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She feeds her cats

She has ___________. One cat is black. The _________ cat is white. The black cat’s name is
Blacky. The white cat’s name is Whitey. She feeds her cats. She puts their food in
_________. She puts ________ dish on the floor. She _________ her cats. They come into
the __________. They eat the food.

He builds a snowman

It is a ________ day. It is cold _________. The snow falls. It covers the _________. Snow
falls for ___________. Finally it stops. He puts on his __________ jacket. He goes outside.
He builds a snowman. It is a ______ snowman. It is a tall snowman. He goes back inside.

She swims everyday

She is a good _____________. Her school has a swim team. She is on the swim team. She
______________ every day. She swims in the pool every day. She swims ___________
every day. She is a __________ swimmer. She wins __________. She wants to swim in the
Olympics. She wants to swim for her ___________.

She rides her skateboard

She looks at her skateboard. It is _________ 3 feet long. It has four plastic ______. It is about
6 inches _________. She loves her skateboard. It takes her ____________. It takes her to
__________. It takes her to dance class. It takes her to her friend’s house. It takes her home.

He gets a weekly allowance

He gets an allowance. He gets $5 ____________. His dad gives it to him. His dad gives $5 to
him every ___________. He spends his allowance every weekend. He __________ spends it
on Friday night. He spends it at the mall. He spends it on ___________. He buys
_________scoops of vanilla ice cream.

She plays basketball

She plays basketball. She plays basketball almost every day. There is a basketball _______ in
the park. The park is __________ her house. She goes to the park after school. She plays with
the boys. She is a good player. She makes a lot of ___________. She scores a lot of

Everyone loves babies

Babies ______. Babies smile. Babies drool. They look at _________. They look at
_________. They kick their feet in the ___________. They make fists with their hands.
Babies are curious. They put everything into their _________. They ride ___________ in
baby strollers. They get a lot of _____________. They have an _______ life.

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