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Teacher-led Innovation Fund: Writing an Action Plan

Part of your application for the TLIF fund requires an action plan. The following material may help you with this process.

 What is an action plan?

 Why you need an action plan
 Examples of action plans

What is an Action Plan?

An Action Plan summarises the steps you will follow to answer the inquiry question/s as outlined in your proposal. It
makes it clear what needs to be done, who is doing what, and when these things will be done, as well as the costs.
While it takes time to create, it ultimately saves time and guides you to achieve the goals you intended.

There is no ‘right’ way to present an Action Plan, but the 2017 Proposal template suggests that you include headings
such as:

 Inquiry question/s (this may be the Table Heading)

 What you will do (Actions)
 Desired outcomes (what you would like to happen as a result of your actions)
 How you plan to answer your question/s (Data collection)
 Who will collect the data
 When the data will be collected
 How you will interpret what the data means
 Costs (e.g. support from inquiry expert, teacher release time, assessment/analysis …). It is important to work out
the costs in detail to ensure that you have sufficient funding to provide time for the team to get together to do the
work, talk about the work, and plan future steps. Do not guess. Ask your expert/s what their costs will be. Think
about how you can use funding efficiently. For example, a reliever may be employed for several days to release
teachers sequentially to undertake their inquiry responsibilities. You will be required to track and report on the
budget throughout the project.

Why you need an action plan

An Action Plan allows everyone involved (team members, others in your school community such as the leadership team
and Board of Trustees, and those funding and monitoring the project) to understand what you are intending to do on a
term- by- term basis. It also helps you to develop a plan that fits in with other Community of Learning ǀ Kāhui
Ako/school/kura priorities, so you don’t schedule important team meetings at a time when teachers will not be able to
attend due to other commitments. It enables you to keep track of what you are doing, to inform your checkpoint
reporting and to respond to what you are learning; an Action Plan is a working document, and can be modified if you
find that a different course of action is likely to be more effective.

Examples of Action Plans

We provide three examples of Action Plans, which illustrate the sorts of thinking and planning that underpin convincing
plans. The first example is set in a hypothetical primary school that is part of a Community of Learning ǀ Kāhui Ako; the
second is based on an actual teacher-led inquiry led by a teacher in a secondary school. The third example has been
adapted from a project plan including teams across 8 Māori medium contexts.

Example One
Hillview Primary School, a Y1-8 school, is part of a Community of Learning ǀ Kāhui Ako of five schools. The agreed
focus for the Community of Learning ǀ Kāhui Ako is improving declining student engagement from Y6. Teachers across
the Community of Learning ǀ Kāhui Ako reported that students were showing less interest in their work, and they were
not making the same progress as earlier in their schooling. The teachers wanted to change this situation. Three of the
schools within the Community of Learning ǀ Kāhui Ako decided to apply for Teacher-led Innovation Fund (TLIF)
grants to investigate different approaches to strengthening student engagement. The three schools engaged an external
partner with experience in teacher-led inquiry to help them prepare their applications. Her role in each school was to

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

assist teachers to refine their research questions, develop an Action Plan, and gather and interpret data on the impact
of their changed actions. She also provided readings relevant to the focus that each school had chosen to support their

In her work with Hillview School, the inquiry expert suggested that the school use the NZCER “Me and my School”
survey for all classes from Year 5-Year 8 to check teachers’ perceptions that as students moved further up the school
they became less engaged, and to provide “before”(baseline) data. This is an online tool that NZCER administers and
analyses. The results showed that the teachers’ perceptions were correct. Before the proposal was prepared the
external expert and the teachers looked closely at what the results from the “Me and My School” survey were telling
them. They discussed the findings that increasing percentages of students reported that they were bored in class, while
decreasing numbers agreed that they usually did their best work. The teachers decided that their inquiry would help
them to understand why this was happening and then do things differently so that students became more engaged.
They hypothesised that by offering students more choice about what and how they learnt they could raise their
engagement. Their inquiry expert provided readings on engagement and student choice, and links to relevant websites
to build teachers’ understandings. They decided that the project would run for 6 terms, beginning with gathering
additional information on the opportunities that students had to make choices about their work, followed by a sequence
of changes in teacher practice based on what the data were telling them.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Inquiry question: In what ways can teachers implement student-led learning in their classrooms to raise engagement and
achievement in Years 6-8?

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? interpret what inquiry expert, teacher
(short, medium, the data means? release time,
long term) assessment/analysis …)
Term Two Preparation A bank of student Student survey No 1 Teachers will Teachers. Three hour release time
2017 Gather data on inquiry topics. (student interests ) analyse their each teacher (x5) for
students’ interests. completed : own class’s data. reading, analysis and
Week 3. reporting to rest of team.
Relieving costs for 3.0 days
= $900
Discuss with An overview of Teachers review own Prepare table Teachers
colleagues the current teacher- teaching plans. identifying
opportunities that directed and proportion of
students currently student- directed lessons that
have to exercise teaching practices provide for
choice in their within the inquiry student choice.
learning. team.

Readings (supplied Greater Expert to provide key

by expert) read by understanding of readings.
teachers. student choice and
implications for
their own practice.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? interpret what inquiry expert, teacher
(short, medium, the data means? release time,
long term) assessment/analysis …)
Identify priority Priority learners Teachers
learners (Those who identified and
are the least included in future
engaged) planning

Term 3 2017 Innovation Meeting 1-3 pm on Teacher

Teachers continue only day.
to investigate Expert’s costs costs=$1000
student led ( for work with teachers
inquiry/learning. and for the meeting)

Teachers each Greater teacher Teachers keep brief notes Group discussion Each teacher. Teacher release costs , 1.5
observe in a awareness of ways on the choices they gave and sharing of days= $500
colleague’s to provide more students and anecdotal ideas on Teacher
classroom, to student choice in a evidence on student only day.
identify chosen curriculum responses to these
opportunities for area. changes.
student choice to
share with others.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? interpret what inquiry expert, teacher
(short, medium, the data means? release time,
long term) assessment/analysis …)
Teachers will plan Teacher; student-led Collected by Teachers; lead teacher;
T4 intervention: learning plans. lead teacher; external expert.
how it will be ideas shared by
taught; resources team, assisted
required; how by expert in
students will have student- led
input into decisions. learning and
shared practice.

Term 4 2017 Implementing All students will Revisit student survey No Expert and lead Expert and lead teachers. Two hours release time for
Teachers will engage in student- 1. teachers: analysis and report each
implement student led learning. analyse survey 1 teacher (x5). Teacher
led lesson plans. Interview priority and 2 data; release costs for 2.5 days =
learners about their reviewed by $700
engagement. team.
reflection data
collated by lead
teacher and
discussed by

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? interpret what inquiry expert, teacher
(short, medium, the data means? release time,
long term) assessment/analysis …)
Terms One Revising practice Planning time for teachers
and Two 2018 1 day per teacher per
Revise practice term=
Note: this based on the Teachers will New student inquiry for T Changes in plans Teachers. $1500
plan will be evidence collected. revise innovation 1 and 2. and teacher
developed for T 1 and 2. feedback and Teacher release for
further based reflection. Teacher observations =
on the Teachers plan and $500
learnings teach term 1 & 2 Teaching Lead teachers
from 2017. student inquiry approaches Student interests and and teachers
based on feedback. demonstrate choice in planning. analyse Teachers.
student-led together.
Teachers analyse
Students will Teacher observations. own data.
choose inquiry and
plan process. Priority student
data collected T1
Lift achievement Student survey. and end of T2. Teachers.
of priority
students. Student inquiries will be

Whānau hui –
present last inquiry
and interests;
gather feedback.
Term 3 2018 Evaluate Teachers are using Teacher reflections, Teachers analyse Teachers and expert. 3 days teacher release =
Teachers will student-led observations. together; lead $900
evaluate student practices. teacher collates
inquiry in T1 and 2.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? interpret what inquiry expert, teacher
(short, medium, the data means? release time,
long term) assessment/analysis …)
NZCER Analysis of Me and
Analyse priority Priority students’ Priority student data; Teachers analyse my School survey $350
student data and outcomes interviews with students with expert.
overall student improved. and whānau. Expert = $1000
engagement data. Students overall
report higher

Me and My
school, NZCER

Prepare final Lead teacher All team members

report. writes draft review final report.
report using a
range of Expert peer reviews final
evidence report.
collected during
the project.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? interpret what inquiry expert, teacher
(short, medium, the data means? release time,
long term) assessment/analysis …)
Share the learning Funded by the CoL

Within the CoL Teachers, project leader.

Contribute to CoL
hui on the
approaches to
Outside the CoL engagement.
Respond to
requests from
other schools for

Expert and project Up to two days for expert

Publish summary leader write summary. and project leader.
of key learnings $2,600.
and implications

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Example Two
The teachers at Westwood Boys High school were concerned that their Māori boys were not progressing at the rate of
the other boys at the high school. The English teacher in particular had noticed that her data indicated that the boys’
achievement in English had dropped by Year 13, with many not meeting the requirements for entry into tertiary study.
She explained her concerns at a meeting with the other year 13 teachers and presented the data from the previous
term. The teachers analysed the achievement data across the subjects and a group of target students was identified
that was considered to be ‘at risk’ of not achieving NCEA Level 3 English or gaining sufficient credits to enter tertiary

The English teacher looked closely at the data and realised that the target group of boys had a history of taking
Whakairo (Carving) and were also enrolled in visual art, and graphics. She decided to invite the Graphics, Whakairo,
and Arts teachers to develop an inquiry with the focus on raising Māori student achievement. The teachers
hypothesised that if they could immerse school learning experiences in the boys’ cultural knowledge, and use student
strengths in Whakairo and Arts as authentic contexts for teaching English this would raise achievement in Graphics and
English. Their aim was to enable the boys to attain level 3 and gain entrance into tertiary education.

The teacher team called the intervention, Te Toi; a collaboration between English and the Arts. The aim was to draw
on NCEA standards and design an integrated curriculum and learning activities for English, Graphics, Whakairo, Visual
Art and Practical Art. This allowed integrated learning and achievement of NCEA credits across the 5 subjects.

The Action Plan is shown below.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Inquiry question: Can an integrated approach across the Arts and English raise achievement for Year 13 Māori male

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from inquiry
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? what the data means? expert, teacher release time,
(short, medium, long assessment/analysis …)
Term Preparation One day release time each
One teacher (x5). Relieving costs for
2017 Teachers will set A planned integrated Teacher meetings notes Teachers’ reflection Teachers 5.0 days = $1500
achievement tasks teaching approach
across the subjects. across Arts and Standards and activities
Students included English. produced.
in planning. Baseline data collected Students’ credits Inquiry expertise 4 days over
within first month of tracked, submission of Lead Teacher the term =$4000
Inquiry will be term. work. Subject teachers track
framed with Māori Student voice collected submission of work
arts expert. within first two weeks of
Term 2 Innovation Fortnightly 1-hour meeting
2017 Teachers Students have Focus of students’ Lead teacher will track Teachers
implement selected a person immersed learning Student learning plans. Expert’s costs $1000 (for work
collaborative units. from their whānau, context collected and Lead teacher with teachers and for the PD
Students to select hapū, Iwi who will be shared by English Arts expertise will be afternoon x2)
focus of an inspiration/focus teacher. used in planning.
arts/graphic and for their work. External arts expert
context for English Teacher release 2 afternoons
with teachers. +$1500

1-day lead teacher release for

data $300

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from inquiry
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? what the data means? expert, teacher release time,
(short, medium, long assessment/analysis …)
Team teachers Student will achieve Student achievement Teachers track student Teacher reflections Checkpoint and project
meet fortnightly standards. data and attendance, data. gathered by inquiry management lead teacher 1
focus on target submission of work. Graphics teacher keeps expert day= $350
students. meeting notes

Teachers will track Fortnightly meeting notes

target students. – tracking data and

Term 3 Implementing Teacher reflection Lead

2017 Teachers will Students will work Teacher observations and teacher classroom Expert and lead teachers Lead teacher and inquiry expert
implement over through integrated reflections (monitor shifts observations. Co- analysis day=
term three. learning. in practice). analysis with teachers. $1300

Target students A complete set of Student achievement Data collated, and Lead Teacher and Lead teacher 1 day per
continued to be student achievement data. achievement data by teachers observation, analysis, feedback
tracked. data from tracking. lead teacher and =$1500
discussed by team.

Whānau hui with Whānau hui held to Whānau hui notes. Lead teacher whānau Students, whānau and Whānau hui costs= $250 for
students. present student work hui teachers food
to whanau Cost of cultural/arts expert to

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from inquiry
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? what the data means? expert, teacher release time,
(short, medium, long assessment/analysis …)
Term 4 Monitoring and attend hui =$450
2017 revising practice Teachers’ reflections and Teachers will gather Teachers
Shifts in teacher 2018 planning reflections over period Planning time for teachers 1 day
Adapt practice practice will be documents. of implementation and per teacher per term= $1500
based on the discussed by bring to planning Expertise for reflection $1500
evidence collected. teachers. Teacher discussion meeting. and forward planning
recorded and used to Recording planning Teachers Expertise 2 days (1 analysis with
Teachers will revise inform 2018 planning meeting with expert. lead teacher – 1 with staff
practice. planning forward)= $2000

Milestone reporting lead

teacher and project
management one day =$350

Teachers will plan Students and whānau Student and whānau Voice used to inform Lead teachers and
2018 integrated voice from previous voice to be used from last planning – will be expertise
programme based term will be used to term hui. analysed by teachers.
on feedback from inform 2018 action
data. plan. Expert support with data
analysis and milestone reporting
2 days= $2000

Analysis end of year Students will achieve End of year data Teachers analyse own Leader teacher to track
data to look for set standards. collected. data. Priority students’ priority student success
impact on student analysis by lead
outcomes. teacher.

Final report writing. All of project data. Lead teacher and expert
Lead teacher and expert Data for end of year
to collate. report – teacher

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions: what will Desired What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Costs (e.g. support from inquiry
we do? outputs/outcomes and when? what the data means? expert, teacher release time,
(short, medium, long assessment/analysis …)
observations, meeting
notes, whānau and
student voice

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Example Three
A group of eight Māori medium classrooms within mainstream schools had identified a shared challenge resulting from
their work in their Māori medium cluster. Teachers were all from multilevel classrooms with Māori values underpinning
their practice. The teachers wanted to learn more about managing and supporting positive strengths-based
relationships to improve the quality of learning relationships in the classroom, particularly across the different levels.
The teachers were aware of a variety of methods, including restorative practices and Māori relational based
approaches, that they were interested in implementing as part of their inquiry. The cluster contacted an inquiry expert
to help them construct an application to the Teacher Led Innovation Fund. The eight schools wanted to conduct their
own school-based inquiries specific to their unique needs and data, but saw the benefits of collaborating, sharing
resources and practices.

The action plan was designed to run two cycles of inquiry over one year across eight schools. The teachers all agreed
that they needed to start with a whānau hui to fully understand the needs of whānau and how they interpreted the key
values that underpinned the relationships across the cluster. It was not possible to come up with an action plan that fully
identified the approaches that each team member would explore, as the initial scoping would identify different
approaches for each setting. What follows is the general process that the team scoped for their two stages inquiry.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Inquiry Question: what approaches can a group of teachers use to foster a greater sense of belonging, connectedness
and wellbeing in students with challenging behaviours?
Timeline Actions what will we do Desired outcomes/outputs What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Cost
(short, medium, long term) the data
July 2017 Preparation Planning across 8 schools Collect e-tap and reflection Google doc - Lead will Kaiako release (1 kaiako per $2800
Wānanga kaiako from data put into one doc kura – x 1 day per term @
each school 350.00 per day)
Whole of project planning
– dates set. Expertise 1200

1 kaiako day release for $350

data collection and analysis

Reimbursement for travel $350

and koha across all of
project to ensure our
kaumatua can attend hui
and noho.
Aug – Oct Hold Whānau hui Kaiako in each school will hold Whānau response to values Lead teachers will 8 Whānau hui Catering for
2017 whānau hui collate hui $150
Data Analysis Analysis of cluster data, by school Baseline for each school and Data will be used to Expertise and lead teacher per school
and across cluster across cluster inform planning
October – Cycle 1 starts - Inquiry Set Inquiry Questions for each Expertise $1200
December Questions identified from school, map cluster inquiry. Kaiako release $2800
2017 preparation phase. Set Cycle 1 Inquiry Plan
(short cycle T4)
Kai for meeting x 2 $200

Cycle 1 Inquiry Professional Learning across schools Lead Kaiako Reports form PLD Lead Kaiako time 4 1/2 days $5600
Implementing inquiry – – identified in Inquiry Cycle 1 pan Expertise as identified from session over period of inquiry (data,
professional expertise inquiry question – where maintenance, admin)
where identified in inquiry possible join schools together Google docs
plan Kaiako school release time $8400
across 8 schools to work
with experts to implement

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions what will we do Desired outcomes/outputs What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Cost
(short, medium, long term) the data
inquiry (3 kaiako per school)

Expertise (as indicated in $16000

2 days for each school @
$1000 per day

December Cycle 1 end - Data Monitor shifts in teacher practice Reponses to PLD Analysed into 8 school Kaiako checkpoint, review,
2017 Checkpoint December Monitor outcomes for students Teacher Inquiry results case inquiry stories report writing and
2016 Results from target students preparation for Cycle 2 $2800
Evaluate Cycle 1 inquiry
1 day kaiako release $1200

Term1 Begin inquiry Cycle 2 Plan cycle two inquiry based on School baseline data (etap) Baseline for Cycle 2 Hui - review and set cycle $2800
2018 Wānanga kaiako from outcome of cycle one. Teacher feedback from school Inquiry Expertise $1200
each school School case inquiry story Results will be
Set Cycle 2 Inquiry Plan analysed by school in
school cycle 2 inquiry

Term 2 Interventions in place All schools will have professional Feedback from PL School PL feedback Lead Kaiako admin/mentor $2800
2018 Professional learning by learning and expertise as identified Teacher feedback and form to be submitted release day
identified expertise (staff in their cycle 2 plan commentary on how applied in to lead team
meeting, coaching, practice Kaiako release days for $8400
mentoring, visit to other Across school PLD - inquiry to work with
schools) shared where expertise across schools
possible. $24000
Expertise as identified in
cycle 2 plan (To each
school) budgeted at $1000 $4000
per day 3 days each school
+ travel provision $4000 $1000
(north island expertise)
$200 per night 5 nights
Data Collection and To understand impact of cycle 2 Lead Kaiako Data Collection June - July 2017 Data collection across $2800

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

Timeline Actions what will we do Desired outcomes/outputs What data will we collect How we will interpret Who is responsible? Cost
(short, medium, long term) the data
Analysis Across Schools inquiry and professional learning Student outcome Expertise Analysis cluster 1 day – data tools
Teacher inquiry and reflection Whānau/student interviews $2800
Teacher observations with lead (kaiako time)
teachers Expertise across cluster $3600
Policy changes data analysis, assistance for
Student feedback lead kaiako
Managing data & data $750
Whānau hui – held at To share results of two cycles of 8 Whānau hui $1200
each school inquiry and collect feedback from Catering for hui $150 per
whānau for next step school
Expert attendance 8 $2400
whānau hui 2 days (2 hrs
per hui)
July 2018 Final Report Writing and To complete the final report Collating data across the Analysis will be school Expertise to support cross $2800
analysis schools and inquiry – inquiry story – and a cluster analysis
incorporating student, whānau cluster impact Lead teachers release for $1200
feedback (analysis of data report writing
across the cluster)

Video diaries and digital Record a digital story to capture the Capturing and editing video $1000
storying of whole of inquiry across the 8 schools content into digital story
project across the cycles

Teacher-led Innovation Fund Writing an Action Plan November 2016

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