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HKCEE BIOLOGY | 2.1 Diversity of organisms | P.

1. 1990/I/3a
The diagram below shows the feeding relationship between certain organisms found in a woodland :

(i) Name the groups to which the following vertebrates belong :

(1) snakes
(2) crows
State ONE external feature which is characteristic of each group. (4 marks)
(ii) How do the toadstools and the fruit tree differ in their methods of
(1) nutrition, and
(2) reproduction ? (2 marks)
(iii) Referring to the diagram, name ALL
(1) carnivores, and
(2) omnivores. (2 marks)
(iv) Name the relationship between
(1) mites and beetle larvae.
(2) mites and centipedes. (2 marks)

HKCEE BIOLOGY | 2.1 Diversity of organisms | P.2

2. 1996/I/1a
The diagrams below show three kinds of plants :

(i) Pine and bread mould belong to the same major plant group and maize belongs to another group.
(1) State one feature that distinguishes these two major plant groups. (1 mark)
(2) Bread mould belongs to the sub-group fungi. Name the sub-group to which pine belongs.
(1 mark)
(ii) State the role of the following structures in the reproduction of the plants :
(1) P (1 mark)
(2) R (2 mark)
(iii) State one feature that is common to structures Q and R which enables them to be carried by wind.
(1 mark)
(iv) Referring to the diagram, explain how bread mould is adapted for obtaining nutrients. (4 marks)

HKCEE BIOLOGY | 2.1 Diversity of organisms | P.3

3. 1998/I/1a
In a marine museum, living marine animals are kept in different exhibition areas according to their animal
group. Some of the animals in the museum are shown in the diagrams below :

(i) Using the letters provided, state all the animal(s) that should be placed in the exhibition area for
reptiles. (1 mark)
(ii) B and E are kept in the same exhibition area. Name the animal group to which they belong.
(1 mark)
(iii) State two structural differences between A and C which explain why they are kept in different
exhibition areas. (2 marks)
(iv) The amount of daily food intake per unit mass of A is much greater than that of C. Suggest an
explanation for this. (4 marks)
The population of F in Nature has decreased continuously in recent years. Suggest two ways of
preventing the extinction of F. (2 marks)

HKCEE BIOLOGY | 2.1 Diversity of organisms | P.4

4. 2003/I/1ci,ii,iii
The photographs below show a Hong Kong newt and a lizard which can be found in Tai Mo Shan Country

(i) The two animals above belong to different vertebrate groups. Based on the photograph, state one
external feature of the newt that is characteristic of its group. (1 mark)
(ii) Name the vertebrate group to which the Hong Kong newt belongs. (1 mark)
(iii) Only a small number of Hong Kong newt exits today and it is listed as a protected species. Suggest
two reasons to account for its small population. (2 marks)

5. 2005/I/1
The following pictures show four different organisms:

HKCEE BIOLOGY | 2.1 Diversity of organisms | P.5

(a) Organisms can be classified into five kingdoms. Name the kingdom that P and Q each belongs to.
(2 marks)
P:_________________________ Q:___________________________
(b) State two cell structures that can be found in Q, R and S, but not in P. (2 marks)
(c) Explain the role of S in the cycling of materials in nature. (2 marks)

(d) A number of human diseases such as influenza and SARS are caused by viruses. Some scientists
consider viruses as organisms, but some do not. Give one reason for each of these views. (2 marks)

6. 2007/I/1
Three samples of specimen were examined in a laboratory. The results are shown below:
Feature of specimen Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Size (mm) 0.0002 0.003 100
Cell wall – + +
Mitochondrion – – +
Nucleus – – +
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) + + +
Key: ‘+’ means present
‘–’ means absent
The following paragraph summarizes the report about three samples. Complete the paragraph with suitable
word(s). (4 marks)
With reference to the results, the groups that samples 1 and 2 belong to are (a) and
_______(b) respectively. For sample 3, it remains unclassified. It could belong to one of the
following groups: plants, (c) or (d) _____ .

7. 2008/I/4a
Single-celled organisms can be classified into different kingdoms. Name two kingdoms that include
single-celled organisms. (2 marks)


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