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IE-07 Ingots 171750
IA-30 Ingots (10 Kgs) 180300
WE-10 Wire rods 179200
CH-06 Billets 177650
CH-05 Billets 179150

Ingots/Sows/Billets Wire Rods

Quantity Discount Quantity
(MT/month) (Rs./MT) (MT/month)
15<=Q<50 1800 7<=Q<15
50<=Q<250 2200 15<=Q<40
250<=Q<500 2400 40<=Q<150
500<=Q<850 2600 150<=Q<300
850<=Q<1300 2800 300<=Q<500
1300<=Q<1800 3000 500<=Q<700
1800<Q 3300 700<Q
wef 12.04.2018
Metal Formula

Wire Rods

W.e.f 12.04.2018


Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-S/Y, BAN Ex-S/Y, VIZAG Ex-Works
(GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%)
Basic Price 171750 171750 171750 171750
S/Y Charges 6850 7650 3900 0
Flat Discount 7000 7000 7000 7500
Cash Discount 500 500 500 0
Additional Discount Upto 0 0 0 0
Sub Total 171100 171900 168150 164250
GST @ 18% 30798 30942 30267 29565
Sub Total 201898 202842 198417 193815
Input Credit 30798 30942 30267 29565
Net landed cost 171100 171900 168150 164250

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8< 30 MT) qty dis 15-50 mt
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4106 4106 4106 4106
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 165194 165994 162244 158344

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT) qty dis 15-50 mt
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4271 4271 4271 4271
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 165029 165829 162079 158179

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT) qty dis >50-250 mt
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4435 4435 4435 4435
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 164465 165265 161515 157615

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT) qty dis >50-250 mt
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4599 4599 4599 4599
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 164301 165101 161351 157451

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) qty dis >50-250 mt
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4763 4763 4763 4763
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 164137 164937 161187 157287

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) qty dis >250- 500 mt
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4763 4763 4763 4763
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2400 2400 2400 2400
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 163937 164737 160987 157087
Landed Cost of Aluminium Ingot grade IE07 grade
W.e.f 12.04.2018


Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-Works
(GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%)
Basic Price 171750 171750
S/Y Charges 6850 0
Flat Discount 7000 7500
Cash Discount 500 0
Additional Discount 0 0
Sub Total 171100 164250
GST @ 18% 30798 29565
Sub Total 201898 193815
Input Credit 30798 29565
Net landed cost 171100 164250

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty = 15 to 50 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4106 4106
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 165194 158344

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty = 15 to 50 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4271 4271
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 165029 158179

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 50 to 250 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4435 4435
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 164465 157615

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 50 to 250 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4599 4599
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 164301 157451

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 50 to 250 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4763 4763
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 164137 157287

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 250 to 500 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4763 4763
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2400 2400
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 163937 157087

W.e.f 12.04.2018

Details WIRE ROD (WE-10 GRADE)

Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-S/Y, BAN Ex-S/Y, VIZAG Ex-Works


(GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%)

Basic Price 179200 179200 179200 179200
S/Y Charges 6950 7750 4000 0
Flat Discount 7000 7000 7000 7500
Additional Discount 0 0 0 0
Sub Total 179150 179950 176200 171700
Additional Discount 0 0 0 0
Cash Discount 500 500 500 0
PSU discount 0 0 0 0
Sub Total 178650 179450 175700 171700
Excise Duty @ 18% 32157 32301 31626 30906
Sub Total 210807 211751 207326 202606
Input Credit 32157 32301 31626 30906
Net landed cost 178650 179450 175700 171700

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4293 4293 4293 4293
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1300 1300 1300 1300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 173057 173857 170107 166107

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4464 4464 4464 4464
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1900 1900 1900 1900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172286 173086 169336 165336

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4464 4464 4464 4464
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171886 172686 168936 164936

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4636 4636 4636 4636
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171714 172514 168764 164764

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4808 4808 4808 4808
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171542 172342 168592 164592

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4808 4808 4808 4808
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2700 2700 2700 2700
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171142 171942 168192 164192

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4979 4979 4979 4979
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2900 2900 2900 3900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170771 171571 167821 162821

Landed Cost of Aluminium Wire Rod (WE10 grade)

W.e.f 12.04.2018


Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-Works
(GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%)
Basic Price 179200 179200
S/Y Charges 6950 0
Flat Discount 7000 7000
Additional Discount 0 0
Cash Discount 500 500
Sub Total 178650 171700
GST @ 18% 32157 30906
Sub Total 210807 202606
Input Credit 32157 30906
Net landed cost 178650 171700

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty = 7 to 15 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4293 4293
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1300 1300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 173057 166107

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 15 to 40 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4293 4293
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1900 1900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172457 165507

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 15 to 40 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4464 4464
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1900 1900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172286 165336

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 40 to 150 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4464 4464
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171886 164936

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 40 to 150 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4636 4636
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171714 164764

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 40 to 150 MT

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4808 4808

Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171542 164592

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 150 to 300 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4808 4808
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2700 2700
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171142 164192

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 300 to 500 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4979 4979
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2900 2900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170771 163821

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=334<500 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 300 to 500 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (3.02%) 5185 5185
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2900 2900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170565 163615

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=500<667 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 500 to 700 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (3.22%) 5529 5529
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 3100 3100
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170021 163071

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=667<1000 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 700 MT

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (3.42%) 5872 5872

Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 3300 3300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 169478 162528
Landed Cost of Aluminium Ingot grade IA-30 grade (10 Kg Ingots)
W.e.f 12.04.2018

Details INGOTS (IA-30 GRADE)

Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-Works
(GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%)
Basic Price 180300 180300
S/Y Charges 6850 0
Flat Discount 7000 7500
Cash Discount 500 0
Sub Total 179650 172800
GST @ 18% 32337 31104
Sub Total 211987 203904
Input Credit 32337 31104
Net landed cost 179650 172800

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty = 15 to 50 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4320 4320
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 173530 166680

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty = 15 to 50 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4493 4493
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 173357 166507

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 50 to 250 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4666 4666
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172784 165934

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 50 to 250 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4838 4838
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172612 165762

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 50 to 250 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 5011 5011
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2200 2200
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172439 165589

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT) Monthly Offtake Qty - > 250 to 500 MT
Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 5011 5011
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2400 2400
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172239 165389

W.e.f 12.04.2018

Details Billet (CH-10 Grade) 6 "

Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-S/Y, BAN Ex-S/Y, VIZAG Ex-Works

(GST @18%) (GST @18%) (GST @18%) (GST @18%)

Basic Price 177650 177650 177650 177650
S/Y Charges 6950 7750 60002000 0
Flat Discount 7000 7000 7000 7500
Cash Discount 500 500 500 0
Sub Total 177100 177900 60172150 170150
GST @ 18% 31878 32022 10830987 30627
Sub Total 208978 209922 71003137 200777
Input Credit 31878 32022 10830987 30627
Net landed cost 177100 177900 60172150 170150

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4254 4254 4254 4254
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171046 171846 60166096 164096

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4424 4424 4424 4424
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1900 1900 1900 1900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170776 171576 60165826 163826

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4424 4424 4424 4424
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170376 171176 60165426 163426

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4594 4594 4594 4594
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170206 171006 60165256 163256

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4764 4764 4764 4764
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170036 170836 60165086 163086

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4764 4764 4764 4764
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2700 2700 2700 2700
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 169636 170436 60164686 162686

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4934 4934 4934 4934
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2900 2900 2900 3900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 169266 170066 60164316 161316

W.e.f 12.04.2018

Details Billet (CH-10 Grade) 5"

Ex-S/Y, CHN Ex-S/Y, BAN Ex-S/Y, VIZAG Ex-Works

(GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%) (GST @ 18%)

Basic Price 179150 179150 179150 179150
S/Y Charges 6950 7750 4000 0
Flat Discount 7000 7000 7000 7500
Cash Discount 500 500 500 0
Sub Total 178600 179400 175650 171650
Excise Duty @ 18% 32148 32292 31617 30897
Sub Total 210748 211692 207267 202547
Input Credit 32148 32292 31617 30897
Net landed cost 178600 179400 175650 171650

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=8 < 30 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.5%) 4291 4291 4291 4291
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1800 1800 1800 1800
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172509 173309 169559 165559

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4463 4463 4463 4463
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 1900 1900 1900 1900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 172237 173037 169287 165287

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=30 < 50 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.6%) 4463 4463 4463 4463
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171837 172637 168887 164887

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=50 < 100 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.7%) 4635 4635 4635 4635
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171665 172465 168715 164715

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4806 4806 4806 4806
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2300 2300 2300 2300
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171494 172294 168544 164544

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=100 < 200 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.8%) 4806 4806 4806 4806
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2700 2700 2700 2700
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 171094 171894 168144 164144

Rewards for MoU Customers (For >=200 < 334 MT)

Annual MoU discount (Rs.) (2.9%) 4978 4944 4944 4944
Monthly qty. discount (Rs.) 2900 2900 2900 3900
Net Price after MoU rewards (Rs.) 170722 171556 167806 162806
RP Formula 15250 W.e.f 12.04.2018

Product Rolled Products

Product Code RC11/80/10 RC11/80/10 RC03 RC03 RQ80 RQ80 RQ03 RQ03 RS11/80/10 RS11/80/10
Thickness (in mm) 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0
Basic Price 184,450 183,950 185,400 184,900 191,950 191,450 192,900 192,400 185,450 184,950

Flat Discount 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 7,000 7,000
Booking Discount 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Net Discount 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 7,500 7,500
Total 176,950 176,450 177,900 177,400 182,450 181,950 183,400 182,900 177,950 177,450

GST @ 18% 31,851 31,761 32,022 31,932 32,841 32,751 33,012 32,922 32,031 31,941
Total 208,801 208,211 209,922 209,332 215,291 214,701 216,412 215,822 209,981 209,391
Invoice Price 208,801 208,211 209,922 209,332 215,291 214,701 216,412 215,822 209,981 209,391

Input Credit 31,851 31,761 32,022 31,932 32,841 32,751 33,012 32,922 32,031 31,941
Landed Cost Less CENVAT 176,950 176,450 177,900 177,400 182,450 181,950 183,400 182,900 177,950 177,450

Quantity Discount

Rolled Products RC Rolled Coil

Quantity Discount RS Rolled Sheet
(MT/month) (Rs./MT) RQ Chequered Sheet
8<=Q<15 1500
15<=Q<40 2000
40<=Q<100 2400 80 8011 Alloy
100<=Q<150 2700 11 1100 Alloy
150<=Q<200 2900 10 1050 Alloy
200<=Q<250 3100
250<Q 3300

For PSU Customers

PSU Freight Discount Rs.500 PMT

PSU Discount Rs.500 PMT
Without C Form CST (@5%)

Product Rolled Produc

Product Code RC11/80/10 RC11/80/10 RC03
Thickness (in mm) 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49
Basic Price 184,450 183,950 185,400
Special Discount 0 0 0
Flat Discount 7,000 7,000 7,000
Booking Discount 500 500 500
PSU Discount 1,000 1,000 1,000
Net Discount 8,500 8,500 8,500
Total 175,950 175,450 176,900
GST @ 18% 31,671 31,581 31,842
Invoice Price 207,621 207,031 208,742
Input Credit 31,671 31,581 31,842
Landed Price 175,950 175,450 176,900

Quantity Discount

Rolled Products
Quantity Discount
(MT/month) (Rs./MT)
8<=Q<15 1500
15<=Q<40 2000
40<=Q<100 2400
100<=Q<150 2700
150<=Q<200 2900
200<=Q<250 3100
250<Q 3300

Note: Prices, Discounts, taxes and duties ruling as on the date of despatch shall be applicab
invoice will be as per prices & discounts prevailing as on date of dispatch.
W.e.f 12.04.2018
Price in Rs. per MT
Rolled Products
RC03 RQ80 RQ80 RQ03 RQ03 RS11/80/10
1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49 1.5-3.0 0.30-1.49
184,900 191,950 191,450 192,900 192,400 185,450
0 0 0 0 0 0
7,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 7,000
500 500 500 500 500 500
1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
8,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 8,500
176,400 181,450 180,950 182,400 181,900 176,950
31,752 32,661 32,571 32,832 32,742 31,851
208,152 214,111 213,521 215,232 214,642 208,801
31,752 32,661 32,571 32,832 32,742 31,851
176,400 181,450 180,950 182,400 181,900 176,950

RC Rolled Coil
RS Rolled Sheet
RQ Chequered Sheet

80 8011 Alloy
11 1100 Alloy
10 1050 Alloy

f despatch shall be applicable. The above proforma invoice prices are meant for processing payment The actua

ing payment The actual

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