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NJTxtr—A Computer Program Based on LASER to Monitor

Asphalt Segregation
Geoffrey M. Rowe1; Jay N. Meegoda2; Andris Jumikis3; Mark J. Sharrock4;
Nishantha Bandara5; and Chamil H. Hettiarachchi6
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Abstract: Abstract: This paper describes the research funded by the New Jersey Department of Transportation to develop an automated
technology to monitor segregation during construction of hot-mix asphalt concrete pavements. A Laser-based system was used to measure
surface texture and to detect segregation. Two segregated test sections and a control test section were tested to evaluate the applicability
of Laser texture method to detect and quantify segregation. Laser texture data were gathered from all three sections. Ratios of texture in
segregated areas to that in nonsegregated areas were set as the basis for detection of different levels of segregation. By combining the level
of segregation and extent of segregation, an AREA index was developed to determine the acceptability of a pavement section. Based on
AREA index, pay adjustment factors were proposed to reduce the payment to account for loss of pavement life due to segregation. Further
remedial actions were proposed to correct segregated pavement sections with acceptable AREA index. Based on the above concepts,
Windows-based computer program NJTxtr was developed to detect and quantify segregation. This computer program uses the Laser-
equipment-collected pavement texture data and determines whether the pavement section is acceptable or unacceptable based on the level
of segregation within a pavement section, and provides bonus or penalties to the contractor. The paper describes a novel technology using
laser and associated software for construction quality control of asphalt concrete pavements. The proposed methodology was applied to
detect segregation in an interstate highway section in New Jersey, and this section was repaved based on visual observation and
recommendation from this study.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2004)130:6(924)
CE Database subject headings: Construction management; Asphalt pavements; Concrete pavements; Computer programs; Asphalt
mixtures; New Jersey; State government.

Introduction adequately identifying this problem. Ideally, some type of longi-

tudinal pavement profile, using one or more nondestructive mea-
Segregation may be defined as a lack of homogeneity of constitu- surements at selected transverse locations, can be identified. An
ents in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) concrete pavements that acceler- alternative methodology is needed to address random but local-
ates pavement distress. Asphalt cement, aggregates, additives, and ized areas of nonuniformity. There are several traditional and
air voids are the constituents of HMA. Segregation produces re- emerging methods of detecting and quantifying texture so that a
petitive patterns of nonuniformity; therefore, standard quality- QC/QA program can be built into the design and construction of
control/quality-assurance (QC/QA) procedures that randomly de- HMA pavements. Among all these techniques, laser technology
fine sampling locations would have a low probability of seems to be quite capable of quantifying the surface texture and
hence the segregation of HMA pavements (Meegoda et al. 2002,
President, Abatech, Inc., 1274 Rt. 113, P.O. Box 356, Blooming 2003).
Glen, PA 18911.
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New
Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102.
Supervising Engineer, Pavement Management Unit, Pavement
Surface Texture Measurements Using Laser
Management Division, New Jersey Dept. of Transportation, P.O. Box
600, 1035 Parkway Ave., Trenton, NJ 08625. Segregation in asphalt materials can occur for a variety of rea-
Software Specialist, Abatech International Limited, Abatech House, sons. The manifestation on-site is an uneven distribution of ag-
Bull Close Ln., Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2UL, UK. gregate surface texture associated with uneven distribution of ag-
Research Engineer, Abatech Inc., 1274 Rt. 113, P.O. Box 356, gregate, asphalt binder, and/or air voids. Over the past 20 years
Blooming Glen, PA 18911. the use of laser technology to define surface texture has been
PhD Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New gaining wide popularity. The basic concept of the measurement
Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102. system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The technology uses a rapidly puls-
Note. Discussion open until May 1, 2005. Separate discussions must ing semiconductor laser to produce an infrared light that is pro-
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
jected onto the pavement surface. The light is scattered off of the
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible surface and a receiving lens focuses this scattered light onto a
publication on March 10, 2003; approved on January 12, 2004. This linear array of photodiodes. The diode receiving the most light
paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engineering and Manage- corresponds to the distance to the surface. Using mathematical
ment, Vol. 130, No. 6, December 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/ algorithms, the distance to the surface at a discrete point is ob-
2004/6-924–934/$18.00. tained. The measurements are conducted very rapidly as the laser-


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of Selcom surface texture laser

[used with permission from LMI Technologies (2001)]
Fig. 3. Longitudinal paths for measurement for each lot

mounted vehicle drives along the pavement enabling measure-

ments at points that can be typically separated by 1 mm 共1 / 25 in.兲 DOT) has this piece of equipment, the ARAN device was selected
defining a surface profile. as the field texture-measuring device and the development work
The assessment of texture with vehicle-mounted laser measur- applied to the output from the laser sensors of the ARAN. How-
ing devices is well established, and a number of commercial de- ever, the algorithms developed in this research could be applied to
vices are available. Several manufacturers produce laser texture the data collected from other laser texture-monitoring devices.
equipment, which can be vehicle mounted. A few of them are During the course of the literature review the research team
listed below: became aware that significant advances in laser technology for the
• The Dynatest Road Surface Profiler (RSP), by Dynatest Den- detection of segregation have recently been undertaken by the
mark National Center for Asphalt Technology and reported in National
• The Profilograph system, manufactured by Greenwood Engi- Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 441
neering, Denmark (Stroup-Gardiner and Brown 2000). In this work, a draft specifi-
• ARAN (automatic road analyzer), manufactured by Roadware cation for the detection of a laser-based method for detecting
Group, Inc., Canada segregation was developed in AASHTO (American Association
• High-Speed Texture System, manufactured by WDM Limited, of State Highway and Transportation Officials) format. The re-
U.K. search conducted by the New Jersey Institute of Technology
• Multi-Laser Profilers, manufactured by Australian Road Re- (NJIT) research team used the above work as a starting point for
search Board (ARRB) the development work presented in this paper. In addition, con-
• ROSAN (road surface analyzer), developed by Surfan Engi- siderable use has been made of the definitions given in ASTM
neering and Software, Inc., in cooperation with the Federal specification E1845-01: Standard Practice for Calculating Pave-
Highway Administration ment Macrotexture Mean Profile Depth (ASTM 2001).
From the laser-based systems reviewed, the ROSAN appears to
be the most advanced with respect to algorithms developed to
determine segregation in asphalt, and it has the widest application Texture Measurement Using ARAN
in this area to date (Stroup-Gardiner and Brown 2000). However,
the level of technology employed in the ARAN device is consid- The ARAN texture subsystem, i.e., Smart Texture (Huber 2000)
ered acceptable for the application of texture measurement. Con- measures the macrotexture of the road at speeds up to 56 mph.
sequently, since New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ- Segregated areas will generally have textures statistically coarser
than the texture in a nonsegregated area.
Data Manipulation in ARAN: All data, collected by the mea-
surement subsystem, is stored in the hard drive at regular station
intervals. A high-pass filter is used, with a base length of 50 mm
(ARAN Technical Reference Manual 1995). The 50 mm length
was found to be acceptable by ARAN to remove wavelengths that
are a result of truck-axle dynamics and fluctuations in pavement
profile, which are not attributable to texture. When each test line
was completed by the ARAN, two separate data files were created

Table 1. Typical Texture Depths for Different Hot-Mix Asphalt Surface

Texture depth
Surfacing material (mm)
Asphalt concrete (fine graded) 0.4–0.6
Fig. 2. Definition of mean texture depth (MTD) in the ARAN soft- Asphalt concrete (coarse graded) 0.6–1.2
ware Open-graded friction course/SMA 1.5–3.5


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 4. Determination of mean profile depth (MPD) from a 100-mm base length

and stored in the computer. One data file consists of the raw based upon the ASTM specification E 965-96: Measuring Pave-
texture data (after passed through the high-pass filter), and the ment Macrotexture Depth Using a Volumetric Technique (ASTM
other consists of texture summary data such as root mean square 2001). This is more commonly referred to as the sand-patch
(RMS) and mean texture depth (MTD) values. method. With the ARAN software, the above was estimated from
The RMS value is calculated as follows: a numerical integration of the area under a 50 mm base length

compared to a horizontal line developed from the highest value

within that base length, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
共d2i 兲
RMS = 共1兲
Proposed Sequence of Data Collection
where di⫽valid 共ith兲 data point number, and n⫽number of valid
data points over measurement interval. The MTD calculation is For texture-measurement purposes, it was proposed that the pave-
ment section be divided into lots consisting of 1,000 ft of one lane
width. The texture was then measured with the ARAN longitudi-
nally along three test lines for each area considered. The width of
the test area should be consistent with a single pass of a paving
machine or a standard lane width, as defined by the State Mate-
rials Engineer. Each test line was performed at the centerline of a
strip representing one-third of the area to be considered (Fig. 3).

Development of Numerical Procedures

The amount of data produced by laser texture devices was very

large, and consequently manipulation by conventional spread-
sheet programs was difficult and awkward due to the file sizes.
This resulted in the project team developing a computer program,
NJTxtr, which could handle the numerical calculations (please
note that NJTxtr is available free of charge for the reader). This
program enables data to be rerun while changing analysis param-
eters to perform functions such as sensitivity analysis. The defi-
nitions used within this software were based upon ASTM
E1845-01 (ASTM 2001) with the unit of measurement for texture

Table 2. Categorization of Extent of Individual Segregated Areas

Segregation Longitudinal extent
class (mm)
1 艋200
2 200⬍ and 艋400
3 400⬍ and 艋800
Fig. 5. Variation of (a) mean segment depth and (b) texture depth 4 800⬍ and 艋1600
ratios with base length 5 ⬎1600


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

Table 3. Pay-Adjustment Factors marking the areas of the mat with acceptable texture. ARAN-
Range of AREA index Pay-adjustment factor collected profile data for the marked nonsegregated areas are
used to determine the average texture depth. This value is
0–5.0 105 used to compute the texture ratios in the pavement sections.
5.0–15.0 95
15.0–25.0 85 2. The anticipated texture in a nonsegregated area can be esti-
25.0–35.0 65 mated using typical material information, including gradation
35.0–45.0 25 data.
Upper and lower texture ratio limits, defined previously, are used
to detect and estimate low, medium, and high levels of segrega-
as the “estimated texture depth” (ETD). NJTxtr uses ARAN- tion. Texture ratios are calculated by dividing measured texture
collected texture data to determine the ETD. Concepts behind the depths using ARAN or by estimating ETD of nonsegregated ar-
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numerical procedure and the definitions are briefly described in eas.

the following sections.
Effect of Selection of Base Length
Levels of Segregation
Base length is the length of the profile segments used in the
Stroup-Gardiner and Brown (2000) have used the ratio of ETD of analysis of pavement texture. ASTM E1845-01 (ASTM 2001)
segregated areas to that of nonsegregated areas as the identifica- defined this as 100 mm. However, the use of this length restricts
tion parameter for different levels of segregation. In their work the identification of a feature to multiples of 100 mm. Therefore,
the ratios of textures in segregated areas to those in nonsegregated a sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the use of different
areas was used to detect and characterize segregation. The follow- base lengths that would be outside the ASTM definition. The base
ing limiting ratios have been set based on their work. length is used within the software to determine the mean profile
• Low segregation: Shall have a texture ratio (TR) between 1.16 depth, which is then used to calculate the ETD. A linear regres-
and 1.56. Generally, this should be consistent with air voids up sion of the profile values in each segment is performed and the
to 4%. When segregation is present, there will be one or more regression line is subtracted from the profile values. This pro-
sieves that are at least 5% coarser than the nonsegregated area, duces a segment profile with zero mean and slope. The maximum
with a corresponding decrease in asphalt content of between value of profile is then determined for the two lengths, each cor-
0.3 and 0.75%. responding to half of the selected base length. These two values
• Medium segregation: Shall have a TR between 1.57 and 2.09. are averaged to obtain the mean segment depth. These values are
Generally, this should be consistent with air voids between 3 then averaged for various lengths of pavements to obtain the
and 6%. When segregation is present, there will be two or mean profile depth (MPD). However, for the work considered in
more sieves that are at least 10% coarser than the nonsegre- this project it was necessary to define the texture for relatively
gated area, with a corresponding decrease in asphalt content of small intervals of pavement and, consequently, the MPD for each
between 0.075 and 1.3 percent. segment was calculated, as illustrated in Fig. 4. In this case MPD
• High segregation: Shall have TR of greater than 2.09. Gener- and ETD are then calculated as follows (Meegoda et al. 2002,
ally, this should be consistent with air voids of more than 5%. 2003):
When segregation is present, there will be three or more sieves
that are at least 15% coarser than the nonsegregated area, with 共y 1 + y 2兲
a corresponding decrease in asphalt content of more than MPD = 共2兲
1.2%. 2
Either an average texture in a nonsegregated area or a typical
texture depth for a particular hot-mix asphalt type is used to de-
ETD = 0.2 + 0.8共MPD兲 共3兲
termine an anticipated texture depth in the nonsegregated areas.
Then the above-average texture depth was used with the mea- The selection of base length plays an important role in computing
sured texture to compute the value of TR. Typical texture depths mean segment depths and texture ratios. The effect of the selec-
for different HMA types are presented in Table 1. tion of the base length is studied during the evaluation stage of
The levels of segregation are defined by considering ratios of the NJTxtr software. This evaluation is performed using the test
ETD for nonsegregated areas to the segregated areas in the same data. Base lengths were varied from 25 to 200 mm and the mean
manner as discussed in the NCHRP report 441 (Stroup-Gardiner of the mean segment depths (MMSD) was computed for each test
and Brown 2000). To obtain the values of ETD for nonsegregated line [Fig. 5(a)]. All three curves display similar variations of the
areas, two methods can be considered: MMSD and the rate of change diminished with the increase of the
1. The segregated and nonsegregated areas are identified during base length.
the survey stage by traveling along the pavement section and Fig. 5(b) shows the ratio of MMSD obtained at different base-

Table 4. Remedial Actions for Segregation

Extent of individual segregated area Level of segregation
(mm) Low Medium High
艋200 No action No action Localized patch
200⬍ and 艋400 No action Localized patch Remove and replace
400⬍ and 艋800 Localized patch Localized patch Remove and replace
800⬍ and 艋1600 Localized patch Remove and replace Remove and replace
1600艋 Remove and replace Remove and replace Remove and replace


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 6. Flowchart of NJTxtr software

lengths to that obtained at 100 mm for all three lines tested. It can 3 N

be seen that a clear, unique relationship exists between the base 兺 兺 link
length and this ratio with r2 = 0.9953: n=1 k=1 W
Ai = ⫻ ⫻ 100 共5兲
Atotal 3
ratio共MMSDx/MMSD100兲 = 0.2652 ln共x兲 − 0.2318 共4兲
where Ai⫽percentage area of segregation in each level (i⫽low,
This ratio could be used to determine the effect of calculated medium, or high); l⫽length of a segregated area in meters;
texture depths, if a need exists to move to a different base length W⫽width of the test area in meters; Atotal⫽total area of the lot in
in order to define areas of measurement in multiples of 100 mm. square meters; n⫽considered one-third of test area (test line);
k⫽segregated area identification number; and N⫽total number of
Area of Each Level of Segregation segregated areas in each test line.

The NJTxtr software calculated the mean segment depth (MSD)

AREA Index for Lot Acceptance
using ARAN-measured texture data and estimated the number of
MSD values that fell within the limits for each level of segrega- When segregation is observed on a newly overlaid or recon-
tion. After determining the level of segregation, the class of seg- structed pavement, NJDOT should have a tool to identify the
regation is determined using the proposed scheme that is pre- level of segregation and the effect of segregation on the pavement
sented in Table 2. life. Generally, extent and severity of segregation determines the
For pavement areas of continuous segregation, the level is pavement life and its performance with time. When the segrega-
taken as that represented by the poorest-quality material (the tion exceeds a certain level, it is recommended to reject the sec-
highest level) present in the area. The extent of each level of tion to overcome future high maintenance and rehabilitation costs.
segregation for each class in each lot is calculated as a percentage The proposed methodology developed to determine acceptance/
in the following equation. The area of each class of segregation at rejection is discussed in this section. This involves the definition
each level is computed by considering the segregated area extends of an AREA index that is related to both level and extent of
to the full one-third of the lane width. segregation.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 7. Block-average of mean segment depth for 100 mm blocks of Control section of the Route I-195 data [(a) line #1; (b) line #2; and (c) line

An AREA index is defined to determine the overall effect of section and that section is accepted based on the AREA index,
different severity levels and extents on a given pavement section. then appropriate pay-adjustment factors should be used to account
The percentage-segregated area of each level is multiplied by for the loss of pavement life due to segregation. Loss of pavement
weighing factors to determine this AREA index. Using weighing life due to segregation depends on the level and extent of segre-
factors, the AREA index for each pavement section is calculated gation present in a particular pavement section. Therefore, the
as follows: pay-adjustment factor should be defined based on the level and
extent of segregation. Since the AREA index accounts for both
AREA = Alow ⫻ Wlow + Amedium ⫻ Wmedium + Ahigh ⫻ Whigh 共6兲 level and extent of segregation, pay-adjustment factors can be
where Alow⫽percentage area of low segregation; defined based on the AREA index. The pay-adjustment factors
Amedium⫽percentage area of medium segregation; shown in Table 3 were proposed for pavement sections with dif-
Ahigh⫽percentage area of high segregation; and Wlow , Wmedium, ferent segregation levels based on the AREA index.
and Whigh⫽weighing factors with numerical values 1.00, 1.42, However, if the segregation level and extent of a discrete area
and 2.50, respectively, providing high weight to high segregation. is considered to be unacceptable, the engineer has the option to
A threshold value is proposed for acceptance or nonacceptance inform the contractor to remove and replace or suggest different
of a pavement lot based on AREA index. A pavement section is remedial actions.
accepted only if the AREA index falls below 45.0. If segregation
is present in a lot and accepted based on AREA index, appropriate Remedial Actions for Segregation
pay-adjustment factors should be assessed for different levels of
segregation as defined earlier. If the AREA index of any lot is Remedial actions for pavement segregation require NJDOT to
greater than 45.0, the lot should be rejected and the contractor is define various policy decisions. In this work a framework was
required to reconstruct the section. developed to implement the above. Possible actions are defined
for discrete pavement areas with different levels and extents of
Pay-Adjustment Factors
• When the choice is to remove the segregated areas, the segre-
The AREA index, as defined in the above section, identifies pave- gated area as well as 600 mm (2 ft) on all sides of these areas
ment sections for acceptance or nonacceptance based on the level should be removed and replaced.
and extent of segregation. If segregation is present in a pavement • For pavement areas of continuous segregation, the remedial


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 8. Block-average of mean segment depth for 100 mm blocks of Test Section of the Route I-195 data [(a) line #1;(b) line #2; and (c) line 3]

action should represent the poorest-quality material (the high- Evaluation of NJTxtr
est level) present in the area.
In addition, to reduce pay, the engineer may require removal and Representatives of the pavement management group at NJDOT
replacement of discrete areas based on the suggested remedial identified two field-test sites and a control test section. The con-
actions (Table 4).
trol section was I-195 milepost (MP) 9.8-10.1 eastbound slow
NJTxtr was developed based on the above concepts to detect
and monitor segregation based on ARAN laser-texture measure- lane, which was uniform pavement surface with no visible segre-
ments. It uses user-specified asphalt surface course information to gation. The first test site was on I-195 MP 9.1-9.8 eastbound slow
compute ETD. The values could be determined from analysis of lane, which also had segregated materials in the pavement sur-
data on nonsegregated areas. ETD was used to compute TR to face. The second test site was on Route 9 MP 111.5-112, north-
differentiate different levels of segregation. Fig. 6 presents the bound fast lane, which had segregated materials in the pavement
computation flowchart of NJTxtr. surface.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 9. NJTxtr suggested treatments for 40–50 m of Route I-195

The NJTxtr software can be used to view the mean segment The NJTxtr can be used not only to visualize segregation on a
depth of each individual test line. Data from Routes 9 and I-195 particular pavement section, but also as a decision-making tool
were analyzed using NJTxtr software with the following specifi- for segregation monitoring. The user can specify base length,
cations: base length⫽100 mm; mean segment depth of the non- threshold values for different levels of segregation, threshold val-
segregated area⫽0.6 mm. ues for segregation class, and mean segment depth of the nonseg-
regated areas for analysis. The user has to specify three data sets
measured in three separate test lines on an individual pavement
Analysis of Data from Control Test Section
lot to determine the percentage areas of each level of segregation,
The control section selected was 152 m long. Color-coded plots the AREA index, the pay factor, as well as the individual treat-
were prepared from NJTxtr based on different severity levels ob- ments for each segregated areas. Route I-195 test section was also
served in the pavement section. It is evident from Fig. 7 that the analyzed using the NJTxtr and the suggested treatment for an
control section is free of segregation and it maintains a block example segment of Route I-195 (from 40 to 50m) is given in Fig.
average of mean segment depth of about 0.25 mm throughout the 9. The analysis performed for the Route I-195 data resulted in the
test section. summary presented in Table 5. The section of 0–304 m resulted in
a zero pay factor, and this section was repaved by NJDOT based
on visual observation and recommendation from this study.
Analysis of Route I-195 Data
The test section was approximately 457 m long. Color-coded
plots were prepared from NJTxtr based on different severity lev- Analysis of Route 9 Data
els observed in the pavement section. Fig. 8 presents the variation The calculated mean segment depths for Route 9 data were cat-
of block average of mean segment depth with distances for all test egorized in accordance with the severity level of segregation.
lines. It can be noted that no visible segregation patterns were Color-coded plots were prepared based on different severity lev-
detected. Therefore, the segregation in this test section could be a els observed in the pavement section. Fig. 10 presents the color-
result of other causes than the end of truck segregation. coded mean segment depth plot for test line 1 of the Route 9
profile data. Severity and extent of each segregated pavement area
can be easily identified using this plot. It can be noticed that
Table 5. Route I-195 Summary Results (based on Line 2 data) segregation has occurred in a uniform frequency over the entire
0–304 m 304–457 m
test section. The observed peaks in the plot appear to be related to
Parameter (0–1,000 ft) (1,000–1,500 ft) end-of-truck-load segregation.
The above plot represents approximately 457 m (1,500 ft) of
Percent of low segregation 17.72 31.27
Percent of medium segregation 1.48 6.50
profile measurements on Route 9. In order to verify the end-of-
Percent of high segregation 24.11 0.33 truck-load segregation, a close-up examination is required.
Total segregation percent 43.31 38.11 NJTxtr can be used to view the segregation data more closely to
AREA index 80.11 41.40 analyze each segregated area. Fig. 11 presents the segregation
Pay factor 0.00 25.00
data from approximately 100 to 200 m of Route 9 data, which


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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Fig. 10. Block-average of mean segment depth for 100 mm blocks of test line 1 of the Route 9 data

clearly demonstrates end-of-truck-load segregation. Using the Replace” option and lighter areas correspond to the “Localized
zoomed view of NJTxtr user can identify the starting and end Patch” treatment option. The suggested treatments should be used
points of each level of segregation and severity of segregation. with discretion. Each individual area can be combined with other
The data from three test lines performed at Route 9 were ana- areas to apply more practical treatments. This aspect would re-
lyzed using NJTxtr software. Fig. 12 presents the graphical rep- quire some policy decisions by NJDOT to fully implement in the
resentation of treatments for the first 10 m of Route 9 and the software. The analysis performed for the Route 9 data resulted in
suggested treatments for each individual segregated area of the the summary presented in Table 6.
pavement section. Darker areas correspond to the “Remove & Although the segregation could be captured using the Laser

Fig. 11. Zoomed mean segment depth (MSD) plot for test line 1 of the Route 9 data


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 06/08/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 12. NJTxtr suggested treatments for 0–10 m of Route 9

technology, there are some inherent limitations. First, it can quan- tance. Pavement lots are to be accepted only if the AREA index is
tify the surface segregation. Also, theoretically method could only less than 45.0.
predict the segregation along lines where the measurements were If segregation occurs in a pavement section accepted based on
made. Though attaching several lasers to the measuring vehicle an AREA index, pay-adjustment factors are defined to determine
can increase accuracy, the cost associated with that option might the reduction of payment to account for loss of pavement life due
reduce the feasibility and the general use of the technology. to segregation. Further remedial actions are defined to correct
segregation in pavement sections with an acceptable AREA index.
A computer program, NJTxtr, to detect and monitor segrega-
Summary and Conclusions tion was developed by combining the above concepts. This uses
the ARAN-collected pavement-texture data and determines
Ratios of texture in segregated areas to that in nonsegregated whether the pavement section is acceptable or unacceptable based
areas were set on the basis of detection and monitoring of differ- on the level of segregation present within the pavement section. If
ent levels of segregation. The work conducted by the National the pavement section is acceptable, the software determines the
Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) and reported in NCHRP pay-adjustment factor to be used if segregation is present and it
441 (Stroup-Gardiner and Brown 2000) was used as the basis for suggests remedial actions for each segregated area. NJTxtr was
much of the development work on this project. Texture ratios less evaluated using the data collected from one control and two seg-
than 1.15 indicate no segregation, between 1.16 and 1.56 are as- regated test sections, and satisfactory results were obtained.
sociated with low level of segregation, and between 1.57 and 2.09
are associated with medium-level segregation. Ratios above 2.09
indicate high levels of segregation. These ratios were defined Acknowledgments
based on NCHRP Report 441 (Stroup-Gardiner and Brown 2000),
published by the Transportation Research Board. This research was sponsored by a research contract from the New
By combining level of segregation and the extent of each level Jersey Department of Transportation Project 2000-34, titled “Cor-
of segregation, an AREA index was developed to determine the relation of Surface Texture, Segregation, and Measurement of Air
acceptance or nonacceptance of a pavement section. This index is Voids.” Although NJDOT funded the research described in this
useful for NJDOT to monitor newly laid pavements for accep- paper, it has not been subjected to an NJDOT review process for
the technical content, quality assurance/quality control, or admin-
istrative review. The writers wish to acknowledge the efforts of
the NJDOT project manager, Anthony Chmiel. The assistance
Table 6. Route 9 Summary Results from Kurt Huber and Paul Harbin, of Roadware Group, Inc.,
0–304 m 304–457 m Canada, and Nicholas Gephart of NJDOT is highly appreciated.
Parameter (0–1,000 ft) (1,000–1,500 ft)
Percent of low segregation 12.74 6.31
Percent of medium segregation 4.92 3.55 Bibliography
Percent of high segregation 5.82 8.78
Total segregation percent 23.48 18.64 “ARAN (automatic road analyzer).” (2001). Roadware Group,
AREA index 34.32 33.34 Inc., Paris, Ont. Canada. 具http://www.roadware.com典, (June 5,
Pay factor 65.00 65.00


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

“Multi-laser profilers.” (2001). Australian Road Research Board, ASTM. (2001). “Road and paving materials.” Vol. 04.03, W. Consho-
具典, (June 5, 2000). hocken, Pa.
“Dynatest road surface profiler.” (2001). Dynatest Denmark, Huber, K. (2000). “ARAN ISO texture software—Version 1.00.” Road-
具http://www.dynatest.com典, (June 5, 2000). ware Group, Paris, Ont., Canada.
“HRM (high-speed road monitor).” (2001). WDM Limited, LMI Technologies. (2001). “Road inspection.” 具
具典, Bristol, U.K., (June 5, 2000). cfm/index.cfm典 (April 3, 2001).
Meegoda, J. N., Rowe, G., M., Hettiarachchi, C. H., Bandara, N., and
“Profilograph.” (2001). Greenwood Engineering, 具http://
Sharrock, M. J. (2002). “Correlation of surface texture, segregation,
www.greenwood.dk典, (June 5, 2000). and measurement of air voids.” Project 2000-34, Final Rep., New
ROSANv, Surfan Engineering and Software Inc. 具http:// Jersey Department of Transportation, Trenton, N.J.
www.surfan.com典 (June 5, 2000). Meegoda, J. N., Rowe, G., M., Jumikis, A., Hettiarachchi, C. H., Ban-
dara, N., and Nicholas, G. (2003). “Detection of segregation using
Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 06/08/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

LASER.” Proc., 82nd Annuual Meeting, Transportation Research

References Board, Washington, D.C.
Stroup-Gardiner, M., and Brown, E. R. (2000). “Segregation in hot-mix
ARAN technical reference manual. (1995). Version 1.1, Roadware Group, asphalt pavements.” NCHRP Rep. 441, Transportation Research
Paris, Ont., Canada. Board, Washington, D.C.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2004, 130(6): 924-934

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