zles with maximal jet diameter applied on a drainage arrangements.
ship at the design pressure. If the pump may The arrangement of pipes and hydrants
be used also for other water or foam extin- shall be such as to avoid the possibility of
guishing systems, its supply shall be increased freezing.
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 347

3.3.23 On ships carrying deck cargo, the cated directly near the fire pump (between the
pipelines shall be arranged as far as practica- pump and the stop valve) may be used.
ble to avoid risk of damage by such cargo Machinery spaces of ships with total capac-
3.3.24 On ships with a length of 50 m and ity less than 220 kW may be fitted with one
more fire mains with linear piping shall be hydrant located directly near the fire pump
fitted with check valves on at least each sec- (between the pump and the check valve).
tion 30 m long in accessible places. 3.3.30 On passenger ships, the number and
arrangement of hydrants in accommodation,
Hydrants service and machinery spaces shall comply
3.3.25 Each hydrant shall be provided with with the requirements of 3.3.26 with all water-
fire hose coupling, providing fast, tight and tight doors closed and all doors in bulkheads
reliable connection of the hydrant with fire of vertical fire zones closed.
hose, as well as connection of fire hoses be- 3.3.31 Tugboats, push-tugboats, icebreak-
tween them and with other fire-fighting ers, rescue boats and floating docks shall be
equipment. fitted with manifolds with quick-closing nuts
Hydrants located on the open deck shall be located on the open deck and intended for
also provided with blank cap. water delivery to other vessels.
3.3.26 Hydrants shall be so located to pro- 3.3.32 All onboard hydrants shall be
vide two water jets by two hydrants simulta- painted red and numbered.
neously, one of which shall be supplied to the
hose of length stated in 3.3.33 to any place of Fire hoses and nozzles
the ship.
3.3.33 Fire hoses shall satisfy the following:
3.3.27 Hydrants shall be located:
.1 A hose length for hydrants located on
.1 on the open deck – in the exit area of
the open deck shall be not less than 10 m and
superstructures and trunks as well as near
not more than 20 m; for hydrants located in
cargo hatches;
the ship spaces – at least 10 m, but not more
.2 inside the spaces – in corridors and
than 15 m;
lobbies, in the machinery spaces.
Hydrants shall be located at the distance .2 Hoses shall be made of low-flame-
not more than 1.35 m from the deck or spread materials.
planking. 3.3.34 The number of fire hoses used for
Hydrants in the inside spaces shall be lo- the purposes of extinguishing fires or testing
cated not more than 20 m far apart from each the fire-extinguishing apparatus at fire drills
other. and surveys shall be at least equal to the
Outer hydrants (on decks) shall be located number of onboard hydrants.
not more than 40 m far apart from each
3.3.35 Each fire hose assembled with a
nozzle shall be located near the relevant hy-
Between two nearby stop valves double hy- drant. In interior locations in passenger ships
drants shall be fitted. carrying more than 36 passengers fire hoses
3.3.28 On ships carrying deck goods hy- shall be connected to the hydrants at all
drants shall be protected from damage by times.
cargo and located in easily accessible places. Fire hoses shall be stored in separate non-
locking cabinets or on hose reels; cabinets
3.3.29 Machinery spaces, where engines shall be marked with subscription ÏÐ (FH –
and boilers working on fuel oil are fitted, shall
“fire hose”) or with corresponding pictograph.
provide at least two hydrants located at the
port and starboard; on ships with capacity up 3.3.36 Nozzles shall be of a dual purpose
to 750 kW for this purpose the hydrant lo- type, i.e. jet/spray type.
348 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

3.3.37 Standard nozzle diameters shall be be maintained. Any system parts subjected to
12, 16 and 19 mm. low temperatures shall be adequately pro-
For accommodation and service spaces, a tected from freezing.
nozzle size shall be max. 12 mm. 3.4.2 Sprinklers shall be activated auto-
In machinery spaces and on open decks of matically in case of increase in temperature in
ships with carrying capacity of 1000 t and the protected space up to the values stated
over, on passenger ships 50 m long and over, in 3.4.15.
technical fleet vessels and on floating docks,
nozzle diameter of hand hoses shall be such 3.4.3 Sprinkler system shall be equipped
as to obtain the maximum discharge possible with pneumohydraulic tank, alarm control
from two jets at the pressure stated in Table valves, automatically activated pump and air
3.3.1 from the smallest pump, provided that compressor and cylinder maintaining the
the nozzle diameter is 16 to 19 mm. working pressure in the system and immediate
In tugboats and pushboats with total capac- water supply to opening sprinklers.
ity of the main engines less than 900 kW hand 3.4.4 The air cylinder, compressor, pump
hoses with nozzle diameter of 12 mm may be and pipes of the sprinkler system, except for
used on the open deck, if operation of a foam the pipeline connecting the sprinkler system
extinguishing system is provided by means of with water extinguishing system, shall be in-
a fire pump. dependent from other systems.
In tugboats and pushboats with minimum
3.4.5 The sprinkler pump and pneumohy-
total capacity of the main engines 900 kW,
draulic tank shall be fitted outside the ma-
nozzle diameter of 16 and 19 mm may be
chinery spaces as per 3.2. The central control
station shall be fitted with pressure gauge
connected to the fire main piping.
Isolating valves and relief valves
3.3.38 Shut-off valves shall be provided to Sprinkler system pumps
separate the fire main within the machinery
3.4.6 The pump shall be activated auto-
space containing the main fire pump or
matically in case of the system pressure drop
pump(s) from the rest of the fire main. These
and shall supply the water before all the water
valves are to be fitted in accessible place out-
in the pneumohydraulic tank is used.
side the machinery space. The fire main shall
be so arranged that all the hydrants on the Automatic activation means shall be pro-
vided for the pump in case of the pressure
ship, except those in the machinery space
referred to above, can be supplied with water drop.
by another fire pump, including an emergency 3.4.7 The pipeline pump and system shall
fire pump, provided that the isolating valves maintain the necessary pressure at the level of
are shut. the highest sprinkler to supply the maximum
discharge for simultaneous operation area of
3.4 SPRINKLER SYSTEM the greatest protected space for the parameter
stated in 3.4.14.
General provisions
3.4.8 The delivery side of the pump shall
3.4.1 Sprinkler system shall spray the water
be fitted with a sampling cock with a open-
of 5 L/min per 1 m2 of the largest protected
ended discharge tube. The cross-sectional area
of the valve and tube shall be sufficient for
The system tubes shall be constantly filled passing the water in the amount equal to the
with water, except for small outer sections, pump supply with the pressure stated in 3.4.7.
which may not be filled, if it is necessary pre-
ventive measure. In the sprinkler system part 3.4.9 The pump shall have a sea valve lo-
filled with water, the necessary pressure shall cated in the pump room and arranged in such
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 349

a way to preclude the need for shutting off ger ships they shall be actuated within the
the seawater delivered to the pump for any temperature range of 57 to 68 °Ñ. For sprin-
reason, except for the pump inspection and klers fitted in drying rooms and galleys, the
repair. response temperature shall be max. 30 °Ñ
higher than the air temperature near the ceil-
3.4.10 The feed line shall be connected to
the suction line of the water extinguishing
system of a ship. The connecting pipeline 3.4.16 Sprinklers shall be made of material
shall be fitted with lockable stop-check valve. resistant to corrosion. The sprinklers of galva-
nized steel shall not be used.
Pneumohydraulic tank
Alarm and monitoring device
3.4.11 The pneumohydraulic tank shall be
fitted with the following instruments and de- 3.4.17 Alarm and monitoring device sen-
vices: sors shall be fitted on the feed line of each
.1 device for automatic pressure mainte- section of the sprinkler system and:
nance; .1 supply the signal to activate the water
.2 device for water level check and alarm supply sources when opening any sprinkler
warning on the water/pressure level in the fitted in the section;
tank lower than the specified one, led to a .2 give visual and audible alarm when
permanently attended place: to the wheel- opening any sprinkler fitted in the section;
house; to the central control station (if any); .3 transmit the information on the fire
in the machinery space (permanently at- break-out in the group of spaces served by the
tended) or near the attendant's place (if any); system.
.3 pressure relief valve;
3.4.18 Alarm and monitoring devices shall
.4 pressure gauge.
be fitted in metal lockers outside machinery
3.4.12 The pneumohydraulic tank shall spaces in permanently attended places and in
permanently store the fresh water in amount other places, where the crew can receive the
equal to the sprinkler pump supply per 1 min. fire alarm.
Tank capacity shall be minimum doubled Places of alarm and monitoring devices in-
water-supply stated above. stallation shall be accessible, lighted and
The tank shall maintain the air pressure to closed with glassed doors for monitoring con-
have the pressure not lower than the working dition of the devices and pressure gauges.
one of the sprinkler plus hydrostatic pressure Each alarm and monitoring device shall
from the tank bottom to the highest sprinkler provide the list of protected spaces or plan of
after using the full reserve of the fresh water. the protected spaces served by each section.
The ship shall provide the instructions for
3.4.13 Structure of pneumohydraulic tanks checking and maintaining the system.
shall comply with 8.17 and 8.18 Part IV of the
Rules for pressure vessels. 3.4.19 One of the alarm and monitoring
devices shall have switches, allowing to check
the alarm response and operation of indicators
of each section for sprinklers.
3.4.14 Sprinklers shall be fitted in the up-
per part of the protected space and spaced to Piping
supply the medium discharge of min. 5 L/min
per 1 m2 of the protected space area. 3.4.20 Sprinkler systems shall be separated
by sections. One section shall provide for
3.4.15 Sprinklers in accommodation and max. 50 sprinklers. One section may not be
service spaces shall be actuated within the located in different vertical fire zones. One
temperature range of 68 to 79 °Ñ. On passen- section shall service maximum two decks.
350 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

Each section shall provide for devices to 5 L/min per 1 m2 of the fuel spillage area,
blow the pipelines with compressed air or to or of the cargo space area;
wash them with water. 20 L/min per 1 m2 for front parts and sur-
faces of boilers, fuel oil units, centrifugal
3.4.21 Each section shall be deactivated by
separators (but not bilge water separators) and
only one stop valve with a pressure gauge be-
fuel purifiers;
hind it.
10 L/min per 1 m2 for heated fuel pipe-
The stop valve of each section shall be lines, located near exhaust pipes or similar hot
available, and its location shall be marked. surfaces of main and auxiliary engines.
To verify correct operation of the system, a
sampling cock shall be fitted near the stop 3.5.3 The intake of the pump feeding the
valve of each section with cross sectional area system, and the pipeline providing connection
equal to that of the sprinkler. with the fire main of water extinguishing sys-
tem shall be fitted with filters, preventing the
3.4.22 Diameters of the sprinkler system blockage of the system and sprayers.
pipelines shall provide the operation of sprin-
klers with pressure and water consumption 3.5.4 The distribution valves shall be lo-
stated in 3.4.1 and 3.4.14. cated in accessible places outside the pro-
tected space.
The sprinkler system pipelines shall be fit-
ted with stop-check valves, preventing the Permanently attended spaces shall provide
ingress of outboard water inside the tank and for remote control of the distribution valves
water leakage from the tank and system. from these spaces.
The intake of the pump feeding the sprin- 3.5.5 Sprayers in the protected spaces shall
kler system shall be fitted with a filter. be located in the following places:
.1 under the space ceiling;
3.5 WATER-SPRAYING SYSTEM .2 above the equipment and facilities,
whose operation is connected with using fuel
3.5.1 The water-spraying system in ma- oil or other inflammable liquids;
chinery spaces of A category and in pump .3 above the surfaces for possible spillage
rooms shall be constantly filled with water of fuel oil or inflammable liquids.
and shall be pressurized. This system shall be Sprayers in the protected spaces shall be
supplied from the water extinguishing system located in such a way that the working area of
line and from the independent pump, activat- any sprayer could overlap the working area of
ing automatically in case of the system pres- adjacent sprayers.
sure drop. The pipeline providing connection
with the fire main of water extinguishing sys- 3.6 DRENCHING AND WATER SCREEN
tem shall be fitted with stop-check valve. SYSTEM
In other protected spaces the system may
be supplied only from the water extinguishing 3.6.1 The drenching system shall be sup-
system line. plied from the pump located outside the pro-
Pump and its controls shall be located out- tected spaces.
side the spaces protected by the system. 3.6.2 The system shall be started outside
3.5.2 The pump supply and head shall be the protected space.
determined with regard to features and num- Automatic systems actuated in case of in-
ber of sprayers fitted in the largest protected admissible increase of the room temperature
space and intensity of water supply, which may be fitted.
shall be at least: 3.6.3 The capacity of pumps serving the
0.85 L/min per 1 m2 of the deck area on drenching system shall be at least 24 L/min
ships intended for carriage of hazardous goods per 1 m2 of the total area of the protected
in bulk; space.
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 351

3.6.4 The drenching system may be used to .2 medium expansion – from 20:1
protect the superstructures of the ship extin- to 200:1;
guishing the fire on other ships. .3 high expansion – around 200:1.
In this case, intensity of water supply on
the protected surface shall be min. 10 L/min 3.7.2 Foam-forming medium for producing
on 1 m2 of the tier length and can be reduced low and medium expansion foam for Ì-ÑÏ,
to 5 L/min provided that the protected sur- Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships shall be capable
faces have isolation of A-60 type. System sec- of working both on fresh water and sea water.
tions shall be located on each tier, and the 3.7.3 Output of foam extinguishing system
nozzle location shall provide for even water and the quantity of foam-forming medium
supply on the protected outer surface. shall be calculated proceeding from the foam
3.6.5 Water screen system shall be supplied expansion ratio, the flow rate of the medium
from the water extinguishing system main. and the working period of the system stated in
The calculated capacity of pumps serving the Table 3.7.3.
water screen system is min. 70 L/min per 1 m When using the data in Table 3.7.3, the
of the screen length. following shall be considered:
.1 Output of foam extinguishing system in
3.6.6 Screens for protection of doorways the case marked with footnote 1 in Table 3.7.3
shall be located and controlled from the side is selected when multiplying the relative feed-
of the corridor. ing values specified under the footnote sign by
the area specified below:
3.7 FOAM EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM for relative feeding of 0.36 m3/h per 1 m2
of the greatest horizontal cross-section area of
General provisions
a tank;
3.7.1 In a foam extinguishing system foam for relative feeding of 0.036 m3/h per 1 m2
of the following expansion ratios may be pro- of the area of cargo tank deck which is de-
duced as an extinguishing medium: termined as the product of the maximal ship
.1 low expansion – around 20:1; breadth and the length of cargo tank deck;
T a b l e 3.7.3
Relative feeding of the solution and continuous operation period of the foam extinguishing system
Relative feeding (m3/h) of
the solution per 1 m2, at the
expansion ratio of foam- Rated period of continuous op-
Name of the space
forming medium eration (min)
less than 20:1 to over
20:1 200:1 200:1
Cargo tanks for inflammable liquids with flash (0.36 or 0.362 — 303
point of 60 Ñ and lower and decks where they 0.036 or
are located 0.18)1
Cargo tanks for inflammable liquids with flash 0.362 0.272 — 20
point above 60 Ñ and fuel tanks
Holds for dry hazardous goods — 0.242 — 45
Machinery spaces and other spaces containing — 0.272 — 20
liquid fuel equipment — — 0.06 Period of operation shall be
sufficient to provide 5-fold
filling the volume of the pro-
tected space
Storerooms for inflammable liquids, materials — 0.272 — 20
and substances, liquefied and compressed gases
Horizontal cross-section area of the largest protected space shall be taken for a rated area.
352 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

for relative feeding of 0.18 m3/h per 1 m2 area, near the accommodation spaces, be ac-
of the area protected by high-pressure moni- cessible and provide control over the system
tor of the maximal supply and fully located in case of fire in the protected areas and
forwards to it, but not less than 75 m3/h. spaces. A sampling device for determining the
The output of foam extinguishing system foam-forming medium percentage in the solu-
is the maximum calculated value; tion shall be provided at the fire extinguishing
.2 The minimum quantity of foam- station on the main at the maximum distance
forming medium shall be calculated by multi- from the mixers, the pipeline feeding the sys-
plying the system capacity by the design time tem with water shall be fitted with a pressure
of its continuous operation stated in Ta- gauge.
ble 3.7.3; The main equipment of the system (tanks
.3 For oil tankers equipped with inert gas with foam-forming medium, pumps, mixers,
system, in cargo tank spaces for inflammable etc.) may be located in the machinery space,
liquids with vapour flash point of max. 60 Ñ if the system does not serve it.
and decks for these tanks, the design time of
continuous operation shall be 20 min. Low / medium foam extinguishing system

3.7.4 Foam-forming medium reservoirs 3.7.7 Low-expansion foam fire extinguish-

shall be fitted with filling and discharging fa- ing system shall produce foam with expansion
cilities, liquid level detector and cleaning fa- ratio not exceeding 20:1. If actual expansion
cilities. Capacity of the reservoirs shall be ratio is more than 20:1, the quantity of foam-
sufficient for storage of the entire reserve of forming medium is calculated as for the sys-
foam-forming medium. tem with expansion ratio 20:1. If actual ex-
pansion ratio is less than 20:1, the amount of
Where excessive pressure is not allowed
foam-forming medium shall be proportionally
when the system is in operation, non-return
valves shall be provided between the reservoirs
and the main pipeline. 3.7.8 Foam extinguishing system shall be
Where in ships intended for operation en- able to deliver foam to any tank located on
tering areas of salt water a foam-forming me- the deck which is opened, and to any area of
dium for fresh water is provided in high ex- the cargo tanks. Foam thereto shall be deliv-
pansion foam extinguishing system, foam re- ered by high-pressure monitors and portable
serve shall be provided in a reservoir of foam arrangements (air-foam hoses or foam genera-
extinguishing station which is sufficient for at tors).
least single filling of a space to be protected. 3.7.9 Air-foam nozzle used in ship spaces
The rest water may be supplied from the ship shall provide foam supply of not less than
store. 120 m3/h.
3.7.5 The calculation of foam extinguishing 3.7.10 The number and location of moni-
system output shall include technical evalua- tors shall comply with the requirements of
tion of the mixer type selection for obtaining 3.7.8, 3.7.12. Each high-pressure monitor
water solution of foam-forming medium of shall supply foam solution with intensity at
the required concentration, steam generators least 50 % of that stated in footnote 1 of Ta-
and air-foam hoses. ble 3.7.3.
Rated discharge of foam-forming medium
3.7.11 High-pressure monitor shall be fitted
of the mixer shall be sufficient for operation
of nozzles / foam generators working simulta- with switchover device for alternate delivery
of water and foam. Branches of the water
main and the foam solution main shall be
3.7.6 The foam extinguishing system main connected to this device.
control station shall be located at the fire ex- Check valves may be provided instead of
tinguishing station located outside the cargo switchover device, if their interlock is provided.
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 353

3.7.12 A distance from high-pressure moni- .1 Check valve shall be fitted in front of
tor to the most distant boundary of the pro- the place where system main crosses the open
tected area located forward to the monitor deck;
shall not exceed 75 % of monitor jet length .2 The main shall be fitted with a valve
under conditions of calm weather. box with hydrants at both port and starboard
3.7.13 To provide the integrity of the fire sides. The distance between the valve boxes at
main in case of fire or explosion on the foam both sides shall be not more than 40 m. The
main in accessible and protected places at number of hydrants in each valve box shall be
poop front and on the deck of cargo tanks equal to 50 % of the design number of foam
shut-off valves shall be fitted approximately generators.
in each 30-40 m of the length. Each valve 3.7.16 Foam extinguishing system in tug-
shall be fitted with a plate with inscription boats and pushboats intended for operation
notifying that in normal operating conditions with non-self-propelled ships carrying in-
it shall be permanently open. flammable liquids or dry hazardous goods
In front of each shut-off valve, the main shall be designed for fire extinguishing on the
shall be fitted with doubled fire nozzles of ships being under service. The system produc-
diameter 70 mm for connection of air-foam tivity and store of foam-forming medium are
hoses at the distance which provides fulfill- defined according to 3.7.3; here, cargo tanks
ment of the requirements of 3.3.25 and and holds of a non-self-propelled ship are
3.3.27. taken as cargo tanks and holds.
Branches of the water and foam mains for
high-pressure monitors connection shall be Foam extinguishing unit shall be fitted with
also located in front of shut-off valves. flow-line hoses, foam nozzles with foam
pourers or foam generators with extenders.
In ships where medium expansion foam is
applied, instead of doubled fire nozzles valve For fire protection of tugboats and
boxes shall be fitted with the number of fire pushboats other fire extinguishing systems
nozzles equal to 50 % of the design number of may be used.
foam generators.
3.7.17 When a ship is equipped with low /
3.7.14 Portable medium-expansion air- medium expansion foam extinguishing system,
mechanical foam generator shall comply with the solution main lines shall be arranged to
the following requirements: the entrance area of the machinery spaces
.1 design flow on foam-forming medium from the upper deck as well as to the areas of
solution at pressure about 0.6 MPa in front of the fuel delivery to the ship. Each of those
the foam generator shall be not less than lines shall be fitted with two hydrants for the
21.6 m3/h; connection to fire hoses with air-foam nozzles
.2 length of the foam jet shall be at least or foam generators.
8 m; 3.7.18 On ships using the medium-
.3 design number of the foam generators expansion air- mechanical foam, the solution
or combined foam units shall be: pipeline shall be connected to the water ex-
N = Q/q ( tinguishing system main for using foam from
where Q – the system productivity regarding this main for extinguishing fires in accommo-
the solution (m3/h); dation and service spaces. For this purpose,
q – foam generator or combined foam hydrants in accommodation, service and ma-
unit productivity regarding the solution chinery spaces shall provide for corresponding
(m3/h). number of foam generators.
3.7.15 Fixed foam extinguishing system of 3.7.19 Instead of monitors and foam gen-
spaces for dry hazardous goods shall comply erators, fixed or portable combined foam units
with the following requirements: may be used.
354 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

High expansion foam extinguishing system fold shall not exceed the total open flow area
of valves of reservoirs opened simultaneously
3.7.20 Spaces protected by high expansion
for the largest protected space.
foam system shall be fitted with air outlets in
the upper part of a side opposite to foam en- 3.8.3 The open flow area of supply mani-
trance which shall comply with the require- folds for protected spaces shall not exceed the
ments of 10.4, 10.12 Part IV and total open flow area of valves of reservoirs
Part II of the Rules. opened simultaneously for the given space.
The total open flow area of outlet discharge
3.7.21 Cross-sectional area of foam lines
pipelines shall not exceed the open flow area
shall be not less than that of foam generator
of the supply manifold.
outlets. Foam lines shall be so arranged that
to reduce the head loss to a minimum and the 3.8.4 The amount of 85 % of the design
outlets shall be so located as to avoid any quantity of carbon dioxide shall be delivered
obstacles to free delivery of foam to a pro- within at least (min):
tected space. for machinery spaces, emergency diesel gen- 2
erator rooms, fire pump rooms and other
3.7.22 Foam generator or foam line outlets spaces where liquid fuel or other inflammable
in places where they go outside the bounda- liquids are applied
ries of the station shall be fitted with a closing for spaces where no liquid fuel or other in- 10
device. That device shall be opened automati- flammable liquids are transported or applied.
cally simultaneously with the start of the sys-
3.8.5 For gas delivery to the protected
spaces the upper part of the latter shall be
The device shall be controlled manually
fitted with nozzles.
and fitted with the “Op en” and “Cl osed ”
positions indicators. Where floor plating of the machinery
spaces is located at the height over 1 m from
3.7.23 A switchover device shall be pro- the bottom (inner bottom), then the part of
vided for supplying the foam to the protected nozzles (min. 15 %) shall be located at the
space or to the open deck during the test of upper part of the space under the plating.
the system. The device shall be sealed in a
3.8.6 The total area of nozzle outlets of this
position which ensure delivery of the foam to
a protected space. space shall not exceed 85 % of the total open
flow area of the supply manifold.
3.7.24 Equipment ensuring generators op-
3.8.7 In silencers, exhaust gas boilers and
eration shall be fed by the main and emer-
gency power sources. funnels perforated pipes may be used instead
of the nozzles.
The total area of the pipe perforations shall
3.8 GAS FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM be 10 % less than its cross-sectional area.
General requirements 3.8.8 Gas fire extinguishing station shall be
fitted with a device for weighing reservoirs or
3.8.1 The gas fire extinguishing system may
measuring their liquid level.
use the following fire extinguishing agents:
CO2 – carbon dioxide;
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
inergen (IG-541) – gas containing 52 % of
nitrogen, 40 % of argon, 8 % of carbon dioxide; 3.8.9 Amount of carbon dioxide shall be
gas fire-extinguishing media, complying determined by the formula (kg):
with the requirements of the Russian Federa- G = 1.79V (3.8.9)
tion legislation in fire safety area. where V – the design volume of the largest
3.8.2 The total open flow area of mains as protected space (m3)
well as the open flow area of the supply mani-  – the factor equal to:
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 355

for dry cargo holds and other spaces ex- 0.3 different from that of carbon dioxide storage
cepting those stated below reservoirs.
for machinery spaces which design vol- 0.35
ume is calculated taking into account the 3.8.13 If the enclosures of CO2 vessels are
overall volume of trunks; located in the below-deck section, they shall
for machinery spaces which design vol- 0.4 have a direct access outside. These enclosures
ume is calculated without taking into shall be equipped with artificial ventilation,
account the volume of trunks from the independent from other ventilation systems.
level where horizontal cross-sectional
area of trunks is max. 40 % of the ma- Inergen fire extinguishing system
chinery spaces area
The factor  for which the G value is 3.8.14 To protect several spaces, each
greater is taken for machinery spaces. space shall be equipped with individual fire-
extinguishing system.
On ships with gross tonnage less than
2000 register tons, excepting passenger ships, 3.8.15 Vessels with inergen fitted in the
factors 0.35 and 0.4 may be reduced to 0.3 protected space shall be fitted with safety
and 0.35 accordingly. valves preventing the rise of pressure above
the rated value. The valve shall ensure the
3.8.10 The number of carbon dioxide stor-
relief of the vessel content to the protected
age reservoirs is determined proceeding from space.
the extent of filling (the amount of carbon
dioxide per 1 m3 of the capacity) which shall 3.8.16 Vessel filling pressure shall not ex-
not exceed either 675 kg/m3 at the design ceed 20 MPa at + 15 °Ñ;
pressure of carbon dioxide in the reservoir of 3.8.17 The inergen volume necessary for
12.5 MPa and more or 750 kg/m3 at the de- protection of spaces shall be min. 44 % and
sign pressure of carbon dioxide in the reser- max. 50 % of the total volume of these
voir of 15 MPa and more. Specific volume of spaces.
unpressurized CO2 is 0.56 m3/kg.
When filling the reservoirs, the amount of Piping and valves
carbon dioxide may deviate for not more than
0.5 kg per one reservoir from the design value. 3.8.18 Pipeline connecting a reservoir with
In case specified in 3.2.3, the extent of fill- the supply manifold shall be seamless and
ing shall be decreased for 75 kg/m3 compared made of tough-pitch copper.
with the limits stated above. Special flexible hoses made of low-flame-
spread materials may be used.
3.8.11 CO2 vessels shall be arranged out- The pipeline shall be fitted with check valve.
side the protected spaces, in gastight enclo-
sures or locker, hermetically separated from 3.8.19 Gas fire extinguishing station main
the other spaces. Doors of these enclosures or shall be fitted with pressure gauge which has à
lockers shall be intended to open outwards, be scale with the upper-range value exceeding
lockable and have hazard warnings on the hydraulic test pressure of the reservoirs on at
outside, as well as CO2 marking. least 1 ÌPa. Scaling factor shall not exceed
0.5 ÌPa.
3.8.12 The reservoirs shall be fitted in ver-
tical position by rows on supports which may 3.8.20 Reservoir valves of the carbon diox-
be made of wood. The reservoirs shall be ac- ide fire extinguishing system shall comply with
cessible for examination and determination of the following requirements:
their gas quantity. Each vessel shall be marked .1 To be fitted with safety devices.
with the following data: charge type, charge Safety diaphragms shall break down when
weight (kg), vessel No. the pressure in a reservoir reaches the value
The starting reservoirs shall be kept on the (1.3 ± 0.1)p (ÌPà), where p is the design
fire extinguishing station and have a color pressure in the reservoir. For valves with slot
356 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

diaphragms fitted additionally with safety dia- Start-up devices of the system at the fire
phragms the breakdown pressure of slot dia- control station shall provide for simultaneous
phragm shall exceed the upper limit breakdown opening of valves of the reservoirs intended
pressure of safety diaphragm by at least 1 ÌPà. for the above-mentioned spaces.
A checking device shall be also arranged 3.8.24 System remote start-up station shall
to monitor the actuation of a safety device;
be fitted with a device which provides signal-
.2 A valve opening device shall be of lever ing when the gas is delivered to the protected
type and provide for the complete opening of space.
the valve by turning the lever on the angle not
exceeding 90°. The device shall permit the 3.8.25 When fitting the gas extinguishing
valves to be opened both individually and in system in cargo pump spaces of oil tankers, a
group; notice shall be exhibited at the controls stat-
.3 To have pipes with bevel cut not ex- ing that due to the electrostatic ignition haz-
tended to the bottom of reservoirs on the dis- ard, the system is to be used only for fire ex-
tance 5 to 15 mm. Clear inner diameter of the tinguishing and not for inerting purposes.
pipes as well as pipes connecting the reservoir
valves with the supply main, shall be at least
.4 Where valves of starting reservoirs differ SYSTEM
from valves of other reservoirs in the design, General requirements
they shall be marked by distinct color and its
casing shall have the “st ar ting ” marking. 3.9.1 Aerosol fire extinguishing system shall
comprise of:
3.8.21 Gas from the safety devices of valves extinguishing aerosol generators;
of the carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system control and alarm board;
shall be withdrawn outside the station
warning detectors about start-up of aerosol
boundaries to the atmosphere either by a
fire extinguishing system;
separate pipe which outlet branch shall be
cable runs.
fitted with audible alarm or to the supply
main fitted with: 3.9.2 The design weight of aerosol-forming
two pipes, one of which is fitted with check composition, in kg, shall be determined by
valve and open end and the second – with formula (kg):
safety diaphragm; 
an alarm device on the presence of pres-
 i 1

G  V   Vini Pini Pà  k  , (3.9.2)
sure in the supply main which is led to per-
manently attended spaces. where V – design free volume of protected
In this case no checking device monitoring space (m3)
the actuation of a safety device for valves is Vin i – volume of ith air receiver, (m3)
required. n – number of air receivers in protected
3.8.22 Pipelines which deliver gas from space
starting reservoirs to servomotors shall be fit- i – consecutive number of air receiver
ted with check valves interlocked with open- Ðin iI – working pressure in ith air receiver
ing device of starting reservoirs. (ÌPà)
Ðà – atmospheric pressure (ÌPà)
Starting devices  – rated fire extinguishing concentration
of aerosol (kg/m3)
3.8.23 Spaces listed in should be
k – safety factor equal to 1.5
provided with remote start-up from the cen-
tral fire control station or from the place lo- 3.9.3 During the system start-up the fol-
cated near the entrance to those spaces. lowing shall be provided:
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 357

automatic actuation of warning detector in 3.9.10 Generators shall be fitted directly in

the protected space and in adjacent spaces, if the protected space on non-combustible
a single exit leads to the protected space, foundation.
as per 5 of this Part of the Rules;
3.9.11 Generators shall be self-actuated
automatic ventilation cut-off in the pro- when the ambient temperature is min. 250 °Ñ.
tected space;
automatic cut-off of burning units of boil- 3.9.12 Generators shall be arranged so that
ers and incinerators, if they are located in the the distance from the generators to the escape
protected space. routes and other places with people, was not
less than the distance of the safe area with
3.9.4 Design mass of aerosol shall be deliv- temperature of 75 °Ñ, and to the combustible
ered within max. 2 min for the machinery materials – not less than the distance of the
spaces, emergency diesel generator rooms and safe area with temperature of 200 °Ñ.
other spaces where liquid fuel or other highly
inflammable or inflammable liquids are ap- 3.9.13 In storerooms for highly inflammable
plied. and combustible materials, explosion-proof
generators shall be arranged. For cargo pump
3.9.5 Generators shall be so located as to rooms of tankers carrying oil products with a
provide even distribution of fire extinguishing flash point of 60 °Ñ and over, explosion-proof
aerosol in the protected space. If there are generators of ordinary type may be used.
dead spaces in the protected space formed by
the equipment and boundaries, additional Control and alarm board
generators shall be provided to deliver fire
3.9.14 Control and alarm board shall meet
extinguishing aerosol directly to dead spaces.
the requirements of 2.3, 2.6, 2.8 Part IV of
the Rules.
Extinguishing aerosol generators 3.9.15 Control and alarm board shall pro-
vide for simultaneous remote start-up of all
3.9.6 Each generator type shall have data generators in the protected space. If there are
on the distance (along the axis of aerosol jet) more than 4 generators in the protected space
from the place of its emanation from the gen- they may be actuated in group provided that
erator until the boundary of the heat zone the requirements of 3.9.4 are complied with.
with temperature of + 75°Ñ.
3.9.16 Where several spaces are protected
3.9.7 After starting, the generator shall be by aerosol fire extinguishing system, genera-
switched over to the operating mode in max. tors in each space shall be actuated separately
10 s. from the control and alarm board.
3.9.8 The generator shall operate for min. 3.9.17 In the event of voltage break the
20 s (see 3.9.4). aerosol fire extinguishing system power supply
3.9.9 The design number N of generators shall be switched over automatically to the
shall be determined by the following formula: emergency source of power.
N = G/m (3.9.9) 3.9.18 Control and alarm board shall not
where G – design mass of aerosol-forming emit electrical impulses that may result in
composition (kg) false start-up of the generators including
m – mass of aerosol-forming composition power supply emergency switch-off and
in one generator (kg) switch-on, short circuit or wire breaking.
The received broken number N shall be
expressed in round bigger integer. Cable runs
If N is equal to 1, the number of genera- 3.9.19 Starting circuits shall be provided
tors is 2, if N is equal to 2, then it is 3. with the use of shielded cables. The cable
358 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

network shall comply with Section 12 Part IV 3.12 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR
3.9.20 Aerosol fire extinguishing systems AND THEIR TENDERS
shall have functions to check working order of
starting electrical circuits with the fault circuit 3.12.1 On tankers fire extinguishing sta-
address, providing functional testing of the tions shall be located outside the deck of bulk
detection systems and stopping of ventilation. cargo tanks.
3.12.2 Machinery spaces shall be fitted
3.10 INERT GAS FIRE EXTINGUISHING with forced ventilation producing excessive air
SYSTEM pressure.
3.10.1 As inert gas either smoke gases of 3.12.3 Pump rooms and cargo pumps fitted
autonomous boilers may be used after per- therein shall be equipped with facilities for the
forming treatment in order to reduce the con- collection and withdrawal of leaked cargo.
tent of oxygen, carbon oxide, corrosion-active
3.12.4 Classification of explosion-hazardo-
substances and solid combustible particles, or
combustion products of specially fitted gen- us zones and spaces onboard the oil tankers is
erators. Each source shall be equipped with given in 1.4 of the present part of the Rules.
automatic air supply regulator for supplying 3.12.5 No belt drives may be used as pump
inert gas with oxygen content of max. 5 %. drives in explosive areas and fire-hazardous
rooms (see 1.4 of the present part of the
3.10.2 The gas quantity shall be sufficient Rules).
to obtain the minimum volume of free gas
equal to at least 25 % of the gross volume of 3.12.6 Tankers carrying oil products with a
the largest protected space every hour for a flash point over 60 °Ñ, may be fitted with
period of 72 hours. fixed foam extinguishing system.
3.12.7 Boiler rooms at oil cleaning stations
3.10.3 The distribution pipeline and dis-
working with inflammable liquids with flash
charge nozzles shall be arranged to provide
point of max. 60 Ñ shall be fitted with two
uniform delivery of the inert gas.
fire extinguishing systems.

3.11 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.12.8 Stems of sluice valves of cargo tanks

TO PASSENGER VESSELS shall be led on the deck via sealing glands.
The glands shall be so designed that they can
3.11.1 On passenger multi-deck vessels and be replaced or tightened from the deck. The
vessels equipped with accommodation cabins stems shall not be hollow.
excepting ships with engine capacity of
3.12.9 The liquid level in cargo tanks shall
220 kW or less, the fire main shall be ar-
be measured basically by closed method of
ranged according to a ring circuit. To discon-
measurement without opening the tank neck.
nect single sections of the fire main the latter
The open method of measuring the liquid
shall be fitted with valves in accessible places.
level may be used only as a reserve method.
3.11.2 Closed spaces (holds) intended for 3.12.10 To drain the static electricity hoses
transportation of motor vehicles and other intended for loading and unloading of in-
machinery with filled fuel tanks shall be fitted flammable liquids shall be fitted with earthing
with one of fire smothering systems and conductor made of flexible wire or a plate
automatic fire detection system. with edges soldered to the flanges.
3.11.3 On ships equipped with remotely 3.12.11 Gas outlet pipes of boilers and in-
driven doors the wheelhouse shall be fitted ternal combustion engines of oil tankers shall
with executive alarm of the door closing. be fitted with spark-extinguishers.
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 359

Smoke flues of other technical equipment and portable foam generators. Extending pipes
on board these ships shall be fitted with spark shall be from 4 to 5 m long; a light tripod
arresters. shall be arranged in the middle of each pipe.
Extending pipes shall be located in the after
3.12.12 All sections of the gas-collecting
part of the ship.
system shall provide for free flow and drain-
age of condensate and cleaning the main. 3.12.17 Each air-foam hose fitted on the
cargo deck shall deliver the foam in a quantity
3.12.13 Flame-breaking fittings fitted on of at least 4 m3/min to the distance of at least
gas outlet pipes shall be made of corrosion- 15 m.
resistant material.
Flame-breaking fittings shall be so designed 3.12.18 Tankers shall be equipped with a
that they can be replaced or disassembled system for continuous monitoring the concen-
without dismantling gas outlet pipes. tration of hydrocarbon gases (oil vapours).
Openings in voids (above cargo) shall not Sampling points or detector heads shall be
be used for pressure equalization. They shall located in places where potentially hazardous
be provided with self-closing and tightly seal- leakages may occur. When the hydrocarbon
ing covers. Flame arresters and screens are gas concentration reaches a pre-set value
not permitted in these openings. which corresponds to 10 % of the lower
flammable limit, a continuous audible and
3.12.14 High-pressure monitors shall be fit- visual alarm signal shall be automatically ef-
ted on ships with carrying capacity of 2000 t fected as per 5 of this Part of the Rules.
and over; other ships may be fitted only with
3.12.19 Tankers shall be supplied with
portable foam generators or manual air-foam
portable gas analyzer with set of spares and
hoses. In this case the rate of foam-forming
calibration means intended for measuring the
medium solution delivery by each foam gen-
concentration of inflammable vapours of car-
erator or air-foam hose shall be at least 25 %
ried goods. For monitoring oil vapour con-
of the designed value.
tents on ships intended for carriage of oil
3.12.15 The main arranged within fire ex- products with a flash point lower than 60 °Ñ,
tinguishing station shall be fitted with a check two manual portable gas analyzers shall be
valve. provided.
Two branches shall be arranged before the 3.12.20 The cargo system structure shall
check valve led on the deck to monitors, and provide for loading/unloading of goods carried
on each branch – doubled fire nozzles of di- by closed method that is necessary for cargo
ameter about 70 mm for connection of fire operations with oil products and inflammable
hoses and air-foam hoses. Monitors which liquids.
shall be fitted at port and starboard sides near The ends of filling pipes of the cargo tanks
the fore bulkhead of the aft superstructure or shall be placed at the tank bottom, the dis-
accommodation spaces faced to the cargo tance between these ends and the tank bottom
deck. shall be not less than 0.25 of the pipe internal
If medium expansion foam is used, valve diameter.
boxes shall be fitted instead of doubled fire Cargo connections of the cargo system
nozzles and have the number of fire nozzles manifold shall be equipped with tight blank
equal to 50 % of the design number of foam flanges made of materials preventing spark
generators. formation caused by strikes.
3.12.16 In oil tankers extending pipes shall 3.12.21 Where pumping oil stations operate
be made of steel or light alloys in a number with inflammable liquids with flash point of
equal to 50 % of the design number of the max. 60 °Ñ, they shall be supplied with steam
foam generators; both ends of the pipes shall or electricity either from the shore or from
be fitted with connecting fittings for fire hoses another vessel.
360 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

3.12.22 Gas outlet pipes of the engines and and driven by shafts passing through pump
smoke flues of the boilers of oil tankers carry- room bulkheads shall be equipped with tem-
ing oil products with flash point of max. perature sensing devices for shafts, bearings
60 °Ñ and the ships which service oil tankers and pump casings. Alarm signals shall be
(service and crew boats, auxiliary ships, float- automatically effected in the cargo control
ing stores) shall be fitted with spark arresters room or the pump control station.
(spark extinguishers).
3.12.29 Shafts of mechanical steering gears
3.12.23 Smoking spaces in oil tankers shall of oil tankers intended for transportation of
be fitted with exhaust ventilation, which pro- oil products with flash point of max. 60 °Ñ,
vides 20-fold air exchange per hour. shall be led above the deck in chutes or boxes.
Parts of those gears exposed to friction shall
3.12.24 In oil tankers intended for carriage, be so designed that to prevent sparking caused
storage or pumping of liquids with flash point by friction or impacts.
below 60 °Ñ provision shall be made for filling
dry compartments adjacent to cargo tanks 3.12.30 All tools (sledge hammers, mallets,
with inert gases and their ventilation. wrenches, etc.) used to carry out works in
For non-self-propelled barges of push- explosive spaces and areas of oil tankers shall
trains ventilation of peak compartments shall be made of materials preventing sparking
be provided if after cofferdams are filled with caused by impacts.
water up to scuttle covers or these compart-
ments are filled with inert gases. 3.13 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS
Ventilation shall provide at least six-fold air
exchange per hour in peak compartments and
at least three-fold air exchange per hour in 3.13.1 The requirements stated in 3.1 –
the compartments adjacent to cargo tanks. 3.12 apply to ships less than 25 m in length,
unless specified otherwise in the present
3.12.25 Structural parts of equipment ar- Chapter.
ranged in or intended for application in ex-
plosion-hazardous areas and spaces shall be 3.13.2 On open undecked vessels the en-
made of materials providing electrostatic and gines shall be covered with removable casings
galvanic sparking safety. made of non-combustible material.
3.12.26 Places where pump / fan drive 3.13.3 Removable casings of the engines
shafts penetrate bulkheads and watertight shall be fitted with air ducts of diameter not
decks in explosive areas and fire-hazardous less than 80 mm, one of ducts shall end at the
rooms shall be fitted with gastight stuffing height of 70 mm above the bottom and the
boxes. The design temperature of the exterior other – at the casing cover.
elements of stuffing boxes shall not exceed the
3.13.4 On undecked vessels without sepa-
permissible temperature specified according to
rate main engines room fuel tanks shall be
the vapor flash point of the cargo. The com-
located at least 800 mm apart from the engine
ponents of stuffing boxes shall be made of
and gas outlet pipelines. In this case fuel
materials precluding the spark formation.
tanks shall be enclosured by removable
3.12.27 If metal bellows are used in glands, shields.
such bellows shall be designed to operate at Ventilation of the fuel tanks area, piping
pressure not less than the maximal test one outfit and trays mounting shall be made in the
specified for testing the compartments (Table same way as for tanks located in separate
P.10.4.1 Annex 10). rooms.
3.12.28 Cargo pumps, ballast pumps and 3.13.5 For fuel tank filling pipes shall be
stripping pumps fitted in cargo pump rooms led on the deck preventing from fuel ingress
3 Fire-Extinguishing Systems 361

into the hull. Nipple plugs shall be made of 3.13.15 Fire hoses shall be at least 10 m
non-sparking material. long.
3.13.6 The places of penetration of smoke 3.13.16 Hand fire hoses may be used with
flues through the wooden decks and bulk- nozzle of diameter less than 12 mm.
heads shall be fitted with fireproof bead with a
3.13.17 On ships mentioned in 3.3.31 the
size of at least 150 mm per side. Structures
water manifold for delivery of water for other
adjacent to the bead from combustible mate-
vessels may be dispensed with.
rials shall be insulated with roofing steel above
the asbestos layer not less than 10 mm thick.
3.13.7 Cooking oven shall be located at EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS FOR
least 150 mm apart from structures of com- MACHINE SPACES
bustible materials protected by non-
combustible heat insulation (see 2.3.3) with 3.14.1 Fixed local application fire-
the thickness of insulation of at least 25 mm extinguishing systems shall be fitted on Ì-
ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes passenger ships
and insulated area spreading over the oven
borders for at least 250 mm. with minimum gross tonnage of 500 and
cargo ships of these classes with minimum
3.13.8 Gas appliance and vessel with the gross tonnage of 2000.
capacity up to 20 L may be located in the
3.14.2 Machinery spaces of A category
same room; they may be connected by means
above 500 m3 in volume, in addition to the
of rubberized fabric hose.
fixed fire-extinguishing system required in
3.13.9 On ships of less than 25 m long, ex- Table 3.1.6, shall be equipped with fixed local
cepting tugboats, pushboats, passenger ships, fire-extinguishing system. In the case of unat-
oil tankers and ships carrying hazardous tended machinery spaces, this system shall
goods, fixed water extinguishing system may have both automatic and manual start capa-
be dispensed with. Here the machinery space bilities. Continuously manned machinery
shall be fitted with gas or aerosol extinguish- spaces shall provide a manual start from the
ing system and for other spaces – independent propulsion machinery control station or from
portable or movable gas and foam extinguishers. another place permanently attended. The
automatic system start shall be realized by the
3.13.10 In the room where internal com- fire detection system. In this case, design
bustion engines are located, it is sufficient to measures shall be taken to prevent spontane-
have one fire nozzle located directly near the ous start of the system.
fire pump.
3.14.3 Fixed local fire-extinguishing sys-
3.13.11 On ships excepting tugboats, tems are to protect high fire risk areas of the
pushboats, passenger ships, special purpose following machinery and equipment (without
ships, oil tankers and ships carrying dangerous the necessity of engine shutdown, personnel
goods, water may be fed by one jet. evacuation, or sealing of the spaces):
3.13.12 On ships fitted with foam extin- .1 main internal combustion and diesel
guishing system foam-forming liquid may be generators;
fed to the suction chamber of fire pump. .2 incinerators;
.3 purifiers for heated fuel oil;
3.13.13 Fire pump may be fed with water .4 boiler fronts (in places where nozzles
from one outboard valve. are arranged);
3.13.14 Pipelines of water fire extinguishing .5 inert gas generators stated in 3.10;
system, except for such pipelines on Ì-ÑÏ, .6 fuel heaters.
Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes ships may be made For units with more than one engine, at
without corrosion-protective coating. least two system sections shall be provided.
362 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

3.14.4 Activation of local system shall initi- pump operation within 1.5 hours; fuel capac-
ate audible and visual alarms distinct in both ity on a ship shall be sufficient for filling the
respects from other alarms transmitted to the fuel tank;
protected space, to the central control station .3 Size and type of connecting fittings of
(if any) or to the wheelhouse. Signal shall flow-line hoses and nozzles shall be the same
inform on the particular system in operation. as those adopted on a ship for fixed water
3.14.5 Electric equipment of the system extinguishing station;
and its starting alarm shall comply with the .4 The diesel-pump set shall be fitted with
requirements of 5 of this Part and 11.4 of arrangements and tools according to the
Part VI of the Rules. manufacturer specification and shall be stored
on the deck in special locker or box.
3.15 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.15.3 Fire protection of floating objects
FOR FLOATING OBJECTS used as floating hotels, hostels, resthouses,
floating bases for processing bioresources of
3.15.1 Landing stages, examination vessels water medium shall depend on the number of
and other floating objects intended for ac- people living on the board:
commodation of more than 12 persons, as .1 up to 50 persons – for passenger ships
well as other floating objects with crew of with a length of 65 m;
min. 3 persons, shall be equipped with fixed
.2 up to 200 persons – for passenger ships
water extinguishing systems, using fixed fire with a length of 65 to 100 m;
pumps as per the requirements of 3.3.3, 3.3.5,
.3 up to 200 persons – for passenger ships
3.3.6, 3.3.10, 3.3.13, 3.3.16.
with a length of 100 m.
3.15.2 Portable diesel-pump set connected If the floating objects stated in 3.15.3 pro-
to the ship water extinguishing system may be vide the presence of special personnel of 50
used as a fire pump as per the following re- persons and more, then the fire protection
quirements: shall comply with the requirements of
.1 It shall provide for simultaneous opera- or".
tion of two hand fire hoses with a jet diameter
3.15.4 If ships stated in 3.15.3 are not
of not less than 12 mm at a suction height of
equipped with their own electric power
not less than 5 m and a discharge pressure of
sources, emergency fire pumps, like for pas-
0.4 to 0.6 ÌPà and shall be fitted with self-
senger ships as per 3.3.1 shall not be fitted
suction structure;
.2 The pump motor shall be capable of
start-up both at positive and negative ambient 3.15.5 Fire protection of floating docks,
temperature (down to – 5 °Ñ). Capacity of the electric stations, workshops and depot ships is
pump fuel tank shall be sufficient for the the same as for cargo ships.
4 Additional Fire Safety Requirements for Domestic / General Service Equipment and Systems 363



4.1 LOCATION AND EQUIPMENT 4.1.7 Check valve of the supply piping shall
OF GALLEYS be remotely controlled from an accessible
place outside the galley.
4.1.1 Galleys shall be separated from cargo
zone by accommodation spaces and located in 4.1.8 Smoke funnels of the cooking ranges
spaces adjacent to store rooms for inflamma- laid inside the ship's spaces shall be covered
ble and combustible materials, spaces for fuel with heat insulation made of non-combustible
and lubricating oil excepting distribution sta- material of a thickness sufficient to prevent heat-
tions containing liquefied gas cylinders for ing of the insulation outer surface over 60 Ñ.
domestic purposes. 4.1.9 The structure of exhaust ventilation
4.1.2 At least two exits shall be provided ducts shall comply with the requirements
for each galley serving more than 50 persons. specified in 10.12.32, 10.12.33 of Part IV of
For galleys working on electricity or steam, the Rules.
only one exit is allowed. 4.1.10 The galleys shall have gutterways
draining to the water holding tank.
4.1.3 Cookers working on electricity, gas as
well as fuel oil or solid fuel may be used. 4.1.11 Cooking ranges of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ,
Flash point of fuel oil for galleys shall exceed Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î class ships shall be fitted
60 °Ñ. with storm protective guards. The cooking
range side faced towards the personnel shall
Cooking ranges that operate using fuel oil
be fitted with guard rails 0.8 to 1.2 m high.
or solid fuel shall be fitted with a metal casing
with fire-brick lining and black removal de- 4.1.12 Structure of electric equipment in-
vice. cluded in cooking ranges shall comply with
applicable requirements specified in 9 Part VI
4.1.4 Drip trays for collecting fuel leakage of the Rules.
shall be placed below the range fuel nozzles;
they shall have a size exceeding the overall 4.2 STRUCTURE OF HEATING SYSTEMS
dimensions of the nozzle for at least 100 mm
with shoulders at least 75 mm high. 4.2.1 For heating ship’s spaces, they use
equipment working on oil fuel, solid fuel or
4.1.5 Equipment of daily service fuel tanks gaseous fuel burning units or from power sup-
and supply piping shall comply with the re- ply network.
quirements of 10.10.25, 10.10.26 and 4.2.2 On ships carrying hazardous goods in
10.13.25 – 10.13.30 Part IV of the Rules. bulk, it is not allowed to use heating appliances
4.1.6 Daily service tanks shall not be lo- working on oil fuel, liquid gas or solid fuel.
cated in the galley room. The equipment for central heating of ship’s
spaces working on solid fuel may be used for
No fuel tanks may be located above the
ships carrying highly inflammable liquids1.
cooking range. A capacity of daily fuel service
tank fitted in the galley room shall be suffi-
cient for daily fuel consumption but not over 1
Class 3 as per GOST 19433 (closed-cup flash
0.05 m3. point of max. 61 Ñ).
364 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

4.2.3 Stove heating may be used on non- .2 Metal heating stoves without brick lin-
self-propelled and coast vessels other than ing or water jacket shall not be fitted in ship’s
passenger ships and oil tankers. spaces;
.3 Water heating heaters shall be fitted in
4.2.4 For stoves and heaters, fuel oil may
such a way that the distance between the ribs
be used with a flash point over 60 °Ñ. Fuel oil
of hot-water heating and combustible struc-
stoves shall be equipped with fuel metering
tures shall be at least 25 mm;
units which provide reliable operation of the
.4 Hot-water heating radiators and elec-
stove under all operating conditions of a ship,
trical heating appliances shall be located at a
and leaking fuel collectors.
distance of at least 50 mm from the sides and
4.2.5 Brick stoves shall be protected with bulkheads;
casings of steel roofing as per the following .5 Parts of the sides or bulkheads planked
requirements: with wood, plywood or other combustible
.1 Thickness of outer walls of fire cham- material and located opposite to heating ele-
bers and flues shall be at least 130 mm; ments shall be protected by heat insulation of
.2 Thickness of brickwork of the upper non-combustible material. If this heat insula-
ceiling shall be at least 200 mm; tion is not available, heating elements shall be
.3 Fire chamber shall be separated from at least 150 mm clear of combustible lining;
the deck plating made of combustible materi- .6 Electrical heating appliances shall be at
als by a brickwork at least 250 mm thick. least 1 m clear of combustible structures to-
wards the heat radiation;
4.2.6 All heaters shall be so designed and .7 Heating stoves shall be at least 500 mm
arranged as to minimize the fire risk. clear of combustible structures. If these struc-
4.2.7 Outer surfaces of stoves, heating sys- tures are protected with heat insulation of
tem heaters with working temperature over non-combustible material, this distance shall
60 °Ñ, shall be closed by protecting housings be min. 250 mm. It may be reduced, when
or screens. The temperature on the casing / free air circulation is provided between the
screen surface shall not exceed 60 °Ñ. combustible structure and its heat insulation.
Minimum distance is not standardized, if
4.2.8 Electric heating elements shall com- the parts of structures adjacent to the stoves
ply with requirements of 9.2 Part VI of Rules. are entirely made of non-combustible materi-
4.2.9 In the places where steam heating als;
tubes penetrate wooden bulkheads or bulk- .8 Distance between the furnace door and
heads faced with combustible material, anti- a bulkhead of combustible material shall be at
fire beads shall be provided of at least 50 mm least 1.25 m. When the bulkhead is made of
on each side, faced with steel sheets over the non-combustible material or insulated with
layer of mineral heat-insulating material steel roofing over the layer non-combustible
2 mm thick. heat-insulating material of 5 mm thick, this
distance may be reduced to 1 m;
For water heating tubes, the beads shall be
.9 Steel plates shall be provided in front
of at least 25 mm for each side. In this case,
of furnace doors and ashpit doors;
isolation of mineral heat-insulating material is
.10 Stoves shall be secured to avoid shift-
not required.
ing at rolling;
4.2.10 For the unit and arrangement of .11 Auxiliary and heating boilers shall be
heating appliances and stoves the following located to prevent the danger of the other
requirements shall be met: equipment even in case of their heating. It is
.1 Additional solid fuel equipment may not allowed to fit them at a distance of min.
not be fitted in spaces with fuel cans or fuel 1 m from fuel tanks, lubricating oil tank, as
oil equipment; well as hold bulkheads.
4 Additional Fire Safety Requirements for Domestic / General Service Equipment and Systems 365

4.2.11 For stove funnels, the requirements with a maximum capacity of 35 kg, may be
of shall be met: Funnels shall be used.
made of steel and fitted with casings forming
4.3.8 Vessels for compressed or liquefied
a vent cavity or insulated with heat-insulating
natural gas shall meet the requirements 8
Part IV of the Rules and have marking with at
Funnels shall be fastened and fitted with
least the following data:
.1 manufacturer's brand mark / name;
4.3 SHIP'S DOMESTIC PLANTS .2 cylinder symbol;
WORKING ON COMPRESSED / .3 cylinder No. as per the manufacturer’s
.4 weight of gas cylinder (kg);
General requirements
.5 weight of light cylinder (kg);
4.3.1 The requirements of this Chapter are .6 cylinder capacity (L);
applied to all the ship's domestic plants, .7 date (month and year) of manufacture;
working on compressed or liquefied natural .8 service pressure and test pressure
gas containing mixture of different hydrocar- (MPa);
bon gases with methane content in it of over .9 stamp of the manufacturer.
85 %. These units may be used in accommo- The cylindrical part of the cylinder shall
dation spaces and in the wheelhouse for cook- bear inscriptions “N A T U R A L G A S ”,
ing purposes or water heating, they shall in- “N e x t s u r v e y d a t e ” and “D O N O T
clude one or several vessels for compressed or U S E A F T E R X X / X X X X ”, where
liquefied natural gas, one or several pressure XX / XXXX is expiry date month/year.
regulators, distribution networks and gas ap-
pliances, for example, gas ovens or water 4.3.9 Vessels shall not be filled with com-
heaters, which consume max. 1.5 kg/h of pressed or liquefied gas on board a ship.
compressed liquefied natural gas.
4.3.2 Onboard domestic units working on Distribution station
compressed or liquefied gas may not be lo- 4.3.10 Distribution station shall be located
cated in machinery spaces. on an open deck in a special locker or enclo-
4.3.3 Each ship may be fitted with several sure of a deck superstructure or a deckhouse,
compressed / liquefied gas units. provided that it is gastight and has openings
Gas appliances in spaces separated by a only outside.
cargo zone or built-in tank shall not be sup- The deck station location shall provide the
plied from the same gas unit. minimum length of the distribution network
gas pipelines up to the consumers and free
4.3.4 Deck openings located up to 3 m movement of people on the ship's deck.
clear of the doors or other types of enclosures
of the spaces or areas which contain elements 4.3.11 The distribution station shall not be
of domestic compressed / liquefied gas units located in one superstructure or deckhouse
shall be provided with coamings at least with accommodation spaces, and its structure
150 mm high. shall comply with requirements, as
well as the following requirements:
4.3.5 All equipment of onboard domestic
.1 Effective natural ventilation through
units, including gas pipelines, shall be se-
openings or slots in the upper and lower parts
of the locker or enclosure shall be provided.
Compressed / liquefied gas vessels In addition to the natural ventilation artificial
ventilation may be provided; the ventilators
4.3.7 In addition to onboard units, working shall be of explosion-proof type and shall pre-
on compressed or liquefied natural gas, vessels clude the spark formation;
366 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

.2 Measures shall be taken to prevent the fastening which is connected to a pressure

increase of temperature inside the room by reducing valve on the vessel top. The hose
50 °Ñ, and the temperature increase of the shall be resistant to working medium and shall
station vessels by 40 Ñ; be designed for a working pressure of min.
.3 The station shall provide the natural 0.6 MPà;
lighting by day and electric lighting with ex- .2 A group of vessels with one of them
plosion-proof lighting fixtures used only at being connected to the distribution system
night. Electric lighting switch shall be fitted and other used as spare vessels; two vessels
outside the room of the distribution station. may be connected to the distribution network
Elements of the ship's lighting located near manifold; a check valve or a cock shall be
the station entrance door and outer ventila- fitted between each vessel and the manifold
tion devices of the station shall be as well and the station shall bear an inscription pro-
explosion-proof; hibiting simultaneous use of both vessels.
.4 Measures shall be provided for full gas 4.3.14 Each domestic unit, working on
elimination outside the station in case of its compressed or liquefied gas, may be simulta-
leakage, it shall not enter the inner ship neously connected with up to 4 vessels con-
spaces; nected by automatic or non-automatic switch.
.5 The doors shall bear an inscription or a In this case, the ship shall contain max. six
symbol warning on the explosion danger and vessels per unit, including reserve ones.
prohibiting the use of open flame and smok- On passenger ships with kitchens or can-
ing; teens for passengers, each unit may be con-
.6 The distribution station room shall pro- nected with up to six working vessels con-
vide a direct exit to the open deck; nected with automatic or non-automatic
.7 At the distribution station entrance, dry switch. Onboard these ships, the number of
powder fire extinguisher or carbon dioxide fire vessels per unit, including reserve ones, shall
extinguisher shall be fitted; not exceed nine.
.8 Compressed / liquefied gas vessels shall
be located in the vertical position, with valves Storage of spare and empty vessels
up, in special holders made of spark-proof
materials and shall be secured to the station 4.3.15 Spare and empty vessels outside the
walls by quick-release fastenings; distribution station, which are not connected
.9 No unauthorised equipment may be ar- to the distribution network of compressed or
ranged at the distribution station. liquefied gas, shall be stored outside the ac-
commodation area only in dedicated steel
4.3.12 Vessel storage locker shall comply lockers or in closed enclosures meeting the
with the requirements of 4.3.10 and 4.3.11, requirements of 4.3.10 – 4.3.14. Stop fittings
and with the following: of the above vessels shall be closed irrespec-
.1 The cabinet shall not be located near tively of their extent of filling with com-
the plating of the fore / after bulwark; pressed gas.
.2 The cabinet shall be made of fire resis-
tant materials and shall provide for sufficient Distribution network
ventilation through the upper / lower part
holes. 4.3.16 Compressed or liquefied gas line and
their fittings shall comply with the require-
4.3.13 The following may be fitted at one
ments of 10.2 and 10.3 Part IV of Rules.
distribution station:
.1 A vessel connected to the network; Gas-consuming appliances and spaces
connection to the compressed or liquefied gas for their fitting
line shall be executed by means of a rubber-
textile hose not longer than 1 m with metal 4.3.17 Domestic gas appliances for cooking
clamps providing gas-tightness and reliable and water heaters shall comply with require-
4 Additional Fire Safety Requirements for Domestic / General Service Equipment and Systems 367

ments of GOST R 50696, GOST R 54821, .4 Flue outlets shall provide sufficient
GOST R 51847, GOST 31856, confirmed by draught in the funnel;
declarations or certificates of products con- .5 Connections of the pipe sections shall
formity to the requirements of Technical be tight, without any clearance;
Regulations of the Customs Union “On safety .6 Smoke funnel ends in the horizontal
of appliances working on gaseous fuel” plane shall be higher than superstructure,
(TR CU 016/2011) or to the requirements of where they are located, but not less than
stated national standards drawn by authorities 0.5 m. In oil tankers smoke funnel outlets
accredited as per the legislation of the Russian shall be at least 2 m from the cargo zone. A
Federation on accreditation in the national distance from a funnel or a flue to a combus-
accreditation system, as well as to the re- tible structure shall be at least 350 mm;
quirements of this Chapter. .7 Flue outlets shall be selected with re-
gard to the requirement on maximum possible
4.3.18 Domestic units for cooking purposes
exclusion of combustion products entering the
or water heating shall be:
ship's space;
.1 secured to avoid their shifting for all .8 Heat insulation of flues laid inside the
loading conditions during the ship operation; ship's spaces, including in passages through
.2 connected to the connecting gas pipe- the hull structures (bulkheads, decks, etc.)
lines to avoid the risk of their inadvertent shall comply with the applied requirements of
disconnection. 1.9.2 Part IV of the Rules.
Not fixed gas-consuming appliances may
be connected to the gas pipeline with the cor- 4.3.21 The gas consuming equipment may
responding steel flexible pipes or flexible hoses be placed in the wheelhouse only in case of
for high pressure suitable for the used gas of no channels for penetrating the gas into the
1 m long. ship's inner spaces.
The structure of domestic units for cooking On board the tankers and ships carrying
shall provide the stormy fencing of burners. hazardous goods, the above placement is not
4.3.19 Gas-consuming appliances shall be
4.3.22 Spaces with gas consumers shall be
fitted with automatic devices that stop the gas
equipped as per the requirements of 4.1 and
supply in case of the burner extinction. Such
comply with the following requirements:
device when used in water heaters shall have
.1 They shall not be arranged below the
the pilot flame.
bulkhead deck and shall be fitted with effec-
This device may be absent in appliances
tive ventilation for evacuating the combustion
fitted in spaces above the bulkhead deck and
products and air change;
used only in the presence of the attending
.2 They shall have an exit giving to the
open deck and opening scuttle (window). The
4.3.20 All gas-consuming appliances in- galley need not be fitted with the scuttle or
tended so as to provide the evacuation of the window, when an exit from the galley is pro-
combustion products outside the spaces, shall vided to non-accommodation space (a corri-
be provided with separate flues complying dor) with opening scuttles or a door leading
with the following requirements: to the open deck;
.1 Horizontal section of the smoke flue .3 Where the space is below the bulkhead
shall have an inclination towards the gas- deck, it shall be equipped with artificial venti-
consuming appliance of at least 0.01; lation, and above the gas oven, the ventilating
.2 The total length of horizontal sections cowl shall be fitted;
of the flue shall not exceed 3 m; .4 In the lower part of the water heaters’
.3 Flues shall have not more than 3 bends space an air grating shall be provided with a
with a bending radius not less than the pipe cross-sectional area not less than 0.02 m2 per
diameter; each water heater;
368 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

.5 Bulkheads and decks shall be water- 4.3.23 The distance between the gas-
tight, door coamings shall be at least 150 mm consuming appliances and the bulkheads shall
high. No ladders or elevators may be arranged be at least 75 mm.
from the spaces of gas-consuming appliances
to the spaces located below; 4.4 LIGHTING
.6 The space height shall be at least 2.2 m.
When using exhaust device of dimensions 4.4.1 Ships shall be provided with electric
exceeding the overall dimensions of a gas stove, lighting as per the requirements of 10 Part VI
the space height may be reduced to 1.9 m; of the Rules.
.7 The space volume shall be determined 4.4.2 Kerosene lighting may be used only
on the condition of 4 m3 per each burner of on ships without electric power sources of the
the gas stove and 7.5 m3 per a water heater. lighting network.
When easily detachable exhaust ventila- Kerosene lamps for lighting shall be fitted
tion box is fitted above the gas stove, the vol- in suspended metal peak lanterns, perma-
ume of the space with two-burner gas stove nently attached on-site and protected from
may be reduced to 6 m3, that with three- impacts. Upper parts of lighting fixtures shall
burner gas stove – to 10 ì3 and that with four- be situated no closer than 350 mm from the
burner gas stove – to 12 m3; ceiling. The ceiling above the lamp shall be
.8 at the entrance to gas consumer space, protected with suspended metal plate of di-
dry powder fire extinguisher or carbon dioxide ameter 150 mm or shall be fitted onto the
fire extinguisher shall be fitted. non-combustible heat-insulating material.
5 Fire Alarm 369


5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .8 Each sampling point shall be connected

5.1.1 Ships shall be equipped with manual to max. 4 smoke intakes;
fire alarm and automatic fire detection alarm .9 The same point for air sampling can be
systems, as well as fire smothering system connected to smoke intakes of only one cargo
release warning system complying with the space;
requirements of 11.4 Part VI of the Rules. .10 The structure of air sampling device
shall be self-draining and shall be protected
5.1.2 In cargo spaces instead of automatic from possible damage when load-
fire alarm system, automatic sample extrac- ing/unloading;
tion smoke detection system may be used. .11 The sensing unit of the system shall
The following requirements are imposed to be actuated when the smoke density inside the
this system: measuring chamber reaches the value to
.1 The system shall be designed to operate weaken the light by 6.65  per meter;
continuously; .12 Smoke monitoring shall be provided
.2 Detection of smoke or other combus- in separate pipes for air sampling;
tion products shall initiate visual and audible
.13 At least two ventilators for air sam-
signals in the wheelhouse or in the perma-
pling shall be provided, with capacity suffi-
nently attended place (if any);
cient for system operation in normal working
.3 After checking the system response, it
mode of the ventilation system in the cargo
shall be returned to the normal working mode
without replacement of any elements;
.14 Devices shall be provided to enable
.4 The system power interruption shall
sampling the same air volumes from each
initiate audible and visual signals different
connected smoke intake;
from the system response signals;
.15 Minimum internal diameter of air
.5 The system structure shall exclude the
sampling tubes shall be 12 mm. When com-
leakage of toxic, highly inflammable and ex-
bining the air sampling with fixed gas extin-
tinguishants to accommodation, service and
guishing system, the pipe diameter shall be
machinery spaces and control stations;
determined by the requirements to the pipe;
.6 Each cargo space shall be fitted with
.16 Devices for periodic blowing air sam-
smoke intake, located so that the distance
pling pipes with compressed air shall be pro-
from it to any area of the deck located above
it, measured horizontally could not exceed
12 m; 5.1.3 Ship’s general alarm system shall be
.7 Smoke inlets shall not be placed in lo- used as fire warning alarm for crew, passen-
cations where they can be damaged in case of gers and special personnel in accordance with
impact; the requirements of 11.3 Part VI of the Rules.
370 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”


6.1 FIRE PROTECTION OUTFIT Fire protection outfit rates

General provisions 6.1.5 Inland navigation ships shall be fitted
with fire protection outfit according to the
6.1.1 Requirements of this Section apply to
norms specified in Table 6.1.5, with regard to
ships under design and construction as well as
the following:
passenger ships in service with regard to avail-
ability of fireman kits and fire extinguishers. .1 Each space where oil fuel is used shall
be fitted with one additional blanket;
6.1.2 On non-self-propelled ships operated
.2 Tankers shall be supplied with portable
without a crew, fire protection outfit and fire
gas analyzer for measuring the concentration
extinguishing systems are not required.
of inflammable vapours of goods carried. To
6.1.3 Fire protection outfit shall be pro- control the percentage of oil vapour on ships
vided and its reliability and readiness for im- intended for the transportation of oil products
mediate use under all operating conditions with flash point below 60 °Ñ, two hand port-
shall be ensured. able gas-analyzers shall be provided;
6.1.4 On passenger ships, places of fire .3 Fireman’s outfit shall be required on
protection outfit arrangement shall be marked ships, including those being in operation, with
with indicators made of photoluminiscent a crew or attending personnel more than
material or by means of lighting. Require- 4 persons in number.
ments for indicators of photoluminiscent ma-
terials shall be similar to those for light 6.1.6 All fire protection outfit items shall
evacuation indication panels (see 16.1.11 be kept in permanent ready-for-use condition
Part VI of the Rules). and be located in accessible places.
T a b l e 6.1.5
Fire protection outfit rates
Fire smothering Set of fire-fighting Fire buckets Fireman’s outfit
Ship type
blankets (pcs) tools (set) (pcs) (set)
1. Passenger ships length (m):
30 and less 1 1 2 
30 to 65 1 2 4 
65 to 100 2 4 4 2
over 100 3 6 4 3
2. Oil tankers and carriers of motor transport
with filled tanks and inflammable fluids in
containers with a length (m):
30 and less 2 1 2 
30 to 65 3 1 4 2
65 to 100 4 2 4 2
over 100 4 2 4 3
3. Other ships length (m):
30 and less 1 1 2 
30 to 65 1 1 4 
65 to 100 2 2 4 2
over 100 2 2 4 2
6 Fire Protection Outfit Spare Parts and Tools 371

6.1.8 Depending on the purpose ship’s

6.1.7 Sets of fireman’s outfit shall be stored spaces shall be fitted with portable fire extin-
ready for use in accessible places as far apart guishers according to the rates specified in
from each other as practicable. Table 6.1.8 with regard to the following:
T a b l e 6.1.8
Rates of portable fire extinguishers outfit
Number of fire extinguishers per one
Ship spaces Type of fire extinguisher
1. Control stations Carbon dioxide or dry powder 1
2. Machinery spaces with main and Air-foam or dry powder 2
auxiliary engines working on oil fuel 1 – on ships with engines of a ca-
pacity up to 110 kW
3. Boiler rooms with self-contained ditto One per each boiler
boilers working on oil fuel
4. Galleys with equipment working Air-foam or dry powder 1
on oil fuel or gas
5. Galleys with electrical equipment Carbon dioxide or dry powder 1
6. Stores for highly inflammable Air-foam or dry powder 1
and combustible materials
7. Spaces containing electric gen- Dry powder or carbon dioxide One (additionally to the outfit of the
erators with total power output relevant space)
exceeding 200 kW
8. Rooms with main distribution Carbon dioxide or dry powder 2 (when a distribution switchboard is
switchboards or emergency distri- located in the machinery space, one
bution switchboards fire extinguisher shall be added to
that stated in para. 2)
9. Cargo pump spaces and fuel Air-foam or dry powder 1
distribution stations
10. Closed decks ditto One per each 20 m of the corridor
11. Insulated spaces, heated or " 1
cooled, with any types of equip-
ment using solid fuel, oil fuel or
liquefied gas as a fuel
12. Open decks on passenger ships Air-foam or dry powder One for each deck with a length up
to 20 m and two for each deck with a
length over 20 m
13. Open decks on other ships ex- ditto 1 – for ships up to 25 m in length,
cepting tankers 2 – for ships over 25 m in length
14. Open decks of oil tankers " Two for each 30 m sections of the
decks, but not less than prescribed in
15. Open decks of ships equipped Air-foam or dry powder One for fore and aft ends of open
for carriage of hazardous goods decks in addition to those prescribed
in 13
16. Cargo spaces of ships intended With fire extinguishant, suit- 21
for the carriage of solid hazardous able for fire extinguishing of
goods in bulk or in containers particular hazardous goods car-
17. Cargo space of ships intended for Dry powder 22
carriage of hazardous goods in bulk
18. Cargo space of ships intended Air-foam or dry powder One for each 20 m of the deck
for carriage of passengers and vehi- length, for each side. One near each
cles of the entrances to these spaces from
accommodation and service spaces
A greater number of fire extinguishers of minimum capacity with a charge of 12 kg may be used.
372 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

.1 In spaces with a floor area not exceed- .6 In machinery spaces, the location of
ing 4 m2 (galleys, distribution stations, stores, fire extinguishers shall provide minimum dis-
stations, broadcasting centers), carbon dioxide tance of 10 m between any point of the room
and dry powder fire extinguishers with a and the nearest extinguisher.
charge of 1.5 kg may be fitted;
6.1.10 Metal boxes with sand shall be fitted
.2 In spaces containing electrical equip- in boiler rooms, in rooms containing boilers-
ment with rated voltage of 24 V gas fire extin- incinerators (at the furnace front side) in the
guishers may be replaced by foam fire extin- area of the paint room as well as at the places
guishers; of reception and distribution of fuel or at dis-
.3 No portable carbon dioxide fire extin- tance not more than 10 meters from the fill-
guishers or other gas fire extinguishers may be ing station (counting from the filling sleeve).
fitted in accommodation spaces;
6.1.11 Metal boxes with sand shall not be
.4 The quantity of fire extinguishant in
fitted in machinery spaces and pump rooms.
fire extinguishers located in ship's cargo
In those spaces, boxes containing sawdust
spaces intended for carrying hazardous goods
impregnated with fat soda solution shall be
in bulk shall be determined depending on
fitted instead. One box with sand or sawdust
scope of their employment for extinguishing
may be replaced with one portable foam or
fires of particular hazardous goods;
dry powder fire extinguisher.
.5 Gasoline engined ships shall be fitted
with at least two air-foam or dry powder fire Requirements for fire protection outfit
extinguishers in the machinery space and the
spaces where fuel tanks or fuel system units 6.1.12 Fire smothering blankets shall be fit-
are located. ted in spaces where fuel oil is used. These
blankets shall:
6.1.9 Manual portable fire extinguishers .1 be stout and durable;
shall comply with the following requirements: .2 be made of non-combustible material;
.1 They shall be located in places pro- clean unraised felt of minimum 10 mm thick-
tected from direct sunlight and precipitation, ness may be used;
with handles located not over 1.5 m above the .3 have an area of (1.5  2) m and be
deck or space flooring; they shall be located stored in special cases made of thin steel plate
at least 1.5 m away from heating appliances or or in special containers. These cases or con-
other heat sources; tainers shall be painted red and bear an in-
.2 Fire extinguishers shall be located in scription “Fi r e bl an k et s ”.
special holders ensuring fastening and release
6.1.13 Fire tools shall satisfy the following
of fire extinguishers;
.3 In accommodation spaces they shall be .1 One set of fire tools shall include: fire
located at the distance not exceeding 15 m of axe, fire crowbar, fire boat-hook;
the protected area. Access to fire extinguishers .2 Each set shall be stowed and secured
shall be provided through one door only; on stationary boards in accessible places. The
.4 Where several fire extinguishers are lo- boards and the tools shall be painted red. The
cated in a space according to 6.1.8, part of tool holder shall prevent the spontaneous tool
them shall be located in the vicinity of en- coming out under conditions of roll and make
trance and the rest – in the places with the it easy to release the tool;
greatest risk of fire inside the space; .3 On ships for the carriage of motor ve-
.5 Where one fire extinguisher is located hicles with fuel (except for diesel fuel) in
in a space or on a ship, it shall be located in tanks, one set shall be placed near the en-
the vicinity of the entrance to this space or trances of accommodation and machinery
near the place with the greatest risk of fire; spaces to cargo spaces.
6 Fire Protection Outfit Spare Parts and Tools 373

6.1.14 Fire buckets shall be provided with a means for complete recharging air cylinders
hemp rope. They shall be stowed on the open with purified air may have only one spare
decks in supports. The buckets shall be cylinder or one spare breathing apparatus for
painted red and bear an inscription “Fi re”. each self-contained breathing apparatus.
The passenger ships carrying more than
6.1.15 The fireman’s outfit shall include:
36 passengers shall have two spare cylinders or
.1 fire helmet ensuring effective protection two spare apparatuses for each self-contained
against impacts; breathing apparatus.
.2 protective clothing made of a material
capable of protecting the skin against the heat 6.1.16 Manual portable fire extinguishers
radiated by fire, against burns and scalding by shall comply with the following requirements:
steam. The outer surface of the clothing shall .1 Fire extinguishers shall be charged with
be waterproof; tarpaulin and polyvinyl chlo- an extinguishing medium not releasing toxic
ride fabrics may not be used as outer material gases;
of the clothing; .2 Fire extinguishers intended for location
.3 boots and mittens of a dielectric mate- on the open decks shall be supplied with
rial; charges capable of being used at negative
temperatures of ambient air;
.4 portable accumulator lantern of a safe
.3 Capacity of foam extinguishers shall be
type with a minimum lighting period of at
least 3 h. Ships carrying hazardous goods, oil at least 0.009 m3;
tankers and other ships with cargo spaces and .4 Dry powder extinguishers shall contain
areas which may contain explosive mixture at least 4 kg of the powder and carbon dioxide
with air of combustible gases, vapours or dust, extinguishers shall contain at least 3 kg of
shall provide for lExd or lExð explosion-proof carbon dioxide;
lanterns (see 2.10.7 and Appendix 1 Part VI of .5 When using fire extinguishers with
the Rules). The group and temperature class non-foam extinguishing medium, their fire
shall correspond to the category of the goods rating (see shall be not lower than
carried; that of foam extinguishers with a capacity of
0.009 m3;
.5 a fire axe with a helve made of hard
wood. Helves made of other material shall be .6 Fire extinguishers shall be fitted with
covered with dielectric insulation; safety devices actuated in the event of pres-
sure rise above the permissible value;
.6 self-contained breathing apparatus op-
.7 Weight of the fire extinguisher shall not
erated by compressed air, with air cylinders
containing at least 1.2 m3 of air or other self- exceed 23 kg;
contained breathing apparatus capable of op- .8 Dry powder fire extinguishers shall be
eration for at least 30 min. selected with regard to the purpose of fire-
extinguishing powder medium;
Each breathing apparatus shall be provided
with a flexible fireproof lifeline about 30 m in .9 Portable fire extinguishers shall be pro-
length. The lifeline shall be tested by static vided with devices which indicate whether
load of 3.5 kN. It should be fastened directly they have been used.
to the apparatus or to a separate belt by 6.1.17 Portable fire extinguishers shall
means of a snaphook to avoid spontaneous comply with the following requirements:
separation of the line from the apparatus. .1 Fire extinguishers shall be charged with
Two spare cylinders or two spare appara- an extinguishing medium which does not re-
tuses shall be provided for each self-contained lease toxic gases;
breathing apparatus. All air cylinders for ap- .2 Fire extinguishers intended for location
paratuses shall be interchangeable. on the open decks shall be supplied with
The passenger ships carrying not more than charges capable of being used at negative
36 passengers and the cargo ships fitted with temperatures of ambient air;
374 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

.3 Fire extinguisher shall maintain the T a b l e 6.1.21

steady position, excluding its falling-out or Fire protection outfit of ships less than
shifting any condition possible during the ship 25 m in length
operation; Description Fire protection outfit norms
.4 Fire extinguishers shall be fitted with Manual portable
safety devices preventing from breaking of the fire extinguishers:
casing in the event of pressure rise above the dry powder or 1 in the machinery space, 1
foam in the galley working on gas,
permissible value; oil fuel or solid fuel
.5 The fire extinguisher shall be fitted with dry powder or car- 1 in the room containing
assembled flexible hose with device shutting bon dioxide control equipment of the ship
off the fire extinguishant jet. Flexible hose Metal boxes con- 1 at the places of fuel charge
shall provide for free passage of fire extinguis- taining sand and and distribution
hant through the nozzle, fixed to the fire ex- soda impregnated
tinguisher casing without breaks or hoggings. Blankets 1 in the machinery space
It shall not touch the floor, ground or wheels Fire buckets 2
when transporting the fire extinguisher and Set of fire-fighting 12
shall be flexible in the whole working tem- tools (set)
perature range. 1
It may be replaced with a fire extinguisher.
On crew boats ships with engines of a capacity
6.1.18 Metal boxes with sand and soda im- up to 165 kW it may be dispensed with.
pregnated sawdust shall comply with the fol-
lowing requirements: .2 a box containing sand or dry soda im-
.1 Boxes capacity shall be at least 0.1 m3; pregnated sawdust with a capacity of at least
0.05 m3;
.2 Each box shall have an opening cover
and a device for holding the cover open. A .3 blankets with a size of 1.0  1.5 m.
scoop shall be provided in each box. International shore connection
6.1.19 Explosive zones, spaces and areas, 6.1.23 On Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class
as well as open decks of oil tankers and oil ships, international shore connection for re-
recovery ships shall be provided with outfit ceiving water from shore shall be stored in
items, whose material and structure shall ex- special box painted red with inscription
clude sparking when using these items. “C o n n e c t i o n of international
t y p e ” in the accessible place together with
Fire protection outfit of ships emergency party equipment.
less than 25 in length
6.1.20 The requirements stated in 6.1.1 – 6.2 SPARE PARTS AND TOOLS
6.1.19 apply to ships less than 25 m in length, 6.2.1 Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships
unless specified otherwise in 6.1.21 and shall have spare parts and tools according to
6.1.22. the norms specified in Table 6.2.1. The pro-
6.1.21 Fire protection outfit of ships less vided standards shall fully apply to fixed fire-
than 25 m in length shall comply with the fighting systems of oil tankers, chemical tank-
norms specified in Table 6.1.21. ers and ships carrying hazardous goods.
Other ships shall have spare parts and tools
6.1.22 Fire protection outfit completed ac- stated in 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 8.2 and 8.3
cording to Table 6.1.21 shall comply with the Table 6.2.1.
requirements of 6.1.12 – 6.1.19. Here, the
following may be used: 6.2.2 Spare parts and tools for fire extin-
.1 dry powder and gas fire extinguishers guishing systems shall be stored at fire extin-
with a charge of at least 1.4 kg, foam extin- guishing stations.
guishers – with a capacity of at least 0.004 m3; 6.2.3 Spare parts shall be marked.
6 Fire Protection Outfit Spare Parts and Tools 375

T a b l e 6.2.1
Spare parts and tools
Spare parts and tools Quantity per ship
1 Fire extinguishing system
1.1 fire hose of each applied length / diameter with connecting fittings One
1.2 adapter heads of each applied size (if the ship is provided with cranes 2
of different diameters)
1.3 fast-connecting fittings (hose heads) two of each diameter
1.4 fast-connecting fittings (hose heads for ships with gross tonnage of four of each diameter
4000 and over
1.5 rubber O-rings for connecting heads, monitors and instruments 5 % of total amount, but not
less than 10
1.6 hose clamps 4 (for ships with gross tonnage
of up to 300 – as per the hose
number, but not more than 4)
1.7 wrenches for sprinkler heads (if they are fitted with special wrenches) 1
1.8 assembled hydrant of each applied size One
1.9 wheel for assembled hydrant of each applied size One
1.10 valve trays with O-rings to fire hoses of each applied size One
2 Sprinkler system
2.1 assembled sprinkler heads 5 pcs per section
2.2 wrenches for sprinkler heads (if they are fitted with special wrenches) 1 pcs per section
2.3 alarm and monitoring device parts one set according to delivery
3 Water-spraying, water screen, water-sprinkling systems
3.1 different sprayers used in the system 5 % of total number of those
3.2 wrench for fitting sprayers (if they are fitted with special wrenches) 1
4 Foam extinguishing system
4.1 assembled hydrant of each applied size 1
4.2 air-foam hose or foam applicator unit 1
4.3 reservoir eye glasses 1
4.4 rubber rings for connections 10
5 Carbon dioxide system
5.1 assembled cylinder valves, with the cylinder number:
less than 50 1
50 to 100 2
100 and more 3
5.2 wrenches for assembling and dismantling the cylinder valves and other 1 set per station
special valves
5.3 closers to be fitted on pipes from the cylinder valves when removing 25 % of receivers number
the cylinders
5.4 slot diaphragms According to the number of
5.5 bushes of a push type and their washers for safety devices 10 % of receivers number
5.6 non-return valves 5 % of total amount, but not
more than 1
5.7 nozzle outlets of each type and size Two
5.8 scales for weighing the cylinders or device for measuring the level of 1
carbon dioxide;
5.9 parts of devices for monitoring the level of carbon dioxide in the tank According to delivery specifi-
376 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

E n d o f T a b l e 6.2.1
Spare parts and tools Quantity per ship
6 Aerosol system
6.1 extinguishing aerosol generator One generator of each applied
7 Inert gas system
7.1 starting valve (slide valve) for supplying gas to the protected spaces 1
7.2 automatic control parts According to delivery specifi-
8 For all systems
8.1 control and monitoring devices: pressure gauges, vacuum-gauges, One
thermometers of all the types used in the systems
8.2 adequate amount of sealing material for the system repair under ship’s Set
8.3 fuses for automatic closing of fire doors and dampers As per the number of doors
and dampers, whose automatic
closing is effected by fuses
8.4 spares and tools for the fire extinguishing systems remote control According to the delivery
equipment specification approved by the
River Register
8.5 spare parts and tools for fire alarm systems According to the delivery
specification approved by the
River Register
8.6 independent fire-retarding divisions of each type and size 1-2 sets
7 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices 377


7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7.1.6 Emergency escape breathing device

shall be designed in a manner to prevent car-
7.1.1 Requirements of this Section of the
rying inactive device in hands.
Rules are applied to emergency escape
breathing devices used on Ì-ÑÏ and Ì-ÏÐ 7.1.7 The structure of emergency escape
class ships with gross tonnage of 500 and over breathing devices shall provide their easy and
for individual protection of respiratory and fast putting on.
visual organs of the personnel engaged in
evacuation of people in case of fire. 7.1.8 (shall be considered to have lost force.)
7.1.2 Emergency escape breathing devices
shall operate by means of compressed air or
oxygen generated as a result of the chemical
reaction in the closed cycle device. They shall 7.2 LOCATION OF THE EMERGENCY
not be used by the crew for fire-fighting pur- ESCAPE BREATHING DEVICES
poses, for entering voids or tanks with insuffi-
cient oxygen content, fire-fighting emergency Arrangement in superstructure spaces
party. In the above cases, they shall use self- 7.2.1 All the ships in the accommodation
contained breathing apparatuses working on spaces area shall provide for at least two
compressed air, whose cylinders shall contain emergency escape breathing devices.
min. 1200 L of air or self-contained breathing
apparatuses capable of operation for at least 7.2.2 In passenger ships, at least two emer-
30 min. gency escape breathing devices shall be lo-
cated in each vertical fire zone.
7.1.3 The number of emergency escape
breathing devices and their location (including 7.2.3 In passenger ships carrying more than
the reserve ones) shall be indicated in the fire 36 passengers, in addition to the required in
control plans. There shall be at least two re- 7.2.2, two more emergency escape breathing
serve escape breathing devices in a passenger devices shall be located in each vertical fire
ship and one escape breathing device in a zone.
cargo ship.
7.2.4 Requirements of 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 are
7.1.4 Operating period of emergency es- not applied to the ladder enclosures making
cape breathing devices shall be min. 10 min. separate vertical fire zones, and to vertical fire
7.1.5 Emergency breathing device shall in- zones in aft parts of the ship, where they are
clude a helmet or similar item covering the located:
entire face and having a transparent visor. The .1 cabins, offices, dispensaries and public
helmet and its front part shall be made of spaces (having a deck area of less than 50 m2)
flame-resistant material. with furniture and furnishings different from
378 RCCS. Part III “Fire Protection”

those of restricted fire risk1, with the following cleaning gear lockers, drying rooms hav-
fire risk characteristics2: ing a deck area of 4 m2 or less;
flammability group – low-flammable and .3 public spaces having a deck area of
medium-flammable; 50 m2 and over, with furniture and furnishings
different from those of restricted fire risk,
inflammability group – flame-resistant and
barber shops and beauty parlours, saunas;
.4 machinery spaces and main galleys,
group of flame spreading over the sur- their auxiliary spaces, trunks and passageways
face – low-spreading and medium-spreading; to the spaces listed above.
smoke generation group – with small and
medium smoke-generating capacity; Arrangement in machinery spaces
group of toxic effluents – low-hazard and
7.2.5 On all ships, within the machinery
spaces, emergency escape breathing devices
.2 cabins, offices, dispensaries and public shall be situated in illuminated and accessible
spaces (having a deck area of less than 50 m2) places on the escape routes and be ready for
with furniture and furnishings different from use in case of fire. The location of emergency
those of restricted fire risk; escape breathing devices shall take into ac-
public spaces with furniture and furnish- count the layout of the machinery space and
ings of restricted fire risk and having a deck the number of persons keeping the watch and
area of 50 m2 and over; working in the space. Such places can be con-
isolated lockers and small store rooms in trol stations and workshops.
accommodation spaces having areas less than This requirement may be omitted, if the
4 m2, in which inflammable liquids are not personnel in the machinery space is equipped
stored; with personal portable breathing devices.

Fire risk – a combination of medium's (mate-
rial's) properties specifying its combustion and
flame propagation, generation of fire risk factors.
GOST 12.1.044, GOST R 50810,
GOST 30402, GOST 30244.
Part IV


380 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION .4 M a i n e n g i n e s mean engines in-

1.1.1 The present Part of the Rules applies tended for driving propellers and/or equip-
to ship power installation components (en- ment that ensures the main purpose of the ship.
gines, shafting, gears, disengaging and elastic .5 E n g i n e s mean internal combustion
couplings, propellers, compressors, pumps, engines.
fans, separators, boilers, heat exchangers, .6 D u a l f u e l s y s t e m means the
pressure vessels, refrigerating plants, automa- system which enables the engines to operate
tion equipment) and systems (pipelines, valves both on heavy and diesel fuel due to change-
and fittings, tanks, filters and other equip- over from one kind of fuel to another; this
ment), unless otherwise specified in the pre- system includes heavy and diesel fuel prepara-
sent Part of the Rules, and contains the re- tion systems.
quirements to the aforesaid ship power instal- .7 R e m o t e c o n t r o l means remote
lation components and systems, including start and stop of ship machinery and remote
their arrangement and installation. change of frequency and direction of rotation
of main engines.
1.1.2 The requirements of the present Part .8 S h i p ’ s l e n g t h means the design
of the Rules to power installations and their length of a ship (length corresponding to the
components, except for 1.11 and 2.14, are design waterline).
established considering that the flash point of .9 I n f l a m m a b l e l i q u i d s — see
fuel oil (in the closed cup) used for engines the definition in 2.2.14 Part 0 of the Rules.
and boilers shall exceed 60 °С and the flash .10 C l o s e d m e t h o d o f l o a d i n g
point of fuel oil used for emergency diesel a n d u n l o a d i n g o i l p r o d u c t s mean
generators shall be not less than 43 °Ñ. the method of performing cargo handling op-
erations by both shore-based and onboard
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS facilities by means of sealed piping system
1.2.1 The following terms are used in this ensuring communication of the oil compart-
Part of the Rules. ments with the atmosphere only through the
.1 A u t o m a t i c o i l b u r n e r u n i t gas outlet system. Ç
means a device for combustion of fuel oil, the Closed method includes also cargo han-
operation of which is controlled without any dling operations of oil products by portable
direct attendance of the operating personnel. ejectors; here, sealing is ensured by sealing
.2 A u x i l i a r y e n g i n e s mean drive devices preventing from leakage of oil prod-
engines of generators providing electrical ucts’ vapour.
power for the ship and engines of cargo and .11 E n g i n e r o o m — see the defini-
fire pumps. tion in 2.2.24 Part 0 of the Rules.
.3 H i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e organic .12 M a c h i n e r y s p a c e s — see the
h e a t t r a n s f e r f l u i d means synthetic definition in 2.2.25 Part 0 of the Rules.
and mineral oils comprising dialkylbenzenes .13 L o c a l c o n t r o l s t a t i o n means
resistant to high temperatures (up to 450Ñ). a control station equipped with controls, in-
1 General Provisions 381

strumentation and communication equipment .23 W a l l s o f b o i l e r s , h e a t e x -

designed to control power installation compo- changers and pressure vessels
nents, and located in proximity to a con- mean walls restricting the volume of steam,
trolled unit or directly on it. liquid (water) and gaseous spaces including
.14 N o r m a l o p e r a t i n g c o n d i - walls of connecting branch pipes and shut-off
t i o n s mean designed operating conditions valve bodies.
of the ship, ship machinery, systems and their .24 S h i p m a c h i n e r y means engines,
components in all envisaged operation modes. generators, pumps, compressors, boilers, heat
exchangers, pressure vessels, filters, valves and
.15 E q u i p m e n t means filters, heat ex-
fittings of systems, deck machinery, electrical
changes, vessels, tanks and other arrange-
equipment, fire-fighting equipment, life-
ments ensuring the operation of the power
saving appliances, radio communication and
navigation equipment, liquefied gas installa-
.16 P u m p r o o m s mean cargo pump tions and other ship machinery, electrical and
compartments in tankers. radio electronic industry items designed to
.17 C o n t r o l s t a t i o n s mean spaces provide ship operation, control of the ship
where the main navigational instruments, ship and ship equipment.
control equipment, radio sets, broadcasting In this Part of the Rules the term of ship
centres, central and fire-fighting stations are machinery applies to engines, reduction gears
located, accumulator rooms and power equip- and reverse reduction gears, disengaging and
ment rooms for radio sets or for emergency elastic couplings, compressors, pumps, fans
lighting as well as spaces for emergency power and separators.
sources. .25 C r u d e o i l means any oil occur-
.18 W o r k i n g p r e s s u r e (for boilers, ring naturally in the earth whether or not
heat-exchangers and pressure vessels) means a treated to render it suitable for transportation
maximum pressure determined by the de- and includes crude oil where certain distillate
signer for continuous operation mode without fractions may have been removed from or
limitation in time. added to.
.19 R a t e d p o w e r means a maximum .26 F l a s h p o i n t means the minimum
unlimited in time power used for calculations temperature at which vapour formed on the
required by the Rules. surface of inflammable liquid forms a mixture
with the ambient air capable of igniting when
.20 D e s i g n s t e a m i n g c a p a c i t y an open flame has been brought to it.
o f t h e b o i l e r means maximum output of
steam of the design parameters within a time Flash point shall be determined using the
unit in the continuous operation mode with- closed cup test.
out limitation in time and with all possible .27 H e a v y f u e l means fuel which is
steam consumers connected. to be heated or mixed with diesel fuel to re-
duce its viscosity for normal operation of the
.21 R a t e d r o t a t i o n a l f r e q u e n -
engine fuel equipment and to ensure good
c y means rotational frequency corresponding
spraying and combustion of this fuel.
to the rated output.
.28 F u e l o i l a n d l u b r i c a t i n g
.22 D e s i g n p r e s s u r e means over- o i l s t o r a g e s mean main storage tanks,
pressure for which the strength of the compo- daily service tanks, bilge tanks, overflow
nents of systems and ship machinery is calcu- tanks, settling tanks and other tanks.
lated according to the requirements of the
.29 C e n t r a l control station
Rules or national standards1. means a space where remote controls for
main and auxiliary machinery, instrumenta-
GOST R 52857, GOST 14249, tion, fire alarm devices and communication
GOST R 52630, GOST 25215, GOST 25859. equipment are located.
382 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

1.3 OPERATION IN CONDITIONS The duration of reversing of the thruster at

OF HEEL AND TRIM maximum thrust shall not exceed 25 s.
1.3.1 Power installation components shall 1.4.3 Proper working direction of control
be designed for operation under conditions of handles and handwheels shall be clearly indi-
long-term (static) heel1 of the ship of up to cated by arrows and relevant inscriptions.
15, short-term (dynamic) heel of up to 22.5 1.4.4 The setting of the control handle in
(roll period of 7 to 9 s) with simultaneous the direction from or to the right of the op-
static trim2 by the bow or stern of up to 5 erator or turning the handwheels clockwise
and dynamic trim (pitch) of up to 7.5. when controlling main engines, gears and
Power installation components to be used couplings locally or remotely shall correspond
for operation in emergency situations shall be to the ahead running of the aforementioned
designed for operation under long-term heel equipment.
of up to 22.5î, dynamic heel of up to 22.5 with If the main engine is controlled by the
simultaneous static or dynamic trim of up to 10. handle, the latter shall move round the cir-
Long-term heel and trim shall be taken cumference in the vertical plane in parallel to
into account simultaneously, the same as roll the longitudinal axis of the ship. When this
and pitch. handle is moved in the direction of the bow,
In oil tankers of ÌÑÏ4,5 class the prime the ship shall run forward; when the handle is
movers of emergency power sources shall be moved towards the stern, the astern running
designed for operation under long-term and shall be enabled. The engine shall be started
dynamic heel of the ship of up to 30. and reversed, when this handle is in the
If the length of the ship of Ì-ÑÏ4,5 class STOP position (neutral position). The ampli-
exceeds 100 m, long-term trim by the bow or tude of handle movement from the STOP
stern can be taken as (500/L), where L is the position to the FULL AHEAD position or
ship's length, in m. from the STOP position to the FULL
ASTERN position shall not exceed 90°.
1.4 CONTROL DEVICES 1.4.5 Control arrangements shall be so de-
1.4.1 The starting and reversing arrange- signed as to eliminate the possibility of spon-
ments shall be so designed and placed that taneously changing the positions prescribed.
each engine, reverse reduction gear, coupling, 1.4.6 The control devices of main engines
and other machinery can be started or re- shall have an interlocking system so as to pre-
versed by one operator. vent non-authorised starting of main engines
1.4.2 The duration of reversing (a period of as well as starting with a shaft-turning gear
time from the reversing of a steering control engaged.
to the beginning of propeller operation with a
1.4.7 If the design of ship machinery in
thrust opposite in direction) depending on the
addition to the power-driven start envisages
ship's speed shall not exceed:
manually driven start, the manual drive shall
25 s at full speed;
be disabled automatically when the drive is
15 s at slow speed.
started from the power source. The drives of
the starting device shall have an interlock
The heel appearing due to loading of the ship excluding the possibility of their unauthorized
in service when the total center of gravity of vari- start while ship machinery is running.
able loads (transported cargo, fuel and oil stores,
oily waters and sewage waters) is beyond the centre 1.4.8 Main engines and propellers shall be
line of the ship. Long-term heel remains until controlled from the control station in the
measures are taken to right the ship. wheelhouse or from the control station in the
Trim appearing in case of particular loading of engine room. Transfer of control between the
the ship and remaining throughout the entire voyage. aforesaid stations shall be possible only from
1 General Provisions 383

the engine room or from the central control 1.8 MACHINERY SPACES
station (see
1.5 CONTROL STATIONS 1.8.1 Main and auxiliary engines, assem-
blies and equipment shall be located in ma-
1.5.1 Remotely controlled equipment and chinery spaces so as to provide free movement
machinery shall be fitted with local control of the personnel from their control stations
stations. and places of maintenance to the exits. The
Local control stations need not be fitted in width of the passageway throughout its length
ships less than 25 m in length. shall be not less than 600 mm and the height
— not less than 1900 mm. The width of the
1.6 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION passageway may be reduced locally to
500 mm.
1.6.1 Each main engine control station In hydrofoil craft, hovercraft and displace-
shall be equipped with two independent ment ships of a length less than 25 m, the
means of two-way communication with the width of passageways shall be min. 400 mm.
wheelhouse. One of these means of commu-
nication shall be an engine-room telegraph. 1.8.2 The width of passageways shall be as
In ships with main engines remotely con- least 1000 mm from the main engine control
trolled from the wheelhouse one means of station side and between the main engines.
communication between the wheelhouse and The width of the passageway shall be min.
the engine room may be used. In this case the 800 mm if the main engines are remotely
engine-order telegraph or a similar appliance controlled.
shall be used.
Means of escape
1.6.2 Engine-order telegraphs shall be
equipped with alarm devices. 1.8.3 Each machinery space (other than
indicated in 1.8.4), shafting tunnels and each
1.6.3 When two-way communication equip- space where main switchboards are installed
ment is used, measures shall be taken to en- shall be provided with at least two means of
sure good audibility during the operation of escape, one of which may give through a wa-
engines and other equipment. tertight door to a space which has an inde-
pendent escape route. The second means of
1.7 INSTRUMENTS AND ALARMS escape shall lead directly to the open deck;
for this purpose a vertical steel ladder may be
1.7.1 Instruments shall be verified or cali- used. The means of escape shall be as widely
brated and arranged in accessible and illumi- separated as possible. Ladder trunks shall have
nated places. clear dimensions not less than 600  600 mm.
1.7.2 The limiting values shall be marked 1.8.4 The second means of escape may be
on scales of pressure and revolution frequency omitted:
metering devices as brightly painted signs. .1 from machinery spaces with an area
Forbidden areas of revolution frequency shall not exceeding 25 m2, where the existing es-
be marked on tachometer scales with well cape route does not lead to the adjacent ma-
visible paint. The marks may be made on pro- chinery or accommodation space. The area of
tective glasses of the devices. machinery spaces is determined as per 2.2.5
1.7.3 Sound signals shall be audible in any Part III of the Rules.
part of the machinery space while the ma- .2 in ships not over 25 m in length;
chinery is running. The sound of engine-room .3 from auxiliary spaces without risk of
telegraph signals shall differ from other signals fire and being enclosed inside the machinery
in the machinery space. space which has two means of escape;
384 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

.4 from enclosed central control stations 1.8.10 Platforms intended for maintenance
where main switchboards are not located; and repair of engines, units, equipment, de-
.5 from spaces containing no fuel oil fired vices and other components of power installa-
engines; tions shall have a width of at least 450 mm
.6 from incinerator rooms. and handrails with a height of at least
900 mm.
1.8.5 If two adjacent machinery spaces Hard iron grills shall be provided instead of
communicate through a door and each of platforms, where the latter impose the regular
them has only one means of escape to the air circulation in the machinery space.
open deck, these means of escape shall be
Outer edges of the platforms and grills shall
located at the opposite sides.
have coamings with a height of at least
1.8.6 Cargo pump rooms in oil tankers 40 mm.
shall have at least one means of escape lead-
1.8.11 All moving parts of engines, assem-
ing directly to the open deck.
blies, equipment and drives that are dangerous
for attending personnel shall be guarded by
Stairways and ladders handrails or housings.
1.8.7 Steps of companion ladders shall
have a depth of at least 150 mm and a width Doors, covers of companion and light hatches
of at least 560 mm. Ladders shall be made of
1.8.12 Doors and covers of companion and
sliding-safe plates or grills. Ladder inclination
light hatches which can provide exit from the
shall not exceed 60° to horizon.
machinery space shall open outwards and be
In hydrofoil craft, hovercraft and displace- capable of being locked from either side.
ment ships of a length less than 25 m, the
There shall be clear inscription on hatch
width of companion ladders shall be at least
covers to forbid stowage of any objects on it.
500 mm; vertical companion ladders may be
Covers of light hatches which are not in-
used as well.
tended for exit shall be capable of being
1.8.8 Vertical ladders shall have a width of locked from the outside.
at least 500 mm. A distance between separate
1.8.13 Doors and hatch covers of pump
steps shall be not more than 300 mm.
rooms in oil tankers shall open outwards and
be capable of locking from either side. They
Plates of bottom plating, platforms, grills and shall be so designed as to avoid spark forma-
enclosures tion.
1.8.9 Plates of bottom plating in the ma- 1.8.14 Light hatch glasses shall be pro-
chinery space shall be made of corrugated tected by grills against mechanical damage
sheet material. They shall be removable and and installed in a such manner as to prevent
have fasteners to prevent shifting. Plate thick- their fall-out in the event of fire.
ness shall be such as to avoid sagging in op-
eration. The plate weight and dimensions
shall be such as to provide its hoisting by one
person (the maximum weight of a single plate
is 25 kg). 1.9.1 Power installation components,
Engine units, assemblies and valves shall equipment, pipelines, valves and fittings shall
not have prominent parts above the bottom be so located as to be freely accessible for
plating in the passageways. Access to such maintenance and repair. Access for repair
units shall be provided through covers in plat- need not be provided, where a component
ing. Covers and hoisting arrangements shall may be replaced without dismantling other
not have prominent parts. components of the power installation.
1 General Provisions 385

1.9.2 All parts of the power installation and 1.9.7 Fuel and oil tanks and oily water col-
pipelines which external surfaces are heated to lecting tanks shall not be located above the stair-
a temperature above 60 °C and which are ways, engines, boilers, exhaust gas pipes, funnel
dangerous for attending personnel shall be uptakes, electrical equipment and control sta-
equipped with arrangements to prevent or tions of main components of power installations.
restrict heat radiation (thermal insulation,
1.9.8 Motors for driving cargo pumps,
screening etc.).
stripping pumps and pump room fans in oil
Surfaces of power installation components tankers, combination bulk carriers, oil skim-
including pipelines which are heated to a ming ships other than steam ones, and driving
temperature above 220 °C shall have insula- hydraulic and electric motors of the relevant
tion made of non-combustible materials. If protection class (see 16.2 Part IV of the
insulation is oil-absorbing, in the machinery Rules) shall not be installed in cargo pump
spaces where fuel or oil is stored or used, in- rooms. The motors specified in this paragraph
sulation shall be coated with metal sheets or shall be arranged:
equivalent oil-tight material. Measures shall .1 in artificially ventilated rooms adjacent
be taken to prevent insulation damage due to to cargo pump spaces, but having no exits to
vibration and mechanical damages. these rooms and no communication with them;
1.9.3 The distance from the outer surface .2 in ventilated air-tight enclosures inside
of insulation of power installation components the pump room.
to the walls of fuel oil tanks shall be at least Stuffing boxes shall be installed in places
600 mm. where pump/fan drive shafts pass through
bulkheads and decks. The structure of stuffing
For ships with a length less than 25 m, this
boxes shall comply with the requirements
distance shall be minimum 400 mm provided
specified in 3.12.16, 3.12.27 and 3.12.28 of
that temperature of the outer surface of insu-
Part III of the Rules.
lation does not exceed 60 °C.
To drive the cargo pumps, stripping pumps
1.9.4 Boilers which are installed in the and pump room fans in cargo pump rooms of
same space with internal combustion engines the above mentioned ships, it is allowed to
shall be separated by metal enclosures in the install steam engines with working tempera-
furnace area or other design measures shall be ture of max. 150 °С and hydraulic motors.
foreseen to prevent the equipment of this
1.9.9 Equipment used for preparation and
space from flame action in the event of its
delivery of fuel oil to the engine, boiler, inert
ejection from the furnace.
gas generator, incinerator (fuel pumps, sepa-
1.9.5 Fuel oil fired boilers situated on plat- rators, filters and heaters with fuel pressure
forms or intermediate decks and not enclosed over 0.18 MPa), as well as to hydraulic units
by water-tight bulkheads shall be fenced by containing combustible liquids with working
tight coamings with a height of not less than pressure over 1.5 MPa and making no part of
200 mm. main and auxiliary engines, boilers and
The deck (or platform) under the boilers equipment, shall be arranged in separate
enclosed by coamings shall be also water-tight. rooms with self-closing steel doors.
If it is not possible to arrange such equip-
1.9.6 In oil tankers boilers shall be installed ment and units in separate rooms, for exam-
abaft cofferdams beyond the cargo tank area. ple, on high-speed ships (hovercraft, hydrofoil
In oil tankers intended for transportation of craft, WIG craft, captured air bubble craft)
oil products with a flash point up to 45 °C and in ships with a length less than 25 m, the
inclusive, tender vessels of oil tankers and arrangements ensuring collection and removal
cargo ships intended for transportation of eas- of fuel and working fluid leakages shall be
ily inflammable cargo solid fuel boilers shall installed in places of possible fuel or working
not be installed. fluid leakages from hydraulic units.
386 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

1.9.10 For the requirements to arrange- 1.10.7 Boilers shall be mounted on founda-
ment of emergency diesel generators, see 4.3 tions so that welded joints in boiler structures
Part VI of the Rules. do not rest on supports.
1.9.11 For the requirements to arrange-
ment of fuel tanks, see 10.13.25 to 10.13.29. 1.11 USE OF GASOLINE ENGINES
1.11.1 Gasoline engines may be used:
1.10 INSTALLATION OF ENGINES, in lifeboats;
to drive portable fire and bilge pumps in all
1.10.1 Engines, boilers and equipment shall ships other than oil tankers and ships carrying
be installed and fixed on foundations. easily inflammable cargoes.
Strength and rigidity of foundations shall be
1.11.2 Engines in open ships shall be cov-
proved by calculations considering static and
ered by protective housings. Protective hous-
dynamic loads which can appear during op-
ings made of inflammable materials shall have
eration of engines, boilers and equipment.
lining from the inside made of steel roofing
1.10.2 Equipment may be installed on the on the layer of mineral insulating material.
outer shell plating, watertight bulkheads, In enclosed ships all wooden parts in the
shafting tunnel walls and on fuel oil or oil machinery space shall have sheeting made of
tank walls provided that it is fixed to the stiff- steel roofing on the layer of mineral insulating
eners or on the brackets welded to the plating material.
in the stiffeners area.
1.11.3 Watertight floors shall be installed in
1.10.3 Spacers fitted between foundations front of engine and beyond it. Hand pump or
and bedplates shall consist of not more than motor-driven pump drainage shall be provided
two parts. in the places of engine installation in enclosed
1.10.4 Main and auxiliary engines, gears, machinery spaces separated by floors as well
thrust bearings of shaft lines and self- as in spaces where oil tanks are situated.
contained boilers shall be fixed to the ship 1.11.4 Carburettor and engine fuel pumps
foundations by all fitted coupling bolts or by shall be installed so as to avoid flame ingress
special stops to prevent its displacement due from carburettor on fuel pump.
to any type of load possible while the ship is
in operation. 1.11.5 Suction pipes of carburettor shall be
led outside the removable housings and be
1.10.5 Bolts fastening main and auxiliary raised over it for at least 500 mm. Suction
engines, boilers, bearings of shafting to ship pipes on the ends shall be fitted with heads
foundations, bolts connecting the shafting with flame arresters.
parts, end nuts of propeller, intermediate and
thrust shafts, as well as bolts with hindered 1.11.6 Carburettor suction pipe inlet shall
access during operation, shall be reliably be located not less than 300 mm above the
locked to prevent spontaneous unscrewing. cylinder heads and provided with flame
screens, where engines are installed in en-
1.10.6 Shock absorbers and shock-
closed spaces. If there are no suction pipes,
absorbing mounts shall:
flame arresters shall be mounted at carburet-
.1 maintain their vibration-isolating prop-
tor air inlet.
erties after exposure to limit environmental
temperatures specified in 1.3.1 Part V of the 1.11.7 In wooden ships drip trays shall be
Rules; fitted under the engines, pumps, fuel tanks,
.2 be resistant to aggressive mediums and valves and all other units of the fuel system
different types of radiations which are possible where fuel oil leakage is possible. Edges of the
on board the ship. trays shall have collars.
1 General Provisions 387

1.11.8 A gasoline tank shall be installed in which shall allow locking the pipeline from
a compartment (enclosure) isolated from the the ship control station.
internal combustion engine compartment in Fuel pipelines shall be protected against
ships with continuous deck. These compart- mechanical damage and be located so as they
ments (enclosures) shall be equipped with can be inspected throughout the length. The
natural ventilation for gasoline vapour re- pipes shall be connected by hard-brazed nip-
moval. ples with coupling nuts.
1.11.9 Protective housings of the engines, 1.11.18 Gasoline pipeline joints shall be
machinery spaces, compartments with fuel free of gaskets. The gasoline pipeline shall be
tanks shall have plenum-exhaust ventilation. mounted in easily accessible places and pro-
Ventilation tubes of these compartments tected against damage.
shall not be connected with each other. For installation of engines on shock ab-
Ventilation tubes from the engine housings sorbers it is allowed to use gasoline pipeline
and tubes removing gas from the fuel tanks flexible joints made of gasoline-proof and fire-
shall be equipped with flame arresters. proof materials.

1.11.10 Air tubes from the gasoline tank 1.11.19 All units of the fuel system shall be
and from the compartment shall be separate, placed on the opposite side relatively to the
their outlet holes shall be apart from each exhaust manifold.
other as far as possible and shall be fitted with 1.11.20 In the motor spaces, accumulators
ejecting heads with flame arresters. shall be installed only in a closed box on the
1.11.11 Closed motor spaces shall have side opposite to the carburettor or fuel inject-
ventilation which provides removal of accu- ing equipment. Exhaust ventilation shall be
mulated gasoline vapours before the engine
start. Accumulators shall not be located under
the fuel tanks.
1.11.12 Fuel tanks and oil pipelines shall
be made of metal resistant to corrosion caused 1.12 SHIP’S SPEED
by influence of fuel environment.
1.12.1 The output of main engines in self-
1.11.13 For the purpose of fuel tank filling propelled ships (for tugboats and pushers – in
fill-in branch pipes shall be led out to the lightship condition) of Ì-ÑÏ, ÌÏÐ and Î-
deck, which shall prevent the fuel ingress in- ÏÐ classes shall be such as to provide the
side the hull. ship’s speed of at least 10 knots in calm deep
In wooden ships wood around the fill-in water in conditions of maximum operating
branch pipes shall have appropriate lining. draught.
1.11.14 No tubular glass fuel level indica- 1.12.2 The power installation shall ensure
tors shall be installed on fuel tanks. the ship’s astern operation under normal op-
erating conditions. Rotational speed of shaft
1.11.15 Electric indicator of gasoline level
lines at steady-state free astern running of the
in the tank shall be of explosion-proof type.
ship shall be at least 70 %, and for ships with
1.11.16 It is not allowed to provide devices direct propeller transmission — at least 85 %
for sediment discharge in the fuel tanks. of design rotational speed of shafts for ahead
When such device is used, self-locking valves running.
shall be additionally provided with thread plug
1.12.3 The power installation of the ship
on the outlet end and a drip tray shall be
with a single main engine, when the main
placed under the tank.
engine turbosupercharger (turbosuperchargers)
1.11.17 A locking device shall be installed fails, shall provide such a motion speed that
on the fuel pipeline directly before the engine the ship can remain steerable.
388 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”


2.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION E n d o f T a b l e 2.1.3

Item Material Part X of
2.1.1 Requirements of the present Section the Rules.
apply to engines with an output of 55 kW and 7. Crankcase Forged steel 2.6
above. detachable couplings, Cast steel 2.7
counterweights, if
they are not integral
2.1.2 Engines with output less than 55 kW with the crankcase
shall comply with the requirements of 2.3 and 8. Bolts and studs of Forged steel 2.6
applicable requirements of 2.1.3 to 2.1.6 and main bearings and
2.2. crankpin bearings,
cylinder heads
9. Tie rods Forged steel 2.6
2.1.3 Engine parts are to be of materials 10. Connecting rods Forged steel 2.6
stated in Table 2.1.3. of crankshaft sections
11. Shaft, turbo- Forged steel 2.6
T a b l e 2.1.3 charger rotor
Materials for engine parts 12. Camshaft, Forged steel 2.6
Chapter of camshaft drive gears
Item Material Part X of
the Rules 2.1.4 It is allowed to use alloy steels, in-
1. Foundation frame, Cast iron 2.11 – 2.13 cluding heat resistant, high temperature oxi-
crank-case, built-in Cast steel 2.7 dation resistant and high strength steels or
thrust bearing body Rolled steel 2.2 alloy cast iron for the engine parts if the
Forged steel 2.6 chemical composition of these alloy materials
Aluminium 4.2 does not deteriorate their mechanical proper-
alloy ties and strength characteristics as compared
2. Cylinder block, Cast iron 2.11 – 2.13
to the ones specified in 2 Part X of the Rules
cylinder heads, inlet Cast steel 2.7
and outlet valves Aluminium and in Table 2.1.3. The compliance of the
alloy (for cylinder properties and characteristics of the alloy ma-
blocks and terials with the requirements of the Rules
heads) shall be confirmed by the manufacturer’s
3. Cylinder bushes Cast iron 2.11 – 2.13 documents containing data on chemical com-
and their elements Cast steel 2.7 position, mechanical properties and strength
Forged steel 2.6
characteristics of such materials, as well as
4. Piston Cast iron 2.11 – 2.13
documents of test laboratories (centres) on
Cast steel
Forged steel 2.6 checks and tests of these materials for their
Aluminium 4.2 compliance with the chemical composition,
alloy properties and strength characteristics speci-
5. Rod, connecting Steel forgings 2.6 fied by the manufacturer in the technical
rod, head connection documentation agreed with the River Register.
6. Crankshaft, thrust Forged steel 2.6 2.1.5 Nodular cast iron is allowed for use
shaft of built-in thrust Cast steel 2.7 at temperatures up to 300 °C, and grey cast
bearing Cast iron 2.11 – 2.13 iron — up to 250 °C.
2 Internal Combustion Engines 389

2.1.6 In the manufacture process of parts 2.3.3 Minimum steady rotation frequency
using welding technology the requirements of of main engines with direct propeller trans-
7 to 9 Part X of the Rules shall be complied mission shall not be more than 30 per cent of
with. the nominal rotation frequency.
2.3.4 The possibility of safe cranking of
main engines shall be ensured.
2.2.1 Steel parts of engines are subject to 2.3.5 Fasteners of engine moving parts as
ultrasonic testing during the manufacture well as fasteners located in hardly accessible
process according to Table 2.2.1. places shall have fittings or be so designed as
Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out in to prevent from spontaneous unscrewing.
accordance with the requirements of 2.21 Engine moving parts shall be covered by
Appendix 10 Part X of the Rules shall be protective housings.
complied with.
T a b l e 2.2.1 2.3.6 Lubrication devices for engine parts
Ultrasonic testing and units shall be easily accessible and safe
Part No. according to for maintenance during the operation of the
Cylinder bore, mm
Table 2.1.3 engines.
≤400 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
>400 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 2.3.7 Safety and protective devices shall be
so designed and installed so that in case of
2.2.2 Forged and cast steel parts, the num- their actuation they are not hazardous both as
bers of which are listed in the right column of regards fire and for the attending personnel.
Table 2.2.2, including their welded joints,
shall be tested during manufacture for the 2.3.8 Remote and automatic control sys-
surface soundness by the magnetic particle or tems shall meet the applicable requirements of
liquid penetrant method. 11 of this Part.
T a b l e 2.2.2 2.3.9 Engine systems and pipelines shall
Surface soundness testing by magnetic particle or meet the applicable requirements of 10 of this
liquid penetrant method Part.
Part No. according to
Cylinder bore, mm 2.3.10 Turbocharger rotors shall be de-
Table 2.1.3
≤400 1, 5, 6 signed so that equivalent stresses in any sec-
>400 1 to 12 tion do not exceed 0.95 of the yield point of
part’s material at the rotation frequency equal
2.2.3 Non-destructive testing of engine
to 1.2 times the rated one.
parts, the numbers of which are not listed in
Table 2.2.2 and their welded joints is carried 2.3.11 Engine parts, pipelines and units
out at the manufacturer’s discretion. operating under excessive pressure shall un-
dergo hydraulic tests according to 6.2.2 of
2.3.1 Engines shall be capable of operation
under overload conditions exceeding the rated 2.4.1 Mating surfaces of the frame parts
output by 10 % for not less than 1 h at oper- forming the engine crankcase shall be oil- and
ating cycles of not less than 6 h. gas-tight and fixed together by means of cali-
brated pieces.
2.3.2 Reversible engines intended to be
used as main engines in direct propeller 2.4.2 The crankcase and detachable covers
transmission units shall ensure at least 85 per of the crankcase inspection ports shall with-
cent of the design ahead output in the reverse stand maximum possible operating load with
mode. the covers being securely fastened in such a
390 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

way as to prevent their displacement in the .3 engines having a bore exceeding

event of explosion. 300 mm shall have at least one valve in way of
each main crankthrow;
2.4.3 The engine frame and conjugated
.4 Additional safety valves shall be fitted
parts shall be fitted with draining arrange-
on separate crankcase spaces, such as cam-
ments (drain grooves, pipes) and other facili-
shaft drive, when the gross volume of such
ties preventing the ingress of fuel and oil into
spaces exceeds 0.6 m3;
circulating oil.
.5 no crankcase safety valve is required for
The cooling spaces of the cylinder blocks engines having a bore not exceeding 200 mm
shall be fitted with drain arrangements provid- or having a crankcase gross volume not ex-
ing complete drainage. ceeding 0.6 m3.
2.4.4 No ventilation of crankcases or use of 2.4.6 The safety valves shall comply with
any arrangements causing flow of external air the following requirements:
into the crankcase is allowed. If a forced ex- .1 The design of valves shall ensure im-
traction of the gases from the crankcase is mediate opening of valves at an overpressure
provided (e.g., for smoke detection purpose), of not more than 0.02 MPa in the crankcase
vacuum in the crankcase shall not exceed and their closing to exclude inrush of air into
250 Pa. the crankcase;
For engines with an output up to 750 kW .2 crankcase safety valve discharges shall
suction of gas/air from the crankcase by be shielded in order to reduce the possible
turbo-blowers or blowers may be admitted danger from emission flame.
provided that oil separators are fitted to pre-
vent the ingress of oil with the suction gas/air 2.4.7 The total open flow area of the safety
inside the engine. valves fitted on the engine crankcase shall be
not less than 0.0115 m2 per a cubic meter of
Vent pipes or drain oil pipes of crankcases
of two or more engines shall not be com- the crankcase gross volume. In calculations of
bined. the gross volume of the crankcase the moving
engine parts located inside the crankcase need
A diameter of the vent pipes from the
not be included.
crankcase shall be as small as practicable; the
Each safety valve to be fitted in the crank-
ends of the vent pipes shall be fitted with
case as required in 2.5.5 may be replaced by
flame arresters and arranged so as to prevent
two combined safety valves of respectively
water ingress inside the engine.
reduced area, provided that passage area of
Vent pipes shall be led to the weather deck each valve is not less than 0.0045 m2.
or to the places where exhaust ventilation is
provided. 2.4.8 Crankcase drain holes shall be fitted
with gratings or screens to prevent foreign
2.4.5 Engine crankcases shall be fitted with objects from getting into the drain piping.
safety valves as follows: The aforementioned requirement also ap-
.1 engines having a bore of 200 mm and plies to dry crankcase engines.
over, but not exceeding 250 mm, shall have at
least one valve at each end of the crankcase, 2.4.9 When a cylinder bore exceeds
if the number of cylinders is less than eight; 230 mm, each working cylinder may be fitted
additional valve shall be fitted near the middle with a relief valve set to pressure exceeding
of the crankcase, if the number of cylinders is the maximum combustion pressure by not
eight and above; more than 40 per cent when running at the
.2 engines having a bore exceeding rated power.
250 mm, but not exceeding 300 mm, shall
have at least one valve in way of each alter-
nate crankthrow, but at least two valves for 2.5.1 Requirements of the present Chapter
the crankcase; apply to forged or cast steel crankshafts of
2 Internal Combustion Engines 391

engines having the cylinders either in line or 2.5.9 If an engine frame has built-in thrust
in V-arrangement with one crankthrow be- bearing, the thrust shaft diameter in the bear-
tween main bearings; meanwhile intervals ing area shall be not less than the journal di-
between explosions in engine cylinders are ameter and also not less than that determined
equal one to another. by the formulae of Section 3 if this Part.
2.5.2 The results of crankshaft strength cal-
culations made according to the Guidlines of
the River Register Ð.008-2004 "Strength cal- 2.6.1 In the event of failure of the turbo-
culations for internal combustion engine charger the main engine shall be capable of
crankshafts" or according to the method tak- operation at reduced power which shall not be
ing into consideration the requirements of the less than 20 per cent of the rated power.
Rules and the above mentioned manual
agreed with the River Register shall be sub- 2.6.2 Where supercharging air is cooled,
mitted for agreement to the River Register the air discharge branch pipes shall be fitted
together with technical documentation. with thermometers and condensate drain
cocks after each air cooler.
2.5.3 A diameter of lightening holes in It shall be possible to remove the accumu-
crankshaft journals shall not exceed 0.4dj, lating precipitations from the air receivers if
where dj is a diameter of the crankshaft jour- no supercharged air coolers are available.
2.6.3 Air suction branch pipes of engines,
2.5.4 A journal-to-web transition radius for turbo-compressors and scavenging units shall
solid-forged and semi-built crankshafts shall be fitted with safety screens to prevent foreign
be not less than 0.05dj. objects from getting inside the branch.
Where flanges are provided, a journal-to-
web transition radius shall be not less than 2.6.4 Turbocharger rotors shall be balanced
0.08dj. in assembly according to 4.3.2.

2.5.5 The outlets of oil channels to the 2.6.5 Standard specimens (see of
journal surface shall be arranged in the journal RTSC) of turbocharger rotors shall withstand
bearing surface areas subject to minimum the tests at a rotation speed equal to 1.2 of
the design one for at least 3 min without
damages and residual deformations.
Edges of oil channel exits to the journal
surface shall be rounded by radius not less
than 0.25 times the channel (hole) diameter 2.7 FUEL APPLIANCES
and grinded. 2.7.1 High-pressure injection pumps of
2.5.6 Thermal surface hardening of crank- main engines shall be fitted with a device for
shaft journals shall not extend on fillets except quick shutting-off the fuel supply to any cyl-
the cases when crankshafts in whole are sub- inder of the engine. Exemption from this re-
ject to hardening. quirement is allowed for engines with a cylin-
der bore not over 180 mm having grouped
2.5.7 Built-up crankshaft shall be so de- fuel pumps.
signed as to provide minimum stress concen-
tration in the journal-to-web transition. 2.7.2 High-pressure fuel oil injection pipes
shall be made from thick-walled seamless steel
2.5.8 Hot interference of web on journal pipes as per GOST 8734 free of welded or
shall be within (0.0014¼0.0018) dj.
soldered intermediate joints.,
Control marks shall be drawn on the out-
side surface of journals in places of connec- 2.7.3 Engine fuel system shall allow hand
tion with journals and crankpins. pumping of high-pressure pipelines.
392 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

2.7.4 High-pressure pipelines shall be lo- (liquid cooling of various types, air cooling,
cated in places easily accessible for inspection combined liquid-air cooling) shall be submit-
and replacement and shall be fastened. ted to the River Register.
2.7.5 External high-pressure fuel pipelines 2.9.2 Where telescopic devices are used for
from the high-pressure fuel pumps (from the cooling of the piston inside spaces, protection
high-pressure fuel manifolds) to the burners against hydraulic hammer shall be provided.
shall be protected against the ingress of fuel
on engine and surrounding equipment in the 2.10 STARTING ARRANGEMENTS
event of pipeline failure. The engines shall
have the appliances for collection and dis- 2.10.1 The manifold supplying air from the
charge of fuel leakages and the high-pressure master starting air valve to the cylinder start-
fuel pipeline damage alarm complying with ing valves shall be fitted with safety valve and
the applicable requirements of 11.4. with a device relieving pressure in this mani-
If the design of the engine ensures safe op- fold after the start or with any other facility
eration of the engine when its fuel system protecting the starting manifold from destruc-
components operating under high pressure are tion in case of explosion in the pipeline.
faulty (it shall be specified by the manufac- The relief valve shall be loaded to a pres-
turer), instead of the above mentioned meas- sure not exceeding 1.2 times of that in the
ures it is allowed to provide only alarm on starting air manifold. The relieving device and
fuel system faults affecting safety of engine the relief valve may be fitted directly on the
operation. master starting air valve.
2.7.6 There shall be provided pipelines for 2.10.2 Flame arrestors or rupture discs
draining the leaked fuel into special tanks. shall be fitted on each branch pipe supplying
Measures shall be taken to prevent the ingress air to starting valves of cylinder covers on
of leaked fuel into the lubrication system. reversible engines.
In case of non-reversible engines a flame
2.8 LUBRICATION arrestor or rupture disk shall be fitted on the
2.8.1 Turbocharger bearings lubrication manifold supplying starting air from the main
system shall prevent the ingress of oil into starting air valve to the receiver (collector)
supercharging air. which supplies air to starting valves in the
engine cylinder covers.
2.8.2 It shall be possible to lubricate turbo- It is not required to install flame arrestors
charger bearings in the run-out term after or rupture discs on engines with cylinder di-
execution of the engine stop command. ameter of 230 mm or less.
2.8.3 If there are separate oil collectors in 2.10.3 Electrically-started engines shall be
the lubrication system, oil drain pipelines from fitted with hinged generators for automatic
two or more engines shall not be combined. charging of starting accumulator batteries.
2.8.4 (shall be considered to have lost force.)
2.8.5 The design of pipelines delivering oil
to friction assemblies shall exclude water 2.11.1 Exhaust collectors shall be so de-
hammers in lubricating system. signed as to allow thermal expansion and pro-
vide gas-tightness in case of vibration.
2.11.2 Exhaust collectors shall be fitted
2.9.1 Engines shall be provided with cool- with drain cocks at the ends of the collector
ing systems ensuring their safe operation. and hatches for cleaning the collector. If the
Technical justifications for cooling systems exhaust collectors have liquid cooling the
2 Internal Combustion Engines 393

hatches for cleaning their cooling spaces shall rated rotation speed by more than 5 %. The
be provided. value of surged load of the first stage can be
reduced to 50 %, or the surge load may be
2.11.3 When designing exhaust manifolds it
allowed in the form of more than two stages
is required to provide measuring the gas tem-
in case when the diesel generator's actuating
perature before turbo-superchargers and after
motor may be loaded by more than two
stages, which is specified by the manufacturer
of the motor and confirmed by the technical
documentation approved by the River Regis-
2.12.1 Starting and reversing arrangements ter. The load stages of such actuating motors
shall prevent the engine from: of the generators and the values of permitted
.1 changing the direction of the crank- load for each stage shall be specified in
shaft as compared with the required one; "Technical characteristics" section of the
.2 reversing when the fuel supply is actu- documents issued by the River Register for
ated; engines / diesel generators in order to take
.3 starting before reversing is completed. them into account by the design bureaus to-
.4 starting the engine when the turning gether with the requirements of Sect. 3 of
gear is engaged. Part VI of the Rules when designing the
2.12.2 Each main engine shall have a gov- .3 steady rotation frequency recovery time
ernor so adjusted that the engine speed can can be increased on agreement with the River
not exceed the rated (nominal) value by more Register if in the electrical installation there
than 15 per cent. are no consumers which require increased
Additionally each main engine with an stability of frequency;
output of 220 kW and over which may be .4 speed governor for emergency diesel
disengaged from the shafting by means of generator shall have characteristics meeting
disengaging coupling, shall be fitted with a the aforementioned requirements with respect
separate overspeed protective device so ad- to change of the rotation speed when 100 %-
justed that the engine speed can not exceed the load is taken off and put on.
maximum speed by more than 20 per cent. In addition to the speed governor each
2.12.3 Each diesel generator shall be fitted diesel generator with an output of 220 kW and
with a speed governor which shall meet the above shall be fitted with a separate overspeed
following requirements: protective device so adjusted that the engine
.1 when 100 per cent of the diesel genera- speed can not exceed maximum rotation
tor rated power is suddenly thrown off, the speed by more than 20 per cent.
instantaneous rotation speed variation shall The separate protective device stated in
not exceed 10 per cent of the rated value, and 2.12.2 and in the present paragraph shall be a
steady rotation speed after 5 s shall not differ device having no connection with the gover-
from the rotation speed of previous mode by nor, and shall be actuated in the event of fail-
more than 5 per cent of the rated value; ure of the governor or its driving gear.
.2 in case of sudden loading of up to .5 the steady rotation frequency when the
70 % and further (after reaching the steady diesel generator load specified in and
rotation speed) instantaneous loading of the is taken off and put on shall be at-
remaining 30 %, the instantaneous variation tained within max. 5 s;
of the rotation speed actuating motor of gen- .6 steady rotation frequency variations
erator / diesel generator shall not exceed 10% (swing) of AC diesel generator in any of the
of the rated value, and the steady rotation steady modes under load of 25 to 100 % of
speed after 5 s after accepting of each part of the rated power shall be within ±1 % of the
the specified loads shall not differ from the nominal rotation frequency.
394 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

.7 under idle load of up to 25 % of the measure such temperature) and (or) exhaust
rated power the steady rotation frequency of gas temperature at the turbine inlet;
the diesel alternator crankshaft shall not differ .11 temperature of cooling water and oil
from the nominal value by more than ±5 %. at the engine inlet and each cylinder and pis-
Each mechanical governor of diesel gen- ton outlet (for engines with an output of
erator shall have a device for local and remote 220 kW and above), cooling water and oil
regulation of rotation frequency within 10 % temperature at the engine outlet (for engines
of the rated rotation frequency. Electronic with an output less than 220 kW);
governors of diesel generators do not require a .12 lubricating oil temperature at the en-
device for local and remote regulation of en- gine inlet;
gine crankshaft rotation frequency. .13 supercharging air temperature after air
2.12.4 The requirements to provide the en- coolers;
gines with overspeed protective devices ac- .14 current and voltage in the charging
cording to 2.12.2 and do not apply to circuit and voltage in the discharging circuit
the engines equipped with electronic control of starting accumulator batteries (for engines
systems, the design and operation principle of with electric starting);
which make it impossible for these engines to .15 fuel temperature at high-pressure
exceed the maximum rotation speed by more pump inlets (for fuel which requires heating).
than 20 %. N o t e s . 1. Where pressure (,, and temperature ( to
are measured by means of devices installed directly
2.13 INSTRUMENTS on the engine, it is not required to install these
devices in the local control station.
2.13.1 Local control stations of main and
2. The requirement to the device specified in
auxiliary engines shall be equipped with in- does not apply to the local control stations
struments for measuring the following: for the engines with air cooling systems, combined
.1 rotational speed of the crankshaft, rota- liquid-air cooling and liquid-cooling systems using
tional speed the propeller shaft if disengaging coolers, in which water of the internal loop circu-
couplings are installed; lates in the channels adjoining to the ship’s shell
.2 lubricating oil pressure at the engine plating from the inside (box coolers). For engines
inlet; with output less than 220 kW it is allowed not to
install the devices for checking the parameters
.3 water pressure in the inner cooling sys- specified in and in the engine
tem; local control stations. è In this case the
.4 outboard water pressure in the cooling efficiency of liquid and liquid-air cooling systems
system; of engines is checked as per the temperatures
.5 starting air pressure at the main starting specified in and air-cooling systems, as
valve inlet; per the temperatures specified in and
.6 fuel pressure at the fuel injection pump
3. The requirement to the devices specified in
inlets (where an oil-fuel priming pump is in- does not apply to the local control sta-
stalled); tions for engines with air-cooling systems. It is
.7 pressure in the cooling systems of in- allowed not to install the devices to check the tem-
jectors and pistons; perature specified in in the local control
.8 pressure in the reversing arrangement stations.
system; 4. Devices for changing the parameters specified
.9 supercharging air pressure at the engine in can be replaced with starting accumu-
lator batteries charge/discharge electronic indicators.
.10 exhaust gas temperature at each cylin- 2.13.2 (shall be considered to have lost
der (if the engine design makes it possible to force.)
2 Internal Combustion Engines 395

2.14 GASOLINE ENGINES from the certificate ones and the engines
comply with the requirements of 2.1 to 2.13,
2.14.1 Requirements stated in the present
2.15.3 and 2.15.4.
Section are applicable also for gasoline en-
gines. The requirements of 1.11 shall be also 2.15.2 A possibility to switch promptly to
executed. the specification fuel oil for fuel fired engines
as specified in 2.15.1. In the process of such
2.14.2 Exhaust manifold and connecting
transfer the engine output shall drop by more
branch pipes shall have water cooling.
than 20 %.
2.15 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 2.15.3 When the fuel specified in 2.15.1 is
TO ENGINES OPERATING ON VARIOUS used in the engine, the safety valves shall be
GRADES OF FUEL fitted in the crankcases and the under-piston
cavities of the engine near each crankthrow.
2.15.1 The engines can operate on fuel oil
The design and actuation pressure of safety
meeting the requirements of 1.1.2 which sub-
valves depend on the properties of fuel-air
stitutes for the corresponding types of the
mixture produced in the crankcase and on the
specification fuel listed in the technical
engine output at the moment of transfer from
documentation of the manufacturer or is pro-
one grade of fuel to another one.
duced (extracted) by means of non-
conventional sources and types of primary 2.15.4 When the fuel specified in 2.15.1
energy (alternative fuel), or is a mixture of with saturated vapours pressure exceeding
alternative and specification fuel with proper- 25 kPa at 40 °С is used, the devices (sensors
ties differing from the specification fuel, pro- or other similar devices) measuring the con-
vided the engine characteristics during opera- centration of vapours of the specified fuel
tion on this fuel in all operating conditions, flowing through the sealings shall be fitted in
including variable conditions, do not differ the crankcases and under-piston cavities.
396 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”


3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, data on chemical composition, mechanical

MATERIALS, TESTING properties and strength characteristics of such
steel, as well as documents of test laboratories
3.1.1 Materials intended for shafting parts
(centres) on checks and tests of alloyed steels
shall meet the requirements specified in the
for their compliance with the chemical com-
right column of Table 3.1.1.
position, properties and strength characteris-
T a b l e 3.1.1 tics specified by the manufacturer in the tech-
Chapter of nical documentation agreed with the River
Item Material Part X of Register.
the Rules
1. Intermediate, Forged steel 2.6 3.1.3 Intermediate, thrust and propeller
thrust and propeller Rolled steel up to
shafts shall be made of steel with tensile
250 mm in
diameter strength from 430 to 690 MPa.
2. Propeller shaft Copper alloy 3.1 The aforementioned shafts shall undergo
liners Stainless steel  non-destructive testing during manufacture
3. Connecting half- Forged steel 2.6 according to 2.20 to 2.23 Appendix 10 Part X
couplings Cast steel 2.7 of the Rules shall be complied with.
4. Connecting bolts Forged steel 2.6
5. Stern tubes Rolled steel 2.2 3.1.4 (shall be considered to have lost force.)
Cast steel 2.7
Cast iron 2.11, 2.12 3.1.5 Propeller shaft liners, sterntube and
6. Sterntube and Cast steel 2.7 strut bushes may be made of plastics or other
strut bushes Copper alloy 3.1 non-metallic materials.
Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
7. Lining of stern —
3.1.6 After machining the propeller shaft
bush bearing materials liners and the stern tubes shall be hydrauli-
Metal alloys cally tested according to 6.2.15 of RTSC.
8. Thrust bearing Rolled steel 2.2 3.1.7 In case of post-assembly oil lubrica-
cases Cast steel 2.7
2.11, 2.12 tion of bearings the stern tube sealings shall
Cast iron
be hydraulically tested for leakages (tightness)
3.1.2 It is allowed to use alloy steels, in- by pressure of not less than 0.1 MPa accord-
cluding corrosion resistant and high strength ing to 6.3.11 of RTSC.
steels, for the shafting parts if the chemical
3.1.8 Formulae for calculation of the shaft
composition of the alloy steel does not dete-
diameter given in the present Section deter-
riorate its mechanical properties and strength
mine the minimum shaft diameter ignoring
characteristics as compared to the ones speci-
allowance for subsequent grooving of journals
fied in 2.6 and 2.7 Part X of the Rules and in
during the service life.
Table 3.1.1. The compliance of the properties
and characteristics of the alloy steel with the 3.1.9 In all ships measures shall be taken to
requirements of the Rules shall be confirmed prevent the propeller shaft from slipping out
by the manufacturer’s documents containing of the stern gland and flooding of the engine
3 Shafting 397

room in the event of the propeller shaft dam- P — rated power transmitted by the shaft,
age. in kW;
n — rated rotational speed, in
3.2.1 Calculations of shaft diameters using di — diameter of the shaft axial hole, in
the formulae stated in the present Chapter are mm; if this diameter is less than or equal to
preliminary, as the dimensions of all shafting 0.4dr, then di = 0;
elements shall be specified after the torsional dr — actual shaft diameter, in mm.
circuit has been formed with due regard to the The diameter of the bow face of the pro-
calculation results of torsional vibration peller shaft on the section from the stern tube
stresses including modes corresponding to gland to the flange or the clutch may be
rotation speed values forbidden for continuous gradually reduced to the value equal to 1.05
work (see 6.4). times of the intermediate shaft diameter. Parts
In case when shaft diameter calculation by of the propeller shaft contacting with water
the formula (3.2.2) is impossible due to spe- shall have external diameter as greater as 5 per
cial geometry of shafting elements, special cent as compared with the diameter deter-
strength calculation confirming compliance mined by the formula (3.2.2), when the shaft
with the Rules shall be submitted to the River has no continuous lining or other effective
Register. anti-corrosion protection.
A diameter of hydrofoil craft propeller
3.2.2 Intermediate, thrust or propeller shaft shafts located outside the hull at an upwash
diameter, except for hydrofoil craft shafting, angle of 12 and more considering the run-
shall be not less than that determined by the ning pitch shall be not less than the diameter
formula, in mm: determined by the formula, in mm:
Rm  160 
  
kCEW 3 P n 1   di dr   ,
dsh  696.19K 1 K 2 3 P  ReH n  ,

(3.2.2) where K1 — coefficient for power installations

taken equal to:
where Rm — tensile strength of the shaft ma-
single-shaft 1.0
terial, in MPa. The formula (3.2.2) is reliable
two-shaft 1.15
at Rm = 400¼600 MPa; when Rm > 600 MPa,
K2 — coefficient taken, depending on pro-
Rm = 600 MPa shall be taken;
peller shaft surface hardening, equal to:
k — coefficient equal to:
no hardening is provided 1.0
for intermediate shafts with forged 130
flanges or flanged keyless clutches hardening by rolling the 0.92
for intermediate shafts with key clutches 140 shaft surface is provided
for thrust shafts in rolling bearings 142 ReH — yield point of the rudder stock ma-
for propeller shafts at a distance of not 160 terial, in MPa.
more than 4 diameters of the propeller
shaft from the bow face of the propeller 3.3 CORROSION PROTECTION
boss and in the plain bearing journals
for propeller shafts at a distance 150 3.3.1 Propeller shafts, including their jour-
exceeding 4 diameters of the propeller nals and shaft sections between the journals,
shaft from the bow face of the propeller shall be protected from corrosion.
boss and the shaft sections between the
bearing journals 3.3.2 Liner material shall comply with the
CEW — strengthening coefficient equal to: requirements of Table 3.1.1.
for ships without ice strengthening 1.0
for ships designed for navigation in 1.05 3.3.3 A bronze shaft liner thickness s shall
broken ice be not less than that determined by the for-
for icebreakers and icebreaker-type ships 1.07 mula, in mm:
398 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

s  0.03dr  7.5 , (3.3.3) The cut-out width shall be not less than
0.1 times but not greater than 0.25 times the
where dr — actual diameter of the propeller
design shaft diameter d0. The cut-out ends
shaft, in mm. shall be rounded with a radius equal to the
The liner thickness between the bearings cut-out half width.
may be reduced down to 0.75s. The edges shall be rounded with a radius
3.3.4 Continuous liners shall be used. Lin- not less than 0.35 times the cut-out width.
ers consisting of separate sections shall be Cut-out surface shall be finished to surface
connected by welding or by another alterna- average roughness of 1.25 μm and less.
tive method. The butt welded joints of the 3.4.3 Where a key slot is provided on a cy-
liner shall be arranged outside the region of lindrical section of a shaft, the shaft diameter
bearings. shall be increased by 5 per cent as compared
3.3.5 A sealing shall be installed on the with that determined by the formula (3.2.2)
propeller shaft cone to avoid ingress of water on the part exceeding the length of the key
on it. slot.
This requirement does not apply to the It is not necessary to increase the shaft di-
ships of less than 25 m in length, except for ameter if the key slot is located on the shaft
the ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes. cone.


3.4.1 If a radial hole is arranged in a shaft, 3.5.1 Propeller shaft cone for the propeller
the shaft diameter shall be as greater as 10 per shall be made with a conicity not greater than
cent along a length of minimum seven diame- 1:12.
ters of the hole. The hole shall be located in
the middle of the thickened part of the shaft 3.5.2 For propeller shafts with a diameter
and its diameter shall not exceed 0.2 times the of 100 mm and over the end of key slot on
increased shaft diameter. the propeller shaft cone shall have a spoon-
Hole edges shall be rounded with a radius type shape and shall be at a distance not less
of not less than 0.35 of the hole diameter. than 0.2 times the propeller shaft diameter
The hole surface shall be finished to surface from the greater cone base.
average roughness of 0.63 μm and less accord- End of key slot may be of ski-type shape
ing to GOST 2789. for a propeller shaft diameter less than
100 mm.
3.4.2 Diameter d of a shaft having a longi- Dimensions of key slots, the shape and ra-
tudinal cut-out shall be not less than that de- tio of dimensions of spoon-type preparation
termined by the formula, in mm: of the bow propeller shaft cone end shall cor-
d  1.2d0  0.114 1.5l  b  , (3.4.2) respond to requirements of national stan-
where d0 — shaft diameter determined by the
formula (3.2.2), in mm; 3.5.3 The shaft cone for the propeller and
l — overall length of the cut-out, in mm; coupling in keyless connections shall be made
b — width of the cut-out, in mm. with the following conicity for the following
A thickened part of the shaft shall be of a connections:
such length that it will protrude from each with end nut ≤1:15
side out of the cut-out limits for a length not without end nut ≤1:50
less than 0.25 times the design shaft diameter
d0. The transition from the increased diameter
to the design diameter shall be smooth. 1
GOST 8838, GOST 24071, GOST 23360
3 Shafting 399

Thread journals 3.5.12 A shut-off valve controlling water

supply for the stern tube bearing lubrication
3.5.4 External diameter of a thread journal
shall be installed directly on the stern tube or
for propeller fixing nut shall be not less than
on the after peak bulkhead.
60 per cent of the greater cone diameter.
A flow direction indicator shall be fitted on
the pipeline feeding water for the stern tube
Connecting couplings
bearing lubrication
3.5.5 Connecting bolts, couplings and half-
couplings shall be made of steel with tensile 3.5.13 A device for measuring oil tempera-
strength not less than that of shafting steel. ture in the stern tube is to be provided.

3.5.6 Diameter db of coupling flange bolts 3.5.14 Where hydrostatic lubrication is

shall be not less than that determined by the used for stern tube bearings, the lubricating
formula, in mm: oil tank shall be located above the maximum
ship’s draught waterline and fitted with oil
d b  0.535 dint ir  , (3.5.6) level indicators.
where dint — diameter of the intermediate If the tank is located in hardly accessible
shaft determined by the formula (3.2.2) with place or outside the space where main engines
due regard to reinforcements; if the shaft di- or propeller electric motors are installed, low
ameter is increased due to dangerous stresses oil level alarm shall be provided which can be
from torsional vibration, then dint shall be seen or heard from the main engine or the
equal to the actual diameter of the intermedi- propulsion plant control station.
ate shaft; 3.5.15 If propeller shaft rotation speed n
i — number of bolts in the connection; 350 min–1, indicative values of maximum
r — bolt pitch circle radius, in mm. permissible distances lmax between the adjacent
3.5.7 Fifty per cent (50 %) of the total bearings of the displacement ships shafting
number of cylindrical bolts of shafting flange shall be calculated by the following formula,
connections, but not less than three, shall in mm:
ensure transition fit H/js (finish 5-7) accord-
ing to GOST 25347.
lmax  k1 dr , (3.5.15-1)

3.5.8 Intermediate shaft connecting flange where dr — actual shaft diameter, in mm (see
thickness measured on the centre circle of 3.2.2);
connecting bolts shall be not less than the k1 — coefficient for bearings taken equal to:
diameter of connecting bolt determined by oil-lubricated plain bearings 450
the formula (3.5.6). grease-lubricated stern tube rolling 405
Propeller shaft flange thickness shall be not bearings made of grey cast iron
less than 0.25 times the intermediate shaft water-lubricated stern tube bearings 440
diameter determined by the formula (3.2.2). At 700 n > 350 min–1:
3.5.9 Rounding radius of transition from a lmax  k2 dr n , (3.5.15-2)
flange to the shaft shall be not less than 0.08
where k2 — coefficient:
times the shaft diameter.
for oil-lubricated plain bearings,
3.5.10 Safety of use of cardan shafts in ship k2  11455 – 1063732.5 n ;
shaftings shall be confirmed by the technical
justifications submitted to the River Register. for grease-lubricated stern tube rolling
bearings made of grey cast iron and rubber or
plastic water-lubricated stern tube bearings
3.5.11 Length of bearings in the arm shall k2  133.378 n  16907.881  0.224 n2 
be not less than 2.5 times the shaft diameter.  0.000126 n3 .
400 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

At 2000  n  700 3.5.20 Lubrication shall be supplied to the

0.5 stern tube in a such manner as to provide its
l max  1857.5 d r n .
supply to both stern and bow stern tube bear-
Indicative values of maximum permissible ings. If grease is used, it shall be supplied
distances lmax between the adjacent bearings of through bow and stern bearings.
hydrofoil craft shafting can be determined
3.5.21 Stern tube with oil-lubricated bear-
considering the design by the following for-
ings shall be fitted with connections for filling
mula, in mm:
the tube with oil, testing and drainage; a ven-
l max  57d r . tilation pipe shall be attached also. These
Values lmax and dprop for hydrofoil craft shall connections and the stern tube shall be so
be corrected by results of shaft check for lon- designed that oil, water and air entered the
gitudinal stability and determining the critical tube could be completely removed.
speed. The static strength of hydrofoil craft
shafting shall also be estimated and its fatigue
strength shall be calculated.
3.5.16 Minimum distance lmin between ad- COUPLINGS
jacent main bearings of the shaft line shall be
3.6.1 A keyless assembly of the propeller
not less than l min  174 d r . and the propeller shaft shall be designed with-
out intermediate sleeve between the propeller
3.5.17 The propeller shaft shall lean on two
boss and the shaft.
bearings in the stern tube. It is allowed to
install one stern bearing in a stern tube with a 3.6.2 When assembling keyless connection,
length less than 4.5 times the shaft diameter the axial shift h of the boss in relation to the
when using water-lubricated rubber or plastic shaft or intermediate sleeve, as soon as the
plain bearings and 3 times the shaft diameter contact area between mating surfaces is ob-
when using oil-lubricated plain bearings. tained after elimination of the clearance, shall
3.5.18 Length of stern unit bearings and be not less than determined by the formula,
circumferential velocity of propeller shafts in m:
shall correspond to the requirements of Ta-  2
ble 3.5.18. h  k 8  103 B 19.1P  nDw    T 2  hz  

T a b l e 3.5.18
Dimensions of stern tube bearings  Dw  y  wα  te  tm  z ,
Stern bearing length to Circumfe (3.6.2)
Material of bearing shaft diameter ratio for rential
insert, lubricating bearings velocity of
where  — coefficient of the connection ma-
medium propeller terial and configuration, in MPa–1:
bow stern
Rubber and plastic 1.0 to 1.5 3.0 to 4.0
shafts, m/s
6.0   
B   y 2  1 y 2  1  y  Ey 
 
designed for operation
in outboard water
 1w

 2

1  w  w  Ew ;

Mild alloy designed 0.8 2.0 — y — mean coefficient of the boss outer di-
for operation in oil
lubrication ameter:
Grey cast iron, 1.0 2.5 3.0 y   Dz1  Dz2  Dz3   Dy1  Dy2  Dy3  ;
w — mean coefficient of the shaft bore;
3.5.19 Propeller shafts supported on rolling w   Do1  Do2  Do3   Dw1  Dw2  Dw3  ;
bearings and propeller shafts in stern tubes
with plain bearings lubricated with oil or y — Poison’s ratio for boss material;
closed-loop pressurized water shall be fitted w — Poisson’s ratio for shaft material, for
with sealings. steel w = 0.3;
3 Shafting 401

Ey — modulus of elasticity of boss mate- without intermediate sleeve:

rial, in MPa; Dw1  Dy1 ; Dw2  Dy2 ; Dw3  Dy3 ; Dw  Dy ;
Ew — modulus of elasticity of shaft mate-
rial, in MPa; with intermediate sleeve:
P — power transmitted by the connection, Dw1  Dy1 ; Dw 2  Dy 2 ; Dw 3  Dy 3 ; Dw  Dy ;
in kW; y — linear expansion coefficient of boss
T — propeller thrust at ahead speed, in kN;
material, in 1/Ñ;
Dw — mean outer shaft diameter in the
place of contact with the boss or intermediate w — linear expansion coefficient of shaft
sleeve (Fig. 3.6.2), in m: material, in 1/Ñ;
D w   D w1  D w2  D w3  3 ; te — temperature of the connection in ser-
vice conditions, in Ñ;
tm — temperature of the connection during
assembling, inÑ;
k — coefficient for the connection taken
equal to:
without intermediate sleeve 1
with intermediate sleeve 1.1
h — effective length of the shaft cone or
intermediate sleeve with the boss, in m;
z — taper of the boss:
z   dcon.max  dcon.min  Lcon ,
dcon.max — maximum cone diameter, in mm;
dcon.min — minimum cone diameter, in mm;
Lcon — propeller shaft cone length;
Fig. 3.6.2 Determining axial shift of boss to shaft n — rotational speed of the connection, in
Dy — inner boss diameter in the place of
contact with the shaft or intermediate sleeve, For connection with steel shaft without ax-
in m: ial drilling the coefficient  can be taken ac-
cording to Table 3.6.2 by means of linear in-
Dy   Dy1  Dy2  Dy3  3 ; terpolation.
T a b l e 3.6.2
Determining the coefficient Â
Coefficient Â105, in MPa–1, for the steel shaft with w = 0; Ew = 2.059105 MPa, vw = 0.3 and for
copper alloy boss with vy = 0.34 at Ey, in MPa steel boss with vy = 0.3 at Ey
nt y
0.98105 1.078105 1.176105 1.274105 1.373105 1.471105 1.569105 =2.059105 MPa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.2 6.34 5.80 5.34 4.96 4.63 4.34 4.09 3.20
1.3 4.66 4.27 3.94 3.66 3.43 3.22 3.04 2.40
1.4 3.83 3.52 3.25 3.03 2.83 2.67 2.52 2.00
1.5 3.34 3.07 2.84 2.65 2.48 2.34 2.21 1.77
1.6 3.02 2.77 2.57 2.40 2.25 2.12 2.01 1.61
1.7 2.79 2.56 2.38 2.22 2.09 1.97 1.87 1.50
1.8 2.62 2.41 2.24 2.09 1.97 1.86 1.76 1.41
1.9 2.49 2.29 2.13 1.99 1.87 1.77 1.68 1.36
2.0 2.39 2.20 2.05 1.91 1.80 1.70 1.62 1.31
2.1 2.31 2.13 1.98 1.85 1.74 1.65 1.57 1.27
2.2 2.24 2.07 1.92 1.80 1.69 1.60 1.53 1.24
2.3 2.18 2.01 1.88 1.76 1.65 1.57 1.49 1.22
2.4 2.14 1.97 1.84 1.72 1.62 1.54 1.46 1.19
402 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

3.6.3 When assembling steel couplings and C  Dr — for connections with cylindri-
shafts with cylindrical mating surfaces, the cal mating surfaces, in m;
interference fit D shall be determined by the hr — actual shift when the boss is assem-
following formula, in m,
bled at a temperature tm, in m hr  h ;
D  8  103 B 19.1P  nDw    T 2 h . Dr — actual interference fit of connection
(3.6.3) with cylindrical mating surfaces, in m
Designations are stated in 3.6.2. Dr  D ;
3.6.4 For propeller bosses and half- Dy — see 3.6.2;
couplings in keyless assemblies with the ReH — yield point of the boss material, in
shafts, the following condition shall be met MPa.
Other designations are stated in 3.6.2.
A C Dy    y   w  t m  B  0.75ReH ,
where A — shape factor of the boss:
A  1  3y 4 y 2

The coefficient A can be calculated by the 3.7.1 Each shaft line shall comprise appro-
formula A–1 = 0.5756 – 0.5937/y2, which is priate breaking or stopping devices to prevent
valid in the range y = 1.2¼2.4; rotation of shaft in the event of the main en-
C  hr z — for connections with conical gine failure or repair or when towing the ship
mating surfaces, in m; with non-running main engines.
4 Gears, Disengaging and Elastic Couplings 403


4.1 GENERAL T a b l e 4.2.1

Materials for manufacture of gearing
4.1.1 The requirements of the present Sec- and coupling parts
tion apply to reverse reduction gearing with Chapter of
cylindrical gears with external and internal Item Material Part X of the
teeth, planetary and bevel gears, disengaging Rules
and elastic couplings which are installed in 1. Case Cast iron 2.11 – 2.13
power installation components. The require- Rolled steel 2.2
ments of this section apply to disengaging Steel castings 2.7
Aluminium alloy 4.2
electromagnetic and hydraulic couplings as far
2. Shafts Steel forgings 2.6
as applicable. 3. Pinions, Steel forgings 2.6
gearwheels, Steel castings 2.7
4.2 MATERIALS AND WELDING gearwheel rims
4. Removable Steel forgings 2.6
4.2.1 Materials intended for manufacture of 2.7
half-couplings Steel castings
gearing and coupling parts shall meet the re- of rigid shaft
quirements referenced in the right column of connections
Table 4.2.1. Materials of parts specified in 5. Driving and Steel castings 2.7
points 4, 5 and 6 of Table 4.2.1 may also be driven parts of
selected in accordance with national stan- hydraulic
dards1. couplings
6. Connecting Steel forgings 2.6
4.2.2 Gearing and coupling shafts shall be bolts
made of steel forgings or steel castings. Non-
flanged gearing and coupling shafts may be 60 m/s and that of the coupling housing —
made of round rolled steel. 40 m/s, the gear housings and coupling cas-
Separately forged gearwheel shafts and pin- ings can be made of grey cast iron, nodular
ion shafts shall be made of steel with tensile cast iron or as steel welded structures made of
strength of not less than 430 MPa. Tensile flat steel with sleeves made of forged steel or
strength of gearing shafts shall be not less cast steel.
than tensile strength of material of intermedi-
ate shafts of the shaft line. 4.2.5 Essential parts of couplings intended
for transmitting torque to the propeller shall
4.2.3 Main gearing pinions shall be made be made of forged steel, cast steel or nodular
of alloy steel with tensile strength of 620 to cast iron having mainly ferrite structure. For
980 MPa. medium loaded external parts of couplings
aluminium alloys with appropriate mechanical
4.2.4 Gearing and coupling cases are to be
properties may be used. Pinions of hydraulic
made of nodular cast iron or as steel welded
slip couplings can be made of grey cast iron
structures made of flat steel with sleeves made
and the housings — of aluminium alloy if the
of forged steel or cast steel. When circumfer-
mechanical properties specified in 2.6, 2.7
ential velocity of pinions does not exceed
and 2.11 Part X of the Rules are provided.
4.2.6 Cases of elastic couplings transmitting
GOST 977, GOST 7505, GOST 8479. torque to the generators shall be made of
404 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

nodular cast iron with ferrite structure, forged The formula (4.3.2) is applicable in the
steel or cast iron. range V = 20 ¼ 300 m/s.
4.2.7 It is allowed to use alloy steel or alloy If V is below the stated range, the circum-
cast iron for gearing and coupling parts if the ferential velocity shall be taken equal to
chemical composition of these alloy materials 20 m/s, above the stated range — 300 m/s
does not deteriorate their mechanical proper- Rigid elements of the couplings shall be
ties and strength characteristics as compared balanced together with the parts they are rig-
to the ones specified in 2 Part X of the Rules idly adjoined.
and in Table 4.2.1. The compliance of the 4.3.3 The main gearing shall be so designed
properties and characteristics of the alloy ma- as to provide access to all bearings.
terials with the requirements of the Rules The gear cases shall have a sufficient num-
shall be confirmed by the manufacturer’s ber of access manholes with detachable cov-
documents containing data on chemical com- ers.
position, mechanical properties and strength
The manholes shall be so arranged as to al-
characteristics of such materials, as well as
low inspection of the teeth throughout the
documents of test laboratories (centres) on
length and all bearings inside the gearing.
checks and tests of these materials for their
compliance with the chemical composition, 4.3.4 The gear cases shall be provided with
properties and strength characteristics speci- venting arrangements.
fied by the manufacturer in the technical The vent pipes of gearing cases with vol-
documentation agreed with the River Regis- ume of 0.5 m3 and above shall be led to the
ter. open deck or other places where exhaust ven-
4.2.8 Shafts, pinions and gearwheels of tilation is provided. The ends of the vent pipes
main gearings shall undergo non-destructive shall be fitted with flame arresters and ar-
testing according to the requirements of 2.20 ranged so as to prevent the ingress of water
to 2.23 Appendix 10 Part X of the Rules shall into the gearing.
be complied with. 4.3.5 When the main thrust bearing is
4.2.9 Manufacture of gearing and coupling housed in the gearing case, the lower part of
parts with application of welding shall meet the case shall be strengthened.
the requirements of Part X of the Rules. 4.3.6 Plain bearings of main gearing shall
have devices for measuring axial and radial
4.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS shaft positions without case disassembling.
4.3.1 The reverse reduction gears at ahead Each plain bearing and each thrust bearing
running in steady mode shall provide not less shall be provided with devices for measuring
than 70 per cent of the ahead rated power. temperature.
4.3.2 Parts rotating at circumferential speed 4.3.7 In structures of hovercraft gearing
from 5 to 20 m/s shall be statically balanced, safety devices shall be provided operating
while those rotating at speed over 20 m/s shall when torque reaches values 1.35 times the
be dynamically balanced. The accuracy of rated torque.
dynamic balancing shall be determined by the 4.3.8 Planetary gearing shall have equalis-
formula: ing devices. The rim of epicyclical wheel with
  (65.786  0.139 V )  103 n , (4.3.2) more than three planetary pinions shall be
where  — distance between the centre of flexible in the radial direction.
gravity and the geometrical axis of rotation of
the part concerned, in μm; 4.4 GEARING
n — rotational speed, in min–1; 4.4.1 While gearwheels manufacture the
V — peripheral velocity, in m/s. following shall be checked: pitch and general
4 Gears, Disengaging and Elastic Couplings 405

error of the profile on the pitch circle, angular 4.4.6 The results of strength calculations
deflection of the tooth line, tooth side surface for the gearings of reduction gears and reverse
roughness and tooth fillet radius for the com- reduction gears of main engines accomplished
pliance with requirements of national stan- according to the Guidlines Ð.007-2004
dards.1. "Strength calculations" or according to the
method agreed with the River Register shall
4.4.2 Tooth side surface roughness shall
be submitted for agreement to the River Reg-
not exceed 10 μm before spinning in case of
ister together with technical documentation.
tooth forming by milling or shaping. Rough-
ness shall not exceed 4 μm if the required 4.4.7 Where oil is fed to tooth gearing and
tooth shape is reached by grinding or lapping. plain bearing under pressure, it shall be possi-
Tooth fillet radius on standard instrument ble to filter oil and adjust its pressure adjust-
profile shall be not less than 0.25 times the ment, manometer, thermometer and excessive
normal pitch. oil pressure safety device shall be installed.
It shall be possible to control the oil level
4.4.3 Teeth of pinions and gear wheels with
in the oil bath in case of lubrication by sub-
the ratio B/d1  0.3 (Fig. 4.4.3) shall be bev- mersion.
elled on the end faces to an angle of 45
    60 to a depth not less than 1.5 of the 4.4.8 Lubrication of tooth engagements and
teeth module, where  is the gear wheel (pin- bearings shall be arranged in a such way as to
ion) width, d1 is the pitch diameter. prevent oil foaming and emulsification.
4.4.9 Where rolling bearings are used in
gears, it is recommended to fit additional
thermometer on the oil outlet line from the


4.5.1 The spur coupling side surface carry-
ing capacity ð is checked using the following
relationship, in MPa:
p  p zul ,
Fig. 4.4.3 Gear wheel section
4.4.4 Hardness of the pinion teeth shall be
 
where at P  1015 n3d m2 M  4.5 , (4.5.1-1)

at least 15 per cent greater than that of the p  9.9  108 P k A B h d z n . (4.5.1-2)
wheel teeth. This requirement does not apply Values are possible if the manufacture ac-
to surface hardened gears (carburized, ni- curacy class is less than 6 and residual specific
trided, face-hardened etc.). unbalance is less than 100 g mm/kg according to
4.4.5 The strength of teeth and other pin- GOST ISO 1940-1.
ion and wheel elements shall be confirmed by
calculations according to 4.4.6. There shall be
 
Çíà÷åíèÿ P  1015 n3d m2 M  4,5 .

taken into account additional loads due to In equations (4.5.1-1) and (4.5.1-2):
torsional vibrations, storm weather, ship ma- P — power of the drive, in kW;
noeuvres, tugging, different loading condi- kA — factor coefficient into account the
tions, relationship between the propeller resis- type of the drive and coupling for engines:
tance irregularity and the number of blades. A
turbine, electrical and diesel engines 1.0
with hydraulic coupling or
GOST 1643, GOST 1412, GOST 1758, electromagnetic slip coupling between the
GOST 3675. engine and the gearing;
406 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

diesel engines with high-elastic coupling 1.25 exceed 0.25 to 0.45 MPa depending on rubber
between the engine and the gearing. quality or design of spring (elastic) elements
Value kA shall be increased if the torsional at average torque of the drive engine. The
vibration stress values approach the permissi- quality of rubber is considered sufficient if
ble ones (see 6.2); besides the tensile strength, elongation at fail-
 — minimum width of a tooth which car- ure, residual elongation and apparent stresses
ries load, in mm; at preset elongation complying with the ap-
h — working height of teeth, in mm; propriate requirements of the coupling manu-
d — pitch diameter, in mm; facturer's design documentation and deter-
z — number of teeth; mined in accordance with GOST 270, elastic-
n — rotational speed, in min–1; hysteresis characteristics in accordance with
dm — mean diameter of toothed sleeve se- GOST 23326, hardness in accordance with
cured on one of the connected shafts, in mm; GOST 263 and ability to change the form and
M — weight of the toothed sleeve, in kg; dimensions under the action of external loads
pzul — permissible carrying capacity of the and restore initial configuration when the load
teeth side surface, in MPa: is taken off, the elastic compression is within
for tempered steels, pzul = 400¼600 MPa, 35 to 65 % and elastic elongation is within
while the upper values are related to higher 250 to 550 %. .
strength steels if the teeth are manufactured To reduce the negative influence of a nick,
and finished with high precision; the built-in end pieces of couplings made of
for hardened and, if necessary, grinded non-strengthened rubber or organic (or-
teeth pzul = 800¼1000 MPa, while the upper ganosilicone) material shall be strengthened.
values are typical for nitrided surfaces of teeth N o t e . Strengthened rubber is a laminated
manufactured and processed with high accu- rubber, the layers of which can be fitted with or
racy. separated by cord.
4.5.2 Teeth of couplings at 4.6.3 When determining dimensions of
dn2  6109 mm/min2 shall be lubricated by cases, flanges and bolts of elastic couplings
immersion with controlled permanent oil level the requirements of 3.5.5 to 3.5.9 shall be
in the coupling. When dn2 > 6109 mm/min2, taken into account. 3.5.5 – 3.5.9.
circulation lubricating system shall be pro-
4.6.4 If elastic coupling is so designed that
while working under load it produces axial
4.5.3 The requirements of 3.5.5 to 3.5.9 forces on parts of the connected drive engine,
shall be taken into account when determining measures shall be taken to neutralise these
dimensions of sleeves, flanges and bolts of forces.
tooth couplings.
4.6.5 The elastic couplings of diesel gen-
erator sets shall absorb impact loads due to
short-circuit. Where no such data is available,
4.6.1 Dimensions and characteristics of the maximum torque shall be at least
elastic couplings between the main engines 4.5 times the nominal torque being taken by
and the gearing shall be determined with due the coupling.
regard to the requirement that they shall be
capable of withstanding the load due to addi-
tional torsional vibration stresses (torques)
appearing in the event of failure of any of the 4.7.1 Disengaging couplings of main en-
cylinders. gines shall be fitted with devices to prevent
slipping for long (over 10 s) periods of time.
4.6.2 Stresses in loaded coupling elements
working at shear loads and made of non- 4.7.2 It shall be possible to control disen-
strengthened rubber or polyurethane shall not gaging couplings from the station where the
4 Gears, Disengaging and Elastic Couplings 407

main engines are controlled. Local reserve gagement of the engines when running in op-
control arrangements shall be provided di- posite directions.
rectly at the disengaging couplings.
4.7.3 Where two or more engines devoted 4.7.4 A power-driven turning gear shall be
to a common propeller shaft are driving it provided with an interlocking to prevent the
through disengaging couplings, their control disengaging coupling from engagement when
arrangement shall prevent a simultaneous en- the turning gear is engaged.
408 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”


5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS E n d o f T a b l e 5.2.1

Chapter of
5.1.1 The requirements of this section ap- Item Material Part X of
ply to metallic solid and detachable-blade the Rules
propellers, water-jet and vertical axis propel- 4.3 Pump case Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
lers and steerable thrusters. Cast steel 2.7
Rolled steel 2.2
5.1.2 The design and the dimensions of Copper alloy 3.1
ice-breaker propellers, as well as propulsion 4.4 Water intake Cast steel 2.7
units of special design (paddle wheels, hover- Rolled steel 2.2
4.5 Nozzle Cast steel 2.7
craft air propellers, etc.) shall comply with the
Rolled steel 2.2
requirements of national standards1. 5. Vertical axis
5.2 MATERIALS, TESTING 5.1 Rotor Cast steel 2.7
AND WELDING Rolled steel 2.2
5.2 Blades Cast steel 2.7
5.2.1 Materials intended for manufacture of Copper alloy 3.1, 3.2
propellers shall meet the requirements refer- 5.3 Blades fastening Copper alloy 3.1
enced in the right column of Table 5.2.1. members Forged steel 2.6
5.4 Displacement Cast steel 2.7
T a b l e 5.2.1 members of blades Forged steel 2.6
Materials for propellers and control centre Copper alloy 3.1
Chapter of
Item Material Part X of
the Rules
5.2.2 For the parts specified in 1, 2.1, 2.2,
1. Solid propellers, Cast steel 2.7 3, 4.1 and 5.2 of Table 5.2.1, it is allowed to
including steerable Copper alloy 3.2 use plastic and other nonmetallic materials
thrusters the requirements to which are outlined in 6
2. Detachable-blade Part X of the Rules shall be complied with.
2.1 Blades Cast steel 2.7 5.2.3 Propellers for ships without ice
Copper alloy 3.2 strengthening may be made of cast iron with
2.2 Bosses Cast steel 2.7 lamellar graphite corresponding with the re-
Copper alloy 3.2 quirements of 2.12 Part X of the Rules.
2.3 Bolts (studs) for Copper alloy 3.1
securing blades, hub Forged steel 2.6 5.2.4 Blades of propellers and vertical axis
cones and sealings propellers and pumps impellers of water-jet
3. Hub cones Cast steel 2.7 propeller shall undergo non-destructive testing
Copper alloy 3.1 during manufacture. The methods, scope and
4. Pump jet systems
4.1 Pump impeller Cast steel 2.7 standards of non-destructive testing are speci-
Copper alloy 3.2 fied in 8 and in 2.20 to 2.23 Appendix 10
4.2 Pump shaft Cast steel 2.7 Part X of the Rules shall be complied with.
Forged steel 2.6
5.2.5 Welding and testing of welded joints
shall be carried out according to the require-
GOST R 52692, GOST R 52693 and ments of 7 and 8 Part X of the Rules shall be
GOST 21664. complied with.
5 Propellers 409

5.3 PROPELLER DESIGNING T a b l e 5.3.1-2

Coefficient k
Blade thickness
Coefficient k for ships
5.3.1 In solid propellers and detachable- Material without ice with ice
strengthening strengthening
blade propellers the maximum thickness S, in
Alloy brass or bronze 5.8 8.5
mm, of expanded cylindrical section (Fig. Cast steel 8.6 9.4
5.3.1-1) shall be not less than: Cast iron 8.8 —
S  A 13.2 k P z b b m n   for double-propeller ships without ice
9.81 cm  Dn 300  m ,
2 strengthening k values may be reduced by
5 %. %;
where A — coefficient determined by the for- P — propeller shaft power at the rated out-
mula put of the main engine, in kW:
À  k1  k2  exp    H D  k3  (5.3.1-2) c — coefficient of centrifugal stresses
adopted from Table 5.3.13 depending on
k1, k2, k3 — coefficients adopted from Ta- cross-section radius;
ble 5.3.1-1 depending on the radius r of de- T a b l e 5.3.1-3
sign cross-section arrangement; Coefficient c
H/D — pitch ratio on radius r; r/R c r/R c
0.20 0.50 0.35 0.30
0.25 0.45 0.60 0

m — blade rake, in mm;

D, R — propeller diameter and radius, re-
spectively, in m;
n — propeller rotational frequency, in min–1;
zb — number of blades;
b — width of the expanded cylindrical sec-
tion of the blade, in m;
Ì — maximum permissible stress taken
equal to Ì  0,6Rm  155 ÌÏà , in MPa:
for steels 550
for non-ferrous alloys 610
Fig. 5.3.1 Expanded cylindrical section for cast iron 290
T a b l e 5.3.1-1 Rm — tensile strength of blade material in
Coefficients k1, k2, k3 tension, in MPa;
Radius of design Í — propeller pitch, in m.
k1 k2 k3
cross-section r Propeller blade thickness is checked in two
0.20 R 82.672 157.369 0.632 cross-sections: the design root section and the
0.25 R 74.927 138.053 0.765
0.35 R 54.556 128.399 1.047
blade section at the radius (see Figure 5.3.1).
0.60 R 38.902 78.985 1.023 r  0.6R
The location of the design root section is
k — coefficient adopted from Table 5.3.1-2 adopted as follows:
considering the following;
for solid propellers — at the radius of
if a ship is equipped with the engines hav-
0.2R, if the propeller boss radius is less than
ing less than 4 cylinders, the coefficient k
0.2R, and at the radius of 0.25R, if the pro-
shall be increased by 5 %;
peller boss radius is greater or equal to 0.2R;
for shaft lines fitted with hydraulic or elec-
tromagnetic clutches k values may be reduced
by 5 %;
410 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

for detachable-blade propellers — at the Rms — tensile strength of stud material, in

radius of 0.3R with coefficients A and ñ taken MPa;
for r  0, 25R ; d — stud pitch circle diameter, in m; for
N o t e . In the design section, the blade thick- other than circular arrangement of studs
ness is determined regardless of the blade-boss d = 0.85l (where l is the distance between the
fillet. The holes of the fastening elements of the most distant studs, in m). 
blades of detachable-blade propellers shall not
bring to reduction of the design root section. 5.3.7 Bolts and nuts securing blades to the
boss shall be locked.
5.3.2 Minimum thicknesses Sk of the blade
end edges for ships: 5.3.8 Internal diameter of fastening bolt
without ice strengthening 0.0035D thread of the blades shall be determined by
with ice strengthening 0.0050D the formula, in mm:
5.3.3 If the propeller blades of special d k  1.78  A Fì ReH , (5.3.8-1)
shape are used, the thicknesses of blades shall
where FÌ — force acting on a stud, in N:
be selected by results of detailed strength cal-
culations fulfilled according to the require- Fì  280  106 Rp0,2 P CÅW
CG2  n z b Z C w dc  ;
ments of this Part of the Rules. (5.3.8-2)
A — tightening factor for fastening bolts:
Propeller boss and blade fastening elements
À = 1.2÷1.6;
5.3.4 Fillet radii of the transition from the ReÍ — yield point of material, in MPa;
blade root to the boss shall be Rð0,2 — yield point when plastic deforma-
suction side 0.04D tion reaches 0.2 per cent of the initial design
pressure side 0.03D length, in MPa
both sides if the blade has no slope 0.03D P — see 5.3.1;
5.3.5 The propeller boss shall be provided n — propeller rotational frequency, in min–1;
with holes through which the empty spaces ÑÅW — strengthening coefficient equal to:
between the boss and the shaft cone and the for ships without strengthening 1.0
hollow inside the propeller cap are filled with for ships designed for navigation in 1.05
grease. broken ice
for icebreakers and icebreaker-type 1.07
5.3.6 Internal diameter of the thread of ships
studs ds securing detachable blades to the boss
ÑG — coefficient taking into account the
shall be not less than that determined by the
propeller dimension (ÑG = 0.85 ¼ 1.1):
following formula, in mm:
ds  k S b Rmb  d Rms  , (5.3.6)
CG   fCG  D  12.2 , (5.3.8-3)

where k — coefficient with the following fCG — coefficient equal to:

number of studs from the pressure side: for fixed-pitch propellers 5.2
three 0.33 for detachable-blade propellers 6.2
four 0.30 If ÑG is beyond the range of 0.85 to 1.1,
five 0.28 this coefficient is taken equal to the corre-
S — maximum blade thickness in the de- sponding limit value;
sign root section (see Fig. 5.3.1), in mm; D — propeller diameter, in m;
b — width of the expanded cylindrical sec- zb — number of blades;
tion of the blade in the design root section Z — number of fastening bolts of blades;
(see Fig. 5.3.1), in m; Rm — tensile strength of blade material in
Rmb — tensile strength of blade material, in tension, in MPa;
MPa; dc — bolt pitch circle diameter, in mm.
5 Propellers 411

5.3.9 Blade fastening bolts shall be screwed Ships with two vertical axis propellers shall
using drawing-up controlling device so that be fitted with independent standby pump for
preliminary tightening of bolts is 60 to 70 per both propellers.
cent of the yield point. In ships with main engines of total power
Measures shall be taken to prevent sponta- of less than 220 kW it is allowed to use a
neous untwisting. hand pump as a standby pump. The capacity
of this hand pump shall be sufficient to move
5.4 PROPELLER BALANCING the blades within a time period specified in
5.6.7. Instead of this pump it is also possible
5.4.1 The completely finished propellers to use a hand drive to turn the propellers
shall be statically balanced. The extent of bal- blades. When served by one person the force
ancing shall be checked by a test load, which on the handle of this drive shall not exceed
being suspended from the tip of every blade in 160 N.
horizontal position, shall cause the propeller
to rotate. 5.5.2 Pitch changing mechanism shall en-
The weight m of the test load shall be de- able setting of blades to the ahead running
termined by the formula, in kg: position in case of failure of pitch changing
m  k mp R , (5.4.1) mechanism hydraulic drive system.
where k — coefficient adopted from Table 5.6 REQUIREMENTS TO WATER-JET
5.4.1 depending on the rated rotational speed PROPELLERS, VERTICAL AXIS
of the propeller n; PROPELLERS AND STEERABLE
T a b l e 5.4.1 THRUSTERS
Coefficient k 5.6.1 Pumps of water-jet propellers shall
n, min–1 k comply with the applicable requirements of
Up to 200 0.55 7.7.
Over 200 to 500 0.5
Over 500 0.25 5.6.2 Parts of vertical axis propellers, steer-
able thrusters, water intake and nozzle of wa-
mp — propeller weight, in t; ter-jet propellers, including their welded
R — radius of the propeller, in m. joints, shall be tested for absence of surface
and hidden effects, including by means of
non-destructive testing, the methods, scope
5.5 HYDRAULIC DRIVE OF VERTICAL and standards of which are specified in 8 and
AXIS PROPELLER PITCH CHANGING in 2.20 to 2.23 Appendix 10 Part X of the
MECHANISM Rules shall be complied with.
5.5.1 In the hydraulic drive system of verti- 5.6.3 Shafts and impellers of water-jet pro-
cal axis propeller pitch changing mechanism peller pumps and parts of vertical axis propel-
at least two pumps of equal capacity (main ler rotors during manufacture shall undergo
and standby) shall be provided. One of these ultrasonic inspection according to 2.21 Ap-
pumps can be driven by the main engine. pendix 10 Part X of the Rules shall be com-
Each pump shall ensure moving of blades in plied with.
all operation modes of propellers.
If more than two pumps are installed, their 5.6.4 Strength calculations of vertical axis
capacity is selected in a way that in case of propeller blades shall be carried out and shall
failure of any of these pumps the total capac- comply with the requirements to propellers
ity of the remaining operating pumps shall be described in 5.3.2 and 5.3.3.
sufficient to move the blades within a time 5.6.5 Hydraulic control system for moving
period specified in 5.6.7. control centre and blades of vertical axis pro-
412 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

peller shall comply with the requirements of 5.6.10 Steerable thrusters shall be equipped
5.5. with devices securing their position when the
5.6.6 In ships with vertical axis propellers, thruster is turned to any permissible angle.
where the overload of main engines under
operating conditions is possible, the devices 5.6.11 If the ship’s course is changed by
automatically protecting the main engines turning the steerable thrusters, the time of
from overload shall be used. turning of each thruster by 180° shall not ex-
ceed the following values (s) for installations
5.6.7 The travelling time of control centre with propeller diameter:
and blades of vertical axis propeller from full up to two (m) 20
ahead position to full astern position with over two (m) 30
disabled main engines shall not exceed 20 s.
5.6.8 If propulsion plants with steerable 5.6.12 The design of steerable thruster shall
thrusters are used, at least two steerable exclude ingress of overboard water in its in-
thrusters shall be installed on the ship. ternal spaces. When installed the sealings used
The control stations equipped with neces- for this purpose shall be leak tested by pres-
sary devices and communication facilities sure corresponding to the maximum height of
according to requirements of 1.5 and 1.6 shall liquid column in the pressure tanks.
be provided.
5.6.9 Propeller shafts of steerable thrusters 5.6.13 After assembly the inner part of
shall comply with the applicable requirements steerable thruster shall be tested by test hy-
of 3 of this Part and their vertical shafts shall draulic pressure corresponding to the maxi-
comply with the applicable requirements of mum operating immersion depth considering
2.3 Part V of the Rules. the pressure head of sealing arrangements.
6 Torsional Vibration 413


6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS characteristics (changing the grade of silicone

fluid, clearances in the silicone damper, ma-
6.1.1 Torsional vibration calculations (per-
terial or dimensions of the flywheel, spring
formed by organization certified by the River
packs, diameter of the damper pins etc.);
Register on computer application for torsional
vibration calculations) for onboard propulsion .6 when elastic coupling is installed, with-
plants, diesel engines tested on the manufac- drawn or replaced by a coupling with different
turer’s benches, diesel-generator units, geared technical parameters;
diesel units, air-injection units and diesels- .7 when a new propeller (propulsion de-
pump units (hereinafter referred to as the vice) is installed which dimensions or material
units) with engine output of 110 kW and more differ from those stated in the specification,
shall be submitted to the River Register in the or the blades’ edges of the existing propeller
course of approval of: were cut off, and the moment of inertia of the
new propeller (propulsion device) or propeller
.1 of engineering design of a new ship;
(vertical axis propeller) with cut-off blades
.2 engineering design of a new engine or
together with entrained water differs from the
former one by 10 % and over;
.3 technical documentation modernized,
.8 when additional power consumer (shaft
re-equipped or re-classed ship.
generator, pump etc.) is installed, withdrawn
6.1.2 In the process of technical documen- or replaced by a power consumer of other
tation development the vibration oscillation type and the moment of inertia of the receiver
calculations are made in the following cases: is commensurable with the moment of inertia
.1 when installing a main engine, the of the crank gear of the working cylinder;
model and the parameters of which differ .9 if the shafts’ diameters are changed by
from that of the specification for the ship en- 2 % and over or their compliance is changed
gine; by more than 5 %. Torsional vibration calcu-
.2 when installing onboard an engine of lation may not be submitted if the change of
the same model but with increased super- dimensions of separate shaft sections does
charging or of modified design, or with crank- cause the change of shaft flexibility by more
shaft or pistons made of material other than than 5 % or, if the shaft flexibility is changed,
stated in the specification; to dangerous torsional vibrations;
.3 when a new flywheel is installed or the .10 when the unit is modernized with re-
existing one is grooved and the moment of placement of the engine (generator, reduction
inertia of the new flywheel differs from the gear, compressor, pump) with an engine (gen-
former one by 10 % and over; erator, reduction gear, compressor, pump)
.4 when an additional flywheel is in- differing from the earlier installed one.
stalled; N o t e . Torsional vibration calculations need
not to be submitted if it is proved by the docu-
.5 when a torsional oscillation damper
ments that the torsional diagram of torsional vi-
(dynamic vibration absorber) is installed, brating system is fully analogous (by appearance
withdrawn or replaced with a damper (vibra- and parameters of torsional diagram links) to the
tion absorber) with other technical parame- torsional diagram used for the torsional vibration
ters; the damper (vibration absorber) has been calculations of the propulsion plant of the studied
repaired with changing the damping or elastic ship or unit and considered by the River Register
414 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

earlier or the differences of mass moment of inertia .4 values of vector sums of vector dia-
or flexibility of connections do not exceed 10 % grams for all disturbing moment harmonic
and 5 %, respectively orders being under consideration;
6.1.3 Torsional vibration calculations shall .5 calculation results of resonance tor-
be submitted (see 6.1.1) for the basic variant sional vibration parameters including data on
and other variants of operation of onboard design stresses in the weakest sections appear-
propulsion plants, engines bench tested by the ing due to all essential resonances. If principal
manufacturer and units: order resonance is located near the range of
.1 maximum power take-off and idling 0.85 to 1.05 of nominal rotation speed,
speed (with the propeller blades at zero posi- stresses appearing due to non-resonance
tion) for installations comprising vertical axis forced vibrations due to the principal order
propellers; shall be calculated for this range. When elastic
.2 connection of additional power con- coupling is provided, amplitudes of elastic
sumers if their moments of inertia are com- moments or stresses in its elements shall be
mensurable with the inertia moments of the determined and compared with the permissi-
crank gear of the working cylinder; ble values; if reduction gear is provided, am-
.3 reverse mode in installations with re- plitudes of elastic moments shall be deter-
verse reduction gear and different reduction at mined and compared with mean torque;
ahead and astern speed; .6 conclusions based on the calculation
.4 with spare (changeable) propeller if it results.
differs from the primary one; For other requirements to the scope and
.5 with one disabled cylinder for installa- presentation of torsional vibration calcula-
tions with elastic couplings and reduction tions, see 2 of the Guidlines Ð.009-2004
gears. A disabled cylinder is the cylinder the “Torsional vibration calculations and meas-
non-operation of which has maximum effect urements for shaftings and units”.
on increase of stresses and variable torques.
6.1.4 Torsional vibration calculations shall AND MOMENTS
6.2.1 Permissible stresses due to resonance,
.1 reduced torsional diagram of the system
by-resonance and non-resonance forced vi-
and summary table of data characterising this
brations in the course of continuous operation
diagram including rated power, rated and
(engine operation in a mode with crankshaft
nominal engine crankshaft rotation speed, its
constant rotation speed for over 30 min) shall
cylinder arrangement (in-line, V-type), the
not exceed the values determined by the for-
number and working order of the cylinders,
the cylinder bore, the piston stroke, names of
weights and joints, diameters, length of all for main engine crankshafts and propeller
shafts of the system, compliance of the joints, shafts
weight inertia moments, as well as data on the
gear-box, couplings, damper (vibration ab-
 
perm   45  0.4 d  13n nrated ; (6.2.1-1)

sorber), propeller or power consumer used in for intermediate and thrust shafts
.2 tables of calculations of free vibration
 
perm   69  0.6 d  20n nrated ; (6.2.1-2)

frequency of any form having essential reso- for crankshafts of engines driving genera-
nances in the range from 0.2 to 1.2 times the tors and other onboard machinery of essential
nominal speed; purpose, as well as for generator shafts in ro-
.3 tables of calculations of disturbing tation speed range of (0.85–1.05)nrated
moment values in relation to the shaft rota-
tion frequency and disturbing moment har-

perm   22.5  0.2 d ,  (6.2.1-3)

monic orders; where perm — permissible stresses, in MPa;

6 Torsional Vibration 415

d — shaft diameter in the weakest section, for intermediate shafts and thrust shafts
in mm;
perm  1.7 perm ; (6.2.3-2)
n — rotational speed under consideration,
in min–1; for crankshafts of engines driving auxiliary
nrated — rated rotational speed, in min–1. engines and generator shafts
For ships, the main engines of which oper- perm  5 perm ; (6.2.3-3)
ate in the conditions with crankshaft rotation
speed below the rated value for more than 5 h where perm — permissible stresses for rota-
(for example, tugs, trawlers, etc.), in all cases tional speed ranges prohibited for continuous
n = nrated. running, in MPa;
It is necessary to avoid resonance in the perm — permissible stresses, in MPa, de-
rotation speed ranges where main engines termined by the formulae (6.2.1-1) to
operate for more than 1 h. (6.2.1-3) accordingly. Formulae (6.2.3-1) to
In case when resonances occur in the rota- (6.2.3-3) are not applied in the ranges of
tion speed range (0.85 ¼ 1.05)nnom, stresses 0.3 ¼ 0.4 and 0.85 ¼ 1.05 of the nominal rota-
due to them shall not exceed 70 % of per- tion speed in which forbidden zones are not
missible stresses being determined by the for- allowed.
mulae (6.2.1-1) and (6.2.1-2).
6.2.4 Variable torques in shafting in the ro-
6.2.2 Permissible stresses due to torsional tation speed range of 0.85 to 1.05 of rated one
vibration (see 6.2.1) are given relating to shall not exceed 80 % of maximum mid-range
shafts made of steel with tensile strength from torque transferred by shafting.
430 to 510 MPa.
For shafts made of steel with tensile 6.2.5 Variable elastic torque in any stage of
strength above 510 MPa, permissible stresses the reduction gear in the course of long-term
may be determined by the formula operation (see 6.2.1) and fast passing (see
6.2.3) through the resonance shall not exceed
  perm  2Rm  510  Rm , (6.2.2) the permissible values determined by the
where perm — permissible stresses, in MPa, manufacturer for these conditions. If there are
determined by the formulae (6.2.1-1), no such permissible values, the elastic torque
(6.2.1-2) or (6.2.1-3); shall not exceed 30 % of maximum mid-range
Rm — tensile strength of the shaft material torque of the given stage. Alternatively the limit
in tension, in MPa. value of elastic torque of gear stage is set to en-
sure reliable teeth behaviour in bending. In this
When using materials with tensile strength
above 780 MPa, Rm = 780 MPa shall be case the corresponding calculation shall be sub-
adopted for calculation purpose. mitted.
Displacement of clearances in engagement
6.2.3 To prevent damage of engine crank- when the direction of rotation is changed
shaft or propeller shaft caused by impermissi- shall be considered possible only for short-
ble stresses due to torsional vibrations appear- term transient conditions (max. 5 min) at ro-
ing in the rotation speed zones conditionally tation speed of 0.35 of rated one and lower.
called prohibited for long-term operation, the
stresses from torsional vibrations in these 6.2.6 Variable torque in coupling with elas-
zones free for fast (max. 1 min) passing (see tic (rubber) components, stresses correspond-
6.3) shall not exceed the values determined by ing to it or temperature in material of elastic
the formulaes: component caused by torsional vibrations in
the course of long-term operation (see 6.2.1)
for main engine crankshafts and propeller
shafts and fast passing (see 6.2.3) shall not exceed
the permissible values determined by the
perm  2  perm ; (6.2.3-1) manufacturer for these conditions.
416 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

Permissible compression stresses perm and example, by permissible elastic torque or per-
perm shear stress permissible in elastic couplings missible heat density. The due dates of main-
with rubber components shall be determined tenance of torsional vibration dampers speci-
with the help of the following formulas. fied by the manufacturer shall be observed.
In case of static load — transfer of con-
stant torques at minor dynamic loads due to 6.3 MEASUREMENT OF TORSIONAL
misalignment, weak torsional vibrations, etc., VIBRATION PARAMETERS
in MPa: 6.3.1 Data obtained from torsional vibra-

perm  70  0.5H 2
  10  H 10.5 ; tion calculations for onboard propulsion
plants, engines bench tested at the manufac-
(6.2.6-1) turer and units shall be confirmed by the re-
perm  H  20, (6.2.6-2) sults of measurements of torsional vibration
where H — Shore hardness of rubber amplitudes and/or stresses in torsional vibrat-
(H =30  75); ing system elements and elastic couplings
thermometry carried out by organization cer-
 — shape variation coefficient at com-
tified by the River Register to conduct this
pression equal to the ratio of the loaded sur-
type of activity.
face area of the rubber component to its free
surface area. Measurement of torsional vibration pa-
rameters is made:
In case of static load with occasional short-
term (max. 5 min) dynamic loads — transient .1 on propulsion plant of the first ship in
conditions, engine starts and stops, passing a series, prototype engine of a series bench
through torsional vibration resonances, in tested at the manufacturer and prototype unit
of a series;
.2 on series-built propulsion plants, en-
 
perm  50  H 2 80  10  H 10.5  ; gines, units or propulsion plants, engines,
(6.2.6-3) units being repaired, if the modernization or
repair has brought to changes in torsional
perm  0.5H  5. (6.2.6-4)
vibrating system in cases specified in 6.1.2.
In case of dynamic load — transfer of con- If after introducing changes to the design
siderable variable torque due to torsional vi- or technical parameters of separate compo-
brations (over 75 % of mid-range torque of nents of torsional vibrating system (engine,
engine), operation under conditions of in- couplings, gearings, shafts, propeller) the tor-
creased misalignment, etc., in MPa: sional vibration calculations reveal no essen-
 
perm  47  H 2 130  10  H 10.5  ; tial deviations of stress caused by torsional
vibration to the dangerous side1 as compared
(6.2.6-5) to the measurements and calculations made
perm  0.4H – 6 . (6.2.6-6) prior to introducing such changes, it is al-
lowed not to measure torsional vibration pa-
6.2.7 If the prime movers are rigidly con- rameters;
nected with generator units with no permissi- .3 on propulsion plants, engines and units
ble values determined by the manufacturer, in service in the course of periodical control
the variable torque in the course of long-term tests envisaged by the technical documenta-
operation (see 6.2.1) shall not exceed the tion or the manufacturer's recommendations
nominal torque of generator over 2.5 times, in and conducted by the ship owner to check the
case of fast passing through the resonance – operational efficiency of torsional vibration
over six times.
6.2.8 Fitness of dampers for torsional vi- 1
Deviations at which the stress due to torsional
bration reduction shall be estimated according vibrations reaches 80 % of the values specified in
to the manufacturer's recommendations, for installed 6.2.1.
6 Torsional Vibration 417

dampers or special devices to reduce torsional and expected by results of rotation speed pro-
vibration amplitudes after a specific operation hibited zone calculations;
period; .2 for the modes listed in while the
.4 at control tests after repair of torsional engine operates with one disabled cylinder.
vibration dampers or special arrangements for Tests shall be carried out with the engine
damping torsional vibration amplitudes, if control by means of remote automated con-
changes have been introduced in the course of trol system and manual control.
repair which brought to changing their damp-
ing or elastic characteristics. 6.3.6 If the stress measurement (strain
Tests for measuring torsional vibration pa- measurement) is not carried out during the
rameters shall be performed in operation tests, the calculations by results of torsional
modes of the installation, for which the calcu- vibration amplitude measurement (torsiogram)
lations are made according to 6.1.1 to 6.1.3. shall be made. In this case when processing
the test results by maximum vibration ampli-
6.3.2 Measured natural vibration frequency tudes within a cycle the graphs of vibration
shall not differ from the design one by more amplitude progress in the place of their meas-
than 5 %. Otherwise, the torsional diagram urement are plotted. Besides the aforemen-
and (or) the parameters of its members shall tioned graphs the test report shall contain the
be corrected and free vibration parameters progress graphs of harmonic component am-
shall be recalculated. plitudes obtained by Fourier analysis of the
6.3.3 The stresses shall be determined on processed test results and the stress scales for
the basis of torsiography (measuring of vibra- various shafting sections determined when
tion amplitudes) for maximal vibration ampli- calculating free vibration parameters of the
tudes of the respective section of the torsi- shaft system under examination.
ogram; when assessing non-resonance forced Effective stresses on the shafting sections
vibrations harmonic analysis of the torsiogram under examination shall be determined by
shall be made summing the stresses calculated by amplitudes
of basic harmonic components and the corre-
6.3.4 Torsional vibration parameters shall sponding stress scales.
be measured as per the program developed by
If the tests reveal development of forced
the organization conducting the tests accord-
ing to the requirements of this Section and non-resonance vibrations, the organization
agreed with the River Register while the ship performing the tests shall make the Fourier
analysis of the torsiogram and determine the
follows a direct course in the water areas, the
depth of which is at least four times the ship stresses in dangerous cross-sections of shafting
caused by these vibrations.
draught, with the wind force up to three.
6.3.5 Tests shall include measurement of 6.3.7 In diesel plants with reduction gears
torsional vibration parameters in operation and reverse reduction gears the torsional vi-
modes for which the calculations according to bration amplitude shall be measured on the
6.1.2 and 6.1.3 shall be made: crankshaft fore end. If it is impossible to
.1 in the entire rotation speed range from measure torsional vibration amplitude on the
crankshaft fore end, the amplitude shall be
minimum steady to maximum one and in the
maximum output mode with different variants measured on the shafting after the engine.
of start of engines and power consumers. Spe- Measurements on shafting are also taken in
cial attention shall be given to measurement the following cases:
of parameters at the rotation speeds corre- .1 when design stresses in any section of
sponding to full, moderate and low speed of shaft system are equal or exceed 80 % of the
the ship and to check of resonance and by- value perm determined by the formulaes
resonance stresses detected by calculations (6.2.1-1) and (6.2.1-2);
418 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

.2 if the torsional vibrating system has 6.4.2 Accuracy of tachometer measurement

elastic coupling; shall be within ±2.5 %, if there are forbidden
.3 if dangerous vibration shapes according rotation speed ranges.
to results of calculation are predicted which 6.4.3 Prohibited rotation speed zone shall
cannot be exactly detected by the torsi- be clearly marked on the tachometers by well-
ographic method on the bow end of the en- visible preferably red paint or designated by
gine crankshaft. other method at all control stations of the
6.3.8 For other requirements to measure- power installation.
ment of torsional vibration parameters and 6.4.4 Limit values within the prohibited ro-
processing their results, see Section 3 Guidli- tation speed zones:
nes Ð.009-2004. .1 for direct drives — permissible stresses
(see 6.21 to 6.2.3) more than 2.5 times;
.2 for reverse reduction gears — nominal
6.4 RESTRICTED ROTATION SPEED torques more than 2 times;
RANGES .3 for systems with elastic couplings —
6.4.1 When the effective stresses and tem- maximum pulse torque specified in the tech-
nical documentation of the coupling manu-
peratures exceed the values permitted for
long-term operation (see 6.2.1), the organiza- facturer.
tion conducting the tests shall set prohibited 6.4.5 In the rotation speed zone of
rotation speed zones (see 6.2.3). Forbidden (0.85¼1.05)nrated the prohibited zones are not
rotation speed zone covers the range between allowed.
the rotation speed being characterised by the Prohibited rotation speed zone shall be
equality of acting and permissible stresses with passed at a maximum possible speed deter-
extension to either side by value of 0.03 of the mined based on the conditions with no engine
nominal rotation speed. overload.
7 Compressors, Pumps, Fans and Separators 419


7.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION T a b l e 7.3.1

Materials for manufacture
7.1.1 The requirements of this Section of
of compressor, pump, fan and separator parts
the Rules apply to:
Chapter of
.1 power-driven air compressors; Item Material Part X of
.2 pumps being a part of systems regu- the Rules
lated by 10 of this Part and 3 of Part III of 1 Compressors and
the Rules, except for hand-driven pumps; piston pumps
.3 fans being a part of systems regulated 1.1 Crankshaft Forged steel 2.6
by 10 of this Part; Cast steel 2.7
.4 centrifugal separators making part of Cast iron 2.11
fuel and oil systems. 1.2 Connecting Forged steel 2.6
rod, piston rod
1.3 Piston Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
Cast steel 2.7
Forged steel 2.6
7.2.1 Shafts and impellers (rims) of com- Copper alloy 3.1
pressors, pumps, fans and separators during Aluminium alloy 4.2
manufacture are subject to ultrasonic control 1.4 Cylinder block, Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
cylinder covers Cast steel 2.7
according to the requirements of 2.21 Appen-
1.5 Cylinder sleeve Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
dix 10 Part X of the Rules shall be complied
2 Centrifugal
with.. pumps, fans and air
7.2.2 Forged and cast steel parts including blowers
their welded joints during the manufacture 2.1 Shaft Forged steel 2.6
shall undergo surface soundness control ac- Rolled steel 2.2
2.2 Impeller, vane Cast steel 2.7
cording to 6.1.5 of RTSC. Non-destructive
Copper alloy 3.1
control of parts and their welded joints shall
Aluminium alloy 4.2
be carried out in case of any doubts about the 2.3 Housing Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
presence of defects. Cast steel 2.7
7.2.3 Parts of compressors, pumps and fans Rolled steel 2.2
operating under excessive pressure shall un- 2.3 Housing Copper alloy 3.1
dergo hydraulic test according to 6.2.29 of Aluminium alloy 4.2
3 Centrifugal
3.1 Drum shaft Forged steel 2.6
7.3 MATERIALS AND WELDING 3.2 Casing of Ditto 2.6
drum, drum disks
7.3.1 Materials intended for manufacture of
3.3 Drive pinions Ditto 2.6
compressor, pump, fan and separator parts Copper alloy 3.1, 3.2
shall meet the requirements referenced in the
right column of Table 7.3.1. steels and cast iron, nodular and lamellar
7.3.2 The requirements of 2.1.4 to 2.1.6 graphite cast iron as well as application of
shall be taken into account when using alloy welding.
420 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

7.4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7.5.2 Inlet branch pipes of compressors

shall be fitted with meshes.
7.4.1 Construction and design of compres-
sors, pumps, fans and separators shall meet 7.5.3 Air purification and cooling shall be
the requirements of 1.3 and 1.5. provided according to the requirements of
10.16.15, 10.16.16.
7.4.2 Fasteners of compressors, pumps,
fans and separators as well as fasteners located 7.5.4 Compressor cooling chambers shall
in hardly accessible places shall have fittings be fitted with discharge devices.
or be of such design as to prevent spontane- 7.5.5 A safety valve shall be installed on
ous slackening and unscrewing. each compressor stage or directly after it to
Drive moving parts shall be covered by prevent the pressure rise in the stage above
protective housings. 1.1 of the rated one at closed valve on the
7.4.3 Devices for units and parts lubrication pressure piping.
shall be easily accessible and safe for serving 7.5.6 A fuse or alarm device shall be fitted
personnel during the operation of the units. on the pressure branch pipe directly after the
7.4.4 Safety and protection devices shall be compressor which is actuated when air tem-
perature reaches 125 °C.
so designed and installed as to avoid the fire
risk and danger for servicing personnel due to 7.5.7 Air cooler cases shall be fitted with
its operation. safety devices ensuring free air discharge in
case of piping breakage.
7.4.5 Parts contacting with the environ-
ment causing corrosion shall be manufactured 7.5.8 A manometer shall be fitted after
of anti-corrosion material or have corrosion- each compressor stage.
resistant coatings. 7.5.9 It shall be possible to measure air
Units and parts of mechanisms which are temperature on the pressure branch pipe di-
made of materials with different electric po- rectly after the compressor.
tentials and which may contact with aggres-
sive media, shall be protected against electro- 7.5.10 Built-on compressors shall be
lytic corrosion. equipped with instrumentation permitting to
estimate the operating parameters of these
7.4.6 Heating surfaces of compressors, pumps, compressors.
fans and separators presenting fire hazard
shall have heat- and fire-resistant insulation, 7.5.11 Compressors shall be installed in the
or design measures shall be taken to prevent places where sucked air has minimum pollu-
the ingress of fuel and oil to the indicated tion with combustible liquid vapours.
surfaces of the aforementioned equipment.
Heat insulation shall be covered by metallic
housing or fuel- and oil-proof composition.
7.6.1 Checking calculation method men-
7.4.7 Systems and pipelines of compressors,
tioned in 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 is applicable to steel
pumps, fans and separators shall comply with
and cast iron crankshafts of onboard compres-
the requirements of 10 of this Part.
sors with in-line, V-shaped and W-shaped
cylinder arrangement, with one- and multi-
7.5 POWER-DRIVEN AIR stage compression.
7.6.2 Crankshafts shall be made of steel
with tensile strength from 410 to 780 MPa.
7.5.1 Compressors and their drives shall be Cast iron crankshafts shall be made of
so designed as to provide continuous opera- nodular cast iron according to 2.11 Part X of
tion (more than 1 h) at full load. the Rules.
7 Compressors, Pumps, Fans and Separators 421

7.6.3 The diameter dk of compressor crank- Lð = 1,1L if there are two displaced crank-
shaft journals shall be not less than the one throws between two main bearings (mm);
determined by the formula, in mm: L — actual distance between main bearing
centres, in mm;
d k  0.25k 3 Dp 2 pk 0.3Lp 2 f  (s 1 )2 , s — piston stroke, in mm.
(7.6.3) 7.6.4 Thickness of crank web hk (Fig. 7.6.4)
where k, f, 1 — coefficients adopted from shall be not less than that determined by the
Tables 7.6.3-1, 7.6.3-2 and 7.6.3-3; formula, in mm:
T a b l e 7.6.3-1 hk  0.105k1 Dð  1 2  0.4  pk c1 f1 b,
Coefficient k
Rm, MPa k Rm, MPa k
where k1 — coefficient:
360 1.43 660 1.23
460 1.35 780 1.20 k1  a 3 Rm  2Rm  430  ,
560 1.23 880 1.18 (7.6.4-2)
T a b l e 7.6.3-2
Coefficient f
Angle between Angle between
f f
cylinder axes cylinder axes
0 1.0 60 1.96
45 2.9 90 1.21
T a b l e 7.6.3-3
Coefficient 1
Number of cylinders 1 Number of cylinders 1
1 1.0 6 1.3
2 1.1 8 1.4
4 1.2

Dp— design diameter of the cylinder, in

mm, at compression:
single-stage D ð  Dñ
two- and multi-stage in Dð  Dh
separate cylinders Fig. 7.6.4. Shaft web thickness.
two-stage in one step piston D p  1.4 D h r — fillet radius  — absolute value of the shaft journal
overlap, in mm
two-stage in one differential
piston Dð  Dl 2  Dh2 a — coefficient for shafts equal to:
Dñ — cylinder diameter, in mm; with entire surface nitrided or strengthened 0.9
by other method
Dh — high pressure cylinder diameter, in forged in dies or in the direction of fibers 0.95
mm; not exposed to strengthening 1
Dl — low pressure cylinder diameter, in Rm — tensile strength of the material at
mm; tension, in MPa; if the material with tensile
ph — high-pressure cylinder pumping pres- strength over 780 MPa is used, Rm = 780 MPa
sure; shall be taken for calculations;
Lð — design distance between main bear- Dd — design diameter of the cylinder
ings, in mm: (see 7.6.3), in mm;
Lð = L if there is one crankthrow between 1, 2 — coefficients adopted from Ta-
two main bearings; bles 7.6.4-1, 7.6.4-2; for determination of
422 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

coefficient 2 minimum fillet radius shall be 7.7.3 Pumps shall be so designed as to pro-
taken; vide control of their parameters, draining of
T a b l e 7.6.4-1 inner spaces and connection of pressure gauge
Coefficient 1 and for self-priming pumps — vacuum pres-
B/dk 1 B/dk 1 sure gauge.
1.2 0.62 1.8 1.08 7.7.4 If the pump design allows the pres-
1.4 0.65 2.0 1.15 sure rise above the rated value, there shall be
1.5 1.0 2.2 1.27
provided a safety valve on the pump case or
T a b l e 7.6.4-2 on the pipeline before the first shut-off valve.
Coefficient 2
7.7.5 In pumps intended for inflammable
Coefficient 2 at /hê, equal to liquid pumping liquid cross-over from safety
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
valves shall be directed into the suction
0.07 4.5 4.5 4.28 4.1 3.7 3.3 2.75
chamber of the pump.
0.10 3.5 3.5 3.34 3.18 2.88 2.57 2.18
0.15 2.9 2.9 2.82 2.65 2.4 2.07 1.83 7.7.6 Measures shall be taken to avoid wa-
0.20 2.5 2.5 2.41 2.32 2.06 1.79 1.61 ter hammers; application of relief valves for
0.25 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.4 these purposes is not recommended.
N o t e . r and  — see Figure 7.6.4.
7.7.7 Strength of the pump parts shall be
ðh — pumping pressure according to in- checked by the manufacturer for loads corre-
structions of 7.6.3, in MPa; sponding to the design parameters of the
ñ1 — distance from the centre of the main pump. Stresses in the parts shall not exceed
bearing to the centre plane of the crank web; 40 per cent of tensile strength of the part ma-
for shifted cranks located between two main terial.
bearings a distance shall be taken to the cen-
7.7.8 Critical rotation speed of the pump
tre plane of the crank web which is the most
rotor shall be not less than 1.3 times the de-
distant from the support, in mm;
sign rotation speed.
f1 — coefficient adopted from Table 7.6.4-3;
b — crank web width, in mm. 7.7.9 Pumps equipped with self-sucking
devices shall provide operation in conditions
T a b l e 7.6.4-3
of “dry suction1” and shall have devices
Coefficient f1
(strainer, fine filter) to prevent the operation
Angle between Angle between of the self-sucking device with contaminated
f1 f1
cylinder axes cylinder axes
0 1.0 60 1.4
45 1.7 90 1.1 7.7.10 Shaft sealings of pumps for inflam-
mable liquids shall be such that the possible
7.6.5 The requirements of 2.5.3 to 2.5.6 leakages do not cause formation of inflamma-
shall be met when designing and manufactur- ble mixture of liquid and air vapours.
ing the shafts.
7.7.11 Glands of rotating parts of pumps
for inflammable liquid pumping shall be so
7.7 PUMPS designed as to prevent their heating above
50 °C.
7.7.1 Measures shall be taken to prevent
the ingress of pumped liquid into the bearings, 7.7.12 When using material with low elec-
except for the pumps in which the pumped tric conductivity (plastic, rubber etc.) in con-
liquid is used for lubrication of bearings.
7.7.2 The pump glands on the inlet side are 1
Pump operation mode in which the suction
to be equipped with hydraulic back-pressure pipeline and the wet end of pump are not filled
valve. with pumped liquid.
7 Compressors, Pumps, Fans and Separators 423

struction of pumps for inflammable liquids latter shall be made of antistatic materials.
measures shall be taken for removal of electri- Installation of fans onboard the ship shall
cal charges from them by means of additions ensure their safe grounding to the ship's hull
to its composition or using discharging and according to requirements of 2.6 Part VI of
earthing devices. the Rules.
7.7.13 Cases of cargo pumps (except for 7.9.4 The impeller and the body in the area
submersible pumps) shall be fitted with tem- of possible contact with the impeller shall be
perature sensors. made of non-sparking materials.
The following combinations of the impeller
7.8 FANS and the body materials are considered non-
7.8.1 Fans intended for the systems indi-
.1 non-metallic materials having anti-
cated in 10 of this Part shall comply with the
static properties;
following requirements:
.2 non-ferrous base alloys;
.1 fan and air blower rotors shall be dy-
.3 stainless austenitic steel;
namically balanced jointly with connecting
.4 the impeller is made of aluminium or
couplings according to 4.3.2;
magnesium alloy and the body is made of cast
.2 inlet branch pipes of fans and air blow-
iron or steel (including stainless austenitic
ers shall be fitted with safety screens to pre-
steel), when a ring made of non-ferrous base
vent foreign objects from getting inside.
alloys is installed inside the body in the im-
7.8.2 Impeller shall be so designed that peller area;
equivalent stresses in any section shall not .5 any combination of cast iron and steel
exceed 0.65 of the yield stress of the impeller impellers and bodies (including the variant
material at rotation speed equal to 1.3 times when the impeller and the body are made of
the rated value. austenitic stainless steel) provided that the
7.8.3 The impeller shall undergo strength clearance between them is not less than
test at the manufacturer on acceleration unit 13 mm.
at a rotation speed equal to 1.3 of the rated 7.9.5 The following combinations of mate-
value for 5 min. Strength shall be considered rials are not admitted:
sufficient if no signs of deformation are re- .1 the impellers are made of aluminium
vealed after the test. and magnesium alloys, and the bodies are
made of ferrous base alloys;
7.9 REQUIREMENTS TO FANS .2 the impellers are made of ferrous-base
OF CARGO PUMP SPACES ONBOARD alloys and the bodies are made of aluminium
OIL TANKERS or magnesium alloys;
7.9.1 Air clearance between the impeller .3 the impellers and the bodies are made
and the body of a fan shall be not less than of ferrous-base alloys and the clearance be-
0.1 of the diameter of the impeller shaft jour- tween them is less than 13 mm.
nal in the bearing area, but not less than
2 mm in all cases. Clearance exceeding 7.10 CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATORS
13 mm is not allowed. 7.10.1 The design of separators shall ex-
7.9.2 Protective meshes with square cells clude leakages of oil products and their va-
having a side dimension not greater than pours in any separation mode.
13 mm shall be fitted at the inlet and outlet of
7.10.2 Separator drums shall be dynami-
ventilation ducts to prevent foreign objects
cally balanced. Position of detachable parts
from getting inside the fan.
shall be marked. The design of disk holder
7.9.3 To prevent accumulation of electric and drum shall exclude the possibility of their
charges on rotating parts and the body the incorrect assembly.
424 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

7.10.3 The “rotor – stator” systems shall be by less than 30 %. The equivalent stresses in
designed in a way that the critical rotation these parts shall not exceed 0.65 of the yield
speed zones exceed the operating rotation point of the material of parts.
speed in empty and filled states.
7.10.7 Strength of rotating parts of separa-
7.10.4 The design of shift sleeves shall ex- tor shall be tested while testing a specimen on
clude the possibility of sparkling and overheat the manufacturer’s bench at a rotation speed
of couplings in all operation modes of separa- exceeding the rated one by not less than
tor. 30 %.
7.10.5 The design of separator electric
heaters shall comply with the requirements of 7.10.8 The separation process monitoring
16.2.32 to 16.2.34 Part VI of the Rules. The system, including check of drum rotation
design of steam heaters shall comply with the speed, shall be provided.
applicable requirements of 8.18. 7.10.9 The separators shall be equipped
7.10.6 Rotating parts of separator shall with protection system automatically disabling
meet the strength requirements at the rotation the separator in case of impermissible vibra-
speed exceeding the rated one (see tion of the unit according to 13.2.17.
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 425


8.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 8.1.4 Prior to manufacture of boilers, heat

exchangers and pressure vessels the documen-
8.1.1 The requirements of this Section of
tation which is specified in RTSC shall be
the Rules apply to:
submitted to the River Register for approval.
steam boilers (including waste-heat boilers)
with steam working pressure of at least 8.1.5 Requirements for feed water systems
0.07 MPa; are stated in 10.17.
hot-water boilers with water temperature
8.1.6 Scope of technical supervision for
above 115 °C;
boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels
heat exchangers and pressure vessels (ex- during the manufacturing process is specified
cept for fluid pressure vessels), which being in in RTSC.
service are fully or partially filled with gas or
steam with a working pressure of at least 8.1.7 Provisions of the present Section of
0.07 MPa and have a capacity of at least the Rules do not apply to:
0.025 m3 or with a production of working .1 manned submersibles and deep water
pressure for a capacity of at least 0.03 MPam3 diving systems as pertaining to their design
(boiler vaporizers, condensers, steam heaters, and strength of pressure hull;
pneumatic tanks of ship systems, carbon diox- .2 liquefied gas cylinders manufactured
ide cylinders and fire extinguishing medium according to national standards2;
reservoirs making a part of fire-fighting sys-
.3 units and parts of ship machinery
tems etc.);
which are not independent pressure vessels;
boilers with high-temperature organic heat
transfer fluid, including waste-heat boilers; .4 arrangements comprising a system of
pipes under pressure and arranged outside the
burning units of fuel oil fired boilers as
boilers, heat-exchangers and vessels;
pertaining to materials and dimensions condi-
tioned by strength of structural members. .5 air coolers with working pressure in air
cavity less than 0.1 MPa;
8.1.2 Hot-water boilers water temperature .6 heat exchangers and fluid pressure ves-
of max. 115 C, filters and coolers of main sels, except for the ones specified in 8.1.2.
and auxiliary machinery as pertaining to ma-
terials and dimensions of components shall 8.1.8 Requirements to hydraulic tests are
comply with the requirements to heat ex- specified in 6.1.7 to 6.1.9 and 6.2.41 to 6.2.42
changers and pressure vessels according to this of RTSC.
Section of the Rules.
8.1.3 Vessels intended for storage of com-
pressed gases and used in various systems and
units while the ship is in service can be 8.2.1 Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure
manufactured according to the national stan- vessels are classified in accordance with Ta-
dards1. The requirements of 8.18.17 to 8.18.20 ble 8.2.1 depending on their parameters and
shall be met. design features.

1 2
GOST 9731, GOST 12247, GOST R 50599. GOST 15860, GOST R 55559.
426 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

T a b l e 8.2.1 are guaranteed by the manufacturer of steel.

Classification of boilers, heat exchangers and The same shall be specified in the accompa-
pressure vessels nying documents. Components and valves
Class of boilers and heat exchangers for media with
I II III temperatures above 500 °C shall be made of
Boilers, including p > 0.35 p ≤ 0.35 alloy steel. .
waste-heat boilers
and hot water boil- 8.3.3 For heat exchangers and pressure ves-
ers with water tem- sels with design temperatures below 250 °C
perature above the shipbuilding steel can be used according
115C, steam super- to 2.2 Part X of the Rules shall be complied
heaters and steam
Pressure vessels and p > 4.0 1.6 < p ≤ 4.0 p ≤ 1.6 T a b l e 8.3.1
heat exchangers or or and Materials for manufacturing parts of boilers,
t > 350 120 < t ≤ 350 t ≤ 120 heat exchangers and pressure vessels
or or and Components of boil- Chapter of
s > 35 16 < s ≤ 35 s ≤ 16 ers, heat exchangers Material Part X of
Pressure vessels and Any and pressure vessels the Rules
heat exchangers parame- 1 Boilers
with toxic, flamma- ters — — 1.1 Shells, end Rolled steel 2.3
ble or explosive plates, tube plates,
working medium drums, headers and
N o t e . p — working pressure, in MPa; t — op- chambers
erating temperature, in Ñ; s — wall thickness, in 1.2 Heated and Seamless steel 2.4
mm. non-heated pipes
1.3 Furnaces and Rolled steel 2.3
elements of
TREATMENT chambers
8.3.1 Materials intended for manufacture of 1.4 Girders, long Forged steel 2.6
and short stays Rolled steel 2.3
parts of boilers, heat exchangers and pressure
1.5 Bodies of valves Forged steel 2.6
vessels shall meet the requirements referenced for working pressure Cast steel 2.7
in the right column of Table 8.3.1. of 0.7 MPa and Cast iron 2.11, 2.12
Materials for parts of boilers, heat ex- over Copper alloys 3.1
changers and pressure vessels of class III, as 2 Heat exchangers
well as parts specified in 1.5 and 2.5 of Ta- and pressure vessels
ble 8.3.1, can be selected in accordance with 2.1 Shells, Forged steel 2.6
the national standards1. distributors, end Rolled steel 2.3
plates, headers and Cast steel 2.7
8.3.2 For manufacture of components of covers
Copper alloys 3.1
boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels it Cast iron 2.12
is allowed to use carbon and carbon- 2.2 Tube plates Rolled steel 2.3
manganese steels at design temperatures of up Copper alloys 3.1
to 400C and low-alloy steel of up to 500C. 2.3 Tubes Seamless steel 2.4
Application of these steels for media with Copper alloys 3.1
temperatures above the specified values is 2.4 Reinforcing Forged steel 2.6
allowed provided their mechanical properties elements, long and Rolled steel 2.3
and long-term strength within 100 000 hours short stays
2.5 Bodies of valves Forged steel 2.6
for working pressure Cast steel 2.7
of 0.7 MPa and Copper alloys 3.1
GOST 5520, GOST 5654, GOST 1060, over, 50 mm in Cast iron 2.12
GOST 977, GOST 7505, GOST 8479. diameter and over
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 427

For noncritical parts of heat exchangers 8.3.9 For parts specified in 1.2 and 2.3 of
(partitions, displacers, branch pipes, bends, Table 8.3.1 electric-welded tubes with longi-
supports) and vessels with working pressure tudinal seam can be used provided their den-
below 0.7 MPa and design temperatures below sity and strength correspond to that of seam-
120C it is allowed to use semi-killed steel1. less tubes2 (see also 8.5.35).
8.3.4 If the yield point at elevated tempera- 8.3.10 Welding and testing of welded joints
ture is taken as the design characteristic of the shall be carried out according to the require-
material, the tensile tests of the material shall ments of 7 and 8 Part X of the Rules shall be
be carried out at the design temperature ac- complied with.
cording to Appendix 10 Part X of the Rules;
if the long-term strength limit is taken as the 8.3.11 Butt joints shall be used.
design characteristic, the data on limit long- 8.3.12 Arrangement of longitudinal welds
term strength at the design temperature shall in line with longitudinal seams of structures
be submitted to the River Register and shall composed of several sections is not allowed.
comply with Table 2.3.7-2 Part X of the Rules
shall be complied with. 8.3.13 Components in which the material
structure may be changed after welding of
8.3.5 The manufacturer is to submit to the plastic processing shall undergo the relevant
River Register data on mechanical properties heat treatment.
and long-term strength of steel and welded
joints at the design temperature, technological When performing heat treatment of a
welded structure, the requirements of Part V
characteristics, welding technique and heat
of RINS shall be met. X of the Rules shall be
complied with.
8.3.6 Boiler valves up to 200 mm in diame-
ter designed for working pressure up to 1 MPa 8.3.14 Heat treatment is required for:
and temperature up to 200 °C with the excep- .1 plate-steel elements of boilers, vessels
tion of safety and feed valves may be manu- and heat exchangers subjected to cold stamp-
factured of nodular cast iron which meets the ing, bending and flanging with plastic defor-
requirements given in 2.11 Part X of the mation of surface fibres exceeding 5 per cent;
Rules shall be complied with. .2 tube plates welded of several compo-
nents; in this case heat treatment may be per-
8.3.7 Components and valves of heat ex-
formed before drilling tube holes;
changers and pressure vessels with a working
pressures up to 1 MPa and a diameter up to .3 welded end plates manufactured by
1000 mm may be manufactured of nodular cold stamping;
cast iron with entirely ferritic structure ac- .4 elements subjected to hot forming with
cording to 2.11 Part X of the Rules shall be the temperature at the end of this process
complied with. being lower than that of forging;
.5 welded structures manufactured of
8.3.8 Application of copper alloys for com-
steels with carbon content over 0.25 per cent.
ponents of boilers, heat exchangers and pres-
sure vessels as well as for their valves is al-
lowed at design temperatures up to 250 °C 8.4 TESTS
and working pressures up to 16 MPa. 8.4.1 Boilers, heat exchangers and pressure
It is not allowed to use copper and copper vessels as well as their valves and fittings, as-
alloys for parts of boilers with high- sembly units and parts shall undergo hydraulic
temperature organic heat transfer fluid and strength and leak tests in accordance with the
parts of their systems. requirements of RTSC.

1 2
GOST 380, GOST 1050. GOST 8731, GOST 8733, GOST 1060.
428 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

8.5 BOILER DESIGN and nozzles passing through the entire thick-
ness of the boiler wall shall be welded from
8.5.1 Requirements of the present Chapter
both sides. Branches and nozzles may also be
apply to structure of onboard steam and hot-
welded by a fillet joint with single-edge prepa-
water boilers.
ration using removable backing strip, or by
8.5.2 Boilers shall be designed and manu- some other method that ensures the penetra-
factured so as to keep their workability in tion throughout the thickness of the part be-
conditions of list and trim in accordance ing attached.
with 1.3.
8.5.10 Walls are considered protected
8.5.3 Boiler walls heated by smoke gases against the influence of heat flow if they are
shall be isolated from thermal flow influence. protected by refractory insulation or by com-
It is allowed to use non-isolated smoke- pact tube row (with maximum clearance be-
heated boiler walls over 20 mm thick only for tween tubes in row up to 3 mm) or by two
gas temperatures up to 800 °C. tube rows situated in staggered order, with
longitudinal interval equal to not more than
8.5.4 Long and short stays in the boiler
two external tube diameter, or by 3 or more
structure as well as connecting tubes shall be
tube rows situated in staggered order with
located so as to avoid bending or shearing
longitudinal interval not exceeding two and a
loads. Members, strength walls, reinforce-
half of external tube diameters.
ments etc. shall have no changes in length of
cross-sections exceeding 20 %. 8.5.11 Boiler drums and headers having a
Control drilled holes shall be provided at wall thickness greater than 20 mm shall be
short-stay ends with a depth of 25 mm plus protected against direct heat flow in accor-
wall thickness, plus weld height. dance with the requirements of 8.5.10. It is
recommended that in vertical gas-tube boilers
8.5.5 For walls reinforced by short stays
the gas uptake pipe passing through the steam
and exposed to flame and high-temperature
space of the boiler shall be protected against
gases the distance between the stays’ centres
direct affection of hot gases.
shall be not greater than 200 mm.
8.5.6 Corner stays of gas-tube boilers shall 8.5.12 Boilers shall be equipped by man-
be arranged at least 200 mm clear of the flame holes for inspection and cleaning of all inner
tubes. Where flat walls are reinforced with surfaces. If it is impossible to equip manholes,
welded-on girders, this should be done so that sight holes shall be foreseen.
the load involved is transferred as far as possi- 8.5.13 Where non-metallic sealing gaskets
ble to the boiler shell or the most rigid parts. are used, manhole and sight hole closures
8.5.7 The distance between flame tubes and shall be so designed as to prevent the gasket
the boiler shell shall be not less than 100 mm. from being forced out.
The distance between any two flame tubes 8.5.14 Manholes shall have clear dimen-
shall be not less than 120 mm. sions of not less than: 300400 mm — for
8.5.8 Branches and nozzles shall be of rigid oval-shaped manholes, 400 mm — for round-
construction and have a minimum length suf- shaped manholes.
ficient for fixing and dismantling the boiler Oval-shaped manholes on cylindrical shells
valves without removing the insulation. shall be located so that the minor axis of the
Branch pipes shall not be exposed to bending manhole is arranged longitudinally.
forces exceeding the limits determined by the
8.5.15 Gas-tube vertical boilers shall have
at least two sight holes on the casing in the
8.5.9 Pads intended for installation of working water level area located one opposite
valves and pipes, as well as branches, sleeves the other.
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 429

8.5.16 All boiler components that impose 8.5.21 The greatest dimension of openings
free access to inner surfaces or their inspec- being reinforced in non-flat walls shall not
tion shall be of a removable type. exceed 500 mm.
8.5.17 Openings for manholes and sight 8.5.22 Minimum thickness of tubular ele-
holes in flat walls, end plates and covers hav- ments (branches, sleeves, unions) attached to
ing a diameter over 4-time wall thickness, the walls of boilers, heat exchangers or pres-
where s is the wall thickness, shall be rein- sure vessels by welding shall be not less than
forced by means of welded nozzles, branch 5 mm;
pieces and pads, or by increasing the design
wall thickness. Openings shall be arranged at 8.5.23 Thickness of smooth flame tube
a distance not less than 1/8 of the size of the shall be not less than 7 and not greater than
opening from the design diameter contour. 20 mm. Thickness of corrugated flame tube
8.5.18 Openings in cylindrical, spherical shall be not less than 10 and not greater than
and conical walls and in dished ends shall be 20 mm.
reinforced by increasing the wall thickness by
8.5.24 Smooth flame tubes with a length
means of welded disc-shaped reinforcing
up to 1400 mm may be made without stiffen-
plates (pads), welded tubular elements, noz-
ing rings. If there are two and more flame
zles, sleeves, branches or by compensation of
tubes in the boiler, stiffening rings of adjacent
wall weakening in the opening area by exces-
tubes shall not lay in one plane.
sive wall thickness as compared to the design
one. 8.5.25 In the flanged area of solid ends
Opening reinforcements shall be made on non-reinforced openings are allowed with a
removable spacers or using other methods diameter less than the wall thickness but not
providing the proper welding quality at weld more than 25 mm. Solid ends are heads which
root. have no openings or those with openings lo-
Disc-shaped pads and tubular elements cated at a distance of not less than 0.2 times
may be used jointly for reinforcement of the of the external diameter from the outside con-
same openings in non-flat walls and end tour of the cylindrical section and with a di-
plates. ameter of not more than 4-time wall thickness
8.5.19 Materials used for the wall to be re- but not over 100 mm.
inforced and for reinforcing elements shall
8.5.26 The minimum wall thickness of
have identical strength characteristics. When dished steel ends shall not be less than 5 mm.
using reinforcing materials with lower strength
The requirement does not apply to the end
characteristics as compared to those of the
plates made of non-ferrous alloys and stainless
wall to be reinforced, the area of the reinforc-
ing sections shall be increased as compared to
the area of reinforcing section of the material 8.5.27 The use of welded dished end plates
having the same strength characteristics as the is allowed provided the positive results of
wall to be reinforced according to the results strength calculations of such bottoms are
of strength and stability calculation of the wall submitted to the River Register. Strength cal-
to be reinforced with use of reinforcing mate- culations shall comply with the requirements
rial with lower strength characteristics. of Section 9 of Guidlines Ð.010-2004
The reinforcing elements shall be reliably “Strength calculation of boilers, heat ex-
attached to the reinforced wall. changers and pressure vessels” and apply
8.5.20 Openings in non-flat walls shall be strength coefficient  (strength coefficient of
located at the distance at least 3-time wall welded joints or coefficient of bottom weak-
thickness, but not less than 50 mm apart from ening by holes depending on the value of
the welded joints. which coefficient is less).
430 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

8.5.28 Flanged end plates (Fig. 8.5.28) are correspond to the value stated in Table 8.5.31.
allowed within the range of diameter up to A minimum wall thickness of stay tubes more
500 mm and for working pressures not over than 70 mm in diameter, in mm, for tubes:
than 1.5 MPa. The radius of curvature of the peripheral 6
end plates Rb shall not exceed 1.2D and dis- arranged inside a tube bundle 5
tance l shall not exceed 2s. T a b l e 8.5.31
Working pressure at minimum thickness
of smoke tube wall
Outer di- Working pressure, in MPa, at minimum
ameter of thickness of smoke tube wall, in mm
smoke tube,
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
in mm
50 1.1 1.75 — —
57 1.0 1.65 — —
Fig. 8.5.28 Flanged end plates 63.5 0.9 1.5 2.1 —
70 0.7 1.35 1.9 —
8.5.29 Radius of curvature of rectangular 76 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25
header sides shall be not less than 1.3 of the 83 — 1.15 1.6 2.1
wall thickness and in any case not less than 89 — 1.05 1.5 1.9
7 mm. The minimum thickness of header
walls designed to accommodate expanded 8.5.32 Thickness of spherical and cylindri-
tubes shall be not less than 14 mm; the width cal walls and tubes shall be not less than:
of ligaments between the holes shall be not .1 5 mm for drawn and welded elements;
less than 0.25 times the pitch between the .2 12 mm for tube plates with expanded
centres of the holes. tubes and radially situated holes;
.3 6 mm for tube plates with welded
8.5.30 Fillet welded joints (Figure 8.5.30) tubes;
are allowed at 2  30 and s  20 mm. The .4 stated in Table 8.5.32 (for tubes). Re-
joint shall be welded by two-side welding. For duction of wall thickness caused by bending
conical shells with 1  70, fillet joints may or expansion shall be compensated by allow-
be welded without edge preparation provided ances.
that the strength requirements for walls of T a b l e 8.5.32
conical elements subject to external pressure Thickness of spherical and cylindrical walls and tubes
are met. Da, in mm s, in mm Da , in mm s, in mm
Up to 20 1.75 Over 95 to 102 3.25
Over 20 to 30 2.0 « 102 « 121 3.5
« 30 « 37 2.2 « 121 « 152 4.0
« 37 « 51 2.4 « 152 « 191 5.0
« 51 « 70 2.6 « 191 5.4
« 70 « 95 3.0
N o t e . Da — internal tube diameter; s — tube
wall thickness.
8.5.33 It is allowed to use tubes with alter-
nating knurled smoothly outlined stamped
turbulators of circular, spiral or hemispheric
form on their inner surface. The tube wall
thickness after knurling or bending shall be
not less than the design value.
Fig. 8.5.30 Fillet welded joints
8.5.34 Length of expanding end in the tube
8.5.31 Working pressure depending on plate in expanded connection shall be not less
minimum thickness of smoke tube walls shall than 12 mm and not greater than 40 mm.
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 431

Expanded connections for working pressure screwed covers provided that they are fitted
above 1.6 MPa shall be made with packing with stops.
8.6.3 The valves and cocks shall be fitted
8.5.35 The tubes securely seated in the with open and shut position indicators. Posi-
headers and tube plates by expansion of their tion indicators are not required where the
ends shall be seamless. design allows to see whether the valves are
8.5.36 Design measures shall be taken to opened or shut.
prevent steam generation in economizers of All valves shall be arranged to be shut with
boilers. a clockwise motion of the wheels.
8.5.37 Finned-tube boilers shall be pro- 8.6.4 Each self-contained boiler of class I
vided with an effective soot-blowing system (see 8.2) shall be equipped with at least two
and be accessible for inspection of heating feed valves. Boilers of class II and waste-heat
surfaces. boilers shall have one feed valve.
8.5.38 Fastening elements of the boiler ex- 8.6.5 The feed valves shall be of a non-
cepting those which are not loaded, shall be return type (check valves). A shut-off valve
not welded directly to the boiler walls (shell, shall be installed between the check valve and
ends, headers, drums etc.) but shall be at- the boiler. The check and shut-off valves may
tached by means of welded-on plates. be housed in one casing. The shut-off valve
8.5.39 A nameplate indicating all main shall be fitted directly on the boiler.
technical characteristics of boiler (nominal
heat load, efficiency, fuel type, maximum 8.7 WATER LEVEL INDICATORS
power consumption, maximum water or
8.7.1 Each boiler with free water evaporat-
steam temperature, permissible and maximum
ing surface shall be provided with at least two
working pressure, water flow rate or steam
independent water level indicators, one of
output) shall be provided in a visible place.
which shall be a sight glass with a scale (see
8.5.40 Boiler rooms shall satisfy the re- 8.7.3). A lowered or remote water level indi-
quirements of 1.8 to 1.10. cator with independent measuring points can
be used as a second water level indicator. The
8.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TO second level indicator need not be installed
VALVES when the boiler is fitted with the low water
level protection devices, as well as low and
8.6.1 All boiler valves shall be fitted on
special welded-on branches, nozzles and pads, high water level alarms. The sensors of pro-
tection devices and alarm shall be independ-
and shall be secured thereto on flanges by
ent and shall have different measuring points.
studs and bolts. The studs shall have a full
thread holding in the pad for a length of at Boilers with a steaming capacity of
least one external diameter of the stud; stud 750 kg/h and less as well as waste-heat boilers
holes in pads shall be blind. with free water evaporating surface and steam
The bore of threaded nozzle fitted valves accumulators of waste-heat boilers may be
shall be not greater than 15 mm, special pads fitted with one water level indicator having a
being used for attaching them to the boiler. transparent face provided that the boiler water
Construction of pads, branches and nozzles sampling valve is fitted according to 8.13 on
shall satisfy the requirements of 8.5.18, 8.5.19, lower water level mark.
and 8.5.22. 8.7.2 Forced circulation boilers shall be
8.6.2 The valve covers shall be secured to provided with two independent alarm devices
the valve cases by studs or bolts. Valves with to signal a shortage of water supply to the
bore diameter of 32 mm and less may have boiler instead of water level indicators.
432 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

The second alarm device is not required if low bodies, the inside space of such water
it is fitted in the burning unit according to the level indicators shall be divided by partitions.
requirements of Section 11 of this Part. No nozzles or branch pieces for other pur-
These requirements are not applicable to poses may be fitted on the water level indica-
waste-heat boilers. tors and connecting pipes.
8.7.3 Flat rippled sight glasses shall be used 8.7.9 The branch pieces for attachment of
in water level indicators for boilers with a water level indicators to the boiler shall have
working pressure up to 3.2 MPa. For boilers an inside diameter, in mm, of not less than:
with a working pressure of 3.2 MPa and above bent branch pipes for steam boilers of class I 32
sets of mica sheets shall be used instead of straight branch pipes for boilers of class I 20
glass or plain glass with a mica layer to pro- and bent branch pipes for other boilers
tect the glass from water and steam effects, or straight branch pipes for boilers of class II 15
other materials resistant to action of the boiler 8.7.10 Design, dimensions, number, loca-
water. tion and lighting of water level indicators shall
8.7.4 The water level indicators shall be fit- ensure control of water level in the boiler.
ted on the front of the boiler, at the same Where water level visibility is inadequate,
height and at equal distance from the vertical irrespectively of the height of water level indi-
centre line of the drum/boiler shell. cator location, or where the boilers are re-
motely controlled, provision shall be made for
8.7.5 All water level indicators shall be pro- remote (lowered) water level indicators or
vided with shut-off devices both on the water other types of water gauges installed at the
and steam sides. boiler control stations.
Shut-off devices shall have safe drives for This requirement is not applicable to
disconnection of the devices in the event of waste-heat boilers and their steam accumula-
glass breakage. tors (steam separators).
8.7.6 It shall be possible to blow off the 8.7.11 Remote water level indicators for
water and steam spaces of water level indica- boilers may have an error not exceeding
tors separately. Blow-down ducts shall have 20 mm as compared to water level indicators
an inner diameter of not less than 7 mm. The of gauge glasses fitted on the boiler while the
design of water level indicators shall prevent relevant delays of the level indications at the
the gasket material from being forced into the highest possible rate of change shall not ex-
ducts, and allow cleaning the blow-down ceed 10 per cent of the difference between the
ducts as well as replacing the glasses while the upper and lower levels.
boiler is in operation.
8.7.7 Water level indicators shall be so in- 8.8 LOWEST WATER LEVEL AND
stalled that the middle of the glass is above HIGHEST HEATING SURFACE POINT
the lowest working level of water in the boiler,
8.8.1 On each boiler with free water surface
and the lower edge of the gauge slot is above
(surface of evaporation) the lowest water level
the highest point of the heating surface by not
shall be marked on the boiler water level indi-
less than 50 mm.
cator by means of a reference line drawn on
8.7.8 Water level indicators shall be con- the indicator frame or body. Moreover, the
nected to the boiler by means of independent lowest water level shall be marked on a plate
branch pieces. No tubes leading to these with a reference line and inscription “Lowest
branches are allowed inside the boiler. The level”. The plate shall be attached to the
branches shall be protected from affection of boiler shell close to the water level indicators.
hot gases, radiant heat flow and intensive The reference line and the plate shall not
cooling. If the gauge glasses are fitted on hol- be covered with boiler insulation.
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 433

8.8.2 The lowest water level in the boiler 8.9.6 Pressure gauges fitted on boilers shall
shall be not less than 150 mm above the high- be protected against affection of heat from the
est heating surface point, including the heel boiler hot surfaces.
conditions up to 5 to either side and all pos-
8.9.7 Steam superheaters and economizers
sible operation trim conditions.
shall be equipped with thermometers. Remote
For boilers with design steaming capacity temperature control does not preclude the
less than 750 kg/h the distance between the need for providing local thermometers.
lowest water level and the highest heating-
surface point may be reduced down to 8.9.8 Thermometers shall also be installed
125 mm. on the following pipelines:
.1 lines feeding water to the boiler;
8.8.3 The upper ends of the uppermost
.2 suction lines of waste-heat boiler circu-
downcomers are assumed to be the highest
lation pump;
point of the heating surface of water-tube
boilers. .3 lines feeding hot water or steam-water
mixture from waste-heat boilers to the steam
For vertical fire-tube boilers with smoke
separator (steam accumulator) or to autono-
tubes and gas uptake pipes passing through
mous boiler drum;
the steam space, the position of the highest
heating surface point shall be specified. .4 outlet hot water or steam lines.


AND THERMOMETERS 8.10.1 Each boiler shall be fitted with at
8.9.1 Each boiler shall have at least two least two spring-loaded safety valves of the
pressure gauges connected with the steam same design and size, which shall be installed
space by separate pipes fitted with check on a common branch piece of the drum and
valves or stop cocks. one valve fitted on the superheater outlet
header. The superheater safety valve shall be
Three-way valves or cocks shall be pro-
so adjusted as not to open before the safety
vided between the pressure gauge and the pipe
valve being installed on the drum.
to shut off the pressure gauge from the boiler,
connect it to the atmosphere, blow off the Safety valves of the impulsive action type
connecting pipe and install the control pres- are recommended for steam boilers with a
sure gauge. working pressure of 4 MPa and above.
One safety valve is sufficient for steam
8.9.2 One of the pressure gauges shall be boilers with design steaming capacity below
installed on the front of the boiler on clearly 750 kg/h as well as steam accumulators and
visible and lightened place, the other — on steam separators.
the panel at the central control station or at Safety valve shall be adjusted and sealed by
the local boiler control station. the ship crew. If there are two safety valves,
8.9.3 Boilers with design steaming capacity one of them shall be sealed.
below 750 kg/h and waste-heat boilers are 8.10.2 Total passage area of safety valves f
allowed to have one pressure gauge. shall be not less than the one calculated by
8.9.4 A pressure gauge shall be provided at the formulaes, in mm2:
the water outlet from the economizer. for saturated steam
8.9.5 Pressure gauges shall have a scale suf- f  k G 10.2 p  1  ; (8.10.2-1)
ficient for hydraulic testing of the boiler. for superheated steam
The working pressure shall be marked with
a red line on the pressure gauge scale. f  k G vh vs 10.2 p  1 , (8.10.2-2)
434 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

where k — coefficient adopted from Table double, total cross-sectional area of both
8.10.2; valves shall be taken for calculation.
T a b l e 8.10.2
Coefficient k 8.10.8 A drain pipe free of stopping devices
shall be provided on the valve body or on the
Height of valve lifting h, in mm Coefficient k
waste-steam pipe, if the latter is located below
d/20  h < d/16 22
the valve, for condensate removal.
d/16  h < d/12 14
d/12  h < d/4 10.5 8.10.9 The safety valves shall be connected
d/4  h< d/3 5.25 directly to the boiler steam space without any
d/4  h 3.3 stopping devices. No feeding pipes leading to
N o t e . d — minimum diameter of the valve, the safety valves may be installed inside the
in mm. boiler. No steam extraction devices for other
G — design steaming capacity, in kg/h; purposes may be fitted on the safety valve
p — working pressure, in MPa; bodies or their connections.
h — specific volume of superheated steam 8.10.10 Safety valves shall be so arranged
at the corresponding working pressure and that they can be lifted manually by a special
temperature, in m3/kg; drive. The gear of one of the valves shall be
s — specific volume of saturated steam at controlled from the boiler room, and that of
the corresponding pressure, in m3/kg. the other valve — from the upper deck or
Safety valves shall be not less than 32 mm other accessible place outside the boiler room.
and not greater than 100 mm in diameter. Remote drive for safety valves of steam su-
8.10.3 The passage area of the safety valve perheaters, waste-heat boilers and their steam
installed on non-disconnected superheater is accumulators (separators) may be controlled
included in the total cross-sectional area of only from the boiler room.
the valves to be determined by the formulae 8.10.11 Safety valves shall be so designed
(8.10.2-1) and (8.10.2-2). This area shall not as to prevent their adjustment when the seal is
exceed 25 per cent of the total area of the not removed.
valves. Safety valve springs shall be protected
8.10.4 The safety valves shall be so adjusted against direct affection of steam and shall be
that the maximum pressure during their op- manufactured of heat- and corrosion-resistant
eration shall not exceed the working pressure material, as well as sealing surfaces of seats
by more than 10 per cent. and valves.
Safety valves of boilers of class I after each
actuation shall be totally closed at a pressure 8.11 SHUT-OFF VALVES
drop in the boiler not below 85 % of the
8.11.1 Each boiler shall be separated from
working pressure.
all connected pipelines by means of shut-off
8.10.5 Economizers shall be fitted with a valves fitted directly on the boiler.
spring safety valve with a diameter not less
8.11.2 In addition to local control, the
than 15 mm.
shut-off valves of steam pipelines shall be pro-
8.10.6 Where safety valves are fitted on the vided with remote control gears for the opera-
common branch, the cross-sectional area of tion from the upper deck or from other acces-
the branch shall be not less than 1.1 times the sible position outside the boiler room.
total cross-sectional area of the valves.
8.11.3 Where on a ship there is one boiler
8.10.7 Passage area of waste-steam branch of class I with a superheater or economizer,
of the safety valve and of the pipe connected the superheater and economizer shall be so
thereto shall be not less than twice the total arranged as to be disconnectable from the
free passage area of the valve. If safety valve is boiler.
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 435

8.11.4 Requirements for steam pipes and 8.15.2 Automation systems and their ele-
boiler blow-down pipes are set forth in 10.18. ments shall meet the requirements of Sec-
tion 11 of this Part.
Adjustment and protection
8.12.1 Boilers, steam superheaters, econo-
mizers and steam accumulators shall be fitted 8.15.3 Water-tube boilers of class I shall be
with blow-down arrangements and, if re- equipped with feed water governors and com-
quired, with drain valves. bustion controls.
Blow-down and drain valves shall be fitted 8.15.4 Governors and controls shall be ca-
directly on the boiler shell. At a working pres- pable of maintaining the water level and other
sure below 1.6 MPa these valves may be in-
controlled parameters within the predeter-
stalled on welded-on profiled branch pieces.
mined limits over the entire load range and
8.12.2 The inner diameter of blow-down shall ensure change-over from one operation
valves and pipes shall be not less than 20 mm mode to another one within not more than
and not more than 40 mm. For boilers with 5 min.
design steaming capacity below 750 kg/h the
8.15.5 Boilers shall be equipped with non-
inner diameter of the valves and pipes may be disconnectable protective devices for the low-
reduced to 15 mm.
est water level limit in the boiler.
8.12.3 In boilers with free water surface of 8.15.6 Boilers with automatic combustion
evaporation, the scum arrangements shall be controls shall be fitted with protection devices
so provided as to ensure scum and sludge re- according to the requirements of 8.16.9 to
moval from the entire evaporation surface. 8.16.11.


8.13.1 Each boiler shall be provided with at 8.15.7 Boilers with automatic feed water
least one water sampling valve or cock. Such governors and combustion controls shall be
valves or cocks shall not be fitted on pipes equipped with visual and audible alarm at the
and branches intended for other purposes. boiler control station.
8.15.8 Visual and audible alarm shall be
8.14 DEAERATION VALVES actuated when:
8.14.1 Boilers, steam superheaters and .1 water level reaches the lowest limit;
economizers shall be equipped with sufficient .2 water level reaches the highest limit;
number of valves and cocks for deaeration. .3 failures occur in the boiler oil burning
system (see 8.16.10);
8.15 CONTROL, ADJUSTMENT, ALARM .4 failures occur in the automatic control
AND PROTECTION OF BOILERS systems and protection devices.
General requirements 8.15.9 The lowest level limit alarm shall be
actuated prior to actuation of the protection
8.15.1 Requirements of this Chapter apply devices.
to the boilers designed for attended operation
according to the technical documentation. 8.15.10 When heavy fuel is used, audible
Requirements to control, adjustment, alarm and visual alarm shall be provided, which
and protection of boilers designed for unat- shall be actuated when:
tended operation are stated in Section 11 of .1 heavy fuel before the injector reaches
this Part. the minimum or maximum temperature;
436 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

.2 heavy fuel in the boiler fuel service .2 electrical supply is fed to all the electri-
tank reaches the minimum or maximum tem- cal equipment;
perature (only for ships of Group I as regards .3 air is fed into the boiler furnace;
the automation scope). .4 the pilot burner is alight or electrical
8.15.11 Provision shall be made for manual ignition is switched on;
disconnection of the audible alarm after it has .5 water level in the boiler is normal;
been actuated. .6 program of furnace and gas ducts ven-
tilation is completed before lighting up.
8.16.10 Burning units shall be equipped
8.16 OIL BURNING UNITS OF FUEL OIL with non-disconnectable protection devices
FIRED BOILERS being actuated within not over than 1 s (for
General requirements pilot burner – not more than 10 s) and shut-
ting off automatically the fuel supply to the
8.16.1 Control, protection, interlock and burner in the cases of:
alarm devices shall meet the requirements of
.1 loss or low head of air flow to the fur-
Section 11 of this Part.
8.16.2 Electrical equipment for burning .2 flame-jet cut-off at the burner;
units shall meet the requirements of Part VI .3 water level in the boiler reaching its
of the Rules. lowest limit.
8.16.3 Fuel oil used for boilers shall have a Fuel supply shall be cut-off by two self-
flash point in accordance with the require- closing series-connected valves. This require-
ments given in 1.1.2. ment is not mandatory when the fuel service
tank of the boiler is arranged below the burn-
Burners ing unit.

8.16.4 The burners shall be so designed as 8.16.11 Burning units shall be equipped
to ensure the possibility of controlling the size with a burner flame jet monitor. Such moni-
and shape of the flame jet. tor shall respond only to the flame jet of the
burner under control.
8.16.5 In case of variable-delivery burners
provision shall be made for controlling the 8.16.12 Burning units of boilers of class I
combustion air supply. shall be capable of being manually controlled.
Manual control shall be provided directly at
8.16.6 Inlets of the boiler fans shall be pro- the boiler; in this case all automatic devices
tected against the ingress of moisture or for- required in 8.16.9 and 8.16.10 shall function
eign items. as well.
8.16.7 Rotating parts of burners and boiler 8.16.13 Provision shall be made for the
fans shall be fenced by protective housings for burning unit to be shut off from two stations,
the attending personnel safety. one of which shall be situated outside the
boiler room.
Burning units
8.16.14 Before each boiler ignition the fur-
8.16.8 The present requirements apply to nace and gas ducts shall be well-ventilated to
burning units equipped with automated me- provide three air changes in the entire furnace
chanical combustion controls of boilers. and gas ducts prior to smoke tube inlet. The
8.16.9 Burning units shall be interlocked furnace and gas ducts shall be ventilated for at
least 15 s.
for fuel supply to the boiler furnace to be pos-
sible only under the following conditions: 8.16.15 Abrupt turns and stagnant zones in
.1 the burner is in the operating position; exhaust gas pipelines are not allowed.
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 437

Piping and valves 8.5.32 to 8.5.35 apply to heat exchangers and

pressure vessels.
8.16.16 Pipelines and valves of burning
units shall meet the requirements of Section 8.17.4 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels
10 of this Part. shall be so designed as to provide thermal
elongation of their shells and separate parts.
8.16.17 On the fuel pipeline near the burn-
ers it is allowed to use flexible pipelines made 8.17.5 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels
of fuel resistant materials. shall be so designed as to provide their at-
8.16.18 Design measures shall be provided tachment to the foundations. If fastening to
to prevent the burners from being turned and foundations of heat exchangers and pressure
removed from their working positions until vessels is impractical, overhead attachments
fuel supply to them is not shut off. shall be provided.

8.16.19 When steam or air atomizing burn- 8.17.6 Manholes shall be provided to en-
ers are used, design measures shall be pro- able inspection of the internal surfaces of heat
vided to prevent the ingress of air or steam exchangers and pressure vessels. If it is impos-
into the fuel oil and vice versa. sible to equip manholes, sight holes shall be
foreseen. If the length of a heat exchanger or
8.16.20 If boiler fuel is heated, design pressure vessel is over 2.5 m, sight holes shall
measures shall be taken to prevent inadmissi- be provided at both ends.
ble oil overheating in the heaters in case when Manholes or sight holes are not required
the steam-generating capacity of the boiler is for dismountable structures or when the de-
reduced or the burners are shut-off. sign and materials of heat exchangers and
8.16.21 Drip trays shall be provided in pressure vessels completely exclude corrosion
places of possible oil leakage. and contamination of internal surfaces.
Manholes or sight holes may be omitted
8.16.22 Inspection devices shall be pro-
for heat exchangers and pressure vessels for
vided in the boiler furnace for observing the
which inspection through such holes is impos-
combustion process. There shall be installed
sible due to their construction.
arrangements to prevent flame and hot air
ejection from the furnace space when remov- Dimensions of manhole openings are indi-
ing the burners. cated in 8.5.14.

8.16.23 Appropriate devices shall be pro- 8.17.7 Requirements to installation of the

vided for the suppression of hand lighting heat exchangers and pressure vessels are stated
primers of the boiler. in 1.10.
8.17.8 Each heat exchanger, pressure vessel
8.17 HEAT EXCHANGERS AND or their groups shall be fitted with non-
PRESSURE VESSELS disconnectable safety valves. Where there are
8.17.1 The elements of heat exchangers several non-communicating spaces, safety
and pressure vessels contacting with salt out- valves shall be provided for each space. Hy-
board water or other aggressive media shall be drophores shall be fitted with a safety valve to
manufactured of corrosion-resistant materials be installed on the water side.
protected from corrosion by means of corro- 8.17.9 Safety valves shall be of spring-
sion-resistant coatings.
loaded type. In fuel and oil heaters it is al-
8.17.2 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels lowed to use safety diaphragms installed on
shall meet the requirements of 1.3. the fuel or oil side.
8.17.3 The requirements of 8.5.4, 8.5.8, 8.17.10 The discharge capacity of the safety
8.5.9, 8.5.12, 8.5.13, 8.5.17 to 8.5.22, 8.5.25, valves shall be such that under no condition
438 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

the working pressure is exceeded by more 8.18 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR

8.17.11 The safety valves shall be so de-
signed as to allow their stamping or be fitted Air receivers
with equivalent protection means to prevent 8.18.1 Safety valves on air receivers after
the valve adjustment without authorization by actuation shall fully stop the air bleeding in
the attending personnel. case of pressure drop in the air receiver to
The materials used for springs and sealing 0.85 of the working pressure.
surfaces of the valves shall be capable to with-
stand corrosion effect of the medium. 8.18.2 Where compressors, reduction valves
or pipelines intended for air supply to air re-
8.17.12 Level indicators and sight glasses ceivers are fitted with safety valves which are
may only be installed on heat exchangers and so installed that air supply to air receivers
pressure vessels where the conditions of con- under pressure exceeding the working pressure
trol and inspection stated in technical docu- is excluded, the safety valves on the air re-
mentation of the manufacturer require so. ceiver may be omitted. In this case each air
Level indicators and sight glasses shall be pro- receiver shall be equipped with a fuse instead
tected from impacts. Flat glass plates shall be of the safety valve.
used for level indicators containing steam, 8.18.3 The air receiver fuse shall have a fu-
fuel, oil or refrigerants.
sion temperature from 100 to 130 °C. The
In deaearators cylindrical glasses may be fusion temperature shall be punched out on
used. the fuse.
Air receivers having a capacity over 700 l
8.17.13 Heat exchangers and pressure ves-
sels shall be fitted with welded-on pads or shall be fitted with fuses of not less than
10 mm in diameter.
short rigid connecting pieces to mount valves.
At hydrophores threaded connections may be 8.18.4 Each air receiver shall be equipped
used. with a drain device for moisture removal. In
case when air receivers are arranged horizon-
8.17.14 Pressure vessels and heat exchang- tally, moisture drain devices shall be fitted at
ers shall be equipped with blow-down and both ends of the receiver.
drainage devices.
8.17.15 Each heat exchanger and pressure Condensers
vessel or their groups being disconnectable 8.18.5 The condenser design and its loca-
from each other shall be equipped with pres- tion onboard a ship shall be such as to enable
sure gauges and compound gauges. the tube replacement. The condenser shall
If heat exchangers have several spaces, have welded steel shell. Baffles shall be pro-
pressure gauges shall be provided for each vided inside the condenser at the steam inlets
space. to protect the tubes against direct steam im-
The pressure gauges shall meet the re- pact.
quirements set forth in 8.9.1 and 8.9.5. Pipe attachments shall exclude sagging and
vibration with an amplitude exceeding 1 mm
8.17.16 On fuel heaters where temperature
in the midspan of pipe.
of fuel on heating elements may exceed
220 °C, a warning alarm sensor giving indica- 8.18.6 Ñovers of condenser water chambers
tion of temperature rise or failure of fuel flow shall be fitted with manholes in a such num-
through the heater shall be installed in addi- ber and so located as to ensure access to the
tion to the temperature control device. tubes in any part of the tube nest for the pur-
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 439

pose of expansion, replacement, packing or removed in the direction safe for the operat-
plugging. ing personnel.
Cathodic protection shall be provided for
the water chambers, tube plates and tubes for 8.18.14 The pressure vessels being a part of
prevention of electrolytic corrosion. the process equipment that operate under
vacuum and are heated by steam or hot water
8.18.7 The condenser of the turbo genera- with a temperature over 115 °C shall be fitted
tor shall ensure the operation under emer- with safety valves to prevent an excessive
gency conditions with any casing of the tur- pressure in the space operating under vacuum
bine set being disconnected. above 0.85 times the test pressure in case of
8.18.8 The condenser shall be so designed leakage in the heating system.
as to enable connecting of monitoring and The vessels mentioned herein shall be de-
control instrumentation. signed for strength at the design pressure
equal to safety valve opening pressure. In this
Heat exchangers and vessels of fire-fighting case the design stresses in the pressure vessel
installations walls shall not exceed 0.8 times the yield
stress of the material at the design tempera-
8.18.9 The design of heat exchangers and
pressure vessels of refrigerating plants and
fire-fighting installations shall meet the re- 8.18.15 Strength of flanges, bolts and studs
quirements of Sections 9 of this Part and 13 of periodically opened covers of pressure ves-
Part III of the Rules. sels being a part of the process equipment
shall be confirmed by calculations carried out
Pressure vessels being a part of process by designer according to the requirements of
equipment the Rules. The design stresses shall not exceed
8.18.10 Covers of the pressure vessels being 0.4 times the yield stress of the material at the
a part of the process equipment which are design temperature.
periodically opened shall be fitted with de- Diameter of bolts and studs shall be not
vices preventing their incomplete closing or less than 16 mm in all cases.
spontaneous opening. It is also necessary to
8.18.16 For steam-heated and water-heated
prevent the cover opening in case of excessive
agitators and also for walls of pressure vessel
pressure or vacuum in the pressure vessel as
mixing chambers which are in contact with
well as against pressurization of the vessel in the processed products an allowance c to the
case of incomplete closing of the cover.
design wall thickness shall be taken for at least
8.18.11 The inside arrangements of the 2 mm.
pressure vessels being a part of the process
equipment (mixers, coils, trays, diaphragms Compressed and liquefied gas vessels
etc.), which interfere the internal inspection,
shall be of removable type. 8.18.17 Strength calculations for com-
pressed/liquefied gas vessels carried out in
8.18.12 Sight glasses not more than accordance with the Guidlines Ð.010-2004
150 mm in diameter intended for observation shall be submitted. Compressed/liquefied gas
of the mixer working space may be fitted on vessels are portable pressure vessels specially
pressure vessels with a pressure not exceeding made for storage of compressed gases, refrig-
0.25 MPa. erant or ÑÎ2 which are used during the ship
8.18.13 For the pressure vessels being a operation and can not be filled using onboard
part of the process equipment with a pressure facilities.
over 0.25 MPa closing appliances of the load- For manufacture of these vessels it is al-
ing holes shall be so designed that in case of lowed to use steels with upper yield point over
cover sealing loss the hot medium shall be 750 MPa, but less than 850 MPa.
440 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

8.18.18 Non-disconnectable safety devices If the location is different, the boilers

shall be provided in case of temperature rise specified in this Section shall be enclosed with
inside the vessels to avoid impermissible in- welded coaming of at least 150 mm in height
ternal pressure. It is possible to use safety equipped with a drain pipe into closed dis-
valves and diaphragms with an opening pres- charge tank.
sure exceeding the working pressure by 10 %,
8.20.2 The design of boiler shall exclude
but less than 90 % of the test pressure.
the possibility of rise of heat transfer fluid
8.18.19 Durable marking indicating the temperature above the permissible value when
date of the next test of the vessel shall be ap- the heat transfer fluid circulation stops.
plied on compressed/liquefied gas vessels. Maximum operating temperature of heat
8.18.20 It is not required to install safety transfer fluid shall be lower than its heat-
devices for the compressed gas vessels with resistance by at least 50 Ñ.
capacity less than 100 litres, provided the fol- 8.20.3 The design of furnace and burning
lowing requirements are met: unit shall ensure uniform distribution of heat
.1 vessels shall not be arranged in the flows or such distribution of heat flows at
ship’s hull below the main deck; which in any point of heated surfaces the
.2 temperature in the rooms where the temperature of fluid boundary layer does not
vessels are placed shall not exceed the tem- exceed the value determined for the used heat
perature specified in 1.3.1 Part V of the Rules. transfer fluid by the designer.
.3 rooms where compressed gas vessels are
Arrangement of burning unit and design of
placed shall not be in the immediate prox-
furnace shall make it impossible for the flame
imity from accommodation spaces, control
to contact the heated surfaces.
stations and rooms in which inflammable sub-
stances and fuel are stored. The burning unit shall guarantee that the
heat flow of the boiler does not exceed its
8.18.21 Gas from the safety devices shall nominal value.
be withdrawn to the atmosphere through
closed takeoff. 8.20.4 Each boiler shall be equipped with:
Gas from safety devices of cylinders carbon .1 stop valves on pipelines feeding the
dioxide fire extinguishing system shall be heat transfer fluid to the boiler and discharg-
withdrawn according to requirements of ing the heat transfer fluid from it. Valves shall
3.8.21 Part III of the Rules. be arranged in a place accessible and safe for
maintenance and have a remote control, or a
8.19 STRENGTH CALCULATION device for discharge of high-temperature or-
ganic heat transfer fluid from system shall be
8.19.1 Strength calculations for boilers, provided. It is allowed to install three-way
heat exchangers and pressure vessels shall be valves with remote control and non-return-
carried out according to the Guidlines Ð.010- stop valves without remote control at the out-
2004 and (or) Guidlines Ð.037-2010 “Procedure let of heat transfer fluid from the boiler;
of strength calculations for ship heat exchang-
.2 spring safety valve of fully covered de-
ers”. It is allowed to use other procedures and
sign. Total capacity of the installed safety
programs agreed with the River Register.
valves shall be not less than the volume gain
of heat transfer fluid in the boiler at maxi-
mum heating intensity. Nominal inside di-
ameter of valves shall be not less than 25 mm
and not more than 130 mm. It is allowed not
8.20.1 Boilers with high-temperature or- to install the safety valve if the boiler is di-
ganic heat transfer fluid shall be arranged in rectly connected to the expansion tank and
separate rooms with exhaust ventilation ensur- cannot be disconnected from it. Safety valve
ing at least six air changes per hour. actuation pressure shall not exceed the maxi-
8 Boilers, Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels 441

mum working pressure by more than 10 % 8.20.7 Boilers shall be equipped with valves
(for the requirements to safety valves, having bellow seals, the valves being attached
see 8.10.4, 8.10.10 and 8.10.11); by welding.
.3 pressure gauge installed on the pipeline 8.20.8 Boilers shall be equipped with alarm
delivering high-temperature organic heat and protection against limit values of gas and
transfer fluid to the boiler; heat transfer fluid temperatures at the outlet
.4 device for emergency enclosed dis- of the boiler.
charge of heat transfer fluid to separate dis- 8.20.9 If waste-heat boilers have bypass
charge tank and remote stop of circulating channels, the boiler shall be equipped with a
pumps; stop arrangement to stop gas delivery to the
.5 hatches specified in 8.5.12, 8.5.14 and boiler when the protection operates.
8.5.15. 8.20.10 Boilers with high-temperature or-
8.20.5 Each boiler shall be equipped with ganic heat transfer fluid shall be equipped
soot-blowing system. with automatic controls of combustion, audi-
ble and light alarm according to the applica-
8.20.6 Boiler pipes shall be connected to ble requirements of 8.15, interlock according
manifolds by means of welded joints. to 8.16.9 and protection according to 8.16.10.
442 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”


9.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION carriage of liquefied gases in bulk when the

cargo is used as a refrigerant.
9.1.1 The requirements of this Section of
the Rules apply to onboard refrigerating plants 9.3.2 In strength calculations of the ele-
of transport, refrigeration and catching vessels ments operating under the pressure of the
and their equipment. refrigerant a design pressure shall be taken not
lower than the excessive pressure of the refrig-
9.1.2 Refrigerating plants for cooling cargo
erant saturated vapour at 50 °C according to
holds and cargo chambers of portable refriger-
Table 9.3.2.
ating containers carried by a ship, shall com- T a b l e 9.3.2
ply with all requirements of the present Sec- Design pressure of refrigerant saturated vapours
tion of the Rules.
Symbol Chemical formula pressure,
R22 CHF2Cl 2.0
9.2.1 Elements of the refrigerating plant R125** C2HF6 2.0
shall maintain workability under conditions of II R717 NH3 (ammonia) 2.0
rolling and trim according to 1.3. III R290 C3H8 (propane) 1.6
R1270 C3H6 (propylene) 2.0
9.2.2 The equipment being a part of the re- * To be used instead of R12 which is not permit-
frigerating plant shall be installed and fastened ted for newly built refrigerating plants.
onboard in accordance with 1.10.2, 1.10.3, ** To be used at medium (from minus 30 to plus
1.10.5, 7.4.2. 30 Ñ) condensation points instead of R22 which
is not permitted for new refrigerating plants since
9.2.3 For the requirements to hydraulic
01 January 2020.
tests, see 6.2.54 to 6.2.57 of RTSC.
Design pressure for the components of re-
9.3 REFRIGERANTS AND DESIGN frigerating plants operating under pressure of
PRESSURE refrigerants with low (below 50 Ñ) critical
9.3.1 In this Rules the refrigerants are di- temperatures shall be selected according to
vided into the following three groups: thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant.
I — non-flammable refrigerants (halon); Refrigerating plant components operating
under pressure shall be checked by strength
II — toxic and inflammable refrigerants
calculation at a pressure equal to the hydrau-
with lower inflammability point at the bulk
lic test pressure. Here, the stresses occurred
concentration of the refrigerant vapour in the
shall not exceed 0.9 times the yield stress of
air of 3.5 per cent and over (ammonia);
the material.
III — explosive or inflammable refrigerants
with lower inflammability point at the bulk
concentration of the refrigerant vapour in the
air of less than 3.5 per cent (propane, propyl-
Refrigerants of Group III are allowed only 9.4.1 Refrigerating plant shall provide per-
for refrigerating systems of ships intended for manent maintaining the temperature within
9 Refrigerating Plants 443

cooled spaces that is required according to the used. The plant capacity and the cooling sur-
type of the cargo carried and the navigation face area shall be sufficient for maintaining
area at a ship’s normal operating conditions. the required temperatures at continuous op-
eration for 18 hours a day.
9.4.2 Refrigerating plant shall maintain the
required temperature when the main equip- 9.4.7 Piping joints between the elements of
ment operates for all refrigeration consumers the refrigerating plant shall be such that the
at ambient air temperature not lower than equipment is able to operate at any combina-
+40 °С and outboard water temperature not tion of the equipment. Heat exchangers and
lower than +30 °С. other apparatus shall be fitted with connection
joints for suction and discharge lines for the
9.4.3 The drive capacity, the refrigerating
refrigerant pumping and exhaustion.
capacity, the heat-exchange surface area of
evaporators and air cooler condensers as well 9.4.8 Cooling batteries shall be so located
as the heat-exchange surface area of cooling as to provide the uniform cooling of the
batteries with coolant circulating therein shall space.
be sufficient for maintaining the required The batteries shall consist of at least two
temperatures within cooled spaces at continu- independent sections, with each section capa-
ous 24-hour operation of the main equipment ble of being shut-off separately. No cooling
and supplying refrigeration to other consum- batteries with direct evaporation of refrigerant
ers. of Group II may be used.
The main equipment shall include at least
9.4.9 Where the refrigerant pump circula-
two similar condensers and, when intermedi-
tion systems are used, at least two refrigerant
ate coolant systems or cascade and stage cy-
circulation pumps shall be fitted with one of
cles are used, two similar evaporators, inter-
them being a standby pump.
stage heat exchangers and intermediate ves-
sels. If the pump circulation system capable of
operating when the pumps are switched off,
9.4.4 The drive capacity, the refrigerating standby pump may be dispensed with. In this
capacity, the surface areas stated in 9.4.3, of case the refrigerating plant capacity shall
the refrigerating plant intended also for refrig- comply with the requirements of 9.4.1 and the
erating non-precooled cargo onboard, shall be refrigerating capacity of freezing chambers or
sufficient for its cooling down to the required refrigerants shall not be reduced by more than
temperature within period of time for which 20 per cent.
its undamaged state is guaranteed, at continu-
9.4.10 Liquid coolant system of a group of
ous operation of all the equipment including
refrigeration consumers shall have at least two
standby units.
liquid coolant pumps with one of them being
9.4.5 Standby equipment of a compressor standby.
refrigerating plant shall consist of a compres- If onboard the ship there are two or more
sor together with a drive motor, condenser, groups of refrigeration consumers with inde-
control system and valves which are necessary pendent liquid coolant systems, including
to provide independent operation of all units those with different temperatures, each group
of the equipment. of consumers shall be fitted with at least one
Refrigerating capacity of standby equip- liquid coolant pump; For this consumers one
ment shall be such as to supply refrigeration common pump ensuring required delivery and
to all consumers when any one of the main head of working medium can be used as a
compressors or condensers is out of order. standby pump.
9.4.6 In ships with a capacity of cooled 9.4.11 Refrigerating plant shall be fitted
holds not exceeding 300 m3 the refrigerating with at least two cooling water circulation
plant without standby equipment may be pumps, one of them shall be standby. Any
444 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

outboard water pump of adequate supply ca- Joints and structures of machinery and
pacity and liquid head may be used as a equipment made of materials with different
standby one. electrolytic potentials, that can contact with
sea water, shall be protected against galvanic
9.4.12 Cooling water shall be supplied by at corrosion.
least two outboard valves. Where general-
purpose outboard valves are used, each of 9.5.3 Steel pipes of the refrigerant, liquid
them shall provide the sufficient water supply coolant and their connecting parts made of
to ensure operation of the refrigerating plant steel other than stainless steel, shall be zinc-
in normal operating conditions of the ship. plated from the outside or have equivalent
protection against corrosion from the outside.
9.5 MATERIALS Surfaces being in contact with the refrigerant
or liquid coolant shall not to be zinc-plated.
9.5.1 Quality and main characteristics of
materials used for manufacture of component 9.6 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
parts, units and fastening of the refrigerating
equipment subject to dynamic loads, excessive 9.6.1 Electrical equipment of refrigerating
pressure, variable and low temperatures at plants, automatic devices as well as illumina-
operation, shall comply with the relevant re- tion of refrigerating machinery rooms, refrig-
quirements of Part X of the Rules shall be erant storerooms and cooled spaces shall
complied with. comply with relevant requirements of Part VI
Materials shall be chosen depending on the of the Rules.
working temperature and physical and chemi-
cal properties of the refrigerant with due re- 9.7 REFRIGERATING MACHINERY
gard to the following: ROOM
.1 materials of the elements being in con- 9.7.1 The refrigerating machinery room
tact with refrigerants and their solutions, lu- shall comply with the requirements of 1.8.1,
bricating oils, cooling media and media to be 1.8.7 and the present Chapter.
cooled, shall be inert and resistant to their Refrigerator machines using refrigerants of
action; Group II and III shall be located in separate
.2 materials of the equipment parts oper- gas-tight spaces.
ating at temperatures below minus 70 Ñ shall Drainage of the refrigerating machinery
not have irreversible structural changes and room shall be made in accordance with the
shall maintain sufficient strength at these requirements of 10.7.34.
9.7.2 Pumps, compressors, apparatus and
.3 steel structures operating at tempera- pipelines shall be located in the refrigerating
tures down to minus 50 °C shall comply with machinery room in a such manner as to be
the requirements of 2.3.7 Part X of the Rules; readily accessible for maintenance and re-
.4 materials used for manufacture of re- placement of their parts without dismantling
frigerating plant components operating at the pumps, compressors, apparatus from their
temperatures below minus 50 °С shall be se- foundations. They shall be located apart from
lected according to the requirements of Sec- the bulkheads of other spaces and surfaces of
tion 5 Part X of the Rules shall be complied the adjacent equipment for at least 100 mm.
9.7.3 The refrigerating machinery room
9.5.2 The elements contacting with corro- shall have two exits located as far apart as
sive media shall be made of materials with possible from each other with doors opening
adequate corrosion-resistant properties to outwards. Where the refrigerating machinery
those media or shall be protected with corro- room is located above or below the open
sion-resistant coatings. deck, the exits shall be fitted with steel stair-
9 Refrigerating Plants 445

ways leading to the doors of spaces giving to the main ventilation is able to operate to-
the open deck. gether with the emergency ventilation in the
In unattended automated refrigerating ma- event of de-energization of the refrigerator
chinery rooms, where refrigerants of Group I machinery distribution switchboard.
are used, the second exit may be dispensed
9.7.4 Exits from the refrigerating machin- 9.8.1 Refrigerant storerooms shall be sepa-
ery room where refrigerants of Groups II and rated from other spaces; their location on-
III are used shall not lead to accommodation board and the construction of the boundaries
and service spaces or spaces communicating shall comply with the requirements of Part III
with them and shall be arranged considering of the Rules.
the refrigerant density. One of the exits shall Refrigerant storerooms shall be gas-tight.
lead to the open deck.
Exits with corridors or trunks shall be fitted 9.8.2 The refrigerant reservoirs shall be fas-
with supply and exhaust ventilation; The sup- tened in a such way as to prevent their shift-
ply ventilation shall be of forced type. The ing at rolling motions of a ship.
switching-on device of this ventilation shall be Non-metal spacings shall be placed be-
located both inside and outside the refrigerat- tween the bottles and the storeroom plating as
ing machinery room in the immediate prox- well as between particular bottles.
imity to the exit door. 9.8.3 Refrigerant storerooms shall be fitted
9.7.5 Exits from the refrigerating machin- with an independent ventilation system and
ery room where refrigerants of Groups II and shall be insulated in a such manner that the
III are used, shall be fitted with a water- inside temperature can not exceed 45 °С.
screen arrangement. The water screen actua- 9.8.4 In the room where the refrigerant
tion device shall be located outside the room store is kept reservoirs with other compressed
in the immediate proximity to the exit door.
gases shall not be kept. No combustible mate-
A fire hydrant with a hose connected to the rials may be used for the room fitting.
fire main system shall be installed in the re-
frigerating machinery room. 9.8.5 The refrigerant may be stored in fixed
receivers if the receivers and the rooms where
9.7.6 The refrigerating machinery room they are located, comply with the require-
shall be equipped with an independent venti- ments of 9.7.5, 9.7.7, 9.13.1, 9.13.2, 9.13.4,
lation system providing 10 air changes per
9.16.5, and 9.16.6.
It shall be possible to discharge the refrig-
9.7.7 In addition to the main ventilation erant of Group II from the discharge pipe of
satisfying the requirements of 9.7.6 each re- each receiver after the system has been filled
frigerating machinery room shall be equipped or replenished.
with emergency ventilation ensuring air Discharge pipes from the refrigerant stor-
change per hour for refrigerating machinery age receivers shall not be laid through ac-
room using refrigerants: commodation and service spaces.
Groups II and III 30 air changes per hour
Group I 20 air changes per hour 9.9 COOLED CARGO SPACES
The ventilation system shall ensure air ex-
haust from either the uppermost or lowermost 9.9.1 Refrigerating equipment, batteries,
parts of the room depending on the refriger- devices as well as pipelines and air pipes lo-
ant density. cated in cooled spaces shall be secured and
protected against damage by the cargo.
When calculating the emergency ventila-
tion system the supply of the main ventilation 9.9.2 Air coolers of air cooling systems may
fans may be taken into account provided that be located both in separate spaces and in
446 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

cooled cargo spaces. When installed in cooled Thermometric tube sections laid through
cargo spaces, the air coolers shall be fitted non-cooled spaces shall be insulated.
with a condensate collector. For cooled
9.9.10 Drainage of the cooled spaces shall
spaces with temperatures below 0 °C it is rec-
be accomplished according to the require-
ommended to provide condensate collectors
ments of 10.7.40 to 10.7.43.
with a heating system.
No air coolers with direct evaporation of
refrigerants of Group II may be used. 9.10 FREEZING AND COOLING
9.9.3 If air coolers of air cooling systems
are installed in a separate room, they shall be 9.10.1 Air coolers and fans shall be located
accessible when the cargo space is completely within freezing chambers according to the
loaded. Where this is impracticable, air cool- requirements of 9.9.1 and 9.9.3.
ers shall be accessible from the adjacent non-
9.10.2 The refrigerating machinery room
cooled neighbouring spaces. Dimensions of
shall be equipped with devices for controlling
the opening for passage to the air cooler room
the operation of freezing and cooling appara-
shall be sufficient to permit the fan impeller
tus using the direct evaporation system.
and the electric motor to be carried through.
9.10.3 Where the direct evaporation system
9.9.4 Where air cooling channels pierce
of refrigerant of Group II is used in the freez-
tight bulkheads, the latter shall be equipped
ing chamber, an emergency exhaust ventila-
by sluice valves rated for the same pressure as
tion is required and the chamber shall be gas-
the bulkheads. The sluice valve controls shall
be located in accessible places above the free-
board deck. 9.10.4 Valves of pipelines running into the
freezing chamber shall be located outside the
9.9.5 For transportation of cargoes that re-
quire air change in cooled cargo spaces to
ensure its safety, a ventilation system shall be 9.10.5 It shall be possible to open freezing
provided that ensures supply of clean atmos- and refrigerating chambers from inside even if
pheric air, cooled or heated, into the cargo the doors are closed from outside.
9.9.6 Each inlet and outlet in the bulk- 9.11 SPACES CONTAINING PROCESS
heads or enclosures of the cooled cargo spaces EQUIPMENT
shall be supplied with air-tight closers.
9.11.1 Compressors, pumps, apparatuses
9.9.7 Air channels laid through the cooled and vessels operating under refrigerant pres-
spaces to other spaces shall be sealed and in- sure shall be located in the refrigerating ma-
sulated. chinery room.
9.9.8 Where refrigerating plants are fitted 9.11.2 Spaces containing the process
with air cooling system of cargo holds with equipment using the direct evaporation system
direct evaporation of refrigerant of Group II of refrigerant of Group II, shall be fitted with
in the air coolers, an independent ventilation a fire hydrant with a hose connected to the
system shall be provided for each hold or a water fire-extinguishing system.
group of such holds.
9.11.3 Spaces containing the process
9.9.9 Cooled spaces shall be equipped with equipment shall be fitted with an independent
telethermometric arrangements. Otherwise ventilation. In addition to the main ventila-
these spaces shall be equipped with at least tion, spaces which contain the process
two thermometric tubes with a diameter not equipment using the direct evaporation system
less than 50 mm. shall be fitted with emergency ventilation.
9 Refrigerating Plants 447

The number of air changes per hour of the No shut-off devices are permitted on the
main and emergency ventilation systems shall bypass line.
comply with the requirements of 9.7.6 and
9.12.6 Pumps shall comply with the re-
quirements of 7.8.
9.11.4 Spaces containing the process
9.12.7 Fans shall comply with applicable
equipment using the direct evaporation system
requirements of 7.9.
of refrigerant of Groups II and III, shall be
fitted with two exits in accordance with 9.7.3
and 9.7.4. Where refrigerant of Group II is 9.13 HEAT EXCHANGERS
used, these exits shall be equipped by the wa- AND PRESSURE VESSELS
ter-screen arrangements. The water screen 9.13.1 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels
starting device shall be located outside the included in the refrigerating plants as pertain-
room in the immediate proximity to the exit ing to materials and valves shall comply with
door. the requirements of 8.17 (except for 8.17.8
and 8.17.10), 8.18 (except for 8.18.1 to
9.12 COMPRESSORS, PUMPS, FANS 8.18.4, 8.18.7, 8.18.8) and this Chapter.
Strength calculations for them shall be ful-
9.12.1 Compressors shall comply with the filled considering 8.19.1.
requirements of 7.6.8, 7.7 and the present
Section. 9.13.2 Shell-and-tube heat exchangers and
vessels with the refrigerant chamber capacity
9.12.2 Strength of the compressor parts of 50 dm3 and over shall be fitted with safety
subject to dynamic loads and excessive pres- valves of such design discharge capacity as to
sure during operation shall be rated on the prevent the pressure rise by more than 10 per
assumption of the design pressure values in cent of the opening pressure at full opening of
accordance with 9.3.2. the safety valve.
9.12.3 Compressors arranged on the refrig- The discharge capacity G shall be not less
erant suction and discharge sides shall be fit- than that determined by the formula, in kg/s,
ted with shut-off valves regardless of auto- G  qS r , (9.13.2)
matically controlled valves’ availability. where q — heat flow intensity in the event of
9.12.4 Refrigerant, oil and cooling water fire, in kW/m2 (taken equal to 10 kW/m2 in
cavities shall be equipped with drain arrange- all cases);
ments. S — area of the vessel (apparatus) outer
surface, in m2;
9.12.5 A safety valve or any other self-
r — specific heat of refrigerant evaporation
operating safety device bypassing the refriger- at the opening pressure of the safety valve, in
ant to the compressor suction side at excessive kJ/kg.
pressure rise above the permissible value ac-
Safety devices shall consist of two safety
cording to the requirements of the operating
valves and a changeover device providing
documentation shall be fitted on the discharge
connection of at least one safety valve to the
line of the intermediate and final compression
vessel or apparatus in all cases. Each valve
stages of the compressor between the dis-
shall be rated for the full discharge capacity.
charge chamber and the shut-off valve. The
discharge capacity of the safety device shall be No shut-off valves may be installed be-
not less than the maximal volume or bulk tween the apparatus or vessels and the safety
flow of the protected compressor stage. device.
The pressure rise after opening the safety 9.13.3 Pressure apparatus and vessels shall
valve shall not exceed the opening pressure by be fitted by discharge devices for the discharge
10 per cent. of air, water, lubricating oil and liquid coolant.
448 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

9.13.4 Apparatus and vessels containing ply with applicable requirements of Section 10
liquid refrigerant of Groups II and III shall be and the present Chapter.
fitted with emergency discharge devices for Piping for refrigerants of Groups II and III
the refrigerant. as well as the piping sections containing liquid
The design drainage period of the refriger- refrigerant of Group I belong to Class I piping
ant shall not exceed 2 minutes at constant according to Table 10.1.2.
excessive pressure of the refrigerant in the 9.16.2 The refrigerant and liquid coolant
vessel (apparatus) being equal to the design pipelines shall be made of seamless pipes. The
pressure taken in accordance with 9.3.2. liquid coolant pipelines shall be made of steel
9.16.3 The refrigerant discharge lines of
9.14.1 The evaporators of air coolers with compressors and pumps shall be fitted with
direct evaporation of the refrigerant shall have retaining (non-return) valves. The latter are
welded or soldered structure. Flanged joints not required for compressors using refrigerants
between sections and pipelines are normally of Group I and not fitted with discharge fa-
not used, but if it is impossible to make cilities.
welded or soldered joints the flanged joints
shall be located in places accessible for leak 9.16.4 Liquid piping of refrigerants with
tests. low water solubility shall be fitted with desic-
cating facilities for moisture absorption. The
9.14.2 Where a single air cooler is used for latter shall be installed either together with
cooling of the cargo spaces, its evaporator filters or structurally combined with them.
shall consist of at least two independent sec-
tions with each section capable of being shut- 9.16.5 The refrigerant drainage pipes from
off separately. the safety valves other than those specified in
9.12.5 shall be led overboard below the water-
line corresponding to the minimal draught of
9.15 VALVES AND FITTINGS. SAFETY a ship. These pipes shall be fitted with the
refrigerant leakage detectors and retaining
9.15.1 Refrigerating plant systems shall be valves installed in the immediate proximity of
fitted with shut-off, control and safety valves the ship’s side. Refrigerants of Group I may
rated for pressure of at least 1.25p, where p is be discharged into the atmosphere in the
the design pressure taken in accordance with places non-hazardous for people.
9.3.2. 9.16.6 Refrigerant emergency drainage
Valves shall be made of steel. Application pipes from the apparatus and vessels shall be
of built-in shut-off valves made of lamellar led to the emergency drainage manifold lo-
graphite cast iron for inlet and outlet cavities cated outside the refrigerating machinery
of the refrigerator compressors as well as room but near the entrance thereto. Each
valves made of nodular cast iron is allowed drainage pipe shall be fitted with shut-off
for refrigerants of Groups I and II at the me- valves and refrigerant leakage detectors behind
dium temperatures not lower than –40 °С.Ï the each valve. The valves shall be protected
9.15.2 The safety valve spring attachments from access of unauthorized personnel and be
adapted for sealing in the closed position.
shall provide opening of the safety valves at a
pressure not exceeding the design pressure The common line from the overboard
according to 9.3.2 by more than 10 per cent. drainage manifold shall be fitted with retain-
ing valve and be led overboard below the wa-
terline corresponding to the minimal draught
of a ship. Compressed air or steam feeding
9.16.1 Piping of the refrigerant, liquid line shall be provided for purging the com-
coolant and cooling water systems shall com- mon line.
9 Refrigerating Plants 449

The inner diameter of the refrigerant emer- .2 inadmissible rise of the discharge pres-
gency drainage pipe from single apparatuses sure;
or vessels shall be not less than the safety .3 inadmissible drop of the lubricating oil
valve diameter determined by valve capacity pressure;
according to 9.13.2. Cross-sectional area of .4 inadmissible rise of the discharge tem-
the overboard drainage manifold shall be not perature (for refrigerating plants using the
less than the sum of the cross-sectional areas refrigerants of Groups II and III as well as
of three largest emergency drainage pipes automated plants with unattended operation);
from single apparatus and vessels connected .5 inadmissible axial displacement of the
with the manifold. centrifugal compressor rotor;
9.16.7 The minimal wall thickness of the .6 inadmissible rise of temperature of the
sections led overboard below the waterline centrifugal compressor friction bearings.
according to 9.16.5 and 9.16.6 shall be taken 9.18.4 Liquid separators, intermediate ves-
not less than specified in column 3 of Ta- sels and circulation receivers (where pump
ble 10.2.13. circulation system of the refrigerant is used),
as well as free-level type evaporators shall be
9.17 INSTRUMENTS fitted with automatic devices that ensures the
9.17.1 Compressors, units and piping of the
.1 maintaining either constant level of the
refrigerating plant shall be fitted with control
refrigerant required for normal operation of
and monitoring devices for checking the pa-
the evaporator or constant vapour overheating
rameters of working media and the perform-
ance characteristics. In addition, a provision
.2 stopping the feeding of the liquid re-
shall be made for installation of control and
frigerant to the evaporators and intermediate
monitoring devices for testing.
vessels of all types at the compressor switch-
9.17.2 Instrumentation shall be installed in ing off;
accessible and illuminated places. Maximal .3 switching off the compressor in the
and minimal permissible values of the con- event of inadmissible rise of the refrigerant
trolled parameters checked shall be indicated level.
on the instrumentation scales.
9.18.5 Installations with shell-and-tube
type evaporators shall be fitted with automatic
devices switching off the compressor in the
9.18.1 Automation systems including their following cases:
elements and joints shall comply with appli- .1 flow of the liquid coolant through the
cable requirements of Section 11. evaporator is interrupted, or this evaporator is
disconnected from the refrigerant system;
9.18.2 When the refrigerating plant is con-
.2 in case of inadmissible drop of the liq-
trolled automatically, manual control shall be
uid coolant temperature.
available also.
Where the two automatic devices operating 9.18.6 Refrigerating plants shall be fitted
in parallel are provided, manual control may with alarm devices sending warning to the
be dispensed with. refrigerating plant control station in case of
actuation of the automatic protection devices
9.18.3 The refrigerant compressors shall be
specified in 9.18.3 to 9.18.5.
necessarily fitted with automatic devices dis-
It shall be possible to decode the above
connecting its drive in the event of:
signals at the local control station of the re-
.1 impermissible (hereinafter as compared
frigerating plant.
to the value specified in the technical docu-
mentation of refrigerating plant) suction pres- 9.18.7 Where entirely automated refrigerat-
sure drop; ing plant is used, the wheelhouse shall be fit-
450 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

ted with an alarm device which is actuated drainage means during operation; it shall also
when the temperature inside the cooled be protected against damage by rodents.
spaces deviates from the admissible value re-
quired for the given type of cargo. 9.19.5 Insulation of the cooled cargo
spaces shall be covered by lining or any other
9.18.8 Each room where pressurized refrig- suitable coating. Insulation coating shall be
erant equipment is located shall be fitted with protected in the places which can be damaged
gas analysers and refrigerant leakage alarm by the cargo.
devices. The alarm signals shall be sent to the
refrigerating plant control station. 9.19.6 Insulation of freezing tunnels shall
comply with the requirements of 9.9.7, 9.19.2,
9.18.9 Automated refrigerating plants shall 9.19.4, 9.19.5.
comply with the requirements of Section 11 of
this Part.
9.19 INSULATION OF THE COOLED 9.20.1 Pipelines in the places where they
SPACES penetrate the bulkheads and decks shall not
have direct contact with the latter to avoid
9.19.1 All metal parts of the hull located
heat exchange.
inside the cooled cargo spaces shall be insu-
lated. 9.20.2 Insulation of the pipelines shall be
9.19.2 Insulation of the cooled cargo protected against moisture penetration.
spaces shall be made of biostable odourless 9.20.3 Insulation of pipelines shall be made
materials. of non-combustible heat-insulating materials
9.19.3 Surfaces of bulkheads and inner bot- according to the requirements of Part III of
tom plating in the fuel tanks area shall be the Rules. This requirement is not applied to
coated by oil-resistant odourless material. The insulation of the pipes located within cooled
coating shall be applied prior to insulating cargo spaces and storerooms.
those surfaces. 9.20.4 Anti-condensate materials and adhe-
9.19.4 Insulation of the cooled cargo sives used with insulation and insulation of
spaces shall be either protected against pene- pipeline valves shall comply with the require-
tration of moisture or fitted with effective ments of Part III of the Rules.
10 Systems 451


10.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS .17 hydraulic drive systems.

10.1.1 Requirements of the present Section .18 with high-temperature organic heat
of the Rules apply to the following systems transfer fluid;
used in ships: .19 cargo heating.
.1 bilge and drain systems; Requirements to systems and pipelines are
.2 ballast systems; set out in the relevant Sections of this Part
.3 cargo systems of oil tankers; and other Parts of the Rules. For the re-
.4 air, gas-freeing, overflow and sounding quirements to cargo heating system, see 4.19
pipes; Part IX of the Rules.
.5 exhaust gas systems; The requirements described in 10.1.2, 10.2,
.6 fuel systems; 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 also apply to ship
.7 lubricating oil systems; systems ensuring ship’s habitability for the
.8 cooling water systems; crew and passengers (systems of steam and
.9 compressed air systems; water heating, fresh water, etc.), if applicable
.10 ventilation systems; to the specified systems.
.11 steam and boiler blow-down systems; 10.1.2 Depending on purpose and parame-
.12 liquefied gas systems; ters of pumped media the pipelines in the
.13 toxic media systems; present Rules are divided into 3 classes as
.14 feeding and condensate systems; indicated in Table 10.1.2. For each class of
.15 open-ended steam pipes from safety pipelines the joint types, heat treatment,
valves; welding procedures and methods and scope of
.16 tank cleaning and washing systems; testing are assigned.
T a b l e 10.1.2
Medium parameters for pipeline classes
Design pressure p and temperature t* pipeline class
Pumped medium I II III
p, MPa t, °Ñ p, MPa t, °Ñ p, MPa t, °Ñ
Toxic and inflammable media with a working tem- Any parameter — —
perature above the flash point or inflammable media
having a flash point below 60 °C (closed cup test), liq-
uefied gases, corrosive media
Steam > 1.6 > 300  1.6  300  0.7  170
Fuel > 1.6 > 150  1.6  150  0.7  60
Air, gases, water, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil > 4.0 >300  4.0  300  1.6  200
*see 10.2.12.
N o t e s . 1. Piping with one of the above-stated parameters are Class I pipelines; piping with both pa-
rameters are Class II and Class III pipelines.
2. Cargo oil pipes of oil tankers and ships carrying dangerous cargos in bulk, as well as open-ended
pipelines (draining, overflow, gas exhaust, air and steam discharge from valves), are class III pipelines.
452 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.2.4 Nodular cast iron may be admitted

for pipes and valves of bilge, ballast and liquid
Material, manufacturing and application cargo piping laid inside the double bottom
space or cargo tanks.
10.2.1 Materials used in the manufacturing
Nodular cast iron valves may be admitted
of pipes and valves shall comply with the re-
quirements of Part X of the Rules shall be for media with a temperature not over 350Ñ.
complied with. Side valves and side branch pipes, as well
as valves fitted on the collision bulkhead and
10.2.2 Steel pipes intended for manufactur- in fuel and lubricating oil tanks, can be made
ing of Class I and Class II pipelines as well as of nodular cast iron of entirely ferritic struc-
for the following Class III pipelines: ture according to requirements of 2.11 Part X
.1 bilge and drain pipelines; of the Rules shall be complied with.
.2 feed water pipelines; 10.2.5 Piping made of lamellar graphite
.3 ballast pipelines (if they are used as fuel cast iron may be used for cargo and ballast
pipes or laid through the fuel tanks); tanks of tankers except clean ballast pipelines
.4 fuel oil, lubricating oil pipelines; laid through the cargo tanks.
.5 fuel and lubricating oil heating coils; Pipes and valves made of lamellar graphite
.6 boiler steam and circulation pipelines; cast iron may also be used for cargo lines on
.7 compressed air systems; the open deck, excepting the end sections and
.8 hydraulic pipelines, valves of cargo piping for connection to the
shall be seamless or welded if they are equiva- cargo hoses.
lent to weldless pipes by density and strength. However, lamellar graphite cast iron shall
Pipes and valves made of carbon steel and not be used for:
carbon-manganese steel shall be used for me- .1 valves for media with a temperature
dia with a temperature not exceeding 400 °C; above 220 °C;
those made of low-alloy steel — with a tem- .2 pipes subject to water hammer;
perature not exceeding 500 °C. .3 pipes directly connected to the outer
It is allowed to use carbon and carbon- shell plating;
manganese steels for media with temperature .4 valves fitted on the hull plating and the
exceeding the permissible one, provided their collision bulkhead;
mechanical properties and long-term strength .5 valves arranged on fuel and lubricating
within 100 000 h are guaranteed by the steel oil tanks under static head, unless they are
manufacturer at such high temperature; the protected against mechanical damage.
same shall be specified in the accompanying 10.2.6 Pipes made of aluminium alloys may
documentation. be used for handling media with temperature
Pipes and valves for media with a tempera- nor exceeding 150 °C if the measures for pro-
ture above 500 °C shall be made of alloy steel. tection of pipelines against contact corrosion
This requirement does not apply to exhaust are taken.
gas pipes.
10.2.7 Application of plastic pipelines shall
10.2.3 Copper pipes for pipelines of comply with Table 10.2.34.
Classes I and II shall be seamless.
Pipes and valves made of copper and cop- 10.2.8 The plugs and threaded portion of
per alloys shall be used for media having a deck bushes of sounding pipes on the open
decks shall be of bronze or brass.
temperature not exceeding 200 Ñ and those
made of copper-nickel alloys – for tempera- 10.2.9 Self-closing valves of sounding pipes
tures not exceeding 300 Ñ. Bronze valves can in fuel oil tanks shall prevent formation of
be used for media having a temperature of up sparks. Sight glasses on fuel and lubricating oil
to 260 Ñ. pipelines shall be heat-proof.
10 Systems 453

Piping bend radii  — strength factor taken as 1 for seamless

pipes and welded pipes which are considered
10.2.10 The inner bending radius of steel,
to be equivalent to seamless pipes;
copper and aluminium pipes handling media
b — allowance for actual reduction of pipe
under a pressure above 0.5 MPa or having a
wall thickness due to bending, in mm; it shall
temperature over 60 C, as well as bending
be chosen in such a way that the stresses in
radius of pipes intended for homing action
the bent part of the pipe due to internal pres-
shall be at least 2.5d1 (d1 is the outer diameter
sure do not exceed the permissible stresses.
of the pipe).
Where precise values of thickness reduction
Bending of a lesser radius may be permit- after bending are not known, the allowance is
ted provided that no thinning of the pipe wall determined by the formula:
occurs during the bending.
b  0, 4d s0 R , (10.2.12-2)
The inner bend radius of the boiler blow-
off pipes shall be at least 3.5d (d is inside di- R — mean radius of the pipe bend, in mm;
ameter of the pipe). ñ — corrosion allowance, in mm, adopted
from Table 10.2.12-1 for steel pipes and Ta-
Bend radius of pipes used in other condi-
ble 10.2.12-2 for non-ferrous metal pipes. For
tions than those mentioned herein can be
pipes manufactured of corrosion-resistant al-
lessen to 1.5d in case of machine bending.
loys in accordance with GOST 5632 the cor-
rosion allowance can be reduced to zero.
Heat treatment of pipes
T a b l e 10.2.12-1
10.2.11 For the requirements to heat Corrosion allowance ñ for steel pipes
treatment of pipes after bending, see 2.4.9 Working medium, purpose of piping c, mm
Part X of the Rules shall be complied with. Saturated steam 0.8
Superheated steam 0.3
Pipe wall thickness Heating steam coils for water and oil 2.0
products in tanks and cargo tanks
10.2.12 The wall thickness s, in mm, of Feed water in open circuit systems 1.5
metal pipes operating under the internal pres- Feed water in closed circuit systems 0.5
sure shall be not less than determined by the Blow-down pipelines of boilers 1.5
formula: Compressed air 1.0
Hydraulic (oil) systems 0.3
s  s0  b  c , (10.2.12-1)
Lubricating oil 0.3
where s0 — basic thickness of a wall, in mm: Fuel 1.0
Cargo pipelines 2.0
s0  dp  2 lim   p  ; Liquefied gas 0.3
Refrigerant piping 0.3
d — outside diameter of a pipe, in mm; Fresh water 0.8
p — design pressure (maximum working Sea water 3.0
pressure that shall be assumed equal to the N o t e s . 1. If the pipes have corrosion protec-
maximum opening pressure of safety valves or tion, the corrosion allowance can be reduced by
hydraulic test pressure in cases where safety not more than 50 %.
2. Where pipes of special steel alloys with suffi-
valves are not provided), in MPa.
cient corrosion resistance are used, the corrosion
For pipelines of carbon dioxide fire extin- allowance may be reduced to zero.
guishing systems (from the bottles to the start-
ing valves) p shall be assumed equal to the T a b l e 10.2.12-2
design pressure of bottles. Corrosion allowance ñ for non-ferrous metal pipes
Pipe material c, mm
For pipelines with fuel heated to tempera-
Copper, brass and similar alloys, as well as 0.8
ture over 55îÑ the design pressure shall be
copper-tin alloys, except those with led content
taken not less than 1.4 MPa; Copper-nickel alloys (with Ni content at 0.5
lim — permissible stress, in MPa; least 9 %)
454 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

T a b l e 10.2.12-3
Permissible stress for copper and copper alloy pipes which have undergone heat treatment (annealing)
Tensile strength Permissible stress lim, in MPa, at medium temperature, in °Ñ
Pipe material
Rm, in MPa 50 75 90 125 150 175 200 225 250
Copper 220 41 41 40 40 34 27 19 — —
Aluminium brass 320 78 78 78 78 78 51 25 — —
Copper-nickel alloy 270 69 69 68 66 64 62 59 56 52
95/5 and 90/9
Copper-nickel alloy 70/30 360 81 79 77 76 74 72 70 68 66
N o t e . The permissible stresses for intermediate values of lim should be determined by linear interpo-

For the pipes laid inside the tanks the cor- s1  s 1  0,01a  , (10.2.12-3)
rosion allowance stated in Table 10.2.12-1
shall be increased by the corrosion allowance where s — pipe wall thickness calculated by
for the external medium influence which is the formula (10.2.12-1);
assumed for the appropriate medium in ac- a — negative manufacturing tolerance for
cordance with the present Table. pipe wall thickness, in %.
For carbon or alloy steel pipes the permis-
sible design stresses are chosen equal to the 10.2.13 Wall thickness of steel, copper and
lowest of the following values: Rm 2, 7 ; copper-alloy pipes shall be not less than the
values stated in Table 10.2.13. If corrosion-
ReL/t 1,8 ; R 100000 1, 8 ; R 100000 1, 0 , resistant steel and titanium pipes are used,
m/t pl/t
their wall thickness is determined by results of
where Rm — tensile strength of the pipe ma- pipe strength calculations agreed with the
terial, in MPa; River Register.
ReL/t — minimum yield strength or proof
10.2.14 Wall thickness of plastic pipes are
stress at the design temperature, in MPa;
determined according to national standards1.
Rm/t100000 — ultimate long-term stress to
10.2.15 Heat exchangers and pressure ves-
produce rupture in 90 000 h at design tem-
sels used in the systems shall meet the re-
perature, in MPa;
quirements of Section 8 of this Part.
Rpl/t100000 — ultimate stress to produce 1 %
creep in 90 000 h at design temperature, in Protection of pipelines against excessive
MPa. pressure
The design temperature t for determining
permissible stresses is taken equal to the 10.2.16 The pipelines where pressure may
maximum temperature of the media inside the exceed the design value shall be fitted with
pipes. safety devices preventing the pressure rise in
The determining of permissible stresses on the pipelines over the design pressure.
the long-term strength and on the creep limit Fuel and lubricating oil shall not be bled
is not required. off from the safety valves in an open way.
For copper and copper alloy pipes which
10.2.17 If a pipeline is fitted with a reduc-
have undergone heat treatment the permissi-
ing valve, a pressure gauge and safety valve
ble stress is taken according to Table
shall be provided after it.
Bypass of the reducing valve is permissible.
In case of using pipes having negative
manufacturing allowance for the wall thick-
ness, the pipe wall thickness shall be deter- 1
GOST 29325, GOST ISO 4065, GOST 18599,
mined by the formula, mm: GOST R ISO 3126.
10 Systems 455

T a b l e 10.2.13
Wall thickness of copper and copper alloy pipes
Pipe wall thickness, in mm
Outside diameter, in mm

pipelines of carbon diox-
ide fire extinguishing

copper alloys
pipes of sys- air, over- outboard water pipes passing
heating coils, system

tems other flow, pipelines (bilge, through the
cleaning and
than stated in sounding ballast, cooling, tanks (see
cargo oil pipe- from start-
columns 3 to pipes of fire extinguishing 10.5.9 to from bottles
lines ing valves
8 tanks etc.) 10.5.11) to starting
to discharge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 1.6 — — — — — — 1.0 0.8
16.0 1.8 — — — — — — 1.2 1.0
20.0 2.0 — — — — — — 1.2 1.0
25.0 2.0 — 2.5 — — 3.2 2.6 1.5 1.2
38.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 6.3 3.0 4.0 3.2 1.5 1.2
45.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 6.3 4.0 4.0 3.2 1.5 1.2
57.0 2.3 2.5 3.0 6.3 4.5 4.5 3.6 2.0 1.5
76.0 2.6 3.2 3.5 6.3 5.0 5.0 3.6 2.0 1.5
89.0 2.9 3.2 3.5 7.1 5.0 5.6 4.0 2.5 2.0
108.0 2.9 4.0 4.0 7.1 5.0 7.1 4.5 2.5 2.0
133.0 3.6 4.0 4.0 8.0 5.6 8.0 5.0 3.0 2.5
159.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 8.8 6.0 8.8 5.6 3.0 2.5
219.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 8.8 7.0 — — 3.5 3.0
273.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.8 8.0 — — — —
325.0 5.6 6.3 6.3 — 9.0 — — — —
370.0 5.6 6.3 6.3 — 9.0 — — — —
N o t e s . 1. For the tabular values no allowance need to be made for negative manufacturing allowance
and thickness reduction due to bending.
2. If the pipes have corrosion protection, the pipe wall thickness specified in columns 3 to 5 can be re-
duced by not more than 1 mm.
3. For sounding pipes, the thickness stated in columns 3 and 5 apply to their sections located outside the
tanks for which these pipes are intended.
4. For pipes with threaded joints, the wall thickness is specified on the internal thread diameter in
threaded part of a pipe.
5. The thickness values stated in columns 7 and 8 apply to the pipes galvanized from the inside.
6. The Table is applicable to exhaust gas piping.

Pipe joints .3 slip-on sleeve welded joints are allowed

for Class III with any outside diameter of
10.2.18 Due to the pipeline class the fol-
lowing types of non-flanged connections are pipes;
allowed: .4 slip-on threaded joints — for class I
pipelines with outer diameter of pipes of
.1 welded butt joints of full penetration 33.7 mm and less; for class II pipelines with
type with provisions for the root side quality outer diameter of pipes of 60.3 mm and less;
are allowed for piping of any class and outside for class III pipelines with outer diameter of
diameter; pipes of 57 mm and less, except for the pipe-
lines with toxic and inflammable medium or
.2 welded butt joints of full penetration service conditions under increased cyclic
type without special provisions for the root loads and intense corrosion or erosion. It is
side quality are allowed for Class II and allowed to use threaded joints in carbon diox-
Class III pipelines of any outside diameter; ide fire-extinguishing systems only inside the
456 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

protected rooms and in carbon dioxide cylin- or non-conductive pipe sections with total
der room; insulation resistance from the hull of at least
.5 screwed nipple joints — for pipelines 10 kOhm;
of all classes with inner diameter of 32 mm .2 electrically insulating mats, plates and
and less. The number of screwed nipple joints guards to prevent contact between metal parts
shall be kept to a minimum. of the piping from the shore or other ship and
the hull. This requirement applies also to
10.2.19 Flange connections of pipelines
ships in service.
shall correspond to the following types shown
on Fig. 10.2.19. 10.2.21 Material for gaskets shall be resis-
tant to the media conveyed.
Gaskets in the joints of the fuel pipelines
shall provide tightness at temperatures of the
media conveyed of not lower than 120 °C.
10.2.22 Flexible joints shall be fitted with
flanges or nipples at the ends. Flexible joints
shall be located in easily accessible places. It
shall be possible to shut down these joints by
valves from the fuel oil, lubricating oil, com-
pressed air and cooling water systems to re-
place the flexible joint in the event of break-
Flexible joints shall be of fire-resistant type
when being used in pipelines of the following
pipelines for conveying fuel oil and lubri-
cating oil;
used for delivery of other flammable fluids
Fig. 10.2.19 Types of flanged joints and pipelines if a damage of the joints can cause danger to
the ship or people;
Dimensions of flanges shall comply with
driving watertight doors;
the national standards1.
connected to holes in the outer shell plat-
N o t e . In tapered threaded connection of
pipes of type D, if necessary, the pipe shall be ing (including the bilge system).
flared after the flange is fitted. Note. A fire-resistant joint is a joint that, being
attached to the pipeline filled with water and hav-
10.2.20 Type of flange connection shall be ing an open end, withstands the temperature of
chosen depending on the pipe class in com- 800 °C during 30 minutes and is watertight in the
pliance with the requirements of Table following testing by the design pressure.
10.2.20. Material of flexible joints shall be chosen
The following galvanic intrinsic safety with due regard to the media used, pressure,
means shall be provided on pipelines of any temperature and environment conditions. The
purpose intended for connection of pipelines bursting pressure of flexible joints shall at least
from the shore or other ship and located in 4 times exceed the design pressure.
explosive zones and spaces: Flexible joints being used in hazardous
.1 electrically insulating joints (flanged or spaces shall be electrically conductive.
of other type), electrically insulating supports
Testing of welds
GOST 1536, GOST 4433, GOST 12820, 10.2.23 The control of welded joints using
GOST 12821, GOST 12822. non-destructive methods shall be accom-
10 Systems 457

T a b l e 10.2.20
Flanged joint type selection
Toxic media, liquefied
Pipeline class

Steam Fuel and oil Other media

Type of
Type of flange con- Type of flange
ð, MPa t, Ñ flange con- t, Ñ t, Ñ Type of flange connection
nection connection
<–50 À
1 > 400 A >400 A
I <–50 À – Â*
Any  400 A – B* A – B* 400 A – B*
–50 À – Â*
> 250 A – B* – C >250 A – B* – C
II — — A – B* – C A – B* – C
 250 A – B* – C – D – E 250 A – B* – C – D – E
III — — — — A – B* – C – D – E A – B* – C – E — A – B* – C – D – E – F
N o t e s . 1 . For the type of flange connection see Fig. 10.2.19.
2. The type B* joint shall be applied only for pipes with outside diameter not exceeding 150 mm.
3. The type F connections are used only for water pipelines.

plished in accordance with the requirements Do not apply welded bends made of pipe
given in 8.2 Part X of the Rules shall be com- sectors with nominal diameter less than
plied with. 200 mm. Bend of 90î shall have at least three
Testing of electrical resistance Do not apply bent or welded fittings for
manufacture of side or sea chest branch pipes.
10.2.24 Electrical resistance of each flexible
joint intended for use in explosive rooms and 10.2.28 Use of tee-joints, legs and nipples
spaces shall be tested prior to installation of for connection of branches, welded pieces and
the joint. Electrical resistance between any other elements shall not cause reduction of flow
two points of such flexible joint shall not ex- area of the main in places of their installation.
ceed 1·106 Ohm. 10.2.29 The flow rate determined by the
formula (10.2.29) for pipeline sections with
Corrosion protection welded fittings (tee-joints, welded branches,
10.2.25 Steel pipes of outboard water, as etc.), orifice plates, as well as side and sea
chest branch pipes, shall not exceed the val-
well as air, measuring and overflow pipes of
water, ballast and fuel tanks, gas outlet pipes ues stated in Table 10.2.29.
of cargo tanks, air pipes of cofferdams of oil Compliance of the design flow rate in
tankers after bending and welding, shall be pipeline sections specified in this paragraph
protected against corrosion. and sea chest connecting passages with the
present requirements shall be proved by cal-
10.2.26 In the process of design and instal- culation by the formula, in m/s:
lation of ship pipelines of overboard water the T a b l e 10.2.29
design measures shall be taken to reduce the Flow rate for pipeline sections with welded fittings
corrosive and erosive wear of pipelines.
Pipeline material
10.2.27 Pipelines for corrosion-active me- flow rate, m/s
dium shall be made with minimum number of Steel, including zinc-coated steel 2.5
Copper 0.9
bends. Bending radii shall be not less than 2.5
Cooper-nickel alloys:
of their outer diameters. ÌÍÆ5-1 2.0
If it is not possible to keep to these bend- ÌÍÆÌö10-1-1 2.5
ing radii, for example, in confined places, ÌÍÆÌö30-1-1 3.5
special fittings shall be used. Aluminium brass 2.0
458 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

E n d o f T a b l e 10.2.29 .2 polyvinyl chloride (PVC);

N o t e s . 1. In pipelines with fittings having ra- .3 fibre reinforced plastic (FRP).
dii of rounding in places of connection to the main
of 0.15 diameters of the latter and more, bent 10.2.33 Plastic pipes and pipelines compo-
branches with bending radius exceeding 2.5 of nents of ship systems responsible for damage
outer diameter without welded bends and orifice control and floodability shall be fire-proof
plates the flow rate can exceed the values stated in (see, Part III of the Rules).
Table by 30 %.
2. In drenching, water-screen, sprinkling and 10.2.34 Depending on pipeline ability to
ballast systems the permissible flow rates irrespec- maintain integrity during fire resistance tests,
tive of design version of used components of pipe- the following three levels of fire resistance are
lines can exceed the values specified in the Table specified:
by 30 %.
L1 — for pipelines which withstand the
Vm  0.354  103Q d 2 , (10.2.29) fire resistance tests in dry condition during
1 h;
where Q — maximum flow rate on the gage L2 — for pipelines which withstand the
section, in m3/h; fire resistance tests in dry condition during
d — pipeline inner diameter, in mm. 30 min;
10.2.30 If non-ferrous alloy bottom and L3 — for pipelines which withstand the
side valves are used, the hull plating and all fire resistance tests in filled condition during
components of the system contacting these 30 min.
valves shall be protected from contact corro- For the scope of application of plastic
sion. Sacrificial anode system against contact pipelines depending on fire resistance level,
corrosion of receiving and discharge welded location and supplied media, see Table
branch pipes with valves shall be made with 10.2.34.
use of standard bracelet type end sacrificial Ship systems footnoted in Table 10.2.34
anodes or bracelet type interflanged sacrificial shall meet the supplementary requirements
anodes installed on branch pipe flanges. corresponding to the footnote number:
Mated elements shall have electrical insula- 1 — valves with remote control outside the
tion. Bottom and side valves shall have insula- room shall be provided on the ship’s side;
tion from both sides. 2 — remotely closing valves shall be pro-
vided for cargo tanks;
10.2.31 When connecting sea water steel
pipelines with valves and cases of pumps, 3 — if the cargo tanks contain inflamma-
units and heat exchangers made of non- ble liquids with flash point over 60 °Ñ, the
ferrous alloys, the measures shall be taken to "O" symbol may be used instead of "—" or
protect from contact corrosion as specified in "+";
10.2.30. 4 — for bilge pipeline servicing only the
given space, the "O" symbol may be used in-
stead of "L1";
5 — when control functions are not pro-
Plastic pipelines
vided, the "O" symbol may be used instead of
10.2.32 The requirements of 10.2.33 to "L1";
10.2.54 apply to pipelines and pipeline com- 6 — for the pipeline between machinery
ponents made of the following types of plas- space and deck hydraulic gate the "O" symbol
tic: may be used instead of "L1";
.1 thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic 7 — for passenger ships the "+" symbol
materials with or without reinforcement; shall be used instead of "L1".
10 Systems 459

T a b l e 10.2.34
Scope of application of plastic pipelines
Requirements to systems and their components located
Medium to be
Piping system in the spaces corresponding to letter*
1. Liquid Cargo — — L1 — — Î — Î Î — L12
cargoes with a Crude oil tank washing — — L1 — — Î — Î Î — L12
flash point of Exhaust gas — — — — — Î — Î Î — +
60 °С and less
2. Inert gas Pipeline from hydraulic lock — — Î1 — — Î1 Î1 Î1 Î1 — Î
Pipeline from purifier Î1 Î1 — — — — — Î1 Î1 — Î
Main line Î Î L1 — — — — — Î — L16
Distribution pipelines — — L1 — — Î — — Î — L12
3. Flammable Cargo + + L1 + + —3 Î Î Î — L1
liquids with a Fuel + + L1 + + —3 Î Î Î L1 L1
flash point of Oil + + L1 + + — — — Î L1 L1
60 °Ñ and over Hydraulic + + L1 + + Î Î Î Î L1 L1
4. Sea water Drainage L17 L17 L1 + + — Î Î Î — L1
Drainage pipelines of internal spaces L14 L14 — L14 Î — Î Î Î Î Î
Sanitary drains (internal) Î Î — Î Î — Î Î Î Î Î
Drainage from weather decks Î1 Î1 Î1 Î1 Î1 — Î Î Î Î1 Î
Fire main system and water spraying L1 L1 L1 + — — — Î Î + L1
Foam fire-extinguishing L1 L1 L1 + — — — Î Î L1 L1
Sprinkling L1 L1 L3 + — — — Î Î L3 L3
Ballast L3 L3 L3 L3 + Î Î Î Î L2 L2
Essential service cooling systems L3 L3 — — — — — Î Î — L2
Non-essential service cooling systems Î Î Î Î Î — Î Î Î Î Î
Crude oil tank washing — — L3 — — Î — Î Î — L32
5. Fresh Essential service cooling systems L3 L3 — — — — Î Î Î L3 L3
water Condensate return system L3 L3 L3 Î Î — — — Î Î Î
Non-essential service cooling systems Î Î Î Î Î — Î Î Î Î Î
6. Other Air, sounding and overflow pipes: water Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î
media tanks and dry compartments
Flammable liquids with Òflash > 60 °С + + + + + +3 Î Î Î + +
Pneumatic control systems L15 L15 L15 L15 L15 — Î Î Î L15 L15
Air pipes for domestic needs Î Î Î Î Î — Î Î Î Î Î
Brine Î Î — Î Î — — — Î Î Î
Low pressure steam L2 L2 Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î
* À — machinery spaces with engines and boilers and the trunks of these spaces;
 — other machinery spaces;
Ñ — cargo pump rooms, including entries to trunks;
D — cargo spaces of ro-ro ships;
E — cargo spaces of dry cargoes and trunks;
F — cargo tanks and trunks;
G — fuel tanks and trunks;
Í — ballast tanks and trunks;
I — cofferdams, dry compartments, etc;
J — accommodation, service spaces and control stations;
Ê — open decks.
N o t e . The following symbols indicate:
"Î" — fire resistance tests not required;
"+" — only metallic materials with melting point over 925 Ñ are to be used.
460 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.2.42 During installation of pipelines the

10.2.35 Material of all pipes, except for
possible displacement of plastic pipes relative
pipes located on open decks, in tanks, coffer-
to steel hull structures due to difference of
dams, pipeline tunnels, etc., shall have low
linear expansion coefficients of plastic and
flame spread properties (see Part III
steel shall be taken into consideration.
of the Rules).
10.2.43 For thermal expansion calculations
10.2.36 Where fire protective coatings are the operating temperature of the system and
used to provide the fire endurance level re- installation temperature shall be taken into
quired, they shall meet the requirements of consideration. Part III of the Rules.
10.2.44 During pipeline installation the
10.2.37 In cases described in 10.2.36 in the temporary point loads shall be taken into con-
places of connections of the system the fire sideration (where needed). Such allowance is
protective coatings shall be applied according to include at least the force exerted by a load
to the requirements of Part III of the (person) of 90 kg at mid-span on any pipe of
Rules. These coatings are to be applied only more than 90 mm nominal outside diameter.
after hydraulic tests of the system. The coat-
ings shall be applied according to the recom- 10.2.45 To ensure robustness for plastic
mendations of the pipe manufacturers. piping, including open-ended piping, the
minimum wall thickness complying is to be
10.2.38 Fireproof coatings are to be used increased by 1 to 2 mm as compared to the
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. thickness values calculated taking into ac-
count the conditions encountered during ser-
10.2.39 To select the supports and the dis- vice on board vessels.
tance between them, the permissible stresses
and maximum permissible flexure of pipes 10.2.46 The pipes shall be protected from
specified by the pipe manufacturer shall be mechanical damages, if needed.
taken into consideration. 10.2.47 Piping systems conveying fluids
The distance between the supports shall not with a conductivity less than 900 picosiemens
exceed the values determined by the manufac- per metre (pS/m), such as refined products
turer. and distillates, are to be made of conductive
To select the supports and the distance be- pipes.
tween them, it is also needed to consider me-
10.2.48 Regardless of the fluid to be con-
chanical and physical properties of pipe mate-
rial, weight of pipes and liquid in them, ex- veyed, plastic pipes passing through hazardous
ternal pressure, operating temperature, effect areas are to be electrically conductive.
of thermal expansion, external force loads, The resistance of the pipes and fittings to
thrust forces, water hammers and vibration the ground in any point of the piping system
which can appear in the system. shall not exceed 106 Ω. Electrically conductive
layers of pipes and mated pipeline compo-
10.2.40 Pipe weight load shall be uniformly nents shall have equal conductivity. Other-
spread over the entire bearing surface of the wise, the pipelines shall be protected from
support. Measures shall be taken to minimize damage by electrical discharges caused by
the wear of pipes in places of their contact different conductance of electrically conduc-
with the supports, such as, for example, use of tive layers of pipes and mated pipeline com-
insulating rubber or fluoroplastic gaskets ponents.
10.2.49 Upon completion of installation
10.2.41 Valves, expansion joints and other the quality of pipeline grounding shall be
system components, the weight of which ex- tested. Attachment points of grounding wires
ceeds 2 kg, shall have separate supports. shall be accessible for inspection.
10 Systems 461

Connections of plastic pipes ancy. Such coating shall have similar proper-
ties with regard to external actions.
10.2.50 The strength of connections shall
correspond to the strength of pipeline in Design and material of hoses to be used for
which they are installed. transfer of liquefied gases shall comply with
the requirements of national standards1.
10.2.51 The pipelines can be assembled
with use of adhesive, welded, socket welded, 10.2.59 End pieces shall be connected to
flanged and slip-on joints. the hose by mechanical or chemical method.
10.2.52 Adhesives used for assembly of 10.2.60 When welding is applied for the
pipelines shall ensure tightness of joints in the end pieces, it shall be carried out by welders
entire range of possible operating temperature having admission certificate of the River Reg-
and pressure values. ister, and 90 % of welded joints shall be ex-
10.2.53 The joints shall be tightened ac- posed to non-destructive testing (see 8.2 Part
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions. X of the Rules).
10.2.61 The material of end pieces and
Laying of plastic pipes flanges shall exclude the possibility of spark
10.2.54 When laying plastic pipelines formation when contacting with the ship’s
through watertight and fireproof decks and hull. The surfaces of end pieces shall be pro-
bulkheads of types A or B the requirements of tected from corrosive action of overboard
10.5 shall be met. water and transferred medium.
10.2.62 The hose is considered buoyant if
Ship hoses its buoyancy reserve when the hose is fully
10.2.55 The requirements of this section immersed in overboard water and fully filled
apply to ship hoses for reception and transfer with it is not less than 20 %. The hose buoy-
of chemical cargo, crude oil, oil products, ancy reserve is calculated by the formula, in %:
fuel, oil, oily waters and contaminated ballast K  100  B  W h  W w  W h  W w  ,
waters and transfer of cargo vapours.
10.2.56 Only ready-made hoses consisting where  — weight of outboard water dis-
played by the filly immersed hose, including
of hose pieces and end pieces (flanged branch
pipes, nipples or other connections) shall be the weight of the overboard water displaced
used onboard the ship. by the materials ensuring buoyancy and the
weight of overboard water in the hose, in kg;
10.2.57 The hose shall be made of rubber Ww — weight of outboard water in the
reinforced with textile band and (or) steel hose, in kg;
wire braiding. The hose can be additionally
Wh — weight of an empty hose in the air,
reinforced with one or several layers of wire
including the weight of materials ensuring its
spiral, rings or in a different way.
buoyancy, in kg.
Hose material shall be resistant to con-
ducted medium in the entire range of operat- Any materials used to provide buoyancy
shall be secured on the hose.
ing temperatures or its inner surface shall be
covered with a special coating resistant to 10.2.63 Floating hoses shall be of orange
such medium. colour, or a strip of orange colour in the form
10.2.58 The outer surface of hose shall be of a spiral shall be applied on them. Strip
resistant to wear, attrition, sun rays and at- width — 90 mm, spiral pitch — 450 mm. The
mospheric phenomena and shall be imperme- strip is to be connected to external coating
able for overboard water and transferred liq- during vulcanization.
uids. The outer surface can be covered with
polyurethane or other material ensuring buoy- 1
GOST 6286, GOST 18698.
462 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.2.64 To transfer the cargo from one ship

to another one under way and in the course
of cargo handling with use of single point
mooring, the floating hoses shall be used. The
hose lines shall have a device for emergency
When using hose lines with a device for
Fig. 10.2.67. Marking of cargo vapour delivery hose
emergency detachment, the water hammers
which can appear upon device operation shall 10.2.69 The heating cable shall be installed
be taken into consideration; to prevent the after hydraulic tests of pipelines and applica-
water hammers, the flow rate of liquid shall tion of corrosion-resistant coating.
be limited.
10.2.70 Electrically heated pipelines in
10.2.65 The following marking shall be places of possible mechanical damages of
clearly applied on both ends of each hose: heating cables shall be covered with protecting
manufacturer’s name or trademark; housings.
hose serial number by manufacturer’s data;
month and year of hose manufacture; 10.2.71 Warning notices “Caution! Electric
pressure ratings; heating!” shall be affixed to electrically heated
electrical conductivity instructions. pipelines and valves.
10.2.66 Hoses shall be stored on board in
places protected against exposure to direct 10.3 PIPELINE VALVES
sunlight and be coiled with due regard to a Construction
minimum bending radius and hose manufac-
turer's recommendations. Design measures 10.3.1 The covers of valves with internal
shall be taken to drain and remove cargo re- diameter over 32 mm shall be secured to valve
mains from the hoses. Store rooms for hoses bodies by bolts or studs. Threaded covers may
shall comply with the applicable requirements be used for valves having internal diameter up
of 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 Part III of the Rules. to 32 mm inclusive, if stops are fitted on these
10.2.67 Hoses with permissible nominal The nut of plug in a cock shall be well
pressure not less than 0.034 MPa and vacuum locked to prevent self-unscrewing while han-
not less than 0.014 MPa shall be used to dling the cock.
transfer the evaporations of cargo. Hose burst-
ing pressure shall be not less 5-fold nominal 10.3.2 All valves which are provided with
pressure of the hose. Last meter from each remote control are also to be designed for
end of the hose shall be painted according to local manual operation.
Figure 10.2.67 and have a "vapour" inscription 10.3.3 Compressed air shall not be used in
made with black characters of at least 50 mm remote control systems of valves located in-
in height. Each flange shall have additional side the cargo tanks.
hole on the line of coupling bolts permitting
to connect the flange to the connecting 10.3.4 Where the valves inside the cargo
branch pipe for vapour delivery. Only electri- tanks are remote-controlled by means of a
cally conductive hoses shall be used in the hydraulic system, they shall be also operable
systems for vapour delivery to shore. with the aid of a hand pump connected to the
hydraulic control system of each valve via a
Electrically heated pipelines separate pipe or directly to the valve actuator.
10.2.68 Electric equipment in systems with 10.3.5 The service tank of the hydraulic
use of pipeline heating cables shall comply remote control system of the valves inside the
with the requirements of Part VI of the Rules. cargo tanks shall be located above the top
10 Systems 463

level of the cargo tanks and all pipelines of pressure in the internal spaces of the filter and
the hydraulic system shall be led to the cargo the possibility of ingress of working medium
tanks through its upper part. to the internal spaces of opened filters. If such
The service tank shall also be fitted with an interlock is not provided, the indelible and
air pipe fitted with a flame arresters and led to non-deformable warning inscription prohibit-
a safe position on the open deck. This tank ing opening of filter under pressure shall be
shall be fitted with audible and visual alarm applied on filter casing.
being actuated in case the liquid level in the 10.3.13 Filter casing shall be designed for
tanks is lowered down to the minimum per- strength under pressure not less than the test
missible level.
pressure during hydraulic tests of the system.
Marking of valves 10.4 SEA CHESTS AND ICE BOXES.
10.3.6 The shut-off valves shall be provided BOTTOM AND SIDE VALVES.
with clearly visible fixed nameplates with in- OPENINGS IN THE OUTER SHELL
scriptions indicating their purpose. PLATING
10.3.7 Remotely controlled valves at con- Construction and installation of valves
trol stations shall have fixed identification
10.4.1 Bottom and side valves fitted below
plates indicating their purpose as well as the freeboard deck level shall not be made of
“open” and “closed” position indicators. materials easily damaged by fire.
Where the remote control is used only to
close the valve, the indicators need not be 10.4.2 The spindles and closing parts of the
fitted. bottom and side valves shall be manufactured
of corrosion-resistant materials.
Arrangement and installation of valves 10.4.3 Sea chests and ice boxes shall be
10.3.8 The valves fitted on watertight bulk- equipped with detachable gratings or man-
heads shall be secured to welded pads by holes with covers to provide access inside the
studs, or the valves may be installed on bulk- boxes. See also 5.6.29 Part II of the Rules.
head pieces. The stud holes shall be blind. 10.4.4 In ships with ice strengthening one
10.3.9 Valves with a diameter exceeding of the sea chests shall be ice sea chest. Ice
10 mm arranged on plastic pipelines shall be boxes shall be so designed as to provide sepa-
secured to the hull structures. ration of ice and removal of air from the ice
box to ensure operation of the outboard water
10.4.5 In ships strengthened for ice naviga-
10.3.10 The design of filters shall enable
tion, provision shall be made for the heating
periodic cleaning of filtering elements.
of the outboard valve boxes and ice boxes, as
10.3.11 Filters shall be equipped with de- well as side valves and fittings located above
vices permitting to see that there is no work- the load waterline.
ing medium pressure in filters prior to their
10.4.6 All discharge openings in the shell
plating shall be provided with devices to pre-
Tubes from such devices shall be brought vent occasional sea water penetration inside
to trays so as to prevent splashing of working
the hull.
Overflow outlets of pipes other than those
10.3.12 Filters included in the systems with indicated in 10.4.7, led from spaces located
combustible working medium shall be below the freeboard deck as well as along the
equipped with interlock excluding the possi- freeboard deck shall be fitted with check
bility of their opening in case of excessive (non-return) valves with forced valve closing
464 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

from easily accessible places above the free- the shell plating of the hull. In these cases
board deck. discharge pipelines of systems shall have ar-
rangements preventing ingress of working me-
10.4.7 Outboard inlet and discharge holes
dium from other discharge pipelines brought
of systems and pipelines of the power installa-
out through one common opening in the shell
tion main and auxiliary machinery located in
plating of the ship. .
the machinery spaces shall have locally con-
trolled valves or slide valves accessible for 10.4.12 The location of outboard water
control and maintenance. Drives of the valve inlet and discharge openings in the outer shell
controls shall be fitted with an indicator plating shall be such as to provide the follow-
showing whether the valve is open or closed. ing:
The side discharge valves shall be of the .1 to prevent sucking of the discharged
non-return shut-off type. Such valve can be water, sewage, ash and other wastes by out-
replaced with non-return valve or pipeline board water pumps;
loop lifted above the highest cargo waterline.
.2 to prevent the ingress of sewage and
10.4.8 The controls of inlet bottom valves discharged water into the ship spaces through
shall be located in readily accessible places the side scuttles as well as discharge of water
and shall be provided with an indicator show- into the lifeboats and liferafts during launch-
ing whether the valve is open or closed. ing.
In passenger ships these drives shall be lo- If the requirement of is not met,
cated above the floor level of the machinery the discharge openings shall be fitted with
space. appropriate arrangements to prevent ingress of
10.4.9 Bottom and side valves are to be at- discharged water into the ship spaces, life-
tached to welded pads. boats and life rafts.
The valves may be also installed on welded 10.4.13 The openings in the outer shell
branch pipes provided that they are rigid. plating of outboard valve boxes and ice boxes
Branch pipe wall thickness shall not be less shall be fitted with protective gratings. Holes
than the minimum thickness of the shell plat- or slots may be provided in the hull instead of
ing in the ship extremities, but not more than gratings. The total area of the holes or slots
8 mm. shall not be less than 2.5 times the area of the
The stud holes shall not penetrate the shell outboard valve.
plating and shall be terminated in the welded
The hole diameter and the slot width in the
pads. Gaskets made of lead or other materials
gratings or outer shell plating shall be not over
which readily deteriorate in the event of fire
20 mm.
are not shall not be used.
The gratings of the sea chests shall be pro-
10.4.10 Side valves of boiler blown-down vided with a steam, compressed air or water
pipelines shall be attached to welded pads. blowing device. Blowing pipes shall be pro-
Welded protective ring shall be fitted on the vided with non-return shutoff valves. The
outer side of the plating. pressure of steam or compressed air in the
Valves shall have a collar on the flange that blowing system shall not exceed 0.3 MPa.
comes through the welded pad, plating and
protective ring. The collar on the flange is not
needed if there is a collar on the welded pad.
General requirements
Openings in the outer shell plating
10.5.1 Pipes shall be secured in a such way
10.4.11 Discharge pipelines of several ship as not to induce excessive stresses in the pipe-
systems can be output through one common lines due to thermal expansion, the hull de-
opening of the corresponding cross-section in formation and vibrations.
10 Systems 465

10.5.2 The pipes of the systems and the board deck. In places where the plastic pipes
vent ducts shall be fitted with arrangements pass through the bulkhead of the main vertical
for draining or blow-down of the working fire zone the bulkhead steel sleeves and shut-
medium or moisture. off valves shall be installed on both sides of
Appropriate design measures shall be taken the bulkhead.
to protect the hull structures and the equip- The valves shall be made of steel or other
ment from adverse effect of the blown prod- material equivalent to steel as regards fire re-
ucts. sistance properties.
10.5.3 Pipelines conveying hot media and
extended along the ship for at least 3 m shall Laying of piping inside the tanks
have compensators or sufficient number of 10.5.9 Laying of drinking water and boiler
bends to provide adequate self-compensation feed water pipelines through the fuel and lu-
of pipelines. bricating oil storage tanks, and laying of fuel
10.5.4 Piping of the hydraulic systems and lubricating oil pipelines through the
pipelines shall not be led inside the double- drinking water and boiler feed water tanks is
bottom space. Piping of the hydraulic systems permitted only when the pipes are led in oil-
shall not have detachable joints in hardly ac- tight ducts being a structural part of the tank.
cessible spaces. Duct-free laying of outboard water and lu-
bricating oil pipelines as well as air, overflow
Piping penetration through watertight and sounding pipes through the fuel storage
structures tanks is permitted if seamless pipes free of
detachable joints inside the tanks are used
10.5.5 Pipelines through impermeable (see Table 10.2.13).
bulkheads shall be laid considering the room
structures and ship systems located in them. 10.5.10 In case of duct-free laying of the
Minimum possible number of pipelines shall pipelines through the tanks pipe bends shall
be laid through the impermeable bulkheads. be arranged inside the tank, if the compensa-
tion of thermal expansion is required.
10.5.6 Only one pipeline conveying liquid
medium to be processed in the fore peak may 10.5.11 Pipelines laid in tankers shall meet
be routed through the collision bulkhead be- the requirements of 10.9.7 to 10.9.18.
low the freeboard deck. Furthermore, if the
pipeline is led outside the double bottom Laying of piping inside the cargo holds and
space, it shall be provided with a shutoff valve other spaces
or a slide valve mounted on the bulkhead
from the fore peak side with a drive located 10.5.12 Pipes laid through the cargo holds,
above the freeboard deck. chain lockers and other spaces in which they
are subject to mechanical damages shall be
10.5.7 Penetrations of the piping through protected.
the watertight bulkheads, decks and other
watertight structures shall be made using 10.5.13 Fuel, steam and water pipes as well
sleeves, welded pads or other joints providing as pressure pipes of hydraulic drives other
tightness of the structures. than drainage pipes shall not be laid inside
The holes for studs shall not penetrate the cargo holds.
these structures, but shall be kept within the These pipelines can be laid in tunnels only
welded pads. if the use is made of pipes with thick walls
(see column 5 of Table 10.2.3) and protective
10.5.8 Penetrations of plastic pipes through
steel casings.
the watertight bulkheads and decks enclosing
watertight compartments shall be fitted with 10.5.14 Steam pipes and pipes conveying
valves with a drive located above the free- heated liquids shall not be led inside the paint
466 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

stores, lantern rooms or other spaces intended Laying of piping in unattended machinery spaces
for carriage and storage of readily inflamma-
10.5.19 Joints of Class I pipelines convey-
ble materials.
ing fuel oil and lubricating oil shall be of
10.5.15 Fuel pipelines shall not be laid welded type. It is allowed to use detachable
through accommodation and service spaces. joints, but protective casings shall be installed
The exception is made for the fuel pipeline of in the places where detachable joints are fit-
emergency diesel generator and the fuel re- ted.
ception pipelines, which can be laid through
sanitary spaces, provided the pipes have a wall 10.6 HYDRAULIC TESTS
thickness of not less than 4 mm and no de- 10.6.1 Hydraulic tests of valves and pipe-
tachable joints are employed. lines shall be carried out according to 6.2.55
to 6.2.61 and 6.3.45 to 6.3.50 of RTSC. The
Laying of piping in refrigerated spaces stresses arising during the hydraulic test shall
10.5.16 The pipes shall not be laid through not exceed 0.9 of the yield point at the test
the cooled spaces, if they are not intended to temperature.
serve these spaces. Where laying of such pipes
cannot be avoided, they shall be insulated. 10.7 BILGE SYSTEM
This requirement is equally applied to air Pumps
pipes and sounding pipes. In these spaces the
pipes shall be free of sections in which water 10.7.1 Each self-propelled ship with the
may accumulate and freeze. main engines’ total output of 220 kW and
above shall be provided with at least two bilge
pumps. One of these pumps, a mechanically-
Laying of piping in the vicinity of electrical and
driven one, shall be fixed and connected to
radio equipment
the bilge system. Self-priming mechanically-
10.5.17 Pressure pipes shall not be laid nei- driven ballast, sanitary or general service
ther above the main and emergency pumps having a sufficient capacity may be
switchboards, control panels of the main en- used as bilge pumps. A pump driven by the
gines and other essential machinery and main engine, a water-jet or a steam-jet ejec-
equipment nor behind them. tor, if steam boiler is operating continuously,
Such pipes may be laid at least 400 mm may be used as one of the bilge pumps.
away from the front and lateral sides of these 10.7.2 On self-propelled ships with the
switchboards and control panels. The pipes main engines’ total output less than 220 kW at
laid at a distance of less than 700 mm from least two draining means shall be installed.
the switchboards and control panels shall be One of them may be a mechanically-driven
free of detachable joints. fixed pump or an ejector and the other — a
If the pipelines with flanged joints are led hand pump with a capacity not less than indi-
within the above-mentioned zone, the latter cated in Table 10.7.7.
shall be protected by casings. In ships less than 25 m in length not fitted
with water fire extinguishing system, one hand
10.5.18 Laying of pipelines through special bilge pump may be installed. Drainage of
electrical spaces (see Part VI of the compartments may be carried out with flexi-
Rules) and also through accumulator rooms is ble hose.
not allowed, except for carbon dioxide fire
extinguishing pipelines and pipelines serving 10.7.3 If fire pumps are used as bilge
the electrical equipment installed in these pumps, follow the requirement of 3.3.13
spaces. Part III of the Rules.
10 Systems 467

10.7.4 Passenger ships of more than 100 m If the required capacity of the pump ex-
in length shall have three bilge pumps con- ceeds that of the hand pumps, the ship shall
nected to the bilge main. These bilge pumps be provided with portable ejector and a set of
shall be driven from a power source. One of hoses ensuring the ejector’s operation from
the pumps can be driven from the main en- the fire mains of escorting ships.
10.7.8 On non-crewed non-self-propelled
Passenger ships of 100 m in length and less ships drainage may be carried out using a
shall have two bilge pumps driven from the pusher or a roadstead ship means.
power source.
In ships with main engine capacity less 10.7.9 Centrifugal bilge pumps shall be of
than 220 kW one of two bilge pumps driven self-priming type; otherwise, the system shall
from the power source can be replaced with a be equipped with an air drawn-off device.
hand pump with a sufficient delivery deter- 10.7.10 Each bilge pump other than the
mined by results of bilge system calculations pumps intended for draining bilges and hand
according to 1.6.2 Appendix 8 of RTSC. pumps of non-self-propelled ships, shall have
10.7.5 Onboard the ship with water fire ex- the capacity determined on condition that the
tinguishing systems the total capacity of bilge design water flow in the of suction branch of
facilities shall be sufficient to remove over- a diameter obtained by the formula (10.7.15),
board the water brought inside the ship during shall be not less than 2 m/s under normal
operation of these systems. service conditions.
10.7.11 The cargo pump rooms of oil tank-
10.7.6 Non-self-propelled and floating ob-
ers shall be drained by separate pumps or
jects fitted with power sources or being sup-
ejectors arranged in these rooms. Stripping
plied from the shore, shall be equipped with
pumps may be used as bilge pumps, provided
drainage means in a same manner as self-
that non-return shut-off valves are fitted at
propelled ships with the main engines’ total
the open ends of the bilge suctions and a
output less than 220 kW.
shut-off valve is arranged on a pipe connect-
Non-self-propelled and berth-connected ing the valve box and the stripping pump.
ships not fitted with fuel oil fired steam boil- These spaces can also be drained by hand
ers, except bulk oil barges, can have portable pumps. The pumps shall be so designed as to
pumps as bilge facilities. prevent spark formation.
A capacity of the hand pump shall be not
less than 3.5 m3/h. 10.7.12 For draining fore compartments of
oil tankers provision shall be made for a sepa-
10.7.7 In crewed non-self-propelled ships rate pump or ejector, which may be also used
without power sources and not being supplied for filling and draining of the tanks intended
from the shore, mechanically-driven bilge only for ballast water.
pump may be omitted, however, the hand
pump shall be of portable piston type with a 10.7.13 To drain cargo spaces of bulk car-
capacity of not less than indicated in Ta- riers of Ì-ÑÏ 4,5 class, the pump (pumps)
ble 10.7.7. and (or) ejector with capacity (m3/h) of not
T a b l e 10.7.7 less than 320À shall be installed, where À —
Hand pump capacity free cross-sectional area of the greatest air or
ventilation pipe brought to this space from the
0.8LBÍ, in m3 Pump capacity, in m3/h
Up to 50 4 open part of the deck (m2).
50 to 200 6 For bulk carriers of Ì-ÑÏ 4,5 class, the
Over 200 8 bilge and filling facilities located towards the
N o t e . Definitions of L, B, Í (ship’s length, bow from the collision bulkhead of ballast
breadth and depth) are given in Part I of the Rules tanks and bilge wells of dry spaces, any part
468 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

of which stretches towards the bow from the 10.7.18 The cross-sectional area of the pipe
first fore hold, shall be actuated from the connecting the distribution chest with the
wheelhouse or the power installation control main bilge line shall be not less than the total
station or from a closed space, which can be cross-sectional area of two greatest branch
accessed from the wheelhouse or power in- bilge suctions connected to that chest, but not
stallation control station without passing greater than the cross-sectional area of the
through open decks of freeboard or super- bilge main.
structure. 10.7.19 In ships where bilge pumps are in-
10.7.14 On high-speed ships the number of tended for draining only the machinery space,
bilge pumps and their capacity are selected by the cross-sectional area of the main bilge line
results of fire-extinguishing system hydraulic shall be not less than twice the cross-sectional
calculations according to 1.6.2 Appendix 8 area of the branch suction having the diame-
RTSC. ter determined by the formula (10.7.16).
10.7.20 The diameters of the emergency
Piping diameters bilge suctions in the machinery space shall be
10.7.15 Inner diameter of the bilge main determined according to 10.7.28.
and branch bilge suctions D1 directly con-
nected to the pump shall be determined by Pipelines and branch bilge suctions
the formula, in mm: arrangement

D1  1.5 L  B  H   25 , (10.7.15) 10.7.21 The bilge lines and their branch

suctions shall be arranged so as to enable any
where L, B, Í — ship's length, breadth and watertight compartment to be drained by one
depth, see Part I of the Rules. of the pumps required in 10.7.1 and 10.7.2.
For worksite craft, L — the total length of This requirement does not apply to the spaces
drained compartments, in m. and cofferdams of oil tankers drained by indi-
10.7.16 Inner diameter of branch bilge suc- vidual pumps, as well as to the tanks intended
tions d1 connected to the main and the di- only for storage of liquids.
ameter of reception pipeline of the hand 10.7.22 The system shall be arranged so as
pump shall be determined by the formula, in to prevent ingress of outboard water inside the
mm: ship or from one impermeable compartment
to another one.
d1  2.0 l  b  H   25 , (10.7.16)
For this purpose the suction valves of the
where l — length of a drained compartment, distribution chests of bilge lines as well as the
as measured at its bottom, in m; valves on the branch suctions shall be of non-
b — width of a drained compartment, in return shut-off type.
m; Other equivalent arrangements are allowed.
Í — ship's depth, see Part I of the Rules. 10.7.23 Each separate bilge pump shall
The value d1 shall not exceed D1 calculated have a direct bilge suction from the compart-
by the formula (10.7.15). ment where it is installed. The internal di-
10.7.17 In all cases the internal diameter of ameter of the suction shall be determined by
bilge pipelines shall be not less that 40 mm, in the formula (10.7.15)
ships less than 10 m in length this diameter 10.7.24 The arrangement of the bilge pipes
may be lessen to 20 mm. shall ensure draining of the machinery spaces
The internal diameter of pipes connected through the suctions directly connected to the
to the bilge pump shall be equal to the inter- pump, with the other compartments being
nal diameter of bilge pump suction. simultaneously drained by other pumps.
10 Systems 469

10.7.25 The arrangement of the bilge pipes the inlet riser pipes ending in a deck socket or
shall be such as to enable one of the pumps to a branch pipe to which the hose is connected.
operate in cases when the rest of the pumps 10.7.30 Oily water separating and filtering
are inoperative or used for other purposes. equipment shall be used for purification of
10.7.26 If one pipeline coming forward of water before discharging overboard, or col-
and abaft the pump located in the machinery lecting tanks shall be provided for bilge water
space is available, the control of the non- contaminated with oil.
return shut-off valves mounted on the suc- The installation and operation of purifica-
tions passing to the compartments being tion equipment shall not interfere with normal
drained, shall be carried out from the free- operation of the bilge and ballast systems.
board deck. 10.7.31 The location and the number of
10.7.27 Bilge pipes are not to pass through branch bilge suctions shall be chosen by a
double bottom compartments. Where it is designer in each particular case in accordance
necessary to lead these pipes through the stor- with the design and position of the compart-
age tanks for fuel, lubricating oil, boiler feed ments.
water and drinking water, the pipes shall meet At least two branch bilge suctions of the
the requirements of 10.5.9 to 10.5.11. bilge system shall be installed in each com-
Where the pipe is led within the double- partment being drained.
bottom space, the bilge suctions in each wa- One branch bilge suction can be used in
tertight compartment shall be fitted with non- short (3 to 4 frame spaces) and narrow (less
return valves. than 2 m) compartments if it provides drain-
ing of compartments.
10.7.28 In all self-propelled ships with the
main engines’ total output of 220 kW and 10.7.32 Branch bilge suctions shall be in-
above, emergency draining of machinery stalled in each compartment so as to provide
spaces shall be provided in addition to the the maximal extent of draining of the com-
suction pipes required in 10.7.23. For this partment at heel up to 5° to port or starboard.
purpose the cooling water pump with the 10.7.33 Branch bilge suctions shall be in-
greatest capacity shall be fitted with the direct stalled in each watertight compartment at
bilge suction fitted with a non-return shut-off both sides. In compartments with the floor
valve installed at the level providing the inclination exceeding 5 and in the ship ex-
drainage of the machinery space. The diame- tremities the branch bilge suctions shall be
ter of this bilge suction shall be equal to the installed as close to the centre line as possible.
diameter of the pump suction branch.
Where the aforementioned pump is not 10.7.34 Branch bilge suctions of the bilge
suitable for operation as an emergency bilge system shall be installed throughout the entire
pump in the machinery space, a direct emer- length of the ship in the following way:
gency bilge suction shall be led to the pump .1 in ships without a trim the suctions
of greatest available capacity which is not a shall be installed at the aft bulkheads of the
bilge pump. The capacity of such pump shall forward compartments and at the fore bulk-
exceed the value specified in 10.7.7. The di- heads of the aft compartments;
ameter of the emergency bilge suction shall be .2 in ships with the trim by the stern the
not less than that of the pump suction branch. suctions shall be installed at the aft bulkheads
of the compartments.
10.7.29 In ships where portable bilge
pumps or draining from the tug-pusher are
Drainage of machinery spaces
allowed, the drainage of the compartments
may be carried out through the deck man- 10.7.35 The location and the number of
holes using a flexible hose, provided that no strum boxes of the bilge system (the bilge wa-
cargo is stowed under the hose, or through ter collection system) in machinery spaces
470 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

shall be taken in accordance with 10.7.31 to 10.7.41 Where the length of the watertight
10.7.34; here, one of the strum boxes of the compartment or a cargo hold exceeds 35 m,
bilge system shall be directly connected to a the bilge suctions shall be installed in the fore
separately driven bilge pump. and after parts of this compartment or hold.
In passenger ships each of the power-
10.7.42 Water drainage into the bilges of
operated bilge pumps located in the machin-
the watertight compartments or cargo holds
ery spaces shall have two branch bilge suc-
from the spaces located in other watertight
tions positioned at the both sides of these
compartments below the freeboard deck is not
10.7.36 Branch bilge suctions for bilge
drainage of the machinery spaces shall be 10.7.43 Branch bilge suctions shall be fitted
fitted with accessible mud boxes. The pipes with strum boxes or strainers. The total cross-
between the mud boxes and the bilges shall be section area of holes shall be not less than
straight. The lower ends of these pipes need twice the clear area of the given branch suc-
not be fitted with strum boxes. tion.
Mud boxes shall have opening covers. The strum boxes and strainers shall be re-
The total cross-section area of the mud box movable, or it shall be possible to clean them
holes shall be not less than twice the clear without disassembling the suction.
area of the given branch suction. The strum boxes shall be protected against
In ships up to 25 m in length strum boxes corrosion.
may be used instead of mud boxes, provided
that they are accessible for cleaning (see Drainage of refrigerated spaces
10.7.44 Provision shall be made for drain-
10.7.37 No strum boxes or strainers may be age of water from all the spaces, trays, chutes
fitted on the emergency bilge drainage suc- and other places which may accumulate wa-
tion. ter.
10.7.38 Refrigerating machinery space ac- 10.7.45 Drain pipes from non-refrigerated
commodating refrigerating plants working on spaces shall not be led into the bilges (wells)
refrigerant can be connected to the bilge sys- of refrigerated spaces.
tem of the ship.
The space for ammonia refrigerating ma- 10.7.46 Each drain pipe of refrigerated
chinery shall have an independent bilge sys- cargo spaces shall be fitted with a liquid
tem. sealed trap or with other equivalent arrange-
Drainage of tunnels The head of liquid in the trap shall be such
as to ensure effective operation of the trap
10.7.39 Bilge suctions shall be located in under any service conditions. The liquid
the after part of the shaft tunnels. sealed traps shall be placed in accessible place
The bilge suctions of the shafting tunnel outside the insulation.
shall comply with the requirements set forth
in 10.7.36. 10.7.47 No shut-off valves may be fitted on
the water drainage lines from the refrigerated
Drainage of watertight compartment and cargo spaces.
Drainage of cofferdams
10.7.40 Where there is a double bottom
under a watertight compartment or a cargo 10.7.48 Cofferdams filled with water shall
hold which is extended over the full breadth be fitted with drainage means. The location of
of the compartment, a bilge well shall be ar- branch bilge suctions shall comply with the
ranged at each side. requirements of 10.7.40 to 10.7.43.
10 Systems 471

10.7.49 The cofferdams of oil tankers shall in spaces located below the bulkhead
be drained by pumps, including water ejec- deck, the drain system shall be sized to re-
tors. move not less than 125 % of the total quantity
of water delivered by water fire-extinguishing
Drainage of peaks and other spaces system pumps and shall have required number
of fire hose nozzles. The drainage system
10.7.50 Where the peaks are not used as
valves shall be operable from outside the pro-
ballast or other tanks, they may be drained by tected space at a position in the vicinity of the
their own hand pumps or water ejectors. The extinguishing system controls. Bilge wells shall
pumps shall be installed above the freeboard be arranged at the ship's side at a distance of
deck. not more than 40 m from each other in each
10.7.51 Drainage of the after peak may be watertight compartment.
carried out through the drain pipe into the .2 on cargo ships, chemical tankers and
bilges or drainage wells of the adjacent com- ships carrying hazardous goods:
partment. The drain pipe shall be fitted with a measures excluding formation of free sur-
self-closing valve installed on the afterpeak faces in the ship spaces in the course of fire
bulkhead from the adjacent compartment extinguishing. In this case the drain system
side. shall ensure removal of not less than 125 % of
10.7.52 Drainage of the peaks on non-self- total amount of water delivered by water fire-
propelled ships and ships less than 25 m in extinguishing system pumps. The drainage
length may be carried out by water draining system valves shall be operable from outside
the protected space at a position in the vicin-
into the adjacent compartments, if self-closing
valves installed on the peak bulkheads are ity of the extinguishing system controls. Bilge
wells shall be arranged at the ship's side at a
controlled from the deck.
distance of not more than 40 m from each
10.7.53 Drainage of chain lockers may be other in each watertight compartment. If dur-
carried out by water draining through the ing transportation of some cargoes the bilge
drain openings into the fore peak compart- wells are to be covered, the negative effect on
ment. ship stability caused by water which can be
delivered to the spaces from fire-extinguishing
10.7.54 Each sidehull of the catamaran
system and free surfaces which appear in the
shall be fitted with a separate bilge system
spaces shall be taken into consideration when
complying with the requirements of this
calculating ship stability.

Draining of spaces protected by fixed fire 10.8 BALLAST SYSTEM

extinguishing systems
10.7.55 Bilge facilities shall remove water
10.8.1 Ballast system of the ship shall be
with use of any fixed water fire-extinguishing
serviced by at least one pump ensuring work-
systems, including spraying systems.
ing medium delivery and pressure required for
10.7.56 To maintain ship stability in case operation of the system. The capacity of each
of application of water fire-extinguishing sys- of such pumps shall be such as to ensure the
tems, the following design measures shall be water flow rate of not less than 2 m/s in bal-
taken: last system receiving pipelines with diameter
.1 in passenger ships: calculated by the formula 10.8.5 for the great-
in spaces above the bulkhead deck, scup- est ballast tank.
pers shall be fitted so as to ensure that such On catamaran type ships each sidehull shall
water is rapidly discharged directly overboard; be equipped with independent ballast system.
472 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.8.2 General service pumps of capacity compartments shall not be connected to these
sufficient for ballasting operations, including pumps.
bilge, fire or standby cooling pump, may be The cargo and stripping pumps shall be ar-
used as ballast pumps. ranged in the cargo pump rooms, or these
10.8.3 The application of bilge pumps of pumps shall be submersible. Electric motors
oil tanker fore compartments as ballast pumps of submersible pumps shall have overheat pro-
is described in 10.7.9. tection when the pump is in idle operation.
Cargo pumps can be installed on the deck
10.8.4 The pumps used for pumping ballast in the cargo tanks area.
water from the double-bottom tanks shall be
of self-priming type. 10.9.3 The arrangement of the cargo pump
driving engines shall comply with the re-
Piping quirements of 1.9.8.
10.8.5 Inner diameter di ballast pipe suc- 10.9.4 The design of pumps, valves and
tions for ballast tanks shall be not less than their drives shall exclude spark formation.
the value determined by the formula, in mm: 10.9.5 Arrangements shall be provided for
d i  16 3 V , (10.8.5) stopping each cargo pump and cargo stripping
pump from an easily accessible place on the
where V — ballast tank capacity, in m3. deck.
10.8.6 The arrangement of the suctions Where a central control station is provided
shall be such as to ensure pumping of the for cargo operations, pump stopping arrange-
water from any of the ballast tanks, whether ments shall be also fitted therein.
the ship is upright or has a list of 5. Switching devices of pump electric motors
shall comply with the requirements of 16.2.31
Part VI of the Rules.
10.9 LIQUID CARGO PIPING SYSTEM 10.9.6 Pressure gauges of the cargo oil dis-
OF OIL TANKERS charge and cargo stripping mains shall be
Pumps and their drives placed near the pumps, as well as at the cen-
tral control station of cargo operations.
10.9.1 Cargo piping system of oil tanker
shall make it possible to regulate the loading Piping arrangement
rate of separate tanks. Provision shall be made
for limitation of the flow rate at the suction 10.9.7 Fuel system intended for fuel supply
pipe outlet in the tank up to 1 m/s at the ini- to other ships shall comply with the applica-
tial loading stage and up to 8 m/s at further ble requirements of Part III of the Rules.
loading. 10.9.8 The cargo pipes shall not be laid
Regulation of the flow rate shall be made through the tanks not intended for liquid
by one of the following methods or their cargo storage and shall not be connected to
combination: other tanks or pipelines, including the fuel
.1 using the pump drives capable of piping of the power installation.
smooth adjusting the rotation frequency; The cofferdams shall not have any connec-
.2 using the pump drives capable of ad- tions to the cargo tanks. Cargo bypass valves
justing the pump flow; shall not be fitted inside the cofferdams.
.3 using the control valves in the system;
10.9.9 Pipelines not intended for servicing
10.9.2 Cargo pumps and cargo stripping of the cargo tanks shall neither be laid
pumps shall be used only according to their through these tanks and shall nor have any
purpose, except as provided in 10.7.11. Intake joints with them, except air and sounding
or pressure pipelines brought to non-cargo pipes of the fuel tanks, which may be laid
10 Systems 473

through the cargo tanks if they are free of Where the pipeline is led to the afore part
detachable joints, reliably secured and pro- of the ship, these requirements shall also be
tected against mechanical damage. The wall complied with.
thickness of these pipes shall be not less than
that indicated in column 5 of Table 10.2.13. 10.9.14 All the sections of the cargo pipe-
line interconnected by flanges shall have elec-
10.9.10 Remotely controlled valves shall trical connection between each other and the
meet the requirements of 10.3.2 to 10.3.4. pipeline shall have a connection to the hull
The spindles used to operate the valves lo- (see 16.2.25, 16.2.26 and 16.2.28 Part VI of
cated inside the tanks shall be carried to the the Rules).
open deck in gas-tight sealing glands.
10.9.15 Remote-controlled valves fitted be-
The drives shall be so designed as to pre- tween the cargo mains and the pumps shall
vent accumulation of liquid cargo residues
have a local manual control.
inside them.
Replacement of the sealing shall be made 10.9.16 Where the rubbing parts of valve
from the open deck. The drives shall have drives are passed inside the cargo tanks and
arrangements showing whether the valve is cofferdams, as well as on the cargo deck, pre-
open or closed. cautions shall be such as to preclude the spark
The pipes of systems in which different formation.
cargo kinds may become mixed or contami-
10.9.17 The ends of filling pipes of the
nated by water shall have duplicate shut-off
cargo tanks shall be located as close as possi-
ble to the tank bottom, however, the distance
10.9.11 Equipment for liquid cargo heating between these ends and the tank bottom shall
shall meet the requirements of 10.13.9 to be not less than 0.25 of the filling pipe inter-
10.13.15; the pressure of steam used for heat- nal diameter.
ing shall not exceed 0.7 MPa.
10.9.18 Piping outlet for washing water
10.9.12 The pipe flanges and fastening drainage to the settling tank shall be located
pieces intended for hose connection from the at least 0.25 of the pipe internal diameter
shore, as well as earthing devices shall be above the tank bottom. Free falling of liquid
made of materials precluding the spark forma- into the settling tank containing washing wa-
tion. ter and oil residue shall be avoided.
10.9.13 The piping on the deck and in the 10.9.19 On combination carriers provision
cargo tanks shall be secured and fitted with shall be made for arrangements disconnecting
expansion joints. the pipelines which connect the pump room
Where the cargo pipeline is led to the aft, to discharge tanks. The means of isolation
it shall be free of any detachable joints in the shall consist of a valve followed by a spectacle
superstructure area. flange or a spool piece with blank flanges.
The cargo pipeline penetrating superstruc- This arrangement shall be located near dis-
tures shall be led in the open trunk. Such charge tanks or in the pump room immedi-
pipeline shall be connected to the cargo main ately after the place where the pipeline passes
by means of an adapter blank flange or a de- through the bulkhead.
tachable branch pipe positioned in front of During transportation of bulk goods the
the fore bulkhead of the superstructure. content of discharge tanks is pumped out
A blank flange shall be installed on the immediately on the open deck for delivery to
outlet end of this pipe regardless of the num- shore receiving facilities by means of separate
ber and the construction of the shut-off valves stationary pump and pipeline comprising a
fitted. valve box with shut-off valve and blank flange.
474 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

Cargo tank heating 10.10 AIR, GAS-OUTLET, OVERFLOW

10.9.20 Steam, hot water or high-tempera-
ture organic heat transfer fluids shall be used Air pipes
as a heating medium in cargo heating systems
10.10.1 Each tank intended for storage of
in tanks.
liquid, each cofferdam, as well as the ice and
outboard valve boxes shall be fitted with air
10.9.21 Upstream of each stream heating pipes. Cargo tanks of oil tankers shall be
coil, a non-return shut-off valve shall be fit- equipped with gas-outlet pipes instead of air
ted, and upstream of shut-off valves at the pipes (see 10.10.17 to 10.10.22).
outlet the gauge valve for checking the con-
The air pipes of ice and outboard water
densate quality shall be installed.
valve boxes fitted with blow-off or washing
Fuel heating coils shall be arranged in the devices shall have shut-off valves fitted di-
lower part of cargo tanks. In deep tanks, rectly on the boxes.
where the heating coils are arranged in several The air pipes of double-bottom tanks and
sets throughout the tank height, provision the tanks adjoining the shell plating, as well as
should be made to shut off separate sections the air pipes of ice and outboard valve boxes
of the heating coils when the level of liquid shall be led to the open deck.
cargo is lowered.
10.10.2 The air pipes of tanks shall be led
10.9.22 Observation tank shall be provided from the upper part of the tank and from the
in the line of condensate return from heating most distant place from the filling pipe.
system. The number and arrangement of the air
pipes shall be selected depending on the shape
Air pipes of observation tanks of heating and size of the tank, and shall also preclude
steam condensate from the cargo tanks with the formation of air pockets.
cargo flash point of 60 °Ñ and less shall be
10.10.3 The tanks extending from side to
equipped with flame arresting arrangements
side of the ship shall be fitted with air pipes at
and brought out to the open deck where they
either side. The air pipes shall not be used as
present no hazard to people.
filling pipes.
The air pipes of tanks carrying liquids of
10.9.23 For use of systems with high-
different kinds shall not be combined.
temperature organic heat transfer fluid for
heating the tanks the requirements of 10.19 10.10.4 For the following ship classes, the
shall be met. height of the air pipes, in mm, measured from
the deck to the liquid level in the pipe when
10.9.24 Maximum temperature of heating it is filled shall be not less than:
medium shall be not less than the flash point Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì
of transported cargo vapours by at least 15 °Ñ. on freeboard deck 600
on superstructure decks 380
10.9.25 The heating system shall be M 400
equipped with cargo temperature control fa- O 300
cilities in tanks. Current temperature in tanks, Ð and Ë 250
as well as light and sound alarm about ex- The air pipes shall be located in places
ceeding maximum permissible temperature of where they can not be damaged during cargo
cargo or flow rate reduction during pumping handling and mooring operations.
through cargo heaters, shall be checked. In ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class
the air pipes of tanks arranged in the fore
10.9.26 Steam temperature in cargo pump upper deck at a distance of 0.25 of ship's
room heating system shall not exceed 150 °Ñ. length from fore perpendicular shall withstand
10 Systems 475

wave slamming without loss of strength under 10.10.9 Outlets of air pipes of ships of all
the most unfavourable operating conditions of classes, except for ships of Ð and Ë class, ar-
the ship. Pipe wall thickness shall be not less ranged on the open decks shall be fitted with
than 6.3 mm. fixed automatic devices to prevent the water
Bending stresses and loads for air pipes of ingress into the tank.
ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be determined in Automatic closures of air pipes of ships of
the most dangerous zones, including deck Ì-ÑÏ 4,5 class shall be operational at a roll
sockets, welded or flanged joints and lower of up to 40°.
angles of support plates. When float-type automatic closures are
Bending stresses shall not exceed 0.8ReÍ, used, guides ensuring their correct operation
where ReÍ is yield point of steel. at any permissible heel and trim of the ship
Irrespective of corrosion protection, the shall be provided.
corrosion allowance shall be not less than
2 mm. 10.10.10 The total cross-sectional area of
Pipes of 600 mm in height and more shall the air pipes in tanks filled by gravity method
be provided with radially arranged knees used shall be not less than the total cross-sectional
as a reinforcement. area of the filling pipes of these tanks.
10.10.5 The upper end of each air pipe 10.10.11 The total cross-sectional area of
shall be made as a bend, with its opening fac- the air pipes of a tank filled by the onboard
ing downwards or shall have other construc- pumps or shore pumps, shall be not less than
tion preventing the ingress of water, precipita- 1.25 times the cross-sectional area of the tank
tion and solids inside the air pipe. filling pipe. When the diameter of the filling
10.10.6 The open ends of air pipes of the pipeline is less than 50 mm, a diameter of the
fuel and lubricating oil tanks, as well as those air pipe may not exceed the diameter of the
of cofferdams in oil tankers separating cargo filling pipe.
or discharge tanks shall be led to positions on The cross-sectional area of a common air
the open deck where the issuing vapours have pipe from several tanks shall be at least
no risk of fire. 1.25 times the area of the common filling
The total cross-sectional area of the air pipeline of these tanks.
pipes of each fuel tank filled by the onboard
10.10.12 Where a tank filled by onboard
pumps or shore pumps, shall be not less than
pumps or shore pumps is fitted with an over-
1.25 times the total cross-sectional area of all
flow pipe, the total cross-sectional area of the
filling pipes of this tank.
tank air pipes shall be not less than one-third
10.10.7 The air pipes of non-heated inde- of the filling pipe area.
pendent lubricating oil storage tanks of the Where the air pipes from several tanks fit-
basic store and waste oil tanks may terminate ted with overflow pipes are combined, the
in spaces where the tanks are installed if pre- cross-sectional area of the common air pipe
cautions are taken precluding slippage of oil shall be at least one-third of the area of the
onto electrical equipment or heated surfaces common filling pipe of these tanks.
in case the tank is overflowing.
10.10.13 The air pipes shall be so arranged
10.10.8 Each open end of the air pipes of as to prevent formation of hydraulic locks in
fuel and discharge-and-circulating oil tanks, the pipes at a heel and trim of the ship speci-
as well as those of cofferdams in oil tankers fied in 1.3.
separating cargo or discharge tanks shall be
protected with flame arresters. The cross- 10.10.14 The air pipes of fuel and lubricat-
sectional area of flame arresters shall be not ing oil tanks in way of accommodation and
less than the cross-sectional area of the air refrigerated spaces shall be free of detachable
pipe. connections.
476 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

The laying of the air pipes of fuel tanks cargo tank, the shut-off valves or other ac-
through the cargo tanks shall meet the re- ceptable means shall be provided. The shut-
quirements of 10.9.9. off valves installed shall have locking ar-
10.10.15 Nameplates shall be affixed to the
upper ends of the air pipes. Visual indication of the actual state of
shut-off valves or cargo tank disconnecting
10.10.16 The air pipes from crankcases of arrangements shall be provided. Where these
internal combustion engines shall meet the tanks are disconnected from the gas-outlet
requirements of 2.5.4. main, the relevant shut-off valves shall be
opened before starting cargo loading, unload-
Gas outlet pipes of oil tankers ing or ballasting of these tanks. Disconnection
and oil-ore carriers of cargo tanks from gas exhaust pipeline shall
10.10.17 Each cargo tank shall be provided not stop flow of gases due to temperature
with a gas-outlet pipe connected to the top of variations in the cargo tank.
the tank. 10.10.19 Outlet ends of gas-outlet pipes
Gas-outlet pipes shall not be connected to communicating with the atmosphere shall be
the air pipes servicing other ship spaces. provided with flame arresters. The cross-
The construction of the gas-outlet pipes sectional area of flame arresters shall be not
shall provide measurements of pressure in the less than the cross-sectional area of the gas-
cargo tanks, as well as pressure difference at outlet pipe.
fire-retarding divisions.
When gas-outlet pipes are combined in a
Gas-outlet pipes shall be self-draining to
common main, the pipes led from each tank
cargo tanks at heel and trim specified in 1.3,
shall be provided with fire-retarding divisions.
or shall have fixed arrangements for draining
Fire-retarding divisions shall be positioned in
gas-outlet pipes to cargo tanks.
the places where the possibility of liquid cargo
10.10.18 Gas-outlet pipes may be com- ingress into them is excluded in any sailing
bined into one or several mains. Such combi- conditions of the ship including rolling.
nation is allowed only for pipes from cargo Fire-retarding divisions shall be made of
tanks with homogeneous cargo. Gas-outlet material resistant to corrosion. Fire-retarding
pipes can be combined with inert gas pipeline. divisions shall be so designed as to provide the
Internal diameter of separate gas-outlet possibility of their replacement or dismantling
pipes shall be not less than 80 mm, and that without gas-outlet pipes reassembling.
of main pipelines — not less than 100 mm.
Cross-sectional area of the separately laid 10.10.20 Gas-outlet pipes laid from the
gas-outlet pipe shall be not less than 1.25 of cargo tanks shall be led to the open deck with
the cross-sectional area of filling pipeline of due regard to the following requirements:
the tank on which this pipe is installed, and .1 in ships carrying oil products with a
the cross-sectional area of the gas-outlet main flash point less than 45 °C the pipe outlet
from several tanks shall be not less than 1.25 openings may be positioned above the main
of the cross-sectional area of the common deck at a height of not less than 1/3 of the
filling pipeline of these tanks. It shall be taken ship’s breadth; moreover, their height may
into account that the cross-sectional area of not exceed 5 m, but shall be not less than
each gas-outlet pipe shall be not less than 3 m;
1.25 of the cross-sectional area calculated .2 in ships carrying oil products with a
considering the maximum speed of cargo flash point from 45 up to 60 °C, the pipe out-
handling operations specified in the technical let openings may be positioned above the
design assignment for the ship. main deck at a height of not less than 2.4 m;
If gas-outlet pipes from various cargo tanks .3 in ships carrying oil products with a
are combined in one main, to disconnect any flash point over 60 °C the pipe outlets can be
10 Systems 477

positioned above the deck at a height of not does not descend to more than 3.5 kPa below
less than 600 mm. the atmospheric pressure.
.4 Outlets of gas-outlet pipes of oil tank-
ers of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes dur- 10.10.22 Each cargo tank shall have addi-
ing loading, unloading or ballasting shall: tional arrangement for free flow of mixtures of
permit the free flow of vapour mixtures; vapours, air or inert gas to prevent excessive
or pressure or vacuum in case of failure of ar-
permit the throttling of the discharge of rangements specified in 10.10.20 or other de-
the vapour mixtures to achieve a velocity of sign measures shall be taken to ensure that in
not less than 30 m/s; the course of cargo handling the cargo tanks
are not exposed to excessive pressure and no
be so arranged that the vapour mixture is
vacuum is created in them.
discharged vertically upwards;
where the free vapour release method1 is Instead of additional arrangement for free
used, be such that the outlet is not less than flow of mixtures of vapours, air or inert gas in
6 m above the cargo tank deck or from the control stations for cargo operations it is al-
gangway if situated within 4 m of this gang- lowed to provide continuous indication of
way and at a distance of not less than 10 m pressure in each tank. Alarm for excessive
horizontally from the nearest air intakes and pressure or vacuum in the tank shall be pro-
openings to enclosed spaces accommodating a vided.
source of ignition and from the windglass and A gas-outlet pipe with the breathing valve
hawse pipe of chain locker and equipment shall have a bypass pipe provided with shut-
which can constitute an ignition hazard; and off valves, or other design measures shall be
where the high-velocity vapour release taken to avoid exceeding pressure or vacuum
method2 is used, be equipped with appropriate formation in the cargo tanks during cargo
discharge arrangements and be arranged at a handling.
height not less than 2 m above the cargo tank
deck and at a distance of not less than 10 m Overflow pipes
horizontally from the nearest air intakes and 10.10.23 Overflow pipes shall be installed
openings to enclosed spaces accommodating a in service and fuel oil settling tanks and led to
source of ignition and from the windglass and the fuel storage tank of the basic store.
hawse pipe of chain locker and equipment
which can constitute an ignition hazard. 10.10.24 The cross-sectional area of the
Outlets of gas-outlet pipes of oil tankers of overflow pipe shall be not less than the cross-
Ì, Î, Ð and Ë classes shall be arranged at a sectional area of the tank filling pipe when
distance of at least 3 m from deck houses, filling it with hand pump.
superstructures and places of air intake for the When the tank is filled with the mechani-
cases specified in and cally-driven pump, cross-sectional area of the
and not less than 1 m for the case described overflow pipe shall be not less than 1.25 of the
in cross-sectional area of the tank filling pipe-
10.10.21 Breathing valves fitted on the gas-
outlet pipes shall be designed and positioned
in such a way that the pressure in cargo tanks Sounding arrangements
does not exceed 15 kPa, if the tanks are not 10.10.25 Each tank intended for storage of
specially designed for higher pressure; and liquid, as well as bilges and bilge wells with
no free access, shall be provided with sound-
1 ing pipes extended to the open deck or with
SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Part Â, Regulation 4,
Para, Subpara 1.1. other liquid level indicators.
SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Part Â, Regulation 4, Sounding pipes of independent tanks may
Para, Subpara 1.2. not be led to the open deck.
478 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

Sounding pipes of the fuel oil and lubricat- Laying of the sounding pipes of fuel oil
ing oil tanks shall not be led to the passenger tanks through the cargo tanks shall comply
and crew spaces. with the requirements of 10.9.8.
10.10.29 Sounding pipes of the double-
10.10.26 Level indicators of fuel oil and
lubricating oil tanks fitted with transparent bottom water storage tanks may be led into
the above spaces accessible at all times. Such
inserts shall be protected against damage.
pipes shall not be used as air pipes and shall
The transparent inserts of the fuel oil tanks be fitted with self-closing cocks.
shall be made of flat glass or shockproof plas-
tics which do not loose transparency under 10.10.30 The ends of the sounding pipes
the action of fuel oil. led to the open decks shall be fitted with tight
A self-closing cock shall be fitted at the plugs complying with the requirements of
lower end of the level indicator at the con- 10.2.8.
nection of the tank. If the level indicator is If the sounding pipes are extended above
connected to the tank below the maximum the open decks, they shall be located at such
liquid level, the self-closing cock shall be fit- positions where they cannot be damaged, oth-
ted at the top end of the level indicator. erwise they shall have appropriate guards.
In lubricating oil tanks with a capacity less 10.10.31 Provisions shall be made to pre-
than 0.5 m3 the installation of self-closing clude damage of the bottom plating under the
cocks is not required. open ends of the sounding pipes while meas-
uring the fuel level in the cargo tanks.
10.10.27 Where the double bottom forms
bilges at the sides, or the ship has a flat bot- In case of slotted sounding pipes with
tom, the sounding pipes shall be installed at closed ends, the measures described herein
each side. These pipes shall be led to positions shall be taken for the sounding pipe plug.
above the freeboard deck which are at all 10.10.32 The internal diameter of the
times accessible for taking soundings. The sounding pipes shall be not less than 25 mm.
sounding pipes shall be straight and shall not Sounding pipes which are laid through re-
interfere with taking soundings with a sound- frigerated spaces in which the temperature
ing rod. may be reduced to 0 °C and below, as well as
In ships where the compartments are sounding pipes of the tanks provided with the
drained with portable pumps, raisers with fit- heating system shall have an internal diameter
ted portable drain pumps may be used as of at least 50 mm.
sounding pipes. 10.10.33 Outlet ends of sounding pipes
shall have nameplates with indelible inscrip-
10.10.28 Sounding pipes of fuel oil and lu- tions containing information required for
bricating oil tanks may be led above the ma- identification of these sounding pipes.
chinery space floor plates, or into the shafting
tunnel, if such design measures are provided 10.10.34 Sounding rods and other devices
or the sounding pipes terminate at such posi- intended for measuring the cargo level on oil-
tions that fuel or lubricating oil at occasional tankers carrying oil products with a flash
spillage through sounding pipes will not come point 60 °C or less shall be made of spark-
into contact with hot surfaces of boilers, en- proof material.
gines, exhaust gas pipes, etc., and also with
electric machines and distribution switch- 10.11 EXHAUST GAS SYSTEM
boards. Such pipes shall be fitted with self-
Exhaust gas piping
closing cocks and their height shall be at least
0.5 m above the floor level. These pipes shall 10.11.1 The gas exhaust pipelines shall be
not be used as air pipes. brought to the open decks, except for the
10 Systems 479

cases specified in 10.11.2. The gas exhaust gines; as well as devices to disconnect a waste
pipelines shall be so designed as to exclude heat boiler or a composite boiler from the
the possibility of ingress of foreign objects, exhaust gas pipeline of any engine; and de-
overboard water or atmospheric precipitations vices to lead the gases from this engine to the
into engines and boilers. bypass pipeline. Safety and locking devices
10.11.2 The gas exhaust pipelines can be shall be provided with position indicators of
brought out through the shell plating in the the shut-off device.
stern in ships of less than 25 m in length. Gas 10.11.7 Gas exhaust pipelines of engines
exhaust pipelines can be brought out through and boilers shall be thermally insulated by
the side shell plating to the atmosphere only means of suitable insulating material, double
for the ships with gas exhaust systems in walls or screen.
which the gases are cooled by outside water It is allowed not to insulate gas exhaust
injection/supply. Places for bringing out gas pipelines of engines, the exhaust gases of
exhaust pipelines shall be selected so as to which are cooled by outside water injec-
exclude the possibility of ingress of released tion/supply if the temperature of the gas ex-
gases to the ship’s spaces. haust pipeline surface does not exceed 60°Ñ.
10.11.3 In ships it is allowed to use gas ex- These pipelines can be manufactured with
haust systems in which the gases are cooled use of flexible hoses and their connections.
by outside water injection/supply to gas ex- 10.11.8 Exhaust gas pipelines of the en-
haust pipelines. gines and boilers shall be fitted with thermal
10.11.4 Each main engine shall be fitted expansion compensators. Gas exhaust pipe-
with an individual exhaust gas pipe. lines shall have handholes for cleaning, as
Exhaust gas pipes of auxiliary engines may well as drain cocks and devices for condensate
be connected to a common exhaust line pro- collection and removal with allowances made
vided that a safety device is fitted to preclude: for the design of the pipelines.
gas flow from the common line to the 10.11.9 Exhaust gas pipes laid through the
pipes of the engines not actually at work; accommodation spaces or the wheelhouse
damage of any of the engines during starting. shall be fitted with a gas-tight protective cas-
10.11.5 When the uptakes of the boilers are ing inside these spaces. The space between the
arranged to discharge into a common uptake, exhaust gas pipes and the protective casing
dampers are permitted, provided they have shall communicate with the atmosphere.
arrangements to lock them in open position.
Manholes and vertical ladders shall be pro- Silencers and spark arresters
vided for inspection and cleaning of the up- 10.11.10 Gas exhaust pipelines of engines
takes and air ducts of boilers. and boilers shall have spark arresters. Silenc-
10.11.6 If the waste heat boilers and the ers and spark arresters are to be so arranged
composite boilers are so designed that in as to provide easy access for cleaning. For this
drained condition (without water) they can purpose the pipelines shall have handholes
not be heated by the exhaust gases, bypass and drain cocks.
lines and dampers disconnecting the boilers 10.11.11 Where waste heat boilers and
from the exhaust gas supply shall be fitted. 1
spark arresters of the wet type are installed,
Exhaust gas pipelines of the main and aux-
measures shall be taken to prevent the ingress
iliary engines may be connected to a common
of water into the engines when in case of
waste heat boiler or a composite boiler, pro-
leakage in the boiler pipes or at other failures.
vided the reliable devices are fitted to prevent
exhaust gas pipelines of the engines not actu-
ally at work or disconnected ones from the 1
Spark arresters in which the flow of exhaust
penetration of gases from the working en- gases is water-sprayed or passes through the water.
480 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

The drain pipes shall be led into the machin- ment which appear during tests of this com-
ery space bilges and shall have hydraulic seals. partment for tightness.
All ventilation ducts shall be made of non-
combustible materials. Duct sections of not
10.12 VENTILATION SYSTEM more than 2 m in length and clear area not
Ventilation ducts more than 0.02 m2 shall be manufactured of
material with low flame spread properties (see
10.12.1 The ventilation system shall be so Part III of the Rules), if:
designed as to exclude flame and smoke they are to be used only at the end of the
propagation by the system itself. ventilation device;
Fans shall be arranged in a way so that the the ducts are not situated less than 600 mm
ducts used for different rooms remain within measured along the duct, from an opening in
the vertical fire zone served by the fans. an A or B class division, including continuous
Ventilation ducts shall not penetrate imper- B class ceiling.
meable bulkheads below the freeboard deck. The ventilation system of the machinery
Exhaust ventilation ducts shall be provided spaces with engines and boilers, galleys and
with hatches for inspection and cleaning. The vehicles spaces shall be separated from each
hatches shall be located near the fire dampers. other and from the ventilation systems serving
Ducts used for ventilation of accommoda- other spaces. Ventilation ducts of the above
tion and service spaces or control stations mentioned ventilation systems shall not pass
passing through the machinery spaces, which through accommodation and service spaces or
accommodate engines and boilers, galleys and control stations. Ventilation ducts can be laid
vehicles spaces, shall meet the following re- through accommodation and service spaces or
quirements: control stations if:
.1 duct walls shall be made of steel ac- .1 duct walls are made of steel having a
cording to and; thickness of at least 3 mm for ducts with
.2 automatic fire dampers shall be in- width or diameter of up to 300 mm, inclusive,
stalled near the limiting structures through or thickness of at least 5 mm when the duct
which the ducts are laid; width or diameter is 760 mm and more; If the
.3 in places where the ducts pass through duct width or diameter D exceeds 300 mm,
the limiting structures of the above mentioned but is less than 760 mm, the duct wall thick-
spaces the fire-resistance of these structures ness , in mm, is calculated by the formula:
shall be provided; or (instead of and   1.7  D 230 ; .2 ducts are secured and their walls are
.4 ducts shall be insulated with fireproof reinforced;
structures of A-60 type within the above men- .3 the ducts are fitted with automatic fire
tioned spaces; dampers close to the boundaries penetrated;
.5 if ventilation ducts pass through decks, .4 ducts are insulated by type A-60 struc-
measures shall be taken to decrease the haz- tures from the machinery spaces, galleys, ve-
ard of smoke and hot gas passing from one hicle spaces to a point at least 5 m beyond
tween-deck space to another one through each fire damper; or (instead of to
ventilation system. These measures shall not;
affect fire-resistance of the deck. .5 ducts are insulated with type A-60
structures in accommodation and service
10.12.2 Trunks and vertical ventilation
spaces or control stations.
ducts passing through impermeable decks
within one impermeable compartment below 10.12.3 If the ventilation duct with clear
the freeboard deck shall be impermeable and cross-sectional area of 0.02 m2 or less with
shall withstand loads equal to the loads of walls made of metal sheets of max. 1.5 mm
limiting structures of the specified compart- passes through type A bulkheads or decks, it
10 Systems 481

shall be fitted with a steel sheet sleeve having Fire dampers are not required, however,
a thickness of at least 3 mm and a length of at where ducts pass through spaces surrounded
least 200 mm. If the duct passes through type by A class divisions, without serving those
A bulkhead, the sleeve shall protrude from spaces, provided those ducts have the same fire
each side of the bulkhead by 100 mm. If the integrity as the divisions which they pierce.
duct passes through the deck, the sleeve shall Ventilation ducts with clear cross-sectional
be fully arranged on the lower side of the area more than 0.02 m2 passing through type
deck. In the points of passing through the B bulkheads shall be provided with sleeves of
bulkheads the above specified sleeves and 900 mm long made of steel of not less than
ducts shall be fitted with insulation made of 2 mm thick. The sleeve shall protrude by
non-combustible materials as specified in 450 mm from each side of the bulkhead only
2.7.1 of Part III of the Rules. if the steel duct does not have the same
If the ventilation ducts with clear cross- length.
sectional area over 0.02 m2 pass through type
10.12.4 Ventilation ducts shall be properly
A bulkheads or decks, they shall also be fitted
insulated in places of possible sweating. Drain
with steel sheet sleeves. The ducts and the
plugs shall be provided for the portions of
sleeves shall meet the following requirements:
ducts where water is likely to accumulate.
.1 sleeves' walls shall have thickness of at
least 3 mm and length of at least 900 mm. If 10.12.5 Ventilation ducts for removal of
the duct passes through type A bulkhead, the explosion and fire-dangerous vapours and
sleeve shall protrude by 450 mm from each gases shall be gas-tight and shall not commu-
side of the bulkhead. The insulation of sleeves nicate with the ducts of other spaces.
and ducts shall have at least the same fire Closing arrangements of the ducts shall be
integrity as the bulkhead or deck through so designed as to prevent the spark formation.
which the duct passes; Outer openings of the ducts other than
.2 Ducts with clear cross-sectional area those indicated in 10.12.18 shall be provided
more than 0.075 m2 shall be equipped with with flame arresters.
fire dampers installed on bulkheads. The fire 10.12.6 Where the artificial ventilation is
damper shall close automatically, but it shall used on cabin passenger vessels, fans and ven-
also be possible to close the damper manually tilation ducts are recommended to be placed
from both sides of the bulkhead or deck. Lo- within the same vertical fire zone where the
cations of the dampers and their control ventilated spaces are located.
drives shall be readily accessible and be
painted with red retro-reflecting colour. If the 10.12.7 Ventilation ducts which do not
dampers are placed behind ceilings or linings, pass through cargo spaces:
these ceilings or linings shall be provided with .1 ducts with clear cross-sectional area
hatches for inspection of dampers. Identifica- not less than 0.075 m2 and all vertical ducts
tion numbers of fire dampers shall be applied serving more than one tween-deck space shall
on these hatches. Identification number shall be made of steel or other material of equiva-
also be applied on any remote control of lent fire-resistance;
dampers. The dampers shall be fitted with .2 ducts with clear cross-sectional area
position indicators showing whether the less than 0.075 m2, other than the vertical
dampers are open or closed. ducts referred to in, shall be made
When the damper is not installed on the of non-combustible materials. Where such
bulkhead, the duct between the bulkhead and ducts are laid through type A or B divisions,
the damper shall be made of steel or other due regard shall be given to ensuring the fire-
equivalent material and shall be provided with resistance of the division; and
insulation corresponding to the degree of fire- .3 ducts with clear cross-sectional area
resistance of the bulkhead. not more than 0.02 m2 and length not more
482 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

than 2 m shall meet the requirement of Ventilation of ferries’ closed spaces and holds
10.12.2 for short ducts. intended for the carriage of motor vehicles
and mobile plants
Arrangement of ventilator heads and air inlets 10.12.12 Closed spaces and cargo holds in-
10.12.8 Ventilator heads of plenum ventila- tended for the carriage of motor vehicles and
tion and air inlets of the ventilation system other mobile plants with fuel in their tanks
shall be so located that the risk of drawing-in shall be provided with independent artificial
air contaminated by gas, oil vapours, etc., is exhaust ventilation capable of ensuring at
minimized, and the ingress of outboard water least:
into the ventilation ducts is precluded. 10 air changes per hour on ferries and pas-
The height of fan coamings shall meet the senger ships transporting more than 36 pas-
requirements set out in 5.6.20 Part II of the sengers;
Rules. 6 air changes per hour on all other ships.
10.12.13 The ventilation system shall be
Ventilation of machinery spaces equipped with fan control devices. These de-
vices shall be installed in the wheelhouse.
10.12.9 The ventilation of machinery
spaces shall provide a sufficient supply of air 10.12.14 The pumps shall be so designed as
necessary for maintenance and operation of to prevent spark formation.
the power installation components in all ser-
vice conditions. Ventilation of refrigerated spaces
The ventilation shall ensure removal of air 10.12.15 Ventilation of cooled rooms shall
from the lower zones of the spaces, as well as comply with the requirements set out in 9.9.5
from below floor plates where gases heavier to 9.9.8.
than air may be accumulated.
The ventilation of refrigerated spaces shall Ventilation of accumulator rooms and boxes
meet the requirements set out in 9.7.6 and
9.7.7. 10.12.16 Ventilation of the accumulator
rooms and boxes shall be of independent type
10.12.10 Shafting tunnels shall have venti- and ensure removing air from the upper part
lation. of the ventilated spaces.
10.12.11 The emergency diesel-generator The exhaust ducts shall be gas-tight.
room shall be fitted with an automatic ar- 10.12.17 The inlet air shall be supplied into
rangement ensuring air supply sufficient for the lower part of the ventilated space.
the emergency diesel-generator to run under
full load in any service conditions when the 10.12.18 The outlets of ventilation ducts
doors (hatches) are closed. If the emergency shall be so designed as to preclude the ingress
diesel generator room is above the bulkhead of water, atmospheric precipitation and solids
deck, steel splash-proof shutters opening inside them.
automatically upon start of emergency diesel No flame arresters shall be installed at the
generator are used as an arrangement of ventilation duct outlets.
automatic air inflow for diesel generator op- The exhaust ducts shall be led to places
eration. Under normal operating conditions where the issuing gases do not present a fire
the shutters shall be closed. risk.
10 Systems 483

10.12.24 The internal surfaces of the ex-

10.12.19 Accumulator boxes with batteries
haust ducts, as well as the fans shall be pro-
of a charging capacity not over 0.2 kW may
tected against gases emitted by the electrolyte.
be ventilated through the openings in the
lower and upper parts of the box to ensure 10.12.25 The motors of fans shall not be
removal of the gases. Charging capacity of arranged in way of gas exhaust.
batteries is determined according to 8.5.1 The design of fans shall prevent the spark
Part VI of the Rules. formation as far as practicable.
10.12.20 The rate of air flow Q for the
Ventilation of foam fire-extinguishing and
natural ventilation of an accumulator room or
smothering stations, as well as station for
box shall be not less than that determined by
drinking water preparation by ozone treatment
the formula, in m3/h:
Q = 0.11I n, (10.12.20) 10.12.26 Foam fire-extinguishing and
smothering stations shall be equipped with the
where I — maximum charging current during
ventilation ensuring at least six air changes
gas emission, but not less than 0.25 of the per hour.
current rating of the charging device, in A;
The carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing sta-
n — number of battery cells. tions shall be provided with an exhaust and
10.12.21 The cross-sectional area F of a supply ventilation independent from other
duct in case of natural ventilation of accumu- ventilation systems. The inlets of exhaust
lator rooms and boxes shall be not less than ducts shall be located in lower parts of the
that determined by the formula, m, in m2: station rooms.
Drinking water stations (ozone treatment)
F  2.9  104 Q , (10.12.21) shall be equipped with plenum-exhaust venti-
but not less than 0.008 m for acid accumula- lation system with 10 air changes per hour.
tors and 0.012 m2 for alkaline accumulators.
Here Q — air flow rate determined by the Ventilation of cargo pump rooms
formula (10.12.20), in m3/h. 10.12.27 The cargo pump rooms shall have
10.12.22 Natural ventilation of the spaces artificial exhaust ventilation fitted separately
may be used in the following cases: for each space. This ventilation shall ensure at
least 20 air changes per hour. Outlets of venti-
.1 required air flow rate determined by
lation systems equipped with sparkproof ex-
the formula (10.12.20), is at least 85 m3/h;
haust fans shall be brought out to safe place
.2 the angle of the duct deflection from on the open deck. Inlet ventilation of these
the vertical is less than 45°; spaces may be natural.
.3 the number of bends of the duct does lighting in cargo pump rooms, except
not exceed 2; emergency lighting, shall be interlocked with
.4 the length of the duct does not exceed ventilation such that the ventilation shall be in
5 m; operation when switching on the lighting.
.5 the operation of the ventilation system Failure of the ventilation system shall not
does not depend on the wind direction; cause the lighting to go out.
.6 the cross-sectional area of the duct is It is also required to meet the requirements
taken not less that determined by the formula of 16.2.30 Part VI of the Rules.
(10.12.21). 10.12.28 Steam engines for the fan drives
10.12.23 Where the rate of air flow deter- may be located in the pump room.
mined by the formula (10.12.20) is 85 m3/h Electrical motors for driving the fans shall
and over, the accumulator room shall be pro- be arranged in accordance with 1.9.8 Part IV
vided with artificial exhaust ventilation. of the Rules.
484 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.12.29 Inlets of exhaust ducts shall be 10.12.33 Each exhaust ventilation duct
situated in the lower zones of the spaces in from galley ranges passing through accommo-
the places where liquid cargo vapours accu- dation spaces or spaces containing combusti-
mulate. ble materials shall be equipped with:
Outside the pump room these ducts shall detachable box for fat collection;
be gas-tight and shall not communicate with fire sliding valve located in the lower part
the vent ducts of cargo tanks or other spaces. of the duct and fire damper installed in the
upper part of the duct.
Where the ventilation system of the pump
room is used for ventilating the cargo line and Exhaust fan switch shall be installed in the
the communicating cargo tanks through the galley.
cargo line, duplicate shut-off valves shall be
provided at the connections of the ventilation Ventilation of ship cargo spaces fit for
duct to the cargo line. dangerous cargoes
10.12.34 Ventilation systems of the ships
10.12.30 All the closures of the ventilating used for transportation of dangerous cargoes
ducts shall prevent the spark formation as far shall comply with 3.2 and 4.5 Part IX of the
as practicable. Rules.
The fans shall be so designed as to prevent
spark formation. Closing appliances
and stopping devices of ventilation
10.12.31 Outlets of exhaust ducts shall be
not less than 2 m clear of any opening leading 10.12.35 Inlets and outlets of ventilation
into the ship spaces which may contain a system shall be equipped with closing devices
source capable of igniting oil vapours, and operated both from the inside and outside of
shall be so located relative to the inlets of the ventilated space. These devices shall be
plenum ducts as to prevent contamination of installed in easily accessible places and shall
air entering the inlets of ventilation system. have closing device position indicators
The air intakes of the plenum ventilation (opened or closed). Each of the closing de-
shall be situated at least 2.4 m above the main vices shall have a marking about its purpose.
deck and at least 5 m clear of any openings of 10.12.36 It shall be possible to stop forced
the cargo tanks and outlets of the exhaust gas ventilation of accommodation, service and
pipes (see also 10.10.20). cargo spaces, control stations and machinery
The outlets of exhaust ducts shall be fitted spaces both from the inside and outside of
with flame arresters. these spaces.
10.12.37 Machinery spaces shall have con-
Ventilation of galleys trol facilities for opening and closing the
10.12.32 Ventilation systems of galleys shall decklights and closing the fire dampers of
be separated from ventilation systems serving ventilation system.
other spaces. The controls of devices used for forced
ventilation of machinery spaces shall be so
Supply or exhaust ventilation ducts from
located as to be operated both from the ma-
galley are to be made as type A structures
chinery space and from the outside. The de-
where passing through accommodation spaces
vices for stopping forced ventilation of ma-
or spaces containing combustible materials. In
chinery spaces shall be arranged separately
the upper part of supply ventilation duct at
from the devices for stopping ventilation of
the inlet to galley the fire damper shall be
other spaces.
installed. If necessary, the fire damper shall
cut off all ventilation duct sections outside the 10.12.38 Artificial ventilation system, ex-
galley. cept for machinery space and cargo space
10 Systems 485

ventilation system, shall be fitted with con- pipelines, steam lines (except heating steam
trols so grouped as to enable stop of all fans coils), steam boilers and their funnel uptakes.
from either of two separate positions which
10.13.6 Fuel oil pipes from the tanks of
shall be situated as far apart as possible. It
capacity over 50 l located outside the double
shall be possible to stop the fans of ventilation
bottom space as well as the pipes intended to
system of cargo spaces from a safe place out-
equalize the level of fuel in the tanks shall be
side such spaces.
fitted with shut-off valves located directly on
the tanks. These valves shall be capable of
Ventilation of stairway enclosures of passenger
being remotely closed from readily accessible
places located outside the space containing
10.12.39 Passenger ships with stairway en- the tanks.
closures shall be equipped with autonomous Daily service tanks shall be fitted with
ventilation system of these enclosures inde- quick-closing valves.
pendent from ventilation system of other ship Inlet fuel pipes from the double bottom
spaces tanks shall be fitted with shut-off valves lo-
cated above the tanks (see also 10.13.24).
10.13.7 Service and settling fuel tanks shall
Pumps have overflow pipes brought to the main fuel
tanks. The cross-sectional area of overflow
10.13.1 Mechanically-driven fuel transfer
pipe shall be not less than the cross-sectional
pump and a standby hand pump shall be pro-
area of the tank pipe when filling it by means
vided for fuel oil transferring from reserve
of hand pump. When the tank is filled with a
tanks into the service tanks. When the fuel oil
power-driven pump, cross-sectional area of
separator is available, the separator pump may
the overflow pipe shall be not less than 1.25 of
be used for standby purpose.
the cross-sectional area of the tank filling
In ships with a daily consumption of fuel pipeline.
less than 1 t, one hand pump is admissible.
When the fuel oil tanks are connected with
10.13.2 The fuel transfer pumps and the each other, a cross-sectional area of the con-
separator pumps, besides local control, shall necting pipelines (valves) shall be at least
be provided with stopping means operable 1.25 times the cross-sectional area of the fill-
from readily accessible positions outside the ing pipelines for fuel intake.
spaces where the pumps are installed.
10.13.8 Filling pipelines of main fuel tanks
shall be brought on the deck and fitted with
Design and arrangement of pipelines
shut-off valves controlled from the deck.
10.13.3 Fuel oil pipelines shall be separated
from other piping systems. They shall not be Heating arrangements of fuel oil tanks
affected by intensive thermal flows and shall
10.13.9 Fuel oil shall be heated by means
be accessible for inspection throughout the
of steam or water heating coils, coils with
entire length.
high-temperature organic heat transfer fluid
10.13.4 Pipelines used for delivery of or electric heaters. Electric heaters shall com-
heated fuel oil under pressure shall be ar- ply with the requirements of 16.2.32 to
ranged in accessible and illuminated places. 16.2.34 Part VΙ of the Rules.
10.13.5 The fuel pipes shall not be laid un- 10.13.10 Heating coils shall be fitted in the
der the internal combustion engines, turbines, lowest part of the fuel tanks. In tanks, where
boilers, near the heated parts and air intake the heating coils are arranged in several sets
devices of the engines, compressors and elec- (sections) throughout the tank height, provi-
trical equipment, as well as above gas exhaust sion should be made to shut off separate sec-
486 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

tions of the heating coils when the fuel level able, open funnels may be used instead of
is lowered. sight glasses.
10.13.11 The suction ends of fuel pipes
from the daily service tanks and settling tanks Arrangements for fuel leakage collection
shall be so positioned above the heating coils 10.13.17 Independent tanks, pumps, filters
and electric heating appliances as to prevent and other equipment shall be fitted with drip
baring of the latter. This requirement is not trays in places where the oil may be leaked.
applied to the ends of stripping pipes.
10.13.18 Drain pipes from the drip trays
10.13.12 Maximum temperature of heated shall be led into collecting tanks.
fuel in tanks shall be lower than fuel vapours
flash point by at least 10 Ñ. Fuel heating in 10.13.19 The internal diameter of drain
service, settling and other tanks of systems for pipes shall be not less than 15 mm.
fuel supply to engines and boilers up to the 10.13.20 The ends of the drain pipes shall
temperature exceeding the specified one is be led to the tank bottom with a minimum
allowed, provided the requirements of 10.10.6 clearance.
and 10.10.8 and the following conditions are Where the drain tank is situated in the
met: double bottom space, measures should be
.1 electrical equipment shall not be ar- taken to prevent the ingress of water into the
ranged in the steam space of fuel tanks, unless machinery spaces through the open ends of
it is of group IIÂ (see Table Ï2.1 Appendix 2 the drain pipes in the event of the shell plat-
Part VI of the Rules) and unless it is explo- ing damage. Provision should be made for an
sion-proof electric equipment with explosion alarm device to give warning if the fuel oil
protection of i type with sparkproof electric reaches the upper limit level in the collecting
circuit level ic (see Table Ï2.3 Appendix 2 tank.
Part VI of the Rules);
.2 vapours from the upper part of the tank 10.13.21 If the drain pipes from drip trays
and air pipeline shall not penetrate the ma- fitted in different watertight compartments are
chinery spaces; led into a common collecting tank, design
.3 closed spaces shall not be located above measures shall be made to prevent water from
these fuel tanks, except for ventilated coffer- one flooded compartment to enter the other
dams. compartment via open ends of the drains.
10.13.13 Where necessary, temperature Filling of fuel storage tanks
gauges shall be fitted to control the tempera-
ture of the fuel oil being heated. 10.13.22 The bunkering of the ship shall be
carried out by a closed method through a spe-
10.13.14 Heating steam condensate shall
cial pipeline fitted with the valves ensuring
pass through a sight glass to control its purity.
fuel supply to all the basic fuel storage tanks.
10.13.15 The pressure of the steam used for The end of the filling pipe shall be led to
fuel oil heating shall not exceed 0.5 MPa. the tank bottom with a minimum clearance.
Main fuel tanks shall be equipped with
Water drainage arrangements of fuel oil tanks light and sound alarm for 95 % and 98 % fill-
10.13.16 For draining water from daily ser- ing.
vice and settling tanks, these tanks shall be 10.13.23 On passenger ships provision shall
fitted with self-closing valves and pipes con- be made for bunkering stations which are
nected to contaminated fuel collecting tanks. separated from the other spaces and fitted
Water and sludge drain pipes shall be fitted with drain pipes leading into the fuel collect-
with sight glasses. Where drip trays are avail- ing tanks.
10 Systems 487

10.13.24 Filling pipes of the tanks located minimum and maximum fuel oil level is
above the double bottom space, as well as reached in the tanks, or an automatic filling
filling pipes of the double bottom tanks, shall of daily service tanks shall be provided.
be connected to the upper part of the tanks. If service fuel tank is used for supply of
The filling pipeline shall be brought into the several internal combustion engines, provi-
tank above the maximum fuel level. The pipe- sions shall be made for the facilities cutting
line inside the tank, but above the maximum off fuel supply pipelines to each engine and
fuel level, shall have a hole (hydraulic rup- the leakage collection pipelines. The means of
ture). If for design reasons it is not possible to isolation shall not affect the operation of the
provide hydraulic rupture, the filling pipes other engines and shall be operable from a
shall be provided with non-return or non- position not rendered inaccessible by a fire on
return shut-off valves installed directly on the any of the engines.
tank. Valves used for taking fuel samples from
Where the filling pipe is used as a dis- service fuel tanks shall be of self-closing type.
charge pipe, the non-return valve shall be
replaced by a remote-controlled shut-off valve 10.13.29 The compartments located to-
operable from an accessible place outside the wards the bow from the collision bulkhead
space where the tank is located. shall not be used as fuel tanks or tanks for
transportation of other flammable liquids.
Fuel tanks 10.13.30 Fuel oil tanks shall be provided
10.13.25 Fuel tanks shall be made of steel with manholes with gas-tight covers for in-
or material equivalent to steel (see spection and cleaning of the inner chambers.
Part III of the Rules), and shall be arranged
outside the machinery spaces accommodating Fuel supply to internal combustion engines
engines and boilers. This requirement does 10.13.31 The equipment of the fuel system
not apply to service tanks and fuel tanks, the shall be capable of supplying fuel duly pre-
capacity of which does not exceed 12 litres pared and cleaned according to the technical
and tanks built in the auxiliary units during documentation of the manufacturer.
manufacture of these units.
Types and design of fuel tanks shall comply 10.13.32 The system for fuel supply to in-
with the requirements of 2.4.139 to 2.4.141 ternal combustion engines shall have places
Part I of the Rules. for release of air from the system. Control
cocks on fuel filter cover can be used for this
10.13.26 The arrangement of the fuel tanks purpose.
in the machinery spaces (engine rooms) shall
comply with the requirements of 1.9.7. 10.13.33 Power installations including
heavy oil fired engines shall be fitted with
10.13.27 The fuel tanks located on the
dual fuel supply system.
weather decks and superstructures, as well as
in other exposed places shall be protected 10.13 34 If the main engines are duel fuel
against the action of sunrays. internal combustion engines and auxiliary
Fuel oil tanks, fuel pipelines and pipeline ones are intended for working on diesel fuel
valves shall be located and arranged in such a only, precautions should be taken to avoid the
way as to prevent ingress of fuel or its vapours penetration of heavy fuel into the fuel supply
in spaces where people may stay. system of auxiliary engines.
10.13.28 Daily fuel service tanks intended 10.13.35 The fuel filters shall be capable of
for direct fuel supply to the main engines in cleaning without interrupting the operation of
the unattended machinery spaces shall be the engine.
fitted with devices actuating visual and audible Automatically cleaned filters shall be in-
warning signals to the wheelhouse when the stalled in the heavy fuel preparation systems.
488 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.13.36 When flowmeters (other than fuel 10.14.2 Where two or more main engines
consumption meters) and/or fuel combustion are installed, a standby oil pump need not be
catalysts are installed in delivery fuel pipe- fitted.
lines, precautions shall be taken to prevent
10.14.3 Each auxiliary engine shall have a
the stopping of fuel supply to the engines in separate lubricating system.
the event of their adjustment or failure.
10.14.4 Where the lubricating oil pump is
10.13.37 The diesel generators designed for
not fitted with a safety or a transfer valve,
use as emergency electrical power sources such valves shall be fitted on the delivery piping.
shall be supplied with fuel from independent
service tanks located in the emergency diesel Lubricating oil supply to engines
generator room. Consumption of the fuel
from this tank for other purposes is not al- 10.14.5 The lubricating oil drain pipes from
lowed. In the course of ship operation the fuel the engine crankcase to the circulating-
in independent service tanks shall be sufficient discharge tank shall be located in the latter in
to ensure operation of diesel generators with a such manner as to be permanently sub-
electric power supply to the consumers set out merged into the oil during the operation of
in 4.5.1 Part VI of the Rules within a time the engine.
period stated in Table 4.2.1 Part VI of the Drain pipes from two or more engines shall
Rules. not communicate with each other.
10.13.38 Diesel generators shall be supplied 10.14.6 The pipes of the lubricating oil sys-
with fuel oil from an independent pipeline tem shall not communicate with other piping
fitted with filters and shut-off valves. systems, except where they are connected to
separators which may be used for fuel separa-
Fuel supply to boilers tion provided that reliable arrangements are
10.13.39 The pipes conveying fuel oil to fitted which preclude mixing of fuel and lu-
the burners of each boiler shall be fitted with bricating oil.
a locally controlled quick-closing valve. The While separating, precautions shall be
quick-closing valve is not required when a taken to prevent mixing of different lubricat-
separate automatic boiler is used. ing oil grades intended e.g. for main and aux-
iliary engines, if they use immiscible lubricat-
10.13.40 Thermometers and pressure ing oil grades.
gauges shall be installed on heavy fuel pipes
supplying fuel to the burners for checking 10.14.7 The pipelines of the lubricating oil
temperature and pressure of heavy fuel. circulating systems shall be provided with:
.1 magnetic filter on the suction side of
10.13.41 Where fuel is fed to the boilers the gear pump;
under hydrostatic pressure, the pipeline sup-
.2 one coarse filter (strainer) on the suc-
plying fuel to the burners shall be fitted with
tion side of the pump;
.3 two parallel filters or one duplex filter,
10.14 LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM or a self-cleaning filter on the discharge side
of the main engine pump.
Lubricating oil pumps of engines
10.14.8 In case of common lubricating oil
10.14.1 For maintenance of one main en- system of the engine and turbo-superchargers,
gine with an output of 220 kW and above fine filters shall be installed in front of the
provision shall be made for at least two lubri- turbo-supercharger bearings. The design of the
cating oil pumps (main and standby), one of filters shall provide their cleaning without
which may be driven from the engine. stopping of the lubricating oil circulation.
The capacity of the standby pump shall be A pressure gauge shall be installed after the
not less than the capacity of the main one. filters.
10 Systems 489

10.14.9 Capacity of each oil filter shall ex- 10.14.15 Lubricating drip trays shall be fit-
ceed the maximum capacity of the pump by ted in the places where fuel oil leakage from
10 per cent. hydraulic drive and lubricating oil systems is
10.14.10 The lubricating oil pipelines shall possible.
be fitted with pressure gauges and thermome- 10.14.16 Lubricating oil service tanks shall
ters. be equipped with level indicators. If transpar-
A device for checking the oil supply to the ent inserts are used for this purpose, they shall
gear shall be installed on the gear oil supply comply with the requirements of 10.10.26.
Arrangements for fuel leakage collection
Lubricating oil tanks
10.14.17 Tanks, trays and drainage pipes
10.14.11 Oil tanks, including oil storage used for collection of oil leakages shall com-
tanks, used in the power transmission systems, ply with the requirements of 10.13.17 to
control systems and heating systems shall be 10.13.21.
made of steel or material equivalent to steel
(see Part III of the Rules) and shall
be build in the ship’s hull or secured on it. 10.15 COOLING SYSTEM
These requirements do not apply to tanks Pumps
with capacity of 25 litres and less.
Oil tanks shall comply with the require- 10.15.1 Cooling system of engines shall
ments of 2.4.139 to 2.4.141 Part I of the comply with the requirements of 2.9.1.
Rules for fuel tanks. Hull structures of oil In ships with a single-shaft power installa-
tanks shall not be combined with hull struc- tion the additional pump driven from the
tures of tanks used for other purposes (drink- power source shall be provided to ensure
ing water, boiler water, fuel, sewage and oily standby operation of the outer and inner en-
waters tanks) and hull structures of accom- gine cooling pumps. Standby pump need not
modation spaces. Oil tanks shall not be ar- be installed, if the power installation output is
ranged in front of the collision bulkhead. less than 220 kW.
Oil tanks, their pipelines and valves shall
10.15.2 Inner circuit water cooling system
be located and arranged in such a way as to
may be common for the main and/or auxil-
prevent ingress of oil or its vapours in ship
iary engines and include one independently-
spaces. Filling holes of oil tanks shall have
driven pump. In this case, the capacity of the
nameplates with indelible inscriptions con-
pump shall be sufficient for simultaneous
taining information required for identification
cooling of all engines when running at maxi-
of these filling holes.
mum load.
Oil tanks shall be equipped with air pipes
according to 10.10.1 to 10.10.16. In this case, the cooling pipe shall have a
water control valve at inlets to each of the
10.14.12 The suction pipes from the tanks engines.
located outside the double bottom shall be
fitted with shut-off valves installed directly on 10.15.3 Where each of the auxiliary engines
the tanks. is provided with an independent cooling water
pump, the standby pumps for these engines
10.14.13 Where lubricating oil in the tanks are not required.
requires preheating, the requirements of Where, however, a group of auxiliaries is
10.13.9 to 10.13.15 shall be met. supplied with cooling water from a common
10.14.14 Lubricating oil tanks shall be pro- system, one standby pump for inner and outer
vided with manholes with watertight covers circuits is sufficient.
for inspection and cleaning of inner cham- If a common cooling line is fitted for the
bers. main and auxiliary engines, standby pumps
490 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

for cooling the auxiliary engines are not re- monitoring device and alarm on minimum
quired. level of cooling liquid in the tank.
10.15.4 Ballast or other general service To prevent cavitation damages of parts lim-
iting the cooling spaces, the expansion tank
pumps used only for clean water may be used
shall be installed at the maximum possible
as standby cooling pumps
height and fitted with hydraulic gate.
Piping arrangement 10.15.11 Expansion tanks shall be provided
with manholes with gas-tight covers for in-
10.15.5 Water cooling system shall be sup-
spection and cleaning of inner chambers.
plied from at least two receivers which shall
be interconnected.
Cooling systems with shell plating coolers
In ships with one main engine with an
output less than 220 kW one receiver is per- 10.15.12 In engine cooling systems it is al-
mitted which is located in the machinery lowed to use shell plating coolers of inner
space; two parallel-connected filters are re- cycle liquid. Such coolers are flat rectangular
quired in such case. boxes directly adjoining the shell plating of
the ship (inner cycle liquid circulates in flat
10.15.6 Heating of sea chests of ships with ducts formed by partitions of these boxes and
ice strengthening shall comply with the re- gives up heat to overboard water through shell
quirements of 10.4.5. plating of the ship), provided the following
10.15.7 The arrangement of the outboard conditions are met:
water discharge pipeline shall be such that the .1 ships with one main engine shall have
highest cooled spaces of the engines, water at least two shell plating coolers, one of which
coolers and oil coolers are always filled with is a standby one;
water and no dead zones are created. .2 in ships with two and more main en-
gines with one shell plating cooler for each
Cooling water filters engine it is allowed not to install standby
10.15.8 Filters shall be fitted on the suction .3 each shell plating cooler shall be
lines of outboard water cooling system servic- equipped with a device for air discharge;
ing the main and auxiliary engines. .4 pipelines for delivery of inner cycle to
Means shall be provided to enable the fil- coolers and discharge of cooling liquid from
ters to be cleaned without stopping the cool- them shall be fitted with shut-off valves com-
ing pumps. plying with applicable requirements of 10.4;
.5 devices for removal of inner cycle
Other devices of cooling system cooling liquid from the shell plating coolers
10.15.9 Equipment for heating up the en- shall be provided;
gines before starting shall be fitted in ships .6 calculations confirming serviceability of
with ice strengthening. The heating up shall coolers under operating conditions of the ship
be carried out by heated cooling water. Steam set out in the specification shall be submitted.
heating up is not allowed.
10.15.10 The dual-cycle engine cooling
system shall have expansion tank where the Number and capacity of starting air receivers
cooling water level is higher than the maxi-
10.16.1 The compressed air system of main
mum cooling water level in the engine. The
engines shall ensure simultaneous starting and
expansion tank shall be connected to the suc-
reversing of main engines.
tion piping of the pumps and may be com-
mon for the cooling system of several engines. 10.16.2 The total amount of starting air for
This tank shall be equipped with liquid level the main engines starting and pneumatic con-
10 Systems 491

trol system shall be stored in at least two air 10.16.8 The air receivers shall be installed
receivers or two groups of air receivers; the in such a way as to provide total removal of
capacity of each air receiver, or each group of moisture under all working conditions.
air receivers shall be at least 50 per cent of
that required in 10.16.3 and 10.16.4. Compressors
10.16.3 The total capacity of the air receiv- 10.16.9 There shall be at least two main
ers for starting and reversing of the main en- compressors, one of them may be hinged. In
gines shall be sufficient to provide at least the event of failure of the compressor with the
12 successive ahead and astern starts of the greatest capacity, the capacity of the rest
main engine in ready-to-start condition. compressors shall be sufficient to fill air re-
10.16.4 The total amount of starting air for ceivers of the main engines from the pressure
the main non-reversible engines, as well as for required to carry out the last start and ma-
main diesel generators shall be sufficient to noeuvre to the pressure required to carry out
provide at least 6 starts of the engine of the the number of starts and manoeuvres referred
greatest available capacity in ready-to-start to in 10.16.3 and 10.16.4, within one hour.
condition and, where there are more than One self-contained compressor or com-
2 engines, not less than 4 starts of each engine pressor driven from auxiliary diesel with elec-
in ready-to-start condition. tric starter and manual start can be installed
on high-speed ships. On high-speed ships with
10.16.5 For auxiliary engines starting at non-reversible main engines it is allowed to
least one air receiver shall be provided with install one compressor suspended on main
the capacity sufficient for 6 starts of each aux- engines, provided the air receivers are filled
iliary engine in ready-to-start condition and, by means of on-shore facilities.
where there are more than two auxiliary en-
gines, not less than 4 starts of each engine in 10.16.10 In ships with non-reversible main
ready-to-start condition. engines the air receivers may be filled using
When one such air receiver is installed, it an independently driven compressor. Com-
shall be possible to start the auxiliary engines pressed gas from the gas intake device, elec-
from one air receiver or one group of air re- tric starter or other starting equipment may be
ceivers of the main engines. used as the second starting device.
The capacity of the compressor or gas in-
10.16.6 The total amount of the starting air
take devices shall comply with the require-
stored in air receivers of the main engines
ments of 10.16.9.
indicated in 10.16.2 can be used to feed the
typhoon whistle, as well as for domestic needs
provided that: Piping arrangement
.1 one air receiver (one group of air re- 10.16.11 Pipelines intended to fill the air
ceivers) is separated from the other receivers receivers shall be entirely separated from the
by non-return valve and is intended only for starting pipelines.
main engines starting;
.2 the air receiver is fitted with automatic 10.16.12 Each of the starting air receivers
replenishing means and with alarm devices specified in 10.16.2 to 10.16.8 shall be capable
warning if pressure in the air receiver drops of being filled from each main compressor
below the working pressure by not more than specified in 10.16.9 to 10.16.10.
0.5 MPa. 10.16.13 Non-return shut-off valves shall
10.16.7 Air receivers of the auxiliary en- be installed on the discharge pipe of each
gines indicated in 10.16.5 may be replenished compressor.
from the main air receivers indicated in The manifold supplying starting air to each
10.16.6; here, back air flow shall be pre- engine shall have a non-return valve fitted
cluded. before the starting valve.
492 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

The check valve may be omitted, if suitable 10.17.2 Steam-driven feeding pumps shall
devices preventing the spreading of explosion have a separate live steam line supplied with
are provided in the engine design (see 2.11.1). steam from all boilers fed by these pumps.
10.16.14 The pipes shall be led as straight 10.17.3 Forced-circulation self-contained
as practicable with a slope for water drainage. boilers of class I shall be serviced by not less
The pipes shall not be sloped towards the than two circulating pumps, one of which is a
master starting valve of the engine. standby pump.
The standby pump is to be automatically
10.16.15 Temperature of air or compressed actuated.
gases fed to air receivers shall not exceed
90 Ñ. If the temperature exceeds 90 Ñ, air Piping arrangement
coolers shall be provided.
The compressed air pipes shall not be laid 10.17.4 In case of open circuit feeding sys-
under the machinery space flooring. tem it shall be possible for the feeding pumps
and injectors to intake water from the heated
10.16.16 Suitable arrangements for draining box, from the outboard and from the feeding
oil and water accumulations shall be fitted on water storage tanks.
the pipes between the compressor and the air
receivers, unless drain arrangements are fitted 10.17.5 The feeding system of each self-
on the compressors. contained boiler of class I shall be so designed
as to enable to feed the boiler or a group of
boilers by each of the feeding pumps through
10.17 BOILER FEED WATER SYSTEM two separate feeding lines, i.e. main and aux-
Pumps iliary lines.
For self-contained boilers of class II boilers
10.17.1 Each self-contained boiler of class
one feeding pipeline is sufficient.
I or a group of boilers connected during op-
eration shall be provided with at least two 10.17.6 Design measures shall be taken to
independently driven feeding pumps. prevent the contamination of the feeding wa-
For self-contained boilers of class II one ter system with oil and oil products.
feeding pump and injector shall be sufficient.
For waste-heat exhaust gas boiler or a 10.18 STEAM AND BLOW-OFF LINES1
group of boilers which can be free of water Piping arrangement
when being heated by exhaust gas one feeding
pump is sufficient per boiler or a group of 10.18.1 Where two or more boilers are in-
boilers. terconnected, steam pipe of each boiler shall
be fitted with a non-return valve before con-
For boilers with manual feeding control the
nection to the common line. These valves
capacity of each pump shall be not less than
may be omitted if the boiler stop valves are of
1.5 times the design steam capacity of the
non-return shut-off type.
boilers, and for automatically controlled boil-
ers — not less than 1.15 times the design 10.18.2 Blow-down and scum valves of two
steam capacity. or more boilers may be connected to a com-
Where more than two feeding pumps are mon discharge line, if a non-return valve is
installed, their design capacity shall be such fitted on the blow-off pipe of each boiler be-
that if any of the pumps is out of operation, fore the connection to the discharge line.
the total capacity of the rest is not less than Boiler blow-off system shall be fitted with
the aforementioned capacity of one pump. special devices preventing the circulation fail-
The capacity of each feeding pump of a di- ure while blowing-off.
rect-flow boiler shall be not less than the de- 10.18.3 The facilities and equipment con-
sign steam capacity of the boiler. nected with the steam lines shall be relieved
10 Systems 493

of the stresses caused by thermal expansion of 10.19.4 To ensure circulation of heat trans-
the pipes by means of self-compensation (pipe fer fluid, the electric motors of pumps shall be
bends) or using expansion joints. fitted with shut-off devices meeting the re-
quirements of 7.8.2 Part VI of the Rules to
10.18.4 The steam lines supplying the
shut-off devices of electric motors of fuel and
equipment and arrangements designed for a
oil transfer pumps and separators.
lesser pressure than the boiler pressure, shall
be fitted with reducing valves, and the re-
quirements of 10.2.17 shall be complied with. Expansion tank
10.18.5 The steam line branches intended 10.19.5 Systems with high-temperature or-
for steaming out and steam smothering of the ganic heat transfer fluid shall have expansion
fuel tanks and liquid cargo tanks shall be fit- tank placed in the highest point of the system.
ted with check valves; the main line of the Expansion tank capacity shall exceed the
branches shall be fitted with a shut-off valve increase of volume of heat transfer fluid after
located in easily accessible place outside the heating to operating temperature at least 1.5
tanks. times.
10.18.6 The steam lines in the engine and 10.19.6 The expansion tank shall be
boiler rooms shall be laid in the upper parts of equipped with thermometer and level indica-
these spaces, in places accessible for inspec- tor. If transparent insert is used for this pur-
tion and maintenance. pose, it shall comply with the requirements of
Steam lines other than boiler heating and 10.10.26.
blow-off pipes shall not be laid under the Level indicator shall have heat transfer
floor plates of the engine and boiler rooms. fluid low permissible level mark.
Steam pipelines shall be laid at a distance
of not less than 1 m from fuel tanks. 10.19.7 In open-type systems the expansion
tank considering the applicable requirements
Blowing of steam pipelines of 10.10 shall be equipped with air pipe and
overflow pipe brought out to discharge tank.
10.18.7 Live steam lines shall have conden- If the discharge tank is not available, the pipe
sate drain arrangements to protect the equip- shall be brought out to high-temperature or-
ment against water hammer. ganic heat transfer fluid storage tank.
10.18.8 Open ends of the steam blow-off 10.19.8 The expansion tanks shall be
pipes shall be led below the machinery space equipped with alarm of minimum and maxi-
flooring (see also 10.5.2). mum levels of heat transfer fluid in the tank.
When the alarm of minimum and maximum
10.19 SYSTEMS WITH HIGH- levels operates, the heating of high-
TEMPERATURE ORGANIC HEAT temperature organic heat transfer fluid shall
TRANSFER FLUID be automatically stopped with simultaneous
Pumps shut down circulating pump.

10.19.1 At least two pumps, one of which 10.19.9 The expansion tanks of close-type
is standby, shall be used to ensure circulation systems with inert gas in the upper part of the
of heat transfer fluid. tank shall be equipped with pressure gauges or
other pressure monitoring devices in the tank
10.19.2 Pressure gauge shall be installed on and safety valves. Branch pipe from safety
discharge pipeline of each pump. valve shall be connected to discharge tank or
10.19.3 Transfer pump shall be provided to heat transfer fluid storage tank.
fill the expansion tank and to pump the high- It shall be possible to operate close-type
temperature organic heat fluid. system in the open-type system mode.
494 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

10.19.10 The expansion tank shall be Boilers-heaters of high-temperature organic

equipped with a device for catching and dis- heat transfer fluid
charging vapours and gases produced during
10.19.18 Boilers-heaters of high-tempera-
operation of the system.
ture organic heat transfer fluid shall comply
with the requirements of 8.20.
Storage tank
10.19.11 Storage tank capacity shall be suf- Insulation
ficient for draining all high-temperature or- 10.19.19 Insulation of pipelines and
ganic heat transfer fluid from the system. equipment of the system shall comply with
the requirements of 1.9.2.
10.19.12 When the storage tank is used for
draining the high-temperature organic heat Heating of liquid cargoes
transfer fluid in it, this heat transfer fluid shall
be drained from system by natural flow. 10.19.20 Systems with high-temperature
organic heat transfer fluid for heating liquid
cargoes with flash point of 60îÑ and less shall
Air pipes be used only if independent intermediate sys-
10.19.13 Air pipes of tanks with high- tem located within cargo area is used.
temperature organic heat transfer fluid shall Independent intermediate system is not re-
comply with the requirements of 10.10.1 to quired in the following cases:
10.10.15. when circulating pump is stopped, the ex-
cessive pressure exceeding the static pressure
Devices for collection of leakages and of cargo by at least 0.03 MPa is maintained in
draining high-temperature organic heat trans- the coils;
fer fluid the expansion tank of the system with
10.19.14 Devices for collection of leakages high-temperature organic heat transfer fluid is
of high-temperature organic heat transfer fluid provided with facilities for detection of in-
shall comply with the requirements of flammable vapours of cargo;
10.13.17 to 10.13.20 to devices for collection valves of separate heating coils are fitted
of fuel leakages. with interlocking device that ensures that the
coils are constantly under the static pressure.
10.19.15 If the shut-off valves specified in 10.19.21 Heat accumulators shall be used in have no remote control, the device the system for energy conservation. Their de-
for draining high-temperature organic heat sign shall comply with the requirements of
transfer fluid from the system to the discharge 1.9.2, 10.19.6 to 10.19.9, as well as applicable
tank or storage tank according to 10.19.12 requirements of 8.20.
shall be provided.
Tests of pipelines of systems with high-
10.19.16 Waste-heat boilers-heaters shall
temperature organic heat transfer fluid
have devices preventing ingress of high-
temperature organic heat transfer fluid to en- 10.19.22 Pipelines of systems with high-
gine in case of leakages. temperature organic heat transfer fluid shall
be tested according to 10.6 similarly to fuel
Cooling of heat transfer fluid pipelines.

10.19.17 Systems with high-temperature

organic heat transfer fluid provided with
waste-heat boilers-heaters shall have a device
for cooling heat transfer fluid if the boiler- 10.20.1 If the ship is equipped with cargo
heater has no bypass channel. vapour discharge system, the system of cargo
10 Systems 495

level measurement shall be closed. Semi- 10.20.8 To exclude incorrect connection of

closed systems, where only a part of tank lim- cargo vapours discharge pipeline to the liquid
ited by the gauge tube communicates with the cargo pipeline of shore terminal, pins of
atmosphere, can be used as a standby level 12.7 mm dia and at least 25.4 mm long shall
measurement system. be installed on connecting flanges of end sec-
Cargo vapour discharge system shall be ar- tion of cargo vapours discharge pipeline in the
ranged so as not to impede normal operation uppermost point on the line of coupling bolts
of gas outlet system. as it is shown in Figure 10.20.8-1. End sec-
The cargo vapour discharge system shall be tion of the cargo vapours discharge pipeline
designed based on maximum loading effi- shall be marked as shown in Figure 10.20.8-2.
ciency. Pressure drop in the cargo vapours
discharge pipeline obtained by hydraulic cal-
culations shall not exceed 80 % of opening
pressure of any of gas outlet system valves
specified in 10.10.21.
10.20.2 Cargo vapour discharge system
shall be so designed as to exclude the possibil-
ity of mixing the vapours of incompatible car- Fig. 10.20.8-1. Pin on connecting flange of the end
section of cargo vapour discharge pipeline
goes transported on the ship.
10.20.3 Devices for removal of condensate
accumulated in the system pipelines shall be
10.20.4 System pipelines shall be electri-
cally conductive throughout the entire length
and shall be reliably grounded.
10.20.5 End sections of cargo vapours dis-
charge pipeline shall be equipped with pres-
sure sensor and alarm. The alarm operates
Fig. 10.20.8-2. Marking of the end section of cargo
when reaching the pressure not higher than
vapour discharge pipeline
the pressure at which high-speed gas-outlet
arrangement operates and in case of vacuum.
In this case alarm actuation pressure shall be 10.21 INERT GAS SYSTEM
not less than the pressure at which vacuum OF OIL TANKERS
valve operates. 10.21.1 Inert gas system shall ensure supply
This requirement does not apply to ships of gas in the amount of not less than 125 %
where excessive pressure/vacuum sensor is of the maximum rated capacity of cargo
installed in each cargo tank according to pumps and creation of pressure not exceeding
10.10.22. 20 kPa in the filled spaces.
10.20.6 Manually operated shut-off valve 10.21.2 Inert gas plant shall have the fol-
shall be installed near the connecting branch lowing:
pipes of end sections of cargo vapours dis- .1 inert gas generators or equipment
charge pipeline in a place accessible for main- drawing off gases from boiler funnel uptakes;
.2 equipment for gas cooling and purify-
10.20.7 Hoses used in the vapour discharge ing from solid particles and sulphur combus-
system shall comply with the requirements of tion products and inert gas drying (gas purify-
10.2.67. ing installations);
496 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

.3 fans (steam ejectors) for gas injection; 10.21.10 Gas supply pipelines shall be fit-
.4 piping and valves for gas delivery and ted with bleeder plugs for condensate drainage
gas discharge control in the protected spaces; the devices providing for the piping steaming
.5 control devices monitoring the volume and cleaning from corrosion products and
fraction of oxygen or carbon dioxide, gas dirt.
temperature and pressure;
.6 audible and visual alarm on the limit 10.21.11 The inert gas system pipeline in
temperature of inert gas supplied to the pro- front of a branch to the nearest protected
tected compartments. space shall be fitted with non-return shut-off
The delivery piping of inert gas system valve or similar device preventing from gas
shall be fitted with temperature sensors in entering from cargo compartments to the gas
front of the first branch to the protected purifying installation (the heat exchanger —
space. the gas cooler) if fans/steam ejectors stop.
Where a waterlock is used as a check device,
10.21.3 Oxygen volume fraction in inert the latter shall be supplied with water simul-
(smoke) gases shall not exceed 5 %. taneously.
10.21.4 Temperature of the inert gas deliv-
ered to the protected spaces shall not be 10.21.12 Measures should be taken to pre
above 40 °Ñ. vent the waterlock from freezing but in a such
way that its impermeability is not imposed by
10.21.5 Gas purifying installations shall be heating.
installed from the suction side of fans or from
the injection side of steam ejectors. 10.21.13 If a fan (steam ejector) can create
pressure exceeding the permitted value, the
10.21.6 The inert gas system shall be so inert gas pipeline shall be fitted with a safety
designed as to enable blow-down of com- device of liquid type or other equivalent type
partments by air. Air inlet shall be fitted with to prevent creation of excessive pressure of
shut-off valves with indicators “Open” and more than 20 kPà in the protected spaces.
10.21.7 Audible and visual alarm shall be 10.21.14 Pipeline branches for inert gas de-
actuated resulting from changes of the instal- livery to the protected cargo spaces shall be
lation parameters in the following cases: arranged in the upper part of the spaces above
.1 rise of inert gas temperature above the oil level as far apart as possible from gas
40 °С — audible and visual alarm is actuated; outlet lines and those for gas delivery to
.2 rise of inert gas temperature above spaces adjacent to cargo spaces — in the
60 °Ñ — the fan is switched off or steam sup- lower part of the spaces. Each branch shall be
ply to the ejector is stopped. fitted with fire barriers and shut-off valves.
The inlet of such outlet pipes may be lo-
10.21.8 Inert gas system shall be fitted with
cated either at deck level or at not more than
cooling system. No special pumps may be
1 m above the bottom of the tank. The cross-
provided for that purpose.
sectional area of inert gas outlet pipe shall be
such at to ensure gas rate of at least 20 m/s at
Piping and valves
the outlet when inert gas is simultaneously fed
10.21.9 Atmospheric pipeline shall be pro- to any three tanks.
vided for stable operation of the inert gas in- Outlets shall be above the deck level at a
stallation during its preparation for operation height of at least 2 m and a system for their
or stopping the gas delivery to the protected closing shall be provided.
spaces. Pipe for gas discharge to the atmos-
phere shall be fitted on the discharge line of 10.21.15 Provision shall be made for de-
inert gas supply to the protected spaces in vices to connect the inert gas main to external
front of the first shut-off valve. source of inert gas.
10 Systems 497

tem of liquid level measurement in tanks.

10.21.16 Tankers fitted with a fixed inert Semi-closed instruments can be used as
gas system shall be provided with closed sys- standby level measurement facilities.
498 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”


11.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION TERMS .3 P r o p u l s i o n p l a n t means an ex-

AND DEFINITIONS ecutive part of the ship’s power installation
11.1.1 Requirements of this Section apply where energy of fuel used by the main engines
to automation systems and devices and their is converted into thrust transmitting move-
components used in ships of all types and ment to the ship’s hull. Generally the propul-
purposes irrespective of automation symbol in sion plant comprises main engines, gearings,
shaftings and propellers.
the class of ship. In addition to requirements
of this Section the following requirements .4 A l a r m s y s t e m means a system in-
shall be met: 9.18,, 10.21.7 of this tended to give visual and audible signals when
Part, 3.4.11, 3.4.17, 3.8.24, 3.9.3, 3.9.14, the preset limits of monitored parameters are
3.9.16, 3.9.17, 5 Part III and 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, exceeded or in the event of abnormal running
4.2.10, Table 4.5.1, 6.1.16, 6.10.8, 7.1.1, condition of the power installation compo-
7.2.6, 11.3 to 11.6, 17.6.2, 17.6.3, 17.7.2, nents.
17.7.5 Part VI of the Rules. .5 A u t o m a t i o n system means
a complex of elements, appliances and joints
11.1.2 The requirements of the present intended for performance of assigned moni-
Section shall be met when ships operate with toring and control functions.
unattended machinery spaces or with attended .6 R e m o t e a u t o m a t e d c o n t r o l
central control station. s y s t e m means a control system which en-
Requirements of 11.7, 11.8.3, 11.9 to sures setting up the desired mode of operation
11.12, 11.14 and 11.15 apply to ships of all of the machinery from a remote control sta-
types and purposes irrespective of automation tion by single manipulating the control ele-
symbol in the class of ship, unless otherwise ment (e.g. handle) with all subsequent inter-
specified. mediate steps performed automatically.
11.1.3 The following definitions are used in .7 R e m o t e control system
this Section. means a control system for which an operator
.1 A c t u a l status indication shall manipulate the control elements fitted at
s y s t e m means an independent unit or part a remote control station for performing in-
of automation system which are intended for termediate steps.
informing the personnel about accomplish- .8 P r o t e c t i o n s y s t e m means a sys-
ment of the preset commands by control sys- tem intended for a specified automatic influ-
tems and availability of power supply. ence on the plant under control in order to
.2 G e n e r a l i z e d a l a r m means a prevent an emergency or restrain its conse-
signal emitted by an object or a group of ob- quences.
jects which parameters are being checked; .9 M o n i t o r i n g s y s t e m means a
however, these signals are not passed directly system which ensures visual control of the
from control sensors to the control panel and proper functioning of supply, control and
are not decoded. Such a signal is generated by checking systems as well as clarifying the
the alarm system when at least one of the situations when a parameter ensuring normal
controlled parameters deviates from the preset operation of the power installation or systems
range. deviates from the safe operation range.
11 Automation 499

.10 A u t o m a t i o n e l e m e n t means fied in 2.7 Part VI of the Rules and protection

any hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical or elec- against sudden deviations of voltage and cur-
tronic item being a part of automation devices rent frequency from their rated values speci-
and/or systems (e.g. amplifier, sensor, relay, fied in 2.2.1 Part VI of the Rules. Automation
microchip, logic element etc). systems shall be electromagnetically compati-
ble with other electrical and electronic
11.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS equipment, including communication and
navigation facilities. In the course of opera-
11.2.1 Automation systems shall be so de-
tion the automation systems shall not create
signed that in case of failure of light or sound
electromagnetic interferences the levels of
alarm units the serviceability of other circuits
which exceed the ones in Table 2.7.3-1 and
shall remain intact.
2.7.3-3 Part VI of the Rules.
11.2.2 Electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic
11.2.9 Automation systems shall make it
elements, equipment and automation systems
possible to activate onboard machinery and
shall be operable in service conditions indi-
installations, automatically or remotely, after
cated in 2.2 Part VI of the Rules.
they have been switched off by protection
11.2.3 Protection class of electrical and devices, only after the protective devices
electronic automation elements and devices manual have been manually reset to the initial
depending on their location shall comply with position from the local control station.
the requirements of 2.3.6 Part VI of the Rules.
11.2.10 It shall be possible to check the
11.2.4 Hydraulic and pneumatic automa- automation devices without changing opera-
tion systems shall operate reliably under tion mode of onboard equipment.
working medium pressure variation within 11.2.11 Provision shall be made for manual
20 % of the nominal value. adjustment of each of the automatically ad-
11.2.5 Automation systems shall be so de- justed parameters. Any damage, failure of
signed that the replacement of any elements automated control system or remote control
or devices by similar ones neither affects the system shall not bring to failure of the manual
system serviceability no requires additional control.
adjustment of the system. 11.2.12 It shall be possible to control each
11.2.6 In automation systems measures remotely controlled technical facility from
shall be taken to prevent false alarms caused local control stations, except for the cases
by momentary changes of parameters (see specified in 1.5.1.
Table 2.2.1 Part VI of the Rules) due to roll 11.2.13 When remote control of the tech-
and pitch of the ship, activation and deactiva- nical facilities is provided, it shall be possible
tion of the onboard machinery. to control the accomplishment of the given
11.2.7 Automation systems shall be based orders.
on the “fail-safe” principle1. 11.2.14 Piping of hydraulic and pneumatic
11.2.8 Automation systems and devices control systems shall comply with the re-
shall have protection against interferences quirements of 10.2 including their fitting with
created by external magnetic and electric protection devices. Protection class of electri-
fields with consideration of parameters speci- cal control systems shall comply with the re-
quirements of 2.3.6 Part VI of the Rules.
1 11.2.15 All automation systems and equip-
Fault of automation system and its restart shall
not bring the processes controlled by this system to ment installed in the machinery spaces shall
undefined or critical state. In case of fault (failure) be adapted for unattended operation at least
of automation system the controlled objects are for a period when the machinery space is not
automatically brought to the least dangerous state. attended by the personnel. Single short-term
500 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

(up to 2 h) maintenance operations of auto- safety valves operating when nominal working
mation systems and devices are permitted, if pressure is exceeded by more than 10 %.
these operations are envisaged by respective Pressure-reducing valves, if any, shall be
instructions and their periodicity complies backed up.
with technical and operating documentation. 11.2.25 Hydraulic, pneumatic and electri-
11.2.16 Replaced components and devices cal or electronic components and devices in-
requiring adjustments, as well as check meas- stalled together on consoles, cabinets and
urements points (terminals, sockets), shall be units shall be separated from each other so
arranged in a way to have free access. that the leakages in pipelines and hoses and in
their connections cause no damage of pneu-
11.2.17 Adjustment components shall have matic, electronic and electrical components
protection against inadvertent change of ad- and devices.
justment and have a possibility of repeated Consoles, cabinets and units accommodat-
adjustment. ing equipment with fluid working medium
11.2.18 Places for input of cables and shall be equipped with devices for collection
wires, including the places of connection to of fluid leakages.
moving components and devices, shall be 11.2.26 Pneumatic and hydraulic compo-
provided with arrangements for tension relief nents and devices shall remain serviceable in
and prevention of cable or wire bending. case of short-term (up to 1 min) increase of
11.2.19 Measures shall be taken to exclude working medium up to 1.5 of working pres-
the possibility of incorrect replacement of sure of this medium.
detachable units with plug and socket connec-
tors, as well as measures on their reliable de- 11.3 POWER SUPPLY
tention in the operating position. If this is 11.3.1 Automated control system of stand-
required by functional or design features of by component of the power installation shall
components and devices, their arrangement be supplied independently of the automated
ensuring correct installation shall be marked control system of the respective main compo-
or their design shall be such as to exclude the nent of the power installation.
possibility of their installation in other posi-
tion. 11.3.2 Alarm system and protection circuits
shall be energized and de-energized automati-
11.2.20 Actuating mechanisms and devices cally at energization and de-energization of
shall be so designed as to prevent inadvertent the control system of the particular compo-
change of their preset position. nent of the power installation.
11.2.21 Measurement range of analogue 11.3.3 Hydraulic and pneumatic automa-
sensors shall exceed the variation range of the tion systems shall be supplied from two
respective measured parameter by at least sources. Standby source shall be connected
20 %. automatically in case of supply pressure loss
11.2.22 It shall be possible to clean the fil- in the main source.
Automation systems may be supplied from
ters of pneumatic and hydraulic automation
systems during operation without stopping the the starting air system, if the automatic re-
system. plenishing of air reservoirs is provided.

11.2.23 Hydraulic automation systems shall 11.3.4 If air for supplying pneumatic auto-
not be combined with other hydraulic systems mation systems requires drying or cleaning,
of the ship. two devices shall be provided. However, one
device may be used, if filtering elements can
11.2.24 Feeding pipelines of pneumatic be replaced without interrupting the opera-
automation systems shall be equipped with tion.
11 Automation 501

11.3.5 Electrical automation systems shall the respective functions. Malfunction or fail-
remain serviceable under supply voltage and ure of any of the systems shall not affect the
frequency deviations specified in 2.2.1 Part VI operation of the others. Connection of the
of the Rules. Triple power supply failure with control, alarm and protection systems includ-
interval of not more than 30 s shall not affect ing common sensors for alarm and protection
serviceability of automation systems. systems is permitted if the operability of the
systems is provided.
11.3.6 Automation systems and devices
shall receive power supply from main and 11.4.2 The alarm system shall give visual
emergency power supply sources if such and audible signals simultaneously. An exist-
power supply is provided for automated tech- ing alarm is not to prevent the indication of
nical facilities. any further fault. Reception of one signal shall
not impede reception of another one. Failure
11.3.7 Power installation electrical control
of one component (device) of the system shall
systems shall receive power supply via two
not cause failure of the entire alarm system.
independent lines — main and standby—
from different boards. The main line shall be Alarm system shall have self check func-
tions in case of such damages, as short-
connected to the main switchboard; reserve
circuit, circuit opening and ground fault. In
line, to the board feeding power supply to
critical consumers or to the nearest case of power supply failure the alarm signal
shall also be fed.
switchboard. In case of power supply failure
or it further normalization on the buses of Central information panels of the alarm
main switchboard, the power supply shall be system are to be placed in the central control
changed over between the lines automatically station or in the wheelhouse. Alarm system
with transfer of light signal to the control sta- shall be equipped with the general alarm sub-
tion in the wheelhouse. system, the units of which shall be placed in:
machinery spaces if they are not equipped
11.3.8 Stop of power supply or deteriora- with uninterrupted light sources operated in
tion of working medium or power supply pa- case of alarm system signal;
rameters in automatic or remote control sys- wheelhouse if the central information pan-
tems shall not cause failure of technical facili- els are not placed in the wheelhouse;
ties and change of their operation mode. places where the service personnel stays
11.3.9 Alarm and protection systems shall most of the time if the ship has no central
receive power supply from interrupted power control station and wheelhouse.
supply source; when supply voltage at its in- Audible signal may be generalized for all
put disappears, the alarm signal shall be fed. alarm systems; there shall be a possibility of
Accumulator battery of such source shall switching-off such a signal provided that it is
ensure power supply of alarm and protection ready for operation immediately after it has
systems for at least 30 min of their continuous been switched off, for forthcoming signals
operation. about faults. Disabling of sound signal on
general alarm units shall not disable sound
11.3.10 Power supply of generator driving signal in the central control station.
motors control system shall not depend on Visual signals shall indicate the reason of
availability of voltage on the buses of main the alarm system actuation and be actuated by
switchboard. means of indicators which correspond to the
current situation or fault. When an indicator
is actuated in the event of faulty, it shall gen-
erate flashing light signal. After acknowledge-
11.4.1 Each of the control, alarm, protec- ment the flashing light signal shall be trans-
tion and monitoring systems shall be inde- formed into a signal of permanent light inten-
pendent and perform not more than one of sity and be extincted automatically only after
502 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

the fault has been withdrawn or the fault 11.4.10 Alarm system shall be so designed
mechanism, device, system or the part of the that the signals other than ship control and
alarm system has been disconnected. Sound navigation situation signals are fed first to the
and light signals shall be fed simultaneously. consoles (boards) to machinery spaces and
It is allowed to use common monitors in- central control station. If the machinery
stead of individual light signal indicators. spaces (central control station) are unat-
tended, these signals shall be fed to the
11.4.3 Light signals shall comply with the wheelhouse.
requirements of 6.1.16 Part VI of the Rules.
11.4.11 The "personnel in machinery
11.4.4 Audible signal of the alarm system space" alarm shall inform the wheelhouse on
should differ from other audible signals. safety of an engineer on duty in the machin-
11.4.5 It shall be possible to check the ery space without other personnel.
alarm system without changing the operation 11.4.12 Manually locked signals shall be
mode of onboard equipment. indicated on alarm console.
11.4.6 Protection system shall operate 11.4.13 Interlock of alarm and protective
automatically for the preset parameters in case functions in some operation modes of the
of faults which can cause failure of the pro- power installation (for example, during start
tected ship machinery. When protection sys- of engines) shall be automatically disabled
tem operates, light and sound signals shall be when the power installation is switched to
generated. Protection system indication shall other operation mode.
fix the parameter because of which protection
operated. 11.4.14 Protection cut-off devices shall ex-
clude their inadvertent start. The control con-
11.4.7 Protection systems of separate com- soles of technical facilities shall have a light
ponents of power installations shall be inde- signal about activation of protection cut-off
pendent of each other. device.
11.4.8 Faults after which the system re- 11.4.15 If the technical facilities are
stores its serviceability without repair or inter- stopped after emergency protection operation,
vention of specialist (transient failures) shall such facilities shall not be started automati-
be treated by alarm system in away to save the cally after eliminating the causes of protection
signal until acknowledgment. operation.
11.4.9 Irrespective of the power installation 11.4.16 Indication systems shall be so de-
automation and their operation monitoring signed that the information is indicated in the
the alarm system shall generate the signal in units used in the Russian Federation for
the following cases: measured values without conversion.
.1 monitored parameters reach the limit
.2 protection system operation;
.3 no power supply for separate automa-
tion systems or start of emergency power 11.5.1 By the scope of requirements to
sources; automation in this Rules the ships are divided
.4 change of other parameters or states, into the following two groups:
the alarm for which is required in accordance Group I — ships without continuous at-
with this Part of the Rules. tendance of machinery spaces and central
Fault alarm for technical facilities shall be control station by the servicing personnel;
provided in remote control stations of these Group II — ships without continuous at-
facilities. tendance of machinery spaces by the servicing
11 Automation 503

personnel and with continuous attendance of 11.5.2 Alarm and protection systems for
central control station; each group of ships shall correspond to Table
T a b l e 11.5.2
Alarm and protection systems for each group of ships
Monitored Ship
parameter value Protection: stop, group
Monitored parameters Notes
when the alarm shut-down
system is actuated
1 Main engines, shafting, gears
Main engines
1.1 Rotational speed Maximum  
1.2 Oil pressure in the lubricating Shutdown
Minimum  
system at the engine inlet
1.3 Temperature of lubricating oil at
— + +
the engine inlet
1.4 Temperature of cooling liquid in
— + +
the inner cycle at the engine outlet
1.5 Cooling liquid level in the inner
Minimum — + +
cooling cycle expansion tank
For engines with self-
1.6 Cooling liquid pressure in the
Minimum — + — contained cooling
inner cooling cycle
1.7 Oil level in lubricating oil If circulating tank is
Minimum — + +
circulation tank available
1.8 Exhaust gas temperature at the For engines with rated
— R —
turbine inlet power over 400 kW
Maximum For gas exhaust systems
1.9 Temperature of exhaust gases in
— + + where exhaust gases are
exhaust gas pipeline
cooled by water injection
1.10 Engine overload Alarm signal — + R
1.11 Supply of engine remote
Absence — + +
automated control system
Gears, shafting
1.12 Oil pressure in gearing Minimum — + +
1.13 Oil temperature in gearing — + +
1.14 Temperature of external thrust Maximum
— + +
bearing of shafting1.14
1.15 Water flow at the inlet of water
lubricated stern-shaft bearing of Minimum — + +
2 Prime movers of generator units
2.1 Rotation speed Maximum  
2.2 Oil pressure at the engine inlet Minimum  
2.3 Oil temperature in the engine
— + +
lubrication system
2.4 Temperature of cooling liquid in
— + +
the inner cycle at the engine outlet
2.5 Cooling liquid level in the inner
Minimum — + +
cooling cycle expansion tank
For engines with self-
2.6 Cooling liquid pressure in the
Minimum — + — contained cooling
inner cycle
504 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e 11.5.2
Monitored Ship
parameter value Protection: stop, group
Monitored parameters Notes
when the alarm shut-down
system is actuated
2.7 Oil level in lubricating oil If circulating tank is
Minimum — + R
circulation tank available
For diesel generators
2.8 Gas temperature at the turbine
— R — with rated power over
400 kW
For gas exhaust systems
2.9 Temperature of exhaust gases in
— + + where exhaust gases are
exhaust gas pipeline
cooled by water injection
3 Fuel systems of main and auxiliary engines
Minimum — + +
3.1 Fuel level in the service tank
— + +
3.2 Level in leakage and dirty fuel Maximum
— + —
3.3 Fuel leakages from high-pressure
Available — + +
3.4 Fuel pressure after filter (at the For self-driven fuel
Minimum — + —
engine inlet) priming pumps
4 Compressed air system
4.1 Starting air pressure at the inlet
Minimum — + +
of main starting valve of main engine;
4.2 Temperature in compressor
Maximum — + +
cooling system For self-contained
4.3 Oil pressure in compressor Shutdown of the compressors
+ +
lubrication system compressor
4.4 Air pressure in air receivers used Minimum
for starting of main engines and
— + +
operation of control systems and
audible alarms
4.5 Air temperature at the
Maximum — + +
compressor output
5 Fuel oil fired steam boilers
5.1 Flame Extinction + +
5.2 Water level in boiler + +
Cutting-off or Boiler shut down
5.3 Air supply to furnace insufficient + +
5.4 Steam pressure Maximum + +
5.5 Fuel pressure before burners Minimum — + +
6 Fuel oil fired hot-water boilers
6.1 Flame Extinction + +
For boilers of the
6.2 Pressure in boiler Maximum + +
closed heating system
Switch-off For boilers of the open
6.3 Water level in expansion tank Minimum + +
heating system
Cutting-off or
6.4 Air supply to furnace insufficient + +
11 Automation 505

C o n t i n u a t i o n o f T a b l e 11.5.2
Monitored Ship
parameter value Protection: stop, group
Monitored parameters Notes
when the alarm shut-down
system is actuated
7 Boilers and systems with high-temperature organic heat transfer fluid
7.1 Gas temperature at the boiler
Switch-off + +
7.2 High-temperature organic heat Maximum
transfer fluid temperature at the Shut down (stop + +
boiler output of heat supply)
Minimum + +
7.3 Heat transfer fluid level in
expansion tank Stop of
Maximum + +
circulating pump
7.4 High-temperature organic heat
Shut down (stop
transfer fluid flow rate at the boiler + +
of heat supply)
Available Shut down (stop
7.5 High-temperature organic heat of heat supply)
+ +
transfer fluid leakage Stop of circulating
8 Bilge system
8.1 Bilge water level in bilges of
Maximum — + +
machinery spaces
8.2 Water in steering gear
compartment, thruster compartment, Separately for each
Maximum — + +
pump room, watertight compartments compartment
in passenger ships
9 Spark-extinguishing system
9.1 Water pressure Minimum — + +
10 Power supply sources
For generators with
10.1 Temperature of generator stator
Maximum — + + capacity exceeding
400 kW
Disconnection of
Provided by generator
10.2 Generator overload noncritical + +
protection system
Provided by generator
Available protection system
10.3 Reverse power   operating in parallel
Generator shut
according to 7.2.6 Part
VI of the Rules
10.4 Short circuit   Provided by generator
Minimum   protection system
10.5 Ship mains voltage
Maximum + +
In case of
deviations from
10.6 Current frequency in ship Provided by generator
rated values by + +
power distribution mains protection system
not more than
10.7 Insulation resistance of ship
Reduction + +
506 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

E n d o f T a b l e 11.5.2
Monitored Ship
parameter value Protection: stop, group
Monitored parameters Notes
when the alarm shut-down
system is actuated
11 Tow cable tension automatic adjustment devices
11.1 Length of hauled-off rope Maximum — + +
12 Static power converters of electrical propulsion plant

Maximum — If forced cooling sys-

12.1 Temperature of cooling medium + +
tem is available
Minimum — For converters with
12.2 Insulation resistance + +
liquid cooling
13 Other
13.1 Power supply failure of main
engine emergency stop devices, emer- — — + +
gency protection and alarm systems
N o t e s . 1. "+" — warning signal;  — emergency signal; R — recommended.
2 . Requirements of 1.5, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 2.5 of this Table do not apply to ships of groups I
and II with a length less than 25 m or total capacity of main engines of 400 kW and less or dynamically
supported ships (hydrofoil craft, hovercraft).

Each engine designed to drive ship ma- control station. In this case procedures of
chinery or electrical equipment of ships irre- switching-off visual and audible signals ac-
spective of "A" symbol in the ship class for- cording to 11.4.2 may be dispensed with.
mula of ship shall have sound and light alarm General alarm signals of the equipment and
installed to generate signals when oil pressure systems listed in Table 11.5.2 can be decoded
in lubrication system of the engine reduces. in the machinery spaces.
Alarm devices for the following parameters
shall also be installed on this engine: 11.5.4 In case of no central control station
.1 reduction of pressure in inner cycle of the general alarm signals of power installation
engine cooling system or increase of tempera- components listed in Table 11.5.2 shall be
ture of liquid circulating in the inner cooling indicated in the wheelhouse. These signals
cycle at the engine output; shall be decoded in the machinery spaces,
.2 reduction of oil level in header tank of either centrally or at local control stations.
turbochargers; Alarm signals of the main engines, power
.3 increase of temperature of thrust bearing propulsion plant, diesel generators, boilers,
built in the engine. compressors, separators, pumps, compressed
air systems, fire fighting and drainage systems
11.5.3 If the central control station is con- for each of the monitored parameters shall be
tinuously attended, the alarm signals shall be decoded in machinery spaces at local control
decoded according to Table 11.5.2 in the cen- stations.
tral control station. Decoded signals set out in
1.1 and 1.10 of Table 11.5.2 shall be dupli- 11.5.5 Visual alarm signals at the ship con-
cated in the wheelhouse. Decoding of the trol station shall be as far as possible general-
alarm signals for each of the controlled pa- ized. Generalization shall comply with the
rameters of the main engines, diesel genera- following requirements:
tors, boilers, separators, pumps, compressors, .1 for each main engine together with its
systems is not required at local stations, how- gear and shafting as well as for each auxiliary
ever, decoding shall be provided there for the engine warning signals and generalized emer-
alarm signals which are not sent to the central gency signals shall be separated;
11 Automation 507

.2 for each group of auxiliary components taneous control of propulsion plant compo-
of the power installation intended for the nents from the specified stations shall be ex-
same purpose together with their systems one cluded.
generalized alarm signal may be provided; For propulsion plants with non-reversible
.3 signals on the control systems’ supply engines with reverse reduction gears the re-
break-out, fire danger, water presence in the mote automated control systems may be used,
holds, faults of fire protection and spark- which ensure the change of direction and
extinguishing systems shall not be generalized. rotation frequency of the reverse reduction
gear output shaft by one control device and
11.5.6 Generalized alarm for Group I ships the engine start-up and shutdown by other
is to be fitted in spaces attended by responsi- control device.
ble personnel (service, public, accommoda- In propulsion plants with engines having
tion spaces etc.); this requirement is recom- output less than 220 kW the engines or the
mended for Group II ships. entire propulsion plant can be controlled by
11.5.7 Changeover of control from the lo- the remote control systems.
cal control of the main components of the 11.6.2 Remote automated control system of
power installation to the automatic one and each main engine shall ensure:
back shall be possible only at local stations; .1 remote setting of the required opera-
the indication of the station from which the tional modes by a single control device;
control is being exercised shall be provided in .2 execution of the last set command irre-
the wheelhouse. Possibility of simultaneous spective of the sequence and speed of setting;
control from a remote station and a local sta- .3 start-up of the engine prepared for op-
tion shall be precluded. eration, mode change, shutdown, reversing
In case of several control stations the cen- and automatic execution of intermediate op-
tral control station shall have a priority with erations according to the set program without
respect to the control station in the wheel- the engine and gear overloading;
house. Local control station of main engines .4 stepless (smooth) rotation frequency
shall have a priority with respect to the cen- change at all operation modes of the engine;
tral control station.
.5 stable engine operation in the whole
The control can be changed over from one working rotation range;
station to another only from the priority station.
.6 air supply stoppage or electric starter
When the control is changed over, sound switch-off when the engine reaches the mode
and light signal shall be fed to all control sta- ensuring reliable switching over to the fuel
tions. At each control station it is to be indi- consumption as well as in case of start-up
cated which location is in charge. failure.
.7 prevention of engine overload under
11.6 PROPULSION PLANT normal standard operating conditions;
11.6.1 Main engines and gearings and the .8 generation of alarm signal about unsuc-
entire propulsion plant, including steerable cessful engine starting.
thrusters, shall be controlled from the wheel-
11.6.3 Static error of remote automated
house by means of remote automated control
control system of main engines or propulsion
system or remote control system and from the
plant with steerable thrusters for rotation
machinery space.
speed control circuit shall not exceed +1.5 %
If the ship’s breadth exceeds 10 m, in addi-
of the rated speed of engine shaft or rotation
tion to the main station of the remote auto- speed corresponding to full power.
mated / remote control system at the ship
control station, provision shall be made for 11.6.4 No malfunctions or supply failure of
side stations of the remote automated / re- the remote automated control system may
mote control system. The possibility of simul- result in shutdown, rotation frequency in-
508 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

crease or change of the propeller’s thrust di- tionally the requirements of Table 11.6.11.
rection. Central station or wheelhouse shall have per-
11.6.5 All engine control operations shall manent indication of alarm on engine opera-
be carried out from any remote control sta- tion at the parameters stated in Table 11.6.11.
tion in the wheelhouse without any change- T a b l e 11.6.11
over, or the indication indicating which sta- Scope of control and alarm operation conditions for
tion is used for control shall be provided. engine using fuel oil
Control handles at remote control stations Alarm
in the wheelhouse shall move simultaneously Monitored parameter Measurement point operation
independently of the particular station from condition
which control is exercised. Fuel oil supply At the engine Min.
pressure inlet
11.6.6 Provision shall be made for switch- Exhaust gas At the output of Max.
ing-off remote control station of the remote temperature each cylinder
automated control system and changeover to Maximum In each cylinder Ditto
the local control regardless of the current po- combustion pressure
sition of the remote control handle, with the
exception of the remote automated control The valves supplying fuel to engines shall
systems in ships with diesel-electric propul- be automatically closed upon alarm operation
sion plant. at the parameters stated in Table 11.6.11. It is
Changeover of control from one station to recommended to provide alarm on maximum
other one shall not result in changing of the combustion pressure.
operation mode of the main engines or pro- 11.6.12 Devices for emergency stop of
pellers. main engines and forced disabling of protec-
11.6.7 Provision shall be made for devices tion shall be so designed as to exclude their
of immediate remote shutdown of engines unauthorized start.
independently of the control, alarm and pro- 11.6.13 Operation modes of main engines
tection systems. set from the wheelhouse shall be indicated in
11.6.8 The wheelhouse shall be provided the central control station (if any on the ship)
with devices for disabling the automatic pro- and in the local control stations of main en-
tection of the engine, except for rotation gines.
speed protection and, in justified cases, pro- 11.6.14 Remote automated control system
tection against minimum pressure of lubricat- of propulsion plant with steerable thrusters
ing oil at the engine inlet and “Protection shall ensure:
disabled” indication. .1 possibility of start/stop of main engine
11.6.9 Cooling water (liquid) temperature by separate control;
in the inner circuit as well as oil temperature .2 remote setting of the required opera-
in the cooling system and lubrication system tional modes by a single control device;
of the main engines shall be regulated auto- .3 execution of subsequent forthcoming
matically. command with cancelling the previous ones in
case of quickly alternating commands;
11.6.10 All control stations of the ships .4 change of mode, reversing (for setting
equipped with engine-order telegraphs shall with limited angle of thruster turning), turning
have permanent indication of commands set of thruster to the preset angle and automatic
by an engine-order telegraph. execution of intermediate operations under
11.6.11 For the engine using fuel oil the the given program without engine overload;
following shall be met: requirements of Ta- .5 stepless (smooth) change of rotation
ble 11.5.2 to minimum scope of control, type speed and turning and direction of propeller
of automatic protection and alarm and addi- thrust;
11 Automation 509

.6 stable engine operation in the whole 11.6.18 Any faults of remote control system
working rotation range; shall not stop, increase rotation speed and
.7 air supply stoppage or electric starter change direction of rotation of propeller
switch-off when the engine reaches the mode thrust.
ensuring reliable switching over to the fuel
consumption as well as in case of start-up 11.7 PRIME MOVERS
.8 impossibility to start propeller drive and 11.7.1 Prime movers of the ship generators
thruster turning system if the steerable shall be equipped with remote control system
thruster is not in the operating position; or remote automated control system from the
.9 possibility of check of system service- wheelhouse or the central control station.
Prime movers shall be automatically main-
11.6.15 No malfunctions or supply failure tained in the ready-to-work condition.
of the remote automated control system shall
11.7.2 Interval from the moment of activa-
result in shutdown, rotation speed increase or
change of the propeller thrust direction. tion of start-up signal to the preparedness for
reception of 100 per cent load for the ready-
11.6.16 Provision shall be made for switch- to-work engine shall not exceed 30 s.
ing-off remote control station of the remote
automated control system of propulsion plant 11.7.3 It shall be possible to receive load
with steerable thrusters and changeover to the by non-warmed-up prime movers of auxiliary
local control irrespective of position of the generator in case of emergency start from the
remote control handle. remote control station.

11.6.17 Remote control system of the pro- 11.7.4 Cooling water temperature in the
pulsion plant with steerable thrusters and remote inner cycle of prime movers of generators
control system of the thruster shall ensure: shall be adjusted automatically.
.1 possibility of start of propulsion plant 11.7.5 Control systems of generator units
main engine and its stop by means of separate shall provide the following types of control:
.1 remote start and shut-down of genera-
.2 for the reversible plants equipped with
tor unit;
reverse coupling or reverse reduction gear
with limited angle of turning of 35 and re- .2 automatic start of standby generator
versible (fixed) thrusters — change of rotation unit, automatic synchronization, reception
speed and direction of propeller rotation by and distribution of load in the following cases:
means of one control; operating generator / generators reaches /
.3 control of steerable thruster turning by reach maximum permissible load;
means of separate control; faults of operating unit enabling start of
.4 possibility of control of propulsion standby generator and automatic synchroniza-
plant and transverse thruster with disabled tion of generators;
(faulty) remote control system from local .3 automatic start of standby generator
control station; unit and its start in case of failure of main (at
.5 possibility of stepless smooth change of the given moment) operating generator unit;
rotation speed and direction of propeller .4 remote start and automatic switching-
thrust, change of angle of turning of propul- on of the diesel generators for operating in
sion plant thruster; parallel from the wheelhouse or the central
.6 impossibility to start propeller drive and control station (when Group I or Group II
steerable thruster turning system if the propul- ship is equipped with remotely controlled
sion plant or transverse thruster is not in the drives of capacity commensurable with that of
operating position; the generator set);
510 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

.5 remote start, shutdown, synchroniza- 11.8.3 Technological operations of start,

tion, distribution of load from the central shutdown, slag and sludge removal processes
control station or from the main switchboard, in heavy fuel purifying installations shall be
when the latter is located in the central con- automated.
trol station room (for ships of group II).
11.7.6 Control stations of generator units
shall have indicators to indicate readiness of
generator units for immediate (automatic) 11.9.1 In ships of Group I automatic start
start. of stand-by circulating cooling and lubrication
11.7.7 Control system of generator unit pumps of main and auxiliary engines and
primary movers shall ensure preliminary se- gears, stand-by pumps of lubrication and
lection of generator units automatic start se- pumping of shafting bearings shall be provided
quence and their connection to main in the event of failure of the main pumps.
switchboard busbars. 11.9.2 Preliminary oil circulation pumps of
11.7.8 The start system of high power con- the main engines shall start remotely and
sumers, the start of which can cause imper- switch off automatically after the completion
missible voltage drop as compared to devia- of the engine’s start.
tions listed in Table 2.2.1 Part VI of the Rules When the turbo-compressor rotor bearings
or de-energizing of main switchboard buses, are not provided with separated (independent)
shall have automatic pre-start of standby gen- lubrication system, preliminary oil circulation
erator, synchronization, reception and distri- pumps shall start automatically at the moment
bution of load or interlock prohibiting start of of the engine shutdown signal actuation and
such consumers till the moment of connection stop automatically after the turbo-compressor
of standby generator to the main switchboard rotor has been stopped.
buses and the appropriate indication. 11.9.3 Air receivers for starting air, ty-
phoon and domestic needs as well as supply
11.8 FUEL SYSTEMS air for automation systems shall be replen-
11.8.1 Daily service fuel tanks of engines ished automatically.
It is necessary to provide the possibility of
and boilers shall be replenished automatically.
start and shutdown of self-contained compres-
11.8.2 Dual-fuel (diesel oil and heavy fuel) sors from the wheelhouse (for ships of group
systems of engines’ supply shall provide the I) or the central control station (for ships of
following: group II).
.1 remote control of heating-up and Compressor separators shall be blown-off
pumping of heavy fuel, supply changeover automatically.
from diesel oil to heavy fuel and vice versa;
11.9.4 Air compressors shall start automati-
.2 automatic maintaining of preset viscos-
cally under pressure drop in the air receivers
ity (temperature) of heavy fuel;
by not more than 30 per cent of the nominal
.3 automatic changeover to diesel oil in
value and shut-down when reaching 97 to
case of inadmissible increase of viscosity
103 per cent of the nominal pressure.
(temperature drop) of heavy fuel as well as at
supply break of drives of the dual-fuel system
valves and pumps;
.4 automatic maintaining of fuel circula- 11.10.1 The automation system of fuel oil
tion through the heaters after they have been fired steam boilers shall provide:
switched off for a period of time sufficient for .1 automatic regulation of the steam pres-
the prevention of fuel overheating in the heaters. sure, water level in the boiler, pressure of the
.5 installation of alarm sensors for exces- feed water, fuel pressure at the atomizer inlet;
sive fuel temperature. .2 automatic control of the boiler pumps;
11 Automation 511

.3 automatic start of stand-by feeding .4 automatic maintaining of water level in

pump at pressure drop in the feed water cir- expansion tank (for boilers of open heating
cuit in systems maintaining constant pressure system);
at the feeding valve inlet; .5 automatic maintaining of temperature
.4 automatic interlocking which allows of the fuel fed to the atomizer (for heavy oil
fuel supply into the boiler furnace only when fired boilers);
conditions of 8.16.9 of the present Part are .6 automatic stoppage of fuel delivery in
met as well as when the fuel viscosity is suffi- the event of supply break.
cient for normal atomization; 11.10.5 Automation system of exhaust-heat
.5 automatic maintaining of the fuel tem- hot-water boilers shall provide automatic
perature in daily service tank (for heavy oil switch-over of the device regulating flow di-
fired boilers); rection of exhaust gases through the boiler or
.6 automatic maintaining of water level in directly to the atmosphere depending on the
the hot well; temperature in the boiler.
.7 interlock preventing automatic switch- 11.10.6 When two and more boilers operat-
ing-on of the boiler in case of faults for which ing for the common main are installed on the
in Table 11.5.2 protection is provided. ship, it is necessary to provide automatic con-
Repeated flame ignition is permitted in trol of single operation under load of each
case of the flame break if the requirements of boiler, if envisaged by the design, keeping of
8.16.9 are met; standby boilers in ready state and their con-
.8 automatic stoppage of fuel delivery in nection to load, parallel operation of boilers
the event of supply break. and their disconnection from load.
11.10.2 Each boiler shall have at least two 11.10.7 It shall be possible to disconnect
independent water level sensors connected to the burning units of self-contained boilers
different sampling points, one of which is remotely and close the dampers of waste-heat
used solely for emergency protection. boilers from the continuously attended control
11.10.3 Automation system of exhaust heat station.
boilers in which steam pressure is regulated by 11.10.8 Actuation of boilers from cold state
changing the flow direction of engine exhaust after protection operation and in case of un-
gases through the boiler, shall provide auto- successful ignitions of fuel or flame extinction
matic switching-over of gas bypass device. shall be carried out only from the local con-
When the steam pressure is regulated by trol station.
steam bypassing to the condenser, automatic
regulation of the bypass device shall be pro- 11.11 SHIP GENERAL SYSTEMS
vided. 11.11.1 Where remote control and indica-
Water level in the steam separator shall be tion of actual opening and closing of shut-off
maintained automatically. and stop valves of ballast piping, remote indi-
11.10.4 The automation system of fuel oil cation or water level alarm in ballast com-
fired hot-water boilers shall provide: partments are available, valve controls, indi-
.1 automatic regulation which guarantees cators and alarm devices shall be fitted at lo-
continuous hot water supply of consumers for cal stations.
their operation in all operation modes; 11.11.2 Tankers shall be fitted with remote
.2 ventilation of furnace space with suffi- indication system or a system signalling on
cient air change before supplying fuel; the limit (95 %) and emergency (98 %) of the
.3 interlock preventing automatic switch- liquid level in tanks; indicators or alarm de-
on of boiler in case of faults for which in Ta- vices shall be located in the wheelhouse or the
ble 11.5.2 protection is provided. loading control station. General light and
512 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

sound signals about limit and emergency lev- .2 lubricating oil pressure at the main en-
els of liquid in tanks shall be brought to the gines’ inlet;
open deck. .3 cooling water temperature in the inner
11.11.3 It is allowed to fit ships of group I circuit at the main engines’ outlet;
with automated drainage system of machinery .4 air pressure in starting air bottles of the
spaces by means of pumping bilge water to a main engines and audible signal air bottle;
special tank or overboard where discharge is .5 pressure of working medium in the re-
allowed, if the ship is equipped with system mote automated control systems of the main
purifying bilge water from oil fractions to the engines and couplings;
values stated in Table П2.1 and Table П2.2 .6 voltage and load current of generators.
Appendix 2 of RPPS. The indication of the parameters men-
tioned in, and
11.11.4 Separate sensor independent from may be dispensed with in the permanently
sensors installed for control of bilge pumps attended central control station.
shall be provided for alarm about maximum
11.12.5 In case of non-reversible main en-
permissible level of bilge waters.
gines and reversible main diesel-reduction
11.12 WHEELHOUSE EQUIPMENT gear sets the indication of crankshaft rotation
frequency shall be provided. Indication of
11.12.1 Control devices, indication and rotation frequency and direction of propellers
alarm appliances in the wheelhouse shall be may be dispensed with for non-reversible en-
fitted at the panels constructed for using by gines with capacity up to 220 kW inclusive,
one person. however, indication of actual reversing shall
11.12.2 Control of the main engines, fire be provided.
pumps, aerosol fire suppression system and 11.12.6 In ships with shaft generators the
spark extinguishing system shall be exercised indication of electric current frequency and
from the wheelhouse irrespective of the pres- voltage shall be provided.
ence of the central control station on the ship.
11.12.7 Where side stations of the remote
Moreover in ships of group I the following
automated control system of the main engines
power installation components and ship ma-
are provided on the ship, the frequency and
chinery which are not started automatically
direction of propellers’ rotation, position of
shall be controlled from the wheelhouse:
rudders and thrust direction shall be indicated
.1 electric power plant;
on these stations. On side stations control of
.2 self-contained boilers;
steering drives and thruster shall be provided
.3 compressor units;
.4 bilge pumps;
.5 machinery ensuring operation of main 11.12.8 Generalized visual alarm signals of
engines. “emergency” category shall be formed ac-
cording to emergency alarm signals (activation
11.12.3 Visual alarm shall be so designed as of the emergency protection, necessity of im-
not to blind the ship’s operator and be dis- mediate shutdown of machinery, activation of
tinctly visible during daylight hours. the stand-by equipment etc.)
Provision shall be made for the regulation For alarm signals which shall be led to the
of luminescence brightness of actual status wheelhouse, see 11.5.5.
indication lamps.
11.12.9 The following visual indication sig-
11.12.4 Indication of the following pa- nals shall be led to the wheelhouse:
rameters shall be provided: .1 operation of each diesel generator;
.1 rotation speed and direction of propel- .2 the kind of fuel fed and preparedness
lers (rotation speed and position of blades of for changeover to heavy fuel (for ships
controllable pitch propellers); equipped with double fuel systems);
11 Automation 513

.3 start-up of stand-by cooling and lubri- .2 cooling water temperature in the inner
cating pumps in accordance with 9.10.1; circuit at the engine outlet;
.4 operation of self-contained compres- .3 air pressures in compressed air starting
sors; cylinders if such starting system is provided;
.5 operation of self-contained pumps of .4 engine crankshaft revolution frequency;
spark-extinguishing system. .5 if reverse coupling is available — pro-
.6 the following positions of wheelhouse peller rotation speed;
changing its position in height: .6 current and voltage in the charging cir-
lower limit position of wheelhouse; cuit and voltage in the discharging circuit of
upper limit position of wheelhouse. starting accumulator batteries (for engines
Actual status indication specified in with electric starting); to may be dispensed with .7 working medium pressures in remote
in the permanently attended central control automated control system.
11.12.15 If electric motor (performs the
11.12.10 Provision shall be made to stop functions of propulsion engine) is used as a
the main engines from the wheelhouse irre- drive for steerable thrusters and transverse
spective of the availability of the remote thrusters, the following indication shall be
automated control or remote control. provided on the control console in the wheel-
11.12.11 The following automation systems house:
or their components (if envisaged by the ship .1 rotation speed and direction of rotation
design) shall be arranged in the wheelhouse: of propeller;
.1 fire alarm and respective indicator .2 voltage in power supply circuit and
panel or central fire control station (see control circuits; Part III of the Rules); .3 overloads of drive motor.
.2 automatic fire-extinguishing system 11.12.16 The following parameters shall be
control facilities; indicated for engines of steerable thrusters
.3 fire door indicator panels; turning drive:
.4 facilities for control of fire door clos-
.1 for electric motor:
.5 watertight door indicator panels; voltage in power supply circuit;
.6 facilities for control of fire door open- overload of steerable thrusters turning
ing and closing; motor;
.2 for hydraulic drive:
11.12.12 If the ship is equipped with re-
pressure in working medium system;
mote-controlled anchor release device, the
minimum level of working medium in
device indicating the length of hauled-off an-
service tank.
chor chain shall be installed in the wheel-
house on the device control console. 11.12.17 Control stations of main and
11.12.13 The equipment of control stations standby turning drives of steerable thrusters
on the open bridge wings shall include devices shall be equipped with indicators of thruster
having electrical equipment protection class position and direction of thrust.
stated in Table 2.3.6 Part VI of the Rules and 11.12.18 Transverse thruster control con-
adjustable illumination. sole shall be equipped with:
11.12.14 The wheelhouse of the ship .1 for electric motor:
equipped with propulsion plant with steerable indication of voltage in power supply cir-
thrusters and transverse thrusters shall be pro- cuit and control circuits;
vided with the following indication: .2 for hydraulic drive:
.1 lubricating oil pressure at the engine indication of pressure in working medium
inlet; system;
514 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

indication of minimum level of working 11.13 EQUIPMENT OF PERMANENTLY

medium in service tank. ATTENDED CENTRAL CONTROL
.3 thrust direction indicator. STATION
11.13.1 The central control station shall be
11.12.19 Indication of operation condition
of steerable thrusters or transverse thrusters equipped with control devices, remote indica-
tion devices, communication and automation
shall be provided.
means, alarm and actual status indication for
11.12.20 Propulsion plants with steerable the equipment installed in the machinery
thrusters and transverse thrusters shall be spaces.
equipped with alarm and protection system or Control devices of the main engines may
prepared for its installation in the wheelhouse be dispensed with in the central control sta-
after propulsion plant installation onboard the tion. Composition of remote indication de-
ship. The alarm and protection system shall vices for the power installation components
be designed for the following parameters: with the exception of the main engines, which
.1 for engines: shall be provided in the central control sta-
tion, shall be specified depending on the ship
maximum rotation speed protection (in- purpose and type of the power installation.
alarm and stop at minimum oil pressure 11.13.2 Main switchboard of the ship’s
at the engine inlet (interruptible protection); power plant in the central control station or
in its close vicinity.
alarm about maximum oil temperature in
If the main switchboard is situated beyond
lubricating system of the engine;
the range of visibility from the central control
alarm about maximum temperature of station, the latter shall be equipped with
cooling liquid in the inner cycle of the en- alarm devices indicating the position of gen-
gine; erator circuit breakers of the main
alarm about engine overload for fully switchboard.
steerable thruster;
11.13.3 If remote control of the main en-
.2 for electric motors of electrical or elec-
gines is performed from the central control
trohydraulic turning gear of steerable thrusters
station pneumatically, hydraulically, electri-
— device for protection against short-circuit cally or in combination, the remote auto-
currents only. Protection against minimum mated control system of the main engines
voltage and overload is not allowed;
from the wheelhouse shall be independent of
.3 for the electric motors used for driving control system from the central control sta-
the propellers and turning the steerable tion.
thrusters — alarm about breakage (failure) in
the control circuit. 11.13.4 If control of the main engines is
Propulsion plant control station shall be transferred to the central control station, the
provided with devices signalling about avail- alarm shall actuate at the control station in
ability of voltage in the supply circuit of the the wheelhouse from which control has been
steerable thruster turning gear. Overload signal carried out before.
shall be light and sound one.
11.12.21 Hydraulic units of steerable ALARM AND PROTECTION OF SHIPS
thrusters and transverse thrusters shall have WITH STEERABLE THRUSTERS
alarm about minimum oil level in the service AND TRANSVERSE THRUSTERS1
11.14.1 Local control station of propulsion
11.12.22 Electric drive of thrusters shall plant with steerable thrusters shall be provided
have short circuit protection. with:
11 Automation 515

indication of voltage in power supply cir- ship according to requirements of 2.7 Part VI
cuit and control circuits; of the Rules and Appendix 15 of RTSC.
indicator of propeller rotation speed and
11.15.3 Computers and peripheral devices
direction of rotation;
shall be serviceable under operating condi-
indicator of angle of turning of steerable
tions described in 2.2 Part VI of the Rules,
unless other operating conditions are specified
alarm about overload of driving motor;
in the relevant Sections of this Part of the
control station changeover switch.
Rules for the ship objects serviced by them.
Indication of the following parameters shall
be provided for the engine on the local con- 11.15.4 Design of computers and computer
trol station of the propulsion plant: systems shall ensure easy access to compo-
oil pressure at the engine inlet; nents and units to be replaced for repair and
temperature of the inner cycle cooling wa- maintenance.
ter at the engine outlet; 11.15.5 All replaced components shall be
engine crankshaft revolution frequency; designed in a way to exclude their incorrect
current and voltage in the charging circuit connection and installation. When this is im-
and voltage in the discharging circuit of start- possible, the appropriate marking shall be
ing accumulator batteries (for engines with made.
electric starting).
11.15.6 Computers, which are not used as
11.14.2 Local control station of the steer- a part of other installation, and peripheral
able thrusters shall be provided with: devices shall have protection class not less
indication of voltage in power supply cir- than the one specified in 2.3.6 Part VI of the
cuit and control circuits; Rules.
control station changeover switch;
ammeter; General technical requirements to design of
thrust direction indicator. monitoring and controls computer systems
11.15 REQUIREMENTS TO COMPUTERS 11.15.7 Computer automation systems shall
AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS meet proper functional requirements of the
design specification under all operating condi-
Scope of application tions, including emergency ones, to provide
11.15.1 These requirements apply to com- the following:
puters and computer systems designed for safety of people;
control of the ship, monitoring and control of preventing equipment damages or emer-
ship machinery and equipment ensuring safety gencies;
of ship running and operation, as well as convenience of servicing;
computers and computer systems ensuring serviceability of other devices and systems.
domestic needs of the crew and passengers or 11.15.8 It shall be impossible for the per-
used for providing access to Internet for pas- sonnel of the ship to modify the programs.
sengers of the ship.
11.15.9 For the installations equipped with
Requirements to design of computers computers any change of user programs influ-
encing fulfilment of installation functions is
11.15.2 Onboard the ships the use can be considered to be a design change and it shall
made only of computers and computer sys- be agreed with the River Register.
tems with protection class complying with the
requirements of 2.3.6 Part VI of the Rules and 11.15.10 Any disconnection of peripheral
tested for electromagnetic compatibility and devices from the computer or computer sys-
safety of operation under conditions of the tem and restart of computer system shall not
516 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

cause uncontrolled execution of commands equipment of the computer system. Fault

causing critical or undefined state. alarm shall be provided.
11.15.11 Computer system shall operate 11.15.22 Software shall have detailed tech-
quickly to ensure fulfilment of all functions in nical description of all possible functions.
accordance with the technical documentation
within a preset time considering maximum 11.15.23 Information transfer channel shall
load and maximum number of simultaneously have means for continuous self check for de-
solved tasks, including data rate in the net- tection of data transfer faults and failures in
work, under normal and emergency condi- the channel itself. When a failure occurs in
tions. one network, an alarm is to be activated.

11.15.12 Incorrect actions of operator shall Additional requirements to computers

not cause damage of computer, deleting or for controlling ship power installations
change of information stored in the computer. and their components
11.15.13 Programs and data required for 11.15.24 Structure of integrated automation
operation of computer system shall be stored systems shall ensure back-up of all controlling
in non-volatile memory. functions (by means of computers or standard
11.15.14 Software in monitoring, control automation means) in case of faults in sepa-
and alarm computer systems shall not be lost rate computers or in communication lines
or damaged due to fluctuation of voltage and between them.
current frequency in the network.
11.15.25 It is allowed to use functional
11.15.15 If forced ventilation or air condi- units of one system with a computer as a
tioning is required during operation of com- back-up one for another computer system.
puters and computer systems, provisions shall
11.15.26 Computers or computer systems
be made for indication or alarm on exceeding
permissible limit values of climatic parame- shall be used in protection systems only if
ters. automatic operation of protection system in a
standard way in case of computer failure is
Configuration, operation check, self check and provided. If the computers have a back-up,
alarm on faults fulfilment of this requirement is not required.

11.15.16 Computer systems and software 11.15.27 When systems under control are
shall have hierarchic structure. required to be duplicated and in separate
compartments, this is also to apply to control
11.15.17 Computer system components elements within computer based systems.
shall be so selected as to ensure safe operation
of the controlled equipment. 11.15.28 Computers used for control and
(or) setting of ship power installations and
11.15.18 It shall be possible to check all systems shall operate without delay and per-
functions of the computer with use of special form monitoring and protection functions in
programs, if required. real time.
11.15.19 Computer systems shall have 11.15.29 Faulty peripheral devices required
built-in self check function ensuring appropri- for operation of the system shall be replaced
ate alarm in case of fault. with back-up devices having the same con-
11.15.20 Faults in computers and computer nection conditions.
systems shall not cause faults of serviced 11.15.30 If monitors are used for display of
equipment and the entire ship. processes, the fault alarm of power installa-
11.15.21 Failure of peripheral devices shall tions and systems shall instantaneously appear
not affect operation of other peripheral on the screen. It is not allowed to separate
11 Automation 517

acknowledged signals from unacknowledged 11.15.39 The state of computer system and
ones only by change of colour. equipment controlled by it shall be clear for
operator at any moment of time.
11.15.31 If monitors are used for visual in-
dication of emergency states, it is necessary to 11.15.40 Size, colour, density of text and
provide back-up displays or means for indi- graphic information on the monitor screens
cating the alarm in other form (lamps, light- shall make it possible to read the information
emitting diodes, etc.). from the operation station under all light
conditions in the room. For proper reading of
Installation of computers and computer information under all light conditions the
systems onboard the ships image brightness and image control shall be
11.15.32 Layout of data input/output de-
vices shall ensure the possibility of free access 11.15.41 When colour monitors are used,
to them for maintenance. Connection routes the change of colour shall not affect reliability
in computer systems with constant redun- of transmitted information.
dancy shall be backed up and arranged as far
as possible from each other. Test and checks

11.15.33 During installation of computers 11.15.42 Computer systems shall be de-

and laying of cable routes provisions shall be signed, manufactured and tested for compli-
made to ensure electromagnetic compatibility ance with requirements of this Section and
between assembled computer system and 2.2, 2.3 and 2.7 Part VI of the Rules.
other systems on the site. 11.15.43 The computer system shall be
11.15.34 Power supply sources shall have tested and checked to confirm correctness of
proper serviceability check. Alarm signal shall operation and quality of equipment.
be generated in case of fault, deviation of
parameters, or any power supply failure. 11.16 REQUIREMENTS TO
11.15.35 Back-up computer systems shall
receive power supply via separate lines pro- 11.16.1 The requirements of this Section
tected by independent short circuit and over- apply to programmed electronic systems used
load protection devices. in ship control, alarm, monitoring and pro-
tection systems.
User interfaces
Data links
11.15.36 Each computer system shall have
user manual comprising the following: 11.16.2 Data links of programmed elec-
purpose of functional buttons and indica- tronic systems shall ensure automatic recovery
tors; of data link if a single failure of any compo-
description of screen menus; nent results in loss of communication.
operator actions for system operation. 11.16.3 Failure of any communication link
shall not affect the possibility of control of
11.15.37 Input devices shall be safe at all
critical consumers with the help of alternative
operation conditions of the ship. When data
are input by the operator, the input check
shall be provided (for example, with the help 11.16.4 Means ensuring data integrity and
of monitor, printer). recovery of damaged or unreliable data.
11.15.38 Computer system control panels 11.16.5 The data transmission is to be self-
in the wheelhouse shall be equipped with in- checked, regarding both the network trans-
dependent adjustable illumination. mission medium and the interfaces / connec-
518 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

tions. When failure is detected, alarm signal 11.16.7 Changes of systems parameters by
shall be fed. the manufacturer shall be agreed with the
River Register.
Protection against changes
11.16.8 Any changes in design or software
11.16.6 Programmed electronic systems of programmed electronic system after its tests
shall be protected against program changes by under technical supervision of the River Reg-
the user. ister shall be documented.
12 Vibration of Ship Machinery and Equipment 519


12.1 CONSIDERATION OF SHIP amplitude of oscillations the permissible val-

MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ues of which shall comply with Table 12.1.4.
T a b l e 12.1.4
STAGE Vibration standards for piston pumps and
12.1.1 This Chapter outlines the vibration compressors
standards for ship machinery and equipment Permissible amplitude of oscillations, in μm,
at the place of their installation onboard the at a height H of rotation axis of pump or
compressor relative to attachment plane of
ship. These standards shall be taken into con- point
its supports, in mm
sideration at the design stage to ensure vibra- 56 ≤ H ≤ 132 132 < H ≤ 260 H > 260
tion protection of the machinery and equip- Elastic 17 24 30
ment producing no continuous vibration. Pa- Rigid 14 20 25
rameters of vibration of ship structures set out
12.1.5 The equipment of galleys and sick-
in 2.6 Part I of the Rules shall not exceed
bays is installed without limitations if the
these standards. If vibration parameters in the
equipment specifications have no limitations.
place of installation of ship machinery and
This requirement applies also to electrical
equipment exceed the standards set out in this
Chapter, such machinery and equipment shall
be protected with the help of vibration isola- 12.1.6 If vibration parameters in the place
tors. of installation of instruments having vibration
level limitations exceed the permissible stan-
12.1.2 For operating internal combustion
dards specified in technical documentation,
engines the standardized parameter of vibra-
such instruments shall be installed on vibra-
tion is the amplitude of horizontal-transverse
tion isolators. Rigidity of vibration isolators is
oscillations which shall not exceed 0.5 mm
determined by the following formula:
atop of the engine.
 1 
12.1.3 For centrifugal pumps, fans and air-
conditioners the vibration is limited by ampli-

c  m2 1  w 2   2  ,
 

tude of oscillations depending on their power
where m — weight of the device, in kg;
stated in Table 12.1.3.
 — frequency of forced oscillations in the
T a b l e 12.1.3 place of device installation, in s–1;
Vibration standards for centrifugal pumps, fans w — ratio of permissible acceleration in
and air conditioners the place of sensor installation;
Oscillation Permissible amplitude a, in mm  — coefficient of in-depth energy deposi-
in kW

frequency N, in for rigid for vibration-

qty/min attachment isolated objects tion equal to:
≤ 15 400 < N ≤ 2000 (0.2¼6.5)·10–5N (0.3¼9.5)·10–5N for rubber 0.032¼0.19
N > 2000 0.28106/N2 0.44106/N2 for springs 0.002¼0.005
> 15 — (18¼57)·10–2 (28¼90)·10–2
12.1.7 Standards of vibration generated by
12.1.4 For piston pumps and compressors various ship machinery during operation are
the standardized parameter of vibration is the specified in 12.2.
520 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

12.2 STANDARDIZATION OF VIBRATION If the vibration exceeds the specified stan-

OF SHIP MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT dards, measures aimed at reduction of vibra-
DURING SHIP CONSTRUCTION tion parameters to the specified permissible
AND OPERATION levels shall be developed and implemented.
Measurement and standardization of ship 12.2.5 Vibration levels of ship machinery
machinery and equipment vibration and equipment shall not exceed the standards
both when the ship is at berth and in opera-
12.2.1 This Chapter outlines limit permis-
sible vibration levels (vibration standards) of tion in ahead running modes recommended
ship machinery and equipment. by the manufacturer at different engine loads.
In ahead running modes not recommended
The standards are used for estimation of
by the manufacturer and in astern running
permissible actual vibration levels of ship ma-
modes the vibration exceeding the specified
chinery and equipment of ships under con-
standards is considered harmless if the dura-
struction (after repair) and ships in service by
tion of these modes does not exceed 30 min-
results of measurements of their vibration
parameters. The standards distinguish three
categories of technical condition of ship ma-
Standardized vibration parameters
chinery and equipment of ships:
À — condition of machinery and equip- 12.2.6 The main parameter characterizing
ment after manufacture (ship construction) or vibration level of ship machinery and equip-
repair at the time of commissioning; ment is the mean square value of vibration
 — condition of machinery and equip- speed measured in third-octave frequency
ment at the time of normal operation; band (preferable) or in octave frequency
bands. Root-mean-square value of vibration
Ñ — condition of machinery and equip-
acceleration is to be measured along with vi-
ment requiring maintenance or repair.
bration velocity.
The standards determine upper limits for
categories A and B. 12.2.7 Vibration parameters are measured
in absolute units or in decibels relative to
12.2.2 Vibration of ship machinery and standard threshold (reference) values of oscil-
equipment is measured during construction of lating speed or acceleration equal to
the ship as per the program agreed with the 5·10–8 m/s or 1·10–6 m/s2, respectively.
River Register.
12.2.8 When measuring vibration in octave
12.2.3 During ship construction (or after frequency bands the permissible values of
repair) the vibration of ship machinery and measured parameter can be increased 1.41
equipment shall not exceed the level of upper times (by 3 dB) as compared to the values
boundary of category A. specified in 12.2.11 to 12.2.19 for the bands
During further service of the ship the vi- with root mean square frequencies 2, 4, 8, 16,
bration of ship machinery and equipment 31,5, 63, 125, 250 and 500 Hz.
shall not exceed the level of upper boundary
12.2.9 Vibration of ship machinery is
of category B, which ensures vibration
measured in three mutually perpendicular
strength and reliability of operation of ship
directions relative to ship’s axes: vertical,
machinery and equipment.
horizontal transverse and horizontal longitu-
12.2.4 The results of measurement of vibra- dinal. Vibration measurement points are
tion parameters shall be compared to the shown in Figure 12.2.9. Points and directions
permissible vibration levels (standards) speci- of vibration measurement are shown with
fied in this Section. dots.
12 Vibration of Ship Machinery and Equipment 521

Fig. 12.2.9. Vibration measurement points:

à) internal combustion engine; b) horizontal pump; c) fan; d) diesel generator; e) vertical pump; f) separator; g) piston compressor

Vibration standards for engines T a b l e 12.2.11

Root mean square values of vibration velocity and
12.2.10 Vibration standards apply to en- (or) vibration acceleration of engines and units
gines of 55 kW and more with rotation speed
Permissible root mean square values of vibration
frequencies of third-

of 3000 min–1 and less.

octave bands (Hz)
Root mean square

velocity and (or) vibration acceleration of en-

gines with piston stroke (mm)
12.2.11 Vibration of engines and units in- Less than 300 From 300 to 700
cluding the engines is considered permissible Technical condition categories
for categories A and B if root mean square À Â À Â
values of vibration velocity or vibration accel- mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB
eration do not exceed the values stated in 1.6 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101
Table 12.2.11. 2 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101
2.5 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101
12.2.12 Vibration of units and devices hung 3.2 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101
on engine shall not exceed the levels specified 4 4 98 5.6 101 4.5 99 6.3 102
in 12.2.11. 5 4.5 99 6.3 102 5.6 101 8.0 104
6.3 5.6 101 8.0 104 7.1 103 10 106
12.2.13 Vibration of turbocompressors
8 7.1 103 10 106 8.9 105 12.5 108
measured on bearing body is considered per- 10 8.9 105 12.5 108 11 107 16 110
missible for categories A and B if root mean 12,5 11 107 16 110 14 109 20 112
square values of vibration velocity or vibration 16 14 109 20 112 16 110 22 113
acceleration do not exceed the values listed in 20 16 110 22 113 16 110 22 113
Table 12.2.13. 25 16 110 22 113 16 110 22 113
31.5 16 110 22 113 16 110 22 113
Vibration standards for rotor type auxiliary 40 16 110 22 113 16 110 22 113
machinery 50 16 110 22 113 12.5 108 18 111
63 12.5 108 18 111 10 106 14 109
12.2.14 Vibration of vertical pumps of 15- 80 10 106 14 109 8 104 11 107
75 kW and their electric drives is considered 100 8 104 11 107 6.3 102 8.9 105
permissible for categories A and B if root 125 6.3 102 8.9 105 5 100 7.1 103
mean square values of vibration velocity or 160 5 100 7.1 103 4 98 5.6 101
522 RCCS. Part IV “Power Installation and Systems”

T a b l e 12.2.13 B if root mean square values of vibration ve-

Root mean square values of vibration velocity and locity and vibration acceleration do not ex-
(or) vibration acceleration of turbocompressors ceed the values stated in Table 12.2.14.
Permissible root mean square values of vibration
frequencies of third-

12.2.16 Vibration of fans and gas blowers

octave bands (Hz)
Root mean square

velocity and (or) vibration acceleration of turbo-

compressors of engines with piston stroke (mm) of inert gas systems is considered permissible
Less than 300 From 300 to 700 for categories A and B if root mean square
Technical condition categories values of vibration velocity and vibration ac-
celeration do not exceed the values stated in
mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB Table 12.2.14.
1.6 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101
2 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101 12.2.17 Vibration of generators of diesel
2.5 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101 generators of less than 1000 kW,
3.2 4 98 5.6 101 4 98 5.6 101
4 4 98 5.6 101 4.5 99 6.3 102 measured on bearing bodies is considered
5 4.5 99 6.3 102 5.6 101 8.0 104 permissible for categories A and B if root
6.3 5.6 101 8.0 104 7.1 103 10 106 mean square values of vibration velocity and
8 7.1 103 10 1-6 8.9 105 12.5 108 vibration acceleration do not exceed the val-
10 8.9 105 12.5 108 11 107 16 110 ues stated in Table 12.2.13 for turbocompres-
12.5 11 107 16 110 14 109 20 112
sors of engines with piston stroke less than
16 14 109 20 112 16 110 22 113
20 16 110 20 112 16 110 22 113 300 mm.
25 16 110 20 112 16 110 22 113
31.5 16 110 20 112 16 110 22 113 Vibration standards for piston-type air
40 16 110 20 112 16 110 22 113 compressors
50 16 110 20 112 16 110 22 113
63 12.5 108 18 111 12.5 108 18 111 12.2.18 Vibration of piston air compressors
80 10 106 14 109 10 106 14 109 is considered permissible for categories A and
100 8 104 11 107 8 104 11 107 B if root mean square values of vibration ve-
125 6.3 102 8.9 105 6.3 102 8.9 105 locity and vibration acceleration do not ex-
160 5 100 7.1 103 5 100 7.1 103 ceed the values stated in Table 12.2.11 for
200 4.1 98 5.8 101 4.1 98 5.8 101 engines with piston stroke less than 300 mm.
250 3.3 96 4.5 99 3.3 96 4.5 99
320 2.6 94 3.7 97 2.6 94 3.7 97
When compressor is installed on shock ab-
400 2.1 92 2.9 95 2.1 92 2.9 95 sorbers, the standards are increased by 4 dB.
500 1.7 91 2.3 93 1.7 91 2.3 93
Vibration standards for boilers and heat
vibration acceleration do not exceed the val-
ues stated in Table 12.2.14.
For pumps of 2–15 kW the vibration stan- 12.2.19 Vibration of boilers and heat ex-
dards for categories A and B are taken 3 dB changers is considered permissible for catego-
less as compared to the standards for pumps ries A and B if root mean square values of
of 15–75 kW, and for the pumps of 75– vibration velocity or vibration acceleration do
300 kW these standards are increased by 2 dB. not exceed the values stated in Table 12.2.14
Vibration standards for horizontal pumps of for fans.
the above mentioned capacities are taken
12.2.20 Vibration standards for ship ma-
2 dB less.
chinery and auxiliary equipment not specified
12.2.15 Vibration of centrifugal separators in 12.2.11 to 12.2.19 shall be taken according
is considered permissible for categories A and to 12.2.19.
12 Vibration of Ship Machinery and Equipment 523

T a b l e 12.2.14
Root mean square values of vibration velocity and (or) vibration acceleration of rotor type auxiliary
machinery of 15–75 kW and their electric drives
Root mean Permissible root mean square values of vibration velocity and (or) vibration acceleration of
square fre- pumps with capacity of 15–75 kW centrifugal separators fans
quencies of Technical condition categories
third-octave À Â À Â À Â
bands (Hz) mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB mm/s dB
1.6 1 86 1 86 1 86 1.3 88 1 86 1.3 88
2 1 86 1.2 88 1 86 1.6 90 1 86 1.6 90
2.5 1.1 87 1.4 89 1.3 88 2 92 1.3 88 2 92
3.2 1.4 89 2 92 1.6 90 2.5 94 1.6 90 2.5 94
4 1.7 91 2.5 94 2 92 3.2 96 2 92 3.2 96
5 2.2 93 3.3 96 2.5 94 4 98 2.6 94 4 98
6.3 2.7 95 4 98 3.2 96 5 100 3.3 96 5 100
8 3.5 97 5 100 4 98 6.4 102 4.1 98 6.4 102
10 4.3 99 6.3 102 5 100 8 104 5.2 100 8 104
12.5 5.5 101 8 104 5 100 8 104 6.7 103 10.3 106
16 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 8.5 105 13 108
20 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 8.5 105 13 108
25 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 8.5 105 13 108
31.5 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 8.5 105 13 108
40 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 8.5 105 13 108
50 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 8.5 105 13 108
63 7 103 10 106 5 100 8 104 6.7 103 10.3 108
80 5.5 101 8 104 5 100 8 104 5.2 100 8 104
100 4.3 99 6.3 102 5 100 8 104 4.1 98 6.4 102
125 3.5 97 5 100 4 98 6.4 102 3.3 96 5 100
160 2.7 95 4 98 3.2 96 5 100 2.6 94 4 98
200 2.2 93 3.3 96 2.5 94 4 98 2 92 3.2 96
250 1.7 91 2.5 94 2 92 3.2 96 1.6 90 2.5 94
320 1.4 89 2 92 1.6 90 2.5 94 1.3 88 2 92
400 — — — — 1.3 88 2 92 1 86 1.6 90
500 — — — — 1 86 1.6 90 1 86 1.3 88
Part V


526 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION and the vertical axis of the gripping device
without load determined when pontoon (ship)
1.1.1 The present Part of the Rules applies
heeling and trim are precluded;
to ship arrangements, deck machinery,
.5 H e i g h t a b o v e t h e h u l l is a
equipment and outfit of ships of all classes.
height above the uppermost deck in the place
1.1.2 Requirements of the present part of of signalling means installation;
the Rules do not apply to arrangements, .6 I m m e r s i o n s u i t is a suit made of
equipment and outfit intended for special and watertight material intended for protection of
technological purposes of industrial ships (for the body of a person wearing it against over-
example, cross dredging arrangements of suc- cooling in cold water;
tion-tube dredgers, door lifting devices on .7 C a r g o b o o m is a cargo-handling
scows). appliance intended for holding and transfer-
ring the cargo by means of the system of
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS blocks and ropes attached to the derrick
structure and outside it (to masts, posts, decks
1.2.1 Terms related to the Rules general and winches);
terminology and their definitions are stated in .8 C a r g o - g r i p p i n g d e v i c e s are
Section 2, Part 0 of the Rules. The following all devices by means of which cargo can be
terms are used in the present Part of the attached to the cargo-handling appliance but
Rules: which are not integral part of the cargo-
.1 T u g - a n d - p u s h b o a t is a ship handling appliance or cargo, for example
fitted with towing and coupling arrangements grabs, container spreaders, cargo-lifting elec-
and intended for towing and convoying other tromagnets, lifting beams, platforms, frames,
ships and floating structures by pushing; cables, buckets, slings, cargo nets and other
devices belonging to the ship.
.2 T o w i n g e q u i p m e n t is towing Cargo-gripping devices shall be consid-
winches, hooks, bollards, towing arches, ered as loose gear;
blocks, towing chock ports, bitts, shackles, .9 C a r g o - h a n d l i n g a p p l i a n c e is
stoppers, rope retainer and limiters, reels, a ship’s device for cargo lifting and handling
raised platforms, guide ropes, fenders, fender (crane, ship’s derrick and lift);
guards, lifeline guns;
.10 L i f t i n g c a p a c i t y is the greatest
.3 U p p e r structure of the permissible cargo mass to be lifted and han-
f l o a t i n g c r a n e is a cargo-handling de- dled by a cargo-handling device in the deter-
vice installed on a specially designed pontoon. mined working conditions including the mass
Slewing device foundation is the boundary be- of the loose cargo-gripping gear;
tween the upper structure and the pontoon; .11 R a n g e o f v i s i b i l i t y is a dis-
.4 J i b r a d i u s is the horizontal dis- tance from which navigation lights are visible
tance between the axis of the derrick rotation on a dark night during fair weather;
1 General Provisions 527

.12 R a n g e o f a u d i b i l i t y is a dis- rafts, tables, benches intended for supporting

tance from which an audible signal is heard of persons on the water surface);
when the tailwind velocity is up to 3 m/s; .22 L i m i t s w i t c h is an electric de-
.13 R e s c u e b o a t is a life-saving ap- vice to be used in control system as a sensor
pliance which is carried on board in a state of which automatically gives a signal or discon-
continuous readiness for immediate use to nects or switches the power circuit of the ap-
rescue persons fallen into water, persons from pliance, gear at a mechanical contact of pair
a ship in distress as well as for marshalling of any parts of this appliance, gear. The limit
and towing of liferafts; switch is used for limiting movement of any
.14 A c t u a l l o a d s are static and dy- gear, assembly, appliance or any of its part
namic loads determined by the gravity force, (also movement of cargo in the cargo han-
inertia, wind pressure, heeling and trim, ship’s dling appliance) by disconnecting the drive of
motions, temperature strains, impact effects, this gear, assembly, appliance in extreme po-
pushes as a result of crane track movement sitions;
and swinging on a flexible suspension, etc; .23 S a f e t y f a c t o r is the ratio of the
.15 C o m p o n e n t s are the components minimum breaking load to the safe working
of cargo-handling appliances intended to load;
transmit forces and to provide kinematic con- .24 C r a n e is a cargo handling appliance
nection except parts of machinery; intended for lifting and handling the cargo by
.16 L e n g t h a n d w i d t h o f a means of a gripping device without any blocks
s h i p are design length and width of a ship, and ropes attached outside its own structure;
unless otherwise provided in the present part .25 D r u m w i n c h is a winch provided
of the Rules; with a drum for winding the ropes;
.17 S a f e w o r k i n g l o a d (SWL1) is .26 M e t a l s t r u c t u r e s include der-
the maximum allowable static load applied to ricks, gauge heads, rigid guy ropes, slewing
each individual component of the cargo- cargo platforms, posts, bridges, portals, foun-
handling appliance; dations, supporting drums and other struc-
tures taking up loads on the cargo handling
.18 S t a n d b y s t e e r i n g d r i v e is an
equipment intended for wheelover or steerable
nozzle reversal with purpose of the ship steer- .27 M a c h i n e r y of a cargo
ing in case of failure of the main steering h a n d l i n g a p p l i a n c e includes cargo
lifting, jib luffing, boom-out and slewing ap-
.19 I n d i v i d u a l l i f e - s a v i n g a p p l i -
.28 F i x e d p a r t s include items at-
a n c e s are a lifebuoy, a lifejacket, an immer-
tached permanently to the cargo handling ap-
sion suit;
pliance load-bearing structures or to the ship’s
.20 I n d i v i d u a l t h e r m a l p r o t e c - hull;
t i v e a i d is a bag or suit made of water-
.29 N o r m a l o p e r a t i o n is designed
proof material with low thermal conductivity
operating limits and conditions of the vessel,
intended for restoring the body core tempera-
ship technical facilities, systems and their
ture of the person having been in cold water;
components including operation at all operat-
.21 C o l l e c t i v e l i f e - s a v i n g a p p l i - ing modes, bunkering. maintenance, repair
a n c e s are life and rescue boats, liferafts and other activity as related to the above
(rafts intended for accommodation of persons mentioned;
outside the water), life buoyancy aids (light
.30 C a r g o turning moment
l i m i t e r is a device that automatically
SWL stands for safe working load. Safe work- switches off the lifting of the cargo and luffing
ing load of the cargo-handling appliance corre- in case when the cargo which mass exceeds
sponding to a safe working load shall be selected the determined one for this boom-out is being
according to GOST 25938. lifted (see 6.8.3);
528 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

.31 L i f t i n g c a p a c i t y l i m i t e r is a nal forces (including inertial ones), acting in a

device that automatically switches off all the horizontal plane relatively to the vertical axis
working movements of the cargo-handling of the coupling passing on the line of inter-
appliance except cargo lowering and move- section of the coupling joint plane with the
ments which lessen the tipping moment when centre line plane of the convoy;
the cargo of exceeding mass is lifted (see .39 L u m i n o u s i n t e n s i t y is a ratio
6.8.4); of luminous flux to solid angle in which this
.32 M a i n s t e e r i n g d r i v e means flux is being spread;
mechanisms, power plants of the steering .40 L a u n c h i n g ( l a u n c h i n g a n d
drive, if any, auxiliary equipment and means r e c o v e r y a p p l i a n c e s ) are davits and
for torque transfer to the rudder pin or the other onboard arrangements intended for
steerable nozzle (for example, tiller or sector) launching and recovering of life and rescue
for the purpose of the ship steering at normal boats and liferafts;
operating conditions; .4 1 S h i p ’ s d e r r i c k is a crane in-
.33 R u d d e r b l a d e w i d t h is a width stalled on board dry cargo ship;
calculated as a mean of b1 and b2 as shown .4 2 C o u p l i n g e q u i p m e n t means
in Fig.1.2.33. locks, tensioning stations, winches etc;
.43 L o o s e g e a r includes items attached
to a cargo-handling gear by means of loose
joints. These are blocks, hooks, chains, shack-
les, swivels as well as accessories, such as lift-
ing beams, frames and others;
.44 P u s h e d c o n v o y is a rigid or
bendable single-thread convoy or a composite
cargo motor vessel. Pushboat is a part of the
pushed convoy. The term “bower anchors” is
related to barges of the convoy, the term
“stern anchors” is related to the pushboat;
.45 R o p e is a common term for twisted
and twined cordage made of natural and arti-
ficial fibre materials as well as steel wire. The
rope is a synonym for the term "line";
Fig. 1.2.33. Calculation of a rudder blade width
.46 A n g l e b a c k l a s h o f t h e c o u p -
.34 D e c k m a c h i n e r y means wind- l i n g a r r a n g e m e n t is a mutual turn an-
lasses, capstans, winches, locks, tensioning gle of ships within the range of free clearances
stations, force and torque transfer means, lim- of connections while changing the direction
iters and other machinery which are the parts of the turning moment;
of steering, anchoring, mooring, towing, cou- .47 L i f t i n g c a p a c i t y i n d i c a t o r
pling, cargo devices, and also hoisting ar- is a device to indicate automatically and visu-
rangements of the wheelhouse, masts etc; ally (no matter whether the cargo is sus-
.35 F l o a t i n g c r a n e – see 2.2.43 Part pended or not) the maximum allowable design
0 of the Rules; load for a particular crane at different jib ra-
.36 D e s i g n l o a d s are combinations of dii;
actual loads determined separately for working .48 S a f e t y d e v i c e s are devices inten-
and non-working conditions of the cargo- ded to provide safety operation of the cargo-
handling appliance; handling machinery such as: working move-
.37 D e s i g n l o a d Ð ð is a force due to ments and lifting capacity limiters, hoisting
action of the design torque; capacity and boom angle indicators, danger-
.38 D e s i g n b e n d i n g m o m e n t Ì ð ous voltage warning and wind shielding de-
is a maximum bending moment due to exter- vices, anti-stealing devices, stops, buffers,
1 General Provisions 529

traps, speed limiters of lifts, safety devices on Ship appliances and ship technical facilities
hooks and other similar devices; (deck machinery and equipment) including
.49 A u t h o r i z e d c r e w p e r s o n is a individual components of their control sys-
member of the crew having an authority to tems not subject to removal during ship lay-
perform functions related to operation of the up for winter period shall remain serviceable
ship, its components or ship's technical facili- when exposed to negative temperatures up to
ties according to the applicable law of the –40 °Ñ.
Russian Federation.
1.2.2 Stresses mentioned in the present
Part of the Rules are interpreted as equivalent 1.4.1 Elements of arrangements and outfit
stresses eq, MPa, calculated by formula 1.2.2. given in Table 1.4.1 shall be made of materi-
als specified in the Materials column (Table
eq  2  32 ‚ (1.2.2) 1.4.1) and comply with requirements of Part
X of the Rules.
where  — normal stresses in the section T a b l e 1.4.1
under consideration, MPa; Materials for manufacture of elements
 — tangential stresses in section under of arrangements and outfit
consideration, MPa. Chapters of
Elements of arrange-
Strength conditions shall be checked by ments and outfit
Material Part X of
these stresses. the Rules
1 Steering gear
1.2.3 In the present part of the Rules,
permissible stresses which shall be compared 1.1 Steerable nozzle Steel forgings and 2.6, 2.7
and rudder stocks castings
with the stresses calculated while checking the
1.2 Elements of the Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.7,
strength conditions of ship appliances and rudder blade and castings, rolled 2.9
deck machinery components are established steerable nozzle steel plates
as portions of the yield point of used material; 1.3 Rudder pieces Steel forgings and 2.6, 2.7
Here, unless otherwise established by the pre- castings
sent part of the Rules, the yield point shall 1.4 Steerable noz- Steel castings 2.7
not be taken more than 0.7 of the tensile zle bosses
strength of the same material. 1.5 Tiller of main Steel forgings and 2.6, 2.7
and standby drives castings
1.2.4 Requirements to ships of Ì-ÑÏ class 1.6 Steering sector Steel castings 2.7
apply also to ships of Ì-ÑÏ4,5 class, unless 1.7 Crosshead (yoke Steel forgings 2.6
otherwise required by the present part of the of rudder stock)
Rules. 1.8 Rod pistons Steel forgings and 2.6, 2.7
1.9 Cylinders Steel tube, steel 2.4, 2.7,
castings, cast iron 2.11 to
1.3.1 Ship appliances, deck machinery and 1.10 Drive shaft Steel forgings 2.6
equipment shall be designed to maintain their 1.11 Pinions, gear- Steel forgings, 2.2, 2.7,
serviceability at heel and trim values as speci- wheels, gear rings castings, cast iron 2.11 to
fied in 1.3 Part IV of the Rules as well as at
1.12 Fasteners Steel forgings 2.6
ambient air temperatures given in Table 1.3.1. (bolts, nuts)
T a b l e 1.3.1 2 Anchoring, mooring, coupling and towing devices
Ambient temperature allowing for operation of ship 2.1 Drive, inter- Steel forgings 2.6
appliances, deck machinery and equipment mediate, cargo shafts
Location Ambient temperature ( °Ñ) 2.2 Pinions, gear- Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.7,
Enclosed spaces 0 to +40 wheels, gear rings castings, cast iron 2.11 to
Exposed decks –20 to +40 2.13
530 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

E n d o f T a b l e 1.4.1 1.5 STEEL WIRE ROPES, NATURAL

Elements of arrange-
Material Part X of
ments and outfit
the Rules General requirements
2.3 Sprockets Steel castings, 2.7, 2.11
cast iron to 2.13 1.5.1 Ropes shall be made and tested
2.4 Connection Steel forgings and 2.6, 2.7 in accordance with national stan-
cam clutches castings dards1 in organizations having the River Reg-
2.5 Brake tapes Rolled steel 2.2 ister's Recognition Certificate. Testing results
2.6 Parts of cou- Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.7, shall be included into manufacturer’s quality
pling devices castings, rolled 2.9 control document (see Part X of the
steel plates Rules).
2.7 Towing hooks Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.2
1.5.2 For running rigging the steel wire
and arches steel profiles
ropes with one organic core shall be used, the
2.8 Anchors Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.7,
castings, rolled 2,9 number of wires being not less than 114.
plates Ropes with more than one organic core may
2.9 Anchor chains Steel castings, 2.7, 2.11 be used subject to technical justification. It is
cast iron to 2.13 recommended to use the ropes with the cal-
2.10 Fasteners Steel forgings 2.6 culated tensile strength from
(bolts, nuts) 1275 to 1770 MPa with the diameter of wires
3 Hydraulic drives in external strands of not less than 0,6 mm.
For standing rigging steel wire ropes with
3.1 Shaft, screw, Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.7,
one or more organic cores shall be used with
rotor castings, copper 3.1
alloy the diameter of wires in external strands of
3.2 Rod Steel forgings, 2.6, 3.1 not less than 1 mm, the number of wires be-
copper alloy ing not less than 42. It is recommended to use
3.3 Piston Steel forgings and 2.6, 2.7 the ropes with the calculated tensile strength
castings from 1275 to 1670 MPa.
3.4 Case, cylinder, Steel forgings, cast 2.7, 2.11 The wires of running and standing rigging
screw pump yoke iron, copper alloy to 2.13, 3.1 shall be provided with zinc coating.
3.5 Pinions Steel forgings, 2.6, 2.7,
1.5.3 Wire splicing is not permitted.
castings, cast iron, 2.11 to
copper alloy 2.13, 3.1 1.5.4 The ropes shall be marked in accor-
dance with national standards1.
1.4.2 Shafts, pinions, gearwheels, sectors
and tillers are subject to ultrasonic control in Steel wire ropes
accordance with the requirements of 2.21 Ap-
pendix 10 Part X of the Rules. 1.5.5 For the manufacture of ropes wire of
round cross-section shall be used with
1.4.3 Foam plastics used for filling up the anti-corrosive coating and a tensile strength of
spaces between loaded surfaces of sandwich 1180 to 1770 MPa.
structures, air chambers of lifeboats as well as
the cavities of other buoyancy elements, shall 1.5.6 The organic fibre core of ropes shall
have compliance documents issued by the be manila, sizal, hemp or synthetic fibre.
River Register. Ropes with the nominal diameter exceeding
Cavities shall be filled with plates prepared 12 mm shall have at least three-strand core.
for this purpose by means either in situ foam- 1.5.7 The wires of a finished rope shall be
ing or by evaporation method. covered with a lubricant.

GOST 30055, GOST 3069, GOST 3241.
1 General Provisions 531

Cores of organic fibre shall be impregnated 1.5.10 The rope diameter shall not exceed
or lubricated with anti-corrosive and anti-rot the nominal value by more than 6%.
substances non-soluble in water and contain- The rope diameter shall be measured on a
ing no acids or alkalis. The lubricant for the slack rope perpendicular to its axis between
ropes and the impregnant for the organic-fibre two opposite strands in two positions.
cores shall be compatible by their physical
and chemical properties. 1.5.11 Twisting and bending of strands, fal-
ling back, crossing, corrosion and breaking of
1.5.8 After manufacture each rope shall wires in strands that prevent using the rope
undergo the breaking test throughout its according to its intended purpose are not
length. The breaking test as a whole shall be permitted.
performed on a tearing machine with the dis- When bends or burn-off spots are removed
tance between the clamps not less than from the ends of non-spinning ropes the
50 rope diameters. If during testing the rope strands and wires therein shall not uncoil.
breaks less than 50 mm away from the clamp
the test shall be repeated.
Ropes of natural and synthetic fibre
The test results shall comply with the re-
quirements of GOST 3069 and GOST 3241. 1.5.12 The breaking strength is determined
1.5.9 If the breaking load cannot be during test for a rope as a whole or based on
reached due to insufficient power of the tear- tensile tests of all fibres in the rope. In a latter
case, breaking strength of a rope as a whole F
ing machine during breaking tests for a rope
as a whole the tensile strength may be deter- (kN) is determined by the following formula:
mined based on tensile tests for all rope wires. m
In such a case, breaking strength of a rope as F  cn  Fm z , (1.5.12)
a whole F (kN) is determined by the follow-
where c is fibre efficiency factor for the rope
ing formula:
which shall be adopted based on GOST 30055
i  m   or calculated as the ratio of the required by
F  c    Fm  n z  specified national standard breaking strength
1  1   , (1.5.9) of the rope as a whole to the total breaking
strength of all fibres in the rope;
where c — wire efficiency factor for the rope m — number of tensile tested fibers sub-
which is adopted on the basis of GOST 3069 jected to tensile testing with test results meet-
and GOST 3241 or calculated as the ratio of ing requirements of GOST 30055;
the breaking load of the rope as a whole re-
Fm — the maximum load preceding the de-
quired by specified national standards to the
struction of the specimen at tensile testing of
total breaking load of all the rope wires;
a single fibre, kN;
i — number of groups of wires of the same
n — number of fibres in the rope;
m — number of tensile tested wires from z — number of fibres subjected to tensile
each group of a particular diameter, subjected testing which is taken to be equal to: 0.5n —
to tensile testing with test results meeting re- for rope with circumference of up to 80 mm;
quirements of GOST 3069 and GOST 3241; 0.3n — for ropes with circumference from 80
Fm — the maximum load preceding break- to 115 mm; 0.1n — for ropes with circumfer-
ing of the specimen when performing tensile ence over 115 mm.
test of one wire, kN; 1.5.13 Ropes of synthetic fibre shall un-
n — number of wires in each group of a dergo testing to determine elongation at the
particular diameter; breaking.
z — number of wires from each group of a The percentage elongation of a rope at the
particular diameter subjected to tensile testing. breaking A, %, is determined by the formula:
532 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

A  100  l p  l0  l0 , (1.5.13) 1.6.6 Rubbing assemblies of moving part of

machinery and appliances shall be provided
where l0 — initial length of tested rope with lubrication devices. These devices shall
specimen, cm; be accessible and safe for maintenance during
lp — length of the same rope specimen un- the operation of the machinery.
der the load equal to the breaking strength on
the rope as a whole, which is specified in 1.6.7 Safety and protective devices shall be
GOST 25552, cm. so designed and installed so that in case of
their actuation they are not hazardous both as
1.5.14 On the surface of a finished rope no regards fire and for the attending personnel.
brown spots, mould, fused areas and smell of
fume or rot shall be detectable. 1.6.8 Heating surfaces of the machinery
The colour of the rope shall be uniform with the risk of fire shall be fitted with fire-
along its whole length and shall correspond to retardant insulation, or design measures shall
that of the yam or synthetic fibre of which the be taken to prevent the ingress of fuel and oil
rope is manufactured. on them.
Heat insulation shall be covered by metal-
1.6 REQUIREMENTS TO DECK lic housing or fuel- and oil-proof composi-

1.6.1 Construction and design of the deck 1.6.9 Parts of machinery contacting with
machinery shall provide the ship’s operation environment stimulating corrosion shall be
under operating conditions specified in 1.3 manufactured of anti-corrosion material or
Part IV of the Rules and in 1.3.1. protective corrosion-resistant coatings shall be
applied to their surfaces.
1.6.2 The deck machinery of oil tankers Units and parts of mechanisms which are
shall be located above dry compartments with made of materials with different electric po-
gas-tight enclosures. tentials and which may contact with aggres-
1.6.3 Elements of breaking devices of the sive media, shall be protected against electro-
deck machinery shall be resistant to water and lytic corrosion.
oil products exposure. Brake pads shall be 1.6.10 Machinery control devices, remote
heat resistant up to the temperature 250°C. and automatic control systems shall meet the
Permissible heat-resistance of connections be- requirements of Part IV of the Rules.
tween the brake pad and the supporting struc-
ture shall exceed the heating in the connec- 1.6.11 Deck machinery control devices
tion in all possible operating modes of the shall be so designed that lifting is executed by
mechanism. rightward rotation of the handwheel or by
forward movement of the lever and lowering
1.6.4 Fasteners of moving parts of mecha- — by leftward rotation of the handwheel or
nisms and devices, and also fasteners installed backward movement of the lever.
in hardly accessible places shall have fittings Brakes shall be locked by rightward rota-
or be so designed as to prevent its spontane- tion of handwheels and unlocked by leftward
ous slackening and unravelling. Moving parts rotation.
of the machinery shall be closed by protecting
housings. 1.6.12 Machinery driven from a power
source and manually driven shall be equipped
1.6.5 The structure and material of the
with an interlocking device preventing simul-
deck machinery elements (locking devices,
taneous operation of the drives.
brake blocks etc.) installed in explosive spaces
and areas (see 1.4 Part III of the Rules), shall 1.6.13 Hand forces required for movement
preclude spark formation. of control levers and handwheels shall be set
1 General Provisions 533

depending on the frequency of application of shall not exceed 0.33 of the yield point of the
manual drives. material.
If the control devices are being used for a Safety margin at longitudinal bending shall
short time, the hand force shall be not more be at least 5 at flexibility ratio above 60.
than 160 N and the foot force – not more
1.6.20 Devices for full deaeration shall be
than 300 N. Force up to 490 N (for example,
provided while hydraulic drive is being filled
for the uncoupling device) is allowed as
with the working fluid and also for its leakage
maximum valid for one-time force applied by
replenishment and drainage.
one person in the vertical direction to the
lever handles. The inner chamber of the hydraulic reser-
voir shall be open to atmosphere only through
1.6.14 Winches shall provide the required a filter (breather).
nominal tractive force when the rope is posi-
tioned at the middle layer of coiling. 1.6.21 A level indicator of the lower and
Their safety margin specified in these Rules the upper level marks and a minimum level
shall be determined for the nominal tractive gauge shall be fitted on the hydraulic reservoir
force for the rope position on the middle for the control of the working fluid level.
layer of coiling. In other cases, the safety 1.6.22 The hydraulic systems shall be pro-
margin shall be not less than as big as twice. vided with filters in order to remove resins
1.6.15 Manual-driven winches shall reach and mechanical impurities from the working
the nominal tractive force in the rope under fluid.
action of the hand force of 160 N for each It shall be possible to clean filters without
operator. When the hand force is as great as stopping the working fluid circulation for
five and the rope is on the lower layer of coil- permanently operating hydraulic systems pro-
ing, the tractive force shall not exceed 85% viding the safe motion of a ship.
breaking strength at the lowest layer of coil- 1.6.23 Suction and drainage pipelines of
ing. the main and standby pumps shall be located
1.6.16 The drums shall have ledges which in the hydraulic reservoir so that the standby
shall be extended above the upper layer of pump is capable to operate in the event of
coiling for not less than 2.5 times the rope di- unintended drainage of the working fluid.
ameter and not less than 1.5 the rope diame-
1.6.24 Drip trays shall be provided at
ter above the last layer of fully coiled rope.
places of possible leakage of the working fluid
1.6.17 Hydraulic drives shall be protected from the hydraulic equipment.
by means of safety valves with the actuation
1.6.25 Hydraulic systems and pipelines
pressure from 1.1 to 1.5 times the working
shall meet requirements of 10.2 Part IV of the
pressure set by the manufacturer. Safety de-
vices shall be so designed that their sealing is Rules.
possible. The working fluid drained from the 1.6.26 After manufacture, elements of deck
safety valve shall be directed to the suction machinery and hydraulic drives shall be sub-
pipeline or to the hydraulic reservoir. ject t hydraulic tests in accordance with
1.6.18 The elements of hydraulic drives be- 7.2.13 to 7.2.16 of RTSC.
ing under load shall be strength-checked for
the application of forces corresponding to the 1.7 EQUIPMENT NUMBER
working pressure, here, the equivalent stresses
in the elements shall not exceed 0.4 of the 1.7.1 Equipment number Neq is calculated
yield point of the element. by the following formula, m2:
1.6.19 Stresses in structural elements of the N eq  L  B  H   k   li hi  , (1.7.1-1)
working cylinders induced by internal pressure i 1
534 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

where L, B, H — design dimensions of the and deckhouses less than 0.25 of the ship’s
ship, m; length.
k — coefficient assigned in accordance 1.7.3 For hydrofoil craft, hovercraft and
with 1.7.2 to 1.7.3; skimming ships the value of coefficient k shall
l — length of separate superstructures and be assumed as less as twice comparing to
deckhouses, m; those given in 1.7.2. Hydrofoils are neglected
h — average height of separate super- when determining the equipment number.
structures and deckhouses, m. N o t e . For hydrofoil craft and hovercraft when
Equipment number of catamaran-type there is no freeboard deck a superstructure is con-
ships shall be determined by the following sidered as a part of the ship above the lower edge
formula: of window cuttings.
Neq  2L Bhull T    L  Bship   H T   k li hi  , 1.7.4 For ships carrying cargoes on deck
i 1 n
(1.7.1-2) parameter  li hi  in the formula (1.7.1-1)
i 1
where Bhull — width of one hull body, m;
shall be calculated by multiplication of the
Bship — width of a ship, m;
side projection length of cargo stowed on the
Í — side depth, m;
deck together with cargo limiting structures by
T — load draught, m.
its average height, and coefficient k shall be
1.7.2 Coefficient k shall be assumed equal assumed equal to 0.5 for ships intended for
to 1.0 for ships with the total length of super- transportation of bulk cargoes only, and 1.0
structures and deckhouses, located on all — for transportation of other deck cargoes.
decks, exceeding a half of the ship’s length
and 0.5 for ships with the total length being in 1.7.5 In mud dredgers the towers, bucket
the range of 0.25 to 0.5 of the ship’s length. frames and chutes secured for voyage shall be
The superstructures and deckhouses may be considered in the equipment number as deck-
neglected for calculation of equipment num- houses which side surface area is determined
ber at the total length of the superstructures along the overall contour.
2 Steering Gear 535


2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS b — distance between horizontal stiffeners

2.1.1 Requirements of the present Section or vertical diaphragms, whichever is the
of the Rules apply to steering gears with rud- greater, m;
ders (simple, balanced, semi-balanced), noz- p — design pressure on a rudder blade
zles (turning, non-turning), and also to plating, kPa, determined in accordance with
thrusters, steering means of pod drives, water- 2.2.3;
jet and vertical axis propellers. ReH — the yield stress of the rudder plat-
2.1.2 All self-propelled ships shall be ing material, in MPa.
equipped with a steering gear. Non-self- s = 0.6 — corrosion allowance, mm.
propelled ships intended for towing by rope
shall be equipped with fixed stabilizers. 2.2.3 Design pressure on a rudder blade
Stabilizers may be omitted in floating ob- plating, p, kPa, shall be taken equal to the
jects and non-self-propelled ships intended for greater value of pressures on the pressure (pps)
navigation only by pushing. and suction (pss) side of the rudder profile:
for a plating area falling into the propeller
2.1.3 Steering gears shall provide manoeu-
jet and located within 0.35 the rudder blade
vrability parameters as specified in Part II of
width from its leading edge
the Rules.
pps  0.5 1.706C T  1.538  V A2  9.81T 
2.1.4 In case of failure in main drive or ;
main power source, the time of transition to pss  0.5  5.505C T  6.093   V A2 
the standby drive or the time of power supply (2.2.3-1)
pause shall not exceed 5 s.
for a plating area falling into the propeller
jet and located within 0.65 the rudder blade
2.2 RUDDER AND NOZZLE width from its trailing edge
2.2.1 The rudder blade and the nozzle shall pps  0.5  0.734C T  0.662  V A2  9.81T 
be made of steel with carbon content not ;
pss  0.5  2.369C T  2.622  V A2 
more than 0.22%.
Construction of the nozzle may be either (2.2.3-2)
welded or cast-welded. The carbon content in for a plating area not falling into the pro-
forgings and castings shall be not more than peller jet and located within 0.35 the rudder
0.25%. blade width from its leading edge
2.2.2 The plate thickness of streamlined pps  0.5V A2  9.81T 
rudder blade casing t shall be not less than ; (2.2.3-3)
pss  2.5V A2 
determined by formula, mm.
for a plating area not falling into the pro-
t  s a p ReH  s ‚ (2.2.2) peller jet and located within 0.65 the rudder
blade width from its trailing edge
where s  32.6  7.56  a b  ;

a — distance between horizontal stiffeners pps  0.25 V A2  9.81T 

, (2.2.3-4)
or vertical diaphragms, whichever is less, m; pss  1.25 V A2 
536 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

where C T  8TP  V 2
 — propeller t1  k1d0  4 , (2.2.7-1)

loading factor; where k1 — factor taken equal for ships of

TP — propeller thrust, kN; classes:
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì 0.025
ρ — water density, t/m3;
Î and Î-ÏÐ 0.020
V A  V 1  WT  — propulsion and stee- Ð, Ë 0.015
ring system inflow velocity, m/s d0 — rudder stock diameter, mm, deter-
V — design speed of a ship in loaded con- mined according to 2.3.1 or 2.3.3 at
dition (for pushboats — together with the ReH = 260 MPa.
convoy), m/s; The least thickness of nozzle internal plat-
WT — wake factor for straight motion of ing t2 shall be not less than determined by
the ship by calculation of propulsion ability; formula, mm:
D — propeller diameter, m; t 2  1.25t1 . (2.2.7-2)
T — ship draught, m.
Pressure pss shall not be taken to be more 2.2.8 Inner plating of the hollow nozzle in
than 96.9 kPa. the middle part t3 shall have a strengthened
Jet diameter is taken to be equal to propel- belt with thickness not less than determined
ler diameter. by formula, mm:
2.2.4 In order to prevent resonance, natu- t3  2t 2 . (2.2.8)
ral oscillation frequencies of the first tone of Plates of the strengthened belt are recom-
the rudder plating plates shall exceed the pro- mended to be made of stainless steel.
peller blade frequency which is the product of
a number of propeller blades by shaft revolu- 2.2.9 The plating thickness of streamlined
tion frequency by at least 50%. rudder blade, hollow nozzle and its stabilizer
Natural oscillation frequencies of the first shall be not less than shell plating thickness of
tone of the rudder plating plates shall be de- the ship’s aft extremity.
termined in accordance with requirements of 2.2.10 The plating thickness of the rudder
2.6.10 and 2.6.11 Part I of the Rules as for blade and the nozzle with stabilizer for ships
the plate washed by liquid from one side. with ice strengthening shall be increased by
2.2.5 The edge plate thickness of the rud- 20% as compared with that determined in ac-
der blade and stabilizer shall be not less than cordance with 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.5 to 2.2.9.
1.3 times the shell thickness determined ac-
2.2.11 The plating of the rudder blade and
cording to 2.2.2.
the stabilizer shall be strengthened from the
2.2.6 The plate thickness of lamellar rudder inside by vertical stiffeners and horizontal
blade casing tlam.r shall be not less than deter- diaphragms.
mined by formula, mm:
2.2.12 The nozzle plating shall be strength-
t lam.r  kd0  4 , (2.2.6) ened from the inside by longitudinal stiffeners
where k — factor taken equal for ships of and circular diaphragms.
classes: At least four longitudinal diaphragms uni-
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì 0.080 formly distributed along the circumference of
Î and Î-ÏÐ 0.055 the nozzle shall be provided.
Ð, Ë 0.030
d0 — rudder stock diameter, mm, deter- 2.2.13 Stiffener and diaphragm thickness
mined according to 2.3.1 or 2.3.3 at shall be not less than plate thickness of
ReH = 260 MPa. streamlined rudder (stabilizer) or the nozzle
shell plating.
2.2.7 The least thickness of hollow nozzle
shell and the stabilizer casing plates t1, shall 2.2.14 Cut-outs shall be provided in stiff-
be not less than determined by formula, mm: eners and diaphragms.
2 Steering Gear 537

2.2.15 Plugs made of anti-corrosion mate-

rial shall be provided in the rudder blade edge
plates, in the lowermost and the uppermost
points of the nozzle.
2.2.16 The rudder blade and the nozzle
shall not protrude beyond the ship overall di-
mensions. When it is impracticable, protective
arrangements shall be provided (housings,
2.2.17 The rudder and the nozzle shall be
so located as to prevent their damage due to
stroke on ground when ship sails with the
maximum design stern trim.
N o t e . The rudder and the nozzle intended for
Fig. 2.3.3-1. Calculation method for suspended
work on shallow water are to be designed with the
lower support.
2.2.18 The plating thickness of fixed stabi- for rudder with lower support on stern-
lizer installed instead of the rudder shall be frame heel (Fig.2.3.3-2)
determined in accordance with the require-
ments of 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.5, 2.2.9, 2.2.10. The
design of fixed stabilizer shall meet the re-
quirements of 2.2.11 to 2.2.14, 2.2.16.


2.3.1 The diameter of the rudder stock and
the nozzle in the area of lower supporting
bearing shall be proved by the calculation car-
ried out in accordance with requirements of
the present Section. Hydrodynamic loads,
bending moments, shear forces and support
reaction forces acting in the stock-rudder sys-
tem are to be calculated in accordance with
Appendix 1.
2.3.2 The full ahead speed shall be taken as Fig. 2.3.3-2 Calculation method for rudder with
the design speed: for self-propelled ships — lower support on sternframe heel
not less than 3.5 m/s, and for non-self-
propelled ships — not less than 3.0 m/s.
The design astern speed shall be taken not
d0  46.2  3 k2 R r 2  0.029l10
9.8110 3
ReH ;
less than 60% of the design ahead speed. (2.3.3-2)
2.3.3 If there are no hydrodynamic calcula- for rudder with pins on sternframe hinges
tions, the rudder stock diameter in the area of
lower supporting bearing shall be not less than d0  46.2  3 k2 M torque 9.8110 3
ReH ,
determined by formulas, mm:
for suspended rudder (Fig. 2.3.3-1) (2.3.3-3)
where k 2 — safety factor of the rudder stock
d0  46.2  3 k2 M torque  M b2 9.81  10 3

ReH ;
material taken equal for ships of classes:
(2.3.3-1) Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î 2.5
538 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

Ð and Ë 2.0 2.3.4 Minimum permissible external di-

Ì-ÑÏ 3.0 ameter of hollow rudder stock, mm, is deter-
Mtorque — torque calculated by the follow- mined by the formula:
ing formula, kNm, douter  d0 , (2.3.4)
M torque  Rr , (2.3.3-4) where  — coefficient taken from Table
R — resultant force on a rudder calculated 2.3.4 depending on the set ratio of the rudder
by the following formula, kN: stock wall thickness to the external diameter
R  9.81  103 c Av 2 ; (2.3.3-5) T a b l e 2.3.4
c — coefficient determined by the formula Coefficient 
c  13.87  22.025  ; /douter  /douter 
0.50 1.00 0.15 1.10
 — relative elongation of the rudder blade 0.25 1.02 0.10 1.20
determined by one of the following formulae: 0.20 1.05 0.08 1.26
  l10 b ;   l10 A ;   A b2 ; d0 — rudder stock diameter determined ac-
 — factor taken equal for rudders located: cording to 2.3.1 or 2.3.3, mm.
within the propeller jet 1.0
2.3.5 Permissible stresses shall be taken ac-
beyond the propeller jet 0.9
2 cording to Table 2.3.5 while calculating the
A — the rudder blade area, m ;
steering gear element dimensions.
v — design speed of a ship in loaded con-
dition (for pushboats — together with the T a b l e 2.3.5
convoy), km/h; Permissible stresses for calculation of steering gear
r — distance between the application point element dimensions
of an assumed design load and the rudder Permissible stress in portions of the
blade rotation axis at the level of its centre of material yield point ReH for ships of
Kind of stressed
gravity, m, determined by the formula: state
Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ð and
r  b  0.33  1.5  A1 A    a ;
2 Ì and Î Ë
  Torsion and shear 0.30 0.40 0.24
b — width of the rudder blade, m; Bending and ben- 0.45 0.55 0.40
ding with torsion
A1 — part of the rudder blade area forward Tension and 0.75 0.80 0.60
of the rotation axis, m2; compression
a — distance between the rotation axis and (bearing strain)
the leading edge of the rudder blade edge at
the level of the centre of gravity of its area, 2.3.6 The rudder stock strength shall be
m; checked for maximum forces induced by
Mb, kNm — bending moment determined steering machines in case of rudder or nozzle
by the formula seizure.
M b  R (0.5 l10  l30 ); (2.3.3-7) In this case, the design stresses shall not
exceed 0.8ReH or 0.6Rm, where Rm is tensile
l10 — height of the rudder blade, m; strength of rudder stock material.
l20 — distance between the lower edge of
rudder blade plating and the support on stern- 2.3.7 For ships intended for navigation in
frame heel, m; broken ice the diameters of the rudder stock
l30 — distance between the upper edge of design cross-sections calculated in accordance
rudder blade plating and the lower bearing of with 2.3.1 and 2.3.3 shall be increased by
the rudder stock, m; 15%.
ReH — yield point of the rudder stock ma- 2.3.8 Rudder stocks and rudder pieces may
terial, MPa. be forged or welded.
2 Steering Gear 539

Cast-welded and cast-forged constructions blade width from the rotation axis (see Fig.
are permissible, with the diameter of cast part 2.3.10), and non-balanced rudders – one dia-
of the rudder stock being increased by 15% as phragm at a distance not exceeding the di-
compared with the design diameter of forged mension s from the leading edge of the rud-
rudder stock. der. A diameter of the tube substituting the
For ships less than 25 m in length the rud- rudder piece is taken to be equal to s along
der stocks and rudder pieces may be made of the rudder blade width. A thickness of the
rolled steel. diaphragms, adjacent shell plating and the
tube wall shall be increased as compared to
2.3.9 The rudder piece cross-section area the plating thickness calculated by the for-
in the upper part shall be equal to the rudder mula (2.2.2) at least twice.
stock cross-section area. The rudder piece
A width of thickened plates of the shell
cross-section area below the upper edge of the
rudder blade may be smoothly reduced down plating shall be not less than maximum thick-
to 50% of cross-section area in the upper ness of the rudder blade profile.
part. 2.3.11 The rudder blade or steerable nozzle
Connection of the rudder stock with the with the rudder stock shall be connected by
rudder blade or steerable nozzle shall be equal means of a horizontal flange or other struc-
in strength to the rudder stock. ture (conic, stirrup etc.) which ensures the re-
2.3.10 Streamlined hollow rudders may quired connection properties.
have no rudder piece. For ships with a length of 10 m and less
In this case the constructions substituting with manual steering drive the connection of
the rudder piece are continuous vertical dia- the rudder stock with the rudder blade may be
phragms of the rudder blade with adjacent welded.
plating of rectangular or tubular cross-section 2.3.12 Connecting bolts (studs) shall be
as shown in Fig. 2.3.10. tightly fitted. The number of tightly fitted
bolts shall be at least two for keyed joints.
Minimum permissible total cross-section area
or all bolts is determined by the formula,
F  0.3d02 , (2.3.12)
where d0 — rudder stock diameter determined
according to 2.3.1 or 2.3.3, mm.
2.3.13 Fastening joints of the rudder stock
and the rudder blade or steerable nozzle shall
be reliably locked to prevent spontaneous un-
2.3.14 The distance from the edge of bolt
hole to the outer edge of connecting flange
shall be not less than 0.65db, where db is the
bolt diameter.
Fig. 2.3.10 Distance for installation of diaphragms 2.3.15 Flange thickness shall be not less
for balanced and non-balanced rudders than the connecting bolt diameter.
Balanced rudders shall be fitted with two 2.3.16 A radius of the fillet at the junction
diaphragms at a distance not exceeding a half of the rudder stock with the flange shall be
of maximum dimension s along the rudder not less than 0.12d0 (d0 — see 2.3.12).
540 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

2.3.17 For conic connection of the rudder Blow  R  0.5l10  l30  l40  l40 ; (2.3.20-1)
stock with the rudder blade or the nozzle the
for the rudder with lower support
length of cone shall be not less than 1.5 the
rudder stock diameter, and the conicity – not Blow  0.549 R . (2.3.20-2)
more than 1:10. The conic part of the rudder Here R, l10, l30, l40 shall be taken in accor-
stock shall change into the cylindrical part dance with 2.3.3.
without a shoulder.
2.3.21 Standard rolling bearings may be
A key shall be placed in the conic connec- used for the rudder stock supports provided
tion which dimensions shall be calculated for their reliable lubrication and protection
the case of maximum hydrodynamic torque against water.
transfer acting on the rudder stock or steer- The rudder stock sealings shall be designed
able nozzle. The key slot shall have ski- to prevent leakage of lubricants from support-
shaped exits. ing units of bearings.
2.3.18 Plain bearings or rolling bearings 2.3.22 Measures shall be taken to prevent
may serve as the rudder stock supports. axial displacement of the rudder stock or
steerable nozzle while designing the rudder
2.3.19 Plain bearing sleeve height hbush,
stock bearings.
mm, shall be determined by the formula:
2.3.23 The helmport tube shall be so de-
hbush  1000BÍ  pd1  , (2.3.19) signed as to prevent the ingress of sea water
where ÂÍ — assumed reaction of the rudder into the ship’s hull.
stock support while calculating the rudder Glands situated above the load waterline
stock – rudder piece bar for bending deter- shall be accessible for inspection and service
mined according to 2.3.20, kN; afloat.
p — permissible contact pressure for bear- 2.3.24 The elements of the helmport tube
ing materials taken from Table 2.3.19, MPa; subject to loads of rudder stock or steerable
nozzle shall be sized so that the occurring
T a b l e 2.3.19 stresses do not exceed 0.35 ReH.
Permissible contact pressure for bearing materials
Permissible contact 2.3.25 The height of bosses of easily put-on
pressure p, MPa, dur- quadrants and auxiliary tillers shall be not less
Materials ing lubrication than 0.8 times the diameter of the rudder
water lu- oil lubrica- stock head.
brication tion
The boss external diameter shall be not less
Steel against bronze 6.85 
than 1.6 times the diameter of the rudder
Steel against babbit  4.41
stock head.
Steel or bronze against lig- 2.36 
num vitae 2.3.26 Split bosses shall be fixed from both
Steel or bronze against syn- Subject to technical sides with at least two bolts and have two
thetic materials or rubber justification keys. The keys shall be arranged at the angle
d1 — diameter of the rudder stock in the of 90° to the jointing plane.
support (including facing, if any), mm. 2.3.27 Connection of the steering machine
In any case, the rudder stock bearing sleeve or transmission gear with parts attached to the
supporting surface height shall be not less rudder stock shall be such as to prevent dam-
than 0.8d1. age of the steering drive at axial displacement
2.3.20 Minimum assumed design reaction of the rudder stock by not more than
0.1 times the rudder stock diameter.
from the rudder stock side shall be deter-
mined by the formula, kN: 2.3.28 Lower journal of rudder stock for
for suspended rudder ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be protected with
2 Steering Gear 541

lining coating made of stainless steel, copper 2.4.10 If main and standby drives are elec-
alloys or other method of corrosion protec- tric, their supply and control systems shall be
tion. independent of each other. Each of these two
Keyed taper connection of rudder stock drives shall have its own electric motor.
with rudder blade or steerable nozzle shall be
protected from corrosion. Drive power
2.4.11 The power of the main steering
2.4 STEERING DRIVES drive shall be sufficient to put the rudder
Steering devices available with steering drives stock (steerable nozzles) over to the angle
from 35° of either side to 35° of the other side
2.4.1 The ship steering gear shall be fitted in not longer than 30 s at maximum speed
with two drives: main drive and standby drive. with the ship running ahead and the draught
2.4.2 A standby drive may be omitted in corresponding to the load waterline.
ships with several rudders or nozzles driven by 2.4.12 The power of the standby steering
separately controlled machines. drive shall be sufficient to put the rudder
2.4.3 Main and standby steering drives stock (steerable nozzles) over to the angle
shall be so arranged that any one of them can from 20° of either side to 20° of the other side
work despite the damage of the other. It is al- in not longer than 60 s at ahead speed equal
lowed to have common parts of a power drive to 0.6 times the maximum one and the
to the rudder stock (tiller, quadrant, cylinder draught corresponding to the load waterline.
block). 2.4.13 Steering drive motors shall allow an
2.4.4 The main steering drive control sys- overload by torque equal to 1.5 times the de-
tem shall be independent of the standby steer- sign torque for 1 min.
ing drive control system. It is allowed to have
common steering wheel or control handle. Manual and standby steering drives
2.4.5 The main and standby drives may be 2.4.14 The main manual steering drive
manually controlled. In this cases, requi- shall be of self-braking design or be fitted with
rements of 2.4.14 to 2.4.17 shall be met. In all an automatic brake.
other cases the steering drive shall be driven The main manual steering drive shall pro-
from the power source. vide the requirements of 2.4.11 when being
operated by one person who produces a force
2.4.6 The standby steering drive shall pro- on the steering wheel handle not more than
vide the rudder or steerable nozzle being put 120 N with not more than 25 revolutions per
over to the same maximum angle as the main one wheel turn.
steering drive.
2.4.15 The main manual steering drive
2.4.7 Rope for steering line pilotage shall shall be of self-braking design or be fitted with
be flexible, galvanized, cross-twisted and un- an automatic locking device.
The standby manual steering drive shall
2.4.8 Main and standby steering drive con- comply with the requirements of 2.4.12 when
trol stations shall be fitted with rudder (steer- operating with a force on the handle not more
able nozzle) position indicators. than 160 N per each operator with not more
than 25 revolutions per one wheel turn.
2.4.9 If main and standby drives are hy-
draulic, each of them shall have a pump with 2.4.16 The standby steering drive shall be
independent motor and the drive pipelines independent of the main steering drive and
shall be laid apart as far as practicable. shall act directly on the rudder stock if possible.
542 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

2.4.17 The steering wheels of the main and with requirements of 10.2.22 Part IV of the
standby manual non-self-braking drives shall Rules and be designed for pressure at least 1.5
have external rims. of the working pressure.
2.4.24 Connection of the started pump and
Mechanical steering drives with remote control
its switch-off without any valve reversal shall
2.4.18 Chain cables, pull rods and galva- be provided in the hydraulic drive of the
nized steel ropes which are included in the steering device.
steering line convoy pilotage shall be fitted
with devices for taking slake of a rope; more- Protection against overload and reverse
over, tightening springs shall be fitted on each rotation
side in the steering line pilotage. 2.4.25 The manual steering drive may be
2.4.19 Rudder indicators (supports, trans- fitted with buffer springs instead of overload
missions, joints, couplings) shall be designed protection devices.
so as to prevent seizure or damage of their When the manual steering drive is used as
parts due to the hull deformation because of a standby drive, overload protection need not
cargo movement or waves. be fitted.
2.4.20 Transmissions of mechanical steer- 2.4.26 In ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, Î-
ing gears of oil tankers intended for transpor- ÏÐ and Î class shock absorbers rated for at
tation, pumping and storage of liquids with a least twice nominal load shall be included in
flash point of 60 °Ñ and below shall be led all steering drives other than hydraulic ones.
above the deck in chutes or ducts. Construc- 2.4.27 Hydraulic steering drives shall be
tion of rubbing units and parts of these drives equipped with overload protection devices.
shall prevent spark formation. The safety valves specified in 1.6.17 may be
used as overload protection devices.
Hydraulic steering drives
2.4.28 Pumps of hydraulic steering ma-
2.4.21 Hydraulic systems of main and chines shall be fitted with either protection
standby steering drives and their pump units devices preventing the reverse rotation of
shall be independent of each other. When the switched-off pump or automatically operating
pump of the standby steering drive is operated device preventing the liquid flow through the
by an auxiliary motor which is not continu- switched-off pump.
ously in operation, the operation of this pump
shall be provided by a buffer system during Braking device
the motor start. 2.4.29 The steering gear shall be fitted with
2.4.22 Main and standby steering drive sys- a brake or other device providing the rudder
tems may have common parts, as a rule, cyl- (steerable nozzle) confinement in place in any
inders provided that such systems may operate position under the action of torque from the
independently of each other. Each hydraulic rudder side not taking into account the fric-
steering system shall be provided with a sepa- tion in the rudder stock bearings.
rate hydraulic tank equipped with low oil level 2.4.30 A special braking device may be
indicator and alarm in accordance with omitted for hydraulic steering drives if their
1.6.21. pistons or blades may be locked by closing of
2.4.23 Hydraulic steering systems shall not oil line valves.
be connected with other hydraulic systems.
Limit switches, rudder limiters, rudder
Flexible hoses shall be used if required for
(steerable nozzle) position indicators
dampening of vibrations and providing for
free motion of the hydraulic system compo- 2.4.31 Each mechanical steering drive shall
nents. In this case flexible hoses shall comply be fitted with a device (limit switch) stopping
2 Steering Gear 543

its operation before the rudder reaches the 2.4.37 Stresses in parts common for main
rudder turn limiters. and standby steering drives (tiller, quadrant,
Limit switches shall be adjusted for putting reduction gear) shall not exceed 0.8 times the
the rudder over to an angle not less than stresses allowed by 2.4.36.
35° and for rotating the steerable nozzle to an 2.4.38 Parts of steering drives which are
angle not less than 30°. not protected against overload by safety de-
2.4.32 Steering gears shall be fitted with vices provided in 2.4.25 to 2.4.28 shall have
rudder and steerable nozzle turn limiters. The the strength indices not less than the rudder
limiters shall provide for putting the rudder stock strength indices.
over and rotating the steerable nozzle to an 2.4.39 In case stipulated in 2.4.27 the
angle greater by 1.5° than the angle to which strength of the parts shall be checked when
the limit switches are adjusted. the forces corresponding to the safety valve
2.4.33 All parts of limiters including those opening pressure are applied; in this case
which are parts of the steering drive, shall be equivalent stresses in the parts shall not ex-
designed for forces corresponding to the ceed 0.95 times the yield point of the part
maximum back moment determined by the material.
formula, kNm:
M max  1.132  107 drud
ReH , (2.4.33)
where drud — rudder stock diameter in the 2.5.1 Passenger and self-propelled cargo
least cross-section, m; ships with the lateral area on the centreline
exceeding 800 m2 shall be equipped with
ReH — yield point of the rudder stock ma-
terial, MPa. N o t e . The lateral area of the ship includes lat-
Stresses in the limiter parts shall not ex- eral areas of the hull above and below the water-
ceed 0.95 times the yield point of the mate- line, as well as of deck cargo.
rial. Specific thrust of a thruster of passenger
2.4.34 In ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì, and self-propelled cargo ships shall be not less
Î-ÏÐ and Î class a fixing device shall be in- than specified in accordance with 6.9.3 Part
stalled to prevent spontaneous turning of the III of the Rules.
rudder and steerable nozzle disconnected 2.5.2 The thruster shall be so located as to
from the steering machine. produce thrust in all possible cases of the ship
2.4.35 Steering machinery shall be fitted
with remote indicators of the rudder position. 2.5.3 Thruster compartments shall be wa-
The scale for the determination of actual rud- tertight.
der position with scale factor not more than 2.5.4 Thrust direction indicator shall be fit-
1° shall be fitted on the steering drive quad- ted on the thruster control panel.
rant, on parallels of the hydraulic steering
machine or on parts rigidly connected with 2.6 CONTROL OF THRUSTERS, WATER-
2.6.1 The independent main and standby
Strength checking
drives shall be provided for the device which
2.4.36 Strength of parts of main and adjusts the direction of thrust of thrusters, wa-
standby steering drives being under load shall ter-jet propellers, vertical axis propellers and
be checked when subject to forces corre- bow thrusters with electric, hydraulic or
sponding to the design torque. Stresses in the pneumatic remote control. These drives shall
parts shall not exceed 0.4 of tensile strength of comply with requirements of 2.1 and 2.4.14 to
the part material (ReH). 2.4.17.
544 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

2.6.2 The requirement 2.6.1 is not applica- control) of the thruster the duration of switch
ble if pod drives, propulsors, thrusters are not to the standby drive shall not exceed 5 sec-
required to ensure turning capacity, directional onds.
stability and manoeuvrability with propellers If the ship is fitted with two or more
not in operation and under wind conditions in thrusters, the standby drive is not required.
accordance with requirements of Part II of the
Rules. The requirement 2.6.1 is also not appli- 2.6.4 If the ship is fitted with two or more
cable if pod drives, propulsors, thrusters are re- fully steerable thrusters, then a separate con-
quired along with the main function to ensure trol is to be provided for each thruster. If the
manoeuvrability parameter only — stopway in ship is fitted with two or more thrusters with
case of an emergency stop of the ship. limited angle of rotation, then it is al-lowed
2.6.3 In case of failure of the main drive of to use both separate and joint control of the
the thrust direction adjustment system (steering thrusters.
3 Anchor Arrangement 545


3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS anchors (GOST 761) which are normal hold-
ing power anchors.
3.1.1 The present Section of the Rules covers
When using Matrosov anchors
standards of anchor equipment and anchor
(GOST 8497) their weight shall be taken
chain cables, as well as requirements to the ma-
equal to a half of the weight calculated in ac-
chinery and elements of anchor arrangements.
cordance with GOST 25496.
3.1.2 Every ship other than mentioned in When increased holding power anchors
3.1.3 shall be equipped with an anchor ar- (GOST 25496) their weight shall be taken
rangement for holding the ship at the place equal in accordance with GOST 25496.
when she is anchored. Sizes of chains are determined in accor-
dance with 3.2.8 to 3.2.9 for a weight of an
3.1.3 Floating objects, as well as pushed anchor calculated in accordance with 3.2.1.
non-self-propelled ships of P and Ë class may
not be fitted with an anchor arrangement pro- 3.1.7 Cable chain lockers of oil tankers
vided that the holding power (see 3.1.4 and (when located in explosive spaces and areas)
3.3.6) of tugboat/pusher's anchor arrangement shall be gas-tight and be fitted with arrange-
is provided as specified in 1.4.2, Appendix 8 ments for water filling.
of RTSC, and provided that a shipowner fol-
lows the requirements specified for anchoring 3.2 ANCHOR, ANCHOR CHAIN
of convoys and safety of mooring at berthing AND WIRE ROPE OUTFIT
facilities and on outer roads.
3.2.1 Total weight of bow anchors manch
3.1.4 Holding power Thold, N‚ of the moor- with normal holding power (see 3.1.6) for
ing pontoon used for anchoring of convoys or self-propelled, non-self-propelled and towing
individual barges (sections) on outer roads displacement ships shall be determined by the
shall be determined by the following formula: following formula:
Thold  3.5g  manch , (3.1.4)  manch  k1k2 N eq , (3.2.1)
where g — acceleration due to gravity, m/s ;2 where Neq, m , — equipment number (see 1.7);
manch‚ kg, — total mass of bower anchors k1 — coefficient which accounts for forces
of the greatest pushed convoy calculated by acting on the ship when anchored to be taken
formula (3.3.2). based on data or determined by formulas
given in Table 3.2.1-1.
3.1.5 Anchor equipment of floating docks, k2 — coefficient which accounts for re-
floating cranes, oil-transfer stations shall be quirements to anchor equipment due to water
substantiated in a ship design depending on basin category to be taken based on data or de-
nature and features of her service. termined by formulas given in Table 3.2.1-2.
The required conditions (depth, flow The calculated values of manch are rounded
speed, wind speed), at which anchoring of to the nearest greater value of weight Ìanch for
any of the above ship types shall be provided, industry manufactured anchor of dimension-
are assigned by the design specification. type series regulated by national standards1.
3.1.6 The requirements of the present Sec-
tion, unless otherwise stated, apply to Hall's 1
GOST 761, GOST 25496.
546 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 3.2.1-1
Coefficient k1
Class Coefficient k1
of a for self-propelled and non-self-propelled ships for tugboats
ship Neq, m2 Neq, m2
50≤Neq<200 k1  1.5
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-
ÏÐ and Ì

k1  1.342  0.5
200≤Neq<200 k  1.245  1.127exp   Neq 206,917

 
1 — 3.861 
0 1 N eq 287 
 
2000–5200 k1  1.147  32.154exp   Neq 388,564 
<2000 k1  1.0 50≤Neq<100 k1  1.5
and Î

≥2000 k1  0.844  295 Neq 100–1600 k1  0.8  3.169 ln  Neq 

15≤Neq<350 k1  1.0 25<Neq<300 k1 1.3  0.000487  Neq  25

at current velocity
up to 6 km/h

≥350  2
k1 1 1.265  30312 N eq  300–1200 k1  1.0

15≤Neq<30 k1 1.0  5.012 Neq <400 k1  1.0

 

≥30 k1  0.824  8.267  105 Neq ≥400 2

k1 1 1.2  31853 N eq

T a b l e 3.2.1-2 T a b l e 3.2.2
Coefficient k2 Coefficients a2 and b2
Value of k2 (at Nñ, m2) Class
Water a2 b2105
for self-propelled and of a ship
non-self-propelled for tugboats Î 0.233 –2.832
ships Ð 0.192 –3.582
Ì-ÑÏ k2 = 1.230 k2 = 1.392 Ë 0.167 –5.361
k2 = 1.025 k2 = 1.160 The calculated values of manch are rounded
and Ì
at 50≤Neq<100 and at 50≤Nñ<100 to the nearest greater value of weight Ìanch for
Neq 700 k2  1.0 k2  1.0 industrial anchor of dimension-type series
Î-ÏÐ regulated by GOST 8497.
and Î at 100≤Neq<700 at 100≤Neq≤1600
k2  1.0  49.98 Neq k2  0.9  2.515 Neq 3.2.3 Dredgers may be fitted with one bow-
k2 = 1.0275
ing anchor of a weight equal to at least one
Ë k2 = 0.989 half of a total weight determined in accor-
dance with 3.2.1. On self-propelled dredgers
3.2.2 Weight manch of the increased holding anchor arrangement shall be fitted in the bow
power anchor (see 3.1.6) used for dynamically end and on non-self-propelled dredgers - in
supported craft (for example, Matrosov an- the extremity which is opposite to that where
chor) is calculated by the formula: the main dredger working arrangement is fit-
manch  k1N eq , (3.2.2) ted (dredging pipe, bailer frame etc.).

where Neq — see 1.7; 3.2.4 Stern anchor arrangements of ships

k1 — coefficient determined by the equa- other than tug-and-pushboats (see 3.2.5) and
tion: self-propelled ships (see 3.2.6) are installed at
shipowners’ option.
k1  a2  b2 N eq . Where bower anchor arrangement cannot
Values of coefficients a2 and b2 are given in be located in ships with a length less than
Table 3.2.2. 25 m other than tug-and-pushboats, such
3 Anchor Arrangement 547

ships may be fitted with aft anchor arrange- Table 3.2.8

ment only. Coefficients b and ñ
Type of a Class
3.2.5 In tug-and-push boats fitted with the ship of a ship b  102 ñ
bow anchor arrangement according to stan- Self- Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 0.275 0.172
dards for common towing vessels (see 3.2.1), propelled Î-ÏÐ, Î 0.364 0.229
aft anchor arrangement shall be also provided Ð 0.566 0.263
(see 3.3). Ë 0.670 0.329
3.2.6 Self-propelled ships with equipment Non-self- Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 0.305 0.172
propelled Î-ÏÐ, Î 0.417 0.233
number of 1000 m2 (see 1.7) and over shall be
Ð 0.719 0.250
fitted with the stern anchor arrangement in
Ë 0.915 0.280
addition to the bower anchor arrangement,
Tugboat Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì 0.240 0.180
Î-ÏÐ, Î 0.303 0.231
.1 navigation area of those ships includes Ð 0.599 0.205
areas without current or with a low current Ë 0.779 0.263
rate. Weight of the aft anchor for such ships
shall be not less than 0.25 of total mass of of shot length (25 m), and for ships equipped
bow anchors; with one bow anchor to the nearest value L,
.2 navigation area of those ships includes from the range of 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and
numerous fairway sections which do not allow 75 m.
the ship for turning to come to bow anchors For ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class with
against the current due to its width. The stern equipment number of 1000 m2 and over ex-
anchor weight in this case shall be at least cept tugboats, the total length of anchor
0.4 of the total weight of bow anchors; chains shall be increased by one shot length;
.3 ship is of Ì-ÑÏ class. The stern an- .3 If total length of anchor chains of two
chor weight of such a ship shall be at least bow anchors is characterized with odd num-
0.25 of the total weight of bow anchors. ber of shots, then chain length of one bow
anchor Lanch is taken equal to one half of L.
3.2.7 Weight of each of two installed bow
anchors shall be equal to a half of a total If total length of anchor chains of two
bow anchors is characterized with odd num-
weight of bow anchors manch. The weight of
ber of shots, then length of one of chains shall
one anchor (starboard anchor) may be taken
be taken one shot more and connected to a
equal up to 0.6manch with respective reduc-
heavier anchor if anchors are different in
tion of the weight of another anchor.
3.2.8 Length Lanch of the anchor chain of The anchor chain cable length for self-
one bow anchor is determined as follows; propelled ships equipped with stern anchor
.1 The approximate total length of bow arrangement in addition to bow anchor ar-
anchor chains is calculated by the following rangement shall be at least 75% of the shorter
formula: chain length of the bow anchors.
l  a b  c ln  N c  N c  , 3.2.9 Anchor chain diameter shall be de-
termined as follows;
where k — coefficient equal to:
.1 The approximate value kstr of anchor
1.25 for ships of Ì class; chain diameter is calculated:
1 for ships of other classes; for stud link anchor chains, mm:
b and ñ — coefficients to be taken from 2
Table 3.2.8. kstr  c  dManch  eManch  f M anch , (
.2 Obtained value l shall be rounded for where Ìanch — weight of an anchor to be fit-
ships equipped with two bow anchors (see ted on the ship (see 3.2.1), for which the an-
3.2.1) to the nearest greater value L, multiple chor chain is intended, kg;
548 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

c, d, e è f — coefficients to be taken from placed by a hemp rope — not over than

Table for stud link anchor chains; 14 mm;
T a b l e .2 ropes shall be flexible and of the same
Coefficients c, d, e and f strength as the chain cable of the required di-
ameter, their length shall be at least 20%
Value of coefficient for ships of class
greater than that of the anchor chain to be

Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì,
Ð and Ë replaced;
for the chain strength category .3 steel wire ropes shall be galvanized and
1 2 1 2 hemp ropes shall be tarred;
c 17.890 17.939 12.529 12.455 .4 the rope shall be connected to the an-
d 0.0196 0.0139 0.0226 0.0168
chor by means of a chain cable section of the
e·106 –2.541 –1.361 –3.627 –2.219
f –1560.571 –1884.867 –899.875 –1101.673 same strength as the rope and of a length suf-
ficient for securing the anchor for voyage by
for studless anchor chains, mm, means of chain stopper. The chain cable sec-
kstr  a1  b1M anch ln  M anch  , ( tion is not required, if a design of the anchor
arrangement provides other stopper device for
for ships of Ð and Ë class a1 = 5.071, securing the raised anchor.
b1 = 0.234 shall be taken, for ships of Ì-ÑÏ,
Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î: a1 = 6.197, 3.2.12 In tug-and-push boats with capacity
b1 = 0.253; up to 590 kW inclusive equipped with towing
winches, anchor chain cables may be replaced
.2 The approximate values of anchor with steel wire ropes in the stern anchor ar-
chain diameter shall be rounded to the nearest rangement.
value from dimension-type range of diameters
On non-self-propelled industrial ships of all
regulated by GOST 228.
classes equipped with bower winches which
The anchor chain diameter for ships of ensure rope slippage at loose drum anchor,
Ì-ÑÏ 4.5 class when a weight of an anchor chain cables of a diameter up to 31 mm may
is 2500 kg and less shall be set according to be replaced with steel wire ropes. In both
Table similarly to ships of Ì-ÑÏ cases the requirements of and
class. For the larger weight of anchor, stud shall be met.
link chains of strength category 2, with di-
ameter of 46, 48, 50 and 52 shall be used 3.2.13 For ships with equipment number of
when anchor weight is 2700, 3000, 3300 and 1000 m2 and over engaged on coastal naviga-
3600 kg, correspondingly. tion of the Kara Sea, weight of anchors de-
termined in accordance with 3.2.1 shall be in-
3.2.10 When using cast chain cables instead creased by 20% and length of anchor chain
of welded ones, their diameter may be re- cables determined in accordance with 3.2.8 –
duced by 12%. by 25%.
3.2.11 Using of steel, synthetic or hemp 3.2.14 Anchor equipment of O class ships
ropes instead of chains except for dynamically navigating in Obskaya Guba up to the Novy
supported craft, where chain cables can be re- Port shall be determined according to 3.2.1
placed with steel wire ropes, is allowed in for ships of M class.
ships of O and M class only for stern anchors
and in ships of O class less than 25 m in 3.2.15 For ships of O class navigating on
length and ships of Ë and Ð class — for bow estuaries of the biggest rivers (the Amur, the
anchors provided that the following condi- Enisey) the length of anchor chain cables
tions are met: shall be increased as compared to that deter-
mined according to 3.2.8 by at least one shot.
.1 chain cable diameter to be replaced by
a steel or synthetic rope shall be not over than 3.2.16 For ships of P class intended for
22 mm, and a chain cable diameter to be re- navigation in basins with the current velocity
3 Anchor Arrangement 549

of 6 to 9 km/h, the total weight of anchors ground the anchor weight shall be twice in-
shall be increased by 25% as compared to that creased in comparison with that determined
determined according to 3.2.1, and with the according to 3.2.2.
current velocity over 9 km/h — by 55%.
3.2.20 The anchor chain cable length for
Here, total length of anchor chains for ships
dynamically supported craft shall be deter-
with the equipment number of 500 m2 and
mined as follows;
over shall be increased by one shot.
.1 The approximate length of anchor
3.2.17 For ships of Ë class intended for chain cable is calculated by the following
navigation in basins with the current velocity formula:
of 6 to 9 km/h, the total weight of anchors
shall be increased by 15% as compared to that lanch  a3  b3 N ññ3 , (
determined according to 3.2.1, and with the where a3, b3, c3 — coefficients adopted from
current velocity over 9 km/h — by 45%. Table
Here, total length of anchor chains for ships
with the equipment number of 500 m2 and T a b l e
over shall be increased by one shot. Coefficients a3, b3, c3
For all ships of Ë class being operated on Class of a ship a3 b3 ñ3
river channels and reaches with the current Î –42.526 40.493 0.230
velocity up to 2 km/h, the weight of anchors Ð –3.413 15.683 0.305
may be assigned by rounding the calculated Ë –1.968 10.771 0.324
weight manch to the nearest value from dimen-
.2 The obtained value lanch shall be
sion-type range regulated by national stan-
rounded upwards and designated as Lanch.
dards1,, here, the length of anchor chain may
not exceed 25 m. When determining breaking strength of the
For self-propelled ships of Ë class with the anchor chain cable the anchor weight shall be
equipment number of 450 m2 and less, navi- taken twice as that determined in accordance
gating on river channels and reaches with the with 3.2.2.
current velocity up to 2 km/h, there may be
provided one bow anchor the weight of which
shall be not less than 0.5 of the calculated 3.3 ANCHOR EQUIPMENT
weight of two anchors. OF PUSHED CONVOYS
The anchor weight may be similarly re-
duced in ships operating on ferries or perma- 3.3.1 When assigning anchor equipment of
nently engaged on carriages within a port or pushed convoys, a dead-water pushed convoy
jetty water areas related to P and Ë categories formed according to scheme T+1+1
in a distance of not more than 5 km from the (pushboat +barge +barge) is taken as a design
port or jetty. convoy.

3.2.18 For hydrofoil craft, hovercraft and 3.3.2 Total weight of bow anchors
skimmers of M class the anchor weight, chain  manch , kg, of a pushed convoy is defined
cable length and breaking load of a rope shall by the following formula:
be increased by 25% in comparison with those
taken in accordance with 3.2.2 for ships of O  n 
 manch  kñ kstr L  B  H   k   li hi   ,
  i 1

3.2.19 For hydrofoil craft, hovercraft and (3.3.2)

skimmers navigating on river parts with cur- where L and B — dimensions of a convoy in
rent velocity over 6 km/h and with stone the waterline plane, m;
H — design depth (for the greatest barge of
GOST 761, GOST 8497 the convoy), m;
550 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

l and h — length and breadth of side sil- 3.3.7 Aft and middle sections of a convoy
houette of a cargo on deck, m; may be equipped with one bow anchor with
k — coefficient taken equal to 0.5 for car- weight equal that of one bow anchor of the
riage of bulk cargoes and to 1.0 for carriage of head section.
other deck cargoes; 3.3.8 A length of each bow and aft chain
kc — coefficient assigned according to cable of a pushed convoy shall be equal to a
3.3.3; total length of the pushboat and one barge of
kstr — coefficient assigned according to the pushed convoy, but not less than 50 m
3.3.4. and not more than 150 m.
3.3.3 Coefficient kc for pushed convoys 3.3.9 In pushed convoys operating in estu-
shall be taken according to Table 3.3.3. aries of the rivers Ob, Lena and Amur of O
T a b l e 3.3.3 category, the chain cable length shall be in-
Coefficient kc creased in comparison with design length at
Basin category Current velocity, km/h kñ least by one shot.
Î Any 0.60
3.3.4 Coefficient kstr shall be taken depend- CABLES
ing on the height zstr‚ m, of the windage cen- 3.4.1 Two stoppers shall be provided for
tre above the water surface, basin category each anchor chain cable: one for securing of
and current velocity. the chain cable at anchorage and the other
For 1.25 m  zstr  4.0 m coefficient kstr one for securing of the raised anchor. An an-
shall be determined by the following formula: chor hoisting gear brake may be used as the
kstr  1  A  4.0  z str  ‚ (3.3.4) stopper device for securing the chain cable at
where A — coefficient taken according to Ta- Cam, friction or chain anchor stoppers
ble 3.3.4 shall be used for securing of raised anchor.
For zstr < 1.25 m coefficient kstr shall be de- For Matrosov anchors up to 25 kg and Hall’s
termined by formula (3.3.4) where zstr is taken anchors up to 50 kg one stopper device is
equal to 1.25 m. permissible ensuring riding the ship at anchor.
For zstr > 4.0 m coefficient kstr shall be Bollards and cleats may be used as stoppers.
taken equal to 1.0.
T a b l e 3.3.4 3.4.2 Inboard shots of anchor chains or
Coefficient A bitter ends of ropes shall be securely attached
Basin category Current velocity, km/h À
to the hull and fitted with detachable joints in
Î Any 0.09 order to enable releasing of these ends from
Ð ≤6 0.12 easily accessible place at tight chain cable or
>6 0.04 rope.
Ë ≤6 0.15 Attachment elements of the chain cables
>6 0.06 and ropes connection and of their detachable
joints shall be of the same strength as the
3.3.5 When assigning weight of each of two chain cable or the rope.
bow anchors and two stern anchors, refer to The capacity of chain lockers shall be suffi-
3.2.1 to 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.16 to 3.2.19. cient for free arrangement of the whole an-
3.3.6 Total weight of stern anchors (an- chor chain.
chor) of a pushboat shall be taken equal to In ships less than 25 m in length bitter
0.8 of the weight of bow anchors of the ends of synthetic or hemp ropes need not be
pushed convoy. fitted with detachable joints.
3 Anchor Arrangement 551

3.4.3 Anchor hawses and their location 3.5.6 The starting moment of the anchor
shall comply with the following requirements: machinery drive shall create a pull on the
.1 inner hawse pipe diameter shall not be sprocket at still anchor chain of at least 2F1.
less than 10 chain cable diameters and the
3.5.7 As the anchor approaches the hawse,
wall thickness shall not be less than 0.4 of the
the drive shall provide for heaving-in speed
chain cable diameter;
max. 0.12 m/s.
.2 easy entering of the anchor shank into
the hawse pipe and easy taking off the hawse 3.5.8 The anchor machinery drive shall
pipe when the chain cable is released due to provide for simultaneous hoisting of freely
the gravity force shall be provided; suspended anchors from one-half of the de-
.3 bend of the chain cable when passing sign anchorage depth.
through the stopper and the hawse pipe shall
3.5.9 The manual drive shall provide heav-
be minimal. If the small bend is not practica-
ing-in speed of at least 0.042 m/s with a pull
ble, lead roll may be fitted.
on the sprocket according to the requirements
3.5 ANCHOR MACHINERY of 3.5.4. The pull applied to handles shall be
max.160 N per one operator.
General requirements When using reciprocating manual drives
3.5.1 When dropping and hoisting the an- the pull shall be max. 200 N per one opera-
chors having a weight of 50 kg and over as tor.
well as holding the ship at anchorage a cap- 3.5.10 Piping of hydraulic systems of an-
stan or windlass shall be provided. When an- chor machinery connected with piping of
chor weight is 150 kg and over that machinery other hydraulic systems shall be served by two
shall be fitted with chain sprockets. independent pump sets; each of the pump sets
3.5.2 When chains are replaced by ropes, shall ensure the operation of anchor machin-
anchor winches may be used. Towing winches ery with the nominal pull and the nominal
may be used as anchor hoisting gear. heaving-in speed of the anchor chain.
3.5.3 Hydraulically driven anchor machin- 3.5.11 If the machinery drive is capable of
ery shall comply with the requirements of developing a torque bringing to stresses in the
1.6.17 to 1.6.26. machinery elements exceeding 0.95 of the
yield point, protection shall be provided
Drive against exceeding the mentioned torque which
shall be fitted between the drive and the ma-
3.5.4 The drive engine power of the anchor chinery.
machinery arrangement shall be sufficient for
hauling the ship to the anchor, breaking out 3.5.12 Anchor machinery of ships of
and hoisting of any of the anchors at a speed Ì-ÑÏ class shall provide simultaneous hoist-
not less than 0.12 m/s with the nominal pull ing of two freely suspended bow anchors from
on the sprocket‚ H equal to: 33 m depth with a chain diameter up to
F1  22.6md 2 , (3.5.4) 16 mm inclusive and from 40 m depth with a
chain diameter over 16 mm.
where m — strength factor taken equal for:
standard stud link chains 1
studless link chains 0.9 Brakes and clutches
d — the chain diameter, mm. 3.5.13 The anchor machinery shall be fitted
3.5.5 The drive shall provide heaving-in of with disengaging clutches arranged between
the anchor chain at a speed and pull specified the sprocket and its drive shaft. The anchor
in 3.5.4 for a period at least 30 min without machinery shall be fitted with brakes.
interruption and dropping of one anchor for The anchor machinery with electrical or
the design anchorage depth. diesel drive shall be fitted with automatic
552 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

brakes arranged on the drive shaft and being the chain cable. Stresses shall not exceed 0,95
actuated when the power is switched off or of the yield stress of the element material.
the drive fails.
In case of self-braking gear no automatic Additional requirements
brakes are required. 3.5.20 Anchor machinery intended for
3.5.14 An automatic brake shall ensure a mooring operations, the requirements of the
breaking torque corresponding to a force on present Chapter as well as requirements of 4.3
the sprocket of at least 2F1 where F1, see shall be met.
3.5.15 Each chain sprocket shall be fitted RELEASE DEVICE
with a brake, the braking torque of which
shall correspond to a force in the chain on 3.6.1 In self-propelled ships over 60 m in
the sprocket of at least 0.3Ftest (Ftest— testing length, non-propelled pushed ships intended
load of the anchor chain cable), and for for carriage of inflammable liquids and
manually-driven machinery – at least 2F1. pushboats, the hoisting gear break of bow
The force applied to the brake drive handle starboard anchor, and on pushboats also the
shall not exceed 490 N. break of stern anchor shall be fitted with a
remote-controlled anchor release device. The
Chain sprockets remote-controlled release device shall prevent
from spontaneous anchor release.
3.5.16 Chain sprockets shall have at least
five cams. 3.6.2 The remote-controlled anchor release
device shall provide the following:
For horizontal shaft sprockets the wrapping
.1 control from the wheelhouse (on non-
angle shall be not less than 115°, while for
self-propelled ships — from the pushboat
vertical shaft sprockets — not less than 150°.
wheelhouse) of release of the bow starboard
3.5.17 The chain sprockets shall ensure anchor and for pushboats — also stern anchor
passing of joining links in both horizontal and as well as indication of the released chain ca-
vertical positions. ble;
The chain sprockets of vertical anchor .2 stopping the anchor chain from the
winches shall ensure passing the joining links wheelhouse at any released chain cable;
in the vertical position. .3 the duration of the anchor release of
max.15 s from the moment of actuation of the
Strength checking anchor release remote control.
3.5.18 The machinery elements subject to 3.6.3 Stoppers and other anchor equipment
loading shall be checked for strength when for which remote control is provided shall
being affected by forces corresponding to the also be fitted with means of local manual
drive maximum torque or the moment of the control.
extreme protection setting. The reference 3.6.4 Anchor appliances and the associated
stresses in the elements shall not exceed means of local manual control shall be de-
0.95 of the yield stress of the element mate- signed to ensure normal operation of anchor
rial. arrangement in the event of failure of separate
At the action of the nominal pull force the elements or the whole remote control system.
stresses shall not exceed 0.4 of the yield stress
of the element material. 3.7 ANCHOR CHAIN CABLES
3.5.19 The anchor machinery elements be-
ing loaded at braked sprocket shall be checked 3.7.1 Anchor chain cables and their acces-
for strength under action of breaking load of sories shall be made of rolled steel manufac-
3 Anchor Arrangement 553

tured and tested in accordance with require- also be located off-centre to facilitate the in-
ments of 2.5 Part X of the Rules. The mate- sertion of joining links and shackles. The fol-
rial of forged chains and accessories shall lowing tolerances are permitted provided that
comply with the requirements of 2.6, and that the stud fits tightly and its ends lie practically
of cast chain cables — with the requirements flush against the inside of the link: maximum
of 2.7 Part X of the Rules. off-centre distance X=0.1d, angle  a not ex-
Chains and accessories shall be tested in ceeding 4°.
accordance with requirements of Appendix 2. Tolerances are determined according to
The design and dimensions of chain links and Fig. 3.7.5.
its accessories shall comply with GOST 228.
3.7.2 Chain links are manufactured from
rolled steel bars by flash butt welding; they
may be manufactured also by drop forging or
steel casting.
Studless links of 26-mm diameter and less
may be manufactured by pressure contact butt
Fig. 3.7.5 Tolerances for fitting of studs
3.7.3 Accessories, kenter and joining X  0.5  A – a 
shackles, swivels and swivel shackles shall be
forged or cast and shall comply with require- 3.7.6 Allowable tolerances of a shot length
ments at least for steel of grade 2 according to measured over a length of any 5 links shall
GOST 228. not exceed +2.5 % of the nominal length.
The above accessories may be also manu- Measurements shall be performed on the
factured by welding. chain under tension after proof load testing.
3.7.4 According to the grade of steel, con- The following tolerances are allowed for
dition of supply of chain cables and accesso- chain accessories: for diameter +5%, –0; for
ries shall comply with Table 3.7.4. other dimensions ±2.5%.

T a b l e 3.7.4 3.7.7 The welding of studs shall be carried

Heat treatment of finished chain cables and out in accordance with procedure approved
accessories by the River Register with regard to the fol-
Grade Supply condition lowing conditions:
1 Not specified (any) studs shall be made of steel specified in
21, 3 Normalized, normalized and tempered 3.7.5;
or quenched and tempered the studs shall be welded at one end only,
Non- heat treated chain is delivered provided which is opposite to the link weld. The stud
that the results of testing according to Appendix 2 ends must fit the inside of the link without
are satisfactory. appreciable gap;
The heat treatment of chain links and ac- welding is performed preferably in the
cessories shall be performed prior to breaking downhand position by qualified welders hav-
load and proof load testing. ing the Approval Certificate using welding
consumables required by the procedure;
3.7.5 The studs shall be made of rolled,
welding is performed prior to the final heat
forged or cast carbon steel similar to that of
treatment of the chain cable;
the given chain links. The studs must be lo-
cated in the link centrally and perpendicular 3.7.8 The mechanical properties of finished
to longitudinal axis of the link. The studs of chain shall comply with Table 3.7.8 and be
the final links at each end of any length may specified in the quality control document.
554 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 3.7.8
Mechanical properties of finished chain
Base metal Welded joint

A5, % Z, % Impact test KV Elongation Impact test3 KV
Rm, MPa
Temperature, Min. absorbed Temperature, Min. absorbed
min. Min. A5, %
Ñ energy, J Ñ energy, J
1 ≤ 490 — 25 — — — 25 — —
2 490 to 690 295 22 — 0 47 18 0 47
3 ≥ 690 410 17 40 0 (20) 60 (35) 14 0 (–20) 50 (27)
Impact tests of material for grade 2 chain cables may be omitted if the chain cable is subject to heat
Percentage reduction of cross-sectional area is not regulated.
Impact tests for chain cable of grade 3 may be carried out at 20 Ñ.

3.7.9 Marking of the chain shall be made

on the outermost links of each shot length; it
shall include the certificate number, chain
grade and the River Register brand. The ar-
rangement of the marking symbols shall be as
in Fig. 3.7.9. Marking of the chain accessories
shall be made on each item; it shall include
the certificate number, grade and the River Fig. 3.7.9 Marking of chain on outermost links
Register brand. of shot length
4 Mooring Arrangement 555


4.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.2.5 Mooring bollards located in explosive

spaces and areas (see 1.4 Part III of the
4.1.1 Every ship shall be fitted with moor-
Rules), shall be installed on foundations de-
ing arrangements for warping to shore or
signed so as to provide natural air circulation
floating berths structures and reliable attach-
under the bollards.
ment of the ship to them.
4.2.6 Hull structures in way of the mooring
4.1.2 Selection of number, type of machin- equipment installation shall be supported by
ery and elements of the mooring arrange- ordinary framing or stiffeners.
ments, and also their arrangement on board
shall be carried out by a designer in accor- 4.2.7 For hauling mooring ropes the moor-
dance with design features and the ship pur- ing machinery may be used (mooring cap-
pose subject to the requirements of present stans, mooring winches etc.) or other deck
Section of the Rules. machinery (windlasses, cargo winches etc.)
fitted with mooring drums.
4.2.1 Mooring bollards shall be made of
steel or cast iron. For small ships equipped Drive
only by natural fibre or synthetic fibre ropes, 4.3.1 A drive of the mooring machinery
bollards made of light alloys may be used. shall provide continuous hauling of a mooring
4.2.2 The outside diameter of the bollard rope for at least 30 min at a nominal tractive
column shall be not less than ten diameters of force and nominal speed specified in the
the steel wire rope or at least one circumfer- manufacturer's technical documentation.
ence of a natural fibre or synthetic fibre rope. Hauling speed of a mooring rope shall not ex-
ceed 0.3 m/s at the nominal tractive force.
4.2.3 Bollards shall be installed on founda- Moreover, it shall be possible to haul a moor-
tions which shall be fixed on the deck and be ing rope with a speed not exceeding 0.15 m/s.
attached to the ship framing. It is allowed to
weld bollards to strengthened plates of the 4.3.2 The drive of the mooring machinery
deck flooring. No side bollards welded to the shall be able to create force as great as twice
deck flooring are allowed in cargo ships. and more of the nominal tractive force for
15 s.
Securing of the side in these ships shall be
calculated for forces arising while towing and 4.3.3 When the drive maximum moment
pushing ships by two wads. can induce stresses in elements of the moor-
ing machinery exceeding those indicated in
4.2.4 Bollards, mooring chocks and other 4.3.6 to 4.3.7, the overload protection shall be
elements of mooring equipment as well as provided.
their foundations shall be so designed that
stresses in the elements do not exceed Brakes
0.95 times the yield point of their material
due to acting of force equal to the breaking 4.3.4 Mooring machinery shall be equipped
strength of the mooring rope for which they with an automatic normally closed brake. The
are intended. brake shall hold the mooring drum in fixed
556 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

condition while a static force not less than the rope breaking load. Here, stresses in the
1.5 times of the mooring machinery tractive parts shall not exceed 0.95 of the yield point
force is being applied to the rope. of the material.
4.3.5 Automatic mooring winches shall be
equipped with brakes installed on the drum
which are capable to withstand the rope 4.4.1 Mooring ropes may be made of steel,
breaking load. natural fibres or synthetic fibres.
4.4.2 Breaking load Fbr, kN, of the mooring
Strength checking
rope shall be not less than:
4.3.6 Strength of loaded elements of the for ships with equipment number of 100 to
mooring machinery shall be checked under 1000
action of forces corresponding to the drive Fbr  0.147 N с  24.5 ;
maximum moment or a moment correspond- (4.4.2-1)
ing to limit protection setting. The equivalent for ships with equipment number more
stresses shall not exceed 0.95 the yield point than 1000
of the material. When the nominal tractive
force is applied, stresses in the elements shall Fbr  171  3.92 10–2  Nс –1000 
‚ (4.4.2-2)
not exceed 0.4 of the yield point of the mate- where Neq — equipment number calculated in
rial. accordance with 1.7.
4.3.7 The shaft (rudder stock) of the moor- 4.4.3 Number and length of mooring ropes
ing machinery, its supports, fastening devices shall be selected depending on the ship type
for its attachment to the foundation shall be and operating conditions. However, there
checked by strength calculation for the case shall be at least three mooring ropes on the
when bending force acts on the mooring drum ship:
and is equal to the rope breaking load. Here,
length of the first rope shall be at least
the stresses occurred shall not exceed
L + 20 but max.100 m, where L is the design
0.95 times the yield stress of the material.
length of a ship, m;
length of the second rope shall be at least
Automatic mooring machinery
two thirds the length of the first rope;
4.3.8 Automatic mooring machinery shall length of the third rope shall be at least
be capable of being manually controlled as one third the length of the first rope.
well. For ships with length L less than 20 m, the
4.3.9 Automatic mooring machinery shall third rope is not required.
be equipped with: 4.4.4 Steel wire mooring ropes shall not be
.1 audible warning alarm which is actu- used or stored in explosive spaces and areas
ated at maximum permissible length of (see 1.4 Part III of the Rules).
hauled-off rope;
4.4.5 For non-crewed non-self-propelled
.2 an indicator of actual value of the trac-
ships, mooring ropes may be stored on tug-
tive force applied to the mooring rope during
boats and pushboats engaged on operations
the automatic mode of operation of the ma-
with them. In this case, tugboats and
pushboats shall be completed with mooring
4.3.10 Strength of parts of the automatic ropes according to 4.4.3, mooring ropes of
mooring machinery being under load at non-self-propelled ships are not taken into
braked drum shall be checked for action of account.
5 Towing and Coupling Arrangements 557



5.1.6 Every self-propelled and non-self-
5.1.1 Towing arrangement of tugs and tug- propelled ship shall be fitted with arrangement
and-push boats shall include: allowing its towing, including the following
.1 at least two devices for towing rope se- equipment:
curing: the main device and the reserve one. .1 two towing bollards or bitts situated in
Towing rope may be also secured by means the fore and aft ship extremities;
of: .2 towing hawses for passing the towing
towing winch and towing hook; ropes through the bulwarks.
towing hook and towing bollards or bitts; 5.1.7 Floating cranes, landing stages, in-
towing winch and towing bollards or bitts; dustrial ships and other ships with transom
.2 towing rope; extremities shall be fitted with two pairs of
.3 towing arches and other rope guides; bollards or bitts installed in the extremities on
.4 towing rope limiters. either side.
N o t e s : 1. Towing hooks may be used instead
of towing bollards or bitts, and towing winch – in- 5.1.8 It is allowed to replace towing hawses
stead of towing hook. with roller fairleads or guiding bollards.
2. Where two towing winches of the same type 5.1.9 Tugboats of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-
or two towing hooks of the same type are installed
ÏÐ class shall be fitted with automatic towing
in a tug, one of them is considered as the main
and another — as the reserve one. winches with a towing rope at least 500 me-
ters long.
5.1.2 Tugs and tug-and-push boats of M
class with main engines with output over 5.2 TOWING WINCHES
300 kW, of O, P and Ë class with main en-
gines with output of 440 kW and over shall be 5.2.1 Towing winches shall be fitted with
fitted with mechanically driven towing brake with a holding capacity less than the
winches. breaking load of a towing rope.

5.1.3 Tugboats of M class with main en- 5.2.2 Strength of the load-carrying parts of
gines with output over 440 kW shall be fitted the towing winch shall be checked when the
with automatic towing winches. maximum drive moment is applied. Here,
stresses in the parts shall not exceed 0.95 of
5.1.4 Ships of all other types with main en- the yield point of the material.
gines with output over 300 kW, with towing When the nominal tractive force is applied
arrangements and not equipped with towing to the middle layer of rope coiling on the
winches, shall be fitted with arrangements for drum, stresses in the parts shall not exceed
hauling and laying of towing ropes. 0.4 the yield point of the material.
5.1.5 Number and arrangement of towing 5.2.3 Strength of parts of the towing winch
bollards, bitts, mooring chocks, guiding being under load at locked rope drum shall be
blocks, stops shall correspond to the design checked when the load equal to the breaking
features and general arrangement of the main load of the towing rope is applied on external
towing equipment (winches, hooks). layer of coiling.
558 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

Here, stresses in the parts shall not exceed Tugboats and tug-and-push boats of M and
0.95 of the yield point of the material. O class, and also tugboats of P and Ë class
with main engines with output over 300 kW
5.2.4 Automatic mooring winches shall be
equipped with: shall be fitted with hooks of folding type with
.1 automatic adjustment device of the spring shock absorbers when the towing hooks
are applied as main means.
towing rope tension This automatic device
shall ensure release of the rope when tractive Hooks of non-folding type may be used as
force on the winch exceeds the maximum the main means for securing of the towing
permissible value; hauling of the rope when rope on towed ships and as reserve means in
the tractive force is reduced below the mini- tugboats.
mum permissible value and holding of the 5.3.2 All carrying elements of the towing
rope for tractive forces within the specified hook and parts securing it to the hull shall be
range of permissible values from maximum to designed for the breaking load of the towing
minimum. The indicator of a current tractive rope taken by calculation. Stresses in these
force applied shall be installed near the winch shall not exceed 0.95 the yield point of the
and in the wheelhouse; material.
.2 automatic normally closed brake (see
4.3.4); 5.3.3 Load at which the shock absorber
.3 towing winch remote control de- spring is compressed against the stop shall be
vice/system ensuring the following operations: not less than 1.3 times the nominal traction
control from the wheelhouse: on the hook.
speed and direction of rotation; 5.3.4 The cramp irons of the towing hooks
towing drum activation/deactivation; shall be solid-forged. Relative elongation of
release of the towing rope; the hook material shall be not less than 18%
emergency stop; on five-fold sample and the yield point — not
emergency drop of the towing rope; less than 245 MPa.
control/indication of parameters from
remote control station; 5.3.5 Prior to installation on board the
length of hauled-off rope; ship, the towing hooks shall be tested by test
rope tension. load equal to doubled design tractive force on
5.2.5 Audible warning alarm shall be pro- the hook determined for ships in mooring
vided which is actuated at maximum permis- mode.
sible length of hauled-off rope. 5.3.6 Attachment of the towing hook to the
5.2.6 It shall be possible to slacken the ship structures shall be of such design that at
towing rope freely both from the local control any possible towing angles the hook is not
station and from the wheelhouse. subject to the bending forces in the horizontal
plane and does not touch any hull structures
5.2.7 Winch drums shall be equipped with within the set angle of side stops, directly or
a cable layer. by the rope thimble.
5.2.8 Drum brake driven by any energy
5.3.7 When in non-working position, the
source shall be manually operated as well.
towing hook shall be secured for voyage.
5.3 TOWING HOOKS 5.3.8 Towing rope release shall be possible
5.3.1 A ship may be fitted with standard from two stations:
folding towing hooks of opened and closed .1 from the wheelhouse (remote control);
types, with spring shock absorbers and with- .2 from the local station located in the
out them, with mechanical and hydraulic immediate vicinity of the towing hook in a
locks. safe area.
5 Towing and Coupling Arrangements 559

5.3.9 Towing rope releasing arrangement Towing rope limiters

shall operate in the range of loads on the
5.4.7 In all ships equipped with the towing
hook from zero to the breaking load at any
arrangement the side limiters of towing rope
possible rope deviation from the centreline.
shall be fitted.

5.4 TOWING EQUIPMENT 5.4.8 The side limiters of the towing rope
shall be designed to take the load equal to the
Bollards, bitts, rope locks breaking load of the towing rope. Stresses in
5.4.1 Bollards, bitts and towing arrange- carrying elements of the limiters and also in
ment machinery shall be installed on founda- the fastenings securing them to the ship’s hull
tions which shall be fixed on the deck and or other structures shall not exceed 0.95 times
connected with the hull framing. the yield point of the material.
Deck shall be strengthened in way of in-
stallation of the foundations.
Bollards located in explosive spaces and ar- 5.5.1 Strength characteristics of the towing
eas of the second category of explosion risk ropes shall be determined depending on the
shall be installed on foundations so designed design tractive force on the hook in the
as to provide natural air circulation under the mooring mode established by hydrodynamic
bollards. calculation or agreed by the River Register or
by prototype and the results of trials of lead
5.4.2 The outside diameter of the bollard ships. If such calculations are not performed
or bitt column shall be not less than ten di- or a prototype is not available, the tractive
ameters of the steel wire rope or not less than force on the hook F, kN, shall be assumed
one circumference of the natural fibre rope. not less than the value calculated by the fol-
5.4.3 Rope locks shall be designed so as to lowing formula:
withstand a load equal to a half of design F  0.16Pe , (5.5.1)
tractive force on the hook. where Pe — the total output of main engines,
Towing arches
5.5.2 Minimum permissible breaking load,
5.4.4 In the after part of tugboats in way of kN, of the rope as a whole used for towing on
possible displacement of the towing rope tow- the hook shall be not less than determined by
ing arches shall be installed in the transverse the following formula:
direction of the ship from side to side or other F0 = kF, (5.5.2)
structures guiding the rope. The number of
towing arches shall be determined for each where F — design tractive force on the hook,
tug depending on the length of its after part. kN;
k — safety factor equal to:
5.4.5 The height of the towing arches and for design tractive force on the hook up to 5
protective rails shall ensure the safe work and 120 kN
movement of the crew in way of possible dis- for design tractive force on the hook of 4
placement of the towing rope. 120 kN and more
for ropes of automatic towing winches 3
5.4.6 The towing arches, supporting coun- for ropes of natural and synthetic fibre 6
terforts and other parts of the towing ar- N o t e . For tug-and pushboats, safety factor K
rangement being touched by the towing rope shall be at least equal to for design tractor force on
are to be made of pipes or other proper pro- the hook:
file with the rounding radius not less than the less than 120 kN 4
towing rope diameter. 120 kN and more 3
560 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

5.5.3 The length of the towing rope is se- hydrodynamic forces due to wheelover, rolling
lected depending on the area of navigation, and side wave pressure, and also for determi-
but shall be not less than 180 m for ships of nation of the design loads Pd acting in con-
M class, 100 m for ships of O class and 60 m nections of the coupling arrangements shall be
for ships of P and Ë class. submitted to the River Register for review.
5.5.4 Steel wire ropes used for towing shall 5.6.3 Strength calculation of elements of
have not less than 144 wires and 7 fibre cores, the coupling arrangement shall be carried out
and when using automatic towing winches — by permissible stresses which shall be taken
216 wires and 1 fibre core with tensile strength equal to 0.63 times the yield point of the ma-
of wires of 1177 to 1373 MPa. terial of the elements. Breaking load of ropes
Ropes must be untwistable in all cases. shall be at least 1.5Pd.
Wires shall be galvanized. 5.6.4 The test load for bench tests of the
5.5.5 Manila ropes with increased strength coupling arrangement shall be not less than
may be used as the towing ropes. It is allowed 1.5Pd.
to use three-rowed, ordinary and special 5.6.5 The prototype model of the coupling
tarred hemp ropes, and also ropes made of arrangement shall be tested on the bench with
synthetic fibres — three-rowed, with circum- the test load of 1.5Pd and instrument meas-
ference up to 200 mm.
urements (strain-gauging) of the essential
5.5.6 Each rope shall be provided with a elements.
splice from one end, either with a thimble or The prototype model is considered suitable
without it, or a mark (on one end or both for carrying out on board operational tests, if
ends). A splice without thimble is allowed the stresses in the elements during testing by
only when the towing rope is being fixed on the test load does not exceed 0.95 times the
the columns of a bollard or a bitt. yield point of the material.
5.5.7 No steel towing ropes may be used or
Design loads and safety factors of two-hinged
stowed in explosive spaces and areas.
coupling arrangement of the pushed convoys
5.6 COUPLING ARRANGEMENTS 5.6.6 The requirements of 5.6.7 to 5.6.12
applicable for two-hinged design of coupling
Design loads and safety factors arrangement of pushed convoys, ships of
of coupling arrangements Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class operating
5.6.1 Coupling arrangements of the pushed with restrictions of a wave height
convoys shall have sufficient strength to oper- 3.5 m  h3 %  2.0 m.
ate at standardized wave height corresponding Two-hinged design of coupling arrange-
to a category of operating basin, maximum ment is such design that a pusher coupled
permissible operating rolling and pitch ampli- with a barge can move freely with one degree
tudes to be determined in accordance with 2.4 of freedom relatively to the barge (turning of
Part II of the Rules, maximum speed of put- the convoy vessels relatively to horizontal axis
ting the rudder or other means of ship steer- being perpendicular to the centre line of the
ing (for example, steerable nozzle, steering convoy).
column, waterjet damper) from side to side at
5.6.7 Coupling devices of pushed river-sea
full speed of the convoy at any azimuth to
navigation convoys shall possess sufficient
rolling as well as for different loading condi-
strength for operation in sea areas at maxi-
mum speed of putting rudders or steerable
5.6.2 Calculations for the determination of nozzles from side to side at the maximum
bending moment due to the joined action of speed of a convoy and any azimuth to rolling.
5 Towing and Coupling Arrangements 561

5.6.8 Design loads applied to hinged cou- T a b l e 5.6.8

pling device shall be not less than those cal- Empirical dependence of coefficients Ñõ, Ñy, Cz
culated by formulas, kN: for pushed convoys
for longitudinal load Wave,
h, m
Px  5C x  g h L D  1  5 Fr  
3 2
Cx  10.2 103T1 40.5lhin
18.81lhin 1 B1 
 1  0.8  sin 2  sin     bB T  , 220 Cy  24.2 10 T1  1 1.44lhin  B1

(5.6.8-1) Cz  3.66102T1  1  5lhin  B1

for transverse load
Py  Cygh L 3 D 2 1 5Fr  sin3   BT  , C x  14  103T1 31lhin

13,6 lhin 1 B1 
2.530 C y  9.68  103T1  1 1, 45 lhin  B1
for vertical load C z  1.32  102 T1  1  6, 2 lhin  B1

Pz  5Cz  g hB 3 D  2 1  9 Fr   
C x  3 103T1 34.1lhin
16.59lhin 1 B1 
 1  0.35  sin 2  sin     bLT  , 340 C y  4.4  10 T1  1  lhin
 B1
(5.6.8-3) C z  1.32  10 T1  1  55lhin  B1

where Ñõ, Ñy, Cz — coefficients of longitudi-

nal, transverse and vertical loads determined 
Cx  39.2 104T1 30.9 lhin
13.76 lhin 1 B1 
by formulas of Table 5.6.8 with regard to pa- 3.550 Cy  3.310 T1  1 1.56lhin  B1

rameters h and lhin; Cz  4.84 103T1  1  5.2lhin  B1

 — water density, t/m3;
g — acceleration due to gravity:

C x  1.3 104 T1 133 lhin  73.3lhin 1 B1 
g = 9.81 m/s2, 460 C y  2.2  103T1  1 1.6 lhin  B1
h — wave height, m; C z  2.2  103T1  1  12.2 lhin  B1
L, B, T , D — relative length, breadth,
draught and water displacement of a pushed
Cx  7.5 104T1 50 lhin

 22.65lhin 1 B1 
convoy determined by the formulas: 4.568 C y  1.67 10 T1  1  0.815 lhin  B1

Cz  1.35  103T1  1  13.3lhin  B1

1 2  L1  L2  ; B  B1B2  B1  B2  ; 
L  LL 

T T1 T2 T1 T2  ; D  D1D2  D1 D2  ;  lhin  lm2  lm1  lm2  — relative value of
(5.6.8-4) position of the hinged coupling device for
L1, B1, T1, D1 — length, breadth, draught pushed convoys 0.10  lhin  0.35;
at design waterline of a barge respectively, in lm1, lm2 — distance between the hinged cou-
meters, and its water displacement, in m3; pling device and the centre of gravity of a
L2, B2, T2, D2 — length, breadth, draught barge and a tugboat respectively, m.
at design waterline of a tugboat respectively, 5.6.9 When design of coupling arrangement
in meters, and its water displacement, m3; of a pushed convoy is other than two-hinged,
 — wavelength, m; calculation of design loads on its structural
 — azimuth (0°to 89° — following sea; members is performed based on procedures
91° to 180° — head sea); agreed upon with the River Register for com-
pliance with requirements of the Rules.
Fr  V g  L1  L2  — Froude number;
5.6.10 Strength calculations of coupling ar-
V — speed of a pushed convoy, m/s; rangement elements shall be done on the basis
2b — distance between hinged coupling of permissible stresses which shall be taken
devices, m; equal to 0.63 of the yield stress of the material.
562 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

5.6.11 Test load for bench tests of coupling 5.6.18 Free clearances in connections shall
arrangements shall be at least 1.5 of the de- not allow angular backlash of coupling ar-
sign load. rangement more than 0.06°, when shock ab-
When test load is applied, the greatest sorbers are not available, and 0.10° when they
stresses in the coupling arrangement elements are available.
shall not exceed 0.95 of the yield stress of the
5.6.19 Bolt connections of the coupling ar-
rangement with foundations shall comprise
5.6.12 When parameters h and p are elements (templet bolts, pins, wedge rests
other than prescribed by the Rules, design etc.) taking shearing forces. Bolts shall be so
loads on a coupling arrangement may be de- tightened as to prevent discoupling of the
termined by calculated method based on pro- connection when the design shear forces are
cedure agreed upon with the River Register applied. Nuts of the foundation bolts shall be
for compliance with requirements of the locked to prevent self-unscrewing.
Rules. 5.6.20 Coupling locks, tightening arrange-
ments and other coupling equipment with
Design of coupling arrangements shock absorbers shall remain workable at the
5.6.13 Materials used for manufacture of momentary unloading of fully compressed
coupling arrangements shall comply with re- shock absorber.
quirements of Part X of the Rules. 5.6.21 Coupling locks of falling type shall
Carbon steel for welded parts of the cou- be fitted with locks for their securing for voy-
pling arrangements shall contain no more age.
than 0.22% of carbon. Weldability of low-
alloy steels shall be documented by the manu- 5.6.22 Main parts of hull structures of the
facturer. coupling arrangement (stops, coupling girders,
supporting members, foundations) shall have
5.6.14 All steel forgings and castings as well smooth transition with solid hull structures.
as essential parts with intersecting welds or
welds being apart from each other for 5 times 5.6.23 Thickness of contact surfaces of
thickness of the welded part or less, are sub- thrust members shall be assigned depending
ject to heat treatment after manufacture. The on the design force according to Table 5.6.23.
heat treatment type is established depending Edges of the contact members shall be rounded.
on the chemical composition, purpose and T a b l e 5.6.23
dimensions of the item according to RTSC. Thickness of contact surfaces of thrust member
5.6.15 Coupling arrangement shall provide Minimum Minimum
Design load, Design load,
plate thick- plate thick-
the convoy coupling when the barge is non- kN
ness, mm
ness, mm
attended. The coupling shall be performed 100 6 2000 18
from the local control station or remotely 250 8 2500 20
from the wheelhouse of the pushboat. 500 12 3000 22
1000 14 ≥ 5000 24
5.6.16 The coupling arrangement shall pro- 1500 16
vide discoupling of vessels in the convoy at
the rated waves when any one compartment Thrust girders and thrusts shall be designed
of a barge is flooded and is at static heel of as plates with bearing surfaces.
5.6.24 Coupling device shall not be ex-
5.6.17 When navigating on waves with tended beyond the plane of the fender bars to
height corresponding to operating basin cate- prevent touching the structural elements of
gory, the contact between hull structures of other ships and quays at mooring and locking.
convoy sections shall be excluded. Fender bars enclosing the coupling arrange-
5 Towing and Coupling Arrangements 563

ment from the board side, and also extending connection of ships in a convoy and prevent
girders located between the stops are recom- longitudinal and transverse displacement of
mended to be installed on shock absorbers or ships relative to each other so that this group
be made of damping material. of ships may be considered as a single ship-
ping unit.
5.6.25 The coupling arrangement shall pro-
vide emergency discoupling of ships when the 5.7.3 Pushboats, cargo pushboats and
load in the members exceeding working load barges in the pushed convoy in front of which
Pw. the other barges are located shall be provided
N o t e . For two-locked couplings, ships may be with interlocking arrangement in the bow
discoupled when the load is less than design load part.
in the members. The pushed barges shall be provided with
5.6.26 Locks of the automatic coupling de- interlocking arrangement in their after part.
vice shall close automatically when the ship is 5.7.4 Provision shall be made for connec-
touched by another ship and open by manual tion of a ship with both loaded and light
drive from the local control station. In barges.
pushboats a device for the lock opening shall
be provided in the wheelhouse. 5.7.5 Interlocking arrangement elements
shall not protrude beyond the overall hull
5.6.27 Lock movement limiters shall be breadth.
provided at the lower end of vertical coupling
and guiding girders. 5.7.6 Interlocking and tension arrange-
ments shall be designed and equipped so that
5.6.28 Where the coupling system is hy- the personnel shall be able to connect the
draulically driven, the drive when in closed pushboat and barges without errors and undue
position shall be stopped by mechanical brake efforts and time consumption.
equipped with remote indication of its actua- The pushboats shall be provided with push-
tion at the coupling device local control sta- ing arrangement in their front part designed
tion and at the control station in the wheel- and equipped to allow the pushboat to take a
house of the pushboat. specified position relative to the pushed barges
5.6.29 Two-hinged coupling arrangements from the start of interlocking manoeuvres.
for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class The ships shall be interlocked to provide a
shall be located as far as practicable from the safe passage for the personnel from one ship
centreline of a convoy in order to reduce to another.
stresses in coupling joints. The interlocking arrangement and its con-
necting members shall withstand forces which
5.6.30 The coupling arrangement shall al-
may occur when the ship is navigating in the
low for discoupling of vessels in the convoy
water basins where its operation is allowed
under wind and waves conditions at loads not
and transmit the load from these force on
less than working loads.
strong hull members.
5.7 INTERLOCKING ARRANGEMENTS 5.7.7 Provision shall be made for an ade-
quate number of coupling joints to comply
General requirements
with requirements of 5.7.2 and 5.7.6.
5.7.1 Requirements of the present Chapter
apply to end interlocking arrangements with Coupling forces and dimensions of interlocking
longitudinal flexible members and longitudinal arrangement elements
rigid connections.
5.7.8 Dimensions of longitudinal flexible
5.7.2 Any interlocking arrangements at all and rigid members of interlocking arrange-
possible operating loads shall provide for rigid ments specified in 5.7.1 for convoys and
564 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

groups shall be determined with regard to Pe — the total output of main engines,
adequate safety margin and coupling forces kW;
applied (Fig. 5.7.8), kN, calculated by the fol- Ls — distance between the pushboat aft
lowing formulas: and coupling joint, m;
.1 coupling joint is located between the
pushboat and barges or other ships: Ls — distance between the pushboat aft
Fsb  C p Pe  103 Ls Bs ; ( and coupling joint located between the first
.2 coupling joint is located between self- pushed ship and coupled ships directly in
propelled cargo pushboat and pushed ship: front of it, m;
Fsf  C pb Pe  103 Ls H k ; ( Ík, hk — longitudinal member lever arm,
.3 coupling joint is located between m;
pushed ships: Bs — pushboat breadth, m.
Fsl  C pb Pe  10 3 Ls hk , (
5.7.9 As a basis for determining dimensions
where Fsb, Fsf, Fsl — longitudinal member of other longitudinal members in the coupling
coupling force; joints between pushed ships, the coupling
Ñð = 130¼270 — empirical factor deter- force shall be used which is calculated by
mined in accordance with basin category and formula (
operating conditions;
Ñðâ = 60¼80 — empirical factor deter- 5.7.10 There shall be at least two coupling
mined in accordance with basin category and joints for longitudinal coupling of individual
operating conditions; ships.

Fig. 5.7.8. Coupling force and lever arm of interlocking arrangement longitudinal member
5 Towing and Coupling Arrangements 565

Each coupling joint shall be sized so that it allowing for bending of a convoy. The cou-
is capable of withstanding coupling forces cal- pling arrangement drive shall also provide for
culated by formulas (, ( and fail-safe return of the convoy to position be-
( fore bending or in the straightened position,
Coupling joints shall be located as far as
5.7.17 Where the drive from power source
practicable from the centre line of a convoy
(including hydraulic or electric) is used in a
in order to reduce forces in coupling joints.
coupling arrangement, provision shall be
In case of rigid connection one coupling
made for an independent standby drive or
joint is allowed provided that it ensures reli-
power source.
able connection between ships.
5.7.11 Strength in each rope used for ship 5.7.18 Where the main drive is hydraulic
interlocking is to be determined with regard and the standby is a manual hydraulically op-
to rope arrangement in a lash. The total erated drive, each drive shall operate inde-
breaking strength of ropes shall be at least 1.5 pendently.
the load acting in the coupling joint members. Where main and standby drives are hy-
Each rope being used shall be laid on bol- draulic, provision shall be made for a pump
lards or similar equipment max. by three turns with independent power source for each drive.
and shall be capable of being hauled for dif- Piping, valves, controls of both drives shall
ferent ways of its expected use. be independent. However, these two drives
5.7.12 In case of pushboat designed for may have common structural elements, for
pushing of several barges in a convoy with a example, cylinder block.
single pushed barge, design coupling force is 5.7.19 If main and standby drives are elec-
to be calculated by formula ( tric, their supply and control systems shall be
5.7.13 The ships designed for supporting independent of each other. Each of these two
motion of interlocked group shall be equipped drives shall have its own electric motor.
with bollards or similar arrangements which 5.7.20 Where electric motor or coupling
quantity and layout ensures compliance with arrangement standby drive pump is fed from
requirements of 5.7.2. Mooring bollards and auxiliary engine and its startup operation re-
other similar equipment for ships interlocking quires more than 5 s, the buffer device shall
shall be used only if they withstand coupling ensure operation of electric motor or standby
forces applied to them in an extreme case and drive pump for the period of startup of auxil-
their quantity is adequate for unhampered iary engine.
normal mooring operations.
5.7.14 The towing arrangement of pushed 5.7.21 Provision shall be made for moni-
barges shall comply with requirements of 5.1 toring and control of coupling arrangement
to 5.5. for bendable convoys from the wheelhouse at
least for bending and straightening operation.
Special requirements to coupling arrangements The control stations shall be provided with
for bendable convoys visual alarm indicating the operation of cou-
pling arrangement drive and allowing for de-
5.7.15 A coupling arrangement for bend- termination what drive is activated.
able convoys shall allow for rigid connection Visual and audible signals shall be provided
of ships. to the control station in case of accidental trip
5.7.16 A coupling arrangement for bend- or failure in a coupling arrangement power-
able convoys shall be equipped with a drive operated drive.
566 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”


6.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.2.2 The fixed axles supporting the drums,
blocks, wheels, rollers and other rotating parts
6.1.1 The present part of the Rules applies
shall be fastened and locked.
to cargo handling appliances designed for
loading, unloading and transfer of cargo: 6.2.3 All bolt, key and wedge connections
.1 upper structures of the floating cranes; of the cargo handling gear shall be locked
.2 ship’s derricks; against inadvertent loosening and disconnec-
.3 cranes mounted on floating docks; tion.
.4 cargo booms; 6.2.4 Loose gear and cargo-gripping de-
.5 electrically-driven lifts with load capac- vices shall be attached so that any bending or
ity of 250 kg and above intended for lifting twisting is excluded and swivels may be used
and lowering of cargoes in a cabin which is to prevent this.
moved by means of cables (ropes) with the The swivels may be arranged with a ball or
speed not exceeding 1.0 m/s. roller support to enable regular lubrication.
6.1.2 The requirements of the present Sec- 6.2.5 The ends of ropes attached to the
tion are not applied to the cargo-handling metal structures or components shall be fitted
machinery intended for operations with fish- with thimbles or be built in the rope sockets
ing tools and handling of fishery, for loading or clamps. The ends of ropes attached to the
and discharging of ship equipment, supply winch drums may be without thimbles or
and ship’s stock equipment, for hydraulic, sockets. The rope shall be secured on a drum.
dredging and ship lifting operations; they are Pressing devices using force of friction shall
not also applied to the handling devices of a be at least two.
group of special equipment (warping, cross-
dredging, frame-hoisting, grubbing winches, 6.2.6 The controls of the machinery of the
etc.), hand tackles of machinery spaces, grab- cargo handling appliances shall be so made
bing devices (grabs, platforms, cargo nets, and fitted that the direction of movement of
slings, etc.), lifts with load capacity of less the handles, levers or wheels is correspondent
than 250 kg, as well as auxiliary devices which to the resultant movement of the load, for ex-
are not parts of lifts: turnbuckles, hooks, ample pulling the upright lever, lifting the
sockets, turnpikes. slanted lever, turning the control wheel
clockwise shall correspond to lifting the load;
turning the control wheel clockwise or shifting
the lever to the right shall correspond to the
right-hand slewing; pulling the upright lever,
6.2.1 The cargo handling appliances in- lifting the slanted lever, turning the control
stalled on the open decks shall be so designed wheel clockwise shall correspond to decrease
as to provide their safe operation in the range of jib radius.
of ambient temperatures from minus 20 to Handles, levers or wheels shall be marked
plus 40 °C, unless otherwise provided in tech- and be easy in use and provided with means
nical documentation. of fixing them in the neutral position and
The cargo handling appliances shall be de- when step-controlled, in the operational posi-
signed for operation with the ship listed to 5° tion. The term "fixing" means keeping the
and trimmed to 2° at the maximum jib radius. handle in definite positions when the force
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 567

required for shifting the handle out of these and electrical equipment, components, as well
positions is greater than the force required for as loose ones, shall comply with the require-
moving the handle between the fixed posi- ments of this and the other Parts of the Rules.
The force to be applied for operation of 6.2.10 The cargo-handling cranes shall be
controls shall not exceed 120 N in case of provided with safety devices to prevent the
manual drive and 300 N in case of foot drive. falling of the load or uncontrolled movement
The force required for change of predeter- of the derrick or crane when switching the
mined positions of control handles, wheels, crane machinery and disconnecting machin-
pedals and other controls shall not exceed ery from the drives or in case of power supply
40 N (see also 1.6.13). interruption of power drives and control cir-
The machinery and installation controls cuits.
shall be marked with their function. 6.2.11 The hoisting and topping machinery
The wheels shall be provided with inscrip- shall be so made that lowering the cargo or
tion and symbol (arrow) indicating direction the boom is possible with the help of the drive
of their revolution for opening and/or operat- only. In the emergency, provision shall be
ing the equipment. made for means enabling safe lowering and
The travel of the control lever, mm, shall stopping the cargo.
not exceed:
for manual control 600 6.2.12 All the machinery of the cargo han-
for foot control 250 dling appliance except for the screw-driven
The push-buttons shall be provided with machinery with self-braking or machinery
spring-loaded or other means for self-return driven with hydraulic cylinders provided with
to "stop" position when the operator removes the pilot controlled check valves shall be
his hand or relaxes its force. This means shall equipped with the automatic brake providing
not require application of forces which can braking with the safety factor as specified in
cause tiredness of the operator. the relevant paragraphs of the present Section
6.2.7 The controls of the cargo handling of the Rules.
appliances (controllers, knife-switches, push- The safety factor of braking is the ratio of
buttons) designed for transportation of dan- the torque exerted by the brake to the static
gerous cargoes (explosives, acids, radioactive torque created on the braking shaft by the
substances and other substances covered by maximum design tension in the rope (for ma-
definition in 2.2.33 Part 0 of the Rules), as chinery performing hoisting and luffing crane
well as controls used in the portable remote jibs) and for machinery with the rigid kine-
control shall be provided with means for self- matic coupling by the design value of the in-
return to zero (neutral) position. Cargo- ertia loads (the machinery used for turning
handling appliances intended for any purpose and moving cranes and for luffing crane jibs).
shall be provided with self-return controls. Design shall be such that the operating so-
If, with remote control, the operator does lenoid could not be excited by the return
not see the winch drum, provision shall be electromotive force from any engine, by para-
made for arrangements ensuring the correct sitic or stray currents or by the puncture of
reeling of the rope onto the drum. insulation. In emergency, when power supply
of electric drives of the hoisting machinery is
6.2.8 The valves connecting the deck steam interrupted, provision shall be made for man-
line to cargo machinery shall be arranged ual release of brakes.
close to the latter, be accessible at any time
Brakes shall be of the closed-band type,
and easily closed by hand.
unless otherwise specified in the relevant
6.2.9 Power, hydraulic and steam drives, paragraphs of the Rules. Brakes shall be ap-
machinery, gear drives, systems and piping plied smoothly, without shocks, be provided
568 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

with means of adjustment and enable re- reeling on more than three layers may be
placement of the friction parts. used.
Forces applied to the adjustable brakes In calculating the winch strength, the ten-
shall not exceed 160 N on the handle or lever sile strength of the rope upper layer shall be
and 310 N on the brake pedal. For brakes used for determination of the torque. Diame-
used regularly in the normal duty cycle, the ters of drums shall be not less than 18 rope
above stated forces shall be reduced at least by diameters. The drums of the motor-driven
two times. Brake pedals shall have a non-slip winches where the rope is reeled onto the
surface. drum in a single layer, shall have screw-
Where several items of machinery are shaped grooves. Flanges of drums and those
served by one drive, brakes shall be fitted on of grooved multi-layered drums shall have
each item. such outside diameters that will permit the
If there is a brake between the motor and flange to extend at least 2.5 rope diameters
the drive it shall be placed from the side of above the upper layer of the rope.
the drive. Means shall be provided for keeping Angle of feeding the rope on the drum
the adjustable disconnected brakes in the yoke shall not exceed 4° to the plane perpen-
closed position. The braking forces induced by dicular to the longitudinal axis of the drum.
brake loads are not permitted. With the cargo-gripping device at the low-
The brake springs shall be of a push type est operating position, there must remain not
and provided with the guides such as bushes less than three turns of rope on the drum; this
or holders. also relates to the drums of the luffing crane
The brake drum (pulley) shall be protected jibs machinery in their respective extreme po-
against water, snow, ice, oils or fats unless the sitions. For drums where the rope is reeled
brake is designed for operation without such onto the drum in a single layer, at least two
protection. turns shall remain.
6.2.13 The hoisting and topping machinery 6.2.15 In electrically-driven cargo handling
of the cargo handling appliances, designed appliances the power supply to motors after
specially for loading, unloading and transpor- interruption shall not be possible until the
tation of dangerous cargoes shall be provided corresponding handles, wheels, and levers of
with two independent of each other brakes of control stations are set in zero (neutral) posi-
the closed-band type ensuring the holding of tion. It is recommended that means for sig-
cargo (boom) in stopping the power supply. nalling availability of voltage in the power line
The brakes can be designed for consecutive as well as for visual signalling of switching on
operation. and switching off the electric drive are pro-
When there is a coupling between motor vided on the control post or near it.
and reduction gear one brake shall be fitted Hydraulic and pneumatic drive control sys-
on the half-coupling located from the side of tems shall be equipped with arrangements
reduction gear or on the shaft of reduction preventing power supply after the outage to
gear. The second brake may be placed on the the hydraulic and pneumatic systems (power
motor shaft or at any point of the driving cylinders) until the controls are set in zero
mechanism. The brakes shall be located in (neutral) position. It is recommended that
such a way that in order to check reliable op- means for signalling availability of voltage in
eration of the brake the other brake may be the power line (ambient pressure) and switch-
disconnected. ing on and switching off drives are provided.
6.2.14 The width of winch drums shall be 6.2.16 Faults in the control system of the
such that the number of rope layers reeled up electric drives shall not cause unauthorized
onto the drum shall not be more than three. starting or continuation of running of the
For winches equipped with cable layers or drives (instead of immediate stopping),
rope clamps with grooves, drums capable of changing the direction of their rotation or di-
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 569

rection of motion of actuators or releasing the accommodation ladders and their gangway
brakes, or their remaining released. platforms.
6.2.17 The control circuits of the inde-
pendent electric drives of topping winches and 6.3 MATERIALS, HEAT TREATMENT
preventer guy winches shall be such that any AND WELDING
possibility of switching on or continuing the
operation of the drives with the load hooked 6.3.1 The materials used in the manufac-
is excluded. ture of the stress-bearing metal structures,
parts and machinery of cargo handling appli-
6.2.18 A safety button or an emergency ances, as well as lifts, heat treatment of for-
switch for disconnecting the electric drive gings and castings, as well as welding, shall
main circuit shall be provided within reach of comply with the requirements of Part X of the
the operator's hand, immediately at the con- Rules.
trol station of the cargo handling appliance.
They shall be painted red and bear an inscrip- 6.3.2 All stress-bearing elements of metal
tion "Stop". structures, machinery and gear except for
those specified in 6.3.3, shall be manufactured
6.2.19 A switch may be provided in the
from steel.
main circuit of the cargo handling gear acces-
sible for authorized persons from the ship's 6.3.3 Cast iron and steel may be used for
staff only, otherwise, a means shall be pro- manufacture of the following items:
vided for locking the switch in the "off" posi- .1 toothed, worm and travelling wheels
tion. (cast iron is permitted only for the hand-
6.2.20 It is not permitted to use bare trol- operated cargo handling appliances);
ley wires for feeding current to travelling .2 worm wheels with a bronze rim;
cargo-handling appliances. .3 load drums and whipping drums of
6.2.21 Any possibility of switching on the winches, gear boxes and sheaves of blocks;
electric drive inadvertently shall be excluded. .4 brake shoes, drum brackets and bearing
The motor of each machinery or hydraulic bodies;
pump shall start as soon as the control handle .5 cable sheaves and wedges of pressed
moves from the neutral position. clips of the ropes in lifts.
6.2.22 Electric drives of the cargo handling 6.3.4 Steel grade depending on ambient
appliances fitted with artificial ventilation temperature shall be selected in accordance
shall be provided with locking arrangement with the Fig. 6.3.4.
shall be provided not to make the drive start-
6.3.5 The killed steel shall be used for
ing or continuing its running possible when
stress-bearing elements of gear. The quality
the ventilation is cut off.
grade of steel shall ensure operation of the
6.2.23 To prevent spark formation during cargo handling appliances on the open decks
cargo handling operations on board of oil at the temperatures below zero. Steel for
tankers, oil recovery vessels, ships carrying stress-bearing elements of loose gear shall
hazardous cargoes, the loose gears (cargo have the certified elongation after testing five
hooks, shackles, swivels, chains, etc.) shall be samples not less than 20%.
of a sparkproof type.
6.3.6 Steel used for manufacture of chains
6.2.24 Pivoting part of the ship’s derricks for cargo handling appliances intended for
except the boom shall not project outboard operation at temperatures below minus 20 °C
the ship’s hull. shall meet the requirements for steel grade
Ship’s derricks shall be positioned so as to 2 or 3 referred to in Table 2.5.7, Part X of the
avoid cargo transferring above the stationary Rules.
570 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

uct material at the normal temperature shall

be not less than 12%.
6.3.9 The dimensions of the fillet welds
shall be set as small as possible by reasons of
strength or process conditions. The leg length
of the fillet weld shall not be less than 4 mm
and max. 1,2 of the least thickness of the
welded items. The length of the fillet weld
shall be not less than 50 mm.
Fillet welds up to 300 mm long used for
tee-joints of the essential items are subject to
non-destructive testing along the whole length
(see 8.3 Pat X of the Rules).
6.3.10 Round- and ring-shaped items of
small diameter (chains, rod shrouds) shall be
joined by resistance welding.
6.3.11 Butt welded joints of tubular, box-
shaped elements shall be made with complete
penetration to the weld joint root but when
Fig. 6.3.4 Selection of steel grade the welded joints are not accessible this shall
The chains for which no heat treatment is be made using the steel gasket plate.
required for improvement of quality or in- 6.3.12 In structures with enclosed circuit
crease of strength shall be normalized after where access from inside is not provided the
manufacture. use of plug welds is permitted for fastening
the closing plate on the inside framing (dia-
6.3.7 All steel castings and forgings as part
of gear of cargo handling appliances, as well
as welded items with stressed intersecting
welded joints or those max. 20 mm apart shall
be subject to heat treatment for stress relieving
(castings from alloyed steels shall be quenched 6.4.1 Methods of calculation of forces and
and tempered, castings and forgings from car- stresses in elements of the cargo handling ap-
bon steels shall be quenched and tempered or pliances are developed by the designer and
normalized and electrically welded items shall approved by the River Register.
be annealed).
6.4.2 The design load of the ship’s derricks
Heat treatment of gear shall be carried out and floating cranes is determined by summing
in enclosed (muffle) furnaces. The heat treat- up the following:
ment procedure is established depending on .1 load weight of lifted cargo and the
the grade of steel, purpose and dimensions of loose gripping gear;
gear. .2 self-weight of crane structures;
Heat treatment shall be confirmed by the .3 wind load acting on the deck crane and
manufacturer's document. cargo in the longitudinal and transverse direc-
tions. Wind load is determined in accordance
6.3.8 Higher strength materials (see 2.2 with the national standards1 and depends on
Part X of the Rules) for components and fix- the dynamic wind pressure assumed due to
tures are allowed with regard to the prescribed
operating temperatures. It shall be ensured
that the relative elongation of the final prod- 1
GOST 25938, GOST 1451.
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 571

the combinations of upper structures design The formula (6.4.3) is applicable in the
loads (see 6.4.12 and 6.4.13). Stress calcula- range of lifting capacity varying from 0.05 to
tions for the components of the crane shall 100 t.
include angles of inclinations specified in
6.4.4 A combined allowance for sheave
6.4.6. For cranes intended for operation at
friction and wire rope stiffness shall be taken
rolling the design loads shall meet the re-
as equal to 5% per plain sheave and to 2%
quirements of 6.4.7, 6.4.12 and 6.4.13;
per roller bearing.
.4 loads due to the swinging of the cargo Variation of forces in the structural com-
and inclination of the ship (pontoon). ponents of the cargo gear when the ropes are
6.4.3 In calculating the wind load, the being pulled through the blocks shall be con-
wind side of the crane is assumed as the sur- sidered for the motion or motions that are the
face area perpendicular to the horizontal di- most unfavourable for the gear (hoisting or
rection of the wind due to the design features lowering the load or topping the boom).
of the crane. For continuous-sided construc- 6.4.5 Where special measures, for example
tions it is the area outlined by the contour of ballasting of the ship, are provided to reduce
the construction, and for latticed construc- the heel angles when working with heavy-lift
tions it is the area outlined by the contour of derricks, these measures shall be taken into
the construction and diminished by the area consideration in calculating the resultant load
of gaps between the beams. on the guy.
For cranes with equally high beams run- 6.4.6 Stress calculations for structural
ning at different levels (continuous-sided and members of ship's derricks and floating cranes
latticed), one behind another, and with the
shall be made both at static angles of heel and
distance between the beams less than the trim of 5° and 2°, respectively, and during the
beam height, the wind side shall be assumed
work in sea. If, under conditions of service,
as the total area of the front beam; if the dis-
the angles of heel and trim are greater than
tance between the beams is equal to the those stated above, the actual values shall be
height of the beam or more, but less than its
taken for calculation.
double height, the wind side shall be the total
area of the front beam and 50 per cent of the 6.4.7 Stress calculations for structural
area of each sequent beam; if the distance be- members of ship's derricks and floating cranes
tween the beams is equal to the double height shall be made also when the possibility of
of the beam or more, the wind side shall be rolling in still water as a result of wind gusts
the total area of all the beams. Portions of or dropping of the load is taken into consid-
rear beams not covered by the front beam eration.
shall be fully included in calculations.
6.4.8 The absence of a risk of jack-knifing
For tubular constructions the design wind of the derrick crane booms on rope suspen-
side may be reduced by multiplying it by the sion to the side opposite to its outreach shall
correction factor of 0.75. be confirmed by the calculations or the func-
The design wind area of the load A is the tional test.
actual area outlined by the contour of the The jack-knifing is unlikely to occur if
load to be lifted with the crane. It can also be there is a positive tension (more 30 min) in
assumed due to the static data. With no data the boom ropes when the outreach of the
available the following formula may be ap- boom is minimum and the inclination of the
plied, m²: boom to the side opposite to its outreach is
A  0.881  3.726Q  0.63Q ln Q  the least that could occur in service (but not
less than angles of heel and trim of 5° and 2°,
0.0028Q 2  1.595 Q ln Q, (6.4.3) respectively), the wind pressure from the side
where Q — lifting capacity, t. of the outreach being as specified in
572 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

6.4.9 In calculating stresses in the com- chinery travel as well as load swinging in still
pressed beams and compressed beams with water and at rolling. These forces are taken
the applied bending moment, the effect of the into account based on data on angles of de-
longitudinal forces shall be considered with viation of load, determined by method ap-
due degree of precision allowing for the ec- proved by the River Register for compliance
centricity of their application, structural flex- with requirements of the Rules; in all cases,
ure and initial camber due to their self-weight the angles shall be not less than 3° far and
per stress value. wide the boom at a time. The angles shall be
counted off from the vertical with maximum
6.4.10 The design modulus of elasticity for
dynamic heel of the upper structure;
steel wire ropes shall be taken equal to
.6 centrifugal inertia forces resulting from
98 GPa.
the upper structure turn;
6.4.11 In calculating the strength of the .7 vertical inertia forces acting on the load
riveted or bolted structures, the cross- in case of rolling. These forces are considered
sectional areas and section moduli shall be by means of dynamic load factor, determined
determined with regard to surface area cov- by a method approved by the River Register
ered by holes. In stability calculations the sur- for compliance with requirements of the
face area covered by holes shall not be taken Rules. In all cases the value of dynamic load
into account. factor shall be taken at least 1.25.
6.4.12 The design loads for the upper 6.4.13 The combinations of design loads of
structures shall be taken as follows: the upper structures shall be taken as follows:
.1 load weight of lifted cargo and loose .1 normal loads in working condition. The
gripping gear; loads to be included in the calculations are:
.2 self-weight of structures and equipment weight load of lifted load masses and cargo-
arranged on these structures; gripping devices, mass of components of
.3 wind load (due to dynamic wind pres- cargo-handling appliance, inertia forces in
sure on the load and metal structures) shall be case of smooth starting and braking, the aver-
taken not less than 400 Pa for maximum loads age wind pressure complying with the dy-
in working condition, not less than 125 Pa for namic wind pressure on the construction and
load drop and not less than 2000 Pa for the cargo 250 Pa. It is considered in calcula-
maximum load in non-working condition. tion of endurance (fatigue strength) of the
The design dynamic wind pressure in non- upper structure carried out by a method ap-
working condition may be reduced if data on proved by the River Register for compliance
wind load of the water area and actual condi- with requirements of the Rules. The obtained
tions of service of the upper structures of the value of safety factor shall be determined by
floating crane is submitted, but in all cases, it the calculation given in;
is taken at least 1000 Pa; .2 maximum loads in working condition.
.4 inertia forces, resulting from hoisting Case 1. The upper structure is motionless
(lowering) the load with the hoisting device, (the hoisting machinery alone is working); the
when operating in acceleration (deceleration) hoisting machinery operates for lifting the
duty. Dynamic load factor shall be calculated load from the ground (deck) or for braking
by a method approved by the River Register while lowering the load, drop of load.
for compliance with requirements of the The loads to be included in the calcula-
Rules; in any case, its value for the upper tions are: weight load of lifted load masses
structures shall be not less than 1.15, when and cargo-gripping devices allowing for the
operating in still water, and not less than maximum dynamic load factor; mass of com-
1.4 when operating at rolling; ponents of cargo-handling appliance; inertia
.5 inertia forces arising from deceleration loads resulted from the drop of load and from
(acceleration) of jib luffing, slewing or ma- ship's rolling in sea and in still water; wind
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 573

pressure on the crane structure and the load 6.5 ALLOWABLE STRESSES, SAFETY
in the operating condition; load resulted from FACTORS AND STABILITY RESERVES
swinging of cargo on the flexible suspension
6.5.1 The stresses in metal structures of the
with the maximum vertical tilt angle 16°.
ship's derricks and floating cranes when sub-
The dynamic load factor shall be calcu-
ject to the action of the design loads shall not
lated with due account to the maximum speed
exceed the allowable values as specified in
of load handling, rigidity of the structure (the
Table 6.5.1 with regard to requirements of
ropes included) and the structure and load
6.5.2 to 6.5.5.
masses both for hoisting (tearing off) and
T a b l e 6.5.1
braking (when lowering) the load. Allowable stresses and safety factors in metal
In determining the load, slewing compo- structures of the ship's derricks and floating cranes
nent of the floating crane upper structure shall

Safety factor ReH/

Lifting capacity, t
be considered when two movements are com- Maximum cargo hoist-

Dynamic factor
l = 0.7ReH/
stress ex-
bined: ing or lowering speed
pressed as a
at which verification
lifting — lowering of cargo and crane portion of
of dynamic factor l
slewing; yield stress
by calculation is not
of materials
crane slewing and luffing; /ReH
required, m/s
hoisting — lowering of cargo and luffing. ≤5 0.40 2.50 1.75 1.00
Case 2. The upper structure when the 10 0.42 2.38 1.67 0.89
load is in motion (traveling, luffing or slew- 15 0.44 2.27 1.59 0.78
ing), one of the mechanisms operating in ac- 20 0.46 2.18 1.52 0.69
celeration or deceleration duty. 25 0.48 2.08 1.46 0.61
30 0.50 2.00 1.40 0.53
The loads to be included in the calcula-
40 0.54 1.85 1.30 0.40
tions are: weight load of lifted load masses 50 0.57 1.76 1.23 0.31
and cargo-gripping devices and mass of com- 60 0.59 1.70 1.19 0.25
ponents of cargo-handling appliance with due ≥75 0.60 1.67 1.17 0.22
allowance for the shock factor while moving N o t e . Intermediate values of parameters are
along the track, inertia forces resulted from determined by linear interpolation.
rolling; maximum horizontal inertia forces of
For manually operated cargo-handling ap-
masses of the upper structure and the load al-
pliances the allowable stresses may be taken
lowing for skidding of wheels, disconnection
equal to 0,6 of the yield stress of the material
of limiting moment couplings or other design
features; wind pressure on the upper structure
The safe working load (SWL) (see
and the load in the operating condition and
of ropes (wire, natural fibre and synthetic)
load resulted from swinging of the cargo on
shall not exceed the design breaking load di-
flexible suspension.
vided by the safety factor in accordance with
The shock factor is determined depending
Table 6.5.7-2 and Table 6.5.8.
on the travelling speed and availability of the
rail joints; 6.5.2 The values of allowable stresses as
.3 maximum load under non-working specified in Table 6.5.1 include the dynamic
condition. load factors determined by the following for-
The loads to be included in the calcula- mula:
tions are: the self-weight of construction  l  0.7RåH  , (6.5.2-1)
components and wind pressure corresponding
where l — standard dynamic factor obtained
to the dynamic pressure on the construction
as the ratio of the maximum expected dy-
in non-working condition.
namic load to the static stress when subjected
In well-founded cases, owing to peculiari- to design loads.
ties of service or the upper structure the de-
When the maximum cargo hoisting or low-
sign loads may be required, which will differ
from those stated above. ering speed is more than 1,33  l –1 , m/s
574 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

the dynamic load factor must be verified by T a b l e 6.5.4-1

calculation using the formula: Transition coefficients to allowable stresses
for different kinds of deformation
  1  0.318  f st , (6.5.2-2)
Type of deformation
where  — dynamic factor obtained as the coefficient
ratio of the dynamic load to its static value; Tension, compression, bending 1.00
 — maximum speed of load movement, m/s; Shear 0.60
Local crumpling at a dense contact 0.75
fst — calculated vertical shifting of the load Butt end surface crumpling (with fitting) 1.50
suspension point (including variations in the
rope length) under the action of static force T a b l e 6.5.4-2
induced by cargo weight equal to the lifting Transition coefficients to allowable stresses
capacity, m. for welds
If the calculated dynamic load factor  ex- Transition coefficient for welding
ceeds l, the allowable stresses as specified in

the X-ray inspection

semi-automatic and

semi-automatic and
automatic, and also

of seams along the

weld inspection in
manual in case of

manual in case of
accordance with
Type of weld
Table 6.5.1 shall be multiplied by l /. If the

entire length

calculated dynamic load factor is equal to or of deformation
less than N, the allowable stresses are assumed
to be equal to those given in Table 6.5.1.
6.5.3 In calculating the allowable stresses Butt Tension 0.85 1.00
in metal structures, the design yield stress to weld Compression 0.85 1.00
be taken with regard to its value as established Shear 0.60 0.60
in national standard for material or technical Fillet Shear 0.70 0.70
documentation, in all cases, however, it shall weld
be taken max. 0.70 of the minimum tensile T a b l e 6.5.4-3
strength (ultimate resistance) established in Transition coefficients to allowable stresses
the technical documentation developed by the for riveted and bolt joints
designer and approved by the River Register. Transition coefficient
6.5.4 The requirements of 6.5.2 apply to Type of joint to allowable stresses
tensile shear crumpling
tensile, compression and bending stresses as
Rivets with the 0.60 (the head 0.80 2.0
well as equivalent stresses. The values of tran-
half-round head tearing off)
sition coefficients to allowable stresses for Bolts for reamed 0.70 0.70 2.0
other types of deformation, as well as for cal- holes
culation of welded, riveted and bolt joints Bolts for connections 0.70 0.60 1.2
shall be taken according to Tables 6.5.4-1 to with a gap between
6.5.4-3. a bolt and a hole
Transition coefficients are applicable if the
6.5.5 The design and scantlings of the loose
holes for rivets and finished bolts after ream-
gear shall be such as to exclude residual de-
ing are drilled in the joined items at one go or
formations and breaking when tested with an
separately through jib plates. Allowable
ultimate load. For items which are manufac-
stresses for field rivets shall be reduced up to
tured based on technical documentation ap-
10%. Allowable stresses for flat-top counter-
proved by the River Register are considered as
sunk-head rivets and for raised-top counter-
satisfying this requirement. The allowable
sunk-head rivets shall be reduced up to 20%.
stresses in the non-standard fixed gear shall
As initial values for calculating of allowable
not exceed the allowable stresses assumed for
stresses for rivet and bolt joints, allowable
metal structures (see 6.5.1 to 6.5.4).
stresses determined for tension and cut due to
the yield stress of material for rivets and bolts, 6.5.6 The safety factor of chains of cargo-
and for crumpling — due to the yield stress of gripping devices relative to breaking load shall
material of metal structures shall be assumed. be at least 4.
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 575

T a b l e 6.5.7-1
Crane operation mode
Load factor K
Norm of an oper-
The qualitative characteristic of a class of usage ating time of over over over
up to
mechanisms, h 0.125 to 0.25 to 0.50 to
0.25 0.50 1.0
Rare usage up to 800 Ì1 Ì1 Ì1 Ì1
Irregular usage over 800 to Ì1 Ì1 Ì2 Ì3
Regular usage of low intensity 1600 to 3200 Ì1 Ì2 Ì3 Ì4
Regular usage of average intensity 3200 to 6300 Ì2 Ì3 Ì4 Ì5
Irregular intensive usage at work with two changes 6300 to 12500 Ì3 Ì4 Ì5 Ì6
Intensive usage at work with three changes 12500 to 25000 Ì4 Ì5 Ì6 —
Rather intensive usage at work with three changes 25000 to 50000 Ì5 Ì6 — —

6.5.7 The safety factor of steel load and Ðmax — value of the greatest load applied to
boom cables of a crane relative to breaking the mechanism, N.
load of the rope as the whole shall depend on
the operating mode (Table 6.5.7-1) and be 6.5.8 The safety factor of the natural fibre
not less than the values given in Table ropes relative to breaking load of the rope as a
6.5.7-2. whole shall be not less than the values given
T a b l e 6.5.7-2 in Table 6.5.8, and that of the synthetic fibre
Safety factor of steel load and boom cables ropes not less than 10.
of a crane T a b l e 6.5.8
Safety factor of the natural fibre ropes
Operating mode in accor-
Safety factor Nominal rope diameter, mm Safety factor
dance with Table 6.5.7-1
Ì1 3.15 12 12
Ì2 3.35 14 to 17 10
Ì3 3.55 18 to 23 8
Ì4 4.00 24 to 39 7
Ì5 4.50 40 and over 6
Ì6 5.60
6.5.9 The stability factor shall not be less
Load factor K used in Table 6.5.7-1 is de- than the safety factor (relative to yield point)
termined by the formula: for the compression of the same element.
n  n  6.5.10 The compressed beams shall be
  ti  Pi Pmax   ti  ,
K  (6.5.7) checked for overall stability and their thin-
i 1  i 1 
walled elements, for local stability.
where ti — average duration of use of the Beams subject to transverse bending shall
mechanism at partial load levels, h: be checked for overall stability and their verti-
ti = t1, t2,... tn; cal walls and compressed belts for local-
 ti — total duration of use of the mecha-
i 1
6.5.11 In calculating the buckling strength
nism with various load levels, h: of beams compressed axially shall be taken of
the initial eccentricity of the longitudinal
 ti  t1  t 2  ...  t n , forces and the initial bend; the total value of
i 1
Pi — load levels with average duration ti at both shall not be less than 0.001 of the beam
general application of the given mechanism, Í: length.
Pi = P1, P2, ... Pn; 6.5.12 Flexibility of each portion of the
n — the total number of levels of loadings; axially compressed fabricated beams, taken
576 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

between the connecting members (strips or testing the machinery with a proof load in ac-
lattices) shall be not more than 40. cordance with the present Rules;
6.5.13 Flexibility of compressed and ex- .2 in calculating the design loads on items
panded members of metallic structures shall of the machinery, the loads on cargo handling
appliances and conditions for which stresses
not exceed the values given in Table 6.5.13.
in the structural elements were determined
T a b l e 6.5.13 (see 6.4 and 6.5) shall be included;
Flexibility of compressed and expanded members .3 safety factors of machinery items shall
of metallic structures not be less than those obtained for the metal
Flexibility of members structures of cargo handling appliances ac-
Members of metallic structures
Compressed Expanded
cording to 6.5.
Chords of main trusses 120 150
Single-beam structures of 150 180
Other beams of main 150 250 TO CRANES
trusses and chords of auxil- 6.7.1 Cranes shall be designed and installed
iary trusses
All other beams 250 350
in such a way as to obviate the risk of jack-
knifing (see also 6.10.1).
In calculating flexibility the design length
6.7.2 Cranes with derricks on rope suspen-
shall be included in the calculations with due
sion shall be designed in such a way as to ob-
allowance for the type of end fixing. The
viate the risk of jack-knifing of the derrick to
flexibility shall be calculated within the plane
the side opposite to the outreach; due account
of main inertia moments.
shall be taken of heel and trim which are
6.5.14 The design loads in metallic con- likely to be encountered in service including
structions of the upper structures of floating the use of limiting stops (see also 6.4.8).
cranes shall not exceed the allowable values
given in Table 6.5.14 with due regard for re- 6.7.3 The design of cranes must enable
quirements of 6.5.3 and 6.5.4. them to be securely attached to the ship's
hull. The hull framing shall be adequately
T a b l e 6.5.14 stiffened in the place where a crane will be
Allowable stressed under design loads in metallic installed.
constructions of the upper structures of floating
cranes 6.7.4 Provision shall be made to ensure ef-
Allowable stresses in ficient fastening of cranes, their booms when
Combination of maximum loads portions of yield stress stowed for sea (see GOST 25938).
Under working conditions 0.70
Under non-working condi- 0.75 6.8 SAFETY DEVICES OF CRANES
6.8.1 The cranes shall be provided with
For the upper structures of simple con- limit switches that automatically come into
struction the allowable stresses shall be taken action to stop the following machinery in the
in accordance with 6.5.1. extreme positions:
.1 hoisting;
6.6 STRENGTH CALCULATION .2 jib luffing;
OF CARGO-HANDLING MACHINERY .3 travel of the crane and its crab;
6.6.1 In calculating, the following shall be .4 slewing of the crane (for cranes with
taken into account: the limited slewing angle);
.1 safety factors of machinery items shall .5 interlocking of the grab in the upper-
be so that no after-effects or deformations most position if the whole rope of the closing
(except manufacturing defects) remain after winch is hauled.
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 577

The possibility of the reverse movement warning signal shall be clear and distinctive
must be provided for the above items after the among other audible signals and operation
limit switches have operated. noises.
Where closing switches are provided for
shunting the limit switches (e.g. for lowering 6.9 MACHINERY OF THE CRANES
the jib when the crane is being stowed for
6.9.1 The safety factor of braking for the
sea), only the authorized persons from the
ship's staff shall be admitted to them. hoisting machinery shall not be less than 1.5.
On cranes where the jib, when lowering, For topping (luffing) machinery the safety
superimposes on the cargo-gripping device, factor of braking shall not be less than 2; the
the hoisting machinery shall be switched off static moment on the braking shaft due to the
simultaneously with the topping machinery weight of the load, weight of the jib and the
adjusted to jib lowering. counterbalance, shall be determined for such
a position of the jib in which the moment is
6.8.2 On cranes where the safe working maximum.
load varies with jib radii, an automatic indica- In case of two or more brakes at a drive,
tor of safe working load corresponding to the the safety factor of braking shall be set at an
appropriate radii shall be provided. The indi- assumption that all the load is hold by one
cator scale shall be visible for operator from brake.
his workplace. The safety factor of braking of each of
6.8.3 The cranes stability of which depends these brakes shall not be less than 1.25 at si-
upon the load position on the hook shall be multaneous operation of all brakes. If opera-
provided with limit load switches automati- tion of brakes is not simultaneous, the safety
cally disconnecting the crane hoisting and jib factors of braking shall be taken the same as
luffing machinery when an attempt is made to for individual brakes.
lift the load exceeding the safe working load 6.9.2 Slewing and travelling motion brakes
of the crane for a given outreach by more shall act automatically or be controlled; the
than 10%. The possibility of lowering of the open-type brake may be used subject to tech-
load and jib decreasing shall be provided after nical justification.
the limit load switches have operated. The safety factor of braking shall not be
Limit load switches may be fitted on cranes less than 1.0.
of other types. The safety factor of braking for the upper
6.8.4 Cranes with varying jib radii and con- structures of the floating cranes and for the
stant safe working load over the whole radius cranes intended for operation at rolling shall
shall be provided with limit-load switches of be not less than 1.5.
hoisting machinery. Hand-braked slewing and travelling motion
The limit load switch shall actuate to pre- machinery shall be provided with stops against
vent lifting the load with weight exceeding uncontrolled slewing or movement of the
safe working load by more than 10%. After cranes.
limit load switch actuation the lowering of the
load shall be provided. 6.10 TRAVELLING OF CRANES
Short-time overloading (up to 0.5 0.1 s) 6.10.1 Stability of the travelling cranes shall
shall not cause the limit-load switch to actu- be ensured under all conditions, whether in
ate. service or not. The stability shall be checked
in accordance with procedures developed by
6.8.5 The cargo handling appliances with
the designer and approved by the River Register.
the stationary control station or radio and
telecontrol shall be equipped with audible 6.10.2 Travelling cranes shall be provided
warning device which shall be put into opera- with permanent anchoring devices or reverse
tion by the operator at any time. The audible rollers.
578 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

Travelling cranes shall be provided with ef- 6.11.3 The thickness of walls of stress-
ficient anticreeping devices (detachable an- bearing elements of crane metal structures
choring devices, etc.). which are readily accessible for inspection and
maintenance from all sides shall not be less
6.10.3 Fastening of cranes when stowed for
than 4 mm; the thickness of walls of box-type
sea shall be such to prevent any movement of
or tubular metal structures inaccessible for in-
the crane.
spection and maintenance from the inside
6.10.4 Running wheels of the crane travel- shall be at least 6 mm.
ling machinery shall be designed or fitted to The maximum structural camber of the
prevent their derailment. Fastening of rails to crane boom shall not exceed 1/1500 of its
the ship's framing shall withstand the worst length, both in the plane of suspension and in
combination of service loads. the plane normal to it.
6.10.5 Frames of the travelling cranes shall 6.11.4 The construction liable to loads, es-
be provided with bearing struts arranged at a pecially to vibration load, dangerous for
distance of not more than 20 mm from the breaking away rivet heads shall be avoided.
rails and may be used as supports in case of Tensile stresses in rivets with countersunk or
breaking of wheels or axles. These struts shall half-countersunk heads shall not be allowed.
be designed for the maximum permissible The holes for rivets and finished bolts shall
load. be drilled in the joined items at one go or
6.10.6 Power-driven travelling cranes shall separately through jib plates.
be provided with buffers against possible con- The diameter of rivets and bolts used in the
tact with stops. The buffers may be fitted on stress bearing items connections shall not be
stops. less than 12 mm.
The maximum thickness of riveted items
6.10.7 The stops shall be provided at both shall not exceed five diameters of the rivet.
ends of the railway designed to withstand the The number of rivets securing the item in
impact of crane moving with the maximum the assembly or arranged on either side of the
working load at the nominal speed. joint shall be at least two.
6.10.8 If several cranes travel at one rail-
way, they shall be provided with stops so as to 6.12 CRANE CABS
prevent collision.
6.12.1 Stationary crane control stations
shall be positioned in specially equipped cabs.
STRUCTURES OF CRANES 6.12.2 Crane cabs shall be positioned in a
way as to provide the operator with the possi-
6.11.1 The crane counterbalance shall be
bility to observe the gripping appliances and
designed to prevent specified weight change in
the cargo during the whole cycle of crane op-
service. Separate cargoes in the counterbal-
eration. The operator shall be provided with
ance shall be fastened to exclude their dis-
230° horizontal area of view from his working
place. It is recommended to increase the an-
6.11.2 The adjustable counterbalances shall gle up to 270°.
either move automatically when the jib radii
6.12.3 The cab shall be positioned in such
are being changed or be provided with a
a way as to preclude the possibility of cab
counterbalance position indicator. In case of
damage in case of abruption or other damages
adjustable counterbalance moving, the possi-
of constructions supporting the jib (cables,
bility of its jamming shall be excluded. It is
ties, etc.).
recommended to provide the interlocking of
the jib radii in case of failure in the adjustable 6.12.4 Crane cabs shall be closed from all
counterbalance. sides. View area surfaces shall be glazed. The
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 579

possibility of glass surfaces cleaning shall be 6.13.2 In case of inclinations permissible

provided, as well as their heating to prevent for the floating crane in service, the counter-
sweat or icing. Lower glass surfaces, where the balance and slewing element of the crane, ex-
operator can get on, shall be protected with cept the jib, shall not extend outboard.
gratings withstanding human weight. The cab The accommodation and service spaces
shall be provided with ventilation and heating shall be located away from the cargo transfer-
system in accordance with national standards1. ring area and their entrances - away from the
The requirements concerning cab closing cargo transferring area at least 1000 mm from
from all sides are not applicable to ship’s der- the maximum extending members of the slew-
ricks. ing element. Moreover, if it is possible, the
6.12.5 Crane cab dimensions shall provide entrances shall be led to the area opposite to
free access to the equipment. the slewing area of the crane.

6.12.6 The door of the cab shall open out- 6.13.3 The upper structures shall be pro-
side and be provided with a fenced platform vided with safety arrangements which comply
located in front of the door. Provision shall be with the requirements of 6.8.1 to 6.8.4.
also made for a cab locking device if the op- 6.13.4 Self-weight of the jib appliance shall
erator is absent. be balanced by means of the counterbalance.
6.12.7 Cab access and entry shall not be 6.13.5 The wall thickness of the stress-
blocked up by machinery, cables and other bearing elements of metallic structures shall
appliances. be at least, mm:
The leading of cargo and jib ropes through for profiles pained from the inside and 5.0
the crane cab, as well as the positioning of outside
drums for ropes winding are not allowed. for closed box sections 6.0
6.12.8 The crane cab shall be equipped for hot-rolled or extruded tubes with her- 5.0
with the stationary adjustable seat in regard to metically closed ends
the height and horizontal plane. 6.13.6 The thickness of the profile plate in
6.12.9 The cab of the floating crane shall welded structures shall be not less than
be at least 1.9 m high; the height of cabs of 30 mm and not less than 50 mm in riveted
ship’s derricks may be reduced down to 1.5 m and bolted structures.
where the sitting posture of the operator is
6.13.7 The ratio of the drum (block) and
rope diameters shall be determined with re-
In floating cranes cabs the possibility of
gard to operation mode of the crane machin-
presence of at least one person except the op-
ery (see Table 6.5.7-1). The least allowable
erator is to be implied.
values of this ratio in accordance to the mode
are indicated in Table 6.13.7.
FLOATING CRANES. 6.13.8 The metallic structures shall be so
CRANES MOUNTED ON FLOATING designed as to provide an access for their ex-
DOCKS amination from inside. Enclosed cavities of
6.13.1 The upper structures of floating metallic structures inaccessible for the exami-
cranes and cranes installed on floating docks nation shall be subjected to air pressure test
are subject to all the requirements of the pre- with the excessive pressure of 0.03 MPa;
sent Section of the Rules applied to the foaming solution shall also be applied to the
cranes, as well as to additional requirements outside walls of structures. Technical condi-
specified in 6.13.2 to 6.13.11. tion of metallic structures forming enclosed
cavities may be checked using non-destructive
test methods. In such a case, tests are omit-
GOST 5534, GOST 12.1.005. ted.
580 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 6.13.7 operations shall be so designed as to exclude

Ratio of the drum (block) diameter any possibility of slipping off slings or catch-
to the rope diameter ing the projected structures while lifting the
Group of
Ratio of the drum load. The cargo hooks, shackles and their fas-
(block) diameter tening parts shall not have any protruding
Load-handling device machinery
to the rope di-
parts and sharp edges.
Load-handling ma- Ì1 18 For cranes with safe working load of 10 t
chines of all types, Ì2; Ì3 20 and more, ramshorn hooks may be used,
except for cranes and Ì4 25 which shall meet the requirements imposed to
winches Ì5 30
cargo hooks of standard design. Ramshorn
Ì6 35
Assembly mecha- Ì1 16 hooks for floating cranes and cargo handling
nisms appliances installed on industrial ships may be
Electric tackles Ì3 22 designed without special arrangement for pro-
Grabbing winches Ì6 30 tection from slipping off slings or catching the
Blocks of grabs Ì6 18 projected structures.
6.13.9 The upper structure of the prototype 6.14.5 Swivels of cargo hooks and blocks
floating crane intended for operation at rolling are to be forged. The nut of the swivel shall
shall be subject to the full-scale tests in natu- be efficiently secured against turning on the
ral conditions with maximum values of rolling thread.
and wind pressure.
6.13.10 The upper structure of the serial 6.14.6 The shackles shall be forged straight
floating crane intended for operation at rolling with pins that are screwed into the eye plates
shall be additionally tested with the proof load or secured with nuts. Pins or nuts shall be
equal to 1.4 of the safe working load with locked.
maximum radius of the jib along the ship. The Club shackles may be used as cargo shack-
proof load shall be applied statically. The time les and also for the natural and synthetic fibre
of keeping the upper structure under the load ropes.
shall be at least 5 min. The shackles for securing the components
6.13.11 Static and dynamic tests of cranes in cargo suspension system (hooks, counter-
are performed in accordance with 7.2.9 and weights, triangular bars and chains) shall have
7.2.11 RTSC. pins with half-countersunk heads without
6.14 GEARS OF THE CRANES The shackles shall be so arranged as to en-
sure the correct fitting of pins and to prevent
6.14.1 The mating of parts in movable twisting of the rope.
joints shall ensure the correct adjoining of
bearing surfaces with the minimum permissi- 6.14.7 The block shall be made so that the
ble radial and axial clearances in service. rope will not be jammed between the block
cheek plates and the sheave.
6.14.2 The safe working load (SWL) of the
loose gear other than blocks shall be defined Axles of sheaves shall be locked against
as maximum load (weight) for which the gear turning and axial displacement. The block
is designed. sheaves supported by plain bearings shall be
provided with bushes made of antifriction ma-
6.14.3 Fixed gear shall be so attached to terials (e.g. bronze).
the metal framework as to ensure required The eyes and lugs of the blocks shall be
strength and uniform distribution of forces in forged integral with the latter; the nuts of
the metal structure members. swivels shall be locked. Blocks with open
6.14.4 The cargo hooks and shackles shall hooks shall not be used in cargo handling ap-
be forged. The hooks used in cargo handling pliances.
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 581

The diameter of sheaves for wire ropes sprocket wheels) are to be used as cargo
measured in the bottom of the groove shall chains.
not be less than 14 times the rope diameter
6.14.12 Connecting links (of anchor chain
for ropes movable under load, and at least
links type) in cargo handling appliances may
9 times the rope diameter for ropes fixed un-
be used for fastening the ropes and chains to
der load.
the metal structures and components.
The diameter of sheaves intended for use
with natural or synthetic fibre ropes shall not Connecting links shall be forged. The joint
be less than 5 times the diameter of the rope. shall be designed to provide reliable connec-
The groove shall be so shaped as to accept tion of the both halves of link and stopping to
the rope tightly and without jamming. prevent their spontaneous disconnection.
The diameter of the sheave and the shape The link installation shall provide their free
of the groove shall be assumed basing on the movement in the holes of the components to
diameter of the rope with the minimum ac- be connected and prevent the link operation
ceptable calculated tensile strength of wires. with cocking.
The depth of the sheave grooves shall be
more than 1.4 of the rope diameter depending 6.15 SHIP’S LIFTS
on the purpose and place of installation of the
sheave and in any case shall be at least one 6.15.1 When designing cargo ship’s lifts,
rope diameter. follow Guidelines Ð.005-2004 ''Technical re-
The groove bottom shall have circular con- quirements to cargo ship’s lifts''.
tour forming a segment with an angle of at
least 120°. The radius of the groove shall ex-
ceed the rope radius by at least 10%.
6.16.1 When designing cargo booms, the
6.14.8 The triangular and multiangular
requirements of 6.1 to 6.14 shall be observed.
plates used for connection of ropes or chains
shall be so thick as to suit the shackles se-
cured to them and to leave a minimum clear- 6.17 DOCUMENTS AND MARKING
ance enabling shackles to move easily; sym-
metrically welded reinforcing pads may be 6.17.1 Cargo-handling appliances manufac-
used. tured at technical supervision of the River
Register shall be provided with the Cargo
6.14.9 Forged eye ends and screwed forks Handling Survey Report.
shall be forged integral with the rigging
screws; use of rigging screws with hooks is not 6.17.2 Each loose gear, except lifts, tested
allowed. The design of the rigging screws shall with a proof load and accepted shall be
ensure locking of tightened screws. marked and stamped by the manufacturer's
The fork may be fastened on the thread technical control service. The marking shall
and locked subject to technical justification. contain the following data:
.1 cargo weight, corresponding to safe
6.14.10 Thimbles shall be made of steel by working load (stated after the inscription
smith forging or punching. Cast-in thimbles ''SWL''), t;
may be used subject to technical justification. .2 month and year of test;
6.14.11 Chains used in cargo handling ap- .3 individual identification symbol of the
pliances, where not covered by this Section of item;
the Rules shall comply with the requirements .4 stamp of the manufacturer;
of 3.7 and be electric-welded (contact weld- .5 steel quality grade mark in accordance
ing) or forge-welded. with Table
Short link chains with terminal links for at- The stamps shall be positioned on items as
tachment (calibrated chains, when used on follows:
582 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 6.17.4 All cargo handling appliances tested

Quality grade steel mark with a proof load shall, if the results of the
Quality Stresses in a specimen at examination are satisfactory, be marked with:
grade Grade of steel the breaking load Rm*, .1 safe working load, t, the allowable
steel mark MPa
maximum and minimum jib radii; where the
L Mild 300
M Higher tensile 400
safe working load varies with the jib radii -
P Alloy 500 the maximum and the minimum jib radii for
S Alloy 630 each appropriate safe working load (see Table
T Alloy 800;
* Rm — tensile strength T a b l e
blocks, on the strap or, if there is no strap, Safe working load
on the cheek plate between the eye and the Marking Explanation
sheave axle pin; SWL 3 t Safe working load is 3 t
swivels, on the wide side of the bow-piece (for non-jib cranes, and
also cranes with a fixed ra-
close to the eye shank;
swivel of blocks, on the side surface close SWL 1.5 t 4–12 m Safe working load is 1.5 t
to the pin; with jib radii from 4 to
hooks, on any side close to the eye, on 12 m
ramshorn hooks — on wide portion between SWL 3 t 4–12 m “ 3 t “ with jib radii from
the horns; rope sockets — on the tapered 4 to 12 m
portion; cross-heads of blocks — in the mid- SWL 5 t 4–6 m “ 5 t “with jib radii from
4 to 6 m
dle of the side surface;
SWL 32/8 t – Safe working load for the
shackles, on any side of the shackle close 22/24 m main lifting machinery is
to the eye; 32 t ; for the auxiliary ma-
connecting chains, on one side surface; chinery is 8 t, maximum jib
identification number — on the centre insert radius of the main hook is
of the lock; 22 m, and that of the auxil-
rigging screws, on tubular body; identifica- iary hook is 24 m
SWL Safe working load is 100 t
tion number — on the eye or lug; 100 t 16 m with jib radius of 16 m and
chains, on end link of each union end. 32 t 24 m 32 t with jib radius of 24 m
Where small dimensions of items make
stamping difficult, the date of test may be .2 month and year of test;
omitted. .3 identification number of crane;
.4 stamp of the River Register. The stamp
6.17.3 Cranes, if the results of the exami- shall be put on the lower end of the crane jib
nation are satisfactory, shall be marked with: close to the support. In all cases, the stamp
.1 safe working load, t; shall be readily visible.
.2 month and year of test;
.3 identification number; 6.17.5 The places of marking shall be dis-
tinctively painted.
.4 stamp of the River Register (if tested
under the River Register supervision) and The stamp shall have a rounded outline to
manufacturer’s stamp. avoid concentration of stresses and shall not
be put at welded areas.
In addition to above mentioned data,
marking shall be also applied in accordance 6.17.6 If it is found that marking according
with paragraph 14 of Technical Regulations1 . to is unnecessary large, data on in-

Technical Regulations on Safety of Inland Ma- Government of the Russian Federation No. 623
rine Transport Facilities approved by Decree of the dated 12.08.2010.
6 Cargo Handling Appliances 583

termediate values of the safe working load of

the crane may be reduced.
In such cases, the cranes where the safe The marks shall be made with paint, in
working load varies with jib radii shall be pro- Arabic figures at least 80 mm high.
vided with a metal plate containing jib radii On metal structures of cranes the marks
for each appropriate safe working load. shall be punched or welded on.
584 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”


7.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 7.2.3 The hoisting gear of the wheelhouse

shall operate without jamming at all possible
7.1.1 A hoistable wheelhouse and its hoist-
cases of asymmetric load as well as at all heel
ing and lowering arrangement shall be de-
and trim angles which may occur in normal
signed so that to prevent a risk of human in-
operation of the ship.
jury due to unprovoked contact of wheelhouse
with persons on board. 7.2.4 The hoisting gear shall ensure tran-
Provision shall be made for immediate sient slowing down of the wheelhouse when
unlocking of fixing devices for all service con- reaching the upper and lower utmost positions
ditions as well as in case of emergency power or buffer devices shall be provided.
cut-off to wheelhouse hoisting and lowering
7.1.2 Hoisting and lowering of the wheel- HOISTING ARRANGEMENT DRIVE
house shall not impede the operations per-
formed from the wheelhouse. 7.3.1 The hoisting and lowering arrange-
ment of the wheelhouse shall have a power
7.1.3 The wheelhouse shall be lowered at drive capable of operating at all normal ser-
all service conditions by one person from the vice conditions.
deckhouse. Emergency lowering shall be per- The wheelhouse shall be lowered by power
formed both from deckhouse and from a drive or under action of its own weight.
separate control station located outside the
deckhouse. The possibility of lowering a 7.3.2 The wheelhouse shall be equipped
wheelhouse shall be excluded under rolling with emergency lowering arrangement which
conditions. actuates independently of the main hoisting
and lowering drive.
7.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS TO The emergency lowering arrangement shall
DESIGN OF HOISTING AND LOWERING be designed to provide for a smooth and con-
ARRANGEMENT trolled lowering of the wheelhouse under ac-
tion of its own weight.
7.2.1 The drive gear of the arrangement
shall be designed for lifted load equal at least 7.3.3 The hoisting and lowering arrange-
1.5 times the weight of fully equipped wheel- ment of the wheelhouse shall ensure its emer-
house with watch personnel. gency lowering at a speed at least equal to
lowering speed under normal service condi-
7.2.2 The hoisting and lowering arrange- tions using main power-operated hoisting and
ment shall be designed to stop and hold the lowering drive (see 7.3.1).
wheelhouse in any specified position, provi-
sion shall be made for safe entrance and exit 7.3.4 No self-braking hoisting gears are al-
from the wheelhouse. lowed.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 585


8.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS gard of the requirements of the present Sec-

8.1.1 The present Section of the Rules es-
.7 retain properties as required by the pre-
tablishes standards for equipment of inland
sent Section when used at rolling (if designed
navigation ships with life-saving appliances as
for such a purpose);
well as requirements for their stowage and ar-
.8 provide for safe launching by one per-
rangement on board a ship.
son from its onboard location (for collective
8.1.2 Standards of supply of ships with life- life-saving appliances).
saving appliances are assigned on condition
8.1.7 The service life of life-saving appli-
that a ship is intended to operate in basins of
ances and outfit items which are subject to de-
a category corresponding with her class.
terioration with age shall be determined. Such
8.1.3 For non-crewed non-self-propelled life-saving appliances and outfit items shall be
ships not intended for carrying people, life- marked with a means determining their age or
saving appliances may be omitted. the date by which they shall be replaced.
8.1.4 In ships operating northwards 66°30' 8.1.8 Materials used for manufacture of
N. L. and in the Baikal lake and being life-saving appliances and arrangements as
equipped with free-fall liferafts not fitted with well as welded structures shall comply with
devices which provide boarding without get- the requirements of Part X of the Rules.
ting into the water, an immersion suit shall be
8.1.9 Requirements of the present Section
provided for each crew member engaged in
other than those stated in 8.1.6 to 8.1.8,
rescue operations on such liferafts., 8.2.16, 8.4.1, 8.4.15, 8.4.17, 8.4.19,
8.1.5 Life-saving appliances used on board 8.4.21, 8.4.24 to 8.4.27, 8.4.31, 8.4.35 to
ships shall have compliance certificates of the 8.4.51, 8.4.54 to 8.4.56, 8.5.5 to 8.5.7, 8.9.3,
River Register. 8.9.5, 8.9.6, 8.10.4, 8.10.6, 8.10.8 and 8.10.17
8.1.6 Unless otherwise specified in this apply also to ships in service.
Section, collective and individual life-saving 8.1.10 If prior to approval of the Rules, the
appliances shall: ship is not covered by requirements similar to
.1 not be damaged in stowage at air tem- those of this Section, when performing re-
perature from –30 tî +50 °Ñ; equipment, modernization or re-classification
.2 be operable at water temperature from of such a ship life-saving appliances shall be
0 °Ñ tî 30 °Ñ; brought in conformity with requirements of
.3 be rot-proof, corrosion-resistant and the present Section of the Rules.
withstand water, oil, oil products or fungal
8.1.11 Hull of a landing-stage, fire-watch
exposure during service life;
craft or jetty pontoon throughout the periph-
.4 be resistant to deterioration (maintain
ery in the waterline area shall be guarded by a
its qualities) where exposed to sunlight during
rescue handrail which is to be attached to the
service life;
hull in the points located at a distance 0.5 – 1
.5 be coloured orange which assists in de-
m from each other.
.6 be fitted with retro-reflective material 8.1.12 Passenger ships, crew boats and spe-
where it will assist in detection, with due re- cial purpose ships shall be equipped with ar-
586 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

rangements for safe disembarkation in shallow T a b l e 8.2.1

water, on shore or on the other ship. Standards for equipping passenger ships, crew boats,
special purpose ships, self-propelled and non-self-
8.1.13 Inflatable life-saving appliances on propelled ferries with collective life-saving appliances
board ships shall comply with the following Number of people provided with
requirements: Navigation Length
collective life-saving appliances, %
area cate- of ship,
.1 comprise at least two separate pneu- gory m life-saving
lifeboats liferafts
matic chambers; buoyancy aids
.2 be automatically inflated when Ì-ÏÐ,  30  100 
launched, manual pumping of chambers shall Î-ÏÐ, Ì  30 20 80 
be provided;  30  100 
.3 take and retain a stable trim regardless  30 15 85 
of the load even in case of half inflated  30  50 50
pneumatic chambers.  30 7.5 10 20
 30   20
8.1.14 The requirements of 8.2.13 to 8.2.20, Ð
8.3.5, 8.4.22 to 8.4.25, 8.5.21 to 8.5.22, 8.6  30 7.5  20
are mandatory for ships engaged on coastal  30   20
voyages. Ships engaged on international voy-  30   20
ages as well as passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ class * For ships entering lakes and reservoirs of P
category as well as in river estuaries of O category
regardless of the type of voyages (coastal or with sea navigation conditions.
international) shall comply with the require-
ments of the International Convention for the 8.2.2 Non-passenger ships of Ì-ÑÏ class
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended shall be fitted with collective life-saving appli-
(SOLAS), and the International Life-Saving ances according to the standards specified in
Appliance Code (LSA Code), 1997. Table 8.2.2.
Ships which navigate in areas of Northern T a b l e 8.2.2
Sea Route shall comply with requirements of Standards for equipping non-passenger ships
navigation in the water area of the Northern of Ì-ÑÏ class with collective life-saving appliances
Sea Route approved by the Order of the Min- Number of persons pro-
istry of Transport of Russia No.7 dated vided with life-saving ap-
Types of ships
pliances, %
17.01.2013. lifeboats liferafts
8.1.15 On board the ships in service the Dry cargo ships with 100* —
life-saving appliances or means, after their re- L  85 m and oil tankers
Dry cargo ships with — 100*
placement or additional introduction, shall
L < 85 m
comply with the requirements of 8.4 to 8.10. Tugboats, ice-breakers 100* —
and industrial ships
* Norm of supply on each side
When using the data in Table 8.2.2, the
8.2.1 Passenger ships, crew boats, special following shall be considered:
purpose ships, self-propelled and non-self- .1 Dry cargo ships (85 m long and longer)
propelled ferries shall be equipped with col- shall be fitted with semi-enclosed or enclosed
lective life-saving appliances according to the lifeboats which comply with the requirements
standards specified in Table 8.2.1 with due re- of LSA Code.
gard of 8.2.12 and 8.3.6. Instead of the above mentioned lifeboats,
In these ships intended for operation in ba- cargo ships may be fitted with one or more
sins of P, O categories southwards 6630 S.L. lifeboats being launched by a free fall from
lifeboats may be replaced with liferafts pro- the after part, of appropriate design, with total
vided that 8.2.3 is met. capacity sufficient for the total number of
8 Life-Saving Appliances 587

persons on board the ship. The ship shall be 8.2.5 Equipment with collective life-saving
additionally provided with one or more lif- appliances of self-propelled ships (other than
erafts of the same capacity on each side, on those mentioned in 8.2.1 and 8.2.4), and
one side the liferafts shall be served by crewed non-self-propelled oil tankers shall
launching arrangements; comply with the standards specified in Ta-
.2 oil tankers for oil cargoes with flash ble 8.2.5, the requirements of 8.2.6 and 8.2.7
point of 60 °Ñ and below shall be fitted with shall be fulfilled.
fire-protected life boats complying with re- T a b l e 8.2.5
quirements of 8.4.52 to 8.4.56; Standards for equipping self-propelled ships
.3 in tugboats, ice breakers and industrial (other than those mentioned in 8.2.1 and 8.2.4),
and crewed non-self-propelled oil tankers
ships less than 85 m in length lifeboats may with collective life-saving appliances
be replaced with liferafts;
Number of people provided with
.4 in dry cargo ships less than 85 m in Navigation Length
collective life-saving appliances, %
length as well as tugboats, ice breakers, indus- area of ship,
category m life-saving
lifeboats liferafts
trial ships all liferafts shall be of the same ca- buoyancy aids
pacity. Where the liferafts cannot be moved Ì  30  100 
from side to side, the liferaft capacity on each  30 100  
side shall be at least 150%. Î  30  100 
N o t e . The possibility of moving liferafts from  30 100  
side to side is considered ensures when liferafts are Ð  30   100
located as such to provide for their free movement  30  100 
from side to side at a single deck level, the total Ë any   
weight of one liferaft shall be less than 185 kg.
In ships less than 30 m in length intended
8.2.3 Passenger ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Ì
for operation in basins of M and O categories
class and more than 30 m in length shall be
and ships over 30 m in length intended for
equipped with engined lifeboat.
operation in a basin of P category equipped
Passenger ships more than 30 m in length with lifeboats for 100% of persons, liferafts
intended for operation in basins of Ì, Î-ÏÐ may be omitted.
and O category or lakes, reservoirs and areas
with sea navigation conditions of P category 8.2.6 Non-passenger ships permitted for
shall be equipped with at least one engined carriage of organized groups of people shall be
lifeboat or rescue boat for towing all liferafts. equipped with collective life-saving appliances
The rest lifeboats may be replaced with liferafts. according to Table 8.2.5 with due regard of
the total number of persons on board.
8.2.4 Equipment of hydrofoil craft, hover-
craft and skimming ships with collective life- 8.2.7 In ships mentioned in 8.2.5 which are
saving appliances shall comply with the stan- intended for operation in basins of M and O
dards specified in Table 8.2.4. categories other than oil tankers intended for
T a b l e 8.2.4 oil transportation with flash point of 60Ñ and
Standards for equipping hydrofoil craft, below, lifeboats may be replaced with liferafts.
hovercraft and skimming ships with collective
life-saving appliances 8.2.8 Equipment of non-self-propelled
Navigation Number of people provided other than oil tankers with collective life-
area category with liferafts, % saving appliances shall comply with the stan-
Ì 100 dards specified in Table 8.2.8, the require-
Î 20 ments of 8.1.3 and 8.2.9 shall be fulfilled.
Ð* 10
Ð, Ë  8.2.9 In non-self-propelled ships intended
* For ships entering lakes and reservoirs of P for operation in basins of P and Ë categories
category as well as in river estuaries of O category other than those mentioned in 8.2.1, collec-
with sea navigation conditions. tive life-saving appliances may be omitted.
588 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 8.2.8 Î-ÏÐ class with life-saving appliances shall be

Standards for equipping non-self-propelled other taken according to the standards specified for
than oil tankers with collective life-saving appliances passenger ships operating in basins of M category.
Number of people provided with
Navigation Length 8.2.15 Equipment of cargo vessels, tug-
collective life-saving appliances, %
area cate- of ship,
gory m life-saving buoy- boats, catcher boats and self-propelled indus-
ancy aids trial ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class with life-
Ì any 100  saving appliances shall comply with standards
 30 50 50 specified in Table 8.2.15.
 30 100  T a b l e 8.2.15
Standards for equipping cargo vessels, tugboats,
8.2.10 Passenger ships of Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì catcher boats and self-propelled industrial ships of
and Î class over 30 m in length in which Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class with life-saving appliances
free-fall liferafts are applied, shall be provided Length Number of people provided with collective life-
with embarkation slides preventing people of ship, saving appliances, %
from getting into the water. This requirement m lifeboats liferafts
does not apply to ships in which boarding on 30 50* 50
the liferafts is carried out from the deck lo- >30 100* 
cated less than 1.5 m above the waterline cor- * Norm of supply on each side
responding to the minimum operational N o t e s . 1. In ships less than 30 m in length
draught. lifeboats may be replaced with liferafts.
2. In ships with length from 30 to 85 m lifeboats
8.2.11 Ships intended for operation in the may be replaced with liferafts (for 100% of persons
Baikal lake or permanent operation in the on each side), all liferafts shall be of the same ca-
Onega and the Ladoga lakes, ships intended pacity.
3. In ships with length of 85 m and more 50%
for operation in basins of M and O categories of lifeboats may be replaced with liferafts provided
northwards 66°30 , passenger ships and crew that at least one lifeboat is provided on each side.
boats intended for operation in basins of P
category in the Ob river northwards 66°35, 8.2.16 Oil tankers intended for carriage of
and other areas northwards 66°30 shall be oil products with a flash point of 60îÑ and
equipped with lifeboats and liferafts for 100% below shall be fitted with fire-protected life-
of persons onboard. boats.
8.2.17 Ñrewed non-self-propelled ships
8.2.12 Where capacity of lifeboats provided
shall be fitted with life-saving appliances as
on board the ship exceeds the established
the following:
standards, a number of liferafts or life-saving
for ships of M-ÏÐ class as for self-
buoyancy aids may be reduced to the number
propelled cargo vessels of M class;
corresponding to the total number of persons
for ships of O-ÏÐ class as for non-self-
provided with collective life-saving appliances.
propelled cargo vessels of M class.
Where capacity of liferafts exceeds the es-
tablished standards, a number of life-saving 8.2.18 Hydrofoil craft of Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ
devices may be reduced to the total number class shall be fitted with life-saving appliances
corresponding to the total number of persons according to the standards specified for
provided with collective life-saving appliances. hovercraft of M class.

8.2.13 Ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be fitted 8.2.19 For ships of Ì-ÏÐ class intended
with a rescue boat (see 8.6). One of lifeboats for operation in the Laptev Sea and in the
may be considered as a rescue boat if it com- East Siberian Sea in the area from the estuary
plies with the requirements for rescue boats. of the Jana River to the estuary of the
Kolyma River, collective life-saving appli-
8.2.14 Equipment of passenger ships, crew ances shall meet the requirements for ships of
boats and special purpose ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Ì-ÑÏ class.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 589

8.2.20 For cargo ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ 8.3.6 Self-propelled and non-self-propelled
and Î-ÏÐ class where the horizontal distance ferries intended for operation on crossroads
from the extreme end of the stem or stern of on rivers and canals of P and Ë categories are
the ship to the nearest end of the closest col- allowed to be equipped with one lifebuoy per
lective life-saving means is more than 100 m each 5 m of the overall length of the ferry;
shall carry, in addition to life-saving appli- here, life-saving appliances provided by Table.
ances required by 8.2.2 and 8.2.15, a liferaft 8.2.1 are not required.
for at least 4 persons stowed as far forward or
8.3.7 Floating objects of 30 m and less in
aft as practicable, or one liferaft as far forward
length shall be equipped with two lifebuoys on
and another liferaft as far aft as practicable.
each deck, and those over 30 m in length –
This liferaft or liferafts shall be securely fas-
with four lifebuoys on each deck. One of the
tened so as to permit manual release.
lifebuoys located on the main deck shall be
equipped with a lifeline.
8.3.8 In ships up to 30 m in length in-
tended for navigation in basins of Î, Ð and Ë
8.3.1 All ships shall be provided with life- categories all life-saving buoyancy aids may be
jackets for 100% of persons on board. replaced with lifebuoys assuming that one
In floating objects moored on shore pro- lifebuoy may hold two persons; here, lifebuoys
vided with deck ladders ensuring safe evacua- required by Table 8.3.5 may be considered.
tion of people on shore, lifejackets may be 8.3.9 An immersion suit shall be provided
omitted. for each crew member of a rescue boat for
8.3.2 Ships of Ì, Î, Ð and Ë class as well ships of Ì-ÑÏ class.
as cargo ships, tugboats, catcher boats and 8.3.10 Ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be fitted
self-propelled industrial ships of Ì-ÏÐ and with immersion suits for each person being
Î-ÏÐ class shall be provided with additional rescued on free-fall liferafts when embarkation
lifejackets for 2% of people on board. facilities to liferafts without getting into water
Ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î are not available on board the ship.
class shall be provided with additional life-
jackets in the wheelhouse and the machinery 8.4 LIFEBOATS
space for the attending personnel in a number
equal to a number of the persons on duty. General requirements
Lifejackets shall be arranged in readily ac- 8.4.1 Strength of lifeboats and lifting hooks
cessible areas. Stowage positions of lifejackets for ships of Ì, Î, Ð and Ë class shall be suf-
shall be clearly indicated with inscriptions. ficient to provide for their launching when
8.3.3 Hydrofoil craft of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and loaded with full permitted complement of
Î-ÏÐ class shall be provided with additional persons and equipment.
lifejackets for 5% of people onboard. The strength of lifeboats and lifting hooks
for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class
8.3.4 Provision shall be made for lifejackets shall be sufficient to withstand the load as
suitable for children with weight from 15 to specified in this paragraph without residual
35 kg inclusive, at least 10% of the number of deformation after its removal:
passengers onboard. At least 100% children .1 for metallic lifeboats – 1.25 times the
onboard shall be provided with children life- total weight of such a lifeboat with a full
jackets. complement of people and equipment; or
8.3.5 Equipment of ships with lifebuoys .2 for non-metallic lifeboards – 2 times
shall comply with the standards specified in the total weight of such a lifeboat with a full
Table 8.3.5. complement of people and equipment; or
590 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 8.3.5
Standards for equipping ships with lifebuoys
Number of lifebuoys
Length of a ship
Types of ships including
L, m total
with self-igniting buoy with rescue line
Passenger ships3, crew boats, special purpose 15  L  30 4 1 ≥ 1*
ships, self-propelled ferries3 of M, O, Ð and Ë 30  L  60 8 1 ≥ 1*
class  60 12 1 ≥ 1*
Hydrofoil craft, hovercraft, skimmers of Ì, Î, 15  L  30 2  1
Ð and Ë class 30  L  60 4  1
 60 6  2
Cargo ships, tugboats, catcher boats and self-  30 2 1 1
propelled industrial ships of Ì, Î, Ð and Ë class 30  L  60 4 1 1
 60 8 1 1
Non-self-propelled except non-crewed non-self-  30 2 1 1
propelled transport ships (barges) of Ì, Î, Ð  30 4 1 1
and Ë class
Dry cargo ships and oil tankers of Ì-ÑÏ class L  85 10 51 22
Dry cargo ships of Ì-ÑÏ class 85 > L  31 8 4 1
L < 31 4 2 2
Tugboats, ice breakers, catcher boats and indus- any 4 2 2
trial ships of Ì-ÑÏ class
Passenger ships3, crew boats and special purpose  15 2 1 ≥ 1*
ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class 15  L  30 4 1 ≥ 1*
30  L  60 8 2 ≥ 1*
 60 12 2 ≥ 1*
Cargo ships, tugboats, catcher boats and self- 30 2 1 1
propelled industrial ships of Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class >30 4 1 2
* Standard of supply on each deck at each side.
At least two lifebuoys shall be fitted with self-activating smoke signals.
One on each side of a ship.
All exposed deck areas intended for passengers shall be provided with lifebuoys on both sides of the ship
with maximum 20 m spacing between them. Passenger ships in service are to be equipped with lifebuoys as
per the requirements of the present note by the time of ordinary survey of the ship but not later than

Each lifeboat for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ plement of persons and equipment shall keep
and Î-ÏÐ class launched by means of falls buoyancy and stability. Here, the lifeboat shall
shall have a sufficient strength to withstand an not have a list and the freeboard shall be not
impact on the ship side when fully completed less than 20 mm.
with people and equipment and fitted with
The lifeboat shall keep stability and stable
skids or fender bars when moving in a direc-
trim when held by people being in water in a
tion normal to the ship side at a speed of at
complement not exceeding that as indicated
least 3.5 m/s as well as drop into water from
on its marking in accordance with 8.4.11.
height of at least 3 m. This requirement does
not apply to freefall lifeboats.
Points for lifeboat hanging shall be located 8.4.3 Stability of the lifeboat is considered
in such a way as to ensure lifeboat launching sufficient when the residual freeboard is at
in fully loaded condition without loss of sta- least 100 mm when the lifeboat is loaded with
bility. 50% of the number of persons permitted to
8.4.2 The lifeboat filled with water up to accommodate seated to one side of the cen-
the top edge of a gunwale with a full com- treline.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 591

8.4.4 Buoyancy of the lifeboat filled with 8.4.11 On the sheer strake at either sides in
water with a specified complement of persons the bow of the lifeboat a water-proof marking
and equipment shall be ensured by buoyancy shall be made indicating a ship’s name, a shi-
of the material of the lifeboat or by water- powner, main dimensions of the lifeboat,
tight air boxes or buoyant material. permissible number of people to be accom-
Material of the lifeboat and elements which modated and date of testing.
ensure buoyancy (water-tight air boxes,
benches, buoyant material) shall comply with 8.4.12 Lifeboats shall be so designed or be
requirements of 8.1.6. fitted with special arrangements as to provide
The ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ a possibility of boarding of helpless people out
class shall be additionally provided with buoy- of water.
ant material in a quantity ensuring the buoy- 8.4.13 Lifeboat equipment shall be taken
ancy force of 280 N per person out of com- according to the standards specified in Table
plement allowed for accommodation in the 8.4.13. Items of lifeboat equipment shall have
lifeboat. The buoyant material shall not be fit- an appropriate package and excepting boat-
ted outside the lifeboat except the material hooks be adequately secured on assigned
provided in excess of the required above men- places in the lifeboat and be stowed in boxes
tioned quantity. and compartments. The equipment shall be so
8.4.5 Length of the water-tight air boxes secured as not to interfere with the abandon-
shall not exceed 600 mm. Air boxes of up to ment procedures.
1200 mm in length may be fitted provided When using the data in Table 8.2.2, the
that transverse tight bulkheads and longitudi- following shall be considered:
nal stiffeners are arranged inside.
.1 strength of sea anchor, hawser and
8.4.6 In order to ensure lifeboat damage tripping line specified in 8 Table 8.4.13 shall
stability (see 8.4.2) the air boxes or buoyant be adequate for all sea conditions;
material shall be arranged along the sides. .2 a painter specified in 9 Table 8.4.13
Where it is impracticable, they may be lo- shall be of at least 14 mm in diameter with a
cated in the bow, the stern and the midship breaking load not less than 0.35 of the life-
under thwarts but not by the bottom. boat’s weight with full complement of per-
8.4.7 Where detachable boxes are installed, sons, equipment and the engine and of length
the easy replacement, protection against dam- not less than twice the distance from the
age shall be provided and their shifting shall stowage position of the lifeboat on board the
be avoided. ship to the waterline of the ship in the lightest
sea-going condition in sea water or 15 m,
8.4.8 Freeboard of the lifeboat in fully
whichever is the greater. One painter attached
loaded condition shall be not less than 0.4 of
to the release device shall be placed at the
its side depth. forward end of the lifeboat and the other shall
8.4.9 The number of persons permitted to be firmly secured at or near the stem of the
be accommodated in the lifeboat is prelimi- lifeboat and be ready for use;
nary defined by gross capacity taking at least .3 watertight electric torch specified in 19
0.226 m3per person. Finally, the number of Table 8.4.13 shall be suitable for Morse sig-
persons shall be established at testing to de- nalling and be available with one spare set of
termine the number of adults which may ac- batteries and one spare bulb in watertight
commodate in the lifeboat so as not to ob- packaging;
struct rowing and conning.
.4 illustrated table of the life-saving sig-
8.4.10 Surface of the gunwale and the nals specified in 21 Table 8.4.13 shall be ei-
sheer strake at a width of 150 mm shall be ther in waterproof packaging or made of wa-
painted with orange colour. terproof material;
592 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 8.4.13
Standards for equipping lifeboats
Water basin category
1. Set of buoyant oars with pins or crutches attached to the boat by lanyards or 1 1 1 1
2. Standby oars with pins or crutches1  2 2 22
3. Boat-hook of a length equal to oar length 2 1 1 1
4. Bailer 1 1 1 1
5. Bucket 2   
6. Survival manual 1   
7. Compass with luminous card or provided with suitable means of illumination 1 1  
of the diameter sufficient for normal reading of indications, with binnacle
8. Sea anchor with a hawser of at least three times the lifeboat's length and a 1   
tripping line
9. Painter 2 1 1 1
10. Throwing line at least 15 m in length  1 1 
11. Hatchet with lanyard 23 1 1 —
12. Potable water ration. 14   
13. Rustproof dipper with lanyard 1   
14. Rustproof graduated drinking vessel of the approved type 1   
15. Food ration 15   
16. Rocket parachute flares 4   
17. Red hand flare 6 6 3 
18. Buoyant smoke signal 2   
19. Watertight electric torch 1 1 1 1
20. Day signalling mirror (heliograph) 1   
21. Illustrated table of the life-saving signals 1   
22. Signal whistle or equivalent sound signal 1 1 1 1
23. First-aid kit (see 1 1 1 1
24. Set of six doses of anti-seasickness medicine and one seasickness bag for each 1   
25. Jack-knife to be kept attached to the boat by a lanyard 1 1 1 1
26. Tin opener 3   
27. Buoyant rescue ring attached to a buoyant line at least 30 m long 2   
28. Manual drainage pump 1   
29. Set of fishing tackle 1   
30. Set of tools and spares for the engine 1   
31. Portable fire extinguisher suitable for extinguishing oil fires6 1 1 1 1
32. White circular lantern  1 1 1
33. Searchlight 1   
34. Radar reflector 1   
35. Individual thermal protective aids sufficient for 10% of the number of persons 1   
the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, but at least two sets
Only for rowboats.
For lifeboats of ships entering reservoirs of P category.
One hatchet at each end of the lifeboat.
Watertight receptacles containing a total of 3 L of fresh water for each person the lifeboat is permitted
to accommodate, or only 2 L for each person, if there is a de-salting apparatus in the lifeboat capable of
producing 1 L of fresh water for each person for 2 days.
Food ration totalling not less than 10 MJ for each person the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate in
air- and watertight packaging.
Only for lifeboats with engine.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 593

.5 a searchlight specified in 33 Table water and prevent its damage by floating ob-
8.4.13 shall be capable of effectively illumi- jects.
nating a light-coloured object at night having
8.4.20 The engine, reverse reduction gear
a width of 18 m at a distance of 180 m for a
and hinged technical facilities shall be pro-
period of 6 hours including continuous opera- tected with casing made of material with low
tion for at least 3 h. If the searchlight is fixed,
flame-spread characteristics (see Part
it shall be installed to allow turning by 360° in III of the Rules) or of non-combustible mate-
horizontal plane and tilting in vertical plane rial.
by 90° upwards and 30° downwards from
Provision shall be made to protect people
horizontal plane.
against accidental contact with hot or moving
8.4.14 Equipment of lifeboats of ships of parts and protect the engine against environ-
M-ÏÐ class shall correspond to standards mental exposure. Provision shall be made for
adopted for ships of Ì-ÑÏ class excepting means of reduction of engine noises.
items required in subparagraphs 15 and 20 Starter batteries shall be arranged in water-
Table 8.4.13 and equipment of liferafts of tight boxes ventilated with regard to 10.12.19
those ships shall be taken according to 8.5.20 Part IV of the Rules.
in any area of navigation.
Equipment for lifeboats and liferafts of 8.4.21 Pipelines of systems serving the en-
ships of O-ÏÐ class shall be taken according gine (fuel, lubrication, cooling) shall be pro-
to the standards for ships of M class. tected against mechanical damages. Fixed fuel
tanks on lifeboats shall be equipped with stop
8.4.15 The engine of the lifeboat shall be valves fitted on the fuel tank or fuel pipeline
fitted with a reverse reduction gear or another directly at the fuel tank. These valves shall be
device enabling to move astern and an ar- readily accessible. The air intake duct (ducts)
rangement disconnecting the propeller (shaft) of the engine and its exhaust system shall be
and engine. designed to prevent the ingress of foreign ob-
8.4.16 The engine of the lifeboat shall be jects and sea water in the engine. Insulation
started manually within 2 min in any condi- of exhaust system elements shall comply with
tions possible during the lifeboat operation. A the requirements of 1.9.2 Part IV of the
force on the engine handle shall not exceed Rules.
160 N per person. 8.4.22 The engine start manual made of
Additional devices and appliances are al- water-proof material shall be provided in the
lowed to facilitate the engine start. engined lifeboat.
8.4.17 The engine output shall provide life- 8.4.23 Cleats shall be installed at sides of
boat ahead speed with full complement of the engined lifeboat near the stern to ensure
persons and equipment on calm water of at the towing of liferafts.
least 11 km/h and not more than 15 km/h.
8.4.24 Handrails and buoyant grabline with
Fuel store shall be sufficient for the engine
floats attached to be held by a person in water
operation for at least 2 hours at running
shall be provided on the outer surface around
mode. Built-in or portable capacities depend-
the lifeboat above its waterline except for area
ing on the engine type (built-in or hinged)
in way of rudder and propeller.
shall be provided for the fuel storage.
8.4.25 The lifeboat shall be equipped with
8.4.18 The engine and relevant appliances
at least one bleed valve in way of the lowest
shall be protected in such a way that faultless
hull point which shall be capable of opening
operation is provided at flooding of the life-
automatically for draining water from the life-
boat up to the crankshaft axis line.
boat when not in water and closing automati-
8.4.19 The propeller shall be located and cally when the lifeboat is in water. The bleed
guarded so that to ensure safety of people in valves shall be accessible from inside of the
594 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

lifeboat and their location shall be clearly rior of that part of the lifeboat covered by the
marked. canopy shall be coloured orange.
Each valve shall be fitted with a cap or
plug for its closing with lanyards or chains at- Partially enclosed lifeboats
tached to the lifeboat. This requirement does
8.4.30 Partially enclosed lifeboats shall
not apply to freefall lifeboats.
comply with requirements of 8.4.1 to 8.4.29
8.4.26 The lifeboat shall be provided with and 8.4.31 to 8.4.33.
rudder and tiller. 8.4.31 A partially enclosed lifeboat shall
Where a lifeboat is equipped with a steering have rigid water-tight enclosures extending for
wheel or other rudder remote control ar- not less than 20% of its length from stem and
rangement, provision shall be made for steer- aft end. The lifeboat shall be provided with
ing the lifeboat by means of a tiller in case of permanently attached folding canopy which
their failure. The tiller shall be permanently covers the people in the lifeboat together with
installed on the rudder stock or connected to the rigid enclosures to protect them against
it. However, where a lifeboat is equipped with bad weather and environmental exposure.
the rudder remote control arrangement, the The lifeboat shall be provided with en-
tiller may be of removable type and be kept trances in front and aft ends and from each
attached near the rudder stock. The rudder side. Entrances in rigid enclosures shall be
and tiller shall be designed so that to prevent water-tight when closed.
their damage during operation of launch and The canopy shall:
recovery arrangement or propeller.
.1 be provided with appropriate rigid sec-
8.4.27 The lifeboats shall be provided with tions or supports for its installation;
embarkation ladder allowing the people in .2 be fitted by max. 2 persons for max.
water to board the lifeboat through any access 2 min;
hatch. The lower step of ladder shall be at .3 ensure insulation of undercanopy space
least 0.4 m below the lifeboat in the light by at least two layers of material separated
condition. with air gap or other means with similar heat-
The lifeboat shall be designed so that to al- insulating properties. Provision shall be made
low the helpless people to be boarded from for means preventing water accumulation in
water or on stretchers. the air gap;
All surface of the lifeboat which may be .4 have an external surface of distinctive
used for walking shall have a non-slip coating. colour and the internal surface causing no ir-
ritation to people in the lifeboat;
8.4.28 Both sides of lifeboats of ships of .5 be provided with entrances equipped
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class in the bow with adjustable enclosures which are capable
end shall be marked with the following: of being opened and closed from inside and
.1 inscriptions indicating actual main di- outside to provide ventilation but preventing
mensions of the lifeboat and the number of the ingress of water, wind and cold in the
persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommo- lifeboat. Provision shall be made for arrange-
date made with indelible paint; ments allowing the entrances to be kept in
.2 the name and port of registry of the opened and closed positions;
ship which the lifeboat belongs to in block .6 permanently pass a sufficient air for
Latin letters; The name of ship which the people in the lifeboat when the entrances are
lifeboat belongs to and its number shall be closed;
made so as to be visible from above. .7 be provided with arrangement for col-
8.4.29 Outer plating of the lifeboat's hull of lecting rainwater;
ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class, ex- .8 be capable of being abandoned by peo-
terior of folding and rigid enclosures and inte- ple in case of capsizing.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 595

8.4.32 The internal surface of the lifeboat .10 provide for passage of people from
shall be of the light colour causing no dis- entrance to their seats without climbing over
comfort for people in the lifeboat. transverse thwarts and other obstacles;
8.4.33 Where a lifeboat is equipped with .11 provide for air pressure inside the life-
boat at engine operation when the entrances
stationary two-way VHF radiotelephone appa-
ratus, this apparatus shall be arranged in an are closed which is not more or less than at-
adequately sized wheelhouse to accommodate mospheric pressure by more than 20 GPa.
radiotelephone apparatus and operator. No 8.4.36 The safety belts shall be provided at
separate wheelhouse is required if the lifeboat each clearly indicated area of the seat. Each
is designed to provide for a protected area so set of safety belts for a seat shall be of colour
that not to impede its performance when the in contrast with those in adjacent seats. The
lifeboat is flooded up to upper thwart level. safety belts shall be designed to keep the per-
son with weight of 100 kg in place when the
lifeboat is capsized. This requirement does not
Totally enclosed lifeboats apply to freefall lifeboats.
8.4.34 Totally enclosed lifeboats shall com- 8.4.37 The stability of a lifeboat shall be so
ply with requirements of 8.4.1 to 8.4.29 and that it is capable of righting when totally or
8.4.35 to 8.4.41. partially completed with people and equip-
8.4.35 Each totally enclosed lifeboat shall ment, all its entries and openings are tightly
be provided with rigid water-tight enclosure closed and safety belts are fastened.
allowing it to be completely covered. 8.4.38 After damage in any area below the
The enclosure shall: waterline, the lifeboat shall be capable of sup-
.1 protect people in the lifeboat against porting the full complement of people and
heat and cold; equipment and its stability shall be so that it
.2 provide access to the lifeboat through shall be capable of automatically positioning
hatches capable of being tightly closed; so that to be abandoned from the escape
above the water level in case of capsizing.
.3 arrange the access hatches so that the
When the lifeboat is in a stable flooded condi-
launch and recovery operations are possible
tion, water level inside the lifeboat shall be
without disembarkation of people. This re-
max. 500 mm above any seat.
quirement does not apply to freefall lifeboats;
.4 be capable of opening and closing of 8.4.39 All engine exhaust pipes, air chan-
access hatch covers from outside and inside. nels and other openings shall be designed to
Hatch covers shall be kept opened; prevent ingress of water in the engine in case
.5 provide for rowing. This requirement of capsizing and righting of the lifeboat.
does not apply to freefall lifeboats; 8.4.40 The engine and associated arrange-
.6 be able to support the capsized lifeboats ments shall provide stable operation in any
when hatches are closed with a full comple- position during capsizing and after righting of
ment of people, equipment and technical fa- the lifeboat or shall be capable of being
cilities without any water leakage; stopped automatically at capsizing and then
.7 be provided with portholes and window being restarted after righting of the lifeboat.
capable of transmitting daylight inside when The fuel system shall be designed to prevent
hatches are closed; fuel leakage from the engine, the lubrication
.8 have an orange external surface and system shall be designed to prevent leakage of
light internal surface; more than 250 mL of lubrication oil in case
of capsizing of the lifeboat.
.9 be provided with handrails for people
moving outside the lifeboat and which may be 8.4.41 The air-cooled engines shall be pro-
used during embarkation and disembarkation; vided with air ductworks for intake of cooling
596 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

air and its discharge from the lifeboat. Provi- with a complement of people located so
sion shall be made for hand-operated flaps al- that the centre of its gravity is as far forward
lowing the cooling air to be taken from inside as practicable;
and also discharged inside the lifeboat. with a complement of people located so
that the centre of its gravity is as far aft as
Freefall lifeboats
with a complement of launching crew only
8.4.42 Freefall lifeboats shall comply with shall be capable of immediately running
requirements of 8.4.34 to 8.4.41 and away from the ship right after its dropping
8.4.43 to 8.4.50. into water and shall not contact with the ship
after launching by free falling at trim of up to
8.4.43 The capacity of a freefall lifeboat is 10° by bow and heel of up to 20° either side
determined with regard to number of persons from the permissible height of installation.
with average weight of 75 kg (82.5 kg for life-
boats of passenger ships) for which seats may 8.4.47 Oil tankers, chemical tankers and
be provides arranged not to impede operation gas carriers of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be capable of
of lifeboat propulsion arrangements and any launching of the lifeboat at a final heel angle
other equipment. The seats shall be provided above 20° if this angle does not exceed the
with foot support. The seats shall be arranged maximum permissible heel angle under dy-
and designed to prevent a risk of injuries dur- namic effect of a heeling moment due to wind
ing launching. Passage between seats shall and waves.
have clear width of at least 430 mm and be 8.4.48 Each freefall lifeboat shall be capa-
provided with non-slip coating. ble of withstanding a launch by free falling
from height 1.3 times the permissible height
8.4.44 The angle between seat pan and
seatback shall be at least 90°. The seat width of installation, with a full complement of
equipment and people according to its capac-
shall be at least 430 mm. Clear opening for-
ward of the seatback measured perpendicular
to the seatback shall be at least 650 mm. The 8.4.49 Each freefall lifeboat shall be de-
seat back height above the pan shall be at signed so that to protect people and equip-
least 1.075 m. The seats shall provide height ment against hazardous accelerations which
to shoulders measured along the seat back occur at its launching from permissible height
equal at least 760 mm. The foot support shall into calm water at adverse trim of up to 10°
be oriented so that the angle of inclination of and heel of up to 20° either side, with a full
support plane shall be at least half the angle complement according to 8.4.46.
of inclination of seat pan. The support shall
8.4.50 Each freefall lifeboat shall be pro-
be at least 330 mm long.
vided with release system which shall:
8.4.45 Each seat of the freefall lifeboat .1 be provided with two independent and
shall be provided with safety belts of contrast capable of being controlled from inside of the
colour capable of keeping a person with lifeboat arrangements for actuation of the sys-
weight of 100 kg in place when launching the tem painted with different colours other than
lifeboat by freefalling and when the lifeboat is that of the internal surface;
capsized. The safety belts shall be provided .2 be designed so that to provide release
with fasteners capable of being unbuckled at any loading conditions - from light condi-
when belts are tensioned. tion to loading at least 200% the standard
load produced by the weight of fully com-
8.4.46 Each freefall lifeboat with a full pleted lifeboat with a complement of people
complement of equipment for any of the fol- corresponding to its capacity;
lowing loading conditions: .3 be adequately protected against acci-
with a full designed complement of people; dental or early use;
8 Life-Saving Appliances 597

.4 be designed so that the release system .2 water intake arrangement of the water
may be tested without launching of the life- sprinkling system shall be designed to prevent
boat; ingress of combustible liquids from the water
.5 be designed so that to provide a safety surface into the system;
factor equal to 6 times tensile strength of the .3 the system shall be capable of being
materials used. washed with fresh water and be fully drained.
8.4.56 Water sprinkling system or thermal
Lifeboats with self-contained air support
insulation of the lifeboat shall provide air
temperature inside the fire-protected lifeboat
8.4.51 Lifeboats with self-contained air at the headlevel of a sitting person max. 60 °Ñ
support system shall comply with require- in conditions mentioned in 8.4.52.
ments of 8.4.34 to 8.4.41 and shall be
equipped with compressed air system. The 8.5 LIFERAFTS
volume of compressed air cylinders of this
8.5.1 A liferaft shall be so designed that
system shall be sufficient for safety of people
neither the liferaft nor its equipment are dam-
and uninterruptible operation of engine for at
aged after dropping into the water from a
least 10 min with all entrances and openings
height of at least 10 m.
closed. Within this period, air pressure inside
the lifeboat shall not drop below or exceed 8.5.2 The liferaft shall be capable of with-
the ambient atmospheric pressure by more standing a jump of a person having a mass of
than 20 GPa. Air supply system shall be pro- 75 kg on it from a height of 4.5 m above the
vided with indicators permanently indicating bottom both with and without the canopy
the supply air pressure. erected.
The liferaft shall keep stable trim when
Fire-protected lifeboats held by people being in water in a comple-
ment not exceeding that as indicated on its
8.4.52 A fire-protected lifeboat shall com-
marking in accordance with 8.5.19.
ply with requirements of 8.4.51 and in addi-
tion, protect the complement of people al- 8.5.3 Design of the liferaft and its equip-
lowed to be accommodated being in water in ment shall enable it of being towed at a speed
the area of continuous oil fires all around the of 5.5 km/h on calm water with the design
lifeboat within at least 8 min. number of persons and equipment. Herewith,
the liferaft shall keep stability.
8.4.53 The lifeboat shall be equipped with
performance manual during fire as well as set 8.5.4 Buoyancy chambers of inflatable lif-
of medicines against burns and carbon dioxide eraft shall be divided into at least two separate
intoxication (see GOST R 53451). compartments, each inflated through a non-
return inflation valve on each compartment.
8.4.54 In conditions specified in 8.4.52,
The buoyancy chambers shall be so arranged
carbon monoxide concentration inside the
that, in the event of any one of the compart-
lifeboat shall not exceed 0.2 mg/L, carbon di-
ments being damaged or failing to inflate, the
oxide concentration – 3% by volume.
intact compartments shall be able to support,
8.4.55 The lifeboat equipped with the water with positive freeboard, over the liferaft’s en-
sprinkling system for firefighting shall comply tire periphery, the design number of persons,
with the following requirements: each having a weight of 75 kg and seated in
.1 the system shall be supplied with sea- their normal position.
water fed from self-priming pump. Provision Buoyancy of a rigid liferaft shall be ensured
shall be made for switch on and shut off of by means of buoyant material located as close
water supply for sprinkling of lifeboat external as possible to the liferaft edges. The buoyant
surface; material shall be low spreading flame or have
598 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

a relevant coating (see Part III of the .5 be permanently marked on the unit or
Rules). identification plate attached to the unit with
the date of manufacture, type and serial num-
8.5.5 The liferaft of free-fall type shall be
so designed that the capsized floating inflated ber and whether the unit is suitable for use
raft may be turned over by one person in wa- with liferafts designed for not less than 25
ter after that this raft may be capable of being
used effectively as when it is floating in a right .6 be such that each part connected to the
position. painter and associated arrangements has a
strength of not less than that required for the
8.5.6 Liferafts for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, painter.
Ì and Î-ÏÐ class shall be equipped with a
canopy which shall: 8.5.10 Liferaft equipment shall comprise
.1 protect people from drops, cold and the following:
wind: .1 a first-aid kit in a waterproof case ca-
.2 provide adequate ventilation; pable of being closed tightly after use (see
.3 have a viewing port;
GOST R 53451);
.4 have entrances fitted with simple and
efficient closing arrangements; .2 two buoyant oars (paddles);
.5 have sufficient headroom for sitting oc- .3 a bailer;
cupants. .4 rescue buoyancy aid attached to buoy-
ant line 15 m long;
8.5.7 The liferaft shall be fitted with life-
.5 repair tool set for patching up of punc-
lines securely becketed around the inside and
tures in the buoyant chamber (for inflatable
outside periphery of the liferaft as well as with
means of drawing it up to a ship side and
holding during the embarkation. .6 manual bellows for topping up (for in-
flatable liferafts);
8.5.8 If the float-free arrangements use a .7 six hand flares for ships operating in
weak link, it shall: basins of M category and three hand flares
.1 not be broken by the force required to operating in basins of O category;
pull the painter from the liferaft container; .8 one whistle or equivalent sound signal
.2 be of sufficient strength to permit the means;
inflation of the liferaft; .9 two sponges;
.3 break under a strain equal to 0.105n, .10 knife with a handle made of buoyant
but of not more than 2.2±0.4 kN, where n is material, attached and stored on the face side
liferaft capacity, persons. of the canopy close to the attaching point of
8.5.9 If the float-free arrangements use a the painter to the liferaft;
hydrostatic release unit, it shall: .11 individual thermal protection aids (see
.1 be so designed to prevent its incorrect sufficient for at least 10% of the
operation. Galvanizing or other forms of me- number of persons the liferaft is permitted to
tallic coating on parts of the hydrostatic re- accommodate but not less than two.
lease unit not permitted; N o t e . The individual heat-reflecting means
.2 automatically release the liferaft from a shall be included in the supply of liferafts for ships
operating northwards 6630 and in the Baikal lake.
ship at a depth of not more than 4 m;
.3 have drains to prevent the accumula- 8.5.11 A number of persons admitted for
tion of water in the hydrostatic chamber when accommodation in a liferaft shall be equal to
the unit is in its normal position; the least of the following values:
.4 be designed to prevent release the lif- .1 the greatest number obtained from di-
eraft from a ship when seas wash over the vision of volume of main buoyant elements in
unit; inflated condition, m3, on inflatable liferafts
8 Life-Saving Appliances 599

or a volume of buoyant material, m3, on rigid 8.5.16 Inflatable liferafts shall be capable of
liferafts, by 0.096; topping up inflatable elements by manual bel-
.2 the greatest integer obtained from divi- lows.
sion of internal horizontal area of the bottom 8.5.17 Each inflatable liferaft shall be sur-
section, m2, (including transverse thwarts) by veyed and restowed (see Appendix 7, RSSS)
0.315; at least every twelve months.
.3 number of persons each having weight
of 75 kg wearing immersion suits (for ships 8.5.18 Inflatable liferaft shall be packed in
a container or a water-tight case of weather-
operating northwards 6630 and in the Baikal
proof type. The container or case together
lake) and lifejackets which may be seated in
with stowed liferaft shall keep positive buoy-
their normal position not obstructing the use
ancy for at least 20 min.
of liferaft equipment.
The weight of stowed liferaft on board
In any case, capacity of liferafts shall be at
ships not equipped with liferaft launching ar-
least 4.
rangements shall not exceed 80 kg.
8.5.12 The liferaft shall be equipped with a The liferaft shall be packed in a container
device to facilitate boarding from the water. so that after dropping into water and release
In way of one entrance, provision shall be from container it shall be capable of inflating
made for semi-rigid boarding ramp capable of while being in upright position.
withstanding a load of 980 N and allowing the 8.5.19 Marking of the inflated liferaft, case
people in water to climb the liferaft. The or container shall be clearly legible through-
ramp shall be fitted so as to prevent gas leak- out their specified life and contain data on
age from liferaft in case of damage. On the number of accommodated persons, brand and
davit-launched liferaft with several entrances, type, serial number, date of manufacture,
provision shall be made for a boarding ramp name and address of manufacturer or trade-
near entrance opposite to the side which is mark, weight, inspection and test intervals,
used for drawing the raft up to the ship's side disposal method.
and where arrangements for boarding from Marking of the case or container shall in-
ship to the raft are available. clude brief manual for bringing the liferaft in
Entrances not equipped with boarding service condition.
ramp shall be provided with embarkation lad-
der with the lower step at least 0.4 m below 8.5.20 Items of liferaft equipment for ships
the waterline of the liferaft in light condition. of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be compact and small-
size, be packed and adequately secured on
Inside the liferaft provision shall be made
regular places in the raft.
for arrangements allowing the people to board
the liferaft from the ship. The liferaft equipment shall include the
following items:
8.5.13 The bottom of the liferaft shall be .1 buoyant rescue ring attached to a
waterproof and shall be capable to provide buoyant line at least 30 m long;
sufficient insulation against cold. .2 knife of the non-folding type having a
8.5.14 Non-toxic gas shall be used for in- buoyant handle attached by a lanyard and
flating a liferaft. The liferaft shall be inflated stowed in a pocket on the exterior of the can-
to the working condition within 1 min at an opy near the point at which the painter is at-
tached to the liferaft. The liferafts permitted
ambient temperature of +20 Ñ and within
to accommodate 13 persons or more shall be
max. 3 min at an ambient temperature of mi-
provided with a second knife which may be of
nus 30 Ñ.
folding type;
8.5.15 Any liferaft shall be designed to be .3 buoyant bailer;
used afloat for at least 3 days. .4 two sponges;
600 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

.5 a sea anchor with a shock-resistant manufacturer’s name or trade mark and the
hawser and a tripping line. The sea anchor date of manufacture;
shall be permanently attached to the liferaft so .3 unless the rescue boat of rigid con-
that when the liferaft inflates and is water- struction has adequate sheer, it shall be pro-
borne it will cause the liferaft to lie oriented vided with a bow cover extending for not less
to the wind in the most stable manner. The than 15% of its length;
strength of the sea anchor, hawser and trip- .4 totally enclosed rescue boat shall be of
ping line shall be adequate for all sea condi- self-righting type and comply with the re-
tions. The sea anchor shall be fitted with quirements of national standards1. Partially
swivels at each end of the line and preclude enclosed rescue boat shall be of automatically
turning inside-out between its shroud lines; self-bailing type or be provided with effective
.6 two buoyant oars (paddles); means of bailing;
.7 a first-aid kit in a waterproof case ca- .5 enclosure of the rescue boat shall have
pable of being closed tightly after use; railings to provide a passage outside the en-
.8 signal whistle or equivalent sound sig- closure. In addition, partially enclosed rescue
nal; boat shall have a handrail at least 600 mm
.9 six hand flares; high in its open part;
.10 watertight electric torch suitable for .6 the rescue boat shall have a control sta-
Morse signalling together with a spare set of tion providing free view in all directions for
batteries and a spare bulb in watertight pack- the helmsman;
aging; .7 the rescue boat shall be capable of ma-
.11 instructions on how to survive in the noeuvring at speeds up to 6 knots and main-
liferaft; taining that speed for a period of at least 4 h;
.12 instructions for immediate actions; .8 rescue boats shall have sufficient mo-
.13 individual thermal protection aids (see bility and manoeuvrability in a seaway to en- sufficient for at least 10% of the able persons to be retrieved from the water,
number of persons the liferaft is permitted to marshal liferafts and tow the largest liferaft
accommodate but not less than two. carried in the ship when loaded with its full
8.5.21 The marking in liferafts for ships of complement of persons and equipment;
Ì-ÑÏ class equipped in accordance with .9 the rescue boat shall be fitted with an
8.5.20 shall be “C PACK” in block capitals. inboard engine or outboard motor;
.10 rescue boats shall be fitted with fixed
8.5.22 For ships of Ì-ÑÏ class the arrangements for towing which shall be suffi-
equipment of each liferaft shall be stowed in a ciently strong to marshal or tow liferafts as
container secured inside the liferaft except the required by;
cases when the container is an integral part of .11 the buoyancy of an inflated rescue
the liferaft, is permanently attached to the lat- boat shall be provided by either a single buoy-
ter and is capable of floating in water for at ancy tube subdivided into at least five separate
least 30 min without damage to its contents. compartments of approximately equal volume
or two separate buoyancy tubes neither ex-
8.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR RESCUE ceeding 60% of the total volume;
BOATS .12 the buoyancy tubes forming the
8.6.1 Rescue boats shall comply with the boundary of the inflated rescue boat shall on
following requirements: inflation provide a volume of not less than
.1 have a document issued by the River 0.17 m3 for each person the rescue boat is
Register on compliance with the Rules as well permitted to accommodate;
as marking in accordance with 8.4.28;
.2 in addition, marking of inflated rescue
boats shall contain a serial number, the 1
GOST R 53451 and GOST 52638.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 601

.13 each buoyancy compartment of the .11 signal whistle or equivalent sound sig-
inflated rescue boat shall be fitted with a nal;
non-return valve for manual inflation and .12 a first-aid kit in a waterproof case;
means for deflation; .13 searchlight capable of illuminating a
.14 underneath the bottom and on vul- light-coloured object at night having a width
nerable places on the outside of the inflated of 18 m at a distance of 180 m for a period of
rescue boat rubbing strips shall be provided; 6 hours including continuous working for at
.15 where a transom is fitted, it shall not least 3 h;
be inset by more than 20% of the overall .14 individual thermal protection aids suf-
length of the inflated rescue boat; ficient for at least 10% of the number of per-
.16 suitable patches shall be provided for sons the rescue boat is permitted to accom-
securing the painters fore and aft and the modate but not less than two, whichever is
becketed lifelines inside and outside the boat; the greater;
.17 the inflated rescue boat shall be main- .15 radar reflector;
tained at all times in a fully inflated condi- .16 additionally for inflated rescue boats:
tion; two sponges, manually operated bellows or
.18 preparation and launching of the res-
pump, a repair kit for repairing punctures in a
cue boats shall be performed within max.
suitable container, a safety boat-hook.
5 min.
8.6.2 Items of rescue boat equipment shall 8.7 LIFE-SAVING BUOYANCY AIDS
be packed and be secured on regular places in
8.7.1 Carrying capacity of a life-saving
the rescue boat.
The equipment of each rescue boat shall buoyancy aid shall be sufficient for supporting
of the design number of persons being in the
.1 at least two buoyant oars and one water and grabbing it.
steering oar with pins or crutches provided for 8.7.2 The number of persons n, supported
each oar; by the buoyancy aid shall be taken as the least
.2 a boat-hook; of the values calculated by the formulas:
.3 a buoyant bailer and a bucket; n  Paid Ð1 ; (8.7.2-1)
.4 a knife (of a safe type for inflated res-
n  Q q1 , (8.7.2-2)
cue boats);
.5 two buoyant heaving lines 30 m in where Paid — aid periphery, m;
length with lifebuoys; Ð1 — permissible periphery length per one
.6 a binnacle containing an efficient com- person, Ð1 = 0.3 m;
pass with luminous card or provided with Q — carrying capacity, N;
suitable means of illumination of the diameter q1 — carrying capacity per one person‚
sufficient for normal reading the indications; q1 = 142 N.
.7 a sea anchor and tripping line with a 8.7.3 Strength of the buoyancy aid shall be
hawser of adequate strength not less than such as no damages may occur after dropping
10 m in length; it into the water from a height of at least 10 m
.8 a painter of sufficient length and which may affect its performance characteris-
strength so attached at the forward end of the tics.
rescue boat that to be released quickly for re-
leasing when the rescue boat is in motion; 8.7.4 The life-saving buoyancy aid shall
maintain stability regardless of the side being
.9 buoyant line, not less than 50 m in
length, of sufficient strength to tow a liferaft; above when afloat.
.10 electric torch of water-proof type suit- 8.7.5 Floodability (buoyancy) of the aid
able for Morze signalling together with a spare shall be provided by air boxes or other equiva-
set of batteries and a spare bulb; lent floating means. The life-saving buoyancy
602 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

aid shall support a metallic weight of 7.5 kg in .4 have a weight of at least 2.5 kg;
fresh water for 24 h. .5 be designed so as to withstand a drop
8.7.6 The life-saving buoyancy aid shall be into the water from the height of 10 m with-
fitted with a lifeline, buoyant or fitted with out impairing its performance characteristics
floats becketed around the periphery of the and damaging of the outfit attached;
aid with sags, the number of which shall cor- .6 be fitted with a grabline not less than
respond to the number of supported persons. 9.5 mm in diameter and not less than 4 times
the outside diameter of the body of the buoy
8.7.7 The life-saving buoyancy aid shall be in length secured at four equidistant points;
coloured orange. An inscription “Life-saving .7 strips of retro-reflecting material at
buoyancy aid” shall be made on a visible
least 10050 mm shall be fitted at both sides
place of the aid and the design number of
of the lifebuoy at four equidistant points.
persons and the name of a ship shall be indi-
cated. 8.8.4 Lifebuoy shall bear an inscription
8.7.8 Each life-saving buoyancy aid shall with the name of the ship, port of registry and
be fitted with a towing line at least 18 m in testing stamp.
length and diameter of at least 8 mm. The 8.8.5 Grabline becketed to the lifebuoy
towing line shall be becketed to the aids in shall be:
such a way that it may be towed. The life- .1 of diameter at least 8 mm and not less
saving buoyancy aid shall be fitted with a de- than 27.5 m in length;
vice to secure towing line of another life-
saving buoyancy aid. .2 non-twisting;
.3 have a breaking strength of at least
AND IMMERSION SUITS 8.8.6 Self-igniting buoys shall be becketed
8.8.1 Construction of lifebuoys, lifejackets, to the lifebuoy with a line of 1.5 m in length.
immersion suits and individual heat-reflecting The burning period of automatically igniting
means shall meet national standards1 as well light shall be not less than 45 min with lumi-
as requirements of 8.8.2 to 8.8.25. nous intensity of 2 cd. The buoys shall be col-
oured orange and automatically igniting light
8.8.2 The materials for lifejackets, lifebuoys
shall be white coloured and shall burn con-
immersion suits and individual heat-reflecting
tinuously at all directions of the upper hemi-
means shall comply with requirements of
sphere or provide flashes with frequency of a
least 50 and max. 70 flashes per minute with
Lifejackets, lifebuoys, immersion suits and
effective luminous intensity of 2 cd.
individual heat-reflecting means shall not sus-
tain burning or continue melting after being 8.8.7 Construction of a lifejacket for adult
totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 s. shall be such as:
8.8.3 Lifebuoys shall: .1 persons, completely unfamiliar with the
.1 have an inner diameter of not less than lifejacket, can correctly use it without any as-
400 mm; sistance, guidance or prior demonstration;
.2 be made of buoyant material; the life- .2 it is comfortable to wear;
buoy buoyancy shall not depend upon any .3 it allows the wearer to jump from the
loose materials or inflatable air chambers; height of at least 4.5 m without injury and
.3 be capable of supporting not less than without dislodging or damaging the lifejacket;
14.5 kg of steel or cast iron in fresh water for .4 it allows the wearer to swim for a short
a period of 24 h; distance and board a lifeboat or a liferaft.
8.8.8 The lifejacket shall have sufficient
GOST 22336, GOST 19815, GOST 54596. buoyancy and stability in calm fresh water to:
8 Life-Saving Appliances 603

.1 support above the water surface the 8.8.13 A child lifejacket shall have the
head of an exhausted or unconscious person same design and characteristics as an adult
in order to lift the mouth not less than lifejacket. In addition to afore-mentioned re-
120 mm clear of the water with the body in- quirements it shall:
clined backwards at an angle of not less than .1 have such construction as it can be ad-
20 from the vertical position; justed for the child body;
.2 turn the body of an unconscious person .2 lift the mouth of an exhausted or un-
in the water from any position to one where conscious child clear of the water
the mouth is clear of the water in not more .3 assist a child to board a collective life-
than 5 s. saving appliance.
8.8.9 The lifejacket shall have buoyancy
8.8.14 A child lifejacket shall bear an in-
which is not reduced by more than 5% after
delible inscription “Child” and marking indi-
24 h submersion.
cating the limits of child’s height or weight.
8.8.10 Lifejackets and lifebuoys shall be or-
8.8.15 The immersion suit shall be made of
ange in colour and be fitted with retro-
waterproof materials and comply with the fol-
reflecting material in those places where it as-
lowing requirements:
sists in detection.
Each side of the lifejacket that may be the .1 it shall be capable of being unpacked
outer one shall be provided with at least three and donned without assistance within max. 2
strips of retro-reflecting material of min taking into account donning of any asso-
50100 mm in dimension; two of those strips ciated clothing, donning of a lifejacket if the
shall be located on outer part and one of immersion suit shall be worn in conjunction
them on a collar. with a lifejacket;
.2 it shall cover the whole body with the
8.8.11 Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a exception of the face. Hands shall also be
whistle fastened to it with a lace. covered unless permanently attached gloves
Each lifejacket shall be fitted with an elec- are provided;
tric search light of white colour which shall .3 it shall be provided with arrangements
meet the following requirements: to minimize or reduce free air in the legs of
luminous intensity shall be at least 0.75 cd the suit;
in all directions of the upper hemisphere; .4 following the jump from a height of not
energy source shall be capable of providing less than 4.5 m, the ingress of water into the
the required luminous intensity for at least 8 h suit shall not exceed 500 g.
of continuous operation;
electric light shall be readily visible when 8.8.16 An immersion suit which also com-
attached to the lifejacket in the largest part of plies with the requirements of 8.8.7 to 8.8.9
the upper hemisphere segment. may be classified as a lifejacket.
Where the electric search light is of flash- 8.8.17 An immersion suit which shall per-
ing type, in addition to requirements men- mit the person wearing it or a lifejacket, if the
tioned in this paragraph, it shall meet the fol- immersion suit shall be worn in conjunction
lowing requirements: with a lifejacket, to:
be equipped with manual switch;
.1 climb up and down a vertical ladder of
flash frequency shall be at least 50 and at least 5 m in length;
max. 70 flashes per minute;
.2 perform normal duties during aban-
effective luminous intensity shall be at least donment;
0.75 cd.
.3 jump from a height of not less than
8.8.12 The lifejacket shall bear the name of 4.5 m into water without damaging or dislodg-
the ship and a testing stamp. ing the immersion suit or being injured;
604 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

.4 swim a distance through the water from so constructed to reduce a heat loss from the
the ship to survival craft and board a survival wearer’s body when put on.
8.8.24 The individual thermal protective
8.8.18 An immersion suit which has buoy- aid shall:
ancy and is designed to be worn without a .1 cover the whole body with the excep-
lifejacket shall be fitted with a whistle and tion of the face. Hands shall also be covered
electric search light complying with require- unless permanently attached gloves are pro-
ments of 8.8.11. vided;
.2 be capable of being unpacked and eas-
8.8.19 If the immersion suit shall be worn
ily donned without assistance in the lifeboat
in conjunction with a lifejacket, the lifejacket
shall be worn over the immersion suit. The or liferaft;
immersion suit shall be so designed to allow a .3 permit the wearer to remove it in the
water in not more than 2 min if it impairs
person wearing such an immersion suit to don
a lifejacket without any assistance. ability to swim.

8.8.20 An immersion suit with or without a 8.8.25 The individual thermal protective
lifejacket if the immersion suit shall be worn aid shall function properly at air temperature
in conjunction with a lifejacket, shall provide of minus 30°C to +20Ñ.
sufficient thermal protection following one
jump by the wearer into the water from a 8.9 LAUNCHING APPLIANCES
height of 4.5 m to ensure that when it is worn 8.9.1 Each launching appliance shall be
for a period of 6 h in calm circulating water capable of safe launching of life-saving appli-
at a temperature of 0 to 2Ñ the wearer’s body ances with full complement and design num-
core temperature does not fall by more than ber of persons at static trim of up 5 and heel
2 Ñ. of 15 either way.
8.8.21 The design of immersion suit or 8.9.2 Each launching appliance shall be fit-
immersion suit with a lifejacket shall allow a ted with brakes being capable of stopping
person to turn in fresh water from a face- launching of the life-saving appliance and of
down to a face-up position in not more than holding it when loaded with the design num-
5 s. ber of persons and equipment.
8.8.22 An immersion suit made of material 8.9.3 The launching appliance and its re-
which has no inherent insulation with warm lated attachments shall be of sufficient
clothing may be used as an immersion suit. strength to withstand a static test with a proof
Such an immersion suit shall be: load not less than 1.5 times the maximum
.1 marked with instructions that it shall be working load.
worn in conjunction with warm clothing; 8.9.4 In ships of all classes lifeboats shall
.2 so constructed that when worn in con- be installed under the boat davits. Where it is
junction with warm clothing and with a life- impossible, other equipment may be installed
jacket if required, if the immersion suit con- instead of davits subject to technical justifica-
tinues to provide sufficient thermal protec- tion.
tion, following one jump by the wearer into
the water from a height of 4.5 m, to ensure 8.9.5 An arm of boat davits shall be so that
that when it is worn for a period of 1 h in at lifeboat launching from ships of M and O
calm circulating water at a temperature of class without a heel a clearance of
5Ñ the wearer’s body core temperature does 0.3  0.05 m is provided between a ship side
not fall by more than 2Ñ. or protruding parts (rubbing strip, extended
deck etc.) and the lifeboat, and at least
8.8.23 An individual thermal protective aid 0.15 m when launching lifeboats from ships of
shall be made of waterproof material and be P class.
8 Life-Saving Appliances 605

8.9.6 Strength of boat davits, falls, sheaves quirements of Section 5. Non-rotating and
and other elements of the boat appliance shall corrosion-resistant steel wire ropes shall be
be sufficient for safe boat launching and used as falls.
hoisting of a load of the weight kg, 8.9.12 Embarkation ladders shall have free
G  1.25 Q  qn  , (8.9.6) from sharp edges hard treads with a non-slip
where Q — weight of the lifeboat with surface of a length not less than 450 mm and
equipment, kg; equally spaced in the horizontal position not
less than 380 mm apart.
q — weight of one person (75 kg);
n — number of persons in the lifeboat for 8.10 STOWAGE OF LIFE-SAVING
which the boat equal to: APPLIANCES ON BOARD
at dumping, launching and recovery — a
design number of persons on board; 8.10.1 Collective life-saving appliances
at recovery — a number of persons on shall be stowed as close as practicable to the
board for its maintenance purposes. water surface so as not to be damaged by
At strength calculations of elements of the wave hammering.
boat appliances on board ships of M and O 8.10.2 Collective life-saving appliances
class a list of ship on either side of at least 15° shall be stowed as close as practicable to the
and trim of at least 5° shall be considered. accommodation and service spaces in the saf-
Length of falls of tackles shall be sufficient est places with regard to explosions, fires,
for boat launching to the water at a list of a touch by other ships, etc.
light ship on either side of 15° and trim of 5°. 8.10.3 Collective life-saving appliances
Herewith, at least three wraps of a rope shall shall be so stowed that to avoid obstacles for
remain on the boat winch drum. mustering of people at embarkation stations,
8.9.7 Boat launching period shall not ex- simultaneous boarding on launched life-saving
ceed 5 min including preparation for the appliances, dumping and launch of the life-
launching and dumping over board. saving appliances.
The standard time does not consider the 8.10.4 Collective life-saving appliances
time required for embarkation. shall be stowed in way of wall-sided section of
8.9.8 The electrically-driven boat appliance a ship’s side. They may be stowed also in the
shall be capable of recovering the lifeboat with area where an angle between the vertical and
equipment and persons for its maintenance tangent to outer shell plating laid in a framing
purposes also by means of a manual drive. plane at a level of waterline of light or bal-
lasted ship does not exceed 45°.
8.9.9 Ships shall be equipped with appli- When stowing side-launched lifeboats the
ances for dropping of inflatable liferafts. These following requirements are to be met:
appliances may be omitted when a weight of .1 bow extremity of the lifeboat shall not
each liferaft does not exceed 80 kg. extend over the plane of the fore peak bulk-
8.9.10 Where the liferafts are stowed in head;
hardly accessible places and no passages are .2 after extremity of the lifeboat shall be
provided to them on board ships less than located at a distance equal to at least its
30 m in length, special effective remote- length forward of the propeller plane on ships
controlled dropping appliances shall be pro- with open propellers, and at least a half of its
vided. length on board ships with propellers in noz-
8.9.11 Steel wire ropes, natural and syn-
thetic fibre ropes shall meet the requirements 8.10.5 The lifeboat may be installed on the
of 6.15 and buckles, swivels, screw turnbuck- stern of a ship in the centre line plane, if pro-
les and other loose components – the re- vision is made to prevent the lifeboat against
606 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

damage by protruding parts of the propeller One lifebuoy shall be located in the imme-
and the rudder or after structures during diate vicinity of wheelhouse.
launching. 8.10.15 Where ship’s outfit comprises two
8.10.6 The lifeboat shall be installed on the lifebuoys with lifelines or self-igniting buoys,
keel-blocks, the shape of which shall corre- such lifebuoys shall be stowed at the opposite
spond to its hull lines. sides.
Keel-blocks shall be so designed as to pro- 8.10.16 Lifejackets for cabin passengers
vide launching of the lifeboat without pre- shall be stowed in cabins in easily accessible
liminary hoisting. places.
8.10.7 For securing boats for navigation 8.10.17 Lifejackets for non-cabin passen-
which are installed on the keel-blocks, lashes gers shall be distributed in easily accessible
shall be provided. places. Not more than 20 lifejackets shall be
8.10.8 Boarding of people to the lifeboats stowed at the same place. An inscription
shall be provided directly from its stowage “Lifejackets” shall be provided near lifejacket
place; no dumping or launching of the life- stowage places.
boat shall be required before launching. Child lifejackets shall be stowed separately,
an inscription “Child lifejackets” shall be pro-
8.10.9 Passenger ships shall have embarka- vided near lifejacket stowage places.
tion stations for boarding launched lifeboats Stowage places of lifejackets shall be illu-
and liferafts from the main deck, fitted with minated.
embarkation ladders.
8.10.18 For all persons on board passenger
Inflatable stairways may be used.
ships with a length of 65 m and over or with
8.10.10 Liferafts and life-saving buoyancy three or more decks, mustering stations shall
aids shall be easily secured; live-saving appli- be provided which shall meet the following
ances shall be so stowed as to be easily re- requirements:
leased and float free when a ship is immersed .1 be in the vicinity of, and permit ready
into the water. access for all passengers to the embarkation
stations of collective life-saving appliances
8.10.11 Life-saving buoyancy aids and lif-
unless in the same location;
erafts are recommended to be stowed so as
.2 the total area of mustering stations A
they may be carried from one side to the shall be not less than the value calculated by
other. the following formulas, m2:
8.10.12 Life-saving buoyancy aids may be for ships engaged on day voyages
stored with one put over the other, with lin- À  0.35N màõ ;
ings provided between the aids and measures for cabin ships À  0.45N màõ ,
are taken to prevent the aids from shifting at
rolling or pitching. where Nìàõ — maximum number of persons
8.10.13 Places of stowage of collective life- .3 the area of each single mustering sta-
saving appliances, approaches to them and the tion shall be at least 10 m2;
water surface in the launching area shall be .4 mustering stations shall be located on
illuminated. decks above emergency waterline;
8.10.14 Lifebuoys shall be uniformly dis- .5 mustering stations and evacuation areas
tributed along the port and starboard at visible shall provide ready access to life-saving appli-
and easily accessible places. Dead securing of ances on any ship's side;
lifebuoys which does not enable its free- .6 mustering stations and evacuation areas
floating when the ship is being flooded, is not shall be displayed in safety plan and promi-
permitted. nently displayed on board the ship;
8 Life-Saving Appliances 607

.7 if movable furniture is provided in the .9 requirements of and

room where mustering stations are located, it shall be complied with also for exposed areas
shall be properly secured against slippage; of decks where mustering stations are located;
.8 if stationary seats or benches are pro-
.10 where the ship is fitted with collective
vided in the room where mustering stations
life-saving appliances, the design number of
are located, when calculating the total area of
persons may be neglected when calculating
mustering stations in accordance with
the total area of mustering stations in accor-, the corresponding number of per-
dance with;
sons may be neglected. However, a number of
persons for which stationary seats or benches .11 if the requirements of to
are considered shall not exceed a design num- are not met, the total area of mus-
ber of persons for mustering stations in this tering stations shall be adequate for accom-
room; modation of at least 50% passengers.
608 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”


9.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS gation in inland waterways and signal means

required for navigation in sea areas in accor-
9.1.1 Requirements of the present Section
dance with provisions of International Regu-
apply to ships under design and construction
lations for Preventing Collision at Sea (1972)
as well as to ships in service.
regardless of the voyage type (coastal or inter-
9.1.2 The nomenclature and the location of national).
navigation lights and daytime signal means for
ships operating on inland waterways of Russia
are defined by the Rules for Navigation on
Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation 9.2 STANDARDS FOR EQUIPPING WITH
and rules for navigation and berthing of ships NAVIGATION LIGHTS AND DAYTIME
in individual basins of inland waterways of the SIGNAL MEANS
Russian Federation. 9.2.1 Ships operating on inland waterways
9.1.3 Inland navigation ships operating in shall be equipped with navigation lights and
areas with sea navigation conditions shall be daytime signal means according to the stan-
equipped with navigation lights and sound dards specified in Table 9.2.1-1, and ships op-
signal means according to requirements for erating in sea areas – to the standards speci-
river-sea navigation ships. fied in Table 9.2.1-2.

9.1.4 Length, breadth and depth of a ship 9.2.2 Navigation lights used in ships shall
are length overall and maximum breadth and be electric ones.
depth accordingly.
9.2.3 Cargo motorships equipped for push-
9.1.5 River-sea navigation ships shall be fit- ing shall be equipped with navigation lights
ted with both signal means required for navi- provided in Table 9.2.1-1 for pushboats.
T a b l e 9.2.1-1
Standards for equipping ships operating in inland waterways with navigation lights and daytime signal means
Navigation lights Daytime signal means1
masthead sidelight all-round2

signal flag “À”

white arm sig-

flashing lamp
towing light

black cone
stern light

black ball

red cone


nal flag

Types of ships





1. Self-propelled ships except- 13 14 1 1 35 — 46 27,15 18 19 110 211 3 112 213 14 1

ing tugboats and pushboats
2. Tugboats and pushboats 3 14 1 1 35 1 46 27,15 — — 110 211 3 — — — 1
3. Non-self-propelled ships 114 — — — — — — 27,15 18 19 — — 3 112 — 14 —
Self-propelled trailing suction hopper dredgers (TSHD) are fitted with three vertically located signs:
two black balls with black cone in-between.
Ships belonging to the transport supervision service are fitted with a blue all-round flashlight.
Ships with length of 50 m and over are fitted with two white masthead lights.
Required for ships carrying dangerous goods.
Ships with a breadth of 5 m and less are fitted with one sternlight only.
Electrical flashing lights with incandescent lamps may be additionally fitted.
9 Signal Means 609

E n d o f T a b l e 9.2.1-1
Fire-watch vessels, floating workshops and landing stages are fitted with one all-round white light on
the mast and one all-round white light on the superstructure wall visible from the side of the navigational
pass (for landing stages – one all-round white light on each side). One all-round white light is fitted on oil
processing stations, pumping stations, industrial ships, berths and pontoons less than 50 m in length as well
as on cable ferries.
Required for ships carrying dangerous goods and for oil processing stations. Dredgers shall be fitted
with two all-round red lights (on the awning deck).
Required for dredgers, mud dredgers and ships engaged in underwater operations, sweeping the naviga-
tion pass, operation at the floating signs of navigational aids. In addition, mud dredges shall be fitted with
two green all-round lights (on the awning deck). Ships engaged in diving operations and self-propelled
trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) shall be fitted with two green all-round lights.
Required for water-displacement passenger vessels intended for permanent operation within the har-
bourage and at the crossings, self-propelled ferries as well as tugboats and pushboats servicing non-
propelled ships at the crossings. Cable ferries shall be equipped with one yellow all-round light.
Required for self-propelled ships with a breadth over 5 m.
Required for mud dredgers and ships engaged in underwater operations, sweeping the navigation pass,
operation at the floating signs of navigational aids. Ships engaged in diving operations shall be fitted with
two flags “À” (shields).
Required for fishing vessels.
Required for pushed vessels.
Ships with length of up to 50 m may be fitted with one white all-round light.
T a b l e 9.2.1-2
Standards for equipping ships operating in sea areas with signal means
Sound sig-
Navigation lights Signal shapes
sidelight all-round
yellow flash-

nalling lamp
daylight sig-
towing light

black cone
stern light

signal flag
black ball

Types of ships






Self-propelled vessels 11 1 1 1 12 — — — — 1 13 14 113 1 — — 114 —

excepting tugboats,
pushboats and fishing
Tugboats and 25 1 1 1 — 1 6 — — — 1 13 14 113 1 — — 15 —
Fishing vessels 11 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 19 1 1 13 14 113 1 — 2 — —
Non-self-propelled — 1 1 17 — — — — — — 13,13 14,13 113 113 — — 15 —
Ships not under — — — — — — 212 1 2+21 — — — — — 4 — 212 1
command and re-
stricted in their ability
to manoeuvre
Additional means for — — — — — — — 210 211 — — — — — 311 — — —
ships at anchorage and
Ships of 50 m in length and over shall be fitted with two masthead lights.
Only for hovercraft
For passenger ships and other types of ships with gross tonnage over 150
For ships with length of 100 m and over.
If the length of towing rope is over 200 m — three masthead lights and a diamond
Not required for ships pushing ahead or towing alongside.
Not required for ships being pushed.
610 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

E n d o f T a b l e 9.2.1-2
For ships engaged in fishing with a purse seine gear in close proximity to other ships.
If the fishing tackle extends in close proximity to other ships – two white all-round lights.
Ships of less than 50 m in length at anchorage – one white all-round light.
For ships aground.
For ships engaged in underwater operations.
Not required for non-crewed ships.
If the length of towing rope is over 200 m.

9.2.4 All ships shall be fitted with the fol- 9.3.2 Navigational and technical require-
lowing spare parts for navigation lights: ments to pyrotechnic means shall comply
.1 light filters, one for each coloured light with 9.6.
unless coloured lens is applied in the light;
9.3.3 Self-propelled, non-self-propelled
.2 electric lamps, one for each electric
ships with a crew (except for floating objects)
shall be equipped with pyrotechnic means ac-
9.2.5 In self-propelled ships less than 7 m cording to the standards specified in Ta-
in length masthead lights and light impulsive ble 9.3.3.
(light) lamps are not required. T a b l e 3.3.3
Standards for equipping ships with pyrotechnical
9.2.6 Tugboats and pushboats intended for
signal means
work with non-self-propelled ships carrying
Number1, for ships of class
oil products, explosives and dangerous sub- Name of signal means Ì-ÑÏ,
stances are additionally fitted with a red Ì-ÏÐ
masthead light and red all-round light. Ship parachute rocket 12 6 6 3
9.2.7 Self-propelled ships of M-ÑÏ and Distress signal hand 6 6 6 3
flare, red
M-ÏÐ class shall be fitted with a set of spare
One-star rocket, red 62 — — —
electrical lanterns comprising masthead, side, One-star rocket, green 62 — — —
stern, all-round lights for vessels not under Hand flare, white (not 62 — — —
command (see Table 9.2.1-2), all-round lights required when daytime
for ships at anchorage and aground, towing visual or audible alarm
light. is available)
Pyrotechnical means are not required in non-
9.2.8 All ships shall be provided with lights crewed non-self-propelled ships.
being placed at aground at the level of a float- 2
ing sign:
from side/sides where navigation pass is 9.3.4 Ships of P class entering water reser-
free – white all-round light on the part of the voirs of P category shall be equipped with the
ship protruding into navigation pass. same pyrotechnic means as ships operating in
from the side where passage is impossible basins of O category.
at night – three red all-round lights, at day-
time – three readily visible black balls located 9.3.5 Equipment of lifeboats with pyro-
vertically. technic means shall be taken according to
Section 8.
9.3 STANDARDS FOR EQUIPPING WITH 9.3.6 For launching distress rockets on port
PYROTECHNICAL SIGNAL MEANS and starboard of a ship a special slotted cup
9.3.1 Pyrotechnical signal means include inclined at an angle of 60 to 70 from the ho-
distress signal parachute rocket and a hand rizon to the outside shall be fitted on railing
flare. of the navigation bridge wings or a bulwark.
9 Signal Means 611

9.3.7 Hand flares shall not be used in oil 9.4.4 In ships less than 20 m in length
tankers or other ships intended for carriage of electric car horns may be used as the main
oil products as well as in pushboats and tug- sound signal.
boats towing and pushing non-self-propelled
9.4.5 In non-self-propelled ships a signal
oil tankers. Instead of hand flares, these ships
bell or a metal plate shall be provided. In
may be provided with parachute rockets in a
non-self-propelled oil tankers a bell or a plate
quantity exceeding the standards specified in
shall be made of non-ferrous metals.
Table 9.3.3 by 50%.
In non-crewed ships sound signal is not re-
9.3.8 Distress signal parachute rockets may quired.
be replaced with ship red six-star rockets.
9.4.1 All self-propelled ships shall be fitted 9.5.1 Navigation lights designed for inland
with air typhons or steam whistles and bells and river-sea navigation ships shall be manu-
for giving sound signals.
factured in compliance with the technical
9.4.2 In ships less than 25 m in length and documentation approved by the River Regis-
in ships of O, P and Ë class not fitted with air ter.
receivers or steam boilers electric horns may 9.5.2 Navigation lights of ships operating
be used as the main sound signal instead of on inland waterways shall have light angles
typhons or whistles. Bells in ships of 10 m in and range of visibility as specified in Table
length or less may be omitted.
9.5.2-1 with regard to the following:
9.4.3 In ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ, Ì class, .1 the range of visibility of masthead lights
electric horn may be used as auxiliary signal of self-propelled ships less than 20 m in
means. length shall be at least, km:
T a b l e 9.5.2-1
Light angles and range of visibility of navigation lights
Type of navigation light and light Range of Arc of visibility in horizontal plane
colour visibility, km Light angle Visibility angles
1. Masthead light: white 8 112.5° from centreline from right ahead on ei-
red 5.5 ther side
2. Green sidelight 3.7 From right ahead up to 22.5° abaft the beam on
starboard side
3. Red sidelight 3.7 From right ahead up to 22.5° abaft the beam on
port side
4. White sternlight 3.7 135° 67.5° from right aft on either side
5. Yellow towing light 3.7 135° ditto
6. All-round: white 3.7 All round the horizon
red, green, yellow, blue 1.85
7. Combined two-colour green 1.85 112.5° from centreline from right ahead on ei-
and red light 225° ther side: starboard – green sector, portside – red
8. White anchorage sidelight 3.7 90° forward of and abaft the beam on either
180° side, on European inland waterways – 360° all
round the horizon
9. Light-impulsive flashing lamp: Forward of the beam with overlap of the centre-
by day 2 112.5° line by 22.5° and abaft the beam with overlap of
by night 4 the centreline by 22.5°
10. Light lamp 4 112.5° ditto
612 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 9.5.2-2
Navigation lights for Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships
Minimum range of
visibility, nautical
Light col- Arc of visibility in horizontal plane
Lights miles
for ships with L, m
L>50 12L50 L<12 Light angle Visibility angles
1. Masthead white 6 51 2 225° 112.5° from right ahead from cen-
treline on either side
2. Sidelight, starboard green 3 2 1 112.5° 112.5° from right ahead on star-
board side
3. Sidelight, port red 3 2 1 112.5° 112.5° from right ahead on port
4. Combined two-colour Green, — 2 1 225° 112.5° from right aft on either
red side: starboard – green sector, port-
side – red sector
5. Combined three- Green, — — 12 360° Green sector — 112.5° from right
colour red, white ahead on starboard side; red sector
— 112.5° from right ahead on port
side; white sector — 135° to 67.5°
from right aft on either side
6. Sternlight white 3 2 2 135° 67.5° from right aft on either side
7. Towing Yellow 3 2 2 135° ditto
8. All-round White, 3 2 2 360° All round the horizon
red, green
9. All-round flashing Yellow 3 2 2 360° ditto
10. Additional all-round White, 1 1 1 360° ditto
lights for fishing vessels red, yel-
engaged in trawling and low
fishing with purse seine
gear in close proximity to
other vessels3
11. All-round for towed, White 3 3 3 360° ditto
slightly conspicuous,
partly submerged vessels
and objects
In vessels less than 20 m in length the minimum range of visibility is three nautical miles.
The minimum range of visibility of white sector is two nautical miles.
The range of visibility shall be at least one nautical mile but less than that of other all-round lights.

white 5.5 Signal lights required for navigation in sea

red 3.7 areas as well as lights with double function
.2 the range of visibility of lights of self- (lights used at navigation both on inland wa-
propelled ships less than 12 m in length shall terways and in sea areas) shall comply with
be at least, km: requirements established in Tables 9.5.2-2 and
masthead 3.7 9.5.2-3.
sidelights 1.85
.3 the range of visibility of lights of self- 9.5.3 Horizontal luminous intensity In of
propelled ships shall be at least, km: one flash of signal flashing lights specified in
masthead lights of ships with Tables 9.5.2-2 and 9.5.2-3 shall be at least,
length of cd:
50 m and above 4
I n   0.2  t n  I t n , (9.5.3)
less than 50 m 2
all-round lights 1.85 where tn — flash duration, s;
9 Signal Means 613

T a b l e 9.5.2-3 9.5.11 The navigation lanterns may be fit-

Signal flashing lights for Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ ted with lenses and plain glasses provided the
class ships minimum range of visibility meets the re-
Range of Arc of visibility in horizontal quirements of Tables 9.5.2-1 and 9.5.2-2 and
visibility, plane the curve of vertical light distribution of the
nautical total angle of sector posi-
miles sector tion
lantern – requirements of the present para-
Daytime ≥2 Directed beam (the lan- graph.
signalling tern showing its light in The inner and outer surfaces of the lenses
lamp proper direction) and plain glasses shall be smooth, and the
Manoeu- 5 360° All round glass shall be free from foreign inclusions,
vring light1 the horizon blisters and chippings impairing the lantern
Recommended for accompanying sound signals characteristics.
with light signals The lenses of the navigation lanterns shall
N o t e . Lights are white coloured. be so designed that the curve of vertical light
I — luminous intensity determined in ac- distribution of the lantern shall ensure:
cordance with 9.5.15. .1 luminous intensity not less than speci-
fied in Table 9.5.15 within the range of visibil-
9.5.4 Visibility angles of lights specified in ity in the vertical plane up to 5° on either side
Table 9.5.2-1 in the vertical plane shall be at from the horizontal plane of symmetry of the
least 10° either side from a horizontal plane lens;
crossing the centre of a light source. .2 not less than 60% of the luminous in-
9.5.5 Navigation lights shall be designed for tensity specified in Table 9.5.15 within the
operation in conditions stated in 2.2 Part VI range of visibility up to 7.5° on either side
of the Rules. from the horizontal plane of symmetry of the
9.5.6 Navigation lights shall be made of
The curve of horizontal light distribution of
corrosion-resistant materials or be protected
the side lights shall be such that lanterns fitted
with anti-corrosive coatings.
in the ship have the luminous intensity from
9.5.7 The lanterns shall be of such design right ahead, as prescribed in Table 9.5.15,
as to ensure drainage of condensate. Electric which shall decrease and disappear between
lanterns shall be of protected design in accor- 1° and 3° outside the limit sectors.
dance with requirements of 2.3.6 Part VI of For sternlights and masthead lights as well
the Rules. as arcs of 22.5° abaft the beam for sidelights
the specified luminous intensity shall be
9.5.8 The navigation lights shall be so de-
maintained up to 5° within sectors prescribed
signed as to allow opening and closing of the
in Tables 9.5.2-1 and 9.5.2-2. From 5° within
lantern case as well as rapid change of electric
the prescribed sectors the intensity may de-
lamps without using tools.
crease by 50% up to the sector limit; then it
9.5.9 The lamps in the lanterns shall be lo- shall gradually decrease to reach practical cut-
cated vertically and be in the lens focus. off within not more than 5° outside the pre-
Measures shall be taken to prevent from self- scribed limits as specified in Tables 9.5.2-1
unscrewing. and 9.5.2-2.
Two-filament lamps shall not be used in 9.5.12 The coloured light filters and lenses
the navigation lights. shall comply with the following requirements:
9.5.10 Inner surfaces of navigation lanterns .1 the colouring of the navigation lights
shall be covered with a protective coating re- may be obtained using appropriate light filters
sistant to temperature and moisture which or coloured lenses. Plain coloured glasses may
does not impair the colour and light charac- be used provided that the chromaticity of the
teristics of the lanterns. filter is ensured over their whole surface.
614 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

Coloured lenses may be used subject to riphery or other equivalent protection against
technical justification; chipping or mechanical damages which may
.2 the coloured light filters used in the occur during their use and storage.
navigation lights may be manufactured of
9.5.14 The light filters of sidelights and
glass coloured throughout its entire thickness
their fittings shall be so designed as to avoid
or over the surface only.
placing the red filter to the starboard lantern,
The light filters may be manufactured of
and the green filter – to the port lantern.
plastics provided all their characteristics are in
all cases are at least equal to those of glass 9.5.15 The permissible luminous intensity
light filters; I‚ cd‚ in the lanterns to ensure the range of
.3 corner coordinates õ and ó of the al- visibility required in Table 9.5.2-1 shall be not
lowable zones for each colour are given in less than that determined by the formula:
T a b l e I  3.43  106T d 2 k  d , (9.5.15)
Corner coordinates of allowable zones where Ò — threshold factor, lux;
for each colour Ò = 210-7 lux;
Light Coor- Corner points
colour dinates 1 2 3 4 5 6
d — range of visibility of the light, nautical
x 0.680 0.660 0.735 0.721 — —
Red k — atmospheric transmission factor corre-
y 0.320 0.320 0.265 0.259 — —
x 0.028 0.009 0.300 0.203 — —
sponding to meteorological visibility of ap-
Green proximately 13 nautical miles; k shall be taken
y 0.385 0.723 0.511 0.356 — —
equal to 0.8.
x 0.525 0.525 0.452 0.310 0.310 0.443
White Luminous intensity values calculated by
y 0.382 0.440 0.440 0.348 0.283 0.382
formula (9.5.15) are given in Table 9.5.15.
x 0.612 0.618 0.575 0.575 — —
y 0.382 0.382 0.425 0.406 — — T a b l e 9.5.15
Luminous intensity values
Here the colour of light is considered as a
Range of visibility of the light, d Luminous intensity of
result obtained in the light filter – source of the light, I, at k = 0.8,
light optical system. nautical miles km
The luminous transmission factors of the 1 1.85 0.9
coloured light filters shall have such values as 2 3.7 4.3
to ensure the specified range of visibility of 3 5.55 12
the lights according to the requirements of 4 7.4 27
Tables 9.5.2-1, 9.5.2-2 and requirements of 5 9.26 52
9.5.11; 6 11.1 94
.4 the height and the length of the arc of
a coloured light filter shall be such as to cover The maximum permissible luminous inten-
the whole inside surface of the lens; sity of lanterns may be increased by more
.5 the inner and the outer surfaces of the than 1.7 times as compared to values given in
light filters shall be free from notches and in- Table 9.5.15, but it shall not exceed 150 cd.
dentations, and the filter glass shall be free Reflectors in the navigation lanterns are
from blisters, foreign inclusions and drops de- not allowed.
grading the characteristics of the lanterns; 9.5.16 A daytime signalling lamp (see
.6 the light filters shall be fixed in the lan- GOST R ISO 25861) to be stowed in the
terns in such a way as to prevent their spon- wheelhouse or charthouse and be always ready
taneous shifting in course of their use on for use shall meet the following requirements:
board. .1 daytime signalling lamp shall be so de-
9.5.13 Removable light filters shall be fitted signed to remain operable under conditions
with metal reinforcement throughout their pe- specified in 2.2 Part VI of the Rules;
9 Signal Means 615

.2 at daytime, at atmospheric transmission operation up to the temperature which may

factor of 0.8, range of visibility of light signals result in injury of the operator when used
emitted by daytime signalling lamps shall be manually;
at least equal to that in Table 9.5.2-3 or cor- .14 each daytime signalling lamp shall be
respond to luminous intensity of 60000 cd; equipped with at least three spare light
.3 luminous intensity along the axis of the sources;
light beam of the daytime signalling lamps .15 the daytime signalling lamp shall be
shall be at least 90% of maximum luminous protected against short-circuit currents;
intensity; .16 provision shall be made for powering
.4 luminous intensity of the daytime sig- of the daytime signalling lamp not only from
nalling lamp shall be maximum at the centre ship's main and standby electric power
of luminous intensity distribution and uni- sources but also from other sources;
formly decrease from this centre to the distri- .17 the daytime signalling lamp shall be
bution periphery; equipped with portable storage battery with
.5 the half of the angle of deviation shall the weight of max. 7.5 kg in total;
not exceed 9°, the tenth of the angle of devia- .18 capacity of the portable storage bat-
tion shall not exceed 14°; tery shall be sufficient for operation of the
.6 colour characteristic of the white signal daytime signalling lamp within at least 2 h;
light shall be within angular coordinates .19 provision shall be made for arrange-
specified in Table; ments to protect against overcurrent, over-
.7 the effective light area of the daytime voltage and short-term accidental power
signalling lamp shall be circular in shape. The source reverse polarity;
total time of activation and deactivation shall .20 when powered from different sources,
not exceed 500 ms; provision shall be made for arrangements to
.8 the daytime signalling lamp shall be switch from one power source to another. The
marked with its operating specifications; daytime signalling lamp may not include such
.9 the daytime signalling lamp and storage arrangements;
battery required for its operation shall ensure .21 the light source shall be marked with
safe operation and easy use by one person. the name of the manufacturer, voltage and
Provision shall be made to use the daytime power consumption.
signalling lamp wearing gloves;
9.5.17 The manoeuvring lantern specified
.10 the daytime signalling lamp shall be
in Table 9.5.2-3 shall send flashing light sig-
designed so as:
nals within the whole manoeuvring period of
to provide for safe installation of a light the ship. The duration of each flash and the
source (avoid threaded lampholders); interval between flashes shall be about 1 s and
to be able to replace a light source in the the interval between successive signals – at
dark; least 10 s.
to prevent condensate in the lamp;
to ensure protection at least IP 56; 9.5.18 Signal shapes (daytime signals) shall
.11 sighting device shall be fixed in paral- be of black colour; the ball shall have a di-
lel to optical axis of the lamp; ameter of at least 0.6 m and the diamond
shall consist of two cones with a common
.12 all parts of the daytime signalling
base with dimensions of each cone at least
lamp shall be made of non-magnetic materi-
als; dh = 0.60.6 m, where d is the diameter of
the cone base and h the cone height.
.13 the materials used in the lamp shall be
suitable for temperature which may occur 9.5.19 The signal flags shall be made of
during its operation. Outer parts of the day- special woolen cloth (bunting) or synthetic
time signalling lamp shall be heated during materials.
616 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

9.5.20 The signal flags shall be of square 9.6.7 The parachute rocket shall have inte-
shape. The square side shall be at least gral means of ignition and be so designed as
1000 mm, and for hand flags — at least not to cause discomfort to the operator when
700 mm. In ships less than 25 m in length the using it in accordance with the manufacturer’s
flag side shall be at least 500 mm. instructions.

9.6 REQUIREMENTS TO PYROTECHNIC 9.6.8 The hand flare shall:

SIGNAL MEANS .1 have integral means of ignition;
9.6.1 The distress signal pyrotechnic means .2 be so designed as not to endanger the
shall be safe in handling and during storage ship or collective life-saving appliance by
for the whole warranty period. burning or glowing residues when used in ac-
9.6.2 Pyrotechnic signal means shall be cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
protected against moisture and mechanical .3 continue burning after having been
damage. Storage cases for pyrotechnic signal immersed for 10 s under 0.1 m of water.
means shall be capable of opening without us-
ing any tools.
9.6.3 Each pyrotechnic signal means shall SIGNAL MEANS
bear the following made with indelible paint:
stamp of the manufacturer, the date of manu- 9.7.1 Whistles and typhons shall produce
facture, storage period, purpose and operating sound signals without sound level oscillations,
manual. On signal rockets the launching di- hissing or other distortions. The beginning
rection shall be indicated with an arrow. and the end of a signal shall be clearly audi-
9.6.4 Signal rockets shall be so designed as
to ensure its launching both by hand (without 9.7.2 The design and material of sound sig-
using special arrangement) and using special nal means for ships operating on inland wa-
arrangement. terways shall provide the range of audibility
9.6.5 All pyrotechnic signal means shall be not less than that specified in Table 9.7.2.
vibration-resistant, moisture-resistant and T a b l e 9.7.2
non-extinguishable at a wind speed up to Range of audibility of sound signal means
30 m/s. They shall keep their properties at air Sound means Range of audibility, km
temperature from –45 to +45 °C and be capa- Steam horn (whistle) 2.0
ble of operating at rain. Air typhon 2.0
Steam or electric air horn 2.0
9.6.6 Characteristics of ship pyrotechnic Car electric horn 1.5
signal means shall comply with the require- Bell or plate 1.0
ments of Table 9.6.6.
T a b l e 9.6.6 9.7.3 Basic specifications of whistles for
Characteristics of ship pyrotechnic signal means ships operating on sea areas shall comply with
Minimum requirements of Table 9.7.3. The range of au-
luminous Minimum Burning dibility shall be determined by such frequen-
intensity, altitude, m time, s
cies which may include the main and (or) one
Ship parachute 25000 300 40 or several higher frequencies within 180 to
rocket 700 Hz ±1% which provide the required
Six-star rocket 25000 300 18 sound pressure levels.
Distress hand flare 10000  60
(ship and boat) 9.7.4 A bell or gong of ships operating on
to be determined in laboratory conditions sea areas or other facility with similar sound
N o t e . The light of ship pyrotechnic signal characteristics shall produce a sound pressure
means  is coloured red. level of at least 110 dB at 1 m.
9 Signal Means 617

T a b l e 9.7.3 rangements for their replacement and installa-

Requirements to whistles for Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ tion.
and Î-ÏÐ class ships
9.8.5 The accuracy of installation of the
Range of 1/3rd-octave sound Audibility
Length of a fundamental pressure level at range, sector lights shall be controlled by their posi-
ship L, m frequencies, 1 m, dB, referred nautical tion as regards the centreline plane of a ship.
Hz to 210–5 N/m2 miles The horizontality of installation of the lights
L  200 70–200 143 2 shall be checked for ship’s fully loaded condi-
200 > L  75 130–350 138 1.5 tion.
75 > L  20 250–700 130 1
L < 20 250–700 120 0.5 9.8.6 When several lights to be switched on
simultaneously are placed on a mast one over
9.7.5 Bells and gongs of ships operating on
the other on board ships operating in inland
sea areas shall be made of corrosion-resistant
waterways, they shall be spaced not less than
material and shall produce the sound of even
1 m apart.
No painting of the bell or gong is permit- When lights are fitted in a vertical line one
ted. An outer diameter at the bell mouth shall over the other on mast of the ships operating
be not less than 300 mm for ships with a on inland waterways, the lights shall be
length over 20 m and not less than 200 mm spaced not less than 2 m apart and the lowest
for ships with a length of 12 to 20 m. The to- of these lights shall, except where a towing
tal weight of movable (suspended) part of the light is required, be not less than 4 m above
bell (rod with striker) shall be at least 3% of the hull.
the whole bell weight.
FITTING OF SIGNAL MEANS ON BOARD 9.9.1 The masthead lights excepting lower
9.8.1 The navigation lights shall be so lo- ones on pushboats shall be located in the cen-
cated that during the whole lighting period no treline plane of a ship. The vertical distance
other lights or external illumination which between the masthead light (lower masthead
may be taken for signal or navigation lights lights in tugboats and pushboats) and side-
are visible. lights shall be at least 1 m.
9.8.2 Lights of all-round visibility (360°) in 9.9.2 The masthead lights in pushboats
horizontal plane, excepting anchor lights, shall be located as an equilateral triangle with
shall be so located as not to be obscured by a side of 1 to 3 m with the base located
masts, topmasts or superstructures within sec- downwards and the top in the centreline
tors of more than 6°. In this case, the lantern plane. The red masthead light shall be placed
shall be considered as an all-round source of directly above the upper white masthead light
light with the diameter equal to the outside regardless of requirements of 9.8.6.
diameter of the source of light (filament of 9.9.3 The masthead lights on tugboats shall
the lamp). be placed on a mast vertically with due regard
9.8.3 When the requirement of 9.8.2 can- of 9.8.6.
not be met, it is permitted to install a system 9.9.4 On self-propelled ships of a length
of lanterns for each light. Each of the systems 50 m and over masthead lights shall be placed
shall be placed in the same horizontal plane. in the fore and aft at least 20 m apart. The
In this case measures shall be taken to prevent vertical distance between them shall be such
the lights of these lanterns from being seen as under all normal conditions of trim the
separately in any direction. forward light is not less than 1 m lower than
9.8.4 All regular places of location of the the after light; here, the forward masthead
navigation lights shall be provided with ar- light may be located lower than the sidelights
618 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

and the after light — abaft and not less than 9.10 FITTING OF SIDELIGHTS
1 m above them.
9.10.1 Sidelights (the red sidelight on the
9.9.5 The forward masthead light on board port and the green sidelight on the starboard)
ships operating in sea areas shall be placed on shall be clearly visible to the ships coming
the foremast in the centreline of a ship at a from the opposite direction and overtaken
height of at least 6 m above the main deck. ships within the ranges of visibility defined in
When the breadth of a ship exceeds 6 m, then 9.5.2. The lanterns and their enclosures shall
this light shall be placed at a height not less not extend beyond the overall breadth of a
than the ship's breadth but no more than 12 ship.
m above the main deck.
9.10.2 Sidelights shall be located in a hori-
9.9.6 The after masthead light of ships op- zontal line symmetrically to the centreline of
erating on sea areas shall be fitted in the cen- a ship and placed in the following way:
treline of the ship. The vertical distance be- .1 in open vessels — at least 0.5 m above
tween the forward and the after masthead the gunwale (in particular well-grounded cases
lights shall be at least 4.5 m. The horizontal the lantern may be placed at the gunwale
distance between these lights shall be at least level);
0.5 of the ship’s length; the forward masthead .2 in ships with a single-tier superstructure
light shall be fitted not be more 0.25 of the (deckhouse) — in its upper part;
ship’s length from the stem. .3 in ships with a double-tier or multi-tier
Where only one masthead light is pre- superstructure — not lower than the wheel-
scribed for the self-propelled ship, this light house deck.
shall be located ahead of the midship.
9.10.3 Each sidelight shall be enclosured
9.9.7 A ship which requires masts to be from the side by special lantern shield with
hinged in order to pass under bridges may be two fore and aft transverse screens.
fitted with a reserve masthead light in the fore The distance between the outer edge of the
part; it may be placed below the sidelights. In protective glass or lens of the lanterns fitted in
a ship of 50 m and over in length this light ships of 25 m in length and over and the after
may be permanently used as a forward mast- edge of the fore transverse screen shall be not
head light provided the requirements of less than 915 mm. The shield length for these
9.9.4 are met. lanterns shall be not less than 1 m.
9.9.8 All masthead lights shall be fitted The fore transverse screen shall be of such
with horizontal screens below to prevent per- breadth that a line joining its outer edge and
sons in the wheelhouse and the deck from the centre of the light source is parallel to the
dazzling. centreline of the ship. The aft transverse
screen shall be of such breadth as to mask
9.9.9 In ships operating in sea areas, the completely the lantern from being seen across
manoeuvring light shall be placed in the cen- the stern, but not hinder showing its light to
treline and, as far as practicable, at a height 22.5° abaft the beam.
of not less than 2 m from the forward mast-
head light; it shall be also placed at least 2 m 9.10.4 The sidelights in self-propelled ships
higher or lower than the after masthead light. operating on sea areas shall be placed abaft
In a ship fitted with only one masthead the forward masthead light and above the hull
light the manoeuvring light shall be placed in at a height not greater than 0.75 of the height
a position where it can best be seen at a dis- of the forward masthead light.
tance of at least 2 m in the vertical above the The sidelights in non-self-propelled ships
masthead light. operating on sea areas shall be placed in the
Where simultaneous actuation of light and fore part of the hull.
sound signals is provided, separate actuation 9.10.5 The side lanterns may be placed in
of light signals shall be also foreseen. recesses of the superstructures or deckhouses.
9 Signal Means 619

The dimensions of the recesses shall comply 9.11.6 Towing light in ships operating on
with the dimensions of the lantern shields; the sea areas shall be fitted above the sternlight
recesses shall be fitted with the same screens with regard to 9.8.6.
as those of the lantern shield.
9.10.6 The inner surfaces of the lantern ANCHORAGE SIDE LANTERNS
shield and recesses shall be painted matt
black. 9.12.1 All-round lantern with white light
for self-propelled ships operating on inland
9.10.7 In ships less than 25 m in length waterways used during anchorage shall be lo-
and in hydrofoil craft and hovercraft the cated in the ship's fore part. This lantern may
shield dimensions may be reduced or the be fitted on a mast, flagstaff or be hoisted on
shields may be omitted if the ranges of visibil- a stay.
ity of the lights defined by 9.5.2 are ensured.
9.12.2 All-round white lights (anchor
lights) for ships operating on sea areas shall be
placed in the fore and after parts of the vessel,
9.11 FITTING OF STERNLIGHTS the forward all-round white light shall be car-
AND TOWING LIGHTS ried at a height of not less than 6 m above the
9.11.1 In ships carrying one sternlight this hull. The stern all-round white light shall be
lantern shall be located abaft the chimney or placed not less than 4.5 m lower than the
superstructure in the centreline of a ship and, same forward light.
as far as practicable, at the same height with Where only one all-round lantern is re-
sidelights but not above them. quired in accordance with Tables 9.5.2-1 and
9.5.2-2, it shall be placed in a position where
9.11.2 In ships carrying three sternlights it can best be seen.
the upper one shall be placed as per All-round lanterns with white light may be
9.11.1 and the two lower ones — on the bul- installed either in fixed position on special
wark or after end walls of a bulkhead close as uprights or by means of a special hoisting
far as practicable to the sides in one horizon- gear.
tal line symmetrically to the centreline of the
ship. 9.12.3 An all-round red light shall be
placed higher than all-round white lights. This
9.11.3 In ships operating in sea areas, the lantern shall not be located in one vertical
sternlight shall be placed in the centreline of a line with anchorage lights.
ship on the bulwark gunwale, after handrail or
9.12.4 In ships operating on sea areas two
on the after wall of the poop deckhouse.
all-round red lights (“Vessel not under com-
In tugboats operating on sea areas the mand”) shall be placed on a visible place in a
sternlight may be placed on a chimney (false vertical line one over the other with due re-
chimney, wall of the deckhouse) above the gard of the requirements of 9.8.2, 9.8.3 and
towing arrangement. In all cases the sternlight 9.8.6 either in fixed position or by means of a
shall be placed lower than the side lights. hoisting gear.
9.11.4 Towing light shall be placed in the 9.12.5 Yellow flashing all-round lantern
centreline above the sternlight. The vertical shall be placed in a place where it can best be
distance between those lanterns shall be at seen; it may be located in one vertical line
least 0.5 m. with the masthead light above.
9.11.5 The towing lights in ships operating 9.12.6 Side anchorage lanterns shall be
on sea areas shall be placed upper and/or placed at sides on the edges of the pilot bridge
lower the forward or after masthead lights wings. In coastal vessels one anchorage side-
with regard to 9.8.6. light is fitted at the running side.
620 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

9.13 FITTING OF LIGHT IMPULSIVE 9.15.4 All-round lanterns in mud dredgers

(LIGHT) LAMPS and ships engaged in underwater or diving op-
erations shall be placed vertically on the mast.
9.13.1 Light impulsive (light) lamps shall
One white and one red all-round lanterns
be fixed pairwise (fore and aft) at each side of
shall be able to be switched on separately of
a ship above the sidelights at the height not
each other.
less than 0.5 m and in ships up to 12 m in
length — at the height not less than 0.25 m In mud dredgers one green all-round light
shall be placed on the mast. In the fore and
from them.
aft parts on each side 2 all-round lanterns,
9.13.2 The lamps shall be switched on green and red, shall be located at the awning
separately of each other. level.


9.14.1 All-round lanterns in fishing vessels 9.16.1 Steam whistles and air typhons shall
shall be placed vertically on the mast at mid- be located at least 2.5 m above the uppermost
ship with the white lantern being located be- deck and be raised over the surrounding ob-
low red and green lanterns. jects located on the uppermost deck excepting
9.14.2 One white lantern and one red lan- masts and smoke funnels.
tern shall be able to be switched on separately 9.16.2 In ships less than 25 m in length
of each other. sound signal means shall be located not lower
than the wheelhouse roof (or directly on it).
IN NON-SELF-PROPELLED SHIPS AND 9.16.3 The signal bell shall be located as far
INDUSTRIAL SHIPS as practicable at fully clear parts in the fore
part of the ship. The bell shall be freely hung
9.15.1 Non-self-propelled ships shall be fit- up in such a manner as not to touch the sur-
ted with two fore and aft flagstaffs for installa- rounding objects in list conditions.
tion of the masthead and white all-round lan-
terns. These lanterns shall be located in the 9.16.4 The gong shall be placed as near the
centreline of a ship in the following way: after end of the ship as practicable in such a
.1 the masthead light — in the fore part, place where nothing will intercept the propa-
generally, 2 m above the deck; gation of sound, and shall be hung up freely
.2 white all-round lanterns — in the fore so as to avoid contact with nearby items in
and after parts at least 2 m above the highest list conditions.
deck or 1 m above the deck cargo. The gong beetle shall be kept in a special
pocket to be fitted close to the gong.
9.15.2 In oil tankers and ships carrying
dangerous goods besides fore and after flag-
staffs a mast for carrying red all-round light
shall be fitted as per 9.12.2. This mast shall be
equipped for hoisting the daytime signals. 9.17.1 For storage of non-fixed signal
9.15.3 White all-round lantern in landing means and spare lanterns ships shall be fitted
with special easily accessible store rooms,
stages, floating workshops, firewatch vessels
lockers or boxes which are recommended to
shall be placed on a mast in the midship at
least 2 m above the superstructure roof. be arranged in way of the wheelhouse.
In oil processing stations over 50 m in 9.17.2 Signal lantern rooms shall be fitted
length the lanterns shall be placed in the fore with metal shelves with arrangements for reli-
and aft parts. The red all-round lantern shall able securing of the lanterns to prevent their
be located as per 9.12.2. shifting at rolling.
9 Signal Means 621

9.17.3 For storage of signal flags special vided in way of the pilot bridge wings or in
shelves shall be provided with separate clearly the wheelhouse. The lockers shall be fitted
designated cells for each flag. The shelves with tight doors opening outwards to the
shall be arranged in the wheelhouse or on the wheelhouse deck.
pilot bridge wings at a place protected against
precipitation and direct sunlight. In ships less than 25 m in length a gas-tight
9.17.4 For storage of signal pyrotechnical metal locker for storage of pyrotechnical
means gas-tight metal lockers shall be pro- means may be arranged in the wheelhouse.
622 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”



10.2.2 Navigation outfit of ships shall be
10.1.1 The present Section of the Rules es- assigned according to the standards specified
tablishes standards of navigation outfit for in Table 10.2.2 according to the navigation
ships. basin and ship categories.
10.1.2 Requirements of the present Section Navigation outfit of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and
for navigation outfit completeness apply to Î-ÏÐ class ships shall be taken as for I and
II category ships of M class.
ships under design and construction as well as
to ships in service. 10.2.3 Navigation outfit may be omitted:
in ships of 10 m and less in overall length
10.2 NAVIGATION OUTFIT STANDARDS navigating in basins of P and Ë categories;
in non-crewed ships of category III.
10.2.1 To determine navigation outfit stan-
dards ships are divided into three categories: 10.2.4 Inclinometer may be omitted in hy-
I  self-propelled ships with an overall drofoil craft, hovercraft and skimming vessels.
length over 25 m; 10.2.5 Non-self-propelled ships of Ì-ÑÏ,
II  self-propelled ships with an overall Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class carrying people on
length of 25 m and less; board shall be fitted with binoculars, manual
III  non-self-propelled ships. sounding lead and an inclinometer.
T a b l e 10.2.2
Standards for navigation outfit of ships
Standards for navigation outfit for navigation basin category
Ì Î Ð and Ë
and ship categories
1. Ship’s chronometer 1 1  1 1  1 1 
2. Aneroid barometer 1 1  1 1  1* 1* 
3. Stopwatch 1 1  1 1  1* 1* 
4. Anemometer 1 1  1 1  1* 1* 
5. Prismatic binocular 2 2 1 2 1  2 1 
6. Sounding lead with a leadline 1 1  1   1*  
7. Sounding rods (depth gauges) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8. Inclinometer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9. Thermometer for measuring am- 1 1  1 1  1* 1* 
bient air temperature
* Only ships navigating in lakes and reservoirs of P category.
11 Emergency Outfit 623


11.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Group VI. These ships are additionally fitted
with a set of rigging tools according to the
11.1.1 Requirements of the present Section
standards specified in Table 11.2.4.
apply to ships under design and construction
as well as to ships in service. For the purposes 11.1.5 Outfit items listed in Tables 11.2.2,
of this Section, the length shall mean an 11.2.3 and 11.2.4 and available on board but
overall length. intended for other purposes may be consid-
11.1.2 Emergency outfit is not required in ered as emergency outfit items.
ships of the following types:
.1 non-crewed non-self-propelled ships; 11.2 EMERGENCY OUTFIT STANDARDS
.2 non-self-propelled ships with a single-
compartment floodability; 11.2.1 In order to determine the emer-
.3 crewed non-self-propelled ships of P gency outfit standards ships are divided into
and Ë class less than 30 m in length; 10 groups:
.4 non-self-propelled tankers regardless of I — self-propelled ships of M and O class
the length; with a length over 90 m;
.5 passenger ships and ferries with one- II — self-propelled ships of M and O class
hour trip or less; with a length of 40 to 90 m inclusive;
.6 coastal vessels; III — self-propelled ships of M and O
.7 self-propelled ships of O, P, Ë class class with a length of 25 to 40 m inclusive and
with a number of crew members not more ships of Ð and Ë class over 70 m in length;
than three per trip; IV — self-propelled ships of Ð and Ë class
.8 self-propelled ships of P and Ë class with a length of 40 to 70 m inclusive;
with a length less than 25 m; V — self-propelled ships of Ð and Ë class
.9 hydrofoil craft, hovercraft and skim- with a length of 25 to 40 m inclusive and
ming vessels. ships of Ì and Î class with a length up to
Emergency outfit is not required for float- 25 m;
ing objects. VI — non-self-propelled ships of Ì-ÑÏ,
Ì-ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î class;
11.1.3 Tugboats and pushboats operating VII — non-self-propelled ships of Ð and Ë
with non-self-propelled ships listed in 11.1.2, class with a length of 30 m and over;
shall be fitted with emergency outfit as for VIII — self-propelled ships of Ì-ÑÏ and
ships having a group one position higher than Ì-ÏÐ class with a length of 70 to 140 m;
the group of the given tugboat or pushboats IX — self-propelled ships of Ì-ÑÏ and
(see 11.2.1). Tugboats and pushboats over Ì-ÏÐ class with a length of 30 to 70 m in-
15 m in length regardless of and clusive and self-propelled ships of Î-ÏÐ class shall be fitted according to the stan- with a length of 30 to 140 m;
dards for ships of Group V. X — self-propelled ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ
11.1.4 For non-self-propelled ships of and Î-ÏÐ class with a length of less than
30 m.
Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class emergency
outfit shall be taken according to the stan- 11.2.2 In all ships other than listed in
dards specified in Table 11.2.2 for ships of 11.1.2 the emergency outfit shall be available
624 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

according to the standards specified in Ta- 11.2.3 Set of fitter’s tools specified in Table
ble 11.2.2. 11.2.2 shall be completed as per Table 11.2.3.
T a b l e 11.2.2
Emergency outfit standards
Number of outfit items for the ship groups
Description Note
1. Lightened collision mat, 1       1 1  For ships without
3.03.0 m double bottom and
double sides with a
number of crew
members over
10 persons
2. Thrummed mat, 2.02.0 m  1         ditto
3. Tarpaulin or training mat   1        ditto All training
and industrial ves-
sels shall be also fit-
ted with a mat
4. Tarpaulin or training mat,          1 ditto
2.02.0 m
5. Collision mat equipment, set 1 1 1     1 1 1 ditto
According to the
standards of Ta-
ble 11.3.2
6. Thrummed mat, 0.40.5 m 1 1 1     2 21
7. Semi-linen tarpaulin ÑÊÏÂ, m2    4 4 4 2  

8. Set of rigging tools in a bag        1 11 See 11.2.4
9. Set of fitter’s tools in a bag 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 According to the
standards of Ta-
ble 11.2.3
10. Quick-setting cement of at 100 75 50 50 50 75 50 200 100 50
least grade 400, kg
11. Sand, natural, kg 100 75 50 50 50 75 50 200 100 50
12. Liquid glass (accelerator for 5 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 10 5 2.5
concrete setting), kg
13. Pine bar 1001002000 mm 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 2
14. Pine plank 502004000 mm       — 2 2
15. Pine plank 502002000 mm 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 2 2
16. Pine plank 201502000 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
17. Birch wedge 60200400 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
18. Pine wedge 30200200 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
19. Pine wedge 50150200 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8
20. Pine plug for ships with side 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
1 Not required for
scuttles (along the side scuttle di- ships fitted with
ameter, 400 mm in length) storm covers
21. Pine plug 1030150 mm 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2
22. Coarse felt, industrial 10 mm 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.0
thick, m2
23. Rubber plate 5 mm thick, m2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5
24. Semi-linen tarpaulin ÑÊÏÂ,        4 2 1
25. Bend tarred tow, kg 10 10 5 5 2.5 10 2.5 20 15 10
26. Low-carbon steel wire with a 0.5 0.5 0.25   0.5  1 0.5 0.5 Each coil contain-
diameter of 3 mm, coil ing 50 m
11 Emergency Outfit 625

E n d o f T a b l e 11.2.2
Number of outfit items for the ship groups
Description Note
27. Construction shackle with a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2
diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm in
28. Construction nails 370 mm, kg 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 3 2 2
29. Construction nails 6150 mm, kg 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4 3 2
30. Hexagon-head bolts Ì16400        4 2 —
31. Hexagon-head bolt Ì16260 2 2 2 2  2  4 2 —
32. Hexagonal nut Ì16 2 2 2 2  2  8 4 —
33. Washer for nut Ì16 4 4 4 4  4  8 4 —
34. Paste iron minimum, kg 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0  1.5 1.0 10 5 2.5
35. Technical fat, kg 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0  1.5 1.0 5 5 2
36. Wood saw, cross-cut, two- 1 1 1     1 1 1
handled, 1200 mm in length
37. Hacksaw, wood, cross-cut, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
615 mm in length
38. Carpenter’s axe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
39. Axe helve (spare) 1 1 1
40. Sledge hammer, blunt-nosed 5 kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
41. Shovel ËÏ        2 2 2
42. Scoop for sand        1 1 1
43. Galvanized cone bucket with        2 2 2
lanyard 12 L
44. Metal stop of telescopic type 1 1      2 2 2
1.7 m in length
45. Emergency clamp 1 1      1 1 1 For spacing of
600 or 900 mm
46. Portable accumulator lantern        1 1 1
of explosion-proof type
47. Claw-ended lever (only for        2 2 2
ships with wooden superstructures)
48. Submersible pump of type        1 1 1
ÝÑÍ-16 with hoses of flow capac-
ity 30 to 40 t/h (recommended)
49. Tight packing of 50 kg for ce-        To be deter-
ment mined by a
ship’s archi-
tect or a shi-
50. Jars for storage of minimum,        ditto
liquid glass and technical fat with
capacity of 5 kg
51. Bow for stowing tools and out-        ditto
fit, pc
52. Log book for emergency outfit        1 1 1
* See 11.2.5

11.2.5 Outfit items marked with asterisk in

Tables 11.2.2, 11.2.3 and 11.2.4 shall be pro-
11.2.4 Set of rigging tools specified in Ta- vided in oil tankers carrying inflammable liq-
ble 11.2.2 shall be completed as per Ta- uids with a flash point of 60C and below in
ble 11.2.4. spark-proof type.
626 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

T a b l e 11.2.3 11.3.3 The length of each sheet Lsh, m‚

Standards for equipping with fitter's tools shall be determined by the following formula:
Description Quantity per set Lsh  1.6  D  0.5B  , (11.3.3-1)
1. Bench hammer* 0.5 kg with a 1
handle where D — side depth from the keel to the
2. Sledge hammer*, blunt-nosed 1 upper edge of the bulwark, m;
3.0 kg B — overall breadth of a ship, m.
3. Forged chisel* 20 mm wide 1 The length of guy shall be at least 2Lsh.
4. Fid 200 mm long 1
5. Pincers (pliers) multi-purpose 1 The length of control lanyard shall be
200 mm long equal to the sheet length.
6. Punch 18 mm in diameter 1 The length of each keel hauling line
7. Punch 25 mm in diameter 1 Lk.h.l.‚ m‚ shall be determined by the following
8. Triangle file 300 mm long 1 formula:
9. Half-round file 300 mm long 1
10. Screwdriver* 10 mm wide, 1 Lk.h.l  1.6  2D  0.5B  , (11.3.3-2)
150 mm long
11. Screwdriver for cross-head 1 The length of sheets, keel hauling lines,
screws and wood screws guys and lanyards for mats which shall be
12. Adjustable wrench* with a 1 provided in ships as per 11.1.3, shall be calcu-
spanner up to 36 mm wide lated according to the dimensions of the big-
13. Wrench* with open spanner 1 gest ship in a convoy.
2224 mm
14. Hack-sawing machine 1 11.3.4 Mats shall be made of natural fibre
15. Hack-saw blade 8 strands and thrummed with natural spun line.
16. Cutting nippers (cutting pliers) 1 A tarpaulin shall be sewed from the bottom
* See 11.2.5 side of the mat.
T a b l e 11.2.4
Standards for equipping with rigging tools 11.4 ARRANGEMENT OF EMERGENCY
Description Quantity per set OUTFIT
1. Bench hammer* 0.5 kg with a 1 11.4.1 An emergency station shall be pro-
vided for arrangement of the emergency outfit
2. Forged chisel* 20 mm wide 1
3. Fid 200 mm long 1 located not lower than the main deck.
4. Socket chisel 300 mm long, 1 In ships less than 40 m in length the emer-
200 mm wide gency station may be located lower than the
5. Pincers* 200 mm long 1 main deck provided it is easily accessible.
6. Tape-measure 2000 mm long 1 As the emergency station a special space,
7. Chisel 20 mm wide 1 box or assigned place on the deck or in the
8. Piercer 4 mm in diameter 1
ship’s spaces may be used.
* See 11.2.5
In ships less than 20 m in length the emer-
gency outfit may be located in several spaces.
11.3 MATS
11.4.2 Width of free passage before the
11.3.1 Mats shall be made of tarpaulin with
emergency station shall be at least 0.8 m and
waterproof impregnation or other equivalent
in ships less than 30 m in length — at least
cloth. They shall be edged with four embed-
0.6 m.
ded thimbles at the corners. Cringles shall be
also provided in quantity equal to the number
of ropes specified in Table 11.3.2. 11.5 MARKING
11.3.2 Technical parameters and outfit of 11.5.1 Emergency outfit items or pack for
the mats shall be assigned as per standards their storage excepting mats shall be painted
stated in Table 11.3.2. blue, totally or with a stripe.
11 Emergency Outfit 627

T a b l e 11.3.2
Technical parameters and standards for equipping with mats
Quantity of items per mat
Name of items lightened thrummed tarpaulin or training 2.02.0 m,
3.03.0 m 2.02.0 m 1.51.5 m, 1.01.0 m
1. Tarpaulin sheet 2 2 3  for tarpaulin mat with
dimensions 2.02.0 m; 2 
for training mat with dimen-
sions of 1.51.5 m or
1.01.0 m
2. Lining 1 made of felt 1 mat 
3. Rigid fastening Pieces of steel  
rope or tube
(in pockets)
4. Snatch-block for steel rope (permissible 2 2 2
load per suspension is 9.8 kN)
5. Snatch-block for hemp rope 75 mm in di-   2
ameter (permissible load per suspension is 8 kN)
6. Tackle with swivel hook (permissible load 2 2 2
per suspension is 9.8 kN)
7. Joining shackle of type ÑÀ-2,5 9 6 
8. Joining shackle of type Ð-0,5   6
9. Sheet of galvanized steel rope 13.5 mm in 2 2 
10. Sheet of hemp rope 75 mm in circle   2
11. Keel hauling line of galvanized steel rope 2 2 2
13.5 mm in diameter
12. Guy of galvanized steel rope 13.5 mm in 2  
13. Control lanyard of kapron halyard 8 mm 1 1 1
in diameter with marking
14. Mat case 1 1 1

The storage pack for emergency outfit shall sages and on the decks the position indicators
bear clear inscription indicating the material, of the emergency station shall be provided.
weight and permissible storage period of the Provision shall be made for lightning from
outfit. emergency power source in the vicinity of the
emergency station.
11.5.2 In the vicinity of the emergency sta- When the emergency outfit is stored in
tion there shall be clearly visible inscription several spaces, the diagram of its location on
“Emergency station”. In addition, in the pas- board shall be placed in the wheelhouse.
628 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”


12.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ON or OFF position indicators/indicator. The

remote controls shall be arranged and ma-
12.1.1 Control consoles fitted in the
nipulated in such a way to be easy to use by
wheelhouse shall be provided with ship, en-
the navigator. Non-fixed equipment for re-
gine, appliance, systems and equipment con-
mote control of such auxiliary (in terms of
trols (levers, handles, wheels, button and key-
steering gear) arrangement as active bow rud-
operated switches, switches) as well as display
ders shall be used provided that control of
and alarm devices and the requirements of
these auxiliary arrangements may be any time
11.12 Part IV of the Rules shall be met.
transferred to the wheelhouse.
12.1.2 Steering gear remote control system 12.1.3 The wheelhouse shall be equipped
elements shall be arranged in the wheelhouse with adjustable heating and ventilation system
so that to the selected heading is visible to the complying with requirements of 10.12 Part IV
navigator from the control station. If the of the Rules. The arrangement for darkening
mentioned remote control system is designed of the wheelhouse shall not prevent its venti-
as disconnectable, provision shall be made for lation.
14 Embarkation Ladders for Ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ Classes 629


length according to the type and design fea-

13.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS tures of the ship.
13.1.1 All crewed ships shall be equipped 13.1.2 Ships of Ì-ÑÏ class shall be fitted
with loudhailer, boat hook and gangway 400 with a line-throwing appliance with four pro-
mm wide with a guardrail with the jectiles and four lines.



14.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 14.1.4 The pilot embarkation ladder and

the area outside the ship in the boarding place
14.1.1 Embarkation ladder shall be pro-
of the pilot shall be adequately illuminated.
vided in every self-propelled ship near the
muster station of the collective life-saving ap- 14.1.5 Embarkation ladders shall be located
pliances being launched along the ship’s side. outside the drainage outlet areas and, as far as
This requirement does not apply to cargo practicable, outside the sharp lines of the
and passenger ships with gross tonnage less ship; each ladder rung of the ladder shall be
than 500, in which boarding on the liferafts is reliably set against the ship’s side.
carried out from the deck located less than 2 When this requirement cannot be met due
m (less than 1.5 m in passenger ships) above to design features of a ship (i.e., fender bars),
the waterline corresponding to the minimum measures shall be taken to ensure safe boarding.
operational draught. 14.1.6 Handrails shall be provided to en-
sure a safe passage from the deck to the em-
14.1.2 Every self-propelled ship shall be fit- barkation ladder and vice versa.
ted with a pilot embarkation ladder as well as
arrangements for its installation on any side of 14.1.7 Embarkation and pilot ladders shall
a ship. The boarding place of the pilot shall comply with requirements of national stan-
be clearly marked. dards1, the ladder structure shall be continu-
ous (not consist of separate sections) and have
14.1.3 In each place of installation of the such length that to reach the water level at
pilot embarkation ladder there shall be a life- the place of installation at any operational
buoy with self-igniting buoy as well as throw- draughts and trims of a ship as well as in con-
ing line. ditions of list of 15î to the opposite side.

GOST R ISO 799, GOST R ISO 5489.
630 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”




1 This Appendix establishes the method for WT — wake factor for straight motion of
accounting for a non-uniform nature of hy- the ship by calculation of propulsion ability;
drodynamic load distribution over the height D — propeller diameter, m.
of ship's rudders and calculation methods for
bending moments, shear forces and support 5 Bending moments, shear forces and sup-
reaction forces acting in the stock-rudder sys- port reaction forces acting in the stock-rudder
tem. system shall be calculated according to meth-
ods shown in Fig.A1.5-1 to A1.5-3.
2 Hydrodynamic loads (resultant of hydro- Calculation shall be performed for such
dynamic forces and torque) acting on the
combination of hydrodynamic loads when the
rudder shall be determined based on experi- stock is subject to maximum equivalent
mental or calculation results for all possible stresses defined in accordance with 1.2.2 of
range of rudder angles.
this Part of the Rules.
3 When calculating hydrodynamic forces Maximum unit load intensity q, kN/m
acting on the rudder within the propeller jet shall be calculated by the following formula:
or steerable nozzle, the effects of the ship's
hull and propeller jet shall be taken into ac-  
q  R l10  0.45D l10  0.975  f  0.95 ,
count. (Ï1.5-1)
4 When determining hydrodynamic forces where D — propeller diameter, m;
acting on the rudder within the propeller jet l10 – l60 — lengths of steering gear elements
or steerable nozzle experimentally, the com- (see Fig. A1.5-1 to A1.5-3), m;
pliance between load factors for model and R — resultant force on a rudder, kN;
full-scale propeller shall be ensured:
f — coefficient considering non-uniformity
C T  8Tð V 2
A D
, (A1.4) of load distribution for suspended rudders and
rudders with support on sternframe heel de-
where TP — propeller thrust, kN; termined by Table A1.5 depending on load
ρ — water density, t/m3; factor CT and relative height of the part of the
VA — propulsion and steering system in- rudder protruding from the jet (l10–D)/ l10.
flow velocity, m/s
For semi-suspended rudders, totally or par-
V A  V  1  WT  ; tially falling into the propeller jet when the
V — design speed of a ship in loaded con- ship is moving ahead at (l10–D)/ l10 ≤ 0.4, co-
dition (for pushboats — together with the efficient considering non-uniformity of load
convoy), m/s; distribution shall be taken
Appendix 1 631

Fig. A1.5-1. Calculation method for moments, forces and reaction forces acting
in the stock-suspended rudder system

Fig. A1.5-2 Calculation method for moments, forces and reaction forces acting
in the system of stock and rudder with lower support on sternframe heel
T a b l e A 1.5 For rudders totally beyond the propeller
Coefficient considering non-uniformity jet, f is taken equal to 0.
of load distribution f Jet diameter is taken to be equal to propel-
l10  D  l10 f at CT ler diameter.
0 2 6 12 ≥25 For rudders downstream of the propeller,
0 0.000 0.133 0.196 0.226 0.256 for the astern motion of the ship, f is taken
0.1 0.000 0.226 0.326 0.373 0.418 equal to 0.
0.2 0.000 0.315 0.447 0.506 0.561
Support rigidity factor Z, kN/m shall be
0.3 0.000 0.435 0.597 0.664 0.722
0.4 0.000 0.540 0.715 0.779 0.827 determined as follows:
0.5 0.000 0.631 0.801 0.850 0.876 for support on sternframe heel
0.6 0.000 0.707 0.856 0.879 0.880 Z  1 ub ; (A1.5-3)
f  1.625  l10  D  l10   for support in the rudder horn
1.75  l10  D  l10  0.65. (A1.5-2) Z  1  ub  u5  ut  , (A1.5-4)
632 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

Fig. A1.5-3. Calculation method for moments, forces and reaction forces acting
in the system of stock and rudder with pins on sternframe hinges

where ub — displacement of the support due shall be taken into account when stock
to bending when the force of 1 kN is applied strength is calculated.
to the support centre: 7 When calculating the height of the plain
ub  l50  103  3EJ 50  bearing sleeve, assumed design reaction from
where u5 — displacement of the support due the rudder stock being side bh, kN, for sus-
to shear when the force of 1 kN is applied to pended rudder and rudder with lower support
the support centre: on sternframe heel shall be not less than de-
termined by the formula:
u5  l50  103 GF  ;
where ut — displacement of the support due Blow   R  l10  l30  l40  
to horn torsion when the force of 1 kN is ap- Bstr  l10  l20  l30  l40   l40 ,
plied to the support centre:
where η — nondimensional arm of bending
ut  l50l60  103 GJ t  ; moment (Table A1.7).
E — Young’s modulus of the horn and T a b l e A 1.7
sternframe heel material, MPa; Nondimensional arm of bending moment η
G — shear modulus of horn material, l10  D  l10 η at CT
MPa; 0 2 6 12 ≥25
F — average cross-sectional area of the 0.0 0.50 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.54
0.1 0.50 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57
rudder horn, m2;
0.2 0.50 0.55 0.58 0.59 0.60
Jt — average polar moment of inertia of 0.3 0.50 0.57 0.61 0.63 0.65
cross-sectional area of the rudder horn, m4; 0.4 0.50 0.60 0.64 0.67 0.69
J10 – J60 — moments of inertia of appropri- 0.5 0.50 0.62 0.68 0.71 0.74
ate sections of steering gear elements, m4. 0.6 0.50 0.64 0.71 0.75 0.78
Where a bending moment applied to the Bstr shall be taken in accordance with 8, for
rudder stock is determined experimentally, the suspended rudders, Bstr = 0.
idealized law of load distribution over height
Element lengths l10, l30, l40 shall be deter-
as shown in Fig.A1.5-1 to A1.5-3 may be ne-
mined in accordance with Fig. A1.5-1 and
6 When the lateral force from the steering For the rudders with lower support on
drive is transmitted to the rudder stock, this sternframe heel, calculation for η = 0.5 shall
force and corresponding bending moments be additionally performed.
Appendix 1 633

8 Reaction force in the sternframe heel, where R — yield point of the stock material,
kN, shall be determined by formula (A1.8), MPa.

Bstr  R  l10  l30  1  1, 5  l10  l10  l20   l10  l30  


 J 10l40 1   l10  l10  l20   l10  l30    J 40  l10  l30   (A1.8)
 J l 3 J   l  l  l 3  l J  l  l  l 2 J  .
 10 50 50 10 30 20 40 10 10 30 20 40 

634 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”



1 All finished chain cables shall undergo T a b l e A 2.3

the tests specified in this Appendix in the Allowable tolerances of chain link diameter
presence of a Surveyor. Chain cables are al- Nominal link diameter, mm Allowable tolerances1, mm
lowed for testing if they are free from paint Up to 40 1
and anti-corrosive coating. Over 40 to 84 2
84 to 122 3
2 All chain links shall undergo visual ex- Over 122 4
amination. Positive diameter tolerances shall not exceed
5% of the nominal diameter.
All chain links and accessories shall have a
clean surface consistent with the method of 5 Allowable tolerances of a shot length
manufacture and be free from cracks, measured over a length of any 5 links shall
notches, foreign impurities and other defects not exceed +2.5 % of the nominal length.
impairing the use of the product as intended. Measurements shall be performed on the
The overflows or burrs on forgings shall be chain under tension after proof load testing.
ground. The surface defects within the limits 6 The following tolerances are allowed for
of admissible diameter tolerances established chain accessories: for diameter +5 %, — 0 %;
in the manufacturer's technical documenta- for other dimensions ±2.5 %.
tion shall be ground to ensure smooth transi-
tion of the surface. Hollows may be removed Weldability tests
by means of local grinding up to 5% of the 7 During type approval of the chain, in-
nominal link diameter or the item thickness. process welding tests for the welding of chain
The welds shall be free from defects which studs shall be performed in accordance with
impair the use of the chain cable as intended. Section 4 Appendix 10 Part X of the Rules.
Undercuts, end craters and similar defects
shall be ground off. Proof load test
8 Each length of chain cable (27.5 m) shall
Allowable tolerances of chain links be subject to proof load test at the proof load
specified in Tables A2.8-1 and A2.8-2.
3 Diameter tolerances in the elbow outside
the link contact area shall not exceed values T a b l e A 2.8-1
specified in Table A2.3. Testing load for studless link chain cables
Testing load*, kN
4 Cross-sectional area of the chain link at Grade
Proof load Breaking load
elbow shall have no negative tolerances. 1 0.185d 2 0.370d 2
This area shall be calculated using a diame- 2 0.260d 2 0.520d 2
ter determined as an arithmetic mean of four * Minimum permissible criteria are specified in
diameter values measured in the same cross the Table.
section at different points of its outer contour. Note. d — nominal chain diameter, mm.
Appendix 2 635

T a b l e A 2.8-2 E n d o f T a b l e A 2.8-2
Testing load for stud link chain cables Chain Testing load, kN, chain grade
Testing load, kN, chain grade cable 1 2 3
diame- Proof Break- Proof Break- Proof Breaking
cable 1 2 3
ter, mm load ing load load ing load load load
diame- Proof Break- Proof Break- Proof Breaking
ter, mm load ing load load ing load load load 120 3400 4850 4850 6810 6810 9720
11 36 51 51 72 72 102 122 3500 5000 5000 7000 7000 9990
12.5 46 66 66 92 92 132 124 3600 5140 5140 7200 7200 10280
14 58 82 82 116 116 165 127 3750 5350 5350 7490 7490 10710
16 76 107 107 150 150 216 130 3900 5570 5570 7800 7800 11140
17.5 89 127 127 179 179 256 132 4000 5720 5720 8000 8000 11420
19 105 150 150 211 211 301 137 4260 6080 6080 8510 8510 12160
20.5 123 175 175 244 244 349 142 4520 6450 6450 9030 9030 12910
22 140 200 200 280 280 401 147 4790 6840 6840 9560 9560 13660
24 167 237 237 332 332 476 152 5050 7220 7220 10100 10100 14430
26 194 278 278 389 389 556 157 5320 7600 7600 10640 10640 15200
28 225 321 321 449 449 642 162 5590 7990 7990 11170 11170 15970
30 257 368 368 514 514 735 N o t e . Minimum permissible criteria are speci-
32 291 417 417 583 583 833 fied in the Table.
34 328 468 468 655 655 937
36 366 523 523 732 732 1050 Breaking, tensile, impact tests
38 406 581 581 812 812 1160
40 448 640 640 896 896 1280 9 For breaking load testing in accordance
42 492 703 703 981 981 1400 with Tables A2.8-1 and A2.8-2 samples are
44 538 769 769 1080 1080 1540 taken from the chain cables in conformity
46 585 837 837 1170 1170 1680 with Table A2.9 which comprise at least three
48 635 908 908 1270 1270 1810 stud links or five studless links. The links con-
50 686 981 981 1370 1370 1960 cerned shall be made according to the same
52 739 1060 1060 1480 1480 2110 procedure and shall be welded and heat
54 794 1140 1140 1590 1590 2270
56 851 1220 1220 1710 1710 2430
treated together with the chain cable. Samples
58 909 1290 1290 1810 1810 2600 are separated from the chain cable in the
60 969 1380 1380 1940 1940 2770 presence of a Surveyor.
62 1030 1470 1470 2060 2060 2940 T a b l e A 2.9
64 1100 1560 1560 2190 2190 3130 Chain testing scope
66 1160 1660 1660 2310 2310 3300 Number of samples1 from
Manufacturing method

68 1230 1750 1750 2450 2450 3500 each 4th chain length or
70 1290 1840 1840 2580 2580 3690 each 100 m for
73 1390 1990 1990 2790 2790 3990 tensile test impact test

Heat treatment
76 1500 2150 2150 3010 3010 4300
welded joint

welded joint
base metal

base metal

78 1580 2260 2260 3160 3160 4500

81 1690 2410 2410 3380 3380 4820
84 1800 2580 2580 3610 3610 5160
87 1920 2750 2750 3850 3850 5500 1 Welding Not required — — — —
90 2050 2920 2920 4090 4090 5840 2 Welding Normalizing — — — —
92 2130 3040 3040 4260 4260 6080 ditto Not required 1 12 3 32
95 2260 3230 3230 4510 4510 6440 3 Welding Normalizing, 1 12 3 32
97 2340 3340 3340 4680 4680 6690 quenching and
100 2470 3530 3530 4940 4940 7060 tempering
102 2560 3660 3660 5120 5120 7320 2 Casting Normalizing 1 — 3 —
105 2700 3850 3850 5390 5390 7700 or forg-
107 2790 3980 3980 5570 5570 7960 ing
111 2970 4250 4250 5940 5940 8480 3 Casting Normalizing, 1 — 3 —
114 3110 4440 4440 6230 6230 8890 or forg- quenching and
117 3260 4650 4650 6510 6510 9300 ing tempering
636 RCCS. Part V “Ship Arrangements and Outfit”

E n d o f T a b l e A 2.9 specified in the manufacturer’s quality control

In any case, from each fourth length or 100 m document.
one specimen shall be taken for tensile test.
Specimens are taken from each fourth length of Tests of chain accessories
the non-heat treated chain. The specimens shall be
cut out as in Fig. A11.2.4.2 Appendix 11 Part X of 15 Chain accessories shall be tested in the
the Rules on that side of the link which is opposite presence of a Surveyor. Accessories are al-
to the weld. Testing of the weld-cut specimens lowed for testing if they are free from paint
may be additionally performed: tensile testing and anti-corrosive coating.
across the weld and impact testing of a specimen
with a notch through the weld. 16 All accessories shall undergo proof load
tests according to Table A2.8-1.
10 If the adequate breaking load cannot be
obtained due to insufficient capacity of the 17 For proof load testing according to Ta-
testing machine or large diameter of the chain ble A2.8-1, items shall be presented in
cable, tensile and impact tests and investiga- batches. A batch of shackles, swivels, swivel
tion of microstructure of specimens made of shackles, enlarged and end links shall com-
chain links may be performed (see prise of not more than 25 items, a batch of
GOST 228). connecting links — of 50 items of the same
grade and dimensions, made of metal of the
11 If the results of the breaking load tensile same heat and heat treated in the same fur-
do not comply with the requirements of Table nace charge.
A2.8-1, A2.8-2, the other specimen shall be One item out of each batch shall undergo
taken from the same length. The tests are tests; the use of tested items according to its
considered successful if the load correspond- purpose is not permitted.
ing to the required one specified in Table
18 Breaking load tests may be omitted, if:
A2.8-1, A2.8-2 has been obtained.
breaking load is confirmed by satisfactory
If the results of repeated tests do not com- results of initial tests at the manufacturer dur-
ply with requirements of Tables A2.8-1, ing survey of the organization in order to ob-
A2.8-2, the length is rejected. At the manu- tain the Recognition Certificate;
facturer’s discretion sample lengths may be results of mechanical tests of each batch
taken from the remaining three lengths of the performed in accordance with 19 comply with
batch and subject the breaking load testing. If requirements of Table 3.7.8 of the Rules and
test results for at least one chain length do not items are subjected to non-destructive testing
comply with requirements of Tables A2.8-1, 1
by organization with the Recognition Cer-
A2.8-2, the whole batch is rejected. tificate issued by the River Register.
12 If the proof load test fails, the defective 19 One tensile test specimen and one set of
links/link shall be replaced, a new link/links three impact test (KV) specimens (see Ap-
shall undergo a local heat treatment and the pendix 10 Part X of the Rules) cut out of spe-
proof load testing shall be repeated. The cause cific sample or item as in Fig. A11.2.4.2 Ap-
of link/links damage shall be determined. pendix 11 Part X of the Rules shall be tested
from each batch of items.
13 For sampling an extra link shall be pro-
vided in a chain length (or some links for 20 The results of mechanical tests shall
small-diameter chain). The extra link shall be comply with requirements of Table 3.7.8 of
manufactured similarly to the breaking load the Rules and shall be specified in the manu-
test specimen (see 9). facturer’s quality control document.

14 Test results shall comply with require-

ments of Table 3.7.8 of the Rules as well as
requirements of this Appendix and shall be 1
GOST 18353, GOST R 51751
Part VI

638 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION switchboard, propulsion plant control panel

1.1.1 The present Part of the Rules applies .6 electric schematic diagrams of charging
to the electrical equipment of all classes of the line;
ships, if otherwise is stated in the text of par- .7 calculations of the ship's electric power
ticular requirements. plant required power, generators quantity and
1.1.2 The present Part of the Rules does power selection, as well as calculation of
not apply to electrical equipment intended for power of the emergency power supply
household, domestic and manufacturing pur- sources;
poses excepting: .8 album of the switchboard front sides;
.1 connected cables; .9 electric schematic diagrams of power
line, primary lighting line, secondary lighting
.2 protection, insulation, earthing, elec-
line, minor emergency lighting (battery), sig-
tromagnetic compatibility (only for the
nal and identification lights, starter circuits,
equipment installed in the spaces where the
special systems;
ship's radio communication and navigation
.10 technical description and operating
means as well as the control systems of tech-
guidelines for telephony, ship controls and
nical facilities having electronic components
other communication and signaling within the
are operated) and equipment mounting
ship (with diagrams);
.11 electric diagrams of telephony con-
nections, ship controls and other signaling
1.2 DOCUMENTATION within the ship;
1.2.1 The following operational documents .12 technical description and operating
for electrical equipment shall be available on- guidelines for navigation sets and instrumen-
board the ship: tation systems.
The following document approved by the
.1 specifications;
River Register shall be available on board of
.2 technical description and operating bulk oil-carrying ships and other ships equiva-
guidelines for shipboard electric drives (with lent to them in addition to the documents
diagrams); specified in – "The layout of
.3 electric schematic diagram of genera- fire and explosion hazardous areas and spaces,
tion and distribution of electric energy; list of electric installations in such areas".
.4 electric schematic diagram of electric The availability of the documents specified
propulsion (for ships with electric propulsion); in – is not required on board
.5 electric diagrams of main distribution of the ships which do not have a crew, but
devices (main switchboard, emergency the ship owner is to submit them on demand.
2 General Requirements 639


2.1 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS vanic contact of the ship with onshore facili-
ties or other ship is excluded. The galvanic
2.1.1 In the present Part of the Rules the contact in its turn may be caused by electro-
following terms and definitions are used: chemical phenomena and vagabond currents
.1 E m e r g e n c y l i g h t i n g — lighting water or ground.
of ship's spaces and areas by means of lighting
.8 S h i p ' s l e n g t h — ship's length at
fixtures fed from the emergency or momen-
the design waterline.
tary emergency source of electric power.
.2 E m e r g e n c y s o u r c e o f e l e c - .9 P r o t e c t i v e e a r t h i n g — electri-
t r i c p o w e r — electric power source in- cal connection of the equipment to the Earth.
tended for the necessary ship consumer's sup- Onboard a ship such connection is attached
ply in the event of voltage break-off on the to the hull.
main distribution switchboard. .10 S h i p ' s h u l l — all metal parts of
.3 M o m e n t a r y e m e r g e n c y s o u r c e the ship, which are reliably connected with
o f e l e c t r i c p o w e r — electric power the outer metal plating. For the ships with
source intended for the necessary ship con- non-conducting hull — a special copper sheet
sumer's supply from the moment of voltage of at least 0.5 m2 in area and at least 2 mm in
break-off in the main power source until the thickness or a carbon steel sheet of at least 1.5
emergency diesel generator starts running. m2 in area and at least 6 mm in thickness
attached to the submerged part of the outer
.4 A n t i s t a t i c e a r t h i n g ( b o n d -
plating at light draught and used for earthing
i n g ) —electrostatic sparking safety device
of all shipborne facilities.
— electric connection which ensures potential
equalization (bonding) of static electricity in .11 S m a l l v o l t a g e — a voltage
structural parts of ship's equipment and hull which is not hazardous to the personnel. The
by means of their direct electric contact or safety condition is considered as satisfied, if
contact via earth wires. the windings of the transformers, converters
.5 S h a f t g e n e r a t o r — ship's gen- and other voltage-lowering devices are electri-
erator of electric current driven from the cally separated and the value of the stepped-
ship's shaft line or from the main propulsion down voltage across these devices or electric
engine. power sources does not exceed:
.6 E x p l o s i o n h a z a r d o u s a r e a 50 V between poles at direct current;
— volume where explosive mixtures of air 50 V between phases or 30 V between
and gas or air and dust are present or may be phases and the hull at alternating current.
generated. Explosion hazardous areas are sub- .12 L i g h t n i n g d i v e r t o r — the up-
divided into areas 0, 1 and 2. per part of lightning arrestor intended for di-
.7 G a l v a n i c s p a r k s a f e t y — rect perception of atmospheric discharges.
condition of ship's equipment and systems .13 E s s e n t i a l f a c i l i t i e s — facili-
when the probability of fire or explosion ini- ties, the normal operation of which provides
tiation caused by electric sparking during gal- the ship navigation safety, safety of people
640 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

and cargo onboard. Such facilities include 2.2.3 Electrical equipment is to operate re-
those listed in 5.3.1. liably at relative air humidity (80±3) % and
.14 I s o l a t i n g t r a n s f o r m e r — a temperature (40±2) °Ñ, as well as at relative
transformer intended to separate the electrical air humidity (95±1) % and temperature
receiver feeding circuit from the primary elec- (25±2) °Ñ.
trical network. 2.2.4 Electrical equipment of ships of all
.15 S p e c i a l e l e c t r i c a l s p a c e s classes, except for "P" class ships not operated
— spaces or places intended for electrical at water storage basins and "Ë" class ships, is
equipment only and accessible only for at- to operate reliably at a permanent list up to
tending personnel. 15° and trim up to 5°, as well as at rolling
motion up to 22.5° with the period of 7 – 9
2.2 OPERATING CONDITIONS seconds and pitching up to 10° from the hori-
2.2.1 The design of electrical equipment zontal line.
shall provide its operability at deviations of Emergency sources of electric power and
voltage and frequency from their nominal electrical equipment fed from the emergency
values specified in Table 2.2.1, unless other- sources are to operate reliably at a permanent
wise specified in the present Part of the Rules. list up to 22.5° and trim up to 10°, as well as
at simultaneous list and trim within the speci-
T a b l e 2.2.1 fied limits.
Voltage and frequency deviations from nominal
values 2.2.5 Electrical equipment is to operate re-
Deviation from liably at vibrations with frequency of 2 –
Duration of short
Parameter nominal values, %
deviation, seconds 80 Hz, amplitude of 0.1 – 1.0 mm and at im-
long short pacts with acceleration of 5g with frequency
AC voltage +6 +15 1.5 of 40 – 80 impacts per minute.
–10 –30 1.5
Frequency ±5 ±10 5 2.2.6 (shall be considered to have lost force.)
DC voltage ±10 5 Periodic deviations
10 Ripple
N o t e . When powered by accumulator battery
which is operating into load in parallel with a
charger, the long deviation is to be within the fol- 2.3 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS
lowing limits: from +30 to –25 %.
When powered by accumulator battery for the 2.3.1 The components of electrical equip-
equipment which is not connected to the battery ment to be replaced while in operation shall
during the charging process, the long deviation is to provide easy dismantling and disassembly.
be within the following limits: from +20 to –25 %.
2.3.2 When using screw fastenings the
2.2.2 The values specified in Table 2.2.2 screws and nuts shall be prevented from self-
shall be taken as nominal operating tempera- unscrewing and loss in places subject to fre-
tures of ambient air and cooling water for quent dismantling and opening.
electrical equipment.
2.3.3 Tightening gaskets of parts of the
T a b l e 2.2.2 electrical equipment (detachable, opening,
Nominal values of the working temperatures stuffing boxes etc.) are to correspond to the
of ambient air and cooling water protective type of the equipment casing. Seal-
Temperature, °Ñ ings are to be fastened to covers or housings.
Equipment location
air water
Machinery spaces, galleys From +55 to –10 25 2.3.4 Electrical equipment, where water
and special electrical spaces may be condensed inside, is to be fitted with
Open decks From +55 to –30 — appropriate water drainage device. Drainage
Other spaces and areas From +40 to –10 — channels shall be provided inside the equip-
2 General Requirements 641

ment to drain water condensate out of all 2.4 MATERIALS

parts of the equipment.
2.4.1 Structural parts of electrical equip-
Alive windings and parts of the equipment
ment are to be made of strong fire retardant
are to be so located or protected as to being
materials stable to affection of high humidity
prevented from the affection of water conden-
and oil vapours or be appropriately protected
sate inside the equipment.
against it. Screws, nuts, hinges and other parts
intended for fastening closings of electrical
2.3.5 Electrical equipment with forced ven-
equipment located on the open deck and in
tilation intended for installation in the lower
spaces with high humidity are to be made of
parts of wet spaces is to be fitted with a venti-
corrosion resistant materials or be fitted with
lation system which would prevent sucking of
reliable corrosion-proof covering.
moisture and oil vapours inside the equipment.
2.4.2 All the alive parts of electrical devices
2.3.6 Protection type of electrical equip- are to be made of copper, copper alloys or
ment, depending on its location, is to be at other materials with the same physical charac-
least as specified in the Table 2.3.6. teristics with the exception of:
T a b l e 2.3.6
Protection level of electrical equipment
Name of electrical equipment
Distribution devices

ment‚ accessories
and alarm equip-

Lighting fixtures

Heating equip-
chinery, trans-
Electrical ma-

starters etc.

Location of electrical equipment operated main

and emergency
Dry spaces IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Accommodation spaces except for lazarets and wash- — IP22 — IP20 IP20 IP20
Wheelhouse Total volume IP22 IP22 — IP22 IP22 IP22
Near the fore wall — IP44 — IP44 IP44 —
Service spaces‚ refrigerator rooms (excepting ammo- IP22 IP22 IP22 IP22 IP22 IP22
nia refrigerating plants)‚ emergency generator rooms‚
general purpose storerooms, pantries‚ provision stores
Engine and boiler rooms Above plating IP22 IP22 IP22 IP44 IP22 IP22
Below plating IP44 — — IP44 IP44 IP44
Control stations (dry) IP22 IP22 IP20 IP22 IP22 IP22
Steering rooms IP44 IP44 — IP44 IP44 IP44
Lazarets and washrooms IP44 IP44 — IP55 — IP44
Cooled spaces‚ galleys‚ laundries‚ bathrooms‚ shower IP44 IP44 — IP55 IP44 IP44
Cargo holds IP55 IP55 — IP55 IP55 IP55
Open decks prevented from water overflow IP55 IP54 — IP55 — IP55
Open decks subject to water overflow IP56 IP56 — IP56 — IP56
Spaces and areas where the equipment may operate in IP68 — — IP68 — IP68
underwater conditions
N o t e s : 1. For explosive spaces and areas the requirements for electrical equipment are given in 2.10,
16.2.4 – 16.2.6, 16.2.10, 16.3.4, 16.3.7.
2. If the protection level of electrical equipment is lower than the protection level required by the present
Table, protective components (shields, screens, casings) shall be applied to ensure the safety of such
equipment operation in its installation location.
3. In spaces and areas with explosive dust and similar spaces the equipment used shall be of IP66 protec-
tion level or equivalent explosion-proof equipment.
4. Designation of protection levels is specified in Appendix 1.
642 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

.1 resistor components which shall be tips no acids or other corrosion-active sub-

made of materials with high mechanical stances shall be used.
strength, high resistivity and high temperature 2.5.4 Insulated wires are to be laid and fas-
resistance; tened so as not to decrease their insulation
.2 short-circuit windings of armatures of resistance and prevent them from damages
asynchronous motors made of aluminium or caused by electrodynamic loads, vibrations
its alloys; and shocks. The cables are to be laid in strait
.3 coal brushes‚ metal-ceramics contacts‚ lines without any crossings in their routes.
technical coal for slip rings and other similar The crossings are allowed only in: cable tails
parts when it is stipulated by the required from the routes, paths through the bulkheads,
properties of such devices; spreading to electrical equipment.
.4 electrical equipment components di-
rectly attached to the hull used as a return 2.5.5 Measures shall be taken to prevent
wire in a single-wire system. the inadmissible temperature rise of insulated
2.4.3 Insulation materials of parts being wire in normal operating conditions or during
under voltage are to have appropriate dielec- the period of cutting-off short-circuit current.
tric strength, be able to withstand appearing 2.5.6 Insulated wires are to be connected
of leakage current along its surface, be mois- to the terminals or busbars so as to prevent
ture-proof, oil-proof and have sufficient affection of inadmissible temperature on ca-
strength or be adequately protected. bles' insulation in normal operating condi-
2.4.4 To provide insulation of windings of tions.
machinery, apparatus and other essential fa-
cilities the insulation materials of B, F and H 2.6 PROTECTIVE EARTHING
classes are to be used. 2.6.1 All non-alive metal parts of the elec-
trical equipment, which are likely to be
2.5 CONNECTIONS touched by attending personnel under service
OF CURRENT-CARRYING PARTS conditions, excepting those listed in 2.6.2, are
to be earthed.
2.5.1 The minimal permissible cross-
sectional area of wiring for inner mounting of 2.6.2 Protective earthing is not required
distribution facilities including control and for:
alarm measuring circuits shall be at least .1 electrical equipment with double or re-
0.75 mm2. Cross-sectional area less than inforced insulation;
0.75 mm2 is allowed only for control, inter- .2 electrical equipment fed by low voltage
communication, alarm and protection cir- current;
cuits, as well as electronic equipment. .3 metal parts of electrical equipment fas-
The wire sections from busbars to protec- tened in non-conducting material or passing
tion devices not protected against short circuit therethrough and separated from the earthed
shall be as short as possible. and alive parts in such manner that under
normal operating conditions these parts can-
2.5.2 Current-carrying parts shall be so at- not become alive or contact with the earthed
tached that to avoid any additional mechani- parts;
cal loading; they shall not be attached by .4 housings of specially insulated bearings;
means of screws screwed directly into the
.5 lamp caps and fasteners for lumines-
insulation material.
cent lamps, lamp shades, reflectors and guards
2.5.3 The endings of stranded cores of ca- attached to lamp holders or lighting fixtures
bles and wires are to be treated properly de- made of or screwed into non-conducting ma-
pending on the type of the terminal used or to terial;
be fitted with cable tips. When soldering the .6 cable clips;
2 General Requirements 643

.7 small individual consumers fed from 2.6.4 Earth circuits of fixed equipment
separating transformers. shall have no circuit-breakers.
2.6.3 Fixed electrical equipment, cable 2.6.5 Earthing of shields and metal armour
outer sheathes (armour) protecting from me- of the cables is to be carried out in one of the
chanical damage, cable outer sheathes (ar- following ways:
mour) and conductor shields used for shield- .1 using a copper earth wire with cross-
ing are to be earthed. Earthing is to be made sectional area not less than 2.5 mm2 for cables
by means of external wiring, earth core in the with core cross-sectional area up to 25 mm2
feeding cable or using direct electrical contact and not less than 4 mm2 for cables with core
between the equipment casing and metal hull. cross-sectional area over 25 mm2;
Earthing of electrical equipment and cable .2 attaching the armour or metal sheath
sheathes is considered adequately effective to the hull by means of firm, reliably adjoin-
when the parameters specified in Table ing clamp with good conductivity;
2.6.3-1 are met. .3 by means of cable gland rings provided
T a b l e 2.6.3-1 that they are made of corrosion-resistant ma-
Earthing parameters terial and possess good conductivity.
Earthing method Both cable ends are to be earthed. Cable
Earthing type
by separate by cable by direct sheathing of branched end circuits may be
conductor core contact earthed at the feeding side solely.
Resistance, Ohm‚ not more than
Protection 0.1 0.4 0.1 2.6.6 Secondary windings of current- and
Shielding 0.02 — 0.02 voltage-measuring transformers are to be
When external earth conductor is used for
earthing, corrosion-resistant materials shall be 2.6.7 External earth wires are to be acces-
used. The cross-sectional area of earth sible for monitoring and protected against
copper conductor is to be at least as speci- mechanical damage.
fied in Table 2.6.3-2. 2.6.8 Earth wires are to be connected to
T a b l e 2.6.3-2 the metal hull or to earthing busbar by means
of screws and bolts with at least 6 mm diameter.
Cross-sectional area of earth conductors
Contact surfaces on the electrical equip-
Cross-sectional area of Cross-sectional area of external ment and the hull in places of adjoining of
cable core connected earth wire, mm2
to consumer, mm2 single stranded
earth conductors are to be cleaned up to
up to 2.5 2.5 1.5 metal glitter and reliably protected against
from 2.5 to 120 Half of cross-sectional area corrosion.
of cable core connected to 2.6.9 Superstructures from aluminium al-
consumer but not less than 4 loys insulated from the hull are to be earthed
over 120 70
by means of at least two special wires with
When a cable core is used for earthing, its each cross-sectional area of not less than 16
cross-sectional area is to be equal to: for ca- mm2, non-bringing to electrolytic corrosion in
bles with cross-sectional area up to 16 mm2 places of its connection with superstructure
inclusive – the nominal cross-sectional area of and hull. Such earthing connections are to be
the main cable cores, and for cables with made in several places on the superstructure's
cross-sectional area over 16 mm2 – equal at perimeter, be accessible for observation and
least to half cross-sectional area of the main protected against damage.
cable core but not less than 16 mm2. When 2.6.10 Earthing of mobile or portable elec-
feeding cable core is used for earthing, the trical equipment is to be made using a special
resistance of earth circuit shall not exceed core in flexible feeding cable by contact con-
0.4 Ohm. nection in the plug unit.
644 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

2.6.11 Earthing of electrical equipment on out using test generator and inductance coil
pipelines, compressed gas reservoirs and oil generating the required magnetic field inten-
tanks is prohibited. sity;
T a b l e
2.6.12 Casing of movable wheelhouse is to
Magnetic field intensity
be earthed at least in two places by flexible
Distance from the field source at Intensity, À/m, of static
copper wire laid separately from other wires which the installation of equip- and variable magnetic
going to the wheelhouse. This protective ment is permitted, m. field (50 Hz)
earthing may be at the same time a part of 2 and more from a pow- 100
lightning arrestor, if the lightning divertor is erful field source (bus bar,
installed on the wheelhouse. group transformer)
1 and more from a power- 400
2.6.13 Earthing shall be provided for static ful field source
electricity discharging. Without limitation 1000
2.6.14 In ships with non-metal hull a spe- .2 harmonic components of voltage in
cial copper sheet with area not less than 0.5 supply circuits in accordance with the higher
m2 and thickness not less than 2 mm or a harmonics diagram for ship mains to be found in
carbon steel plate with area not less than 1.5 Fig. on logarithmic scale.
m2 and thickness not less than 6 mm shall be
used for earthing. Such sheet is to be attached
to the submerged part of the outer plating at
light draught and used for earthing of all ship-
borne facilities.
A metal stem or other metal structures of
the ship immersed in water under any naviga-
tion condition may be used for earthing.
2.6.15 In the case when the ship’s techni- Fig. Diagram
cal facilities, assemblies or electrical equip- of higher harmonic components for ship mains:
ment, which require earthing, are installed Uc — actual circuit voltage;
using shock absorbers or shock-absorbing Un — voltage of n-order harmonic component
mounts the earthing strip shall be connected
without tension. 2.7.3 The levels of electromagnetic inter-
ference and resistance to it shall not exceed
2.7 ELECTROMAGNETIC the values specified in Tables 2.7.3-1
COMPATIBILITY and 2.7.3-2.
General requirements 2.7.4 On ships, for which the level of inter-
ference from power semiconductor converters
2.7.1 The present requirements are appli- cannot be limited in conformity with 2.7.3,
cable to electrical equipment, automation the mains of automation radio and naviga-
equipment, radio- and navigation equipment tional equipment shall be galvanically isolated
to ensure electromagnetic compatibility on from the mains of those converters so that at
board. least 40 dB are damped within the frequency
2.7.2 Failure-free performance of the range 0.01–30 MHz.
equipment shall be ensured under conditions The power supply cables of equipment hav-
of interference having the following parame- ing the radio interference levels in excess of
ters: those stipulated by 2.7.3 shall be laid at least
.1 static and variable (50 Hz) magnetic 0.2 m away from the cables of other equip-
field in accordance with Table The ment groups where the common cable run is
magnetic field resistance test shall be carried longer than 1 m (see 2.7.11).
2 General Requirements 645

T a b l e 2.7.3-1 connected to the equipment casings, and it

Allowable levels of electromagnetic interference shall also be ensured in cable branch boxes,
cable distribution boxes and in way of cable

Frequency band Limitations*1, *2 penetrations through the bulkheads.

2.7.8 The earthing installed for the pur-
For equipment installed pose of interference protection shall have an
on open deck and navigation bridge
electric resistance not greater than
10–150 kHz 96–50 dBμV*3

0.02 Ohm, minimum length possible, shall


150–350 kHz 60–50 dBμV

350 kHz –30 MHz 50 dBμV be resistant to vibration and corrosion, and
150–300 kHz 80–52 dBμV/m*4 readily accessible for inspection.
300 kHz –30 MHz 52–34 dBμV/m 2.7.9 Cable screens shall not be used as

30–2000 MHz 54 dBμV/m return conductors.

except for
2.7.10 By the type of signals conveyed,
156–165 MHz 24 dBμV/m
(30 dBμV/m — for peak
the ship cables are subdivided in groups as
measuring receiver) follows:
.1 coaxial cables of radio receivers and
For equipment installed
below bulkhead deck conveying video signals with the level of sig-
nals 0.1 μV – 500 mV;
10–150 kHz 120–69 dBμV*3

.2 screened or coaxial cables conveying


150–500 kHz 79 dBμV

0.5–30 MHz 73 dBμV analogue and digital signals with the level 0.1–
0.15–30 MHz 80–50 dBμV/m*4 115 V;
.3 screened cables of telephone and radio
30–400 MHz 60–54 dBμV/m
broadcasting apparatus, control and signaling

except for
156–165 MHz 24 dBμV/m with the level of signals 0.1–115 V;
(30 dBμV/m — for peak .4 unscreened and located below the deck
measuring receiver) or screened and located above the deck cables
400–1000 MHz 54 dBμV/m of power and lighting network with the level
*1 The values are given for quasi-peak measuring of signals 10 – 1000 V;
receiver. .5 coaxial or screened cables of transmit-
*2 at the limit frequency the lesser value is con- ting aerials of radio transmitters, radar instal-
sidered as standard. lations, echo sounders and power semicon-
*3 dBμV —value of radio interference voltage in ductor converters with the level of signals
decibels to 1 μV. 10– 1000 V.
*4 dBμV/m — value of radio interference field
intensity to 1 μV/m. 2.7.11 Cables of the same group may be laid
in the same cable run provided that interfer-
Measures to ensure electromagnetic ence-sensitive equipment is not influenced by
compatibility the difference in the levels of signals conveyed.
Where the cable lengths laid in parallel are in
2.7.5 To ensure protection of radioequip- excess of 1 m, the cables (cable runs) of differ-
ment against electromagnetic interference the ent groups shall be laid at least 0.1 m apart and
requirements specified in Part VII of the their intersections shall be effected at right an-
Rules shall be taken into account. gles. Coaxial or screened cables of transmitting
aerials of radio transmitters, radar installations,
2.7.6 For the purpose of dividing the power
echo sounders and power semiconductor con-
supply of the ship, rotary converters, trans-
verters with the level of signals 10 – 1000 V shall
formers and filters shall be used.
be double-screened or laid inside a metal pipe,
2.7.7 Continuous screening shall be en- if they are coaxial. The outer screen shall be
sured, for this purpose cable screens shall be earthed as well as the principal cable screen.
646 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

T a b l e 2.7.3-2
Electromagnetic interference resistance standards
Interference, Equipment
test types Portable Protected Unprotected Submerged
Level of applicable effective value of sinusoidal voltage depending
Conducted low- on frequency as per Fig.
frequency interference At the input AC/DC power ports.
"À" performance criteria.
3 V — root-mean-square value. 150 kHz – 80 MHz; 10 V — root-
Test not
applicable mean-square value for particular specified frequencies. Amplitude
modulation frequency is to be 400 Hz or 1 kHz at 80% of modula-
Conducted radio
tion depth.
frequency interference
At the input/output AC/DC power ports and at the signal and con-
trol ports.
"À" performance criteria.
10 V/m, 80 MHz – 2 GHz, 80% modulation depth, fre-
Radiated radio quency 400 Hz or 1 kHz.
Test not applicable
frequency interference Hull port.
"À" performance criteria.
2 kV — "wire to earth" scheme at the AC power inputs
Nanosecond pulse
1 kV — "wire to earth" scheme at the inputs of signal and control
interference due to
high-speed transients circuits,
"B" performance criteria.
1 kV — "wire to earth" scheme,
Microsecond pulse
0.5 kV — "wire to wire" scheme at the AC power inputs.
interference, slow
Test not At the AC power source inputs.
applicable "B" performance criteria.
Short-period para- Voltage ±20% during 1.5 s, frequency ±10% during 5 s.
metric variations in At the AC power source inputs.
power supply network "B" performance criteria.
Power interruption during 60 s.
Power source faults At the AC/DC power source inputs.
"C" performance criteria.
6 kV — at contact discharge.
Electrostatic 8 kV —at air discharge.
Test not applicable
discharge "B" performance criteria.
Test not applicable

Cables laid close to magnetic compasses 2.7.14 In spaces where radio communica-
shall not affect them and cause distortion of tion and navigation equipment is installed, as
their readings. well as on the open decks and superstructures,
which are not separated from antennae by a
2.7.12 When installing electrical equipment metal deck or bulkhead, all cables and wirings
and laying cables the requirements of Part VIII shall have continuous screening braid. All the
of the Rules shall be taken into account to pro- telephone and other cables of the intercom
tect the navigational equipment from interference. (except for the end circuits of exclusive tele-
2.7.13 On board the ships built from the mate- phones) shall be screened.
rials, which do not carry current, and where the
installation of radio equipment is required, all ca- 2.8 ARRANGEMENT OF ELECTRICAL
bles shall be screened or otherwise protected from EQUIPMENT
interference, and all the electrical equipment shall
have specific devices for radio interference suppres- 2.8.1 Electrical equipment shall be installed
sion. in such a manner as to provide convenient
2 General Requirements 647

access to controls and to all components that the covers of such electrical equipment shall
require maintenance, inspection and replace- have inscriptions specifying the voltage value.
2.8.8 It is strictly prohibited to mount the
2.8.2 Electrical equipment under hatches, electrical equipment directly on the walls of
trunks, fittings or connecting devices of water, tanks containing flammable liquids. The elec-
steam, oil, fuel and hydraulic systems, as well trical equipment shall be installed at a dis-
as in places subject to adverse conditions tance of at least 75 mm from the tank walls.
(temperature, oil, gas, salt water, hot steam). The signaling and automation (level, pres-
Arrangement of electrical equipment in such sure etc.) sensors may be mounted directly on
conditions is allowed if corresponding protec- the tank.
tion of electrical equipment and cable runs is 2.8.9 Electric engines designed for actua-
provided. Electrical equipment shall be in- tion of submersible pumps may be installed
stalled at a distance of not less than 100 mm on open deck if their arrangement and con-
from heat sources, which may heat up the struction comply with the requirements speci-
components of electrical equipment above the fied in the present chapter and in 2.3.6, 7.2.4,
permissible temperature. 7.8.2 è 16.2.
2.8.3 The air-cooled electrical equipment
shall be so located that the cooling air is not
taken from bilges or other spaces wherein the 2.9.1 The doors of special electrical spaces
air may be contaminated with substances hav- shall be locked and open outwards or be slid-
ing a harmful effect on insulation. ing. From within the special electrical spaces
the doors shall be open without a key, and
2.8.4 Electrical equipment installed in lo- from outside a warning inscription shall be
cations subject to vibration and shocks, which provided.
are heavier than those specified in 2.2.5, shall
be so designed as to ensure its normal opera- 2.9.2 Special electrical spaces shall not be
tion under these conditions or to be mounted adjacent to the tanks filled with flammable
on shock absorbers. liquids.
2.9.3 No exits, side scuttles of the opening
2.8.5 Electrical equipment shall be fixed in
type or other openings are permissible from
position in such a manner that the strength
special electrical spaces into dangerous spaces.
and impermeability of decks, bulkheads and
skin are not impaired as a result of this. 2.9.4 Handrails of non-conducting material
shall be installed in servicing areas of special
2.8.6 Exposed parts of electrical equip- electrical spaces when the open-type electrical
ment, which are under voltage, shall be lo- equipment is used.
cated at a distance of not less than 300 mm in
horizontal direction and 1200 mm in vertical 2.10 EXPLOSION-PROOF ELECTRICAL
direction from unprotected flammable materi- EQUIPMENT
2.10.1 The requirements of the present
2.8.7 Electrical equipment designed for op- chapter are applicable to the electrical equip-
eration under voltage above 500 V shall be ment installed onboard the ships in closed
installed in special electrical spaces. and semi-closed spaces where explosive mix-
Electrical equipment designed for operation tures of vapours, gases or dust with air may be
under voltage above 500 V may be installed formed. Semi-closed spaces — partially
outside the special electrical spaces if the ac- closed spaces located in a dangerous area at a
cess to the current carrying parts is available distance up to 3 meters from tanks (com-
only using special tools and after the voltage partments) or where cargo pumps and its sys-
is removed. The doors of electric spaces and tems, as well as pump hoses are located.
648 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

Semi-closed spaces have no forced air supply, clined up to 60° from the horizontal, at pro-
and their natural ventilation is limited with longed operation is lower for at least 75°C
partial bulkheads, sheds etc. than the smouldering temperature of dust
Such spaces include paint stores, lamp present in those spaces (the smouldering tem-
rooms (for oil lamps), accumulator rooms and perature shall be determined for a dust layer
spaces containing tanks, pumps and piping for of 5 mm thickness).
flammable liquids with a flash point below
2.10.4 Explosion-proof lighting fixtures
60°Ñ, holds of ships carrying dangerous goods
shall be installed in such a manner that to
and spaces of ammonia refrigerating plants.
provide clear space of at least 100 mm around
Supplementary installation requirements for
them except the place of their attachment.
electrical equipment in oil tankers are speci-
fied in 16.2, and installation requirements for 2.10.5 Any electrical equipment located in
electrical equipment in the ships with holds explosive spaces and areas, except fire alarm
and other spaces for carriage of transport detectors, is to be fitted with a switch to cut
means with filled fuel tanks, tank wagons and off the current carrying cores which is located
trunk tanks for flammable liquids are specified in a safe place outside explosive spaces and
in 16.3. areas.
2.10.2 In dangerous spaces and areas speci- 2.10.6 In closed and semi-closed spaces,
fied in 2.10.1 only the explosion-proof electri- where no vapour or gas explosive mixtures
cal equipment with explosion protection type can be generated, but having openings leading
complying with the category and group of to explosive spaces the electrical equipment
mixture with the highest risk of explosion may shall be of explosive-proof type.
be located, except for that specified in 2.10.3.
electrical equipment in accumulator rooms 2.10.7 In the holds intended for transporta-
shall be installed according to the require- tion of explosive cargoes in containers no
ments specified in 8.7. electrical equipment or cabling may be lo-
Cables to tightly closed echo sounder oscil- cated. If necessary, the electrical equipment
lators shall be laid within the cofferdams in located in such holds shall be of the following
appropriately sealed steel watertight tubes at explosive-proof type:
the required distance above the main deck. .1 spark-proof electrical circuit (Exi),
Electrical engines of exhaust ventilators in .2 pressurized enclosure (Åõð);
refrigerating plant rooms and the lighting fix- .3 explosion-tight casing (Exd);
tures of stand-by lighting (see 15.2) shall have .4 improved explosion-proof (Exe).
explosion-tight casing for explosive mixtures
of categories and groups not lower than IIBT3 2.10.8 Cabling in explosive spaces and ar-
(see Appendix 2). eas is allowed only for the electrical equip-
ment located in those spaces and areas.
2.10.3 Electrical equipment to be installed Transit cables across such spaces and areas
in spaces where dust or fibres may generate an may be laid only when the requirements
explosive mixture with air shall have the pro- specified in 2.10.9 – 2.10.11 are met.
tection type not lower than IP65.
In cases when explosive fibre-air or dust- 2.10.9 All the cables laid in explosive zones
air mixture may be generated occasionally as shall be covered with tight non-metal sheath
a result of damage or leakage of operating with armour or other metal covering for me-
technological devices or ventilation stop, elec- chanical protection and monitoring of cable
trical equipment of IP55 protection type may core insulation.
be installed. The following wires and cables may be
Electrical equipment installed in such used in explosive zones:
spaces shall have such casing that the tem- .1 wires with rubber or polyvinylchloride
perature of its upper elements, vertical or in- insulation;
2 General Requirements 649

.2 wires with rubber or polyvinylchloride metal armour or braid covered with non-
insulation in rubber, polyvinylchloride or metallic sheath;
metal sheath. or lead sheath with additional mechanic
No cables with aluminium sheath or wires protection;
and cables with polyethylene insulation or or copper sheath or stainless steel sheath
sheath may be used. (for cables with mineral insulation only).
2.10.10 Cables laid in explosive spaces and
areas shall be protected against mechanical 2.11 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
damage. Local cables led to accumulators FOR INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL
2.10.11 All metal sheathes of the cables 2.11.1 Paint stores and ventilation ducts of
laid across explosive spaces and areas or led to these stores may be fitted only with the elec-
the equipment located therein shall be earthed trical equipment which is necessary for main-
on both ends. tenance of these spaces.
2.10.12 Cables connected to the electrical This electrical equipment is to be explo-
equipment of "spark-proof electrical circuit" sion-proof and of the type specified in 2.10.7.
type are to comply with the following re- 2.11.2 Minimal requirements to this
quirements: equipment with regard to the explosion pro-
.1 spark-proof circuits shall be separated tection type are to correspond to the gas mix-
from other circuits; ture category IIÂ and gas mixture group Ò3
.2 the same cable shall not be used for (see Appendix 2).
spark-proof and spark-hazardous circuits;
2.11.3 Cables (transit or local) laid across
.3 cable core insulation of spark-proof
the paint stores and spaces specified in 2.10
circuits shall be of distinctive blue colour. It is
are to comply with 2.10.10.
allowed to mark with blue colour only the
core ends; 2.11.4 Electrical equipment located in the
.4 cable cores of spark-proof circuits shall open deck spaces within 1 m from the open-
be protected against the effect of other cables ings of forced and exhaust natural ventilation
on its spark-proof properties; or within 3 m apart from the outer opening of
.5 cables led to the electrical equipment exhaust artificial ventilation is to be of explo-
of Exi protection type may be laid open and sion-proof type according to 2.11.1.
covered with a non-tight casing if protection 2.11.5 Cables (transit or local) laid across
from mechanical damage is required.
the paint stores and spaces specified in 2.11.4
2.10.13 Cables laid in explosive spaces and are to have metal armour or to be laid in
areas shall have: metal pipes.
650 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"



3.1.1 The number and capacity of the main 3.2.1 The accumulator battery may be con-
sources of electric power are to be determined sidered as the main source of electric power
with due regard of the following operating solely when it can be charged from shipborne
conditions of the ship: electric power source.
.1 rate of speed; 3.2.2 If the accumulator battery is operat-
.2 maneuvering; ing in parallel with a charging set, then the
.3 in the event of fire, hole in the hull or ship is considered as fitted with two main
other conditions which impose the safety of electric power sources.
navigation; In that case every power source is to be
supplied by its own feeder for the consumers
.4 anchorage; supply and have its own protection.
.5 other operating conditions according to
3.2.3 If the accumulator battery is operat-
ship's purpose.
ing in parallel with a charging set, then its
3.1.2 Every self-propelled ship shall be fit- capacity is to be sufficient to supply the elec-
ted with at least two main power sources. If tric circuit in the event of generator failure, as
these sources are generators, at least one of well as to provide operation off essential fa-
them shall have its own independent drive. cilities within 6 hours for "M" and "O" class
ships and within 3 hours for "Ð" and "Ë" class
3.1.3 Capacity of the main electric power ships. This requirement is not applied for the
sources is to provide the power supply of es- ships of "Ì-ÑÏ", "Ì-ÏÐ" and "Î-ÏÐ".
sential facilities in the ship's operating condi-
3.2.4 On the ships where the accumulator
tions specified in;; in
battery is the sole main electric power source,
the event of failure of one of the main power
its capacity is to be sufficient to provide the
sources by the rest of them.
fulfillment of the requirements specified in
This requirement is not applied to the tug- 3.1.1 without recharging and within the fol-
boats and pushers intended for service of the lowing periods of time:
ships carrying flammable substances and liq- 8 h — ships of "Ì-ÑÏ", "Ì-ÏÐ", "Î-ÏÐ"
uids during the fire-extinguishing mode on classes;
the serviced ship (see 6 h — ships of "Ì" è "Î" classes;
3.1.4 Under normal operating conditions 3 h — ships of "Ð" è "Ë" classes.
the capacity of electric power sources is to be 3.2.5 When the accumulator battery and
sufficient to provide the start-up of the most generator are operating in parallel, the latter
powerful electric motor without spontaneous shall be fitted with automatic voltage regulator
disengaging of other electric motors being in preventing the rise of the accumulator battery
operation. charging current over the permitted value.
3 Main Sources of Electric Power 651

3.2.6 The generator (rectifier) operating in up to the nominal with the nominal power
parallel with the accumulator battery is to ratio.
have a capacity sufficient for the supply of all
3.4.3 AC generators are to have the excita-
shipborne essential consumers and charging of
tion margin sufficient to maintain the voltage
the accumulator battery under normal operat-
rating within 2 minutes with 10% accuracy in
ing conditions.
the event of generator overload by current
equal to 150% of the rated current and power
ration equal to 0.6.
3.3.1 Engines intended for the generator 3.4.4 A sudden change in the balanced
drive are to comply with Section 2, Part IV of load of the generator running at the nominal
the Rules, as well as with the requirements revolution frequency and voltage shall not
specified in the present Chapter. bring the rated voltage drop lower than 85%
3.3.2 Diesel generators shall be designed or rise above 120%. Afterwards the generator
for continuous operation. voltage shall be restored to the rating with a
deviation not exceeding ±3 % within the time
3.3.3 Generator drive from the main non-
period not longer than 1.5 s. For emergency
reversible engines operating with variable fre-
sets the specified parameters may be increased
quency is allowed provided that the voltage is
up to 5 s and up to ±4% of voltage deviation.
regulated within 85 – 100 % of the rating and
When no exact data on the maximal values
the frequency – within 45 – 52.5% Hz range.
of sudden load, which may be connected ad-
If the frequency (voltage) of the shaft gen-
ditionally to the existing generator load, are
erators is decreasing after the minimal speci-
available, the load, which is connected at idle
fied limits have been reached, the consumers
speed and then disconnected, may be taken
which provide the running conditions safety
equal to 60% of the current rating with the
(see Table 4.5.1) are to be switched to the
power ratio of 0.4 or less.
accumulator battery designed for their supply
within 15 minutes. Simultaneously one of the 3.5 DC GENERATOR VOLTAGE
diesel generators is to be started automatically REGULATION
and to be connected to the busbars of the
electric power plant and assume the load. 3.5.1 Shunt-wound DC generators are to
Shaft generators onboard the ships with the have automatic voltage regulators.
consumers which do not allow power inter- 3.5.2 Compound-wound generators are to
ruption in operation (e.g. gyrocompass), as have independent voltage regulating devices
well as voltage and frequency oscillations with the accuracy up to 1 % for generators
within the limits stated above may be used with capacity up to 100 kW and up to 0.5%
only when the shaft generator and the diesel for those with capacity over 100 kW. The
generator are operating in parallel. above indicated regulation limits are to be
maintained both in cold and heated condi-
3.4 AC GENERATOR VOLTAGE tion, as well as at any load within the genera-
REGULATION tor working load range.
3.4.1 Every AC generator is to have a sepa- 3.5.3 Voltage regulators of compound-
rate independent system for automatic voltage wound generators are to enable reduction of
regulation. the idling voltage for at least 10% below the
rated generator voltage in cold condition with
3.4.2 AC sets are to be equipped with the
due regard of increase of the revolution fre-
voltage regulation systems which comply with
quency of the prime mover at idling.
the regulation curves of prime movers in such
a manner that to maintain the voltage rating 3.5.4 Manual voltage regulators are to be
with 2.5% accuracy (up to 3.5% for emer- so designed that the clockwise turn of its con-
gency sets) when the load varies from idling trols leads to the voltage increase.
652 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

3.5.5 Voltage regulators of shunt-wound 3.6.4 The regulators of the driving motors
generators are to be so designed that the ex- of AC generators, designed for operation in
citing winding is shorted after the excitation parallel, are to have such characteristics that
has disappeared. the generator active loads vary from the pro-
portional capacity values of single generators
3.5.6 DC sets with compound-wound gen-
for not more than 10% of the rated resistance
erators are to have such external characteris-
load of the maximal generator operating in
tics that the voltage of the heated generator
parallel within the range of 20 – 100% of the
set for the rated value with the accuracy up to
1 % at 20% load does not vary for more than
1.5% for generators with capacity of 50 kW 3.6.5 AC sets designed for operation in
and over and for 2.5 % for those with lower parallel are to be fitted with such reactive
capacity. voltage drop compensation system that the
Voltage variation within 20 – 100 % of the distribution of reactive load among the gen-
rated load of compound-wound generator erators varies from the values proportional to
shall not exceed the following values: their capacities for not more than 10% of the
3 % — for generators with capacity of rated reactive load of the maximal generator
50 kW and over; while the sets are operating in parallel.
4 % — for generators with capacity of 3.6.6 The revolution frequency regulators
more than 15 kW, but less than 50 kW; of the driving motors of DC generators are to
5 % — for generators with capacity of have such characteristics that the load of sin-
15 kW and lower. gle generators when operating in parallel is
distributed proportionally to the capacity of
3.5.7 DC sets with shunt-wound generators each generator so far as possible.
are to have such external generator character- For the loads within 20 to 100 % of the
istics and automatic voltage regulators that the rated load, the load of single generators shall
voltage is maintained with the accuracy of not differ from the value proportional to the
2.5% when varying the load from idle to full capacity of the given generator for more than
loading. 10% of the rating of the maximal generator or
on 20% of the rating of the minimal one of
3.6 LOAD DISTRIBUTION those operating in parallel.
AT THE PARALLEL OPERATION For generators of the same capacity the
OF THE GENERATORS load of any generator shall not differ from the
3.6.1 When the electric power sources are value proportional to their capacity for more
not designed for prolonged parallel operation than 10% of the rating.
on common busbars, provision shall be made
for switching them to parallel operation for 3.7 AUTOMATION OF ELECTRIC POWER
the period of load transfer from one generator STATIONS
to another. 3.7.1 The requirements of the present
3.6.2 When AC generators operate in par- Chapter apply to ships with "A" character in
allel, the synchronization device is to be pro- the class formula.
vided on the main distribution switchboard. 3.7.2 The control systems of generator sets
When automatic synchronization is used, the are to provide the following:
reserve manual synchronization device is to be .1 automatic synchronization, acceptance
provided. and distribution of load;
3.6.3 When several DC generators are in- .2 automatic switch-off of non-essential
stalled, a magnetizing device is to be arranged power consumers in the event of the generator
in the main distribution switchboard. overload or when one of the generators oper-
3 Main Sources of Electric Power 653

ating in parallel is overloaded due to emer- according to the preset programme preventing
gency switching-off of other generator. the running generators from overload.
3.7.3 When the electric power is supplied 3.7.5 When the generator sets are switched
by shaft generator, the latter shall be switched off at load decrease, measures shall be taken
off automatically regardless of the voltage to prevent it at short-term load variations as
(frequency) during the remote start-up of die- per Table 2.2.1 or the forced operating mode
sel generator. of the generator is to be provided to prevent it
from going to standby operation at load de-
3.7.4 In the event of voltage cut-off in the
ship network the essential consumers required
for the ship control, which were in operation, 3.7.6 When the standby generator sets are
are to be remotely switched on automatically switched on automatically at overloading of
after the voltage has been restored. Automatic the running sets, it shall be possible to deter-
start of these consumers shall be performed mine the sequence of start of those sets.
654 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS T a b l e 4.2.1

Emergency source operation time
4.1.1 The requirements of the present Sec- Operation time,
tion are applied to the emergency electrical Ship type Ship class
h, at least
installations onboard the inland navigation 1. passenger ships "Ì" 6
ships and the ships of combined (river – sea) "Î", 3
navigation performing domestic voyages. The "Ð", "Ë"
ships performing international voyages are 2. dry cargo ships, oil "Ì", 3
tankers, tugboats, "Î", "Ð",
subject to the requirements of international
pushboats, industrial ships "Ë"
conventions. (except for ships specified
in p. 4), fishing ships
3. Auxiliary industrial "Ì" 3
4.2 EMERGENCY SOURCES ships (i. e. multicats,
OF ELECTRIC POWER scows, sounding vessels),
non-self-propelled ships
4.2.1 All ships are to be equipped with 4. Auxiliary industrial "Î", 1
emergency source of electric power. ships specified in p. 3, oil "Ð", "Ë"
pumping and refinery
When the accumulator batteries are used as stations, living quarter
the main sources of electric power onboard barges
the ship, one or a group of the accumulator 5. Berth-connected ships "Ì", 1
batteries may be used as emergency source of with shore power supply "Î", "Ð",
electric power provided that its arrangement source as main source of "Ë"
and capacity meet the requirements for emer- electric power
gency sources of electric power.
the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea
The capacity of the emergency source shall
from the estuary of the river Yana up to the
be sufficient for provision of power supply to
estuary of the river Kolyma, on the ships of
all consumers, simultaneous operation of
"Ì-ÏÐ" and "Î-ÏÐ" class, where the emer-
which is required for the safety of navigation
gency source supplies power to the naviga-
when the main sources of electric power
tional and radio equipment, during 12 hours;
failed to supply voltage.
on the ships of "Ì-ÑÏ" class with a gross
The emergency source shall provide elec-
tonnage of less than 300 during 6 hours;
tric power for emergency consumers listed in
Table 4.5.1: on the ships of "Ì-ÏÐ" and "Î-ÏÐ" class
within the time period specified in Table 4.2.1
on self-propelled ships of "Ì", "Î", "Ð"
as for the ships of "Ì" and "Î" class accord-
and "Ë" class within the time period specified
in Table 4.2.1; ingly.
on the ships of "Ì-ÑÏ" class with a gross 4.2.2 On the non-self-propelled ships and
tonnage of 300 and more, on the ships of floating objects with shore power supply
"Ì-ÏÐ" class designed for operation in source as main source of electric power
4 Emergency Electrical Installations 655

the emergency source of electric power shall supply to all consumers specified in Table
supply the electric power to: 4.5.1 without recharging and voltage drop on
.1 upon availability of the crew — emer- its terminals lower than 0.9 of the rated one
gency lighting network (it is allowed to use for the period of time not less than that speci-
portable electric torches instead of it) and fied in 4.2.1 as emergency source and for at
signal side lights; least 30 minutes – as emergency transitional
.2 if now crew is available — signal side (short-term) source of electric power.
lights. 4.2.9 Accumulator batteries used as emer-
The time of emergency source operation gency or emergency transitional source of
shall be as specified in 4.2.1. electric power are to be equipped with auto-
4.2.3 Emergency consumers are to be sup- matic connector to the emergency consumers'
plied from the busbars of emergency distribu- network in the event of voltage loss on the
tion switchboards via separate feeders directly busbars of main distribution switchboard —
or via distribution switchboards or via electric for emergency source, and on the busbars of
power converter. emergency distribution switchboard — for
emergency transitional source. An automatic
4.2.4 Emergency diesel generator is to have connection of accumulator batteries to the
a system of automatic engine start and switch- network when charging shall be provided also.
ing to the emergency distribution switchboard
busbars in the event of voltage loss on the 4.2.10 Emergency and emergency transi-
busbars of main distribution switchboard. tional sources of electric power are to have
The time from the start signal activation to protection from short-circuit only.
the moment of readiness to receive 100% load When the diesel generator is used as the
shall not exceed 30 seconds. emergency source of electric power, it is re-
The emergency diesel generator starter on- quired to use the warning system signaling the
board the ships of "Ì-ÑÏ" class shall have generator's overload. The warning devices are
two independent power sources. Each source to be located at ship's control station or at
is to ensure at least three starts. central control station.

4.2.5 No devices having effect on the start, 4.3 SPACES FOR EMERGENCY SOURCES
operation and stop of the emergency diesel OF ELECTRIC POWER
generator shall be present in the main distri-
bution switchboard and central control sta- 4.3.1 Emergency diesel generator, emer-
tion. gency distribution switchboard, accumulator
battery for feeding the starter and the emer-
4.2.6 Onboard the ships equipped with a
gency set automation system, as well as emer-
generator attached to the main engine and an
gency fuel storage tank are to be located in
accumulator battery operating in parallel with
the same space.
this generator, the abovementioned accumula-
Accumulator batteries of emergency source
tor battery is considered as emergency source
and emergency transitional (short-term)
of electric power.
source of electric power shall not be located
4.2.7 Onboard the ships equipped with in one space with emergency distribution
emergency diesel generator an accumulator switchboard.
battery shall be present to be used as the
4.3.2 Onboard the ships of "Ì-ÑÏ", "Ì-
emergency transitional (short-term) source of
ÏÐ", "Î-ÏÐ", "Ì" and "Î" classes and on-
electric power.
board of all passenger ships the spaces for
4.2.8 Accumulator battery used as emer- emergency sources and emergency transitional
gency or emergency transitional (short-term) sources of electric power, as well as emer-
source of electric power is to provide power gency distribution switchboard are to be lo-
656 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

cated above the watertight bulkhead deck, Emergency electrical lighting in the wheel-
outside the trunks of machinery and boiler house is to be equipped with a switch-off de-
rooms and abaft the collision bulkhead. Exits vice.
from these spaces are to lead directly to the
4.4.3 In normal operation the emergency
open deck.
distribution switchboard shall be fed from the
Onboard the ships of "Ð" and "Ë" classes
main distribution switchboard, and the power
the emergency sources of electric power may
supply line shall be protected from short-
be located in the machinery space.
circuit current and overload. When the ship is
4.3.3 Emergency diesel generator room is moored at the quay the emergency generator
to be equipped with a heating system suffi- may be used to supply power for the non-
cient for the faultless start of emergency diesel emergency consumers, in this case the con-
generator. necting line shall be likewise protected in the
Emergency accumulator battery room shall emergency distribution switchboard.
meet the requirements specified in 8.5 and
4.4 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC 4.5.1 In emergency mode the consumers
POWER FROM EMERGENCY SOURCES specified in Table 4.5.1 shall be fed from
emergency or emergency transitional source
4.4.1 Failure of single emergency consum-
of electric power.
ers of electric power in emergency situation
(flooding, fire etc.) shall not affect the power 4.5.2 Every lighting fixture and lamp
supply of other consumers being in operation. holder of combined lighting fixture of the
emergency lighting are to be marked red.
4.4.2 No switches are to be arranged in the
circuits of the distribution switchboard of sin- 4.5.3 An indicator, displaying the charge
gle emergency lighting fixtures except for the level of accumulator battery used as emer-
cases when the emergency distribution gency source of electric power, shall be ar-
switchboard and emergency circuit are used ranged in the central control station or wheel-
for the main lighting. house.
4 Emergency Electrical Installations 657

T a b l e 4.5.1
Emergency consumers of electric power
Electric power source
Emergency consumers of electric power Emer- Emergency
gency transitional
1 Signaling means
1.1 Navigation lights + +
1.2 Daytime signaling lantern, sound signaling means (typhon, ship's wistle, syren) + +
1.3 Projectors controlled from the wheel house + —
2 Emergency lights of areas and spaces
2.1 Places of embarkation into life-saving appliances and areas by the board where + +
the life-saving appliances are lowered, places of location, usage and lowering of col-
lective life-saving appliances
2.2 Spaces for passengers and crew for more than 20 berths and their exits + +
2.3 Passages and ladders of accommodation and service spaces, as well as exits to + +
open deck
2.4 Machinery spaces and electric generator set spaces together with their local con- + +
trol stations
2.5 Main distributors and emergency switchboard + +
2.6 Emergency diesel generator space + +
2.7 Wheel house + +
2.8 Navigation and radio room + +
2.9 Storage areas for emergency and fire fighting equipment and kits, as well as loca- + +
tions of manual fire alarms
2.10 Steering room + —
2.11 Galley + —
2.12 Gyrocompass room + —
2.13 Spaces for crew mustering in case of emergency + —
2.14 Medical locations + —
2.15 Boilers' water meters + —
2.16 "Exit" and "Emergency Exit" illuminated indicating boards in accordance with + +
10.4.7 of Part I of the Rules
2.17 At fire water pump and spray pump, as well as at emergency bilge pump and + +
locations whereof their engines are activated (for ships with "Ì-ÑÏ" class only)
Onboard of the passenger ships
2.18 Exit signs to the boat deck and information plates at life-saving appliances + +
2.19 Elevators and lifting facilities for passengers including persons with reduced mo- + —
bility (only when emergency diesel generator is installed)
3 Controls, intercommunication and alarm systems
3.1 Electrified system of main engines remote control + —
3.2 Ship controls + —
3.3 Remote controls of fire-smothering means and their alarm + —
3.4 General alarm system (operating time not less than 15 minutes) + —
3.5 Fire detection alarm system, fire-smothering means activation warning system + +
3.6 Magnetic compasses scales lighting + +
3.7 Alarm warning system of cargo vapours detection in spaces and areas (for gas + +
carriers and oil tankers)
3.8 Intercommunication and annunciating means + +
3.9 Remote controlled doors closing devices, alarm system of doors position and + +
closing warning
3.10 Ship security alert system, equipment of ship identification and long-range + +
tracking system (for ships with "Ì-ÑÏ" class only)
658 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

E n d o f T a b l e 4.5.1
Electric power source
Emergency consumers of electric power Emer- Emergency
gency transitional
3.11 Equipment of Automatic Identification System (onboard the ships built before + +
2002 the emergency accumulator battery shall provide 1 hour operation; onboard the
ships built after 2002 – 6 hours operation)
4 Power consumers
4.1 Electric and electro-hydraulic rudder drive and its remote control system, as well + +
as rudder indicators (operating time – 15 minutes)
It is allowed not to meet the requirements for the power supply of the drive electric
circuits from emergency source, when the ship is fitted with electro-hydraulic rudder
drive where one pump is actuated from the main engine or propeller shaft or a pump
manual drive is available
4.2 Electric drives of watertight and fireproof doors together with their indicators and + —
closing warning system
4.3 Electric drive of stationary emergency fire pump in accordance with 3.3.17 of + —
Part III of the Rules (only when emergency diesel generator is installed)
4.4 Automatic pump of spray system (only for passenger ships of "Ì-ÑÏ" class, + —
when emergency diesel generator is installed)
4.5 Emergency bilge pump and the equipment required for operation of the valves of + —
bilge pumping system with electric remote control (only for passenger ships of "Ì-
ÑÏ" class, when emergency diesel generator is installed)
4.6 Emergency means for leveling the elevator cabins with the deck during evacua- + —
tion (only for passenger ships of "Ì-ÑÏ" class, when emergency diesel generator is
5 Means of communication and navigational equipment
5.1 Radio communication facilities specified in p. 3 of Part III of the Rules + —
5.2 Navigational equipment (only when emergency diesel generator is installed) ex- + —
cept for magnetic compass (see p. 3.6 of the Table)
5.3 Navigational equipment of combined navigation (river – sea) ships + —
5 Distribution of Electric Power 659


5.1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS with the hull by means of earthing busbar of

the feeding switchboard;
5.1.1 The following systems of electric
power distribution are allowed onboard the .3 common terminals or a busbar for
ships: connection of negative connecting wiring of
.1 for three-phase alternating current: the group of electric power consumers are to
three-wire insulated system; be connected to the hull using separate wire
four-wire insulated system. with cross-sectional area chosen according to
Application of three-phase four-wire dis- the total current of electric power consumers;
tribution system with earthed neutral wire is .4 wire connection points to the metal
allowed only for ships with shore power sup- hull are to be located in the areas and places
ply system as main source of electric power; with free access and monitoring of contact
.2 for single-phase alternating current: joints on framing parts or other massive parts
two-wire systems insulated from the hull; of the hull.
two-wire systems with one earthed wire It is prohibited to locate the connection
— up to 30 V only; points on the outer plating of the ship.
.3 for direct current: 5.1.4 Three-phase alternating current con-
two-wire systems insulated from the hull; sumers shall be connected in such a manner
single-wire systems where the hull is used that phase current of different phases differs
as return line — up to 30 V only. for not more than 15% under normal operat-
5.1.2 In the three-wire insulated distribu- ing conditions.
tion systems the generator's neutral may be 5.1.5 In direct current systems where the
earthed. The earthing shall be made via com- hull is used as return line all the cables ar-
pensating unit near the generator or on the ranged in the area of magnetic compass are to
main distribution switchboard. have bipolar location (on two poles).
5.1.3 When using the single-wire distribu- Leading and return wires are to laid in the
tion system the following conditions are to be same cable or in the proximity to each other.
.1 electric equipment within accumulator 5.2 PERMISSIBLE VOLTAGE AND
rooms, lamp rooms, store rooms and cargo FREQUENCY
holds is to be fed via two-wire system. Con-
nection of negative wire with the hull is to be 5.2.1 Voltage rating on the terminals of
arranged outside the abovementioned spaces; electric power sources designed for feeding
.2 lighting fixtures of accommodation the ship's power mains shall not exceed the
spaces (cabins, messes etc.), as well as signal following values:
lights, radio and navigational equipment are 400 V — three-phase alternating current;
to be fed via two-wire system. The negative 230 V — single-phase alternating current;
wire of these consumers is to be connected 230 Â — direct current.
660 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

T a b l e 5.2.2
Voltage rating on consumers' terminals
Voltage, V
1 Machinery electric drives, fixed cooking and heating appliances and their con- 220 380
trol circuits
2 Heating devices in cabins and public spaces 220 2201
3 Lighting, alarm and communication on all types of ships including liquid cargo 220 220
ships carrying oil products with vapor flash point above 60 °Ñ
4 Lighting, alarm and communication on liquid cargo ships carrying oil products 1102 1272
with vapor flash point 60 °Ñ and below, as well as on their pushboats
5 Plug sockets for portable hand lamps (excluding cargo chandeliers) 24 12
6 Plug sockets for domestic electrical equipment in cabins and public spaces 220 220
7 Portable tools and portable control panels 3 24 42
8 Plug sockets for feeding the movable power consumers fixed during operation 220 380
380 V voltage is allowed when the parts being under voltage are not accessible without special tools.
220 V voltage is allowed provided that continuous automatic checking device for insulance of electric
circuits is installed, which actuates a signal in the event of insulance decrease in permanently attended
spaces (wheelhouse, machinery space, main distribution switchboard room etc.).
It is allowed to use portable tools with double insulation, which operates on 220 V power.

In the docks, as well as on the dredgers .10 radio station panel;

and other industrial ships it is allowed to use .11 navigation aids panel;
three-phase current of 10.000 V inclusive for .12 navigation lights panel;
special electrical high-power drives. In this .13 sectional panels and supply distribu-
case the electrical installation is to meet the tion devices for other essential consumers
requirements of Sections 14 and 17 of the grouped according to the principle of similar-
present Part of the Rules. ity of their functions;
AC frequency rating is to be taken for .14 distribution devices built into the gen-
50 Hz. eral ship control panels;
5.2.2 Voltage rating on consumers' termi- .15 fire-detecting automatic alarm station
nals shall not exceed the values specified in panel;
Table 5.2.2. Intersystem voltage is not regu- .16 electric drives of machinery providing
lated. operation of main power plant;
.17 panels of electric drives of cargo,
5.3 POWER SUPPLY OF ESSENTIAL mooring, boat and other arrangements, as
FACILITIES well as ventilation and heating devices;
.18 charging device for starting and emer-
5.3.1 The following consumers are to be gency accumulator batteries, as well as batter-
fed from the busbars of the main distribution ies supplying essential facilities;
switchboard by separate feeders: .19 power supply panels of electric drives
.1 electric drives of the steering gear; intended for closing of watertight doors and
.2 electric drives of the anchor gear; for the devices maintaining the fireproof doors
.3 electric drives of fire pumps; in open position, as well as the panels of sig-
.4 electric drives of bilge pumps; naling devices which indicate the position and
.5 electric drives of compressors; closing of watertight and fireproof doors.
.6 gyrocompass; Consumers specified in,,
.7 cargo holds refrigerator panel;,, and may
.8 actuation system devices of electric be fed from the distribution devices specified
propulsion plant; in and via separate feeders
.9 main lighting panels; fitted with commutation devices (onboard the
5 Distribution of Electric Power 661

ships with length less than 25 m – for all con- 5.5 POWER SUPPLY FROM EXTERNAL
5.3.2 If a ship is equipped with two or 5.5.1 If the ship network may be fed from
more mechanisms of the same purpose having external source of electric power, then the
electric drives specified in 5.3.1, then one of ship shall be equipped with external feeder
those electric drives is to be fed via a separate switchboard.
feeder from the main distribution switchboard.
The electric drives of the rest of the mecha- 5.5.2 The following facilities are to be pro-
nisms may be fed from the section boards or vided in the external feeder switchboard:
special distribution devices intended for feed- .1 terminals for external portable cable in-
ing the essential consumers. cluding neutral wire;
If the collecting busbars on the main distri- .2 commutation and protection devices in
bution switchboard divided into sections hav- the cable circuit to the main distribution
ing intersection disconnecting devices, then switchboard (if the external feeder
the electric drives of the mechanisms dupli- switchboard and the main distribution
cating each other, special distribution devices switchboard are less than 10 m apart from
having equal names, control panels or the each other, the protection device is not
same objects fed via two feeding lines shall be obligatory);
connected to the different sections of the .3 signal lamps or voltmeter;
main distribution switchboard. .4 a device or a possibility to connect a
5.3.3 Feeding circuits for smaller groups of device for checking polarity and phase se-
consumers and their safety devices and quence;
switches shall be rated for the current not .5 a plate indicating voltage, current type
exceeding 16 À. These feeding circuits shall and frequency.
not feed lighting and heating devices simulta- 5.5.3 External feeder switchboard shall be
neously. connected with the main distribution
switchboard by means of stationary laid ca-
5.5.4 Devices for mechanical fixation of
5.4.1 Electric consumers of pushed barges the flexible cable tip laid to the switchboard,
are to be supplied as follows: from the pusher as well as cable suspensions are to be arranged
by means of a cable fixed on the pushed in the proximity of the external feeder
barge; between neighboring barges and the switchboard. Connecting cables shall not be
pusher – by means of flexible cable bridge tensioned.
sagging freely and being connected to the
fixed circuit by means of a plug connection. 5.5.5 The following facilities are to be pro-
Multipolar plug connections and stranded vided in the main distribution switchboard in
cables may be used to supply several consum- the feeding circuit from external source of
ers. In this case single consumers are to be electric power:
fed from stationary distribution devices. .1 commutation and protection devices;
.2 signal lamp and voltmeter;
5.4.2 A possibility to switch off the power .3 antisingle-phasing device.
supply onboard of the pushed barge is to be
provided. 5.5.6 The requirements specified in
and are not applicable for a ship sup-
5.4.3 On pushed convoys the area of plug plied from external power source with current
connections and the coupling gear shall be rating not exceeding 16 A.
fitted with plates with warnings that the feed-
ing cables shall be disconnected prior to dis- 5.5.7 If several ships are supplied from the
coupling. common source of electric power, then each
662 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

ship is to be equipped with a device for dis- automatic switches or breakers through feeder
connection from such power source. switch boards of guarded construction accord-
ing to their location onboard the ship. If the
plug connections for 16 A of rated current are
used for power supply of other ships, then it is
required to provide connection/disconnection
5.6.1 Power supply to other ships shall be in no-voltage condition only (e. g. using
performed via separate lines protected with switches or lockout devices).
6 Distribution Devices‚ Electrical Apparatus, Transformers 663



6.1 DESIGN OF DISTRIBUTION The panels of distribution sections are to

SWITCHBOARDS be lightened with lighting fixtures fed from
the busbars.
6.1.1 Frameworks, front panels and casings
No commutation devices are allowed in
of main, emergency, sectional and group dis-
the lighting circuits.
tributions switchboards shall be made of metal
or other non-combustible material with fire 6.1.5 The front side of the distribution
retardant and self-extinguishing characteris- switchboard panels is to be lightened in such
tics. a manner as not to interfere with monitoring
The generator section of the main distribu- the devices and not to dazzle.
tion device is to be separated from the adja- 6.1.6 Equipment, devices and facilities
cent sections with divisions made of non- which require monitoring and maintenance
combustible material which prevent spark and shall be located on the switchboard not higher
flame spreading. than 2 m.
6.1.2 Detachable or opening parts of distri- 6.1.7 Distribution devices designed for
bution switchboards intended for installation rated voltage higher than the low voltage,
in locations accessible for unauthorized per- which are fitted with commutation and pro-
sons are to be locked with a special key which tection equipment and do not have a voltme-
is the same for all distribution switchboards ter installed, are to be equipped with a signal-
onboard the ship. The doors shall have a pos- ing lamp showing availability of voltage on the
sibility to be fixed in open position. busbars.

6.1.3 The main and emergency distribution 6.1.8 The opening panels and doors, which
switchboards as well as the control panels are have electric control equipment and measur-
to be equipped with handrails on their front ing devices, are to be earthed at least with a
sides. The distribution switchboards accessible flexible crosspiece.
from the back side are to be additionally Distribution device shall be equipped with
equipped with horizontal handrails located at least one external earthing node. When the
behind the switchboard. distribution device is sectional, then each sec-
tion or casing shall have an independent
Handrails shall be made of insulation ma- earthing node.
terials. Firm sorts of wood are allowed for
such application. 6.1.9 Busbars and non-insulated wires in
the distribution switchboards shall have dy-
6.1.4 The panels of generator sections of namic and thermal stability when short-circuit
main and emergency distribution switchboards currents occur in corresponding points of the
are to be lightened with lighting fixtures fed circuit.
from the corresponding generator's side in Electrical loads occurring in the busbars
front of the generator switch. and in non-insulated wires at short circuit
664 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

shall be specified according to national stan- If the ambient pressure differs from 40 °Ñ
dards1. or the busbars have a cross-section not speci-
fied in the Table 6.1.14, then the maximum
6.1.10 Busbars and non-insulated wires of
permissible load shall be recalculated accord-
different polarity shall be painted with the
following distinctive colours:
.1 red — for positive pole; 6.1.15 The busbars shall be connected in
.2 dark blue — for negative pole; such a manner as to prevent corrosion in the
.3 black or yellow-green — for earthing places of their junction.
wire; 6.1.16 For light alarm indicating the status
.4 light blue — for middle wire. of shipborne facilities in the distribution
The equalizing wire shall be painted with switchboards or panels the signaling fixtures
the colour of the pole of its location with ad- are to be used with the colour of lamps or
ditional white transverse bands. lenses as specified in the Table 6.1.16.
6.1.11 Busbars and non-insulated wires of 6.1.17 If both alternative and direct current
different phases are to be marked with the are used onboard the ship, then the electrical
following distinctive colours: equipment shall be fed from separate distribu-
.1 yellow — for phase 1; tion switchboards or from a distribution
.2 green — for phase 2; switchboard with a division or a distribution
.3 purple — for phase 3; section where the voltage values are marked.
.4 light blue — for neutral wire; The wiring diagrams of each switchboard shall
.5 yellow-green (transverse bands) — for be available in the distribution switchboards.
earthing wire. 6.1.18 The design of the distribution
6.1.12 Busbars and non-insulated wires of switchboards shall provide space for mounting
separate phases or poles within the of external cable cores to the terminal clamps,
switchboard are to be located in the same way block of terminal clamps and electrical con-
relatively to each other. nectors.
6.1.19 Signal lamps shall be fitted with
6.1.13 Equalizing busbars are to ensure for
at least one half of the current rating of the signs and inscriptions specifying the signals'
major generator connected to the main distri- designation.
bution switchboard.
6.1.14 The maximal permissible load of REQUIREMENTS
busbars and non-insulated wires is specified in
the Table 6.1.14. 6.2.1 The switches with replaceable con-
The permissible temperature for busbars tacts are to be so designed that their replace-
and non-insulated wires shall not exceed ment could be carried out using common
90 °Ñ. tools without dismantling the switch or its
main components.
The data specified in Table 6.1.14 are de-
fined for the ambient temperature 40 °Ñ un- 6.2.2 All switches and disconnectors are to
der the following conditions: be fitted with mechanical or electrical indica-
.1 relative distance between the busbars is tors of "ON" position of the contacts being
equal to their thickness; located in place where the apparatus is put in
.2 only the outer surface of the bunch is operation by the operator.
coloured. 6.2.3 The location of the controller and
bracket drums are to be clearly fixed; the neu-
tral position is to be fixed more distinctly than
GOST R 51321.1 other positions.
6 Distribution Devices‚ Electrical Apparatus, Transformers 665

T a b l e 6.1.14
Maximal permissible load of busbars and non-insulated wires
Maximal permissible load, À
AC from 40 to 60 Hz
Dimension of the busbar DC for the number of separate busbars
for the number of separate busbars
cross-section, mm
coloured non-coloured coloured non-coloured
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
122 163 295 144 260 170 306 157 274
152 203 407 182 302 208 366 189 332
153 242 431 222 391 254 436 228 398
202 268 457 242 410 273 480 247 430
203 298 511 272 480 308 576 277 517
205 423 718 378 645 431 746 390 670
253 392 665 351 600 405 692 357 632
255 502 870 455 780 522 883 468 810
303 456 782 410 703 468 820 423 745
305 587 1030 522 910 817 1040 552 945
405 787 1305 678 1170 783 1340 720 1220
4010 1088 1960 975 1760 1130 2010 1045 1170
505 901 1565 620 1430 965 1620 845 1490
5010 1335 2340 1195 2110 1445 2470 1300 2980
605 1075 1830 980 1990 1135 1470 1015 1620
6010 1560 2730 1430 2420 1630 2880 1430 1800
8010 2010 3400 1820 3000 2750 3640 1880 3380
10010 2450 4050 2210 3520 2610 4680 2210 4150
T a b l e 6.1.16
Colours of lenses and lamps of the light alarm indicating the status of objects
Colour Meaning Signal type Status of the device
Red Danger Blinking Dangerous conditions requiring immediate actions
Permanent Dangerous conditions (general signal), as well as dangerous
conditions already detected but not eliminated yet
Yellow Attention Blinking Abnormal conditions not requiring immediate elimination
Permanent Intermediate condition between abnormal and safe condition.
Abnormal condition already detected but not eliminated yet
Green Safety Blinking Indicating that the objects put into operation from standby
Permanent Normal operating conditions
Blue Instructions and Permanent Technical facilities and devices are ready for start. Everything is
information OK
White General informa- Permanent Signals to be decoded if necessary.
tion Inscriptions related to automatic actions.
Other additional signals

The controller and bracket drums are to ward or forward movement of the handle
have a scale and an indicator or a device in- (lever) corresponds to the apparatus activa-
dicating the "ON" position. tion, start of electric motor, increase of the
rotation speed, voltage rise etc.
6.2.4 The direction of the motion of man- For the control of lifting or lowering ar-
ual controls of the commutation or start- rangements the clockwise rotation of the fly-
control devices is to be such that the clock- wheel handle or movement of the handle (fly-
wise rotation of the fly-wheel handle or up- wheel) towards the operator is to correspond
666 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

to lifting operation and counter-clockwise 6.2.10 The radio interference suppression

rotation of the fly-wheel handle or movement capacitors installed in the circuits of the main
of the handle (lever) against the operator is to and emergency distribution switchboards,
correspond to lowering operation. generator circuits, as well as in the circuits of
essential electric facilities shall be protected
6.2.5 The resistors are to be located and against short-circuit current.
cooled in such a manner as to prevent other
devices from heating above permissible tem-
peratures caused by the resistors.
6.2.6 Tell-tale lamps as well as monitoring
6.3.1 The drive gear of the current breakers
and recording instruments are to be protected
shall be so designed that its contacts would be
against short-circuit current or fitted with the
fixed in "ON" or "OFF" positions when the
short-circuit current limiting devices.
energy feeding the drive gear disappears.
It is allowed not to equip the tell-tale
lamps with their own short-circuit current 6.3.2 The electrical drive is to provide cor-
protection or short-circuit current limiting rect activation of the circuit breaker under all
devices, if: load conditions at control voltage within 85 –
.1 the lamps are located in the common 100 % of the rated current, and in case of
casing of the device; alternating current — at frequency deviation
from the nominal value a per 2.2.1 in addition
.2 lamps are fed from the circuits laid in- to the above conditions.
side the device casing;
.3 damage of the lamp circuit does not 6.3.3 The drive is to provide correct activa-
cause interruption of operation of essential tion of the circuit breaker at the rated making
facilities; current, ambient temperature +40 °Ñ and hot
.4 the device circuit protection is designed winding of the drive when the control voltage
for current not exceeding 25 À. is not lower than 85 % of the rated value.
6.3.4 Voltage drop down to 70% of the
6.2.7 The voltage coils of the apparatus and
rated control voltage shall not cause the shut-
controls are to be fitted with short-circuit
down or reduction of pressure of the movable
current protective devices; however, they may
contacts below the minimal required one at
have no protection if:
ambient temperature of +40 °Ñ and hot wind-
.1 the coils are installed in common cas- ing of the drive.
ing of the device, have common protection
and belong to the control system of the same 6.3.5 The design of the machine-driven
device; circuit breaker shall provide manual control.
.2 the coils are fed from the device cir-
cuit, the protection of which is designed for 6.4 SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL
current not exceeding 25 À. APPARATUS
6.2.8 Fastening of the wire or its tip to the 6.4.1 Electrical apparatus shall be selected
coil block of electrical apparatus is to be in such a way that their rated voltage, load
made in such a manner that no forces from and permissible temperature would not be
the connected wire could be transferred to the exceeded under normal operating conditions.
coil turns. The voltage coil taps are to be Such apparatus shall withstand the rated over-
made of stranded flexible wire, except for the loads in transient modes without any damage
cases when the lead terminals are fastened or temperature rise up to dangerous values.
directly on the coil shell.
6.4.2 Rated breaking capacity of electrical
6.2.9 Coils are to have name plates with apparatus designed for breaking the short-
their technical data. circuit-current is to be not less than the ex-
6 Distribution Devices‚ Electrical Apparatus, Transformers 667

pected short-circuit current in the place of .3 frequency meter or double frequency

their installation in the event of shut-off. meter for generators operating in parallel;
6.4.3 Rated making capacity of automatic .4 wattmeter — for capacity exceeding
circuit breakers as well as switches that can be 50 kVA.
incorporated into a shorted circuit shall be 6.5.3 In the circuits of essential consumers
not less than the expected maximal making with rated current of 20 A and more the am-
current in the place of their installation in the meters are to be provided, which should be
event of short circuit. installed in close proximity to the consumer
6.4.4 Rated dynamic stability of electrical or at the remote control stations or in the
apparatus not designed for breaking the short- main distribution switchboard.
circuit-current shall be not less than the ex- It is allowed to use an ammeter with a
pected maximal short-circuit current in the switch but not more than for six consumers.
place of its installation.
6.5.4 In the main and emergency distribu-
6.4.5 Thermal stability of electrical appara- tion switchboards for each circuit of insulated
tus shall comply with the expected short- systems an individual device for insulance
circuit current in the place of its installation measuring is to be installed. For all circuits of
as well as with the duration of the short cir- insulated systems it is allowed to use one dis-
cuit caused by the selective operation of the playing device which can be activated using a
protection. switch.
6.4.6 Automatic circuit breakers in the cir- The insulance control devices are to check
cuits of compound generators intended for the circuit insulance permanently and send a
operation in parallel are to have a pole in light and sound signal (which can be switched
equalizing wire which is mechanically con- off) to the engine room, central control sta-
nected to other poles of the circuit breaker in tion or the wheelhouse, when the insulance of
such a way that it would switch on prior to the circuit increases up to 0.06 M at 100 V,
connection of other poles to the busbars and and 0.2 M at 500 V.
would switch off after their disconnection. The enclosure leakage current caused by
6.4.7 The calculation of short-circuit cur- the operation of the measuring device shall
rents shall be performed on the basis of na- not exceed 30 mA in all conditions.
tional standard1 or according to the proce- 6.5.5 Measuring devices with at least the
dures approved by the River Register. following scale limits are to be used:
.1 voltmeters — 120 % of rated voltage;
.2 ammeters for generators not operating
in parallel and for consumers — 130 % of
6.5.1 One voltmeter and one ammeter shall rated current;
be fitted on the main and emergency distribu- .3 ammeters for generators operating in
tion switchboards for each DC generator. parallel:
6.5.2 For each AC generator the following scale limit for load current — 130 % of
devices shall be fitted on the main and emer- rated current;
gency distribution switchboards: scale limit of reverse current — 15 % of
.1 ammeter with a switch for current rated current;
measuring in each phase; .4 wattmeters for generators not operating
.2 voltmeter with a switch for measure- in parallel — 130 % or rated power;
ment of phase and linear voltages; .5 wattmeters for generators operating in
scale limit of load capacity — 130 %;
GOST R 51321.1 scale limit of reverse capacity — 15 %;
668 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

.6 frequency meters — +10 % of rated tions. The positions of commutation appara-

frequency. tus shall be indicated.
6.5.6 The rated values of voltage, current Irrespective of the availability of manufac-
and power on the scales of measuring devices turer's plate the fusing current and the release
fitted in the circuits of electric power sources current setting shall be indicated near the
and essential consumers shall be marked with fuses and current-limiting automatic circuit
distinctable marks or signals. breakers.
6.6.7 Every feeder coming out of the distri-
6.6 INSTALLATION OF APPARATUS bution switchboard shall be fitted with protec-
AND MEASURING DEVICES tion and commutation devices.
It is allowed not to install the commutation
6.6.1 The switches shall be installed and
apparatus in the secondary distribution boxes
connected to the power source in such a way
of lighting circuits which have common
that the movable contacts and all protecting
switch, as well as in the circuits of interlock-
and monitoring apparatus connected to the
ing and alarm devices, switchboards local
switch are not alive in off position.
lighting which are protected with fuses.
6.6.2 The fuses in distribution switchboards
6.6.8 Ammeters of compound generators
shall be installed in such a way that to provide
intended for operation in parallel shall be
access and safety for service personnel when
installed in the circuit of the pole not con-
replacing fuse strips.
nected to the equalizing wire.
The fuses in distribution switchboards
mounted on a foundation at the plating level 6.6.9 The controls of generator apparatus
shall be located not lower than 150 mm and shall be located not lower than 800 mm from
not higher than 1800 mm from the plating. the plating. The controls of other apparatus
If the circuit breakers are available in the shall be located not lower than 300 mm from
distribution switchboard circuits, then the the plating.
fuses shall be located between the busbars and
the circuit breaker. 6.7 PROTECTION DEVICES
6.6.3 The feeding wire of screwing fuses 6.7.1 The circuits outgoing from the distri-
shall be connected to the central terminal. bution switchboards shall be protected against
6.6.4 The fuses protecting poles or phases short-circuit currents and overloads by means
of the same circuit shall be installed close to of appropriate devices installed at the incep-
tion of each circuit as close as practicable to
each other either horizontally or vertically
the feeding terminals. The overload protection
according to the design of the fuse.
of the circuit is not required when the con-
The relative position of the fuses in AC
sumers fed from the switchboard are fitted
circuit shall correspond to the sequence of
with individual overload protection devices,
phases either from left to right or downwards.
and the cable of the switchboard feeding cir-
In the DC circuit the fuse of the positive
cuit is rated on the maximal working current.
pole shall be located to the right, from above
or closer to the service personnel. 6.7.2 Protection devices are to comply with
the characteristics of protected equipment in
6.6.5 The manual drives of voltage regula-
such a way that to be activated at prohibitive
tors installed on the main or emergency dis-
tribution switchboards are to be located close
to the measuring devices of corresponding 6.7.3 Protection system is to be selective
generators. both on overload currents and short-circuit
6.6.6 Apparatus controls, devices, panels
and coming-out circuits in distribution 6.7.4 The protection against short-circuit
switchboards shall have corresponding inscrip- current shall be installed in each insulated
6 Distribution Devices‚ Electrical Apparatus, Transformers 669

pole of DC system and in each phase of AC 6.8 LOCATION OF DISTRIBUTION

system. The short-circuit release current set- SWITCHBOARDS
tings shall be chosen in accordance with cal-
culations but not less than for 200% of con- 6.8.1 When a distribution switchboard of
sumers' rated current. IP10 protection or lower is located in a spe-
cial room, locker or recess, then such spaces
It is allowed to use the same protection de- are to be made of non-combustible material
vices to protect the electric circuits (cables) or have coating made of such material.
and consumers against the short circuit.
6.8.2 Location of pipelines and tanks close
6.7.5 If the cross-sectional area of the ca- to the distribution devices is to comply with
ble is reduced at some sections of the feeding the requirements specified in 1.9.7 and
circuit, then additional protection shall be 10.5.17, 10.5.18 of Part IV of the Rules.
provided for each cable with reduced cross-
sectional area in case when the preceding 6.8.3 The main distribution switchboard is
protection device does not protect the cable to be located in the same vertical fire protec-
with reduced cross-sectional area. tion zone with the generators (see of
Part III of the Rules).
6.7.6 In the feeding circuits from the main
6.8.4 Distribution devices shall be pro-
distribution switchboard to the emergency
tected against or removed from the sources of
distribution switchboard it is not allowed to
vibration and high temperature.
use the protection devices which are not ca-
pable of immediate reactivation after protec- 6.8.5 At the front and back sides of free-
tion operation. standing distribution switchboards (except for
leaning-type switchboards) a passage shall be
6.7.7 It is not allowed to install the protec- provided of at least 600 mm width for the
tion apparatus in the equalizing wire of DC switchboards of 3 m long and at least 800 mm
generators. for the longer switchboards.
6.7.8 Overload protection is to be installed 6.8.6 As a rule, the distribution
in: switchboards longer than 1.2 m shall be of
.1 at least one pole or phase in two-wire free-standing type.
system; When using the leaning-type switchboards,
.2 all phases in insulated four-wire system the access to the parts which require mainte-
of three-phase current; nance shall be provided.
.3 at least two phases in insulated three- 6.8.7 The space behind the free-standing
wire system of three-phase current. distribution switchboards with open alive parts
6.7.9 The casings of the fuses are to be of shall be enclosured and fitted with doors. The
entirely closed type and not to allow the out- doors shall be opened from the inside without
side emission of arc, sparkling or any other a key and from the outside using a key. The
harmful effect on the adjacent structural ele- doors are to bear plates with warnings. A de-
ments when fusion occurs. vice holding the door in open position shall
be provided.
6.7.10 The casings of the fuses should pro-
vide the possibility to visually detect the fu- 6.8.8 Distribution switchboards longer than
sion of the fuse. 3 m specified in 6.8.7 are to be provided with
at least two doors for entering the space be-
6.7.11 The design of protection devices hind the switchboard from the space of its
with screw caps shall prevent them from location. One of the doors may lead into the
self-unscrewing. adjacent space.
670 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

6.9 STATIC POWER CONVERTERS flow at the output of the cooling system dis-
6.9.1 The requirements of the present
chapter are applicable to the shipborne static 6.9.6 The semiconductor power units are to
power converters and other semiconductor be protected against inner and outer overvolt-
power units as an addition to the require- age.
ments of other chapters of the present Part of
6.9.7 The blocks of semiconductor units
the Rules.
shall be protected against short-circuit cur-
6.9.2 The distortion factor Ênl of the ship rent. The protection of diodes and thyristors
network is subject to the operation of the is to be separated from protection load circuit.
semiconductor power units and shall not ex-
6.9.8 Where only one consumer is allowed,
ceed 10%.
the load and the blocks of diodes and thyris-
The distortion factor is determined using tors may have a common protection.
the following formula, %
6.9.9 The semiconductor converters are to

have a light alarm indicating the on/off con-
 U n 
2 2
K nl  10 U1 ‚ (6.9.2)
dition of power and control circuits.

where Un — active value of nth harmonic of 6.9.10 The power part of the semiconduc-
distorted voltage; tor converters shall be electrically isolated
from the control system.
Uı — active value of 1st harmonic.
6.9.3 Electromagnetic interference gener- 6.10 TRANSFORMERS
ated by the semiconductor units including
6.10.1 Onboard the ships where the trans-
their feeders shall not exceed the values speci-
formers are used for feeding the lighting cir-
fied in 2.7.
cuits and essential facilities, at least two trans-
6.9.4 The semiconducting converters shall formers are to be installed with such a capac-
have the air cooling (natural or forced) or the ity that in the event of failure of the highest
liquid cooling. capacity transformer the others would be ca-
In the converters with the liquid cooling pable to provide the ship's total need in elec-
where the latter is in direct contact with unit's tric power under all operating conditions.
parts a continuous monitoring of insulation When using sectioned system of collecting
resistance is to be ensured. A light and sound busbars, the transformers are to be connected
alarm shall be available in engine room to to different sections.
warn the watchkeeping of impermissible re- Onboard the ships of less than 25 m in
duction of insulation resistance. Onboard the length and on board the floating objects (ex-
ships with unmanned engine room such alarm cept for passenger ships) it is allowed to in-
shall be available at the central station or the stall only one transformer.
6.10.2 Dry-type transformers are to be used
6.9.5 The semiconductor converters with on board the ships.
forced cooling shall be fitted with a protection
which reduces or shuts down the load in case 6.10.3 Short-circuit voltages of transform-
of failure of cooling system or overheat of the ers operating in parallel are to be such as to
latter. limit the load deviation of every transformer
from the value of appropriate capacity pro-
A sound and light alarm is to be provided
portion for not more than 10% of the current
before activation of the protection. This alarm
rating of the given transformer.
shall indicate that the temperature of the
semiconductor converters exceeds the maxi- 6.10.4 Ratio of power ratings of transform-
mum permissible value and the cooling agent ers operating in parallel shall not exceed 3:1.
6 Distribution Devices‚ Electrical Apparatus, Transformers 671

6.10.5 Transformer windings for primary specified in 6.11.2 – 6.11.9 may be used as
and secondary voltages are to be electrically emergency or transitional sources of electrical
separated. power.
This requirement is not applied to starting 6.11.2 UPS type selection shall be appro-
and excitation transformers.
priate to power supply requirements of the
6.10.6 In the single-phase and three-phase connected load.
transformers intended for the ship network 6.11.3 UPS shall be provided with a by-
supply the voltage fluctuations at the active
pass, which ensures power supply to con-
load within the limits from idling to rated
nected load from the ship network if the in-
load shall not exceed 5% per phase for trans-
verter fails.
formers with capacity up to 5 kVA and 2.5%
per phase for those with greater capacity. 6.11.4 Each UPS shall be provided with
light and sound alarm to be given in normally
6.10.7 The design of air-cooled and dry di-
manned location for:
electric-cooled transformers shall ensure their
.1 power supply failure to the connected
capability to withstand 10% overload within 1
hour and 50% overload within 5 minutes.
.2 earth fault;
6.10.8 Feeding circuits of transformers' .3 activation of battery protective device;
primary windings are to be fitted with short- .4 when the battery is being discharged;
circuit current protective devices. Overload .5 when the bypass is in operation for on-
protection is to be provided only for trans- line UPS.
formers with capacity exceeding 6.3 kVA.
Overload protective devices may be replaced 6.11.5 The requirements for location of the
with alarm devices. UPS are similar to the requirements for the
location of the emergency or transitional
6.10.9 If the transformers are intended for source of electrical power.
operation in parallel, the switches are to be
installed which disconnect their primary and 6.11.6 UPS with sealed batteries may be
secondary windings (simultaneous disconnec- located in any space other than the accom-
tion is not obligatory). modation space, provided that the ventilation
When such transformers are fed from dif- of such space ensures at least three-time air
ferent sections of the main distribution circulation per hour.
switchboard which may be disconnected dur- 6.11.7 UPS shall maintain rated voltage
ing operation, an interlocking is to be pro- and frequency on the load side throughout the
vided to prevent their parallel operation when whole time necessary to supply the connected
disconnecting the sections of the main distri- consumers.
bution switchboard.
6.11.8 On voltage recovery in the power
6.10.10 The switching-over of current- supply circuit, the capacity of the UPS recti-
measuring transformers is to be made in such fier shall be sufficient to maintain rated volt-
a way that to prevent their secondary wind- age and frequency on the load side with si-
ings from being in an open circuit condition. multaneous recharging the battery by the
maximum possible charging current.
6.11.9 The accelerated (boost) charging of
the UPS batteries by the maximum possible
charging current shall be interlocked with the
6.11.1 The uninterruptible power sources ventilation of the space where the UPS bat-
(UPS) complying with the requirements teries are installed.
672 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Table 7.2.3 after being heated up to the

steady-state temperature corresponding to the
7.1.1 Electrically driven machinery with power rating.
remote or automatic control from combined T a b l e 7.2.3
stations are to have light alarm on the stations Overcurrent values
indicating the switching on of the drive.
Generator Overcurrent, % Duration of overcurrent, s
7.1.2 When the devices and machinery AC 50 120
have automatic, remote and local control, the DC 50 15
automatic and remote control are to be
switched off when the local control is acti- 7.2.4 The electric motors are to be so de-
vated. Local control is to be independent signed as to develop increased torques speci-
from the automatic and remote control. fied in 7.2.4 without stop or sudden change of
the rotation speed.
7.2 ELECTRICAL MACHINERY 7.2.5 The generators not intended for par-
allel operation shall have a protection against
7.2.1 Ventilation doors for cooling air input
overcurrents and short circuits. Circuit break-
to the electric machinery shall not be located
ers shall be used to protect every generator of
below the flooring level.
more than 4 kW capacity.
7.2.2 Current drainage from the brush is to
7.2.6 Every generator intended for opera-
be carried out by means of flexible copper
tion in parallel shall be protected against the
No brush-holder springs are allowed for
.1 overload;
current drainage.
.2 short circuit;
7.2.3 The generators are to be so designed .3 reverse current or power;
as to withstand the overcurrent specified in .4 undervoltage.
T a b l e 7.2.4
Allowable overload of electric motors
Torque excess‚ Overload
Motor type Test conditions
% duration, s
1 Polyphase synchronous electric motors and 50 15 Frequency‚ voltage and exci-
shorted electrical motors with starting current tation are to be maintained at
less than 4.5-fold rated current the rating level
2 Polyphase asynchronous electric motors with 60 15 Frequency and voltage are to
shorted or phase-wound rotor intended for con- be maintained at the rating
tinuous and repeated intermittent operation level
3 Electric motors specified in p. 2 but intended 100 15 Frequency and voltage are to
for short-time operation and for continuous be maintained at the rating
operation with variable load level
4 DC electric motors 50 15 Voltage are to be maintained
at the rating level
7 Electric Machinery and Drives 673

It is recommended to use such devices for 7.2.10 The undervoltage protection shall
the generator overload protection which are prevent the generators connection to the bus-
fitted with overload alarm operating with time bars prior to the moment when the generators'
delay up to 15 minutes for the load from 100 voltage stabilizes and reaches at least 80% of
to 110 % of current rating, and with the shut the voltage rating, as well as shut down the
down of the generators with time delay corre- generators when the voltage across their ter-
sponding to the thermal time constant of pro- minals is reduced.
tected generator for the load from 100 to The undervoltage protection is to be acti-
150% of the current rating. vated with time delay for disconnecting the
When setting the protection on 150% of generators from the bussbars when the voltage
the generator current rating, it is recom- is reduced, and to be activated instantly in the
mended for the time delay not to exceed 2 event when the generator is connecting to the
minutes for AC generator and 15 seconds for busbars prior to the moment when the
DC generator. At the load exceeding 150% of abovementioned minimum voltage is reached.
the current rating the generator should be 7.2.11 The outgoing feeders of the distribu-
shut down without any time delay. tion switchboards supplying electric motors of
Overload protection settings and time de- more than 0.5 kW power are to be fitted with
lays are to be selected in accordance with the protection devices against short-circuit current
overload characteristics of the generator prime and overload, a well as the zero protection
mover in such a manner that the prime mover device if no automatic restart of motor is re-
would be capable to develop the required out- quired.
put within the specified time delay. No pro- The overload and zero protection devices
tective devices which prevent from immediate are to be installed on the current collector or
restart of the generator are to be used for the its starter.
generator overload protection. Electric motors of less than 0.5 kW power
7.2.7 Devices are to be provided which shall be protected against short-circuit cur-
shut down automatically and selectively the rent.
consumers of less importance in the event of 7.2.12 AC motors are to be protected
generators' overload. The consumers may be against overload in two phases.
switched off in one or several steps depending DC motors are to be protected against
on the generator's overload capacity. overload in two poles.
7.2.8 The short-circuit protection of the 7.2.13 Overload protection devices of elec-
generators for the systems with insulated zero tric motors are to be set so as to shut down
point is to be provided in all phases or poles. the motor to be protected within 105–125 %
of the current rating with time delay corre-
7.2.9 Protection of the generators intended
sponding to the heat resistance characteristics
for operation in parallel against reverse power
of the protected electric motor.
or current is to correspond to the characteris-
tics of the prime mover. The applicability 7.2.14 For electric clutches the maximum
range of protection against reverse current or torque in the field forcing mode shall not ex-
power is to be in accordance with Table 7.2.9. ceed the value equal to the double rated
torque of the clutches.
T a b l e 7.2.9
Applicability range of protection against reverse
current or power
Applicability range of protection against
type reverse current or power for 7.3.1 Electrically and manually driven
internal combustion engine ship's facilities are to be fitted with interlock-
AC 8–15 % of generator power rating, kW ing device to prevent the drives from simulta-
DC 2–15 % of generator current rating, À neous operation.
674 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

7.3.2 If the technical facilities are required safety devices which ensure the power-off of
to operate in a specified sequence, then ap- electric drive.
propriate interlocking devices are to be used.
7.4.2 The shutdown safety device is to be
An interlocking switch-off device may be painted red and protected against occasional
used provided that it is protected from spon- activation. An inscription indicating its pur-
taneous interlocking switching-off. An inscrip- pose is to be located nearby.
tion indicating its purpose and forbidding its
use by unauthorized personnel is to be located 7.4.3 The shutdown safety devices are to be
nearby. located at the control stations or in other
places ensuring safety of operation.
7.3.3 Starting of the technical facilities, the
electric motors or equipment of which require 7.4.4 The electrical drives of technical fa-
additional ventilation under normal operating cilities and devices, which require restriction
conditions, is to be possible only when such of motion in order to prevent injuries or
ventilation is in operation. emergency situations, are to be fitted with
terminal switches.
7.3.4 The applied start-control equipment
is to provide the start of electric motor only 7.5 ELECTRIC DRIVE OF STEERING
from the zero position. GEAR
7.3.5 The start-control equipment which 7.5.1 The main and standby electrically
shuts down the shunt excitation winding is to driven steering gear are to be fed by separate
be fitted with field suppression devices. lines from the main distribution switchboard
7.3.6 Every electric motor with power of of the electric power plant directly or via the
0.5 kW and over as well as its start-control switchboard of emergency diesel generator.
equipment are to be fitted with a power-off 7.5.2 Every line is to be rated for supply of
device. If the start-control equipment is all electric motors that are connected to it
mounted in the main distribution switchboard and may operate simultaneously.
or in other distribution switchboard but in the
same space and are visible from the place of 7.5.3 When the emergency and main power
electric motor location, then a switch sources provide the same current type and
mounted on a switchboard may be used for voltage, then one of the lines specified in
this purpose. 7.5.1 is to be led across the emergency distri-
If the above requirements for the location bution switchboard.
of the start-control equipment are not practi- 7.5.4 When more than one power-
cable, the following is to be provided: generating sets of the steering gear are used,
.1 a device interlocking the switch on the at least two steering gear control systems (in-
distribution switchboard in off position, or dependent from each other) are to be pro-
.2 additional switch near the electric mo- vided in the wheelhouse. Separate cables are
tor‚ or to be led for such control systems.
.3 protection devices in each pole or Circuits used for both electrical drives are
phase of start-control equipment which are not to be combined in one device.
located in such a manner as to be easily re-
placed. 7.5.5 Protection apparatus of control cir-
cuits are to be connected behind the protec-
tion apparatus of the steering gear power set.
7.5.6 An alarm indicating the loss of volt-
7.4.1 The control systems of technical fa-
age in the control circuit is to be provided.
cilities, the operation of which may create
danger to the safety of people under certain 7.5.7 Electric motors of electric or electro-
conditions, shall be fitted with shutdown hydraulic steering gear are to be protected
7 Electric Machinery and Drives 675

against short circuit only. No undervoltage .3 possibility of the electric motor stalling
and overload protection are allowed. An in energized condition within one minute
alarm indicating the overload of electric mo- after operation in a steady temperature condi-
tors is to be provided. tions (only for steering gear with direct elec-
trical drive).
7.5.8 Automatic circuit breakers protecting
electric motors of the steering gear against 7.5.13 The initial starting moment of the
short-circuit current are to be set for instanta- steering gear motor with direct electrical drive
neous release: at current not less than 300% is to be not less than 200% of the rated one.
and not more than 400% of the current rating
7.5.14 The end switches to limit the
of electric motor under protection; for AC
movement of the rudder or steering nozzle
motors – at current exceeding 125% of the
from hard over to hard over are to be pro-
maximum starting current of the protected
vided in the control circuit of the electrical
electric motor.
steering drive. It shall be possible to move the
7.5.9 Starting devices are to provide re- rudder in backward direction when one of
peated automatic start of electric motors after them is activated.
voltage restoration caused by interruption of
7.5.15 When there are a number of control
power supply.
stations for electrical steering drive, a switch
7.5.10 In the vicinity of main engine con- is to be provided for selecting only one station
trol stations, if any, or in the central control for operation.
station, where available, as well as in the
7.5.16 The wheelhouse and all the control
wheelhouse near the rudder control panel
stations are to be fitted with rudder position
there shall be provided the devices indicating
indicators. For electrically or hydraulically
the voltage presence in the steering gear sup-
driven steering gear the rudder position indi-
ply circuit, the steering gear overload and
cator sensor shall be driven either directly
shutdown as well as when reaching the mini-
from the rudder stock or from a component
mal oil level in the daily service tank of hy-
being rigidly connected to the latter. The sen-
draulic system. The overload and shutdown
sor is to be fed independently from the con-
alarm signals are to be both visible and audi-
trol system. The rudder position indicating
system is to be fed by a separate feeder and be
7.5.11 Direction of the handwheel rotation permanently in operation. Additional trans-
and movement of the control device handle mitters for automatic pilot facilities are to be
are to coincide with the selected direction of fed by separate feeders and be electrically
ship's movement. separated from that system.
When a push-button control is used, key-
stroke of the button located on the right side 7.6 ELECTRICAL DRIVE OF ANCHOR
makes the ship to move to the right and key- AND MOORING MACHINERY
stroke of the button on the left side makes the
ship to move to the left. 7.6.1 When AC squirrel-cage electric mo-
tors are used, the electrical drives of the an-
7.5.12 Electrical drive of the steering gear chor and mooring machinery are to ensure
is to provide: the possibility of stalling of electric motor in
.1 a period from hard over to hard over energized condition at the rated voltage after
within the time and angle specified in 2.4.11, 30 minutes of operation at the rated load for
2.4.12, 2.4.31 of Part V of the Rules; at least 30 s for anchor machinery and 15 s
.2 continuous period from hard over to for mooring machinery. For the pole-
hard over within 30 minutes for every set at changing motors this requirement is applica-
maximal ship's speed ahead and the draught ble for operation of the motors with the wind-
corresponding to the load waterline; ings generating the maximal starting moment.
676 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

DC electric motors and AC wound-rotor with length les than 25 m the latter shall be
electric motors are to withstand the above- fitted in the wheelhouse.
mentioned stalling conditions but at the mo-
7.8.3 The remotely controlled fire pumps
ment equal to 200% of the rated value, in this
are to be fitted also with local control station.
case the voltage may be lower than the rated
one. 7.8.4 Electric drives of ventilators in the
After stalling the temperature is not to rise machinery spaces, cargo holds, galleys and
by 30% above the permissible value under general shipboard ventilation are to be fitted
normal operating conditions. with remote disconnecting device located in
the wheelhouse.
7.6.2 Anchor and mooring capstans and
Irrespective of the number of the discon-
mooring winches at the velocity stages in-
necting devices the electric motors of the gal-
tended for mooring operations only and not
ley stoves' exhaust ventilation are to be fitted
for anchor lifting are to be adequately pro-
with a disconnecting device located in the
tected against the overload protection of the
electric motor.
7.8.5 The supply and exhaust ventilation
7.7 ELECTRICAL DRIVE OF BOAT system for spaces protected by fire smothering
WINCHES system is to be automatically switched off
after activation of the system.
7.7.1 The controls of the boat winch elec-
tric drive are to be fitted with a self-return 7.8.6 The remote switching-off devices for
device to "Stop" position. the ventilators are to be fitted with visual
alarm indicating that the electrical drive is
7.7.2 The electrical drive of the boat winch stopped.
is to be prevented from being switched on
when using the manual drive handle. 7.8.7 Activation of the ventilator electrical
drive is to be accompanied with a visual alarm
7.7.3 The power circuit switch of the elec- when remotely controlled.
tric motor is to be arranged in the vicinity of
the boat winch control station.
7.7.4 The boat winch control station is to
be located in such a way that the operator
could observe the boat when it is being lifted
from water to the place of arrangement. 7.9.1 When the cargo handling gear has
two independent electrically driven winches
7.8 ELECTRIC PUMPS OF DRIVES intended for joint lifting of a cargo, the elec-
AND VENTILATORS trical drive of these winches is to ensure si-
multaneous stop and braking of both winches
7.8.1 The feeding circuits of electrical
in the event of deenergizing of one of them.
drives of the fire pumps shall not contain the
thermo-switch protection devices. The over- 7.9.2 For power supply and control of
load protection devices may be replaces with movable cargo handling gear the automati-
an alarm. cally installed flexible hose cables shall be
used. The use of bare (trolley) wires is not
7.8.2 The electric motors of fuel and oil
transfer pumps and separators are to be fitted
with remote disconnecting switches located 7.9.3 The elevator is to be fitted with elec-
outside the spaces containing them and out- tromagnetic brake, end switches, limiters and
side the trunks of machinery spaces but in grabs which automatically stop the cabin in
close vicinity of exits from those spaces, as the event of the rope rupture or excessive
well as in the wheelhouse; onboard the ships lowering speed.
7 Electric Machinery and Drives 677

When the cabin starts moving, it shall be overvoltages generated when switching off the
prevented from being controlled by any but- windings (see also 7.3.5).
tons except the "Stop" button. An alarm indi-
cating that the elevator is busy shall be pro- 7.12 ELECTRICAL DRIVE OF
vided at the control station. WATERTIGHT AND FIRE DOORS
7.9.4 The electrical drive of the elevator 7.12.1 Power supply of electrical drives and
shall prevent its moving when the cabin doors indicators of position and closure of water-
are open, the rope is slack or the cabin is tight doors shall be taken from the main and
caught by the grabs. emergency sources of electrical power in ac-
cordance with the requirements specified in
4.5.1 and 5.3.1.
OF WHEELHOUSE HOISTING DEVICE 7.12.2 Electrical equipment of watertight
doors having no IP level shall be located
7.10.1 The electrical drive of the wheel- above the bulkhead deck.
house hoisting device shall have at least two
Electrical equipment of the door drives lo-
shutdown devices, one in the wheelhouse,
cated below the bulkhead deck shall have the
another – at the drive control station.
following IP levels:
7.10.2 A light alarm is to be provided in Electric motors and controls related thereto
the wheelhouse indicating the upper and — IÐÕ7;
lower end positions of the wheelhouse, as well Door position indicator sensors and circuit
as light and sound alarm indicating the elements related thereto — IÐÕ8;
movement of the wheelhouse. Door movement sound alarm elements —
An automatic shutdown of the hoisting de- IÐÕ6.
vice is to be provided in the end positions of
the wheelhouse. 7.12.3 Electric power, control, indication
and alarm circuits shall be protected against
fault in such a way that a failure in one door
7.11 ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAKES circuit will not cause a failure in any other
door circuit. Short circuits or other faults in
7.11.1 The brake is to be activated (brak-
the alarm or indicator circuits of a door shall
ing) in the event of loss of voltage on the
not result in a damage in the electric power
brake's coil.
and control circuits. The door design shall be
7.11.2 Voltage drop down by 30% below such that the leakage of water into the electri-
the rated one shall not cause the actuation of cal equipment located below the bulkhead
the brake when it is in heated condition. deck will not cause the door to open.
7.11.3 It shall be possible to unbrake the 7.12.4 A failure in the power operating or
electromagnetic brakes manually. control circuits of a sliding watertight door
shall not result in a closed door opening.
7.11.4 The electromagnetic brakes are to
Availability of power supply shall be continu-
have at least two pressure springs.
ously monitored. Loss of power supply in the
7.11.5 Shunt excitation windings of the power operating and control circuits shall
compound excitation brakes are to maintain activate a sound and light alarm in the central
the brake in unbraked condition even when control room and the wheelhouse.
the current does not flow along the series 7.12.5 The electric drives of devices for
winding. holding the fire doors in open position (see
7.11.6 Shunt excitation windings of the 2.6.3 of Part III of the Rules) shall:
brake are to be made or protected in such a .1 be supplied from the main and emer-
manner as to prevent their damage due to gency sources of electric power;
678 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

.2 be remotely controlled from the wheel-

house for closing the doors individually, in .4 be so designed that any damage in the
groups or all doors simultaneously; mechanism of closing any door could not
.3 close automatically all the doors simul- render inoperative the systems of supply and
taneously in case of supply voltage loss; operation of other doors.
8 Accumulators 679



8.1.1 The storage-cell jars and opening
closings are to be so designed that to prevent 8.3.1 A charging device is to be provided
spilling and splashing of the electrolyte when for charging the accumulator batteries. This
the jar is inclined in any direction at an angle device is to charge the battery within 8 hours.
up to 40°.
8.3.2 Charging device is to provide the
The closings are to be made of strong and
possibility of measuring the charging current
electrolyte-resistant material. The design of
and voltage, as well as the possibility to indi-
the closings is to prevent the increase of gas
cate the charging rate at the battery outlet.
pressure in the accumulator.
8.3.3 Onboard the ships with portable con-
8.1.2 Materials used for manufacturing of
sumers fitted with accumulators it shall be
containers intended for accumulators are to
possible to charge that accumulators.
be electrolyte-resistant. The accumulators are
to be fixed inside the containers in such a way 8.3.4 It shall be possible to charge the
as to prevent their relative displacement. starter battery of emergency diesel generator
from the ship power network.
8.1.3 The mastics used shall withstand the
ambient temperature changes from –30 to
+60 °Ñ.
8.1.4 For the fully charged accumulators 8.4.1 The capacity of the starter accumula-
after 28 days storage in unloaded condition at tor battery is to provide at least 10 consecu-
the temperature (20±5) °Ñ the capacity loss tive starts of each main engine starting from
due to self-discharge shall not exceed 30% of cold condition without recharging.
the rated one for acid accumulators and 15% 8.4.2 The starter accumulator batteries of
for alkaline accumulators. main and auxiliary engines are to provide the
power supply of controls, alarm devices and
8.2 PROTECTION OF ACCUMULATORS standard consumers of those engines' electric-
8.2.1 The accumulator batteries, except for
Signal lights, lighting fixtures of main light-
those intended for starting the internal com-
ing, rudder indicators and low-capacity non-
bustion engines, are to be fitted with protec-
essential consumers may be connected to the
tion devices against short-circuit current.
starter battery.
8.2.2 Every accumulator charging system The battery is to be of such capacity as to
shall have an appropriate protection against supply the required number of starts of every
batteries' discharge due to drop or loss of engine and connected consumers within at
voltage feeding the charging device. least 8 hours without recharging.
680 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

8.4.3 The starter battery of an auxiliary en- materials, the linings and spacers are to be
gine is to have such capacity as to provide not made of non-hygroscopic insulation materials.
less than 6 consecutive starts of the engine
8.5.5 When installing the accumulator bat-
starting from cold condition without recharging.
teries or single accumulators, the linings and
8.4.4 When calculating the capacity of the spacers between them are to be provided in
batteries the duration of every start is to be order to ensure a clearance of at least 15 mm
taken for at least 5 seconds. on all sides for air circulation.
8.4.5 The starter accumulator battery for 8.5.6 The accumulator batteries are to be
internal combustion engines' start is to be installed in such a way as to provide easy
fitted with a disconnecting switch in the be- maintenance for replacement, control, tests,
ginning of the circuit from the accumulator installing additional elements and cleaning the
side in order to disconnect the battery from accumulators, and to be located in such a way
consumers; such switch fitted in one pole is as to provide a distance between the deck and
sufficient. the plugs of the upper tier not more than
1500 mm.
8.5 LOCATION OF ACCUMULATOR If the accumulators are installed on two or
BATTERIES more shelves located one above the other, at
8.5.1 The batteries for voltage over 50 V as least 50 mm clearance for air circulation is to
well as those with charging capacity over 2 be provided at the front and back sides of the
kW rated for the maximal charging current shelves.
and the nominal voltage of accumulator with
due regard of the charge characteristic of the 8.6 HEATING AND VENTILATION OF
charging device are to be located in accumu- ACCUMULATOR ROOMS
lator rooms, recesses, containers accessible
8.6.1 The accumulator rooms where the
from the main deck. temperature may be lower than +5 °Ñ during
The batteries that require capacity from 0.2
operation shall be heated either with water or
to 2 kW for charging may be located below
steam radiators or using heat supply from
the main deck in a locker or container.
adjacent spaces.
The batteries with capacity lower than 0.2
kW may be located in any space onboard the 8.6.2 The valves of the heating system are
ship, except for the wheelhouse, accommoda- to be located outside the accumulator room.
tion and service spaces, provided that they are 8.6.3 The shipborne air conditioning sys-
protected against water and mechanical dam- tem shall not be used for heating the accumu-
ages and do not adversely affect the nearby lator rooms.
8.6.4 The accumulator rooms, lockers and
8.5.2 Acid and alkaline accumulators are containers are to be adequately ventilated thus
not to be located in the same space or con- preventing accumulation of explosive mixtures
tainer. The jars and devices intended for bat- inside them. The ventilation system shall meet
teries with different electrolytes are to be lo- the requirements specified in 10.12 of Part IV
cated separately from each other. of the Rules.
8.5.3 The inner part of the accumulator The ceiling in the accumulator room shall
room or container as well as all structural be even and with cavity-free structures, oth-
parts that can be adversely affected by electro- erwise each cavity shall be individually venti-
lyte or gas are to have appropriate protection. lated to avoid dead zones.
8.5.4 The accumulator batteries are to be 8.6.5 The artificially ventilated accumulator
fastened securely. When installing the single rooms are to be fitted with devices preventing
accumulators with jars made of conductive from activation of accumulator charging prior
8 Accumulators 681

to the activation of the ventilation. The 8.7.2 The accumulator rooms may be fitted
charging is to be automatically shutdown after only with lighting fixtures with explosion-
the shutdown of the ventilators. proof cover (Exd), which are to comply with
the gas mixture category IIÑ and the gas mix-
8.7 PROTECTION AGAINST EXPLOSION ture group Ò1 (see Appendix 2), as well as
8.7.1 The explosion danger inscriptions are local cabling to accumulators and lighting fix-
to be placed on the entrance doors to the tures.
accumulator rooms as well as on the accumu- Local cabling to accumulators may be laid
lator containers and lockers. without sheathing.
682 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


9.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS T a b l e 9.1.3

9.1.1 The requirements of the present Sec- Permissible temperature of handles and other
components of heating appliances
tion apply to galley electrical ovens, water
heaters, heating pads, radiators and other Permissible
Name temperature,
heating and cooking appliances. The station- Ñ
ary type electrical heating appliances are al- Control handles and other compo-
lowed only. nents used by the personnel for a
9.1.2 The loaded structural parts of electri- long period of time:
metal 55
cal heating appliances as well as the inner
non-metal 65
surfaces of their enclosures are to be made of Control handles and other compo-
non-combustible materials. nents used by the personnel which
9.1.3 The electrical heating appliances are are subject to short-time touch:
metal 60
to be designed in such a way that the tem- non-metal 70
perature of their handles or other compo- Casings of electrical heating appli- 80
nents, which are used or likely to be touched ances, used for ship's spaces heating,
by the attending personnel, does not exceed at ambient temperature 20 0Ñ
the values specified in Table 9.1.3. Air coming from electrical heating 110
appliances to the heated spaces
9.1.4 The electrical heating devices and the
water heaters are to be fitted with a device for one of them – a safety device, another – for
automatic adjustment of temperature. The adjustment.
water heaters are to operate safely when being
9.1.8 The electrical heaters in oil and fuel
inclined in any direction at an angle up to 30°
tanks shall comply with the requirements
from the vertical.
specified in 16.2.32 – 16.2.34.
9.1.5 The commutation facilities and
9.1.9 The stationary electrical heating ap-
switches of the heating appliances are to have
pliances operating in automatic mode are to
clearly distinctable indications of "on" / "off"
have a temperature protection.
positions as well as all other possible positions
of the controller. A red light signal is to be provided near
each appliance or on the appliance itself. This
9.1.6 When the electrical heating appli- signal shall be activated simultaneously with
ances are not fitted with built-in switching-off the switching-on of the heating appliance.
devices, the spaces where such appliances are This signal shall not hinder the shipdriver.
located are to have the corresponding switch-
ing-off devices. 9.2 HEATING APPLIANCES
9.1.7 The electric flowing liquid heaters are 9.2.1 The casings of heating appliances are
to have a thermal protection. Two thermo- to be so designed that no objects may be lo-
regulators are to be provided in the heaters: cated on them.
9 Electrical Heating and Cooking Appliances 683

9.2.2 The heating appliances intended for 9.3 SYSTEMS WITH HEATING CABLES
ship's spaces heating are to be of stationary type.
The appliances are to be fitted with appro- 9.3.1 The systems using heating cables for
priate facilities that shutdown the power sup- removing ice and avoiding icing shall be pro-
ply when the temperature of particular com- vided for shipborne arrangements, equipment
ponents exceeds the permissible values. and spaces intended for:
performing by ship of its main purpose;
9.2.3 The galley heating appliances are to maintaining maneuverability and stability;
be so designed that to exclude the contact of
crew safety (rafts, boats, ladders, guard rails
cooking utensils with alive parts of the appli-
ances, and the leakage of any liquid could not
cause a short circuit or insulation damage. 9.3.2 The heating capacity of such systems
9.2.4 The stationary heating appliances in- shall not be less than:
tended for 380 V voltage are to be of pro- 300 W/m2 — for the spaces of open decks,
tected type in order to prevent any access to helidecks, ladders and gangways,
alive parts not using special tools. The casings 200 W/m2 — for superstructures,
are to have inscriptions indicating the voltage 50 W/m2 — for guard rails with internal
according to Table 5.2.2. heating.
9.2.5 The electric water heaters are to be
automatically shutdown when the water level 9.3.3 The switchboard for the said systems
is lower than the permissible one. shall be equipped with:
Wattmeter or ampermeter to indicate the
9.2.6 The electric radiant heaters for saunas total load;
shall be equipped with:
Name plate indicating the rated load of
.1 heat regulator – built-in or installed
each circuit and the switchboard as a whole;
separately from the electric radiant heater –
Residual current device;
which switches off the heating elements when
reaching the temperature of 120 C; Load signal lamps for each circuit.
.2 red lights shall be installed on the con-
9.3.4 The heating cables shall be protected
trol panel of the electric radiant heater and in
against overload exceeding 125% of the rated
the nearest ship's corridor or in the room of
current of the circuit. For the self-regulating
administrator on duty. These red lights shall
cables the overload protection may be omit-
be activated simultaneously with the power
supply to the electric radiant heater.
9.2.7 The ironing rooms shall be fitted with 9.3.5 The cables and the controls of the
a non-detachable connection of the iron via a electric heating systems of the pipelines carry-
packet switch with a signal lamp to be acti- ing combustible media, as well as of the pipe-
vated when the later is switched on and lo- lines located in dangerous spaces are to be of
cated near the entrance into the room. explosion-proof design.
684 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


10.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10.1.6 The casings of devices are to be

made of corrosion-resistant low flame-
10.1.1 In all ship's spaces, places and areas spreading materials having the adequate me-
where lighting is required for navigation chanical strength in accordance with 2.4.1.
safety, control of machinery and technical The casings of devices intended for installa-
facilities, as well as appropriate habitability of tion on the open deck, in cooled spaces and
passengers and crew the main stationary light- other moist spaces are to be made of brass,
ing fixtures are to be provided. bronze or equivalent alloys or fire-resistant
The list of spaces, places and areas where plastics. When using steel or aluminium alloys
the emergency lighting fixtures are to be ar- for the casings, then a protection against cor-
ranged in addition to the main ones is given rosion is to be provided.
in Table 4.5.1.
The lighting fixtures installed in those 10.1.7 The insulation components which
spaces and areas where their glass hoods may the current-carrying parts are fastened to are
be exposed to mechanical damage are to be to be made of materials not emitting gasses
fitted with protective gratings. igniting from electric sparks at the up to
500 °Ñ.
10.1.2 The external lighting fixtures shall
be installed in such a way as to avoid the un- 10.1.8 The lighting fixtures installed on the
wanted light interference to the ship's naviga- combustible materials or in immediate vicinity
tion. to them shall be designed in such a way that
10.1.3 The accumulator rooms are to be il- the temperature on their surface does not ex-
ceed 90 °Ñ.
luminated with lighting fixtures located in the
adjacent explosion-proof spaces through 10.1.9 Each lighting fixture is to have a
glazed gas-tight portholes or with the explo- marking indicating the maximum permissible
sion-proof lighting fixtures located inside the power of the lamp.
10.1.10 All the work stations in the wheel-
10.1.4 Where the spaces or places illumi-
house shall be fitted with lighting which al-
nated with luminescent lamps contain ma-
lows adjustment of illumination and light di-
chinery with visible rotating parts, appropriate
rection. The brightness of light is to be suffi-
measures to avoid stroboscopic effect shall be
cient for safe navigation. The adjustment of
illumination density to the minimal level is to
10.1.5 The stationary lighting fixtures of be provided.
the cargo holds are to be fed from a special
distribution switchboard. This switchboard is 10.1.11 The illumination required for con-
to be fitted with control light alarm for indi- tinuous work in darkness and near the en-
vidual lighting circuits in addition to the trances into the wheelhouse is to be red and
safety devices and switches. have adjustable brightness.
10 Lighting and Navigation Lights 685

10.1.12 The illumination of spaces and two independent feeders from different
working surfaces is subject to the sanitary switchboards. The lighting fixtures are to be
regulations1. located in such a way as to provide the
maximal possible evenness of illumination in
10.2 SUPPLY OF MAIN LIGHTING the event of failure of one of the feeders.
10.2.5 The local lighting lamps in accom-
10.2.1 The main lighting distribution modation spaces and the sockets shall be fed
switchboards are to be fed via separate feed- from the lighting switchboard via separate
ers. Non-essential electric drives with capacity feeder independent from the feeder of the
up to 0.25 kW and the single cabin electric common lighting lamps.
heating pads with current rating up to 10 A This requirement is not applied to individ-
may be fed from the said switchboards. ual plug transformers.
10.2.2 The protection devices of terminal 10.2.6 When the ship is divided into fire
branches of the lighting circuits are to be de- zones (see also 6.8.3), the lighting circuits of
signed for the rated current not exceeding each zone are to be fed via separate feeder
16 À, the total load current of connected con- independent from those feeding the lighting
sumers shall not exceed 80% of the protected circuits of other fire zones.
device rated current. The lighting circuit cables shall be laid in
such a way that the fire in one zone could not
10.2.3 The terminal branch of the lighting
damage the cables feeding the circuits of
circuit for accommodation and public spaces
other zones.
is to feed not more than:
10 lighting points at voltage up to 55 V;
14 lighting points at voltage up to 127 V; 10.3 LIGHTING CIRCUIT BREAKERS
24 lighting points at voltage up to 220 V. 10.3.1 Two-pole circuit breakers shall be
A larger number of lighting points may be used in all lighting circuits.
arranged provided that 10.2.2 is met and cal- Single-pole circuit breakers may be used in
culation sheets of voltage drop and cable lighting circuits only at low voltage and for
cross-sections for all sections of the branched individual lighting fixtures in accommodation
circuit are submitted to the River Register. and service spaces.
Cabin ventilators and other small consum-
10.3.2 The wheelhouse or other permanent
ers may be fed from lighting circuits.
watchkeeping station on the upper deck shall
For a daisy chain or ramp lighting schemes be fitted with centralized means of switching-
where lamp holders are located close to each off all the stationary external lighting fixtures.
other and are connected to the circuit without
using flexible wires a larger (than specified 10.3.3 The switches for lighting behind the
above) number of lighting points may be con- free-standing switchboards are to be located
nected to one circuit provided that the maxi- in front of the passage to the backside the
mal working current in each circuit does not switchboard.
exceed 10 A.
10.3.4 The lighting switches of refrigerator
10.2.4 The main lighting fixtures for corri- spaces, baths, shower rooms, saunas and other
dors, machinery spaces, as well as lamps for wet spaces are to be located outside those
messes, ladders and passages leading to boat spaces.
deck on the passenger ships are to be fed via
10.3.5 The stationary lighting circuits in
the cargo spaces are to be shutdown by means
Sanitary Regulations and Standards SanPin of multi-pole circuit breakers located outside
2.5.2-703-98. «Inland and Combined (river – sea) the cargo area. The indicators of voltage pres-
Navigation Ships». ence in the circuits shall be provided.
686 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

10.4 PLUG-AND-SOCKET earthing jack. The socket outlets intended for

CONNECTIONS connecting the motors (gears), the direction
of rotation (operation) of which depends on
10.4.1 The design of connector sockets of the change of the phase or pole sequence, are
the socket outlets is to provide permanent to be designed in such a way as to prevent the
pressure when being in contact with the plug possibility of sequence changing.
10.4.10 No safety devices shall be located
10.4.2 Sockets for portable lamps and low- in the socket outlets and plugs. This require-
power household devices may be connected in ment is not applied to plug transformers.
groups as specified in 10.2.3.
10.4.11 The socket outlets fed by different
10.4.3 Sockets intended for systems with voltages are to be designed in such a way as
voltage over 250 V are to be rated for current to prevent the insertion of plugs into the out-
at least 16 A. lets for higher voltage.
10.4.4 Plugs with slotted pins are not al- 10.4.12 The socket outlets on open decks
lowed for use. The pins of the plugs intended are to be arranged in such a way as to prevent
for current exceeding 10 A are to be cylindri- water penetration inside the outlets.
cal solid and hollow.
10.4.13 The purpose and feeding voltage of
10.4.5 Sockets or plugs intended for con- the socket outlets are to be indicated in the
nection of the consumers that require earthing places of their location.
are to have contacts for connection of
earthing cores of the consumer cable. When 10.5 PORTABLE LIGHTING NETWORK
inserting the plug into the socket outlet, the
plug earthing part is to engage the socket 10.5.1 The socket outlets for portable light-
earthing part up to the connection of current- ing fixtures are to be located:
carrying pins. .1 in the room of radio installation con-
10.4.6 The socket outlets with housings of
.2 in the emergency generator set room;
at least IP55 protection level are to be de-
.3 in the steering and thruster rooms;
signed in such a way as to provide the re- .4 in the machinery spaces;
quired protection irrespective of whether the .5 behind the main distribution
plug is in the socket or not. switchboard;
10.4.7 The socket outlets intended for rated .6 in special electrical spaces;
current over 16 A are to be fitted with .7 in the wheelhouse;
switches which are to be assembled with the .8 in the radio room;
plug in such a way that the latter could be .9 near the log and echo-sounder enclo-
withdrawn from the socket only when the sures;
switch is in "off" position. .10 in the gyro compass room.
10.4.8 In the socket outlets without inter- 10.5.2 The socket outlets shall not be ar-
locking the clearances between contacts by air ranged lower than the plating in the machin-
or via the insulation material are to be such ery spaces.
that no short circuit could occur due to arcing
over when withdrawing the plug loaded with 10.6 GLOW DISCHARGE LAMPS
current exceeding by 25% the rated one at the
rated voltage. 10.6.1 The throttles and capacitors shall be
protected with earthed metal coatings.
10.4.9 The socket outlets and plugs are to
be so designed as to prevent the possibility to 10.6.2 The capacitors of 0.5 mcF and more
insert only one current-carrying contact pin are to be fitted with a discharge device which
into the socket outlet or insert into the is to be designed in such a way that the ca-
10 Lighting and Navigation Lights 687

pacitor's voltage does not exceed 50 V one the checking alarm is to be activated when
minute after capacitor switching-off.. both single lantern and all the lanterns are
10.6.3 the throttles and transformers with extinct.
high inductive impedance are to be installed 10.7.4 The lanterns not specified in 10.7.3
as close as possible to the lamp which they may be fed from separate distribution boxes or
are intended for. from the nearest lighting distribution
10.6.4 The glow discharge lamps fed by the switchboard or control panel.
voltage exceeding 250 V are to have corre- The lanterns being risen temporarily may
sponding inscriptions indicating the voltage be fed from lighting sockets.
applied. All the alive components of such 10.7.5 Onboard the ships, where the lan-
lamps are to be protected. terns are connected to the accumulator bat-
tery operating in parallel with the charging set
10.7 NAVIGATION LIGHTS when the ship is moving, the standby power
supply of the navigation lights panel is non-
10.7.1 The navigation light panel shall be
fed via two lines (intended solely for this pur-
pose) directly or through a transformer: first 10.7.6 The navigation lights switchboard is
line — from main distribution switchboard to be located in the wheelhouse; the power
(see 5.3.1) or via emergency distribution supply switch is to be arranged in the vicinity
switchboard (if available), second line — of the switchboard unless it is arranged on the
from the nearest group lighting panel or con- switchboard itself.
trol panel.
Onboard the ships less than 25 m in length 10.7.7 Every circuit of the navigation lights
the navigation light panel may be fed via one is to be protected on both wires (including
line including the line from the ship's control ships with single-wire power distribution sys-
panel. tem); the circuits of the lanterns specified in
10.7.3 are to have an automatic light indicator
10.7.2 The navigation lights controls may of navigation lights operation.
be installed on the panel located in the The light indicator is to be designed and
wheelhouse. arranged in such a way that its damage would
These devices may be fed from the panel if not cause the shutdown of the navigation
the latter is fed from the main distribution light.
switchboard via two feeding lines. Regardless of the light alarm an audible
The navigation lights shall be connected to alarm shall be provided, which is activated
the power supply network via flexible cable automatically when a navigation light fails and
with plug-and-socket connector. the switch is in "on" position.
10.7.3 The following lanterns are to be fed The audible alarm may be omitted onboard
from the navigation lights panel via separate the ships where control of the navigation
feeding lines: lights operation is available directly in the
.1 top lanterns (including the top light wheelhouse.
"triangle" on pushers);
10.7.8 The navigation lights network is to
.2 side lanterns;
be designed in such a way as to provide op-
.3 poop lantern in longitudinal central
eration of the lantern lamp when the pilot
lamps on the switchboard of the navigation
.4 poop lanterns on boards;
lights are damaged or unscrewed.
.5 towing lanterns.
The poop lanterns located on ship's sides, 10.7.9 The voltage drop through the indi-
as well as the top light "triangle" on pushers cator element connected to the navigation
may be combines and connected to the sepa- lantern circuit shall not exceed 3% of the
rate groups of the switchboard. In this case rated voltage.
688 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

10.8 PROJECTORS specified in the technical documentation for

particular types or groups of projectors.
10.8.1 The projector's structure shall pro-
vide the following: 10.8.2 The projectors may be fitted with:
searching device for homing the projector
.1 installation of incandescing device or onto the object;
the illuminating device of the lamp in the remote control.
focus of projector's optics. The position of
lampholder for different lamp types is to be 10.8.3 The internal wiring of projectors is
indicated, and the extreme positions of the to be made using high-temperature wires with
lampholder are to be limited; cross section at least 0.75 mm2.

.2 allowable horizontal turning, as well as 10.8.4 The protective glass, diffusers and
light filters of projectors are to be thermal-
up and down turning in relation to projector's
normal position. A possibility to fix the pro- resistant.
jector in any position is to be provided. The 10.8.5 The projector's protection level is to
allowable turning of the projector is to be be at least IP56.
11 Internal Communication and Alarm 689


11.1 ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS chinery space when transmitting a command

and receiving acknowledgment. In the event
11.1.1 Electric telegraphs are to be fitted of false command acknowledgment the sound
with visual and audible alarm being fed from signal shall not stop.
the emergency power source and indicating
that the voltage disappears in the feeding cir-
11.1.2 The scales of the telegraphs arranged 11.2.1 A two-way intercommunication is to
in the wheelhouse are to have illumination be provided onboard the ship for conversation
with adjustable brightness. under normal and emergency conditions of
11.1.3 The telegraphs are to be fed from ship operation.
the main distribution switchboard, navigation 11.2.2 Intercommunication shall provide
equipment switchboard or from ship's control the following:
.1 communication between the wheel-
11.1.4 The control handle of command house and central control station, local con-
transmitter is to be arranged in such a way as trol station of main engines, control stations
to move in the same direction as the ship of bow and stern anchor gear, local control
moves. As a rule, the vertical position of the station of the steering gear drive, local control
handle shall correspond to "Stop" command. station of electric propulsion motor, emer-
11.1.5 When the electric telegraphs and gency distribution switchboard room, gyro
remote control means are installed on the room, smothering fire extinguishing station,
inclined control panels, the handle in "Stop" captain's room;
position may be inclined from the vertical. .2 communication between central or lo-
cal control station of main engines and the
11.1.6 When two or more columns with accommodation spaces of engine room staff.
transceivers are located in the immediate vi- The separate two-way voice communica-
cinity to each other (on the same deck within tion is not required if the communication
the visibility limits), they are to ensure the device ensures the priority of call and conver-
command transmission from any of them and sation from the wheelhouse at any time.
the acknowledgement of command by all of
them simultaneously without any additional 11.2.3 An automatic power supply change-
switching-over. The switching to control by over to the emergency source is to be ensured
the column not visible from the wheelhouse is in the event of loss of voltage from the main
to be performed using the switches located in source of power supply.
the wheelhouse. 11.2.4 Communications stations in the
11.1.7 Every electric telegraph is to be fit- spaces with high noise level are to have addi-
ted with audible alarm device sending the tional light signalization indicating incoming
sound signal to the wheelhouse and the ma- call.
690 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

11.2.5 Damage or shutdown of one com- The contactors shall have inscriptions
munications station shall not interrupt the specifying their purpose and indicating their
operation of communication system. positions – "on" or "off".
If the general alarm signal is not heard
11.2.6 The requirements specified in the
from the wheelhouse or central station, then a
present Chapter are not applied to the ships
lamp for monitoring voltage supply to the
less than 25 m in length.
general alarm circuit is to be installed in the
contactor's circuit.
11.3.6 No commutation facilities are al-
11.3.1 The ships, onboard of which the lowed in the general alarm circuits except for
general alarm given by voice cannot be heard the contactor specified in 11.3.5. It is allowed
in all locations where people may be present, to use electromagnetic equipment activated by
are to be fitted with electrical general alarm the contactor, but not more than one contac-
which ensures sufficient audibility of signals in tor may be arranged in each section.
all such spaces and areas. 11.3.7 The sound devices, switches and
11.3.2 The sound alarm is to be arranged: distribution devices of general alarm shall
have identifying designations.
.1 in machinery spaces;
.2 in public spaces of total area exceeding 11.3.8 The feeding circuits of the general
100 m2; alarm are to be protected against short-circuit
.3 on open decks; current only. The protection devices are to be
fitted in both poles of the feeder, as well as in
.4 in corridors of accommodation, service
the circuits of each sound device.
and public spaces.
The radio room is to be fitted with the 11.4 FIRE ALARM
general alarm red lamp located within the
field of view of the operator instead of main Fire detection alarm
sound alarm.
11.4.1 Depending on the ship's type and
11.3.3 The general alarm is to be fed di- design features the ships spaces are to be
rectly from the emergency accumulator bat- equipped with the following systems:
tery or a single battery. The general alarm .1 manual fire indicating alarm (passenger
may be fed from the ship network provided ships, ships carrying dangerous goods, ships
that it is under voltage for 24-hour period with two or more decks);
under any operating conditions of the ship. .2 automatic light and sound fire detec-
tion alarm (passenger ships, ships carrying
11.3.4 The sound devices of general alarm
dangerous goods, other self-propelled ships
shall be located in such a way as to provide with a gross tonnage of 500 gross tons and
clear audibility of the signal in the given
space. The sound devices installed in the
.3 automatic light and sound alarm warn-
spaces with high level of noise shall be fitted
ing of activation of the smothering fire extin-
with light alarm. The sound of general alarm
guishing system. This alarm is to be activated
devices shall differ from the sound of other
at least 30 seconds before the release of the
types of alarm.
extinguishing medium (spaces of the ships
11.3.5 The general alarm is to be activated with crew consisting of more than two per-
by means of self-return contactor from both sons, where the people may be present per-
the wheel-house and the space intended for manently or periodically under normal oper-
watchkeeping when mooring in a port, if any. ating conditions);
The interlocking of the contactor in "on" po- .4 automatic light alarm in the wheel-
sition is to be provided. house and at the central control station which
11 Internal Communication and Alarm 691

indicates the presence of water pressure in the chinery spaces, corridors, lobbies, elevators,
fire main. dining cabins and saloons with an area ex-
ceeding 50 m2 and at least one detector per
11.4.2 The sensors of the automatic fire
each deck.
detection alarm are to be installed in the fol-
lowing spaces: 11.4.5 The manual fire detectors are to be
in accommodation spaces of passenger located in the vicinity of exits from the spaces
ships; in easily accessible and clearly visible places
in pump rooms of oil tankers; and not more than 20 m apart from each
in cargo spaces; other.
in storage spaces for inflammable materials; Onboard the passenger ships the manual
in galleys and saunas; detectors are to be installed within each verti-
in machinery spaces if no continuous cal fire zone, at least one at each ship's side
watch is available. on each deck.
The sensors are to be installed above the 11.4.6 The manual fire detectors are to be
main and emergency distribution painted red. The sensor's button is to be un-
switchboards, near the fuel pumps and boilers, der glass cap.
above the main engines and diesel generators
as well as in other spaces with the risk of fire. 11.4.7 The reception devices of fire detec-
The sensors installed in the passenger tion alarm and the activation devices of fire
rooms shall activate also a sound signal in the indicating alarm are to be installed in the
location of their installation. wheelhouse or in the location of permanent
When installing the sensors the locations, watch (if any).
where the air flow may affect their operation, 11.4.8 The automatic fire detection alarm
should be avoided, as well as the locations system shall use sensors which are activated
where the sensor may be damaged. The sen- under the effect of heat or smoke and comply
sors installed in the deckhead shall be located with the following requirements:
at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the bulk- .1 sensors, responding to the temperature
heads. If this requirement can not be met due rise at the rate of its increase not more than
to the design of the cargo space, then it is 1 °Ñ per minute and depending on the place
possible to implement another solution on of their installation, are to be activated within
sensors installation. The installation of the the following temperature range:
sensors in the cargo space is to meet the re- Temperature
Installation place
quirements specified in Table 11.4.2. range, °Ñ
spaces, where normal temperature from 57 to 74
T a b l e 11.4.2 does not exceed 45 °Ñ
Requirements for installation of sensors spaces with high temperature (gal- « 80 « 100
in cargo space leys, drying areas etc.)
saunas « 120 « 140
Max. deck area Max. distance Max. dis-
Sensor .2 smoke detectors are to be activated be-
covered by one between sen- tance to
sensor, m2 sors, m bulkheads, m fore the smoke density value reaches the level
thermal 37 9 4.5 when the light extinction exceeds 12.5 % per
smoke 74 11 5.5 1 m, but not less than 2 % per 1 m. Smoke
detectors installed in the machinery space are
11.4.3 Onboard the passenger ships the
to be activated at such smoke density when
smoke detectors are to be installed in all the
the light extinction reaches not more than
between-deck interconnections, corridors and
50% per 1 m;
exit paths within the accommodation spaces.
.3 after activation test the sensors shall re-
11.4.4 The manual fire detectors of fire de- turn to their operation condition without re-
tection alarm are to be installed in the ma- placement of any components.
692 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

11.4.9 An automatic switching of the power .2 corresponding means are provided

supply of the fire detection alarm system to which maintain the loop in operating condi-
the emergency power source in the event of tion in the event of any damage (break, short
voltage loss in the main ship network is to be circuit, earthing);
provided (see p. 3.5 of Table 4.5.1). .3 in the event of failure of electric com-
ponents of the system or data corruption the
11.4.10 The fire detection alarm sensors in-
system shall quickly restore its operability;
stalled in the spaces, where explosive vapors
.4 activation of the fire detector does not
may be accumulated, and the sensors exposed
prevent the activation of any other detector
to the airflow evacuated from such spaces
and subsequent alarm signals.
shall be used in accordance with 16.2.6 –
16.2.10. 11.4.15 It is allowed to use the automatic
smoke detection air sampling system instead
11.4.11 The reception device of the fire de- of the automatic fire detection alarm system.
tection alarm system shall provide the follow- The requirements for the smoke detection
ing: system are specified in 5 of Part III of the
.1 any signal or damage of a circuit do Rules.
not affect the normal operation of other cir-
cuits; 11.4.16 Each section with detectors shall
be used by not more than one fire zone and
.2 fire detection signal has priority over cover not more than two decks located one
other signals received by the device and allows above the other.
to determine the location of the space where-
from it has been sent. The signal is to be both Warning alarm
light and sound;
.3 device operation monitoring; 11.4.17 The stationary fire extinguishing
systems shall be fitted with systems (devices)
.4 the circuits of the contact-type detec-
indicating activation of every system by means
tors of the automatic fire detection alarm op-
of light and sound signals.
erate for interruption;
.5 a possibility to switch off the sound sig- 11.4.18 The warning signals shall be clearly
nals. In the event of subsequent signal receipt visible and audible in the protected spaces and
the previously switched off sound source shall in the entrances into such spaces, as well as in
be re-activated. the adjacent spaces when the doors are closed
in the noisiest locations during at least 30
11.4.12 A failure in the fire detection alarm seconds. The warning signals shall differ from
system shall initiate the activation of light and all other light and sound signals in the pro-
sound alarm. tected space.
11.4.13 The central control station is to be 11.4.19 A warning plate shall be arranged
fitted with alarm of fire detection in the ma- prominently at the entrance to the space
chinery spaces as well as with alarm indicating where the extinguishing medium may pene-
the release of fire extinguishing medium to trate. The following inscription is to be made
the protected spaces. on the plate with red colour on white back-
11.4.14 The fire detection alarm systems, ground:
capable of remote determination of the loca- «ÎÑÒÎÐÎÆÍÎ, ÑÈÑÒÅÌÀ
tion of the space wherefrom the fire detection
signal has been sent‚ shall be designed in such ÑÈÃÍÀËÅ…(ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÑÈÃÍÀËÀ)!»
a way as to: Warning! Fire extinguishing system activated!
.1 the loop can not be damaged by fire in Leave the space immediately when [signal descrip-
more than one point; tion] signal is activated!
11 Internal Communication and Alarm 693

11.5 PORTHOLES OPENING ALARM the mechanicians' accommodation spaces a

11.5.1 Onboard the passenger ships of all sound alarm of mechanicians emergency call
classes except for «Ë» class all the portholes, is to be provided. This alarm shall be acti-
including the life saving portholes, installed in vated as follows:
the hull shall be fitted with automatic alarm manually from the main engines control
indicating their open position. This alarm is station in machinery space or from the central
to be output to the wheelhouse. control station (if any);
11.6 MECHANICIANS CALL ALARM automatically when the signal of the warn-
11.6.1 Onboard the passenger ships of ing alarm for the propulsion system is not
«Î-Ïл, «Ì-Ïл and «Ì-ÑÏ» classes in answered.
694 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


12.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS T a b l e 12.1.3-1

Minimal number of strands per cable core used
12.1.1 The cables used are to be flame re- onboard the ship
tardant and have standard copper cores and
Minimal number of strands per
be manufactured in accordance with the re- Nominal cross-
core for conductors
quirements of the present part of the Rules or sectional area of the
core, mm2 Circular non- Circular
according to the national standards1. The tightened tightened
flame retardance tests of the cables are to be 0,5–1 7 — —
carried out in accordance with the require- 1.5–16 7 6 —
ments specified in Appendix 3. 25–35 7 6 6
50 19 6 6
12.1.2 The cross-sectional area of cable 70 19 12 12
and wire cores used for alarm and communi- 95 19 15 15
cation circuits is to be at least 0.5 mm2. For 120–150 37 18 18
portable electrical equipment flexible cables 185 37 30 30
and cords with cross-sectional area of at least 240 61 34 34
0.75 mm2 shall be used. In all other cases the higher than the assumed ambient temperature
cables and wires shall have a cross-sectional by at least 10 °Ñ.
area of at least 1 mm2.
12.1.3 The requirements on the minimum 12.1.5 In the places exposed to oil products
number of strands in the core of the cables or other aggressive media the cables to be
used onboard the ships are specified in Table used are to have a sheathing resistant to such
12.1.3-1. media. The cables without such properties
shall be either laid in pipes or be otherwise
Connections of separate strands of the core
shall be displaces from one another by not
less than 500 mm along the length of the 12.1.6 In the places, where the cables may
core. be subject to mechanical damage, the cables
Such connections shall not impair the me- with appropriate protective sheathing are to
chanical and electrical properties of the strand be used. The cables of other types used in such
nor change the cross-sectional area of the places are to be protected with special shrouds
strand or the core. or to be laid in pipes.
The insulation of cable and wire cores is to
be made of the insulating materials specified 12.1.7 The cables of telephone communi-
in Table 12.1.3-2. cation, alarm circuits indicating activation of
fire smothering system, general alarm system
12.1.4 The maximal permissible tempera- and closing of watertight doors shall not be
ture for cable or wire core insulation is to be laid across the machinery or boiler spaces and
other enclosed spaces with higher risk of fire
GOST 22483, GOST R 53315, except for the cases when the single devices of
GOST R IEC 60227-1. the above systems are located in such spaces.
12 Cable Network 695

T a b l e 12.1.3-2 ing the emergency one, are located in differ-

Insulating materials used for insulation of cable ent spaces separated by a tight or fire-resistant
and wire cores bulkhead, then the cable feeding the electric
motor shall be noncombustible or adequately

operating tem-
protected against fire.
Type of insulating materials
Polyvinyl chloride or copoly- PVC 70 12.2.1 If the permissible current load values
mer of vinyl chloride and vinyl for used types of cables and wires are not
acetate specified, then the permissible continuous
Elastomeric compound or EPR 90 loads are to comply with the values specified
thermoplastic in Tables òàáë. 12.2.1-1 – 12.2.1-4.
Ethylene-propylene rubber or HEPR 90
equivalent (ÅÐÌ or ÅÐDM) T a b l e 12.2.1-1
Continuous loads of cables and wires
Ruggedized ethylene-propylene rubber
with core limit temperature of 60 °Ñ
Cross-linked polyethylene XLPE 90 at ambient temperature of 40 °Ñ
Silicon rubber S 95 95
Core cross- Continuous load of cables and wires, À
Ethylene-propylene rubber or HF EPR 90 sectional Three- and
equivalent (EPM or EPDM) area, mm2 Single-core Double-core
halogen-free 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ruggedized halogen-free ethyl- HF HEPR 90
1 11 8 9 7 7 6
ene-propylene rubber
Cross-linked halogen-free HF XLPE 90 1.5 14 12 12 10 10 8
polyethylene 2.5 20 17 17 15 14 12
Halogen-free silicon rubber HF S 95 95 4 26 23 22 20 18 16
Cross-linked halogen-free HF 90 90 6 35 29 29 25 24 20
polyolefin 10 47 40 40 34 33 28
* Wire temperature for calculation of permissible 16 62 53 53 45 44 37
continuous load of the cable 25 82 70 70 60 57 49
35 100 85 85 70 70 60
If this requirement can not be met due to the
50 125 105 105 90 85 75
structure of the ship's spaces, then appropriate
70 150 130 130 110 105 90
measures shall be taken to protect the cable
95 185 155 160 130 130 110
network laid across the spaces with higher risk
120 215 180 180 155 150 125
of fire. 150 240 205 205 175 170 145
12.1.8 The cores of standard cables shall 185 275 235 235 200 195 165
not be used for power supply of the controls 240 330 280 275 235 225 190
of essential facilities not connected with each
other. The load values given in columns 2, 4 and
The simultaneous application of low volt- 6 of the above Tables are applicable to the
age and operational voltages interrupting the following cases of cable laying:
low one is not allowed in the standard cable. .1 not more than 6 cables belonging to
the same circuit or equally loaded by current
12.1.9 Non-insulated wires and busbars close to the rated one and laid in one or two
may be used for inner mounting of electrical layers;
equipment; non-insulated buways may be .2 in two layers but between each group
used for the electric power run provided that of 6 cables belonging to the same circuit or
they are shielded reliably. equally loaded by current close to the rated
12.1.10 When the electric power source one there are free gaps which provide free
and the electrically-driven fire pump, includ- circulation of cooling air.
696 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

T a b l e 12.2.1-2 T a b l e 12.2.1-4
Continuous loads of cables and wires Continuous loads of cables and wires
with core limit temperature of 75 °Ñ with core limit temperature of 95 °Ñ
at ambient temperature of 40 °Ñ at ambient temperature of 40 °Ñ
Core cross- Continuous load of cables and wires, À Core cross- Continuous load of cables and wires, À
sectional Three- and sectional Three- and
area, mm2 Single-core Double-core area, mm2 Single-core Double-core
four-core four-core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 16 14 14 12 11 10 1 23 20 20 17 16 14
1.5 21 17 18 14 15 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2.5 29 24 25 20 20 17 1.5 29 24 25 20 21 17
4 39 33 33 28 27 23 2.5 37 31 31 26 26 22
6 50 43 43 37 35 30 4 48 41 41 35 34 29
10 67 58 57 49 47 41 6 62 53 53 45 44 37
16 90 76 76 65 63 53 10 84 71 71 60 59 50
25 120 107 100 87 84 71 16 110 95 95 81 77 66
35 145 120 125 100 100 85 25 152 125 130 105 105 88
50 180 150 055 125 125 105 35 190 160 160 135 135 110
70 220 185 085 155 155 130 50 240 210 205 180 170 145
95 270 230 230 195 190 160 70 290 240 240 205 200 170
120 310 265 265 225 220 185 95 355 305 300 260 250 210
150 355 305 300 260 250 215 120 415 355 350 300 290 250
185 405 345 345 295 280 240 150 485 415 410 350 340 290
240 485 415 410 350 340 290 185 550 470 470 400 385 330
240 655 560 555 475 460 390
T a b l e 12.2.1-3
Continuous loads of cables and wires laid in the same bunch so that there is no
with core limit temperature of 80 °Ñ cooling air circulation around the cables.
at ambient temperature of 40 °Ñ
Core cross- Continuous load of cables and wires, À 12.2.2 Permissible loads for cables and
sectional Three- and wires installed in the circuits with intermittent
Single-core Double-core
area, mm2 four-core short-term and short-term load are to be de-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fined by multiplying the continuous loads of
1 17 15 15 13 12 11 these cables by the correction factors specified
1.5 22 18 19 15 15 13 in Table 12.2.2.
2.5 30 25 25 21 21 18
4 41 36 35 31 29 25 12.2.3 Permissible loads for cables and
6 54 46 46 39 38 32 wires laid in places where the ambient tem-
10 73 62 62 53 51 43 perature exceeds 40 °Ñ shall be decreased
16 96 82 82 70 67 57 taking into account the correction factors
25 125 110 105 95 88 77
specified in Table 12.2.3.
35 155 130 130 110 110 90
50 190 160 160 135 130 110 12.2.4 The cables used in the circuits pro-
70 235 200 200 170 165 140 tected with circuit breakers operating with
95 290 240 245 205 200 170 time delay in the event of short circuit shall
120 335 285 285 240 235 200
be checked by calculation for short-circuit
150 380 325 320 275 265 225
185 435 375 370 315 305 260 current.
240 510 430 430 365 355 300 12.2.5 All the cables laid in parallel for
every single phase or pole are to have the
The load values given in columns 3, 5 and
same cross-sectional area and length.
7 of the Tables are applicable to more than 6
cables belonging to the same circuit or equally 12.2.6 When selecting the cables for termi-
loaded by current close to the rated one and nal branches of lighting circuits and heating
12 Cable Network 697

T a b l e 12.2.2 12.3.2 The voltage drop between the main

Correction factors for circuits with distribution switchboard and the consumer at
intermittent short-term and the rated load shall not exceed:
short-term load 5 % — for lighting and alarm consumers at
Intermittent Short-term operation during, voltage exceeding 50 V;
Cross- short-term minutes
section of service, 40 %
10 % — for lighting and alarm consumers
30 60
core, mm2 Availability of metal sheathing of cable or wire at voltage 50 V and less;
yes no yes no yes no 7 % — for power consumers, heating and
1 1.24 1.09 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 cooking appliances, as well as for navigation
1.5 1.26 1.09 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 lights irrespective of the voltage;
2.5 1.27 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06
10 % — for power consumers with short-
4 1.30 1.14 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06
6 1.33 1.17 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.06 term and intermittent short-term operation
10 1.36 1.21 1.08 1.06 1.06 1.06 irrespective of the voltage.
16 1.40 1.26 1.09 1.06 1.06 1.06 At the short-term loads, e. g. When starting
25 1.42 1.30 1.12 1.07 1.06 1.06 the electric motors, large voltage drops are
35 1.44 1.33 1.14 1.07 1.07 1.06 allowed provided that it does not adversely
50 1.46 1.37 1.17 1.08 1.08 1.06 affect the operation of the shipborne power
70 1.47 1.40 1.21 1.09 1.09 1.06
95 1.49 1.42 1.25 1.12 1.11 1.07
120 1.50 1.44 1.28 1.14 1.12 1.07 12.3.3 The cables feeding the directly-
150 1.51 1.45 1.32 1.17 1.14 1.08 started AC electric motors shall be so de-
185 — — 1.36 1.20 1.16 1.09
signed that the voltage drop on the motor
240 — — 1.41 1.24 1.18 1.10
terminals does not exceed 25% of the rated
T a b l e 12.2.3 voltage when starting the motor.
Correction factors at ambient temperature
exceeding 40 °Ñ 12.3.4 The voltage drop along the cable
Ambient tempera-
feeding the panel of the radio station and the
sible tempera-
Max. permis-

ture correction fac- radio electronic navigation means‚ as well as

ture, °Ñ

Insulating material for tors, °Ñ the voltage drop along the cable intended for
cable and wire
45 50 55
charging the accumulator batteries shall not
exceed 5%.
1. Rubber or polyvinyl 60 0.86 0.71 —
chloride of normal
2. Heat-resistant rubber 75 0.87 0.78 0.72 OF CABLES
or polyvinyl chloride
3. Varnished cloth or 80 0.88 0.82 0.75 12.4.1 The cables shall be laid, as far as
butyl rubber possible, on strait and accessible routes in the
4. Varnished glass 85 0.88 0.83 0.77 places free from condensate or moisture ef-
5. Mineral insulation or 95 0.90 0.86 0.80 fect.
silicone rubber The cable route is to be located at least 100
appliances neither the simultaneity factors nor mm apart from the heat sources.
correction factors shall be used. 12.4.2 The pipes with cables shall be laid at
least 50 mm apart from the inner bottom
12.3 CHECKING OF CABLES plating, fuel and oil tanks, and at least 20 mm
BY VOLTAGE DROP apart from tight bulkheads, outer plating and
12.3.1 The voltage drop along the cable decks.
connecting generators with the main or emer- For cables laid on shackle-bridges, panels
gency distribution switchboard shall not ex- or in cassettes the above distance is to be at
ceed 1 %. least 75 mm.
698 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

12.4.3 Cables and wires shall not be laid 12.4.11 The main current cables of the
through oil and fuel tanks except for cases electric propulsion machinery shall be laid at
specified in 16.2.7. least 0.5 m apart from the lower voltage ca-
bles and cables of other purpose.
12.4.4 The cables with outer metal sheath-
ing may be laid using structures made of light 12.4.12 The cables from any of two power
alloys or be fastened by shackles made of such sources for essential consumers, e. g. Steering
metal only when a reliable anti-corrosion pro- gear, and all the control and alarm cables
tection is provided. connected with each source are to be laid via
different routes as far apart from each other in
12.4.5 Inside the cargo holds the cables the vertical o horizontal as possible.
shall be located in the upper part and laid in
pipes or closed with strong coatings. 12.4.13 When laying the cables in pipes or
trunks made of inflammable materials, the
12.4.6 In the spaces specified in 2.10.3 the latter shall be protected against ignition by
cables may be laid in extremely urgent cases means of appropriate fire-protecting means
in a sealed pipeline fitted with automatic con- (facing, covering or impregnation).
trol and alarm device which activates when
12.4.14 Neither cables nor wires shall be
the circuit insulation resistance decreases.
laid in thermal or acoustic insulation. Cables
12.4.7 It is not recommended to lay the may be laid in the insulation layer provided
cables under the flooring of machinery spaces. that special trunks faced with non-
If such laying can not be avoided, than the combustible material are used. The cables
cables shall be laid in metal pipes or in closed shall be designed with due regard of corre-
trunks (see 12.6). sponding load decrease and be accessible for
examination or be located at least 20 mm
12.4.8 The cables laid across the expansion apart from the trunk sides.
joints in the hull structure are to be provided
with expansion bends of a radius sufficient for 12.4.15 The cables laid in cooled spaces
such joint. The inner diameter of the bend is shall have protective sheathing made of mate-
to be equal to at least 12 cable diameters. rial resistant to the cooling agent effect. If the
When mounting the heating cable in the cables are armoured, the armour shall be ade-
places of dismountable joints of the pipelines quately protected against corrosion.
fitted with electric heating, the bends with a 12.4.16 The cables laid in cooled spaces
radius sufficient for dismounting the pipeline shall not be located under the heat insulation.
without damaging the heating cable are to be They are to be fastened on perforated panels,
provided. made of zinc-coated steel for example, or on
similar braces, which are to be installed in
12.4.9 The cables with insulation of differ-
such a manner as to provide clearance be-
ent heat resistance when arranged in common
tween the panel back side and the cooled
cable routes shall be laid in such a manner as
space plating. The cables sheathed with ther-
to provide the insulation temperature of any
moplastic or elastomer are allowed for laying
cable in the route to be within the permissible
directly on the cooled space plating. When
the space is faces with aluminium, the cables
12.4.10 The cables with protective sheath- are to be protected against electrolytic proc-
ings having different properties shall not be esses.
laid in a common pipe, if those being less When cables are introduced into spaces
protected under these conditions may be ex- through the heat insulation, they are to be
posed to damage. When laid in a common laid in pipes fitted with glands made of mate-
trunk such cables shall be separated from each rial protected against oxidation. The pipes are
other and fastened. to be located at a right angle to the bulkhead.
12 Cable Network 699

12.4.17 When laying the cables the mini- 12.4.20 The cables are to be fastened in
mal bending radii of cables shall be met ac- such a manner as to prevent transmission of
cording to Table 12.4.17. mechanical strains occurring in the cables to
their inlets and connections.
T a b l e 12.4.17
Minimal bending radii of cables 12.4 21 The cable runs and the cables laid
in parallel to the hull plating shall be fastened

Minimal bend-
ing radius of
cable, mm
Cable insulating
Type of cable Cable's outer to the hull framing. On tight bulkheads and
protective diameter, d, masts the cables are to be fastened using cas-
sheathing mm
settes, bridges etc.
1. Rubber or Metal strip or Any 10d 12.4.22 The cables laid in parallel to the
polyvinyl wire armour bulkheads subject to sweating are to be ar-
chloride Metal braiding " 6d
Other sheath- Up to 9.5 3d
ranged on bridges or perforated panels in such
ings Over 9.5 4d a way as to provide clearance between the
Over 25.4 6d cables and the bulkheads.
2. Varnished Any Any 8d
cloth 12.4.23 The cable runs are to be laid with
3. Mineral Metal Up to 7 2d minimal number of crossings. Bridges are to
insulation From 7 to 3d be used in the places of cable crossings. A
12.7 clearance of at least 5 mm is to be provided
Over 12.7 4d between the crossing runs.
4. Ethylene- Semiconduc- 25 and over 10d
propylene rub- tor or metal 12.4.24 The cable runs and the cables of
ber or cross- essential consumers laid under the ceiling and
linked poly- bulkheads lining are to be closed with easily
ethylene removable or opening panels or shields along
12.4.18 The cables are to fastened by the whole length. Other cables and the local
means of shackles, clamps, collars or other ones may be laid under the lining without
fastening means made of steel or other non- providing access to them.
combustible or flame retardant material. The 12.4.25 The cables laid to the electrical
fastenings shall not cause damage of the cable equipment installed on shock absorbers shall
sheathings. not affect or restrict the operation of the lat-
12.4.19 When the cables are laid horizon- ter. No load is to be applied to the cable at
tally, the distance between their fastenings the maximal stroke of shock absorbers.
shall not exceed the values specified in Ta- 12.4.26 The cables on the surfaces of inter-
ble 12.4.19. In case of vertical laying the dis- nal combustion engines, boilers or other
tance may be increased by 25%. equipment, which may cause overheat of the
T a b l e 12.4.19 cable, shall be laid in such a way as to pro-
Distance between cable fastenings vide protection against external overheat, oth-
when laid horizontally erwise the cables suitable for the maximum
Cable outer di- Distance between cable fastenings, possible ambient air temperature shall be used
ameter, mm mm on such surfaces.
Non- Mineral
Over Up to Armoured
armoured insulation 12.4.27 The cables laid on opened parts of
— 8 200 250 300 the ship are to be protected against direct
8 13 250 300 370 effect of solar radiation.
13 20 300 350 450
20 30 350 400 450 12.4.28 Laying of cables in the bulwarks or
30 — 400 450 450 in the guard rail elements is not allowed.
700 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


12.6.1 Metal pipes or conduits with cables
12.5.1 The cable penetrations via water- laid are to be protected against corrosion both
tight, gastight and fire bulkheads as well as from the inner and outer sides. The ends of
through the decks are to be sealed. Such seal- pipes and conduits shall not cause the damage
ings shall not decrease the tightness of the of cables when pulling in.
above bulkheads and decks. Strains occurring
12.6.2 The radius of pipe's bend shall be
from the hull resilience shall not be transmit-
not less than that permitted for the cable with
ted to the cables.
the largest cross-section laid in it
12.5.2 When laying the cables through the (see 12.4.17).
non-watertight bulkheads or framing less than
12.6.3 The total cross-sectional area of all
6 mm thick, the holes for cables are to be
cables defined using their outer diameters
bushed with facing or bushes protecting the
shall not exceed 40% of the inner cross-
cable against damage. If the bulkhead or
sectional area of the pipe.
framing is at least 6 mm thick, the bushes or
facing are not required, however the edges of 12.6.4 The pipes are to be laid in such a
the penetration hole are to be rounded. way as to prevent water accumulation in
them. The pipes are to be fitted with ventila-
12.5.3 The cables shall be laid through the
tion holes on the highest and lowest points, if
decks in the following ways:
possible, so that the air circulation is provided
.1 in steel pipes raised above the deck for
and vapour condensation is prevented. The
at least 900 mm in places where mechanical
sealed pipes are to be fitted bleeder plugs for
damage of the cable may occur, and to a
condensate drainage in the lowest points.
height not less than that of the door coaming
for the given space in other places; 12.6.5 The pipes are to be mechanically
.2 in metal sockets or boxes additionally and electrically integral and earthed.
protected with cable jackets of a height not 12.6.6 The cable pipes laid along the hull
less then that specified in are to have compensation devices preventing
Sockets and boxes are to be filled with ap- their damage caused by hull deformation.
propriate stuffing compounds, and the pipes
are to have glands or be stuffed with cable 12.6.7 The cables laid in pipes vertically
compound. are to be fastened in such a way as to prevent
cable damage by gravity.
12.5.4 The cable boxes in the watertight
bulkheads and decks are to be filled with 12.6.8 It is allowed to use cable
packing compounds having good adhesion shrouds/trays made of flame-retardant plastic.
with the inner surfaces of the boxes and cable 12.6.9 The cable shrouds/trays made of
sheathings, resistant to water and oil products, plastic shall be additionally fitted metal fas-
not shrinkable and not imposing tightness tenings and clamps in order to prevent the
during long-term operation. falling of such shrouds and trays, together
12.5.5 The sealings of cable penetrations with the cables fastened, in the event of fire.
through the fire-resistant bulkheads shall sat- The cable shrouds/trays made of plastic
isfy the fire-resistance test specified for the and laid on open decks shall be protected
given type of bulkhead. against UV emission.
12 Cable Network 701

12.7 CONNECTION AND JOINING 12.7.3 The cable sheathings without pro-
OF THE CABLES tective terminals shall be inserted into a de-
vice for 3–5 mm, if the protective and sealing
12.7.1 The ends of rubber-insulated cables terminals are available – at least 10–15 mm.
to be inserted into machinery, apparatus, dis-
tribution devices and other equipment are to 12.7.4 In the places of cables and wires in-
have appropriate contact, protection and seal- sertion, especially in the points of joining to
ing terminals which ensure reliable electrical the mobile elements and devices, means of
contact, prevent the ingress of moisture inside cable slacking and kinking prevention are to
the cable and protect the cable core insulation be provided.
against mechanical damage and affection of
air and oil vapours. 12.8 CABLE MARKING
The cable cores connected to lighting fix-
tures, as well as to heating and cooking appli- 12.8.1 The cables onboard the ship are to
ances shall have protected heat-proof termi- be marked in accordance with design docu-
nals in order to avoid overheating of the ca- mentation.
ble. 12.8.2 The marking method is to provide
12.7.2 Joining of cables in the places of the safe keeping of the marking for the whole
their branching or connection is to be carried operation period of the cables.
out inside the junction boxes using clamps. 12.8.3 Trunk cables shall be marked.
702 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


13.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13.2.3 Every mast or topmast made of

non-conducting material shall be fitted with
13.1.1 The ships are to be fitted with light- earthed lightning diverter.
ning conductors covering the protected zone
(ship's open spaces where explosive gas-air 13.2.4 The lightning diverter is to be made
mixtures may be present, explosive or in- of a rod with at least 12 mm in diameter. The
flammable cargoes, materials and equipment rod may be made of copper, copper alloys or
may be located or people may be present). corrosion-protected steel. For aluminium
The ships, where consequential effects of masts the aluminium diverter is to be used. It
lightning strokes may cause fire or explosion, is not allowed to mount aerials or other de-
are to be fitted with lightning protection vices on the lightning diverters.
earthing devices.
13.2.5 The lightning diverter is to be se-
Aerials shall not be used as lightning pro- cured to the mast in such a way as to be
tection devices. Aerial facilities shall be in- raised above the mast top, or a device located
stalled lower than the lightning conductor. over the top, for at least 300 mm.
13.1.2 The lightning conductor is to consist
of lightning diverter, diverting wire and earth 13.3 DIVERTING WIRE
The lightning conductor may be omitted 13.3.1 The diverting wire is to be made of
on metal masts if a reliable electrical contact a rod, strip or stranded wire with at least 70
with the metal hull or with the point of mm2 cross-sectional area when using copper
earthing is provided. or copper alloys, and at least 100 mm2 when
using steel; the steel wire is to be protected
13.2 LIGHTNING DIVERTER against corrosion.
13.3.2 The diverting wires are to be laid on
13.2.1 Onboard the metal hull ships the
the outer side of masts and superstructures as
ship's vertically oriented structures (e.g. masts,
strait as possible and with the minimum num-
half-masts, superstructure components etc.)
ber of bends which are to be smooth and have
shall be used as lightning diverters provided
as large radius as possible.
that reliable electrical contact between these
structures and the metal hull is ensured. 13.3.3 The diverting wire shall not be laid
Additional diverters shall be used only through explosion-hazardous spaces and areas.
when the ship's structural elements do not
13.3.4 Onboard the non-metal hull ships
ensure protection against lightning.
the diverting wire is to be laid separately
13.2.2 When electrical equipment is in- throughout its length (including its earthing
stalled on top of the meal mast, an earthed connection) and shall not be connected to the
lightning diverter is to be provided. busbars of protective and working earthing.
13 Lightning Protection Devices 703


13.4.1 The diverting wire is to be attached
to the hull (see 13.6.1 The lightning protection earthing is
to be provided for isolated metal structures,
13.4.2 Devices are to be provided for con- movable connections, pipelines, shields of
nection of the lightning conductor earting or power and communication lines, joints lead-
the metal hull with the shore earthing when ing to explosion-hazardous spaces.
the ship is in the dock or on the slipway.
13.6.2 All the pipelines for oil products, as
13.4.3 Íà Onboard the composite ships a well as all other pipelines connected with ex-
metal stem or other metal structures sub- plosion-hazardous spaces and located on the
merged into water under all navigation condi- open deck areas or in the spaces without elec-
tions may be used for earthing. tromagnetic shielding shall be earthed to the
hull at least each 10 m throughout their
All the pipelines located on the upper
deck, where explosive gases may be present,
13.5 LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR and not connected with explosion-hazardous
INTERNAL CONNECTIONS spaces shall be earthed to the hull at least
each 30 m throughout their length.
13.5.1 Connections between lightning di-
verter, diverting wire and earthing are to be 13.6.3 Metal parts located near the divert-
welded or bolted with clamps. ing wires are to be earthed if none of them is
located on earthed structure or connected
13.5.2 The contact surface area between otherwise with the hull. The devices or metal
the diverting wire and the diverter or earthing parts located up to 200 mm apart from divert-
is to be at least 1000 mm2. Connecting clamps ing wires are to be connected with the divert-
and bolts are to be made of copper, copper ing wire in such a way as to avoid sparking.
alloys or corrosion-protected steel.
13.6.4 The connections of elements are to
13.5.3 The resistance between the lightning be accessible for monitoring and located in
conductor and the hull shall not exceed places where they are not subject to mechani-
0.03 Ohm. cal impacts.
704 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


14.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All resistors (reactors) may be connected to

common earthing busbar which is to be con-
14.1.1 The requirements of the present
nected to the hull in at least two points.
Section are applicable to the electrical equip-
ment with voltage over 1000 V but less than 14.2.3 When the electric power is distrib-
11000 V AC and are supplementary to the uted from separate sections capable to operate
requirements specified in other Sections of autonomously, each of them is to have a
the present Part of the Rules. separate earthing reactor.
14.1.2 The insulating materials used for
14.2.4 The neutral points of generators in-
electrical equipment are to ensure 1500 Ohm
tended for parallel operation may be con-
insulance per 1 V of nominal voltage during
nected together before the earthing resistor
ship's operation but not less than 2 M.
14.1.3 Warning inscriptions indicating volt-
age value are to be located in the vicinity of 14.2.5 The neutral point of generator is to
the entrance to the special electrical space. be earthed via resistor (reactor) on the distri-
The casings of electrical equipment located bution switchboard or directly near the gen-
outside special electrical spaces are to have erator.
warning inscriptions indicating voltage value. 14.2.6 The neutral wire of each generator is
to be fitted with a disconnector by means of
14.2 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC which the earthing of the generator's neutral
POWER point may be disconnected.
14.2.1 The following electric power distri- 14.2.7 The nominal voltages of the electric
bution systems are to be used: power distribution systems are to comply with
neutral earthed system; the requirements specified in Table 14.2.7.
system with neutral connected to he hull
via high-ohm resistor (reactor) provided that T a b l e 14.2.7
any possible current does not flow directly Nominal voltages
through any explosion-hazardous space or of electric power distribution systems
area. Nominal frequency,
Inter-phase nominal voltages, kW
14.2.2 The total earthing resistance of neu- 3/3.3 50/60
tral point is to be selected in such a way that 6/6.6 50/60
the short-circuit to hull current does not ex- 10/11 50/60
ceed the nominal current of the major genera-
tor in the given system but is at least three 14.2.8 The power supply of the ship net-
times greater than the current required for work from external power source shall be pro-
activation of each of applied protections vided only for ships operated at anchorage,
against short circuit to the hull. such as floating docks etc.
14 Electrical Equipment with Voltage Over 1000 V 705


14.3.1 When different voltages are applied
in the equipment, measures shall be taken to 14.5.1 The electrical equipment shall be ar-
prevent lower voltage circuits from being sup- ranged in special electrical spaces and have a
plied by a higher voltage. protection level not less than IÐ23 (see
14.3.2 All phases of AC systems are to be also 14.6).
protected against overload. The terminal boxes of electrical machinery
The use of fuses is prohibited. shall have at least IÐ44 protection level.
The electrical equipment may be arranged
14.3.3 The circuits with insulated neutral outside the electrical spaces provided that its
point are to be fitted with light and sound protection level is at least IÐ44 and its live
alarm indicating the earth fault. parts are accessible only in the absence of
14.3.4 The electrical machinery is to be fit- voltage or using special tools.
ted with temperature detectors in the stator 14.5.2 The special electrical space shall
windings. These detectors shall indicate when have a diagram specifying arrangement and
the temperature of windings exceeds the per- connections of electrical equipment.
missible limits.
14.3.5 Generators are to be protected 14.6 DISTRIBUTION DEVICES
against earth fault. 14.6.1 The high-voltage distribution
14.3.6 Generators are to be de-excited switchboards are to be locked with a special
automatically after activation of the generator key different from the keys of the low-voltage
protection of any type. distribution switchboards and devices.
The opening of doors or pulling out of sin-
14.3.7 Generators are to be protected gle elements is to be possible only when the
against inner damages and short-circuit cur- switchboard or the given element are discon-
rent in the cable connecting generators and nected from the power network.
the switchboard.
14.6.2 The automatic circuit breakers used
14.3.8 The transformers at high voltage side in the distribution switchboards are to be of
are to be protected with automatic circuit pullout type.
breakers against the short-circuit current.
The circuit breakers are to be fitted with a
14.3.9 The transformers at low voltage side device that holds them in the pulled out posi-
are to be protected against overload. tion.
The fixed current-carrying disconnecting
14.3.10 The voltage measuring transformers
contacts are to be covered automatically with
are to be protected against the short-circuit
the insulating baffles when the circuit breaker
is pulled out.
14.4 PROTECTIVE EARTHING 14.6.3 Protective earthing is to comply with
the Rules of Electrical Installations Arrange-
14.4.1 Metal casings of electrical equip- ment and with the requirements of national
ment are to be earthed using external flexible standards1.
wires with a cross-section designed for the
single-phase short-circuit current but not less 14.6.4 Passages are to be provided along
than 16 mm2. Earthing wires are to be the distribution switchboards in order to per-
marked. form examination of the switchboard and
electrical equipment. The passage is to be at
14.4.2 The earthing conductors may be
joined by means of welding or bolts of at least
10 mm in diameter. 1
GOST 24040, GOST R 54585.
706 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

least 800 mm wide between the partition and 14.6.8 When a power source is required for
the switchboard and at least 1000 mm between the drive of the mechanism of automatic and
the parallel sections of the switchboard. other circuit breakers, then the power margin
When such passages are intended for main- is to be sufficient for activation of all devices
tenance, then they are to be at least 1000 and for at least two times.
1200 mm wide respectively.
Such width is required regardless of type of 14.7 TERMINAL BOXES
protection against accidental touching made
as solid doors, mesh or insulating handrails. 14.7.1 All the phase-ends of stator wind-
The doors, solid partitions and mesh parti- ings in generators and motors shall be brought
out into the terminal box separated from the
tions are to be of at least 1800 mm height.
lower voltage box.
Perforated or mesh partitions shall provide
at least IÐ2Õ protection level. 14.7.2 In the boxes, sockets and terminal
The switchboards are to be fitted with two boxes of electrical equipment no connections
insulating handrails, one of them located or wires for lower voltage are permitted.
along the switchboard at the height of 600
mm and another – at 1200 mm height. 14.8 TRANSFORMERS
14.6.5 The distance between the live parts 14.8.1 The dry type transformers with
being under voltage and the guard rails is to earthed shields between higher and lower
be at least as specified in Table 14.6.5. voltage windings are to be used.
T a b l e 14.6.5 14.8.2 De-energizing of the transformer
Minimal distances between the live parts from the high voltage side shall cause the
and the guard rails switching off of the switch at the lower volt-
Minimal distance between live parts age side.
passage, mm
voltage, kV

height of


and guard rails, mm

Solid doors Mesh 14.8.3 If an insulated neutral point is avail-
and partitions
handrails able at the lower voltage side of the trans-
partitions and doors
former, then a spark trap device is to be pro-
3 (3.3) 2500 100 180 600
vided between the neutral point of every
6 (6.6) 2500 120 200 600
10(11) 2500 150 220 700 transformer and the hull. The spark trap de-
vice shall be designed for not more than 80%
14.6.6 The clearance between the live parts of the minimal test voltage of the consumers
being under voltage with different potentials fed from the given transformer.
or between the live parts and the earthed
metal parts or the outer casing by air is to be 14.8.4 The spark-gap may be connected in
not less than that specified in Table 14.6.6. parallel with insulation monitoring apparatus
for low-voltage equipment or a device detect-
T a b l e 14.6.6 ing the insulation damage of that equipment.
Clearance between the live parts being under voltage Such devices are not to impose the reliable
with different potentials operation of the spark-gap.
Voltage, kV Minimal air clearance, mm
3 (3.3) 55 14.9 CABLE NETWORK
6 (6.6) 90
10(11) 120 14.9.1 The three-phase current cable net-
work shall be made of the three-core cables.
14.6.7 The main distribution switchboard is
to be fitted with disconnectors for splitting the 14.9.2 The cross-sectional area of the cable
collecting busbar system in at least two inde- core for power circuits is to be at least
pendent sections. 10 mm2.
14 Electrical Equipment with Voltage Over 1000 V 707

14.9.3 The design, type and permissible .3 the clearance between the outer sheaths
current loads of the cables used shall comply of the cables for different nominal voltages is
with the Rules of Electrical Installations Ar- to be at least the double outer diameter of the
rangement. biggest one but at least 50 mm;
14.9.4 The cables are to be installed sepa- .4 the cables laid outside the special elec-
rately from the cables for voltage lower than trical spaces are to be laid in earthed metal
1000 V. pipes or trunks or to be protected with
earthed metal coatings.
14.9.5 The following conditions are to be
Such cables may be laid without sheathing
met when laying the cables:
provided that they are fitted with solid metal
.1 cable runs of different voltages may be
armour which is to be earthed.
laid jointly provided that the insulation of all
cables laid jointly is designed for the highest 14.9.6 Installation of junction boxes as well
voltage; as other types of connections aimed at elimi-
.2 cables are not to be laid across the ac- nation of cable breaks or extensions (splicing)
commodation spaces; is not allowed.
708 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


15.1 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC refrigerating compressors, when they are fed

POWER from the main distribution switchboard, to
de-energize the main lighting circuit in the
15.1.1 The electric drives of the refrigerat- refrigerator machinery room and to actuate
ing plants onboard the refrigerator ships are to the electric drives of the emergency ventila-
be fed via separate feeders from the distribu- tors, the watering system, water screens and
tion switchboard of the refrigerator plant or emergency lighting.
from the main distribution switchboard. The
In addition, the devices intended for re-
refrigerating ventilators are to be fed from the
mote actuation of emergency ventilators, wa-
distribution switchboard of the refrigerator
tering system, water screens and emergency
plant or from other distribution switchboard
lighting in any sequence without shutting
fed from the main distribution switchboard.
down the refrigerating plant distribution
The generators' overload-protection device,
switchboard shall be provided in the vicinity
specified in 7.2.7, is to shut down the drives of
of the device for emergency remote shut
refrigerating plants after all the other consumers.
down of the ammonia refrigerating plant's
The electric drives of the emergency venti- distribution switchboard.
lators, specified in 9.7.7, Part IV of the Rules,
shall not be fed from the same distribution
switchboard as the electric drives of the main 15.2 VENTILATION AND EMERGENCY
ventilators. The emergency ventilators' drive LIGHTING
shall be fed from the main distribution 15.2.1 When using ammonia as the refrig-
switchboard or from the switchboard fed di- erant‚ the exhaust ventilators' electric motors
rectly from the main one. of the emergency ventilation in the refrigerat-
15.1.2 When using ammonia as the refrig- ing machinery rooms installed in the exhaust
erant, a device for emergency remote shut channels are to be of explosion-proof type
down of the refrigerating plant's distribution (see 2.10.2).
switchboard is to be provided in: 15.2.2 The ventilators' electric motors ex-
.1 control station of the refrigerating plant posed to the air jet coming from the cooled
in the refrigerating machinery room; spaces are to be of at least IP55 protection
.2 a place outside the spaces that may be level.
filled with ammonia in the event of an acci-
dent in the refrigerating machinery room; 15.2.3 When using ammonia as the refrig-
erant‚ then the explosion-proof lighting fix-
.3 outside near every exit from the refrig-
tures of emergency lighting (see 2.10.2) are to
erating machinery room.
be provided in the refrigerating machinery
15.1.3 The devices for emergency remote rooms in addition to the main lighting. The
shut down of the ammonia refrigerating emergency lighting is to be fed independently
plant's distribution switchboard are to simul- from the electric equipment and main lighting
taneously shut down the electric drives of the fixtures.
16 Additional Requirements for Special Types of Ships 709



16.1.6 The following spaces and areas are
General requirements to be provided with lighting:
16.1.1 The power supply systems of essen- .1 life saving appliances storage areas, as
tial facilities (see 5.3) shall be designed in well as the areas where such appliances are
such a way that the fire in one vertical fire usually prepared for use;
zone does not damage the power supply sys- .2 escape routes, areas designated for pas-
tems of the consumers located in any other sengers including passages, entrances and ex-
vertical fire zone. This requirement is consid- its, interconnecting corridors, elevators and
ered as fulfilled, when the main and emer- deck ladders or hatches leading into accom-
gency feeding lines of such consumers passing modation spaces, as well as places where pas-
across any of such zones are located as far as senger rooms and accommodation spaces are
possible from each other in vertical and hori- located;
zontal directions. .3 places of markings location on the es-
cape routes and emergency exits;
16.1.2 The general alarm system is to con- .4 other spaces designed for people with
sist of two separate groups: one for passengers reduced mobility;
and the other for the crew. .5 places of fire extinguishers location and
Passenger ships less than 25 m in length fire-fighting equipment control stations;
may be fitted with only one group of general
.6 areas of passengers, personnel and crew
alarm system.
assembly in the event of emergency.
16.1.3 The remote switches specified in
16.1.7 The emergency lighting for the fol-
7.4, 7.7.3, 7.8.2 shall be protected against
unauthorized access. lowing spaces and areas is to be provided in
addition to that specified in 4.5.1:
16.1.4 Onboard the ships fitted with re- .1 escape routes, passenger assembly areas
motely driven doors an indication of doors including passages, entrances and exits, inter-
closing is to be provided in the wheelhouse. connecting corridors, elevators and deck lad-
Such indication is to display the position of ders or hatches leading into accommodation
the doors (open/closed) by means of corre- spaces, as well as places where passenger
sponding inscriptions. rooms and accommodation spaces are lo-
A light and sound alarm is to be provided in cated;
the place of doors location. This alarm is to .2 spaces designed for people with re-
indicate the actuation of the closing drive and is duced mobility.
to be active till the doors are completely closed.
16.1.8 In addition to the emergency lighting
Lighting onboard the passenger ships including high-
speed ships the escape routes in the areas with
16.1.5 Only electrical equipment is to be increased accident rate (corridors, ladders,
used for lighting purposes. exits, emergency exits) along their whole
710 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

length are to be marked with photo- 16.1.11 The electric escape light indicators
luminiscent or electric light signs indicating are to meet the following requirements:
the escape direction. .1 the electric escape light indicators are
16.1.9 In addition to that specified in 16.1.8 to be connected to the emergency distribution
onboard the ships intended for transportation switchboard in such a way that under normal
of persons with reduced mobility an additional conditions the power is supplied from the
visual and sound alarm and additional lighting main power source and from the emergency
are to be provided on the escape routes. one if required. In order to specify the power
The lighting switches onboard the ships in- of the emergency source the electric escape
tended for transportation of persons with re- light indicators shall be included into the list
duced mobility are to be arranged in accor- of emergency consumers;
dance with the requirements of 5.2.8, Part .2 the electric escape light indicators are
XIII of the Rules. to be activated automatically or by one opera-
tion in the wheelhouse;
16.1.10 The following requirements are applied .3 the electric escape light indicators shall
for the escape light indicators and their location: provide the following lighting parameters:
.1 all the escape light indicators shall have a indicators' active elements are to have the
colour (red or green) different from the surface minimal brightness 10 cd/m2;
of the deck or door on which they are arranged; point sources of midget lamps shall pro-
.2 in order to provide the observable out- vide at least 150 mcd of average candle power
line along the whole escape route all the cor- of spherical surface with not more than 0.1 m
ridors shall be fitted with uninterruptible es- distance between the lamps;
cape route marking except for those places point sources of LED systems shall have
where passages and doors to passenger rooms the minimal peak intensity 35 mcd. Angle of
are located. The escape light indicators having radiation shall be in accordance with the di-
observable outlines may be used for inter- rection approximation and visibility. The dis-
ruptible marking; tance between lamps is to be not more than
.3 the escape light indicators are to be ar- 0.3 m;
ranged at least at one side of the corridor or electro-luminescent systems shall operate
on the wall not higher than 0.3 m above the during 30 minutes from the moment of shut
deck or on the deck not more than 0.15 m down of the main power source to which they
apart from the wall. In the passages of more are to be connected in accordance with the
than 2 m width the escape light indicators requirements;
shall be arranged at both sides; .4 all the electric escape light indicators
.4 the escape light indicators in the dead- shall be designed in such a way as to avoid
end corridors are to be made in the form of the reduction of the escape routes marking
arrows with the distance of not more than 1 m efficiency in the event of failure of one lamp.
from each other, or in the form of equivalent
direction indicators showing the way to escape; Safety equipment and devices
.5 the escape light indicators on all the
16.1.12 All passenger ships are to be
ladders shall be arranged at least at one side
equipped with intercommunication devices in
of the corridor not higher than 0.3 m from
accordance with 11.2 and Table 2.1.1,
the steps, that will allow to distinguish clearly
Part VII of the Rules. Such devices are to be
every step for any person standing higher or
provided in the service spaces and in the pas-
lower of the given step. The escape light indi-
senger assembly and evacuation areas where
cators shall be arranged at both sides, if the
the direct communication with the wheel
width of the ladder is 2 m or more;
house is not available.
.6 the escape light indicators shall lead to
the handle of the exit door. Other doors shall 16.1.13 The loud-speaking communication
not marked otherwise. system shall be audible in all the passenger
16 Additional Requirements for Special Types of Ships 711

spaces. The system is to have power sufficient 16.2 OIL TANKERS

to make the communicated information
General requirements
clearly audible under the normal noise condi-
tions. When the direct communication be- 16.2.1 The requirements of the present
tween the wheelhouse and the passenger areas Chapter apply to the electrical equipment of
and spaces is available, the loud-speaking the following types of ships:
system is not mandatory. Bulk oil-carrying ships (see 2.2.61, Part 0
16.1.14 The ship shall be fitted with alert of the Rules) and equivalent to them (herein-
system, which is to include the following: after — oil tankers);
ships intended for carriage of inflammable
.1 alert system for the command person-
liquids and liquefied gases;
nel and the crew to be informed by the pas-
sengers, crew members or servicing personnel ships using neutral gas as fuel (see 1.1.1 of
onboard the ship. The alert signals are to be Interim technical requirements for ships using
sent only to the spaces intended for the com- gas as fuel);
mand personnel and the crew. The alert sig- ships intended for work together with the
nals may be switched off by the command abovementioned ships.
personnel only. The alert signals may be acti- 16.2.2 The spaces and areas in oil tankers
vated from the following locations: are divided into explosive and non-explosive,
Every cabin; fire-dangerous and fire-proof ones. The classi-
corridors, elevators and stairtowers in fication of explosive and fire-dangerous areas
such a way that the distance to the nearest and spaces is given in 1.4, Part III of the
alert switch does not exceed 10 m; every wa- Rules.
tertight compartment is to be fitted with at 16.2.3 Distribution of electric power using
least one switch; hull as the return circuit as well as the systems
saloons, dining halls and other spaces in- with earthed neutral wire or pole is not al-
tended for rest; lowed.
toilets intended for persons with reduced
mobility; Protection level and protection types
machinery spaces, galleys and other fire of electrical equipment
dangerous spaces;
16.2.4 The level, explosion protection type,
refrigerated dooms and other store spaces. field of application and temperature class of
The alert switches are to be located at the electrical equipment shall comply with the
height from 0.85 m to 1.10 m above the deck; national standard for explosion protected
.2 alert system for passengers to be in- equipment1 and have markings in accordance
formed by the command personnel of the with Appendix 2.
ship. The alert signals are to be clearly heard
and distinguished without error in every space 16.2.5 In the explosive spaces and areas the
accessible by the passengers. The alert signals installation of electrical equipment is not al-
shall be available for activation from the lowed except for:
wheelhouse and from the places where the .1 measuring, adjusting and warning de-
crew members or the personnel are perma- vices of Åõi spark-proof design;
nently present; .2 sensor, lamps and signal lanterns fitted
.3 alert system for the crew and servicing with pressurized enclosure (Exp), with explo-
personnel to be informed by the command sion-proof enclosure (Exd) or improved reli-
personnel. The alarm system specified in 11.3 ability against explosion (Exe);
is to be also audible in the spaces intended for
crew members and servicing personnel rest,
refrigerated rooms and other store spaces. 1
GOST R IEC 60079-0.
712 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

.3 electric motors of improved reliability In the second category fire hazardous areas
against explosion (Exe), fitted with explosion- the electrical equipment to be installed shall
proof enclosure (Exd) or with pressurized have the protection level not less than IP55.
enclosure (Exp);
16.2.10 Onboard the ships carrying and
.4 junction boxes of improved reliability
pumping gasoline and crude oil in explosion
against explosion (Exe) or fitted with explo-
hazardous spaces and areas the electrical
sion-proof enclosure (Exd);
equipment to be used shall be designed for
.5 fire alarm devices of explosion-proof operation in explosive mixtures of at least
design; IIB-T3 categories and groups (see Appen-
.6 cables feeding the abovementioned dix 2).
equipment and devices provided that they are
laid in steel pipes. The pipe connections to Electrical network and cable laying
electrical equipment and to each other are to
be gastight; 16.2.11 In explosive zones 0 and 1 the in-
.7 electric heating cables of explosion- stallation of the plug sockets is not allowed.
proof design. In these spaces the hand lanterns of explo-
.8 level and pressure sensors, monitoring sion-proof design with individual built-in
devices and communication means of explo- power source may be used.
sion-proof design (Exi) and cables connected 16.2.12 Portable electric hand tools and
to them. portable light operated in explosive areas shall
16.2.6 The electrical equipment installed in be connected to power source outside such
the cofferdams of explosion hazardous areas areas.
adjacent to explosion hazardous cargo com- 16.2.13 The cables in cargo compartments,
partments and tanks is to be of Åõi spark- tanks and cofferdams are to be laid in steel
proof design. pipes having no connections in such spaces
except for sealed connections with the equip-
16.2.7 In the explosion hazardous areas on
ment specified in 16.2.5.
open deck above the cargo compartments and
tanks along the whole breadth and within 3 m 16.2.14 Over the deck of cargo tanks out-
to the bow and to the stern from their end side the explosive areas the cables are to be
bulkheads and up to the height of 2.4 m laid in channels (trunks) or pipes in accor-
above the deck it is allowed to install the fol- dance with 12.4.
lowing only: The cables in trunks are to be fastened in
electrical equipment specified in 16.2.5 and order to avoid side displacement.
16.2.6; When laying the cables in channels
cable runs in gastight pipes. (trunks) across the explosive areas over the
deck of the cargo compartments, the follow-
16.2.8 The cables are to be laid in pipes in ing requirements are to be met:
accordance with 12.6. .1 the cables shall be laid in rows on the
16.2.9 In the first category fire hazardous shaped protectors made of non-metal materi-
spaces the electrical equipment to be installed als provided that their side displacement is
shall have the protection level not less than not possible;
IP56. .2 the cables shall not contact with metal
In the second category fire hazardous structures of the channel (trunk);
spaces the electrical equipment to be installed .3 the cables shall not be subject to per-
shall have the protection level not less than manent or reverse tensions caused by hull
IP44, lighting equipment — not less than deformation; expansion loops shall be pro-
IP54. vided, the internal diameter of which shall be
16 Additional Requirements for Special Types of Ships 713

not less than 10 diameters of the cable having Electrical heating

the largest diameter;
16.2.22 Fixed electrical heating arrange-
.4 the cables are to be protected against
ments shall be located only outside the explo-
impact of the environment, waves, oil prod-
sion hazardous zones 0, 1 and 2 of the oil
ucts and mechanical damages;
tankers intended for carriage of inflammable
.5 the distance between cables and heat
liquids and liquefied gases with flash point up
sources shall comply with the requirements of
to 60 Ñ, and the pump rooms of the oil
tankers intended for carriage of inflammable
.6 the cable runs located in the gangways liquids and liquefied gases with flash point
or in pipes within the space inside the zone 1,
60 Ñ and higher provided that the heating
as well as the expansion loops shall not be
arrangements are fitted with thermoregulators.
arranged lower than 300 mm from the tanks'
.7 all the metal sheathings or armour of
the cables shall be earthed as per 2.10.11. 16.2.23 No current-carrying part is to be
connected to the hull, other than earthings of
16.2.15 The flexible cables for portable
condensers used for suppression of electrically
electrical equipment used during oil skimming
induced radio interference, secondary wind-
shall have metal braid covered with imperme-
ings of current transformers, as well as the
able overshaeth made of material resistant to
insulance measuring and control devices.
oil products.
16.2.24 All the electrical equipment irre-
16.2.16 The cables shall be protected spective of the nominal voltage value installed
against oil products exposure. in the spaces and areas of explosion hazardous
16.2.17 In the devices for insulance meas- zones is to be earthed according to the re-
uring specified in 6.5.4 the ground leakage quirements specified in 2.6.
current shall not exceed 30 mA, and the in- 16.2.25 Every oil tanker intended for car-
ductance of ground connection in the device's riage of inflammable liquids and liquefied
circuit shall not exceed 60 mH. gases shall be fitted with anti-static earthing
devices for protection against sparking caused
Lighting by static electricity.
16.2.18 The pump room may be illumi- The anti-static earthing is to be provided
nated with explosion-proof lamps or through for all conducting (metal) parts of systems,
the tight portlights from the explosion-proof particular devices and components (tanks,
space. The portlight glass is to be at least 12 pumps, pipelines and pipe systems, routing
mm thick and be protected against mechani- and end accessories) with oil products, which
cal damage with a guard mesh from both are permanently or temporarily (washing de-
sides. vices or portable pumps) located in the explo-
sion hazardous zones, spaces and areas.
16.2.19 The pump room shall be fitted with
at least two lighting groups fed via separated 16.2.26 When earthing the pipelines the
lines. continuity of earthing is to be provided. The
pipelines shall be earthed to the hull at their
16.2.20 The explosion-proof lamps shall be beginning and end, as well as at each branch
arranged in such a way as to provide at least termination.
100 mm clearance around them.
16.2.27 Special earthing for static electric-
16.2.21 The lighting switches are to be lo- ity discharge is to be provided only when
cated outside the explosion hazardous zones. other types of earthing are not available (pro-
714 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

tective earthing, lightning-proof earthing, pro- 16.3 SHIPS FOR CARRYING VEHICLES
tection against radiointerference). WITH FUEL IN THEIR TANKS AND
16.2.28 The structure of the anti-static
earthing strips is to comply with the require-
ments for protective earthing of electrical 16.3.1 The requirements of present Chapter
equipment which are specified in 2.6. apply to electrical equipment of holds and
The value of electric resistance between the other spaces and areas intended for carriage
hull and each of the elements isolated from onboard the cargo ships and ferries of vehicles
each other shall not exceed 106 Ohm, when with fuel in their tanks and road tankers for
the contact area of the instrument's measuring inflammable liquids.
electrode (probe) and the surface of the
16.3.2 The holds, spaces and areas speci-
equipment under test does not exceed
fied in 16.3.1 are explosion hazardous spaces
20 mm2.
and areas.
16.2.29 The following means of anti-static
16.3.3 The cables shall be protected against
electricity discharge are to be provided at the
mechanical damage. The horizontally laid
entrances into the explosion hazardous zones,
cables shall be arranged at the height of at
spaces and areas: unpainted handles, electrical
least 450 mm above the flush deck or plat-
plates, humid mats etc.
form preventing from free penetration of gases
below. Cable penetrations through the decks
Pump rooms
and bulkheads shall be gas-tight.
16.2.30 It is required to provide interlock- 16.3.4 The electrical equipment installed in
ing of the power-on devices of electric motor the exhaust ventilation ducts is to be explo-
of the cargo pump and electric drive of the sion-proof — improved reliability against ex-
pump room ventilation. Such interlocking is plosion (Åõå) or with explosion-proof enclo-
to provide the start of the electric motor only sure (Åõd).
after the pump room is ventilated with the 10-
fold air change. 16.3.5 The lighting fixtures installed in the
holds and spaces specified in 16.3.1 shall be
16.2.31 Each electric motor of the cargo separated on at least two groups each of them
pumps is to be fitted with the remote shut being fed via different circuits.
down device located at the entrance into the
pump room. 16.3.6 In the holds and spaces located
above the main deck, in the area located 450
Electric heating of viscous oil products mm above the deck or a platform preventing
from free penetration of gases below it is al-
16.2.32 The maximum temperature of the lowed to install electrical equipment with at
heating surface of the electric heater is to be least IP55 level provided that the ventilation
at least by 10% lower than the flash point of ensures the 10-fold air change per hour.
the oil product to be heated.
16.3.7 Electrical equipment with Exi, Åõð,
16.2.33 The thickness of the oil product Exd and Åõå protection types is to be in-
layer above the surface of the heating and stalled in:
current-carrying elements is to be at least
.1 in the lower part of the spaces located
100 mm.
above the main deck‚ in the area up to 450
16.2.34 When the heating elements are iso- mm above the deck a platform preventing
lated from the heated oil product, the insu- from free penetration of gases below;
lance of the electric heater is to be at least .2 in the holds and spaces below the main
1 MOhm. deck.
16 Additional Requirements for Special Types of Ships 715

16.4 SHIPS FOR CARRIAGE OF Plug sockets and protective earthings

16.4.7 In the holds intended for carriage of
Supply and distribution of electric power insulated containers the plug sockets used for
feeding the containers are to have at least IÐ
16.4.1 The installed capacity of electrical
55, and IP 56 for open decks.
equipment of insulated containers is to be
taken for their rated power. The power con- When electrical remote monitoring systems
sumption of electrical equipment of insulated are used for monitoring the temperature, hu-
container under nominal operating conditions midity and other parameters of insulated con-
shall not exceed 15 kW (18.75 kV·A). tainers, it is allowed to install additional plug
sockets in the holds or on the decks for con-
16.4.2 The device intended for protection nection of such monitoring devices.
for the generators against overload and speci-
16.4.8 The plug sockets for feeding the
fied in 7.2.7 shall provide the disconnection
electrical equipment of insulated containers
of insulated containers from the main distri-
shall be fitted with a switch with interlocking
bution switchboard in the very end.
preventing the connection and disconnection
16.4.3 The electrical installations of insu- of the plug with the socket when the switch is
lated containers shall be connected to the in "ON" position. The plug socket is to have a
special distribution facilities by means of plug plate indicating the voltage value.
sockets. These facilities are fed from the main 16.4.9 The electrical equipment of insu-
distribution switchboard of the ship's power lated container is to be fed from the ship's
plant via separate feeders through the separat- electrical network at direct alternation of
ing transformers. phases L1, L2, L3 according to the diagram
16.4.4 The electric circuit of the plug sock- given in Fig. 16.4.9.
ets intended for feeding the electrical equip-
ment of insulated containers is to have a
nominal voltage of either 220/380 V of three-
phase AC with 50 Hz frequency or 240/440 V
of three-phase current with 60 Hz frequency.

Distribution devices and transformers

16.4.5 The secondary winding of separating Fig. 16.4.9. Direct alternating of phases L1, L2, L3
transformers is to have an insulated neutral
point. 16.4.10 The plug sockets intended for feed-
ing the electrical equipment of insulated con-
16.4.6 Every distribution device shall be fit- tainers shall be designed for the following
ted with an apparatus to provide the follow- rated currents:
ing: 60 À — for 220 V, 50 Hz (or 240 V,
.1 light alarm indicating voltage presence 60 Hz);
in the panels; 32 À — for 380 V, 50 Hz (or 440 V,
.2 switching on/off of each feeder supply- 60 Hz).
ing the plug sockets;
16.4.11 The design of plug connections
.3 protection against short-circuit currents
shall prevent the possibility to connect the
in the outgoing feeders supplying the plug
plugs for one voltage with the sockets for an-
other voltage.
.4 measurement of the insulance value
and the sound alarm indicating the invalid 16.4.12 The plug socket intended for con-
value of the latter. nection of earthing core of insulated con-
716 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

tainer's flexible cable is to be earthed by 16.7.2 The supply and alarm systems of es-
means of earthing core of feeding line in the sential systems and facilities (see 5.3) onboard
place where the power distribution facility of the floating hotels and hostels are to comply
insulated containers is located. with the requirements specified in 16.1.1 –
16.5 CATAMARANS The signal lights may be fed from the light-
16.5.1 At least one main power source is to ing switchboards.
be provided in each hull bode of a ship. 16.7.3 Every floating hotel is to be fitted
16.5.2 A main distribution switchboard is with a stand-alone emergency power source
to be provided in each hull body of a ship. which is capable to provide power for consum-
However, only one main distribution ers during 30 minutes in accordance with 4.5.1.
switchboard may be provided if located above 16.7.4 When the floating objects is fed
the main deck. from the shore electric network with a dead-
16.5.3 The busbars are to be sectioned ac- earthed neutral, all the ship circuits shall have
cording to the power supply of the hull bod- a zero protection conductor with at least 50%
ies. of the phase conductor's admittance in all
cases. The zero protection conductors shall be
16.5.4 The emergency consumers of each located within the same sheath with the phase
hull body shall be fed from the emergency conductors.
power source via separate feeders.
16.7.5 When the shore electric network
16.6 FLOATING CRANES with a dead-earthed neutral is used as a main
power source, and the diesel generator – as
16.6.1 The accumulator rooms and boxes, the auxiliary one, the generator distribution
as well as the emergency power source spaces system is to have a dead-earthed neutral.
in the floating cranes may be located below
the main deck provided that the requirements
16.8 DOCKS
of 4.3 and 8.5 are met.
Scope of application
16.6.2 In order to send the sound signals
during cargo handling operations the crane is 16.8.1 The present Chapter applies to:
to be fitted with the sound alarm device to be .1 electric drives and their control systems,
controlled from the operator's cabin. monitoring and alarm systems which provide
16.6.3 In order to prevent the spontaneous submergence and emergence of the dock;
actuation of electric drive the zero protection .2 earthing facilities of a ship in the dock.
is to be used.
Protection level of electrical equipment casings
16.6.4 The requirements for machinery and
controls of cargo handling gear are specified 16.8.2 The protection level of the electrical
in Chapter 6, Part V of the Rules. equipment casings shall comply with Table
2.3.6 with due regard of the fact that the dry
compartments of the dock superstructures are
16.7 FLOATING OBJECTS considered as spaces with high humidity IP
44, and the dry compartments and tunnels of
16.7.1 At least two generators, main and
pontoons and other similar spaces are consid-
auxiliary, used as main power sources shall be
ered as very wet spaces IP 55.
provided onboard the autonomous passenger
floating objects and autonomous bulk oil- Earthing
carrying floating objects. Additional power
supply from external power source may be 16.8.3 Every docking ship is to be earthed
provided. to the dock hull with at least two special
16 Additional Requirements for Special Types of Ships 717

flexible cable crosspieces with a cross section only for welding circuit, as well as for unsu-
at least 70 mm2 each, and the dock is to be lance measuring and monitoring devices.
fitted with appropriate devices for crosspieces
16.8.11 The following consumers are to be
connection to the dock hull.
fed from the busbars of the main distribution
16.8.4 In order to connect the dock hull switchboard via separate feeders in addition to
with a shore earthing facility the dock is to be 5.3.1:
fitted with at least two flexible copper cables .1 control, alarm and monitoring system
with a cross section at least 70 mm2 each and for dock submergence and emergence proc-
with devices for connection of these cables to esses;
the dock hull. .2 switchboards of electric drives of the
16.8.5 All the hull sections, pontoons, su- ballast system outboard water valves;
perstructures and similar dock structures are .3 feeder switchboards for welding plants;
to be reliably electrically interconnected. .4 feeder switchboards for docked ships.

Number and capacity of electrical power 16.8.12 Essential facilities and electric
sources drives of machinery located in a superstruc-
ture not fitted with a power source shall be
16.8.6 The main sources of electrical power fed from a distribution switchboard arranged
for the docks shall be as follows: in such superstructure. Such switchboard shall
.1 generators; be considered as an outer part of main distri-
.2 shore electrical power system. bution switchboard and shall be fed via two
16.8.7 At least two generators shall be pro- feeders from the latter. Cross section of each
vided as the main electrical power sources for feeder is to be sufficient for feeding the essen-
autonomous docks and a shore electrical tial facilities of the superstructure in the event
power system in addition to them if necessary. of failure of one feeder. The feeding cable
For non-autonomous docks it is allowed to runs between the superstructures shall be laid
use only the shore electrical power system. in different spaces, if the dock's design allows it.

16.8.8 The capacity of the autonomous 16.8.13 It is allowed to feed the navigation
docks' main generators or the capacity fed lights from the lighting switchboards.
from the shore power system is to be suffi- 16.8.14 When feeding a non-autonomous
cient for providing the following operating dock with voltage over 1 kV from the shore
conditions of the dock: electrical network a device for connection of
.1 submergence; lower voltage feeder is to be provided in addi-
.2 entering a ship into the dock; tion to such network. The device is to be de-
.3 emergence; signed for supply of power required when the
.4 emergency condition; dock is not in operation due to absence of
.5 other conditions according to the repair works. The electric drive of at least
dock's purpose. one fire pump, which has the maximum ca-
16.8.9 The capacity of the autonomous pacity in comparison to others, is to be fed
docks' main generators shall provide safe at full load, as well as all motors of clinket
submergence and emergence of the dock as (valve) drives and lighting of the spaces are
well as entering and exiting of ships in the to be fed also.
event of failure of one generator. When feeding a non-autonomous dock
with voltage over 1 kV via two independent
Distribution of electric power feeders, the low-voltage feeder is not required.
16.8.10 In addition to those specified in 16.8.15 When feeding the dock from the
5.1.1 a single-wire AC or DC system may be low-voltage shore electrical network, two
used with the dock hull used as a return wire feeders and two power reception devices are
718 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

to be provided. One device – for feeding the .2 in the spaces on the safety deck, where
consumers specified in 16.8.11, another — for the equipment of the submergence and emer-
consumers specified in 16.8.14. gence system is located;
.3 in the space of the central control sta-
16.8.16 The location and design of the de-
vices for connecting the feeders from the tion intended for control of submergence and
shore electrical network shall: emergence procedures;
.4 in the place of the mooring machinery
.1 provide the cables laying at a distance
from each other in order to avoid simultane- electric drives location.
ous damage of cables over 1 kV voltage and
the low-voltage cables; Service telephony
.2 prevent mechanical stress of the cables 16.8.22 When other means of communica-
when submerging and emerging the dock; tion are not available, the telephones of the
.3 prevent the transmission of mechanical control group are to be provided. The tele-
strains to the clamps to which the cables or phones are to provide a clear two-way com-
wires are connected. munication between the central control sta-
The devices intended for power reception tion and the following objects:
from the shore electrical network should be .1 mooring capstans control stations;
located at different superstructures. .2 emergency diesel generator room;
16.8.17 A warning sign indicating the volt- .3 main distribution switchboard room;
age value is to be arranged prominently on .4 main diesel generators room;
the hull or on the door of the switchboard .5 transformer substation room;
intended for power supply from external .6 spaces where manual drives of the out-
source. board water valves are installed;
16.8.18 The maximum permissible short- .7 fire-fighting station.
circuit power level is to be determined for Additionally, a paired communication is to
every dock capable of being fed from the be provided between the central control sta-
shore network. This level is to be indicated on tion and the machinery space.
the nameplate of the external source power 16.8.23 It shall be possible to connect the
switchboard. telephone set to the shore telephone network.
16.8.19 The ships in the docks are to be
fed from the power switchboards fixed in the General alarm
16.8.24 The general alarm is to be activated
16.8.20 Flexible cable feeding the docked from the central control station room and
ship is to have the cross section designed for from the room intended for attending person-
the nominal current release setting on outgo- nel, if any.
ing lines of the feeding switchboard of the
docked ship. Cable laying

Portable electrical lighting circuit 16.8.25 When the slip deck is illuminated
by lighting fixtures of water-proof type fed via
16.8.21 The plug sockets for portable light- the non-tight cables, then such cables are to
ing shall be installed in the following places in be laid in a steel water-and-gastight pipes.
addition to those specified in 10.5: The pipes and their sealings shall be se-
.1 in the dry compartments of the super- lected taking into account operation under
structures, where the equipment and fittings pressure which shall be not less than the per-
of the submergence and emergence system are missible pressure for the water-proof lighting
located; fixture.
16 Additional Requirements for Special Types of Ships 719

Channeling of electric power and installation Where warranted the emergency diesel
of cable network at a single-wire distribution generator and the emergency distribution
system switchboard may be arranged in different
spaces. It is allowed to use a section of the
16.8.26 The points of connection of a con- main distribution switchboard as an emer-
ductor to the steel hull of the dock shall be gency distribution switchboard provided that
easily accessible for monitoring and inspection the main distribution switchboard is located
of contact joints. higher than the maximal permissible submer-
Such points shall be located on the struc- gence line.
tures having welding connection with the
dock's hull. Electric drives of the dock submergence
16.8.27 Irrespective of electric power and emergence system
channeling system applied for welding circuit 16.8.33 The electric drive of the outboard
the welding station onboard the docked ship water valves of the submergence and emer-
shall be fed via the two-wire system from the gence system shall not impair the valves'
dock welding circuit. manual closing and opening. An interlocking
It is not allowed to use the docked ship's device is to be provided which prevents the
hull as a return wire. operation of electric drive when the valve is
set to manual control.
16.8.28 During the welding operations on
the hull of the docked ship the cable with a 16.8.34 The electric drive of the outboard
potential opposite to electrode is to be con- water valve is to be fitted with local and re-
nected to the hull in the vicinity of the weld- mote indicators showing the end points of the
ing area. valve. The drives of the outboard water valves
distributing water by the pontoon sections
Emergency electrical installations shall be fitted with devices for adjusting the
rate of valve opening.
16.8.29 Every dock is to be fitted with
16.8.35 When controlling the drives of the
emergency power source to provide power for
outboard water valves distributing water by the
all required consumers during at least 3 hours,
pontoon sections, it is recommended to pro-
and during 1 hour for non-autonomous dock.
vide both individual control of each valve and
16.8.30 The emergency source of electric group control of portside and starboard valves.
power is to supply the consumers installed in
16.8.36 The control circuits of the bilge
the dock in accordance with 4.5.1, as well as
(ballast) pump electric motor shall be fitted
the following consumers:
with local and remote control from the cen-
.1 electric drives of essential outboard wa-
tral post with indication of electric motor
ter valves of the dock submergence and emer-
operation, and for electric motors with 20 A
gence system (opening and closing of the of nominal current and more (according to
valves done at least twice); 6.5.3) — with monitoring of the motor load
.2 control and monitoring circuits of the using the ammeter.
submergence/emergence system;
.3 intercommunication and broadcasting Equipment with voltage over 1 kV
16.8.37 The equipment with voltage over 1
16.8.31 When the automatically started kV shall comply with the requirements of
diesel generator is used as emergency power Section 14 of the present Part of the Rules
source, a local start shall be provided also. and with Rules of Electrical Installations Ar-
16.8.32 All the emergency consumers shall
be fed from the emergency distribution 16.8.38 The equipment with voltage over 1 kV
switchboard. shall be arranged in special electrical spaces.
720 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"


17.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS T a b l e 17.2.1

Permissible supply voltage
17.1.1 The generators of electrical propul-
Permissible supply voltage, V
sion plants may be used for power supply of Circuit
auxiliary electrical machinery and facilities Main current of elec- 1200* 10000
provided that voltage and frequency are stable trical propulsion plants
under all operating conditions including ma- Control and alarm 220 380
neuvering in accordance with the require- * Voltage on generator's terminals or between
ments of 2.2.1. any points of the circuit.

17.1.2 Fixed lighting is to be provided be-

low the electric motors of propulsion plants 17.3 ELECTRICAL MACHINERY
and the main generators. 17.3.1 Main electrical machinery fitted
17.1.3 Part of electrical propulsion ma- with closed-circuit ventilation system shall be
chinery (motors and generators) located under equipped with thermometers for monitoring
the flooring shall have at least IP X6 protec- the temperature of the outgoing air and water.
tion level. The electrical machinery fitted with closed-
circuit cooling system shall be equipped with
When they are located in a dry compart-
light and sound alarm warning of the loss of
ment or are protected against water by means
the cooling medium flow at the output of
of a water-tight foundation and when the
cooling system.
compartment is fitted with an alarm indicat-
ing water penetration into it, then IP X3 pro- 17.3.2 A light and sound alarm is to be
tection level is to be provided. provided. Such alarm is to be activated when
the temperature of the main electrical ma-
17.1.4 It is allowed to feed the control, chinery exceeds the values specified in the
protection and alarm circuits of electric pro- technical documentation.
pulsion system from the exciters of the main
electric propulsion machinery. 17.3.3 The air-cooled electric propulsion
motors shall be fitted with two forced ventila-
17.1.5 All the components of the DC elec- tors. Each of such ventilators is to have ca-
trical propulsion plant shall be designed for pacity sufficient to provide normal operating
operation under the conditions of the propul- conditions for electric motor.
sion motors stalling in "on" position during A light alarm indicating that the ventilators
one minute. are in operation and a sound alarm indicating
their shut down shall be provided.
17.3.4 Each water-pumped air cooler of
17.2.1 The voltage value in the electrical electrical machinery shall be fitted with valves
propulsion plant system shall not exceed the on suction and discharge lines, as well as an
values specified in Table 17.2.1. air cooler drainage device.
17 Electrical Propulsion Plants 721

17.3.5 The ventilation air lines of the gen- 17.3.14 The excitation system of the elec-
erators and electric propulsion motors with tric propulsion plant machinery shall be fed
capacity over 250 kW are to be fitted with from at least two electric power converters.
temperature monitoring devices at the air out- When one of the converters is damaged, the
let from the machinery. Such devices shall rest of them shall provide electric power on a
provide sound and light signals transmission full scale for excitation even at the increased
to the central control station when the air load required for maneuvering.
temperature exceeds the permissible value. It is allowed to feed the excitation system
17.3.6 When the ventilation system is dis- of electric propulsion plant machinery from
connected, the incoming air shall be free from the busbars of the main propulsion
oil, water and dust. switchboard provided that the power supply is
available under any conditions in accordance
17.3.7 The generators of electric propulsion with the above requirements.
plants and electric propulsion motors shall be
fitted with a heating system to maintain the air 17.3.15 In the DC electric propulsion sys-
temperature inside the machinery for at least tems the disconnection or interruption of the
3 °Ñ higher than the ambient temperature. excitation winding of electric motor is to be
accompanied by voltage disappearance from
17.3.8 The DC electrical machinery de- the armature winding.
signed for actuating the propulsion plants are
to have inspection ports for observation over 17.3.16 The excitation circuits shall be fit-
the commutator and the brushes without dis- ted with a damper of magnetic field energy
mantling the covers. activated in the event of sudden shut down of
the excitation windings.
17.3.9 For the armatures heavier than
1000 kg a possibility to process the commuta- 17.3.17 The excitation and automatic con-
tor without removing the armature from the trol systems are to be designed in such a
machinery is to be provided. manner as to protect the electric motors of
propulsion plants against excessive increase of
17.3.10 If the bearings of the electrical revolution frequency in the event of breakage
propulsion plant machinery are lubricated or baring of the propeller screw.
under pressure, then the lubricating system
shall be fitted with auxiliary pumps. 17.3.18 The generators which operate with
semiconductor converters shall be so designed
17.3.11 The lubricating system of the pro- as to operate at the level of harmonic compo-
pulsion plant electric motor is to be fitted nents specified in generators' documentation.
with a filter and a daily tank which provides For this purpose a power reserve is to be pro-
oil supply to the bearings under hydrostatic vided sufficient for preventing from the gen-
pressure during 15 minutes of operation with erator's temperature rise which does not occur
switched-off pump, when the normal lubrica- at normal sine load.
tion of the bearings is not provided during the
17.3.19 The stator windings of generators
inertial movement of the ship.
and electric propulsion motors with nominal
17.3.12 The electrical machinery lubricat- capacity over 500 kVA shall be fitted with
ing system shall be fitted with alarm system temperature sensors.
which sends the signals to the control stations
in the event of pressure loss in the oil line and
the increase of oil temperature at the outlet. 17.4 SWITCHES IN MAIN
17.3.13 The bearings of generators and elec-
tric motors of propulsion plants are to be fitted 17.4.1 No automatic circuit breakers are
with alarm indicating that the bearing brass allowed in the excitation circuits, except for
temperature exceeds the permissible value. those which perform de-excitation of the ma-
722 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

chinery at short circuit or damage in the main erator's busbars is allowed provided that other
current circuit. consumers connected to the busbars of the
17.4.2 When it is required to provide a given generator may use this energy. In order
specific sequence of commutation operations, to absorb the corresponding part of recuperated
a reliable interlocking preventing the incorrect energy and speed up the electric propulsion
commutations is to be provided. motor braking when reversing it is allowed to
use "braking resistors". The amount of recuper-
17.4.3 The switches intended for immedi- ated energy shall be limited by the automated
ate commutations in the circuits of electric control system of electrical propulsion plant in
propulsion plant at voltage off shall be fitted order to prevent the speed up of primary mo-
with an interlocking device preventing their tors rotation above the permissible limit.
shut down in live condition or false switching on.
17.5.7 At spontaneous shut down of a pri-
mary mover of a generator operating in paral-
lel to the common busbars or to one electric
motor of the propulsion plant this generator
17.5.1 The electrical propulsion plants are shall be automatically disconnected by all
to be protected against earthing of the cur- poles or phases without interruption of pro-
rent-carrying parts. The leakage current in the pulsion plant power supply.
protection device shall not exceed 20 mA. 17.5.8 In the AC systems the generators
17.5.2 It is not allowed to use fuses as pro- and the electric propulsion motors of 1000 kV
tection devices in the main and excitation A capacity and higher shall be fitted with dif-
circuits of electric motors of propulsion ferential protection.
plants. 17.5.9 The checking, alarm and effective
17.5.3 When the DC generators of propul- control circuits of electric propulsion system
sion plant are connected in series, a protec- shall be protected against short circuit.
tion device is to be provided to prevent from
changing the direction of the generator set 17.6 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS
rotation in the event of partial or total loss of AND ALARM
torque by the primary mover. 17.6.1 The control boards/panels are to be
17.5.4 The electrical propulsion plant shall fitted with the following measuring instru-
have a zero protection against spontaneous ments providing monitoring of the system
start after activation of any protection. parameters affecting the operation of the elec-
trical propulsion plant:
17.5.5 The electrical propulsion plant shall .1 ammeter in main current circuit;
be protected against short-circuit currents and .2 voltmeter in main current circuit;
against overloads. A sound and light alarm is .3 ammeter in excitation circuit for sys-
to be activated prior to the start of operation tems with adjustable excitation;
of the overload protection. .4 voltmeter in excitation circuit for sys-
17.5.6 Measures shall be taken for limita- tems with adjustable excitation;
tion and use of electric power generated by .5 tachometer for motors of electric pro-
electric motor of the propulsion plant at tran- pulsion plants or propulsion shafts;
sient conditions or when changing the direc- .6 indicator "power generating plant is ready
tion of the propeller screw rotation if this for operation of electrical propulsion plant";
power may cause excessive increase of the .7 indicator "power generating plant is not
primary movers revolution frequency. ready for operation of electrical propulsion
In the electrical propulsion plant systems plant";
fitted with frequency converter and AC elec- .8 indicator "control from central control
tric motor the energy recuperation to the gen- station";
17 Electrical Propulsion Plants 723

.9 indicator "control from wheelhouse"; other without de-excitation of the propulsion

.10 indicator "local control station"; plant. The commutation is to be carried out
.11 indication of generators energizing the by setting the handle of the control station in
electrical propulsion plant. service into "Stop" position. Regardless of the
In the AC system the following devices position of the control handle at the control
shall be arranged in addition to the above: station to be put into service the activation of
.12 frequency meter; the electric propulsion motor is to be carried
.13 synchronizer for connecting the gen- out only through "Stop" position.
erators to parallel operation;
17.7.4 The control stations of electric pro-
.14 wattmeter;
pulsion plants shall meet the requirements of
.15 indicator "limitation of electrical pro-
1.5, Part IV, of the Rules.
pulsion plant power" (receives data from fre-
quency converter). 17.7.5 The control system of electric pro-
17.6.2 The electrical propulsion plant sys- pulsion plant is to have an interlocking pre-
tem shall be equipped with an insulance venting actuation of the plant when the bar-
monitoring device. In the main current cir- ring gear is also actuated.
cuits the following is to be provided: insulance 17.7.6 When the generators of the power
permanent monitoring, light and sound alarm systems of electric propulsion plant operate in
activated in the event of insulance decrease. parallel, an automated control system of the
17.6.3 Every control station is to be fitted power generating plant is to be provided.
with an indication of voltage availability in 17.7.7 In case of overload at the busbars of
the control circuits. the main switchboard (frequency reduction,
17.6.4 If the control panel/board is fitted current and/or power overload) the power
with measuring devices which use oil, steam supplied to the electric propulsion plant shall
or water, then measures shall be taken to pre- be automatically limited in order to avoid
vent ingress of the above substances to the deenergization of the busbars.
alive parts in the event of damage of such 17.7.8 If the protection system shuts down
devices or their pipes. one of the generators operating in parallel,
then the automated control system of the
17.7 ELECTRICAL PROPULSION PLANT power generating plant is to automatically
CONTROL reduce the power of electric propulsion plant
17.7.1 When the control from the board or in order to protect the remaining generators
panel of the plant is performed using electric from the overload and ensure their operation.
or hydraulic drive then the stop of the drive This requirement shall be applicable for the
shall not be accompanied by the shut down of automatic switches at the busbars of the main
the plant, and every post of the board shall be switchboard.
ready for manual control. 17.7.9 If the parallel operation of the gen-
17.7.2 If the ship is fitted with two or more erators is not envisaged and the frequency
remote control stations, each control station converters of the electric propulsion motors
shall be fitted with an alarm indicating the are interconnected via DC link, it is required
station being which station is used for control. to provide leveling of currents of the fre-
Apart from that the control stations shall be quency converters rectifiers in order to pro-
designed in such a way as to send the orders vide balanced load of the generators.
only from the control station in service. 17.7.10 A failure of automatic functions of
17.7.3 The control station switch is to be the electric propulsion plant control system
fitted with an interlocking device preventing shall lead to activation of the alarm warning
commutation from one control station to an- system.
724 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

17.7.11 At least two control stations (re- 17.8.6 The power filter capacitors used in
mote and local) independent from each other semiconductor converters to improve the
are to be provided for the electric propulsion quality of electric power shall be fitted with
plant. discharging devices.
17.7.12 In case of damage, failure or loss 17.8.7 The consumers sensitive to the har-
of power in the control system at the remote monicity of supply voltage shall be fed from
control station of electric propulsion plant a separate sources or fitted with local suppression
control of the electric propulsion plant con- devices of high harmonics down to technically
verters from the local control station shall be reasonable level regardless of the permissible
provided. value of the non-linear distortion factor.
17.8.8 The current ripple factor Kn of elec-
tric propulsion motors of AC/DC plants,
when fed by rectified current, shall be deter-
mined as follows:
17.8.1 The capacity of power sources and n
consumers connected to the busbars of elec- Kn   I v2 I dn , (17.8.8)
trical propulsion plant shall be selected with v 2
due regard of expected distortions on the bus- where n — harmonic number,
bars as well as additional distortions caused by Idn — constant component of rectified cur-
the dissimetry of the main and high harmon- rent,
ics in the transient operating conditions of Iv — effective current of vth harmonic
electric propulsion motor. component.
The current ripple factor for electric pro-
17.8.2 The main generators, semiconductor pulsion motors designed for operation from
converters of electric propulsion motor and DC generators shall not exceed 2%.
the accessories of main current circuits shall
withstand the current overloads of at least 17.8.9 The dynamic slowdown current shall
250 % within 2 seconds. The converters shall not exceed 200 % of the rated current.
withstand at least 150% of the rated current 17.8.10 The semiconductor converters shall
from electric propulsion motor during 1 minute. meet the requirements of 6.9, Part VI, of the
17.8.3 The capacity of electric propulsion Rules.
motors shall be selected with due regard of 17.8.11 At least two semiconductor con-
expected voltage distortions at the outlet of verters are to be provided for the electric pro-
semiconductor converter. pulsion plant. These semiconductor converters
17.8.4 The main generators and the electric shall be fully independent and installed sepa-
propulsion motors are to ensure the specified rately.
technical characteristics according to ship's 17.8.12 Each converter is to have a sepa-
purpose at voltage and current distortions rate control system.
caused by the operation of semiconductor
converters. 17.8.13 Two galvanic isolated speed sensors
are to be provided for each control system.
17.8.5 The overload capability of the main For the electric propulsion plants with power
generators and the electric propulsion motors less than 500 kVA in the systems with a fre-
shall meet the requirements of the onboard quency converter it is allowed to monitor the
operating conditions. Measures shall be taken speed using data received from frequency
to compensate the decrease of the overload converter.
capability caused by induction of high voltage
harmonics during operation of semiconductor 17.8.14 The converters are to have over-
converters. load capability that provides the appropriate
17 Electrical Propulsion Plants 725

torque, capacity and reactive power (for AC a way as to prevent the ingress of lubricating
systems) required during starting, maneuver- oil inside the clutch.
ing and emergency shut down conditions.
17.9.5 The clutch connection system shall
The converters' protection shall not be ac-
be designed in such a way as to avoid trans-
tivated in case of short-term overloads and
mission of excitation to the clutch during start
changes (drops) of rotation frequency.
or reverse of the main engine.
17.8.15 Malfunctions of the converters'
cooling system shall not lead to the shut down 17.9.6 When a number of driving motors
of all converters of the ship's electric propul- are in operation for one common transmis-
sion plant. sion, the excitation system of electric clutches
shall have an interlocking device preventing
17.8.16 The feedbacks of the converter are simultaneous actuation of driving motors ro-
to control (limit) the current in such a way tating in opposite directions.
that none of the components is damaged even
when the converter is connected to the motor 17.9.7 The excitation windings of electric
with locked rotor or its terminals are short- clutches are to be protected against overvoltage.
circuit. 17.9.8 The excitation circuit of electric
17.8.17 In the "frequency converter – AC clutches shall be fitted with:
electric motor" systems the converter is to .1 two-polar circuit breaker;
provide the following types of protection: .2 magnetic field damper;
.1 overheat protection of frequency con- .3 protection device against short-circuit
verter; current.
.2 short-circuit protection between the
output phases;
.3 power supply phase failure;
.4 protection from current overload be- 17.10.1 The electric propulsion plants are
tween the output phases and the hull; to be designed for the ship's operating condi-
.5 overvoltage protection in DC link; tions specified in 3.1.1.
.6 protection from power supply The electric propulsion plant shall be so
over(under-)voltage; designed that a failure of a component of
.7 motor phase failure. power part or control system does not cause
the shut down of the electric propulsion mo-
17.9 ELECTRIC CLUTCHES tors. The capacity required for operation of
17.9.1 The electromagnetic and electroin- electric propulsion plant shall be restored
duction clutches are covered by all the re- within 30 seconds after loss of power.
quirements of the previous sections as well as 17.10.2 The electric propulsion plant con-
the requirements for electrical machinery as sists of the following components:
far as practicable. .1 main generators of electrical propulsion
17.9.2 The design of electric clutches shall plant – at least two;
allow their dismantling without disassembling .2 main distribution switchboard split in two
the drive motor or the reduction gear. parts with an intersectional circuit breaker;
.3 power transformers for converting the
17.9.3 The design and arrangement of elec- voltage of main generators into the voltage of
tric clutches shall allow free access for main- semiconductor converters (if specified by the
tenance, replacement of brushes and measur- design of electric propulsion plant) – one
ing of air clearance without dismantling the transformer for each converter;
clutches. .4 electric propulsion motor powered by
17.9.4 The drive motor bearings or the its semiconductor converter;
driven gear bearings shall be designed in such .5 control system.
726 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

17.10.3 The electric propulsion plants with braking provided that it will not cause over-
one electric propulsion motor shall meet the heating of motor windings.
following additional requirements:
.1 synchronous and asynchronous motors 17.10.5 The alarm warning signal is to be
are to have two systems of stator windings provided at each operating control station.
capable to disconnect independently from This signal is to warn of a malfunction in the
their semiconductor frequency converter. Two system of electric propulsion plant.
frequency converters shall be provided – one
for each stator winding system. Each semi- 17.11 ELECTROMAGNETIC
conductor frequency converter is to be de- COMPATIBILITY OF ELECTRIC
signed for at least 50% of the rated power of PROPULSION PLANTS
electric propulsion plant.
.2 DC motors are to be of double- 17.11.1 The electric propulsion plant is to
armature (double-commutator) type. Each operate without failures and malfunctions
armature winding is to be designed for at least under the influence of electromagnetic inter-
50 % of the rated power of electric propulsion ference and is to meet the requirements speci-
plant and is to be fed by its independent con- fied in Appendix 15 of RTSC.
verter. 17.11.2 If harmonic distortions exceed 10%
17.10.4 Braking or locking devices shall be during operation of electric propulsion plant,
provided for the propulsion shaft. then appropriate filtration and interference-
In the "frequency converter – AC electric free performance of connected consumers is
motor" systems it is allowed to apply dynamic to be provided.


18.1 SPARE PARTS 18.1.3 The spare parts shall be located in

accessible places, fastened and marked.
18.1.1 The nomenclature and number of
spare parts for the electrical equipment are 18.2 SUPPLY ITEMS
specified in the delivery specifications accord- 18.2.1 Every ship fitted with electrical
ing to the technical documentation. power sources of more than 3 kW capacity
shall be equipped with portable voltammeter,
ohmmeter or combined instrument for meas-
18.1.2 The spare parts shall be designed in uring current strength, voltage and resistance,
such a way that their use should not require with high-resistance ohmmeter and load nip-
any additional processing or adjustment. pers in case of AC current use.
Appendix 1 727



1 In accordance with GOST 14254 the digital designation of protection level

designation of protection level of electrical against ingress of water inside the casing (Ta-
equipment shall include the following: ble A1.1-2).
conventional sign IP;
digital designation of protection level for 2 If a protection level is not required for
attending personnel against touching the mov- the product, then "X" sign is put in the con-
ing parts of the equipment and against ingress ventional sign instead of the designation of
of solid foreign objects inside the casing (Ta- protection level which is not required and is
ble A1.1-1); not tested.
T a b l e A1.1-1
Digital designation of protection level for attending personnel against touching the moving parts of the
equipment and against ingress of solid foreign objects inside the casing
tion level
0 No protection against touching alive or moving parts of the casing, as well as no protection of
equipment against ingress of solid foreign objects
1 Protection against accidental touching alive or moving parts inside the casing with a significant
surface area of human body. No protection against deliberate access to these parts
Protection of the equipment against ingress of large-size solid foreign objects with diameter
50.0 mm and more
2 Protection against finger touching alive or moving parts inside the casing
Protection of the equipment against ingress of medium-size solid foreign objects with diameter
12.5 mm and more
3 Protection against touching alive or moving parts inside the casing by tools, wire or similar ob-
jects with thickness 2.5 mm and more
Protection of the equipment against ingress of small-size solid foreign objects with thickness 2.5
mm and more
4 Protection against touching alive or moving parts inside the casing by tools, wire or similar ob-
jects with thickness 1 mm and more
Protection of the equipment against ingress of small-size solid foreign objects with thickness 1
mm and more
5 Full protection of personnel against touching alive or moving parts inside the casing
Protection of the equipment against harmful dust deposits
6 Full protection of personnel against touching alive or moving parts inside the casing and full
protection of the equipment against dust ingress
T a b l e A1.1-2
Digital designation of protection level of the equipment against ingress of water inside the casing
tion level
0 No protection
1 Protection against condensate drops. Water dropped vertically on the casing shall not adversely
affect the equipment inside the casing
2 Protection against water drops. Water dropped on the casing at an angle not exceeding 15° from
the vertical shall not adversely affect the equipment inside the casing
3 Protection against rain. Rain dropped on the casing at an angle not exceeding 60° from the ver-
tical shall not adversely affect the equipment inside the casing
728 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

E n d o f T a b l e A1.1-2
tion level
4 Protection against splashes. Water splashed on the casing from any direction shall not adversely
affect the equipment inside the casing
5 Protection against water jets. Water jet ejected from the nozzle tip on the casing at any direction
shall not adversely affect the equipment inside the casing
6 Protection against waves on the deck. When the casing is washed by waves, the water shall not
penetrate inside the casing under the test conditions agreed by the customer and manufacturer
7 Protection at submergence. Water shall not penetrate inside under the pressure and test time
conditions agreed by the customer and manufacturer
8 Protection at unlimited long-time submergence. The pressurized water shall not penetrate inside
the casing under the pressure conditions agreed by the customer and manufacturer



1 In accordance with GOST R IEC 60079-0 T a b l e A2.2

when designating the protection level the ex- Groups of explosive gas-air and vapour-air mixtures
plosive gas-air and vapour-air mixtures are Group of explosive gas-air and Self-ignition tempera-
classified as in Table A2.1 with regard to the vapour-air mixtures ture, °Ñ
size of maximal experimental safe clearance Ò1 Above 450
(MESC). Ò2 From 300 to 450
T a b l e A2.1 Ò3 From 200 to 300
Categories of explosive gas-air Ò4 From 135 to 200
and vapour-air mixtures Ò5 From 100 to 135
Mixture Ò6 From 85 to 100
Mixture name MESC, mm
I Mine methane Over 1.0
II Industrial gases and — 3 The explosion-proof electrical equipment
vapours may have the explosion protection types
II À Ditto Over 0.9 specified in Table A2.3.
II Â « Over 0.5 to 0.9
II Ñ « Up to 0.5 T a b l e A2.3
Explosion protection types of explosion-proof
MESC — maximal clearance between the electrical equipment
casing flanges which does not transfer explo-
sion inside the casing to the ambient space at Explosion protection types
any concentration of mixture in the air. Explosion-proof enclosure d
The MESC values specified in Table A2.1 Spark-proof electrical circuit ia, ib, ic
shall not be used for monitoring the casing «å» type protection e
clearance in operation. Enclosure pressurization or purging p
2 Explosive gas-air and vapour-air mixtures Enclosure oil immersion o
are subdivided into six groups depending on Enclosure powder filling q
their self-ignition temperature as specified in Special type of explosion protection s
Table A2.2. Automatic protecting shutdown —
Appendix 3 729



1 The tests are carried out in order to 5 The specimen shall be fastened using
check the flame retardance of insulated cable copper wire to two horizontal supports
or wire. (Fig. A3.5-1) in such a way that the distance
between the lower edge of the upper support
2 The test specimens are cable or wire sec- and the upper edge of the lower support is
tions (600±25) mm long. Prior to the test the (550±5) mm. The lower end of the specimen
specimens shall be kept at (23±5) °Ñ tem- shall be approximately 550 mm apart from the
perature and (50±20) % humidity for at least chamber floor. The burner shall be located in
16 hours. If the cable or wire is coated with such a way that the tip of the internal blue-
paint or varnish, the specimen shall be kept at colored cone of the flame touches the surface
(60±2) °Ñ temperature during 4 hours before of the specimen at a distance approximately
the test. 75 mm higher than the lower clutch.
3 The test chamber is a metal box
(450±25) mm long, (300±25) mm width and
(1200±25) mm height without the front side.
The test chamber floor shall be protected with
a layer of mineral insulation. The test cham-
ber shall be arranged in a space free from
draughts and fitted with toxic gas (generated
during combustion) disposal systems.
4 Prior to the test the burner shall be
mounted on a horizontal surface in such a
way that the flame is directed strictly upwards.
The overall length of the flame is to be 125
mm and the length of internal blue-colored
part – 44 mm. The work of the burner is to be
checked by inserting a copper wire with
(0.710±0.025) mm diameter and at least 100
mm length at right angle to the flame at a
distance exceeding the end of internal blue-
colored part of the flame by 10 mm and in
such a way that the wire end is located above Fig. A3.5-1. Arrangement of a specimen
the edge of burner's nozzle. The temperature in the test chamber:
1 — metal chamber; 2 — support bar and fastening
of the flame is to provide melting of the cop- of copper wire; 3 — specimen;
per wire within the time limits from 4 to 6 À — distance between chamber floor and specimen's
seconds. lower end (approx. 50 mm).
730 RCCS. Part VI "Electrical Equipment"

The angle between the axis of burner's noz- 7 After the burning stops the specimen
zle and the specimen vertical axis shall be 45° shall be carefully wiped with a cloth.
(Fig. A3.5-2). The internal blue-coloured part
of the flame is to be at a distance of 10 mm If the specimen's surface has no damages,
apart from the specimen. the presence of soot on its surface after wip-
ing is allowed. Softening or deformation of
non-metal material shall not be taken into
account. The distance between lower edge of
the upper support and the beginning of
specimen's charred part shall be measured
with accuracy of 1 mm.
The beginning of the charred part shall be
defined as follows. The cable surface is
pressed with a sharp object, e.g. knife blade.
The place where the elastic surface of the
specimen changes to a brittle one is deter-
mined as the beginning of the charred part.

8 It is considered that the cable or wire has

Fig. A3.5-2. Application of burner's flame to the passed the test when the specimen has not
specimen: caught fire or when the specimen stops burn-
1 — lower edge of upper support; 2 — specimen
ing after the test flame is removed and the
traces of fire did not reach the upper end of
6 The time, during which the specimen is
the specimen.
permanently exposed to the flame, shall be as
specified in Table A3.6. In the end of the test When the flame spreads downwards up to
the burner shall be removed and its flame the point located at a distance more than 540
shall be extinguished. mm from the lower edge of the upper sup-
T a b l e A3.6 port, it is considered that the cable or wire
Time of the flame permanent exposure to specimen has not passed the test.
External diameter D of
specimen, mm
Flame exposure time, s If the specimen has not passed the test,
Up to 25 60 two more tests are to be carried out. If the
From 25 to 50 120 results of these two tests are satisfactory, then
« 50 « 75 240 it is considered that the cable or wire has
Over 75 480 passed the test.
Part VII


732 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION .5 G l o b a l M a r i t i m e D i s t r e s s

1.1.1 This Part of the Rules covers techni- a n d S a f e t y S y s t e m (GMDSS) means
cal requirements to radio communica-tion an international radio communication system
equipment for inland and river – sea naviga- developed by the International Maritime Or-
tion ships as well as requirements to compo- ganization (IMO), requirements to which are
nents and parameters of this equipment. brought to amendments 1988–1989 to Chap-
ter IV “Radio Communication” of the Inter-
1.1.2 This part of the Rules applies to national Convention for the Safety of Life at
products, ships being designed and ships in Sea, 1974 and to this Part of the Rules;
construction in accordance with 1.5, Part 0 of .6 L e n g t h o f t h e s h i p means
the Rules, unless otherwise provided, the length of a ship at design waterline;
ships and products in service are covered by .7 G M D S S i d e n t i t i e s mean mari-
the requirements of the Rules according to time mobile services identity, the ship’s call
which they were built (manufactured). sign, INMARSAT identities and serial num-
ber identity which may be transmitted by the
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ship’s equipment and used to identify the ship;
1.2.1 The following terms are used in this .8 I N M A R S A T means an organiza-
Part of the Rules: tion established by the Convention on the
.1 E m e r g e n c y position-indi- International Maritime Satellite Organization
c a t i n g r a d i o b e a c o n (EPIRB) means adopted on 3 September 1976; since
a mobile service station, the emissions of 9 December 1994 it is an International Mo-
which are intended to facilitate search and bile Satellite Organization;
rescue operations; .9 M a r i t i m e s a f e t y i n f o r m a -
.2 S t a r t - u p t i m e means a period of t i o n means navigational and meteorological
time necessary for radio equipment to become warnings, meteorological forecasts and other
operational as measured from the moment of urgent safety-related messages broadcast to
energizing the equipment; ships;
.3 I n n e r r o a d w i t h i n h a r b o u r .10 C o n v e n t i o n means the Interna-
w a t e r a r e a means a section of port water tional Convention for the Safety of Life at
area within the established boundaries shel- Sea, 1974, as amended;
tered from waves by natural coastline or ex- .11 C O S P A S - S A R S A T means an
ternal breakwater structures for ships berthing; international system for search and rescue of
.4 M a i n V H F r a d i o t e l e p h o n e ships and aircraft in distress using near-polar
s t a t i o n means a station for transmission orbiting satellite system;
and receipt of distress alerts, navigation warn- .12 S e a a r e a À 1 means within the
ings, meteorological forecasts, medical, urgent radio-telephone coverage of a VHF coast sta-
and other messages as may be required for tion which provides continuous digital selec-
navigation safety; tive call (DSC) alerting;
1 General Provisions 733

.13 S e a a r e a À 2 means an area other which could otherwise be avoided in the ab-
than sea area A1 within the radio-telephone sence of such unwanted energy;
coverage of an MF coast station, which pro- .22 P o r t a b l e radio station
vides continuous digital selective call (DSC) means a man-portable radio station with
alerting; weight not exceeding 1 kg;
.14 S e a a r e a À 3 means an area other .23 R a d i o e q u i p m e n t means tech-
than sea areas A1 and A2 within the coverage nical facilities designed for communication
of INMARSAT geostationary satellite system, and broadcasting;
which provides continuous distress alerting; .24 G e n e r a l r a d i o c o m m un ic a -
.15 S e a a r e a À 4 means an area other t i on means service and public correspon-
than sea areas A1, A2 and A3; dence traffic, other than distress, urgency and
.16 N A V T E X means an international safety messages, conducted by radio;
automated alerting system; its stations broad- .25 E n h a n c e d group calling
cast, in coordinated manner, every four hours (EGC) means a service for broadcasting dis-
some maritime safety information (navigation tress, safety and urgency messages via
warnings, meteorological warnings, informa- INMARSAT mobile satellite communications
tion on search and rescue operations as well system;
as other information affecting navigation .26 R a d i o R e g u l a t i o n s means a
safety within range of these stations); its document being an appendix or considered as
automatically receive the said information at an appendix to the latest effective revision of
518 kHz by means of narrow-band direct- the International Telecommunication Con-
printing (NBDP) telegraphy in English; vention;
.17 C o n t i n u o u s w a t c h means an .27 S t a n d b y power source
uninterrupted radio watch except for short means a storage battery independent of power
intervals when the ship radio capability is im- installation and ship's electric system, which is
paired or blocked by its own communications designed for supplying radio communication
or when the radio equipment is under peri- equipment in case of malfunction of ship's
odical maintenance, repair or checks; main and emergency electric power sources;
.18 M a n - p o r t a b l e r a d i o s t a t i o n .28 S e c u r i t y a l e r t s y s t e m means
means a radio station designed for radiotele- a system which generates and transmits a hid-
phone communication between a life-saving den signal or message on security breach or
appliance (LSA) and the ship, support of that a ship is under threat of unauthorized
mooring and specific operations, transmission intrusion to an authorized organization;
of emergency commands from the wheel- .29 R e s c u e u n i t means an object
house; it has its own power source and (ship, helicopter, etc.) manned with trained
adapted for operation when carried; personnel and equipped with arrangements for
.19 M F / H F r a d i o s t a t i o n means search and rescue operations;
a radio station operating within the medium .30 S h i p e a r t h s t a t i o n means a
and short wave bands; mobile earth station in the maritime mobile
.20 M o b i l e e a r t h s t a t i o n means satellite service installed on board the ship;
an earth station in the mobile satellite service .31 N a r r o w - b a n d direct-
intended to be used underway or at rest at p r i n t i n g (NBDP) t e l e g r a p h y means
unspecified points; communication technique using automated
.21 I n t e r f e r e n c e s mean the effect telegraphy equipment, which complies with
of unwanted energy due to one or a combina- the relevant recommendations of the Interna-
tion of emissions, radiations, or inductions tional Telecommunication Union (ITU);
upon receipt in a radio communication sys- .32 T w o - w a y V H F r a d i o t e l e -
tem, manifested by any performance degrada- p h o n e a p p a r a t u s means a VHF appa-
tion, misinterpretation or loss of information, ratus designed for communication between
734 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

buoyant life-saving appliances (LSA) and a .1 transmission of shore-to-ship distress

ship as well as between buoyant life-saving alerts;
appliances and a rescue unit; .2 receipt of shore-to-ship distress alerts;
.33 D i g i t a l s e l e c t i v e c a l l i n g .3 transmission and receipt of ship-to-ship
(DSC) means a way of communication com- distress alerts;
plying with recommendations of the Interna- .4 transmission and receipt of safety in-
tional Radio Consultative Committee and formation when in voyage;
using digital codes; this allows a radio station .5 transmission and receipt of navigation
to establish communication and transmit in- and other ship data in alert systems, naviga-
formation to another station or a group of tion conditions compliance control systems
stations; and navigation safety systems, if these data are
.34 O p e r a t i o n a l V H F r a d i o - to be transmitted by ships navigating within
t e l e p h o n e s t a t i o n means a radio sta- the coverage area of such systems.
tion designed for transmission and receipt of
service messages. 1.3.3 Serviceability of radio equipment on
board river – sea navigation ships shall be pro-
1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS vided as follows:
TO RADIO EQUIPMENT .1 for ships fitted with radio equipment in
accordance with 2.2.1 and navigating within
1.3.1 Every self-propelled river – sea navi- sea areas A1 or A1+A2, serviceability of radio
gation ship in service shall be fitted with radio equipment is to be provided by one of the
equipment able to provide the following: following methods:
.1 transmission of ship-to-shore distress redundancy of equipment (see Table
alerts by at least two separate and independ- 2.2.1);
ent means, each using a different radio com- shore-based maintenance and repair;
munication service; afloat maintenance and repair by the ship
.2 receipt of shore-to-ship distress alerts; radio officer having the radio operator's first
.3 transmission and receipt of ship-to-ship or second class certificate;
distress alerts; or combination of these methods.
.4 transmission and receipt of search and For ships fitted with radio equipment in
rescue coordinating communications; accordance with 2.2.3 and navigating within
.5 transmission and receipt of on-scene sea areas A1 or A1+A2, serviceability of radio
communications; equipment is to be provided by means of
.6 transmission and receipt of signals for shore-based maintenance and repair;
position finding; .2 For ships fitted with radio equipment
.7 transmission and receipt of safety in- in accordance with 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 and navi-
formation when in voyage and receipt of such gating within sea areas A1+A2+A3 as well as
information when in port; A1+A2+A3+A4, serviceability of radio
.8 transmission and receipt of general ra- equipment is to be provided by two following
dio messages via shore-based communication methods:
systems and networks; redundancy of equipment (see Table
.9 transmission and receipt of wheel- 2.2.1);
house-to-wheelhouse messages. shore-based maintenance and repair;
With respect to those operations, provisions afloat maintenance and repair by the ship
shall be made to prevent making false distress radio officer having the radio operator's first
signals. or second class certificate;
1.3.2 Every self-propelled inland navigation .3 provision shall be made for necessary
ship shall be fitted with radio equipment able tools, spare parts and measuring (test) equip-
to provide the following: ment on board each ship for maintenance and
1 General Provisions 735

repair of radio equipment regardless of its approval by the River Register if such a re-
maintenance and repair methods; placement does not cause change in cable
.4 on board each ship engaged on voyages rerouting/replacement or equipment reloca-
within sea areas À1+À2+À3 or À1+À2+À3+ tion.
+À4 there shall be always kept descriptions,
operating manuals for each type of radio 1.3.5 Radio equipment not covered in Ta-
equipment, as well as provision shall be made ble 2.1.1, 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 may be installed on
for necessary tools, spare parts and measuring board ships as additional equipment provided
(test) equipment for maintenance of radio that:
equipment; .1 the requirements with respect to elec-
.5 for ships engaged on voyages within sea tromagnetic compatibility, electrical safety,
areas À1 or À1+À2, the scope of technical permissible heating of cases and absence of
documentations, tools, instruments, spare harmful radiations as stipulated by these Rules
parts and measuring (test) equipment is to be are complied with;
stated by the manufacturer in technical .2 the requirements of Part VI of these
documentation for the equipment; Rules with respect to its connection to the
.6 where serviceability of radio equipment ship's power mains are complied with;
is provided by combination of methods, one .3 results of reliability checks for equip-
of which being shore-based maintenance and ment fasteners designed for its safe operation
repair, an agreement on shore-based mainte- under heel, trim and roll conditions according
nance with equipment manufacturer or an to 6.1.2 are satisfactory;
enterprise authorized by the manufacturer .4 results of checks of arrangement and
shall be available on board the ship, or a writ- installation for compliance with requirements
ten declaration/plan indicating the method of of 4.1, 4.5, 4.10, 5.4 and 5.5 and checks of
shore-based maintenance shall be submitted. access for repair and maintenance of equip-
Provision shall be made for maintenance and ment installed in accordance with 2.1.1, 2.2.1
repair of radio equipment in sea areas where and 2.2.3 are satisfactory;
such ships navigate. .5 documentation on its installation
1.3.4 Radio equipment may be replaced agreed upon with the River Register is avail-
with that of the same type without the need in able.
736 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”


2.1 RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR SHIPS within the ship navigation area is arranged, in
OF Ì, Î, Ð AND Ë CLASSES order to comply with requirements stated in
1.3.2, shall be fitted with radio equipment
2.1.1 Each self-propelled ship, with regard
according to Table 2.1.1.
to how communication for safe navigation
T a b l e 2.1.1
Quantity with regard to category
Radio equipment of navigation water area
1. MF/HF radio station or ship earth station1 1 1 12 12
2. Main VHF radiotelephone station (300.025 to 300.5 MHz)8 1 1 13 13
4 4 5
3. Operational VHF radiotelephone station 1 1 1 —
(300.025 to 300.500, 336.025 to 336.500 MHz)
4. Portable/man-portable VHF radiotelephone station (300.025 to 3 1 1 —
300.225 MHz) 6,9
5. Radar transponder10 1 — — —
6. Public address and broadcasting device 1 14 17 —
No radio equipment is needed on board ships engaged on voyages within continuous coverage of
shore-based VHF radiotelephone station systems, port water area, road, as well as engaged on voyages as part
of a convoy or on operations as part of a group of ships, provided that such a convoy or a group of ship in-
cludes ships equipped with complete set of radio equipment required for navigation within respective area and
the permanent radio communication by means of VHF radiotelephone stations is maintained with these ships.
Satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system may be fitted instead of MF/HF radio installation or
ship earth station, provided that voyage, navigation and meteorological information is received by means of
other equipment on board the ship.
For ships of Ð and Ë class less than 25 m long installation of a portable/man-portable MF/HF radio-
telephone station supplied from ship's mains and connected to the external stationary antenna may be suf-
ficient. Such a radiotelephone station may not replace the radiotelephone station given in 4 Table or may
not be such a station.
Required only for passenger ships and ships with a length of 25 m and above or ships with main en-
gines power of 367 kW and above.
Required only for passenger ships with a length of 25 m and above.
Frequency range of a portable/man-portable VHF radiotelephone station may be 300.025 to 300.225,
336.02 to 336.225 MHz.
Required for passenger ships only.
Where only main VHF radiotelephone station is installed on board the ship, its frequency range shall
be 300.025 to 300.500, 336.025 to 336.500 MHz.
For passenger ships: of Î class: when the crew consists of 2 persons — 2 sets, when the crew consists
of 3 and more persons – 3 sets; of Ð class: when the crew consists of more than 1 person — 2 sets, of Ë
class — 1 set.
The ships in service shall be fitted with ra-dio stations according to the requirements by the time of or-
dinary survey of the ship after 01.01.2017 but not later than 19.07.2021.
Not required for ships engaged on voyages within port water area or road.
2 Radio Equipment 737

2.1.2 Non-self-propelled ships manned Non-self-propelled ships in service are to

with crew or specific personnel shall be be fitted with radio equipment according to
equipped with radio equipment according to the requirements of the present paragraph by
Table 2.1.1 as ships of Ë class. In addition to the time of ordinary survey of the ship starting
Note 3 of Table 2.1.1 it is permitted to equip from 01.01.2017 but not later than
the ship (irrespective of ship's length) with a 19.07.2021.
portable (mobile) VHF radiotelephone station
2.1.3 Inland navigation ships, which navi-
instead of main VHF radiotelephone station
gate within maritime traffic areas, shall have a
provided that the ship's mains is not available
VHF radiotelephone station with maritime
onboard the ship. In this case when it is not
mobile service frequencies. This station shall
possible to charge the accumulator batteries
be permanently supplied from the ship's elec-
onboard the ship, a set of accumulator batter-
tric power source throughout the period when
ies is to be available onboard the ship. The
the ship is within the maritime traffic area.
total capacity of the batteries shall ensure the
operation of the radio station during the 2.1.4 Ships shall be provided with operating
whole time of crew or special personnel pres- documents for radio equipment.
ence onboard the ship expected that the radio
station is to operate continuously during 24 h:
at least 1 h for transmission and 24 h for re-
ceipt. Where satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-
SARSAT system is installed instead of 2.2.1 In order to comply with requirements
MF/HF radiotelephone on board non-self- stated in 1.3.1, each passenger ship and each
propelled ships, it is permitted not to have ship of gross tonnage of 300 and above en-
other means of reception of voyage, naviga- gaged on international voyages shall be fitted
tion and meteorological information. with radio equipment according to Table 2.2.1.
T a b l e 2.2.1
Quantity per ship
in inland within sea areas
Radio equipment1
water- À1+À2 À1+À2+
ways A1 À1+À2
+À3 À3+À4
1. Main VHF radiotelephone station (300.025 to 300.500 MHz) 1 — — — —
2. Operational VHF radiotelephone station 1 — — — —
(300.025 to 300.500, 336.025 to 336.500 MHz)
3. Portable/man-portable VHF radiotelephone station (300.025 to 226 — — — —
300.225 MHz)
4. VHF radio installation2:
DCS encoding device — 118 118 118 118
receiver for DSC watch — 118 118 118 118
radiotelephone station — 13, 18 13, 18 13, 18 13, 18
5. MF radio installation2,4: 114
DCS encoding device — — 118,19 1 —
receiver for DSC watch — — 118,19,22 1 —
radiotelephone station — — 15,18, 19 1 —
6. MF/HF radio installation2: 114
DCS encoding device — — — 16,18 118,21
receiver for DSC watch — — — 16,18 118,21
telephony and NBDP radio receiver — — — 16,7,18 17,18,21
telephony and NBDP radio transmitter — — — 16,7,18 17,18,21
increased fidelity direct-printing equipment — — — 16,18 118,21
terminal direct-printing apparatus — — — 16,18 118
7. INMARSAT ship earth station 114 — — 14,18, 20 14, 20
8. NAVTEX receiver — 18 18 18 18
738 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

E n d o f T a b l e 2.2.1
Quantity per ship
in inland within sea areas
Radio equipment1
water- À1+À2 À1+À2+
ways A1 À1+À2
+À3 À3+À4
9. EGC receiver — 19,10 19,10 19,10 19,10
10. Direct-printing telegraphy HF receiver for receipt of maritime — 111 111 111 111
safety information
11. Satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system12 — 213 213 213 2
12. VHF EPIRB — 115 — — —
13. Distress position indicator: ship's radar transponder or ship's of — 116 116 116 116
automatic identification system (AIS) transmitter
14. Command public address device 1 1 1 1 1
15. Distress position finding device: LSA radar transponder or LSA — 217 217 217 217
AIS transmitter
16. LSA two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus — 317 317 317 317
17. Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus for aircraft communication24 — 123 123 123 123
18. Security alert system — 125 125 125 125
N o t e : see 2.2.2 with number corresponding to footnote number.

2.2.2 When using Table 2.2.1, the following provided by redundancy, the second inde-
shall be considered: pendent distress alerting arrangement may be
.1 if a ship is engaged on voyages within omitted provided that it is available in the
sea area A1, in addition to radio equipment redundant equipment;
mentioned in Table 2.2.1 for this area, it shall .2 combined radio installation or radio in-
be fitted with a second independent distress stallation as a separate device may be used;
alerting arrangement: this may be either the .3 continuous listening watch may be used
second VHF DSC radio installation without on VHF channel 16;
special receiver for continuous DSC watch on
.4 mentioned equipment is not required if
channel 70, or VHF EPIRB, or MF DSC
the MF/HF radio installation is available;
radio installation (if the ship is engaged on
voyages within sea area covered by shore- .5 where radio telephone station does not
based MF DSC radio stations), or HF DSC provide for transmission and receipt of general
radio installation, or INMARSAT ship earth radio messages at operating frequencies at
station, or satellite EPIRB of the COSPAS- 1605 to 4000 kHz, provision shall be made for
SARSAT system. If the ship is engaged on a separate radio installation or MF/HF radio
voyages within sea areas À1+À2 or installation for transmission and receipt of
À1+À2+À3, in addition to radio equipment general radio messages by means of radiote-
mentioned in Table 2.2.1 for these sea areas, lephony or direct-printing telegraphy, or
either additional INMARSAT ship earth sta- INMARSAT ship earth station;
tion, or satellite EPIRB of the COSPAS- .6 mentioned equipment is not required if
SARSAT system, or HF DSC radio installa- the INMARSAT ship earth station is avail-
tion (unless installed as a main one specified able;
in Table 2.2.1 for sea areas À1/À2/À3) may .7 where MF/HF radio installation does
be used as a second independent distress not provide for transmission and reception of
alerting arrangement. If the ship is engaged general radio messages at operating frequen-
on voyages within sea areas À1+À2+À3+À4, cies of 1605 to 4000 kHz and 4000 to 27500
a satellite EPIRB of the COSPAS-SARSAT kHz, provision shall be made for a separate
system may be used as a second independent radio installation for transmission and recep-
distress alerting arrangement. Where service- tion of general radio messages by means of
ability of equipment on board the ships is radiotelephony or direct-printing telegraphy;
2 Radio Equipment 739

.8 mentioned receiver is mandatory if the installation is installed as a redundant ar-

ship is engaged on voyages within any area rangement;
covered by NAVTEX; .21 for ships engaged on occasional voy-
.9 mentioned equipment is allowed as part ages in the sea area A4 and equipped with
of INMARSAT ship earth station; MF/HF radio installation, the redundant
.10 the receiver is mandatory if the ship is MF/HF radio installation may be replaced
engaged on voyages within any area covered with INMARSAT ship earth station;
by INMARSAT geostationary satellites and .22 ship engaged on voyages within sea
not covered by NAVTEX; areas A1+A2 and equipped with INMARSAT
.11 the mentioned receiver may be in- ship earth station shall be fitted with receiver
stalled instead of EGC receiver on ships en- for DSC watch at frequency of 2187.5 kHz;
gaged on voyages exclusively within the area .23 each passenger ship, at the position
where maritime safety information is broad- from which the ship is normally steered, shall
cast by means of HF direct-printing telegra- be fitted with local two-way radio communi-
phy; cation arrangement using aircraft frequencies
.12 one of satellite EPIRBs of COSPAS- 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz for the purposes
SARSAT system shall be of free floating type; of search and rescue operations;
.13 a single EPIRB may be installed if the .24 two sets are recommended, one set
distress alerting is provided from the usual being man-portable;
steering position by means of at least two .25 to be available on board passenger
separate and independent arrangements using (including high-speed) ships and cargo (in-
different types of communication correspond- cluding high-speed) ships of gross tonnage of
ing to a ship navigation area; 500 and above engaged on international voyages;
.14 equipment configuration shall comply .26 if the ship's crew consists of one per-
with requirements in 2.1.1; son — 1 set, if the crew of a passenger ship
.15 VHF EPIRB may be provided instead or a ship carrying dangerous goods consists of
of EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system on 3 or more persons — 3 sets.
board ships engaged on voyages exclusively 2.2.3 Every ship not engaged on interna-
within sea areas A1; tional voyages and every ship with gross ton-
.16 ship's radar transponder or ship's AIS nage less than 300 engaged on international
transmitter may be one of LSA radar trans- voyages shall be fitted with the following radio
ponders or LSA AIS transmitters; equipment:
.17 for non-passenger ships of gross ton- .1 for inland waterways according to Ta-
nage less than 500, two sets of two-way VHF ble 2.2.1;
radiotelephone apparatus and one LSA radar .2 for voyages within sea area A1:
transponder or LSA AIS transmitter are suffi-
VHF DSC radio installation;
.18 where serviceability of equipment is free floating satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-
provided by redundancy, the second set of SARSAT system;
such equipment shall be fitted. All the redun- ship's radar transponder or AIS transmit-
dant equipment shall be connected to separate ter;
antennas, to main, emergency and standby LSA two-way VHF radiotelephone appa-
electric power sources, and be readily available; ratus, two sets;
.19 depending on sea navigation area, command public address device;
INMARSAT ship earth station may be in- .3 ships engaged on voyages within sea ar-
stalled instead of redundant MF radiotele- eas A1+A2 shall be fitted, in addition to men-
phone; tioned in, with the following radio
.20 redundant set of INMARSAT ship equipment:
earth station is not required if MF/HF radio MF or MF/HF DSC radio installation;
740 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

NAVTEX receiver. Ships intended for 2.2.5 Non-self-propelled manned ships in-
permanent operation outside the coverage tended to be towed/pushed at sea shall be
area of NAVTEX shall be fitted with EGC fitted with radio equipment for sea area A1
receiver or direct-printing telegraphy HF re- according to except for command
ceiver for receipt of maritime safety informa- public address device.
tion if the ship is engaged on voyages exclu-
sively within an area where maritime safety 2.2.6 For oil tankers, oil skimming vessels,
information is broadcast by means of HF di- gas carriers and chemical tankers, transmitter
rect-printing telegraphy; power at the carrier frequency shall not ex-
ceed 500 W in the antenna. The peak power
.4 when the ship is engaged on voyages
of transmitter shall not exceed 1000 W.
within sea areas A1+À2+À3 or
À1+À2+À3+À4, the following shall be in- Portable/man-portable VHF radiotele-
stalled, in addition to radio equipment men- phone stations on these ships shall have an
tioned in explosion group stated in Table A2.3 Appen-
MF/HF DSC radio installation; dix 2 Part VI of these Rules and comply with
requirements of 6.1.32.
INMARSAT-C ship earth station with
EGC receiver and GLONASS/GPS receiver; 2.2.7 In addition to mentioned in 2.1.1,
NAVTEX receiver with regard to its ap- 2.2.1 and 2.2.3, the ships shall be provided
plication as stated in with equipment used in alert systems, naviga-
Radio equipment of ships fitted under this tion conditions compliance control systems
paragraph shall be compliant with require- and navigation safety systems, if such an
ments of,,, to equipment is mandatory for ships (or group of, ships) operated within coverage areas of these
2.2.4 Every ship intended for navigation in-
side the port water area shall be fitted with 2.2.8 In order to comply with requirements
radio equipment for sea area A1 in accor- of 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 with respect to distress
dance with 2.2.3 except for free floating satel- alerting by at least two separate and independ-
lite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system. ent radio arrangements, refer to Table 2.2.8.
T a b l e 2.2.8
Radio equipment for distress alerting
Sea areas Radio equipment
A1 VHF DSC radio installation, VHF EPIRB or satellite EPIRB of
À1+À2 VHF DSC radio installation, MF DSC radio installation, satellite EPIRB of
À1+À2+À3 (option 1) VHF DSC radio installation, MF/HF DSC radio installation, INMARSAT
ship earth station, satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system
À1+À2+À3 (option 2) VHF DSC radio installation, MF/HF DSC radio installation, satellite EPIRB
À1+À2+À3+À4 VHF DSC radio installation, MF/HF DSC radio installation, INMARSAT
ship earth station, satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system
3 Power Sources 741


3.1 POWER SOURCES FOR RADIO While calculating capacity of emergency

EQUIPMENT FOR SHIPS storage battery, requirements of 3.2.5 of the
OF Ì, Î, Ð AND Ë CLASSES present Part and 4.2.1 Part VI of these Rules
shall be taken into account.
3.1.1 The main power for radio equipment
required by the present Part of these Rules
shall be provided from ship's power plant.
3.1.2 Main VHF radiotelephone station,
MF/HF radio station and ship earth station
of mobile satellite service shall be supplied
from ship's emergency power source, in addi- 3.2.1 Radio equipment shall be supplied
tion to main power from the ship's mains. according to Table 3.2.1.
T a b l e 3.2.1
Power sources for radio equipment for ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes
Power source
Radio equipment incorporated
main emergency standby into radio
Radio equipment to be used for navigation within sea areas
1. VHF radio installation:
DCS encoding device + +1,2 + —
receiver for DSC watch + +1,2 + —
radiotelephone station + +1,2 + —
2. MF radio installation:
DCS encoding device + +1,2 + —
receiver for DSC watch + +1,2 + —
radiotelephone station + +1,2 + —
3. MF/HF radio installation:
DCS encoding device + +1,2 + —
receiver for DSC watch + +1,2 + —
telephony and NBDP radio receiver + +1,2 + —
telephony and NBDP radio transmitter + +1,2 + —
increased fidelity direct-printing equipment + +1,2 + —
terminal direct-printing apparatus + +1,2 + —
4. INMARSAT ship earth station + +1,2 + —
5. NAVTEX receiver + + — —
6. EGC receiver + + — —
7. Direct-printing telegraphy HF receiver for receipt of mari- + + — —
time safety information
8. Satellite EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system — — — +3
9. VHF EPIRB — — — +3
742 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

E n d o f T a b l e 3.2.1
Power source
Radio equipment incorporated
main emergency standby into radio
10. Distress position indicator: ship's and LSA radar transpond- — — — +4
ers and ship's and LSA AIS receivers
11. Command public address device5 + + — —
12. LSA two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus — — — +6
13. Two-way VHF radio-telephone apparatus for communica- +7 +7 — +6
tion with aircraft
14. Security alert system + + +8 —
Radio equipment to be used for navigation in inland waterways
15. Main VHF radiotelephone station + + — —
16. MF/HF radio station + + — —
17. Ship earth station of mobile satellite service + + — —
18. Operational VHF radiotelephone station + — — —
19. Portable/man-portable VHF radiotelephone station — — — +
On ships constructed on or after 01.02.1995, of gross tonnage of 300 and above, power from emergency
source is required for at least 12 hours, on ships of gross tonnage of less than 300 for at least 6 hours.
On ships constructed before 01.02.1995, power from emergency source is required for at least 6 hours.
Capacity of the electric power source shall be as such to provide operation of EPIRB for at least 48 hours.
Capacity of electric power source shall be as such to enable stand-by mode for 96 hours followed by
transponding mode for 8 hours (being continuously interrogated by radar with pulse repetition rate of 1 kHz).
Capacity of electric power source incorporated into AIS transmitter shall be sufficient for operation for
at least 96 hours at –20 to +55 Ñ and for regular functional testing.
Provision shall be made for powering from an emergency short-term (transient) electric power source,
if such a source is required in accordance with 4 Part VI of these Rules.
Capacity of electric power source shall be sufficient for operation for at least 8 hours at highest rated
power with duty cycle of 1:9. This duty cycle is defined as follows: 6 s for transmission, 6 s for reception
above the noise suppressor actuation level and 48 s for receipt below the noise suppressor actuation level.
For stationary two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus for communication with aircraft.
Required on board ship where a hidden signal or message on security breach is transmitted by radio
equipment supplied from standby power source in accordance with 3.2.3.

3.2.2 Standby power sources for radio sta- source shall ensure concurrent operation of
tions shall not be used for supplying power to radio equipment for at least 1 hour.
other consumers except for emergency lights
of radio room. 3.2.4 If data are to be entered continuously
from ship navigation or other equipment in
3.2.3 Standby power sources shall provide order to provide for proper operation of radio
for concurrent operation of VHF radio instal- installation, provision shall be made for con-
lation and, depending on sea areas, for which tinuous input of such information in case of
the ship is equipped, either MF radio installa- failure in the main or standby ship electric
tion, or MF/HF radio installation, or power source.
INMARSAT ship earth station for at least Provision shall be made for visual and au-
1 hour.
dible alarm on changeover to standby source
Concurrent powering of MF and HF radio in the wheelhouse.
installations from standby sources is not re-
quired. 3.2.5 For calculation of capacity of standby
For ships engaged on voyages exclusively power source, the averaged discharge current
within port water area, the standby power shall be determined as a sum of three values:
3 Power Sources 743

.1 0.5 of current consumption in trans- the normal charging conditions have been
mission mode; restored. Alarm failure shall not interrupt
.2 current consumption in reception storage battery charging or discharging.
3.2.8 Automatic charging device shall be
.3 current for powering of additional con-
readily available within at least 5 s after acti-
vation or power interruption is restored.
In order to consider possible decrease in
capacity of standby power source during its 3.2.9 Automatic charging device shall be
operation, the calculated capacity shall be designed so as to be protected against damage
increased by 40 %. in case of broken or disconnected cables as
3.2.6 Provision shall be made for automatic well as short-circuit of storage battery termi-
charging device for a standby power source. nals. Where this protection is provided by
This charging device shall ensure its recharg- electronic means, it shall be capable of being
ing within max. 10 hours to the required reset after remedy of open circuit or short-
minimum level. circuit fault.

3.2.7 Automatic charging device shall be 3.2.10 The rated current of charging device
provided with activation visual alarm. shall be determined in the equipment manu-
Provision shall be made for audible and facturer's technical documentation as a sum of
visual alarm in the wheelhouse to indicate following values:
when charging voltage or current are beyond .1 0.1 of current consumption in trans-
the limits specified in technical documenta- mission mode;
tion of storage battery manufacturer for auto- .2 current consumption in reception
matic charging conditions. Provision shall be mode;
made for only manual acknowledgment and .3 current for powering additional con-
deactivation of audible alarm. The alarm shall sumers;
be capable of being automatically reset after .4 rated storage battery charging current.
744 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”



4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1.3 Depending on radio equipment com-

ponents and arrangement of communication
4.1.1 Radio equipment of each radio instal-
on board ships, provision shall be made for
lation shall:
special-purpose spaces for radio equipment
.1 be so arranged that no harmful inter-
and its power sources, namely radio room,
ference of mechanical, electrical or other ori-
radio equipment room, power equipment
gin affects its proper use;
room and battery room.
.2 be so arranged as to ensure electro-
magnetic compatibility and avoid harmful 4.1.4 Radio equipment may be installed in
interaction of radio installation with other the wheelhouse provided that its operation
equipment and systems; does not cause change in magnetic compass
.3 be arranged so that to ensure safety and readings, produce noise with sound pressure
operating conditions as established by techni- level not exceeding 60 dB (A) or impede
cal documentation; maintenance of other equipment. In such a
.4 be protected against water, temperature case requirements of, 4.2.11,,
variations and other environmental conditions 4.2.16, 4.2.17, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, to,
that may affect serviceability of radio installa- 4.3.8, 4.3.9 and 4.3.11 shall be complied with.
tion; 4.1.5 For arrangement of storage batteries
.5 be provided with lighting independent and converters, requirements of 2.8, 8.5 to 8.7
of main and emergency electric power sources Part VI of these Rules shall be complied with.
and purposed for illuminating radio installa-
tion controls; 4.1.6 Metal or metal-lined bulkheads, ceil-
ings and decks of ship's spaces where radio
.6 be spaced so that not to be closer than
equipment is installed shall be connected to
the distance between radio installation and
each other and to the hull and ensure conti-
compass as specified in the manufacturer's
nuity of screening. For non-metal ships,
technical documentation.
screening lining shall have electrical connec-
All radio equipment of ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì- tion with the rubbing strip or otherwise
ÏÐ, Î-ÏÐ, Ì and Î classes, which is man- grounded.
datory under the present Part of these Rules
(including emergency and standby power 4.1.7 All radio equipment shall be installed
sources), shall be arranged so that to ensure so that to be accessible for maintenance and
its serviceability in case of flooding up to the repair. Radio equipment shall be properly
bulkhead deck level. secured to prevent displacement at maximum
permissible operating heel and trim as well as
4.1.2 Provision shall be made for applying in case of dramatic shocks and shaking.
Convention-compliant symbols where two-
way VHF radiotelephone apparatus and LSA 4.1.8 For arrangement of radar transpond-
AIS transmitter, each ERIPB or radar trans- ers on board inland navigation ships, refer to
ponder are installed, stored and arranged. requirements of 4.9.2.
4 Arrangement of Radio Equipment and Installation of Cable Network 745

4.2 RADIO ROOM 4.2.10 Transit electric cables or wires or

transit pipelines are not allowed to be laid
4.2.1 Radio room shall be located in a
through radio room.
space adjacent to the wheelhouse (see
Part III of these Rules). 4.2.11 Provision shall be made for at least
4.2.2 Radio room shall be arranged so that: two socket outlets with indication of their
.1 to ensure leading out antennas when purpose in the radio room: one outlet shall be
they are as far as possible from the metal parts connected to the ship's main lighting mains,
of the ship; the other to the emergency lighting mains.
.2 to be as far as possible from devices
4.2.12 The voice two-way communication
and spaces with high noise level, heat sources
shall be provided between the radio room and
(see 4.2.4). wheelhouse.
4.2.3 Radio room shall be located and ar-
ranged so that it is not used as a passage to 4.2.13 Where PABX is provided, provision
spaces not related to radio equipment or as a shall be made for telephones connected to
cabin for permanent accommodation. Radio PABX in the radio room and radio opera-
operator's/GMDSS radio officer's cabin shall tor's/GMDSS radio officer's cabin.
be located in a space adjacent to the radio 4.2.14 The following shall be installed in
room (see Part III of these Rules). the radio room:
4.2.4 Bulkheads, ceilings and doors of the .1 radio operator's/GMDSS radio officer's
radio room shall be provided with acoustic desk;
and thermal insulation made of non- .2 marine clock with the second hand;
combustible materials.
.3 lamp of general group of calls.
4.2.5 Radio room deck shall be provided
with electric insulating covering. 4.2.15 Radio operator's/GMDSS radio of-
ficer's desk shall be installed so that during
4.2.6 Radio room doors shall be arranged operation the operator is faced toward the
so that to provide a short cut for exit to an ship's bow and to provide for natural lighting
open deck. The doors shall be sized and ar- of the free desk surface from the front and left
ranged so to provide access for maintenance side.
and repair of radio equipment. The door shall
be at least 600 mm wide. Radio room doors 4.2.16 The desk top shall be sized so that
leading to the open deck shall be designed to after radio equipment is fitted, the surface of
open outwards. The radio room shall be ac- the desk near the radio operator's/GMDSS
cessible from the interior spaces of the ship. radio officer's workstation remains free to
allow him keeping records by handwriting or
4.2.7 The radio room shall be provided
keyboard typing. The desk top shall be 750
with heating and air conditioning systems to
mm above the deck.
maintain air temperature within 18 °Ñ to 23
°Ñ. Steam heating is not allowed in the radio 4.2.17 The face of clock installed in the ra-
room. dio room shall be at least 125 mm in diameter
4.2.8 The radio room shall be provided with clock hands (hour, minute and second)
with ventilation. concentric.
The clock time error per 24 hours under
4.2.9 The radio room shall be provided conditions specified in 4.2.7 shall not exceed
with natural and artificial lighting. Emergency 30 s.
lighting of the radio room shall provide for
illumination of at least 50 lx of clock face and 4.2.18 Clock shall be installed in front of
front panels of the radio equipment. Lumi- radio operator/GMDSS radio officer when at
nescent lamps are not allowed. his workstation.
746 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

4.3 ARRANGEMENT OF RADIO .5 possibility for pulling-out frames and

EQUIPMENT IN THE RADIO ROOM opening equipment doors. In any position of
frames and doors, distances to each other,
4.3.1 Radio equipment and supporting aux-
bulkheads and near standing equipment shall
iliary equipment shall be arranged in the radio
be at least 30 mm;
.6 access to output terminals of equip-
4.3.2 Storage batteries and equipment not ment and groundings;
related to radio communication are not al- .7 safety of people according to require-
lowed in the radio room except for those ments of technical documentation for radio
specified in 4.1.5. equipment.
4.3.3 No resistors of charging devices, 4.3.6 Remote control consoles as well as
which dissipate more than 500 W during stor- starting and control devices of transmitters
age battery charging, or resistors with cases shall be arranged in accordance with require-
heating above 60 °Ñ are allowed in the radio ments of
4.3.7 Distance between separate radio
4.3.4 Radio equipment in the radio room equipment units as well as between radio
shall be arranged so that radio opera- equipment and bulkheads shall be at least 30
tor/GMDSS radio officer while sitting at his mm.
workstation could able to do the following:
.1 activate and deactivate radio equip- 4.3.8 Non-combustible gaskets installed be-
ment; tween resistors of charging devices and bulk-
.2 use receiver and transmitter controls; heads shall be at least 20 mm away from
.3 listen to received messages with re- bulkheads to ensure free circulation of air.
cording by handwriting or keyboard typing; 4.3.9 All passages in the radio room shall
.4 keep transmission using a radiotele-
be at least 600 mm wide.
.5 observe instrument readings and posi- 4.3.10 Equipment shall be fastened to
tion of radio equipment controls; bulkheads with shackles, brackets or bolts
.6 observe clock readings; welded to them. Equipment having weight less
.7 use a voice communication system; than 15 kg may be secured directly to the
.8 when radio equipment is controlled bulkhead plating using wood screws.
from the workstation, its controls shall not be
4.3.11 Spare parts for radio equipment
more than 750 mm away from the shoulder of
shall be kept in the radio room and secured at
the radio operator/GMDSS radio officer.
the designated places.
4.3.5 When radio equipment is arranged, Spare parts lockers may be arranged in the
the following is to be ensured: radio equipment room or power equipment
.1 proper illumination of desk free surface room.
near radio operator's workstation and equip-
ment controls; 4.3.12 In the radio room, provision shall be
made for placing a board with instructions on
.2 as minimum as possible length of an-
tenna radio cables from entries to transmitters activation of radio equipment so that alert
and distress signals could be transmitted on
or to their matching units, duly confirmed by
air by untrained personnel.
drawings and calculations;
.3 possibility to switch antennas;
.4 as minimum as possible length of ca-
bles connecting separate parts of radio equip- 4.4.1 Radio equipment room (designed for
ment, duly confirmed by drawings and calcu- remotely controlled radio equipment) with
lations; respect to its layout on board the ship, design,
4 Arrangement of Radio Equipment and Installation of Cable Network 747

heating, ventilation as well as main and emer- 4.5.4 The radio workstation mentioned in
gency electric lighting shall comply with re- 4.5.3 shall be arranged in the aft of the
quirements imposed on the radio room. Natu- wheelhouse to allow officer on watch a full
ral lighting is not required in the radio view of the navigation conditions while oper-
equipment room. ating radio equipment.
4.4.2 In the radio equipment room, provi- 4.5.5 Where radio workstation mentioned
sion shall be made for a table for repair work in 4.5.3 is separated from the remaining part
with drawers for store spare parts, tools, sup- of the wheelhouse by a bulkhead, this bulk-
plies and documentation, as well as chair or head shall be made of glass or be fitted with
arm-chair. windows.
4.4.3 Above the table, provision shall be 4.5.6 There shall be no lockable door be-
made for a single wall-mounted lamp and at tween the radio workstation mentioned in
least two socket outlets with indication of 4.5.3 and remaining part of the wheelhouse.
their purpose: one outlet shall be connected To avoid dazzling effect of light sources at
to the ship's main lighting mains, the other to night, provision shall be made for a curtain at
the portable lighting mains. the radio workstation.
4.4.4 Radio equipment shall be arranged in 4.5.7 At the radio workstation mentioned
the radio equipment room so that to be ac- in 4.5.3, provision shall be made for a table, a
cessible for inspection, maintenance and dis- clock in accordance with requirements of
mounting in case of replacement. 4.2.17, a working chair with deck fixing ar-
rangement, as well as main lighting and light-
ing from a standby power source.
4.5 ARRANGEMENT OF RADIO 4.5.8 Controls of radiotelephone channels
EQUIPMENT IN WHEELHOUSE as well as those for generation and transmis-
4.5.1 Radio equipment installed in accor- sion of distress and safety alerts, when the
dance with 4.1.3 in the wheelhouse shall be VHF radio installation operates in the DSC
arranged so that to be accessible for inspec- and radiotelephone mode, shall be located in
tion, maintenance and dismounting in case of the forward part of the wheelhouse.
replacement. Where radio equipment is in- Provision shall be made for arrangements
stalled, provision shall be made for clock for radio communication from bridge wings.
complying with requirements of 4.2.17, 4.2.18 In order to comply with this requirement,
as well as main and emergency electric light- man-portable VHF radio equipment may be
ing. used.
4.5.2 Main controls of VHF radiotelephone 4.5.9 For river – sea navigation ship, a sta-
shall be arranged so that to be accessible and tionary two-way VHF radiotelephone appara-
the operator is faced to the ship's bow when tus for aircraft communication shall be ar-
using them. ranged in the wheelhouse.
4.5.3 In order to comply with the require- 4.5.10 In the wheelhouse of the river – sea
ments for arrangement of radio equipment, in navigation ship provision shall be made for
the wheelhouse of every river – sea navigation placing operating instructions on using DSC,
ship, in addition to 4.1.4, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2, as well as instructions on handling radio in-
provision shall be made for a place for control stallations in emergency situations and for
and operation of GMDSS equipment as well using these instructions when handling radio
as for internal communication during ship installations. In addition, GMDSS Operating
navigation – radio workstation or a separate Guidance for Masters of Ships in Distress
space for radio equipment (see 4.1.3) with Situations developed by International Mari-
remote controls located in the wheelhouse. time Organization (IMO) and procedures for
748 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

cancellation of false distress alerts shall be ing with indication of a radio service through
placed. which these alerts were received.
4.5.11 For river – sea navigation ship, pro- 4.5.15 Radio equipment installed for re-
vision shall be made for MF radio installa- dundancy on board ships engaged on voyages
tion, MF/HF radio installation, INMARSAT within sea areas À1+ À2+À3 and
ship earth station as well as VHF, MF and À1+À2+À3+À4 is not required to be con-
MF/HF radio installations and INMARSAT nected to the distress alerting panel, if this
ship earth station intended for redundancy in equipment can transmit distress alert and is
the radio workstation mentioned in 4.5.3. arranged in the radio post.
4.5.12 In the wheelhouse provision shall be 4.5.16 A satellite EPIRB intended to be
made for placing information on call sign, used as a second independent distress alerting
ship station identity and other codes used arrangement and not capable of being acti-
during operation of radio equipment and for vated remotely shall be arranged in the radio
using this information when handling radio workstation so that to be accessible for dis-
installations. tress alerting, be released manually and trans-
4.5.13 NAVTEX receivers, INMARSAT ferred to any lifeboat or liferaft.
EGC receivers and HF NBDP receivers for
receipt of maritime safety information shall be 4.6 POWER EQUIPMENT ROOM
arranged in the radio workstation mentioned 4.6.1 Power equipment room where con-
in 4.5.3. verters for radio equipment are arranged shall
4.5.14 For passenger river – sea navigation be located at the radio room deck level or
ships the following requirements are to be above in such a place to provide for minimum
additionally complied with: length of cable routes to the radio room as
.1 a distress alert panel shall be fitted in confirmed by drawings and calculations.
the radio workstation mentioned in 4.5.3. This 4.6.2 Power equipment room shall be of
panel shall contain either a single button, adequate size for convenient arrangement of
which is pressed to give a distress alert using equipment. Clear height of the power equip-
all radio installations installed on board the ment room shall not be less than 2 m. Deck
ship, or a single button for each radio installa- of the power equipment room shall be cov-
tion. The panel shall allow for displaying indi- ered with electric insulating material.
cation that a button/buttons was/were acti-
vated. Provision shall be made for arrange- 4.6.3 The power equipment room shall be
ments to prevent accidental pressing of provided with ventilation, heating and electric
button/buttons. Where EPIRB is used as a heating complying with requirements of 10.12
second distress alerting arrangement and is Part IV and 9 to 10 Part VI of these Rules.
incapable of being activated remotely, provi-
4.6.4 Electric devices in the power equip-
sion shall be made for the additional EPIRB
ment room shall be at least 100 mm above the
in the radio post; deck subject to requirements of 2.8 Part VI of
.2 information on ship's position shall be
these Rules.
continuously and automatically transmitted to
all corresponding radio equipment to be used
for initial distress alerting when the but-
ton/buttons on the distress alerting panel 4.7.1 Battery room or cabinet where stor-
is/are pressed; age batteries supplying radio equipment are
.3 distress alert receipt alarm panel shall arranged shall be located at the radio room
be fitted in the radio workstation mentioned deck level or above in such a place to provide
in 4.5.3. This panel shall be provided with for minimum length of cable routes to the
visual and audible distress alert receipt warn- radio room as confirmed by drawings and
4 Arrangement of Radio Equipment and Installation of Cable Network 749

calculations. The battery room shall have an there is no room for watchkeeping, this
exit to the open deck. equipment shall be installed at the embarka-
tion and disembarkation area.
4.7.2 Design, lighting, heating and ventila-
tion of battery room as well as arrangement of 4.8.6 Where main public address micro-
storage batteries shall comply with require- phone station and broadcasting device's units
ments of 2.8, 8.5 to 8.7, 10.1 to 10.6 Part VI are structurally integrated, such a device is to
and 10.12 Part IV of these Rules. be installed in the wheelhouse. For radio
broadcasting, a tape recorder and record play-
4.8 ARRANGEMENT OF PUBLIC ers installed outside the wheelhouse may be
ADDRESS AND BROADCASTING connected to the public address device inte-
EQUIPMENT gral with broadcasting device.
4.8.1 Main microphone station of duplex 4.8.7 Loudspeakers fitted in accommoda-
or simplex public address device shall be in- tion and service spaces shall be provided with
stalled in the wheelhouse. volume controls. Plug adapters are not al-
4.8.2 Megaphone control devices (one-way lowed.
public address device for communication with 4.8.8 A short-circuit in one or more loud-
neighbouring ships or shore) shall be installed speakers of broadcasting line shall not cause
in the wheelhouse. Megaphone shall be ar- transmission of messages through other
ranged above the wheelhouse where it is ca- broadcasting channels to be interrupted.
pable of turning for acoustic propagation in
any direction. 4.8.9 A command public address device on
board each river – sea navigation ship shall
4.8.3 The public address device shall pro- have at least three main broadcasting lines.
vide communication of the wheelhouse with Each of these lines shall have at least two
central control station, main engine local loops of flame retardant cable, which are
control station, bow and stern anchoring and separated over the entire length and con-
mooring control stations, steering gear actua- nected to two separate and independent am-
tor local control station, propulsion motor plifiers.
local control station.
4.8.10 Minimum sound pressure level while
4.8.4 On board passenger ships equipped transmitting emergency messages with the
with public address and broadcasting device in ship underway under normal conditions shall
accordance with 2.1.1, 2.2.1 and 2.2.3, there be as follows:
shall be at least three main broadcasting lines:
.1 at least 75 dB (A) in interior rooms;
.1 a deck line designed for connection of
loudspeakers installed on open decks; .2 at least 80 dB (A) on open decks.
.2 a service line designed for connection 4.8.11 The command public address device
of loudspeakers installed in service and ac- shall be designed to prevent electric and
commodation spaces for the crew (see acoustic feedback or other interferences. Part III of these Rules);
.3 a passenger line designed for connec- 4.9 ARRANGEMENT OF EPIRBS, RADAR
tion of loudspeakers installed in passenger TRANSPONDERS, AIS TRANSMITTERS,
spaces and in corridors and at platforms adja- VHF APPARATUSES
cent to these spaces.
4.9.1 A free floating satellite EPIRB and a
4.8.5 For passenger ship provision shall be VHF EPIRB intended to be arranged on
made for public address microphone station board ship shall be fitted on open deck to
to transmit service orders through broadcast- prevent their displacement under extreme
ing lines, which is installed in the room in- operating conditions and to be capable of
tended for watchkeeping when in port. If floating free if the ship sinks. They shall be
750 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

accessible for manual release and distress lifeboat, as well as from the ship's electric
alerting as well as for transfer to any lifeboat power source. The flexible cable for connec-
or liferaft. tion of storage batteries to the charging device
from the ship's electric power source shall
4.9.2 Radar transponders and ship's LSA
provide for release of this connection without
AIS transmitters shall be installed in areas to
any tool when emergency lifeboat launching is
be capable of being transferred to any lifeboat
or liferaft, or there shall be a single radar required.
transponder or AIS transmitter at each life-
boat or liferaft. 4.10 CABLE NETWORK INSTALLATION
For ships having at least two radar trans- 4.10.1 Installation of radio equipment cable
ponders or AIS transmitters and equipped network and measures to protect radio signal
with free-fall lifeboats, there shall be one ra- reception against interference produced by
dar transponder or AIS transmitted in such a electric devices shall be performed according
lifeboat, and the other shall be arranged to be to requirements of 2.6, 2.7, 12 Part VI of
capable of being used on board the ship and these Rules as amended by this Chapter.
transferred to any other lifeboat or liferaft.
4.10.2 Power cables laid into radio room
4.9.3 A two-way VHF radiotelephone ap- for powering radio equipment from the ship's
paratus shall be kept in the wheelhouse or in power plant shall not be used for powering
other space not locked during voyage, if the loads not related to radio equipment. At the
equipment is capable of being transferred to switchboard in the radio room provision shall
any other lifeboat or liferaft from this space. be made for connection of radio equipment
The apparatus shall be arranged at the radio installed in accordance with 2.1.1 for inland
post. navigation ships, and in accordance with 2.2.1
4.9.4 The stationary two-way VHF radio- and 2.2.3 for river – sea navigation ships.
telephone apparatus of a lifeboat shall be ar- 4.10.3 In the radio room provision shall be
ranged according to requirements of Part V of made for a device capable of continuously
these Rules so that not to impede its perform- monitoring of ship's mains voltage.
ance when the lifeboat is flooded up to upper
thwart level. 4.10.4 If there is no radio room on board
the ship, the radio equipment switchboard
4.9.5 Where storage batteries are provided may be installed in the radio room subject to
as a external electric power source of the sta- requirements of 4.10.2.
tionary two-way VHF radiotelephone appara-
tus of life-saving appliances, they shall be 4.10.5 Where cables enter the apparatus,
arranged in lockers complying with require- their shieldings shall be connected to the
ments of 8.5 Part VI of these Rules and pro- equipment case.
tected to IP68.
4.10.6 Insulation resistance of any laid ca-
4.9.6 Illumination of the front panel of the ble disconnected from radio equipment at
stationary two-way VHF radiotelephone appa- both ends shall be at least 20 MΩ regardless
ratus of the lifeboat shall be at least 50 lx. of its length.
Electric lighting of this panel shall be powered
4.10.7 All cable network related to radio
from storage batteries mentioned in 4.9.5.
arrangements and public address and broad-
4.9.7 Provision shall be made for charging casting equipment shall be made with cables
storage batteries mentioned on 4.9.5 in the having a continuous shielding.
5 Antenna Assemblies and Grounding 751


5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS connected to the downlead by soldering or

cold press-fitting.
5.1.1 Antennas of any type suitable for
continuous most effective use of radio equip- 5.1.7 The device intended for suspension of
ment regardless of ship course may be in- the beam antenna shall be capable of its low-
stalled on board ships. Antennas shall be re- ering and hoisting as well as tension control
sistant to mechanical and climatic factors from the deck (superstructure top, wheelhouse
under ship operating conditions (see 6 to 13 top).
Appendix 15 to RTSC).
5.1.8 When fitting multi-beam antennas,
5.1.2 Ship antennas installed on board provision shall be made for hoisting and low-
inland navigation ships shall withstand wind ering each beam separately. Beams shall be at
speed of up to 29 m/s and up to 60 m/s for least 700 mm apart from each other.
river – sea navigation ships. Ship speed and
5.1.9 Flexible halyards shall be used for
other factors are not taken into account to
hoisting and lowering beam antennas. For
this end.
ships carrying flammable cargoes the halyards
5.1.3 For beam antennas, a flexible strand shall be attached in an explosion safe area and
made of copper or a copper-based alloy shall be made of non-combustible materials. Steel
be used. For calculation of minimum diame- ropes used for this purpose shall be electri-
ter of beam antenna strand required to com- cally connected to the hull.
ply with requirement of 5.1.2, bending deflec-
5.1.10 Antenna insulators rated for working
tion shall be taken to be equal to 6 % of an-
voltages fed from radio installation shall be
tenna length between suspension points.
used for insulation of antennas.
5.1.4 Each antenna beam shall be made of
5.1.11 Insulation resistance of antennas
a one piece of an antenna strand. If the an-
relative to hull shall be at least 10 MΩ and in
tenna design does not allow for making a
case of increased humidity at least 1 M.
downlead and beam from a one piece of a
strand, they shall be connected by splicing or 5.1.12 Transmitting antennas shall be de-
by means of connections providing for their signed to allow for operation of any con-
electrical contact. nected radio transmitter at maximum emitted
power and input voltages.
5.1.5 To ensure proper performance of the
beam antenna, basic load from the downlead 5.1.13 Receiving and transmitting antennas
shall not be applied directly to the downlead shall be arranged so that to protect receivers
tail area. against interference when transmitters are
operating with maximum power.
5.1.6 Beam antenna downlead near the en-
try shall be fastened to a stay equipped with 5.1.14 Antenna wires and downleads shall
insulators and be connected to the entry by not be less than 1 m from pipes, masts or
means of copper or brass cap. Cap shall be other metallic parts of the ship. Antennas
752 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

shall be installed so that not to be in contact radio station transmitter and receiver are pro-
with metallic structures of the ship under any vided for separate antennas. For folding
operating conditions. Distance between an- masts, additional antennas not extending be-
tenna insulator chains and pipes shall be at yond the ship shall be provided.
least 2 m.
5.1.22 Provision shall be made for a com-
5.1.15 Self-supporting antennas above the mon antenna for all broadcasting receivers.
superstructure shall be designed to be folded Radio communication and navigation anten-
or lowered to the superstructure level. nas are not allowed to be used as antennas for
broadcasting receivers.
5.1.16 Beam antennas secured on the fold-
ing masts shall be designed not to be lowered 5.1.23 To ensure operation of radio equip-
before folding the mast and subsequently ment mentioned in Tables 2.1.1, 2.2.1 and
hoisted after restoring the mast. 2.2.3, on board each ship provision shall be
made for necessary antennas for operation of
5.1.17 For oil tankers and equivalent ships, the following equipment:
insulators shall be fitted into steel mast rigging .1 VHF radiotelephone stations;
(shrouds, jackstays, ropes for howler and .2 VHF receiver for DSC watch;
horn, etc.) so that to be maximum 6 m apart,
.3 MF radiotelephone station;
and the distance between the deck and lower
insulator is at least 3 m and not more than 4 .4 MF receiver for DSC watch;
m. In order to reduce power losses during .5 Telephony and NBDP MF/HF radio
operation of radio transmitters, rigging shall transmitter (MF and HF antenna);
be divided by insulators for all ships. .6 INMARSAT ship earth station and
EGC receiver antenna;
5.1.18 Antennas of broadcasting and televi- .7 MF/HF receiver for DSC watch and
sion receivers shall be located as far as possi- telephony and NBDP MF/HF radio receiver;
ble from all service antennas to the extent .8 NAVTEX receiver and HF NBDP re-
allowed by the ship design. ceiver for receipt of maritime safety informa-
5.1.19 In L-type and T-type beam anten- tion.
nas provision shall be made for arrangements
to prevent breakage in case of tension, for 5.2 ANTENNAS OF INMARSAT
example, a runner with mechanical safety SHIP EARTH STATION
arrangement in antenna halyards. 5.2.1 Antenna of INMARSAT ship earth
Breaking force of the mechanical safety ar- station shall:
rangement shall be max. 0.3 of that of the .1 be arranged so that to ensure continu-
antenna strand. Safety arrangement shall be as ous tracking of satellite;
such to release antenna tension and prevent .2 be arranged in the upper part of the ra-
its contact with superstructures, rigging and dar antenna mast or at the designated mast;
.3 be arranged so that to be accessible for
5.1.20 While radio stations are controlled maintenance;
remotely, provision shall be made for ar- .4 be arranged in a plane other than that
rangements for automatic grounding of an- of radar antenna.
tennas when the equipment is switched off.
5.2.2 For directional antennas of
Antenna grounding device may be controlled
INMARSAT ship earth station provision shall
remotely from the radio station control con-
be made for exclusion of shadow angles above
6° caused by ship structures within a radius of
5.1.21 Provision shall be made for trans- 10 m from antenna.
mitting and receiving antennas on board each For nondirectional antennas provision shall
ship equipped with MF/HF radio station, if be made for exclusion of shadow angles above
5 Antenna Assemblies and Grounding 753

2° caused by ship structures within a radius of are installed in the area intended for passage
1 m from antenna. of people, they shall have fencing within 1800
mm preventing contact with them. Where
5.2.3 When installing the antenna of
lead columns are installed, provision shall be
INMARSAT ship earth station, the following
made for condensate drainage from internal
safe distances to other antennas and magnetic
cavities of the structure.
compass shall be provided:
.1 more than 5 m to HF antenna; 5.4.4 In order to avoid power losses, fenc-
.2 more than 4 m to VHF antenna; ing made of electric insulating materials shall
.3 more than 3 m to magnetic compass. be used. Where metallic fences are used, they
shall be grounded to the hull.
5.2.4 Antenna of INMARSAT earth ship
station shall be installed to exclude shadow 5.4.5 Radio frequency paths of MF/HF ra-
angles degrading radio equipment perform- dio transmitters shall be made of radio fre-
ance forward and aft of the ship up to –5° quency cable.
and starboard and portside up to –15°. If the radio equipment design provides for
unshielded cables/conductors from transmitter
5.2.5 Where two antennas of INMARSAT to antenna (or a switching or matching unit),
earth ship station are installed, they shall be these cables/conductors located in the radio
at least 1 m apart in the vertical plane. room or wheelhouse shall be shielded. Ca-
bles/conductors located in the screened room
5.3 ANTENNA OF VHF other than radio room or wheelhouse are not
RADIOTELEPHONE STATION required to be shielded.
5.3.1 Antenna of VHF radiotelephone sta- 5.4.6 The switching gear of transmitting
tion shall have a vertical polarization. antenna shall be circuited and designed so
5.3.2 Antenna of VHF radiotelephone sta- that to prevent electric connection of antenna
tion shall be arranged as high as possible ac- loop of transmitter with that of receiver or
cording to the ship design but not higher than other transmitter.
air terminal. This antenna shall ensure unob- 5.4.7 Cables of receiving and transmitting
structed propagation of electromagnetic field. antennas shall be of radio frequency type and
ensure continuity of coverings.
5.4 ANTENNA CABLE LEADS Antenna switching devices, switches, light-
AND LAYING INSIDE SPACES ning arrestors and other devices connected to
these cables shall be of shielded type. Cables
5.4.1 Cables of radio transmitting antennas
shall not cause signal attenuation above 3 dB.
shall be laid into ship interior spaces through
specific leads with insulators rated for operat- 5.4.8 Radio frequency cables of receiving
ing voltage except for cases when antenna and transmitting antennas shall be lead out to
routing inside the space is made with radio the open deck and connected to antennas by
frequency cable using radio frequency cou- means of a waterproof or tight contact device,
plings. which provides for electric connection and
access for checking its condition.
5.4.2 Lead of transmitting antenna shall be
designed to provide for its connection and 5.4.9 For each antenna not intended for
disconnection without any tool. continuous operation in working position,
provision shall be made for a switching device
5.4.3 Leads of transmitting antennas shall
inside the room allowing the antenna to be set
be installed in areas providing a short cut for
to working, isolate and grounded positions.
cable laying to radio transmitters inside, to be
confirmed by drawings and calculations. 5.4.10 Each receiving antenna shall be pro-
Where the lead and antenna connected to it vided with protection device in order to pro-
754 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

tect the receiver input against atmospheric 5.5.3 Working grounding of radio naviga-
discharges. Where a matching system is used tion, public address and broadcasting equip-
between receiving antenna and radio fre- ment and other radio equipment outside the
quency cable, an atmospheric discharge pro- radio room shall be made in accordance with
tection devices shall be connected upstream of requirements of the present Part of the Rules
matching system input (from the antenna imposed on working grounding of receivers or
side). transmitted installed in the radio room.
5.4.11 Remote control of antenna switch- 5.5.4 For non-metal ships, a common
ing process shall provide for manual switching working grounding for the whole radio
of antenna. equipment shall be made in the from of a tin-
plated copper or brass plate with area of at
5.5 GROUNDING least 0.5 m2 and at least 4 mm thick con-
nected to the hull external surface below the
5.5.1 Working / high frequency grounding
lightest draught line.
intended for operation of radio transmitters
installed in the radio room shall be made in 5.5.5 Metal cases of radio equipment shall
the form of a copper bus laid in a short cut be electrically connected to the hull. Ground-
from antenna switching device to metal bulk- ing wire shall be max. 150 mm long.
head or deck electrically connected to the
5.5.6 Protective grounding of lower ends of
hull, with branches to transmitter grounding
mast standing rigging shall be made with a
clamps. The length of the bus coming from
strand of the main rope or by means of flexi-
transmitter to bulkhead or deck connection
ble metal conductors. Conductors shall have
point shall be max.1500 mm.
soldered lugs to be fastened to the hull with
5.5.2 Working grounding of receivers in- two screws or by welding. The hull connec-
stalled in the radio room shall be made with a tion areas shall be painted.
copper bus or flexible bronze/copper strand
5.5.7 Total resistance of all electric con-
wit cross section at least 6 mm2, laid in a
nections of any grounding shall not exceed
short cut (as confirmed by drawings and cal-
0.02 Ω.
culations) from the receiver to the main
grounding bus of transmitters or directly to 5.5.8 Grounding devices of radio equip-
the metal bulkhead electrically connected to ment shall not be used as lightning conduc-
the hull. tors.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 755


6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS installed so that to be accessible for inspec-

tion, maintenance and repair.
6.1.1 Radio equipment shall be designed
for operation in accordance with 6.1.2 and be 6.1.4 The equipment shall have a protec-
able to withstand mechanical and climatic tion against overcurrent, overvoltage, and
tests defined by national standards1. short-term accidental power source reverse
6.1.2 Radio equipment shall remain oper-
able at heel of up to 22.5° and trim of up to 6.1.5 All current-carrying parts of radio
10° (with those heel and trim occurring si- equipment except for antenna leads and
multaneously), as well as at roll of up to 22.5° grounding conductors shall be accessible after
with rolling period of 7 to 9 s and pitch of up opening only. Then, neither conductor of
to 10° from vertical line. radio equipment shall be under voltage above
Radio equipment shall also remain oper- 50 V relative to other conductors or to the
able when exposed to vibration, humidity and earth. Capacitors in the high voltage circuits
temperatures with parameters and values shall be capable of being self-discharged.
stated in 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.5 Part VI of 6.1.6 Radio equipment shall be circuited
these Rules. and designed to be functionally tested when
Radio equipment shall be designed to be opened. Provision shall be made for protec-
connected to the ship's power mains. Radio tion against electric shock (see 2.1.11 Part VI
equipment whose power voltage differs from of these Rules).
that of the ship's mains shall be fitted with
6.1.7 Provision shall be made for clamps
appropriate devices, which enable its connec-
for grounding at all cases of radio equipment.
tion to the ship's mains. Radio equipment
shall remain operable under ship's power 6.1.8 Metal parts on the external side of
source voltage variations in accordance with the radio equipment shall be electrically con-
6.1.30. nected to its case.
Protection degree of the equipment shall 6.1.9 Cables shall be connected to radio
not be less than stated in Table 2.3.6 Part VI equipment in such a way as to maintain con-
of these Rules depending on its location. tinuity of shielding. Provision shall be made
Portable/man-portable radio equipment for securing the cable on the equipment case.
shall be designed to be resistant when exposed
to sea water, oil and solar radiation (see 12, 6.1.10 Twist locks, thumbscrew dog or
13, 15 and 16 Appendix 15 RTSC). latches, which are capable of being opened or
unscrewed without any tool, shall be used for
6.1.3 The equipment shall be designed so fastening hinged or extended frames, remov-
that its main units may be replaced without able panels and doors to the radio equipment
need in additional calibration or set-up and case.
6.1.11 To avoid falling out loose hinged or
GOST 16019, GOST R IEC 60945. extended frames of radio equipment because
756 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

of ship roll or heel, provision shall be made 6.1.19 There shall be a spare wire in each
for bidirectional safety stops. flexible hose which connects individual parts
of radio equipment. In addition, provision
6.1.12 Controls and indications of any ra-
dio equipment shall be located at front panel shall be made for a spare wire per ten wires in
of the equipment case. the hose.
Controls shall be as such to prevent their 6.1.20 Internal components of radio
accidental activation and deactivation and equipment shall be marked consistent with
change of settings of radio equipment. schematic circuit diagram and wiring diagram.
6.1.13 All controls shall provide for setting Function of output terminals shall be speci-
up of radio equipment. Provision shall be fied on the case of radio equipment; for
made to prevent access to controls not re- power circuits, voltage and polarity shall be
quired during operation (except for those re- specified.
quired for control of radio equipment in 6.1.21 Controls of radio equipment shall be
emergency situations). protected against mechanical damages should
The function and operation of radio the radio equipment be put with its front
equipment controls shall be marked with ap- panel facing down to the supporting surface.
propriate symbols and/or inscriptions con-
tained in technical documentation for equip- 6.1.22 Fasteners of removable and hinged
ment. panels and frames of radio equipment shall be
designed as such to be integral with its panels
6.1.14 The ON, START, SCALE UP, etc. and frames.
positions of radio equipment controls shall
correspond to handles set to the upper posi- 6.1.23 Plug-in connections used in radio
tion, pushed off or to the right, knobs turned equipment shall be designed to prevent their
clockwise and upper or right-hand buttons improper connection and fitting into wrong
pressed. The OFF, STOP, SCALE DOWN, sockets.
etc. positions of radio equipment controls 6.1.24 Voltage between contacts of micro-
shall correspond to handles set to the lower phones and head telephone sets shall not ex-
position, pulled or to the left, knobs turned ceed 55 V, voltage relative to earth shall not
counterclockwise and lower or left-hand but- exceed 30 V.
tons pressed.
6.1.25 Radio equipment shall be circuited
6.1.15 Graduation of main scales, inscrip- and designed to prevent damages caused by
tions, notations as well as positions of indica- improper action sequence with controls or by
tors and controls on radio equipment shall be reverse polarity of power source.
clearly visible at a distance of 700 mm.
6.1.26 In radio equipment and remote con-
6.1.16 Provision shall be made for lighting
trol consoles provision shall be made for ar-
on equipment itself to enable distinguishing
rangements indicating faults or critical mode
controls and taking indicator readings and to
in essential circuits of radio equipment as well
reduce intensity of light emitted by the
as on energization and high voltage supply.
6.1.27 Grounding (connection to case) of
6.1.17 Internal wires as well as structural
ship's mains and storage batteries through
parts of radio equipment shall be connected
radio equipment circuit is not allowed.
to exclude spontaneous disconnection under
vibration, roll or heel conditions (see 6, 8 6.1.28 Insulation resistance of radio
Appendix 15 RTSC). equipment power circuits shall comply with
requirements of 1 Appendix 5 RTSC).
6.1.18 Internal wiring of radio equipment
shall be made with multicoloured wires for 6.1.29 Temperature of radio equipment
designation of different circuits. cases during operation shall not exceed 60° Ñ.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 757

6.1.30 Radio equipment shall be operable data input arrangements for updating ship
in the event of change in ship's mains power position and the date and time of fix.
in accordance with 2.2.1 Part VI of these For equipment having no built-in position-
Rules. ing devices, provision shall be made for a de-
If radio equipment is supplied with power vice for interfacing with an external electronic
from multiple electric power sources, provi- positioning system.
sion shall be made for switches for automatic Radio equipment shall have arrangements
changeover from one power source to the for manual input of ship position and the date
other. These arrangements are not required to and time of fix.
be included into equipment if they are pro-
Provision shall be made for audible and
vided as part of the ship's power system.
visual alarms, which actuate when no infor-
6.1.31 Radio equipment power circuits mation is received from electronic positioning
shall be provided with replaceable fuse links device or, in case of manual input, when
or circuit-breakers. Fuses shall be designed to these data were not updated for last 4 hours.
prevent any contact with their current- Any ship position information not updated for
carrying parts while replacing fuse links. Time more than 23.5 hours shall be deleted from
required for access to fuses shall not exceed 5 s. memory.
6.1.32 Only explosion-proof portable/man- Position information in INMARSAT ship
portable VHF radiotelephone stations of a earth station not updated more than 24 hours
certified safe type not less than "explosion- shall be highlighted with colour or otherwise.
proof electric equipment" are allowed for op-
6.1.38 In radio installations intended for
eration in explosive spaces and areas on board
distress alerting, distress alert shall be given by
oil tankers and equivalent ships. Radio sta-
two independent actions (raising protective
tions of the basic type may be operated out-
cap or cover is considered as the first action,
side the explosive area.
pressing the distress alerting button is consid-
6.1.33 Visual alarm of radio equipment lo- ered as the second action) using the only spe-
cated in the wheelhouse shall correspond to cially designated button isolated from controls
requirements of 6.1.16 Part VI of these Rules. used for equipment operation (functional but-
6.1.34 Radio equipment intended for dis- tons, keyboard keys). This button shall not be
tress alerting shall be designed so to prevent used for purposes other than distress alerting.
unintentional distress alerting. This button shall be red, marked with
Controls for radio equipment emergency DISTRESS inscription and protected against
operation shall be closed with a cover. unintentional activation.
Switches located on the emergency panel shall If an opaque cover or cap are used to pro-
be distinctly coloured. tect the distress alerting button from uninten-
tional activation, it shall also have DISTRESS
6.1.35 Radio equipment intended for dis-
tress alerting shall be as such to provide for inscription. Distress alert button shall be
closed with spring-loaded cover or cap fas-
preparation and making of distress and safety
tened to equipment (for example, with
alert from the ship steering position.
hinges). The distress alerting shall not require
6.1.36 In radio equipment intended for dis- removal of seals or breaking the cover/cap.
tress alerting, any distress alert shall result in Activation of distress alert button shall be
actuation of visual and audible alarms indicat- accompanied by audible and visual alarm.
ing that the radio equipment transmits distress
The distress alert button shall be held
alert signal until its operation is stopped
pressed at least for 3 s, while the intermittent
audible and visual signals shall start immedi-
6.1.37 Radio equipment intended for dis- ately. Within 3 seconds of holding the button,
tress alerting shall include built-in automatic distress alert transmission shall start and in-
758 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

termittent audible and visual signals shall turn .5 changeover from one type of radiation
steady. to the other shall be performed by a single
Provision shall be made for interruption of action.
repeated transmission of distress alert. Such
6.2.2 Transmitter remote control console
an action shall not interrupt distress alert or
designed to be located outside the radio room
distress alert during its transmission but shall
shall be provided with controls to enable radio
prevent its repeated transmission.
transmission without controls located on the
6.1.39 In radio installations intended for transmitter itself.
distress alerting, provision shall be made for
audible and visual alarm actuating upon re- 6.2.3 Radio communication means shall be
ceipt of distress call or urgency call or call designed to detect and remedy faults and to
having a distress category. meet the following requirements:
The alarm shall be of non-disabled type .1 internal elements shall be clearly visible
and be capable of being acknowledged manu- with the case opened;
ally. .2 internal elements shall be arranged so
that to be repaired and replaced;
6.1.40 A minimum safe distance from .3 metallic shields as well as covers and
magnetic compasses for installation of equip-
doors of shielded assemblies inside the case
ment unit shall be specified in operating shall be capable of being opened without
documentation or on each unit.
6.1.41 All marine VHF, MF and HF
6.2.4 Radio transmitter permissible fre-
transmitters shall be designed for continuous
quency deviations, RF bandwidth and out-
operation for at least 6 hours with duty cycle
band radiation spectra shall comply with stan-
(total emission duration to total pause dura-
dards approved by decision of the State
tion ratio) of 2:1.
Commission for Radio Frequencies1.
6.1.42 With respect to electromagnetic
6.2.5 For class Í3Å and J3Å emissions, the
compatibility, radio equipment shall comply
upper side band shall be used.
with requirements of 2.7 Part VI of these
Rules. 6.2.6 For class J3Å emissions, the carrier
suppression shall be at least 40 dB less than
6.1.43 Radio equipment shall be designed
peak power of transmitter.
to have arrangements for its fixing in place
and keep serviceable at heel, trim and roll in For class Í3Å emissions, the full carrier
accordance with requirements of 6.1.2. shall be emitted with carrier suppression
62 dB less than peak power.
6.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 6.2.7 Levels of carrier spurious amplitude
TO RADIO COMMUNICATION MEANS and frequency modulation shall comply with
6.2.1 Radio communication means shall requirements of national standards2.
receive and transmit safety-related messages 6.2.8 In case of class Í3Å and J3Å emis-
and meet the following requirements: sions, unwanted emission power supplied to
.1 activation shall be performed by a sin- the transmitting antenna at any discrete fre-
gle action; quency during operation of transmitter at the
.2 starting time of tuned transmitter shall full peak power shall comply with require-
not exceed 5 s; ments stated in Table 6.2.8.
.3 frequency retuning within the same
subrange shall be performed within max. 15 s;
.4 failure in automatic frequency tuning 1
Regulations 17-13, 18-13, 19-13.
device shall not exclude manual frequency 2
GOST 12252, GOST 22580, GOST 22579,
adjustment; GOST 26897.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 759

T a b l e 6.2.8 wide band ±3000 Hz;

Unwanted emission power requirements medium band ±1500 Hz;
Spacing  between unwanted narrow band ±600 Hz;
Minimum attenuation
emission frequency and
below peak power (dB) very narrow band ±100 Hz;
assigned frequency* (kHz) single-band +350 to +2700 Hz.
1.5 to 4.5 31
4.5 to 7.5 38 6.2.16 Receiver's LF path band shall be,
over 7.5 43 and unwanted except for cases specified in technical docu-
emission power is not mentation, at least 300 to 2700 Hz for output
to exceed 50 mW voltage irregularity of 6 dB within the band
* Assigned frequency in a single-band channel above 1000 Hz.
shall be 1400 Hz higher than the carrier.
6.2.17 The receiver power circuits shall be
6.2.9 Acoustic frequency band of transmit- provided with devices to protect against inter-
ters designed for emissions classes Í3Å and ference produced by ship's electric equipment.
J3Å shall be from 350 to 2700 Hz with per-
missible amplitude variation of max. 6 dB. 6.2.18 Input circuits of receivers shall be
protected against voltages induced by operat-
6.2.10 Modulation depth of transmitters for
ing ship transmitters.
emission class Í3Å shall be at least 80 %.
Modulation depth caused by foreign voltage 6.2.19 Receivers shall be designed so that
sources shall not exceed 5 %. to connect an RF cable to the antenna clamp
Modulation of transmitters for emissions with continuity of shielding maintained.
class J3Å shall be so that intermodulation 6.2.20 All ship receivers shall be designed
components do not exceed values stipulated for continuous 24-hour operation.
by national standards1.
6.2.21 The following shall be included into
6.2.11 All transmitters with rated power radiotelephone station:
above 20 W shall be provided with an indica-
.1 transmitter/receiver with antenna;
tor allowing for continuous monitoring of
antenna current during transmission. Failure .2 integral or remote control con-
in the indicator shall not result in open circuit sole/consoles with microtelephone handset
fault of antenna loop. and integral or remote loudspeaker.

6.2.12 The transmitter shall be tuned to 6.2.22 Man-portable VHF radiotelephone

any frequency required by the present part of station with rechargeable power source shall
the Rules with the frequency well locked. be provided with arrangement for its charging
from ship's mains.
6.2.13 Antenna break or short-circuit to
case as well as feed of powerful HF signal 6.3 MF/HF RADIO INSTALLATION
shall not cause damages degrading the per-
formance of transmitter. Ships of Ì, Î, Ð and Ë classes

6.2.14 Intermediate frequency shall not 6.3.1 Operating parameters of transmitter

cause interference in the secured call and dis- shall comply with those stated in Table 6.3.1.
tress international frequency bands. 6.3.2 Where radio installation is provided
with an integral or a separate automatic ra-
6.2.15 In this Section, the following classi-
diotelephone alerting device, the latter shall
fication is adopted for receiver bands by
comply with requirements of 6.3.7 to 6.3.12.
high/intermediate frequency measured at a
level of 6 dB: 6.3.3 The transmitter shall be complete or
shall have an integral dummy antenna.
GOST 12252, GOST 22580, GOST 22579, 6.3.4 Basic operating parameters of receiver
GOST 26897. shall comply with those stated in Table 6.3.4.
760 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

T a b l e 6.3.1 6.3.6 The receiver shall be rated for con-

Transmitter parameters nection of head telephone sets and loudspeak-
Parameter Value ers with power of at least 0.5 W.
Frequency band (kHz) 1605 to 3800;
4000 to 6.3.7 Automatic radiotelephone alerting
15000 min. device shall enable the MF/HF radiotele-
Number of frequencies within Discrete grid phone to automatically transmit the signals
ranges of 1605 to 3800 and with 100 Hz pitch specified in 6.3.8 and 6.3.9.
4000 to 15000 kHz
Emission class H3E, J3E and 6.3.8 Radiotelephone alert signal given by
J2B automatic alerting device shall consist of dual-
Standard dummy antenna for tone acoustic frequency sine-wave oscillations
determination of rated power being transmitted alternatively and continu-
within 1605 to 3800 kHz: ously within max. 1 min and min. 30 s. Fre-
capacity (pF) 300
active resistance (Ω) 4 quency of one tone shall be equal to
Peak power within 1605 to min 30 (2200±33) Hz, frequency of the other tone to
3800 kHz (W) (1300±19.5) Hz.
Standard dummy antenna for Each tone duration shall be equal to
determination of rated power (250±10) ms. Interval between the tones shall
within 4000 to 8800 kHz: be max. 4 ms. Stronger tone to weaker tone
active resistance (Ω) 75
amplitude ratio shall be within 1 to 1.2.
N o t e : It shall be possible to reduce peak
power. 6.3.9 Automatic transmission of radiotele-
T a b l e 6.3.4 phone alert signals shall be cyclic with inter-
Receiver parameters vals between two subsequent cycles approxi-
mately equal to a single cycle. Automatic
Parameter Value
Frequency band (kHz) (discrete 1605 to 3800;
alerting device shall be capable of transmitting
frequency grid with 100 Hz pitch 4000 to alert signals until disabled.
may be used instead of smooth 15000 min. 6.3.10 Automatic alerting device shall be
Emission classes H3E, J3E and started by a single action. Starting duration
J2Â shall not exceed 5 s.
Sensitivity (µV) Not less than
6.3.11 Automatic alerting device shall
6 µV e.m.f.
with signal-to- come complete with instruction on its activa-
noise ratio at tion and monitoring.
receiver output
is 20 dB
6.3.12 Automatic alerting device shall be
Selectivity: designed so that to make its inadvertent acti-
Squareness ratio at 60 dB / 6 dB: vation impossible. Provision shall be made for
for wide band Max 4 disabling of automatic alerting device any
for medium band Max 5 time to transmit a distress message.
Intermediate frequency and im- min 60
age channel attenuation of signal
receipt (dB)
Ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ classes
Nonlinear distortion factor (%) Max 10 6.3.13 Radio installation shall provide for
the following categories of alerts using radio-
telephony and DSC for:
6.3.5 The receiver shall have a high / in- .1 distress, urgency and safety alerting;
termediate frequency medium band. If the .2 transmission of information related to
receiver is designed with two bands, one of ship operation;
these bands shall be wide (see 6.2.15). .3 transmission of other information.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 761

6.3.14 Radio installation shall provide max. 400 W for MF band;

communication when operated in the radio- max. 1500 W for HF band.
telephone and NBDP mode for:
.1 distress, urgency and safety alerting; 6.3.21 If mean output power of transmitter
.2 transmission of information related to exceeds 400 W, when the transmitter is
ship operation; switched to MF frequencies, this power shall
.3 transmission of other information. be automatically reduced down to 400 W or
6.3.15 Where radio installation is intended
only for distress alerting, as well as communi- 6.3.22 Radio installation shall be capable of
cation in distress and for safety, requirements operating at frequencies of 2182 kHz and
of,, and 2187.5 kHz within one minute after activa-
may be omitted. tion.
6.3.16 Radio installation shall comprise the 6.3.23 The receiver shall be capable of dis-
following: crete tuning within the band of 1.605 to
.1 equipment stated in 6.2.21; 27.5 MHz. A receiver tuned to fixed frequen-
.2 integral or remote narrow band direct- cies (at least 18) may be used:
printing device; for radio telephony: 2182, 4125, 6215,
.3 integral or remote DSC device; 8291, 12290 and 16420 kHz;
.4 receiver for continuous DSC watch at for NBDP: 2174.5, 4177.5, 6268, 8376.5,
frequencies of 2187.5, 8414.5 kHz and at least 12520 and 16695 kHz;
one of distress and safety frequencies in DSC for DSC: 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312, 8414.5,
system: 4207.5, 6312, 12577 or 16804.5 kHz. 12577 and 16804.5 kHz.
The receiver shall enable one of these distress
6.3.24 The receiver shall be capable of re-
and safety frequencies in DSC system to be
ceiving upper side band with emission classes
J3E, H3E, J2B and F1B.
6.3.17 The transmitter shall be capable of
6.3.25 After warming up, receiver fre-
operating within frequency band of 1.605 to
quency shall remain within 10 Hz of the
27.5 MHz. The number of operating frequen-
tuned/set frequency.
cies shall not be less than 18: for radio te-
lephony: 2182, 4125, 6215, 8291, 12290, 6.3.26 The receiver sensitivity for class J3E
16420 kHz; for NBDP: 2174.5, 4177.5, 6268, and F1B emissions shall not be less than 6 µV
8376.5, 12520, 16695 kHz; for DSC: 2187.5, when signal-to-noise ratio at receiver output
4207.5, 6312, 8414.5, 12577, 16804.5 kHz. is 20 dB. For NBDP and DSC, error index
per character of max. 10-2 shall be obtained
6.3.18 The transmitter shall provide the
for signal-to-noise ratio of 12 dB.
following emission classes: J3E, Í3Å and J2Â
or F1Â. 6.3.27 The receiver shall provide power of
For transmitters produced after 1 July at least 2 W to the loudspeaker and at least
2002, emission class H3E is not required. 1 mW to microtelephone handset.
6.3.19 Radio installation shall be provided 6.3.28 Where DSC and NBDP devices are
with arrangements to automatically prevent not integral, in radio installation provision
overmodulation. shall be made for inputs/outputs for transmis-
sion/reception of DSC and NBDP signals.
6.3.20 During normal modulation, peak
envelope power for emission class J3Å or Í3Å 6.3.29 Adjacent-channel selectivity of the
or mean transmitter power for emission class receiver shall be at least 60 dB for interfer-
J2Â or F1Â shall be as follows: ence offset by ±6 kHz.
at least 60 W for any frequency within the Side channel selectivity shall be at least
operating band; 80 dB.
762 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

Intermodulation selectivity relative to 1 µV 6.3.38 The radio installation control system

shall be at least 70 dB. shall be capable of:
Nonlinear distortion factor shall not exceed .1 activation of DSC distress call. DSC
7 %. distress call activation shall have a priority
6.3.30 Provision shall be made for signal over any other operations;
automatic gain control. .2 acknowledgment of received DSC dis-
tress call;
6.3.31 DSC shall be capable of decoding .3 relaying DSC distress call;
and encoding, composing and verifying DSC
.4 switchover to frequencies of 2182 and
2187.5 kHz. These frequencies shall be
6.3.32 If received messages are not imme- marked on tuners and controls;
diately printed, storage memory shall be as .5 autoselect of emission class (J3E/H3E)
such to store at least 20 received distress mes- when switching to frequency of 2182 kHz;
sages in the DSC device memory. .6 autoselect of emission class (J2B/F1B)
The messages shall be stored in the mem- when switching to distress and safety frequen-
ory until they are read and shall be deleted in cies of DCS and NBDP devices specified in
48 h after receiving. 6.3.17 and 6.3.23;
6.3.33 Where a receiver with scanner for .7 emission classes shall be switched using
continuous watch on multiple DSC distress not more than one control;
channels is used, all selected channels shall be .8 provision shall be made for independ-
scanned within 2 s, and watch time on each ent tuning of receiver and transmitter fre-
channel shall provide for detection of a se- quencies. The tuning process shall not impede
quence of dots preceding each DSC. Scan- usage of transceivers.
ning is stopped only as soon as dots transmit-
6.3.39 Transceiver controls shall operate so
ted at 100 Baud are detected.
as not to cause side and outband emissions.
6.3.34 The narrow band direct-printing de-
vice shall be capable of operating in circular 6.3.40 Provision shall be made for indica-
and selective call modes on single-frequency tion of entered and received DSC formats.
distress channels intended for NBDP. The data displays shall be sized to fit at least
160 characters in at least two rows.
6.3.35 The narrow band direct-printing de-
vice shall comprise the following: 6.3.41 It shall be possible to test audible
.1 arrangements for decoding and encod- and visual alarm.
ing messages; 6.3.42 Provision shall be made for indica-
.2 arrangements for composing and verifi- tion of transmission and reception frequen-
cation of messages to be transmitted; cies.
.3 arrangements for recording received
messages. 6.3.43 Manually tuned radio installation
shall be provided with devices to enable its
6.3.36 Self-identification data shall be fine adjustment.
stored in the NBDP device. Provision shall be
made for protection against data tampering. 6.3.44 Self-identification data shall be
stored in the DSC device memory and shall
6.3.37 Radio installation shall be capable of be displayed for verification purposes. These
being controlled from built-in or remote con- data shall be unchangeable without special-
trol console/consoles.
purpose tool.
Where two remote control consoles are
provided, a priority shall be given to the con- 6.3.45 Provision shall be made for regular
sole located at the place where the ship is verification of DSC device without emitting
controlled. signals.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 763

6.3.46 Where radio installation is to be 6.4.7 Transmitter's radiated power shall be

preheated for normal operation, power shall max. 25 W. It shall be possible to reduce the
be supplied to preheating circuits when radio power down to 1 W. Radiated power of port-
installation is de-energized. able/man-portable VHF radiotelephone sta-
Preheating circuit switch shall be properly tion shall be max. 2 W.
marked. It shall be protected against acciden-
tal deactivation. 6.4.8 Mean power of any side radiation
caused by modulation products on any chan-
Operating temperature shall be reached
nel shall not exceed 10 µW, and mean power
within 30 min after power on.
of any side radiation at any discrete frequency
6.3.47 Where a delay in power supply to shall not exceed 2.5 µW.
any part of the transmitter after its activation
is required, this delay shall actuate automati- 6.4.9 Receiver sensitivity at signal-to-noise
cally. ratio of 12 dB shall be at least 1.0 µV.
6.4.10 Radio station receiver output shall
6.4 VHF RADIOTELEPHONE STATION be rated for loudspeaker with power of at least
6.4.1 VHF radiotelephone station men- 0.5 W and microtelephone handset (or ma-
tioned in 2.1.1 shall be compatible with VHF nipulator). The loudspeaker shall be incorpo-
radio communication system for inland water- rated into radio station case.
borne transport and meet requirements of the
6.4.11 The receiver's high/intermediate fre-
national standard1.
quency band at 6 dB shall ensure reception of
6.4.2 VHF radiotelephone station shall be a signal with maximum frequency deviation of
capable of radio communicating within the 5 kHz.
bands specified in Table 2.1.1 using emission
class G3Å (F3). Frequency grid pitch shall be 6.4.12 Nonlinear distortion factor of re-
equal to 25 kHz. ceiver shall be max. 7 %.
6.4.3 The main VHF radiotelephone sta- 6.4.13 Two-signal selectivity of receiver
tion shall have at least three channels includ- shall be such as the attenuation of signal re-
ing distress, safety and call channel (300.2 ceived ±25 kHz off the resonance frequency
MHz, channel 5). Operating radio station shall be at least ±75 dB.
shall be capable of operating at any channels
within bands stated in Table 2.1.1 and provid- 6.4.14 Adjacent and side channel selectivity
ing operating modes in accordance with of the receiver shall be at least 70 dB.
communication arrangement. 6.4.15 Radio station shall be capable of be-
6.4.4 Maximum frequency deviation corre- ing switched to the 300.2 MHz channel
sponding to 100 % modulation depth shall be (channel 5) by a single action.
as close as possible to ±5 kHz, but shall not 6.4.16 Switchover from simplex to duplex
in any case exceed ±5 kHz. operation and vice versa shall be automatic
6.4.5 Frequency response of transmitter with switching to the selected channel.
modulator shall have precorrection (rise to-
6.4.17 Channels shall be displayed or indi-
wards high frequencies) of 6 dB per octave
cated according to enumeration established by
with subsequent backward correction in re-
authorized state executive authority of the
Russian Federation.
6.4.6 Acoustic frequency band shall not ex-
6.4.18 On the 300.2 MHz (channel 5)
ceed 3000 Hz.
channel provision shall be made for minimum
power of 50 µW on the loudspeaker, when
GOST 12252. volume control is set to the zero position.
764 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

6.4.19 VHF radiotelephone station shall nearby ships and shore. On ships of 300 gross
have a noise suppressor capable of being dis- tonnage or less, public address system on the
abled and fitted with an adjuster. upper deck may be used instead of one-way
public address device.
6.4.20 VHF radiotelephone station may
come complete with arrangements allowing 6.5.6 Public address device shall be able to:
for radio communication directly from bridge .1 broadcast communication with at least
wings. three microphone stations;
6.4.21 Relative instability of transmitter .2 broadcasting through at least three
frequency shall be not worse than 710–6, for broadcasting lines to all accommodation
portable/man-portable station not worse than spaces (see Part III of these Rules)
1010–6. and open decks;
.3 broadcasting from radio receiver, tape
6.4.22 VHF radiotelephone station shall be recorder, record player, as well as from local
designed to be powered from the main and and remote microphones;
emergency power sources meeting require- .4 transmission of orders throughout all
ments of 3.1.2.
broadcasting lines, concurrently or separately,
6.4.23 The loudspeaker shall be capable of from microphone stations of public address
being disabled automatically during duplex system, as well as from local and remote mi-
operation/radiation. crophones. Broadcasting shall be capable of
being disabled automatically when local or
6.4.24 Transmitter bandwidth at minus 30
dB at frequency grid pitch of 25 kHz shall be remote microphones are enabled from micro-
max. 18.8 kHz. phone stations of public address system;
.5 monitoring of transmission quality in
6.4.25 Transmitter side emission shall be each broadcasting line;
max. 2.5 µW. .6 transmission of orders through broad-
casting lines with volume controls of loud-
6.5 PUBLIC ADDRESS speakers set to minimum or to the OFF posi-
6.5.1 Public address device shall provide 6.5.7 In order to transmit orders through
for duplex or simplex communication of broadcasting arrangements, all control opera-
wheelhouse with main control stations (see tions (activation, switching broadcasting lines,
4.8.3), as well as allow orders be transmitted reset of programs and activation of forced
to service spaces, passenger compartments broadcasting) shall be performed remotely
and to open decks through broadcasting ar- from microphone stations of the public ad-
rangements of broadcasting device. dress device.
6.5.2 At least three lines shall be connected 6.5.8 Provision shall be made for a visual
to the public address device. alarm when broadcasting lines are connected
6.5.3 The public address device shall have to equipment of the public address micro-
the main microphone station in the wheel- phone post for transmission of orders.
house and microphone stations near public
address communication subscribers. 6.6 COMMAND PUBLIC ADDRESS
6.5.4 Public address stations within spaces DEVICE
with noise level above 90 dB (A) shall be pro- 6.6.1 The command public address device
vided with additional visual alarm. shall be capable of interrupting, from the
6.5.5 On board ships of M and O classes, wheelhouse, any signal transmitted from the
provision shall be made for one-way public other microphone station or broadcasting or
address devices for communication with audio recording.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 765

Provision shall be also made for automatic 4000 kHz. The receiver tuned to fixed fre-
interruption of broadcasting or audio re- quencies (at least two, 2182 and 2187.5 kHz)
cording upon activation of ship's general may be used.
alarm system.
6.7.9 If the DSC device is not integral,
6.6.2 The command public address device provision shall be made for a separate output
shall be protected against unauthorized use. for digital selective calling signals.

6.7 MF RADIO INSTALLATION 6.7.10 The radio installation control system

shall ensure the following:
6.7.1 MF radio installation required in .1 activation of DSC distress call. DSC
2.2.1 and 2.2.3 shall comply with require- distress call shall be activated to provide its
ments of 6.3.13, 6.3.18, 6.3.19, 6.3.21, 6.3.22, priority over other functions of the radio in-
6.3.24 to 6.3.27, 6.3.29 to 6.3.32, 6.3.37, stallation control system;
6.3.39 to 6.3.47. .2 manual relaying DSC distress call;
6.7.2 MF radio installation required in .3 switchover to frequencies of 2182 and
2.2.1 shall be capable of radio communicating 2187.5 kHz. These frequencies shall be
in the radiotelephone mode for: marked on tuners and controls;
.1 distress, urgency and safety alerting; .4 autoselect of emission class (J3E/H3E)
.2 transmission of information related to when switching to frequency of 2182 kHz;
ship operation; .5 autoselect of emission class (J2B/F1B)
.3 transmission of other information. when switching to frequency of 2187.5 kHz.
6.7.3 Where radio installation is intended 6.7.11 Emission classes shall be switched
only for distress alerting and distress and using no more than one control.
safety communicating, requirements of,, and do not 6.7.12 Provision shall be made for inde-
apply. pendent tuning of receiver and transmitter
frequencies. The tuning process shall not im-
6.7.4 Radio installation shall include: pede usage of transceivers.
.1 transmitter/receiver with antenna;
.2 integral or remote control con-
sole/consoles with microtelephone handset 6.8 VHF RADIO INSTALLATION
and integral or remote loudspeaker; 6.8.1 VHF radio installation required in
.3 integral or remote DSC device; 2.2.1 shall be capable of producing the follow-
.4 receiver for continuous watch at fre- ing categories of alerts using radio telephony
quency of 2187.5 kHz (DSC). and NBDP:
6.7.5 The transmitter shall be capable of .1 distress, urgency and safety alerting;
operating within the band of 1605 to .2 transmission of information related to
4000 kHz. The number of operating frequen- ship operation;
cies shall not be less than two: 2182 and .3 transmission of other information.
2187.5 kHz.
6.8.2 VHF radio installation required in
6.7.6 For normal modulation, peak enve- 2.2.1 shall enable radio communication when
lope power for class J2B or F1B emissions operating in the radiotelephone mode for:
shall be at least 60 W. .1 distress, urgency and safety alerting;
6.7.7 The transmitter shall come complete .2 transmission of information related to
with a standard dummy antenna: Ñ  300 pF, ship operation;
R  4 Ω. .3 transmission of other information.
6.7.8 The transmitter shall be capable of 6.8.3 Radio installation shall include:
discrete tuning within the band of 1605 to .1 transmitter/receiver with antenna;
766 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

.2 integral or remote control con- .1 radio station shall be designed for op-
sole/consoles; eration at maritime mobile service frequencies
.3 microphone with RX/TX push-button within band of 156 to 174 MHz using class
switch, which may be combined with a tele- G3E (radiotelephone channels) and G2B
phone in the telephone handset; (DSC channel 70) emissions. Frequency spac-
.4 integrated or remote loudspeaker; ing shall be equal to 25 kHz;
.5 integrated or separate DSC device; .2 radio station shall operate:
.6 DSC watch receiver capable of con- within band of 156.3 to 156.875 MHz on
tinuous watching on channel 70. simplex channels;
within band of 156.025 to 157.425 MHz
Additional receivers may be fitted in the
radio installation. for transmission and within band of 160.625
to 162.025 MHz for reception on duplex
6.8.4 The DSC device shall be capable of channels;
operating on channel 70 and shall consist of: .3 radio station shall have at least five
arrangements for decoding and encoding channels including channel 70
DSC messages; (156.525 MHz), channel 6 (156.3 MHz),
arrangements for composing DSC message; channel 13 (156.65 MHz), channel 16
arrangements for verification of prepared (156.8 MHz);
message prior to transmission; .4 maximum frequency deviation corre-
arrangements for displaying data in the re- sponding to modulation depth of 100% shall
ceived call. not exceed ±5 kHz;
.5 frequency modulation shall have a pre-
The DSC device shall meet the following
correction of 6 dB per octave with subsequent
backward correction in receiver;
.1 if received messages are not immedi- .6 acoustic frequency band shall not ex-
ately printed, storage memory shall be as such ceed 3000 Hz;
to store at least 20 received distress messages .7 radio station shall send signals to an-
in the DSC device memory. The messages tenna with vertical polarization. Radiations
shall be stored in the memory until they are shall be nondirectional in the horizontal
read and shall be deleted in 48 h after receiv- plane;
ing; .8 the rated power of transmitter shall be
.2 DSC distress call activation shall have min. 6 W and max. 25 W. The transmitter
a priority over any other operations; shall have a device for reducing power from 1
.3 Self-identification data shall be stored to 0.1 W except for channel 70
in the DSC device memory and shall be dis- (156.525 MHz);
played for verification purposes. These data .9 the mean power of any side emission
shall be unchangeable without special-purpose caused by modulation products in any other
tool; channel of the International maritime mobile
.4 provision shall be made for periodical service shall not exceed 10 µW while mean
verifying the DSC device without emitting power of any other side emission at any dis-
signals; crete frequency within the band of Interna-
.5 with modulated DSC signal of 1 µV at tional maritime mobile service shall not ex-
ceed 2.5 µW;
input of receiver connected to DSC device,
the DSC device shall decode the message .10 sensitivity of receiver at signal-to-
noise ratio of 20 dB shall be at least 2 µV;
with maximum permissible error index of 10-2
(at output). .11 radio station receiver output shall be
rated for loudspeaker with power of at least
6.8.5 Radiotelephone station included into 0.5 W and microtelephone handset. Provision
VHF radio installation shall meet the follow- shall be made for disabling loudspeaker with-
ing requirements: out affecting output acoustic power of handset;
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 767

.12 the loudspeaker shall be disabled .26 adjacent channel selectivity shall be at
automatically during duplex opera- least 75 dB;
tion/emission. Provision shall be made to .27 intermodulation selectivity shall be at
prevent electric and acoustic feedback in the least 70 dB;
handset; .28 where there is no scanning mode,
.13 switchover from one channel to an- provision shall be made for a device for
other shall be made within 5 s. Switchover switching the radio station back to channel 16
from transmission to reception and vice versa (156.8 MHz) when microtelephone handset is
shall not exceed 0.3 s; fitted to its standard place;
.14 receiver shall be provided with a .29 switchover from simplex to duplex
manual volume control, which allows for operation and vice versa shall be automatic
varying output power; when appropriate channels are transited to;
.15 on channel 16 (156.8 MHz), provi-
.30 receiver's output power shall be sup-
sion shall be made for a device providing a pressed in the transmission mode during sim-
minimum power of 59 mW on loudspeaker
plex operation;
when volume control is set to zero;
.31 radiotelephone station provided with
.16 provision shall be made for a noise
multichannel watch/scanning device shall
suppresser capable of being disabled on the
meet the following requirements:
front panel of radio station;
.17 provision shall be made for a provision shall be made for a two-channel
two-position switch to enable the whole VHF monitoring with automatic scanning priority
radio installation with visual indication on its and additional channels;
activation; where selection of priority channel is not
.18 provision shall be made for a visual provided, channel 16 (156.8 MHz) shall be
indication on carrier frequency transmission; considered as priority channel;
.19 radio station shall be able to display numbers of both scanned channels shall
the number of channel, which it is tuned to. be marked;
Information on the channel number shall be transmission shall not be possible in the
visible in all lighting conditions. Control con- scanning mode;
sole shall have channel 16 indicated; upon deactivation of scanning device,
.20 radio station may come complete with transmitter and receiver shall automatically
arrangements allowing for radio communica- switchover to the selected additional channel;
tion directly from bridge wings; provision shall be made for a manual
.21 radio station shall not emit signals switchover to the priority channel with one
when channels are being switched over; control only.
.22 the TC/RX control shall be operated Scanning characteristics shall meet the
so as not to cause any side or outband emis- following requirements:
sions; priority channel shall be scanned with the
.23 provision shall be made for devices al- rate of at least once every two seconds;
lowing for changeover to reception mode if the signal is received on a priority
from transmission mode using RX/TX switch. channel, receiver shall remain on this channel
Devices with no manual control may be pro- during the whole length of the signal;
vided for operating on duplex channels; if the signal is received on an additional
.24 the receiver's high/intermediate fre- channel, the priority channel shall continue to
quency band at 6 dB shall provide for recep- be scanned so that receipt on an additional
tion of a signal with maximum frequency de- channel is not interrupted for more than
viation of ±5 kHz; 150 ms;
.25 receiver's nonlinear distortion factor if the signal fails to be received on a pri-
shall be max. 7 %; ority channel and the signal is received on an
768 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

additional channel, the time of stay on an individual identifier (ID) and group identi-
additional channel shall be at least 850 ms; fier (ENID);
provision shall be made for indication of automatic input of ship coordinates from
a channel where the signal is received. navigation equipment and their automatic
conversion into geographic area may be pro-
6.9.7 The EGC receiver shall have a sepa-
6.9.1 Enhanced group calling (EGC) re- rately supplied memory device to store data
ceiver shall provide for continuous receipt of on selected types of received messages, ship
the following message types: coordinates, NAVAREAs, geographic areas
messages to all ships; and receiver identifier within at least 6
messages via INMARSAT system; months.
messages to a group of ships; 6.9.8 The EGC receiver shall be provided
individual messages; with audible and visual alarm on receipt of
geographically addressed messages. distress and urgency category messages. Provi-
sion shall be made for an adequate visibility of
6.9.2 The EGC receiver shall be provided
the received message indication from the ship
with arrangements for a fixed tuning to any of
steering position. The audible alarm shall be
20 reception channels with numbers stored in
designed to be of non-disabled type. Upon
the EGC receiver memory. Four channels out
actuation, the alarm shall be capable of being
of them are assigned permanently:
Frequency (MHz) Channel number
reset to the monitoring status manually from
1537.10 10840 received message displaying and/or printing
1537.70 11080 position.
1537.72 11088 6.9.9 The EGC receiver shall be provided
1541.45 12580 with indication on incorrect tuning to the
6.9.3 Sensitivity of EGC receiver shall be EGC carrier frequency or on lack of synchro-
at least 23.0 dB/kW. nization.

6.9.4 The equipment shall be capable of 6.9.10 Received messages shall be printed
printing the received information. The re- out regardless of errors during reception. The
ceived EGC messages shall be stored in printer shall print a low line mark if a charac-
memory, with indication that the message has ter is received corrupted.
been received, for subsequent printing, except 6.9.11 The operator shall have control over
for messages mentioned in 6.9.8 and 6.9.11 to printing or non-printing of service groups,
be printed immediately after receipt. except for codes of the following messages,
6.9.5 The EGC receiver shall be designed which shall be always printed upon reception
as a single unit or be combined with other by the EGC receiver:
devices. Components of other devices such as navigational and meteorological warnings
antenna, low-noise amplifier and ship earth and forecasts;
station frequency converter may be used as a information on search and rescue of ships
component of the receiver. in distress;
shore-to-ship distress alerts sent by shore-
6.9.6 The EGC receiver shall be provided based radio stations to a definite or indefinite
with arrangement for manual input of the geographic area where the ship is voyaging.
ship position data, NAVAREA code (where 6.9.12 The equipment shall not print the
the ship navigates) for receipt of area group message repeatedly if this message was re-
calls; ceived without errors.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 769

6.9.13 The printer shall be capable of re- and/or a data displaying unit shall be readily
producing all characters of the International available at all times.
Telegraph Code (ITC-5), printing at least 40
6.10.3 The equipment shall come complete
characters in a row, and hyphenating auto- with one receiver operating at 518 kHz of the
matically when a word can not fully fit into a NAVTEX International Service and the sec-
current row. Upon completion of printout,
ond receiver capable of operating concurrently
line feed shall be made five times. with the first one at least at two other
6.9.14 Switchover between different ship's NAVTEX frequencies. The receiver operating
power sources to the EGC receiver or any at 518 kHz shall have priority in respect of
power supply interruption within 60 s shall output of the received information to display-
not require repeated manual setting the ing unit or printer. The printing or displaying
equipment to the operating mode or lead to messages received by one of receivers shall
loss of received messages stored in memory. not impede the progress of information recep-
tion by both receivers.
6.9.15 In addition to requirements stated in
the present part of these Rules, the EGC re- 6.10.4 Sensitivity of the receiver shall be so
ceiver shall meet technical requirements of that error index per character shall be lower
the International Mobile Satellite Organiza- than 4 % for a source with electromotive
tion and be type approved by INMARSAT. force of 2 µV and active resistance of 50 Ω.
6.9.16 Provisions shall be made to exclude 6.10.5 Each NAVTEX receiver shall have a
antenna shadow angles degrading EGC re- non-volatile memory to store at least 200
ceiver performance forward and aft of the ship messages of 500 characters each in average
up to –5° and starboard and portside up to (printed and non-printed). Provision shall be
–15° in the horizon plane. made to preclude from deletion of any saved
For nondirectional antennas, provisions message. When the memory is full, provision
shall be made for exclusion of shadow angles shall be made for automatic deletion of the
above 2° in the horizontal plane caused by oldest messages to record the new messages.
ship structures within a radius of 1 m from 6.10.6 For NAVTEX receiver provision
antenna. shall be made for saving of marked messages
6.9.17 Where a stabilized directional an- in the non-volatile memory. These messages
shall take up max. 25 % of the non-volatile
tenna is used, provisions shall be made to
memory and shall not be overwritten by new
exclude shadow angles in accordance with
5.2.2 and 6.9.16. messages. Provision shall be made for remov-
ing a permanent storage mark from the mes-
sages, which may be then subsequently over-
6.10 NAVTEX RECEIVER written by newly received messages as the
memory is getting full.
6.10.1 NAVTEX receiver shall comprise
two radio receivers, signal processing unit and 6.10.7 NAVTEX receiver shall be capable
one of the following devices: of storing of at least 200 identifiers of mes-
.1 built-in printer; sages for each receiver.
Upon expiry of the storage period between
.2 displaying unit with connector for in-
60th and 72nd hours, message identifier shall be
terfacing with the printer and non-volatile
memory for received messages; automatically erased from the memory. If the
number of received messages exceeds the
.3 non-volatile memory for received mes-
equipment memory, the earliest identifiers of
sages connected to other navigation systems.
received messages shall be deleted automati-
6.10.2 NAVTEX receiver shall receive in- cally.
formation on service areas and types of mes- NAVTEX receiver shall store only identifi-
sages excluded from reception by operator ers of messages, which were received cor-
770 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

rectly. The messages with error index per .1 all messages as they are received;
character lower than 4 % are considered as .2 all messages stored in the non-volatile
received correctly. memory;
.3 all messages received at definite fre-
6.10.8 Information on service areas and
types of messages stored in memory of quencies, areas or having definite codes;
.4 all messages displayed on a displaying
equipment shall be kept within 6 hours after
power breakdown. unit;
.5 messages selected from those appearing
6.10.9 For receipt of search and rescue on the display.
messages, alarm in the normal ship steering The NAVTEX receiver shall be provided
position shall actuate. This alarm shall be with an interfacing unit for connection with
reset only manually. the printer.
6.10.10 The displaying unit and/or printer 6.10.6 The equipment shall be fitted with
shall be capable of displaying and/or printing performance test arrangements for radio re-
of at least 32 characters in a row. ceiver, data displaying unit, printer and non-
6.10.11 Where the displaying unit is pro- volatile storage memory.
vided in NAVTEX receiver, it shall meet the 6.10.17 NAVTEX receiver shall come
following requirements: complete with interfacing unit for interfacing
.1 indication of new received messages with other radio and navigation equipment
shall be displayed until acknowledged or and transmission of received data to this
within 24 hours after receipt; equipment.
.2 text of the new received messages shall 6.10.18 All interfaces with other navigation
be displayed; and radio equipment shall comply with na-
.3 the displaying unit shall be capable of tional standards1.
displaying of at least 16 rows of text;
.4 the displaying unit's readings shall be 6.11 HF NBDP RECEIVER
readable from the distance as stated in 6.1.15; FOR RECEPTION OF MARITIME SAFETY
.5 where there is no printer, the display- INFORMATION
ing unit shall be arranged at the ship steering
position. 6.11.1 HF NBDP receiver for reception of
maritime safety information (the receiver,
6.10.12 If automatic line feed entails divi- here below in the chapter) shall comprise a
sion of a word, this shall be indicated in the radio receiver, signal processing unit, printer
displayed/printed text. and automatic and manual frequency tuning
6.10.13 While displaying received messages controls.
by means of the displaying unit, provision 6.11.2 The receiver shall be capable of op-
shall be made for automatic display of mes- erating at frequencies of 4210, 6314, 8416.5,
sage end with a line-feed character added 12579, 16806.5, 19680.5, 22376, 26100.5 kHz.
automatically or any other way of delineation. The receiver may be operated at additional
Upon printing the received message, the frequencies provided for international and
printer or a unit interfaced with it shall auto- national NAVTEX services (518, 490 and
matically insert line-feed characters. 4209.5 kHz).
6.10.14 Equipment of NAVTEX receiver 6.11.3 Provision shall be made for per-
shall be capable of displaying/printing asterisk formance testing of receiver, signal processing
if the character is received corrupted.
6.10.15 If the printer is not integral, provi- 1
GOST R IEC 61162-1 (IEC 61162-1),
sion shall be made for selection of the follow- GOST R IEC 61162-2 (IEC 61162-2),
ing information to be printed: GOST R IEC 61162-402:2005 (IEC 61162-402:2005).
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 771

unit, printer and arrangements for automatic 6.11.13 The equipment shall print an aster-
frequency retuning if the latter are provided in isk if the character is received corrupted.
the receiver.
6.11.14 If the equipment includes arrange-
6.11.4 The equipment shall be capable of ments for automatic frequency retuning, pro-
storing at least 255 message identifiers. Upon vision shall be made for a universal coordi-
expiry of the storage period between 60th and nated time clock with accuracy of ±1 s to be
72nd hours, message identifier shall be auto- connected to the reprogrammable storage
matically erased from the memory. If a num- memory containing a frequency sequence and
ber of received messages exceeds the memory transmission schedules for all radio stations
size, the earliest message identifiers shall be engaged in transmission of maritime safety
deleted automatically. information to HF receiver by means of
6.11.5 Provision shall be made for audible
and visual alarm at the steering position for 6.12 INMARSAT SHIP EARTH STATION
displaying search and rescue messages. This
alarm shall be deactivated only manually. 6.12.1 The ship earth station shall receive
and transmit data for:
6.11.6 Information on service areas and .1 distress, urgency, safety and general
types of messages stored in memory of alerting;
equipment shall be kept within 6 hours after .2 coordination of actions during search
power breakdown. and rescue operations;
6.11.7 Sensitivity of the receiver shall be so .3 transmission of information on naviga-
that error index per character does not exceed tion safety.
10-2 for a source with electromotive force of 6.12.2 The ship earth station shall not have
6 µV. external controls, which may allow for chang-
6.11.8 Provision shall be made for moni- ing its identification number.
toring over printing or non-printing service 6.12.3 Provision shall be made to give a
groups of messages, navigational and mete- distress alert in the telephony mode or in the
orological warnings, search and rescue infor- data transmission mode from the ship steering
mation and individual specific warnings, position and from any position provided by
which are transmitted by a shore-based radio the ship design for purposes of distress alert-
station in the ship navigation area. ing. In addition to that, where a specific room
for radio communication is provided, ar-
6.11.9 Provision shall be made for receipt
rangements for distress alerting shall be pro-
of information on service areas and types of
vided in that room. Distress alerting arrange-
messages excluded from reception.
ments shall comply with 6.1.38.
6.11.10 Only identifiers of correctly re- Unless other distress, urgency and safety
ceived messages shall be stored in the re- alert receivers or signal relaying arrangements
ceiver. The message is considered as received are provided and the existing level of tele-
correctly if the error index per character is phone or printer signals is not adequate for
lower than 4 %. receipt of such messages, the ship earth sta-
tion shall be capable of giving of audible and
6.11.11 Printer shall be capable of printing visual alarm.
of at least 32 characters in a row.
6.12.4 The changeover between ship's
6.11.12 Signal processing device and power sources or any power supply interrup-
printer shall provide for line feed if this word tion within 60 s shall not require manual re-
can not be fully fitted within a row. setting of the ship earth station to the operat-
The printer shall automatically perform line ing mode or result in deletion of received
feed upon completion of message printing. messages from the ship earth station memory.
772 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

6.12.5 If the ship earth station includes the .7 be capable of floating in vertical posi-
enhanced group calling device, its specifica- tion and have a positive stability;
tions shall meet the requirements to the en- .8 be able to withstand drop in water from
hanced group calling equipment (6.9). height of 20 m without sustaining any dam-
6.12.6 The ship earth station shall have a
.9 be yellow/orange and have a reflective
self-test system and provide for automatic
surface coating or stripes;
activation of audible and/or visual alarm in
.10 be provided with a buoyant line suit-
case of:
able for use as a towing hawser, which shall
.1 loss of antenna tracking to satellite; be stowed to exclude its entanglement during
.2 malfunction of radio station; free floating of EPIRB;
.3 no power supply or activation of a .11 be provided with a lamp with lumi-
standby source. nosity of 0.75 Cd capable of being automati-
6.12.7 The ship earth station shall be capa- cally switched on in the dark for a short pe-
ble of testing the distress alerting function riod to indicate the EPIRB position;
without actually transmitting the alerts. .12 be designed to be resistant when ex-
posed to sea water, oil and solar radiation (see
6.12.8 In addition to requirements men- 12, 13, 15 and 16 Appendix 15 RTSC).
tioned in the present part of these Rules, the
ship earth station shall meet technical re- 6.13.4 The EPIRB shall be designed to be
quirements of INMARSAT and be type ap- serviceable under the following ambient con-
proved by INMARSAT. ditions:
.1 temperature of –20 to +55° Ñ;
TO EPIRBS .3 relative wind speed up to 50 m/s;
.4 after storage at temperature of –30 to
6.13.1 In addition to requirements of 6.1, +70° Ñ.
VHF EPIRBs and satellite EPIRBs of
6.13.5 EPIRB shall be capable of being
COSPAS-SARSAT system shall meet the re-
manually activated locally. Provision shall be
quirements of the present Section.
made for a remote activation from the wheel-
6.13.2 EPIRB shall be capable of being ac- house when the EPIRB is installed in the
tivated automatically after free floating. float-free mounting.
6.13.3 ERIPB shall: 6.13.6 The EPIRB shall be externally
.1 be capable of being activated by an un- marked with the following:
trained person and have a weight of max. .1 manufacturer data;
20 kg; .2 radio equipment number or codename
.2 be fitted with arrangements preventing assigned for type approval testing;
its accidental activation; .3 serial number of radio equipment;
.3 be designed so that its electric parts are .4 year of manufacturer;
of waterproof type to the depth of 10 m for at .5 kind of current and voltage of power
least 5 minutes; supply;
.4 be able to withstand temperature .6 brief operating instructions in English
changes up to 45° Ñ when immersed. The and Russian;
EPIRB shall remain serviceable when exposed .7 expiry date of storage battery shelf life;
to water, condensation or moisture; .8 identification number (for satellite
.5 be capable of being activated and deac- EPIRB of COSPAS-SARSAT system);
tivated manually; .9 safe distance from magnetic compass;
.6 be fitted with arrangements indicating .10 date of the next due shore-based
the signals emission; maintenance.
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 773

6.13.7 EPIRB shall be designed to be ser- 6.14.4 Distress alert signal shall be trans-
viceable within at least one year without mitted by the satellite EPIRB at an assigned
maintenance. band frequency of 406 MHz.
6.13.8 The shelf life of the storage battery 6.14.5 The satellite EPIRB shall have non-
used as an EPIRB power source shall be at volatile memory to store the invariable part of
least two years. The storage battery is subject a distress message.
replacement if at the time of survey of the
6.14.6 Six figures of the ship station identi-
ship radio equipment its remaining shelf life is
fier shall form part of all EPIRB messages.
less than 12 months. The storage battery shall
be marked with date of manufacture and 6.14.7 The satellite EPIRB shall have a
maximum shelf life. frequency of 121.5 MHz for homing.
6.13.9 In order to test the performance of 6.14.8 The type of satellite EPIRB of
EPIRB with dummy antenna, provision may COSPAS-SARSAT system shall be approved
be made for connection of external power by COSPAS-SARSAT.
6.13.10 EPIRB shall be designed to be re-
leased and floating free when submerged to a 6.15 VHF EPIRB
depth of 4 m or more at any heel or trim an- 6.15.1 VHF EPIRB shall transmit a distress
gle. alert. VHF EPIRB and radar transponder
6.13.11 The satellite EPIRB shall not be operating at frequency of 9 GHz may be
automatically activated after it has been structurally combined in a single unit. Radar
manually removed from the release gear. transponder shall comply with requirements to
LSA radar transponders (see 6.16).
6.13.12 If the satellite EPIRB is to be acti-
vated manually, distress alerting shall be per- 6.15.2 VHF EPIRB shall be of automatic
formed by two independent actions (see free floating type and capable of being tested
6.1.38) using a dedicated switch only. on board with no distress alert actually emit-
Such a distress alerting switch shall be duly ted.
marked and protected against its unauthorized 6.15.3 The power source shall have a ca-
activation. pacity sufficient for operation of VHF EPIRB
6.13.13 Satellite EPIRB shall be tested and for at least 48 hours.
have a document certifying that its service- 6.15.4 VHF EPIRB shall meet the follow-
ability has been tested following a procedure ing requirements:
established by an authorized state executive .1 distress alert signals in DSC system
authority of the Russian Federation. shall be transmitted at a frequency of 156.525
MHz using a class G2B emission;
6.14 SATELLITE EPIRB .2 relative frequency stability shall not ex-
6.14.1 Satellite EPIRB shall transmit a dis- .3 bandwidth shall be at least 16 kHz;
tress alert to near-polar orbiting satellites and .4 output power shall be at least 100 mW;
homing signals by means of integral beacon. .5 for transmission and reception, antenna
with horizontal and circular polarization shall
6.14.2 Provision shall be made for testing
be used;
of EPIRB without using the satellite system.
.6 frequency modulation with precorrec-
6.14.3 The power source shall have a ca- tion of 6 dB per octave (phase modulation)
pacity sufficient for operation of the satellite with subcarrier frequency modulation shall be
EPIRB for at least 48 hours. used;
774 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

.7 a subcarrier frequency of 1700 Hz with be kept in the lifeboat or liferaft pocket, as

modulation frequencies of 1300 and 2100 Hz well as illustrated installation instructions for
shall be used; radar transponder.
.8 deviation of frequency of 1300 and
6.16.5 For transmission and reception, an-
2100 Hz shall be within ±10 Hz;
tenna with horizontal polarization shall be
.9 modulation rate shall be 1200 Baud;
.10 modulation index shall be (2.0±10) %.
6.16.6 Radar transponder shall receive and
6.15.5 DSC format and sequence of mes- transmit signals at a distance of at least 5 nau-
sage transmission shall comply with Radio tical miles (9.26 km) when interrogated by
Regulations (see radar with antenna mounted at a height of
15 m. The radar transponder shall also receive
and transmit signals at a distance of at least
30 nautical miles when interrogated by an
6.16.1 Radar transponder shall enable posi- airborne radar with pulse power of at least
tioning of the ship in distress by transmitting 10 kW installed on board an aircraft flying at
signals displayed at radar screen as a series of a height of 1000 m.
equally spaces points. 6.16.7 The radar transponder shall be
6.16.2 Radar transponder shall comply with marked as provided in 6.13.6 (except for
requirements of to, with regard to 6.13.8, as well as with
to, as well as: name and call sign of the ship.
.1 be fitted with audible and visual ar-
rangements for performance testing and ar- 6.17 FREE FLOATING EMERGENCY
rangements to warn the personnel in distress RADIO EQUIPMENT RELEASE
that the radar transponder is being activated AND ACTIVATION ARRANGEMENTS
by radar; 6.17.1 Free floating emergency radio
.2 be capable of being activated and deac- equipment release and activation arrange-
tivated manually. Provision may be made for ments shall enable automatic release from the
its automatic activation. Where the test using ship in distress and automatic activation.
radar at frequency of 9 GHz is performed on
board the ship, operation of the radar trans- 6.17.2 Free floating emergency radio
ponder shall be restricted to a few seconds to equipment release and activation arrangement
avoid interference with other shipborne or shall:
airborne radars and to avoid energy consump- .1 be capable of actuating the release
tion of power sources; mechanism at a depth of 4 m or more at any
.3 have a readiness mode indication; heel and trim of the ship;
.4 have a positive buoyancy unless it is in- .2 remain serviceable at temperatures
corporated into a floating life-saving appli- from –30 to +65° C;
ance; .3 be made of corrosion-resistant materi-
.5 have an external surface safe for the als compatible with each other in terms of
floating life-saving appliance. contact corrosion to prevent from damage or
malfunction of the radio equipment mounted
6.16.3 Radar transponder shall be designed in. Galvanizing or other forms of metallic
to remain serviceable at temperature of –20 to coating on parts of the release unit is not
+55° Ñ. It shall remain serviceable after stor- permitted;
age at temperature of –30 to +65° Ñ. .4 be designed to prevent release of the
6.16.4 The transponder antenna shall be radio equipment when seas wash over the
installed so that to be at least 1 m above the unit;
water level. In order to comply with this re- .5 be designed to be resistant when ex-
quirement, a pole or other similar device shall posed to sea water, oil and solar radiation (see
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 775

12, 13, 15 and 16 Appendix 15 RTSC) and 6.18.2 Portable/man-portable apparatus

shall not be exposed to the above media at its shall be designed as a single/one piece unit
location on board the ship; including:
.6 remain operable when exposed to .1 transmitter, receiver, antenna and
shocks and vibrations with parameters stipu- power source;
lated in 2.2.5 Part VI of these Rules; .2 control unit with reception / transmis-
.7 where the ship navigates within areas of sion push-button switch;
possible icing, be designed to prevent from ice .3 microphone and loudspeaker.
formation in such a way that can prevent ra-
dio equipment release; 6.18.3 Portable/man-portable apparatus
shall be designed as to:
.8 be arranged so that to make impossible
entrapment of the emergency radio equipment .1 be activated by a person with no spe-
by structures of the ship in distress; cial training;
.9 have instructions on the hull on man- .2 be activated by a person wearing
ual release of the radio equipment. gloves;
.3 be activated by one hand (except for
6.17.3 For radio equipment, which requires selection of a channel);
an external power source and/or data input .4 remain serviceable in case of falling
source, the connection shall so designed to down onto a hard surface from height of 1 m;
enable free release and activation of radio .5 remain watertight at a depth of 1 m for
equipment. at least 5 minutes;
6.17.4 Provision shall be made for service- .6 remain serviceable after temperature
ability tests of free floating emergency radio change up to 45° Ñ due to immersion in wa-
equipment release and activation arrange- ter;
ments without radio equipment activation. .7 be resistant to sea water, oil and solar
radiation (see 12, 13, 15 and 16 Appendix 15
6.17.5 Provision shall be made for manual
release of free floating emergency radio
equipment from the release gear. .8 have no sharp corners or other casing
components able to damage the floating life-
6.17.6 Free floating emergency radio saving appliance;
equipment release and activation device shall .9 be able to be fastened to clothes and to
be externally marked with the due date of the have a belt to be suspended to a wrist or
next inspection or replacement. neck;
.10 be resistant to damage or malfunction
6.18 TWO-WAY VHF RADIOTELEPHONE in case of falling into water (see 17 Appendix
APPLIANCES Man-portable/portable apparatus shall have
yellow or orange colour or have a yel-
6.18.1 Two-way VHF radiotelephone appa- low/orange marking stripe around the case.
ratus (hereinafter, the apparatus) is purposed
for on-scene communication between floating 6.18.4 The apparatus shall operate at fre-
life-saving appliances, between floating life- quency of 156.8 MHz (channel 16) and at
saving appliances and ship, as well as between least on one additional channel of the mari-
floating life-saving appliances and rescue unit time mobile service.
(see Portable/man-portable appara-
6.18.5 Simplex radiotelephone channels
tus for radio communication on board the
shall be used in apparatus.
ship may be used if capable of operating at
frequencies other than those stated in Tables 6.18.6 The apparatus shall have a class
2.1.1 and 6.18.4. G3E emission.
776 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

6.18.7 The apparatus shall be provided with with a non-removable seal (nonrecoverable
a two-position switch with visual indication enclosure) to indicate that the battery was not
on its activation. used.
6.18.8 The receiver shall be provided with Where the electric power source is not to
be replaced during operation, the apparatus
the volume control.
shall be provided with primary battery. Such
6.18.9 Provision shall be made for a noise an apparatus shall be fitted with a non-
suppression unit (damper) and channel removable seal to indicate that the battery was
switch. not used.
6.18.10 Provision shall be made to switch The primary battery shall have a capacity
channels and display information on a se- sufficient for operation for at least 8 hours at
lected channel. the highest output power with duty cycle of
1:9. Duty cycle is defined as cycle comprising
6.18.11 Provision shall be made for ade- transmission for 6 s, reception above receiver's
quate visibility of selectable channel 16 in any threshold level for 6 s, and reception below
lighting conditions. receiver's threshold level for 48 s. Service life
6.18.12 The apparatus shall be capable of of primary battery shall be at least two years.
being set into operating state for max. 5 s after The batteries shall be coloured or marked in
accordance with if designated as
non-replaceable in operation.
6.18.13 Output power of transmitter shall The batteries not to be used in distress
be minimum 0.25 W and maximum 2 W. If shall be coloured and marked any way other
output power of transmitter exceeds 1 W, pro- than that of
vision shall be made for a device reducing A brief operating instruction and expiry
power down to 1 W or less. When the appara- date of service life of primary battery, name
tus is used for internal communication, out- and call sign of the ship shall be available
put power of transmitter shall not exceed 1 W. externally on the apparatus.
6.18.14 Sensitivity of receiver for signal-to-
noise ratio of 12 dB shall be at least 0.5 µV.
6.18.15 The antenna shall have vertical po- RADIOTELEPHONE APPARATUS
larization and circular pattern in the horizon- FOR AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATION
tal plane. The antenna fault shall not result in
damage of apparatus. 6.19.1 Man-portable two-way VHF radio-
telephone apparatus for aircraft communica-
6.18.16 Signal power at the loudspeaker tion (hereinafter, the apparatus) shall provide
output shall be as such to provide its audibil- on-scene communication between the ship
ity at ambient noise level of 70 dB (A). and aircraft.
6.18.17 The apparatus shall remain service- 6.19.2 The apparatus shall include:
able at temperature of –20 to +55° Ñ and .1 integral transmitter/receiver including
after storage at temperature of –30 to +70° Ñ. antenna and power source;
6.18.18 Power source shall be incorporated .2 integral control unit with recep-
into the apparatus. External power supply tion/transmission push-button switch;
devices may be provided for the apparatus. .3 microphone and loudspeaker.
6.18.19 Where the power source is to be 6.19.3 The apparatus shall:
replaced/recharged during operation, the ap- .1 be activated by a person with no spe-
paratus shall be provided with addi- cial training;
tional/backup primary battery to be used in .2 withstand fall down onto a hard surface
case of distress. This battery shall be fitted from height of 1 m;
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 777

.3 be capable of operating at ambient 6.20 STATIONARY TWO-WAY VHF

noise level of at least 90 dB (A); RADIOTELEPHONE APPARATUS
.4 have a colour other than that of man- FOR AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATION
portable two-way VHF radiotelephone appa- 6.20.1 Stationary two-way VHF radiotele-
ratus of life-saving appliances (see; phone apparatus for aircraft communication
.5 provide amplitude modulation and op- (hereinafter, the apparatus) shall provide on-
eration at frequencies of 121.5 MHz and scene communication between the ship and
123.1 MHz; air rescue unit/units (see
.6 have a two-position switch fitted with 6.20.2 The apparatus shall include:
visual alarm on its activation; .1 transmitter and receiver;
.2 antenna mounted on the equipment or
.7 be provided with manual volume con-
trol for a receiver to vary output acoustic individually;
.3 microphone with recep-
tion/transmission push-button switch and
.8 be capable of switching frequencies and loudspeaker.
visibly indicating the selected channel number
in any lighting conditions; 6.20.3 The apparatus shall:
.1 be activated by a person with no spe-
.9 be ready for operation not more than cial training;
in 5 s after activation. .2 be capable of operating at ambient
noise level of at least 90 dB (A);
6.19.4 Open circuit fault or short-circuit of
.3 provide amplitude modulation and op-
antenna shall not result in damage of appara-
eration at frequencies of 121.5 MHz and
123.1 MHz;
6.19.5 Carrier frequency power shall be .4 have a two-position switch fitted with
minimum 50 mW and maximum 1.5 W. visual alarm on its activation;
.5 be provided with manual volume con-
6.19.6 Signal output power shall be ade- trol for the receiver to vary output acoustic
quate for listening at ambient noise level of at power;
least 90 dB (A). .6 be capable of switching frequencies and
visibly indicating the selected channel number
6.19.7 In the transmission mode, output in any lighting conditions;
acoustic signal of the receiver shall be sup-
.7 be ready for operation not more than
in 5 s after activation.
6.19.8 The apparatus shall be powered by 6.20.4 Open circuit fault or short-circuit of
integral primary battery, which may be re- antenna shall not result in damage of appara-
placed during operation. In addition, the ap- tus.
paratus may be powered from an external
electric power source. 6.20.5 Carrier frequency power shall be
minimum 50 mW and maximum 1.5 W.
6.19.9 Shelf life of primary battery shall be 6.20.6 Signal output power shall be ade-
at least two years. quate for listening at ambient noise level of at
6.19.10 In addition to requirements of least 90 dB (A).
6.16.7, the apparatus shall be externally 6.20.7 In the transmission mode, output
marked with the following: acoustic signal of the receiver shall be sup-
.1 "For emergency communication with pressed.
aircraft only'' inscription; 6.20.8 The apparatus shall be powered
.2 name and call sign of the ship. from the ship's main electric power source. In
778 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

addition, provision shall be made for power- into the integrated radio communication sys-
ing from an emergency electric power source. tem.
6.20.9 Integral primary battery, which may 6.21.4 Failure in one type of radio equip-
be replaced during operation, may be used ment included into the integrated radio com-
instead of electric power source stated in munication system shall not affect more than
6.20.8. one sensor of radio communication aids or
more than one radio workstation.
6.20.10 Shelf life of primary battery shall
be at least two years. 6.21.5 The integrated radio communication
6.20.11 In addition to requirements of system shall:
6.13.6, the apparatus shall be externally .1 include at least two radio workstations
marked with the following: each linked with sensors of GMDSS radio
.1 "For emergency communication with communication aids via local area network or
aircraft only'' inscription; hardwired communication system;
.2 expiry date of service life of primary .2 include at least two printers;
battery; .3 have means for automatic update of
.3 name and call sign of the ship. ship position and time in addition to manual
data input;
6.21 GMDSS INTEGRATED RADIO .4 have an electric power source prevent-
COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ing the accidental deactivation of any part of
the integrated radio communication system;
6.21.1 Integrated radio communication sys-
tem is a system where individual radio com- .5 have GMDSS fault detection means
munication aids and installations are used as with alarm activation;
sensors, i.e. have no own control panels, and .6 be protected against computer viruses.
provide output data and receive commands
6.21.6 GMDSS radio workstations shall:
from points referred to as the radio worksta-
tions. .1 have an identical user interface and
identical access to each sensor function;
These points are referred to as the GMDSS
radio workstations if they are capable of con- .2 operated independently;
trolling and monitoring all the onboard .3 provide for simultaneous operation of
equipment and installations of GMDSS and at least two sensors of radio communication
for general radio communication. aids;
.4 transmit distress alerts made only by a
6.21.2 Integrated radio communication sys-
button specially designated for each sensor of
tem shall meet applicable functional require-
radio communication means; this button shall
ments of GMDSS (see 1.3.1) as well as all
not be used for any other purpose. The ap-
functional requirements for each individual
pearance of this button shall differ from oth-
radio communication aid. No functional re-
ers, and the button shall be protected against
quirements to individual radio communication
inadvertent activation; distress alert shall be
aids shall impede compliance with any other
made by two independent actions (see 6.1.38)
functional requirements to other radio com-
with activation of alarm notifying on actua-
munication aids integrated into the radio
tion of alert signal. Each distress alert button
communication system.
shall not be electrically linked to the local
6.21.3 All functional requirements to area network or hardwired communication
equipment of the integrated radio communi- system of the integrated radio communication
cation system shall comply with operating system. Provision shall be made to interrupt
requirements stipulated by the present Part of or make a distress alert at all times (see
these Rules to individual equipment included 6.1.38).
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 779

6.21.7 VHF radio installation may be in- communication system so that the transmis-
cluded/integrated in the integrated radio sion of alert does not require any tuning of
communication system only subject to re- the radio communication system (tuning
quirement of 4.5.8. channels, selection of operating modes or
menu). The operation of security alert system
6.21.8 Additional radio workstations in-
activation controls shall not result in actua-
tended for general radio communication only
tion of alarm on board the ship.
shall not have access to distress alert functions
and shall not impede transmission of a distress 6.22.5 Operation of the security alert sys-
alert. The radio communication aids from tem shall prevent degrading functional char-
GMDSS radio workstations shall have a pri- acteristics of GMDSS radio installations re-
ority over other additional radio workstations. quired by the present part of these Rules.
6.21.9 Additional sensors not required for 6.22.6 An alert generated by the security
GMDSS radio communication aids shall not alert system control shall contain a unique
impede or degrade performance of distress code/identifier to indicate that the alert is
alert and alert signal functions. made not in accordance with GMDSS dis-
tress procedures. The signal shall contain an
6.22 SECURITY ALERT SYSTEM identifier of the ship and current ship position
and the date and time of fix.
6.22.1 Security alert system shall be pro-
vided on board ships for transmission of the 6.22.7 In the security alert system, provi-
ship-to-shore alert on security condition in sion shall be made for serviceability testing
order to notify an organization authorized by without actually transmitting any alert signal.
the state executive authority of the Russian
Federation that the ship security is under
threat or is breached. Security alert system 6.23 SHIP'S AND LIFE-SAVING
shall include at least two actuation positions, APPLIANCE'S AUTOMATIC
one located in the wheelhouse and the other IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM
according to the ship security plan. Provision TRANSMITTER
shall be made for a continuous alert from 6.23.1 Automatic identification system
these positions until it is deactivated and/or (AIS) transmitter for search and rescue shall
reset. The system shall provide for a hidden transmit messages with coordinates, static
transmission of the signal for alerting the au- information and safety-related information for
thorized organization on shore. The signal ship in distress.
transmission mode shall not be accompanied
by alarm on board the ship and shall not 6.23.2 The format of transmitted messages
make an alert to other ships. shall be compatible with the AIS equipment,
be recognized and displayed on receivers
6.22.2 Functions of the security alert sys- within the AIS transmitter coverage range.
tem may be performed using GMDSS radio The transmitted messages shall differ from
installations and other systems intended for those of AIS equipment.
general radio communication or system spe-
cially designed for this purpose. 6.23.3 The AIS transmitter shall:
.1 be activated by a person with no spe-
6.22.3 The security alert system shall be cial training;
protected against inadvertent activation. Acti- .2 be fitted with arrangements preventing
vation of security alert system shall not re- its accidental activation;
quire preliminary removal of any seals or .3 be provided with visual and/or audible
opening covers. indication of operation;
6.22.4 The actuation of the security alert .4 be capable of being activated and deac-
system shall entail activation of the radio tivated manually. Automatic activation ar-
780 RCCS. Part VII “Radio Communication Equipment”

rangements may be used along with manual 6.23.7 The AIS transmitter shall continue
activation; transmitting message even if position and time
.5 be able to withstand drop in water from data from the position fix system are lost or
height of 20 m without sustaining any dam- corrupted.
6.23.8 The AIS transmitter shall begin
.6 be watertight to a depth of 10 m for at transmitting message within 1 minute after
least 5 minutes; activation.
.7 remain watertight and serviceable under
temperature variation by 45° Ñ during immer- 6.23.9 The shelf life of the primary battery
sion; shall be at least two years, and it shall be re-
.8 have a positive buoyancy unless it is a placed if at the time of survey of the ship ra-
component of a floating life-saving appliance dio equipment its remaining shelf life is less
and be provided with a buoyant line if the than 12 months.
AIS transmitter has a positive buoyancy; 6.23.10 The AIS transmitter shall be exter-
.9 be designed to be resistant when ex- nally marked with the following:
posed to sea water, oil and solar radiation (see .1 manufacturer data;
12, 13, 15 and 16 Appendix 15 RTSC); .2 navigation equipment type number or
.10 be coloured in yellow/orange; codename assigned for type approval testing;
.11 have an external surface safe for the .3 serial number of navigation equipment;
floating life-saving appliance; .4 year of manufacturer;
.12 have a device for hoisting AIS trans- .5 operating instructions;
mitter antenna at a height of at least 1 m .6 name and call sign of the ship;
above sea level. This device shall be accom- .7 expiry date of service life of primary
panied with illustrated instructions on antenna battery.
.13 have a transmitted message repetition 6.24 STATIONARY TWO-WAY VHF
interval not exceeding 1 minute; RADIOTELEPHONE APPARATUS
.14 be equipped with integral coordinate unit FOR LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES
to transmit current position in each message;
6.24.1 Stationary two-way VHF radiotele-
.15 provide for functional test of transmit- phone apparatus for life-saving appliances
ter using the set parameters and their initial (hereinafter, the apparatus) shall provide for
values. on-scene communication between floating
6.23.4 The AIS transmitter shall have a life-saving appliances, between floating life-
primary battery capacity sufficient for opera- saving appliances and ship, and between float-
tion for at least 96 hours at temperature of – ing life-saving appliances and rescue unit.
20 to +55° Ñ and serviceability testing the 6.24.2 The apparatus shall include:
radio equipment. .1 transmitter and receiver;
The AIS transmitter shall have its unique .2 antenna mounted on the apparatus (or
identification number to ensure integrity of provision shall be made for its separate instal-
data transmission line within VHF band. lation);
6.23.5 The AIS transmitter shall be de- .3 microphone with reception / transmis-
signed to be operable under ambient tempera- sion push-button switch and loudspeaker.
ture of –20 to +55° Ñ and to sustain no damage 6.24.3 The apparatus shall:
when stored at temperature of –30 to +70° Ñ.
.1 be activated by a person with no spe-
6.23.6 The AIS transmitter shall be capable cial training;
of being detected at a distance of at least .2 be activated by a person wearing
5 nautical miles (9.26 km). gloves;
6 Requirements to Radio Equipment 781

.3 withstand exposure to shocks and vi- .10 comply with requirements of 6.18.4 to
brations with parameters stipulated in 2.2.5 6.18.19.
Part VI of these Rules;
.4 be watertight to a depth of 1 m for at 6.24.4 In the transmission mode, output
least 5 minutes; signal of the receiver shall be muted.
.5 remain watertight under temperature
variation by 45° Ñ during immersion; 6.24.5 Where a microphone is provided in
.6 be designed to be resistant when ex- the apparatus, the receiver volume control
posed to sea water, oil and solar radiation (see shall not affect the output microphone power.
12, 13, 15 and 16 Appendix 15 RTSC);
.7 have an external surface safe for the 6.24.6 The apparatus shall be externally
floating life-saving appliance; marked with the following:
.8 be capable of operating at ambient .1 operating instructions;
noise level of at least 70 dB (A); .2 numbers of channels;
.9 be designed to install on the floating .3 name and call sign of the ship;
life-saving appliances without special-purpose .4 expiry date of service life of primary
tool or fixtures; battery.

784 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION through assisting in detection of above-water

objects, which may pose hazard for naviga-
1.1.1 The present Part of the Rules con-
tains the norms of the navigational equipment
.3 D i s p l a y b a s e means a scope of
for the inland and river-sea self-propelled
information of a system electronic naviga-
ships and technical requirements for it.
tional chart, which cannot be removed from
1.1.2 The requirements of this Part of the screen. This information is continuously dis-
Rules apply to ships under design and con- played on the screen in any navigation areas.
struction, as well as ships in service con- This information is not sufficient for naviga-
structed on or after 1 July 2002. tional safety;
Ships in service constructed before .4 I m a g e r e d r a w i n g t i m e i n
1 July 2002 shall comply with the require- an electronic navigational
ments of those Rules, according to which they chart and information display
were constructed, unless otherwise is specified s y s t e m means a time from the start of re-
in the later editions of the Rules and in the drawing to completion of redrawing;
statements of amendments and changes, as .5 I m a g e r e f r e s h m e n t t i m e i n
well as with requirements of 1.3.9 to 1.3.13. an electronic navigational
chart and information display
1.1.3 The requirements of this Part of the s y s t e m means a time from operator's action
Rules are mandatory for the ships engaged on to completion of respective redrawing;
coastal navigation. Requirements of the inter- .6 G l o b a l n a v i g a t i o n s a t e l l i t e
national conventions and agreements, which s y s t e m (GNSS) means a system designed
the Russian Federation acceded to, are man- to find coordinates and velocities of objects
datory for the ships engaged on international and position fix time relative to Universal
navigation. Time Coordinated (UTC);
.7 D e p t h means a vertical distance
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS from the water surface to ground;
1.2.1 The following terms are used in this .8 D i s p l a y means an electronic mean
Part of the Rules; for displaying information in the alphabetical,
.1 A u t o m a t i c identification numerical or graphical form;
s y s t e m (AIS) means a system that provides .9 A c q u i s i t i o n means selection of a
continuous automatic exchange of static and target (targets) for radar tracking;
dynamic (navigational) information between .10 V i s i b i l i t y z o n e means a hori-
ships, as well as between ships and shore- zontal angle, within which observation of en-
based stations, for the purpose of navigational vironment is possible from the workstation in
safety; the wheelhouse;
.2 N i g h t vision equipment .11 I n t e g r a t e d navigational
means an electronic system that provides safe s y s t e m (INS) means a combination of the
navigation during the hours of darkness ship's navigational equipment for cooperative
1 General Requirements 785

processing and displaying information re- .23 S e a w a t c h a l a r m s y s t e m

ceived from these means, as well as for auto- means equipment for monitoring psycho-
matically testing integrity/reliability of the physiological state of the navigator on under-
navigational information; way watch in the wheelhouse;
.12 T i m e division multiple .24 E l e c t r o n i c C h a r t D i s p l a y
a c c e s s (TDMA) means a way of informa- and Information System for
tion transmission in multiple-access commu- I n l a n d N a v i g a t i o n (Inland ECDIS)
nication systems with specified time of mes- means a navigational information system,
sage transmission for each station; which, together with the respective backup
.13 O b s e r v a t i o n means one of the equipment, displays information from system
main functions of the navigator to be carried electronic navigational chart and ship position
out by sight and hearing, as well as using ship received from navigational equipment, for
equipment, to assess navigational situation route planning and ship steering. Inland
and risk of collision; ECDIS includes its software, operating system
.14 N a v i g a t i o n a l equipment and computer hardware, as well as interface
means ship equipment installed on board the and backup equipment;
ship for solving navigational tasks; .25 S y s t e m e l e c t r o n i c n a v i g a -
.15 D a t a c a r r i e r means a device de- t i o n a l c h a r t (SENC) means a database
signed for data storage and reading with the obtained by transformation of an electronic
use of respective equipment; navigational chart to include corrections and
.16 G e n e r a l i z e d d i s p l a y means a other information as may be entered by the
combined displaying information from two or navigator. This database is used in the Inland
more navigational devices or systems; ECDIS/ECDIS to generate the chart image
.17 W a y p o i n t means a point on the on the display to provide navigational safety;
specified path of the ship, whose designation
and coordinates were entered in control soft- .26 E P A means electronic plotting aid;
ware of GNSS, Inland ECDIS/ECDIS or .27 A T A means automatic tracking aid;
ECS receiver; .28 A R P A means automatic radar plot-
.18 R a d i o m o d u l e means a module ting aid;
(an AIS component) for reception and trans- .29 S t a n d a r d d i s p l a y means SENC
mission of information on the VHF commu- information, which shall be represented at
nication channel; first display of the chart in the Inland
.19 R a s t e r n a v i g a t i o n a l c h a r t ECDIS/ECDIS and enable route planning or
means a facsimile copy of the paper chart or a ship steering by the navigator depending on
collection of charts, prepared and distributed the information level;
by an authorized hydrographic service; .30 R e m o t e h e a d i n g t r a n s m i s -
.20 V o y a g e d a t a r e c o r d e r (VDR) s i o n d e v i c e mean an electronic device
means a device designed for collection, re- that receives ship heading from the sensor and
cording and storage of voyage data including: transmits it to other navigational equipment;
data coding and recording equipment; interfaces .31 N a v i g a t i o n b r i d g e means a
to data sensors; data carrier in protective con- wheelhouse deck including open or closed
tainer; main and integral standby power sources; areas on the sides (bridge wings) where the
.21 B a c k - u p o f f i c e r means a ship local control stations may be located;
operator who is to be called whenever ship op- .32 L o g a n d / o r e c h o s o u n d e r
erator keeping underway watch needs assistance; t r u n k means a dedicated watertight space in
.22 W h e e l h o u s e means a space ac- the ship hull below the waterline with a wa-
commodating the main ship steering station tertight enclosure;
where observation over environment, ship .33 E l e c t r o n i c c h a r t d i s p l a y
steering, and control of ship equipment and a n d i n f o r m a t i o n s y s t e m (ECDIS)
systems are carried out; means a system combining information from
786 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

the system electronic navigational chart specified in Table 1.3.3 depending the naviga-
(SENC) with ship position data received from tion basin category and ship category.
the navigational sensors, for preliminary and 1.3.4 It is allowed not to install the speed
in-route plotting and displaying other naviga-
and travelled distance indicators, gyrocom-
tional information;
passes, autopilots and directional stabilizers,
.34 E l e c t r o n i c navigational echo sounders and rate-of-turn indicators, as
c h a r t (ENC) means a database standardized well as other navigational equipment not
in contents, structure and format and gener- specified in Table 1.3.3.
ated for use in the Inland ECDIS/ECDIS by
authorities received from the state hydro- 1.3.5 It is allowed to install fixed naviga-
graphic service. ENC shall include all the tional equipment with combined functions
mapping information as may be required for (radar + echo sounder + electronic chart sys-
navigational safety and enable entering addi- tem) with technical characteristics not below
tional data normally included in the pilot those specified for the ships of Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ
charts, atlases and other navigation guidelines. and Î-ÏÐ classes on board ships with maxi-
.35 E l e c t r o n i c C h a r t D i s p l a y mum 12 persons (including the crew mem-
S y s t e m (ECDS) means a system designed bers) and ships with length of less than 25 m,
for working with official navigation charts of except for the passenger ships and ships carry-
inland waterways in order to monitor the ship ing hazardous cargoes.
movement and information support of naviga- 1.3.6 All the self-propelled inland ships op-
tion. erated in the areas with active cardinal system
of the navigational equipment of the Interna-
tional Association of Lighthouse Authorities
1.3 NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT shall be fitted with a heading finding and dis-
COMPOSITION playing device.
General requirements
Requirements to Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ
1.3.1 Navigational equipment installed on and Î-ÏÐ class ships
board ships including ships in service, above
the norms specified in 1.3 in order to enhance 1.3.7 Self-propelled ships shall be fitted
navigational safety shall comply with the re- with navigational equipment according to
quirements in 6.1 Part VII of the Rules, 2, 3 Table 1.3.7.
of this Part, and shall be surveyed by the 1.3.8 It is allowed not to install an auto-
River Register. matic radar plotting aids (ARPA), rate-of-turn
indicators, automatic heading and course
Requirements to Ì, Î, Ð and Ë class ships keeping systems, devices for measuring and
1.3.2 To determine the navigational indicating speed and travelled distance over
equipment and outfit, the ships are divided ground in forward and transverse directions.
into three groups: 1.3.9 Ships built before 1 July 2002, not
I — ships of 300 gross tonnage or more; later than the first annual survey carried out
II — ships 25 m long or more with after 1 July 2002, shall be fitted with a GNSS
300 gross tonnage or less; receiver or a radio navigation system receiver
III — ships less than 25 m long. suitable for continuous usage in the ship op-
Gross tonnage and length of a tugboat de- eration areas.
signed for pushing or alongside towing shall
1.3.10 All passenger and cargo ships of
be taken equal to gross tonnage and length of
gross tonnage of 3000 and more engaged on
whole convoy.
international voyages and constructed after
1.3.3 Ship navigational equipment compo- 1 July 2002 shall be fitted with a voyage data
sition shall be taken according to the norms recorder.
1 General Requirements 787

T a b l e 1.3.3
Norms of navigational equipment for Ì, Î, Ð and Ë class ships
Navigation basin category and ship category
Item M O Ð and Ë
1. Standard (master) magnetic compass 1 1 — — — — — — —
2. Steering (secondary) magnetic compass 1, 2, 3 1 1 1 1 1 — — — —
3. Radar 1 1 1 1 1 — — — —
4. GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS receiver able 1 14 14 1 14 14 14 14 14
to receive GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS differ-
ential corrections
5. AIS transponder 1 14 14 1 14 14 14 14 14
In case of remote transmission of readings, including through optical line, from the standard (master)
magnetic compass to the main steering station, it is allowed not to install a steering (secondary) magnetic
Ships of M class and of length less than 20 m and ships of O class not fitted with a steering (secon-
dary) magnetic compass shall be fitted with a boat magnetic compass with the card diameter of not less
than 75 mm.
On the ships on board of which installation of a magnetic compass is not provided, the boat magnetic
compass card diameter shall be sufficient to be read at a distance of not less than 70 cm.
Only passenger ships and ships carrying dangerous cargoes, irrespective of gross tonnage.
T a b l e 1.3.7
Norms of navigational equipment for the Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships
Ship gross tonnage
Item Less 150 300 500 3000 Note
than and and and and
150 more1 more1 more more
1. Master magnetic compass2 1 1 1 1 1 The compass shall include a locator
providing direction finding within 360°
of the horizon, independent of any
electric power source
2. Secondary magnetic compass — 1 1 1 1 Shall be interchangeable with the
master magnetic compass
3. Heading transmission device — — 13 — — On ships having no gyrocompass
4. Gyrocompass or other non- — — — 1 1 The gyrocompass shall include a
magnetic device to determine and repeater or any other device for taking
display the heading4 bearings along the horizon arc of 360°11
5.Radar with:5 — — 1 1 2 One radar shall be a 9 GHz (3 cm)
Electronic plotting aid (EPA)6 — — 1 — — radar The radars shall operate
Automatic tracking aid (ATA)6 — — — 1 2 independently
6. GLONASS or 17 1 1 1 1 The used radio navigation system shall
GLONASS/GPS receiver be able to operate at any time during
the ship voyage.
7. Electronic chart display and 1 1 1 1 1 Back-up means (second ECDIS or paper
information system (ECDIS)8 navigational charts) shall be provided
8. Echo sounder — — 1 1 1
9. Log — — 1 1 1 Or other device measuring speed and
travelled distance through water
10. Automatic identification — — 1 1 1
system (AIS) equipment9
11. Voyage data recorder (VDR — — — — 1 Not required on the ships not engaged
and S-VDR)10 on international voyages.
12. External audible signal 1 1 1 1 1 Required on ships with a closed
reception equipment wheelhouse and on the ships steered by
one navigator
788 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

E n d o f T a b l e 1.3.7
Ship gross tonnage
Item Less 150 300 500 3000 Note
than and and and and
1 1
150 more more more more
13. Sea watch alarm system — 1 1 1 1 See 1.3.12
14. Automatic heading/course — — — — 112 Required on the ships of gross tonnage
keeping system of 10000 and more
15. Radar reflector 1 — — — —
16. Night vision equipment for — 1 1 1 1 On the ships navigating in darkness
high-speed craft
17. Navigational sextant — — 1 1 1
18. Chronometer — — 1 1 1 Two chronometers shall be installed
on the passenger and special purpose
ships of gross tonnage of more than 300
19. Ship identification and long-   1 1 1 Not required on the ships not
range tracking system engaged on international voyages.
Applies to passenger ships irrespective of their dimensions.
Or some other mean irrespective of any power source and suitable for finding the heading and trans-
mitting it to the main steering station and other equipment.
Not required if the ship is fitted with a gyrocompass providing able to transmit heading to the equip-
ment referred to in 5, 7, 10 and 11 of this Table.
Heading shall be transmitted to the equipment referred to in 5, 7, 10 and 11 of this Table. Heading
shall be visually indicated at the emergency station, if any, by a gyrocompass repeater.
Minimum effective diameter of the radar indicator image display shall be 180 mm for the ships of gross
tonnage of less than 500, and 250 mm for the ships of gross tonnage of 500 and more.
EPA and ATA are not required if Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) is installed.
Passenger ships and ships carrying vital and dangerous cargoes irrespective of their dimensions.
Not required on the ships not engaged on international voyages, if updated paper navigational charts
are available for preliminary and in-route plotting throughout the voyage.
Not required in cargo ships of gross tonnage of 500 and less not engaged on international voyages.
Passenger ships engaged on international voyages shall be fitted with a voyage data recorder irrespec-
tive of their dimensions.
May be omitted on the ships of gross tonnage of less than 1600 constructed before 1 July 2002.
May be omitted.

Cargo ships of gross tonnage of 3000 and or after this date shall be fitted with a sea
more engaged on international voyages and watch alarm system.
constructed before 1 July 2002 may be fitted Cargo ships of gross tonnage of 150 and
with a simplified voyage data recorder (S- more and passenger ships irrespective of their
VDR). dimensions constructed before 1 July 2002
shall be fitted with a sea watch alarm system
1.3.11 The following ships engaged on in- within the following time frames:
ternational voyages shall be fitted with the .1 passenger ships – not later than the first
electronic chart display and information sys- survey after 1 January 2016;
tem (ECDIS): .2 cargo ships of gross tonnage of 3000
.1 passenger ships of gross tonnage of 500 and more — not later than the first survey
and more; after 1 January 2016;
.2 cargo ships of gross tonnage of 3000 .3 cargo ships of gross tonnage of 500 and
and more. more and less than 3000 — not later than the
first survey after 1 January 2017;
1.3.12 Cargo ships of gross tonnage of 150 .4 cargo ships of gross tonnage of 150 and
and more and passenger ships irrespective of more and less than 500 — not later than the
their dimensions constructed on 1 July 2002 first survey after 1 January 2018.
1 General Requirements 789

1.3.13 Passenger ships including high-speed For the definition of the sea areas A1, A2,
passenger craft irrespective of their dimen- A3 and A4, see to Part VII
sions and cargo ships including high-speed of the Rules.
cargo craft of gross tonnage of 300 and more
engaged on international voyages shall be fit- 1.3.14 ECDS designed for working with of-
ted with a ship identification and long-range ficial navigation charts of inland waterways
tracking system (hereinafter referred to as the does not supersede Inland ECDIS/ECDIS
System). and paper navigation maps. ECDS shall com-
It is allowed not install the System on the ply with the requirements in 1.1.2 Part VI of
ships fitted with the automatic identification the Rules.
system equipment and designed for navigation When using ECDS on mobile hardware
solely within the sea area A1, irrespective of (notebook, tablet), the later shall comply with
their date of construction. the requirements in Part VI of the Rules.
790 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”


2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .4 a ladder shall be provided for descend-

2.1.1 Navigational equipment shall be in- ing into the trunk;
stalled in such a way as to enable its operation .5 a socket outlet for a 12 V portable lamp
according to the requirements of technical and the main lighting switch shall be placed
documentation and access for maintenance, at the entrance to the trunk;
repair and survey. .6 a cock shall be installed at the outside
on the upper part of the trunk;
2.1.2 The main devices of the navigational .7 when devices to be installed in the
equipment shall be installed in dry spaces. trunk require cutouts in the bottom, strength
Maintenance of equipment and taking read- of the bottom plating shall not be compro-
ings at the devices shall be provided. Power mised.
and auxiliary equipment shall be installed in
the power equipment room or in enclosure of
a dry space not preventing operation or main- 2.2 RADAR LOCATION
tenance of other equipment.
2.2.1 Radar's main indicator (a device to
2.1.3 Navigational equipment and its cable display radar and additional navigational in-
network shall be located so that not to cause formation) shall be installed in the wheel-
inadmissible (exceeding 0.5°) change in read- house at the navigator's workstation. Images
ings of magnetic compasses installed on board shall be displayed under all the light condi-
the ship. tions which may occur in ship operation.
The power equipment room with naviga- Additional indicator (if any) shall be in-
tional equipment converters shall be located stalled so that to provide radar information to
in a space adjacent to the wheelhouse (spaces the workstation where plotting operations are
sharing bulkheads and deck plating) or in the carried out.
radio equipment room, if any. The power If the radar control panel is a separate de-
equipment room shall be located so that vice, then functioning of the radar controls
acoustic noise from the operating units is not shall be provided from all the workstations
heard in the wheelhouse. fitted with radar and additional navigational
2.1.4 The space (trunk) designed for log or information displaying equipment.
echo sounder vibrators shall comply with the The radar indicator shall be so located that
following requirements: to allow the navigator to observe navigational
.1 the trunk shall be watertight; conditions on the indicator and steer the ship
.2 the trunk dimensions shall be sufficient from the steering station.
for maintenance of the installed equipment by 2.2.2 The transceiver and other radar
one person; equipment may be installed in the wheel-
.3 a sliding door or a manhole sized to at house, if power flow density of RF radiation,
least 400  600 mm with a watertight cover mechanical noise level and electric radio in-
shall be provided for access into the trunk; terference level do not exceed the norms set
2 Location of Navigational Equipment 791

by the sanitary regulations1 and 2.7 Part VI of mized and the radars do not cause interfer-
the Rules. If the said norms are exceeded, the ence to each other during simultaneous op-
equipment shall be installed in a dedicated eration.
screened room.
2.2.8 When two radar antennas are within
2.2.3 The navigator shall be provided with 3 m from each other, they shall be separated
information on the radar pattern and the in vertical plane by not less than 1 m.
shadow sectors.
2.2.9 The radar antenna location shall be
2.2.4 If a second radar is provided, its indi- selected so to minimize electromagnetic ra-
cator shall be also installed in the wheelhouse. diation reflections from any ship structures or
This way, the main radar indicator shall be deck cargo.
installed closer to the starboard and the sec-
ond radar indicator closer to the portside. 2.2.10 The radar antenna shall be installed
at a distance specified by the manufacturer
2.2.5 The radar antenna shall be installed from RF radiation sources and other radio
on a dedicated mast/pedestal to provide transmitting/receiving antennas.
maximum target detection range and the re-
quired horizon view in 360°. 2.2.11 If radar antenna is installed on a
The antenna placement height shall also dedicated mast, the platform for its mainte-
provide target detection at short range, also in nance and repair shall have a minimum area
noise conditions caused by water surface os- of 1 m2, appropriate (see 2.2.5) height, and
cillations and by re-reflection related to radio rails that do not obstruct antenna rotation.
wave propagation. The mast structure, with the antenna and
platform taken into account, shall be designed
The antenna shall be placed high enough
for operating conditions with vibration and
so that the power flow density of RF radiation
impacts regulated in 2.2.5 Part VI of the
on the manned open decks does not exceed
the permissible level set by the sanitary regu-
lations2. 2.2.12 Radar antenna lower edge shall be
at least 500 mm higher than any rail of the
2.2.6 In the direction from the antenna
right ahead, the length of the shaded water
surface shall not exceed two lengths of the 2.2.13 If antenna is located in any accessi-
ship or 250 m, whichever is less, irrespective ble place, it shall be installed at a height of at
of draught, trim or type of carried cargo. least 1800 mm above the deck, ladder or other
No shadow sectors shall take place from place where men may present. That deck and
the right ahead to 22.5° abaft the beam at other possibly manned places shall not lay in
each side. the radar scanning sector with electromagnetic
Any two shadow sectors separated by an radiation flow density exceeding the norm set
angle of 3° or less shall be considered as one by the sanitary regulations3.
shadow sector. 2.2.14 Antenna mounting accessories and
No individual shadow sectors exceeding 5° radar antenna itself shall be located so that to
shall take place in the remaining horizon arc. meet the requirements to safe distance to the
The sum of the shadow sectors shall not ex- magnetic compass as specified in the technical
ceed 20°. documentation for the antenna.
2.2.7 Antennas of two ship radars shall be 2.2.15 Anyway, antenna shall be placed /
located so that the shadow sectors are mini- installed in such a way that to enable inspec-
tion and repair of its any part.
SanPiN 2.1.8/,
SanPiN 2.5.2-703-98.
2 3
SanPiN 2.1.8/ SanPiN 2.1.8/2..2.4.1383-03.
792 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

2.2.16 The rigging insulators dividing the 2.3.3 The steering (secondary) magnetic
guys into uneven sections 2 to 6 m long shall compass shall be placed in the wheelhouse so
be installed in all the guys of the mast carry- that its readings could be taken from the
ing the radar antenna. If the guys cannot be steering position and access to the compensa-
insulated, they shall be electrically connected tion device could be provided.
to the hull.
2.3.4 The standard (master) magnetic
2.2.17 When installing the radar, all the compass shall be installed on the bridge, in a
shielded cables shall be laid according to the place where visual bearings could be taken to
radar manufacturer's technical documentation objects within the sector of not less than 230°
and with respect to requirements in 12, (115° to each side from the right ahead direc-
Part VI of the Rules. tion). The compass shall be accessible from all
2.2.18 Type and length of cables shall be the sides.
determined by the radar manufacturer to 2.3.5 Any equipment apart from those ini-
minimize the signal attenuation. tially designed to be placed nearby those
2.2.19 In order to reduce electromagnetic compasses may be installed only upon agree-
noise effects, all the cables between the radar ment with the River Register.
antenna and other devices shall be laid along 2.3.6 Two-way communication shall be
the straight paths, with due respect to cable provided between the places or rooms with
laid to other equipment. the standard (master) and steering (secondary)
Cables shall be crossed at the right angle. magnetic compasses and the main and emer-
gency (if any) steering stations.
2.2.20 Cables shall be laid at not closed
than 0.5 m from high voltage sources. 2.3.7 When data from the standard (mas-
2.2.21 In order to avoid moisture penetra- ter) magnetic compass shall be transmitted
tion into the cables, all the junctions located through optical line, the following require-
ment shall be met:
on the open deck shall be at least IP56.
periscope screen shall be located at the
2.2.22 Cables and microwave transmission navigator's eye level and at a distance not
lines shall be laid with respected minimum more than 1.2 m from him;
inner bending radius as set forth in 12.4.17 the periscope mast shall not generate dead
Part VI of the Rules. areas for the navigator.
2.2.23 Cables and microwave transmission
lines shall be laid in separate cable ducts in
accordance with radar manufacturer's techni- 2.4.1 Gyrocompas main device, converter
cal documentation. and power switchboard shall be installed in a
dedicated room (gyrocompass room) located
2.3 MAGNETIC COMPASS LOCATION at the level of one of the actual waterlines at
such a distance from the midship section cen-
2.3.1 Magnetic compass shall be placed
treline plane that requirements in 3.4.1 and
and installed so that its vertical plane passing
3.4.2 are met. The small-size main device of
through the lubber line does not deviate from
the gyrocompass combined with the control
the centre plane or a plane parallel thereto by
panel may be located in the wheelhouse or in
more than 0.2°.
the chartroom.
2.3.2 In order to avoid noise that may dis-
2.4.2 No equipment unrelated to the navi-
tort the readings, magnetic compass shall be
gational equipment may be installed in the
placed away from magnetic and electromag-
gyrocompass room.
netic field sources at a distance not less than
specified in the compass and equipment 2.4.3 The gyrocompass room, shall have,
manufacturer's technical documentation. except for the main electric lighting, emer-
2 Location of Navigational Equipment 793

gency and portable lighting complying with pass" shall be installed in the wheelhouse to
the requirements in 10, Part VI of Rules. get switched over depending on the compass
2.4.4 The gyrocompass room shall have a
two-way communication with the wheelhouse. 2.4.12 Water cooled gyrocompasses not
2.4.5 The gyrocompass room ventilation suitable for operation with cooling water tem-
shall prevent air flow influence on the gyro- perature exceeding 30 °Ñ shall receive water
compass's sensitive element. for cooling from a dedicated cooler installed
on board the ship.
2.4.6 Access to the gyrocompass main de-
vice shall be provided from all the sides for 2.5 AUTOPILOT AND DIRECTIONAL
inspection and repair. STABILIZER LOCATION
2.4.7 The gyrocompass main device as well 2.5.1 The autopilot or directional stabilizer
as repeaters (designed for visual direction control console shall be installed near the
finding) shall be installed so that the straight manual steering station to enable their main-
line passing through 0° and 180° on azimuth tenance and switching between automatic to
dial is parallel to the centreline plane within manual control.
2.5.2 The control console combining
2.4.8 Repeater for visual direction finding
automatic and manual control shall be in-
shall be installed in the wheelhouse so that
stalled in the wheelhouse in the centreline
direction finding is enabled within the relative
plane or at a distance compliant with re-
bearing of at least 115° to each side. It is al-
quirements in 3.6.
lowed to install one repeater on each bridge
wing instead of single repeater in the wheel-
house. Those repeaters shall be so arranged to 2.6 ECHO SOUNDER LOCATION
enable direction finding in any direction 2.6.1 A depth indicator shall be installed in
within the relative bearing of 180° to each the wheelhouse and an echograph in the
side. wheelhouse or chartroom. Those devices shall
2.4.9 The steering repeaters shall be located be located in places accessible for mainte-
in the places where ship is steered. They shall nance and repair. It is allowed to install only
be located so that navigator could easily read the depth indicators in the wheelhouse.
and use them.
2.6.2 The echo sounder sensors shall be in-
2.4.10 The power units and their control stalled under the ship bottom at a distance of
equipment shall be installed in the power 0.2 to 0.75 of the ship length from the bow as
equipment room (if any) or in the same room measured along the minimum operating
with the main device in such a way then to draught waterline, and at such a distance from
enable measurements of the power unit revo- the sides and ends that prevents their expo-
lution frequency and maintenance of bearings. sure at roll and air bubble ingress.
The power unit remote control station shall
be located in the room with the gyrocompass 2.6.3 No ultrasonic emitters of other de-
main device or in the wheelhouse/chartroom. vices operating simultaneously with the echo
sounder as well as any hull projections, inlets
2.4.11 It is allowed to use the same repeat- or discharges or other structures interfering
ers when a gyrocompass and a magnetic com- with the echo sounder shall be located near
pass with remote electrical transmission of the the echo sounder sensor.
readings are provided. In this case, a display
panel with inscription "Repeaters are showing 2.6.4 Measures shall be taken to prevent
data from the magnetic compass" and "Re- progress of contact corrosion on the hull as a
peaters are showing data from the gyrocom- result of sensor installation.
794 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

2.6.5 The echo sounder sensors shall be in- The sensors installed in the said spaces
stalled so that their radiating and receiving shall have a maintenance-free design.
surfaces are parallel to the horizontal plane
and are at the same level when the ship has 2.6.13 Local and global strength of the hull
no heel and trim. This requirement applies to shall be provided when installing the sensors
portable sensors too. in the hull.

2.6.6 The echo sounder sensors installed in 2.6.14 Dedicated tanks for echo sounder
bottom openings shall be located so that their sensors shall be tested for tightness after in-
surfaces are flush with external shell plating. stallation on board the ship according to Ap-
Where it is impossible to install sensors in the pendix 10 of RTSC.
horizontal position because of hull curvature, 2.6.15 Access shall be provided from the
the fore-to-aft fairings shall be used. ship interior spaces for inspection of the cable
2.6.7 Where echo sounder sensors are to be boxes and for sensor resistance measurements.
installed in a dedicated tank without any cut-
out in the bottom, the tank shall be filled with 2.6.16 The echo sounder power equipment
(converter, transformers, etc.) shall be in-
stalled in the power equipment room or in a
2.6.8 The echo sounder sensors may be lo- dedicated enclosure in the ship interior heated
cated in special spaces named moonpools. spaces.
The structure of the moonpool cover shall
prevent sparking.
2.6.9 The radiating surface of echo sounder
sensor shall never be painted or subjected to 2.7.1 The primary speed transducers shall
mechanical stresses (impacts, friction, etc.). be installed in the ship bottom, in the place of
2.6.10 In order to eliminate electromag- intersection of the base plane and centreline
netic interferences, the "sensor - receiver - plane so that the transducers are not exposed
amplifier" line shall be laid at least 1 m away during roll at minimum draught and the water
from the "sensor - transmitter" line (when the flow lines are parallel to each other and to the
echo sounder does not utilize a combined centreline plane.
sensor) and at least 0.5 m away from other 2.7.2 Transducers fixed in bottom openings
electrical devices and parallel cables. Both shall be secured in the welded pads. The
lines shall be shielded. welded pad securing method shall not weaken
2.6.11 High voltage relay box shall be in- the hull.
stalled in a dry place accessible for mainte- 2.7.3 The speed and travelled distance in-
nance and repair and shall be protected dicators shall be installed at the navigator's
against dust and mechanical stresses according workstation. The speed indicator shall be in-
to Appendix 1, Part VI of the Rules. It shall stalled in the wheelhouse (on the ship steering
not be located in the holds carrying coal, cot- station) and at the main engine control sta-
ton or other inflammable cargoes. tion, if any.
2.6.12 When echo sounder sensors are 2.7.4 No projections or system inlets or
placed in cofferdams of cargo and fuel tanks, discharges that can affect parallel water flow
in the double bottom compartments and ven- lines around the hull shall be present afore the
tilated tunnels under cargo compartments of log's underwater receiver.
the oil tankers, they shall be located in a
dedicated water-and-gastight enclosure, which 2.7.5 Transducers may be installed in re-
is a hull structure. The cables shall be laid tractable bottom arrangements or fixed. Their
according to the requirements in 2.10, Part VI longitudinal axes shall be parallel to the cen-
of the Rules. treline plane within 1°.
2 Location of Navigational Equipment 795

2.7.6 Retractable bottom arrangements of 2.9 RATE-OF-TURN INDICATOR

the primary transducers shall be located in a LOCATION
moonpool complying with the requirements in
2.9.1 The main device of the rate-of-turn
indicator shall be installed on a hard founda-
2.7.7 If generalized TV-type displays of tion in the power equipment room or radio
navigational information are provided in the equipment room adjacent to the wheelhouse;
wheelhouse, it is allowed not to install sepa- it shall be placed in the centreline plane and
rate speed and travelled distance repeaters, be oriented along this plane. The upper sur-
except for the speed repeaters installed at the face of the foundation shall be parallel to the
ship steering station. base/horizontal plane. Vibration and tempera-
ture differences shall not be present in the
place of installation.
2.8 LOCATION OF THE ANTENNAS 2.9.2 The main device may be placed in
AND RECEIVERS OF THE RADIO the wheelhouse if magnetic fields produced by
NAVIGATION SYSTEMS AND GLONASS, this equipment do not distort magnetic com-
GPS, GLONASS/GPS, GALILEO pass readings by more than ±0.5° and the
SYSTEMS acoustic noise level does not exceed the
norms set by the sanitary regulations1.
2.8.1 The radio navigation system receivers
shall be installed in the place of navigational 2.9.3 The rate-of-turn indicator devices
plotting so that ship position could be visible shall be located in the wheelhouse so that
from the navigator's workstation. navigator could easily read them and could
have an access to their controls.
2.8.2 The radio navigation system receiver
antennas shall not be installed below the 2.9.4 The rate-of-turn indicator repeaters
large-sized metal ship structures and shall be shall be installed at the steering station so that
at least 3 m away from any transmitting an- they could be read simultaneously with ob-
tennas. serving navigational conditions ahead, as well
If the ship dimensions do not allow to lo- as above radar indicator, at the bridge wings
cate GLONASS/GPS antenna more than 3 m and at the top bridge wings, if ship steering is
away from any transmitting antennas, then provided from these places.
the distance between these antennas shall not
be less than 1 m horizontally and 0.7 m verti- 2.10 LOCATION OF THE ELECTRONIC
2.8.3 Antennas shall not be installed at the (INLAND ECDIS)
mast tops, in the places subject to vibration,
under the ship deck structures and rigging, as 2.10.1 Inland ECDIS shall be installed in
well as near the heat or smoke sources. the wheelhouse at the ship steering station so
that to provide access to the information dis-
2.8.4 The GNSS receiver antenna place plays, system controls and radar, as well as
shall be selected to enable tracking of satellite observation over environment, for safe naviga-
constellation. This place shall be at least 1 m tion under any operating conditions.
above the horizontal surfaces of the ship
structures. 2.10.2 Making changes in the in-route
plotting from a remote indicator (if any) shall
2.8.5 The GNSS receiver antenna shall not not be possible.
be located in the main beam of the radar
emitting pattern. The distance between anten-
nas shall not be less than that specified in the
technical documentation for the equipment. 1
SanPiN 2.5.2-703-98.
796 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

2.11 SHIP PATH CONTROL SYSTEM 5 m, the distance between these antennas
LOCATION shall be not less than that specified in the
technical documentation of the equipment
2.11.1 The control console of the ship
track control system supporting the manual
steering system shall be connected to the 2.12.6 Coaxial and power cables shall be
manual steering station by mechanical or laid in separate pipes placed at least 10 cm
electrical link. from each other or in double steel plaiting
which provides screening continuity. The ca-
2.11.2 The combined automatic and man- bles shall be crossed at the right angle.
ual control console shall be installed in the
wheelhouse in the centreline plane to enable 2.12.7 Antenna of AIS GNSS signal re-
its maintenance and switching between the ceiver shall be installed in a place where satel-
automatic and manual steering. lite signals can be received.
2.11.3 Remote control stations of the sys- 2.12.8 The coaxial cable between the an-
tem shall be installed on the bridge wings or tenna and AIS main unit shall be laid to-
in other places specified by the ship design. gether with coaxial and power cables of any
other purpose. The distance between such
2.12 AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION cables shall be at least 1 m.
2.12.1 AIS equipment shall be installed in LOCATION
the wheelhouse so that to enable use of its
controls and indicator along with simultane- 2.13.1 VDR equipment shall be located in
ous observation of radar indicators, Inland the wheelhouse or in an adjacent dry heated
ECDIS/ECDIS and environment. room.

2.12.2 Individual units included in AIS and 2.13.2 A dedicated protective container
not requiring operational control may be in- with an end data carrier with recorded infor-
stalled in a room adjacent to the wheelhouse. mation shall be installed on the open part of
the uppermost deck, e.g. on the open parts of
2.12.3 The output contacts of the device the bridge wings, on the wheelhouse roof, in a
actuating in case of a failure in the AIS place where it can float free in case of a colli-
equipment shall be connected to an audible sion or transport accident.
alarm device or to the ship warning alarm
2.13.3 A fixed data carrier shall be located
in a dedicated fixed protective container rig-
2.12.4 AIS antennas shall be installed at a idly securing to the open deck.
height sufficient for effective signal emission
and reception at all the operating frequencies, 2.14 EXTERNAL AUDIO SIGNAL
and with no obstacles shall be around the RECEPTION EQUIPMENT LOCATION
horizon on the way of the electromagnetic 2.14.1 The receiving microphones of the
field propagation.
equipment shall be installed in the places with
2.12.5 The AIS UHF antenna shall be lo- minimum acoustic noise from the ship's noise
cated so that the no conductive ship struc- sources.
tures or powerful energy transmitters (radar or
2.14.2 The external audio signal reception
radio communication antennas) are located
equipment indicator shall be installed in a place
less than 2 m away from it. When placing the
where it is visible from the ship steering station.
antenna at the same level with other anten-
nas, they shall be at least 5 m away from each 2.14.3 The equipment loudspeakers shall be
other. If the ship dimensions do not allow to located so that the broadcast external signals
locate the antennas at a distance more than are audible from any place of the wheelhouse.
2 Location of Navigational Equipment 797


2.15.1 The radar reflector shall be secured
on board the ship using a rigid support or by 2.16.1 Integrated navigational system shall
suspending it on rigging. be installed in the wheelhouse so that naviga-
2.15.2 The radar reflector shall be installed tor could operate the system's equipment and
at a height at least 4 m above water. Preferred simultaneously observe the navigational con-
orientation of the reflector shall be marked on it. ditions.
798 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”


3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS rameters of each equipment shall not change

comparing to independent operation of such
3.1.1 Navigational equipment shall comply
with requirements in 2.2 to 2.7, 4.5.1, Part VI
and 6.1, Part VII of the Rules. In case of data exchange loss, the naviga-
tional equipment shall continue performing
3.1.2 Navigational equipment shall remain other functions.
serviceable under any operating conditions of
3.1.7 Operational controls of navigational
the ship.
equipment shall be located at a distance of
3.1.3 All the navigational equipment shall not more than 700 mm from the leading edge
be designed for continuous 24-hour operation. of the navigational equipment. Their location
Operating temperature shall be: shall prevent necessity of crossing or changing
0 to 45 °Ñ for the main gyrocompass de- navigator's hands when simultaneously operat-
vices ing two controls.
–4 to +40 °Ñ for the speed log primary 3.1.8 Emergency functions shall be indi-
transducers and echo sounder vibrators sub- cated on the navigational equipment front
merged in water panel.
3.1.4 All the navigational equipment and 3.1.9 If digital keyboard for entering digital
devices shall have the following degrees of information from 0 to 9 is provided, the keys
protection: with figures shall be arranged according to
IÐ22 for equipment installed in closed dry recommendations of the Consultative Com-
service spaces; mittee for International Telegraphy & Tele-
IÐ56 for equipment installed on the open phones (4 rows with 3 keys in each row).
decks and in cargo holds; If alphanumeric keyboard is provided, the
IÐ68 for equipment installed in the double keys with figures from 0 to 9 shall be arranged
bottom spaces. according to provisions of the standards1.
For equipment installed in the closed dry
service spaces at a distance more than 1 m 3.1.10 Controls shall be grouped according
from the doors and windows facing the open to the functional features, and their unin-
deck, IP21 protection is allowed. tended use shall be prevented by appropriate
arrangement on the front panel.
3.1.5 The structure of the navigational
equipment shall enable its maintenance and 3.1.11 Operating a control shall not cause
repair in the marine conditions by replace- distortion of the related indicator's reading
ment of its main units without need in any when observation over this indicator is re-
special adjustment. quired during adjustment of the navigational
3.1.6 If the navigational equipment unit is
connected to one or several units of other
navigational equipment, the operating pa- 1
GOST-R ISO 9241-4-2009 (ISO 9241-4:1998).
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 799

3.1.12 The controls, whose unintended use requirements are imposed on information
may cause shutdown or damage of the naviga- display:
tional equipment or alarm actuation, shall be .1 Menus shall be grouped by functional
provided with protection against unauthorized tasks;
access. .2 Elements displayed simultaneously shall
be grouped according to the sequence of their
3.1.13 Design possibility of removing con-
use. The navigator shall be provided with in-
trols with additional functions or devices of
formation on the sequence of actions when
the navigational equipment (not included in
shifting from one part of menu to another;
the installed navigational equipment set) or
.3 A system device shall display entered
interlocking such controls in position shall be
data. All the information required by the
navigator to perform necessary actions shall
3.1.14 The device readings and inscriptions be available on the active display device;
on the operational controls shall be readable .4 Any operation mode when performing
at least from 1 m away. All other information the actions shall be identified by the display
shall be readable from at least 2 m away. device(s). The display device screen shall dis-
The instrument scales shall enable the use play each stage of work; there shall be pro-
of the observed readings without applying any vided the possibility to return to the menu
correction factor. initial state before commencement of this
stage by navigator's single action;
3.1.15 The navigational equipment ar- .5 When performing the actions, feedback
rangement and structure shall prevent damage shall be enabled to return to the menu initial
of this equipment or a harm to people as a state. Feedback synchronization shall comply
result of using the controls in a sequence not with the requirements of the actions being
specified in the technical documentation for performed. If response to an action is de-
the equipment. layed, information on such a delay shall be
3.1.16 The navigational equipment shall displayed on the display device;
have a design preventing erroneous human .6 The terminology of the water transport
actions as follows: used in the Russian Federation shall be used
.1 All the actions which may cause irre- to display information on the navigational
versible processes in the navigational equip- equipment displays;
ment shall require confirmation before apply- .7 In case of quick help available, it shall
ing; be provided in the form of appendix to the
.2 In case of detecting erroneous human task being carried out and shall be called by a
actions, the navigational equipment shall dis- sequence of actions as programmed.
play a feedback with enabling the "cancel 3.1.18 The navigational equipment ar-
and/or restore" menu; rangement and design shall not prevent its
.3 The navigational equipment shall dis- functional testing with opened case using spe-
play information on receiving signals from cial-purpose tools. Protection against electric
other systems or sources; shock shall be provided in the circuits with
.4 The navigational equipment shall has a voltage above 50 V. Warning inscriptions shall
recover function to set the specified equip- be made on the external and internal parts of
ment to the default state by navigator's single the navigational equipment and its protective
action. casings. The navigational equipment design
shall enable opening its case only after switch-
3.1.17 The image display devices shall dis-
ing off any voltage above 50 V.
play brief overview on the function being car-
ried out. Information not complying with the 3.1.19 Grounding clamps shall be provided
task being carried out or additional text or on all the cases of the navigational equipment.
graphics shall not be displayed. The following The grounding clamps shall be provided on
800 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

the cases of the radar transceivers in a number The level of the acoustic noise generated
sufficient to ground RF voltages. by the navigational equipment during opera-
The opening doors, retractable units and tion (when audible alarm is off) shall not ex-
hinged panels accommodating instruments ceed 60 dB(A) at a distance of 1 m from any
and/or other components shall be grounded part of the navigational equipment.
with a flexible link. The types of alarm and alarmed faults or
3.1.20 Threaded connections shall be fitted critical conditions shall be agreed with the
with means against self-unfastening. Metal River Register.
parts located on the external side of the navi- 3.1.27 Adjustable highlight shall be pro-
gational equipment case shall be electrically vided for the navigational equipment or in the
connected to the case. room where it is installed, enabling to distin-
3.1.21 The inscriptions describing the tech- guish the controls and to read indicators at all
nical parameters and other data of the naviga- times.
tional equipment shall be applied on the Signal lamps or other visual inspection
equipment in a place where they are well means shall be located in the navigational
readable. equipment or control consoles.
3.1.22 The design of the plug-in connec- Transparent protective coatings on the
tions in the navigational equipment shall pre- navigational equipment shall not cause reflec-
tions which may impair reading information.
vent improper connection of plugs and sock-
ets. The projecting pins of detached plug-in 3.1.28 The colours of the signal lamps de-
connections shall be deenergized. pending on the type of alarm shall comply
3.1.23 The design of the navigational with the requirements of Table 6.1.16, Part VI
equipment shall prevent heating of the control of the Rules.
knobs by internal heat to temperature exceeding 3.1.29 Intensity of lighting, brightness of
the ambient temperature by more than 15 °Ñ. the signal, indicating and highlight lamps of
3.1.24 Light alarm on energizing and sup- the navigational equipment shall be adjusted
plying voltage more than 50 V shall be pro- to minimum level down to blackout, except
vided in the navigational equipment. for highlight of the warning alarm indicators
and reset and switch on/off indicators, which
3.1.25 Indication of the current operation
shall be on and well visible under all the light
mode shall be provided in the navigational
conditions in the wheelhouse.
equipment normally capable of operating in
several operation modes. 3.1.30 If a voice messaging is provided in
3.1.26 Audible and/or visual alarm on op- the navigational equipment, it shall be a mean
erational fault shall be provided in the naviga- additional to indicators and warning alarm
tional equipment. required in this Chapter.
The said alarm shall also actuate when the Voice messaging loss shall not degrade ser-
navigational equipment reaches critical opera- viceability of the provided indication and
tion conditions able to result in loss of func- alarm systems.
tionality. The voice messages shall be articulated
If the alarm is displayed on a multicolour with the use of the terminology of the water
display device, the emergency alarm shall transport used in the Russian Federation and
remain visible if one of the constituent col- shall be well audible in all the places within
ours is not available. the wheelhouse where the navigator may be
The level of the acoustic noise generated present during ship steering.
by the audible alarm at a distance of 1 m from Means for testing and adjustment of voice
its source shall be within 75 dB(A) to message level, including means for voice mes-
85 dB(A). sage volume adjustment, shall be provided.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 801

The voice message volume level shall not Such software and model programs shall
exceed the warning alarm volume level. comply with the following requirements:
Change of the voice message volume level Complex software shall have a structure
shall require navigator's approval. that enables functional testing of the individ-
The voice messages shall be interrupted ual modules or groups of functionally inter-
when the related indication or warning alarm connected modules. Safety functions shall
signals are acknowledged. have priority over other functions including
control functions.
3.1.31 The operational software used in the The software maintenance and update
navigational equipment shall comply with the structure shall be developed so that functional
requirements in 11.15.8, 11.15.13, 11.15.14 testing of the equipment as well as detected
and 11.15.16, Part IV of the Rules, as well as errors and failures is provided;
with the following requirements:
.8 Maintenance and update of the naviga-
.1 Data used during operation of the navi- tional equipment software shall be possible on
gational equipment and stored in the system board the ship. Upon completion of mainte-
(database) shall be protected so that the nance, the software shall require no additional
modifications/changes in part of the data settings or adjustments.
made by the navigator do not lead to loss of Name and version of each separate pro-
integrity or safety of the other part of the da- gram included in the navigational equipment
tabase; software system shall be identified or dis-
.2 Default values shall be displayed at played, upon command, on the navigational
each restoration of the navigational equipment equipment display device.
functionality; If software is identified only with the use
.3 The core information display and up- of the navigational equipment display device,
date devices provided in the navigational the respective information shall be included in
equipment, as well as safety functions, shall the ship technical documentation.
not degrade the navigational equipment func- All the changes in the software made in
tionality in any operation mode; the course of maintenance shall be also in-
.4 If the information submitted for proc- cluded in this documentation;
essing is determined as invalid, alarm in the .9 The software developer shall submit a
navigational equipment shall be generated; document confirming that the navigational
.5 Means shall be provided in the naviga- equipment software is developed and tested
tional equipment for automatically testing, in according to the technical documentation and
the specified time intervals, functionality of requirements specified in (flowcharts,
the software and safety of the used data (as algorithm of data check and respective dia-
specified in the technical documentation for grams are available).
the navigational equipment), as well as for
actuation of independent alarm in case of a 3.1.32 The navigational equipment shall
stable fault when the system is not under remain serviceable when interrupting power
automatic testing; supply for up to 60 s. No software failure or
.6 Functional keys for accelerated access loss of data stored in RAM shall occur.
to selected actions shall be provided in the If power supply of the navigational equip-
software user interface integrated in the navi- ment is provided from more than one power
gational equipment; source, means shall be provided to switch
between the sources. These means may be not
.7 Technical documentation used for de-
a part of the navigational equipment.
veloping and testing the software integrated in
the navigational equipment shall include de- 3.1.33 Means shall be provided to protect
scription of the methodology used for im- the navigational equipment against current
provement of software and model programs. surges and overvoltages, and, for 5 minutes,
802 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

against power source wrong polarity or wrong 3.1.40 The navigational equipment de-
phase order. signed so that fault diagnostics and further
repair are possible down to the element base
3.1.34 Insulation resistance of the naviga-
level, shall have a set of electrical and wiring
tional equipment power circuits measured
diagrams as well as a list of components of
between the conductors and equipment case
this equipment.
as well as between the transformer windings
shall be, depending on the test conditions, at The operating documentation of the navi-
least: gational equipment consisting of separate
modules not suitable for repair on board shall
under normal climatic conditions, 20 M;
contain a methodology for finding and replac-
at (55±3) °Ñ and RH < 20 %, 5 M; ing the faulty module.
at (40±2) °Ñ and RH = (95±3) %, 2 M.Ω Besides, the documentation shall contain
3.1.35 Image viewing during the daytime information enabling to check equipment per-
shall be provided in the navigational equip- formance against performance specifications
ment fitted with a CRT indicator. set by the Rules, considering influence of
such a test on other navigational equipment
3.1.36 Navigational equipment installed installed in the wheelhouse.
near the magnetic compass shall be marked
with minimum safe distance from the com- 3.1.41 The navigational equipment shall be
pass. This is a distance, at which influence of marked with the following information:
any active navigational equipment (or indi- .1 information on the manufacturer;
vidual unit) is so that deviation of magnetic .2 navigation equipment type number or
compass on the upper deck does not exceed codename assigned for type approval testing;
5.4°/Âí and of magnetic compass in the
.3 serial number of navigational equip-
wheelhouse does not exceed 18°/Âí, where Âí
is the horizontal component of the earth
magnetic field strength (μT) at the compass .4 year of manufacture;
location spot. .5 kind of current and voltage of power
3.1.37 Interface with other radio- and .6 safe distance of the navigational
navigational equipment as well as with the equipment installation from the magnetic
integrated navigational system shall be pro- compass
vided in the navigational equipment. .7 protection degree (IP) of the equip-
Interface formats of the shipborne radio- ment protection enclosure.
and navigational equipment corresponding to
the national and international standards shall 3.1.42 The navigational equipment spare
be used for the digital information exchange1. parts shall be stored in the conditions that
exclude their damage and enable their transfer
3.1.38 All the navigational equipment shall and identification as belonging to a specific
be displayed and submitted to the navigator in type of equipment.
the decoded and processed form.
3.1.43 The radio navigation system receiv-
3.1.39 The electric intensity level of the ers shall comply with the requirements in 6.1,
noise radiated by the navigational equipment Part VII of the Rules and shall provide:
installed on board the ship shall not exceed .1 accuracy of the ship position finding
the values specified in 2.7, Part VI of the depending on the used system or radio navi-
Rules. gation systems;
.2 interfacing with the navigational
GOST R IEC 61162-1 (IEC 61162-1), equipment and integrated navigational system;
GOST R IEC 61162-2 (IEC 61162-2), .3 functional testing with the help of
GOST R IEC 61162-402:2005 (IEC 61162-402:2005). a built-in testing system;
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 803

.4 receiver input protection according 3.2.3 When there are no radio interfer-
to 5.4.10, Part VII of the Rules; ences, rain and fog, and when wave height is
.5 a 5 minute protection of the receiver below 1 meter, the radar indicator shall dis-
against damage in case of short-circuit failure play various objects at distances as show in
or ground failure of antenna, any input or Table 3.2.3 provided that the radar antenna is
output connection of the receiver, and any 10 m above the water surface. All the objects
input or output of the receiving equipment; shall remain visible in case of roll and pitch of
.6 performance under noise conditions; ±10°.
.7 use of compound (multi-channel) re- T a b l e 3.2.3
ceivers handling signals of ground radio navi- Distance to objects to be displayed
gation systems and signals of the global navi- on the radar indicator
gation satellite systems with WAAS (Wide Distance to object
Area Augmentation System), EGNOS (Euro- Objects and dimensions
pean Geostationary Navigation Overlay Ser- Shore with height of 60 m above 32
vice) and MSAS (Multifunctional Satellite the water level
Augmentation System); SBAS (Space Base Ditto, 6 m 13
Augmentation System), as well as regional Ship of gross tonnage of 5000 13
augmentation systems like Starfix, SkyFix and Fitto, of 20 4
Eurofix/Skorpion. Buoy with reflective surface of 4
10 m2
3.1.44 IF receivers handling signals of
ground radio navigation systems or compound 3.2.4 The main performance parameters of
(multi-channel) receivers able to handle sig- shipborne radar with antenna height of 7 m
nals of, among others, ground radio naviga- above water level shall be not less than those
tion systems are to be installed on board the specified in Table 3.2.4. All the parameters
ship, they shall comply with the requirements shall remain in case of roll and pitch of ±10°.
of this Part of the Rules.
T a b l e 3.2.4
Main performance parameters of radar
Main performance parameters Value
3.2.1 A radar station (hereinafter referred Minimum detection range 15 m
to as the radar) for the ships of Ë, Ð, Î and Distance resolution on 0.5 to 1.6 km 15 m
Ì classes shall comply with the requirements scales
in 3.2.2 to 3.2.23. Ships of Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ and Distance resolution on other scales 1 % of the
Ì-ÑÏ classes of gross tonnage of 300 and value on the
more, as well as on all the passenger ships of set scale
Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì-ÑÏ classes shall be Distance measurement error 10 m
fitted, in addition to the radar required for Azimuth resolution 1.0° *
navigation in inland waterways, with an addi- Azimuth measurement error 1.0°
tional radar complying with the requirements Heading indication error 0.5°
in 3.2.24 to 3.2.82. It is allowed to use one * On ships of gross tonnage less than 1600 an-
radar for the ships of gross tonnage up to tennas with resolution of maximum 3.0 is allowed.
3000, if it complies with the requirements in
2.1‚ 2.2‚ 3.1 and 3.2.2 to 3.2.82. 3.2.5 Image orientation on the radar indi-
cator shall be switchable between "heading
3.2.2 The radar shall provide detection and up" and "true north up".
display of the ships, buoys, other surface ob-
jects and obstacles, as well as of coastline and 3.2.6 The controls required for the radar
navigational marks relative to the own ship by functioning according to the requirements of
continuous scanning round the horizon in the this Chapter shall be provided at the radar
relative and/or true motion modes. indicator.
804 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

Arrangement, functioning method, place, thickness of less than 1 % of the effective dis-
arrangement with respect to each other, and play diameter and not exceeding 1 mm.
dimensions of the controls shall comply with
3.2.13 The radar indicator shall be fitted
the requirements in 3.1.8 to 3.1.16. Unau-
with an electronic (digital) or mechanical
thorized switch of the scale range from miles
bearing finder to take bearings to detected
to kilometres and back shall be prevented.
objects, and the following requirements shall
Inscriptions shall be made in Russian or with
be also met:
generally accepted symbols according to the
River Register Guidelines Ð.028-2009 "Guide- Digital readout of the directions obtained
lines on Abbreviations and Symbols Used in with the help of electronic direction finder
Radio Communication and Navigation". shall be displayed with at least four figures
including one decimal place. Place for indica-
3.2.7 Measures shall be taken to suppress tion of this readout is not to be used to dis-
rain and wave reflections. play other data. Notation of the measured
value (relative bearing or true bearing) shall
3.2.8 The radar startup time shall not ex- be displayed.
ceed 1 minute. The radar shall be fully opera- Azimuth scale shall be displayed along the
tional within 4 minutes after switching on. perimeter of the effective display diameter. It
The standby mode shall be provided so that is allowed to use linear or nonlinear azimuth
the radar could be set to the operation mode scale.
within 15 s. Azimuth scale shall be marked every 5°,
3.2.9 The effective display diameter of the and the 5° and 10° marks shall be different.
radar indicator without magnifier shall be at The figure marks shall be provided at least
least 180 mm for the ships of gross tonnage of every 30°.
300 to 1600 and at least 250 mm for the ships Measurement of the direction relative to
of gross tonnage of more than 1600. For the the heading line (i.e. relative bearing) and
ships engaged on international voyages on relative to the true meridian (true bearing)
Danube - Rhine inland waterway system, the shall be provided.
radar screen diameter shall be at least 270 mm 3.2.14 Own ship motion shall be displayed
irrespective of the ship gross tonnage. with an electronic heading mark on the dis-
3.2.10 For the ships operating on inland play. Error of this mark shall not exceed 0.5°.
waterways, the indicator shall have the follow- The heading mark line width shall not exceed
ing set of range scales: 0.5, 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 8, 0.5°.
16 and 32 km. Each scale shall have mini- 3.2.15 Provision shall be made to tempo-
mum 2 and maximum 6 fixed range rings. It rarily disable the heading line image by the
is allowed to provide additional scales cali- use of a switch with automatic reset to the
brated in kilometres or miles. Switching be- enabled position.
tween kilometres and miles shall be provided.
3.2.16 An input shall be provided for the
3.2.11 Variable range mark with numerical radar azimuth stabilization signal from the
readout in kilometres or miles shall be pro- gyrocompass.
vided on the radar indicator. Range measuring
3.2.17 The radar antenna rotation speed
accuracy with on-screen variable range mark
shall be at least 18 min–1. The antenna shall
shall not exceed 10 m on the 0.5 to 2.0 km
range scales and 1.0 % of the scale rating for be in operation condition at relative wind
velocity of 50 m/s.
the next scales.
The radar antenna rotation speed for the
3.2.12 Brightness control for fixed and high-speed craft shall be at least 40 min–1. The
variable range marks shall be provided. Fixed antenna shall be in operation condition at
range rings and variable range mark shall have relative wind velocity of 70 m/s.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 805

3.2.18 Shifting the origin to any point on type of ship where it is installed, used fre-
the screen at a distance of not less than half quency band and type of display device.
of its radius shall be provided.
T a b l e 3.2.25
3.2.19 Means shall be provided to detect Requirements to radar
radar performance degradation relative to the Ship gross tonnage
calibrated value taken at the time of radar 500 to
installation, as well as to readjust the radar Parameter Less than
10000 and
when there are not targets. high-speed
craft of less
3.2.20 The radar shall have an integrated than 10000
performance testing system. Minimum operational dis- 180 250
play area diameter, mm
3.2.21 Radar antenna shall radiate high- Minimum display area, mm 195195 270270
frequency energy only when the radar is oper- Automatic target acquisition — —
ating as intended. During repair or mainte- Minimum number of tracked 20 30
nance, an interlocking device shall be used to radar targets
provide safety. Minimum number of acti- 20 30
vated AIS targets
3.2.22 The own ship mark on the radar op- Minimum number of sleeping 100 150
erating in the true motion mode shall be (non-activated) AIS targets
shifted both manually and automatically when Trial manoeuvring — —
the own ship mark is approaching 0.5 of the
display radius. An alarm device shall be pro- 3.2.26 The radar shall be capable of oper-
vided to warn that the ship mark has ap- ating in the following frequency bands:
proached to 0.5 of the display radius.
Õ band — 9.2 to 9.5 GHz (wave length of
3.2.23 In radars designed for operation in 3 cm) for high resolution and good sensitivity
the true motion mode, the own ship speed with no clutter
may be entered from a speed meter and/or S band — 2.9 to 3.1 GHz (wave length of
manually along with drift correction. 10 cm) for sure detection and tracking with
3.2.24 The radar on ships of Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ presence of interferences (rain, fog, sea clut-
and Ì-ÑÏ classes shall provide support colli- ter)
sion avoiding and navigational safety by de- The frequency band in use shall be indi-
tecting and displaying positions of other ships, cated.
surface objects and obstacles, navigation
marks and coastline. 3.2.27 The radar shall be functional under
To reach the said goals, the radar shall passive radio interference noise and shall be
provide: capable of measuring:
displaying radar video signals; range with error not exceeding 30 m or 1 %
indicating positions and motion data of the of the maximum range of the range scale in
tracked targets; use, whichever is greater;
indicating own ship coordinates as received
bearing with error not exceeding 1°.
from the positioning equipment and brought
to the reference coordinate system and fixed 3.2.28 The radar capability to detect target
common reference point of own ship; at least 8 times out of 10 scans (antenna revo-
displaying information on the targets as re- lutions) with probability of false detection not
ceived from the AIS equipment; exceeding 10–4 shall be verified during its op-
displaying electronic navigational chart eration in the X and S bands under the fol-
data for monitoring own ship position. lowing conditions:
3.2.25 The radar shall comply with the re- no clutter;
quirements of Table 3.2.25 irrespective of the antenna height of 15 m above sea level.
806 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

The minimum detection ranges for various tion performance (comparing to the values of
targets in clutter-free conditions are specified the parameters specified in Table 3.2.28) for
in Table 3.2.28. the following conditions:
The minimum target detection ranges shall light rain (up to 4 mm/h) and heavy rain
be achieved with the use of a regular antenna (up to 16 mm/h);
with the smallest aperture. sea state of 2 and 5;
3.2.29 With own ship zero speed, no clut- a combination of the said conditions.
ter, sea state of up to 2, and radar antenna Possible degradation in performance due to
height of 15 m above sea level, the naviga- a long transmission line, actual antenna
tional buoy specified in Table 3.2.28, shall be height or any other factors shall be stated in
detectable at a horizontal distance to the an- the technical documentation.
tenna not exceeding 40 m. This target shall be
3.2.31 Means shall be provided in the radar
displayed to the distance equal to one nautical
design for the adequate suppression of un-
mile without change of the adjustment con-
wanted echoes including clutter caused by
trols position, except for the range scale selector.
sea, rain and other precipitations, clouds,
In case of several antennas, range correc- sandstorms, as well as and interferences from
tions shall be automatically applied for each other radars.
Manual or automatic anti-clutter functions
3.2.30 The radar shall feature consistent shall be provided. A combination of automatic
target detection performance on all the work- and manual anti-clutter functions is permit-
ing range scales under passive interferences. ted.
The radar shall have means to enhance the A gain control function shall be provided
visibility of targets under passive interferences to set smoothly the system gain and signal
at close ranges. threshold level.
Technical documentation shall contain in- There shall be indication of the gain and
formation on possible deterioration of detec- all anti-clutter settings.
T a b l e 3.2.28
Minimum target detection ranges in clutter-free conditions
Height above Detection range, NM6, in the band
Target description5
sea level (m) X S
Shore line 60 20 20
6 8 8
3 6 6
Ships of gross tonnage of more than 5000 10 11 11
Ships of gross tonnage of more than 500 5 8 8
Small-size ships with radar reflector1 4 5 3.7
Navigational buoy with corner reflector2 3.5 4.9 3.6
Navigational buoy3 3.5 4.6 3.0
Small-size ships 10 m in length without radar reflector4 2.0 3.4 3.0
Radar cross-section of radar reflector shall be 7.5 m2 for the X band and 0.5 m2 for the S band.
Radar cross-section of radar reflector shall be 10 m2 for the X band and 1 m2 for the S band.
Radar cross-section of navigation buoy shall be 5 m2 for the X band and 0.5 m2 for the S band. For the
channel buoys with radar cross-section of 1.0 m2 (for X band) and 0.1 m2 (for S band) at a height of 1 m,
detection range shall be 2.0 and 1.0 nautical miles respectively.
Radar cross-section of a 10 m long small-size ship shall be: 2.5 m2 for the X band and 1.4 m2 for the S
Radar reflectors are considered as point targets, ships as complex targets, and shore line as distributed
targets (average height of rocky shore line is specified, but dependent on profile).
It is allowed to change the detection range depending on various factors like atmospheric conditions,
target speed and aspect, target hull material and design.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 807

3.2.32 Means shall be available to enhance The radar operation mode without trans-
target presentation on the display. mission of electromagnetic energy (standby
The radar image shall continuously update mode) shall be provided. The radar shall be
with a delay of less than 100 ms. fully operational within 5 s from the standby
The radar signal processing principle and condition.
target displaying capabilities/limitations shall
3.2.38 The results of all the radar meas-
be specified in the technical documentation.
urements (target ranges, variable range marks,
3.2.33 The radar of the X band (3 cm) target bearings, cursor position and tracking
shall be capable of detecting radar beacons data) shall be brought to a fixed common
and shipborne/LSA transponders operating in reference point of own ship.
the relevant frequency band. When several radar antennas are installed
It shall be possible to disable those signal on board the ship, correction of the antenna
processing functions, including polarization offset relative to the fixed common reference
modes, which may prevent radar transponders point of own ship shall be automatically ap-
from being detected. plied.
The signal processing mode shall be dis- Offset of any sensor submitting data to the
played on the radar screen. radar shall be also applied automatically.
3.2.34 Range and direction resolution shall Own ship’s scaled outline shall be available
be determined using the range scale of on lower range scales. Position of the fixed
1.5 NM or less, at calm water and at distances common reference point and the active radar
of 50 to 100 % of the rating of the selected antenna shall be shown within this outline.
range scale. The image on the radar display shall be
In so doing, the following requirements centred relative to the fixed common refer-
shall be met: ence point of the ship, which all the radar
bearings shall be measured from.
Two point targets on the same bearing line
shall be displayed separately if they are 40 m Range shall be measured in nautical miles.
or more apart; The results of measurements may be indicated
in meters on lower range scales. Unambiguous
Two point targets at the same distance
from own ship shall be displayed separately if indication of the measured ranges shall be
they are 2.5° apart.
All the radar targets shall be displayed on
3.2.35 The target detection performance the radar display on the linear range scale.
shall not deteriorate when roll and/or pitch Display delays at change of the target position
amplitudes do not exceed 10°. are prohibited.
3.2.36 Means shall be available to monitor 3.2.39 The radar shall be capable of oper-
performance of the radar. ating in the following range scales: 0.25; 0.5;
Capability of monitoring performance of 0.75; 1.5; 3; 6; 12 and 24 nautical miles. Ad-
the radar shall be retained when there are no ditional range scales, including large-sized
targets. metric scales may be used.
The radar shall be adjusted with automatic The selected range scale shall be continu-
adjustment means or manually. Means shall ously displayed on the radar indicator.
be available to determine a significant drop in
3.2.40 The radar indicator shall display the
radar performance relative to a calibrated
fixed range rings regularly spaced from each
standard established at the time of installa-
other and from the origin. The distance be-
tween the fixed range rings shall be continu-
3.2.37 The radar shall be fully operational ously displayed on the radar indicator.
(operation mode) within 4 minutes after Position of the fixed range rings shall be
switching on. provided with error not exceeding 1 % of the
808 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

selected range scale or 30 m, whichever is play area and to reset it EBL back to the fixed
greater. reference point by a single action.
It shall be possible to fix the EBL origin at
3.2.41 At least two variable range marks
with numerical readout shall be provided in any point of the display or to made the EBL
origin moving with the speed of own ship.
the radar indicator.
EBL shall be capable be being smoothly
The variable range mark shall enable meas-
uring the range to an object with maximum guided on a selected object with measurement
error of 1 % of the range scale in use or 30 m, accuracy according to 3.2.11.
Each EBL shall have a numerical readout
whichever is the greater.
device with resolution sufficient to maintain
3.2.42 An azimuth scale designed to read measurement accuracy (see 3.2.13).
bearings relative to the fixed common refer-
ence point of own ship shall be displayed on 3.2.45 Displaying at least four independent
parallel index lines shall be provided with
the smaller edge of the display space periph-
ery. possibility of truncating and/or disabling each
of them. Besides, change in direction of and
The azimuth scale shall be numbered at
distance between those lines shall be possible.
least every 30° and shall have division marks
every 5° and 10°. Divisions in 1° shall be dis- 3.2.46 There shall be means to measure
played if they are provided by the technical distances and bearings of any point relative to
documentation for the radar. any other point on the operational display
3.2.43 Own ship heading shall be displayed
on the radar screen with an electronic head- 3.2.47 An electronic cursor shall be pro-
ing line mark, which shall start from the fixed vided to mark any point on the screen. The
common reference point of own ship and cursor shall provide continuous readout of
reach the azimuth scale of the screen. The range and bearing of the point under cursor
electronic heading line mark shall be dis- with respect to the fixed common reference
played with error no exceeding 0.1°. When point.
there are several radar antennas, corrections The cursor shall enable selection of targets,
for radar antenna offset from the fixed com- making or removal of graphical information,
mon reference point of own ship shall be ap- and selection of radar operation modes, func-
plied automatically for each antenna. tions, parameters and control menus outside
Provision shall be made to temporarily dis- the operational display area.
able the heading line mark by the use of a Means shall be provided to easily locate
switch with automatic reset to the enabled the cursor position on the display.
position. This function may be combined with Cursor's direction and distance measure-
disabling other graphics. ment accuracy shall meet the relevant accu-
racy requirements for variable range mark and
3.2.44 At least two electronic bearing lines
(hereinafter referred to as the EBL) shall be
provided in the radar indicator to measure 3.2.48 The own ship’s heading shall be
bearing to any point object within 1° using provided by a gyrocompass or an equivalent
the azimuth scale. sensor, whose characteristics meet the re-
The EBL shall be capable of measuring ra- quirements for the sensor type approved by
dar heading angles and bearings. The bearing the River Register.
reference, relative to which measurements are Accuracy of the radar image orientation
taken, shall be indicated on the radar indica- relative to true north shall not exceed 0.5° at
tor. any rate of turn the ship may likely experience.
It shall be possible to offset the EBL origin Information on heading shall be displayed
from the fixed common reference point of in numerical form with resolution similar to
own ship to any point of the operational dis- radar to gyrocompass interfacing precision.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 809

The heading data shall be determined rela- Selection of the target afterglow display
tive to the fixed common reference point of mode shall be provided in the true or relative
the ship. motion.
The trails shall be distinguishable from tar-
3.2.49 The radar shall display information
in the true motion mode having regard to
Either scaled trails or past positions or both
motion parameters of own ship. Own ship
shall be displayed within 2 revolutions of the
mark on the display shall be automatically
radar antenna under the following changes:
updated according to the following features:
reduction or increase of range scale;
mark position on the indicator screen; change of the scan centre position;
time; change of the display mode from true to
or both of them. relative motion and back.
Own ship mark position shall be updated
for each antenna revolution. 3.2.53 The targets shall be displayed ac-
cording to the established symbols specified in
The north up and heading up radar image
the River Register Guidelines Ð.028-2009.
orientation shall be provided. Type of the
The target information may be provided by
actual orientation and radar image mode shall
the radar tracking function and/or by the tar-
be continuously displayed on the radar indica-
get information from AIS equipment.
The number of the displayed targets shall
3.2.50 Manual off-centring to any point on comply with the requirements in Table 3.2.25.
the screen within 0.5 of the radius from the If the number of the displayed targets ap-
centre of the radar display space shall be pro- proaches the limit value specified in this table,
vided. warning alarm shall automatically actuate.
On selection of off-centred display, the se- Radar and AIS target data processing and
lected antenna position shall be capable of display formats shall be compatible.
being located to any point on the display 3.2.54 Data on the radar targets shall be
within 0.75 of the radius from the centre of received from the radar transceiver. The pri-
the operational display area. mary target data shall be filtered with anti-
Automatic offsetting own ship mark for jamming means. Target acquisition for track-
maximum coverage area ahead of the ship ing may be manual or automatic.
shall be provided in the true motion mode. Calculations related to target tracking shall
Means shall be provided for presetting the be based on measurements of their position
origin position. relative to own ship and their motion parame-
ters. Other information sources may be also
3.2.51 Two radar image stabilization modes used to improve the tracking performance.
shall be provided in the radar: relative to Target tracking shall be provided on range
ground and relative to water. scales of 3, 6 and 12 nautical miles. Target
The stabilization mode and active data sen- tracking range shall be at least 12 nautical
sors enabling implementation of the selected miles.
mode shall be displayed on the radar screen. The radar shall be capable of tracking tar-
The speed sensor shall comply with the re- gets at their relative speeds equivalent to those
quirements of the River Register to the re- of sea-going ships and river-sea navigation
spective stabilization mode. ships, including high-speed craft.
3.2.52 Display of the target trails (after- 3.2.55 In addition to the requirements for
glow) with variable (depending on extrapola- processing and presentation of AIS targets,
tion time) length of vectors shall be provided radar target data presentation shall be pro-
with indication of extrapolation time and dis- vided for the number of radar targets accord-
play mode. ing to Table 3.2.25.
810 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

If the limit number of the targets is about during own ship manoeuvring;
to be exceeded, a warning alarm shall be acti- during target manoeuvring;
vated. When the limit number of processable failure in tracking and change of sensor ac-
targets is exceeded, the radar performance curacy.
shall not degrade. Target range and bearing measuring accu-
3.2.56 Manual and automatic acquisition of racy shall not exceed:
radar targets shall be provided in the number range — 50 m (or 1 % of the target range);
specified in Table 3.2.25. Means to define the direction — 2°.
boundaries of the auto-acquisition zone shall For ships with speeds of 30 to 70 knots in-
be provided. clusive (high-speed craft) the above accuracy
shall be provided at a target relative speed up
3.2.57 When a target is acquired, the radar
to 140 knots inclusive.
shall present the trend of the target motion
within one minute and the prediction of the Provision shall be made to stabilize the
target motion for next 3 minutes. displayed image with respect to ground based
The radar tracking system shall automati- on the fixed point target tracking.
cally update data for all the tracked targets 3.2.58 Target data provided by the auto-
and shall keep tracking radar target distin- matic identification system (AIS) are filtered
guishable on the indicator screen for five of for parameters to be defined by the navigator.
10 sequential antenna revolutions. AIS targets may be sleeping or activated. Ac-
The tracking system shall calculate tivated targets shall be considered as similar to
smoothed vectors of target motion and detect radar targets.
the target manoeuvre commencement. The total number of displayed AIS targets
Cancelling tracking one or all the targets shall comply with the values given in Ta-
shall be provided. ble 3.2.25. When the number of targets ap-
Maximum possible accuracy of the target proaches the limit value, warning alarm shall
motion parameters shall be provided if the automatically actuate.
target moves smoothly and accuracy perform-
ance of the data sensors complies with re- 3.2.59 To avoid data overflow on the dis-
quirements. play, provision shall be made for selecting
data on sleeping AIS targets basing on the
For ships capable of making up to 30 kn
following criteria: target range, time and dis-
inclusively, the tracking facility shall present
tance to the point of closest approach (DCPA
target relative motion trend after 1 minute of
and ÒCPA), AIS target class (À, Â), etc.
steady tracking and target motion parameters
with accuracy specified in Table 3.2.57 after It shall not be possible to remove any AIS
3 minutes of steady tracking. target from the display.
Significant accuracy deterioration is al- 3.2.60 The means shall be provided to acti-
lowed: vate the sleeping AIS targets and to deactivate
shortly after acquisition; the earlier activated targets.
T a b l e 3.2.57
Requirements to target tracking system
Measuring accuracy with 95 % probability
Tracking time, min. for relative DCPA**, ÒCPA**, for true
for relative speed for true speed
heading nm min. heading
1 (motion trend) 11° 1.5 knots or 10 % * 1 — — —
3 (target motion) 3° 0.8 knots or 1 % * 0.3 0.5 5° 0.5 knots or 1 % *
* Whichever is greater.
** See 3.2.59.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 811

Where the radar provides for the zones of 3.2.63 It shall be possible to select any
AIS target automatic activation, these zones tracked radar or AIS targets for alphanumeric
shall coincide with the zones of radar target display of this target data. The selected target
acquisition for tracking. In addition to the shall be displayed on the radar by means of
beginning of activation the AIS targets when the symbol as given in the River Register
they entered in an established zone, sleeping Guidelines Ð.028-2009. If several targets data
AIS target may be automatically activated are requested, their identities and their
basing on preset criteria (target range, time sources (radar or AIS) shall be displayed.
and distance of closest approach, AIS target The target message shall include:
class (À or Â)). data source (radar or AIS);
3.2.61 AIS target information shall be dis- target range;
played on the radar as specified in Ta- target bearing;
ble 3.2.61. target course over ground;
3.2.62 The symbols for graphic presenta- target speed over ground;
tion of AIS targets on radar displays shall distance DCPA and time ÒCPA.
comply with symbols as specified in the River In addition, AIS target heading and rate of
Register Guidelines Ð.028-2009. turn may be displayed.
AIS targets shall be displayed as sleeping by For each selected tracked AIS target the
default. following data shall be presented: target ship
The heading and speed of a tracked radar identification, navigational status (underway,
target or AIS target shall be indicated by a at anchor, etc.) and position.
predicted vector of adjustable length. Perma- Provision shall be made for displaying
nent indication of vector time and stabiliza- other additional data on the navigator's re-
tion shall be provided. quest.
The fixed common reference point of own If the received AIS information is incom-
ship shall be used for presentation of radar plete, the missing information shall be indi-
targets and AIS targets on the radar display. cated as “MISSING” in the target data field.
To present activated AIS targets on close The data on selected target shall be dis-
range from the own ship, means to present played and continually updated until another
the scaled outline of an activated AIS target target is selected for data display or until the
shall be provided. window is closed.
It shall be possible to display the past track Means shall be provided to present own
of activated AIS targets. ship data on the navigator's request.
T a b l e 3.2.61
Presentation of AIS target information on the radar display
Function Operation mode Information presentation form
AIS signal processing is on.
AIS on/off Graphic
Alphanumeric or graphic
off on
Sleeping AIS targets filtering Filter status
Targets activation — Activation criteria Graphic
on / off
DCPA / ÒCPA-based alarm DCPA / ÒCPA criteria
Sleeping targets are activated Alphanumeric and graphic
on / off
Lost target warning alarm
Lost target criterion
on / off
Combined radar/AIS targets Combined targets criterion Alphanumeric
Default priority of target
812 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

3.2.64 All warning alarms shall be dis- activated AIS target symbol and alphanumeric
played together with indication of their rea- AIS target data.
son. The navigator shall have the option to
If calculated values DCPA and ÒCPA of a change the default condition to display data
tracked radar target or activated AIS target and shall be permitted to select target data
are less than their specified limits, the follow- source (radar or AIS).
ing shall be provided: If the AIS and radar information become
warning alarm activation based on these sufficiently different, the AIS and radar in-
criteria; formation shall be considered as two distinct
indication of targets related to activated physical targets: one activated AIS target and
alarm. one tracked radar target shall be displayed.
The preset DCPA/ÒCPA limits specified for No warning alarm shall be raised.
radar targets and AIS targets shall be identi-
cal. Alarm functionality shall be applied for 3.2.66 On ships of 10000 gross tonnage and
all AIS targets. more the radar system shall be capable of
Alarm functionality may also be applied to simulating the manoeuvre, namely, shall pro-
sleeping AIS targets, on the navigators re- vide a possibility of simulating the approach
quest. situations during the manoeuvre with due
In case of detecting targets, which were not regard for own ship’s dynamic characteristics.
earlier detected, within the target acquisition This operation mode of the radar shall be
and activation zone, these targets shall be clearly identified.
identified and a warning shall be generated. The trial manoeuvre requirements are as
In case of a lost target being tracked, an follows:
alarm shall be given. If the target tracked is Own ship heading and speed shall be vari-
cancelled by a pre-determined range or other able.
pre-set parameter, an alarm shall not be A simulated manoeuvre time and count-
given. The last position of the lost target or down time shall be provided.
target whose tracking is cancelled shall be
Target tracking and indication of the actual
indicated on the radar display.
target data.
It shall be possible to enable or disable the
Trial manoeuvre shall be applied to all
lost target alarm function for both radar tar-
tracked radar targets and all activated AIS
gets and AIS targets. A clear indication shall
be given if the target is lost and if the lost
target alarm is disabled. 3.2.67 It shall be possible to manually dis-
The last position of the lost AIS target shall play sketch maps of the navigation area, vari-
be clearly indicated on the radar display. ous navigation lines, own ship courses and
The indication of the lost target shall dis- geographical position.
appear if the AIS signal is received again, or It shall be possible to remove this data
after the lost target alarm has been acknowl- from the display by navigator's single action.
edged. Means of recovering limited historical The sketch maps may consist of lines,
data from previous AIS reports on lost targets symbols and reference points, which shall
shall be provided. comply with the specified requirements.
3.2.65 It shall not be possible to have one The displayed additional information shall
not degrade the radar information. It shall be
physical target presented as 2 independent
targets (radar target and AIS target). retained when the equipment is switched off
and restored when a relevant equipment
If the association criteria are fulfilled such
module is replaced.
that the radar and AIS targets are considered
as one physical target, then as a default con- 3.2.68 The radar system may provide the
dition, such target shall be displayed by the means to display the electronic navigational
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 813

chart (ENC) to provide real-time navigation The mode used to receive and process the
conditions monitoring. radar information as well as the operational
The displayed ENC shall comply with the data on system status shall be indicated at
format set out in national standards and re- each radar position.
quirements of the International Hydrographic
3.2.71 The radar system shall be capable of
Organization (IHO)1.
being switched “on” or “off” at the main sys-
It shall be possible to display information tem radar display or at an additional control
derived from ENC updates.
It shall be possible to display ENC by lev- The radar control functions may be im-
els or categories of information, but not by plemented as an individual control panel or
individual chart symbols. with a programmed access (e.g. on-screen
ENC shall be displayed in the same datum menu) or a combination of these.
as the AIS and be referenced to the fixed The main control functions are as follows:
common reference point of own ship. Scale radar standby/run;
and orientation of ENC and radar indication range scale selection;
shall be identical. gain control;
It shall be possible to remove the ENC manual tuning function (if appropriate);
from display by navigator's single action. suppression of rain clutter;
The radar data display shall have priority suppression of sea clutter;
over all other displayed data. Chart informa- AIS signal processing on/off;
tion shall be displayed such that radar infor- alarm acknowledge;
mation is not obscured or degraded and shall marker control;
not clearly differ from other data. electronic bearing line control;
Any malfunction of displayed ENC shall variable range marks control;
not affect the operation of the radar/AIS sys- display brightness control;
tem. radar target acquisition.
The primary functions, in addition to the
3.2.69 Alarms and indications shall comply
main system radar display, may be operated at
with requirements given in 3.1.17.
the remote control position.
Alarm shall be provided to alert of “picture
freeze”. Failure of any sensor interfaced to 3.2.72 The radar design shall be so that to
the radar, such as gyro compass, log, antenna provide automatic performance testing and
position sensor, video signal, synchronizing failure diagnosis.
signal, shall be alarmed. The radar system shall include means to
In case of the radar failure, provision shall record the total operating hours for equipment
be made for transfer to available standby and its components with a limited life.
means or arrangements shall be made to con- Radar maintenance requirements shall be
tinue the radar operation with some system listed in the technical documentation.
functionality limitations. 3.2.73 Provision shall be made to switch
3.2.70 When multiple radars operate off automatically high-frequency radiation
jointly, the system shall safeguard against sin- within the pre-set sectors.
gle point system failure. These sectors shall be clearly indicated.
When an integrated multiple radar system 3.2.74 The radar antenna shall be designed
includes components of the same purpose, to operate reliably in wind speeds likely to be
provision shall be made for switching between
encountered on the class of ship on which it
them. is installed.
Antenna lateral lobes shall comply with the
GOST R IEC 61174:2001 (IEC 61174:2001), requirements given in 2.7, Part VI of the
GOST R IEC 62376:2010 (IEC 62376:2010). Rules.
814 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

The radar rotation shall be such as to pro- The radar shall have a bi-directional inter-
vide information update rate as appropriate face to the adjoint systems to facilitate com-
for the ship where it is installed, as stated munication so that alarms indicating failure of
in 2.3.17. the radar can be transferred and audible
Means shall be provided to stop antenna alarms can be remotely muted.
rotation and electromagnetic radiation.
3.2.79 In the event of failure in receiving
3.2.75 The radar documents shall contain input data necessary for operation of the ra-
recommendations on the radar installation. dar, there shall be an appropriate indication.
Measures shall be taken to avoid shadow In the event of failure of heading indicator,
sectors from right ahead up to relative bear- the radar shall be able to continue operation
ings of 22.5° abaft the beam on each side. in an "unstabilized heading up" mode.
The antenna shall be so located that the The stabilization mode shall be changed
ship structures and deck cargo do not reflect automatically within 1 min after a failure of
electromagnetic radiation. the heading indicator.
The antenna shall be located at such a If automatic anti-clutter sea processing
height that to provide target detection at close could prevent from detection of targets in the
range in adverse conditions of sea clutter. absence of azimuth stabilization, this process-
The radar display shall be installed so that ing mode shall be disabled automatically
not to interfere visual observation of the situa- within 1 min.
tion ahead and to avoid display glare from An indication shall be given on the radar
light sources in the wheelhouse. display when only relative bearing measure-
3.2.76 The radar system shall be capable of ment mode is used.
receiving the required information in NMEA In the event of failure of the device meas-
format from: uring speed through water, means for manual
gyro compass or heading data transmitter; speed input shall be provided.
devices measuring speed and travelled dis- In the event of failure of devices measuring
tance; speed and travelled distance over ground, the
electronic position-fixing means; equipment shall be switched to the speed
AIS equipment; through water sensor.
other devices generating the same data and In the event of failure of electronic posi-
approved by the River Register. tion fixing means, ENC shall be displayed if
3.2.77 Means shall be provided in the radar only at least a single reference point with
known position is used or if ship position is
system to preclude the use of invalid data.
The data validity shall be identified on the manually entered.
radar display. In the event of failure of radar signal emis-
sion and reception equipment, the radar dis-
The radar shall provide checking the integ-
play shall continue to indicate AIS targets.
rity of data from external sensors.
In the event of failure of AIS input infor-
The latency of checking and processing the
input data shall not exceed 10 ms. mation, the radar display shall indicate the
radar video and target database.
3.2.78 It shall be possible to provide radar In the event of failure of information from
information in standard format to other ship’s other ship’s systems interfaced to the radar,
systems. the radar shall keep operating as a standalone
The radar system shall provide radar image system.
output from the display to the voyage data
3.2.80 The radar design shall include the
target simulation function.
At least one isolated normally closed con-
tact shall be provided for indicating general 3.2.81 The technical documentation pack-
failure of the radar. age to be supplied by the radar manufacturer
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 815

shall comprise the Radar operating manual in specified in the Russian River Register Guide-
Russian, which shall contain the following lines Ð.028-2009.
recommended control/adjustment settings 3.3 REQUIREMENTS TO MAGNETIC
for different weather conditions and the sta- COMPASS
tion operating conditions; 3.3.1 Voltage of the compass main lighting
radar performance characteristics; shall not exceed 24 V.
failure procedures and contingency opera-
tion procedures; 3.3.2 The magnetic compass shall indicate
the heading with accuracy:
limitations of the display and tracking
underway on calm water 1°
process and accuracy, including any delays in
at motion in any direction with angles of 5°
processing and presentation of information; heel up to 22.5° and period of 6–15 sec.
using own ship heading and speed over
ground/course over ground information for 3.3.3 The card of the master and steering
collision avoidance; compasses shall allow for readout with up to
conditions and limitations of target associa- 0.5° accuracy. The card scaling factor shall
tion and separate target presentation; not exceed 1°.
criteria of selection for automatic acquisi- 3.3.4 The magnetic compass shall include a
tion of AIS targets and cancellation of activa- damping mechanism to provide the card sta-
tion; bility under the ship's vibrations and a device
methods and limitations of displaying AIS to maintain normal position of the compass
targets; bowl vertical axis.
principles underlying the trial manoeuvre
3.3.5 The gimbaled compass bowl shall
technology, including simulation of own
maintain its horizontal position when the bin-
ship’s manoeuvring characteristics, if provided
nacle is tilting up to 45° in any direction. The
list of alarms and indications; card shall remain free when the bowl is tilting
equipment installation and arrangement re- in any direction to an angle no less than:
quirements; for gimbaled compasses 10°
range and bearing measurement accuracies; for gimballess compasses 30°
special radar tuning and operator’s actions,
3.3.6 The magnetic compass shall include a
e.g. for detection of SARTs;
device for semicircular, quadrant, heeling and
the value of the fixed common reference
latitude correction. This device shall correct
point of own ship in the information process-
the compass deviation with an accuracy not
ing and presentation process.
exceeding 0.2°.
3.2.82 Ship technical documentation shall 3.3.7 The magnetic compass design shall
contain description of radar, including factors provide such deviation correction that residual
affecting its characteristics. deviation values do not exceed ±3° for the
Criteria of target selection and the ac- master compass and ±5° for the steering
cepted method of association and separate compass.
presentation of AIS and radar targets shall be
specified. 3.3.8 The magnetic compass shall have a
Equipment installation and arrangement binnacle and electric lighting of the card to
requirements, as well as factors, which may make the card divisions visible. In addition to
affect its characteristics, shall be listed in the the basic lighting, provision shall be made for
technical documentation. emergency lighting and for brightness adjust-
ment function.
Abbreviations used for presentation of op-
erating modes and other information on the 3.3.9 The height of binnacle of the master
radar display shall comply with abbreviations compass shall be such as the compass bowl
816 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

glass plane, including the supporting pad, is at reading accuracy of the master compass and
a height not less than 1300 mm from the remaining repeaters.
3.3.18 Provision shall be made for audible
3.3.10 The master magnetic compass shall alarm to signal a failure of follow-up system
be fitted with a locator to take bearings to in the electric remote reading magnetic com-
objects and celestial bodies visible from the pass. The audible alarm shall be energized by
ship with a readout accuracy of 0.25°. The a separate circuit.
locators of a new design shall provide direct
3.3.19 The package of electric remote read-
taking bearings.
ing magnetic compass shall include the an-
3.3.11 It shall be possible to read correctly nunciator with inscriptions "Repeaters are
the steering compass card at a distance not showing data from the magnetic compass" or
less than 1.4 m both in natural and artificial Repeaters are showing data from the gyro-
light. It is allowed to use magnifying devices. compass".
3.3.12 The electric remote reading mag- 3.3.20 The optic remote reading magnetic
netic compass shall comply with the require- compass shall be designed to display a directly
ments given in 3.3.2 – 3.3.10 and shall provide reflected image of the card scale sector with
heading to repeaters for indication. visible graduations on the arc not less than
30°, and the lubber line fixed in the compass
3.3.13 The magnetic system of the master
bowl casing. The device shall be provided to
magnetic compass or magnetic sensing units
receive the card scale image from fore and aft
may be used as a sensing element of the elec-
sides of the periscope.
tric remote reading compass.
3.3.21 The periscope of the optic remote
3.3.14 If the magnetic system of the master
reading magnetic compass's optic path shall
magnetic compass is used for remote reading,
be so long as the installation of the compass
the device used for electric reading transmis-
on the pad, considering the periscope mast
sion to repeaters shall ensure no interferences
passing through the deck, shall allow for the
for location, for heading and bearing readout
screen location at the helmsman's eye level.
from the compass card, and for deviation cor-
Provision shall be made for the screen moving
to 100–150 mm up and down from the middle
3.3.15 The sensing element shall include a position.
deviation correction device in accordance
with the requirements given in 3.3.6 and 3.3.22 The screen shall be fitted with ar-
rangement to protect it from bright sunlight
3.3.7. The sensor and the whole electric re-
mote reading system of the magnetic compass or any other light, which can glare the card
screen image. The screen image shall be visi-
shall remain operable under the following ship
ble day and night.
motion conditions:
.1 turning motion at the rate up to 6°/s; 3.3.23 The design of the optic path and the
.2 yawing with period of 10 to 20 sec. and screen shall provide that the image of the card
the greatest deviation from set heading of scale sector remains clear during visual taking
±5°. bearings, and when the compass helmet is
3.3.16 The difference between the readings
of repeaters and the sensing element of the 3.3.24 It shall be possible to adjust and
remote reading magnetic compass shall not lock the screen position.
exceed 1°.
3.3.25 The optic path shall have at least
3.3.17 Disabling remote signal transmission IÐ56 protection degree. Measures shall be
or particular repeaters failure shall not affect taken to prevent sweating on the path and
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 817

moisture condensation inside it, as well as to .4 Reading accuracy related to a quick

provide access to the optics for cleaning. 180 degree change of the ship's heading at a
speed up to 36 km/h shall not exceed 3°;
3.3.26 The boat magnetic compass shall
comply with the following requirements: .5 Residual error of readings after correc-
tion of effects related to speed, heading and
.1 The compass scaling factor shall be 1°,
latitude, where applicable, at a constant speed
2° and shall not exceed 5° subject to the card
up to 36 km/h shall not exceed
±0.25°  secLat;
.2 The compass card shall be fitted with
.6 Reading accuracy related to rolling up
to 20°, pitching up to 10° and the ship's yaw-
.3 Provision shall be made for the com-
ing up to 5° with a period of 6 to 15 sec with
pass securing arrangement and a storage case;
maximum horizontal acceleration not exceed-
.4 The card diameter shall allow for read-
ing 1 m/sec2 shall not exceed ±1°  secLat;
.7 Differences between readings of repeat-
ers and the master gyrocompass shall not ex-
3.4.1 At latitudes up to 60° the gyrocom- 3.4.3 The gyrocompass shall be completed
pass mounted on a horizontal and fixed base with a heading recorder and a device to cor-
shall comply with the following requirements: rect the compass readings to the ship's speed
.1 The gyrocompass settling time shall not and latitude of fix.
exceed 6 h;
3.4.4 The gyrocompass follow-up system
.2 A steady reading accuracy on any
shall be designed so as to provide simultane-
heading shall be limited to ±0.75° secLat, ous operation of own repeaters and heading
where Lat = geographic latitude, degrees; the recorder, as well as repeaters of other naviga-
root mean square of differences between par- tion equipment.
ticular heading readings and the average
heading value shall be less than 3.4.5 The heading recorder shall provide
±0.25° secLat; timed heading record with an accuracy of
.3 A turn-on reading consistency shall be 1 %.
within ±0.25° secLat; 3.4.6 The design of repeater cards, locators,
.4 The compass follow-up rate shall be lighting and other arrangements shall allow
not less than 6°/sec. for heading and bearing readout in accor-
3.4.2 The onboard gyrocompass operating dance with the requirements stated in 3.3.2,
at latitudes up to 60° shall comply with the 3.3.3, 3.3.8 – 3.3.10.
following requirements: 3.4.7 Device for remote transmission of the
.1 The gyrocompass settling time shall not true heading at latitudes up to 70°, provided
exceed 6 h under conditions of harmonic roll- that the used sensing element (heading sen-
ing and pitching up to 5° with a period of 6 sor) remains operable under the ship's operat-
to 15 sec at a maximum acceleration of ing conditions (including high-speed opera-
0.22 m/sec2; tion), shall comply with the following re-
.2 The master compass reading accuracy quirements:
shall be within ±1° secLat under operating True heading data shall be transmitted and
conditions subject to modification of the displayed with an accuracy not exceeding
ship's power mains and variation of magnetic 0.2°;
fields on board the ship; Static accuracy defined at the ship's con-
.3 Reading accuracy related to quick stant speed and direction shall be less than
change of the ship's speed shall not exceed 2°; 1.0°;
818 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

Dynamic accuracy defined at rolling and Heading data shall be converted with an
pitching, vibration and variation of the ship's accuracy not exceeding 0.2°;
speed shall not exceed 1.5°. If dynamic accu- The static error measured at permanent
racy range exceeds 0.5°, its oscillation fre- speed and direction of the ship shall not ex-
quency shall be less than 0.033 Hz (with a ceed 1.0°;
period not exceeding 30 sec.); The dynamic error measured under the
Error due to the ship's heading change conditions of vibration, roll, pitch or change
shall not exceed: of speed shall not exceed 1.5°. If the ampli-
0.5° at heading change rate up to 10°/sec; tude of the dynamic error exceeds 0.5°, the
1.5° at heading change rate from 10 to dynamic error frequency shall not exceed
20°/sec; 0.033 Hz (with a period of not exceeding
Controls and regulators allowing for chang- 30 sec).
ing the true heading data, transmitted by the
device, shall be protected from unintended 3.5.5 An alarm shall be provided to indi-
interference; cate a malfunctions of the heading transmit-
ting device or a failure of the power supply.
Provision shall be made for indicating the
manual correction input in data transmitted
Visual and (or) audible alarm shall be pro- AND DIRECTIONAL STABILIZER
vided for warning the device failure and
3.6.1 The autopilot and directional stabi-
power supply interruption.
lizer shall provide that the ship maintains a
selected heading with an accuracy not exceed-
ing 1° at a speed ensuring normal ship's ma-
noeuvrability. Maximum deviation from the
3.5.1 The Î-ÏÐ, Ì-ÏÐ and Ì-ÑÏ class set heading shall not exceed ±1° at sea state
ships of gross tonnage from 300 to 500 not up to 3, and ±3° at sea state up to 5.
fitted with a gyrocompass complying with the
3.6.2 Provision shall be made for automatic
international requirements or with a dedicated
ship heading keeping with minimum number
device for finding and transmission of mag-
of rudder shifts.
netic heading, shall be fitted with transmitting
heading devices to support operation of other 3.6.3 Provision shall be made for uninten-
navigational equipment. tional power interruption light and audible
3.5.2 The remote heading transmitting de-
vice shall have performance characteristics 3.6.4 Audible alarm shall be provided to
conforming to the requirements given in 3.5.4 indicate the set heading deviation by ±3°, an
at least from 70°N to 70°S, if this range is not alarm response tolerance shall not exceed 1°.
limited by the selected sensing element (head- In case of adverse weather conditions it shall
ing sensor). be possible to shift the alarm threshold value
by 6 to 9°.
3.5.3 The remote heading transmitting de-
vice shall comply with the operation require- 3.6.5 The circuit and design of autopilot
ments both for conventional displacement and directional stabilizer shall allow for
ships and high-speed ships. changing over to manual control of steering
gear from any control station in case of any
3.5.4 Under operating conditions given in
damage of the automatic control system.
the requirements to the heading sensors, the
remote heading transmitting device operating 3.6.6 Changeover from one type of control
together with the relevant sensing element to another shall be made by a single action
shall provide the following accuracy: within not exceeding 3 sec.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 819

3.6.7 The autopilot and directional stabi- 3.7.7 The echo sounder shall provide audi-
lizer control console shall be installed on the ble and light depth control alarm. Manual
manual steering control station to provide setting of depth shall be gradual within the
their maintenance and switch from automatic range from 0.5 to 5.0 m or on intermittent
to manual control. basis.
3.6.8 The control console combining Provision shall be made for making ship
automatic and manual control shall be in- draught corrections and sound-in-water speed
stalled in the wheelhouse in the centreline corrections without stopping the ship or open-
plane. ing the device housing.

3.6.9 The remote control stations shall be 3.7.8 The echo sounder shall be switched
installed on the bridge wings or in other on by a single action. The echo sounder
places used for switching to the ship steering startup time shall not exceed 30 sec, measur-
from the remote control station. ing scales switching shall be simultaneous for
graphic and numeric data.
3.7 REQUIREMENTS TO ECHO The echo sounder may include one or sev-
SOUNDER eral emitters. Provision shall be made for in-
dicating the used emitters.
3.7.1 The echo sounder shall be capable of
measuring soundings under the ship’s bottom 3.7.9 The echo sounder shall be able to op-
starting from 0.5 m. erate continuously. Its design shall include
audible and light alarm warning on failures
3.7.2 The echo sounder shall have:
affecting displayed data validity.
shallow-water scale;
deep-water scale with maximum depth not 3.7.10 If the ship design allows for the
less than 50 m. echo sounder operation as a part of complex
navigation systems, the interface with these
3.7.3 Sounding accuracy shall be not less
systems shall be provided by means of stan-
than: dard digital outputs.
10 cm at depths up to 5 m;
2 % of measured depth at depths more 3.7.11 It is allowed to operate echo sound-
than 5 m. ers, whose performance characteristics differ
from those given in 3.7.1 – 3.7.10 and in
3.7.4 Sounding and sea bottom recording 3.7.12 – 3.7.15, for Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ
shall be continuous. Soundings shall be pre- class ships outside inland waterways.
sented in two modes:
graphic data to represent a seabed profile 3.7.12 The echo sounder shall be capable
of the ship run with time mark discreteness of measuring soundings under the ship’s bot-
not exceeding 5 min; tom starting with 1.0 m.
numeric data to represent an instantaneous 3.7.13 The echo sounder shall have:
depth with values divisible by 0.1 m. shallow-water scale covering 0.1 of depth
3.7.5 The priority shall be given to the range (1 to 20 m);
graphical presentation of soundings to repre- deep-water scale with maximum depth not
sent an instantaneous depth and its visual less than 200 m.
recording. The displayed record of soundings 3.7.14 Sounding accuracy shall be not less
shall be visible within not less than 15 min. than:
3.7.6 The echo sounder indications may be 50 cm at depths up to 20 m;
recorded on paper tape or other media. Provi- 2.5% of measured depth at depths more
sion shall be made for recording the sound- than 20 m.
ings with time marks for previous 12 h, and The echo sounder performances shall not
for all recorded data retrieval on shore. degrade at the ship rolling up to ±10° and
820 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

pitching up to ±5°. According to technical 0.1 km/h, that of the analogous indicator with
documentation, some omissions in readings normal scale 0.5 km/h, that of analogous in-
are permissible when the ship is rolling more dicator with coarse scale 5 km/h.
than 10° and (or) pitching more than 5°, or
3.8.6 Data on covered distance shall be
when the sea bed has rocky or steeply sloping
presented in numerical form. The indicator
character (over 15°).
shall cover the range from 0 to at least
3.7.15 The scale of graphic depth display- 9999.9 km with increment not exceeding
ing shall be not less than: 0.1 km, it shall have a resetting unit. Scales of
1 m = 5 mm — on the shallow-water scale; the master device and repeaters shall be fitted
1 m = 0.5 mm — on the deep-water scale. with adjustable electric highlighting allowing
The displayed record of soundings shall be for data readout day and night.
visible within not less than 15 min. 3.8.7 The log shall comply with the follow-
ing requirements:
3.8 REQUIREMENTS TO LOG .1 Underwater retractable units of the log
3.8.1 The log shall continuously record the shall allow for their extending to operating
distance covered by the ship at any speed and position and retracting inside the hull by a
continuously display the ship's speed data. single operator;
The log transmitting the ship speed data to .2 The method of attaching the log units
a radar plotting aid (EPA, ATA, ARPA) to the ship hull, their afloat replacement and
and/or to the ship track control system shall possible damage of any part of underwater
be able to measure longitudinal speed through equipment shall not result in affecting the
water. structural integrity of the ship hull or ingress
of water inside it;
3.8.2 Initial sensitivity of the log shall not .3 If a retractable unit weighs more than
exceed 0.2 km/h. The log shall measure the 16 kg, its retraction inside the hull shall be
ship's speed through water with an accuracy provided by means of mechanical arrange-
not exceeding 2 % of actual ship speed or ments (winches, tackles, hoist blocks) or an
±0.4 km/h, whichever is greater. arrangement for remote lifting and lowering
3.8.3 The speed indicators shall be of self- an underwater part of the log, and control of
synchronous type. Differences between the such arrangement shall be from the wheel-
ship speed indications from the master device house. Lifting time shall not exceed 2 min.
and from repeaters shall not exceed 1.5 % of An arrangement shall be provided for re-
upper limit of speed measured by the log. mote lifting and lowering an underwater unit
Differences between indications of travelled of the log with control from the wheelhouse.
distance from repeaters and those from the In this case, provision shall be made for rele-
master device shall not exceed 0.02 km, those vant limit switches to restraint lifting and low-
between repeaters 0.04 km. The log shall have ering of the underwater unit in the retractable
a sufficient number (not less than number of bottom arrangement, as well as for the bottom
ship steering stations) of speed and travelled arrangement tightening, and light indication
distance repeaters for safe navigation. in the wheelhouse to indicate up and down
positions of the underwater unit and closed
3.8.4 The log shall be completed with ad- position of the bottom arrangement, if so pre-
justing arrangements to allow for removing scribed by technical documents and if appli-
unacceptable errors in their readings after the cable to the log design;
log is installed on board the ship.
.4 The log shall be completed with a suf-
3.8.5 Speed data may be presented both in ficient number of speed and travelled distance
analog and digital form. Reading increment of repeaters complying with the requirements
the digital indicator shall not exceed given in 3.8.3. It is allowed to use speed and
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 821

travelled distance repeaters integrated into a .2 operating on GPS L1 frequency signal

single housing. and Ñ/À code, and GLONASS L1 frequency
signal and Ñ code;
3.8.8 The log capable of measuring ship's
speed over ground and though the water shall .3 the static mode precision such that
be fitted with an operational switch and an ship's antenna position is calculated with ac-
operating mode indicator. The two- curacy within 35 m for 95 % probability with-
component log capable of measuring longitu- out a differential subsystem and within 10 m
dinal and lateral speeds shall be provided with for 95 % probability with a differential subsys-
indication of operating mode and measured tem and horizontal dilution of precision equal
parameter. to 4 or positional dilution of precision equal
to 6;
3.8.9 The primary transducers of the log .4 the dynamic mode precision such that
shall not cause interference for the operation ship's position is calculated with accuracy
of other ship navigation equipment. within 35 m for 95 % probability without a
differential subsystem and within 10 m for
3.9 REQUIREMENTS TO GNSS 95 % probability with a differential subsystem
and with horizontal dilution of precision equal
3.9.1 The combined GLONASS and GPS to 4 or positional dilution of precision equal
receiver designed for navigation-purpose use to 6 subject to sea state and navigation condi-
on the ships with speed not exceeding tions;
130 km/h (70 knots), shall include at least the .5 the opportunity to select automatically
following: relevant satellites transmitting signals for cal-
.1 antenna to receive GLONASS/GPS culating the ship's position with an appropri-
signals; ate accuracy and data updating discreteness;
.2 combined GLONASS/GPS receiver .6 searching and processing the satellite
and processor; signals at variation of their input carrier fre-
.3 means to calculate position (latitude, quency level from –130 dBm to –120 dBm.
longitude); After the signals search being completed, the
.4 controls and interfaces; receiver shall keep working with carrier fre-
.5 position display unit. quency signals level decreased to –133 dBm;
3.9.2 GLONASS/ GPS receiver shall pro- .7 the opportunity to receive the first
vide: measurements of coordinates with an appro-
.1 receiving and processing the signals priate accuracy within 30 min, if no actual
provided by the Standard Positioning Service database (almanac) is stored in the receiver
(SPS) with selective availability and memory;
GLONASS ranging code on, as well as calcu- .8 the opportunity to receive coordinates
lating the ship's position latitude and longi- measurements with an appropriate accuracy
tude in WGS-84 datum in degrees, minutes, within 5 min, if the actual database is stored
thousandths of a minute and position fix time in the receiver memory;
with regard to Universal Time Coordinated .9 re-searching the signals and calculating
(UTC). Provision shall be made for convert- the fixed coordinates with an appropriate ac-
ing WGS-84 coordinates to ÐZ-90 coordi- curacy within 5 min. in the case, when emis-
nates or coordinates of a datum provided in sion of all GLONASS/GPS signals is inter-
the used navigational chart rupted for a period at least 24 h, but without
The receiver display unit shall indicate power supply interruption;
the coordinates conversion mode and datum .10 re-searching the signals and calculat-
used for displaying the ship's position, if such ing the fixed coordinates with an appropriate
function is prescribed by the technical docu- accuracy within 2 min in case of power supply
mentation; interruptions for up to 60 sec;
822 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

.11 re-searching a particular satellite sig- 3.9.6 The receiver shall provide for indica-
nal and using it for calculating the fixed coor- tion of differential operating mode, in case of:
dinates within 10 sec after signal locking for .1 receiving the differential correction sig-
up to 30 sec; nals;
.12 calculating the fixed coordinates and .2 including the differential corrections in
new data output to the display unit and inter- the displayed ship's position.
face for marine radio navigational aids with
discreteness not exceeding 1 sec; 3.9.7 The receiver shall provide indication
.13 the minimum resolution of displayed about loss of use (integrity) and critical condi-
coordinates (latitude, longitude) up to tion of the differential mode, as well as dis-
0.001 min; playing the differential mode message on the
.14 calculating, displaying and output to display unit.
the interface the following: course over 3.9.8 The equipment receiving signals from
ground (COG), speed over ground (SOG) sea beacons transmitting differential correc-
and UTC. The said output data shall have a tions provided by GLONASS and GPS global
time mark linked to the ship's position data. positioning systems, which is designed for
The requirements to the accuracy of the navigation-purpose use on the ships with
course over ground and speed over ground speed not exceeding 130 km/h (70 knots) shall
shall be not less than operational requirements include at least the following:
imposed on heading indicators (see 3.3.2) and .1 antenna to receive correction signals
speed and travelled distance meters (see 3.8); from DGLONASS and DGPS sea beacons;
.15 the opportunity to receive and to .2 receiver of correction signals from
process correction signals provided by differ- DGLONASS and DGPS sea beacons, and
ential subsystem (DGLONASS/DGPS) com- processor;
plying with recommendations of the Interna-
.3 receiver control and data output inter-
tional Telecommunications Union (ITU) and
national standard1.
3.9.9 The receiving equipment shall pro-
3.9.3 The receiver shall provide indication
vide the following:
when calculated position does not comply
.1 receiving and processing the correction
with the operational requirements given in 3.9.2.
signals from DGLONASS and DGPS sea
3.9.4 The receiver shall provide indication beacons within frequency band of 283.5 to
within 5 sec when: 325 kHz;
.1 The horizontal dilution of precision ex- .2 availability of means for automatic and
ceeds a stated limit value; manual station selection;
.2 New position is calculated within a .3 data availability with delay not exceed-
time period exceeding 1 sec. ing 100 ms after the signal receiving;
In the above cases until normal operation .4 receiving and processing a signal within
of the receiver is restored, the display unit not less than 45 sec under atmospheric noise
shall indicate time and position of the last conditions;
reliable position fix with visual indication of a .5 availability of nondirectional antenna
reason, due to which position fix (calculation) in the horizontal plane.
was interrupted.
3.9.5 The receiver shall be provided with 3.10 REQUIREMENTS TO GPS
alarm warning on failure of position calcula- RECEIVER
tion. 3.10.1 GPS receiver designed for naviga-
tion-purpose use on the ships with speed not
GOST R IEC 61108-4:2004 exceeding 130 km/h (70 knots) shall include
(IEC 61108-4:2004). at least the following:
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 823

.1 antenna to receive GPS signals; After the signals search being completed, the
.2 GPS receiver and processor; receiver shall keep working with carrier fre-
.3 means to calculate position (latitude, quency signals level decreased to –133 dBm;
longitude); .7 the opportunity to receive the first
.4 controls and interfaces; measurements of coordinates with an appro-
.5 position display unit and other outputs, priate accuracy within 30 min, if no actual
if necessary. database (almanac) is stored in the receiver
3.10.2 GPS receiver shall provide the fol- memory;
lowing: .8 the opportunity to receive the first co-
.1 receiving and processing the signals ordinate measurement with an appropriate
provided by the Standard Positioning Service accuracy within 5 min, if the actual database
(SPS) with selective availability on, as well as is stored in the receiver memory;
for calculating the ship's position latitude and .9 re-searching the signals and calculating
longitude in the World Geodetic System 1984 the fixed coordinates with an appropriate ac-
(WGS-84) datum in degrees, minutes, thou- curacy within 5 min in the case of signals re-
sandths of a minute and position fix time with ception interruption for a period at least 24 h,
regard to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). but without power supply interruption;
Provision shall be made for converting WGS- .10 re-searching the signals and calculat-
84 coordinates to coordinates of the datum in ing the fixed coordinates with an appropriate
the used navigational chart. If such provision accuracy within 2 min in case of power supply
is prescribed by technical documentation, the interruptions for up to 60 sec;
receiver display unit shall indicate the coordi- .11 calculating the fixed coordinates and
nates conversion mode and the datum used to new data output to the display unit and inter-
calculate the ship's position; face for marine radio navigational aids with
.2 operating on L1 (1575.42 MHz) fre- discreteness not exceeding 1 sec;
quency signal and Ñ/À (Coarse/Acquisition) .12 the minimum resolution of displayed
code. It is allowed to operate also on L2 coordinates (latitude, longitude) up to
(1227.6 MHz) signal with use of high- 0.001 min;
precision code Ð (Precise); .13 calculating, displaying and output to
.3 the static mode precision, at which the the interface the following: course over
ship's antenna position is calculated with ac- ground (COG), speed over ground (SOG)
curacy within 100 m for 95 % probability and and Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). The
with horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) said output data shall have a time mark linked
equal to 4 or positional dilution of precision to the ship's position data.
(PDOP) equal to 6; The requirements to the accuracy of the
.4 the dynamic mode precision, at which course over ground and speed over ground
the ship's position is calculated with accuracy shall be not less than operational requirements
within 100 m for 95 % probability without a imposed on heading indicators and speed and
differential subsystem and horizontal dilution travelled distance meters (see;
of precision equal to 4 or positional dilution .14 the opportunity to receive and to
of precision equal to 6 subject to sea state and process correction signals provided by GPS
navigation conditions; differential subsystem (DGPS) complying
.5 the opportunity to select automatically with recommendations of the International
relevant satellites transmitting signals for cal- Telecommunications Union (ITU) and an
culating the ship's position with an appropri- appropriate standard of the Radio Technical
ate accuracy and data updating discreteness; Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM).
.6 searching and processing the satellite If GPS receiver is fitted with a unit for re-
signals at variation of their input carrier fre- ceiving and processing the correction signals
quency level from –130 dBm to –120 dBm. from differential subsystem, the precision in
824 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

static and dynamic modes shall be not less 3.11.2 GLONASS receiver shall provide
than 10 m for 95 % probability (see the following:
and .1 receiving and processing the signals
3.10.3 The receiver shall provide indication provided by GLONASS Standard Positioning
when calculated position does not comply Service, and calculating the ship's position
with the operational requirements given in latitude and longitude in PZ-90 (“Parameters
3.10.2. of the Earth 1990”) datum with the position
presentation in degrees, minutes, thousandths
3.10.4 The receiver shall provide indication of a minute and position fix time with regard
within 5 sec when: to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Pro-
.1 the horizontal dilution of precision ex- vision shall be made for converting WGS-84
ceeds a stated limit value; coordinates to ÐZ-90 coordinates or coordi-
.2 new position is calculated within a time nates of a datum provided in the used naviga-
period exceeding 1 sec. tional chart. If such means are available, the
In the above cases until normal operation receiver display unit shall indicate the coordi-
of the receiver is restored, the display unit nates conversion mode and the datum used
shall indicate time and position of the last for displaying the ship's position;
reliable position fix with visual indication of a .2 operating under the Standard Position-
reason, due to which position fix (calculation) ing Service mode on L1 and Ñ code frequen-
was interrupted. cies;
3.10.5 The receiver shall be provided with .3 the static mode precision, at which the
alarm warning on failure of position calcula- ship's antenna position is calculated with ac-
tion. curacy within 45 m for 95 % probability and
with horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
3.10.6 The receiver shall provide indication equal to 4 or positional dilution of precision
of differential operating mode, in case of: (PDOP) equal to 6;
.1 receiving the differential correction sig- .4 the dynamic mode precision, at which
nals; the ship's antenna position is calculated with
.2 including the differential corrections in accuracy within 45 m for 95% probability and
the displayed ship's position. with horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
3.10.7 The receiver shall provide indication equal to 4 or positional dilution of precision
about loss of use (integrity) and critical condi- (PDOP) equal to 6 subject to sea state and
tion of the differential mode, as well as dis- navigational conditions;
playing the differential mode message on the .5 the opportunity to select automatically
display unit. signals transmitted by a relevant satellite for
calculating the ship's position with an appro-
3.11 REQUIREMENTS TO GLONASS priate accuracy and data updating discrete-
.6 searching and processing the satellite
3.11.1 GLONASS receiver designed for signals at variation of their input carrier fre-
navigation-purpose use on the ships with quency level from –130 dBm to –120 dBm.
speed not exceeding 130 km/h (70 knots), After the signals search being completed, the
shall include at least the following: receiver shall keep working with carrier fre-
.1 antenna to receive GLONASS signals; quency signals level decreased to –133 dBm;
.2 GLONASS receiver and processor; .7 the opportunity to receive the first
.3 means to calculate position (latitude, measurements of coordinates with an appro-
longitude); priate accuracy within 30 min, if no actual
.4 controls and interfaces; database (almanac) is stored in the receiver
.5 position display unit. memory;
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 825

.8 the opportunity to receive the first co- .2 new position is calculated within a time
ordinate measurement with an appropriate period exceeding 1 sec.
accuracy within 5 min, if the actual database In the above cases until normal operation
is stored in the receiver memory; of the receiver is restored, the display unit
.9 re-searching the signals and calculating shall indicate time and position of the last
the fixed coordinates with an appropriate ac- reliable position fix with visual indication of a
curacy within 5 min. in the case, when emis- reason, due to which position fix (calculation)
sion of GLONASS signals is interrupted for a was interrupted.
period at least 24 h, but without power supply
3.11.5 The receiver shall be provided with
interruption; alarm warning on failure of position calcula-
.10 re-searching the signals and calculat-
ing the fixed coordinates with an appropriate
accuracy within 2 min in case of power supply 3.11.6 The receiver shall provide indication
interruptions for up to 60 sec; of differential operating mode, in case of:
.11 calculating the fixed coordinates and .1 receiving the differential correction sig-
new data output to the display unit and inter- nals;
face for marine radio navigational aids with .2 including the differential corrections in
discreteness not exceeding 1 sec; the displayed ship's position.
.12 the minimum resolution of displayed 3.11.7 The receiver shall provide indication
coordinates (latitude, longitude) up to about loss of use (integrity) and critical condi-
0.001 min; tion of the differential mode, as well as dis-
.13 calculating, displaying and output to playing the differential mode message on the
the interface the following: course over display unit.
ground (COG), speed over ground (SOG)
and UTC. The said output data shall have a 3.12 REQUIREMENTS TO GALILEO
time mark linked to the ship's position data. RECEIVER
The requirements to the accuracy of the
course over ground and speed over ground 3.12.1 European GALILEO satellite navi-
shall be not less than operational requirements gation system receiver designed for naviga-
imposed on heading indicators and speed and tion-purpose use on the ships with speed not
travelled distance meters (see; exceeding 130 km/h (70 knots), shall include
.14 the opportunity to receive and to at least the following:
process correction signals provided by .1 antenna to receive GALILEO signals;
GLONASS differential subsystem .2 GALILEO receiver and processor;
(DGLONASS). .3 means to calculate position (latitude,
If GLONASS receiver is fitted with a unit longitude);
for receiving and processing the correction .4 controls and interfaces;
signals from a differential subsystem, the pre- .5 position display unit.
cision in static and dynamic modes shall be If GALILEO receiver is a part of the inte-
not less than 10 m for 95 % probability (see grated navigation system approved by the and River Register, this system shall comply with
the requirements given in –,
3.11.3 The receiver shall provide indication and additional means may be not needed.
when calculated position does not comply
with the operational requirements given in 3.12.2 GALILEO receiver shall provide the
3.11.2. following:
.1 receiving and processing the signals of
3.11.4 The receiver shall provide indication measuring the position, speed and time on L1
within 5 sec when: frequency within the band of 1559 to
.1 the horizontal dilution of precision ex- 1591 MHz for a single-channel receiver,
ceeds a stated limit value; which shall generate sky-wave corrections; or
826 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

on L1 and Å5à frequencies within the band of no actual database (almanac) is stored in the
1164 to 1215 MHz and 1559 to 1591 MHz, or receiver memory;
on L1 and Å5â frequencies within the band of .10 the opportunity to receive the first
1164 to 1215 MHz and 1559 to 1591 MHz for measurements of coordinates, speed and time
a two-channel receiver, which shall provide with an appropriate accuracy within 1 min, if
dual-frequency processing of signals for gen- the actual database is stored in the receiver
erating sky-wave corrections. memory;
GALILEO signals may be received and .11 the opportunity to re-search signals
processed on three frequencies: L1, Å5a and and to calculate fixed coordinates, speed and
Å5b; time with an appropriate accuracy within
.2 calculating the ship's position latitude 1 min in case of signals reception interruption
and longitude in WGS-84 datum with dis- for a period at least up to 60 sec;
playing the position in degrees, minutes, .12 calculating the fixed coordinates and
thousandths of a minute and position fix time new data output to the display unit and inter-
with regard to UTC; face for marine radio navigational aids with
.3 the static mode precision, at which the discreteness not exceeding 1 sec, and for high-
ship's antenna position is calculated with an speed craft not exceeding 0.5 sec;
accuracy within 15 m for 95 % probability in .13 calculating, displaying and output to
the horizontal plane and 35 m for 95 % prob- the interface the following: course over
ability in the vertical plane for single-channel ground (COG), speed over ground (SOG)
receivers operating on L1 frequency; and and UTC with time mark referred to the
within 10 m for 95 % probability in the hori- ship's position.
zontal plane and 10 m for 95 % probability in The requirements to the accuracy of the
the vertical plane for two-channel receivers course over ground and speed over ground
operating on L1 and Å5à frequencies or on shall be not less than operational requirements
L1 and Å5â frequencies at positional dilution imposed on heading indicators and speed and
of precision not exceeding 3,5; travelled distance meters and shall be met
.4 the dynamic mode precision, at which under different dynamic conditions of the
the ship's position is calculated with the static ship operation (see
mode precision subject to operational condi-
tions; 3.12.3 In addition GALILEO receiver shall
.5 the minimum resolution of displayed
coordinates (latitude, longitude) up to .1 output for receiver failure indication;
0.001 min; .2 bidirectional interface to allow com-
.6 time measuring accuracy within 50 ns munications when transmitting receiver alarm
from UTC; to an external system in a such way, that au-
dible alarms can be acknowledged from that
.7 the opportunity to select automatically
external systems;
relevant satellites transmitting signals for cal-
culating the ship's position with an appropri- .3 means to process correction signals
ate accuracy and data updating discreteness; from GALILEO differential subsystem
(DGALILEO), and indicating the reception
.8 searching and processing the satellite
of DGALILEO signals and their including in
signals at variation of their input carrier fre-
calculation of the ship's position.
quency level from –128 dBm to –118 dBm.
After the signals search being completed, 3.12.4 The receiver shall provide indication
the receiver shall keep working with signal about loss of GALILEO system use, when its
level decreased to –131 dBm; technical characteristics are beyond the limits
.9 the opportunity to receive the first imposed by the requirements on conventional
measurements of coordinates, speed and time navigation in open sea, coastal water, near
with an appropriate accuracy within 5 min, if ports and inland water ways.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 827

3.12.5 GALILEO receiver shall at least: matic and manual control of the ship's mo-
.1 provide indication, within 5 sec, in case tion.
of position calculation failure or, if new posi-
3.13.6 If the rate-of-turn indicator goes
tion is calculated within a period exceeding outside the range of specified measuring accu-
1 sec. In the above cases until normal opera-
racy, the warning alarm shall automatically
tion of the receiver is restored, the display
switch on.
unit shall indicate time and position of the
last reliable observation with visual indication 3.13.7 Provision shall be made for the ex-
of a reason, due to which position fix was ternal signalling connector to output signals in
interrupted; the following case:
.2 use the receiver autonomous integrity .1 the rate-of-turn indicator is off;
monitoring (RAIM) to ensure integrity of .2 the rate-of-turn indicator fails;
technical characteristics complying with the .3 activating alarm warning on accuracy
implemented task. degradation exceeding admissible limits.
3.12.6 In receivers processing the signals 3.13.8 With regard to the Earth rotation
from the Safety of Life Service (SOL), integ- influence, the indicated rate of turn shall not
rity monitoring and notification algorithms differ from the actual ship's rate of turn by
shall be based on combination of GALILEO more than 0.5°/min. +5 % of the measured
integrity message and the receiver autono- value.
mous integrity monitoring.
3.13.9 The rate-of-turn indicator shall re-
The receiver shall supply alarm within
10 sec from start of the event, if error thresh- main serviceable during the ship yawing in
old in the horizontal plane is exceeded by
25 m within more than 3 sec. The indicator readings shall not differ from
the mean actual rate of turn by more than
Event detection probability shall be over
99.999 % for a three hour period (integrity 0.5°/min. at the ship rolling with an ampli-
risk not exceeding 10–5/3 h). tude of ±5° and a period of 25 sec, and at the
ship pitching with an amplitude of ±1° and a
period of 20 sec.
RATE-OF-TURN INDICATOR 3.13.10 The rate-of-turn indicator shall be
ready for operation within 4 min from its acti-
3.13.1 The rate-of-turn indicator shall
vation. Provision shall be made for indication
comply with the requirements given in 1.3.1
of its activation.
and shall indicate rate and direction (star-
board or port) of ship turning. 3.13.11 Rate of turn shall be displayed by
means of a dial analog indicator with the top
3.13.2 The rate-of-turn indicator may be a
position of zero. It is allowed to use dials with
separate device or a part of other equipment
alphanumerical characters. In any case the
or may receive data therefrom.
direction of turn shall be indicated.
3.13.3 The rate-of-turn indicator shall not
3.13.12 The ship's turn to port shall be in-
result in performance degradation of other
dicated to the left of the zero point, turn to
equipment, to which it is connected, whether
starboard – to the right of the zero point. If
it is switched on or off.
actual rate of turn exceeds the dial limits, it
3.13.4 Indicators and controls shall have shall be displayed on the indicator.
highlighting with smooth adjustment of light
3.13.13 The dial size to every direction
brightness and allowance for its switching off
from zero shall be not less than 120 mm. The
at minimum brightness level position.
system shall have such sensibility that varia-
3.13.5 Provision shall be made for use of tion of rate of turn by 1°/min. corresponds to
the rate-of-turn indicator both under auto- not less than a 4 mm interval on the dial.
828 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

3.13.14 Provision shall be made for a linear 3.14.6 Radar display, tracked radar targets
scale with a measuring range not less than and Automatic Identification System (AIS)
±30°/min. This scale shall have a factor of targets shall not be substantially degraded,
1°/min. to each direction from zero and nu- masked or obscured by other presented infor-
merical characters every 10°/min. Each mark mation.
of 10°/min. shall be much longer than the
3.14.7 It shall be possible to temporarily
mark of 5°/min., which in turn shall be
suppress all graphic information from the dis-
longer than the mark of 1°/min. Marks and
play, retaining only radar image and target
digits shall be red or white on black back-
trails for a period set by the navigator.
ground. It is allowed to use extra linear scales.
3.14.8 The brightness of radar echoes and
3.13.15 Provision shall be made for adjust-
associated graphic symbols for tracked radar
able damping of rate-of-turn indicator allow-
targets shall be variable.
ing for time constant variation range from 0
to 10 sec. It shall be possible to control the brightness
of all displayed information. Brightness of
3.13.16 The rate-of-turn indicator units graphics and alphanumeric data shall be con-
shall be supplied from the main and emer- trolled separately.
gency power sources. The brightness of the lubber line shall not
be variable to complete extinction.
3.14.9 If the radar indicates vector chart
data, it shall be possible to select separately
elements of standard electronic navigation
chart basing on categories or levels but not by
3.14.1 If the display is multifunctional, individual chart symbols. The chart informa-
provision shall be made for clear indication of tion shall be displayed complying with the
its operating mode and primary function (ra- operational requirements to the Inland
dar, Inland ECDIS, ECDIS). ECDIS/ECDIS and the requirements of this
3.14.2 If an electronic navigation chart and
radar image of environmental conditions are 3.14.10 When the electronic navigational
displayed together, both images shall use a chart is displayed on the radar presentation,
fixed common reference point and match in its status, the source of updating and source
scale, projection and orientation. Any mis- of information shall be permanently indicated.
match shall be indicated. Here, the radar information shall have pri-
3.14.3 The following range scales shall be
provided on the display: 0,25, 0,5, 0,75, 1,5, 3.14.11 The ENC graphic may be pre-
3, 6, 12 and 24 nm. Other range scales may sented on the radar display, but it shall not
also be provided. Actual range scale shall be substantially degrade, mask or obscure the
indicated. radar image, tracked radar targets and AIS
3.14.4 When range rings are displayed, the
scale of each ring shall be indicated. 3.14.12 The electronic navigational chart
and all updates to it shall be presented on the
3.14.5 Only navigational information shall
ECDIS display without any degradation of
be permanently displayed in the range of the
their information content.
operational display area. Information win-
dows, menus and other auxiliary information 3.14.13 Chart information shall not be sub-
may be displayed only as a provisional meas- stantially degraded, masked or obscured by
ure for a period set by the navigator. other presented information.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 829

3.14.14 It shall be possible to temporarily 3.14.24 The form of information presenta-

suppress all supplemental information from tion shall comply with the requirements to
the display, retaining only ENC related in- radar (see 3.2) or chart information1. Presen-
formation contained in the base of the display tation exceptions are referred to the sizes of
unit of the Inland ECDIS/ECDIS for a pe- presented area, as well as to windows and
riod set by the navigator. incuts of images of particular water area sec-
3.14.15 It shall be possible to select a safe
depth contour from the contour data base 3.14.25 It shall be possible to adjust the
provided by the electronic navigational chart. contrast and brightness of the display as ap-
This selected safety depth contour shall be plied to the lighting conditions in the wheel-
highlighted on the display. house.
3.14.16 It shall be possible to select a safety 3.14.26 Provision shall be made for pro-
depth from the spot soundings presented on tecting the display from electromagnetic field
the chart. Soundings equal to or less than the effect at its location with regard to the re-
safety depth shall be highlighted. quirements given in 2.7 Part VI of the Rules.
3.14.17 An indication shall be provided if 3.14.27 The operational display area of the
the information is displayed at a larger scale chart presentation for in-route plotting shall
than that contained in the ENC, or if own be at least 270  270 mm.
ship’s position is covered by an ENC of a
larger scale than that provided by the display. 3.14.28 The operational display area of the
radar presentation shall be at least a circle of
3.14.18 Overscaled areas displayed on the
diameter of:
Inland ECDIS/ECDIS shall be identified.
180 mm for ships with gross tonnage less
3.14.19 Radar and target information dis- than 500;
played on the Inland ECDIS/ECDIS shall 250 mm for the ships of gross tonnage
not substantially degrade, mask or obscure the more than 500 and high-speed craft of gross
chart information. Radar and target informa- tonnage less than 10000;
tion shall be presented in accordance with the
radar operational requirements and the re- 320 mm for ships with gross tonnage more
quirements of this chapter. than 10000.

3.14.20 Radar and target information shall 3.14.29 Displays intended for navigation
be clearly distinguishable from the chart in- information presentation shall be multicol-
formation. It shall be possible to remove this oured, except where monochrome displays are
information by navigator's single action. permitted by the Rules.

3.14.21 Information from additional 3.14.30 Multicoloured displays including

sources may be displayed on ECDIS but shall multifunction displays shall provide not less
not substantially degrade, mask or obscure the than 64 colours. Displays of logs, echo sound-
chart information. ers and GNSS receivers may provide for pres-
entation in less number of colours.
3.14.22 Additional information shall be dis-
tinguishable from the chart information. It 3.14.31 Displays mounted in the wheel-
shall be possible to remove this information house shall provide a minimum resolution of
by navigator's single action. 1280  1024. For displays of particular de-
vices, such as log, echo sounder and GNSS
3.14.23 It shall be possible to present in-
formation in any form at the navigator’s op-
tion. In this case it shall be possible for the
navigator to present a composite radar and 1
GOST R IEC 61174:2001 (IEC 61174:2001),
chart display with entering own ship’s data. GOST R IEC 62376:2010 (IEC 62376:2010).
830 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

receivers, it is permitted to use the displays 3.14.39 Text shall be presented with no
with less resolution. distortions.
3.14.32 The display shall support the read- 3.14.40 In case of using a single display for
ing of information simultaneously by at least information from navigation systems and
two navigators, from standing and sitting posi- equipment, alarms and indications presenta-
tions under all lighting conditions in the tion shall be consistent with regard to presen-
wheelhouse. tation of time, reason and source of alarm, as
3.14.33 The presentation of navigation in- well as to current alarm state (e.g. acknowl-
formation shall be consistent with respect to edged, unacknowledged).
the equipment purpose prescribed by its tech- 3.14.41 The colours of alphanumeric char-
nical documentation and to the place of dis- acters, text, symbols and graphical informa-
play installation at the steering station accord- tion presented on the displays shall be con-
ing to 2 of this Part of the Rules. trast against the background under all lighting
3.14.34 Information and functions of con- conditions in the wheelhouse.
trols shall be grouped according to purpose
3.14.42 It shall be possible to adjust the
and approved technical documentation. To
contrast, colour and brightness of the display
outline the priority information, sizes and
as applied to the lighting conditions in the
colour of the image as well as its arrangement
wheelhouse day, night and at twilight. At
on the display shall be used.
night information shall be presented on a dark
3.14.35 The presentation of navigation in- matt background with highlight.
formation shall combine particularly the fol-
lowing data: a parameter, its measurement 3.14.43 The background colour and con-
unit, information purpose and source, validity trast shall not affect colour and legibility of
and integrity of displayed information. the displayed information.

3.14.36 The presentation of information 3.14.44 Symbols used for presentation of

shall be separated into an operational display operational information shall comply with
area (e.g. chart, radar) and one (or more) user international symbols prescribed in the River
dialogue areas (e.g. menus, information data, Register Guidelines Ð.028-2009.
control functions). Symbols used for presentation of chart in-
formation shall comply with symbols stated by
3.14.37 The presentation of alphanumeric
International Hydrographic Organization
data, text, symbols or other graphical infor- (IHO).
mation (e.g. radar image) shall support read-
ability from typical user positions under all 3.14.45 Information may be coded using
ambient light conditions likely to be experi- image colours. In such cases, the colour of
enced in the wheelhouse, and with due con- different groups shall differ from each other.
sideration to the night vision of the officer on
watch. 3.14.46 The red colour shall be used for
coding of alarm and emergency related infor-
3.14.38 Alphanumeric data and text shall mation.
not be presented using italic font. The font
size shall be appropriate for the viewing dis- 3.14.47 Colour coding shall be used in
tance from operating workstations in the combination with changing in size, form and
wheelhouse. orientation of symbols.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 831

T a b l e 3.14.52
Requirements to operational status of displayed information
Visual Audible
Alarm unconfirmed Red flashing Attending
Alarm confirmed Invalid information Red Acknowledged
Critical alarms/warnings, e.g. Yellow Silence or short signal, unless
incomplete information otherwise specified
Normal state Not applicable (if any, green Silence
colour to be used)

3.14.48 For unacknowledged alarms infor- 3.14.55 Provision shall be made for presen-
mation shall be displayed with flashing sym- tation of own ship position data by means of
bols. a scaled conventional symbol or an unscaled
symbol specified in the River Register Guide-
3.14.49 The source, validity and, where lines Ð.028-2009. The size of conventional
possible, the integrity (completeness index) symbol shall be consistent with the scale of
shall be indicated for each type of informa- navigational chart or be equal to 6 mm,
tion. Invalid information shall be appropri- whichever is greater.
ately marked.
3.14.56 The heading line or its displace-
3.14.50 When colour coding is used, in- ment vector, shall originate at the position of
complete information shall be qualitatively the fixed common reference point of own
marked by using yellow, and invalid informa- ship.
tion shall be qualitatively marked by using 3.14.57 The presentation of chart informa-
red. tion published by a duly authorized organiza-
tion (state hydrographic services or other au-
3.14.51 Means shall be provided to imme- thorized organizations) shall comply with the
diately make the navigator aware of a presen- relevant national standards and IHO require-
tation failure.
3.14.52 The operational status of displayed 3.14.58 Presentation of additional chart in-
information shall comply with the require- formation shall comply with 3.14.57. There
ments specified in Table 3.14.52. shall be a clear indication when the presenta-
tion is not in accordance with these require-
3.14.53 Emergency and accident alarms, as ments.
well as event sequence shall be indicated in
the alarm list. It shall be possible to set the 3.14.59 The presentation of navigator-
priority of alarms received from multiple added information shall comply with 3.14.57.
sources. Alarms that have been acknowledged 3.14.60 When data derived from different
shall be deleted from the list of alarms, but
scale charts appear on the display, the bound-
may be retained in an alarm history list. ary of such data shall be indicated.
3.14.54 When a single display is used to 3.14.61 The radar image shall be displayed
present information from multiple navigation using a basic colour (set by the manufacturer)
systems and equipment, provision shall be to provide contrast image. Radar target echoes
made for consistent indication of the time of shall be visible on the electronic navigational
alarm occurrence, the cause of the alarm, the
source of the alarm and the status of the
alarm (e.g. acknowledged, not acknowledged) 1
GOST R IEC 61174:2001 (IEC 61174:2001),
on the display. GOST R IEC 62376:2010 (IEC 62376:2010),
832 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

chart background. The strength of echoes may they shall be the same as for automatic radar
differ by tones of the same basic colour. Pro- target acquisition, if available. Any defined
vision shall be made for changing the basic zones shall be presented graphically on the
colour according to the lighting conditions in display.
the wheelhouse.
3.14.72 Sleeping AIS targets shall be auto-
3.14.62 Target trails shall be distinguishable matically activated when meeting navigator
from true targets and clearly visible under all defined parameters (e.g. target range,
lighting conditions in the wheelhouse. CPA/TCPA or AIS equipment class).
3.14.63 Target information may be pro- 3.14.73 AIS information shall be graphi-
vided by radar tracking and/or by reported cally presented either as activated or as sleep-
target information from the AIS. ing targets. Target symbols shall comply with
the symbols prescribed by the River Register
3.14.64 Tracking radar targets and AIS tar-
Guidelines Ð.028-2009.
gets shall be carried out in compliance with
the requirement to radars as specified in these 3.14.74 Course over ground and speed of
Rules. The presentation of tracked radar and tracked radar targets or AIS targets shall be
AIS targets shall comply with the require- indicated by vectors, which clearly shows the
ments of this Chapter. predicted motion. These vectors shall refer to
the same time intervals for all the targets re-
3.14.65 Interface protocols and format of
radar and AIS target data shall comply with gardless of their source.
national and international standards1. 3.14.75 The presentation of vector symbols
shall be consistent irrespective of the source
3.14.66 There shall be an indication when
of information. The vector presentation mode
the tracked and processed radar and/or AIS
shall permanently indicate: operating mode
target capacity is about to be exceeded.
(true / relative motion), stabilization mode
3.14.67 There shall be alarm signal when (over ground / through water), time interval
the tracked and processed radar and/or AIS corresponding to vector length.
target capacity has been exceeded. 3.14.76 The orientation of the AIS target
3.14.68 Provision shall be made for speci- symbol shall indicate its heading. If the head-
fying criteria to activate/filter the sleeping AIS ing information is not received, the orienta-
targets. These criteria may be as follows: tar- tion of the AIS symbol shall be aligned to the
get range, time and distance to the point of course.
closest approach (DCPA et ÒCPA), class of AIS When the rate of turn and/or the turning
target (À, Â), etc. direction are reported from the AIS, the ma-
noeuvre of an activated AIS target shall be
3.14.69 If sleeping AIS targets are proc- displayed.
essed using such a filtering, constant indica-
tion shall be provided (see 3.14.68). The navi- 3.14.77 A fixed common reference point
gator shall be allowed to set target filtering shall be used for the referencing tracked ra-
criteria. dar/AIS targets and other information on the
same display.
3.14.70 It shall be possible to remove indi-
vidual AIS targets from the display. 3.14.78 On large scale/low range displays,
means to present a scaled outline of an acti-
3.14.71 If zones for the automatic activa- vated AIS target shall be provided.
tion of AIS targets are provided for the radar,
3.14.79 It shall be possible to display the
past track of activated AIS targets.
GOST R IEC 61162-1 (IEC 61162-1),
GOST R IEC 61162-2 (IEC 61162-2), 3.14.80 A target selected for the display of
GOST R IEC 61162-402:2005 (IEC 61162-402:2005). its alphanumeric information shall be identi-
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 833

fied by the relevant symbol prescribed by the or AIS target. In such a case, the target shall
River Register Guidelines Ð.028-2009. If be marked by symbol "Dangerous target".
more than one target is selected, they shall be
3.14.90 If the navigator has defined a radar
target acquisition zone / AIS target activation
3.14.81 When data are presented on the zone, the targets entering this zone and the
display, provision shall be made for indication zone itself shall be indicated with the relevant
of the target status (AIS, radar, combined). symbol prescribed by the River Register
3.14.82 For each tracked radar target se- Guidelines Ð.028-2009, and an alarm shall be
lected by the navigator the following data given.
shall be presented in alphanumeric form: 3.14.91 If an AIS target has been lost, its
source (sources) of data, calculated range of last position shall be clearly marked with a
target, calculated bearing of target, predicted special symbol “Lost target”. The lost target
target range and time to the closest point of alarm shall be given. If the tracking the previ-
approach, true heading of target, true speed of ously lost target is resumed, that symbol shall
target. Additional target information shall be be automatically replaced with a normal one.
provided on request of the navigator. Acknowledgment of alarm shall cause removal
3.14.83 For each selected AIS target, the of "Lost target" symbol from the display.
following data shall be presented in alphanu- There shall be a clear indication whether the
meric form: source of data, ship’s identifica- lost target alarm function for AIS targets is
tion, position and its quality, calculated range enabled or disabled.
of target, calculated bearing of target, pre- 3.14.92 Two target symbols for the same
dicted target range to the closest point of ap- physical target shall never be presented on the
proach, predicted time to the closest point of display. If data on the tracked radar targets
approach, course over ground, speed over and activated AIS targets are same, the acti-
ground, operational state, target heading and vated AIS target symbol and alphanumeric
rate of turn. Additional target information data of this target shall be automatically dis-
shall be provided on request of the navigator. played.
3.14.84 If the received AIS information is The navigator shall have an opportunity to
incomplete, the source of the missing data change conditions of radar and AIS informa-
shall be indicated in the target data field. tion association and to choose target presen-
tation as from radar station data or from AIS
3.14.85 Target data shall be continually
displayed and updated, until another target is
selected for data display or until the target 3.14.93 If the tracked radar target and the
data window is closed. activated AIS target are identified as two dis-
tinct targets (data do not match), such targets
3.14.86 Means shall be provided to present
shall be displayed by different symbols. No
own ship AIS data on request of the naviga-
alarm shall be activated.
3.14.94 The operational status of AIS in-
3.14.87 The alphanumeric displayed data
formation shall be presented in compliance
shall not obscure graphically presented infor-
with the requirements specified in Ta-
ble 3.14.94.
3.14.88 A clear indication of the status of
3.14.95 A trial manoeuvre simulation shall
the alarms and of the alarm criteria shall be
be clearly identified by the relevant symbol
positioned astern of own ship within the op-
3.14.89 If CPA/TCPA is less than that de- erational display area of the screen as pre-
termined by the navigator, provision shall be scribed by the River Register Guidelines
made for indication of dangerous radar target Ð.028-2009.
834 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

T a b l e 3.14.94
Requirements to AIS information presentation
Function AIS operation mode Information presentation
AIS data processing is on
AIS on/off Graphic Alphanumeric or
Off On graphical
Sleeping AIS targets filtering Filter status
Activation of AIS targets — Activation criteria Graphical
Function on/off
DCPA / ÒCPA alarm DCPA / ÒCPA criteria
Alphanumeric or
Sleeping targets are activated
Function on/off
Lost target alarm
Lost target filter criterion
Function on/off
Radar and AIS target association Combined targets criterion Alphanumeric
Default priority of target

3.14.96 Navigation terms and abbreviations T a b l e 3.15.2

shall be used as prescribed in the River Regis- Requirements to automatic generation of alarms
ter Guidelines Ð.028-2009. and indications by Inland ECDIS
Indication type Information
3.15 REQUIREMENTS TO THE Alarm or The largest-scale data use for
ELECTRONIC CHART DISPLAY AND indication alarm generation
INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR INLAND Cross-track error outside the
NAVIGATION (INLAND ECDIS) tolerance set by the navigator
Alarm Crossing the dangerous depth
3.15.1 Inland ECDIS shall be capable of contour
displaying all chart information prepared by Crossing the navigational pass edge
an authorized organization in order to en- Alarm or Crossing a special navigation area
hance navigational safety and to solve naviga- indication
tion tasks. Approach to a reference point
Different geodetic datums
3.15.2 Inland ECDIS shall automatically More than two-fold chart
generate alarms and indications related to overscale
displayed data or equipment failures as speci- Availability of a larger-scale ENC
fied in Table 3.15.2. Different geodetic datums
Indication Planning the route across the safe
3.15.3 For ships with gross tonnage of 1000 depth contour
and more and for ships engaged on interna- Planning the route across a
tional voyages regardless of their gross ton- prohibited area
nage, the size of the chart presented for voy- Loss of ship positioning input
age monitoring shall be not less than
270  270 mm, for ships with gross tonnage
less than 1000, not less than 180  180 mm. .1 position — latitude and longitude in
degrees, minutes, and tenths, hundredths and
3.15.4 The display of Inland ECDIS shall thousandths of a minute and/or in degrees
provide the following: and tenthousandths of a degree;
.1 number of colours — not less than 64; .2 depth — meters and tenths of a meter;
.2 resolution — not less than
.3 height— meters and tenths of a meter;
1280  1024;
.4 range — nautical miles and tenths,
.3 readout distance — not less than 1 m.
hundredths and thousandths of a nautical mile
3.15.5 The following measurement units and/or kilometres and tenths, hundredths and
shall be adopted in the Inland ECDIS: thousandths of a kilometre, or meters;
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 835

.5 speed — knots and tenths of a knot .1 shore line;

and/or kilometres per hour and tenths of a .2 dangerous depth contour for own ship,
kilometre per hour; which shall be determined by the navigator;
.6 time — hours, minutes and seconds; .3 indication of isolated underwater dan-
.7 direction — degrees and tenths of a gers with depth values that are less than depth
degree. of dangerous depth contour;
.4 indication of isolated dangers, includ-
3.15.6 Information displayed on the screen ing bridges, antenna cables, etc. located
shall be visible by at least two observers both within the safe depth area defined by the dan-
by day and by night. It shall be possible to gerous depth contour. Buoys and beacons also
control brightness. Inland ECDIS shall pro- belong to such dangers whether they are used
vide at least two colour sets to display the as aids to navigation or not;
chart and additional information by day and .5 traffic regulation systems (crossing, a
by night. Colour switching and brightness route segment where passing and overtaking
control shall not result in exit from the opera- of convoys and bulky ships are prohibited,
tion mode. one-way route segment, controlled route seg-
3.15.7 Whatever mode is selected, Inland ment, etc.);
ECDIS shall continuously display the follow- .6 units of measurement of height and
ing information: depth;
.1 indicator of ship’s position fixing .7 scale, orientation, and presentation
methods; mode.
.2 current time and date; 3.15.12 Inland ECDIS shall present the
.3 number of displayed ENC or number standard display on the navigator’s request by
of volume and sheet; his\her single action. When a chart is dis-
.4 incoming ship’s position coordinates played for the first time, Inland ECDIS shall
and correction indicator; provide the standard display in the largest
.5 ship’s course and speed over ground scale available in SENC for a navigation area.
coming from a positioning system; The standard display chart data shall include:
.6 heading; .1 display base;
.7 speed; .2 area of depths, including a tidal line;
.3 indication of fixed and floating aids to
.8 depth;
.9 current scale; .4 boundaries of fairways, traffic lanes,
.10 latest update date. etc;
3.15.8 Inland ECDIS shall provide con- .5 visual and radar references;
tinuous direct-to-scale chart display with fill- .6 roads;
ing all operational display area with data from .7 chart scale boundaries;
the available ENC database at any ship’s .8 indication of caution symbol.
speed with screen redrawing time of 5 s max. 3.15.13 Other information which shall be
3.15.9 Inland ECDIS shall display all the displayed on the navigator’s request:
SENC information. .1 depth marks;
.2 submarine cables and pipelines;
3.15.10 SENC information available for .3 ferry routes;
display during route planning and ship voyage .4 details of all isolated dangers;
monitoring shall be divided into the following .5 details of aids to navigation;
categories: display base, standard display, and .6 contents of cautions;
other information. .7 ENC publication date;
3.15.11 The display base chart data shall .8 geodetic datum;
include the following: .9 magnetic variation;
836 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

.10 chart graticule; .5 The following radar picture orientation

.11 locality names. modes shall be provided for:
heading up;
3.15.14 It shall be possible for the navigator north up.
to select a dangerous depth contour from
among depth contours available in SENC. 3.15.21 Possibility of “north up” and
Inland ECDIS shall highlight the dangerous “heading up” orientation of SENC picture
depth contour over other depth contours on shall be provided. Other display modes are
the screen. permitted.

3.15.15 It shall be possible for the navigator 3.15.22 Inland ECDIS shall provide the
to select a dangerous depth. Whenever depth following chart and overlaid object display
marks are selected for display, Inland ECDIS modes:
shall highlight depth marks which are equal to .1 “True motion” when the ship’s symbol
or less than the dangerous depth set by the moves against non-moving chart background
navigator. within the current screen area;
.2 “Relative motion” when the ship’s
3.15.16 ENC information and all update symbol is kept within the centre of the screen
data shall be displayed on the screen with no or an assigned point of the screen area, and
distortions. It shall be possible to check load- the chart with overlaid information moves
ing of ENC data and update information into synchronously with the ship motion.
the SENC database. The “north up” and “heading up” chart
3.15.17 Manual update data and data en- orientation shall be possible for each mode.
tered by the navigator shall be distinguishable 3.15.23 Switching to the next screen area
from other displayed information. display and preparation of this picture shall
3.15.18 Radar and other navigational data take place automatically: within the screen
shall not degrade SENC information contents redraw cycle in the relative motion mode or
and shall be distinguishable from it. when the ship’s symbol approaches the screen
edge at a distance set by the navigator in the
3.15.19 If manual input of data referred to true motion mode.
a datum other than the ENC datum is needed
3.15.24 It shall be possible to manually re-
(manual update, user’s objects), Inland
place the chart being used and change the
ECDIS shall save entered coordinates and
own ship’s position relative to the screen
datum attribute, but it shall display them in
the chart datum.
3.15.25 Inland ECDIS shall be capable of
3.15.20 The displayed radar information
displaying ENC in scales complying with
shall meet the following requirements:
standard navigational chart scales from 1:500
.1 The radar picture and the chart picture to 1:200,000,000.
shall have the same scale and orientation;
.2 The radar picture and the position re- 3.15.26 It shall be possible to increase and
ceived from a position fixing means shall both decrease the standard scales. Here, present
be adjusted automatically for antenna offset and initial scales shall be indicated.
from the ship steering position (radar and 3.15.27 Inland ECDIS shall provide indi-
respective receiver antennas); cation when:
.3 It shall be possible to manually match .1 Information is displayed in a scale ex-
the radar picture to the chart picture; ceeding two-fold ENC scale;
.4 It shall be possible to delete the radar .2 The ship’s position is covered by ENC
picture by navigator's single action; data in a scale larger than the display scale.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 837

3.15.28 ENC data and update representa- 3.15.33 ENC updates shall be stored sepa-
tion shall conform to the national standard1 rately from ENC.
requirements to colours, signs and symbols
3.15.34 Inland ECDIS shall enable auto-
and shall be distinguishable from the following matic and manual input of SENC update
displayed navigational elements and parame- data. By whatever means updates are trans-
ters used in Inland ECDIS:
mitted to Inland ECDIS, its input procedure
.1 own ship symbol: past track with time shall not affect the chart display process.
stamps according to the primary navigation
means; past track with time stamps according 3.15.35 Inland ECDIS shall record all up-
to auxiliary navigation means; date data, including time of inputting them
.2 true vector of heading and speed (over into SENC.
ground); 3.15.36 Inland ECDIS shall allow the
.3 variable range mark and/or electronic navigator to display updates to read their con-
bearing line; tents and to ensure that they have been en-
.4 cursor; tered into SENC.
.5 “Event” symbol: dead reckoned time 3.15.37 It shall be possible for the navigator
and position; estimated time and place; to plan a route and monitor the ship motion.
.6 position coordinates and time;
.7 danger highlighting; 3.15.38 It shall be possible to carry out the
.8 clearing line; preliminary plotting, including straight and
curved route segments displayed in the pre-
.9 reference point;
sent display scale.
.10 travelled distance;
.11 planned heading and speed; 3.15.39 It shall be possible to change the
.12 planned position with date and time; planned route, for example, by:
.13 boundaries of visibility of lights; .1 adding waypoints and reference points;
.14 position and time of turn; .2 deleting waypoints and reference
.15 left and right edges of navigable pass. points;
.3 changing position of waypoints and ref-
3.15.29 SENC information displayed in the erence points;
original ENC scale shall use sizes of symbols, .4 changing sequence of waypoints and
figures and letters specified by the national reference points.
standard mentioned in the footnote to
3.14.24. 3.15.40 It shall be possible to plan a reserve
route together with the primary one. The
3.15.30 Inland ECDIS shall allow the route selected by the navigator shall be distin-
navigator to select whether the own ship is guishable from all other routes.
displayed in a scale of currently used chart or
as a symbol. 3.15.41 If the navigator plots a route
through the dangerous depth contour, Inland
3.15.31 In Inland ECDIS shall use the of- ECDIS shall provide an appropriate indica-
ficial ENC of the latest edition with all issued tion.
updates created by the authorized agency and
complying with the national (international) 3.15.42 If the navigator plots a route
standard2 requirements. through the boundary of a prohibited area of
navigation or a geographical area, in which
3.15.32 It shall be possible to prevent from special conditions of navigation exist as de-
making changes to ENC contents. fined in 3.15.43, Inland ECDIS shall provide
an appropriate indication.
GOST R IEC 61174:2001 (IEC 61174:2001). 3.15.43 Areas for which special conditions
GOST R IEC 61174:2001 (IEC 61174:2001). of navigation exist:
838 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

.1 area of cables; performed by a system whose accuracy is con-

.2 area of aerial crossings; sistent with the safe navigation requirements.
.3 area of pipelines; If the ship design allows for a second inde-
.4 area of anchorage; pendent position fix system, Inland ECDIS
.5 area where anchorage is prohibited; shall be capable of identifying discrepancies in
.6 deepened area (split); position finding between the two sources.
.7 restricted navigation area;
3.15.50 Inland ECDIS shall provide indi-
.8 caution area;
cation if input from any connected position-
.9 prohibited fishing area;
ing system is lost.
.10 fishing area;
.11 prohibited passage and overtaking area. 3.15.51 Inland ECDIS shall generate a
3.15.44 It shall be possible for the navigator warning to inform that the ship will, after a
to set a limit for possible deviation of the ship definite time or distance set by the navigator,
from the planned route, which, when reach a reference point on the planned route.
reached, shall automatically activate the de- 3.15.52 The coordinates received by the
viation signal. navigation equipment and ENC coordinates
3.15.45 When the ship motion is moni- shall be presented in the same geodetic da-
tored, the chart shall display the selected tum. If this requirement is not met, Inland
transit route and the ship’s position. ECDIS shall generate a warning signal.
3.15.46 When the ship motion is moni- 3.15.53 It shall be possible to display a re-
tored, it shall be possible to display any seg- serve route in addition to the selected route.
ment of inland waterway which does not show The selected route shall be distinguishable
the ship’s position (for example, during analy- from the other routes. While navigating, the
sis of a forthcoming transit route segment, navigator shall be enabled of changing the
transit route planning, etc.). If it takes place selected transit route or switching to the re-
on the screen of the display, which is used for serve route.
monitoring the ship motion, automatic moni- 3.15.54 It shall be possible to display:
toring functions (for example, current ship’s .1 time stamps on ship track line applied
position fixing, signal generation and indica- manually or automatically at interval of 1 to
tion) shall not be interrupted. It shall be pos- 120 minutes as specified by the navigator;
sible to switch to the current ship’s position
.2 appropriate number of points, bearing
display mode by navigator's single action.
lines, variable and fixed range rings and other
3.15.47 Inland ECDIS shall generate a symbols required for navigating purposes and
warning signal or indication to inform that in specified in 3.15.28.
a definite time set by the navigator the ship
3.15.55 It shall be possible to input geo-
will cross the dangerous depth contour,
graphical coordinates of any point and display
boundary of prohibited navigation area, geo-
them on demand. It shall be possible to select
graphical area in which special conditions of
any point (mapped objects, symbols or ship’s
navigation exist as defined in 3.15.43, or will
position) on the display screen and read its
reach the navigator-specified distance to the
geographical coordinates on the navigator’s
specified limitations.
3.15.48 If the ship deviation from the
3.15.56 It shall be possible to manually
planned route exceeds the tolerance set by the
correct the ship’s position. Manual correction
navigator, a warning signal with indication of
data shall be displayed alphanumerically on
deviation side shall be generated.
the screen and maintained until altered by the
3.15.49 The displayed ship’s position shall operator and automatically recorded in Inland
be derived from continuous position fixing ECDIS.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 839

3.15.57 When the ship crosses the naviga- 3.15.65 Inland ECDIS shall be interfaced
ble pass edge, Inland ECDIS shall generate a with navigation equipment so as to provide
warning signal. continuous ship positioning, generation of
heading and speed, and input of radar infor-
3.15.58 When generating all signals and in- mation and information of ship’s rate-of-turn
dications about crossing a safety depth con- indicator.
tour and entry into a prohibited area, as well
as signals and indications listed in 3.15.2, 3.15.66 If Inland ECDIS fails, the cor-
Inland ECDIS shall use the navigation area rected set of paper charts shall be used to
charts of the largest scale available in SENC. provide safety of navigation.
3.15.59 Inland ECDIS shall store and be 3.15.67 Inland ECDIS shall provide possi-
capable of replaying the information specified bility of automatic connection to the emer-
in this para and required to reconstruct the gency power source if the normal power
travelled route and verify the official database source fails or is disconnected.
used for last 12 hours of navigation. The fol-
lowing information shall be recorded at inter- 3.16 REQUIREMENTS TO ELECTRONIC
val of 10 sec maximum: CHART DISPLAY AND INFORMATION
.1 past track of own ship: time, position SYSTEM
coordinates, heading and speed; 3.16.1 These performance requirements for
.2 information on official data used: ENC the Electronic Chart Display and Information
source, edition number, publication date, cell System (ECDIS) shall apply to all ECDIS
name and update history. equipment to be installed on all ships of Ì-
ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class, which are cov-
3.15.60 Inland ECDIS shall also record
ered by these Rules, when it is used both at
past track along all transit route with time
the dedicated standalone workstation and at
stamps at interval of 4 h max. Possibility of
the multifunction workstation as a part of the
tampering the recorded information shall be integrated navigational system.
3.16.2 The performance requirements shall
3.15.61 Accuracy of calculations made by
apply to ECDIS operation mode, ECDIS
Inland ECDIS shall not depend on character- operating in the Raster Cart Display System
istics of navigational data sensors and shall
(RCDS) mode and ECDIS redundancy
match SENC accuracy. means.
3.15.62 When displayed, ENC data pro-
3.16.3 The chart data structure, format,
portionality in latitude/longitude shall not
encryption and presentation shall comply with
change. Inland ECDIS shall be fitted with the national standard and IHO requirements1.
means for vertical and horizontal image ad-
justment. The residual error of display in this 3.16.4 In addition to the requirements of
case shall not exceed 3 % of the screen diago- this Chapter, ECDIS shall comply with 3.14
nal size. and the applicable requirements of 6.1
Part VII of the Rules.
3.15.63 The accuracy of reading coordi-
nates shall be not be worse than the electronic 3.16.5 To provide effective safety of naviga-
chart display resolution. tion, ECDIS shall be capable of displaying all
SENC chart information issued and distrib-
3.15.64 Inland ECDIS shall not degrade
uted in the name of the Government of the
technical characteristics of any navigation Russian Federation by the government au-
equipment and radio equipment used as sen- thorized hydrographic offices.
sors. Connection of equipment shall not affect
performance characteristics of Inland ECDIS
specified in this Chapter. 1
GOST R IEC 61174:2001 (IEC 61174:2001).
840 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

3.16.6 ECDIS shall provide possibility of ple means for update verification before this
updating the electronic navigational charts. update is finally applied to the data.
Updates entered manually shall differ from
3.16.7 ECDIS shall provide all actions to
ENC information and its official updates and
be carried out for preliminary and in-route
shall not affect display legibility.
plotting with the ship position displayed.
The ship position shall be displayed con- 3.16.18 ECDIS shall store and display on
tinuously. demand update data (update archive) includ-
ing time of application of update data to
3.16.8 The ECDIS display may also be SENC. These update data shall include up-
used to display the radar, radar tracked target dates for each ENC until it is superseded by a
and AIS information and other appropriate new edition.
data layers to support in-route plotting.
3.16.19 ECDIS shall allow the navigator to
3.16.9 ECDIS shall present the naviga- display updates in order to review their con-
tional information as the paper chart pub- tents and to ascertain that they have been
lished by hydrographic offices authorized by included in SENC.
the Government of the Russian Federation.
3.16.20 ECDIS shall be capable of receiv-
3.16.10 ECDIS shall provide appropriate ing both non-encrypted ENCs and ENCs
alarms or indications with respect to the navi- encrypted in accordance with the IHO Data
gational information displayed or equipment Protection Scheme.
3.16.21 ECDIS shall be capable of display-
3.16.11 ECDIS may operate in the Raster ing all SENC information. Any ECDIS shall
Chart Display System mode. Here, require- be capable of receiving and converting an
ments of 3.16.111 shall be met. ENC and its updates into a SENC.
ECDIS may also be capable of receiving a
3.16.12 The chart information to be used in
SENC resulting from conversion of ENC to
ECDIS shall be of the latest edition, as cor-
SENC ashore in accordance with IHO re-
rected with official updates and issued by the
Government of the Russian Federation or by
government authorized hydrographic office or 3.16.22 SENC information available for
other relevant government institution. display during preliminary and in-route plot-
ting shall be subdivided into the following
3.16.13 The SENC contents shall be ade-
three categories:
quate and up-to-date for all ship route. display base;
3.16.14 It shall not be possible to tamper standard display;
the information contents of ENC or SENC all other (additional) information.
transformed from ENC. 3.16.23 The display base which is perma-
3.16.15 Updates shall be stored separately nently shown on the ECDIS display shall
from ENC. consist of:
.1 coast line (at high water);
3.16.16 ECDIS shall be capable of receiv- .2 dangerous depth contour selected by
ing official updates to the ENC data. These the navigator for own ship;
updates shall be automatically applied to .3 isolated underwater dangers of depths
SENC. By whatever means updates are re- less than the dangerous depth contour se-
ceived, the application (entering) procedure lected by the navigator for own ship which lie
shall not interfere with displaying the chart within the safe waters limited by the danger-
currently in use. ous depth contour;
3.16.17 ECDIS shall provide possibility of .4 isolated surface dangers which lie
entering updates to ENC manually with sim- within the safe water limited by the dangerous
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 841

depth contour, such as fixed structures, over- 3.16.29 For any navigator selected geo-
head communication and power lines, etc; graphical position (e.g. under the cursor)
.5 digital and linear scales and north ar- ECDIS shall display on demand the informa-
row; tion on the chart objects associated with this
.6 units of depth and height; position.
.7 display mode.
3.16.30 It shall be possible to change the
3.16.24 The initial standard ECDIS display display scale in steps, e.g. by changing the
shall consist of: chart scale or by changing the range scale in
.1 display base; nautical miles.
.2 tidal line;
.3 buoys, beacons, and other sea aids to 3.16.31 It shall be possible for the navigator
navigation and fixed structures; to select a dangerous contour from the depth
.4 boundaries of fairways, channels, etc; contours available in SENC. ECDIS shall
.5 visual and radar prominent features; highlight the dangerous depth contour among
.6 prohibited and restricted areas of navi- other contours on the display, however:
gation; .1 If the navigator does not specify a dan-
.7 chart scale boundaries; gerous depth contour, it shall be set at 30 m
.8 chart warnings; by default.
.9 ship traffic separation schemes and If the dangerous depth contour specified
ferry routes; by the navigator or that set at 30 m by default
.10 archipelagic sea lanes. is not available in the SENC database, then
the dangerous depth contour displayed by
3.16.25 All additional information which default shall be the nearest and deepest con-
can be displayed the ECDIS display on the tour;
request of the navigator includes the follow- .2 If the dangerous depth contour in use
ing: becomes unsuitable due to a change in source
.1 individual depth marks;
data, the default dangerous depth contour
.2 position of submarine cables and pipe-
shall be set as per the nearest and deepest
lines; contour;
.3 details of all isolated dangers;
.3 In any of the above cases, the danger-
.4 details of all aids to navigation;
ous depth contour indication shall be pro-
.5 contents of cautionary notes;
.6 ENC publication date;
.7 most recent chart update number; 3.16.32 It shall be possible for the navigator
.8 magnetic variation; to select a dangerous depth. ECDIS shall
.9 chart graticule; highlight depths equal to or less than the dan-
.10 object names. gerous depth whenever individual depths are
selected for display.
3.16.26 ECDIS shall present the standard
display by a single navigator action. 3.16.33 ENC and all updates to it shall be
displayed without any degradation of their
3.16.27 When ECDIS is switched on just
information content.
after it is switched off or power fails, it shall
return to the most recent information display 3.16.34 ECDIS shall provide means to en-
selected manually. sure that ENC data and all updates to them
have been correctly loaded into SENC data-
3.16.28 It shall be possible to add or re-
move information to/from the ECDIS display
by navigator's single action. It shall not be 3.16.35 ENC data and updates to them
possible to remove information contained in shall be clearly distinguishable from other
the display base. displayed information listed below:
842 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

.1 own ship: information and it shall be clearly distinguish-

past track with time stamps for primary able from the SENC information.
route; 3.16.38 It shall be possible to remove the
past track with time stamps for secondary radar information, AIS information and other
route; navigational information by navigator's single
.2 vector for heading and speed over action.
3.16.39 ECDIS and added navigational in-
.3 variable range marker and/or EBL;
formation shall use the same datum. If this is
.4 cursor;
not the case, an indication shall be provided.
.5 event:
dead reckoned position with time stamp 3.16.40 A radar picture and/or tracked tar-
expected position with time stamp; get information may be included in the con-
verted radar information.
.6 fixed position with time stamp;
.7 position line with time stamp; 3.16.41 If the radar picture is added to the
.8 displaced position line with time stamp: ECDIS display, the radar picture and the
predicted tidal stream or current vector chart shall match in scale, projection and
with velocity and time orientation.
measured tidal stream or current vector 3.16.42 The radar picture and the position
with velocity and time; from the position sensor shall be adjusted
.9 danger which special attention shall be automatically for antenna offset from the ship
paid to (danger highlight); steering position.
.10 clearing line (a line passing clear off
3.16.43 It shall always be possible to dis-
navigational dangers);
play SENC in the “north up” orientation.
.11 planned course and speed to destina-
Other orientations are permitted (e.g. a
tion point;
“heading up” orientation).
.12 waypoint;
When such orientations are displayed, the
.13 distance along planned course; orientation shall be altered in steps large
.14 waypoint with planned date and time enough to avoid blurred display of the chart
of arrival; information.
.15 arc of visibility of lights for defined
height of navigator’s eyes; 3.16.44 ECDIS shall provide for the true
.16 position and time of rudder shifting motion mode (the ship’s symbol moves
for manoeuvring. against non-moving chart background). Other
motion modes are permitted.
3.16.36 ECDIS shall provide indication
when: 3.16.45 When the true motion mode is in
.1 the information is displayed in a larger use, transition to and generation of the next
chart picture area shall take place automati-
scale than that contained in ENC;
cally when the own ship’s symbol approaches
.2 own ship position is overlapped by an
the ECDIS display edge at a distance speci-
ENC of a larger scale than that currently pro-
fied by the navigator.
vided by the display.
3.16.46 It shall be possible to manually
3.16.37 Radar information and/or general-
change the displayed chart area and the posi-
purpose AIS information may be overlaid
tion of own ship relative to the ECDIS dis-
onto the ECDIS display from systems com-
play edge.
pliant with the relevant requirements of the
Rules. Other navigational information may 3.16.47 If the area covered by the ECDIS
also be added to the ECDIS display. How- display includes waters for which no ENC in
ever, it shall not degrade the displayed SENC a scale appropriate for navigation is available,
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 843

the areas representing those waters shall have tion, as well as for alarms and indications
a reference for the navigator to the paper according to Table 3.16.87.
chart or to the RCDS operation mode. 3.16.59 It shall be possible to carry out
3.16.48 The IHO recommended colours preliminary plotting including both straight
and symbols shall be used to represent SENC and curved route segments.
information. 3.16.60 It shall be possible to correct pre-
3.16.49 The colours and symbols other liminary plotting alphanumerically and
than those mentioned in 3.16.48, shall comply graphically, including:
with the requirements specified in 3.14. .1 adding waypoints;
.2 deleting waypoints;
3.16.50 SENC information displayed in a
.3 changing a waypoint position.
scale specified in the original ENC shall use
the specified sizes of symbols, figures and 3.16.61 It shall be possible to preliminarily
letters recommended by IHO. plot one or more alternative routes in addition
3.16.51 ECDIS shall allow the navigator to to the primary one. The primary route shall
be clearly distinguishable from the other
select whether the own ship is displayed in a
scale of currently used chart or as a symbol. routes.

3.16.52 ECDIS shall be capable of display- 3.16.62 An indication shall be provided if

ing information required for: the navigator plots a course across the own
.1 preliminary plotting and supplementary ship’s dangerous depth contour.
navigation tasks; 3.16.63 An indication shall be given if the
.2 in-route plotting. navigator plans a route closer than a navigator
3.16.53 The effective size of the chart dis- specified distance from the boundaries of a
prohibited area of navigation or a geographic
played for in-route plotting shall be at least
area for which special conditions exist. The
270  270 mm.
indication shall also be given if the navigator
3.16.54 The chart display shall be capable plots a course closer than a navigator-
of meeting colour and resolution recommen- specified distance from a point object, such as
dations of IHO. a fixed or floating aid to navigation or isolated
3.16.55 The method of presentation shall
Special navigation condition areas are the
ensure that the displayed information is
clearly visible to more than one navigator
traffic separation zones;
under light conditions normally experienced
inshore navigation zones;
in the wheelhouse by day and by night.
restricted areas of navigation;
3.16.56 If information categories included caution areas;
in the standard display are removed by the offshore production areas;
navigator, this shall be permanently indicated. areas to be avoided;
The information categories removed from the navigator defined areas to be avoided;
standard display shall be restored on the navi- military practice areas;
gator's request. seaplane landing areas;
3.16.57 It shall be possible to carry out submarine transit areas;
preliminary and in-route course plotting. anchorage areas;
marine farms/aquacultures;
3.16.58 The largest scale chart data avail-
particularly sensitive sea areas.
able in SENC for the area given shall always
be used by ECDIS for all alarms or indica- 3.16.64 It shall be possible for the navigator
tions of crossing the dangerous depth contour during preliminary plotting to specify a cross
and of entering a prohibited area of naviga- track limit of deviation from the planned
844 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

route at which an automatic off-track alarm 3.16.72 ECDIS shall provide an alarm
shall be activated. when the input from position, heading or
speed sources is lost. ECDIS shall also repeat,
3.16.65 When in-route plotting is carried but only as indication, any alarm or indica-
out, the selected transit route and the own tion given to it from position, heading or
ship’s position shall appear whenever the speed sources.
chart display covers that area.
3.16.73 An alarm shall be given by ECDIS
3.16.66 When in-route plotting is carried when the ship reaches a specified time or dis-
out, it shall be possible to display sea areas tance set by the navigator.
that do not cover the ship's position (e.g. for
viewing the areas located ahead to improve 3.16.74 The positioning system and SENC
preliminary plotting). If this is done on the shall use the same geodetic datum. If this is
display used for in-route plotting, the auto- not the case, ECDIS shall give an alarm.
matic in-route plotting functions (e.g. updat- 3.16.75 It shall be possible to display the
ing the ship’s position and generating alarms primary route and the secondary routes simul-
and indications) shall not be interrupted. It taneously on the chart display. The primary
shall be possible to return to the area display route shall be clearly distinguishable from the
covering the own ship’s position immediately other routes. It shall be possible for the navi-
by navigator's single action. gator to modify the primary route or change it
to an alternative route.
3.16.67 ECDIS shall give an alarm if,
within the navigator specified time, the own 3.16.76 It shall be possible to display:
ship will cross the dangerous depth contour. .1 time stamps along the plotted ship’s
route that are set manually and automatically
3.16.68 ECDIS shall give an alarm or indi- at intervals selected between 1 and
cation, as selected by the navigator, if, within 120 minutes;
the navigator specified time, the own ship will
.2 adequate number of points, free mov-
cross the boundary of a prohibited area or of
able electronic bearing lines, variable and
a geographical area for which special condi-
fixed range markers and other symbols re-
tions exist.
quired for navigation purposes and specified
3.16.69 An alarm shall be given when the in 3.16.35.
navigator specified cross track error limit is 3.16.77 It shall be possible to enter the
exceeded. geographical coordinates of any position into
3.16.70 An indication shall be given, if, the system and then display that position on
continuing on her present course and speed, demand. In addition, it shall be possible to
the own ship will pass closer than the naviga- select any point (feature, symbol or position)
tor-specified distance from a danger (e.g. ob- on the chart display and read its geographical
struction, wreck, or rock) that is shallower coordinates on demand.
than the safe depth contour or from an aid to 3.16.78 It shall be possible to set the dis-
navigation. played position of the ship manually. This
manual setting of coordinates shall be noted
3.16.71 The displayed ship’s position shall
alphanumerically on the screen and main-
be derived from continuous position fixing
tained until altered by the navigator and
performed by a system whose accuracy is con-
automatically stored in the memory.
sistent with the safe navigation requirements.
If the ship design allows for a second inde- 3.16.79 ECDIS shall provide the capability
pendent position fix system, ECDIS shall be to manually enter and plot obtained bearing
capable of identifying discrepancies in posi- and distance lines of position (LOP), and
tion finding between the two sources. calculate the resulting own ship's position. It
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 845

shall be possible to use the resulting position 3.16.86 ECDIS shall be provided with
as an origin for dead reckoning. means for automatic or manual onboard tests
3.16.80 When in-route plotting is carried of its major functions. In case of a failure, the
out, ECDIS shall indicate discrepancies be- test shall display information to indicate a
tween the position received from continuous failed unit (module).
positioning systems and position obtained by 3.16.87 When ECDIS fails or the displayed
manual position fixing. information is distorted, it shall provide a
3.16.81 ECDIS shall store and be capable suitable alarm or indication as required in
of replaying this information required to re- Table 3.16.87.
construct the passed route and verify the offi-
cial database used during the previous 3.16.88 ECDIS shall not degrade perform-
12 hours of navigation. The following infor- ance of any equipment being a source of in-
mation shall be recorded at maximum inter- put data. Nor shall connection of optional
vals of one minute: equipment degrade the performance of
ECDIS regarding the requirements of this
.1 own ship’s time, position, heading and
.2 ENC source by which plotting has 3.16.89 ECDIS shall be connected to the
been performed, publisher name, publication ship’s position fixing system, to the gyro
date, chart tiles displayed, and update list. compass and to the speed and travelled dis-
In addition, ECDIS shall record the com- tance measuring device. For the ships not
plete track for the entire voyage with the time fitted with the gyro compass, ECDIS shall be
stamps at intervals not exceeding 4 hours. connected to a remote heading transmitting
It shall not be possible to tamper the re- device.
corded information.
3.16.90 ECDIS may provide SENC infor-
3.16.82 ECDIS shall have a capability to mation to external equipment.
protect the recorded data of the previous
12 hours and the track over the entire voyage. 3.16.91 ECDIS and all equipment neces-
3.16.83 The accuracy of all calculations sary for its normal functioning shall be sup-
plied with electrical power from the main and
performed by ECDIS shall be consistent with
the SENC accuracy and shall be independent emergency sources.
of characteristics of devices which output data 3.16.92 Changing from one power supply
to ECDIS. source to another or any power interruption
3.16.84 The accuracy of bearings and for a period of up to 45 seconds shall not re-
ranges drawn on the display or those meas- quire the system to be manually restarted.
ured between objects already drawn on the
3.16.93 Adequate redundant means shall be
display shall not be less than the display reso-
provided to ensure safe navigation in case of
ECDIS failure. Such means shall provide the
3.16.85 ECDIS shall be capable of per- following functions:
forming and presenting the results of at least .1 enabling a safe take-over of ECDIS
the following calculations: functions so that ECDIS failure does not lead
.1 true bearing and distance between two to a critical situation;
geographical coordinates; .2 providing safe navigation for the re-
.2 geographical coordinates of a position maining part of the voyage after ECDIS fail-
from distance / bearing of a known position; ure and providing changeover to the redun-
.3 geodetic calculations such as spheroidal dant system in critical situation without loss
distance, rhumb line and great circle. of navigational chart information.
846 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

T a b l e 3.16.87
ECDIS alarm and indication requirements
Para of
Part VIII of Requirement Information
the Rules
3.16.67 Alarm Crossing the dangerous depth contour*
3.16.68 Alarm or indication Area with special navigation conditions
3.16.69 Deviation from route
3.16.72 Positioning system failure
3.16.73 Approach to predetermined position
3.16.74 Different geodetic datum
3.16.87 Alarm or indication ECDIS failure Default dangerous depth contour** Scale larger than that available in ENC ENC of larger scale is available
3.16.38 Different geodetic datum
3.16.47 No ENC
3.16.56 Information categories removed from the standard display
3.16.62 Preplotted course crosses the dangerous depth contour
3.16.63 Preplotted course crosses the specified area
3.16.67 Alarm The ship crosses the dangerous depth contour
3.16.70 In the in-route plotting mode, the ship will cross the
Indication dangerous area
3.16.86 Test shows the system fault
* Emergency alarm or warning alarm system is provided to warn of an insistent state with sound means
or sound and visual means.
** Visual indication shall be provided to give information on the system or equipment state.

3.16.94 The redundant means shall display .4 displaying the time stamps on the
in graphical (chart) form the relevant infor- ship’s track;
mation on the hydrographic and geographic .5 plotting an adequate number of points,
environment which is necessary for safe navi- bearing lines, range markers, etc. on the
gation. chart.
3.16.95 The redundant means shall enable 3.16.97 If the redundant means is an elec-
the preliminary plotting functions to be per- tronic device, it shall be capable of represent-
formed, including: ing on its chart display the information
.1 transferring the planned route originally equivalent to the standard display complying
performed on ECDIS; with the requirements of this Chapter.
.2 correcting the planned route manually
or transferring it from the plotter. 3.16.98 The chart information to be used
in the redundant means shall be of the latest
3.16.96 The redundant means shall enable edition and as corrected by official updates
a takeover of in-route plotting originally per- shall be issued by the Government of the
formed by ECDIS and provide the following Russian Federation or authorized hydro-
functions: graphic office or other relevant government
.1 plotting the own ship’s position auto- institution in the name of the Government of
matically or manually on the chart; the Russian Federation. The chart informa-
.2 taking courses, distances and bearings tion shall meet IHO requirements.
from the chart; It shall not be possible to tamper ENC
.3 displaying the planned route; contents.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 847

The chart or chart data publisher and pub- .2 Effective size of the chart displayed
lication date shall be indicated. shall be at least 250  250 mm or 250 mm in
3.16.99 The chart information displayed by diameter.
the ECDIS redundant means shall be up-to- 3.16.108 If an electronic device is used:
date for the entire voyage. .1 The redundant means power supply
3.16.100 If an electronic redundant device shall be separate from ECDIS;
is used, it shall provide indication when: .2 Power sources shall comply with the
.1 Information is displayed in a larger performance requirements for ECDIS in this
scale than that contained in the database; Chapter.
.2 Own ship’s position is overlapped with
3.16.109 If an electronic device is used in
a chart of a larger scale than that currently
the redundant mean, it shall:
used in the system.
.1 be connected to systems providing con-
3.16.101 If radar and other navigational in- tinuous position fixing capability;
formation is added to the electronic redun- .2 not generate interference and distor-
dant display, all the corresponding perform- tions for any equipment providing input data
ance requirements of this Chapter shall be from navigational sensors.
If an electronic redundant device is used, 3.16.110 If radar picture overlay on a part
the display mode and the next screen area of ENC chart information is used as an re-
display shall be in accordance with 3.16.43 dundant element, the radar shall comply with
to 3.16.47. the requirements of 3.2.
3.16.102 The redundant means shall be 3.16.111 If ECDIS is used for displaying
able to keep a record of the ship’s actual raster navigation charts, the additional re-
track, including positions and corresponding quirements of this Chapter shall be met ex-
time stamps. cept for 3.16.20, 3.16.22, 3.16.29 – 3.16.32,
3.16.50, 3.16.54, 3.16.56, 3.16.58, 3.16.62,
3.16.103 The redundant means shall keep 3.16.63, 3.16.67, 3.16.68 and 3.16.70:
operating under all environmental conditions .1 When operating in RCDS mode, an
while the ship is in operation. appropriate set of up-to-date paper charts
3.16.104 Accuracy of all calculations shall shall be carried on board and be readily avail-
meet the requirements of 3.16.86 to 3.16.88. able to the navigator.
This set of charts shall be in scale provid-
3.16.105 If an electronic device is used in
ing features of topography, depth, naviga-
the redundant means, it shall provide a suit-
tional dangers, aids to navigation, plotted
able alarm or indication of system malfunc-
routes, and determined travel lines in order to
provide the navigator with information on
3.16.106 If an electronic device is used in general navigation circumstances.
the redundant means, it shall be designed in The appropriate set of paper charts shall
accordance with the ergonomic principles1 provide adequate look-ahead capability;
relevant for ECDIS. .2 The raster navigational charts (RNC)
3.16.107 If an electronic device is used in used in RCDS shall be of the latest edition
the redundant means: originated and published by the Government
of the Russian Federation or by the govern-
.1 Its colours and symbols shall be in ac-
ment authorized hydrographic office. RNCs
cordance with ECDIS colours and symbols
not based on the World Geodetic System
1984 (WGS-84) or ÐZ-90 shall contain addi-
tional data, which make it possible to correct
GOST 20.39.108. fixed position coordinates in order to properly
848 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

combine them with data of system RNC vate alarm. These features displayed shall not
(SRNC); degrade SRNC information and shall be
.3 SRNC contents shall be up-to-date for clearly distinguishable from SRNC informa-
that part of the intended voyage not covered tion;
by ENC; .13 While in-route plotting is carried out,
.4 It shall not be possible to tamper RNC it shall be possible to display other areas that
contents; do not cover the ship position on the chart
.5 RCDS shall be capable of displaying all display (e.g. for looking ahead). If these ac-
SRNC information; tions take place on the display used for in-
.6 SRNC information available for display route plotting, the automatic final plotting as
during preliminary plotting and in-route plot- per 3.16.66 shall be continuous. It shall be
ting shall be subdivided into two categories: possible to return to the area display covering
RCDS standard display consisting of the own ship’s position immediately by navi-
RNC and its updates, including chart scale, gator's single action;
chart display scale, geodetic datum, and units .14 RCDS shall present only fixed coor-
of depth and height dinates referenced to WGS-84 or PZ-90 geo-
any other information such as the naviga- detic datum. RCDS shall output a warning if
tor's notes; coordinates are not referenced to one of these
.7 It shall be easy to add to or to remove data. If the displayed RNC cannot be refer-
any information additional to RNC data such enced to WGS-84 or PZ-90 geodetic datum,
as navigator’s notes and RCDS display notes. then the respective continuous indication shall
It shall not be possible to delete any informa- be provided;
tion from RNC; .15 RCDS shall allow the navigator to
.8 There shall always be an indication for manually match SRNC with the ship position
ECDS equipment operating in RCDS mode; data;
.9 It shall always be possible to display .16 It shall be possible to activate an
SRNC in usual “north up” orientation. Other alarm when the ship approaches a point, line
orientations are permitted; or boundary of an area selected by the naviga-
.10 IHO recommended colours and sym- tor within a specified time or distance;
bols shall be used to represent SRNC infor- .17 RCDS shall be capable of transform-
mation; ing a local chart geodetic datum to WGS-84
.11 RCDS shall be capable of displaying geodetic datum and vice versa;
the chart notes which are not located on the .18 RCDS shall provide a suitable alarm
portion of the chart currently being displayed; or indication with regard to represented in-
.12 It shall be possible for the navigator to formation or equipment malfunction as re-
enter points, lines and areas, which will acti- quired in Table 3.16.111.
T a b l e 3.16.111
RCDS alarm and indication requirements
Para of Part VIII of the Rules Requirement Information
3.16.69 Deviation from route Approach to predetermined position, line, area or
Alarm navigator-specified segment
3.16.72 Positioning system failure
3.16.73 Approach to predetermined position
3.16.74 Different geodetic datum
Alarm or indication
3.16.87 RCDS mode failure ECDIS operation in RCDS mode Indication Information does not match the scale RNC of a larger scale is available for the ship position area
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 849

3.17 REQUIREMENTS TO SHIP TRACK .2 all the conditions of 3.17.9 are met.
3.17.7 The system shall provide possibility
3.17.1 The ship’s track control system in of automatic transition from one straight-line
combination with the sensors providing in- route segment to another by turning based on
formation on ship’s coordinates, speed, head- the given turning radius or radius calculated
ing and/or rate of turn shall, with steering from ship’s rate of turn and linear speed.
capabilities taken into account, automatically
3.17.8 The ship’s track control system shall
keep the ship on the planned motion path
be adjustable (manually or automatically) to
over ground at different environmental condi-
ship steering capabilities changing as speed
tions and ship speed from steerable minimum
and loading conditions, as well as waterway
to 50 km/h and at ship’s rate of turn of 10°/s
and weather conditions change.
Here, the ship control quality shall not be 3.17.9 The system shall enable the naviga-
worse than that of manual control using the tor of the watch to automatically control the
standard navigational aids on inland track only if the ship’s position, difference
waterways. between course over ground and actual head-
3.17.2 Global navigation satellite position- ing, and manoeuvring performance of the ship
ing systems GLONASS/GPS and enable safe manoeuvring to the planned mo-
DGLONASS/DGPS shall be the main system tion path.
for ship’s position fixing in the ship’s track 3.17.10 The ship’s position with reference
control system. to the planned motion path shall be continu-
3.17.3 The ship’s track control system may ously monitored by another independent posi-
be operated in the ship's heading control tioning system (device). This monitor may be
mode. In this case, it shall comply with the not a component of the track control system.
requirements imposed on the ship's heading In case of normal visibility (more than 1 km),
control system. the ship’s position can be monitored by visual
orientation using the coastal and floating aids
3.17.4 The ship’s track control system shall to navigation, and in case of limited visibility,
provide automatic control of ship motion to by visual orientation using the radar picture.
the specified waypoint or through the speci-
fied sequence of waypoints with the navigator- 3.17.11 The system shall enable the naviga-
specified deviation from the track line. tor on the watch to quickly enter the lateral
deviation from the planned track in excess of
3.17.5 The memory size shall be enough to 200 m to the right and to the left from the
store the navigation route database containing ship steering station. The signal of lateral de-
not less than 1000 waypoints. The database viation shall be active until the ship returns to
can be implemented either directly in the the planned track.
ship’s track control system memory or pro-
grammatically in the GNSS receiving equip- 3.17.12 When the ship moves along the
ment or by means of electronic navigational navigation route, a warning signal shall be
information and chart system. provided at least one minute prior to change
in heading and at the beginning of turn.
3.17.6 The database (route) shall be
agreed/approved by the authorized transport 3.17.13 The ship’s track control system
authority. shall be fitted with a device which makes it
It shall not be possible to change the se- possible for the navigator of the watch to ac-
quence of waypoints of the given navigation knowledge the heading change in the turning
route entered into the system until: point. Lack of acknowledgement shall not
.1 planning of a new navigation route is affect automatic planned track keeping. An
completed and approved; alarm shall be given if turning point approach
850 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

warning is not acknowledged within 30 s from .2 alarm if warning of no data from posi-
its output time. tioning and rate-of-turn/heading indication
systems or failure of these systems is not ac-
3.17.14 If the actual heading change signal
knowledged by the navigator within 15 s.
is not acknowledged by the navigator of the
watch within 15 seconds after the beginning of It shall not be possible for the system to
turn, an alarm signal shall be given to the use information from faulty sensors.
watch below navigator to call him urgently to 3.17.21 The system shall output an alarm
the wheelhouse. in the following cases:
3.17.15 It shall be possible to switch from .1 deviation from ship track line and rate
the ship’s track control mode to the manual of turn exceeded preset values;
control at any rudder position and under any .2 ship’s speed through water decreased to
conditions, including the ship track control a value which does not provide normal steer-
system failure, using one control and single ing capabilities.
action in time not exceeding 3 s.
Return to automatic ship’s track control 3.17.22 The track control system shall be
shall take place only if requirement of 3.17.9 capable of calculating a heading between sub-
is met. sequent preset waypoints and radius or rate of
turn. In doing so, the system shall consider all
3.17.16 Manual switching from the track limitations determined by the planned track of
control mode to the heading control mode (if motion, condition of alarm and warning acti-
such mode is provided for in the technical vation, and other ship control parameters.
documentation) shall be possible with one
control and single action in time not exceed- 3.17.23 The system control panel shall
ing 3 s. continuously display the following informa-
The heading control system shall accept tion:
actual ship motion parameters at the moment .1 ship steering mode;
of switching as preset ones. .2 technical condition of ship’s position,
Reverse change-over to automatic track heading, speed and rate of turn sensors;
control shall be possible only if requirement .3 course over ground, coordinates, speed,
of 3.17.9 is met. present heading and/or rate of turn and de-
3.17.17 The system control panel shall pro- viation from track line;
vide indication of active ship control mode. .4 closest and next to it waypoints;
3.17.18 A device shall be provided to .5 time and distance to closet waypoint on
monitor actual heading value using an inde- route;
pendent heading sensor. This monitor may be .6 calculated heading of the next leg;
not a component of the ship track control .7 reference designation of preset route.
system. Information mentioned in,
3.17.19 In case of loss or drop of voltage, and shall be
applied to the track control system which can displayed in digital form.
affect its operational safety, an alarm shall be 3.17.24 It shall be possible to display the
given. following information on demand:
3.17.20 The ship track control system shall .1 list of navigation route waypoints, in-
provide: cluding their numbers, coordinates, headings
.1 warning (with acknowledgement func- and distances between them, and calculated
tion) in case of no data provided from posi- radiuses of turns or rates of turns;
tioning and rate-of-turn/heading indication .2 preset limitations of ship’s track control
systems or failure of these systems; mode and other control parameters.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 851

Here, functionally related quantities (preset signed to the maritime mobile service and
and actual ones, etc.) shall be displayed to- operation in the selected channel;
gether. .3 at least one TDMA transmitter, two
TDMA receivers and one digital selective call
3.17.25 All external communications of the
receiver (DSC) set up on VHF channel 70 of
track control system with other ship naviga-
maritime mobile service;
tional systems shall implemented in digital
.4 means for data processing from radio-
form according to the requirements of na-
navigation system which enables resolution up
tional and international standards1.
to 0.0001 minute in WGS-84 datum;
3.17.26 All controls and indicators of the .5 means for automatic input of data from
ship track control system shall have illumina- dynamic information sensors;
tion so as to use the system at any time. Col- .6 means for manual input, retrieval and
ours for light signalling shall comply with the display of information (minimum display);
requirements of 6.1.16 Part VI of the Rules. It .7 means for checking transmitted and re-
shall be possible to control brightness of all ceived data;
indicators. .8 means for built-in operability testing;
.9 built-in GNSS receiver enabling UTC
3.18 REQUIREMENTS TO SHIPBOARD synchronisation.
EQUIPMENT 3.18.3 The shipboard equipment shall pro-
3.18.1 The shipboard AIS equipment shall .1 continuous automatic transfer of in-
provide data exchange in the following oper- formation to coastal and shipboard AISs;
ating modes: .2 reception and processing of data from
.1 mode of continuous independent self- coastal services and other ships;
organizing intership exchange of static (ship .3 transfer of messages in reply to high-
data) and dynamic (coordinates and motion priority or safety-related requests with mini-
parameters) information; mum delay prescribed by the technical docu-
.2 mode of automatic transfer of static mentation;
and dynamic information with transfer perio- .4 transfer of information on ship ma-
dicity assigned by coastal ship traffic control noeuvres and coordinates. Data refresh fre-
services and at assigned time intervals; quency shall comply with 3.18.7 to provide
.3 mode of automatic transfer of informa- safe ship tracking by coastal services;
tion on ship by request of coastal services and .5 automatic activation of built-in GNSS
other ships (ship call sign and name, ship receiver in case of failure of main positioning
coordinates, presence of dangerous cargo, source and output of respective indication of
etc.). built-in operability check means.
3.18.2 The shipboard AIS equipment shall 3.18.4 The shipboard AIS equipment shall
be composed of: use the Maritime Mobile Service Identity
.1 communication processor capable of (MMSI).
operating in switching mode in short-range
radio communication (VHF) and long-range 3.18.5 The AIS equipment shall operate at
radio communication systems; VHF frequencies of maritime mobile service
.2 a device for automatic selection of a (156.025 to 162.025 MHz) with inter-channel
frequency channel in the frequency band as- frequency separation of 25 kHz and 12.5 kHz.
After switched on, the shipboard AIS
equipment shall operate by default on
GOST R IEC 61162-1 (IEC 61162-1), two international simplex channels:
GOST R IEC 61162-2 (IEC 61162-2), AIS-1 = 161.975 MHz (channel 2087) and
GOST R IEC 61162-402:2005 (IEC 61162-402:2005). AIS-2 = 162.025 MHz (channel 2088).
852 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

It shall be possible for the AIS equipment T a b l e

to change over to other channels by one of Dynamic information transmission intervals
three methods: Ship motion Ship’s speed (kt) Transmissio
mode and heading n interval
.1 manual changeover;
At anchor or max. 3 3 min.
.2 automatic changeover at commands underway over 3 10 s
from a coastal station in TDMA format; Underway 0 to 14 10 s
.3 automatic changeover at commands 0 to 14, variable 3.3 s
from a coastal station in DSC format. 14 to 23 6s
14 to 23, variable 2s
3.18.6 The shipboard AIS equipment shall over 23 2s
transmit and receive the following informa- more than 23, variable 2s
.1 static information: .3 for flight information, every 6 minutes,
in case of change of voyage data and on de-
IMO ship number;
ship call signal and name; .4 for safety information, when required.
ship length and breadth; The shipboard AIS equipment shall be ca-
type of ship; pable of processing up to 4500 messages per
location of radio-navigation system re- minute when operated in two channels.
ceiver antenna (bow or stern and starboard or
3.18.8 Protection from inadvertent change
port with reference to ship’s centreline);
of received and transmitted information shall
.2 dynamic information: be provided.
ship’s position with indication of meas-
urement accuracy and integrity; 3.18.9 The shipboard AIS equipment shall
universal coordinated time; be ready for operation in at most 2 minutes
course over ground; after switched on. This requirement does
speed over ground; not apply to GNSS receiver warm-up time.
true heading;
3.18.10 The AIS equipment inactivity time
ship’s rate of turn; shall be automatically recorded in the non-
ship navigation condition: ship underway, volatile memory.
at anchor, etc. by manual input;
additional information: 3.18.11 Minimum display requirements:
heel angle, roll and pitch (if any); .1 The display shall have at least 3 lines of
.3 voyage information: data with 16 characters in each line which
ship’s draught; shall display at least the ship name, bearing
and distance;
presence of dangerous cargo and its type
(on request of authorities); .2 Bearing and range information shall
not be indicated on horizontal displays;
port of destination and expected arrival
time; .3 The displayed information shall be
visually accessible (picture illumination shall
.4 safety information.
be provided);
3.18.7 When operated offline, the ship- .4 It shall be possible to manually input
board AIS equipment shall provide the fol- the voyage messages and safety-related mes-
lowing information transfer intervals: sages;
.1 for static information, every 6 minutes .5 It shall be possible to display alarm in-
and on demand; formation and information from the built-in
.2 for dynamic information, depending on operability check means and received safety
change in speed and heading according to messages and requests from long-range com-
Table; munication means.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 853

3.19 REQUIREMENTS TO VOYAGE DATA from physical or electronic intervention at-

RECORDER tempts aimed to change or delete data.
3.19.1 The voyage data recorder (VDR) 3.19.8 The fixed information recording
shall continuously and automatically record means shall be located in a special fixed pro-
and store in a safe and retrievable form the tective container designed so as to provide:
information on ship’s position, readings of .1 rigid attachment to open deck of a ship
instruments and systems that characterize and possibility of recovering it from a sunk
condition and operating modes of shipboard ship manually or by means of underwater
equipment, ship motion parameters and ship vehicle;
control commands, her actual state and envi- .2 protection and retrieval of finally re-
ronment. corded information after any ship incident
3.19.2 The voyage data recorder design under the following effects:
shall exclude possibility of intervening in its mechanical impact (semisine impulse with
operation, quantity of data to be recorded, peak acceleration of 50 g and impact impulse
data themselves and already recorded data. duration of 11 ms);
fall of a rod of 100 mm in diameter and
3.19.3 It shall be possible to record any at- 250 kg in weight from height of 3 m;
tempts of unauthorized intervention in opera-
low temperature fire (260 C for 10 h);
tion of VDR, validity of its data or data re-
cording. high temperature fire (1100 C for 1 h);
immersion into seawater for 30 days at
3.19.4 The method of recording shall make depth of 3 m;
it possible to determine date and time of in- deep-sea immersion into seawater for 24 h
formation recording when it is displayed on at depth of 6000 m;
the special equipment and shall provide check
.3 storage of recorded information for not
of information being recorded for validity and
less than 2 years on completion of recording;
activation of alarm in case of detection of an
uncorrectable error. .4 availability of a sonar beacon working
in frequency band of 25 to 50 kHz and pro-
3.19.5 VDR shall be capable of checking viding its underwater detectability during
its performance characteristics (for example, 30 days from its activation time and possibility
during annual surveys or after repairs or of applying a visible inscription in English:
maintenance of VDR) or any source of signal "VOYAGE DATA RECORDER — DO NOT
which shall be recorded in VDR. OPEN — REPORT TO AUTHORITIES";
Such check may be performed using a de- .5 fluorescent orange colour and reflective
vice intended for replaying recorded data on marking.
condition that all required information has
been recorded correctly. 3.19.9 The free floating information re-
cording means shall be located in a special
3.19.6 The recorded information medium protective container of free floating type and
shall consist of: shall comply with the following requirements:
.1 a stationary (fixed) recording mean; .1 It shall be fitted with attachments to
.2 a free floating recording mean; catch and lift it from water;
.3 a long-term recording means providing .2 It shall enable storage of recorded in-
long-term storage of recorded data. formation for not less than 6 months on com-
3.19.7 Each recorded information medium pletion of recording;
shall: .3 It shall be designed so as to comply
.1 continue recording information during with requirements imposed to free floating
accident/incident; satellite emergency position-indicating radio
.2 provide access to recorded information beacons (see 6.13 – 6.15, Part VII of the
after accident and protection of information Rules);
854 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

.4 It shall be fitted with a light indicator ing noise from faulty equipment, mounting or
and a radio transmitter to transmit signals for wind. This shall be obtained by using at least
initial position finding during 48 h and further two speech recording channels. Microphones
transmission of homing signal. located out of the wheelhouse on the bridge
The battery capacity for simultaneous op- wings shall record conversations via a separate
eration of light indicator and radio transmitter additional channel;
shall not be less than 7 days/168 h from time .6 Conversations with other ships, objects
of separation and surfacing of the protective and coastal services using VHF radio equip-
container. ment shall be recorded via an additional sepa-
3.19.10 The long-term information re- rate channel;
cording means shall provide access from the .7 radar and auxiliary navigational data
internal space of the ship. displayed on radar indicators mounted on the
ship. The method of recording shall provide a
3.19.11 VDR shall record the following in- capability of replaying the picture in the
formation: original recorded form with consideration of
.1 date and time with discreteness provid- possible distortions related to information
ing recovery of events sequence. Date and compression during recording;
time with reference to UTC shall be received .8 if the ship is equipped with an elec-
from an external (not mounted on the ship) tronic chart display and information system,
source, and the built-in VDR clock shall be the voyage data recorder shall record elec-
synchronized with the real dates and times of tronic signals of currently used ECDIS display
events. When the external time source is un- as the main navigation device. The method of
available, the built-in VDR clock shall be recording shall provide a capability of replay-
used. Recording shall indicate such informa- ing the picture in the original recorded form
tion source. The method of recording shall be with consideration of possible distortions re-
such that time reference of all other recorded lated to information compression during re-
information can be retrieved during replay cording, and, besides, the source of chart data
with resolution and continuity enough to re- and its version;
cover complete sequence of incidents;
.9 ship under-keel clearance with indica-
.2 latitude and longitude of ship’s posi-
tion of set measurement scale and operating
tion, and used datum received from radio
mode of echo sounder.
navigation system receiver with indication of
its type and operating mode; The navigational data displayed on the
sonar data display (if provided for by the ship
.3 ship’s speed through water and ship’s
speed over ground with indication of meas-
urement method and travelled distance from The method of recording shall be such as
the ship log; mentioned in;
.4 heading indicated by the ship’s heading .10 all alarm signals in the wheelhouse;
source; .11 commands coming to the steering
.5 Voice conversations in the wheelhouse. gear and their execution, as well as operating
Microphones shall be placed in the wheel- mode of heading or track control system with
house so as to cover all the working posts indication of control station and steering gear
provided for by the wheelhouse design and to power unit(s);
record conversations. Recording shall be such .12 commands coming in the engine
that normal conversational speech provides room and their execution (position of any
sufficient intelligibility during normal opera- engine telegraphs or handles of remote en-
tion of the ship. This recording requirement gine/propeller control, including ahead/astern
shall be met on all working posts in the pres- motion indicators and used control station),
ence of a single audible alarm signal in any as well as operating mode of auxiliary thrust-
place in the wheelhouse or any noise, includ- ers with indication of control station;
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 855

.13 condition of sea inlets in the ship’s 3.19.14 Loss of VDR operability shall not
hull within scope of information coming to affect operation of equipment and information
the wheelhouse; sensors interfaced with VDR.
.14 condition of watertight and fire doors
within scope of information coming to the 3.19.15 VDR shall be provided with main
wheelhouse; and emergency power supply.
.15 accelerations and strains in the ship’s If power supply from emergency power
hull in comparison with data values of which source fails, VDR shall continue recording
were preset by the navigator on the special voice conversations in the wheelhouse using
equipment (if this equipment and appropriate its own accumulator batteries (with a charger)
sensors are available); for 2 h and then recording of conversations
.16 wind speed and direction, including shall be automatically stopped.
their true or relative values; 3.19.16 To retrieve recorded data and the
.17 all the AIS data; subsequently display them VDR shall be ca-
.18 the voyage data recorder shall be con- pable of interfacing with an external portable
nected to the electronic clinometer or, if un- computer. The interface format shall be com-
available, to the appropriate roll sensor having patible at least with one of the international
equivalent performance characteristics of formats, such as Ethernet, USB, Fire Wire or
measurements. The method of recording shall equivalent.
enable roll representation during display;
.19 data on VDR configuration (informa- It shall be possible to retrieve recorded data
tion on interface units and connection dia- for a selected period.
grams). 3.19.17 For each VDR mounted on the
In addition to the above-stated require- ship, a separate copy of software shall be pro-
ments, the recorded information medium in vided in order to enable retrieval of stored
the delivered VDR shall contain data that data and replay of information on an external
determine principle of VDR configuration and computer connected to VDR.
sensors which VDR is connected to. The software shall be compatible with the
These data shall be actualized and operating system of the external computer and
brought to full conformity with data of ship shall be provided on a portable information
installation. They shall contain information storage, such as CD-ROM, DVD, USB stor-
on the sensor manufacturer, type, version age, etc.
number, identification and location, as well as
information on the sensor data. Configuration 3.19.18 The portable information storage
data shall be permanently stored in the re- with a copy of software, instructions and any
corded information medium of VDR and pro- special elements required to connect the ex-
tected from changes except for changes in ternal computer to VDR shall be kept in im-
VDR configuration made by an authorized mediate proximity from the main unit of
person; VDR.
.20 If the ship is equipped with an elec- 3.19.19 If VDR uses nonstandard formats
tronic log, its information shall be registered or proprietary manufacturer’s standards for
too. data storage, the software shall be provided
3.19.12 VDR may record other additional directly in VDR or on a portable data storage
information. Here, recording of additional to convert recorded data to open standard
information shall not distort main information formats.
or affect its integrity.
3.19.20 The technical documentation de-
3.19.13 VDR shall be capable of recording livered with VDR shall contain instructions
and storing information for at least previous on connection of an external computer to
12 h of voyage. VDR and use of the software.
856 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

3.19.21 The technical documentation shall 3.20.6 The protective container of any type
contain information on location of interface shall comply with requirements of 3.19.5, and
unit of long-term information recording the container of free floating type shall also
means and instructions on interface with it comply with requirements of 3.19.6.
Russian/English language. The VDR docu- 3.20.7 It shall be possible to record the fol-
mentation shall also contain requirement for
lowing data:
the respective information and the above- date and time with reference to UTC
stated instructions to be placed near to the
which shall be determined from an external
interface unit of the long-term information
(located out of ship) source or built-in clock
recording means. with indication of information source with
discreteness providing recovery of events se-
3.20 REQUIREMENTS TO SIMPLIFIED quence during investigation of accident
3.20.1 The simplified voyage data recorder position latitude and longitude received
(S-VDR) shall automatically and continuously from an electronic positioning system with
record preselected data that characterize read- indication of its type and operating mode and
ings of navigation devices, operating modes of datum as well;
shipboard equipment, ship control commands ship's heading by compass;
and environment. Information shall be stored ship’s speed data from the ship log with in-
for 2 years from recording stop time. dication of method of measurement (through
water or over ground);
3.20.2 The method of recording shall pro- voice conversations in the wheelhouse and,
vide a capability of determining data re- whenever possible, ship announcements and
cording date and time when it is displayed on alarm signals audible in the wheelhouse;
a special device (portable computer). radio conversations with other ships, ob-
3.20.3 The recorded information storage jects and coastal services;
shall be located in a special container which data from AIS;
can be rigidly attached to the ship hull or be all radar and auxiliary navigational data
of free floating type. which are displayed at present on the main
The container shall comply with the fol- radar screen. The method of recording shall
lowing requirements: provide a capability of replaying the picture in
the original recorded form with possible dis-
It shall be capable of continuing informa-
tortions related to information compression
tion recording during an accident and access-
ing to recorded data after incident during recording;
environment (can be recorded only accord-
It shall protect information from changes
ing to AIS data if the shipboard radar is not
and mechanical damages
interfaced with S-VDR devices);
It shall have fluorescent orange colour and other additional information from the ship
reflective marking and a device enabling to devices having digital output provided that it
detect it. does not degrade recording and storage of
3.20.4 The container rigidly attached to the main data.
ship hull shall comply with requirements of 3.20.8 S-VDR shall be designed so as to
3.19.4, except for impact tests. prevent inadvertent intervention in recorded
3.20.5 The protective container of free information. Any intervention in operation of
floating type shall be: VDR shall be recorded in VDR.
fitted with attachments to catch and re- 3.20.9 The method of information re-
cover it from water cording shall provide check of validity and
designed so as to be capable of surfacing. completeness of incoming data and alarm
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 857

signal when an unrecoverable error is de- quired to connect the external portable com-
tected. puter shall be included in the equipment set
and shall be kept in immediate proximity
3.20.10 S-VDR shall record and store in-
from the main unit of S-VDR.
formation for previous 12 h of voyage until it
is completely off. 3.20.20 If S-VDR uses nonstandard for-
mats or proprietary standards for data storage,
3.20.11 S-VDR shall operate continuously
the software shall be provided in a portable
and automatically. Means shall be available to
storage or in S-VDR itself to convert stored
provide integrity of data recorded during inci-
data into open standard formats.
dent with minimum cessation of recording
3.20.12 To provide recording of events dur- 3.21 REQUIREMENTS TO RADAR
ing accident, S-VDR shall be interfaced with REFLECTOR
an emergency power supply.
3.21.1 The radar reflector (active or pas-
3.20.13 When the shipboard emergency sive) shall have the radar cross-section com-
power supply fails, S-VDR shall continue plying with requirements of 3.21.2 to allow
recording voice conversations in the wheel- detecting it by the shipboard navigating radar
house during 2 h using its own standby power operating in 9 GHz band (3 cm wavelength)
supply. After 2 h recording shall be stopped and 3 GHz band (10 cm wavelength).
3.21.2 When the radar reflector is mounted
3.20.14 Interface of S-VDR with informa- at height of not less than 4 m above water
tion sensors shall not affect operation of in- level, the nominal radar cross-section shall
formation sensors interfaced with it, including not be less than 7.5 m2 in 9 GHz band and
the cases of S-VDR inoperability. 0.5 m2 in 3 GHz band.
3.20.15 S-VDR shall provide interface with 3.21.3 The nominal minimum radar cross-
an external portable computer to retrieve the section shall be provided within total sector of
stored data and display the information. The 280° in horizontal plane.
interface format shall be compatible with for-
3.21.4 The polar diagram of the radar re-
mat such as Ethernet and with USB and Fire
flector shall be such that any continuous sec-
Wire as well.
tor, in which reduction of reflectivity below
3.20.16 Each S-VDR installation shall be the nominal minimum level does not exceed
provided with the software, which allows of 10° (zero area) with required distance of less
retrieving the stored data and replay the in- than 20° between adjacent zero areas.
formation on the connected external portable
3.21.5 The radar reflectors capable of
meeting the requirement of 3.21.2 at inclina-
3.20.17 The S-VDR software shall be com- tion angles of 20° and more to any side from
patible with the operating system available in the vertical line shall have the respective
portable general-purpose computers and shall marking.
be provided on a portable information stor-
3.21.6 The minimum mounting height rec-
age, such as CD-ROM, DVD, USB storage,
ommended by the radar reflector manufac-
turer (not less than 4 m) and the preferable
3.20.18 The S-VDR set shall contain in- mounting orientation shall be marked directly
structions on use of software and connection on the radar reflector.
of external portable computer to S-VDR.
3.21.7 The active radar reflectors shall
3.20.19 The portable storage containing the comply with the requirements of International
software, instructions and special parts re- Telecommunication Union (ITU).
858 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

3.22 REQUIREMENTS TO INTEGRATED position and detect incapability of the officer

NAVIGATION SYSTEMS on watch that could result in an accident.
3.22.1 The integrated navigation system This is provided by transmitting optical and
sound signals to draw attention of the officer
(INS) shall comply with the requirements of
on watch and then, if he does not react to
the national and international standards1.
them, by informing the master or the back-up
AUDIO SIGNAL RECEPTION 3.24.2 Three system operation modes shall
EQUIPMENT be provided for:
.1 "Manual ON" mode for continuous op-
3.23.1 The external audio signal reception
eration when the ship is underway in a voy-
equipment shall be installed on ships, on age;
which lookout by hearing is possible only with
.2 "Automatic" mode when sea watch
reception of external audio signals inside the
alarm system is automatically activated when
wheelhouse, because of operational conditions
the vessel is navigating by means of heading
or wheelhouse design features.
or track control system, and changed over to
3.23.2 The external audio signal reception "Manual ON" mode as the heading/track
equipment shall: control system is deactivated;
receive external audio signals in frequency .3 "Manual OFF" mode. Sea watch alarm
band of at least 70 to 700 Hz from all direc- system can be switched on only by navigator's
tions; dedicated actions.
transmit these signals acoustically to the 3.24.3 When the system is on, the follow-
wheelhouse; ing sequence of visual (optical) and sound
determine and indicate approximate direc- signals shall be observed:
tion of a source of audio signals.
.1 After switched on, the system shall re-
3.23.3 External audio signals shall be main dormant for a master-specified period of
transmitted to the wheelhouse by means of 3 to 12 min and then it shall activate a light
one or several speakers. signal;
3.23.4 When two or more speakers are in- .2 If the officer on watch does not ac-
stalled, their acoustic intensity shall be ad- knowledge the light signal, i.e. does not reset
justed so that the wheelhouse sound level ex- the system, for 15 sec, the system shall sound
ceeds noise level on the bridge wings at least a first level audible alarm on the steering sta-
by 10 dB(A). tion;
.3 If the officer on watch does not reset
3.23.5 In addition to microphones, amplifi- the system 15 s after the first level audible
ers and speakers, the external audio signal alarm is initiated, the system shall additionally
reception equipment shall contain a display to sound a second level audible alarm in the
visually display external audio signals and back-up officer’s and/or Master’s location;
their approximate direction at least 3 s after
.4 If the officer on watch does not reset
they are received.
the system 90 s after the second level audible
alarm is initiated, the system shall sound a
3.24 REQUIREMENTS TO SEA WATCH third level audible alarm at all navigating per-
ALARM SYSTEM sonnel locations of the ship;
3.24.1 The sea watch alarm system is used .5 In vessels other than passenger vessels,
to monitor operation of the main steering the second level audible alarm may sound in
all the above locations. If the second level
audible alarm is sounded in this way, the third
GOST R IEC 61209:1999, IEC 61924:2012. level alarm may be omitted;
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 859

.6 In vessels of gross tonnage more than house. The colour of the visual signal shall be
3000, the delay between the second and third chosen so as not to impair night vision, and
level alarms may be set to a longer value up dimming facilities (although not to extinction)
to 3 min, to allow sufficient time for the shall be incorporated.
back-up officer and/or Master to reach the 3.24.11 The first level audible alarm which
wheelhouse. sounds on the bridge 15 s after the light signal
3.24.4 It shall be possible to reset the sea is initiated shall draw attention of the naviga-
watch alarm system or cancel any alarm signal tor of the watch. It shall be possible to select
from the wheelhouse only. its tone or modulation and volume level as
The system reset or alarm signal cancella- well.
tion shall be possible by operator's single ac-
3.24.12 The additional second and third
tion and shall initiate the next dormant pe- level audible alarms which sound sequentially
in the locations of the Master, back-up officer
Repeated activation of the reset device and other crew members capable of assisting
shall not prolong the dormant period or the officer on watch at the end of the first
change the sequence of light and sound sig-
level audible alarm period shall have sound
nals. signal level of not less than 75 dB.
3.24.5 Means may be provided in the
3.24.13 All equipment of the sea watch
wheelhouse to immediately activate the sec- alarm system shall be tamper-proof so that no
ond and third level audible alarms for emer-
member of the crew may interfere with the
gency call of the back-up officer and/or the system operation.
3.24.14 Reset devices shall be designed so
3.24.6 The alarm system shall be capable of
as to exclude the possibility of their operation
achieving the timings with accuracy of 5 % or
by any means other than activation by the
5 s, whichever is less, under all operational
officer on watch. Reset devices shall be illu-
conditions. minated at night and shall be mounted in the
3.24.7 If a malfunction of or power supply wheelhouse.
failure to sea watch alarm system is detected, 3.24.15 The sea watch alarm system shall
this should be indicated. Provision shall be be powered from the ship’s main power sup-
made to allow this indication be repeated on ply. The malfunction indication means and
the common alarm and communication
the Emergency Call facility, if incorporated,
panel. shall be powered from a battery.
3.24.8 sea watch alarm system shall have 3.24.16 The sea watch alarm system shall
the following controls: have inputs and outputs for connection of
.1 means protected from unauthorized ac-
light and audible alarm signals and additional
cess to select the operation mode and the system reset devices.
dormant period duration;
.2 a means of activating the “Emergency 3.25 REQUIREMENTS TO LONG RANGE
Call” signal if it is provided in the system; IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING
.3 system reset means which shall be lo- SYSTEM EQUIPMENT
cated on the main bridge posts and on its
wings. 3.25.1 The equipment of the long range
identification and tracking system (hereinafter
3.24.9 The system operation mode shall be referred to as LRIT) shall automatically
indicated to the officer on watch. transmit the following information:
3.24.10 The visual signal initiated at the .1 ship identification number;
end of the dormant period shall be flashing .2 ship’s position coordinates (latitude
and visible from all positions in the wheel- and longitude);
860 RCCS. Part VIII “Navigational Equipment”

.3 position fixing date and time. equipment shall incorporate a receiver capable
of finding own ship position based on GNSS
3.25.2 The LRIT equipment shall comply signals;
with the performance requirements of this
.5 be powered from the main and emer-
Chapter and the requirements of 6.1 Part VII
gency power sources. If the shipboard radio
of the Rules.
equipment required in Part VII of the Rules is
3.25.3 The LRIT equipment shall: used as LRIT equipment, it shall be powered
.1 provide capability of automatic, with- according to 3 Part VII of the Rules;
out interfering of ship watch personnel, .6 be tested for stability to external me-
transmission of ship LRIT information to chanical and climatic effects and for electro-
LRIT data centre. LRIT information shall be magnetic compatibility with other shipboard
transmitted at 6 hour intervals; electronic and electrical equipment.
.2 change over to transmission of LRIT 3.25.4 The LRIT equipment shall meet the
information at an interval shorter than that functional requirements stated in Table 3.25.4.
indicated in by remote control com-
mand from LRIT data centre if LRIT data 3.25.5 The LRIT equipment shall transmit
receiver requesting LRIT information has LRIT information and enable a remote tuning
determined LRIT information transmission using a communication system which provides
intervals that differ from 6 hour interval; coverage in all areas for which the ship is
.3 provide capability of transmitting LRIT about to operate.
information on receipt of polling commands; 3.25.6 The LRIT equipment design shall
.4 provide capability of direct connection provide capability of periodic operability
to the shipboard GNSS receiver or the LRIT check without transmitting LRIT information.
T a b l e 3.25.4
Functional requirements to LRIT equipment
Parameter Requirement and comment
Shipboard Ship identification number (MMSI) used in shipboard radio equipment
identification number
Ship position coordinates (latitude and longitude) based on GNSS signals (in
WGS-84 datum).
Location: the LRIT equipment shall transmit own ship’s position coordinates (lati-
tude and longitude) based on GNSS signals (in WGS-84 datum) without interven-
tion of ship watch personnel.
Position reports on polling command1: in reply to received polling command, the
Ship position data
LRIT equipment shall provide a regular reporting of own ship position without in-
tervention of ship watch personnel whatever the ship’s position is.
Planned position reports2: it shall be possible to tune the LRIT equipment remotely
for transmission of LRIT information at a definite interval: from minimum
(15 minutes) to 6 hours. Information shall be transmitted to LRIT data centre
without intervention of ship watch personnel whatever the ship’s position is.
Date and time3 of own ship’s position finding based on GNSS signals.
Time stamp In each LRIT information package transmitted the LRIT equipment shall transmit
information on time3 of own ship’s position finding based on GNSS signals
Position reports on polling command mean transmission of LRIT information either as a result of a
polling command or as a result of remote tuning of LRIT equipment for transmission at intervals other
than those preset.
Planned position reports mean transmission of LRIT information at preset time intervals.
All time data shall be in UTC.
3 Requirements to Navigational Equipment 861

3.25.7 It shall be possible to switch the stration of the flag state made the decision to
LRIT equipment off or to stop transmission decrease the LRIT information transmission
of LRIT information (with a respective record frequency to a single message a day or to
made in the ship log) in the following cases: temporarily stop transmitting such information
.1 if the international agreements or re- with a respective record made in the ship log.
gional rules provide for protection of naviga-
tional data;
.2 in exceptional cases and for time as 3.26 REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRONIC
short as possible if the Master considers CHART DISPLAY SYSTEM
that the operating LRIT equipment can 3.26.1 ECDS shall display distortionless in-
endanger the ship safety or reduce her secu- formation from the official navigation map of
rity level.
inland waterways.
3.25.8 The LRIT system equipment shall
3.26.2 The chart dimensions displayed shall
provide possibility of decreasing the LRIT be at least 180x180 mm.
information transmission frequency or stop-
ping the LRIT information transmission tem- 3.26.3 The ECDS display shall have a reso-
porarily when the ship is docked for repair or lution of at least 800x600 pixels and provide
refit, located in port or brought out of service information reading at a distance not less than
for a long time if the Master or the Admini- 1 m.
Part IX


864 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”


1.1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION such substances and materials with properties

which may create a threat to life and health
1.1.1 This Part of the Rules sets the re-
of people, cause damage to the environment,
quirements for ships which carry in their
damage or destroy material values during
cargo spaces and areas dangerous goods in
bulk or in containers.
This Part of the Rules uses dangerous
1.1.2 The requirements of this Part of the goods classification set by the Interna-
Rules apply to design and construction of tional European Agreement concerning the
ships intended to carry dangerous goods and International Carriage of Dangerous Goods
to refit of ships of all classes in use. on Inland Waterway (ADN).
1.1.3 If the requirements of this Part of the In view of hazard nature, dangerous
Rules are not identical to the requirements of goods are divided into the following classes.
the other Parts of the Rules for the same mat- Class 1 — explosive substances and arti-
ter, the strictest requirements of the Rules cles. Subclasses:
shall apply. 1.1 — substances or articles which have a
mass explosion hazard (explosion which af-
1.1.4 In addition to the requirements of fects almost the entire load instantaneously);
this Part of the Rules, the ships carrying dan- 1.2 — substances and articles which have
gerous goods in international voyages shall a projection hazard but not a mass explosion
meet the applicable requirements of the inter- hazard;
national agreements ratified by the Russian 1.3 — substances and articles that have a
Federation depending on ship design, type of
fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or
carriage and carried dangerous goods.
a minor projection hazard or both, but not a
1.1.5 Tugboats and/or pushboats which mass explosion hazard;
transport non-self-propelled ships with dan- 1.4 — substances and articles that present
gerous goods shall meet the applicable re- no significant hazard to people;
quirements of this Part of the Rules that are 1.5 — very insensitive substances which
determined depending on design of non-self- have a mass explosion hazard;
propelled ship, type of carriage and carried 1.6 — extremely insensitive articles which
dangerous goods. do not have a mass explosion hazard.
Class 2 — compressed gases, liquefied
1.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS gases, and dissolved gases. Subclasses:
1.2.1 Common terms and definitions of the 2.1 — flammable dangerous cargoes ;
Rules are stated in 2.1 and 2.2 Part 0 of the 2.2 — non-flammable, non-toxic gases ;
Rules. The following terms are used in these 2.3 — toxic gases.
Rules: Class 3 — flammable liquids. Subclasses:
.1 D a n g e r o u s g o o d s means sub- 3.1 — liquids with low vapour flash point
stances, materials and products containing (below –18 °C);
1 General Provisions 865

3.2 — liquids with medium vapour flash .3 D a n g e r o u s goods vapour

point (from –18 °C to 23 °C, exclusive); d e s i g n p r e s s u r e p 0 means the maxi-
3.3 — liquids with high vapour flash mum positive pressure at the top of the cargo
point (from 23 °C to 61 °C). tank.
N o t e . Vapour flash point shall be measured .4 D a n g e r o u s goods design
in closed cup. t e m p e r a t u r e means the minimum tem-
Class 4 — flammable solids; substances perature at which dangerous goods may be
liable to spontaneous combustion; substances loaded or transported in the cargo tanks for
which, in contact with water, emit flammable selection of materials to be used to manufac-
gases. Subclasses: ture the cargo piping and cargo tanks. It shall
4.1 — flammable solids and solids, which be specified by the designer (design engineer-
are combustible through friction; self-reactive ing firm) depending on properties of carried
solids and liquids (which are liable to undergo dangerous goods specified in dangerous goods
a strongly exothermic decomposition as a re- documentation;
sult of high temperatures in transport or pol- .5 D a n g e r o u s g o o d s c o n t a i n -
lution) and similar; desensitized explosive m e n t s y s t e m means a structural ar-
substances (which may explode if not diluted rangement for containment of cargo includ-
sufficiently); ing, where fitted, a primary and secondary
4.2 — substances liable to spontaneous barrier, associated insulation and any inter-
combustion; barrier spaces, and adjacent structures if nec-
4.3 — substances which, in contact with essary for the support of these elements. If the
water, emit flammable gases. secondary barrier is a part of the hull struc-
Class 5 — oxidizing substances and or- ture, it may be a boundary of the hold space;
ganic peroxides. Subclasses: .6 S e c o n d a r y b a r r i e r means a liq-
5.1 — oxidizing substances which, while uid-resisting structure which is not a part of
in themselves not necessarily combustible, the hull and which accommodates a cargo
may, generally by yielding oxygen, cause, or tank. The secondary barrier is a component of
contribute to, the combustion of other sub- the dangerous goods containment system de-
stances; signed to afford temporary containment of
5.2 — organic peroxides which may be any envisaged leakage of liquid dangerous
considered derivatives of hydrogen peroxide, goods through the primary barrier and to pre-
where one or both of the hydrogen atoms vent the lowering of the temperature of the
have been replaced by organic radicals. hull structures;
Class 6 — toxic and infectious sub- .7 I n t e r b a r r i e r s p a c e means a
stances. Subclasses: space between a primary and a secondary
6.1 — toxic substances; barrier, whether or not completely or partially
6.2 — infectious substances. occupied by insulation material;
Class 7 — radioactive substances. .8 I n d e p e n d e n t cargo tanks
Class 8 — corrosive substances. mean tanks the shell of which is not a part of
Class 9 — miscellaneous dangerous sub- the hull structures and does not contribute to
stances and articles; the ship’s hull integrity. Independent cargo
.2 C h e m i c a l l y d a n g e r o u s g o o d s tanks are divided into the following types:
means strong poisonous chemicals and their Type À is a cargo tank designed using
compounds (acids, alkalis, aldehydes, ethers, ship-structural analysis procedures recognized
hydrocarbons, nitrates, peroxides, and metal by the River Register.
compounds) which are toxic and capable, Type  is a cargo tank designed using
when unpacked and spilled, of causing model tests and analysis methods to deter-
chemical damages to life forms and environ- mine stress levels, fatigue life and crack
ment; propagation characteristics.
866 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

Type Ñ is a spherical or cylindrical cargo brane shell, parts of which are supported
tank designed in accordance with the re- through insulation by the adjacent hull struc-
quirements of the Rules for pressure vessels; tures, and deformations are compensated by
.9 I n t e g r a l c a r g o t a n k s mean all shell components connected at radius
tanks which form structural parts of the ship's equal to 5 to 10 values of shell wall thickness;
hull and contribute together with the hull .18 M e m b r a n e means a thin-walled1
structures to the general ship strength; shell element used to manufacture the cargo
.10 H i g h - p r e s s u r e c a r g o t a n k tanks;
means a cargo tank intended to carry danger- .19 C a r g o t a n k d o m e means the
ous goods at working positive pressure of at cargo tank top protruding over the weather
least 0.4 MPa; deck or the tank cover when the dangerous
.11 I n t e r n a l i n s u l a t i o n c a r g o goods containment system is located under
t a n k means a tank made of heat insulation the deck;
materials which are capable of creating ap- .20 G a s - d a n g e r o u s s p a c e s o r
propriate thermostatic conditions for danger- a r e a s mean the following spaces or areas:
ous goods storage and are supported by the spaces in the cargo area which do not en-
structure of the adjacent inner hull or of an sure that their atmosphere is at all times
independent tank. The inner surface of the maintained in a gas-safe condition;
insulation is exposed to the dangerous goods; an enclosed space (see Part III of
.12 C l o s e d c a r g o t a n k s means a the Rules) outside the cargo area through
cargo tank equipped with a controlled vapour which any piping containing liquid or gaseous
and gas discharge system in which pressure dangerous products passes, or within which
relief valves and vacuum relief valves are in- such piping terminates, unless approved ar-
stalled in free vapour and gas discharge way; rangements are installed to prevent any escape
.13 O p e n c a r g o t a n k s means a of dangerous product vapour into the atmos-
cargo tank equipped with a free-flow vapour phere of that space;
and gas discharge system with flame arrester a space in which dangerous goods con-
in which free vapour and gas discharge is not tainment system and cargo piping are ar-
impeded, except for friction loss; ranged;
.14 G r a v i t y c a r g o t a n k means an a hold space where dangerous goods are
integral or independent tank intended to carry carried in the dangerous goods containment
dangerous goods at design positive pressure of system reservoirs requiring a secondary barrier
0.07 MPa max; and spaces separated from such hold space by
.15 P r e s s u r e c a r g o t a n k means a single gas-tight steel boundary;
an independent tank intended to carry dan- a hold space where dangerous goods are
gerous goods at design positive pressure ex- carried in the dangerous goods containment
ceeding 0.07 MPa. The pressure tank shall be system reservoirs not requiring a secondary
configured so that pressure tank design proce- barrier;
dures agreed by the River Register can be cargo compressor and cargo pump rooms;
applied; an open deck area (a deck exposed to the
.16 M e m b r a n e c a r g o t a n k means weather) or a semi-enclosed space on the
a cargo tank which consists of a membrane weather deck within 3 m of any cargo tank
shell supported through insulation by the ad- outlet, gas or vapour outlet, cargo pipe flanges
jacent hull structures. or cargo valves or of entrances and ventilation
The membrane cargo tank is also a tank
with non-metallic membranes or membranes
incorporated in or connected to the tank in- 1
The thin-walled shell is a shell for which rela-
sulation; tion of minimum wall curvature radius to wall
.17 S e m i - m e m b r a n e c a r g o t a n k thickness exceeds 10 for cylindrical shells and 3.5
means a cargo tank which consists of a mem- for spherical shells.
1 General Provisions 867

openings to cargo compressor and cargo explosion-hazardous zone — see

pump rooms; Part VI of the Rules;
the weather deck over the cargo area and control stations — see Part IV
3 m forward and aft of the cargo area on the of the Rules;
weather deck up to a height of 2.4 m above .23 C a r g o a r e a means an area con-
the weather deck; sisting of cargo areas below and above deck
a zone within 2.4 m of the outer surface (main and additional parts) (Figs.
of the cargo containment system where such and, where:
surface is exposed to the weather; Cargo area (part below deck) is a space
an enclosed or semi-enclosed (see between two vertical planes perpendicular to Part III of the Rules) space in which the centre plane of the ship, which comprises
pipes containing liquid or gaseous dangerous cargo tanks, hold spaces, cofferdams, double-
goods are located; hull spaces and double bottoms. These planes
a compartment for cargo hoses; normally coincide with the outer transversal
cofferdam bulkheads or end transversal hold
enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces having a
bulkheads. Their intersection line with the
direct opening into any gas-dangerous space
deck is referred to as the deck boundary of
or area.
the cargo area part below deck.
A space accommodating gas detection Cargo area (main part above deck) is a
equipment and a space in which exhaling gas space above deck of 3 m high which is
is used as fuel are not considered gas- bounded at the sides by the plane located 3 m
dangerous ones; away of the longitudinal walls of the cargo
.21 G a s - s a f e s p a c e s mean spaces tanks and fore and aft by planes inclined at
other than gas-dangerous spaces and those 45° to the deck towards the cargo area, start-
where atmosphere is continuously maintained ing at the deck boundaries of the cargo area
in fire-safe, explosion-safe and life and health part below deck.
friendly condition; Cargo area (additional part above deck) is
.22 M a c h i n e r y s p a c e s — see the a space not included in the main part of the
definition in Part III of the Rules; cargo area above deck comprising 1.00 m ra-
accommodation spaces – see dius spherical segments centred over the ven-
Part III of the Rules; tilation openings of the cofferdams and ser-
adjacent spaces — see Part III of vice spaces located in the cargo area part be-
the Rules; low deck and 2.00 m radius spherical
machinery spaces — see 2.2.25 Part 0 of segments centred over the ventilation open-
the Rules; ings of the cargo tanks and pump rooms;

Fig. Cargo area:

1 — deck; 2 — cofferdam vent openings; 3 — cargo area above deck additional part; 4 — cargo tank vent openings;
5 — deck boundary of cargo area part above deck; 6 — end cofferdams; 7 — cargo area below deck
868 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

Fig. Cargo area above deck for different tank ships:
a — tank ships with deck formed by the top of tanks; b — tank ships with trunk-deck;
c, d — tank ships with independent cargo tanks

.24 O p e n - t y p e g a u g e means an in- in bulk. Inland navigation chemical tankers

strument used to take measurements through are divided into two types, i.e. Ñ and N. Type
the cargo tank body openings. In doing so, a Ñ tanker shall be built as a flush decked dou-
person taking measurements can be exposed ble hull ship without deck trunk. Type Ñ
to dangerous goods and/or their vapours; tanker cargo tanks may be integral (formed by
.25 P a r t l y c l o s e d - t y p e g a u g e inner walls of double hull) or independent.
means an instrument installed inside the tank Chemical tanker type is established depending
and used to take measurements. When this on carried cargo properties and is specified in
gauge is used, a small quantity of cargo va- col. 3 of Table A1-1 in Appendix 1;
pours or liquid which is not dangerous to hu-
.29 S h i p s o f t y p e 1 , 2 , 3 are
man life and health may be discharged to the chemical river – sea navigation tankers de-
open air. As long as the gauge is not used, it signed to carry chemically dangerous goods in
shall be closed;
bulk. Ship type is established depending on
.26 C l o s e d - t y p e g a u g e means an carried dangerous goods properties and is
instrument used to take measurements, which specified in col. 3 of Table A2-1 in Appen-
is installed inside the cargo tank and, being a dix 2;
part of the closed system, prevents the cargo
tank contents from discharge. .30 L i q u e f i e d g a s t a n k e r means
Closed-type gauges are also instruments a ship designed to carry liquefied gases in
which are not installed inside the tank and bulk. Inland navigation liquefied gas tanker
prevent the cargo tank contents from dis- (type G tanker) is designed to carry gases
charge (for example, liquid flow meters in specified in Table A1-1 of Appendix 1 under
piping); pressure or under refrigeration. River – sea
.27 F i r e smothering system navigation liquefied gas tankers depending on
means a fire extinguishing system based on type of structural fire protection(see 6.8.1) are
gas fire extinguishing, but special liquid is divided into four types: 1G, 2G, 2PG and
applied to a space instead of gas and evapo- 3G; liquefied gas tanker type is established
rates to form inert gas heavier than air; depending on carried dangerous goods prop-
.28 C h e m i c a l t a n k e r means a ship erties and is specified in col. 4 of Table A3-1
designed to carry chemically dangerous goods in Appendix 3.
2 General Requirements 869


2.1 FIRE WATER MAIN SYSTEM Quantity and location of fire cocks shall
be such that at least two of required four wa-
2.1.1 Ships carrying dangerous goods shall
ter jets can be supplied through fire hoses to
be equipped with the fire water main system
any part of void cargo space and all four wa-
meeting the following requirements:
ter jets can be supplied through fire hoses to
.1 The fire water main system shall be fed
any part of ro-ro cargo space;
from two independent fire pumps. A ballast
pump may be used as one of fire pumps, if its .4 Head and capacity of pumps shall en-
capacity and pressure meet the fire pump- able simultaneous use of two spray nozzles
requirements specified in Part III of the Rules. from any part of the ship, and the water jet
Pumps, their drives and electrical equipment shall cover a distance of not less than the hull
shall not be arranged in the same space; beam of the ship;
.2 The fire water main system shall supply .5 A fire pump or a ballast pump may be
water under pressure specified in Part III of available onboard the push-towed barges
the Rules by continuously keeping the pres- which do not have their own power installa-
sure in the main or by remotely starting the tion. It is possible to use the fire water main
fire pumps from the wheelhouse and from the system of the pushboat with remote start of
continuous watch keeping location when the the own pump from the wheelhouse con-
ship is berthed or at anchor, as well as supply nected to the fire water main system of the
water in the main without additional opening barge with flexible hoses.
of the valves in the pump room. A water pres-
sure indicator shall be installed in the place of 2.2 FIRE SMOTHERING SYSTEMS
pump's remote start; 2.2.1 In addition to the requirements of
.3 The fire water main system for Ì, Î, 2.1.1, the machinery spaces (see 2.2.25 Part 0
Ð and Ë class ships shall be fitted with a water of the Rules), as well as the pump room and
main provided with at least three fire plugs the spaces accommodating the refrigeration
located in the cargo area (a portion of the ship system equipment for the tankers, shall be
to be protected in accordance with the re- equipped with a fixed fire extinguishing sys-
quirements of the Rules) above the deck and at tem meeting the requirements specified in
least four fire plugs fitted with fire hoses with 2.2.2 to 2.4.3.
combined nozzles of at least 12 mm in diame-
ter. Any portion of the deck within the pro- 2.2.2 To provide fire protection in machin-
tected area shall be simultaneously covered by ery spaces, oiler rooms and pump rooms, only
at least two water jets from different hydrants. fixed fire extinguishing systems using the fol-
For Ì-ÑÏ, Ì-ÏÐ and Î-ÏÐ class ships lowing extinguishing agents are permitted:
carrying cargo in bulk or in containers, the ÑÎ2 (carbon dioxide),
fire water main system shall supply water in HFC-227 ea (heptafluoropropane),
amount sufficient to feed four fire monitors IG-541 (52% nitrogen, 40% argon, 8%
with minimum cock pressure of 0.25 MPa to carbon dioxide),
any portion of a void cargo space. FK-5-1-12 (dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3),
870 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

mixture containing 73% ethyl bromide exposed to fire while the fire extinguishing
Ñ2Í5Br and 27% dibromotetrafluoroethane system is not activated;
Ñ2Br2F4 (halon 114Â2) or mixture of .3 Each reservoir with IG-541 shall be
Ñ2Í5Br and ÑÎ2 (for fire smothering systems). equipped with a pressure monitor;
2.2.3 In addition to requirements stated in .4 Reservoir filling pressure shall not ex-
2.2.2 and 2.3, the fire extinguishing systems ceed 20 MPa at temperature of +15 °С;
using HFC-227 ea as a fire-extinguishing .5 After dispersion, IG-541 concentration
agent shall meet the following requirements: in the space being protected shall be at least
.1 If several spaces with different volumes 44% and at most 50% of the total volume of
are available, each space shall be equipped this space. IG-541 shall be discharged for
with its own (separate) fire extinguishing system; 120 s.
.2 Each reservoir with HFC-227 ea lo- 2.2.5 In addition to requirements stated in
cated in the space being protected shall be 2.2.2 and 2.3, the fire extinguishing systems
equipped with an overpressure preventing de- using FK-5-1-12 as a fire-extinguishing agent
vice. This device shall disperse the reservoir shall meet the following requirements:
contents in the space being protected if this .1 If several spaces with different volumes
reservoir is exposed to fire while the fire ex- are available, each space shall be equipped
tinguishing system is not activated; with its own (separate) fire extinguishing sys-
.3 Each reservoir with HFC-227 ea shall tem;
be equipped with a pressure monitor which .2 Each reservoir with FK-5-1-12 located
outputs light and sound alarms to the wheel- in the space being protected shall be equipped
house in case of pressure drop in the gas- with an overpressure preventing device. This
carrying medium reservoir. If the wheelhouse device shall disperse the reservoir contents in
is unavailable, these alarms shall be given the space being protected if this reservoir is
from the outside of the space being protected; exposed to fire while the fire extinguishing
.4 Reservoir filling ratio shall not exceed system is not activated;
1.15 kg/l. .3 Reservoir filling ratio shall not exceed
HFC-227 ea specific volume shall be 1.15 kg/l.
taken equal to 0.1374 m3/kg; FK-5-1-12 specific volume shall be taken
.5 After dispersion, HFC-227 ea concen- equal to 0.0719 m3/kg;
tration in the space being protected shall be at .4 After dispersion, FK-5-1-12 concentra-
least 8% and at most 10.5% of the total vol- tion in the space being protected shall be at
ume of this space. HFC-227 ea shall be dis- least 5.5% and at most 10% of the total vol-
charged for 10 s; ume of this space. FK-5-1-12 shall be dis-
.6 The fire extinguishing systems shall charged for 10 s;
have no parts of aluminium. .5 Each reservoir with FK-5-1-12 shall be
2.2.4 In addition to requirements stated in equipped with a pressure monitor, which out-
2.2.2 and 2.3, the fire extinguishing systems puts light and sound alarms to the wheelhouse
using IG-541 as a fire-extinguishing agent in case of pressure drop in the fire-
shall meet the following requirements: extinguishing agent reservoir. If the wheel-
house is unavailable, these alarms shall be
.1 If several spaces with different volumes
given from the outside of the space being pro-
are available, each space shall be equipped with
its own (separate) fire extinguishing system;
.2 Each reservoir with IG-541 located in
the space being protected shall be equipped
with an overpressure preventing device. This
device shall disperse the reservoir contents in 2.3.1 The forced ventilation system in the
the space being protected if this reservoir is space to be protected shall be shut down as
2 General Requirements 871

soon as the fire smothering system is acti- shall be so designed as to remain capable of
vated. operating in the event of a fire for a minimum
of 30 minutes.
2.3.2 Openings in the space to be protected
shall be fitted with quick-closing devices (de-
vices which are closed either automatically
under gravity of spring force and quick- 2.4.1 The fixed fire extinguishing systems
closing float or by turning the control). Open shall be equipped with warning systems (de-
and closed positions of these devices shall be vices) which shall output light and sound sig-
indicated. nals when the fire extinguishing system is ac-
tivated. The signals shall be output:
2.3.3 Air escaping from the pressure-relief
for self-propelled ship — to pilot room;
valves of the pressurized air tanks installed in
for fire smothering systems — to protected
the machinery spaces shall be evacuated to
room and in front of its entrance;
the open air.
for non-self-propelled ship — to the con-
2.3.4 Overpressure or negative pressure stant watch post.
caused by diffusion of extinguishing agent
2.4.2 The warning system shall be activated
shall not destroy the structural elements of the
automatically with the first activation of the
space to be protected. It shall be possible to
fire extinguishing system. The warning system
safely equalize pressures.
shall operate within the time until the system
2.3.5 It shall be possible to extract the ex- starts supplying the extinguishing agent, which
tinguishing agent from protected spaces. If shall not be less than 20 s, and shall not be
corresponding suction devices are fitted for deactivated for this time.
this purpose, they shall not operate during fire
2.4.3 (shall be considered to have lost force.)
2.3.6 The extinguishing agent shall be 2.5 FIRE OUTFIT
routed to and distributed in the space to be 2.5.1 The explosion-hazardous areas,
protected by means of a permanent piping spaces and rooms and the weather decks of
system. Piping installed in the space to be the liquefied gas tankers and chemical tankers
protected and valves and fittings it incorpo- shall be provided with the fire outfit items as
rates shall be made of steel. prescribed by the Rules, the design and mate-
The discharge nozzles shall be so arranged rial of which exclude possibility of sparking
as to ensure regular distribution of the extin- when these items are used.
guishing agent in the space to be protected. For non-self-propelled unmanned liquefied
2.3.7 Automatically activated fire extin- gas tankers and chemical tankers the above
guishing systems are not permitted. It shall be requirements for the fire outfit items apply to
possible to activate the fire extinguishing sys- the fire outfit items installed on open decks of
tem from a suitable position located outside tugboats and pushers which operate together
the space to be protected. Opening the extin- with the specified tankers.
guishing agent vessel valves and controlling 2.5.2 In addition to the fire outfit pre-
the dispersion valve shall represent two inde- scribed by the Rules, the ship shall be pro-
pendent operations. vided with the following protective equip-
2.3.8 The fire extinguishing system activat- ment:
ing devices shall be supplied with power from for each member of the crew participating
two energy sources independent of each other. in loading and discharge operations, the pro-
These energy sources shall be located outside tective equipment including: a pair of tight
the space to be protected. The control system protective goggles and/or facepieces, aprons, a
cables located in the space to be protected pair of special gloves with oversleeves, an
872 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

overall of chemically resistant material, and

protective shoes; 2.5.3 For pushed convoys or side-by-side
a flammable gas detector with the instruc- formations underway, it shall be sufficient,
tions for its use; however, if the pushboat or the vessel propel-
a toximeter with the instructions for its use; ling the formation is equipped with the pro-
two breathing apparatuses. tective equipment specified in 2.5.2.
3 Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk or in Containers 873



3.1 CARGO SPACES 3.1.7 Arrangements shall be made to pre-

vent ingress of contaminated air into spaces
3.1.1 The ships carrying dangerous goods
with instruments during air sampling from the
in bulk or in containers shall have double
cargo spaces.
sides and double bottom within the cargo
spaces. This requirement does not apply to 3.1.8 It shall be possible to measure tem-
the ships carrying dangerous goods on the perature in the cargo spaces at different
deck only. heights.
3.1.2 The cargo spaces of the ships carrying 3.1.9 The hatch covers of the cargo spaces,
dangerous goods in bulk shall be made of ma- which carry dangerous goods, shall be made
terials that do not react with carried danger- of steel. The hatch covers shall be designed so
ous goods or shall be coated with isolating as they can move with no impacts to exclude
material that do not react with carried dan- possibility of sparking. It shall be possible to
gerous goods. retain the covers in the open position.
3.1.3 The cargo spaces on the ships, except
for the ro-ro ships, shall not adjoin the ac- 3.2 VENTILATION
commodation and service spaces. Exception 3.2.1 The ventilation system shall meet the
may apply to the service spaces with low fire following requirements:
hazard which are not parts of the machinery .1 It must be possible to ventilate each
spaces: stores of incombustible material, hold by means of two mutually independent
spares, mechanical and electrical materials. spark proof (Exi) extraction fans having a
3.1.4 The bulkheads and the decks, which capacity of not less than five changes of air
separate the machinery spaces from the cargo per hour based on the volume of the empty
spaces, shall be of type A-60. The bulkheads hold. The holds may be provided with natural
of type A-0 are allowed if structural or other supply ventilation;
arrangements have been taken to place dan- .2 The inlet openings of the extraction
gerous goods at distance of not less than 3 m ducts shall provide air exchange in the hold
from these bulkheads. and no dead air. The inlet openings of the
extraction ducts shall be positioned at the
3.1.5 No heating appliances shall be in- opposite ends of the hold at different heights,
stalled in the holds. and the lower opening shall be at least 50 mm
3.1.6 It shall be possible to take air samples clear off the bottom or tank top plating. The
in the cargo spaces of the ships carrying dan- requirements of this Subpara do not apply if
gerous goods, and the ship shall be fitted with dangerous goods are carried in bulk;
equipment which allows of determining con- .3 If dangerous goods are carried in bulk,
centration of explosion-hazardous gases and extraction of vapours and gases shall be possi-
vapours or oxygen in the cargo space. ble through the extraction piping;
874 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

.4 The ventilation system of a hold shall tanks provided that the double bottom space
be arranged so that dangerous gases cannot height is not less than 0.6 m.
penetrate into the accommodation and service In this case, piping and openings of these
spaces, wheelhouse and machinery space; fuel tanks shall not be arranged in the hold.
.5 Intake and outlet ventilation openings
shall be fitted with flame-arresting fittings. 3.4.2 Height of fuel tank air pipes meas-
Flow area of these fittings shall be not less than ured from the deck to the fluid level in the
the cross-sectional area of the ventilation pipe. pipe when filled shall not be less than
500 mm.
3.2.2 Doors, hatches, and ventilation open-
ings leading to the machinery and service
spaces are not allowed in the fore wall of the 3.5 DRAINAGE SYSTEM
superstructure. 3.5.1 The drainage systems of the cargo
3.2.3 The open top ships do not require the spaces which dangerous goods are carried in
fixed ventilation system to be installed. When shall be independent (not connected with
containerized or packaged dangerous goods piping or pumps of machinery and other
are carried in the open holds, these ships shall spaces) and shall be located within the cargo
be provided with portable fans to ventilate the area. The spaces accommodating the drain
holds, if damage occurred to a container or pumps shall be equipped with independent
package, so that concentration of gases forced exhaust ventilation providing at least 6-
evolved from dangerous goods is less than fold air exchange per hour and shall be sepa-
10% of lower explosive limit or, in case of rated from the adjacent spaces with a self-
toxic gases, less than maximum permissible closing door.
concentration. 3.5.2 The cargo space drain devices shall
prevent creation of free water surface.
If this requirement is not met, the fire wa-
ter main system may be used onboard the ship
3.3.1 Fuel with vapour flash point 60 °Ñ only the requirements of Part II of the Rules
and below for the main and auxiliary engines for ship stability with free water surface taken
and boilers and that with vapour flash point into account are met by results of calculation.
not less than 43 °Ñ for emergency diesel gen- Meeting the requirements of Part II of the
erators shall not be used. Rules for ship stability with free water surface
3.3.2 The machinery space inlet ventilation taken into account shall also be verified if
openings and the engine air intakes which do peculiarities of dangerous goods require possi-
not take air in directly from the machinery ble fire to be extinguished with water until the
spaces shall be located not less than 2.00 m cargo space is flooded or if dangerous goods
from the cargo area. on fire are inclined to dilution.
3.3.3 Sparking shall not be possible within 3.6 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM
the cargo area.
3.6.1 To cool the enclosed under-deck
3.3.4 The gas exhaust piping of the boilers
cargo spaces of the ships intended to carry
and main and auxiliary engines shall be
dangerous goods of class 1, subclasses 1.1 to
equipped with spark extinguishers (spark ar-
1.6, a stationary water spraying system with
resters) and shall be located not less than 2.00
delivery rate of 5 L/min per square meter of
m from the cargo area.
the cargo space area shall be installed or the
cargo space shall be flooded with the fire wa-
ter main system mentioned in 2.1.1. For the
3.4.1 The double bottom spaces located cargo spaces of not more than 100 m2 in
within the cargo holds may be used as fuel area, fire hoses may be used for those pur-
3 Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk or in Containers 875

poses to deliver water with delivery rate speci- T a b l e 3.6.5

fied above. List of carried dangerous goods
which do not require gas fire extinguishing
3.6.2 To disperse fire-extinguishing agent and fire smothering systems to be used
over racks of service spaces where explosive UN Danger
substances are stored, a water sprinkling sys- Substance description
No. class
tem may be used. This system shall be fed 1. Silicon aluminium, uncoated 1398 4.3
with water from the fire main. Pumps and powder*
power sources to be used shall be located out 2. Aluminium nitrate** 1438 5.1
of the space being protected. 3. Ferrosilicon aluminium, powder 1395 4.3
(including bricks)*
3.6.3 The sprinkling system may be used to 4. Aluminium cast by-products* 3170 4.3
flood the explosives stores. 5. Ammonium nitrate** 1942 5.1
6. Barium nitrate** 1446 5.1
3.6.3 The capacity of pumps serving the 7. Potassium nitrate** 1486 5.1
drencher shall be at least 24 L/min per square 8. Calcium nitrate** 1454 5.1
meter of the total area of the protected space. 9. Magnesium nitrate** 1474 5.1
10. Sodium nitrate** 1498 5.1
3.6.5 The cargo spaces shall be equipped 11. Mixture of sodium nitrate and 1499 5.1
with a gas fire extinguishing or fire smothering potassium nitrate**
system. This requirement does not apply to 12. Radioactive material, low spe- 2912 7
carriage of non-combustible or low- inflam- cific activity (LSA-I)*
mability dangerous goods or dangerous goods 13. Radioactive material, surface 2913 7
for which the gas fire extinguishing or fire contaminated objects (SCO-I)*
smothering system is ineffective. Such dan- 14. Lead nitrate** 1469 5.1
gerous goods are listed in Table 3.6.5. 15. Sulphur* 1350 4.1
16. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer** 2067 5.1
3.6.6 In addition to fire-extinguishers avail- 17. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer** 2071 9
able on the ship the cargo spaces shall be pro- 18. Ferrosilicon with 30% or more 1408 4.3
vided with two additional fire-extinguishers but less than 90% silicon (including
with fire-extinguishing agents the type of
19. Zinc slag* 1435 4.3
which is suitable and the quantity of which is
* Gas fire extinguishing and fire smothering sys-
enough for localizing inflammations and ex- tem is not required (low inflammability of goods).
tinguishing possible fires in the cargo spaces ** Gas fire extinguishing or fire smothering sys-
on the ships carrying dangerous goods, but at tems are ineffective.
least 12 kg of dry powder or equivalent quan-
tity of another fire-extinguishing agent. 3.9 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT

3.7 FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM 3.9.1 The electrical equipment installed in

the cargo spaces of the ships carrying danger-
3.7.1 The cargo spaces protected with the ous goods shall be of the following type of
water spraying system, aerosol and gas fire explosion protection:
extinguishing system and fire smothering sys- .1 intrinsically safe electrical circuit “i”
tem shall be equipped with an automatic fire (Exi)
detection system meeting the requirements of .2 pressurized enclosure “p” (Exp)
11.4 Part VI of the Rules.
.3 explosion-proof enclosure “d” (Exd)
.4 explosion protected increased safety
Nonexplosion-proof lighting fittings and
3.8.1 Electrical lighting fittings only are al- floodlights may be installed in such spaces to
lowed outside of the accommodation spaces illuminate the hold provided that the
and wheelhouse. switchboard of this lighting network has a
876 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

removable non-fusable jumper to deenergize This spacing may be reduced to 0.6 m if

the network. the following requirements are met:
.1 in case of longitudinal side framing sys-
3.9.2 Electrical equipment in the cargo
holds shall meet the requirements of 2.10
frame spacing shall not exceed 0.6 m,
Part VI of the Rules for group of explosive
partial bulkheads with cutouts for passage
mixtures of dangerous goods with air Ò4 and
of people shall be installed in the frame plane
mixture category IIB (see Appendix 2 Part VI
along the side with spacing of at least 1.8 m
of the Rules.
.2 in case of transversal side framing sys-
3.9.3 Electrical equipment to be used in tem:
the explosion-hazardous zone on the deck at least two side stringers shall be installed
shall be of explosion-proof design applicable with spacing of 0.8 m max between them or
to category and group of most explosive mix- between the upper stringer and the deck. The
ture of dangerous goods vapours with air. height of the stringers shall not be less than
the height of the web frames, and the sec-
3.9.4 The switches shall exclude possibility tional area of the stringer flange shall not be
of unauthorized (accidental) activation. The less than 15 cm2.
sockets in the explosion-hazardous zone shall
The stringers shall rest on the transversal
be designed so that connection and discon-
partial bulkheads fitted with spacing of 3.6 m
nection from the electric circuit can be possi-
max. with cutouts for lightening and passage
ble only when they are de-energized. These
of people, or the partial bulkhead with cutouts
sockets shall be protected from mechanical
for lightening and passage of people shall be
installed in plane of each web frame.
3.9.5 Portable cables can be used:
.1 for intrinsically safe electric circuits 3.11 EMERGENCY EXIT
3.11.1 The spaces, the entrances or exits of
.2 for connection of navigation lights and
which are likely to become partly or com-
gangway lights,
pletely immersed in the damaged condition,
.3 for connection of containers carrying shall have an emergency exit which is situated
dangerous goods, not less than 0.10 m above the damage water-
.4 for connection of bilge fans, line.
.5 for connection of electrically-driven This requirement does not apply to fore-
hatch covers. peak and afterpeak.
3.9.6 When portable cables are used, they
shall meet the requirement of 2.10.9 Part VI 3.12 FLOODABILITY
of the Rules. These cables shall be at most 18 3.12.1 Dimensions of hull side damages in
m long and shall be laid in such a way as to floodability calculations shall be taken as fol-
prevent damage to them. lows:
3.9.7 The storage batteries shall be installed .1 Damage length is 0.10L, but not less
outside of the explosion-hazardous zones in than 5.0 m;
accordance with the requirements of 8.5 .2 Damage depth measured from the in-
Part VI of the Rules. ner surface of the skin at right angle to the
centre plane is 0.59 m;
3.10 DOUBLE SIDE SPACE .3 vertical extent: from the base line up-
wards without limit;
3.10.1 The spacing between the side and
the internal longitudinal bulkhead of the cargo 3.12.2 Dimensions of bottom damages in
space (double side space) shall be not less floodability calculations shall be taken as fol-
than 0.8 m. lows:
3 Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk or in Containers 877

.1 Damage length is 0.10L, but not less dangerous goods shall meet the following re-
than 5.0 m; quirements (see Fig. 3.12.7):
.2 Damage width is 3.0 m;
.3 Vertical damage size is from the baseline
upwards to 0.49 m, exclusive of the drain well.
3.12.3 Floodability requirements shall be
met when the following spaces are flooded:
.1 two adjacent side compartments
.2 two adjacent bottom compartments in
transversal (longitudinal) direction
.3 machinery space.
3.12.4 At the final stage of flooding, the Fig. 3.12.7. Damaged stability curve for carriage of
lower edges of all open openings (see containers:
1 is angle corresponding to equilibrium and final buoy-
Part II of the Rules) shall be at least 0.10 m
ancy position; 2 is angle equal to 10 or to downflooding
higher than the damaged waterline. angle downflood, if downflood  10°
3.12.5 For all cases of unsymmetrical At the final stage of flooding, the heeling
flooding, the heeling angle at the final stage of angle shall not exceed 5°.
flooding shall not exceed 12°. The area of the damaged stability curve
3.12.6 Area of damaged stability curve with with positive arms shall not be less than
positive arms shall not be less than 0.0065 mrad to angle of 10 or to downflood-
0.0065 mrad to angle of 27 or to downflood- ing angle, whichever is less.
ing angle, whichever is less. In this case, the
maximum arm of the damaged stability curve 3.13 SCOPE OF REQUIREMENTS
shall not be less than 0.05 m (see Fig. 3.12.6). DEPENDING ON CLASS OF CARRIED
3.13.1 Depending on degree of danger of
carried dangerous goods defined by their
class, the requirements stated in 3.1 to 3.12
may be relaxed.
Permissible relaxation in requirements de-
pending on class of carried dangerous goods is
as follows:
for carriage of dangerous goods in bulk, see
Table 3.13.1-1;
Fig. 3.12.6. Damaged stability curve: for carriage of dangerous goods in contain-
1 is angle corresponding to equilibrium and final buoy- ers, see Table 3.13.1-2.
ancy position; 2 is angle equal to 27 or to downflooding
Permissible relaxation in requirements as
angle downflood, if downflood  27°
per Tables 3.13.1-1 and 3.13.1 2 irrespective of
3.12.7 Damaged stability of inland naviga- class and method of carriage of carried dan-
tion ships carrying unfixed containers with gerous goods is exhaustive.
T a b l e 3.13.1-1
Carriage of dangerous goods in bulk
Class or subclass of goods
4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 6.1 8 9
1. Immediate water supply with fire pump (see + + — + — — +
2. Non-adjacency to accommodation spaces (see 3.1.3) — +1,2 +1,2 — + + —
3. Fire resistance of engine and boiler room bulkhead (see 3.1.4) + + + +6 — — +6
4. Determination of vapour concentration (see 3.1.6, 3.1.7) — +1 + — 1.2 1.2 —
878 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

E n d o f T a b l e 3.13.1-1
Class or subclass of goods
4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 6.1 8 9
5. Temperature monitoring (see 3.1.8) — + — — — — +
6. Hatch covers (see 3.1.9) + + + — — — —
7. Forced ventilation (see — +5 + — — — —
8. Flame-arresting fittings (see + +5 + + — — +
9. Spark extinguishers (see 3.3.4) +1,4 +4 +4 — — — —
10. Electrical equipment (see 3.9) + + 5 + +6 — — +6
11. Automatic hold fire alarm system — — — — — — —
Only for dangerous goods that evolve flammable vapours and gases.
Only for dangerous goods that evolve toxic vapours and gases.
Only for flammable dangerous goods.
Only for spontaneously inflammable and spontaneously decomposable dangerous goods.
Only for carriage of oil cake containing oil extracting solvents.
Only for carriage of ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate fertilizers.
N o t e . "+" means required; "–" means not required.
T a b l e 3.13.1-2
Carriage of dangerous goods in containers
Class or subclass of goods
Requirements; 1.1 – 3.1,
1.4S 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.29 6.1 8 9
1.6 3.2
1. Immediate water supply with fire pump
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
2. Non-adjacency to accommodation spaces + + + + — +1,2 +1,2 — — + + —
(see 3.1.3)
3. Fire resistance of machinery space bulk- +3 — + + + + + + — + 7 +7 —
head (see 3.1.4)
4. Determination of vapour concentration + + +6 +1 + +4 — +1,2 +1,2 —
(see 3.1.6, 3.1.7)
5. Temperature monitoring (see 3.1.8) — — — — — + — — + — — —
6. Hatch covers (see 3.1.9) + + + + + + + +4 — — — —
7. Forced ventilation (see — — + — +6 +6 + +6 — +6 +6 +6
8. Flame arresters (see — — + — — — — — — +7 +7 —
9. Spark extinguishers (see 3.3.4) + + + — +1,4 +4 +4 — + — — —
10. Drainage system (see 3.5.1) — — + — — — — — — +7 +8 —
11. Portable fire extinguishers (see 3.6.6) — — + + + + + + — +7 +7 +5
12. Automatic fire detection system in cargo + + + + + + + + — + + —
holds (see 3.7.1)
13. Electrical equipment (see 3.9) + — + — — — — — — +8 +8 —
Only for dangerous goods that evolve flammable vapours and gases.
Only for dangerous goods that evolve toxic vapours and gases.
In all cases, dangerous goods of class I shall be stowed at horizontal distance of 3 m from the machin-
ery space limiting structures.
Only for spontaneously inflammable and spontaneously decomposable dangerous goods.
Only for flammable dangerous goods.
If this requirement is specified in the individual dangerous goods card.
Only for liquids (liquid dangerous goods) .
Only for liquids with vapour flash point t  23 °C.
Dangerous goods are carried on deck only.
N o t e . "+" means required; "–" means not required.
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 879



4.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS T a b l e 4.1.2

4.1.1 This section requirements apply to List of structural requirements

for chemical tankers and liquefied gas tankers
inland navigation ships carrying dangerous
goods in bulk (including liquefied gases) listed Type of ship
Applicable re-
N with cargo tanks
in Table A1-1 in Appendix 1. quirements G Ñ
open enclosed
4.1.2 Necessity of implementing the gen- 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 + + + +
eral design requirements set in this Section as 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 + + — +
applied to tanker type is specified in Ta- 4.3.3 + + + +
4.4.1 to 4.4.2 + + + +
ble 4.1.2, special requirements for carriage of
4.4.3 + + — —
specific dangerous goods are stated in Ta- 4.4.4 – 4.4.7 + + + +
ble A1-1 in Appendix 1. 4.4.8 + + — +
4.1.3 The liquefied or pressurized gas in- 4.4.9 + — — —
4.4.10 — + — —
stallation elements on the ships carrying dan- 4.4.11 + + + +
gerous goods in bulk shall not be placed 4.4.12 + — — —
within the cargo spaces. 4.4.13 — + — —
4.5.1, 4.5.3 + + + +
4.1.4 If this section does not contain any
4.5.2 + + — +
provisions required to make design solutions 4.5.4 – 4.5.7 + + + +
while an inland navigation liquefied gas tanker 4.6.1 – 4.6.2 + + + +
is designed or built, refer to the requirements –,
of 6 of this Part. + + — +– + — — —
4.6.4 – 4.6.7 + + + +
4.2 MATERIALS 4.7.1 – 4.7.4 — + + +
4.8.1 + + — +
4.2.1 All ship structures and elements, in- 4.8.2 + + + +
cluding the equipment, which can contact 4.8.3 — + + +
with carried dangerous goods, shall be manu- 4.8.4 — + — +
factured of materials which do not react when 4.8.5 + + — +
contact with carried dangerous goods or shall 4.8.6 + + + +
have insulating coating of material which does 4.9.1 — + + +
not react when contacts with carried danger- 4.9.2 + + + +
ous goods. 4.9.3 – 4.9.4 — + + +
4.9.5 – 4.9.9 + + + +
Wood, aluminium alloys or plastic materi- 4.10.1 – 4.10.3 + + + +
als shall not be used in ship structures and 4.11.1 — + + +
elements, including equipment, mounted 4.12.1 + + — +
within the cargo area. These requirements do 4.12.2 – 4.12.4 + + + +
not apply to: 4.12.5 — + + +
880 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

E n d o f T a b l e 4.1.2 gaskets (with regard to use of rubber and

Applicable re-
Type of ship plastics)
N with cargo tanks electric cables (with regard to use of rubber
quirements G Ñ
open enclosed
and plastics);
4.12.6 + + — —
4.12.7 + + — + loading and discharge hoses (with regard to
4.12.8 + + + + use of rubber and plastics);
4.12.9 — + + + insulation of cargo tanks and loading and
4.12.10 — — + + discharge hoses (with regard to use of rubber
4.12.11 — + + + and plastics).
4.12.12 + + — +
4.12.13 + + + + 4.2.2 The paint used in the cargo area shall
4.12.14 + + + + not be liable to produce sparks in case of im-
4.13.1 – 4.13.2 — + + + pact. — + — — — — + — 4.2.3 The ship’s boats may be made of — — — + plastics provided that these plastics are hardly
4.13.4 – 4.13.5 — + + + inflammable (incapable of inflammation in air
4.14.1 – 4.14.3 — + + + under long-time effect of low-energy fire
4.15.1 – 4.15.3 + + + + source, for example, flame of a match at tem-
4.16.1 – 4.16.3 + + + + perature of 750 to 800 °С or smoldering of a
4.17.1 – 4.17.3 + + + +
cigarette at temperature of 700 to 750 °С, also
4.18.1 – 4.18.3 + + + +
4.19.1 – 4.19.3 — + + + see Part III of the Rules).
4.20 + — — — – + + + + 4.3 PROTECTION AGAINST + + — + PENETRATION OF GASES – + + + +
4.21.2 – 4.21.9 + + + + 4.3.1 The lower edges of the door openings
4.21.10 — — + + in the sidewall of the superstructures and the
4.21.11 – 4.21.12 + + + + coamings of the access hatches to the under-
4.21.13 + + — + deck spaces shall be at height of not less than
4.21.14 — + — + 0.50 m above the deck.
4.21.15 — + + + These requirements do not apply provided
4.21.16 — + — + that the wall of the superstructures facing the
4.21.17 + — — —
4.22.1 – 4.22.16 + + + +
cargo area extends from one side of the ship
4.22.17 + — — — to the other and has the doors the coamings
4.23 – 4.24 + + + + of which have a height of not less than 0.50
N o t e . "+" means required; "–" means not re- m. The height of this wall shall not be less
quired. than 2.00 m. The lower edges of the door
openings in the sidewall of the superstructures
gangways and external ladders and the coamings of the access hatches be-
moving parts of ship equipment hind this wall shall be at a height of not less
fasteners of cargo tanks which are inde- than 0.10 m above the deck. The coamings of
pendent of ship’s hull and fasteners of ship’s the machinery space doors and access hatches
machinery and equipment shall always be at a height of not less than
masts and similar mast timbers 0.50 m.
parts of ship’s machinery 4.3.2 The bulwark in its bottom part on the
parts of electrical equipment main deck shall have openings whose area in
lids of boxes located on the deck the cargo area shall be equal to that calcu-
supports and stops (with regard to use of lated by the following formula, m2:
timber and plastics) with bulwark length l of 20 m and less
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 881

Fmin  1  0.05l ; (4.3.2-1) 4.4.5 The capacity of the cargo tank suc-
with bulwark length l exceeding 20 m tion well shall not be more than 0.10 m3.

Fmin  0.1l . (4.3.2-2) 4.4.6 The cargo tanks shall be separated

from the accommodation spaces, machinery
The lower edges of the openings shall be space and service spaces located outside the
located at the deck level. cargo area or, if such spaces are unavailable,
4.3.3 For all spaces located within the from the ship ends by cofferdams of at least
cargo area, it shall be possible to monitor 0.60 m wide.
concentration of gas mixtures. When the cargo tanks are placed in the
hold space, a space of not less than 0.50 m
4.4 HOLD SPACES AND CARGO TANKS shall be provided between these cargo tanks
and the end bulkheads of the hold space. If
4.4.1 The maximum permissible capacity of the requirement is met, Class A-60 fire pro-
the cargo tanks shall not exceed values deter- tection insulation may be installed on the
mined according to Table 4.4.1. transversal end bulkheads instead of coffer-
T a b l e 4.4.1 dams.
Maximum capacity of cargo tanks
4.4.7 The hold spaces, cofferdams, and
Maximum permissible capacity of the
Lmax.Âmax.Í, m3
cargo tank, m3
cargo tanks shall be capable of being in-
up to 600 0.3Lmax.Âmax.Í spected and stripped.
600–3750 180 + 0.0635(Lmax.Âmax.Í – 600) 4.4.8 The bulkheads limiting the cargo
over 3750 380
tanks, cofferdams, and hold spaces shall be
N o t e : Lmax. is maximum ship’s hull length (m);
Âmax. is maximum ship’s hull breadth (m); Í is watertight. The cargo tanks, cofferdams, and
design side height within the cargo area (m). end bulkheads of the hold spaces and the
bulkheads limiting the cargo area shall have
For trunk ships, Í in product Lmax.Âmax.Í no openings or passages below the main deck.
shall be replaced by H' to be obtained from These requirements do not apply to passages
the following formula: intended for laying electric cables and pipe-
H   H  ht bt l t  Bmax.Lmax.  ; lines of instrumentation and alarm systems, as
well as passages of drive shafts of drain and
where ht — trunk height (m); ballast pumps through the bulkheads that
bt — trunk breadth (m); separate a service space and a machinery
lt — trunk length (m). space. These allowed passages shall be gas-
4.4.2 If the ship’s length is 50 m and less, tight.
the cargo tank length shall not exceed 10 m; if 4.4.9 Type G tankers within the cargo area
the ship’s length exceeds 50 m, the cargo tank may be designed as both double hull and sin-
length shall not exceed 0.20Lmax. This re- gle hull. If the double sides and the double
quirement does not apply to ships with cylin- bottom are available, the double side space
drical independent cargo tanks with length-to- breadth shall not be less than 0.8 m, and the
diameter ratio l/d less or equal 7. double bottom space height shall not be less
High-pressure cargo tanks shall have ratio than 0.6 m. If the double sides are unavail-
l/d less than or equal to 7. able, the side stringer space shall not exceed
0.6 m, and the space between the web frames
4.4.3 Trunks shall not be installed within
supporting the side stringers shall not exceed
the cargo area of type Ñ tankers (except for
2.0 m. The height of the side stringers and
web frames shall not be less than 10% of the
4.4.4 The cargo tanks that are not parts of side height, but not less than 0.3 m. The free
the ship’s hull shall be fastened so that they flange cross-section area for the side stringers
cannot float. and web frames shall not be less than 7.5 cm2
882 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

and 15 cm2, respectively. The distance be- unconscious persons to be removed by means
tween the side plating of the ship and the of fixed equipment. In these spaces the dis-
cargo tanks shall not be less than 0.8 m, and tance between the framing beams shall not be
that between the bottom plating and the cargo less than 0.5 m. In the double bottom space
tanks shall not be less than 0.6 m. This dis- this distance may be reduced to 0.45 m. The
tance below the cargo tank suction wells may round access hatches to the cargo tanks shall
be reduced to 0.5 m. The horizontal distance have clear diameter of at least 0.68 m.
between the cargo tank suction wells and the
4.4.12 The high pressure cargo tanks shall
bottom framing shall not be less than 0.1 m.
be rated at cargo temperature of +40 °Ñ.
Other design solutions as applied to the
ship hull in the cargo area may be used, if 4.4.13 Separate wells of more than 0.1 m
calculations confirm that in case of side colli- deep may be fitted in the deck of cargo tanks
sion with another ship having straight stem, of type C tankers for installation of cargo
energy of 22 MJ will be absorbed without pumps if the following conditions are satis-
rupturing the cargo tanks and the cargo piping fied:
connected to the cargo tanks. .1 The well depth shall not be more than
4.4.10 The double side space width for type 1 m;
C tankers shall not be less than 1.0 m. This .2 The well shall be at least 6 m clear off
width may be reduced to 0.8 m provided that the entrances and openings of the accommo-
the hull is additionally reinforced as compared dation and service spaces located out of the
to the requirements of Part I of the Rules by: cargo area and 0.25 of ship breadth clear off
.1 increasing thickness of deck stringer by the sides;
25%; .3 If the well depth exceeds 0.5 m, it shall
.2 increasing thickness of side plating by be provided with a fixed gas detection system
15%; which outputs light and sound signals when
.3 decreasing distance between side string- concentration of gases reaches 20% of lower
ers to 0.8 m (for transversal side framing sys- explosive limit and automatically disconnects
tem), here, stringer profile height shall not be the ship cargo system;
less than 0.15 m, and free flange section area .4 If in the cargo area is provided with a
of shall not be less than 7 cm2; water spraying system, the electrical equip-
.4 assigning profile height of longitudinal ment in the well shall be protected from
T-section stiffeners which shall not be less flooding;
than 0.15 m with free flange section area of .5 The well shall be drained by means of
not less than 7 cm2 (for longitudinal side the drain system installed on the deck within
framing system). the cargo area and independent of other sys-
When longitudinal stiffeners with non-T tems;
section are used, equality of section moduli .6 The well shall be fitted with a device
shall be provided between the used section which measures its degree of filling, actuates
and required tee section. its drain system and outputs light and sound
signals when liquid accumulates on the well
4.4.11 To provide access of the crew mem- bottom.
bers wearing the protective clothes to the cof-
ferdams, double side and double bottom com- 4.5 VENTILATION
partments, cargo tanks and other hold spaces
located within the cargo area, the cut-outs 4.5.1 The double side and double bottom
necessary to enter these cofferdams, com- spaces and the cofferdams located within the
partments, tanks and spaces shall have the cargo area shall be equipped with air pipes
cross-section area of not be less than 0.36 m2 and ventilation system.
and minimum side length of 0.5 m. Cutouts The air pipe outlet ends shall be equipped
shall be arranged so as to allow injured or with permanent automatically operating clo-
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 883

sures which provide easy access of air and ings are unavailable, an inerting system for
prevent ingress of air into the double side and the hold spaces shall be provided.
double bottom spaces and cofferdams.
4.5.6 The ventilation system shall be de-
The air pipe outlet ends shall be provided signed so as to exclude possibility of ingress of
with float-type closures capable of operating dangerous gases into the accommodation
at any heel and trim. The closures and their spaces, wheelhouse or machinery space.
fastenings shall be resistant to effect of dan-
gerous goods and sea water. 4.5.7 The air pipe openings of each fuel oil
tank shall be at a height of not less than
Each service space within the cargo area
0.50 m above the deck. These openings and
below deck shall be fitted with forced ventila-
the openings of the overflow pipes connecting
tion system which provides at least 20-fold air
to the deck shall have a protection consisting
exchange per hour based on the whole space
of a wire mesh or a perforated plate.
Air for ventilation of double side and dou- 4.6 SERVICE AND ACCOMMODATION
ble bottom spaces and cofferdams shall be SPACES
supplied through an air duct to the bottom
part of a space 400 mm clear off the floor 4.6.1 The service spaces may be located
(bottom). Air shall exit through the air pipes. within the cargo area below deck provided
The ventilation system inlet openings shall that these spaces are enclosed with watertight
be located at a height of not less than 2 m walls extending from the deck to the bottom
above the deck and at a distance of not less plating. Access to such service spaces shall be
than 2 m from the tank openings and 6 m provided from the deck only. The cargo pip-
from the safety valve openings. ing shall not be laid through these spaces.
4.6.2 The crew shall be enabled of access-
4.5.2 The fans used to ventilate the spaces ing the service spaces mentioned in 4.6.1 and
according to 4.5.1 shall have electrical equip- operating therein, and it shall be made possi-
ment with type of explosion protection “i” ble to evacuate people in protective clothing
(Exi). therefrom.
4.5.3 Operating instructions, including in- 4.6.3 The service spaces mentioned in 4.6.1
formation on conditions under which these shall not be used as cargo pump rooms and
openings are to be closed, shall be placed at shall not accommodate the loading and dis-
the ventilation system inlet openings. All ven- charge systems unless the following conditions
tilation system inlet openings of the accom- are satisfied:
modation and service spaces facing the out- .1 There is a cofferdam or a fire-insulated
side shall be equipped with fire dampers. bulkhead of type A-60 or a service or hold
These openings shall be located at a distance space between the pump room and the ma-
of not less than 2 m from the cargo area. chinery space or between the service spaces
It is allowed to arrange the ventilation sys- located out of the cargo area;
tem inlet openings of the service spaces lo- .2 No drive shafts of ballast or bilge
cated in the cargo area below deck within this pumps go through the bulkhead of type A-60
area. required in;
.3 The ventilation outlet openings are lo-
4.5.4 The ventilation system inlet openings
cated at a distance of not less than 6 m from
of the machinery space shall be at a distance
the entrances and openings of the accommo-
of not less than 2 m from the cargo area.
dation and service spaces out of the cargo
4.5.5 Each hold space shall be ventilated in area;
any part of it. To fulfil this requirement, each .4 The access hatches and the ventilation
hold space shall have two closable deck open- inlet openings are provided with outer clo-
ings to provide this ventilation. If such open- sures;
884 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

.5 All loading and discharge pipelines and does not apply to the wheelhouse doors and
stripping pipelines are equipped with the shut- windows, if there is no access from the
off devices on the suction inlet of the pump wheelhouse to the accommodation spaces or
in the cargo pump room. Operating the con- if this access is provided through the gas-tight
trols located in the pump room, starting the doors.
pumps and monitoring the fluid flow shall
take place from the main deck; 4.6.7 The seal assembly at the place where
.6 All loading and discharge pipelines the bilge or ballast pump shaft penetrates the
(filling and supplying ones) shall be laid on bulkhead separating the service space and the
the deck over the pump room; machinery space shall be gas-tight.
.7 The oily water space of the cargo pump
room shall be equipped with an instrument 4.7 COFFERDAMS
for measuring the filling level in the oily water 4.7.1 Each cofferdam that adjoins the ser-
space which activates light and sound alarm vice spaces shall be provided with an access
in the wheelhouse when the upper filling level hatch. The access hatches and the ventilation
is reached; outlet openings shall be arranged in accor-
.8 The cargo pump room is equipped with dance with the requirements of Part II of the
a fixed gas detection system which automati- Rules and shall be located at least 0.5 m
cally informs on presence of explosive gases above the deck.
or oxygen deficiency by means of direct
measurement sensors and activates light and 4.7.2 It shall be possible to fill the coffer-
sound alarm when concentration of gases dams with water and drain them with the
reaches 20% of the lower explosive limit; pumps. It shall take not more than 30 min-
.9 The wheelhouse and the cargo pump utes to fully fill the cofferdams with water.
room are equipped with sound and light The cofferdams shall have no inlet valves.
alarm, and when alarm is signalled, the load- This requirement does not apply to the
ing and discharge system is deactivated. If the cofferdams that have common separating
gas detection system fails, the sound and light bulkhead with the machinery space if the
alarm shall operate in the wheelhouse and on bulkhead separating them has fire insulation
the deck; of type A-60 and if the cofferdam is used as a
.10 The ventilation system shall provide at service space.
least 30-fold air exchange per hour based on
the total volume of the service space. 4.7.3 It is not allowed to integrate the cof-
ferdam systems with the other systems located
4.6.4 The accommodation spaces and the out of the cargo area.
wheelhouse shall be located out of the cargo
area. 4.7.4 he cofferdam ventilation openings
shall be equipped with flame arresters.
4.6.5 The space entrances and the super-
structure openings shall not face the cargo 4.8 OPENINGS OF CARGO TANKS
area. The hinges of the doors, which open
outwards and are located out of the recesses 4.8.1 The cargo tank openings with cross-
the depth of which is equal to or exceeds the sectional area of more than 0.10 m2 shall be
door breadth shall be located from the side of located above the deck at a height of not less
the cargo area. than 0.5 m. This requirement also applies to
the openings of the safety devices designed to
4.6.6 The entrances and openable windows prevent overpressure, on type C and N tank-
of the superstructures and accommodation ers with enclosed cargo tanks.
spaces and other openings of these spaces
shall be located at a distance of not less than 4.8.2 The cargo tank openings shall be
2 m from the cargo area. This requirement equipped with the gas-tight closures which
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 885

can withstand test pressure equal to test pres- 4.9 STABILITY AND FLOODABILITY
sure of cargo tanks
4.9.1 Intact stability of ships that have
4.8.3 Each cargo tank or a group of cargo cargo tanks with total breadth in excess of
tanks which have common gas-freeing pipe- 0.70B shall meet the following requirements:
line shall have: The stability curve area with positive arms
.1 a safety device for preventing overpres- shall not be less than 0.024 mrad to angle of
sure or vacuum. This safety device shall be 27 or to downflooding angle, whichever is
designed so as to prevent water ingress into less.
the cargo tanks; Here, the maximum arm of the stability
.2 a connection for safe return ashore of curve shall not be less than 0.10 m.
gases expelled from the cargo tanks during The metacentric height shall not be less
loading than 0.10 m.
These requirements shall be met with con-
.3 a device for safe depressurization in the
sideration of free surface effect in the cargo
cargo tanks, including a stop valve and a
tanks under the most unfavourable loading
flame arrester. The stop valve position shall be
4.9.2 Floodability requirements shall be
4.8.4 The safety device mentioned in met when the following spaces are flooded: shall have a vacuum valve with flame
.1 two adjacent side compartments
arrester and a pressure relief valve represent-
ing a quick-acting vent valve with flame ar- .2 two adjacent bottom compartments in
rester. The gas shall be returned upwards. The transversal direction
opening pressure for the quick-acting vent .3 machinery space.
and vacuum valves shall comply with the val- 4.9.3 For all cases of unsymmetrical flood-
ues specified in col. 7 of Table A1-1 in Ap- ing, the heeling angle at the final stage of
pendix 1 and shall be indicated on the respec- flooding shall not exceed 12°.
tive valve.
4.9.4 The area of damaged stability curve
4.8.5 The openings of the quick-acting vent with positive arms shall not be less than
valves (or overpressure valves for type G tank- 0.0065 mrad to angle of 27 or to downflood-
ers) shall be located above the deck at a ing angle, whichever is less. In this case, the
height of not less than 2 m and at a distance maximum arm of the damaged stability curve
of not less than 6 m from the accommodation shall not be less than 0.05 m (see Fig. 3.12.6).
and service spaces located out of the cargo
area. The above distance may be reduced pro- 4.9.5 Dimensions of hull side damages
vided that no equipment is placed and no shall be taken as follows:
work is performed within the radius of 1 m .1 Damage length is 10% of ship’s length
from the quick-acting vent valve (overpressure L, but not less than 5 m;
valve for type G tankers) opening. In this .2 Damage depth measured from the in-
case, maximum permissible working pressure ner surface of the skin at right angle to the
limits shall be marked on the vent valve. The centre plane is 0.79 m for type G and Ñ tank-
quick-acting vent valves shall be adjusted so ers and 0.59 m for type N tankers;
that they do not open during carriage until .3 vertical extent: from the base line up-
maximum permissible working pressure is wards without limit;
reached in the cargo tanks.
4.9.6 Dimensions of bottom damages shall
4.8.6 When operated, the shut-off devices be taken as follows:
used during loading or discharge shall not .1 Damage length is 10% of ship’s length
cause sparking. L, but not less than 5 m;
886 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

.2 Damage width is 3 m; at the wall from the side of the machinery

.3 Vertical damage size from the baseline space.
upwards: to 0.59 m for type G and Ñ tankers
6.24.3 Ventilation of the closed machinery
and to 0.49 m for type N tankers, exclusive of
space shall provide temperature in the ma-
the drain well. chinery space of max. 40 °C at ambient tem-
4.9.7 At the final stage of flooding the perature of 20 °Ñ.
lower edges of all open openings shall be at
least 0.10 m higher than the damaged water- 4.11 TIGHTNESS TEST
4.11.1 The integral cargo tanks and the re-
4.9.8 In checking calculations of floodabil- sidual cargo tanks shall be tested for tightness
ity the design volume of flooded compart- in accordance with Appendix 10 to RTSC,
ments shall be taken with due consideration and type C independent cargo tanks shall be
of volume permeability factors of each room tested with pressure equal to 1.1 of working
of the compartment which shall be taken as pressure.
equal to:
for machinery spaces 0.85
for accommodation spaces 0.95
for double bottom spaces, fuel oil 0 or 4.12.1 The cargo system (liquid cargo sys-
tanks, ballast tanks depending on 0.95 tem) and all its elements shall be located
whether they are considered in view within the cargo area.
of their functions as filled or empty 4.12.2 In addition to capability of switching
for the ship afloat with maximum off the cargo pumps from the control station
permissible draught located within the cargo area, it shall be pos-
4.9.9 When the ship is righted to reduce sible to remotely switch off the cargo pumps
unsymmetrical flooding, the righting time from the station located out of the cargo area.
shall not exceed 15 min. Here, at all interme- 4.12.3 The cargo pumps shall be located at
diate phases of righting the requirements of a distance of not less than 6 m from the en-
4.9.4 for damaged stability shall be met. trances or openings of the accommodation
and service spaces located out of the cargo
4.10.1 The machinery space entrance shall For type N tankers, this requirement ap-
not face the cargo area and shall be located at plies to the cargo pumps located on the main
a distance of not less than 2 m from the cargo deck.
area. If the entrance doors are not located in 4.12.4 The cargo piping shall not be placed
the superstructure recess the depth of which is under the deck, except for the cargo tanks
not less than the door breadth, they shall
and the cargo pump room.
open towards the cargo area.
4.12.5 The cargo system pipelines shall be
4.10.2 The piping from the machinery designed so that it can be possible to drain
space may be laid through the adjacent service
residuals of dangerous goods (on completion
space located within the cargo area and of loading and discharge processes) from the
through the cofferdams and hold spaces as system to the shore or ship tanks.
well. In this case, the pipeline wall thickness
shall not be less than 4 mm, and the pipeline 4.12.6 The cargo piping of type G tankers,
shall have no detachable joints and branches gas-freeing manifolds, except for valves for
in the spaces through which the pipeline shore connection, and stop, safety and other
passes. Besides, the pipelines going through valves shall be located inside the zone limited
the service spaces shall have shut-off devices in width to the outer boundaries of the cargo
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 887

tank domes and shall be clear off the ship’s 4.12.13 The cargo piping of type G tankers
side at least one quarter of the hull breadth. may not be used as ballast ones.
However, if there is only one dome across the If washing water of type C and N tankers
breadth of the ship, these pipelines and valves is supplied to the cargo tanks through the
shall be placed at a distance of not less than cargo piping system, inlet branches of these
2.7 m from the ship’s side. This requirement pipelines shall be within the cargo area, but
does not apply to the pipelines located behind out of the cargo tanks.
the safety valves. The connections of the adja-
4.12.14 The cargo piping and gas-freeing
cent tanks shall be located on the line con-
manifolds shall have no flexible connections
necting the centres of the domes. The closing with swing joints.
devices shall be located on the dome.
The shut-off system of the cargo piping 4.13 RESIDUAL DANGEROUS GOODS
shall consist of two devices, one of which TANKS AND SETTLING TANKS
shall be remotely operated quick-acting stop
device. 4.13.1 The ship shall be provided with a
tank for residual dangerous goods and a tank
4.12.7 The shore connections shall be shall for settling with cannot be pumped out. These
be located at a distance of not less than 6 m tanks shall be placed within the cargo area
from the entrances to or openings of the ac- only. Independent tank containers may be
commodation and service spaces outside the used instead of stationary residual dangerous
cargo area. goods tanks. In this case, the ship shall be
4.12.8 The connections of the gas-freeing equipped with a device for collecting possible
and cargo systems used during loading and leakages of dangerous goods while the tank
discharge shall have the shut-off device. If containers are being filled.
these connections are not used during loading 4.13.2 Maximum permissible capacity of
and discharge, they shall be blanked off. dangerous goods residual tanks shall not ex-
4.12.9 The connections of the loading and ceed 30 m3.
discharge pipes used during loading or dis- 4.13.3 The dangerous goods residual tanks
charge shall be equipped with a device for shall be equipped with the following:
removing residuals of dangerous goods. .1 for C type tankers:
4.12.10 The ship shall be provided with a quick-acting outlet pressure-relief valves
fixed cargo tank stripping system. The strip- and vacuum valves with flame arresters
ping system shall provide the following maxi- closable opening for measurements
mum residual quantity of stripping solution connections with stop valves for pipelines
(m3): and hoses
for each cargo tank 510–3 .2 for type N tankers with open cargo
for the entire stripping system 1510–3
a pressure equalization device which shall
4.12.11 When dangerous goods that can have a flame arrester
form substances aggressive to material of opening for measurements
pipelines in contact with water (goods of connections with stop valves for pipelines
class 8), flanges and stuffing boxes shall be and hoses
protected from water splashes. .3 for type N tankers with enclosed cargo
4.12.12 Distances mentioned in 4.12.3 and tanks:
4.12.7 may be reduced to 3 m if the cargo pressure relief valves and vacuum valves
area is limited by a side-to-side cross wall as with flame arrester
high as one tier of superstructure or more a device for measuring filling ratio
with no openings and entrances of accommo- connections with stop valves for pipelines
dation spaces. and hoses.
888 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

4.13.4 The residual dangerous goods tanks 4.15.2 Temperature on the outside surfaces
shall not be equipped with crossover pipes of the engines used during loading and dis-
connecting them with the gas-freeing system charge and that of their air intake and gas
of the cargo tanks. vent ducts shall not exceed the permissible
values set in view of temperature class of car-
4.13.5 The cargo containers, tank contain-
ried dangerous goods as specified in the ac-
ers, and portable tanks used to take residues
companying documentation for goods. This
of dangerous goods or settlings shall be
requirement does not apply to the engines
equipped with:
installed in the service spaces which comply
a branch pipe for freeing gases expelled with the following requirements:
during loading
a filling ratio indicator .1 These spaces shall be equipped with a
connections with shut-off devices for pipe- ventilation system providing positive pressure
lines and hoses. of 0.1 kPa. All windows (scuttles) of these
The residual dangerous goods tanks, cargo spaces shall not be openable. The ventilation
containers, tank containers or portable tanks system inlet openings of the spaces considered
shall not be connected with the gas-freeing shall be placed at a distance of 6 m min. from
manifold of the cargo tanks, except for con- the cargo area and at a height of 2 m min.
from the deck;
nection to fill them.
The residual dangerous goods tanks, cargo .2 These spaces shall be equipped with a
containers, tank containers, and portable continuously operating gas detection system
tanks located on the deck shall be removed with sensors located as follows:
from the side for a distance of not less than a in ventilation system inlet openings
quarter of the ship breadth.
at upper edge of coamings of doors of ac-
4.14 WATER SPRAYING SYSTEM commodation and service spaces;

4.14.1 To reduce volume of vapours ex- .3 When gas concentration in the spaces
pelled by dangerous goods, cool the tops of considered reaches 20% of lower explosive
the cargo tanks and meet the requirements of limit specified in the dangerous goods docu-
Appendix 1, a water spraying system shall be mentation, the fans shall be activated. In this
provided on the deck within the cargo area case and when positive pressure is not main-
(see 3.5 Part III of the Rules). tained any more or the gas detection system
fails, the electrical equipment not intended for
The water spraying system shall be acti-
vated from the ship wheelhouse. operation in explosion-hazardous spaces of
category 2 and above shall be deactivated.
4.14.2 It shall be possible to feed the water When this equipment is deactivated, the re-
spraying system from shore. spective light and sound signals shall be
transmitted to the wheelhouse;
4.14.3 The water spraying system pump
shall provide water flow of at least 510– .4 Type of explosion protection of electri-
m3/h per square meter of the deck area. cal equipment of ventilation system, gas de-
tection system and alarm shall comply with
4.15 ENGINES AND GAS EXHAUST working conditions in explosion-hazardous
PIPING spaces of category 1.

4.15.1 Closed-cup vapour flash point of 4.15.3 The gas exhaust pipelines of the
liquid fuel used for the main and auxiliary main and auxiliary engines shall not be laid
engines shall be higher than 60 °C, and for through the cargo. The gas exhaust pipeline
the emergency diesel generators, not less than outlets shall be located at a distance of not
55 °C. less than 2 m from the cargo area.
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 889

4.16 BILGE AND BALLST PUMPS 4.17.3 Only electrical lighting devices may
be used.
4.16.1 Bilge and ballast pumps for spaces
located within the cargo area shall be installed
within this area.
This requirement does not apply to the 4.18.1 The inert gas system shall maintain
double side and double bottom spaces that constant minimum pressure of 7 kPa in the
have no common bulkhead with the cargo spaces being protected. When operated, the
tanks, as well as to the cofferdams and hold inert gas injection installation shall not cause
spaces if ballasting is performed by means of pressure increase in the cargo tank above
the fire extinguishing system pipeline located pressure on which the overpressure valve is
in the cargo area, and unballasting, by means adjusted. The vacuum valve operation pressure
of ejectors. shall be equal to 3.5 kPa.
4.16.2 If a ballast pump is installed in the 4.18.2 If the ship is not provided with the
cargo area, the delivery pipe and its side suc- inert gas generator, the inert gas storage shall
tion branch pipe for water ballasting shall be be made available in amount required to inert
located within the cargo area, but out of the the tanks during loading and discharge with
cargo tanks. consideration of possible loss of inert gas dur-
ing carriage.
4.16.3 The cargo pump room located under
the deck shall be drained by means of the 4.18.3 The inert gas pressure and concen-
autonomous system located within the cargo tration shall be monitored in the space being
area and not connected with another system. protected. In case of pressure drop and in-
Such a system shall be placed outside of the crease of concentration of inert gas, light and
cargo pump room. sound alarms shall be transmitted to the
wheelhouse. The same signals shall be trans-
4.17 ADDITIONAL FIRE SAFETY mitted to the spaces wherein at least one crew
REQUIREMENTS member is present.
4.17.1 The smoke funnel outlets shall be at
a distance of not less than 2.00 m from the SYSTEM
cargo area boundaries. Measures shall be
taken to prevent flyout of sparks1 from the 4.19.1 The boilers used to heat dangerous
funnel outlets and ingress of water into the goods shall be fired with oil fuel with vapour
funnels. flash point of above 60 °C. These boilers shall
not be installed within the cargo area.
4.17.2 The heating and cooking devices
shall not use oil fuel, gas or solid fuel, except 4.19.2 The dangerous goods heating system
for the heating devices or boilers installed in shall be designed so as to exclude ingress of
the machinery space which are fired with oil dangerous goods into the boiler when the
fuel with vapour flash point of 60 °C and coils of this system become untight.
4.19.3 If the dangerous goods heating sys-
The cooking or air cooling devices may be tem is used during loading and discharge
installed in the accommodation spaces only. processes, the electrical equipment of the
dangerous goods heating system located on
the deck out of the cargo area shall be of ex-
1 plosion-proof design. The inlet openings of
Here, sparks are understood as incandescent
particles of fuel or its inclusions unburned in the the ventilation system in the spaces, wherein
engine cylinders and boiler furnaces and brought the electrical equipment of the dangerous
out by flow of gases into the gas exhaust system or goods heating system is placed, shall be at a
smoke funnel. height of not less than 2 m from the deck
890 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

level and shall be located at the following operation, the maximum design environ-
minimum distance (m): mental temperature shall be taken equal to
from the cargo area 2 20 °Ñ for fresh water, 32 °Ñ for sea water and
from the openings of residual dangerous 6 45 °Ñ for air.
goods tanks, cargo pumps located on the 4.20.3 The cargo tanks of type G tankers
deck, pressure relief valves and connections
of cargo piping for reception from shore and
shall withstand pressure of dangerous goods
the openings of the quick-acting outlet valves vapours at maximum design environmental
temperature irrespective of a system provided
for operating gas vapours.
SYSTEM 4.20.4 The cooling system shall consist of
one or several refrigerating units which make
4.20.1 If the dangerous goods containment it possible to maintain design pressure and
system is not rated for full positive pressure of temperature of dangerous goods at maximum
dangerous goods vapours under conditions of design environmental temperature. The heat-
maximum ambient temperature, pressure in exchangers of these units (evaporators and
the cargo tank shall be maintained below the condensers) shall have heat-exchange surface
maximum permissible set pressure of the area which exceeds the required one by at
safety valve by using one or several systems least 25%.
mentioned below: In addition to the main refrigerating unit,
.1 pressure control systems in the cargo the cooling system shall be equipped with a
tanks standby refrigerating unit (units) with refrig-
.2 systems which use dangerous goods va- eration capacity equal to or exceeding the
pours as fuel for aboard ship or excessive heat main refrigerating unit refrigeration capacity.
recovery systems. If means are available for The standby refrigerating unit shall include
dissipating excessive energy (heat) produced the control system and valves required for the
by the above systems, these systems may be autonomous operation of the refrigerating
used when the ship is underway or at rest or unit.
in manoeuvring; The cargo tanks, pipelines, and auxiliaries
.3 systems which provide safety by pre- shall have heat insulation and sealing which
venting heating of dangerous goods and asso- can maintain a temperature which does not
ciated increase of cargo pressure. The insula- cause the safety valves to open for at least 52
tion used in the cargo tanks shall make it pos- h when all dangerous goods cooling systems
sible to maintain temperature of dangerous go out of operation.
goods in these tanks while the ship is being 4.20.5 The safety devices and connecting
loaded and en route below the maximum pipelines of the cooling systems shall be con-
temperature which corresponds to the maxi- nected to the cargo tanks above the liquid
mum permissible activation pressure for the phase of dangerous goods when the cargo
safety valves. In this case, the insulation de- tanks are filled to their maximum permissible
sign and strength properties of the cargo tank filling ratio. They shall remain in the gas
shall be rated for service life equal to at least phase at ship heel of up to 12°.
three-fold specified service life of cargo tank
4.20.6 When two and more cooled danger-
at design pressure and temperature;
ous goods which can chemically react are
.4 other systems approved by the River carried simultaneously, their cooling systems
Register. shall prevent these goods from mixing.
4.20.2 Materials used to manufacture ele- When these dangerous goods are carried
ments of systems mentioned in 4.20.1 shall simultaneously, the individual main and
not react and interact with goods to be carried standby refrigerating units complying with the
or with their vapours. When the ship is in requirements of 4.20.4 shall be provided for
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 891

each dangerous goods. It is allowed not to Dangerous goods may be cooled in the
install separate refrigerating units if dangerous heat exchanger located out of the cargo tank
goods are cooled by an indirect cooling sys- or by means of the condenser coils mounted
tem (see or a combined cooling sys- inside or outside of the cargo tank.
tem (see, and leakage in the evapo-
4.20.11 If the cooling system is located in a
rator does not cause dangerous goods to mix.
separate service space, such service space shall
4.20.7 If the ship simultaneously carries meet the requirements of 4.6.1 and 4.6.3.
two and more cooled dangerous goods which 4.20.12 Heat flows to the environment
under conditions of carriage do not dissolve in shall be calculated for all cargo systems. Cal-
each other, but, when mixed, evolve vapours
culations shall be validated by results of heat-
creating additional pressure, these cooling
balance tests.
systems shall be designed so as to prevent
these dangerous goods from mixing.
4.20.8 If sea water is used in the cooling 4.21.1 The cargo tanks shall be equipped
system, a separate sea water pump intended to with:
serve this system only shall be installed. This
.1 level indicator
pump shall receive sea water from two king-
ston valves located on the different sides of .2 alarm device operating when cargo
the ship. tank filling ratio reaches 86% for type G
tankers and 90% for type C and N tankers
Besides, each cooling system shall be pro-
.3 limit level sensor operating when filling
vide with a standby pump of the same capac-
ratio reaches 97.5%
ity as the main one, and it shall receive sea
water from two kingston valves located on the .4 cargo tank gas pressure monitor
different sides of the ship too. .5 cargo temperature monitor for C and
A pump intended for other purposes with N type tankers if dangerous goods require
capacity and head equal to those of the main heating or limitations of maximum tempera-
pump may be used as a standby one, if its ture of dangerous goods are present
function of cooling dangerous goods does not .6 sampling device for closed type G
interfere with its main function. tankers, for closed or partly closed C and N
type tankers and/or sampling opening de-
4.20.9 One of the following systems may be pending on requirements specified in Appen-
used to cool dangerous goods: dix 1 as applied to carried dangerous goods.
.1 direct cooling when vapouring danger-
ous goods are compressed, condensed and 4.21.2 Permissible error for determination
returned to the cargo tanks of filling ratio shall not exceed 0.5%.
.2 indirect cooling when dangerous goods 4.21.3 The level indicator shall be located
(fluid fraction) or vapouring dangerous goods so that its indications can be seen from the
are cooled or condensed, carrying heat off to respective tank shut-off device control station.
the cooling agent, without compression In case of remote cargo control, it is allowed
.3 combined cooling when vapouring to transmit level indications over the loud-
dangerous goods are compressed, condensed speaker communication or by means of hand
and cooled in the refrigerating unit evaporator radio.
and then cooled liquid dangerous goods are
4.21.4 The level indicator and the level
returned to the cargo tanks.
alarm device shall be independent from each
4.20.10 Specifications for delivery of cool- other.
ing medium and cooling agent shall consider When operated, the level alarm device shall
their compatibility with each other and with give light and sound alarms to the cargo con-
dangerous goods which they can contact with. trol station and to the wheelhouse. These sig-
892 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

nals shall differ from the high level sensor function shall be visible from the cargo con-
signals. trol position. If this requirement is not met,
The light signal shall be visible from each this information shall be transmitted to the
cargo tank stop valves control station located cargo control position by means of loud-
on the deck. It shall be possible to check op- speaker or portable radio communication.
erability of sensors and electric circuits or
4.21.12 If cargo handling is controlled from
these sensors and circuits shall be of safe type
the cargo control station, the light and sound
in view of operating principle.
signals mentioned in 4.21.7 shall be transmit-
4.21.5 When operated, the limit level sen- ted to the cargo control station in addition to
sor shall give light and sound alarms and si- the main deck. Here, the main deck shall
multaneously provide deactivation of the ship receive the generalized signal which shall be
cargo pump or initiate deactivation of the detailed in the cargo control station. The
shore pump. cargo control station shall be designed so as
4.21.6 The limit level sensor shall be inde- all cargo area on the main deck can be visible.
pendent of the alarm sensor (detector), but 4.21.13 The closed-type sampling device
can be integrated with the level sensor. shall be designed so that possibility of leakages
4.21.7 The gas pressure and dangerous of cargo or its vapours can be eliminated dur-
goods temperature monitor shall give light ing sampling.
and sound alarms to the wheelhouse, con- 4.21.14 The partly closed-type sampling
tinuous watchkeeping positions and cargo device shall be designed so as to prevent leak-
control station when the set pressure is ex- age of cargo or its vapours during sampling,
ceeded or lowered. When the set pressure is while leakage of dangerous goods or their
exceeded during loading of dangerous goods, vapours in amounts not endangering people is
the transmitted alarms shall cause the cargo allowed.
pump to be off and the shore pump to stop.
4.21.15 Diameter of sampling openings
4.21.8 The pressure monitor shall operate shall not exceed 0.3 m. If the cargo is fire-
when the quick-acting outlet valve operation hazardous, each sampling opening shall be
pressure is exceeded by 1.15 times and the provided with a closure with flame arrester
vacuum valve operation pressure is lowered by which automatically closes the opening after
1.1 times. The maximum permissible opera- sampling.
tion temperature of the temperature monitor
shall be set for particular carried dangerous 4.21.16 The sampling openings shall make
goods in accordance with the dangerous goods it possible to measure filling ratio of cargo
declaration. The above temperature value ne- tanks with dipsticks. Openings for taking
cessitates presence of dangerous goods cooling measurements shall be equipped with a self-
system or heating system onboard the ship (in closing cover.
addition to the requirements of Appendix 1). 4.21.17 It shall be possible to remotely
4.21.9 The alarm devices mentioned in close the quick-acting shut-off valve mounted
4.21.7 may be integrated with high level sen- on the flexible pipeline connecting the ship to
sor signalling device. the shore by means of switches. These
switches shall be installed on the ship in two
4.21.10 If pressure gauges are used to
places (at bow and at stern).
measure positive or negative pressure, their
scale shall be at least 0.14 m in diameter, and
positive or negative pressure limit values shall 4.22 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
be marked on the scale with a red line. 4.22.1 The onboard distributing networks
4.21.11 Indications of pressure gauges or shall not use the ship’s hull as a feedback,
other indicators which perform the same except for insulation resistance monitors pro-
4 Inland Navigation Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods in Bulk 893

vided that the leakage current does not exceed 4.22.8 The service spaces located within
30 mA. the cargo area below deck may accommodate
the following electrical equipment:
4.22.2 The independent cargo tanks, tank
measuring, adjusting and signalling devices
containers, and all sealing flanges of connec-
with type of explosion protection ‘ib’ (Exib)
tors of cargo piping and hoses shall be
lighting fittings with type of explosion pro-
grounded to the hull.
tection (Exd)
4.22.3 The technical documentation avail- main equipment driving motors (for exam-
able on the ship shall contain the layout of ple, for ballast pumps) with type of explosion
explosion-hazardous zones and spaces agreed protection (Exd) or (Exð).
on with the River Register and the list of 4.22.9 Instruments and safety devices of
electrical equipment in these zones and electrical equipment mentioned in 4.22.6
spaces. through 4.22.8 shall be located out of the
4.22.4 The cables laid in the explosion- cargo area, unless they are explosion pro-
hazardous spaces shall be connected to the tected according to the Rules.
electrical equipment installed in these spaces 4.22.10 Electrical equipment located within
and areas only. the cargo area on the deck shall meet the
The transit cables may be laid through requirements of 4.22.12 through 4.22.13.
these spaces only if the requirements are met
as specified in 2.10.9 to 2.10.11 Part VI of the 4.22.11 Storage batteries shall be placed
Rules. out of the cargo area.

4.22.5 The movable cables intended for 4.22.12 The electrical equipment used dur-
ing loading, discharge and degassing at the
signal lights and gangway lighting fittings shall
meet the requirements of 2.10.9 Part VI of the pier and located out of the cargo area de-
Rules, and the cable core cross-section shall pending on operation conditions shall be:
not be less than 1.5 mm2. with type of explosion protection (Exå) for
apparatuses and devices which can spark or
4.22.6 The cargo tanks, residual cargo are exposed to heating up to 80 °C
tanks, and loading and discharge pipelines without explosion protection for appara-
(zone 0) may accommodate only measuring, tuses and devices which cannot spark or are
adjusting and signalling devices with type of not exposed to heating up to 80 °C. Enclosure
explosion protection (Exia), and their cables shall have degree of protection depending on
shall meet the requirements of 2.10.13 Part VI site of installation in accordance with 2.3.6
of the Rules. Part VI of the Rules.
4.22.7 The cofferdams, double side spaces, 4.22.13 The requirements of 4.22.12 do not
double bottom spaces, and hold spaces apply to:
(zone 1) may accommodate the following lighting fittings located in accommodation
electrical equipment: spaces, except for switches located at entries
measuring, adjusting and signalling devices of accommodation spaces
with type of explosion protection (Exib) communication facilities located in ac-
lighting fittings with type of explosion pro- commodation spaces or wheelhouse;
tection (Exd) electrical equipment installed in the ac-
sealed echo-sounder vibrators cables to commodation spaces, wheelhouse or service
which are laid in corrosion-resistant steel spaces located out of the cargo area if the
seamless tubes with gastight connections up to following conditions are satisfied:
the main deck These spaces shall be equipped with a
cables of active cathodic protection of hull ventilation system providing positive pressure
plating which are laid in protective steel tubes. of 0.1 kPa min.
894 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

All windows (scuttles) of these spaces on the fact shall be transmitted to the con-
shall not be openable. tinuous watchkeeping position.
Inlet openings of ventilation system of 4.22.17 The cables to connect to the elec-
these spaces shall be placed at a distance of
trical equipment mentioned in 4.22.6 and
6 m min. from the cargo area and at a height
4.22.7 shall be laid in accordance with the
of 2 m min. from the deck. requirements of 2.10.13 Part VI of the Rules.
4.22.14 The electrical equipment which do
not conform to the requirements of 4.22.12 to 4.23 SHOWER AND WASHBASIN
4.22.13 and its switches shall have red mark-
4.23.1 A shower and a washbasin shall be
provided on the ship at a location which is
4.22.15 The sockets, which navigation directly accessible from the cargo area.
lights and gangway lighting fittings are con-
nected to/disconnected from, shall be de- 4.24 EMERGENCY EXIT
signed so that connection to and disconnec-
4.24.1 Spaces the entrances or exits of
tion from electric circuit are possible only if
which are likely to become partly or com-
they are deenergized. These sockets shall be
pletely immersed in the damaged condition
protected from mechanical damages.
shall have emergency exits with their lower
4.22.16 When the electrical equipment lo- edges situated not less than 0.10 m above the
cated in the cargo area is deenergized, the damaged waterline. This requirement does not
respective light and sound signals informing apply to forepeak and afterpeak.
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 895



5.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS digit 7 — copper and alloys containing

more than 1% of copper
5.1.1 This section requirements apply to
river – sea navigation ships carrying in bulk digit 8 — aluminium, zinc, and galvanized
liquid dangerous goods listed in Appendix 2. steel.
5.1.2 This section sets general requirements 5.2.2 If col. 13 “Structural materials” of
for design of ships mentioned in 5.1.1. Addi- Table A2-1 in Appendix 2 contains digits from
tional special requirements stipulated by ne- I to V, the following materials shall be used to
cessity of safety during carriage of particular manufacture cargo tanks, pipelines, valves,
dangerous goods are stated in Appendix 2. fittings and other equipment which may con-
5.1.3 The requirements of this section sup- tact with dangerous goods or their vapours:
plement the requirements stated in 4 of this digit I — steel with suitable protective lin-
Part. If the requirements stated in 4 and 5 of ing or coating
this Part with regard to the same object differ, digit II — corrosion-resistant steel, if dan-
the stricter requirements of the Rules shall be gerous goods concentration is 98% or more
applied. digit III — special acid-resistant corrosion-
resistant steel, if dangerous goods concentra-
tion is less than 98%
5.2.1 If col. 13 “Structural materials” of digit IV — cryogenic austenitic corrosion-
Table A2-1 in Appendix 2 contains digits from resistant steel (hardened)
1 to 8, the following component metals and
digit V — corrosion-resistant steel or steel
elements shall not be used to manufacture
with protective lining or coating.
cargo tanks, pipelines, valves, fittings and
other equipment which may contact with 5.2.3 If col. 13 “Structural materials” of
dangerous goods or their vapours: Table A2-1 in Appendix 2 contains letter “Ý”,
digit 1 — aluminium, copper, copper al- all materials used in the electrical equipment
loys, zinc, galvanized steel (copper, aluminium) and insulating materials
digit 2 — copper, copper alloys, zinc, and require protection against contact with carried
galvanized steel dangerous goods or their vapours.
digit 3 — aluminium, magnesium, zinc,
galvanized steel 5.2.4 Structural materials with melting
digit 4 — copper and copper alloys temperature of less than 925 °C shall not be
digit 5 — aluminium and aluminium al- used to manufacture the outer pipelines used
loys, copper and copper alloys for handling dangerous goods on ships in-
digit 6 — copper, silver, magnesium, metal tended to carry dangerous goods with closed-
compound acetylides, and their alloys cup vapour flash point of less than 60 °Ñ.
896 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

5.3 SIDE DRAIN HOLES do not react in contact with goods in the ad-
jacent tank.
5.3.1 The drain system pipelines for the
spaces located below the watertight bulkheads 5.4.5 The volume of dangerous goods in
deck or for the superstructures and houses one cargo tank of type 1 ship shall not exceed
provided with the weathertight doors shall be 1250 m3.
provided with a remotely operated non-return
5.4.5 The volume of dangerous goods in
valve. The non-return valve shall be located at
one cargo tank of type 2 ship shall not exceed
the side drain hole and shall be controlled
3000 m3.
from a position located above the watertight
bulkheads deck.
5.3.2 If the vertical distance between the
upper edge of the side drain system hole and 5.5.1 The cargo pump rooms and other en-
the maximum load waterline exceeds 0.01L closed spaces, wherein cargo handling equip-
ment is installed, and the spaces wherein dan-
(where L is ship length along maximum load
waterline, m), the drain system pipelines shall gerous goods are handled, shall be equipped
have two non-return valves located at a dis- with the forced ventilation systems controlled
tance of 0.5 m max. from each other. Remote from the outside.
operation of these valves is not required, if 5.5.2 These spaces shall be ventilated be-
access to them is provided under operation fore people enter them and before the equip-
conditions. ment located in them is started. A warning
notice shall be placed at the entrances of
5.4 CARGO TANKS these spaces to notify of necessity of such
5.4.1 The cargo tanks of type 1 ships shall
be removed: 5.5.3 The ventilation system capacity shall
from the side plating to a distance of not not be less than 30 air changes per hour in
less than B/5 the entire volume of the space. As applied to
specific carried dangerous goods, other re-
from the bottom plating along the centre
quirements for ventilation system capacity
plane to a distance of not less than B or 760
may be applied according to 5.18 and col. 15
mm, whichever is less.
of Table A2-1 in Appendix 2.
5.4.2 The cargo tanks of type 2 ships shall
5.5.4 The ventilation system shall be of sta-
be removed from the bottom plating along the
tionary and exhaust type, except for ventila-
centre plane to a distance of not less than B
tion of the cargo pump drive motors space
or 760 mm, whichever is less.
which shall be of plenum exhaust type.
5.4.3 The suction wells of cargo tanks, ex-
5.5.5 Exhaust ventilation ducts from the
cept for cargo tanks of type 1 ships, may be
cargo area spaces shall be removed to a dis-
ignored in determination of damaged com-
tance of not less than 10 m horizontally from
partments if the suction well is located below
ventilation inlets and openings to accommo-
the inner bottom plating at a distance of not
dation, service and machinery spaces, control
more than 25% of the double bottom depth
stations and other spaces located out of the
or not more than 350 mm, whichever is less.
cargo area.
5.4.4 If several types of dangerous goods
5.5.6 The ventilation ducts shall not go
capable of reacting with each other are car-
through the accommodation, service and ma-
ried, the cargo tanks with such goods shall be
chinery spaces.
separated from each other with a cofferdam,
empty space, cargo pump room of empty tank 5.5.7 When flammable dangerous goods are
or of cargo tank with dangerous goods which carried, the fan drive motors shall be located
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 897

outside of the ventilation ducts. The fans shall 5.6.2 The entrance doors, air intakes and
be designed so as to eliminate sparking; for openings in the accommodation, service and
this purpose, fan parts and assemblies shall be machinery spaces and control stations shall
made of the following materials: not face the cargo area. They shall be located
.1 impellers or housing — nonmetallic on the wall facing the side which is opposite
materials incapable of static build-up to the cargo area and/or on the side walls at a
.2 impeller or housing — non-ferrous distance of not less than 4% of the ship
metals length, but not less than 3 m from the outer
.3 impeller or housing — austenic corro- walls of the superstructure or deck house fac-
sion-resistant steel ing the cargo area.
.4 impeller or housing — carbon steel
5.6.3 The doors leading to the spaces from
with design radial gap of 13 mm min. between
which there is no access to the accommoda-
tion and service spaces and to the control
5.5.8 The outer openings of the ventilation stations may be installed on the outer walls of
ducts shall be provided with protective screens the superstructures and deck houses at a dis-
with at least 13 mm mesh width. tance of less than 4% of the ship length or
5.5.9 The pump rooms (compartments) less than 3 m from the walls facing the cargo
and other enclosed spaces not mentioned in area, whichever is more,. The fire resistance
5.5.1 shall be equipped with forced ventilation of the structures (bulkheads, partitions, and
systems controlled from outside of these decks) which limit the spaces with such doors
spaces. These systems shall provide at least 20 shall comply with type A-60.
air changes per hour in the entire volume of 5.6.4 The metallic removable plates for
the space. Such spaces shall be ventilated be- dismounting the ship equipment may be in-
fore people enter them. stalled at a distance of less than 4% of the
5.5.10 The double bottom spaces, coffer- ship length or less than 3 m from the cargo
dams, box keels, pipe galleries, hold spaces area, whichever is more.
and other spaces in which dangerous goods or 5.6.5 In the wheelhouse, the windows
their vapours are accumulated shall be (scuttles) facing the cargo area and the win-
equipped with a fixed forced ventilation sys- dows and doors on the side walls of the
tem, otherwise it shall be possible to apply wheelhouse may be installed at the distance
forced ventilation with portable fans. The specified in 5.6.3 if such windows and doors
fixed ventilation system shall provide 8 air are designed so that they provide gas tightness
changes per hour, and the portable fans, 16 of the wheelhouse.
air changes per hour in the entire volume of
the space being ventilated. Fans or blowers 5.6.6 The scuttles and windows facing the
shall meet the requirements of 5.5.7. cargo area, for which the requirement of 5.6.2
regarding the permissible distance to the cargo
5.6 ACCOMMODATION, SERVICE AND area is not met, shall be of blind type (see
STATIONS tles located on the main deck shall have the
internal covers made of steel or another mate-
5.6.1 No accommodation space, service rial equivalent to steel in fire resistance and
space or control station shall be located strength.
within the cargo area, unless they are located
over the partition of the cargo pump room or
pump room. At the same time, no cargo or LOCATED IN CARGO AREA
settling tanks shall be placed under the ac-
commodation and service spaces or control 5.7.1 Access to the cofferdams, ballast
stations. tanks, cargo tanks and other spaces located in
898 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

the cargo area shall be provided from the 5.8.4 If a liquid containing cargo tank is
weather deck. damaged, it shall be assumed that the tank
contents completely escape and are replaced
5.7.2 Access to the spaces located in the
with water to the waterline level complying
double bottom spaces may be provided
with the equilibrium position of the flooded
through the cargo pump room, cofferdam or
pipe gallery.
5.8.5 If pipes, channels, trunks or tunnels
5.7.3 The horizontal openings and man-
are located within the estimated damage
holes through which access to spaces is pro-
length, the design solutions shall be made to
vided shall not be less than 600600 mm so as prevent flooding of other compartments, ex-
to enable people, who wear self-contained cept for those which are to be flooded when
breathing apparatuses and protective gear, of the ship is damaged.
climbing and descending and to enable lifting
of a casualty from the bottom of a space. 5.8.6 Depending on ship class and her
length the following requirements shall be
5.7.4 To provide passage through the verti- met:
cal openings and manholes, their dimensions
.1 Type 1 ship shall meet the require-
shall not be less than 600800 mm. If the ments stated in 5.8.7 and 5.8.8, when the hull
lower edge of such openings and manholes is is damaged to the extent specified in 5.8.2
located at a height exceeding 600 mm from
and 5.8.3 in any place lengthwise;
the bottom plating or floor plating, the inter-
.2 Type 2 ship of 150 m inclusive in
mediate foot gratings or other footholds shall
length shall meet the requirements stated in
be installed.
5.8.7 and 5.8.8, when the hull is damaged to
the extent specified in 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 in any
5.8 FLOODABILTY place lengthwise, except for the bulkheads
that limit the aft machinery space;
5.8.1 For floodability calculations, the di- .3 Type 2 ship of more than 150 m in
mensions of the side and bottom damages length shall meet the requirements stated in
shall be taken according to 5.8.2 and 5.8.3. 5.8.7 and 5.8.8, when the hull is damaged to
5.8.2 Side damage dimensions shall be the extent specified in 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 in any
taken as follows: place lengthwise;
.1 longitudinal dimension — L2/3/3 .4 Type 3 ship of less than 125 m in
length shall meet the requirements stated in
.2 transversal dimension — B/5
5.8.7 and 5.8.8, when the hull is damaged to
.3 vertical dimension — upwards without
the extent specified in 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 in any
place lengthwise, except for damage to the aft
5.8.3 Bottom damage dimensions shall be machinery space. At the same time, the de-
taken as follows: signer shall verify the ship floodability when
.1 longitudinal dimension: the machinery space is flooded, and the cal-
within 0.3L from the fore perpendicular culation results shall be recorded in the stabil-
— 1/3L2/3 ity and floodability booklet;
within the test of the ship — 1/3L2/3 or 5 .5 Type 3 ship of 125 m or more in length
m, whichever is less shall meet the requirements stated in 5.8.7
.2 transversal dimension: and 5.8.8, when the hull is damaged to the
within 0.3L from the fore perpendicular extent specified in 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 in any
— B/6 place lengthwise, except for the bulkheads
that limit the aft machinery space.
within the rest of the ship — B/6 or 5 m,
whichever is less 5.8.7 At any stage of flooding, the maxi-
.3 vertical dimension — B/15. mum heeling angle resulted from unsymmet-
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 899

rical flooding shall not exceed 25. This angle rooms in which the pumps and the cargo
may be increased to 30, if the deck is not pumps are installed.
immersed in this case. 5.10.3 The mentioned in 5.10.1 shut-off
5.8.8 At the final stage of flooding, the fol- valve on the pipeline of the cargo tank adjoin-
lowing conditions shall be satisfied: ing the cargo pump room may be installed on
.1 The length of the positive arm section the separating bulkhead from the side of the
of the damage stability curve until the lower cargo pump room provided that an additional
edges of the openings, through which water valve is installed between the valve on the
could be spread into the intact compartments, bulkhead and the pump.
are immersed shall not be less than 20; 5.10.4 If one cargo pump serves several
.2 The maximum arm of the damage sta- cargo tanks, an individual shut-off valve shall
bility curve on the positive arm section men- be mounted on each cargo piping.
tioned in shall not be less than 0.1 m;
.3 Area under the damage stability curve 5.10.5 The cargo systems for the tanks
within this part shall be not less than containing dangerous goods, which capable of
reacting with each other, shall be independent
0.0175 mrad.
and not connected to each other. The cargo
system piping shall not be laid through the
cargo tanks unless this piping is laid in the
5.9.1 The ballast pumps, pipelines, and tunnel.
equipment of ballast tanks shall be isolated
5.10.6 The cargo piping laid in the tunnel
from the cargo tank equipment and from the
shall meet the requirements of 5.10.1 and
cargo tanks.
5.10.2. The tunnels for this piping shall meet
5.9.2 The drain devices of the ballast tanks, the requirements of the Rules applied to the
which are adjacent to the cargo tanks, shall be cargo tank design, location and ventilation.
placed outside of the machinery and accom-
5.10.7 The cargo piping wall thickness shall
modation spaces.
not be less than the value determined by the
5.9.3 The cargo tanks shall be ballasted following formula, mm:
from the deck level using the ballast pumps
t   t 0  b  c  1  0.01a  ,
provided that the respective pipeline has no
permanent connection with the cargo tanks (5.10.7-1)
and cargo piping and is equipped with a non- where t0 — theoretical thickness determined
return valve. by the following formula, mm:
t 0  pd  20    p  ; (5.10.7-2)
p — design pressure, MPa,
5.10.1 The cargo piping located below the [] — permissible stress, MPa,
main deck may not be laid out of the cargo a — negative allowance for wall thickness
tank, which is serviced by this piping, and deviation during pipe manufacture (%),
passed through the adjacent tank if the shut-
b — bend allowance which shall not be
off valve operated from the weather deck is
less than that determined by the following
fitted on the piping at the bulkhead from the
formula, mm:
side of the serviced tank and if goods carried
in these adjacent tanks are compatible. b  0.4dt 0 r ; (5.10.7-3)
5.10.2 The cargo piping may not be laid c — corrosion allowance, mm,
through the accommodation, service and ma- d — outer diameter, mm,
chinery spaces, except for the spaces and r — mean pipe bend radius, mm.
900 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

5.10.8 The design pressure shall not be less 5.11.3 Depending on properties of carried
than 1 MPa, except for open-end lines, for dangerous goods, the following types of gas-
which the design pressure shall not be less freeing systems are used:
than 0.5 MPa. .1 pressureless vapour release system pro-
viding pressureless inflow of cargo vapours
5.10.9 The permissible stress [] shall be
into the cargo tanks and release of the same
determined as the lesser of the following val-
from these tanks during cargo handling
.2 controlled vapour release system in
[]  Rm 2.7 or
which pressure/vacuum relief valves are in-
[]  RåÍ 1.8 , stalled to limit pressure increase or vacuum
where Rm — tensile strength of material at creation in the cargo tank.
ambient temperature (MPa), 5.11.4 The gas-freeing pipelines of the
RåÍ — yield point of material at ambient cargo tanks made of corrosion-resistant mate-
temperature (MPa). rial or of the lined or coated cargo tanks for
5.10.11 The cargo piping heat expansion specific dangerous goods shall have the same
shall be compensated by installing the expan- lining or coating or shall be made of corro-
sion coils or by making the bends in the pip- sion-resistant material too.
ing. The expansion glands shall not be used. 5.11.5 The gas-freeing systems shall be
The cargo control system shall consist of: connected to the top of each cargo tank. The
.1 a manually-operated shut-off valve on gas-freeing pipelines shall be self-draining at
each filling and discharge line at the cargo all operating ship roll and pitch values. If the
tank pipe input. It is allowed not to install the gas-freeing pipeline is to be drained in points
shut-off valve on the unloading line of such located above the pressure/vacuum relief valve
cargo tank if a separate submerged pump is in the cargo tank, provision shall be made to
used to discharge this tank; install a drain valve in these points.
.2 a shut-off valve before each connection 5.11.6 Shut-off valves and any other stop
joint of cargo hose valves shall not be installed on the gas-freeing
.3 remotely-operated devices to switch all pipelines of the pressureless vapour release
cargo pumps off. system.
5.10.12 The controls used during pumping 5.11.7 The controlled vapour release sys-
of dangerous goods, except for those placed in tem outlets shall be located at a height of not
the cargo pump room, shall not be installed less than 6 m over the upper deck or over the
below the main deck. catwalk if they are placed within 4 m from
the catwalk and at a distance of not less than
5.11 GAS-FREEING SYSTEM 10 m horizontally from the nearest air intake
or opening leading to the accommodation,
5.11.1 All cargo tanks shall be equipped
service and machinery spaces and from the
with gas-freeing systems. These systems shall
open flame sources.
be independent of air ducts and gas-freeing
systems installed in other compartments of 5.11.8 The height of the outlets mentioned
the ship. The gas-freeing systems for the cargo in 5.11.7 over the deck or over the catwalk
tanks containing dangerous goods, which are may be decreased to 3 m if such outlets are
capable of reacting with each other, shall be provided with high-velocity valves in which
independent and not connected to each other. upward vapour release velocity is not less than
30 m/s.
5.11.2 The tank gas-freeing systems shall
eliminate possibility of water ingress into the 5.11.9 The controlled vapour release sys-
cargo tanks. tem on the tanks, which carry dangerous
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 901

goods with vapour flash point below 60 °C, .3 Surface temperature of heating coils or
shall be equipped with a device preventing channels shall be such that possibility of local
ingress of flame into the cargo tanks. overheating or supercooling of dangerous
goods will be eliminated;
5.11.10 When selecting the gas-freeing sys-
tem type and considering the special require- .4 The system at any loading of the ship,
ments for carriage of dangerous goods, follow except for light ship condition, shall keep
the requirements stated in Appendix 2. inside higher pressure as compared to maxi-
mum hydrostatic pressure of dangerous goods
which have effect on the system;
.5 The dangerous goods heating or cool-
5.12.1 Degassing of cargo tanks carrying ing system shall be fitted with valves to shut
dangerous goods which require the controlled the system off each cargo tank and to enable
vapour release system to be used shall take manual control of parameters.
5.13.2 To prevent dangerous goods from
.1 through the outlets of the controlled
overheating or supercooling a dangerous
vapour release system pipelines
goods temperature monitoring alarm system
.2 through the outlets located at least 2 m shall be provided.
over the upper deck. Here, vapour shall be
released vertically at velocity of not less than 5.13.3 Additional requirements to the tem-
30 m/s which shall be maintained throughout perature control systems for specific danger-
all process of degassing; ous goods are set in 5.18.
.3 through the outlets located at least 2 m
over the upper deck. Here, vapour shall be
released vertically at velocity of not less than
20 m/s, and the openings shall be provided
with devices preventing ingress of flame. 5.14.1 The following methods (and systems
corresponding to these methods) may be used
5.12.2 If concentration of flammable va-
to control the cargo tank atmosphere:
pours at the outlets decreases to 30% of the
lower flammability limit, degassing may be .1 Inerting — filling of cargo tank and
continued at the level of the deck above the piping connected to it and, if necessary,
cargo tanks. spaces which surround cargo tanks, with inert
gas or vapours which do not sustain combus-
5.12.3 Vapour release mentioned in tion and do not react with dangerous goods, and can be carried out both and maintenance of such state
through stationary and removable piping. .2 creation of insulating layer — filling of
cargo tank and piping connected to it with
5.13 CARGO TEMPERATURE CONTROL fluid, gas or vapour which separate dangerous
SYSTEMS goods from air and maintenance of such state
5.13.1 If properties of carried dangerous .3 draining — filling of cargo tank and
goods require a cargo temperature control piping connected to it with dry gas or vapours
system (dangerous goods heating or cooling with dew point of –40 °Ñ or lower at atmos-
system) to be fitted on the ship, such system pheric pressure and maintenance of such state
shall meet the following requirements: .4 ventilation.
.1 Materials used to manufacture this sys- 5.14.2 The inert gas and insulating layer
tem shall be compatible with carried danger- systems shall continuously keep a positive
ous goods (see 5.2); pressure of at least 7 kPa within the cargo
.2 Type of heat transfer medium or refrig- area. The pressure produced by these systems
erant shall comply with carried dangerous shall not exceed the cargo tank safety valve
goods (see Appendices 1, 2); operation pressure.
902 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

5.14.3 If the inert gas or insulating layer fire extinguishing system shall not be used for
systems are used, the ship shall have inert gas inerting.
reserves or this gas shall be generated in
amount sufficient for its intended use consid- 5.16.3 Amount of carbon dioxide in the
ering natural loss during carriage. carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system shall
be sufficient to completely fill a space equal
5.14.4 In order to maintain the required in volume to 45% of the total cargo pump
atmosphere, the aids shall be provided for room volume with gas.
monitoring the underdeck hold area which is
not filled with dangerous goods and contains 5.16.4 Amount of halon in the halogenated
gas surface layer. hydrocarbon fire extinguishing system shall
not be less than the following values:
5.14.5 The inerting and insulating layer
for halon 1301 7% of the cargo pump
systems shall exclude possibility of static room volume
charge generation during inflow of inert (insu- for halon 1211 7% of the cargo pump
lating) substance. room volume
5.14.6 If the dehumidified nitrogen dehy- for halon 2402 0.3 kg/m3
drating system is used as atmosphere control
5.16.5 If the ship is intended to carry
system, dehydrator amount calculation shall
goods, which cannot be extinguished by the
allow for diurnal air temperature and humid-
fire extinguishing systems mentioned in
ity fluctuations.
5.16.1, the cargo pump room may be pro-
5.15 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT vided with a fixed water spraying system or
high-expansion foam fire extinguishing sys-
5.15.1 When selecting electrical equipment tem.
to be used in explosion-hazardous areas, fol-
low chemical activity characteristics of carried 5.16.6 To extinguish fire in the cargo area,
dangerous goods regarding explosion hazard each ship shall be provided with a fixed deck
of mixtures evolved by them as specified in foam extinguishing systems complying with
columns 7 to 9 of Table A2-1 in Appendix 2. the requirements of 5.16.7 to 5.16.17.

5.15.2 The autonomous cargo tanks shall 5.16.7 The foam fire extinguishing system
be grounded to the hull. All sealing gaskets of shall use one type of foaming agent only. If
cargo piping and hose connectors shall be the foaming agent cannot extinguish whole
grounded to the hull. Piping and hose con- spectrum of the carried dangerous goods,
nections that have gaskets and sealing flanges and/or it is incompatible with carried danger-
of cargo piping and hose connectors shall be ous goods, additional fire extinguishing means
grounded to the hull. shall be provided for such dangerous goods.

5.16 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM 5.16.8 The foam generators shall be capa-
ble of supplying foam to all the deck area and
5.16.1 The cargo pump room shall be to any cargo tank.
equipped with a fixed fire extinguishing sys-
tem, including the carbon dioxide fire extin- 5.16.9 The main control panel of the foam
guishing system conforming to the require- fire extinguishing system shall be placed out-
ments of the Rules for carbon dioxide fire side of the cargo area and be easily accessed
extinguishing systems of machinery spaces or to operate it in case of fire in a zone pro-
the halogenated hydrocarbon fire extinguish- tected with the fire extinguishing system.
ing system. 5.16.10 The foam solution supply rate shall
5.16.2 The carbon dioxide fire extinguish- not be less than the greatest of the following
ing system and the halogenated hydrocarbon values:
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 903

.1 2 L/min per square meter of the deck guishing system, before each monitor to cut
area above the cargo tanks. The deck area is off the damaged sections of these mains.
determined by the following formula, m2:
5.16.17 Two portable powder-type fire ex-
S d  Bmax l ,
tinguishers located within the cargo area with
where Bmax — maximum ship breadth (m), capacity of at least 12 kg of powder shall be
l — length of area occupied by the cargo provided in addition to others available on the
tanks (m) ship.
.2 20 L/min per square meter of plan area
of a cargo tank having maximum value of this 5.17 PERSONNEL PROTECTION
.3 10 L/min per square meter of an area 5.17.1 A ship carrying toxic dangerous
protected by the highest power foam supply goods shall have not less than two complete
monitor and completely located in front of it, sets of personnel safety equipment.
but not less than 1250 L/min. 5.17.2 Each complete set of safety equip-
5.16.11 Quantity of foaming agent shall ment mentioned in 5.17.1 shall consist of:
provide foam supply for at least 30 min with one self-contained air-breathing apparatus
the maximum rate specified in 5.16.10. (use of compressed oxygen is not allowed)
protective clothing, shoes, gloves and gog-
5.16.12 Foam shall be supplied with moni- gles
tors and foam-supply fire hose nozzles. Each fire-resistant rescue line with belt
monitor shall supply foam solution at a rate of portable explosion-proof lamp.
not less than 50% of that required in and Capacity of any 5.17.3 An adequate supply of compressed
monitor shall not be less than that required in air shall be provided for equipment mentioned in 5.17.1 as follows:
one set of fully charged air bottles for each
5.16.13 The distance from the foam-supply breathing apparatus and air compressor suit-
monitor location to the most distant boundary able for supply of high-pressure air of required
of the protected area located in front of it purity with a charging manifold capable of
shall not be more than 75% of length of jet dealing with sufficient spare breathing appara-
from the monitor under no wind conditions. tus air bottles, or
5.16.14 A foam-supply monitor and a fully charged spare air bottles with a total
foam-supply fire hose nozzle connector shall free air capacity of at least 6000 L for each
be installed at each side at the forward poop breathing apparatus.
bulkhead or accommodation spaces that have 5.17.4 One set of equipment shall be kept
entrances facing the cargo area. in an accessible locker at the cargo pump
5.16.15 The foam-supply fire hose nozzle room.
capacity shall not be less than 400 L/min, and 5.17.5 Respiratory protection and eye pro-
its jet length under no wind conditions shall tection means shall be provided for evacuation
not be less than 15 m. At least four fire hose of people onboard the ship; these means shall
nozzles shall be installed. The number and comply with the following requirements:
location of fire hydrants shall provide foam Operating principle of respiratory protec-
supply to any place of the deck above the tion means shall not be based on use of filter.
cargo tanks from at least two foam-supply fire Self-contained breathing apparatus shall
hose nozzles. operate for at least 15 min.
5.16.16 Valves shall be installed on the Emergency escape respiratory protection
foam supply main and on the fire main, if it means shall not be used for fire-fighting or
is an integral part of the deck foam fire extin- cargo handling purposes.
904 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

This requirement applies to the ships carry- bulk. The system control panel shall be lo-
ing dangerous goods that have a respective cated in the wheelhouse. The ship shall have
mark in col. 14 of Table A2-1 in Appendix 2. ammonia reserves in amount of 300 kg of
ammonia per 1000 t of ammonium nitrate
5.17.6 Medical first-aid equipment includ-
ing oxygen resuscitation equipment and anti-
dotes for goods carried shall be provided on 5.18.6 The gas exhaust piping shall be
board. equipped with protective mushrooms which
5.17.7 Decontamination showers and eye shall be accessible for visual inspection and
wash eye wash means shall be available on the cleaning.
ship deck.
Ships carrying carbon disulfide
5.18.7 During loading and unloading, the
5.18.1 Special requirements for ships carry- water blanket shall be created and maintained
ing specific dangerous liquid goods, which are in the cargo tanks. During carriage, there
resulted from properties of these goods, are shall be inert-gas blanket in the empty part of
specified in 5.18.2 to 5.18.104. Necessity to the cargo tank.
comply with the respective requirement im-
posed to specific dangerous goods is indicated 5.18.8 A closed opening for the instrument
in col. 15 “Special requirements” of Ta- shall be provided to measure dangerous goods
ble A2-1 in Appendix 2. level in the emergency situation.

Ships carrying ammonium nitrate solution 5.18.9 The cargo piping and gas exhaust
(concentration of 93% or less) pipes shall be independent from the piping
and gas-freeing pipes used for other dangerous
5.18.2 The tanks and equipment of these goods.
ships shall be independent from the cargo
tanks and equipment containing other dan- 5.18.10 The submerged pumps used for
gerous goods. Such tanks shall not be used to unloading shall be installed in trunks or shall
take sea water for ballast. be hydraulically operated. The trunk-mounted
5.18.3 Before carriage of ammonium ni- pump drive shall be designed so as to elimi-
trate solutions, the cargo tanks and the nate sparking, and its elements shall not to be
equipment shall be cleaned to remove residu- heated above 80 °Ñ.
als of other dangerous goods.
5.18.11 If the carbon disulfide cargo tanks
5.18.4 When ammonium nitrate solutions are discharged by displacing it with water or
are carried, the temperature of the heat trans- with inert gas, the cargo system shall be rated
fer medium circulating in the cargo tank heat- for pressure and temperature which occur
ing system shall not exceed 160 °Ñ. The heat- during discharging.
ing system shall be equipped with controls to
keep bulk temperature of dangerous goods at 5.18.12 The safety valves shall be made of
140 °Ñ. The sensors (detectors) shall operate corrosion-resistant steel.
when the upper level of 145 °Ñ and 150 °Ñ
and the lower level of 125 °Ñ are reached. Ships carrying diethyl ether
The signal shall also be given when the heat
5.18.13 The empty spaces located around
transfer medium temperature will exceed
the cargo tanks shall be inerted or shall have
160 °Ñ. The signals shall be transmitted to the
ventilation. The forced ventilation blowers
shall be intrinsically safe. The forced ventila-
5.18.5 A fixed system shall be installed to tion equipment shall not be placed in the
inject gaseous ammonia into dangerous goods empty spaces located around the cargo tanks.
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 905

5.18.14 The safety valves mounted on the monitoring for dangerous goods. If tempera-
pressure cargo tanks shall be adjusted on pres- ture exceeds 35 °Ñ, sound and light alarm
sure of not less than 20 kPa. shall operate in the wheelhouse.
5.18.15 If inert gas displacement is used for 5.18.25 A fixed system of continuous oxy-
discharging cargo, the cargo system shall be gen monitoring (or gas sampling lines with
rated for the expected pressure. periodic sampling) shall be installed in the
5.18.16 Open flame and/or heat sources empty spaces adjoining the cargo tanks. If
oxygen concentration exceeds 30% by space
shall not be located in the cargo area.
volume, sound and light signals shall operate
5.18.17 The cargo pumps shall be designed in the wheelhouse. In addition to the above
so as to prevent transfer of fluid pressure to fixed system, two portable instruments shall
the shaft seal. If this requirement is not met, be provided to measure oxygen contents.
the hydraulically operated submerged pumps
applicable to the specific dangerous goods 5.18.26 A system for emergency discharge
according to their intended purpose shall be of dangerous goods overboard shall be pro-
installed. vided on the ship. The system shall be acti-
vated, if the cargo temperature increases by
5.18.18 During loading, discharge and car- more than 2 °Ñ per hour for five hours or if
riage of dangerous goods, the inert-gas blan- the cargo tank temperature exceeds 40 °Ñ.
ket shall be maintained.
5.18.27 The cargo tank gas-freeing systems
Ships carrying hydrogen peroxide solutions shall be equipped with pressure/vacuum relief
(concentration of 60% to 70%) valves and safety membranes for emergency
discharge of gases.
5.18.19 These hydrogen peroxide solutions
shall be carried on the ships intended for 5.18.28 The ship shall be fitted with a wa-
these dangerous goods only, and other dan- ter spraying system to dilute and wash off
gerous goods shall not be carried on these hydrogen peroxide solution of any concentra-
ships. tion spilled on the deck. The system shall
cover the deck of those cargo tanks in which
5.18.20 The cargo tanks and equipment hydrogen peroxide solution is carried and
connected to them shall be made of pure connections of cargo manifold with hoses.
aluminium (99.5%) or corrosion-resistant The system capacity shall be determined from
steel, and their surfaces shall passivated. The the following:
pipelines located on the deck shall not be .1 Within 5 min after spillage, dangerous
made of aluminium. All nonmetallic materials goods shall be diluted to 35% mass concen-
used to manufacture the cargo system shall tration as related to their initial concentra-
not react with carried dangerous goods. tion;
5.18.21 The pump rooms shall not be used .2 The spillage intensity and the design
for cargo handling. parameters of a space occupied by spilled
dangerous goods are determined considering
5.18.22 The cargo tanks shall be separated the maximum expected intensity of loading
with cofferdams from the fuel oil tanks and and discharge, time required to stop danger-
other spaces containing flammable and com- ous goods flow in case of overfilling of cargo
bustible materials. tank or damage to pipeline/hose, and time to
5.18.23 The cargo tanks shall not be used be spent in the cargo control station or in the
for ballasting. wheelhouse to prepare for water supply in
order to dilute spilled dangerous goods.
5.18.24 The temperature sensors shall be
installed at the top and bottom parts of the 5.18.29 The crew members participating in
cargo tank to provide continuous temperature cargo handling shall be provided with protec-
906 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

tive clothing capable of resisting effect of hy- hours or if the cargo tank temperature exceeds
drogen peroxide solutions. 40 °Ñ.
5.18.37 The cargo tank gas-freeing systems
Ships carrying hydrogen peroxide solutions
shall be equipped with pressure/vacuum relief
(concentration of 8% to 60% by mass)
valves and safety membranes for emergency
5.18.30 The cargo tanks of these ships shall discharge of gases.
be separated from the ship hull plating. 5.18.38 The ship shall be fitted with a wa-
5.18.31 The cargo tanks of these ships and ter spraying system to dilute and wash off
the equipment connected to them shall be hydrogen peroxide solution of any concentra-
made of pure aluminium (95.5%) or corro- tion spilled on the deck. The system shall
sion-resistant steel which do not react with protect the cargo area of those tanks in which
hydrogen peroxide. The pipelines located on hydrogen peroxide solution is to be carried
the deck shall not be made of aluminium. All and the connections of cargo manifold with
nonmetallic materials used to manufacture the hoses. The system capacity shall be deter-
cargo system shall not contribute to cargo mined from the following:
decomposition. .1 Within 5 min after spillage, dangerous
goods shall be diluted to 35% mass concen-
5.18.32 These hydrogen peroxide solutions
tration as related to their initial concentra-
shall not be carried with any other dangerous
goods. The cargo tanks in which these dan-
.2 The spillage intensity and the design
gerous goods were carried may be used for
parameters of a space occupied by spilled
carriage of other substances only after the
dangerous goods are determined considering
tanks are stripped.
the maximum expected intensity of loading
5.18.33 The cargo tanks shall be separated and discharge, time required to stop danger-
by the cofferdams from the fuel oil tanks or ous goods flow in case of overfilling of cargo
any other space containing materials which tank or damage to pipeline/hose, and time to
react with hydrogen peroxide. be spent in the cargo control station or in the
5.18.34 The temperature sensors shall be wheelhouse to prepare for water supply in
installed at the top and bottom parts of the order to dilute spilled dangerous goods s.
cargo tank to provide continuous temperature 5.18.39 The crew members participating in
monitoring for dangerous goods. If tempera- cargo handling shall be provided with protec-
ture exceeds 35 °Ñ, light and sound alarms tive clothing capable of resisting effect of
shall operate in the wheelhouse. these hydrogen peroxide solutions.
5.18.35 In the empty spaces that have 5.18.40 The cargo piping used for pumping
common bulkheads and decks with the cargo of hydrogen peroxide shall be insulated from
tanks, a fixed continuous oxygen monitoring all other systems.
system (or gas sampling lines with periodic
sampling) shall be provided. If oxygen con- Ships carrying engine fuel anti-knock additives
centration exceeds 30% by space volume, that contain alkyl lead
light and sound alarms shall operate in the
wheelhouse. In addition to the fixed system, 5.18.41 The cargo tanks of these ships shall
the ship shall be provided with two portable not be used to carry other cargo, except for
instruments for measuring oxygen contents. substances used in production of engine fuel
anti-knock additives containing alkyl lead.
5.18.36 A system of emergency discharge
of dangerous goods overboard shall be pro- Ships carrying yellow or white phosphorus
vided on the ship. The system shall be acti-
vated, if temperature of dangerous goods in- 5.18.42 The cargo tanks of these ships shall
creases by more than 2 °Ñ per hour for five be rated for pressure equal to or more than
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 907

water head of 2.4 m high over the top of the 5.18.51 The cargo tanks of these ships may
tank. be used to carry other dangerous goods only
after these tanks and the piping systems con-
5.18.43 The ship shall have a system for
nected to them are cleaned by washing or
filling the cargo tank space with water to cre-
blowing down.
ate a water blanket over carried dangerous
goods. When the ship is unloaded, the system 5.18.52 All valves, flanges, fittings, and
shall be used to displace phosphorus from the auxiliary equipment shall be made of steel.
space being emptied. All water pumped off Disks or surfaces of disks and valve pockets
the cargo tank shall be delivered to the shore. shall be made of corrosion-resistant steel with
chromium content of not less than 11%.
5.18.44 When the cargo tanks are designed,
the minimum interfacial area between phos- 5.18.53 The insulating and sealing materials
phorus and water blanket shall be provided. shall not react with propylene oxide and mix-
tures of ethylene oxide with propylene oxide
5.18.45 The cargo tank void space volume
containing not more than 30% of ethylene
over the water blanket shall be filled with in-
oxide in mass, dissolve in them and reduce
ert gas or naturally ventilated through two
their spontaneous ignition temperature.
ventilating ducts with outlets located at differ-
ent levels: at a height of not less than 6 m 5.18.54 The following materials shall not
above the deck and not less than 2 m above be used to make seals, cups and glands to be
the deck limiting the pump room from the top. used in the cargo systems:
5.18.46 The dangerous goods heating sys- neoprene or natural rubber if they contact
tem shall enable control of heat transfer me- with such dangerous goods
dium temperature so that phosphorus tem- asbestos or materials with asbestos
perature does not exceed 60 °C. materials containing magnesium oxides, for
example, mineral wool.
5.18.47 A water sprinkling system which
automatically operates in case of phosphorus 5.18.55 Thread joints shall not be used in
leakage shall be provided in all empty spaces the pipelines intended for pumping liquid
located around the cargo tanks. dangerous goods mentioned in 5.18.53 and
their vapours.
5.18.48 The spaces mentioned in 5.18.47
shall be provided with forced ventilation, and 5.18.56 The filling and discharge pipelines
it shall be possible to close inlet and outlet shall be located at a distance of not more
ventilation ducts in these spaces in emer- than 100 mm from the bottom of the cargo
gency. tank or any sump.

5.18.49 The cargo control system shall: 5.18.57 The cargo system of the tank in
prevent overfill of tanks (for this purpose which dangerous goods specified in 5.18.53
the system shall be provided with alarm which are carried shall have a valved connection for
operates when the upper level of dangerous returning cargo vapours.
goods is reached in the cargo tank) 5.18.58 The cargo and gas-freeing systems
stop cargo handling in case of emergency of the tank mentioned in 5.18.57 shall be de-
on the ship or on the shore. signed so as to exclude possibility of vapour
release from the tank into the atmosphere
during cargo handling. The system used to
Ships carrying propylene oxide and mixtures of
return vapours of dangerous goods to the
ethylene oxide with propylene oxide containing
shore, which is connected with the cargo sys-
not more than 30% of ethylene oxide in mass
tem of the cargo tank intended for dangerous
5.18.50 The cargo tanks of these ships shall goods, shall be independent of other cargo
be made of steel. systems.
908 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

5.18.59 During discharge, positive pressure of less than 60 kPa and the cargo tanks de-
of more than 7 kPa shall be maintained in the signed to carry mixtures of ethylene ox-
cargo tank. ide/propylene oxide with design positive pres-
sure of less than 120 kPa shall be equipped
5.18.60 Dangerous goods mentioned in
with the dangerous goods cooling system.
5.18.53 are discharged by means of the trunk-
mounted cargo pumps, hydraulically operated 5.18.66 The cooling system mentioned in
submerged cargo pumps or by displacing dan- 5.18.65 shall keep temperature of dangerous
gerous goods with inert gas. The cargo pump goods below their boiling temperature at the
shall be designed so as to prevent heating of given pressure. For this purpose, at least two
pumped cargo when the discharge pipeline of refrigerating units automatically controlled
the pump is closed or blanked off by some depending on temperature variation in the
means or other. cargo tanks shall be used. The refrigerating
5.18.61 Gases from the tanks in which units control system shall be capable of
these dangerous goods are carried shall be changing over to manual control. If the tem-
exhausted independent of the cargo tanks in perature controls become inoperable, the re-
which other dangerous goods are carried. spective alarm shall operate. The refrigerating
Cargo tank contents shall be mandatorily capacity of each refrigerating unit shall suffi-
sampled by means of closed-type devices cient to keep temperature of dangerous goods
which prevent escape of dangerous goods or at a level lower than the design one.
their vapours into the atmosphere during 5.18.67 As an option, three refrigerating
units may be used, any two of which have
5.18.62 The cargo tanks, empty spaces, and total refrigerating capacity sufficient for keep-
other spaces that have common bulkheads ing temperature of dangerous goods at a level
and decks with the integrated pressure cargo below the design one.
tank with propylene oxide shall contain dan-
gerous goods compatible with propylene oxide 5.18.68 Refrigerating agent separated from
or these spaces shall be inerted. Any hold carried dangerous goods by a single wall shall
space containing an autonomous cargo tank be inert to such dangerous goods.
shall be inerted too. These spaces and cargo 5.18.69 The cooling systems that require
tanks shall be monitored for ingress of carried compression of dangerous goods mentioned in
dangerous goods from other cargo tanks and 5.18.53 shall not be used.
for oxygen concentration in atmosphere
which shall be less than 2%. 5.18.70 The safety valves shall be adjusted
to operate at overpressure of not less than
5.18.63 The cargo system shall be designed
20 kPa, and if they are mounted on pressure
so as to prevent ingress of air into the system
cargo tanks, this pressure shall not exceed
filled with cargo.
700 kPa for carriage of propylene oxide and
5.18.64 Propylene oxide shall be carried in 530 kPa for carriage of mixtures of ethylene
pressure tanks, autonomous tanks or inte- oxide with propylene oxide.
grated tanks. Mixtures of ethylene ox-
ide/propylene oxide shall be carried in 5.18.71 The piping system which serves the
autonomous tanks or pressure tanks. The cargo tanks designed to carry dangerous goods
tanks shall be designed with consideration of mentioned in 5.18.53 shall be autonomous
maximum pressure which can occur during (isolated from other piping systems serving
loading, carriage or discharge of dangerous other cargo tanks). If this system is not
goods mentioned in 5.18.53. autonomous, it shall be isolated as required by
removing the removable spool pieces or valves
5.18.65 The cargo tanks designed to carry of other pipeline sections and replacing them
propylene oxide with design positive pressure with the blank flanges.
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 909

Each joint between the blank flange and 5.18.79 The dangerous goods heating sys-
the respective pipeline flange shall be sealed tem shall maintain their temperature at a level
with a safety seal. which does not exceed 155 °Ñ.
5.18.72 An automatic nitrogen inflating Ships carrying acids
system shall be provided to keep pressure in
the cargo tank of at least 7 kPa in order to 5.18.80 The walls of the cargo tanks which
form the insulating layer. Commercially pure carry inorganic acids shall not be parts of the
nitrogen (99.9% by volume) reserves shall be hull plating.
available on the ship to automatically keep 5.18.81 Screens to localize splashing of
pressure and replenish possible losses. dangerous goods and trays to prevent spillage
5.18.73 The ship shall be provided with a of dangerous goods to the deck shall be fitted
water spraying system the sprayers of which at the flange joints of the loading and dis-
shall protect the cargo manifold area, deck charge manifold.
cargo piping and covers of cargo tanks used 5.18.82 The electrical equipment to be in-
for carriage of dangerous goods mentioned in stalled in the cargo area shall meet the re-
5.18.53. The water spraying system shall pro- quirements of 2.10 Part VI of the Rules.
vide water supply at rate of 10 l/(m2min).
5.18.83 The cargo tanks shall not adjoin
The remote system control position shall be
the fuel oil tanks, their location shall meet the
located outside of the cargo area and shall
requirements of 4.4.6.
remotely start the pumps supplying water to
the water spraying system and remotely con- 5.18.84 Cargo leakage monitors shall be in-
trol the valves in this system. stalled in the spaces adjoining the cargo tanks.
5.18.74 A remotely operated shut-off valve 5.18.85 The drainage system equipment
with adjustable closing speed shall be installed mounted in the cargo pump room shall be
in each cargo hose connection point. made of materials resistant to corrosion in an
environment containing mixture of hydrogen
with air.
Ships carrying sulphur melt Ships carrying toxic dangerous goods
5.18.75 The cargo tanks with these danger- 5.18.86 The outlets of the cargo tank gas-
ous goods shall be ventilated so that concen- freeing systems shall be located as follows:
tration of hydrogen sulphide during carriage .1 at the height equal to B/3 or 6 m,
will be less than the value equal to half its whichever is more, above the upper deck level
explosive limit (1.85% by volume). or above the raised passage, if any
5.18.76 If the forced ventilation system is .2 at the height of not less than 6 m
used, this system shall be provided with alarm above the longitudinal catwalk level if the
which signals in case of inoperability of this outlets are not removed from this catwalk by
system. more than 6 m
.3 at the distance of 15 m from any open-
5.18.77 The ventilation system shall be de- ing or air intake of any accommodation or
signed so as to prevent deposition of sulphur service spaces.
inside the system itself.
5.18.87 The gas exhaust piping openings
5.18.78 A provision shall be made for sam- may be located at the height of 3 m above the
pling and analyzing vapours in the empty deck or the longitudinal catwalk if the high-
spaces adjoining the cargo tanks. The open- velocity gas exhaust valves are installed to
ings in these spaces shall prevent ingress of release mixture of vapours upwards with mix-
water, sulphur or dangerous goods vapours. ture jet velocity of not less 30 m/s.
910 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

5.18.88 The gas-freeing systems of the 5.18.96 It is allowed not to install the cool-
cargo tanks shall be equipped with fittings to ing system, if the cargo system is rated for
connect the dangerous goods vapour ashore pressure of dangerous goods vapours at tem-
return pipeline. perature of 45 °Ñ. At the same time, the
cargo tank safety valve operation pressure
5.18.89 Toxic dangerous goods shall not be
shall be adjusted.
placed in the cargo tanks adjoining the fuel
oil tanks. They shall be placed in the cargo 5.18.97 Provision shall be made to connect
tanks with separate piping systems and in the to the pipeline of the shore system used to
cargo tanks the gas-freeing systems of which return dangerous goods vapours during load-
are separated from other cargo tanks contain- ing.
ing non-toxic dangerous goods.
5.18.98 Each cargo tank shall be provided
5.18.90 The safety valves of the cargo tanks with a pressure gauge indicating pressure in
shall be adjusted on positive pressure which the cargo area, and with thermometers in-
shall not be less than 20 kPa. stalled in the top and bottom parts of the
cargo tank if the cooling system is available.
Ships carrying dangerous goods
protected by additives Ships carrying dangerous goods
5.18.91 The cargo tanks and the dangerous which may not be watered
goods pumping system on the ships carrying 5.18.99 When dangerous goods which may
dangerous goods protected by additives shall not be watered are carried, the following re-
not use structural materials or contaminants quirements shall be met:
that can behave as a catalytic agent in relation .1 Pressure/vacuum relief valves of cargo
to cargo. tanks shall be located at a height of not less
5.18.92 The ships in which air is removed than 2 m above the upper deck level;
from the cargo tanks to prevent oxidation of .2 The dangerous goods temperature sys-
dangerous goods shall meet the requirements tem shall not use water or vapour as heat
of 5.14.2 to 5.14.5. transfer medium;
.3 The cargo tanks shall not adjoin the
5.18.93 The gas-freeing systems shall be ballast tanks or other tanks containing water,
designed so as to eliminate their clogging with except for emptied or drained tanks;
polymerization products. It shall be possible
.4 The cargo tanks shall not adjoin the
to check the overall performance of the gas
settling tanks or the cargo tanks with ballast,
exhaust equipment.
washings or other watered dangerous goods.
5.18.94 To prevent overheat of dangerous The pumps and pipelines serving such cargo
goods and their further polymerization in the tanks shall be isolated from the similar
dangerous goods heating system using vapour equipment serving the cargo tanks with the
as heat transfer medium of pairs, a double- same dangerous goods. The pipelines going
loop low-temperature heating system shall be out of the settling tanks or the ballast pipe-
used. lines shall not pass through cargo the tanks
with these dangerous goods, except for the
Ships carrying dangerous cargoes with vapour pipelines laid in the tunnel.
pressure above 101.3 kPa at 37.8 °C
High-intensity ventilation
5.18.95 To keep temperature of dangerous
goods at a level below their boiling tempera- 5.18.100 The ventilation system mentioned
ture at the rated pressure of the cargo tank, a in 5.5 shall have the minimum performance
cooling system with refrigerating unit shall be of not less than 45 air changes per hour based
used. on all space volume. The ventilation system
5 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquid Dangerous Goods in Bulk 911

exhaust duct outlets shall be located at a dis- prevention system mentioned in 5.18.104 and
tance of at least 10 m from the openings of from the measuring equipment.
accommodation spaces and working areas and
5.18.103 When the safety system is deener-
at least 4 m above the deck over the cargo gized during loading, light and sound alarm
signal shall be transmitted to the control sta-
Tank overflow prevention 5.18.104 The cargo tank overflow preven-
tion system shall:
5.18.101 The cargo tanks shall be equipped
.1 operate, if during tank loading, the
with the light and sound alarm according to
dangerous goods level continues raising after
the requirements of 5.18.102 and 5.18.103 to the filling level is reached
inform that dangerous goods reach the upper
.2 transmit cargo tank overfilling light and
level and the cargo tank overflow prevention
sound signal to the control station
system complying with requirements of .3 transmit signal informing on necessity
of deactivating the shore pumps and/or clos-
5.18.102 The dangerous goods limit level ing the shore shut-off valves and necessity of
alarm shall be independent of the overflow closing the ship shut-off valves.
912 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”



6.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS with double sides throughout the length of the
cargo area.
6.1.1 This section requirements apply to
river – sea navigation liquefied gas tankers. 6.2.5 If the liquefied gas tanker hull design
Gases which may be carried by these ships in within the cargo area differs from that men-
liquefied state in bulk are listed in Appen- tioned in 6.2.1 and 6.2.4, calculation shall be
dix 3. made to confirm that in case of side collision
6.1.2 The requirements set in this section with another ship having straight stem, energy
supplement the requirements stated in 4 and 5 of 22 MJ will be absorbed without rupturing
of this Part. If the requirements stated in 4, 5 the cargo tanks and the cargo piping con-
and 6 of this Part to the same object are not nected to the cargo tanks.
identical, the strictest requirements of the
Rules shall be applied. 6.3 CARGO TANKS
6.1.3 If a liquefied gas tanker is designed to 6.3.1 The midship cargo tanks may be
carry several types of dangerous goods, the used, if they are of the following shapes:
safety requirements shall be based on total of spherical
properties of most dangerous carried goods. cylindrical
spherocylindrical with conical bottom
6.2.1 The ships intended to carry danger-
ous goods with boiling temperature below – 6.3.2 When the cylindrical independent
10 °C shall mandatorily have the double bot- cargo tanks of more than 12 m long are in-
tom. The inner bottom shall extend through- stalled horizontally along the ship (Fig. 6.3.2),
out the length of the cargo area. a swash bulkhead shall be provided in the
middle of length of each cargo tank.
6.2.2 The bottom grillages shall be designed
so as to take up forces transmitted to them by
the cargo tanks.
6.2.3 The liquefied gas tanker double bot-
tom design shall consider the requirement to
lower COG of cargo tanks, peculiarities of
attachment of cylindrical skirts of cargo tanks
to inner bottom and transmission of forces
from them to bottom grillage. Fig. 6.3.2 Diagram of installation of cylindrical
independent cargo tanks horizontally along ship
6.2.4 The liquefied gas tankers intended to
carry dangerous goods with boiling tempera- 6.3.3 The cylindrical independent cargo
ture of –55 °C and below shall be provided tank plating may be supported with internal
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 913

framework. Transversal support of cargo tank

only is allowed.
The connected cylindrical cargo tanks shall
be provided with a longitudinal bulkhead
which separates the tanks. In this case, the Fig. 6.3.6 Deviation for two strakes joined
tank's framing members shall be located in
one plane with the stays of the longitudinal Value of deviation à shall not exceed
bulkhead which separates the connected cargo 0.003 m.
tanks. 6.3.7 Maximum deviation of strake curva-
6.3.4 The spherical cargo tanks may have ture shall not exceed the value shown in
no framing. In this case, the plating is formed Fig. 6.3.7. Radius of curvature mold shown in
by strakes (Fig. 6.3.4). Fig. 6.3.7 is equal to theoretical radius of
spherical cargo tank.

Fig. 6.3.7 Permissible deviation of strake curvature

6.3.8 The prismatic independent cargo tank
plating shall be supported by framing mem-
Fig. 6.3.4 Cargo tank strakes: bers. The framing members shall be placed
1 — cargo tank dome; 2 — top cover; 3 — temperature inside the cargo tank plating. The prismatic
strake; 4 — tropical strake; 5 — equatorial strake; cargo tank shall have a longitudinal bulkhead
6 — bottom cover; 7 — cylindrical foundation
installed in plane of longitudinal axis of sym-
6.3.5 Permissible out-of-roundness of metry and a transversal bulkhead, including
strake shall be calculated by the following that of swash type, installed in the middle
formula, m: along the cargo tank.
D  D1 – D2  0.005Dnom ,
6.3.9 Squared manholes shall be made in
where Dnom — nominal strake diameter, m; the bottom part of the transversal bulkhead.
D1 — maximum strake diameter, m; The manhole plan size shall not be less than
D2 — minimum strake diameter, m; 0.80.8 m. The manholes shall be located on
Dimension lines D1 and D2 shall be per- either side from the longitudinal bulkhead and
pendicular to each other. shall be edged with coamings.
6.3.6 Permissible deviation à for two 6.3.10 The prismatic cargo tanks shall not
strakes joined (Fig. 6.3.6) shall be calculated rise above the upper deck.
by the following formula, m:
à  0.1t , 6.3.11 The membrane cargo tanks shall be
where t — thickness t1 or t2 of the strakes, designed so as to provide tightness of their
whichever is less. shell when exposed to deformations related to
914 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

bending of hull structures and thermal defor-

6.3.12 The designs utilizing nonmetallic
membranes or membranes built in insulation
and connected to insulation is allowed if
technical feasibility study and calculations
confirming feasibility of such designs are
submitted to the River Register. Thickness of
such membranes shall not exceed 10 mm.
6.3.13 Dangerous goods vapour design
pressure in the membrane cargo tanks shall Fig. 6.3.16. Heat insulation:
1 — cargo tank shell; 2 — body; 3 — grillage; 4 — heat
not exceed 0.025 MPa. Design pressure may insulation; 5 — bilge supports; 6 — secondary barrier
be increased to 0.07 MPa provided that the
ship hull structure is reinforced and technical or over the supported double bottom beams,
feasibility study and calculations confirming as well as at the side stringers or double side
that heat insulation is capable of transmitting platforms.
loads from the membrane cargo tank to the
6.3.18 In case of leakage through the sup-
hull structures without break are submitted to
port-type semimembrane cargo tank shell, the
the River Register.
secondary barrier shall provide tightness for
6.3.14 If the design of the membrane cargo liquefied gas.
tank shell includes primary (in relation to
6.3.19 The suspension-type semimembrane
dangerous goods) and secondary membranes,
tank shall be attached to the hull structures so
a layer of heat insulation shall be placed be-
that its shell can expand to the design dimen-
tween these membranes. The space between
the secondary membrane and the ship hull
structure shall be filled with heat insulation. 6.3.20 Rigidity of cylindrical sections at
corners of suspension-type semimembrane
6.3.15 The membrane cargo tank design
cargo tank, as well as that of spheroidal cor-
are allowed for use only after models of shell
ners located in joins of three planar tank sec-
structure components, including corner mem-
tions shall be selected in view of conditions of
brane structures, are tested. Results of model
shape retention for the suspended unstressed
tests shall confirm that the cargo tank is capa-
ble of withstanding stresses caused by static
and dynamic loads specified in 6.7.1 to 6.7.16 6.3.21 Meeting the requirement of 6.3.20,
that occur in operation of liquefied gas tanker. the semimembrane suspension-type cargo
tank design shall provide flexibility required to
6.3.16 The space between the secondary
take up thermal deformations and ship hull
barrier of the support-type semimembrane
bending deformations.
cargo tank and the hull structures shall be
filled with heat insulation (Fig. 6.3.16). 6.3.22 The cargo tank dome is designed to
accommodate the pipelines of the ship sys-
6.3.17 Height of grillage bars of support-
tems and the cargo pumps and to provide
type semimembrane cargo tank shall be equal
access to the cargo tank.
to insulation thickness which is selected in
accordance with the requirements of 6.5. Ma- 6.3.23 The independent prismatic cargo
terial of bars (balsa wood or material close to tank dome shall be installed symmetrically in
balsa in hardness, strength, vibration resis- relation to the longitudinal tight bulkhead
tance and resistance to low temperatures) with the manhole offset from the intersection
shall withstand loads from adjacent structures. of longitudinal and transversal symmetry axes
The bars shall be installed over the keelsons of the cargo tank along the longitudinal sym-
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 915

metry axis of the tank to the nearest bulkhead 6.3.33 A temperature sensor for draining
web. dangerous goods shall be provided in the
drain well.
6.3.24 The cargo tank dome shall have the
same heat insulation as the cargo tank has. 6.3.34 The cargo tanks shall be supported
in a manner which will prevent the cargo
6.3.25 Meeting the requirement of 6.3.24, tanks from displacement relative to the ship’s
the cargo tank dome heat insulation shall pro- hull under static and dynamic loads resulted
vide strength enough for transfer of loads ca- from ship movement on waves.
pable of displacing the cargo tank to the hull
structures. 6.3.35 When the cargo tank supports are
designed, calculations shall be made to con-
6.3.26 The cargo tank dome shall be con- firm possibility of thermal deformation of the
nected with the ship hull structures so as to cargo tank.
provide compensation of thermal deforma-
tions of cargo tank confirmed by positive cal- 6.3.36 The cargo tank support structures
culations for the tank and its dome which shall operate at ship heel of up to 30.
occur during cargo handling and preparation 6.3.37 The cargo tank attachment struc-
of cargo tanks for reception of liquefied gas. tures shall include stops to take up horizontal
6.3.27 Access of people to the cargo tank forces that occur during collision of ships.
shall be provided through a manhole repre- 6.3.38 The horizontal force applied from
senting a hermetically closable opening in the stern to bow is taken equal to a half of gravity
cargo tank dome. Minimum permissible man- force of completely filled cargo tank. The
hole dimensions are 380460 mm. If the horizontal force applied from bow to stern is
cargo tanks shall be accessible by people who taken equal to a fourth of gravity force of
wear protective gear with self-contained completely filled cargo tank.
breathing apparatus, the manhole plan dimen-
sions shall not be less than 800800 mm. 6.3.39 When strength of cargo tank support
structures is calculated, it may be assumed
6.3.28 The drain wells of the liquefied gas
that forces caused by the greatest possible
tankers with the independent prismatic,
resultant acceleration imparted to the cargo
membrane or semimembrane cargo tanks of
tank and its supports while in use and forces
each hold space shall be displaced to their aft
caused by collision of ships have independent
effect on the support structures.
6.3.29 On the liquefied gas tankers with the 6.3.40 The vertical plates of the independ-
independent spherical cargo tanks the drain ent cylindrical cargo tank support shall be
wells shall be located under the vertical axis of installed in the same plane as the floors are
each cargo tank. installed and shall support on the web side
6.3.30 The drain wells of the independent frames (Fig. 6.3.40).
prismatic cargo tanks shall be installed sym- 6.3.41 The independent cylindrical cargo
metrically relative to the internal longitudinal tanks shall be installed on at least two sup-
bulkhead of the cargo tank (see 6.3.8) on ei- ports throughout their length.
ther side of this bulkhead.
6.3.42 One of cargo tank bracing members
6.3.31 The drain wells of the independent shall lie in plane of vertical support plate (see
prismatic cargo tanks shall have curved joints Fig. 6.3.40).
to provide minimum thermal stresses.
6.3.43 The spherical cargo tank supports
6.3.32 The drain wells shall be separated shall be located in the equatorial part of the
from the hull structures with heat insulation. tank (see Fig. 6.3.4).
916 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

Fig. 6.3.40. Supports of independent cylindrical tank:

1 — frame; 2 — cylindrical support surface; 3 — cargo tank plating; 4 — cargo tank framing member;
5 — vertical plate of support; 6 — lightening cutouts

Fig. 6.3.44. Design of supports of spherical cargo tanks:

a) 1 — cargo tank, 2 — support strake, 3 — poles, 4 — support bars, 5 — isolating spacers, 6 — hull structures;
b) 1 — cargo tank, 2 — articulated joint, 3 — weather deck bracket, 4 — sliding block, 5 — poles, 6 — bracket;
c) 1 — cargo tank, 2 — equatorial strake of tank, 3 — cylindrical plating of shell-type support,
4 — vertical pole of cylindrical shell, 5 — horizontal stiffener of cylindrical shell

6.3.44 The following types of supports shall .3 shell-type supports which provide cargo
be used for the spherical cargo tanks: tank support on cylindrical shell reinforced
.1 pole-type supports which provide cargo with framing members (Fig. 6.3.44, c).
tank support on hull structures through a sys-
tem of poles (Fig. 6.3.44, a); 6.3.45 If a pole-type support is used for the
.2 suspension-type supports which provide spherical cargo tank, the support strake shall
suspension of cargo tank by means of hinged be located in the equatorial part of the cargo
supports located around equatorial zone of tank and shall have movable connection with
tank (Fig. 6.3.44, b) the pole system.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 917

6.3.46 The pole system shall be arranged 6.3.51 The drain well shall restrain the
around the circumference of the cargo tank. spherocylindrical cargo tank from horizontal
The pole system shall be provided with displacement. The drain well shall rest with its
support bars to transmit forces to the hull walls against the tray. The tray shall be lo-
structures (see Fig. 6.3.44, a). cated in the double bottom of the liquefied
gas tanker (see Fig. 6.3.50).
6.3.47 Forces from the support bars to the
hull structures shall be transmitted through 6.3.52 The membrane and semimembrane
isolating spacers. cargo tanks shall be attached together with
The isolating spacers shall prevent the sup- cargo tank heat insulation and plating.
port bar from lateral movements but they
shall enable the support bar to radially move 6.3.53 The supports of the independent
as a result of thermal deformations of the prismatic cargo tanks are divided into:
cargo tank. .1 load-bearing supports, i.e. supports that
If a suspension-type support is used for the support the cargo tank only and do not pre-
spherical cargo tank, this support shall pro- vent it from displacement relative to the verti-
vide freedom of movement of the cargo tank cal axis
under effect of thermal deformations. .2 retaining and load-bearing supports, i.e.
supports that support the cargo tank and re-
6.3.48 If a shell-type support is used for
tain it from lateral displacement (displace-
the spherical cargo tank, the equatorial strake ment relative to the vertical axis).
shall have a cross-section shown in View C of
Fig. 6.3.44, c. 6.3.54 The retaining and load-bearing sup-
6.3.49 The shell-type support plating shall ports shall be installed along the ship centre
be supported with a framing consisting of ver- plane and along the midsection of the pris-
tical stays and horizontal stiffeners. matic cargo tank (Fig. 6.3.54).

6.3.50 Attachment of spherocylindrical

cargo tank with conical bottom with con-
stricting tapes shall provide compression of
cargo tank and heat insulation support
(Fig. 6.3.50).

Fig. 6.3.50. Spherocylindrical tank support: Fig. 6.3.54. Supports of independent

1 — cargo tank, 2 — shackle, 3 — constricting tape, prismatic cargo tanks:
4 — eye ring, 5 — heat insulation support, 1 — load-bearing supports,
6 — drain well, 7 — tray 2 — retaining and load-bearing supports
918 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

The load-bearing supports shall be evenly than –10 °C, it is allowed not to install the
distributed throughout the remaining part of secondary barrier.
the prismatic cargo tank supported by them. The hull structures may be used as a sec-
6.3.55 The retaining and load-bearing sup- ondary barrier if the carried liquefied gas boil-
ing temperature at the atmospheric pressure is
ports only may be installed in the top part of
within –10 °C to –55 °C; if so, the hull mate-
the prismatic cargo tank (Fig. 6.3.55).
rial shall comply with the requirements of 5
Part X of the Rules and may be used in the
specified temperature range.
6.4.2 If the hull structures are used as a
secondary barrier, availability and type of sec-
ondary barrier shall be determined in accor-
dance with Table 6.4.2. The hull structures
shall not be used as a secondary barrier for
the integral cargo tanks.
T a b l e 6.4.2
Availability and type of secondary barrier
Cargo tank type Secondary barrier
Fig. 6.3.55. Supports in top part type À Full
of prismatic cargo tank type  Partial
type Ñ Not required
6.3.56 If the independent prismatic cargo Membrane
tank design does not comply with strength Semi-membrane Full1
conditions when forces originating under dy- Internal insulation
namic cargo effect on the side walls of these 1
In the case of semi-membrane tanks which
tanks, the lateral load-bearing supports may comply with the requirements applicable to type B
be installed. These supports shall be arranged independent tanks, except for the structure of sup-
depending on peculiarities of application of port, a partial secondary barrier may be installed.
these dynamic forces which shall be transmit- 6.4.3 The secondary barrier design shall
ted to the liquefied gas tanker hull structures meet the following requirements:
by means of lateral load-bearing supports. .1 The secondary barrier shall be capable
6.3.57 The design of the independent cargo of containing the liquefied gas;
tanks shall provide for fixtures (wedges, stops .2 The secondary barrier shall be capable
and so on) which prevent them from floating- of protecting the ship’s hull structures from
up under buoyancy force having effect on the cooling to an unsafe level in case of leakage
empty tank when the hold is flooded to the of dangerous goods through the primary bar-
full load draught. At the same time, stress in rier;
the ship hull structure elements shall not ex- .3 A failure of the primary barrier shall
ceed yield point ReH. not cause any failure of the secondary barrier
and vice versa;
6.4 SECONDARY BARRIER .4 The secondary barrier fulfil its func-
tions at a heel angle of up to 30.
6.4.1 If the carried liquefied gas boiling
temperature at the atmospheric pressure is 6.4.4 Where a partial secondary barrier is
equal to –10 °C and below, a secondary bar- required according to Table 6.4.2, its extent
rier shall be installed on the liquefied gas shall be determined on the basis of cargo
tanker. If the dangerous goods boiling tem- leakage volume corresponding to the length of
perature at the atmospheric pressure is higher a crack in the cargo tank wall. The crack
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 919

length shall be determined on the basis of 6.5.3 If the liquefied gas tanker is operated
loading condition as specified in 6.7.1 to in latitudinal zones with higher air and water
6.7.14 with liquid dangerous goods evapora- temperatures as compared with those specified
tion rate, leakage rate, and pumping capacity in 6.5.2, the design temperatures higher than
taken into account. those specified in 6.5.2 are allowed.
It shall not be possible for liquid dangerous
6.5.4 If the ship is operated in latitudinal
goods to penetrate into the double bottom zones with lower air and water temperatures
as compared with those specified in 6.5.2, the
6.4.5 If the secondary barrier is not re- design temperatures specified in 6.5.2 shall be
quired for the entire cargo tank or for a part decreased.
of it, spray shields shall be installed
6.5.5 Heat insulation calculations shall be
(Fig. 6.4.5) or another structural protection
made for navigation at calm water (see 2.2.1
may be used to protect the double bottom Part I of the Rules) under no wind conditions.
from cooling to an unsafe temperature.
6.5.6 When the secondary barrier is in-
stalled, it shall be assumed that its tempera-
ture will be equal to the temperature of car-
ried dangerous goods at the atmospheric pres-
Heat insulation calculations with the sec-
ondary barrier available shall allow for cooling
effect of evaporation of dangerous goods leak-
6.5.7 Use of devices for heating the hull
structures is not a ground to change the de-
sign characteristics.
6.5.8 When steel grade is selected for the
structural elements connecting the secondary
Fig. 6.4.5. Spray shield installation diagram: barrier with the ship hull, the design tempera-
1 — spherical cargo tank foundation, 2 — bilge tank, ture shall be determined as arithmetic mean
3 — double bottom space, 4 — spray shield, of temperatures of dangerous goods and envi-
5 — cargo tank body
6.4.6 The secondary barrier shall be capa- 6.5.9 In cases mentioned in 6.5.1 to 6.5.4,
ble of being periodically checked for its im- devices for heating the transversal hull fram-
permeability while the ship is in use. ing members may be installed to prevent drop
of their temperatures below the minimum
6.5 INSULATION OF CARGO TANKS permissible value.
6.5.1 The design of the cargo tanks in- 6.5.10 The devices for heating the cargo
tended for carriage of liquefied gas at tem- tank hull structures shall meet the following
perature of –10 °C and below shall provide for requirements:
insulation to keep temperature of hull struc-
.1 Amount of heat input shall be enough
tures higher than minimum permissible design
to keep temperature of hull structures above
temperature specified in 5 Part X of the
the minimum permissible temperatures speci-
fied in 6.5.2;
6.5.2 The design temperature for selecting .2 The heating system shall be designed so
heat insulation parameters is temperature of that its undamaged part can provide not less
hull structures at air temperature of 5 °C and than 100% of design amount of heat if any its
water temperature of 0 °C. part fails;
920 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

.3 The heating system shall be considered 6.6.3 Tests of weld joints, including non-
as critical auxiliary equipment. destructive inspection, for all types of cargo
tanks, except for type C independent cargo
6.5.11 Determination of insulation thick-
tanks, shall be performed in accordance with
ness depending on temperature of dangerous
the requirements of 8 Part X of the Rules.
goods shall consider quantity of evaporated
dangerous goods and operation of onboard 6.6.4 The internal insulation of the cargo
dangerous goods reliquefaction unit, main tanks shall be visually inspected to check con-
engines using dangerous goods as fuel or other dition of its surface after the third trip of the
system that has effect on temperature of dan- loaded ship, but not later than six months of
gerous goods or controls this temperature. operation of the ship after building or after
major repair of internal insulation cargo tanks.
6.5.12 Insulation shall withstand loads from
the adjacent structures which it may be ex- 6.6.5 The semimembrane cargo tanks shall
posed to while the liquefied gas tanker is in meet the requirements imposed on the inde-
operation. pendent cargo tanks or membrane cargo tanks
depending on requirements considered.
6.5.13 Insulation shall provide protection
from mechanical damages and ingress of wa- 6.6.6 The integral cargo tanks shall be sub-
ter vapours. ject to hydraulic or air tightness test. Stresses
that occur during tests shall be close to the
6.5.14 If powder or granular insulation is
design stresses, and pressure at the top of the
used, measures shall be taken to prevent it
cargo tank shall comply with the maximum
from compaction under vibration.
permissible set pressure of the safety valve.
6.5.15 Insulation shall keep its properties
6.6.7 On the ships with the membrane and
and shall not press on elements of cargo sys-
semimembrane cargo tanks all spaces contain-
tem and other ship systems.
ing liquid dangerous goods and having com-
mon hull structures with membrane support-
ing hull structures shall be subject to hydraulic
6.6 FABRICATION AND TESTING or air tightness testing.
OF CARGO TANKS The membrane supporting hull structures
6.6.1 All weld joints of independent cargo of the ship shall be subject to tightness testing.
tank plating shall be made with full penetra- Tunnels for pipes and other compartments,
tion butt welds. Weld joints of dome with which do not contain liquids, do not require
plating and those of nozzles, branch pipes and hydraulic tightness testing.
manholes shall be made with full penetration. 6.6.8 For this chapter, the internal insula-
6.6.2 Weld joints of parts of type C inde- tion cargo tanks are divided into two types:
pendent cargo tanks shall meet the following .1 Cargo tanks of type I1 — cargo tanks
requirements: in which insulation or combination of insula-
.1 All weld joints of tank walls shall be tion and one or several layers of internal liner
made with full penetration butt welds with Õ- performs the main barrier function. The inner
or U-shaped edge preparation. Another shape hull or the independent reservoir structure
of edge preparation is allowed on condition shall perform the secondary barrier function;
that positive results of tests performed for .2 Cargo tanks of type I2 — cargo tanks
approval of welding process are submitted to in which insulation or combination of insula-
the River Register; tion and one or several layers of internal liner
.2 All welds in the cargo tank structure performs the main and secondary barrier
(connection of parts and welding of branch functions.
pipes, nozzles and manholes) shall be made The internal liner is a protective layer not
with full penetration. exposed to loads and made of metallic or
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 921

composite materials, which forms a structural 6.6.13 The heating systems provided in ac-
part of the internal insulation cargo tank. The cordance with 6.5.9 to 6.5.10 shall be tested
internal liner is used to prevent cracking or for required heat flow and heat transfer coef-
improve mechanical properties of insulation. ficient.
Tightness requirement does not apply to the
6.6.14 Each independent cargo tank shall
internal liner.
be tested by pressure with consideration of the
6.6.9 If the double bottom and double sides following:
of the liquefied gas tankers equipped with the .1 When type A independent cargo tanks
internal insulation tanks of type I2, are struc- are tested, measured stresses in the structural
tures which support this insulation, all the elements shall close to the design stresses, and
structure of double bottom and double sides pressure at the top of the cargo tank shall
shall be subject to hydraulic or air test consid- comply with the maximum permissible set
ering the maximum permissible set pressure of pressure of the safety valve;
the safety valve. .2 Type B independent cargo tanks shall
be tested in accordance with the requirements
6.6.10 If the structure of double bottom of .1, and the maximum stresses in the pri-
and double sides of the liquefied gas tanker or mary membrane or the maximum bending
the independent tank structure is used as a stress of the main framework elements shall
secondary barrier for internal insulation tanks not exceed 90% of material yield point at the
of type I1, these structures shall be tested for test temperature.
If the design stresses during test exceed
Impermeability tests shall be performed be- 75% of material yield point, structure model
fore insulation is installed. tests with measurement of stresses shall also
6.6.11 If the liquefied gas tankers equipped be performed;
with the internal insulation cargo tanks of .3 Each type C independent cargo tank
type I2 have the independent cargo tanks shall be tested by pressure of not less than
which structurally support this insulation, 1.5ð0 measured in the tank top, and the pri-
such independent tanks shall be tested in ac- mary membrane stress in any point of its
cordance with 6.6.14. structure shall not exceed 90% of material
yield point. If the design stresses during test
6.6.12 Type C independent cargo tanks exceed 75% of material yield point, structure
shall be subject to visual and instrumental model tests with measurement of stresses shall
check and impermeability tests. Here, the also be performed;
following shall be considered: .4 Temperature of water used for testing
.1 Visual and instrumental check shall as- of type C cargo tanks shall be at least 30 °Ñ
certain whether dimensions and shape of higher than the critical fracture transition
ready cargo tank structure comply with re- temperature of cargo tank material;
quirements of technical documentation and .5 Time of pressure test of type C inde-
quality of structure assemblage; pendent cargo tanks shall be set at the rate of
.2 Scope of impermeability tests shall be 2 h per every 25 mm of tank wall thickness.
as follows :
non-destructive testing 6.6.15 The cargo tanks of all types shall be
radiographic testing for 100% of butt subject to impermeability test which may be
welds performed together with the pressure test
mentioned in 6.6.14.
surface crack testing for 100% of welds of
manholes, branch pipes and nozzles and 10% 6.6.16 When the cargo tanks and the resid-
of all remaining welds ual cargo tanks are tested, the test pressure
ultrasonic testing for all welds of man- shall not be less than 1.3 of design pressure.
holes, branch pipes and nozzles. When the cofferdams and the open cargo
922 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

tanks are tested, the test pressure shall not be where A  0.0185   m  A  ;
less than 0.01 MPa.
ò — design stresses in the tank wall, MPa
6.6.17 If engineering solutions taken during
design and fabrication of liquefied gas tankers À — permissible dynamic stresses in the
with type B independent cargo tanks have not cargo tank wall (double amplitude of the
been confirmed in full by results of trial op- stress cycle complying with wave load ex-
eration of the ship of the same series, at least ceedence probability of 10-8), components for
one tank and its supports shall be equipped steel 55 MPa and for aluminum alloys —
with sensors and instruments capable of de- 25 MPa
tecting level of actual stresses. Ñ — characteristic size in the vertical di-
6.6.18 The instruments mentioned in rection, m, taken as maximum of the follow-
6.6.17 may be installed on the structural ele- ing values: 0.75b or 0.45l. Here b, l —
ments of type C independent cargo tanks. breadth and length of the tank in the vertical,
transverse and longitudinal directions respec-
6.6.19 During initial cooling, filling and tively, m
unloading of cargo tanks, all performance  — relative (i.e. related to fresh water
parameters of the cargo system shall be
density) cargo density at the design tempera-
checked to compare them with the design
parameters. The documents substantiating that
parameters determined in operation comply 6.7.4 Design load from internal pressure in
with design parameters shall be submitted to the cargo tank Pi shall be calculated by the
the River Register. formula, MPa:

6.7 STRENGTH CALCULATIONS Pi  p0   php  , (6.7.4)

Design loads
where  php max — maximum internal exces-
6.7.1 Strength of the cargo tank structural
sive hydrostatic pressure determined by gravity
components shall be verified by calculations
force and inertia forces caused by acceleration
under loads and their combinations in opera-
of cargo liquid due to ship motions.
tion including the following:
.1 Loads arising during the tests; 6.7.5 Internal excessive hydrostatic pressure
.2 Increase of design gas vapours pressure of the completely filled cargo tank is calcu-
p0 when in port; lated by the formula, MPa:
.3 Loads arising at list of 30.
p hp  9.81 10 6 a  z   g , (6.7.5)
6.7.2 Design pressure of gas vapours p0 for
all types of cargo tanks, except for independ- where à — dimensionless acceleration ex-
ent cargo tanks of type Ñ, shall not exceed pressed in percentage of gravity which is the
0.025 MPa. When increasing the scantlings of result of gravity and dynamic accelerations in
the hull structures compared to the calculated the direction at angle  (Fig. 6.7.5-1)
scantlings and considering thermal insulation z — liquid column height, m, above the
strength, it is allowed to increase design pres- point on the cargo tank plating, for which
sure, but in any case it shall not exceed internal pressure shall be found; it is meas-
0.070 MPa. ured from the cargo tank plating in the direc-
tion of acceleration vector a, whose angle of
6.7.3 Maximum overpressure for the inde-
pendent cargo tank of type C shall not exceed deflection  from the vertical is selected in
the value calculated by the formula, MPa: the interval of 0 to max (Fig. 6.7.5-2)
c — cargo density at the design tempera-
p0  0.2  0.1AC  1.5 , (6.7.3) ture, kg/m3.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 923

Longitudinal acceleration — an accelera-

tion caused by surge and pitch, as well as
gravitational component of pitch.
For constructions specified in 6.7.7, maxi-
mum dimensionless (i.e. related to gravity)
accelerations are used in the respective direc-
tions (in calculations they are considered to
be separate) àõ, ày, az:
àõ — includes a component of static weight
in the longitudinal direction because of pitch
ày — includes a component of static weight
in the transverse direction because of roll
az — does not include a component of
static weight.
6.7.7 When plotting acceleration ellipse re-
quired to determine angle max (see 6.7.5), a
line shall be laid from the centre of gravity of
the tank with length taken as 1 (the scale of
relative accelerations). The bottom end of the
Fig.6.7.5-1. Acceleration ellipses line is the centre of acceleration ellipse.
From the centre of acceleration ellipse,
dimensionless accelerations ay and az are laid
in the horizontal and vertical directions re-
spectively, and are taken as ellipse radii.
Angle at which vector of dimensionless ac-
celeration à passes tangential to the plotted
ellipse shall be taken as angle max.
6.7.8 In order to determine height z, from
the point on cross-section outline of the tank
plating where internal pressure shall be de-
termined, a set of angle  values shall be
specified from interval 0 to max, and height z
shall be graphically determined for each angle
value in the specified range (Fig. 6.7.5-2).
6.7.9 In the calculation (see 6.7.5) a pair of
Fig. 6.7.5-2. Finding z values z and à shall be taken with maximum
6.7.6 Accelerations acting on cargo tanks
are determined based on the assumption that 6.7.10 When determining internal excessive
acceleration vectors are applied in the centres hydrostatic pressure in cargo tanks, whose
of gravity of the tanks and that they include longitudinal dimensions exceed their breadth,
the following components: it may be required to consider the longitudi-
Vertical acceleration — an acceleration nal acceleration of the centre of gravity of the
caused by heave, pitch and roll and directed cargo tank. In this case, instead of ellipse
perpendicular to the baseline of the ship; shown in Fig.6.7.5-1, an ellipsoid with radii
Transverse acceleration — an acceleration az, ay and ax shall be used.
caused by sway, yaw and roll, as well as gravi- The procedure of determining the values of
tational component of roll; the resulting dimensionless acceleration à
924 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

and liquid height z, described in 6.7.7 and if

6.7.8 is applicable to the acceleration ellip- A  0.6  0.7  L 1200  5z L   ,
soid. The requirement of 6.7.9 shall be met. (6.7.14-4)
6.7.11 The domes of cargo tanks shall be where L — ship length between perpendicu-
considered when determining , except for the lars, m
cases when total volume Vd doesn't exceed the  — block coefficient
value, m3: Â — ship breadth, m
õ — distance between the centre of gravity
Vd V 100 V  V , (6.7.11)
of the cargo tank and midship (positive value
where V — volume of the cargo tank without is forward from midship), m
dome, m3; z — vertical distance between actual water-
V — limit of cargo tank filling according line and centre of gravity of the cargo tank
to 6.20.1 and 6.20.3, %. with dangerous cargo (positive value is above
waterline, negative is below waterline), m
6.7.12 Design load of external pressure
a0  0.37v L  34 L  600 L2 ;
shall be determined as a difference between
simultaneous minimum internal pressure (6.7.14-5)
(maximum vacuum) and maximum external v — operating speed of the ship, km/h
pressure that may occur in operation. K — coefficient for specific loading condi-
tions and hull lines is determined by the for-
6.7.13 Design dynamic loads caused by roll mula:
of the gas tanker and acting on the elements
of cargo tanks shall be determined from con- K  13h0 B  1 , (6.7.14-6)
sideration of long-term distribution of all where h0 — metacentric height corresponding
types of ship motion at irregular waves; here, to the loading condition, m.
design exceedence probability for the maxi-
6.7.15 Strength of cargo tanks shall be
mum wave loads shall be taken equal to 10–8.
checked for the cases of their partial filling at
6.7.14 If data on inertia forces acting on dynamic loads which arise due to free sur-
cargo tanks due to ship motion at waves are faces.
not available, the following formulae shall be
6.7.16 In strength calculations of cargo
used to determine the acceleration compo-
tanks at temperature of the carried dangerous
cargo below – 55 °C, thermal loads arising
For vertical acceleration during cooling period shall be considered.
az   a0 1   5.3  45 L  
 Strength of membrane tanks
1.5 0.5
  x L  0.05   0.6    ;
 6.7.17 Simultaneously with strength calcu-
lation of membrane cargo tanks, the test re-
(6.7.14-1) sults of the membrane structure models and
For transverse acceleration their angle joints confirming reliability of the
calculation results shall be submitted to the
ay   a0  0.6  2.5  x L  0.05  
 River Register. The test conditions shall com-
2 0.5 ply with most unfavorable operating condi-
 K 1  0.6Kz B   ; tions of the cargo tank determined by the

(6.7.14-2) designer and approved by the River Register.

For longitudinal acceleration 6.7.18 The test results of the membrane

cargo tank materials, which prove that ageing
ax  a0 0.6  A 2  0.25 A (6.7.14-3) of the materials does prevent from intended
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 925

use of the structures, shall be submitted to the tures from its supports and fasteners using a
River Register. 3D FEM model.
6.7.19 If data on external loads on cargo 6.7.26 If data for the ships of the design in
tanks is not confirmed in full scope by the question are not available, then a complete
results of operational trials for the ships of the calculation of ship accelerations and motions
same design, the tests shall be performed with at irregular waves as well as ship and cargo
types and values of test loads assigned compli- tank reaction to inertial loads shall be made.
ant with all possible load combinations in
operation. 6.7.27 Stability calculation shall consider
It shall be substantiated that under over- maximum fabrication tolerances of the struc-
pressure in interbarrier space, vacuum inside tures.
the membrane cargo tank, impacts in pres- 6.7.28 Design values of stress concentration
ence of free surfaces or vibration, membrane coefficients and parameters of fatigue life of
integrity will not be compromised. the newly constructed independent cargo tank
6.7.20 Strength of the membrane cargo components shall be verified by the test re-
tank case shall be calculated considering in- sults on the models of these components.
ternal pressure specified in 6.7.4. The speci- 6.7.29 Action of load causing fatigue dam-
fied calculation shall consider the possibility age of the structure shall comply with the
of deformation of the membrane and adjacent following inequality:
insulation jointly with hull members.
  ni N i   1000 N j  C w , (6.7.29)
Strength of independent tanks where ni — number of cycles of each stress
6.7.23 Strength of the independent cargo level over whole service life of the ship
tanks of type A shall be calculated according Ni — number of cycles until fracture for
to the requirements of Part I of the Rules the respective stress level σ according to fa-
considering internal pressure according to tigue curve   f  N 
6.7.4 and corrosion allowances according to
Nj — number of cycles until fracture for
6.7.46 to 6.7.48.
fatigue load caused by handling operations
6.7.24 For the structures in the place of Ñw — parameter which is usually taken
supports, the design stresses shall be deter- Ñ w  0,5 depending on the test method and
mined considering the loads specified in 6.7.1
data used to plot fatigue curve   f  N  ;
and hull deformation.
value Ñ w  0,5 not exceeding 1.0 may be
6.7.25 Strength of the independent cargo
tanks of type B shall be calculated considering used.
all possible static and dynamic loads and their 6.7.30 Strength of the independent cargo
combinations in operation. The requirements tanks of type C shall be calculated considering
on restricting plastic deformation, maintaining the following requirements:
stability and fatigue endurance as well as pre- .1 Wall thickness of the independent
vention of cracks shall be met. The following cargo tanks of type C shall be determined
shall be performed: considering the shape of their parts according
.1 Static estimation of wave loads to the procedures developed by the designer
(see 6.7.5 to 6.7.9); and approved by the River Register;
.2 Strength calculations of structures; .2 If visual inspection and non-destructive
.3 Calculation of crack rate in the struc- testing are provided, design weld strength fac-
tural components of the cargo tank cover; tor shall be taken equal to 0.95. It may be
.4 Calculation of the structure strength increased to 1.0 depending on the properties
under load transferred to the cargo tank struc- of the material, connection type, welding
926 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

process and loading conditions. For process Strength of cargo tanks with internal insulation
pressure vessels, it is allowed to decrease the
6.7.31 Strength of cargo tanks with internal
scope of non-destructive testing; here, design
insulation shall be calculated considering all
weld strength factor shall be taken not more
the static and dynamic loads and their combi-
than 0.85;
nations possible in operation. Structural com-
.3 If the independent cargo tanks of type ponents forming walls of the cargo tank shall
C are subject to load action causing compres-
be evaluated for fatigue strength, tendency to
sion stress in the tank walls in operation, a crack propagation, adhesion of insulation,
technical justification for wall thickness and strength under compression, tension and
cargo tank shape shall be provided. Strength
shear. Besides, the following shall be made:
of such tanks shall be calculated considering
.1 Statistic analysis of wave loads consid-
fabrication tolerances;
ering 6.7.5 to 6.7.9;
.4 Design load due to external pressure På
.2 Strength calculations of structures;
shall be determined by the formula, MPa:
.3 Damage mechanism analysis.
Pe  p1  p2  P3  P4 , (6.7.30)
6.7.32 Stress level and respective structural
where p1 — safety valve setting, for cargo deformations of the inner hull or independent
tanks without safety valves p1 shall be taken cargo tank using a 3D FEM model shall be
equal to min. 0.025 MPa; calculated. Such calculations shall confirm
p2 — safety valve setting for hull com- that the specified deformations do not lead to
partments with cargo tanks or their parts; oth- peeling or breakdown of the insulation mate-
erwise p2 = 0; rial. The calculation shall consider pressure
P3 — compression stress due to any forces load inside the cargo tank (see 6.7.5) and dy-
(influence of weight and insulation shrinkage, namic loads due to wave generation in ballast
plating weight including corrosion allowance, compartments, if those compartments are
etc.) which the cargo tank is subject to. These adjacent to the cargo tank walls.
forces may include weight of dome, raised
parts and pipelines, cargo in partially filled 6.7.33 Permissible stresses arising in the
tank, load of hull deformation and inertia cargo tank walls and permissible combined
forces. Besides, local action of external and/or structural deformations of the cargo tank walls
internal pressure shall be considered; jointly with insulation shall be verified by a
P4 — assumed external load due to water technical justification to be prepared by the
washing the tanks or parts thereof on the designer and approved by the River Register.
open deck; otherwise P4=0; 6.7.34 Results of the cargo tank structure
.5 Stress in the places of supports of the model testing including tests under combined
cargo tanks (in the tank wall and in the hull effect of static, dynamic and thermal loads
structures) shall be calculated at load action shall be submitted to the River Register.
specified in 6.7.1 to 6.7.16. The results of
6.7.35 The test conditions shall comply
structure fatigue strength evaluation and cal-
with the design operating conditions including
culations considering secondary and thermal
heat cycling. The minimum number in this
stress shall be submitted to the River Register;
case shall be 400 heat cycles on the basis of
.6 Wall thickness of the independent
19 voyages per year. The 400 heat cycles may
cargo tanks of type C shall be not less than
be divided into 20 complete cycles (tank wall
that obtained by calculations considering cor-
temperature of up to 45 °Ñ) and 380 partial
rosion allowance, but in any case not less
cycles (cargo tank wall temperature reaches
than, mm:
the set value set for ballasted voyage).
for carbon-manganese and nickel steels 5
for austenitic steels 3 6.7.36 The cargo tank structure models
for aluminum alloys 7 shall be geometrically similar to the tested
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 927

prototype structure, including angles, connec- obtained from calculations as per 6.7.17 to
tions, pump mounts, passages of pipelines and 6.7.39 are allowed.
other stress concentration points; different
6.7.43 For the independent cargo tanks of
properties of the cargo tank materials, fabrica-
type B with revolutional shape, actual stresses
tion process and quality control shall be con-
shall not exceed the following values:
sidered too.
 m σ f , (6.7.43-1)
6.7.37 Tensile tests and fatigue strength
L  1.5 f , (6.7.43-2)
tests shall be performed to evaluate insulation
material behavior as regards crack propagation B  1.5F , (6.7.43-3)
in case of through crack development in the L  B  1.5F , (6.7.43-4)
inner hull or independent cargo tank. The  m  B  1.5F , (6.7.43-5)
structure in the place of crack shall be subject
to maximum hydrostatic pressure of ballast where m — equivalent membrane total
water. stresses, MPa (stresses in shells outside the
stress concentration or support areas)
6.7.38 Action of load causing fatigue dam- L — equivalent membrane local stresses,
age is to be determined according to 6.7.29. MPa (stresses in shells caused by pressure or
6.7.39 For the cargo tanks with internal in- other mechanical loads, or in the shell ele-
sulation, when preparing the test program for ments which serve as the main structure rein-
the prototype structure to be tested, designer forcement, or in other stress concentration
shall develop a repair technique for the insu- areas)
lation material and inner hull or independent B — equivalent shell stresses at bending,
tank structure. MPa
f — the lower of Rm/nA or ReH/nB;
Permissible stresses F — the lower of Rm/nC or ReH/nD;
6.7.40 For built-in cargo tanks, permissible nA, nB, nC, nD — coefficients taken from
stresses are determined according to 2.2 Part I Table 6.7.43.
of the Rules. T a b l e 6.7.43
6.7.41 For designing, permissible stresses Safety factors
for the structures of the independent cargo Steel Alumin-
Carbon-manganese and ium al-
tanks of type A formed by flat surfaces shall factor
Austenitic loys
be taken out of two values, whichever is less, nA 3 3.5 4
MPa: nB 2 1.6 1.5
  A  Rm 2.66 or   A  ReH 1.33 , nC
where ReH — yield point of the material, The ReH or Rm in the annealed state shall
MPa. be used for the welded joints of the structures
Rm — tensile strength of material, MPa; made of aluminum alloys.
The said characteristics shall comply with
6.7.42 If calculations consider bending de- minimum specified mechanical properties of
formations, axial displacement of the cargo the materials including deposited metal of the
tank, shear and torsional deformations, as welds.
well as hull and cargo tank interaction forces
caused by deformations of gas tanker's double 6.7.44 Equivalent stresses shall be calcu-
bottom and cargo tank bottom, then, in case lated by the formula, MPa:
of technical justification submitted to the
eq  2x  2y   x  y  32xy , (6.7.44-1)
River Register, stress values exceeding those
928 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

where x — total normal stresses in X- of structural protection shall be provided for

direction; the liquefied gas tankers:
y — total normal stresses in Y-direction; Type 1G — maximum degree of structural
xy — total tangent stresses in the XY protection for carriage of dangerous cargo, for
plane. which respective requirement (1G) is specified
If static and dynamic stresses are deter- in column 4 of Table A3-1 in Appendix 3.
mined separately and use of other methods is Type 2G — degree of structural protection
not reasonable, total stresses shall be calcu- for carriage of dangerous cargo, for which
lated by the formulae: respective requirement (2G) is specified in
column 4 of Table A3-1 in Appendix 3.
σ x   x , st     õ ,dyn  ;
(6.7.44-2) Type 2PG — degree of structural protec-
tion for carriage of dangerous cargo, for
 
 ó   ó , st    ó ,dyn ; (6.7.44-3) which respective requirement (2PG) is speci-
fied in column 4 of Table A3-1 in Appendix 3.
 
 xó   xó , st    õó ,dyn τ, (6.7.44-4) On liquefied gas tankers with structural fire
where õ,st, ó,st, õó,st, õ,dyn, ó,dyn, õó,dyn — protection 2PG, dangerous cargo shall be
carried in the independent cargo tanks of type
static and dynamic stress components respec-
C designed for maximum permissible safety
tively which are determined separately from
valves setting not less than 0.7 MPa and de-
the acceleration components and hull stress
sign temperature in the dangerous cargo con-
components caused by sagging and twisting.
tainment system equal to –55 °Ñ or above.
6.7.45 For the independent cargo tanks of Liquefied gas tanker complying with these
type C, permissible membrane stress in the requirements and more than 120 m in length
strength calculations shall be taken equal to f shall have structural protection 2G.
(see 6.7.43) Type 3G — degree of structural protection
for carriage of dangerous cargo, for which
Corrosion allowance respective requirement (3G) is specified in
6.7.46 If active materials are carried in the column 4 of Table A3-1 in Appendix 3.
cargo tanks or cargo tank environmental is 6.8.2 Open flame sources are not allowed
not controlled, it is required to make a corro- in the spaces with inflammable vapours.
sion allowance for the cargo tank wall thick-
nesses as obtained from calculations, per- 6.8.3 Machinery, accommodation and ser-
formed by the designer and approved by the vice spaces, chain lockers, drinking water
River Register. tanks, water for domestic needs and food
stores shall be separated from the cargo area
6.7.47 It is not required to make corrosion of the liquefied gas tanker depending on
allowance for the cargo tank walls, if their availability of an additional barrier. If separa-
external surfaces are protected by inert gas or tion of the cargo tank with a barrier is not
insulation is resistant to dangerous cargo va- prescribed by the Rules, these spaces shall be
pours. protected using cofferdams or gas-tight bulk-
6.7.48 Use of paint or other thin coatings heads of type A-60. If open flame sources are
for the cargo tank walls may not be consid- not available in the adjacent spaces, it is al-
ered as corrosion protection of these walls. lowed to use bulkheads of type A-0.
6.8.4 If dangerous cargo is carried in the
cargo tanks which require installation of an
additional barrier according to the Rules, the
spaces specified in 6.8.3 as well as spaces lo-
6.8.1 Depending on hazard degree of the cated below or outside the bilge space and
carried dangerous cargo, the following types containing an open flame source shall be
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 929

separated from the cargo spaces using coffer- tom plating. Access from the service spaces
dams. If no open flame source is available, it free of gas to gas-hazardous spaces is allowed
is allowed to install one bulkhead of type A-0. only through air locks. If an air lock is not
available, entry from the open upper deck to a
6.8.5 Air lock designed for communication
gas-safe space shall be located at a height of
between the gas-hazardous and gas-safe
at least 2.4 m above the open deck.
spaces shall include two steel gas-tight self-
closing doors without arresters. Simultaneous
opening of the doors (to be signalled by audi- 6.9 FLOODABILITY
ble and visual alarm) is not allowed. Height of 6.9.1 For floodability calculations, the di-
the door coaming in the locks shall be at least mensions of the side and bottom damages
300 mm, and distance between the doors shall shall be taken according to 6.9.2 and 6.9.3.
be at least 1.5 and not more than 2.5 m from
each other. 6.9.2 Side damage dimensions shall be
taken as follows:
6.8.6 Entrances and other openings in ac- .1 longitudinal dimension — 1/3 L2/3;
commodation spaces, service spaces and con- .2 transversal dimension — B/5;
trol stations shall not face the cargo spaces or .3 vertical dimension — upwards without
bow or stern cargo handling equipment. En- limitation.
trances are arranged in bulkheads of the su-
perstructures and outer walls of the wheel- 6.9.3 Bottom damage dimensions shall be
houses L/25 apart, where L — ship length, taken as follows:
but not less than 3 m and not more than 5 m .1 longitudinal dimension:
from the outer side of the wheelhouse with within 0.3L from the fore perpendicular
the passage opening facing the cargo spaces. — 1/3 L2/3;
within the rest of the ship — 1/3L2/3 or 5
6.8.7 Scuttles in side bulkheads of the su- m, whichever is less;
perstructure within the specified boundaries .2 transversal dimension:
shall be of blind type (see GOST 19261 and within 0.3L from the fore perpendicular
GOST 21672). It is allowed to fit scuttles of — B/6;
flapper type in the wheelhouse, if such scut- within the rest of the ship — B/6 or 5 m,
tles are gas-tight. Side scuttles below the main whichever is less;
deck level and at the first tier of the super- .3 vertical dimension — B/15.
structure shall be only of blind type.
6.9.4 If a tank containing liquid is dam-
6.8.8 Cargo tank openings with a cross- aged, it shall be assumed that the tank con-
sectional area of more than 0.10 m2 and tents completely escape and are replaced with
safety device openings designed to prevent water to the waterline level complying with
overpressure shall be located at height of at the equilibrium position of the flooded ship.
least 0.60 m above the deck level.
6.9.5 If pipes, channels, trunks or tunnels
6.8.9 The design and arrangement of cargo
are located within the estimated damage
tanks, bilge spaces and compressor rooms
length, the design solutions shall be made to
shall enable access of people with self-
prevent flooding of compartments, except for
contained breathing apparatuses and in pro-
those which are to be flooded when the ship
tective equipment, lifting the injured, and
is damaged.
access to and inspection of all valves. Access
to cargo tanks shall be provided from the 6.9.6 Depending on the type of structural
open deck. Minimum dimensions of the verti- fire protection of the liquefied gas tanker and
cal cutouts for passage along the length and its length, the following requirements shall be
breadth of the space shall be 800  800 mm, met:
and if there are no gratings, they shall be at .1 a ship with structural fire protection of
height no more than 600 mm from the bot- type 1G shall comply with the requirements
930 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

specified in 6.9.7 and 6.9.8 if the hull is dam- edges of the openings, through which water
aged in any place along its length; could be spread into the intact compartments,
.2 a ship 150 m long or less with struc- are immersed shall not be less than 20;
tural fire protection of type 2G shall comply .2 the maximum arm of the damage sta-
with the requirements specified in 6.9.7 and bility curve on the section mentioned in
6.9.8 if the hull is damaged in any place along shall not be less than 0.1 m;
its length, except for damage of bulkheads .3 area under the damage stability curve
enclosing the aft machinery space; within this section shall be not less than
.3 a ship over 150 m long with structural 0.0175 mrad.
fire protection of type 2G shall comply with
the requirements specified in 6.9.7 and 6.9.8 if 6.9.9 In floodability calculations, the di-
the hull is damaged in any place along its mension of the possible vertical damage of the
length; bottom in case of use of membrane and semi-
membrane cargo tanks shall be measured to
.4 a ship with structural fire protection of
type 2PG shall comply with the requirements the double bottom plating, in other cases – to
specified in 6.9.7 and 6.9.8 if the hull is dam- the cargo tank bottom. The transverse length
aged in any place along its length, except for of the possible side damage in case of use of
damage of bulkheads, the distance between membrane and semi-membrane cargo tanks
which exceeds the longitudinal length of the shall be measured to the longitudinal bulk-
damage specified in; head, in other cases – to side walls of cargo
tanks. For cargo tanks with internal insula-
.5 a ship less than 125 m long with struc-
tion, the dimension of the possible damage
tural fire protection of type 3G shall comply
shall be measured to the supporting plating of
with the requirements specified in 6.9.7 and
cargo tanks.
6.9.8 if the hull is damaged in any place along
its length, except for damage of bulkheads, 6.9.10 Except for liquefied gas tankers with
the distance between which exceeds the longi- structural fire protection of type 1G, suction
tudinal length of the damage specified in wells in cargo tanks may be installed within and except for damage of the aft ma- the vertical length of the possible bottom
chinery space. In floodability calculations, damage if they extend beyond the inner bot-
flooding of the machinery space shall be taken tom plating for a distance not exceeding 25%
into account; of the double bottom height or for a distance
.6 a ship over 125 m long with structural of 350 mm, whichever is less. For single-
fire protection of type 3G shall comply with bottom ships, a drain well shall not extend
the requirements specified in 6.9.7 and 6.9.8 if beyond the upper limit of the damaged bot-
the hull is damaged in any place along its tom section for more than 350 mm.
length, except for damage of bulkheads, the
distance between which exceeds the longitu- 6.10 CONTROL STATIONS
dinal length of the damage specified in In floodability calculations, flooding 6.10.1 Control stations shall not be located
of the machinery space shall be taken into in the cargo area. In ships equipped with the
account. dangerous cargo containment system which
requires installation of a secondary barrier,
6.9.7 At any stage of unsymmetrical flood- the control station bulkheads facing the cargo
ing, a maximum angle of heel shall not ex- area with their plane shall be located so that
ceed 30. to prevent gas penetration into the control
station from the bilge space in case of deck or
6.9.8 At the final stage of flooding, the fol-
bulkhead damage.
lowing conditions shall be met:
.1 the length of the positive arm section 6.10.2 Air intakes and openings leading to
of the damage stability curve until the lower control stations shall be located at a distance
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 931

of not less than 2 m from the cargo pipeline, shall be installed according to the require-
cargo gas-freeing systems and exhaust pipes of ments in 6.11.6.
gas burners in machinery spaces.
6.10.7 If cargo operations are controlled
6.10.3 Doorways of entrances, air intakes from the cargo loading/unloading control
and openings leading to machinery spaces and station, all visual and audible alarms, except
control stations shall not face the cargo area. for the main deck shall be duplicated in the
They shall be located on the end bulkhead cargo loading/unloading control station.
facing the side which is opposite to the cargo Alarm with interpretation of the signal shall
area and/or on the side wall of the wheel- be installed in the cargo loading/unloading
house at a distance of not less than 4% of the control station on the main deck. The cargo
ship length L, but not less than 3 m and not control station shall be designed so as the
more than 5 m from the superstructure or entire cargo area on the main deck can be
wheelhouse end facing the cargo area. visible.
6.10.4 All air intakes and openings leading 6.10.8 If in the ships carrying inflammable
to control stations shall be equipped with dangerous cargo, the cargo loading/unloading
locking arrangements. In case of toxic gas control station is gas-hazardous, arrangement
emission, these arrangements shall be actuated of open flame sources is not allowed.
from the place located inside the control sta-
6.10.9 Communication aids shall be pro-
vided between the cargo loading/unloading
6.10.5 Any cargo loading/unloading control control station and the place of cargo hose
station which shall be located above the upper connection to the shore.
deck may be located in the cargo area. The
cargo loading/unloading control station may
be located within accommodation or service 6.11 DETECTION OF DANGEROUS
spaces or control stations if the following re- CARGO VAPOURS (GAS)
quirements are met:
.1 the cargo loading/unloading control 6.11.1 The ship shall be equipped with gas
station is a gas-safe space; detection equipment complying with the re-
quirements in 6.11.2 to 6.11.15, if such a re-
.2 if openings to enter accommodation or
quirement for the carried dangerous cargo is
service spaces or control stations comply with
included in column 11 "Cargo vapour detec-
the requirements in 6.10.3, access to these
tion system" of Table A3-1 in Appendix 3.
spaces or control stations is allowed from the
cargo loading/unloading control station; 6.11.2 For all the spaces located within the
.3 if openings to enter accommodation or cargo area, it shall be possible to monitor gas
service spaces or control stations do not com- concentration.
ply with the requirements in 6.10.3, access to At fixed sampling device locations designed
these spaces from the cargo loading/unloading for dangerous cargo carriage it shall be possi-
control station shall be prohibited and the ble to measure vapour density and decrease
boundaries of such spaces shall be insulated to vapour concentration by purging or venting
A-60 class standard. the spaces.
6.10.6 If the cargo loading/unloading con- 6.11.3 If the installation of a secondary
trol station is a gas-safe space, the instruments barrier is required, at least two sets of fixed
shall be equipped with a remote reading sys- sensors (temperature or gas detectors) shall be
tem, and the control station shall be designed available to indicate liquid leakage through
so that to avoid gas leakage into the atmos- any point of the primary barrier or contact of
phere from such space. The gas detector in dangerous liquid cargo with the secondary
the cargo loading/unloading control station barrier in any place.
932 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

6.11.4 The pipelines from sampling devices lines shall not be connected to gas detection
shall not pass through gas-safe spaces except equipment installed in such hoods or chan-
for the cases specified in 6.11.6. nels.
6.11.5 Gas detection systems (see 6.11.8) 6.11.10 Sensors/detectors for detection of
shall be equipped with audible and visual dangerous cargo vapours in air locks (at least
alarms transmitting signals to the wheelhouse, two in each air lock) shall actuate when va-
to the cargo loading/unloading control station pour concentration reaches 30% of the lower
and to the place of taking readings from the flammable level of dangerous cargo vapours.
gas detection system equipment.
6.11.11 If tanks of the dangerous cargo
6.11.6 Gas detection equipment may be lo-
containment system other than independent
cated in the cargo loading/unloading control
cargo tanks are used for inflammable danger-
station, in the wheelhouse or other gas-safe
ous cargo, the bilge and interbarrier spaces
spaces, if the following requirements are met:
shall be equipped with a fixed gas detection
.1 the sampling pipelines shall have shut-
system providing measurement of gas concen-
off valves to avoid communication with gas-
tration in the range of 0 to 100% by volume.
hazardous spaces;
These bilge and interbarrier spaces shall be
.2 gas from the gas analyzer shall be re-
equipped with at least two low temperature
leased into the atmosphere at a distance of
sensors for detection of dangerous cargo leak-
not less than 10 m from the nearest air intake
age in the trays for liquefied gas collection.
or openings in the accommodation and ser-
vice spaces and control stations or from other 6.11.12 Using gas detection equipment
gas-safe spaces. with audible and visual alarm, sampling and
6.11.7 Gas detection equipment shall be atmospheric composition analysis shall be
designed to be tested and calibrated. For this performed at each sampling device location at
purpose, respective equipment and gas sam- intervals not exceeding 30 min. Signalling
ples shall be available on board. devices of such equipment shall actuate when
vapour concentration reaches 30% of the
6.11.8 A fixed gas detection system as well lower flammable level in the air. Common
as audible and visual alarms shall be installed: sampling pipelines shall not be connected to
.1 in spaces containing cargo pumps; gas detection equipment.
.2 in spaces containing cargo compres-
sors; 6.11.13 If gases are toxic, the bilge and in-
.3 in spaces containing electric drives of terbarrier spaces shall be equipped with fixed
handling equipment; pipeline system for gas sampling from these
.4 in the cargo loading/unloading control spaces. Gas samples from these spaces shall
station; be taken for analysis at each sampling device
.5 in other closed spaces in the cargo area location using fixed or portable equipment at
where vapours accumulate, including bilge intervals not exceeding 4 h before anyone
and interbarrier spaces for independent tanks, enters the space and every 30 min when peo-
except for cargo tanks of type C; ple stay in these spaces.
.6 in the vent hoods and gas channels;
.7 in air locks. 6.11.14 Each ship shall be equipped with at
least two sets of portable gas detection equip-
6.11.9 Gas detection equipment shall pro- ment approved by the River Register. This
vide sampling and atmospheric composition equipment shall be designed so as to detect
analysis in the location of each sampling de- dangerous cargo subject to carriage.
vice at intervals not exceeding 30 min, except
for sampling for gas detection in vent hoods 6.11.15 A device for measuring oxygen
and gas channels, specified in, which content in inert gas environment shall be in-
shall be continuous. Common sampling pipe- stalled.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 933

6.12 ARRANGEMENT OF POWER Bow and stern handling equipment

6.12.6 Cargo pipelines for loading and dis-
Cargo compressor and cargo pump rooms charge from the bow or stern shall comply
with the requirements in 6.12.7 to 6.12.13.
6.12.1 Cargo pump and compressor
rooms/spaces in liquefied gas tankers shall be 6.12.7 Bow or stern handling pipelines laid
located within the cargo area above the upper near accommodation or service spaces or
deck, except for the specified spaces in lique- control stations shall not be used for transfer
fied gas tankers designed for carriage of lique- of cargo carried by liquefied gas tankers with
fied mixtures of hydrocarbon gases, propane structural fire protection of type 1G.
and butane. For fire safety, the requirements
6.12.8 Use of portable handling equipment
to cargo pump spaces of oil tankers apply to
is not allowed.
cargo pump and compressor rooms/spaces of
liquefied gas tankers. 6.12.9 Cargo pipelines and its connected
equipment shall comply with the requirements
6.12.2 If cargo pump and compressor in 4.12. Except for the specified, cargo pipe-
rooms/spaces are located above or below the lines and its connected equipment shall meet
upper deck in the aft of the bilge space closest the following requirements:
to the aft or in the fore of the bilge space .1 the cargo pipelines and its connected
closest to the fore, the length of the cargo equipment located outside the cargo area shall
area shall be such as to accommodate the have only welded joints. The pipelines located
cargo pump and compressor rooms/spaces outside the cargo area, except for the pipeline
located throughout the entire breadth of the connected to the shore-based system shall be
ship and its freeboard as well as deck areas laid on the open deck and at a distance of not
above these spaces. less than 760 mm from the ship's side. Such
pipelines shall be marked and the points of
6.12.3 If the cargo area boundaries are ex- their connection to the cargo pipeline system
tended according to 6.12.2, the bulkhead within the cargo area shall be equipped with
separating the cargo pump and compressor shut-off valves. Such points shall be equipped
spaces from accommodation and service with devices for cutting off these pipelines if
spaces, control stations and machinery spaces, they are not used with the help of removable
shall be located so that to prevent possible gas inserts and blind flanges;
penetration into these spaces in case of deck
.2 cargo pipelines shall be butt welded on
or bulkhead damage.
a step-by-step basis. Then welded joints shall
6.12.4 If pumps and compressors are shaft undergo complete X-ray examination irre-
driven, gas-tight lubricated glands shall be spective of the pipeline diameter and design
installed at shaft penetrations through the temperature. Flange connections of pipelines
bulkheads or decks. and drip trays for dangerous liquid cargo may
be installed only within the cargo area as well
6.12.5 The design and arrangement of as at points of the pipeline connection to the
cargo pump and compressor rooms/spaces shore;
shall provide access for people wearing self- .3 measures shall be taken to ensure purg-
contained breathing apparatuses and protec- ing and degassing of such pipelines after their
tive equipment and lift of the injured as well use and further dismantling of removable in-
as access to and inspection of all the valves serts and plugging off the pipeline ends with
used for cargo operations. Drain arrangements blind flanges. Gas-freeing pipes connected to
for pump and compressor rooms/spaces shall the purging system shall be located in the
be provided. cargo area.
934 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

6.12.10 Entrances, air intakes and openings 6.12.15 If a ballast pump is installed in the
leading to accommodation, service and ma- cargo area, the delivery pipe and its side suc-
chinery spaces as well as to control stations tion branch pipe for water ballasting shall be
shall not face connection points to the shore- located within the cargo area, but out of the
based system or bow or stern handling equip- cargo tanks.
ment. They shall be located on the super-
structure or wheelhouse side at a distance of 6.13 HULL STRUCTURE HEATING
not less than 4% of the ship length L, but not SYSTEM
less than 3 m and not more than 5 m from
the superstructure or wheelhouse end facing 6.13.1 Boilers used to heat the hull struc-
the connection point to the shore-based sys- tures shall be fired with oil fuel with vapour
flash point of above 60 °С. These boilers shall
tem of bow or stern handling equipment. Side
scuttles with openings facing the side where not be installed within the cargo area.
the shore connection devices are located and 6.13.2 The hull structure heating system
on the superstructure or wheelhouse sides shall be designed so as to exclude ingress of
within the specified distance shall be of a dangerous goods into the boiler when the
blind type. Besides, during use of the bow or coils of this system become untight.
stern handling equipment, all the doors, ports
and other openings located on the respective 6.13.3 If the hull structure heating system
superstructure or wheelhouse side shall be is used during cargo handling operations, the
closed. ventilation system openings in spaces accom-
modating the hull structure heating system
6.12.11 Deck openings and air intakes in components shall be located at a height of at
spaces located at a distance of 10 m from the least 2.4 m from the deck level and at a dis-
connection point of bow or stern handling tance of at least 3 m from the cargo area, at
equipment to the shore shall be capable of least 6 m from the residual dangerous cargo
closing all the time this equipment is in use. tank openings, deck mounted cargo pumps,
6.12.12 Electric equipment located within pressure relief valves and connections of cargo
3 m from the specified equipment connection piping for reception from shore, and at least
point to the shore-based system shall comply 10 m from the openings of the quick-acting
with the requirements of Part VI of the Rules. outlet valves.

6.12.13 Installation of communication aids

is required between the cargo load- 6.14 PIPELINES, VALVES AND FITTINGS
ing/unloading control station and the cargo 6.14.1 Pipelines, valves and fittings of the
hose connection point to the shore-based sys- power installation and general ship systems in
tem. liquefied gas tankers shall comply with the
requirements of 10, Part IV of the Rules. The
Bilge and ballast pumps requirements of this Chapter apply to pipe-
6.12.14 Bilge and ballast pumps for spaces lines of special systems of liquefied gas tank-
located within the cargo area shall be installed ers.
within this area. 6.14.2 Pumps, pipelines, valves and other
This requirement does not apply to the fittings of systems in the cargo tanks area shall
double side and double bottom spaces that have identification marking.
have no common bulkhead with the cargo
6.14.3 It is not allowed to integrate the
tanks, as well as to the cofferdams and hold
cofferdam systems with similar systems lo-
spaces if ballasting is performed by means of
cated out of the cargo area.
the fire extinguishing system pipeline located
in the cargo area, and unballasting, by means 6.14.4 Pipelines and fittings for media with
of ejectors. operating temperatures between 0 °C and
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 935

–165 °C shall be made of materials listed in 10.2.12, Part IV of the Rules at intense corro-
Table 5.5, Part X of the Rules. sion or erosion of the pipeline exposed to
dangerous cargo. In this case corrosion allow-
6.14.5 Materials with melting point below
925 °Ñ shall not be used in pipelines outside ance shall be taken considering the declared
the cargo tanks, except the pipes connected to period of the pipeline operation.
cargo tanks with fire-resistant insulation. 6.14.8 Minimum safety factors accepted for
6.14.6 When selecting materials for pipe- the cargo pipeline when determining permis-
lines and components of systems designed for sible stresses and used design characteristics
cargo with temperature less than –165 °Ñ, (yield point or tensile strength) shall be speci-
technical justification confirming the possibil- fied in the certificate of ship fitness for car-
ity of their use shall be submitted to the River riage of liquefied gases in bulk.
Register. 6.14.9 Minimum wall thickness shall be
6.14.7 Wall thickness of pipes operating adopted Table 10.2.13, Part IV of the Rules.
under internal pressure shall be not less than 6.14.10 If design ambient temperature is –
that determined by the formula (10.2.12-1) 110 °Ñ and below, a complete strength calcu-
Part IV of the Rules, and parameters p (design lation shall be made considering all the
pressure) and c (corrosion allowance) shall be stresses which can occur under pipe weight
taken considering the following: (including acceleration loads), internal pres-
.1 for pipelines or their parts, maximum sure, thermal contraction as well as loads aris-
of the following compared pressures shall be ing due to ship bending for each piping sys-
taken as design pressure p: tem branch.
for pipelines or their parts which contain For temperatures above –110 °Ñ, stress cal-
dangerous cargo vapours or some amount of culations considering the structure features,
dangerous liquid cargo and may be discon- material selection or system stiffness shall be
nected from the safety valves — pressure of submitted to the River Register.
the dangerous cargo saturated vapours at a The specified calculations shall be made
temperature of 45 °Ñ; using the methods approved by the River
for pipelines or their parts which always Register.
contain only dangerous cargo vapours and Temperature stresses shall be taken into
may be disconnected from the safety valves — account.
pressure of the overheated vapours at a tem-
perature of 45 °Ñ. It is assumed that saturated 6.14.11 The requirements in 6.14.12 to
vapour is generated in the system at working 6.14.16 apply to connections of pipelines in-
pressure and temperature; side or outside cargo tanks.
maximum permissible preset actuation 6.14.12 Pipelines shall be welded in com-
pressure of safety valves fitted on cargo tanks pliance with the requirements in 7.5.9 Part X
and their service cargo systems; of the Rules.
preset actuation pressure of the bypass
safety valve fitted on the pump or compressor; 6.14.13 Flange connections of pipelines,
total maximum head in the cargo pipeline valves and fittings shall comply with the re-
at ship loading or discharge; quirements in 10.2.19 Part IV of the Rules.
preset actuation pressure of the safety Flange connections shall not be used for
valve on the pipeline. design temperatures below –10 °Ñ and nomi-
nal pipe diameters above 100 mm.
In any case, design pressure p shall be
taken not less than 1 MPa and for open end Flange dimensions shall be determined at
pipelines — not less than 0.5 MPa; design pressure according to
.2 wall thickness corrosion allowance in- 6.14.14 Sleeve welded joints may be used
creases as compared to that established in only for open end pipelines with an outside
936 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

diameter of 50 mm or less and at design tem- of the ship in accommodation and service
perature of not less than –55 °Ñ. spaces, control stations and machinery spaces.
The pipelines shall not pass through these
6.14.15 No sleeve threaded joints are al-
lowed. spaces;
.3 the piping system shall be located in
6.14.16 If expansion joints are used in the cargo area on the open deck, except for
pipelines, their number shall be sufficient to the cases of bow or stern load according to
protect the pipelines of the cargo system and 6.12.7 to 6.12.9 and use of cargo as fuel.
cargo tanks from stresses, arising as a result of
thermal expansion of cargo tanks, pipelines 6.14.19 The cargo system pipelines shall
and hull deformation. not be located under the deck, except for the
Only bellows expansion joints shall be in- pipelines of the cargo tanks and cargo pump
stalled outside the cargo tanks. Expansion room.
joints of other types shall be installed only 6.14.20 The cargo system pipelines shall be
inside the cargo tanks. designed so that it can be possible to drain
Means are to be provided to prevent the residuals of dangerous cargo (on completion
formation of ice on bellows expansion joints. of loading and discharge processes) from the
6.14.17 Pipelines designed for low tem- system to the shore or ship tanks.
perature applications shall be thermally insu- 6.14.21 The cargo system pipelines located
lated from adjacent hull structures to avoid on the deck, except for shore connections,
hull structure temperature decrease below the shall be at a distance of not less than one
design temperature. quarter of the hull breadth from the ship's
If pipelines for dangerous liquid cargo are side.
subject to regular disassembling or leakage of
dangerous liquid cargo is possible (e.g. at 6.14.22 The shore connections shall be lo-
connections with shore mains or at pump cated at a distance of not less than 6 m from
glands), the hull structures located below shall the entrances to or openings of the accom-
be protected against exposure to low tempera- modation and service spaces outside the cargo
ture dangerous cargo at pipeline disassembling area.
points or possible dangerous cargo leakage 6.14.23 The connections of the gas-freeing
points. and cargo systems used during loading and
6.14.18 Any piping system which may con- discharge shall have the shut-off device. If
tain dangerous cargo or dangerous cargo va- these connections are not used during loading
pours shall comply with the following re- and discharge, they shall be blanked off.
quirements: 6.14.24 For pressure relief and removal of
.1 the system shall be isolated from other liquid residuals from loading and discharge
piping systems, except for connections re- headers and cargo hoses, devices for their
quired for cleaning, gas removal and inert gas purging and degassing shall be installed in the
supply. In this case measures preventing pene- cargo tanks prior to disconnection of cargo
tration of dangerous cargo or its vapours into hoses.
other piping systems through these connec- Gas-freeing pipes connected with devices
tions shall be taken; for removing residuals of dangerous goods
.2 pipelines shall not pass through ac- shall be arranged in the cargo area.
commodation and service spaces, control sta-
tions and machinery space. This requirement 6.14.25 Cargo piping for bow and stern
doesn't apply to cargo pump and compressor loading and discharge shall comply with the
rooms/spaces. requirements in 6.12.7 to 6.12.12.
Emergency arrangements for dangerous 6.14.26 Pipelines for bow and stern loading
cargo removal may be located in the aft part and discharge shall be isolated from the main
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 937

cargo pipeline with shut-off valves, detachable the connections for liquids and gas, except
branch pipes and blind flanges in the cargo safety valves and closed-type instruments to
area. determine liquid level mounted in the cargo
tank, shall have a manual stop valve and
6.14.27 The design and actuators of valves
automatic remotely controlled shut-off valve.
installed on the overboard discharges of pipe-
lines running from spaces located under the If the pipe diameter exceeds 50 mm, it is
allowed to use bypass valves instead of stop
freeboard deck or from closed superstructures
and wheelhouses on the freeboard deck shall valves. It is allowed to use one by-pass valve
comply with the requirements in 10.4 Part IV instead of two, if it complies with the re-
quirements in 6.14.34, is manually controlled
of the Rules.
and provides complete closure of the pipeline.
6.14.28 The valves shall be selected with
consideration of the following: 6.14.32 Branch pipes of the cargo tank to
fit the instruments may have no by-pass or
.1 overboard discharges shall be equipped
emergency shut-off valves if flow from the
with one automatic non-return valve with
cargo tank does not exceed the flow rate from
forced means of closure above the freeboard
the cargo tank through a circular hole with a
diameter of 1.5 mm.
.2 if the vertical distance from the sum-
mer waterline to the upper edge of the side 6.14.33 A remotely controlled emergency
drain opening of the discharge pipeline inside shut-off valve shall be installed at each cargo
the hull of the liquefied gas tanker exceeds hose connection.
0.01L m (where L is the ship length along the Connections not used during transfer shall
maximum load waterline, in m), overboard be blanked off with the help of blank flanges.
discharges shall be equipped with two auto-
6.14.34 All the emergency shut-off valves
matic non-return valves without forced means
required by the Rules shall be controlled from
of closure if access to the valve located inside
separate stations located in at least two places
the hull for valve inspection is provided.
on board the ship spaced from each other.
6.14.29 The cargo system pipelines to every The control station or cargo load-
cargo tank shall be equipped with emergency ing/unloading control station shall be one of
shut-off valves. these places.
Emergency shut-off valve control system
6.14.30 For cargo tanks equipped with
safety valves adjusted for maximum permissi- shall be equipped with fuse elements designed
for melting temperature of 98 to 104 °Ñ for
ble preset pressure of 0.07 MPa or less, all the
automatic closing of the emergency shut-off
connections for liquids and gas, except safety
valves and closed-type instruments to deter- valves in the event of fire. Fuse elements shall
be located in the domes of cargo tanks and at
mine liquid level mounted in the cargo tank,
loading stations.
shall have shut-off valves fitted at the cargo
tanks. These valves shall be equipped with 6.14.35 Emergency shut-off valves shall be
manual controls ensuring their complete clo- designed so that to close in case of the actua-
sure. tor failure (power supply failure) and be
Remotely controlled emergency shut-off manually controlled.
valves shall be installed on board the ship to Emergency shut-off valves on the liquid
stop transfer of liquid or gas between the ship cargo pipelines shall fully close at all operat-
and shore corresponding to the requirements ing conditions in 30 s after sending the cut-off
in 6.14.33 and 6.14.34. signal.
6.14.31 For cargo tanks equipped with 6.14.36 In order to avoid pressure rise in
safety valves adjusted for maximum permissi- the cargo main above the permissible value
ble preset pressure more than 0.07 MPa, all when closing the valve connected to the
938 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

structure of the high liquid level alarm and from the cargo tank side in operation, at least
sensor for their automatic closing and full two independent dangerous cargo transfer
filling of the cargo tank, total time of valve arrangements shall be provided for dangerous
closing (time from feeding a signal to start cargo transfer from each cargo tank. These
closing to total closing of the valve) shall not cargo transfer arrangements shall be designed
exceed, in s, 3600Vres/Qmax where Vres is resid- so that when one of the cargo pumps or one
ual volume of the cargo tank, in m3, above of the transfer arrangements fails, the other
the level at which the alarm actuates; Qmax is cargo pump (pumps) or other dangerous
the maximum flow rate at loading considering cargo transfer arrangements shall remain ser-
compliance of the ship and shore loading fa- viceable.
cilities, in m3/h. Measures shall be taken to
6.15.3 Safety valves shall be installed if dis-
avoid water hammers when closing the valve.
charge pressure of cargo pumps and compres-
6.14.37 Information on closing time of sors exceeds design pressure in the cargo sys-
valves and their performance shall be stored tem.
on board the ship. Provision shall be made for
6.15.4 When transferring dangerous cargo
checking and displaying the time of valve
by its displacement with compressed gases,
the possibility of safety valve actuation shall
6.14.38 The pipeline with valves, fittings be excluded.
and other components protected by a bypass
6.15.5 Cargo pumps and compressors shall
valve shall have a larger capacity than design
be equipped with automatic cut-off devices in
flow rate at the moment of valve closing.
the following cases:
Bypass valves may be equipped with an
.1 if emergency shut-off valves installed
equalizing line to equalize pressure after the
on pressure pipelines according to the re-
valve stops; the diameter of the equalizing line
quirements in 6.14.29 are closed by emer-
shall not exceed 1.0 mm.
gency shut-off valve control system prescribed
6.14.39 All the pipelines or their sections in 6.14.34;
designed to be isolated from cargo systems .2 when the dangerous cargo filling level
and tanks when filled with dangerous liquid in the cargo tank reaches the designed value;
cargo shall be equipped with safety valves. .3 when pressure in the cargo tank drops
Dangerous cargo shall be drained from to the minimum permissible value.
safety valves installed on cargo pipelines to Cargo pumps and compressors shall be
cargo tanks. It is allowed to drain to gas vent- stopped from the local control station and
ing masthead riser (column) if means for de- shall be additionally capable of being stopped
tection and removal of dangerous liquid cargo remotely from the station outside the cargo
which may penetrate into the ventilation sys- area.
tem are installed.
Dangerous cargo shall be drained from 6.15.6 If part of dangerous cargo not
safety valves installed on cargo pumps to the pumped by the cargo pumps remains in the
pump suctions. cargo tank, the means to remove residual
dangerous cargo shall be installed during re-
6.15 CARGO SYSTEM placement of dangerous cargo or repair.

6.15.1 Cargo pumps shall be designed so 6.16 PRESSURE REDUCTION SYSTEM

that pressure decrease of elastic saturated va-
pour of liquid dangerous cargo at maximum 6.16.1 All the cargo tanks shall be equipped
temperature minimally effects the pump suction. with the pressure reduction system by releas-
ing excessive evaporated dangerous cargo to
6.15.2 If dangerous cargo is transferred by the gas-freeing piping through pressure relief
cargo pumps which has no access for repair valves.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 939

Hold spaces, interbarrier spaces and cargo .2 pressure relief valves which actuation
pipelines which pressure can exceed the de- mode can be changed by using orifices or
sign value according to design, shall be springs or other means not requiring pressure
equipped with pressure reduction systems by test to verify proper selection of a new set
releasing evaporated dangerous cargo. Pres- pressure.
sure reduction systems shall be connected to
6.16.7 The procedures of adjusting the pre-
the gas-freeing pipings. Provision shall be
set pressure according to 6.16.6 and resetting
made to prevent dangerous cargo vapour from
the emergency sensors/detectors to a new
accumulating on decks and penetrating into
pressure value shall be described in the oper-
accommodation, machinery and other spaces
ating manual for the ship. The master shall
as well as control stations.
supervise the specified procedures and record
The pressure reduction systems shall be in- the preset pressure value changes in the ship
dependent from other pressure regulation sys-
tems specified in 6.22.
6.16.8 Shut-off valves and other means of
6.16.2 Each cargo tank with capacity over
isolating the pipelines between the cargo tanks
20 m3 shall be equipped with at least two
and pressure relief valves designed for mainte-
pressure relief valves of equal flow rate.
nance and repair of these pipelines, shall be
Cargo tanks with capacity of 20 m3 or less installed only in case of using the following:
shall be equipped with one pressure relief
valve. .1 means to prevent simultaneous failure
of more than one pressure relief valve;
6.16.3 Interbarrier spaces shall be equipped .2 automatic alarm indicating which pres-
with pressure reduction devices approved by sure relief valve is faulty;
the River Register.
.3 pressure relief valves with the flow rate
6.16.4 Pressure relief valves shall be ad- which shall be such that if one of the valves
justed for actuation pressure not exceeding the fails, the total capacity of the remaining valves
pressure for which the cargo tank is designed. is not less than that specified in 6.19. The
If the tank is equipped with two pressure re- total capacity of all the pressure relief valves
lief valves or more, the valves may be adjusted may be not less than that specified in 6.19
for actuation pressure exceeding the design only if a spare valve completely ready for in-
pressure by 5% if these valves take max. 50% stallation is available on board the ship.
of the total load at pressure relief.
6.16.9 Each pressure relief valve installed
6.16.5 The pressure relief valves shall be on the cargo tank shall be connected to the
connected to the highest part of the cargo gas-freeing system.
tank above the deck level. The pressure relief
6.16.10 In case of simultaneous carriage of
valves fitted on cargo tanks with design tem-
dangerous cargo which may react with each
perature below 0 °Ñ shall be designed so that
other, an autonomous pressure reduction sys-
they always operate even if iced in closed po-
tem shall be provided for each carried dan-
sition. The valves shall be made of materials
gerous cargo.
with melting temperature above 925 °Ñ.
6.16.11 Pressure relief valves and pipelines
6.16.6 If pressure relief valves of cargo
shall be designed so that no liquid accumu-
tanks may be adjusted for actuation at several
lates in them.
values of the preset pressure according to the
design documentation, it may be achieved by 6.16.12 Pressure relief valves shall be lo-
installation of: cated on the cargo tank so that they remain
.1 two or more sealed pressure relief under influence of gaseous phase of the dan-
valves adjusted for actuation and capable of gerous cargo at heel of 15° and trim of
being isolated from the cargo tank if not used; 0.015L.
940 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

6.17 ADDITIONAL PRESSURE for independent cargo tanks partially ex-

REDUCTION SYSTEM FOR LIQUID tending above the open deck, the ignition
LEVEL ADJUSTMENT susceptibility coefficient shall be calculated on
the basis of area ratio above and under the
6.17.1 If there is a risk of early full filling
of the cargo tank at its loading (see,
such a tank shall be equipped with the pres- kg — gas factor determined by the formula:
sure reduction system comprising the follow-
ing:  
kg  12.4 ZT M  D r  liq m  ,
 
.1 one or more pressure relief valves ad- (6.17.2-2)
justed for actuation at excessive pressure of where Z — gas compressibility factor at pres-
dangerous cargo vapours and design tempera- sure reduction, i.e. under pressure exceeding
ture (see; the actuation pressure for which the pressure
.2 shut-off device providing system stop in relief valve of the additional pressure reduc-
normal mode. This device shall include ele- tion system is adjusted by 20%. If Z is un-
ments which fuse at a temperature of 98 to known, Z shall be taken equal to 1.0;
104 °Ñ to actuate the pressure relief valve T — temperature under pressure drop, K;
(valves) specified in Fuse elements Ì — molar weight of dangerous cargo,
shall be located near the pressure relief valve kg/kmol;
(valves). D — constant adopted from Table 6.17.2-1
The pressure reduction system shall remain depending on the value of specific heat ca-
serviceable in case of power supply failure. pacity cu or taken equal to 0.606. If specific
The shut-off device shall be independent of heat capacity is unknown, it shall be calcu-
any ship's power source. lated by the formula, kJ/(kgK):
6.17.2 Total capacity of the additional cu  8.314 M , (6.17.2-3)
pressure reduction system at vapour pressure T a b l e 6.17.2-1
specified in at standard temperature Constant D
of 0 °Ñ and pressure of 0.1013 MPa shall be
cu, cu, cu,
not less than the minimum required air re- kJ/(kg·K)
lease rate Q determined by the formula, m3/s: 1.00 0.606 1.36 0.677 1.72 0.734
Q  F kg A , (6.17.2-1) 1.02 0.611 1.38 0.681 1.74 0.736
1.04 0.615 1.40 0.685 1.76 0.739
where F — ignition susceptibility coefficient, 1.06 0.620 1.42 0.688 1.78 0.742
which depends on the type of cargo tanks. 1.08 0.624 1.44 0.691 1.80 0.745
Values of F are taken equal to: 1.10 0.628 1.46 0.695 1.82 0.747
for non-insulated cargo tanks located on the 1.0 1.12 0.633 1.48 0.698 1.84 0.750
1.14 0.637 1.50 0.701 1.86 0.752
for cargo tanks located above the deck, which 0.5
1.16 0.641 1.52 0.704 1.88 0.755
are insulated with fire resistant material with
low thermal conductivity approved by the River 1.18 0.645 1.54 0.707 1.90 0.758
Register 1.20 0.649 1.56 0.710 1.92 0.760
for non-insulated independent cargo tanks in- 0.5 1.22 0.652 1.58 0.713 1.94 0.763
stalled in the holds 1.24 0.656 1.60 0.716 1.96 0.765
for insulated independent cargo tanks installed 0.2 1.26 0.660 1.62 0.719 1.98 0.767
in the holds and for non-insulated independent 1.28 0.664 1.64 0.722 2.00 0.770
cargo tanks installed in isolated holds 1.30 0.667 1.66 0.725 2.02 0.772
for insulated independent cargo tanks installed 0.1 1.32 0.671 1.68 0.728 2.20 0.792
in the holds accommodating inert gas and for 1.34 0.674 1.70 0.731 — —
non-insulated independent cargo tanks installed
in inertized isolated holds r — latent heat of evaporation at unload-
for membrane and semi-membrane cargo tanks 0.1 ing, kJ/kg;
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 941

liq — ratio of liquid dangerous cargo

density to fresh water density at pressure re-
duction ( liq  1 for fresh water);
m — gradient of liquid dangerous cargo
enthalpy reduction depending on increase of
liquid dangerous cargo density at pressure
reduction, in kJ/kg,
ò  – dh  dliq  .
Fig. 6.17.2. Cargo tanks arranged in rows
outer surface area of the holds without pro-
For installations with pressure not exceed-
jected area of its bottom, if the hull structure
ing 0.206 MPa, the values specified in Table
is insulated;
6.17.2-2 shall be used. For dangerous cargo
not specified in Table 6.17.2-2 and for instal- outer surface area of pressure vessels ar-
lations with higher pressure, the value m shall ranged in rows, excluding insulation, without
be determined on the basis of thermodynamic projected area of their bottom (in Fig.6.17.2
characteristics of dangerous cargo; the area A is dotted), if the pressure vessel
structure is insulated.
T a b l e 6.17.2-2
Gradient of liquid dangerous cargo 6.17.3 If according to it is required
enthalpy reduction m to change adjustment of pressure relief valves,
Dangerous cargo type ò it shall comply with the requirements in
Nitrogen 400 6.16.6.
Anhydrous ammonia 3400 6.17.4 Pressure relief valves specified in
Butadiene 1800 can be adjusted according to the re-
Butane 2000 quirements in 6.16 if their preset pressure and
Butylene 1900 flow rate comply with the requirements in
Methane 2300 6.17.
Propylene oxide 1550
Propane 2000 6.17.5 Gas released from pressure relief
Propylene 1600 valves shall be discharged to the gas-freeing
Vinyl chloride 900 system.
Methyl chloride 816
Ethylene 1500
6.18.1 The vacuum protection system shall
N o t e . The values m are given for pressure not
be provided in the cases when cargo tanks are
exceeding 0.206 MPa.
designed for difference between external and
h — dangerous cargo enthalpy, kJ/kg; internal pressure of 0.025 MPa or less and
À — outer surface area of the cargo tank, cannot withstand maximum difference be-
m2. For cargo tanks depending on their shape tween external and internal pressure in the
and type, the area A shall be taken equal to: cargo tank which may occur at high unload-
ing rates without vapour return to cargo tanks
outer surface area — for cargo tanks with
or at use of dangerous cargo cooling system.
revolutional shape;
outer surface area without projected area of 6.18.2 Cargo tanks which are provided with
its bottom — for cargo tanks without revolu- the vacuum protection according to the de-
tional shape. sign shall be equipped with the following:
For cargo tanks of pressure vessel type two independent pressure sensors to trans-
which are arranged in rows (Fig.6.17.2), the mit an alarm signal and to stop liquid and gas
area A is taken equal to: dangerous cargo suction from the cargo tank
942 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

as well as to stop equipment cooling (if any) 6.19.2 When determining the flow rate
at pressure less than difference between exter- specified in 6.17.2, back-pressure in gas-
nal and internal pressure in the cargo tank; freeing mains shall be taken into account.
or vacuum safety valves with gas flow rate Pressure drop in the gas-freeing pipeline from
not less than the maximum discharge flow the cargo tank to the safety valve outlet shall
rate from each cargo tank. These safety valves not exceed 3% of the preset valve actuation
shall open at pressure which is at least 1.3 pressure. For uncontrolled safety valves, back-
times less than design difference between ex- pressure in the exhaust pipeline shall not ex-
ternal and internal pressure in the cargo tank; ceed 10% of overpressure in the safety valve
or other vacuum protection devices ap- inlet, connected to the pipes for releasing
proved by the River Register. vapour resulted from cargo tank exposure to
high temperature in case of fire as specified in
6.18.3 Vacuum safety valves shall provide
supply of inert gas, dangerous cargo vapours
or air to the cargo tank. They shall be de- 6.20 CARGO TANK FILLING LIMITS
signed to exclude ingress of water or snow
into the tank. 6.20.1 The cargo tank shall be filled with
If at actuation of vacuum safety valves, liquid cargo for not more than 91% of the
dangerous cargo vapours are supplied to the volume at design temperature taken according
cargo tank, their ingress from vapour outlet to 6.20.4, except for the provisions specified
pipes shall be excluded. in 6.20.3.
6.18.4 Means shall be provided to test the 6.20.2 The maximum volume VL of liquid
operating vacuum protection system at design cargo filled into the cargo tank shall be calcu-
pressure. lated by the formula, m3:
V L  0.01zV R L , (6.20.2)
6.19 SAFETY VALVE DIMENSIONS where z — accepted limit of liquid cargo fill-
ing according to 6.20.1 or 6.20.3, %;
6.19.1 The cargo tank safety valves shall R — dangerous cargo density at the design
have total flow rate required for discharging temperature, kg/m3;
each cargo tank at the rate equal to one of L — dangerous cargo density at tempera-
the values given below. Pressure in the cargo ture and pressure in the tank during its filling,
tank shall not exceed the maximum permissi- kg/m3;
ble preset pressure of safety valve actuation by
V — volume of the cargo tank without
more than 20%:
dome, m3.
.1 maximum efficiency of the system for
cargo tank filling with inert gas, if maximum 6.20.3 A cargo tank may be filled with dan-
working pressure in the cargo tank inerting gerous liquid cargo for 91% to 98% of its vol-
system exceeds the maximum permissible pre- ume at the design temperature specified in
set pressure of the cargo tank safety valve ac- 6.20.4 if the design organization submits rele-
tuation pressure; vant technical justifications and calculations
.2 vapour formation rate if the cargo tank to the River Register. In this case, the follow-
is exposed to high temperatures in case of fire ing shall be considered: tank shape, location
calculated by the formula (6.17.2-1). of safety valves, liquid level and temperature
The gas factor kg in the formula is deter- measurement accuracy as well as difference
mined according to the formula: between dangerous cargo temperature during
loading and temperature when dangerous
kg  12.4 ZT M  rD  , (6.19.1) cargo vapour pressure corresponds to the pre-
where r, D, Z, T and M — see 6.17.2. set safety valve actuation pressure. The valves
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 943

shall be located according to the requirements 6.21 GAS-FREEING SYSTEM

in 6.16.12.
6.21.1 The gas-freeing system shall be in-
Tank filling for more than 98% of its vol- stalled to remove excessive gas from the cargo
ume is not allowed. tank safety valves.
6.20.4 For the purposes of this chapter, de- 6.21.2 The gas-freeing system shall be de-
sign temperature means: signed so as to direct the outgoing gas up-
.1 temperature at which dangerous cargo wards and to prevent water or snow ingress
vapour pressure corresponds to the pressure into the system.
for which safety valves are adjusted, if the 6.21.3 Exhaust openings of gas-freeing
temperature and pressure regulation system pipes shall be located above the open deck at
for dangerous cargo vapours complying to the a height of at least Â/3, where  is ship
requirements specified in 6.22 is not installed; breadth, or 6 m, whichever is greater, and 6
.2 maximum dangerous cargo temperature m above the operating area platform, bow and
upon completion of loading, during transpor- stern catwalks. If quick-release valves are
tation or discharge, if the temperature and used, they shall be located at a height of at
pressure regulation system for dangerous cargo least 2.4 m above the deck level and at a dis-
vapours complying to the requirements speci- tance of at least 10 m from accommodation
fied in 6.22 is installed. If a cargo tank is and service spaces located outside the cargo
completely filled at such a design temperature area.
before dangerous cargo temperature raises to 6.21.4 Exhaust openings for gas outlet from
the value corresponding to the dangerous the cargo tank safety valves shall be located at
cargo vapour pressure for which the safety a distance equal to the ship breadth or 25 m,
valves are adjusted according to the require- whichever is less, from the nearest air intake
ments in 6.16.2, additional pressure reduction or openings of accommodation and service
system complying with the requirements in spaces or other gas-safe spaces.
6.17 shall be installed. All other exhaust openings of the gas-outlet
6.20.5 If technical justifications and calcu- pipes connected to the dangerous cargo con-
lations are submitted to the River Register by tainment system shall be located at a distance
the design organization, it is allowed to load of at least 10 m from the air intake or open-
tanks of type C to the limit determined by the ings of accommodation and service spaces
formula specified in 6.20.2, where R is dan- and control stations or other gas-safe spaces.
gerous cargo density at maximum temperature 6.21.5 In case of simultaneous carriage of
which the dangerous cargo may reach upon dangerous cargo which may react with each
completion of loading, during transportation other, autonomous gas-freeing piping shall be
or during discharge carried out at ambient laid from safety valves for each carried dan-
temperature specified in 4.20.2. These re- gerous cargo.
quirements do not apply to dangerous cargo
6.21.6 Means providing liquid removal
carried by liquefied gas tankers of type 1G.
from places of its accumulation shall be in-
6.20.6 Maximum permissible filling limits stalled in gas-freeing systems.
for each cargo tank and for each carried cargo 6.21.7 Protective screens shall be installed
at loading condition temperatures as well as at gas-freeing piping outlets.
for maximum possible temperature shall be
specified in operating documentation. This 6.21.8 All the gas-freeing pipes and their
documentation shall also specify the preset fasteners shall be designed so that to prevent
pressure of safety valves, including those re- pipe damage at temperature variation or un-
quired according to 6.17. der loads occuring at ship motion.
944 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

6.22 CARGO PRESSURE AND turn of the dangerous cargo which leaked
TEMPERATURE REGULATION SYSTEM from the cargo tank into the cargo pipeline.
Removable spool pieces shall be installed.
6.22.1 If the dangerous cargo containment
system is not rated for full positive pressure of 6.23.4 Independent bilge systems for pump
dangerous cargo vapours under conditions of and compressor rooms/spaces shall be in-
maximum ambient temperature, pressure in stalled.
the cargo tank shall be maintained below the
6.23.5 The cargo pump room located under
maximum permissible set pressure of the
the deck shall be drained by means of the
safety valve by using one or several systems
autonomous system located within the cargo
mentioned in 4.20.1.
area and not connected with another system.
6.22.2 For dangerous cargo which is to Such a system shall be placed outside of the
meet special requirements specified in Appen- cargo pump room.
dix 3, cargo tanks shall withstand total dan-
6.23.6 Internally insulated cargo tanks do
gerous cargo vapour pressure at the maximum
not require leakage detection means and bilge
design ambient temperature irrespective of the
system for the interbarrier space and spaces
system installed for operations with gas va-
between the secondary barrier and double
sides and double bottom or structure of the
6.22.3 The requirements of 4.20.2, 4.20.4, independent cargo tank which are totally
4.20.6 to 4.20.10 shall be met. filled with insulation material.
6.23.7 Ballast tanks, fuel oil tanks and gas-
safe spaces may be served by ballast pumps
located in the machinery space.
6.23.1 If dangerous cargo is carried in Bottom tunnels accommodating ballast
cargo tanks not requiring a secondary barrier, pipelines may be connected to the machinery
bilge spaces shall be equipped with independ- space containing ballast pumps if the pipes are
ent bilge systems not connected to machinery connected directly to the pumps and dis-
spaces and designed for pumping dangerous charged overboard.
cargo which leaked through the primary bar- Gas exhaust pipes of the pumps shall have
rier, e.g. in case of cargo tank leakage or pri- no open ends entering machinery space.
mary barrier damage.
Installation of means for dangerous cargo 6.24 VENTILATION SYSTEM
leakage detection is required in the specified
bilge spaces. Ventilation of spaces manned
during cargo operations
6.23.2 If a secondary barrier is used, a bilge
system is required to evacuate cargo leaked 6.24.1 Spaces accommodating electric mo-
into bilge spaces or isolated spaces through tors of cargo pumps and compressors as well
the ship structures. as other enclosed spaces containing equip-
ment for dangerous cargo transfer and spaces
The suction pipeline of such systems shall
from which cargo operations are controlled
not be connected to the pumps located in the
shall be equipped with artificial ventilation
machinery space.
independent from other ventilation systems
6.23.3 Bilge or interbarrier spaces in the and controlled outside these spaces. Measures
ships with autonomous cargo tanks of type A shall be provided to start the ventilation sys-
shall be equipped with a bilge system provid- tem of these spaces before personnel enters
ing pumping of liquid dangerous cargo in case them. The warning sign to start the ventilation
of its leakage into the cargo tank or cargo system shall be placed at the entry of these
tank damage. Such systems shall provide re- spaces.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 945

6.24.2 Inlet and outlet openings of artificial Fans shall not be the source of ignition of
ventilation shall be located so that to provide dangerous cargo vapours in the ventilated
air supply to the space to avoid accumulation space and in the ventilation system serving
of inflammable or toxic vapours of dangerous this space.
cargo and provide safe atmosphere. Fans and ventilation ducts for gas-
The ventilation system shall provide at least hazardous spaces at fan locations shall be de-
30 air changes per hour based on the total signed so as to exclude sparking.
volume of the space. As an exception, for gas- 6.24.10 Fans of each type used in cargo ar-
safe cargo loading/unloading control stations, eas shall be provided with a set of spare parts:
8 air changes per hour are allowed. impellers with a shaft, bearings and electric
6.24.3 Ventilation systems of spaces shall motors.
be fixed. Exhaust ventilation systems shall 6.24.11 For protection of ventilation ducts,
provide air intake from upper and lower parts their outer openings shall be equipped with
of the space depending on the density of the tight covers and protective strainers with cells
carried dangerous cargo vapours. the sides of which do not exceed 13 mm.
6.24.4 Supply ventilation shall be provided 6.24.12 If engines suck air from the ma-
in spaces containing electric motors of cargo chinery space, the inlet ventilation openings
compressors and pumps, in spaces accommo- of the machinery space shall be located at a
dating inert gas generators, in cargo load- distance of not less than 2 m from the cargo
ing/unloading control stations if they are gas- area. This requirement also applies to the lo-
safe as well as in other gas-safe spaces within cation of engine air intakes.
the cargo area.
6.24.13 Ventilation of the closed machinery
6.24.5 Exhaust ventilation shall be provided space shall provide temperature in the ma-
in cargo compressor and pump spaces/rooms chinery space of max. 40 °C at ambient tem-
and in cargo loading/unloading control sta- perature of 20 °С.
tions if they are gas-hazardous.
Ventilation of occasionally manned spaces
6.24.6 Exhaust ventilation ducts shall pro-
vide air removal upwards from gas-hazardous 6.24.14 Bilge spaces, interbarrier spaces,
spaces. Outlet openings shall be located above cofferdams, cargo piping spaces and other
the cargo deck at a height of at least 4 m and spaces where dangerous cargo vapours may
at a distance of at least 10 m in the horizontal accumulate, shall have ventilation providing
direction from inlet ventilation ducts and safe atmosphere if these spaces are to be
openings in accommodation and service manned. If such spaces are not equipped with
spaces, control stations and other gas-safe a fixed ventilation system, portable means of
spaces. artificial ventilation approved by the River
Register shall be provided.
6.24.7 Inlet openings of the ventilation sys-
Fans shall comply with the requirements in
tem shall be located so that to prevent return
6.24.9 and shall not prevent access of the per-
of dangerous vapours from outlet ventilation
sonnel to this space.
6.24.15 The space and cofferdam purging
6.24.8 Ventilation ducts of gas-hazardous
shall be ensured with portable or fixed fans
spaces shall not pass through machinery, ac-
providing at least 20 air changes per hour
commodation and service spaces and control based on the total volume of the space.
Air for space and cofferdam purging shall
6.24.9 Electric motors of fans shall be lo- be supplied through an air duct to the bottom
cated outside ventilation ducts in case of in- part of a space 400 mm clear off the floor
flammable dangerous cargo carriage. (bottom). Air shall exit through the air pipes.
946 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

The purging system inlet openings shall be Air circulation rate shall not be less than
located at a height of not less than 2.4 m 30 air changes per hour.
above the deck and at a distance of not less
6.24.21 An independent ventilation system
than 5 m from the tank openings and 10 m to exclude dead air and stagnation shall be
from the safety valve openings.
provided in machinery spaces of type A where
6.24.16 Fans used for purging of spaces ac- liquefied gas is used as fuel.
cording to 6.24.15 shall be explosion-proof.
6.24.17 The cofferdam ventilation openings
shall be equipped with flame arresters. Fire smothering systems
6.25.1 Requirements in 6.25.2 to 6.25.4
Ventilation of other spaces complement the requirements in 2.1 to 2.4.
6.24.18 Inlet ventilation openings of ac- 6.25.2 Cargo compressor and pump
commodation and service spaces as well as spaces/rooms shall be equipped with one of
control stations shall be located on the outer the fire smothering systems (aerosol, water
walls of superstructures or wheelhouses not mist, chemical smothering). If the carbon
facing the cargo area, bow or stern handling dioxide fire extinguishing system according to
equipment or on the side walls of the super- 3.8 Part III of the Rules is used, the coeffi-
structure or wheelhouse at a distance equal to cient  in the formula (3.8.9) in Part III of
at least 4% of the ship length but not less the Rules shall be taken equal to 0.45.
than 3 m and not exceeding 5 m from the Starting arrangements of the fire smother-
wall of the superstructure or the wheelhouse ing system shall have marking specifying that
facing the cargo area or bow or stern handling the system is to be used only for fire extin-
equipment. guishing, not for inerting.
Location of ventilation system inlet open-
ings as related to cargo pipelines, gas-freeing 6.25.3 Cargo compressor and pump
piping as well as exhaust piping of devices spaces/rooms in the ships designed for car-
running with liquefied gas shall be also taken riage of dangerous cargo which cannot use the
into account. carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system shall
be equipped with a fire smothering system.
The specified requirements do not apply to
liquefied gas tankers designed for carriage of 6.25.4 Audible alarm devices which warn of
dangerous cargo posing no toxic or fire haz- the carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
ards or small liquefied gas tankers which are start in the cargo compressor and pump
not technically capable of meeting the speci- spaces/rooms shall have protection required
fied requirements. for use in the spaces which contain inflam-
mable vapours of dangerous cargo in their air
6.24.19 All the inlet openings of the venti- area.
lation system and openings in accommodation
and service spaces and control stations shall Fire water mains system
be equipped with devices locking from inside
the space and providing gas tightness. 6.25.5 In addition to the requirements in
2.1.1 the fire water mains system shall comply
When carrying dangerous cargo emitting
with the following requirements:
toxic gases, all the inlet openings of the venti-
.1 water pressure at any fire hydrant shall
lation system shall open and close from inside
be at least 0.5 MPa;
the spaces.
.2 shut-off valves shall be installed on by-
6.24.20 The air lock space shall have artifi- pass pipelines and on the fire main at the
cial supply ventilation from gas-safe space to point where it exits from the quarter deck
maintain overpressure with respect to the gas- superstructure and every 40 m on the deck in
hazardous zone on the open deck. the cargo area;
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 947

.3 fire pump capacity and head as well as If sprayers located on vertical surfaces
diameter of the fire main shall be such that spray only the lower parts, the estimated drain
water jets supplied from at least two fire noz- from the upper parts may be considered. The
zles reach any deck part in the cargo area as water sprinkling line shall be equipped with
well areas of the dangerous cargo containment shut-off valves which are to be adequately
system and covers of cargo tanks located spaced to cut off the damaged sections. The
above the deck. The length of fire hoses on water sprinkling system may be divided into
open decks shall not exceed 33 m; two or more sections which are to operate
.4 at least three doubled fire nozzles shall independently provided that control devices
be installed within the cargo area. A return are installed at the same location abaft the
spring valve shall be installed on the fire main cargo area. The sprinkling system section pro-
to avoid gas penetration into accommodation tecting the areas specified in and
or service spaces. shall protect the entire group of the
cargo tanks related to this section in trans-
verse direction relative to the centreline.
Water sprinkling system
6.25.8 Capacity of the water sprinkling sys-
6.25.6 In ships carrying inflammable or tem pumps shall be sufficient for simultaneous
toxic dangerous cargo, a water sprinkling sys- distribution of the required amount of water
tem to cool the structures, restrict fire spread
to all sections. If the water sprinkling system
and protect people shall be installed. This is divided into sections, its devices and pump
system shall protect the following areas: capacity shall provide simultaneous water
.1 domes and other projections of cargo supply to one of its sections and to the sur-
tanks having no fire protection; faces specified in and If it
.2 deck cargo tanks for storage of inflam- is impossible to comply with the specified
mable or toxic gases having no fire protection; requirements, fire pumps of the fire water
.3 cargo manifolds for liquid and vapours main system may be used for water sprinkling
as well as valve control stations and other if their total capacity is increased taking into
areas accommodating control valves. The area account the water flow rate required for the
of these locations shall be not less than the water sprinkling system operation. The fire
area of available water drip trays; main of the fire water main system and the
.4 outer walls of superstructures and water sprinkling system line shall be intercon-
wheelhouses facing the cargo area as well as nected outside the cargo area. A shut-off valve
cargo pump and compressor rooms/spaces, shall be installed at their connection point.
cargo loading/unloading control station,
storerooms for highly inflammable materials 6.25.9 It is allowed to use sanitary service,
and substances. ballast, bilge and other sea water pumps for
the water sprinkling system, if their capacity
6.25.7 The water sprinkling system shall and head comply with the requirements for
protect all the areas specified in 6.25.6 by the water sprinkling system.
uniformly sprayed water at water flow rate of
at least 10 l/m2 per minute for horizontal sur- 6.25.10 The pumps serving the water sprin-
faces and 4 l/m2 per minute for vertical sur- kling system as well as manually closed valves
faces. For structures having no horizontal or shall be remotely controlled from fire-safe
vertical surfaces, capacity of the water sprin- places outside the cargo area.
kling system shall be taken equal to the great-
est of the following values determined as: Dry powder fire extinguishing system
.1 horizontal surface area multiplied by 6.25.11 Ships designed for carriage of in-
10 l/m2 per minute; flammable dangerous cargo shall be equipped
.2 actual surface area multiplied by 4 l/m2 with a dry powder fire extinguishing system to
per minute. protect the cargo area, bow and stern areas
948 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

used for cargo handling operations and cargo 6.25.16 The system shall be remotely
manifolds. started from any dry powder station.
The dry powder fire extinguishing system
6.25.12 The dry powder fire extinguishing
shall be ready for operation not later than 30
system shall provide supply of the dry powder
s after opening the starting bottle at the most
approved by the River Register from at least
distant fire station operating from this station.
two hoses with hand fire nozzles or from a
fire monitor/hose with a hand fire nozzle to 6.25.17 Each container at the dry powder
any part of the cargo area above the deck station shall contain the design quantity of
subject to fire risk and including an above- powder which is to ensure continuous opera-
deck cargo pipeline. The system shall be actu- tion of all hand fire nozzles and fire monitors
ated using nitrogen or other inert carrier gas served by this station with rated consumption
of the powder used solely for this purpose and for at least 45 s.
stored in high-pressure vessels located near Fire hoses shall be equipped with fire noz-
the containers for powder. zles operating in a two-position mode at pow-
der consumption of at least 3.5 kg/s providing
6.25.13 The dry powder fire extinguishing a powder jet min. 8 m long. Fire hoses shall
system in the cargo area shall consist of at not twist. A maximum operation zone for
least two independent dry powder stations each hand fire nozzle shall be determined
with respective controls, fixed pipeline for the depending on the length of its fire hose. The
media maintaining the pressure, fire monitors maximum efficiency of the fire nozzle shall be
or hoses with hand fire nozzles. It is allowed such that the one person can use the nozzle.
to install only one such station for ships with The fire hose length with a hand fire nozzle
cargo carrying capacity less than 1000 m3. A shall not exceed 33 m.
fire monitor shall be provided for protection Powder consumption through each fire
of the cargo manifold location. The fire monitor shall be at least 10 kg/s, maximum
monitor shall be actuated from the local dry range of fire monitors with supply of 10, 25
powder station or remotely controlled. Re- and 45 kg/s shall be taken equal to 10, 30 and
mote control of the fire monitor is not re- 40 m respectively.
quired, if it supplies powder to all the parts of
the serviced zone from one position. All the 6.25.18 Quantity of powder for protection
fire hoses with hand fire nozzles and fire of emergency power source rooms and store-
monitors shall be actuated from the place at rooms for highly inflammable materials and
reels for the fire hose or monitor. One fire substances shall be determined for operation
hose with hand fire nozzle or fire monitor of the dry powder station with powder supply
shall be located in the stern cargo area. rate of 0.1 (kg/s)/m3 for 10 s.
6.25.14 Additional dry powder station 6.25.19 Quantity of carrier gas shall pro-
equipped with at least one fire monitor and vide single release of all powder from the con-
one fire hose shall be installed in the ships tainer.
equipped with bow or stern handling equip- 6.25.20 If two or more dry powder installa-
ment. This additional station shall be located tions are connected to the dry powder station,
so that to protect bow or stern handling the powder shall be supplied to each installa-
equipment. The cargo pipeline forward or tion from the manifold of the dry powder
abaft the cargo area shall be protected with station via a separate pipeline equipped with a
fire hoses with hand fire nozzles. starting valve.
6.25.15 The dry powder station with two or The dry powder station shall provide both
separate and simultaneous operation of all the
more fire monitors, fire hoses with hand fire
nozzles or both shall be equipped with inde- dry powder installations.
pendent pipes with a manifold at the con- 6.25.21 If a stationary pipeline is installed
tainer for powder. between the powder container and fire hose
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 949

with a hand fire nozzle or fire monitor, the 6.25.32 The bending radius of the powder
length of such a pipe shall not exceed the pipeline shall be at least 10 pipeline diame-
length of the pipeline when powder is main- ters.
tained in the free flowing condition during
6.25.33 Powder shall be supplied to the
continuous or periodic operation and when it
emergency power source rooms and store-
can be removed by purging if the dry powder
rooms for highly inflammable materials and
fire extinguishing system is switched off. The
substances through sprayers. Their design,
material of fire hoses and nozzles shall be
location and quantity shall provide even
weather resistant, otherwise they shall be
spraying of the powder in the total volume of
stored in accessible places in weather resistant
the space. The pressure at the most distant
lockers or boxes.
sprayer shall be taken equal to a minimum
6.25.22 A hand fire nozzle shall be pressure at which even spraying of the powder
equipped with a device for switching on/off is provided in all directions from the sprayer.
powder supply.
6.25.23 The cross-sectional area of the fire
nozzle shall be equal to the cross-sectional Bilge space inerting
area of the fire hose or less by max. 50%. 6.26.1 If a ship is designed for carriage of
6.25.24 Starting bottles shall be equipped inflammable dangerous cargo, interbarrier
with pressure gauges. spaces and bilge spaces which are adjacent to
the dangerous cargo containment system
6.25.25 The operating instruction contain- which require complete or partial barrier shall
ing a guidance for starting the system shall be be inerted with dry inert gas. Inert atmos-
available at each dry powder fire extinguishing phere shall be maintained using the ship gas
station. plant or inert gas storage facilities designed to
provide the required gas consumption for at
6.25.26 A flow tube not reaching the con-
tainer bottom by 100 mm shall be fitted in the least 30 days.
powder container. 6.26.2 It is allowed to fill the spaces and
bilge spaces specified in 6.26.1 with dry air if
6.25.27 A device for gas passage into the
the inert gas system or inert gas storage facil-
container preventing powder penetration into
ity is available on board the ship and their
the gas main shall be installed in the lower
efficiency or volume provide inerting of the
part of the powder container.
maximum of these spaces provided that their
6.25.28 The powder filling ratio of the con- configuration, gas detection system and effi-
tainer shall not exceed 0.95. ciency of the inert gas system detect leakage
from the cargo tanks or their inerting before
6.25.29 The system pipelines and fittings unsafe atmosphere may occur.
shall not have cross-sectional contractions or Equipment providing generation of dry air
extensions. sufficient for inerting shall be installed.
6.25.30 The cross-sectional area of the 6.26.3 Spaces adjacent to the cooled inde-
manifold in the dry powder station shall be pendent cargo tanks of type C shall be inerted
not less than the total cross-sectional area of with dry inert gas or filled with dry air. This
pipelines connected to it for simultaneous condition shall be maintained using the ship
powder supply or exceed it more than twice. facilities specified in 6.26.1 or using equip-
ment providing dry air supply.
6.25.31 A device for purging the pipelines
after switching off the system shall be installed 6.26.4 Interbarrier spaces of internally in-
on the distribution manifold of the dry pow- sulated cargo tanks as well as spaces between
der station. the secondary barrier and double bottom and
950 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

double sides or independent tank structures low-temperature liquefied nitrogen on board

completely filled with insulation do not re- for its further use, liquefied nitrogen shall be
quire inerting. checked for presence of oxygen traces before
being placed in storage on board the ship to
Cargo tank and system inerting avoid enrichment of inerting gas with oxygen.
6.26.5 A ship shall be equipped with a pip- 6.26.11 The inert gas supply system shall
ing system to degas each cargo tank and purge be equipped with pressure regulators and in-
the pipelines of this system with gas cargo struments which correspond to the cargo con-
after degassing. This system shall be designed tainment system. A device preventing cargo
so as to exclude formation of gas or air pock- penetration into the inert gas system shall be
ets which will remain after degassing or purg- installed in the cargo area.
6.26.12 Spaces containing inert gas genera-
6.26.6 The required amount of places shall tors shall not be connected to accommodation
be provided for each cargo tank. Branch pipes and service spaces as well as control stations.
for gas sampling shall be equipped with valves The specified generators may be installed in
and located under the hoods above the main machinery spaces. If such inert gas generators
deck. are located in the machinery or other space
6.26.7 For inflammable gases, the piping located outside the cargo tanks, two return
system specified in 6.26.5 shall be designed so valves shall be located on the inert gas main
as to exclude the presence of inflammable within the cargo area. It is not allowed to lay
mixture in the cargo tank at any stage of de- the inert gas pipeline though accommodation
gassing by using inert gas at intermediate stage / service spaces or control stations. If the in-
of degassing. In addition, this system shall ert gas system is not used, it may be switched
provide purging of the cargo tank with inert off or disconnected from the cargo system in
gas prior to its filling with vapourous or liquid the cargo area. This requirement does not
fraction of cargo. The presence of inflamma- apply to connection joints of the inert gas
ble mixture shall be avoided throughout purg- system with bilge or interbarrier spaces.
ing of this tank. 6.26.13 It is allowed not to locate equip-
6.26.8 Piping systems carrying dangerous ment to receive inert gas using open flame in
cargo shall provide their degassing and purg- the cargo area.
ing as specified in 6.26.5 and 6.26.7.
6.26.9 Inert gas used for degassing and
purging may be supplied from shore or gener- 6.27.1 Tests of fittings shall comply with
ated/stored on board the ship. the requirements of 6.2.55, 6.2.56 and 6.2.58
RTSC. Besides, the valves of each type and
Inert gas generator size used at working temperature below –
55 °Ñ shall be leak tested at or below the
6.26.10 An inert gas generator shall gener-
minimum design temperature and at pressure
ate inert gas with oxygen content not exceed- not less than the design pressure of valves.
ing 5% by volume. During the tests, the serviceability of valves
According to the requirements specified in
shall be checked.
Appendix 3, devices for permanent monitor-
ing of oxygen content with a sensor/detector 6.27.2 Bellows used in cargo pipeline lo-
giving a signal if oxygen content exceeds 5% cated outside and inside the cargo tank shall
by volume shall be installed on the inert gas undergo the following type tests:
supply pipeline from the generator. .1 the bellows element not pre-
If inert gas is generated on board the ship compressed shall be tested by pressure ex-
by air fractionation which requires storage of ceeding the design one at least five times for
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 951

not less than 5 min; the wall of such element Safety valves shall be tested and lead-
shall not break; sealed. The appropriate record shall be made
.2 a typical compensating connection of in the report issued to the ship. Maximum
all fittings (flanges, links, articulated joints) permissible set pressure of safety valves shall
shall be tested by pressure exceeding the de- also be specified in the report.
sign one two times in the extreme displace-
ment positions causing no residual deforma- 6.27.4 All pipeline systems, including fit-
tion and recommended by the manufacturer; tings, valves and equipment for operation with
.3 cyclic test, including those for thermal dangerous cargo and dangerous cargo vapours,
fatigue, shall be carried out on the fully as- shall undergo the tests to verify their opera-
sembled connection that shall withstand, tion under operating conditions during the
without breaking, so many cycles of pressure, first reception of dangerous cargo.
temperature, axial displacement, rotational
displacement and lateral displacement as it 6.28 PERSONNEL PROTECTION
will occur in operation.
It is allowed to run the tests at a room 6.28.1 Liquefied gas tanker shall have fire-
temperature if the test conditions are the fighting outfit complying with Table 6.28.1.
same as the test conditions at working tem- T a b l e 6.28.1
perature; Fire-fighting outfit for liquefied gas tankers
.4 cyclic fatigue tests shall be carried out Number of fire-fighting
on completely assembled connection without Ship cargo capacity, m3
outfit sets
internal pressure by simulating bellows dis- 5000 4
placement over a length corresponding to the >5000 5
length of expansion pipe for not less than
2106 cycles at a frequency not more than 5 6.28.2 Any breathing apparatus included in
cycles per second. Such tests are required fire-fighting outfit shall be a self-contained
only when the pipelines are exposed to loads breathing apparatus with at least 1200 litres of
due to ship deformation. atmosphere air.
It is allowed not to perform the above 6.28.3 The crew members participating in
mentioned tests if the technical documenta- cargo handling shall have protection outfit,
tion and calculations confirming that the including eye protection, appropriate for the
compensating connections can withstand the particular dangerous cargo.
specified operating loads is submitted to the
River Register. 6.28.4 In addition to the fire-fighting outfit
If the maximum internal pressure exceeds required according to 6.28.1, the ship shall be
0.1 MPa, the technical documentation and also fitted with at least two whole outfits pro-
calculations shall contain the test results data viding safety of personnel working in a room
justifying the calculation method used and filled with gas.
comparing the results of calculations and
6.28.5 One whole safety outfit shall com-
prise the following:
6.27.3Safety valves installed on cargo tanks .1 one self-contained breathing apparatus
according to 6.16.2 shall be tested to verify in which compressed oxygen cannot be used
that the throughput capacity corresponds to and whose capacity is not less than 1200 litres
that required in 6.19. of atmosphere air;
Besides, each valve shall be tested for .2 protective clothing, shoes, gloves, head
opening at the set pressure with maximum ware and tightly fitting mask to protect face
tolerance (%) for pressure (MPa): and eyes;
0 to 0.15 ±10
over 0.15 to 0.3 ±6 .3 life line with steel core and belt;
over 0.3 ±3 .4 lamp of explosion-proof design.
952 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

6.28.6 The ship shall have compressed air cargo transfer and they shall have appropriate
supply from one of the following compressed warning inscription;
air sources: .4 two additional sets of the above men-
.1 one set of bottles completely filled with tioned protection means for breathing organs
air for each breathing apparatus required ac- and eyes shall always be available in the
cording to 6.28.4, a dedicated air compressor wheelhouse. The rooms where the crew get
capable of delivery of high-pressure air of the together, for example, the mess room, shall be
required purity, and a pipe header to fill the equipped with a training self-rescuer;
spare bottles of breathing apparatuses with air .5 it shall be possible to arrange additional
according to 6.28.4; (at least two sets) protection means for
.2 spare bottles completely filled with air breathing organs and eyes in extremities
with total capacity of not less than 6000 litres (forecastle and aft superstructure) of a ship
for each breathing apparatus required accord- subdivided by cargo area, if it is impossible to
ing to 6.28.4. evacuate people to the aft superstructure
without protection means.
6.28.7 It is allowed to install low pressure
6.28.11 On the deck, there shall be showers
air pipes with an assembly for connection of
for decontamination and arrangements for eye
hose suitable for use with breathing apparatus
washing with appropriate inscriptions. Show-
required according to 6.28.4. Such a system
ers and eye washing arrangements shall re-
shall be capable of supplying high pressure air
main operational at any ambient conditions.
through reducers to obtain a low pressure
sufficient for work of two persons in a gas 6.28.12 Ships with cargo carrying capacity
hazardous space within at least one hour of 2000 m3 and more shall be provided with
without use of air bottles of breathing appara- two whole outfit sets in addition to the
tuses. It is necessary to provide the means for equipment according to 6.28.1 and 6.28.4.
recharge of stationary air bottles and bottles of For each self-contained breathing apparatus,
breathing apparatuses with the help of an air there shall be at least three spare bottles filled
compressor capable of supplying high pressure with air with total capacity of at least 3600
air. litres or there shall be at least three spare self-
contained breathing apparatuses if the bottles
6.28.8 Protection equipment stated in are not replaceable. The spare bottles (appara-
6.28.3 and safety outfit according to 6.28.4 tuses) shall not be stored in one place.
shall be stored in the marked cabinets in-
stalled in accessible places. 6.28.13 To protect the ship’s personnel
from the consequences of dangerous cargo
6.28.9 Equipment of compressed air system leakages, a special enclosed space (collective
shall be inspected and tested at least once a protection space) shall be provided onboard
year. the ship near the superstructure. The area of
6.28.10 Each person onboard the ship shall this space shall be sufficient to accommodate
have means for protection of breathing organs the entire crew of the ship and it shall be pro-
and eyes in case of emergency evacuation. vided with air source with capacity sufficient
The following conditions shall be met: for the crew to stay in this space for at least
.1 do not use breathing organs protection 4 hours.
means of filtering type; This space can be accesses from the deck
.2 emergency breathing apparatus (self- and other accommodation spaces through an
rescuer) shall operate as stated in the techni- air lock. Near the air lock to such space,
cal documentation but not less than 15 min; there shall be a shower for decontamination.
.3 breathing organs protection means de- 6.28.14 It is necessary to provide access to
signed for emergency evacuation shall not be enclosed space of collective protection from
used in case of fire extinguishing or dangerous the open deck and from accommodation
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 953

spaces and possibility of tight closing this areas, except for the equipment for operation
space. in these areas, provided the requirements of
6.29.5 to 6.29.38 are met.
6.29.5 A space, which accommodates dan-
6.29.1 In addition to the electrical equip- gerous cargo heating system, shall have elec-
ment specified in Part VI of the Rules, the trical equipment of explosion-proof design.
following electrical equipment is subject to
technical supervision: 6.29.6 Cables to be laid in explosion-
.1 dangerous cargo containment system; hazardous rooms and spaces shall remain ser-
viceable at temperatures maintained in these
.2 reliquefaction units;
.3 inert gas systems; spaces in operation.
.4 dangerous cargo pressure and tempera- 6.29.7 All gas-hazardous spaces and areas
ture regulation systems; with constant explosion-hazardous gas-and-air
.5 drives and controls of liquefied gases mixture shall be fitted only with explosion-
cooling systems; proof electrical equipment.
.6 cargo pumps and compressors;
.7 ventilation systems of explosion- 6.29.8 The spaces of dangerous cargo con-
hazardous spaces and air locks; tainment system may be fitted with submersi-
.8 measurement, alarm and indication ble cargo pumps and their power supply ca-
systems for: bles. Protection devices shall be provided to
cargo level in cargo tanks; automatically cut off electric motors when the
temperatures in cargo pipelines; liquid gas level reduces below the permissible
pressure in cargo tanks and pipelines; one. These protective devices shall be made
pressure in ventilation systems that pro- based on sensitive elements responding to:
duce overpressure in air locks, spaces and .1 pressure reduction when the pump is
enclosures of explosion-proof electrical being unloaded;
equipment; .2 reduction of electric motor load cur-
concentration of dangerous cargo va- rent;
pour/gas in controlled rooms and spaces; .3 reaching dangerous low level of lique-
dangerous cargo leakages; fied gas.
water in interbarrier spaces; As the protection operates, the alarm signal
explosive concentration and dangerous shall be fed to the cargo loading/unloading
toxicity level of gases; control station.
.9 systems of automatic and remote cut-
6.29.9 Electric motors of cargo pumps shall
off of drives;
be provided with devices for electrical discon-
.10 systems for remote control of valves
nection from supply systems (including power
for hull structure heating arrangements.
lines) during degassing operations. It shall be
6.29.2 Requirements of Part VI of the possible to operate these devices prior to de-
Rules to electrical equipment of explosion- gassing.
hazardous zones, areas and spaces apply to
6.29.10 In cargo areas equipped with dan-
gas-hazardous areas of liquefied gas tankers.
gerous cargo containment system with addi-
6.29.3 Electrical equipment installed in the tional barrier, it is allowed to lay electric
spaces with gas detection devices and spaces power cables of electric motors of submersible
for handling the boil-off gas used as a fuel is cargo pumps.
not considered an electrical equipment of gas-
6.29.11 In cargo areas with dangerous
hazardous spaces.
cargo containment system, which does not
6.29.4 Electrical equipment or cables shall require additional barrier, and in the spaces
not be installed in gas-hazardous spaces or separated from dangerous cargo areas with
954 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

one gastight bulkhead, it is allowed to install valves of cargo system or inlets or ventilation
the following electrical equipment: holes leading to compartments (space) of
transit cables; cargo pumps and cargo compressors, in areas
lighting equipment with protection type on the open deck above the cargo area and
(Åõð) or (Exd); 3 m back and forth from the cargo area on
electric level sensors, speed log compo- the open deck and upwards to the altitude of
nents and anodes (electrodes) of impressed 2.4 m above the deck, in the areas at a dis-
current cathodic protection system. These tance of 2.4 m from external surface of dan-
instruments and devices shall have gastight gerous cargo retention system in which such
enclosure. surface is exposed to weather conditions and
In the areas separated from cargo areas by atmospheric precipitations, the following is
means of gastight bulkheads the following allowed:
may be installed: installation of explosion-proof equipment;
electric motors of explosion-proof design laying of transit cables.
for remote control of cargo valves or ballast 6.29.16 In closed or semi-closed spaces
system; through which pass the pipelines of dangerous
acoustic devices of explosion-proof design, cargo and in cargo hoses store rooms, the
general alarm system. following is allowed:
6.29.12 Electric motors of cargo pumps or .1 installation of lighting equipment with
compressors of reliquefaction units shall be type of explosion protection (Åõð) or (Exd);
separated from pump (compressor) compart- .2 laying of transit cables.
ments (spaces) by means of a gastight bulk- 6.29.17 In closed of semi-closed spaces
head or deck. with opening leading to any gas-hazardous
Flexible couplings shall be used for align- space/area, it is allowed to install electrical
ment of shafts of electric motors and machin- equipment that complies with requirements to
ery driven from them. Glands shall be in- electrical equipment to be fitted in the
stalled in places where the shafts go through spaces/area to which those openings lead.
the gastight bulkheads and decks. Electric
motors of cargo pumps and compressors and 6.29.18 Electrical equipment arranged in
their control systems shall be arranged in ex- spaces protected by means of air locks shall
plosion-hazardous spaces. be of explosion-proof design. It is allowed to
use electrical equipment without protection
6.29.13 If operational or design limitations type if it is de-energized with the help of
make it impossible to fulfill the requirements automatic cutoff devices in case of air over-
of 6.29.12, the following shall be used to drive pressure loss in the room and is not started
the cargo pumps or cargo compressors: until the pressure returns to the preset value.
.1 electric motors of enhanced reliability Electrical equipment without protection
in explosion-proof case with type of explosion type used for maneuvering, anchoring and
protection (Exe) or (Åõd); mooring, as well as emergency fire pumps
.2 electric motors in pressurized enclosure shall not be arranged in spaces to be protected
with type of explosion protection (Åõð). with air locks.
6.29.14 Acoustic devices of general alarm 6.29.19 Electrical equipment arranged in
shall be of explosion-proof design with type of double pipes or ducts shall be intrinsically
explosion protection (Åxd). safe.
6.29.15 In areas or semi-closed spaces on 6.29.20 Grounding of electrical equipment
the open deck at a distance of up to 3 m from and pipelines of liquefied gas tanker shall
any opening of the cargo tank, gas exhaust comply with the requirements of 2.6, 12.6.5,
equipment, flanged joints of cargo pipes, 16.2.23 to 16.2.29 Part VI of the Rules.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 955

6.29.21 Metal mechanical protections for devices, one of which shall be outside the
cables laid on the upper deck and passing spaces in which the drives are installed, but in
through the explosion-hazardous areas shall the immediate proximity from the exits of
be grounded at both ends of each protection these spaces, and the second remote cutoff
(casing, steel pipe, armouring braid). device shall be arranged in the wheelhouse or
in the cargo loading/unloading control sta-
6.29.22 Metallic cargo tanks, including in-
dependent tanks, container tanks, pipelines tion.
separated from hull structures with use of heat 6.29.30 Lighting network of explosion-
insulation, joints of pipelines and hoses with hazardous rooms and spaces, including com-
gaskets, sealing flanges of connecting parts of partments (spaces) of cargo pumps, cargo
cargo pipelines and hoses, shall be grounded compressors, closed or semi-closed spaces
to the hull.
accommodating pipelines with dangerous
6.29.23 Electric drive of cargo pumps, cargo, spaces for cargo hoses, cargo areas
booster pumps and compressors shall be fitted equipped with dangerous cargo containment
with automatic cutoff devices to be cut off in system which does not require additional bar-
case of closing of quick closing valves on rier and spaces separated from spaces with
pipelines. dangerous cargo with the help of one gastight
bulkhead, shall be divided into at least two
6.29.24 Electric drives of submersible cargo
lines and shall receive power supply from dif-
pumps shall be fitted with automatic cutoff
ferent switchboards.
devices operating at low level of liquid in the
cargo tank.
6.29.31 Cutoff switches and protective de-
6.29.25 Electric motors of booster pumps vices of lighting network of rooms and spaces
and gas/air blowers shall be arranged in the specified in 6.29.29 shall be double-pole
spaces separated from explosion-hazardous switches and shall be installed outside these
spaces by means of a gastight bulkhead and rooms and spaces.
they shall comply with the requirements of
6.29.12. 6.29.32 Lighting system of rooms and
spaces specified in 6.29.29 shall be made with
6.29.26 Electric drives of fans providing use of explosion-proof devices (lanterns) with
overpressure in air locks, spaces protected by type of explosion protection (Åõð) or (Exd).
air locks and cases of electrical explosion-
proof equipment shall not be used for other It is allowed to illuminate these rooms and
purposes. spaces from adjacent spaces through gastight
glass holes. However, the lights of such adja-
6.29.27 Electric motors of fans shall not be cent spaces shall be explosion-proof as well.
installed in ventilation ducts of supply or ex-
haust ventilation of explosion-hazardous 6.29.33 The rooms and spaces specified in
spaces. 6.11.8 shall be equipped with stationary alarm
6.29.28 Opening doors and switching-on of system for detection of dangerous cargo va-
electrical equipment installed in explosion- pours.
hazardous spaces shall be interlocked with fan
drive to make it possible to enter the spaces 6.29.34 Light and sound signals about dan-
and switch on the electrical equipment only gerous concentration of dangerous cargo va-
after start of fans and their operation within a pours shall be fed to gas sampling places
time period sufficient for 3 to 4 air changes in (space), to the wheelhouse and cargo load-
this space. ing/unloading control station.
6.29.29 Electric drives of ship machinery Generalized alarm on gas concentration
stated in 6.29.23 to 6.29.26 shall have cutoff above the preset limits shall be fed to the
places of permanent watch keeping.
956 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

6.29.35 Two independent power supply .3 aluminium and aluminium alloys;

sources shall be provided for the alarm sys- .4 copper, copper alloys, zinc or galva-
tem. nized steel;
.5 aluminium, copper and their alloys;
6.29.36 The alarm on automatic cutoff of
.6 copper and alloys containing more than
submersible cargo pumps, closing of quick
1% of copper
closing valves of cargo pipelines, water in in-
terbarrier spaces, dangerous cargo leakages in Independent cargo tanks
condensate of dangerous cargo heaters and
operation of inert gas system shall be fed to 6.30.3 Dangerous cargo shall be trans-
the cargo loading/unloading control station. ported only in independent cargo tanks.
The alarm on water in interbarrier spaces 6.30.4 Dangerous cargo shall be trans-
shall also be fed to the wheelhouse. ported in independent cargo tanks of type C
6.29.37 When dangerous cargo is used as a considering the requirements of 6.22.2. For
fuel, the alarm on pressure drop in the fuel oil calculating pressure in cargo tank, it is neces-
pipeline or stop of gas fuel supply to machin- sary to take into account supercharge pressure
ery space equipment shall be provided in the or pressure of vapours during unloading.
central to control position.
Cooling systems
6.29.38 The alarm on reduction/loss of ex-
cessive pressure in air locks and electrical 6.30.5 Is allowed to use only indirect cool-
equipment with type of explosion protection ing system (see
(Åõð) shall be provided in central control 6.30.6 Onboard the ship which transports
station and in places of permanent watch dangerous cargoes producing dangerous per-
keeping. oxides, it shall be ensured that the repeatedly
condensed dangerous cargo has no stagnation
6.30 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS zones with non-inhibited fluid. This may be
reached through one of the following ways:
6.30.1 Special requirements to ships carry- .1 use of an indirect cooling system with
ing dangerous liquid loads depending on the condenser inside the cargo tank;
properties of such dangerous cargo are speci- .2 use of a direct cooling system or com-
fied in 6.30.2 to 6.30.77. The need of fulfill- bined cooling system (see and
ment of this or that requirement as pertaining or a indirect cooling system with
to the particular dangerous cargo is specified condenser outside the cargo tank, or designing
in column 10 “Special requirements” of Ta- the cooling system in such a way as to prevent
ble A3-1 in Appendix 3. from condensate accumulation and retention
Construction materials
6.30.7 If the ship is engaged on voyages
6.30.2 Materials which during normal op- with any of the dangerous cargoes specified in
eration of the ship are exposed to dangerous 6.30.6 and there are ballast transits between
cargo, shall be resistant to corrosive action of these voyages, then, prior to the ballast tran-
gases. Besides, for transportation of some sit, all the non-inhibited fluid shall be re-
dangerous cargoes, the following materials moved. If after voyage with one of the dan-
shall not be used for fabrication of cargo tanks gerous cargoes it is required to transport an-
and their pipelines, valves, fittings and other other dangerous cargo, the reliquefaction
components: system shall be dried and blown prior to load-
.1 mercury, copper, copper alloys and ing such a dangerous cargo. Inert gas or dan-
zinc; gerous cargo vapours or another compatible
.2 copper, silver, mercury, magnesium dangerous cargo vapours shall be used for this
and other metals which form acetylides; blowing.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 957

Deck cargo pipelines Sampling pipelines

6.30.8 All butt welds in cargo pipelines, 6.30.12 Gas sampling pipelines shall not be
whose diameter exceeds 75 mm, shall undergo brought to or laid through gas-safe spaces.
100% X-ray testing. Transducers/sensors specified in 6.11.3
shall operate when concentration of vapours
Air release from vapour spaces reaches the permissible limits.
6.30.9 Prior to loading, air shall be released
from cargo tanks and pipelines connected to 6.30.13 The use of portable equipment
them in a way to prevent from its return by specified in 6.11.14 is not allowed.
one of the following methods:
.1 introduction of inert gas to maintain Flame retention shields on gas release holes
overpressure. Inert gas reserve or inert gas
6.30.14 For transportation of dangerous
system capacity shall be sufficient for standard
cargoes specified in Appendix 3, the gas re-
operation needs and compensation of leakages
lease holes of cargo tanks shall be fitted with
through the safety valve. Oxygen content in
flame retention shields or safety mouthpieces.
the inert gas at any time shall not exceed
The design of flame retention shields and
0.2% by volume;
mouthpieces of gas-freeing pipes shall prevent
.2 adjustment of dangerous cargo tem-
them from closing due to freezing of danger-
perature to continuously maintain overpres-
ous cargo vapours or icing.

Gas moisture content control Maximum permissible amount of cargo in

cargo tank
6.30.10 It is necessary to control the mois-
ture content of non-flammable gases which 6.30.15 When a dangerous cargo specified
can become corrosive or dangerous in case of in Appendix 3 is transported, its amount in
contact with water. To meet this requirement, any cargo tank shall not exceed 380 m3.
the cargo tanks shall be kept dry before load-
ing and filled with dry air with dew point of – Submersible electrical cargo pumps
45 °Ñ or less at the atmospheric pressure, or
6.30.16 Prior to loading inflammable liq-
with dangerous cargo vapours during unload-
ing to prevent excessive vacuum. uids and during their transportation and
unloading, the vapour spaces of cargo tanks
Inhibition fitted with submersible electrical cargo pumps
shall be inerted and overpressure shall be
6.30.11 Measures shall be taken to inhibit maintained in them.
dangerous cargoes throughout the entire voy-
age to prevent them from polymerization. The Ships carrying ammonia
ships shall have a certificate issued by the
shipper. The certificate shall include the fol- 6.30.17 Cargo tanks, high pressure process
lowing: vessels and cargo pipelines shall be manufac-
.1 name and amount of the used inhibi- tured of a fine-grained carbon-manganese
tor; steel with certified minimum yield point not
.2 date of inhibitor introduction and ex- exceeding 355 MPa and actual yield point not
pected duration of its action under normal exceeding 440 MPa. One of the following
conditions; design or operational measures shall be taken:
.3 temperature limits for efficiency of the .1 it is necessary to use material with
inhibitor; lower yield point, whose certified minimum
.4 measures to be taken if the duration of breaking strength does not exceed 410 MPa;
voyage exceeds the inhibitor expiry date. or
958 RCCS. Part IX “Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods”

.2 cargo tanks, high pressure process ves- –30 and less 0.90
sels and cargo pipelines shall undergo thermal –20 0.50
treatment to relief post-welding stresses; or –10 0.28
.3 measures shall be taken to keep the 0 0.16
ammonia temperature during transportation +10 0.10
close to its closed-vessel boiling point +20 0.05
(–33 °Ñ), but in any case the temperature +30 0.03
shall not exceed 20 °Ñ; or Oxygen content for intermediate tempera-
.4 ammonia shall contain at least 0.1% of tures of ammonia may be obtained by linear
water by mass. interpolation.
6.30.18 If carbon-manganese steels with
higher yield properties as compared to those Ships carrying chlorine
specified in 6.30.17 are used, the complete 6.30.24 Dangerous cargo containment sys-
cargo tanks and pipelines shall undergo ther- tem shall comply with the following require-
mal treatment to relief post-welding stresses. ments:
6.30.19 If high pressure process vessels and .1 capacity of each tank shall not exceed
pipelines from the condensing part of the 380 m3, and total capacity of all cargo tanks
cooling system are manufactured of carbon- shall not exceed 760 m3;
manganese steel or nickel steel, they shall .2 design pressure of vapours in the tank
undergo thermal treatment to relief post- shall be not less than 1.35 MPa;
welding stresses. .3 parts of tanks protruding above the up-
per deck shall have protection against heat
6.30.20 The yield point and ultimate tensile radiation from adjacent tanks if on fire;
strength of the weld built-up metal shall ex- .4 each cargo tank shall have two safety
ceed the same characteristics of the materials valves. A safety diaphragm shall be installed
used for manufacture of cargo tank or pipe- between the tank and the safety valves. Burst-
line. ing pressure of the diaphragm shall be
6.30.21 Nickel steel with more than 5% of 0.1 MPa less than the safety valve opening
nickel and carbon-manganese steel which pressure which is to be set equal to design
does not meet the requirements of 6.30.17 pressure of vapours in the tank, but not less
and 6.30.18 are susceptible cracking due to than 1.35 MPa. The space between the dia-
corrosive action of ammonia. Such steels may phragm and the safety valve shall be con-
not be used in dangerous cargo containment nected to a pressure gauge and gas detection
system and pipeline systems designed for system through a bypass valve. During opera-
transportation of this dangerous cargo. tion of the tank, measures shall be taken to
keep the pressure in this space equal to the
6.30.22 Nickel steel with more than 5% of atmospheric pressure within ±5%;
nickel may be used if the temperature of am-
.5 exhaust outlets of safety valves shall ex-
monia during transportation meets the re-
clude the possibility of creating hazard to the
quirements of
ship and the environment.
6.30.23 To prevent from cracking due to The gas coming out from the safety valves
corrosive action of ammonia, the dissolved shall go through an absorption unit to reduce
oxygen level in the tank atmosphere shall be its concentration. On the pipeline section near
below 2.5 ppm by mass, also by reducing the the fore extremity of the ship, it is necessary
mean content of oxygen in the tanks prior to to install a device able to release the vapours
loading of liquid ammonia as compared to the overboard at the deck level from any side, as
following values by volume (%) depending on well as a mechanical interlocking device to
ammonia transportation temperature t, °Ñ: keep one of the pipelines always open.
6 River – Sea Navigation Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 959

6.30.25 Cargo pipeline system shall comply it shall be capable of detecting at least 1 ppm
with the following requirements: by volume. Sampling points shall be arranged
.1 liquefied gas tanker shall be unloaded in the following places:
with the help of compressed vapours of chlo- at the bottom of hold spaces;
rine received from the shore, dry air or with in the pipes going from safety valves;
the help of submersible pumps. Pressure in at the outlet hole of absorption unit;
vapour space of the cargo tank during unload- at the inlet hole of ventilation systems of
ing shall not exceed 1.05 MPa. Compressors accommodation, service and machinery
installed on the ship may not be used for spaces and control stations;
unloading of liquefied gas tankers; on the deck at the fore boundary of, in
.2 design pressure in cargo pipeline system the middle part of, and at the aft boundary of,
shall be not less than 2.1 MPa. Inner diameter the cargo area (to be used only in the course
of cargo pipes shall not exceed 100 mm. It is of cargo handling and degassing).
allowed to use pipe bends only as a mean of Gas detection system shall be provided
thermal expansion compensation. If flange with sound and light alarm actuating in case
connections are used, the flanges shall be of gas concentration of 5 ppm;
welded to pipe end, and the edges shall be .4 each cargo tank shall be provided with
prepared for welding as a tongue-and-groove emergency pressure transducer/sensor which
joint; generates sound signal when overpressure
.3 gases from safety valves of cargo pipe- reaches 1.05 MPa.
line system shall be released to an absorption
6.30.28 In addition to the requirements to
unit; the backpressure in the gas-freeing pipe- protection stated in 6.28, it is necessary to
lines as specified in 6.19.2 shall be taken into provide an air compressor and equipment for
consideration. filling air bottles.
6.30.26 Materials shall comply with the 6.30.29 The following requirements to
following requirements: cargo tank filling limits shall be met:
.1 cargo tanks and pipelines of cargo .1 requirements are not applied
pipeline system shall be manufactured of steel
for transportation of chlorine;
suitable for safe transportation of dangerous .2 the content of gas chlorine in vapour
cargo at temperature of –40 °Ñ even if higher
space of cargo tank after loading shall exceed
temperatures in transportation are expected;
80% by volume.
.2 cargo tanks shall undergo thermal
treatment to relief internal thermal stresses. Ships carrying diethyl ether and vinyl ethyl ether
Mechanical relief of internal stresses is not
allowed. 6.30.30 The dangerous cargo shall be
unloaded only with the help of submersible
6.30.27 Safety devices shall comply with pumps installed in trunks or hydraulically
the following requirements: driven pumps. The design of such pumps shall
.1 an absorption unit connected to pipe- exclude the possibility of liquid pressure trans-
lines of cargo pipeline system and cargo tanks fer to shaft seal.
shall be installed onboard the ship for chlo-
rine absorption. The absorption unit shall 6.30.31 Independent tanks of C type may
neutralize the chlorine with absorption inten- be unloaded by displacing the dangerous
sity of not less than 2% of dangerous cargo of cargo by mea

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