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388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122  LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530  
YTD DISI Budget Snapshot - February 2018

DISI Actual Budget Variance Actual Budget Variance Perm/Temp Variance Comments
Marketing $1,948.40 $7,500.00 $5,551.60 $1,948.41 $7,141.68 $5,193.27 Favorable TV - strategic projects pending
implementation. Difference between DOA
and LMUDA budget allocations a result of
reduced carry forward in LMUDA.

Misc. $0.00 $83.32 $83.32 $0.00 $83.32 $83.32 Favorable TV no miscellaneous expenses
to date.

Arts and Culture $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Favorable TV- line item earmarked for
2018 Art & Soul Festival in August.

CBD Sponsored Events $0.00 $833.32 $833.32 $0.00 $833.32 $833.32 Favorable TV - to be expended in part on
the 2018 Bike to Work Day events in May.

Total DISI $1,948.40 $8,416.64 $6,468.24 $1,948.41 $8,058.32 $6,109.91


Guidelines for Event Sponsorship

The Downtown Oakland and Lake Merritt/Uptown CBD’s welcome requests for
sponsorship from organizations/individuals that meet the criteria set forth by the
Joint Board of Directors and the Co-Chairs of the District Identity Streetscape
Improvement (DISI) Committee. Sponsorship requests should include the
following information:

Please provide your contact information and a brief introduction of yourself

and/or your organization.

Name of primary contact: René Rivera

Name of organization: East Bay Bicycle Coalition DBA Bike East Bay
Address: P.O. Box 1736, Oakland CA 94604
Phone: 510.845.7433 ext. 1006 (office), 415-252-5617 (cell)
Tax ID #: 94-2585652

The East Bay Bicycle Coalition DBA Bike East Bay is a 501(c)(3) grassroots bicycle
advocacy organization started in 1972 to promote healthy, sustainable communities by
making bicycling safe, fun and accessible. Backed by over 4,000 members, Bike East
Bay has been advocating for better bicycling in Alameda and Contra Costa counties for
over 40 years. We empower our members, volunteers, and partner community groups
to champion bike lanes and traffic safety solutions.

Bike East Bay provides free classes to help more people ride safely, confidently and
lawfully in the city. Our free bike education classes teaches bike handling skills, the
rules of the road and practical tips for biking in the city. Every year, we empower over
5,000 adults and kids to ride safely and confidently in the city.

Bike East Bay runs three annual events to increase the visibility and popularity of biking
in the East Bay. Bike to Work Day is our largest biking event, with over 23,000 people
visiting 150 pop-up “Energizer Stations” in the East Bay. In July, we bring Pedalfest, a
summer festival celebrating all things bike, to Oakland’s Jack London Square. To
celebrate our own community, we throw our fundraiser and member bash, Biketopia,
every year in the fall.

Please clearly describe, in detail, the mission/purpose of the event.

Bike East Bay requests a $5,000 sponsorship to support Bike to Work Day activities in
Downtown Oakland on May 10, 2018. Bike to Work Day was started in 1994 on a
shoestring budget by the then East Bay Bicycle Coalition (in March 2014 EBBC
rebranded as Bike East Bay) and quickly grew into a statewide celebration. On Bike to
Work Day 2018, the East Bay's largest energizer station will again be located in

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612


Downtown Oakland at Frank Ogawa Plaza. Working with many partners, including the
City of Oakland, Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, and the Alameda County Transportation
Commission, Bike East Bay hosts a pancake breakfast, valet parks over 700 bicycles,
and stages a large media event with the Mayor and City Council members. The Frank
Ogawa station welcomes thousands of bicyclists as well as many public officials who
support the event by bicycling to work.

The purpose of Bike to Work Day is to promote and encourage people to bicycle for
everyday trips in Oakland and showcase the many benefits of bicycling. We work with
businesses to emphasize how much they stand to gain when employees and customers
have the option of bicycling to work and shop. In early April, we will announce the
winners of our 9th Annual Bike-Friendly Business competition.

Over the last five years, the East Bay has seen an increase of over 35% in Bike to Work
Day participation. Over 23,000 people stopped at one of our 150 energizer stations on
May 11, 2017. In Oakland alone over 4,300 bicyclists stopped at 27 Energizer Stations.
Oakland has been and remains the epicenter of Bike to Work Day in the East Bay.

The number of people of biking to work in Oakland has tripled since 2000, an increase
that has raised Oakland to 7th in the nation for bike commuting among large cities. The
City of Oakland is supporting this increase in bike commuting by building innovative
bikeways around the city. For Bike to Work Day 2017, elected officials in Oakland rode
to City Hall for a pancake breakfast at Frank Ogawa Plaza. Mayor Libby Schaaf and
Councilmember Annie Campbell-Washington rode in from Fruitvale BART with the
Oakland Scraper Bike Team. Bike East Bay is working to extend those lanes further
north and to bring more protected bike lanes to busy streets throughout the city.

At Bike East Bay, we expect that Bike to Work Day 2018 will have even higher
participation due to all these recent improvements and the event’s increasing popularity.
Each year, an average of 30% of participants in Bike to Work Day are new to the event.
Many of these people continue to ride regularly long after Bike to Work Day.

This increasing popularity of biking in Oakland has led to its reputation as a bike mecca,
a status that has been reinforced by the city’s active engagement and investment in
support of better bike facilities and programs. Bike to Work Day is one of the biggest
bike events to visit Oakland each year, and encourages thousands of residents to join
the bicycle movement and make healthy transportation choices.

Please outline how your project will improve the image of the Downtown Oakland
Association and/or the Lake Merritt-Uptown District in a demonstrable way. In
addition, please describe how your project plans to advance the CBD brand.

Studies show that people who bike make more frequent shopping trips resulting in more
dollars spent in downtown business districts than those who drive. Businesses benefit
when their customers have easy and quick access to their establishments via better
bicycling infrastructure, and it is the goal of Bike East Bay to support cities’ efforts to

provide such infrastructure. Bike to Work Day also brings thousands of bicyclists to the
Central Business District to shop, eat and enjoy the day’s activities, including seeing
their elected officials on bikes.

More people biking into Downtown and Uptown also relieves congestion and frees up
parking spaces for those who need to use a car. Many bicyclists choose to bicycle to
transit on Bike to Work Day and this perhaps has the greatest impact on reducing traffic
regionally. The 19th Street Bike Station, funded by Safe Routes to Transit and
championed by BART Board Director and former EBBC Executive Director Robert
Raburn, has been offering secure bike parking at no cost since January 2015. Bike-
friendly facilities like the Bike Station have helped to make Oakland a place where
people feel that biking is a viable transportation choice.

Increased bicycling improves the image of the Community Benefit District by creating
safer streets, happy and healthy commuters, and a generally safer environment for
patrons of downtown Oakland after hours by having more eyes on the street. In cities
across the country an increase in the number of bicycles is correlated with greater
safety for both bicyclist and pedestrians.

By supporting Bike to Work Day with a $5,000 sponsorship, Oakland Central would be
featured on marketing materials including but not limited to:
 the East Bay Express’ Bike To Work Guide, viewed by approximately 186,000
 800 limited edition Bike to Work Day t-shirts
 8,000 Bike to Work Day posters
 200 Bike to Work Day energizer station signs
 Bike East Bay’s website, which receives tens of thousands of hits during the
month of May.

In addition, the Oakland Central logo will be prominently displayed on Bike to Work Day
at the Frank Ogawa Plaza energizer station.

Please describe how your project will directly benefit the merchants and property
owners in the district.

Bike to Work Day brings thousands of bicyclists into downtown Oakland every year and
generally raises the excitement and energy level of the area, as even pedestrians and
drivers appreciate the special and fun nature of the event. Many businesses participate
in Bike to Work Day:
 Kaiser Permanente is the ‘Presenting Sponsor’ for the event and hosts several
energizer stations in the Uptown District
 Whole Foods is a sponsor and provides pancake fixings for the breakfast Bike to
Work Day morning at Frank Ogawa plaza
 Superprint prints our collateral materials
 the East Bay Express is our media sponsor

 local bike shops provide on the spot bike repair and discounts to bicyclists

Many businesses at City Center and in the surrounding blocks sign up teams for the
Team Bike Challenge, a month-long competition where teams earn points every day a
team member bicycles to work. Throughout the day on Bike to Work Day bicyclists and
their friends will enjoy lunch and dinner at many of the great restaurants in Oakland

Property owners and their tenants also benefit from the reduced amount of traffic and
parking demand on the streets, making it easier for those who need to drive. It's a real
win-win for everyone.

With new world class bikeways coming soon to Lakeside Dr. as part of the Measure DD
improvements, Bike to Work Day is a great chance to engage downtown merchants on
the benefits of biking and how these new projects will help people access their

Please provide a description of your target audience and provide a brief history of
the event, if applicable.

Our target audiences are bicyclists and potential bicyclists. The overlaying theme again
this year is that everyone bikes; we want to include all types of bicyclists, from the
spandex-clad sportster to the car-ditching commuter and the casual one-day-at-a-time
rider. Many of these bicyclists continue to ride after Bike to Work Day, and continue to
ride to downtown Oakland, which makes Oakland a much better place to live and to
work. It also places more 'eyes' on the street, which improves people's personal safety
by the increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

In recent years we have expanded our scope to include schools and young students.
Bike to School Day now occurs on the same day as Bike to Work Day, and the number
of children participating in Bike to School Day each year has been growing

As stated previously, the Bike to Work Day was inaugurated in downtown Oakland back
in 1994, and has not only continued since then, but has expanded to include all nine
counties of the greater Bay Area. Participation continues to increase, and we plan to
encourage these new participants with more energizer stations, events, and fun
activities in 2018.

In order to be eligible for sponsorship you are required to present your project at
one of two DISI Committee meetings, either on April 7th or July 7th. Your intent
to present needs to be made in writing (via email) thirty (30) business days in
advance of the presentation date and should include an executed version of this

A post-event report outlining, in detail, the use of sponsorship monies, event

attendance statistics, the use of district logos in marketing and overall
success/failure of the event is required thirty days following the conclusion of the
event. This must be submitted in the format provided in the sponsorship packet.
*For ongoing or monthly events, monthly updates will be required.

The recipient of any sponsorship money must be transparent about all other
underwriters, partners, collaborators, and be fully willing to provide
documentation of how sponsorship dollars were spent.

The recipient must name the following parties as Additional Insured using Form
CG2010 11/85 or its equivalent on each of its insurance policies:
Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association of Oakland and Downtown Oakland Association,
its members, directors, officers, agents, affiliates and related entities and their successors
and assigns, and the City of Oakland, its Councilmembers, directors, officers, agents and
employees as their interests may appear.

The Certificate Holder should be listed as Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association of

Oakland and Downtown Oakland Association and a copy of the insurance certificate
must be on file with the CBD office in order for funding to be allocated.

All final sponsorship awards will be granted by the DISI committee members on a case
by case, year by year basis.

Thank you for contacting us about your event.

Please call the District Manager Steve Snider with any questions.
Office 510-238-1122
Fax 510-452-4530

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