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Exercise : A or An?

In the following phrases, supply either a or an:

1. ____ bingo game

2. ____ idiot

3. ____ good job

4. ____ rotten plum

5. ____ used fork

6. ____ uncle

7. ____ historian

8. ____ apple

9. ____ hair

10. ____ horrible movie

12. ____ opera

13. ____ fine opera

14. ____ television

15. ____ earthquake

16. ____ plant

18. ____ eggplant

19. ____ intelligent man

21. ____ table

22. ____ paper clip

24. ____ animal

25. ____ usual feeling

26. ____ interest

27. ____ alibi

28. ____ early bird

29. ____ couch

30. ____ airplane

31. ____ pair

33. ____ idea

34. ____ energy level

Complete the following sentences with A, AN or THE:

1. Danny wanted _____ new bicycle for Christmas.

o A

o AN


2. Jennifer tasted _____ birthday cake her mother had made.

o A

o AN


3. The children have _____ new teacher called Mr. Green.

o A

o AN


4. All pupils must obey _____ rules.

o A

o AN


5. Dad turned on _____ radio to listen to _____ news.

o A

o AN


6. Alex is in Boston studying for _____ MBA.

o A

o AN


7. The teacher read _____ interesting article from the newspaper.

o A

o AN


8. There was _____ huge crowd of people outside the church.

o A

o AN


9. Julie talked for _____ hour about her school project.

o A

o AN


10. _____ European expert was invited to speak to the committee.

o A

o AN


Exercise : Articles Exercise 1

Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate article, a, an, or the, or leave the space blank if no
article is needed.

1. I want ____ apple from that basket.

2. ____ church on the corner is progressive.

3. Miss Lin speaks ____ Chinese.

4. I borrowed ____ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

5. One of the students said, "____ professor is late today."

6 Eli likes to play ____ volleyball.

7. I bought ____ umbrella to go out in the rain.

8. Please give me ____ cake that is on the counter.

10. I lived on ____ Main Street when I first came to town.

11. Albany is the capital of ____ New York State.

12. My husband's family speaks ____ Polish.

13. ____ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

14. ____ ink in my pen is red.

15. Our neighbors have ____ cat and ____ dog.

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