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 How did Jerry and Nell presented interpersonal

communication skills in the movie?
 What are the elements of interpersonal
communications portrayed in the movie?
Describe each.
 How are the non verbal communications played
The conclusion on the a big role in the movie? Explain briefly.

patient’s condition:
At the court hearing the next day, Al, who wants to study Nell in a controlled environment, delivers his
opinion that Nell has Asperger syndrome and belongs in an institution. Nell then comes forward and,
with Jerry interpreting, speaks for herself. Five years later, Jerry and Paula bring their daughter, Ruthie,
to visit Nell in her house. It is Nell's birthday, and friends surround her.

Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterized by

significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and
repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. As a milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it differs from
other ASDs by relatively normal language and intelligence. Although not required for diagnosis, physical
clumsiness and unusual use of language are common. Signs usually begin before two years old and
typically last for a person's entire life.

The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown. While it is probably partly inherited, the underlying genetics
have not been determined conclusively. Environmental factors are also believed to play a role. Brain
imaging has not identified a common underlying problem.

There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only
limited data. Treatment is aimed at improving poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive
routines and physical clumsiness. Interventions may include social skills training, cognitive behavioral
therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, parent training and medications for associated problems
such as mood or anxiety. Most children improve as they grow up, but social and communication
difficulties usually persist.

The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who in 1944 described children in
his practice who lacked nonverbal communication, had limited understanding of others' feelings, and
were physically clumsy.

How did Jerry and Nell presented interpersonal communication skills

in the movie?
Interpersonal communication is not optional. By not communicating we are communicating
something: perhaps that we are shy, perhaps that we are angry, perhaps that we are too busy. We
communicate far more and far more honestly with non-verbal communication than we do with words.

Non-verbal communication combined with verbal communication was used by Dr. Lovell. This
interpersonal skills were employed to reach out Nell.
Nell used non-verbal communication dominantly than verbal communication. The non-verbal
communication that she showed played a role for Dr. Lovell to observe Nell.

Dr. Olsen discovers that Nell's seemingly indecipherable language is English, based partly on her
mother's aphasic speech after a stroke, and partly on the secret language she shared with her decades-
deceased identical twin sister.

What are the elements of interpersonal communications portrayed in

the movie? Describe each.
Whether it takes place in person, on the Internet or by telephone, interpersonal communication
involves the exchange of information between at least two individuals. While the two-person dynamic is
essential, interpersonal communication can take place among larger groups as well. The central
elements of interpersonal communication include nonverbal, paraverbal and verbal factors. These
elements work both individually and together to enhance the experience. In the movie these factors can
be observed:

Nonverbal Factors

Nonverbal elements of interpersonal communication involve body language’s effect on the

interpretation of verbal cues. Eye contact, where the speaker holds the gaze of the audience, is one
essential component of nonverbal interpersonal communication. Body posture also affects the
reception of the message, with slouching or facing away implying a lack of interest. The position of the
arms, hands, legs and feet add additional elements, while certain gestures such as fidgeting or shielding
of the body with crossed arms implies that the person is not open to the experience.

Paraverbal Factors

Paraverbal elements include factors such as voice pitch, tone and rate of speech. These work with the
verbal elements of interpersonal communication to add emphasis to certain ideas being expressed. In
addition, the way in which a speaker stresses certain syllables or words can affect the meaning of the
message being conveyed. Volume also has an effect. Words spoken with more volume carry greater
importance than those presented at a normal or lower volume.

Verbal Factors

Language style, grammar and word choice all play important verbal roles in interpersonal
communication. These elements help control the message being presented, greatly affecting the quality
and formation of the message. Word organization and choice can increase the clarity and effectiveness
of the message through formal and informal cues contained within the language.

Combining the Factors

While each of the factors in interpersonal communication work independently to increase the
effectiveness of the messages being related between two or more people, these elements must work
together to ensure clarity and understanding. Constructing the message and delivering it in a clear and
concise manner helps ensure against misinterpretation and confusion. By making sure the message is
communicated clearly the first time, the speaker also promotes a more efficient level of communication
where the message will not need to be further analyzed or repeated to ensure proper understanding.

How are the non-verbal communication played a big role in the

movie? Explain briefly
Interpersonal communication is much more than the explicit meaning of words, the information
or message conveyed. It also includes implicit messages, whether intentional or not, which are
expresses through non-verbal behaviors.

Non- verbal communication includes facial expressions, the tone and the pitch of the voice,
gestures displayed through body language and the physical distance between the communicators.

Non-verbal signals can give clues and additional information and meaning over and above
spoken communication.

In the movie, Nell exhibited mostly non-verbal communication. Without it Dr. Lovell could not
have observed her behavior and communication would be impossible. The gestures and body
movements made by Nell were some of the non-verbal communication in the movie.

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