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INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet

(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action Scale
Observation: Immediate action:
Worker was working in the hazardous Provide PPE to the workers
Chemical area.
Short term:
Hazard & Consequences: 3 Month
Health surveillance
Chemicals hazard, i.e, Calcium Carbonate,
Hydro-Chloric Acid, Calcium Chloride, coal Long Term:
and Flocculent. Regularly
Exposure limit to chemical will decrease
Calcium Chloride is irritant to skin and eyes. by job rotation.
Hydro-Chloric Acid is corrosive to the eyes,
skin, and mucous membranes. Lung and skin
problems such as black lung disease, is
caused by inhaling coal dust.

Observation Immediate action: Immediate
House-keeping was not good in the ware On urgent basis clean the floor clean and
house of the Calcium Chloride and in bagging keep it clean all the time.
section. As calcium chloride prills and mud
had combined to form the slippery surface. Short term: One week
Hazard & Consequences: Ensure proper housekeeping of the
Workplace on daily basis.
Slip hazards, collision hazards between
forklift and pedestrian and forklift with fixed Long Term:
structure. Regular
Can cause severe injury to pedestrian or Monitor and check workplace regularly.
damaging of forklift truck. Make employees aware of the hazards
by providing information and training.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

03 Observation Immediate action: Immediate

From main gate to plant area there was two Provide signage’s ‘ stop ‘ , speed limit 5
ways route for the vehicle and the pedestrian km
was using the same route. The forklift truck Two weeks
was running in the way and collision with Short term:
vehicles and pedestrian can cause injury.

Hazard & Consequences: Segregate the area for vehicles &

pedestrians by barriers
One month
Collision hazard
Personal Injury, pedestrian injury, , property Long Term:
Because of one way from main gate to plant Provide separate entry & exit routes with
area, collision with pedestrian, vehicles, can solid partition in between pedestrian and
cause injury vehicle.

04 Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Light was inadequate in the plant area and in Install adequate lighting within the
workplace, and can cause injury to worker. Workplace so that people can able to
Inadequate lighting can cause a hazard of see any hazards.
slip or trip due to uneven ground, due to
slippery action of calcium chloride on the Two Week
Short term:

Hazard & Consequences: Use natural lights such as roof lights,

Where natural light is not satisfactory.
Trip and slip hazards Use artificial lighting.
Due to slip or trip, a severe injury can be
happened. Long Term: Ongoing

Periodic maintenance and inspections of

artificial lighting and replacing them from
time to time.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

Observation Immediate action:

Blowers were creating a large noisy sound Minimise work exposure limit
during Operation. Two Week
Short term:
Hazard & Consequences:
Fit sound-proof enclosure, Acoustic
Noise Hazard. shielding. Fit silencers, balance machine,
Noise at work can cause hearing loss that or mount on anti-vibration mountings.
can be temporary or permanent. Hearing loss
is not the only problem. People may develop Long Term: Six Month
tinnitus (ringing, whistling, buzzing or Eliminate/ Substitute with less noise
humming in the ears). blower.

Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Calcium Chloride dust was coming out from Welding of the lines those have
many damaged or leaked lines, from fine leakages.
collector and from dust blower. Two Week
Short term:
Hazard & Consequences:
Replace the lines those are too much
Dust hazard. damaged with new lines.
Calcium Chloride Power Regularly
Irritant, Causes irritation to skin, eyes and Long Term:
respiratory organs. Harmful if inhaled or
swallowed. Effects can be possible Keep routine monitoring and inspection
coughing, sneezing, asthma and blocked of the lines
filters of machines.

Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Worker was working in the carpenter Provide PPE to the worker.
workshop to form wooden material for pallet
formation. Long Term: One Month
Hazard & Consequences: Provide safeguard to the sander.

Contact Hazards
Can cause injury to worker

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Worker was lifting the large buckets of lime Provide job rotation with other riggers
powder from the lime heap and was mixing One week
with calcium chloride solution to neutralize it Short term:
in neutralization tank repeatedly.
Provide trolley
Two Month
Hazard & Consequences:
Long Term:
Manual Handling,
Can cause back bone problem, slip disc Install conveyer from heap of lime to lime
issue, Hernia, can cause musculoskeletal tank.
disorders (MSDs).

09 Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Repair the handle & change the flex
Employee using hand drill machine with
broken handle & corroded flex Short term:
Inform the maintenance staff to do the Weekly
Hazard & Consequences:
pre use check before using electrical
Electrical hazard equipments
Electric shock, Fire & explosion
Hand vibration syndrome, Noise Long Term:
Conduct monthly inspection of all 1 month
electrical equipments & repair if needed.

Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Immediately barricade the open points.
Chemical sewage drain system was made of
sanitary and at some points cover was not Short term: Two week
installed and light was not good at those Close the open points by sanitary work
Points. or by keeping covers made of any
Hazard & Consequences:
Long Term: Two month
Falling hazard into sewage drains.
Can cause serious injury or death Erect proper and good sewage drain
system & properly out of passage area.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

Observation Immediate action: Immediate

Provide frequent breaks
Observed one employee sitting in office in
odd posture in front of computer Short term: One month
Make the assessment of workplace to
Hazard & Consequences: provide standard DSE arrangements to
suit the worker.
Ergonomic Hazard,
WRULD, Eyes strain, Back pain, Long Term: One month
Cervical spondylosis Provide DSE instead of Computer.

Observation Immediate:
There must be a supervisor who Immediate
Observed that there was no notice board to informed to workers about rules and laws
give the information about procedures and about their specific job.
different information to workers to update.
Short Term:
Hazard & Consequences: There must be one notice board
containing company policy, Rules & One week
Regulations and other information.
Disciplinary Hazard.
Lack of knowledge and information Long Term:
(Regulatory, Company policies, & working Conduct inspection and provide training
procedures), un competent workers, and to employee and keep them update
development of negative culture. about company rules, laws and job Ongoing
related information.

Observation Immediate: Immediate

There were no proper washing areas for Following good hygiene practices.
Short Term:
Hazard & Consequences: Training to employees and give them One week
Biological Hazard. information about personal hygiene.
Biological hazards due to poor personal
Long Term:
hygiene can cause health problems such as
Build up a washing area for workers
infections and diseases.
nearby workers changing room/ locker One Month
area and provide proper ventilation
INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

Observation Immediate: Immediate

Observed that in the reaction area to form Provide PPE to the worker and shower
calcium chloride solution from hydro chloric water in the leakage point to avoid from
acid and calcium carbonate. The hydro fumes.
chloric storage tank foundation was damaged
and fumes were coming out from top of tanks Short Term: Three week
and acid drain valve was leaked.
Install line at top of tank and put the line
Hazard & Consequences: in the vessel filled with water so fumes
Falling, Health hazard and chemical hazard. could absorb in water and water can be
Can cause severe injury to worker in case of drained. And install new valve.
One Month
falling of tank because of weak and damaged
foundation. Long Term:
Exposure to high fumes can cause breathe
problem & can lead to chronic injury, worker Shift acid storage tanks to away from the
can be senseless before reach to safe place, workplace and with strong foundation
or can slip/ trip or fall on same level in and proper fumes collection system.
running to take breathe in safe environment.

Observation Immediate: Immediate

The Chemical mist from the exhaust vent of Wear personal protective equipments
scrubber was generating liquid droplets and Such as coveralls and gloves.
those were falling around the plant area and Using cream to form a barrier to prevent
on the worker at workplace, such mist being hazardous chemical getting into the body
absorbed through the skin and mucus and skin.
membrane of eye and can cause skin One week
Short Term:
problems such as dermatitis and irritation. Adopting good hygiene practices.
Minimize the frequency and duration of
Hazard & Consequences: Being exposed to mist.
Health and chemical hazard,
The Chemical liquids such solvents being Long Term Three
absorbed through the skin and mucus Month
Provide mist collector or mist absorber at
membrane of eye and can cause skin the discharge of scrubber.
problems such as dermatitis and irritation.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

Observation Immediate: Immediate

Provide awareness to every worker at
Combustion air fan and moving parts cover workplace about it. And provide personal
was open in hot air coal furnace plant. protective equipments

Hazard & Consequences: Short Term: Two Day

Entanglement hazard Provide temporary cover to the moving
Worker can came in entanglement with the parts of the combustion air fan
moving parts of the combustion air fan and
can cause sever injury.
Long Term: One Month

Install proper fixed safe guard to the

moving parts of the combustion air fan.

Observation Immediate:
Trailing Cables were laid down on the floor Secure trailing cables left unattended on
and leading to the panel of welding work. the floor surfaces. remove
Obstructions in the walkway.
Hazard & Consequences:
Short Term:
Risk of slip, trip and fall of workers in the Two days
workplace area which may cause cuts and Ensure proper housekeeping of the
bone fractures. Workplace on daily basis. Make plans to
reroute electrical cables.
Long Term:
7 Days
Monitor and check cables. make
employees aware of the hazards by
Providing instructions and supervision.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

18 Observation Immediate:
Inspection of all fire extinguishers, Immediate
Few fire extinguishers are empty. This can
cause delay while extinguishing fire during Short Term:
any fire emergency. Replace empty fire extinguisher with new Two days
fire extinguisher.
Hazard & Consequences:
Long Term: One Month
Discipline Hazards.
Can increase the severity of accident. Indent new fire extinguishers.

Observation Immediate: Immediately

Rigger was not present during lifting of pipes Rigger should be present at the worksite
also there was no tag lines attached with the all the time during lifting process; tag line
suspended load. should be attached with the suspended
load to control.
Hazard & Consequences:
Short Term: Two Week
Falling and collapse Hazard
Can lead to personal injury due to improper All personnel should be trained for lifting
lifting, persons caught between pipe and pipe safety process.
layer during lifting and equipment damage.
Proper lifting practice should be
prepared and should be followed by all

Long Term: Regular

Monitor lifting activities regularly.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action

Observation Immediate: Immediate

Duct was cracked so scaffolding work was Fixed the guard rail & toe board
carried out to maintenance work on duct
between prill tower and cyclone. Short Term: One Week

Hazard & Consequences: Scaffold training (erection & dismantling )

Substandard scaffolding guard rail & toe Long Term: Regular

board are missing which will allow the
workers, tools or material to fall from height Strict monitoring & supervision of
thereby seriously injuring the other workers. scaffolding operation.

Observation: Immediate: One week

Welding work was carried out in the erection Making people aware of the hazard.
of new quench cooler design, burner duct Providing personal protective equipments
designing and cooling tower fan cover such as safety goggles to protect against
designing in the welding house. ultra violet radiations emitted.
Two week
Short Term:
Hazard & Consequences:
Redesign the workplace and ensure
Risk of inhaling welding fumes which can sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of
cause the disease known as blue metal fever inhaling welding fumes
and high temperatures during welding activity
can cause burns. Long Term: Two month

Install local exhaust ventilation to

eliminate the possibility of breathing
welding fumes.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action
Observation: Immediate: Immediate
Provision of adequate welfare facilities
During process of drying of calcium chloride
such as drinking water. Providing
solution to form calcium chloride prills,
refugees and moderate environment to
problem came inside the prill or drying tower,
worker after coming out that heated
there was one way to go and come from inside
confined space. Three week
prill tower. Worker entered to prill tower to
check nozzle and also fluidized bed checking
was required due to parameters variation. Short Term:
Inside bed environment was hot and
temperature was too high. Install strainer in the feed line, if any
blockage piece came in feed line can
remove outside the Prill or drying tower to Six Month
Hazard & Consequences:
provide safe work system to worker.
Environment Hazard and confined space
hazard. Long Term:
May cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Install camera inside the Prill or drying
tower to watch the fluidized bed height
and condition of spoilage or non spoilage.
Observation: Immediate: Immediate
Use stop blocks to prevent vehicles
Excavation work was carried out for the
Overrunning. Barriers and signs to
installing new ID fan blower in the coal
Prevent people falling into excavations.
furnace plant. And area was not barricade.
One week
Hazard & Consequences: Short Term:

Falling Hazard Organizing a good traffic management

Risk of people, material and equipments falling system in place. Traffic routes should be
into the excavations and the possible results clearly marked.
could be fatalities. Two week
Long Term:
Excavations must be inspected at the
Beginning of the shift on daily basis.
All personnel need to be trained and
competent to carry out their tasks safely.

10 | P a g e
INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Item Observation Control Measures Time Scale

Hazards and Consequences Immediate/longer term action
Observation: Immediate: Immediate
The electrical system should be always
The electrical system in the main electrical locked & secured
panel room was open & unattended
Lock out tag out procedure should be
Hazard & Consequences: used in case of any maintenance or
Fire & explosion
Electrocution It should be under control of permit to
Short circuit work system
Observation: Immediate: Immediate

To install filter pressure in the chemical area, Provide Gloves to the worker
the construction work was under progress and
worker was using drill machine. Short Term: One Week

Hazard & Consequences: Provide training and supervision

Vibration Hazard Long Term: Regular

Hand arm vibration syndrome, numbness and
blanching of fingers, reduction in the dexterity Provide job rotation after intervals

Observation: Immediate: Immediate

Worker was smoking in the warehouse of fuel Place prohibition sign for no smoking
Short Term:
Hazard & Consequences: One Week
Provide training and supervision to the
Fire hazard and discipline hazard. employees
Result in severe injuries and property
damage Two week
Long Term:

Install smoke detector in the warehouse

11 | P a g e
INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate’s observation sheet
(2014 specification)



Student Name: Muahammad Kaiser Faheem Student Number: 00218445

Place Inspected: Ittehad Chemical Ltd. Lahore Date of Inspection: 02 / 02 / 2014.

Good Practices:
Good Practices Maintain Keep it up
 Providence of door to door pick and drop Maintain it because it is good Keep up
service to workers service from company side is a good
practice, it must be continue and maintain. practice.

 Store house and maintenance workshop was Maintain it because it is good Keep up
away from hazardous area and it was well ventilated
and managed everything in good order is a good practice.

 Chemical and flammable chemical store house Maintain it because it is good Keep up
was separated and was little away from the plant area
and was out of any hazards range, and was well practice.

 Drinking water filters changed after regular Maintain it because it is good Keep up
intervals is a good practice to maintain good health of
employees. practice.

 Medical facilities are good and quick service in Maintain it because it is good Keep up
case of any emergency is a good thing to maintain
good standard of health and safety standards. practice.

 Canteen was near to rest rooms and well Maintain it because it is good Keep up
maintains and comfort and cleaned and hygienic foods
were provided. practice.

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