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Regulatory Peptides 104 (2002) 47 – 53

Effects of orexins on energy balance and thermoregulation

Miklós Székely a,*, Erika Pétervári a, Márta Balaskó a, István Hernádi b, Boglárka Uzsoki b
Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, 12 Szigeti ut, Pécs, H-7624, Hungary
Department of Zoology and Neurobiology, Faculty of Science, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary


Intracerebroventricular injections of 10 – 20-mg orexin-A induce food intake in rats for about 30 min, or enhance fasting-induced
hyperphagia. In thermoregulatory studies, an amount of 2 mg of the peptide causes hypometabolism and hypothermia in the same period. The
thermoregulatory reaction can be demonstrated at moderately cool environments, mainly after slight food deprivation. Both the ingestive and
the thermoregulatory reactions are more pronounced in cold-adapted animals. Pretreatment with D-Tyr27,36,D-Thr32-NPY(27 – 36), a peptide-
antagonist of NPY, prevents the hypothermia. It is concluded that, probably through NPY activation, orexin-A is involved primarily in the
regulation of energy status of the body (as an anabolic agent), and not simply in the regulation of either food intake or body temperature. This
anabolic response is followed by a late and more sustained catabolic phase characterized by absence of food intake, increased metabolism and
dose-dependent hyperthermia, which hyperthermia cannot be suppressed by the NPY-antagonist. In contrast to orexin-A, neither hyperphagia
nor suppression of refeeding hyperphagia, but dose-dependent hyperthermia follows injections of orexin-B, suggesting that this peptide has
neither coordinated anabolic nor coordinated catabolic effects on energy balance. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Food intake; Fasting; Operant behavior; Metabolic rate; Temperature; Neuropeptide Y

1. Introduction run, demands of metabolic rate must be met by proportional

(although periodical) food intake; the abnormalities result in
Neuropeptides have long been known to participate in changes of body weight. The short-term balance between
the regulation of food intake, body weight and metabolic energy production (actual metabolic rate) and energy dis-
processes [1]. Various studies of the past few years have sipation is a function of temperature regulation; any imbal-
established an important place for orexins (hypocretins) of ance is manifested as change in body temperature.
the lateral hypothalamic area among the central orexigenic In this paper an attempt is made for integrated analysis of
substances [2– 6]. Exogenous (centrally injected) orexins the effects of orexins on energy status in the rat, including
have been demonstrated to induce food intake [7 – 9], while those effects they have on ingestive behavior and on
hypothalamic levels of prepro-orexin mRNA became ele- thermoregulation. The effects of orexin-A and orexin-B
vated after fasting [10,11]. might not be identical [7 –9,20]. The observed orexin effects
Apart from their effects on ingestive behavior, orexins are to be compared with those described for neuropeptide Y
have also been reported to participate in, or have an in- (NPY) because some orexin actions resemble the effects of
fluence on, various physiological processes such as the re- NPY [21] and an interaction is possible between the two
gulation of cardiovascular functions [12 – 14], behavior peptides [5,23 – 25]. Besides, since thermal adaptation may
[15 – 17], sleep/wake cycle [17,18], endocrine functions modify both food intake and thermoregulatory reactions
[19], and they may also influence metabolic rate [12,20] (energy status, in general) [22,26,27], orexin actions were
and the regulation of body temperature [21]. compared in control non-adapted and cold-adapted rats.
Although in studies using orexigenic peptides the regu-
lation of food intake is by far the most frequently investigated
aspect of energy balance, these studies cover only one side of 2. Materials and methods
the problem. Maintenance of energy homeostasis depends on
long-term and short-term regulatory processes. In the long 2.1. Animals

Corresponding author. Tel.: +36-72-536246; fax: +36-72-536247. Adult Wistar rats of both sexes were used from the colony
E-mail address: (M. Székely). of the Department of Pathophysiology. The animals were

0167-0115/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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48 M. Székely et al. / Regulatory Peptides 104 (2002) 47–53

maintained singly in plastic boxes with some woodchip 45 mg each. The released pellets were counted continuously.
bedding, where conventional rat chow and water were For 3 consecutive days prior to the test, the animals were
available ad libitum. All rats were habituated to handling trained to use the system and they never left uneaten pellets
and daily weighing procedures. Besides, they were accus- in the feeder. Consumption of pellets was measured after
tomed to a semi-restraining cage, which prevented them from ICV injections of orexin-A or 0.9% NaCl and the cumu-
turning around, without blocking their other movements— lative values were given at 20-min intervals.
these animals were used in studying temperature regulation According to the second method, the unanesthesized rats
and metabolic rate, or in observing body weight changes in received an ICV injection of orexin or 0.9% NaCl and 10
the course of feeding. The temperature of the animal room min later the conventional chow was offered in their home
was either 22 – 25 C (non-adapted group, NA) or 3 – 5 C cage. In this case, the body weights were measured every 30
(cold-adapted group, CA) for a period of at least a month, with min for a period of 3 h, as well as the cumulative chow
lights on between 06:00 and 18:00 in both rooms. Some other consumption by the end of the whole period. Naturally,
NA rats were accustomed to a Colbourn Habitest system, concurrent water intake and urinary/fecal losses also modi-
which enabled us to study operant behavior in food ingestion. fied body weights, but the maximal weight changes were
Most animals underwent several (feeding, thermoreg- still in good correlation with the cumulative food intake
ulation) tests: altogether 69 rats were used on 231 occasions. [27]. Thus, weight changes (expressed as percent of initial
After finishing the last tests, all rats were given a narcotic body weight) were accepted as indicators of food intake, and
overdose. Location of the implanted cerebroventricular the course of weight changes gave a rough estimate of the
cannula was checked macroscopically at postmortem exami- dynamics of food intake. In some cases, food (but not water)
nation, and only data of those rats were accepted in which was withdrawn for 24 h prior to testing, in order to check the
the right location was confirmed. All experiments and in- possibility that refeeding hyperphagia is altered by orexins.
terventions were undertaken according to the general rules
and special approval of the University of Pécs Ethical Com- 2.4. Thermoregulatory tests
mittee for the Protection of Animals in Research.
For testing thermoregulatory responses, the unanesthe-
2.2. Surgery, injection methods sized rats were placed in the semi-restraining cage in which
copper-constantan thermocouples were attached to them for
At the end of the adaptation period and 1 week before measuring temperatures of the colon (Tc) and the tail skin
the first testing, a 22-gauge stainless steel guide cannula (Ts). Together with this cage, the rats were placed into an
was implanted under intraperitoneal ketamine (Calypsol, open-circuit brass metabolic chamber which, in turn, was
Richter) + xylazine (Rometar, Spofa) (78 + 13 mg/kg, respec- immersed into a thermostatically controlled water bath of
tively) anesthesia into a lateral cerebral ventricle (intracere- thermoneutrality (28 – 30 C for NA and 25 C for CA rats)
broventricularly, ICV; A: 1.0, L: 1.5, V: 3.8 mm). On test- or 10 C below thermoneutrality (20 C for NA and 15 C
days an injection cannula was inserted. This was connected for CA rats). Metabolic rate (MR) was measured by the help
to a polyethylene tube containing the required amount of of a Kipp– Noyons diaferometer. Temperature of the cham-
orexin-A or orexin-B (Bachem) in a volume of 5 ml, or a ber (Ta), along with Tc, Ts and MR were continuously
combination of the NPY-antagonist D-Tyr27,36, D-Thr32- recorded for a period of 3 h following ICV injections. In
NPY(27 –36) (Bachem, referred to as H-3328) plus orexin- order to see the other side of thermal balance, heat loss was
A, both in 5 ml. Similar volume of the solvent (0.9% NaCl) assessed from the heat loss index (HLI = Ts Ta/Tc Ta)
was injected in control experiments. Small bubbles separated calculated according to earlier methods [21].
the active substances from each other or from the physio-
logical saline that filled up the rest of the 25 –30-cm-long 2.5. Statistical analysis
tube. This length served to give injections remotely. Most
rats were used repeatedly in various tests, but at least 1 week One-way ANOVA with Scheffe’s post hoc tests and
elapsed between two tests with ICV injections. Injections Student’s t-tests were used for statistical analyses. Statistical
were given from around 10:00 to 12:00. significance was accepted at the level of p < 0.05. Figures
demonstrate mean values F S.E.M.
2.3. Assessment of food intake

Two methods were used for testing the effect of peptides 3. Results
on food intake, both on female rats. According to the first
one, the operant behavior was analyzed by a Colbourn 3.1. Effect of orexins on food intake and body weight
Habitest system (Colbourn Instruments, Allentown, PA):
upon pushing its head into the feeder, the rat interrupted a In the operant behavior model, the novelty of the pellet
photocell system and a pellet was released to the feeder. The initiated feeding: normally fed rats started to eat immedi-
pellets were of dustless precision Bioserve PLT20 variety, ately after being placed into the system, even if they were
M. Székely et al. / Regulatory Peptides 104 (2002) 47–53 49

Fig. 1. Cumulative number of pellets (FI = food intake) consumed by rats Fig. 3. Rise of BW in 24-h food-deprived CA rats in the course of refeeding
(n = 4) following ICV injection of 0.9% NaCl (—) or 10 mg orexin-A (.-.). (in percent of fasting BW) after ICV injections of 0.9% NaCl (—, n = 12),
Operant behavior studied in a Colbourn Habitest system. Asterisks (*): 20 mg orexin-A (.-., n = 6), or 20 mg orexin-B (6-6, n = 6). Chow offered
statistically significant differences between the two tests (Student). 10 min after injection. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant
difference (Scheffe).

not injected or were injected ICV with 0.9% NaCl. How-

ever, this was confined to the first 20-min period, except in
rats injected ICV with 10-mg orexin-A in which pellet
consumption continued and the cumulative intake became
significantly higher by the second 20-min period (Fig. 1).
The difference between control and orexin-A-treated ani-
mals did not increase any more in the next periods.
Cumulative 3-h chow consumption also increased after
ICV administration of orexin-A: following 20-mg ICV
orexin-A injection, NA rats consumed 3.56 F 0.47 g chow
(vs. 0.81 F 0.32 g after ICV saline treatment), while in CA
rats similar injection induced more pronounced food intake
(4.33 F 0.63 vs. 1.68 F 0.40 g following ICV saline, or
1.47 F 0.51 g after 20 mg ICV orexin-B). For orexin-A the
response was dose-dependent: smaller doses elicited smaller
food intakes.
Similarly to the differences in chow consumption, greater
body weight rises (reflecting greater food intakes) followed
the orexin-A injections in CA than in NA rats, but the

Fig. 4. Changes of body temperature (Tc, upper panel) and metabolic rate
(MR, lower panel) in non-adapted rats at 20 C environmental temperature
following ICV injection of 0.9% NaCl (interrupted line, n = 6), or 2 mg
orexin-A (6-6, n = 5). Similar data for 24-h food-deprived rats: ICV
injection of 0.9% NaCl (—, n = 6), or 2 mg orexin-A (.-., n = 6). For clarity,
S.E.M. is not shown for control MR curves. The initial Tc and MR values
Fig. 2. Body weight changes (DBW) in percent of initial BW in CA and were similar in all groups. Asterisk (*): significant difference vs. all other
NA rats after ICV injection of 0, 2, 10 or 20 mg orexin-A. The initial body groups, (x): significant difference between the two orexin-treated groups
weights were similar in various groups; n = 13, 6, 10, 6, respectively, for (Scheffe). In the interval of 20 – 60-min significant differences between
CA, and 9, 8, 7, 8 for NA rats. MR-s of the two orexin-treated groups (Student).
50 M. Székely et al. / Regulatory Peptides 104 (2002) 47–53

effects were dose-dependent in both groups. Fig. 2 demon-

strates the fractional body weight changes within a 90-min
period: the greatest rise was observed in the first 30-min
interval, further weight gains in the consecutive periods
were smaller or negligible. In the first interval clear dose-
dependence is obvious, and also a remarkable difference
between the responses of CA and NA rats.
Fig. 3 shows that orexin-A was even more efficient in
food-deprived CA rats: it strongly enhanced the body
weight rise in the course of refeeding hyperphagia. Ore-
xin-B neither enhanced nor suppressed the refeeding hy-
Fig. 6. Changes of Tc in CA rats-injected ICV with 2 mg orexin-A at
3.2. Orexin effects on regulation of body temperature thermoneutrality (25 C) (6-6, n = 7) or at 15 C (.-., n = 13). Control CA
rats received 0 mg peptide (0.9% NaCl) at 25 C (interrupted line, n = 6) or
Smaller orexin-A doses were sufficient to affect Tc than at 15 C (—, n = 5). Initial Tc values: 37.4 – 37.9 C. Asterisk (*): significant
hypothermia (Scheffe) or hyperthermia (Student), diamond (x): significant
the doses necessary to influence food intake. In these studies
hyperthermia (orexin vs. control at 25 C, Scheffe).
the peptide was administered at moderately cool environ-

ments (20 vs. 15 C for NA vs. CA rats, respectively); not

too cold in order that a Tc-rise could still be manifested by
further MR-rise, and cold enough that a Tc-fall could also
easily develop by suppression of the cold-induced MR-rise.
In NA rats, 2-mg orexin-A ICV injection (which, in CA
rats, evoked maximal responses) induced only a slight, late
Tc-rise (Fig. 4), 1 mg was occasionally followed by an early
Tc-fall, and less peptide was ineffective. However, 2 mg
regularly suppressed MR and Tc in those NA rats, which had
been food-deprived for 24 h prior to the test.
In contrast to NA rats, in CA animals (without food
deprivation) characteristic biphasic Tc-changes followed the
ICV injections of 2-mg orexin-A: an initial Tc-fall lasting for
30 – 40 min was followed by a longer-lasting Tc-rise (Fig.
5a). The hypothermia was maximal and regular at this dose
and was less clear or absent when using smaller or bigger
doses; while the hyperthermic late phase was greater after
larger doses of the peptide. Since HLI was continuously low
(not demonstrated), in the present studies (unlike in our
preliminary data [21]), radiant heat loss did not contribute to
the observed hypothermia. Not heat loss, but a moderate
MR-depression was responsible for the Tc-fall, similarly as
in the fasting NA rats of Fig. 4. In the hyperthermic phase
maximal skin vasoconstriction was coupled with elevated
In CA rats at moderately cool (15 C) environment, the
orexin-A-induced early hypothermia, but not the late hyper-
thermia, was prevented by ICV pretreatment with NPY-
antagonist H-3328 (Fig. 5b), although the antagonist alone
Fig. 5. (a) Changes of Tc in CA rats injected ICV with various doses of
orexin-A at an ambient temperature of 15 C. The initial Tc values were
did not cause any immediate thermoregulatory change (it
between 37.2 and 37.8 C (n = 6, 6, 9, or 8 for doses of 0, 0.5, 2, or 10 mg was followed by a late, slight hyperthermia).
orexin-A, respectively). (b) Changes of Tc in CA rats injected ICV at 15 C If the peptide was given at thermoneutrality, no MR-fall
with 0.9% saline (- - -, n = 6), 2 mg orexin-A (.-., n = 13), 10 mg NPY- or HLI-rise and no hypothermic phase were seen (Fig. 6);
antagonist H-3328 (—, n = 9), or orexin-A 10 min after H-3328 (6-6, only the late hyperthermic effect was observed.
n = 7). The initial Tc values varied between 37.6 and 37.8 C. H-3328 given
at arrow. Asterisks (*): significant hypothermia for orexin-A-treated rats
Interestingly, the metabolic and thermal responses to
(vs. all others, Scheffe), at 110 – 180-min interval significant hyperthermia orexin-B were qualitatively different from the orexin-A-
(.-., 6-6, vs. saline-treated controls). induced responses in that, at any dose applied, orexin-B
M. Székely et al. / Regulatory Peptides 104 (2002) 47–53 51

37]. An interaction of the two peptides has also been

suggested: NPY antagonism successfully prevented the
ingestive response to central orexin-A administration
[5,23 – 25]. Following ICV orexin-A injection, a high c-fos
activity was most strongly expressed in the paraventricular
and the arcuate nuclei [8,38], which nuclei are involved also
in NPY actions.
Food intake responses to orexins, although very impor-
tant, describe only a part of the role these peptides play in
energy homeostasis: food intake and MR determine the
long-term balance. The present and earlier data [20,21]
show that the short-term balance of energy homeostasis
(MR/thermoregulation) is also affected by orexins. The
Fig. 7. Changes of Tc in CA rats injected ICV with 0, 2, 10, or 20 mg orexin- question arises whether the two (feeding and metabolic/
B at an ambient temperature of 15 C (interrupted line, —, 6-6, or .-., thermal) actions are merely coinciding or are parts of an
respectively, with n = 6, 6, 5, or 4). The initial Tc values were between 37.5 integrated regulatory pattern, which regulation might par-
and 37.9 C. ticipate in complex adaptive physiological responses. The
pattern may be either anabolic, i.e., increase/retention of
elicited hyperthermia only (Fig. 7), never hypothermia. body energy content (tendency for enhanced food intake
Particularly pronounced early hyperthermia was seen upon plus MR-depression and consequent falls in Tc and heat
injection of large orexin-B dose, which was followed by a loss), or catabolic, i.e., decrease of energy content (satiety
second, late Tc-rise. with high MR and Tc). Fasting versus postprandial states
might be appropriate examples [26]. Some substances may
influence food intake and MR independently, and not in an
4. Discussion integrated fashion (e.g. neurotensin may cause hypometab-
olism plus hypophagia; thyroxine induces hypermetabolism
Confirming earlier reports [2,3,5,9], the present data show with high food intake); these substances modify energy
that orexin-A, rather than orexin-B [7,8,20,28], can induce content but cannot be regarded as primary regulators of
food intake in satiated animals. It is a new finding wherein energy balance. Accordingly, the food intake-modulating
thermal adaptation modifies the peptide action; following actions of orexins ought to be related to their metabolic/
identical ICV orexin-A doses, CA rats ate more and gained thermoregulatory actions, to see whether or not these pep-
significantly more weight than their NA counterparts. This is tides can be accepted as such regulators of energy status.
in line with previous findings that cold-adaptation can Similar to the effects on ingestion, the thermoregulatory
increase the responsiveness to centrally applied prostaglan- effects of orexin-A also resemble the effects of NPY [21] and
din or NPY [27]. Alternatively, the clearly hyperphagic CA may be characterized as a biphasic reaction: a short-lived
rats might be assumed to have continuously high orexigenic initial hypometabolism/hypothermia is followed by a longer-
activity [22] and to be more hungry at the time of injection. lasting late hyperthermic period. As shown for ICV serotonin
Fasting also increases orexigenic activity and it enhances the [39], the fast thermoregulatory reactions might be more
ingestive response to orexin-A (Fig. 3). specific than the late ones. Thus, the orexin-induced early
Figs. 1 and 2 demonstrate that the feeding activity eli- hypothermia, rather than the late hyperthermia, is the effect
cited by a single orexin-A injection is limited to a period of which should be regarded a relatively specific action (though
about 30 – 40 min. This is in accord with earlier studies in not necessarily a direct one). However, the hypothermia can
which orexin-A induced only transient, if any, elevations in be demonstrated (1) only with certain doses, (2) only at
food intake [25] even in the course of chronic ICV admin- certain (cool) ambient temperatures, (3) only in CA or fasting
istration [15,29] and, unlike NPY [30,31], this peptide could NA rats—these findings would need some explanation.
not cause obesity [28,29]. A special orexin receptor antag- (Ad 1) In the present experiments, a narrow bell-shaped
onist was still able to suppress normal nocturnal feeding (not uncommon) dose – response relationship was found for
[32], and anti-orexin serum attenuated fasting-induced food the orexin-induced hypothermia, with maximal and very
intake [25,33]. Apparently, orexin-A might participate in consistent hypothermic effect at a dose of 2 mg. It is not a
mechanisms of normal (not exaggerated) food intake and unique finding that smaller doses were sufficient to influ-
normal energy homeostasis. Small ICV doses of orexin-A ence Tc than those needed to induce hyperphagia: similar
delayed satiety, larger doses caused sedation followed by a differences were found for the effects of NPY [our unpub-
behavioral sequence of eating, grooming, locomotion, sniff- lished data].
ing, etc. [34]. (Ad 2) Without enhanced heat loss, manifestation of any
The orexigenic effect of orexin-A, although weaker, hypothermic action is rather difficult at a thermoneutral
resembles the effect of NPY of the arcuate nucleus [3,35 – environment: at this temperature MR (being at its minimal
52 M. Székely et al. / Regulatory Peptides 104 (2002) 47–53

level) can decrease only under the influence of toxic ing, it is also a characteristic mechanism of heat-dissipation
substances. In the cold, however, already minor suppression in cases of hyperthermia [40]. Despite the dose-dependence
of the cold-induced MR-elevation can cause hypothermia. of the late hyperthermia, it is probably also an indirect effect
Since orexin-A is not toxic, it does not enhance heat loss, of orexin-A. For example, the anorexigenic CRH has also
but can suppress cold-induced MR-rise; the orexin-induced been suggested to play a role in conveying some orexin-A
temperature fall may be only mild or completely missing at effects [19,25] and other studies [41] have indicated CRH to
thermoneutrality, but may be expressive at cool environ- increase MR and induce hyperthermia.
ments. Orexin-B appears to differ from orexin-A in that orexin-
(Ad 3) Enhanced activity of orexigenic peptides is likely B is involved mainly in behavioral and other processes
to participate in the development of spontaneous hyper- [15,42] and only less intimately in the energy status or
phagia in CA animals [22,37]. Food deprivation also acti- normal food intake [43]. This peptide was found either
vates central orexigenic mechanisms [3,5,6]. These possibly ineffective [7,28] or only slightly effective [8,9] in inducing
explain our finding that orexin-A caused hypometabolism ingestive behavior. In the present experiments, orexin-B did
with hypothermia (and marked food intake) in CA rats and not elicit food intake, nor did it enhance refeeding hyper-
in fasting NA ones, more than in well-fed NA animals. At phagia (Fig. 3). The effects of orexin-B appear to be dif-
the same time, this is a spectacular demonstration of the ferent also in thermoregulation: exclusively hyperthermia
difficulties of interpreting thermoregulatory responses or, followed the administration of the peptide (Fig. 7). With
eventually, the lack of such responses. smaller doses this started late, but in case of large dose this
It is worth emphasizing that the period of hypometabo- was preceded by an immediate, sharp first-phase rise in
lism/hypothermia was in good correlation with the period of body temperature. The hyperthermic effect was not accom-
increased food intake (Fig. 2 vs. Fig. 5). Thus, these effects panied by anorexia: orexin-B did not attenuate refeeding
of orexin-A appear to form a coordinated energy-saving hyperphagia (Fig. 3). Apparently, no consistent anabolic or
(anabolic) regulatory pattern, resulting in an increase of catabolic pattern can be demonstrated for orexin-B, and this
energy content of the body both by increased food intake substance probably has some other roles.
and by depressed metabolism. In conclusion, it is suggested that orexin-A is not in-
The orexin-A effects are not necessarily direct actions. In volved primarily or separately in the regulation of either
the orexigenic effects, a role has been suggested for NPY food intake or body temperature, rather it is a regulator of
[5,23 –25]: various NPY-antagonizing methods antagonized the energy status of the body. Its specific effect is likely to
the food intake response to centrally administered orexin-A. be improvement of energy status by increasing food intake
In the present experiments (Fig. 5b) the NPY-antagonist H- and decreasing energy wastage. This is a short-lived imme-
3328 prevented the hypothermic phase of the thermal diate anabolic effect, which is followed by a late and more
response to orexin-A, without affecting the late hyperther- sustained catabolic phase characterized by absence of food
mia. Both the hypothermia-inducing and the orexigenic intake and enhanced metabolism. Despite the fact that
effects of orexin-A (unlike the phenomena of the late orexin-B can also influence body temperature, this peptide
hyperthermia) are NPY-dependent, reinforcing our conclu- does not seem to be of primary importance in the regulation
sion that the effects are connected as parts of an integrated of energy balance.
anabolic regulatory pattern.
In mice, ICV-injected orexin-A was reported to induce
feeding, and also a rise in MR [20]. From the point of view Acknowledgements
of energy balance, this appears to be rather controversial:
food intake increases energy content in the body, while the The authors are grateful for the most reliable and
MR-rise acts in the opposite direction, it decreases energy conscientious technical assistance of Ms. M. Koncsecskó-
content. These data seem to be at variance with our findings Gáspár, Ms. E. Pákai and Ms. A. Bóka-Kis. The valuable
in rats. critical comments of Prof. Z. Szelényi are greatly appre-
The later phases of orexin-A action, with hypermetabo- ciated. This work was supported in part by the National
lism and hyperthermia, are in contrast to the early regulatory Scientific Grant Agency of Hungary (OTKA T026511).
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