Islamic Center Letter

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oARDOE DIRECTORS Pree Tabassam ned Vie Pride Asi ih reset Mahan Zar Lene sere “aka Aas | ‘Mina Anas ‘il Chacary Dida Ome iv Farid Stud Kan Zakir Chip CCOUNCH. OF TRUSTEES hain ’a Sac sb Vice Chapeson Ail asd Tree ‘ham Roi Taste Sieg Mason | Raat Raman | sate kia SUrCIAL AsstGnMENs | anetry Cooinoe ‘Wajid Choudhury Woes Fru Coondintor Zain Mabummat clearly appear to be, As evidence of this probability, we cite the pr from a cultural background with strong. ant Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim In the name of Allan, the Compassionate, the Merciful Islamic Center of Rochester, Inc. 727 Westfall Road P.O, Box 23268, Rochester, New York 14692-3266 Telephone: (585) 442-0117, Fax (585) 442-9924, Web Page: htip dwar theicr org To Whom It May Concern: Ref: Dr. Merouane Lakehal-Ayat CC: Attomey Peter Glennon [thas come to our attention that De, Merouane Lakehal-Ayat, a well-respected member of our Islamic community and internationally recognized professor at St. John Fisher College for 32 years is the subject of a possible termination of his tenure and position at the College. We know, respect, and value Dr. Lakehal-Ayat and his family in our Islamic community. That he now faces such prejudicial action from an institution to which he has given so much of his professional life causes us great concern which we feel we must address. The context, circumstances, and the facts resulting in this over-zealous pursuit of his termination appear retaliatory. There has been a complete denial of due process, and a total disregard of any attempt to address any issues between the College and Dr. Ayat with other less severe remedies not resulting in his termination. When the President and College Provost takes the stated position in writing that any faculty member who has acted as Dr. Lakehal-Ayat has done (not allegedly done) should not be permitted to teach any longer, we are lefi but one conclusion. Something else is at play here. What he has been alleged to have done clearly does not seem to any reasonable person to rise to the level of College destroying such an outstanding academician and bringing harm to such a well-regarded member of our community Sadly, we are left to conclude that these actions are motivated by anti-Islamic bias and prejudice on the part of at least some senior college administrators involved. If overt prejudice and discrimination are not in play here, implicit bias and cultural insensiti nee on one senior administrator Islamic prejudice who has apparently engaged in a number of retaliatory actions against Dr. Lakehal-Ayat. We further cite the College's (ie. the President's) intention to originally schedule the formal hes such an attempt was made speaks of the College’s cultural i levels, We are confident that such a cultural/religious insens ie he is now facing during Ramadan, T censitivity radiating From the highest ity would not have occurred if the faculty member under serutiny was Christian Given the overall tone in this Country today and the ongoing effort of some to vilify people of the Islamie faith that an indirect participant in growth in the number of tution of higher education such as St. John Fisher College would even be an ich hysteria is deeply disappointing, In that St, John Fisher has seen recent Jamie student, faculty, and staff, we can only image the unease they must aus ‘BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pret Tatas an Vice Mesden Sa gba ‘Mohamed Zar esr Sertary "ak Aa Dist ‘ima Abs {sis Citar Dbaida Oar Asis Farid Sadan Zakir Chip LCOUNCILOF FRUSTEES ‘Chaipesan Sas se Vi Chierson Adi Neo This ‘ota Rumi “abac le Siraj Masood Rear ewany satis SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS Walid Choudhury Woes Ham Coord ‘aia Mebnmad Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful Islamic Center of Rochester, Inc. 727 Westfall Road P.O. Box 23266, Rochester, New York 14692-3266, Telephone: (585) 442-0117, Fax (585) 442-9924 Web Page: http / ally attacks such an outstanding representative of now be feeling as the College prejux Islamie community. c are very much Be assured. we stand firmly behind Dr. Lakehal-Ayat and his family. aware of the extreme damage that your actions have caused to him and his family. We will lend whatever support we ean to make sure that his reputation and name are cleared. “ae nipeobensa : Best Regards, ‘Tabassam Javed Ph.D President, Islamic Center of Rochester : Dr. Merouane Lakehal-A yat Mr.Peter Glennon CC: SIFC President Mr.Gerry Rooney CC: Board of Trustees President Jack DePeters

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