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Category B

Kategori B

Task 4.2.1
Tugasan 4.2.1

You are required to conduct an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of an
aluminium block. Then, you are required to prepare the report of experiment which has:
Anda dikehendaki menjalankan eksperimen untuk menentukan muatan haba tentu sebuah
blok aluminium. Seterusnya, anda dikehendaki menyediakan laporan eksperimen yang
● Aim
● Apparatus and material
Radas dan bahan
● Arrangment of apparatus and material
Susunan radas dan bahan
● Procedure
● Result of experiment
Keputusan eksperimen
● Analyse and interpret data
Analisis dan mentafsir data
● Precaution
Langkah berjaga-jaga
Task 3.1.1
Tugasan 3.1.1

Aim : To determine the specific heat capacity of an aluminium block.

Tujuan Menentukan nilai muatan haba tentu blok aluminium 
Apparatus and material :
Radas dan bahan
Aluminium block, insulator cloth, thermometer, stopwatch, immersion heater, power supply,
balance, oil, asbestos sheet
Blok aluminium, kain penebat, termometer, jam randik, pemanas rendam, bekalan kuasa,
neraca, minyak, kepingan asbestos.

Arrangment of apparatus and material :
Susunan radas dan bahan

1. The mass of aluminium block, m ,is measured using balance.
2. The aluminium block is wrapped with an insulator cloth.
3. A few drops of oil are dropped intoboth holes.
4. The aluminium block is placed on the asbestos sheet.
5. The initial temperature, θ1, is measured using a thermometer.
6. The power supply is switched on simultaneously with the start of the stopwatch.
7. After 5 minutes, the power supply is switched off.
8. The final temperature, θ2, is measured using a thermometer.

1. Jisim blok aluminium, m, diukur dengan menggunakan neraca.

2. Blok aluminium dibalut dengan kain penebat.
Beberapa titis minyak dititiskan ke dalam kedua-dua lubang.
Blok aluminium diletakkan di atas sekeping asbestos.

5. Suhu awal blok aluminium, θ1, diukur menggunakan termometer.
6. Suis bekalan kuasa dihidupkan serentak dengan jam randik.
7. Selepas 5 minit, suis bekalan kuasa dimatikan.
Suhu akhir blok aluminium, θ2, diukur menggunakan termometer.


The mass of the aluminium block, m : 1.00 kg 

Jisim blok aluminium, m
The initial temperature, θ1 : 30°C
Suhu awal, θ1
The final temperature, θ2 : 46°C
Suhu akhir, θ2
The time of heating, t : 300 s 
Masa pemanasan, t
The power of immersion heater, P : 50 W
Kuasa pemanas rendam, P

Calculation :
Pengiraan :

Pt  mc 
(50)(300)  (1)(c)(16) 
c  937.5 Jkg C 

Precaution :
Langkah berjaga-jaga

The position of eye must be perpendicular to the scale of thermometer to avoid parallax error 
Kedudukan mata hendaklah berserenjang dengan skala bacaan termometer untuk mengelakkan
ralat paralaks.

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