UG Core Courses

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UG Core Courses Syllabus – Spring – 2017

Version-6 (03/03/2017)

Sl. Course
Course Name
No Code
1. CSE371 Artificial Intelligence
2. IEC103 Basic Electronic Circuits

3. Basic Design

4. HSS341 Classical Language: Sanskrit I

5. ICS104 Computer Systems Organization

6. ICS251 Computer Networks

7. ECE335 Communication Theory I

8. ICS103 Data Structures

9. CES223 Design of Concrete Structures

10. IEC239 Digital Signal Analysis & Applications

11. ECE341 Digital Signal Processing

12. ECE339 ECE Lab

13. CES511 Engineering Drawing and Sketching

14. IEG201 Engineering Systems

15. IHS142 English 2

16. IEC104 Electronics Workshop I

17. ECE291 Electronics Workshop II

18. CES331 Estimating and Costing

19. CSE311 Formal Methods

20. CSE251 Graphics

21. HSS300 History of Ideas

HSS Skills 2
Art and Craft-2
Folk Art & Painting-2
22. IHS132
Site and Art-2
Creative Movement-2
Art and Medium-2

23. IHS152 Human Values-2

24. CEW212 Hydraulics & Applications

25. CEB411 Illumination Engineering

26. IHS201 Intro to Human Sciences

27. ECE361 Intro to VLSI

28. SCI320 Intro to Biology

29. ICS105 IT Workshop II

30. CLG412 Linguistics 2: Language & Society

31. IMA102 Maths–II

32. ISC202 Science II

33. HSS330 Space Time & Imaginary Reality*

34. CES115 Strength of Materials Workshop*

35. CES212 Structural Analysis*

IMA102 Maths –II 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Shubhadip Mitra + Lakshmi Burra

Course Topics: Ordinary Differential Equations: Equations of first order and first degree, Linear
Second Order differential with Constant Coefficients, Variation of Parameter method, Picords
Iteration method; Fourier Series: Concepts of Orthogonality and completeness in L2 [a,b], Fourier
Inequality, Parseval Relation, Fourier Series in real and complex forms; Partial Differential
Equations: Product type solutions of ware equation and Heat Conduction Equations; Elements of
Vector Spaces: Vector Spaces, Sub - Spaces, Concepts of Linear Independence, Dimensions Basis
etc., Linear Transformations , Normed Linear Spaces, Pre-hilbert Spaces, Gram-Schmidt
Orthogonalisation Process; Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Caunchy-Riemann Equations,
Conformal-Transformations, Cauchys Integral Theorem, Cauchy Inequality, Livoulles and Moreras
theorem. Taylor & Laurent Exoansions, Poles and Essential Singularities, Residues, Caunchy
Residue Theorem, Contour-Integration; Matrices: Inversa of a Matrix, Echelon form of a Matrix,
Rank, Eigen Values and Eigen-Vectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Hermition and Unitory Matrices,
Similar Matrices, Reduction of Quadratic forms to its canonical forms, necessary and sufficient
condition for Diagonalisation of a real Square Matrix. Statistics & Probability: Mean, Median & Mode,
Standard Deviation. Elements of Probability Theory, Bayes Theorem, Random Variable, PDF &
CDF, Transformation of Random Variable, PDF & CDF, Transformation of Random Variable,
Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Hypergeometric, Probablistic distributions, Markov & Chebyshev
Inequalities Chernoff Bound. Expectation, Covariance, Correlation, Moment Generating function and
characteristic functions, Linear Regression, Estimation.

Grading Plan:
End sem - 40%
Preferred Text Book: C.R.Wylie: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Mc Graw - Hill; K.F.Riley:
Hobson And Bence; Mathematical Methods for physics and Engineering, Cambridge University

Quiz/Assignments :15%
Mid-I :25%
Mid-II :25%
End-sem :35%

ICS103 Data Structures 3-1-3-5

Faculty Name: Lini Thomas

Objective: Understand the importance of organizing data to improve efficiency, connection to

problem solving and real-world situations.

Course Topics – Introduction, Order notation, The need for data structures, The Need for Different
access patterns on arrays, Limitations of array based data structures, Hashing, Trees, Advanced
data structures, Data structures for graphs, Advanced Topics –I, Advanced Topics –II, Advanced
Topics – III.

Grading Plan:

6 assignments : 10marks
4 quiz :10
3lab tests :15
Midterm :15+15
End sem : 35

Outcome: 1. appreciate the need for data structures, 2.Knowledge of basic data structures along
with applications, 3. Gain problem solving skills, 4. Understand issues related to efficiency.

ICS104 Computer Systems Organization 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Suresh Purini

Course Topics: 1. Instruction set architecture design principles using ARM as a case study. 2.
Assembly language programming using ARM ISA. Mapping high level language abstractions to
assembly code. Issues involved in writing recursive and non-recursive functions. 3. Representation
of signed and unsigned integers. The importance of 2’s complement representation of signed
integers in binary arithmetic. Use ARM ISA as a case study. 4. Timing models. Set up time, hold
time, clock-2-Q time. Clock skewing effects. 5. Single cycle CPU design for MIPS ISA. 6. Multiple
cycle CPU design for MIPS ISA. 7. Pipelined CPU design for MIPS ISA. 8. Hazards in pipelined
CPU design. 9. Memory hierarchy organization and its impact on program performance. 10. Direct,
set-associative and fully-associative cache organizations. 11.Mechanisms for addressing and
interfacing I/O devices. Polling and interrupt driven approaches. DMA data transfer.
IEC103 Basic Electronic Circuits 3-1-3-5

Faculty Name: Rambabu Kalla

Objective: After pursuing this course the students shall be able to: 1.develop simple electronic
circuits, 2. analyze the behavior of basic electronic circuits, 3. use operational amplifiers as basic
building blocks of analog electronic circuits.

Course Topics: Examples of Electronic Systems: Music System, Radio, Television, Amplifier:
Amplifier parameters, controlled source models, classification, the operational amplifier (OP-AMP)
as a linear active device, the VCVS model of an op-amp, different amplifier configurations using op-
amp, frequency response of op-amp and op-amp based amplifiers, Filter: Concepts of low-pass,
high-pass and band-pass filters, ideal (brick-wall) filter response, frequency response of simple RC
filters, active RC filters using Op-amp, Oscillator: Effects of negative and positive feedback of an
amplifier, condition of harmonic oscillation, RC and LC oscillator circuits, D-C power supply: Diode
characteristics, half-wave and full wave rectifiers, shunt capacitor filter, voltage regulator, regulated
D-C power supply, Comparator: Op-amp as a comparator, digital inverters (TTL/CMOS) as
comparators, comparator with hysteresis, Schmitt trigger using Op-amp, 555 timer as a two
dimensional comparator, Waveform generators: Concept of bistable, monostable and astable
circuits, timer and relaxation oscillator based on comparator and RC timing circuit, square wave
generator using 555 timer, crystal clock generator, Analog-Digital conversion: Digital to Analog
Converter (DAC) using binary resistor scheme, R-2R ladder DAC, DAC using switched current
resources, Analog to Digital converter (ADC) using capacitor charge/discharge: single-slope and
dual-slope ADCs, ADC using counter and DAC, ADC using successive approximation

Grading Plan
MID I + MID II = 35%

Outcome: As a result of this course students become acquainted with basics of electronic circuits at
least at the system integration level.

ICS105 IT Workshop II 2-0-3-3

Faculty Name: Venkatesh Choppella (Coordinator)

Objective: The objective of the course is to teach students how to productively use their computer
and the computer network to manage information. This will be done by exposing the students to well
established processes of personal and group productivity and the tool s that support these
processes. The key concerns will be (a) flexibility, which will allow students to store and transform
text and data into various formats, (b) automation through programming, for which students will be
taught scripting languages (shell and python), (c) analysis and visualization of data, for which
students will be taught how to carry out simple statistical calculations and plotting using existing
programming libraries in python, and (d) data integrity and security, where students will learn
processes and programming tools to protect and securely store and share data over a network.

Course Topics: Text editors. Users, files, permissions, and processes on Linux. Basic shell
programming, Essential systems administration with shell scripting and elementary Python, Version
control. Light - weight markup and styles through CSS. Literate Programming using Emacs Org
mode, Make files and automated builds. Basic networking concepts mostly focusing on addressing
and routing, Linux commands for setting up a simple network with subnets and routing. Packet
monitoring, Introduction to Python. Data aggregates, plotting and statistical data analysis. Object -
oriented programming. Basic scientific computing, Unit testing and basic software engineering
Encryption and secure shell, Public Key Cryptography and public and private keys. Signing and
digital certificates, Best practices for securing data and your machine.


Mid-1 Exam : 15%

Mid-2 Exam : 15%
Final Exam : 30%
Lab/Assignments : 30%
Lab Final : 10%

Title:Basic Design

Course Code:

Credits: 3-1-0-4

When: Spring 2017

Faculty:Sraavani G

Pre-Requisite: None

This foundation course will introduce the basic terminology of art and design. The course imparts an
understanding of the principles of composition and to appreciate design and design elements. The
course provides a framework for understanding design as a new language by sensitizing students to
the conceptual, visual and perceptual issues involved in the design process.

Course Content:
Introduction to design –importance of design; Study and appreciation of design examples from
natural and man-made environments.

Elements of design: point, line, shape, form, space, texture, value, colour and material; Introduction
to the principles of composition: unity, balance, symmetry,proportion, scale, hierarchy, rhythm,
contrast, harmony, focus, etc; Application of the principles of composition in two dimensional
compositions; Transformations in two dimensions: shapes and patterns; use of grids in creating
repetitive patterns.
Principles of composition-using grids, symmetrical /asymmetrical, rule of thirds, center of interest
etc. Explorative exercises in two dimensional compositions.

Developing compositions in two dimensional designs like- logos, cover page, collage, mural, floor
patterns, grills, railings, gates etc.

Developing compositions in three dimensional designs like- Entrances, gateways, portal, compound
walls built-in furniture etc.

Colour theory, color wheel, primary, secondary, tertiary colors, colorschemes,color value and
intensity. Theoretical inputs to be followed by exercises to develop the ability to translate abstract
principles into two and three dimensionalcompositions.

Study of ornament in architectural design; Different types of ornamentation in buildings; Study and
evaluation of artifactsand historic examples and their applicability

Parameters of design, anthropometrics, human activity and the use of space, Interrelationship of
architectural space to form, structure, and materials to help students develop a visual and tacit
structural understanding through models and installations.

Preferred Text Books:

1. Wucius, Wong. Principles of two Dimensional Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1972.
2. Maier Manfired Basic Principles of Design, Vol.1, 2, 3 & 4, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY. (1977)
3. Ching, Francis D.K. Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, 2nd ed. Van NostrandReinhold, New
York, 1996.
4. Hanks, A. David. Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright, Dover Publications, Inc. New York,
5. Hepler, E. Donald, Wallach, I. Paul. Architecture Drafting and Design, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1977.


Type of Evaluation Weightage (in % )

Mid Sem 10
Mid Sem 10
End Sem 20
Final Presentation 20
Class exercises/ assignments 40

Students who complete the course will be able to:
 Gain a fundamental knowledge of architecture and its principles.
 Create properly composed, well balanced2-dimensional designs using various materials.
 Effectively use the visual elements in a composition and apply the principles of design for
stronger, more creative and effective 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional artwork.

IHS152 Human Values-2 0-2-0-2

Faculty Name : Abhijit Mitra (Coordinator)

Objective: The course is aimed at furthering the understanding of human values gained in Human
Values-1 course; and putting it into action at the level of self and local organization. It will help in
developing correct perception of human life and human happiness; furthering understanding of
framework of universal human values; practical methods for inculcating values; applying them to self
and to local organization.

Course Topics: The classes in the course will run as a series of discussions in small groups as well
as activities. It is expected there would be activities and discussions on alternate weeks. Some
topics covered in the earlier Human Values course which will be continued for discussion are given

1. Relationships: Applying concepts to relationships with friends, with teachers, with family
members, with others. Activity: Applying the above to deal with conflict situations with friends etc. 2.
Respect - do you respect yourself? Do you respect others? 3. Inner self as a source of our strength.
Is your self-respect dependent on the other? Confidence and initiative. Key to happiness. Activity:
Apply it in the context of Felicity (IIIT cultural festival). 4. Role of values in Society. Following rules
and norms. Social behavior. Legality versus morality 5. I and Nature: How to build mutually enriching
relationship with nature? Activity: Tree plantation and caring for the tree. How to conserve? Activity:
Further sensitization of right utilization of physical facilities, i.e., water, electricity, food, labs.,
internet, personal items. Applying it to self as well as local organization level.

There would be no formal lectures in the course. For the above topics, scenarios would be created,
and used to initiate discussion. Activities, as mentioned above, would pertain to applying Jeevan
Vidya in day to day life, dealing with relationships, handling conflicts; to nature, tree plantation and
nourishing the planted tree, cleaning the campus, cultural programme depicting values; managing
the mess or other hostel affairs.

Outcome: At the end of the course, students are expected to start applying the ideas learnt from the
course to their own life, and to local organization around them.

IHS142 English 2 2-0-0-2

Faculty Name: Aruna Chaluvadi

This course is an elective for UG1 and is offered to students who are interested in English Literature.

Objective: A reading of literary texts and talks around the themes of happiness and freedom.

IHS132 HSS Skills 2 2-0-0-2

There are 5 skills courses are available. They are

Art and Craft-2

Folk Art & Painting-2
Site and Art-2
Creative Movement-2
Art and Medium-2

1. Art and Craft-2

Course Topics: Drawing and illustrations with written stories, Last part of the first semester
continues, Color theory and shade cards (Study and practice both at the same time), Shade cards of
images with threads and card boards, Pictorial understanding and composition, Drawing and
painting of different movements, impressions and expressions, Understanding of Rasas in Indian
tradition and study of portraitures, Collection of images to create an archive of artistic persona,
Layout of symbols in design, Overview of the whole course in writing/ presentations.

2. Folk Art & Painting-2

Course Topics: An introduction to Indian narrative folk arts, Mask Making, Rasa theory, puppet
making & puppet show.

3. Site and Art-2

Course Topics: In second course it includes understanding of 3 dimensional spaces, understanding

of line in 3D by use of wire, models made of paper cutouts and artworks made of found objects.

4. Creative Movement-2

Objective: Continued from Sem I where different activities are done to explore above given
concepts, it is continued further with ‘abhinaya’. Small skits and movement explorations are done to
express emotions. Performance at the end of the sem.

Course Topics: Theory – Navarasa, Rasa Sutra, Improvisation.

5. Art and Medium-2

Objective: A thoughtful observation on Visual art practice emphasizing on execution

Course topics: Experiencing paper in three dimensional formats • Collage with readymade and
available materials • Explanation of the techniques and visual example of both the method through
slide presentation • Knowing Origami (17th c. Traditional Japanese art form) and executing it
through different organic forms. • Kirigami as another form practice • ‘Paper Mache’ or paper pulp in
different forms, for instance pen stand, lamp shade etc. • ‘Paper Mache’ Human figure, doll making •
‘Paper Mache’as low relief composition • ‘Paper Mache’ mask making • An Introduction on masks of
India and West in art and social practice • Painting as scroll format by using paper and cloth

Title: Hydraulics
Credits: 3-1-1-5
Corse Code: CEW212
Type-when: Spring -2017
Faculty Name: Dr. Shaik Rehana
Pre-Requisite: NIL
Objective: To develop in students an understanding of the basic concepts of fluid mechanics
and application to solve hydraulic engineering problems
Course Topics:
1. Introduction: Fundamentals and Fluid Properties
2. Fluid Statics and Pressure Measurement
3. Hydrostatic Forces and Buoyancy
4. Kinematics of Flow: Classification of Flow, Continuity Equation
5. Equation of Motion, Bernoulli’s Equation
6. Flow through Pipes, Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow
7. Flow Measurement: Orifices, Mouth pieces, Weirs and Notches
8. Dimensional Analysis
9. Open Channel flow: Energy and momentum principles
List of Laboratory Experiments:
1. Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem
2. Determination of Coefficient of Discharge for Venturi Meter
3. Determination of Coefficient of Discharge for Orifice Meter
4. Estimation of Major Losses in Pipes
5. Determination of Darcy Friction Co-efficient of Flow in a Pipe
6. Estimation of Reynolds Number of a Flow in a Pipe
7. Estimation of Coefficient of Discharge, Coefficient of Contraction, and Coefficient of
Velocity of an Orifice
8. Estimation of Coefficient of Discharge of a Mouth Piece
9. Estimation of Coefficient of Discharge of a Rectangular Notch
10. Estimation of Coefficient of Discharge of a V- Notch
Grading Policy:
Assignments = 10%
Mid Sem I = 15%
MID Sem II = 15%
LAB = 20%
Final Exam = 40%
1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by SK Som and G Biswas
2. Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals and Application by Yunus, Cengel and John M, Cimbala
3. Fluid Mechanics by John F. Douglas, Janusz M. Gasiorek, John A. Swaffield, Lynne B. Jack

HSS341 Classical Language : Sanskrit – I 3-0-0-2

Faculty Name: Devendra Dubey

Pre-requisite Objective:

1. Language is a tool to communicate one's own feelings to others, unless the pronunciation is
clear and formation of the sentence is in order the listener would not be able to understand the
meaning intended by the speaker. Here come the language tools to help. Each language has got
its own style of accent and arrangement of words etc. 'Paniniya Siksha' gives details of the Svaras
(Pitch), time taken by the syllable to pronounce it etc. The study of this topic is the first step to enter
the field of language and literature.
'Vyakaranam' in fact based on the usage of language. Grammar and language are
complementary to each other. Because, grammar is dependent on language for its practical
approach and language needs the help of grammar to understand the proper usage of the words.
Hence, it is stated 'मख
ु ं व्याकरणं स्मत
ृ म I'. Thus the study of grammar enables a student to
understand the correct meaning of the words.

'Nirukta' is considered as the श्रोत्रं, the organ of hearing. The great scholar yaska having
collected the words from vedic literature had explained etemology to them. The etemology for the
different names of the Earth, Sun, other deities and for the words like 'Acharya' etc., are explained.
Even the definitions of noun, verb, participles are explained in this great work. The study of this text
focuses on the wisdom in ancient India.

2. Yaska and Panini represent the Vedic and Sanskrit grammar respectively. The contribution
by these two great scholars is unique. An introduction giving the details of these two inspires the
student for the study of Sanskrit literature.

3. As mentioned above, the study of etemology of selected words would be covered to get
acquainted the system of naming the things in Literature.

4. These are nouns ending in vowels and consonants in Sanskrit literature. The study of a few
nouns of each category is useful to understand a little of Sanskrit slokas, stories etc. Similarly the
study of verbs also an important one to understand simple sentences in Sanskrit literature. Even
with this little introduction as enthusiastic student can frame sentences in Sanskrit and Taddhita
affixes play a significant role in Sanskrit literature. In fact, the literary beauty is embedded in these
two categories. For example, an indeclinable participle 'तम
ु न
ु ्' (infinitive of purpose) is used when a
person wants to do something like "I want to speak" (वकतुं इच्छामम), "I want to go" (गनतुं इच्छामम) etc.
Similarly, the words like दाशारथि, जानकी etc are formed by adding Taddhita affixes. दाशरिस्य अपत्यं
ु ान ् - दाशरथि (The progeny of Dasaratha ie., male is Dasarathi), जनकस्य अपत्यं स्त्री - जानकी (The
progeny of Janaka ie., female is Janaki). Thus the study of these topics help the students to
understand the literary usages.

6. The sage Panini's contribution to the field of grammar is a boon to the Sanskrit scholars. He
has classified the words from various literary works known in his time and arranged them in such a
way that by understanding one form of a certain group the remaining words in that group are easily
understood. This arrangement is like the tables form in the Mathematics. Hence, easy to
memorize. The study of Panini (Panini's grammar) would be helping tool in language related work in
computers. Therefore, this topic would be taught in brief as only a tool.

7. Sandhi and Samasa are very important components in a language. Sandhi between vowels,
consonants and with Visarga occur very often in literary compositions. Hence, the knowledge of
these formations is a must to any Sanskrit student. Similarly, the knowledge of a Samasa because,
it is the main tool for the brevity in expression. For example, 'पीताम्बर ' is a brief form of an
expression "one who wears an yellow garment". The study of Sandhi and Samasa would enable a
student to understand various terms in Sanskrit literature.
Course Topics:

1. Introduction to Language tools.

a) Siksha b) Vyakaranam c) Nirukta

2. Yaska and Panini

3. The Eteology in Nirukta

4. Subantas (Nouns), Tinantas (Verbs)

5. Kridantas, Taddhitas

6. Introduction to the Etemology of Sanskrit

words in Panini (A few selected ones)

7. Introduction to Sandhi and Samasa.

Assignments: Paniniya Siksha, Yaska's Nirukta, Chandas and


Preferred Text Books: Students' Sanskrit Grammar - By M.R. Kale.

Reference books: 1. Ashtadhyayi of Panini.

2. Siddhanta Kaumudi.

Grading: Mid-Sem-I - 20%

Mid-Sem-II - 20%

Assignment - 20%

End Sem - 40%

TITLE: Introduction to the Human Sciences

Course Code: IHS201
TYPE-WHEN: Core, UG 2 year.
FACULTY NAME: Aniket Alam (coordinator)
This course intends to introduce the student of technology and science to the world of the
humanities and social sciences, or as is often termed, the human sciences. It will consist of five
modules which will give a brief overview of the development of the main disciplines of the human
sciences and what are the framing questions of each discipline. An introductory and concluding
lecture will bring these together into a single framework. This course will give the student a broad
sense of what are the human sciences, how they pursue their enquiry and what is their contribution
to the world of knowledge.

The course will be divided into five modules, each of which will introduce the students to one
discipline. Each module will be taught by one person.

(i) History (Aniket Alam, IIIT-H)

(ii) Sociology(Radhika Krishnan, IIIT-H)
(iii) Politics (Kailash KK, Associate Prof, HCU)
(iv) Economics (C Rammanohar Reddy, former editor, EPW)
(v) Philosophy (Jolly Thomas, IIIT-H)

There will be an introductory lecture to explain the origin of the idea of the human sciences and a
concluding lecture to give an overview of how these help us understand the world we live in.
There is no text book for this course. Readings will be given by the teachers of the various modules.

Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)

Mid Sem-1 Exam 20%

Mid Sem-2 Exam 20%

End Sem Exam 40%



Term Paper 20%

Other Evaluation

The student should have an idea of what the human sciences
are, how they originated in the same intellectual quest as other branches of knowledge but
developed their own specific areas and ways of enquiry. She will have an understanding of how five
of the most prominent of the human sciences are organized and have an overview of the main
framing questions of each discipline. He should also be able to relate some of these framing
questions to the context of India and the world he is living in.
The course will be based on classroom lectures. Each module
will have one teacher giving five (5) lectures of 90 mins each. Students will also be divided into five
groups; and each group will be given one module to study intensively. The members of each group
will be expected to write a 1,000 to 1,500 word term paper on a topic given by the teacher of that
module. The form of this assignment and its submission will be decided by the module teacher.
CSE311 Formal Methods 2-1-0-2

Faculty Name: Saswata Shannigrahi

Pre-Requisite: Discrete Mathematics

Objective: To train students on aspects related to modeling, design, analysis and applications of
finite memory systems

Course Topics: Basics of set theory, functions, relations, proof methods; strings, alphabets, formal
languages; relating languages with decision problems; deterministic finite state automata (DFA),
designing DFAs, class of regular languages, closure properties of regular languages, non-
deterministic finite automata (NFA), equivalence of NFA and DFA in computational power, NFA as a
proof/design technique, pumping-lemma for regular languages, examples of non-regular languages,
applications of DFAs in string matching algorithms; grammars, classification of grammars, regular
grammars, context-free grammars (CFG), context-free languages (CFL), ambiguity, designing
CFGs, closure properties of CFLs, application of CFG to parsing, pumping-lemma for CFLs, non-
context-free languages

Preferred Text Books: Michael Sipser: Introduction to the theory of computation. PWS Publishing
Company 1997 (EEE available in India)

Outcome: This course is an essential core in the curriculum. The students learn how to model and
analyze small-memory hardware that either (a) helps in the design of small memory systems or (b)
helps to present a proof for the non-existence of finite-memory algorithms for a given problem.

A relative grading policy will be followed with the following distribution of marks. However, a
student needs to score at least 30 to pass the course.

 Mid Semester examination: 20

 End Semester examination: 40
 Quizzes: 10 X 4

IEG201 Engineering Systems 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Vishal Garg(Coordinator)

Objective: The course will impart a wider and better understanding of engineering thought,
approach and practice. The course will focus on - Systems Thinking; Systems Design and
Integration (reliability, quality); Analysis and Modelling issues; Uncertainty and Testing. Apart from
imparting the conceptual basis, the learning will include case studies to help appreciate the sub-
systems and its integration. The case studies will also focus on the understanding of the various
systems and the approaches in them. Some of the systems planned are IT, mechanical, electrical,
environmental, infrastructure and social engineering.

Course Topics: System Analysis: What is a System and its characteristics, Levels of Abstraction
and Semantics. Systems Engineering: System Architecture and Methodological issues, System
Capability, System Analysis and Synthesis. System Design and Development: System Design,
Human-System Integration / HMI, Performance, Reliability, System Modelling and Simulation,
Verification and Validation. Case Studies – around 6. A few lectures/case studies may be given by
Invited Speakers in related areas during the course to provide the students a wider understanding of
its relevance and application.

Preferred Text Books: Systems Analysis, Design and Development by Charles S Wasson.

CSE371 Artificial Intelligence 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Praveen Paruchuri

Objective: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence -- A basic course

Course Topics: Introduction to AI, Uninformed and Informed Search techniques, Adversarial
Search, Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP), Probability Theory, Bayesian Networks, Utility
Theory, Decision Theory (MDPs, Intro to POMDPs), Topics on Logic or Learning

Preferred Text Books: Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
(Third Edition)

Outcome: This course will provide the required basics to take up advanced courses in the area of
Artificial Intelligence.


Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)

Mid Sem-1 Exam 15

Mid Sem-2 Exam 15

End Sem Exam 30

Assignments 20-30 (Will involve programming)


Term Paper

10 ideally [Upto 30% in form of surprise quizzes if

Other Evaluation: Quizzes students are not attentive or receptive in class]

Other components will be suitably normalized

CSE251 Graphics 2-1-0-3

Faculty Name: Avinash Sharma

Pre-Requisite: Data Structures & Algorithms

Objective: To introduce to CS undergraduate students the baics of 3D computer graphics using a

standard API like OpenGL. The students should be able to -- after the course -- design and build
programs to create and manipulate 3D worlds and environments using computer graphics,
conscious of its conceptual, mathematical, algorithmic, and efficiency aspects.

Course Topics: 1) Geometry: 2D/3D coordinates, homogeneous coordinates,

rotation/translation/scaling/shearing in 2D/3D, Hierarchy of transformations or coordinate frames
2D/3D Graphics in OpenGL. 2) Pipeline: Modelling, Viewing, Projection, Frustum Culling, Backface
culling. 3) Visibility: Z-buffering, Painter's Algorithm, BSP Trees. 4) Lighting: Lighting/Shading,
Illumination Equation. 5) Rasterization: Line drawing, Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping. 6) Ray
Tracing: Recursive ray tracing

Preferred Text Books: Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice by Foley, van Dam, Fiene, and
Hughes Addison-Wesley. (Indian Edition available).

Outcome: The students will have an understanding of the essentials of a 3D graphics system after
taking this course. They will also have the skills to design and implement complex 3D scenes using

50-60% for the two exams.
30-40% for programming assignments
10% for (Bonus, Quiz, etc.)

IEC239 Digital Signal Analysis & Applications 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Vineet Gandhi

Pre-Requisite: Fundamental of Mathematics (Mathematics I and II).

Objective: (i) Introduce the fundamentals of digital signal representation and processing to
undergraduate students of computer science. (ii) Introduce fundamentals of DSP, and the specific
advantage of a transformed domain representation. (iii) Provide a larger unifying framework of
appreciating digital signals and their interpretation. (iv) Demonstrate applications and utility of the
concepts. Two possible domains: (i) Multimedia Processing (ii) Communications.

Course Topics: Module 1: Digital Signals: Generation and representation of Signals. Systems.
Characterization of Systems. Examples of signals in real-life. Module 2: Signal Analysis: Modelling,
processing, and interpretation of signals. Architectures and algorithms. Module 3: Transformed
domain perspective of signal processing: DFT and FFT, properties and algorithms. Applications in
filter design. Module 4: Applications: In Multimedia compression, processing and communication.

Outcome: Understand and appreciate a framework of signals and signal analysis in various

Grading scheme :
2 mid semester exams (30%) + 1 Final Exam (30%)
Two large programming assignments (20%) + other assignments (20%)
ICS251 Computer Networks 2-1-0-2

Faculty Name: Moumita Patra


TYPE-WHEN : Spring

PRE-REQUISITE : Operating systems

OBJECTIVE : To impart principles of information networking systems and


1. Classification of Communication Networks. Standard models of communication: OSI and TCP/IP.

Importance of layering and service models.

2. Application layer services and protocols. Study of SMTP, HTTP, FTP, and
DNS. Socket Programming.

3. Transport layer services, principles and protocols: study of TCP and UDP. Principles of reliability:
sliding window protocols, selective repeat and go-back-N. Principles of congestion control: TCP
case study. Details of TCP working.

4. Network layer services, algorithms and protocols: study of OSPF, RIP, BGP, and ICMP. Study of
routing algorithms. Error control and reporting at the network layer. Study of Internet router
architecture. IP addressing principles: assignment and aggregation. Study of DHCP.

5. Data link layer services and protocols. Medium access control services and protocols: CSMA,
CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, and Token ring. Link layer framing and addressing. Study of ARP. Study of
Ethernet. Sharing communication medium: TDMA and FDMA. Study of wireless and mobile
networks: WIFI and Cellular Internet Access.

PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: Computer Networking –A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet
by James Kurose and Keith Ross, 5th ed and above. Pearson.

Reference Books: Computer Networks, by Andrew S Tanenbaum and David J Wetherall, 5th Ed and
above, Prentice Hall.


Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)

Mid Sem Exam 20

End Sem Exam 40

Project 20
Assignments 20

ISC202 Science II 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name : Marimuthu Krishnan

Objective: These courses (Science-I and Science-II) will provide integrated knowledge of basic
physics and mathematics applied to the molecular world of natural systems. Most topics will be
covered in an interrelated manner. The level of sophistication will gradually develop with
motivational content in the beginning to sophisticated details at the end. Illustrations and suitable
problems will be offered at every stage of the course.

Course Topics: 1) The microscopic world, the need for a reductionist approach in science,
Mechanics, predictability, Newtonian and Quantum, indeterminacy in the subatomic world, the
generalized coordinate, examples of forces and interaction potentials and their interrelation, the
phase space, simple harmonic trajectories in phase space, anharmonicity, interaction between two
atoms described in phase space, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, geometric view of dynamical
systems, angular momentum, laws of conservation. 2) Failures of classical physics, wave particle
duality, intereference of waves, electron diffraction, application of quantum mechanics, particle in a
box problem applied to conjugated molecular systems and nano-particles, 1-D harmonic oscillator,
rotation in space. 3) Harmonic oscillator and vibrational spectroscopy, Rigid rotor, H atom
eigenfunctions (no derivations). 4) Quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator, Rigid rotor, H atom. 5)
The structure of atoms and molecules , molecular orbitals, chemical bonding. 6) Periodic potential
and solid state; crystalline and amorphous solids, ionic and covalent crystals, van der Waals bond,
metallic bond, band theory of solids, semiconductor devices. 7) Bridging the micro and the macro,
statistical basis of thermodynamics, Boltzmann statistics. Research Project, Optional: An
individual research project can be opted for by the students; students have to declare interest and
select a research topic by the Add-Drop date or by the third lecture (which ever is sooner). The
research project can be under the guidance of any of the CCNSB faculty and has to deal with
“Science” (as against enginnering/technology). On the first Monday after the mid-semester
examination, a progress report has to be submitted. A final presentation after the end-semester
examination is also required. (See below, Option-2 for grading scheme for those who opt for this

Preferred Text Books: 1) Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser. 2) Feynman Lectures in
Physics, vols. I-III by R Feynman et al. 3) Physical Chemistry by P W Atkins. 4)Thermodynamics,
Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics by F Sears.

Outcome: The desired outcome of the course is to generate in the students an overall excitement
about the world of science; also a basic familiarity of the terminology and tools of chemical, physical
and biological sciences.

Mid-1 : 12.5%
Mid-2 : 12.5%
End sem : 30%
Assignment : 15%
Quizzes : 15%
Project : 15%

CLG412 Linguistic 2: Language & Society 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Radhika Mamidi + Dipti Mishra Sharma

Objective: To introduce the students to the larger issues related to language, its history and its
relation to society

Course Topics: Language and Communication - language variation, linguistic repertoire, role
relation, social networks; bilingualism and multilingualism, linguistic codes, code - switching and
code - mixing; language and dialect, Pidgin and creole, styles and registers. Language and Culture -
Language and Identity, Language and Gender, Speech Community. Language Development -
Language policy and language planning, language standardization, language and politics. Language
Change, Maintenance and Shift - Variation in language, Synchronic and diachronic perspectives;
key issues in language change - what changes, how do the changes spread, Regularity of sound
change, phonological change, phonological rules; Types of change - assimilation, dissimilation,
cluster reduction, loss and compensatory lengthening, ; Morphological change, Syntactic change;
Lexical change - borrowing, new words, loss of words; Semantic change; Why do languages
change? Social stratification of language; Language contact and convergence. Reconstructing
'dead' Languages - Reconstructing earlier stages; Sound and meaning correspondences among
languages, methods of internal and comparative reconstruction, establishing genetic relations
among languages; sub-grouping; major language families of India and their subgroups; Written
records - Written resources for historical reconstruction; India as a Linguistic area (DMS). WRITING
SYSTEMS - Types of writing systems - pictographic, syllabic, and phonetic writings; major writing
systems of India. Writing and speech, Spelling, Indian scripts.

Seminar :10%
End Sem : 35%

HSS300 History of Ideas 3-0-0-4

Faculty name: Nand Kishore Acharya

Objective: The aim of this Course is to explore the various strands of imaginative ideas comprising
the fabric of thought with which human beings ̳hide‘ their actions and display the colors of their
cultures in their encounters with themselves and with the world they inhabit. It is hoped that such an
exercise can be of some help in facilitating the students acquire a less fragmented understanding of
the complex world they are being trained to transform.

Course Topics: 1. A brief consideration of the Question of METHOD. 2. The Grand Narrative,
Indivisibility of the Secular and the Sacred Orders, GOD as the ORDER OF THINGS (OOT). 3.
Loosening up of the Secular and the Sacred Orders, Speculative Philosophy as the way to discover
the OOT. 4. Science as the secure means of knowing the OOT. 5. Romantic Reaction to Science
and Materialism, Unity of Man and Nature. 6. History and the Absolute Spirit as OOT. 7.
Evolutionary Emergence as OOT, Social Engineering. 8. Historical Materialism as OOT. 9. Against
Grand Narratives, Against Humanism, Disenchantment. 10. Economy of Imagination as OOT. 11.
Anti-Philosophy and Disorder of Things.

Preferred Text Books: 1. The Logic of The History of Ideas. 2. A Nice Derangement of Epistemes.
3. The Passion of The Western Mind. 4. A Comparative History of Ideas. 5. The Disorder of Things.

TITLE : Estimating and Costing

Course Code : CES 331

CREDITS : 3-1-0-4

TYPE-WHEN : B.Tech III year II Semester – BSD

FACULTY NAME : Supriya Mohanty.

OBJECTIVE : To develop in students an understanding of various techniques of calculating

or computing the various quantities and the expected expenditure to be
incurred on a particular works or project.

 Quality estimation: Principles of estimation, methods and units, Estimation of materials in

buildings, Culverts and bridges.
 Principles of general and detailed specification for various types building works.
 Analysis of rates, description, Prime cost, Schedule rates, Analysis of rates for various types
of works.
 Network techniques, Introduction to CPM/ PERT methods and their use in project planning
construction schedules for jobs, materials equipments, labour and finance.


 Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering Theory & Practice, B.N. Dutta, UBS Publishers.
 PERT and CPM, L.S. Sreenath, East West Press.

 Home Assignment: 10%

 Mid Sem Exams: 30%
 End Sem Exam: 45%
 One Term Project: 10%
 Quizzes: 5%
OUTCOME: At the end of the course, B.Tech III year II Semester students will have a broad
understanding of estimation and costing for various projects.

REMARKS: The course “Estimating and Costing” is for B.Tech III year II Semester – BSD students.

IEC104 Electronics Workshop I (Half Semester Course) 1-0-4-2

Faculty Name: K. Madhav Krishna

Objective: 1. Development of various skills in using various electronics instruments and circuit
simulation tools. 2. Understanding the stages and procedures in electronic circuit design.

Course Topics: 1. Familiarity with various electronics instruments and components. 2. Problem
solving – block diagram level solution development. 3. Stages in electronics circuit design:
simulation, prototype development on breadboard and designing PCB layout. 4. Soldering. 5.
Trouble shooting.

Outcome: 1. Increased motivation among students for the stream and subject. 2. More confidence
in students in Electronics skills. 3. Advantages in further Electronics courses.

Performance in the Lab includes spot viva: 30%
Final Project : 40%
Final Exam/Viva/Quiz : 30%

ECE335 Communication Theory I 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Sachin Chaudhury

Course Topics: 1. Representation of bandpass signals and systems (lowpass equivalent of

bandpass signals and systems): Representation of bandpass signals, linear bandpass systems,
response of bandpass systems to bandpass signals, representation of bandpass stationary
stochastic processes. 2. Signal Space Representation: Vector space concepts, signal space
concepts, orthogonal expansion of signals. 3. Representation of Digitally Modulated Signals:
Memoryless modulation methods: PAM, PSK, QAM, Orthogonal Multi-dimensional Signals.
4. Optimum Receiver for Signals corrupted by AWGN, correlation demodulator, matched-filter
demodulator, properties of the matched filter and its frequency-domain interpretation, the optimum
detector. 5. Performance of the Optimum Receiver for Memory less Modulation: Probability of error
for binary modulation, for M-ary orthogonal signals, for Mary PAM, for Mary PSK, for QAM.
6. Analog Modulation Methods: AM-DSB and SSB, PM, FM-narrowband and wideband,
demodulation of AM and PM/FM, performance of these methods in the presence of AWGN.

Mid-1 sem exam : 20%
Mid-2 sem exam : 20%
End sem exam : 40%
Assignments : 20%

ECE341 Digital Signal Processing 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Lalitha Vadlamani + Anil Kumar Vuppala

Sampling and Reconstruction of continuous time signals: Periodic sampling, Prefiltering to avoid aliasing,
Frequency domain representation of sampling, Reconstruction of a band limited signal from its samples,
Bandpass Sampling and reconstruction. Analog to Digital Conversion: Overview of quantization and
quantization noise, Flash ADC, Successive approximation ADC, Sigma Delta ADC. Discrete Fourier Transform:
The Fourier transform of periodic signals, Sampling the Fourier transform, The discrete Fourier transform and
its properties, Circular and linear convolution using the discrete Fourier transform, Linear filtering using DFT.
Fast Fourier Transform algorithms, The Z-transform and its properties: Efficient computation of the discrete
Fourier transform, Goertzel algorithm, Decimation- in-Time FFT algorithm, Decimation-in-Frequency FFT
algorithm, Z-Transform, Region of convergence of the ZT, and its properties. Analog filter design. Digital filter
design techniques: Design of Discrete-time IIR Filters from Continuous-time Filters, Design of FIR filters by
windowing, Brief overview of optimum and equiripple approximation of FIR filters, Quantization and
roundoff effects. Multi-rate Signal Processing: Decimation, Interpolation, Filter design for Sampling rate
conversion. Power Spectrum Estimation: Periodogram, Nonparametric methods, parametric
methods.Applications in Speech and Image Processing

1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, John. G. Proakis and DimitrisManolakis

2. Digital Signal Processing, Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer

3. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach, Sanjit K. Mitra

Grading Policy:
Assignments/Quizzes: 20%
MidSem Exams (2): 40%
Mini Project: 10%
Final Exam: 30%

ECE339 ECE Lab 0-0-3-1

Faculty Name: Ubaidulla + Zia Abbas

Pre-Requisite: Signals and Systems, and Probability Theory and Random Processes.

Objective: This course is a core UG Lab course of second year. The experiments are related to four
core courses: Signals and Systems, Probability Theory and Random Processes, Communication
Theory, and Digital Signal Processing. This lab course has a set of hardware and software
experiments. The main objective of the course is to develop a better understanding of the concepts
studied in the related theory courses.
Outcome: On successful completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate
theoretical and practical understanding of some of the key concepts of subjects: Signals and
Systems, Probability Theory and Random Processes, Communication Theory, and Digital Signal

Grading Plan :

Lab performance - 15%

Lab record - 15%
End Lab exam and result - 50%
Viva (Final) - 20%

ECE291 Electronics Workshop II 1-0-4-4

Faculty name: jayanthi Sivaswamy + Syed Azeemuddin

Course Topics: EW2 consisted of three mini projects and one final project. The final project was left
to the students to chose their topic, which I find difficult to enumerate a dozen of them. The initial 3
mini projects consisted of: 1. Design and implementation of Linear Regulators. 2. Design and
implementation of a Successive Approximation Register based ADC. 3. Wireless communication
through Ultrasonic transceiver

ECE 361 Intro to VLSI 3-1-0-4

Faculty Name: Syed Azeemuddin + Zia Abbas

Pre-Requisite: Basic Electronics

Course Topics: Introduction to CMOS and BICMOS Circuits: MOS Transistors, MOS transistor
switches, CMOS Logic – Inverters, Combinational Logic, NAND gate, NOR Gate, Compound Gates,
MUX, Memory, Circuit representation. Properties of Transistors and Theory: nMOS, pMOS,
threshold, body effect, design equations, MOS models, Complementary CMOS Inverter,
Transmission Gate, Tristate Inverter, Bipolar Devices. CMOS Processing Technology: Silicon
Semiconductor technology, CMOS Technology, BiCMOS Technology, Interconnects, Circuit
elements, layout design rules, stick diagrams. VLSI Circuits Concepts and Characterization:
Resistance estimation, capacitance estimation, Inductance, switching characteristics, Delays –
Interconnects and Inverter chain, Power, Energy. Performance Evaluation of VLSI Circuits: CMOS
gate transistor sizing, power dissipation, scaling of MOS transistors, Fan-in fan-out, NAND and NOR
Delays, Transistor sizing. VLSI Circuit and Logic Designs: Physical design of simple logic gates,
Data operations - Adders – Ripple carry adder, Carry look-ahead adder, etc, Multipier, ALU,
Sequential Circuits, Control Logic - Finite State Machine, Memory elements - Flip Flops, Latches,
Registers, SRAM, DRAM

Preferred Text Books: 1. Douglas A. Pucknell, K. Eshraghian, “Basic VLSI Design”, 3rd Edition,
Prentice Hall of India. 2. Neil H. E. Weste, K. Eshraghian, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design”, A
Systems Perspective, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
Outcome: Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to: Design combinational,
sequential, and arithmetic circuits using CMOS transistors. Design both static and dynamic CMOS
circuits. Understand the performance metrics of CMOS circuits. Be able to evaluate and optimize the
designed circuits. Perform transistor-level simulation to verify and evaluate the designed circuits.
Perform layout design for CMOS circuits. Understand modern IC Layout design techniques,
including Design Rule Check (DRC), Layout Versus Schematic (LVS), and layout parasitic


 1. Home Work - 5%
 2. Laboratory Assignments - 10%
 3. Mid-term 1 Exam - 20%
 4. Mid-term 2 Exam - 20%
 5. Final Exam – 25%
 6. Final project - 20%

TITLE : Design of Concrete Structures

CREDITS : 3-1-0-4

TYPE-WHEN : Spring 2017

FACULTY NAME : Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar

PRE-REQUISITE : Structural Analysis
• To impart the knowledge of assessment of various loads acting on the structure
• To impart the knowledge of design and detailing of various structural elements
• To understand of behavior of various structural elements

1. Introduction to Reinforced Concrete
2. Structural Forms
3. Loads and Load Combinations
4. Basic Structural Design
5. Flexural Analysis & Design of Beams
6. Design for Shear
7. Design for Torsion
8. Design of Slabs
1. One-way slab
2. Two-way slab
3. Flat slabs
9. Serviceability Limit State
1. Deflection
2. Cracking
10. Design of Columns
1. Axially loaded
2. Axial load and moments
11. Design of Footings & Pile Caps
12. Design of Staircases
– Design of Concrete Structures by P. C. Varghese
– Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures by N. Subramanian
*PROJECT: Mini Project on some topics mentioned above


30 marks: Assignments (4) + Mini project

30 marks: Mid-Semester Exams (2)
40 marks: End Semester exam

• Understanding of concepts of RC design

TITLE : Introduction to Biology





OBJECTIVE :To understand the molecular logic of life


o Cellular foundations, distinct domains of life

o Membranes and cellular compartments, cell organelles
o From atoms to molecules to cells
o Storage and Transfer of Biological Information
o Chemical reactions, Enzymes, Energy transformations, Photosynthesis, Respiration
o Basic concepts of gene, Mendelian principles, Mutations
o Genome, Evolution,Systematics
o Growth & Development
o Homeostasis
o Disease and defense mechanisms
o Aging, Cell death

1. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition by Voet,Voet& Pratt

2. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fifth Edition by David Nelson, Michael Cox
Mid semester exam 1 – 20%

Mid semester exam 2 – 20%

End semester exam – 40%

Presentation/Assignments – 20%


TITLE : Engineering Drawing and Sketching

Course Code : CES511


TYPE-WHEN : Spring 2017

FACULTY NAME: Aniket Bhalkikar

PRE-REQUISITE : 10 and 10+2 Geometry background

OBJECTIVE : Engineering ideas are recorded by drawings and even execution of work is carried
out on the basis of drawings. So the main objective of this course is making students understand the
communication in engineering field by drawings.

COURSE TOPICS : Scales, Engineering Curves, Orthographic Projections (Points, Lines, Planes
& Solids), Section of Solids, Development of Surfaces, Isometric Projections and Introduction to
Computer Graphics

PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: (1) Elementary Engg. Drawing by N.D. Bhatt

(2) Engg. Drawing & Graphics by K. Venugopal
*REFERENCE BOOKS: (1) Engg. Drawing by P.J. Shah

*PROJECT: Complete Building Drawing by hand as well as in AutoCAD


Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)

Mid Sem-1 Exam 15

Mid Sem-2 Exam 15

End Sem Exam 30

Assignments 30
Project 10

Term Paper -

Other Evaluation _________ -



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