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Harshini Patel


Organizational Behaviour is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups,
and structure have on behaviour within organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge
toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

 Attitude
 Personality&
 Motivation

play a very vital role in organization and to maintain proper organizational behaviour.

We shall first understand these concepts before understanding the situations:-


Attitudes are positive or negative feelings about objects, people, or events. Attitude may be
favorable or unfavorable – concerning objects or events. Attitudes are not the same as values, but
the two are interrelated.

Attitude has three components and they are –

1) Cognitive Component

1. It is the opinion or belief segment of an attitude.

2) Affective Component

2. It is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.

3) Behavioral Component

3. An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.

There are many types of attitudes but the main types of attitudes pertaining to organizational
behaviour are:

1. Job satisfaction-The term job satisfaction refers to an individual’s

general attitude toward his or her job. An individual with high level of
job satisfaction holds positive attitudes about the job, while a dis-
satisfied individual may hold negative attitudes about the job.
2. Job involvement- Job involvement measures the degree to which a
person identifies psychologically with his or her job and considers his
or her perceived performance level important to self worth.
3. Organizational commitment- Organization commitment is defined as
degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization
and its objectives and wishes to maintain membership in the

‘Personality is the dynamic organization within an individual of those psychological systems that
determine his unique adjustments to his environment.’

- Gordon Allport


Following are the main determinants of a personality:-

 Heredity
 Environment
 Situation

Individual Personality is the result of heredity and environment and the third factor is
recognized to be situation.

There are two types of personality i.e Personality A and Personality B

Type A’s:-

1. Are always moving, walking, and eating rapidly

2. Feels impatient with the rate at which most event take place
3. Strive to think or to do two or more things at once
4. Cannot cope with leisure time
5. Are obsessed with numbers, measuring their success

Type B’s:-

1. Never suffer from a sense of time urgency with the accompanying impatience
2. Feel no need to display or discuss their achievements
3. Play for fun and relaxation and not exhibit superiority
4. Can relax without guilt

Motivation is the need or drive within an individual that drives him or her toward goal oriented

“Motivation is a predisposition to act in a specified goal directed manner”

-Hellriegel and Slocum



Motivation refers to the drive and efforts to satisfy a want or goal, whereas satisfaction refers to
the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied. In contrast, inspiration is bringing about a
change in the thinking pattern. On the other hand Manipulation is getting the things done from
others in a predetermined manner.

Hence, manipulation or external stimulus as well as inspiration or internal stimulus acts as

carriers of either demotivation or motivation which in turn either results into dissatisfaction or

Motivational factors

• Recognition
• Advancement
• Responsibility
• Possibility of growth
• Achievement
• Work itself
Motivational factors are directly related to the job itself. Present of such factor create a
highly motivating situation, but their absence does not cause job dis-satisfaction. These
factors are ‘content oriented’.

Many philosophers gave their thoughts about motivation. Their motivational theories are as

 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

 Herzberg’s 2-factor theory
 McClelland’s theory of needs
 E R G theory
 Equity theory

And many more philosophers have given different philosophies in the field of OB.

Where in attitude, personality and motivation are one of the most important components in the
field of organizational behaviour.


I was working in a ‘B.P.O” where in my project leader’s behaviour had a negative influence our
(team members) attitude. She use to increase our target if we could reach it in time, whenever
she finds us (employees) talking-she insulted on face, never considered medical problems of
others and she by herself use to do a very little work and throw the burden on us.


Many of us were unsatisfied with our job as we were hardly appreciated moreover when she
learnt that we regularly achieved our target, she increased our target with no increment in salary.
Hence there was no job satisfaction among us and ultimately the quality of our work was also
affected. We started working with no quality and hastily in order to achieve target and also
utilize our break time. As if we didn’t achieve our target they use to cut our salary too. We all
were very dissatisfied with this behaviour and we also thought of leaving the job but as we
signed the ‘Bond’ we could not leave before 1 year. Hence, the organizational commitment
factor also started diminishing within us. After increasing agitation due to many other reasons, as
the attitude of our HR manager was even worse. If we used to take a holiday before a day or after
a day of weekend they use to cut our salary for all three days, there were no holidays even on
voting days. If we came 5 minutes late for more than two days a month we use to get half day
salary for those particular days. Our salaries were delayed for 5 to 7 days. These all practices in
the company had created a very negative perception about the company within all the employees,
Being a B.P.O it could not stop its work for a day hence out of frustration, we, in a team of 5
from the same project left the job suddenly without any notice and they could do nothing and
few months later I learnt that out project leader also left the job the same way.

I can say that there was no job involvement, no job satisfaction and no organizational
commitment left within us. This was because we were not treated as employees rather we felt
like laborers and we were never appreciated and old employees (working since 5 years) also
never got any rise in salary or any kind of non monetary perks as well. Seeing all this we already
perceived the company as a cheat and immoral and people started refraining from doing quality
work and whole work atmosphere was polluted. It was all filled with negative attitude of all the
employees towards the organization as even after complaining no actions were taken moreover
we were suppressed.

The company needs to check employee’s emotional needs also. A well appreciated employee
will give more productive efforts towards work; the company shall wisely train or change the
project leader and HR after receiving so many complaints and also consider employee’s
suggestions. The company shall make efforts to make the environment positive, like appreciation
e-mail form management, greetings for birthdays etc. Bonus on better work and promotion to the


This situation is about a person who attained his MBA degree from a very mediocre university in
Gujarat. He started with a job of selling SIMCARDS after his degree but later on due to his hard
work he was gradually promoted year by year and now has become Head of marketing for a
whole state. This shows how forth sight and hardworking personality can lead a person towards
his goal in an organization.


A person who believes he can control his own fate and is determined is always open to growth. It
is proved in this case. Mr.Z was not able to grab a great job, but whatever job he got he accepted
it positively and started working hard on it. Initially it was quiet demotivating as the salary was
not up to the mark and not even the job profile was satisfactory. He belonged to type ‘A’
personality, i.e he was always engaged in work, trying hard to achieve targets and gain incentives
as well. If he would have given up his job at very first instance he would have missed out
opportunities of growth. His work was appreciated by the sales manager and was promoted the
very next year. Showing his commitment and good interpersonal skill he could succeed there as
well. It’s the ability to respond to a prevailing situation or environment in a tactful way. His
positive behaviour helped him to grow year by year and hence grabbing every opportunity
provided he has become the head of marketing department for a tele communication company in
a particular state. This shows importance of personality in an organization in context to
individual as well as organization.

As we know, personality is also influenced by heredity this case is its classic example, coming
from a self dependent family i.e his parents worked hard as well to earn better position in
corporate and hence he was influenced too.

Thus an outgoing, apprehensive, self sufficient and intelligent personality influences other
members in organization as well as self.

Here I would like to give an example considering same situation at two different places and how
they affect motivation. I started off with playing basket ball in my school time and was very
appreciated by the coach but was not given enough motivation and scope from the school. I
didn’t get any further opportunity in school. When I entered college, my game was appreciated a
lot and they gave me a lot of appreciation and motivation which helped me become a national


I was quiet demotivated in my school due to lack of support and appreciation from the school.
My eligibilities were not made on time; I missed a lot of tournaments and I didn’t see myself
having a scope for future improvement. I hated the principle as well as sports faculty for their
laid back attitude and could not concentrate in school due to agitation. But when I stepped in to
my graduation college I was very appreciated for my achievements, at that time I was a state
level player, their interest in me motivated me a lot and I started working harder. On my very
first tournament I was selected for all India inter university, my sports faculty of college
regularly enquired about my practice and performance that kept me motivated to work harder
and harder. I was given recognition in front of whole college and my name was given in various
newspapers, these all boosted my morale and hence I was satisfied with myself as well as
college. There was no agitation or grudges; moreover, there was always a feeling of doing more
and more working harder for more achievement. College offered me scholarship and my faculty
members, director everyone knew me personally by name this was quiet a motivating factor too.
I had the ability and the college provided me the opportunity. As everyone had expectations from
it gave me a sense of responsibility which ultimately made me work hard and gave helped me
fulfill my achievement. Hence motivation helped me as well as the college as it gained
reorganization too and other sports person were also influenced gain admission in same college
as there was a scope of development moreover the academics were supportive.

This proves motivations play an important role in any organization, institution or a life for
mutual growth and development.

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