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NWorld Distributor’s Orientation


Networking Master’s Blueprint

Lloyd Labso, MD
2016 Edition
Networking Master’s Blueprint

Hi! I am Lloyd Labso, MD, a licensed physician, a
professional internet and network marketer. I have
been in the network marketing industry for more than 4
years. Today, I want to share with you the blueprint on
how profesional networkers create a 6 to 7 Figure
Income in Network Marketing!

Welcome to NWorld my friend!

I am Lloyd Labso or “Doc Lloyd” as my downlines call me. I will be your

Network Marketing Coach.

First of all, I would like YOU to take the time to thank YOUR Sponsor
because you have just joined one of the best MLM companies in Asia. Your
sponsor has just given you the opportunity to improve your life.

Network Marketing is the best industry to gain complete financial and time
freedom. It gives everyone an equal chance to reach their hopes and
dreams regardless of educational, financial and social background. In other
words, “kahit mahirap at hindi nakapagtapos ng pag-aaral ay pwedeng
yumaman sa network marketing.”

I urge you to finish this whole training manual and learn from it as much as
you can. This will serve as your guide in this industry. You will gain at least
1 to 2 years worth of experience simply by reading this ebook.

Everything that you need to learn offline and online marketing as well as
proper structuring and achieving the highest income potential will be
provided for you in this training manual.

If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask me or your sponsor. We are
happy to help you the best way we can. Happy learning and enjoy earning!

To Your Success,

Lloyd Labso, MD
Husband & Father, Mentor & Entrepreneur

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Your First Step
Chapter 2: Structuring Basics
Chapter 3: How to Sell Your First Package
Chapter 4: Yayaman Ba Talaga Ako Dito?
Chapter 5: What I Discovered…
Chapter 6: Stop Chasing Prospects
Chapter 7: How Do I Become a Person-of-Value?
Chapter 8: How Do I Increase my Personal-Value-Level?
Chapter 9: Mind Your Own Business
Chapter 10: The Most Important Skill You Need To Learn
Chapter 11: Networking Master’s Blueprint
Chapter 12: Exhibit Professionalism
About the Author
Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement
Copyright and Legal Notice

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 1: Your First Step

The first step in your journey in NWorld is to ask yourself this question:
“What do I want to achieve when I joined?” You have to think about this for
a few minutes. Remember that a ship with no direction will get lost or will not
reach its destination. The same goes in this business. You have to know for
yourself what you want to reach or else how would you know you’ve
reached your goal?

There are several ways for you to answer that question. You can divide your
goals into Monetary and Non-Monetary. I think it’s very obvious what these
two mean. Just follow the example below.

What do you want to achieve when you joined?

Monetary Non-Monetary

Buy a house? Spend more time with your

What kind of house? How many
floors, rooms, and bathrooms? Go on a vacation with your
What color is the inside? What family
furnitures are you going to get?
Give your parents a
Buy a car? wonderful gift

What model? What color? Is it a Have a sense of security (no

four-wheel drive or a compact fear of losing your job)
car? Where would you go when
you first get your car? Focus on your health
instead of your work
Buy clothes, pay your bills, etc.
If you are an OFW, you can
Pay off your hospital bills finally come home and be
with your family

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

After listing down your monetary and non-monetary goals. The next
question you need to ask yourself is this:
How much do you want to earn per month to reach your goal?
(₱10,000, ₱50,000, ₱100,000, or more?)

Goal: ₱8,000 / month

Team A YOU Team B

NWorld NWorld NWorld NWorld

4 x ₱2,100

NWorld NWorld
NWorld NWorld

Match Sales Bonuses:

4 x P2,100 = P8,400 per month
Did you reach your income goal? YES!
How many packages do you need to sell per month?
4 + 4 packages = 8 packages per month

Now that seems to be easier said than done. If you think about it, you just
need to sell 8 packages per month. The question is, can you sell 8
packages per month? Can you sponsor 8 people every month?

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

After listing down your monetary and non-monetary goals. You need to
accept this one fact, not everyone you will invite or sell a package to will join
or buy a package from you. For every 10 persons that you will invite,
statistically speaking, you will get 1 person to join or buy a package.

So this leads me to the next question you need to ask yourself:

How many people should you invite to sell 8 packages per month?
An average person’s cellphone has about 600 contacts.

If you invite 20 persons per month, how many of

those persons will attend a business orientation? Average of 10 persons

Out of the 10 persons who attended, how many

of those persons will buy a package and join Average of 1 person
your business?

What is your conversion rate (# of people who

buy divided by the # of people you invited)? Conversion Rate: 1 / 20 = 5%

You would have sold 1 package per month. But remember what
your income goal is: ₱8,000 per month.

You are far from reaching your income goal. So, what do you do? You
increase the number of person you invite in order to sell more packages.

Let’s compute how many people you need to invite in order to sell 8
packages per month.

8 packages
= 160 persons per month
Conversion rate (5%)

This means you need to invite at least 160 persons per month in order to
sell 8 packages per month. But remember, the contacts in your cellphone
only has around 600 people on average. How long before you run out of
people to invite and sell your package to?

600 contacts / 160 persons per month = 3-4 months

After around 3 to 4 months, you would have no other persons to invite and
sell your packages to. When most networkers run out of people to invite or
sell packages to, what do they do? They QUIT!

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

BUT, since you are now on your road to becoming a Networking Master,
you WON’T QUIT! By the end of this Blueprint, you will have all the
knowledge you need to become successful and professional networker.

What can you do to earn ₱8,000 per month without inviting that many
people per month?

The answer is your network marketing structure.

This leads me to the next chapter, structuring basics. In that chapter, you
will learn how to get the most amount of income even if you don’t sell a lot
of packages every month.

Let’s summarize what we have learned so far.

• Your first step in NWorld is to know your goals and create an action plan.

• Know how much you need to earn to reach your goals.

• Determine how many packages you need to sell in order to reach your
income goal.

• Compute how many people you need to invite to reach the number of
packages you need to sell.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 2: Structuring Basics

One of the greatest advantages of Network Marketing is being able to
create or build your own network of downlines. It is one of the best ways to
earn passive income. However, having a huge network of downlines is only
half the story. You will need to have the proper structure before you start
building your downlines. Having the correct structure can mean the
difference between earning Php 10,000 per month and earning Php 200,000
per month.

Single Account vs Multiple Accounts

Accounts in Network Marketing can be compared to a restaurant’s number
of branches. The more branches you have, the faster you will earn. The
more accounts you have, the faster you will earn.

The best way to explain the difference between having a single account and
multiple accounts is to provide pictures and illustrations. Take note of the
Match Sales Bonus (₱2,100). I have not included the Direct Referral
Bonuses here yet.

Below is a representation of a Single Account. This means you just bought 1

package from NWorld.

Team A Team B

NWorld NWorld NWorld NWorld

4 x ₱2,100

NWorld NWorld
NWorld NWorld

Total Earned: ₱8,400

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Multiple Accounts (3 Account Structure)

Team A Team B

2nd 3rd
Team A Team B Team A Team B

₱2,100 ₱2,100
NWorld ₱2,100 NWorld NWorld

₱2,100 NWorld
₱2,100 NWorld


1st Account: ₱2,100 x 4 = ₱8,400

2nd Account: ₱2,100 x 2 = ₱4,200
3rd Account: ₱2,100 x 2 = ₱4,200

Total Earned: ₱16,800

As you can see from the picture above, a Three-Account Structure

(₱16,800) earns twice as much as a Single-Account Structure (₱8,400).

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Let us compute how much more many we will make if we have more than
Three (3) Accounts in NWorld or if we sold more than 8 packages (See
Table Below). Take note, we are only computing for the Match Sales
Bonuses in this example. We are NOT yet computing for the Direct
Referral Bonuses and Multilevel Points.

As you may have noticed, when you have just 1 account and you sell 8
packages per month, you will earn ₱8,400 per month. If you have 3
accounts and you sell the same amount of packages per month (8
packages), you will earn twice as much, (₱16,800). Now, if you have 7
accounts and you still sell the same number of packages (8 packages per
month), you will earn (₱25,200)

The more accounts we have in NWorld, the faster we can earn. This
means, our income goal of ₱8,000 per month can be reached easily if we
have more accounts. This also means we can earn more than ₱8,000 per

There’s really no limit to the amount of money you can make in this system!

Now that you know the importance of having multiple accounts in NWorld,
you are probably asking, “That’s great Doc Lloyd, now how do I start
selling products and packages?”

This brings us to the next chapter, How to Sell Your First Package.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 3: Sell Your First Package

Now that you know the importance of having multiple accounts in NWorld and
having the proper structure, we can now move to the part that’s most important,
Selling Packages. It won’t matter if you have a lot of accounts in NWorld if you
can’t sell products or packages to other people. Selling packages means you
are creating a network of downlines who will help you sell the products. You are
basically leveraging other people’s time and effort in order to create passive

The most crucial part of Networking is to be able to sell packages, not just
individual products. Let’s recall: For every package you sell to a new member or
distributor, you will receive a Direct Referral Bonus of ₱1,600. If you manage to
sell two packages and place one on your Team A and one on your Team B, then
you will earn a Match Sales Bonus of ₱2,100.

Team A Team B
₱1,600 ₱1,600

NWorld NWorld

Traditional Method
Selling packages in NWorld involves these five simple steps:
1. Prospecting and Inviting
2. Business Orientation
3. Closing
4. Follow-Up
Don’t get too overwhelmed yet. These steps are not as hard as they look. I
will go through each step for you.

In the end of this Network Master’s Blueprint, you will learn how to sell
sponsor and sell packages with using an automated system that will do
the prospecting, inviting, orientation, closing and follow-up for you.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Prospecting and Inviting

Prospecting is the process of sorting people to check whether they are qualified
to become an NWorld distributor. There are certain qualities to look for in a
prospect that you need to know before you invite them for a business orientation.

A prospect must have the following qualities:

1. Open-Minded to network marketing
2. Financial capacity to purchase a package
3. Willing to learn
4. Positive attitude

If these qualities are missing from persons that you want to invite, chances are
you won’t get them to attend a business orientation. They will immediately reject
whatever it is you have to offer. You don’t want to waste your time on these
people while you are still starting out. You will go back to them later once you
start earning.

What are ways to determine if a person you know has these qualities?

If you know this person very well, you may already have an idea if they will be
able to attend a business orientation. If you don’t know them yet, you must first
create what I call the “KLT Principle.”

Now, before I tell you what the KLT Principle is about, let me tell you what other
average network marketers are doing and why you SHOULD NOT copy what
they are doing.

“Kape Tayo”

You have probably heard of this phrase so many times. When a friend you
haven’t talked to for a long time asks you to go out for coffee without even asking
how you are or what you are doing now, you may have an idea that they probably
joined a Networking Business and they contacted you for coffee for the purpose
of inviting you to attend a business orientation.

This method is so out-dated and overly used that it creates a negative perception
in Network Marketing. This is one of the unethical tactics used by many average
marketers. And you already know that the reason they are inviting you to join
them is because they have no other people to invite and they are running out of
people in their prospect list.

“Kidnapping Tactics”

This is another method many unethical markers are using and it also creates a
very bad image for us professional and ethical networkers. Many of them will
invite you to attend a birthday celebration. You join the celebration, but you
ended up in a business orientation filled with other people just like.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

You were mislead into believing you are really going to a birthday celebration.
Out of frustration and just to get your friend out of your way, you purchase a
package. Then you come home and you are pissed!

This is not yet the worst part of this scenario. You are actually being taught by
your so-called “friend” into doing the same thing to other people. Your “friend”
wants you to “kidnap” your other friends as well.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve experienced the “Kape Tayo” or “Kidnapping” method,
but surely you will probably block your so-called “friend” on Facebook and delete
his number on your phone.

So, how does a Networking Master, professionally and ethically, invite

people to attend a business orientation?

I mentioned earlier the “KLT Principle.”

KLT stands for Know, Like and Trust. The person must know you, like you, and
trust you. In other words, before you invite a person to attend a business
orientation, make sure you have developed a good relationship with him.

How do you use the KLT Principle?

I usually compare the KLT Principle to courtship and marriage. Before you marry
someone, you want to get to know them first. You don’t walk up to a person and
ask them to marry you right away. No one would marry a person on their first

First, you need to get to KNOW the person first. You need to find out their name,
what they do for a living, where they live, what they like to do, etc.

Next, you need to be able to get them to LIKE you. How do you do that? People
like people they share common interests with. If the person you know likes a
certain movie, make sure you have watched that movie as well and start talking
about that specific movie. If they like to go shopping or playing sports, you can
invite them to go shopping with you or play a sport with you. They will begin to
like you when you start to share common interests.

Next, you need to be able to get them to TRUST you. Now, this may seem very
difficult to do. Some say that trust is earned and is not freely given. This is true.
You probably trust someone you know right?

Think about the time when you first met them. How did your relationship with
them developed? How did you come to trust that person?

Now, you won’t have the luxury of time in network marketing. You can’t wait for
several years before a person can truly trust you. There are several key points
that you need to know before someone trusts you.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Trust is based on a mutual understanding that you will receive what you expect
from that person.

For example, you expect a person to call you at a specific time and date, then that
person should call you at that specific time and date. You expect a person to be
there for you when you need someone to talk to in case you have a problem. You
expect a person to keep a secret. When you tell them something personal about
yourself, you expect them not to share that information with somebody else. Do you
follow the trend?

Building trust with someone can be done easily if the person already knows you
and likes you. The best way to build trust with other people is to share your
personal experiences.

When you share a personal experiences with other people, how do you think that
would make them feel? They would feel they are important to you because you are
willing to share with them something personal. They would feel that you must really
trust them for sharing such personal information.

What do they do in return? When they already feel comfortable with you, they also
share one of their personal experiences with you. You have now began a trusting
relationship with each other.

In just a matter of days or weeks, you can get a person to Know you, Like you
and Trust you.

Once you know the other person’s problems in life, you can now offer solutions.
Maybe your networking business can be a solution to their problem. May your
product can improve their life. Maybe your business can help them earn some
more income. They will actually more than trust you for helping them, they will start
to LOVE you. Isn’t that so much better than the “Kape tayo” or “Kidnapping”

Why is it important to follow the KLT Principle?

I always teach my downlines that Network Marketing is about creating and

building relationships. Even when a prospect don’t want to join your business,
you should be able to maintain your relationship with that prospect.

Network Marketing should be a venue for you to have a positive experience. You
don’t want to be that person people avoid because they know you might invite
them to your networking business.

You still want to be that person they can be around with even though they know you
are doing network marketing. In other words, they have accepted what you do and
you have also accepted the fact that they don’t want to join your business.

And that’s fine. There are a lot more people you can get to know, like and trust and
then invite to your business.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Business Orientation
The process of orienting your prospect to your business is already very easy
once you have done your Prospecting and Inviting properly.

If your prospect has all the qualities I mentioned earlier, no matter what you do in
your business orientation, you will be able to get your prospect to join you or buy
a package from you.

The only thing you need to do now is to answer any questions they may have.
This means, you must be knowledgeable of your company’s profile, products,
marketing plan and other incentives.

Now, I’m not going to go over with you NWorld’s complete business orientation.
You can just go through that by watching the video or by looking at their
powerpoint presentation file.

Dress Code

Having the proper attire during a business orientation is very important. Make
sure you are dressed neatly. If you can wear a business attire, that’s better, but it
is not required.

Background Information

Make sure you have all the information about your prospect. That is your way of
connecting with them when you build rapport. When you followed the KLT
Principle, this should not be difficult.

Product Demonstration

When you reach the part of the orientation where you introduce the products,
don’t just show pictures of the products! Make sure you brough samples for them
to try. Here are the list of the NWorld products that you need to bring at all times:

1. O2 Bubble Cleanser
2. Cloud Cream
3. CC Cushion
4. Body Cream

These products have instant lightening effects and are very noticeable after each
product demonstration. Make sure that you apply the products on half of the
Face, Neck and Arm only. These creates a more convincing presentation when
they see first hand the effects of the products on themselves.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

When should you start doing your own business orientation?

Many of my downlines have asked this so many times. The best answer is if you
have attended at least 5 business orientations that you have mastered the
important information. You have to know the specifically the products’ effects, the
marketing plan including the Multilevel Program. These are usually the tough
parts to explain.

When you do you first NWorld Business Orientation (NBO), make sure you do it
with your upline. Someone who can answer questions that you may have a
difficult time answering. Your upline should be someone who can show some
proof that the system work. The upline does not have to be a top earner. He can
just be someone who already earned some amount of money by doing the
Closing a sale is sometimes one of the difficult and dreaded tasks to do by the
average networker. But by the end of this blueprint, when you become a
Networking Master, it is the most fun and the easiest to do.

Now, I won’t be teaching you scripts on how to close a sale. Those scripts are
very difficult to apply by my experience. Either you forget what to say or how to
say them and you get confused. So, I’m going to give you a very simple way of
closing a sale no matter what.

What is the best method of closing a sale?

The answer: ASK!

Many networkers lose a sale because they fail to ask their prospect. The best
way to close a sale is to simply to ask them. What are the common ways to ask?

• Would you like to start with 3 or 7 packages?

• Will you be paying via credit card or cash?

Don’t ask them if they want to start or not. If you give them an option to say no,
you will lose the sale. They might be tempted to choose “no” because you gave
them an option. Their brain might say, “Oh there’s a way for me to think about
this first.” Give them an option that will lead them into saying yes in whatever
they choose.

If you look at the examples above, the first question asks how many packages
they wish to start with. No matter what the answer is, the prospect will have to
say yes. Even if they answer just 1 package, that is still a yes!

The second question asks how they want to pay, even if they answer credit card
or cash, both answers are still a yes!

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

The second question asks how they want to pay, even if they answer credit card
or cash, both answers are still a yes!

Answering Objections
There are only two key steps you have to remember when you answer objections:
1. Know if your prospect is telling the truth
2. Categorize each objection to either valid or non-valid objection.

Valid Objections can be classified into :

• Financial (I don’t have the money right now.)
• Personal (I’ll have to consult my wife or husband first.)
• Product (Can I try the product first before I join?)
• Time (I don’t think I will have the time to focus on the business.)
• Straight (I’m not interested in doing this business.)

Non-Valid Objections
• I don’t know anyone I can sell the products or packages to
• I don’t have any skills in sales or marketing

How do you know if your prospect is telling the truth. After they have given
you their objection, tell them this:

“Let’s be honest with each other, are you telling me this because you really want
to join but [state their objection] or are you just telling me this because you don’t
want to hurt my feelings?”

Example: Their objection is: “I don’t have the money right now.”

“Let’s be honest with each other, are you telling me this because you really want
to join but [you don’t have the money right now] or are you just telling me this
because you don’t want to hurt my feelings?”

Now if they answer, I want to join, but I just don’t have the money right now.

You can proceed with categorizing the objection into valid or non-valid.

If it is a valid reason, you can just set another schedule with them on when they
can start the business and accept it. There’s no need to be pushy here, just
understand their situation and be their friend.

If it is a non-valid reason, you proceed to giving more testimonials about how

people overcame their challenges in this business. You can tell stories about
how a top earner also didn’t have the skills in sales and marketing and they were
able to achieve massive success.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

If they don’t know anyone to sell their products or packages to, you can always
share how our system (what I’m about to share to you in this blueprint) can help
you sell products or packages to anyone in the world without even meeting them
in person. They can be someone you didn’t know before but they will buy
products or packages from you.


Now, the only reason you are doing a follow-up is because you weren’t able to
close the sale at the end of the orientation. Many people fear this part because
they think they have lost the chance of getting their prospect to join.

In advertising, majority of people buy products after the 5th time they have seen
an ad. Your job as a marketer is to get your prospect to see the products or your
business opportunity more than once.

Maybe they have valid reasons for not joining the first time. Maybe, they are
really low on their budget or it is not yet the time for them. But, if you keep on
connecting with them like you would in a normal friendly relationship, you can
keep reminding them about your offer without being pushy or without being such
a nagger.

In the next chapters of this blueprint, you will learn how

you can do Prospecting, Inviting, Business Orientation,
Closing and Follow-Up using an automated system!

DO NOT text or call them everyday trying to get them to join. Just invite them
again for a get-together or to play a sport or eat outside. But, do not ask
them to join your business during your get-together.

Just tell them stories of how you have had success in your business like you
would tell a friend and not a prospect. Tell them how your business helped
different aspects of your life. If you’ve had monetary results, you can tell them
stories of how you can now afford your monthly bills, go on vacation, buy things
you wanted without worrying about the price.

If you don’t have any monetary results yet, you can start telling stories of how
you were able to improve yourself like gain self-confidence, how you met
new people, learned about different business and the power of leverage. This
will remind them about your offer with you having to ask them or nag them
about it.

Now, don’t you think this is a much better way of doing following-up instead of
constantly texting or calling them to join your business?

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 4: Yayaman Ba Talaga Ako Dito?

Ang sagot diyan ay “Oo naman”.

There’s is no doubt in my mind that anyone can become rich in Network

Marketing regardless of his educational, financial and ethnical background.

Naniniwala naman ako sa mga istorya ng Rags-to-Riches na pinapakita ng mga

kumpanya sa mga ilan sa mga Top Earners nila.

May isang janitor at construction worker na ang natapos na pinag-aralan ay

Elementarya lamang ngunit naging Multi-Millionaire. Nabigyan nila ng
magandang kinabukasan ang kanilang pamilya. Nakabili sila ng malaking
bahay, magandang sasakyan at nakapagipon para sa edukasyon ng kanilang
mga anak.

May isang college student na kumikita ng mahigit Php 100,000 sa isang lingo.
Mayroon naman wala pang 20 years old na kumita na agad ng 1 milyon.

All of these stories are true and can happen to anyone. The only question is,
can you do the things they have done? Are you willing to sacrifice and put in all
the time and hardwork to earn your target income?

Kaya mo bang gawin lahat ng pinagdaanan nila para makuha mo ang estado
nila sa kumpanya?

Kaya mo bang magbilad sa araw at mamigay ng flyers sa mga tao sa kalsada,

sa mall o kung saan man para makakuha ng bagong prospect?

Kaya mo bang bumyahe araw-araw papunta sa opisina para magtraining,

magdala ng prospect at umuwi ng hating-gabi at kung minsan madaling-araw

And believe me, I have done all of those things! I’ve created and printed flyers.
I have been to the malls and streets giving away flyers. I tried talking to
strangers and tried inviting them to a business presentation.

I had some people who listened, but eventually I ran out of time and money. I
could not sustain that method of prospecting.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 5: What I Discovered…

I have already told you all my struggles as a Networker. I hope you didn’t have to
go through all those things I did. If you did, learn from it as I have.

Sa mga naranasan ko, may mga bagay akong natutunan:

(1) Unang una, hindi ako papayag na bitawan ang mga pangarap ko para sa
pamilya ko.

(2) Pangalawa, gusto ko mapatunayan sa mga nanghahatak sa akin o mga

nangNegatib sa akin na kaya ko kumita ng malaki sa pinasok kong negosyo.

(3) Pangatlo, hindi sapat ang kinikita ko sa trabaho ko para masuportahan ang
akign pamilya at maibigay ang lahat ng kanilang mga pinapangarap.

I have had little to no success in Network Marketing until I have discovered from
other top earners that there are other ways to earn in network marketing. Some
of them became my mentors and taught me how to become successful in this

I want to share with you what I have discovered and what have helped me with
this business.

In the next chapters, I will share with you what I have discovered.
Why You need to Stop Chasing Prospects
How to become a Person of Value (POV)
How to increase your Personal-Value-Level (PVL)
The most important skill you need to learn
How to create an automated marketing machine.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 6: Stop Chasing Prospects

I am sure many of you have been taught this kind of strategy. List down at
least 200 people that you know and call and invite them to a business
presentation one by one until you have no more people on that list.

Many of us have been disappointed with this type of strategy. You are lucky if
you were able to invite at least 20 from that list and even luckier if you were
able to sponsor 5 people.

Just imagine, out of the 200 people on your list, you were only able to sponsor
5 of them. And out of that 5 persons, there's probably just 2 who are going to
take the business seriously.

Paano naman ang mga taong hindi sumali sa iyong negosyo? Mayroong 195 na
tao pa na hindi sumali at sayang naman sila kung pababayaan mo na lamang.

Ano nga ba ang turo sa atin sa mga hindi pa sumasali?

Kontakin ulit ang mga taong ito kada isang buwan, tatlong buwan o anim na
buwan, o taon-taon hanggang sa mapilit natin sila sumali o ‘di kaya nama’y
makulitan na sa atin at hindi ka na nila kausapin at papansinin.

Ganyan ang nangyari sa akin. Lumayo ang aking mga kamag-anak at

kaibigan kasi sa tuwing magkakausap kami, akala nila ay pipilitin ko na naman
sila sumali sa aking networking business.

Hanggang sa nalaman ko na ang mga tao na hinahabol ay tumatakbo. Kapag

lalo mo silang kinulit na sumali sa ‘yong negosyo, lalo ka nilang tatakbuhan at

People don't like to be forced into joining a business. That’s why you need to
stop chasing your prospects.

What do you need to do to sponsor someone without chasing them?

According to one of my mentors, you can easily sponsor people if the idea of
joining is theirs. You can actually have people ask to join you instead of you
chasing them.

This was a big change of mindset from me. Is this even possible? How can I
do this?

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Have you ever wondered why celebrities have fans club? What do you think
made these people become fans?

The reason is that we gain a portion of that celebrities’ power or popularity by

by association. Pakiramdam natin tayo ay feeling sikat na rin dahil kasama
natin sila. Ipagmamalaki pa natin sa ating mga kakilala na tayo ay may picture
kasama ang celebrity na parang feeling close na kayo.

Sa negosyong network marketing, tatandaan natin na ang tao ay sumasali sa

‘yo hindi sa iyong negosyo. People do not join your business, they join you.

Siyempre naman nakakatulong din na may magandang kumpanya, produkto

at compensation plan ang iyong nasalihang networking business. Subalit hindi
ito ang pinakaimportante.

Naturally, the fans are attracted to celebrities because celebrities are

persons-of-value (POV).

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 7: How do I become a Person of Value?

Kung mapapansin mo sa mga top earners ng isang kumpanya, bakit mas mabilis
na sa kanila ang makapagSponsor ng tao kumpara noong sila ay nagsisimula pa

Naipakita na kasi nila sa maraming tao na sila ay Persons-of-Value o mga taong

maraming kaalaman sa industriya kaya narating nila ang top-earner status. Sila
na ngayon ang nilalapitan ng tao para mag-Join sa kanilang negosyo o bumili sa
kanila ng mga produkto.

Paano mo ngayon mararating ang ganitng estado kung ikaw ay nagsisimula pa

lamang sa MLM?

If you want to become a Person-of-Value (POV), you need to increase

something we call, Personal-Value-Level (PVL) because your income level in
this industry is highly dependent on your PVL.

There are (3) three factors that determine your PVL.

1. Competition

2. Specialization

3. Leverage

1. Competition

The first factor that would determine your PVL is Competition. Think of it this
way, bakit mababa ang sweldo ng mga janitor at waiter? Ang trabaho kasi nila ay
madaling palitan ng iba kung sakaling hindi nila magampanan. Maraming tao ang
kayang gumawa rin ng kanilang trabaho. Maraming tao ang madaling i-Hire para
maging janitor at waiter.

I-Apply natin ngayon sa iyong networking business. Ang ginagawa mo ba ay

kayang gawin rin ng iba? Anong dahilan na sa’yo dapat sasali ang isang prospek
at hindi sa libu-libong networker sa iba’t ibang kumpanya?

You need to become unique and you need to stand-out amongst the crowd of
other networkers. Just like what my mentor said, “You need to stand head and
shoulders above your competition!” People will start to notice you and you can
be seen as a Person-Of-Value (POV). You will not be easily replaceable and
there will be very little competion. The less competition you have, the higher
your Personal-Value-Level (PVL) will be.

2. Specialization

Bakit malaki ang sweldo ng presidente ng kumpanya, doktor at abogado? Dahil

kailangan ng mataas na pinag-aralan at exprience para magawa ang kanilang
trabaho. Kailangan nila ng espesyal na abilidad o kaalaman.

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Again, another way to stand above your competition is to aquire a higher level
of knowledge in the business and have certain set of skills that no one can do.
People will naturally be attracted to you like a magnet when they know they can
gain a lot of knowledge and learn a lot of skills from you.

One of the most important knowledge and skills that you

need to learn in Network Marketing is how do it
professionally and ethically via an automated system
using the power of the internet. Luckily for you, you will
learn all of these in this blueprint.

3. Leverage

Ang mga doktor at abogado ay may kakayanang kumita ng mahigit 1 milyon sa

isang taon pero bakit hindi nila nagagawang kumita ng kasin-laki ng kinikita nila
Henry Sy at Lucio Tan? Dahil ito sa tinatawag na leverage. Gaano karaming
tao ang kayang mabigyang serbisyo ng iyong trabaho o negosyo?

Halimbawa, ang doctor ay may kakayanan lamang tumingin ng limitadong

pasyente sa loob ng isang araw. Hindi maaring magopera ang isang surgeon ng
sampong tao ng sabay-sabay sa isang oras. Hindi tulad ni Henry Sy at Lucio
Tan, sila ay may kakayanang magbigay serbisyo at magbenta ng kanilang
produkto sa libu-libong tao sa loob lamang ng isang araw.

Paano natin ito i-aapply sa network marketing?

If you are still prospecting by inviting one person at a time and setting up
business meetings one person at a time, you are losing a lot of leverage.

This can be the reason you are not earning the income that you want in this
industry. You need to be able to serve a lot of people in a smaller time period
similar to Henry Sy and Lucio Tan.

You need to prospect, invite and present your business to more than just 1
person per day. Believe me! Akala ko rin noong una na hindi ito posible
hanggang sa ipinakita ito sa akin ng aking mga mentors.

Pinakita nila ang isang blueprint kung paano ito magagawa at ipapakita ko rin
sa inyo at ituturo ko pa sa inyo kung paano ito ginagawa step-by-step sa ebook
na ito.

Posible pala na mahigit 10 na tao sa isang araw o mahigit 100 na tao pa ang
maimbitahan mo at makakita ng iyong business orientation kapag nagawa mo
ng tama ang blueprint na ito.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 8: How do I increase My Personal Value Level?

I have already introduced you to the Personal-Value-Level. Again, your PVL will
determine your income level. Now, the only question is, how do you increase
your personal value level?

In order to increase your PVL, you need to gain vast amounts of knowledge and
aquire a new set of unique skills. Once you have increased your PVL, you can now
be considered a Person-Of-Value (POV).

You have to remember, once you have become a POV, you will never show a sense
of desperation or you will never come from a “frame of need.” You will no longer
chase after prospects. You will no longer have to force people to joining your
business. You will no longer care if a prospect joins you or not.

“Wolves do not conern themselves with the opinions of sheep.”

Ibig-sabihin, ang mga POV (wolves) ay walang pakialam sa mga iisipin ng ibang
HINDI POV (sheep). It doesn’t matter if they get criticized by the sheep, they will
stand on their own ground.

Akala ng iba ang pagpapataas ng personal-value-level (PVL) ay nakikita sa

kanilang external environment. Bibili sila ng mga bagong damit, alahas, sasakyan
atbp. Akala nila na mas magiging attractive na sila sa mata ng tao. To some
extent, this may be true, but people can always tell if you are faking it.

Your PVL will only depend on your internal environment. This includes your
beliefs, knowledge and skills.

How did I increase my PVL?

Over the years, I have read books on business, finance, and marketing. I have
enrolled on several and very expensive courses in order to gain the proper
knowledge and skills I need.

Unfortunately, we cannot increase our PVL in our current educational system. It

is not designed for entrepreneurs and network marketers. Our educational
system has failed to teach us the necessary things we need to become successful
in business and become rich. Robert Kiyosaki even said that the problem with the
poor and middle class are rooted in the educational system. The system does not
teach financial education.

Similarly, conventional schools don't teach you network marketing. You have
to enroll the courses seperately and sometimes as an elective. Not until recently
did univerisities in our country have offered network marketing as a subject. Also,
the internet is filled with these courses and you can enroll in them too.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 9: Mind Your Own Business

Bakit maraming tao ang nahihirapan sa network marketing?

Many people believe that MLM is their business. It is NOT in fact your
business. You do not own the company. You do not control the assets and
make decisions for the company. You do not set the prices and determine what
products to manufacture. If it was your business, it cannot be taken away from
you when in an instant. You just have a tentative contract with the company
authorizing you to sell their products.

You’re not in a real business.

Ang kumpanya na ang gumagawa ng lahat ng ibang bagay. Ang kumpanya na

ang gumagawa ng produkto, naglalagay sa warehouse, nagpapasahod ng
empleyado, nagbibigay ng customer service, nagaasikaso ng pagpaparehistro
sa gobyerno atbp.

You are merely a seller, a distributor of the product who gets compensated for
your efforts. Isa lang ang trabaho ng networker sa industriya ng network
marketing, iyan ay magbenta ng produkto. Kaya sila tinatawag na distributor.

You may think that your downlines are your assets, you are wrong. Ang
kumpanya ang may-ari ng mga downlines mo. Kung hindi ka naniniwala,
subukan mong isama ang downlines mo papunta sa ibang kumpanya. They can
suspend and block your accounts and all of your earnings will be placed on

So if network marketing isn’t your business, what is your business?

You, yourself, are your business. “Your Brand Name, Inc.” ang tunay na
negosyo mo. You own your knowledge, your skills. You are in business of
serving the needs of other people and solving other people’s problems. You are
in business of building relationships by providing value to others.

The moment you offer your skills to serve others, that becomes your own
business. This ebook became my business because it is build to serve you, my
readers and my students. Everything that I know, my expertise and leadership
is now my product.

Kahit magsarado pa ang networking company na sinalihan ko bukas, maaring

mawala ang mga downlines ko, it would not matter to me. My primary asset,
the reason why I earn is located in myself, in my name, my knowledge, my skills,
my relationship with the people I serve.

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Ang ibig-sabihin nito, kahit anong mangyari sa industriya ng network marketing,

kahit magsarado ang kumpanya, magkaroon ng pagbabago sa trend ng mga
produktong ibinebenta, your real business will remain intact. Maari ka pa ring
kumita regardless kung anong industriya ka pumunta o kumpanya na lipatan.

At ito pa ang kagandahan ng “Your Brand Name, Inc.” Wala kang kalaban sa
negosyo mo kasi nagiisa ka lamang.

Sabihin na natin na sa networking company na sinalihan mo ay mayroong

10,000 distributors. At ang industriyang sinalihan mo ay mayroong 10+ na iba’t
ibang kumpanya na halos pare-pareho kayong nagmamarket ng produkto at
oportunidad sa mga tao.

That’s not a very good business to be in. But, if your business is “Your Brand
Name, Inc” there’s only one of you in the world. You have no competition.

Habang ang ibang tao ay nagpupumilit na i-Market ang produkto at kumpanya

nila, ikaw naman ay nagmamarket ng “Your Brand Name, Inc.” You will now
stand head and shoulders above your competition and become unique.

People will now start to notice you and you will now become a Person-Of-

And what happens to people who are Persons-Of-Value? They start to have a
fans’ club full of people who can are willing to join you, who are begging to join
“Your Brand Name, Inc.”

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Chapter 10: The Most Important Skill You Need To Learn

Nakakalungkot man isipin, marami ang sumasali sa networking dahil sila ay
nasabihan na kailangan lamang nila mag-invite ng dalawang tao at turuan ang
dalawang tao na ito na mag-invite rin ng dalawa hanggang sa isang taon ikaw
ay magiging milyonaryo na.

Karamihan sa kanila ay napasali dahil sa HYPE OR BS ng mga ginagawa ng

ibang networkers. Napapasali sila ng walang sapat na kaalaman at
kakayanan sa tunay na konsepto ng network marketing.

Ito ang nagiging pangunahing problema, ang network marketing ay industriya

ng pagmamarket at pagpromote ng produkto na sinasalihan ng maraming
taong hindi marunong magmarket at magpromote.

Kung ikaw ay magtatayo ng isang bahay, kahit anong ganda at mahal ng iyong
lagare, martilyo at pako, kung ang taong gagamit naman nito ay hindi
marunong, hindi ka rin makakapagtayo ng isang matibay na bahay.

Kung ikaw ay bubuo ng team of distributors, kahit anong ganda ng produktong

binebenta mo, kahit anong ganda ng compensation plan niyo, kung ang taong
sasali naman sa team mo ay hindi marunong magmakret at magpromote, hindi
ito magiging successful.

Sino ba dapat ang isasali mo sa iyong team of distributors? Isasali mo

siyempre ang mga taong may kakayanan at abilidad sa marketing at promotion.

But, how can you expect a team of distributors to market and promote the
products if you yourself don't know how? Babalik na naman tayo sa konsepto
ng Personal-Value-Level. Kailangan mong dagdagan ang iyong PVL para
matulungan mo ang iyong downlines.

Kung ikaw nama’y isang Person of Value (POV) na, ibig-sabihin kaya mo na
ngayong turuan ng sapat na kaalaman ang iyong mga downlines para maging
isang team of distributors who can market and promote. You can now have a
team full of POV’s who have their own fans club waiting to join them.

The truth is your company, your product, your compensation plan are
meaningless until you find a way to aquire people who are marketers and
business-builders. Ang pera ay wala sa produkto kundi nasa inyong abilidad na
i-Market ito sa ibang tao.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

The most important skill you need to learn in network marketing comes from the

Kailangan mong maintindihan na ang network marketing business ay may

salitang “marketing.”

As Mike Dillard defined it, “Marketing is a process of turning a stranger

(customer) into friends, friends into first-time customers, and first-time
customers into life-long customers.” It is the also the ability to communicate a
message persuasively. And that specific ability to market, I will teach in the next

Some compare marketing with dating. Hindi mo naman agad yayain

magpakasal ang isang tao. Kailangan mo muna ng time para maipakita sa
kanya na ikaw ay karapat-dapat na pakasalan. Kailangan niyo muna makilala
ang isa’t isa at magkaroon ng tiwala sa isa’t isa.

Maraming nahihirapan sa network marketing dahil gusto nila agad sumali sa

kanila ang prospect. Marami sa kanila na pipilitin pa ang isang prospect para
sumali at gumagawa pa ng iba’t ibang deceptive tactics.

Minsan hindi pa lang talaga ready ang isang prospect para sumali sa’yo.
Maaring may mga bagay pa silang kailangan paglaanan ng kanilang pera o
marami pa silang pinagkakaabalahan at hindi talaga nila matutugunan ang pag-

Ang importante dito ay bigyan mo sila ng oras na maging ready. Kailangan

mong manatiling magkaibigan sa iyong prospect at tulungan siyang maayos ang
kanyang problema.

Paano mo ito gagawin kung mayroon kang mahigit na 200 prospects?

Masyadong nakakapagod at nakakaubos ng oras.

In the next chapter, I will teach you the Marketing Skill you need to add
hundreds of prospects to your list, keep in touch with them, create a
relationship with them and build trust over time until they join your business

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 11
Networking Master’s Blueprint

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Here’s a detailed overview of the

Networking Master’s Blueprint
A visitor arrives at your website or landing page.

He is offered a free gift, also known as a SUBSCRIBER MAGNET.

He leaves his email address in exchange for the free gift and
becomes a subscriber.

You develop a good relationship with him when you send him high
quality and valuable information through your email sequence.

You recommend a Front-End product that will help him solve his
problem and you generate income.

You keep in touch with him by continuing to send him valuable


You offer him your Back-End Product or your Business

Opportunity. When he’s ready, he sends you an email or signs up
on your form.

He buys your package and pays you via bank deposit or via his
credit card.

Congratulations! You have just sponsored a new distributor.

You teach him the same process and the cycle repeats.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint


The blueprint teaches you how to use the power of the internet.
(The internet is such a powerful tool nowadays that can be used to build
your prospect list, provide information to other people, generate income,
and sponsor more people.)

The blueprint teaches you how to sell from your own online store or
website. (Your website can be online for 24 hrs and 7 days a week unlike
a physical store.)

The blueprint teaches you how to generate income whether your

prospect joins your networking opportunity or not. (You can generate
income for a small product know as a Front-End product. The income you
generate can be used to fund your marketing machine)

The blueprint can save you a lot of time and money.

(Several tools provided here will help you save time and money)

The blueprint teaches you how to build a relationship with your

prospects. (You’ll be able to keep in touch with your visitors/prospects/
customers and create a relationship with them.)

The blueprint can be applied to any marketing business which can

work for years to come. (All you need to do is follow this secret formula
once, apply it to several of your businesses, and then sit back and relax.)

The blueprint will teach you how to set your marketing machine on
auto-pilot. (This can run on its own. Talk about generating passive
income. There’s no need to pay employees and monitor your stocks or

The blueprint can provide you a sense of fulfillment.

(You’ll be helping a lot of other people so you can be really proud of your

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Step 1: Create a Landing Page

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a simple website that people see once they enter your main
website or after they have clicked your ad. It usually has one purpose, that is, to
capture your visitors’ email address or contact information. It is sometimes called an
optin page, capture page or a squeeze page.

What are the components of a Landing Page?

There are three components to a landing page.

1. Customer Magnet or a Lead Magnet

2. Optin Form or Sign-up Form

3. A Call-to-Action Button

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There are many examples of a Subscriber Magnet / Lead Magnet:

• eBook
• Video
• MP3 or Audiobook
• Weekly Training Course
• Discount or Free Trial
• Prizes
• Quizzes and Surveys

These are just some examples. The important thing is it needs to be

valuable and digital so that your visitors can receive it immediately after
giving you their email address. One of the subscriber magnet I use is
the “The 7 Biggest Lies in Network Marketing” eBook.

Optin Form or Sign-up Form

This is just any thing that a visitor enters their information. It can be
their name, phone #, or email address. In most cases, an email
address is enough.

Call-To-Action Button

This is just a button that tells a visitor what to do next. It is very

important that you instruct a visitor on what to do next and what to

In the example above, the subscriber magnet is a Free Video …”,

the optin form asks the visitor to leave his First Name and Email
address. Last, the call-to-action is asking the visitor to click the
“SEND MY VIDEO” button.

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How do you build a Landing Page?

Like I said, a Landing Page is just a very simple website. If you’ve never built a
website before, you might think that it’s going to be too hard. It’s actually very
easy to do nowadays and it doesn’t cost much at all.

Domain (

To get a website, all you need is a domain and a web host. A domain is an
address so people know how to get to your website. Example: A domain only costs $5-$10 or P250-P500 per year.


A web host is responsible for making your domain accessible throughout the
world wide web. It costs around $5 or P250 per month. An example of a web
host is hostgator.

After you’ve set-up your domain and your web host. You can now install
wordpress to edit your landing page. Wordpress is a blogging platform that has
evolved into creating flexible websites. It is a free web software you can use to
create a beautiful website, blog, or app. It has the capacity to install themes and

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Here’s a screenshot of my dashboard inside wordpress. As you can see, there

are so many options on the left side. Please note, is NOT the
same as


I do not recommend you use,, or to host and build your website.

These sites may be free but they have so many restrictions that you really don’t
have control over your own website. Some of these sites won’t let you promote

Other Options:

Some websites offer a customizable landing page such as,,, and many others for a monthly fee. This is not
advisable for beginners as their monthly fees are pretty expensive.

You’ll need to spend around $10 or P500 per month to run your website.
That’s not too bad compared to paying a monthly rent for a physical store at a
mall that costs around P10,000 pesos per month on a 6 month to 1 year

In the next chapters, I’m going to teach you how you can earn some money to
pay for your monthly maintenance for your website or landing page.

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Step 2: Creating Your Email Sequence

So now that you have our landing page set up. It’s time to create your email

Remember, you now have our visitor’s email address from your landing page. You
can now call them your subscribers. You can now send your subscribers several
email messages 2-3x per week that will help you build a relationship with them.

Ngayon, baka isipin mo na na mawawalan ka ng oras sa pagpapadala ng mga

emails sa mga subscribers mo. That’s true. But, this is the part where we can
automate our marketing machine.

Ang email messages mo ay maari mong ipadala sa pamamagitan ng isang

“autoresponder.” This automatically sends your preset email messages to your
subscribers no matter how many they are. You can have it send at specific time
and date according to what you need.

All you need is to create the content for your email sequence and the rest will be
automated and done for you by your autoresponder.

What makes a good email sequence?

A good email sequence must be able to do these two simple but very important

It must build trust.

The main reason you grabbed your visitor’s email is to be able to keep in touch with
them. That way, they can get to know, like and trust you.

You do this by giving your subscribers lots of valuable information that you think can
help them solve their problem. If you give them enough free and valuable
information, they will begin to trust you.

It must sell.

The second reason, of course, is to promote your business opportunity to your

subscribers so you can sponsor them and earn your commissions. After you have
given your subscribers a ton of free and valuable information, it’s now time for you
to get paid for your efforts.

Your email messages should contain the link to your business opportunity. Your link
can be placed in your signature line.

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Email Message Quality is Very Important

Your email messages should contain quality and valuable information. They must
be interesting enough that your subscribers will want to open your email messages
and read them. If they do not meet your subscriber’s standard, you risk of losing
your subscribers.

Don’t copy and paste from wikipedia or grab articles from several internet blogs.
Give your subscribers some real quality information.

The best way to know if you are giving your readers some quality content is to try
to solve a problem in every email message you send. Do some research and see
what topics are people usually interested in. What problems are people having in
your niche? Try to give them a simple solution.

Add Your Email Sequence To Your Autoresponder

Now that you have created your content for your email sequence, it’s now time to
add that content into your autoresponder software.

What is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a computer software that sends out preset email messages to

a list of subscribers automatically at a specified time and date. You can use your
autoresponder to send email messages on specific holidays such as Christmas
day and New Year’s day. An autoresponder can generally send out thousands of
different emails simultaneously everyday.

Some examples of autoresponders are below. Some are paid (~$20 or ₱1,000
per month) and some are free with less features.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

GetResponse is one of the cheapest and easiest to use among the

autoresponders. It has a ton of features including having multiple lists,
webforms, landing pages and statistics to track your work such as open rates,
click through rates, etc. GetResponse also offers step-by-step tutorials and a 1
month free trial.
Here’s a sample screenshot inside the dashboard of getresponse. You can see
the total subscribers of each list and you can see how many of the subscribers
are opening your emails and are clicking your link. In this case, you can see
there are 249,390 subscribers for the first list and 65.85% open rate for a total
939 emails sent.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Step 3: Selling Your Front-End Product

Selling a front-end product will be responsible for keeping your marketing machine
functional. Maintaining a marketing machine costs money. A marketing-machine
is still better than traveling and meeting a prospect for a business meeting
everyday and getting stuck in traffic. You can save more money and time with a

Why do you want to sell a front-end product?

A front-end product is a low-cost product (typically ₱100-₱500) designed to help

your suscbribers solve a specific problem. Your sales from your low-cost front-
end product will fund your monthly expenses on your marketing machine. It will
pay for your domain, webhost, autoresponder and paid traffic.

At the same time, it is designed to test your subscribers. It is a way for you to
know which of your subscribers are buyers and which ones are just leechers.

If your subscribers become buyers, they have a higher chance of purchasing from
you in the future. Which means, they have a higher chance of joining your
networking opportunity.

Leechers are just subscribers who are waiting for the right time to join your
business. They are probably not ready, but they may be interested in buying other
products from you in case they don’t buy your front-end product or don’t join your

They are leechers because they probably subscribed to your email list just to
gather information. They are in the stage of increasing their personal-value-level
(PVL) and are not yet persons-of-value (POV).

Still, we should not forget about leechers because they can be converted into
future buyers. When they receive the right information from your email sequence,
they will eventually decide to buy a front-end product from you and join your
networking opportunity.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Step 4: Build Your Business Opportunity Page

You now have a domain, webhost, landing page, autoresponder and email
sequence. Next is you want to have a business opportunity page that your
subscriber can visit. A good business opportunity page should have the following:

• Video of the Company, Products and Compensation Plan

• Sales Presentation (in text format) of your business opportunity
• Downloadable Product Brochure
• Downloadable Training Manual and/or Step-By-Step Guide of Your System
• Way to sign-up and accept payments

You have to remember, the persons who will visit your opportunity page already
trust you. You don’t want to break that trust buy misleading them. You should
provide substantial and accurate information about your business opportunity

Also, the persons have already bought from you before so make sure you have a
sign-up form and detailed instructions on how to pay you to join your business
opportunity. Here’s an example of my business opportunity page with the video I

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

I just want to emphasize that you need to have a sales presentation (in text
format) on your business opportunity page. Which brings me to the next most
important skill that you need: copywriting. It is a million-peso skill that is
required to communicate persuasively.

What is Copywriting?

Wikipedia defines it as, “Copywriting is writing copy for the purpose of advertising
or marketing The copy is meant to persuade someone to buy a product, or
influence their beliefs.” Mike Dillard calls it, “salesmanship in print.”

You will realize that having good copywriting ability will also help you in creating
your email sequence. But, if you really want to sponsor people and get sales, you
need to master it and put it in your business opportunity page.

Setting a Payment Gateway

The easiest method of receiving payment is still via bank deposit. You can give
detailed instructions on how a customer can send their payments. I personally like
to leave a form on my website just to have them fill it out their personal information
and instruct them to deposit their payment on my bank account.

Normally, people wouldn’t even consider sending you payments because of the
fear of being scammed. Now, if you’ll remember from your email sequence, you
are now offering to sponsor these people who already trusts you and have already
bought a front-end product from you.

You have taken away that fear from them because they already know that you are
a person who will deliver what you have promised.
You can also set up a paypal account to accept payments via paypal or credit
card. Paypal offers several services: buying, selling and receiving payments.
They do not charge any monthly fees. They only charge per transaction, that is
4.4% of the total amount + 15.00 pesos. That’s not too bad at all. You can set up
your opportunity page without worry of paying any monthly fees. You only pay
whenever you’ve sponsored a new distributor and have earned your commission.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Step 5: Send More Visitors to Your Landing Page

By now, you should have the following pieces in place:

Step 1: Create a Landing Page

Step 2: Create Your Email Sequence

Step 3: Sell Your Front-End Product

Step 4: Buid Your Business Opportunity Page

It’s now time to get visitors to your landing page. This is called web traffic. Once
you have more visitors coming in and becoming subscribers, marketing-machine
can do the rest for you.

How do you get more visitors to your landing page?

There are two ways to do this. The free but slow way and the fast but paid way.

Free Way:

SEO or Search Engine Optimization:

This method uses google, yahoo, or other search engines to drive traffic to your
website. People find your website or landing page through the use of the search
engines. The goal is to have your website appear on the first page of the search
results to have a high chance of getting visitors to your website.

You can measure your website’s traffic via google analytics. Here’s a screenshot
of one my landing pages. As you can see, under the organic search, this is where
SEO comes to play. I have 580 visitors in the one week alone. That’s free traffic.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Referral and Social Traffic

You can also get free traffic to your landing pages through social media. You can
directly tell people about your new website and have people visit your website. You
can post the link to your website on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts.
This can drive free traffic to your website.

As you can see on the screenshot of my google analytics account below, I have 357
referrals from my social media accounts.

Paid Ways:

Search Engine Ads (Google ads / Bing ads)

You can pay google or bing to post ads for you on their search engine as shown below.
You can bid on certain keywords (example: earn money online) and pay every time
someone clicks on your ad and visits your website.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Social Media Ads:

Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites to advertise. Their
advertising platform is so easy that anyone can do it. You can pay as low as P40
per day and have 1,700 to 4,400 people see your ad per day.

You can also set how long your ad will run and
who can see the ads based on:

• Location
• Interests
• Age
• Gender
• Language

You can set your audience to male/female,

25-40 years old, with specific interests.

This makes your ad highly targetted and

increases the chance that your visitor becomes
a subscriber and eventually becomes a

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Other Traffic Sources:

Now there are numerous other ways to get traffic. There are media buys, solo ads,
ad networks, Bing ads etc. There are so many of them that I can’t even include
them on this ebook.

What’s important is that you know the free and a few paid traffic sources. That’s
enough for you gain momentum and sponsor your first 20 downlines.

Congratulations! You have now sponsored a new distributor! However, your task
as network marketer doesn’t end there. Kailangan mo na ngayon ituro ang
buong sistema mo sa bago mong distributor. Kailangan mo siyang ma-Convert
into a person-of-value (POV).

This is now an easier task to do using our blueprint. Why? If your new distributor
went through the whole process of signing up on your landing page, downloading
his free subscriber magnet and receiving email sequences from you, he has
already received a great deal of valuable information. These are information that
have already increased his personal-value-level (PVL).

All you have to do is enhance his marketing skill by teaching him the 5-step
networking master’s blueprint.
Ito ang mangyayari kapag sinunod mo ang Networking Masters Blueprint:

Hndi mo na kailangan mamilit magbenta.

Hindi mo na kailangan magtanong sa prospect kung gusto nilang

sumali sa negosyo mo, sila na mismo ang lalapit para sumali

HIndi mo na kailangan mamigay ng flyers sa kalsada at sa mga


Hindi ka na lalayuan ng iyong mga kamag-anak at kaibigan.

Hindi ka na tatawaging “entrefailure”

Maari ka pa ring kumita sa mga prospects kahit hindi sila sumali


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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Chapter 12: Exhibit Professionalism

Sa apat na taong ako ay naging isang network marketer and entrepreneur,
marami na akong nakitang mga “agila” na tinatawag na dumating at umalis sa
industriyang ito.

Marami sa kanila ang mukhang “agila” pero makalipas ng ilang buwan,

napanghinaan na agad ng loob at nag-quit na.

Napaisip ako kung bakit madami sa kanila ang naging ganito. Ang mga ilan sa
naisip kong dahilan ay:

1. Hindi malalim ang kanilang dahilan kung bakit sila sumali sa Network

2. Gumamit sila ng mga deceptive tactics para makapagSponsor.

Dahil ikaw ay isang bagong network marketer, gusto ko sa simula pa lamang ay
magkaroon ka ng tamang kaalaman sa industriyang pinasok mo. Gusto ko na
alam mo ang dahilan mo kung bakit ka nandito at bakit ka sumali sa network

Gamitin mo ang mga natutunan mo sa librong ito para ipamahagi sa iyong grupo
at mas marami ka pang taong matulungan. Gamitin mo ang librong ito para
palaguin ang iyong tunay na negosyo, ang “Your Brand Name, Inc.” at maging
isang Person-Of-Value (POV) ka na.
Gusto kong ipasa sa ‘yo ang mga values na natutunan ko sa aking mga naging

Kalimutan mo ang pera at ang pera ay dadating

Hindi ito pera-pera lang para sa akin at sa grupo ko. Ito ay isang negosyo na
nakakapagpabago ng buhay ng tao. Nandito kami para makatulong sa mga
kapwa naming Pilipino para umangat sa estado ng kanilang buhay; para maibalik
ang mga OFW naming mga kababayan sa kanilang mga naiwang pamilya sa
Pilipinas; para mabigyan ng magandang kinabukasan ang kanilang mga anak.

Ang pagdating ng pera ay resulta ng pagtulong mo sa ibang tao. Maghanap ka

palagi ng solusyon sa problema at ang pera ay kusang dadating sa’yo.

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Lagi mong tuparin ang iyong pangako.

Kung ikaw ay nagbebenta ng produkto na nakakaputi, siguraduhin mong ito ay

nakakaputi talaga. Kung ikaw ay nagbebenta ng produktong nakakapayat,
siguraduhin mong ito ay nakakapayat. Kung ikaw ay nangakong ipapadala mo
ang produkto sa loob ng 4 araw, siguraduhin mong ito ay dadating sa ikatlong
araw pa lamang.

Huwag kang magbabago, kung magbabago ka, sa ikabubuti mo at ng

maraming tao.

Maraming tao ang nagbabago kapag kumikita na ng malaki. Kung minsan, mas
nagiging mas importante na ang pera kaysa tao, dignidad atbp. Huwag mong
kakalimutan na ang pera ay hindi masama kundi ang pagmamahal nito. Gamitin
mo ang pera sa pagtulong mo sa ibang tao.

Huwag magdesisyon ayon sa pera

May mga tao na magbebenta ng produkto na may mataas na commission kahit

na hindi naman ito makakatulong sa binebentahan niya. Palagi mong isipin na
ikaw ay nasa industriya para makatulong, hindi para pagkakitaan ang ibang tao.

Think Long-Term

Kung naniniwala kang hindi get-rich-quick scheme ang network marketing, lagi
ka dapat magisip na long-term. Hindi mo magagawang maging isang Person-Of-
Value sa isang gabi na binasa mo itong libro. Bigyan mo ang sarili mo ng ilang
taon para matutunan ang dapat mong matutunan sa mga iba't ibang libro para
ikaw ay maging successful. Aminin mo ang iyong pagkakamali

“Nobody’s perfect”, sabi nga nila. Kaya kapag ikaw ay nagkamali, aminin mo na
agad. Kapag maling produkto ang naipadala mo sa iyong customer, aminin mo
na ikaw ay nagkamali. Mas magkakaroon pa ng pagtitiwala sa’yo ang iyong mga

Huwag makipagtalo sa iyong prospect o customer

Kung hindi nila nagustuhan ang iyong produkto, ibalik mo ang pera sa kanila,
bigyan mo ng refund at magsabi ng “thank you.” Hindi natin alam kung ano ang
kanilang pinagdadaanan sa oras na iyon kaya huwag na natin sila patulan.

Manindigan sa iyong paniniwala

Habang tumatagal na ikaw ay nagiging person-of-value, maraming tao ang

manghihila sa’yo pababa. Maraming tao ang sisiraan ka dahil sa inggit nila.
Magkakaroon ka ng maraming fans club at haters club. Huwag mo silang
patulan in public kasi naghahanap lang sila ng attention. Kausapin mo sila ng
pribado at huwag mo ng palakihin pa ang isyu.

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Magpasalamat sa iyong mga naging mentors

Lahat tayo ay may nangailangan ng maraming mentors. Walang naging

successful sa negosyo ng mag-isa. Palaging may mga tao sa paligid natin ang
nagturo sa atin. Huwag mong kalimutang ipaalam sa iyong mga naging mentors
kung gaano kalaki ang naging bahagi nila sa pag-unlad mo. Padalahan mo sila
minsan ng text o ng email o tawagan.

Now that you have learned the Networking Master’s Blueprint and on your way
to sponsoring your first 20 downlines. I only have one favor to ask from you, that
is, to help me transform the network marketing industry. Join me in instilling
professionalism in this industry and get rid of the deceptive tactics people are
using. Help me get rid of the negative misconceptions people have of this
industry. Thank you!

To Your Success,

Lloyd Labso, MD
Husband & Father, Mentor & Entrepreneur

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

About the Author

Lloyd Labso is the Founder of LLPL Products & Services, Co. He is a
practicing general physician, internet marketer, network marketer and
author. He is also the author of “Digital Business Playbook”. His
mission is to equip his fellow Filipinos with the proper knowledge and
skills in order to succeed in the internet and network marketing industry.

I would like to thank all of my mentors who inspired me to create this
ebook and train other networkers to do network marketing professionally
and ethically. I would like to thank Mike Dillard, Frank Kern, Tim Erway,
Tucker Max, Zack Obront, Anik Singal, and Mark Ling.

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Networking Master’s Blueprint

Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement

The author and publisher have used their best efforts in preparing “Networking Master’s
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Every effort has been made by the author and publisher to accurately represent any
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