Native Product Ogiri

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Native Product: Ogiri Ijebu

African food preparation is not complete without the use of locally available

seasonings. The various seasonings are gotten from plant sources. It could be in

form of seeds, roots, bark or flowers. These items follow various preparation

procedures from drying and grinding to soaking and leaving whole.

A seasoning native to Nigeria, West Africa, Ogiri is a paste of fermented oil seeds.

There are many types of ogiri but the most common varieties are Ijebu, Igbo and

Nwan. The names are derived from the region of origin.

2. Origin of Ogiri Ijebu

Ogiri Ijebu is fermented Egusi seeds and is of Ijebu Yoruba origin – a south

western Nigerian tribe. Popular all over West Africa, Egusi has many names from

Agushi, Egushi to Egusi. Its seeds are from West African melons, whose fruit is

bitter and inedible. The seeds are covered with a light brown shell which is

removed prior to cooking. When de-shelled, the seeds have a creamy white

appearance and it is ground into a powder that has a consistency of bread

crumbs. They are then used to cook very savory stews and served with the staple


3. Uses and Benefits of Ogiri Ijebu

3.1 Culinary

African food preparation is not complete without the use of locally available

seasonings. Just as salt is important in meal preparation, the addition or

omission of some locally made seasoning can make or break a dish. Traditional

Yoruba dishes are made more exciting with the use of Ogiri Ijebu.

Food that can be seasoned with Ogiri Ijebu Include

 Egusi Soup

 Efo Riro

 Ikokore

 Porridge

3.2 Health Benefits

 Ogiri Ijebu as a traditionally fermented food help balance the production

of stomach acid. Fermented foods have the unique ability to ease digestive

discomfort related to having either too much or too little stomach acid.

When the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach is low, fermented

foods help increase the acidity of gastric juices. On the other hand, when

the stomach produces too much acid, fermented foods help protect the

stomach and intestinal lining.

 As we age, our production of the digestive enzymes and juices required for

proper digestion begin to decrease. Eating traditional fermented foods like

ogiri Ijebu in our meals can help make up for this loss. The key is to eat a

small portion once or twice daily with meals.

 Traditional fermented foods like Ogiri Ijebu help the body produce

acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that facilitates the

transmission of nerve impulses. Within the context of digestion, it helps

increase the movement of the bowel, and can help reduce constipation. It

also helps improve the release of digestive juices and enzymes from the

stomach, the pancreas, and the gallbladder. So by helping the body

produce acetylcholine, fermented foods act as potent digestive aids.

 Traditional fermented foods are beneficial for people with diabetes. In

addition to improving pancreatic function, which is of great benefit to

diabetics, the carbohydrates in lactic acid–fermented foods have been

broken down or “pre-digested.” As a result, they do not place an extra

burden on the pancreas, unlike ordinary carbohydrates.

4. OGIRI SEASONING CUBES: How Ogiri Ijebu Can Be

Modernized for Entrepreneurial Purposes

4.1 How Ogiri Ijebu is Traditionally Made

 Egusi seeds are deshelled

 The Egusi seeds are boiled until very soft.

 They are then wrapped tightly in banana leaves and left to ferment in large

clay pots for five days.

 After fermentation is complete, it is smoked for 2 hours and mashed into

an oily paste which is ogiri.

4.2 Mass Production for Entrepreneurship Purposes

4.2.1 Machines Needed

a. Mixer

b. Tanks: Fat and Dosing

c. Freeze Dryer

4.2.2 The Production Process

a. Mixing

All ingredients are mixed together.

The Mixed Paste is Dried using the freeze Dryer

b. Maturation

After mixing, the paste must maturate about 24 hours in a room

with a temperature of 18 to 20°C and humidity not exceeding

45%. During maturation, powder can be stored in 60 litre bins,

2/3 filled, or in non-deep trolleys.

c. Forming and wrapping

Equally to the maturation room, the forming and wrapping room

must be set at 18 to 20°C and 45% RH.

In order to increase the precision in weight of the cubes, it is

recommended to use an automatic powder infeed system,

controlled by the press. With such a system, the

forming/wrapping line will measure 5'023 mm and the height will

be 2'410 mm.

d. Labour

Mixer and Dryer: One or more operators, according to the

quantity of batches per hour.

Press and wrapping machine: One operator. With a perfect

powder, one operator can follow several lines.

Staff for laboratory, maintenance and secondary packing (bags,

boxes etc.).

e. Marketing and Distribution

This product is in the category of fast Moving Consumer Goods

(FMCG). As such mass production and distribution will ensure

that economies of scale will bring in profitable margins

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