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bagay (appropriate, suitable)

bago (new)
A bagong-ani (newly harvested)
abala (busy, occupied) bagong-kasal (newly married)
abot (within reach) bagong-dating (newly arrived)
abot-dinig (within hearing distance) bagong-gising (just awaken)
abot-sigaw (within shouting distance) bagong-huli (newly caught, referring to fish)
abot-tanaw (within seeing distance) bagong-luto (newly cooked)
aburido (very much worried) baguhan (inexperienced, amateurish)
abusado (abusive) bahagya (slight, scant, little)
agawan (in rivalry with each other) bahala (accountable)
agaw-buhay (dying) bakante (vacant)
agrabyado (aggrieved; at a disadvantage) baku-bako (rough, uneven, said of roads)
agresibo (aggressive) balat-sibuyas (thin-skinned)
akma (appropriate, suited) balbasin (with a long beard)
aksaya (wasteful) baldado (crippled)
aktibo (active) bale-wala (of no value or worth)
aktuwal (actual) bali (broken, fractured)
alam (known; aware) baligtaran (reversible)
alangan (unfit) baliktad/baligtad (turned upside down)
alanganin (insufficient) balisa (anxious, worried, restless)
alerto (alert) balitang-balita (widely known)
alinlangan (uncertain, doubtful) baliw (crazy, deranged)
alinsabay (concurrent) baluktot (bent or twisted)
alisto (alert, active) banal (holy, godly)
aliwalas (spacious; serene) banayad (gentle, moderately slow)
alpas (unconfined, free) bansot (stunted in growth)
anak-dalita (born poor) bantog (famous, well-known)
angkop (suitable, fitting, apt) barado (clogged)
antigo (antique) basa (wet)
antukin (prone to sleepiness) basag (cracked)
anuwal (annual) basal (chaste, virgin; not concrete)
apaw (overflowing; flooded) bastos (vulgar, indecent)
aprobado (approved) batay (based or taken from)
araw-araw (daily) batid (known, aware of)
areglado (well-arranged) batikan (mottled, speckled)
arestado (arrested) batugan (lazy)
armado (armed) bawal (prohibited)
arogante (arrogant) bibo (alert, active)
artipisyal (artificial) bigay-todo (with all of one’s efforts)
asiwa (lacking in grace and skill) bigla (sudden, abrupt)
aspaltado (asphalted) bigo (disappointed, unsuccessful)
atrasado (late, overdue) bihasa (accustomed; well-trained)
bihira (rare, uncommon)

© Pia Noche, samutsamot.com 1

bilad (exposed under the sun) dinaglat (abbreviated, shortened)
bilang (counted) dinig (audible)
bilasa (putrid, spoiled, said of fish) direkta (direct)
bilog (round) doble-kara (double-faced, deceitful)
bingi (deaf) dominante (dominant; domineering)
bitin (awkwardly low) drastiko (drastic)
biyak (split or cut in halves) duguan/dugu-duguan (bloody)
buhay (alive, living) duguin (prone to bleeding)
bukas (open, not closed) dukha (poor, needy)
bukod (apart, aside) duling (cross-eyed)
bukod-tangi (exceptional) durog (crushed into pieces)
bulagaw (grey-eyed, blue-eyed) durug-durog (crushed, pulverized)
bulagsak (lavish, extravagant; wasteful) duwag (coward)
bulok (rotten, decayed)
bundat (full from eating too much, satiated)
bungi (with or having a missing tooth or teeth) E
buntis (pregnant) ebangheliko (evangelical)
buo (whole) ebaporada (evaporated)
busog (full; satisfied with food) edukado/edukada (educated; well-bred)
butas (with or having a hole) edukasyonal (educational)
egalitaryo (egalitarian)
ehekutibo (executive)
D ekidistante (equidistant)
daig (surpassed, excelled) ekilatero (equilateral)
dakila (great, distinguished) eklektiko (eclectic)
dala (brought, delivered) eklesyastiko (ecclesiastic)
dalisay (pure) ekonomiko (economic)
dalita (poor, destitute) eksagonal (hexagonal)
dalubhasa (well-trained) eksaherado (exaggerated)
dalus-dalos (in a hurry) eksakto (exact)
damak (open-handed) eksaminado (examined)
dapat (proper, right) ekslamatoryo (exclamatory)
darating (coming, forthcoming) eksklusibo (exclusive)
dati (former, previous) eksperto (with or having great skill, expert)
dayupay (emaciated) eksplosibo (explosive)
delikado (risky) ekspres (quick, fast)
delingkuwente (delinquent) ekstra (extra, additional)
deretso (direct, straight) ekumeniko (ecumenical)
desidido (decided, determined) ekwatoryal (equatorial)
desperado (desperate) elastiko (elastic)
desente (decent) elegante (elegant)
detalyado (detailed) elektrikal (electrical)
determinado (determined, resolved) elektriko (electric)
dilat (with eyes open, awake; educated) elementarya (elementary)
dilaw (with or having yellow color) eliptiko (elliptical)

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embalsamado (embalmed) H
emosyonal (emotional) habang-buhay (lifelong)
engrande (grandiose) habilog (oval; egg-shaped)
ensayado (practiced) hagdan-hagdan (arranged in tiers)
epektibo (effective) halata (noticeable, obvious)
espesipiko (specific) halatang-halata (very discernible, very apparent)
espesyal (special) haling (placed across, transverse)
espirituwal (spiritual) halu-halo (made of different things or kinds)
estatiko (static) hamak (lowly, insignificant)
estopado (stewed) hambog (boastful, arrogant)
handa (prepared, ready)
handusay (prostrate, fallen flat on the floor)
G hangal (stupid, foolish, idiotic)
gabundok (huge; as large as a mountain) hapay (tilted, inclined; bankrupt)
gahol (late; under time pressure) hapo (fatigued)
galit (angry) hasa (sharp; well-trained)
gamit (used; secondhand) hati (halved; divided)
ganado (enthusiastic) hawig (similar, like)
ganap (full, perfect, complete) hibang (delirious, crazy)
gapok (said of wood made weak by termites) hidwa (anomalous, mistaken)
gapos (tied) hikain (asthmatic)
garantisado (guaranteed) hilaw (raw; unripe)
garapal (flagrant, openly shameless) hinog (ripe)
gasgas (worn-out) hiram (borrowed)
gastado (worn-out by constant use) hirang (appointed; chosen)
gastador (extravagant, wasteful) hirap (poor; very tired)
gawang-kamay (hand-made) hitik (filled or heavy-laden with fruit)
giba (demolished, destroyed) hiwalay (separate)
giniling (ground, milled) hiyang (compatible, suited)
gipit (lacking in space, time or financial means; hubad (naked)
desperate) hubo (bare of clothes from the waist down)
gisado (sautéed; stewed) hugis-kandila (candle-shaped)
gising (awake) hukot (hunchbacked)
grabe (grave, serious) huli (last, final)
graduwal (gradual) hulmado (well-fitted)
guhit-kamay (hand-drawn) hulog (fallen down; failed)
gulanit (tattered, referring to clothes) hungkag (hollow, empty)
gulat (startled; frightened) husto (adequate, sufficient)
gulatin (easily startled) huwad (imitated; fake)
gusot (crumpled)
gutay-gutay (torn into shreds)
gutom (hungry) I
guwapo (handsome) iba (different)
iba-iba (of different kinds or nature)
ibang-iba (very different)

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ignorante (ignorant) kalahati (half)
iilan/ilan/ilan-ilan (few) kalait-lait (contemptible)
iisa (only one) kalakip (attached, enclosed)
ilegal (illegal) kalat (widespread, rampant)
imbi (mean, vile, wretched) kalbo (bald)
imoral (immoral) kaliwete (left-handed)
imortal (immortal) kalmado (calm)
importante (important) kaloob (given to someone as a gift)
inaantok (sleepy) kalugud-lugod (delightful)
inihaw (broiled) kalumbay-lumbay (sorrowful, mournful)
inip (bored) kalung-kalong (carried or held on the lap
inosente (innocent) wherever one goes)
interesado (interested) kamukha (having semblance to)
inutil (useless) kapaki-pakinabang (useful; advantageous)
istrikto (strict) kapani-paniwala (convincing, believable)
itim (black, ebony) kapareho (congruent, same)
iyakin (given to crying) kapiling (close to one’s side)
kapita-pitagan (decent, respectable)
kapos (insufficient, inadequate)
K kapuna-puna (notable; conspicuous)
kaakit-akit (attractive) kapuri-puri (praiseworthy)
kaawa-awa (pitiful) karagdagan (additional)
kaaya-aya (pleasant, delightful) karampot (of a very small quantity)
kabado (nervous) karaniwan (common, usual)
kabi-kabila (on or from all sides) karapat-dapat (worthy, deserving)
kabisado (memorized) kasangkot (involved)
kabit-kabit (joined or connected in series) kasiya/kasya (fit, said of clothes or footwear)
kagalang-galang (respectable) kasiya-siya (enjoyable, entertaining)
kagaya (similar, alike) kasundo (in good terms with, congenial)
kagiliw-giliw (lovely, charming) katabi (next to, adjacent)
kagimbal-gimbal (shocking) katakam-takam (very delicious, very tasty)
kagulat-gulat (surprising) kataka-taka (strange, mysterious)
kahali-halina (charming, attractive) katakot-takot (scary, frightful)
kahambing (similar; comparable) katamtaman (moderate)
kahanga-hanga (admirable) katangi-tangi (exceptional)
kaharap (opposite, facing the front of) katapat (opposite, facing another)
kahawig (similar in appearance) katawa-tawa (funny, comical, laughable)
kahilera (in line with) katiting (very little)
kahina-hinala (arousing suspicion) katumbas (equal in quantity; equivalent)
kahiya-hiya (shameful, disgraceful) katulad (similar, like)
kahugis (having the same shape) kauna-unahan (very first)
kaila (unknown, kept secret) kaunti (small amount)
kaisa-isa (lone, sole) kawangis (similar, alike)
kakaiba (strange, unique, unusual) kawawa (pitiful)
kakila-kilabot (dreadful, frightful, horrible) kilala (known, famous)

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kimi (timid, bashful) lapastangan (disrespectful, irreverent)
kinakabahan (nervous) lapat (properly closed, as a door or window;
kita (in sight, evident) well-fitted)
kitang-kita (seen clearly, in full view) lasing (drunk)
kongkreto (concrete) laya (freed, emancipated; pampered)
koniko (conical) layas (fond of travelling or aimless wandering)
kubli (hidden, out of sight) laylay (drooping, hanging loose or weakly)
kulang (inadequate, incomplete) liberal (generous; broad-minded)
kulimlim (cloudy, overcast) liblib (secluded, unfrequented, remote)
kulong (imprisoned) libre (obtained for free)
kulot (curly, wavy) libu-libo (thousands upon thousands)
kumbidado (invited) ligalig (troubled, perturbed)
kumpleto/kompleto (complete) ligaw (wild, stray; uncultivated, referring to
kupas (faded, washed-out, discolored) plants)
kusa (voluntary, intentional) ligid (surrounded)
kuwadrado (square) ligtas (safe)
lihim (secret)
lihis (turned aside from a course, deviated)
L likas (innate, inherent, natural)
laan (reserved or intended for) likha (created, invented)
labag (unlawgul, illegal) liku-liko (serpentine; winding, as in a road)
labis (excessive) lila (of pale purple color)
labis-labis (very excessive, much more than lilo (treacherous, unfaithful)
enough) limitado (limited)
ladlad (unfolded, spread out) linang (tilled, cultivated; well-developed)
lagalag (well-travelled; nomadic) lingguhan (weekly)
laganap (widespread) lingid (secret, unknown)
laglag (fallen, referring to fruits, leaves, etc.) lingu-linggo (weekly)
lagot (disconnected, cut) lipas (obsolete; no longer valid)
lagpak (fallen, as fruits from a tree; having listo (clever or alert)
failing grades) litaw (visible; well-known)
lagpas (having gone beyond a certain point or literal (literal)
place) lito (confused, puzzled)
lagusan (pierced, open through and through) lubog (flooded, covered with water; sunken)
lahat (all, entirely) lubos (absolute, full, complete)
lahat-lahat (absolutely all, totally) lubusan (complete, absolute)
laki-sa-layaw (spoiled, pampered while still lukot (rumpled)
young) luku-luko (foolish, slightly demented)
lamog (softened, bruised by handling) lula (dizzy)
lanta (withered) luma (old)
lantad (in full view, exposed) lumpo (invalid, crippled, maimed)
lantay (pure, unalloyed) luntian (greenish)
laon (old, antique) lupaypay (extremely weak due to exhaustion)
laos (overripe; obsolete) lupig (overpowered, subjugated)
lapad (broad and flat) luray (mangled, mutilated)

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lutang (afloat) mabini (modest; gentle)
lutas (finished, solved) mabisa (effective)
luto (cooked) mabuhok (hairy)
lutong-makaw (rigged) mabulaklak (with many flowers; flowery)
mabunga (fruitful)
mabusisi (fastidious)
M mabuti (good; fine)
maaari (possible) mabuway (unstable, shaky; unbalanced)
maaga (early) madalang (infrequent, rare)
maagap (prompt, punctual) madalas (often)
maalab (fiery; earnest) madaldal (chatty, fond of idle talk)
maalalahanin (thoughtful, considerate) madali (easy, quick)
maalat (salty) madamo (grassy)
maalikabok (dusty) madasalin (prayerful, devout)
maalingasaw (smelly, stinky) madaya (fond of cheating, deceitful; unfair)
maalinsangan (hot and humid) madilaw (yellowish)
maaliwalas (bright, spacious, well-ventilated; madilim (dark)
clear, said of the sky) madugo (bloody)
maalwan (easy; comfortable) madulas (slippery)
maamo (meek; tame, docile) madumi/marumi (dirty)
maasahan (dependable) madungis (filthy, grubby)
maawain (merciful, compassionate) madunong (talented, intelligent; cunning)
maanghang (spicy) maga (swollen, inflamed)
maapoy (fiery) magaan (light)
maaraw (sunny) magalang (respectful)
maasikaso (attentive, mindful) magaling (excellent; effective)
maasim (sour) magalitin (irritable; easily made angry)
maawain (merciful) magana (zestful, enthusiastic; having a good
maayos (neat and orderly) appetite)
mababa (low) maganda (beautiful)
mababang-loob (humble) magara (elegant, fancy)
mababaw (shallow, superficial) magaslaw (coarse or rough in manners;
mabaho (foul-smelling) indecent)
mabagal (slow) magaspang (rough in texture)
mabagsik (savage, harsh, stern) magastos (costly, expensive)
mabagyo (stormy) maginaw (cold, said of the weather)
mabait (kind, good) maginhawa (convenient, comfortable; well-off)
mabalahibo (furry; feathery) maginoo (honorable, gallant)
mabalasik (fierce, savage; stern) mag-isa (alone)
mabangis (wild, feral) magiting (heroic, valiant; patriotic)
mabango (fragrant) magkamukha (identical or similar in appearance)
mabigat (heavy) magkatimbang (having the same weight)
mabili (easily sold; fast-selling) magulang (mature, said of fruits; old and
mabilis (fast) mature; deceptive)
mabilog (round; chubby)

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magulo (disorderly, complicated; causing makapangyarihan (powerful)
trouble) makasalanan (sinful, immoral)
mahaba (long) makasarili (selfish, egoistic)
mahabagin (compassionate, merciful) makasaysayan (historical)
mahal (expensive) makatao (humane)
mahalaga (valuable, precious) makatarungan (just, fair, lawful, righteous)
mahalimuyak (fragrant) makatas (juicy, succulent)
mahalumigmig (humid; damp, moist) makati (itchy)
mahamog (wet or damp with dew) makatwiran (reasonable, rational)
mahangin (windy) makinang (brilliant, luminous)
mahapdi (very sore or painful) makinis (smooth)
maharlika (royal, noble) makintab (shiny)
mahigpit (strict, stringent) makipot (narrow; tight or undersized)
mahilig (inclined, fond of) makirot (painful)
mahimbing (deep or sound asleep) makisig (refined, well-groomed)
mahina (weak) makitid (narrow)
mahinahon (calm, said of speech or manner) makulay (colorful)
mahinhin (modest; decent in behavior) makulit (continuously stubborn)
mahirap (poor; difficult) makunat (ductile)
mahiwaga (mysterious, miraculous) makupad (slow, sluggish)
mahiyain (shy) makuwarta (moneyed)
mahusay (efficient, competent) malabnaw (diluted)
maigi (good, fine) malabo (vague; blurry)
maigsi (short, concise) malagim (gloomy)
maikli (short, brief) malagkit (sticky)
mailap (elusive; untamed) malago (fertile; luxuriant in growth)
maimpluwensiya (influential) malakas (strong)
mainam (favourable, good, fine) malaki (big, large)
maindayog (rythmic) malala (grave, serious; severe)
maingat (cautious) malalim (deep)
maingay (noisy) malaman (fleshy)
mainggitin (prone to be envious) malambing (affectionate)
mainit (hot) malambot (soft)
mainit-init (lukewarm) malamig (cold, chilly, cool)
maitim (dark-colored) malandi (flirty)
makabago (stylish, modern; recent) malansa (fishy; having a fishy taste or smell)
makabayan (nationalistic) malapad (wide, broad)
makabubuti (advantageous; beneficial) malapit (close, near)
makabuluhan (meaningful, significant) malapot (thick, viscous)
maka-Diyos (pious; godly) malas (unlucky)
makaluma (old fashioned, conservative) malasa (tasty, tasteful)
makamandag (poisonous, venomous) malasado (underdone, rare, said of how
makamkam (selfish, rapacious) something is cooked)
makamundo (earthly, worldly, temporal) malaswa (obscene, lewd, indecent)
makapal (thick) malat (hoarse; having a rough, husky voice)

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malawak (immense, vast) mapang-uyam (sarcastic)
malaya (free, emancipated; independent) mapanira (destructive)
malayo (far) maparaan (resourceful)
mali (wrong, incorrect) mapayapa (peaceful)
maligamgam (lukewarm, tepid) mapilit (insistent)
maligaya (festive, merry; happy) mapitagan (polite, respectful)
malihim (secretive) mapurol (blunt, dull)
maliit (small) maputi (white, light-colored)
malikot (naughty, mischievous; restless) maputik (muddy)
maliksi (agile, nimble) maputla (pale)
malilim (shady) marahan (soft and slow, gentle)
malilimutin (forgetful) marahas (violent)
malimit (frequent) maralita (poor)
malinamnam (delicious, tasty) maramdamin (emotional, sensitive, vulnerable)
malinaw (clear, not vague) marami/madami (many, much)
malinis (clean) maramot/madamot (stingy)
maliwanag (bright) marangal (noble)
malubak (uneven; bumpy, said of roads) mariin/madiin (heavily pressed; emphatic)
malubha (serious, severe) marikit (very pretty)
malugod (happy, pleased) marilag (very beautiful, exquisite)
malumanay (mild, gentle) maringal (grand)
malumbay (gloomy, depressed) mariwasa (well-to-do, well-off; prosperous)
malungkot (sad) marunong (intelligent, wise)
malupit (cruel, brutal) marupok (fragile; flimsy)
malusog (healthy) masagana (prosperous, plentiful)
malutong (brittle, crisp) masakim (selfish, covetous)
maluwag (loose, roomy) masakit (painful, hurtful)
maluwalhati (glorious) masaklap (bitter)
maluwang (spacious) masaklaw (comprehensive, extensive)
mangmang (ignorant; uneducated) masalapi (wealthy, moneyed)
manhid (numb) masalimuot (complicated; intricate)
maningning (brilliant, sparkling) masalita (talkative, chatty)
manipis (thin, flimsy) masama (bad; evil, wicked)
mapagmataas (haughty, arrogant) masamyo (sweet-smelling; aromatic)
mapagpakumbaba (humble) masarap (delicious)
mapagtiwala (trustful) masaya (happy)
mapait (bitter-tasting) masayahin (with or having a cheerful
mapakla (acrid in taste) disposition)
mapalad (fortunate) masebo (greasy)
mapaminsala (destructive) maselan (delicate)
mapangahas (daring, recklessly bold) masidhi (intense, extreme)
mapanganib (dangerous) masigasig (diligent)
mapang-api (abusive) masigla (lively, cheery; full of enthusiasm)
mapanglaw (melancholy, sad) masikap (diligent, persevering)
mapangutya (sarcastic, cynical) masikip (crowded; tight)

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masinop (neat and orderly, said of a person) matiwasay (peaceful, tranquil)
masipag (hardworking, industrious) matiyaga (patient, persevering)
maskulado (muscular) matubig (watery)
masungit (unkind, ill-tempered) matulin (fast)
masunurin (obedient) matulis (sharp)
masusi (thorough, detailed) matulungin (helpful)
masustansiya (nutritious) matunog (resonant)
masuwerte (lucky) matuwid (straight; lawful)
mataas (high) maulan (rainy)
mataba (fat) maulap (cloudy)
matabang (bland, tasteless) maunawain (understanding)
matagal (requiring a long time) maunlad (progressive)
matagumpay (successful) mausisa (curious, inquisitive)
matakaw (greedy) mausok (smoky)
matalas (keen, sharp) mautak (brainy)
matalik (intimate, close) mauwido (with or having an ear or talent for
matalim (sharp, referring to blades) music)
matalinghaga (figurative, metaphorical) mayabang (boastful, arrogant)
matalino (smart, intelligent) mayabong (fertile; verdant)
matamis (sweet) mayaman (rich)
matamlay (sluggish, dreary) may-kasalanan (guilty)
matampuhin (sulky) maykaya (rich)
matanda (old, aged) mayroon (available; in existence)
matangkad (tall) militante (militant)
matangos (prominent, referring to a nose) miserable (miserable)
matanong (inquisitive) misteryoso (mysterious)
matao (crowded with people, populous) mistula (pure, true; closely similar or identical)
matapang (brave) moderno (modern)
matapat (honest, loyal) morena (having dark hair, eyes, and skin)
matarik (steep) mukto (swollen, said of eyes)
matatakutin (easily frightened) mulat (conscious; awake)
matatag (stable, sturdy) mumurahin (cheap)
matatas (able to speak fluently) munti (small, little)
matayog (high, towering; lofty) mura (cheap, inexpensive)
matibay (strong (materially); durable) musmos (naïve, innocent; young)
matigas (solid and compact; hard) muwal (full or filled with food, referring to the
matiisin (patiently tolerant of hardship) mouth)
matimyas (pure and real, said of love or mayumi (demure, ladylike)
matindi (severe, extreme)
matingkad (vivid, brightly-colored) N
matinik (thorny) nabal (naval)
matino (mentally healthy; sensible) nagdaan (preceding, past)
matipid (economical; frugal, thrifty) nag-iisa (alone)
matipuno (robust, very strong and healthy) nahihiya (ashamed)

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naiiba (distinct, novel) napahiya (embarrassed, humiliated)
naiintindihan (intelligible, discernible) napapasuka (sick, inclined to vomit)
nakaaakit (charming) nararapat (worthy, suitable)
nakaaaliw (entertaining) natural (natural)
nakaaawa (deserving pity) ningas-bao (fleeting)
nakababa (downcast) ningas-kugon (not lasting or enduring)
nakabaon (buried, embedded) NG
nakabibighani (captivating, enthralling) ngalot (crushed by the teeth, crunched)
nakabuka (open, opened) ngalngal (prone to grumble or complain; fond of
nakabukod (set aside, separated) silly or idle talk)
nakadapa (lying face down) ngiwi (wry, crooked, said of the face)
nakadikit (glued)
nakadipa (outstretched)
nakagugulantang (shocking, startling) O
nakahiga (lying down) obligado (obliged)
nakahihiya (shameful) oksidental (western)
nakaiinip (uninteresting, tedious) okupado (occupied)
nakakain (edible) omnipotente (omnipotent)
nakalaan (reserved or intended for) opisyal (official)
nakalilibang (entertaining) ordenado (ordained)
nakalilito (confusing) ordinaryo (ordinary)
nakalulan (aboard) orihinal (original)
nakalulunas (remedial, curative) oryental (oriental, eastern)
nakamamatay (lethal, fatal) osyoso (looking on, curious)
nakapapagod (tiresome) otomatiko (automatic)
nakapapaso (caustic)
nakaraan (past, preceding, previous)
nakasalalay (contingent) P
nakasara (closed) pabagu-bago (ever changing, inconstant)
nakasisilaw (dazzling, glaring) pabaliktad (in reverse, upside down)
nakasulat (written) pabaya (negligent)
nakasusi (locked) pabilog (circular, spherical, round)
nakataas (elevated, hoisted) pabugsu-bugso (with sudden, intermittent force)
nakatago (hidden) pabulong (in whispers)
nakatali (tied) pabulyaw (snappish; in an angry and loud voice)
nakataob (capsized) padpad (carried by the tide, cast ashore from a
nakatatawa (funny, humorous) wreck)
nakatayo (situated; standing) pagala-gala (stray, wandering, vagrant)
nakatupi (folded) pagano (pagan)
nakausli (protruding) pagod (tired)
nakaw (furtive) pahaba (longitudinal, lengthwise; long and
nakayuko (with head bowed) narrow)
nalilito (confused) pahalang (horizontal)
nananaig (prevailing) pahambing (comparative)
napadpad (carried by the tide) paharap (facing forward, head-on)

© Pia Noche, samutsamot.com 10

pahiga (with the body flat on the surface, lying pang-isa (singular)
down) pangit (ugly)
pahilaga (northbound) pangkabuhayan (economic)
pahilis (slanting) pangkaraniwan (common, ordinary)
pahintu-hinto (intermittent) pangmarami (plural; for or intended for many)
paimbabaw (superficial, hypocritical) pangunahin (first-class; principal, most
pakanluran (westward, westerly) important)
palaaral (studious) pangwakas (final, last, concluding)
palaaway (quarrelsome) panibago (new, renewed)
palabas (on the way out) panimula (preliminary, introductory)
palabigay (generous) panis (stale, spoiled)
palabiro (jocular) panlabas (external, exterior, outer)
palabuy-laboy (rambling; vagrant) panlahat (of or for all; general)
palaisip (with or having the habit of thinking panlalaki (of or for males)
deeply) panlipunan (of, about or pertaining to society)
palakaibigan (friendly) panlunan (locative)
palansak (collective, as in collective noun) panot (bald)
palasak (popular, common) pansamantala (temporary)
palatanong (inquisitive) pantay (of or having the same length)
palatawa (inclined to laugh, risible) pantay-pantay (of or having the same length or
palibut-libot (wandering; rambling) height; equal)
palihis (deviated, deflected) pansarili (personal; for one’s own use)
paliku-liko (serpentine, winding, as a road) papalit-palit (changeable; fickle)
palso (false, bogus; deceitful) paralisado (paralyzed)
paltos (wrong, mistaken; failed, missed) pareho (equal, similar, identical)
palubog (about to sink or set, as referring to the parihaba (rectangular)
sun) paris-paris (in pairs, paired)
pambabae (of or for females) parisukat (square)
pambansa (national) pasado (having obtained a passing grade)
pambata (suitable to the young) pasalita (oral, spoken)
pambihira (uncommon, extraordinary, unique) pasilangan (eastbound)
pamilyar (familiar) pataas (upward; rising)
panalo (victorious) patag (level, flat, even)
panandalian (fleeting, momentary) patas (tied, even)
panatag (tranquil; free from anxiety or worry) patay (dead, lifeless)
panatiko (fanatic) patid (cut apart, cut off, disconnected)
panay (all, unmixed, full of) patiwarik (upside down, head first)
pandaigdig (international, worldwide) patung-patong (placed on top of one another)
pandak (short in stature) paulit-ulit (repeated many times; periodic)
pangalawa (in second place or position) pautos (imperative)
pang-araw-araw (for everyday use) payag (willing, consenting)
panghabang-buhay (for the duration of one’s payak (simple; pure)
life; perpetual) payapa (peaceful, tranquil)
panghinaharap (for the future) payat (skinny, thin)
panghukuman (judicial) perpekto (perfect)

© Pia Noche, samutsamot.com 11

personal (personal, private) S
pihikan (choosy, fussy) sabay (simultaneous)
piki (knock-kneed) sabik (eager)
pikit (closed, said of eyes) sagad (sunk to the hilt, down to the bottom;
pilyo/pilya (naughty, mischievous) fullest)
pinagpala (blessed; fortunate) sagana (abundant)
pinakaabala (busiest) sagrado (sacred)
pinawalan (released, set free) said (consumed, used up, exhausted)
pino (finely ground or crushed) sakang (bow-legged)
pipi (mute, unable to speak) sakay (on board)
pipi (flattened, pressed flat) sakdal (extreme)
pisa (crushed or pressed flat) sakim (greedy, avaricious)
pobre (poor) sakitin (often sick)
posible (possible) saklaw (within the extent, scope or limit of)
positibo (positive) salat (in want, needy, scarce)
praktikal (practical) salaula (unsanitary, dirty, filthy)
prangka (frank) salbahe (savage, abusive)
presko (fresh, cool, said of the weather) salisi (in opposite directions)
pribado (private, not public) salit-salit (alternate)
prito (fried) salitan (interspersed)
probado (proven) saliwa (reversed, upside down)
prominente (prominent, well-known) salungat (opposed to, against)
publiko (public) sama-sama (all mixed together, combined
pudpod (blunt, worn-out due to constant use) together)
pula (with or having a red color) samut-samot (composed of a mixture of varied
pulido (polished, refined, said of workmanship) things in small quantity; heterogeneous)
punit (torn) sandalian (temporary, transitory)
punit-punit (badly torn or ripped) sanay (well-trained; experienced)
puno (full) sang-ayon (affirmative, in favor of)
puro (pure, undiluted; full of) sangkatutak (too many, numerous)
pusakal (completely addicted to a bad habit) sapat (enough, ample)
puwede (permissible, allowed; possible) sapilitan (compulsory, forcible)
sapin-sapin (arranged in layers)
sara (closed, locked)
R sarado (closed)
radikal (radical) sarat (snub-nosed)
rebelde (rebellious) sari-sari (of various kinds)
rekomendado (recommended) sariwa (fresh)
regular (regular, usual) saulado (memorized)
rehistrado (registered) sawa (satiated, having lost interest)
relihiyoso (religious) sawi (unfortunate)
responsible (responsible) sayad (dragging on the ground, financially
retirado/retirada (retired) broke)
romantiko (romantic) sayang (wasted, uselessly spent)
rural (rural) sekreto (secret)

© Pia Noche, samutsamot.com 12

sigurado (sure, certain) tama (correct)
seloso/selosa (jealous) tamad (lazy)
selyado (sealed) tanggal (detached, removed)
sensitibo (sensitive) tanyag (celebrated, distinguished)
seryoso (serious, not joking) taos (sincere)
sibika (civic) taos-puso (heartfelt, sincere)
sibil (civil) tapat (loyal, honest)
sibilisado (civilized) tapat (direct, straight; in front of)
siksik (thickly crowded, crammed) tapos (completed, finished)
simple (simple) taranta (confused)
sinadya (deliberate, intentional) tastas (unstitched)
sinauna (primitive, ancient, antiquated) tatag (founded, organized, established)
sinumpa (cursed, damned) tatsulok (triangular)
singkit (having slanting or narrow-slit eyes) taunan (annual)
sira (defective, broken) taun-taon (annual)
sobra (excessive) terible (terrible)
solo (alone, solitary) tigalawa (two for each one of)
sosyal (social, sociable) tigil (inactive, quiet)
subok na (tested, proven) tikakalahati (half each)
sugatan (wounded) tikwas (tilted)
sukdulan (utmost, extreme, supreme) tiwalag (separated)
sunud-sunod (consecutive) tiwali (erroneous, anomalous)
sunud-sunuran (pliable, obedient) tiwangwang (wide open; exposed to the
suplado/suplada (conceited, snobbish) elements)
sutil (stubborn) tiwarik (reverse, upside-down)
suwabe (mild, mellow) tiyak (specific, certain)
suwail (disobedient, hardheaded) totoo (true, factual)
suwapang (avaricious) tsikiting (small, referring to a child)
suwitik (sly, cunning) tugma (compatible, rhyming)
tulala (stupid, ignorant)
tuliro (confused, puzzled)
T tulog (asleep)
tabingi (lop-sided; unbalanced) tuluy-tuloy (continuous)
tadtad (minced, chopped to pieces) tumbalik (inverted, reverse)
tagilid (tilted, inclined) tumpak (proper, accurate)
taglay (possessed, owned) tunay (genuine, true)
tago (hidden) tuso (sly, deceitful)
tagos (penetrating) tustado (toasted)
tahas (clear, direct, definite) tuwid (straight)
tahimik (quiet, peaceful) tuyo (dry)
taimtim (sincere, heartfelt) tuyot (extremely dry)
takot (afraid, scared)
taksil (disloyal, traitorous)
talo (defeated, beaten)
talop (peeled, skinned)

© Pia Noche, samutsamot.com 13

U walang-maliw (endless)
ubos (all used or eaten up) walang-malisya (without malice)
uhaw (thirsty) walang-muwang (naïve, ignorant, innocent)
uhugin (with or having a runny nose) walang-oras (very busy)
ulandes (blonde) walang-pag-asa (hopeless)
ulianin (senile, forgetful) walang-pagod (tireless)
ulilang-lubos (referring to a person whose walang-paki/walang-pakialam (indifferent)
parents are dead) walang-patawad (unforgiving, unmerciful)
uliran (worthy of imitation) walang-puso (cruel)
ultimo (last, final) walang-sawa (never satisfied)
una (first) walang-saysay (useless, meaningless)
uniko (sole, only) walang-takot (fearless)
upod (worn-out by constant use) walang-tawad (unpardonable)
urong-sulong (irresolute, undecided) walang-utang-na-loob (ungrateful)
utal (with or having a speech defect) walang-wala (bankrupt)
utu-uto (foolish, silly; idiotic) wangwang (completely exposed to the
uugod-ugod (said of a person who walks elements)
laboriously due to weakness or old age) wasak (completely destroyed)
wasto (proper, correct, in order)
watak-watak (widely scattered; disunited)
wagas (pure, genuine)
wala (absent) Y
walang-bahala (unconcerned, indifferent) yapak (barefooted)
walang-alam (ignorant; uninformed) yukayok (crestfallen)
walang-awa (merciless) yuko (with the head or body bent forward)
walang-bisa (ineffective) yupi (dented, flattened)
walang-budhi (without conscience) yuta (hundred thousand)
walang-damdamin (inconsiderate) yuta-yuta (in countless numbers, by hundreds
walang-dugo (pale because of fear) and hundreds of thousand)
walang-galang (disrespectful, rude)
walang-halaga (trivial, worthless, petty)
walang-hanggan (endless)
walang-hiya (shameless)
walang-imik (silent, speechless)
walang-kamatayan (immortal)
walang-kapalaran (unlucky, unsuccessful)
walang-katulad (incomparable)
walang-katuturan (meaningless)
walang-kinalaman (uninvolved)
walang-kupas (unfading)
walang-kusa (lazy, without initiative)
walang-kuwenta (worthless)
walang-laman (empty)
walang-malay (unconscious)

© Pia Noche, samutsamot.com 14

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