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Vnstitute of ill development of
aining (V 
 Vnstitute of sill evelopment & aining
(V  is one of the expets in designing
pofessional sill development couses,
V eeping in mind the special needs fo up-

 e specialize in ceating wold class couses
with high quality couse mateials fo diffeent
 he couses ae focused on development of
specific tass to developing oveall couses
up to Bachelos level.
About B
 Bhaat eva amaj (B  is cental govenment pomoted development
agency with mandate of ceating silled manpowe fom unused esouces.
 he V  has been conceived of as a non-political and non-
official national platfom fo constuctive wo. he pimay objects of the amaj
(1 to find and develop avenues of voluntay sevice fo the citizens of Vndia
V to²
 pomote national sufficiency and build up the economic stength of the county,
  to pomote the social well-being of the community and to mitigate the pivations
 and hadships of
its less favoed sections ; and
 (2 to daw out the available unused time, enegy and othe esouces of the
people and diect them into vaious fields of social and economic activity.

 B is pomoted by Planning Commission of Vndia & the constitution of B is

unanimously accepted by the Paliament of Vndia.
 in to planning commission:
ample cetificate fom B & V
 College of Optomety, Nasi
 Ahmedabad Optical Association
 uat Optical Association
 alsad istict Optical Association

egisteed Optician¶s association of
exas, U A
Couse etails
 |: Cetificate couse in Ophthalmic & ispensing Optics leading to
Cetified ispensing Optician (CO
  8 months
 !!"#: V , though College of Optomety
 !!$ B ( Bhaat eva amaj, Govenment of Vndia pomoted
V development agency.
 %!$& istance leaning
  |$ 8 compehensive modules coveing all majo concepts in
 lenses, fames, pimay eye testing, pogessive lenses, efactive eos, visual
optics etc
 ': assignments plus final question pape
 1 module 1 assignment pe month i.e. 8 modules 8 assignments
 he question pape consists of objective type of questions and 1 case study to
solve, which is based on you pactical expeience
 he maing system is pecentage & gading based
s. 10000/-
 '( undestanding of scientific concepts in Ophthalmic optics,
development of technical teminology, ceation of theoetical base to
complement pactical nowledge/ wo nowledge.
hy do the couse?
 Cut thoat Competition in Optical etail
 ough & uncetain legal envionment
fo opticianay secto
 nty of lage non optical copoations
 in Optical industy
  Continuously inceasing cost of tained
manpowe to seve custome bette
 Vnceased custome expectations &
 Need to compete with deep pocet
copoate optical etail stoes
 uel cetification: fom B with Govenment of Vndia
emblem & fom V 
 Cetification fom one of the most enowned Optomety
institutes in Vndia
 No band pomotions of any company, completely
V independent, academic couse
 aes us eady to face the intense competition in tough legal
  No need to attend classes Flexible distance leaning mode
 old class study mateials
 xta qualification in you business
 Up gadation fom pactical nowledge to fomal education
 Guaanteed impovement in custome sevice & custome
 eb suppot though foum to solve pactice elated
 ell accepted by industy
isit us @
Contact us
 Fo moe details & to tal to the counselo
please call:
098606 31444
0253 2505170
  | (!!:
 College of Optomety,
c/o . Kishoe Bhandaey, 303, Navsmuti
Apt, t. Anthony's teet, nea Kadamwadi,
antacuz ( , umbai 98

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