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Research Propsal:

Will Blockchain be
the Latest Trend in
Amelia van Rijn

Table of Contents
Abstract 5
1. Title 6
2. Introduction & Rationale 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Rationale 6
3. Research Aim & Objectives 7
3.1 Aim 7
3.2 Objectives 7
4. Literature Review 7
5. Framework 13
5.1 Beneficiaries  13
6. Research Concepts/ Proposed Research Design 14
6.1 Research Concepts 14
6.1.1 Qualitative research employees 14
6.1.2 Quantitative research 14
6.1.3 Secondary data 14
6.1.4. Primary data 15
6.1.5. Data Triangulation 15
6.1.6. Validity 15
6.2. Proposed Research Design  16
6.2.1 Information required 16
6.2.2. Data Collection Techniques  16
6.2.3. Limitations 17
6.2.4. Access 17
6.2.5. Ethical Procedures 17
7. Gantt Chart and Budget 18
7.1 Gantt Chart 18
8. Budget 18
9. References 19
10. Appendices


The following research proposal aims to identify the benefits of blockchain technology and how it is current-

ly being used, analyse how blockchain technology has been used in other industries to improve organiza-

tion’s operations and evaluate how blockchain technology can be used by Australian fashion companies to

gain a competitive advantage.

The author performed a literature review on blockchain technology, drawing research from 8 peer reviewed

articles and 6 other credibly sourced articles. The purpose of the literature review is to investigate what

research has already been conducted in regards to blockchain technology and the fashion industry. The

literature review assesses the benefits of the technology as a whole and what qualities and solutions the

technology can offer. The industries that are currently using blockchain technology are identified, with close

consideration to their supply chain management departments. The author also discusses what affect block-
chain technology can have with the interaction of IoTs. The cryptocurrency Bitcoin is also assessed in terms

of its ability to become a global currency and how that may affect fashion retailers in the future.

The author found that blockchain technology has significant benefits in regards to efficiency, security and

expenditure and that these benefits have helped to improve the supply chain operations in a number of

different industries. It was also established that with the increased use of IoT in business operations, block-

chain may be essential in the management and security of these devices. Research also implied that the

cryptocurrency Bitcoin has an uncertain potential in retail operations due to the unknown aspects of its

future. The author furthermore concluded that there was a lack of research currently available in relation to

blockchain technology used in the fashion industry and therefore the proposed research is to explore how

Australian fashion retailers can use blockchain technology to increase efficiency and gain a competitive

advantage in the industry.

The author proposes that CEOs, CFOs, supply chain managers, accountants, marketers and academics

are some professional that will benefit from this proposed research on blockchain.

The author intends to conduct a number of interviews with industry experts in conjunction with a ques-

tionnaire answered by fashion and business students and employees in the fashion industry. The author

concludes that this information is required to perform the proposed research on how blockchain technology

could benefit the Australian fashion industry.

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