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KUNDALINI GNANAM: The Mystic Path Revealed

Conference Paper · January 2005

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3750.0327


3 authors, including:

Maniram Kumar Chelliah Ponraj

Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College Of Engineering wings


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KUNDALINI GNANAM: The Mystic Path Revealed

1. Mr.A. Maniram Kumar,M.E.,  M.B.A.,  M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering,

Dr.Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering ,Tiruchendur- 628215, Tuticorin district, Tamil nadu. Email:
2. Dr.C. Ponraj M.S. Ponraj Nursing home, Surandai-627859, Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu.
Email: ponrajc@yahoo.com
3. Prof. S.Balraj M.Sc, (Retd) Department of Mathematics, S.B.K College, Aruppukopttai-626101,
Tamil Nadu.

Kundalini Gnanam, the path of perfection by the Siddhars of South India gives the way
for perfection for the human being.
The practice of the Kundalini Gnanam makes the man, one with the truth. He attains
perfection. The omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient nature of the almighty is shared with the
aspirant. He becomes one with the divine God.
Meditating on the life force of the body, he extends his awareness, consciousness to the
universal consciousness. By steadily meditating he acquires the divine nature. He finds, feels
and meditates at the point where his life energy center is .He attain Samadhi (oneness) at that
communing point.
Direct intuitive knowledge of truth is known by him. He achieves mastery from minute matter to
infinity. He feels, enjoys the oneness with the universal truth, the God.

Thayumanavar, a siddhar says,

“If he becomes that, that he becomes,
That itself will reveal”. {That means divine}

When the aspirant becomes one with the universal consciousness, all will be revealed by
that as knowledge to him. He is freed from boundaries of space, time and matter. He is freed of
his imprints and he becomes the Creator from being a creation.
The holy, divine practice is taught by siddhars of the Holy Tradition. It can be
learned, perceived only by a Holy Godly Master (Gurudev). He teaches the aspirant, the
knowledge, which is being transferred by generations of Divine Order.

Thanks, to the great souls who teach the divine path to perfection.

I thank my Gurudev, His Holiness Thanga Swamigal, for transfusing his knowledge to
the human community and below his shelter we stand and practice.
KUNDALINI GNANAM: The Mystic Path Revealed

World Religions follow various paths to the same source as all rivers
moves towards the deep sea. They all teach and preach the path to obtain oneness with the
almighty. The Scriptures describe four stages of development in the spiritual life.
They are,
1. Sariya
2. Kriya
3. Yoga
4. Gnana

Gnana is the stage at which the human race enjoys experiences of oneness with the
Almighty. Sariya, Kriya, and Yoga are the three stages of development which leads to Gnana.
Gnana is the way for the eternal life of commune with the Almighty.

Sariya includes doing the works necessary for rituals, cleaning the shrines, etc.

Kriya includes worshiping the Almighty by mind, by mantra, performing rituals and
ceremonies, etc.

Yoga is to join or to be together by various means of Pranayama, Hatha Yoga, Raja

Yoga practices, etc. Duality exists there.

Gnana is described as the true knowledge of God. The Gnani (Perfected Aspirant)
experiences oneness with the Almighty. He will be in Eternal Bliss.

The benefits of Sariya are like buds, the benefits of Kriya are like flowers. The benefits
of Yoga are like Unripe Fruits. The benefits of Gnana are like Ripened Fruits. The Great
Siddhars have described Gnana as ripened fruits and, it’s the one that we want.

All the Gnana Scriptures proclaims the truth that “Gnana can be perceived from a realised

Importance of GURU:
GU means darkness, RU means dispeller. One who dispels your darkness is the Guru. A
Guru works in his presence and out of his presence. Guru is certain energy, a certain space, not a
person. The relationship with Guru is neither physical, psychological nor emotional. It is beyond
these limitations. So this is one possible relationship that you carry on beyond body and mind.
An enduring relationship would be very essential for a person embarking on spiritual journey of
evolving himself to his ultimate nature. Guru clearly expounds all things.

Knowledge without analysis and conception, a well without spring, judgment without
enquiry can be said as equal to the results achieved without a Guru. The Guru will be the one
who has attained self knowledge (The knowledge of the self will yield knowledge of all things in
the Universe)

When a spiritual aspirant needs growth in spiritual field, he needs a little push in his
energy levels. Without that little push he cannot reach the peak. The Guru is like an energy
installation full of spiritual magnetic energy the disciple is like a bulb, which draws and glows by
that spiritual magnetic energy.

The Guru’s deep and richer experience is far superior to all the ways of improvement shown by
any or all of the teachers. The Guru would be the one who could make the aspirant a Gnani. So
a person, who desires to attain Gnanam, must learn, meditate, reflect and realise at the feet of a

Spiritual Science behind Gnanam:

Our Solar system has sun and nine planets revolving around it. They are of varied sizes.
They move in their own orbit at their own speed. They never collide with each other. In the
universe, countless stars, innumerable number of galaxies exists in such a precise manner. The
various attractive and repulsive forces are responsible for these precise motions.

The universe consists of varied forces, energies like attractive and repulsive forces
between stars, gravitational forces of planets, magnetic forces, atmospheric pressure forces,
immeasurable natural forces, electromagnetic field forces by which all communications like
radio, televisions, cell phones, satellite links work ,moving sound pressure forces, light energies
and various atomic energies.

“All the planets create whirling wave and spreading wave. The whole universe is
whirling wave and spreading wave”

Magnetic force or energy exists all through the universe pervading everywhere. This
universal magnetic force is called as Almighty or Paramathma or God by the Scriptures. This
magnetic force exists all through the universe. In human beings also this magnetic force or
energy exists. This bio magnetic force is called as Jeevathma or soul or athma.

The merging of this biomagnetic force with the universal magnetic force is termed as
Samadhi or Perfection. The jeevathma or soul merges with Paramathma or God as one. This
commune is said as Samadhi by the Scriptures. The Gnani at this stage experiences ecstasy, bliss
beyond words to explain.
“Not limited here and there, the Gnani experiences, oneness with the omnipresent phenomenon
God beyond duality.”

At this stage the soul is in its eternal life. The fraction, soul has reached its destination, the
Totality, for which it has journeyed for lives in search of this Perfection. This is the eternal life,
all the religions insist on as

“If anything desired, freedom from births should be desired”

This is the spiritual science behind Gnanam.

Kundalini Gnanam:
Ok, let’s see how Kundalini Gnanam makes this eternal life possible.

First the aspirant is initiated by the Graceful touch of the Gurudev. The aspirant feels the
sensation of the biomagnetic force in his body. He meditates by concentrating at this sensation.
By further practices and by the grace of the Gurudev his magnetic force is increased. He gets the
capability of producing biomagnetic force by himself. The biomagnetic force is merged with the
universal magnetic force by the grace of the Gurudev. Now the aspirant gets self realization. He
dwells in eternal bliss.

For this process to occur there is the need of a highly characterised spiritual magnetic force
which is capable of making the transformation. Such a person of self realization with highly
divine magnetic force is the Guru.
Kundalini Gnana Practices:
Now let us see about Kundalini Gnana Practices

For an aspirant to grow in Spiritual arena the dormant potential force or energy (Kundalini
Shakthi) in his Ground Chakra (Mooladharam) has to be raised. The quantity and quality of the
bio magnetic force is proportional to the quality and quantity of the sexual vital fluid.

Between the genital organ and the anus, just one inch above, there is the region known basic root
chakra or Mooladaram. This is the place where the dormant Kundalini shakthi sleeps. When this
shakthi acts upwards, it will lead to soul consciousness, bliss and ecstasy.

Between the eyebrows, at the top of the nose, there is a small hole which is one tenth of the size
of the eye of the needle. This hole is called the “Third eye”. There is a small tissue covering this

By the gracious touch of the Gurudev, the Kundalini shakthi is raised up through the small hole
in the backbone. When this shakthi is taken to the forehead by the touch of the Guru, combined
with subtle intelligence, the forehead eye will be opened. Now the aspirant senses the life force
as pressure exerted at that point.
The Gurudev after initiation begins to guide the disciple towards wisdom both visibly and
invisibly by thought, sight and touch.

The Gurudev, during initiation inducts the aspirant and surrenders him to the Holy
society of realised eternal souls. These spiritual souls guide the aspirant all through his ways
invisibly. This link or connection with the divine beings guides the aspirant all through his life
guiding to wisdom.

This Holy society consists of the Gnanis, all around the world who are one with the
universal magnetic field. They are helping the world for ages. The Holy Divine Community is
called as “Unseen Masters” and “Invisible Helpers” by the spiritual persons of all countries,
cultures and religions.
The Holy Gurudev first shows the magnetic force (life force) in the aspirant’s body.
Then he by further practices starts to reveal the subtle truth.

The bio magnetic force is improved by quantity and quality by practice of the aspirant,
group meditations and by the grace of Gurudev.

By the practices the aspirant experiences ‘no mind” stage. Knowledge and wisdom
occupies the place of mind. Let’s see how this happens.
By meditating at the spot where the mind takes birth as thoughts, mind gets stopped at
the source. This spot lies in the centre of the skull, a little above the inner tongue, between the

Physiologically it is identified as Pituitary gland. It is the endocrine gland which controls both
physically and mentally. So it also called as ‘Master Gland”. This is the native spot or the
primitive spot, from which the whole body was built or growth started. Gnani meditates at this
source point.

Siddhars have sung many songs praising this spot. Let us see what occurs or happens by
meditating at that spot.

By meditating at that spot, the aspirant transcends his mind. The secrets of nature get revealed
by itself in him. When he dwells at that communing spot, he realizes, perceives his real self as a
soul (athma).The Inner Guru or his soul gets projected and he perceives his real nature.

Seeing his soul nature, he identifies himself as a fraction of the totality. By, the grace
of Gurudev, he finds him everywhere. His consciousness knows no bounds and he becomes one
with the omniscient Almighty.

By the grace of Gurudev, the identification of self and universe is also transcended,
just as like a person in deep sleep leaves his hand held object to drop down. Thus the sense
of ‘I ‘ness or self gets transcended.

The aspirant is one with the universe. No duality exists in perception. The knower,
known and the knowledge are the same consciousness. This is the state of infinite bliss.
This is called as “Nirvikalpa Samadhi”. It is the commune of the fraction with the
totality. It is the merging of the universal magnetism and bio magnetism. This is the goal all the
religions strive to achieve.
Ok, as the soul becomes one with the universal phenomenon, how would be the end, the
question arises about the freedom from Birth.

In Kundalini Gnanam, life is not allowed to go out of the body. The seed cells in
the body never get damaged. Such person stops the functions of the body after completion of
his mission by his own will. Gnani will fix his mind with the Almighty and stop functioning.
The body is then buried. That body will never decay whether it is thousand or ten thousand
years, because the magnetic force in the body itself acts as life force in the body. This is called
“Jeeva Samadhi”. As ‘unseen masters’ or ‘invisible helpers’ they help, guide the human race to

The place around such Jeeva Samadhi has very high spiritual magnetic force. It can
be sensed by the gnana aspirant. If these places are maintained properly, they become energy
banks supplying the needful. In Tamilnadu there are lot numbers of Jeeva Samadhis. The
temples formed around these shrines have good magnetic field.

For example,
1.) Jeeva Samadhi temple of Brahma Gnana Gurubhiran Sankara Swamigal at
2.) Murugan temple at Palani, which has Jeeva Samadhi of Great Siddhar Bhogar,
3.) Annamalaiyar temple at Thiruvannamalai, which has the Jeeva Samadhi of Great
Siddhar IdaiKadar.

It is visibly evident that more peoples turn to worship in these shrines and they say that
they could feel peace and their prayers get fulfilled at these shrines.

Life lead by a Realised Aspirant:

The aspirant seeing everything animate and inanimate as the manifestation of the divine,
he realises that it is a fallacy that God is invisible. This realisation fills his mind with the love
for his brother people of the world community. All the barriers of sex, caste, creed, religion,
nationality disappears in him.

The enlightened disciple lives a life formulated and followed by the understanding of the spirit
(soul) which dwells in every being. This and this alone is the True Spiritual Life for which all the
religions strive for.
These spiritual souls (Gnanis) by the difference of cultural, geographical, climatic,
racial and social factors made a system of harmonious and peaceful living, formulated on the
understanding of the existence and function of the magnetic force.
This moral behavior for the culmination of mind and soul, so as to ensure better living
for everyone in the society is termed as Religion. That would be the way all religions would have
been created or evolved.

All are various paths to the single source.

Salutations to my Gurudev, His Holiness Gnanavallal THANGA SWAMIGAL, Founder,

President of World Intelligence Nature Gnana Society (WINGS), who has brought this secret
path to the common man’s reach, who shower us with divine knowledge of perfection, who work
incessantly for the progress of his disciples, with whose Grace Humanity will flourish in ages to
come, where every human being will enjoy eternal bliss and life with the highest knowledge of

1. Gnanam, the way for the perfection of the world in past, present and ever future,
(Ulagham Yuivadaya Andrum, Indrum, Endrum Gnaname), a Tamil book written by His
Holiness Gnanavallal Thanga Swamigal.

2. The Philosophy of Universe and Doubts dispelled: Kundalini Gnanam (Prabanja

Thatthuvamum, Santhegam Thelithalum: Kundalini), a Tamil book written by His
Holiness Gnanavallal Thanga Swamigal.

3. Spiritual discourses, teachings and practices of His Holiness Gnanavallal Thanga


4. Kundalini Gnana Practices and personal experiences of Authors

5. Weblinks: http://www.wingsmeditation.com
Paper presented at SSEASR Conference, a International Conference, co-hosted by the IAHR under UNESCO
on “Cultural and Religious Mosaic of South and Southeast Asia; Conflict and Consensus through the Ages”,
New Delhi, January 27-30, 2005

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