Mixed Operation and Law

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There are a few objectives that are detailed in this paper work. The objectives are :-

i. To apply the knowledge of whole numbers and the four arithmetic operations
in solving real-life problem.

ii. To develop mathematical thinking through the usage and applications of

whole numbers.

iii. To understand and use the knowledge of integers.

iv. To apply the knowledge of rational numbers in solving real-life problem.


In our daily life, we often apply mathematics in everything we do. The applications of
mathematics that we apply are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Examples of our daily life situation are when we paying during shopping, doing
inventory, and others. The basic operations of arithmetic have laws which are
associative law, commutative law and distributive law. When these basic operations
of arithmetic are applied in the same situation, it is called as mixed operation.


There are two ways in finding the information for this paper work which are referring
to books and surfing the internet. All the information that we manage to collect were
compiled together and used as references.


The four basic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The
definition of addition is the process of finding the sums of two or more numbers. The
example of addition is:-

10 + 5 = 15 15 is referred as the sum

Meanwhile, subtraction is the process of finding the difference between two numbers
when a smaller is taken away from a bigger one. The difference is also called a
remainder. For example:-

14 – 7 = 7 the answer is called the difference or remainder

Other than that, multiplication is a repeated addition. For example:-

5x3=3+3+3+3+3 5 x 3 means 3 is
added 5 times.
= 10

The answer for multiplication is called the product.

Lastly, division is a process where something is shared or grouped equally. The

number of times something is divided is called the divisor. Meanwhile the answer to
the operation involving division is called quotient. For example:-

36 ÷ 9 = 4 9 is the divisor and 4 is the quotient

Division is the inverse or opposite of multiplication. Hence, you can always check the
answer to a question on division by doing multiplication the opposite way. But, if a
number cannot be divided exactly, the leftover is called the remainder. If a number is
divided by zero, the result is undefined.


Associative Law is the law that used in a given operation which combined three
quantities where the two of the quantities (at a time) pairing arbitrary. This means it
doesn't matter how we group the numbers when we add or multiply it. For addition,
the example is:-

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c


• a, b and c is any numbers

• the bracket shows that the number in should be calculated first

Meanwhile, in multiplication:-

(a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

Example of application:

• 7 + (13 + 18) = (7 + 13) + 18

• (5 x 3) x 8 = 5 x (3 x 8)

Commutative Law is the law that used in a given binary operation which contain
combining two quantities. The order of the quantities is arbitrary. This means we can
swap numbers (in the given operation) and the answer is still same even we add or
multiply it. Example of commutative law in addition is:-


Meanwhile for multiplication, the example is:-


Example of application:

• 19 + 7 = 7 + 19

• 3x5=5x3

Distributive Law is the law used in subtraction and division where both of these
operations are not commutative and associative. If we swap the numbers, the
answer will be different. The value of c in this law is not equal to zero (c = 0). But,it
also used in addition and multiplication. The following is the examples of this law:-

• (a + b) x c = (a x c) + (b x c)

• (a – b) x c = (a x c) – (b x c)

• (a + b) ÷ c = (a ÷ c) + (b ÷ c)

• (a – b) ÷ c = (a ÷ c) – (b ÷ c)

Examples of application:

• (5 + 10) x 2 = (5 x 2) + (10 x 2)

• (7 – 2) x 4 = (7 x 4) – (2 x 4)

• (10 + 3) ÷ 2 = (10 ÷ 2) + (3 ÷ 2)

• (18 – 8) ÷ 2 = (18 ÷ 2) – (8 ÷ 2)


Mixed operations can be done between addition and subtraction or

multiplication and division. It also can occur when the four basic operations of
arithmetic combine in a given situation. In the combine operation of addition
and subtraction, the calculations are done from left to right. For example:-

19 + 27 – 9 = 37 19 + 27 = 46 is done first

For the multiplication and division combine operations calculations are also
done from left to right. For example:-
Multiplication is done first 18 x
2 = 36
18 x 2 ÷ 9 = 4
The product is then divided by

When the operation involves addition, subtraction, multiplication and division,

there is a rule that we must used. It is known as BODMAS. The explanation is
as this following:-

B – Brackets

O – Orders

D – Divide

M – Multiply

A – Add

S – Subtract

The steps are:-

a) The operations that have brackets are done first.

b) Orders are the conditions such as square roots and power.

c) Then, the multiplication and division operation are done (left to right).

d) Lastly, the addition and subtraction operation are done (left to right).

This is an example usage of the BODMAS:-

i. 108 ÷ 9 + 5(9 + 15) = 108 ÷ 9 + 5(24)

= 108 ÷ 9 + 120

= 12 + 120

= 132

ii. Madam Wong has 5 boxes of colour pencils and there are 13 colour pencils in
each box. She gives 3 colour pencils to every student in the class of 1
Cemerlang. If there are 20 students in that class, how many colour pencils
does she still have left?

Number of colour pencils boxes = 5

Number of colour pencils in each box = 13

Number of colour pencils given to a student = 3

Number of students in the class = 20

(5 x 13) – (3x20) = 65 – 60
Hence, 5 colour pencils are left.


Each of the operations is important. We use it in our daily life so we need to know
the law that are applied in the basic operations. It will help us a lot.



i. Derek Haylock (2006), Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers(3rd

edition), London : SAGE Publications Ltd.

ii. Lee Chin Choy, Yeo Mui Kiow and Liao Yung Far (2003), Eksplorasi :
Mathematics Form 1, Selangor Darul Ehsan : Penerbit Fajar Bakti


i. Retrieved 14 August 2010 from http://www.mathsisfun.com/associative-


ii. Retrieved 14 August 2010 from


iii. Retrieved 14 August 2010 from


iv. Retrieved 14 August 2010 from


v. Retrieved 14 August 2010 from http://www.mathsisfun.com/operation-order-



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