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Subject goals and subject wrap of Leading Learning


Subject Goals and Subject Wrap 2

My Context Statement

The main aim of this course is to develop students into innovative, civic minds, ethical and
responsible leaders. This will help most of them to offer positive outcome to most of the
global and local communities. It will also serve as a clearance house for information
regarding opportunities to lead to be available. The course will also provide opportunity to
develop leaders within the tiered structure which comprises of new students, junior leaders
and those with the experience. The students will also learn to collaborate with the other
environments within and offside the student affairs division.

My Course Learning Goals

The goals of the course will be to establish a fully sustainable and developed trust within the
people who are led. It provides opportunity to demonstrate care for the people who are being
led. The other goal is to ensure that productivity level is enhanced from the bottom line. This
is because productivity is important for the existence of any organisation and should be
supplemented by the other activities. The other goal is to ensure that there is leadership
development in the different positions of leading followers. People should be developed to
become future leaders rather than just being followers. This leads to a leadership culture
within the different environments of leadership.

What are the key aspects of this subject?

Some of the key aspects of this subject would include expanding the horizons, to create fast
tracks and to accelerate the development of skills in a more advanced speed. In order to
expand the horizons, someone will be sent to a different panel or unit. They will then be
exposed to different and new environments. They will then be taught on how to connect with
new goals. They will also have the chance to understand and mobilize people towards the
process of achieving each and every goal of the organisation. Young leaders will be able to
take responsibilities faster. Their skills will also advance greatly and more readily.

What are my interests in relation to this subject?

Establishing myself upon the classes of the leadership will help me to do well when it comes
to achieving my different interests. One of the interests that will be fulfilled with this is that
of engaging in corporate Communication. This is because it involves having some insights
about the different human dynamics. Studying the leadership subject will enable one to know
how behavioural and intelligence of human data analytics can be used to improve the lives of
brands (French, Ferlie and Fulop, 2014). It will also help in advancing the media digital
environment. My interest of managing the school and being an executive leader will also be
enhanced. It will result in ethical stewards that will lead to organisations that are sustainable
and possess some high performance levels. It will also inspire the culture of engagement and
advocacy in the different circles of life.

What are my 3 – 5 ‘My Subject Goals’ for Leading Learning?

Subject Goals and Subject Wrap 3

As a student doing the leadership course and the leading learning subject, some of the major
goals for this subject would be to ensure that awareness on the third educational sector has
been created. The critical role that learning something about business is also added to it. The
second foal would be to ensure learning revenues, accessibility and impacts have all been
increased. The third goal would be to ensure that those individuals in the learning
professionals have been supported in as far as the high levels of performance.
Subject Goals and Subject Wrap 4

French, C. E., Ferlie, E., & Fulop, N. J. (2014). The international spread of Academic Health
Science Centres: A scoping review and the case of policy transfer to England. Health
Policy, 117(3), 382-391.

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