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Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Programme-|| ae, Panchayats & Rural Development Department Government of West Bengal ‘Component 4: Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLD) Introduction Unite 1S6PP4, ISGPP-I wil be PIR under which disbursement from the World Bank Bank wil be based on achievements of results. There will be Disoursement Linked indictors (DL) which wil be assessed before disbursement. The results/achievements ofthe Program would be measured through a setof clearly define Disbursement Linked inaieators (OL. There are seven DLs (OI) forthe disbursement. Structure of DLI section: ‘There is a detailee description of DLs, the process of DL wedfeaion that is recommended forthe third party verification ageney to follow, the infrmation that wil be verified including the database of GPs the questionnaires used etc. and the means of verification that will be used by the thi party verification agency and the disbursement structure. Description of DLIs DDI Matrix: The DLs andthe dsbursement amount are umnmarze inthe mati below ‘able 7: OL Summary wth financing amounts under SGP: ftal Allocated \s Percentage of Total Narratives Fcc ame herr amount LI: Number of phase ll Gram Panchayats that have qualified Basic Mandatory Condtions| {BMCs) in Annual Performance Assessment Stet OTe LI 2: Number of phase Il Gram Panchayats thal have qalifed Expanded Mandatory Conlions [eis aa gus portance ms hr Prema ere perso fern JBLI3: Percentage of actvtes implemented as per P&ROD’s annual earring and training plan 76.8825 8% i 4: Average ‘number of annual mentoring input days per Gram Panchayat with performance 42 loaise JDLIS: Core insfutonal systems implemented by PARDD across all GPs: of which 498 eam (a) Gram Panchayat Management System (GPMS), Web-Based Monitoring System (WBMS) & GIS i 50% {b) Grievance Redressal Management System (GRMS) 8.08 1% [ott 6: Annual Pertommance Assessments (APA) conducted by PEROD 072 54% LI 7: Targeted numberof vacant core Gram Panchayat postions filed (Executive Assistant P Seoretary, Nirman Sahayak) [75 em [fetal DLI based financing 1,373.33 785% [Program Preparation Advance 0.15 15% [Total financing allocated 408-48 00.00% * Source Program Approsal Dacurent Vann, 2077), DLI verification Protocol This section would give an understanding in regards tothe DLI verieation approach and methodology. This section has been hence givided in two ‘segments vi. OU verfation mechanism and DL vericaton timeline. During preparatory phase of the Pfr® operation he third party verfication agency would work withthe ISGPP PMU to develop and agree upon the DLI Verification Protocol that would substantiate the achievement of Due Verfiation Protocol should include, ata minimum, th flowing: > clear definition ofthe OL ang how twill be meseured > objective, detaled definition of what i requlred to consier the Ol as achieves > efintion ofthe datasources that wil be used to measure the DLs achievement, including reporting frequency DLIs Verification Mechanism ‘The DL Verification Pretocol should be an integral pat of the menitoring ané reporting arrangements forthe PorR operation, and third party agency ‘would agree upon the process through which the achievement ofeach ofthe Oli wll be verified. The DL! verfcation protocol has been annexed in [Annexure 7 of Volume of POM. The third party agency would work with the 'SGPP PMU to review the Program's experience with internal and external verification and reporting, and agree upon appropriate arrangements that will ensure craibe veifcaton of achievement of DU, The TOR for Hiring DL agency has been attached as Annexure 14 in Volume of POM. Verification arrangements are DU speci, asthe verification methodology should take into account the nature ofthe ndeator, typeof data that can be used to very the specie achievements, and the Insttutional arrangements needed to provide the needed verification, The DL verification protocol also inches the scalability of disbursements which is formula based Mustrating the disbursement of francing proceeds ae proportional othe progress towards achieving the OL. Scalabiliy(isbursements against partly achieved DU) {acitates predictably of fund flow. Below table describes the DataSource and Verifcation mechanism foreach OU followed by dedicated DL! (Li details in BL. Table: Data Source and Description of Procedure for DU verification fNolbLT ‘APA roport, whichis based fon feld-vists to all GPs reviewing the compliance wth the BMcs and verifiation by the IMA, based an sampled check of No. of phase ll GPs that have qualified Basic | Anal 1 Mandatory Conaitons (MCs) in Annual announcements Performance Assessment Allocations to GPs Refer to the BiLa for detailed information and datasources for each BMC toe verified Procedure Every year > ISGPPI cll under the PRRD hires an independent frm to conduct the APA a per the procedure preseribedin POM > The APA firm submits the draft and final report to the independent verification agent for quality assurance and OU verification > The verification agent wil review the APA report to verity that the correct procedure was followed, and thatthe allocations are budgeted accordingly The APA team may be asked to review and recefy resis >> The final APR report and DL vetfaton report alongwith P&G allocations is submited by ISGPP Cello the PSC for approval. The PSC wil revew the APA report, PBG allocations and the OU! veriiation report to very that they have conformed to Program entteme > Note:The WB wil recive a copy ofthe draft and final reports ‘fom the APA and results from the verification exercise and reserves the right 1 review the results and the quality of the No. ofphase Il GPs that have qualified Basic Mandatory Conditons (BMCs) in Annual Performance Assessment Number of phase | (GPs that have qualified Expanded Mandatory Conditions (EMCs) and got access to performance rewards in Annual Performance lassessment ‘APA roport which is based fon feld-vists to all GPs reviewing the compliance wth the BMce and verifiation by the IVA based on sample checks of the APA results Anowal 36 announcements to Gs, locations to GPS. for previous Refer to the Bla for detailed information and dara sources for each EMC to be verified Every year > IscPPA cell under the PRRD hives an Independent frm to conduct the APA a per the procedure prescribedin POM, > The APA firm submits the draft and final report to the Independent veritcation agent for quality assurance and OU verification > The verification agent wil review the APA report to very that the correct procedure was followed, and thatthe allocations are budgeted accordingly The APA tear may be asked to review and recey resis > the final APA report and DL verification report along with P&G allocations I submited by ISGPP Cell tothe PSCfor approval. The PSC wil review the APA report, PBG allocations and the OU! vwerifleation report towel that they have conformed to Program entitlement > Note: The WB wil recive a copy ofthe draft and final reports ‘fom the APA and results ftom the verification exercise and reserves the right 1 review the results and the quality of the Percentage of activites implemented as por P&RD’s annual learning and training plan Review of Anowal consolidated District based learning and tesning plan ‘Annual consolidated Distrietbased learning and Leaning implementation report Annual summary of participant evaluations of learning events and tenn sessions. Refer to the Ba for detailed information and datasources for verifcation PRD submits all required documentation to the verification agent via the ISGPP Cell. The verieaton agent checks that ll documents are consistent with POM formats ang guidelines, The verfeation agent submits is report to the PSC for fnal endorsement

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