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1. Numerical integration using trapezoidal method gives the best result for a
single variable function, which is_______________.
A. Linear B. Parabolic C. Logarithmic D. Hyperbolic
GATE- 2016-ME
2. Let the integral , where
Consider the following statements P and Q:
(P): If is the value of the integral obtained by composite trapezoidal
method with two equal sub-intervals, then is exact.
(Q): If is the value of the integral obtained by composite trapezoidal
method with three equal sub-intervals, then is exact.
Which of the above statements holds TRUE?
A. Both P and Q B. Only P C. Only Q D. Neither P nor Q
GATE- 2016-MA
3. For a function , the values of the function in the interval are given
in the table below
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1.0 1.24 1.56 1.96 2.44 3.0
The value of integral according to trapezoidal method is_____
GATE- 2016-PE
4. The error in numerically computing the integral using
the trapezoidal method with three intervals of equal length between 0 and
is ___________ GATE- 2016-ME
5. A 2nd degree polynomial has values of 1, 4 and 15 at 0, 1 and 2
respectively. The integral is to be estimated by applying the
trapezoidal method to this data. What is the error (defined as “true value –
approximate value”) in the estimate?
GATE- 2006-CE


6. The integral with is evaluated analytically as well as
numerically using a single application of the trapezoidal method. If is the
exact value of the integral obtained analytically and is the approximate
value obtained using the trapezoidal method, which of the following
statement is correct about their relationship?
A. B.
C. D. Insufficient data to determine the relationship
GATE- 2015-CE
7. The value of the function at 5 discrete points are given below
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0 10 40 90 160
Using Trapezoidal method with step size 0.1, the value of is__
GATE- 2015-ME
8. Using a unit step size, the value of integral by trapezoidal
method is________________.
GATE- 2015-ME
9. If the trapezoidal method with single interval is exact for approximating
the integral , then the value of is equal to ________
GATE- 2015-MA
10. The definite integral is evaluated using Trapezoidal method with a
step size of 1. The correct answer is_______________.
GATE- 2014-ME
11. Using the Trapezoidal method and dividing the interval into three equal sub
intervals, the definite integral is_____________.
GATE- 2014-ME
12. The value of , calculated using the Trapezoidal method with five
subintervals is _____________.
GATE- 2014-ME
13. Function is known at the following points:
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
0 0.09 0.36 0.81 1.44 2.25 3.24 4.41 5.76 7.29 9.0
The value of computed using the trapezoidal method is_____
GATE- 2013-CS
14. The minimum number of sub intervals needed to approximate to
an accuracy of at least using the trapezoidal method is____
GATE- 2008-CS


15. The Trapezoidal method for integration gives exacts results when the
integrands is a polynomial of degree _____________
A. 0 but not 1 B. 1 but not 0 C. 0 or 1 D. 2
GATE- 2002-CS
16. In question below, one or more of the alternatives are correct. Write the
code letter(s) A, B, C, and D corresponding to the correct alternative in the
answer book. Marks will be given only if all the correct alternatives have
been selected and no incorrect alternative is picked up.
Simpson’s rule for integration gives exact result when is a polynomial of
degree ____________
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
GATE- 1993-ECE
17. The value of , computed using Simpson’s rule with a step size of
GATE- 1998-EEE
18. The estimate of , obtained using Simpson’s rule with three point
function evaluation exceeds the exact value by__________
GATE- 2012-CE
19. The table below gives values of a function obtained for values of at
interval of 0.25
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0
1 0.9412 0.8 0.64 0.5
The value of the integral of the function between the limits 0 to 1 using
Simpson’s rule is___________
GATE- 2010-CE
20. The order of the error in the Simpson’s rule for numerical integration with a
step size is ______________
A. B. C. D.
GATE- 1997-ME
21. Match the correct pairs
Numerical Integration Scheme Order of fitting Polynomial
P. Simpson’s 3/8th Rule 1. First
Q. Trapezoidal Rule 2. Second
R. Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule 3. Third
GATE- 2013-ME
22. The accuracy of Simpson’s rule quadrature for a step size is
A. B. C. D.
GATE- 2003-ME
23. With respect to numerical evaluation of definite integral, ,
where and are given, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
I. The value of obtained using the Trapezoidal rule is always greater
than or equal to the exact value of definite integral
II. The value of obtained using the Simpson’s rule is always equal to
the exact value of the definite integral.
A. Only I B. Only II C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
GATE- 2014-CS
24. The velocity v (in kilometre/minute) of a motorbike which starts from rest, is
given at fixed intervals of time t(in minutes) as follows
T 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
V 10 18 25 29 32 20 11 5 2 0
The approximate distance (in kilometres) rounded to two places of decimal
covered in 20 minutes using Simpson’s 1/3rd rule is____________.
GATE- 2015-CS
25. If the trapezoidal method is used to evaluate the integral , then the
value obtained
A. is always > (1/3) B. is always < (1/3)
C. is always = (1/3) D. may be greater or less than (1/3)
GATE- 2005-CS
26. The trapezoidal method is used to evaluate the numerical value of .
Consider the following values for the step size h.
i. 10-2 ii. 10-3 iii. 10-4 iv. 10-5
for which of these values of the step size h, is the computed value
guaranteed to be correct to seven decimal places. Assume that there are no
round-off errors in the computation?
A. (iv) only B. (iii) and (iv) only
C. (ii), (iii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
GATE- 2007-CS
27. The value of integral , evaluated by Simpson’s rule using 4 sub-
intervals (up to 3 digits after the decimal point) is__________.
GATE- 2013-CH
28. Which one of the following methods is NOT used for numerical integration?
A. Rectangular rule B. Trapezoidal rule
C. Simpson’s rule D. Cramer’s rule
GATE- 2012-MT


29. For the step size , the value of the following integral using Simpson’s
1/3 rule is______________

GATE- 2015-CE
30. Simpson’s 1/3 rule is used to integrate between and
. Using the least number of intervals, the value of integral is ______.
GATE- 2015-ME
31. Torque exerted on a flywheel over a cycle is listed in the table. Flywheel
energy (in J per unit cycle) using Simpson’s rule is________________.
Angle 0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Torque 0 1066 -323 0 323 -355 0
(N m)
GATE- 2010-ME
32. A calculator has accuracy up to 8 digits after decimal place. The value of
, when evaluated using the calculator by Trapezoidal method
with 8 equal intervals, to 5 significant digits is ___________.
A. 0.00000 B. 1.0000 C. 0.00500 D. 0.00025
GATE- 2007-ME
33. A differential equation , has to be solved by Trapezoidal rule of
integration with a step size s. Function indicates a unit step
function. If , then value of at s will be given by_______.
A. 0.00099 B. 0.00495 C. 0.0099 D. 0.0198
GATE- 2008-EE
34. The integral , when evaluated by using Simpson’s 1/3 rule on two
equal sub intervals each of length 1, equals_______________.
GATE- 2011-ME
35. The magnitude of the error (correct to two decimal places) in the estimation
of integral using Simpson’s 1/3rd rule is____________. Take
step size
GATE- 2013-CE
36. The area bounded by the curve and the from
to using Trapezoidal rule with step length is
A. 1.20 ` B. 1.23 C. 1.25 D. 1.33
GATE- 2007-XE


Common data questions (37 and 38)
Consider the following quadrature formula

37. If the above formula is used as Simpson’s 1/3 rule, then

A. `B. C. D.
GATE- 2007-XE
38. Using the correct values of and from Q-37 in the quadrature formulae
the value of evaluated correct up to 4 decimal places is
A. 8.3091 `B. 8.3121 C. 8.3151 D. 8.3191
GATE- 2007-XE
39. The evaluation of integral using 2 segment Trapezoidal rule with
equal intervals gives result
A. 0.566 ` B. 0.564 C. 0.562 D. 0.560
GATE- 2008-XE
40. The value of integral obtained using Simpson’s 1/3 rule, with 3 points,
A. 0.694 ` B. 0.693 C. 0.692 D. 0.691
GATE- 2008-XE
41. A quadrature formula is given by
Where the coefficients and are determined by comparing the right
hand side of the above formula with the exact value of the integral for a
quadratic polynomial. The formula corresponds to
A. Two segment Trapezoidal rule
B. One segment Trapezoidal rule
C. Simpson’s 3/8 rule
D. Simpson’s 1/3 rule `
GATE- 2008-XE
42. For a function whose second derivative has a maximum value 12
in the interval . The number of segments required to integrate
with an accuracy of 0.0001 using Trapezoidal rule is
A. 10 ` B. 12 C. 100 D. 1000
GATE- 2008-XE

43. Simpson’s 1/3 rule applied to with sub-interval , will

A. the exact result


B. error between
C. error between
GATE- 2009-XE
44. If the quadrature rule is exact for all
polynomial of degree 2 or less, then
A. B. C. D.
GATE- 2010-XE
45. The exact solution of the integral is denoted by . The same
integral evaluated numerically by the Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3 rule
are denoted by and , respectively. The subinterval used in numerical
method is . Then
A. B.
C. D.
GATE- 2012-XE

46. Consider the quadrature formula

Where and are quadrature points. Then the highest degree of

polynomial, for which the above formula is exact, equals
A. 1 ` B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
GATE- 2007-MA
47. If a quadrature formula , that approximates
, is found to be exact for quadratic polynomials, then the value of
A. 2 ` B. 1 C. 0 D.
GATE- 2008-MA
48. For what value of and , the quadrature formula
( ) is exact for all polynomial of degree ?
A. B.
C. D.
GATE- 2009-MA
49. The numerical value obtained by applying the two point trapezoidal rule to
the integral is


A. B. C. D.
GATE- 2010-MA
Common data questions (50 and 51)
For a differentiable function , the integral is approximated by
the formula , which is exact
for all polynomials of degree at most 3.
50. The values of and respectively are
A. and B. and C. and D. and
GATE- 2010-MA
51. The values of and respectively are
A. and B. and C. and D. and
GATE- 2010-MA
52. Let the following discrete data be obtained from a curve :
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
1 0.9896 0.9589 0.9089 0.8415
Let S be the solid of revolution obtained by rotating the above curve about
between and and let denotes its volume. The
approximate value of , obtained using Simpson’s 1/3 rule, is_____________
GATE- 2014-MA
53. If, for some , the integration formula
holds for the polynomials of degree at most 3, then the value of
is equal to____________. GATE- 2015-MA
54. Integration by Trapezoidal rule of with lower limit of 1 to upper limit
of 3 using 7 distinct values (equally covering the whole range) is __________.
GATE- 2016-AG
55. Values of in the interval are given below.
0 1 2 3 4
3 10 21 36 55
Using Simpson’s 1/3 rule with step size of 1, the numerical approximation
(rounded off to the second decimal place) of is______________.
GATE- 2016-CH
56. The value of the integral evaluated numerically
using Simpson's rule with one step is
A. 26.5 B. 26 C. 25.5 D. 25.3
GATE- 2015-AE


57. Values of the function are
Simpson’s one-third rule, the value of integral is______________.
GATE- 2015-AG
58. In numerical integration using Simpson’s rule, the approximating function in
the interval is a
A. Constant B. Straight line C. Cubic B-Spline D. Parabola
GATE- 2015-PI
59. Let be a continuous function such that ,
, and . The value of the integral ,
accurate up to three decimal places, obtained by Trapezoidal rule with
GATE- 2015-TF
60. The value of , obtained using Simpson’s rule with 2 equally
spaced intervals is
A. 200 B. 400 C. 180 D. 208
GATE- 2014-AE
61. In the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration of a function, the nature of
approximation used for the function in each interval is
A. Constant B. Linear C. Parabolic D. Cubic
GATE- 2014-MT
62. Using the Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, the value of computed, for the data
given below, is _______
1 3 5
2 6 4
GATE- 2014-PI
63. is evaluated both by Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's 1/3 rule by
taking two subintervals. The difference between the results, accurate to the
second decimal place, is_____________.
GATE- 2014-TF


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