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Toxicology Letters 294 (2018) 205–211

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Mini review

Critical evaluation of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate dermal carcinogenicity studies T

using contemporary criteria

Sandra Murphya, Robert Ellis-Hutchingsb, , Lavorgie Finchc, Stefanie Welzd, Karin Wienchd
Kennett Square, PA, 19348, United States
The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, 48674, United States
Arkema Inc., King of Prussia, PA, 19406, United States
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany


Keywords: Skin tumors have been observed in C3H/HeJ mice following treatment with high and strongly irritating con-
2-Ethylhexyl acrylate centrations of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA). Dermal carcinogenicity studies performed with 2-EHA are re-
Nongenotoxic irritant viewed, contrasting the results in two mouse strains (C3H/HeJ and NMRI) under different dosing regimens.
Dermal carcinogenesis Application of contemporary evaluation criteria to the existing dermal carcinogenicity dataset demonstrates that
C3H/HeJ mouse
2-EHA induces skin tumors only at concentrations exceeding an maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and in the
Maximum tolerated dose
Strain selection
immune-dysregulated C3H/HeJ mouse model. Overall, the available chronic toxicity and genotoxicity data on 2-
EHA support a non-genotoxic chemical irritant mechanism, whereby chronic irritation leads to inflammation,
tissue injury, and wound repair, the latter of which is disrupted in C3H/HeJ mice and leads to tumor formation.
Tumor response information in excess of an MTD should not be considered in a human hazard or risk assessment
paradigm. For the purposes of an appropriate hazard assessment, 2-EHA did not cause or initiate dermal car-
cinogenesis in an immune competent (NMRI) mouse model, and, even in the immune compromised C3H/HeJ
model, did not induce skin tumors at doses which did not exceed the MTD.

1. Introduction ceptions occurring at the site of initial contact. Rodent forestomach

tumors were induced by oral gavage dosing with ethyl acrylate (EA), for
2-Ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA) is a reactive monomer ester. It is which Thompson et al. (2018) recently assessed the mode of action and
produced, distributed, stored and consumed in closed systems. 2-EHA is Proctor et al. (2018) described an adverse outcome pathway. The other
used in the production of coatings and inks, adhesives, sealants, plastics exception to a lack of tumor induction with short chain acrylate esters is
and elastomers. Occupational exposure can occur during maintenance, skin tumors observed following dermal application of 2-EHA to C3H/
sampling, testing, manual transfer, or other procedures. Safety Data HeJ mice. Both the forestomach and skin cancers occurred only after
Sheets and technical information bulletins provide information on chronic exposure to high doses and long-term tissue damage, which has
personal protective equipment and industrial hygiene measures that are been shown to be preventable in stop-dose recovery studies (Suh et al.,
appropriate to control dermal or inhalation exposures. This substance is 2018).
not sold for direct consumer use, but it is used as a raw material to make In contrast to EA, the mechanism for 2-EHA-induced tumorigenesis
polymers for a variety of goods used by consumers or construction has not yet been extensively assessed. As will be examined further in
personnel and could be present in trace amounts as residual monomer this paper, chronic dermal application of high and strongly irritating
in consumer products (BAMM, 2014). concentrations of 2-EHA caused skin tumors in C3H/HeJ, but not NMRI
Suh et al. (2018) recently reviewed the available data addressing mice (DePass et al., 1984; Mellert et al., 1994; Wenzel-Hartung et al.,
genotoxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity of 2-EHA and related 1989). Chronic irritation leading to inflammation and tissue injury is
short chain esters of acrylic acid which have been tested in one or more well recognized to contribute to cell replication and tumor progression
oral, dermal, or inhalation studies using various animal models. These (Abel et al., 2009; Mueller, 2006; Singh et al., 2014). This paper dis-
materials did not show any increase in tumor incidence, with two ex- cusses key factors likely contributing to the differential response in

Corresponding author at: The Dow Chemical Company, Toxicology and Environmental Research Consulting (TERC), 1803 Building, Midland, MI, 48674, United States.
E-mail address: REllis-hutchings@dow.comc (R. Ellis-Hutchings).
Received 18 April 2018; Received in revised form 10 May 2018; Accepted 11 May 2018
Available online 15 May 2018
0378-4274/ © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Murphy et al. Toxicology Letters 294 (2018) 205–211

mice, particularly the doses utilized in these studies and the unique 3.2. Cancer screening study in C3H/HeJ mice
background biology of the C3H/HeJ mouse strain.
The first C3H/HeJ mouse dermal cancer study was a screening study
design and, in addition to 2-EHA, several other short chain alkyl ac-
2. Mice as a test system in research and regulatory testing rylate monomers were tested using this model (Table 2) (DePass et al.,
1984; Gordon et al., 1991). The test concentrations for these screening
Scientists and regulatory authorities have generally employed ro- studies were set based upon observed gross irritation in a 2-week range-
dent bioassays to evaluate potential carcinogenicity. Due to their lim- finding study, a pre-test which is considered inadequate in both dura-
ited life span and widespread use in experimental studies a large tion of dosing and evaluation of the site of application in view of
amount of information has accumulated on rat and mouse physiology contemporary criteria which will be discussed below. The limited de-
and pathology. Mice have been used extensively to study the potential tails and lack of microscopic evaluation in these studies makes com-
for various biological, physical and chemical agents to produce skin parisons of skin condition at study termination difficult. In the skin
tumors (Abel et al., 2009). While the utility of mouse data in human painting cancer screening studies the substances were applied, un-
risk assessments has been questioned by some due to the high tumor diluted or as a solution in acetone, to the shaved skin of the in-
susceptibility of some strains (OECD, 2012), Megosh et al. (2002) trascapular region for 5 days per week. The test site was not occluded,
proposed that mouse models may be the only realistic approach for so vapor pressure, water solubility, and lipid solubility are important
identifying and eventually characterizing the functions of relevant characteristics that influence the test substance contact time with the
genes and as a method to aid in the development of preventive strate- skin surface. Less volatile, lipophilic materials like 2-EHA are able to
gies for those at increased risk of cancer due to their genetic profile. remain on the skin longer than more volatile materials like ethyl ac-
Many skin painting studies conducted for use in chemical hazard as- rylate.
sessment were conducted with C3H/HeJ mice because of their low
spontaneous skin tumor incidence. As these studies were predominantly
3.3. Standard mouse carcinogenicity studies
conducted several decades ago their design lacked important criteria
integral to contemporary requirements.
The tumor response in the screening skin painting study in C3H/HeJ
Current guidelines for design and conduct of carcinogenicity studies
mice was unexpected, and prompted two more standard scale studies
include criteria to ensure valid and reliable data are generated in these
using C3H/HeJ and NMRI mice (Table 3). The outcome of the follow-up
animal studies (OECD, 2012). Aspects requiring consideration include:
studies varied by mouse strain. Groups of 80 C3H/HeJ mice received 3
selection of an administration route that is appropriate for the inherent
applications per week of 21, 43 or 86.5% 2-EHA. Evaluation of the
physical-chemical properties of the substance, conduct of well-designed
application site after 12 weeks of treatment showed eschar in 67 (84%),
shorter duration preliminary toxicity studies to initially characterize the
49 (61%) and 52 (65%) of mice administered 86.5%, 43% and 21% 2-
response to treatment, and proper definition of the maximum tolerated
EHA, respectively, prompting the addition of a 2.5% group and termi-
dose (MTD) to prevent overwhelming the normal physiological re-
nating treatment of the 43% groups after 6 months. At the end of the
sponses and confounding the effects caused by the test material. Fol-
study, eschar was noted in all groups in a dose related manner, and
lowing discussion of the physical-chemical properties and the available
scaling was also observed in the majority of animals receiving 21 or
study results, the data will be critically evaluated against these criteria
86.5% 2-EHA. The previously observed increased tumor incidence was
to characterize the carcinogenic hazard of 2-EHA.
confirmed in the C3H/HeJ study at chronic irritating doses (∼21% or
85%). In the 43% 2-EHA group where applications were stopped after 6
months, skin damage recovered after 7 weeks without treatment and no
3. 2-EHA Physical−chemical properties and toxicology data
skin tumors were observed. No skin tumors occurred in the control or
2.5% groups, the latter of which developed only transient early irrita-
3.1. Physical-chemical properties appropriate for dermal carcinogenesis
tion and, at termination, exhibited only microscopic focal/minimal
eschar (BASF, 1986; Wenzel-Hartung et al., 1989) (See Table 3).
In the study using NMRI mice, chronic application and initiation-
Dermal administration in carcinogenicity studies is an appropriate
promotion protocols were used. Groups of 80 males were exposed
route if it is relevant to potential exposures in humans and if the phy-
dermally 3 times/week to 25 μl of 21.5, 43 or 85% 2-EHA, acetone, or
sical and chemical characteristics of the test substance support it.
0.015% of benzo(a) pyrene (BaP) and split at 7 months. Half of each
Table 1 shows physical-chemical and toxicological properties relevant
group continued treatment until termination, the other half were un-
to dermal exposures for 2-EHA. Given the low vapor pressure of 2-EHA,
treated for two months then treated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-
high skin absorption, and the limitation of potential human exposures
l3-acetate (TPA) for 20 weeks, and untreated until termination. At 12
to non-oral conditions for this monomer (BAMM, 2014) the dermal
weeks and 24 months, hyperkeratosis, hyperplasia, crust formation and
route is an appropriate administration route for animal studies for this
ulceration were observed in a dose-related manner in the 2-EHA groups
substance. As 2-EHA is a reactive monomer, it is not surprising that it is
(BASF, 1992). Hyperplasia, lymphocyte infiltration, increased macro-
a moderate skin irritant and a skin sensitizer. Point of contact effects are
phages and dermal fibrosis occurred but were not dose related
important to consider in the dose selection for dermal carcinogenicity
(Table 3). One squamous cell papilloma (SCP) was found in the acetone
studies and are typically examined as part of an appropriately designed
negative control group. TPA promotion caused a SCP in one animal per
range-finding study.
group. These tumors were attributed to TPA irritation. In the BaP po-
sitive control group, 2 SCP and 31 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC)

Table 1
2-Ethylhexyl acrylate physical-chemical and toxicological properties relevant to dermal exposure.
CAS No. Molecular Weight Water Solubility (mg/L @ 25 °C) Log Pow (25 °C) Vapor Pressure (hPa 25 °C) Predicted Skin Absorptiona Skin irritation Skin sensitizer

103-11-7 184.3 9.6 4.64 0.24 99.60% Moderate Yes

GastroPlus modeling of 1 mg/kg in a 70 kg 30 year old male.
Hazard classification of “H315: Causes skin irritation” based upon findings in acute irritation studies (BAMM, 2014).

S. Murphy et al. Toxicology Letters 294 (2018) 205–211

Table 2
Screening studies: C3H/HeJ mice dosed at 25 μl in acetone, 3 doses/week, lifetime exposure.
Substance Acrylic Acida Ethyl Acrylatea n-Butyl 2-Ethylhexyl iso-Octyl Acrylatec
Acrylatea Acrylateb

CAS # 79-10-7 140-88-5 141-32-2 103-11-7 29590-42-9

Concentration 1% 100% 1% 75% 5%
Carcinogenicity – – – + –
Reported Irritation at Necropsy NR epidermal necrosis, dermatitis, dermal NR NR crusting, dermatitis, hyperkeratosis, epidermal
fibrosis, hyperkeratosis hyperplasia and melanosis
Vapor Pressure (hPa 25 °C) 5.29 40 (21 °C) 5 (22 °C) 0.24 1 (20 °C)
Log Pow (25 °C) 0.46 1.18 2.38 4.64 4.5-4.7
Predicted skin absorptiond 68.0% 68.0% 99.3% 99.6% 99.6%

NR - Data on skin condition not reported at study termination.

DePass et al. (1984).
DePass et al. (1985).
Gordon et al. (1991).
GastroPlus modeling of 1 mg/kg in a 70 kg 30 year old male.

Table 3
Chronic dermal studies – 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, 3 doses/week, lifetime exposure.
Strain (Sex) n Conc. % Dose vol. (μL) mg/kg bw Carcin-ogenicity Reported Irritation

C3H/HeJ (male) 80 2.5, 25 26, + 2.5%: No visible effects after wk11

21, 220, at 21 43% Recovery: substantially reversible
43a, 450, & 21% & 86.5: Scale, eschar formation, incrusted & keratinized nodules;
86.5 911 86.5% hyperkeratosis, scabbing, thickened subcutaneous tissue with pigmentation
NMRI (male) 80b 21.5, 25 217, – c
Effects observed at all dose levels with no or slight dose response: ulceration,
43.0, 444, scabbing, thickening with plication, increased inflammation, fibrosis,
85.0 919 hyperkeratosis, hyperplasia

Stop dose experiment: for 6 months followed by no exposure with termination at 131 weeks.
After 7 months 2-EHA treatment, half of each group were untreated for two months then treated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-l3-acetate (TPA) for 20 weeks,
and untreated up to study month 24.
2-EHA application for 24 months.

Table 4 V79 cells (according to OECD 476), which concluded 2-EHA did not
Spontaneous tumor profiles and immunology of mouse strains in 2-EHA dermal induce gene mutations at the HPRT locus. 2-EHA was also tested in an
studies. in vitro micronucleus test (MNT) in human lymphocyte cultures in
Strain Spontaneous tumor profile Immunology accordance with OECD Guideline 487, not showing an clastogenic or
aneugenic effect (Envigo, 2018). Thus, nBA and 2-EHA were not mu-
NMRI males: lung and lymphoreticular system tumors, H2q tagenic under the experimental conditions reported, adding to the
Harderian gland tumors, liver and adrenal gland
weight-of-evidence of non-genotoxicity for these materials.
neoplasms; females: lymphoreticular system, ovarian
and lung tumorsa
C3H/HeJ males: liver tumors; females: mammary tumorsb Tlr4Lps−d
4. Critical evalution of the 2-EHA carcinogenesis studies against
Rittinghausen et al. (1997); Bomhard and Mohr (1989); Bomhard (1993). contemporary criteria
Janvier Labs (2017).
4.1. Strain selection

were reported in the 39 animals evaluated at necropsy. In the Selection of the appropriate test species and strain is a critical initial
BaP + TPA group, 1 SCP, 24 SCC and 5 keratoacanthomas were con- consideration in conduct of a rodent carcinogenicity study. Mice are a
firmed. No skin tumors occurred after lifetime treatment with 2-EHA suitable model based upon the previously mentioned aspects of rela-
(Mellert et al., 1994), in contrast to the findings in C3H/HeJ mice. tively short life span, their widespread use in pharmacological and
2-EHA did not act as an initiator in the study with NMRI mice. toxicological studies, and their susceptibility to tumor induction.
Recent evaluation of the genotoxic and mutagenic properties of this Neither the C3H/HeJ nor the NMRI strain has a high reported back-
family of esters indicates these materials are not genotoxic in vivo (Suh ground incidence of dermal tumors which is the most basic criterion to
et al., 2018). Available point mutation tests have shown inconsistent consider in strain selection (Table 4). However sufficient characteriza-
results with various acrylates. Most of those tests were performed prior tion beyond tumor susceptibility is necessary and in the years since the
to OECD guidelines and appropriate data regarding cytotoxicity are not pre-guideline studies with 2-EHA were conducted, detailed character-
given. Data from two current OECD guideline compliant experiments istics of the various mouse models are now more readily available, in-
conducted under GLP are provided as a supplement to this paper (Insert cluding increased understanding of strain sensitivities, phenotypes, and
Data in Brief). This includes (a) an in vitro mouse lymphoma (TK+/-) genotypes. The NMRI mouse is an outbred strain that readily ser-
assay (according to OECD 490), which concluded that under the ex- oconverts, and carries the haplotype H2q (Janvier labs, 2017), asso-
perimental conditions described nBA did not induce forward mutations ciated with susceptibility to collagen induced arthritis (Inglis et al.,
or structural chromosome aberrations in L5178Y TK+/- cells in the 2007). It has a sex dependent profile of spontaneous tumors. In con-
absence and the presence of metabolic activation; and (b) an in vitro trast, the C3H/HeJ, which was originally inbred for their high incidence
HPRT locus gene mutation assay utilizing cultures of Chinese hamster of mammary tumors, carries a mutation in the toll-like receptor 4

S. Murphy et al. Toxicology Letters 294 (2018) 205–211

Table 5
Criteria for chronic study dose level selection and identification of maximum tolerated dose (MTD).
Dose Level Criteriaa

Low Highest nonirritating dose

Intermediate Minimally irritating dose

High Macroscopic Microscopic

Achieves MTD Moderate erythema, scaling, mild edema, alopecia, thickening. Epidermal hyperplasia, epidermal hyperkeratosis, epidermal parakeratosis,
adnexal atrophy/hyperplasia, fibrosis, minimal-mild spongiosis, minimal-mild
epidermal edema, minimal-moderate dermal edema, moderate inflammation
Exceeds MTD Ulcers, fissures, exudate/crust/eschar, nonviable tissues, anything leading to Interfollicular and follicular crust, mild to moderate microulcer, degeneration/
destruction of the functional integrity of the epidermis (e.g., caking, necrosis, moderate to marked epidermal edema, marked dermal edema, marked
fissuring, open sores, eschar). inflammation

Criteria adapted from USEPA (1988); USEPA (1998).

(TLR4) gene making these mice less sensitive to endotoxin and highly was limited to a gross evaluation (DePass et al., 1985). According to
susceptible to infection by gram negative bacteria (Janvier Labs, 2017). contemporary criteria this is insufficient for proper MTD definition. A
TLR4 deficiency also results in altered inflammatory cell infiltration, subchronic dermal study was later conducted to assess the irritant
differential cytokine production, and impaired wound closure (Chen, properties of 2-EHA solutions in two strains of mice, C3H/HeJ and
2013). For substances like 2-EHA that cause chronic irritation-induced NMRI. Table 6A shows the results of the subchronic study performed as
wounding and inflammation, the underlying biological background of a range finder for the chronic studies (and also the results of interim
the C3H/HeJ becomes an important consideration which will be dis- evaluations of the application site during the conduct of the chronic
cussed in more detail later in this paper. studies. In the C3H/HeJ chronic study, 12 weeks of treatment produced
eschar in 67 (84%), 49 (61%) and 52 (65%) of mice administered
4.2. Selection of dosing regimen 86.5%, 43% and 21% 2-EHA, respectively (BASF, 1986), clearly ex-
ceeding the MTD and prompting the addition of a 2.5% group. Mac-
Proper dose selection is another critical guideline criteria in the roscopic evidence of skin repair was noted after 11 weeks of exposure at
design of carcinogenicity studies. The consensus of experts at the EPA 2.5%. Skin was essentially repaired even after 6 months exposure to
workshop on design of dermal bioassay protocols agreed that regardless 43% when left untreated for 18 months (Table 3). Regression of skin
whether the toxicity endpoint for estimating the MTD involves the skin irritation never occurred in the chronic dose groups at 21% and 86.5%
or is systemic, a 90-day dose finding study is necessary to determine the (Wenzel-Hartung et al., 1989) (Table 7).
MTD for a long term bioassay (USEPA, 1988). Currently, data from a To compare species sensitivity, the same dose levels: 21, 43, and
subchronic study (90 day repeated dose) with a sufficiently robust ex- 86.5% were used in the chronic study with NMRI mice. Macroscopic
amination of clinical observations, measures of systemic toxicity, and and histopathological interim evaluation of the skin of 2 mice from
macroscopic and microscopic tissue examinations is recommended to each dose group after 3 months showed scaling at the high dose, skin
define the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) (OECDa, 2007; OECDb, lesions at the low and high dose, as well as erythema and skin thick-
2007; USEPA, 1988, 1998). Specifically, the MTD should not shorten ening with plication in all groups. Microscopic evidence of crust for-
the life of the animals, cause tissue necrosis or metabolic saturation mation and ulceration were also reported at 21%; lymphocyte in-
(Rhomberg et al., 2007). Supporting the need for macroscopic and filtration, (BASF, 1992) hyperkeratosis, and hyperplasia were noted in
microscopic evaluation, McLaughlin et al. (1995) showed that data all groups (Table 6B). Based on these limited data, it appears that 21%
from shorter duration studies or gross examination at termination alone likely exceeds an MTD in the NMRI mouse. This persistent skin damage
were insufficient to identify the MTD for irritation based on evaluation is supported by information from the initiation promotion portion of
of skin from subchronic dermal studies of acrylic acid in three mouse the study. Dosing with 2-EHA was stopped after 7 months and pro-
strains. Detailed criteria for achieving or exceeding the MTD are in- motion with TPA started after a 2 month treatment free period. At this
cluded in Table 5. time 8 animals in the 21% group and 3 in the 86.5% group were re-
moved from the initiation promotion study due to persistent skin le-
4.3. Assessment of the maximum tolerated dose sions (Mellert et al., 1994).
The MTD for dermal application was clearly exceeded at dose levels
As mentioned earlier, dose selection for the initial screening study in > 21% in C3H/HeJ mice, and met or exceeded at this concentration in
C3H/HeJ mice was based on a 2-week study and tissue examination NMRI mice. While exceeding an MTD limits the reliability of an

Table 6A
Interim evaluation of the application site following 3 months of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate treatment – percent incidence in range finding studies.
Mouse strain C3H/HeJ NMRI

Concentration % 0 86.5 0 21 86.5

Lesion type MTD Criteria number of animals = 10 10 5 5 5
Irritation-associated lesions Exceeds Scabbing – massive 0 10 0 0 0
(% affected) Achieves Scabbing – superficial 0 100 0 0 20
Thickened – subcutaneous 0 100 0 0 100
Pigmentation – subcutaneous 0 100 0 0 0
Epithelial hyperplasia 0 40 0 0 0

Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) criteria adapted from USEPA (1988); USEPA (1998).

S. Murphy et al. Toxicology Letters 294 (2018) 205–211

Table 6B
Interim evaluation of the application site following 3 months of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate treatment – percent incidence in chronic studies.
Mouse strain C3H/HeJ NMRI

Lesion type MTD Criteria Concentration % 0 2.5 21 43 86.5 0 21 43 86.5
number of animals = 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b 2c 2c 2c 2c
Irritation-associated lesions Exceeds Scaling nd 0 0 0 100
(% affected) Eschar 0 0 65 61 84 0 0 0 0
Ulceration nd 0 50 0 0
Crust formation 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0
Achieves Epithelial hyperplasia nd 0 50 100 100
Thickened - subcutaneous 0 0 50 100
Epithelial hyperkeratosis 0 50 100 50

nd - not determined.
Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) criteria adapted from USEPA (1988); USEPA (1998).
Only macroscopic evaluation conducted.
Satellite group for histopathology.

Table 7
Selected skin lesions and tumors in male mice following lifetime 2-ethylhexyl acrylate treatment – Percent incidence.
Lesion type MTD Criteria1 C3H/HeJ Mice

2-Ethylhexyl acrylate (dose %) 0 2.5 21 86.5

number of animals = 80 80 80 80

Irritation-associated Exceeds Squamous (scaling) 0 0 31 38

(% affected) Eschar 1 9a 13 18
Squamous and eschar 0 0 21 20
Ulceration 0 0 4 1
Severe inflammation 0 0 0 1
Achieves Scabbing – superficial 1 14 51 29
Thickened - subcutaneous 0 99 70 85
Pigmentation - subcutaneous 0 53 68 90
Hyperkeratosis 1 9b 68 83
Epithelial hyperplasia 0 8 65 80
Tumor Squamous papilloma 0 0 6 13
(% affected) Squamous carcinoma 0 0 25 20
Melanosarcoma 0 0 9 11
Fibrosarcoma 0 0 6 0
Basal cell carcinoma 0 0 1 0
Cornu cutaneum (keratinous skin tumor) 0 0 1 4
Haemangioma 0 0 0 1c

Lesion type MTD Criteria1 NMRI Mice

2-Ethylhexyl acrylate (dose %) 0 21 43 86.5

number of animals = 41 40 39 38

Irritation-associated Exceeds Ulceration 5 18 26 31

(% affected) Scabbing 5 13 15 26
Achieves Lymphocyte infiltration 12 55 68 51
Increased macrophage 2 75 56 49
Dermal fibrosis 0 38 23 28
Hyperkeratosis 15 75 90 92
Epithelial hyperplasia 10 83 72 82
Tumor Squamous papilloma 0 0 0 0
(% affected) Squamous carcinoma 0 0 0 0
Focal or minimal.
Regressed after the 4-5th week of treatment.
Relevance to treatment is unclear.
Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) criteria adapted from EPA Health Effects Test Guideline OPPTS 870.4200 Carcinogenicity and USEPA workshop (1988).

identified hazard outcome for human health risk assessments, it cannot areata, (inflammation associated hair loss mediated by T-lymphocytes
fully explain the different tumor responses of 2-EHA in the C3H/HeJ (Gilhar et al., 1999), enhanced immune response (McElwee et al.,
versus NMRI mice. Despite the fact that the MTD was exceeded in both 2002), and cancer (Goldsworthy and Fransson-Steen, 2002; Yusuf et al.,
strains, tumors were only observed in C3H/HeJ mice. 2008).

4.4. Assessment of the biological background and unique sensitivity of the 4.4.1. Influence of TLR4 deficiency on the tumorigenesis process
C3H/HeJ strain Intraperitoneal injections of N,N-diethylnitrosamine to C3H/HeJ,
C57Bl6, and B6C3F1 mice showed the TLR4 deficient C3H strain de-
A factor that could contribute to the enhanced tumorigenic response veloped more liver tumors and at an earlier onset (Goldsworthy and
in the C3H/HeJ mouse is its mutated TLR-4 receptor, which imparts Fransson-Steen, 2002). This was similarly demonstrated in skin with
susceptibility to development of autoimmune diseases like alopecia dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) in C3H/HeJ mice vs. C3H/NeN

S. Murphy et al. Toxicology Letters 294 (2018) 205–211

Fig. 1. Proposed influence of strain difference on the mechanism of tumor formation after chronic dermal exposure to 2-ethylhexyl acrylate.

(TLR4 normal) mice; contact hypersensitivity appeared to play a pro- of wound healing leads to non-healing wounds (Eming et al., 2014).
tective role in the normal, but not the TLR4 deficient mice, suggesting Macrophages play an important role in the modulation of these
that IL and T cell types affect susceptibility to tumor formation (Yusuf responses and the transition from acute inflammation to im-
et al., 2008). The extent of dermal irritation by DMBA was not discussed munosuppression and healing (Koh and DiPietro, 2011). Early re-
in this paper. Disturbances in the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine sponses after injury are dominated by M1 macrophages, which produce
balance results in an immune suppressive environment allowing tumors pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL1, IL-6, IL-12, and TNFα. Following
to escape immune surveillance (Ouwehand, 2011). In humans, a non- phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in the injured tissue, these macrophages
functional TLR4 allele has been associated with more frequent relapse transform into a regulatory M2 phenotype, characterized by low IL-12
in breast cancer patients and increased risk for Heliobacter pylori gas- and high IL-10 expression (Filardy et al., 2010; Koh and DiPietro,
tritis and cancer in Caucasian populations (Yusuf et al., 2009). 2011). This transition is crucial to resolve the acute inflammation re-
sponse and move toward repair (Landen et al., 2016). Altered gene
expression can disrupt the orderly interactions between inflammation,
4.4.2. Immune response and wound healing effects on the tumorigenesis angiogenesis, cell proliferation, apoptosis, etc. that allow normal cells
process to be regenerated and damaged cells to be removed by the immune
Chen (2013) suggest that increased inflammatory cell content oc- system. With normal (acute) wound healing, inflammation lasts 1–3
curs in wounds in the absence of functional TLR4; wounds heal more days, proliferation 4–21 days and remodeling 21 days – 1 year (Landen
slowly, and the number of inflammatory cells in the wound was slightly et al., 2016).
increased, in keeping with the general notion that excessive cellular In adult skin the situation is complex and there appears to be a fine
inflammation can be detrimental to repair. The innate immune system line between “good” inflammation and “bad” inflammation as it per-
responds to multiple insults, including trauma and tissue necrosis, with tains to repair. TLR4 may play a role in the innate immune system of
acute inflammation; if overwhelmed it can progress to the chronic state skin, which subtly harnesses inflammation so that wounds heal favor-
of inflammation (Mittal et al., 2014). Pigmentation of the skin is as- ably with resistance to infection and with appropriate restoration of
sociated with prolonged inflammation, which can stem from a variety structure. Comparing TLR4 deficient and wild type mice, keratinocytes
of sources, including allergic or contact dermatitis, laser therapy, or at the wound edge of the former had decreased epidermal growth factor
burns (Patel, 2014). A majority of the skin samples from the C3H/HeJ (EGF) expression, which can affect their proliferation and migration.
study reported pigmentation, implicating the occurrence of prolonged Further, re-epithelialization occurred more slowly, and wounds con-
inflammation caused by 2-EHA chronic treatment in this strain. tained significantly more T cells on day 10, when these are declining in
The association between chronic irritation and inflammation and wild type mice, suggesting increased inflammatory cells at discrete
tumor formation has been recognized for over a century and inhibiting times during skin wound healing (Chen, 2013).
inflammation can deter epithelial tumor formation (Marks et al., 2003; In summary, chronic insult in excess of an MTD, together with
Mueller, 2006). In the skin, the immune system responds to repair consequences of the extended timeline for macrophage transition, likely
tissue injuries/wounds. Neutrophils provide proteinases and reactive exacerbates the tissue damage and creates an abnormally favorable
oxygen species. They are also a source of the cytokines/chemokines environment for tumorigenesis. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. Guidance on
necessary for cell recruitment, activation and differentiation, which is evaluation of carcinogenicity studies recognizes the possibility that
followed by cellular growth and proliferation. Macrophages provide the mechanisms of toxicity active at high doses are not relevant to humans
growth factors and cytokines that control tissue repair. To complete the exposed to lower doses, and the MTD should be based on an under-
healing process, remodeling of the extracellular matrix and angiogen- standing of the mechanism of action to enhance the soundness of as-
esis are required (Mueller, 2006; Eming et al., 2014). Irritation or in- sessments related to humans (OECD, 2002).
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