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Version 2017

July 2017

Copyright ¸ ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.


Copyright ¸ ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the authors.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or
indirectly by this document.

The BEAMD program has been written by a team of highly qualified engineers
and programmers and have been extensively tested. Nevertheless, the authors
of the software do not assume responsibility for the validity of the results
obtained from the programs or for the accuracy of this documentation

The user must verify his own results

The authors remind the user that the programs are to be used as a tool for
structural design and analysis, and that the engineering judgement of the user
is the final arbiter in the development of a suitable model and the interpretation
of the results.

Special thanks to:

All the people who contributed to this document, the programmers, secretaries, BEAMD dealers and users.

Last not least, we want to thank EC Software who wrote the help tool called HELP & MANUAL that was used to
create this document.
Contents 3

Table of Contents
Foreword 0

Part I General 7
1 File management
- general 7
2 Seismic
design - general 8
3 Right click
................................................................................................................................... 9
4 Select ...................................................................................................................................
spans 9
5 Undo ................................................................................................................................... 10
6 What's
new - 2017 10

Part II Main menu 11

1 Files ................................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Copy the current ..........................................................................................................................................................
beam 14
1.2 Change folder.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
1.3 Change/delete..........................................................................................................................................................
project 14
1.4 Delete beam /detailing
.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.5 Copy to another ..........................................................................................................................................................
folder 15
1.6 Copy from another..........................................................................................................................................................
folder 16
1.7 ZIP beam s .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.8 Unzip beam s .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
1.9 Move beam s to ..........................................................................................................................................................
a different project 19
1.10 Copy project to .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.11 Copy project from.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.12 ZIP project .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.13 Unzip project .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.14 Renam e .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.15 Restore beam..........................................................................................................................................................
list 22
1.16 Search .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.17 Exit .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
2 Detail................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1 Section library.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
3 Setup................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Colours .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.2 Concrete .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 Load patterns.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Reinforcem ent .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.5 Detailing .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.6 Detailing text and
lines 36
3.7 Add bar .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
3.8 Paper size .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
3.9 Print styles .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
4 Output
................................................................................................................................... 43

Part III New beam 45

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Part IV Geometry 47
1 Span ...................................................................................................................................
lengths 47
2 Sections
................................................................................................................................... 48
2.1 Stairs .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
3 Support
widths 52
4 Exterior
supports 53
5 Columns
................................................................................................................................... 53
5.1 Colum n section .......................................................................................................................................................... 54
6 Titles................................................................................................................................... 55
7 Springs
................................................................................................................................... 56
8 No supports
................................................................................................................................... 56
9 Elastic
foundations 57

Part V Loads 59
1 General
................................................................................................................................... 60
2 Uniform
................................................................................................................................... 60
3 Point ...................................................................................................................................
/ moment 61
4 Linear
................................................................................................................................... 61
5 Linear
line 63
6 Trapeze
................................................................................................................................... 63
7 Self-weight
................................................................................................................................... 64
8 Axial ................................................................................................................................... 64
9 Wind ................................................................................................................................... 64
10 Seismic
................................................................................................................................... 65
11 Load ...................................................................................................................................
factors 66
11.1 Dead/live factors
.......................................................................................................................................................... 67
11.2 Wind/seism ic..........................................................................................................................................................
factors 68
12 Copy ................................................................................................................................... 68
13 Revise
................................................................................................................................... 69
14 Delete................................................................................................................................... 69
15 Load ...................................................................................................................................
groups 70
16 Support
deflections 71

Part VI Design 71
1 Reinforcement
................................................................................................................................... 73
1.1 Redistribution.......................................................................................................................................................... 74
1.2 Increase w idth .......................................................................................................................................................... 75
2 Shear................................................................................................................................... 76
2.1 Shear design ..........................................................................................................................................................
options 77
2.2 Link details .......................................................................................................................................................... 78
2.3 Additional options
.......................................................................................................................................................... 80
2.4 Link arrangem..........................................................................................................................................................
ent 81

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Contents 5

3 Specify
'As' 82
4 Design
- properties 84
5 Data ................................................................................................................................... 85

Part VII Output 86

1 Reinforcement
................................................................................................................................... 86
2 Moments
................................................................................................................................... 87
3 Seismic
................................................................................................................................... 89
4 Shear................................................................................................................................... 90
5 Deflections
................................................................................................................................... 91
6 Print output
................................................................................................................................... 92
7 Print parameters
................................................................................................................................... 92

Part VIII Detailing 93

1 General
................................................................................................................................... 93
1.1 Select .......................................................................................................................................................... 93
2 Parameters
................................................................................................................................... 95
2.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................... 95
2.2 Detailing m ethod .......................................................................................................................................................... 99
2.3 Cover .......................................................................................................................................................... 100
2.4 Bent bars .......................................................................................................................................................... 101
2.5 Tapered span .......................................................................................................................................................... 103
2.6 Level differences.......................................................................................................................................................... 103
2.7 Bars .......................................................................................................................................................... 104
2.8 Splice .......................................................................................................................................................... 107
2.9 Stairs .......................................................................................................................................................... 107
3 Revise
detailing 108
3.1 Bars .......................................................................................................................................................... 108
3.2 Links .......................................................................................................................................................... 113
3.3 Text .......................................................................................................................................................... 115
3.4 Sections .......................................................................................................................................................... 121
3.5 Check .......................................................................................................................................................... 126
3.6 Elevation .......................................................................................................................................................... 130
3.7 Another beam .......................................................................................................................................................... 133
4 Sections
................................................................................................................................... 135
4.1 Lines .......................................................................................................................................................... 135
4.2 Links .......................................................................................................................................................... 140
4.3 Bars .......................................................................................................................................................... 147
4.4 Dim ensions .......................................................................................................................................................... 155
4.5 Library .......................................................................................................................................................... 156
4.6 Clip .......................................................................................................................................................... 158
4.7 Scale .......................................................................................................................................................... 159
5 Layout
................................................................................................................................... 160
5.1 Arrange .......................................................................................................................................................... 160
5.2 Autom atic arrange
.......................................................................................................................................................... 163
5.3 Schedule .......................................................................................................................................................... 165
5.4 DXF .......................................................................................................................................................... 167
6 Menu...................................................................................................................................
bar 168

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6.1 File .......................................................................................................................................................... 169

6.2 View .......................................................................................................................................................... 178
6.3 Zoom .......................................................................................................................................................... 178
6.4 Undo .......................................................................................................................................................... 179
6.5 Bars .......................................................................................................................................................... 180
6.6 Text .......................................................................................................................................................... 180
6.7 Sections .......................................................................................................................................................... 180
7 Automatic
detailing - Cage method 180
7.1 General assum
ptions for reinforcem ent arrangem ent 181
7.2 General assum
ptions for individual bars 182
7.3 Top reinforcem
ent - supports 182
7.4 Top reinforcem
ent - spans (Link hangers) 183
7.5 Bottom reinforcem
ent - spans 184
7.6 Bottom reinforcem
ent - supports 184

Part IX Calculation method 185

1 CSA...................................................................................................................................
A23.3 185
1.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................... 185
1.2 Mom ent & shear
envelopes 186
1.3 Main reinforcem
ent 186
1.4 Shear .......................................................................................................................................................... 190
1.5 Deflections .......................................................................................................................................................... 190
1.6 Torsion .......................................................................................................................................................... 190

Index 191

Copyright ¸ ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

General 7

1 General
BEAMD is a program that analyzes, designs and details reinforced concrete continuous beams.
The end product of the program is a complete engineering drawing, with all reinforcement drawn and
labeled according to the standards, as well as a complete bar schedule. The final engineering drawing
may be plotted, printed, or written to a file in DXF format.
Beams may be grouped into "Projects" to simplify management and to facilitate the arrangement of
drawings. Refer to File management - general 7 .

The beam design is carried out in the following stages:

· Geometry definition
· Load definition
· Moment, shear and torsion calculation
· Main reinforcement calculation
· Stirrups calculation
· Automatic detailing of reinforcement
· User revisions to the detailing
· Addition of sections
· Drawing layout
· Creation of bar schedule
Refer to Method of Calculation 185 : for more details

Related programs:
· BARSW - create bar schedules
· SECTION - create beam sections
These programs are either accessed directly from BEAMD or may be used as stand-alone programs.

1.1 File management - general

All beams designed in BEAMD may be saved. Each beam is saved in the “current folder”, displayed at
the top of the main screen. An option is available to select a different current folder.

In addition, the beams in any current folder may be

organized in groups; each group is called a "Project" by the
program. You may switch from folder to folder, and from
project to project as often as you wish.

· Up to 50 Projects can be created in every BEAMD 'current folder'.
· The sum of the number of beams in the 50 Projects in a working folder cannot exceed 3999.
· A Project serves as the basis of a drawing. All of the beams on a particular drawing must be saved in
the same Project.
· All beams are identified by their title, as defined in Geometry 47 .
· File management (delete/copy/move,etc) is internal.

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1.2 Seismic design - general

This section explains the general principles of seismic design for reinforced concrete beams common to
all design Codes. For detailed information pertaining to a specific Code, refer to Design assumptions 185 .
In general, seismic design must insure minimum levels of ductility in the beams and columns and so has
more stringent requirements for minimum reinforcement. In addition, much of the design is based on the
moment capacity of the members rather than the design forces calculated by the analysis. The moment
capacity must be calculated from the actual reinforcement in the beams/columns and so the program
allows the user to increase the theoretical areas to the actual areas as detailed.
The design procedure is summarized as follows:
· beam longitudinal reinforcement is calculated from the design forces, but not less than the minimum
specified by the Code
· beam shear reinforcement is calculated from shear forces derived from the moment capacity of the
beam (but not less than the design forces).
This method ensures a hierarchy of strengths of the different members. Note that three different moment
capacities are calculated by the program:
· factored: normal capacity for non-seismic members
· nominal: capacity calculated using concrete and steel strengths not reduced by Code factors
· probable: capacity calculated using increased steel strength, i.e. actual conditions
and each calculation uses the appropriate capacity.
The beams are designed for all load combinations as defined by the user.
In addition, the program complies with the following requirements found in all Codes:
· at support, the positive moment capacity is not less than a specified percentage of the negative
moment capacity
· at any point along the beam, the positive and negative moment capacity is not less than a specified
percentage of the negative moment capacity at the support
The program adds additional top/bottom reinforcement as required.
The seismic design shear forces (Ve) are calculated from the probable moment strength of the beam
together with the factored beam loads:

The program also checks the beam for the design shear from all load combinations.
Note that Mcap is calculated from the actual reinforcement; it is important that the user increase the
theoretical values to reflect the actual detailing.

IF stirrups are calculated from Ve , subject to the minimum requirements in the Code. In general, closed
hoops at reduced spacing are required at all locations where plastic hinges may form (and to a distance
x' beyond):

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General 9

1.3 Right click

A Shortcut Menu is a useful pop-up menu that provides options specific to a certain object in the beam
Right-click an object (such as a span or support) to display the Shortcut Menu for that particular object.
For example, when in geometry definition a right-click on a support displays a Shortcut Menu that lets
you select all support related options.

1.4 Select spans

· Move the adjacent to the span/support to be selected so that it is highlighted with the small .
Select current
· Click the mouse (or ) to select ; the span/support will be highlighted with the large .
· Continue selecting spans/supports as described above.
End selection
· To end the selection, click the last span/support again or click the button
Select all
· Click the button to select all the spans/supports in the beam.

Example: span selection:

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· The span/support selection method was different in older versions of BEAMD (up to V11.5). Contact
your BEAMD dealer to restore the previous method.

1.5 Undo
Click Undo to reverse the previous step in geometry, loads or design (including changes to parameters).
· click repeatedly to undo all steps back to the start of the session
· any step that is undone cannot be restored

1.6 What's new - 2017

· The maximum number of projects in each folder has been increased to 50.
· "Designed by" and a beam title prefix & suffix may now be defined for each project.
· A company logo may now be added to the header in the printed output,
· Scrolling with the mouse wheel is now available in all tables
· Beam list: alternate lines now have a colored background.
· Results - Data: torsion moments are now displayed.

· Sections: steel sections may now be selected from tables.
· "Wizard": sketches of the sections have been added to the menu.

· "As="; actual steel areas at supports and span may now be defined by specifying a diameter and
number of bars.
· automatic link design has been improved: new options to reduce the number of groups, the may the
groups symmetric, etc.
· Link design where a concentrated load is applied at a distance < 2d from the support face is now done
according to the relevant Code clauses.

· The link detailing options have been improved.
· Setup: exterior support hook detailing parameters have been added

Copyright ¸ ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

General 11

· Bars can now be moved by specifying the distance been the end of the bar and the center of the
· Internal support at bottom only and upper surface level varies: top bars are now extended to the
support face

· The options for defining bars in the section have been improved and expanded.
· A bar label can now be defined for any group of bars.

2 Main menu

The program Main Menu is displayed when the icon is clicked in the Windows desktop or when
is clicked in any of the program modules:
· the program lists the existing beams in the current project/folder, sorted alphabetically, by date or by
beam number; the beam status (designed only, designed & detailed, detailed & arranged on drawing)
is indicated by the small icon at the left of the line.
· To sort the beams according to one of the columns, click on the column header; the displayed
alongside the header indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order (e.g. sorted by beam title -
models starting with 'A' are displayed first; sorted by date - the oldest beam is displayed first). Click
again to sort in descending order - the symbol in the header is revised to .
· clicking on any line highlights the beam title; the program displays the latest view of the beam and its
statistics at the bottom of the screen.
· click on an option in the toolbar, an icon in the icon bar or a tab in the tab bar; this initiates the
relevant option for the highlighted beam.
· multiple beams may be selected for the delete and copy beam options.

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· Click to design a new beam 45

· to redesign a beam, double-click on its title, or highlight it and click on any tab.
· "*** STRAP concrete module beam ***" is displayed below the beam data summary for beams
created by STRAP.
· corrupted beam lists may be restored using the Files - Restore beam list 22 option

The list of beam titles is displayed sorted according to any of the five columns in the table:
· Beam title
· Date
· Detailed: - Yes: the beam has been detailed
- Incompatible: beam was revised but not detailed again
· On drawing - Yes: the beam has been added to a drawing
· beam number - e.g. for '018' beam files are B018.BMD, etc
To sort the beams according to one of the columns, click on the column header; a is displayed
alongside the header, indicating that the column is sorted in ascending order (e.g. sorted by title -
models starting with 'A' are displayed first; sorted by date - the oldest beam is displayed first). Click
again to sort in descending order - the symbol in the header is revised to .

Refer also to:

· General 7

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Main menu 13

2.1 Files

New beam
Select this option to define a new beam.

Redesign a beam
To redesign an existing beam:
· highlight a beam in the beam list and select this option - or -
· double-click a beam in the beam list - or -
· highlight a beam in the beam list and click a tab in the tab bar (e.g. Geometry, Loads, etc.)

Previous folders
The last five folders selected in the Change folder 14 option are displayed at the bottom of the File menu.
Clicking one of these lines will make that folder the new current folder.

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2.1.1 Copy the current beam

Use this option to create a copy of a beam (including detailing) in the current folder.
· highlight a beam in the beam list and click the mouse.
· define a title for the copy:

· click the button.
The program goes directly to the geometry screen for the copied beam.

2.1.2 Change folder

The current folder is displayed at the top of the screen. You may select any existing disk folder or drive.
(the program does not create folders); either type in the full folder path or click and select the

· any volume may be selected.
· The last five folders selected in the Change folder option are displayed at the bottom of the File
menu 13 . Clicking one of these lines makes that folder the new current folder.

2.1.3 Change/delete project

The beams in each folder may be saved in "projects"; up to 50 different projects may be opened in each
folder (refer to File management - general 7 ).
Select an existing project, create a new one, delete a project or revise a project name, designer name,
beam name prefix & suffix:

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Main menu 15

· To select an existing project, highlight the project line and click .
· To create a new project, click on an empty project (No.of beams = 0) and type in the project name
(maximum 50 characters), designer name, beam name prefix & suffix.
· To revise the name/designer/ beam name prefix & suffix of an existing project, click and highlight the
existing text, then edit the text.
· To delete a project - highlight the project line and click . All beams, detailing, drawings and
sections that belong the the project are deleted

2.1.4 Delete beam/detailing

To delete individual beams or their detailing from the current project:

Highlight one or more beams in the beam list and -

· Select Delete beams or click the icon in the menu bar to delete the beam, including the
detailing, from the list
· Select Delete detailing only to delete only the detailing (the geometry and loads are not deleted and
the beam remains in the list).

2.1.5 Copy to another folder

Use this option to copy a beam to another folder or to backup a beam to another volume (refer to File
management - general 7 ).
To copy a beam to another folder or to backup a beam
· Highlight one or more beams in the beam list

· Select Files - Copy a beam to another folder or click the icon; the program displays the
following dialog box:

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· Type in the name of the destination folder in the Copy to text box, click the button to choose a
recently selected folder or click and select the folder from the list. The program creates a
new folder if the specified one does not exist.
Select project
· Click the button; a list of the projects in the selected folder are displayed. For

· Click and highlight an existing project or select Open a new project and type in the project name.
· click the button to begin copying.

To create a copy of a model in the current folder, refer to Copy the current beam 14 .

2.1.6 Copy from another folder

Use this option to copy a beam from another folder or to restore a beam from a a different volume.(refer to
File management - general 7 ).
To copy a beam from another folder or to restore a beam

· Select Files - Copy a beam from another folder or click the icon; the program displays the
following dialog box:

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Main menu 17

· Type in the name of the source folder in the Copy from text box, click the button to choose a
recently selected folder or click and select the folder from the list.

Select project
· Click the button; a list of the projects in the selected folder are displayed. For

· Click and highlight an existing project; the program displays a list of the beams in the project.
· Highlight one or more beams in the beam list
· click the button to begin copying.

To create a copy of a model in the current folder, refer to Copy the current beam 14 .

2.1.7 ZIP beams

Beam files may be condensed to a single ZIP format file and may be imported back into the beam list
from a ZIP file. This option is similar to "Copy beams to another project/folder" option.
To copy beams to a ZIP file:
· Click and highlight the beams in the model list

ZIP beams
· Select Files - ZIP beams or click the icon and select
· Create a new ZIP file or add the beams to an existing file:

‫ת‬ type in the path\ZIP file name or browse to the path/file by clicking .
‫ת‬ select Copy with detailing to ZIP the detailing file (if the beam was detailed)
Select project
‫ת‬click .
· The program displays a list of projects:

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Select an existing project or Open a new project and click
· for an existing ZIP file, select one of the following options:

Add the beam to the file
the selected beams are added to the file
Replace the file
the existing file is erased and a new one is created with the selected beams
Select another ZIP file
Cancel the option and enter a different file name before continuing.

2.1.8 Unzip beams

Copy beams from a ZIP file to the beam list:

UnZIP beams
· Select Files - UnZIP beams or click the icon and select
· Select a ZIP file:

‫ת‬ type in the path\ZIP file name or browse to the path/file by clicking .
‫ת‬ select Copy with detailing to UNZIP the detailing file (if the beam was detailed)

Copyright ¸ ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

Main menu 19

Select project
‫ת‬click .
· The program displays a list of projects:

Select beams
Select an existing project and click
· Click and highlight beams in the list:

· click ; the beams are added to the current project.

2.1.9 Move beams to a different project

Move selected beams to a different project:
· the destination project must be in the current folder
· the selected beams are erased from the current project.
To move the beams:
· Highlight one or more beams in the beam list
· Select Move beams to another project in the Files pull-down menu; the program displays the
project list:

· To select an existing project, highlight the project name and click
· To create a new project, click .

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2.1.10 Copy project to

Copy an entire project to the same folder, a different folder or a different volume.
· the project will always be copied as a separate new project
· all beams will be copied; detailing, sections and drawings are optional
To copy a project:
· highlight one of the projects in the list box and click

· type the destination folder name in the Copy to box or click and browse to the folder
· type in the name of the new project
· set Copy with detailing to if you do not want to copy detailing, sections and drawing layout
· highlight a project and click the button

· refer to File management - general 7 .

2.1.11 Copy project from

Copy an entire project from the same folder, a different folder or another volume:
· the project will always be copied as a separate new project
· all beams will be copied; detailing, sections and drawings are optional

· type the folder name in the Copy from box or click and browse to the folder
Select project
· click ; the program will display the list of projects in the list box
· set Copy with detailing to if you do not want to copy detailing, sections and drawing layout
· highlight a project and click the button.

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Main menu 21

· refer to File management - general 7 .

2.1.12 ZIP project

Projects may be condensed to a single ZIP format file and may be imported back into the beam list from
a ZIP file. This option is similar to "Copy a project" option.
To copy projects to a ZIP file:

ZIP a project
· Select Files - ZIP a project or click the icon and select
· select the project:

· Create a new ZIP file or add the beams to an existing file:

‫ת‬ type in the path\ZIP file name or browse to the path/file by clicking .
‫ת‬ select Copy with detailing to ZIP the detailing file (if the beam was detailed)
‫ת‬ click .
· for an existing ZIP file,select one of the following options:

Add the beam to the file
the selected beams are added to the file

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Replace the file

the existing file is erased and a new one is created with the selected beams
Select another ZIP file
Cancel the option and enter a different file name before continuing.

2.1.13 Unzip project

Copy a project from a ZIP file to the beam list:

UNZIP a project
· Select Files - UNZIP a project or click the icon and select
· Select a ZIP file:

‫ת‬ type in the path\ZIP file name or browse to the path/file by clicking .
‫ת‬ select Copy with detailing to UNZIP the detailing file (if the beam was detailed)
Select project
‫ת‬ click .
· The program displays a list of projects:

select a project and click .
· Enter a new name for the project, if necessary.

2.1.14 Rename
Define a new title for the highlighted beam. The title may also be revised in the Geometry - Titles 55
option (not available for beams generated by STRAP - concrete).

2.1.15 Restore beam list

The list of beams that is displayed on the main screen may be corrupted, even though all of the beam
files (Bnnn.DAT, etc) are present in the folder.
This option recreates the beam list, based on the beam files found in the folder. Please use this option
with caution and only when necessary.

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Main menu 23

2.1.16 Search
Find a beam or project anywhere on the disk, etc, by searching for a string in the beam/project titles:

· select Beams or Project

· type in the disk volume to search in the 'Search sub-folders of' box. For example:
‫ת‬if you type C:, the program searches the entire disk C:
‫ת‬if you type C:\BEAMD, the program searches folder BEAMD and all its sub-folders.
· type in the text to search for in the Title should contain box. The example above searches for E17.
‫ ת‬the search is not case sensitive
‫ ת‬if you type in more than one word (separated by spaces), the program displays the titles containing
all of the words (even if they are not consecutive in the title)
‫ ת‬the program displays all of the beams/projects in the search path if this box is left blank

· click to start the search.
· to select the project/beam in the list, click and highlight the appropriate line and click ; the
relevant project is displayed on the main menu and its folder becomes the new current folder.

· when you select Search again the results of the previous search are displayed in the list; if you
selected the wrong project or beam previously from the list there is no need to search again.

2.1.17 Exit

Select this option to terminate the program. You may also click the icon in the upper-right corner of
the screen.
You may revise the classification of the beam as a "beam", "rib" or "slab":

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· this menu is displayed only if you select any BEAMD parameter option and click in its dialog

2.2 Detail
Select one of the following options:
· detail the highlighted beam
· display and revise the existing detailing for the highlighted beam
· arrange a drawing with detailed beams and sections, text, etc.
· create/edit a bar schedule automatically from a drawing, or manually
· create standard sections for the section library

2.2.1 Section library

Create a library of beam sections. When a section is later created for a specific beam, the program may
be instructed to take the general section shape from the library and modify the dimensions according to
the actual beam. For example:

In general, the program matchs up the largest rectangles in both sections while maintaining all other
dimensions. The bars and stirrups in the current section replace those in the library section. Clips,
blocks and dimension lines are added in the same locations but are updated for the current section

For details on defining a section, refer to Sections - general 135 .

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Main menu 25

2.3 Setup
Specify the initial parameter and default values for all new beams.

Select a design code from the list box.

Select the display and output units for design options:


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Large or small icons may be displayed in the icon bar:

2.3.1 Colours
You may specify the screen colours for:
· background
· graphic lines, e.g. beams, loads, moment diagrams, detailing, etc.
· text associated with each graphic line
The options are grouped in four separate tabs:
· Design screens
· Detailed beam display, including sections
· “Check” reinforcement detailing screen
· "Pen” colours.
For example, "design" colours:

To revise the colour of:

Geometry, load, result, etc item or text:
· click the of the relevant item

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Main menu 27

· select the new colour from the palette.

· click the button
· select one of the basic colors or create a custom colour; click the button.

2.3.2 Concrete
The following values are defined in the table:

Type = the concrete type name

f'c = nominal concrete strength in mPa
The program calculates all other required values from f'c

2.3.3 Load patterns

Define the load cases that are automatically generated by the program when calculating the moment
envelope. The cases are specified by defining the "pattern" of dead and live loads that are to be applied
by the program.
For example:

Spans = the number of adjacent spans on which the pattern is applied
1, etc = the span is loaded with maximum dead and maximum live loads
2, etc = the span is loaded with minimum dead load only

Three load cases are generated for the patterns specified in the menu above:

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Another example:

For the pattern:

the following three load cases are generated:

For ACI 318, the default pattern for support moments is:

the support moments increase only by approximately 1% in beams with uniform loads and span lengths,
but there will be more load cases generated for longer beams.

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Main menu 29

2.3.4 Reinforcement
Modify the data pertaining to the reinforcement bars:

For each diameter: modify the bar name, its area, and specify whether it can be used for main
reinforcement and/or stirrups.
· the bar name is a character string that may contain non-numerical characters, e.g "#8"
· the area must be entered in millimeters².
· Bar sizes marked as "No" for main reinforcement or stirrups are not displayed in the relevant list
· To toggle the "Yes"/"No", click on the line and modify the checkbox that is then displayed.

· Enter the steel grades in mPa. Up to five different grades may be defined and they will be displayed in
the reinforcement/shear parameters list boxes.
· Specify the default steel grades for the main reinforcement and stirrups; enter a number between 1 and
5 corresponding to the list. Note that the defaults are used only when the first beam is defined in any

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2.3.5 Detailing

Specify the default scale for beams and sections.

Calculate bar lengths

The program calculates the total length of every bar as the sum of the segment lengths. For bars with
hooks and bend, select the method for total length calculation:

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Main menu 31 General

Round bars to a multiple of

Bar lengths are always rounded upwards to a multiple of the value specified in this option.
option value = 100 mm; a bar with calculated L = 5365 mm will be drawn as L = 5400

Round segment lengths

The program always tries to round the length of individual segments to the value specified here, but the
rounding value for the total bar length always governs.
For example, in a bar with hooks at both ends where the horizontal segment length cannot be changed,
the program must modify the hook lengths to round the total bar length to the specified value, and the
hook lengths will probably not comply with the value specified here.

Make bars symmetric

This option applies to :
· top bars at supports
· bottom bars in span

Bars are made symmetric about the centre line if 'left-right' is less than the value specified here.
The required lengths are left 1250 and right = 925, i.e. a difference of 375 mm:
· the option is set to 400 mm. ( > 375):
the bar length is revised to 2500 mm (2x1250)
· the option is set to 300 mm. ( < 375):

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the bar is drawn as calculated (2175 mm)

Make bars identical

Each bar at a design location is initially detailed by the program to cover its proportion of the moment
envelope. The program then adjusts the length of the bars so that not all the bars will have different
For example, the initial length of the first bar is 5500 mm and the initial length of the second bar is 5100
· if this option is set to 500 mm, both bars are detailed as 5500 mm
· if this option is set to 250 mm, the bars are detailed with their original length
Refer also to Minimum 2 bars with same length 33 .

Maximum bar length

Specify the maximum allowable bar length. The program uses two or three different bars where a bar
exceeding this length is required and details the necessary overlap.
For example, maximum bar length = 12 m and span length > 12 m:

Maximum spacing between bars in layer

Specify the maximum allowable distance between any two tension bars in any layer. The program adds
additional bars if the spacing exceeds the limit.

Note that the option applies to the exterior layer only.

Aggregate size
In most design codes the aggregate size is required to calculate the minimum spacing between bars.

Add face bars when beam height >

The program automatically adds face bars when the beam height exceeds the value specified here.

Start of cage
For 'cage' method only: Specify the gap between the ends of the longitudinal bars and the face of the

Minimum space to 1st link

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Main menu 33

Specify the minimum 'gap' dimension. This value is used by the program when the user 'rearranges' the
stirrups in the Detailing module.

Allow 1 bar
If two or more layers are required:
at least two bars are provided in the last layer, even if not required.
only one bar may be detailed in the last layer

Minimum 2 bars with same length

In addition to the Make 2 bars identical if length difference < 32 option,
bar lengths are adjusted so that the 'number of bars' is not less than 2
single bars are allowed.

2 diameters: even number of bars

When there are 2 different diameters at a design location (e.g. 3f20 + 2f16):
make both 'number of bars' an even number, i.e. the program will not detail the above example
odd numbers are allowed
Note that allowing two different diameters is an option in the Setup - parameters 33 menu.

Make small diameter longer

When there are 2 different diameters at a design location (e.g. 3f20, 2f16) with different lengths:
make the smaller diameter longer
make the larger diameter longer Parameters

There is a separate menu for each design type: beam, slab, rib, etc.

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No. of diameters
Instruct the program to either use only one diameter at every design location or to use two diameters if a
more economical solution can be achieved (e.g. 3f20 + 2f16).
· the program will never detail one bar only for the smaller diameter
· the smaller diameter will not be less than 0.45 x larger diameter. Bent-up

Distance to 1st bend point:

· at top of beam
· from face of support

Min/max bent area:

· percentage = S A s,bent/ S As, bot Hangers

Stirrups hangers are additional top bars added added to tie the stirrups where not required by the
moment diagram.

· specify the nominal overlap length with the top support bars

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Main menu 35

· delete the link hangers and extend the top bars from the adjacent supports if the link hanger length is
less than the specified value.
· specify the minimum diameter for the link hangers Slabs

Beams designated as "slabs" are detailed with bar spacing (e.g. f10@250) instead of number of bars
Specify the minimum bar spacing value and the round-off value of both top and bottom bars: Pens/dxf

The lines in the detailed beam drawing are arranged in several "groups", e.g, "Beam title", "Column name
frame", etc.
All lines in a group have certain identical properties when displayed on the screen or sent to an output

For each type, specify:

· Pen width : for display on screen and all output devices
Units are 1/100 mm. Zero width denotes 1 pixel.
· DXF layer name : each group creates a different DXF layer
· DXF color : colour assigned to layer; 0 = b/w, etc.

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36 BEAMD Cranked bars

Specify the default crank dimensions (A), (B) and (C) as shown in the dialog box.

· these dimensions cannot be modified for individual beams or bars after automatic detailing.
· the vertical crank dimension (A) on the drawing will not be drawn as less than the "Minimum vertical
offset" value (i.e. the crank will generally not be drawn to scale vertically).
· if "Show crank details in bar schedule" is set to , cranked bars will be shown as straight bars in the

2.3.6 Detailing text and lines

Detailed beam drawings consist of text and lines. For each text/line type, specify:
· draw/omit
· text height
· text location
· text frame
· label format , etc.
The options are arranged in four menus:

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Main menu 37 Bars

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38 BEAMD Links

Elevation: Sections

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Main menu 39

2.3.7 Add bar

When the "add bar" option is selected while the detailed beam is displayed, the program displays initial
segment length values in the dialog box, based on the parameters specified in this option. The default
segment dimensions are either fixed length, a function of span length or a function of the bar diameter.

The options are explained by the sketch in the dialog box. Cage

The default segment dimensions are either fixed length, a function of span length or a function of the bar

The options are explained by the sketch in the dialog box. Bent

The default segment dimensions are either fixed length, a function of span length or a function of the bar

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The options are explained by the sketch in the dialog box.

2.3.8 Paper size

For Drawing layout only, specify the actual size and margins of the drawing. The dimensions X, Y are
the net paper size, i.e. the actual paper size less the margins specified in the printer manual.

· The dimension B is used as the left margin width when printing the design output tables (geometry,
loads, moment diagrams, etc).

2.3.9 Print styles

The format for BEAMD tabular output may be specified by the user.
A series of "styles" may be defined using this option; each style contains information on the fonts,
margins, lines and spacing to be used when printing the table. When printing tables, the user may
select one of the predefined styles and the tables are printed in the specified format.

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Main menu 41

Select one of the defined styles from the displayed list:

Note: "Draft" style prints all data in Courier 10 cpi font without any vertical or horizontal lines. This style
cannot be edited.

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Style name
Define a name for the style; the name will appear in the tabular printing dialog box "style list"

Style items
Select the margin size, fonts, font sizes, etc. for all items in the output tables. Only options shown in
the following example are relevant.

Select a default printer for the style. The printer may be changed when actually printing the tables.

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Main menu 43

2.4 Output

Print beams
Print selected tables for the highlighted beams (more than one beam may be selected):

Summary - condensed output - all tables

This option will print all of the graphic output tables (geometry, loads, moments, results) in a
condensed form, e.g. the dead and live loads are plotted together. All of the other options, except
detail drawing, will be grayed if this box is checked.

Weight tables
Display the ratio of reinforcement weight to concrete volume for detailed beams. Select one of two

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· Display detailed weight table

the program displays the data for every detailed beam, sorted by projects as well as the totals for each
project. For example:

· Display weight summary

the program displays only the totals for each project (the last line in the above example).
· Display weight by diameter
the weights for each beam are displayed according to diameter. The weights are displayed separately
for main reinforcement are stirrups. For example:

· Concrete volume is calculated from the web area only.
· Weight is not calculated for beams that have not been detailed.

Beam list
Print the main screen beam list, for all projects in the file or the current project only. For example:

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New beam 45

3 New beam
Define a new beam:
· Only the list of span lengths are compulsory;
· Support widths, section type and dimensions, loads, etc. are optional; the program will prompt for the
data later on if it is not entered here.

Span lengths & support widths

Define the span lengths and the default support width:

· for stairs, refer to Section - stairs 51
· span lengths are measured from centre-to-centre of supports.
· enter the lengths according to the units displayed on the screen (span default units may be specified
in the Setup 25 option).
· enter a list of span lengths separated by spaces. For example, a 4 span beam:
5.65 7.5 5.65 1.3

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· If the span units are 'feet', the dimensions may be entered as feet'-inch", separated by a '-'; the
symbol ' (ft) and " (in) are optional. For example: 15'-9" 15-9 15'-9 15-9" 15.75 are all accepted by
the program and are identical
· the default width will be assigned to all supports; different widths for specific supports can be defined in
the Geometry screen.
· Program capacity = 20 spans

Exterior supports
The exterior end supports of the beam may be pinned, fixed or cantilevered. Specify the support type for
left and/or right end supports.

Support names
Define the support names (optional).
· if the support names are not define the program assigns the default names 1 2 3 ...
· all defined names are added automatically to the beam title (see below).

Beam title
Define/revise the beam title.
· the support names should be defined first (see above).
· if support names and the title are not defined, the program creates the default title: Beam: 1 2 3 .....

Beam type
Specify whether the new beam is a "beam", "rib", "slab" or a "stair":
· for stairs, refer to Section - stairs 51
· the program will use the parameters of the previous beam of the selected type as the default
parameters of the new beam.
· the detailing module will use the beam type specified here.

Define a uniform section for all beams in the span:
· the section type
· enter the dimensions (note the current units).
· different sections 48 for selected spans can be defined later in the Geometry module.
· if section data does not have to be defined in this menu (if not defined, the program will display the
Section 48 menus before displaying the geometry).

Define a uniform load for all spans in the beam:
· the load may be Service or Factored; define Dead and Live (imposed) loads separately
· set to automatically apply the beam self-weight as a dead load
· this data is optional.
· additional loads may be applied in the Loads 59 module.

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Geometry 47

4 Geometry

Revise the span lengths 47 , add or remove spans

Revise section dimensions 48 , add new sections, assign sections to spans

Revise support widths 52 at any support location

Revise the exterior support 53 types - pinned, fixed or cantilever

Define the beam, support and span titles 55

Define columns 53 at beam support locations

Define springs 56 (flexible supports) at beam support locations

Remove supports 56 to combine two or more spans (generally with different


Specify that spans are beams on elastic foundations 57

Define loads 59 on the beam

Design 71 the beam - longitudinal and shear reinforcement; deflections

From the toolbar:

4.1 Span lengths

Enter/revise the list of span lengths in the text box:

Enter a list of span lengths separated by spaces. For example, a 4 span beam:
5.65 7.5 5.65 1.3
If the span units are 'feet', the dimensions may be entered as feet'-inch", separated by a '-'; the symbol
' (ft) and " (in) are optional. For example: 15'-9" 15-9 15'-9 15-9" 15.75 are all accepted by the
program and are identical

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· if spans are added/deleted, the program tries to ensure that section, columns, etc. remain assigned to
the original spans/supports.
· span lengths are measured from centre-to-centre of supports.
· enter the lengths according to the units displayed on the screen (span default units may be specified
in the Setup 25 option).
· Program capacity = 20 spans

4.2 Sections
Specify the section for selected spans:
for stairs refer to Section - stairs 51 .
· select the spans using the standard span/support selection option 9
· specify the section type.

Sections - by dimensions
Define the section dimensions according to the diagram in the dialog box. For example, a T-section:

· all dimensions must be entered in the units displayed in the dialog box (the dimension units may be
specified in the Setup 25 option).
· for flanged sections (T, L, I), it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the flange width does not
exceed the maximum dimension specified by the Code).
· values may be defined in exponential format, e.g. 23.42E5 instead of 2,342,000

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Geometry 49

Tapered sections
Define a tapered beam section by entering different dimensions for the left and right ends of the span:

· click to switch the left and right dimensions. he program creates a new section group if
necessary, for example:

· more than one dimension may be tapered (only tf cannot be tapered).

· the program calculates the span stiffness according to the tapered section and all results are
calculated at each point along the span according the dimensions at that point.

Sections - by properties
Define the section properties according to the units displayed in the dialog box:

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· the properties may be defined in exponential format, e.g. 23.42E5 instead of 2,342,000
· The program cannot calculate reinforcement for sections defined by properties; only moment/shear
diagrams and deflections will be calculated (the program will prompt for the modulus of elasticity of the

Sections - Steel
Select a steel section from one of the following tables:
Contact your BEAMD dealer if your
national steel section table is not
displayed in the list.

Then select a section type and a section from the lists:

· Only moment/shear diagrams and deflections are calculated for steel sections.

Same as:

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Geometry 51

Assign an existing section to the selected span. Select the span with the existing section using the
standard span/support selection option 9 .

If you selected a single span and the program finds the same section in other spans, you may revise the
section in all identical spans at the same time.
Choose one of the following options.
Revise all spans with same section
The section in all spans with the selected section will be revised, even though you selected only one
Revise selected span only
Revise the section in the selected span only; all of the other spans will remain unchanged.

4.2.1 Stairs
Define stairs:
· stairs consist of a series of landings and flights.
· each "span" consists of a landing and a flight of stairs.
· multiple spans create intermediate landings
· each span requires three dimensions: L1, L2 and H :

· the first and last supports are either pinned or fixed; all intermediate ones are "no supports".
· a different thickness may be defines for the landings (tL ) and the stairs (ts)

There are two options in the wizard: Landings and No landings :

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For example, define a single flight of stairs:

A single flight consists of the landing and stairs of Span 1 and the
landing of Span 2.

Enter the following values shown above (either option):

· the dimensions are measured on the underside of the stairs.
· Length and section dimensions may be in different units.

4.3 Support widths

Define support widths at selected support locations. Different width may be defined above and below the

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Geometry 53

· select supports using the standard span/support selection option 9

· type in the support width in the text box according to the units displayed in the dialog box
· specify Above and below, Above only or Below only
· click the button

4.4 Exterior supports

The exterior end supports of the beam may be pinned, fixed or cantilevered. Specify the support type for
left and/or right end supports.

· Existing columns at the exterior supports are deleted.

4.5 Columns
Define columns at any support location. The program will analyze a sub-frame consisting of the beam
and the columns.
Note that the beam moments are reduced as the support moments are distributed to the beams
according to the relative beam and column stiffnesses.

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Select the supports:

All locations
Specify Top or Bottom, Bottom only or Top only, then click or
Selected locations

The standard span/support selection option 9 is used to select locations.


4.5.1 Column section

Specify the column section type:

Sections - dimensions
Define the column dimensions and length according to the units displayed in the dialog box. For
example a rectangular column:

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Geometry 55

Note the orientation of the section relative to the beam:

Section properties
Define the column properties and length according to the units displayed in the dialog box:

· that the properties may be defined in exponential format, e.g. 2.342E6 instead of 2,342,000.
· all columns are fixed at their ends.

Sections - same as
Assign an existing column section to the selected column. Select the column with the existing section
using the standard span/support selection option 9 .

4.6 Titles
Revise the support, span and beam titles.
To revise a support/span title:

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· click and highlight the support/span title in the appropriate list box
· type in a new name

· press when finished.

· support names are automatically updated in the Beam title (if the program finds the previous support
name in the title).

4.7 Springs
Define flexible supports:

· select the supports using the standard span/support selection option 9

· define the spring constant according to the units displayed in the dialog box:

4.8 No supports
Supports may be removed at the junction of two spans. This is option may be used to define a span with
a variable cross section.
· select the supports using the standard span/support selection option 9

· specify Remove supports

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Geometry 57


· the supports cannot be removed from the exterior supports (define a cantilever).

4.9 Elastic foundations

Define a beam on elastic foundations:
The program internally divides each selected span into 20 segments and creates a spring at the segment

Therefore, long beams should be created with more than one span so that the distance between the
springs (L/20) is relatively small and the calculation is more accurate (note that the program can
automatically create springs at the 'supports' between these spans):

To define a beam on elastic foundations:

· Select the spans using the standard span/support selection option 9
· Enter the subgrade modulus value:

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‫ת‬ Select: Define or Delete

‫ת‬ Enter the modulus value according to the units displayed; select either:
ton/meter^2 (or current units):
enter a value equivalent to the subgrade modulus multiplied by the 'width' perpendicular to the
enter the subgrade modulus; the program calculates the width automatically from the bottom
beam dimension, e.g.

‫ת‬ Set Create/delete springs at supports to automatically create a spring at the common support
of two selected spans:

‫ת‬ Set Unidirectional springs to define elastic supports that can take compression only, i.e. the
program assumes there is no contact between the soil and the foundation in the case of uplift. The
program carries out an iterative calculation where each spring at L/20 is checked individually.
· if bidirectional beams are defined, the generated springs are linear and two-way, i.e. there may be
tension forces in the springs. In such cases, negative values of pressure are displayed in the reaction
· the program calculates the deflections for beams on elastic foundations from the net elastic deflection
between supports or beam ends:

The actual deflection is derived from the cracked section stiffness according to the Code without any
consideration for the influence of the foundation. This assumption may be conservative for beams on
relatively stiff elastic foundations.

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Loads 59

5 Loads

Define a uniform 60 load on the entire span

Define a point load 61 (or a series of loads) at any location along the span

Define a moment 61 at any point along the span

Define a linear 61 load segment (or a series of segments) starting and ending
anywhere along the span

Define a linear-line load 63 starting on one span and ending on another

Define a trapeze 63 or triangular load applied to the entire span

Apply the self-weight 64 of the beams as a dead load

Apply an axial 64 load to the beam (tension or compression)

Define wind 64 load moment diagrams

Define seismic 65 load moment diagrams

Define a support deflection 71 as a load case. Support deflections may be

defined only in "Individual load cases".
Specify the load group type - automatic envelope (service or factored loads)
and revise the load factors 66 for maximum/minimum dead and live loads (e.g.
1.4, 1.6, etc.)

Copy 68 a load to another span(s)

Revise 69 an existing load

Delete 69 selected loads

Define additional load groups 70 . The results from all load groups will be
combined to create a single moment/shear envelope for design

Revise the beam geometry 47

Design 71 the beam - longitudinal and shear reinforcement; deflections.

From the toolbar:

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5.1 General
Vertical load types that may be defined are:

Uniform : applied to entire span

Point/moment : at any location along span
Linear : at any location along a span or extending across several spans
Trapeze : applied to entire span

· Torsional moments are defined by applying an eccentricity to any of the vertical loads

· wind/seismic moment diagrams may be defined and combined with gravity (vertical) load diagrams
· support deflections may be defined as load cases.

BEAMD calculates the reinforcement (longitudinal and transverse) based on a result envelope, i.e. it
calculates the moment, shear and torsion diagrams from individual load cases, combines them and
retains the maximum and minimum values at all points along the length of the beam.

For example, a moment envelope:

Load cases are generated automatically by the program or may be defined individually by the user:
· envelope loads may be either factored or service (the program will automatically increase the loads by
the relevant load factors); dead and live (imposed) loads are defined separately.
· The user may define a series of load groups (only one group will be defined in most beams).
· Each group may be either an envelope (the program will automatically generate the load cases
according to the min/max patterns) or an individual load case (the program calculates a single
moment diagram).
· The program combines the results from all load groups to form a single design envelope for the
· The load patterns are defined in the Setup option.

5.2 Uniform
Enter the load values according to the displayed units:
· the load type (service or factored) is displayed in the header
· positive load = downwards
· torsional moments are defined by applying an eccentricity to the load

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Loads 61

· the load is applied to the entire span

5.3 Point / moment

Enter up to four load values according to the displayed units:
· the first distance is from the
beam start; all other
distances are from the
previous load.

· the load type (service or

factored) is displayed in the
· positive load = downwards
· positive load = counter
· torsional moments are
defined by applying an
eccentricity to the load (P

5.4 Linear
Define a series of linear load segments (4 maximum)
Define the first segment:

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· if the spans selected have different lengths, the box will be displayed separately for each group of span
lengths (note the list of spans at the top of the dialog box)
· the units and load type (service or factored) are displayed in the header
· positive load = downwards
· the load must start and end on the same span; to define a load that starts and ends on different
spans, use the Linear-line 63 option.
· torsional moments are defined by applying an eccentricity to the load

Additional segment
Click to define additional segments:

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Loads 63

· The program automatically assigns the loads at the end of the current segment to the start of the
following segment; they may be revised.
· A segment with zero length will be ignored.

5.5 Linear line

Define a linear load that starts and ends on different spans.

· the units and load type (service or factored) are displayed in the header
· positive load = downwards
· the span selected is the "start" span; note that only one span may be selected, i.e. all linear-line loads
must be defined separately.
· torsional moments are defined by applying an eccentricity to the load

5.6 Trapeze

· the units and load type (service or factored) are displayed in the header

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· positive load = downwards

· load is always applied symmetrically to the entire span
· torsional moments are defined by applying an eccentricity to the load

5.7 Self-weight
Automatically apply the self-weight of the beam.

The program multiplies the area of the beam by the unit weight of concrete and the factor and applies the
result as a dead load.

5.8 Axial
Define an axial load (tension or compression) on the selected spans:

· only one axial load may be defined per span; if you select the same span again the program will retain
only the last load entered.
· the program calculates the reinforcement at any point from the two combinations axial load with the
moments - minimum moment and maximum moment - and uses the greater value.
· the axial loads are increased by the same load factors as the vertical loads.
· enter the load values according to the units displayed in the dialog box.

5.9 Wind
Define load moment diagrams. The program will add these moment diagrams to the envelope, as
· Envelope:
The load factors for the Wind load combinations are specified in the Load factors 68 option. If the
"Minimum" dead/live factors are equal to "Maximum" dead/live factors, the program will add the wind

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Loads 65

moment diagrams to a single gravity load case. If the factors are not equal, the program calculates a
moment envelope and adds the wind moments to each individual load case. Refer also to Design
assumptions 185
· User defined
The wind moments are defined as separate loading cases that are added to the moment diagrams
calculated for the other individual load cases.

Enter the wind moment values in the table according to the units displayed in the dialog box. Note that
two different moment diagrams may be defined:
The moments in the table correspond to:

5.10 Seismic
Define seismic load moment diagrams. The program will add these moment diagrams to the envelope,
as follows:
· Envelope:
The load factors for the Seismic load combinations are specified in the Load factors 68 option. If the
"Minimum" dead/live factors are equal to "Maximum" dead/live factors, the program will add the
seismic moment diagrams to a single gravity load case. If the factors are not equal, the program
calculates a moment envelope and adds the seismic moments to each individual load case. Refer
also to Design assumptions 185
· User defined
The seismic moments are defined as separate loading cases that are added to the moment diagrams
calculated for the other individual load cases.
Refer to Seismic - general 8 for more information.

Select the "frame type" (according to the current seismic code) and enter the seismic moment values in
the table. Note that two different moment diagrams may be defined:

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The moments in the table correspond to:

5.11 Load factors

Load group type

Select one of the following:

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Loads 67

Envelope - service loads

Define dead and live service loads separately. The program will automatically create a series of load
cases with the required max/min patterns, increase the loads by the relevant load factors, and
calculate a moment envelope for the group. This envelope will be added to the total design
Envelope - factored loads
Define dead and live factored loads separately. The program will automatically create a series of
load cases with the required max/min patterns and calculate a moment envelope for the group
without increasing the loads by the factors. This envelope will be added to the total design
Individual load case
Define total factored loads. The program will calculate a single moment diagram without increasing
the loads by factors and add it to the total envelope.

5.11.1 Dead/live factors

Revise the load factors used by the program to calculate the moment,shear and deflection envelopes for
Dead and Live load combinations. The default factors are the ones specified by the Code.

· Service:
These factors are used to calculate the deflection envelope.
· Factored:
These factors are used to calculate the moment and shear envelopes. For example, to calculate the
maximum moment in the centre span, the program will apply the loads increased by the factors in the

· All factors = 1.00 for "Envelope - factored load" or "Individual" load cases. Service load deflections are
calculated according to the load factors specified in the Deflection parameter option.

Refer to Design assumptions 185 for more details.

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5.11.2 Wind/seismic factors

Revise the load factors used by the program to calculate the moment,shear and deflection envelopes
when wind/seismic loads are combined with the gravity loads. The default factors are the ones specified
by the Code.

More than one envelope may be calculated by the program. In the following example:
· Dead & Wind
· Dead & Live & Wind

· If the "Minimum" dead/live factors are equal to "Maximum" dead/live factors, the program adds the
wind/seismic moment diagrams to a single gravity load case. If the factors are not equal, the program
calculates a moment envelope and adds the wind/seismic moments to each individual load case.

5.12 Copy
Copy existing loads to other spans. You may copy a specific load or selected load types:
· Select a load; move the crosshair adjacent to the centre of the load so that the load is highlighted with
the ; click the mouse.
· Select the options:

The selected load only

Only the selected will be copied
All loads on the span
Only loads on the span with the selected load will be copied
Selected loads on the span

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Loads 69

Select the load types to copy by selecting the types at the right.
Mirror loads
Draw the mirror image of the load (this option is relevant only for point and linear loads)
· Select the spans that the load shall be copied to:
Loads can be copied only to spans having the same length (except for uniform loads and self-weight).

5.13 Revise
Revise any of the defined loads:
· Select the load:
Move the crosshair adjacent to the centre of the load so that the load is highlighted with the ; click
the mouse.

· The program displays the relevant load definition menu with the current values; revise the loads and/or
the distances.
· If the load was defined on two or more spans, you may revise the load on all of the spans or only on
the selected span:

Select an option and click

The program refreshes the load screen and displays the revised load.

5.14 Delete
Delete any of the defined loads:
· delete a specific 'command' - on one span or all the spans, or -
· delete a selected load type(s) - on one span or the entire beam, or -
· delete all of the loads on a single span or the entire beam

For all options, select a load:

· Move the crosshair adjacent to the centre of the load so that the load is highlighted with the ; click
the mouse.

· Select the relevant option:

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Delete load on all highlighted spans

For example, if load P2 was selected in the example above, P1 and P2 will be deleted (P1 = P2)
Delete load on selected span only:
Only P2 will be deleted
By load type:
Select the load types to delete by selecting the types at the right.
Delete on selected span only:
All loads of the selected types are deleted on the span with P2.
Delete on entire beam:
All loads of the selected type are deleted on the entire beam (note that any load could have been
The program deletes the loads and refreshes the load screen.

5.15 Load groups

Loads may defined in several different groups:
· Each group may be an "envelope" (the program automatically generates the load cases according to
the max/min patterns) or a single load case.
· The program automatically combines the results from all load groups to form a single envelope that is
used for design.

To add/revise/delete a load group, highlight the load case title and click the appropriate button.

Specify the load group properties:

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Loads 71

Enter a title for the load group (maximum 20 characters)
Group type:
Refer to load factors 66 .
Copy loads:
Copy the loads from an existing load group to the new load group:
· select the load group from the listbox
· select Dead loads and/or Live loads
· loads that are revised later in the existing load group will not be revised automatically in the new load

The load group and all loads defined in the group will be deleted.

5.16 Support deflections

Define a support deflection as a load. The program calculates the moments and shears resulting from
the deflection and adds them to the envelopes.

· support deflections may be defined only in an "Individual load case", i.e. the moments/shears
calculated from the deflection are added as factored results to the total moment/shear envelope.

6 Design
The program displays the results according to the current design parameters (displayed at the bottom of
the screen). For more details on the display, refer to Output 86 .
Select icons in the side menu to revise the design parameters:

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Specify the reinforcement parameters 73 : concrete type, longitudinal steel

grade, longitudinal reinforcement cover, moment redistribution, etc.
Specify the shear parameters 76 :stirrups steel grade, shear reduction, shear
reinforcement type (stirrups only, stirrups & bent-up), parameters - diameter,
spacing, legs, etc.

Specify deflection parameters required for the deflection calculation or check.

Specify reinforcement 82 areas at selected beam locations. Increasing the

steel area will modify various results such as shear stirrups, deflections, etc.

Graphically display input/output data 85 at any location along the beam.

Revise the beam geometry 47

Define loads 59 on the beam

From the toolbar:

Automatic detailing of the reinforcement for the current beam

Display the reinforcement for a beam already detailed.

Arrange an engineering drawing with the beam in the current project, create and add sections;
create a bar schedule, etc.
From the menu bar:

The program calculates the longitudinal reinforcement, shear reinforcement and deflections according to
the current parameters.

The program checks that Code limits are not exceeded, e.g.
· maximum reinforcement percentage
· maximum redistribution percentage
· maximum shear force/stress
· bent-up bar area greater then bottom reinforcement
· constant stirrups provided with bent-up bars are not sufficient.

Warnings are displayed in the small table when the limits are exceeded.
· click to erase the table (note that you may continue working in the Design window without
closing the Warning box

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Design 73

6.1 Reinforcement

Select one of the concrete types from the list box.

Reinforcement grade
Select one of the reinforcement grades from the list box or type in any value. This steel grade is used for
longitudinal reinforcement only.

Define the gross and net cover to the main reinforcement, top and bottom:

· the gross cover is measured to the center-of-gravity of the reinforcement and is used to determine the
design depth, d.
· the net cover is used for detailing only and does not affect the reinforcement calculation.
The values displayed in the text boxes are the default values for the entire beam. To define different
values for individual spans:
· click the button (top or bottom)
· define a value for the cover according to the units listed in the dialog box:

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· Select spans using the standard span selection option 9 .

· Cover values revised using the Individual spans option are not changed when the default values are
modified later.

Moment redistribution
Refer to redistribution 74 .

Increase width
Refer to Design - increase width 75 .

Minimum reinforcement
Select one of the two methods allowed by the Code for calculating the minimum reinforcement in beams:
· (10-4)
· 1.33 As,required (§
where bt = width of the tension zone
Note that minimum reinforcement is provided only for top reinforcement at supports and bottom
reinforcement in spans.

Use support moments at

Select the moment at the column face or the column centre line for design of support reinforcement.

· this option is available for all codes, although only some refer to it specifically. For example, ACI 318
(8.7.3) and CSA A23.3 ( "For beams built integrally with supports, design on the basis of
moments at faces of supports shall be permitted".

6.1.1 Redistribution
The program calculates moment redistribution according to the algorithm detailed below, based on the
maximum and minimum percentages specified by the user. Note that the program does not calculate
the 'optimum' redistribution for the beam. It is the user's responsibility to adjust the percentages so
that a satisfactory redistribution is obtained.

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Design 75

Redistribution is carried out on the individual load cases. The moments in each load case are adjusted
so that -
· The support moments in the envelope are reduced up to the maximum percentage specified by the
user, but not less than the minimum percentage specified.
· The maximum span moments in the envelope remain constant or are decreased (unless the minimum
redistribution requirement forces an increase in the span moment)
· The shear forces in the spans are adjusted so as to maintain equilibrium of forces and moments.
· For beams with columns, the moment transferred by the beam into the column before and after
redistribution is constant. This prevents redistribution in the columns. Therefore there will be no
redistribution at exterior column supports.
· There is no redistribution at supports of cantilevers.

· For the BS8110, EC2 and IS:456 Codes, the envelope after redistribution is checked to ensure that it
lies within the "70% line". If the maximum redistribution percentage specified is less than 10%, the
program uses a 90% line.
· For ACI 318: the programs writes * * * instead of reinforcement area if (r - r ')/ r b > 0.5

6.1.2 Increase width

Instruct the program to increase the beam width automatically when the reinforcement or the height of
the compression block exceeds user specified limits. The new increased width is sufficient to reduce
the reinforcement compression block height to the limit.

Select one of the following options:

No increase
Do not increase the beam width. This is the default option.

Increase at code limit

Increase the beam width at the Code limit for compression reinforcement.

No compression reinforcement
Increase the beam width when compression reinforcement is required.

Limit x/d to
Specify the maximum compression block height, x/d. The beam width will be increased when this limit
is exceeded.

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· the program will increase the width uniformly with the maximum value to the point where the increase
is no longer required. For example:

· the beam width may also be increased to eliminate shear reinforcement. Refer to shear
parameters 76 for more details.
· Slabs: The program now suppresses the 'Increase width' option if 'No shear reinforcement' is selected.

6.2 Shear
The program selects the stirrups as follows:
· The program selects a diameter and spacing for the stirrups that is sufficient for the maximum Av/s
value in the span, within the specified permissible ranges 78 specified in the "Shear parameters"
menu. The program chooses the smallest diameter with an acceptable spacing. In the following
example the allowable spacings are 100, 200, 300, ... mm; the program chooses f8@100:

The program continues to provide the same spacing until the following spacing is adequate - f8@200
in the example. The process is continued along the entire length of the span.
· The automatic detailing can be further modified by the options in the Additional options 80 menu.

Shear design
Refer to shear design options 77 .

Shear reduction
Set this option to to instruct the program to reduce the shear/torsion stress at the supports; the shear
from the face of the support to a distance 'd' from the face of the support will have a constant value.

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Design 77

Steel grade
Select one of the reinforcement grades from the list box or type in any value. The steel grade is used for
stirrups only.

Design all beams for torsion according to the relevant Code clauses
Suppress torsion design for all beams
· the program assumes that the torsion force is always carried by the rectangular web of the beam:

Exterior supports

Define the percentage of bottom span reinforcement to be extended to the supports:

· this option does not influence the shear calculation for ACI318 / CSA A23.3.

Refer to shear - link details 78

6.2.1 Shear design options

Select one of the following options:
Stirrups only

The program calculates variable spacing for the stirrups along each span.

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· The parameters are minimum and maximum link diameter, the minimum spacing, the spacing
step, the number of link legs and an alternate number, and the maximum number of link groups
per span.
· The program assumes the minimum number of legs and determines which diameter in the range
specified provides spacing greater or equal to the minimum specified (the program will use the
smallest diameter possible). If the minimum number of legs with maximum diameter and
minimum spacing does not provide a solution, the program tries again after increasing the number
of legs to the alternate.
· The program then varies the spacing along the length of the span according to the shear stress. If
the number of groups in a span is greater than that specified, the program uses an iterative
process to delete the groups with the fewest number of stirrups.
Stirrups and bent-up bars

Specify the details of stirrups with constant spacing (spacing and diameter). The program will
calculate the area of bent-up bars at each end that are required in addition to the stirrups.

Bent-up bars may not be selected for seismic design

No shear reinforcement (increase width)
Instruct the program to increase the beam width automatically to reduce the shear stress so that
shear reinforcement (stirrups or bent-up bars) is not required.
· the program will increase the width uniformly with the maximum value to the point where the
increase is no longer required. For example:

· the beam width may also be increased to limit the height of the compression block, prevent
compression reinforcement, etc. Refer to Reinforcement parameters 73 for more details.

6.2.2 Link details

Use this option to specify different link parameters for different spans.
· select a span from the list box

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Design 79

The current parameters for the selected span are displayed (initially they are the same as the "all"
span parameters).
· Revise link parameters (diameter, spacing, etc). These parameters will apply ONLY to the span
currently displayed in the list box
· To restore the 'all" span parameters for the current span, click the "= "all" button.

Specify the link diameter.
Stirrups only
Specify a range of diameters. The program assumes the minimum number of legs and determines
which diameter in the range specified provides spacing greater or equal to the minimum specified
(the program will use the smallest diameter possible).
Stirrups and bent-up
Specify the diameter for the uniform stirrups; the program will not revise this value.

Spacing / increment
Specify the allowable values for link spacing:
Stirrups only
A range of spacings must be specified as the program calculates variable spacing along the length of
the span. Two options are available:
specify the minimum spacing and increment. For example, if you specify an initial spacing of 75
mm and an increment of 50 mm, the allowable spacings are 75, 100, 150, 200, etc.
User defined
Click on the allowable spacings in the list box. All allowable spacings will be highlighted.
Stirrups and bent-up
Select a uniform spacing for the entire span from the list box. Note that you can also type in a

Specify the number of link legs. For a standard rectangular link, the number of legs = 2.
Stirrups only
You may also specify an alternate (greater) number of legs for the 1st and last groups only (adjacent
to the supports); if Av /s provided by the maximum diameter together with minimum spacing is not
sufficient, the program will use the "alternate" number of legs
Stirrups and bent-up
A uniform number of legs must be specified for the entire span.
· The torsion forces are always taken by the 2 outer legs in the section, even if more than 2 legs are

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A stirrup group is a series of equally spaced stirrups. Specify the maximum number of groups in the
current span.
For example, the beam displayed below has three stirrups groups.

Note that the program may design fewer groups than the maximum specified.

Maximum spacing between legs

The program selects stirrups so that Av /s provided is greater than Av /s required, where
· "required" indicates the maximum values at the left and right ends of the span
· "provided" min is the value derived from the minimum diameter, minimum spacing and legs
· "provided" max is the value derived from the maximum diameter, minimum spacing and alternate no. of

6.2.3 Additional options

Allowable shear factor

In many Codes, the concrete shear capacity may be increased when point loads are applied close to the
Increase/decrease the concrete shear capacity by a factor. A different factor may be defined for each
end of each span.

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Design 81

Inverted T/L shear area

Specify the shear area for inverted T and L sections. The area is used for the calculation of the allowable
and actual shear stresses (forces).
Select one of the following:

6.2.4 Link arrangement

The program selects the links as follows:
· The program selects a diameter and spacing for the stirrups that is sufficient for the maximum Av/s
value in the span, within the specified permissible ranges 78 . The program chooses the smallest
diameter with an acceptable spacing. In the following example the allowable spacings are 100, 200,
300, ... mm; the program chooses f8@100:

The program continues to provide the same spacing until the following spacing is adequate - f8@200
in the example.

· The spacing arrangement is automatically modified by the the following "additional options":

Spacing difference between adjacent groups:

Specify the minimum spacing difference between adjacent groups (the spacing must be at least the
value specified here). For example,

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· the spacing parameters are minimum = 50, increment = 50. , i.e the allowable spacing list = 50,
100, 150, 200, ...
· The automatic solution provided by the program is 4@50, 6@200, 10@250, ... however a spacing
difference or 50 (250-200) is not wanted). Set the parameter to 100 mm and a different solution will
be provided - a group may be eliminated or a new group may be introduced.

Note that setting this option to 100 is not the the same as setting increment = 100. This value of the
parameter creates an allowable spacing list = 50, 100, 200, 300 ... and eliminates the group with 250
mm spacing.

Minimum number of links in any group

Eliminate groups with fewer than the number of stirrups specified here.

Make links in span symmetric

Symmetric stirrup detailing is preferred by the designer in spans the Av /s diagram is nearly
symmetric but in many of these cases the automatic stirrups detailing gives a non-symmetric result.
For example:
6@100, 8@200, 12@300, 12@150, 5@100
These parameters force the program to provide symmetric detailing (only in spans with 3,5 or 7
groups). The program compares the spacing and group length in the mirror groups: 1 and 5, 2 and 4
in our example, Comparing the mirror groups:
· OK
· OK
The program makes the detailing symmetric by copying the stirrup details from the side with the
larger Av /s to the other half.

· the program first calculates the spacing details according to the "Spacing difference" and "Minimum
no." options, then decides whether to make the detailing symmetric.
· initial values can be defined in Setup 25 .

6.3 Specify 'As'

Modify the amount of reinforcement at any span or support, top or bottom
· areas cannot be reduced
· the program recalculates the deflections and the stirrups according to the new reinforcement values.
· the revised values are used for detailing.
Enter the area and specify the location:

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Design 83

As =
type in the new area value in the text box according to the units displayed.
Diam = ... No. =
select a diameter and type in the number of bars. (The corresponding As is shown adjacent to this
Restore design value.
delete values defined in this options

· specify Top/bottom - span/support
All locations Selected locations
· click the or button. The standard span/support selection
option 9 is used to select locations.

· The additional reinforcement as added along the span as follows, decreasing linearly from the location
applied to the point of maximum/minimum/zero moment:

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The reinforcement area at any point is never decreased.

6.4 Design - properties

Reinforcement cannot be calculated in beams with sections defined by "properties"; the program can
only calculate the elastic deflection.
The program displays the deflections calculated according to the current value of the modulus-of-
elasticity. Note that this option can be used to calculated the moments and deflections for beams with
any elastic material.

Revise the modulus-of-elasticity.

Revise the beam geometry 47

Define loads 59 on the beam

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Design 85

6.5 Data
Display input and output data at any point along the beam:

· the elastic deflections are calculated from two loading cases (live load on alternating spans) using the
uncracked moment-of-inertia without reinforcement.

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7 Output

7.1 Reinforcement
The program displays the results for longitudinal reinforcement. For example:

As top = top reinforcement at spans/supports
As bot = bottom reinforcement at spans/supports
· * indicates minimum reinforcement, e.g.245*
· for seismic analysis, the program checks the maximum reinforcement percentage specified by the
Code. If the percentage exceeds the limit, the calculated area is printed along with a "&".
· an area may be displayed in parenthesis below/above the top/bottom steel; this area is the one
calculated from the bending moment. The required area in such cases has been increased for either of
two reasons:
‫ ת‬the user specified a larger area using the "As=" option e.g. 850(754)
‫ ת‬a larger area was automatically provided by the program according to seismic requirements, e.g.
positive moment capacity at support must be greater than 50% of the negative moment capacity.
Tors-long = The total amount of longitudinal torsion reinforcement required at the span ends and
midspan (to be distributed around the entire perimeter of the web).
a/d = compression block height/beam depth ratio
As/bd = reinforcement percentage used for calculating minimum reinforcement only
Comp As = compression reinforcement at the span/support

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Output 87

Red = redistribution percentage

If the Increase width option was selected (reinforcement or shear), the program displays the width
required at each support or span and the length over which the increased width is required. For example:

7.2 Moments
Display the moment/shear diagrams/tables. Select the options:

· Load cases
Display the envelope or each individual case separately
· Redistribution
Envelopes with or without redistribution may be displayed (this option is displayed only if redistribution
was selected for this beam)
· Load group
Display the total design envelope of the envelope/diagram from a selected load group (this option is
displayed only if more than one group has been defined)
· Spans
Display the envelope for the entire beam or separately for each span (this option is not available for
tabular results).


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Note that the individual load case moment diagrams can be displayed separately.
Reactions (factored/service):
DeadR = Maximum dead load reaction
LiveR = Maximum live load reaction
MaxR = Maximum total reaction)
MinR = Minimum total reaction
Pressure : displayed when elastic foundations are defined. The value denotes the maximum
pressure for all load cases; in the case of uplift, a negative value is displayed.

The following data is displayed:
Min M = Minimum support moments (largest negative value or smallest positive value).
Max M = Maximum support moments (smallest negative value or largest positive value)
M max = Maximum span moments (smallest negative value or largest positive value).
M min = Minimum span moments (largest negative value or smallest positive value).
M mn=0 @ = Distance from support to Min M = 0
M mx=0 @ = Distance from support to Max M = 0
mx -M @ = Distance from support to M max
mn +M @ = Distance from support to M min
V max = Maximum shear at support (smallest negative value or largest positive value).
V min = Minimum shear at support (largest negative value or smallest positive value).
D reac = Maximum dead load reaction (factored)
L reac = Maximum live load reaction (factored)
W reac = Maximum wind load reaction (factored)
Max R = Maximum total reaction (factored)
Min R = Minimum total reaction (factored)

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Output 89

7.3 Seismic
The program displays the moment and shear capacity diagram calculated from the nominal/probable end
capacity and the span moments from the sustained loads, assuming simply supported spans. For

The hinge length is displayed on the moment diagrams.

The program displays the beam "Seismic capacity table". For example:

At the start and end of each beam:

· A's, As:
The actual reinforcement areas at the span supports, as modified by the user.
· Moment capacities, based on the actual reinforcement:
nominal: capacity calculated using concrete and steel strengths not reduced by Code factors
probable: capacity calculated using increased steel strength, i.e. actual conditions
· The seismic design Shear forces (Ve), calculated from the probable moment strength of the beam
together with the factored beam loads:

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7.4 Shear
The shear results are displayed in three diagrams:
· Shear stress diagram

Vr/bd = shear stress

fVc/bd = concrete capacity shear stress (11-6)
As /bd = reinforcement ratio (not used)
Dist = distance from centre of support where links are required
If "Stirrups and bent-up" was selected, the diagram is displayed as:

where fStr indicates the contribution of the uniformly spaced stirrups, hence Dist is measured to the
point where fStr intersects the Vr/bd line.
b. Av/s diagram

req'd = required transverse reinforcement area for shear and torsion, as specified by the code =
(Av/s)v + (Av/s)t
· The area is not less than the minimum specified by the code for shear and torsion
(derived from minimum area and maximum spacing requirements)

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Output 91

· The torsion area is always calculated for 2 legs only, even if more than 2 legs are
provided. In such a case, the value of Av/s displayed in the table is: (Av/s)req'd = (Av/s)v
+ n (Av/s)t, where n =(no. of legs/2)
prov = Av/s provided by links
· Link details

· "7@10..." refers to the number of links, not spaces.
· "GAP" = distance from face of support to the first link.
· The space between groups = the larger spacing of the two groups.

For example, check the following span:

Gap = = 100
1st group = (16-1) * 100 = 1500
space = max(100,350) = 350
2nd group = (8-1) * 350 = 2450
space = max(150,350) = 350
3rd group = (7-1)*150 = 900
space = max(150,100) = 150
4th group = (5-1)*100 = 400
Gap = = 100

Note that in seismic design, many Codes specify the maximum distance to the first link (e.g. ACI318
= 2 in). It is generally not possible to adjust the number and/or spacing of the links so that the exact
gap is achieved and in such cases the sum will exceed the net span length.

7.5 Deflections

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7.6 Print output

Select the output tables to print:

Summary - condensed output - all tables

This option prints all of the graphic output tables (geometry, loads, moments, results) in a
condensed form, e.g. the dead and live loads are plotted together. All of the other options are grayed
if this box is checked.

7.7 Print parameters

Send output to
Select the output unit, e.g. printer, plotter, etc. The devices must be installed by the "Printers" option in
the Windows "Control panel"


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Output 93

Specify general information for the output device selected:

· paper size
· graphic resolution

Print style
Select a print style from the list displayed, e.g. high, medium or draft quality

Define the information that will be printed in the header at the top of every page

Send to file
Send the drawing to a file; the program prompts for a file name (default = Bnnn.PRN).

Send to Word file

The tables may be saved in a RTF (Rich Text Format) and may be imported into any word processor
(e.g. MS Word) or any program that recognizes this format. Specify a name for the file. (default =

8 Detailing

8.1 General
The detailing module of the program enables the user to detail reinforcement for the current beam.
· the program provides the user with a solution that meets all of the code requirements for anchorage,
curtailment, lap length, etc. and provides adequate reinforcement areas through the entire length of the
· the user guides the program by specifying a number of detailing parameters before the automatic
detailing begins; the aim of these parameters is to inform the program of user constraints and
requirements, e.g. allowable bar diameters, optimal number of bars, etc.
· after the program's solution is displayed graphically on the screen, the user may revise any detail of
the reinforcement and check whether the new bar layout meets all code requirements; if not,
appropriate warnings will be displayed.

· the program calculates the lap length only but does not deal with other lap details required by some
Code, such as staggering of laps.

8.1.1 Select
Select one or more line, end point, etc. using any of the following options:

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Individual lines
Select an individual line, etc by moving the alongside the line, etc. until it is highlighted by the
rectangular blip ; click the mouse.

End selection
Repeat for additional lines. When all the lines have been selected, press or click the
mouse without moving the .

Select by window
Define a rectangular window by pointing to its lower-left and upper-right corners with the . The program
automatically identifies all lines, etc. with either one or both nodes located in the window.

Select by polygon
Define a polygon by pointing to its corners with the . The program automatically identifies all elements
located in the polygon. The program automatically identifies all lines, etc. with either one or all nodes
located in the window
The polygon is constructed as a 'rubber-band' stretched around the defined corners:
· At least three corners must be selected.
· the program automatically connects the last corner defined to the first corner defined.
· press [Esc] (right mouse button) to delete the previous corner.
· to end the polygon definition, click the mouse without moving the

Select all lines

All relevant items in the drawing are selected.
· items not displayed because of the Zoom option are selected.

Select lines with

One node in the window/polygon:
all lines with at least one end in the window/polygon are selected.
Both nodes in the window/polygon:
only lines with both ends in the window/polygon are selected.

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Detailing 95

8.2 Parameters

For stairs:

8.2.1 General

For "slabs":

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Note that the values in the text boxes are the default value for all spans in the beam. Click the icon
to define/display different values for individual spans/supports; the icon is changed to after different
values are assigned to individual spans.

Detail as
Different default detailing parameters are stored for different types of "beams", e.g. beams, ribs, slabs,
etc. Select the appropriate beam type.
· "Slab" reinforcement is detailed with spacing, e.g. f8@200; reinforcement for all other types is detailed
with number of bars, e.g. 4f8
· All parameters will be reset to the default values when the beam type is changed, i.e. all manual
corrections to the parameters will be lost. Therefore, the beam type should be corrected first.
· The default parameters for each type may be revised in the program Setup 25 option.

Use 2 diameters
Instruct the program to either use only one diameter at every design location or to use two diameters if a
more economical solution can be achieved (e.g. 3f20 + 2f16).
· the program will never detail one bar only for the smaller diameter
· the smaller diameter will not be less than 0.45 x larger diameter.

To specify a different option in different spans, click the icon (enter '1' or '2' in the table).

Optimal no./spacing of bottom bars

Specify the optimal number of bottom bars to be placed in all spans. For slabs, specify the optimal
spacing. If you want to specify a different number/spacing of bars in different spans, click the icon.
The program will select the diameter which provides the optimal number/spacing of bars selected here.
The term "optimal" is used because:
· if the optimal number/spacing of bars with the maximum allowed diameter does not provide sufficient
coverage, the program will provide more bars than the optimal.
· if the optimal number/spacing of bars with the minimum allowed diameter provides more reinforcement
than required, the program will provide fewer bars than the optimal. In no case will fewer than the
Minimum no. of bottom bars be provided.
· The program checks the clear distance between tension bars and provides additional bars when the
spacing exceeds the Code limit.

Optimal no./spacing of top bars

Specify the number of straight top bars to be placed at all supports. For slabs, specify the optimal
spacing. To specify a different number of bars in different spans, click the icon.
The program will select the diameter which provides the optimal number/spacing of bars selected here.
The term "optimal" is used because:
· if the optimal number/spacing of bars with the maximum allowed diameter does not provide sufficient
coverage, the program will provide more bars than the optimal.
· if the optimal number/spacing of bars with the minimum allowed diameter provides more reinforcement
than required, the program will provide fewer bars than the optimal.
· The program checks the clear distance between tension bars and provides additional bars when the
spacing exceeds the Code limit.

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Detailing 97

The number of straight top bars at each support must be greater or equal to the No. of link hangers in
the adjoining spans.

No. of link hangers

Specify the number of link hangers to be placed in all spans where top bars are not present. For slabs,
specify the spacing or set the spacing = 0 to delete link hangers entirely. To specify a different number
of bars in different spans, click the icon.

Beams: The number of link hangers must not be greater than the number of straight top bars at the
adjacent supports.
Slabs: The spacing of link hangers must not be less than the spacing of straight top bars at the
adjacent supports.

The diameter of the link hangers in a specific span is selected by the program according to the following
· in the diameter range specified by the user.
· not less than the minimum diameter of the links specified in Setup.
· so that the diameter of the hangers is not less than 45% of the bottom bars in the same span.
· so that the area of top steel required in the span is provided.

For beams, the program compares the number of link hangers to the number of link "legs" specified in
shear design. If the number of hangers is less than the number of legs, the program displays the
following warning:

Select Edit links design to manually revise the link groups 113 prior to automatic detailing.

Minimum no./max. spacing of bottom bars

If the optimal number/spacing of bars with the minimum allowed diameter provides more reinforcement
than required, the program will provide fewer bars than the optimal. In no case will fewer than the number
of bars specified in this option be provided.
· in no case will the number of bars provided be less than that specified in this option.
· the minimum number must be less than or equal to the Optimal number of bottom bars.
· the minimum number of bottom splice bars at a support is equal to the larger value of Minimum no. of
bottom bars in the adjoining spans.

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· in no case will the spacing of bars provided be greater than that specified in this option.
· the maximum spacing must be greater than or equal to the Optimal spacing of bottom bars.
· the maximum spacing of bottom splice bars at a support is equal to the lesser value of Maximum
spacing of bottom bars in the adjoining spans.

To specify a different number of bars in different spans, click the icon.

Bar diameter limits

Specify the range of bar diameters that may be used in the beam. The bar size is selected so that the
optimal number of bars specified in the following options are provided.

The program tries to use a single bar size in each span and at each support, but if more than one
diameter is allowed, two diameter sizes will be used if it proves to be more economical. In all cases,
the minimum bar diameter selected by the program at any location will not be less than 0.45 * the
maximum diameter.

The program also tries to select the diameters and hence the number of bars so that the bars selected
may be arranged symmetrically in the appropriate layers. In no case will a single bar only be selected for
the smaller diameter. A single bar may be placed in the last layer (with the same diameter as other
layers) if allowed by the Setup 25 option.

The diameter of bars near side faces of beams (§ are calculated according to § and
are not restricted by the diameter limits set in this option.

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

Curtail bottom bars

Select one of the following options:
All bottom span bars will be extended to the supports
The program steps the bottom bars if bar length difference is greater than the value specified in


If L1-L2 is less than the limiting Setup value, all bars will be detailed with length L1.

Use full flange

this option to use the full width of the flange for placing the main reinforcement. For example:


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Detailing 99

· the program details a minimum of four bars for T-sections or three bars for L-sections (as shown
above), even if the optimal number specified at the location is less; inverted T- and L-sections are
detailed in a similar manner.
· the program adds an additional link (stirrup) in the flange to tie the bars but ignores this link when
calculating the shear capacity of the beam.
· changing the no. of legs affects only the web link.
· for I-sections, the program adds the links in both flanges
· the program does not check the flange width dimension (bf ) for compliance with any relevant Code
· longitudinal bars are not added automatically to the opposite face of the flange,i.e.

To add the bars manually, use one of the following methods:

‫ ת‬Select the "Bars-Add" option to create the bars. Then select "Elevation-Move bars" to move the
bars to the opposite face. The bars will be displayed in the elevations, sections and bar
schedules. However, the "Check" option will treat these bars as regular top/bottom bars without
considering their actual location in the section.
‫ ת‬Create a section and select the "Add bars" option in the Section module. The bars will be ignored
by the "Check" module but they will not appear in the elevation. The bars must be added manually
to the bar schedule.

Slab drawing on elevation

*** This option is currently not available ***

8.2.2 Detailing method

Select the general method to be used for detailed the current beam:

· Link hangers in each span

The standard detailing method; top bars are detailed at each support and nominal top bars (link
hangers) are added in the span to support the stirrups (links).
Two methods are available for detailing bar lengths:
Apply simplified detailing rules

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The program calculates bar lengths according to the Code provisions for anchorage, lap length,
Apply simplified detailing rules
The program determines the bar lengths according to a set of rules defined by the user in the
Setup - Simplified rules 172 option. Note that the compliance with Code requirements may be
verified in the Check 126 option and bar length may then be modified manually.
· Cages
A cage of top and bottom bars tied with links is prefabricated for each span, and bars through the
supports are hand placed on site.

· Continuous top bars

The link hangers through the length of the span and additional top bars are added at the supports. The
different methods are available for detailing the link hanger lengths:
‫ ת‬all hanger bars are terminated at span mid-points
‫ ת‬all hanger bars are detailed with the maximum bar length (a user-specified parameter); the
program avoids terminating them in the support.
‫ ת‬hanger bar lengths are not detailed on the drawing (the reinforcement is drawn and detailed as a
single continuous bar).
Note that the link hangers contribute to the moment capacity at the support.

8.2.3 Cover

Extend steel beyond support

This parameter is required for the calculation of anchorage length. By default, the program extends bars
to the exterior face of the external support (less the side cover) and hooks them if necessary. However
in many cases, the bars can be extended into an adjacent wall, slab, etc.

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Detailing 101

Specify the actual distance the bars can be extended beyond the center of the external support (top and
bottom reinforcement) before they must be hooked.

Direct support
External supports may be specified as "Direct" or "Indirect" for calculation of the anchorage length..
Refer to IS466, section

Define the NET cover to the outside of the links at the top, bottom and sides of the beam.

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

The default net cover is the value specified in Design reinforcement parameters dialog box.

Distance between bar layers

Enter the center-to-center distance between layers, top and bottom:

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

Note that this parameter affects only the arrangement of the reinforcement within the section and not the
amount of reinforcement required (resulting from the change in the gross cover).

8.2.4 Bent bars

Bent-up bars will be selected and detailed only if Use bent bars is set to .

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Bend at least
The program bends at least the percentage specified here of the span bottom bars, even if the area is not
required to take the design shear in the span.
· the program continues at least 2 bottom bars to the supports, unless only 1 bottom bar was specified.
· the value for this option cannot exceed 50%.

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

Bend no more than

The program does not bend more than the percentage specified here of the span bottom bars, even if
more bent-up bars are required to take the design shear in the span. The maximum value is 75%.
· the program displays a warning if the bent-up area is insufficient.

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

No. of bent bars

The number of bend points is determined from the length of the span where shear reinforcement is
required and the distance between bend points specified in the Code.

The total number of bent-up bars will equal the value specified here multiplied by the number of bend
points determined from the shear diagram.

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

The program tries to bend all bars with a 45° angle. However, in certain cases additional bottom bars
may be required if 45° is selected instead of 60°.

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Detailing 103

the program bends the bars at 60° when a saving in bottom bars is achieved.
the program always bends the bars at 45° and adds additional bottom bars when required.

Click the icon to define different values for individual spans.

45° bent bars are used in all cases where:

· the effective depth is less than the minimum depth specified in Setup 25 for 45° bars
· the span length/depth ratio < minimum ratio specified in Setup 25 .

One end only

Allow bent-up bars bent at one side only in exterior spans:

This option applies only to the exterior spans when bent-up bars are not required for shear design at the
exterior support and are required at the interior support.

8.2.5 Tapered span

Specify the location of the tapered face in tapered spans; the default location is the bottom face - option
1 in the following menu:

For option 3 - enter the value of "dh" in the table - the dimension between the two ends of the top face.

8.2.6 Level differences

If adjacent spans are of different heights, the program requires additional information to determine which
bars may be extended through the support and which bars must be terminated or bent. The "step" may
be at the top face, the bottom face or both. The program by default assumes that the step, if present, is
at the bottom face.

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The nine possible types are displayed at the sides of the dialog box (types 4 and 5 are the default

· click and highlight the line with the support to be revised

· click the side icon with the appropriate support detail
· for types 6 to 9, define the value of h.
Example: the above menu represents the following beam:

8.2.7 Bars

For cage detailing:

For regular detailing:

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Detailing 105

Round bars to multiple of

Bar lengths are always rounded upwards to a multiple of the value specified in this option.
Example: option value = 100 mm; a bar with calculated L = 5365 mm will be drawn as L = 5400

Bars will be symmetric

This option applies to :
· top bars at supports
· bottom bars in span

Bars are made symmetric about the centre line if 'left-right' is less than the value specified here.

The required lengths are left 1250 and right = 925, i.e. a difference of 375 mm
· the option is set to 400 mm. ( > 375):
the bar length is revised to 2500 mm (2x1250)
· the option is set to 300 mm. ( < 375):
the bar is drawn as calculated (2175 mm)

Add face bars

The program automatically adds face bars according to Section when the beam height
exceeds the value specified here.

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Maximum distance between bars

Specify the maximum allowable distance between any two tension bars in any layer. Note that the
option applies to the exterior layer only.

The program will add additional bars if the spacing exceeds the limit.

Maximum bar length

Specify the maximum allowable bar length. The program will use two or three different bars where a bar
exceeding this length is required and will detail the necessary overlap.
For example, maximum bar length = 12 m and span length > 12 m:

Combine top bars

The program combines the top bars at two adjacent supports if the sum of their lengths is less than the
value specified in this option.
· this option is relevant only for the regular detailing method 99 .
· bars will not be combined over more than two supports
· this option does not limit the maximum bar length in a single span
· bars will not be combined if there are top elevation differences in adjacent spans
The length specified in this option cannot be greater than the "Maximum bar length" specified in this
dialog box.

Combine bottom bars

The program combines the bottom bars in two (or more) adjacent spans if the sum of their lengths is less
than the value specified in this option.
· this option is relevant only for the regular detailing method 99 .
· this option does not limit the maximum bar length in a single span
· bars will not be combined if there are bottom elevation differences in adjacent spans
The length specified in this option cannot be greater than the "Maximum bar length" specified in this
menu (in Setup, the "Maximum bar length" is specified in the Default - general tab).

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Detailing 107

8.2.8 Splice

Top/bottom bars may be spliced by placing one of the bars alongside or below the other bar, or by
cranking one of the bars:

8.2.9 Stairs
Define more detailed stair dimension values:

Define number of steps by span

If there is more than one flight of stairs, click on to define different
dimensions for each flight:

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8.3 Revise detailing

The program displays the automatic detailing on the screen. The reinforcement may be modified
manually and checked using the following options:

Menu bar:
Side menu:
Revise the diameter, length, segment length or layer of any bar 108 ; add new bars or to
delete a bar; combine bars; revise bar numbering.
Revise the link 113 groups automatically detailed by the program
Add text 115 to the drawing (the text defined here will be 'attached' to the current beam).
Add general lines, bars and links to the drawing; retrieve a standard section, detail, etc.
from a library.
Display a drawing showing the coverage of the required reinforcement diagram by the
reinforcement provided.
Revise the elevation 130 view of the current beam
Add a new section anywhere along the length of the beam or edit an existing section.
Revise the scale of an existing beam
Detail/display another beam; design or detail again the current beam; define a new beam

8.3.1 Bars
Revise the bars selected and detailed by the program:

revise the parameters (number, diameter, layer), revise segment lengths for any
existing bar, revise bar placement direction
similar to the previous option, but allows new segments (hooks, etc) to be
added to existing bars

add a new bar to the detailing

delete an existing bar from the detailing

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Detailing 109

move a bar vertically on the drawing (not in the beam)

combine two bars to form a single bar

for bent-up bars, revise the angle of bend from 45° to 60° or vice-versa

revise the bar numbers

add/delete crank to end of bar

Refer to Bars - edit 111

Revise the bar properties (quantity, diameter, layer), the length of any segment or the position of the bar
relative to the span/support centre line. For example, a top bar:

Enter the revised data and click ; the bar will be

redrawn. Note that the 'traffic light' will be red if

dimensions are missing or illogical.

Add a new bar; refer to:
· Add bar - beams 112
· Add bar - stairs 113

Select the bar to delete: move the adjacent to the bar so that it is highlighted with the small ; click
the mouse. The program deletes the bar and refreshes the drawing.

Move the bars vertically on the exploded view (the actual position of the moved bars in the beam does
not change ! )
· Move the adjacent to the bar so that it is highlighted with the small ; click the mouse.
· Drag the bar to its new location
· Move other bars by the same distance:

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Use this option to combine:
· two top bars
· two bottom bars
· top and bottom hooked bars at an exterior support to form a single [ bar.
The program maintains the extreme left and right end locations.
· select the 1st bar to combine; move the adjacent to the bar so that it is highlighted with the small ;
click the mouse.
· repeat for the 2nd bar
· the program displays the shape menu 109 for the combined bar; revise properties or dimensions, if
The program combines the bars and refreshes the screen.

Note that if the properties of the two bars are not the same, the program uses the maximum diameter,
the maximum number of bars and the layer of the first bar when creating the combined bar.

Revise the angle of bent bars from 45° to 60° (or vice-versa).

The bars in the beam are always numbered consecutively starting with "1" and the numbers are
displayed in the bars labels. This option enables you to:
· delete the bar number from the label
· renumber all of the bars

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Detailing 111

· the bar numbers will always be consecutive
· when a beam is added to a drawing:
‫ ת‬if the numbering is revised in this option, the program will maintain the numbering on the drawing
(unless the bar numbers overlap with those in another beam).
‫ ת‬if the numbering is Not revised in this option, the program will automatically suggest a new number
for bar no. 1 when the beam is added to the drawing so that the numbers do not overlap with those
in another beam.

To add/revise a crank to a bar:
· click
· highlight the bar that you want to add the crank to and click the
· highlight the straight overlapping bar and click the mouse

To delete the crank from a bar:

· Specify the left end, right end, or both ends of the bar
· click
· highlight the bar with the crank and click the mouse Edit

Revise the properties, the total length, the segment length or the bar location (relative to support centers)
of any bar on the drawing.
Move the adjacent to any bar label or segment dimension or total dimension so that it is highlighted
with the ; click the mouse.
For example:

For each type selected:

· bar label:

‫ת‬ for face bars, an option to revise the vertical placement of the bar is available.

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‫ת‬ for slabs, spacing is revised instead of "No. of bars".

· segment dimension:
For the central segment, enter the new dimension and specify on which side of the bar centre the
difference is to be add/subtracted:

For all other segments (e.g. hooks), enter a new dimension value only.
· bar location
In the example above, the segment length is 200+290
= 490. If the 290 dimension is selected and revised to

Do not change .....

the new segment length will be 200+320 = 520
Do not change .....
the new segment length will be 170+320 = 490, i.e.
only the position changes

The bar is updated on the drawing. Add bars - beams

Select the type of bar to be added:

· Select the type of bar and click
· move the adjacent to the span/support so that it is highlighted with the small ; click the mouse.

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Detailing 113

· the program displays the shape menu 109 for the new bar; define the properties and dimensions.
· the initial default dimensions in the dialog box can be specified by the user in the program Setup 25
options (e.g. as a percentage of the span length, etc). Add bars - stairs

· Select a flight of stairs or a landing.

· Select the type of bar to be added (the menu is different for landings:

· Select the type and click
· the program displays the shape menu 109 for the new bar; define the properties and dimensions.
· the initial default dimensions in the dialog box can be specified by the user in the program Setup 25
options (e.g. as a percentage of the span length, etc).

8.3.2 Links
Revise the links calculated automatically by the program. You may revise the diameter, quantity,
spacing or number of legs in any group, add a new group or delete a group. The program will then adjust
the remaining groups so that the links fit in the beam and check that Av /s provided is greater than Av /s
The program displays the current link detailing in both graphic and tabular form. For example:

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· "No." = number of links, not spaces

· "Gap" = distance from face of support to the first link
· The space between groups = the larger spacing of the two groups
· Av /s required = maximum value within the group length
· Av /s provided for group 2:
f8: Av = 0.503 cm² x 2 legs = 1.006 cm²
s = spacing = 30 cm
Av /s = 1.006/30 = 0.034
· Max spac = maximum allowable spacing

To revise the links:

· click on 'spacing' or 'number' of any of the link groups in the table (A); type in a new value
· move to the next row in the table; the program updates the coverage diagram (D) according to the

changes. The "traffic light'' (E) will be green if the coverage is adequate.

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Detailing 115

· click the button (C); the program automatically revises the links to provide adequate
coverage updates the coverage diagram (D) according to the changes. Refer to the note below.
· To add a new group or to delete a group, click buttons (F)
· The gaps may be revised (G)

Next Prev
· Click (H) to display the next or previous span.
· Click (I) to mirror (flip) the existing links in the current span or to copy (and mirror) the links
from another span.
· The previous step can be canceled by clicking or all changes can be canceled by clicking

· only changes the number of links in the groups listed in Table (A):
‫ת‬ spacing, diameter and legs are not revised
‫ת‬ groups are not added or deleted

‫ת‬ This option may not find an adequate solution; the will be displayed red.

· The sum of the links + gaps = net length between support faces. For example:

Gap = = 100
1st group = (16-1) * 100 = 1500
space = max(100,350) = 350
2nd group = (8-1) * 350 = 2450
space = max(150,350) = 350
3rd group = (7-1)*150 = 900
space = max(150,100) = 150
4th group = (5-1)*100 = 400
Gap = = 100
Total = 6300

8.3.3 Text
There are two types of text:
· Automatic text: text created by the program (e.g. bar labels, etc)
· User text: text defined by the user (e.g. notes, instructions, etc).
Both types of text may be edited.

Add a new single line of text to the drawing

Add a new paragraph of text to the drawing

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Select a single text and revise the contents and/or properties. Automatic text
may be selected but only the properties may be revised

Select multiple texts (user defined or automatic) and revise the properties only.

Delete a text from the drawing. Select text using the standard text
selection 119 options

Move any text. Select text using the standard text selection 119 options

Create a copy of any text on the drawing (used in conjunction with the paste

Add a "copied" text (see previous option) to the drawing

Add an arrow that points from any text to any location on the drawing New

Type and locate a line of text on the drawing according to the text parameters.
The options for "Multyline text" are identical.

Size - text height, according to the units displayed in the menu
Pen - specify the pen number
Angle - specify in degrees; measured counterclockwise from the horizontal
Font - select a font file

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Detailing 117

Text is placed on the drawing according to the location of the . The arrow location can point to the
start/center/end, top/center/bottom of the text string. Specify the horizontal and vertical justification of
the text according to the following table.

Select one of the following frame types:

Insert special symbols in the text line:

Click and highlight any of the symbols and click . A coded
number (%%nnn) or a special character will be added to the text box
while the actual symbol will be displayed on the screen.

The characters are those found in the current font file (*.SHX)

Spacing and width

Change the spacing between the characters and the width of the characters

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Attach to beam
Text may be "attached" to any beam on the drawing and will be moved/deleted along with the beam
attach the new text to a beam
do not attach Copy / paste

Create a copy of an existing text and place it on any drawing:

· click the icon

· select text(s) using the standard text selection 119 options
· (display a different beam or drawing)

· click the icon

· drag the text to its new location
Note that the selected text remains in the buffer until Copy is selected again Arrow

Arrows may be drawn from any text (user-defined or automatic) to any location on the drawing. The
number of arrows attached to any text is unlimited.

The arrows always start from one corner of the frame (imaginary, if not defined)
surrounding the text.

To add an arrow:
· select a text (highlight with and click mouse)
· specify parameters

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Detailing 119

‫ת‬ Pen: specify the pen number;"Auto" indicates the same pen as the text.
‫ת‬ Type: select the arrow type from the list:
‫ת‬ Underline: texts without a frame may be underlined

Select location
· click
· move the to the location of the end of the arrow and click the mouse.

Select an arrow by highlighting it with the ; click the mouse.

Move the location of the end of the arrow. Select an arrow by highlighting it with the ; click the mouse.

Revise the arrow type and/or pen number for selected arrows:
· Pen: specify the pen number;"Auto" indicates the same pen as the text.
· Type: select the arrow type

A parameter left blank will not be changed. Text - select

Select one or more text using any of the following options:

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· select an individual text by moving the alongside the text until it is highlighted by the rectangular
blip ; click the mouse.
· repeat for additional texts; when all the texts have been selected, press or click the mouse without
moving the .

Define a rectangular window by pointing to its lower-left and upper-right corners with the . The program
will automatically identify all texts located in the window.

Define a polygon by pointing to its corners with the . The program automatically identifies all texts
located in the polygon.
The polygon is constructed as a 'rubber-band' stretched around the defined corners:
· at least three corners must be selected.
· the program automatically connects the last corner defined to the first corner defined.
· press [Esc] (right mouse button) to delete the previous corner.
· to end the polygon definition, click the mouse without moving the .
Select bar labels 1,2,4,5 and 7 1,2,4,7,8 and 9

All text
All text in the drawing is selected.
· text not displayed because of the Zoom option will be selected.

Multiple selection
Turn on the checkbox if you want to define several windows, polygons, etc to select texts. After
every window, etc., the following menu is displayed:

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Detailing 121

- Continue without selecting more nodes

- Define another window, polygon, etc.

- Delete texts from those already selected.

Include automatic text

The program differentiates between the text defined by the user and the text automatically added by the
program to the drawing - bar labels, bar dimensions, dimension lines, etc.
allow only user-defined text to be selected
allow all text to be selected

8.3.4 Sections
Create a new section, recreate an existing section or edit an existing section:

New section:
Create automatic section 123
Add a new section to the beam drawing. Library sections are modified automatically to fit the current
beam dimensions.
Use a library section 122
Retrieve (and edit) a section from a library without automatically modifying its dimensions.
Create section from scratch 135
Manually draw a section not based on the cross-section of the current beam.
From a DXF file 125
Import a section from a DXF drawing. The objects in the DXF drawing may be designated as lines,
links or bars in the section.
Edit section:

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Edit a section 135

Edit an existing section
Move a section
Move an existing section on the drawing (not the location along the beam elevation)
Delete a section 122
Delete a section from the beam
Rename a section 122
Rename an existing section

Recreate section:
All sections 122
Selected sections 122
Recreate an existing section (after the reinforcement has been revised)

New / Edit
Refer to Sections - new/edit 123

Recreate existing section to include the revisions made to the detailing after the sections were created.
Select the sections:

The program will maintain all revisions made to the section, e.g. clips, blocks, dimension lines. i.e.. the
revised reinforcement will be inserted into the existing section.

Retrieve a section from a library without modifying its dimensions according to the current beam.
The section may be edited and then attached to a beam or a drawing sheet (existing or new).
Delete the section and/or the section mark. Select one of the following options:

Revise a section name.

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Detailing 123

· select a section; highlight the mark on the beam drawing and click the mouse.
· type in a new name; both the mark and the section title will be revised.

Define the link type for selected spans. The program will use the default link type if a type is not
selected in this option.
· Select a span by moving the adjacent to it so that it is highlighted by the rectangular blip; click
End selection
the mouse. Repeat for additional spans and click .
· Select the link type:

Add closers
This option is currently not available

Refer to Sections - DXF 125 Section

Create a section anywhere along the beam. The program will add a section mark to the drawing and
generate an automatic section drawing (which may be edited). All links and bars at the selected location
will automatically be added to the section.
· specify the section location:

move the to any location along the beam (note the vertical red line) and click the mouse.
· define the section:

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The section name will be displayed at the section mark along the beam, in the section title adjacent to
the section drawing and in all relevant menus

Specify the scale for the new section.

Select one of the following options:
Beam section
Create a new beam section based on the cross section dimensions as defined in geometry.
Mark location only
Write the section mark on the beam drawing only; do not create the section.
From library
Create a new section based on a section stored in the section library. The program will modify
the dimensions in the library section to match the new section dimensions. For example:

In general, the program will match up the largest rectangles in both sections while maintaining
all other dimensions. The bars and links in the current section replace those in the library
section. Clips, blocks and dimension lines are added in the same locations but are updated for
the current section dimensions.
To copy a section from a library without modifying its dimensions, select the Use a library section
option in the previous menu 121 .
· Edit the section
The program displays the section as created by the program. The section shape may be revised and
bars, links, text, etc, may be added. Refer to Section 135 .
· Add section to the beam drawing

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Detailing 125

Instruct the program where to place the section drawing. Specify one of the following options:

Place together with current beam

The section will be "attached" to the beam, i.e. it will be placed on the drawing along with the beam
detailing and it will be moved or deleted together with the beam. Select this option, click and
drag the section to its location relative to the beam.
Place on a separate drawing
The section will not be attached to the beam, but may be placed on any of the layout drawings or on
a new drawing. Select this option, select a drawing in the list box at the bottom of the dialog box,
click and drag the section to its location on the drawing.
Do not create this section
Delete the section from the beam

Edit section
Click the button to make further revisions to the section. DXF

This option converts a DXF file to a beam section. Each layer in the DXF drawing can be specified as
containing section contour lines, links or bars.

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Units / scale
The program adds the DXF drawing to the section with a size based on the scale information specified
Specify the scale for the section (1:nn), then select one of the following:
DXF units
select the length unit used in the DXF drawing; the program converts the DXF drawing to the program
units, then draws the section to the above scale.
1 section unit is ...
for scaled DXF drawings, specify the scaling factor.

Contours, links and bars are imported from the DXF file and each of these items must be in a separate
layer. Specify which layers contain each item.
· for each layer in the table, click on Not in use
· select one of the following options from the list box:

8.3.5 Check
The program displays the coverage of the reinforcement diagram by the reinforcement provided, including
a display of the anchorage length required and provided. For example:

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Detailing 127

Reinforcement scale
This ruler measures the reinforcement area coverage for top and bottom steel.

Length scale
This ruler displays the beam length measured from the left support

Bar lengths
Each reinforcement bar group in the beam is drawn at a vertical location that corresponds to its area. If
there is more than one bar group at a support/span, the bars are arranged vertically according to their
rank. The longer bars are ranked first; when bars are of equal length the larger diameter has precedence.

For example, the reinforcement at a support =2-16 mm bars, L=5000 (As=402) and 2-12 mm bars,
L=3500 (As=226). The 16 mm bars are longer and are drawn first at 402 on the vertical scale while the
12 mm bars are drawn at 628 on the scale.

Each bar is drawn with three parts:

diagonal: the outside edge of the diagonal represents the physical end of the bar
dotted: represents the required anchorage length
solid: the remaining physical bar length

In addition, the small vertical lines represent the theoretical required length as calculated by the program
according to the Code.

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The physical length of the bar equals the required length of the bar.

In both examples, both ends of the bar are longer than required. Note that the anchorage length (dotted)
is always drawn form the physical end of the bar inwards towards the center of the bar.

In both cases, the bar is shorter than required at the left side and longer than required at the right side.

Bottom line
Display the current location of the and crosshair:

X = the location relative to the horizontal length scale, measured from the centre of the left
exterior support
As = the location relative to the vertical reinforcement scale
Span = the span where the crosshair is currently located
X(left) = the distance from the left support of the "Span" to the crosshair
X(right) = the distance from the right support of the "Span" to the crosshair
If the left button of the mouse is clicked and the mouse is subsequently moved -
dx = horizontal distance from the point where the mouse was clicked
dAs = vertical distance from the point where the mouse was clicked
Clicking the left button again will stop the updating of these two values. Clicking a third time will set a
new base point, etc.

Display detailed information about any bar:
· click info in the menu bar
· select a bar by moving the adjacent to it so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse.
For example:

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Detailing 129

The 'traffic light' is red if the actual length

is less than the required length on either

Measured from x =
· The distances are measured to the left and right of the centre reference point of the bar.
· The centre point is either the centre of a support or a span.
· The distance listed is measured from the centre of the left support of the beam.
· The 'left' and right distances will be different if the bar is continuous over two supports or spans:

As previous:
If more than one bar group is detailed at a location, this item lists the sum of the 'previous' bars (the bars
are ranked according to length.

For example, top bars at a support:

Refer to bar lengths.

Display a detailed list showing where:
· insufficient coverage is provided
· actual length is less than required
· bar spacing is less than Code minimum
· etc.

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8.3.6 Elevation
Revise the beam elevation drawing. These options are available only if Elevation or
Exploded+elevation were selected in the View option (menu bar)

specify the method for displaying bar labels

move bar labels

delete bar labels

restore a deleted label

move bars vertically in the beam

add column, slab and perpendicular beam details to the elevation drawing.

Label display
Each bar in the elevation is labeled. Labels can be drawn at both ends of the beam and at the middle
and the distance from the support to the start of the beam can be added. For example, bar no. 2:

Specify the label format at each location:

The menu is arranged for the example above.

Move label
Move a bar label horizontally along the beam. Move the adjacent to the label so that it is highlighted
by the ;click the mouse and drag the label to its new location.

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Detailing 131

Delete/undelete label
· Delete
Delete any bar label. Move the adjacent to the label so that it is highlighted by the ;click the
· Undelete
Restore all deleted labels (not only the last one deleted).
Move bars
Move the bar vertically in the beam (not only in the drawing).

· positive values move the bar up; negative values move the bar down
· the exploded view is not affected by this option
· bars locations in sections will be affected (existing sections must be 'recreated' to show the change)
· "Check" will not be affected, i.e. required reinforcement area will not be revised due to changes in
gross cover.
Refer to Elevation - Draw 131 Draw

Add columns, slabs and perpendicular beams to the elevation drawing:

Add a column to the elevation drawing:

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The column can be drawn above and/or below the beam at any distance (offset) from the selected
support (positive=right). The current support width may be used or any user-defined dimension.

Add a slab to the elevation drawing:

Add a perpendicular beam to the elevation drawing:

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Detailing 133

8.3.7 Another beam

The detailing module contains three major options:

Detail a beam
automatic detailing of a beam
Display/arrange a beam drawing
manually correct the automatic beam detailing, including sections
Display/arrange a drawing sheet
arrange the detailed beams on an engineering drawing

Select one of the options, highlight a beam or a drawing in the list and click .

Note that the program displays the beams/drawings in the current project and folder.

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If you select automatic detailing for a beam that has already been detailed, the program will display the
following warning:

The following options apply only to the sections created with the Create automatic section 121 option
(section mark on beam) and not to the sections created with the Create section from scratch 121
option (manually drawn by the user).
Recreate sections
All sections are recreated at the same locations and will include current reinforcement, stirrups,
dimensions, etc. The program retains all manual changes made to the section after it was initially
Do not change sections
The existing sections are not modified; the section is not updated according to any changes in the
reinforcement, stirrups or dimensions
Delete sections
All existing sections are deleted (including those where only the section mark was drawn).

Use current (user defined)
The existing links are retained
Use automatically generated
The program uses the link details calculated in the design section of BEAMD and discards any
manual revisions made to the links in the detailing options.

There are two types of text:
· Automatic text: text created by the program (e.g. bar labels, etc)

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Detailing 135

· Manual text: text defined by the user (e.g. notes, instructions, etc).
All manual text will be erased from the beam drawing

8.4 Sections
The following cross-section elements can be defined in the "Section" option:

In addition, general text as well as labels for bars and links may be added.

Note that all elements are 'linked' to each other: moving a corner of the section contour will
automatically modify the dimensions of the links that are 'attached' to it, move the bars, etc.

Draw the outline 135 of the section; add "blocks".

Add links 140 to the section

Add bars 147 to the section

Add dimension 155 lines to the section

Copy a user-defined section to/from the section library 156

Add user defined text 115 to the section

Add clip 158 lines to the section

Revise the scale 158 of the section.

Return to the previous menu.

8.4.1 Lines
This option is intended primarily to draw the outline of beam sections, formed by a closed contour of line
segments. The option may also be used to draw any general lines on drawing sheets, detailed beam
drawings or beam section drawings.

Draw 137 the section contour and add additional lines

Delete lines

Move the section corners and the attached lines

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Revise the properties (pen, width) of selected lines.

Draw a grid of lines

Add a rectangular "block 140 " to the drawing.

Delete rectangular blocks.

Select 93 the lines to delete

Move lines by moving end points. For example:

· select new line properties:

· select 93 the lines

· the display colour for each pen number can be changed in the Setup option.

Draw a grid of parallel lines.
· specify the number of cells:

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Detailing 137

· specify the lower-left and the upper-right corners of the rectangle enclosing the grid.
For example:

Note that each line of the grid is saved as an individual line segment, i.e. the grid cannot be revised as an
entity Draw

Draw a section contour or add general lines to the section drawing. The lines are drawn by dragging and
clicking the mouse in the centre of the screen (A).
· The coordinates of the current crosshair location are shown in the text boxes at the bottom the screen
· The crosshair moves in jumps corresponding to the "Step" value (C). Press [F3]/[F4] to adjust the
value if necessary.
· Each contour is defined as a series of segments; each segment may be either a straight line or an arc

To define a straight segment:

· the end of the segment can be defined at any coordinate or at the same coordinate as the end of
another segment (D):
the line can be (E) Ortho - vertical/horizontal only, or Ortho - at any angle.
Line end
the new line can be:
Ortho - joined to a line end, or
Ortho - drawn to the vert/horizontal coordinate of a line end

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· the line type and pen number may be changed for each segment (F)

· delete the previous segment by clicking (G) or right-clicking the mouse

· draw a line from the current point to the first point by clicking (H)
· if the section lines do not form a closed contour,click (I) to stop or double click the mouse
· To define a circle or an arc segment, click (J). Refer to Define an arc 139 for more information.
· Set "Clipping" to (K) to prevent clipping of the current line segment. Refer to Clip 158 .


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Detailing 139 Draw an arc

Define a contour segment as an arc. Four options are available:

For example, to draw a rounded corner:

· draw straight segment A ending at point 1.

· click

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· select 1/4 circle in the side menu

· move the + to point 2 and click the mouse; the program draws segment B.
· click and define straight segment C.

· click the button to revise the arc to the second possibility. For example: Blocks

Use this option to draw filler blocks for ribbed slabs, etc. A pair of diagonal lines ("hatching") may be
drawn in a rectangular area. For example:

Blocks are always rectangular and are always defined by pointing to two opposite
corners. The block corners may be located at a section corner or at any

Select one of the options, specify the line type and pen number and set "Hatching"
to to draw the diagonal lines.

Move the alongside the block so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse.

8.4.2 Links
Add links to the section drawing. The user may select standard links or draw a link with any shape.

Add standard links to the section or draw 'freehand' links

Delete links from the section

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Detailing 141

Move links; all bars attached to the links will also be moved

Change the link properties - diameter, quantity, number, cover

Copy an existing link

Change the link type of standard links without changing the dimensions and
the properties

For user-defined links only: move corners of any leg

Refer to Section - Links - add 142

Delete a link from the section:
· move the adjacent to the link so that it is highlighted with the ;click the mouse.

Move a link to a new location on the section:
· move the adjacent to the link so that it is highlighted with the ;click the mouse.
· drag the mouse to the new location
· links that are moved will no longer be attached to section corners, i.e. the link will not be automatically
modified when the section dimensions are revised.

Change the properties (cover, diameter, bar number, etc) of an existing link:
· move the adjacent to the link so that it is highlighted with the ;click the mouse.
For more information, select one of the following:
Standard link 143
User defined link 145

Copy a link to a new location on the section:
· move the adjacent to the link so that it is highlighted with the ;click the mouse.
· drag the mouse to the location of the copy
· define the properties of the copy. Refer to :
Standard link 143
User defined link 145
· the copy will not be attached to section corners defining the original, i.e. the copied link will not be
automatically modified when the section dimensions are revised.

Move one or more corners of any user-defined link:
· select one or more link ends

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· move the link end to a new location

For example: Add

Use this option to draw links on the section.

Link type
There are two general options available:
· Standard links
The link type is selected from a library of standard shapes and the location/dimensions are defined by
pointing to corners/bars or typing in the dimensions
· User defined shape
The user 'draws the link on the section. The corners of the link may be defined by pointing to corners
of the section, bars, etc.

Define link by (for Standard links only)

· Rectangular type links:
2 section corners
Select two corners of the section contour; the two points define the diagonally opposite corners of
the link. For example:

2 bars
Select two bars of the section contour; the two bars define the diagonally opposite corners of the
link. For example:

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Detailing 143

specify the dimensions of any standard link, then move it to any location on the drawing

· Round links
Round section contour
Select two corners of the section contour; the two points define the diagonally opposite corners of
the link. For example:

3 bars
Select three bars of the section contour; the three bars define the circle. For example:

specify the radius, then move the link to any location on the drawing.

· Click here 144 for an example
· Links that are added or revised using this option will not be added/revised on the elevation or in the
bar schedule Standard link

Specify the stirrup dimensions and properties:

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Revise the cover to the link

The link is drawn at the location defined by the points selected by the user, e.g. two section
The link is drawn initially at the location defined by the points, but the user may then drag the link to
any position on the drawing.

Display segment length

display the length of each link segment on the drawing. For example:

Add the link title to the drawing. For example:

Specify the items to be including in the title - steel type (deformed, round, etc.), quantity, diameter,
spacing and bar number.

Revise the link dimensions.
· if dimensions A,B, etc are revised, the position of the lower-left corner of the link will remain constant
· if "Length" is revised, only the title is changed, not the link itself
· links with revised dimensions will not be moved with the corners

Create the link shown below defined by 2 section corners. Obviously there is no section corner that can
define corner 2 of the link so different corners must be selected to define the x and y coordinates.

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Detailing 145

· move the adjacent to the "1st corner" so that it is highlighted with the ;click the mouse.

· change the small menu in the upper-right corner to

· move the adjacent to the "x coordinate of 2nd corner" so that it is highlighted with the ;click the
· move the adjacent to the "y coordinate of 2nd corner" so that it is highlighted with the ;click the
The program draws the link on the section. User defined

A user defined link is composed of a series of connected segments. The end of each segment can be
defined at any coordinate, can be offset from a corner node, can be drawn parallel to a section contour
line, or a U (3 segments) or L (2 segments) may be drawn referenced to corner nodes.

Specify the link dimensions and properties:

Refer to Standard link 143 .

Click to continue

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3 nodes
Draw 3 segments (U) or 2 segments (L) of a link by pointing to three section contour nodes. The
program draws the segments from the first point to the third point through the second point. For

The program joins the 1st point to the previous defined point.
The legs may not be drawn on the right side of the line. To flip the legs over to the other side, click the
Change side
Note that the segment end point is "attached" to the nodes and the link shape will be automatically
revised if any of the corner nodes is moved.

Draw a segment of the link parallel to a section contour line. For example:

The leg may not be drawn on the right side of the line. To flip the leg over to the other side, click the
Change end
Note that the segment is "attached" to the line and the link shape will be automatically revised if the
line is moved.

Draw the segment of the link to any coordinate;move the to the location and click the mouse.

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Detailing 147

Draw a segment of the link to a point offset from a selected node.

Note that the segment end point is "attached" to the node and the link shape will be automatically
revised if the corner node is moved.

Change side
For 3 nodes and line only:

The leg may not be drawn on the right side of the line. To flip the leg over to the other side, click the
Change side

Change end
For 3 nodes and coord only, legs that are a continuation of a leg defined by line:

The leg automatically starts from the end of the previous line. To select the start of the previous leg,
Change end
click the button.

Create the following link:
1 - define by "coordinate"
2 - define as offset from node 6 or 2 (this point must move with the left face if
the section contour is revised)

3 - define by "3 nodes", where the order of the nodes is 3,6,5


Alternatively, point 3 could have been defined by "node", segments 3-4, 5-6 by "Line", etc.

8.4.3 Bars
Bars (in section) may be drawn at any location of the beam section. The bars are "attached" to a 'line'
defined by a side of the section, the leg of a link, 2 other bars, etc, or may be placed at any location. For
example, bars attached to a link:

The bars are automatically drawn on the "inside" of the line. The "inside" direction may not be apparent
for a line defined between two existing bars. If the bars are drawn on the wrong side, use the option to
flip the bars to the other side.

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Add multiple bars to the section. The bars may be "attached" to lines, lines or
drawn randomly anywhere in the section

Add a single bar(s) anywhere in the section

Delete existing bars from the section

Revise existing bars; change the location and properties

Add bar labels

Delete existing bars labels

Edit existing bars labels

Move existing bar labels Define bars

Bars are placed along a line on the section contour,a side of a link, between 2 other bars or between 2
points on the drawing. Customized labels may be added at the same time.

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Detailing 149

· after the bars are drawn on the screen, the program displays the Bars - edit 153 side menu so that the
bars may be immediately moved about the line, properties or titles may be revised, etc.
· to add individual bars at any location, refer to Single bar 152 .

Bars are placed along a line on the section contour,a side of a link, between 2 other bars, between 2
points on the drawing or at any coordinate. The options are:

Attach to link Select an arm of a link

Attach to line Select a side of the section contour

Between 2 bars Select any two bars

Between 2 points Click the mouse at any 2 coordinates

· the spacing along the line can vary; refer to Bar spacing 150

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· vertical offsets from the line may be specified; refer to Offset 150

Bars positioning
Specify the location of the bars along the selected line:
· the first and last bars may be placed at a distance from the start/end of the line
· there are three options for placing the intermediate bars:
Equal spacing
All bars are equally spaced
Fixed spacing - - Symmetric
All bars are equally spaced, starting from the first bar
Fixed spacing - Symmetric
Half of the bars are equally spaced from the first bar, the other half are equally spaced from the last
For Fixed spacing:
· Specify the quantity of bars, or -
· select Auto calculate quantity for the program to automatically calculate the maximum number
of bars that can fit in the bar line.
For example: 6 bars

Offset - H
Bars are automatically attached to the "inside" of the line and may be offset any distance H
perpendicular to the line:

· the program will assume that the bar was drawn on the outside face if a negative offset is defined
· if the bars are drawn on the wrong side of the line, flip them to the other side of the line using the

Specify the data to include in the bar labels:

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Detailing 151

: select a diameter from the list box

type in the quantity or click the buttons. This defines the number of bars drawn in the
section, not the actual number of bars (defined in Titles).
For Fixed spacing:
· Specify the quantity of bars, or -
· select Auto calculate quantity for the program to automatically calculate the maximum
number of bars that can fit in the bar line.
Bar. : type in the bar number that will be used for the bar titles (labels).
: select a bar symbol from the list
Type : define text to add to the end of the label (standard strings may be available in the list)

Define the title parameters. Note that the "quantity" defined here represents the actual number of bars;
a different number may be drawn in the section for clarity (refer to Properties 150 ).

check the items to add to the bar label.

Text arrows
Text arrows can be drawn from the label to all bars in the group, a single bar or no bars

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152 BEAMD Single bar

Define bars at any location on the section.

Set bar label

Specify the data to include in the bar labels:

Bar. no type in the bar number that will be used in the label.

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Detailing 153

type in the quantity or click the buttons. This defines the number of bars listed in the
label, not the number of bars in the section.
Diamete : select a diameter from the list box
Symbol : select a bar symbol from the list
Spacing : omitted from the label if spacing = 0
Type : define text to add to the end of the label (standard strings may be available in the list)

Don't create arrows pointing to bars

Do not draw an arrow from the bar label to the bar. Delete

To delete bars from the section:

· move the crosshair adjacent to the bars to do be deleted so that they are highlighted with the
· click the mouse Properties

For single bars:

Move bar
The bar can be moved in any direction, or diagonally, according to the "step"

Move title/text
· Bar numbers only:
Move bar numbers perpendicular to the line:

· all other options:

Move the title in any direction.

Offset bar line

Move bars any distance perpendicular to the line.

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Drag the bars to the new location. The distance from the original position is displayed in the dialog box
at the bottom of the screen

Move bar along line

Move a single bar along the line.

Drag the bar to the new location. The distance from the original position is displayed in the dialog box at
the bottom of the screen

Mirror bars along line

This option creates a mirror image of the bars along the line. For example:

Mirror bars about line

Flip the bars to the other side of the line. For example:

Bar properties
Revise the title, positioning and miscellaneous properties of existing bars. Refer to Bars - add 148

Text auto arrange

This option automatically rearranges bar labels when two or more layers of bars are attached to the
same line or link leg.
For example:

· this option regenerates the text for the existing layers and will erase any changes made manually to
the titles using the various Text options. Add/edit label

· Select one or more bars in the section

· Define the label parameters

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Detailing 155

Specify the data to include in the bar labels:

Bar. type in the bar number that will be used in the label.
type in the quantity or click the buttons. This defines the number of bars listed in
the label, not the number of bars in the section.
Diam : select a diameter from the list box
Symb : select a bar symbol from the list
Spaci : omitted from the label if spacing = 0
Type : define text to add to the end of the label (standard strings may be available in the list)

Don't create arrows pointing to bars

Do not draw an arrow from the bar label to the bar.

· Move the label to its correct location

8.4.4 Dimensions
Define dimension lines that display the distance between ends of section contour lines. For example:

· dimension lines may be horizontal, vertical or at any angle
· the ends of the lines may be drawn,with arrows, ticks or a circle (see the figure above).

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Define a new dimension line

Delete an existing dimension line

Move an existing dimension line

· Select 93 the contour or block corners that are to be included in the dimension line
· Specify the line parameters

· Drag the line to its location and click the mouse.

Move the alongside the dimension line so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse.

· move the alongside the dimension line so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse.
· drag the line to its new location; click the mouse.

8.4.5 Library
Sections may be retrieved from or copied to the section library.

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Detailing 157

Add the current section to a library.

The current library file is displayed in the menu. Click to select a different file or to open a new

· Type in the section name

· Highlight a section in the list and select:
Add section after highlighted section
The current section will be inserted in the list after the highlighted section
Replace a section
The current section will overwrite the highlighted section.

· click

Retrieve a section from the section library:

· The current library is displayed at the top of the menu; click to select a different library

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· Highlight the section to be retrieved and click ; the section will be added to the current drawing.

Delete sections from the library or rearrange the order of the sections in the list:

Highlight a section in the list and:

· click to remove it from the list
· click the arrow keys to move it up/down in the list

Click to edit a different library.

8.4.6 Clip
This option allows you to trim a section with vertical and horizontal clip lines. Four clip lines may be
drawn on each section - one at each side. For example:

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Detailing 159

Add Delete
· select a new clip line or ,
an existing clip line:
· Move the crosshair to the clip line location
and click the mouse.

· the program remembers the details of the section beyond the clip line and they are restored to the
section if the clip line is deleted.
· corners hidden by the clip may be selected in all other options.

8.4.7 Scale
Revise the scale of the current section:

Recompute text location

Texts may overlap if the size of the section is reduced. Instruct the program to check and move the
texts if necessary.
Scale text size proportionally
The text size may be reduced in proportion to the change in the section scale.

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8.5 Layout
Create or select a layout drawing and specify/revise its size and orientation:

· to select an existing drawing, click and highlight the line with the drawing title and click . Note
that you can revise the drawing title, size and orientation.
· to add a new drawing, click , type in the drawing title, specify the size and orientation, then
· to delete a drawing, click and highlight the line with the drawing title and click . (if all drawings
are deleted, click to return to the current beam).
Automatic arrange
· to automatically arrange 163 a drawing - beams and sections - click .

After selecting the drawing, or creating a new one, the following side menu is displayed:

Arrange 160 the beams (and attached sections) on a drawing.

Add lines 135 or grids to the drawing
Add a section 135 to the drawing. These sections are independent of beams.
Add text 115 to the drawing. This text is independent of beams.

Create a bar schedule 165 for the beams on the current drawing for the current drawing
Add a DXF 167 drawing to the layout drawing.
Select a different drawing (see above).

8.5.1 Arrange
Arrange an engineering drawing with beams, sections, text, etc.; select one of the following options:

Add a detailed beam to the drawing, including sections attached to the beam .

Delete a beam or a section from the drawing

Revise the reinforcement in one of the beam on the drawings or revise a section

Move a beam or section on the drawing; align objects on the drawing

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Detailing 161

Revise the properties of a beam: scale, bar numbers or number of copies. Add beam

Add a detailed beam to the current drawing

· select a beam from the list:

· specify the layout parameters for the beam:

No. of copies
This parameter is used only when the bar schedule is generated (quantities will be multiplied by the
value entered here).

No of 1st bar
All bars in a beam are numbered consecutively. By default, the first bar in a beam that is added to the
drawing is assigned the number (10n+1), where n is selected so that there is a gap of at least 5 bar
numbers from the current highest bar number.
‫ ת‬1st beam has 12 bars default numbering = 1 to 12
‫ת‬ 2nd beam has 17 bars default numbering = 21 to 37
‫ת‬ 3rd beam has 9 bars default numbering = 51 to 59
Use this option to specify a bar number different from the default.
‫ ת‬when the bar mark is revised for a selected beam (Properties option), the bar marks of all the beams

in the drawing may be revised by the same increment; a menu will be displayed after is

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Include sections
sections defined when arranging the beam will be added automatically to the drawing
the existing sections will not be added to the drawing
**** This option is currently not available ****
**** All sections are automatically added to the drawing ***

Beam view
Specify the display type; refer to View 178 .
· drag the beam to the correct location on the drawing and click the mouse. Delete

Select a beam or section by moving the adjacent to it so that it is highlighted by the rectangular blip;
click the mouse. The beam or section will be deleted from the drawing. Edit

Revise the reinforcement in any beam on the drawing or revise any section on the drawing that is not
attached to a beam, i.e. created in the drawing layout option.
Select a beam or section by moving the adjacent to it so that it is highlighted by the rectangular blip;
click the mouse.
Refer to:
Revise detailing 108

Section 135


· to edit a section attached to a beam, select the beam here, then select and
Edit a section. Move/align beam/section/schedule

Move objects on the drawing or align them with other objects:

Move the adjacent to the object so that it is highlighted by the ;click the mouse and drag the
object to its new location.

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Detailing 163

Align the top/bottom/left/right of a selected object with the top/bottom/left/right of a reference object.
For example: Properties

Revise the layout parameters for a selected beam:

· The bar marks of all the beams on the drawing may be increased/decreased by the same increment
specified for the selected beam:

8.5.2 Automatic arrange

Automatically create a drawing with all beams in the current project. A section at each span may also
be created for each beam.
Specify the parameters:

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Bar marks
Bars are numbered automatically by the program:
Start from 1 at each drawing
The numbering on every drawing will start from 1.
Continue consecutively ...
specify the number of the first bar on the first drawing; numbering will be consecutive to the last
beam on the last drawing

Section creation
Create sections at each span
Note that a section is created for every span in every beam if this option is activated.

Assign beams to drawings:

· A list of all beams in the project is displayed in the left-side list box:

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Detailing 165

· Click and highlight a beam to place in the first drawing; click . The beam is displayed in the
right-side list box.
· Repeat until all beams in the first drawing are moved to the right side.
· Click and highlight ,start new drawing> ; click . The line is displayed in the right-side list box
and acts as a divider separating the beams in the next drawing from the previous one.
· Move all of the beams in the second drawing from the left side to the right side as described above.
· click when all drawings have been arranged.

8.5.3 Schedule
Create a beam schedule listing and detailing the reinforcement in the beams. The schedule is then
placed on the drawing. Note that the schedule is in the standard American format (this option will be
displayed only for ACI, CSA codes). For example:

Select the beams to be included in the schedule; the list on the left side contains all detailed beams;
the list on the right side contains the beams added to the schedule:

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Add >>
· to add a beam to the schedule, click and highlight its title in the left list, click ; the title is
transferred to the right list
<< Remove
· to remove a beam from the schedule, click and highlight its title in the right list, click ;
the title is transferred back to the left list
Move up
· to rearrange the order of the beams in the right list, click and highlight a title, click or
Move down
· to insert blank lines after a beam, click and highlight the beam in the right list, click and highlight
Add >>
<empty line> at the bottom of the left list, click ; click again to add more lines (2 empty
lines have been added in the example above).
· Click and move the to the location of the schedule on the drawing. Note that the program
automatically adjusts the number and length of the columns according to the drawing limits.

· More than one beam schedule may be created from the same project. Schedules may be placed on
drawings with beams or on separate drawings.
· A beam may be included in more than one schedule; if you select Create new beam schedule
again, all the beams will appear in the left list (but beams already included in a previous schedule will
be marked with the icon.
· Schedules are automatically updated when the reinforcement for the beams in the schedule is revised
or deleted.

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Detailing 167 Schedule parameters

Arrange the beam schedule format according to your office standards:

· Schedule structure
‫ת‬ to remove a column from the schedule, click on Yes and set the option to Include
‫ת‬ to revise the width of a column, click on the width and type in a new value
· Sizes
Revise row and text heights
· Display dimensions for unsymmetric support bars
Add the dimension on one side of the support center for unsymmetric bars. For example:

· Add links drawing

Display sketches of all link types at the bottom of the schedule. For example:

· Save as default
Click on this button to make the current settings the initial default settings for all future projects.

8.5.4 DXF
Add an existing DXF drawing to the current Layout drawing, for example, standard details, a title block,
notes, etc.
· selected layers only may be added
· the drawing can be drawn to any scale
· the DXF drawing remains a separate entity; it can be removed, reloaded, etc, at any time.

Select one of the following options:

Add 168 a DXF drawing

Move a DXF drawing

Delete a DXF drawing

Reload a DXF drawing that was modified outside of BEAMD; the drawing will be
redrawn with the same parameters selected when it was originally added.

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Revise the scale of an existing DXF drawing.

· Select the DXF file
· Define the parameters:

Drawing units:
Specify the units used in the DXF drawing. Two options are available:
DXF units:
Select a unit from the list box
1 Drawing unit = n DXF units
Select the ratio between the units; the DXF dimensions will be divided by the value entered here.
For example, the BARPLT drawing units are meter, the DXF units are feet: Enter: 3.281
Specify the scale that will be applied to the DXF drawing.

Specify which of the layers in the DXF drawing are to be imported and which pen to assign to the
selected layers.

· Select the location for the DXF drawing.

8.6 Menu bar

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Detailing 169

8.6.1 File Print / DXF

Print beams/drawings or create a DXF file:

Drawings: Beams:

For DXF files, specify the scale:

in Paper space units

in Beam units

Highlight beams/drawings and click

· the list boxes are "multiple selection"
· the list can be sorted by number or name.


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· Print in black and white only

colours are suppressed when printing on colour printers, i.e. the drawing is printed in black and
· Send output to :
Select the output unit, e.g. printer, plotter, etc. The devices must be installed by the "Printers" option
in the Windows "Control panel"
· Setup:
Specify general information for the output device selected, e.g. paper size, graphic resolution
· Send output to file:
Send the drawing to a file; the program prompts for a file name (default = Bnnn.PRN).
Note that the left margin width may be revised in Setup 25 .

Enter the DXF file name. Create bar schedule

This option allows you to automatically create bar schedules. A bar schedule file may include many
separate schedules. Note that revisions to the reinforcement or revisions to the bar numbering will not be
transferred automatically to an existing bar schedule that lists the reinforcement for that beam.
Therefore, it is recommended that the bar schedule be created after the drawing is considered
· The program lists all of the drawings (A) and the beams that have been detailed but not placed on a
drawing (B)
· The bar schedule that they are assigned to is listed in the right column (G).

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Detailing 171

· Select the file that will contain the schedules (D). Normally a file is created for each project so the
project names are listed in the box. To create a user file, select "file" (at the bottom of the list)
· Links may be omitted from the bar schedule (C)
· Select a bar schedule number (E) and click the " Assign bar schedule to selected drawings/ beams" button (F);
the right column will be updated (G)

· click (H) to create the bar schedule

BEAMD will automatically start the BARSW program so that the user can view and edit the bar
schedule. Close the BARSW program (or press Alt-Tab) to return to BEAMD Detailing.

Refer to BARSW for more information on revising the bar schedule.

· Revisions to the reinforcement made after automatic detailing or revisions to the bar numbering will not
be transferred automatically to a bar schedule previously created.
· Bar schedules can be edited manually after they have been created automatically . If you manually
add additional bars to the schedule of a particular drawing and then recreate automatically that
schedule, the program will retain all of the manual additions in the recreated schedule. However, if
there is an overlapping of bar numbers in the recreated schedule, the manually added bars that are
now overlapped will not be retained. In such a case, a warning will be displayed.
· File limits: there are no limits to the number of schedules in a file and the number of bars in a schedule
· The bar schedule module can be run as a separate program BARSW for creating schedules
independently of BEAMD. Setup

Specify default parameters for the following options:

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· Simplified rules 172

Create 'simplified' detailing rules for the program to determine the length of the reinforcement bars;
these rules override the Code requirements for coverage, anchorage, overlap, etc:
· Drawing 175

‫ ת‬default display method for the detailed beam (exploded / elevation)
‫ ת‬drafting parameters for the elevation drawing (arrow size/location, etc.)

· Detailing method 99

Refer to Parameters - detailing method 99 .

· Default link type

Select the default link type for beams without torsion from the list.
· Text parameters
Specify the default text height and height/width ratio for each type of drawing text: beam tile, column
names, etc.

· Anchorage at end supports 176 Simplified rules

Create 'simplified' detailing rules for the program to determine the length of the reinforcement bars; these
rules override the Code requirements for coverage, anchorage, overlap, etc:
· the program selects the same reinforcement (number of bars and diameters) used when the bars are
detailed according to Code requirements.
· the rules are used when Apply simplified detailing rules is selected in the Parameters -
· compliance with Code requirements may be verified in the Check 126 option and bar length may then
be modified manually.

Top internal supports

Specify general parameters for 'simplified rules' and rules for top bars at internal supports:

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Detailing 173

General parameters:
The lengths L and a are used to determine bar lengths; specify the method to determine the value of
these two variables.
· these rules are also used in other tabs.

Top internal supports:

The top bars may be detailed in either one or two groups; specify the rules for determining the length of
all groups.
· criteria with no values will be ignored e.g. for "Group 2" the program calculates the length of the bars
from the rule: "a = 15% of L, but not less than 45 * diameter"

Specify the simplified rules for cantilevers:

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· a and L are defined in the Top internal support 172 tab
· d = the design depth in the cantilever
· Dimension e will be the maximum of the length defined here and the dimension a defined in the Top
internal support 172 tab
· criteria with no values will be ignored, e.g. for "Cantilever side - shorter group length" the program
calculates the length of the bars from the rule: "a = 50% of L, but not less than 45 * diameter"

Bottom bars
Specify the simplified rules for bottom bars:

· L is defined in the Top internal support 172 tab
· criteria with no values will be ignored e.g. for "a=", the program calculates the length of the bars from
the rule: "a = 500 mm"

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Detailing 175

Specify the simplified rules for hooks at simply supported ends and at level differences:

· criteria with no values will be ignored, e.g. for "Hook", the program calculates the length of the bars
from the rule: "c = 100 mm, but not greater than h" Drawing

Specify display method and details for the reinforcement drawings.

Beam view
Specify the default display method for the detailed beam:

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Refer to View - display method 178 .

Elevation drawing
The total vertical dimension of the elevation drawing may be modified by specifying the size of certain
elements and spacing; reducing the dimensions in the dialog box can condense the drawing.

The dimensions a to e are explained in the small drawing in the dialog box. End anchorage

Specify the anchorage detail at external supports:

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Detailing 177

Extend bar into support if support width <

Always extend bars to the end of the support if the support width is less than the value in the menu.

Add hook if support width <

Always add a hook if the support width is less than the value in the menu, even if not required.

When simple hook does not provide enough anchorage

For top bars:

and flipped for bottom bars.

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8.6.2 View

Display type
Two methods for displaying the detailed beam are available:

Note that both types can be displayed simultaneously.

Enter a new value for the beam scale. For example, to draw the beam at a 1:50 scale, enter "50".

8.6.3 Zoom

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Detailing 179


Refresh the screen

Create window

Create a window by clicking the mouse at the lower-left and upper-right corners; the contents of the
window will be displayed over the entire screen.

Move window center

Relocate the centre of the current window to a new location. The relocated window will be drawn with
current scale.
Note that the horizontal and vertical scroll bars on the sides of the display can also be used to pan to
different parts of the drawing.

Full drawing

Display the entire beam/drawing sheet.

Note that the drawing limits are automatically recalculated by the program when sections and text are

Zoom in/out by factor

Zoom in on the current display; the center remains in the same location but the scale is changed. The
degree of zoom is defined by entering the percentage scale change (a factor between 0 and 100%). Note
that the percentage is the ratio between the change in scale to the final scale.
For example, to reduce the scale by half, select 100%.

Revise screen dimensions

Create a window or expand the display area by entering the minimum and maximum beam/drawing
coordinates defining the display limits

Restore the previous display, i.e. the display before the current zoom.
· the program stores up to 20 previous displays
· the stored 'zooms' include those created using the "Create a window" and "Move window center"

8.6.4 Undo
Click Undo to reverse the previous step (including changes to parameters).
· click repeatedly to undo all steps back to the start of the session
· any step that is undone cannot be restored

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8.6.5 Bars

8.6.6 Text

8.6.7 Sections

8.7 Automatic detailing - Cage method

Although the program calculates exactly the required length and curtailment of each bar, the final
detailing drawing is also based on standard engineering practice.

The program assumes that the "cage" method of bar placement is used; a cage of top and bottom bars
tied with links is prefabricated for each span, and bars through the supports are hand placed on site.

In addition, the program rounds-off bar length, arranges bars symmetrically, combines bars into groups
with equal details, etc. These decisions are based on limiting parameters which can be specified by the
user in the Setup option.

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Detailing 181

General assumptions for reinforcement arrangement 181

General assumptions for individual bars 182

Top reinforcement - supports 182
Top reinforcement - spans (Link hangers) 183
Bottom reinforcement - spans 184
Bottom reinforcement - supports 184

8.7.1 General assumptions for reinforcement arrangement

Arrangement of the Bars in the Section:
The program arranges the reinforcement in the top bars so that there is at least one space between bars
greater than 75 mm. for inserting a vibrator into the beam. When splice bars are placed ALONGSIDE the
cage bars, the program checks the spacing taking into account both sets of bars. In all cases, at least
two link hangers are provided, even if 75 mm. spacing requirement is not met.

In all other locations, the program details a minimum spacing that is the greater of the bar diameter and
the aggregate size + 5 mm.

The program arranges the reinforcement in three layers maximum (top and bottom); if all the required
steel cannot be placed in three layers, the program arranges all of the remaining reinforcement in a fourth
layer without carrying out any spacing checks.

However, the program also checks maximum spacing between bars according to § (crack
width control). In some cases, the minimum number of bars gives a maximum spacing greater than that
allowed by this clause, while adding one bar gives a spacing less than 75 mm.

In such a case the program will give priority to the 75 mm. criteria, i.e. spacing will be greater than the
maximum allowed by crack width restrictions. A warning will not be displayed.

If "STEPPED BARS" are used, the program does not check the maximum spacing requirement in the
areas with fewer bars than that at the maximum moment.

Bar Selection - Symmetry Considerations:

The program tries to select the diameters and hence the number of bars so that the bars selected may
be arranged symmetrically in the appropriate layers. In no case will a single bar only be selected for the
smaller diameter.

If a one bar remains in the second layer, the program will try to transfer to it a bar from the first layer.

When the most economical solution at a design location gives two different bar diameters, the program
will ensures that at least one diameter is assigned with an even number of bars. For example:

3T20 + 3T16 is replaced with 4T20 + 2T16

Stepped Bars:

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At each design location, bars may be stepped according to the bending moment envelope. A minimum
number of bars are always detailed to the maximum length. The minimum number of bars is calculated
as follows:
· Support - top bars:
maximum of - number of bars specified in program option
- maximum number of link hangers in adjacent spans
· Support - bottom bars:
bars are never stepped.
· Span - top bars
maximum of - number of bars specified in program option
- number of link hangers in current span
· Span bottom bars (when Curtail bottom bars is selected by user)
maximum of - 2 bars
- "Minimum no. of bottom bars" specified in program option

8.7.2 General assumptions for individual bars

· Anchorage lengths are calculated from Table 3.29 assuming Type 2 reinforcement bars.
· The program does not detail bundled bars and does not calculate anchorage for them.
The program calculates the maximum number of bars allowed per layer according to the Code.

8.7.3 Top reinforcement - supports

Quantity and Diameter:
The program uses the user's selection for DIAMETER and OPTIMAL NO. OF BARS, if possible:
· the program selects the diameter for which the OPTIMAL NO. OF BARS provides the area of
reinforcement required.
· If the combination of the largest permissible DIAMETER and OPTIMAL NO. OF BARS does not
provide sufficient reinforcement, the program will increase the number of bars.
· If the combination of the smallest permissible DIAMETER and OPTIMAL NO. OF BARS provides too
much reinforcement, the program will decrease the number of bars, but not less than the minimum
· The program will use two different diameters if the arrangement is more economical and if at least two
bars are provided for the larger diameter.
· At an exterior support of a relatively shallow beam with a moment or at the end of a cantilever, the
program provides a [ - shaped bar. the quantity and diameter are selected as explained above; the
length of the bottom leg of the [ is calculated as explained in Bottom Reinforcement - supports 184 .
· The program steps the top bars if at least 600 mm. can be saved at one end. (Note that the parameter
600 mm. can be revised - refer to Setup - detailing options).
· The amount of the longest bar is never less than the amount of link hangers.
· The length of bars with different diameters are calculated separately.
· The theoretical cut-off point is the point where the link hangers are able to take the hogging moment;
anchorage length is then added.
· The program will detail the bar as symmetric about the support centre-line if the difference between the
lengths on either side of the centre-line is less than 400 mm. (Note that the parameter 400 mm. can
be revised - refer to Setup - detailing options).

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Detailing 183

· Top bars at the support of a short cantilever (less than 1.5 m.) are continued to the end of the
· Bars at an exterior pinned support are Γ shaped. (Note that the 1.5 m can be revised - refer to Setup -
detailing options)
· At an exterior support of a relatively shallow beam with a moment, the program provides a [ - shaped
bar. The bottom leg of the [ is lapped with the bottom bar in the span.
· Bars at an upper stepped support are detailed as:

Anchorage Length:
· At an interior support, the anchorage length is equal to the greater of:
‫ ת‬the effective depth of the member ( § a )
‫ ת‬12 times the bar size ( § b )
‫ ת‬the smaller of:
§ the curtailment length from Table 3.29 in the Code.
§ the point where other bars continuing past that point provide double the area required at that
section ( § 3.12.9) (this criterion does not apply at external supports with moments).
If more reinforcement than required is provided at the support centre, the anchorage length
calculated in (c)i. is reduced by the ratio of the area required to the area provided.
‫ ת‬so that a lap length to the link hanger as specified in Table 3.29 of the Code is provided.

· At an exterior support of a relatively shallow beam with a moment or at the end of a cantilever, the
program provides a [ - shaped bar. The bottom leg of the [ is lapped with the bottom bar in the span
according to Table 3.29 of the Code.
· At a pinned exterior end or at a stepped interior support, a hook with minimum length is provided
according to §, but not less than 12 times the diameter less the allowance for effective
anchorage length of a hook ( §

8.7.4 Top reinforcement - spans (Link hangers)

Quantity and Diameter:
· The quantity will always be that specified in the option, except in special cases explained below.
· The diameter is selected so that the following conditions are satisfied:
‫ ת‬the diameter is greater than 0.45·diameter of the largest adjacent top support bar.
‫ ת‬the diameter > 12 mm.
‫ ת‬at least one bar size larger than the links.
‫ ת‬user specified minimum

· In the special case where there is a hogging moment throughout the entire length of the span, the
program designs the link hangers to take the moments and attempts to shorten the adjacent support
bars (thereby possibly increasing the quantity of link hangers), as follows:

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Referring to the figure above, the program calculates As required so that "L" equals at least 1 meter +
twice the anchorage length for the top bars in the adjacent span. The program selects a diameter so
that the requested quantity is provided (if possible).
· If there is no hogging moment at mid-span, but the two zero-moment points are close to each other,
the program will detail the link hangers as explained above.

· The link hangers are always extended to a point 50 mm. from the face of the end supports of the span.
· In cantilevers shorter than 1.5 m, no link hangers are provided as the top bars from the support are
extended to the end of the cantilever. (Note that the 1.5 m can be revised. Refer to Setup- Detailing

8.7.5 Bottom reinforcement - spans

Quantity and Diameter:
· Refer to Cage -top reinforcement -supports 182

The program extends all bars to the face of the supports if “Curtail bottom bars” is not selected.
If the "Curtail" is selected”:
· The program steps the bottom bars if a specified length ‘x’ can be saved at each end. The length ‘x’
is defined in Setup - Detailing options.
· Bars are not extended to the face of the supports if they are required only at a distance (x + d) from
the face of the support.
· The full-length bottom bars are always extended to a point 50 mm. from the face of the end supports of
the span.
· The remaining bars are extended to the theoretical cut-off point + anchorage, but not more than 50
mm. from the face of the support.
· Refer to Cage -top reinforcement -supports 182

8.7.6 Bottom reinforcement - supports

Quantity and Diameter:
· The area provided is that required by the sagging moment at the support, if present, but not less than
30% of the area of bottom steel in each of the adjacent spans (50% for exterior supports).
· The bar diameter is at least (0.45*largest bar diameter) of the bottom bars in the adjacent spans, but
not less than the minimum bar diameter specified
· All bars have the same diameter.
· The program will provide not less than the number of bottom bars that the user requested to extend to
the support, and will attempt to provide exactly this quantity.
Length and Anchorage:

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Detailing 185

· The lap with the bottom bars in the adjacent spans is calculated according to Table 3.29.
· At supports with a step at the bottom face, the reinforcement is detailed as follows:

The lap with the bottom bars in the adjacent spans is calculated according to Table 3.29.
The anchorage length at the other end of the bar is the maximum of: (a) the value in Table 3.29 (b) "d"
(c) 12 diameters. The anchorage length for the hooked bar is reduced by the hook allowance.
· At an external support with a moment, or at the end of a cantilever, the bottom bar is the extension of
the hooked top bar, i.e. the bars is detailed as [ - shaped.
For relatively deep beams, separate top + and bottom . bottoms will be detailed.
· At a pinned exterior support, a hook with minimum length is provided according to §, but not
less than 12 times the diameter less the allowance for effective anchorage length of a hook ( §

9 Calculation method

· Eurocode 2
· BS8110
· ACI318
· CSA A23.3 185

· IS456

9.1 CSA A23.3

· General 185
· Moment and shear envelopes 186

· Main reinforcement 186

· Shear 190
· Deflections 190
· Torsion 190

9.1.1 General
The longitudinal reinforcement calculation is based on the design assumptions outlined in § 10.1; the
following rectangular stress block is used.

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· a1 = 0.85 - 0.0015 f'c > 0.67 (10-1)
· b1 = 0.97 - 0.0025 f'c > 0.67 (10-2)
· fc = 0.60 (§ 8.4.2)
· fs = 0.85

The modulus of elasticity:

· Concrete: mPa (8-7)
· Steel: Es = 200,000 mPa (§
The stress in reinforcement is calculated as Es x strain, but not greater than fy.

9.1.2 Moment & shear envelopes

The program automatically generates the following load cases ( and load factors (8.3.2) to
calculate the moment and shear envelope:

Note that the default load patterns and the load factors may be revised in the Setup option.

9.1.3 Main reinforcement

Minimum reinforcement is specified by the user as:

where bt = width of the tension zone
1.33 As,required (§

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Calculation method 187

Maximum reinforcement is limited to 4%.

Bending moment only

Rectangular beams:

Referring to the above figure, the reinforcement area is calculated as follows:

As = Mu/{fs fy (d - 0.5b 1c)}

if r > r m ax, compression reinforcement As ' is provided, where:

r = As / bd
r m ax = r b

Mr = fs fy As,m ax (d - 0.5 a m ax)
As = As,m ax + As '
a m ax = As,m ax fy fs / a 1 fc f'c b
As,m ax = r m ax b d

Tee beams:
· compression block entirely in flange: designed as rectangular beams.
· compression block in web:

As = Asf + Asw


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Asf = Cf / fy fs
Asw = Muw / { fs fy (d - 0.5 a w )}
Cf = a 1 f'c ( bf - bw ) tf fc
Muw = Mu - f Mnf
fs Mnf = fs Cf (d - 0.5 tf)

if As > As,m ax , compression reinforcement As ' is provided, where:

As,m ax = r m ax bf d
r m ax = (bw / bf) (r b + r f) for beams without redistribution

r f = Asf / bw d

Mr = fs fy As,m ax (d - 0.5 a m ax)
As = As,m ax + As '
a m ax = As,m ax fy fs / a 1 fc f'c b

Bending moment & Axial force

a1 = 0.85 - 0.0015 f'c > 0.67 (10-1)
b1 = 0.97 - 0.0025 f'c > 0.67 (10-2)
fc = 0.60 (§ 8.4.2)
fs = 0.85

Md = M = design moment. The value may be the STRAP moment or the Wood & Armer moment
Mcd = the moment corresponding to the case where the compression block height is the maximum
allowed by the Code in pure bending.
(a 1fc) (b 1 k2) (1.0 - 0.5 b 1 k2) bd² f'c
where k2 = 700/(700 + fy) N/mm²
For the general case:
Nd = N, where N =design axial force. The value may be the STRAP force or the Wood & Armer
force (elements).

Transposing the axial force to the tension steel level:

Rectangular section:
There are three design cases:
· Section in tension and compression:

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Calculation method 189

‫ת‬ Msd > Mcd

D M = Msd - Mcd
A's = D M/(d - d') fs fy
As = A's + Mcd/(z m in·fy) - Nd/fs fy
where: z m in = d ( 1 - 0.5·b 1·k2)
‫ת‬ Msd < Mcd
As = Msd/{fs fy (d - 0.5a)} - Nd/fs fy

· Entire section in tension:

where: e = Md/Nd

· Entire section in compression:

‫ת‬ the program initially checks where the concrete capacity is sufficient for equilibrium. If so,
reinforcement is not required and only minimum reinforcement is provided.
‫ת‬ the program then tries to provide reinforcement only at the face with the greater compression. If
equilibrium of forces and moments cannot be satisfied -
‫ת‬ the program provides reinforcement at both faces.
· all sections are designed for minimum eccentricity
· for small loads the program calculates the reinforcement based on an elastic stress distribution.

Tee sections:
Tee sections are designed similarly to rectangular sections:

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· the program assumes that the entire flange width is effective.

9.1.4 Shear
The program selects the stirrup diameter and spacing so that

(11-4, 11-11)
fc= 0.60
and subject to the following limitations:


sm ax = min ( 600 mm, 0.7d )
but when , then -
sm ax = min ( 300 mm, 0.35d ) (11.2.11)

9.1.5 Deflections
9.1.6 Torsion

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Index 191

Index -P-
Parameters 75
Cantilever 53
Columns 53 Redistribution 74
Right click 9
Directories 14, 16
Sections 48
-E- Self-weight loads
Setup 25

Elevation - draw 131 Setup - add bar defaults 39

End conditions 53 Springs 56
Support deflection loads 71
Supports 52, 56
File - create DXF
Fixed-end 53
169 -T-
Text - copy-paste 118
Title 55
-G- Trapeze load 63

General 7
Geometry 48, 52, 53, 56 -U-
Uniform loads 60
Increase beam width 75 -W-
Wind loads 64
Linear line loads 63
Linear loads 61, 63
Load groups 70
Loads 60, 61, 63, 64, 71

Moment redistribution 74

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