Avaliação de Língua Inglesa 3º Ano II Unidade - Gabriel Arcanjo

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Read and comprehension

The questions 1 to 3 refers to the text.

1º) According to the text, answer:

A) What is the full name of the monument?_____________________________________________________


B) Who gave this monument to the Americans? _________________________________________________


C) Where is it located? ____________________________________________________________________


2º) Still based in text, answer the questions below.

A) What the statue have in her left hand? ______________________________________________________


B) What this date represents for Americans?____________________________________________________


3º) The objective of this text is to:

A) describe characteristics of a person.

B) enumerate aspects of a process.
C) narrate facts of a person’s life.
D) report about a monument
E) report experience.

The questions 4 to 5 refers to the text below.

4º) This text is:

A) a poem.
B) a legend.
C) a fable.
D) a news.
E) a letter.

5º) In the sentence “The tiger, the wolf, the sheep, the cow went into the lion’s cave but the fox, who was very
clever, waited outside.” The word in bold express:

A) addition.
B) opposition.
C) conclusion.
D) finality.
E) condition.

The questions 6 refers to the comic strip.

6º) A tira, definida como um segmento de história em quadrinhos, pode transmitir uma mensagem com efeito de
humor. A presença desse efeito no diálogo entre John e Garfield acontece porque:

A) John pensa que sua es namorada é maluca e que Garfield não sabia disso.
B) Jodell é a única namorada maluca que John teve, e Garfield acha isso estranho.
C) Garfield tem certeza de que a ex-namorada de John é sensata, o maluco é o amigo.
D) Garfield conhece as ex-namoradas de John e considera mais de uma como maluca.
E) John caracteriza a ex-namorada como maluca e não entende a cara de Garfield.


Read the cartoon and answer the questions 7 to 9.

7º) Which of the options does not explain the humor in it?

A) When we say that "flying is bad for the environment." we mean that airplanes cause air pollution.
B) "Flying" can refer to birds and planes.
C) Birds must stop migrating because they can damage the environment.
D) "Airplane flying" generates carbon dioxide emissions, but "bird flying" does not.

8º) Mark the option that completes the statement: In the cartoon, when one of the birds says "We used to
migrate" ...
A) it describes something that happened regularly in the past and continues to happen in the present.
C) it describes something that happened regularly in the past, but doesn't happen anymore.

9º) "We used to migrate"... /"...we heard that flying is bad..." Explique o uso do gerúndio e do infinitivo nos
trechos destacados do cartoon.

10º) I remember _____ Simon at the Max Planck Institute.

A) meet
B) to meet
C) meeting
D) to meeting
11º) I used _____ to the pub a lot.
A) go
B) to go
C) going
D) to going

12º) Stop _____ this dreadful noise at once!

A) make
B) to make
C) making
D) to making

13º) Look, it's starting _____ .

A) rain
B) to rain
C) raining
D) to raining

14º) Complete the sentences with GERUND or INFINITIVE:

1- We can’t …………………..(to live) without…………………(to breathe).

2- My father wanted……………………..(to stop)………………..(to smoke).
3- After……………….(to finish) his graduation he decided……………….(to live) abroad.
4- I admit…………………(to have) mentioned your name just………………….(to protect) you.
5- She made me……………………(to feel) anxious about…………………..(to go).
6- Do you promise………………….(to help) us if we refuse…………………(to participate) in thegame?


15º) As informações verbais e não verbais do texto revelam

A) a depressão, o mundo está triste, sendo assim, uma doença

B) a depressão, o mundo está triste, sendo assim, uma doença
C) a depressão, o mundo está tenebroso, sendo assim, uma
doença global.
D) a vida nova do planeta, após seções de terapias contra a

Good luck!

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