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“Causes And Effects Of Corruption In Developing Countries”

Corruption is the most common issue of almost every county in general and that of developing
countries in particular. It is one of the root causes of a nation’s economic destruction. If majority of a
society is corrupt then such society can never see the face of progress and prosperity. For a developing
country corruption is extremely devastating; it throws the country into backwardness in all walks of life.

Corruption is not a disease for a country’s economy but it deprives its people of moral values as
well. I n a society where corrupt practices are common, dishonesty, fraud, bribery, nepotism and demerit,
greed are the characteristics of its people. Such corrupt people are the worst enemies of a nation than the
real enemies for its existence. Because of corruption, right man for the right job principle is denied which
itself leads to un-repairable losses. For example a teacher or a doctor inducted in his or her respective
field on the basis of bribery, nepotism or any other form of corruption can never deliver his or her
students or patients what a qualified professional person can. Same applies to any other field where
justice or merit is neglected just because of personal gains and benefits. In such a society the poor
becomes poorer while the rich makes money by hook or crook.

It is corruption which forces an innocent person to become thief or sometimes even a deadly
criminal. In a corrupt society or nation when one gets overwhelmed with social injustices, he or she
decides to meet their basic and genuine needs through alternative means irrespective of their legitimacy.
We come across a number of newspapers or social media stories where a highly qualified young man gets
indulged into anti-nation or anti-social activities just because of poverty and unemployment. There are
some state welfare institutes in developing countries which instead of helping orphans, widows and poor ;
leave no stone unturned to multiply their black money. Consequently, such orphans and widows are
forced to play in wrong hands just for the sake of two times livelihood. Such children and women
sometimes become victim of sex brutality by lustful and mean people. All the discredit goes to corruption

There are different reasons of corruption which should be addressed by all the stake
holders that is the government, anti-corruption institutions and the nation. You can see corruption all
around you whether its government or private sector, it will exist there in one form or the other. The basic
reason behind corruption is self-greed and poverty. As far as poverty is concerned, majority of the
population of developing countries lives below the poverty line and live hand to mouth. Such low paid
people when get a some authoritative position, they exceed their limits to earn extra amount apart from
their monthly salary. Such practices are very common in Asian countries, where even a peon is involved
in corruption whatever he can as per his duties. On the other hand, despite being all perks and privileges,
a corrupt government officer considers corruption as his basic right and leaves no stone unturned to rob
off the government’s money with both of his hands. Corruption is not confined to government
departments only. Businessmen also earn undue profit by selling their products at high costs while using
low quality materials in their products e.g food items, medicines, sports items etc etc. Similarly
constructors are sometimes so blind for gathering wealth that don’t care for human lives and use low
quality material in roads or building constructions. This rich class is involved in corruption not to meet
their basic needs instead they do so to avail as much luxuries as possible, totally ignoring that they are
becoming a rigid hurdle in the way of their country’s progress.
Corruption should be condemned in its all forms or levels. It’s the joint responsibility of nation
and government to put their best to get rid of this menace. It’s time to say no to corruption in the vested
interest of our country’s progress and prosper. Only corruption free society can advance in all walks of
life. It can be eradicated from the society through social and religious awareness as well. Religious aspect
is also important because no religion of the world supports it. If a nation is determined to fight against
corruption than no force can stop it to make progress by leaps and bounds. Developing countries only
need to eliminate this hurdle in their way and that time is not farther when they will be standing in the
row of developed countries.

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